#the number of times i had to rewatch it to make sure it wasnt a beautiful dream
catz4ever · 16 days
Uhhhh...I just saw the short episode 4 teaser and...I was NOT prepared for how it ended....
Actual footage of me being VERY pleasantly surprised:
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pitynostars · 2 years
rewatching PotD properly let's gooo
"is there anyone out there" "yes." This was hot
"what am I doing, I've got a date to get to" is Dan talking ABT Diane ???
The idea of doing an EP about just the cyber TLs would be so interesting imo ajdkkfdjks... Like they're not converted humans but that's their whole deal usually so like....
"don't get shot" *Dan gets shot* prime comedy
"don't lose my sonic" patronising 13 i hate u
Did anyone else expect Dan to turn evil here the way he hesitated over the controls? XD
The alien shows them what they want right ???? Why does the doctor see a random kid?
"I'm the doctor I'm going to protect you" "the doctor lies" lmao
Ive seen people say like. The train CGI the painting CGI is rlly bad but honestly I can never notice but I don't rlly have eyes for that sort of thing
Ace and Tegan Skype friends <3 the ending should have been like this w all the companions where they're all just swapping adventure stories rather than the support group thing
"should we pick u up again in 24hrs" so Dan is on and off the TARDIS at this point ??? Having dates ??? Assuming w Diane but the only person we see him w in the rest of te EP is Graham so I mean....
"Yaz u and I can see where the cyber masters took that child" so... Yaz saw it as a kid too? Did I mishear the line ABT it looking how u want
"it's not my life" hmm I buy that BC we saw his life before of pretending to b the museum guide and helping out at the food bank and stuff he's a community guyTM sure hate that this is so weirdly rushed less i guess "I can attack it now because I've been with you" I buy less lmao... He's had no growth at all??? Also the way it's framed like he's talking to the doc is so odd when he spent more time w Yaz (unless they've been travelling for more than 3 years ???)
The doctor saying "homes important" just makes me HOWL tho ngl
"I'll b kipping on mum and dads sofa tonight" .... Where have u been sleeping all the other 24 hr breaks youve appaz been dropped off for ???
"not one for goodbyes" idk I buy that w 13 we saw the whole "one happy one sad" the hug goodbye for Ryan and graham
...so why can't 13 tell yaz about this traitor dalek??
also the concept of a dalek realising theyve strayed from their og mission does actually kind of slap but we did just see daleks v daleks in revolution so i'm glad this wasnt the main plot again
sacha dhawans acting<3<3
the scene where he looks in the tsarina (?)'s eyes and he's like "are my eyes not full of certainty" and u see him reflected in her eyes.... SICK. have they mentioned the master is kind of hypnotic yet in this era before this?
where are the dhawan telling the tsar to take a holiday vs donna telling caecilius and family to take a holiday in pompeii parallels.
are they saying dhawan master replaced rasputin nd made an alt universe with this cyberplanet in the sky? or is there some historical note about there being something in the sky at that time (?)
i love that the doctor and yaz both barely react to the hahahahahhaha tardis there's no like. wtf. moment they just head straight in.
i think it would have been sweet for 13 to stroke one of its panels and be like "oh shes not mine." nodding to that theyre telepathic!! but we seem to have forgotten that this era 😔.... i feel this generally in this era the relationship between the doctor and the tardis has been lacking actually like apart from ghost monument and spyfall we barely see them interact... i know its not always a Thing but man i loved 11 & the tardis' relationship so much i'd love to see a writer feature it more again 🥺
ive seen some people claiming yaz reads gallifreyan off the screen in the tardis. that would be cool but 100% you can recognise readings u can tell what data/readings are without labels necessarily like i can go into a car and look at a speedo and i dont need numbers on it to know what the readings mean yk?? either way it does speak a lot to teh familiarity she's got with the tardis and i <3<3 ... yaz and the tardis' growth is fun to think about. do you think she was grumpy that yaz was hanging out with the other tardis on earth in revolution ? XD
DOCTOR: Ah, there's a rudimentary cloaking shield in operation. Soon fix that. The Cybermen have tethered that child into this planet. It was registering as an energy source.
YASMIN: How is that child an energy source?
DOCTOR: Wait, there's more layers to the shield. Oh, not just cloaking. It's a consciousness shield! A creature trying to evade capture, hiding behind a visual projection shield, and this one shows us what we instinctively want to protect, as a defence.
Help me out here. Are they saying that the Qurunx also set up the cloaking ??? or that the cybermen cloaked it and it also put up the consciousness shield? ? or was it all the cybermen?? why would it need both?
also the idea of it showing what you want to protect -- do yaz and the doctor and dan ALL just happen to see a child in this situation then ??
"is this planet your doing?" doctor you literally saw the cybermen kidnap the qurunx to bring here 😭😭😭... YOU FOLLOWED THEM HERE
just once i'd like the "your master awaits" to be subverted/mirrored with "your doctor awaits" ...... the "this country needs a doctor" line is hot but its not the SAME.
"have you got any idea whats going on in outspace in 1916 rn" "strangely enuf. no" this line always gets me aklsjflk i love kate
"I'm Yaz. The only one here who doesn't really know what's going on" sorry babe that's your whole character
i am once again asking ok these paintings got "defaced" so its not an alt timeline??????????? they never fixed this in the end right ??????? sweats. so rasputin was teh master alll along historically (?)... and he jst put himself in paintings in modern day ?? but then the dr says "some people think you're rasputin" ?????
"this is the day youre erased from existence forever" .... how does turning into her erase her from existence 😭
dhawan inventing acting
i still dont understand why this "give her a gun" moment is in there.
wait what happens to vinder in the end??? his ships broken
"you'll feel safer with me in the building" LMAO
"she really doens't want us back in there" and then yaz just drops her home w no goodbye to the doctor coolcoolcoolcoool
ok but why did the master clone ashad specifically what difference does he make over like. any cyberman/cyberleader??
love the russian doll cyberman lmaoooo... reminds me of that arc thing from doomsday/aog... TIME LORD TECH
if i had a penny for every time the doctor is forced into one of their enemies only for it to be purely for transport i'd have 2 pennies which isn't a lot but its a bit funny it happens twice
i love the rasputin moment but i dont rlly get the lead in ngl 😭 hes just like k time for my dance number mid speech. which i suppose like. in character XD
sacha dhawan in thirteens outfit.... i'm bisexual<3 i need to get my ears pierced
"Don't… don't… don't worry. You'll get used to me. Everyone will. I still need a companion to ask and… bask in my brilliance. Come on, Yaz. Let's go on an adventure! Don't make me ask twice. I'd hate to have to bring you down to size." /
"Come on, Yaz! Let's save a civilisation! Let's correct history! Rescue a sick animal! These yours? Oh, bless. Ow! What was that? Some sort of dirty protest? Unless you want to be consigned down a black hole for eternity, you'd better behave! I am the Doctor, and you will obey me." snapping in yaz's face "I AM THE DOCTOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
-> this would have hit soo different if this actually was the doctor i would HAVE LOVEDDDD it. first time watching i honetsly thought this was still the doctor and the tardis was reacting like that bc the regeneration was so unnatural (like the way she reacted to jack in utopia) but no 😔
mandip inventing acting<3
"very 80s" "thanks!" LMAO
"gold star and a sticker" u r sick
the random news drone on top of a random 2 planets is so.... ??? i feel like a lot of this was cut somehow aslkfjklgds..
also where's the awkward cut scene of yaz standing around while the master's in the wardrobe picking his outfit aksfjgdlkf
[plays the recorder on a burning mushroom planet] king shit
"quite the strength of character this incarnation" "DOCTOR 6: Our predicament! This is supposed to be handed over. You can't ruin it for the next one. / DOCTOR 5: And you were doing so well." i hateee these bits so much its SO patronising
"i dont do robes" lmao
why is whittaker in the reversed robe/the robe they used for time here hm
the hologram i do like as an idea tbf especially as we've seen the basic version w 9 and 11 and whatnot so her developing it to be more ai is rlly fun ... especially after she saw how handy having three of her in diff places was in flux lmaoooo
"it should only activate under the gravest circumstances. Like if I'm no longer around. Now, that would be disastrous. But I will have very subtly inserted a sonically triggered nano-implant under your skin and passed it off as static electricity. f I remember to do that. I must remember to do that." -- so either 13 has only just finished the hologram ai before this ep OR she KNOWS shes about to walk into some Real ShitTM and takes precautions akjfgldf.....
"HOLO-DOCTOR: Whoa! The emotional receptors on the AI are a bit oversensitive. Apparently, you're annoyed with me? Apparently, I should apologise for something?" this is so fucking funny because it comes across literally just like thirteen was she is always this fucking mean and patronising and borderline manipulative lmao its so askjdfglkdf......... blame it on the emotional receptors being oversensitive sure 🙄
i reiterate my point that most of the things/wins we get are done by the hologram dr, yaz is STILL asking the doc for validation even when shes a hologram 😔
"can't hurt the feelings of a hologram" SHE JUST TOLD U SHE WAS AI. watching this after measure of a man is like. HELLO.
"yeah well i didnt" [tosses bag] I LOVE TEGAN
they cld have mentioned nyssa in this rant tho fr
"i'll distract the cybermen" "how are you gonna do that" [cuts to screaming] hELP ASKFJDGLF... THE COMEDY IN THIS EP IS SO
the shot of ace falling into the console room is so fun actually <3
dhawan hood up<3<3
vinder no idea who the doctor is or their history w the doctor or yaz in this ep is. q funny to me.
"YASMIN: I'm sorry. / MASTER: Are you? Truly?/ YASMIN: Came back, didn't I? / MASTER: We could have fun, you know? I am fun. Different type of fun, but fun. We could travel. You'll see. "
i am once again saying i wish we got dhawan!doctor fr with this vibe
the touch of the ai mirroring the companions emotions is cute but i do still kinda wish we'd got whittaker to do these scenes fully
god i want ace and bill to meet actually
"the joy is to watch them fly" 😭😭😭
"former bus driver" is such a funny thing for graham to think when introducing himself
"wanna see how i dealt with them in 1963?" i'm kissing you on the lips
kate sacrificing herself is so<3<3 redgraves acting here is sooooo
jasfkdj tegan slipping on the ladder... is this a ryan reference or is that purely for plot convenienceTM
if the daleks plan is to destroy the planet through volcanoes then who do the cybermen have left to convert .....😭
wait the tardis in this shot LOOKS SO BAD i never notice cgi and whatnot idc but like LITERALLY THATS OBVIOUSLY A BOX WITH THE BACKGROUND PAINTED IN 😭
jo martin my beloved<3 god i wish she got more to do
vinder shooting the master is sooo<3 king
yazs speech about friendship and love got me actually.
i reiterate its the hologram telling yaz what to do this isnt her win wholly and that frustrates me so much 😭...
also how do the daleks and cybermen and master and vinder SEE ruths hologram when the doctor didnt plant the ai in them ?????? the whole static thing was the flag hello ??
"dont let me go back to being me" pleaseeee
"where there's hope..." YOU DIDNT FINISH THAT. THERES WHAT.
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bumblyburg · 1 year
ted lasso finale thoughts
Need the richmond women's team spinoff NOW!!!!!!!!!!! And it better have LESBIANS i swear to god!!!!!!!
As always the strongest part of this ep was the team dynamics. Roy joining the diamond dogs. Isaac with the penalty kick!!!! The fucking dance sequence callback T^T theres no place like afc richmond <3 Them winning the match but losing the whole thing was a good balance of success vs realism. I didn't know enough about football to predict it beforehand LOL but that probably worked in my favor bc i genuinely didnt know whether they would win or lose. Rebecca and ted's friendship was heartwarming as always. I was living in fear that they'd become a couple even though i knew that wasn't what the writers were going for, so I probably need to rewatch to fully enjoy it.
Tedependent lost RIP. it would have made sense but at the same time im kinda glad they didn't, at least this season. trent was still very much a side character and i just don't think the story beats were there for tedtrent endgame. the story would have had to been constructed differently, or it would need another season. I also liked how the main focus was ted & rebecca's friendship rather than either of their romantic relationships. I love a good romance but its not what this story is about.
Thats part of the reason why the dutchman return felt cheap to me lol. Sorry rebecca im always rooting for you but i just wasn't feeling it. Another part of that is probably because Ted and Trent had a much stronger foundation and we still didn't get to see even their friendship develop as much as i would have liked. Maybe ive been spoiled by all the trent this season idk. but i was just hoping for a little more. After all, it's not lost on me that we only got one confirmed gay couple at the end (we don't even know anything about Michael!!! Ugh sorry Im a michael hater he's so boring.)
