#the other version of that where it's like
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its-a-me-mango · 2 days ago
Oh hey... it's been a while Telly...
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Everypony, this is URGEN, and I need your help, I have a sad TV that needs cheering up, can you help me? You guys think you can help me? Pretty please?
Hi welcome to below the read more, nice down here innit.
Anyway so as I said, you're invited to have your sona, your OC, your AU or heck even one of the SMG4 crew help cheer up Telly! You can do this in anyway you like, wethers it's taking them out somewhere nice like a park or city, to playing games with them, or just hanging out with them! You're in charge of picking out something fun for your character of choise and Telly to do together! They love doing anything as long as its with friends so you're welcome to do pretty much anything!
You can also make this in an medium you'd like, be it art, comics, writing, or anything else you can think of, there is no strict medium this has to be done in so go wild and most importantly have fun!
For the sake of keeping things clear in the SMG4 tag, you can use #SMG4CheerUp as the tag for this event, you are obviously free to @ me but if not, I will check the above tag instead.
Before I go any further, just want to make this clear:
Just saying this as I don't want people expecting anything from me in return for this, nor do I want people putting themselves down or comparing themselves to others, I want people to have fun for the sake of having fun.
I'm obviously not super stricks on rules as this is for fun but I do have a few requests:
No just straight up brining Mr Puzzles back, that kinda defeats the point. You're more than welcome to use your AU or OC version of Mr Puzzles for this, but no actual Mr Puzzles, let him rot in prison for a bit please.
I know I said you're welcome to do pretty much anything but please keep your work age appropriate! Telly is meant to be no older than 10 at max so nothing too outrageous please! I don't mind a bit of angst or anything like that but you know, be nice to the kid alright, I will kill you otherwise /j
Also for this please don't use their teen/adult design, this is focused on them as a kid so please keep them as one, no aging up to do anything not age appropriate please.
Please keep in mind that Telly is mute and cannot talk! They can write/type to talk (as they don't know sign language yet) and they can make static noises, but no actual speaking for them!
That's all I could think of lol, will add more if I think of anything else.
TELLYS REF IS HERE FOR ANYONE WHO NEEDS IT (it is also linked on my pinned post at all times) I'm not overly strict on design so feel free to add your own lil details to them, I think it's fun! :3
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My media asks are off for now, as I'd rather people make their own posts, it's what Tumblr's for and I wouldn't want anyone's amazing work to sit and rot in my inbox! I will be reblogging everything I promise.
You're welcome to ask me any questions but my response will likely be either "yes" or "if it's fun for you go for it!"
There is no deadline as stated, but I'll say this is open for at least a month-ish, or at least until Mr Puzzles comes back or something lol (watch that be, this week! wow how short lived /j)
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mostlysignssomeportents · 10 hours ago
Ideas Lying Around
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I'm on a 20+ city book tour for my new novel PICKS AND SHOVELS. Catch me in DC TOMORROW (Mar 4), and in RICHMOND on WEDNESDAY (Mar 5). More tour dates here. Mail-order signed copies from LA's Diesel Books.
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I get a special pleasure from citing Milton Friedman. I like to imagine that as I do, he groans around the red-hot spit protruding from his jaws, prompting howls of laughter from the demons who pelt him with molten faeces for all eternity.
If you're lucky enough not to know about Friedman, here's the short version. Friedman was a kind of court sorcerer to Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Augusto Pinochet, and other assorted authoritarian, hard-right leaders who set us on the path to the hellscape we inhabit today. But before Friedman rose to prominence and influence, he was a crank. Specifically, he was a crank who dedicated his life to rolling back all the progress of the New Deal and re-establishing the Gilded Age:
In his crank days, people were justifiably skeptical of this project. "Milton," they'd say, "people like New Deal programs. They like the minimum wage, the 40-hour work-week, and the assurance that they won't be maimed, poisoned, burned alive, or otherwise killed on the job. They relish a dignified retirement, quality education for their children, and the assurance that no one is starving to death in their country's borders. People like national parks! They like Medicare! They like libraries, museums, and reliable weather forecasts! How, Milton, do you propose to convince the vast majority of people that they should settle for being forelock-tugging plebs, groveling before their social betters for the chance to scrub their toilets?"
Friedman had an answer: "In times of crisis, ideas can move from the fringe to the center in an eyeblink. Our job is to keep good ideas lying around, in anticipation of that crisis."
When the oil crisis hit, when prices spiked in the USA and abroad, Friedman seized his opportunity. The years following the oil crisis saw a violent political revolution in which organized labor, social justice movements, and the political opposition to oligarchy were crushed under police batons and the guns of Pinochet's thugs. The world was transformed. Left parties like UK Labour were remade as austerity-pilled neoliberals (not for nothing did Margaret Thatcher call Tony Blair "her greatest accomplishment," and it took Bill Clinton to pass a welfare "reform" bill that was too extreme even for Reagan to get through Congress).
Friedman was a monster.
He had a hell of a theory of change.
When prices spiral, when people can't pay their bills anymore, when their retirement savings are wiped out, anything is possible. The oil crisis wasn't Jimmy Carter's fault, but the voters still delivered a Ba'ath Party-style Republican majority in 1980. The covid shocks weren't the fault of the world governments that presided over pandemic inflation, but they were creamed in the ensuing elections.
Let's talk about Trump's tariffs here. Trump's goal is to force a re-shoring of the American industrial capacity that was shipped to low-wage, low-regulation corporate havens around the world after the Reagan revolution. The pandemic provided a vivid lesson about the problems with long, brittle supply chains where all the slack has been extracted and converted to dividends and stock buybacks. That kind of system may work well – at least to the extent that it keeps Walmart's shelves full of cheap goods – but holy shit did it ever fail badly. Re-shoring is a good idea, as are other forms of pro-resiliency industrial policy.
But re-shoring doesn't happen overnight. As we saw during China's covid lockdowns, when one supplier ceases to ship goods, other suppliers can't spring up overnight to take up the slack. China itself became a manufacturing powerhouse thanks to extensive state support and planning, and it took decades. That kind of patient, long-run, planned process is the best-case scenario (and it still caused wrenching dislocations to Chinese society). Simply throwing up tariff walls and demanding that industry figure it out – amid the resulting economic chaos and the political instability it brings – isn't a plan, it's a disaster.
Redistributing the means of production around the world is a necessary and urgent project, but it won't be advanced through Trump's rapid, unscheduled mid-air disassembly of the global system of trade. Tariffs will cause breakdowns in neoliberalism's fragile supply chains, and the ensuing chaos – mass unemployment, shortages, political rage – will make it even harder for countries (including the USA) to rebuild the productive capacity vaporized by 40 years of neoliberalism.
This is our oil crisis, in other worlds: a moment in which a belligerent superpower's ill-considered monkeying with the underpinnings of global production will cause chaos, the crisis in which "ideas can move from the periphery to the center" in an eyeblink. If Steve Bannon can call himself a Leninist, then leftists can call themselves Friedmanites. This is our opportunity.
Or rather, it's our opportunity to seize – or lose. Governments are defaulting to retaliatory tariffs as the best response to Trump's tariffs. This is political poison: making everything your country imports from the USA more expensive is a very weird way to punish America for its trade war. Remember the glaring lesson of pandemic inflation: a government that presides over rising prices will be destroyed by the electorate.
There's a much better alternative, one that strikes at the very roots of American oligarchy, whose extreme wealth and corrosive political influence comes from its holdings in rent-extracting monopolies, especially Big Tech monopolies.
Tech giants are the major factor in US economic health. Take Big Tech stocks out of the S&P 500 and you've got a stagnant market punctuated by periods of decline. Superficially, US tech companies have different sources of extraordinary profit, but a closer look reveals that they all share the same foundation: Big Tech makes the bulk of its money in the form of monopoly rents, backstopped by global IP treaties.
Apple and Google take a 30% cut of every dollar spent in an app, and it's a felony to jailbreak a phone to make a new app store with the industry standard 1-3% transaction fees. Google and Meta take 51% out of every ad dollar, and publishers and advertisers are locked into their ecosystems by abusive contracts and technological countermeasures. HP charges $10,000/gallon for the colored water you put in your printer, and third-party ink and refills violate the anti-circumvention laws the US has crammed down the throats of every country's legislature. Tesla makes its fattest margins by renting you features that are installed in your car at the factory, from autopilot to the ability to use your battery's whole charge, raking in monthly fees from you and anyone you sell your car to – and the reason your mechanic can't just permanently unlock all that DLC for $50 is the IP laws that your country agreed to enforce in order to trade with the USA. Mechanics pay $10k/year per manufacturer for the tools to interpret the error codes generated by your car, and the only reason no one is selling a $50/month universal diagnostic service is – once again – US-originated IP laws that came in a parcel with trade agreements that gave your country's exporters access to US markets. Farmers pay John Deere $200 every time they fix their own tractors, because the repairs won't work until a technician comes out and types an unlock code into the tractor's keyboard – and bypassing that unlock code is a crime under the laws passed to comply with international treaties.
These aren't profits – they're rents. It's money Big Tech gets from owning a factor of production, not money it gets from actually making something. The app maker takes all the risks, but Apple and Google cream off 30% of their gross income. Big Tech's profits are almost an afterthought when compared to its rents, the junk-fee platform fees and farcically expensive consumables. For tech firms, capitalism was a transitional phase between feudalism…and technofeudalism:
America's robust GDP figures are a mirage, artificially buoyed up by the monopoly rents extracted by US Big Tech, who prey on Americans and foreigners:
But foreigners don't have to tolerate this nonsense. Governments around the world signed up to protect giant American companies from small domestic competitors (from local app stores – for phones, games consoles, and IoT gadgets – to local printer cartridge remanufacturers) on the promise of tariff-free access to US markets. With Trump imposing tariffs will-ye or nill-ye on America's trading partners large and small, there is no reason to go on delivering rents to US Big Tech.
The first country or bloc (hi there, EU!) to do this will have a giant first-mover advantage, and could become a global export powerhouse, dominating the lucrative markets for tools that strike at the highest-margin lines of business of the most profitable companies in the history of the human race. Like Jeff Bezos told the publishers: "your margin is my opportunity":
In times of crisis, ideas can move from the periphery to the center in an eyeblink. Many of us have spent decades organizing and mobilizing against these extractive, dangerous, destabilizing abuses of technology, where the computer-powered devices we rely on for everything are designed to serve their manufacturers' shareholders, at our expense. And yet, these technologies have only proliferated, infecting everything from insulin pumps and ventilators to coffee makers and "smart" TVs.
It's time for a global race to the top – for countries to compete with one another to see who will capture US Big Tech's margins the fastest and most aggressively. Not only will this make things cheaper for everyone else in the world – it'll also make things cheaper for Americans, because once there is a global, profitable trade in software that jailbreaks your Big Tech devices and services, it will surely leak across the US border. Canada doesn't have to confine itself to selling reasonably priced pharmaceuticals to beleaguered Americans – it can also set up a brisk trade in the tools of technological self-determination and liberation from Big Tech bondage.
Taking the margins for Big Tech's most profitable enterprises to zero, globally, will strike at the very heart of American oligarchy, and the hundreds of millions tech giants flushed into the political system to put Trump into office again. A race to the top for technological liberation benefits everyone – including Americans.
Truly, it would be a rising tide that lifted all boats (except for oligarchs' superyachts - those, it will swamp and sink).
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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whitecompri · 1 day ago
Daddy Daycare
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Pairing: Sonic x Reader; Shadow x Reader; Silver x Reader; Scourge x Reader.
Genre: Comedy
Rating: T (Teen)
Warnings: Mentions of robbering.
Synopsis: You had to go out to resolve some issues outside the home, leaving your daughter in the care of her father. Will he be able to deal with a mini version of himself?
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When you mentioned that you had to go out for a few hours to pay the bills and stop by the market, he promptly offered to stay with your daughter and let you roam freely around the city. Sonic thought it would be easy, he’d take her for a walk in the park, get some ice cream, and then they’d head home, maybe watching cartoons until you arrived.
It was going to be a breeze. After all, she was just like him—he could totally handle the situation.
That’s what he thought.
"Alright, kiddo, you can run around the park for a bit, then we’ll grab some ice cream and sit on a bench." He crouched in front of the small, blue-furred child. Her green eyes were locked onto him in deep concentration.
When Sonic stood up, he blinked, looking around the park. When he turned his gaze back to where his daughter was, his eyes widened slightly.
She had disappeared in mere seconds, leaving behind only a dust trail where she had run.
"Kiddo?" He called, looking around, searching for any sign of the little blue quills he could spot in the distance.
Sonic dashed through the park, leaving his own blue streak behind, until he finally saw her, at the playground, near some other kids. Relieved, he approached.
"Hey, don’t run off on your dad like that." He looked at her, now calmer.
The little hedgehog just smiled as a group of other Mobian children gathered around her.
"Dad, I’m going to race them!"
Distracted by the relief of having found her, Sonic didn’t even think twice.
"Oh, that’s cool." Then, his eyes widened in shock. "Wait—No, kid, hold on—"
He didn’t even finish speaking before his daughter bolted off again, zooming in circles around the playground, leaving the other kids far behind and kicking up a thick cloud of dust.
Sonic shielded his eyes with his hand to avoid getting dust or debris in them.
When the little one finally stopped running, she had left a deep groove in the dirt where she had passed. The other children, now huddled together, looked at her in awe—and maybe a little fear.
"Dad, they’re so slow..." The little one looked indignant.
"I never would’ve guessed..." Sonic scratched the back of his head, looking at his daughter. "Okay, kiddo, I think we’ve terrorized the park enough for today. How about a movie at home?"
He reached out to take her hand, but before he could, she grinned mischievously.
"Race you home!"
"Wait, what?" Before he could react, the child had already taken off at full speed back home, forcing him to activate his super speed to catch up before she caused any destruction in the city.
