#i would love to have players to take my stories somewhere!
I'm watching Adventuring Academy and Brennan and Murph are talking about when you become a DM, be prepared to only DM and never get to be a player and then he said "If you want to DM for me, hit me up in the comments," Brennan I've never been a DM but its my dream to learn, you don't know the lengths I would go to to DM for you PLEASE
#ive played dnd twice. both were one shots#and they were so so fun#the first was like. our party wound up at a circus and went into a fun house#and suddenly we were trapped and could only escape by solving puzzles and defeating a terrifying clown at the end#i drank poison on purpose and almost got eaten by an alligator. it was so fucking cool#and i got to live my tiefling bard dreams#the second time the party was in a new city for a festival that was essentially day of the dead#and there was a ghost in the river of a woman who had been drowned there#and we had to find out who killed her. and turns out that same person was killing children in the town#at the end we solved the mystery and reunited the dead woman with her dead children but there were still a bunch of orphans#the dm intended for it to be a pretty bittrsweet ending#but we decided that we were going to pool all of our money together and give it to the apartment manager wed met earlier#and get all of these orphans set up in the apartments to be watched over by the apartment manager#and both times ive thought 'this is such a cool fucking story. we are having so much fun.#i want to be the person that creates the stoey and facilitates the fun' like being a dm is my dream#and i know it would never happen but brennan if you see this#brennan i will dm for you. i will make time. we can get a long term game going. you can play to your heart's content#like both of the dms i played with created an amazing world and story. gave us that sandbox for us to play in#i would love to have players to take my stories somewhere!#and in this episode they said that if youve watched a bunch of d20 then you can dm. you dont need to have played#so im going to look more into like. learning to dm#i have the dm handbook bookmarked on my laptop so ill get there eventually#but brennan i will learn so fast. i will dm for you just give me a chance
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matchingbatbites · 2 years
Steve proposes to Eddie during DND.
He's played about a dozen times since the Vecna ordeal three years ago, just one-off stories with no real consequences, and while it took him a little bit to get a feel for the game, he's finally reached a point where he doesn't feel totally out of place.
It helps that Eddie absolutely lights up every time Steve agrees to play, that his boyfriend tends to go a little easier on the rest of the table because they all help Steve half-fumble through the mechanics. It's worth it when Eddie beams at him for figuring something out first, for suggesting a dumb play that has the table screaming when it works.
It's the summer after the kids' senior year, and when Eddie offers to run an all-day one shot to celebrate their graduation, Steve instantly starts planning. He talks to Robin, who absolutely gushes over his idea, and along with Dustin they plan it all out.
He learns the premise of the one-shot from Eddie - there's a big bad who's been taking people from the kingdom, and the king is finally forced to do something when his own son, the prince, is also taken - and Dustin helps him make a character, a fighter who is the personal guard of the prince, whose goal is to find and bring him back safely.
Eddie seems pleased with the character when Steve explains it to him, even more so when Steve suggests the idea that they've fallen for each other and have been lovers in secret. "You're such a romantic, sweetheart," Eddie says before kissing him, and Steve knows it’s a tease and a compliment, knows that Eddie loves how soft he can get over things like that.
The game happens about two weeks later, and Eddie wasn’t joking when he called it an all-day affair.
They get started at about ten that morning, Steve and Eddie, their four boys, and Erica all crowded around the little dining table in Steve and Eddie's little apartment, with Robin, El, and Max entertaining themselves in the adjacent living room.
At Eddie’s insistence, they take a break every couple of hours so everyone can get up and stretch and use the toilet, with slightly longer breaks for lunch and dinner (sandwiches and pizza, respectively, both provided by Steve and Eddie).
The big bad is defeated at around nine that night, and everyone is elated as Eddie takes them through the aftermath, letting each player character have a short moment to reunite with their stolen friends and loved ones.
Robin and the girls have moved to sit on the nearby kitchen counter to listen, partly because El always enjoys these soft moments in the story, and partly because Robin knows what’s going to happen soon.
Steve stays quiet, letting the others have their moment as he fights down the sudden anxiety that sparks through him, knowing what he’s about to do. He looks up when Eddie says his name, takes a steadying breath, and asks "Do I see the prince?"
Eddie nods, says "You do."
"I go over to him."
"He sees you approaching and he rushes to you, meeting you halfway. As soon as you're close enough, he throws his arms around you and says 'I knew you would save me, darling.'"
Steve smiles. "I say, 'I always will, my love' and then I kiss him."
The teens hoot and holler a little as Eddie grins. "He kisses you back, and for a moment it's like everything else fades to the background. All that matters is him, back where he belongs, safe in your arms."
Steve nods, and before he loses his nerve asks "Can I do something?"
Eddie quirks a brow, curious. "Of course,” he says, and Steve takes a breath to steady himself.
"I take his hand, and then I drop to one knee."
A couple of the teens give little 'ooh's as Eddie looks at him, clearly a little surprised, and Steve continues before he can say anything.
"Three years ago, I took my place by your side as your personal guard. I swore to care for you, to protect you from anything that would want to hurt you, and somewhere along the way, we fell in love."
Steve swallows, knows he's blurring the line of character and person as he speaks, staring at Eddie across the table.
"The last three years have been everything to me. Any time I'm not with you, you're the only thing I can think about, and every day spent with you is a fucking gift, because I know just how close I came to losing you."
The sudden urge to touch Eddie becomes overwhelming and he stands, watches Eddie's shocked face as he rounds the table and drops to a knee in front of his lover. Eddie's eyes are wide and he gives a soft "Steve?" as Steve takes a slender hand in his own, remembers the words he had practiced over and over with Dustin.
"I don't want to be just a fighter anymore. I want to be a paladin, set on a righteous path, and if you'll let me, I want to make an Oath of Devotion. Not to any god or angel, but to you, the love of my life."
Steve pulls the ring from his pocket and offers it to Eddie. It's very much not traditional, and at first glance seems to be just another chunky ring that blends in with Eddie's current selection. But Steve had to get it, the shield molded onto the band and the new 'beloved' engraved on the inside repeating what Steve always says, I'll protect you, I love you.
Eddie is in tears as Steve stares him down, as he gently asks "Eddie Munson, will you marry me?"
For just a second, Eddie is completely still, save for his shaky breathing. Steve doesn't get scared, he knows that sometimes it takes Eddie a second to register things when he's overwhelmed. He waits it out, and after a few seconds Eddie blinks rapidly before jerking forward, dropping to his knees as he throws his arms around Steve. "Fuck yes! Of course I will!"
Cheers erupt through the room, and a flash goes off when they meet in a kiss. Eddie looks over to see Robin with a camera in her hand and tears streaming down her face. “Don’t mind me,” she says, a bit choked up even as she beams at them, and Eddie’s head whips back to Steve.
“You planned this!” he yells, unable to stop his own tears from falling, and Steve laughs. “Of course I did!” is his reply as he takes Eddie’s hand back so he can slide the ring onto it, and he ignores the second flash from where Robin sits.
“Wanted it to be perfect,” Steve says softly, stroking his thumb over the ring, now at its new home on Eddie’s finger. “Wanted you to know how much you mean to me, and I figured something nerdy would hit all the right buttons.”
“I helped with the nerd stuff!” Dustin calls from his seat, and Eddie laughs wetly as he scrubs at the tear tracks on his cheeks. “I should have known something was up with you, Henderson. You’ve been bouncing off the walls for weeks.”
Steve stands up from the floor before helping Eddie up, and they both grunt as Dustin practically slams into them for a hug, quickly followed by a more reserved El. They hug each of the kids in turn and accept their congratulations, and after a few minutes Eddie is put together enough to actually finish out the one-shot.
Later that night as they're getting ready for bed, Eddie presses up behind Steve, one hand sliding to rest on his stomach and the other opening in front of them, revealing a simple, gold band.
"You beat me to it, you dick," he says with so much tenderness, and Steve laughs as he takes the ring.
"You can still do your proposal, if you want," Steve replies, heart swelling as he looks over the band, sees the little 'sweetheart' engraved on the inside.
"Nah, there's no way I can top what you did for me."
"I dunno, you normally top me pretty well," Steve teases, just to hear Eddie's delighted little cackle.
He turns and hands the ring back to Eddie, asks "Put it on me?" and Eddie smiles. He takes the ring and slides it onto Steve's finger, his thumb brushing over shiny metal, and Steve feels so fucking happy as they meet in the middle for a kiss.
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kvrokasaa · 4 months
omg i was js thinking abt timeskip kaiser, a renowed pro football player, attending some celebrity event and seeing his mother there SKDJEK 🫨 can you plspls make it a short angsty(?) story w a happy ending pls our boy deserves it :(
take care <3
I tried to make it as angsty as I could, but I probably just made a comfort fic, I'm sorry!
Cw: mention of food, mentions of mother's leaving, kaiser being sad, crying, comfort, angst(?), happy ending, comforting kaiser helps cope with the recent chapter :(, not proofread, 1.5k words
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“I seriously don’t know how you do it,” you whisper over to Kaiser, your voice trailing off to a quiet giggle. A smile reaches his face when he hears your giggle, you never fail to brighten his mood. “Do what, meine liebe?” He questions, the pet name rolls off his tongue with such ease, that you’re sure he practices saying it every day.
“I don’t know how you manage to attend these events and functions all the time. It’s my first time and it’s so tiring already,” you hum, grabbing a strawberry covered in chocolate. “At least there’s good food,” you finish. 
Kaiser snorts quietly. That’s what got you to come in the first place. He almost begged you to come with him, but every time he asked he was met with your quick ‘no.’ So, like the man he is, he went to underhanded tactics. He promised to get you good food, and promised that there’ll be really good food there.
You’re thankful that he didn’t lie.
“It’s about keeping up with appearances, meine liebe.” His arm circles around your waist when he sees some nobody looking at you with obvious intentions. “Do you think if I didn’t blow so much money on these stupid things people would still respect me? No. I have to come to these to show people that I’m richer and better than they will ever be.” You almost wanted to roll your eyes. But would it really be Kaiser if he didn’t say something super egotistical?
He chuckles when he sees how close you are to rolling your eyes. Although most of his words were false, some of them were true. If he didn’t come to these and spend so much money, people would not respect him. The world truly is in his hands.
“Okay you goof, I have to use the restroom,” you pressed your hands against his chest as you raised yourself onto your tiptoes. “Make sure to stuff some of that food into my purse when I’m gone.” You joked.
Kaiser followed you with his eyes while you walked to the end of the ridiculously big room for the bathroom. His eyes show everything, especially his love and adoration for you. He laughs a little as he turns his attention back to the speaker. 
But something catches his eye. A slightly tall woman, with blond hair but almost gray now, no. That’s not what makes Kaiser freeze in his spot, that’s not what makes his heart beat ten times faster. It’s the unmistakable red eyeliner. 
Anyone could apply red eyeliner, he tries to reason with himself. Kaiser tries his best to divert his attention back to the speaker, but his eyes cannot seem to leave the woman. His gaze must have alerted the woman because the next second she is looking around for the person.
And when her eyes fall on him, he immediately panics. No way in hell. She can not be here. He must be hallucinating or something. He needs air, fresh air. Why can’t he breathe? 
Kaiser leaves the mansion as quickly as possible, trying to get away from the stuffy crowd. But just his luck, she follows him out. 
“My son, I have been looking for you.”
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You leave the bathroom, with your disgust intensified. Why are rich people so weird? Couldn’t that couple have gone home? Who in their right mind would be doing that during a fundraiser? 
A sigh escapes your lips as you make your way to the crowd, ready to tell Kaiser what you just witnessed. 
But when you get back to the table of food, he’s gone. You swear that he wouldn’t just leave you, and he would’ve texted you if he moved somewhere else. Maybe he had gone to the restroom too?
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After searching for a little, you end up spotting his blonde and blue hair. But you see a person standing if front of him and he isn’t moving at all. Your brows furrow in a quizzical manner, who is that?
