#HRM 595 Negotiation Skills Full Course
HRM 595 Negotiation Skills Full Course
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DeVry HRM595 week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 latest DeVry HRM595 week 1 dq 1
  Case Study: Noisy Neighbors (graded) Linda and Larry are angry because their new neighbors in the apartment complex, Dale and Donna, seem to hold late-night parties every Thursday. Linda and Larry both have long work days that require them to rise early and remain alert all day. Linda and Larry have asked Dale and Donna to keep the noise down on Thursday nights and conclude their parties by midnight. Dale and Donna have ignored their requests. Linda and Larry have reached their boiling points and have decided to call the police this Thursday if the party goes on beyond midnight. Given this scenario, how have Linda and Larry handled the conflict thus far? What should they do now? Additional questions to consider: 1. Some negotiating is “interest-based”, and some is “rights based”. What determines which approach is better and which approach is least costly? 2. When is “active avoidance” appropriate? DeVry HRM595 week 1 dq 2
Sick Leave (graded) Read Case 8, “Sick Leave”, in the back section of your e-text. After reading the case, identify and explain the conflict that occurred, how it occurred, how it could have been avoided, and what Kelly and the other ALTs should do now. Consider the Chapter 16 concepts on international and cross-cultural negotiation in your answer. Also, consider the questions and answers from the Personal Bargaining Inventory assignment. Given your own scoring on the Personal Bargaining Inventory, how well would you have likely handled the situation if you were Kelly? DeVry HRM595 week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 latest DeVry HRM595 week 2 dq 1
What Is the Relationship Between Goal Setting, Strategy Development, and Planning in a Nego (graded)
To what extent does goal setting drive strategy development in a negotiation? What is the difference between strategy and tactics in a negotiation? Why are there ten steps in the negotiation planning process? Are all ten steps necessary? DeVry HRM595 week 2 dq 2
What Is Framing and Why Should I Do It? (graded)
To what extent does the way you frame a problem influence the outcome of negotiation? Can you change your frame once negotiations begin? Can you have more than one frame? What do you do if the other side frames the problem differently than you do? Provide examples from your own experience in answering these questions.
DeVry HRM595 week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 latest dq 1
Seeing Things My Way (graded) In a distributive bargaining scenario, how do I get the other party to go along? How do I “win”? Does bad faith exist in a distributive bargaining scenario? For instance, when selective presentation is used, does it ever become an exercise in bad faith? Provide examples from your own experience. dq 2
  Winning at Win-Lose (graded)
Should I open “high”, and should I concede anything? How firm should my final offer be? If I commit to a position, can I walk away from it? What do I do if the other party plays hardball? Provides examples from your own experience.
DeVry HRM595 week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 october dq 1
Why Integrative Bargaining? (graded) What makes integrative bargaining different from distributive bargaining? What are the different kinds of interests that need to be identified by each of the negotiators? What are the factors in integrative negotiation that make it difficult to achieve an agreement? Provide examples from your own experience. dq 2
Finding Alternative Solutions (graded) How do I generate alternative solutions based on the issues being negotiated? How do I evaluate, select, and prioritize from among them? Provide examples from your own experience.
