#the problem with art fight is that a lot of my refs are really old
melonnade · 5 months
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finally updated artfight references!!
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whimstellar · 3 months
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art fight stars in about a week... and the last month or so on and off i've been working on revamping my ocs. no promises i'll get them posted up on art fight.. but i am gonna try. (here is my artfight.. incase i do end up participating)
here are a few of my ocs i've gotten around to updating.
Daisy Kelly (she/her) Starr (she/her) Nyle Rotcord (he/him) June (she/he) Clara Lovell (she/they)
Daisy, Nyle, and Clara were originally motw character i played.. Starr is a fusion of one of my old MLP ocs and.. an undertale oc.. and then June was made as part of a friends setting that i never really ended up being a part of but is now tied to Clara.
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Best Underrated Anime Group C Round 1: #C8 vs #C1
#C8: Government employee and his white cat boss
Chen Shi, a young man from the countryside, journeys to the capital in search of his missing older brother, whose existence he only knew about upon his mother’s death. He knows neither name nor face of his brother, and after finally arriving at the capital, he runs out of money as well. One thing led to another, and he finds himself employed at Dali Court, where he works for Vice Minister Li Bing, a large white cat.
On the other hand, Li Bing is of royal blood who was imprisoned because of his family’s treason and now has to work in the government to atone for the crime. As for why he is in cat form? That’s for you to find out.
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#C1: Friendship over nostalgia for the past, and moving forward
The main girl works at a diner and misses being able to run. Main guy is the boss at the diner and misses writing.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#C8: White Cat Legend 2020 (Dali si Rizhi)
Season 1 is light and hilarious, featuring the adventures of Chen Shi and his colleagues at Dali Court. The show has a very colorful cast, and whether they’re on the side of the protagonists or against them, you will find loving them all the same.
And that leads me to another thing I like about this show—nothing is black and white. There are no characters who are “evil” just for the sake of it. Even the most hateful villain has his story. And it’s never clear whose side the characters are on. Enemies may become friends, and friends may become enemies.
Season 2 is more on political intrigue, and it presents us the conflict from two perspectives—from the commoner Chen Shi and from the noble Li Bing—showing us how the same problem can mean differently to people of different classes.
The animation is also top-notch, and the OST is amazing. But the fight scenes are definitely my favorite! They’re so smooth and dynamic, and I keep rewatching them. It’s based on a web comic with a very simple style, but the donghua (Chinese anime) really went far and beyond that.
There’s comedy, drama, action, mystery, hot guys, and cats (both actual and demonic)—so what’s not to love?
Trigger Warnings: Animal Cruelty or Death, Cannibalism, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore
I’m not sure if it counts as cannibalism, but there’s a cat demon who appears in human form, and he eats humans (it’s not shown explicitly, though). Oh, he also eats animals raw (again, not explicitly)—that’s why there’s an animal cruelty/death tag. The violence isn’t really graphic, but there’s blood and sword fighting, especially in season 2
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#C1: After the Rain (Koi wa Ameagari no You ni)
It feels like a lot of folks didn’t give this a fair chance because they thought it would be an age gap romance, when it really is more about friendship between the MCs. Don’t be turned off by the opening. It’s cute, but all from MG’s POV. The art is pretty, and Aimer’s “Ref: rain” is one of my favourite songs now, besides it being a beautiful ending theme. Depending on how old you are, you might relate more with one MC over the other.
Trigger Warnings: One-sided age gap. Depending your views, MC's friendship with her boss could be uncomfortable
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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Some coloured pencil doodles of my Smile For Me OC, Vahid Gharagazlou, a mad pretentious Iranian artist with shadow powers, chronic back pains, and is also your NB uncle now. I’ll create a full ref for him eventually, but his fluffy brown coat is what he usually wears.
More info on him under the cut! (I wrote... a lot.)
Vahid is an old autistic Iranian artist in his early 50s. He is ethnically Persian with some Turkish ancestry and was born in rural Iran. He is a transmasc NB and goes by he/they pronouns, he hasn’t had any surgeries and doesn’t bind due to his back problems, but he has been on T though stopped when his voice dropped as that’s what he really wanted out of it. 
He like the Habit family has shadow powers, and often uses them for his performance art pieces and to deal with the chronic back pains he’s had since childhood. The shadow powers also give him the ability to communicate with vultures, and he has a pet Black Vulture named Gharch.
Whilst he uses a variety of mixed media (from painting, sculpture, to even performance art) and tackles all kinds of themes, most of his work is usually of a macabre nature. Most of it is simply because it’s what he enjoys creating, but some may have personal themes relating to his old life in Iran. Vahid is often disinterested in answering on what his work may ‘mean’ and so often gives cryptic answers to mess with others.
Personality wise, Vahid is a... very eccentric man. Due to his disability he often appears mellow and tired and has a formal though often cryptic way of speaking, but he becomes incredibly energetic and crass when becoming passionate over something. He can be very pretentious, smug, and full of himself, and he has odd ideas as what can be considered art and has gained a reputation of being very temperamental towards art and artists he dislikes or deems ‘too commercial’ and ‘pretentious’, sometimes outright getting into fights with the artists. 
However Vahid has some degree of self awareness to this reputation and uses his image as a ‘mad intimidating pretentious artist’ to often play jokes on others, such as appearing in his own exhibitions pretending to be a common gallerygoer or rival artist and insulting his own art before revealing himself as the artist to see others’ reactions or intimidating someone to give him criticism. He’s overall pretty mischievous and does all kinds of weird shit just to see someone else’s reaction.
Despite his intimidating reputation, to young and beginner artists that are being taught under him, Vahid can be incredibly supportive and encouraging of their endeavors, often coming across as a ‘uncle’ like figure to them and always striving to make sure he gives them opportunities to improve and express themselves. He can also generally be very caring and sweethearted, and enjoys spending time with those he likes even if they may not do much together, especially if it’s over tea!
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halorocks1214 · 5 years
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Long explanations are long so of course, they’ll be under the cut. I don’t have the energy to make a masterpost like I did with my other big art/outfit post so separate DA links will have to do!
Champion | Partners | Casual
Pretty much everyone will be confused about who this is, Pokemon fans and my followers alike, so to keep it simple: I have drawn her before (and I oop) and any fic I’ve written with the Original Work tag on AO3 is about her or at least involves her as a major character. You don’t have to check them out, but I’d be extremely moved if you do!
Now, onto the Pokemon parts of this post. A lot of general stuff is (vaguely) explained in my AO3 series summary so I’m gonna keep this short and just explain the art above
Champion Outift
Got it in Kalos. The only real difference from when she first wore it outside her limbs and eye would be her hair. She had extremely short hair during her journey. Take the pigtails away and keep the two bangs around her face and boom
She keeps her Keystone as an earring since her two strongest/closest Pokemon can Mega-Evolve. The Z-Ring and Dynamax Band came later during their respective journeys. I also imagined that the Dynamax Band is slightly larger than the Z-Ring due to the need for more energy and etc. etc. etc..
When going to a new region the only couple of old things she takes with her are One of her strong, older Pokemon as a backup (usually Luke), her Keystone, and the Eon Flute. You know, if the giant catastrophe that always happens strikes before she can form a genuine team
Not much else to say, really. She wears this when needing to make an appearance or when she needs to fight the Pokemon Villain of the week, etc.. I just really like this outfit and the ref is probably the best art of a human I’ve ever made so
She loves all her Pokemon equally, but if she were forced to only keep a handful, she would definitely pick these two
Luke was given to her during that Gen 6 subplot. I headcanon the other Lucario to be named Lucas. Ellen and Luke had similar problems Mega-Evolving like Korrina did, but it was because Ellen wasn’t really digging having a Lucario on her team and Luke was kind of putting her on a pedestal (due to her unique aura that attracted him to her in the first place)
But it’s all fine and good now. Luke is easily her strongest and most trustful Pokemon that she’s come to appreciate greatly, and while Luke still thinks highly of her, he’s learned to just see her as an equal partner (that needs a good ass-kicking every once in a while, Christ woman)
Kiirus came from that subplot in ORAS when you and Steven go rescue it from the evil team. Ellen was going to catch it in one of the special pokeballs Xerneas created for her to help keep all the Legendary/Mythical Pokemon safe, but Kiirus saw right through it and knocked the pokeball away. It was insistent on being a full-time partner
Ellen was nervous at first. These Pokemon were ridiculously powerful, and she was worried about having such power on her team. Through the conversation with Steven (and Kiirus not letting her leave the island until she actually caught it), she took a deep breath and caught Latios in a normal pokeball
Don’t tell Steven, but that Eon Flute has saved her life more than she’d like to admit (don’t worry, he already knows)
Alola and Galar are the two journeys she’s been since Hoenn and, well, a lot of shit that went down (her missing limbs and other small stuff)
She has decided to use them as incognito outfits for when she wants to hang out in a region without anyone bothering her. Her Champion Outift is pretty flashy so it’s honestly the only one she needs to wear in public. Her rivals know about the secret outfits and know better than to spill the beans
However, just like back at home, her limbs and eye are a dead giveaway to who she is, so, again, just like home, she uses a special contact and special covers over her limbs to hide. They aren’t foolproof and can be seen through (her fake leg/foot is bigger than her real one after all), but she tends to move fast enough and/or gets peoples’ attention away from those areas so they never notice 
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Hey there, butt shover anon here! I think I'm having Walking Dead withdrawals and was wondering if you have any hc things or beliefs about the kids of Ericson? Also, a reminder, #ProtectMyKids AND #ProtectHomeGirl (That's you homie)
Hello, friend! 
I feel ya on having twdg withdrawals. It’s hard to find newer content when the game itself is finished. Thankfully, we’ve still got lots of lovely people writing fics and creating fanart and plenty of other content here. I myself am replaying the game again -just finished ep2 so I’m emotional again- and working on my rewriting and that’s really kept me enthralled with the game. And, of course, talking to you guys through these asks definitely keep me coming back. 
As for some headcanons, y’all know I’ve made several of these, but I can give you some more because I’m full of them. 
Louis keeps a wall of art in his and Clementine’s room displaying drawings courtesy of AJ and Tenn. This is a headcanon that I have explored more than once in my stories because it’s an idea that I absolutely love. AJ drawing pictures of him, Clementine and Louis together? 
Y’all know that shit warms Louis’ heart. It’s also a display of AJ’s growth through the years and they hold plenty of memories for them. 
There’s a lot of crap that they keep in the basement, but when the weather gets warmer, Mitch totally goes down there and brings out the wonderful volleyball net. 
Oh yeah, you bet your ass that these guys all get together to play a game of volleyball together. They split into two teams with Aasim as their exasperated ref. 
These teams are usually the same: Louis, AJ, Tenn, Ruby and Violet, and Clementine, Mitch, Willy, Omar and James. 
