#the others are Heroes of DIFFERENT THINGS
curryshesus · 3 days
jeon jungkook fics that had me going feral
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hi guys, here's a part 2 to my favorite jjk fics on tumblr! note that many of these fics contain 18+ content. you are responsible for the content you consume! as always, if you enjoyed any of these fics as much as i did, please take a moment to send some love to the authors! part 1 | other bts members
➺ cold nights & blurred lines - by @awrkive
summary: jungkook and you have been in a sexual relationship with each other for four months now, and it’s casual for the most part. but as time passes, you can’t help but feel that some of the lines suddenly got blurred in the process. is it a cliché to blur the lines with your fuck buddy? it definitely is. will you do something about it? both of your emotional constipation have a hard time saying yes.
➺ night crawlers - by @alphabetboyluvr
summary: jungkook’s always been good at running. track, field, red lights, shit outta luck. drugs, now, too. but he doesn’t expect to run into you. in your shared lecture halls, sure. maybe. but not down the back alleys of daerim at ass o’clock in the morning. there are only three types of women he ever sees in daerim: hookers, sugar-babies and addicts. you aren't any of those; you're a trust-fund baby who can get percocet on private repeat prescription, if you really want it. he's sure of it. so it then further begs the question: why the fuck are you here?
➺ this is how you fall in love - by @jeonqkooks
summary: after years of drinking and clubbing most days of the week and leaving every gig with a different girl on his arm, jungkook feels what it’s like to want someone with his entire being.
➺ the dilf installments - by @mercurygguk
summary: this series follows jungkook’s life as a divorced father. but wait, how exactly does one balance being a father, a boyfriend, a friend, and a respectable boss at the same time? read the installments below to find out!
➺ ultimatum - by @parkmuse
summary: your pervy, idiotic boyfriend just so happens to also be your friendly neighborhood Spider-man (in bed).
➺ a hero's journey - by @hansolmates
summary: jungkook and jisoo are the mightiest power couple. however, one drunken confession and that whole facade fades in an instant. you realize that maybe you need to break from your unvaried life for a bit and be the hero of your own love story
➺ tempest - by @kooktrash
summary: you’ve always considered your life to be more mundane than you would like to admit. it was a constant cycle of the same things over and over again that when you meet jeon jungkook at a bar, of all places, you didn’t expect to see just how much he would change your life and those around you. he’s got an air of mystery around him with his charming good looks and a violent past that you slowly begun to unravel when it feels like everything is going perfect.
➺ by its cover - by @gimmesumsuga
summary: the one where Jungkook makes a horrifically bad first impression.
➺ slow dancing - by @yoonia
summary: when your countdown appeared on your wrist right in the morning of your eighteenth birthday, you had thought that perhaps the universe was on your side, especially since the final seconds were already ticking so soon. You just never expected to have your first meeting with your soulmate to be the day when you had to let him go. But hope was not lost when you still found love without the bond, and Jungkook showed you that it was possible to find happiness beyond the system that was written for you. Except that the universe doesn’t seem to have enough of its game, when your past sacrifice comes back hitting you straight in the face, just when you had believed that you had written off the perfect ending to your bittersweet tale.
➺ e s p r e s s o - by @joonberriess
➺ hold me closer - by @ahundredtimesover
summary: when you're asked to look after your parents' house and meet them before they go on vacation, you, Jimin, and Jungkook take the trip to your hometown of Busan and relive memories of your youth. While your new relationship has you feeling like a lovesick teenager with all the affection that Jungkook shows you, you're still you - a professional trying to make it in the corporate world, and an eldest child trying not to disappoint her parents. And that turns out to be your undoing, as a little blunder causes a rift between you and Jungkook, resulting in a trip that you might as well have messed up… Not if your brother can help it, though.
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star-sim · 3 days
supernova ☆ riki nishimura
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☆ hero! riki x fem! villain! reader ☆ summary: riki was the city's top hero, you were the top villain. when your archnemisis pulls up to your apartment late at night, all battered and bruised, you just sighed and took him in. you were a villain, not a monster! ☆ genre: superhero! au, good ol' patching up scene, enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, fluff, a lil bit of angst ☆ warning(s)? injuries, riki has a panic attack, but it is very brief ☆ word count: 3.7k words ☆ i love this trope sm reblogs are appreciated! >_<
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When you were awoken by the sound of banging on your door, you nearly killed someone. It was a dark and stormy night, with rain pouring down so hard that you had to put on your headphones.
But the moment that you saw Riki, your biggest enemy, standing at your doorstep all you could do was sigh, and let him fall into your arms.
"Not again."
By day, you were a regular high school student. You had a lot of friends, with a few admirers and confessions along the way. Like everyone else, you worked hard and kept up with your studies.
By night you were the city's top supervillain, aptly named Supernova for the bright and theatrical spectacles that were your terrorizing.
But while everyone thought you were some evil spawn, you were really just carrying on a family business. Thank your supervillain parents and supervillain grandparents. You had nothing personal towards the civilians that you terrorized, it was all just a part of the job. Because your family was scattered around in different cities for their supervillain activities, you lived on your own.
Enter: Riki Nishimura.
You knew the moment that you saw his grown-out bleached highlights and oversized black clothes, you knew he was up to no good.
He'd transferred to your high school in the middle of the school year, and unfortunately, you had far too many classes with him. It felt like wherever you went, he followed. 
You didn't like him. 
You knew you were popular at school, and maybe a quiet guy like Riki didn't have good experiences with the popular crowd, but did he have to treat you like you didn't exist? All he did was grumble under his breath something that no one could hear, before putting on his headphones and ignoring the world around him. Some courtesy would be nice!
Oh, you didn't like him one bit.
Which was why the moment that you realized that the new hot-shot superhero in town whose arrival suspiciously aligned with Riki's transfer to your high school was Riki Nishimura himself, you wanted to laugh.
The reckless, brash, and otherwise cocky, yet self-righteous and heroic, superhero persona Riki put on was so perfect, yet so unlike anything you've seen. 
Riki Nishimura, who couldn't pay anyone any mind even if he was forced to, fighting crime and representing justice! Hilarious. Leave it to the most arrogant and condescending person to name themself Orion, after the brightest constellation in the sky.
You couldn't remember a single headline you read where he actually saved someone. So much for a so-called superhero.
And your identity was no secret to Riki either.
In the past few months, you and Riki had had multiple showdowns— on rooftops, over traffic, heck, even in Riki's own house. It was no surprise that he figured out pretty quickly that the popular girl that everyone liked was the worst supervillain in the city's history.
Glares in the middle of class, shoving you if you were in his way, and sometimes even purposefully following you to the bathroom just so he can wait outside to pass a few mean words to you. So childish.
The only thing keeping you and him from revealing each other's identities was the fear that the other would reveal your own identity.
Which was why you could almost 100% trust that Riki wouldn't say a word.
You could not stand Riki Nishimura, whether it be his civilian self or his superhero self.
However, something was changing.
Something bad, something bigger than anything you or Riki could even imagine. 
There was a bigger, and much worse, villain organization in town. 
Instead of pulling little pranks, terrorizing people, and just sometimes breaking in and robbing places, this new villain organization was legitimately hurting people.
You and Riki couldn't help that you were just teenagers, which was why in the first few weeks of this new arrival, you couldn't help but pay no mind to the new villains in town and focus on fighting each other.
But one night, when Riki didn't show up at your window like he usually would to fight you, you found yourself just a tad worried. Not that you cared about Riki. Had he finally resigned and given up on fighting you?
However, when you went on your nightly villain patrol a few hours later, you felt your heart drop to your stomach when you found Riki Nishimura in his hero suit slumped over at the back of a dark alleyway, covered in cuts, bruises, and blood, barely conscious.
"What the hell happened?" you asked, as you crouched down in front of him. You couldn't even tell if he was still alive, so you reached down to check his pulse. But the moment that your fingers brushed up against Riki's neck, he jerked away, immediately slapping your hand away.
"Stay the fuck back!" he yelled, suddenly fully awake and alert. Even with the mask over his eyes, you could see how red and blood-shot they were. "Don't— Don't fuckin' touch me!"
You lurched away immediately, standing back up on your feet.
And you watched in sheer horror as the one boy you've been fighting for months struggled to his feet, clutching his side. Under the moonlight you could see the streaks of red and skin peeking out under his suit. He was cut. And severely injured everywhere, for that matter.
You'd never forget the sound of Riki's ragged breaths and silent curses under his breath as he stumbled. And what startled you the most was how he clenched his fists, standing defensively.
"Fight me," he breathed, teetering on his feet. "I—I can still fight."
"Are you crazy?!" you cried. "I'm not going to fight you."
"What," Riki rasped. You could hear how strained his voice was, almost as if he had been screaming for hours. "Are you finally giving up? Are you admitting defeat?"
You scoffed. "No, of course not— Oh my god, are you oka—"
Riki was hunched over, clutching the gash on his side. A single stream of light hit his skin just enough for you to see how deep it was. Dark red blood stained Riki's gloved hands. He groaned in pain, a sound that you never wanted to hear again. 
The way his shoulders and legs shook like he was about to fall over made your heart pound. 
You reflexively reached out for him. "Riki, are you—"
"I said don't touch me!" he shouted, bringing his other hand to shield himself defensively. Yet the moment those words left his lips he fell to his knees. You could see how his face scrunched in pain, his brows furrowed and lips curled. "Just give me a second. I— I just need a second and we can fight."
"You're in no condition to fight," you crossed your arms. "I will not fight you."
But it seemed like your words fell upon deaf ears. Not because Riki wasn't listening, but because he collapsed over himself, falling unconscious.
That night you used your supervillain abilities for good, for the first time ever. But not too good, of course. You just took him to the hospital, making sure that both of you were in your civilian forms and saying that you found him unconscious in the alleyway.
You couldn't look him in the eye the next day at school.
