#When apparently she never found anyone close to a B-Rank
blastthechaos · 1 year
Naeceles is hilarious to me because you can tell Makoto doesn't buy into any of the nonsense Celeste is spewing most of the time, not because he is stupid but she says such inane stuff and seems like she lives in her own little fantasy world that he goes "Ok yeah sure" to everything she says.
But she has such a passion for it that he can't help it and try to help her achieve it.
"Yes, your real name is Celestia Ludenberg, yes you're from French and German descent, yes all those stories you tell me are true, oh you want me to become your knight so I can spend the rest of my life with you in a European Castle with Butlers/bodyguards dressed as vampires? Sure, why the hell not? Anything for you honey"
Meanwhile Celeste is down bad for Makoto.
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athys-obelia · 4 years
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summary: no one's evil au lmfaooo but make it pt. 2
character/s: anastacius de alger obelia, claude de alger obelia, athanasia de alger obelia, jennette de alger obelia
and here's part 1 <3
oh my god okay. okay. so.
ana, claude, athy and jennette - they go on a LOT of vacations
claude complains every single time but anastacius pulls his trump card and sends athy and jettie BOTH after him
u think he's strong enough to say no after that? lmao jokes
and their vacations always go this way:
jennette: isn't this scenery just gorgeous, uncle
claude: indeed it is. and...quiet
jennette: ...too quiet
[cut to anastacius in the distance, fighting a bear as athy cheers him on]
athy + anastacius, hands down the most chaotic pairing yes i will not be taking criticism
they have tea in ana's palace everyday, just the two of them, they're so poised and picture perfect through the entire thing everyone thinks it's just the emperor giving profound advice to his heir
it's actually them deadass scheming,,, ana has no qualms discussing everything from court gossip to military tactics, both of which she's so on top of all the time
if anyone shit talks jennette or claude, this tea party is where their slow and agonizing demise is planned out to the dot
[true story - count sivan once made the fatal mistake of expressing his favour for athy as the next empress, dissing jennette by comparing her to athy sm which inevitably sparked a debate that ranked the princesses. a week after athy's sources informed her of the kindling behind this new debate, the count's sudden divorce became the talk of the town, and the man's business faced bankruptcy all of a sudden. the sivans still haven't recovered.)
athy n jennette were actually allowed to visit kiel in arlanta a few times, except it was too dark at their first arrival, postponing the meeting to the next morning
buttt then jettie can't sleep and she decides on a midnight snack run (their hotel doesn't really have the maids the palace does, but oh well. she's left the palace w lucas n athy plenty of times)
felix tags along btw, he knows this trip is important to the girls since they're leaving the palace without their Overprotective Papas™ for the first time and want some sense of independence, but... she's just so smol n he couldn't bear it if anything happens so he just shadows her
she totally knows he's there
n e ways so there's a juice place right beside their hotel which she aims for, but when jennette reaches it, it's closed
and out of nowhere, a voice addresses her - "hey you, do you come here a lot?" she nearly jumps out of her skin at the brunette, relaxing when she sees he's literally a kid around her age and not a murderer lmfaoo "me neither," he continues without waiting for her, pouting at the closed sign, before he asks for her name and whether she's new in arlanta
she confirms that yes, she's only visiting, and refuses to tell the stranger her name, still feeling strange at being addressed as 'you' for the first time (well, minus lucas, but he was like her brother and had the emotional capacity of a teaspoon, so)
he eyes her. "you're so weird. i've never seen a girl out so late before, and alone too. are you stupid?"
(felix has his sword out at this point)
she's flushing now and has no idea why she's still out here, but then this stranger kid apparently senses her mood and tells her the best ice cream store in arlanta is not too far away
(he also explains he knows someone who's starts doing weird things when she's hungry as well, and tries to defend that ice cream is actually a healthy midnight snack, "you can just take a healthy flavour like strawberry or mango, mangos are healthy,,right"💀️💀)
so jettie has travelled all the way from obelia, she loves her papa but he would have a heart attack if he found out she was ever awake this late?? yeah bc she's never getting this chance again, jennette accepts the offer
the stranger boy seems to be taking the whole "i'm not telling you my name," thing like a joke, and asks what he should call her since 'you' was getting boring
she goes with "lady j" and like a knight, the boy becomes "sir c"
(felix is on the verge of committing a crime - the princesses can only have one knight, after all)
they walk as the the boy navigates the streets in the dark, and she asks whether he's from the academy, seeing his uniform
"of course i am! you could probably tell bc i look so smart, right?"
she snorts. "yeah, that."
she also comes to know that this guy,,,well he might as well be a tourist? she's out here asking stuff like "oh where's the statue of lady alphia?" or "aren't we really close to the museum where they keep the first emperor's sword?" and he goes "lady do i look like your brochure?? but if you turn right from here there's a cool arcade and across the street from there is the best street food vendor you'll ever eat from."
well at least mans had his priorities straight 😌
"so can you take this off?" he asks, pointing towards her dress once they've neared the store
um???????? sir tf????????????
anyways jettie has been living with lucas n her dad farr too long to not take this the wrong way?? "...no?"
the boy raises an eyebrow "look, it looks like an expensive cloak but i promise i'll return it, alright? i gotta hide my uniform."
ohhhhhhh. 😳.
so she unfastens the cloak and because he's kinda just staring at it cluelessly (he can't even tie his shoelaces fight me), jennette sighs and moves the clothing over his shoulder, fastening it in place at his neck
he's literally a tomato when she looks back up and realises that yes, we are way too close rn
bc she's ana's daughter, jennette by default cannot function when she's flustered. so she kinda stumbles backwards like a fish out of water (years of princess training n etiquette? where art thou??) and 'sir c' has to grab her forearm so she doesn't bump into the pillar behind her smfh
the shopkeep is definitely suspicious of this pair that's definitely too young to be out so late, but chalks it down to his sleeplessness
they escape the store with the ice cream before the shopkeep can ask any questions, and 'sir c' escorts jennette back to her hotel. he climbs onto the roof of the building, helping her up as well
(felix wishes he had a magic stone to capture this moment, this is the first time he's seen jennette become such fast friends with someone)
she stands on the roof (it hurts her butt so she doesn't wanna sit)
"my sister would be so jealous right now," jennette murmurs, "she told me her ideal first date would be either a picnic or something like a moonlit walk. we're having like a moonlit picnic."
it's silent for a few seconds the boy speaks up, "is this a date?"
"i mean- i didn't- i don't- uh."
give her some time lmfao she's loading
"i don't really mind that," he tells her, and she thinks she might just walk off the roof in her embarrassment - who just says something like that?? "you're probably feeling really lucky right now, right?"
jennette: ✊😔
he does look pretty in the moonlight, she admits to herself, listening as he excitedly tells her about his siblings at home and how she should send an offering to the gods since they gave her the good fortune to be on a date with the most good looking one of all four of them
in turn, she tells him about how she spent her childhood away from her amazing dad and had gotten closer to him recently, about her sharp-witted uncle, her sister and friends
(the 'friends' section includes felix and he's melting)
she smiles - it's almost as if, at finding out he treasures his family just as much as she does, they've gotten a bit closer
and he tries to listen. jennette had guessed that his temperament was somewhat like her dad's - her dad didn't know how to listen, always making his opinion known before anything else, though she supposes as emperor he could do that
'sir c', on the other hand, tried his best, his blue eyes focused on her as he almost burst from the unsaid words he was holding back, trying to let her finish. the sight was an odd mix of sad and insanely adorable that she couldn't help but let him tell her about everything he couldn't hold in
sensing she could pass out from her exhaustion nearly half an hour later, and 'sir c' escorts her to her window and helps her sneak in bc "what sort of knight would i be otherwise?!"
(felix can't stop shaking the entire night)
the next morning, jennette's heart is pounding as kiel shows her, athy and felix across campus - the chance is low, but still...
"ezekiel!" comes a voice, and the four watch as a turquoise haired boy waves down the alpheus heir "are these the guests you mentioned?"
kiel introduces the trio to johannes vastia before asking, "where's cabel?"
"at the training grounds, he asked if you could bring everyone there so he could show them around there."
"... they're my guests though?"
athy is quick to befriend johannes (i mean she and his sister are practically the same person, so) and at the grounds, jennette's blood runs cold
(so does felix's)
the brunette doesn't notice her at first, arguing with johannes about something as kiel introduces him as cabel ernst
jennette is hyperventilating?? actually back up is this girl even breathing??
cabel ernst from kiel's letters? the 'loud and obnoxious cabel ernst', who gradually turned into 'my acquaintance cabel ernst', then 'hardworking, passionate cabel ernst', and finally 'my friend cabel'?
she'd actually rather admired this slow build of respect between her friend and the ernst boy, and had even expressed her interest to meet him
"this is the first daughter of his highness prince claude de alger obelia, princess athanasia-" cabel mock salutes the princess before his mouth forms an 'o' and he remembers to bow, "-and here's the emperor's only daughter, her highness princess je-"
andddd his eyes widen comically "-hey, lady, it's you?"
yeah jettie is on the brink of literal death - her entire face reddens as this...cabel, grins at her
she watches as he glances behind her, "and you're the guy who was following us - sup?"
felix flinches "...you knew...?"
cabel shrugs. "i mean you do kinda suck ass at the whole subtle thing."
"don't say it like that," jennette retorts, "felix was trying his best."
"princess 😭😭 you knew as well?"
"uhhhh no?"
athy + kiel in a corner: 👁️👄👁️
they watch as cabel's eyes widen all of a sudden and he just,,,runs away
yeah well anyway he comes rushing back a few minutes later, a piece of cloth in his hand "...*huff* here *huff*...you go."
athy totally flips out "jennette is that your CLOAK???!??"
"uhhhhh no?"
"um do you realise uncle would literally wage war at this."
and as if it would make everything better,
"i washed it," cabel offers with a grin
"you didn't," the vastia heir deadpans
"i mean, johan helped a little bit."
kiel smiles murderously at the pair. "johan, did you know cabel took the princess out?"
"wait, you're a PRINCESS??"
your honour they aren't very smart
so the group orders some coffee (milk for cabel smfh) to find out what happened, cabel mentions "date" and everything goes to shit again lmfao
kiel and felix scheme against poor cabel while athy n johan get over that stage pretty quick ("listen. MY sister will be living with ME after the marriage and if your friend wants to be with her he'll have to come with us to obelia." and johan's just like "fine by me ✌️😊") and start planning the wedding
cabel + jennette dip n sneak out of the academy again to get the juice they couldn't the night before bc shit is getting awkward here
on another note, our uncle cius' musical intelligence is actually very high - he can probably play more instruments than i can name tbh, but he feels most comfortable singing and i shit you not, this man has straight up an angel's voice
(didn't like singing in front of others coz he was secretly a nerd and only knew old love songs with deep lyrics, athy found out and educated him)
jennette tends to have nightmares often, most often regarding their family - she's seen her father murder her uncle for the throne, and vice versa, athy admitting her affections towards jennette were a front to get the position of crown princess, her uncle killing her to solidify athy's claim, etc - her family is her everything, so despite however many times these horrible scenes play before her, she's left sobbing uncontrollably
and on these nights, she leaves for her father's room, who holds her close and sings her to sleep
also lucas n jennette are like sibling duo# 1,,, jettie is an active lucathy shipper even though he denies it sm - like their dynamic is just peaceful walks in the gardens as she watches the plants n lucas shi talks the nobility and kiel
claude and athy have a thing for each other's sleeping on each other? idk it's weird
athy once fell asleep on the couch while reading with him, and claude moved her head onto his lap so she wouldn't be uncomfy sitting - well, she woke up to his hand absentmindedly raking through her hair and it was just so soothing that whenever she's tired and he's working or reading, she just plops her head on his lap and zzzz
and claude wondered what was up with that, so she proposed they switch roles and he felt so awkward trying to lay down in front of her lmao
obviously athy noticed and she just started reading, thinking he might be more comfortable if her attention isn't on him completely - she ended up reading out loud while playing with his collar and he just,,,passed out
also anastacius has definitely pulled jennette aside regarding the issue of his heir at some point - she had been hesitant at first before admitting she wouldn't like to be the empress at all
i know we'd all love to see empress!jettie and her sister duchess!athy ruling the court, but i really really really can't see her wanting the title?
so thus start athy's empress lessons, but holy shit her teacher is mean
like this man makes me want to bash his face in?? so he doesn't like the idea of athy becoming empress over jennette at all, all bc of both hers and claude's mothers being commoners
he has one of those long ass sticks that you use in presentation to point at stuff?? idk but basically mans has athy name every region, its lords and their vassals during their first lesson
the first time she gets one wrong, she's too shocked as the stick meets the delicate skin of her forearm to react
now the thing is, wmmap!athy would probably stand up against this bc her dad is the emperor and she's his only heir, but i imagine with anastacius' social nature he holds many parties / balls where she's probably heard claude's mom + diana slander and it wouldn't be unreasonable for her to be self conscious abt it (now she's the emperor's heir while jennette, 100% royal + noble blood, is right there which probably makes her feel even less legitimate)
so she endures it, the light marks on her arms as well as the taunts of his she's too smart to not understand - perhaps this is the price to be accepted in jennette's place?
and honestly, no one really notices until at breakfast a few weeks in, where jennette mentions how her dresses are still so modest when sleeveless dresses were more in fashion - ana is suspicious because athy is always on top of these things, societal trends and such, and claude is sus from the way she hesitates slightly in her answer, "i haven't had the time lately, i suppose"
the lesson after focuses on ettiquete since everyone knows she's good at politics and such already, but now tears of frustration are pooling in her eyes because what the hell?? this guy had made an opinion of her long before he even met her, so anything she did would be wrong in his eyes
he gives her a sinister smile, "tired, princess?"
"no," she insists, keeping her voice level. he's about to spout some other nonsense, when anastacius enters the room, taking a seat across from her
anastacius watches quietly as athy answers the teacher's questions in her "public" voice. he watches as her usually cheery disposition is replaced by something far more...dead, despite the front she puts on for him. he's soundless as she hesitates in her answers where she normally would've been louder, more confident. he stops watching in silence when his niece flinches at the sight of the stick
he interrupts her lesson, not missing the way she winces almost imperceptibly when he grabs ahold of her arm, announcing, "we're going."
he just- it's just that that was the moment he knew for sure - the sight of his niece emotionally disheveled for the first time reminds him too much of how his own brother had once been, and he'd... he'd promised he wouldn't let anyone hurt his family anymore
he ends up taking her to the port with some of his advisors to welcome some royal guests, insisting that she would learn better from experience rather than books - but the guest delegation gets so boring that he sneaks her out of the meeting n they end up in the streets
now athy has no idea where they are, but apparently her uncle does?? ana has his hand on her head as he navigates the streets of the capitol as if he comes here everyday, using magic to casually disguise the two of them
in the meantime?
felix is at the port trying to cover for them smfh, he makes up this huge story about how the great wise emperor wanted to familiarize his heir with the locals, understand her subjects, yada yada
back at the palace prince claude is currently dragging a man by his collar and only upon jennette's insistence does he throw him in prison rather than literally kill him
(jettie visits him later in prison to give the guy a piece of her mind, after felix's visit he's sporting a few noticable bruises and the prisoner is practically unrecognizable once lucas visits)
back to athy + ana, they end up stuffing themselves with some super good street food as anastacius confesses that yes, he has definitely been sneaking out of the palace ever since he was a lil kid
athy almost mentions that she, lucas n jettie sneak out too but that might give him a heart attack, so
"it's so pretty, uncle cius," she says, gesturing towards the necklace he holds up. once he's paid for it, anastacius fists the necklace, opening it to reveal the jewel pendant - now imbued with his magic and replaced with gold lettering of the word athanasia
and she realises that yes, that's what both him and her dad have called her all her life, haven't they?
"you're my heir, athanasia," he uncle tells her with a small smile, "i am proud of that."
getting teary, she tells him, "i'm really proud of you too, uncle cius," triggering a very flustered + blushy anastacius
this mans craves validation - not from the sycophantic nobility, or the obsequious concubines he'd dismissed all those years ago, but from the family he thought he'd neither have nor deserve
and just the acknowledgement is so large for athy - he wants her as his heir, not because she's his niece, but bc he trusts her to look after his hard work after him??? - yeah she's totally bawling her eyes out
anastacius magics her a handkerchief but my mans magic isn't that strong?? lmao he's used up so much by now that the 'handkerchief' turns out to be some scratchy tissues
awkward amirite
nope! athy laughs at that, offering him a sip of her drink as she magics another straw and a proper handkerchief lmfaoo
n e ways so when they return, everyone's shocked to learn that the crown heir, princess athanasia will actually be joining the official circles as anastacius' temporary aid - he doesn't wanna entrust her to anyone but family, and decides that the best way to learn is by his side
(she's so confused bc lucas doesn't normally bat an eyelash when she wears the prettiest gowns, but he deadass can't look her in the eyes when she's in her aid uniform - it's more like a suit than it is a dress)
yes lucas women in suits >>>>>
everyone is STUNNED when at dinner, claude proposes they leave on vacation??
anastacius is just not having it?? like no, this is not my brother, and he throws a grape at claude to check if it's a clone or sum (¿¿how does that work??)
anyays so he ain't no felix, ana's aim is ass and it hits jettie instead
mans nearly gets on his knees to apologise
long story short everyone preps for vacation, but by some aCCiDeNt claude n athy end up at a different destination than jettie n ana, when she suggests returning to the palace to regroup, mans deadass sulks
"so you wouldn't like to spend this time with your father, despite barely visiting my office for weeks?"
so at their return, the nobility starts pestering everyone that the princesses aren't independent enough, yada yada idc so to quell this annoyance, to the girls' joy, they get to move into emerald palace together, while claude and ana stay in the ruby and main palaces respectively
literally emerald palace becomes such a cool place to be in since it's the residence of the only decent people in this family, the brothers spend hours going through the requests of maids who want to be transferred
it's such a busy time because of athy joining the court and jettie starting her studies as well - naturally, since she isn't becoming empress, she'll be getting the duchy claude + athy were to be given in the beginning
speaking of futures, jettie's interest in plants and cooking has definitely branched out into herbs
claude notices her tending to a small garden during his visit to athy and even gives her a few tips (he had been studying medical since he was a kid, and picked it up again when athy was born and the empire stablised somewhat)
this soon becomes a routinely thing, and he actually starts reading up on some herbs and even orders a few for her prospering garden
after a month of her learning from books, claude proposes adding a medic as one of her teachers, and turns out his hunch was right?? she's excelling at medicine and they keep it between themselves for the time being
it doesn't last long though, bc they're on a hunting trip when ana injures his leg
and !! this girl istg, she gets to cleaning and wrapping the wound without blinking an eye, as if it's the most natural thing ever, and claude is just smirking while athy and anastacius and literally everyone else: 🌟💞✨jettie✨💞🌟
literal tears coming out of anastacius' eyes "how come my daughter is smarter than me😭💅"
claude: that's not a very high standard, brother
anastacius: ✨suddenly i'm an only child✨
behold, the people in charge of running an empire everyone 👏👏👏
even though jennette is claude's (unofficial) student and athy is her uncle's heir, they both ask their dads to the debutante
yes athy does dance with lucas, anastacius sent him an invitation even though he wasn't a noble (he's an active match maker 😌) and nobody dared question the emperor's special guest
at the end of the night, kiel gives jettie a letter from arlanta - it's an invitation to the academy during holidays, from a certain brunette
when she brings up the subject, felix lets out a squeak and literally everyone goes silent 😭😭
athy n kiel are just out here DARING him to spill them beans
but anastacius takes on look at his excited lil kid and decides that yups, she's going to get everything she wants
a/n: i literally don't know how many parts this should have lmaoo but y'all made it this far!! thanks for reading i hope you liked it<3
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obxfishon · 4 years
Chasing Waterfalls
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(this gif has my heart (LOOK AT THAT SMILE), creds to the creator)
JJ x Reader
Description: Emotions flow like the water in the waterfall.
Prompts: “I wish I had a boyfriend.” “so what do you look for in a guy?” “real stuff, like the shape of his ass” “So, I found this waterfall…”
Word Count: 1.9k (I’m slacking sry)
“BYE MOM I’LL BE HOME TOMORROW!” You scream as you run from the house.
John B’s was pretty close, and you were about to make today unforgettable. The crew had been down in the dumps thinking that there wasn’t anything new for them to do, it was just the same old same old, but you found something at work yesterday.
You work at the country club with JJ, you both applied together a few summers ago when it was becoming apparent that you needed money to go on all the adventures.
While bussing a table yesterday, the girls behind you were talking about this amazing hike that led to a waterfall that had water deep enough that you could jump off into it. You read the name from their tab and searched for her instagram, sure enough she was public and posted the pictures from the hike with a location tag.
Saving the location you texted the Pogues to meet at John B’s tomorrow with food, proper shoes and a bathing suit. You didn’t want to give too much away but they needed to be at least a little prepared for what you had planned.
Racing onto the property you see that you are the last one to arrive, the rest all sitting on the porch trying to figure out what you have planned.
“Are you all ready to have the best day of your life?” You questioned as you jumped onto the porch with them.
“C’mon (Y/n), just spill, what do you have planned?” Kie asks, excitement evident in her voice.
“So, I found this waterfall, well I actually heard about it at work yesterday, but then I found the location and we’re gonna spend the day there!” You explain, watching the smiles grow on everyone’s faces.
“It’s about an hour and a half drive, but I think it’ll be so worth it!” You finish, slightly jumping up and down.
Everyone smiled and nodded and started packing everything that would be needed for the trip.
“(Y/n),” JJ squeezed you into a tight hug and spun you in a circle, “you have saved us all from extreme boredom, so, you’ve been moved up in the rankings and have become my favorite person, John B you’re now in second.”
“HEY! I thought I was forever at first?!” John B yelled from the van.
“Well I haven’t heard you offering any fun ideas, but you do house me and drive me places, just be happy you're still towards the top.” JJ remarked and grabbed the last load of things to bring to the van, throwing a wink your way.
You met JJ and the rest of the group when you moved here a few years back, your mom ran a convenience store that kept you afloat for the most part, getting a job at the county club helped you guys have a little extra cash after the bills were paid.
You clicked with the group better than anyone thought possible, together you all formed a family and there was nothing that could wedge between you all.
The drive was full of awful karaoke and dances between all of you. The energy was unmatchable, everyone just letting go of the stresses of home.
Quicker than expected you all arrived and gathered the necessary belongings into backpacks before setting off on the small hike to where the waterfall was waiting.
It was a hot day and this seemed to be a popular spot to come so there were quite a few other people when you came over the final hill and laid eyes on the waterfall.
It was beautiful, the water fell perfectly and the water was a crystal blue, speckled with a few other people enjoying the cool water.
The group set up towels and the rest of the stuff in a sunny spot before heading for the ledge that people were jumping off. Kie wasted no time in running to the ledge and jumping off, letting out a yell of pure joy as her feet left the ground, she resurfaces with the biggest smile on her face, calling for the rest of you to follow.
John B, Sarah, and Pope followed, but you hesitated due to the nerves that came out of nowhere, JJ picked up on this.
“M’lady,” JJ held out a hand, offering a little extra confidence with it, that you took before both running to the end and jumping off, not letting go of him until you had to in order to swim back to the surface.
Everyone was swimming and throwing water on eachother, occasionally getting out to jump back in again moments later.
After a good amount of time it was decided to get out and take a little snack and rest break, so the group moved to the towels and relaxed in the warm sun.
Looking out to the water again you watch as a couple clung to each other as they floated around the water, just based on the way they looked at each other you could tell they were in love. Without thinking you opened your mouth.