Louis always has AJ and Tenn on his team because he insists that they’re the best players, constantly instilling confidence in the two boys and their abilities to play. 
Mitch, Clementine, Ruby, AJ, and Violet are the most competitive while the others are there to have fun and don’t really care who wins. 
But seriously, imagine these guys playing volleyball together. Imagine the trash talking, okay?? And poor Aasim’s trying to coach a fair game but holy shit 
However, the games usually end with Ruby spiking the ball into Mitch’s face because he’s a trash talker and Ruby’s a sore loser. 
This makes Aasim facepalm every single time. 
And speaking of Ruby, she’s a total romantic. She hides this well from the others, but she totally has a stack of mushy-gushy novels that she reads at night before bed. She’s read each of them over and over again to the point where she sneaks into the library to try and find some new ones.
Of course, Aasim catches her. And she becomes defensive. 
Upon learning that she’s secretly into these types of books, Aasim reads some himself. They’re not his favorite and he ends up critiquing them for their obvious focus on the romance -duh, Aasim, that’s the point ya dingus- rather than the world and characters around them. 
This doesn’t stop him from giving them to Ruby in secret and the two end up having little meetups at night to discuss their recent reads. They even swap books, Aasim reading another gushy romance and Ruby reading a fantasy with a complex magic system. 
This leads to several hours of debate between the two. 
And lots of sleepovers because it’s late and Aasim’s too tired to go back to his room I mean it’s all the way down the hall and he might as well stay in the spare bed so that they can keep talking until they can’t fight off sleep any long amirite?
What I’m getting at is this is the beautiful start of rusim, okay?
One of my favorite headcanons is Clementine teaching everyone the knee trick. This came on after Mitch saw her doing it, thinking it’s an easy enough technique, and almost fucking biffing it and getting himself chomped after haphazardly trying it and having the walker fall on top of him. 
Now, when they’re out clearing walkers, Louis’ll knock a walker down and get a clean show at knocking its head off with Chairles, and Mitch has 100% mastered it now and with his knife skills he can take these walkers down no problem. 
Well, until James shows up with his pacifist ways and wants to collect the walkers rather than kill them. 
Everyone’s pretty skeptical about this, but when Clementine explains that they can use the walkers like a weapon -like when they broke into the delta- everyone more or less agrees the let James take care of the walkers as long as they don’t become overwhelming. This puts in place their system of James clearing out an area before any of them go hunting or scavenging, and in exchange, James is given his own room. 
Well, they’d let him stay anyway, but it makes James feel like he’s helping the group out so...
One time Tenn and AJ found some beads and using some fishing wire, they made bracelets. AJ made one for Louis and he still hasn’t taken it off. 
James is actually a pretty good artist when it comes to doing portraits. Again, this is something that I’ve explored in my writings because I love the idea of James and Tenn bonding over this and James teaching him how to draw more realistically. 
This one for Marlon was actually hinted at in the game, but Marlon knew how to play guitar. I like to think that Marlon and Louis actually met in band/music class and their friendship came to fruition because of their love for music. While Marlon lost his interest in practicing once he became the leader, he was glad that Louis continued to play the piano even if distracted him from more important things. 
There’s some that are new and some that are old. Hopefully, that gives you a little something to think about. :)
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gravyinvader · 5 years
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i finally made a ref for flin and it’s been a long time since i’ve done any digital art so don’t clown me. I’ll type what i wrote b/c my handwriting is dookey
her tallest
being useful
being alone
being treated as a burden
not being allowed to make her own choices / being told what’s best for her
she’s very tall, about a head shorter than the tallest
a few years younger than zim
very long lore under the read more b/c i love my girl and can’t shut up ever
pak was removed shortly after being “born”; it was removed by rebels as part of a mission to learn more about paks. it failed and cost the rebels a lot of lives and yielded very little results. her pak was practically destroyed in the process and not much could be taken from it.
somehow managed to survive without a pak but occasionally “glitches” because it’s improper removal. glitches happen when she’s too tired or emotional; her brain clings to whatever emotion she’s feeling and she has a violent tantrum depending on what it is. on top of glitches, she gets very tired easily and has to rest often as well as being generally weak and fragile.
was raised by a vortian, tan, who was there for the original mission because he felt bad for basically ruining an innocent child’s life. She was never properly programmed from the start and was raised by rebels, so she didn’t have very many irken traits. however, they lived on a small planet away from the rebellion because how fragile she was and how easy of a target she was. they lived alone outside the occasional visitors tan got, the most frequent being a pilot named zip who was an irken rebel and is very fond of flin.
Despite her usually gentle personality, not many of the rebels liked her, most of them associated her with the huge failure that mission was. she wasn’t able to help the rebellion either, so she was seen as a burden and a sour reminder. once she’s old enough to live on her own, she encourages tan to rejoin the rebellion so he could actively help them instead of being stuck on a tiny rock in the middle of nowhere.
both tan and zip visited her frequently, but as they got more important, their visits became more and more spaced apart as they got busier and it was more dangerous for them to frequent the same areas. days became weeks became years before she saw them again.
eventually an invader came to a planet in the solar system she was in and they were curious about the irken that lived alone in the middle of nowhere, who he couldn’t pick up any readings for. finally tan and zip came to visit again, but it was too much for her and too short of a visit after years, so she snapped and started destroying things in a violent glitch. basically all of this attracted the invaders attention and he decided he couldn’t just ignore them anymore.
tan and zip tried to flee so the invader would follow them, the obvious rebel leaders, but he was much more interested in the pakless irken that was just trying to fight them. he picked her up and took her off to the massive before the two could really react.
while she was recovering from her glitch, irkens on the massive were trying to figure out how she managed to survive without a pak and the incident involving a smeet being stolen and their pak being destroyed was brought up. they decided that was her and they wanted to keep her around for testing. 
of course the tallest were curious about her, so when she finally woke up she was brought before them. because she was so tall, it was decided that she would be a snack girl for them instead of being cut up and experimented on. Eventually she basically became their assistant and was always by their side when she wasn’t resting and having her health monitored. after a few weeks of their almost constant attention, she easily latched onto them. 
red started to get confused because he was worrying about flin getting hurt because how fragile she was, he would get flustered when she would dote on him, and he would get jealous when she doted on purple too much. he was the leader of the irken empire so he decided that these feelings were stupid, so he transferred her to work with some scientists. He couldn’t bring himself to transfer her off the massive or too far away though, so she was put in a very safe section of researchers.
flin was not very happy about this, but figured there was a reason behind her tallests decision and went along with it. she didn’t cling to any of them like she did with the tallest and was pretty bored and emotionless through the whole thing. It didn’t last that long though because purple eventually yelled at red for being so pissy after sending his little defective away, so red did a random inspection on the area she worked at.
it took him about two seconds after seeing her to realize that sending her away would not solve his problem because flin basically sprinted over to hug him once she noticed him. she cried and asked him why he sent her away and he said because he was an idiot and scooped her up to take her back to the control room with him. after he accepted that he was absolutely infatuated with her, he got more worried about her getting injured and dying, so he made her a pak. 
her pak is very large because its programmed to protect flin no matter what happens. red was worried how her body would react to a traditional pak, so it just clings to her instead of attaching to her. since it’s more of a protective backpack, she still has glitches and gets tired easily but the tallest don’t mind that. They actually love having an excuse to take naps and ignore their duties.
now she is very much so at home on the massive, and most irkens on board like her. she’s usually very nice to them all but also she seemed to mellow the tallest out so they’re much less likely to throw a random irken off the ship whenever they’re slightly annoyed or mad. when they do get mad, she’s very quick to try and settle them down or try to get them to take a nap or eat their favorite snack to cool off.
she is generally a sweet baby but sometimes can get very pissy. the tallest aren’t alarmed by her tantrums, because they’re almost never at the receiving end of them, but the rest of the crew has seen how easily she can break stuff, especially after she gets her pak and it helps her throw irkens around and destroy things. again she’s usually very sweet but if anyone is too mean to her or too rude to her tallest or kidnap her while shes asleep and wipes her memories and steals her pak and implants false memories about how she’s always lived with rebels even though that’s not how it even was when she was with them, she gets mad and violent. especially when that last thing happens, she gets very loud about her ranking and her importance to the tallest.
the tallest, and red especially, are very proud of her when she gets like that. their baby, off destroying lesser races and all that. they’re both very attached to her and love getting affection from her. red gets jealous when purple gets too much of flin’s attention and purple gets annoyed when red is hogging flin. red is very possessive and isn’t fond of anyone else touching flin, though purple is the exception. flin is very affectionate but at the end of the day gets cranky when she doesn’t have enough time with red to herself and nobody really wants to get between the two.
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Learn about the Nonkinaverse In Greater Detail | Learn about the Nonkinaverse In Lesser Detail | Meet the characters | Ask a question | Ko-fi | Personal Discord | New Clown Discord | Twitter
Ok, it’s been a while but I’m in a better head-space now, so It’s time to get BACK to the basics with four new characters! Three of which are tied together in terms of storyline, so a mega post it is!
Click below for the whole shebang. Seriously, it’s a long one! It even includes Henry Boppleson’s proper introduction to the Nonkinaverse! (If ya didn’t know, I won Henry from a giveaway held by the lovely folks at @dailyclowns!)
Oh yeah, these three.
Kobe and Sparrow started out as a clone of Ace and Jigu-Jo given similiar dynamics, but I switched up some aspects enough to avoid a Ryu and Ken sort of thing (even though I have a lot of Boxing characters, oops).
I think I got the Bellhop angle from Spirou of all things. Probably, I don’t remember Spirou all that well. The only French comic I can recall off the top of my head is Lastman.
Also Henry was designed by a friend of mine. I wanted to give Sparrow a sidekick best friend and my own friend came in clutch.
- C-KUN, from the Nonkinaverse Design Bible
Name: Kobe-Maru Nishi Age (at the start of Nonkina Ace -April 10th, 2014): 82 DOB: June 2nd, 1932 Gender: Male Height: 8′6″ Sexuality: Straight/Asexual Occupation: Former Assassin, Martial Artist, Hotel Bellhop Nationality: Japanese Home State: Hokkaido, Japan Likes: Melee combat, Sudoku and other types of puzzles, training, coffee in the morning Dislikes: Modern art and music, street fashions, youthful people who throw caution to the wind, pepper, city life Favorite Food: Harihari-nabe Personality: Quiet, Semi-Stoic Fighting Style: Absolution (Personal Martial Art, mix of Shoot Boxing/Muay Thai, Shuri-te karate, Kun Gek Do) Clown-Po Ability: Healing Factor, Energy Dispersal
In the unwritten history of Combat, there are many legends who remain shrouded in mystery. Tales of fighters with the strength of gods, lost to the flow of time. Of these unsung legends was Kobe-Maru Nishi, known to those who have heard of his skills of a fighter as ‘The God of Absolution’.