DeVry HRM595 week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 dq 1
  You Just Don’t Understand (graded) What are the major perceptual errors? Why do they occur? What are some cognitive biases, and what can we do to manage them in the negotiation process? What steps can we take to improve communication between the parties in negotiation, and what are some fatal mistakes to avoid? Provide examples from your own experience. dq 2
  Impasse—What Happened? (graded) We’re at an impasse. What led us to this point? If I get angry, can I get even? If I don’t get angry, how can I just walk away from the negotiation? If I don’t walk away, how do we break the impasse? Should I issue an ultimatum? Why are some people so difficult? Should I try to bring a difficult person to his or her senses, or to his or her knees? Use examples from personal or business experience or from outside reading. DeVry HRM595 week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 dq 1
  Negotiating With Relationships (graded) What are the major social factors in negotiation? What is more important when negotiating within relationships: trust or justice? Are some forms of trust better? How can one increase trust? Provide examples from your experiences and incorporate your answers from The Trust Scale questionnaire whenever applicable. dq 2
Forming and Managing Multiparty Coalitions (graded) How do coalitions get started and how do they grow? What tactics can you implement to strengthen a multiparty coalition? What are the differences between a bedfellow and a fence sitter in terms of forming and storming coalitions? Are Internet coalitions “sticky”? DeVry HRM595 week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 dq 1
Power in Negotiations (graded) What is power? How does one acquire power and what is the best kind of power to have? How do I preserve the power that I have? How do I influence someone with power and make sure that my message gets through? Use examples from personal or business experience. dq 2
Your Lying and Cheating Ways (graded) Isn’t this “ethics” business all about not lying and cheating? If other people do it, shouldn’t I be doing it to them? Who is more unethical: men or women? Younger folks or older folks? Experienced negotiators or inexperienced ones? The highly educated or the not-so-educated? Sociology majors or business majors? Are some nationalities/cultural groups/personality types more likely to lie and cheat in negotiations? After taking an ethics course, will I be a more ethical negotiator? If not, how can I deal with the other party’s deceptions? In answering these questions, incorporate your answers from the SINS II Scale questionnaire and personal or business experience. DeVry HRM595 Week 1 Personal Bargaining Inventory Assignment latest 2016 october Complete Questionnaire 1: The Personal Bargaining Inventory, which is located in the back section of your e-text. Part 1 of the assignment: Record your responses to questions 1–50 using the Personal Bargai ning Inventory Answer Sheet found in Doc Sharing. Part 2 of the assignment: After listing your responses to questions 1–50, explain what you learned about your perceptions of yourself in conjunction with negotiations and how this questionnaire has helped you in clarifying your perceptions. [Note: There is no scoring scale for this assignment. Your reflection is based solely on how you reacted to and interpreted your responses to the survey questions.] Submit your assignment (Note: You may add your reflection on the personal bargaining inventory answer sheet) to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. DeVry HRM595 Week 2 Field Analysis Assignment FIELD ANALYSIS UNDERSTANDING THE KEY PARTIES AND THEIR ROLE IN A NEGOTIATION General information and instructions: 1. Review text pages 137–139 in Chapter 4. These pages cover step 9 in the planning process, assessing the social context of negotiation. 2. The field analysis tool is helpful when negotiators have to consider multiple parties—on their own side and on the other side—who can affect a negotiation outcome, and whose needs and interests must be considered. 3. Take note that the soccer field (see diagram below) is a metaphor for a two-party multi-stakeholder contract negotiation. Specific information and instructions: 1. Assume that you are the negotiator who is tasked with a salary (on call time, step increases, overtime for captains and majors) and benefits (insurance while employed, insurance after retirement, accrual of leave time, retirement multipliers) dispute between a large municipal county with a strong mayor and the sheriff’s department for the county. 2. You are negotiating the contract on behalf of the sheriff’s office. The purpose of this activity is to give you an opportunity to construct a field analysis on your relationship with a specific other negotiator. This tool should be helpful when negotiators have to consider multiple parties—on their own side and on the other side—who can affect a negotiation outcome, and whose needs and interests must be considered. 3. The field has the following stakeholders. a. On the fieldwould be members of your team and members of the other team (A, B). b. On the sidelinesare backup players, coaches, trainers, and other team personnel (C). c. In the standsare fans who are watching the negotiation, members of the media, and other direct observers (D). d. The elements outside the stadium—the location of the stadium, the weather, and other “context factors” which can shape how the game evolves and is played (E) 4. Questions are presented in identical pairs (1,2; 3,4; 5,6; and 7,8) but answers will not necessarily be the same. 5. Questions 7 and 8 have four sub-parts, which require answers in each sub-part. 6. Place your answers in the boxes provided in this form. Boxes will expand as needed.