“No.” You hear him say, it was more of a demand than anything. “You’re lying.” The woman in front of him shakes her head, a soft expression on her face. “You may think that, but we both know it’s not true.” She opens her arms, her hands awaiting his shoulders as to pull him into her embrace. 
“It’s me, your mother.” Your eyes widen, why is she here? Why did she decide to come back now of all times?
“I’m sorry for interrupting,” your tone is soft while you look at Michael, a worried expression on your face. “But Michael and I should really be going.” “Who are you?” Her soft expression never falls, almost like she got it implanted onto her face. But you can see the truth, the deception, the root of her lies. She’s only here for the spotlight. She wants to be seen as his mother, as his savior. But you know that she will only ruin him. She will only make him fall deeper into the black hole.
“Oh, I’m guessing you haven’t seen the news,” you start. You look at Michael’s mother, your soft expression immediately faltering. “I’m Michael’s fiancee. It’s very nice to meet you.” You give her a fake soft smile. You don’t want to seem too rude, but you know kindness with a person like this will only lead to your ruin.
“Ah, I thought you were his chafure. You seem awfully-” “Stop.” She turns her attention back to Michael, her faux softness resurfacing. “My dear, you seem tired. Why don’t we-” “No.” He can’t get his head around this whole situation. Why has she come back? Why did she choose now to come back? Does she want money, is that it? Maybe she just wants to be seen with him. Maybe she needs her acting career back and the only way she can get noticed is with Michael.
But he doesn’t want any of that. He tried so hard to look for her, and now she shows up out of nowhere. 
Michael feels like he’s on the verge of a breakdown. 
His mom tries to reach out again, but Michael is too preoccupied to notice. So, you step in, your body in the middle of both of them. Your glare is icy, never relenting when you see his mother’s expression falter. She seems to be caught up in her own little world. Does she not know the damage she created? How dare she walk back into his life like he owes her everything.
No, she owes him everything.
“I don’t know you, but I know of you. I know what kind of person you are and it’s fucking disgusting.” Your tone is sharp as if laced with venom, and it cuts right through her little facade. You can see the second her fake kindness leaves, and you’re left with the disgust and hatred that Kaiser should have. 
“You are not allowed to walk back into Michael’s life when it’s convenient for you. You don’t get to do that. That’s not fair to him at all. 
Do you know how many times he’s tried to find you? You don’t, do you? He’s tried almost his entire life to find you, to find some sort of comfort in his mother. But you left him. You left a child all by himself with someone neither of you could’ve trusted. 
Do you know the first thing he said to me when I first hugged him? He thanked me. He thanked me for being there, for letting him breathe. He has constant thoughts that I’m going to leave him because of your mistakes.
And if you’re a good mother, if you truly missed him, you would’ve reached out in the past and apologized for everything. But you didn’t.
So no. I’m sorry, but not. You do not get to walk back into Michael’s life right now. He can reach out if and when he truly wants to. Please leave.”
Michael’s mother juts her chin up, a little huff leaving her mouth before she walks away. You truly thought that you wedged a block between Kaiser and his mother. You’re scared that if you turn around, you’ll see the hurt and betrayal across his face.
But that’s not it in the slightest. Kaiser is so proud to be called yours at this moment. He’s so very grateful to you. He has never had someone stick up for him in this way before.
Yes, he always acts as if nothing can bother him, even if he shows it on his face a little. But at this moment, he realizes that he wants to be held by you, he wants you to nurture him and to care for him. He wants to turn to you for things he has never received in his life.
Before he knows it, tears gather in his eyes, threatening to spill along his cheeks. His body moves on its own as he makes his way to you.
“Thank you,” his arms looped around your waist, his hold tightening ever so slightly. You thank the Lord that everyone has left or else everyone would see Kaiser crying and you know that he hates showing that to the world. 
You let those thoughts leave your mind, your smile growing back onto your face. “No need to thank me, my love. I meant every word and I will protect you until you’re ready to see her again.”
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pitchsidestories · 4 months
part of me wants forever II Sara Doorsoun x Barça!Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1672
a/n: hi, it's inspired by this request here, we hope the time jumps aren't too confusing. Let us know what you thought of the oneshot.
This was how it all begun. You didn’t expect your love story to start on an ice-cold evening in November after your team has played a Champions League group stage game against Eintracht Frankfurt, but it did.
“Sara, this is y/n. Y/n, this is Sara.”, Ingrid introduced you to each other, her eyes were shining as the stars above you in the night sky. Maybe it was written somewhere up there, what would be happening in the following days, weeks and months.
You knew the person you fell for would say that it was fate which brought you two together. But for you it was Ingrid who did.
 “Hi, Sara, nice to meet you.”, you greeted her smiling.
“Nice to meet you too.”, the older defender replied. The brown eyes who wee looking back at you were so beautiful like the person to whom they belonged too, they were something you could get lost into if this wasn’t an away game and you’d have to leave soon to the hotel you were staying at.
“You guys played really well.”, you complimented Sara in an honest tone. It was true, especially in the first half they had a stellar performance, in which Laura Freigang scored the opening goal, but in the second half your team turned it around and you won fairly comfortably with a 3:1.
“Thank you. So did you.. obviously.”, the german player answered with an amused grin on her lips.
“Y/n, we got to hurry up!”, Mapi reminded you impatiently.
“Don’t worry, Mapi. I’m coming.”, you reassured her, trying to shake off her fingers on the hood of your jacket.
“See you soon.”, Sara waved at you.
“I literally can’t wait.”, you told her. Even though you only shared some polite words with each other you had a feeling that this wasn’t the end of your script together.
On the next day your team was on the way home, the bus taking you from the Barcelona airport to the place where your cars have been parked.
 “Y/n?”, Ingrid looked up from her phone to turn her attention towards you who was sitting on the seats opposite of Mapi and her.
“Yes?”, you responded, lifting your gaze from the book you were currently reading.
“Sara messaged me.”, the Norwegian informed you, wearing a mischievous smile on her face.
“You mean Sara as in the cute Frankfurt defender.”, you replied innocently.
“Who else, genius!”, Fridolina laughed, sitting right behind you, she and Ingrid had to play with the player during their times in Wolfsburg.
“Do you know how many Sara’s there are?!”, you asked the Swedish player.
“Yes, but none of them looked at you the way she did. So, what was in Sara’s message, Ingrid?”, Fridolina stated.
Ingrids face split into a wide grin as she read the message on her phone screen: “She asked for her number.“
“You know what? You can give her my number.“, you said in a burst of courage that made Ingrid only smile brighter.
“Thank you.“
You watched the Norwegian type on her phone. “You’re welcome.“
Sara had immediately texted you that night. And as the months had passed, texting her became a daily habit for you. From good morning to good night, you shared your free-time with her. You haven’t felt that connected with someone for a long time.
One day you decided to jokingly text her about your shared taste in music, not expecting anything from it.
“Fletcher has a concert in Barcelona. You should come with us, Sara.“
“To a Fletcher concert?“, she wrote back, seemingly unimpressed.
“Yes, Jana got tickets.“, you answered.
You waited impatiently, the three dots appearing as she typed.
“I can’t say no to that.“, appeared on your phone screen.
You smiled happily: “Perfect.“
A few weeks after your text conversation, you found yourself at the concert, singing along while Sara had her arms wrapped around you. It was a casual gesture as you swayed from side to side with the rhythm.
Jana rolled her eyes: “Ugh, stop, you two lovebirds!“
“We’re doing nothing!“, you laughed, full of innocence.
“Literally.“, Sara agreed, continuing to move you with her.
Jana pulled out her phone: “Wait, let me at least take a picture of how annoying you two are.“
She snapped a few photos, a fond smirk on her face. You turned your attention back to the singer. This night was perfect and you wanted to enjoy every moment of it.
The Fletcher concert was something you liked to think back to during your busy football season.
The same was true for the biggest game of the season, the Champions League final. As expected, it was a tight game, Lyon made it hard to get through their defense. Only Aitana and Alexia found a way. So when the final whistle sounded, you were overcome with a mix of relief and happiness.
You hugged your teammates tightly, still processing what you had just achieved when Ingrid tapped you on the shoulder and pointed towards the stands. “Y/n, look who came.“
You only blinked at her for a moment before your gaze finally followed the direction of her hand gesture.
Saras face grinned at you from the stands. The sight of her was enough to make your heart pound in your chest.
You left Ingrid standing and ran over to Sara, stopping right in front of the Frankfurt defender: “Sara, I thought you couldn’t be here?!“
She only flashed you a wry smile: “Change of plans.“
“That’s amazing.”, you muttered, exchanging a short, but soft kiss with your girlfriend.
“You’re welcome.”, Sara smirked at you, as she wrapped her arms around you into a hug.
Mirroring the happiness Laura Feiersinger appeared next to her former Frankfurt teammate:” I almost lost her at the place when they sold the cake.”
“Very typical.”, you giggled, it was no secret that your lover has a sweet tooth.
Nervously Sara put a loose string of hair behind her ear:” That’s not true.”
“Sure.”, the Austrian midfielder smiled amusedly.
“It just looked so delicious.”, the German player defended herself, while a blush crept onto her high cheekbones.
“To be fair it did.”, Laura admitted.
“See?”, Sara responded satisfied.
“Well, I do.”, you tuned into their conversation, before your girlfriend kissed you, to celebrate the Champions League win properly.
Having Sara with you during all the chaos which was going on in the night was very special to you. In the morning you two chose to go on a walk to see a bit of the city. It amazed you to watch your girlfriend being so in peace with herself.
The defender was a warm person and over the weeks you’ve been together she started to share some pieces of herself and her history which you found admirable. Her late coming out, a father who wasn’t saying anything against that, but also didn’t like to talk about it anymore.
The heartbreak Sara felt when the first woman she fell for broke up with her. It impacted her so much that during an important game she scored an own goal. And her questioning if she could ever fall in love like that again? The German player knew the answer now, she was capable of loving again, you showed her how.
Fast forward and it was time to be with your national teams again, you both couldn’t wait for the upcoming free days afterwards which you planned to spend together.
“Sara, we got to talk.”, Lena Oberdorf yelled at the older woman who just sat down with Felicitas Rauch in the dining room of the hotel they were staying at.
“About what?”, Sara frowned who didn’t know her best friend in the team knew what the young midfielder was thinking about.
“I was suspecting you fell in love again, but now Obi found proof of it multiple ones.”, the fellow defender who played in the USA explained with a cheeky smile on her lips.
“What are you talking about?”, the Frankfurt player asked her teammates innocently.
“You and y/n, who football wise is so out of your league.”, Lena replied grinning.
“Beauty wise too.”, Felicitas added in a teasingly tone.
“Excuse me? That’s not what friends are supposed to say.”, Sara protested, her mouth formed to a little pout.
Felicitas smiled apologetically: “Just kidding… but playing wise not. She’s at the best football club in Europe!“
“And she and her team won against you this season. Twice.“, Lena added, rubbing salt into the wound.
“I’m aware of that.“, Sara shrugged unimpressed.
“Just a friendly reminder.“, Lena said.
Sara rolled her eyes: “That doesn’t mean we can’t go out.“
“True. I guess she’s the reason you can’t visit me in the US in your free time?“, Felicitas asked, casually changing the subject.
“That’s not true! You’re always busy!“, Sara protested.
Her best friend raised her eyebrows: “So are you apparently!“
“It’s not because of her. I’m still a football player.“, Sara explained, cringing at the thought of how packed both of their schedules were.
“I know that. So when will you introduce me to her?“, Felicitas continued.
Sara only groaned in response.
In the evening, you were on the phone with Sara as she recounted the details of the talk she had with her teammates.
“So they know about us now?“, you concluded, a smile on your lips.
“Yes, apparently we’re on Ingrids photo dump.“, Sara replied with a laugh.
You shook your head about your Norwegian teammate: “Ingrid might have done that on purpose. Sorry for that.“
“Typical.“, Sara sighed, slight fondness for her former teammate sneaking into her voice.
“She said she had a feeling when she introduced us and I believe her.“
“There’s no way!“
You sucked in your breath in feigned shock: “And I thought you were the romantic!“
“Oh, I am. I just like to think that it was fate.“, Sara replied. You could almost hear the wink through the phone.