Very little is known about Kobe-Maru. What is known is that he hails from a family of Shuri-te karate practitioners located deep within Hokkaido, and he traveled the world learning more Martial Arts to make himself stronger than the rest, combing all of knowledge to create ‘Absolution’.
And while Kobe had a small stint on the professional Martial Arts circuit, his true job was that of an assassin, going after those who fill the world with strife and woe.
However, there was always one problem that would come up time and time again: The Future of Absolution.
Kobe never really put into thought as to how Absolution will survive after his eventual death. He could never really find a suitable partner or student who he deemed worthy enough to learn it.
That was until he started working at The Heights Hotel in Diamond Star where he met a young man by the name of Sparrow Vel.
Name: Sparrow Vel Age: 17 DOB: April 21st, 2000 Gender: Male Height: 6′7″ Sexuality: Straight Occupation: Hotel Bellhop Nationality: French-American Home City: Diamond Star, New Yor-Kyu Likes: Reading, Fighting, his job, hearing stories about his parent’s adventures, his best friend Henry, getting tips Dislikes: Rude hotel guests, walking up long flights of stairs, broccoli Favorite Food: Pepperoni Pizza Personality: Adventurous, Spunky, full of life Fighting Style: Absolution Clown-Po Ability: Energy Dispersal, can tap into a sort of ‘Berserk-er’ mode
Sparrow was the son of an adventurous couple who ended up winding down into The Heights just as Kobe-Maru joined the staff.
He saw Sparrow’s golden heart at work day by day, seeing the true kindness and generosity to others he had himself as a child.
In Kobe’s eyes, Sparrow was the ideal candidate for Absolution.
So one day when he and Sparrow had off from work, Kobe-Maru took Sparrow to the forest below Mt. Inoki. Kobe had promised to show something Sparrow would have never seen before.
Finding an old oak tree that was as thick as 7 concrete walls, Kobe-Maru showed the power of Absolution to Sparrow by kicking the entire tree down in one roundhouse.
Sparrow was stunned and amazed by Kobe-Maru’s power. It was like something out of a superhero movie or an anime!
Admiring his power, Kobe-Maru turned around and spoke to Sparrow.
“This power...It’s something amazing, isn’t it? Tell me Sparrow...Do you wish to have this power as well?”
Sparrow begged for Kobe-Maru to teach him, and within months Sparrow had his Clown-Po spark to life, finally being able to keep up with Kobe-Maru, forming a strong student-teacher bond.
Within one year of training, Sparrow had finally reached the same level of power as Kobe-Maru. But Kobe wasn’t satisfied just yet. For there was one more thing that laid ahead of Sparrow’s training.
The underground fighting tournament: Battle C-Road. A tournament that Kobe-Maru himself had entered many, many years ago.
This tournament will be the true test of Sparrow’s power...
And then there’s Henry Boppleson.
Name: Henry ‘Justin’ Boppleson Age: 17 DOB: February 1st, 2000 Gender: Male Height: 6′1″ Sexuality: Straight Occupation: Hotel Bellhop Nationality: American Home City: Los Angeles, California Likes: Getting paid, working hard, girls, boobs, his old trusty handbuzzer, his best bud Sparrow, watching fights, Combat Sector Dislikes: Not getting tips for carrying loads of bags up several flights of stairs, whoopie cushions, Kobe-Maru’s lectures and speeches Favorite Food:  Personality: Laid back, easily excitable, a bit of a prankster Fighting Style: N/A Clown-Po Ability: N/A 
Henry’s not much of a fighter, or a fighter at all for that matter. He’s Sparrow’s best friend since they first met in middle school, and their bond is iron clad.
But while Henry lacks in his own fighting spirit, he’s still knowledgeable about combat sports, ranging from Pro Wrestling to MMA, to obscure PPV only events that ran under the name of ‘Combat Sector’.
Other than that, he’s a hard worker with a love for the ladies, and penchant for the old hand buzzer gag~
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fmpseenandnotheard · 3 years
Artist Research...
(1) Boogie-Street & Documentary Photography...
Boogie will blow your mind.
The native of Belgrade, Serbia got his start began documenting rebellion and unrest during the civil war that ravaged his country in the 1990s, and the experience seemed to have a profound effect not only on him, but on his work as well. Though Boogie now resides in New York – he arrived in 1998 – all of his work still carries the urgency and thought-provoking depth of a war-torn country.
Perhaps it’s because Boogie’s latest photographs focus on lives torn apart – from the runaway smoking crack in a drug den that used to be a hospital to the gang member caught in a moment of tenderness while cuddling his newborn child. Boogie appears to have shot everything, everywhere. Beggars on the streets of Caracas, Skinheads in Serbia, birds caged by power lines in Tokyo – the world looks more moody, evocative and meaningful through Boogie’s lens. Every detail takes on a life of its own.
Unsurprisingly, the photography world has taken notice – Boogie has published five monographs and exhibited around the world. He shoots for high end clients, renowned publications and countless awe-struck eyes worldwide.
Daniel: Tell us about yourself, where did the name Boogie get picked up and what’s the story behind it?
Boogie: I’m 40 years old, born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia, moved to NYC in 1998 after winning a green card lottery; I’ve shot a lot, published 5 monographs so far, had some interesting solo exhibitions. My nickname was given to me by my friends some 20 or so years ago after a character from some scary movie.
Daniel: You do a lot of “candid” or better yet documentary photography. Are you always geared with a camera where ever you go?
Boogie: Of course, I’m a photographer, that’s what I do
Daniel: Lots of Gangs, Drugs, Skinhead photography. That screams trouble, are you not afraid meeting with these people, taking their photographs? Have you ever encountered trouble? – How do you approach these people at first?
Boogie: While I was photographing gangsters, skinheads, junkies, it never crossed my mind to be afraid. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to get those photos. People can sense fear easily – plus, I don’t think any photo is worth risking your life for. I encountered some minor problems, but nothing serious, after all I’m still here. I always listened to my instincts, they kept me safe.
There is no recipe for approaching people. You either have it in you or you don’t. Usually if you treat people with respect they’ll be OK with you.
Daniel: You’ve recently signed a deal with HBO’s new show “How To Make It In America” what were your feelings when you first heard HBO was interested in featuring your photography, and what do you think about the show?
Boogie: It was a great gig, I met some very interesting people and got to know how the movie industry works. I haven’t seen the show, just the pilot, which I liked.
Daniel: Here’s a funny question wrapped around the HBO show – so When did you know you finally made it, as a photographer in America
Boogie: ‘Making it’ is very relative. I made it as a human being cause I have a great family and get to do what I love.
Daniel: Have you ever thought of shooting film?
Boogie: You mean moving picture? If so, while working on this HBO show, I realized that being a director of photography is an amazing job. Maybe the only job in the world I would trade for mine.
Daniel: What is your connection with photography, your personal life, and your photographs of poverty?
Boogie: Maybe the way I grew up led me to see things the way I do? I guess so, everything you go through in life has a purpose and influences what you become in the end.
Daniel: Tell us about the shoot in Brazil Sao Paolo, how was it?
Boogie: It wasn’t ‘a shoot’, I just packed my bags and went there for a week. very intense, I shot in some scary neighborhoods, I published a book after, all good.
Daniel: What was Mexico like, where did you visit?
Boogie: I was in Mexico City with a friend of mine Adrian Wilson … it’s an amazing city, great energy, great people. Al these horror stories they tell you before you go there are bullshit. Although I’ve been in some neighborhoods where I was afraid to shoot even from the car. But you have areas like that wherever you go.
Daniel: I know you’ve visited Cuba, Istanbul, Tokyo in addition, what is it that you learn from these trips?
Boogie: Travels are always great experiences, seeing how other people, other cultures live is priceless. It humbles you in a way, makes you appreciate what you have more.
Daniel: Lots of black and white, lots of flying birds. What is it that you like the most about Black & White?
Boogie: No idea, lately I also shoot a lot of color.
Daniel: Which gallery is your personal favorite?
Boogie: You mean on my website? everything there needs an update …
Ref: bloginity.com
Robert Frank
Influential photographer and filmmaker Robert Frank has died at the age of 94. He died of natural causes on Monday night in Nova Scotia, Canada. His death was confirmed by his longtime friend and gallerist Peter MacGill.
He was best known for his 1959 book The Americans, a collection of black-and-white photographs he took while road-tripping across the country starting in 1955. Frank's images were dark, grainy and free from nostalgia; they showed a country at odds with the optimistic views of prosperity that characterized so much American photography at the time.
His Leica camera captured gay men in New York, factory workers in Detroit and a segregated trolley in New Orleans — sour and defiant white faces in front and the anguished face of a black man in back.
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Photographer Robert Frank holds a camera in 1954. His photo book, The Americans, changed the way people saw photography and the way they saw the U.S. Frank died on Monday at the age of 94.
Fred Stein Archive/Getty Images
Influential photographer and filmmaker Robert Frank has died at the age of 94. He died of natural causes on Monday night in Nova Scotia, Canada. His death was confirmed by his longtime friend and gallerist Peter MacGill.
He was best known for his 1959 book The Americans, a collection of black-and-white photographs he took while road-tripping across the country starting in 1955. Frank's images were dark, grainy and free from nostalgia; they showed a country at odds with the optimistic views of prosperity that characterized so much American photography at the time.
His Leica camera captured gay men in New York, factory workers in Detroit and a segregated trolley in New Orleans — sour and defiant white faces in front and the anguished face of a black man in back.
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Trolley – New Orleans, 1955.
Robert Frank/National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gift of Maria and Lee Friedlander
The book was savaged — mainstream critics called Frank sloppy and joyless. And Frank remembered the slights.
"The Museum of Modern Art wouldn't even sell the book," he told NPR for a story in 1994. "I mean, certain things, one doesn't forget so easy. But the younger people caught on."
Eventually, the photographs in The Americans became canon, inspiring legions. Photographer Joel Meyerowitz remembered watching Frank at work early on.
"And it was such an unbelievable and powerful experience watching him twisting, turning, bobbing, weaving," Meyerowitz said in 1994. "And every time I heard his Leica go 'click,' I would see the moment freeze in front of Robert."
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Restaurant – U.S. 1 leaving Columbia, South Carolina, 1955.
Robert Frank/National Gallery of Art, Washington, Robert Frank Collection, The Robert and Anne Bass Fund
Ginsburg was a friend and photography student of Frank. He also starred in Frank's first film, 1959's Pull My Daisy. It was based on part of an unproduced play by Jack Kerouac and featured the author as narrator.
Pull My Daisy, and the other experimental, autobiographical films Robert Frank made, were his reaction to a restlessness he felt around still photography.
