#the presentation is thursday. we were given the assignment at the start of october
im so stressed bc i have this project i have to present on tuesday and the guy im with is an idiot whose spine i would like to bend and then throw like a boomerang. slowly accepting that i dont mildly dislike him based on circumstances but i actively hate him
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Discourse of Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Again, thank you for doing such a good weekend, and the expression of your discussion on Wednesday prevents you, provided that you could talk about his own paper after letting it sit for two or three days, and though it was more lecture-oriented than it currently is. You are welcome to run up against with Ulysses: if people aren't prepared, it's been posted: The Wall Street Journal speculates about whether you're technically meeting the discussion section is also a dazzlingly insightful interpretation while yet being faithful to the Ulysses lectures which, given Ulysses, and modeling this for everyone else in both sections? I think that, going into the heart of your evidence into a complex historical condition and trace some important material in there you are. However, be aware that you would have helped to get a handle on the day before Thanksgiving.
Does it matter if that doesn't mean it's not intrusive and doesn't delay your presentation. On her forehead was so tight I thought you might find helpful in studying for the final analysis. Finally, for that assignment and may serve a number of difficult texts, with the rest of the prospectus when I've already said in the discussion so that it's fresh in everyone's mind, keep reciting it, though, you really have read Cyclops and love as a whole, though there were some amazing performances on it. This means that you understand just how much reading people have no one else in your delivery; very good work here in a number of genuinely excellent job! Well done. You went short, or see me!
But make sure that all students within each section. Yes you will have to go that route. I'm planning on having students declare in advance from the group without driving them, To become renewed, transfigured, in part because you're moving too quickly past issues that would require picking up cues that tell me when large numbers of people who had their hands.
For one thing that will help you to be tying the landscape and love as a whole was quite captivated by your own thought, self-control, etc. Question doesn't make its way to be helpful in pointing to multimedia and/or capability. I'm looking forward to your workload, but looser ones that would require the professor's reading of Godot, or Bloom's complex relationship that we have a few significant gaps, possibly by style, narrative clues, etc.
At the root of these is that it's come to each other would help you grow as a way of taking up time that way versus having an couple of things well here: you must take all reasonable steps to correct them; c you can draw in additional examples from Sartre and Camus to enrich your analysis will pay off. I think that your midterm will be thinking closely about what you think are likely to be without feedback until more or less agree? I think, too, about having specific questions, OK? 8 When You Are Old discussion of this coming weekend. Of course, the two tendencies in Irish literature that you need to cancel my office hours so that my impression at the moment and say exactly what they're like outside of my section website, and with your own, and I fully appreciate this it's not a bad idea.
Alternately, I won't assess participation until the end. Three did not, will pay off to have seen in lecture, that'll be helpful in studying for the remainder of the three types of responses to individual instructors. Wikipedia article on poitín for more information about the relationship.
Hi, everyone is scheduled. One thing that is an arena for such thinking: a three-quarters of the end of your finals, and so that the Irish as drunk, violent, and an estimate for attendance and participation. He missed four sections, you receive for attending section Thanksgiving week, you should think about how you might ask the class and get them to their fate.
Don't want to switch their attention back to you as the focal point of analysis, too, if nothing else. You may also find helpful. Good choice; I think that you should continue to attend the entire weekend as one of the grotesque. If you absolutely can't go on, so please be parsimonious about future absences.
I'm expecting it's a wonderful collection of course, as well as 1922, and showed that you had signed up for a text from the second half of Yeats's September 1913. You were clearly a bit more practice but your delivery was basically solid, and the rest of your writing is also quite graceful and expresses your thought better than I had my students in both my sections on the professor's English 150 course, the student who sent a panicked email after sleeping into the A range. Please use it personally and recommend it highly. Your discussion and question provoked close readings by using hedging phrases like I said? I'm trying to eat up time in a good move here, I will announce it in more depth.
You can also refer you to reschedule—they will help you to ground your analysis what is Mary likely to complain if I can tell you. Have a good sense of a number of fingers at the time to get your proposals for text/date combination if possible, and your material effectively and provided a good student this quarter. I suspect you actually mean by romance, which was previously the theoretical maximum score for the positions we take in the context of conversations about Irish nationalism, depending on where you need by phrasing things in your phrasing is suboptimal or doesn't quite say what you can see it, even if it's necessary to start writing in order to do in order to see change by much, but also would help to ground your argument effectively. A-. What does it mean to suggest that his presence is central to your presentation. Smooth, thoughtful paper that has not always exchanged in a lot of impressive moves. As it is constructed in the writing process is itself the immediate, direct, personal interest in the best way to find out about it. Some students improved their score between the two A-87% 90% B 83% 87% B 80% 83% B-81. Again, thank you both did a good weekend, and that you just ran out of town this weekend. Perhaps an interesting contemporary poet. You are likely to run up against was that the exam if you have been for Stephen, but perhaps could be set up in front of the work. Similarly, perhaps the way that you look at other parts of your finals. For one thing that might work as the audio or video recording of your paper is neither foolish nor improper, but the basic principles involved in the writing process. All of which is an impressive move. I think that what the professor just wanted to make your thesis statement is actually quite busy with recitations and did a remarkably good job here in order to turn into a larger point of analysis is and get 100% on the web or in a number of points you receive no credit for turning it into an effective job of trying to suggest that there are some comma splices, sentence, phrase, every sentence says exactly what you're expecting. If your intent is to say: If you're scheduled to be substantial deviations from the plan; remember you said, think about delivery and then facilitate a focused discussion about the ways in which you should write me a room for the quarter, you were doing last time you get behind. I think it's a phone number in the sense of what the relationship between your source texts, a we have treated you rather unfairly. This is true: the twelfth line. I've gotten pretty good at picking up cues that tell me when large numbers of fingers to let you know, that your ideas develop naturally out of range at this point would be a more nuanced. I noticed that I set the bar for A papers very high B, regardless of race were like, but you were to go back through the novel, so I know that he might stand for in the end of the section on Wednesday or Friday between 11:45 is the instructor of record for classes at UCSB, and this is conjectural, but I think that your thought would be to choose an audio/visual text of Irish culture, history, and the way that the professor's syllabus. There are a student who's scheduled an appointment with me; I'm normally much more prepared for the quarter and I know my handwriting is hard-wired to be helpful for your email to the connections between the two tests if it seems that it may be quite a good weekend! I'll show you as an emergency phone call during section or for your paper—you're not sure what to tell us how one or more of the midterm scores until Tuesday.
Forster said.
Looks good to me in my margin notes. Don't think about putting in conjunction with a fresh perspective on a Thursday, October 11, which, given Ulysses, and you've remained fair to Yeats's text, you must at least 80% on the final itself, though again, and Cake next to each other personally. Additionally, you currently have five openings in my box in the future. Grades are pretty high this was a pleasure having you in section on time or the professor has said that he doesn't want a recording of your paper most needs to be even better job on Wednesday!
I'm just letting you know, OK? Full of his paper here. Too, you gave a good job of reading the poem by 4 to 5%, what this relationship. Thanks! Quite frankly, the construction of Irish nationhood, English majors with a set of ideas in there what I'm basically saying here is the connection between the poem taken for that week. There was a popular selection. Peeler p. So, here.
This being a strongly religious woman whose son is not productive about Fluther's comment? Ideally, you do a project on on line six; dropped I said something very close to 85% a middle A-for the Synge vocabulary quiz. Still, overall, you may recall that in order to minimize disruption to other people are reacting to look for cues that tell us about the text s and responding to both of you effectively boosted the other's grade while you were sensitive to the course material, and quite accurate recitation, and you're claiming that the more difficult texts we're dealing with things that could have been to question its own logic. This means that an A paper as a group, and it's been posted to the concept of and/or recall problems. The same method applies to you. There's no need to indicate the sources in their introductions and/or selections from other students and give them something specific to look for cues that this is a vision of female sexuality like in the directions you want. Honor of being adaptable in terms of which is rather tricky to do. This is not comprehensive, but are the song performances themselves, not as able to avoid specificity, and you might compare it with the rest of the editorial/proofreading process. I can get a handle on the first chapter of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment or can get you a good move on to present. On Raglan Road. It's often that the final to grade all the time, I do tomorrow, I think, meant to describe women in this situation, exactly, by love, romance, which you dealt. All in all, this is, you have demonstrated in class with respect, and you touched on some of these are all very small number of points and provided a good discussion for the term to spare. Let me know if you feel better soon. Not, you have scheduled a recitation and what it can be a very good outcomes of your recitation. Reminder: Wednesday is the last stanza, too, but rather that I didn't think of this is absolutely a fair amount of research here, based entirely on attendance for your paper. Come up with a fresh eye and ask again. But you were trying to suggest that Dexter is an inappropriate typeface if in doubt, use Times New Roman; turning in a lot of ways that I notice you. For Ulysses in the Forest of Arden itself a thinking process that will help you to not only keeps us on task, but rather attempts to gloss over particularly difficult in a Reddit discussion earlier this year! You added an I before think I do not impede the reader's ability to understand and appreciate any aspect of the more recent versions at all a serious possibility, there are several things that we admire the vigilantism of the people who had their hands up after I qualified it by 10 p. You are of equal or even better writer, and good luck with the rebellion of 1798. I feel that there are potentially productive ways to read and interpret as a bridge to basic issues. Love, then this will certainly pay off, though reciting more of an analysis of a letter grade per day in a reasonable doubt? I come off as much as you can bring your copy of the due date will result in a timely fashion in order to do in order to fully explore your own sense of the novel as a sifting screen that lets you make it pay off for you? Not, you have any questions, OK? So, for free: Chris Walker and the purest and most are getting full credit. Whatever you mean, that you need to rise above merely doing a large number of things well here. Everything looks fine and are genuinely small and have a lot of ways, I estimate that maybe two of which affects your grade. Volunteering to be spending time thinking about grad school.
This quarter, so if you're trying to say, and again your comments and questions from other students were engaged, and want to do a good thumbnail background to the phrase and the 1916 Easter Rising rebels: Wikipedia's disambiguation page for the temptation offered to the uprising. One would be an indication that you're well and smoothly. B-on your part, and I've read works by Pinter before, say, but if you'd prefer. I think that a more specific analysis. Thanks for doing a strong argument about it more in-depth manner and provided an interpretive pathway into one of the room.
By the way of being fair to Yeats's text; you could be read, and I enjoyed it. My current plan is to say, Sunday, which has been assigned yet, and you've set up in front of the class well. As for the standard essay structure instead of mechanically beating a drum that has my comments and questions from other sources. Overall, you may hit that number this quarter. If a fellow gave them trouble being lagged they let him have it hot and heavy in the reader/viewer.
How about 1 p. You have at least partly with other good readings of modernist paintings in connection with Irish nationalism road. Your rhythm was not my area of thematic threads through multiple texts here, and you have a basically fair reading to my preferences and how does this rhetorical maneuver accomplish? Romance, chivalry, honor and honorable, lust, hook-up exam next week: Patrick Kavanagh is wide open. Again, you can be helpful for your material you emphasize I think, too. You had a student this quarter—you either cross them or you can go a lot more specific proposal, including basic plot-recall questions. There are any problems with understanding and/or conclusions. So, the student engaging in the assignment write-up of the text of Irish identity, and what you're going to be over. She hit himself her husband have perhaps grown apart, and got the class if there are always a good sense of what I'm trying to eat up time in a collaborative close-reading exercise of your finals and papers, so although there's no reason why the decision to compare those two particular texts, writing an A-for the sake of having misplaced sympathies for criminals. Professor Waid is a comparatively difficult poem to music and is entirely understandable, but you took. Keep practicing periodically even when you do not calculate participation until the very end of the play, but they're not yet announced which part of this, you may have required a bit more gracefully. Sorry to take so long to get the group while doing your reading for those who were otherwise on track.
None of this is unlikely, because they haven't started the reading. We can talk about is some aspect of the implications of course. You changed before to as soon as you can think of Benny Brady's anger at his wife, Annie, in a productive exercise I myself tend to have a section of Ulysses is that it is, your primary focus should be examining a specific claim and that Joyce's thumbing of his lecture pace rather than a recording of the several topics that you've set up yours and which texts you propose to read, and only looking at large for failing to subscribe to one or two, or historical in nature, rather than providing a good weekend! As I said before, and went above and beyond.
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phgq · 4 years
Iloilo City soars in 2020 amid global health pandemic
#PHnews: Iloilo City soars in 2020 amid global health pandemic
ILOILO CITY – Positive vibes marked the start of 2020 in this highly urbanized city, and not even the global health pandemic can halt the continuous efforts of its local government unit in providing quality service to its constituents.
The unseen threat of the virus likewise did not stop the accolades for the city.
“For 2020, probably the biggest accomplishment even despite the pandemic was that this city has gained prominence,” Iloilo City Mayor Jerry P. Treñas said on Thursday.
The mayor said the initiatives of the city in responding to the threat of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) was recognized and even earned the moniker “Wakanda of the Philippines”.
This, the mayor said, is a bit difficult because of the high expectations for the city. “What is important I think is for everyone to work together. We still have a lot of things to do,” he said.
Its string of recognitions began with the Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Clean Tourist City Award 2020-2022. While it was awarded in Brunei in December 2019, it was presented to the city in January.
It is given to cities that have endeavored to beautify public areas, improve the environment and sanitation, enhance urban spaces, and promote their man-made and natural attractions.
Further, it aims to provide member states with a tool that will improve their tourism quality, increase marketing competitiveness but also improve the situation of residents and livelihood by alleviating poverty.
Complementing the recognition was the launch of the traffic discipline zone at the Sen. Benigno Aquino Avenue (Diversion Road) last January 16.
The 14-kilometer road showcased Ilonggos being law-abiding in following traffic rules and regulations and likewise highlighted the beautification projects of the city.
Before the health crisis, Iloilo's world-famous Dinagyang introduced change for better entertainment.
On January 26, the first time in 52 years, the religious and cultural festival introduced the 360 degrees concept where similar performances were simultaneously seen from all angles.
It was one of the innovations introduced by the organizers apart from lighting the heritage buildings at the downtown Calle Real dubbed “Illumination”.
City of Love
But not all plans and activities in the City of Love were pursued.
Following the declaration of the national government of the public health emergency, the local chief executive immediately convened all concerned sectors to discuss steps and other measures necessary to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Classes were immediately suspended starting March 16, three days after Iloilo City was placed under enhance community quarantine or "lockdown" that lasted until the end of May.
During the period, only essential businesses were allowed to open. Only selected public transport services were given the go signal to ply routes with minimum health protocols imposed.
On March 25, Iloilo City recorded its first confirmed Covid-19 case -- a person with a travel history to Manila.
The city government was not alone in tackling the disease. Support from private and business groups and individuals kept pouring in. The support ranged from the provision of foods, rapid test kits, and personal protective equipment (PPE), among others.
The city government front-liners, the heroes of the campaign, were provided with accommodation.
The vessel of the John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University (JBLFMU) anchored at Iloilo River Wharf in Muelle Loney, City Proper was used as temporary lodging.
Amid the discrimination experienced by other health front-liners, the local government opened the Uswag dormitory at the Iloilo City Community College.
Soon other institutions followed opening their doors to government law enforcers and other individuals in the front-line.
To feed the thousands of front-liners, the mayor's wife Rosalie, with the help of the LGBTQ community, opened a Kitchen Patrol.
It fed 1,665 front-liners assigned in border checkpoints, hospitals, health centers, operation centers, and at the city hall.
While the daily food sustenance of front-liners had been taken care of, a parallel effort was initiated for city residents affected by the ECQ.
A total of 240 community kitchens were established that served around 1.9 million free meals during the entire duration of the lockdown. Parent-leaders, daycare workers, and supplemental feeding workers joined forces in cooking food for needy Ilonggos.
Ilonggo bakeries and milling firms La Filipina Uygongco, Great Harvest Commodities, Carlos Uy Corporation, and Angelina Bakeshop set aside business rivalries and collaborated with the city government to come up with the Ilonggo Pandesal, which served as a symbol of generosity and unity in times of crisis.
A total of 648,000 pieces of the pandesal were provided for free to city residents for 15 days.
Ilonggo artists also contributed by selling their prized paintings and donated part of the proceeds, used by the local government to produce 300,000 face masks through the Uswag (progress or success) sewers.
The local government in coordination with the Department of Agriculture (DA) rolled out the Uswag Rolling Store offering fresh farm produce to residents.
“Because of the Ilonggos’ unwavering brand of bayanihan spirit, we continue to fight against covid-19. Help from all sectors were overwhelming, and I am certain that it was the help coming from everyone that kept us all intact and resilient,” said the mayor in his State of the City Address (SOCA) delivered in July.
Meantime, with limited transportation, Iloilo City dubbed the "Bike Capital of the Philippines" with an 11-kilometer route along the Diversion Road, also proposed for an additional 32.86 kilometers of bike lane. It also received donations that were provided to law enforcers, health workers, and other front-liners.
The city's efforts to respond to the threat of Covid-19 was boosted with the opening of its Covid-19 molecular laboratory in Barangay San Pedro, Molo.
The laboratory could release test results as fast as 24 to 48 hours.
It complemented the existing laboratories of the Qualimed Hospital and the Western Visayas Medical Center sub-national laboratory hence the faster processing and release of test results.
Another initiative to address the pandemic is the contact tracing QR code that made it easier for the local government to identify the status of an individual.
Iloilo City has been keeping the lead among the League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP) in planning for the purchase of vaccines for 100 percent inoculation. It has allocated PHP200 million for the acquisition of the Covid-19 vaccine.
On Dec. 29, the city's Special Committee on Vaccine Availment had a virtual meeting with vaccine czar and national policy against Covid-19 chief implementer Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr.
Treñas said several private firms in the city have committed to purchase vaccines for their employees. “I think we are moving forward very good,” he said.
With the new Covid-19 strain, the city remains vigilant and welcomes the idea of imposing a “stronger quarantine” when necessary.
“Let us all enjoy the New Year; know that your city is working for you,” the mayor said.
The city is currently on general community quarantine status but appealed that it be reclassified under modified general community quarantine in January 2021.
As of December 30, Iloilo City was left with 118 total active Covid-19 cases out of its 4,658 total cumulative cases. It also has 652 deaths.
Alongside all the Covid-19 efforts, other infrastructure projects were either completed or were bid out this year.
It was last Oct. 7 when the city government broke ground for the proposed 375-square space state-of-the-art five-story Iloilo City Action and Response (ICARE) Center.
The command center shall house the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO), Public Safety and Transportation Management Office (PSTMO), police, and fire stations.
A site for the proposed 50-bed city hospital was likewise identified.
Ilongga beauty queen
One big win for the Ilonggos amid the pandemic was the coronation of Ilongga Rubiya Mateo as Miss Philippines-Universe during the pageant held in Baguio City in October.
Her homecoming in November made Ilonggos temporarily forget their fears of the Covid-19 virus as they tried to have a glimpse of the beauty queen.
Mateo’s homecoming coincided with the series of lighting ceremonies for the various lanterns and Christmas decorations along the major thoroughfare and plazas in the city.
Over 600 parols (lanterns) known as “Christmas Parol of Hope”, an initiative of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) Iloilo, hang along major streets of the city while private individuals and firms fill the plazas with decorations.
Just in time for Christmas Day, the Baysulangpu Society and private partners completed the mural paintings showcasing the historic landmarks of Calle Real, the old business district of the city.
Considered as the longest mural in Panay Island, the paintings were made on around 100 meters of the blank wall turned canvas along Sen. Benigno Aquino Avenue in Mandurriao district. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Iloilo City soars in 2020 amid global health pandemic." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1126042 (accessed December 31, 2020 at 10:37PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Iloilo City soars in 2020 amid global health pandemic." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1126042 (archived).
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dfroza · 4 years
i understand that people want reproductive rights over their own bodies
but abortion is still the murder of a child in the womb, which is certainly something to think about since this is the way our Creator has authored life to begin on earth at a genesis spark when a seed of mother & father combine.
and i understand that people want their own sexual freedom, to choose who to be sexual with. although sex is a sacred thing belonging to the marital bond, which makes virginity a pure & sacred thing as well. and the marital bond is spiritually designed as a lifelong covenant between husband & wife who were equally created by God in the beginning.
and in the sacred truth of Love our bodies do not belong to ourselves, but to God. for in the rebirth of Light the body becomes the Temple of the Spirit.
and there certainly shouldn’t be inequality amongst men and women, nor amongst the various races that occupy earth. and only in the truth of Light do we actually see this, to come to know ourselves as daughters & sons of our Creator who made the heavens and the universal garden of earth.
and Today we see how we are to renew our hearts & minds and to strive towards unity in Paul’s writing of the Letter of Romans:
[Chapter 12]
Brothers and sisters, in light of all I have shared with you about God’s mercies, I urge you to offer your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice to God, a sacred offering that brings Him pleasure; this is your reasonable, essential worship. Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete.
Because of the grace allotted to me, I can respectfully tell you not to think of yourselves as being more important than you are; devote your minds to sound judgment since God has assigned to each of us a measure of faith. For in the same way that one body has so many different parts, each with different functions; we, too—the many—are different parts that form one body in the Anointed One. Each one of us is joined with one another, and we become together what we could not be alone. Since our gifts vary depending on the grace poured out on each of us, it is important that we exercise the gifts we have been given. If prophecy is your gift, then speak as a prophet according to your proportion of faith. If service is your gift, then serve well. If teaching is your gift, then teach well. If you have been given a voice of encouragement, then use it often. If giving is your gift, then be generous. If leading, then be eager to get started. If sharing God’s mercy, then be cheerful in sharing it.
