#the oc is basically super annoying but sweet
pizza-rina · 4 months
oh yeah update guys i make th irst traps on timtok now somehow it gets views
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fortuneravine · 1 year
Tell me about each of your PMD teams!
OH BOY ok okok
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starting off with team obsidian (explorers of sky)
Mistral is. complicated. for starters i have played as her in rescue team, explorers, And super because at the time they were kinda just. me. less of an oc and more just my self insert (i actually changed their name because her old name is. just my name now)
but lately i've wanted her to be her own character and not me in totodile form so i'm kinda in the process of redoing everything about them.
Cinder i can say more about! they are a disaster. an absolute mess. sopping wet kitten born in a cardboard box all alone. she's wanted to be an explorer since she was little, but being a huge coward kinda got in the way of that. they got that scar on their chest when they went into a dungeon alone and it scared them away from exploring for a long time. it wasn't until she met mistral that she started to get her confidence back and they're much calmer and less afraid of everything nowadays!
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now rescue team. i played as mistral again in my first pmddx playthough along with a cubone partner but. i have kinda replaced them as my Main pmd1 team with these guys. oops.
campfire are much more developed characters anyways so im gonna talk about them!
fig (she/any) is very quiet, as are basically all of my heroes because my selectively mute ass keeps latching onto silent protagonists. she's definitely the one i've given the not talking trait to the most though. chive is extremely extroverted and chatty so she handles all the talking. others tend to see them as closed off or mysterious because they can't get a good read on her. they're really sweet though
chive's main gimmick is she likes cooking! will probably settle down and open a little cafe once she's done with the rescue team business. likes to experiment with random berries and nuts she finds (fig keeps joking she's going to poison herself, but she owns like 3 different foraging guides, she knows what she's doing.)
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next is team hydra! their ref is old and i need to redo it so here's one of my heropartnerweek pieces badly cropped. their names are Ceru (she/xe) and Olivine (he/they)
it turns out i lied when i said all my heroes are quiet ceru is actually pretty outgoing. still the more introverted of the duo but mainly because olivine is a people pleaser extraordinaire. she actually had a pretty boring life as a human and is a lot happier as a pokemon. she was Devastated about returning to the human world, mostly because xe didn't want to leave xyr friends, partially because oh come on it's so much cooler here i don't wanna go back to working retail
olivine, as i said, is a people pleaser, often to his detriment. he's always prioritizing other pokemon's happiness, even when it's at the cost of his own. they get better at this over time (ceru helps him a lot with learning to say No). he and ceru are inseparable besties. they're like a comedy duo. 2 things have olivine's undying commitment, his friends and The Bit
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finally. super. again i already talked about mistral so here is Basil.
honestly? i feel like they don't have much of my own spin. pmsd partner is already a perfect character. they are so full of love. they love making others smile and they're maybe a little too enthusiastic about it. they tend to come off as overly friendly at best or annoying at worst. before meeting mistral they were pretty lonely despite trying so hard to make friends. they're very happy to finally have a real close friend who likes them how they are
this ended up a little rambly!! oops!! but there's my guys hope you like em :)
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jeannos · 11 months
every kid in this fandom MUST have their au phase where they make aus of this stupid skeleton, and I FINALLY got the courage to make one!!
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I lied actually... I have like 6 sans/skeleton ocs... and 2 of them are self inserts... BUT ANYWAY this guy is the only one I posting publicly atm
btw this reference specifically is really old (I started drawing this in like- 2021/2022 I guess?? Idk honestly) but I never actually finished it till recently bc, yeah, I got super lazy... ironic isn’t it? I don't even draw Sanses like this anymore -_-
he does not have a actual name yet...
I mean- I call him Dreamer!Sans but I'm not really sure if I'm gonna set with that yet, since I don't actually have a story/plot for him besides his purpose in the multiverse, but I do have some other ideas ;]
Dreamer!Sans is basically a protector of dreams, he protects mostly the realities of dreams (or the Dreamscapes, is what I like to call them) to make sure everyone from his au and multiverse have sweet and safe dreams.
Theres this things called Night Spawns or Nightlings who feeds from peoples nightmares and trauma while they are asleep. They oddly look like spiders... Dreamer is responsible for defeating these pests.
"But why?" you may ask.
Well... the Nightlings "power" to manifest bad dreams in your sleep can cause you depression, anxiety, paranoia, and much more, if they stay too long attached to someone, AND since they are really hungry they are trying to consume the dreamscapes of the person they are attached to. If they succeeds, one may never dream again (or woke up, in other words)
"What are Dreamscapes?"
Every time someone dreams, that person's consciousness is "transported" to this place, and each person has their own dreamscapes!! They are directly connected to people's consciousness and that is why they are so important.
Hes mostly like classic Sans, very lazy, laid back/relaxed, and he enjoys puns a lot
but it's a little more extreme-
• He is always tired and cannot stay awake for more than 20 minutes without falling asleep again
• He aways looks tired/sleepy
• Sometimes he sleepwalks, he can do unbelievable things while he's asleep, from knitting and cooking to physically fighting or writing a quantum science research, all unconscious!
• For some reason sometimes he sleeps in super specific and random places, once he slept for two whole days inside Nightmare!Sans' castle and no one ever noticed... strange right? He wasn't even in a room, he slept in the kitchen storage the entire time lol
• He has been in and out of so many people's dreams that he probably knows EVERYONE, he has an incredible memory too!
• Sometimes he can't tell if he's really awake or if he's still dreaming, so he doesn't usually take things around him seriously. Which can make other people upset or annoyed that they're not being taken seriously.
• He learned to never try to find meanings in dreams that don't make the LEAST sense, and since he cannot distinguish which reality he is in because he is almost always dreaming- he will always accept anything absurd you propose to him.
You wanna make a birthday party for a giant unicorn baby? sure sounds fun.
You think Shrek is upset and needs help? yeah lets cheer him up.
Several alternate versions of him are fighting for some bizarre reason he doesn't understand?? yeah ok he can help, he don't mind.
• He snores when he's having a really deep sleep, he won't believe it if you tell him that tho
Well thats it! These are my ideas and thoughts about this Sans I created, I might and probably will add more things about him and his story later in other posts, can't wait to finally see his au takes more shape hehe~
also I will make another post about his magic skills and possible weapon along with more illustrations of him, so keep a eye out for more~~
heres a old doodle I made of him before finishing his ref, bye bye!! :3
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ignore my old signature pls T-T
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dragon-subway · 7 months
Tell me about your clone ocs please please please 🤲
uhhh i got quite a few so gonna give some that havent been drawn yet some attention as well as some faves
Lets start with Commander Gnash of the 793rd. not many people have the guts to punch their jedi general upon meeting them but hey its one hell of a first impression (one Fen finds hilarious, while he was mortified for the whole month). In his defence, he was injured and delirious. I care him so much. so so much. He keeps up to date on the regs manuel to find the latest loopholes, he's been caught sleeping standing straight up, and has 100% tackled a b2 without hesitation. He's trying to figure out basic sign in his off hours. I shake this man like a dog with a chew toy (which is how he got his scar)
Essie's commander, Cake of the 792nd, you'd think would be just a very well adjusted and dignified commander with a very cool flowing poncho, if not a little wary of his surroundings and a few more hidden knives than scrictly necessary but then you get to know him and oh he's actually super laid back n the knives are cause he'll throw them the second his blaster annoys him and half jokingly tries to convince Gnash to just ditch the regs all together cause their generals certainly won't mind. Wine enjoyer.