Speaking of boring, I simply do not care about ted's family. So him moving back was... not really compelling for me. like none of the kansas characters are fleshed out at all. i wish they had done something more interesting with them so i could actually get invested. There was something there with michelle dating their couples therapist, but it ended up falling flat imo. Also Michelle being a teacher is a total copout, I would have preferred if she had an unexpected job that revealed a new side to her. Give her a personality outside of being a wife/mother/caretaker please and thank you.
I did like how Royjamie was left openended!!! thats the ship i care most abt and i knew it wasnt going to *actually* happen so im satisfied with what we got. I am in the (im assuming) minority of royjamie enjoyers that is against roykeeleyjamie. This episode really hammered it in why roy and jamie are not good for keeley LOL, but the signs have been there all along. Keeley needs to be her own boss for a bit! Roy and jamie are just not at her maturity level (lovingly), and they've got some misogyny to work through.
(I need to think on it more, but I'm pretty sure that I liked the way this episode/season handled the Roy And Jamie Are Lowkey Sexist subplot. Like the whole fighting over a woman thing is soooo trite atp, and i still dont know how i feel about them physically fighting over her or whatever. but the story was realistic about how these asshole male footballers are going to have some weird views about women, while still shutting that down those views. like not even giving them the time of day. Keeley literally shoos them out without a word LMAO. So idk need to think about it more but at least keeley didnt end up with either of them).
Hey you know who DOES deserve each other.... and makes each other better people, as represented by their football training arc.... the student is the teacher and the teacher is the student etc etc…… Anyways royjamie is real TO ME!!! (And brett goldstein and phil dunster, number one royjamie warriors. phil dunster wrote royjamie smut I will never get over that)
Overall im sad to see ted lasso go. i think i need to sit with all 3 seasons a bit more before forming my full opinion, but s1 will always have my heart. Mostly because evil jamie and evil rebecca are so so fun to watch.
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olivieraa · 4 months
y'know, I'll never not be upset about Orange is the new black and Lost
ive been saying it since forever what my top 5 shows are, but Ive only ever had a top 4 shows and then I get a bit... like I say the 5th one and have to explain that that one can be pushed out if I ever find somethng else
so like, sex and the city is in there bc, and I know I shouldnt have been, but it came out in the 90s and I watched it in the 90s, when I was way too young. then I rewatched it as a teen, rewatched it many times in my 20s, last rewatch was proooooooobably 2020. I'm due another rewatch. I legitimately never get tired of it
next fave is Avatar. its perfection. I've rewatched it almost as mutch as sex and the city
next is stranger things, started that... a few months after season 1 aired. I thought it was perfection as well.
and then we have Barry, my number one show of all. watched that not long after it was released. its extremely unknown over here, but when people do watch it they're amazed.
but the 5th spot, when asked, I always say "well it was Lost but eh..." or "I mean I'm not opposed to saying its Orange is the new black..."
I consider my top 4 to be flawless. yes I have my critiques of them for sure but they're just... they make me very happy.
I have... too much to say about Lost and OITNB. I mean Lost ended terribly, that's universally known. the finale came out at the same time around the world (5am for me), and the next day in school it was a huge topic and most of us agreed that, yeah............ that couldve gone better
I never rewatched Lost since. but I do remember, when becoming a feminist, I saw Lost in a post on here talking about how, they're trapped on this island for months, and yet, the women had shaved pits and legs (and more obviously) which made no sense and it went to show that, the men could look any way they wanted, and people could be killed, and animals killed and babies kidnapped but GOD FORBID a hot woman look "unnattractive" with some hair under her arms
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I also remember thinking she was the prettiest woman in the world bc she was so naturally pretty, no makeup!! psh.
so yeah it kinda turned me off the show, never going back to really see if there were any other flaws. the above and the ending alone were kind of... enough.
and then with OITNB, another terrible ending. but what made me so sad was that, the show had a shift moment. either season 4 or season 5. it felt like new writers took over.
half the cast wasnt in it any more and the show became depressing. a depressing lesbian show.
and oitnb was KNOWN as the mainstream lesbian show. it had so much popularity and everyone watched it and it won loads of awards. but no, I was not surprised when people stopped talking about it and it wasnt nominated for awards anymore. it really and truly went off track.
I would love to have had OITNB as my fifth fave shows, cause my shows are all feminist. but I think OITNB just didn't know what it was doing in the latter half and it makes me sad
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I tend to spoil things for myself
And like. Ive had people get mad at me for spoiling things FOR MYSELF
Like???? Its not like I tell them what happens?????
And I feel like these people just don't understand how my autistic brain works (some of them were neurodivergent but not autistic)
I NEED to know what to expect going into a new episode of a show I really like or a new movie in a franchise I like. I like watching these things for comfort. But I NEED to know what happens before it does because I don't generally see things coming ahead of time. (I once had a friend who thought I was stupid for thinking the jokes in national lampoon Christmas vacation were funny cuz "they're so predictable")
But when im watching something im enjoying and something seemingly comes out of nowhere for me it REALLY throws me off. And I can't always enjoy the rest of the movie or episode or whatever because I'm trying to reevaluate what I watched to figure out what I missed or get stuck processing the death of a character I liked or something.
"But you're gonna ruin your enjoyment of it if you do that!!! You'll know what's coming!!! It won't be as immersive!!!!"
These are all things I've had people tell me. None of them are true for me. The number one thing that ruins immersion for me is unexpected things happening. Because then I have to take myself out of it to process what just happened. I have to reevaluate everything leading up to it to see if I missed some clue as to what was coming. And its really hard for me to move on from the moment.
Now I don't spoil EVERYTHING I watch. Just the shows and movies I deeply care about and bring me comfort. Supernatural and criminal minds were big comfort shows for me. Parks and rec (I had to google to make sure Leslie and Ben got back together when they briefly broke up lol) and the mcu (unfortunately) is also a comfort....franchise?....you get what I mean tho. I 100% spoiled infinity war and endgame for myself.
But a good example of something happening in a movie and ruining the immersion for me is Breaking Dawn part 2. This was the movie that made me start seeking out spoilers. Because in middle school the twilight series was a comfort series for me. Well I went to see breaking dawn part 2 in theater with my parents. It was the only one I went to see in theater. And the big fight scene towards the end was NOT shown in the books cuz it didn't actually happen. But I obviously was NOT expecting it to happen. Carlisle got his head ripped off and at that moment it was like I was YANKED out of the immersion of it. I was 13 years old and in quite a bit of distress because all my favorite characters were dying horribly in front of me and I hadn't seen it coming at all because it was the complete opposite of what happened in the books. And I wasnt able to fully enjoy the rest of the movie even after finding out it was just alice showing aro the future if he didn't back down because I was still trying to process what happened.
Now when I go back to rewatch I have no problem with this scene. I think its pretty well done. They cut it pretty flawlessly and I can appreciate it for what it is. But I could not get passed it the first time I watched it. I fixated on it the rest of the day because it threw me so much.
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
okay since im rewatching 2gether, might as well make my reaction public lol
tine trying to be a supportive boyfriend by asking wat if something is troublig and wat’s himbo self being like “nah fam im good” god i love this dumbass
also tine not knowing how to talk about his feelings is so relatable help
honestly i would’ve LOVED to see sarawat at least one (1) question
tine’s smile while wat drinks..... Sir I Am In Love With You
also his blush..... Sir I Am More In Love With You Than I Was Before
“is the lyric about smile or happiness?” “don’t cheat” wat saw through his bullshit right there KSJFHKS
i wonder what’s in those glasses because it doesn’t quite look like coke but it obviously isn’t beer,,,,
ohhhhh “a friend from high school” ... explains tine’s reaction we see in the teaser when he introduces pam as his highschool friend
also explains why tine thought sarawat made that video for her instead of him. wat is in his high school clothes and tine probably thought it was before he saw him (when in fact it was probably recorded the same day lmao sarawat hopeless romantic)
tine: one more game! [spins the coin and supposedly falls on heads] wat!
sarawat: no one can talk to me if i fall asleep
i’m trying not to look at bright’s jiggly butt why is ass so fat fOR
it doesnt add the points here if i dont write something else so intro time yeet
yknow what . we need more earn and more pear in these two last episodes . i need my wlw rep and i need it Now
“personal space is important even for couples” still cant believe man was the owner of their braincell in this scene
tine giving all of type’s info away to wat so wat can give it to man who tine knows will use to pester him until he becomes his boyfriend...... say it with me: tine mantype shipper
“how did you know?” “i prayed to god” literally the funniest part ever
manboss: im not going good luck wat: you’re so full of bullshit
i will just say that pink is tine’s best colour. i need him in every soft pink thing u can find. it accentuates his skin colour so perfectly and we are Here for it honeyyyy
sarawat being a savage (rachet booty nasty) we stan
bro get over him oh my god he’s taken and happy with wat LEAVEEEEEE
and man pestering type begins Now ksjfh
i’m like 100000000% sure that the only thing in that whole backpack is a pencil and half of an eraser
im also sure type saw him buy the book since u literally can see him from where man and that girl are and
hold up the waiter looks like a guy from whyru,,,,,,,,,,
i need someone to write a fic about tine being an astronomy lover and wat falling in love with him because of the joy in his eyes when he talks about the stars and interesting facts about the universe and new discoveries of galaxies and other things that wat doesnt really care about but he listens to either way because he’s too in love to shut off his brain
okay back to the episode sorry i just really had to say this
wat really said “don’t take advantage of me when i’m sleeping” when they haven’t even kissed.......... no words, completely speechless
tine probably thought he was being real sneaky right there lmao boy he fell asleep 2 seconds ago
god green really appears for 2 seconds and yet he steals the show KSFJHKFJFS he really was about to beat the person in front of him’s ass for not walking faster im crying i love him
wat looks so offended by his offer it’s so funny jhfksjhgj still MIL GET THE FUCK OUT
them running around is so funny when u know they had to do that like 20 times and were tired as fuck KSJFHKSHFS
omg the bracelet truly isnt there at the start of the scene :-(
“nuisance tree” lemme just cry a bit
the music stopping here......... they truly played with our feelings there huh
the reactions are so kdrama outro i cant breathe KJHFJSFKJS
“well, you left him” IM GOING TO STEP ON YOU
bracelet where r u :-(
“it was here a second ago” it wasn’t im an obsessed bitch and noticed just as the scene there started
he looks so worried:-( tine baby
“i can make you a new one” “but i want the old one” why do i feel like that has more than one meaning,,,
half of the times wat touches tine’s head his hands are dirty as fuck lmaoooooo
is- is someone wearing a marihuana dress??????
manbosss again and he has a book
type is the teepakorn brother that can lie and will lie meanwhile tine can’t lie for a living
dim really made up a whole spirit just for wat to be with tine lmao i cant breathe (unless the pine tree spirit is an actual thing and he just used it for this specific thing lmao)
“that senior is me” “and who did you go with?” “that was a long time ago” “it wasn’t me, it wasn’t me” “green, drop it!” i love them KSFJHFSJHF
green and wats faces i cant bREATHE these are the faces of people who know this is all fake
my guess is that he had two papers that were the same number just incase they didnt get the same number but then somehow mf MIL had to come in and ruin it
i dont know who chose to make bright wear this much brown but it honestly fits him so well
coffee for his soon to be boyfie
man: loving u is kind of bothering? type: o_o man
he’s still reading the book kjshfsf WAIT HES SO CUTE
“you gotta miss me if i don’t show up one day” “just back off. i’m leaving. do not follow me. give me some time to miss you” okay tsundere ass bitch
type’s so rich he’d rather spend money on getting his tire fixed than get it fixed by man for free i hate rich people
he’s also too rich to care to check if his doors were locked i-
“for me?” “do you see anyone else?” bitch ass tsundere
type: smiles, realises he just did that, eyes cutely go o_o
type looks so cute in that scene for no reason im going to eat ur cheeks if u dont stop being a cutie
aaaaaand of course theyre not paired up
dude of course he is youre creepy and also trying to break his relationship apart only because u dont have the decency to see that you dont have a place in his heart whatsoever
dim honey........ jskhsjf
“the spirit doesnt like it when you pray with your eyes opened” did literally no one notice how nonsense that was? KSFJHSJ
he looks so cute im gonna cry like actually cry
weak ass blankets they gave them i swear
if u cuddled then u wouldnt have been cold but noooooo ur big puppy boyfriend has trust issues
baby:-((((((((((( i will cover u with a blanket and give u lots of kithes and hugs
tine having his phone die at an important moment and also having no sense of direction whatsoever is so relatable lmaooooo
thank god for the rain because otherwise sarawat wouldnt have ran the way tine actually went lmao i wouldve beaten dims ass if mil was the one who found him
this scene hurts so much:-(( his throwing the grass like that in complete defeat??????? the flashback to him saying that bad things seem to happen to them lately makes my heart break
the soft touches:-((((( please im gonna Cry
dnotsaysorrydontsaysorrydonsaysorrydontsayHE SAID SORRY FFS
baby :’((((((
“i prayed for something but i havent redeemed that prayer yet” “what did you ask for?” “it’s if i got to see you again, i would show you the video i made. it’s the song your smile you are so curious about” BITCHHHHHHHHH
he’s all shy i cant breathe he cant even look at the screen skjfhksh
oh so it was on the same day sksjhj forgot about that
tine is all blushy im gonna sob i love these two
im trying not to scream and tines reaction to wat telling him he went to every scrubb concert just to look for him
their smiles after he said it tho.......... my heart hURTS
wat: the wish only drew us to cross paths again. us being together is because of something else, tine: what then? wat: shout out to my homies for being there for me since day one i love u bros
boss’s whistle after he tells them that he only said he would kiss him until he dropped lmaoooooo
“his name is tine. [with the softest voice ever] what a cute name”
manboss looking at each other like this bitch is so gone for this random dude but we’re gonna support him because we’re the only friends he has
wat was probably wishing the pool had water in it so he could throw both of them into it at that moment KJSFHJSFHF
“he’s the one i like” “shiiiiiit” same dim, same
fan dee nAAAAAA
his ass was so gone he was gonna make his ig username lovetine i literally cant believe him
boss having the braincell in this scene i love it
“but earn has a boyfriend” LIES. SO MANY LIES. ITS A GIRL. SHES A WHOLE LESBIAN.