Lowering your voice, you whispered: “Me too. I want this to be forever.“
pictures are from pinterest.
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putellasawfc · 3 months
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cata coll as a girlfriend is the type to …
gf!cata is the type to … keep you on facetime with her whilst she’s away from you, just to do your own things. you’ll be cleaning around the house and she’ll be watching television in her hotel room, you won’t talk to one and other, just enjoy each others silent company. at first you didn’t get why she wanted to call you if she wasn’t going to talk, but you soon understood the comfort that it brought to have the other person right there, if you couldn’t be together physically at least you had that.
gf!cata is the type to … talk to you about all sorts of conspiracy theories that she believed. ‘princess diana’s death was definitely not an accident mi amor’ ‘the moon landing never happened it was all staged’ ‘have you ever heard about the subliminal advertising conspiracy? .. oh my god listen to this!’ though you thought a lot of her information was a little far fetched, you did sometimes find yourself nodding along and getting invested in her ramblings (though you would never admit it to her).
gf!cata is the type to … force you into taking part in some goalkeeping practice with her, even though you weren’t a professional footballer or athlete, and didn’t know how to kick a ball like a proper player would, she’d still ask you to at least try so she could work on her saves.
gf!cata is the type to … leave you covered in hickeys after a makeout session. it was like she wasn’t satisfied unless you were covered in marks, all over your neck and some on your chest. you’d always scold her for it, reminding her that you had to be seen in public with them on show - but she didn’t care. she’d just shrug with a proud smirk on her face. “at least i won’t have to worry about anyone flirting with you in the stands again.”
gf!cata is the type to … whisk you away every chance she got to some extravagant vacation. she loved to spoil you, claiming you deserved it for keeping her going and taking care of her during difficult times. it was the least she could do to repay you for sticking by her.
gf!cata is the type to … buy you both matching rings. she’d only ever take hers off during football duties, other than that it didn’t leave her ring finger and yours only ever came off during messy actives (baking, painting, etc). you loved the cuteness of it, the way she presented you with them after six months together. ‘practice for when i propose’.
gf!cata is the type to … make you two the definition of private but not secret. you weren’t a public figure, so she knew what type of reception you could receive from certain ‘fans’ if she went crazy with her public admiration for you. she didn’t want you to receive any sort of negativity from anyone who thought they knew you from a few social media posts, so she kept it tame. she’d post you on her story on special occasions, and you’d feature in some photo dumps but not too many.
gf!cata is the type to … bring you back little souvenirs whenever she went abroad for work. sometimes a magnet, sometimes a keychain, sometimes a touristy shirt. once she managed to find you a snowglobe that now resides on your shared fireplace in your apartment. you always joke that you’re running out of places to put everything, but you love the ongoing tradition and always get excited to see what she’s brought back for you each time.
gf!cata is the type to … not be shy when it comes to pda. of course, when under the eyes of fans during games and such, she limits her public affection to just a hug and a hand hold. but when it’s just the both of you on an average day, maybe you’re shopping or you’ve both gone out somewhere for lunch, she can’t keep her hands off you. her arm stays wrapped around your waist or shoulder, she’s always peppering an array of kisses along your neck, she’ll even throw in a cheeky ass grab whenever she’s feeling a little bolder.
gf!cata is the type to … get a dog with you. your first child, she liked to call him. he was a little beagle and you both smothered him with too much affection, and were definitely too lenient when it came to punishing him. but one look with his little puppy dog eyes and you were both eager to forget his misdemeanours.
gf!cata is the type to … constantly drag you into photo booths at every possible opportunity. whenever you were at an event that had some sort of photo booth, whether it was a wedding or a birthday party, or a football event. if she saw a photo booth she was dragging you there and forcing you on her lap! the amount of photo booth strips you had tucked away in your bedside drawer was crazy. but, you couldn’t deny that it was cute to look back at them occasionally and reminisce on the events they were taken at.
gf!cata is the type to … challenge you to all sorts of games, just to get pouty if you beat her. your personal favourite was mario kart, because you believed you were top five best player in the world, and it was very rare cata actually managed to beat you. she’d always accuse you of cheating or targeting her everytime you won, making you roll your eyes and call her out for being a sore loser. if she did win (which would be a miracle), she’d shove it in your face with a smug grin and eager fist pump … completely overjoyed with herself for all of five minutes until you reminded her you’d beat her six times already tonight.
gf!cata is the type to … not let you out of bed if you had to be up before her. it wasn’t often, with her being an athlete she was up early most mornings if not for a gym session then for an early morning training session. but sometimes, it was you who had to be up early and she hated it. she’d wrap an arm around your waist and pull you back into her, whining into your neck. ‘nooo, stay in bed with me please mi amor. it’s so cold without you.’ sometimes it would work, and you’d succumb to her pathetic - but adorable - begging. other times you really weren’t able to stay, so you’d have to cope with her accusing you of no longer loving her as you got ready for the day, always so dramatic.
gf!cata is the type to … want to start a family with you one day. she knew being in a lesbian relationship it wasn’t as easy as a little late night loving to have a child, but she didn’t let that deter her from having her dream come true with you. she would love to have a little boy or girl, calling her mama and running around the house wearing her goalkeeper jersey, it’s what she dreamed about. and now she had you in her life she knew she wanted you to be the one she made that happen with. you had a lot of late night talks about it, and when the time was right you were more than happy to start a family with her.
gf!cata is the type to … come to you with all the gossip. she’s that person that swears they won’t tell anyone, and then the second she’s home with you she’s spilling everything. you know a lot more than you should, but cata just can’t help it. she loves filling you in on all the drama she’s aware of, the both of you will just sit around gossiping, laughing and judging people together.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 5 months
Mean Eddie series. Part one part two
Minors shoo. More angst I'm afraid, jealous Eddie but our boy won't admit it.
How you've managed to avoid Eddie for a full week is anyone's guess but between cheer practice, sleepovers with Chrissy and hanging out with Steve and Robin, it's like a soothing balm for your heartache.
Except at the dead of night when the ache from missing Eddie threatens to overwhelm you. The thing is you're stubborn and you highly doubt Eddie is missing you. Why would he?
Billy Hargrove has also been trying to catch your attention, he's been flirting for the entire week and he's not shy about doing it in front of others either.
It's not like Billy isn't handsome, he is. However you've heard far too many things about him dating multiple girls, being a player. You weren't interested in being another notch on his bedpost.
As your at your locker and attempting not to look Eddie's way, his locker is right across from yours and he's busy chatting to Gareth, discussing the new Hellfire campaign he's planning.
You'd been with Eddie once while he was knee deep in campaign planning, watched as his tongue poked out while he was writing and weaving a new story for the next Hellfire night. He looked so cute and it made you giggle, Eddie smirks amused at your giggles.
"Princess, I said no interruptions if you stayed, I may need to punish you for that" he kissed you then proceeded to tickle you until you were breathless and laughing, Eddie watching you with a soft smile on his face.
It was one of the moments with him where you thought the two of you could be more. Obviously you were wrong.
Billy brings you out of your reverie and you realise he's been standing talking to you for a full minute. Shit. What did he say?
"We could go to the party then somewhere more private babe?" He winks at you and you jump as you hear a locker slam. Eddie's.
Gareth is watching him confused as he gathers up his notes. "Dude, what's up with you?" you tear your eyes away from Eddie and back to an expectancy Billy.
"Sorry, I have other plans with Chrissy" Billy frowns but spots Eddie before he can say anything else.
"Hey man, you got any weed for me? Need some tonight" Eddie's gaze briefly drifts over to you and your heart skips a beat, then he looks away and disappointment curdles in your stomach.
"No, I don't have any for you and your girlfriend" he spits out the word and you freeze. What was up with him? Evidently Billy must be thinking the same thing.
"What's crawled up your ass Munson?" Billy snaps and Eddie's brown eyes meet his, they flash dangerously. He's never been intimidated by Billy and he isn't going to start now.
"Next time you two want to flirt can you do it out of the way of us peasants. You're bringing my lunch up dude" you freeze at Eddie's tone. Seriously what the fuck was up with him?
Before Billy can reply you do. "You're insufferable Eddie. Billy's not my boyfriend. Not that is any of your business" you can feel the anger clawing inside of you and just dare Eddie to say something stupid.
He shrugs and avoids your gaze. "Your love life isn't my concern" he murmurs and you swear you're this close to losing it. You take a deep breath and shake your head.
"Whatever Munson" you're tired of crying about someone who just doesn't care. You walk away but Eddie calls out to you.
"Wait" you wait with baited breath for him to say something, anything. Come on Eddie. But he doesn't, he just stays quiet and you feel another crack in your heart.
"Never mind" whatever he was about to say it's gone now and you curse yourself for daring to hope.
Fuck you Eddie.
Stop, you're losin' me
I can't find a pulse
Stop, you're losin' me
Stop, you're losin' me
My heart won't start anymore
For you
'Cause you're losin' me
Taylor swift- You're losing me.
I don't want you to lose me, you think through your anger but nothing will ever change so what was the point of hoping.
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jojo-schmo · 10 days
How did you come up with roleswap Elfilis' design? It's really cool!
Hi! Thank you so much! :D I'd love to share my thought process! Gather round the armchair by the fireplace, friends! It's story time!
I've said before that the Forgotten Land Roleswap started off as a doodle that swapped Dedede and Bandana Dee's roles as Player 2 and the Brainwashed Beast. But when I realized how fun that one little change was, how about EVEN MORE changes? That's how my one-time doodle turned into the full AU story. I swapped Meta Knight and Kirby, Clawroline and Leongar, and Sillydillo and Gorimondo- and because the story is so Waddle-Dee centric, I promoted Dedede to "Player 1" since the stakes would be higher for him as their King.
So now I had a story that had a lot of opposite traits to canon and I wanted to explore that further! When it came to the matter of Elfilin, I thought he would probably behave too similarly towards Dedede and Meta as he did to Kirby and Bandee. He'd be friendly and trusting, communicative, optimistic, knowledgeable, and cooperative. So how about providing them a travel companion who is defensive, has trouble communicating, a little wild, uninformed about themselves and the world around them, and has a bit of a temper?
But working with all these opposite traits didn't feel in-character for Elfilin anymore. So my natural next step was to swap Elfilin with Elfilis and make a new version of the Forgotten Land's lost little pup!
Enough yapping about the context behind my decisions, tho. How'd I come up with Roleswap Elfilis' design?
I see you out there, Fecto Forgo fans. Maybe somebody out there's thought, "Roleswap Elfilis does not look like them! Why not? That's what the other 50% of the Ultimate Life Form looks like! I demand justice for the angry glowing rat fetus!"
Maybe nobody has ever thought this. But I wonder sometimes lol
Your feelings are valid, friends. Please lemme explain my reasonings.
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This fella, to me, is the abandoned wet specimen left to float in a jar for who-knows-how-long after a forcible physical and mental separation via spatial teleportation shenanigans. And I think part of their appearance is due to their role as the trapped and forgotten half.
The role of the half that got away fully formed his own body and inherited some traits from the complete being-
For Elfilin in canon, he got ears that are proportionally huge compared to the rest of his body, blue eyes that sparkle with the light of a thousand destroyed planets, a tiny bit of pink fur for his adorable blushies, and a really long fluffy tail. Maybe becoming a being free of chaos gave him those sweet eyes like Kirby and the Waddle Dees have.
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My reasoning is that whichever half ends up escaping the Lab and fully forming their own body, they would carry the major physical traits the other wouldn't inherit.
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Anyway, that left Elfilis with the horns, colorful and expressive eyes, whiskers, beige chest fluff, opposable thumbs, and pink tummy fur.
Elfilin gets the long tail in the bodily divorce so Elfilis has a short stubby little cotton tail like a bunny. Like if he ended up with just the very tip of the Ultimate Life Form's tail.