RADAR THE BELOVED the grooviest motherfucker in the whole 793rd, can have and will chill in the fireing range with his favourite playlist blasting. Got reccomended for ARC training when he got seperated from the battallion on a planet crawling with clankers n deadly and made it to evac point all on his own with the clanker factory
Node is one of the engineers, forklist certified, wound a little tight and a little finikity about his workspace but hey yknow he's reliable and a great mechanic thats oddly affectionate towards the ships he works on.
Thaw, CMO of the 792nd, has one hell of a resting bitch face to the point shineys can be a little wary of him. In reality he's one of the sweetest guy's around if you get to know him, though he's more subtle with affection n tends to like. make an extra mug of caf to give whoever hes "bumping into" (hes actualy looking for them to make sure theyre ok), he comes in to releive the nightshift of duty a little early, ke heeps stickers n sweets in his office.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 5 months
tagged by @goldheartedchaoticdisaster thank you bestie ❤❤❤
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The short answer is basically "whichever one I'm feeling".
the longer answer is: Arata the Legend, the MCU (specifically my own OC content and Eternals), Good Omens, The Old Guard, The Wicked + The Divine, A Discovery of Witches/All Souls Trilogy, Doctor Who, Ted Lasso (in theory, so far) and like... other stuff I can't think of right now that I haven't published but still write for, and other stuff I have written fics for but wouldnt say I "write" for the fandom.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Rotten Work
First Word
everybody wants someone (i want to be somebody)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Or I try to - I try to respond to every comment people leave, even if it's only a heart emoji or a 'thank you'. Because I want to show them I see them and appreciate them!!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Toss up between "no home sweet and no sweet home" with Joan having to run away from an abusive household in the middle of the night to a life of just constant running and loneliness she's not emotionally prepared for after having a relatively normal life and "my heart is a stone, my body is not my own" with Yataka dealing with years of blackmail, sexual assault and noncon suddenly being exposed to everyone by one of his abusers and just refusing to talk about it at all and rejecting the (admittedly flawed) attempt at comfort shown to him (points for being a fic I wanted to end with comfort and instead became my first hurt/no comfort).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's hard to choose but I'm gonna say probably First Word (link above) because. I mean how does it get better than Human!Ten, Donna and Jenny being a little family together and Jenny's first word being Donna's name and Ten being absolutely in love with his girls-
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh I did like, back when I was 13. My ATLA OC fic got cyberbullied by some dude on tumblr, who copy&pasted whole chapters of my fic and then would go through the chapter and add shitty comments.
The only good thing about that situation was that he even added a whole post to express his confusion that all the comments on my fic were positive. everyone else was loving it. and then he apparently needed to ruin me and left his own comment telling me he was reviewing my fic. which of course led to a shock and some hurt feelings but uh, seeing him annoyed at everyone else liking the fic helped lmao now I can look back on it with amusement like what was going on with that guy that he felt the need to harass a 13 year old.
I also got another comment on the same fic accusing me of plagiarizing their fic and OC because both my oc and hers could bend 2 elements and had sort of similar names and when I went to read her fic it was so completely different from my own I had to LAUGH.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've attempted it a few times but I really don't know what I'm doing with it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've never written a whole crossover - I admit I did start an au fic where all different studio ghibli characters were in the story of Anastasia the movie, but it did not get super far before I stopped.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
luckily no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but if anyone ever asked I wouldn't say no!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Oh my god.... I mean as hard as it is to choose it's gotta be TenDonna. like platonically, romantically, a secret third thing, they are amazing together and I love them so much.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I try to never say I'll never finish a fic, but there's one for certain I don't think I'll ever finish, Prince Mononoke - a role swap au of Princess Mononoke. I was writing it for years and had my grandma proofread every chapter before publishing. I put it on hiatus for years, but then she died, and it didn't feel right to keep going.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel I write dialogue really well. I try my best to hit the right voice for every character and I think I do a good job at it. And honestly it's hard for me to not write dialogue like half the time I'm like can you guys shut up already and progress the plot with actions instead-
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm not as poetic as I'd like to be, I guess. Like. some writers are just fucking masters with words and I feel like I'm stammering. I'm also not super confident in writing romance - like, pining, or friendly relationship with a splash of romance for fun? I've got that. Actual romantic relationships? Not so much.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If I do, I use google translate and hope for the best, but usually I don't. Ethereal has a lot of Canadian French in it because Marianne is from Quebec, but I use my sister (a French Immersion student) as my translator.
I mean I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Like, use the best translator website you can find and hope for the best.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
If we want to get really technical it was for The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, before I even knew fanfic was a thing. If we want to be specific to published fic, it was Avatar the Last Airbender.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
honestly I have no way to choose. So I'm simply not going to lol
tagging: @dani-luminae @sighonaraa @altschmerzes @jamietarttsnorthernattitude @fallenangelontheceiling @vinatintasupernovita @strangelock221b @mousedetective @linguini17 and like, anyone who wants to do this!!!! it's fun :)
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just-a-lil-otter · 5 months
Question about your Fnae au! Do the ghost kids (if there are any) have identities yet? Like names personalities etc?
(So sorry if this is super long btw QwQ)
As I said, the story itself is still in development, so this might change eventually
But as of now I'm going with the idea that the animatronics are completely sentient, like in security breach in a way!
The only 100% confirmed animatronic(?) To have a human soul is The Marionette, aka River in this au! :D
Since they're a puppet with no internal mechanisms/robotic parts, the only way they're able to move is because they have a human soul, even then they don't move that much simply because they don't want too
I imagine they were an adult when they were killed, but that might be changed later
As for the animatronics personalities, I have a few ideas!
Matt - Matt is the most friendly of the animatronics, and he's the one who interacts with kids the most! I imagine he has his own area he stays in when he's not preforming that the kids go to play at, a sort of play place for the kids to hang out it while the parents are ordering food/setting up the birthday parties. He basically watches over and plays with the kiddos
He's very sweet and is curious, but not really hostile, towards the night guard for the most part
He also has a love for pizza, and sweets! He has a big sweet tooth :3 also he plays the keyboard in the main band
Tom - Tom is pretty grumpy and annoyed with the night guard, but for the most part he's very chill and nice with the kiddos
He spends most of his time when he's not preforming either back stage or taking photos with guests, since some kids find him a bit intimidating(which he isn't upset about, he knows he's a bit scary)
He doesn't like being watched on the cameras and is pretty aggressive, especially if the night guard watches him on the camera for too long
He plays the bass in the band :]
Edd - Edd is the calmest of the group, at least to the night guard
He's very sweet and friendly to the kids and can be found either taking photos with guests or helping Matt in the play area, he's a big friendly teddy bear! :]
He doesn't move much during the night, only if he has a reason to really
He's the main singer and has a very lovley voice :3
Tord - the most aggressive. Just in general.