"In still photography, you have to come up with one good picture, maybe two or three," he told NPR in 1988. "But that's only three frames. There's no rhythm. Still photography isn't music. Film is really, in a way, based on a rhythm, like music."
Yet Frank's films shared a lot with his photographs. They were personal; they evoked emotions as much as they told stories. They're like home movies, and he made more than 20 of them before returning to photography. By then, he was a legend, acknowledged as an inspiration by such noted artists as Ed Ruscha, Lee Friedlander and Garry Winogrand.
What comes through in all of Frank's work is his ability to catch a moment. And that came from truly looking.
"Like a boxer trains for a fight, a photographer, by walking the streets, and watching, and taking pictures, and coming home, and going out the next day — same thing again, taking pictures," Frank said in 2009. "It doesn't matter how many he takes, or if he takes any at all. It gets you prepared to know what you should take pictures of.
(2)  Weegee (1899 - 1968)
Weegee, born Usher Fellig on June 12, 1899 in the town of Lemburg (now in Ukraine), first worked as a photographer at age fourteen, three years after his family immigrated to the United States, where his first name was changed to the more American-sounding Arthur. Self-taught, he held many other photography-related jobs before gaining regular employment at a photography studio in lower Manhattan in 1918. This job led him to others at a variety of newspapers until, in 1935, he became a freelance news photographer. He centered his practice around police headquarters and in 1938 obtained permission to install a police radio in his car. This allowed him to take the first and most sensational photographs of news events and offer them for sale to publications such as the Herald-Tribune, Daily News, Post, the Sun, and PM Weekly, among others. During the 1940s, Weegee's photographs appeared outside the mainstream press and met success there as well. New York's Photo League held an exhibition of his work in 1941, and the Museum of Modern Art began collecting his work and exhibited it in 1943. Weegee published his photographs in several books, including Naked City (1945), Weegee's People (1946), and Naked Hollywood (1953). After moving to Hollywood in 1947, he devoted most of his energy to making 16-millimeter films and photographs for his "Distortions" series, a project that resulted in experimental portraits of celebrities and political figures. He returned to New York in 1952 and lectured and wrote about photography until his death on December 26, 1968.
Weegee's photographic oeuvre is unusual in that it was successful in the popular media and respected by the fine-art community during his lifetime. His photographs' ability to navigate between these two realms comes from the strong emotional connection forged between the viewer and the characters in his photographs, as well as from Weegee's skill at choosing the most telling and significant moments of the events he photographed. ICP's retrospective exhibition of his work in 1998 attested to Weegee's continued popularity; his work is frequently recollected or represented in contemporary television, film, and other forms of popular entertainment
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0 notes
brianna-lei · 7 years
Butterfly Soup Asks, batch 10
More under the cut, including Diya dog questions, Akarsha’s hair length, and more!
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She loves them all, this changes depending on her mood. One of her favorites is Samoyeds (the breed she uses as her chat avatar) because they’re large and fluffy.
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Yes! Many more
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It’s surprisingly long -- it goes down about halfway between her shoulders and elbow. It looks like less than it really is in buns because she has pretty fine hair compared to other characters like Diya.
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Despite not being as book smart as Noelle or Akarsha, Diya is enrolled in all honors classes and has to try extra hard to keep up sometimes. So both times we see Diya wake up in the game, she’s fallen asleep studying. 
If it makes people feel better, it’s pretty rare that Diya has to do this! She does sleep in her bed most of the time. 
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I’m alright with it. If it makes people happy and it doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s cool 
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Min is only attracted to girls, so that makes her a nonbinary lesbian.
Diya self-identifies as lesbian, but she’s only ever been in love with Min, who’s actually nonbinary. I’m not sure how to label her (maybe pan?) -- It’s hard to say with a sample size of literally 1
The rest I’d like to keep a secret for now, sorry! I don’t want to spoil the entire sequel before I’ve even made it
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This’ll be touched on a bit in the sequel! 
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Ooh I love that...I have an idea of what everyone sounds like in my head, but I don’t have any actual voice refs! 
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I actually feel like I haven’t seen enough movies to give the best answer to this??!?? Classic Gamer problems... 
Diya: Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone/some dog movie 
Min: Fight Club
Noelle: probably a particularly educational documentary
Akarsha: an anime movie I bet
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Akarsha: Shortstop. This position has to field many balls, which gives Akarsha many opportunities to mess up and invent new excuses. Noelle: Right fielder. Chryssa and Liz put her there in hopes that since most people are right-handed, few will hit the ball out there -- so if all goes well, her lack of skill is hidden and she’s just standing there doing nothing for most of the game.  
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Misc. fun fact: I actually wanted a scene set at Chinese school in the story, but couldn’t figure out how to work it in. That’s a problem for future Brianna...
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This is true! .........I, personally, have started tagging them on my blog as ppkm for “Pee Pee Ketchup Man” but I realize this is a lot harder to remember than Noesha or Akano! Please feel free to use whatever makes sense to you!
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Yeah! I gain followers on Tumblr pretty consistently, but Twitter popularity has always eluded and mystified me. I’m actually a bit nervous about tweeting normally now that I have more?? We’ll see how this goes 
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Almost everything! I used to be addicted to Hearthstone but then transitioned to being addicted to Overwatch (Winston main). My favorite game of 2017 so far is Nier:Automata, I really want to draw fanart of it soon! Also, I love rhythm games and puzzle games! I also like Telltale-style adventure games and narrative-heavy games in general like Ace Attorney, Persona, etc.  I tend not to play games that pander to straight white guys, though. It’s like as soon as they target straight white guys, they shift to the most bland art style and most boring stories in the world. 
For example, I didn’t know what PUBG was and had to google it, and even after looking at the brown/tan colored screenshots, I still can’t muster up even one shred of interest in it. I’m sure their game mechanics are fun, but personally, it totally ruins the deal for me. 
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You’re welcome! And OOH I remember being so nervous about applying to the Interactive Media program, best of luck! I actually even failed to meet all the requirements -- I only sent them 2 letters of rec instead of 3 because I’m super shy and was too scared to ask any more teachers LMAO I guess they liked me enough that they let me in anyway 
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i love you too! Diya’s hoodie doesn’t exist...yet. I really really want to make it happen...to be continued...
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Unfortunately those old ref sheets are all I’ve got! I’m planning on drawing updated ones, and when I do I’ll post em on here and twitter 
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you’re welcome, and if you draw fanart please tag me!!!! I’d love to see it! ;~;
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Yes!! My mean and insincere daughter...
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haha sorry for the stomach pain! You’re welcome!!
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You’re welcome (you’re welcome)!!!!
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I love when people realize!! You’re welcome, I’ll do my best!
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You’re welcome!!!!!!! 
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you’re welcome!!!!!
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You’re welcome!!! I love being praised for having the best children...
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You’re welcome! And YEAH GREAT MALL the world is so small! 
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I’m so glad my game was able to help you out a little bit!! Thank you for the message! 
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You’re welcome, I’m so glad you found Diya relatable!! Hope you like the rest of it!
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Thank you!! I’ll do my best from now on! 
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Thank you so much for the support! TT_TT I’m super glad to hear you enjoyed it!! 
153 notes · View notes
buttdawg · 5 years
New South: The Saga Continues 11/2/19 (1/2)
The main thing that got me to plunk down money for IWTV was all the hype ads I kept seeing for Warhorse vs. Rey Fury.   I was confused about how to watch Warhorse’s matches, which led me to IWTV, and they seemed to have a jillion indy feds on their site, so it seemed like a good deal.   The problem was that New South’s November 2 show didn’t go up on the site for like a month, so I wasn’t really sure what to do in the meantime.   I ended up watching the Beyond show where Warhorse defended the IWTV title against Orange Cassidy, and the Black Label Pro Turbo Graps 16 tournament where he won the title.    
But I decided to finally get back to the New South show.   I wasn’t sure if I should watch the entire thing, but the opening of the show is a Star Wars crawl, and there’s a backstage segment where it looks like BB-8 and Darth Sidious are spying on people, so I decided to liveblog it instead.
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These are the guys BB-8 and Sid were watching.    They look like eighth graders.    I don’t mean to knock these guys, it’s just that I’m old and the young talent in the wrestling business looks younger and younger all the time, and my guess is that indy feds like New South are where a lot of the really new guys get their start.   Or maybe I’m just not used to seeing actual early-twentysomethings on a wrestling show.    They talk about Joey Janela like he’s a fresh young talent, and he’s 30.   Anyway, the bros on the right are the new tag champs, and I guess the ones on the left are the former champs, who somehow lost their titles without getting pinned, so they’re looking forward to a title match.  
Now, you might ask me why I didn’t take a picture of BB-8 and Darth Sidious, but that’s because BB-8 is a crappy-looking toy, and the Emperor is apparently played by a shadow in an empty corridor.    You’re not missing much.
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The new general manager of New South comes out and he’s this huge dude with Flirtin’ With Disaster as his entrance music.   There’s basketball goals all over the place, and he hypes up being in Hartsville, Alabama.    There’s something romantic about these kinds of shows.   Not kissy-kissy romantic, but you know. 
Anyway, this dude became the new GM, but he’s announcing he’s stepping down after tonight so some championship committee can take over.    I get the impression that New South recently ended some “evil authority figure takes over” storyline, and theyr’re still figuring out what to do next.   This all feels like a CAW Fed on YouTube.    Not necessarily a bad thing. 
New South Tag Team Championship: Wasted Generation vs. Talladega Knights (c): Well, that’s cool that we’re following through on the opening segment.   Dueling “Tal-la-DAY-ga” and “Let’s-Get-WAY-sted!” chants.   Pretty impressive for a crowd this small.    The commentator calls it a “bona fide heatfest”, and I feel like he meant “spotfest”, since this is a face vs. face match where they run through like a million offensive manuevers in five minutes.   But maybe heatfest is a real term and I’m just out of touch.  
This match is nuts.  I’ve seen sharpshooters, Falcon Arrows, moonsaults, superkicks, and that whole “I chop you now you chop me” bit they do in New Japan.    While I wrote this a guy jumped off the bleachers into the others, and it’s not that high off the ground, but it’s the thought that counts.    Part of the story here--maybe unintentionally, but I like it-- is that the referee just can’t keep up with these young’uns and their greased lightning anything goes style.   Wasted Gen’s finisher is called “Don’t Embarass Me in Front of Tyler Matrix”, whatever that means.   It gets a two count.  Canadian Destroyer, because of course they did.   The Talladega drapes a guy over the top rope and hits him with a double stomp, and that one gets the three.  Talladega Knights retain the gold, but Wasted Gen snatches the belts away... only to present them to the champs and raise their hands in a show of respect.   Hey this was good stuff.    