You quickly realized that this wasn't a one-time occurance, because it seemed like every few weeks you'd find Riki severely injured. He'd always proclaim that he could still fight you, but both of you knew that that just wasn't possible. 
It was the new villains in town, he finally admitted. They were purposefully targeting Orion, or Riki, for he was the city's main crime-fighter.
And for the first time ever, you actually felt bad for him.
At school, you'd see the way dark eyebags hung under his eyes, a heavy limp in his walk. Sometimes, he wouldn't even spare you a glance.
Since then, the streets have been more dangerous than they ever were.
So now, you couldn't even be surprised when Riki showed up to your apartment in the middle of the night, covered in injuries.
He was still in his hero suit, but there were rips everywhere, coupled with his torn up mask. His hair was wet, whether from the rain outside or from the sweat of fighting. Either way, he was shivering, small whimpers of pain leaving his lips.
The boy fell into your arms almost immediately, and as you pulled him into your peach-lit apartment, warmth kissing his skin, he murmured something.
"Shhh," you whispered into his ear. "Don't talk."
He was heavy, just as heavy as he was all those times you threw him across skyscraper rooftops. Yet as you carried his slumped body to your bathroom, he was as light as a feather.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled against your shoulder. His eyes were shut, his body devoid of all life and energy. Only his lips moved. "I didn't— I didn't know where else to go."
You only hushed him.
You set him down on your bathroom counter with a flick! of the lightswitch. It seemed like the moment that he was set down, Riki let his head fall back against the mirror behind him, his body giving out. 
Under the warm light of your bathroom, you took a closer look at his face.
Despite the cut on his lip, Riki's lips were purple, probably from being out in the storm for so long. Other than the smudges of dirt and gravel on his face, you couldn't help but notice the streaks of redness streaming down his cheeks. Like he was crying.
You stared at him for a little bit longer. You'd seen him beaten down like this before. As a matter of fact, you've seen him battered like this so many times these past few weeks. 
But what set all of those instances apart from now was that you couldn't see that glimmer of hope in Riki's eyes anymore.
All those times before, he would be knocked down and bruised up, yet Riki always had the spirit to stand up again and declare a fight.
But now, all he did was slump back in resignation.
It made your heart clench in your chest.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you realized that Riki was probably more physically hurt than any teenage boy should ever be. You made a bee-line for your kitchen, fixing him a glass of water. 
When you came back, you shoved the glass into his hands, forcing him to drink it.
Meanwhile, you started a warm bath for him. When you made sure that he could stand on his own, you gave him his privacy to bathe, with the reassurance that you'd be right outside.
And as the bathroom door shut, you sighed.
Riki shuddered as the warm water touched his skin, sinking down into the bathtub. It hurt to move. His entire body ached like hell. It felt like any wrong move would break his bones.
If someone told him that he'd be bathing in top supervillain Supernova's bathtub a few days ago, he'd lose his mind. But now after the events of tonight— being ambushed, tortured, and beaten by a group of villains before his escape— this felt ordinary.
Riki felt himself relax into the warmth, letting his eyes fall shut. 
He felt disgusting. All sweaty and bloodied up, tears still staining his cheeks. The water did just enough to make him feel a little better. Still, even if he was far away from those villains, Riki couldn't shake off the feeling of their hands on him. It made the hairs on his neck stand up. He knew that he was safe now, for they couldn't reach him now. Yet Riki couldn't help but have that eerie feeling that he was being watched, that at any moment, they'd come back and hurt him.
Chills ran down his spine, like spindly cold fingers clawing at his skin. Riki's heart dropped.
He was safe. He knew he was. No one could hurt him. But why could Riki still hear their voices? His breathing became ragged again.
He's okay, he told himself. But his body told him otherwise. 
And just as Riki pulled his knees to his chest, digging his nails into his palms as he rocked back and forth, a knock on the bathroom door pulled him out of his thoughts.
"Riki?" your voice rang from the other side of the door. "I got you some clean clothes. I'll leave them out here for when you're done."
"O-Okay," he called back.
His heart still raced in his chest. He bit on his lip.
"Wait," he said from inside the bathroom.
He could hear you hum from the other side. 
"C-Can you stay in here with me?"
You didn’t need Riki to explain. After all, your entire family was supervillains. You’ve seen it yourself: how painful and traumatizing it could actually be.
So here you were, pouring bubble bath soap into the tub as Riki sat rigidly. 
"Am I making you uncomfortabl—"
"No," Riki answered quickly, pulling his knees closer to his chest. "It’s just awkward."
You nodded understandingly, watching as the bubbles began forming in the water. They came in twos, then fours, and suddenly the entire tub was filled with bubbles. 
As if he wasn’t the city’s only protector, and as if he was a young child, Riki watched, fascinated. He reached out to touch the foamy bubbles, staring at his hands.
"Are you okay with the bubbles?" you asked, but Riki only absentmindedly nodded. too occupied with the bubbles. Your lips curved. "How are you feeling now?"
Riki’s eyes flickered up to your face. He was about to shrug, but the aching feeling that he was beginning to forget returned. It struck through him, piercing through his skin in a way that made him hiss, keeling over himself.
Immediately, you rushed to his side. You reached out for him, and for the first time, he didn't jerk away. 
Riki turned a little bit, twisting his torso just enough so that you could see his back. 
And oh, his back was horrible.
You've seen some bad injuries, but the lashings, gashes, and slashes with red blood oozing out littered his skin. In fact, all across Riki's back and shoulder area you could see some pretty nasty gouges.
But that wasn't the most concerning part. Starting from the base of his neck and trailing down his side, a reddish-mauve colored scar was imprinted. On the inside of his arm, there was a collection of darker blemishes. They were not protruding from the surface, nor were they bumpy. The collection of blemishes continued, spotting his skin, until it reached a large patch.
You knew what it was just by the sight of it: burn scars.
How did he—
It seemed like Riki read your mind. 
"I know, I know," he breathed. "Bad, isn't it?"
You nodded, your mind still racing. How the hell does a teenage boy even obtain such a severe burn scar?
"I got—" he let out a groan of pain as he turned back to you so that you couldn't see his back anymore. "I got the new ones earlier when those bastards—" you watched as he paused, his brows crashing together like he was remembering something he didn't want to— "when those bastards captured me."
Before you could question further, he continued. "Those burn scars are old."
"How did you get them?" you blurted.
He gave a sly look, almost with a curve in his lips. "I'm a hero, you know."
When you only gaped at him confused, the grin on his lips grew. "There was a burning apartment complex a few weeks ago. I had to rescue some victims, and got a few burns in the process. No biggie though."
You blinked.
Maybe you were wrong about him. You shook off the oncoming guilt, focusing on the boy first.
"When you're ready, I'll patch you up," you said, rising to your feet to inspect your bathroom cabinet. 
He hummed.
"Ack— That hurts—!"
"Stay still!"
Riki's physical state was much worse than you thought. It wasn't just his back. It was everywhere else.
He was covered head to toe with bruises and cuts, some of them so severe that you couldn't believe your eyes.
Somehow, even when he was literally injured he still managed to be an asshole. So much of an asshole that you had to give him candies to shut him up.
"How do I know these are not poisoned?" he asked you suspiciously, though with a sly little grin as if his lip wasn't busted. He examined the foil-wrapped candies in his palm as if it were a specimen of science.
You scoffed. "Suit yourself. Either you eat my poison candies or shut up."
He did both.
As you disinfected his wounds, you watched his expressions closely, being careful to hurt him even more.
You stood between his legs as he sat up on the bathroom counter. If punching him square in the face multiple times didn't count, this was probably the closest that you'd ever been to him. 
It was completely silent now, so quiet that you could only hear his hisses of pain and the rain that continued to pitter-patter outside. Everything was so still, so quiet that you could almost hear his heart beat.
His wet hair dripped from time to time, a bead of water dripping onto the counter or maybe his chest. Maybe it was a bad time to think this, but you couldn't deny that Riki was a handsome boy. Maybe people at school would disagree, but his rugged and brooding look was always something nice to look at.
You focused on his biggest wounds first, and after patching and bandaging all of them up, you were at last tasked with the injuries on his face.
It was weird to see someone that he'd spent so much time fighting be so kind and tender with him. On most days that he was injured, Riki usually just sloppily cleaned himself up. He ran on pure ambition and passion, at the expense of his physical health. But here you were, gently cradling his face like he was made of glass, a type of warmth that he hadn't experienced in years. 
So pretty, was all the thought. He'd be lying if he said that you weren't a formidable opponent. Strong, fiery, and just as much of an asshole as him. But pretty, too.
The feeling of your fingers gently pressing against his lips was weird, but he didn't mind it. The way you wet your lips unconsciously, swiping your tongue over them, made him feel all different things. 
Whatever, he thought. 
He pushed it all to the back of his mind.
But that was difficult in itself. 
You were just so close. He'd been close to you before, when you fought him, but not like this. Not in such an intimate way. 
Maybe it was how physically drained he was. Maybe it was the burden of the city weighing down on his shoulders, or the mental distress he underwent earlier. It could be the warmth of your apartment and the sound of raindrops on the window down the hall, or it could be his craving for affection, any at all. 
But before he could even think, Riki's hand jerked out to grab your wrist, pulling it away from his lips. And in one swift movement, he smashed his lips onto yours.
All time stopped.
It was just the two of you frozen.
And then, you pulled away, resting your hands on the counters to stabilize yourself.
"We can't—" you whispered against his lips, a whimper coming from your lips when Riki's hand wrapped around your waist— "We can't do this."
"Why not?" he rasped, leaning into you again. You pulled away just enough for him to miss your lips.
"You're you, and I'm me," you shook your head. "It won't work."
Yet all your resolve crumbled when Riki's hand slithered up to gently push your head closer to his, his lip brushing against yours.
"It's just a kiss," he said coolly. Then, he pressed his lips against yours again, and the moment that they touched, you hungrily deepened the kiss. You gripped the countertops under your fingertips, leaning into him as you ravage his lips.