“Ugh, I wish I had a boyfriend,” eyes slightly widening when it came out of your mouth, but you shrugged it off, everyone wished that… right?
“You know, (y/n), I don’t think I’ve ever even known you to date, have you?” Sarah moved her head up to look at you, as well as the rest of the group now.
“Nope, it’s hard to find someone who can handle me,” you smirked.
It was true, you hadn’t really dated before, sure you had crushes and had been in that weird talking stage before, but nothing ever became official.
You were a very strong willed girl, you knew what you wanted and how you wanted to be treated, and some people just seemed to be turned off or scared of that.
You also currently had a crush so deep that it didn’t really let you see anyone else as an option. As soon as you met JJ it was hard to ignore the butterflies that came every time he brushed your shoulder or smiled so big that it reached his eyes, just the small things.
“What do you even look for in a guy?” Kie propped her head up on her hands.
“Oh you know, real stuff, like the shape of his ass.” You smirked again and looked back at the group to see them all rolling their eyes and scoffing.
“Okay but really, what would it take to sweep you off your feet?” This time John B pushed.
Realizing you weren’t gonna be able to joke your way out of this you shrugged your shoulders.
“I mean, I don’t know. I want someone strong willed like myself, someone who really cares, would be willing to drop anything in order to help someone,” sighing you continue, “he needs to be a good listener, willing to pay attention to the little things. He needs to be able to make me laugh, that’s a big one. Oh! And someone who is giving, not like buying me things, I don’t need that, but someone who is willing to give me their time and is willing to work on things together.” You nodded your head and looked at them all, just staring back at you.
“You want someone the opposite of what your dad was.” JJ locked eyes with you and you felt your smile falter a bit.
“Yeah... yeah I guess.”
Your dad was awful to your mother, always told her that he could have done better, just rude and uncaring. When you were 12 your mother caught him cheating. She packed the two of you up and you left, she didn’t have a destination in mind, just drove until she ran out of land, literally. The two of you happened to stop at a gas station by the ferry and saw a listing for the small house that you two lived in now. She paid for a hotel for the week, got things in order to buy it, and set divorce papers to your father all in that week.
After that you two had started thriving in this new house, just you and her. Of course the divorce got messy, but he gave up custody of you without a fight, so after a year the divorce was final and you and your mother never spoke of him again.
“I learned from my mother what it means to be a strong woman, she taught me what it means to love someone, how to find the attributes of that love in someone else. She also taught me about where she went wrong, I know what traits can quickly turn toxic so when I see that in someone I keep my distance.” You are looking at the ground trying to hold back the tears.
Feeling an awkward silence you stood and plastered a fake smile on.
“I don’t know about y’all but I’ve had enough rest, I’m gonna go jump in again.” Nodding you turned and quickly walked to the other side of the water where the ledge was, where you were slightly hidden from the others.
Taking a deep breath you closed your eyes and just tried to forget about the memories that we’re trying to break through, this was supposed to be a fun day, so dammit you were gonna be happy.
“Hey, (y/n), are you okay?”
Your eyes shoot open to see JJ staring back into your own.
“Uh,” you plastered the smile back on, “yeah, yeah I’m fine!”
“Bullshit,” JJ pushes your hair behind your ear and then takes you into his arms, holding you in a tight embrace, “I’m sorry I brought up your dad, I know it’s a touchy subject, I wasn’t thinking, trust me of all people in our group I understand not wanting to talking about your dad, but you know I’m here for you no matter what.”
He felt a sob shake your body in his arms and held you closer, rubbing small circles on your back, then pulling away from you to wipe your tears.
“(Y/n), I’ll give you my time, my attention, shit, I’d give my life for you,” JJ looked down at his feet then met your eyes with his own, “I hate to see you in pain, let me make you happy, okay?” He smiled at you and you felt a smile grow in your own face, nodding as he wiped the rest of your tears from your cheeks.
He pressed a short kiss to your forehead and grabbed your hand as you two walked towards the original destination.
“You know, as far as the qualities you look for in a guy, I do have to say, I DO have the best ass around,” he looked at you, causing a short giggle.
“Eh I dunno, could use some work.” You tried to hide your smile as you passed him, your hand reaching out slapping his butt as you sprinted for the ledge, hoping he wouldn’t be able to catch you.
He caught up to you at the very end, grabbing your waist before you both launched off the cliff.
After landing in the water he kept his hold on you, you both just floated together, you head resting back on his shoulder.
Maybe he would be the first boy that passed your test, the one to finally break down your walls.
Only time would tell.
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burning-omen · 4 years
Breaking the Rules Part 1
Peter Parker x Male!Mob boss!reader
Part 2
Summary:  After giving up hero work in 2025 Peter Parker had to find a new line of work. Now, after working with the mob 4 years he gets recognized. Not that he was actively seeking it out, it sorta just happened. Now he has to make a decision, does he want to climb the rankings and work with his boss or does he want to stick to being an unknown associate and stay at the bottom...
Warning: Murder mentioned, a little kidnapping
Word count: 3736
Not a day in his life did Peter think he’d actually miss hero work. He didn’t really care for saving people anymore. No, he gave up on that dream. Instead, he decided to do low level, but high paying, mob work. While it did go against his morals, he was poor and needed money. And you can’t make money from being a vigilante. 
Despite the eternal moral conflict this caused him, he still continued doing it. What was ‘it’? Well, It was mostly money laundering, debt collection and maybe, on an extremely bad day, a little bit of extreme bodily harm.
While the things he did, did haunt his dreams and cause night terrors.(Which caused Mary-Jane, not Michelle Jones she comes in later, to break up with him.) An unfortunate event which throws him even deeper into his work. 
His excessive workforce had made him a valuable associate. His superhuman abilities always made it easy from jobs to get done much faster than normal. 
You only noticed him after a rather small spike in money. It was unexpected, seeing as your last deal was made over a month ago. So a sudden spike, even a small one was confusing. 
After looking through a few files, a few being about 100, you found a very consistent name. Peter Parker. He’d been mentioned to you before but never in great detail. And now he was bringing in piles of money. It may not have been an extremely large amount but money was money. And for someone that was on the lowest level that you could be, he worked hard. 
You wanted to know more about him, not for any real or dire cause, you just wanted something to do in between deals. And he seemed to be the perfect thing for you to cast your interest on. 
Sending out Richard, your bodyguard, and two other associates that you hadn’t bothered to learn the name of was, what you thought, would be your best bet at bringing him in. But when only Richard and one of the associates return, telling you that they'd gotten their asses kicked and that Jimmy, the other associate had dropped dead in an alley on their way but that was proved to be untrue.
The other associate and, unfortunately, Richard seem to have magically showed up in a dumpster with their tongues cut out a few hours later. Can’t have either of them telling anyone about your new found interest in Peter. It’d make other low level associates think they’d have any kind of chance.
So, after a week of getting(now dead) people to stalk Peter and report back to you, you decided that now was the time to confront your latest fascination. His fighting skills and apparent superhuman abilities wouldn’t be a problem seeing as you were a mutant yourself. But that wasn’t common knowledge, not even in your closest circle of “friends”
You watched him from your black, completely unmarked car. It was rare that you drove but you rather not have someone else with you. 
He walked down the street in a sort of timid fashion. Checking each corner before turning it, speeding up when having to cross dark alleys. Soon he reached a large, dingy apartment complex. Quickly he climbed up the fire escape stairway and into a window on the seventh floor.
You parked your car in the extremely dark alley next to the apartment and made your way to the front entrance. There was a keypad that unlocked the door but the passcode was relatively easy to figure out seeing as 4, 5 and 0 were the only numbers that had no paint. You guessed it on your second try.
As soon as you entered you b-lined to the elevator, where an older woman stood, trying to hold all of her groceries together but struggling with the bags. 
Now, you may be a money laundering, murderous gambler but you weren’t an asshole.
You walked over to the woman, who was just barely holding her groceries together.
“Would you like some help?” 
It felt strange. The soft tone in your voice that hadn’t been used in years. You were so used to being mean and rough that showing this sort of basic kindness seemed foreign to you.
The woman turned around and smiled thankfully. “Please.”
You smiled back at her and grabbed the majority of the bags.
“Oh thank you, a nice young man usually helps me but I haven’t been able to find him..” she said, reaching for the elevator button.
“Which floor are you heading to?” You said as you stepped into the elevator behind her.
“The seventh floor, what about you?”
“What a coincidence, I was also heading there.”
She turned to you with a surprised look on her face.
“Really? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here before.”
“Just visiting a friend.”
As you said, the elevator dinged and the door slid open.
“My apartment is just down here.”
She led you down a long hallway then to a crappily painted wooden door. 
You helped her bring the groceries inside, she thanked you and just before she closed the door you asked.
“Do you happen to know where Peter Parker is? He’s my friend but his apartment number has completely escaped my mind..”
She brightened up at the mention of Peter.
“Oh Peter, such a sweet man. He lives in 713, right down the hall.”
“Alright, thank you.”
You walked down the hallway, reading every number on the doors.
Here he was. Of course you could have just looked up where he lived but that could have been traced. And you decided not to leave any sort of footprints that would have led anyone to him.
You knocked on the wood slowly. Soon, you heard footsteps rushing to the door. A second later it swung open.
Oh, he’s so much more...nice looking when you are this close to him.
It was clear that he didn’t recognize you. Why would he? He’s just a low level associate, hardly even a member of the mob so of course he didn’t know you. But the concern in his face was clear, despite his futile attempts at masking it.
“H-hi..” he stuttered out.
Great going Parker, let the strange man in front of you know how intimidating he was.
“Peter Parker, it's nice to finally meet you.”
Peter looked up at you(yes up, always expect the reader to be tall.), the confusion and fear in his face evident.
“Who are you?” He asked in a shaky voice.
“That’s not important right now, what is important is that you are coming with me.”
The piece finally clicked in his head that you were somehow connected to the three men that had come a few days ago.
He tried to slam the door but it hardly moved and inch when you pushed your hand against it. You could feel how hard he tried, if he didn’t stop he’d break the door.
Once the realization of ‘oh shit he’s strong’ hit he panicked. Scrambling away as fast as he could. Only to trip over himself and nearly hit his head on the coffee table.
He stood up, but before he could get any farther he was pinned against the wall with both hands held above his head. He pushed against your hands but you didn’t budge.
Peter panicked, his strength is what normally got him out of situations like this. But he never expected for this to happen with someone stronger than him.
“Will you calm down, I only want to talk.”
Peter gulped and nodded, attempting and primarily failing to calm himself.
“Listen, your recent work has caught my attention and so has your impressive fighting abilities. Not the ones you showed me tonight, no. It's clear that you're exhausted. What I’m talking about is how you kicked an employee of mine once and he died a few minutes later..”
Without even attempting to process the fact that he’d drop kicked somebody to death, he attempted to whimper out, “I’m sorry-“ but was cut off by you.
“I’m not here to take an apology from you. What I need is for you to come with me.”
The panic in his face became clearer and clearer as he tried to somehow pull himself away from you.
“Stop struggling, it's only going to make this more difficult..”
He shook his head and tried to twist his hands out of yours. He failed but that didn’t stop him from trying to kick you away.
He landed a few good kicks, which really only succeeded in leaving dirty footprints on your pants and pissing you off.
“Will you stop already, this isn’t doing anything..”
“Let me go!” He shouted, still kicking and squirming.
“I’ll let you go if you calm the fuck down!”
He stopped for a moment and stared at you.
“Yes, really. Now will you stop. I only wanted to talk, just not in such an exposed area.”
You only wanted to talk. The words did calm Peter down a bit, but the thought that you could be lying kept him on edge.
Peter stopped fighting against your hands, letting his arms go limp, the only thing still holding him up there was you. He tried to even out his breath as much as he could, staring into your eyes he’d finally relaxed.
“Fucking finally. I’m going to let go now. Promise you’ll behave.”
“I-I promise..”
“Good,” you said, finally letting him go.
You both stood there for a moment, both making sure that the other wouldn’t make any moves.
After a few seconds you sighed. Standing there staring at each other wasn’t going to do much but piss you off even more.
“Alright, let’s go.” 
You turned around and walked out the front door. Peter followed after you, nearly tripping again as he caught up with you.
“So what did you want to talk about?”
“I’ll tell you about it when we get there.”
“‘There’? Where are we going?”
“My office, it isn’t too far from here..”
By the time the two of you had gotten to your car Peter had a million questions. Most of them along the lines of ‘who is this and where is he taking me?’
You made Peter sit in the back, you’d rather not have the risk of him jumping out of the car and the child safety locks in the back seat doors prevented that. About 5 minutes into the drive Peter began to realize how similar the drive to your office and the way he walked to ‘work’ were.
“So, um, where is your office?”
“You’ll see...”
There really was no point to keeping it a secret but the look in Peter's face when he realized where he was was worth it.
“Wait, I-“
“-Work here? Yes I know. Now let’s go.”
You got out and opened the door for him to get out too. He still had the most confused and nervous look on his face.
Walking past the giant room where most associates where assigned things to do for the day he saw the people he’d worked with and the people that told him to never go up the flight of stairs that you were currently dragging him up. Up there was different from the rest of the building. It was nicer and more expensive looking. It’s where the higher up people got their ‘assignments’. He was told very specifically and graphically what happens to low level associates who went up there. And now here he was, standing at the top of the stairs as you dragged him farther onto the second floor. 
Then you took him to the third floor, and then the fourth. Peter never heard much about anything above the second floor, just that only four people were allowed on the fifth. Apparently you were one of those four people because the heavily armed guards didn’t bat an eye when you went up with him behind you.
The fifth floor was completely empty but decorated just as the three floors below were.
“Not many people get to see this, so consider yourself lucky.”
Peter, whose mind was running a million miles per second in a confused jumble of ‘what the fuck is going on, didn’t give a legible response. Only a jumble of confused sounds.
You laughed at him, then grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him along.
“Let’s go, my office is on the next floor.”
Now Peter's head was spinning because he’s pretty damn sure that there were only 5 floors in this building. But he stood corrected as they came upon another, shorter flight of stairs.
This floor was different. It was still decorated with expensive looking items but unlike the floors below it looked like the color had been drained out of it. It was filled with slick black and silver.. well, everything. There was hardly any color in the room other than the white curtains that hung up on the window.
Peter didn’t get much time to look around as you pulled him into a large office and pushed him into a chair.
This room had a little more color, along with the black there was red and instead of silver there was gold. It reminded him of his past hero work but he shook it off and stared at you.
You’d noticed he’d been distracted for the majority of the way to your office. Most of his distractedness was accompanied by muttering in babbling where the most legible thing he said was “holy shit”.
You walked around the desk near the large window in the back and pulled out the chair behind it. Peter sat on the other side, looking nervous as all hell.
“I’m going to skip the intimidation thing because you're already relatively scared.”
Peter shook his head. “I’m not-“
“Peter, scaring people is what I do for a living. I’m sure that I know when someone’s scared.”
He didn’t say anything after that.
“So,” you grabbed the slim file off of your desk and slid it over to him. “Do you see that slight raise in money?”
Peter stares at the folder for a moment before timidly reaching up and grabbing. When he opened it he saw a piece of paper with dates and cash amount. One was circled in red ink with the words ‘sudden raise but no deal’ written under it. Next to that was a date, ‘September 2, 2029’. That was one of the days that Peter had to work, but having gotten little to no sleep the previous night he just wanted to hurry up and get his job done. He sped through his work but still had to wait tables at the mob casino. So he chugged a shit ton of coffee and got back to work. Throwing out people who clearly weren’t getting them any money and letting in people who were clearly big betters. Which caused a very sudden boost in money. Maybe not a big one in the collective records but it was big enough for him to be forced to take more shifts due to his work ethic. Which was mostly just ‘kick anyone who bet less that 5,000 dollars out’. While most other associates gave them a while to ‘warm up’ he just gave them the boot the moment they went lower than 5,000.
At the bottom of the page it said his name and the date of the small boast.
Looking back up at you he closed the folder and sat it back on the table.
“Is this what you wanted to talk about?”
“Yes, it is. You see, most people at your level tend to do the bare minimum when working, which is fine. Most of them aren’t really doing any important work. But you somehow went above and beyond at one of my smallest casinos and managed to make a raise in money that went onto my charts is just...astounding.”
“I still don’t understa- wait, did you say it was your casino?”
The very sudden and obvious realization that he was talking to his boss. Actually no, his boss was some middle man named Felix, you were basically his bosses, boss. No, you were basically his bosses fucking god.
“Oh..oh no…”
He shrunk down in his seat, pushing the seat back a bit.
“Is something wrong, Peter?” You said, the smirk obvious in your voice.
“...I’m an idiot.” He mumbled to himself.
“I have several documents that say otherwise.”
He straightened up in his seat and tried to steady himself after getting the shock of a lifetime(it wasn’t really that shocking but Peters kind of a dumbass..).
“So what exactly do you want from me?”
“Well,” you stood from the chair and walked around to the front of the desk then leaned on it, placing both of your hands by your side to balance you. “Running small casinos, hell, even owning huge casinos isn’t what I do primarily. That’s just something for my low level people to do while I run more...illegal type games.”
Peter tried his hardest to come up with a way that this included him.
“You see, I’ve been looking for a new bouncer for these games, but you can’t just hire anyone to be a bouncer for those types of games. Some of the most influential people in the world attended these games and they bet a lot more important things than money. But you can’t just throw people like that out when they make a bad bet, not when they're paying someone to kill you if you did. My last guy, Michael, had been with me for 9 years. Since the very beginning of these games. He died a few months back.”
Before Peter could give his condolences you held up your hand, stopping him.
“I don’t need your sympathy, what I do need is your work ethic. When I saw that spike in money from that night I sent out some people to spy on you. It was an invasion of your privacy, I know, but I just had to know which little newbie was bringing in all of that money.”
You leaned down, holding both of Peter’s wrists down to the arm rest(for dramatic effect). Feeling the panic from earlier rise in him again Peter tried to push you away but to no avail.
“In short, I need you to work for me. Well, more than you already do now. There aren’t many people like you who are willing to work for people like me, Peter..”
“Y-you mean like us?”
You only raised an eyebrow at him, a simple way of telling him to continue.
“W-what I mean is that you have to be ridiculously strong to hold me down with hardly any strain. So people like us normally aren’t willing to work for people like you..” 
It was only after he’d said that did he realized that he was going to start rambling soon, so he decided to stop there.
You stared at him for a moment, most people would rather not put themselves in the same category as you. But he’d done it willingly and rather loudly, you might add. You leaned back, letting go of his wrist and crossing your arm.
“I like you Peter. You’re...interesting to say the least..”
Peter’s cheeks flushed red and he smiled nervously.
“I..um, thank you?”
You smirked down at him, watching him fumble with his fingers and tug at the end of his shirt softly.
“So about my offer. I’ll let you sleep on it, you can tell me whether or not you want the job tomorrow.”
Peter nodded with a small smile.
“Thank you..”
“Not a problem, is rather not have you make this decision as tired as you are. come on, let me drive you home.”
You took Peter back down 5 flights of stairs and back to the car you’d brought him here in. Letting him sit in the front this time you drove off. 
Half way through the drive Peter dozed off, it may not have been the best thing to do around someone who definitely has more than a few kills under his belt but he was passed exhausted and really needed to rest. The last thing he saw before falling to sleep was the dark road ahead of them.
By the time you made it back to Peter’s apartments police surrounded the place. Dozens of cops all standing guard, waiting for someone to come out.
You looked to see where the voice came from only to see a cop no to far away from your car.
“There's been a shooting, you need to leave.”
You decided to comply, you’d rather not have the cop come any closer to you than he already was. You were a wanted man after all.
So, you turned around, driving in the opposite direction.
Nearly an hour later you arrived at one of your less impressive houses, but you only needed a place to let Peter sleep for the night.
You tried to wake him but every time he just fell right back to sleep. You groaned as you got out of the car and walked to the passenger side. Slinging the door open you picked up Peter’s sleeping form, he immediately laid his face on your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your neck.
You sighed, “the things I do for my employees..”
You held onto Peter with one arm as you unlocked the door and walked in. You already have the layout of this house memorized so you didn’t need to turn on a light.
You carried him up the stairs and to a guest room, laying him down on the bed then pulling the cover over him. He snuggled more into the bed before settling, snoring softly.
You tried to push away the thoughts of how cute he was. He looked so soft and peaceful like this.
You took a deep breath and shook the thought from your head. “Keep it professional Y/n…” you mumbled to yourself before leaving the room.
You settled down in your own bedroom, hanging your coat and tie up by the door before drifting off to sleep.
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kureis-writing-hell · 3 years
What makes us
First || Previous
This one isn't based on a prompt. I tried to base it and it didn't work and I had to scratch it whole. This is a story of Nao's childhood and what happened to him before his 18th birthday.
A series in which Chisaki Kai goes through therapy
Tw: hinted csa (child sexual abuse, it's really just a tiny hunt but it's there), blood, death
Shit went down when Nikodem was only a few years old. In a fight between a hero and a villain his parents died. People told him it was a miracle he was saved, but later on he would regularry think it was rather a curse. It started a life of misery for him: a foster family that gave him away once his quirk manifested, a dirty, poor orphanage ruled by a man, who liked little boys a little too much, another foster family that used him as a servant, another one and another one. No one really wanted him, no one cared about him anymore. Every year less people were interested in adopting him, creeped out by a frowny kid with a crazy look in his eyes.
Often, Nikodem thought that he would never find home. But then he met that girl.
She was new. Other kids kept themselves away from her, even the staff was reluctant to approach her. It was said she predicted her parents’ deaths then, right before she ended up alone, she pointed out the exact date and hour her grandmother died. It was her quirk, obviously. A shitty, creepy one, that made her see a clock on people’s heads, counting down to their deaths.
They got along well. She was two years older than Nikodem but, contrary to the boy, was a bubbly rain of sunshine. Nothing seemed to be able to break her, not her quirk, not the place she ended up in. Despite that, families still wouldn’t take her in.
She told everyone to call her Mara. It was taken from her name and Nikodem found it pretty. Mara was the only one he enjoyed spending time with. He enjoyed her stories, her future plans, the way she could kick ass and piss the staff off. He enjoyed everything about her and would follow her everywhere.
When Mara turned sixteen she stood face to face with Nikodem and told him they were going to run away. There was nothing he wanted more than that - to leave that wretched place. So they packed, gathered a few other kids that wanted to run as well, stole some food and vanished.
No one cared. There was an article about them in some magazine, a handsome man spoke some words about them in the news but other than that no one cared about a few orphans. They left the city, the district, they ran from a train because they didn’t have money to pay for the ticket and Nikodem for the first time ever felt free. Happy.
They had a house. After running they found an old factory in the suburbs of another city. Quickly they learned how to use their quirks for stealing food, clothes, books and whatever they wanted. Everyone had their place in the gang, someone played with old parts and fixed motors, so they could get around easier, someone cooked, someone learned how to patch up wounds. Nikodem quickly started calling them a family, everyone did.
They danced, laughed, watched stars and loved at that time.
“What would you do if you knew you’re going to die tomorrow?”
They were sitting on the tin roof late in the night, only Nikodem and Mara. The rest had a campfire under them, celebrating nothing in particular. The view from the roof was amazing, the stars and the night sky were swallowed by the lights of the city, but it was quiet. At that hour even the city was asleep.
Nikodem turned to Mara, frowning. Finally something clicked and, with a shocked face, he covered his forehead. Mara laughed.
“You can’t cover it, dumbass! Don’t worry, you still have a lot of time. I’m just asking.”
“You did that on purpose.” Nikodem pouted and lowered his hand.
“Maybe! So? What would you do?”