boss once again being the owner of the braincell...... im starting to think he owns it half of the time
“you get it now? us being together is not a coincidence. it’s because of us” WAT YOU SMOOTH FUCKER 3
wait,,,,, tine’s little head tilt,,,,,,, SIR I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU
the stars!!!!!!!!! theyre there!!!!!!
“i think nothing bad is going to happen anymore” honey you got a big storm coming
it ended :’(((((( my beautiful boys i love this episode and drama so much i swear
lets watch the next episode teaser
i dont think tine is gonna lsiten to pam saying that but if he does,,, baby pls dont overthink okay he loves u and wont leave u for anyone in the world
phukong dont come back to him he knows that u like him and will play with ur feelings
type is gonna have to choose between im guessing either a boy interested in him from work or man and im gonna vote for him going with man lets hope i win
im so glad that the episode comes out today because i Need to know more
okay thats it if anyone read all of this first of all sorry kjshkfj and second of all thank u ,, u didnt have to but u did and ily for that okay bye
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heyheyheeeyyyy @that-shy-puff what up 👻👻👻👻?? hahaha it’s been so long since we’ve sorta indirectly interacted hasn’t it?? hahaha anwww im finally getting to one of the tag games ya tagged me in hahahha... i cant answer the other one since i face the same issue as you as being unable to choose just a certain exact 5 so i’ve decided to delay until i kno fo sho and i sttiiilll havent decided til now hahahahahha 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷✨✨✨✨✨
anwww,,,,,, onto the actual game and i appreciate these things sfm as always,,,, i take a longass time but yall bet it’s always just in da bg of mah mind... imma get to these,,,, they so funnn yallss hahahaha 💖💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Zodiac sign: sagittarius (i think,,, not rlly sure,,, dont rlly care for it,,, sm so dat i had to search it’s proper spelling... which tbh kinda annoys me since idc bout it but im just such an annoying stickler for proper spelling like dat sometimes hahahha)
Height: 5'5
Last movie i saw: parts of Kung Fu Panda (whiCH BTWWWW is a hella good film yallssss!!!!! ahh discovering just ~how~ awesome something is at a happenstance rewatch is pretty dope yalls ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨)
Last thing i googled: saggitarius (hahahahaha das da og how i thought it was spelled hahaha but actually b4 dat, i searched herbal tea or how to know if herbal tea hahahhaa)
Favourite musician: heh.... idk y i’m actually feeling pretty certain i wanna promote filipino bands as of this moment... but,,, Parokya ni Edgar <33333333333333 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Song stuck in my head: Silhouette by KANA-BOON (if yalls kno..... yalls kno...... :::::”““““““““)))))))))))))
Other blogs: i made one before this one for school and it was super cringey... i dont even kno my username for dat one anymore,,,, i chose to make it about himym cus i was young dumb and cringeeyyy~~~,,,, and i wrote my posts there in my native language cus it was for mah class in dat language hahahahhahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦
Following: 1736..... yeah.... kinda an impulsive follow type bish..... i dont rlly go to tumblr anymore cus i kno i usually wind up spendin my entire day on it if i did hahahaha
Followers: 328.... nice.... pretty sure i rlly only kno a handful of yalls but,, it’s nice to know yalls nevertheless hahaha,,, much obligeddd haaha 💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨
Do i get asks: uhhhh yeahh,,, i do actually hahahaha,,, but it’s mostly usually only during on times when i’m rlly active on tumblr i think hahahaha so der~~~~
Amount of sleep i get: 7 to 12.... maybe??? idk,, i dont keep track of time hahaha
Lucky numbers: 13 or 11 or 7??? i actually dont knooo... im thinkin of the grp # mah classmates had that got em to win at a competition,,, but i wasnt even included in the actual competition so gosshhh idkkk i probs dont have one or if i did, i dont notice/pay attention to that type of thang hahaha
Dream job: probably something like a writer-director-actor-comedian who makes books, movies, tv shows that type of thang hahahaha 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Instruments: same bruhhh hahaha saammeee... i dont play anything either hahahaha does your voice when you like to sing a lot count??? hahaha
Dream trip: oohhh it is hard to choose just one,,, damn.... ahh,,, but,,, i guess the best choice would just be... JAPAN!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ (I WANNA EAT SEA URCHINS, REENACT SCENES FROM FILMS LIKE KIMI NO NA WA,,,, SEE SNOW AND SAKURAS!!!!! AND THERE’S MOUNTAINS AND OCEANS THERE/NEAR THERE TOO AREN’T THERE???? soooo japan,,, rn,,, hands down,,,, seems like they have it alll/most of what i want from a trip at the very least hahahhaa 💖💖💖💖💖✨✨✨✨✨✨)
Favourite food: chicken and/or pizza 🤷🤷🤷 (it’s the one i can tolerate the most without getting tired of it anyways hahaha 🤷🤷🤷)
Languages: filipino and english yaaallsssss musta kayooo hahahahaha ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Favourite songs: ahhh yaassss finally a prompt that understands me,,,, idk man im just appreciative of the fact that it says songs and not the basic just oneee songgg hahahha....
....... ......... .... i uh--- i listed like,,, exactly 250 songs just like,,,,, off the bat when i skimmed my playlists for mah faves..... and,,,, i still cant choose,,,,, hahahahaha sooooo here’s the doc link for ref hahahhahaha but it’s mostly pop, hip hop, rap, rock, some angsty, lotta disney, opm, cxg, p&f hahahahha 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
@parallelmarvel, @secretlifeofacloud, @fangirltrash1312, @monchemunche, @zsanelleballeras, @warpedharpy, @ohdarnitripped, @untitledandrandom, @tare8chan, @totheendofthegalaxyandback, @sssunisshining,  @caseopenandcaseshut, @thegeekogecko
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S1E1: The Competition Begins
okie dokie first ever episode of dance moms rewatch starts now :0 i actually remember watching this the very first time it aired on lifetime because i was channel surfing and saw a commercial for it earlier that day. that was the summer between 8th and 9th grade. ah memories... i didnt know what to expect because i did dance when i was a kid but not on a competition team and it was mostly ballet so i was pretty unfamiliar with this whole world. 
anyway lets begin. this is probably gonna be a longer post than what i’ll end up writing for the other episodes in season 1 bc the first episode introduces so much info, just a heads up
Act 1: (aside: yes its insufferable to divide this into “acts” when its really just like “segments separated by commercial breaks” but thats how they’re called in actual tv scripts so im just going with that cuz i cant think of a better/easier way uwu)
god this is so fucking early 2010s lmao
i miss these days where they were just talented nobodies from pittsburgh on a low budget reality tv show that nobody even knew would be successful. and the bad hair and makeup but idk if that was also just a 2011 thing lol
the chalkboard !!!! they werent doing the pyramid on the mirror yet 
(apparently abby never did anything similar to the pyramid thing but the producers made her and it became a whole Thing on the show and thats why the moms were like wtf is this bullshit the first week)
mackenzie looks like a toddler. chloe is so tiny. theyre the 2 who changed the most physically over the course of the show
i remember watching this for the first time being used to ballet lyrical and jazz but never having done or really seen acro/gymnastics in dance choreo and being SO flabbergasted. i was thinking “a chin stand is not dancing what the actual hell” and yknow what? i was right
melissa: “my boyfriend knows how much i spend on dance because he signs the checks...............hermehhemrherrmehermh” (the most awkward laugh omg)
maddie is wearing a fucking bumpit in her hair i cannot
melissa deadass just said out loud “im here for my daughter im not here to make friends” ok everybody mark that one off on your catty women’s reality tv show bingo card!
camera man accidentally getting in the shot filming right in front of the huge wall-mirror.... what is this, amateur hour? i’ll let it slide since its the first day of filming rehearsal but step it up, boys
aw i forgot about maddie getting sick and crying :/ poor kid
melissa saying “i cant stand a chid that’s sick” sounds so edited like the intonation made it seem to me like they just cut her off mid-sentence i love lifetime
oh this was still when they were wearing normal stuff to class/rehearsal like black leotards bc they werent getting sent a trillion crazy 2-piece dancewear outfits for free yet bc they werent famous, man those were the days
Act 2:
[obligatory b-roll footage of downtown pittsburgh] 
the maddie chloe paige trio !!!! this is making me feel so nostalgic
“knees together, paige. you’re bow-legged, you need to fix that”
“you’re tall, you’re skinny, you’re a beautiful girl, you can do better than this. FOCUS” shes like 10 abby what the hell
“people think im tough and i guess i am but i would rather be the one to make your kid cry in the privacy of my studio than at an open-call audition in front of hundreds of people”
okay unpopular opinion alert: i agree with a lot of what abby says about stuff like this but her delivery is flawed, to but it euphemistically, that being said i think the production team of the show and the fame inflating her ego changed all of this somewhere over the course of the second season and its really sad to see :/ i can expand on that thought later tho
aw paige crying bc abby correcting her (but not saying anything personal or out of line, just technique corrections (at based on what we were shown, we dont know everything she said oop)) shes a sensitive kid she never should have been put on this show :( 
paige looks exactly like her mom i didnt realize that before
nia and holly were done so dirty throughout the whole series in terms of the narrative the producers set up about nia being the weakest link :/ 
Act 3:
cathy’s entire involvement in the show from the very beginning was so painfully obviously scripted (or at least heavily staged) 
vivi was also done dirty by the show’s narrative and she was only 6 and they presented her as like the butt of the joke bc her mom’s “character” was crazy and also she wasnt good at dance. i wonder how she feels about the show now that shes a teenager hmm. she really seemed not to give a fuck about dance for better or for worse when she was a kid tho so maybe she doesnt care ?
in what universe would an owner of another competitive dance studio bring her own kid to another studio more than an hour’s drive away, AND be under the impression that she could compete with them in a week, especially when they showed the kids’ and moms’ shocked reaction at the start of the episode to having to learn a dance in a week and compete it? like really what is the point of cathy and vivi being a part of this show im so ????
Act 4: 
this fight is about 50% of what got them a full season 1 and then things took off from there tbh. the other 50% was the electricity dance but thats a point for next episode..... :)
“you’re a minister act like one” “YOU’RE RIGHT I AM A MINISTER! LET’S PLAY THE BIBLE GAME ABBY, WHEN JESUS SAW THINGS THAT WERE WRONG HE WENT AFTER THEM, AND YOU’RE NOT GOING TO DO THIS TO MY KID” ma’am i think the wrongs jesus addressed were of slightly more importance than a preteen being told she cant take a dance class if shes violating the studio’s dress code
this is so good bc it wasnt staged afaik and there are regular students all throughout the building just STARING at them like lmao what even is going on, so im pretty sure this is real???
regardless, yeah dont wear socks and a tshirt to an acrobatics class, thats common fucking sense
another cameraman-in-mirror sighting, but its hard to think about angles when filming spontaneous drama like this, so i wont count it against them
“you called me fat” (i remember that being in the episode but thats not on the episode available through lifetime on demand that im watching from my moms tv hmmmmmm) “i told you to close and tuck in your two-piece costume, theres a big difference. HOW CAN YOU REMEMBER THAT BUT YOU CAN’T REMEMBER TO TURN YOUR FEET OUT” uh scream
she really called the police on this woman i cannot handle this. can you imagine being a police officer responding to this call? 