He used to be rather sweet and caring towards the kids, but after an accident that caused him to be very damaged he's be stuck in the parts and service room
That, plus the fact some of his internal mechanisms that regulate his emotions and behavior were messed up, causes him to be EXTREMELY hostile towards the night guard.
He probably starts entering the vents around night three or four and trying to get into the office through there
One way to calm him down is by using the Marionettes music box, which causes him to go search for the cause of the noise
The Marionette(River) - as I said, they're the only one with an actual soul and don't move much
They're always at the 'puppet theater' performing during the day, but after Tord's accident they've been found sitting outside the parts and service room almost every night, which is why a nighttime security guard was hired in the first place
They're usually calm and don't try to access to office at all, only trying to get to the parts and service door
The night guard probably uses a music box/recorded song to bring them back to their stage, and they get more and more pissed off as the night continues and they keep getting tricked
The reason they're outside the part and service door at all is because they know Tord's inside, and they REALLY don't like that he's trapped and being kept away from everyone else
I imagine eventually they are locked inside the theater by management after they keep escaping 'somehow', which pisses Tord off and is what causes him to try and get into the office, thinking the nightguard is to blame
Yes, I somehow found a way to make my oc x canon ship part of the au, yall can SUE ME
Also, no one knows the animatronics(and TM/River) are alive, they just think they're like super high tech and they only really show actual sentience during the night
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yeehawbvby · 4 months
Dropping in out of nowhere here to ask YOU! yes you dear blogger, about your ocs. Please tell me about em :3
OH BOY I have so many uhhh. I'll just give a quick rundown + lore posts for the OCs who have one, since you didn’t ask anything specific :D May or may not put this in my pinned as a general OC masterlist too while I'm at it
Pokemon -> Max - Lore post + Visual reference - 25-30 years old, lives in Galar. She works as a gym trainer, first at the Dark gym and then in Circhester's Ice gym. She prefers Ghost types above all else but she's pretty well-rounded! She’s sweet and timid but also a little gremlin and I love her dearly
TLoZ -> Ethie - Lore post - Something about soulmates through time or whatever with Link (platonic or romantic, depending on the timeline). Descendent of Malon, although I might change her canon so that she just was Malon lol. She's also Beedle's sister! Most of the lore I've established is of BotW/TotK times, where she's a traveling blacksmith with a home-base in Hateno.
Spiderverse -> Apple Spider - Lore post + Visual Reference - A little shit who accidentally ruined her canon and destroyed her earth. Now she lives permanently in Nueva York/in the Spider Society building. She's a master in the art of being annoying but lovable, and takes on kinda the wine aunt/bestie cousin role for a bunch of the younger Spiders.
Sun Haven -> Autumn - Visual reference - Half-moth amari (amari are anthros, basically), and half-elf! She's gentle and kind. Loves just hanging out with her animals and helping people around each city, rather than actually doing much farming. Winds up making permanent residence in Nel'Vari, a hidden elven village west of Sun Haven.
Sun Haven -> Marlowe
- An aquatic amari of the shark variety! Kind of a piece of shit unless you’re important to them. They’re messy and loud and blunt but they’d literally do anything for those they care about (in the end, though, the person they care for most is themself). Moved to Sun Haven to be closer to water and become a monster hunter and adventurer. They were previously a tattoo artist in The Big City
Baldur's Gate 3 -> Lilith - Visual reference - A resistance Durge! Was besties with Orin and on the verge of marriage with Gortash before being lobotomized and tadpoled. Now she just wants to right her wrongs, or whatever -- she's absolutely horrified by her Urge.
Baldur's Gate 3 -> Aether - Another Durge! Same past as Lilith, except during the events of the game, she begins sorta morally grey and evolves into a frickin monster. She's one of those "I'll hurt everyone except the people I love types," and genuinely wanted to rule Baldur's Gate alongside Gortash. After The Brain(tm) offed him though she kinda just went apeshit and embraced Bhaal.
Pikmin 4 -> Ed - Visual reference - I don't have much lore for her lol.. she mostly does night expeditions because she prefers to be nocturnal and likes hanging out with the glow pikmin. She's super sweet but bad at expressing her feelings, so nobody really knows it unless they give her a chance to open up! Her affection can come off as aggression but she just doesn’t really know how to portray herself
FFXV -> Mari Vitrum
- “One of the guys,” but not in an annoying pick-me kind of way and more so the constantly-being-a-little-shit kind of way. She was a close friend of Gladio’s from childhood, which is how she met Noctis and eventually became part of his crew. She’s not a fan of Ignis (except for his cooking) so they kinda just tolerate each other lol, she and Noct bicker like siblings, and she’s besties with Gladio and Prompto. She prefers to fight with daggers, taking more of an assassin approach and fights SUPER recklessly. Will easily have to use several phoenix downs during tougher battles, partially bc she gets dagger-happy and partially because if anyone’s gonna die, she’d rather it be her than her friends.
Stardew Valley -> Elise
- Partial visual, since I haven’t drawn her fully yet
- A lot like Sebastian in that she’s spent most of her life staying indoors nerding out, looks almost sickly pale, and wears black hoodies a lot. She only moved to Pelican Town to escape Joja and Zuzu’s high rent, really. She’s more focused on having a ton of animals (mostly to hang out with) and only keeps a few small patches of crops. Has her nose pierced and 3 ear piercings on her right side, but only 1 ear piercing on her left, in short because she got lazy. She has a vampire bite tattoo on the left side of her neck and constantly gets roasted for it (she goes along with it like a champ), as well as a sloppy self-made stick and poke tattoo over some self harm scars that says “I lived, bitch.” Still unsure of where I’m gonna plop that down on her
Fields of Mistria -> Kimi and December
-> a link to their intro post <-
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themadlu · 3 months
Hi! 6, 20 and 32 relationship ask!
Hi - thanks for the request @spacebarbarianweird!
Here are answers for my three OCs and their poor, poor sweet&sour halves (well, two and a half, the last one needs some brainstorming still).
Zélie x Astarion
Zélie is a human martial artist (so basically a less religious monk) from Earth who gets kidnapped by the mindflayers and winds up in Faerun. She is extremely no-nonsense and can't deal with poor behaviour, so obviously she and Astarion will have a great time since their first meeting.
6. Who holds a grudge the longest?
Zel. She's like an elephant, she doesn't forget. It's great because she can always recall the good times, but she also has a mental black notebook of those who crossed her. It does take a pretty big offence to end up there though.
20. Who's more likely to get into a bar fight?
Astarion. He'd start it and enjoy witnessing the ensuing mayhem while Zel shoots him her death glare.