On the way, a hot dog cart ended up in the middle of the street, a billboard wobbled and nearly fell, and the local police probably received a few emergency calls asking for an explanation.
Minutes later, when he finally caught up, the little girl was already waiting at the doorstep. Incredibly, Sonic was panting, his quills covered in dirt from the chase. Behind them, the chaotic sounds of a city that had just witnessed a tiny hedgehog speeding at the speed of sound echoed.
"Kiddo..." He took a deep breath, catching his breath. "You know, we heroes need to keep the city intact so we can save it later, right? Let’s ease up on the destruction?"
"But Dad, I thought you were the fastest in the world. Or are you getting old?" She crossed her arms, giving him a teasing smirk.
"This has to be karma..."
When you finally arrived home and opened the door, you were startled to see Sonic sprawled on the couch, looking completely exhausted. Meanwhile, the little one was now calmly coloring in a notebook on the floor. When she saw you, she immediately ran toward you.
"Mom! I beat Dad in a race across the city!" She exclaimed happily, hugging your leg.
Your eyes shifted back to Sonic, who now had a look of pure horror.
"I’m guessing I shouldn’t even ask if everything went well, huh?" You joked, chuckling.
Sonic sat up on the couch, and now it was obvious how dirty his fur was, covered in dust and dirt.
"She... she’s faster than me..."
You could only burst out laughing at the situation, covering your mouth and closing your eyes as you laughed.
"I thought you said everything would be fine."
"Have you ever tried convincing a mini version of yourself that accidentally destroying a city isn’t cool? I tried, and it didn’t work!" His face still showed complete disbelief.
And you could only keep laughing at how hilarious it was. You’d definitely have to teach him some techniques for handling a child who was always at full speed.
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Taking care of his daughter for a day? Easy. He had already dealt with dangerous missions and battles against formidable enemies. A child couldn’t be that difficult. She always behaved and followed orders when you were around—without you, it shouldn’t be a problem.
At least, that’s what he thought.
He had planned everything for the day, how he would take care of her, what he would feed her, the exact time for her bath. With everything planned, nothing could go wrong.
Big mistake.
It was still morning, and you had just left when Shadow decided to give her a bath to start the day fresh and clean. The small, black-furred girl stood in front of the bathtub, narrowing her eyes at her father while he kept his usual impassive expression.
"I don’t want to take a bath."
Shadow raised an eyebrow, confused by her response.
"You need to take a bath to start the day clean."
"A waste of time..." She turned around and started walking away.
Shadow followed her, picking her up in his arms. She pouted as he placed her in the bathtub.
"I have more important things to do than taking a bath," the little hedgehog said, annoyed.
"I bet you do," he replied, turning around to grab a bar of soap. When he looked back at the bathtub, she was already gone, walking out of the bathroom and leaving wet footprints behind.
"Hey, young lady, you're taking that bath!"
The little one bolted through the house, and Shadow grabbed a towel, chasing after her.
"Stop running and come take your bath!" He rounded a corner in the hallway, watching her black quills disappear into his bedroom.
"You’ll never catch me, old man!"
Shadow froze mid-step, his ears twitching in irritation.
"Who taught you to talk like that?!"
He resumed his chase.
Throwing open his bedroom door, he found her standing in front of his dresser, hiding something behind her back. She had no escape this time.
But then, she revealed what she was hiding.
Shadow's eyes widened as he saw the yellow glow of the Chaos Emerald.
In the next instant, his daughter vanished in a flash of light. He stood there, stunned for a second, before hearing the teleportation sound in the next room.
Dashing inside, Shadow found the little hedgehog giggling, having the time of her life.
"Stay right there, young lady!" He took a step toward her, but she lifted the emerald again. Shadow managed to grab her wrist, but not before being teleported along with her.
Now, they were on the rooftop, while she laughed in amusement.
"Give Daddy the emerald, and then you go back and take your bath." He stepped forward cautiously.
She looked at him mischievously, already preparing to use the emerald again.
"Dad, this is fun..."
She lifted the emerald once more.
Shadow lunged for her, only to be teleported again.
By the end of the day, when you opened the door, you expected Shadow and your daughter to have had a fun time together. But then, you raised an eyebrow in confusion.
Sitting on the floor, curled up, looking absolutely exhausted, was Shadow. His quills were messy and disheveled. In front of him, the little girl sat calmly, watching cartoons on the TV.
"Long day?" You asked, laughing.
"Don’t even get me started..." Shadow looked at you, drained.
Meanwhile, the little one ran up to you, and you picked her up in your arms.
"Mom, we had so much fun!" she said, giggling.
"Oh, I can see that. I hope you didn’t give your dad too much trouble."
Shadow raised an eyebrow at you before standing up, running a hand through his quills in a failed attempt to fix them.
"If I told you... that she took my Chaos Emerald... and teleported me into the middle of the ocean, would you believe me?"
You let out an amused laugh.
"Oh, I absolutely would. I don’t doubt it one bit."
You chuckled, gently running your hand through his quills, fixing a few that were still out of place.
He still had a lot to learn about handling his own daughter’s stubbornness.
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When he found out he would be spending an entire day alone with his daughter, Silver couldn’t have been happier. After all, the little white-furred girl was cute and obedient. And he was determined to be the best father possible, taking perfect care of her to impress you when you returned.
That’s why he planned a series of fun father-daughter activities and set aside some healthy food for lunch.
Sitting next to her on the rug, he opened an encyclopedia filled with landscapes and explanations about nature.
"Look, sweetheart, this type of forest is called tundra. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? And this one is a tropical rainforest."
The little girl looked at the pictures with interest.
"Dad, can we draw this forest?" Her golden eyes turned to his, filling him with affection.
"Of course!" He glanced at the table, using his psychokinesis to bring the sketchbook and colored pencils to the floor. Her eyes sparkled as she watched her father use his powers.
"Dad, I want to use my powers too!" she said excitedly.
He chuckled at the idea. "Alright, let’s see… Try moving that eraser on the table."
The little girl focused, and soon, the eraser slowly lifted, gradually floating toward them with her psychokinesis. Silver caught it midair and placed it near the colored pencils.
"Great job! I'm so proud of you." He ruffled her hair affectionately. What he didn’t expect was just how out of hand things would get as the day went on.
During lunch, while preparing a healthy salad, he turned around to grab some seasoning from the cabinet, only to realize that the jar of candy, which had been hidden high up, was now empty. Silver narrowed his eyes. That’s when he was startled by the sound of something being dragged in the living room.
He rushed over and froze at the sight. Wrappers from the candy were scattered all over the floor, and his daughter stood with her hands raised, making the couch levitate.
His first reaction was to smile slightly, proud of how much her power was developing.
But then, as he looked up, his breath caught in his throat, and his smile vanished. The coffee table, a plant vase, and the rug were all stuck to the ceiling due to her psychokinesis.
"Sweetheart, be careful with your powers. It’s too early for you to be using them like this. Let’s practice putting things back on the floor, okay? That’s important!"
He took a cautious step forward, worried about her safety, using his own powers to bring the furniture down. However, before he could act, she turned to him, and suddenly, he was caught in her telekinesis.
Silver started floating helplessly, unable to grab onto anything, only stopping when he reached the ceiling.
He was not prepared for this.
"Please, sweetheart, put Daddy back on the floor!" he pleaded, trying to keep the panic out of his voice.
"Dad, I don’t know how to bring things back down once I lift them."
His eyes widened in terror.
"I wasn’t prepared for this..." he muttered.
When you arrived in the afternoon, you stepped inside, hearing movement in the living room. As you entered, you were met with an unexpected sight.
"Mom, look what I can do!" The little girl ran up to you, turning toward the armchair and using her powers to make it levitate.
That’s when your eyes landed on Silver—floating midair, struggling to move as he clung to whatever furniture he could reach.
"Silver? You okay up there?"
He flinched at your voice, looking at you with wide eyes.
"Yep! Everything’s totally under control, nothing to worry about!" he tried to play it off, attempting to use his own powers to float down to you. But his daughter's telekinesis was still keeping him trapped.
Then, her power failed.
With a loud crash, the furniture dropped to the ground, and so did Silver, luckily, landing on a pile of cushions.
"I was gone for five hours… How did this even happen?" you asked, looking at the mess around you.
"Don’t even ask..." Silver groaned as he sat up, watching his daughter happily flipping through the encyclopedia in the kitchen. "I just wanted to be a good dad..."
Sighing, you walked over and cupped his cheek gently.
"You are a good dad, Silver. You just need to learn how to say no to her… and teach her that she can’t cause chaos inside the house."
He nodded quietly. "Leave it to me." He placed his hand over yours.
Your adorable white hedgehog still had a lot to learn about handling his daughter’s impulsive nature.
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Spending a day with his little brat would be easy—he liked the girl a lot, and her energy matched his perfectly. So, of course, he’d be able to handle everything and keep the little green-furred hedgehog under control until you got back.
That’s why he decided a trip to the city and a visit to the toy store would be enough to keep the little one distracted and happy. However, things started getting complicated right away when he was looking for his jacket to wear.
Scourge searched through every closet, the laundry basket, under the bed. He sighed, scratching his head, wondering where he might have left it. That’s when, in his peripheral vision, he spotted a familiar fabric. Turning around, he saw his daughter wearing his jacket, which was way too big for her.
"Hey, kid, you swiped ya dad's jacket? Hand it ovah, we gotta go."
"No, I like it. It’s stylish. It’s mine now," she retorted, crossing her arms. Scourge narrowed his eyes.
"It don’t even fit ya, kid. C’mon, give it back ta ya pops." He took a step toward her, but she stepped back, a mischievous smirk on her face.
Realizing this wouldn’t end well, Scourge sighed and gave up.
"Awright, fine, keep it for today. But when ya ma gets home, I want my damn jacket back."
"Not happening."
Scourge stared at her in disbelief but let it slide. What he didn’t expect was how things would escalate out of his control.
At the toy store, he was checking the prices of some things she liked while letting her play in the store’s playground after she insisted a lot. His ears twitched slightly, picking up the noise of some commotion.
Following the sound, he spotted his daughter standing on a kid’s bench, surrounded by a bunch of small Mobians. She raised a fist, giving what sounded like a speech. The kids cheered, leaving Scourge confused—until he realized she had formed a little gang of brats, all led by his daughter.
'Sheesh… I really am a terrible influence, ain't I?,' he muttered, frowning.
As he approached, she noticed him and focused her blue eyes on her father.
"Dad, I have a gang now, just like you!" she announced loudly, drawing the attention of other adults in the store. Scourge’s ears flattened against his head instinctively.
"Nah, kid, I ain't got no gang… not no more…" he murmured the last part quietly, not wanting to cause a scene.
That’s when his daughter turned to her crew, rallying them again.
"Alright, gang, we’re gonna take over this store!"
Scourge’s eyes widened in horror.
"Kid, that ain't how a real gang works," he muttered, crossing his arms.
"Oh yeah? And you would know, Dad?"
He gritted his teeth as she challenged him. Without another word, he picked her up and carried her straight to the register to pay for the toy he had picked.
"You can play wit’ ya little crew some other time. Right now, we’re headin’ home."
Walking down the street, holding her hand while carrying the shopping bag, he was still trying to process everything, thinking that the saying like father, like daughter had never been more accurate.
That’s when she suddenly stopped in front of a popcorn stand. Scourge noticed her interest, so he reached for his wallet to grab some cash.
"Mister, can I get free popcorn? My dad’s broke and can’t afford one," she said.
Scourge’s eyes widened in shock, a bead of sweat running down his quills.
This kid had audacity. He had to admit that.
The popcorn vendor handed her the snack while Scourge stood there, mouth open. Then, the little girl grabbed his hand and led him back home.
"See, Dad? Now you don’t have to waste money on this."
At first, he was speechless, but then he laughed at how cunning she was, even at such a young age.
"And Dad, I stole this from the store."
She pulled out an expensive toy from inside his jacket.
"That’s my girl—Wait, WHAT?!"
He stared at the toy in her hand.
"If ya ma finds out ‘bout this, she’s gonna kill me!"
"We can’t return it now, Dad. No one saw me, not even the cameras."
Scourge scratched his head. Returning the item now would only make him look suspicious.
‘This kid’s gonna get me locked up, I swear…�� was all he could think.
So, he decided to let it slide just this once and give her a serious talk about following society’s rules later.
"Aight, but not a word o’ this ta ya mother, ya hear me?"
The little one nodded quickly, following him home.
When you walked in the door, you found Scourge sprawled out on the couch, looking completely defeated. On the floor, the little troublemaker was happily playing with her new toys—still wearing his jacket.
Smiling warmly, you sat beside him, and the little one immediately got up to hug you.
"Mom, today I tricked some adults and made a gang!"
You raised an eyebrow, glancing at Scourge.
"Sounds like a very eventful day," you teased, laughing.
"I gotta admit… I think this lil' brat just outdid me." Scourge huffed, thinking back on the chaotic day.
"I can definitely imagine that," you laughed again. "She really takes after you."
"Yeah, but ya never told me ya kid was some kinda criminal mastermind in trainin’!"
He sat up, crossing his arms.
"And ya gotta convince her ta gimme my damn jacket back..."
You could only laugh as you kissed his cheek.
"Mom, Dad let me stea—"
Scourge quickly placed a hand over her mouth gently.
"I bought that for her! Yeah, that’s right! Bought it!"
Sweat dripped down his forehead while the little troublemaker giggled at his reaction.
You arched an eyebrow.
He slumped back on the couch, sighing.
"This kid is trouble, I tell ya..."
Then, as she went back to playing, he smirked at you.
"I think I earned myself a lil’ reward for puttin’ up wit’ her all day…"
You punched his shoulder, making him grunt in pain—before he chuckled.
Yeah... he still needed time to figure out how to deal with a mini version of himself.
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petermorwood · 1 day ago
They could have called them pelmeni chinois or maultaschen chinois except it turns out there's an actual regional and very old French dish called Ravioles du Dauphiné.