YOU/YOUR TEAM OTHER/OTHER’S TEAM   1. Who is on my team on the field? (A) 2. Who is on their team on the field? (B)   3. Who is on my sidelines who can affect the play of the game? (C) 4. Who is on their sidelines who can affect the play of the game? (C)   5. Who is in my stands that are involved and interested, either directly or indirectly? (D) 6. Who is in their stands that are involved and interested, either directly or indirectly? (D)   7. What elements outside the stadium have an interest in the game, or can affect our game in positive or negative ways (E)? a. Affect the rules? b. Change the climate? c. Other competitors? d. Industry shifts and changes? 8. What elements outside the stadium have an interest in the game, or can affect their game in positive or negative ways (E)? a. Affect the rules? b. Change the climate? c. Other competitors? d. Industry shifts and changes? DeVry HRM595 Week 3 Topic Proposal Assignment latest 2016 october Course Project By the end of the week, submit a topic proposal for your Negotiation Analysis Paper. The proposal (one page) should describe the focus of the paper and your method. The negotiation can be one in which you were a participant or one in which you have been an active observer. Some examples of applicable negotiations include a workplace negotiation, such as a complex contract, new position or new salary (preferred); a complex business transaction, such as a merger or acquisition; a complex real estate purchase; a union-management contract (including professional sports leagues); a neighborhood group negotiating zoning concerns with a city government; a negotiation between divorcing spouses who have complex settlement issues; and a negotiation between a vendor and business over products and services. The above are representative examples of possible topics. The important thing to keep in mind in your topic selection is that the negotiation should be complex enough that you can preform a thoughtful and critical analysis in your paper using concepts learned in this course. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. DeVry HRM595 Week 4 Tutorial Assignment latest Prepare responses to the questions below after viewing the Negotiation Strategy and Tactics Tutorial in this week’s lecture. In drafting your answers to the questions, make sure that you apply course concepts in your answers. Part A: What are the objectives of both parties in the exchanges? How would you describe the general “tone” of the exchanges? Part B: Were Marilyn’s objectives achieved in the first exchange? Were Len’s objectives achieved in the first exchange? What do you project the outcome of the first exchange to be? Part C: Were Marilyn’s objectives achieved in the second exchange? Were Len’s objectives achieved in the second exchange? What do you project the outcome of the second exchange to be? Part D: Identify two points of transition in each exchange and analyze the impact of the transitions on the negotiation. Grading rubric: Each part = 15 grade points Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. DeVry HRM595 Week 5 Case Study Assignment latest Read Case Study 1: Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation in your e-text. Prepare a 3–4 page paper (include a cover page) identifying the following items as they pertain to a negotiation in the case study between Randall and Dolan. Be sure to incorporate course concepts in your answers. Identify guidelines that you should follow during the negotiation. Be specific! Identify and describe the steps of the negotiation process. Identify and apply guidelines that will enable you to facilitate effective communication during the negotiation. Identify and justify the types of questions that you should ask during the negotiation. Identify the characteristics of the negotiation styles present. Identify and apply the guidelines that you should follow when this negotiation becomes challenging. Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
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HRM 595 Negotiation Skills Full Course
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 HRM 595 Negotiation Skills Full Course
 DeVry HRM595 week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 latest
 DeVry HRM595 week 1 dq 1
 Case  Study: Noisy Neighbors (graded)
 Linda and Larry are angry because their new neighbors in the apartment complex, Dale and Donna, seem to hold late-night parties every Thursday. Linda and Larry both have long work days that require them to rise early and remain alert all day. Linda and Larry have asked Dale and Donna to keep the noise down on Thursday nights and conclude their parties by midnight. Dale and Donna have ignored their requests. Linda and Larry have reached their boiling points and have decided to call the police this Thursday if the party goes on beyond midnight.
Given this scenario, how have Linda and Larry handled the conflict thus far? What should they do now?
Additional questions to consider:
1.     1. Some negotiating is “interest-based”, and some is “rights based”. What determines which approach is better and which approach is least costly?
2.     2. When is “active avoidance” appropriate?
 DeVry HRM595 week 1 dq 2
 Sick  Leave (graded)
 Read Case 8, “Sick Leave”, in the back section of your e-text.
After reading the case, identify and explain the conflict that occurred, how it occurred, how it could have been avoided, and what Kelly and the other ALTs should do now. Consider the Chapter 16 concepts on international and cross-cultural negotiation in your answer. Also, consider the questions and answers from the Personal Bargaining Inventory assignment. Given your own scoring on the Personal Bargaining Inventory, how well would you have likely handled the situation if you were Kelly?