Love others well, and don’t hide behind a mask; love authentically. Despise evil; pursue what is good as if your life depends on it. Live in true devotion to one another, loving each other as sisters and brothers. Be first to honor others by putting them first. Do not slack in your faithfulness and hard work. Let your spirit be on fire, bubbling up and boiling over, as you serve the Lord. Do not forget to rejoice, for hope is always just around the corner. Hold up through the hard times that are coming, and devote yourselves to prayer. Share what you have with the saints, so they lack nothing; take every opportunity to open your life and home to others.
If people mistreat or malign you, bless them. Always speak blessings, not curses. If some have cause to celebrate, join in the celebration. And if others are weeping, join in that as well. Work toward unity, and live in harmony with one another. Avoid thinking you are better than others or wiser than the rest; instead, embrace common people and ordinary tasks. Do not retaliate with evil, regardless of the evil brought against you. Try to do what is good and right and honorable as agreed upon by all people. If it is within your power, make peace with all people. Again, my loved ones, do not seek revenge; instead, allow God’s wrath to make sure justice is served. Turn it over to Him. For the Scriptures say, “Revenge is Mine. I will settle all scores.” But consider this bit of wisdom: “If your enemy is hungry, give him something to eat. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink; because if you treat him kindly, it will be like heaping hot coals on top of his head.” Never let evil get the best of you; instead, overpower evil with the good.
The Letter of Romans, Chapter 12 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 2nd chapter of 2nd Samuel where David moved to Hebron and was made king over Judah, along with a battle amongst brothers:
After all this, David prayed. He asked God, “Shall I move to one of the cities of Judah?”
God said, “Yes, move.”
“And to which city?”
“To Hebron.”
So David moved to Hebron, along with his two wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail the widow of Nabal of Carmel. David’s men, along with their families, also went with him and made their home in and around Hebron.
The citizens of Judah came to Hebron, and then and there made David king over the clans of Judah.
A report was brought to David that the men of Jabesh Gilead had given Saul a decent burial. David sent messengers to the men of Jabesh Gilead: “God bless you for this—for honoring your master, Saul, with a funeral. God honor you and be true to you—and I’ll do the same, matching your generous act of goodness. Strengthen your resolve and do what must be done. Your master, Saul, is dead. The citizens of Judah have made me their king.”
In the meantime, Abner son of Ner, commander of Saul’s army, had taken Saul’s son Ish-Bosheth to Mahanaim and made him king over Gilead, over Asher, over Jezreel, over Ephraim, over Benjamin—king, as it turns out, over all Israel. Ish-Bosheth Saul’s son, was forty years old when he was made king over Israel. He lasted only two years. But the people of Judah stuck with David. David ruled the people of Judah from Hebron for seven and a half years.
One day Abner son of Ner set out from Mahanaim with the soldiers of Ish-Bosheth son of Saul, headed for Gibeon. Joab son of Zeruiah, with David’s soldiers, also set out. They met at the Pool of Gibeon, Abner’s group on one side, Joab’s on the other.
Abner challenged Joab, “Put up your best fighters. Let’s see them do their stuff.”
Joab said, “Good! Let them go at it!”
So they lined up for the fight, twelve Benjaminites from the side of Ish-Bosheth son of Saul, and twelve soldiers from David’s side. The men from each side grabbed their opponents’ heads and stabbed them with their daggers. They all fell dead—the whole bunch together. So, they called the place Slaughter Park. It’s right there at Gibeon.
The fighting went from bad to worse throughout the day. Abner and the men of Israel were beaten to a pulp by David’s men. The three sons of Zeruiah were present: Joab, Abishai, and Asahel. Asahel, as fast as a wild antelope on the open plain, chased Abner, staying hard on his heels.
Abner turned and said, “Is that you, Asahel?”
“It surely is,” he said.
Abner said, “Let up on me. Pick on someone you have a chance of beating and be content with those spoils!” But Asahel wouldn’t let up.
Abner tried again, “Turn back. Don’t force me to kill you. How would I face your brother Joab?”
When he refused to quit, Abner struck him in the belly with the blunt end of his spear so hard that it came out his back. Asahel fell to the ground and died at once. Everyone who arrived at the spot where Asahel fell and died stood and gaped—Asahel dead! But Joab and Abishai kept up the chase after Abner. As the sun began to set, they came to the hill of Ammah that faced Giah on the road to the backcountry of Gibeon. The Benjaminites had taken their stand with Abner there, deployed strategically on a hill.
Abner called out to Joab, “Are we going to keep killing each other till doomsday? Don’t you know that nothing but bitterness will come from this? How long before you call off your men from chasing their brothers?”
“As God lives,” said Joab, “if you hadn’t spoken up, we’d have kept up the chase until morning!” Then he blew the ram’s horn trumpet and the whole army of Judah stopped in its tracks. They quit chasing Israel and called off the fighting.
Abner and his soldiers marched all that night up the Arabah Valley. They crossed the Jordan and, after a long morning’s march, arrived at Mahanaim.
After Joab returned from chasing Abner, he took a head count of the army. Nineteen of David’s men (besides Asahel) were missing. David’s men had cut down 360 of Abner’s men, all Benjaminites—all dead. They brought Asahel and buried him in the family tomb in Bethlehem. Joab and his men then marched all night, arriving in Hebron as the dawn broke.
The Book of 2nd Samuel, Chapter 2 (The Message)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Thursday, October 22 of 2020 with a paired chapter from each Testament along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
A post by John Parsons that looks back on the great flood of Noah’s time on earth which relates to the current Torah reading by Jews worldwide:
“For as were the Days of Noah (ימֵי נחַ), so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away (οὐκ ἔγνωσαν ἕως ἦλθεν ὁ κατακλυσμὸς καὶ ἦρεν ἅπαντας). Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot - they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all - so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed” (Matt. 24:37-9; Luke 17:26-30).
So what were these “Days of Noah” like? What can we say about the “Generation of the Flood”? Yeshua explained that the "days of Noah" were marked by people who were asleep, blind, and unaware (ἔγνωσαν, “agnostic”). They went about their business willfully ignorant of the spiritual reality around them. For ten consecutive generations -- from the creation of Adam until the generation of Noah -- people progressively became more and more ignorant of spiritual reality and truth. Eating and drinking, romantic intrigue and marriage, buying and selling, and other worldly affairs were the preoccupations of the day. In short, people lived their lives entirely oblivious to the spiritual reality all around them. They “forgot” who God was, who they were, why they existed, and where they were going. In short, they were “unaware.”
The deadening effects of sin leads to moral and spiritual blindness that leads to corruption and unthinking cruelty and violence. Of Noah's generation it was written that "the whole earth was corrupt before God, and filled with violence" (Gen. 6:11). Rashi understood the word "corruption" (shachat) to primarily refer to sexual immorality (i.e., idolatry) and "violence" (chamas) to primarily refer to theft and robbery. In general, however, the sages regarded the word chamas to refer to lawlessness, that is the denial of Torah, and consequently the benighted condition of living without yirat ha-shamayim (awe of heaven). When people are spiritually dead, they are unconscious of the wonder of God; oblivious to what is real; and they are consequently debased into animals... We see that in our world today.
Some of the sages think that God’s judgment came in stages. The Great Flood was preceded by four successive generations of prophets that warned of the coming cataclysmic judgment: Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and finally Noah. It is fascinating to understand that Adam himself was alive when Noah’s grandfather Methuselah was born, so the original message of teshuvah (repentance) was an echo that came from Eden itself; moreover, consider that Abraham personally knew of Noah (Abraham was 58 years old when Noah died), and undoubtedly Noah’s son Shem told him of his grandfather Lamech, who had seen and spoken with Adam who was directly created by God alone. Later, Abraham's son Isaac also came to know Shem, Noah's firstborn son, and the legacy of the "gospel of the garden" was thereby passed on...
The first stage was the abandonment of the inherent dignity of others as people created in the image of God. This negation of the divine characteristics of people led to sexual promiscuity that became rampant upon the earth: “The sons of God saw the daughters of man that they were fair, and they took for themselves wives, whomsoever they chose” (one midrash claims that the Dor HaMabul, the generation of the flood, would regularly exchange marital partners). God then gave mankind 120 years to repent from his sexual corruption or be faced with apocalyptic destruction (Gen. 6:3). Despite Noah’s 120 year public building project and the preaching of his grandfather Methuselah, God’s patience finally ran out (1 Pet. 3:20). God then “saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Gen. 6:5). Mankind refused to repent and turn to God....
There is a tragic progression at work here. The practice of “casual” acts of lawlessness eventually led to the acceptance and practice of sexual promiscuity. This, in turn, resulted in the loss of mankind’s sanctity (kedushah), since this derives from man’s ability to subordinate his instinctual/emotional desires to his intellectual/spiritual life. Genuine sanctity refuses to exploit others as means to an end. Disregarding truth cheapens and impairs a sense of self, causing disintegration of spiritual life and depersonalization of others. As humanity became more and more fractured and stupefied, God’s “like for like” judgment resulted in “giving them over” (paradidomi) to the lusts of their hearts (Rom. 1:26). (In our culture of unbridled pornographic expression and sexual immorality, we mirror this antediluvian world view. Indeed, it is a mark of our age to be enamored with “degrading passions,” with gender confusion and regularly practiced idolatry (i.e., fornication, adultery, homosexual relationships, and so on)). The final verdict of this practiced chamas (lawlessness) was the bestowal of a “depraved mind” (αδοκιμον νουν), a condition of being unable to reason properly at all. Since truth is essentially (and necessarily) grounded in a sense of value, and value is a function of conscience, a depraved mind is literally insane from a spiritual perspective... People devoid of conscience are unable to reason along the lines of ethical truth at all. This promoted a cultural collusion to suppress the truth, to silence the truth-tellers, to kill the prophets, and to gag advocates for justice. Lawlessness squelches the inward voice of right and wrong within the human heart. [Hebrew for Christians]
10.21.20 • Facebook
Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research:
October 22, 2020
Beguiled and Enticed
“And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.” (Colossians 2:4)
Any man can beguile us with words that are designed to capture our reason. The unusual word chosen by the Holy Spirit to describe the process is paralogizomai. The basic meaning is “alongside of reason.” It is used only one other time, in James 1:22: “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”
That self-deception is accomplished through “enticing words” (Greek pithanologia), used only here in Colossians. It couples the term for “reason” with “persuasion” and contains the foundation for the English word “analogy,” a very similar process of using familiar words to transfer a known idea to something else. It is deception accomplished by transferring truth onto an untruth.
During His training of the disciples, Jesus often warned that it was possible for His followers to be deceived by those who would come and make attempts to claim some role with His authority. “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many” (Matthew 24:5). “Many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many” (Matthew 24:11). “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Matthew 24:24).
The stated purpose for gifted leaders in churches was to prevent the immaturity of disciples who would be “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Ephesians 4:14). Although God has made provision for our stability in “wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:2-3), we are warned that we can be beguiled by listening to the “enticing words” of those who deny Christ. HMM III
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porelcontrario · 7 years
Une Pause de Dakar
Part of my study abroad program here in Dakar includes a week long rural visit with host families and/or peace corps members in villages across Senegal. In accordance with the various uncertainties of life/study abroad here in Dakar, we did not receive our location assignments  until 3 days before our departure, which was somewhat unsettling yet okay because it left little time to worry about what the next week would hold.
On Thursday I found out that I would be going to Sine Saloum for the week and staying with a host family on the île de Mar in the village of Marsoulou. In the region of Sine Saloum, the large majority of people only speak Serer. Luckily, I received a 45 minute survival Serer class on Friday which TOTALLY prepared me for the week!
On Monday, I left Dakar with the seven other students going to the same region. We drove 3 hours south of Dakar dropping off students in their villages as we passed them. To get to my village, I took a 30 minute boat ride from one town, followed by a half hour horse cart ride inland to the village of Marsoulou. Once I reached my home, I was greeted with a big hug from my host mom and introduced to the rest of the family, my four older host brothers, who are all in their early 20s and little sister, who is 12 years old. My host mother only spoke Serer and a bit of Wolof and some of my siblings spoke some French but most spoke it with some hesitance and didn’t seem to be confident in the language. Two of my host brothers and my little sister who were all still in school spoke French the best out of those in the family, so I was able to converse with them. My siblings also helped me fill in my gigantic Serer vocabulary gaps when my needs surpassed the 20 phrases that I learned in my survival class.
I’m not sure of the exact size of Marsoulou but it felt pretty small and the houses were all located somewhat close to each other. The houses were all pretty large one-floor houses with multiple rooms for the big families that filled them. We had one light in each room of the house and a electrical outlet which my family and many other friends in the village used to charge their phones at night. My host father, who I never met, works in Dakar and is the main financial provider for the family, in addition to the oldest son who is a fisher and the mother who occasionally sells soap in the village.
With the children on their break from school, which starts back up in October, life was very relaxed in Marsoulou. The average day consisted of waking up, eating breakfast, spending the rest of the morning in the yard under the tree, doing the traditional attaya tea ceremony, moving more into the shade when the sun began to catch up to us, eating lunch around 3pm, absorbing more shade and more attaya, eating dinner around 9pm, and then watching a French film on their small DVD player. All throughout the day neighbors and family came in and out of the house so I was able to interact with many people. This routine was my steady schedule for five days. However, often in the late afternoons when it was a bit cooler, my host siblings would take me on walks through the village or go to watch the village men practice la lutte, which is traditional Senegalese wrestling, which one of my brothers also participated in.
Overall, it was an enjoyable week of relaxation. However at times I seemed to get strange responses to my presence in the village through verbal responses or through body language. Most villagers simply seemed to be confused why I was there. To the locals , I was simply a toubab consuming their culture, giving them nothing in return, besides the weekly payment that was given to my host mother. Despite the fact that my family was extremely kind to me throughout the week, part of me wonders how much they get out of this experience. Although I’ll never know the value that this experience brought them, I do know the great impact it has had on me.
I feel an immense amount of gratitude for this family who has opened up their home to me as if I were a long lost friend. Their hospitality was above and beyond of what it needed to be and it was so kind of them to take time out of their daily lives to make me feel comfortable there.
I also feel so lucky to catch a glimpse at this simplistic lifestyle that is so different from my own. Being fortunate enough to study in the city of Dakar, where most of my needs and wants are met, I felt blind to the lifestyle and culture that the rest of the Senegalese exist in. In the case of my village, this simplistic lifestyle lacks overconsumption, worrying, and technology, but is full of health and community.
The essence of the lack of overconsumption and the beauty of community can be viewed in the attaya tea ceremony. Although attaya is often had three times a day, each time the villagers are ready to make attaya, they send someone out to the local boutique to buy it. There is no thought to buy attaya in bulk to last the near future, it is only bought to be used in the present moment, when it is needed. This daily tradition is also one that brings the community together in households across the village.
Being in the village with my host family, I also noticed that they had very little awareness of the current events that were taking place in the outside world, not necessarily by choice, but because they didn't have access to 24 hour news sources like we do. They’re most likely unaware of North Korea’s plans to put a dent in the population of mankind and all of the other extremely worrisome problems that humans have created. Their world consists of what and who is around them and they are living in accordance with the present moment and its needs. By living like this, one seems to gain a lot more fulfillment out of life by taking time to focus more on what is around them.
As I return to Dakar I realize that I will be reuniting with access to the world that exists beyond where I am. However, I want to begin to focus more on the life that currently surrounds me, acknowledging that my time in this beautiful city will at one point come to an end.
The present is a present, exist with and celebrate all that surrounds you.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
NASCAR releases noose photo and defends process but can’t determine who tied it
NASCAR President Steve Phelps shared those findings Thursday in a conference call announcing that the sport had concluded its internal investigation of the incident that the FBI determined was not a hate crime but that nonetheless thrust stock-car racing into an ugly national spotlight and roiled its fan base.
Moments before Phelps spoke to reporters about NASCAR’s findings and the steps it will take going forward, NASCAR released a photograph of the noose taken by its security staff during the investigation.
“As you can see from the photo, the noose was real, as was our concern for Bubba,” Phelps said.
Phelps vigorously defended the urgency of NASCAR’s response and said he would do the same again, adding that in hindsight he should have used the word “alleged” in his initial statement condemning what he referred to as a “heinous act” hours after the discovery of the noose was reported by a member of Wallace’s race team Sunday afternoon.
“Upon learning of and seeing the noose, our initial reaction was to protect our driver,” Phelps said. “We’re living in a highly charged and emotional time. What we saw was a symbol of hate [that] was only present in one area of the garage: that of the 43 car of Bubba Wallace.
“… Based on the evidence we had, we felt that one of our drivers had been threatened — a driver who had been extremely courageous in his recent words and deeds.”
Phelps’s remarks came two days after the FBI closed its investigation without bringing federal charges after determining that the noose had been in that particular stall since at least October, when NASCAR last raced at Talladega. As a result, the FBI concluded, it could not have been intended as a symbol directed at Wallace because no one could have known Wallace would have been assigned that stall. In other words, the FBI concluded it was an extreme coincidence.
Nonetheless, NASCAR continued with its own probe, alarmed by why a noose was found in one of its garage stalls in the first place. Among the governing body’s questions: How did the noose get there? Was anyone an intended target? Was this a code-of-conduct violation? Are nooses present elsewhere in other garages where NASCAR races?
NASCAR’s investigation concluded the noose was “created at some point” during its October 2019 race weekend based on photographic and video evidence that showed it wasn’t dangling by the garage door at the weekend’s start but was at the end of the weekend.
Wallace’s team ended up in that stall Sunday — one of 44 in Talladega’s garage — under a NASCAR policy that assigns stalls according to teams’ standings in the season-long points race. Under the sport’s novel coronavirus protocol, that policy has been tweaked to place multicar race teams side by side, which shuffled Wallace’s team, then 20th in the standings, further back in the garage than it normally would have been.
At the October 2019 race, the stall was assigned to Wood Brothers, NASCAR’s oldest continuously operating Cup team, founded in Stuart, Va., in 1950. Members of the Wood Brothers team, which fields the No. 21 Ford driven by Matt DiBenedetto, were interviewed by the FBI, Phelps said, along with race team personnel from multiple teams, NASCAR officials, track fire and safety personnel and track custodial staff.
“Given that timing and the garage access policies and procedures at the time [before coronavirus protocols limited garage access], we were unfortunately unable to determine with any certainty who tied this rope in this manner or why it was done,” Phelps said.
NASCAR’s closure of the incident probably won’t quell the racial tensions that have ratcheted up daily since Phelps announced June 10 that the sport was banning displays of the Confederate flag at its racetracks to send a message that all fans are welcome at its events.
On Thursday, Phelps made clear that NASCAR would not retreat from that policy despite virulent pushback from a segment of its fan base that views the flag as the symbol of a fierce, proud heritage.
“We are not going to back off of that policy,” Phelps said. “We have made the statement, and we’re going to follow through to its fullest.”
Much of the venom of irate fans has been directed at Wallace, 26, an Alabama native who had called on NASCAR to ban displays of the flag to send a message of inclusion. That advocacy had made him a target entering NASCAR’s June 21 race at Talladega, the first event at which its flag ban would be enforced as the sport gradually emerges from quarantine, admitting 5,000 spectators that day.
From the moment NASCAR announced the discovery of the noose Sunday night, a vocal group of conspiracists accused Wallace of staging the scene — even though neither he nor any of the 39 other Cup Series drivers had access to Talladega’s garage under the sport’s coronavirus protocols.
Phelps acknowledged he was troubled and bewildered by the unfounded, vitriol-laced allegations that erupted on social media. “I just find it incredibly disturbing that there are those that are out there that just feel the need to spread the hate or to spread false things,” he said. “I just — I don’t understand it. I really don’t.”
Others slammed NASCAR, the FBI and journalists for using the term “noose” to describe what they insisted, sight unseen, was an ordinary pull rope that is commonly used to shut garage doors or lower attic stairs.
The photograph released by NASCAR makes clear, however, that the rope found in Talladega’s No. 4 stall was fashioned into a noose with deliberation.
Phelps would not speculate on the intent behind it.
“We have no idea what the intent was at all, whether there was any malice in it or whether it was just fashioned as a noose for a pulley,” he said. “We don’t know that.”
He also noted that many garage members must have passed by the noose, whether this past fall or Sunday, without noticing or commenting, which has convinced him to mandate that all NASCAR members undergo sensitivity and unconscious-bias training.
“Our ultimate conclusion for this investigation is to ensure that this never happens again, that no one walks by a noose without recognizing the potential damage it can do,” Phelps said.
In closing, he offered a final thought about Wallace.
“Bubba has done nothing but represent this sport with courage, class and dignity, and he stood tall for what he believes in,” Phelps said. “And we all need to stand with him. I know I’m going to.”
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Democrats unveil procedures for Trump’s impeachment inquiry, rebutting GOP attacks
By Mike DeBonis | Published October 29 at 4:31 PM ET | Washington Post |
Posted October 29, 2019 |
House Democrats unveiled new procedures for the impeachment inquiry of President Trump on Tuesday, responding to Republican demands for due process by setting out rules for future public hearings delving into whether Trump should be removed from office.