“we have a parent thats out of control. pardon? no shes doesnt have weapons, just her mouth” iconic
im sorry im still not over the hair and makeup. the flat hair with the side bangs. the black pencil eyeliner applied all the way around the eye. why did any of us think this was a look :( why did we do this :(
Act 5:
they went all the way to phoenix to compete 3 numbers, only 2 of which are shown in the episode.
i think this is the only time they ever went to west coast dance explosion because its an actual competition and they wouldnt allow filming after this lol i think they did go to wcde one weekend in addition to a competition where they were filming but it wasnt shown or mentioned at all
abby not wanting brooke and paige to have a french manicure on stage if theyre the only ones in the group with the french tips is perfectly valid idk why it was framed as some crazy micromanaging shit
i also am really not a fan of the whole “high functioning alcoholic wine mom/crazy stage mom” schtick they were pushing for the first few episodes of this show
in retrospect i feel like so many of the quips in this episode were intentionally fucking crazy just to get the audience engaged enough to want to watch more episodes...
“see those girls down there, those girls with the legs? thats who you’re up against, so step it up”
abby warning them that its dangerous for their little party hats to slip when they’re doing aerials and pirouettes and stuff: “what if you were at radio city music hall and they had the ice rink out and you were doing a side aerial and fell 13 stories down and died, huh?” fantastic point abby thank you for saying that to 5 girls ages 8-12 less than 5 minutes before they went on stage. perfect time for a teaching moment like that :)
i forgot how bad the camera work was in the first few episodes for footage of their performances. like they really didnt think the show’s audience would actually want to watch the kids dance, the producers and editors thought we just wanted to see stage mothers yelling at each other lol
also the mic feed over the music of abby talking to herself giving them corrections while watching them dance on stage.... im so glad they quit doing that. i dont remember them doing it like that for any other episode, i hope im right
this choreo is very basic and its a cute dance i guess but its very cringe in some places and for the first episode this is such a forgettable group routine
their scandalized reaction to placing third and the sad piano music is so funny honestly
and maddies reaction in the interview which was almost definitely fed to her by the producers where shes like “i win all the time i dont really know what its like to LOSE i always win or get runner up” so many of maddies lines from season 1 interviews sound so fake and she was probably too naive to know they were getting her to say that stuff so they could paint her as a conceited brat (she was EIGHT)
the trio costume was so ugly im sorry (is it supposed to be like a 50s pinup bathing suit?) (and the headband thing looks so bad) and also the music is bad but they had no real authority over that bc of copyright stuff
chloe’s headpiece coming forward and the ensuing drama was another moment in the episode that really solidified public interest in the show imho.... 
“mistakes happen, we’re human.” “YOU are. mistakes like that dont happen to me”
and then the “next time on dance moms” with the WILDLY INAPPROPRIATE electricity dance, of course. genuinely that was really smart of the producers in terms of structuring things to generate intrigue lol. and obviously it ended up working....
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youremyonlyhope · 5 years
The Timeless Children
Season 12 finale here we go.
“Take my hand.” And again the Doctor leaves her companions to go after the Master. At least this time she kinda chose to go with him. Graham... I don’t like the idea of you guys wearing Cybermen armor.... Master, what exactly is your plan here? Bringing the Cybermen? Graham.... awwww. That was so sweet. Will one of them die? If Graham or Yaz end up converted I will kill someone. “They are mine” nooo shut up Lone Cyberman. “You really think I’m gonna believe anything that comes out of your mouth.” Yes. I will believe him. I trust him to this extent. That was so weird to see a Cyberman move that naturally when Yaz turned to make sure he was gone... So smoothly instead of robotically. Indigenous race... we’re getting to human colonists.... right?... Adopted like Brandon... SHE FELL OFF A CLIFF TOO. WE’VE NEVER SEEN A CHILD REGENERATE BEFORE. THAT’S SO SAD. Oh god, if they end up shooting Yaz or Graham because they’re in Cyberman suits... The season started with him playing basketball... Ryan don’t you die. Hoarder? Of what?! Of people?????? Several regenerations... so was she killing the child over and over again!? Nearly there?? Nearly?????? There’s MORE?
Ok. So the Doctor is the Timeless Child... Ok... Ok. I need the episode to keep going so we can get to really get what this all means.
Also, if this is what the Master found out that caused him to destroy Gallifrey, then awww maybe he loves the Doctor and is mad about what they did to her.
Ok good, they didn’t get shot while dressed as Cybermen. “Oh. Okay.” OKAY. So that’s the Lone Cyberman out of the way. I like that the Lone Cyberman clinked when the Master picked him up. “and all this would be over. I would’ve been ok with that.” No Master. No. Don’t have a death wish PLEASE. It can’t be that bad. “I should have said ‘Someone should have cut you down to size’ and THEN zapped him.” Awww. Ok Master has the Cyberium. That’ll be fun. Back to commercial. But I need to know if my girl the Doctor is ok after that revelation! Tell me she’s ok!
I hate the stupid previews that BBC America plays. I thought the show as back. You’d think after years I’d stop falling for it, but we got through half the episode before the first preview.
“I cannot bear that.” Master, shut up. Ok, so it wasn’t because he loved the Doctor. I knew it wouldn’t be, but a girl can dream. He destroyed Gallifrey because of the insult of having part of the Doctor in him. OH SHE REALLY PUSHED HIM. I blinked and I missed it and then he was on the ground. Brandon?? It’s all erased... What the hell is the Division? OOOOOOOHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. CYBERMEN TIME LORDS. THIS IS WORSE THAN THE DALEK SILENCE. OH BUT I DO LOVE THE DESIGN. He blew a kiss. Kisses. Just like she sent O.
I mean. The Master back in the 1996 movie wanted to know the Doctor’s secrets, and found he was half-human. Maybe that was just a sort of fake-out that was planted to keep others from discovering that she’s the Timeless Child.
OH god I don’t want the fam to get killed on Gallifrey... Yaz no why did you have to go first? Stop being reckless. “This is Gallifrey.” She said the thing. RUTHHHHHHH. My girl. Something “He” said, but the “He” is not the Master? Jack? “Oh! I’m talking to myself again!” I love the Doctor. Awwww all those flashbacks. Oh so “he” was the Lone Cyberman. Ugh. I was hoping for my baby Jack. Is there a TARDIS they can steal to get everyone off the planet please?? Also, oh god the Gallifreyans will be super dead this time around. Which will suck. Oh god the Master wants them to do it... it’s a trap... A TARDIS TO STEAL! YAY! Doctor, stop having a death wish. You always have a death wish. Stop it. Neither you nor the Master are allowed to have death wishes. Yaz don’t you dare volunteer to do it instead... I can see it in your eyes. OOOH Ryan. “I am so much more than you.” Why does that give me deja vu? “You’ll become Death.” Doctor of Death. Wasn’t that a thing before? Oh, Ko Sharmus. Ok at least it’s not Yaz. So he sent the Cyberium! And look at all the people who thought it was Jack or Ruth or something. Overthinking it. Run, Doctor. Just like you tell everyone else to. TARDISes are organic too though... so are they all destroyed? And is the Master dead for good now? I hope not. I love the Master. She ran away from Gallifrey and never stopped. Again.
Ok wait. The title is Timeless Children. Plural. We’re still only talking about the singular Child. Oh god no more Doctor Who until Christmas.
Ha it’s a house! That’s so cute! The Chameleon Circuit’s working! Will they live in their TARDIS? I mean, you got a house right there. You can probably ask it to change the inside to look like a house too. Will the Doctor still just run away and not reunite with her Fam? Just leave them behind? “Good Chameleon Circuit” Wow two working TARDISes. AWWWW LOOK AT OUR TARDIS. I love her. “Don’t get jealous.” Sweet. AGAIN? THE JUDOON!?!?!?
Revolution of the Daleks???
Well that was a cliffhanger. Great.
I haven’t rewatched Matt Smith’s era in a while, is that supposed to be River’s prison?
Anyway. I think I’m satisfied. I wish the Master got out of that in the end, if only because I love the Master. He needed to be stopped of course. But still. Give me more Master. Especially Dhawan!Master.
It’s the Master. They’ll be back eventually. Hopefully still Dhawan.
Ruth Doctor. My girl. Glad to see her come back. Poor Doctor, she has so much to deal with now... It does bring up a bunch of questions. Like how she got more regenerations in the Time of the Doctor... I assume she’s able to just regenerate forever... so why would Gallifrey make a big show of giving her 12 more... I guess because they were like “Hey so, if we don’t come down there and look like we’re listening to Clara and helping the Doctor, he’s gonna find out about his past, so let’s just send a bit of regeneration energy at him to make this specific regeneration extra big and convince him he was given 12 more.... then we can just rinse and repeat again later.”
Also, the Doctor was a black girl first. If only it was still Black History Month. Oh well.
So Ruth’s version of the Doctor reached her 12 regenerations at some point, had her memory erased... and reverted back to a child... but why did they not do that to Eleven? Did they just want to see what the Doctor would do if they knew they were living longer than initially intended this time around? How many cycles have there been? I hope Ruth’s set of 12 was the first one but I doubt it...
At least the Valeyard, the Watcher, and the Curator make a lot more sense now. They can fall just about anywhere now and not mess with the 12 regenerations thing since that does not matter at all anymore for the Doctor.
And I can’t remember if we all freaked out about this back then, but I’ve been thinking about this recently, did we all freak out when we saw the Curator because of the number of regenerations? Because, by the time we watched the 50th Anniversary we were all freaking out and counting regenerations and wondering if the Meta-Crisis counted towards that number, and then wondering if Capaldi is the last Doctor or if it ends up that Smith is actually #13 then how does Capaldi happen? We were wondering all of that, so what did we make of the Curator? I honestly can’t remember. I feel like for the entire month after the 50th we were all just so blinded from the appearance of Tom Baker to wonder where the Curator falls in the 12 regenerations thing. And then by the time we started actually wondering where he fits in, Christmas happened and Eleven got more regenerations and we were like “Oh ok well then I guess the Curator’s at the end of those regenerations.”
But I LIKE the idea that the Curator is even further along than we thought, and that now that Gallifrey is truly gone (which sucks) and can’t enforce the rules of sets of 12 regenerations, the Doctor is just going to keep going on and on forever and ever and eventually starts just picking faces again.
Also, how old is the Doctor? We thought the 4 billion years in the confession dial was bad, but like, maybe it wasnt?
And what about that theory that all the Gallifreyans are the Doctor just at different points in their life, going back in time but living all the lives simultaneously... nah that’s too much.
Anyway. I was sure that this season would lead to us finding out that humans are the ancestors of Gallifreyans, still kinda hoping for that. I’m really clinging to this human thing. First I thought the Doctor was the Hybrid because he’s half human, now I thought we’d get the revelation that Time Lords evolved from humans.
Wait. There’s still one BIG question. If the Doctor isn’t from Gallifrey, then WHAT THE HELL IS SHE!??!?!
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arhylle · 6 years
So a lot of people still keep asking me why I dont like the way Skam Spain is portraying Alejandro as opposed to original William. I hope this post will once and for all help you see my side.
Im not saying that it’s okay for boys to treat girls like William did to those he’s had sex with by giving them “trophy hoodies” to feed his ego. But the thing is, it was something he did along with his friends, the Penetrators. They all did it as a group. You know sometimes we have friends who do stupid things and we sometimes participate but our hearts are really not in it, right?
We got to know William in Season 2 and learned he wasnt the douche that he appeared to be in Season 1. So in my opinion, he participated in this hoodie thing as part of the group, for comradeship, if you will. It doesnt mean it was something he would deliberately do and even conceptualize on his own, if he wasnt part of a dumb teenage boy group. 
If we watch William carefully, taking into account his general aloofness, it’s obvious he doesnt care a lot about things, so on his own, he wouldnt have bothered with those hoodies. It’s just that, again, he was one of the Penetrators and it was their thing.
But having said all that, it’s also possible that not all those girls who had William’s hoodies meant they were all his “conquests”. Everything we know about this whole trophy thing, anyway, is from Noora’s perspective, and she was already biased against William, being a typical feminist. We actually never literally see William give all those girls the hoodies. Did Noora? She was new at the school, where and when did she learn all this? Yeah, someone maybe told her, or she maybe did see William give one or two of them, but she couldn’t have seen all of them. Or maybe it was just her own conclusion as levelheaded but judgemental feminist, and dont get me wrong, it was a reasonable conclusion.