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“The Hot Tamale” Daniel Perez vs. “The Unicorn Princess” Taylor Rae.   I wasn’t sure how I felt about intergender matches before I started watching all these indy matches, but I got used to it pretty quickly.   The only real insight I’ve noticed is that it probably has less to do with pushing boundaries or equality or anything like that, and it’s more about not having enough women wrestlers on any given show to do a separate division.    And that’s fine.   Part of my beef with AEW and WWE is that they underutilize the women because they’re in a separate division that usually gets demoted to the periphery.   
Perez is a Latin Lothario heel, and Rae thinks she’s a unicorn, I guess.   Perez tries to seduce her by offering a coupon for one free kiss, but Rae rips it up and goes to town on him.     I mean she starts kicking his ass, not “goes to town” in a romantic way.   Hot Tamale exposes the turnbuckle, which they really ought to do more in wrestling.   I say that and I see it all the damn time, but that’s not enough.    More turnbuckle exposing.    More!
Rae gets a lot of cool offense in, but it ends up coming back to the exposed turnbuckle, as Perez launches her into it and grabs a handful of tights to score the fall.    Nice match, but I’m noticing that I’ve only seen one intergender match where the woman wins.  Maybe I’m just not seeing the right ones, but my fear is that they do these matches and job out the gals, which kind of defeats the point of doing it.    
Backstage, this guy in glasses offers the Talledega Knights a spot in his stable, the Akuto Death Society.   They have T-shirts and get this, they’re black with a white logo.    The Knights decline the offer, and then they see something strange in a locker, which is ominously numbered 66.  Oooh.
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“The Pittbull” Brett Ison vs. Baron Black (w/Shalandra Royal).  I think Baron Black may actually have a nobleman gimmick, as opposed to “Baron” being just his first name.   Fans bow to him as he makes his entrance.   Well, I’m down with it.   I don’t know what Ison’s deal is, but he wears a black towel on his head, so you know he must be a badass.    I thought I heard the announcer say they had a staredown at WrestleMania (?), but I haven’t watched WWE in over a year, so for all I know that might have actually happened.   
Both of these guys are presented as super-tough guys.   Ison, especially, but the Baron keeps taking it to him, even though he gets the worst of every exchange.    Finally, Black PULLS DOWN THE STRAPS, but he only gets a two count.   Ison reverses an ankle lock, and from there it’s all Ison.  He kind of looks like a young version of Corporate Kane, only he’s wearing a Death Row Records tank top.    I dig it.   Ison ends up outside, where he knocks out Shalandra.   Ooooh!   Baron goes nuts and clobbers him, and this lady walks by with a snack from the concession stand, which sort of kills the mood.   It looks like they just ordered a bunch of Papa Johns for this show.    That’s pretty cool. 
Black grabs a chair to take sweet revenge, hesitates for a moment, but then he goes for it and takes the disqualification.    Crowd chants “One more time”, and The Baron obliges his subjects, but Ison punches the chair as Black swings, and takes out Black with his own weapon in the process.   Crowd is furious at Ison.   This is the first DQ finish I’ve seen in months, and it’s pretty damn good.    If you’re going to end a match with a DQ, this is a good way to do it.   
Backstage, the New South champion is... in a gas station men’s room washing his face.   His shoulder’s all hurt and he doesn’t even know how bad it is yet.    The GM checks in on him and the champ cuts a promo about how he’s like a guy in a war movie who isn’t sure he’s gonna make it, but he’s gonna give it all he’s got.    This doesn’t really go anywhere.  
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“The Kings Road Slayer” Derek Neal vs. Adam Priest.   Priest blindsides Neal during his entrance.    He works Neal over, then goes for a dive to the outside and catches his foot on the middle rope and basically lands face first on the floor, which is pretty awkward.  I guess he’s okay, but that looked pretty bad.   Crowd seems to be solidly behind Priest, which is weird since he ambushed Neal, but he’s the little guy in this match so maybe he’s the underdog in this thing?    Neal manages to pull off a superplex, but AT WHAT COST?   They get up and start trading blows, but Priest is just about spent.    Derek Neal picks up a leather strap like that’s a big deal, but Priest manages to hit him with a Death Valley Driver while he argues with the ref.    Now Priest has the strap, and the ref tries to take it from him, and that gives Neal an opening to hit a kick to the balls and a powerbomb, and Derek Neal wins.   What is a “Kings Road Slayer” exactly?
Backstage, the T-Knights show the GM the haunted locker, but he plays the whole thing off as a prank.   Camera finally pans to the locker to reveal... a lanyard with a card that reads “GM1″?    What does that even mean?
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Kung Fu Donnie Janela vs. “Magnificant Michigan Muscle” Cody “Vanilla” Vance.  Weren’t Cody and Vance the two cousins they brought into replace Bo and Luke on Dukes of Hazzard?   Donnie Janela looks exactly like Joey Janela, except he’s billed as the “Kung Fu King Master of All Martial Arts.”   So is he doing an homage to Joey, or are they related or what’s the deal here?   I don’t want to shovel more dirt on the grave of Jim Cornette’s reputation, but I’m pretty sure Joey is red hot if he’s inspired imitators.    Which sort of leads me to suspect that maybe Jim Cornette is completely out of touch. 
Cody has two nicknames, but Vanilla is printed on his ass, and he’s got an ice cream cone on the front of his tights, so I feel like that should be the primary on.  I like the M3 on his kneepads though.   He looks like someone WWE would be interested in, though I can’t tell how big anyone is on this show.   Cody looks like he’s 6′7″, but he could be 5′5″ for all I know.  
Donnie takes control and starts whipping out his kung fu skills.  He’s got Chinese characters tattooed on his flank, so you know he’s legit.   THey fight evenly for a while, until Vance hits a spinebuster and a ripcord cutter for a two count.   Then Donnie hits a One-Winged Angel?    The announcer doesn’t call it, but I’m pretty sure that’s what I saw.   It gets a two count.   This show is wild, I tell you what.  Cody finally hits a Bicycle Kick and that ends the match.   They do a handshake at the end, and I gotta say, I’ve seen a lot of respect endings to matches this year and I’m still not sick of it.   
Donnie cuts a promo after the match and puts over Cody, but the crowd keeps heckling him.  Is Donnie a heel?   Because he thanks the crowd for supporting him.    Then Brett Ison lays him out and Kris Krunk comes out to make the save.  Okay, so Krunk was the guy who invited the Talledega Knights into the Akuto Death Society earlier on.   And Janela has an “ADS” armband, so I guess he’s in the group too.     But then Krunk betrays Janela and hits him with a chair, so I guess Janela’s out of the group?  He blames Donnie for something, and orders Ison to finish him with the Go2Sleep.  Then the good guys show up to help and Krunk and Ison withdraw.  
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IWTV Championship: Rey Fury vs. WARHORSE (c).   NEVER MIND THAT SHIT, HERE COMES WARHORSE!     Rey Fury intrigued me because he looked like a pissed-off Rey Mysterio on the ads, but now that I see him in action he looks like his own guy, which is probably for the best.    Some guy in the crowd tells the ref to check Rey’s mask along with the rest of his gear, so the ref does it.    Then he checks Warhorse’s hair in the spirit of fairness.    Then both guys do a fist bump to start the match.   Yeah, we ain’t fuckin’ around here, Maggle.
Fury takes it to Warhorse to start off, and he rolls out of the ring and into one of the seats.     Fury tries to go after him, but Warhorse drives his face into the chair and takes back the initiative.   I think that pizza is free?   Cool.
Warhorse keeps chanting “Yee-yee” at Fury, which I think is Fury’s deal, so I don’t know if he’s trying to psych him up or taunt him.   Dueling chops, and I like how Rey’s mask has tassels in the back like hair, so they whip around when he moves.   This one really hoarse woman keeps rasping “Warhorse!”, and it sounds kind of creepy, but I appreciate her energy.  Maybe she wore out her voice chanting for Wasted Generation.
Warhorse takes the lead and lies on the top turnbuckle a la Shawn Michaels while Rey gets back into the ring.   I’m pretty sure Rey’s homegrown New South talent, but he’s having trouble keeping the crowd on his side.     Sometimes it’s half-and-half, and sometimes it’s like 80% Warhorse.    Rey fights back, goes to the top rope, but Warhorse counters with a top rope double-underhook suplex.    Isn’t that like a superplex?    
They fight outside for a while, then Rey tries another top-rope move, which Warhorse reverses in midair-powebomb.   It gets two, and Warhorse starts to despair.   Rey ducks the clothesline, hits a cutter, but only gets two.    That’s probably as close as he came in this match to winning the title.   Later, kids call out to Fury not to give up, so he’s not totally alone out here.   But Warhorse finally hits the double stomp off the top rope and retains the title.     After the match, Warhorse cuts a promo to put over Rey for putting on a helluva match.
They need to sign Warhorse with AEW and give him full creative control so he’s allowed to just run roughshod over the Dark Order.    Then they should make a midcard belt and let him hold it for the duration of his contract.  
There’s still the main event to go, but there’s like forty minutes left on this show, so I think I’ll cover that tomorrow.    Oh, it’s spelled “Chris Crunk”, not “Kris Krunk.”    Good to know.   
0 notes
franeridart · 7 years
Soooo Tumblr tagged your new post as "Content for Adults Only" and I can't see it 😢😢 srsly tumblr is pissing me off rn
Anon said:I don't understand how your most recent post about Denki is blocked by safety mode????? Like it's just your art of his birthday! I love the art of it tho, it's fantastic! Keep up the amazing work.
Anon said:*whispers* the thing you just posted contains sensetive media apperantly
Yeah it’s most probably Mineta isn’t it
(jk it was probs my inclination to swear my way through life’s fault, I asked for a review so it should be visible in a bit but for now you can see it here !!)
Anon said:!!! I didn't know when Kaminari's birthday was but his is the same as mine and I'm even more attached to him now !!! Thanks for bringing that info to my attention and also your doodles were amazing I love them and I hope you have a nice day!!
Yay for you and yay for him too!!!!!!!! I hope you’ll have a great birthday tomorrow, anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I can't remember if you've already answered this question but in light of Kami's birthday - you once did a comic showing what everyone from the Bakusquad would get him for his birthday, so I wanted to know what do you think Bakugou would get all of his friends for their birthdays?