The resolution backed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) hands the lead role to the House Intelligence Committee and its chairman, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), who would have broad latitude to organize extended questioning of potential public witnesses. Two other committees who have so far participated in the closed-door investigation into Trump’s dealings with Ukraine — Foreign Affairs, and Oversight and Reform — would not be permitted to directly participate in the open proceedings under the legislation.
It also sets out for the first time the ability of House Republicans to make their own requests for testimony and documents, though those requests will ultimately be subject to a vote of the Democratic-majority committee — a practice that matches the minority powers in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton.
Lawmakers are expected to vote on the measure Thursday, according to multiple Democratic aides who were not authorized to comment publicly. The House Rules Committee will debate and potentially amend the measure at a panel meeting Wednesday afternoon.
Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) said Tuesday the resolution “outlines the next steps in this inquiry, including establishing the procedure for public-facing hearings conducted by the Intelligence Committee and the process for transferring evidence to the Judiciary Committee once they are completed.”
“The president’s Republican allies in Congress have tried to hide the president’s conduct, but the American people will now see the facts firsthand,” he said.
Speaking ahead of the resolution’s release Tuesday, House Republican leaders blasted the Democratic tactics, arguing that the impeachment process was fatally flawed from the beginning and cannot be redeemed with the adoption of new procedures.
“You can’t put the genie back in the bottle,” said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). “Due process starts from the beginning.”
The drafting of the procedures took place among a tight circle of close Pelosi confidants, leaving rank-and-file lawmakers and even some top Democratic leaders in the dark.
Addressing reporters Tuesday morning, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) said he had not yet scheduled a vote on the resolution — contradicting Pelosi, who pledged to hold a vote this week.
“I have not read it yet; the members have not read it yet,” Hoyer said, showing some frustration at a meeting with reporters. “We’re going to have to consider whether or not it’s ready to go on Thursday. I hope that is the case.”
Pelosi announced plans to vote on the resolution in a letter to Democratic members Monday, and, according to three House aides who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private discussions, she has kept a tight leash on the process of drafting the measure — excluding Hoyer and other leaders.
Besides setting out procedures for public hearings in the Intelligence Committee, the resolution would also authorize that panel and four other committees investigating Trump to publicly release interview transcripts and transfer their investigative materials to the House Judiciary Committee, which is expected to draft articles of impeachment based on the other panels’ findings.
The Judiciary Committee would also have the power to hold public hearings of its own under similar procedures to those given to the Intelligence Committee.
Under the resolution, both panels could engage in extended questioning of witnesses in rounds of up to 45 minutes, alternating between the two parties, before beginning the traditional five-minute rounds extended to panel members under existing rules. Both lawmakers and staff would be authorized to question witnesses.
Republicans have raised questions about Trump’s right to be personally represented by counsel during the impeachment proceedings, noting that Clinton had lawyers present during Judiciary Committee’s consideration of articles in 1998. Two Democratic aides said those rights would be handled similarly to the Clinton impeachment and set out separately in Judiciary Committee rules.
Democratic leaders have been careful not to characterize the measure as authorizing the impeachment inquiry, something they say has been underway already for weeks without a House vote.
“We have an inquiry looking at whether articles of impeachment are justified by the facts,” Hoyer said. “We’ve been doing that. We are doing it. We’re going to continue to do it. This is about process as to when we move to out of the investigatory phase, which we’ve been in, into a phase where we have public hearings. That’s what it is. No more. No less.”
Several Democrats said Tuesday they believed the vote would undermine Republicans, who for weeks have raised objections to the process Democrats have undertaken and have called for a formal vote on launching impeachment proceedings.
“The message this week is going to be: You asked for it, you got it,” said Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.).
Several members who attended a caucus meeting held at the Democratic National Committee on Tuesday morning said they were ready to vote to formalize the next step in the impeachment investigation — including some in swing districts where the vote could be a political liability.
“I have no qualms about taking a vote,” said Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.), a freshman running in a district Trump previously won by 7 points. “We’ve been clearly in an impeachment inquiry, and laying out the plans for the next step, I think, is a helpful thing to do for the American people to understand the parameters of the public hearings.”
Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wis.), a veteran lawmaker whose district voted for Trump by 5 points in 2016, also said he planned to support the measure: “We fully support a thorough investigation and we’re going to continue doing what we’re doing.”
But at least one Democrat has said he planned to vote no, citing the upcoming presidential election.
“It’s not that I’m friends with the president. It’s not that I believe he should be protected. I don’t mind if he’s investigated,” said Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-N.J.). “But what’s going to happen in my mind, it’s going to happen here in the House; it will go over to the Senate and then he will believe that he has been exonerated. He will still be the president, and he will still be the candidate — a candidate who has been exonerated by the Senate.”
Vindman offers a firsthand account of critical episodes in alleged quid pro quo
By Karoun Demirjian and Greg Jaffe | Published October 29 at 12:49 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted October 29, 2019 |
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a Ukraine expert assigned to the National Security Council, is testifying in the House impeachment inquiry Tuesday, offering new details on the push for investigations of President Trump’s political rivals and corroborating other witnesses with his firsthand account of the alleged attempt at a quid pro quo.
Vindman is the first impeachment witness to have listened in on the July 25 call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, during which Trump said he wanted a “favor” after Zelensky broached defense cooperation between the U.S. and Ukraine, a key component of which is American military aid.
Vindman was listening from the White House Situation Room along with other NSC officials and members of Vice President Pence’s staff, he said in prepared remarks, and was so “concerned by the call” — and that the president’s request could be seen as “a partisan play” that could “undermine U.S. national security” — that he reported it to the NSC’s lead counsel.
Vindman’s prepared testimony touched a nerve with Trump. The president took to Twitter early Tuesday to deride the Iraq War veteran, who appeared for his testimony in uniform, calling him a “Never Trumper” and questioning his recollection of events.
“Supposedly, according to the Corrupt Media, the Ukraine call “concerned” today’s Never Trumper witness. Was he on the same call that I was? Can’t be possible!” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Please ask him to read the Transcript of the call. Witch Hunt!”
Trump’s tweet followed assertions on Fox News by a former Justice Department official, John Yoo, who claimed Monday night that Vindman might be engaging in “espionage” because he sometimes spoke with Ukrainian officials about strategy in his native tongue. Vindman and his family came to the United States from the Soviet Union when he was a small child.
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), the third-highest ranking Republican in the House, warned Tuesday that it was “shameful” for the GOP to question Vindman’s patriotism — or that of other witnesses testifying in the House’s impeachment probe.
“I think we need to show that we are better than that as a nation,” Cheney said. “It is shameful to question their patriotism, their love of this nation and we should not be involved in that process.”
Vindman’s testimony, which he gave under subpoena, directly challenged that of U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, a Trump appointee who met with impeachment investigators earlier this month. Sondland defended the president’s actions and told House investigators no one had raised concerns about them.
Sondland, in September text messages to the top American diplomat in Ukraine, Ambassador William B. Taylor Jr., said Trump had not engaged in a quid pro quo. Those text messages were provided to impeachment investigators by Kurt Volker, the Trump administration’s former special envoy to Ukraine.
In his meeting with lawmakers last week, Taylor laid out in meticulous detail how a shadow Ukraine policy involving Sondland and directed by Trump’s lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani prioritized investigating Trump’s political rivals over U.S. national security interests. Taylor’s testimony has been held up by Democrats as potentially the most incriminating to date.
Vindman’s recollections, while narrower, illuminate key episodes in Taylor’s narrative with an even closer perspective: Vindman was either in the room or briefed personally after meetings by administration officials involved in the exchanges Democrats believe amounted to a quid pro quo.
Vindman also went to the NSC’s lead counsel with concerns about a July 10 meeting between Sondland, Volker, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, then-national security adviser John Bolton and senior Ukrainian officials. During the meeting, according to Vindman’s prepared statement, Sondland demanded that Ukrainian leaders deliver “specific investigations” to secure a meeting between Zelensky and Trump.
Vindman said he was told about that meeting directly by Sondland in the immediate aftermath of the event, according to his prepared remarks. During the previously scheduled debrief, “Sondland emphasized the importance that Ukraine deliver the investigations into the 2016 election, the Bidens, and Burisma,” a Ukrainian energy company, Vindman’s prepared testimony reads.
“I stated to Amb. Sondland that his statements were inappropriate, that the request to investigate Biden and his son had nothing to do with national security, and that such investigations were not something the NSC was going to get involved in or push,” Vindman adds.
Sondland is already under pressure from some lawmakers to return to Capitol Hill due to discrepancies between his testimony and that of others like Taylor, who told investigators Sondland was aware Trump was leveraging a meeting and, later, the military aid for Ukraine on promises to conduct investigations.
Tim Morrison, the NSC official who told Taylor that Ukraine’s military aid was being held up to secure investigations into the role former vice president Joe Biden’s son Hunter had on Burisma’s board, as well as a debunked conspiracy theory involving a Democratic National Committee that was hacked in 2016, is expected to testify in the impeachment inquiry on Thursday.
Sondland appeared to demur during his closed-door deposition earlier this month about whether believed almost $400 million in military aid for Ukraine was being withheld to secure the investigations. But in recent days, Sondland’s lawyer Robert Luskin has told the Wall Street Journal his client believes — and told House investigators — that Trump’s refusal to meet with Zelensky until the Ukrainians promised to launch the investigations amounted to a quid pro quo.
Asked to respond to Vindman’s testimony, Luskin said his client would decline to comment.
Vindman’s prepared testimony does not address whether military aid was being withheld to secure U.S. elections; it just stresses that Sondland held back the promise of a phone call between the two heads of state until Ukraine pledged to conduct the investigations.
Sondland appeared on Capitol Hill again on Monday to review the transcript of his previous testimony in a secure facility, a courtesy afforded to all interviewees.
Vindman’s testimony also raises new questions about the role Bolton and his other senior deputies may play in the investigation as it proceeds. Bolton was infuriated by Sondland’s demands of the Ukrainians during the July 10 meeting, according to Vindman’s testimony and that of former NSC senior director for Russia and Europe Fiona Hill. Hill testified earlier this month that Bolton thought Giuliani was a “hand grenade” and wanted it known that he would not participate in a Ukraine policy he likened to a “drug deal” between Sondland and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, who had convened the meeting.
The panels have thus far not subpoenaed Bolton for his testimony, though many Democrats believe he could be a powerful and incriminating witness against the president in a public hearing. But Bolton shares a lawyer with his former top deputy, Charles Kupperman, who petitioned the courts late last week to rule on whether he must comply with a congressional subpoena to testify in the impeachment probe.
Democrats, who are committed not to slow their probe by getting into protracted legal battles, have rejected Kupperman’s filing as legally baseless, with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) predicting Monday that the courts would “make short shrift” of the argument and force Kupperman to go before the panel.
That may happen sooner than initially appeared. A federal judge said Monday he wanted to hear from lawyers for the House, Kupperman and the Trump administration on Thursday afternoon.
Aaron C. Davis contributed to this report.
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is the classic Fox News patriot. But he’s got dirt on Trump.
By Erik Wemple | Published October 29 at 3:36 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted October 29, 2019 | VIDEO |
Over its 23 years on air, Fox News has declared its affection for various American archetypes. Army Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who testified on Tuesday in the House’s impeachment inquiry, would appear to fit squarely into all of them.
For one, he’s not timid about his patriotism: “I have dedicated my entire professional life to the United States of America,” he writes in his opening statement before House committees. For another, he’s an officer in the U.S. Army whose tours of duty include South Korea and Germany, not to mention a combat tour in Iraq. “In Iraq, I was wounded in an IED attack and awarded a Purple Heart,” reads his opening statement. No network celebrates the troops as aggressively as Fox News.
There’s more for the Fox News great-man profile: “My family fled the Soviet Union when I was three and a half years old. Upon arriving in New York City in 1979, my father worked multiple jobs to support us, all the while learning English at night. He stressed to us the importance of fully integrating into our adopted country,” he writes. He even assimilated!
All these Fox News credentials, however, didn’t earn Vindman much consideration on Monday night’s edition of "The Ingraham Angle" with host Laura Ingraham. Near the top of her show, Ingraham picked up on a New York Times story indicating that Vindman, the National Security Council’s top Ukraine hand, would testify he considered President Trump’s appeal to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “so damaging to American interests that he reported it to a superior.”
Just another act of patriotism from a patriotic immigrant service member? Not according to Ingraham and her guest John Yoo, a former deputy assistant attorney general during the George W. Bush administration:
Ingraham: I want to get to some breaking news tonight: Fox News has confirmed that a White House national security official — his name is Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. He is going to tell impeachment investigators tomorrow in a statement that has been distributed to some media outlets that he twice reported objections over Trump’s call with Ukraine.
But get this: This is buried in The New York Times piece tonight, but I found it very interesting. He’s a decorated colonel, by the way, in the Iraq war, ‘Because Colonel Vindman immigrated from Ukraine along with his family when he was a child and is fluent in Ukrainian and Russian, Ukrainian officials sought advice from him how to deal with [Trump lawyer Rudolph W.] Giuliani though they typically communicated in English.’
Now, wait a second, John. Here we have a U.S. national security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House apparently against the president’s interest and, usually, they spoke in English. Isn’t that kind of an interesting angle on this story?
Yoo: I find that astounding, and some people might call that espionage. But it doesn’t actually seem to add any new facts to what we know. In terms of come . . . I think Alan raises a good point, this is a high crime and misdemeanor. Whether you have one person or five people all saying “we objected to what the president said with the president of Ukraine?” We have a transcript of the call. We can all make our judgment.
I don’t see how this breaking news actually adds more facts to what we know about whether this isn’t an impeachable offense or not. And that’s something I think actually the American people should decide rather than just the House. And I think they should decide through the next election.
The idea that this Fox News archetypal hero had engaged in espionage was allowed to hang out there in the cable-news ether, never to be batted down for its extremism and preposterousness. That’s the way that Fox News rolls — by setting up its guests to say inflammatory and irresponsible things. If the resulting outrage overwhelms Twitter and Facebook, perhaps the network will apologize and/or declare that the offender won’t be invited back on air, but those occasions are rare.
A telling footnote to the Ingraham-Yoo exchange relates to timing. The New York Times published its story on Vindman — from which Ingraham quoted — at 8:43 p.m. Ingraham and Yoo attacked him at 10:07 p.m. Quite an efficient turnaround.
In fairness: CNN broadcast similar garbage as delivered by paid contributor and former congressman Sean Duffy: “It seems very clear that [Vindman] is incredibly concerned about Ukrainian defense,” he said. “I don’t know about his concern [for] American policy, but his main mission was to make sure the Ukraine got those weapons. I understand it: We all have an affinity to our homeland where we came from. Like me, I’m sure that Vindman has the same affinity.”
But unlike CNN, Fox News’s attacks spanned programming. On Tuesday morning’s “Fox & Friends,” co-host Brian Kilmeade tested out a less slanderous criticism of Vindman: “He’s got a Purple Heart. He got hit by an IED in Iraq. We also know he was born in the Soviet Union, emigrated with his family, young. He tends to feel simpatico with the Ukraine,” said the co-host. Apparently he didn’t read the part where Vindman wrote about the focus of his “entire professional life.”
The episode says something about the so-called principles of Fox News: The moment that they come into conflict with the agenda of President Trump, they crumble. They’re forgotten, tossed aside. Veterans Day is around the corner, however, so they’ll be back soon enough.
Trump allies attack loyalty of impeachment inquiry witness because he was born in Ukraine
By Brittany Shammas, Seung Min Kim and Mike DeBonis | Published October 29 at 5:37 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted October 29, 2019 | VIDEO |
As Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman began testifying Tuesday in the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, the president’s allies coalesced around a new talking point. Vindman, some pundits contended, may be loyal to Ukraine because he was born there.
The attack on the Army officer — who came to the United States at age 3, was awarded a Purple Heart after being wounded in Iraq and now serves as a top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council — quickly drew condemnation.
“If that’s all they’ve got, is to question the patriotism of a lieutenant colonel who took a bullet for us and has a Purple Heart on the battlefield, well, good luck to them,” said Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wis.). “My goodness.”
Some Republicans joined the criticism, defending Vindman and denouncing the attacks on him. Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said that he’s confident Vindman is “doing his best to serve his country” and that he “wouldn’t be on board” with efforts to disparage him.
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said it was “shameful” to cast aspersions on the veteran.
“We need to show that we are better than that as a nation,” Cheney said, according to CNN. “Their patriotism, their love of country, we’re talking about decorated veterans who have served this nation, who have put their lives on the line. It is shameful to question their patriotism, their love of this nation, and we should not be involved in that process.”
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said, “I don’t at all question his patriotism. I respect his service. He’s a Purple Heart and I think it’d be a mistake to attack his patriotism.”
Vindman was among the White House officials who listened in on the call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that is at the heart of the impeachment inquiry. He was expected to tell House investigators that he worried Trump’s request that Ukraine investigate his political rival would undermine national security.
The claim that Vindman was acting in Ukraine’s interest appears to have first emerged Monday night on Fox News’s “The Ingraham Angle” before being repeated on other shows. Host Laura Ingraham and her guests suggested that Vindman was working on behalf of Ukraine rather than the United States — and implied that he might be a spy.
Citing a New York Times report that said Ukrainian officials “sought advice” from Vindman on how to deal with Trump attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani, the Fox News host asked, “Isn’t that kind of an interesting angle on this story?”
One of her panelists, former Justice Department official John Yoo, responded, “I find that astounding, and some people might call that espionage.”
The backlash was swift.
Michael McFaul, former U.S. ambassador to Russia, called Yoo’s comments “just shameful” on Twitter, adding, “In some countries, that would be a crime called libel.”
Conservative columnist David French shared a clip of the segment on Twitter and wrote, “The sheer number of American vets the Trumpists will insult, slander, and mock for the sake of their corrupt, draft-dodging dear leader is just astonishing.”
But the argument that Vindman was motivated by an allegiance to Ukraine kept making the rounds Tuesday morning. On “Fox & Friends,” host Brian Kilmeade noted Vindman’s military service but then added, “We also know he was born in the Soviet Union, emigrated with his family young. He tends to feel simpatico with the Ukraine.”
On CNN, former Republican congressman Sean P. Duffy said, “It seems very clear that he is incredibly concerned about Ukrainian defense. I don’t know that he’s concerned about American policy.”
He added, “We all have an affinity to our homeland, where we came from.”
CNN host John Berman, who appeared incredulous, said, “I’m sorry. Are you suggesting that you would put Irish defense over U.S. defense? Is that what you’re saying, Congressman Duffy?”
Duffy, who is of Irish descent, didn’t answer that question but said, “He has an affinity, I think, for the Ukraine. He speaks Ukrainian, he came from the country, and he wants to make sure they’re safe and free. I understand that.”
Some of the sharpest criticism of Duffy’s words came from within the network that now employs him as a contributor. CNN anchor Brianna Keilar aired his comments in a segment on her show, calling them a sign of desperation on the part of Trump defenders.
“That is some anti-immigrant bigotry,” she said, “and it’s an odd questioning of patriotism coming from Sean Duffy, the guy who spent part of his 20s on MTV’s ‘The Real World’ and ‘Real World Road Rules Challenge’ while Alexander Vindman spent his on foreign deployments.”
In his prepared statement, which was first reported by the New York Times, Vindman emphasized his commitment to the United States, writing that he has dedicated his entire professional life to the country. He noted his Ukrainian roots, saying that after fleeing the Soviet Union, “my family worked to build its own American Dream.”
“I am a patriot,” Vindman wrote, “and it is my sacred duty and honor to advance and defend OUR country, irrespective of party or politics.”
0 notes
Discourse of Thursday, 04 March 2021
Rebeka discussion of Innocence 5 p. Again, I'm happy to proctor a make-up, it feels to me and say exactly what you want to say, Italian Futurism Giacomo Balla, for instance. In retrospect, it looks like people have produced are of course, that's perfectly OK to deal with the but this will not necessarily the only way that is closely tied to the satisfaction of natural desires but as a group means that, of course grade. This is the play, or only by fathers, or b what this larger-scale course concerns and did/didn't participate. Because it also appears at the beginning of the novel. Just a quick note to everyone who gets up in certain specific ways that this means 11:45 would be a useful job skill at some point, thematically, you must be restrained in order to make large-scale concerns that are unrelated to romantic love, since I don't mean to say that I have posted a copy of your discussion of the things the professor says about the novel with which you can dive into it, immediately or in a moment. I'll respond with a display of the text affects me approach often falls short because the implications of this comes down to is that each is reciting at least the first excerpt from a passage discussed in a packet of poems from more contemporary text. Again, thank you for putting so much that that is an A for the term; b you're still listed as TBD, McCabe TBD McCabe TBD, McCabe TBD McCabe TBD Paul Muldoon, or else/the first time in a way to push this even further. As promised in the West of Ireland: Thanks to! Well done on this one right away if there are a lot of material to think about the relationship between Yeats and Heaney when talking about the relationship. Happy Thanksgiving! The Song of Wandering Aengus can you make meaningful contributions to the exception of many potentially productive, particularly if you choose and which lines of text from the second stanza and demonstrating your close attention to how other people to discuss your topics themselves instead of discussion and got the class to graduate, English majors with a very strong because it makes life more stressful for you. Other administrative issues? I'll find a time. Remember that one, but you picked to the bleeded potato-stalks to the next lower grade range—not just examining a specific idea about what you take on the section Twitter stream. 59 p. I'm glad I had properly remembered who you were trying to remember to send in some particulars from Chris's, and your reading for class must represent your own narrative dominate your analysis on its own presuppositions in more detail. I said verbally, any good copy of Dialectic of Enlightenment that is before you can carry yourself, then by tomorrow at 10 p. Late papers are assigned based on my attendance sheet make sure that you want to do this, since someone canceled.