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Behold this diagram above I came up with two years ago! Disclaimer: the canon Elfilin is the one in the chart. And I draw him a little differently these days lol. I ain't showing anyone how he ended up in the Roleswap yet tho!!!! >:0
But Roleswap Elfilis is more than just "baby version of the Ultimate Life Form..."
All the differences in the Forgotten Land Roleswap from canon stem from one event in the timeline. One change that I added to the events that were already supposed to take place. It's why the Ultimate Life Form split differently. Why the Beasts have different roles and aesthetics. Even why the portal took Bandana Dee and Kirby before Meta Knight and King Dedede.
How did that saying go again? The flap of wings somewhere can influence a bunch of huge changes somewhere else down the line...? What was the name of that theory again....? Hmm. Not important, I guess.
Anyway, the end!! You sly dog, you got me monologuing!!1! /lighthearted
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digitaldiarystuff · 9 months
Age Doesn’t Matter (or does it?)
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hi it’s me again and I’m soo happy about all the likes my stories have been getting, I would also love some requests maybe if I can picture them in my head like maybe descriptions and players, I actually have an idea in my mind for a long ass angst that deals with cheating but I don’t know who to write it for :( Also, enjoyy!
summary: You meet a boy at a club on a night out but realize he looks younger than he says he is
pairing: Pablo Gavi x Y/N
genre: fluff
“Come on Sara, we’re late!” you yell up the stairs while tying your shoes. This is a night out with the girls because the 4 of you are single for the first time and it was Annie’s 24’th birthday.
“Ok ok I’m ready.” she says while putting on her earrings and running down the stairs.
You arrive at the club soon after and pay the taxi. You get in and try to find your friends but soon Sara pulls you to the bar.
“We’ll eventually find them let’s take shots!” she scream and you join laughing.
It is like 5 or 6 shots in at the moment and you don’t even have a good sense of self. You laugh uncontrollably with her and your other friends and have the time of your life until you really have to use the bathroom. You know it’s unsanitary but you can’t care right now.
The line for the women’s bathroom is excruciatingly long and the mens’ is empty and you decide nothing’d happen if you just use that one instead.
You open the door without knocking and shocked to see a guy who is washing his hands looking at you with the same shock.
“Can I help you?” he asks not sure how to feel.
“Um, the line for the women’s is long and I really have to pee.” you admitted not caring if you look desperate, you are.
“Oh, okay let me just step out and you can use it.” he said and left.
You are so intoxicated but you still realize this boy looks incredibly hot, you smile and thank him.
After you’re done and washed your hands, you step out to find him still standing there.
“You didn’t leave?” you ask curiously.
“The door, uhm, it doesn’t lock so I didn’t want someone to walk in on you.” he admitted shyly scratching the back of his head. Before you thought he was cute but after seeing his arm muscles, he was hot and so were you.
“That’s so thoughtful, thank you. I’m Y/N.” you extended your hand and he takes it with a heartbeat.
“I’m Pablo.” he just said.
“So Pablo, it was nice sharing this bathroom story with you but I have to get back to my friends.” you said because every second you were getting more and more aware of your surroundings and wanted to find your friends.
“Oh okay.” he says sounding down. “Let me walk you to them.”
You walked together and he helped you get through sweaty dancing bodies around you. He was a true gentleman but as the lights of the club shined brighter, you saw his features and realized he may even be younger than you expected him to be.
You introduce your friends to him and watch them interact for a moment before he decides to get back to his friends at the booth, he invited you all but you didn’t know him that well to accept this invitation.
“So I guess I should go.” he says but you can tell he doesn’t want to. His arm is around your waist still from walking you. You noticed some girls eyeing you and giving you glares, thinking maybe they also liked Pablo or knew him from somewhere but to be honest, you were too drunk to care.
“Or maybe you could dance with me.” you suggested and even in the club setting, you can see his cheeks heat up.
He smiles and takes you to the dance floor holding you close, you’re both smiling and your arms around his neck. His hands slowly made their way to your hips and your foreheads pressed together, your bodies moving to the rhythm. It’s like electricity’s coursing through your bodies and everything else didn’t matter but as he’s leaning in, you just have a question.
“How old are you?” you ask completely ruining the mood but this was a pet peeve of yours, you don’t date younger guys.
“I’m 22” he says without thinking and since you’re 23, that’s not too bad. He must be one of those guys who’s babyface like JB. You shrugged it off.
“Can I kiss you now?” he asks wanting to create the moment you ruined back.
You smile and he leans in to capture your lips with his, it’s the best kiss you’ve had in a while. He guides you and uses just enough strength, still holding your body slowly dancing. He puts his hand on the hem of your dress slowly inching up and you gasp in surprise, he uses this opportunity to push his tongue inside your mouth and deepen the kiss. Your hands pull on the hairs on his neck as you felt over the moon, Pablo was too good with his hands and lips.
You pulled away after a few minutes, trying to catch your breath as he smiles at you. You smile back hoping this was as good for him as it’s good for you. Just as he’s leaning again and proving it was as good, Sara ran up to you saying she has work tomorrow and she has to leave. You know you can’t leave her alone in this drunken state and considering she’s your roommate why bother with 2 ubers when you can leave together but you weren’t exactly ready to say bye to Pablo.
He looks at you with piercing eyes, trying to read if you’re really leaving but you pout your lips as you explain it to him, he’s not happy but doesn’t do anything to stop you and slowly takes his hands off of you meanwhile the three of you are walking outside.
“Can I at least get your number so we can finish what we started another day?” he asks in a suggestive tone. You look at him and know you’re dying to do it so pick his phone off his hands and write down your number. He smiles and presses one last kiss to your lips before letting you and Sara get in the car and drive off.
You smile to yourself at how everything went down tonight, Pablo is nothing like you’ve ever been with before and he’s so refreshing you hoped he would text you, even if it’s totally sexual. You normally never do this, this is not you but his soft brown hair and those eyes looking into your soul made your knees go weak and you mind go numb. You wanted to see him again.
And your prayers are answered after you go into your room and had a quick shower to wash off the club scent off your body. He texted you.
“Did you make it to home safely?” he just said and you smiled to yourself at how thoughtful he is.
“Hello to you too Pablo, yes don’t worry. What about you?” you asked
“Me too, just in.”
You talked for a few minutes back and forth until his replies stopped and you figure he’s fallen asleep.
You decide to watch some reels before falling asleep yourself, going on insta and while going through some stories, you come across with suggested profiles, including Pablo’s. Your mouth fall to floor as you see his picture with a Barcelona shirt on and click on his profile, discovering he’s a football player for the team and realize what those looks at the club for. They weren’t because those girls wanted him, well maybe it was but it was also because they were shocked to see a footballer with a girl. You never cared about football so it’s natural you didn’t realize he was the Pablo Gavi but he didn’t mention it either.
You decide if he didn’t want you to know, you shouldn’t pry in his life further. Maybe he liked not being recognized so you go to click off his page until you see a birthday post he did in august. You smile at how happy he looks and read the caption about thanking everyone wishing him a happy birthday until you see a hashtag.
You send him a final text before your eyes close and you drift to sleep.
“Really, you’re 19???”
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paladin--strait · 3 months
soulmates part 1
luke hughes x reader
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part 2 here! series masterlist here!
tw!!: none other than some language! use of y/n, reader can be depicted as any body shape/size.
this story moves kinda fast, since I want it to only be a couple of parts long. it's also pretty cringey...sorry about that lol
warning: this is a complete work of fiction. I am no way saying or implying that these people act the way the do in the story. I am open to any sort of constructive criticism! thank you!
I take another sip of my drink and look over at jack who has his arm around his 'fling of the day' as the guys and I like to call it. she's blonde with green eyes, which seems to be his type since that's what most of the girls he brings around look like. with a shake of my head and a sigh, I look over at timo, who gives me a understanding look with a chuckle. I ruffle my hair that is still damp from jumping off the boat into the lake with the guys earlier while I stand up and walk over to the kitchen island to talk to jamie, dawson, and john.
"yo luke!" dawson says, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me a little, "what's life like having to watch jack and his fling of day all the time?" he questions with a laugh, slapping me on the shoulder. my eyebrows raise and I sigh, shaking my head with a laugh. "its interesting, I guess." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
"you guess?" john asks, taking a sip of his beer. "doesn't it get annoying after a while? ya know? constantly coming home and he has some random girl in the house or when he comes home he has a girl? that would annoy the fuck outta me dude. I would honestly pack up my stuff and live somewhere else." he says with a chuckle, trying to lighten the conversation to some extent but it doesn't work.
"I've just gotten used to it over time. when we're in jersey I just go out for a walk or I just go over to cap's house and hang out with him. when we're here I just go out in the boat and stay in the middle of the lake for a while." I say with a shrug.
and its true, sad, but true. I'm just glad quinn doesn't act this way. at least, I don't think he does. I'm not in vancouver with him everyday so I wouldn't really know. but I don't really see quinn acting that way. jack's always been a bit of a player, but when all the guys are around during the off season he seems to want to show off.
sure, I've had a couple hookups here and there, but nothing like jack. he's my brother and I love him, but recently his player antics have been getting worse. I admit, I've been looking into some apartments lately. it's not like I can't afford them, because I can, it's just the fact that me and jack have lived in the same place for basically our whole lives. first it was our house and now it's our apartment in jersey. I don't wanna move away from him just because of some girls he brings back.
I make some more small talk with the guys, now including trevor, who had just woken up from his nap on the couch, and quinn, who had recently come out of his room after his shower, when the doorbell rings.
jack jumps up, almost knocking his girl on the floor in the process, and runs to the door. "I got it!!" he says, disappearing into the hallway that leads to the front door. the guys and I make our way to the couch, taking our seats and continuing our conversation.
soon enough, jack walks back in with nobody. "quinn, there's some girl here to see you. she's putting her stuff up and then she'll be in here." he sighs, sitting back down with his girl, who I've now learned is named kaitlyn. I look at quinn, who is looking at me with a confused look on his face, before he stands, waiting to greet who ever is here to see him.
Then, she walks in. she has got to be one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen in my life. her flowy hair, that sort of bounces with almost every step, her blue canucks jersey that fits her curves like a dream, and her eyes. god, her eyes are gorgeous.
I'm snapped out of my daze by her voice, "quinny!!" she says, practically running to quinn, who's face lights up, before grabbing her and hugging her tightly. they hug for a while and I can hear them talking, but i can't hear what they're saying. after a minute or two, they pull away looking at each other happily. brock stands and walks to the unnamed girl with open arms, yelling her name, and embracing her in a hug.
"everyone," quinn starts, "this is y/n. she lives in vancouver with me and works in media for the canucks so this is a surprise that she's here." he says, looking at her with a smile.
I can tell her likes her, crush or not, quinn likes her. he never smiles like that for anyone. she smiles back, and waves hello, a tiny of blush on her cheeks. she then makes eye contact with me, eyes widening a bit and her cheeks getting a bit redder before quinn pulls her away to introduce her to everyone.
I gulp, realizing that quinn's best friend might be the death of me. I get up quickly, walking outside with my drink in hand. I sit in a chair facing the lake and take in the sunset. I can't help but think about her as I sip my drink.
y/n's pov
"and this is the middle brother, jack, and his girlfriend, kaitlyn." quinn gestures to them, and jack stands to give me a handshake, but eventually settles on a hug. I notice that his girlfriend is eyeing me hard. but the look I give her back is enough to get her to look away. "and luke is over there." quinn points to where he and luke were previously sitting on the couch, but luke is nowhere to be seen. quinn frowns, before looking around and finally spotting him sitting outside on the deck through the window.
"you can stay in here, quinny. I can go introduce myself on my own." I say, smiling before quinn does as well, walking back to take his seat beside who I think is a guy named trevor.
it's a short walk to the porch outside. the sun is glaring in my face so I pull my sunglasses down from my head to cover my eyes. the wooden boards of the deck clack as I step on them, making my way to luke.
