#the school was found closed
violaextract · 7 months
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fated highschool au, this is an au that was made by a group of us when the official discord server was still up and running, i redrew them in their teenage get up because i was reminded it existed
what kind of high school shenanigans are they gonna get up to??
some more doodles of the au for fun vvvv
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laesas · 5 months
I don't know how much more explicit the message of "THIS IS GROOMING" could have been without Be On Cloud superimposing it in all-caps text over every one of Non and his teacher's scenes. People interpreting that as "cheating" are cracked in the fucking head.
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tangledinink · 1 year
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if the timing had been off by even just a little bit-- if he had turned that corner just a few seconds sooner or later-- he probably would have lived. but if he hadn't been going so fast, the timing wouldn't have mattered.
sometimes people seem to think, "i'll be fine. i'm a good driver. i'm good enough that i can do this safely." but some things you can't do safely. it doesn't matter if you're good or not.
if you're going anywhere today, i hope you get there okay. april 13, 1997 - may 11, 2022
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kokoasci · 11 months
every time i post i am reminded that some of my irls follow me on twt/instagram (not here afaik. thank goodness) sorry guys for being way too invested in a manga based on dead authors. i may be cringe but i am free
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best-bro-ben · 20 days
What do you do when you find out some of your friends are actually not very nice
And your brother and cousin are leaving with the rest of their friends so you have to go with them
Even though you still don't know if your parents are going with you
But you..
You still want to know why they did it and why they didn't say sooner
I want to know for a friend
Not one of the people I'm talking about though
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bloomingsalma · 4 months
i think one of the most disappointing things is to see that your childhood friends have grown up to represent the kind of people you're disappointed in
#had a friendship break up w like one of my entire friend groups of six ppl?#found out that one of the girls in our friend group had sent screenshots of our private conversation about smth I was hurt over#to a gc with our other friends (but not me ofc)#and they all proceeded to talk shit about me :// I swear the way my stomach dropped when the friend I was having the convo w#sent me screenshots of what our mutual friends were saying about me#she knew how much it would hurt me but still did it just to prove a point (though I'm certain she misrepresented our conversation + my word#to them considering she blocked out what she had initially said to them lol)#my stomach hasn't dropped like that since high school#which is exactly where I thought we left this kind of deceitful behaviour. like how are you guys twenty one and still sending screenshots#and talking bad behind only one (1) friend's back when you know she can't defend herself in that space#I immediately texted our collective gc to explain a text she had sent but failed to give context for#then told them if I'm as selfish as they say I will leave this friend group. and then I left that gc#I also texted two friends who I knew were talking shit and I sent them the screenshots that first “friend” sent and pointed out how#she blocked out what she said so I'm suspicious that she skewed our conversation so they (the two other “friends”) should be wary#I told them I understood it was fair game to stoop. this low considering neither of them tried to reach out to me to hear my side#or defend me + my privacy#for context: the original argument was me voicing out that I was upset bc that first “friend” had invited and planned with with our friend#group an event that landed on my birthday without checking in with me if I was planning to spend time with them that day#and she kept defending herself and saying she didn't know I'd plan smth (probably bc my bday is two months away lmao) and she said#the event they'd be attending is just as important and necessary as being there for my birthday?? it's literally just a party her brother#(who none of us are close to lol) is DJing at. and I brought up how I'm their close friend (not her brother) and it's not fair to call#it equally necessary. but I suspect she skewed what I said greatly considering all of our friends started calling me selfish and unfair#but yeah v v crazy and hurtful and just astonishing#salmaspeaks
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blastthechaos · 1 year
Naeceles is hilarious to me because you can tell Makoto doesn't buy into any of the nonsense Celeste is spewing most of the time, not because he is stupid but she says such inane stuff and seems like she lives in her own little fantasy world that he goes "Ok yeah sure" to everything she says.
But she has such a passion for it that he can't help it and try to help her achieve it.
"Yes, your real name is Celestia Ludenberg, yes you're from French and German descent, yes all those stories you tell me are true, oh you want me to become your knight so I can spend the rest of my life with you in a European Castle with Butlers/bodyguards dressed as vampires? Sure, why the hell not? Anything for you honey"
Meanwhile Celeste is down bad for Makoto.
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humaforever · 6 months
Harry was totally right, Audrey just wanted revenge because she had to do summer school.
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gxlden-angels · 2 months
Do not stop talking about Palestine. Do not forget about Palestine. This is not a battle of religion and I do not think it should be treated as such. From the river to the sea, they will be free 🇵🇸
Disclaimer: I am not an expert. I am just some guy in the US. I am not a direct source of information. Please listen to Palestinians. Please help them directly. Please help with protests if your country is supplying Israel with weapons like the US.