32. Who's the first to apologize?
Zel. Astarion is learning, but his "sorry" still sounds like a dying frog's ribbit.
Chiyo x Aradin
Chiyo is a half-drow (and something else) monk/cleric (still on probation, Bahamut is debating) from the Monastery of the Yellow Rose in the Earthspur Mountains of Damara, the very North of Faerun. She tries to live an ascetic and peaceful life, but even her diplomatic skills crumble when met with a certain punchable face. I know, "but Aradin is a prejudiced prick!" yeah well, so are Lae'zel, Astarion and 90% of the NPCs. It'll develop here, I promise.
6. Who holds a grudge the longest?
Aradin. Not for years, and he'll learn to let things go eventually, but he's still a hothead. Chiyo won't get extremely mad or vengeful, but she will remember who slighted her or her dear ones.
20. Who's more likely to get into a bar fight?
Both. Aradin because he's a hothead and can't keep his mouth shut, Chiyo because she grew up in a monastery in the mountains and she's still learning how wider society works and what triggers people. She will say the wrong thing to the wrong guy from time to time. Good thing they both pack a good punch.
32. Who's the first to apologize?
Chiyo. She was raised to respect her seniors and those around her, and she is a stickler for following the rules (most of the time). Though apologising to Aradin takes a lot of self-control. He is still learning to admit his mistakes, like Astarion.
Fuji x Rolan
Fuji is a drow who found life in Underdark society so restrictive and boring she ran away at age 15 (very young for a drow) to try her luck in the outside world. She became a College of Swords bard, though her unruly behaviour saw her kicked out in her final year of studies. Much to her dismay, the propensity for the divine typical of her people caught up with her and she was kind of forced into becoming a cleric after accidentally offending a certain god. Yes, Rolan is in good hands (mostly).
6. Who holds a grudge the longest?
Rolan. Though he's improving a lot since finding more stability as an archmage. Fuji is way too brain-scattered to remember who did what for long. Though she would use her drow charm to scare the living hell out of those who annoy her.
20. Who's more likely to get into a bar fight?
Fuji. She loves a good brawl. She'd start it by pitting two poor souls against each other and happily play her drum along as a cinematic soundtrack to add pathos. Rolan learnt to always cast mage armour before going to taverns with her.
32. Who's the first to apologize?
Rolan. He still regrets behaving so horribly with Fuji for most of their early weeks, and his temper, whilst improving, is still a bit fiery. So he is super aware of Fuji's reaction and of what he does that may cause her distress (he'd rather go back to Avernus than hurt her again).
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teliathetv · 4 months
oc lore 🙏🙏
(i can’t tell if ur asking for some or just stating something but uh)
personality stuff cuz my last posts have been anything but that
Cassidy- usually the voice of reason along with Kira and is the one that found gas masks for everyone. for being the main protag it took me soooo long to figure out a name for her. nice as hell but an absolute bitch when she’s slightly annoyed
Kira- worst rbf ever and super intimidating looking with an amazing poker face but she’s just a little guy. very gentle and will not forget if she accidentally hurts someone or something. despite that she will fucking destroy any creature in point blank range.
Anthony- sopping wet cat what more can i say. but he’s very skiddish. pretty weak but pricila and Kira balance that out. he will also never let you know when something is wrong. typical nice nerdy looking dude. he’s like a neat freak cuz his parents would yell at him for the smallest reasons so it stuck with him.
Pricila- god i love her. very sweet and loves giving gifts. she’s super fucking strong but even after everyone sees it they still underestimate her. she’s also very sensitive and will cry if you say something mean even as a joke and can’t tell when she says something out of pocket (autism amiright)
Quill- my bitch!!!! typical funny funny comedic timing character. makes a lot of dark jokes to mask his trauma. very goofy and very chill. she’s very stubborn but will not admit they’re wrong until it’s like earth shatteringly bad.
Cici- he’s a basic jock dude taht all the girls loved in highschool. he’s very polite and gentle and super funny. he’s super confident on the outside but hates talking to people because he finds almost everyone intimidating and thinks they hate him.
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fandomzwriterk · 4 months
Smoke and Mirrors
Pairings: Tomas Vrbada/Smoke x OC
Warnings: slight gore + Amnesiac!OC + religious trauma (?) + characters dying + hinted innuendos later on + Kuai & Bi Han trying to be good brothers + Liu Kang as a dad figure (?) + Tomas just being his sweet lovable self + Bi Han being kind of a dick + Kuai Liang having no clue what it’s like to have a sister + confused “brother” Kuai Liang (?) + Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny, and Kenshi being simps (mostly Raiden)
PT: 4/?
A/N: I love MK1 more than I should and my bf is laughing at me about it (he mains Liu Kang rip me)
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Some time in the future…
The days and weeks went on for Angel, at least that’s what Tomas ended up calling her. Kuai didn’t mind calling her that either, especially since his brother was the one who came up with it. Bi-Han however… couldn’t care less. Not to say he was heartless, he just didn’t see why both of his brothers would drop anything to make sure she was safe. It annoyed him. It’s been four months since she’s been here, Liu Kang now sending her off on missions with the three of them. Tomas was giddy every time and Kuai wasn’t much better than him. Bi-Han didn’t like Angel one bit, and he made it clear every time they trained, practically almost killing her each time she was there. Today was the fifth time he actually went and tried to do it, much to the annoyance of Tomas.
“You are the worst Bi-Han. Just be nice to her. She’s doing us good. She’s been trying really hard.”
He almost smacked Kuai upside the head right there, but he refrained. He can’t have his temper in control.
“It’s cause she’s a woman. A women we barely know and isn’t even with the Lin Kuei.” He grumbled
He didn’t have to look at his brother to know Kuai rolled his eyes at the statement. Currently, they were watching both Tomas and Angel spar, Tomas just basically trying to see what the limits of Angel’s body was.
“There you go!” Tomas exclaimed as Angel rolled to the side
So far since she got here, she’s never once used any part of her “angelic” powers. No wings, no spears. Nothing. It was as if she wanted to train herself. She really didn’t need to, she’d been pretty good since day one.
“You have to agree she’s gotten better.”
Bi-Han stayed quiet, knowing his brother was right but didn’t want to admit it. However, watching Angel and Tomas spar each other to him, with Kuai standing next to him in case somebody decided to fight dirty.
“Come on Angel! You’ve got more power than he does! You just gotta get him on the ground!”
Kuai’s eyes focused on Angel, noticing she was dodging attacks and not attacking Tomas back, even when he would disappear and then reappear seconds later. She seemed pretty content in just making sure Tomas didn’t get her on the ground first. She seemed to, not even be thinking, she was just moving on her own. Still, Kaui was super confused that despite half her face being covered, she could still recognize attacks Tomas was giving her.
“Come on Angel! You just gotta knock him down!”
Bi-Han stared at the small female, noticing something he wasn’t sure Kuai was seeing. Her left hand was twitching in a weird manner, as if there was something controlling her hand that wasn’t her.
“Whatever you do, don’t let her left hand hit you.”