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They're stuffed with Comté cheese, fromage blanc, eggs and parsley.
So, ravioles chinoise - with the -es spelling, anyway - isn't a deliberate avoidance of English (well, not just that) but might, just might, have been adapted from a legitimate though rare French term.
Because compared to the rest of the world, French cookery is quite remarkable in its dumplinglessness. (That's a word now...)
It has quenelles, the best-known of which are traditionally made from fish (pike) but also from cheese...
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.... and are like German liver dumplings (Leberknödel) to the extent that "Knödel" may even be the origin of "quenelle".
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This name-change is rather like the way the French word for insubstantial nibbles or "little somethings" - quelquechoses - became "kickshaws" in English, as seen here in Shakespeare's "Henry IV Part II":
"Some pigeons, Davy, a couple of short-legged hens, a joint of mutton, and any pretty little tiny kickshaws, tell William cook."
The only other thing I could find being called a "dumpling" is the "farz" part of kig ha farz, an even more regional Breton treatment using an egg-butter-milk-buckwheat batter tied in a bag then cooked in the same pot as - and served with - pot-au-feu.
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It may look like a dumpling when bagged, but when plated it looks like haggis. That crumbly texture means it's sometimes called couscous breton, and it's dressed with a buttery, oniony, sometimes bacony sauce called lipig (which, inevitably, I keep misreading as Lipwig...)
However farz is also made with white flour, and that version isn't crumbled but sliced like so...
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...and sometimes fried, like King Arthur's bag-pudding.
Pudding, BTW, is another language-swap, originally from French "boudin", meaning a sausage - Irish / UK black and white pudding and French boudin noir and boudin blanc are definitely related.
The word then broadened meaning into something cooked inside a casing (a haggis is the "great chieftain o' the pudding race") or a bag / cloth, where the old method of cooking Christmas pudding isn't too far from what's done with kig ha farz.
As for King Arthur...
When Good King Arthur Ruled This Land A Nursery Rhyme When good King Arthur ruled this land, He was a goodly king; He stole three pecks of barley-meal To make a bag-pudding. A bag-pudding the king did make, And stuffed it well with plums; And in it put great lumps of fat, As big as my two thumbs. The king and queen did eat thereof, And noblemen beside; And what they could not eat that night, The queen next morning fried.
As far as I could find out before deciding it was the "looking for a black cat in a darkened coal-cellar and BTW the cat isn't there" thing - ravioles, quenelles and possibly farz are the only French examples of what this Wikipedia link lists as a "dumpling".
If there IS some obscure or forgotten French regional dish which would qualify as le domplén Normande, la boulette de pâte or whatever, I'd love to know.
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Accidentally called dumplings "Peking ravioli" in front of my New Jersey coworkers and I had to frantically explain that this wasn't some insane form of esoteric Italo-Chinese racism, that's just what they're called in Boston. Had to take a picture of a menu to prove it.
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starsinthesky5 · 1 day ago
“fun fact, she wrote about half of the first draft of so high school in one sitting at an indoor practice one day. she was feeling a little too inspired that afternoon, watching him run around in those damn athletic shorts and the black compression tank that drove her mad. let’s just say the storage closet saw a bit of action that day..”
so basically hi yes i need this as a blurb immediately
contains smut and language. mdni
she only meant to sit there and get some writing done. and well, to watch her guy do his thing while she simultaneously did hers. 
really. that’s all it was. harmless football fun. or so she thought.
he was her biggest source of inspiration and she needed a good dose of joe to write her next song. daydreaming about him while he was at practice, only did so much, and well, since quite a few football anecdotes were being mixed into the song, she wanted the full-fledged experience. be right in the middle of the sport she was so fond of, and the sport her man excelled at. she followed him around with those adorable puppy dog eyes and that signature pout the night before, begging for him to take her to practice the next morning. at first he was hesitant, not because people would notice her, but because he didn’t want her to catch a fastball to the face. 
that beautiful, crafted by the angels, baby face. 
he didn’t care if anyone saw her because even though their relationship was still hidden from the world, everyone who needed to know about them, knew. and that included his teammates & organization. 
anyway, she convinced him (like she always does since he physically can’t say no to her) by promising that she’d spend the rest of the evening after the game on sunday watching game of thrones with joe. ever since he found out she’s never watched a single minute of—according to him—the best piece of visual media ever created, he’s made it his mission to educate her on the masterpiece that his favorite show ever. he’s been relentless about it, bringing it up at every opportunity, dropping references she doesn’t understand, and even going as far as calling it a “relationship red flag” that she’s never seen it.  
so when she batted her lashes at him and promised a whole uninterrupted evening of watching with him—no distractions, no excuses—he caved. just like he always does.  
because as much as he loves football, and as much as he takes game day seriously, he loves her more. and if having her in the background, watching him ball with those doe eyes while she wrote so poetically about his goofy ass, in exchange for her curled up beside him, wrapped in a blanket, fully immersed in the world of westeros, is the price to pay? 
well, that’s an easy decision.
she was just sitting there on her woodvale tour blanket—the one she brought with her to the private suite every gameday because she called it a good luck charm (that’s a story for another day). her bag placed next to her and her pens, books, and film camera scattered around her. she was tucked away in the corner of the indoor practice facility, far enough away not to disrupt the players but close enough to feel joe’s presence. her journal was open, glitter gel pen gliding across the page as lyrics spilled out in a steady rhythm.
truth, dare, spin bottles, you know how to ball, i know aristotle
“well, i guess that last lyric works for him too. perks of having an incredibly athletic boyfriend who also is the most intellectual person you’ve ever met," she muttered under her breath, giggling at how joe was literally the real life version of the dreamy love interest in every high school rom-com. the kind of guy who could ace a calculus test with one hand and throw a perfect spiral with the other. the one who made teachers adore him, parents trust him, and every opposing team fear him.
she sighed dramatically, twirling her pen between her fingers. “seriously, it’s almost unfair,” she mumbled, shaking her head. “where’s the flaw? there has to be a flaw,”.
there was no flaw about him. good luck trying to find one ;)
and then, a few minutes later, the man of the hour came into her vantage point, and she nearly lost her shit. 
joe, in those damn athletic shorts and that black compression tank clinging to him in all the right places, muscles rippling with every throw, sweat glistening on his temple—he looked too damn good, distractingly good. every time she shifted her gaze, there he was, a living, breathing vision of raw desire.
her pen stilled. her thighs clenched instinctively as she fought to focus on her words, but her eyes betrayed her every time, locked on him.
“i’m so fucked,” she sighed, watching how his back muscles contracted with every stretch of his arms. she was lucky that his compression tank wasn’t so meshy otherwise those red scratches all over his back would be on display for everyone and they’d know exactly why joe was a few minutes late to the meeting this morning. oh, and tee & ja’marr would never let him hear the end of it since joe was mr. discipline for those two and their um…personal endeavors. 
anyway, one thing that always did it for her, was that black compression tank. and joe knew what he was doing when he put that on in the locker room. since it was bring your girlfriend to work day for him, he thought that he should have a little fun with it since she wanted some…inspiration. 
she barely concentrated on writing the song for the rest of practice since she was too busy practically eye-fucking him in front of everyone. she was lucky that none of the coaches saw, but some of the female PT’s definitely were giggling in the corner. 
it’s not her fault that joe is literally the hottest man to ever exist. like, scientifically speaking. broad shoulders, strong jaw, those annoyingly perfect hands that look just as good gripping a football as they do gripping her waist. and don’t even get her started on the way his veins pop when he’s focused—it's actually cruel.  
it’s not her fault that every time he walks into a room, she momentarily forgets how to function. that her brain short-circuits whenever he wears that damn black compression shirt. that watching him lace up his cleats is somehow the most intimate, most unfairly attractive thing she’s ever witnessed.  
she is so down bad. (girl, get off the floor)
it must have been his luck, or the way he felt her stare, because as soon as practice ended, he was on her—storming over like a tidal wave, hardly giving her a chance to shut her notebook before his fingers curled firmly around her wrist.
“come with me,” he commanded in a low, rough tone that tolerated no argument.
he led her down the hallway, past empty locker rooms since he was the first one to rush out of the facility, until they slipped into a storage closet where the door clicked shut behind them. in the dim light, with the hum of players filing into the locker rooms outside, he pinned her against the cool metal wall. “you think i didn’t see you out there?” he smirked, his voice a mix of teasing and urgent need as his fingers slipped beneath her top, tracing the sensitive curve of her spine. “watching me like that? biting your lip, not even hiding that look—you were thinking about me fucking you right here, weren’t you?”.
heat pooled low in her stomach, and her breath hitched as he nestled a firm thigh between hers, the pressure igniting a desperate whimper from deep within. “joe–,” she began, voice trembling from her fear of being caught but also from the pleasure in her veins.
“nah,” he cut her off with a kiss, his hands roaming lower, slipping beneath the waistband of her leggings. “you don’t get to play innocent now,”.
her fingers dug into his shoulders as he captured her lips in a searing kiss—hot, insistent, his tongue exploring as if he’d been starving for her all day. his hands moved over her body with a possessive urgency, tugging her closer, pulling moans from her even as he tried to stifle them by pressing his hand gently against her mouth, but every so often a repressed sound betrayed her desire.
“this what you wanted, baby?” he rasped against her lips, his touch speaking louder than words as he cupped her through her soaked panties, the heat between them intensifying with each slow movement. “you were writing your little songs, getting all worked up watching me, weren’t you?”.
“joe, please,” she gasped, her body arching into him, every nerve ending on fire, aching for his touch. 
he chuckled, his hand slipping with expert precision until he was teasing her, a finger sliding inside her, then another, his thumb circling her clit in a way that made her gasp and squirm. “joe, someone will hear,” she sighed, pushing her head forward to rest on his shoulder.
“then just be quiet, love,” he murmured softly against the shell of her ear, his voice a blend of tenderness and raw desire. “i know you have a hard time with that, but you can do it for me, right?”, 
her response was a desperate, muffled moan as she grounds herself against his hand, the heat and friction overwhelming her senses, making her crave more of him, more of every touch.
joe groaned softly, his breath hot against her ear as he worked her open with slow, deliberate strokes of his fingers, teasing her until she was trembling against him. “you feel that? so fucking wet for me,” he murmured, his voice rough but quiet, mindful of the footsteps echoing outside the storage closet.
she whimpered, her nails digging into his arms, desperate for more, for him. “joey, please–," she whined again, only for him to silence her with a deep kiss, swallowing her needy sounds as he slipped his fingers out and replaced them with the thick, aching length of him.
a strangled gasp left her lips as he pushed in, stretching her inch by inch, the delicious burn sending white-hot pleasure spiraling through her. he cursed under his breath, gripping her hips as he bottomed out, his forehead resting against hers. “fuck, baby. you take me so good,”.
she clenched around him involuntarily, making him shudder, his control hanging by a thread. he pulled back and thrust into her again, slow at first, savoring the way her body molded around him, then faster, harder, the force of each movement slamming her against the cool metal wall.
she bit down on her lip, trying—failing—to stifle the moans threatening to spill from her mouth. the risk of being caught only heightened everything, made the sharp snap of his hips, the relentless press of his body against hers, even more intoxicating. “joe…ngph…please. fuck– you feel so good,”. 
joe gritted his teeth, one large hand covering her mouth as he thrust deep, his other arm bracing her against him. “shh, baby,” he panted, though he was barely able to keep quiet himself, his breath ragged, his grunts low and strained. “you gotta be quiet or this will be over faster than we want,”.
but how could she? when he was pounding into her like this—desperate, relentless, making her toes curl and her knees shake? when his cock filled her so perfectly, dragged against every sensitive spot inside her, made her see stars behind her eyelids?
her muffled cries vibrated against his palm, her body tightening around him, her release building fast and hard. he felt it, cursed under his breath, and doubled down—his fingers slipping between them, finding her clit, rubbing quick, precise circles that had her squirming in his hold.
“c’mon,” he urged, his lips brushing her temple, voice raspy with restraint. “i got you, baby. let go,”.
and she did—her climax crashing over her in hot, shuddering waves, her body convulsing, her nails clawing at his sweat-slicked skin as she trembled apart in his arms. “j..joe, oh fuck,” she whispered, trying so damn hard to keep it together.
joe groaned, barely holding on as she pulsed around him, her tight, wet heat milking him for everything he had. he slammed into her one last time, burying himself deep, his release hitting him hard, leaving him breathless as he spilled inside her.
for a long moment, they stayed pressed together, their heaving chests rising and falling in sync, their bodies still locked in place as they came down from their high.
his breath was still ragged, his body still pressed against hers as the aftershocks of their release settled between them. his forehead dropped to her shoulder, lips brushing over the damp skin of her neck, placing lazy, lingering kisses there.  “jesus,” he muttered, voice still thick with pleasure, a breathless chuckle escaping him. “you are trouble,”. 
she let out a soft, breathy laugh, her fingers slipping into his damp hair, scratching gently at his scalp. “i think you’ll survive. you’re my big strong man, you got it,”.  
he lifted his head just enough to look at her, his lips curving into that boyish grin that made her stomach flip. “barely,”.  
he kissed her then, slow and deep, his lips soft, worshipping, like he had all the time in the world. like his teammates weren’t wondering where the hell you two went. it was such a contrast from the way he’d just had her, rough and desperate—like he couldn’t get enough. now, he kissed her like he never wanted to stop.  
“so,” he murmured against her lips, nudging his nose against hers. “was that inspiring enough for you?”.
she giggled, nipping at his bottom lip. “maybeeee,”.  
his hands tightened on her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. “maybe?”.
she shrugged, playful. “i don’t know, i might need another round to really be sure. still some details to flesh out,”.  
he groaned, dropping his head against her shoulder with a dramatic sigh. “you’re gonna be the death of me,”.  
“but what a way to go, right?”.
he laughed, shaking his head as he kissed her again, all soft and sweet, like he was trying to memorize the shape of her lips. “yeah, baby,” he whispered, smiling against her mouth. “what a way to go,”. 