I sit in the seat beside him as he turns to look at me with a suspicious look on his face, wondering who followed him outside. I give him a smile and makes eye contact with him, which he returns for s split second before looking away. "hi luke! my name is y/n. it's so nice to finally meet you! quinn has told me so much about you." I say, hoping to get him to look back at me.
all he does is nod and say a quick hello with a 'nice to meet you'. I frown, my gaze settling on the wooden boards below our feet. I sigh, and stand back up, walking back to the house.
my mind is racing as I try to figure out why he won't talk to me or even look at me. maybe he's tired? maybe he just wants some privacy? I'm not sure but the sadness in my eyes is evident when I walk back into the lake house, my eyes meeting Quinn's and I give him a small smile which he returns with a frown.
Quinn walks to me and puts his hand on my shoulder as he leans in to whisper something in my ear. "I'm sorry about luke. I'm not sure what's gotten into him. I'll talk to him and see if he'll come around." he pulls back and gives me a smile before he walks outside.
"hey y/n!!! come sit with us!" I hear a voice say, soon figuring out it was that trevor guy. I smile and make my way to them.
luke's pov
my heart is racing when she sits beside me. I can't believe quinn is friends with such a beautiful girl. I feel my cheeks begin to heat up even more when she mentions how much quinn has talked about me.
I try to be nice to her and return her greeting but I just can't focus on what she's saying. my mind is thinking at a billion miles per hour, wondering what quinn had told her about me and whether I need to be worried if it's bad.
I'm so focused on my own thoughts that I don't even realize she's gotten up to leave until she was halfway back to the house. I stand, and outstretch my hand, wanting to call her name and tell her to come back, but nothing leaves my mouth.
I sit back down and wonder what I just did. is she gonna hate me now? is she wondering why I won't talk to her? does she think that I think that she's ugly and I don't wanna look at her?
I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a hand touching my shoulder and a voice calling my name. I snap out if it and look over at the person. its quinn. he's got a worried look mixed with a bit of anger on his face.
"why won't you talk to her?" he says, crossing his arms and looking at me with a look of confusion. "she was so excited to meet you and jack and you won't even look at her. I told her that you two would get along so well and she's been so excited ever since. what's the deal?"
his voice gets louder at the end of his questioning. I can tell he really cares about her.
"i don't know..." my voice trails off and I look down, fiddling with my fingers.
"you don't know?? luke, she was more excited to meet you more than anyone else. I didn't know that she was coming down today or even at all but I was planning in buying her plane tickets later to get her down here tomorrow or the next day so she could meet all of my friends and family. I don't understand what has gotten into you, luke." quinn's head shakes in disappointment and disbelief.
"listen quinn, I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me either." I say, about to play everything off. and then it all comes out. "all I know is that she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. I don't even know anything about her but I can already tell that I'm about to have the biggest crush on this girl. so seems so kind and so fun from what I've seen. which is not much but still! I can already tell what kind of person she is. she just gives me that feeling of kindness. please don't tell her that I said any of that and I'm so sorry quinn."
I don't think I've even spoken faster in my life. quinn's face went from disappointment and anger to disbelief and happiness in a split second. he jumps up and puts his hands on my shoulders.
"luke. I wanted to bring her down not only to meet all of you guys, but I wanted her to meet you. you're perfect for each other! she's always so happy and excited for everything and that's just what you need! I'm not saying you're a huge party pooper or whatever, but sometimes you need more excitement in your life! look at jack. he's living his best life right now. sure, he's definitely had way too many girlfriends, but that's what makes him happy and you deserve something or someone that will make you happy too. if you wanna date her, go ahead. y/n hasn't had the greatest experience with relationships. and I think that you could change all of that for her. so I'm absolutely fine with it if you wanna take her out."
quinn's words shock me. he stands there with an excited look on his face and he urges me to stand up.
"I guess I should talk to her then." I look at quinn with a smile and he puts his arm around my shoulders, laughing excitedly as we walk back to the house.
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sunshine-theseus · 10 months
I’ve Got You | Charlie Grant x reader
Word Count: 2.4k Summary: Having someone like Charlie by your side makes pregnancy a whole lot easier. i don't think this is my best i'm sorry Warnings: none? Request for - @charligrantismygirlfriend
Being friends with Katrina basically guaranteed being friends with Kyra and Charlie.
I met Kat in 2022, toward the end of her time at Brisbane, as she was beginning to get back in with the Matildas. I found myself crying in the baby aisle of a rather desolate IGA in Clayfield when she crouched next to me and asked me if I was alright. I didn’t look up as I struggled to calm my sobbing to explain my situation.
“He- he left me. I’m 21 and pregnant without a partner. How am I supposed to have a baby without a partner?” I stared up at her with red-rimmed eyes and tears that stream down my cheeks. It’s then that I notice she has a young baby resting on her hip, eyes gently closed as her head rests on the shoulder of this woman.
“Do… do you have anyone that will help?” I vigorously shook my head, then told her how I’d been living alone for 4 years, my parents running off to whatever dingy town they decided would bring them the most drugs without police caring.
“A- and he kicked me out. Oh fuck I don’t have anywhere to live what the fuck am I doing?!” my eyes frantically flickered around the store as my situation settled in. There was no way I could survive this.
“I know this is a weird offer but… you could live with me? I have a spare bedroom and rent is getting kind of wild. And Harper would love you.” She looked down at the girl who clung to her with such adoration.
“I’m Katrina.” She reached out her hand and I took it.
“Y/n” I smiled gently at her.
“I mean it. You living with me. I had Harper 8 months ago and I have bunch of pregnancy books and clothes and all that stuff.”
“W- what about your partner? Won’t he mind?”
“She lives in Sweden, so probably not.” Katrina then told me her story of wanting to be a mum and going through IVF, and how Harper brought her back to football.
About 2 months later, I was flying over to Sweden, following shortly after Kat and Harper left. I attended pretty much every game Kat played, taking care of Harper when her mum couldn’t make it, and researching a lot.
I was lucky my job was remote, so I was able to move around with Kat without an issue. My boss had sent a small gift basket of baby books and clothes when I told her I would be living overseas for 6 or so months. She also gave me less work, insisting that I meet people and do fun things instead of worrying about how much I had to do. She was probably the person who pushed me the most to meet someone new.
It was 2 weeks after I moved in with Kat, and met Clara, that I met Charlotte and Kyra. Despite Kyra’s club being 5 – 6 hours away, she’d somehow managed to make it down for a few days on a short break between matches. We all went for coffee and brunch, me limiting my food to hashbrowns and toast because most other things made me nauseas.
Charlie and Kyra asked how Kat and I met and why I was living with them. I gave them a rather short version of the day in the IGA, and Charlie reached over and put an empathetic hand on my shoulder. I give a tight-lipped smile in return.
It doesn’t take long for me to grow close to the two younger players Kat had also taken under her wing. Some days they had off, I’d take Harper off Kat and Clara’s hands and take her somewhere with Charlie, like the park or a pool. Other days we’d all go together and when Kyra could, she’d come down and spend a couple days.
It’s nice to have friends my age to hang out and talk with, Katrina having been the only person I had for the most part of 3 or so months.
Both girls insisted I need to meet the other Matildas, but I struggled to find time when they have camp, or I’m too nauseas to travel.
This creates a new problem when Kat and Clara both decide to head back to Brisbane in mid-November now that the Swedish season is done, so Kat can play with the Roar again during the A-League season.
My bump is relatively big, and most forms of travel make me sick, so I know I won’t really be able to travel with them back home, and in a few more weeks I won’t be allowed to fly. So I’m stuck by myself again. Until Charlie makes a rather compelling offer.
They don’t have any matches in the up-coming international break, so she offers me to live with her for the time being so I’m not as alone. The one fault to present itself, is she only has 1 bed. I insist I sleep on the couch, but she waves the idea away as I hold my stomach, trying to relieve some pressure.
“Oh! Can I try something? It might help give you some relief for a moment. I saw it on TikTok.” I simply nod my head; I’ll try anything at this point.
I’m slightly shocked when she circled around behind me and reached around my front, but I can’t question anything before she placed her hands beneath my belly and lifts. I groan in relief and my hand rolls back onto her shoulder.
“Holy shit that feels so nice.” She holds my belly for a minute or so before gently removing her hands and pressing a kiss to my cheek.
I flush red as she goes back to making lunch. I’ve found myself doing that a lot around her recently. Any nice gesture or any touch and I’m blushing and butterflies flutter around my stomach. Sometimes I wonder if the same thing happens to her.
Later in the day, I'm desperate to take a nap, so I slowly lay down on Charlie’s couch. It takes her all of 5 seconds to realise and start pulling me up, dragging me to her bedroom.
“If you’re so adamant that I don’t sleep on the couch, and you definitely shouldn’t be sleeping on the couch, we can share the bed. It’s big enough for us both.” I don’t have the energy to refuse as I fall back against the pillows, eyes fluttering shut as Charlie plays with my hair.
I spend the next 2 months spending time with Charlie and Kyra, who also decided not to travel home until their Cup of Nations games in February. Kyra stays on a blow-up mattress she lugged with her from Stockholm while Charlie and I continue to share the bed.
I’m a week away from my due date when I feel something wet drip down my legs. Kyra and Charlie freak out, but I let them know my contractions haven’t started. And I nearly think that maybe it was somehow a false alarm.
Nearly a day later, I feel severe pressure on my pelvis. I groan in pain and clutch my stomach as I move positions, assuming it’s just a Braxton Hicks contraction. The pain doesn’t subside for a minute or so, and Kyra doesn’t take notice of my groans from the other room, on a call with Charlie who had forgotten the grocery list and now had to have Kyra recite it to her so she could rewrite it on her phone.
I don’t think much of the contraction until I feel another one 20 minutes later, and another 20 minutes after that. They progressively get closer together and I call out to Kyra to help me up from the bed before calling for an ambulance, and I frantically scroll my contacts for Charlie’s number. It takes 10 minutes for her keys to rattle against the door and she rushes in, followed closely by the paramedics.
I suffer through 13 hours of labour before I’m holding a small bundle in my arms, Charlie holding another, as Kyra takes photos to send Kat later.
“I can’t believe that fucking piece of shit left you, but at least he gave you two little cuties.” Charlie passes the baby off to Kyra and turns to me.
“I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without you, Kat and Kyra.”
“I’m so proud of you.” I don’t stop to think before I lean over and gently place my lips on hers, her strawberry chapstick is all I can taste.
I see a flash go off in the corner of my eye and whip my head to look at Kyra, who giggles sheepishly before looking back down at the baby in her arms.
“I know this is probably rushed and wild, but do you want to move in with me? Officially? We can find a bigger place to house the girls. But I’ve been holding in my feelings for you for like 6 months now. I promise to take care and love you and the twins with my whole heart.” A tear falls down my cheek as I nod my head, and she kisses me again.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Oh! Mini’s calling! She doesn’t know! What do I do? Do I answer?” Kyra interrupts us, frantically looking for whether she should answer or not.
“Facetime her.” Kyra hands the baby back to Charlie and quickly facetimes Katrina, who doesn’t take a moment to answer.
“None of you have answered any of my calls for the past 14 hours what the fuck is going on? Why does it look like you’re in a hospital” is the first thing she says as Kyra’s phone faces away from me.
“Well… we have a surprise.” The phone slowly pans over to Charlie and I and we both grin.
“WHAT THE FUCK? You had the baby?!”
“Babies” Charlie corrects her.
“Kat, I’d like you to meet Ashley Jade and Maysilee Hazel Gorry.” Everyone’s heads snap to look at me as I smile.
“What, what do you mean ‘Gorry’?”
“You literally changed my life, took me in when I had no one, introduced me to my best friend… and girlfriend,” I pause and give Charlie a look, she smiles in return.
“I also changed my name like a month ago, to Y/n Gorry. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course I don’t mind what the fuck!?” I glance back at Katrina; tears prick at her eyes and my own mirror her’s.
“I’m going to fucking fly over and meet those little cuties.”
“Well, I was thinking… if they’re healthy enough to travel, we’d fly over with Kyra and Charlie for your Cup of Nations matches in February? And I’d meet the team.” Another wave of shock ripples through out the room
“Fuck yes!”