"And plus—" Riki murmured against your lips between kisses— "We're kissing as you and me, not Orion the hero and Supernova the villain—"
"Just shut up," you shut him up with your lips.
And he did.
"I have something to tell you."
The two of you settled into bed a while ago. You forced Riki to stay the night, because it was still too dangerous for him to leave right now.
It's quiet again. Although there was a wall of pillows separating the two of you, you couldn't help the beating in your chest. And you were sure Riki couldn't either.
It was getting late. You could feel that familiar burn in your eyes, the sensation you got when you were getting sleepy. You could tell from Riki's softer, much more slurred voice that he was, too.
"What's up?"
He was silent for a little bit. "It's about the villains. It's really bad—"
You shook your head. "Tell me tomorrow morning."
"No," he continued, and you could hear the strain in his voice. The desperation. "I— I need your help. The city is at risk, and—"
"Tell me tomorrow," was all you said. You could hear him sigh. "Riki, I promise that I'll help you. But you are exhausted right now. Tell me in the morning."
It took much longer for Riki to fall asleep than it did for you. He was awake until the sun rose, not even being gifted with the privilege of rest. 
There were a few times where Riki almost started crying, blinking back his tears. It felt hopeless as thoughts raced through his head.
But then he'd hear you stir and feel you reach for him, and Riki would take it as a sign to slow down.
He didn't know if tomorrow would come.
He didn't even know if tomorrow would be kind to him.
But for some reason, the thought of you being beside him while it all fell down made him feel just a little bit better.
How strange.
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champagnefountains · 7 hours
Secret(s) — K. SATO
Prompt: Kenji finally decides to come clean with his feelings and (sort of) confesses to you...except, it doesn't go the way he planned.
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Word Count: 2.9k+ words [Damn, I lowkey popped off on this one...] Pairing: Kenji Sato [Ultra-Man: Rising] x Fem! Reader Genre/s: A tiny bit of angst with fluff. Misunderstandings. Mutual pining. Warnings: Swearing. Maybe OOC Kenji (?), not sure tbh...also, I sort of change perspectives weirdly in this one but I tried to make it work the best I can ;-; Plus, I feel like the pacing's weird ;-;
KENJI SATO HAD TWO BIG SECRETS. Number one; he was none other than the Ultra-Man, begrudgingly taking over the momentous mantle after his father was injured. Unlike his booming baseball career, the whole 'superhero' thing was honestly a humbling experience, as Kenji realised the numerous beatings and immediate danger that comes with the spotlight. Though, after what was the unique experience of baby-sitting a kaiju and finally mending his relationship with his father, did Kenji come to terms with and welcome this responsibility. Gladly, Kenji finally found that much needed balance in his life that was necessary and soon, his life didn't seem as bad as it was before. It wasn't lonely anymore either, he thinks.
And number two; he has a massive crush on you. The both of you knew each other since you were little kids, growing up and going to school together like true best-friends did. Initially glued to the hip, you were then forced apart when he had to abruptly move to America with his mother. The transition was difficult to say the least, as little Kenji was thrown into what seemed like a whole new world. Other kids would talk constantly about the way he looked and acted behind his back—about how different he was, and whilst Kenji eventually grew out of it, he couldn't help but miss home. You, included.
When Kenji returned to Japan after many, many years, his feelings for you resurfaced when you surprised him during one of his baseball games. Amongst the crowd, you had been sitting by the front row when Kenji suddenly locked eyes with you as he entered the batting field. He had to do a double-take because God, the years treated you so damn well (And you were even wearing his jersey. His jersey). Whilst he wanted nothing more than to run to and scoop you into his arms, Kenji had a game to play. He had a strong urge to show you his best performance and damn it, did he deliver. He was the Ken Sato, after all. He never disappoints.
The both of you had your heartfelt reunion after the game as he held and spun you in his embrace, in all his sweaty glory (it was honestly a bit gross, but you let it slide this once for the sake of celebration). Excited, you both decided to catch up at Tonkotsu Tonki after he washed up. And to his relief, it was like you never changed. You were still the amazing, humble and kind you — and even though he thought you of beautiful then, you were practically glowing now.
Despite the piling stress he was enduring then — with having to juggle between being Ultra-Man, baby-sitting Emi and some career troubles — your presence alone was like a breath of fresh air. Whenever he was with you, whether it be on the phone or in person, he wasn't the famous celebrity, Ken Sato, or the beloved Japanese super-hero, Ultra-Man. He was just Kenji. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
So with that all being said, with months-full of excruciating pining, Kenji finally made the big decision to confess to you. Today. He invited you out to Tonkotsu Tonki for dinner one spontaneous night, booking a private space away from watchful eyes and any possible distractions.
"So, [Y/n]...I have something to tell you," he suddenly brings up after you finished your meals. His hands start to feel clammy as you avert your attention from your phone, staring up at him with curious eyes. Kenji was normally confident with most things, but vulnerability wasn't exactly his strong suit. He was usually flirtatious and a tease in nature, always flashing a dashing smile and blowing kisses towards the camera and his fans. But today was different. Heck, he couldn't even look at you right now without his head turning into complete mush.
On the other hand, the tone of his voice surprises you. It was noticeably a stark contrast to the light-hearted conversation you had just minutes prior. It must've been important, you think to yourself. And it made you nervous. "Oh," you lamely say, blinking at him, "uh, sure. Shoot." You clasp your hands together to keep them from fiddling too much, your nerves tingling at your fingertips. The thing is, you had an inkling of an idea as to what he was going to say, which was something you've been itching to hear for the past month. '...Was he actually going to follow through?' You think in quiet anticipation.
"Right. So, um..." Kenji throws some gestures in the air in attempt to gauge the right words, "...well, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while. It might be a bit...surprising–heavy, even. And I'm worried that it might change a lot of things between us–which I really hoped it wouldn't, but I guess it's inevitable."
He keeps an attentive gaze on you, studying how your features slowly became more tense. Funnily and strangely enough, he thought you looked a bit constipated and perhaps in another circumstance, he would've laughed at you. Though, he knew he wasn't doing any better himself – the restaurant suddenly felt like a sauna and his heart was practically pounding out of his chest as if he were in a game.
Kenji unknowingly continues to babble on. "I-I wanted to tell you sooner, but I didn't want to scare you off. But now, since I've come back from America–and am planning on staying here for good– and-and we've been given a chance to reconnect these past couple months...I think it's a good time to finally come clean and tell you the truth—"
"I already know," you suddenly intervene, surprising Kenji and even yourself. You mentally reprimand yourself for abruptly inserting yourself in the midst of his dialogue, cursing your lack of patience.
"You...you already know?" He asks sheepishly, clearly taken aback, "what–what do you mean you already know? Like, was I being too obvious or something?" He couldn't help the nervous chuckle that escapes his lips. He felt like he was going to implode at any minute as the embarrassment rapidly crept up his neck, dusting his cheeks.
You wince a little. "W-Well, no. But I guess I already had my suspicions. I noticed that you've been acting kinda weird recently and I sort of just...y'know, connected the dots," you shrugged, looking apologetic. He honestly didn't know how to feel about that.
"Oh...right. I forget how perceptive you can be sometimes. It's kinda scary," he attempts to flash you a smirk but it comes off as an awkward smile instead, as he raises a hand to rub his nape. You notice this and try to offer some consolation, reaching out to grab his hand. The action alone causes butterflies to flutter erratically in Kenji's stomach and for a moment, he feels hopeful.
"Hey, for what it's worth I'm actually glad that you told me, Ken. It must've been hard keeping it to yourself," you say warmly. Kenji scoffs in response – that was an understatement. "Oh, God. You have no idea how long I've been waiting to get this off of my chest," he huffs incredulously, unconsciously melting into your touch.
There was a brief second of pause and soon, Kenji couldn't help but feel as though there was something...off about this whole exchange, especially with how casual you were being at the moment. After all, Kenji literally just confessed (well, kind of) and you just sat there, smiling at him without giving him a definitive answer. Was...he forgetting something? Was he even doing this right?
"Y'know, you seem a bit...nonchalant about all this," he points out, "because if I'm being completely honest with you, I feel like I'm about to pass out." Brows furrowed, you straighten up in your seat. "Wait, Ken, I didn't mean to make it seem like I don't care or anything," you attempt to affirm with the wave of your hands, "i-it's just...slowly sinking in right now. Even though I told you I knew, hearing it from you straight is still overwhelming."
Overwhelming? At that, Kenji frowns. "Well...I did warn you, didn't I?" He says disheartened, letting out a deep sigh whilst running a hand through his hair. "Look, [Y/n]. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, nor do I want to pressure you for an answer right now. I just thought I'd tell you–"
"Woah, woah. Wait a minute. Pressure me?" You question with raised brows, now acutely confused, "pressure me into what?" Kenji rapidly blinks and tilts his head to one side, almost gaping at you, "Uhm, pressure you into reciprocating my feelings?" Crickets. Literal crickets. It was only after a few passing seconds that the both of you realise that you were talking about very, very different things.
"Y-You have feelings for me?" You gawk as you point to yourself, a bright blush now evident across your cheeks. Kenji wanted nothing more than to disappear into thin air. "I–Yes! Yes, I do–I thought I made that super clear?!" He panics, balling his fists, "what the hell were you talking about then?!"
Ah, shit. This was awkward, but there's no point in turning back now, you think to yourself, grimacing. You look around the both of you in caution and thankfully, the cook behind the counter was nowhere in sight, presumably having gone back of the kitchen. You leaned close towards Kenji. "I was talking about you being Ultra-Man!" You harshly whispered between your cupped hands, and it causes Kenji to bang his knee against the countertop, eliciting a loud thud.
You gasp. "Shit, Ken, are you okay—" "Fuck-What the actual fuck?!" He whisper-shouts, his eyes growing as wide as saucers as he aggressively rubs his knee. "how-how did you know about that?!" Maybe Kenji should've initially tried to deny the accusation, but his better judgement was severely trampled on, alongside his ego, by his failed attempt of a confession.