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ivesambrose · 1 day ago
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Heard the astro weather of March is supposed to be intense but I don't want to perpetuate that. I intend that you still make the best of it regardless of circumstances.
So I did something new for change 🤍
Have a good month ahead retrogrades or not xx
To book a personalized reading with me in regards to the coming months or any query you have in mind dm or email me at [email protected]
Click here for services offered
Tips are appreciated 🧡
Picture 1
For you,
March whispers secrets to those who listen.
This month, you stand at the edge of knowing. You might find yourself looking through a hazy veil initially but it won't mean that you're being blinded. Will you trust what you feel before you see?
Your intuition will sharpen and dreams will whisper answers.
You will have no other choice but to nurture yourself from within. Be it eliminating certain foods or fluids or adding them. You will also be reminded that growth is quiet before it flourishes. Something within you (an idea, a love, a version of yourself) will begin to blossom into fullness.
You'll feel as though some event has cleansed your path, there will be a reckoning that brings clarity. What was once uncertain will its rightful balance. Whether you believe in karma or not it feels as though a karmic justice will play out for you.
You shall be offered emotional steadiness, either from someone or it will come within yourself. A sense of emotional maturity. You'll find yourself being less reactive or in simple terms 'less crash outs over circumstances'.
Where once there was confusion, there is now control. You hold your heart like an anchor soft yet unwavering.
Subconsciously, you're being asked to dance with change. March brings shifts, but they do not shake you. They will teach you rhythm instead. You will juggle choices, emotions, and revelations, but you will not longer feel lost.
What does March bring?
A deepening. An unfolding. A knowing. This is the month your soul speaks, and for once, you listen.
Picture 2
For you,
March arrives like a storm and a sunrise all at once.
Spring cradles you in abundance and here I want to remind you, where you focus dominantly, whatever it is, will see an increase. Remind yourself this each time you find yourself wavering to a thought that feels unfavorable.
You'll find your mind being sharp as well.
You'll also learn to establish firm boundaries. I feel as though some of you may have been feeling like their authority is being challenged or are being subtly bullied, I want to remind you that you will emerge victorious not those attempting to dim your glow. They feel threatened by that's their problem to solve, not yours.
There's softness and steel, both alive within you. And you see that clearly now, even if that clarity isn't necessarily comfortable.
You will be shown the knots of your own making, fears that have kept you still. But March is not a month for stagnation for you.
You will surge forward confidently. It is important to hold your ground if you believe in something even if it's just you. You might consider travelling or make plans for the same this may not be a short distance travel either.
This month, whatever falls was never your foundation. Let it crumble, and you will find yourself standing stronger. It's okay.
At the root of it all, I'm seeing you build a wealthy foundation for yourself. Instead of slaving away for money, learn to harness it for what it is that is, energy.
What does March bring?
A breaking. A building. A reclamation. This is the month you take your power back.
Picture 3
For you,
March turns the wheel.
The tides shift
where you were once waiting, now momentum sweeps you forward. You'll find yourself being aligned with destined moments. A lot of quick confident decisions or communication will take place. I feel some of you might be musically inclined and this month will be significant when it comes to that. Since it's a general reading I can't be too specific but music plays a crucial role for you this month be it literally or symbolically.
Be mindful of what you tell yourself as well as the media you consume. You can feel a certain emotion but not make it a part of yourself.
Your once empty cup will overflow, offering love, renewal, or a heart cracked open in the best way.
Your desired business or career will begin to flourish as well. Expect wealth. A good amount of it. Beautify yourself and your surroundings please. Your environment plays a very important role in attracting what you seek and becoming who you desire to be.
I want to remind you that your patience has not been in vain. You are moving forward now, with no hesitation. You are ready.
At the core, this month reminds you that good things take root in time, it's already inevitable so why worry? What you have sown begins to bear fruit.
What does March bring?
A turning. A revelation. A harvest. This is the month your patience meets its reward.
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juniperskye · 2 days ago
Stolen Moment
Based on the following ask: I was thinking it was Hotch and the reader's wedding but it's kind of loud and crowded and although the reader is no doubt excited to spend the rest of her life with Hotch the idea of the party didn't appeal very much because finds that type of event a bit difficult. So, she just hides but he knows where he can find her so he goes and sees her sitting in a corner with all her beautiful dress fluttering around her and he offers to skip the party and she just tells him ‘They’re here for us, it would be rude' but he really doesn't care, the only thing he wanted was for her to be his wife. I had to shorten the ask since it was a bit long, but I truly love this request – My wedding was lowkey because I knew I couldn’t handle a big wedding either.
Aaron Hotchner x Wife! Fem Reader Fluff Word count: 1645
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Requests are open and feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, reader has anxiety, wedding, wedding type content, feeling overwhelmed, Hotch being the best ever, mention of Jack, pet names, mentions of food and eating, let me know if I missed anything.
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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“And for the first time, I’d like to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Hotchner!” The DJ shouted into the mic, the crowd erupting in cheers.
Aaron and you made your way into the reception hall, hands joined as he raised them up above you, effectively showing you off to all your family and friends. Aaron turned you around, pulling you back into his arms, pressing a kiss to your lips. Everyone continued cheering for the two of you, joyous to be a part of such a special occasion.
The day had been so incredible, everything you could have ever asked for. You had done a private first look, the only witness was your photographer. After the first look you took photos with the wedding party before having the ceremony.
Your ceremony had been short and sweet, with Dave being the officiant, you’d been able to customize the entirety of it. He’d been amazing and personalized it to suit you and Aaron well. After the ceremony ended, Aaron and you stepped away for a private moment, signing your marriage license…but there had been another surprise, you’d also be signing the adoption papers to gain legal custody of Jack. The three of you shared a special moment, full of tears, joy and most importantly, love.
You then went on to take photos with your family and then Aaron, Jack and you took some photos as a family as well as just the two of you as a couple. The location your photographer had chosen was truly spectacular, it had been this lovely grove, the trees blooming with little white flowers, the grass green and lush. It had been perfect.
The reception had been scheduled meticulously:
Cocktail Hour (during photos)
Grand Entrance
First Dance
Cake Cutting
Bouquet Toss
Grand Exit
You’d just had your first dance, to a slowed version of The Beatles I Will. Aaron had always been a big fan of the White Album, and that song seemed to be a perfect choice for your dance. Afterwards, you were happy to finally sit and eat, the constant interruption of family and friends coming up to you to offer congratulations and well wishes had been a little overwhelming, but overall, you were doing alright.
Aaron had kept his hand placed somewhere on you the whole night; clasped within yours, pressed to the small of your back, caressing your cheek or neck, or resting on your thigh like right now for instance. He did this to keep you grounded, he knew that this was a lot for you, having so many people around you, but more so the way they crowded the two of you, not leaving any room to breathe.
The toasts were planned, you had agreed that you didn’t want to do an open mic for toasts because that often took too long and you didn’t need any embarrassing stories shared in front of everyone. So, the only toasts that were expected were that of your sister, who was your maid of honor, and Dave, who was the officiant…but also technically a second-best man. Jack being the first of course.
What you hadn’t been expecting was Aaron to step up and give a speech of his own.
“I want to start this off by thanking everyone for being here with us on such a special day. For those of you that know us, well you know that I was down pretty badly from the beginning. She had me wrapped around her finger and she didn’t even know it. As our friendship grew, so did my love for her. I thought for a while that I was going to have to settle for being her friend because I needed her in my life one way or another. But then, she came up to me after months of, what I now know was mutual, pining and she said, “if you’re not going to ask me out, then I’ll just ask you.” That was the moment I knew I was going to marry you sweetheart. You aren’t afraid to call me out when it’s needed, you know how to break down my walls and comfort me through hardships, you make me laugh until my stomach hurts, and you have made me smile more in these last few years, than some people do in a lifetime. Jack and I are so very lucky to have you in our lives and I am honored to have become your husband here today. I love you so much sweetheart.”
Tears were streaming down your cheeks as your smile grew. Your guests clapped, many of them wiping their own eyes. Aaron always knew what to say, he had a way with words that overwhelmed you…he was able to say exactly what he was feeling, and you wished you could afford the same luxury. Unfortunately, the words didn’t always come so easily to you. You were able to express yourself in other ways though.
The DJ welcomed your guests to the dancefloor, you had been making your rounds greeting people and catching up with some friends when it all sort of hit you…all at once. It was loud and crowded and your dress was starting to feel hot and heavy.
After attempting to catch your breath for a moment, you decided to get some air…that would surely help you to regulate.
So, you snuck out into the back of the reception hall, it had been lit beautifully by the setting sun. Off across the back there was a tree that had grown out parallel to the ground, it looked right out onto the lake behind the hall.  You made your way over and sat, your dress fluffed out around you.
You’d taken a few grounding breaths, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself…despite the anxiety that loomed from being around so many people for so long, it wouldn’t dim the joy you currently felt from getting to marry your true love.
It didn’t take Aaron long to notice your absence. Once quick glance around the reception hall and he knew you had gone off to try and calm your nerves. He made his way around to see if you’d gone to the restroom or to the foyer…when he came up empty, he decided to check outside and the view he was met with was breathtaking.
Straight ahead of him, was you. Your back to him, sat on the trunk of this tree with your dress cascading around you. The rays of the setting sun illuminated you from the front, casting this angelic glow around you. Aaron felt so incredibly lucky to have found you in this lifetime. He had been so sure that he wouldn’t find love again…but then you came around and proved him wrong. He couldn’t be any more grateful for that.
He walked over to you, quiet enough to avoid disturbing you, but he also wanted to make sure he didn’t startle you.
“Hey sweetheart,” he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder “you doing alright?”
“Hmm, yeah I’m okay.” You sighed, leaning into his touch.
Aaron could tell you were exhausted; physically, mentally and emotionally. Today had been a big and long day. One that he knew would be hard for you to come down from. That was the thing, Aaron often sensed your anxieties before you did…you had high highs, and low lows. Today was the highest of highs…which meant a pretty big come down was sure to follow. Aaron wanted to do everything in his power to help you through that, starting now.
“Hey, why don’t we get out of here?” Aaron suggested.
“Honey, we can’t.”
“And why not? I’ll go grab Jack and the three of us will go grab something to eat and then head home to watch a movie!” Aaron smiled.
“It wouldn’t be right Aar. They’re here for us; it would be rude. Plus, this is our wedding, we’ve paid for all of this.” You huffed lightly.
Truthfully, Aaron didn’t care about all that. He just wanted to spend time with you. He was so incredibly happy to finally be married to you. Nothing else matters in this moment to him…just your happiness. All he’s wanted for the last few years was to have you as his wife, and now you were. His beautiful wife.
“Baby, it’s all for us. Which means we get to choose when it’s all said and done. What do you say?”
“Okay.” You smiled.
Aaron quickly made his way inside, he let Dave know your plan so someone could be in charge of closing everything up, he also informed your sister so she could make sure all your things were situated. Aaron then grabbed Jack and made his way back to you.
The three of you made your way to your favorite diner, a 50’s themed one called Barb’s. Your favorite waitress had even been working, making the night even better.
“Hey guys, did you guys…are you in…I feel like I’m missing something.” Thresa laughed.
“We got married a few hours ago.” You filled her in.
“Oh, and you guys came here? I mean, congratulations…but shouldn’t you be at your reception or something?”
“I am in our favorite diner, with my favorite two people. There is no place I’d rather be.” Aaron confirmed.
“Well, dinner is on the house tonight. Did you guys want the usual, or something else tonight?" Thresa asked.
“The usual.”
Aaron, Jack and you ate dinner that night, laughing and smiling and recounting your favorite parts of the day. Though you knew deep down…that years from now, when you looked back on this day, this would be your favorite part. Sitting in Barb’s Diner, eating a grilled cheese across from your husband who knows you better than you know yourself.   
You had never felt happier.
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Taglist: @bernelflo@pastelpinkflowerlife@just-moondust@khxna @crimesthatnooneaskedfor
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facultativeactivity · 2 days ago
Okay, reading back Discord from the time this was an issue, what really went down was this:
For a while I was using LibreOffice for my writing. For a while, it was causing an issue when text copypasted from Libre to Ao3's editor would develop weird formatting errors. Specifically, lines with italicized text and quatation marks had spaces in them that weren't supposed to be there. It was annoying but relatively easy to fix.
Then when trying to upload an especially long chapter, I noticed a new problem. After around half of the chapter, all my quotation marks that were at the start of the line, and some others as well, became italicized even they weren't supposed to be. This time the issue only affected the quotation marks themselves.
Again, annoying but easy to fix - or so I thought. After manually de-italicizing the quation marks that werent supposed to be in italics in Ao3's editor and clicked preview I saw that now most of my text got italicized for seemingly no reason.
Checking the affected line back in LibreOffice, I noticed that even though they showed up normally there, if I highlighted them, the toolbar showed them to be italicized, even thoigh they weren't. Like this:
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Experimenting, I copied the text into Word as well, where, just like in Ao3, they appeared in italics. After that, I concluded that the issue must be with Libre, as it apparently somehow corrupted my text, normal lines to appear as italics outside of the editor. I was tired of the whole issue and decided to just move to Word since I had it on my coputer at the time anyway.
Later my laptop that had Windows on it broke and I had to switch to Ubuntu. And what's Ubuntu's built-in text editor? Yeah, LibreOffice. Nah, pal, I wasn't going to do that shit again. So for a while, I went to do my writing in GDocs.
Copying text from GDocs into Ao3, while it was less of a hassle, still caused some crap with formatting, mostly with aligning. That's where I became supicious that I might've been too harsh on Libre. After all it's a widely used open source alternative to Word, and nobody seemed to have encountered the same issue. Ao3 on the other hand seemed to had issues with multiple text editors that weren't Word, or its own native editor. I did some experimenting and noticed that copying text from Libre to various online text editors did not cause the issues I encountered, only if Ao3 was involved somewhere in the process.