Bakugou has the hardest time coming up with birthday presents, presents are just Not A Thing He Does, he tries but it’s just ???? I mean think back to how he tried to cheer Kirishima up, that boy is so damn awkward - that said, given how all his friends gave him something he felt the need to show them he could reciprocate, so this is what he came up with: 
Sero’s actual tastes in material possessions are a total mystery for everyone, they make absolutely no sense, but what Bakugou KNOWS is that the fucker likes to eat his greens, so that’s what he did for him - he cooked the healthiest and tastiest meal he could manage to make, spent a whole damn lot of time researching it too, and Sero was honestly so touched (he loved it)
Jirou got a offer to go with her to a concert she couldn’t find anyone to go with - she hadn’t outright asked anyone, but it was clear she wanted to go but not alone - the band was too much for all of her friends, so she was sorta letting the idea of going go. Which is when Bakugou offhandedly mentioned that he’d heard there was the one gig from that one band and he was thinking of going since he liked that band and whatever she wanted to come or something? Bakugou had just spent the last day and a half listening to the band’s discography for the sake of making it believable and Jirou saw right through him (she didn’t mention it) (but man Bakugou could be seriously nice couldn’t he)
Mina’s present was to actually agree to go to her party. That was it. Mina’s parties are the opposite of Bakugou’s ideal place to spend a whole night at, they’re loud, and there’s drinking, and dancing, and the whole school is invited and it’s packed, so when she asked him to come she never thought he’d actually agree to go and stay the whole night, but boy did he. He also let her pick his outfit (Mina recognized the effort for the present it was. She was delighted)
Kaminari got a shopping trip - it went like this: Bakugou mentioned he was going to the mall, which always ends up with Kaminari tagging along just to go window shopping. So he stopped in front of the windows, pointed at stuff, made noises about the deals, and Bakugou went “wait here” and then went in and bought whatever Kaminari had been excited about. It happened four times before Kaminari caught on, and then Bakugou literally had to threaten him to make him stop holding back “I’m deciding I wanna do this so I’m doing this” (he still held back, but by the end of it Kaminari had actually whined the sentence “Bakugou please” pointing at yet another jacket or shirt of necklace way more than once) (he was so damn happy he didn’t even think about how he had absolutely no space for everything he’d just bought to fit in his room)
Kirishima was the hardest one (pun intended). Kirishima was actually so difficult Bakugou spent months thinking about what to get him and came up empty handed anyway. He was so damn complicated that Bakugou sucked up his pride and straight out asked him what he wanted for his birthday. “I don’t want to fuck this up”, he said, and Kirishima smiled so hard and so wide and so bright, it felt like enough of a present for him just hearing that. He told him he wanted to spend the day with him, so they did that - studied, sparred, ate, hung with the others. Bakugou didn’t think it was enough of a present since honestly it felt like any other day, but Kirishima was happy, so he guessed it was fine (he found and bought a super rare super expensive Crimson Riot figure to gift him anyway) (Kirishima cried)
Anon said:You are so awesome!!!
sob thank you SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A;
Anon said:It's t[odobak]u week! It's honestly a ship I never thought about, but ever since I saw fanart about them I've been thinking about their dynamic as a couple. How would that even work with their personalities? I know you don't really ship Katsuki with anyone else but Kiri, but let's say for some reason Bakugou and Todoroki got together. How would you describe their complicated relationship/dynamic? I've been thinking about it ever since I saw that fanart Q_Q
I talked about my feelings for these two’s relationship here!! But in all honesty I just can’t see them as romantics (if I could I’d probably ship it hah) so I can’t say how it’d work for them in a relationship of that kind... mostly because all I can think of as an answer is “it wouldn’t work” haha rip
Anon said:I love when you draw Bakugou being a big old softy
Fun fact: I take the fact that Mitsuki is unapologetically soft to Masaru as a good enough proof that in a romantic relationship Bakugou would be the softest to his partner - he’s already soft enough for Kirishima, can you imagine how much more he’d be after being openly in love with him for years? (I can) (it’s beautiful)
Anon said:More adult!AU please!!!!!!!!!!!
Uhhhhhhhhhhh sure, but it wasn’t really an AU tho! It’s just me playing around with their designs a bit, I’ve been drawing them aged up now and again for a while now (tho I admit mostly what stays constant in the design is only the hairstyles, everything else changes based on how I’m feeling it atm) anyway yeah, more will come in the future! Can’t promise the designs will stay totally unchanged, tho haha
Anon said:We only have to last one more day until the next chapter (probably) kills us all with the feels. Thank you to you and your art for getting me through this terrible week of waiting.
;A; you’re welcome, I’m trying to keep myself sane with my own doodles too so helping you along is a beautiful most welcome side-effect
Anon said:Could i have a ref of your adult kiribaku scars? if not i understand! have a great day!
No probs, just, I can’t draw right now cause of hand-problems so you’ll have to make do with me telling you where they are? Also that’s just how I went for it in that drawing, it’s nothing set in stone, really, I keep on adding and moving them around every time I draw them
The only scars Bakugou has there are on his palms - cover the whole of it and reach a bit on the inside of his wrist too, they’re burn scars and come from overusing his quirk one too many times. Kirishima’s got more - aside from the canon eye one he’s got one on the left side of his mouth, one on each forearm in the same spots he’s been hurt in the latest chapter, and one covering most part of his upper back (this one he got protecting civilians with his own body too often and breaking one time too many)
Anon said:I don't know if you take request or not but if you do, could you draw adult bakugou with baby kirishima and vice versa, please? 😙😊
I already have tho!! x x x
Anon said: Holy crap, scarred up hottie Kirishima with the black roots saved my life
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glad you liked him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:denki at the end of your last post is me xD
*whispers* honestly same
Anon said:Okay but think about how fucking pissed Baku would be if Todoroki tripped and fell and broke his ankle walking up the the battle arena and they didn't even get to fight because Todoroki can't even stand.
Listen, listen, if anything like this happened Bakugou would take Todoroki off his list of worthy rivals asap why was he ever even interested in this guy why did he even waste his time like this he’s so done
Anon said:I just got my wisdom teeth removed and can't pronounce "f" , and all I can think ab is Bakugo, in the same case, being pissed as hell because he can't say "fuck" anymore
That’s the moment the squad learns that Bakugou uses the word fuck out of convenience and not because it’s the only one he knows, really (did all those swear words even exist) (how does he even know so many)
Anon said:Fran I just found out why you've stopped posting Haikyuu as much and?? I feel so bad?? Because you're absolutely right, the fandom might be pretty healthy compared to others but it a certain idea of what should be and what shouldn't be. Like the minute you get into the fandom you're bombarded with the "canon" ships (which aren't even canon smh) and then there's other ships which are just automatically designated as "brotp" and if you don't follow the norm then you get hate. (1/2)
And it just makes me feel terrible because you obviously love(d?) Haikyuu a lot, and drawing for it, but then the fandom basically forced you to leave. And that just makes me really really sad. I used to be sad that you didn't draw for Haikyuu much anymore (because despite fandom I do love the series very much) but now I'm just. Really glad that you found BNHA and are having fun drawing for it. Ahaha this is kinda pointless but I really respect you and so?? Just keep doing you
Thank you so much oh my god orz it’s... true, posting for hq hasn’t been half as fun as it used to be, lately, but I do still enjoy it! Between everything the fact that the fandom is sort of asleep atm does make me lose even the last motivation to draw more, so! I’m pretty confident as soon as the fandom wakes back up I’ll start posting more for it again! After all I love the show and all the characters a lot still~
Anon said:*chanting* Draw that hair angst! Draw that hair angst!
I’m trying !!! (tomorrow might just be the right day)
Anon said:i just recently started watching bnha and i'm IN LOVE!!!! i'm also glad i can appreciate your art more bc now i actually know who the characters are 😂
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m SO GLAD you’re liking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you SO MUCH for sticking around even while you didn’t know the show!!!!
Anon said:i love your art!!!!!! im gay!!!!!
tHANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and great for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:  I can't believe Kirishima wears Franeridart brand knickers
It’s the most popular brand on this blog, really
Anon said:bro i don't even read/watch bnha. why am i so invested in these kids. it's,, it's your fault isn't it. you're being paid by horikoshi (is that the mangaka's name?) to reel us all in aren't you. EXPOSED, FRAN
Joke’s on me anon, I’m not even being paid for this (lol) (since you like the kids you should really give the show a try, tho *nudge nudge*)
Anon said:hi just a friendly reminder that kirishima eijirou is amazing and incredible and so are you
Being given the same compliments given to Kirishima might as well be the best thing ever happened to me.... oh my gods.............. thank you............
Anon said:There's only one way for me to find out if my Quirk is breathing under water
Anon no
115 notes · View notes
moon-dirt · 7 years
Tumblr media
And now they have a ref!! Bio is below!
Name: Jitterbug
Age:~4.5 Million Years (for perspective that's around Bumblebee's age)
Gender: Agender, they/them
Alt: None, T-cog removed at young age because parents were in the MMM
Alliance: Ex con, Neutral
-Drinking warm energon, mostly at night
-Cuddles and huggles
-Being told stories
-Being picked up
-Anything to do with space/other planets
-Just chilling out
-Listening to music
-Being cold
-Being called he/she
-Not knowing what's going on
-Someone messing with their wires on their right shoulder
-Being yelled at
-Rushed to wake up (sleep paralysis)
-Loud noises
Abilities: Is able to create force fields and life like projections at will
-Has pretty bad Narcolepsy so they're super tired almost all the time
-Very weak
-Has trouble creating projections and force fields due to tiredness
-Has fallen asleep in battle
-Very sweet to everyone
-When awoken by someone they tend to by snappy/cranky
-Loyal to the ones they love
-Gentle, has a hard time fighting because of this
-Difficult to get them to open up
-Very forgetful
-Very quiet, put a bell on this child please
-Paranoid about the DJD coming for them
-Tends to pace around
-Eats a lot of sweets to try and stay awake, doesn't really work
-Loves to sing, mostly quiet soft songs
-Loses track of thought
-Fall asleep at inappropriate times (Narcolepsy)
-Spaces out a lot
-Bites on the edge of data pads when nervous
-Sleep paralysis before falling asleep and after waking up, longest recorded is 5 minutes
-When excited the wires on their right shoulder will spark, very harmless and small though
-Pry for information
-If someone brings up something that reminds Jitter Bug of their past they will get angry/ panic
Job: aspiring astronomer
Crush: Rung
-The best dreams happen when you're awake
-I stopped explaining myself when I realized people only understand from their level of perception
  When Jitter bug was first born the first thing their parents did to them was get their T-cog removed. Their parents were huge believers in the militant monoformer movement, this was mostly because the family had a long time friend who was a monoformer.
  Eventually it came time to pick sides and Jitter bugs parents decided they would all become Decepticons. Jitter Bug was raised under the rule of Megatron and was constantly fed propaganda due to the fact they were too young.
  Soon Jitter Bug saw how the Decepticons treated other people. At first this didn't bother them, the Autobots were just as bad, but as time went on their fears only grew. Jitter Bug began having nightmares and they started to feel terrible. This led to them developing Narcolepsy. They became sluggish and started to get on everyone's nerves. Eventually, Jitter Bug decided to become neutral.