Nikodem thought, for a moment. He turned his face toward the view and watched the lights. Mara drank her beer, waiting for his answer.
“I’d kiss you.”
The girl chocked on the beer, sputtered and looked at the boy surprised. Nikodem could feel his face getting hot, even his ears and neck were probably red at this point, but the color got lost in the darkness. He didn’t dare to look at Mara and even if he would he couldn’t see how she also blushed.
“Okay,” she said finally.
“Okay. We may kiss.”
Nikodem looked at her, finally. He again covered his forehead.
“It was true, I’m going to die tomorrow, right?”
“No you’re not, moron!” Mara pushed him playfully, hiding her embarrassment. “I just want to do it too!
And so they kissed, under the stars, on the roof with the best view ever.
They got good at what they were doing quickly. They wore masks for stealing, they used upgraded motors for moving around, they came in, stole what they needed and then wandered around the city freely, because no one would ever suspect a bunch of children. And now everyone was talking about them. Their masks, something they picked up from dumpsters, were so popular everyone knew how they looked. They had fans and enemies and they had heros after them. Yet every night they had a party in their base. They drank alcohol, ate good food, kissed and made love. And they were free.
She never told him, or anyone else from their gang, when they’re going to die. But once she told them about her own number. Apparently she could see it in the mirror and Nikodem never ever hated quirks more than in that moment. It was just wrong.
Mara was sick. There was something in their family, something too scientific for Nikodem to understand, that killed her mother and mother of her mother. Normally, raised in a normal house, she would survive till her late twenties. With expensive treatment and medications she could maybe live till her forties. Her current number allowed her to stay alive till she was twenty three.
Nikodem didn’t accept it. He couldn’t. It wasn’t her fault she couldn’t afford a better living situation or meds. He was angry and he was determined to get even more money, to allow her the treatment she needed. Everyone agreed to him, except Mara. She didn’t want to draw too much attention to them and she was already used to the idea of dying. She was angry at him, for a while. Then she couldn’t anymore.
Nikodem was sixteen when he told her he loved her too much to let her go that easily.
They couldn’t go on the raids when it was raining because it was too risky. They used to store the food for winters because during them it was too dangerous to raid the city. They did only necessary to survive every year. Now, it changed. And now they realised they were way more powerful than they thought. Their gang was classified as rank B villains, with Nikodem deemed their leader, classified as rank A. There was more planning, more stress and way more risk but, surprisingly, it brought them all even closer to each other.
It was just getting warm, the snow still didn’t melt in the darker corners of their base but the days were sunny and bright and hot. And the rain that came wasn’t risky. It was warm, too. It washed over Nikodem’s stress and worries and Mara’s long, pretty dress. And they danced in it, laughed and kissed.
“You’re turning eighteen this year, we should throw you a party!” she said once they were inside, in dry clothes, drinking hot tea.
“It’s still a few months.”
“So? Isn't any reason to party good?”
“But it’s a birthday. We should celebrate it when it comes.”
Mara pouted. She looked so cute, with her nose and cheeks still reddened, wrapped in a blanket from head to toes. He loved her so much.
“Look at you, what made you smile like a dumbass? That’s a rare sight.” Embarrassed, Nikodem turned his face away. Mara laughed and clung to his side. “I like it, you have a funny smile. You should do it more!”
He decided to try his hardest.
Everything around him was red and it was his fault.
They were so close to getting enough money for Mara that Nikodem got impatient. He wanted to gather enough as fast as possible and he came out with the idea of that raid. It was going to be the hardest one till now, but they had a good plan. They planned it for a month. And it worked out! But then the heroes found their hideout.
“Those are children! I had no idea those were children, I couldn’t know!” lamented one of the heroes, the one that came in first. Under his quirk the roof of the old factory collapsed, something caught fire and the tanks they had stored exploded. Most of Nikodem’s gang was outside, thankfully, but they also got hurt.
They still had masks on when other heroes arrived. They fought. Nikodem got crushed under the part of the factory and couldn’t get out on time to help them. He had to watch how his friends, his only family, fought for their lives and lost. Blood spilled all around him and he couldn’t do anything.
When he finally got out the heroes were searching for survivors. But no one could survive this. They were either crushed under the factory or fought till death. And Nikodem stood in the puddle of their blood.
It hurted to move, it even hurted to breathe but he had to find Mara. He had to make sure she was alive and help her, and anyone else that still could be alive, escape. He was their leader, he came up with that raid, it was all his fault.
Stepping over the body of his friend, someone he ate breakfast with this morning, he went forward. The heroes were arguing, Nikodem could hear his voices, but didn’t pay attention to them. He took off his mask and threw it away, searching for a different one, one that he knew Mara was still wearing.
He found her, laying right by a part of the factory that miraculously didn’t fall on her. There was still a hole in her stomach that Nikodem immediately jumped to, to cover the bleeding. Mara trembled and huffed something that Nikodem didn’t understand. Holding his shirt against her abdomen with one hand he took off her mask.
Her lips were covered in blood but she was smiling. She kept looking at him and Nikodem was glad she was awake.
“That went to shit, eh?” she rasped.
“Don’t joke now, please.” Nikodem couldn’t hold back his tears. It was slowly hitting him, what exactly happened.
“I want to tell you something.”
“You shouldn’t talk, you’ll tell me once you get better but now you have to save your energy.”
She smiled at him and her smiles were never that sad.
“I knew this was going to happen.” Nikodem only shook his head. “Yeah. I did the math when everyone’s numbers started going down. I never thought they could change before.”
“It’s all my fault.”
“No, it’s not.” Mara coughed and spit some blood. “If anyone’s then it’s mine. I should have told you to stop with the raids but I knew no one would listen. And it made me happy to know you all are doing this for me. Selfish.”
“You weren’t selfish!” sobbed Nikodem. “I was, I wanted to spend more time with you and I took your time away!”
“That’s not true.” She managed to laugh a little. “You actually let me live. Everyone else too, but you especially. Thank you.” Nikodem shook his head again. He could feel blood sipping through the material of his shirt. “Can I have one more selfish request?”
“I’ll do anything for you.”
“Live.” Mara lifted her hand and touched Nikodem’s forehead. He grabbed it and helped her keep the arm up, snuggling into it. It was too cold but he didn’t mind. “Your minutes are tickling down but I don’t want you to die because of me. Please, promise me that you won’t die.”
“I don’t want to. How am I supposed to, when everyone is dead? I can’t live without you.”
“You can.” Her fingers brushed just slightly against Nikodem’s forehead. “Please. Do anything you could. Don’t fight these heroes, surrender, do anything you can.”
“I don’t want to die knowing everyone I ever loved died because of me.” She was speaking more and more silently. “At least you. Especially you, Niko.”
For a moment Nikodem tried to hold back his tears. But they didn’t. They started flowing harder.
“I promise,” he whimpered. “I’ll do anything. I swear.”
Mara opened her eyes wider and, after a moment, smiled wide. Her thumb brushed against Nikodem’s forehead and then her hand went limp.
“I’ll ask them, I’ll beg them to help you. They’re heroes, maybe they have a healing quirk, you’ll be fine too!” Nikodem made a crooked smile, one that was meant for comfort but he knew Mara would laugh at it. “I could even pay them, the money should be fine in the safe. We’ll be okay.” Mara didn’t answer. Her eyes kept looking at him and her smile didn’t vanish but she wasn’t reacting at all. Nikodem felt his heart sink. “Mara? Mara, don’t joke, please. Dagmara!”
When the heroes found him Nikodem was still sitting by Mara’s body. He didn’t fight, he surrendered and let them handcuff him. He lost everything but he made a promise. And that promise would keep him alive.
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shehath-awakened · 4 years
Beautiful Deaths: chapter one
soooo i did a thing. this is an idea i’ve been toying with for a while and i’ve just finished the prologue.
summary: Y/N is a detective at the 99th precinct with a secret. Hiding from the avengers is not an easy task.
word count: 2.1K (yikes)
ps) sorry if this sucks
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It was a regular day at the 99. You had come in half an hour early to finish off some paperwork from the day before, ready to start the day afresh then headed into the morning briefing at 9am.  A day in the life of one of New York’s finest was never boring; from B and E’s at the local bodegas to money laundering, there was always a case to work on. As you walked through the bullpen towards the conference room, the smell of strong, fresh coffee wafted by. You saw Holt in his office preparing for the briefing looking somewhat uneased. You payed this no mind however as you did not want to intrude, if it were about work you would find out soon enough. Most people were already here; Amy was up front, prepped and ready as always, Rosa was sat at the back with her legs placed on top of each other on the table, in fact, everyone but Peralta was present, which was typical. He soon came in just as captain Holt was beginning to address the squad, you couldn’t tell whether he had even tried to make it on time but his saunter into the room made it apparent that time management was still not a skill of his. “Good morning,” he addressed the team, he then looked to Jake with a deadpan expression “Nice of you to finally join us, Jacob” “Not my fault.” The detective held his arms up in defence. “The line to get my breakfast was really long an--” he attempted to continue but Diaz chimed in; “How is that breakfast? All you have is a cup of coffee.” “Yeah, I usually get a bagel too but I’m cutting out the carbs, Rosa” Peralta retorted, putting a comical amount of emphasis while saying her name, while Diaz rolled her eyes. “Right, okay well, back to the briefing then” Holt brought the attention back to the matter at hand, choosing to ignore the childing behaviour of his so called ‘best detective’. He went on to explain a child trafficking ring going on that required undercover investigations in order to build a case against the ring leaders. He needed three detectives to make contact with a high-ranking member and gather intel. You tried your hardest to stay professional despite the emotional ache you felt due to the sensitivity of the case. Captain Holt explained the three targets and all of their priors. “(Y/L/N), Peralta, Boyle, this one is for you three. I need you to understand that no arrests are to be made at this time, you are simply gathering intel. Understood?” “Got it, captain” you replied choosing to ignore the ‘dream team’ comment that came from Charles and taking the case file he was handing you. “Good. Dismissed.”
No more than an hour later you found yourself undercover being driven with Charles and Jake to the site. You decided to stay out of the conversation the two detectives were having in order to focus on the mission specs and to get in the zone. It wasn’t that you were nervous, you had done this sort of thing many times before. You just knew this was important, even more so because it involved children. Something you knew about all too well. Even with your years of experience however, you couldn’t shake this gut feeling you had to be cautious. You decided to put this down to too much coffee and shook yourself out of this mindset when you heard Boyle’s voice say your name. “(Y/N)? you good?” you looked up to see Charles and Jake looking at you, obviously you had been zoned out longer than you thought as you were already there. “Sorry. Was just in my head. We ready to go?” you deflected the question. You hadn’t told anyone about your background, partly because it was too risky but also because it was too difficult to physically say out loud. You had become used to being closed off to everyone. You guessed coming from no loving home does that to a person. Neither of them looked too convinced but they didn’t pry. All of the nine nine knew you were a damn good detective who could handle your own when you needed to. it was very rare that anyone on the squad let their emotions get in the way of the job. The three of you went over the plan before heading inside. It was simple really, go in disguised as prospect ‘recruiters’ (just a nicer way of saying kidnappers you thought), find out their system and report back to Holt with the information. An easy in and out. Well, obviously it was a little more complex than that, you had to make sure that you would be allowed back in for further recon and an eventual sting operation but otherwise it was simple. Fifteen minutes later you were inside and it was all going smoothly. You hadn’t made contact with the boss yet but you were being shown the place. You went into what looked like a regular Brooklyn property and led down below ground to a dank labyrinth of concrete walls and small rooms which held the poor, neglected children. Physically, this was easy, but emotionally, not being able to help the children you saw, you heard. It was heart-breaking. All three of you kept your resolve however, the best you could do for those children was keep your mouth shut so you could regain access and put these guys away for good. After being shown around by who you assumed to be the leader of this branch of the operation, the four of you began to talk details. “So when do we start?” Jake stated overconfidently, his default alter-ego for undercover work. The guy looked sceptically at Jake. He was a tall thuggish looking man with harsh facial features. The harsh fluorescent lighting of the bunker cast a shadow over his face making him look even more menacing. The entire case relied on him trusting you so it’s no surprise the three of you were tense. The guy took another glance at all of you, his eyes lingering on you for a second too long making your skin crawl. You felt Jake tense up beside you, his hand closing into a fist. You had no idea what had got into your partner and just hoped to god that this guy was too preoccupied to notice his behaviour. “yeah, alright.” He agreed, after what felt like hours, his eyes still locked with yours. You could see the clear lack of remorse in his eerily familiar eyes which only fuelled you to hold his stare. You felt the same unease that you had in the van but tried to banish these feelings for the sake of the case. After some time he smirked and looked back at Peralta, the interaction hadn’t gone unnoticed by either him nor Charles but no one dared to comment. “Come back tomorrow morning. We’ve got other recruits going out then, they’ll show you—” the thug was cut off by deafening sound of the door blasting open and the room filling with thick smoke. “Is this us?” you frantically asked Charles who shook his head in response, holt said to make no arrests, this shouldn’t be happening. The room was now engulfed in a white smoke which you saw was coming from a few canisters on the floor, one of which was at your feet. You kicked it away in an attempt to clear the room but it was futile. At this point you could hardly see a metre ahead of you. You, Jake, and Charles had your guns out but sheltered behinds a table turned over in the blast. Through the smoke you saw the figure of the man who gave you the tour escaping through another door. You started to run after him but felt a hand pull you gently back. You turned to be met with Jake shaking his head. Reluctantly, you repositioned yourself next to him behind the table. “No. It’s us.” An unfamiliar voice said through the smoke which had now begun to gradually thin. You could see Charles next to you now but the new assailant remained faceless. “oh my god…” you looked over at Jake and saw him open mouthed looking towards the door which was blocked by a silhouetted figure. Following his eyeline you saw the people you had been avoiding your entire life. At first it was the glint of the vibranium shield and the metal suit but as the smoke turned into a gentle fog you locked eyes with theirs. The avengers.
You all stood there in shock. Charles was the first to break the silence with his usual oblivious self; “Hey, Charles Boyle, my son is a massive fan!” Obviously forgetting he was undercover and that he looked just as guilty as anyone else in this place, he began to advance only to be met with an onslaught of ‘no closer’ remarks. At the same time he was met with the barrel of Black Widow’s pistol, an Iron Man repulsor, the hammer of Thor, and captain America’s shield. You quickly snapped out of your shock and became irritated, showing them your badge and advancing on the team in front of you against your better judgment. “We’re NYPD and this is an undercover operation? What the hell are you doing? Since when is this your jurisdiction?!” “uh (Y/N)” Jake tried to calm you down by putting his hand gently on your upper arm to stop you from saying something you’d regret, not to mention he was completely fangirling over being in the same room as the avengers and didn’t want to make a bad impression. “She didn’t mean that. Hey, Jake Peralta, New York’s best detective. Massive fan” he addressed them with his coy smile and an outstretched hand taken and shook by Steve Rogers. On doing so, Jake turned back to you excitedly mouthing ‘Captain America’ while smiling like an idiot. You rolled your eyes at his antics but couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at your lips. The moment was short lived however when you remembered the mess they had made of the case. You began questioning the superheroes before you once more only to be interrupted by Romanoff; “this became our business since a majority of these children are mutants. They are our responsibility.” Her blunt manner in addressing you made you even more enraged, not to mention you had been keeping a low profile to stay away from these people for a reason. You were shocked to find out about the children, but you didn’t let this show on your features. You continued berating the people in front of you. “but you just blew MONTHS of police work!! Could you not have informed us of your involvement earlier? GOD you’re worse than the vulture!” you kept on. Both Peralta and Boyle were just staring in disbelief. Sure, you had been ticked off before but they had never seen you like this. At several moments each member of the avengers attempted to interrupt you yet all were unsuccessful. Not even Charles could cease your tirade. Despite all the anger however, you felt good. You had spent most of your life scared they would find you, but now, none of that mattered. “…and not to mention the absolute lack of tact! You let him get away in that stupid smoke! He was going to take us to the fucking boss!” at this point you had lost control of your emotions and only realised your mistake a second too late. Before you knew it, a discarded chair residing in the corner of the room flew across the open space only to smash into the filthy concrete wall to your left. If all eyes weren’t on you before, they certainly were now. You saw the realisation dawn on each of the superheroes faces. The room went deathly silent and you began to hear your heart beat faster, faster, faster. “…shit.” Was all you could utter. Thinking on your feet, you took advantage of the pause in the room caused by your outburst. It would only be a matter of seconds before they realised who you were and took you in. So you did the first thing you thought you could; you grabbed both of the dumbfounded detectives you had come with, not even taking the time to laugh at their ridiculous expressions, and teleported all three of you back to the nine-nine.
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astraeass · 3 years
[3] start once again;
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[cross-posted in ao3 • fem reader]
Previous chapter
pairing: levi ackerman/reader
warnings: cursing, mentions of death
words: 2379
you are finally able to choose regiment, but were you actually ready for what it awaits you?
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"Yes! Another down, I’m in a fever streak!" Nile cheered with a big proud green adorning his sharp features that you wished you could rip it off his face. While he was celebrating his 5th deep cut in a wood titan dummy's nape you stood behind him, standing on a wide tree branch burning holes on his back and apparently he felt it, because he turned instantly, searching for the person who was practically planning for his death and after a while, he met your deadly gaze. His serious scowl turned into a smirk
"What happens [L/N]? Are you mad that you aren’t fast enough? The girl that had natural talent with the 3DMG is falling behind isn’t it?" You exactly knew what is he trying to do by bickering like that, and you didn’t want to fall for it, but your short-tempered behavior didn’t help at all in this situation "Shut the fuck up, Dok" You said lowly, and decided to move on. Aiming your grapple hooks to the next tree and firing when you saw that the hook gripped it well, then you activated your gas mechanism to reel forward and repeat the motion with nearby trees and branches till you found an uncommonly titan dummy without it's nape ripped of.
With determination replacing your fumed expression, you aimed towards the neck, unleashing your sharp blades from the stealths of the boxes that were situated in your tights, firing the hooks and activating the gas, making you to move towards where you aimed, you tightened the already hard grip in your blades positioning them in you to hands in a way that with a simple push of your arms plus some strength would cut the foam nape with easy, and that’s how you did. After that, you aimed and fired into a tree near you and landed with grace onto the tree's branch "Nice, that’s my 7th today" you murmured, thinking that no one would hear you, but the clapping you hear not far away make you turn around we’re you thought you heard the sound instantly.
"Good work [Y/N], you’re improving so fast!" When you turned around, you weren’t surprised seeing Erwin standing there with a proud smile in his lips, he was the origin of the claps, still your eyes widened. Not because of the older blond witnessing what could be your best 'titan kill' so far, but noticing that not far behind him, was Instructor Duvalier with an unreadable expression "That wasn’t bad, [L/N-" he said with his usual monotone both, but pride bubbled in your chest, trying to stop the grin forming in your own lips. Claude being aware of this, scoffed and crossed his arms "But don’t let your pride get you, the real shit is much different form that fucked and overused wood"
"Uh... um, yeah sure! Thank you so much, sir" you stuttered and bowed in front of him as a thank, but you weren’t aware of your closeness to the border and when you bowed, you lost your equilibrium making you fall meters down "Shit!" you rapidly reacted, turning around while falling and aimed at the bottom of the branch you stood seconds ago and fired just in time, because you felt the soft grass barely touching your back "[Y/N], are you okay?!" You heard Erwin shouting and not after towering your floating form. You were sure he could see your widened eyes and heavy panting "Yeah..."
Instructor Duvalier came soon and deeply sighed when seeing your state "Still as dumb fuck as ever, [L/N], if it weren’t for your surprisingly sharp reflects, I’m pretty sure that would have left a nasty as fuck wound" he said, his tone angry, but you could clearly see how hard he was trying to contain his laugh when seeing your condition and you got flustered and blushed hard in embarrassment, unleashing the hooks and falling back into the grass, letting a quiet "oof" and closing your eyes while sighing "You worried me there, [Y/N]... we’re choosing out regiment in a few months and you can’t make those silly mistakes in the half of your training with the scouts!"
Erwin scolded you, and you sat in the grass, palms plain in the ground, resting your body on them and looking everywhere but him, the scene was even more hilarious for Claude. It looked exactly like a big brother angry for his little sister safety after she tripped herself with a little rock at the side of the read because she wasn’t been watching where she was running and the whole situation warmed Claude's heart making he shake his head in disbelief with himself, these kids - adult kids - were making his cold behavior melt and that annoyed him "C'mon cadets, training will be over soon and both of you worked hard already" your little discussion with Erwin ended up as soon as you both heard Claude's rough voice and obeyed his order immediately "Yes, sir!"
"Hands upon your hearts!"
"Yes, sir!"
Weeks turned into months, those months into exactly three years and now you stood with your fellow companions in front of various superiors of the military regiment, today’s is the day you’ll be choosing your military branch, and you are totally sure of which one you will be ending up joining to. Quiet murmur started to form around you, talking about how not long ago your instructor announced the top 10 graduates in your division, making your chest swell in pride unconsciously remembering your high position.
"For every trainee graduating today, three paths now open before you" said Duvalier, positioning himself in front of you all, the same way he did for the first day you all joined the training corps, it has a nostalgic feeling and for an unknown reason you don’t want to discover at all, it made you really nervous "The Garrison Regiment, charged with reinforcing the Walls and protecting the territory within them" This path was the usual for anyone who didn’t reach a position on the top ten trainees, you didn’t risk you life like a suicidal, through yourself outside the walls for an assured and cruel death, eaten by horrendous monsters.
Such a dumb idea for crazy people, just like you "The Scout Regiment, those who venture beyond the Safety of the walls into Titan territory" you noticed how everyone around went stiff after hearing the name of scout regiment, even some of them making comments about what you were thinking about just mere seconds ago, and that made you deeply sigh, but it didn’t matter, right know, your goal is your main mission "Most of you hope for the relative comfort of the Military Police Regiment, but only the top ten graduates are given luxury to choose serving the King by controlling the crowds and protecting order"
You didn’t know a lot about the Military Police Regiment, you only saw them doing their duty when you were younger, but for what you just heard, it sounds like the most boring shit ever, however, that place of comfort and security didn’t sound that bad "I will now announce the top ten graduates..." Oh, that sounds interesting, your vision was turning blurry, almost falling sleep while stood the only thing keeping you up was that memory from when you actually fell asleep in front of Claude while he was explaining, you grimaced when remembering the punishment ‘not again' "Step forward when your name is called"
"Number ten, Anna Schulz" A tall brunette girl with short hair and bright emerald orbs stepped forward, she seemed surprised, pupils widening and a big grin covering her face "Number nine, Elias Meyer" the next stepped out with hesitation, his expression showing confusion, like not even knowing why he deserved the ninth place, but he closed his hazel eyes tightly and gulped "Number eight, Leon Schulz" a boy - that actually looked way older than you - cheered lowly, but that didn’t stop Duvalier to send him a deadly glare, making the redhead instantly stop and bow as an apology.
Minutes passed, nothing interesting happened anymore and you started to get sleepy once again, that was until you heard your name being shouted out loud making you jump and direct your gaze at the person who did so "A-Ah... yes, sir?" Focusing your gaze to everyone around you again, you could see their different types of emotions they were sending to you, some of them were about to burst out of laughter - one of them Mike - some others with looks of pity and worry for yourself and another people uninterested.
"Cadet [L/N], one of these days you’ll die assassinated and not by a titan..." You heard Instructor Duvalier murmuring, but you were not too far away, he then glared at you with a letal glaze that made you pale and gulp in an instant "You’re the fifth cadet in the top ten trainees you dumbass" You blinked for a second, that turned into more seconds, jaw wide open, but composing yourself, you took a step forward and nodded in affirmation "M-My apologies, sir! I was a tad.. distracted" Duvalier just clicked his tongue and preferred to ignore your still sleepy status, walking back to his place.