  DeVry HRM595 week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 latest
 DeVry HRM595 week 2 dq 1
 What  Is the Relationship Between Goal Setting, Strategy Development, and Planning  in a Nego (graded)
·         To what extent does goal setting drive strategy development in a negotiation?
·         What is the difference between strategy and tactics in a negotiation?
·         Why are there ten steps in the negotiation planning process? Are all ten steps necessary?
DeVry HRM595 week 2 dq 2
 What  Is Framing and Why Should I Do It? (graded)
·         To what extent does the way you frame a problem influence the outcome of negotiation?
·         Can you change your frame once negotiations begin? Can you have more than one frame?
·         What do you do if the other side frames the problem differently than you do?
·         Provide examples from your own experience in answering these questions.
DeVry HRM595 week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 latest
 dq 1
 Seeing  Things My Way (graded)
  ·         In a distributive bargaining scenario, how do I get the other party to go along? How do I “win”?
·         Does bad faith exist in a distributive bargaining scenario? For instance, when selective presentation is used, does it ever become an exercise in bad faith?
·         Provide examples from your own experience.
 dq 2
Winning  at Win-Lose (graded)
·         Should I open “high”, and should I concede anything? How firm should my final offer be? If I commit to a position, can I walk away from it? What do I do if the other party plays hardball?
·         Provides examples from your own experience.
 DeVry HRM595 week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016 october
 dq 1
   Why  Integrative Bargaining? (graded)
·         What makes integrative bargaining different from distributive bargaining?
·         What are the different kinds of interests that need to be identified by each of the negotiators?
·         What are the factors in integrative negotiation that make it difficult to achieve an agreement?
·         Provide examples from your own experience.
dq 2
 Finding  Alternative Solutions (graded)
·         How do I generate alternative solutions based on the issues being negotiated?
·         How do I evaluate, select, and prioritize from among them?
·         Provide examples from your own experience.
 DeVry HRM595 week 5 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016
dq 1
 You  Just Don’t Understand (graded)
·         What are the major perceptual errors? Why do they occur?
·         What are some cognitive biases, and what can we do to manage them in the negotiation process?
·         What steps can we take to improve communication between the parties in negotiation, and what are some fatal mistakes to avoid?
·         Provide examples from your own experience.
dq 2
Impasse—What  Happened? (graded)
·         We’re at an impasse. What led us to this point?
·         If I get angry, can I get even?
·         If I don’t get angry, how can I just walk away from the negotiation?
·         If I don’t walk away, how do we break the impasse? Should I issue an ultimatum?
·         Why are some people so difficult? Should I try to bring a difficult person to his or her senses, or to his or her knees?
·         Use examples from personal or business experience or from outside reading.
 DeVry HRM595 week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016
dq 1
 Negotiating  With Relationships (graded)
·         What are the major social factors in negotiation?
·         What is more important when negotiating within relationships: trust or justice? Are some forms of trust better? How can one increase trust?
·         Provide examples from your experiences and incorporate your answers from The Trust Scale questionnaire whenever applicable.
 dq 2
  Forming  and Managing Multiparty Coalitions (graded)
·         How do coalitions get started and how do they grow?
·         What tactics can you implement to strengthen a multiparty coalition?
·         What are the differences between a bedfellow and a fence sitter in terms of forming and storming coalitions?
·         Are Internet coalitions “sticky”?
 DeVry HRM595 week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 latest 2016
dq 1
  Power  in Negotiations (graded)
·         What is power? How does one acquire power and what is the best kind of power to have?
·         How do I preserve the power that I have?
·         How do I influence someone with power and make sure that my message gets through?
·         Use examples from personal or business experience.
 dq 2
Your  Lying and Cheating Ways (graded)
·         Isn’t this “ethics” business all about not lying and cheating?
·         If other people do it, shouldn’t I be doing it to them?
·         Who is more unethical: men or women? Younger folks or older folks? Experienced negotiators or inexperienced ones? The highly educated or the not-so-educated? Sociology majors or business majors? Are some nationalities/cultural groups/personality types more likely to lie and cheat in negotiations?
·         After taking an ethics course, will I be a more ethical negotiator? If not, how can I deal with the other party’s deceptions?