Kuai looked between both Tomas and Angel, finally seeing the odd twitching her hand was doing.
“You think that’s normal?”
“I don’t know. As far as I can tell she can’t control whatever it is.”
Angel backed up once more as Tomas swung his karumbit once more at Angel’s side. Nobody could see into her mind right now… and nobody was noticing she wasn’t even conscious of her decisions. Her body was moving on its own without her control. Tomas smoked closer to her, causing Angel to jump into the air, her wings fully out as they held her into the air for a few seconds, seeming to look for a target to hit. Now she was on the attack… and it was not looking good.
“Kuai go!” Bi-Han yelled
“Get Lord Liu Kang!”
Angel’s attention focused on Tomas as her body slowly spun to regain her balance in the air, as her left hand went up to the sky, as if calling for something.
“Blades of Righteousness!” She yelled as she sent dozens of golden spears raining from the sky and straight towards Tomas
“Fuck!” Bi-Han added as he ran into the fight
Bi-Han, with no idea how to stop her, flung an ice ball at her, only for her to cut it in half with a giant spear in her own hand. They had to get out of there or they were gonna get hurt or even worse killed.
“Angel calm down it’s us!”
Kuai threw his kunai’s into the air, trying to get Angel tied up and bring her back down.
“We have to work together. Shes not going down that easy!”
Tomas smoked behind them as Bi-Han and Kuai stood side by side.
“We have to time it together. Tomas you smoke up and try to bring her down while Kuai and I distract her.”
“Got it.”
And just like that he was gone. So, Angel’s attention turned to the brothers. Bi-Han wasn’t going to admit it, but he was nervous. He didn’t know how Angel worked either, and he just thrown into a blind fight with no clue how to take her down.
“Hope this wakes you up!”
An ice ball came crashing into Angel’s face, getting her off balance as Kuai got his ropes to tie around Angel’s body, effectively cutting off her ability to fly as Tomas came up and smoked behind her, pushing onto her shoulders to get her to fall.
“Kuai pull!”
And so he did. The ropes were so tight that Angel, or what they thought was Angel, let out an inhuman scream from the bottom of her lungs. It practically shattered the very ground beneath them. She hit the ground, Tomas lying on top of her holding her body down as Kuai and Bi-Han ran up.
“Shit. Lord Liu Kang is going to kill us for this one.”
“Well that’s what happens when you don’t listen to me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Bi-Han stared at the unconscious Angel, still tied up and on the ground. She wasn’t moving anytime soon. So, he kicked her side trying to get her to wake up.
“This wouldn’t have happened if you two had just listened and made her leave months ago!”
“She was dying brother! Isn’t helping people supposed to be a good thing? Isn’t that what father wanted?”
“Father was a weak man. I’m Grandmaster now, so you two are the ones who listen to me, no questions asked.”
As Bi-Han went to pick up Angel by the back of her own gi, her wings snapped the ropes and she was up on one knee, one spear in hand right next to his neck. She was up and awake quickly, she had been playing dead.
“Angel it’s us!”
Tomas put his hands up as a surrender, looking to his brothers as Angel had her attention on Bi-Han.
“Angel. Look at me.”
So she turned her head, looking at Tomas who was right behind her. His hands were still up, he had faith that Angel wouldn’t attack, as if he could read her mind. He trusted her, so surely she wouldn’t break his trust?
“It’s me. Tomas. Im your friend remember?”
Angel made the spear disappear into thin air, standing up to look at the silver haired man.
“T-Tomas?” She spoke faintly
“Yeah it’s me!”
She started to sway slight. Kuai was fast on his feet, closing the distance between the three of them by putting a hand on her back as Tomas held her arm.
“I’m okay. Im okay.”
Her feet didn’t work for a few seconds, pulling her wings back into her body and looking up from the ground. She seemed to be awake, so Tomas let her go to walk a little and clear her head.
“What… what happened? I… I don’t…”
“It’s okay. Are you feeling okay?” Kuai asked with a quick glance at her left hand
It was limp for now, so that means it wasn’t doing whatever it was earlier. She shook her head, the hood over her face daring to fall off. She was tired and confused.
“I don’t… I don’t remember what happened… I.”
She went quiet, realizing it wouldn’t even matter right now. Her memory was barely together even after all this time she’d been with Liu Kang and his champions. She was alone, lost a place she didn’t know before she lost her memories. Why was there nothing?
“It was just a bad dream. I’m fine. That’s all it was.”
She dismissed it as she turned to try and walk. Only one step and she was having trouble staying upright. Tomas went to walk up behind her, but she flicked his hand away in annoyance.
“I need some time to think.”
And she was gone, leaving the brothers to figure out what just happened. Bi-Han was not happy, again.
“What in the name of the Elder Gods just happened?”
“Hell if I know. I can barely talk to her about how she sleeps at night. I sometimes hear walking in her room late at night, but it’s almost dead quiet every once in a while.”
“You think she’s having nightmares? Maybe sleepwalking? She doesn’t remember anything from before she came here and suddenly she spiked. Something is not right.”
“Fine. Tomas you get afternoon and night watch with her. Kuai gets morning watch.”
“What about you?”
“I’m not going anywhere near that creature. I don’t trust her, and she’ll never be Lin Kuei in my eyes.”
Kuai and Tomas looked at each other, watching their elder brother walk away to find some initiates to train.
“I’ll go find her. You go search the living quarters.”
Kuai nodded, silently using his fire to teleport somewhere away. Tomas was alone and worried about his friend.
“Angel!” He shouted running right for the gardens
Silence, there was not even a single sound except for a cricket. Where could she have gone?
“Angel! Where are you?!” He shouted louder than the first time
“Tomas?” He heard a meek voice say
He looked to his right, just barely able to see her hidden under a sakura tree. It was covering her, no light visible anywhere except a few holes from the branches. Slowly, Tomas walked as she sat there with her head against her knees, sitting beside her.
“I don’t remember what caused that. I-“
“You don’t have to explain yourself right now Angel. I’ll stay here with you until you relax, then I’ll hear whatever you have to say.”
Angel just nodded. Tomas sighed with relief, she wasn’t hurt. So, a few minutes turned into what felt like an eternity. Tomas had let her take a nap, watching over her so she wouldn’t get jumped by someone.
“I had a nightmare.” She spoke bluntly out of nowhere
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Yeah I mean… I don’t understand it. Maybe it was just all in my head.”
“It’s okay to tell friends things like this. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Yeah… that’s true. But it didn’t make sense.”
“Do you remember it well?”
“Not much but there’s a few things that are still in my head.”
So Tomas sat in silence as she recounted the nightmare from last night. In her mind, she’d been flying in the sky, above the clouds with the sun just ahead of her. Then, she came to a place that was infinitely beautiful, filled with land and animals she didn’t know. Suddenly, the ground cracked beneath her, causing her to fall backwards as she reached out, seeing someone standing over the pit, sending golden-white spears her way. They were covered in golden-silver blood. She kept falling, seeing the light slowly get smaller and smaller as she started falling. The person above her, she couldn’t see, but she knew something was wrong. Then she woke up when she saw Tomas, just after getting tied down by Bi-Han.