But remember the night of the party when Noora slept at his house? A box of those hoodies were just there unattended in a box on the floor. And for sure this was not the first time William had a party at his house. Any delusional obsessive girl could have picked one during those parties so they could pretend they hooked up with one of the Penetrators. Except for Vilde I dont remember William making out with other girls. Im not saying he didnt have other girls, im just saying it’s possible he didnt have that many girls and was a victim of a rumor that sprung from the number of girls who wore his hoodies around campus, which, again, a lot of them might be stolen.
Now with this possibility, we can say Vilde was unwittingly accusing him falsely, which accounted for the geniune shock on his face when she confronted him about the hoodies. Which probably what pushed him to insult her back. It’s possible that when he gave Vilde one, the real objective of those hoodies was even far from his mind. Maybe he thought Vilde was cold or maybe it was an honest to goodness parting gift?
Now I know all this is just wishful thinking on my part, justifying and rationalizing William’s actions. But that’s the point. I can find logical possible reasons for his behavior, if i really look hard for them, but not Alejandro’s thoughtlessness.
I can reconcile the William who, as part of the Penetrators, gave out trophy hoodies to girls he’s had sex with to the William who later thoughtfully brought blanket and hot cocoa to keep Noora warm on their first date, not to mention all the other thoughtful things he did for her when they finally dated. But i cant reconcile this thoughtful William to a William who thoughtlessly go around kissing girls, knowing he has herpes breakout on his mouth and can obviously infect them.
I told someone the other day that when Alejandro finally explains to Nora that he didnt mean to infect anyone, i’ll believe him. But that was before, when I thought he wasnt showing any symptoms and therefore didnt know he had herpes. When i rewatched the clip, i finally saw what i missed the first time. He clearly had sores on his mouth and still kissed that girl.
Portraying Alejandro in this way doesnt make any sense to me, but I guess the writers know what they’re doing. Or do they? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
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yelloskello · 5 years
Saw a post on twitter talkin abt how reviews 4 detective pikachu keep saying it sucks cause u have to have knowledge of the pokemon franchise for it (which is stupid, but thats another can of worms) and comparing it to avengers endgame's 20 movie homework assignment - which isnt hyperbole. And i was thinking of all the folks who are like 'stop crying why dont you understand how sequels work'. And it got me musing on what marvel and disney have done here to basically guarantee that they not only garner huge profits from their new movies, but that they continue to garner huge profits on basically every mcu movie theyve made since 2008.
Like. MCU movies whether i like it or not are a huge part of being... social, basically. I dont give a shit about them, but i also have almost no friends and dont give a shit about communicating with people in a general sense. But every time a new marvel movie comes out, its fuckin all people talk about. It permeates everything. Ive seen the societal pressure to continue seeing these movies even if you dont care about them, *just* so you can be part of everyday conversation for a good few months. People RUN to see the movie as soon as humanly possible because people want to avoid spoilers so desperately they completely isolate themselves from the world. And, yeah, you can apply this to literally any movie in a popular franchise or any standalone heavy hitter - what sets mcu apart is that 20 movie homework assignment.
In looking up what movies are essential to watch before endgame, the absolute shortest list i could find was 8, and that was like, bare bones. Watching those 8 movies, if youre a newbie to the franchise, you still wouldnt know who the fuck most of the heroes popping up are or why the fuck theyre there. (I have general knowledge of marvel, but i never saw ant man, so even being marginally aware of the hero when i saw civil war and he popped up, i was like 'what the fuck, whyd they kidnap celebrity paul rudd?') In order to fully understand who everybody is, i'd say you have to watch at least the first movie of every individual hero's movie line. In order to have perspective on the inner workings of characters and what has happened to them so you can see where theyre coming from, youd have to watch *all* of it. Which, i mean, if people wanna do that, u do u booboo. Some people are in love with this shit. Some people wanna be able to, like, be part of greater society and talk to their friends. I get it. Youre not gonna be able to keep up with conversation as well if you dont know who a third of the characters even are. If your friends are big fans, you better be able to talk shop, too.
What im musing on is that, like, theres no way this wasnt fully intentional. Theres no way that disney and marvel arent aware of the social influence their franchise has, and no way they werent aware of how it would be from the beginning, just by watching social trends when huge movies come out. I mean, thats what your marketing team is there for, yknow. Its literally their job. The entire mcu line was carefully crafted to make sure youre not just giving money to their new movies, but to all their old movies, since its required watching and youll experience some level of social isolation if you dont. Yeah, other franchises have done this stuff too, having multiple sequals or breaking up their sequals into several parts to make more money. But - and i might be wrong, if theres another quite this huge, im just not remembering - not to the extent the mcu has. Not *20 fucking movies*, spanning several different storylines with their own sequels that are only intermingled juuuuust enough to be important. Imagine if all the disney princess movies were intermingled. Imagine if, in order to watch moana, you had to watch everything from, oh, little mermaid on, to understand whats going on.
And then, like the big bright maraschino cherry on top, if you complain about it being inaccessible, you get social backlash. Youre socially isolated and out of the popular loop if you dont see it, but if you take issue with everything you have to do just to get there, youre chastised by your peers. The only way to win is to give marvel lots of money, and thats entirely intentional on their part.
And yes, i know, ppl can pirate movies or read summaries. I am one of the ppl who basically live by doing that, so ofc i know. But i think we can all agree that reading summaries is absolutely not the same as seeing the movie first hand, leaves out a ton of details, and gives you none of the emotional impact of the situation, so youre still socially stunted - and theres absolutely a societal trend to some people to just experience the whole thing because it just feels right. Basically as a ritual. (See: people rewatching the LOTR trilogy before going to see the hobbit movies, just to hype themselves up and turn seeing the movie into a much bigger personal event, as ONE example among mmmaaannnyyy.) And pirating? Tons of folks are vehemently morally opposed to that. (I am not, but like, doesnt mean there aint a significant number of ppl who are.)
Its clever. And also kinda horrifying, in a 'capitalism is highly manipulative and insidious' kinda way.
Im 100% sure this musing is not new or groundbreaking in any way, shape, or form, and that tons of people have been well aware of it for ages. Its just interesting to think about.
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hgfstreamchats · 6 years
100 Scariest Movie Moments
Me Evening, Jalaperilo human! Jalaperilo Evening! just us? Me At the moment. Jalaperilo cool cool. hope the usual suspects turn up. i could do with a laugh Me You too? Jalaperilo yup. must be cause its halloween. makes everyone really shitty even though its the best holiday of the year, apart from pancake day
Me There we are! Jalaperilo yey! Jalaperilo If you're interested in horror and havent seen it yet, 'A History of Horror with Mark Gatiss' is a very good series from the BBC Me I think I absolutely need to see this. Jalaperilo he has a love for hammer horror and its fascinating to watch him go in depth on early horror Me Your horror scene fascinates me. You do so much with so little. Jalaperilo urgh Me As you do. Jalaperilo i love the birds Me Frightening and plausible. Birds are loveless beings. Jalaperilo they are Jalaperilo they threw brids at tippy hendren Me Just chucked them. Jalaperilo how did this beat out 28 days later? Me Gross injustice. Me So their eyes are cortical patches, basically. Jalaperilo haha. if only shockwave had made something already creepy even fucking scarier Me Give him time. Jalaperilo please lock him up haha Me Oh, Argento films. Jalaperilo your fave Me Well, maybe you should have been a better kisser. Jalaperilo it was really her, she just got bored of pretending he was good Me Hah! Me How did *this* beat out 28 Days Later? Jalaperilo right? weird. its not scary i love the wizerd of oz Me "Those terrible little vests." Jalaperilo what is it about british children that other countries think are creepy all the kids i know are little shits Me I've always wondered about that one myself. Jalaperilo I wonder if Alien is gonna be on this list, cause that is quite horror like Me Do you want me to tell you if it is? Jalaperilo sure. i dont think im gonna last the full 3 hours lol Me It is. Jalaperilo \O/ Me I didn't expect anyone to! I intended this to be one of those things people can drop in and out of, but no one else is dropping in. Jalaperilo cowards Me I thought she was going to leave it at "Don't buy a house." Jalaperilo hahah i thought all of the USA was built on indian burial grounds? Me True! Jalaperilo i love how Bela Lugosi's accent influenced all future instances of dracula Me You just can't improve on it. Jalaperilo sings is a stupid film signs* Me It has a terrible ending. Jalaperilo it just doesnt make sense why the aliens would come to earth Me The dimmest aliens in the history of the universe. Jalaperilo lol tony todd! what a voice Me It's a *very* nice voice. Jalaperilo urg WHAT Me And this beat out Bees In the Mouth. Jalaperilo god people will say anything as a talking head Me They don't even show it, like they're properly ashamed for including it. Jalaperilo haha. i watched that film multiple times as a kid and it never scared me Me The only human horror film I've ever been frightened by is The Brave Little Toaster. Jalaperilo understandable all the cybertronians i follow or seen have expressed a dislike for that film Me It's just not necessary. Jalaperilo this is the only shyamalan film i like, but my dad did spoil it for me so i knew everything already Me And the twist is basically everything. Jalaperilo ikr? what a twat Jalaperilo reanimator! my fave of all time! Me Isn't that the one where one of the humans sounds eerily like Ratchet? Jalaperilo yes! and he messes around injecting green shit into things as well! Me Ratchet's no longer allowed to judge me. Jalaperilo i think the cat scene should have been the example. the swinging light makes it so much scarier Me I don't think that's making love. Jalaperilo it still gets me Me Although she doesn't seem to be tied down to anything. Jalaperilo also her dad's zombie corpse is also in the room its so messe up but so much fun Me Kinky? Jalaperilo im kinkshaming Me Ooh! Jalaperilo i havent seen this film looks intereszting Me I'm very tempted to stream it someday. Me I can understand why humans cringe at this one. Jalaperilo bones and teeth are awful blood and guts im fine Me That sound would bother me too if I only got one set of teeth. Me More teeth. Jalaperilo wasnt there a recent story of an old dentist office that was being redeveloped and they found thousands of teeth in the wall? Me That's even worse. Jalaperilo ikr? why keep them? its like you keeping used transistors or something Me Exactly. There's no non-horrifying reason for it. Jalaperilo whoa! r-word! Me But the corpse head was lovemaking. Seems legit. Jalaperilo but what could have been the difference! Me We'll just never know!