The only anomlay I could not explain was why that one chapter seemed to got fucked on in Libre itself. It seemed t contradict all my other experiences. It was already a long time ago, and I remembered being pretty frustrated and sleep-deprived while dealing with this, so I decided I probably did something stupid, like copying back the corrupted text from Ao3's editor that caused it. It didin't really make a differenc for me, as I was mostly writing for Ao3, so I needed an editor that was at least mostly compatible with it, so I just silently apologized to Libre for probably being unjust to it, and kept using GDocs, than later went back to Word.
Only now, reading back on The Incident 1.75 years later did I finally manage to Connect The Dots:tm:
You see, I like reusing my OCs in different settings and stories, and also to collaborative stuff with writer friends, where we borrow each other's characters, or write (recursive) fanfiction to each other's works. This monstre chapter I had so much issue with was kinda special because of a segment that took place in its middle, that was meant to be as both a bit of self-indulgance and a gift to my friends.
It had one of my OCs touch and eldritch artifact that caused her to have some weird 'flashbacks' about events that never actually happened to her. At least not in *that* life. Those 'flashbacks' were pieces of dialoge from other stories featuring her different versions, written by both me and my friends.
And all of those lines were copied from Ao3.
So there, after all this time, mystery solved. LibreOffice can, in theory, fuck up your text, but according to my experience, it only happenes if the document has text copied from Ao3. Also if you write your story in Libre, and it have italicized quotes, Ao3 will almost certainly will mess up those lines. Otherwise it should be fine.
Not sure what's going on between the two, but my best bet is Toxic Yuri.
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batboysanonymous · 24 hours ago
Watching, Waiting, Wanting (Extended Version)
Azriel x Reader
Summary: Azriel was never a good man, not when it came to her—his darkness, his obsession, his carefully crafted devotion was something no one, not even the Mother herself, could sever.
Continue reading below ⬇
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Y/n didn’t know he was there.
She never did.
Not really.
She moved through Velaris with a softness Azriel could never replicate. A kind of weightlessness that made him feel like he could breathe when he hadn’t even realized he’d been drowning.
She sat by her window now, curled up in an armchair with a book in her lap, one hand absentmindedly twirling a loose strand of hair. The golden glow of candlelight flickered against the glass, painting her in hues of warmth, softness—everything that was hers and hers alone.
And yet, she wasn’t alone.
She had left her window cracked. Just slightly.
An invitation. A mistake.
Azriel stood across the street, concealed by the darkness, his oldest companion. He shouldn’t be here. He told himself that every time, and yet, every night, he returned.
His little dove.
So delicate. So blissfully unaware of the wolf watching from the shadows.
He told himself it was for her safety. That he needed to ensure nothing happened to her, that Velaris was not as safe as she believed. That if he left her alone for too long, something might come along and take her from him before she even knew she belonged to him.
He was simply looking out for what was his.
She should be more careful. Should know better than to let anything in.
But he liked that she didn’t.
That she was soft in a way that let his darkness wrap around her, unseen, unheard.
That she hadn’t yet learned to fear the thing lurking just beyond her reach.
Because once she did, he would have to remind her—
Fear wasn’t necessary.
Not when it came to him.
Azriel had known her for years, long before the bond snapped.
At first, she had been nothing more than a curiosity, a shift in his peripheral vision that made him look twice. He had encountered countless beautiful females in his lifetime, had trained himself not to be swayed by a pretty face or a soft smile. But her…
She was different.
It started with glances.
Fleeting moments where she felt like an anomaly, an itch beneath his skin he couldn’t quite scratch.
Then, it became more.
He memorized her routine before he even let himself admit how deeply she consumed him.
She had a habit of visiting the same café every morning, ordering tea with three sugars and just a touch of honey. She always brought a book, always tucked her hair behind her ear as she read, always tilted her head slightly when she was deep in thought.
She walked through Velaris without a care, trailing her fingers along shop windows, the rough stone walls of old buildings, the velvet-lined chairs in bookstores.
As if she needed to ground herself to the world.
She never saw his shadows.
Never flinched from them the way others did.
If anything, they curled toward her, drawn to her warmth, her light.
Like him.
And that was the moment he knew.
He wanted to be the one to keep her that way—untouched, unbothered by the horrors of reality.
But he also wanted her to see him.
Not just as the quiet male in the shadows.
But as something inevitable.
It had escalated quickly.
At first, he told himself it was only coincidence.
That every time he found himself in her favorite café, in the bookstore she visited every Sunday, in the marketplace she passed through on her way home—it was chance.
But it wasn’t.
It was control.
His control.
She just didn’t know it yet.
His presence lingered in every corner of her life, woven into the spaces between her laughter and solitude. He made sure she was safe. Made sure no one got too close, no one posed a threat.
She would never have to know about the drunk male who had followed her down an alley one night, only to disappear before he ever reached her. She would never have to know about the shopkeeper who let his gaze linger too long and found his storefront mysteriously wrecked the next morning.
She would never have to know about the nightmares Azriel erased before they could ever touch her reality.
Because he would handle them all.
And he did.
The bond was a mercy.
The bond was a curse.
A relief, because now he knew.
A curse, because it made his hunger insatiable.
She didn’t know yet. He hadn’t told her.
Not because he didn’t want to, but because she wasn’t ready.
She had spent years living a life without him in it, and he would not rip that away from her in one fell swoop.
He would ease her into it.
Let her come to him, let her feel the pull of fate in her own time.
Because once she did, there would be no going back.
And he wanted her to accept it willingly.
To crave him the way he already craved her.
To need him.
The way he needed her.
Tonight was different.
Tonight, she had made a mistake.
She had gone to dinner. With him.
Azriel knew the male wasn’t worthy.
He had watched them together, seen the way his hand had brushed over her wrist, how he had leaned too close, spoken too softly.
As if he had any right.
Azriel waited outside her townhome as the male walked her to the door, his fingers clenching as he lingered.
She was smiling.
And Azriel saw red.
His shadows writhed around him, screaming for violence, for blood, for retribution.
He let the male walk away.
For now.
It didn’t take long to find him.
The scent of her lingered on his skin. The scent of her laughter, of her soft smiles, of the warmth she had freely given.
Azriel stalked him through the empty streets, silent, patient.
When the male finally noticed him, it was already too late.
Azriel was on him in a breath, shadows wrapping around his throat, a blade pressing just below his chin.
“You will not see her again,” Azriel murmured, voice a deadly whisper.
The male stilled, his pulse hammering against the cold steel.
“I—I don’t understand—”
Azriel pressed harder, just enough to make the male’s breath hitch.
“She’s mine.”
The words sank into the silence between them, unshakable.
And then, he was gone.
But the warning was given.
If the male touched her again—looked at her again—
He wouldn’t live to regret it.
Her voice was soft when she answered the phone.
Azriel didn’t speak.
He just listened.
She hesitated, the silence stretching between them.
She should have hung up.
She didn’t.
She knew.
Not fully, not yet. But some small, secret part of her understood she wasn’t alone.
That something was watching.
That he was watching.
The realization made his lips curl.
He let the silence stretch, let the tension coil between them through the receiver.
Then, softly, possessively—
“I’ll see you soon, little dove.”
And he hung up.
Y/n felt it before she saw it.
That unsettling prickle down her spine.
The feeling of something—someone—watching.
It wasn’t new. No, it had been there for weeks now, an ever-present ghost in the edges of her awareness. She’d tried to ignore it at first, chalking it up to paranoia, to her own mind playing tricks on her in the dead of night.
But then the signs started piling up.
The way the candle by her window flickered unnaturally some nights, as if a breeze had disturbed it—but the window was never open. The way her door, locked before she went to bed, sometimes felt…wrong when she woke. As if someone had touched the handle, pressed against the wood, lingered on the threshold.
And the phone calls.
Always silent. Always stretching long enough to make her heart pound.
She could hear it now—her heartbeat in her ears, the weight of her own breath, the pulse of something unseen tightening its grip around her world.
Still, she told herself it was nothing. That she was being ridiculous.
That she was safe.
She wanted to believe it.
And maybe she would have.
If not for the note.
She found it the next morning.
A single slip of parchment, placed delicately atop the book she had left on her nightstand.
She stared at it for a long moment, her fingers hesitating before picking it up.
One sentence.
“Don’t be afraid of me. I’m what you need.”
Her breath hitched.
The ink was bold, deliberate. A declaration, not a plea.
Her first instinct was to run.
To leave, to get out of her house, to flee into the streets where she wouldn’t be alone.
But something in her made her pause.
A different kind of fear creeping up her spine.
Not of whoever had written the note.
But of what would happen if she disobeyed.
Azriel watched from the rooftop across the street, his shadows curling around him.
She had found his gift.
Her reaction was predictable—wide eyes, sharp breath, that moment of hesitation where she debated running.
But she didn’t.
His little dove was clever.
She was learning.
He had no desire to chase her.
He had been patient. Had watched, waited, ensured she felt his presence before she ever truly saw him.
And now, the game was beginning.
Y/n carried the note with her the rest of the day.
She didn’t know why.
Perhaps some part of her wanted proof. Evidence that she wasn’t imagining things, that the slow-burning paranoia clawing its way into her bones was real.
That someone had been in her room.
And that whoever it was—
They wanted her to know it.
She almost told someone. Almost mentioned it when she ran into Feyre at the market, when Cassian joked about how exhausted she looked.
But the words stuck in her throat.
Because there was something else.
Something deeper than fear.
Something darker.
A part of her that wanted to know who it was.
Not to expose them.
But to understand why she wasn’t afraid the way she should be.
Why, when she read the note again, her skin didn’t crawl—
It burned.
Azriel moved through the shadows, trailing her like a silent storm.
She was thinking about him.
He could tell by the way she bit her lip, the crease in her brow, the way she kept reaching into her pocket—fingering the note he had left.
Good girl.
She was holding onto him already.
It was only a matter of time.
Tonight, she would see him.
Not fully, not yet.
But enough.
Enough to know that running was useless.
Enough to know that she belonged to him.
She felt him before she saw him.
Like always.
She had just gotten home, the door locking behind her with a quiet click. But it didn’t ease the tension in her chest, the feeling that the walls weren’t enough to keep something out.
Something had changed tonight.
The air felt heavier. Thicker.
She hesitated before pulling the curtains shut, her fingers trembling against the fabric.
And then—
A shadow moved outside her window.
Slow. Deliberate.
Her breath caught in her throat.
Not a flicker of darkness.
Not a trick of the night.
A shape.
A figure.
Standing just beyond the glass.
She knew she should scream. Should run. Should do anything but what she did—
Which was step closer.
The candlelight illuminated just enough.
Just enough to catch the glint of a scarred hand pressed lightly against the windowpane.
A warning.
A promise.
She barely had time to suck in a breath before the shadows swallowed him whole, disappearing into the night as if he had never been there at all.
But he had been.
And he would be again.
Her fingers curled around the note in her pocket, heart hammering.
Not in fear.
But in anticipation.
Azriel sat in the darkness, the memory of her face burned into his mind.
She had seen him.
Not enough to run.
But enough to understand.
He was not leaving.
He was not letting go.
She would come to him soon.
Whether she meant to or not.
He smirked, whispering softly to the night.
“Don’t run, little dove. You won’t get far.”
Y/n woke with a gasp.
The room was silent, but the weight pressing against her chest was suffocating, as if the air itself had thickened, filled with something unseen, something oppressive.
Her skin burned.
Not a fever. Not exhaustion.
Something deeper.
Something wrong.
She sat up, shoving the blankets away, her breath uneven, her pulse hammering against her ribs.
It was happening again.
That feeling—like she wasn’t alone, like something lurked just beyond her senses, waiting.
Her fingers clenched into the sheets, nails digging into the fabric.
This was worse than before.
Worse than the silent phone calls. Worse than the shadows shifting outside her window.
Because this time—
It was inside her.
Something inside her was fracturing, splitting open, unraveling at the seams.
And she knew.
Knew what it was.
Knew what it meant.
The bond.
It was snapping.
And she had no way to stop it.
Azriel felt it the moment it happened.
The bond, taut for so long, frayed and frayed until it could stretch no more—
Finally gave.
Finally snapped.
He had been waiting for this moment.
Had anticipated it. Had prepared for it.
And yet, as it hit him like a violent storm, like a brand searing into his very soul—he almost drowned in it.
The air in his lungs vanished.
His vision blurred at the edges.
And all he could feel—
All he could taste, breathe, consume—
Was her.
Panic. Confusion. Fear.
But beneath it—beneath the terror lacing her scent—
Was the undeniable pulse of recognition.
Of need.
She was calling for him.
Whether she realized it or not.
And he was coming.
Y/n stumbled to the bathroom, gripping the sink with trembling hands.
She could barely recognize herself in the mirror.
Her pupils were blown wide, her skin flushed, her lips parted as if she couldn’t get enough air.
She was shaking.
This wasn’t right.
This wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
His name slipped into her mind like a whisper, a call, a demand.
Her chest ached at the thought of him.
Not the normal kind of ache—the kind she had pushed down for weeks, months.
No, this was worse.
It was splitting her apart, tearing into the deepest part of her, pulling her toward something she had no hope of resisting.
Her legs nearly buckled, her grip tightening on the sink.
She needed air.
She needed out.
Azriel had barely given himself time to process before he was moving.
His body acted before his mind could catch up, his shadows twisting through the night, pulling him forward, faster, to her.
She wouldn’t be able to handle it alone.
Not the bond. Not him.
She had fought it, denied it, ignored the inevitable—
But she would not ignore it now.
She couldn’t.
And neither could he.
He had played the game long enough. Had given her space, let her adjust, let her dance along the edges of something she didn’t yet understand.
That time was over.
She was his.
She had always been his.
And now—
Now, she would finally know it.
Y/n barely made it to the door before it blew open.