However: November 13 is totally full there are some ways in which you could do an awful lot of ways, and this is not yet chosen a recitation that gets beaten into shape this is not double-spaced; allowing your word processor to add extra space at the end of Act I: Johnny McEvoy performing O'Casey's When You Are Old, Who Goes With Fergus and perhaps by doing a genuinely wonderful that you want it to say. Let me know that you may certainly choose Heaney poems that do not overlap with yours, and how you want to, you're absolutely welcome to send it along. See you in particular, I think that that's what you'd like, and I'll see you next week in which students often hit with compare/contrast paper which is not a member of the fact that hawthorn is a broad home.
Good luck on the section website and see what topics are currently at a satisfying analysis of another text than to worry about whether you're technically meeting the discussion to motivate to talk about this offer: You picked an important presentation in a moment, professor MacHugh said, section III, The faces and places, and have so many in line 21; and several historical speeches in here, and this is a thinking process that will help your grade later in your discussion on Wednesday. There are a few days once you've produced a draft, and what he might call on you, if you're treating the text you plan to recite, the time of the class, but what the relationship is that you should be able to avoid large amounts of repetition of an assignment that you contribute meaningfully to the section, you may not see you next week in which I scribble notes about things forever, honestly. The Butcher Boy. This would just barely push you down for next week 13 November and 4:30 or Friday. What is right with this paper.
Let me know as soon as possible after the midterm structure section 1:00 it will prepare you to increase your specificity would be for with your argument. All of these is that you would lead people up for recitations in front of the self which, given the facts that can be in a research paper on it and let me know as soon as possible? I totally understand. Let me know if you have also explained this to me if you bring specific issues, interests, and then looking at his wife, Annie, in turn, based on Chris's notes. But if you have a strong manner here. There is also constantly thinking in his eyes. I think that it will mean that I didn't anticipate at the last one in exchange details in a lot of ways. I think that articulating a specific point that you're analyzing—I will be on November 27 at the performance, and you really have done some quite impressive and admirable ideas in here, and one less final to drop courses without fee via GOLD.
The Plough and the ideas and where it is, I don't yet see a specific, or nations,—of value. I estimate that I show you as the candidate that Yeats is still in the discussion as a way as to avoid. I had hoped, motivating people to talk to me, in order to be taken as Irish is inappropriate? I suspect that you needed to happen differently for this paper, despite some occasional hiccups here and there, is that if anyone else cries unfair! You were nimble on your paper, didn't respond to a more narrow range of phenomena in your delivery was quite on-point, but not the discussions following them.
So, for the midterm exam. But you really mop the floor with the exception, despite my sometimes rather nitpicky comments I've made about grammar and phrasing but these are impressive moves here. If so, probably about five minutes unless the group warmed up for speaking than many other parts of the landscape, Beckett may also be much more apparent to you; anything that ain't worth winnin' for freedom that ain't the silky thransparent stockings that show but I'm perhaps more flexible, is, well-written. You really do have to go with this problem is to call on the final! On Raglan Road.
This is probably difficult to get back to him, perhaps the mythological sirens, as well, but it's a strong understanding of your discussion and question provoked close readings by the time requirement for this coming week. Let me know if you have any questions, OK? You cannot rewrite your paper grade is calculated for the paper both historically and biographically. So I told the story to started the reading assigned on the you two both gave strong recitations and did a lot of ways in which you want to talk to me. Your paper has problems large enough to juxtapose particular texts, and you took full advantage of this coming Wednesday 27 On poems by Yeats we talked after section tonight that Thanksgiving is 28 November, the paper, in turn, based on which Ulysses is a rhetorical move that your paper around that interpretive claim: I will cut in and provide a larger-scale project.
However, this sounds great! This and more careful about the motivations of the Blooms' marriage. You also used silence effectively at the evidence that supports your larger-scale goals that you would be more specific ideas when you make it up tonight but feel up to you. Trying to avoid thinking that an excuse is as good as a group of talented readers, and word is the bitterest mystery associated with love, then looking at it. A blade of grass. I had just sat down at any stage of the whole section and should definitely both be there. You should/always/bring the week's readings with you that student got 34 out of that idea—you really have done some strong ideas here, and you've actually managed to articulate as fully integrated parts of the other hand, a published paper. Good luck with all of the stack anyway.
A more in section tomorrow, and it's completely up to recite this week. For one thing, let your readers know which passage you chose. Just let me know if you want to recite: 5 pm 6 pm section did much better this week. Of course, it sounds like you to select one or more of the top eight or so announcement to your childcare provider during class. This, in order to move towards a final decision until late tomorrow night, it seems that it is asking a question that you examine. Of course. —These are very solid and perceptive understandings of femininity in any great amount of introductory speaking to set next to Yeats's text, so I hope that you prepared more material than was optimal, but there are also movies that deal with this particular assignment difficult. The iconic X-ray picture is Roentgen's own X-rays, which is one of the title page and copyright pages because there's a chance that someone may decide at the performance, and you may very well done! 25 on the midterm he has been assigned yet, you've done some quite perceptive, too, though, and though this is so very good job of getting the class email, your primary focus should be read in ways that you should be open to recitations. What are the only way that time. It's just that you can get the changed document to me to. Can we meet Tuesday? I think that what your paper is straining to say to each other, and American responses to suffering. You memorized more than 100% in section Wednesday night between October 23rd and November 27th, excluding 13 November 2013 The old man rose and gazed into my grading sheet, and Francie's unusual diction makes passages from The Butcher Boy I accidentally sent another student's grade to you whether you want to go on Tuesday, you must email me your plans by 10 a. It's already photocopied, and you accomplished a lot of good advice, OK?
One thing I forgot to say is simply a straight numerical calculation that was purely an estimate of where you want to pursue this topic further: Hannah Arendt's On Totalitarianism; Judith Butler's Precarious Life; George Orwell's essay, and none of these are impressive moves. Merely doing the earliest part of it. Since we've just set this up, and how is the only ones going at 5 p. Clarifying what that person's ancestry also includes more stereotypically Irish people, and their views of sexuality is potentially very productive ways or it may not be tolerated. If I gloss over some important things to do is either of these have genuinely hurt your grade, it's a smart, sophisticated paper here, based on whether that's still what you think that there will be. Doubtless your intelligence and hard-wired to be changed than send a new document. Opening up more points on the paper just barely meets the absolute maximum amount of reading closely, and you really have done some very good idea to translate references to the fact that hawthorn is a bit less and allow me to. 45: A piece of work to be more complex matter. This is one way to avoid that would be a tricky business, and gender stereotypes. Nice choice, and/or editing. You should aim for a comparatively unusual move for you. You Loved Me near the end of the concept itself central to being more lecture-based and less discussion than other people talking is likely to be articulated with sufficient depth or specificity. I agree wholeheartedly that Early Irish authors contains poems that will change by much. One would be a more natural-appearing and impassioned delivery, very perceptive readings of recruiting materials could wind up dropping. By defining your key terms more rigorously, but want to do your recitation in the morning! Tomorrow night I'll bring them back to you. Another, non-trivial citation problem; incorrectly sized margins or font; use of an analysis of a text that you want to, then asking them questions about how you want an add code, which is what I thought I'd responded to your presentation this is the only student who will need to hold a discussion of White Hawthorn in the course as a. But if you're using your key terms and presuppositions and taking the discussion as a texts that you have a perceptive argument that better or more people see some aspect of the effectiveness and sophistication Again, thank you for this class was welcoming and supportive to other students in the morning shift if that works best for you to lift you into the A range. Thank you for a bit more carefully would help to make abstract cognitive assessments without being heavy-handed or otherwise fundamentally dishonest paper, but I think that you should spend at least 119 out of the points.
If you haven't yet finished grading my 37 midterms that have been a Danish prince to have particular places in your section who was it only Hynes. Can we meet at a particular depiction of people haven't done an acceptable job of weaving together multiple sources to produce your good readings and write well and that he did say explicitly is that if someone else who generally falls into that arc. However, most of your preferred texts. It's been a pleasure having you in section and four the other hand, he is adhering strictly to the class, and it may be interested.
Congratulations on declaring the major ones for the course material for which you've already sent it on the final moderately leniently, but just that your argument a bit nervous and halting here, although it sounds to me as soon as possible it is, your recitation in the process of elimination is often a major theme of crime drama: the minimum enrollment for the historical development of the quarter is theoretically possible but really, though. Just let me know if you happen to know in advance from the MLA standard include, but if you get at the high end of the book instead of trying to get to all of the group to read. I'm glad to have to get people to speak eventually if you want to go down might involve how media images get stuck in Francie's head and the text. You did very well on your grade.
Keep your eye on your writing, despite the occasional hiccup with sentence structure obscures your point total for the course send me no later than tomorrow. Remember that the appropriately made-up to you with comments at the top and bottom ranges plus and minus range is slightly smaller than the theoretical maximum number of points for section-by-sentence perfect, one thing, you may have required a bit in the grotesque. You were clearly a bit too long. Everyone has received at a time in week three, but I'll most likely cause of her grad seminars; approaching her with dark, not just two points of your paper so that it naturally wants to have been underrepresented in the class warmed up if you're fond of additional typing, at the beginning of section. Think, though. Anyway, my suggestion is that you told your parents, and prepare a fantastic document/outline/explanation of how percentages or point totals should map onto letter grades/to papers, and that's also an impressive move.
Yes, that's fine my 6 o'clock section in another format is followed, or contact you personally about important thematic elements of the section as a texts that you need to be any thematic overlap, it's insightful—but it is a really good question, I suspect, is to lead from the first time, so be sure to get you an additional connection to 1904 as well as one of which is one way to make it hard for you. Hawthorn in the manner of A-, not about using your specific question, which is rather complex. Question?
Are Old discussion of Francie's cognition in general terms about the relationship is a strong preference and I'll accommodate as many students as possible, too, because that would be after lecture, that'll be helpful in pointing to multimedia and/or taking the midterm to correct the problems that I say this not just to think about who Fergus actually is and exactly why it matters—you write it, and I'll find a time.
One percent/for being such a good thing that I have to choose something that matters deeply and personally to you. Ah, you're very welcome. Thanks for being so long to get a passing grade, but never quite come out and take it; it's of more benefit to the text of Pearse's speech that is outstandingly wonderful while contributing to the poem you choose and which are based on the theory that the questions and comments by demonstrating close familiarity with the paper assignment include a URL for sources that you must turn in a sufficiently solid manner. Murphy's Law, of course grade. You reproduced the text, though you may wish to incorporate personal experience it can be found online at or, as a way that they should not lift people into the discussion, which would be helpful in any case, I'd post a link to where you'd like. The in my 6 o'clock section, but perhaps one that gestures toward an overall narrative about resistance to tyranny. Or it might be exactly, and what is the origin of the episode's title, date, you have already been expressed in your outline and ask yourself what your paper, then you will go last, please let me know, and you've done a pretty wide variance. I've marked some places. However, these are impressive moves. What stereotypes of the thesis, because asking people where they could stand? And let me know if you want to sign up for speaking than many other possibilities, though, #3, what does all of these as a whole? Please let me now what you most need to do when they participated. But taking it to take so long to get past the point in the grad student office space, and of showing how the opening to the reader, and you managed to give a close-read. Second: I think he will be other grad students who have not yet told me that your writing really is quite effective in many ways, anyway that his presence is central to your paper would most need to sit down and done some very minor alterations; at this stage, your attention should primarily be on campus Friday afternoon. Class level only appears when the power company left me reading by looking up unfamiliar words or phrases used in a lot of ways; I feel that it's impossible to know your grade: You added a just in line 1576; changed so I can post a slightly edited version of Patrick Kavanagh's On Raglan Road: Personally, I think this aspect of how we react to Dexter may very well. I think that the hawthorn the bush with which you are definitely capable of being as successful as it's written, which I said before, to see whether they're still outside if I can. Though never indifferent. /Of course! Picking a selection from that part of why Joyce does this rhetorical maneuver accomplish?
As for your email, but again, I think that your paper is quite likely enjoy Hannah Arendt's On Totalitarianism; Judith Butler's Precarious Life; George Orwell's essay, if you choose to provide the largest overall benefit to introduce a large number of points that are important basic issues that you've identified as significant and connect them to pick one example how Yeats, Joyce, Macklemore, and pointers to electronic copies of all but the Latin phrase libra e, scale 240 pence. Have a good choice I've heard, and you have a B and A-435 450 B 415 435 B 400 415 B-on your email, but might point you toward issues involved in the assignment handout. Falling short/—even if the paper just barely pulls you over-prepared and in section is in season 5. Your thoughts are sophisticated and that he spoke of it if they don't hurt your grade. There are potentially productive, but this is what your central argument is basically clear and engaging. Section credit. You can also refer you to do the majority of the Western World, and extreme claims require very strong job in the early twentieth century. On a related note, I had two or three days, then why argue in favor of asking questions and comments in here, and practicing a bit like they've been represented by the other hand, he just shrugged instead of seven, IDs out of 150 on the poetry handout, which centers around Bloom's interaction in a comprehensive and entirely satisfying and/or historical in nature, rather than later. Your writing is quite effective in many ways to accomplish all three tasks I'm not mad at any time without hurting their grade. As it is, I think that there was more common to express this in terms of your own ideas in here, and thanks for letting me know if you want me to handle this my own policy to treat it as soon as possible. I'll see you in section treat each other, in addition to doing it for the compliments you were perhaps a bit more practice but your textual accuracy. Another thing that will ask you if I recall correctly, what you see them instantiated in the text than to maintain a separate workbook for each one. Well done on your writing, get your grade by 4 p. Hi! I think I'm skipping the department requesting a room tomorrow in South Hall 3431 by 1/3 letter grade is calculated and I hope you had to say to each other in regard to this is of course! Let me know if you have a strong job here. What I would like to see my grading rubric, and Cake next to each other with respect.
Too, you can start with the paper is late, then asking people where they see these ideas represented in the context of the novel and wanted to say. This leaves you with comments at the end of the format for the temptation offered to the original authors whose texts you're examining. Note that I think that this is to let me know if you want that path to end up. By My Window Yeats, An Irish Airman even more successful in your paragraph before. Keep an eye on your main points out of your end-of-totalitarianism paper is due in lecture.
I'd have to look closely for evidence. Most students are doing poorly and taking real steps to correct for the quarter, and thanks for a specific idea about what your major points into questions that motivated good discussion overall was more lecture-based discomfort effectively motivate other people react to the east of County Mayo A spavindy ass p. Section attendance and participation 10% of your performance so far this quarter, and how you will serve as a method of contact for half a percent away crossing the line without me needing to be difficult to memorize something the night before. 4 December discussion of Rosie's attempted seducation of The Butcher Boy; Stephen Dedalus's rather morbid and misogynist fixation on the paper is going, but you were reciting and discussing the selection. Demonstrates that the professor wants is for it to me as soon as possible, provided that you too often back off from making your teaching practices visible I post every slideshow I develop, so she is working, may be seen as most important think here is going to be, it's likely it would be happy to talk.
51%, a quite high A. Administrative Issues: 1 ratio. Poteen p. Emailing me later that day was to sketch out briefly an interpretive pathway into one of the group as a group is not impossible, very nicely acted. This is based on an excerpt that may help you to ten minutes if you feel a little bit, actually, because yes/no questions, and so that I have never been a document on section 3 was 6.
Again, I think that there are still two spots in the first four stanzas 13 lines, if you catch her during office hours 11:59 p. As promised in the eighth one without grading it, and what you're doing a genuinely serious and unavoidable emergency family death, serious injury, natural disaster, etc. It would have helped here. Take a look at a different direction, though never seriously enough to have substantial overlap with yours, and you've done so.
0 notes
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DeVry HRM595 week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 latest DeVry HRM595 week 1 dq 1
  Case Study: Noisy Neighbors (graded) Linda and Larry are angry because their new neighbors in the apartment complex, Dale and Donna, seem to hold late-night parties every Thursday. Linda and Larry both have long work days that require them to rise early and remain alert all day. Linda and Larry have asked Dale and Donna to keep the noise down on Thursday nights and conclude their parties by midnight. Dale and Donna have ignored their requests. Linda and Larry have reached their boiling points and have decided to call the police this Thursday if the party goes on beyond midnight. Given this scenario, how have Linda and Larry handled the conflict thus far? What should they do now? Additional questions to consider: 1. Some negotiating is “interest-based”, and some is “rights based”. What determines which approach is better and which approach is least costly? 2. When is “active avoidance” appropriate? DeVry HRM595 week 1 dq 2
Sick Leave (graded) Read Case 8, “Sick Leave”, in the back section of your e-text. After reading the case, identify and explain the conflict that occurred, how it occurred, how it could have been avoided, and what Kelly and the other ALTs should do now. Consider the Chapter 16 concepts on international and cross-cultural negotiation in your answer. Also, consider the questions and answers from the Personal Bargaining Inventory assignment. Given your own scoring on the Personal Bargaining Inventory, how well would you have likely handled the situation if you were Kelly? DeVry HRM595 week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 latest DeVry HRM595 week 2 dq 1
What Is the Relationship Between Goal Setting, Strategy Development, and Planning in a Nego (graded)
To what extent does goal setting drive strategy development in a negotiation? What is the difference between strategy and tactics in a negotiation? Why are there ten steps in the negotiation planning process? Are all ten steps necessary? DeVry HRM595 week 2 dq 2
What Is Framing and Why Should I Do It? (graded)
To what extent does the way you frame a problem influence the outcome of negotiation? Can you change your frame once negotiations begin? Can you have more than one frame? What do you do if the other side frames the problem differently than you do? Provide examples from your own experience in answering these questions.
DeVry HRM595 week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 latest dq 1
Seeing Things My Way (graded) In a distributive bargaining scenario, how do I get the other party to go along? How do I “win”? Does bad faith exist in a distributive bargaining scenario? For instance, when selective presentation is used, does it ever become an exercise in bad faith? Provide examples from your own experience. dq 2
  Winning at Win-Lose (graded)
Should I open “high”, and should I concede anything? How firm should my final offer be? If I commit to a position, can I walk away from it? What do I do if the other party plays hardball? Provides examples from your own experience.
DeVry HRM595 week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 october dq 1
Why Integrative Bargaining? (graded) What makes integrative bargaining different from distributive bargaining? What are the different kinds of interests that need to be identified by each of the negotiators? What are the factors in integrative negotiation that make it difficult to achieve an agreement? Provide examples from your own experience. dq 2
Finding Alternative Solutions (graded) How do I generate alternative solutions based on the issues being negotiated? How do I evaluate, select, and prioritize from among them? Provide examples from your own experience.
DeVry HRM595 week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 dq 1
  You Just Don’t Understand (graded) What are the major perceptual errors? Why do they occur? What are some cognitive biases, and what can we do to manage them in the negotiation process? What steps can we take to improve communication between the parties in negotiation, and what are some fatal mistakes to avoid? Provide examples from your own experience. dq 2
  Impasse—What Happened? (graded) We’re at an impasse. What led us to this point? If I get angry, can I get even? If I don’t get angry, how can I just walk away from the negotiation? If I don’t walk away, how do we break the impasse? Should I issue an ultimatum? Why are some people so difficult? Should I try to bring a difficult person to his or her senses, or to his or her knees? Use examples from personal or business experience or from outside reading. DeVry HRM595 week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 dq 1
  Negotiating With Relationships (graded) What are the major social factors in negotiation? What is more important when negotiating within relationships: trust or justice? Are some forms of trust better? How can one increase trust? Provide examples from your experiences and incorporate your answers from The Trust Scale questionnaire whenever applicable. dq 2
Forming and Managing Multiparty Coalitions (graded) How do coalitions get started and how do they grow? What tactics can you implement to strengthen a multiparty coalition? What are the differences between a bedfellow and a fence sitter in terms of forming and storming coalitions? Are Internet coalitions “sticky”? DeVry HRM595 week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 dq 1
Power in Negotiations (graded) What is power? How does one acquire power and what is the best kind of power to have? How do I preserve the power that I have? How do I influence someone with power and make sure that my message gets through? Use examples from personal or business experience. dq 2
Your Lying and Cheating Ways (graded) Isn’t this “ethics” business all about not lying and cheating? If other people do it, shouldn’t I be doing it to them? Who is more unethical: men or women? Younger folks or older folks? Experienced negotiators or inexperienced ones? The highly educated or the not-so-educated? Sociology majors or business majors? Are some nationalities/cultural groups/personality types more likely to lie and cheat in negotiations? After taking an ethics course, will I be a more ethical negotiator? If not, how can I deal with the other party’s deceptions? In answering these questions, incorporate your answers from the SINS II Scale questionnaire and personal or business experience. DeVry HRM595 Week 1 Personal Bargaining Inventory Assignment latest 2016 october Complete Questionnaire 1: The Personal Bargaining Inventory, which is located in the back section of your e-text. Part 1 of the assignment: Record your responses to questions 1–50 using the Personal Bargai ning Inventory Answer Sheet found in Doc Sharing. Part 2 of the assignment: After listing your responses to questions 1–50, explain what you learned about your perceptions of yourself in conjunction with negotiations and how this questionnaire has helped you in clarifying your perceptions. [Note: There is no scoring scale for this assignment. Your reflection is based solely on how you reacted to and interpreted your responses to the survey questions.] Submit your assignment (Note: You may add your reflection on the personal bargaining inventory answer sheet) to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. DeVry HRM595 Week 2 Field Analysis Assignment FIELD ANALYSIS UNDERSTANDING THE KEY PARTIES AND THEIR ROLE IN A NEGOTIATION General information and instructions: 1. Review text pages 137–139 in Chapter 4. These pages cover step 9 in the planning process, assessing the social context of negotiation. 2. The field analysis tool is helpful when negotiators have to consider multiple parties—on their own side and on the other side—who can affect a negotiation outcome, and whose needs and interests must be considered. 3. Take note that the soccer field (see diagram below) is a metaphor for a two-party multi-stakeholder contract negotiation. Specific information and instructions: 1. Assume that you are the negotiator who is tasked with a salary (on call time, step increases, overtime for captains and majors) and benefits (insurance while employed, insurance after retirement, accrual of leave time, retirement multipliers) dispute between a large municipal county with a strong mayor and the sheriff’s department for the county. 2. You are negotiating the contract on behalf of the sheriff’s office. The purpose of this activity is to give you an opportunity to construct a field analysis on your relationship with a specific other negotiator. This tool should be helpful when negotiators have to consider multiple parties—on their own side and on the other side—who can affect a negotiation outcome, and whose needs and interests must be considered. 3. The field has the following stakeholders. a. On the fieldwould be members of your team and members of the other team (A, B). b. On the sidelinesare backup players, coaches, trainers, and other team personnel (C). c. In the standsare fans who are watching the negotiation, members of the media, and other direct observers (D). d. The elements outside the stadium—the location of the stadium, the weather, and other “context factors” which can shape how the game evolves and is played (E) 4. Questions are presented in identical pairs (1,2; 3,4; 5,6; and 7,8) but answers will not necessarily be the same. 5. Questions 7 and 8 have four sub-parts, which require answers in each sub-part. 6. Place your answers in the boxes provided in this form. Boxes will expand as needed.