·         In answering these questions, incorporate your answers from the SINS II Scale questionnaire and personal or business experience.
 DeVry HRM595 Week 1 Personal Bargaining Inventory Assignment latest 2016 october
  Complete Questionnaire 1: The Personal Bargaining Inventory, which is located in the back section of your e-text.
Part 1 of the assignment: Record your responses to questions 1–50 using the Personal Bargai
 ning Inventory Answer Sheet found in Doc Sharing.
Part 2 of the assignment: After listing your responses to questions 1–50, explain what you learned about your perceptions of yourself in conjunction with negotiations and how this questionnaire has helped you in clarifying your perceptions. [Note: There is no scoring scale for this assignment. Your reflection is based solely on how you reacted to and interpreted your responses to the survey questions.]
Submit your assignment (Note: You may add your reflection on the personal bargaining inventory answer sheet) to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this Dropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
  DeVry HRM595 Week 2 Field Analysis Assignment
General information and instructions:
1.     1. Review text pages 137–139 in Chapter 4. These pages cover step 9 in the planning process, assessing the social context of negotiation.
2.     2. The field analysis tool is helpful when negotiators have to consider multiple parties—on their own side and on the other side—who can affect a negotiation outcome, and whose needs and interests must be considered.
3.     3. Take note that the soccer field (see diagram below) is a metaphor for a two-party multi-stakeholder contract negotiation.
Specific information and instructions:
1.     1. Assume that you are the negotiator who is tasked with a salary (on call time, step increases, overtime for captains and majors) and benefits (insurance while employed, insurance after retirement, accrual of leave time, retirement multipliers) dispute between a large municipal county with a strong mayor and the sheriff’s department for the county.
2.     2. You are negotiating the contract on behalf of the sheriff’s office. The purpose of this activity is to give you an opportunity to construct a field analysis on your relationship with a specific other negotiator. This tool should be helpful when negotiators have to consider multiple parties—on their own side and on the other side—who can affect a negotiation outcome, and whose needs and interests must be considered.
3.     3. The field has the following stakeholders.
4.     a. On the fieldwould be members of your team and members of the other team (A, B).
5.     b. On the sidelinesare backup players, coaches, trainers, and other team personnel (C).
6.     c. In the standsare fans who are watching the negotiation, members of the media, and other direct observers (D).
7.     d. The elements outside the stadium—the location of the stadium, the weather, and other “context factors” which can shape how the game evolves and is played (E)
8.     4. Questions are presented in identical pairs (1,2; 3,4; 5,6; and 7,8) but answers will not necessarily be the same.
9.     5. Questions 7 and 8 have four sub-parts, which require answers in each sub-part.
10.   6. Place your answers in the boxes provided in this form. Boxes will expand as needed.
1. Who is on my team  on the field? (A)
2. Who is on their  team on the field? (B)
3. Who is on my  sidelines who can affect the play of the game? (C)
4. Who is on their  sidelines who can affect the play of the game? (C)
5. Who is in my  stands that are involved and interested, either directly or indirectly? (D)
6. Who is in their  stands that are involved and interested, either directly or indirectly? (D)
7. What elements  outside the stadium have an interest in the game, or can affect our game in  positive or negative ways (E)?
a. Affect the rules?
b. Change the  climate?
c. Other competitors?
d. Industry shifts  and changes?
8. What elements  outside the stadium have an interest in the game, or can affect their game in  positive or negative ways (E)?
a. Affect the rules?
b. Change the  climate?
c. Other  competitors?
d. Industry shifts and  changes?
  DeVry HRM595 Week 3 Topic Proposal Assignment latest 2016 october
 Course Project
By the end of the week, submit a topic proposal for your Negotiation Analysis Paper. The proposal (one page) should describe the focus of the paper and your method. The negotiation can be one in which you were a participant or one in which you have been an active observer. Some examples of applicable negotiations include
a workplace negotiation, such as a complex contract, new position or new salary (preferred);
a complex business transaction, such as a merger or acquisition;
a complex real estate purchase;
a union-management contract (including professional sports leagues);
a neighborhood group negotiating zoning concerns with a city government;
a negotiation between divorcing spouses who have complex settlement issues; and
a negotiation between a vendor and business over products and services.