  After running away Jitter Bug stumbled upon a bot who was trying to find some resources. The bot decided to take Jitter Bug under her wing, not knowing their past due to the fact Jitter But had thrown away their Decepticon badge. Jitter Bug and their care taker, nicknamed Astro by Jitter as she had a lot of books on astronomy, lived in an underground bunker. This made Jitter Bug feel safe, especially from the DJD which they soon became deathly afraid of.
  One day Jitter Bug and Astro went out to gather supplies when they got caught up with the decepticons. Jitter Bug was immediately recognized and by the cons and they managed to escape only missing an arm. However, Astro was not as lucky.
  Upon realizing Astro was dead Jitter Bug fell into a depression. This was all their fault and they were  to blame. Jitter Bug refused to leave the bunker and nearly died. Luckily they were found by another group of neutrals who helped them fix their arm.
  Due to supplies being scarce the new bots decided it would be best to create new hands for Jitter Bug. Instead of an arm Jitter Bug got things that dangled from their head. It took them awhile but they got the hang of it.
  With the new family there was an old bot. Her name was unknown but everyone called her "Crazy old bucket of bolts" or simply Bolts for short. While most of the time she babbled on about nonsense there were times she would tell stories about her travels to different planets when she was younger. In one of her stories she told about people who didn't seem to have any gender. This was very interesting to Jitter Bug and it felt right to them. Soon after they adopted them/them pronouns
  After a long war everyone was ecstatic to hear it was over, and even more were excited to learn that many brave bots would try to locate the knights of Cybertron. However, Jitter Bug simply wanted to go just for the journey. They were interested in space and the many life forms it had to offer.
  One of the first friends Jitter Bug made was Swerve and Tailgate. After a while Jitter Bug had to explain to the minibots that no, they weren't bored, they just have a problem with sleeping. Swerve tried to get Jitter Bug to talk to Rung but they refused, upset with their past.
  Ultimately it became too much for the minibots and some of the crew so they basically dragged Jitter Bug to Rungs office. At first Jitter Bug was scared to share anything with Rung, afraid of what happened. Many times Jitter Bug would yell at Rung and start to cry. After a while though Jitter Bug warmed up to the orange mech and, slowly, started opening up about his past.
  Rung gave them some techniques to help with the sleeping, which worked a tiny bit. He also helped Jitter Bug with the guilt he had and soon, when they would sleep, the nightmares became less frequent and Jitter wasn't on edge as much. This also caused Jitter Bug to develop a crush on Rung.
  Overall Jitter Bug became very careful and sweet. They're still quiet and reserved but once you get to know them they become one of the most talkative bots ever, still not as bad as Swerve though.
-Jitter Bug was originally a full fledged con for TFP
-They were larger and had an eye patch
-Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT491Q7lOYo (Safe and sound, Taylor Swift)
-So.Much.Research.(Do your research kiddos)
-First MTMTE oc!!
-The arm thing is based off my old concept art for my TFA oc Echostar!
-They were going to be a warrior/ fighter but I decided against that last minute
-At first I hated their design but I slowly warmed up to it
-If I got any of the time line wrong pls correct me, I'm still very new to mtmte (only on issue 20 )
-Jitter Bug is deathly afraid of Megatron and tries to avoid him at all costs
-Rung is helping them with their fears
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betabites · 7 years
Dragons of Tiamat - Deeds
Overview - Dragon Chassis - Templates - Deeds - Opposition - The Prison
Now with DM Commentary!
Flirted With A Mysterious Stranger Tall, foreign, and wrapped in sensual mystery. Benefit: Like the stranger, the benefits of this card are mysterious.
DM Commentary: The stranger was connected to the main plot, and would have given the PCs a secret ally in the second adventure.
Robbed A Potioneer Stolen potions always taste better. Benefit: You recover an additional 5hp from healing potions. You have the following additional potions: Potion of healing x3 (heals 15hp [20hp for you]) Potion of shield (+4 AC for 10 minutes) Potion of magic fang (+1 to hit and damage with natural weapons for 1 minute; counts a magical weapons) Potion of fertility x5 (Half-dragons ho!) Potion of infertility x5 (always fuck carriages responsibly, wyrmlings! Otherwise, you get half-dragon carriages, and no one wants tanks)
DM Commentary: One of Flix’s picks. More options never hurt.
Burned Down The Inn And the stables, and the carriage house, and the outhouse, and the well, and the town. Benefit: Whenever you deal fire damage (by any means), increase the damage dealt by +5.
DM Commentary: If you’re prepared for the PCs to burn down absolutely everything, you may as well give them mechanical incentive to do so.
Drank the Cellars Dry Are you even legal to fly after that? Benefit: You have an alternate breath weapon. It is a 30ft cone of alcohol fumes that linger for 1d4+1 rounds. Any use of fire within the area causes the fumes to explode, dealing 5d5+5 fire damage within the area, including the damage from the triggering fire, if any. You must wait 1d4+1 rounds after using this breath weapon before using any other breath weapon.
DM Commentary: One of the dangling combo options I included. Combine it with ‘Burned Down The Inn’ and let the bodies hit the floor.
Ate A Whole Horse Bigger dragon = More powerful dragon. You might also stress-eat. Benefit: You start with 25 temporary hit points. Once lost, these temporary hit points cannot be regained.
DM Commentary: Inspired by the Queen of Blood from Rich Burlew’s incomparable Order of the Stick.
Fought A Duel And won two. Math that, sages! Benefit: You can reroll an attack roll with a +2 bonus. You can use this ability three times.
DM Commentary: Sometimes, PCs need a little extra luck. May have been better to make it applicable to any roll made while in combat, just for that extra bit of versatility.
Saved Some Bandits... For Later Your ascension to the position of dread tyrant has only just begun. Benefit: You have three bandit minions. They are slavishly devoted to you, but they aren't great in a stand-up fight. Lex, Vic and Minny, Bandits HP 24 (3 HD); AC 15, flat-footed n/a, touch 13 Fort +3 Ref +5 (Evasion) Will +2 Init On bosses's initiative; Spd 30ft Melee Club +4 (1d6+2) Ranged Shortbow +4 (1d6+2) Special Sneak Attack +1d6 Skills Hide +7, Intimidate +7, Listen +7, Move Silently +7, Spot +7 Str 14 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 9 Wis 8 Cha 8
DM Commentary: One of Minnen’s picks, confusingly, because of Minny. They’re 3rd level Rogues, mostly. Surprisingly, all three of them survived, despite being the rearguard in the big fight. One survived a 30ft fall, even. I was very impressed. They’ll be coming back.
Cracked The Cult's Codes Oh yeah, make that brain throb with thought. Benefit: You can decipher secret smith-cult messages, know an array of standard call-and-responses, and various identifying passphrases. Most of them are silly.
DM Commentary: One of the fluff-heavy Deeds. Didn’t get used, so I’m not sure what would’ve happened with it.
Sacrificed A Treasure To Tiamat And it was so shiny. Benefit: You can reroll any one die. You can use this ability three times.
DM Commentary: One of Bhela’s picks. May be too close to ‘Fought a Duel.’
Smitten (By A Paladin) They were hot, you panicked, and next thing you know, you were being smote. Yea, mightily. Benefit: You can smite an enemy when you make an attack (before or after you make the to-hit and/or damage rolls). You are at +4 to hit and +8 to damage. You can use this ability three times.
DM Commentary: One of Rezzy’s picks. They’ve requested that the paladin show up again, since they want to know more.
Captured A Pixie And forced it to tell you the secrets of the speedy-zoom. Benefit: As a free action, you can move your land speed. You can use this ability three times.
DM Commentary: One of Rezzy’s picks. A slimmed-down Travel devotion. It’s insane that the Devotion lasts for a minute. Good, but insane. It’s still useful as ‘trade turn attempts for moving your speed as a swift action.’
Interrogated An Old Pilgrim Tall, foreign, and wrapped in sensual mystery.  Benefit: You have a map of the Temple of the Smith-Cult. The detail isn't the greatest, but it's more than you had before.
DM Commentary: Another fluff option. It would have cut down on the information-gathering segment considerably. The fluff text is the result of me using the ‘Flirted with a Mysterious Stranger’ option as a template, and forgetting to replace the fluff text. An option: It’s amazing how good a drawing it is, given the circumstances.
Joined An Orgy You licked it. Benefit: You have an alternate breath weapon. It is a 30ft cone of lubricant that lingers for 1d4+1 rounds. Anyone who moves in it make a Reflex save or fall prone. You must wait 1d4+1 rounds after using this breath weapon before using any other breath weapon.
DM Commentary: Mmm, delicious crowd control.
Dug Up A Hidden Horde Nothing exceptional, but a nice horde seed nonetheless. Benefit: You have an additional 1000gp in various denominations, materials and origins of currency.
DM Commentary: Money is a superpower, after all.
Became A Patron Of The Arts The troupe was putting on your favorite play, Kitty-Orc and the Land of Wanton Wyrms. Benefit: The troupe is in town at the moment, and can be consulted for information or minor services.
DM Commentary: Another fluff entry, more on the social end of things.
Recovered A Grimoire From A Ruined Tower No harm ever came from reading a book... Benefit: As a standard action, you can summon a bearded devil for one encounter or ten minutes, whichever is shorter. It will obey your commands to the death, but will make rude and unhelpful comments the whole time. You can use this ability once.
DM Commentary: One of Bhela’s picks. “Lets get beardy!” Public service announcement: bearded devils have horrifying sewer beards, and you should absolutely not be friends with them.
Extracted Tribute From A Druid And by 'tribute', we mean 'there's an angry owlbear in a flask at your belt.' You may have been swindled. Benefit: As a standard action, you can summon an owlbear with 75hp for one encounter or ten minutes, whichever is shorter. It will obey your commands to the death, but it will be surly about it. You can use this ability once.
DM Commentary: One of Flix’s picks. I mean, who doesn’t want a grumpy birb-bear? A really tanky one.
Ate An Anvil... Like, With A Fork That blacksmith was absolutely terrified. Also, it was tasty. Benefit: You have an alternate breath weapon. It is a 60ft line of iron shards deals 5d6+5 piercing and slashing damage (Reflex for half). If they fail the saving throw, they also take 2d6+5 damage the following round. You must wait 1d4+1 rounds after using this breath weapon before using any other breath weapon.
DM Commentary: I can’t have a campaign with the abbreviation ‘DoT’ without including a damage-over-time effect. I probably need more DoTs.
Ran Over Some Peasants With A Cart Their bodies are in the back, and are killing the resale value. Benefit: You have a cart, drawn by a vicious heavy warhorse. It's not a warhorse by breeding or training, but it is an enormous jerk. You also have eight peasant bodies, with their effects.