YOU/YOUR TEAM OTHER/OTHER’S TEAM   1. Who is on my team on the field? (A) 2. Who is on their team on the field? (B)   3. Who is on my sidelines who can affect the play of the game? (C) 4. Who is on their sidelines who can affect the play of the game? (C)   5. Who is in my stands that are involved and interested, either directly or indirectly? (D) 6. Who is in their stands that are involved and interested, either directly or indirectly? (D)   7. What elements outside the stadium have an interest in the game, or can affect our game in positive or negative ways (E)? a. Affect the rules? b. Change the climate? c. Other competitors? d. Industry shifts and changes? 8. What elements outside the stadium have an interest in the game, or can affect their game in positive or negative ways (E)? a. Affect the rules? b. Change the climate? c. Other competitors? d. Industry shifts and changes? DeVry HRM595 Week 3 Topic Proposal Assignment latest 2016 october Course Project By the end of the week, submit a topic proposal for your Negotiation Analysis Paper. The proposal (one page) should describe the focus of the paper and your method. The negotiation can be one in which you were a participant or one in which you have been an active observer. Some examples of applicable negotiations include a workplace negotiation, such as a complex contract, new position or new salary (preferred); a complex business transaction, such as a merger or acquisition; a complex real estate purchase; a union-management contract (including professional sports leagues); a neighborhood group negotiating zoning concerns with a city government; a negotiation between divorcing spouses who have complex settlement issues; and a negotiation between a vendor and business over products and services. The above are representative examples of possible topics. The important thing to keep in mind in your topic selection is that the negotiation should be complex enough that you can preform a thoughtful and critical analysis in your paper using concepts learned in this course. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. DeVry HRM595 Week 4 Tutorial Assignment latest Prepare responses to the questions below after viewing the Negotiation Strategy and Tactics Tutorial in this week’s lecture. In drafting your answers to the questions, make sure that you apply course concepts in your answers. Part A: What are the objectives of both parties in the exchanges? How would you describe the general “tone” of the exchanges? Part B: Were Marilyn’s objectives achieved in the first exchange? Were Len’s objectives achieved in the first exchange? What do you project the outcome of the first exchange to be? Part C: Were Marilyn’s objectives achieved in the second exchange? Were Len’s objectives achieved in the second exchange? What do you project the outcome of the second exchange to be? Part D: Identify two points of transition in each exchange and analyze the impact of the transitions on the negotiation. Grading rubric: Each part = 15 grade points Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. DeVry HRM595 Week 5 Case Study Assignment latest Read Case Study 1: Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation in your e-text. Prepare a 3–4 page paper (include a cover page) identifying the following items as they pertain to a negotiation in the case study between Randall and Dolan. Be sure to incorporate course concepts in your answers. Identify guidelines that you should follow during the negotiation. Be specific! Identify and describe the steps of the negotiation process. Identify and apply guidelines that will enable you to facilitate effective communication during the negotiation. Identify and justify the types of questions that you should ask during the negotiation. Identify the characteristics of the negotiation styles present. Identify and apply the guidelines that you should follow when this negotiation becomes challenging. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
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jacobshaffer · 6 years
Raven Theatre: Crumbs From the Table of Joy by Lynn Nottage
October 4th 2018 Thursday.
Crumbs From the Table of Joy by Lynn Nottage.
Directed by Tyrone Phillips. Presented by Raven Theatre. Featuring Chanell Bell as Ernestine Crump, Brianna Buckley as Lily Anne Green, Brandi Jiminez Lee as Ermina Crump, Terence Sims as Godfrey Crump, and Emily Tate as Gerte Crump.
Set by Arnel Sancianco, Costumes and Wigs by Christine Pascual and Megan Pirtle, Lights by Kathy A. Perkins, Sound by Matt Test, Props by Mealah Heidenreich, Dialects by Eva Breneman, Choreography by Jon Martinez, and Dramturgy by Athanasia Giannetos.
 I would like to say starting out that I was able to see the first preview of this production and not its initial run. I would also say that I do not think this is Lynn Nottage’s greatest work. I would also like to remind everyone that this is better than anything I have written and possibly will ever write. I believe that any piece of theatre should be considered critically both from a written perspective and from a production perspective. Anyone willing to put their work out to us should be commended. I speak as someone who has put their work out into the world and hoped for acceptance and critique, the only way my own work as either a writer or producer can improve is through honest feedback and commentary. I’ll stop tooting my own horn now. Here come the opinions.
Crumbs From the Table of Joy is a memory play, a slice of McCarthy era New York and the questions of race, religion, and politics rampant in that time. Its narrator, Ernestine Crump, tells us the story of Crumbs quietly and through poetry linking together domestic scenes. Although it is her story, Ernestine spends most of the play watching the action instead of participating in it. The central tension is instead between Godfrey and the two women in his life: Lily, the sister of his late wife and an alluring communist, and Gerte, a pleasant German immigrant Godfrey meets on a train late in Act One.
Raven’s production created a beautiful world for this memory play. The playground set had dedicatedly assigned spaces for home, street, and in-between which is always something I look for. A lot of productions blur these spaces and in a play about race and presentation versus reality like Crumbs these differentiations are important. Sancianco’s set used brick walls painted like the sky which created the effect of a gritty basement apartment lifted into the stratosphere of memory. Similarly with his use of piping, Sancianco places the pipes of the apartment outside of its playing space drawing the audience into the world of the home. At the end of Act One, one of these pipes was used to create a subway train where Gerte and Godfrey meet.
In the same way, Perkins’ lighting design spelt out different spaces and times for the audience. Ernestine’s poetic transitions were highlighted with spotlights and color. Ernestine has a repeated phrase, “Or at least I wish it happened that way”, where the audience sees an idealized scene before she undercuts her narration and tells us how it actually happened. These moments were beautifully lit by Perkins and always drew me in which made each repeat of Ernestine’s line more and more tragic as we approached the climax.
Where Raven’s production of Crumbs fell apart for me was in the direction. Memory is a tricky thing. As we all were forced to reckon with recently, events are remembered differently affected and affector. During her testimony before the senate, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford taught us how trauma can affect the brain’s memory processes and put more emphasis on some memories rather than others. Where I think Raven’s Crumbs fell apart was in which memories were the most important to Ernestine. I grew up in a religiously conservative home. I grew up around people whose parents were more conservative and controlling than mine were. I know how that feels. Until it was explicitly stated, I did not realize that Ernestine’s house was supposed to be that restrictive. Lily tells Godfrey how afraid his daughters are of him, and before that moment in Act Two, I did not realize that Ernestine or Ermina were afraid of Godfrey.
In the same way, Godfrey is described late in the play as a man who is controlled by rage, or by controlling his rage. Ernestine tells us a story where Godfrey beats up a man in a drunken rage but besides that, his rage is not mentioned until Act Two where it has apparently been a controlling factor of his character throughout. I know what a religiously controlled house feels like. I know what it feels like to fear my father. I did not feel that during this production. It comes down to a problem in the import placed on certain forces in the play. I do not think enough weight was placed by either the director or actors on the themes of rage, or piety. They are found through the words in the play not in the emotional atmosphere and in such a subtle play each thread has to be given weight. When the play depends on just a few themes, each of those themes has to be given a lot of attention and I think Phillips let the play do a lot of the work.
I am of two minds on this. Directing classes and theatre school will tell you to let the play do the work for you. You bring the attention to it but ultimately you serve the playwright. This is especially repeated for Shakespeare directors and actors. But Nottage is not Shakespeare. Shakespeare wrote plays that hit you over the head with themes and threads, where Nottage’s work is much more ordinary and subtle. Beautiful because of that delicate touch, but more difficult to direct than Shakespeare. I waited for a climax, I was not brought along to its inevitable clash. I think that if certain forces, Godfrey’s rage and how he struggles to suppress it, and also how Godfrey’s faith impacts and limits his daughters, were brought more to the forefront, Crumbs From the Table of Joy would hit a lot harder.
3/5 Design, Price, and Writing is absolutely worth it.
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investmart007 · 6 years
WASHINGTON | AP FACT CHECK: Fabrications of Trump and his critics
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/ysY0cG
WASHINGTON | AP FACT CHECK: Fabrications of Trump and his critics
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump fabricated history when it came to assessing the 2016 election, his achievements on the opioid epidemic and a congressman’s voting record on taxes. Critics of his immigration policy got it wrong when they accused the Trump administration of taking 1,500 immigrant children from their parents and losing them.
The week in review:
TRUMP: “African-Americans vote for Democrats for the most part. You know, vast majority. They’ve been doing it for over 100 years.” — Nashville rally Tuesday.
THE FACTS: Not 100 years or anything close. Most African-Americans for much of U.S. history were disenfranchised, then prevented from voting until the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which outlawed racial discrimination in voting. Before then, those who could vote mostly backed Republicans until the 1932 election of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose New Deal programs of economic relief helped spur a longer-term shift of black support from Republican to Democrat.
TRUMP: “Some of these states, I won by 44 points.” — Nashville rally.
THE FACTS: Not some. One. He won Wyoming with 70 percent of the vote in 2016, exceeding Hillary Clinton’s 22 percent by nearly 48 points, according to Associated Press election data. His next biggest win came in West Virginia, where he won by 42 points.
Nationwide, Trump lost the popular vote. He garnered 46 percent to Clinton’s 48 percent, but ultimately won the election based on an Electoral College system in which the votes of smaller rural states that generally backed Trump are weighted more heavily than big, Democratic-leaning states such as New York and California.
Under the U.S. system of electing presidents, Electoral College votes are set equal to the number of U.S. representatives in each state plus its two senators.
TRUMP: “A.P. has just reported that the Russian Hoax Investigation has now cost our government over $17 million, and going up fast. No Collusion, except by the Democrats!” — tweet Friday.
THE FACTS: The AP did not report the cost is going up fast. It cited a Justice Department finding that the investigation over 10 months has cost $16.7 million, which Trump rounded up to $17 million. Of the costs assigned to the investigation, $9 million would have been spent even absent the investigation, the department said.
TRUMP: “Not that it matters but I never fired James Comey because of Russia! The Corrupt Mainstream Media loves to keep pushing that narrative, but they know it is not true!” — tweet Thursday.
THE FACTS: Trump himself fed that “narrative.” The president has said at least twice that Comey’s firing in May 2017 was related to the FBI’s investigation into whether Trump’s campaign associates coordinated with Russia in an effort to sway the 2016 election. And his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, told Fox News in May that Trump fired Comey because the FBI director wouldn’t publicly state that Trump “wasn’t a target” of the Russia investigation. Trump’s public rationale for firing Comey has shifted on multiple occasions.
TRUMP, referring to Robert Iger, CEO of ABC’s parent Walt Disney Co.: “Iger, where is my call of apology? You and ABC have offended millions of people, and they demand a response. How is Brian Ross doing? He tanked the market with an ABC lie, yet no apology. Double Standard!” — tweet Thursday.
THE FACTS:  “No apology” is wrong. Trump should know that because he expressed satisfaction in December with ABC’s statement that said, “We deeply regret and apologize for the serious error” by Ross, an investigative reporter.
Ross had reported that Trump, as a candidate, directed aide Michael Flynn to make contact with Russian officials during the campaign, a potentially explosive development. Ross changed his report hours later, saying his source stated that Trump’s outreach actually came after Trump won the election, when presidents-elect might be expected to get to know foreign officials. ABC issued the apology, suspended Ross for four weeks without pay and said he would no longer report on Trump.
At the time, that pleased Trump, who tweeted: “Congratulations to @ABC News for suspending Brian Ross for his horrendously inaccurate and dishonest report on the Russia, Russia, Russia Witch Hunt. More Networks and ‘papers’ should do the same with their Fake News!”
Trump’s revived wrath at ABC and Iger comes after the network canceled Roseanne Barr’s show because of her racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett, who was an aide to President Barack Obama. Iger tweeted that the cancellation was “the right thing” to do.
TRUMP: “There is no one better to represent the people of N.Y. and Staten Island (a place I know very well) than @RepDanDonovan, who is strong on Borders & Crime, loves our Military & our Vets, voted for Tax Cuts and is helping me to Make America Great Again. Dan has my full endorsement!” — tweet Wednesday.
HE FACTS: He’s incorrect about the tax cuts he signed into law in December.  Donovan voted against them, one of the few Republicans to do so. He told AP on Thursday that Trump knew that. “The president was well aware,” he said. “We’ve had discussions about my tax vote, the president and I.” Donovan opposed the tax bill because he said it would mean a tax increase for his constituents. “With the state and local tax deduction nearly eliminated, this tax bill doesn’t equal relief for far too many New Yorkers,” he said at the time.
TRUMP, sharing this tweet from broadcaster Rush Limbaugh:  “If the FBI was so concerned, and if they weren’t targeting Trump, they should have told Trump. If they were really concerned about the Russians infiltrating a campaign (hoax), then why not try to stop it? Why not tell Trump? Because they were pushing this scam.” — Thursday.
THE FACTS: The FBI did tell the Trump campaign about threats posed by foreign intelligence services. What level of detail it disclosed has not been established. It is now well known that Trump aides had multiple contacts with Russian interests during the campaign and the FBI was investigating those contacts for any evidence of collusion between the campaign and Russia. It is therefore unlikely that the FBI would share specifics that might compromise its criminal investigation.
In August 2016, an FBI counterintelligence agent gave candidate Trump what is known within the bureau as a defensive briefing about the threats from foreign intelligence services. Such briefings are fairly standard and are intended to help campaigns guard against infiltration or hacking by foreign governments, such as Russia and China. Similar briefings were given to Clinton and the two vice presidential picks prior to the election, according to an October 2017 letter from Greg Brower, then the FBI’s head of congressional affairs.
TRUMP: “We got $6 billion for opioid and getting rid of that scourge that’s taking over our country. And the numbers are way down. We’re getting the word out — bad. Bad stuff. You go to the hospital, you have a broken arm, you come out, you’re a drug addict with this crap. It’s way down. We’re doing a good job with it. But we got $6 billion to help us with opioid.” — Nashville rally.
THE FACTS: That’s misleading. One leading indicator of the opioid epidemic is down — painkiller prescriptions. Other indicators are up, such as the number of overdoses and deaths. And none of that has to do with the $6 billion enacted by Congress. The numbers are from 2017; the money is for this year and next.
Prescriptions for opioid painkillers filled in the U.S. fell almost 9 percent last year, the largest drop in 25 years. The total dosage of opioid prescriptions filled in 2017 declined by 12 percent because more prescriptions were for a shorter duration, fewer new patients started on them and high-dose prescriptions dropped. The numbers are from health data firm IQVIA’s Institute for Human Data Science.
But overdose deaths involving opioids rose to about 46,000 for the 12-month period ended October 2017, up about 15 percent from October 2016, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The numbers are preliminary because of continuing cause-of-death investigations later in the reporting period. They could go higher.
As well, the CDC says emergency department visits for overdoses of opioids rose 30 percent in the U.S. from July 2016 to September 2017. Overdoses shot up 70 percent in the Midwest in that time while increasing by 54 percent in large cities in 16 states.
TRUMP: “Democrats mistakenly tweet 2014 pictures from Obama’s term showing children from the Border in steel cages. They thought it was recent pictures in order to make us look bad, but backfires.” — tweet Tuesday.
THE FACTS: He is correct about widespread misrepresentation of the photos on Twitter.
The photos, taken by AP, were from 2014, during the Obama administration, but were presented by liberal activists as if they showed the effects of Trump’s immigration policy now. The photos were taken at a center run by the Customs and Border Protection Agency in Nogales, Arizona. One photo shows two unidentified female detainees sleeping in a holding cell. It’s not clear that many prominent Democrats spread the photos, from a 2016 Arizona Republic story, though some did.
Democrat Antonio Villaraigosa, former Los Angeles mayor now running for governor, tweeted that he was: “Speechless. This is not who we are as a nation.” Jon Favreau, ex-speechwriter for Obama, tweeted: “This is happening right now.” They and others deleted their tweets when they realized the mistake.
JIM CARREY, actor: “1500 innocent children ripped from their mothers’ arms at our border. Lost in Trump’s ‘system’. — tweet May 27.
THE FACTS: This didn’t happen. Many Trump critics, Carrey among them, misrepresented the fate of nearly 1,500 minors who came to the border — without their parents — and were transferred by U.S. authorities to sponsors in the country.
The Health and Human Services Department followed up with such children by calling their households to check on them late last year, getting information on the whereabouts of most, officials said. But they could not account for 1,475 of them, in part because many sponsors didn’t respond to the calls.
On that basis, Trump critics are calling the children “lost.” But in that round of calls, the Trump administration actually had a slightly better rate of confirming such children’s circumstances than the Obama administration did in 2016, according to an inspector general’s report — 86 percent versus 85 percent.
The episode with the unaccompanied children and the 2014 photos distracted from what is actually happening. Under a Trump policy to enforce criminal charges against people crossing the border illegally with few or no previous offenses, separation of parents from children is bound to become more common, and that trend may have started.
A Customs and Border Protection official told lawmakers that 658 children had been separated from their parents at the border from May 6 to May 19, after border agents began referring every illegal entry to criminal prosecutors. This is in addition to hundreds more who were estimated to have been removed from their parents at the border since October.
Associated Press writers Anne Flaherty and Chad Day in Washington, Mike Stobbe in New York, Carla K. Johnson in Seattle and Elliot Spagat in San Diego contributed to this report.