Me Hello there, Nickel! Minibot-Nickel Heya knocky~ Jalaperilo yo! Minibot-Nickel Heya~ Me I like how the rabbit is the line. Jalaperilo animals are where we draw the line. fuck other humans Me It's a reasonable line. Minibot-Nickel people in animal suits freak me out Jalaperilo *insert furry joke* Minibot-Nickel *shudders* Me There really isn't. Minibot-Nickel you know... hearing my tea maker brewing is probably not helping with the scary aspect of the show XD Jalaperilo haha Me Oh, I like The Vanishing. Jalaperilo mark kermode is one of our greatest film critics he's the only one i'll really listen to Me He seems like he knows his scrap. Minibot-Nickel *holds out rust sticks* want some? Me Thank you! Jalaperilo he's incredibly fair in his critiques Minibot-Nickel so THAT'S mr. del toro~ Jalaperilo one for you ko! Me Indeed! Me That seems short-sighted. Jalaperilo the oldies are the best Me No arguments here. Jalaperilo ok.im tapping out. enjoy the rest of the countdown! Me Good night, Jalaperilo human! Jalaperilo ill have to look up what number 1 is Me It's...a movie, to be sure. Jalaperilo good night knockout-cybertronian! no way! good night nickle! Minibot-Nickel Night, night, jalaperilo-firend~ Me And he just casually props them up. That won't go wrong. Minibot-Nickel This halloween, i want to give myself nightmares~ Me 'Tis the season. Minibot-Nickel if this doesn't do it, then i'm gonna watch ghost stories/adventures/hunters tomorrow~ Me And even if it does! Minibot-Nickel i'll drink to that~ Minibot-Nickel phone just rang and scared the hell out of me Me Rude of you, phone. Minibot-Nickel on the up side, mun's going swimming tomorrow Me He just toddles out the door. Minibot-Nickel i'm curious what the hell it was Me You're not the only one. Minibot-Nickel (red, white, blue, finials and a judgmental stare) Minibot-Nickel i've always wanted to see the hills have eyes Me It's a rough one. Minibot-Nickel oh? spoilers? Me This happens, for starters. Minibot-Nickel OAO Minibot-Nickel now this sounds fun Me That human has a fun job. Minibot-Nickel i wonder what would happen if a realistic zombie movie was made? Me 28 Days Later was fairly realistic. Minibot-Nickel oh~ i'll have to look into it. though i can say with confidence than zombies wouldn't last long in florida Me Florida, where no one should ever be. Minibot-Nickel the hell state Minibot-Nickel what was that one movie about the haunted big rigs who menaced the humans looking for fuel? Me That's the one! Minibot-Nickel which one? i've seen it, but can't remember the name Me Duel? Minibot-Nickel oh~ i'll haveta rewatch it Minibot-Nickel kill it with fire Me Kill it with extra fire. Me I think it's fairly obvious he wants to frag him. And also ruin his life. Me No, no. You knew exactly what their relationship was. Why are humans like this? Minibot-Nickel what did i miss? Me The Hitcher, the big gay horror road movie. Also The Fly. Minibot-Nickel the big gay horror road? Minibot-Nickel children are demons confirmed Me Human ones especially. And yes, The Hitcher's a very twisted romance. Minibot-Nickel human children.... why do they exist? Minibot-Nickel one nearly busted my audials... Me How did that happen? Minibot-Nickel teen sex SHOULD be met with carnage and i think the kid didn't get a sweet they wanted at a checkout line Me I do love that movie. Minibot-Nickel if ya wanna do a movie night one day, i'll make the sweets and some high grade drinks~ Me Sounds lovely! Minibot-Nickel it'll be so great~ Minibot-Nickel i wanna see this Me I like the title. Minibot-Nickel that guy has an unfortunate last name Me Which one? Minibot-Nickel rockoff Me Hah. Me Well, good luck, kids! Minibot-Nickel *chinhands* Me HAH! Today Me Who sleeps with a single light shining on their face? Minibot-Nickel no one sane Me Nothing of value was lost. Me HERE WE ARE! Minibot-Nickel i bet you anything, soundwave'd do that XD Me I'd believe it. Minibot-Nickel vos did that to me once and i couldn't sleep for a week after Me Oh, yes, yes, this is what I love. Best of movies, best of humans. Minibot-Nickel humans really have a wide variety of ways to kill each other Me Well, so do we. Minibot-Nickel true. very true Me Astrotrain? Minibot-Nickel astrotrain? Me "Lie down and the devil will come have sex with you." Minibot-Nickel did astro fuck unicron? Minibot-Nickel we're at jacobs ladder Me I think so? Me There we are. Apologies for that. Minibot-Nickel it's no prob~ Minibot-Nickel "torture is love" the djd's motto Me I see why you're so popular throughout the multiverse. Minibot-Nickel believe it or not, but i got the hell out of dodge Me Really! Minibot-Nickel yup. i'm a free range medic now. the others are either smeared or atomic dust now Me Worse things to be than a free range medic. Minibot-Nickel true. might open up a bakery Me Ooh! Minibot-Nickel yep~ roll out the sweets~ Me The noblest profession. Minibot-Nickel and of course, in the back room come the medicinal sweets~ Minibot-Nickel i have an uncle named damien Me It's a nice name, honestly. Minibot-Nickel scream sounds funny Me You know, I've never seen it! But it does. Me This one *technically* has eye business, heads up. Minibot-Nickel wanna wait for it to buffer for a bit? Me But no damage to the eyeball itself, if that makes a difference. Minibot-Nickel i wanna see this so bad Me It's a good one. Minibot-Nickel love the pun you made earlier Me Not the eyeballs. The area around them. Me I do my best. Minibot-Nickel oooooo top ten~ Me Starscream, hello! You're just in time for the final stretch. Minibot-Nickel hello screamy~ Starscreamapillar Excellent. I was hoping to not miss the whole stream. Me Sproing. Starscreamapillar The scariest thing in the world is the neighbours. Not inaccurate... Me Not at all. Minibot-Nickel (i was too oblivious to notice highschool hell XD) Minibot-Nickel there's nothing more frightening than an expert weilding powertools Starscreamapillar You mean a medic? Me I was about to say, I take offense. Me Look at that rowdy old man go. Starscreamapillar These descriptions, without having actually seen the movie in full, make it sound very bizarre, but not scary. Me I found it bizarre, but not all that scary. Me Why would you follow a sound? Ever? Starscreamapillar Why would you follow that sound, in particular? Me Natural selection, presumably. Starscreamapillar That is not the best way to stab someone. Me Just wave the knife around and see what happens. Starscreamapillar Also not how to correctly fall down the stairs. Me Poor marks, stairs human. Go back and do it right. Starscreamapillar Dull surprise. Me Except for that. Minibot-Nickel XDDD Me Good for the mother. She's living her best afterlife. Minibot-Nickel it's what i wanna do in the afterlife Starscreamapillar Space crackers. They contain more sodium than earth crackers. Me And more space. Minibot-Nickel OAAAAAAOOOO Starscreamapillar They really think that a fish is the scariest? Me They thought Willy Wonky's boat ride was worse than 28 Days Later. Starscreamapillar . . . This list seems highly flawed. Me Maybe that was their logic. Give the first place to something no one would agree with as the scariest. Me Oh, no! A shark is doing shark things in the only place on Earth a shark lives! Starscreamapillar The horror! Me "But statistically speaking, almost surely won't!" Me Alright! It's late, but just one more for the road. Starscreamapillar Excellent. Minibot-Nickel one more three hour movie thing? Me Yes, Nickel. One more three hour movie thing. Me Still scarier than Jaws. Starscreamapillar It truly was, David S. Pumpkins. Minibot-Nickel true Starscreamapillar Absolutely. Me Well, on THAT note, I'm off into the dark to see what made our power glitch. Where nothing can possibly go wrong. Starscreamapillar Try not to be eaten by scraplets. Minibot-Nickel i'm gonna ty to not murder the neighbors~ they have their music blaring. it's midnight Me Just make sure to dissolve the spark chambers. Good night, everyone! So glad you could make it! Starscreamapillar Good night, and thank you for the nonsense, even if I missed most of it. Minibot-Nickel *hugs the knocky and screamy* Me You caught the choicest part.
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dreamerology · 7 years
anon…..…u asked for it heres 1.2k on Some of the reasons why i love minhyuk :(( 
oh my gosh i dont even know where to startdsjfgjdfj i guess i’ll talk abt what i was gonna talk abt the other night which is how minhyuk is literally made for the stage?????????????? he looks so Alive whenever hes on stage…..he just glows and hes so happy and ecstatic and his eyes sparkle a bit more and u can just tell how happy he is to be there!!!!!!!!! like the fancam of the rush comeback stage where he smile the whole time? GOOD SHIT!!!! u can just see how much he loves it!!! he gets like. Extra Confident when he’s performing……sometimes he just goes tf off,,,hes so dangerous he truly thrives on stage and i love it. i cant wait until they come to canada and minhyuk kills me behind a tim hortons
i cant believe im abt to expose myself but also i feel like i might have talk abt this before kskjdfhksjdhf do u wanna hear abt the worst thing thats ever happened to me and im never gonna be allowed to live it down?? so…….i associate minhyuk, the human personification of the sun, with the colour yellow ofc right….this took place like when the teasers for beautiful were dropping i went on a trip and i Cannot handle plane rides i get motion sickness nd claustrophobic mixed w the usual anxiety so its always a bad time. Anyways i had taken not only gravol (which my friend calls me a lightweight……half of one can knock me Out usually but it wasn’t working so i took a full one) but i also took ativan when i started to have a panic attack like half way through the flight…..I WAS SOOOO OUT OF IT THAT NIGHTJHSDJFH BUT so we got to the place we were staying and i go to my room and the bed sheets were yellow dsjfhdsfhj so i started texting my friend (who knows nothing abt kpop) abt how it was a sign and mh was watching over me dsfjhsdjfhkjhdfh bc clearly yellow = minhyuk. i passed out right after that i forgot everything abt that night until i got home like a week later and she brought it up and i had no memory of it djfshdjfhsjfhsdh that was months ago and she still teases me abt it i hate me dkhsdjhfkjhdfkhd
anyways minhyuk is the literal sun???? ? hes always positive and happy and just the complete opposite of me in every way tbh,,,,i just rly love that abt him like no matter how many things get him down hes able to get back up and try again and keep going and keep a positive attitude and i know ive said this before but he genuinely inspires me to be a better person…..like im such a pessimistic person but i wanna be able to be more positive and radiate warmth he Never fails to cheer me up like watching videos of him being bubbly nd happy makes me so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope hes able to feel that happiness forever he deserves every second of it!!!! i feel like it has to be tiring being that positive for that long but somehow he does it and it amazes me??? his personality was the first thing to draw me too him….its true opposites attract
AND OH MY GOD HES SO CARING!!!!! like it sorta goes w the positive attitude but hes so observant of the others nd makes sure theyre ok and he’ll make sure theyre included nd hes just a pillar of support for them!!!!!!!!!!!! i love family!!!!! i remember wonho saying he wasnt confident enough in himself and he didn’t feel comfortable unless minhyuk was next to him :((((( and half the time he  wouldnt even have to say anything minhyuk would be the first to approach him and ask if he was ok nd offer comfort and :(( it just makes my heart rly warm. like he makes sure hes there for the others and makes sure theyre comfortable enough to approach him and is just there to love and support them… i love a caring man :((( reason number 3532 why minhyuk makes me want to b a better person!!!!
also i absolutely adore how goofy he is sjfhksjdfhjdsdf hes like literally a 5 yr old……what a fool i love him. one of the things in the beginning that i found rly…..endearing??? thats not the right word but i can’t rly think of it rn is that fuckigndsfjhs dolphin noise/high pitched squeal he makes when he gets rly excited sdkfhskjdfh s like its????? So Cute idk why its also hilarious and literally never fails to make me laugh but….yeah i love it hes so weird. and yeah hes smart but that boy can say some of the Dumbest shit dskfjhdkjfhksdhfjh anyways im gonna just leave it at that for now but yeah. hes so funnie he always makes me laugh and cheers me up!!!
i saved the best for last (not that this is a complete list but….i doubt anyones actually gonna read all this to begin w so….ill shut up after this but. this is my fave thing abt him i think) I COULD RLY TALK ABT THIS FOR HOURS BUT. his voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh ym god my favorite sound it the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (mayb only second to his laugh which. Dont even get me started i could write an another entire essay just on his laugh n smile) ANYWAYS HIS VOICE…it was the first one i was able to pick out when i first got into mx. its rly distinct and its just. So Calming to listen to?????? like idk if its weird but a lot of the time if im rly anxious or cant sleep i’ll just listen to some of his solo vlives…..like his voice is rly pretty and i could listen to him talk for hours. he can be so Loud sometimes but it can also b rly soft when hes not yellingjghjshdjfh and no offence but he’s rly got the prettiest singing voice too…..not 2 b biased but hes got the best voice in mx?????? god idk if its bc im fuck deep in l*ve but lately whenever one of his lines comes on it just knocks the breath out of me!!!!!!!!!! i just,,,,immediately start tearing tf up whenever i hear his voice now!!!!!!!!! hes improved so much its so crazy to hear??? like rewatching no mercy u can just Hear how much his vocals has improved…like he was good back then but now!!!!!!!! holy fuck i love a man hes so talented and hes got the most beautiful voice in the world. also in this vlive when he was just singing along or humming it after without the lyrics……i love a man my heart is so warm nd soft hes so cute :((
this isnt even half of it i didn’t talk abt his smile or his laugh!!!!!! or how cute his ears are or how much he loves mbb or how cute he looks in a hat or glasses or how humble he is or how full of love he is and how he never misses a chance to shower his members in love :(( hes so sweet i love him so big im gonna shut up and go now i cant believe i just wrote 1.2k on why i love lee minhyuk the Actual Angel instead of writing my paperdsfjdhsjfs it b like that sometimes
if u actually read all this sappy rambling………id die for u
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goodknightz · 7 years
Get to know me better! :D
Rules:  Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people 
Requested by:@mewringo13​
Uh... I dont really have anyone to tag... so I’m tagging the majority of my followers x) : @dancemuffndance @kyushaenigma @cpurubyheart @katelynfeliciano @camspazz @goblinneko @angeldrinksgreentea-blog @forsythefrontier @megan-elith @raygirlforeverbe @mxduki @sky-aniu @winterwholocks-superchildren
Ready? Set? Go!