“You don’t remember fighting me? As practice?”
“N-no. My brain gets foggy after that, like I was never here at all. But… I could see it all.”
“Speaking of which how are you able to see with that thing on your head. I think it looks cool but that has to be annoying.”
He was right, the golden material that made three circles around her head and over her face was always there, and they weren’t even attached to anything. Perhaps there could be another way for her to cover her face.
“I’ll figure something out.”
The voice was loud, making both of them jump as it kept getting closer.
“Lord Liu Kang!”
To be continued….
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nightrazor3242 · 5 months
Decided to finally post Nightrazor's lore on here! It's not too detailed, I wanted to keep it short but I might add on to it as I go. If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to let me know!
Nightrazor is a long-thought-out OC of mine, originally I created her back in 2019 under the name Wildfire, this was during my Transformer Prime obsession, and her name would later change to Nightrazor after I discovered IDW. Since then I have given her a complex lore, including a book I am still writing as of now. This essay is a much simpler lore, made for people who are interested to read. (None of my friends or family are Transformers fans so I'm super hyped to share!)
Basic Info:
Name: Nightrazor (initially Nightwing)
Gender: Femme/ Female (She/Her)
Faction: Mercenary
Age: Around the same age as Megatron (IDW)
Hight: Same height as Drift (IDW)
Skills: Combat Proficiency, Survival, resourcefulness, Tactical Planning, Stealth, and Infiltration.
Weaknesses: Short temper, impatience, lack of empathy, refusing help of any kind, and vengefulness.
Personality: Nightrazor comes off as stoic and cold. Small talk? Unnecessary and annoying. Bonding? How about no. She refuses to let her walls down even just a little, no matter who it is. She tends to blow up when agitated often resorting to violence depending on her mood and who you are. Deep-seated hatred for both Decepticons and Autobots.
Hobbies: She enjoys working on her ship, experimenting with modifications, or fine-tuning her own systems in her spare time (This includes her combat training). Being a flyer she heavily enjoys zipping around in her alt mode, high in the skies. She also keeps a log of all of her missions, each log is very detailed, and even Ultra Magnus would be impressed.
Moral: Loyalty to oneself.
Deepest fear: Loss of autonomy, anything threatening her independence such as being captured, controlled, or experimented on (She refuses any medical attention, she will tend to her own wounds).
Before the war:
Born during the golden age of Cybertron, Nightwing of Vos transported cargo along with her fellow consignors, she took care of the orders and helped organize the cargo for send-off. Although she was just a simple transporter she prioritized helping others in need, on several occasions she helped fellow Cybertronians out of poverty and gave them a job aboard her ship, because of this she made several close friends. One of these friends was named Echo (This is my friend’s OC that I am currently redesigning) Nightwing had saved him several eons ago, and since then the two had been inseparable. Overall Nightwing was a sweet and outgoing bot, going out of her way to help others but still taking no shit, she taught many bots how to navigate through life with a clear mind and strong spark, and many looked up to her as a mentor.
Beginning of the war:
During the fall of the golden age, Nightwing and her crew became very paranoid, the fear of a civil war plagued everyone, but as it was they all still had work to due. Soon the Decepticons began to take over Cybertron and with it, the Autobots fought against them, finally, the war broke out. Nightwing and her crew were off-world when the war broke out, unable to reach her commanding officer they turned back to Cybertron to see what was going on, a detrimental mistake. Upon arrival, the ship was instantly targeted and fired at by Decepticon troops, during the panic Echo had managed to steal the ship's only escape pod leaving his friends and mentor to die. When the ship finally crash-landed it killed nearly everyone on impact, but amongst the rubble Nightwing held on to her life by a thread. Decepticons soon scavenged through the wreckage taking anything of value, eventually, they stumbled across Nightwing, and due to her showing signs of life, the troops took her in. Nightwing was initially relieved to be rescued not knowing the horrors she would soon face.
Nightrazors Genesis:
When Nightwing was brought to a Decepticon medical ward she was fixed and repaired, during the repair a few scientists noticed her abnormal spark patterns, and after further investigations, they discovered Nightwing had outlier abilities. Something she had hidden very well, was her ability to blend into shadows and completely shut off her spark signal making her undetectable. Because of this discovery, Nightwing was handed over to the science ward, where they did numerous tests, and experiments, wanting to harness outlier abilities for the Decepticon cause. At the start of this torture Nightwing was horrified, why were they doing this to her? Were they going to kill her? Was anyone going to save her? Would she die here? Over time Nightwing came to accept no one was coming for her, she was alone, and this angered her, greatly, after building her life around helping others and taking in those in need, when she was the one who needed help the most, no one came. Days turned into months, and eventually, Nightwing escaped, stealing a small Decepticon ship she fled Cybertron. She rebuilt herself, not only physically but mentally, changing her name to Nightrazor she vowed no one would dare hurt her again without the consequence of death.
Later on, Nighrazor became a mercenary, originally the job was going to be temporary, she just needed the money to fix her ship and buy some weaponry, but over time the job stuck. Nightrazor was well hidden from other bots, no one knew what she looked like or where she was, they just knew she was a mercenary, effective and deadly.
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Bracket H Round 1
Poll 24
Skitt & Ena & Olive (@bootsieboots) vs. Apricity Nix (@decapod-appreciator)
495. Skitt & Ena & Olive (@bootsieboots)
skitt usez any, ena usez they/it/she (bc of her eczema), and olive usez he/they
The TL;DR 4 them is that theyre little fucked up guys living in a circus 2gether. Skitt is a repressed traumatized clown amphibian, Olive is a sweet jackalope who acts like an asshole as a defense mechanism, and Ena is a chaotic little shithead w a short fuse, whos actually secretly the mom friend. I like to put them in2 situations in my head and then never write said situations down. Also theyre all aspec and trans.
he is simply a little guy! (puts him thru the horrors puts him thru the horrors p) Oh, hes a bit fucked up actually.
-a mishmash of basically any amphibian features i think r cool! It is also a clown! Isnt that silly? Well its actually 4 trauma reasons. Lol. lmao.
-has rejection sensitive dysphoria and wants every1 2 love him so much all the time. Cries and throws up when it inevitably doesnt work out.
-super in2 fashion and makeup. Can u guess why? Trauma reasons, of course! Honestly most of her hobbies r rooted in wanting 2 escape something.
-i cant think of anything else non-spoilery 2 put here. Uhm. ze really likes bubble baths and swimming.
A little skrunkly autismic sourpuss. He wishes that he cud b more sincere w people sometimes, but every past attempt has been met w people shutting them down, in 1 way or another. The only person in the world he feels even mildly comfortable around is Ena (and later on in the story, Skitt).
-acts like an asshole around most people bc theyre used 2 being seen as one. And by asshole, i mean a little quiet, sulking, wet cat in a corner of the room who makes angy faces at any1 who invades their space.