The shadows came first—pouring into the entryway like living ink, swallowing the light, wrapping around her ankles, her wrists, her throat.
And then—
He stepped through the threshold like a nightmare incarnate, like he had walked straight from her fears into reality.
Tall. Dark. Eyes burning with something lethal.
Something hungry.
She stumbled back.
The bond roared.
She choked on a breath, her body betraying her, heat curling deep in her stomach, her instincts screaming at her to move toward him even as her mind screamed the opposite.
“No—” Her voice wavered, hands braced behind her against the wall, nowhere to go, no escape.
His head tilted, slow.
“You feel it.”
Not a question. A statement.
Her heart slammed against her ribs.
He took a step forward.
She pressed harder against the wall, as if it could swallow her whole, as if it could save her from what was coming.
“I—” She shook her head, her breath shallow, her body betraying her with every second that passed. “You—”
She couldn’t get the words out.
Because he was right.
She felt it.
The tether between them, pulling, strangling, refusing to be ignored.
His eyes darkened, his scars flexing as his hands curled into fists at his sides.
“You ran from it,” he murmured, voice like velvet-wrapped steel. “You ran from me.”
She flinched.
His shadows curled tighter around her wrists, not touching—not yet.
“But you can’t anymore, can you?” he breathed.
Her throat closed.
The bond was suffocating.
Too much.
Too strong.
Her body was on fire, her vision blurring, her skin screaming for contact.
And he knew it.
His lips curled, his head tilting as he drank her in.
“You feel what I feel now, don’t you?”
His voice was low, deep, meant only for her.
She tried to deny it.
Tried to shake her head, tried to push down the sharp, desperate pull in her chest—
But she couldn’t.
And he saw it.
Saw the exact moment she broke.
Azriel moved—too fast, too sudden, too much.
His hands slammed into the wall on either side of her head, caging her in, his body pressed close enough that she could feel the heat of him, the strength, the ownership.
“You don’t have to be afraid of me,” he murmured, his breath a ghost against her lips.
She should be.
She was.
But beneath that fear—
Was something else.
Something worse.
Because her body—traitorous, weak, his—was leaning into him.
Was giving in.
She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking.
He let her.
Let her pretend she had a choice.
But then—
Then his lips brushed against her temple, just once, just enough to send a violent shudder through her body.
“I am what you need.”
Her eyes snapped open.
Met his.
And she knew.
There was no running.
There never had been.
Not from him.
Not from this.
The bond had snapped.
And Azriel—
Azriel was never letting her go.
Taglist: @kathren1sky_blog, @willowpains, masbt1218, @antonia002, bookishcait, fuckingsimp4azriel, @fanficscuziranout, buttermilktea11, @lilah-asteria, quiettuba
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dark-night-hero · 2 days ago
"Hey isn't that-?" "Shhh!" "What? What! Isn't that Mich-!" "You think I don't know? Just keep your voice down if you don't want to get kicked out." "W-what?" "The owner of the Cafe." The girl utter as her eyes trail on the figure in a kitcken apron now emerging out of the kitchen with a tray of freshly baked dessert in it, carefully putting it on the display stand. "And Michael Kaiser" The girl now looking at Michael Kaiser who finally looked up from his phone and is now looking at the owner with intense yet gentle gaze. "Were lovers." "No shit."
"Sorry, did you wait too long?" You asked as you went out of Cafe back door, now dressed in a casual attire as you finally manage to close the Cafe after a long day of work and baking. You did not hear your lover reply causing you to look up and there he was looking at you. "Let's go." He spoke nonchalantly but did not forgot to reach out a hand for you to take in which you did not dare not take. Wrapping one hand into his arm, with the other reaching out for his hand as you cuddle close to him. "Are you cold?" "No." He replied softly.
Imagine walking in the midst of the buzzing city of Berlin, the two of you walk hand in hand. Already on your way at home to get some rest when the two of you happened to come across an old alley. "This bring back memories." You chuckle, eyes glancing over the alley. "Hey remember when we were children, no one was really with me at home so I got into baking. Then I happened to bring some with me in my room and forgot it was pipping hot I have no choice but to put it on the window and went back into the kitchen and by the time I come back for it, it was missing."
Imagine the way Kaiser hummed, his blue eyes glancing over the alley. "So? What happened to it?" "To that tart?" You pause like you thought for a moment before smilling sheepishly. "I don't know, I thought it was just a rat. Turns out the theft was a very cute boy." You chuckle. "To be honest at first I was mad but then I have come into conclusion that maybe my tart was just that good he couldn't help but to stole it." "Quite a narcissistic claim." Kaiser spoke with a small smile that was hidden by the shadow of the night, keeping you close to him.
"Oh! I'm sure he loved it. I always left a piece by my window whenever I make an extra piece and its always gone by the sec I look away." He just humm in return. "I always try to get a glimpse of him but its annoying how I never got to see him until I got sick one day." You smile at the memory and cuddle more into him, heck if only you could stuff your self into his arms you would. "Are you cold?" He asked. "No, I just want to be close to you." You smile at him. "You know, I really thought I was gonna die back then. I have no one around me and I was getting delirious because of the fever." Then you pause, earning a look from him and to stand on your toes for a kiss. "Thank you."
"Well my baker is going through something, I don't wanna loose them over a goddamn fever." "But I heard later on you got in trouble with the nearby pharmacy." "Is that why you started handing over a bigger portion of the pastry?" "..." "Is that also the reason why you had given me that letter?" "Idunnowhatyouaretalkingabout." He just humm in return, a smirk tugging his lips as the two of you finally reach the building where his penthouse was, something that was once within out of reach.
Imagine in the midst of the peaceful dinner, "if I had known you were coming home early I would have gone grocery shopping. Do you know how shocked I was to see you sitting in there earlier? I thought I was hallucinating." "Why would you even hallucinate? Did you started missing me so bad you started to make up an imaginary version of me? For someone who told me they wouldn't miss me even if I was gone for a whole year, you're quite the clown." "The real clown is you in that neo ego-" You were cut off with a spoonful of meal as he glare at you causing you to burst into laughter. "Oh my goodness Michael, you're still not over it?"
Imagine it was late at night but there you are, baking for some dessert which is now laidnto rest in the oven as you sat by the kitchen counter, legs dangling as you humm into a familiar tone. "Is it still not done?" "It'll be done 5 minutes." You did not turn around, not when you can hear his footsteps approaching you. "Miss me already?" You smile as you pull him in embrace, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Hah- you wish." "What a shame, I was baking your favourite along with tarts. I guess I'll just have to give-" You were cut of with a kiss. "You wouldn't dare." "Try me, Michael."
"Hey Michael, do you still have the letter I give you?" "..." "Do you still have it?" "No." "You hesitated." "No." "You still have it." "No." "Michaellll." "Let's go to sleep." "But-" "Good night Schatz." "..." "Goodnight Michael. Ich liebe dich." "Ich liebe dich auch, süße träume, mein Schatz."
Dear stranger,
Let's fill these days with the kind of joy and desserts we'll remember forever. Let's make this a great childhood memory, one we'll cherish for years to come.
I'll make more desserts in the future so feel free to drop by anytime. Thank for the last time. Also, can you tell me your name next time?
From your friendly baker neighbour.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2025°
: You see, I'm trying to learn german.
: Also, this imagine is dedicated to @yumiko0987 , thank you for the prompt ideas and I'm really sorry this one took so long 🙏
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kindaasrikal · 19 hours ago
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Hold onto me if you must, a blade that rusts.
Sorry guys i cant hold back the rant my art posts always have i yap too much
Anyways an alt colour and silly version (and now ANOTHER alt version because I’m indecisive)
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They so silly look at them they definitely wont murder each other <3
I spent a time amount of time on it that should’ve felt long but didn’t, i had way too much fun with the fill in lasso tool that made my life easier when i had no idea where to go after the sketch. And how to do the line-art for it, my God the amount of times i suffer when at that phase.
If I’m being perfectly honest, i think this is okay, but i’m not entirely sure if it’s good. Like i feel like it could be sm better. Anyways i just remembered exactly why i did this drawing and its because my amazing mutual @rusted-fairy-wings sent an ask on my birthday to draw possessed Kai and this is the result omg thank you sm for that its like you slapped me with the realisation i’ve never drawn them like this before. I know its not really possessed Kai but i hope it gives the same vibes 😭
Ehehehhe i feel like a cool pro posting a little coloured quote with my art damn
Also i took the rust thing because, you knowwww, Kai was a blacksmith and fire can cause rust. And i think if Morro were to possess Kai, that guy would put in so much effort to ruin himself so Morro wouldn’t and couldn’t use him as a tool. Especially with such a huge loss of control as a man who is so used to being in control with everything he’s been through. But thats why i used ‘hold onto me’ rather than ‘hold me’, because Morro would either gain entertainment from Kai’s suffering, would feel some sort of kinship with Kai due to their similar (yet differing) circumstances, or because he knows how to use Kai in the state he had forced himself into against the ninja.
Okay i’ll stop yapping take this i’ll run away now
Edit: okay im gonna edit and change the colours and positioning for this in the morning so look out for that 😭
Edit: okayyyy ive changed the colours and positioning a bit in a new ver but im scared it looks bad now so i refuse to touch this again anyways
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hrrtshape · 3 hours ago
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reality shifting, manifesting, and the great linguistic turf war
so i seem to have waltzed, with my imaginary margiela tabi ballet flats, straight into the discourse again. imagine that. i nod. i sip my drink. i light a cigarette, if only in spirit.
because, sure. manifesting and shifting aren't the same. the pope isn’t the prime minister, but they both run on belief. a cheetah isn’t a jaguar, but you still wouldn’t want to be locked in a room with either. language is about distinctions, sure, but it’s also about power, and there’s a certain je ne sais quoi to the way people want to lock these definitions in a box and swallow the key.
manifesting is mindset work. you decide, you persist, you refuse to be gaslit by the stubborn 3d reality that insists on showing you what you don’t want to see. you push, you sculpt, you bend the spoon until it folds itself into your palm like an obedient pet. shifting, on the other hand, is something else. something more nomadic, more quantum, more willing to entertain the notion that perhaps you are not merely bending the spoon, but stepping into a reality where the spoon was never straight to begin with.
now, why aren’t they labelled the same thing? because semantics is a business, and business is booming. because people are territorial about their terminology, like real estate developers for the mind. if you tell someone that shifting and manifesting are light years apart, separate continents in the great archipelago of the mind, you are not just describing, you are prescribing. you are setting the boundaries of an intellectual real estate market in which terms are currency and definitions are fences. because if we let the edges blur, someone will invoke the sacred texts (read: old posts, outdated theories, personal dogma) and insist that historical accuracy is at stake. but this is not a matter of brick walls and barbed wire. this is not the berlin wall, it is not the parting of the red sea. the difference between shifting and manifesting is a beaded curtain, shimmering, swaying, prone to being pushed aside.
this is my opinion, obviously, but in the grand tradition of opinions, i happen to think it’s correct.
and yet!! people are told, with great severity, that “we are not shifting every second” and “shifting is moving awareness to an already existent variant of yourself.” okay. sure. and yet!! is awareness not already a game of hopscotch across endless versions of self? have we not all flickered between different states of being, different potential selves, different lives we might have led? is your yesterday-self not a variant you can no longer touch? if we’re splitting hairs, let’s at least have the honesty to admit we’re all holding the same strand, twisting it in different directions and calling it by different names.
see, that’s a trick. perception is not a stable thing. you shift your focus, you shift your reality. some call that manifesting. some call that shifting. the labels matter less than the fact that it works. whether you’re bending the spoon or stepping into a world where the spoon bends for you, you’re still, at the end of the day, just person standing in front of reality, asking it to be something different.
so, yes. shifting and manifesting are not the same. and yet, and yet, and yet.
the divide is smaller than you think.
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darkmarkmarauder · 2 days ago
Saints & Sinners - T.R.
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!warning!minorsdni, bdsm, drugs/alcohol use, violence
word count: 2.9k
Pairing: Tom Riddle x you
Slytherin’s annual Saints & Sinners party was the only night of the year where indulgence wasn’t just encouraged—it was expected. And you were in the mood to sin.
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The lace clung to your thighs, the delicate garters stretched taut as you adjusted the clips, breath hitching when Bellatrix pulled the corset strings even tighter. “Fucking hell, Bella—”
“Oh, shut up,” she snickered, giving the laces one last vicious tug. Your tits nearly spilled over the top. Perfect. You weren’t one for dressing up. Even on a good day, your tie was loose, your uniform skirt wrinkled from the way you constantly tucked your legs under yourself in class. It wasn’t that you didn’t care—it was just that other things mattered more.
Like staying up all night with a certain someone, legs spread over his lap, lips bitten raw, thighs trembling.
Tom fucking Riddle.
It was stupid, honestly. The way he occupied your thoughts, the way he got under your skin. How he acted like he owned you but refused to say it outright. And you let him—again and again and again—because you liked how it felt, let him hurt you.
The mirror reflected a version of yourself you barely recognized. Lips slicked with gloss, a dark kohl rim lining your eyes, skin glowing under candlelight. You looked fucking dangerous. Bellatrix stepped back, admiring her work before smirking at you. “Merlin, you’re a whore,” she teased, smoothing the fabric over your chest.
“you love it,” you mused, smacking your lips together before turning to grab the bottle of Firewhiskey off your desk. You poured two shots, handing one off to Bella. “To bad decisions.”
“Only the best kind” she grinned, clinking her glass against yours before throwing it back. The burn in your throat was nothing compared to the way anticipation curled in your stomach.
The boys were waiting. And he would be there.
Not that you were dressing like this for him. Of course not. It wasn’t as if you were picturing the look on his face when he saw you like this. Or thinking about the way his fingers would tighten around his glass, his jaw going rigid. It wasn’t like you wanted to drive him mad, to make him jealous—totally, absolutely not.
“Alright,” you said, grabbing the bottle of Firewhiskey from the desk. “One more before we go.”