Now it was your turn to fumble. "W-Well, first of all, every time you would abruptly leave when we hang out, Ultra-Man would just appear out of nowhere and it would always be when there's a kaiju in the city! Like, come on, the timing was always coincidentally impeccable!" You explain, your arms messily flailing in the air, "And don't even get me started on the lame-ass excuses you make! What? You needed to water your plants? You couldn't even conjure a single sprout, let alone a pot plant even if you tried—"
"I–Okay, first of all, that is so not true–"
You raise a digit, causing him to halt mid-sentence, "And not only that, but maybe you should–I don't know, work on being more discreet with your identity because I literally saw you transform near a freaking construction site!"
Kenji's eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. "Shit, you saw me? When did you–"
"Over a month ago, with that pink dragon-looking kaiju." You were referring to Emi. At that, Kenji squints his eyes at you, "You knew for a whole month and didn't tell me!?"
"Shh, lower your voice, Ken! Someone's gonna hear us!" You hush, "And I was planning on telling you at some point! Believe me, but I-I just didn't know how to bring it up! It's not exactly the smoothest conversation starter, y'know?" You look at him guiltily, your voice growing quiet, "I was kinda hoping that you'd tell me over time...when you were ready."
Kenji was now sporting a migraine, his mind trying to wrap around all the information you've just spewed at him. "You...you didn't tell anyone else about this, right?" He then asks anxiously. You were quick to shake your head, "No, of course not, and I wasn't planning to. I know how dangerous that information would be if it landed in the wrong hands—"
"And you do realise that you knowing all this would put you into danger, right?" Kenji says seriously. His own comment causes him to slump over at the counter, sighing heavily as he holds his head in his hands, "...it's why I never wanted you to know in the first place."
A small pang of hurt hits you as he admits this, but you decide to let it slide, knowing where Kenji was coming from. "Hey, come on, I'm stronger than I look, Ken. At least give me some credit over here," you attempt to liven up the mood, nudging him with your elbow. "Apart from kaiju, there are some really dangerous people out there, [Y/n]. You and I don't know what they're capable of," he mumbles into his arms, his gaze remaining on the table. Having you roped into his Ultra-Man business opened a lot of opportunities for danger to strike at any angle. Kenji wouldn't forgive himself if something were to happen to you, knowing that it could've been avoided in the first place. Heck, look what happened with the KDF.
Your eyes soften at his concern, pressing your lips into a thin line as you let out a small huff. "Look, we'll figure something out. But in the meantime, it'll be okay. I'll be fine, Ken."
"But—ow!" Kenji winces as you flick him on the forehead. You click your tongue in mild annoyance, speaking once more to reiterate as he rubs the reddened spot on his head, "I said, I'll be fine. So, enough with the brooding, Ken. What's done is done, okay? Nothing's going to chance the fact that I already know, and there's no point in entertaining the 'what if's." You then cross your arms against your chest, before softly muttering under your breath, "...and plus, you definitely gotta work on that transforming gimic of yours. You're gonna give yourself away with that clumsy technique."
Kenji initially gave you an unimpressed look, but he couldn't help the small grin that grew on his face as he spotted the mischievous glint in your eyes. You were definitely poking fun at him now. He lets out an audible scoff in response. "Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try. I bet if you were in my place, your identity would already be headlining all the news outlets within minutes!" You roll your eyes at this but you end up joining in on his laughter, chuckling alongside him.
Soon after, there was a brief and quiet moment of contemplation, and you found yourself staring at Kenji's profile. His confession wasn't left forgotten as your mind slowly picked up the pieces from earlier and soon, you found yourself growing increasingly flustered at the memory. The thing is, you did in fact reciprocate his feelings. With his success, you didn't think he'd even so much as spare a glance in your direction, expecting him to settle for someone of his calibre. You always thought that he was way beyond your league, so of course, you had your insecurities. But now, even if it was only for a brief moment, they all seemed to have dissipated and was now replaced by a warm, fuzzy sensation.
"Hey...so, uhm...about your confession," you quietly muster, unable to look at him straight in the eye, "...I guess I should give you my answer, huh?" Kenji's posture straightens in response as an uneasy expression takes over his features, having been reminded of his humiliation, "[Y/n], wait. Like I said, you don't have to say anything right now if you don't want to—" You didn't really comprehend what he was saying at that point, distracted by the loud thumping of your heart against your ears.
You bite your lip nervously, adjusting yourself in your seat to face him properly as Kenji continues to waffle on about your regard. Before your nerves could've forced you to back down, you were quick to dip forward and place a small peck against his cheek, just at the corner of his lips — you also made sure to have it linger a bit to send your message across better. Kenji stiffens as a result, shutting him up completely as a dumb-struck look strikes his face. "I like you too, Ken..." you say when you pull away, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
It takes a few moments for Kenji to fully comprehend what just happened, before a shy, boyish giggle escapes his lips. "Well...I did not expect this to go the way it did," he airly says in a mixture of shock and amusement. You smile widely at him, finding his expression very endearing. "Oh, yeah? Then what did you have planned for me then, hot-shot?" You tease lightly with newfound confidence, leaning against the counter as you rest your chin on your hands. Kenji smirks. "Well, I was planning on serenading you and sweeping you off of your feet, and then carrying you off into the sunset," he jokes lowly, mirroring you. At this point, your faces were just centimetres away, and Kenji could practically feel the warmth radiating off of you. His eyes then dart towards your lips, thinking about how plush and inviting they looked, before looking back up towards your face. You also found yourself doing the same.
It was magnetising, the way you both naturally closed the gap between yourselves. His lips perfectly moulded itself with yours as his hands found its way to your cheeks, pulling you closer towards him. Your own fingers crept its way up the base of his neck, interlacing them as you also tugged him into you.
Ans so, after this eventful aftermath, and at the end of the day, Kenji (begrudgingly) had no more secrets to hide from you.
A/N: YALL...the absolute chokehold this man has on me is INSANE...but otherwise, thank you for reading! As always, constructive criticism is much appreciated!!
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thankskenpenders · 1 hour
One question that's been haunting me since I binge-read most of the blog whilst doing testing is: in your opinion, what is the primary difference in the worlds of Archie Sonic and IDW Sonic? Obviously part of that is Penders' influence vs. Ian's influence, one's obviously based more on the games than the others, etc... but I feel like more than that, the two comics have a vastly different feel in terms of how their world generally just works in-universe. I'd like to know if this makes any sense, or if I'm just crazy.
I mean, the IDW world literally is the game world now, so yes, there are some pretty huge differences that are immediately apparent.
I'd say that where both incarnations of the Archie universe were much more of an "anything goes" sci-fi/fantasy world with all these different factions and kingdoms and whatnot, the IDW comics depict a more mundane modern/near-future setting that just so happens to have some highly stylized scenery and be inhabited by cartoon furries. (And off-screen humans, now that the two worlds have been reunited, I guess.)
I mean, it's right there in the names of the planet. Archie was set on the fantastical world of Mobius, but the IDW comics are just on a fictional version of Earth. Most of the sci-fi elements are Eggman's creations. There are still plenty of fantasy elements, but they tend to be hidden better. They're a thing for Sonic and his friends and enemies to discover on their adventures, not an everyday fact of life for the normies. In the Archie comics you had people living in medieval kingdoms and underwater societies and Mad Max wastelands and floating utopias and all this other stuff, but in the IDW comics they tend to live in pretty normal modern cities. I'd argue that this makes Sonic feel like more of a larger-than-life hero in the IDW comics, since he's always seeking out adventures in these corners of the world that the average person doesn't know about. Joe from Station Square's never been to somewhere like Sky Sanctuary or Little Planet
I know some Archie fans think this means the worldbuilding in IDW is "bad" or "boring" since there aren't a bunch of high-concept fantasy locations being introduced, but it's just different. The way they did things at Archie was fun, but this matches the vibe of the games much better
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Nightwing tells Batman he’s going to be a cop and Batman wonders what more he can do as Bruce Wayne (Detective Comics #725)
#I don’t really like that he’s going to be a cop#but I do like the continuation of his thought process surrounding the seperation of him and his vigilante persona#in the way that he doesn’t think there is any#there’s just him and his desire to help people because it’s the right thing to do#any differences stem from him trying to keep his identities secret#so that others aren’t found out through him#and while him being a cop isn’t my favorite choice#I don’t think it came out of nowhere either#there was a lot of talk about how haven is different than Gotham#and hiw it’s harder for dick to act as a hero when there are no Jim Gordon’s around to take on cases#that arent 100% solved already with diffinitve evidence for conviction already found#or DAs that’ll go against haven’s big fish#so dick is probably going to try and be that person#it would be interesting if he gets a reputation for being associated with Nightwing like Gordon is associated with Batman#wonder how the identity stuff will work out there#dick grayson#dc#nightwing#dick and Bruce#ALSO#I adore how Bruce blatantly uses dick’s lack of seperation between his identities as a source of inspiration to do more as Bruce Wayne#and figures out he can help more if he uses his Civ identity in this situation#it really makes it feel like he respects dick and his thoughts on things#without outright saying it#like he reflected on what dick was going to do!!! he thought about it! he drew inspiration from it!#so ill about them 💕#aftershocks
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knifeforkspooncup · 15 hours
Anyone who's freaking out right now: take a deep breath and count to 10 (like Crowley - er, maybe not.) It's going to be OK.
Now here's some (hopefully grounding) words from someone who is not freaking out, nor particularly surprised by the allegations against Neil, AND who has no plans on abandoning this fandom:
Celebrity Worship is not and never will be a necessary or healthy component of fandom, the creation of art, or life in general.
If you are feeling completely unmoored right now, I'm telling you with all the compassion and gentleness of someone who has been in your shoes: it's time to untangle yourself from worshipping celebrities or interacting with them at all beyond their art. It's time to consciously deplatform celebrities.