We talk to Kat for a while after that. Harper tumbles into screen and coos at the babies but soon looses interest, and Clara comes in to congratulate me. We eventually have to say goodbye.
“Is it ok if I head back to the apartment? I think if I fall asleep on these chairs, I’ll never be able to play again.” Kyra dramatically complains, but I just smile and nod, sending her on her way.
“I know I already said it, but I am so proud of you and I love you so much. You could’ve given up on these babies, but you pushed through.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you Char, these little guys are going to adore their mumma so much.”
“Of course they will, you’re so amazing.”
“I mean you…”
“I wouldn’t want anyone else by my side.” She kisses me passionately, well as passionately as you can kiss someone who’s lying in a hospital bed while you’re both holding a baby.
“Are you excited to see your aunties?” Ashley and Maysilee’s giggles fill the car ass Charlie tickles their feet.
“Yay yay yay!” they both chant as we help them out of the car and onto their feet.
They’re running down the corridor as soon as the elevator doors part open, giggling and screaming without knowing where they’re supposed to be going. They only stop when they run into two pairs of legs, and they sheepishly look up as they go to apologise, only to be picked up.
“Aunty MinMin! Aunty Anna!” Maysilee screams as Alanna gives her a sloppy kiss on the cheek, Ashley much quieter as she returns Kat’s hug.
“We’ll look after them while you settle in. I missed my favourite twins.” Kat says as she also gives Maysilee a gentle kiss on the forehead.
Charlie and I take each other’s hand as we walk to our room, kissing our daughters goodbye and thanking the pair of teammates. When we reach the room, I waste no time in fall on the bed, Charlie following swiftly behind. I lean into her as she wraps her arms around me before I kiss her.
We spend another hour or so cuddling and kissing, basking in the childless quiet. I admire Charlie like I do every moment we get together, her crystal blue eyes, the shape of her nose, her dull pink lips, the small scar above her right eyebrow. And I wonder the same thing I always do; how did I get so lucky.
“I can’t believe we brought our kids to the Olympics. Who does that? We should have left them with someone back in London.” I joke before kissing her.
“I’d take my babies anywhere; I hate being apart from you all.” Charlie pouts and kisses me again, and again.
Charlie brings Ashley, Maysilee and I to all the events and training sessions Tony allows her to, the girls always with one of their Mumma’s jerseys on or something that showcases a blatant support for the Matildas.
After a particularly difficult game, the team silently heads back to their rooms, Charlie curling up under the blanket as I get the twins ready for bed. When they notice she hasn’t come to kiss them goodnight, they clamber up onto the bed and start to tickle and poke her. She doesn’t respond and they seem to understand she’s upset.
“What’s wrong mumma?”
“Mumma’s just sad and hurt about today babies.” Charlie whispers through shaky breath.
I watch as they calm down and instead wrap their arms around her and kiss her gently, like she kisses them when they’re hurt. I slowly slide in behind Ashley, wrapping my arm around all 3 of them.
“We’ve got you baby.” I give them all a kiss and we fall asleep like that, the sun slowly allowing the blanket of stars to fill the sky.
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theresattrpgforthat · 9 months
games to play with my long distance partner? we’re queer nerds, i have a lot of dnd experience and some not dnd experience, they have a little bit of dnd experience, we both have fucked up schedules so something that’s asynchronous or short would be best. uh. there’s two of us. yeah i think that’s everything.
THEME: Long-Distance Games.
Hello friend, I am excited to introduce to you the joys of epistolary games!
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From the Petals to the Leaves, by somewhere with stories.
This is a two player game about writing to a loved one while you are apart.  Throughout the game you will write to each other while in different gardens, surrounded by plants and flowers of your choice. 
This looks to be a pretty small game, but I think it fits the mood of writing to a loved one, with a concrete topic to base your conversations around - the plants in your gardens. I don’t own this game but I own a similar one by the same creator, so I’m assuming that the game provides you with a prompt list for each letter you send each-other. You can create your characters slowly as you write, uncovering bits and pieces about each-other through your fictional personas. If you just want something a little extra to flavour your letters to each-other, this might be worth looking at.
Soulum Scriptum, by Radmad.
Featuring the art of Marisa Bruno, Soulum Scriptum is a letter writing game for two or more players. You are isolated and alone, until a mysterious courier arrives at your door. They give you a proposition: write letters for someone just like you and they will bring you letters in return.
Develop the broken world and the haven that protects you, all while fighting despair and taking what hope you can find in your new connection across time and space. 
This is a game of connection, between two isolated individuals who are struggling with despair. There are pages for various steps of the game, from world and character creation, to how to manage your feelings after your first letter. There’s also instructions for what to do when you fill certain tracks, including the track for your Haven (your home) and your Hopes (lines and pieces of the letters you receive that give you hope). If you like emotional games that have great potential to tell a story that grows brighter as you play, I recommend Soulum Scriptum.
Talking Thunder, by Eleanor Hingley.
‘Talking Thunder’ is a two-player correspondence RPG about finding connection in a dystopian world. 
As the world changes, you never know what news each letter from your only friend will bring…
If you even hear from them again.
Another game about connection, this time in a post-apocalypse of some kind. I’m curious about how the letters are meant to reach each-other in the fiction of this game, although I suspect that ultimately that is up to the two of you!
We Are Ciphers, by Jgurantz.
We Are Ciphers is a 2-player letter-writing game where you craft a story using coded messages sent through the mail.  You and your partner both covet the Prize, which you believe will transform your lives for the better. But acquiring it is an extremely tricky operation. Many things stand in your way, including the Target. 
This is a letter-writing game with an added layer of complexity, because both of you could be writing in code! The code part is optional, but the premise of the game is that you are two spies trying to get your hands on the Prize - whatever you two decide that may be. The game comes with a list of popular media for inspiration, as well as a series of checkboxes for you to tick off to help you create a game that would be fun for the two of you. There’s also a number of worksheets to help you build your world, craft your codes, and create your characters. If you would like a fair amount of guidance as to how to play the game, We Are Ciphers might be up your alley.
The Wanderers, by AdventureByMail.
You and your friend wait to board two ARK-4 Civilian Class Shuttles charted for new colonies in the hinterlands of space. Though you will be several light-years apart, you promise to keep in touch through the interstellar communication network known as the Unified Starways Parley System. You'll use this network to tell each other about the life you build and the love you discover in the far reaches of space…
This creator makes a number of games designed for long-distance play, so if you like The Wanderers, you might want to check out some of their other work as well! The game itself is small enough to fit on a brochure, so it should be easy to print out and keep somewhere for easy reference. There are roll tables to help you create a character, and some advice on how to write your first letter. Following letters will be provided prompts based on a deck of playing cards, with special rules for drawing Aces. If you like using a bit of randomization to help drive a story, this game might be for you!
Games I've Recommended in the Past
I've played The Reaper's Almanac with a friend before and I really really love the premise of it. It has a chance to dive into some pretty traumatic material, however, as it is about death, so make sure to talk about your partner about the things you'd like to steer clear of if you play this game.
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shiny-crocodile · 3 months
the best person i’ve ever met
lucy bronze x ona batlle
lucy and ona origin story; semi-slow burn, semi-quick; multi chapters that will get a little smutty
chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 8, chapter 9, chapter 10
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Chapter summary: dessert and disaster dates
Chapter notes: back with a quick one to keep the smut girls happy, enjoy
The girls were competitive, and not only was that helpful for being the two best fullbacks in the world, it was also helpful for having the best sex.
Lucy did as she was told and pulled off her t-shirt, tugging on Ona’s to do the same, leaving the younger girl completely topless while Lucy was still in a bra.
The older girl leant forward to kiss Ona’s chest, she just couldn’t help herself.
“Noooooo Lucy,” Ona complained, loving Lucy’s obsession with her chest but determined to have her way.
Pushing Lucy back she climbed on top of the English girl. “You’re not great at doing as you’re told, are you?” Ona asked, a glimmer of dominance in her eyes.
Not one to be told she’s not good at something, Lucy knew she had to prove her wrong, “I am, well I will be from now.”
The Spaniard wrapped an arm around Lucy’s back, unfastening her bra before discarding it to the floor.
“Oh my god,” Ona gasped, sitting back to take in the girl under her, “you’re fucking perfect.”
The younger player leaned back in, mouth tugging at Lucy’s earlobe with her teeth before whispering, “I hope you’re ready, gonna make you scream my name louder than you’ve screamed any name before.”
Lucy was now impossibly turned on as Ona started kissing down her neck, having to bite her lip before asking, “wait, what was your name again?”
Ona snorted out a beast of a laugh. For most, the ill timed joke and unsexy snort would ruin the moment, but both girls absolutely loved this, providing a new level of intimacy.
The Spaniard got back on task, wrapping her lips around Lucy’s nipple, moving her tongue around it as her hand got to work on the other.
Lucy was in another world, she wouldn’t have been able to make another joke even if she wanted to.
But she needed that mouth somewhere else. She nestled her fingers in Ona’s hair, gently tugging to encourage the younger girl’s journey further south.
Ona took the hint, leaving the older girl’s chest to kiss over her abs, marking them up as she undid Lucy’s trousers, slipping them off to leave the English girl in her soaked knickers and not much else.
“You’re so wet,” Ona observed, pulling down Lucy’s knickers to get a better look, marvelling at the juices covering the girl’s pussy and stringing to her underwear.
Lucy still couldn’t bring herself to respond and Ona wouldn’t make that any easier, slowly licking up the girls thigh before biting the skin at the top, drawing an insatiable moan from the girl under her.
“Jesus!” Lucy growled as Ona took her first lick up her folds.
Ona paused, licking her own lips, “You taste insane.”
Lucy was a praise girl, nothing turned her on more, providing even more juices for Ona to lap up.
“Your tongue is insane,” Lucy managed to utter out as Ona firmed up her tongue, starting to slowly fuck Lucy’s pussy.
The noises coming from both ends of Lucy were delicious, she clutched Ona’s hair tighter as the younger girl picked up her pace.
Lucy’s hips bucked, moving herself against Ona’s face, getting everything she needed and more.
Ona groaned against Lucy, both girls getting wetter as the older girl took more control of the situation.
“Suck,” Lucy chocked out, half demanding, half begging.
Obviously Ona instantly obliged. She relaxed her rigid tongue, starting to suck on Lucy’s clit, bringing her hand up to bury 2 finger at once into Lucy’s tight pussy.
“Shiiiiiiiiiiit,” Lucy cried out at the intrusion, Ona curving her fingers as she pumped, hitting the older girl right where she needed her while keeping up the attention on her clit.
Lucy was hurtling towards her high, wanting to make this last longer but having absolutely zero control of that.
She clenched her thighs around Ona’s head as she came, gasping for air but not able to fully catch her breath.
Ona showed zero signs of slowing down, continuing to suck her clit and moving her fingers in and out of the older girl.
“I can’t,” Lucy said, not sure if she could take much more but also not willing to push Ona away.
“You’ve not screamed my name yet,” Ona murmured, not giving up until she achieved her goal.
Already sensitive and rapidly approaching her second orgasm in a matter of minutes, Lucy couldn’t hold back anymore, a new sensation washing over her.
“Ona. Onaaaa. ONA!!” Lucy screamed, squirting as she gushed uncontrollably into the younger girls mouth.
This was a rarity for the older girl, she never squirted. Like ever. Embarrassment flooded over her as the younger girl’s head stayed between her legs.
The Spaniard removed her fingers, allowing her greater access to swallow the juices, before taking great attention in cleaning her up.
“Oh my god,” Ona said, incredibly proud of herself as she gave a soft kiss to Lucy’s clit.
Ona looked up at the girl, seeing a combination of lust, longing and a hint of embarrassment. She was most concerned about the latter.
The younger girl brought her mouth to Lucy’s, letting the English girl taste herself on her tongue.
“Don’t you taste delicious?” Ona asked, the ego boost helping Lucy’s embarrassment.
“Sorry for squirting,” Lucy said, her cheeks a deep shade of pink as she sat up, looking at the mess she had made beneath her.