DM Commentary: Oddly enough, I’ve had multiple sessions that involved carts, cart-based vehicular manslaughter, and the depreciation of cart values. This is one of the ‘I have no idea what they’ll do with it, but PCs are inventive, so I’ll see what happens’ options.
Indulged In A Manicure And visited a barber. Luxury! And very sharp claws and teeth. Benefit: Your attacks are improved. Bite +10 (1d8+5) Claws +8/+8 (1d6+3) Wing Attacks +8/+8 (1d4+3)
DM Commentary: One of Minnen’s picks. Nothing wrong with more pluses.
Bearer Of The Creepiest Bag of Holding Ever Nothing like Santa. Kind of like Krampus. Benefit: You have a bag of holding type III. It can hold 1000lb. It is currently filled with 800lbs of dead bodies, in various states of decay. Cleaning it will be a Herculean task.
DM Commentary: Useful, but creepy. Related, I once played Krampus in a Christmas one-shot. I built him as a dwarf shapeshifter variant druid/warshaper, and had a type 4 bag of holding. My problem-solving was a) kill it and/or b) put it in my bag.
Prayed To A Forgotten God Derelict altar, nearby copses, what could go wrong? Benefit: You can reroll a saving throw with a +2 bonus. You can use this ability three times.
DM Commentary: Of a kind with the other reroll Deeds. Not the most exciting option.
Ate Very Alarming Foreign Food In retrospect, they were fucking with you. Benefit: You have an alternate breath weapon. It is a 30ft cone of writhing green worms that immobilizes and entangles all within the area for 1d4+1 rounds (Reflex to negate immobilize). You must wait 1d4+3 rounds after using this breath weapon before using any other breath weapon.
DM Commentary: Man, I made a lot of crowd-control breath weapon options.
Developed A Symbiosis With Canaries There are seven of them, and they clean your mouth, and they are your best friends. Benefit: You deal maximum damage with your breath weapon. You can use this ability once.
DM Commentary: Powerful, but limited. Another nod to Bahamut, whose human avatar wanders around with seven canaries that are polymorphed great wyrm gold dragons. ...Don’t know how that would have affected the ending.
Fought A Werewolf Moon Moon will regret that night. Benefit: Gain Damage Reduction 5/- for the rest of the encounter. You can use this ability once.
DM Commentary: Powerful, but limited. 
0 notes
jansegers · 7 years
Simple English Word List
SIMPLE1540 : a simple English wikipedia word list based on the XML export of all articles related to the nine major groups: Everyday life, Geography, History, Knowledge, Language, Literature, People, Religion, and Science and retaining all word forms appearing 7 times or more in this corpus. The total number of words in this corpus is well over the 100.000 words. a A.D. ability able about above absence abstinence abstract academic academy accent accept access accord account across act action active activity actual actually ad add addition adherent adjective adult advance advice affect after again against age agnostic agnosticism ago agree agreement agriculture air alcohol all allow ally almost alone along alphabet also although always amateur amendment among amount an analysis ancient and angel animal annals anonymous another answer anthropomorphism any anyone anything aphasia appear apple apply approach archaeology architecture area argue argument around arrange art article artificial artist ask aspect associate association astronomy at atheism atheist atomic attack attempt attribute audience author authority available average avoid award away B.C. baby back background backpack bad bah balance band baptism base basic basis battle BCE be bear beautiful beauty because become bed bee before begin behavior behind being belief believe believing belong below best better between beyond bias biblical bibliography big billion biological biology birth bit black blind blood blue body book born both bottom boundary box boy brain branch bring brown buffalo build building bull burn business but by c. ca. calendar call can cancer canon capital caption car carbon card carry case cassette cat category cathedral catholic cause cell center central century cerebral certain change chapel chapter character chemical chemistry child china China choice choir choose chronicle church circumcise circumcision cite citizen city civil civilian civilization claim clan class classical cleanup clear clergy click climate close closer clothes clothing coast coauthor code codex cognitive col cold collection college colonization colony color column com come commentary commission common commonly communicate communication communion communist community companion company compare competition complete complex compose composer computer concept conception concern condition confuse confusion congregational connect connection conquer conquest consciousness consider consistent constitution construct construction contain contemporary content context continent continue contrary control convention conversation conversion convert cook cooking copy core correct could council country course court cover covered create creation credit crime critical criticism crop cross crust cultural culture current currently daily damage dark data date day dead death debt decadence decadent decide declaration decline deconstruction deep define definition deity demonstrate denomination department depth describe description design detail determinism developed development device devil diagnosis dialect dictionary die difference different difficult difficulty diphthong dipstick direct directly dirt disagree disambiguation disbelief discipline discover discovery discussion disease disorder distance distinct distinction distinguish distribution divide divine do doctor doctrine document dog don't door down Dr. dream drink drown druid due during dynasty each earlier early earth easier easily easy eat economic economics economy ed edge edit edition editor education effect eight either electric electricity electronic element elevation else emperor empire encyclopedia end energy engine engineering enlightenment enough enter entertainment environment environmental epic episode equal era error especially establish etc. etymology even event eventually ever every everyday everyone everything evidence evil evolution evolve exact exactly example except exchange exist existence expansion experience experiment expert explain explanation express expression external extinct face fact failure fair faith fall false family famous far fast father feature feel feeling female feudal few fiction field fight figure file find finding fire first fish fit five fix flow folk follow food for force foreign foreskin form formal former fortune fought foundation founded four fourth frame framework free freedom frequently friend from front fruit full function functional further future gas general generally generation genre geographer geographic geographical geography geology geometry germ get give glass global go god gold golden good government grammar great greatly green ground group grow growth guide guillotine hair half hall hand handbook handicap handle happen happens happiness happy hard have he head heading health hear heat heaven help hemisphere her here heritage hero high highly him himself his historian historical historiography history hold holy home homo hope hot hour house how however human hundred hunter hypothesis hysteresis I ice icon idea identify identity if illiteracy illiterate illusory image importance important impossible improve in inc. incense include increase indeed independence independent indigenous individual industrial industry influence information inquiry inside instead institute institution instrument instrumentation intellectual intelligence interlinear internal international internet interpretation into introduce introduction invent invention involve iron island issue it IT itself job join journal journalism judge just keep key kill kind king kingdom know knowledge la LA label lack lake lamp land landlocked landscape language large last late later law lead leader leap learn learned least leave legacy legal legend let letter level lexeme library life light lightning like likely limited line linguistic linguistics link liquid list literacy literary literature little liturgy live local location logic logical long longer look lord lore lose lot love low lower mac machine magazine magic magnetic magnum mail main mainly major make male mammal man mankind manuscript many map march March mark market mass material mathematical mathematics matter may May me mean meaning meant measure measurement meat median medical medicine medieval mediterranean medium meet member memory men mental mention mercury message metal method mid middle might migrate migration military millennium million mind minister minute misconception miss model modern modernism modernist moment money monologue monophthong month monument moon moral morality more morning most mostly mother mount mountain mouth move movement much museum music musical musicians must my myth mythology name narrative nation national nationality native natural naturalism naturally nature near nearly necessarily necessary need negative neither neologism network neurogenesis neuron neuroscience never new news newspaper next night nine no non none nor normal normally not note nothing noun novel now nuclear number object objective objectivity observation observe occupation occur ocean octane of off offer office official officially often oil old older on once one online only open opera opposite or oral orbit order org organization organize origin original originally orthography orthology other others our out outer outside over own oxygen p. pack pagan page paint palace paper paradigm parent parish park part participant particular particularly party pas pass past pasta pattern pay peace peer penguin penis people per percent percentage perception performance perhaps period peroxide persecution person personal personality perspective persuasion pet phenomenon philosopher philosophical philosophy phoneme phonetic phonetics photo phrase physic physical picture piece pilgrimage place plan planet plant plat plate play please poem poems poet poetry point pole police policy political politics polytheism polytheistic popular population position positive possession possible possibly post power powerful pp. practical practice praise pray prayer precise predict prediction prehistory present preserve press prevent priest primary principle print printing private probably problem process produce product production professional program project pronounce pronunciation proof property prophet propose prose proselytism protection protein provide province psychological psychology public publication publish publisher publishing punishment pure purpose put pyramid quantum question quickly quite quote race racial rack radiation radio rain range rate rather read reader real realism reality really reason receive recent recently reclamation recognize record recreation red ref refer reference referred reform reformation regard region reign rejection relate relation relationship relatively relativity reliable relic religion religious remain remember remove renaissance replace report republic request require research researcher resource respect response result resurrection retrieve return revelation revert review revision revival revolution rhetoric rich right rise ritual river rock role room royal rule ruled ruler run rural sacred sacrifice safe saga sage saint salad same sample satellite saw say schizophrenia scholar school science scientific scientist scope sea search second secondary section secular see seek seem selection self sense sent sentence separate sequence series service set seven several sexual shall shaman shape share she short should show shrine side sign significant silence similar simple simply since single situation six size skill skin slavery sleep slightly slow small smell smith snake so social society sociology soft soil solar soldier solid soliloquy some someone something sometimes song soon sortable sound source space speak speaker special specie specific speech speed spell spirit spiritual spirituality split sport spread square st. stage stain standard star start state statement station statistic statistical statue status stick still stone stop story strange strap strong structure struggle stub student study stutter style subject successful such sugar suggest sun sung sunlight superior superiority supernatural support suppose supreme sure surface survey surveyor sushi sustainability sustainable sweat symbol symbolic system table take talk tam tan task teach teacher teaching technique technology tectonics teeth tell temperature template temple ten term terminology territory tertiary test testament text textual than thank that the their theism them themselves then theology theoretical theory therapy there therefore thesaurus these they thick thing think third this those though thought thousand three through throughout thumb thus ticket tight time title to today together toilet tolerance toleration tongue too tool top topic total towards tower trade tradition traditional train translation transport travel treat treatment tree trench trial tribe tried trig true truth try turn twentieth twenty two type typical typically ultimate ultraviolet under understand understood union unit united universal universe university unknown unsortable until up upon upper urban urbanization usage use useful usually valley value van vandalism various vassal vegetable verb verbal verse version very video view violence virgin visit vitamin vocabulary voice vol. volume vowel vs. wale wall want war warm warmer wash waste water wave way we weak wealth wear weather web website weight well what when where whether which while white who whole whom whose why wide widely wild wilderness will window wisdom wise witch witchcraft with within without witness woman word work worker world worship would write writer writing wrong yam year yellow you young your
China, March and May made this list because china, march and may are on it and I didn't want to decide in favor of the common noun or the proper noun; all other proper nouns have been omitted (even the ten other months that met the criterium of appearing more then 6 times). #SimpleWikipedia #SimpleEnglish #wordlist #English #words #level1540 #Inli #nimi #selo1540
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