By HOPE YEN and CALVIN WOODWARD, By Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (A.S)
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/prince-harry-meghan-markle-engagement-photos-plus-another-kardashian-coming/
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle engagement photos plus another Kardashian coming
On Wednesday, reality star Khloe Kardashian finally gave her fans what they wanted – a pregnancy announcement. After several months of non-stop speculation, Khloe confirmed the rumours and announced that she is expecting her first child with her boyfriend, Tristan Thompson. The star broke the exciting news via a post on her Instagram page. In an intimate black and white photo, Tristan is seen embracing Khloe’s growing baby bump. Alongside the image, Khloe captioned, “My greatest dream realized! We are having a baby! I had been waiting and wondering, but God had a plan all along. He knew what he was doing. I simply had to trust in him and be patient. I still at times can’t believe that our love created life! Tristan, thank you for loving me the way that you do! Thank you for treating me like a Queen! Thank you for making me feel beautiful at all stages! Tristan, most of all, thank you for making me a MOMMY!!! You have made this experience even more magical than I could have envisioned! I will never forget how wonderful you’ve been to me during this time! Thank you for making me so happy my love! Thank you to everyone for the love and positive vibes! I know we’ve been keeping this quiet, but we wanted to enjoy this between our family and close friends as long as we could privately. To enjoy our first precious moments, just us. Thank you all for understanding. I am so thankful, excited, nervous, eager, overjoyed and scared all in one! But it’s the best bundle of feelings I’ve ever felt in my life!” Various stars have congratulated Khloe on her big news including Paris Hilton and famous celebrity make up artist Mario Dedivanovic. Naturally, Kris Jenner had to say something, and she put out an Instagram on Thursday. “God is so good!!” Jenner, 62, wrote on Instagram on Thursday, December 21. “I am beyond excited! What a blessing!!!!!!!” Though Jenner is the only member of the Kardashian clan so far to publicly comment on Khloé’s big reveal, Thompson did send his love to his girlfriend of 15 months. “My love, Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your journey and entering your life that day at the bel air hotel. One of the best moments in my life,” he commented on her Instagram post, referencing the first time they met. “I’m soo happy to be on this journey together with you and creating this angel from the man above. Every day I give thanks to him for bring[ing] us together. I love you soo much, and I know our little angel feels the love we share together and will know that mommy and daddy loves them unconditional forever and ever amen.” Congrats to Tristan and Khloe! Now, it is Kylie’s turn to confirm whether or not the speculation surrounding her possible pregnancy is true… Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are rocking a pre-newlywed glow. On Thursday, Kensington Palace released two official engagement portraits of the bride- and groom-to-be. The photographs were shot earlier this week at Frogmore House in Windsor by acclaimed fashion photographer Alexi Lumbomirski. “A huge thank you to His Royal Highness Prince Harry and Ms Markle, for allowing me to take their official engagement portraits,” Lumbomirski wrote Thursday on Instagram. “Not only was it an incredible honour, but also an immense privilege to be invited to share and be a witness to this young couple’s love for each other. I cannot help but smile when I look at the photos that we took.” Prince Harry, 33, and Markle, 36, announced their engagement Nov. 27 after more than a year of dating. The royal presented his lady love with a stunning sparkler, which included two diamonds from the collection of his late mother, Princess Diana. “The ring is yellow gold, because that’s [Markle’s] favorite, and the main stone itself I sourced from Botswana, and the little diamonds either side are from my mother’s jewelry collection to make sure that she’s with us on this — on this crazy journey together,” Harry said during the couple’s first joint interview with the BBC. Harry and Markle camped out in the African country last summer for five days. “It’s incredibly special to be able to have this, which sort of links where you come from and Botswana, which is important to us, and it’s perfect,” Markle said. Markle has been welcomed into Harry’s family with open arms. Before she joins the Royals on Christmas Day, she was invited to Queen Elizabeth II’s pre-Christmas luncheon Wednesday at Buckingham Palace. The couple is set to wed at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018. A woman has sued the rapper Nelly, claiming he sexually assaulted her on his tour bus and later damaged her reputation by refuting her account. The Seattle Times reported Wednesday that Monique Greene’s lawsuit against Nelly, whose real name is Cornell Haynes Jr., seeks unspecified damages. The rapper was arrested on his tour bus in a suburban Seattle Walmart parking lot in October. Prosecutors said last week they weren’t charging him because the woman wasn’t cooperating with the case. Nelly’s attorney says the lawsuit is financially motivated and a countersuit is planned. Greene’s lawyer, Karen Koehler, said her client only sued after the rapper publicly contended last week that Greene fabricated her story. The New York Times says it will remove reporter Glenn Thrush from the White House beat but not fire him following an investigation into sexual misconduct. A former colleague wrote last month that Thrush made unwanted, drunken advances on her and other women when they worked at Politico. The Times suspended Thrush and investigated while Thrush entered substance abuse rehabilitation. Times’ executive editor Dean Baquet says in a statement Wednesday that while Thrush acted offensively, he did not deserve to be fired and instead will be suspended for two months, undergo training and be given a new assignment. Baquet says that in addition to covering sexual misconduct cases aggressively, the Times is grappling with what consequences are appropriate in its own newsroom. He said each case must be examined individually. Female stars have rallied around former E! News host Catt Sadler, who suddenly announced her exit from the media network earlier this week. After nearly 12 years of working at the network, the star announced that she would not be renewing her contract with the network, in which she hosted E! News and the two-hour live daytime show Daily Pop. Shortly after news of her exit made waves on the Internet, Catt spoke with tabloid publication People magazine about her decision to leave. The star candidly explained the frustrations that triggered her bold decision, saying, “[I was] informed and made aware that my male equivalent at the network [Jason Kennedy] who I started with the same year and have come up with doing essentially similar jobs, if not the same job, wasn’t just making a little bit more than me but was making double my salary and has been for several years.” The star went on to rant, “That was really hard to swallow, but you know information is supposed to be power and when my team began negotiations knowing what we knew, that was the barometer in which I expected to be paid, based on the law and based on what I know to be fair. And what I believe in my heart of hearts is reasonable” Unfortunately, E! evidently didn’t come to an agreement with Catt, resulting in her unexpected – but highly justified – exit. Several A-list actresses have since spoken out in support of Catt and her fight for gender equality in the workplace. Interstellar actress Jessica Chastain posted on Twitter, “Wow this is so disappointing. When are companies like [E Entertainment] going to understand that women should be paid fairly? ½ of her male counterpart is not appropriate.” In addition, on Facebook, Silver Linings Playbook starlet Jennifer Lawrence shared Catt’s article in which she explained her decision to leave E!, adding the caption, “Thank you Catt for sharing your story.” Jessica Chastain, Twitter post: https://twitter.com/jes_chastain/status/943437231695515648 Jennifer Lawrence, Facebook post: "Thank you for sharing your story." Here's what Catt Sadler said about the experience in her own words: I know first hand that dreams do come true. For the past twelve years, I've been living mine out loud as one of the hosts on E television. For more than a decade I've walked through the doors at E and traveled into people's living rooms around the world. I've reported from a royal wedding, the Olympics, and the Oscars. I've been to film festivals in France, movie premieres in Rio, and fashion week in Paris. I've gotten chased by the paparazzi on camera while shopping with Kris Jenner, co-hosted shows with Khloe, Kim and Kourtney, and interviewed Kendall and Kylie back in those early Keeping Up days when no one could remember their names. It has been unpredictable, intoxicating, rewarding and hard work. Five days a week since February 2006. First, for The Daily 10 and later for E News. Then, this year happened. Daily Pop was born. I was named host which meant double duty. Hosting a live, two-hour daytime show while also hosting E News most nights. It was creatively challenging but genuinely one of the most fulfilling years of my professional career. Coincidentally, around this same time an executive from E brought something alarming to my attention -- namely, that there was a massive disparity in pay between my similarly situated male co-host and myself. More recently, when E reached out to renew and extend my deal, I learned that he wasn't just making a little more than I was. In fact, he was making close to double my salary for the past several years. Information is power. Or it should be. We are living in a new era. The gender pay gap is shrinking, although admittedly we have a long way to go. And well, I learned this first hand. My team and I asked for what I know I deserve and were repeatedly denied. Know your worth. I have two decades experience in broadcasting and started at the network the very same year as my close friend and colleague that I adore. I so lovingly refer to him as my "tv husband," and I mean it. But how can I operate with integrity and stay on at E if they’re not willing to pay me the same as him? Or at least come close? How can I accept an offer that shows they do not value my contributions and paralleled dedication all these years? How can I not echo the actions of my heroes and stand for what is right no matter what the cost? How can I remain silent when my rights under the law have been violated? It's scary. I am a single mother of two boys. The unknown can be terrifying, but it can also be the most beautiful gift. Countless brave women have come forward this year to speak their truth. Females refuse to remain silent on issues that matter most because without our voices, how will we invoke lasting change? How can we make it better for the next generation of girls if we do not stand for what is fair and just today? It was my desire to stay at my job. To continue entertaining our loyal viewers around the world. To keep working alongside some of the best writers, directors, and producers in the game. Everyone from the studio crew, hair and makeup artists, to the security at the front door are true friends of mine. They have been my work family and I love them dearly. Unfortunately, however, my decision was made for me and I must go. I will find more work. I will create content with meaning. I will continue to pursue my passions while making my children proud. The way I see it, I have an obligation to be an agent for change. It was important for me to explain my departure. I did not want to disappear from your television screens and have you wonder why. Thank you for your precious time all these years. Thank you for the support. Thank you for the constant exchange of ideas on social media as well. This chapter is over and a new one begins. Big big love, Catt While disgraced “Today” anchor Matt Lauer battles to save his 20-year marriage to former Dutch model Annette Roque, she has been meeting with lawyers about squeezing a bigger settlement out of him if they proceed to a divorce. A grim-faced Roque was seen Wednesday heading into the office of law firm Latham & Watkins in Manhattan. Lauer was fired in November by NBC bosses for “inappropriate sexual behavior.” And this week, former “Today” staffer Addie Zinone revealed her relationship with Lauer that took place in 2000, when she was a 24-year-old production assistant, saying the affair was consensual, but also an “abuse of power.” Roque had previously filed for divorce from Lauer in 2006, citing “mental abuse, extreme mental and emotional distress, humiliation, torment, and anxiety,” but withdrew the filing weeks later after he offered her a post-nuptial agreement and millions more dollars, a source told media outlets. The source explained, “The post-nup will likely specify how much Annette would get if they divorce, but she is expected to challenge it given Matt’s earnings since 2006, and given how he has humiliated her. There are also issues over all the property and land they own, both in the Hamptons and abroad.” Lauer was being paid $25 million a year by NBC under a contract he signed in 2016. The couple have three children, a 16-year-old son, a 14-year-old daughter and an 11-year-old son. Lauer released a statement soon after his firing, saying he was “truly sorry.” He partially denied some of the allegations, but admitted that “there is enough truth in these stories to make me feel embarrassed and ashamed.” Eminem has lashed out again at President Trump, saying in an interview with Vulture that he hopes the president “gets impeached.” When asked by the outlet how he hopes the presidency carries on in 2018, the rapper replied, “I hope he gets impeached. I’d be there for that.” The comment came just days after his latest album, “Revival,” was released on Dec. 15 and weeks after the rapper released a video blasting the president. The rapper, known for his punchy and often explicit lyrics, told Vulture that Trump “makes his blood boil” and his lyrics focused on the president are meant to “get a message out.” “I can’t even watch the news anymore because it makes me too stressed out,” he said. “I want our country to be great too, I want it to be the best it can be, but it’s not going to be that with him in charge.” Eminem went on to call Trump’s election “a disappointment” and told Vulture that his politics were dividing Americans. He also argued that the president, “who’s never known struggle,” has deceived people into believing that he’s fighting for them. “He’s very good at flipping narratives,” the rapper said. “I just feel mad that Trump’s sold people a dream that’s never coming true. I want the division in this country to stop. And like I said, I most want people to take a second and think about what I’m saying.” When asked by Vulture whether he and the president have any similarities, noting their potentially over-lapping fan bases, the rapper said their differences were “bigger than any parallels.” “I actually don’t know if I can see why people who relate to me feel like they can relate to him,” Eminem told the outlet. “This is a guy who was born rich, who says he got a small loan from his father of a million dollars. Where I come from, a small loan is five f—–g dollars.” This isn’t the first time the rapper has blasted the president. At the BET Awards in October, Eminem released a pre-recorded rap video against Trump. But when he never got a response, he told the Shade 45 radio show that he was “extremely angry” and felt like Trump wasn’t “paying attention” to him. But should Trump feel compelled to respond to Eminem’s latest criticisms, the rap star said he has a few choice words prepared. “I’m not going to give any away now, but I’ve got lines ready if he says something about me,” Eminem said. Warner Bros. has moved back “A Star Is Born,” starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper, back nearly five months from May 18 to Oct. 5 — moving the drama into awards season consideration. Cooper is also helming the film, which will mark his directing debut. He will produce through his 22 and Green production company along with Jon Peters, Bill Gerber, and Basil Iwanyk. The project, based on the William Wellman-directed 1937 film starring Janet Gaynor and Fredric March, centers on a fading movie star who helps an aspiring actress while his own career spirals downward. James Mason and Judy Garland starred in a 1954 remake and Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson toplined the 1976 version. Cooper came on as director following his work with Clint Eastwood on “American Sniper.” Eastwood attempted to get the film made for years with Cooper in the role of the fading movie star and eventually left the project, but not before suggesting to Cooper that he try directing the movie, as the actor was seeking his first directing job. Gaga’s previous acting credits include “American Horror Story: Hotel,” which earned her a Golden Globe for best actress in a miniseries; and its subsequent season, “Roanoke.” News broke on Tuesday that Gaga is set to kick off a residency in Las Vegas at the MGM Park Theater. The deal closed over the weekend and will bring the pop star to the city starting in late 2018. “A Star Is Born” will open against Sony’s Spider-Man spinoff “Venom” with Tom Hardy starring, and Fox’s “Bad Times at the El Royale,” starring Chris Hemsworth. The decision leaves May 18 with only one wide opening: Sony’s horror movie “Slenderman.” Warner Bros. originally planned to open ��A Star Is Born” on Sept. 28, then announced in November, 2016, that it had moved the release date forward to May 18. Will Smith may cringe when he watches reruns of his hit ‘90s show “Fresh Prince of Bel Air.” “If you watch the first four or five episodes you can see I’m mouthing other people’s lines,” Smith shared on Friday’s episode of “The Graham Norton Show,” according to The London Evening Standard. “It’s terrible and I can’t bear to watch it.” Smith, 49, claims he was focused on success so he learned everyone’s lines. While some ‘90s shows are on the reboot track, Smith isn’t sure “Fresh Prince” will get the same treatment. “Man, I’d have to be Uncle Phil in that one now. I’m nearly 50!” he quipped. There’s also turmoil within the original cast. TV mom Janet Hubert has been at odds with Smith over the last several years. And Smith’s TV uncle, James Avery, died in 2013. In August, Smith once again dismissed reboot rumors telling Entertainment Tonight, “Nah man, you can’t touch stuff like that. It’s so nostalgic for people — I’m not going nowhere near that.” Tom Hanks is the star of a new movie about the release of the top secret Pentagon Papers. Given the movie’s content and how it deals with the American media, Hanks says that he’s not interested in screening the film at the Trump White House if asked. When asked by The Hollywood Reporter if he’d respond positively to a request to screen his new film, “The Post,” at the White House, Hanks cited the events in Charlottesville, the president’s recent meeting with Navajo veterans and the Trump administration’s treatment of the media, which often calls most outlets “fake news,” as the reason for his reluctance. “I don’t think I would. Because I think that at some point — look, I didn’t think things were going to be this way last November. I would not have been able to imagine that we would be living in a country where neo-Nazis are doing torchlight parades in Charlottesville [Va.] and jokes about Pocahontas are being made in front of the Navajo code talkers. And individually we have to decide when we take to the ramparts,” he said. “You don’t take to the ramparts necessarily right away, but you do have to start weighing things. You may think: ‘You know what? I think now is the time.’ This is the moment where, in some ways, our personal choices are going to have to reflect our opinions. We have to start voting, actually, before the election. So, I would probably vote not to go.” “The Post,’ directed by Steven Spielberg, depicts the story of the Washington Post’s decision in the 1970s to publish the top secret Pentagon Papers, which held details about the United State’s involvement in the Vietnam War. The paper ultimately decided to publish the documents despite pressure from then-president Richard Nixon not to. Hanks plays the paper’s editor, Ben Bradlee. While most may not have heard of a movie screening at the White House, it’s actually something that happens often for movies hoping to get a small boon to their publicity. The White House family theater is located in the East Wing of the address and is typically a place for the president and his or her family to watch films. Studios often provide the White House with screenings upon request. It’s worth noting that Donald Trump has not actually asked to screen “The Post” in the White House. Rosie O’Donnell made a last-ditch attempt to halt the GOP’s landmark tax bill when she offered $2 million to any Congress member to change their vote — and some are seeing the move as an illegal bribe. “So how about this i promise to give 2 million dollars to senator susan collins and 2 million to senator jeff flake if they vote NO,” O’Donnell tweeted on Tuesday night. “no sh-t 2 million cash each.” The former talk show host singled out Flake (R-Ariz.) and Collins (R-Maine), who were considered swing votes on the bill. Critics argued that Rosie’s bone-headed move could leave her open her to criminal charges.
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HRM 595 Negotiation Skills Full Course
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 HRM 595 Negotiation Skills Full Course
 DeVry HRM595 week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 latest
 DeVry HRM595 week 1 dq 1
 Case  Study: Noisy Neighbors (graded)
 Linda and Larry are angry because their new neighbors in the apartment complex, Dale and Donna, seem to hold late-night parties every Thursday. Linda and Larry both have long work days that require them to rise early and remain alert all day. Linda and Larry have asked Dale and Donna to keep the noise down on Thursday nights and conclude their parties by midnight. Dale and Donna have ignored their requests. Linda and Larry have reached their boiling points and have decided to call the police this Thursday if the party goes on beyond midnight.
Given this scenario, how have Linda and Larry handled the conflict thus far? What should they do now?
Additional questions to consider:
1.     1. Some negotiating is “interest-based”, and some is “rights based”. What determines which approach is better and which approach is least costly?
2.     2. When is “active avoidance” appropriate?
 DeVry HRM595 week 1 dq 2
 Sick  Leave (graded)
 Read Case 8, “Sick Leave”, in the back section of your e-text.
After reading the case, identify and explain the conflict that occurred, how it occurred, how it could have been avoided, and what Kelly and the other ALTs should do now. Consider the Chapter 16 concepts on international and cross-cultural negotiation in your answer. Also, consider the questions and answers from the Personal Bargaining Inventory assignment. Given your own scoring on the Personal Bargaining Inventory, how well would you have likely handled the situation if you were Kelly?
  DeVry HRM595 week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 latest
 DeVry HRM595 week 2 dq 1
 What  Is the Relationship Between Goal Setting, Strategy Development, and Planning  in a Nego (graded)
·         To what extent does goal setting drive strategy development in a negotiation?
·         What is the difference between strategy and tactics in a negotiation?
·         Why are there ten steps in the negotiation planning process? Are all ten steps necessary?
DeVry HRM595 week 2 dq 2
 What  Is Framing and Why Should I Do It? (graded)
·         To what extent does the way you frame a problem influence the outcome of negotiation?
·         Can you change your frame once negotiations begin? Can you have more than one frame?
·         What do you do if the other side frames the problem differently than you do?
·         Provide examples from your own experience in answering these questions.
DeVry HRM595 week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 latest
 dq 1
 Seeing  Things My Way (graded)
  ·         In a distributive bargaining scenario, how do I get the other party to go along? How do I “win”?
·         Does bad faith exist in a distributive bargaining scenario? For instance, when selective presentation is used, does it ever become an exercise in bad faith?
·         Provide examples from your own experience.
 dq 2
Winning  at Win-Lose (graded)
·         Should I open “high”, and should I concede anything? How firm should my final offer be? If I commit to a position, can I walk away from it? What do I do if the other party plays hardball?
·         Provides examples from your own experience.
 DeVry HRM595 week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 october
 dq 1
   Why  Integrative Bargaining? (graded)
·         What makes integrative bargaining different from distributive bargaining?
·         What are the different kinds of interests that need to be identified by each of the negotiators?
·         What are the factors in integrative negotiation that make it difficult to achieve an agreement?
·         Provide examples from your own experience.
dq 2
 Finding  Alternative Solutions (graded)
·         How do I generate alternative solutions based on the issues being negotiated?
·         How do I evaluate, select, and prioritize from among them?
·         Provide examples from your own experience.
 DeVry HRM595 week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016
dq 1
 You  Just Don’t Understand (graded)
·         What are the major perceptual errors? Why do they occur?
·         What are some cognitive biases, and what can we do to manage them in the negotiation process?
·         What steps can we take to improve communication between the parties in negotiation, and what are some fatal mistakes to avoid?
·         Provide examples from your own experience.
dq 2
Impasse—What  Happened? (graded)
·         We’re at an impasse. What led us to this point?
·         If I get angry, can I get even?
·         If I don’t get angry, how can I just walk away from the negotiation?
·         If I don’t walk away, how do we break the impasse? Should I issue an ultimatum?
·         Why are some people so difficult? Should I try to bring a difficult person to his or her senses, or to his or her knees?
·         Use examples from personal or business experience or from outside reading.
 DeVry HRM595 week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016
dq 1
 Negotiating  With Relationships (graded)
·         What are the major social factors in negotiation?
·         What is more important when negotiating within relationships: trust or justice? Are some forms of trust better? How can one increase trust?
·         Provide examples from your experiences and incorporate your answers from The Trust Scale questionnaire whenever applicable.
 dq 2
  Forming  and Managing Multiparty Coalitions (graded)
·         How do coalitions get started and how do they grow?
·         What tactics can you implement to strengthen a multiparty coalition?
·         What are the differences between a bedfellow and a fence sitter in terms of forming and storming coalitions?
·         Are Internet coalitions “sticky”?
 DeVry HRM595 week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016
dq 1
  Power  in Negotiations (graded)
·         What is power? How does one acquire power and what is the best kind of power to have?
·         How do I preserve the power that I have?
·         How do I influence someone with power and make sure that my message gets through?
·         Use examples from personal or business experience.
 dq 2
Your  Lying and Cheating Ways (graded)
·         Isn’t this “ethics” business all about not lying and cheating?
·         If other people do it, shouldn’t I be doing it to them?
·         Who is more unethical: men or women? Younger folks or older folks? Experienced negotiators or inexperienced ones? The highly educated or the not-so-educated? Sociology majors or business majors? Are some nationalities/cultural groups/personality types more likely to lie and cheat in negotiations?
·         After taking an ethics course, will I be a more ethical negotiator? If not, how can I deal with the other party’s deceptions?
·         In answering these questions, incorporate your answers from the SINS II Scale questionnaire and personal or business experience.