-mute! This is bc bunnies do not have vocal chords. Communicates thru sign language and annoyed noises. Screams when overstimulated. Yes, bunnies can scream, just not using vocal chords. There r also other sounds they can make! (mostly annoyed sounds. He does purr as well! Just like a real bunny)
-very in2 music. Plays the harmonica and other woodwind instruments that r easy 2 steal. Can they play good? Uhm. havent decided yet actually.
-has a sort of heart shaped facial scar and a broken antler he got from entirely mundane causes (antler is permanently broke, dont question how that works bc i dunno).
-very incredibly touch averse, only tolerates Ena’s touch. theyre also fat and very fluffy! Great 4 cuddling! But he wont let u. Sorry.
Money gremlin!!! Chaotic anarchist motherfucker!!! Probably owes u money! Is currently being gay doing crime. In this world, 1 does not have to pay/steal 2 survive, but Ena does it anyways 2 fuck shit up and stir the pot.
-escaped from a shitty orphanage w Olive.
-horrible anger issues. If Olive is a sourpuss, Ena is a bomb waiting 4 an excuse 2 go off. This is bc in the orphanage, they learned that no 1 wud listen 2 them unless they scratched and fought and clawed and bit and punched. (and shocked!). Shes generally chill tho, just, its easy 2 get on her bad side.
-sorta the therapist friend, bc its good at telling ppl what they want 2 hear. Her charismatic attitude also helps when scamming people.
-uses prosthetics! In this world, aquatic animals r given the ability 2 stay on land 4 extended periods of time via prosthetics! Want 2 know more? Ask me :>
-basically blind. Electric eels have awful eyesight, and shes no exception! She can only see bright lights and colors. They use electrolocation 2 get around. (please ask me what it is if u dont know, i am v happy 2 infodump abt anything oc related!)
Remember kids, a vote 4 my ocs is a vote 4 disability, queerness, anarchy, the found family trope, little guys being put in situations therye entirely unequipped for, furries, and much more!
Skitt has a triangular dress with purple and yellow split colors, and purple leggings. Pointy, slender legs. A long pointed yellow hat with a little green thingy on top (idk what to call it). Blue eyes with froglike pupils. Minty-green, short, curly hair. A classic clown makeup look (off-white facepaint, a clown nose, and pennywise-esque makeup lines going from the bottom of his eyebrows to the sides of his mouth.
Olive is a jackalope with short, olive/forest green hair swooping over one eye. His eyes are the same color as his hair. Most of their fur is darkish brown, while his belly, his inner thighs, and lower left arm is beige. their right arm, lower legs, and the top of their ears are black. Only wearing black arm warmers thanks to sensory issues.
Ena is a vaguely pirate-themed girlie. Dark brown skinned, with grey arms and greyish legs. Big thicc tail. Mostly black hair. Tattered black shorts and an even more tattered, dark green crop top. Has red eyes and a red sash tied around its waist. Lots of little spots all over their skin. lazy-eyed.
496. Apricity Nix (@decapod-appreciator)
she's a werewolf she's aroace she stalks people on accident. she didn't know what a crime was until the police went after her. her best friends are a supervillan and a failed actress. she thinks she would make a good detective (she wouldn't). she's fun and friendly and sweet but still a fully thought out character. she runs away from her abusive home to find her sister and in the process finds a whole new family. she even takes down the government.
Pris is a short, pale girl with  black hair styled to look like wolf ears. she has brown eyes with diagonal red pupils and a bit of a snaggle tooth on one side.
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I wanted to post my oc strobe tonight but I realized that DESPITE being my second ever tf oc not only does she not have a full reference design sheet but she doesn’t even have any UNFINISHED SKETCHES of her BY HERSELF so here’s some shitposts and animatic things that have her I love strobe
ALSO BLITZWING IS IN THIS POST YAY trust me HES IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!! also I drew Blitzwing differently in the video because that animatic is OLD. AS. BALLS. I changed how I draw him a while ago after I saw this AMAZING design of him
Anyway here’s all you need to know about Stroeb I can’t give lore because my mutual rp friends follow me and they aren’t allowed to know yet :(
Strobe is a joke character but she did make my friend cry for like 2 days when she died in rp so I guess she does have an impact or something LOLOL
STrobe is a super romantic high-energy FIEND who hates other women and wants to be One Of The Boys. Though she lacks common sense and a filter, she’s actually pretty intelligent when it comes to math, engineering, health science— all that jazz. Not very good in the English department though…
Strobe is known for getting in people’s business and holding grudges. If you wronged her once, even if it was megacycles ago, she still remembers it and is still plotting how to get back at you. And since she’s so nosy and curious and knows how to ask around and get good information, she knows exactly how to ruin your day… OR LIFE!!!! Maybe not that dramatic maybe not life but emotionally she’s pretty angry all the time lol
All in all basically a very unstable pick-me-girl who will have a vendetta against if you identify as a woman or instantly want to marry you if you’re a guy. She loves men btw she loves men a LOT…. Specifically BLITZWING… but it’s not mutual LOL
To elaborate on that random fact (and to explain why Blitzwing is in every SINGLE DRAWING) Strobe is compleeeeetely in love with Blitzwing and follows him around really wants him to like her but Blitzwing is too busy watching football and eating veiner schnitzel or something to notice idfk. Blitzwing really sees her as like a semi-annoying younger sister than a girlfriend (and plus I lowkey headcanon Blitzwing is just asexual + aromantic leaning in general THATS MY HOT TAKE he’d rather sing nursery rhymes and kill people than hold someone’s hand!!!) so would never date her she gets friendzoned constantly
(I also headcanon random is gender fluid I DONT KNOW WHERE ELSE TO PUT THIS headcanon But It’s here LOL ANYWAY)
ALSO I should probably end this with saying IN THE Little toddler phone thing with the stupid bugs and blitzwing the pink bug is NOT strobe’s child that is her clone. Very long story. But she has a clone. The clone’s name is chitter and she is a very sweet little baby who has gotten kidnapped at least 3 times so far in the rp she’s in Oops
ive had someone ask before if chitter was blitzwing and strobe’s child and the answer is No! but the more I look a chitter especially when she’s colored in the more I realize she does look like it….
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theconstantine-moved · 11 months
what: headcanons for what: the devil devil knocked once | fic idea fando.m: d.are.de.vil c.omic who: matt, claudia (oc), elek.tra notes: for the new run of d.d, idk how i feel about it, but i am laughing at the idea of my oc claudia being like ?? but anywho, these are just rambly thoughts. before the actual 1st c*mic. -_- idk been too tired to write but i felt a need to headcanon thoughts. lol i just thought why not?