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Iced Tea. 2. Phone call: Chinese Take Out x) 3. Text message: My boss asking me to go in early Dx 4. Song you listened to: Schmoyoho’s Love is Like Drugs 5. Time you cried: Umm... I legit can’t remember. I think last time I really cried hard was when my old dog passed away. HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: No 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope 8. Been cheated on: Not really 9. Lost someone special: Too many ;~; 10. Been depressed : An unbelievable amount of times 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Only once. I drank way too much when I was venting with my brother. I think I drank half a bottle of tequila by myself. x(((
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Blood Red, Royal Blue, Electric Green IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: I’ve made a couple 16. Fallen out of love: Yeah Dx. But it was my fault for falling in love so easy to begin with. 17. Laughed until you cried: Hmm, I tend to do that a lot when watching videos with friends xD. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Many times at work. They think they’re being so quiet >.> 19. Met someone who changed you : For sure. Any new friend I make changes me, if just a bit ♥ 20. Found out who your friends are: I’ve always known who my friends are. Anyone who i feel is just playing me I just stop talking to. I don’t play around. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yeah, just one 
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: The majority of my list. I usually dont add people I dont know unless they know my family or friends to begin with. 23. Do you have any pets: A 1 year old Shi-Tzu and a 30+ year old land Turtle. 24. Do you want to change your name: No. Personally I feel your parents gave your original name out of love. Its disrespectful to want to change it. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: My family took me out to eat at a buffet, then bought me an ice cream cake. Aside from that just chilled in my room talking to friends online. It was a blast. 26. What time did you wake up: Oh boi... I went to sleep late so I woke up at 1:00pm xD 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Talking with a friend and watching videos. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: I’m looking forward to getting the items I bought off amazon. Silver Hair Wax that changes your hair color to silver (easily washes off), Charcoal Toothpaste that apparently whitens your teeth a lot faster than other whitening toothpastes, and a Hario Technica Coffee Syphon x) 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Today, like 5 mins ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Hmm, I used to be extremely shy, so if anything I’d just like to have come out of my shell a bit faster :). 31. What are you listening to right now: Shinedown’s Album The Sound of Madness. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Umm... in real life I actually don’t think so o~o. However I’ve talked to a youtuber called Tom Fawkes Online x). 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: People at work are constantly getting on my nerves. Wish there was less drama in the world. 34. Most visited website: Probably Youtube. 35. Mole/s: I’m actually infested with moles xD. None really big, but I do have bunch all over my body, not even I know how many I have xD. 36. Mark/s: Quite a bit of marks. Stretchmarks on my arms and legs from when I used to do weights in highschool. Strethmarks on my stomach from getting tubby. Scars on my arms, legs, and chest from work, soccer, and football. As well as bite marks from when a family dog attacked me. 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a dad. Always thought it was rude that my family laughed at it. But when I matured I understood why they thought it was funny hehe x). 38. Hair color: Brown, although it looks black when wet. I’m starting to grow a couple white hairs though x-x... stress plz... 39. Long or short hair: I like my hair short and tidy :) 40. Do you have a crush on someone: I do, but I don’t know how she feels about me >.< 41. What do you like about yourself: I’m open minded, rational, caring, and straightforward.  42. Piercings: None 43. Blood type: A+ 44. Nickname: I’ve had many o.o. My family called me teddy bear when I was a kid. When I was in elementary other kids called me Chili since I was from mexico. During my edgy phase on highschool I wanted to be called Zero or Dragon. Nowadays all my friends just call me Bro. xD 45. Relationship status: Single ;~; 46. Zodiac: Leo (leader of the Zodiacs :> hehe) 47. Pronouns: To describe me? He/Him Himself/Myself Someone/Somebody 48. Favorite TV Show(s): Oh god way too many. As far as anime goes I’ve rewatched Slayers like 4 times. As far as actual TV shows, I watched a lot of X-Files and Bones growing up. 49. Tattoos: None. I think they’re very cool. Might get one myself one of these days. Whenever I stop being terrified of needles. 50. Right or left hand: I’m right handed. 51. Surgery: I think I’ve never had surgery for anything. Unless Dental Work counts. I had work done of my front top 2 teeth. 52. Hair dyed in different color: Hmm when I was younger there was a hair gel I was using that would change your hair color to blonde over time xD. Aside form that I kind of wanna dye the front part of my hair red. Felt inspired by Markiplier’s many color changes xD 53. Sport: As a kid I played a lot of Soccer and American Football. Aside from that I really loved swimming. 54. ??? This number was missing so... let me invent one. Random interesting fact about yourself, go!: I never studied much in high school and still passed as an AB student. xD   55. Vacation: The last real vacation I had was going to San Diego a year ago to visit a friend and go to Warped Tour x) 56. Pair of trainers: I actually had no idea what this meant so I had to look it up Dx. My favorite type of running shoes have been my Puma Reverbs
MORE GENERAL : 57. Eating: Cookies 58. Drinking: Still Iced Tea xD 59. I’m about to: Go get ready and go out to eat some Ramen and Sushi x) 61. Waiting for: 5 o clock so that Nama Ramen Opens  62. Want: To win the lottery so I don’t have to worry and enjoy life as it was meant to... But more realistically I want a better job so I can afford to do different things. 63. Get married: For sure. I want to make someone very happy x). 64. Career: I work as a shift manager at a pizzeria. However, I want to move up and find something better with the experience I’ve gained working with people. Eventually I want to go back to school to finish my degree on computer programming.
WHICH IS BETTER:  65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs are nice, but kisses are much more intimate ;3 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes for sure. 67. Shorter or taller: Shorter  68. Older or younger: I prefer younger x)  70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Hmm... I’d have to say stomach. 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive for sure 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship duh. Hook ups are for people who aren’t serious about each other. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Not actually sure. I think hesitant is better over someone that just makes trouble for fun. HAVE YOU EVER : 74. Kissed a Stranger: No 75. Drank hard liquor: Yes, prefer it over beer. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Don’t own either... but I might have to get glasses soon. 77. Turned someone down: Yeah, twice. I didnt feel good about myself for doing it, but I didnt see myself with those people. 78. Sex on the first date: Not likely. But who knows, might be a hell of a date xD. 79. Broken someone’s heart: Hopefully not. 80. Had your heart broken: Oh yeah, multiple times. At this point I’ve just adopted the mentality of doing my best and having no regrets when asking someone out. 81. Been arrested: Never, but I was stopped once for speeding. (a whole 5 miles per hour more... thanks rando sheriff, I thought it was BS but I wasnt gonna argue with the cop) 82. Cried when someone died: Yes and No actually. Theres been so many deaths around me that hearing about someone I knew dying doesnt affect me as much. Its just part of life. I’m sad that they’re not around anymore, and I’ll miss them very much. But its just a part of living. 83. Fallen for a friend: Yeah... x3 DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Yeah, if I dont believe in myself who will. 85. Miracles: Depends on what is meant by miracle. I believe in multiple efforts made by everyone to make something happen, over something like divine intervention. But regardless yes, I do believe miracles can happen. 86. Love at first sight: Although its very rare and not likely to work out, I do like to believe that it can happen between people that live in the moment. 87. Santa Claus: Of course! Not in the concept of the old man spreading gifts across the world in those who believe in him, but more on the idea that if you’re good and behave all year long, a day where you get rewarded for all that effort exists. 88. Kiss on the first date: If the date went well and the mood is right, I dont see a problem with receiving/giving a kiss. But its not something that should be expected as a standard.
OTHER : 90. Current best friend name: My friends JusticeRider and Grayfox07, because they’re always there for me. Honorable mentions are Fiona and Hannah :) 91. Eye color: Milk Chocolate :3 92. Favorite movie: Thats a good question. If we go by whatever movie I’ve rewatched the most, It’d have to be Space Jam since I watched it a lot as a kid. However, the latest movie I watched and enjoyed was Gantz: O. Had a lot of fun watching it with my friend Grayfox xD.
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'A total blast': our writers pick their favorite summer blockbusters ever
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'A total blast': our writers pick their favorite summer blockbusters ever
As the season heats up on the big screen, Guardian writers look back on their picks from the past with killer sharks, mournful crime-fighters and time-traveling teens
Face/Off (1997)
Photograph: Allstar/Cinetext/PARAMOUNT
Madman bomber Nicolas Cage stole John Travoltas dead sons life. So gloomy FBI agent Travolta steals Cages face. When Cage steals his face and his wife and freedom John Woos Face/Off becomes the biggest, wackiest and most operatic summer blockbuster in history, a gonzo combustion that flings everything from pigeons to peaches at the screen.
Hong Kong cineastes might applaud a script with roots in the ancient Sichuan opera genre Bian Lian, where performers swap masks like magic. Popcorn-munchers, of which I am front row center, are here to watch whack job Cage and soulful Travolta, two actors who love to go full-ham, play each other and go deep inside their iconographies. Call it hamception. Or just call it a crazy swing that hits a home run as Cavolta and Trage battling it out in a warehouse, a speedboat and, of course, a church. As Cage-as-Travolta gloats to Travolta-as-Cage, Isnt this religious? The eternal battle between good and evil, saint and sinners but youre still not having any fun! Maybe hes not, but we sure are. Bravo, bravo. AN
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
Photograph: David James/Publicity image from film company
Theres been an increasing sense of desperation clinging to the majority of roles picked by Tom Cruise in recent years. Outside of the still shockingly entertaining Mission: Impossible series, he was miscast in the barely serviceable Jack Reacher and its maddeningly unnecessary sequel, his awards-aiming American Made was throwaway and his franchise-starting The Mummy was a franchise-killer. But four summers ago, he picked the right horse just maybe at the wrong time.
Because despite how deliriously fun Edge of Tomorrow was in the summer of 2014, audiences didnt show the requisite enthusiasm. It was a moderate success (enough to warrant a long-gestating sequel) but it should have packed them in, its combination of charm, invention and sheer thrills making it one of the most objectively successful blockbuster experiences in memory. The nifty plot device (Cruise must relive a day of dying while battling aliens over and over again) allowed for some dark gallows humor and a frenetic pace that kept us all giddily on edge while it also contained a dazzling action star turn from Emily Blunt whose fearless Full Metal Bitch wrestled the film away from Cruise. Blame its relative failure on the bland title? Cruise fatigue? Blockbuster over-saturation? Then find a digital copy to watch and rewatch and repeat. BL
Back to the Future (1985)
Photograph: Allstar/UNIVERSAL/Sportsphoto Ltd./Allstar
Back to the Future very nearly wasnt a summer blockbuster. The reshoots required after Eric Stoltz was booted off, then the fact Michael J Foxs Family Ties commitments meant he could only shoot at night all meant filming didnt wrap until late April. Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg duly pencilled in an August / September release.
But then people started seeing it. Test scores were off the scale. Said producer Frank Marshall: Id never seen a preview like that. The audience went up to the ceiling. So they bagsied the best spot the year had to offer 3 July hired a squad of sound editors to work round the clock and two print editors with instructions to get properly choppy. They did, and those big trims tightened yet further one of the tautest screenplays (by Bob Gale) cinema has ever seen. The only bit of fat they left was the Johnny B Goode scene: sure, it didnt advance the story, but the kids at those test screenings knew we were gonna love it. Back to the Future is a pure shot of summer cinema: grand, ambitious, insanely entertaining. Deadpool, Avengers, take note: a blockbuster can be smart as hell so long as it wears it lightly. In the end, by the way, the film spent 11 weeks at number 1 at the US box office. Thats essentially the whole summer. CS
Teminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Photograph: Allstar/TRISTAR/Sportsphoto Ltd./Allstar
The first film I ever saw at the cinema was The Rocketeer. We drove into Bradford city centre, bought our tickets at the Odeon and sat through the 1991 tale which followed the fortunes of a stunt pilot, a rocket pack and a Nazi agent played by Timothy Dalton who sounded like he was from Bury rather than Berlin. The way into the multiplex there was a huge poster for Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Arnie sat on a Harley with a shotgun cocked and ready. My dad was a huge fan of the original but he still couldnt swing taking a seven-year-old to see it. It wasnt until I borrowed a VHS copy that I finally got to see what was behind that image. Skynet, dipshits, T-1000s, a nuclear holocaust and a motorbike chases on the LA river.
Blockbusters dont usually have that edge: theres a more brazen mainstream appeal. But Judgment Day was and still is an exception. It did huge numbers at the box office (more than $500m), was a rare sequel that was arguably better than the original and introduced really odd bits of Spanish idiom into the Bradford schoolyard lexicon. I probably would have been scarred for life watching it as a seven-year-old, but as a teenager it gave me a story I doubt Ill ever get tired of revisiting. LB
The Dark Knight (2008)
Photograph: Allstar/WARNER BROS.