I... I made it to the top 10?
In sudden realization your eyes went widened in surprise just seconds after Instructor Duvalier walked away, you were beyond joyful, you thought you barely even grazed Anna, the tenth graduate. Unfortunately, you couldn’t demonstrate your happy self since everyone is in silence and tense waiting if their names are going to be mentioned, also if you started to jump and scream of excitement Claude wouldn’t take that well at all, less after he saw you almost sleeping - again - you barely payed attention to the next name, Marie, the only thought coming to your mind about the name was that girl Nile and Erwin had a crush on, or was that you guessed.
"Number three, Nile Dok" Your content stopped immediately ready to hit Nile if he planned to say anything stupid about how he stronger than you and shit like that. But it never came. Instead he looked kind of mad and about to snap, confusing you but then you remembered his rank and also his usual competition with a certain bright blond and connects all of the pieces. As far as you know, Erwin's name hasn’t been said, you couldn’t comment about it though since you were barely conscious of your surroundings mere minutes ago, however Nile's rea-
"Number two, Erwin Smith" Ah... there he is. The hour golden boy and reason why Nile is sending an infuriating look towards Erwin, the sigh is pretty amusing to you and would burst out of laugh if it wasn’t that Instructor Duvalier was glaring all of you like a hawk right now. So you just limited yourself to hold your chuckle down instead of risking your body to be used as titan bait while waiting for Claude to finish, you pretty much knew who left thought.
"And our top-ranking graduate, Mike Zacharias!" The dirty blond limited and only sent a smirk, like he knew he would reach up this point and step towards where everyone mentioned else were standing, you couldn’t do more but wait until Instructor Duvalier finished "That is the top ten. However, these results are based on scores during training..." Claude continued and started to approach all of us, more specifically between me and the sixth graduate that you noticed as the beautiful cold-headed Mary Suhc.
"Whether you can put your skills to use in an actual battle is another matter altogether. Those of you who didn’t rank should think long and hard..." Your instructor continued to walk towards, now meeting the glares of the rest of cadets that couldn’t make it to the top ten and you sighed in comfort, finally free of his deadly look "What can you do? What should you try to achieve?" Claude turned back to his spot in front of all of us, facing the large group with determination filling and hope filling his eyes.
"Tomorrow you’ll be asked which regiment you'd like to be assigned to!"
You totally expected this.
Barely a small fraction of your division stood with you, in front of the Survey Corps Commander, Keith Shadis who just finished his discourse that was full of how dread, literally how few of us will survive our first expedition and that small amount wouldn’t probably last long neither, you also expected this type of warm welcome that you’ll forget after the first days of even harder training. The Commander had a look of understanding when most of the graduates walked away, but you couldn’t miss the slight ambience of disappointment surrounding him.
Other thing you did not miss was the light hope he had on his eyes, looking at how five of the ten top graduates decided to stay and recomposed himself, coughing with the intention of continuing "I welcome everyone here to the Survey Corps, this is a true salute. Offer up your hearts!" Keith said out loud with passion adorning his rough voice, sending a salute to all of you. Coping his gesture, the rest standing with saluted back shouting the familiar words as an answer, all of this made the Commander puff out his chest in proudness, not letting it show at all though.
"All of you have my utterly respect, let’s fight for humanity all together!"
Yes, this scenario was exactly what you recreated in your mind yesterday when you decided to join the scouts.
But you weren’t ready for what it came next.
You weren’t ready to see the Titans that close up in your first expedition, their hungry glare and awful aspect that almost made you stop in your tracks.
You weren’t ready to be the one last to see Mary alive, and stare at how her small body was devoured by these creatures without doing anything, you weren’t able to help, glued on your spot thanks to the fear running through your veins.
You weren’t ready to be one of the few people who remained alive of your assigned squad.
So this was survivors guilt, huh?
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Next Chapter
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cheshiresense · 5 years
More on the Hadrian and Orion in Narutoverse AU please!!!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I don’t actually have that many more ideas for this AU, none that really focuses on the two of them anyway. Like, they found each other again and it was a done deal so there’s not really anything to add to that. But let’s see…
Edit: Ugh I give up, I ran out of inspiration for this one, I just didn’t know what else to write for it, sorry.
1. Ok so first off, Minato makes Hokage and stays that way and nothing terrible happens because I say so, and because I have no patience for the disaster that was the Naruto plotline, and also because lbr no way is Hadrian letting anybody muck shit up in his new home, he’s already lost one village, he isn’t going to let Orion lose his too, plus Danzo is dead which automatically solves like eighty percent of all problems and the world is just a hundred times better without him in it.
Kushina makes it Very Clear that their child will be placed under an Uzushio shinobi. Like, it’s part of their vows. She refuses to marry Minato unless he swears it (for a love match, it also couldn’t be more perfect politically, satisfying clans and elders alike by tying the two villages together, tying an Uzushio Jinchuuriki to Konoha, a union of talent and royalty, right before the Hokage Apparent ascends to the throne). Relations between Konoha and what’s left of Uzushio is a lot better than they were after Uzu was destroyed, but there’s still some tension, some mistrust, some resentment, and it’s not like anyone other than an Uzushio-nin can teach seals properly. It doesn’t help that some Konoha-nin still turn their noses up at Kushina and her people because they’re foreign, and others sneer at her because she’s a Jinchuuriki. She refuses to let someone like that teach her child.
Minato agrees of course, and ten years later, Naruto graduates near the top of his class, bright and cheerful and so very loved. He’s the son of the Hokage but also one of the first children born to the Uzumaki Clan after they’d finally finished picking up the pieces of their lives, and he has Minato’s colouring but Kushina’s determination and creativity and vindictive sense of humour.
In this world too, Naruto gets Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura as his teammates, but he’s known Sasuke since forever - his mom and Sasuke’s mom are best friends, one of his dad’s closest advisors is Sasuke’s dad, and his uncle (technically a cousin) is married to Sasuke’s uncle, so their families are a lot closer than most other clans in their villages. It was a shock to everyone, for the Uchihas of all people to have a close relationship with the Uzumakis, but their bond has stayed strong over the years despite many people’s doubts, and as a result, Naruto and Sasuke have been attached at the hip practically since birth.
As for Sakura, she seems like a nice girl too, a quieter counterpart to her best friend Ino, and they both know she’s upset at not being on the same team as the blonde, but she also beat both their academic scores and she doesn’t fall over herself trying to suck up to either Naruto or Sasuke, so they decide very quickly that they’ve lucked out with their third.
Naruto isn’t at all surprised when their sensei arrives. His mom’s been hinting at Uncle Hadrian for weeks because she is not subtle, and Naruto is absolutely thrilled because Uncle Hadrian is an S-rank Jounin with a flee-on-sight order and one of the strongest shinobi Naruto knows (Uncle Orion is almost as good, and he supposes his dad is okay too). He’s good at everything, better at seals than even Naruto’s mom, and his idea of babysitting is always an adventure - pranking someone mean and framing Kakashi-nii for it, setting up scavanger hunts in the village with a cool prize at the end, and taking him out for ice-cream or extra ramen that Naruto has solemnly sworn to keep secret from his parents. Hadrian is the best, and Naruto just wants to be him, him and Kaa-chan because Uzumaki really are the best, and his mom and uncle are the best of the best. And because he’s a good friend, he tells Sasuke beforehand about who’ll be teaching them and even tells Sakura the day of, so none of them are anything but excited when Hadrian sweeps into the classroom.
Uncle Hadrian just smiles at them, amused, and motions for them to follow. “Come along then, my new minions. Let’s see what chaos we can inflict on the world together.”
If Naruto had looked back, he would’ve seen the utterly horrified expression painted across the other Jounin senseis’ faces.
2. Team Seven gets a two-for-one deal. Orion outright rejects all offers of sticking him into the sensei rotation. The three times Minato tries, Orion fails every team and sends the kids back to the Academy within the hour.
It’s not as if he doesn’t like kids. They’re fine. But he doesn’t want to be solely responsible for them, especially in a world that’s literally out to kill them, and he’s no good with them for extended periods of time anyway.
He doesn’t mind helping Hadrian with his team though, and Fugaku definitely approves of having his brother help keep an eye on his youngest son. So the day after he returns from a courier mission, he tracks down Hadrian in one of the training fields and possibly enjoys it more than he should when he appears in a rush of Shunshin and makes all three kiddies jump or shriek.
Hadrian rolls his eyes at him but also reels him in for a welcome home kiss. “No complications?”
Orion snorts. “Of course not. It was barely B-rank.”
They turn back to the genin. Sasuke is rolling his eyes, more than used to their mostly subtle but easy displays of affection, and Naruto grins and gives Orion a wave because he’s as good as an uncle to the brat as well. The pink one though has her hands clapped over her mouth and is peering at them with big green eyes, like she’s never seen two men kiss. Then again, Orion’s already read the files on them, and she’s from a civilian family. They can be as weird as muggles about this sort of thing. Orion hadn’t cared in his last life, and he isn’t about to start now. At least she only looks surprised and not disgusted.
“This is Orion,” Hadrian tells his new students, for Sakura’s benefit. “My husband, and Sasuke’s uncle. He doesn’t have a team of his own, so when he isn’t busy, he’ll be joining us for training and missions. You’ll be seeing him a lot, and if for whatever reason I can’t meet up with you that day, I’ll probably send him in my place. Understand?”
He gets affirmatives from everyone and an “Awesome, dattebayo, we get two senseis!” from Naruto. Orion rolls his eyes and then smirks. “Twice the number of teachers, twice the amount of training.” He’s gratified when both boys pale a few shades, and Sakura - clever girl - takes her cue from them and has the beginnings of alarm creeping into her expression. He glances at Hadrian. “What’s on the menu for today?”
After they’ve sent Team Seven off for ten laps around the village (to start with of course, the day is still young), Hadrian remarks, “You’re a terrible person, and I never know what Minato is thinking every time he tries to shove a team on you.”
Orion’s smirk only widens.
3. Shortly after they get married, Hadrian and Orion move into a house in a quiet(er) part of Uzushio territory. They like their privacy, and they’re both quiet people by nature. Orion in particular only has so much tolerance for the Uzushio’s collective rambunctiousness and explosive personalities. They still get regular visitors, but at least they also get time to themselves without needing to escape into the surrounding woods.
A decade down the road, and they suddenly have three more children underfoot than either of them ever planned. then again, Naruto was around at least five times a week practically since he was born, and Sasuke had been allowed to drop by for almost as long, accompanied by his parents or Itachi.
Sakura is the last addition to their household, timidly shuffling in one evening when she’d let slip that her parents - merchants - were out of the village and wouldn’t be back for at least another three weeks.
Hadrian had always been a bit of a bleeding heart for strays, and this one is already his, so Orion hadn’t been at all surprised when - after treating everyone to dinner at Ichiraku’s - they ended up escorting all three kids back to Uzushio. Orion sends one of his wolf summons to the Uchiha compound to inform Fugaku that Sasuke would be staying over, and Naruto whirlwinds into the main house to hug his mom before sprinting back out and shouting back that he’d be staying with his uncles that night. Sakura smiles more as the night goes on and she finds herself ushered into a spare bedroom beside the boys’. She chatters more once she got to know her teammates better, and she’s more than a little awed by how much larger the house is on the inside compared to the outside.
“Seals can do all sorts of things, and my style is more versatile than most,” Hadrian tells her, and her eyes light up in a way Orion hadn’t seen in anyone but Hadrian himself.
“Can you teach me?” Sakura asks, flushing at her own gall. “Or- Or is it a clan secret?”
But Hadrian only smiles and promises to pull some reading material for her tomorrow.
“Orion knows some but he prefers kenjutsu,” Hadrian says, and Orion grunts. He likes offing his targets quickly and efficiently with sharp pointy things, so sue him. “Sasuke isn’t interested, and Naruto is but he has his mother to teach him. I’m glad I might have a student of my own if your interest lasts.”
Judging by the way Sakura begs Hadrian for a beginners’ book on sealing right then and there, and then spends the rest of the night - until Hadrian shoos them off to bed - curled up on the sofa in one of Naruto’s spare duck pajamas with her nose between its pages, she won’t be losing interest anytime soon.
Sakura becomes a regular fixture in their lives and in their house. Orion thinks she probably hasn’t realized it yet, but after a month of crashing at their place, the guards don’t even check her at the gates anymore whenever she swings by, even when she’s on her own.
4. Minato has the ANBU for the extra dangerous missions. But he has Hadrian and Orion for the ones that guarantee almost zero chances of survival. In the aftermath of the attempted kidnapping of one Hyuuga Hinata and the subsequent demand for reparations after Hiashi kills the kidnapper, who also happens to be the head ninja of the party sent to sign a peace treaty with Konoha, Minato refuses to hand one of his own over, A sends bolder and bolder threats of war, tensions between Konoha and Kumo haven’t been this high since the Third Great Shinobi War, and the eyes of the rest of the world are focused on them as they too count their numbers and stock up on weapons and supplies.
Three weeks in, after countless failed attempts at diplomatic talks and fairer compromises, Minato summons Hadrian and Orion to his office.
“I do not want war,” He says, features grim and somber, a far cry from his usual easygoing smiles and laidback nature. “It has barely been half a decade since the last one ended. But we are not in the wrong, and I refuse to bow to Kumo’s whims. If I cede ground now, the Hyuuga will never trust me again, and it will make Konoha look weak, not to mention it sets a precedence for Kumo and even other villages to try and pull something like this again. I won’t have it.”
Hadrian hums thoughtfully from where he’s sipping tea in one of the guest chairs. Orion is lounging against the far wall, eyes narrowed, features cold.
“So you want us to go and send a message,” Hadrian surmises. “But quietly.”
“Make sure A knows who it is,” Minato agrees, and nobody who’s seen the ice in his eyes when he’s like this would doubt his capability as Hokage. “But otherwise ensure that it can’t be traced back to us. I’ll deny everything on the public front. The rest, I’ll leave to your discretion.” He smiles thinly. “Let’s see how long it takes to make the Raikage bow.”
It takes six weeks. Six weeks of a plague that sweeps through half the towns along Lightning’s border at a terrifying speed, leaving civilians and border patrols alike puking their guts up for days. Nobody dies, but it’s a miserable, panic-stricken month for all involved when all they can do is ride it out, no cure to be found.
The Raikage does not bow.
Overnight, the guards stationed at various watchtowers all across Lightning fall prey to some invisible enemy, and all are found comatose or on death’s doorstep in the morning. Half of them die within the week, and all attempts at replacing the guards are met with the same result. A chunk of Kumo’s military is crippled in seven days.
The Raikage does not bow.
People within Kumogakure begin to die. No civilians or Genin, and the school and hospital are never hit, but Chuunin and Jounin are all free game, some in their homes, others on the streets or training grounds, and their T&I building blows up one day along with every ninja inside it who hadn’t gone out for lunch. The coup de grâce is the Raikage going in for work and finding a lock of Yugito’s blonde hair, his brother’s sunglasses, and his own vambraces - the ones he’d been looking for since he woke up this morning and found them missing from his bedroom - laid out neatly on his desk. A familiar leaf symbol glows on the wall behind it just long enough for A to get a good eyeful, and then it erases itself as if it were never there, leaving the Raikage bellowing his rage and fear.
The message is clear: no one in your village is safe, not your civilians, not your shinobi, not your Jinchuuriki, not even you. The next move is yours. Choose wisely.
The Raikage bows.
“Good job,” Minato says in way of greeting once Hadrian and Orion are home again, none the worse for wear. “A sends his apologies and has even agreed to a few import and trade concessions.”
“Ooh, make him send over some people from Cloud Confectioneries,” Hadrian pipes up. “Their cakes are divine, and you can’t get them anywhere else.”
Orion rolls his eyes, nods at Minato, and then grabs his husband and Shunshins them home. It’s been a long five weeks and he wants nothing more than to sink into a hot bath with Hadrian.
5. Literally everyone knows Hadrian and Orion are a couple. They’re not particularly over-the-top in their displays of love the way Minato and Kushina can sometimes be, but their marriage was the first one between a Konoha citizen and an Uzushio citizen since Uzushio’s destruction. And it was hard to miss when the two of them went out for meals, side by side, never flaunting what they had but quietly content in each other’s company in that way older people are after spending decades together and still being perfectly in love. Orion was a second son too, with no expectations (at least not too many) for producing children, so as far as a lot of clan elders were concerned, he’d definitely married well by tying another much-needed sealmaster to Konoha, one who actually stayed in the village (or close enough) and had a repertoire of skills that outstripped even Jiraiya’s.
(Orion scoffed when he’d first heard that going around and didn’t bother telling them that if Hadrian up and decided to become a missing-nin tomorrow, he’d be packed and gone with him by morning, no questions asked.)
Over time, some people do wonder - it isn’t normal for two people to fall together so easily, so quickly, comfortable around each other the way only those who’ve known one another their whole lives should be. There’s a level of instinct there that takes time and life to create, and yet Hadrian and Orion had that, from the moment they met. So people do wonder, even if they don’t ask, mostly because what kind of question would one ask anyway?
Still, sometimes, especially in the early days, Kushina sits and watches her cousin and his new husband move around the kitchen as they cook dinner like one soul in two bodies, gracefully in tune together in a way that goes beyond their shinobi training. it’s a dance, and a beautiful one, and she secretly hopes that one day, she’ll be able to have that with Minato.
(Almost twenty years later, Sakura will do the same, more at home in her senseis’ house than her parents’, watching Hadrian laugh at a deadpan joke Orion cracks, or watching Orion let Hadrian reel him onto the makeshift dance floor of their living room when Naruto brings home his latest record of whatever ridiculous tunes he’d found on a mission and insists on inflicting it on them. She’ll watch them and think of Ino and the way they’d been circling each other for months (years, really) and wonder if they might achieve something like this one day.)
Kushina will always remember their wedding vows - “-in this life and the next, and in every life we’ll ever share-” - and it wasn’t particularly profound or intimate, but there had been a weight in them that carried some hidden meaning known only to them, and it had struck a chord in her, especially when she sees them together and once again considers the niggling suspicion at the back of her mind that whispers reincarnation.
The next date she goes on, Minato comes to pick her up, another clumsy bouquet in hand like the ridiculous romantic he is, this time of salvia and mallow and lavender. She sighs and accepts them and doesn’t tell the moron that not all girls are automatically born knowing flower language or even pay much attention to the classes back in the Academy. But she’d bought a book on it after their first date, threatened Inoichi into silence because she knew exactly who Minato was taking flower advice from, and she doesn’t say a word about the album of pressed flowers she’d started ever since Minato started giving them to her.
Hadrian finds out, because of course he does (because Kushina had failed miserably at pressing flowers even with an instruction manual, and Hadrian was the only person she knew who could teach her and wouldn’t laugh at her first, especially when she confesses how she might’ve felt just a little bit guilty for not understanding what Minato was saying with the flowers every time). Hadrian hadn’t laughed, but he’d smiled and told her of the bouquets Orion had given him when they were still courting (that’s another tick in the reincarnation category because Kushina had never once seen either of them give flowers to each other), and how Hadrian had had no idea what they meant either when he’d first received them.
“And I think flowers can just be flowers sometimes,” Hadrian says as they work on Minato’s latest slightly ragged-looking roses. They look like he’d accidentally let an Inuzuka dog chew on the stems. “They smell nice and they look nice, and Minato took the time to get them for you, and you like them. Sometimes, I think that’s enough.”
And if Hadrian can say that and Orion still looks at him like he’s everything he needs in the world, then Kushina thinks he probably knows what he’s talking about. Hadrian usually does.
(Later, on their wedding anniversary, Kushina grins when she spots Hadrian exiting Yamanaka’s Flower Shop with a bouquet of his own, and she makes sure she has a good view of him presenting it to Orion at their favourite restaurant.
The way Orion’s expression goes soft and warm, wrapped in something like wonder - Kushina immortalizes it on camera and makes a mental note to give a copy to Hadrian later.)
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ktheist · 5 years
chapters: 17 / 18 / 19 /
knight!jungkook x princess!reader
One of the footmen is already waiting for you, following the order of Taehyung to summon you. Said man is standing in the middle of the room whilst the valet stands before him, buttoning up his shirt. He steps aside when you approach, bowing.
“How did you sleep last night?” You’re the first to break the silence, nimble fingers picking up where the valet left off.
You can feel his eyes lingering on the top of your head as you focus on the task at hand.
“Well.” His answer is short and curt, possibly still harboring the smolders of last two night’s fight.
“Good.” You nod towards the valet who’s standing by with Taehyung’s coat. It’s been over a week since you’ve arrived at the Northern Kingdom. Most of the foreign delegates have gone back to their countries and today, so will you.
The light in the mirror catches your eyes and causes you to look at the man staring at the reflection of the woman behind him. She holds the coat in the air and he slips his arms into its respective sleeves wordlessly.
You come to stand in front of the Prince again, smoothing out the fabric of the coat under your palms. This time, there’s no escaping those eyes. They pierce into yours like a spear but you’ve built walls too high for anyone to penetrate.
“One of my men saw you talking to someone yesterday.” He says simply, no decorative words, no underlying meaning, “a new face. A noble man who wasn’t here on the day of the funeral.”
The only who you knew saw you with Jungkook was your maid. Her sweet, cheery smile burns on the back of your mind. You refrain from shaking your head. No. Eunha is not like that. She may look like everything and anything is gossip but she knows not to speak of her lady’s affairs. Furthermore, she didn’t see Jungkook’s face. It must have really been one of Taehyung’s men who saw from afar.
“Ah, Marquis Jung? Indeed, he had urgent matters to settle so he arrived a little later.” You school an easy smile though you’re not so sure if it’ll work on a fellow monarch.
“My man also said you were crying.”
Your heart almost fell but your face still remains cheerful and unbothered. “Am I not allowed to shed tears, especially with the wound of my father’s death being so fresh and recent, you highness?”
That seems to settle with his reasoning. His gaze shakes the slightest bit as you shake your head. “Your highness may not understand, both your highness’ parents are well and alive.”
Those last words confirms your suspicions. The stoic mask he has on crumbles like a sandcastle as he looks at you with guilt, pain and something you can’t pinpoint.
“We’ll be spending more than a day in the carriage, I rather we not fight anymore.” You say your peace and for a last, remaining effect, stand on your tip toes, lips planting a kiss on his cheek.
“I shall see you in the carriage.” You leave him with those words, the stunned expression on his face being the last thing you see before you walk through the door.
By the time you arrive at the palace, it was half past noon on the next day. You made small talks with Taehyung but the Prince didn’t seem to keen on answering questions about his childhood and didn’t try to ask about yours. The whole ride was spent in silence until the general announced your arrival.
Yerin had helped you change into a simpler dress. The plan is to catch up on a week’s worth of work which means locking yourself up in the office. But thirty minutes into work, Eunha comes slipping into your office without her usual smile. She keeps looking at the door as she stands in front of your desk, “y-your highness, I have a letter.”
She leaves the folded, un-waxed paper by your hand and sprints off before you can even read it, write a reply and give it to her to post it to whoever your letter mate is.
You know who the letter belongs to as soon as you read how it addresses you. Only one person ever calls you ‘Princess’, most would formally call you ‘your highness’ or ‘my lady’.
‘I am in the Southern Kingdom following your departure. Is it possible to meet tonight to discuss our plans?’
A dead weight seems to settle on your shoulders as you reread the short letter over and over again. Walking over the hearth, you toss the paper into the fire and watch it burn.