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though cloud's father was not catholic before he passed, and she followed the same path as him; and later no path at all. claudia's adoptive mother is catholic and i can see cloud knowing a thing or two about catholicism because i see cloud's parents giving the dardashti children freedom to choose. so cloud knows of things, just not all things.
but anyways, cloud finds out matt's a priest through her investigating skills - cause she's a nosy ass, that's her biggest skill - after being left by matt and el.
and she's just like 👀being nosy about where they could be cause she's pretty sure they're dead but wants to make sure. but with them, it makes no sense for them to be dead after what happened, so she's like no...i'm searching. and when she finds matt as a priest, it's like haha YEAH. but what the FUCK.
she visits matt - her under an alias - so he doesn't question it. just takes the sweets she donates to the kids. she's super curious about his memory stuff, especially since she has her own memory shit to work through, but hers is less magic and more science.
but she doesn't press it, because she sees elektra through a window and she takes that as a sign to leave AND fast. seeing as she doesn't want to piss her off.
she meets up with elektra and is like "hello, you..." and elektra is like "you need to let him be" and cloud's like "you need to ...both wake up." and just basically gets a knife close to her neck and she leaves them both alone for a little while.
until, well....she doesn't....lmfao....
because she's so fucking annoying
probably should write it because it'd make more sense written but i haven't written these fools in a while. and writing priest!matt would feel like a challenge dfljlsfl but hmmmm
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bitegore · 1 year
WIP ask; dysfunctional bulkhead fuck yeah please and thank you
This one spawned out of a conversation I had with @honestlyvan, resident Bulkhead understander and one of the friends I have the absolute most fun bouncing ideas off of because for real I have never met someone who is so good at yes-anding ideas until they turn from a one-off line into something really cool. If I remember right, we were talking about Bulkhead's very visible delineation between "people I care about" and "potential targets," since Bulkhead is pretty clearly kind of... like...
ah, continued under the cut because this got long. A lot of discussion about Bulkhead characterization and then some very light details about the fic, because I did that thing where you have a general point but no actual outline and you run out of plot super fast because you never had much to begin with.
Okay so let's take a very brief detour through the land of psychology. Empathy runs on the idea of an "in-group" and an "out-group". The in-group is where you feel strong empathy, the out-group is not. This is what empathy is for, largely; it makes you feel bad for the people around you when they're hurting so that you don't start killing your buddies. Nothing wrong with that. The trouble is where this in-group ends. And for Bulkhead, at least as far as I see him, his in-group stops right at the end of Team Prime. Miko is in, Jack is in, Raf is in, Fowler is in eventually, and Wheeljack his old friend is in. And that's it. Everyone else could drop dead and Bulkhead wouldn't shed a tear. Why should he care? They're not his people, he's not invested in them. If they die that's their problem. He's got better things to worry about.
He's also an ex-member of the Autobot Warcrime Squad, the Wreckers. The "get in, kill everyone, get out, try not to die" team. He and Wheeljack are the only ex-Wreckers still standing, which is pretty damn impressive because even outside of IDW it's still a team with pretty high turnover (see: Marvel).
Anyway none of that gels too well with the way Bulkhead gets written in fic, which is to be a nice soft sweet kind of guy a la Animated. Which is fine, all the more for you guys, but I just find it painfully boring. There's a reason I don't read Animated fic unless my friends have written it and asked me to.
So on the face of it I basically just wanted to write Bulkhead kicking ass and not even bothering to take names because who gives a shit. Not him. He's got better things to do, people to give a crap about. Don't die here and he'll remember you to kill you harder later, maybe, but unless you're annoying or matter to someone who matters to him he just sort of doesn't give half a crap about who you are. He is just going to put you in the fucking ground. Bye.
in practice that is not what I did.
In practice I wrote a couple hundred words of internal monologue and went "oh, fuck, hang on", because guess what I did? Smartest boy ever, best writer in the world. I forgot to come up with a plot.
So then it crashed headlong into my obsession with the Combaticons and I had some vague idea of pulling the FoC Combaticons in for Bulkhead to just lay brutal waste to without waiting around to care too much about who they were. I thought about having him go fight one of the Insecticons but decided against it because I don't know them well off the top of my head and I didn't want to make a whole oc up so I'd probably be working with Hardshell, who doesn't work as an enemy for "named and therefore not someone I can just kill off" reasons. I'd established that it was during the whole "hunting down the Iaconian Relic macguffins" arc(s), so it didn't make sense to me for me to pull in characters that die before that or make significant appearances after, and there's really not that many that just show up and vanish without a trace. So okay I needed a new set.
Trouble is I've never played Fall of Cybertron.
So then I was like "ooh, I'll watch a playthrough". And then I did not do that. You understand how it goes.
Anyway, as a result the fic has been languishing ever since, but because it's so goddamn short i'm just going to copy paste the entire thing down here for your perusal. Enjoy.
Things were different back when the Wreckers were still running together and no one was really running with them. Much as Team Prime was small, it wasn't a hyper-specialized unit designed for getting in and getting out and getting slag done and nothing else. Totally different internal culture. Sometimes Bulkhead didn't really know what to do with it. And the humans- anything weird about Team Prime was weirded ten times harder by the humans. They were small, and fragile, and they didn't seem to realize it at all, constantly putting themselves beyond their stress tolerances for no good reason. Miko kept wandering straight into battlefields like she'd forgotten guns existed, and Bulkhead had to admit she was better at evading fire than he'd first expected but the other two humans definitely didn't have her reflexes and they kept on following her and needing the Autobots to get the three of them out of trouble. These things were so much more convenient when he and Jackie and Seaspray and Springer and the rest were all just doing what they did. They were good at that. Team Prime was pretty damn effective, sure, but they weren't half as good as getting in and getting out and laying out everything in their path, the way the Wreckers had been. At least Wheeljack was here. If he needed to blow up a metric fuckton (thank you, Miko, love that expression) of Vehicons, Jackie was always good for it. Aw, whatever. Jackie was off doing whatever it was he was doing- wherever the action was, that was for sure- and Team Prime was on one of their completely weird and inexplicable little backwards jaunts again. Recon, digging old weapons and scrap up out of the ground to keep them out of the Decepticons' hands. It'd've been nice if the boss would've let them use the really cool ones, but for the most part Optimus Prime had a very firm "no powerful game-changing strategies" policy.
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wink-1-8-2 · 2 years
🍎 🍅 🧅 for the food oc questions!!!
my computer is so old, I can barely tell which emoji is which lol
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else?
His 'crew' member, (whose name I keep forgetting </3). Technically, they're just a random 'joy he met after escaping the city, and they've stuck together ever since <3 they're both shockingly dumb (and maybe just a little in love)
🍅 [TOMATO] How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL.
Oh man. Kitty isn't necessarily a poster-child-famous 'joy, but he's gotten around. And he's gotten into a lot of trouble with other 'joys. No one really likes him, at all, he's kind of a little bitch, but he doesn't really anyone else either, so that's fine <3 he's pretty misunderstood.
🧅 [ONION] What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
Okay, I'm actually super glad you asked this one, cuz he's 'crying' all the time. Back in the city, there was some kind of pill-malfunction that my guy had to suffer through, and now his eyes constantly leak. Works great for sweet-talking and persuation, but it's more annoying than anything. So yeah, basically everything makes him cry
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