Because if this is your first rodeo, it sure as hell will not be your last. And if it isn't your first rodeo, I promise this won't even be the most painful one.
Celebrities are not your friends. Neil, Michael, David are not your friends, or your LGBTQIA+ heroes, or One of the Good Ones. They are all just people. Mediocre, privileged, wealthy people capable of horrific and terrific acts. Every single one of them will eventually fall from the pedestal (some more spectacularly than others.)
I'm not talking about "separate the art from the artist" once you've found out the artists sucks. I'm talking about not worshipping the artist to begin with. Ever. Even if the artist seems good.
I'm seeing so many people afraid this means they can't engage in this fandom, and to that I say: This fandom space is a living, breathing community, and therefore morally neutral. There is good here, there is bad here, just like the people within it, just like there is in each of us. No one can change that or take this space from you or change what it is. Neil doing something morally wrong does not make you engaging with Good Omens morally wrong (it may change how you spend your money though but that's a different post.)
So take a step back or bury yourself in fanfiction, be angry or sad, do whatever you have to do to get through the initial panic and take care of yourself, and then start prying your fingers off these people.
Anyone who's struggling and reliving their trauma right now because of this, I'm holding you so so close and I'm so fucking sorry if this is bringing things back.
The primary reason I divorced myself from celebrity culture was my own trauma and not wanting things I loved to be inevitably ripped away from me or tainted.
Anyone who's using victim blaming language to try to defend Neil: you are hurting your fellow fandom members. Neil does not need your help. He's a big boy with a lot of money and a lot of very powerful friends.
Finally: ask yourself how you're going to feel when you inevitably find out David and Michael aren't Good People. My answer is: exactly the same as I did yesterday. What's yours?
Also note: everything I've said here does not change no matter what the outcome of the allegations are, but in my house we believe victims.
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kikyoupdates · 15 hours
º♡.✿.♡.❀ library ❀.♡.✿.♡º
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Otherworldly Attraction | yandere!jjk x reader jujutsu kaisen, yandere, reverse harem, isekai, f!reader
You don't know how or why, but you've been isekai'd into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Although your first instinct is to stay away from the plot, you've been blessed with an abnormal amount of cursed energy, and for better or worse, you find yourself sucked into the storyline. You decide that you may as well use your newfound powers for the greater good, and if you're lucky, you might succeed in rewriting some of the characters' fates. But it turns out that your presence in this world is an even bigger deal than you first thought, and soon, everyone wants to make you theirs.
Leave Your Mark | bnha x reader my hero academia, reverse harem, isekai, f!reader
You didn’t accomplish anything in your previous life. Looking back on it, you feel nothing but regret, and you yearn for the chance to do things differently. As it turns out, your wish is answered, and you are reborn into your favorite fictional world. This time, you resolve to make a change, and you have the means to do it. You won’t be content with just sitting on the sidelines and letting life pass you by. You will live boldly and vibrantly, as if every moment is your last.
Heartbreaker | bnha x reader my hero academia, reverse harem, isekai, f!reader
You awaken one day with virtually no memories. The only thing guiding you is some strange system that likes to dictate your every move, and for some reason, it insists that you make certain people fall in love with you. Desperate for answers, you decide to go along with its demands. After all, how hard can it be?
Made to Destroy | bnha x op!reader my hero academia, reverse harem, over powered reader, f!reader
You are the product of a series of twisted experiments, an anomaly that shouldn’t have ever existed in the first place. Thankfully, you are taken into the arms of a hero and given a new purpose in life. But as you soon discover, it isn’t easy to deny your true nature, especially when you were made to destroy.
Bloodthirst | bnha x vampire!reader my hero academia, reverse harem, vampire reader, f!reader
As punishment for your sins, you, a young vampire, are banished — not just from your home, but to a different world entirely. Now, you find yourself in a foreign place where Quirks and heroes are the norm. In addition to coming to terms with your new life, you must also face your greatest challenge: controlling your massive thirst for blood.
Infatuated | yandere!bnha x reader my hero academia, yandere, reverse harem, f!reader
Your Quirk is rather unique. It plays out almost like a game, giving you missions and goals that help you become stronger. On top of that, you also have the ability to charm those around you. It sounds innocent enough on paper, and you can’t help but revel in the attention everyone keeps showering you with. But what happens when their feelings give way to something more sinister?
original characters
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Love Bite | oc!vampires x reader yandere, reverse harem, vampires, original characters, f!reader
Desperate for money to pay off your debts, you sign up for a program that allows you to sell your blood to vampires. At first, everything is fine, and you’re finally able to make ends meet. But they soon begin craving more than just your blood.
Tears of a Villainess | yandere!ocs x reader yandere, reverse harem, isekai, original characters, f!reader
Reincarnation isn't as great as it sounds, especially when you've been reborn as none other than the villainess. Fated to die if you stand in the heroine's way, you immediately resolve to distance yourself from the plot. As long as you have nothing to do with any of the relevant characters, surely, you'll be able to avoid an untimely death. But in a horrible turn of events, the heroine ends up wanting to get close to you. Are you really doomed to meet the villainess' tragic end? Or is there an even more sinister fate that awaits you?
Girlfriend-For-Hire | yandere!ocs x reader yandere, reverse harem, original characters, f!reader
Hoping to try something new and earn a bit of money on the side, you join an app that lets people hire you for your dating services. The idea is pretty straightforward — you pose as the client's girlfriend for a brief period of time, and in turn, you receive payment. But you didn't foresee everyone getting so attached to you, and suddenly, they're no longer satisfied with a fabricated relationship.
Changing Plotlines | yandere!ocs x reader yandere, reverse harem, isekai, original characters, f!reader
A desperate cry on your deathbed leads to you being given a fresh start at life. You're overjoyed at having finally obtained a healthy body and a real chance at living normally, only to discover that you've been transported into a yandere game, where danger lurks at every corner. Determined to protect your new life at any cost, you vow to stay as far away from the major characters of the game as possible. But things don't always go as planned.
Bewitched | yandere!ocs x reader yandere, reverse harem, magic, witches, f!reader
Having awoken one day with no memories apart from your name, you are endlessly thankful when a kind family decides to take you in as their own. But it appears as though your fate cannot be so easily overwritten, and as you discover more and more about the person you were meant to be, the hearts of those around you seem to change in a sinister way.
Crushed Velvet | yandere!ocs x reader yandere, reverse harem, original characters, f!reader
Your parents are thrilled to have secured an engagement for you with the royal family. Your suitor, the crown prince, has agreed to be wed to you. It seems as though your entire future has been assured, so why is it that from this moment onward, your life starts to fall apart at the seams?
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greatandgrey · 3 days
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I…want to talk about this. Originally posted at my Twitter.
Spoilers for both Yakuza 0 and Infinite Wealth.
So at the end of Chapter 16 of Yakuza 0, "Proof of Love," Makoto gets shot in her attempt to avenge her brother's murder (must say it was gutsy of her to face the Tojo like that! I Love her.) Majima accompanies her to the ER on Sera's orders, where he's then shut out.
In grief and despair Majima says, "Don't die. Please don't die! I'll do anythin'. Revenge, you name it. Whatever you want. So please...PLEASE!"
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He's there for hours, growing more frustrated. Around 7 (AM?) he gets an update on her status, and he speaks with the doctor and Sera who says he will be taking Makoto away to safety. When Sera offers Majima to accompany them in helping Makoto, Majima turns them down.
Majima says, "Sit around and wait for her to wake up? I can't help her here. Sera, Makoto's yours. Me...I've got somethin' I gotta do in her place." He also tells the doctor to look after Makoto before heading out.
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As much as Majima loves and cares about Makoto, he's not the sitting around type. He says as much earlier in the game.
If there is work to be done, especially if it involves helping a loved one, then he will opt for that over remaining by his loved one's side and doing nothing.
Makoto is in the hands of people he trusts (Sera and the doctor.) Majima feels by being spurred into action, it's his way of honoring a loved one and showing his love for another. Hey, action speak louder than words!
That certainly puts into perspective why Majima kept pushing Kiryu to become stronger in Kiwami. Because he loves him.
But speaking of Kiryu... All of the above with Makoto is reflected again in Infinite Wealth. But things happen a little bit differently.
In Y0, Majima had no other choice but to accompany Makoto. The fight took place in Roppongi, and now that everything was settled, Majima had no reason to remain in the city. Also, it is Sera who orders Majima to go with Makoto.
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But in Infinite Wealth, Majima had a choice but also a reason to stay behind. Majima already knows what it is that Kiryu wants. The whole reason for Kiryu's visit back in Chapter 12 (about a week ago in-universe) was to request Majima, Saejima, and Daigo to help Sawashiro.
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Which is why Majima doesn't board the helicopter. Kiryu needs him at the Millenium Tower to finish the ordeal with Ebina and Sawashiro. It's not just a favor anymore. At this point Majima could consider this Kiryu's dying wish. "Stayin' n' helpin' is what Kiryu would've wanted," he might say.
Was Majima worried for Kiryu? Yes. But going to the hospital would have only resulted in the same scenario as '88. Growing frustrated as time dragged on while doing nothing/feeling useless, when the place Kiryu needs him to be was right there. Majima is more pragmatic than that.
Majima has learned from '88. As much as he is losing his mind over Kiryu possibly dying, it's futile for him to accompany him to the hospital. It's not practical for him as seen in '88. A better use of his time is doing what needs to be done, and in '24 it's at the Tower.
So as much as I am sure it was ripping Majima's heart to shreds since Kiryu might die, just like Makoto all those years ago, Majima put Kiryu in the safe hands of the paramedic crew and the young party who also care about their hero and leader (Note Nanba praying 🥺)
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Majima, meanwhile, just like back in '88, has a job to do, a promise to fulfill for his loved one. Instead of traveling all the way to the hospital on another's order, as much as he's worried sick for his loved one, he'd rather do something about it. Occupy his mind and hands.