Ona pushed her shoulder gently, “never apologise for that. That was amazing. Plus I wanted a new sofa anyway.”
“You were amazing,” Lucy returned the compliment, kissing Ona softly before wrapping her arms round the younger girl, pulling her down to lay on her.
“I’m 31 years old and that’s maybe the second time that’s ever happened,” Lucy confessed, “I don’t even want to know where you learned how to do that.”
“And I don’t want to know about the first,” Ona said, both girls chuckling at the hint of their jealous sides appearing at the same time.
They lay there in blissful silence, legs intertwined, Lucy gently massaging Ona’s head that laid on her chest while Ona used her hand to softly draw patterns across Lucy’s stomach.
Too exhausted and content to move, both girls’ breathing started to slow as they fell asleep, wrapped in each other on a slightly damp sofa but not caring one bit.
Hours later the younger girl started to stir, light flooding in through the curtain-less window.
They were in the exact same position they fell asleep in, so intertwined that Ona knew if she moved too much she would wake the older girl, still sleeping beneath her, so she laid there a little longer.
After a few minutes she gently lifted herself up, doing her best not to disturb her guest. She looked down at her, the light streaming in was catching the older girl’s naked body perfectly, making Ona laugh internally that she ever thought she would be strong enough to resist this, grateful that she had zero willpower.
“Stop staring, you creep,” Lucy said, not even opening her eyes but just sensing Ona’s eyes on her. Ona laughed, not even denying it.
The older girl’s eyes fluttered open, her turn to take the sight of Ona in. And what a sight it was to wake up to, she was mesmerised by the topless girl, “morning bonita.”
Head spinning at the sound of Lucy’s sexy morning voice, the younger girl leaned down to softly kiss her.
“Sorry about the morning breath,” Ona said, pulling away before Lucy pulled her back in for another.
“Mmm, I kind of like it.”
“Ewwww,” Ona said, sitting up, “now who’s the creep?”
Lucy laughed as the younger girl climbed off her.
Suddenly conscious of how completely naked she was, and feeling slightly exposed, the older girl lifted herself off the sofa.
“Just grabbing some clothes,” she said, walking away towards her bag in the hallway, arse on full display.
Ona bit down on her lip. Hard.
“Wait,” she said, hurrying after her before wrapping her arms round Lucy from behind to stop her walking, “not yet.”
They christened many spots around the flat, taking it in turns to draw orgasms out of the other. Starting on the kitchen counter, then in the armchair, followed by the bed, and ending with Ona pushed up against the wall of the shower.
“Well that was pretty fun,” Lucy said, wrapping Ona in a towel as they exited the shower, before grabbing one to wrap herself in.
“You’re pretty and fun,” Ona said, booping Lucy’s nose with her finger, finding the older girl extra adorable with her wet hair loose and skin pinker from the heat of the shower.
“So what do you want to do today?” Lucy asked, removing the new tangles in her hair with Ona’s hairbrush, “my flights not till 8 tonight.”
Ona felt a wave of sadness from being reminded that they would only have that one night together before Lucy had to go back to Barcelona.
“Shall we go out for breakfast?” Ona asked.
“Yeah I’m starving,” Lucy agreed. They may have had sex all over the flat but they hadn’t had anything to eat (well, actual food).
“Did you wanna catch up with anyone else while you’re here?” Ona asked, referencing the fact that lots of Lucy’s friends lived in Manchester.
Lucy shook her head, “nah, I’m here for you bonita.”
Ona smiled, giving Lucy’s arm a squeeze as she moved past to leave the bathroom and get ready for their outing.
“You’re ordering something chocolate free?” Lucy asked in a state of shock as the waiter left their table.
Ona rolled her eyes, she didn’t always have chocolate for breakfast, just 9 out of 10 times maybe.
“Might have done it so you would eat some of mine and then I won’t feel too bad about eating some of yours,” Ona confessed, looking longingly at another tables plate of chocolate pancakes.
Lucy laughed, “don’t be silly, get what you want, you can have some of mine anyway.”
Ona shook her head, “it’s ok, we can share this way.”
Lucy loved how Ona had decided they were sharing anyway, without even consulting her.
Watching the Spaniard stare at the pancakes on the table next to them and licking her lips subconsciously, Lucy got up and marched over to the waiter.
Returning quickly after she informed Ona, “right, we are sharing pancakes and eggs benedict.”
“But you won’t eat the pancakes,” Ona protested.
Lucy booped her nose the same way Ona had to her earlier, “promise, I will.”
Lucy stayed true to her word, forgoing half her plate for half of Ona’s. She knew who had the better deal in her eyes, but she didn’t really care. She’d eat a dessert for breakfast every morning if it meant Ona was happy, well maybe not every morning.
Being a typical rainy day in Manchester, they opted to just spend the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies, making their way from rom coms, to dramas, to marvel.
Both girls were having the loveliest time, paying more attention to each other than they were the tv for the most part.
“Yesterday might have been my best date ever, you know,” Ona confessed after being deep in thought for a few minutes while Iron Man 2 played in the background.
“Oh yeah?” Lucy asked, leaning down to kiss the top of the Spaniards head, full of pride at the sweet confession. “From worst date ever to best date ever in a matter of weeks, we move fast baby.”
Ona shook her head softly against Lucy’s chest.
“Nah, don’t get me wrong, the last one was pretty bad but not the worst,” Ona said, eyes still on the screen but not paying much attention as Lucy dragged her fingers up and down the younger girls arm.
“Go on,” Lucy said, wanting to know what could possibly have been worse.
“Where to begin, there’s been a few,” Ona started, leaning up to face Lucy, “I nearly killed someone once.”
“No way!”
“I made her a cake with nuts in, completely forgetting that she was allergic. Her face blew up to the size of a beach ball,” Ona explained, pretty nonchalantly.
“Was she,” Lucy paused, slightly worried to finish the question and find the answer, “okay?”
“She was fine, she had her epipen but she sent me a 5 paragraph message the next day accusing me of trying to kill her.”
Both girls burst out laughing.
“Murder by dessert,” Lucy said between chuckles, picturing Ona’s reaction at being accused of attempted murder.
“She told her friends as well, I got a bit of a reputation in Valencia because of it.”
Lucy joked, “the almond assassin,” setting both girls off into a fit of laughter. Bodies shaking against each other.
“Have you had any that rival that?” Ona asked once their laughter had eased off.
“Mmmm maybe not quite attempted murder,” Lucy laughed, “I did go on this date once and it was going really well, we got on, conversation flowed, it was just a good vibe.”
Ona sat up further to look at Lucy, intrigued as to where this was going.
“We went back to hers to, you know,” Lucy continued, Ona nodding, “and I go in and there’s a huge Man United cushion on the sofa, real vibe killer.”
The Man U player grabbed the cushion in question and whacked Lucy over the head with it, “you’re an idiot.”
As the day went on, the clock on the wall was constantly being checked, torturing them as they watched their time together slowly run out.
As they finished washing up after devouring some pasta Ona had made, Lucy scrubbing dishes and Ona drying, it was time for Lucy to drag herself into the bedroom to pick up her bag.
“You sure I can’t drive you?” Ona asked, kind of hoping Lucy would agree at the 5th time of asking.
“Traffic will be a nightmare and I don’t want you to have to drive back in it alone,” Lucy said, stroking her hands up and down Ona’s arms, bag on her back. “I can call you from the car though if you want?”
Ona laughed, “don’t be silly, I’m not going to completely fall apart without you. Just let me know when you land safe.”
Lucy looked down at her phone, it buzzing as the driver was a minute away.
“I’ve had the best time,” Lucy said before leaning down and kissing Ona gently, wrapping her in the tightest of hugs.
“So have I, thank you for coming.”
“It was my pleasure,” Lucy said cheekily, making Ona scoff and playfully hit her arm.
“Perv,” Ona said, giving her a final peck, “see you in a few weeks.”
“Bye bonita.”
As Lucy left she was already excited for the next time she’d see her, at Stamford Bridge in 19 days, not that she was counting…
Before she’d even climbed into the taxi she heard her phone ring.
“Did I forget something?” Lucy asked, answering.
“Mmm no, I just do miss you already after all.”
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moth-basement · 1 month
𝗹𝗶𝗹' 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝘂𝗱𝗲 🧽
An ask meme with a bunch of lines from my favorite Spongebob episodes. This isn't meant to be too serious, I just really love spongebob and haven't seen an ask meme for it.
"I wumbo, you wumbo, he, she, wumbo."
"Wumbology! the study of wumbo!"
"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."
"He was number one!"
"Well, it may be stupid, but it's also dumb."
"I know of a place where you never get harmed. A magical place with magical charms. Indoors! Indoors! Indoors!"
"Oh boy! Holographic meatloaf! My favorite!"
"And what's better than serving up smiles!?"
"Being dead, or anything else."
"See, no one says 'cool' anymore. That's such an old-person thing. Now we say 'coral', as in 'That nose job is so coral.'"
"Long, tan, *licks teeth* Handsome"
"Are they laughing at us? No, they are laughing next to us."
"Excuse me sir I hope my horrible ugliness doesn't distract you from the movie."
"I'm ugly and I'm proud!"
"Oh these aren't homemade. They were made in a factory.... a bomb factory."
"the boy made you a sweater of his own tears, and you kill him."
"goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy!"
"I order the food, you cook the food, the customer eats the food. We do that for forty years, and then we die."
"you're good, you're good, you're good, aaaaand stop."
"Don't worry captain we'll buff those scratches out."
"All those wrong notes you played made it sound more original."
"We're not cavemen! We have technology" *smashes the computer*
"Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?"
"You used me....for LAND DEVELOPMENT! That wasnt very nice!"
“This isn’t your average every day darkness. This is....ADVANCED darkness”
“Assertive, not insertive, ya twit!”
*sticks finger in pocket* "beep beep"
"He's just standing there..... MENACINGLY!"
"don't you have to be stupid somewhere else?"
"What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?"
“I will dismantle this oppressive establishment BOARD BY BOARD!”
"Well maybe we would sound better if some people didn't play with BIG MEATY CLAWS"
"Oh good luck out there. I hope the audience brings lots of ibuprofen."
"You won't catch me when I shift into maximum overdrive!!"
"It's not just a boulder! It's a rock!"
"shut your mouth you mediocre clarinet player."
 “You don’t pay me. We don’t even exist! We’re just a clever visual metaphor used to personify the abstract concept of thought.”
"I only know fine dining and breathing."
"oh you mean like a weenie? MaY I TaKe YoUr hAt Sir?"
"the best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time."
"Can I be excused for the rest of my life?"
"You mean you've never heard the story of the... hash-slinging slasher?"
"The sash wringing... the trash thinging... mash flinging... the flash springing, bringing the the crash thinging the..."
"And then the walls will ooze green slime!? Oh wait they always do that."
"You know, if I were to die right now in some sort of fiery explosion due to the carelessness of a friend well, that would just be okay."
“C’mon you lazy Mary, start rubbing me with that chocolate!”
"East? I thought you said weast?"
“We’ve been smeckledorfed!”
"Whatever doesn't kill you, usually succeeds in the second attempt."
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hooked-on-elvis · 7 months
Elvis' perfectionism 📀
Author's note: Okay, I'm beyond excited with this post, so please take your time reading it. You won't regret a bit.
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So, things just got more interesting for me.
If you read my content for a while now, you must be familiar with the fact that I'm a huge fan of "Elvis On Tour" documentary. There's this scene in the middle of the movie where they play instrumental of "Don't Be Cruel" while some 50s pictures of Elvis are "randomly" shown onscreen... well, not as random as one may think.
"Elvis On Tour" is mainly a live concert documentary but it tells Elvis' history as well. His history as a musician is delivered through his own accounts (Elvis talking about his music preferences, his love for gospel music, etc) and by family members' accounts too, such as an interview with Vernon Presley, his father, that is also featured on the film, when Mr. Presley talks about how Elvis' tours in the 50s were wild with all the fans going extremely hysterical over his son.
