renarines · 16 hours
Imagine if you came home to your beautiful wife and your beautiful house only to find that your wife had turned the house into a living being (a simplification), killed her wlw situationship, and invented antimatter bombs. And it barely breaks the top 5 craziest things that happened that week.
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renarines · 1 day
The Kholins are a top tier fantasy family honestly, they’re like “is anybody gonna solve these problems that we made?” and before anyone can answer they just go and make it worse
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renarines · 5 days
who out thinking about the character
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renarines · 5 days
hyped to see gavilar die again in sa5! good riddance you fucker imagine how many toxic scientist yuri scenarios navani could've been in without you
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renarines · 5 days
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goodnight steris from mistborn
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renarines · 5 days
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Saw this picture and was like: yep, that's Veil. So of course I had to draw her
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renarines · 6 days
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keep thinking about shallan feeling weird unexplainable chills and then turning around and renarins just standing there like Some Guy so this happened
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renarines · 6 days
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Brandon Sanderson || art: Karl Gussow // Jean Claude Kabongo // George Frederic Watts
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renarines · 6 days
reblog to slap szeth's bald head
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renarines · 6 days
just reminiscing about my mum reading stormlight and unironically asking me if kaladin and renarin were gonna get together because she thought they’d be a good pair
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renarines · 6 days
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thinking about this again. he is just like me for real
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renarines · 6 days
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oh this one hurts. renarin………
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renarines · 7 days
reblog to slap szeth's bald head
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renarines · 8 days
One thing I'll always respect Sanderson for is his commitment to making massive anime weapons make some sort of logical sense in a grounded-ish universe
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renarines · 8 days
Using the kowt acronym despite it not fitting anymore, just for the sake of pretending there is symmetry is actually fittingly vorin
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renarines · 9 days
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renarines · 10 days
maybe he’s born with it maybe it’s maybelline
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