And the place Kiryu needs Majima to be right now just so happens to be right under his feet.
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This was a nice subtle way to show how the times and situation have changed, and yet Majima's character and values remain firmly the same. Majima has and will behave like so in such situations. What he did for Makoto he does for Kiryu, because he loves them both very deeply ❤️
And I'm sure once the whole Sawashiro business is taken care of, they will reunite. After all, someone's been regularly visiting Kiryu at the hospital. There's a chair right beside his bed, and that can only mean he's had a constant visitor. In my headcanon it's Majima 😊
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(NOTE: this is not meant to convince anyone of anything or whatnot. I just love the games deeply and am constantly replaying them for fun and fic note-taking, so I'm always finding neat new connections like this as a result. 💕)
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mla0 · 2 days
it's been said before, but i think it needs repeating: mlandersen0 does not have a villain or a hero. it does not have someone who is actively working to be harmful to everyone around them, and pointing to one character as the source of all the woes that happen in the series will always be overly simplified and watered-down at best.
mlandersen0 takes a family of people from various different circumstances and traumas, puts them in a house together and tries to get them to work together, despite their vastly different outlooks and fears in the situation. it's a situation full of isolation, the possibility of death, distrust in each other, and complete confusion on what to do, while also being stalked by a monster none of them understand at even the most fundamental level. each character has their own view on the others and themselves, and every single one is flawed and has holes in their logic, as do most people.
there was never any possibility that it would go smoothly, or that any character would have a perfect track record. they're all "morally grey" because that is what real human beings tend to be. nobody is a pure servant for good and nobody (not even patrick) has even a semblance of a grasp of their situation. conflict in that kind of circumstance is inevitable. desperation, frustration, and anger is inevitable. yes, people fucked up. that was also inevitable. holding up one character while tearing down another and writing some callout-post type thing on their every sin is completely missing the point. you can't separate shades of grey into black or white.
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froggibus · 3 days
Pride - Soldier 76, Pharah, Baptiste, Tracer, Venture & Lifeweaver
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Pairings: Soldier 76 x gn! reader, Pharah x gn! reader, Baptiste x gn! reader, Tracer & Emily x gn! reader, Venture x gn! reader, Lifeweaver x gn! reader
Genre: fun fluffy hcs
Summary: how it would be going to pride w your queer fav
CW: nonspecific relationship w the heroes, canon sexualities/genders, lots of fun pride stuff, pride festival, Soldier being an old man
sorry hi i know pride month is over but i really wanted to include it in our event so here it is! i really wanted to include lucio & other fun characters here but it was so much writing i only did the ones who are canonically queer!
This is part of my Summer Suntacular event, come check it out!
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Soldier 76:
not his first Pride, won’t be his last
he’s probably a little wistful the whole time, since he last attended with Vincent
his grumpy old man demeanor drops for a day and he actually lets himself enjoy it
all the young people there LOVE him and he ends up ‘adopting’ at least three kids
reminisces the whole time and probably says “back in my day” at least once
you may have to convince him to actually indulge in fun stuff like temp tattoos and flags
but then he gets SUPER into it and drags you around to get as much stuff as possible
gets hit on at least once by someone half his age and his face is an INFERNO for like ten minutes afterwards
wants to get drinks and appetizers at a bar after and chat about your day
will let you take one (1) picture of the two of you to commemorate it
(he’ll definitely keep the picture in his wallet—but he’ll never tell you)
not her first Pride either, but she doesn’t go very often cause she’s married to her work
wears her sexy ass leather jacket even though it’s probably boiling outside
“Fareeha you’re going to boil in that”
“Don’t be ridiculous, this is my summer leather”
gets one temp tattoo of the lesbian flag on her cheek and that’s it for her
shows it off in every single picture the two of you take together 
doesn’t take many of her own pictures but will indulge you for every one of yours
her strong ass will let you ride on her shoulders to see any performances you want
or if you’re not cool with that, she has no shame and will body her way through the crowd to help you get a better view
loves fruity rainbow drinks and will always have one in her hand
wears her aviators even after the sun goes down
definitely checks if Baptiste is doing anything & tries to set up a rendezvous with him at a club later
she is THE most fun to party with if you’re able to pry her away from her work
more than likely his first Pride  (at least, since he’s been out of the closet)
probably ended up attending a few before and hanging out in the med tent as an ally
if he wasn’t going with you, Pharah would’ve 10000% taken him with her
super excited to be taking you with him this year 
and to actually be partaking in the celebrations
covers both of you in those cute rainbow temporary tattoos
like they’re EVERYWHERE
total mom friend—he has water, tylenol & advil, wet wipes, snacks, sunscreen & anything else you could possibly need
that doesn’t mean he’s not indulging in any fun colourful drinks at the bars later tho
indulges in any free things offered with him
and totally ends the day with like ten different friendship bracelets
wants to take pictures of EVERYTHING and ends up with a million selfies of the two of you
you’re out from 11am to 3am & you bet your ass he’s waking you up at noon the next day for brunch
wants to go next year & hand out little care bags to everyone you meet
her and Emily insist on taking you with them
they go every year so long as Lena isn’t working (rare)
they (Emily) have got everything figured out, so you can just chill and come along with them
Lena totally goes all out with her outfits & insists you all match somehow
they bring a digital camera to take lots & lots of pictures of everything
prepare to be outside from dawn till dusk
Lena probably gets recognized a few times and takes pictures with every person who asks
she buys a TON of memorabilia and will absolutely buy anything you look at for you
even tho she’s probably tried everything they have to offer, she wants to make sure you also try it
Emily has to stop and remind her to slow down and to eat/drink
they have some cute tradition where they go to the restaurant they want to on their first date & have some drinks and appetizers
even tho it’s their thing, they’ll gladly invite you along & make sure you’re included
and if you’re into it, Lena will absolutely try to play matchmaker for you so you’re not lonely
huge dork ass LOVES Pride
they’re a little awkward cause of the big crowds & stuff, but deep down they thrive on it
not nearly as out there with their outfit as Tracer, but they’ll definitely dress according to theme
makes their own little bags of crystals to give out to friends they make there + coordinates them according to different pride flags
makes an extra special one for you too to thank you for coming with them
buys ice cream whenever they see a stand & offers to share with you 
at least one child asks them if they’re a boy or a girl
Sloan just shrugs at them
despite their awkwardness, everybody you meet there LOVES Sloan & they end the day with a million different pins + friendship bracelets
anytime there’s something cool, they want to take a pic with you in front of it
even just random fountains and stuff
if someone’s performing, they HAVE to go and at least check it out, but you’ll probably get dragged into watching a long ass magic show
they might take you for a drink and a snack after, but they’re not the type to go to a club or anything
more than likely they want to have a game night or marathon some movies at home to unwind afterwards
not his first Pride, but the first one he’s been able to enjoy since leaving Vishkar
the most well dressed & insists on dressing you as well
weaves flowers & plants through his hair to make a pretty rainbow (and will do the same for you if you ask!)
lots & lots of biodegradable glitter that he made himself
wants to get there super early to offer his aid to any of the med stations set up & give them his number incase they need him
brings his own biodegradable confetti and gives bags to all the stands to hand out
loves live performances & wants to attend each one
he WILL be dancing and expects you to dance with him, no matter how awkward you feel
usually the best at remembering his sunscreen & water but probably forgets until he starts to feel the effects
wants to stay until everything shuts down and make sure everything is cleaned up correctly
so many pictures that your face will hurt from smiling for the cameras by the end of the day
his Instagram story is probably filled with those same pics
if anyone compliments his hair, he WILL offer to braid theirs with flowers for them on the spot
takes you out to a nice dinner before you guys go home
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Summer Suntacular | Masterlist | Overwatch Masterlist
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holylulusworld · 1 day
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Written for @fluffystevefest - Day 3
Summary: Steve recalls the different eras of his life.
Pairing: Post!Endgame Stucky
Warnings/Tags: angst, mentions of Steve/Bucky’s past, not much dialogue, implied Stucky, fluff, hopeful ending, no reader insert this time
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The room is silent when he looks at all the things belonging to his past. Steve admires his old tactical suit, feeling the past weight heavy on his heart.
On the Fourth of July in 1918 a special man was born. An artist. A loyal friend. A super-soldier. A hero. Steven Grant Rogers.
He lost his parents much too soon and became an orphan. Without Bucky, he would’ve ended up dead in a backstreet of Brooklyn and no one would've remembered the name Steve Rogers.
Without his parents, Steve had to grow up fast. He was barely a teen, but his determination and gumption never got shattered.
At the age of 23, in the year 1941, his life changed once again. He wanted to become an artist when Bucky and Steve heard about the attack on Pearl Harbor. So many lives were lost in an inhuman war.
Steve was small and weak but with a heart so strong and kind that he wanted to do something, anything to change the world for the better.
But, like so many times before, he got turned down when he tried to enlist. While his best friend Bucky immediately got accepted, Steve was rejected.
All of his efforts turned out to be in vain. No recruitment center wanted to accept him. Steve was so strong-willed but too weak for them. Defeated by his own body Steve grew even more desperate.
Two years down the drain, and he still tried to follow his friend to war.
1943, the year his whole life changed again. A new era. A new life. But also, the end of a big part of his life. Skinny Steve, the weak boy who wanted to go to war.
Steve walks past his tactical suit to look at the remnants of the Howling Commando. Sadness grips his heart when he gets reminded that almost everyone he knows is long gone.  
His eyes drop to his hands, and he sighs deeply. If he had the time, he’d mourn the loss of his friends all over again. They are long gone, only a memory in the back of his mind. But he doesn’t have time. There is never enough time.
Not since he met Erskine, and the man saw more in him than a boy with a big heart but a weak body.
Not a perfect soldier, but a good man.
He never forgot Erskine or his words. Steve tried to live up to Erskine’s expectations. Whenever a battle came up, small or big, Steve was there. He gave it all, his strengths, his blood, sweat, and tears.