It takes several tries to form a response as an inner war begins to erupt.
‘I can’t. The Prince and I have just made up...’
You cross that one out. And prepare another piece of fresh paper.
‘We’ve been seen. The Prince knows I met with a ‘young noble man’ three days ago but I played it off...’
No, this one will not do too.
‘Not at the present. The Prince is suspicious of me. I shall contact you when the time is right.’ You set your quill back in the inkpot. Folding the paper, you slip it within your sleeves. Only when it is time for you to retreat to your chamber for your bath, do you call for Eunha to stay back with the excuse to help comb your hair. By then, you’ve already stored the letter in your drawer.
Yerin seems displeased to have a mere commoner to be picked over her but you pretend not to notice. Your maid’s cheerful smile has returned but there’s a tug to it that makes it appear forced.
Covering her hand that’s on your shoulder, you look at her in the mirror. “Eunha, did anyone blackmail you to send me the letter?”
The maid appears stunned for a second before her bright facade falls through and tears brim in her eyes. “I was scared someone was blackmailing you, your highness and that you must keep quiet. Knowing you, you would bear the burden on your own and I- I- wish you would tell me.”
Rising to your feet, you bring the girl into your arms, letting her cry in your embrace as you shush her softly. “Thank you, Eunha, I never thought I’d meet someone so loyal in this place.”
“Th-then were you...”
You hold her hands, shaking your head as you smile. “No, it was a letter from an acquaintance of mine. We’ve been close friends but because of the differing ranks, he had to send an anonymous letter to me to ask how I was.”
Eunha sniffles as her face lifts up. “I-I’m glad her highness has someone to talk to.”
You pat her head gently, chuckling at how cute her innocent worrying is before she asks another question, “b-but if you don’t mind me asking, your highness, how did you become acquainted with a prison guard?”
Prison guard? You wrack your brain for a face donned in shiny armor. There aren’t many guards you’ve come to acquaint yourself with. The general is one of Taehyung’s men, rather than an acquaintance, your interactions were strictly a matter of national security. No topics were discussed besides the safety of the Crown Prince and Princess. You’ve met a few of the lower officials but their faces remain a blur. The only guard you ever know his name was the one that guarded Jungkook’s cell...
It hits you then that the guard may not have retired like Jungkook said he would. He must have sent the letter to the guard who in turn found a close confidant of yours to pass the letter to.
“He lives outside, the guard is his nephew whom he must have asked to relay the letter to but it would be suspicious for a prison guard to approach me and the letter would possibly be confiscated.” You easily conclude, “that’s why he approached you.”
Eunha’s cheery smile returns full force, it warms your heart and lifts your spirits as you return her smile.
“If he has a nephew, he must be elderly... is he the same age as the King?”
You pause, an image of Jungkook appearing at the back of your mind. How would he look in ten years’ time? What will happen to that warm gaze he reserves for you only when you are alone?  Will it still burn the same way? Will he continue to use those arms to do labor work like cutting firewood, lifting goods on his shoulders and all the work that requires strength? Will he choose to keep a beard now that he’s a free man and not required to adhere to dress codes and maintain his knightly appearance? Your face catches heat at the thought of his arms filling the sleeves of his clothes, longer hair tied back into a pony tail.
But for now, you nod at Eunha’s inquiry, “yes. It would seem odd for the Princess to have an elderly acquaintance but I do cherish our friendship dearly, so please keep it a secret.”  
You take the letter from your closet and press it in her hand. “This is my reply, please take it to the guard.”
Eunha nods, her eyes shining with innocent determination as your heart aches from yet another lie told. She takes her leave when Taehyung arrives in his night robe, eyes studying the maid as she bows at him.
“You seem to take a liking towards that poor thing.” He asserts, “it’d reflect badly on Lady Yerin if the Princess prefers a maid of her lady-in-waiting.”
“She lives her life honestly and therefore far from ‘poor.’“ You refute heatedly, gaze hardened over the man who settles himself in the middle of your bed, “if his highness has so much compassion for Lady Yerin, then you may take her to join your side.”
Taehyung clicks his tongue, eyes narrowing, “a lady as a valet? That’s unheard of.” That not-so-missed smirk creeps its way to his lips, “now, a second wife, that’s been done by may great Kings.”
Your eye twitches as you refrain yourself from slapping that smirk right off his face, “put me out of my misery, will you? Take her as your second wife, I don’t care.”
The room is filled with Taehyung’s laughter as he takes it with good humor. That is apparently the only think he’s good at. “A little sensitive, aren’t we? Have you been experiencing nausea? Headaches?”
Your eyes narrow at what he’s hinting, climbing on the bed to your side whilst subtly trying to keep a gap between you. “What’s it to you?”
The gap falls through as the Prince lands himself in your lap. A hand crossed underneath his head as he stares up at you with a wicked smile, “to us, Princess.”
Bile rises to your throat at the name he calls you. It tastes bitter when he says it but you let him attribute the sour expression on your face to the mention of a second wife even before you are crowned King and Queen. He seems to get a kick out of it.
“It’d be a hassle to make a new dress for the coronation if the new Queen couldn’t fit in it because she’s showing.” He teases, “best to get the coronation done quickly, no?”
At the word, your eyes twinkle. Taehyung must have caught it. That must be the reason he’s chuckling quietly into your stomach.
“When will it be held?”
He peeks from beneath his locks that shadows his eyes and you have to fight yourself from caressing it away, “in a month’s time.”
You feel your heart skip. In a month’s time. Approximately 30 days from now, you’ll be rid of the title ‘Princess’ and assume the title ‘Queen’. The Queen - the current Queen must be writhing in anger and anxiousness at this very moment. Her words still ring in your ears as though she’d just warned you yesterday.
“You will,” she had cut you with the power held upon the crown perched on her neatly made hair, “you will want power - command once you’ve lived long enough to lose yourself in this god forsaken place and I will not allow you to have any semblance of that in my castle. In my kingdom.” 
Something stirs in the very pit of your stomach. It’s delightful and deadly and thirsty. The hand that caresses the Prince’s hair is gentle and the smile that smiles at him is sweet as you wish him good night, blowing the candle before settling into the bed. This time, you don’t quite mind the arms that hold you as you dream about the day the crown passes to you.
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prince-toffee · 4 years
Season 1
Welcome to ‘Seasons’ dipshits. This might have four more follow ups, or this is the only one I’ll make, I don’t know, I get bored a lot. Anyway, the concept of this imprint is - ‘back during this season of Spop I had this outlandish crazy theory, and so now I write it’. Cause I thought it might be interesting. Plus canon sucks. This is set after the events of season one, so it’s kind of like episode 14. Forget everything we now know, pretend like all we knew was what season one showed us.
Also, special thank you to @tallysgreatestfan who was the one who gave me this idea for this canon divergence ball-pit. Enjoy, or don’t, I’m not your mom do whatever you want, I don’t care.
This took way too long.
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Beatrix scoffed and threw the brown ration bar and the rest of her food tray across the prison cell, she far preferred the grey ones. She gave a defeated sigh lowering her head down. She rubbed her fingers over the scratched part of her mask, in the spot where a chip of the Black Garnet used to reside. Her shoulders slouched down, all tension in her muscles left her as she gave up. She felt so powerless. So weak. Just a few days ago she was still one of the most powerful witches on the planet, every magic user feared her name.
Shadow Weaver.
Now, she sat in a prison cell, rank-less. She didn’t know if she should’ve felt honoured, or disgusted by the fact that the cell was specially attuned and adjusted for her specifically. Which meant it was probably designed and constructed, in secret, long before her treason. This place was full of secrets and surprises, usually unpleasant ones. Hec-Tor would’ve probably said it was an honour, he was an architect that truly thought of everything. And The Fright Zone was one of his most haunted creations.
Beatrix wasn’t disgusted, per say. She knew she didn’t have many fans, and plenty of enemies at every corner. This outcome was inevitable, she knew deep down she was getting too greedy for her own good. But the power felt too good to give up. What a fool she was. She saw it all clearly now. Where her addiction led her. Her very unsubtle disregard for orders, her greed peering through her emotionless, cold stature. She knew she was on thin ice with Hec-Tor, the control freak he was. He desired order and expected sub-ordinance. He always disliked her - everybody back home knew she was a wildcard, deceptive, insidious. Looking out for only herself - she never really cared about the cause.
Perhaps she should’ve been more surprised that he didn’t do it earlier. She knew he wasn’t fond of her, and vice versa of course - she couldn’t stand his patriotic and prideful attitude. Acting as if being apart of The Horde was a gift from god. He was an old blind fool. Beatrix wouldn't have thought twice before leaving this place and selling her loyalty and inside information to the most welcoming bidder - The Alliance, or even maybe try her luck with The Empire of Talon Mountain. So any choices to choose from, now if only she could manage to escape her imprisonment.
Unfortunately, if she knew Hec-Tor, and she did, the Hordak had probably thought of every possibility of escape she would think of, and countered it. He was paranoid like that. The spherical pure white containment cell she was unceremoniously thrown into was made out of Glowmoon-Dwarfstone, the surface layer anyway. A magical element only found on one of the moons of Etheria, able to absorb darkness itself - a favoured building material of BrightMoon, apparently. Bad news for the Weaver of Shadows, she was powerless here. She despised feeling weak, vulnerable. She was meant to be the predator, not the prey.
She had no shadow. The stone absorbed it. She felt two dimensional. She didn’t know if that made sense, but she heard the stone had negative effects on the mind if in close proximity for too long. Speaking of which, she had no idea how long she had been locked up, she lost the track of time. No windows. So no sky. No clock. No space. The spherical cell was the size of a small closet. At least they were still feeding her, but the food in there was never anything to gloat about.
She placed her face into her hands, she was loosing it. She couldn’t break! But she was close. She didn’t want anyone to have the satisfaction of seeing her beg, and pled. She was strong, stronger than them. She was going to win in the end, she just had to wait it out, play the long ga-
“Inmate-667. Place your forehead on the wall behind you and position your hands behind your back. The containment unit door will open, and a commanding official will commence your questioning. And Weaver, you’re gonna like this one, hehe.”
Beatrix narrowed her eyes and growled at the announcement. She recognised the voice, Force-Commander Grizzlor. She never liked him. The feeling was seemingly mutual. She did as she was ordered. A groan reverberated through her throat, she knew exactly what is was, she could tell from Grizzlor’s smug voice. Catra. She was back to berate her. It seemed like her former ward’s ego had grown three times the size, rather than her heart. Beatrix dreaded these visits. Catra came over from time to time, to insult and demean the dark sorceress, rub her victory into Beatrix’s face. Insolent little brat! She got lucky! Beatrix was weak when she caught her off guard, too drained by the toll the Black Garnet’s power took on her. If only- if only she could take hold of the Garnet’s power! S- She didn’t need much, just a little, it would’ve cleared her mind, beat her heart faster. If she had just a little more she could’ve had taken out Catra, and her two stooges. Everything would have been all better if only she had a little more. Damn that girl! And her mother!
The cell opened up. A side panel gave out a hiss as it dislodged, pulled out and off to the side. Weaver felt the colder air pour in. The closest shadow cast onto her was to weak for her to do anything with, the upper layer of the walls draining it’s ethereal cosmic weight. Or perhaps she was the one who was too weak. Catra loomed over her. The teen thought she could intimidate her, not a chance.
“Well? Come on then, you spoiled brat! Got anything to say? Came here to gloat and mock me, you think you have won, but one wrong move with Hordak and he’ll throw you to the dogs, he’s-”
The sorceress silenced herself. The voice that called to her was cold and smooth, in other words not Catra’s. The single word was followed by a pair of footsteps, metal boots clanking against the stone’s surface. The sound of cybernetics hissing as his joins moved. He was close now. The cell entrance slide back into place closing the cell. They were alone now. Beatrix had to admit, even though she knew Hec-Tor for most of her life, seen him at his most vulnerable, even shared some intimate moments with him, but still even after all that - he was terrifying.
She turned her head around, and there he was. He looked different in the light, stranger. She almost never saw him outside of his ThroneHall. Always cloaked in darkness and smoke. She sometimes wondered if he bought smoke machines on purpose to scare any kids that would accidently wonder into the room. Hec-Tor certainly had a taste for the dramatic. Beatrix turned around and seated herself comfortably looking up at the Overlord, well, as comfortably as possible. There he was, in all his glory, out of shadows - a glorified toaster. The same Hec-Tor that used to write poetry for girls that would never go out with him. The same Hec-Tor that dyed his hair blue, because kids from the neighbourhood made fun of him being ginger. The same Hec-Tor that beat his own father within an inch of his life, and conquered half of the galaxy...
Same old, same old.
She swallowed down quietly, she couldn’t show him she was weak. The mask helped hide most emotions, most weaknesses, she had to control the rest of her body language. Beatrix lifted one leg over the other and intertwined her fingers together, giving off a relaxed posture.
“Lord Hordak. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
She looked over him - blood red eyes, and teeth, grey skin, military regulation hair cut, his two prostatic arms, which could crush boulders, his imperial purple cape, and the neon lit armour implants. She was actually curious as to what he was actually going to say. His eyes narrowed, anger was apparent, but an air of irritation was present too. He gave out a long tiresome sigh, as he moved his fingers to rub the bridge of his nasal cavity, even venturing as far as his eyes, she was in for it.
“Why? Why can’t you just follow orders? Beatrix Hallows, always struggling with adhering to reason and common sense.”
Shadow Weaver’s eyes widened she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, he actually had the audacity to school her, to talk down to her. This was almost worse than Catra, hearing her full name spoken out in a mocking tone, like lecturing a child, slapping them on the hand, this was humiliating. And from Hec-Tor too. When angered by her he’d usually give her the cold shoulder, take her off a mission, reassign command to someone else, like Catra. She thought he had given up on talking to her, and her, ages ago. But she wasn’t going to have it.
“Having fun? Look you’re not covering any new ground here. Catra already had multiple pitstops here to make me her new donkey. If you think you get to insult me like that, just remember your punk rear wouldn’t have made it back home if it weren’t there for me. You owe me. Several.”
It was true. Back on HordeWorld, back in Catrax, back on the streets. They had nothing. Had to rummage through trash, and steal for food. Stomach empty all day. Times were tough. They had to rely on each other. One distracted the passer-by and the other pickpocketed, on a lucky day, thanks to Hec-Tor’s puppy eyes the stranger would hand them some pennies on top of that.
But man, on days like these she wished she had never stood up to those bullies shoving little young Hec-Tor around, should have never allowed him to follow her. But how couldn’t she, he was so adorable.
“I am not here to appoint you my personal laughing stock. And I thought I told Catra talking to prisoners was forbidden. I’ll have a chat with her about the regulations... I am here to understand. Finally. I have been putting this off for far too long.”
This was curious, and unexpected. She would’ve lied if she said she wasn’t interested in what was about to exit that mouth. He had avoided her for years. Often said she was ‘not worth wasting words on’. The feeling was mutual. She heard that mouth declare rousing speeches, bone-chilling monologues, and the softest of kisses. Versatility was everything. He continued.
“We never saw eye to eye, never liked each other, you always went your own way. Chose to differ from others, always take the other path. You talk back to me, you waste resources on personal escapades, and often break protocol... But back there, at such a crucial point, disobeying my orders, for what? Just because of a child that did follow orders?”
Putting faith in that girl was going to be his undoing. Unless she was going to get to him first. Catra was always a nuisance, untrustworthy, going off on her own, not listening to what she was told. She had a rebellious spirit, that drove her away from Weaver’s lessons, she often managed to drag others away with her. She was too smart for her own good.
She’ll be biting down on Hec-Tor’s ankles soon enough. She supposed that an upside of being stuck in the cell was that he had to deal with Catra’s antics now. That was his mess to clean.
“How did she even get a drop on you? Was it the Garnet? I told you to tell me if the artefact displayed any negative effects-”
“Are you done? I know you didn’t come here to talk about my feelings. If you care to know your magic weapon is fine. And Catra. She’s nothing but a brat that you’re letting walk over you.”
She wasn’t having any of this, she had to speak up for herself. Call it a warning, that girl is not to be dismissed, she’s trouble - like her mother.
But deep down she felt a hint of embarassement herself, she was one of the most powerful sorceresses, years ago when she first drained the power of the Garnet she did it effortlessly. Even though Hec-Tor didn’t trust her, he handed her the responsibility, because he knew she was the only one who could hold its power. He knew she was mighty. But now, the Garnet rejects her, resists her, no longer bows down to her might. It hurt sometimes. But she could never show weakness.
The infamous Hordak stared down at her, judgementally, much like how he looked down at everybody. He looked off to the side at the thrown away tray, mashed potato and peas smeared on the floor, tray flipped over, and the brown rations crumbled on the floor.
“You’re not eating.”
What was that? She wondered to herself. Was that genuine worry? She noticed he stayed on the ration bars for a second too long, noting her preference perhaps. He seemingly had no idea where to go from there, so she helped him out, she asked.
“Why are you here Hec-Tor?”
This time using his real name rather than his title. More personal, it cut to the point. Plus he was always going to be Hec-Tor to her. That puppy eyed scaredy-bat, the one always picked on, by bullies twice his weight, the nerd allergic to flowers, and used to write poems for her. She dismissed them of course, just a bunce of nonsense if you’d ask her. The change never really quite settled in, even when the Council made the public announcement of picking the new Hordak. Even when Hec-Tor’s face came on every screen on the planet. Even when the death of He-Ro shocked the nation. Nothing changed.
Well, maybe not until that day at Vix’s Diner. It was the strangest circumstance. He was the one who called her over. She guessed it was just a nostalgic meet up, like in the old days. The Hordak was present, so they ate for free. Their conversation would be constantly interrupted by randos bowing and giving respects to the walking totem. He dismissed them.
But there was something different about the man that sat infront of her, he was colder, more stiff. Beatrix treated herself to the unlimited free breakfast meals, best she’d eaten in years. She half listened to his ramblings, something about the war with the Light and the Ones Who Won’t Be Named escalating, the Council was abolishing anti-terraforming laws, and Horde warships were launching on the offensive against the enemy. The wannabe poet gone, all that was left of the boy was a patriot, and a soldier. Well what do you do? That’s what the government spoon feeds people.
But the strangest thing was. He asked her to be his Weaver - his second in command. An honour placed apon who seen as worthy, or chosen by the Council. But this wasn’t an ask of desperation or of fear. This was an order. Firm, and powerful. That day in the diner, if Beatrix would’ve refused him, she didn’t know if she would’ve walked out of there with her head on.
The Hordak is no mere man you can refuse after all.
He is the Beast of HordeWorld.
And so, they set off. Boarded the warship: Annihilation, and rocketed into the stars. And the newly appointed Shadow Weaver pondered, that it was quite curious that HordeWorld was completely decimated only few days after they left. Curious indeed.
Blah. Blah. Blah. Couple of thousand years, some food shortages and dead bodies later: Etheria. Crash landing in the back fields of King Niro’s kingdom of Scorpion Hill. And it was through Weaver’s highly skilled dark magic on display, that the kingdoms bowed down to them, Mysticore even building a statue in her honour. They looked up to her, marvelled at her magical abilities. Her Horde magic was far more advanced than what the wizards held in their possession. She taught, and trained them. But good things never last. They turned on her.
“Like I said, Beatrix. I am here to understand.”
Now it was his time to use her name. She was still curious yet cautious. Whatever side-tracks Hec-Tor from the main mission, can’t be good. All this was strangely personal. Was the Beast infact capable of concern and closeness? She let him continue.
“We’ve known each other longer than most beings live. But in my quest into the unknown, I never even dared to explore what was nearest me. Tell me, why break, why snap at me at a point of victory? And why, why the girl? It’s that Magicat that sets you off at every moment. Why? Why do you hate the girl?”
“Well, you free me?”
“...No. We both know I won’t, I can’t. It is against the protocols, and I gave you too many passes, vouched for you too many times, I overlooked your actions for too long. And that’s why I am here.”
Well, that wasn’t going to work. No freedom, no deal, no talking. She was surprised by the fact that this entire situation was simply a genuine attempt at a heart to heart. But he knew nothing. And that’s how Beatrix liked to keep things. Much like Hec-Tor, she wished to be a bogeyman, imagination was always the greatest deterrent.
And what was there to explain? Catra was a pain, undisciplined, and unwilling to learn. Beatrix wasn’t about to just let that brat walk over her, of course she snapped! Everything Catra got, every punishment, was because she deserved it. Though... no. No, he couldn’t know. Could he? Did he? Hec-Tor was a master tactician and strategist, he always researched and analysed everything before the attack - what if the Beast already knew the answer to his own question?
Did he know about Melendy?
Beatrix never spoke to anyone about her personal life, especially not her love life. And she had sure she was back for check-ins, erased her tracks, she was sneaky. She didn’t slip up often. How would he know? Could it be? Was the grand Lord Hordak jealous? A curious stalker.
But perhaps it wasn’t that outside of the realm of possibly. The Queen of Magicats. The Lord of the Horde. Hec-Tor set up many negotiations in the time before the war, people talk.
And what now, he expected her to sit here listen to him give her therapy? As if. If that bastard knew about Melendy’s choice... about her leaving, and didn’t say anything, just holding it over her head as bait - then damn him to the Light! But did he truly know? He couldn’t possibly understand. She was in love. Nothing ever came close to making her feel like that. Not even him. Beatrix loved her, and she chose to leave, just because of tradition, culture. To Light with it!
But what prompted him to care? Perhaps he looked back fondly on the past, reminiscing? Hordak and her didn’t sleep together often, but when the duty became too much, too stressful - they aided each other to settle the nerve. Heh, it took practice to get used to each other, their first time, wasn’t pretty.
She still remembered that night, or well, it was day actually. She always misremembered, since the skies over Catrax were always grey from the city’s pollution. Kids used to come over to their windows and watch the rare instances when sunshine would penetrate the dark clouds above. Very little hope shone down on the people of the lower levels. But the kids of the higher levels, the ones on the first floor, above the clouds, they had all the sunshine they wanted, and took it all for granted.
So when Beatrix and Hec-Tor pickpocketed and stole a little, just to keep living, just to have. It wasn’t that selfish. When the two crash landed on Etheria for the first time they ventured throughout the land, claiming everything they could, stealing and conquering, taking - just to have. Just because they couldn’t, in previous lives.
On that day, after Beatrix stole old Mister Scurvy’s wallet as Hec-Tor distracted him, they both ran off away from the yelling man. Ran faster than they ever ran before, too afraid that the man’s screaming would attract the attention of any local law enforcement, if they got them, it was Confinement for sure, no matter that they were teens.
She huffed and panted so hard she almost fell off her own feet. She had to lean herself on the side of a brick wall in the alleyway she ran into. Just as Hec-Tor joined her, the rain began to pour. He bowed down, arms holding his knees trying to support his upper body. His ears tilted down. His exhausted cough turning into a cackling laugh, which clearly infected Beatrix since she burst into laughter with him. She didn’t really know how it happened, but he got closer to her, with her pinned against the wall, looking straight into each other’s eyes. As their chuckles settled, her hand ventured down to his hip as her lips made their way to his own. And then, well, they were teenagers, you know what else.
Good memories.
Perhaps memories were just the advantage she needed, perhaps Hordak didn’t despise her as much as she had previously thought. Could it be? The All-Mighty Lord of The Horde feeling, lonely?
“Do you remember the alleyway?”
“Eh, there were... many alleyways.”
True that, after it felt so good, the first time, it sort of became a daily routine for them. Partners with benefits. They used each other to feel better, to feel something. There was nothing between the two, or so Beatrix thought. But perhaps she was wrong yet again. She wished to test that.