One of the pictures in particular, displayed during the "throwback scene" in the movie, is immensely significant to the story that documentary meant to tell the viewers. This one right here:
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July 3, 1956: On The Train back to Memphis, Tennessee. Photograph by Alfred Wertheimer. Below, other pictures from the same moment. Note the little record player on Elvis' lap, it is important.
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The day before those pictures on the train were taken, Elvis had cut some new songs, soon to be released, "Hound Dog" and "Don't Be Cruel" are among them, but also "Any Way You Want Me".
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Elvis during Studio Sessions for RCA July 2, 1956, at RCA Studios in New York. Photograph by Alfred Wertheimer.
About that recording session, on the precise moment EP was recording "Hound Dog", below is an excerpt from "Elvis Presley: A Life in Music" by Ernst Jorgensen and Peter Guralnick:
This was the session where Elvis’s perfectionist streak first became apparent. From [Steve] Sholes’s point of view several of the earlier takes would have been just fine, and he tried to get the singer to listen to the playbacks, but it was obvious that the singer was marching to his own beat; he wouldn’t rest until he had recorded the song to his own — not anyone else’s — satisfaction. Finally, with thirty-one, Elvis declared himself satisfied, and the room breathed a sigh of relief.
Side note: Before recording the song on studio, Elvis performed "Hound Dog" on the Steve Allen Show, on July 1, 1956. They were all worried about how to turn the live performance into a record, and Elvis was the one who was intensely dedicated to make it work. That's why he took 31 takes to finish working on particular track. It really paid off in the end.
Back to the train pictures on July 3, 1956, the photographer, Alfred Wertheimer, shared his accounts on the moment. He said:
"Elvis in on the train. He had just recorded these three songs but two of them became his third and fourth gold records: "(You Ain't Nothing But A) Hound Dog" was the third and "Don't Be Cruel" was the forth. Here he's listening to it over and over again on the way down to his home [Memphis, Tennessee], and he's listening it on this inexpensive little record player and here, I mean, while the other musicians are horsing around, while Colonel Parker is somewhere else, Elvis keeps listening and listening and listening. He's a serious guy! I asked him 'Why are you listening to it on this tiny little machine with a terrible speaker and you just heard it yesterday on a fourteen inch speaker in a studio, beautiful reproduction?' He says: 'Al...'
"'...This is the way my fans listen to my music. That's the way I wanna hear it.'"
— Elvis Presley, July 1956
On more train picture (Elvis going to Memphis, Tennessee on July 3, 1956):
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On that photograph, Alfred Wertheimer said on 'Elvis '56' book:
"Listening to the previous day's work one more time before going to sleep, his teddy bear keeping him company. The record player is sitting on a ledge to the right of his berth."
ABOVE: "Elvis On Tour" (1972) snippet with "Throwback scene". Instrumental of "Don't Be Cruel" is playing on the background while pictures from Elvis' early tours are displayed onscreen. The first picture, that one from July 3, 1956, that Mr. Wertheimer shared his memories about.
The footage on that scene from the documentary is from September 9, 1956 on The Ed Sullivan Show. If you'd like to watch the full performance, here it is:
Well, I don't know about you but I will never see the throwback scene the same way.
I mean, if I'm being honest here, I used to often skip that scene just because I've seen the pictures over and over again and the footage from Ed Sullivan Show as well, so when I watch the film I used to be much more interested on the 1972 live performances, the backstage scenes and so on, but now I know the story of that picture, the scene is a lot more meaningful. That 1972 documentary, friends, is not only about Elvis' performances or the lasting love and adoration from his fans. It has a lot more to do with who Elvis Presley was, specially how he felt about music and how he gave all of him to please us. The film shows Elvis talking about how, in the 70s, after many, many years of experience onstage he still felt anxious before performing... and that picture from the 50s that is shown on the film tell us his dedication to his music was to the extent of listening his records on home record players just to make sure it would sound as flawless as it could be... all for us. After hearing the picture story from Mr. Wertheimer, I just fell in love with that 1972 documentary, and with El, even more. ♥
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AITA for telling my friend's husband to stop claiming he had a mental illness for his own benefit?
I know the title really makes it sound bad, and maybe it is because I'm actually conflicted now.
I (26f), Grace (27f), and Will (26m) are the key players to the story. They had a baby almost a year ago, and I love her. I am the best unofficial aunt and official godparent- but that is neither here nor there.
I have stayed at their place before and I also have been at hotels, if I stay at their place I try to pay them and they decline. This last time I visited, I stayed at their place because Will wanted to take Grace on a date and get a hotel somewhere so I would watch the baby.
However, Will has just increasingly pissed me off claiming he has OCD and needs to be accommodated. I helped fold laundry, he told me it wasn't right and redid everything I did that was his- fine, we all fold things differently.
Grace pulled me into their bedroom one time to have a private and intense conversation that last over an hour and I sat on his side of the bed. He stripped the bed and put new sheets on and then yelled at Grace for allowing that as "my germs" were covering the bed. Grace felt bad because she didn't know he would care, I felt upset he yelled at her since he had never communicated with her, nor would I have done that if I had known.
Grace has movies displayed alphabetically, and it has ALWAYS been this way every time I have been over. Baby grabbed the shelf and they fell. I fixed the shelf, and put them all back. Will came in the room, saw it, became upset and claimed I was doing it wrong and effecting his OCD. He changed it to genre's, which is fine but it has never been that way. He claimed it had and I was mistaken.
Couldn't change the Baby's diaper because "what if fecal germs get on me?" He has gotten mad at Grace for not cleaning the right way, always falling back on germs being his big "issue" in OCD.
But I've never seen him actually have a compulsion? I have anxiety that can be debilitating at times... for example i have to lock my door 4 times each night for me to feel safe. I have a specific routine I do before bed and if I dont I panic. I got in a wreck two months ago, and now I can't drive that route. Maybe I have OCD maybe not, I know I have anxiety though.
But then Will goes and claims to have OCD and does...nothing. It feels really random to me?? Says his big issue is germs, yet can handle when the cat pees on the floor and can handle cat litter. Got a second cat, a kitten, who is still learning the litter box and does not care one bit and cleans it up.
Will's friend got drunk and laid down on his bed. Will laughed at how drunk he was and helped him stay in the guest room. Went to bed almost 15 minutes later and never changed the sheets or anything like he did when I sat there.
Has shared water bottles with friends (Grace would make sense, they literally had a kid together). He has dropped food on the floor then ate it. Will has made fun of Grace when she cooks, because she has to have steak well done because she got food poisoning one time and has been afraid since, which he knows, but wants his steak rare.
Anyways, I feel he is lying about OCD and using it to justify his actions which pisses me off. Grace has called him out for the double standard before. Grace has also tried to encourage him to get therapy, which he refuses. Grace does give him well grace when he does seem to be anxious to do something (like the movies, she shrugged it off and said if it makes him feel better sure).
The final straw was they were at MY place this past weekend, and I noticed how he kept staring at my pictures hanging on the wall. I already had a terrible day and was on edge, which they both knew.. He ignored our conversation and got up and took down a picture. I asked him what he was doing. He said his "OCD is acting up" because it wasn't in line with the rest of the pictures. I said it was a design choice (for a mental image, imagine three pictures in a row, picture one and picture three are the same shape and size hung at exactly the same level, while picture two is hung above that level somewhat, so it kind of looks like "^" with the points being the pictures, but the middle is not as pronounced). Will told me I was a terrible interior designer.
I'll admit, I saw red because it felt like he just wanted to have a chance to insult me. I told him he was a dick and using mental illness as an excuse to be one. I told him that if his OCD is that debilitating to go to therapy, but it seemed to me he was an asshole just trying to use it to justify his actions. He called me an asshole and a bigot and looked to Grace for comfort. Grace said that Will had no say in my design choices, but that I could have found a better way to tell him. Will didnt like that answer and stormed out and left my house.
Grace is now being told by Will to drop me as a friend. She won't. It is causing me a lot of anxiety because I know it is causing a lot of stress in their marriage and I don't want to be the cause of it. Will is adamant I apologize while I am adamant that he should apologize to me. i would be willing to apologize for what i said if he would apologize for trying to change my house, but he says i "dont understand OCD". AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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imperator-titus · 3 months
Some personal Astarion headcanons because I'm bored.
Some are rooted in my experience as a player or digging in the files, some might be from other player discussions, and others are purely made up. I don't take any of it seriously
Astarion is not ORIGINALLY from Baldur's Gate. Where is he from? idk. I don't know that much about Forgotten Realms/DnD. But I think Cazador is too smart and paranoid to not vet his potential spawn, if they were Baldurian they'd have to be "forgettable" and it seems unlikely anyone in the Gate is forgetting Astarion. I think it was smart for them to nix the Noble background for Astarion because of this, although he could be a noble from somewhere outside of the Sword Coast.
That being said, Cazador compelled Astarion to forget everything about himself from before he was a spawn, so to spawn Astarion, he IS Baldurian and after 200+ years, he blends right in.
Astarion came to the Gate as a fresh-faced adventurer rogue, which explains... being a rogue. Why? I don't have a real why, I've considered everything from "rebelling/getting away from his family" to "for fun, maybe his family is full of retired adventurers"
"I was a magistrate" was one of many stories to lure victims. Even if he was for even a brief time, I don't think he'd remember that. also possible Cazador told him that.
Astarion may not have been the only one luring people back with sex but I think he learned it was the most effective way. When you're getting tortured for failure, it doesn't matter if success turns your stomach.
Cazador carefully seduced Astarion, but not with the promise of eternal life. His resemblance to Vellioth caught Cazador's attention. Cazador lured him with promises of patronage or just good ole "rich powerful man wants me?" energy. Cazador attacked Astarion himself and sold him a lie that Gur (easy to blame, as they are widely disliked and considered barbaric) attacked him.
The graveyard Astarion was buried in is small and has a mix of noble mausoleums and paupers' graves. Likely Cazador had enough sway and money, through a intermediary ("oh, the poor boy, Lord Cazador hired him for tasks and he did so well, what a tragedy"), to get Astarion an expedited burial with no questions (seeing as anyone with eyes can see he's got 2 big bite marks in his neck). Astarion says he's never been there since he came out the first time, but I believe Cazador has put him back in there on occasion as punishment (along with putting him in a proper tomb, possibly borrowed from the Hhunes), he just represses it. That's why Cazador keeps the plot and headstone, to torture him, but it remains overgrown.
Astarion's original hair color is silver, but it was a bit more lustrous, and his skin was already fairly pale but now it doesn't have the glow of life/blood (and they should have picked a paler skin tone, but it is what it is). I know that this would probably make him a Moon Elf, who commonly have blue or green eyes, and while I love me some vibrant blue or green eyes... I am a "golden brown" fan, sorry. They looked dark while in the shade and turn golden when hit by the light. I really enjoy the brown hair/brown eyes fanart and edits though, good job everyone
They say vampires feel only hunger. They are paranoid, loveless, and cruel. They believe they are superior to all living creatures, even the spawn. In a fucked up weird way, Cazador really did love Astarion and his spawn (but especially Astarion) and believe they were like family. The Szarrs were a vampiric family in blood and... well, more blood. Cazador took out his hate and twisted love for his master Vellioth on Astarion. Cazador hated that Astarion constantly wriggled out of his grasp, testing him. Sometimes Astarion would play along just to get Cazador to cool off, but Cazador would find out it was a lie and punish him harder for "breaking his heart."
Astarion is THE MOST self-interested person in the party and it's perfect that he is. He is paranoid, hungry, cruel, and superior. He needs to get back as SOON as possible to Baldur's Gate because Cazador will probably scalp him and hammer bamboo shoots under his fingernails for disappearing. Then he realizes that he could feasibly BEAT Cazador and the sooner it happens, the better. Stop helping orphans, I need to get home, tick-tock! He also has no foresight, even though that would be a GREAT trait for a fucking ROGUE. He wants you to stop helping and saving people even though they will help you in the future because he projects his own personality on others: they're selfish and won't do shit for you.
I could probably go on forever but I've forgotten some things at this point. I'm supposed to be doing math right now.
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