#but wait there's more#it may take a while for me to gather my thoughts so not immediately#I have so many thoughts specially about holy land experience type shit#my personal belief is that Palestinians should be given back their land#Israel will become a part of Palestine and would receive full citizenship#and all of them will be treated as equals#Aid will go to Palestinians as the country and rebuilt as much as it can be after so much tragedy#Since the idea of Israel was to have a protective Jewish state#I think the better option would be for the world to agree collectively to be a place for refugees#if there's another situation like the holocaust#all refugees should be given that opportunity to escape#there's so many conspiracies against Jewish people which is why I think it needs to be declared by countries to protect any Jewish person#that is fleeing antisemitism in their current country#it doesn't need to be a Jewish state especially with so many Jewish people being pro-Palestine#and living outside of Israel#I know people currently living in Israel and I want them to be safe#And they will be if their government just lets Palestinians live#but yea later on I'll talk about the holy land experience thing I'm pissed about rn#I feel like I haven't said enough on the blog. I have terrible OCD where I'll ruminate about this until I panic#I do not want to be a source of that for others so I encourage you to educate yourself without ruminating#It does not help Palestine to shame yourself and others for not being able to do a specific thing#So instead I ask you to look it up when you are able to and do what you can#I usually do the daily clicker and I wanted to join my university's protests but couldn't#since I was the only one working my job which is monitoring the queer safe space on campus#and I didn't want to close that area just in case it was need by protesters or queer students#just found out today ppl at my school will be expelled if caught so that's why it's at the front of my mind rn
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edmunderson · 6 days
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guess who finally figured out how to implement mods after an hour of googling? time to romance solas for realsies with leith >:)
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indigopoptart · 2 months
man i love the people im surrounded with. how did this happen. youre all so lovely😭
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sailforvalinor · 6 months
Since last year, I’ve had an idea for a Harry Potter fic rattling around in my head prompted by the realization that Lily’s death is necessary for the love-magic-protection that enables Harry to survive both killing curses, but James’s isn’t—what does the world look like if James Potter somehow survives? I came to the conclusion that because the protection spell that Dumbledore originally uses to protect Harry until he comes of age applies to those of Lily’s blood, he would still want him to live with the Dursley’s, and thus Dumbledore decides that the best course of action is for 21 year old, traumatized, newly-widowed James to fake his death. It’s safest for Harry, the Death Eaters already think he’s dead, and it’s really useful for Dumbledore to have a piece on the chessboard that both the Death Eaters and the Ministry don’t know about. James isn’t thrilled about this, but he’s too distraught (and too used to Dumbledore being right about everything) to argue. He’s really only a few years out of school, after all.
I know I had worked out all the logical kinks on this one at some point but I don’t really remember now—but the fic would involve James working as a sort of secret agent for Dumbledore, a wild card, if you will, while keeping an eye on Harry from afar. This James would be a little different than the one we’re familiar with—a bit more mature and serious, and of course absolutely wracked with guilt. He hardly resembles who he used to be after losing Lily, and he’s pretty dang desperate not to make any more mistakes, lose anyone else.
Snape of course is one of the only other people who would know James was alive, and the bad blood between them is as terrible as ever, as Snape would blame him for “letting” Lily get killed. (As if James doesn’t blame himself enough.)
Sirius would also know, as he was the first one to Godric’s Hollow after the attack and would have found James, but that doesn’t do much good after he’s arrested. The only way I can think to workaround the fact that Dumbledore would know Sirius was innocent if he had talked to James is if James was so seriously incapacitated after the attack on Godric’s Hollow (don’t ask how I don’t know. WAIT MAYBE IN THIS VERSION VOLDEMORT ENCOUNTERS LILY FIRST AND HER LOVE MAGIC EXTENDS TO BOTH HARRY AND JAMES??? OH MY GOSH???) that the “trial” occurs before James is lucid enough to talk and Dumbledore gives evidence against Sirius because he assumes he’s the Secret Keeper.
Other than fulfilling Dumbledore’s wishes and keeping an eye on Harry, James spends a lot of his time trying to figure out how to break Sirius out of Azkaban. Maybe he succeeds earlier than in the original series? He also is trying to hunt down Peter, of course—probably spots him in the newspaper like Sirius does. Or maybe he sees him with Ron while watching Harry?
Does Remus know that James is alive? I’m gonna say yes, but Dumbledore doesn’t know that. It makes no sense for him not to, he’s the only friend he has left.
I figure by Prisoner of Azkaban, James has had enough of Dumbledore’s nonsense and reveals himself to Harry—it would be pretty dang poetic if it’s during the first patronus scene, and it IS actually him casting it from across the lake. How would Harry react to finding out he’s been alive this whole time? Idk, it would be complicated, but man I’m getting emotional just thinking about it.
Also, while it does make sense that Dumbledore wouldn’t want James to use his original wand, I know it makes the most sense for James to have acquired a spare one somewhere—but the concept of James Potter with a Glock hit me over the head with a broom, and I’d love to somehow finagle it into making sense because can you imagine? Someone in the HP universe with a gun?? The comedic potential???
A dementor: *appears*
Harry and Sirius: “EXPECTO—“
James: *shoots it in the face*
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akkpipitphattana · 2 months
been thinking a lot about the whole “you’ll find your people” thing and god is it sooo true. i spent so long in high school stuck in a friend group that made me feel singled out and like the butt of every joke, that would make fun of me for my insecurities and made fun of me behind my back and i really thought that was all i was ever gonna have. but now i have a group of friends that i made in college that always make me feel good and make me laugh and yeah my anxiety can still get the best of me but at the end of the day i know they love me and want me around, that they genuinely care for me and have fun with me. it may feel hopeless at times, but you will find your people and it will be so worth it when you do.
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rhymaes · 3 months
OKAY SAD POSTING OVER! sry to be negative af wtf so good news dump ! saw bestie for a long weekend, got drinks with friends in their city's small town and met strangers who were so NICE and not creepy, a v nice lady gave me a personal tip of $20 bc she remembers me everytime i take her order (which made me nearly cry!! wtf!!), my working out nearly every day while listening to my audio books is showing up & paying off & i feel sm better physically and mentally, & oh i got into a phd program <3 i'll know by April 15th (death day still huh) if my funding package will come through & if so, i will be a phd candidate for poetry & teaching actual classes for the first time ever & im . so fucking excited
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5ducksinatrenchcoat · 10 months
school kinda sucks, not even gonna lie
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xxxantanddeccerxxx · 6 months
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