She took off her mask. The Weaver mask was a totemic symbol back on HordeWorld - representing strength and authority. And underneath that mask, was a woman. A broken woman, with scars and stiches, missing flesh. Something many would call a monster. But Hec-Tor Kur of House Kur saw nothing but beauty. A magnificent beast that saved him many a times. The girl he fell for so long ago. And Beatrix knew that, knew it the moment she locked her toxic waste green eyes with his blood red, which shimmered in the light of the cell. She knew straight away, his weakness.
“Look at me, Hec-Tor. So frail. I wasted away. So little of me left... The Council was right. No matter what power I aim to tame, I fail, I never amounted to anything, like they predicted. I know you’re disappointed to have me as a partner on this venture... But… I miss the alleyways. When we had nothing. Back when so little felt like so much.”
It worked. The seemingly cold and calculated persona cracked. His facial expression changed, from irritation, and anger to a certain softness, maybe pity. He breathed in heavy, and out through the nose. He took a step closer to her. The cell was a snug fit so he was leg was already brushing hers.
“We do have nothing, Beatrix. We are last of our kind. We have little, but we can have it all. You are not a failure. We are not failures. There is a reason why I haven’t just simply executed you like a common thug... I miss those days too. But we still have time.”
The Hordak kneeled down, lowered himself to be closer to her. This was it - the moment of truth. He clearly had no idea what to do with his hands, so one rubbed its thumb and pointing finger together in anticipation, while the other hovered in the air half open awaiting her permission to proceed. The Weaver of Shadows accepted it, took hold of the old vampire’s hand into her own, intertwining their talons. Old scared skin taking comfort in one another, in something familiar, in an unfamiliar world.
“We will have our people back. We will terraform this miserable planet! And we will be the new gods of a new utopia... And... though we never seem to see eye to eye... even if all it was, was physical, there is no one I would rather stand with and watch this world transform into hope, because you are my partner. This is our mission.”
Beatrix was the first to move forward. And Hec-Tor quickly followed suit, he closed his eyes and opened his fanged mouth. And the blissful moment was brief, but glorious, the space bat even let a pleasing hum escape him. And perhaps Beatrix would’ve let it go on longer, it wasn’t often that she had pleasures like these. But this situation was dire, and also, she was really tired of looking at the same white walls all day. She decided she earned herself a little walk to stretch her legs.
Hordak knew there was something wrong - his mouth became colder, and something wriggled inside that made him choke on his own breaths. Shadow Weaver rose up, straightening her legs completely, while Hordak bent down, onto his knees. The Dwarf Stone absorbed all darkness present on all surfaces, rendering her powerless, but the magic stone’s reach was limited. Cause Hordak’s entire inside of his body was nothing but darkness - so many shadows coating all of his vulnerable entrails. She wasn’t going to paralyse him permanently, she wasn’t that cruel - just because of their history, she could show mercy.
Hec-Tor’s face pale and sick, his body limp, blood pooling around his organs, he fell on the floor. Shadow Weaver took a good long heavy breath, perfect. She placed the mask back over her face, and approached the wall of the cell through which Hec-Tor entered. Firmly placed her palms on the stone and harshly blew onto the wall. The ethereal shadows twisted and morphed and drilled into the wall, she didn’t have much time. Every second the walls drained away the shadows, Hec-Tor had very little left in him, and the bright magic of the material weakened her, so little strength was left in her.
But there it was, the sound of the stone cracking. She wormed her fingers into the crack, enlarging it, chipping on it. The rock crumbled down, exposing the metallic layer underneath it. That was it, her window of opportunity. She commanded the shadows to bore into the mechanisms, and the dimensionless beast tore the panel wide open. The steel bending and ripping was extremely satisfying.
Weaver loved the look on Grizzlor’s face as he took in what just happened. The witch made quick work of him, throwing him off to the side with the dark mass. She sighed in relief, she wasn’t free yet, but she had plenty of material to work with. The shadows from smallest corner to the largest corridor converged around her, swirling like a vortex.
“Now this is something I can work with.”
21 notes · View notes
m00nlitknight · 4 years
librarian helper
fandom: IT (2017) pairing:  henry bowers / goody-two-shoes reader word count:  1,635 warnings:  none to really point out? henry being henry?? summary:   Oh, how one tires of stagnant days. extra:   my favorite part of this is when richie said 'mullet-boy bowers' im iconic. i also finished this at like 3am pls b gentle i hope i wrote henry ok! feedback is highly appreciated, thank you for reading!
archive of our own link.
Monday mornings in Derry weren’t ideal, regardless of the context. Teens awoken far too early for their own good, forced to come to grips with the reality that it was the first day back from the weekend. Trudging through the crowded student body and longing for the day to be over just as soon as it was to begin. A variety of feelings made the air heavy and thick with a concoction so truthful to the high school experience; frustration, exhaustion, and the underlying scent of yearning.
Few an individual found themselves bragging of the weekend’s extracurricular activities, cackling with an unusual vigor and energy unlike the rest of their near-ghoulish peers. Others were sitting on the ground, rushing through their assignments with adrenaline only just granted to them; oh yes, the heart-stopping experience of forgetting that there was homework.
Fortunately, you’d hadn’t found yourself in that predicament this morning, having thoroughly done your homework on Friday night. Best to do it then push it off and forget it; your own philosophy. Not to say you hadn’t found yourself in the same situation in times past, nor were you above those whose memory’s had failed them.
Quietly you step up to your locker, opening it and glancing down to your left, where Richie Tozier was currently scribbling nonsense down on what you assumed to be Government. You hummed, putting your things away quickly and retrieving what looked to be the same assignment - some stupid worksheet the teacher assigned, no doubt some kind of busywork. Your class truly had no grasp on the concept of being ‘quiet,’ which annoyed you to no end.
You squatted down to his level, with his pencil not even ceasing as you set the paper in his peripheral. No teachers were at their morning posts yet, either that or the ones who were supposed to be there simply didn’t care to be there.
“Oh - uh, shit, how much?” His eyes shifted from you to the paper quickly as he fumbled to reach for something - likely his wallet.
“Nothing,” Your voice leaves you laced with amusement as you push the paper into his grasp. “Just don’t get caught with it, please.”
“Aw, c’mon! You can’t just hand it the fuck over for free, man, that’ll mean I owe you a solid.”
“Just consider it on the house, Tozier. It’ll be fine, you don’t owe me.”
“Okay, okay, but don’t come hollerin’ when you suddenly need a favor from ol’ Richie, alright?”
You hum in affirmation, turning back to your locker and beginning to sort through the things that would be needed for the day to come. Around you, energy began to rise, individuals of the student body reanimating through social interaction. The morning sun may not have been enough to revitalize them, but it appeared that the promise of teenage-to-teenage interaction was.
Richie finished his work with your worksheet quickly, shoving it back in your direction with a toothy grin. “Thanks, dude, you’re a fuckin’ lifesaver, I swear.”
“Like I said, it’s nothing! Do you need help with anything else? You know I have a basically free second period in the library.”
“Nah, thanks for the offer,” He seemed to finalize, standing up to go through his own locker. “I’ll make sure to send my dumbfuck friends your way if they happen to need any tutoring, though.”
You release a laugh through your nose, head shaking as you did so. Richie looked to you with a momentary smile, only to have it fall when he looked passed to the people around you.
“Alright, don’t panic,” naturally, you felt a little alarmed as a grimace crept onto his features. “ but I think you have a momentary peepin’ Tom right now.”
“Uh ... what ... do you mean?” You couldn’t help the faint caution and apprehension crawling into your voice.
“Mullet-boy Bowers is staring at you like ... really intensely,” he turned to you once again, putting an not-so-reassuring hand on your shoulder. “If I were you, I’d get the fuck outta dodge right now.”
With that, he stepped around you, maneuvering through the hallway - likely to class - and leaving you by your lonesome and, unfortunately, vulnerable. Quickly after his departure, the bell rang shrill overhead, signaling the beginning of class as students begrudgingly made their way to their first hour classes. You made yourself among their ranks, gathering your things to hopefully outrun ( or walk in this case ) any physical advancements the fellow student could’ve had on you.
The classroom’s door frame never felt more welcoming as you stepped foot into it, releasing a breath of comfort. Most of the class had yet to filter in, meaning there was more reign to choosing whatever seat you wanted. With a hum of appreciation, you step further in, choosing a seat not-too-close and not-too-far back for your liking, sitting down and preparing for class.
You keep your attention focused on your notebook for the beginning as classmates make their way in, sitting in various spots around the room and leaving you by yourself. Booted footfalls make their dreaded way over to you, finding themselves seated to your right. Sudden fear prickles your skin, suddenly making the room too warm and too cold at once while your shoulders tense. For the love of god, be anyone, anyone other than who you thought it was.
The seat creaks, likely with the weight of its occupant leaning into your vicinity. “Did’ja get the homework done, girlie?” You can almost hear the smirk in his whisper, as though he’s a wolf bearing his maw to a sheep. You tense further, shaking your head as you unconsciously lean further into the empty space you have right.
“S’funny...swear I saw you givin’ it to Trashmouth ‘fore class started,” The seats to your front and back were occupied by others, quite possibly remaining individuals who found an alliance with Henry. “Always thought’ch’re a good girl...be a shame if someone fucked that up for y’huh?”
Blackmail? That didn’t really seem like his style, then again it didn’t quite seem like you were being offered a choice of any kind - especially if he had the man power of his goons with him.
“So what’s it gonna be, huh? We ain’t got much time,” his voice transcribed his annoyance as your mulling was cut short, sliding the paper into his vision as he diligently scribbled the answers down. Across the room you caught the eye of Richie, quickly looking away in shame. You nearly miss the amused “s’what I thought,” murmured from Henry as he finishes the work quickly, shoving your desk with a bark of laughter.
The class continues on with its usually snail-like pace, much to your dismay as you keep your eyes locked on either the clock or your notebook. In front of you sat Belch Huggins, likely to his own humor since you were no longer able to see the board, and to your back sat Victor Criss who was able to sneak in an early nap. Through the paperballs being spat at or thrown at you from your right, you couldn’t help but feel that this was in some way better than having Patrick sit nearest to you - even if he was still creepily staring into your shoulder from behind Henry with what you could only guess was that irking grin. God forbid it was his expressionless face, that churned nervousness in your gut.
The bell rang once again overhead, signaling your freedom to the library as you scrambled to gather your things and rush passed before you had the chance to get cornered. Dumping what you had in your hands in your locker - you figured it would be for later you to organize - you did your best to scamper to the library unseen.
It seemed to have worked for the most part, aside from the bemused glances you garnered from teachers. Only momentary, they shrugged it off as you being a good kid in a hurry. As you entered the vicinity, you released another sigh of relief. If there was one thing you knew, it was that Henry Bowers wouldn’t be caught dead in a library. You didn’t really worry about his friends either, they were probably busy giving some unfortunate soul a swirlie, or whatever.
“Always on time, aren’t you?” The librarian, Ms. Andrews, rhetorical question was met with a beaming smile from you. “I’ve written things down for you to do, I’ll be in and out today helping the bookkeeper in the office.”
With a timid nod, you walked over to what she’d assigned you to do, looking through the short list with a thought of reaffirmation. Checking books back in, sorting back through them, and putting labels on new ones. You didn’t think you’d get through it all in the allotted time, though you were sure she’d been aware. Despite the world’s slow pace of going digital, Derry managed to lag behind - leaving you and your school with the unfortunate continuation of the paper system instead of being able to have the use of a computer.
“I’ll be back soon, dear, you know where where everything is,” she rounded the counter top before stepping out of the room, heels clicking loudly on the linoleum outside the carpeted room. A few moments later, the sound of boots made themselves apparent on the floor outside, going unnoticed by you as you began working on what had been assigned to you.
Looking up, your eyes met the smug gaze of Bowers himself - to which you tensed up once again. It stayed like what for an uncomfortable amount of time, the stuffy silence broken by the likes of you.
“Didn’t think you’d be a fan of the library,” you murmured, closing the book and setting it on the cart to be replaced.
“Wasn’t really, ‘till a lil’ birdy told me where my favorite bunny hangs out fer her second hour,” A sly smirk crawled onto his features as he watched you grimace over the use of the pet name.
He stepped forward, watching a physical flinch from you occur whilst he leaned his elbows onto the counter. It was stupid of him to get worked up over watching you squirm like that, but he had to admit there was definitely a feeling that came along with it. Leaning onto the counter, he gazed into your face. “What’ya say to us peelin’ outta here, goin’ and havin’ some actual fun?”
You fell silent at the question, blush darkening your features all the way to the ear. Unable to keep eye contact, you glanced to the pile of books that suddenly seemed way more interesting. “I’d say,” your voice came out so much more fragile then you’d meant it to as you looked back into his eyes. “Take me to dinner first.”
At your rebuttal, he found himself at a momentary loss for words, his own cheeks dusting with a faint pink. His smirk faltered, before returning at full force. “Can’t a man get a taste first, then?”
“ Uh, ” your mouth went dry, eyes suddenly widening. How could he be so forward?
“What’ll it be, doe-eyes?”
With a glance around the vacant library, you looked to him again. “Follow me.”
His smirk turned wolfish as you led him to the vague-privacy of the bookshelves. Once the doorway was out of sight, and the two of you were tucked away into a corner, you looked to him. “We’ll have to be quick...and quiet.”
He stepped to you, only partially caging you in with one hand. “I can do quick, but I can’t promise quiet, bunny.”
“W-we can’t do much,” you stammer, face flushing as he lowered himself to your neck. “I’m n-not that easy!” You squeak when you feel his lips press against your jugular, putting an embarrassed hand to your mouth.
“Thought we had to be quiet,” he chuckled.
You put your hands onto his face, dragging him backward to press a chaste kiss to his lips. Quickly, he swatted your hands away, coming to rest his own on your waist as you replaced your hands onto his shoulders. The kiss escalated to eyes being closed, lip nipping, and heads turning for a better angle.
You gently pulled away, in turn his hands beginning to roam your mid-section with curiosity as you caught your breath. When he brushed a certain spot, you couldn’t suppress a giggle, much to his amusement as he began to brush it intentionally.
“Henry!” You giggle, putting your hands on his chest to push him away.
“Y’know, I like the sound of my name on your lips, doe-eyes,” He pressed a kiss to your lips once again before pulling away completely. “Maybe you’ll be sayin’ it with more gusto tonight, huh?”
Your face flushes, eyes widening again. “Oh - oh! Uh, maybe..?”
“Meet me durin’ lunch, we’ll talk then,” and with a wink, he set out of the library.
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ofmargos · 4 years
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chicago’s very own margo rosas has been spotted on madison avenue , with a striking semblance to camila mendes ! you may know them as @margo or hitting the front page of tmz as margo rosas is making her comeback on broadway ! according to tmz , you just had your twenty-third birthday bash . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re overdramatic , but being passionate might help you . things that would paint a better picture of you would be the sound of stilettos hitting the pavement , the thunderous sound of applause , and having the poise of a well-mannered lady but the mouth of a sailor . ( cis female + she / her )
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omg hey y’all it’s ya girl lia back at it again with the broadway b*tch herself , margo ! fun fact : i’ve been writing for margo off n on for THREE years ?? that’s wild . no matter what i do i cannot get rid of this muse akjsdnk but i love her and i hope y’all do too ! under the cut is far too much info on her ( i’m sorry it’s long !! ) pls go ahead and give this post a like if you give me consent to come bug you in the im’s / discord ! <3
*+:。.。 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐒 。.。:+*
–;; 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞: Margaret Lucia Rosas – ;; 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞(𝐬): Margo ( preferred name ), Mars, Mar, Pain in the Ass, Drama Queen – ;; 𝐀𝐠𝐞: Twenty-Three – ;; 𝐃.𝐎.𝐁: 31 October 1997 – ;; 𝐙𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜: Scorpio sun, scorpio moon,  leo asc ( yikes ) – ;; 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫: Cis Female – ;; 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Bisexual Biromantic – ;; 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: 5ft 2 – ;; 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞: Chicago, IL – ;; 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: Luxurious apartment in Manhattan – ;; 𝐎𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Singer / Songwriter + Broadway Performer ( Julia Michaels VC ) – ;; 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬: Passionate, creative, dramatic, distrusting, outgoing, ambitious, fun-loving, loyal, daring, sarcastic, stubborn, overconfident, impulsive, hard-working, petty, secretive, short-tempered, vindictive
*+:。.。 𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘 。.。:+*
*TW: undiagnosed illness, death
grew up as an only child in chicago, illinois. her family was definitely in the middle class but her parents both worked hard to provide their pride and joy with everything she could’ve wanted out of life
and it became apparent early on that what margo wanted was to perform. she was always singing around the house, putting on one-woman shows for her parents, and following along to the choreography of her favorite DCOM on tv. and in order to keep her satisfied, and also out of the house while they were both working, her parents threw her into an abundance of performing arts classes: ballet, tap, and jazz classes + singing lessons + acting workshops-- you name it. it was a very expensive hobby but her parents were willing to put in the extra work hours to fund her passions
she honestly grew up blissfully unaware of the sacrifices her parents were making on her behalf. they just never made her feel like she was inconveniencing them in any way. if she wanted to spend her day turn acting, singing, and dancing then so be it. they supported her emotionally and financially 100%
*ILLNESS TW* but the rose-tinted glasses were ripped from her eyes around the age of fourteen / fifteen. her mom had always had a weak immune system-- the first one to catch a cold or the flu, knocking her on her ass and leaving her bedridden for days at a time. it only got worse as years went on and she avoided doctor appointments out of fear of being charged unnecessary costly fees. she downplayed her compromising situation for as long as she could until she physically couldn’t carry on any more and had to stop going to work
margo and her father urged the stubborn woman to seek medical attention for any sort of relief for months until she finally conceded. soon it became the new norm for her mother to be in and out of hospitals, getting tests done, trying various medications. but nothing helped in the long-term and they were unable to come to a strict diagnosis *ILLNESS TW END*
and she had been right, it was terribly expensive. their funds were short considering the family was down to one income. so margo took on more responsibilities by working part-time jobs as well as going to school. she was sixteen and teaching dance lessons at her childhood studio in exchange for a small amount of pay + free lessons as well as working at a local movie theatre 6 days a week. she cut back on extracurricular lessons to save some money, instead pouring all her creative energy into only school related clubs such as choir, theatre, and so on
honestly, if you knew margo in high school you’d likely not even know about her familial situation. she liked to keep her cards close to her chest and portrayed herself as this larger than life character that no one would believe had experienced any hardships. she distracted from her own worries by playing the role of ‘queen bee’ or more accurately rachael berry from glee ( a cursed character at this point but it’s true unfortunately )
margo had big dreams of making it to broadway one day and had planned to get there by going to college in new york and make a name for herself. but with her mother’s healthy declining the closer margo got to graduation, the more put off she was by the idea of moving away from home. she was willing to put all plans for her future on hold and take care of her mother but her parents wouldn’t let her. being as encouraging as ever, they convinced her that she needed to follow her dreams. she had already given up a majority of her teenage years to help them out when they needed it most. they wouldn’t let her miss out on anything else
so with a heavy heart but on a good scholarship, she left for columbia university without any idea of what to expect. new york was a whole new world for her and she was thrown off by how talented, beautiful, and wealthy her peers were. she had felt like a big fish in a really small pond during her high school days. but for once she was a tiny fish in the big wide ocean
her larger than life persona came back into play-- masking her worries and insecurities with a version of herself that was so confident that she even began to fool herself. she got a bit lost in the fantasy. her true self-slipping away. she almost had this alter ego ??? ( come thru hannah montana moment okay ) wannabe starlet rubbing elbows with the future CEOs and celebrities of the world by day and local pizza parlor waitress by the night, working to make a decent living while also sending money back home when she could
she also had to maintain good grades to keep her scholarship and participate in performances that her department put on in order to rise in the ranks
honestly the only time she got a little peace was when she was hanging out with her few GOOD friends. like the people that actually got to know her past her fake personality. they were also music people so they spent a lot of time together just messing around with instruments and vocals and writing songs in their own little makeshift studio / hangout spot
it started off as just fun and games, but with their help margo created some original songs and released them as an indie artist. she put herself out there on her social media profiles like “hey stream my new single!!!!!!” and people ate it up. after releasing a few tracks and establishing her own following, her music eventually got to the right people and she was given the opportunity to sign to an actual label which was wild ???
and while it was an amazing opportunity, releasing music under the label was also very demanding. when she was releasing music from the comfort of her friend’s studio it was purely a fun creative outlet and done on her own time. it was just... rough. but how could she complain when she was making a name for herself in the music industry + making bank from royalties + getting to meet all these cool famous people and go to parties with them and y’know ... spiral and slack off on other responsibilities
*DEATH TW* it was around her junior year that things started to go from bad to worse. she remembers exactly where she was and what she was doing when she got the call from her dad informing her of her mom’s extended stay in the hospital. things weren’t looking too good. there wasn’t anything they could do for the older lady and honestly she was done fighting. margo flew back home to chicago immediately and stayed at her childhood home for the following weeks until her mother passed. it was absolutely devastating. she stayed in chicago with her dad for months as they worked through their grief together *DEATH TW END*
columbia was pretty understanding of her situation and was willing to be accommodating so she could finish her degree plan, but margo put things off for so long that she eventually just withdrew from the university and was dead set on just living in chicago forever
i’m not gonna lie, margo was down and out for a little while. didn’t talk to anyone really, rarely left the house, stopped making music, and just sorta fell off completely. the only good thing that came out of the year or so that she spent back home was she stepped away from the false reality she created for herself in new york, which helped her realize that she didn’t love the person she was becoming or the things she was doing. she wasn’t even really involved with her one true passion which was theatre / acting
it was with a little boost from her dad ( literally her biggest fan , i love this man okay ) that she started acting like herself again. he told her that her mom wouldn’t want her to give up on everything and neither would he. so with a new found determination ( and a pretty exciting career opportunity ), margo put on her big girl pants and moved her ass back to new york to finally do what she loves to do
and here we are now ! she’s stepping into her break-out role onto broadway as lydia deetz in bettlejuice the musical
she’s only been back in new york for a few months at this point i’d say ??? and i can’t wait to see her come into her own and grow into the margo i know and love ... but also hate because she’s so so dumb :-) <3
she has no chill, probably will never have any chill, and i am sorry for that ASJNDLK she’s just overdramatic as hell !!! she’s a theatre kid at heart and i would expect absolutely nothing less from her
generally good-natured though and has good intentions. just simply has piss-poor execution sometimes
down to clown and ready to have a good time all the time all in the name of enjoying life to its fullest while we all have a chance
the only thing she takes seriously is her work life. she’s on her grind okay, it took a lot for her to get to where she is today and she’s not going to just let it slip away that easily. she’s doing everything she can to make not only herself proud but her parents :’-)
still releases her own music under the label but her primarily focus is on her budding broadway career and the label is understanding of that ... mostly because she called an executive meeting ( against her manager’s better judgement ) and was super up front and threatened to walk out if they didn’t see reason ... but at least things worked out well !!!
she mostly writes songs for other people at this point in her career. some big names too ( just like ... google julia michael’s career and apply it to margo okay thank u )
honestly her management teams worst nightmare simply because she does not listen and will do whatever she wants and post whatever she wants and will not apologize for being her authentic self in media
like, she’s just starting to figure out who she is again and they want her to stop and act fake because she’s not being very “family-friendly” or because it doesn’t make her “look good to the public” ??? nah f*ck that !