The above are representative examples of possible topics. The important thing to keep in mind in your topic selection is that the negotiation should be complex enough that you can preform a thoughtful and critical analysis in your paper using concepts learned in this course.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
  DeVry HRM595 Week 4 Tutorial Assignment latest
  Prepare responses to the questions below after viewing the Negotiation Strategy and Tactics Tutorial in this week’s lecture. In drafting your answers to the questions, make sure that you apply course concepts in your answers.
Part A: What are the objectives of both parties in the exchanges? How would you describe the general “tone” of the exchanges?
Part B: Were Marilyn’s objectives achieved in the first exchange? Were Len’s objectives achieved in the first exchange? What do you project the outcome of the first exchange to be?
Part C: Were Marilyn’s objectives achieved in the second exchange? Were Len’s objectives achieved in the second exchange? What do you project the outcome of the second exchange to be?
Part D: Identify two points of transition in each exchange and analyze the impact of the transitions on the negotiation.
Grading rubric: Each part = 15 grade points
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
  DeVry HRM595 Week 5 Case Study Assignment latest
 Read Case Study 1: Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation in your e-text.
Prepare a 3–4 page paper (include a cover page) identifying the following items as they pertain to a negotiation in the case study between Randall and Dolan. Be sure to incorporate course concepts in your answers.
Identify guidelines that you should follow during the negotiation. Be specific!
Identify and describe the steps of the negotiation process.
Identify and apply guidelines that will enable you to facilitate effective communication during the negotiation.
Identify and justify the types of questions that you should ask during the negotiation.
Identify the characteristics of the negotiation styles present.
Identify and apply the guidelines that you should follow when this negotiation becomes challenging.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.
  DeVry HRM595 Week 6 You Decide Assignment latest
1.     1. What is the appropriate negotiation strategy that would be most advantageous for Sharon and Jim in this scenario, distributive or integrative bargaining? List and describe the factors that should be considered in making this determination?
2.     2. What are HR’s interests in this scenario, and what would be the potential negotiation strategy between the Accounting Manager and HR assuming that there is a decision that the published salary range for attracting Jim will have to be exceeded in order to hire him?
 DeVry HRM595 Week 7 Final Paper Assignment latest
 Course Project: Negotiation Analysis Paper
Objective | Guidelines | Grading Rubrics | Best Practices
The purpose of the negotiation analysis paper is to help you transfer the negotiation concepts from the course to negotiations in your own organization. I would like you to use concepts learned in the course to analyze a negotiation situation. The negotiation may be one that has recently concluded or one that you are in the midst of. It may be a negotiation between organizations or within an organization. It may be a dyadic negotiation or one with multiple parties. It may be a situation of chronic conflict. It also may be a negotiation in which you observed and are familiar with the parties to the negotiations in order to conduct an analysis.
·         Paper (due in Week 7) must conform to APA format and be 13–15 pages in length, not including the title page, abstract and references.
·         Spend no more than three pages describing the situation.
·         Negotiation should be complex enough to challenge your analytic skills.
·         Topic proposal due in Week 3 (one page).
·         Week 3 – The proposed topic for the project paper is due in Week 3 (20 points). The proposal should be an explanation of the chosen negotiation topic, the parties to the negotiation, and proposed areas of analysis including negotiation strategies and tactics used. The proposal should be one page.
·         Week 7 – Final completed paper is due (130 points)
Grading  Rubrics
Total Points – 130
Criteria  for Evaluating Written Assignments
Meets  Expectations
Partially  Meets Expectations
Fails  to Meet Expectations
Points  Earned
Intellectual  Understanding
(20 Points)
Addresses all  aspects of assignment in sufficient depth
Addresses most  aspects of assignment in sufficient depth
Does not address  most aspects of assignment and/or fails to do so in sufficient depth
(20 Points)
Analyzes and  discusses many negotiation concepts by extending and elaborating with  realistic examples
Discusses with some  analysis several negotiation concepts by extending and elaborating with  realistic examples
Does not discuss  negotiation concepts or apply them to realistic examples
(20 Points)
Exhibits a  substantive and perceptive ability in analyzing and discussion negotiation  topic that is the focus of the paper
Discusses assignment  topic with some substance and evidence of perceptive ability
Does not exhibit  perceptive ability in discussing the assignment topic
(20 Points)
The majority of  opinions and analyses are rigorously supported by appropriate research.