Erskine was the first one to believe Steve could be more than what everyone else saw in him. He knew the man he chose would never abuse the powers he gave him.
Even though, no one else believed in him for a while. He was a puppet, reduced to a showboy throwing punches at imaginary enemies while Bucky was out there, fighting the good fight.
He moves toward his bike, longingly looking at it. Steve always had a thing for bikes. But this one reminds him of times in which he wasn’t a man out of time. An almost one hundred- and six-year-old man.
Steve looks around the empty museum before he slides his fingertips over the bike.
“Punk, it’s not allowed to touch things in a museum!”
Moments ago, Steve was lost in the past and grief but now his eyes light up. “Says the man stealing stuff anytime he comes here,” he flashes Bucky a smirk. “What brings you here?”
“I came around with my bike to pick a certain birthday boy up,” Bucky mirrors Steve’s smirk. He steps closer to grab Steve’s hand, intervening fingers.
They look at the memories of their past, holding hands.
Steve and Bucky came a long way, but they promised each other till the end of the line…and they intend to keep that promise…
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sixthsensewulf · 1 day
Just more Gorgug things which turns into Zac's PCs things. . Since half the time in Intrepid Heroes campaigns. .Zac's characters always steal my heart. . .
Gorgug doesn't go into a violent rage. His rage is quiet, his anger is known in the protectiveness that he does for his friends.
Like if you look at bad kids as a whole.. naturally you would assume the half orc is the barbarian because of the height difference of the group and the weapon of choice. But the personality doesn't match up... And besides it's an adventuring academy.. anyone could do anything. The half orc could have multi classed.. he is the quiet, reserved member of the group. One of the designated drivers for the bad kids. He has a healthy relationship with his emotions, if he doesn't well he has the rest of his party to lean on. He was a bullied kid by one of his party members early on freshman year and yet they have gotten on so well. When he loses it, he loses it in a way that doesn't harm his friends. The anger is directed towards his enemy or the creature that they are fighting. He doesn't raise his voice that often.
He literally is the personification of "Don't anger the quiet friend"..
WHICH come to think of it. . .I've noticed that it is a common theme throughout Zac's PCs actually.
PiP in Neverafter. .the only one who didn't yell in anger. . His anger was cold, threats etc. "Do you want to join him?", his early interactions with Alphonse. "Where did you go buddy? Where did you go when we needed you most my friend?"
Skip in ASO. . Not so much Skip but mostly Norman...but again, there wasn't that much anger around in that ship. .the anger at the slug dynasty could count. .
Lapin in aCoC... Yep this guy has a quiet anger with him. Although he and Theo have those heated discussions.. it's more Lapin enjoying the fact that he can pull that anger out of Theo, he never was upset or angry at the captain. His anger was directed at the sugar plum fairy, at the bulb, at the hand that the entire Rocks Family was dealt.
Finally Ricky. . . From Unsleeping City. . He literally is the "don't mess with or piss off the quiet one". In chapter 2. . Tony, one of the bads of that season, kidnapped Ester, tried to annoy Sofia, ended up pissing off Esther's partner. Someone that Tony had no real contact with each other. Someone that no relationship with Tony at all. And yet... Ricky needed a "fucking weapon". . .and using his partner's old magical bat The only time that he had sworn.. The only time that he actually wanted to hurt someone and resort to violence immediately. Another anger moment was Ricky with Cody in the Questing Blade moment. . the rest of the group (the voxs and Sofia) seeing Ricky punch something in anger. Sofia also punching a wall is normal for them.. . But Ricky? That is new. . . The voxs calming Ricky down so he can help deal with the issue of everything in the tunnel to the best of his ability.
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codenamesazanka · 2 days
Why do you think hori decided to make decay one part of overhaul? I know many fans believe its so he can awaken the reconstruct part later but that sounds too contrived
hmmm, my take is... it's to make the world more boring, making AFO a super dick who's responsible for everything wrong in the world, and so relieve a burden from the Heroes.
It is my belief that people are too caught up in the Overhaul part (while also too dismissive of Overhaul the guy), and part of that is the need for copium for Shigaraki to come back and save his League/redeem himself. They need a miracle for the League to survive, and they need an excuse for Shigaraki to not be treated badly by the Heroes afterwards. If Shigaraki has 'Overhaul' quirk, and proves himself by having the ability to 'heal', then Shigaraki can justify his existence to the Heroes as useful/less lethal/benevolent-due-to-healing-power. I know that's not what's intended, but that's what it comes off as. Shigaraki with 'Decay' gets killed by a Hero; but Shigaraki who comes back (especially as Tenko) with a different quirk can stay? It's a bad look, even if coincidental.
(But who knows! Maybe he will do exactly that. We're at Horikoshi's mercy.)
I think the derived-from-Overhaul thing is just to make AFO a super asshole who went out of his way to make A Very Dangerous And Scary Quirk, one that will guarantee ostracizing status for Tenko because society already discriminates against 'villainous' quirks - and by doing so, actually gives Hero an easy out of doing something about their quirk society.
Decay - a five-finger automatic touch disintegration quirk - is a highly, easily destructive and lethal power. If it's naturally existing, if a five-year-old can randomly awaken this ability, it spells out trouble for the world. How would parents respond to their child having such a quirk? How to treat this child with the full love and respect they deserve - because all children deserve full love and respect! - without alienating and hurting them? How would one raise this child to be mindful and careful and responsible, without also overburdening them or making them feel like they're a dangerous monster?
Is the solution to make Shigaraki/Tenko wear gloves? That seems simple at first, what if Shigaraki/Tenko doesn't want to? What if gloves are annoying and gives him rashes from wearing them all the time or it interferes with his hygiene? What if he simply wants his hands free? But when his gloves are off, people get antsy and nervous around him, worrying about that 'what if'? How do you balance personal autonomy and other people's safety? How do you balance "what is convenient for other people" with "what is right for me?"
Decay is a really interesting quirk to exist in a world where quirks can be anything and in a story that asks what it means to live in a superpowered society. We've seen that HeroAcaLand is not very kind to people with quirks that gives them trouble fitting in with a norm. Quirks that violate taboos like Toga's; quirks that give people 'scary' or 'gross' appearances like heteromorphic quirks ; quirks that are seen as 'villainous' - the people holding these quirks (which is their innate ability, a natural part of themselves as much as their eye color and limbs!) get mistreated because society lets their prejudices and preconceived ideas take over and taint their treatment of such individuals. This is a problem in the world of bnha, but it's rarely ever touched upon besides a general lesson of basically "tough luck, mind yourself and suck it up until things get better".
People have pointed out that Toga's quirks and heteromorph quirks has got this covered, but Decay is unique in its seemingly mutation manifestation and its extreme aspects. It's automatic except for a few conditions; it's immediately lethal. It would be been so good to see how Heroes handle that.
Deku stops Decay only because he's in the dreamscape and can just imagine himself not getting disintegrated. How convenient! If it had taken place in real life, how would he have dealt with Decay in a way that wouldn't have scared Tenko off yet also protected Deku's and the Shimura's safety? Would Deku tie the five-year-old up with black whip? Would Deku hold (and break) his wrists like he did with Shigaraki in reality? Would Deku have to evacuated the Shimuras, leaving poor Tenko to watch a Hero save people *from him*, and then remain alone for however many agonizing minutes? Would Deku be forced to stay far away and yell encouragements while waiting for backup, for the right Hero with the right quirk to come (essentially mimicking what Heroes made Bakugou go through in the first chapter?) It's good for Deku to want to rush in and save people without a thought, but what to do in situations where he cannot get lucky and cannot do that without dying? When the 'trouble' he's facing is the very victim themself?
If Decay was naturally occurring, these are questions Heroes must deal with, these are incidents and emergencies Heroes must be ready to face. Hell, these are things parents must be prepared for and have drills and plans set aside if it ends up being their child with such a quirk. (Like, it's awful that Kotarou's instinct when faced with an unexpected and scary quirk being 'whack your son with garden shears' instead of 'calmly assess the situation, remember what the parenting book said about quirk manifestation, and comfort your child'??? And no, I will not take 'Kotarou's just a dick, nvm him' as an answer. It's not about him specifically anymore, I'm talking about what a parent should have done in this situation in general. Because Nao just died! She loved her son and tried to go to him and died!) These are questions society must find solutions for. Otherwise, tragedies will happen; fear sets in; people don't get saved.
BUT as it turns out, Decay is not naturally occurring. AFO created a quirk like this for the ultimate tragedy, meaning tragedies like this don't actually happen. At worst we get Eri's case - her dad disappears but without too much mess, and there's a wind-up time until the next incident, and we even get a visual warning in her horn growth. And thankfully we have Aizawa, an adult, already a licensed Hero, there to keep her in check. And if tragedies like this don't actually happen, that is not a thing Heroes have to lose sleep over. Quirk accident resulting in multiple casualties? A quirk that kills so easily? A quirk that appears in a suffering child and interacts with their background in the worst way? A quirk that would've subjected the holder to a hard and isolating life (largely due to other people's attitudes towards it!) and if Deku's a Hero who wants to save people, what will he do?
Well. Not a thing Deku has to think about. Wasn't real. What a relief.