while she is sociable and fun-loving, she’s also hard to seriously get to know sometimes because of all those years of putting up a front. like sometimes she doesn’t even realize that she’s not being 100% genuine ??? so you could be hanging out with her every single day and still not know her completely and she might not open up and that’s okay, she’s working on it
she is a pretty good friend tho ! super loyal, a true ride or die, will want to fight anyone that you have a problem with, showers you in compliments and gifts, truly 10 / 10
but if she doesn’t like you or if you’ve mistreated her in any way at all she will in fact hold it against you for the rest of her life. just petty as a mf and i hate her for it like sis pls leT SH*T GO !!!!
didn’t grow up rich so now that she’s making bank she’s one of those people that just buys dumb things just because she can ??? the size of her closet is absolutely ridiculous, just overflowing with clothes and accessories, and the amount of random packages that get delivered to her apartment that she doesn’t even remember ordering is even more so ... just ... irresponsible spender
stubborn ?? what is compromising ??? doesn’t know her but will try ( begrudgingly ) if she really likes you
hates being bored. can and will go to excessive lengths to avoid boredom
partygirl margo has not stopped, will not stop, and cannot be stopped much to my own disappointment
self-proclaimed dancing queen. really puts all those years of classical dance training to good use by hopping on top of tables / countertops at parties to shake some ass
surprisingly a responsible adult that can cook and clean and get shit done when she really puts her mind to it ??? this developed over the years that her mom was sick and bedridden and she stepped up to take care of household chores while her dad worked doubles
very family-oriented and talks to her dad all the time. like, calls him daily for really dumb reasons. any time she feels down the first person she wants to talk to is him ( well it’s actually her mom, who was her best friend in the whole world, but since she’s not here anymore they make do as just the two of them )
her ego is LARGE. GRANDE. thinks very highly of herself as a result of being praised too much as a child probably. not to mention she is very very good at what she does, has more talent in her little pinky then i do in my whole body. she’s secretly insecure on the inside but she presents as an overconfident bad bitch
a staple to her character that i wish she would shake is her inability to handle her own feelings in a healthy way ... she just sorta ... shuts down ?? runs away ?? acts like nothing is happening ?? it’s bad. would rather leave than get left and bottle up all her feelings and kick them under the bed then ever open up
has a terrible sleeping pattern and cannot stay on a solid sleep schedule to save her life. undiagnosed insomniac. when her mind just won’t calm down she often goes out to keep her occupied and avoid any overthinking that might occur when she’s in her own company
her life motto is #YOLO and does a lot of stupid sh*t because of it
probably uses tiktok too much both as a consumer and a content creator. vlogs her backstage experiences and also just posts dumb, amusing things
this is so long i’m sorry if you read this whole thing i just have a lot of feelings about her after writing her for so many years AKJSDK i’ll shut up now BYE
i have margo’s wc page HERE but just some ideas are best friends, frenemies, confidants, fellow music people, party friends, pr friends or pr rivals, crushes, on and off again, exes, roommate, childhood friends, family friends, good influence, bad influence, honestly truly anything and everything PLS i love to plot and write w/ all of you ! <3
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adsahara · 3 years
Top 15 Most Haunted Places In The World
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1. Château de Brissac, Maine-et-Loire, France
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The Castle of Brissac, a renaissance castle rebuilt in the 15th century by one of the ministers to King Charles VII The site: Dubbed as the ‘Giant of the Loire Valley’ this is the highest castle in France boasting seven floors, 204 rooms, numerous portrait galleries, and a private opera house which seats 200 people. It was a fortress built by the Counts of Anjou in the 11th Century and King Louis XIII dropped by in 1620. The ghosts: The most active is La Dame Verte, (Green Lady), who was apparently the illegitimate child of King Charles VII and was later murdered by her husband in the château in the 15th century after he caught her having an affair.  She is often seen in the tower room of the chapel, wearing her green dress, with gaping holes where her eyes and nose should be. When not startling guests by her appearance she can be heard moaning around the castle. Current situation: The château is a popular hotel that hosts special events such as a Christmas market and tastings of the well-regarded wines, produced from its own vineyards. Guests who are brave enough to stay overnight enjoy rooms lavishly decorated with period furniture.
2. Monte Cristo Homestead, New South Wales, Australia
The site: A late Victorian mansion, with intricate cast iron lattice work, built by wealthy landowner Christopher William Crawley in 1876. Reputedly Australia’s most haunted house. The ghosts: Take your pick. There’s the young child who was dropped down the stairs, the maid who fell from the balcony or the stable boy who burned to death. The most active, however, is the ghost of the son of the caretaker who was found curled up next to the dead body of his mother and chained up for 40 years. Current situation: The house currently operates as a B&B, offering dinner followed by a ghost tour where you can learn all about its gruesome past. Those who dare can spend the night in the haunted homestead.
3. Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan, India
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Tourists visiting the ruined fortress in the ancient city of Bhangarh. This palace is said to be cursed and entry during night is prohibited The site: The ruins of a fort city built in the 17th century, Bhangarh Fort consists of fort walls, bazars, havelis, royal palaces, and numerous temples, with three grand storeys you can explore. But do not be fooled by the beauty of these ruins as they are ranked as the most haunted fort in India. The ghosts: A wizard called Singhia and a princess called Ratnavati who spurned his advances. Legend has it that the enchanted oil he hoped would make her love him turned into a boulder when she threw it away – and it crushed him. But not before he cursed the palace, condemning the inhabitants to death, without any hope of rebirth. Another story suggests a local ascetic cursed the fort because its shadow overpowered his property. And apparently, if anyone attempts to build a roof for the fort, it will collapse. Current situation: Bhangarh Fort is now an archaeological site, known as the ‘House of Ghosts’. It is possible to hire a guide who can show you around the site and give you the details of its eerie past. Be sure to visit in daylight as the fort is closed between sunset and sunrise, with locals convinced that anyone who spends the night amongst the ruins will never be seen again. 
4. Myrtles Plantation, USA
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Myrtle's Plantation has been called 'one of the most terrifying places in America' The Site: Situated in the small town of St. Francisville, north-west of New Orleans is the mansion of Myrtles Plantation, boarded by a 125-foot veranda. The stained-glass front door leads into a grand foyer displaying a huge French crystal chandelier. The ghosts: With 10 people being murdered in the mansion itself, it’s no surprise there have been so many reported ghost sightings, the most famous of which is Chloe, who had her ear cut off by her lover. She wears a green turban, peering intently at visitors while they’re in bed and has even appeared in a photograph. A more recent photo also shows another young girl, known as ‘Ghost Girl’ peering through the window of the house. More eerie sightings include a child bouncing on the beds, a soldier, a voodoo priestess and the ghost of a previous owner who was shot in the chest has been heard staggering up the stairs where he died. Current situation: Despite being known as the most haunted house in America, the plantation is now a pretty Bed and breakfast offering 12 accommodations. Ghost tours are run from the site and you can choose between daily tours or the spookier and more popular evening tours. And soon a new restaurant on site will bring fresh, local food to visitors.
5. Dragsholm Slot, Denmark
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Dragsholm Slot is a haunted hotel in Denmark The site: Dragsholm Slot, or Dragsholm Castle, was originally built in 1215, making it one of the oldest castles in Denmark and reportedly the most haunted castle in all of Europe. In the 16th and 17th century parts of it were used to house prisoners of noble or ecclesiastical rank, and in 1694 it was rebuilt in a Baroque style. The ghosts: The castle is thought to be home to at least 100 ghosts including the Earl of Bothwell, the husband of Mary Queen of Scotts who died as a prisoner in the castle. You may also see the White Lady wandering the halls, who’s skeleton was found encased in a wall by builders in 1930. Current situation: The castle has been transformed into a luxurious hotel with lavish rooms and a Michelin-rated restaurant serving locally sourced food. The hotel offers their own guided tour explaining the history of the building but for a truly terrifying experience, book a ghost tour including a two-night stay, a tour highlighting the spooky occupants and dinner at the gourmet restaurant.
6. Ancient Ram Inn, Gloucestershire, England
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The Ancient Ram Inn in Gloucestershire The site: Built in 1145, the inn was used by priests who kept slaves and workers in there to help build the St. Mary’s Church. Located in Wotton-under-edge, it is situated on two ley lines, places believed to have spiritual energy from Stonehenge. It has also been reported that it was the scene of a child sacrifice and devil worshipping. The ghosts: It is widely believed that the redirecting of water on the Ancient Ram property caused a portal for dark energy to open up, meaning many ghosts haunt the inn. The ‘Witch’s Room’ is said to be haunted by a woman burnt at the stake in the 1500s as she was accused of being a witch. A high priestess has been spotted sitting on a bed, a centurion on horseback has been seen walking through the walls, the agonising screams of a girl heard, a monk in the most haunted room and even a succubus is said to slip into the beds of visitors. Read the full article
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transjinako · 5 years
I’ve been feeling kinda sick lately but hey here’s Masamune i really hope you guys like her 
Saber: Masamune 
Strength: B
Agility: C+
Endurance: C
Luck: A
Mana: A
Territory Creation EX
Sword Creation EX: It is believed that Masamune had perfected the Nie style of sword making. Her blades gleam with the utmost beauty and divinity, they all share a trait of being extremely capable against Evil aligned beings while also being empowered specifically when it is swung with truly good intention and action. When wielded by someone with ill intent or action, or when swung onto the innocent, it won’t even cut, reflecting the wishes of it’s creator. If wielded by someone who is truly good, then the sword also acts as though possessed, guiding it’s user to wield it expertly and giving even normal people the ability to defeat the evil they would swing it against. 
Infinity: The opposite of Zero attained by swordsmen, the thought process of it goes, “If I am victorious once, I will never be defeated”. In practice it is akin to the second magic focused entirely on the sword. It causes the blade to appear as though it were a whisp or a constantly shifting illusion, in reality it is constantly both passing through many casualties and cutting through them to a single point that is the blade. Essentially, this means that to fight against this technique is to fight it across infinite realities. Losing even once causes that reality to impose itself on all others. 
To fight this technique one on one without also using it or Zero will assure your defeat, although, a great number of variables on the fight can help to defeat this technique. 
Also, the user is able to cut space between one area and another creating a passage between the two points. 
Noble Phantasm: 
Densetsu no Yawarakai-te伝説 十千夜寒  (Legend of Gentle Hands) 
Type: Anti Unit 
Rank: EX
Masamune pinpoints her sword on a future in which the opponent is cut by it, and once it is decided, it is repeated throughout the many parallel dimensions in which it was decided as well. The sword itself gains a great amount of divinity in that moment as it swings toward the opponent. Once cut, thousands upon thousands of cuts are applied all at once, only a god or one with a truly ridiculous level of the Battle Continuation Skill could hope to live through this attack and even then there would be little left. 
Description of Servant: 
Masamune is more of a reclusive sort. She doesn’t quite enjoy large crowds of people nor does she really like showing off, however don’t mistake this for any out right shyness. She cares for others quite a lot, and subscribes mostly to the tougher sort of love at times, she makes what she thinks of others known and can be quite scathing at that. Still, she’s always happy to lend a very patient ear to anyone who might be troubled or simply need someone to talk to. Masamune of course is interested in swords and swordsmen a like, but mainly swords, she can be a bit pompous at times though, if she perceives a sword with faults that her own don’t contain. 
She can’t help but love the heroic, selfless type either. In her own opinion, if you aren’t fighting for good nor for a love of others, then there’s no reason to be fighting in the first place. On that note she can forgive those who fight for themselves and their own beliefs, but sees that as a dangerously teetering scale. 
About that Patient part also, there are only two people who can truly test her patience and that’s Muramasa and Musashi, who she also sees as her children. 
Interactions with Other servants.
Musashi: Chipper as always, Musash-chi? I hope you haven’t been causing trouble for anyone in the kitchen, or troubling that poor hime, or troubling others at random to start fights you know you can win? Ara? Is that sweat on your brow, Musash-chi? Mhm, come here, i’ll dab it right away with Musashi-Muramasa, hows that sound?
Muramasa: Agh, my most foolish student has arrived. Huh, I should repeat that? I said MY MOST FOOLISH, BULLHEADED, OLD MAN OF A STUDENT HAS ARRIVED. Ohoh, your still as funny and small as always though, thinking glaring up at me like that. Hm? Another duel? Fine, embarrassing you in front of master is a nice pass time. 
Artoria(non altered) Servants: You there, white girl. Your weapon. Give it. I’m no thief, I only wish to look. Hm...yes...hmm...You europeans do enjoy your large weaponry, although, I can understand the need. This weapon however...it was cut from something quite….hm. I’ll give it back now, thank you for indulging me. 
Artoria(Altered) Servants: You, white girl, your weapon. Drop it. Can’t you feel the energy coming off of it? Its like a dog biting at the air waiting for a hand to come close enough. Eugh. I can’t be near you, these energies….disgusting…
Oda Nobunaga(Avenger): ...My student, I am troubled by something. Oda Nobunaga’s sword...whenever I am near them I feel the urge to tell them...that thing is trash. Anyone can see it plainly, its like a decoration in a room meant to start conversation. But. They seem to love it so much...urgh...student, you tell them. I can’t stand to watch this any longer.
Emiya Archer: Eh? Muramasa? You cook? You never cooked for me, tch, useless student. Oh no, don’t pretend to not know me. Well, since you apparently have taken up a knife than a hammer, I expect you to make your mother and teacher a lovely meal for all her efforts. No complaining, hop to it. (Clap Clap) 
Emiya Alter: Urgh, Muramasa, to think you’d let your emotions get the better of you. No, don’t say anything, I’ll kill you right here right now. I could not call myself your teacher if I did not. Come, my student, show me your still in there...
Scathach: ….Oh, were you looking for me student? Ah, sorry. I have recently found myself spending time with the Queen of the shadow lands, particularly in having her teach me the methods on how to create her famous Gae Bolg. Although, I always instinctively mold them into blades. We did have fun using them on each other afterwards though. Hmhm~ 
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Micaiah/Edelgard C-A Support
Written by @sharyrazade
[Edelgard pushes chess pieces across a map in the library.]
Edelgard: If they could have held this bank of the river here…
[Micaiah emerges from behind one of the shelves.]
Micaiah: Excuse me. So sorry to trouble you, but I was searching for someone.
Edelgard: Pay it no mind, it’s no trouble. I don’t believe we’ve met before. I am Edelgard von Hresvelg, imperial princess and heir apparent to the Ardrestian Empire.
Micaiah: My name is Micaiah.
Edelgard: Micaiah…that’s an interesting name.
Micaiah: And this is Yune.
[Micaiah extends her finger on which Yune, seeming agitated, is perched.]
Edelgard: Um, hello, Yune.
Yune: [Tweets irritably, pecks Edelgard on the forehead a couple of times, and flies away.]
Edelgard: [massages her forehead] Ow! What was that for?
Micaiah: I am so sorry. She’s never like this. She usually likes everyone.
Edelgard: Well, she’s just a bird. It’s not as though she knows any better.
Micaiah: Again, I’m so sorry- er- What are you doing with that map? This game looks rather complex.
[Edelgard’s expression lights up with understanding.]
Edelgard: Oh, this? I was just wargaming a conflict from our world’s history. A very pivotal one, at that.
Micaiah: Oh? To what end?
Edelgard: The commanders of the vanquished side made many critical errors that lead to our- the empire being dismembered- reduced considerably. I believe that I could have avoided said errors had I been in command.
[Micaiah nods as she follows along.]
Micaiah: It must have been a dreadful time. But your world’s history- and your country’s- sounds absolutely fascinating. If it’s not to much trouble…would you mind telling me more about it?
[Edelgard smiles]
Edelgard: Only if you agree to tell me more about yours.
[Micaiah and Edelgard have reached support rank C.]
[Micaiah and Edelgard are conversing in the library.]
Micaiah: …and you must understand that the “plague” had decimated the population of Daein, and the previous king and his family were powerless to stop it. In fact, it took almost all of their lives.
Edelgard: I see…so that’s was part of the motive for the integration of the sub-humans-
[Micaiah uncharacteristically shoots her a dirty look.]
Micaiah: Laguz. The laguz.
Edelgard: Of course. Of the laguz into the king’s worldview.
Micaiah: Yes, but there was another part to it, as well. I’ve already mentioned the…fraught history between the peoples of Tellius. And why Daein first seceded from Bengion. Ashnard…disapproved of such rigid distinctions, in one sense.
Edelgard: This king, Ashnard. He sounds like a very interesting figure. It is not difficult to see how he gained so many devoted followers.
Micaiah: [slightly exasperated] Yes, but you have to understand that-
[Sothe emerges from behind a shelf.]
Sothe: There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you! Hm? Who’s this? I don’t think we’ve met before.
Micaiah: Sothe, this is my new friend-
Edelgard: Edelgard von Hresvelg, imperial princess and heir apparent to the Ardrestian Empire. I have heard much about you, Sothe. This one speaks quite highly of you. You are…lovers, if I’m not mistaken?
[Sothe stays quiet, giving Edelgard a steely, defensive look.]
Edelgard: Hm. It seems I’ve overstepped my bounds. So Sothe, is it true you are from Daein as well?
Sothe: [still warily] Yes…Daein is my country… But what’s it to you?
Edelgard: I’ve just been interested in hearing accounts from other citizens of Daein.
Sothe: Why is that?
Micaiah: [knowing what a disaster this is going to be] Oh, dear.
Edelgard: A cultured visionary of unparalleled military prowess, your King Ashnard was. He was a strong, determined ruler surrounded by decadent weaklings and fanatics. So why is Micaiah so hesitant to speak about these virtues? If we had an emperor like him-
Sothe: [visibly angry] No, no, no, no, NO! Lady, I don’t care who you are. I wouldn’t care if you were the Goddess herself, if you start wishing your country had a ruler like him, you must be just as twisted as he was. They call him the “Mad King” for several VERY good reasons.
Micaiah: Sothe, please!
Edelgard: He saw a wicked, stagnant system that was holding back everyone- his own people included- and took steps to correct it. From what I’m told, he was ready to either succeed in his aim or die for it. That’s more than I can say for most nobles I’ve known.
Sothe: [hurls Peshkatz into the floor paneling to avoid doing so at Edelgard.] At what cost, you crazy witch?! Taking a course of action he knew damned well would destroy most of our continent- if not the world?! Sending a generation of men to die or be maimed for it?! Performing sick experiments to turn laguz into living weapons?! Tell me, what’s your limit?!
Edelgard: [puts chin in her hand.]: You two have my condolences. To be from a world in such an appalling state that such measures seem worthwhile to enact meaningful change. It must have been agony to even rise from bed every morning.
Sothe: [turns around, picks his knife out of the floor panel and sheaths it.] I’m through with this conversation. I can’t tell you what to do Micaiah, but I’m through with this maniac. Before I do something I’ll regret.
Micaiah: Sothe…
Sothe: And by the way, lady. I’d REALLY love to see you talk this insanity in front of Queen Elincia. Or even better, Commander Ike, King Tibarn, or any of the laguz here. It’d probably be your last mistake.
[Sothe storms from the library.]
Edelgard: I fail to understand exactly what it is you see in him. He’s not unpleasant to look at, but what a rude little urchin.
Micaiah: [sighs]
[Micaiah and Edelgard have reached support rank B.]
[Micaiah, reading a book at the bottom of a stairwell, ignoring the commotion in the dining hall where the both Summoner and Anna can be made out to be yelling at several irate, ornery heroes.]
Edelgard: Good evening, Micaiah.
Micaiah: [Looks up, horrified at the scratches and bruises Edelgard has.] My goodness! What happened?! Are you alright?!
Edelgard: Really, they look worse than they actually are.
[Light pools in Micaiah’s fingertips before she touches Edelgard’s face, healing the scrapes and bruises.]
Micaiah: I can’t do anything about your clothing for now, but your wounds are gone.
Edelgard: You have my thanks.
Micaiah: What on earth happened to you?! Did it have something to do with that commotion in the dining hall?
Edelgard: [consciously avoiding making eye contact]: It might.
Micaiah: Oh, dear.
Edelgard: The history of Tellius is just so fascinating to me. I couldn’t NOT take the opportunity to discuss it with the heroes from there, you understand.
Micaiah: What happened exactly?
Edelgard: Well, I sought out this Queen Elincia your friend Sothe spoke so highly of. I thought she would have some interesting thoughts on what makes an effective ruler.
[Micaiah stares blankly at Edelgard, wondering briefly what she could have said to make probably the gentlest hero from Tellius tackle her to the floor and try to claw her eyes out.]
Edelgard: Well, I may have unfavorably compared her father, Ramon, to King Ashnard. The phrase “doddering, impotent old weakling” might have left my lips at some point.
Micaiah: [sighs in exasperation]
Edelgard: But I was truly trying to compare their effectiveness as kings- once I got to that part, she gave me some…less-than-queenly language before jumping on me like a madwoman. This odd, cat-eared woman got involved shortly afterward, and things just degenerated from there.
Micaiah: [wearing an “are-you-completely-daft” look] Perhaps you would do well to keep those opinions to yourself while you’re here. It’s something of a sensitive issue still.
Edelgard: [huffs] If these Tellians are completely incapable of discussing these matters without it devolving into a melee, that is on them, not me. But honestly, King Ashnard is not the most fascinating individual I’ve read about from your world.
Micaiah: [genuinely surprised] Really? Would it be anyone here?
Edelgard: Actually, it is you, the Silver-Haired Maiden, that fascinated me most.
Micaiah: Wait, what? Why?
Edelgard: Because we have many, if not all of the same motives, but when reading about your actions in the order’s library, I was mystified by most of them.
Micaiah: Such as?
Edelgard: Well, first of all, the behavior of those they call Branded, yourself included. Despised and shunned by both of your parent races, yet almost all found themselves in possession of some extraordinary ability or another. So why was there never a mass movement of these Branded to rise up and destroy these oppressors? Or at least take the respect you’re due by virtue of your power?
Micaiah: Hmm…I dealt with a lot of people, “like me,” as it were and even still, I cannot speak for them all. But I always received the impression that they almost always thought such thinking was wrong. At the very least, not constructive to creating a better world for everyone. Stefan, Sir Knight…even Soren…no matter how badly they had been treated, all of them could see how dangerous using that power to take revenge against them would be. I only know of one Branded who even came close to thinking like that and she was mur- fell in battle against the Crimeans.
Edelgard: I cannot say that I am satisfied by that answer, but I respect you enough to cease in second-guessing your decisions. Will you allow me another question, Micaiah?
Micaiah: Perhaps.
Edelgard: Knowing what you know about your country, Daein, and its mother country, Bengion, and being a Branded, why on earth would you continue to be so patient with these people? Were I in your position, I would have likely burned them both to ash and slept like a babe for so doing.
Micaiah: [winces in discomfort at the implications] I can definitely understand why our neighbors- especially the Crimeans- would say otherwise, but Daein is just like Bengion and everywhere else in one sense; you have good, well-meaning people and very bad people. All of us who fought to liberate Daein knew that there were plenty of good, honorable people there- The Apostle, Commander Sigrun, Duke Persis- among them. We would have never succeeded had there not been.
Edelgard: [scoffs] Hmph, her prime minister? He struck me as a weak-willed coward who would rather throw everything into the hands of his goddess and let his world be destroyed. Where’s the honor in that?
Micaiah: [slightly sadly] Not weak by any means, nor a coward. Just very weary and very, very sad.
Edelgard: I thank you for being most accommodating to me. But would you allow me one final question about your history? Especially concerning those “very bad people.”
Micaiah: Yes, I suppose.
Edelgard: So you say that there are good, honorable people everywhere, and that may be true. However, what of when one of those “very bad” people embodying everything wrong with that system comes to power? I am of course, speaking of your Duke Gaddos- Lekain. At what point, do you just decide that your world would be better off burning him- and everything related to him- to the ground? Even with all the trouble he caused, it makes no sense to simply leave the institutions that empowered him standing. They must be obliterated root and branch if true change is to come. And those who stand against these changes should know they do so at their own peril.