Some opinions are  supported by appropriate research but much is not supported
The majority of  opinions and analysis is not supported by appropriate research
 Intellectual  Honesty
(20 Points)
All references are  acknowledged and properly cited in APA format
Some references are acknowledged  and properly cited in APA format
References are not  properly acknowledged and cited and/or do not conform to APA format
Organization  and Style
(30 Points)
Introduction –  Central theme/purpose is clearly identifiable and well developed; introductory  comments provide sufficient background on the topic and preview major points
Introduction –  Either the central theme/purpose is clearly identifiable and well developed;  or the introductory comments provide sufficient background on the topic and  preview major points, but not both
Introduction –  Central theme/purpose is not clearly identifiable nor well developed;  introductory comments do not provide sufficient background on the topic nor  preview major points
Conclusion and  recommendations follow logically from the body of the paper and bring closure  to the paper
Conclusion and  recommendations follow logically from the body of the paper but rather than  bringing closure to the paper, it merely summarizes what has been previously  stated
Conclusion and  recommendations do not follow logically from the body of the paper nor do  they bring closure to the paper
Subsequent sections  develop/support the central theme of the paper
The majority of the  subsequent sections develop/support the central theme of the paper
Subsequent sections  do not develop/support the central theme of the paper
Structure is clear,  logical, and easy to follow; smooth transition between paragraphs which help  maintain the flow of thought
Usually the  structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow, with smooth transitions  between paragraphs to help maintain the flow of thought
Sometimes the  structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow; seldom includes smooth  transitions between paragraphs to help maintain the flow of thought
Meets minimum  assigned length
Does not meet  minimum assigned length
No major errors in  spelling, punctuation, and grammar
Few errors in  spelling, punctuation, and grammar
Numerous errors in  spelling, punctuation, and grammar
Paper is laid out effectively  – uses headings and other reader-friendly tools
Paper is laid out  effectively, but could make better use of headings and other reader-friendly  tools
Paper is not laid  out effectively; fails to use headings and other reader–friendly tools
Paper is  professional in appearance and demonstrates attention to detail; tone of  voice is appropriate to the audience, content, and assignment
Paper is  professional in appearance and demonstrates attention to detail; but tone of  voice is inappropriate to the audience, content, and assignment
Paper is not  professional in appearance and demonstrates a lack of attention to detail;  tone of voice is inappropriate to the audience, content, and assignment
 Best  Practices
The following are the best practices in preparing this paper:
·         Title Page – Include who you prepared the paper for, who prepared, and date.
·         Table of Contents – List the main ideas and section of your paper and the pages in which they are located. The illustrations should be included separately.
·         Introduction – Use a header on your paper. This will indicate you are introducing your paper.
The purpose of an introduction or opening:
1.     Introduce the subject and why the subject is important. 2. Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered. 3. Establish a tone of the document.
Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)
·         Body of Your Report – Use a header titled with the name of your project. Example: “The negotiation between Company X and Company Y; An Analysis”. Then proceed to break out the main ideas. State the main ideas, state major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division, such as separate sections that are labeled, separate groups of paragraphs, or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.
·         Summary and Conclusion – Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect the tourism industry.
·         References – Follow APA Publications Manual, 6th edition in using in-text citations and include a reference page.
Additional hints on preparing the best possible project:
4.     Apply a three step process of writing (plan, write, and complete). 5. Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward. 6. Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required. 7. Use visual communication to further clarify and support the written part of your report. You could use example like graphs, diagrams, photographs, flowcharts, maps, drawings, animation, video clips, pictograms, tables, and Gantt charts if applicable.