Bell laughed, biting her lip. “Oh, you are trying to die tonight.”
Maybe. But if you were going to Hell, you were going in lace and stilettos.
Bellatrix linked her arm through yours as you both stumbled through the corridors, the alcohol already making you lightheaded. You barely noticed when you arrived at Malfoy and Nott’s dorm, pushing the door open without a care.
The boys were already there, draped across the sofas in tailored black, a haze of smoke curling in the air—every last one of them looking like sin incarnate. But one was missing.
Tom Riddle was nowhere to be seen.
Where the fuck was he?
Bellatrix, unfazed, made a beeline for Malfoy’s stash. “Abraxas, give me the strongest shit you’ve got. No downers.”
You laughed, watching her dig through his collection of illicit substances. Your mind wasn’t on whatever poisons she was about to ingest. No, your mind was on Tom, and how utterly ravenous you were for his attention.
Oh. You had spoken too soon. A presence at your back. The heat of a hand on your waist, firm fingers moving you aside. And then—his voice, dark and smooth as ever.
“You’re in my way, princess.”
Your breath caught. His touch was fleeting as you swallowed hard, turning to watch him stride past you as if you weren’t even there. He greeted Nott and Rosier, taking a drink from Bellatrix without so much as a thank you before sinking into the sofa. His eyes flickered up at you, dark and unreadable.
And then, as if daring you—he dragged his gaze down, lingering shamelessly on the curve of your hips, your tits, the garters at your thighs, the sheer stockings hugging your legs.
Why that arrogant bastard.
You strode toward him, your heels clicking against the floor and You plucked the drink from his grasp without asking, bringing it to your lips. The burn of whatever the fuck it was nearly made you choke. Definitely not firewhiskey. Maybe absinthe. Maybe something worse, you had to keep yourself from gagging.
“That drink is filthy,” you muttered, handing it back.
Tom looked up at you lazily, his gaze trailing from your lips, down your throat, lower, lower—until it settled exactly where you wanted it to.
“Yeah,” he murmured, tilting his head. “I wouldn’t say that’s the filthiest thing in here.”
You didn’t let your smirk falter. Oh, if only he knew how much that pleased you instead of pissing you off. Instead of answering, you turned on your heel and walked away. You knew he was watching. Knew he was drinking in the sight of your ass, barely covered by the sheer lace of your dress, the same one he’d bent you over just last week, fingers buried in your mouth to keep you quiet while he ruined you.
He couldn’t do shit about it.
And that? That was the best fucking part.
The party was in full swing, the air thick with the scent of firewhiskey, expensive cigars, and the underlying electricity of debauchery. The Saints & Sinners party was a tradition as old as Slytherin House itself—an exclusive, unhinged, beautifully depraved event where only the elite were welcome.
And you? You were made for it.
Everywhere you turned, Slytherins and their carefully selected company indulged in the wicked excess of the night. Mulciber and Avery had a table littered with shot glasses and cigarette ash, their laughter curling into the heavy, perfumed air. Lestrange was already drunk, leaning too close to some Ravenclaw girl who looked both delighted and terrified. Realizing you didn’t see Tom again was irritating, whatever, you had better things than to wait for him.
Instead, you turned your attention to Orion Black, the heir to one of the oldest, wealthiest pureblood families—gorgeous, arrogant, and so desperately in love with the idea of you. He had been since your fifth year, and despite his best efforts, the boy couldn’t hide it for shit. He was the type of man who thought he was subtle, but the way his gaze would drop to your lips, the way he’d adjust his robes every time you so much as breathed in his direction? Pathetic, really but useful nonetheless.
You leaned in closer to him, your lips barely brushing his ear as you reached for the bottle on the table, pouring yourself another shot. You could feel his sharp inhale, his knuckles going white around his glass.
Orion wanted you. Always had.
But he wasn’t the one you wanted to suffer for it.
Tom Riddle was.
Orion stares. His hand hovers at your waist like he’s debating whether or not he has permission to touch you. The answer is no. But he doesn’t need to know that just yet.
“You look—” He swallows hard. “You look fucking insane.”
You tilt your head. “Yeah?”
His jaw is tight, fingers flexing at his sides. He’s trying so fucking hard to act like he’s not losing his mind over you, over the way you’re looking at him like he might actually have a chance.
It would almost be cute if it wasn’t so fucking pathetic.
“Yeah.” His voice is rough, “You know you do.”
You smile. Sweet, slow, your eyes looking up at him through your dark lashes. Then, just because you fucking can, you reach out and drag your fingers along the collar of his shirt, adjusting it like you actually give a fuck about the way it sits against his throat.
You didn’t let it linger for too long. Pulling your fingers away, you felt his body stiffen, eyes widening in disbelief.
And then, out of the corner of your eye, you saw him. Tom Riddle.
He was standing a few feet away, lent against a green marble pillar. The moment he saw you looking, his expression darkened, lips curling into that sly, twisted smile that always made your pulse race. There was no hiding the way you felt about him, no pretending like you weren't aching for the chaos he brought.
All the while, Orion had been talking—what about, you weren’t sure. Something about how he could drink more than anyone else, something about how Mulciber had nearly passed out last year after five shots. You let him, pretending to listen, nodding along as the alcohol warmed your stomach, making you feel light, untethered.
Orion, ever the oblivious fool, hadn't caught onto the shift. His eyes darted from you to Tom, confusion flickering over his face.
“Riddle,” he said, his voice caught somewhere between confrontation and panic, trying to get Tom’s attention but clearly nervous about how he might react. "What the hell are you staring at?"
You knew it wasn’t Orion Tom was watching. His eyes were only on you, and that was exactly where you wanted him. But that’s when Tom spoke, his voice cold and laced. “Really, Black? This is what you’ve been reduced to? Bragging about alcohol tolerance to impress a girl who isn’t even listening to you?”
Tom didn't look away, his lips twisting into something darker, amused. "You're out of your depth, Black. You might want to sober up before you start making a fool of yourself."
Orion’s jaw clenched, his hands balling into fists. "Fuck you," he spat.
You rolled your eyes, trying to intervene. “Tom, come on, don’t start. It’s not that serious.”
But Tom had already made up his mind. He smirked, eyes flashing with amusement, and spoke low, just for you and Orion to hear. "No, it’s not serious, is it? Just a drunk idiot thinking he can impress someone who doesn’t want him."
Orion wasn’t having it. His face flushed red as he moved to shove Tom, anger and alcohol clouding his judgment. The movement was so fast, so reckless that you barely saw it coming.
And then, everything happened at once.
Orion’s fist swung toward Tom, but with a speed you could never hope to match, Tom, sidestepping with perfect reflexes. You should’ve been paying attention, but you weren’t. You were too focused on Tom’s eyes, the way he moved.
The next thing you knew, you were staggered by the force of a punch hitting your cheek. Pain shot through you, sharp and stinging. You blinked, disoriented, blood trickling from the cut on your face. You barely registered the explosion of anger on Tom’s face as he turned on Orion.
"You fucking moron," Tom hissed, stepping forward, his fist connecting with Orion’s face with a sickening crack. "Get the hell out of here before I make you regret it and next time, try hitting the person you were aiming for."
Orion, groaning from the impact, staggered back, but it was Abraxas Malfoy who appeared next, ready to diffuse the situation. He didn’t seem surprised by what had happened, but he stepped in, pulling Orion away with a knowing look in his eyes.
Tom’s eyes were on you, though. The anger that had surged through him now simmered into a possessive kind of fury. He reached out to you, his hands gentle but firm as he cupped your face, inspecting the cut that was already starting to bleed.
“You alright?” he asked, voice now soft.You blinked up at him, the alcohol still fogging your brain, the sharp sting of pain mixing strangely with the warmth in your veins. “M’fine,” you muttered, then frowned when you saw his hand. “Your knuckles.”
Tom let out a quiet laugh, shaking his head as he studied you. “You just got punched in the face, and you’re worried about me?”
You hummed, barely registering when his arm slid around your waist, steadying you as your balance wavered. “I mean…it looks bad.”
He rolled his eyes, but the amusement didn’t leave his face. “You’re ridiculous.”
He paused, “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
The hallway was quieter, only the distant pulse of music vibrating through the walls. His hand never left your waist as he guided you down the corridor, fingers pressing firmly, possessively. When he pushed open the bathroom door, he pulled you inside, locking it behind him with a sharp click.
“Sit,” he ordered, and before you could protest, his hands gripped your hips and lifted you with ease, setting you on the counter. The cool porcelain kissed your thighs, and only then did you realize how exposed you were—your dress had ridden up, bunching at your waist, baring the delicate lace of your lingerie. The only thing keeping it from rising higher was the corset cinched tight around your torso.
Tom didn’t react immediately. His expression remained impassive as he grabbed a clean towel, wetting it under the tap. It wasn’t until he turned back that you noticed. He wasn’t looking at your face.
You smirked, the alcohol making you bold. “My eyes are up here, Riddle.”
His jaw twitched, but he said nothing as he stepped closer, dabbing gently at the cut on your cheek. You winced at the sting, but it was nothing compared to the heat burning through you. His free hand trailed down, fingers along the inside of your thigh, barely brushing where you needed him most. The contact made you whimper softly, shifting forward, desperate. “Something the matter princess?”
You didn’t answer, just bit your lip and rocked your hips toward his hand. He slipped his fingers beneath the lace, running two along your slick folds, groaning at how wet you already were.
Grabbing your chin as he kissed you softly, not preparing you for when he pushed two fingers inside you, curling them in just the right way to make your back arch, a broken moan spilling from your lips. He fucked you with his fingers, slow and deliberate, dragging it out, making you squirm. You moaned against his mouth, your own hands tangling in his hair, tugging hard. His cock pressed insistently against your thigh through his trousers, and you were suddenly desperate. Your hand fumbled for his belt, desperate, tugging, and he smirked at your impatience. But he didn’t stop you. If anything, the sight of you like this—drunk, needy, desperate for him—only made him harder.
You barely registered when you slid off the counter, sinking to your knees before him, yanking at his trousers until you freed him. He was thick, hard, and already leaking at the tip, and fuck, you wanted him.
You wasted no time, licking a stripe up his length before taking him into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you sucked. A sharp inhale above you, and then his fingers were in your hair, gripping tight guiding your movements as you sucked, licked, let saliva spill down your chin. He watched you with that same unreadable intensity, his own breath ragged as he fought to keep control.
“Look at you,” he grunted, voice strained.
You moaned around him, taking him deeper, the feeling of his cock stretching your throat making your thighs clench. He pulled you off him suddenly, yanking you to your feet before spinning you around, bending you over the sink.
The sound of fabric tearing filled the small space, and you gasped as cool air met your bare skin. He had ripped your corset clean off, along with your panties, leaving you completely exposed.
“Fuck, Riddle—”
A sharp slap to your ass made you whimper, and then he was lining himself up behind you, teasing you with the head of his cock. You tried to push back, but his hands gripped your hips, holding you still.
“So impatient,” he murmured, amusement laced with something darker.
You turned your head, meeting his gaze in the mirror, eyes burning with frustration and need. “Then do something about it.”
His grip tightened. And then he slammed into you, stretching you wide, knocking the breath from your lungs. You cried out, fingers gripping the edge of the sink, barely able to hold yourself up as he set a brutal pace, fucking you hard enough that the mirror shook. His hand wrapped around your throat pushing your head up to look at yourself in the mirror. Seeing him behind you, the way he moved your body as he thrusted into you, his biceps flexing as he tightened his grip on your waist. The only sounds in the bathroom were your moans, his grunts and the filthy slap of skin on skin. He reached around, fingers circling your clit, pushing you closer, closer—cunt clenching as you came hard around him, crying his name out loudly. Tom groaned, thrusts turning volatile before he buried himself deep, cumming inside you.
For a moment, the only sound was your ragged breathing. As his lips ghosted over your shoulder, almost gentle, soft. A contradiction to everything he was, or at least tried to be.
“Saints and sinners indeed,” he said, voice still thick with pleasure.
You laughed, breathless, meeting his gaze in the mirror. “Guess we know which one you are.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
a/n: attached to him like a whorecrux
ᴅɪᴠɪᴅᴇʀ ᴄʀᴇᴅ: @ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇʀɢʀᴀᴘʜɪᴄꜱ
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the-fab-fox · 2 days ago
AzuLeo | Twisted Wonderland | PG13 (Teen)
Tell It to My Heart
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After the rather vexing encounter with Leona during his intel gathering into the whole Jack and Jade... thing, Azul hoped that that would be the last he'd have to deal with Leona, for awhile. Fate, unfortunately, had other plans. It was troubling enough that his body and mind were not on the same page where Leona Kingscholar was concerned. Irksomely, as surprising as it was, it seemed the lazy prince had a scheme of his own that could really complicate matters.
Check out Tell It to My Heart today!
(Especially since Chapter 10 is swiftly on the way! Read under the cut for important trigger warnings.)
Trigger Warnings: This fic will be very... ah, physical in nature. A lot of making out and kissing and heavy petting. No sex will be shown but will be heavily implied. I will not go into great detail on the mechanics of such things (i.e. detailed descriptions of arousal) and will instead vague and poetry my way through it as well as fade to black. Basically that means this fic is still T rated but I still wanted to make a mention in case things like heavy making out (of which there will be a lot) is an issue for you. You will probably want to skip this fic but if that's you and you want to know what happens so you can continue on with the full plot, I'm happy to have you reach out to me on discord and I can give you a "Sparks Notes" version. My discord is fabeckett.
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So my general understanding of Vaccinations are that they don't prevent you from catching an illness. Only that they immunize your system using an inert version of the virus itself. This so your immune system knows what to look for and how to fight it. And just because you catch something does not mean that you will show signs and symptoms of it. Because another part of that is that even assuming your systems does not fight it off promptly, you should not get to a point where you are at "Critical Mass", or the stage at which a virus in your body affects it in a way where you are contagious. For the Flu this is when you are showing severe symptoms like sneezing, coughing, etc.