Micaiah: I will grant you that every now and again, there are individuals so vile and dangerous that they can no longer be allowed to draw breath. Lekain was one of those men. But to destroy the empire completely? With all of its institutions? I cannot abide that. Not for a single moment. If for no other reason than vast amount of death and suffering that would be the result.
Edelgard: Has there ever been a birth without labor pains? I think not. Nations- and worlds- are no different in that sense. Those who lose their lives in the process of this creation should take solace in the fact that their deaths contributed to something far greater than they could have ever ever been alone.
Micaiah: I’m sorry, but you’re wrong, my friend. My aim is now and has always been the preservation and improvement of the lives of my people. And of all people. It is for that same reason I cannot share in your positive appraisal of Ashnard’s rule.
Edelgard: [crocks her head sideways, cups chin with her thumb and index finger] You truly are the most fascinating woman in Tellius, Silver-Haired Maiden.
[Edelgard proceeds up the stairwell, out of sight. As soon as she is gone, Yune swoops back down to perch on Micaiah’s finger.]
Yune: [tweets happily]
Micaiah: Oh, Yune! Where have you been all this time?
[Micaiah and Edelgard have reached support rank A.]
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Ice, Fire, and Shadow
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A dragon, a soldier and an assassin. When Elsa's missing and Arendelle has no one else to turn to, teaming those three up seems to be the answer - if only they didn't try to kill each other. Crossover with CallenAmakuni, @snowdragon4, and @snowfall-in-summer.
“I’m not paid enough for this.”
A long sigh heaved from deep within Garret’s chest while he ran a hand through his crimson hair. He had been standing in front of the door for little more than half an hour – the ants he felt walking all over his legs were starting up a colony, apparently. He brought his gaze down to his shifting feet.
“Could have put out a couple chairs, at least,” he said, his annoyance growing with every minute he spent fidgeting on his spot, waiting for a colonel that might very well have left home.
The latter had asked for him, yet he still didn’t know where, when and for what. Garret had resorted to waiting in front of his office and had considered knocking once or twice.
“Better not to try my luck.”
The colonel had always been considerate, but Garret’s teammates always told him stories of subordinates getting in disproportionate trouble for the tiniest mistakes. When hierarchy was involved, safe wasn’t only the better choice. It was the only choice. He finally clasped his hands behind his back and dejectedly decided to wait some more – he had already gone that far.
Standing alone with his mind, his thoughts inevitably went back to the fiasco.
The instructions were simple: he wasn’t supposed to use the asset outside direct orders. It had more or less been a tacit accord of his strike team’s commander with the higher staff and he knew that. Then why did he have to disobey that command the only time it was explicitly specified? Why did he use it the only time when it was not only unnecessary but also detrimental to the mission? Why was he so stupid?
He angrily clapped his boot on the cold wood beneath him in a tentative attempt to evacuate some of his frustration – he couldn’t let his superior see that he was angry at himself. And of course, that same superior had chosen that exact moment to open his office’s door.
“Got something under your foot, soldier?” the colonel asked with a lifted eyebrow. His proud bushy mustache was one privilege among the plethora of perks his rank inferred. Among those perks was the ability to reprimand his men. “Want some rocks to step on?”
Garret immediately stood upright and saluted sharply. “No, sir. Squished a bug, sir.” Bluff seemed to be his strategy.
The colonel kept his eyebrow up. “Do I want to ask you to lift your boot, soldier?”
The strategy was quickly proving ineffective.
“N-No, sir.”
The colonel breathed a sigh that made his entire body sink down. “Come in, son,” he said, stepping aside to leave Garret enough space to go into his small office. The room was well-lit, perfectly organized and without any embellishment. A fitting setting for the man. The colonel sat at his desk and clasped his hands together over it. Garret stayed on his feet – he hadn’t been invited to sit.
“Do you know why I called you in?” the older man said once he finished examining him.
“I have an idea about it, sir.”
“All right, then. That saves you some uncomfortable small talk. You know you fucked up.”
“I do, sir.”
“And you know how sensitive it is that your…abilities…remain a secret.”
“Yes, sir.”
The colonel dropped his arms to rest on the table. His gaze visibly hardened. “Then you’ll understand our decision to send you away for a little while.”
Garret’s felt his heart fall. “Send- Send me away, sir?”
The colonel somberly nodded. “Exactly. For at least four months.”
“Two months? What am I gonna do for four bloody months?” Garret blurted out without thinking, forgetting the protocol in the process.
The sanction was instantaneous. “Watch your tongue, soldier, or I’ll make it a whole year.”
Garret immediately got his bearings back, realising how out of line he was. “Sir, yes, sir.”
“Officially, you’re going to investigate a creature sighting in foreign territory,” the colonel explained once his glare softened a bit. “Unofficially, I don’t give a cow’s tit what you do. You’re to leave the country tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? B-But I have to say farewell to…”
“It’s an order, son. Order from him,” the colonel finished with an insistent glance. “I wouldn’t discuss anything further. The boat’s waiting. Report at London Port first thing in the morning. See you in two months. Dismissed.”
The words were final, ringing in Garret’s ears like the blunt impact of the hammer that had just fallen.
“Un-Understood, sir.”
As he turned around to leave, he heard the colonel’s normal voice, the one that sounded warm and welcoming, the one he would usually never use when wearing his uniform. “Sorry, soldier. Wish we could have handled this any differently.”
“Yeah. I know,” Garret answered before closing the door behind him.
The morning’s atmosphere was chilly, humid and heavy. The port was starting to wake up even though the sun was still nowhere to be seen, its light replaced instead by the faint glow of smelly oil lamps. Bringing his coat closer to his body, Garret adjusted his small satchel over his shoulder. He sighed when he noticed the dense fog escaping out of the sailors’ mouths, lifting up to blend into the vapor of the buzzing docks’ heavy machinery. He’d have to look like he was feeling the cold.
“All right, fellas?” he greeted when he reached the hull of the vessel he had been assigned to.
Nobody answered him, but a young one disappeared into the deck and came back accompanied by a man with a hat that seemed to be the captain. “Cheers, mate. You the special cargo?” that same man called.
Garret rolled his eyes. Of course, they would call him that. “That’d be me, yeah.”
“Come on-board,” he said as he threw a rope ladder his way. “We got instructions to get you out of here.”
Garret climbed in, quickly getting used to the slight swaying of the ship. He could tell she was military in design, civilian in aspect. “So where are we taking her?” were his first words.
The captain removed his hat and started wiping the dust off its edges. “You are not takin’ anythin’ anywhere. You just sit tight. We are droppin’ you off where the brass told us to drop you off.”
Garret’s shoulders slightly slumped down. The trip was going to be fun. “And where would that be?” he asked.
The captain put on his hat again, his gaze fixed on the horizon. “A small place up North. They said it’s called Arendelle.”
Eryn downed another tankard of ale. This was at least his third one today. He always found himself back in Karnisvarne after each successful kill. This time it was some medium ranking general in the Southern Isles army. He couldn’t be bothered to remember the details, he normally stopped caring about that after he was paid. And he was handsomely rewarded for the kill, even securing a bonus for shifting the blame onto some fresh private. It may not have been the most honorable thing, but money is indeed money.
He was still in his travelling attire; his brown travelling cloak draped over his shoulders like a fancy cape, covering his plain looking shirt. His boots were still caked with dirt from the quick escape he had to make when he put a bullet between the general’s eyes. Eryn’s raven black hair was windswept from when he and Magni bolted out of the camp to the nearest port. Now in the calm of the tavern, Eryn looked like a disheveled mess compared to everyone else
Eryn sat at the bar, carefully studying the other patrons. There were only a few other people in the tavern along with him. Everyone else was busy toiling out in the fields for meager pay, or up in the city for some festival. Eryn could care less about what happened in Arendelle proper, since they seemed not to care about anyone but themselves. He nursed another tankard in his hands while he listened to some of the conversations happening.
“There’s a nip in the air. Not good for crops…”
“Lyin’ whore. Kid obviously ain’t mine.”
“Bullshit! Snowmen can’t talk…”
“Ya hear about the queen bringing in one of them ‘Dragon Knights?’”
Eryn perked up at that last conversation. Dragons? You have my attention. Two men were seated a few seats away from him at the bar, hunched over with their own tankards. Eryn leaned in closer to listen in on their conversation.
“Hell’s a dragon knight?” One of the men asked.
“Agh. Warriors from buttfuck ‘who cares’,” his friend replied. “One of ‘em’s here for the festival.”
“What’re they doing here?”
“Probably for the queen, but who cares? Freaks of nature the lot of them. The whore’s magic could easily make her a target for the likes of them…”
Eryn contemplated this information for a moment. If the Dragon Knights were renowned warriors, what would people think of a man who could kill a Dragon Knight? That’s when a spark of inspiration hit him like-
A Dragon Knight?! Are you out of your mind, Odrikson?! a familiar voice rang in his head.
Eryn pulled his dagger out of its sheath. It was an ancient looking blade, with an ebony grip and a rough looking edge. Etched into it were a series of runes which currently glowed bright red.
C’mon! An opportunity like this comes once in a lifetime! he mentally retorted.
That’s what at least three of your predecessors said before they all met their ends. Dragon Knights are not meant to be taken lightly, Odrikson, they-
How hard can it be?
Bah, that’s probably just some propaganda to scare folks into respecting them. Like ‘Winged Hussars.’ And since when have you been an expert in ancient knighthood orders?
Since when have you been an idiot? I assure you, that title is not simply honorary. If you try to fight a Dragon Knight, you will die!
You said that for at least three different jobs we took.
Yes, and if it weren’t for me, you would be dead! Besides, didn't we just get done with a kill not a few hours ago? 
Well, Adrenaline is still pumping. I guess. 
Bah, quit blabbering. We’re off to Arendelle proper.
Eryn sheathed the dagger and got up from the bar. He fished around in his pocket for a few gold coins and made his way out of the tavern. This was a perfect opportunity! If he killed this “Dragon Knight,” the whole damned world would know who Eryn Odrikson was. It would be impossible to go anywhere and find someone not talking about how a master assassin killed such a prestigious warrior. Eryn wasn’t quite sure what a dragon knight looked like, but he was certain he would know as soon as he saw one.
Entering the stables, Eryn saddled up Magni, his horse, and readied up. With the shout of “Magni! Beveg seg!” the black stallion darted out of the stables onto the north road.
That Dragon Knight is mine, Eryn thought to himself as Karnisvarne disappeared behind him.
The Great Thaw Festival Observance, or GTFO as Princess Anna put it, was to be a new tradition in Arendelle after the events that took place one year ago today.  After what seemed like hours of pleading, Queen Elsa finally relented to her sister’s wishes to host the festivities.  The contrast in the sisters' personalities had never been more evident than when the festival was decided on.  Elsa saw it as the day she lost control and the kingdom found out about her secrets, Anna saw it as the day they became sisters again and the gates to their kingdom had been opened. 
Either way she looked at it, Elsa couldn’t help but feel a little excited about the upcoming events. Even her advisors were looking forward to it, and they were never happy about anything.
Looking over the fjord filled to the brim with ships, Elsa took a few deep breaths of the ocean air, allowing its calming and salty breeze to settle her nerves.  
I can do this. This is for Anna. Anna and I, but still mostly Anna. As much as she wanted to enjoy the gates being open, she still wouldn’t be what most people would call a “people person”.  She left that to her sister. 
“There you are!” Speaking of which. Elsa felt the arms of her sister wrap around her shoulders.  “Are you excited about the festival?”
Elsa’s eyes drifted from the harbor to the town square where her people were setting up banners, food, tables with goods ready to be sold, and an all around merry atmosphere.  
A smile ghosted her lips. “As excited as I’ll ever be.”  
Anna gave her shoulders a squeeze. “Oh don’t be like that. This is gonna be a blast and you know it.”  
Elsa barked a laugh. “You're just saying that because you're excited for yet another party.”
“Well, the gates are open and we’ve got a lot of time to make up for.”  
Elsa reached up and grabbed her sister's arm tenderly. “I know, and little by little we're making up for it.”
“Then let’s go!” Grabbing her by the arm, she tugged, pulling her sister through the castle at top speed and Elsa’s arm from its socket. Before her brain could register what was happening, she found herself in the castle courtyard still being towed behind her sister.  
Suddenly Anna stopped. “OH! Before we go too far I have to show you what me and Gerda made.”  
“Gerda and I,” Elsa corrected. 
“No.” Anna pointed to herself in an exaggerated fashion.  “ME! And Gerda.”
Elsa’s expression was as blank as stone and with a deadpan expression she responded. “That joke never gets old.” Anna disappeared back into the castle and with impressive speed, returned only a few moments later.  
“We had a bunch of this made up and are being hung around the city.” It was an exquisite banner made from gold, green and purple fabrics with stitchings of the letters GTFO.  “What do you think?”
Elsa tilted her head. As much as she loved the banner and her sister’s creative talents, something about it seemed off. Unable to think of it she gave her sister a large wide smile. “It’s beautiful.”  
Squealing excitedly, Anna all but sprinted into the town, Elsa making sure to keep her arms behind her back so that Anna didn’t pull them off.  
Sure enough the banners were being hung throughout Arendelle, and no matter how many of them she saw, Elsa couldn’t remember what it was that was off about them.  
“Good work guys!” she heard Anna say. Kristoff, Sven and Olaf were helping hang the banners over a few of the consignment tents. While Anna gave the boys a hand -and by giving a hand meant barked orders about how they were doing it wrong- Elsa meandered through the town.  She nodded and smiled to the various merchants, townsfolk, children, and those visiting from other countries.  
After exchanging a few words with someone there from France, out of the corner of her eye she spotted an old friend wandering through the square. She almost didn’t recognize him dressed in a dark green suit, a high collared shirt with a tie, grey trousers and nice black leather shoes.  Even his dark brown hair was combed to the side. Had it not been for the glowing teal necklace he wore, she wouldn’t have known it was Drake Daniels, Dragon Knight. 
She excused herself from the French dignitary, and made her way to the dragon warrior.  
He held his arms behind his back as he aimlessly meandered, clear that he was either lost or wasting time pretending to be interested in what was going on around him. Luckily for him Elsa was closing in, giving him a reprieve from his feigned interests.  
He bowed at the waist with his hand over his heart. “Her Majesty honors me with her presence.”
She chuckled at his sarcastic, teasing tone, and with a curtsy responded. “You should be so honored.” He laughed as he stood up straight, his fingers casually tugging at his collar. “Um, what are you wearing?” Elsa asked.
He looked at himself like he had done something wrong. “A suit? Am I not supposed to wear one?”
She shook her head quickly. “No, no, no.  It’s just I’ve never seen you so, dressed up?”
He released a breath of relief. “Well. This is a festival. I don’t see the need to be geared up in all my hunting gear. Although,” he lifted his suit a bit to show a belt littered with a variety of pouches, “I never leave the house unprepared.”  
“Ha. So much for no hunting gear.”
“Hey! I said ALL my hunting gear. This is only some of it.”
“Some of what?”  Seeing that Elsa was chatting with someone, Anna had removed herself from her supervising duties to see what her sister was up to. Her mouth dropped with surprise and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Drake! It’s so good to see you.”
He returned a gentle friendly hug. “You too, princess.”
“When did you get here?” she asked when they stepped away from each other.
“Well, actually I arrived a few days ago, but I kept myself out of the way so as to not interrupt anything you ladies were doing. And yes, I flew, no boats for me please.”  
“Well neat! Now that you're here, you can help us hang these.” Drake looked at the banner she had flashed to him and his smile changed to a twisted, uncomfortable grimace. “What?  What is it?”  
“Um, heh, you do know what GTFO means right?” 
Anna shook her head. “The Great Thaw Festival Observance?” Drake sucked in a breath through his teeth, before leaning forward to whisper into her ear.  Anna’s expression changed from confused to downright horrified. “Oh god! KRISTOFF, TAKE THE BANNERS DOWN!!”  She sprinted to stop him, leaving Elsa to watch her with her brows lowered.  
“What was that?”
Drake couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’ll tell you as we help her take those things down.”  
Just as he took his first step, he stopped when he felt a tickle in the back of his neck. He was a monster hunter, who knew never to ignore those hairs. He threw a quick glance at his surroundings, his ears and nose twitching.
This is still a bad idea, Odrikson.
The voice was faint, ghostly, almost ethereal but with a rasp and menacing tone.
Hush, I’m concentrating.
This one was less otherworldly, more grounded but no less hostile. Drake furrowed his brows. “Your Majesty, I’m going to have to check on something real quick.”
Elsa simply shrugged in response. “As you wish,” she answered. “But first, tell me what those lette-” She turned around, noticing the surprising absence of the Dragon Knight. “Huh. Where did he go?”
Drake crossed the main square, the outer city’s rim, then the first glades, and as fast as he moved he was no less on edge. He walked deep into the woods, the two voices following him with impressive stealth. He had to control his pace so as to not go too fast and lose them, or two slowly and alert them.
Where do you think he’s going?
Did mortals get dumber over the millennia or am I just cursed with you?
You know what they say. You can't land a shot you don't take.
I'm sure they say lots of things. You know what they also say? Listen to the Lord of Shadows before doing something reckless.
What intrigued Drake most was the clear absence of footsteps. If it weren’t for the voices exchanging quips every now and then, he wouldn’t have detected them. He stopped in the middle of a clear and open meadow far enough away from the kingdom and turned around.
“Is there something you want from me?” he called loudly.
He’s talking to himself, now. Pff, what a nutjob.
I’m not going to dignify that remark with an answer.
A vein popped on Drake’s forehead at the jab. “You two might as well show yourselves.”
Wait. Two?
“Yeah. Two. The demon and the guy who’s stupid enough to follow me.”
What a surprise.
He can hear me?
“Yes, I can, “ Drake huffed in annoyance. “Now, we gonna do this or what?”
A shadow slithered on the barks, jumping from tree to tree. It approached rapidly, stopping a few feet away from Drake before briskly lifting off the ground, transforming into a black leathered young man holding a dagger in his right hand in a reversed grip. “Your head,” he hissed.
With that, he leaped with incredible speed, aiming at Drake’s neck. The latter barely had time to register that he had moved before he leaned away and felt a vicious snarl below his right ear and his suit ripping out from over his shoulder. He jumped away with a swift step, holding the location where the blade had apparently scratched his skin.
“Okay, first off, this is my only suit that you just tore. So, thanks for that. And what’s this about wanting to kill me?”
The young man slowly walked to the side while twirling his ebony blade between his fingers. “No hard feelings, boy. This is business. When your head rolls to my feet, your reputation will only add to the reverence of my name.”
Drake waited a moment before his head lowered in a “seriously” stare. “I'm sorry, I’m a little slow here. So you’re attacking me... to become famous?”
See?! Even HE knows how stupid your plan is. 
Shut up! I’m in the middle of the pre-fight banter.
Drake didn’t wait for an answer. “Well, who are you?”
Eryn slightly puffed his chest out.  “Eryn Odrikson! Master assassin and your executioner.”
Drake blinked a few times. “Okay maybe you should kill me, cuz I’ve never heard of you.” He removed his hand from the wound on his shoulder, noting the small specks of blood.  “Although this is concerning.” He narrowed his eyes at the dagger in Eryn’s hand. He had never seen anything like it before, nor the writing on the metal, but if it was talking it couldn’t be good. 
Drake examined his attacker.  “Well, I’ll cut you a deal. Leave now and I won’t kick your ass back to wherever you came from.” 
Eryn sneered. “Yeah, how ‘bout—“
Drake heaved a sigh. Looking over his shoulder at the kingdom, he knew he really didn’t have time to deal with this, so he might as well end it quickly. “Alright then. There’s no honor in this, but just so you know, you were warned.”
With that, Drake bent forward. The necklace he wore glowed and he let it engulf him in it’s pure blue. He felt his wings grow, his fangs bare and his throat burn. He let out a deafening roar, lifting his now thick and long head to the heavens.  
And he’s a dragon now.
I guess this DRAGON Knight is full of surprises.
Why didn’t you tell me he could actually turn into one?!?
The assassin plunged to the side to avoid a spray of ungodly blue-hot fire that left only carbonised grass in its wake.
I know this might sound obvious, but do not let the fire touch you.
Gee, thanks for the advice!
Eryn darted forward at his top speed, avoiding another fiery breath and closing the distance with the dragon’s belly.
Is it...glowing?
Now is not the time, Odrikson!
He prepared a strike, cocking his arm back and twisting his feet to accumulate enough force behind the hit. However, Drake interrupted his attempt in an instant and Eryn had to dodge the heavy and scaly tail that stomped the location he had been in a fraction of a second before. He continued dashing back, closely avoiding a rapid claw aiming at his legs and parrying a hit of that same tail that sent sparks in the air and him flying away. He glided a bit on the slippery soil when he landed, bringing himself low and at the ready should another attack come his way. 
I don’t care what it takes, we’re doing it. We’re bringing it down.
It’s a dragon, you moron. You think YOU can take it down?
"Oh, you're gonna burn," the dragon boomed in his enhanced voice before he opened his mouth and sparkles started flying dangerously around it.
Before they could both unleash their wrath, they instinctively brought a claw and a dagger to their sides to deflect arrows that had been aiming at their heads. The two projectiles softly landed in the middle of the space between them. Examining them with curious eyes, they both noticed the pale reflection they were emitting. They were made of crystal ice.
The dragon and the assassin whirled their heads to their left, where a strange man wearing a large maroon coat and a simple traveler’s garb stood with his right arm outstretched. Among the light mist that was surrounding him, his crimson hair stuck out from afar. 
A frozen spear appeared in his hand almost instantaneously. He gave it a quick twirl and planted it in the ground below him with a resonating thud. 
“Hello there,” Garret simply greeted with a smile. “And here I thought the colonel was making a monkey out of me. Mind if I join in?” 
A/N: CallenAmakuni: Hello and first of all thanks for reading! This has been a blast to write - I had lots of fun - and I hope you enjoyed it. We each wrote a part of this chapter and the blend is IMO very harmonious, so I’m very proud of it and us!
Now, a few precisions for those of you who are already familiar with Patience and Time. The Garret you see here is not the same one as the one in PaT. This is an AU - from an AU, yeah, but still - where he is younger and never went to Arendelle before. Everything that happens here will have no repercussions on PaT. See this as a rather self-indulgent Avengers-style crossover where we have fun with our characters. 
And if you haven’t already, please go check Snowfall’s Beware The Frozen Heart (both on AO3 and FFN) and Bearhow’s Hungry Moon (on FFN only for now), I assure you it’ll be worth your while!
We’re really excited to bring you what’s coming next. Thanks again, and see you next time!
A/N: Snowfall_In_Summer: I agree, this was incredibly fun to write!
Likewise, for those familiar with “Beware the Frozen Heart,” This is a non canon story to that fic. The Eryn here isn’t the same Eryn that’s in BtFH. If Garret and Drake interest you, check out CallenAmakuni’s Patience and Time and Bearhow’s Hungry Moon series (Like CallenAmakuni said, Hungry Moon is on FFN only for now. Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13314313/1/Hungry-Moon)
Hope you enjoyed this little experiment!
A/N: Bearhow
Bearhow here! 
I’d like to echo what my partners in crime have already said m.  This was a blast and it's only going to get more amazing as the story goes on. Also this is a different continuity from “Hungry Moon” and “the Snow queen's champion”, but Drake does know our favorite Arendellians.  
Enjoy the show! 
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