 DeVry HRM595 Week 1 Personal Bargaining Inventory Assignment latest 2016 october
  Complete Questionnaire 1: The Personal Bargaining Inventory, which is located in the back section of your e-text.
Part 1 of the assignment: Record your responses to questions 1–50 using the Personal Bargai
 ning Inventory Answer Sheet found in Doc Sharing.
Part 2 of the assignment: After listing your responses to questions 1–50, explain what you learned about your perceptions of yourself in conjunction with negotiations and how this questionnaire has helped you in clarifying your perceptions. [Note: There is no scoring scale for this assignment. Your reflection is based solely on how you reacted to and interpreted your responses to the survey questions.]
Submit your assignment (Note: You may add your reflection on the personal bargaining inventory answer sheet) to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
  DeVry HRM595 Week 2 Field Analysis Assignment
General information and instructions:
1.     1. Review text pages 137–139 in Chapter 4. These pages cover step 9 in the planning process, assessing the social context of negotiation.
2.     2. The field analysis tool is helpful when negotiators have to consider multiple parties—on their own side and on the other side—who can affect a negotiation outcome, and whose needs and interests must be considered.
3.     3. Take note that the soccer field (see diagram below) is a metaphor for a two-party multi-stakeholder contract negotiation.
Specific information and instructions:
1.     1. Assume that you are the negotiator who is tasked with a salary (on call time, step increases, overtime for captains and majors) and benefits (insurance while employed, insurance after retirement, accrual of leave time, retirement multipliers) dispute between a large municipal county with a strong mayor and the sheriff’s department for the county.
2.     2. You are negotiating the contract on behalf of the sheriff’s office. The purpose of this activity is to give you an opportunity to construct a field analysis on your relationship with a specific other negotiator. This tool should be helpful when negotiators have to consider multiple parties—on their own side and on the other side—who can affect a negotiation outcome, and whose needs and interests must be considered.
3.     3. The field has the following stakeholders.
4.     a. On the fieldwould be members of your team and members of the other team (A, B).
5.     b. On the sidelinesare backup players, coaches, trainers, and other team personnel (C).
6.     c. In the standsare fans who are watching the negotiation, members of the media, and other direct observers (D).
7.     d. The elements outside the stadium—the location of the stadium, the weather, and other “context factors” which can shape how the game evolves and is played (E)
8.     4. Questions are presented in identical pairs (1,2; 3,4; 5,6; and 7,8) but answers will not necessarily be the same.
9.     5. Questions 7 and 8 have four sub-parts, which require answers in each sub-part.
10.   6. Place your answers in the boxes provided in this form. Boxes will expand as needed.
1. Who is on my team  on the field? (A)
2. Who is on their  team on the field? (B)
3. Who is on my  sidelines who can affect the play of the game? (C)
4. Who is on their  sidelines who can affect the play of the game? (C)
5. Who is in my  stands that are involved and interested, either directly or indirectly? (D)
6. Who is in their  stands that are involved and interested, either directly or indirectly? (D)
7. What elements  outside the stadium have an interest in the game, or can affect our game in  positive or negative ways (E)?
a. Affect the rules?
b. Change the  climate?
c. Other competitors?
d. Industry shifts  and changes?
8. What elements  outside the stadium have an interest in the game, or can affect their game in  positive or negative ways (E)?
a. Affect the rules?
b. Change the  climate?
c. Other  competitors?
d. Industry shifts and  changes?
  DeVry HRM595 Week 3 Topic Proposal Assignment latest 2016 october
 Course Project
By the end of the week, submit a topic proposal for your Negotiation Analysis Paper. The proposal (one page) should describe the focus of the paper and your method. The negotiation can be one in which you were a participant or one in which you have been an active observer. Some examples of applicable negotiations include
a workplace negotiation, such as a complex contract, new position or new salary (preferred);
a complex business transaction, such as a merger or acquisition;
a complex real estate purchase;
a union-management contract (including professional sports leagues);
a neighborhood group negotiating zoning concerns with a city government;
a negotiation between divorcing spouses who have complex settlement issues; and
a negotiation between a vendor and business over products and services.
The above are representative examples of possible topics. The important thing to keep in mind in your topic selection is that the negotiation should be complex enough that you can preform a thoughtful and critical analysis in your paper using concepts learned in this course.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
  DeVry HRM595 Week 4 Tutorial Assignment latest
  Prepare responses to the questions below after viewing the Negotiation Strategy and Tactics Tutorial in this week’s lecture. In drafting your answers to the questions, make sure that you apply course concepts in your answers.
Part A: What are the objectives of both parties in the exchanges? How would you describe the general “tone” of the exchanges?
Part B: Were Marilyn’s objectives achieved in the first exchange? Were Len’s objectives achieved in the first exchange? What do you project the outcome of the first exchange to be?
Part C: Were Marilyn’s objectives achieved in the second exchange? Were Len’s objectives achieved in the second exchange? What do you project the outcome of the second exchange to be?
Part D: Identify two points of transition in each exchange and analyze the impact of the transitions on the negotiation.
Grading rubric: Each part = 15 grade points
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
  DeVry HRM595 Week 5 Case Study Assignment latest
 Read Case Study 1: Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation in your e-text.
Prepare a 3–4 page paper (include a cover page) identifying the following items as they pertain to a negotiation in the case study between Randall and Dolan. Be sure to incorporate course concepts in your answers.
Identify guidelines that you should follow during the negotiation. Be specific!
Identify and describe the steps of the negotiation process.
Identify and apply guidelines that will enable you to facilitate effective communication during the negotiation.
Identify and justify the types of questions that you should ask during the negotiation.
Identify the characteristics of the negotiation styles present.
Identify and apply the guidelines that you should follow when this negotiation becomes challenging.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
  DeVry HRM595 Week 6 You Decide Assignment latest
1.     1. What is the appropriate negotiation strategy that would be most advantageous for Sharon and Jim in this scenario, distributive or integrative bargaining? List and describe the factors that should be considered in making this determination?
2.     2. What are HR’s interests in this scenario, and what would be the potential negotiation strategy between the Accounting Manager and HR assuming that there is a decision that the published salary range for attracting Jim will have to be exceeded in order to hire him?
 DeVry HRM595 Week 7 Final Paper Assignment latest
 Course Project: Negotiation Analysis Paper
Objective | Guidelines | Grading Rubrics | Best Practices
The purpose of the negotiation analysis paper is to help you transfer the negotiation concepts from the course to negotiations in your own organization. I would like you to use concepts learned in the course to analyze a negotiation situation. The negotiation may be one that has recently concluded or one that you are in the midst of. It may be a negotiation between organizations or within an organization. It may be a dyadic negotiation or one with multiple parties. It may be a situation of chronic conflict. It also may be a negotiation in which you observed and are familiar with the parties to the negotiations in order to conduct an analysis.
·         Paper (due in Week 7) must conform to APA format and be 13–15 pages in length, not including the title page, abstract and references.
·         Spend no more than three pages describing the situation.
·         Negotiation should be complex enough to challenge your analytic skills.
·         Topic proposal due in Week 3 (one page).
·         Week 3 – The proposed topic for the project paper is due in Week 3 (20 points). The proposal should be an explanation of the chosen negotiation topic, the parties to the negotiation, and proposed areas of analysis including negotiation strategies and tactics used. The proposal should be one page.
·         Week 7 – Final completed paper is due (130 points)
Grading  Rubrics
Total Points – 130
Criteria  for Evaluating Written Assignments
Meets  Expectations
Partially  Meets Expectations
Fails  to Meet Expectations
Points  Earned
Intellectual  Understanding
(20 Points)
Addresses all  aspects of assignment in sufficient depth
Addresses most  aspects of assignment in sufficient depth
Does not address  most aspects of assignment and/or fails to do so in sufficient depth
(20 Points)
Analyzes and  discusses many negotiation concepts by extending and elaborating with  realistic examples
Discusses with some  analysis several negotiation concepts by extending and elaborating with  realistic examples
Does not discuss  negotiation concepts or apply them to realistic examples
(20 Points)
Exhibits a  substantive and perceptive ability in analyzing and discussion negotiation  topic that is the focus of the paper
Discusses assignment  topic with some substance and evidence of perceptive ability
Does not exhibit  perceptive ability in discussing the assignment topic
(20 Points)
The majority of  opinions and analyses are rigorously supported by appropriate research.
Some opinions are  supported by appropriate research but much is not supported
The majority of  opinions and analysis is not supported by appropriate research
 Intellectual  Honesty
(20 Points)
All references are  acknowledged and properly cited in APA format
Some references are acknowledged  and properly cited in APA format
References are not  properly acknowledged and cited and/or do not conform to APA format
Organization  and Style
(30 Points)
Introduction –  Central theme/purpose is clearly identifiable and well developed; introductory  comments provide sufficient background on the topic and preview major points
Introduction –  Either the central theme/purpose is clearly identifiable and well developed;  or the introductory comments provide sufficient background on the topic and  preview major points, but not both
Introduction –  Central theme/purpose is not clearly identifiable nor well developed;  introductory comments do not provide sufficient background on the topic nor  preview major points
Conclusion and  recommendations follow logically from the body of the paper and bring closure  to the paper
Conclusion and  recommendations follow logically from the body of the paper but rather than  bringing closure to the paper, it merely summarizes what has been previously  stated
Conclusion and  recommendations do not follow logically from the body of the paper nor do  they bring closure to the paper
Subsequent sections  develop/support the central theme of the paper
The majority of the  subsequent sections develop/support the central theme of the paper
Subsequent sections  do not develop/support the central theme of the paper
Structure is clear,  logical, and easy to follow; smooth transition between paragraphs which help  maintain the flow of thought
Usually the  structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow, with smooth transitions  between paragraphs to help maintain the flow of thought
Sometimes the  structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow; seldom includes smooth  transitions between paragraphs to help maintain the flow of thought
Meets minimum  assigned length
Does not meet  minimum assigned length
No major errors in  spelling, punctuation, and grammar
Few errors in  spelling, punctuation, and grammar
Numerous errors in  spelling, punctuation, and grammar
Paper is laid out effectively  – uses headings and other reader-friendly tools
Paper is laid out  effectively, but could make better use of headings and other reader-friendly  tools
Paper is not laid  out effectively; fails to use headings and other reader–friendly tools
Paper is  professional in appearance and demonstrates attention to detail; tone of  voice is appropriate to the audience, content, and assignment
Paper is  professional in appearance and demonstrates attention to detail; but tone of  voice is inappropriate to the audience, content, and assignment
Paper is not  professional in appearance and demonstrates a lack of attention to detail;  tone of voice is inappropriate to the audience, content, and assignment
 Best  Practices
The following are the best practices in preparing this paper:
·         Title Page – Include who you prepared the paper for, who prepared, and date.
·         Table of Contents – List the main ideas and section of your paper and the pages in which they are located. The illustrations should be included separately.
·         Introduction – Use a header on your paper. This will indicate you are introducing your paper.
The purpose of an introduction or opening:
1.     Introduce the subject and why the subject is important. 2. Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered. 3. Establish a tone of the document.
Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)
·         Body of Your Report – Use a header titled with the name of your project. Example: “The negotiation between Company X and Company Y; An Analysis”. Then proceed to break out the main ideas. State the main ideas, state major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division, such as separate sections that are labeled, separate groups of paragraphs, or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.
·         Summary and Conclusion – Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect the tourism industry.
·         References – Follow APA Publications Manual, 6th edition in using in-text citations and include a reference page.
Additional hints on preparing the best possible project:
4.     Apply a three step process of writing (plan, write, and complete). 5. Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward. 6. Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required. 7. Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your report. You could use example like graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, animation, video clips, pictograms, tables, and Gantt charts if applicable.
  Devry HRM 595 Final Exam 
 1.     1) Joe McDonald is the HR manager of ACME chemicals.  His boss, Bill Jacobs, is concerned that the interactions between the various departments of the company are inconsistent and that there is too much competition between departments rather than cooperation.  Bill has asked you about ways to improve the negotiations between business units.  In your explanation to Bill, you need to explain the following: What are the three primary reasons that negotiations occur? What is the difference between bargaining and negotiation?  Why must successful negotiations involve both tangible and intangible components?  Do you think that ACME needs to pursue an integrative or a distributive approach to their future interdepartmental negotiations? (Points : 20)
 1.     (2) Define the term “conflict” and describe how it impacts the negotiation process.  Your explanation should include the 4 levels of conflict and the dysfunctions that conflict can create. In your response, you need to also provide your opinion as to whether conflict is always a negative component in negotiations. If not, why? (Points : 15)
 1.     (3) Jack Johnson owns a 1998 Ford Mustang that he is looking to sell.  He advertises in the Auto Trader.  Mary Smith responds to his ad and expresses interest in purchasing the vehicle.  Jack is asking $3500 for the car.  Mary is looking to pay no more than $2500 for the vehicle.  Would you describe this negotiation as a distributive or an integrative negotiation? Why? Jack has set $3500 as the price of his car but is willing to take $3000 for the vehicle. Anything under $3000 will not be accepted. Mary wants to pay $2500 for the car, but is willing to go up to $3000.  Anything over $3000 will cause the deal to fail. Define and contrast the Walkaway Points, Target Points and Asking Price/Initial Offer of the parties. What are some of the strategies that could be used by each party to achieve the outcome they desire? (Points : 30)
 1.     (4) What makes an integrative negotiation different from a distributive negotiation? Define the key steps in the integrative negotiation process.  How does establishment of a BATNA aid the parties in realizing their integrative outcome? (Define the term BATNA in your response). If a win-win outcome is beneficial to both parties, then why is it so difficult to achieve? (Points : 30)
 1.     (5) Often there are other parties to a negotiation that can add great complexity to the process.  Define the following terms: Negotiating Dyad; Agent; Constituency; Bystander; Audience. What are some of the reasons that an individual might engage the services of an agent to represent him/her in a negotiation? (Discuss at least three)  What are the three distinct relationships that an Agent has to maintain in the negotiation process? (Points : 30)
 1.     (6) Marie Smith is the head of Marketing for Jones Construction. Harry Brown is the on-site project manager for all major construction projects.  Marie is interested in expanding the budget for general marketing activities.  Harry wants these resources reserved for existing projects.  Marie comes to you for advice on the key steps she should use in preparing for her negotiation with Harry.  Discuss the 7 steps to an ideal negotiation process. (Points : 15)
 1.     (7) As Marie and Harry enter into their negotiations, their perceptions of each other will be an important component to the negotiation process. Define perception and the role it plays in the negotiation process. What are the four major perceptual errors that tend to occur?  What does the term “framing” mean and how does it relate to the issue of perceptions? How can we counter these perceptual errors? (Points : 30)
 1.     (8) We have discussed the importance of communication in the negotiation process. We reviewed the concept of communication as a sender encoding a message to a receiver who decodes the message and then responds back to the sender – thus creating the feedback process important to every negotiation. What are the major sources of distortion that can interfere with communication? (Name and define at least 3) What are the three key questions we need to ask regarding communication in negotiations? What role does listening play in the communications process (Describe the 3 types of listening). What are some of the ways that a negotiator can improve his/her communication skills? (Points : 30)
 1.     (9) When we look at the complexities of the negotiation process, there are many situations where a negotiator might consider the use of questionable tactics to accomplish his/her goals. This brings up the important question of ethics in negotiation.  Define the 4 types of ethical reasoning. Why do people use deceptive/ambiguous tactics in negotiation? What are some of the factors that shape a predisposition to the use of unethical tactics? How can we effectively respond to the use of unethical practices? (Points : 20)
 1.     (10) Barney and Marilyn have been married for six months.  They engage in negotiations consistently as a way to improve their understanding of each other and to build a loving relationship.  How does this “relationship” negotiation differ from the negotiation practices that we have discussed involving business relationships? Research has uncovered 4 fundamental types of relationship forms. Define and contrast them.  Which of the four types represent the relationship between Barney and Marilyn? What are the three key elements necessary for managing negotiations within relationships? Which do you think is the most important? Why? (Points : 30)
0 notes
davidshawnsown · 8 years
Ladies and gentlemen, to all the people of the United States of America, to all our living veterans of the Second World War of 1939-1945 and of all conflicts past and present and their families, to our veterans, active servicemen and women and reservists of the United States Navy and Marine Corps, and of the entire United States Armed Forces, to all the immediate families, relatives, children and grandchildren of the deceased veterans, fallen service personnel and wounded personnel of our military services and civil uniformed security and civil defense services, to all our workers, farmers and intellectuals, to our youth and personnel serving in youth uniformed and cadet organizations and all our athletes, coaches, judges, sports trainers and sports officials, and to all our sports fans, to all our workers of culture, music, traditional arts and the theatrical arts, radio, television, digital media and social media, cinema, heavy and light industry, business and the press, and to all our people of the free world:
As the whole world remembers among others the formation of the modern Mexican Army in 1913, the  Russian emancipation reforms of 1861, and the death on this day of the great father of Bulgarian Independence, Vasil Levski, in 1873, as well as the 1879 invention of the phonograph  by Thomas Edison, the Enigma tornado outbreak of 1884, the commencement of the naval segment of the Dardanelles Campaign in 1915, the signing of the controversial Executive Order 9066 and the Bombing of Darwin, Australia, in 1942 the beginning of the Battle of Kasserine Pass in 1943 and on this day in 1985 the national premiere in the UK of the BBC’s premier primetime drama EastEnders, today, just as in past years, and in these changing times in our world of today, as one united people of the United States of America and of our free world, we mark on this very day the seventy second anniversary of the beginning of the historic battle of Iwo Jima, which began on this day in 1945, and which would be one of the biggest battles ever to be fought by the United States Marine Corps in the Pacific Theater of Operations of the Second World War.
It was at around 9am on this very important day in our history  72 years ago when, after months of hard work and preparation by the Allied forces, one of the great Allied battles of the Pacific Theater of Operations began with the landing of V Amphibious Corps under the command of General Holland Smith and composed of the 3rd, 4th and 5th Marine Divisions, United States Marine Corps,  and so began what would be without a doubt one of the bloodiest and biggest battles fought in the Pacific Theater of Operations, the very battle that will forever change the face of the USMC for generations to come. Wave after wave of Marines from that formation, supported by naval gunfire and air attacks, began to pound the Japanese forces garrisoned in the island. An hour after the guns began to fire, just as V Corps was fighting its way towards the island, at around 1030h on that day  the 1st Battalion, 27th Marine Regt., under the wings of the 5th Marine Division, in the midst of the fighting to capture a Japanese built airfield for use by the then US Army Air Forces and in fighting the Japanese soldiers stationed,  saw the unthinkable - the final and ultimate sacrifice of one of the greatest Allied heroes of the Second World War and of the United States Marine Corps, no less than Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone, who was by then assigned as a machine gunner with Charlie Company 1/27 under the 5th Marine Division. It has been over a century since the birth of this man in Raritan, New Jersey, within miles from the Big Apple to a Italian American family, who  served his country with distinction and pride as an Italian American in the 31st Infantry Regiment of the United States Army in Manila, Philippines in the middle of the 1930s and would in 1940 changed his service branch to that of the United States Marine Corps, and later on served as a machine gunner of Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, during the actions of the Battle of Guadalcanal in 1942-43 and therefore committed heroic deeds to his country on October 24-26 of the same year, during the battles for the defense of Henderson Field, the 75th diamond jubilee anniversary of which we will mark this coming October, thus as a result of this heroic action it would be giving him the highest medal of valor of the United States Armed Forces, the Congressional Medal of Honor, because of being a target of Japanese mortar fire on his position near the runway, gave his life for the defense of his country the United States of America, and for the liberation of all the peoples of the Asia-Pacific from the military forces of the Empire of Japan, who suffered heavily from years of Japanese rule and at the cost of so many deaths in Japanese administered areas in the region, in view of his two fellow Marines, machine gunner Private First Class Charles “Chuck” Tatum and Private First Class Steve Evanson from Baker Company 1/27, and as a result of his sacrifice and the American capture of the air base would reward him with a posthumous award of the Navy Cross – becoming in the process the very first time ever in the more than 242 year history of the Corps that an enlisted Marine had earned two of the highest awards of heroism in battle in this service branch of the United States Armed Forces. (This scene was reenacted in episode 8 of the 2010 HBO miniseries The Pacific, with the roles of the men being played by Jon Seda, Ben Esler and Dwight Braswell).
The following events that will be celebrating  as one nation and one united people of the free world this Thursday, February 23, four days after the anniversary of the beginning of this battle, will now be in clear light of the recent revelation of the United States Marine Corps which was made public on June 23 this past year thanks to efforts made by historians and historic experts, ending years of speculation and mystery surrounding the events of this this battle that is, for all generations, part of the history of not just the Corps, but of the entire United States Armed Forces.