  Devry HRM 595 Final Exam 
 1.     1) Joe McDonald is the HR manager of ACME chemicals.  His boss, Bill Jacobs, is concerned that the interactions between the various departments of the company are inconsistent and that there is too much competition between departments rather than cooperation.  Bill has asked you about ways to improve the negotiations between business units.  In your explanation to Bill, you need to explain the following: What are the three primary reasons that negotiations occur? What is the difference between bargaining and negotiation?  Why must successful negotiations involve both tangible and intangible components?  Do you think that ACME needs to pursue an integrative or a distributive approach to their future interdepartmental negotiations? (Points : 20)
 1.     (2) Define the term “conflict” and describe how it impacts the negotiation process.  Your explanation should include the 4 levels of conflict and the dysfunctions that conflict can create. In your response, you need to also provide your opinion as to whether conflict is always a negative component in negotiations. If not, why? (Points : 15)
 1.     (3) Jack Johnson owns a 1998 Ford Mustang that he is looking to sell.  He advertises in the Auto Trader.  Mary Smith responds to his ad and expresses interest in purchasing the vehicle.  Jack is asking $3500 for the car.  Mary is looking to pay no more than $2500 for the vehicle.  Would you describe this negotiation as a distributive or an integrative negotiation? Why? Jack has set $3500 as the price of his car but is willing to take $3000 for the vehicle. Anything under $3000 will not be accepted. Mary wants to pay $2500 for the car, but is willing to go up to $3000.  Anything over $3000 will cause the deal to fail. Define and contrast the Walkaway Points, Target Points and Asking Price/Initial Offer of the parties. What are some of the strategies that could be used by each party to achieve the outcome they desire? (Points : 30)
 1.     (4) What makes an integrative negotiation different from a distributive negotiation? Define the key steps in the integrative negotiation process.  How does establishment of a BATNA aid the parties in realizing their integrative outcome? (Define the term BATNA in your response). If a win-win outcome is beneficial to both parties, then why is it so difficult to achieve? (Points : 30)
 1.     (5) Often there are other parties to a negotiation that can add great complexity to the process.  Define the following terms: Negotiating Dyad; Agent; Constituency; Bystander; Audience. What are some of the reasons that an individual might engage the services of an agent to represent him/her in a negotiation? (Discuss at least three)  What are the three distinct relationships that an Agent has to maintain in the negotiation process? (Points : 30)
 1.     (6) Marie Smith is the head of Marketing for Jones Construction. Harry Brown is the on-site project manager for all major construction projects.  Marie is interested in expanding the budget for general marketing activities.  Harry wants these resources reserved for existing projects.  Marie comes to you for advice on the key steps she should use in preparing for her negotiation with Harry.  Discuss the 7 steps to an ideal negotiation process. (Points : 15)
 1.     (7) As Marie and Harry enter into their negotiations, their perceptions of each other will be an important component to the negotiation process. Define perception and the role it plays in the negotiation process. What are the four major perceptual errors that tend to occur?  What does the term “framing” mean and how does it relate to the issue of perceptions? How can we counter these perceptual errors? (Points : 30)
 1.     (8) We have discussed the importance of communication in the negotiation process. We reviewed the concept of communication as a sender encoding a message to a receiver who decodes the message and then responds back to the sender – thus creating the feedback process important to every negotiation. What are the major sources of distortion that can interfere with communication? (Name and define at least 3) What are the three key questions we need to ask regarding communication in negotiations? What role does listening play in the communications process (Describe the 3 types of listening). What are some of the ways that a negotiator can improve his/her communication skills? (Points : 30)
 1.     (9) When we look at the complexities of the negotiation process, there are many situations where a negotiator might consider the use of questionable tactics to accomplish his/her goals. This brings up the important question of ethics in negotiation.  Define the 4 types of ethical reasoning. Why do people use deceptive/ambiguous tactics in negotiation? What are some of the factors that shape a predisposition to the use of unethical tactics? How can we effectively respond to the use of unethical practices? (Points : 20)
 1.     (10) Barney and Marilyn have been married for six months.  They engage in negotiations consistently as a way to improve their understanding of each other and to build a loving relationship.  How does this “relationship” negotiation differ from the negotiation practices that we have discussed involving business relationships? Research has uncovered 4 fundamental types of relationship forms. Define and contrast them.  Which of the four types represent the relationship between Barney and Marilyn? What are the three key elements necessary for managing negotiations within relationships? Which do you think is the most important? Why? (Points : 30)
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