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throwing-in-the-towel · 19 hours
sorry if somebodys already asked u this but i was wondering how exactly ‘hoods turned heroes’ is staged and how two-bit and soda interact during it?
i've talked about over the span of a few different posts, but will break the whole thing down here so it's in one place! (it may be long so bear with me LOL)
it starts immediately after ponyboy, johnny, & dally run into the fire. it begins with two-bit standing on the tire holding a newspaper in front of his face and he lowers it when he starts to sing. as he sings the first verse explaining what happened, the company is running around the stage with giant sheets that show projected images of shadows that are supposed to be ponyboy and johnny saving the kids. pony, johnny, & dally are also on stage and are playing along with the storytelling as well.
the company and the three at the church leave when soda's part starts. two-bit jumps off the tire and soda runs up to him, two-bit shows soda the paper, soda smiles and starts to sing his part. two-bit runs over to sit on the car with darrel, ace, and steve. darry is sitting on the hood of the car and is leaning back against the windshield just staring at the sky. two-bit shows steve and ace the paper and they get all excited to see that the news is positive about the boys. soda runs over and sits with them on the hood of the car. when they sing "someone had a run in with a greaser hood," soda jumps off the car.
two-bit shows darry the paper and he sits up on the car, reading it intently. steve, ace, and soda are all standing around the car. for "rose to the occasion put it all on the line and saved all of them children's lives," steve, soda, and ace do some choreography. then soda runs and stops center stage to sing "is tulsa gonna finally see?" darry has now made his way over to be standing at the tire, still reading the newspaper. the 4 others do some more choreo.
soda and two-bit high five twice on beat during "look at us now, we're getting our due" and then all 5 on stage run back over to the car by kicking their legs super fast (i cant describe it well LOL SRY) during "it's feeling even sweeter after what we've been through." they basically close it out by just huddling up, doing some more choreo, and they end it at center stage. darry is holding the newspaper in front of him, soda is kneeling next to him, two-bit's hands are on soda's shoulders, steve is on the other side of darry, and ace is piggybacking on darry's back.
*this song is def the huge push for two-bit and soda's relationship and i really think that's just because jason and daryl obviously are having so much fun with it!
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mecachrome · 23 hours
What is the hype around jendo? I am trying to do research but I feel like they barely had any interactions?? Especially recently? Is there a primer or something cause I totally want to try to get into them!
OMGGGG well i wouldn't call myself a jendo expert or anything but i can briefly tell you why i like them!!! also soz for late reply 😭
tbh the very first thing that converted me was watching this interview forever ago because i remember being deeply intrigued by lando's demeanor + relative shyness + how hard he tried overall to appear Respectable and Mature in front of jense while answering his questions??? like the way jenson smiles at him during "are you happy?" "UMMM... kind of" wtheck T__T
jendo honestly have a lot of lore though! again i am not an expert but @cuthechicane has so many fantastic clips and gifsets if you're looking for interax that will rewire your brain chemistry ☝️ (the sheer giddinesssss of their miami interview 😭 also this is a classic moment). part of their thing is that they're both "somerset boys" (lando grew up in glastonbury / jenson is from frome) so that connection also kind of adds an extra layer to jenson having raced for mclaren / lando looking up to him and the general hero worship or cyclical nature of f1 that is palpable in their dynamic and a lot of other f1 agediff ships. ofc rossi was lando's real hero but... you know jenson is jenson
really though i think what i like most about jendo is how much jenson genuinely ADORES lando lmfao like their dynamic is so ridiculous but in a really absurdly sincere way!!! ofc it's super fun to go all in on the rancid age gap power imbalance vibes etc. and the way they flirt in public and fluster each other but jenson 100% RATES lando and hypes him up constantly to the point that it's almost embarrassing negl. lichr him going all in on lando like 4 hours ago... what's craziest to me is that he sincerely believes everyone else loves lando too like his brain can't comprehend the mere concept of someone not being obsessed with his favorite little british twink 😭 he's those innocent guys on reddit who still post comments like "lando is so nice it's impossible to hate him!!!" as if we're still in 2019 or something...... i want to live in that world
imo there's also an aspect to jendo where it's like...? jenson sees so much of himself in lando to the point of having preconceptions about lando's mentality that he projects onto him a bit which i think adds dimension to jenson's vulnerability but that goes into way more my own Meta and isn't really relevant to this post. but part of jenson's personality is that he is very charismatic and a natural speaker and also Usually Right so he loves to SAY shit and although he's not quite a nico-level professional shit stirrer he does kind of um... always speak like he knows something you don't. as evidenced by his time as lewis's teammate wherein he won the idgaf war by not acknowledging it going on in the first place. this is also why he and oscar should banter more because i feel like the comparisons between oscar and jenson are honestly so apt HLSDFH i have a jenson/oscar/lando post if that is of any interest
ok sorry i'm getting off-track but >>>all of that to me is why jendo is fun... jenson presents as very self-assured but if you do a psyche deep dive you realize he was quite sensitive growing up and Personally Victimized by briatore and has been quite open about his anxiety and the way f1 culture functioned at the time, and he's always been quite emotionally regulated but obviously there was... also a lot of glamour that accompanied that until later in his career LOL. so getting to explore those sides of him with a 20-something lando who very much mirrors him (self-reflective and sometimes overly critical and learning to live the "highly committed and industrious playboy" life) but also makes his façade crack in ways you don't often see is so fun & fascinating...!!! imo you can take them in a lot of different directions as a ship :3c
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^ bonus bits i like from his book
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Sticky Situation- Part 9
Part 8
Hero woke up in an all-too-familiar situation. Inside a pod, squeezed in with expanding foam from all sides, not to mention a large, heavy gag made up of too many layers. This pod felt different somehow. For one thing, the foam was ice-cold, which would’ve been nice if it wasn’t being used as a restraint. Through the little window, they could see that they had been moved to an operating room of some kind. In addition, they could see some kind of tube connecting their pod to another one directly across from them.
A door opened, and Assistant came into view, being roughly escorted by henchmen on either side. They had been gagged just as heavily, and their wrists had been secured with industrial tape. Scientist came in next, followed by Supervillain.
“Nice to see you again, Hero,” Scientist said in a chipper voice.
“Unlike your usual arrangements, we’ve placed you inside a device that will allow us to extract your cryogenic essence. Imagine yourself as a little ice battery. You’ll power the participant inside the pod across from you, giving them a share of your abilities. Of course, this is all theoretical. Accidents can happen, which is why we need to take every precaution. Enter our first volunteer!”
The henchmen wrangled Assistant into the other pod, ignoring their very muffled screams. Hero’s eyes went wide.
“MMMM!! MM-MM!” they protested at the top of their lungs.
The sound barely carried out of their packed mouth. Scientist giggled, shaking their head.
“This is happening, Hero, and there’s nothing you can do about it,” Supervillain said, “begin Operation Worker Bee 0-0-1.”
Scientist nodded. The pod door was closed, and expanding foam was dispensed into the small space. Assistant screamed, thrashing around as much as they could. Fear shone in their watery eyes.
Scientist’s finger hovered over a large, hexagonal button. The button that could either give Assistant Hero’s powers, or more likely than not, turn them into a frosty corpse. Something snapped inside Hero, and fire kindled in their eyes. Frost rapidly spread over the pod, obscuring Hero’s face from view. A few moments later, and the entire device shattered in all directions. When the dust settled, Hero stood in the center of the mess, glaring daggers at Supervillain.
Scientist tapped Supervillain’s shoulder nervously.
“They- they’re not supposed to do that,” they said quietly.
Something glinted in Supervillain’s eyes.
“Well, you finally learned how to=“
An ice beam cut Supervillain off, sending them into the wall.
Scientist stood frozen for a moment, before snapping out of it.
“Uh, agents… agents!! Take care of Hero… now!!”
Hero tapped the gag with their finger, letting ice spread through the whole thing until it turned cold and brittle. They spat out the remainder of the frozen, rubbery substance. Scientist watched it shatter on the floor.
“Let. Them. Go.” Hero growled.
One of the henchmen came up from behind Hero, taser in hand. Hero grabbed it with an icy fist, flipping it around and jamming it in the poor soul’s gut. The henchman screamed as they crumpled to the floor. The other henchman? Hero only had to give them a murderous look and they were bolting from the room.
Hero stalked over to Scientist, icy energy in their fists. Scientist scrambled back until their back hit a wall. Hero breathed frost in their face.
“I said. Let them go.”
Scientist nodded, their glasses foggy from Hero’s cold proximity. They scurried over to Assistant’s pod and pressed the button that would release them.
Assistant tumbled out, whimpering. Hero caught them and removed their gag.
“You okay?” Hero asked.
“What? What is it?”
Hero whirled around much too late. Supervillain knocked them back with a punch. Hero sailed across the room into another wall.
“Do you know why I’m a beekeeper, Hero?” Supervillain asked, stalking toward them.
Hero sat up in a daze, their head pounding and spinning.
“Because I hold the life of the hive in my hands,” Supervillain said, “you may think you’re in control, but-“
Supervillain yanked Hero up by their neck, squeezing. Hero gasped for air, grasping at Supervillain’s hand.
“-I’ve always been in charge here.”
Darkness encroached on the edges of Hero’s vision. They just had time to see Assistant approach with a needle before Supervillain dropped them unceremoniously to the ground.
Supervillain rounded on Assistant, but there was already a syringe in their shoulder.
“Oh Assistant,” Supervillain drawled, yanking the drug from their skin, “you really think that dosage will stop me?”
Assistant staggered back. Hero wobbled to their feet. Supervillain prepared to strike their cousin, when they stumbled.
“I-I didn’t expect Hero’s dosage to stop you at all,” Assistant said, “but I thought, maybe, the entire vial would?”
“Are you insane!?” Supervillain slurred, dropping to the floor, “you could kill me!”
“Well, uh, the good news is, Scientist can save you?” Assistant offered uncertainly.
Hero nodded, striding up and towering above Supervillain.
“Funny thing about bees, Supervillain,” Hero said darkly, “if enough of them sting you, the venom could prove lethal.”
Supervillain glared up at them just before their eyes fluttered shut.
“Nice save,” Hero said.
They looked down at Supervillain’s form.
“You didn’t really- I mean- are they gonna…?”
“No,” Assistant laughed, “I only gave enough to knock them out for a couple hours. I just wanted them to feel as afraid as I did these past few days.”
Hero blinked, then smirked.
“You cunning little trickster,” they said.
Alarms rang out throughout the room, and probably throughout the rest of Organization’s building. Oh, right, that henchman that got away.
“You ready?” Hero asked.
“For what?” Assistant asked back.
Hero handed Assistant the taser they had taken.
“For a fight,” Hero said.
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