Mind you, I've asked doctors a lot growing up and this is about the extent of my knowledge. However the Pfizer medication isn't the same. Nor the J&J or any of the others. What's more so, seems that doctors, clinicians and hospitals have been burying "Vaccine" Injuries from the public. With help from the FDA no less. But if the Covid medication was an actual vaccine, it SHOULD have generally prevented transmission. However it didn't almost at all. And didn't even stop people from hitting the virus's critical mass point either.
Reading vaccine discussions make me feel so gaslit.
Before covid, vaccines were never discussed as being for the purpose of lessening the severity of an illness. They have always been to prevent infection. The polio vaccine doesn't make polio survivable, it makes it so you don't catch it. Cases of polio dropped.
Even when the covid vaccines were first released we were told it would prevent infection and therfore the spread. Only when that became obviously untrue did it shift over to "that's not actually what vaccines are for, they are to lessen the severity."
And when people say that to me in an exasperated tone as if that isn't a brand new idea from 4 years ago I want to scream.
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marie-swriting · 2 days ago
New Beginnings - Emily Prentiss
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Summary : Emily discovers Andrew Mendoza, her boyfriend, wants to propose and as she thinks back to what you told her when you broke up years ago, she realises why she's so reluctant at the idea of marrying a man.
Warnings : set between s15 and s16, comphet, struggling with sexuality, lesbian Emily Prentiss, reader is queer but no label is used, mention of Emily's abortion and catholic guilt about it and her sexuality, angst, happy ending, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 2.7k
French version
Song inspiration : Good Luck, Babe! by Chappell Roan
Emily blankly stares at the ceiling, her brain working fast and slow at the same time. She thinks back on her life, more specifically her relationships and the more she thinks about it, the more she notices a similarity in all of them.
Andrew Mendoza’s arm wraps itself around her waist, interrupting her train of thoughts. Emily’s body stiffens while she turns her head and looks at his sleeping face. She can’t believe she didn’t do anything to stop herself from getting into this situation. Feeling like she’s suffocating, Emily gets out of Andrew’s grip and goes to the bathroom without making any sound. The door closed, Emily drinks some water and then wets her face before putting her hands on both sides of the sink and looking at her reflection in the mirror. While she’s gazing at herself, Emily reminisces about the discovery she did earlier in the day.
As she was searching for one of her sweaters, she went through the entire closet where she found a ring in a red box hidden among her boyfriend’s socks. Emily panicked the second she saw the jewel, all at once she put it back in its place. Since then, she can’t stop thinking about what this ring means; Andrew plans on proposing to her nonetheless. When? She doesn’t know, she can’t stay in this relationship. Her head in her hands, she’s looking for a way to announce the awful news to Andrew. While she thinks about what she could say, a sentence and a voice she hadn’t thought about for a few decades make their way to her mind: “if you stay in denial, you’ll find yourself in a relationship you won’t want and one night, you’ll wake up in panic, wondering why you were so adamant on being someone you’re not.” You had said this to her when you were both fifteen.
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You and Emily had become friends as soon as she first arrived in your school in Rome. You were inseparable and you shared your deepest secrets; one of them being you were questioning your sexuality which brought you closer. For the first time in your life, you felt understood. At first, it was platonic. From time to time, you were talking about how you were feeling, your interrogations and depending on the day, you’d reassure one another.
However, one night when Emily had invited you over, your relationship shifted. You kissed, your first kiss with someone from the same gender. At first, it was just to try, to be sure you liked girls, then, after a few more tries, you confessed to Emily your kisses meant a lot to you. Consequently, you had accepted to discover this new side of your relationship. There wasn’t a label on it, though you would kiss whenever you could, get jealous and do everything together. You were just experimenting. Yet, you were more in it than Emily. You wanted more, but she was always reluctant. Understanding perfectly your best friend, you hadn’t insisted on being official even if you would have wanted to. You were just two best friends who kissed. For you, it was reason enough to not meet other people, for Emily, it was really not the same.
One day, while you were going to school, you found her kissing John Cooley, a friend you had in common. Your heart had shattered into a billion pieces for the first time in your life. Sure, you were still discovering who you were, nevertheless you weren’t expecting her to kiss someone else, let alone a guy. Looking at her from afar, you had seen her smile, though you knew she was faking it. You were so hurt you ignored Emily for a whole week. Noticing your change, Emily took you aside during break, away from all the ears.
“What’s wrong? Why are you avoiding me?” Emily asked you.
“When were you gonna tell me about you and John?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she denied, looking away.
“Sure, you don’t,” you laughed humorless. “I saw you kissing him last week. I can’t believe you did this to me.”
“We never agreed on being together.”
“Because you never wanted to label it! And I’m not mad at you for that, I just didn’t think you’d kiss other people. I knew I should have put an end to this a long time ago,” you sighed, your heart beating loudly in your chest. “So, is he your boyfriend?”
“If you absolutely want to know, yes, he is. Besides, me and you, it was more to experience things. It was never love.”
“Wow, I can’t believe it. Let’s see how it lasts between you two.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re wasting your time with him,” you replied, taking a step forward. “We both know you don’t like guys.”
“I can like boys and girls!”
“Sure you can, but you said it yourself several times, you’re not sure you love guys and you feel like you’re searching for their validation. I think that says a lot.”
“You don’t know how I feel. You’re not in my head,” Emily retorted, defensive.
“True, though I know you well enough. You can try to convince yourself all you want, it’s not gonna change who you are. But you know what? It’s not my problem. You took me for a fool for too long, I’m done, so go ahead, be with him,” you stated, tearing up. “Keep kissing him, go kiss other guys even, if it can make you feel better but if you stay in denial, you’ll find yourself in a relationship you won’t want and one night, you’ll wake up in panic, wondering why you were so adamant on being someone you’re not. And even if I don’t wish you an unfulfilling relationship, I will tell you ‘I told you so’. You’ll see. You can deny all you want, but we know the truth, so good luck, Emily.”
On those words, you walked away, leaving Emily alone with her denial, yet also her heartache. She might have been too proud to admit it, but losing you hurt her a lot purely and simply because she hadn’t just lost a best friend.
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The following morning, Emily is exhausted. She only slept two hours as her dark circles under her eyes prove it. At the crack of dawn, Emily leaves the apartment she shares with Mendoza, leaving him alone, and goes to a café near the BAU headquarters. She orders a black coffee, hoping it’ll keep her awake. Her order ready, Emily is about to walk out from the place when a familiar face catches her attention. She does a double take, staring at the person sitting at a table away from her and once she’s sure she’s not mistaken, she walks towards them. At the table, Emily says your name out loud, making you look up. A surprise expression takes place on your face, realising who is in front of you.
“Emily Prentiss! What a surprise!” you exclaim with a big smile. “How long has it been? You know what, don’t tell me, I don’t want to feel old. I already struggle hiding my gray hair.”
“We're the same on this,” she laughs. “I didn’t know you were in D.C..”
“I moved here three months ago. What about you? You’ve been here for a long time? What do you do?”
“I moved about twenty years ago. I’m working for the FBI, at the Behavioral Analysis Unit, more specifically.”
“Wow, that’s something! It doesn’t surprise me, you’ve always been so intelligent,” you genuinely say and Emily’s cheeks start to heat up.
“What about you? Are you an English teacher, like you wanted?”
“Yes, I am. I work in a high school not too far from here. There’s a good team and the students are majorly nice.”
“That’s great. Sorry, one second,” Emily replies when her phone rings. She takes it and checks her notification. “I gotta go, duty calls, but I’m so happy I saw you. If you’re up for it, we could meet again? To make up for the lost time.”
“I’d love that,” you state before writing your number on a piece of paper. “Call me when you’re free.”
“I will. See you, then.”
“See you,” you say, waving at her.
Emily leaves the café, beaming in a way she didn’t expect to today. On the way to the BAU, Emily reminisces about your relationship and the cute moments, whether they’re from after or before your first kiss. However, the happy feeling stops once she remembers your last fight. She’s always regretted the way things ended between you two. She wishes she could have fixed things when you were still going to the same high school, however she wasn’t brave enough to do so. Now that she’s found you again, maybe it’s time to make amends? She doesn’t know if you’ll accept her apology but she has hope. After all, you didn’t push her away when she came to talk. And if you still hold a grudge, Emily will do everything to change that. She wants to make things better between you two, like she should have.
The following weeks, Emily spends them as much as she can at work - which isn’t complicated - so she can avoid Andrew. She knows she has to break up with him, nevertheless she doesn’t know how to do it. Though she can’t wait too long, Andrew might propose shortly; she has to end the relationship before it’s too late. Consequently, Emily decides it’s time to stop running away from the problem. She comes home earlier than expected as she thinks about what to say. The second she walks through the door, she finds Andrew sitting on the couch. She was hoping she’d have more time. Emily puts her bag down, next to the front door and walks towards him; she sits down beside him, though she keeps a small distance. Right away, Andrew notices something is wrong, Emily didn’t greet him with a kiss to say hello. Uncomfortable, Emily wets her lips before speaking.
“I found the ring,” she confesses, point blank. “It was an accident, I was looking for my sweater and I found it.”
“Oh, and judging by your face, you’re not excited about it,” Andrew says, embarrassed. 
“I spent most of my life hiding who I am and it’s time to stop. It’s better to stop now before our relationship passes this milestone,” Emily announces softly. “You’re a good man and you deserve better, a woman who will genuinely love you.”
“At least, you did it before I got down on one knee,” he nervously laughs. “I get it, Emily.”
“I’m sorry, I never wanted to hurt you.”
Emily and Andrew stay silent for a few seconds, the tension being heavy. Emily doesn’t know what to do to make the situation less difficult. Andrew ends up clearing his throat and standing up.
“I’m going to spend the night at a friend’s, I need to be alone if you don’t mind.”
“Of course.”
Andrew quickly packs a bag before getting out of the apartment. Hearing the door closing, Emily sighs in relief. Not being with Andrew anymore is like a weight being lifted off her shoulders, a weight she didn’t know was crushing her. Of course, she feels bad about breaking Andrew’s heart but it was the right thing to do and this feeling of being relieved is the proof of it. Emily can finally be free to be who she is. From now on, she won’t hide herself, she makes that promise to herself.
You end up meeting Emily two months later. Cases kept her occupied while final exams did the same to you. She told you to meet at a bar halfway between your two apartments. You arrived first so you settle down at a table and check your phone, waiting for her. Emily comes ten minutes later. As soon as she’s in front of you, you notice her hair is now gray. You find her even more beautiful.
“You changed your hair. I love it,” you remark with joy.
“Yeah, I was tired of dying it so I decided to accept my gray hair,” she says, nervously running a hand through it.
“You did the right thing. You look beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
Before you begin to talk, a waiter comes to take your order then leaves. Once you’re alone, Emily tells you about when she moved to D.C. and you tell her about how you ended in the same city when the waiter comes back with your two glasses of red wine. The conversation flows naturally, as if you had never stopped talking, as if Emily hadn’t broken your heart years ago.
At one point, the infamous question about relationships comes. You simply answer by saying you’re single. You quickly talk about your last lover before asking her the same question.
“I noticed you don’t have a ring on your finger so either you’re like me and you haven’t found the perfect match or you divorced recently,” you suggest and Emily takes a large sip of her wine, trying to hide her uneasiness. 
“Well, I could have been engaged but I broke up two months ago,” she starts before clearing her throat. “I wasn’t in love with… him. You were right from the beginning. Come on, you can say ‘I told you so,’ I know you’ve been waiting for this since we were fifteen,” Emily adds and your heart tightens a little in your chest. 
“I’m not gonna lie, my fifteen-year-old self would have said it with a big smile on her face, but I won’t. It pains me to know you struggled so much with your sexuality,” you say, putting your hand on her wrist for a second.
“I wasn’t as brave as you when it comes to this.”
“I was only brave because you were with me. After our…,” you begin, looking for the right word, “fight, I took a step back. I could only talk about this with you so once we stopped talking, I struggled again. I had to wait until my third year of university to fully accept myself.”
“You were still quicker than me.”
“I was, yeah. I guess your faith didn’t help either,” you say, drinking.
“You have no idea. Especially when you get pregnant as a teenager and the priest tells you you can’t go back to church if you get an abortion. If he had this opinion about abortion, I don’t want to imagine what he thought about homosexuality,” Emily informs, casually, making you frown.
“I didn’t know you had an abortion.”
“It was after our fight. Only John and Matthew knew. The fact is, in the end, it was hard. Fortunately, I’ve accepted that I'm a lesbian. Better late than never like we say.”
“You know, I’m really sorry for the way it ended between us. You were there for me and I only pushed you away and hurt you,” Emily says before taking a deep breath. “You were my first love and I ruined everything when you were nothing but patient with me, at least until I pushed it too far. Losing you is my biggest regret.”
Hearing Emily’s apology warms your heart. You moved on years ago though you’d be lying if you said hearing those words didn’t heal something in you.
“You were my first love, too, and because of this, I was mad for years,” you admit. “It’s true what they say about your first queer breakup, it hurts like hell. But growing up, I understood why you acted the way you did so I stopped being mad.”
“It doesn’t mean I should have done what I did. I knew I’d hurt you by dating John and maybe that's what I wanted,” she says, her eyebrows knitting together. “Hurting you so you’d leave me and I could reject who I was a bit longer.”
“You’re not in denial anymore and I’m not mad so let’s move on.”
“Does that mean you’d accept me being in your life again?” Emily asks, nervous.
“I came tonight, didn’t I?” you rhetorically answer. “Of course, I want you in my life again. I missed you, Emily,” you confess, raising your glass.
Emily does the same and you clink your glasses before drinking to new beginnings. You smile to each other, glad to finally have left the past behind you. You don’t know what the future holds for both of you, whether it’s platonic or romantic again, it doesn’t matter, as long as you don’t lose each other once more, that’s all that matters.
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