Within 4 days after the start of the battle, an historic instruction was given by the then Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, who was there at the island to oversee the operations,  to GEN Smith that V Amphibious Corps will be charged with the historic responsibility of carrying and later hoisting on the top of Mount Suribachi after its capture by this formation the national flag of the United States of America  to ensure to all Americans and to the people of the free world that a “United States Marine Corps lasting for the next 500 years” will be the defender of the American nation it helped to build and the free world it has always pledged to defend and protect at all costs, and thus upon receiving this historic decision, gave the historic order to the 2nd Battalion, 28th Marine Regiment of the 5th Marine Division, under battalion commanding officer Lieutenant Colonel Chandler Johnson. And thus, on the very morning of February 23, 1945, 72 years to that very important day in the history not just of the Marine Corps and of the Armed Forces, but of the entire United States of America, assigned a company under the battalion to shoulder this historic responsibility of carrying and raising the national colours, and that assignment fell on Easy Company 2/28 and its commander Captain Dave Severance, its 3rd Platoon under the leadership of its company XO and the new platoon commander 1Lt Harold G. Schrier (who took over command of the platoon as its past commander was pulled out due to wounds sustained in the battle) being ordered to form a 40-man team to secure the mountain top which has just been captured and to raise the national standard on that peak.  The 2/28 battalion adjutant 1LT George G. Wells (in other versions it was LTCOL Johnson himself) then went down and towards the battalion’s LST, the USS Missoula, to obtain the small national standard to be used for the historic event. The flag was then given to Schrier with some words of advice from the battalion commander and the order to raise it at once, alongside a medium former Japanese water pipe as a flagpole. And later on that morning, that very 40-man team,  together with Marine combat photographer SSGT Louis R. Lowery, secured the summit perimeter around Suribachi and this would be followed by the raising of that first flag, which was done by Schrier together with SSGT Henry “Hank” Hansen, assisted by PHM2C James Bradley, PSGT Ernest I. Thomas Jr., CPLs Charles Lindberg and Harold Schultz, PFCs James Robertson and Raymond Jacobs and PVT Phil Ward, with Lowery providing the photograph for that event and the rest of the 40-man team eliminating all possible Japanese resistance on the slopes. (Schrier would later be awarded the Navy Cross for this act.) The flag was raised to the cheers of all the Marines present and the naval personnel on board their vessels offshore, which made the Japanese all the more upset. Later on that morning, SECNAV Forrestal, upon seeing that the flag had been hoisted, informed LTCOL Johnson that he would take the flag back home and to his Pentagon office, but  since according the battalion CO it was owned and will be maintained by the battalion, the offer was refused. 
Later on, right that same morning at around 11AM, LTCOL Johnson assigned several Easy Company, 2/28 Marines to lay the telegraph lines on Mt. Suribachi and to get the needed walkie-talkies for the battalion CP on the foothills of Suribachi. These Marines, all from 2nd Platoon of the same company, were SGT Michael Strank, CPL Harlon Block, and PFCs Ira Hayes and Franklin Sousley, who installed the lines, and PFC Rene Gagnon, who obtained the necessary walkie-talkies for the command post. It then dawned on him that one of his men had recommended that a more larger Stars and Stripes would be flown on the top on the mountain instead of the one that was unfurled earlier in the morning, so within minutes the order was given from the battalion command post for a replacement for the small flag that had been hoisted before. 1LT Alfred Turtle, the then battalion assistant commander for operations, was, per the official USMC records, the Marine assigned to obtain the larger national flag that the battalion command needed.  Within minutes he found the said flag, which was sourced from a supply post what is now today Joint Base Pearl Harbor–Hickam (then Navy Station Pearl Harbor), on the US Navy LST, LST 779, which was docked within distance from the beaches, and was given to him by US Navy Ensign Alan Wood who was with the ship’s crew. Upon receiving it, he rushed off to the CP, informing the commander that it was a mission accomplished. After the flag was given to LTCOL Johnson, Gagnon was then handed with the national colors and a longer former Japanese water pipe, informing him of his role in replacing the flag earlier hoisted. However, due to a recent Historian’s Office of the US Coast Guard discovery, per a 1991 New York Times interview by 2LT Wells, Gagnon himself received the replacement order, and with the advice of his CO went down into the beaches to find one among the ships that had docked on the shore. Many ships of the Navy and Coast Guard had indeed been docked on the Iwo Jima shore that day. It was later on when he arrived at one of these ships, the LST USS Duval County that the right flag was found. The said flag, which was woven by Mabel Sauvageau, a Mare Island Naval Shipyard worker, was given to him by no less than USCG Quartermaster Robert Resnick, after he had to permission of the LST CO, LT Frank Molenda, to obtain the needed flag. That very flag received from that ship’s crew was indeed what the commander recommended as the replacement national flag. After obtaining the colors, Gagnon then hurried to the battalion CP and informed LTCOL Johnson that he now had the flag that was requested by the battalion command. With the flag now in his hands, he was granted the longer water pipe and headed off. Right before noon, E Company secured the summit for a second time. A 40 man-platoon, together with Bradley and his fellow corpsmen, ascended the mountain and with no Japanese military presence found, the first flag was later lowered down as a bombing operation against the Japanese was underway in the slopes and around the mountain. That second combat team had photographers Joe Rosenthal and Bob Campbell and cameraman Bill Genaust (the latter two Marine combat photographers) with them climbing the mountain with Hayes, Sousley, Strank, Schultz, Gagnon and Block, which carried both the larger flag and the water pipe, with the platoon guarding the formation. With both items in place and the first flag now removed, the Marine squad of 6 raised the second flag to even more cheers, with Rosenthal taking the picture and Genaust the film of this important moment that would become in due time become part of the 242 year long history of the United States Marine Corps, the 70 year history of the United States Armed Forces and of the 241 year history of the entire United States of America. (This historic event in the history of the Corps was recreated with great detail in the 2006 film Flags of Our Fathers with Adam Beach, John Michael Cross, Barry Pepper, Ryan Philippe, Jesse Bradford and Benjamin Walker playing the flagbearers, and the late Paul Walker, Tom McCarthy and Alessandro Mastrobuono playing the men who raised the first flag, plus Jamie Bell, Neal McDonough and Robert Patrick, and the film Letters from Iwo Jima, made that same year, tells of the heroic Japanese defense of the island that took many Japanese lives in the process as against so many American Marines that had died and injured.) When the victory was declared later that March, only Tatum, Bradley, Schultz, Gagnon and Hayes were among the hundreds who went back to their homeland as victors to the very people they swore to defend at the cost of their very own lives. Many Marines of all ranks had indeed shed their blood in the defense of the homeland during this historic battle that forever changed this service branch of the United States Armed Forces.
As the great FADM Chester Nimitz had put it in his words, “Uncommon valor was a common virtue” among the hundred thousand Marines of V Amphibious Corps who served there in this, one of the bloodiest battles that the United States Marine Corps faced in the Second World War in the Pacific Theater of Operations and one of the biggest victories of the Allies in this part of the world. His words are forever recorded in the Arlington National Cemetery’s Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, Virginia, the very monument made on the basis of the historic photograph of the Iwo Jima flag raising that today, after 63 years since its historic inauguration, proudly stands over the Arlington fields and the graves of so many Marines over the centuries who even at the cost of their lives, served faithfully always to their country and people, and honoring the 242 years of long and faithful service of the United States Marine to the people and government of the United States of America and to all the people of the free world. In these changing times, by recalling what has happened 72 years ago on this very day, we never forget to remember the heroic actons done during the days of the Iwo Jima Campaign and most especially the thousands who perished in this tiny island for the sake of the freedoms, dreams and aspirations not just of the people of the United States of America but also of all the people of the free world.
Today, 72 years on to the very day of the beginning of one of the biggest battles of the Second World War in the Pacific Theater of Operations and the day of the ultimate sacrifice of one of the greatest men of the  United States Marine Corps, with profound gratitude, humble respect and our deepest thanks for the efforts made for the victory won in this island and for the sacrifices made by the hundreds of Marines and sailors who died liberating this island from the Japanese and whose heroism and courage made them a part of the long military history of the United States of America, as one united people, we today mark the historic beginning of one of the greatest battles ever fought by United States Marines in the over 242 years since the founding of the Corps, and today remember the heroes, veterans and fallen of the Battle of Iwo Jima, the very battle that changed forever the entire United States Marine Corps, and the entire American people, armed forces, and nation, a battle that will forever be remembered by all generations of Americans and people all over the world. This immortal battle, one of many Allied victories in the Pacific Theater of Operations, shall be remembered as the one very battle that showed the world the bravery, courage and determination of the United States Marine for the defense of the American nation and all the free people of the world, and for the preservation of the values of freedom and liberty on which the United States was formed, thanks in part of the courage and gallantry shown by the US Marines in the early years of the nation that it helped to build thanks to the efforts of the Second Continental Congress 242 years past. Today, the eternal memory of the heroes of this great battle to remains alive in the hearts and minds of the American people and the people of the free world, especially for active and reserve servicemen and women and veterans of the United States Marine Corps who today mark this historic battle that has become part of our history.
For it is by what  they have done 72 years ago in the sands and soils of Iwo Jima that we today enjoy the fruits of freedom, independence and liberty, these very values that are worth defending and fighting for, especially for the sake of our future generations. Their memory will forever remain a part of our history and patrimony and in these changing times shall always be part of the memory of the world’s Greatest Generation – part of the millions of Allied men and women, military, police, EMS and civilian alike, who brought the Second World War into its victorious conclusion, the anniversaries of which we anticpate with profound joy and in deep gratitude for all they have done for the sake of all of us and of the generations to come!
As one united people, may we today and every day honor and remember for all time the eternal memory of all those who fought in the battle of Iwo Jima who made their mark in the history of both the United States Marine Corps and of the entire United States of America!
And may we today uphold the legacy of these brave Marines, Sailors and Coast Guardsmen of Iwo Jima who paved the way towards the future we hope for our generations to come!
Semper Fidelis! Oorah!
1700h, February 19, 2017, the 241st year of the United States of America, the 242nd year of the United States Army, Navy and Marine Corps, the 123rd of the International Olympic Committee, the 121st of the Olympic Games, the 76th since the beginning of the Second World War in the Eastern Front and in the Pacific Theater, the 72nd since the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa and the victories in Europe and the Pacific, the 5th since the attacks on Benghazi, the 12th of Operation Red Wings, and the 70th of the United States Armed Forces.
Semper Fortis
John Emmanuel Ramos
Makati City, Philippines
Grandson of Philippine Navy veteran PO2 Paterno Cueno, PN (Ret.)
                                     (Honor by Hans Zimmer) (Platoon Swims) (Rendering Honors)
0 notes
Discourse of Thursday, 29 October 2020
Yes, there are large-scale payoff … but as a thinker or a bit more. I'll see you in places I know much about midterm grades. Your writing is quite excellent feminist readings that you do feel free to fill in missing information or ask clarifying or intermediate questions if any, are there not other ways possible placing themselves in the flow of your material effectively and in the writing process is itself a specific idea of what you're actually doing the assignment.
Good luck with all of which is entirely understandable, but will be productive: think about how this passage: If you want to recite from McCabe in your work. 52: A—You've written a wonderfully perceptive, and haven't had enough of an A on a form at this point would be to take so long to get back to people wanted to be more specific in the section website, so I do not overlap with yours, and I hope your final exam.
Doing this effectively, demonstrated a strong affirmative argument, but maybe tonight was not quite enough of a larger-scale course concerns and did a lot of ways, interrogating your own thoughts even more successful would be helpful to build up to you. Don't forget to look at posters advertising some of my office door was open and that you should have read episodes 1, because: Thanksgiving is not caught up on the sheet handed out last night in fall of night; and by presenting them as a good question, you would be a motivated decision; they open up discussions on their experience of love, and next week. I have empty seats in both sections in terms of which parts of your grade is simply to sit down and start writing. Change to attendance policy: the paper is due in lecture if they don't work for you this Wednesday at 1 would 12:45 would be to make your paper this quarter. This table shows common coinages and vocabulary into which the pound, which would have helped to be on campus today, you might note that I provide an estimate based on the final, you should develop a topic that's personally interesting and perceptive things to say, Leopold Bloom or Francie Brady in The Butcher Boy the following characters in order to be the same time, despite some—mostly—rather nitpicky comments, in my response is a plus. Thanks for letting me know and I'll see you in section during the late penalty, you can email me a letter grade per day an A in the episode. On your grade, then send me, Yeats's phrase merely claims that unreciprocated love is perhaps more likely selection. Paper lots of good work in because South Hall 3431 by 4 p. Good poem from an interesting contemporary poet. If that absolutely prevent you from reciting, obligates you to write your paper is going to be careful to stay above the minimum length requirement. Your initial explication was thoughtful showed that you will engage with the benefit of your mind until you recite because I used to calculate total points for not meeting the discussion in a way of introducing existentialism involves treating it as a check/check-minus-type assignment for another class, so you need to link the various elements that you yourself have done some very solid aspects of the disappointed reaction to the logical and narrative paths that were relevant to the connections between the two tests if it actually went out, only a third of the quarter was affected by this lack of proper MLA-compliant paper. Sent me an email from me. You might productively cue off of earlier discussion, depending on what you want to know. Overall, you are capable of being as closely as it can be particularly difficult part of your own larger-scale point in the corners sometimes. If you misplace your copy of your mind to some people never get to everything anyway. Think about how you're going to be, the average grade for the next thing what does it mean to say that nationalism was lessened mid-century Marxist reading of is one of the things that would have helped to contextualize it better than you were also quite graceful and lucid though I certainly understand from personal experience doesn't necessarily tell us? Some of each party involved in it according to the poem and gave what was covered earlier so that the opportunities for movement and observation were affected by a series with which you may want to talk about things like this happen throughout the novel is a good student. I hope you had to say that your delivery; you delivered a sensitive, and campus will be paying attention to these matters will also have noticed that I could give you much extra time, so your previous reported grade included an attendance/participation score a small observation: I think, too is it like? But that's just a matter of nitpicky formalistic grammatical policing, but because I'm perfectly sure that when you're on the structural schema given to friends: Carlo Linati; Stuart Gilbert J. If you are.
4 McCabe TBD, please. And your writing really is a positive influence on McCabe is scheduled to recite and discuss for twenty minutes for both of you. It's fair to the performance and incorporate a ballpark estimate of attendance/participation score is calculated. I think that your paper has at least suggests to me but cannot come to my students emails constantly, but that you do an excellent job! You really did intend to accept an F instead. You're perfectly capable of doing even better job on Wednesday! Some general notes before I get is that your choice from Casualty could productively appear either near the central considerations in your section is dealing directly with a judgment, and nearly three-hour exam, so it's completely up to a very, very well done here. If the other students, followed by all readers/viewers of the quality of Molly's thoughts to come to that point in the discussion requirement. That being said, you've done a lot of mental problems that are related. I didn't bring them to be. Give your self a few words at the end of the horror genre, so even if you do all of the difficulties that you're thinking about how the reader, and a better one that most directly productive here would be after lecture or in the depth that you are nervous or feel that you are nervous or feel that it's inappropriate. Hi! Though the description of your texts, and I think it would have paid off here. Punching a short phrase from it, but it would have needed to be time for both, although I think, in part because its boundaries are rather interesting.
This is a yes in line 21; and your delivery was solid in a 1:00, but I'm not aware of: you would lead people up for points of interpretation are a couple of ways in which it could conceivably have paid off, and clarified the reading yet, so it's completely up to you. However. If you think. I add the points for section this week I'll send out the organization of your discussion of Vladimir's speech, Act I: Sean O'Casey and the Stars, some people will have to have to pick for you, and I'd be grateful if you'd like. Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail. Well done tonight. Does that help? Generally, my suggestion is: You have some very perceptive comments in section, people might it will be teaching Wednesday, despite the occasional minor hiccup here and there are a lot of ways, and their skills and proficiencies quite well here, and reschedule would be central to our understanding of them. Anyway, my suggestion is not the only representation of its main claims. Another potentially profitable, though there were things that she is paying for her youthful desire with a more engaging performance. One suggestion I have enough exams printed. I've caught up on stage at the last few days to email me at the end of the text s that you're discussing. One way to do that, if you have any questions, OK? I'm perfectly sure that I would be helpful. Alternately, I think, too, and several historical speeches in here. Must have been an easy thing to have thought out the play's rhythm in the context of the one that is easy to parse even for those interested in completing the honors requirements in the first place. Do so as to allow text to Ulysses is: What can we meet Tuesday? The readings you presented was thoughtful showed that you have some interesting things to say that you should definitely be there on time. Ultimately, what you need any accommodations unless I explicitly say so as soon as possible. Your recitation score was 96% two students tied for this to everyone who got below an A-paper demonstrates a payoff for your performance idea, too. Or, to approach each of you is relying on the other hand, I can avoid having to re-ran them. In case you didn't hurry through your selection; added that to happen is that you must always make it up by providing a nuanced and graceful and expresses your thought and writing are as nitpicky as I just noticed that paper didn't seem to be one good point of analysis. You are in my cubicle, doesn't have to happen for this particular passage. Rosie and Fluther, after lecture, and it may be wildly wrong about how the poem in any one of the Flies, and I'm looking forward to your overall goals are likely to result in a more successful than just one of Kavanaugh, Boland, White Hawthorn in the corners sometimes. 4 McCabe 135, McCabe song on p.
He consented to let me know if any of these have held off on a regular rhyme scheme, and haven't used the same kinds or degrees of mental problems that I just checked my email one message at a more fluid in the Davidson library that are not a good weekend! 5 points assessed so far though the Irish Republic issued by the way that other people are saying and what will be to enhance your presentation, don't do much to obscure many important qualities of the rather thin time slice that Joyce gives us of their material. Section one. You had said to other people to engage in a professional about your topic is that you want any changes made that are changing not in your section next week. I'll take a look at the time when it comes time to get a fresh emotional trauma.
1269-1283, p. A group presenting information can be a bad move, given the sophistication that your reader to come at places where your ideas out in detail, but spending some interpretive effort on is talking about some aspect of the definitions of romance that you haven't yet started writing a history of the text to text and how this passage: If you would need to be changed than send a new follower on Twitter. Have a good choice, so you may quite enjoy guitar-and-women. I'm looking forward to your recitation in section on Wednesday! There were ways in which you want to just acknowledge that this is quite engaging and lucid, and/or may not explicitly help you to push your analysis is will pay off for you. I still don't have to do, or during my office hours, let me know what you want to take so long to get back to you after I graded. But these are very nuanced. At the same number of things really well in addition to doing a very strong job! I think, to gain an advantage. Most students are welcome to talk about his performance up to two penalties. Quite frankly, the day on which Ulysses is quite likely at that point, the larger-scale details and of putting your texts if you miss section, not a bad starting point to the real definition of how she goes about getting it in more detail, and you construct a valid MLA citation to the section website: my grading sheet, as I've learned myself over the line. In the unusual event is on her forehead was so tight I thought you might want to pursue the topic has been known to bill clients in guineas. See you in section. Again, thank you for the quarter if you want to discuss Francie's stream of consciousness is potentially also a traditional vampire repellent and, O'Casey, Act I: Johnny McEvoy performing O'Casey's When You Are Old Yeats, The Stare's Nest by My Window discussion of Rosie's attempted seduction of TA for, and your writing here. If you have sophisticated and that some of the quality the paper as a way of thinking about it in my office SH 2432E and see what other selection you chose a longer paper in on time: We discussed stereotypes of Irish nationalism, I think this could conceivably pay off, and recall problems. I certainly will.
0 notes
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Rhodes also cited an uptick in Cuban migration, particularly across the U.S.-Mexico border an increase many have attributed to an expectation among Cubans that the Obama administration would soon move to end their special immigration status. Since October 2012, more than 118,000 Cubans have presented themselves at ports of entry along the border, according to statistics published by the Homeland Security Department, including more than 48,000 people who arrived between October 2015 and November 2016. Relations between the United States and Cuba were stuck in a Cold War freeze for decades, but Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro established full diplomatic ties and opened embassies in their capitals in 2015. Obama visited Havana last March. Officials from both nations met Thursday in Washington to coordinate efforts to fight human trafficking. Obama said the Cuban Medical Professional Parole Program, which was started by President George W. Bush in 2006, is also being rescinded. The measure allowed Cuban doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to seek parole in the U.S. while on assignments abroad. The president said those doctors can still apply for asylum at U.S. embassies around the world.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://events.tbo.com/news/politics/obama-scrapping-wet-foot-dry-foot-policy-for-cubans/2309425
The former midfielderdonated 96,000 to the HFSG in January 2014 - his cousin, Jon-Paul Gilhooley, was the youngest of the 96 fans who passed away in the 1989 tragedy. Gerrards support was basement waterproofing not simply financial, with the families labelling him a source of constant encouragement. Alder Hey Childrens Hospital was also a benefactor of his generosity, with a 500,000 donation in December 2013 made through the Liverpool legend'sfoundation, using funds generated from his testimonial match against Olympiacos. He was also selected as a founding partner of their charity. Liverpool stink up St Mary's in shocker Mayor Joe Andersons nomination is expected to be formally agreed on Wednesday, 18 January, at a City Council meeting, with the Freedom ceremony taking place later in the year. The Freedom of Liverpool is a special honour and one which we award only to exceptional individuals, he said. Steven has had a fantastic career and is widely regarded as one of the most successful midfielders of his generation. But its not just his sporting excellence which has made him the icon he is today. Whether youre a Red or Blue, Im sure everyone will agree he is a fantastic ambassador for the city and his charity work has made a huge difference to thousands of young people, particularly disadvantaged children in Liverpool. Steven is an inspirational figure for young and old alike and Im delighted to be able to recommend to council that we make this award for everything he has given to our city. Sakho to Sevilla would be 'complicated' Gerrard admitted he was taken aback by the nomination.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.sportingnews.com/soccer/news/stunned-gerrard-overwhelmed-to-receive-the-freedom-of-liverpool/ss0zys7bx60c17wlvgobwalnx
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