The summer of 2008 was a busy one: Barack Obama emerged from a contentious democratic primary to become the first ever black presidential nominee of a major party. The dam fortifying the entire global financial system was about to burst. China hosted its first ever Summer Olympics. But somehow, and not exactly to my credit, what I remember most from that summer is the uncanny, ridiculously over-the-top publicity blitzkrieg that preceded the release of The Dark Knight, which has since emerged as not just an all-time great summer blockbuster, but an all-time great American film, period.
There were faux-political billboards that read I believe in Harvey Dent; a weirdly nondescript website of the same name; Joker playing cards dispersed throughout comic book stores, which led fans to another website where the DA was defaced with clown makeup. Dentmobiles, Gotham City voter registration cards, a pop-up local news channel: the marketing campaign might have seemed excessive had the movie not so convincingly topped it. Ten years later, as films like Deadpool and Avengers: Infinity War try to reach those same heights of virality, The Dark Knight remains the measuring stick by which every superhero movie, and superhero villain, is measured. JN
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Photograph: Jasin Boland/AP
In many ways, Fury Road is summer: arid, scorching, bright enough to be squinted at. The driving force behind all the high-impact driving is scarcity of water, the essence of life in a desert where death practically rises up from the burning sand. Even in the air-conditioned comfort of a multiplex auditorium in Washington DCs Chinatown, watching George Millers psychotic motor opera left this critic sweaty and parched. My world is fire and blood, warns the weary Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy) in the scripts opening lines. Staggering out of a theater into the oppressive rays of the sun, it sure can feel that way.
Millers masterpiece fits into the summer blockbuster canon in a less literal capacity as well, striking its ideal balance of dazzling technical spectacle and massively-scaled emotional catharsis. There was plenty of breathless praise to go around upon this films 2015 release, much of it for the feats of practical-effects daring, but the hysterical extremes of feeling cemented its status as a modern classic. I cant deny that Ive watched the polecat sequence upwards of a dozen times, but Millers film truly comes alive in Furiosas howl of desperation, and in Maxs noble disappearance into the throng. CB
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo
Its the music, its the giant boulder, its the Old Testament mysticism, its the whip, its the Cairo Swordsman, its Harrison Fords crooked smile, its the bad dates, its Karen Allen drinking a sherpa under the table, its the melted faces and exploding heads. Its all these things plus having the good fortune of seeing this at the cinema at a very young age, therefore watching most of it through my terrified fingers. (Indy tells Marion to keep her eyes shut during the cosmic spooky ending; way ahead of you there!)
The modern blockbuster as we know it was created by Steven Spielberg with Jaws and George Lucas with Star Wars, so the hype was unmatched when the two collaborated in 1981 with Raiders of the Lost Ark. As a kid I had no idea this was a loving homage to cliffhanger serials from the 30s and 40s, I took it as pure adventure. The seven-and-a-half minute desert truck chase (I dont know, Im making thus up as I go) is probably the best action sequence in all of cinema (John Woos Hard Boiled does not have a horse, sorry), but watching as an adult one notices a lot of sophisticated humor, too. (Indy being too exhausted to make love to Marion, for example, is something that didnt connect when I was six.)
Its strange to think I watched these cartoon Nazis on VHS with my grandparents who had escaped the Holocaust, and no one benefits when you do the math to figure out how young Marion was when, as Indy puts it, you knew what you were doing. But for thrills, laughs and propulsive camerawork (though a little mild Orientalism), nothing tops this one. JH
Independence Day (1996)
Photograph: Everett/REX/Shutterstock
Short of actually calling their film Summer Blockbuster, rarely can a films height-of-summer release date been so central to a films raison detre. This being the mid-90s, when po-mo and self-referentiality was all the rage, brazenly hooking your tentpole film to 4 July was seen as a pretty smart idea.
Fortunately, all the ducks did line up in a row for ID4: a game-changing performance from Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum at (arguably) his funniest, a rousingly Clintoneque president in Bill Pullman and most importantly in that run-up to the millennium physical destruction on a gigantic scale. Much comment at the time was expended on the laser obliteration of the White House (an early shot from the Tea Party/Maga crowd?), but I personally cherish director Roland Emmerichs signature move of detonating cars in somersault formation. Like many other huge-budget films then and since, Independence Day was basically a tooled-up retread of cheap-as-chips format of earlier decades though who these days would roll such expensive dice on what is essentially an original script, with no comic book or toy branding as a forerunner? We shall never see its like again. AP
Aliens (1986)
Photograph: Allstar/20 CENTURY FOX/Sportsphoto Ltd./Allstar
An Aliens summer is one for moviegoers who prefer to sit in in darkened rooms when the sun is shining; the brutal confines of the fiery power plant make an excellent subliminal ad for air conditioning. In 1986, James Cameron took Ridley Scotts elegant, iconic horror template and turned it into an all-out action blockbuster, forcing Ripley once again to face down her nemeses in a breathless fug of claustrophobia, sweat and fear. Its relentlessly stressful and unbelievably thrilling.
I first saw Aliens many years after its initial release. Owing to its sizeable and long-lasting legacy, it was at once immediately familiar, yet also brisk and brutally fresh. I understood that it was a classic, but I wasnt prepared for just how good it is, for the pitch-perfect management of tension, the pace that never really lets up, the emotional pull. The maternal undertow of Ripleys protection of Newt, and the alien mirror of that, adds a level of heart unusual in most blockbusters, and her frustration at being a woman whose authority must be earned again and again, and then proven again and again, remains grimly relevant, 30 years on. Its also a total blast. Now get away from her, you bitch. RN
Jaws (1975)
Photograph: Fotos International/Getty Images
It is the great summer blockbuster ancestor the film that in 1975 more or less invented the concept of the event movie. And unlike all those other summer blockbusters, Steven Spielbergs Jaws is actually about the summer; it is explicitly about the institution of the summer vacation, into which the movie was being sold as part of the seasonal entertainment. It is about the sun, the sand, the beach, the ocean and the entirely justified fear of being eaten alive by an enormous shark with the appetite of a serial killer and the cunning of a U-boat commander. And more than that: it is about that most contemporary of political phenomena: the coverup, the town authorities at a seaside resort putting vacationers at risk by not warning them about the shark. The Jaws mayor has become comic shorthand for the craven and pusillanimous politician.
A blockbuster nowadays means spectacular digital effects, but this film is from an analogue world. It bust the block through brilliant film-making and an inspired score from John Williams, summoning up the shark with a simple two-note theme which became the most famous musical expression of evil since Bernard Herrmanns shrieking violin stabs in Psycho took the place of actual knife-slashing. I still remember the excitement of the summer of 1975, and the queues around the block at the Empire, in Watford, round the corner from the football ground. The inspired brevity of the title meant the word was repeated over and over again to fill the marquee display: JAWS JAWS JAWS as if they were screaming it! PB
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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toshaderham9-blog · 7 years
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One night, we were all at a house party together. I remember to this day thinking about how sexy his eyes were upon first glance and how instantly I was attracted to him. His brother and I graduated from college together, and we were fairly good friends. I met Jake about seven years ago. It was innocent small talk at first, but it didnt take long for us to reveal how attracted we were to one another - and the sexting started. We talked frequently that night, but nothing ever came of it. We atk hairy butts would only see each other in person again maybe once or twice, as he didnt live in the city and he moved around the country often for work. We fell out of touch between getting in and out of relationships over the past few years. Sending dirty pictures and messages about the things we wanted to do to one another. I cant recall how we initially started texting one another, Im sure after some exchanging of Facebook posts, comments and eventually messages. A few months ago, it was rekindled after we added one another on Snapchat. But it did turn out that we ended up with one anothers phone numbers and we would text semi-regularly. The shared moments were usually just silly things that seemed Snap-worthy. I was introduced to Jake while pouring myself a drink. If you beloved this posting and you would like to receive extra info pertaining to amateur hairy galleries kindly check out the page. The texting slowed down, the pictures stopped and eventually all communication ended. "Wish I could be there," it simply read. Not long after, Jake replied to me. Wed send a photo or video here or there to one another, but it wasnt anything special and definitely didnt carry out previous sexually-charged context. It felt almost taboo, knowing that this was one of my best friends brothers, and he had no idea that we had this connection. His body was great as hes incredibly fit, yet lean. I kept recalling back to when we communicated more. I wouldnt mind being cuddled up to a body like that as I laid on my couch alone instead. "All I want to do right now is to cuddle up next to you," he confessed. A smile crept across my face at the thought of having him near me for the first time in five years, perhaps even a little longer. I clicked the screen and it read, "I also still really want to fuck you. I continued to think back to those photos he would send me, and the nights I would lay in bed playing with myself while messaging him. Yesterday was no different, as I posted a video about binge-watching Netflix all day thanks to a brutal hangover from the night before. His abs always drove me crazy in the pictures hed send, as would the V leading down to his cock. " I replied to him as I jumped into my bed and sprawled out on the comforter. My roommate was at work for the day, I could retreat to my room and spend a couple hours sexting with Jake and having fun with myself for old time sake. " I had never sexted through Snapchat yet, but I kind of liked the idea of it. And make things a little more interesting. Sounded like a far better way to spend my day than rewatching Friends for the ten-millionth time. As I reminisced, another message came through. We talked about how many pictures we had saved of one another on our phones, and he even explained that he still kept a few of my breasts around because they were great material for when he wanted to get off. He requested we move the conversation to regular texting, but I told him I wanted to keep it here. "How bad do you want me right now? At the end of the video I aimed my phone back at my face. "Let me see those tits," he demanded. I sat up, sent him a photo of myself unzipping my sweatshirt, already not wearing anything underneath, showing a little bit of cleavage. I was taken aback at the replay and hearing my voice. It was always just text and photos. " I then upped my game, sent a video to him of me unzipping it further, but still not enough to let it fully open. " It was a simple reply, but one I figured would make him realize that I did still long for him, even after all this time without so much as a hello to one another. Made me feel incredibly sexy to know after all this time he still had them, and used them. He replied with a video, no sound, of his hand tugging down his shorts, the top of his cock becoming visible. What a tease we were both being to one another. I responded with a video finally letting my breasts out, moving the phone around so he could see them from all angles versus the standard photos he had just received i the past. "Now what do I get to see? Why hadnt I thought of this sooner? I became incredibly turned on at the thought of hearing him, him hearing me, being able to communicate with him in this way, the anticipation of waiting for what we were going to send one another, and what we were going to do or say. But it cut after just a few seconds. " he questioned, his voice was rough and deep. "Talk more, you sound so fucking sexy," I replied via text. I cant remember the last time I heard it. I had totally forgotten it but it sounded perfect. "I cant be too loud, Im not home alone. " "You win," he answered after a couple minutes, worrying me that he had left me hanging for a moment. "Fuck, I missed those. Please tell me you have some toys I can see you playing with. " I got incredibly excited to be able to have him see me using my vibrator, to hear me fuck myself with it, my moans, gasps, breaths. "Is this what you wanted? I love seeing a man playing with himself. I fished it out of the drawer alongside my bed and sent a video me holding it up to my mouth, wrapping my lips around it, grin on my face. He spoke, softly, "Play with your clit, let me see it. " I did as I was told, and vibrator in my left hand, phone in my right, hit the record button as I pressed it to my clit, letting out little moans, asking if he liked that and rubbed it down further, my lips wrapping around it. He replied with a video of him stroking his dick slowly, which turns me on like nothing else. "I want to bury my face in your pussy. He replied with a shot of his face, grinning, looking so fucking sexy. I had never done anything with him that recorded sound. " "Who cares if they hear you? And they were focused on me. He had only gotten hotter in the past five years, scruffy facial hair and those same stabbing eyes I remembered seeing for the first time all those years ago. I replied with an angle from above my head looking down my entire body as I started fucking myself. Squirming at how good it felt, imagining it was his cock filling me up instead of just a toy. My breasts heaving as my breath got heavy. " he responded via text just before sending me a video of him taking his dick fully out of his shorts. I wanted to give him even more to see. " he stated and hearing him say it so confidently made me want him so bad. What he wanted me to do to him. Tell me what he wanted to do to me. What would he surprise me with next? What would I get to see? Telling him to talk dirty to me. He told me that he wanted me to ride him more than anything, so he could get my tits in his face, so I knelt up on my bed, shot myself from below as if I were there on him, rocking my hips as I I rode my vibrator instead. I sent another video over instantly, of me leaning forward and moving the camera back, my tits hanging for him to see, telling him I want him to bite my nipples. The videos were flying back and forth. So I laid back down on my back, held my vibrator to my clit, let me body relax and lost all control of it as I got close to making myself cum. I was getting so into it, feeling so sexy and wanting him so bad. Feel his hands on my skin, look down on his face as he looking up longingly at me. Wishing more than anything that I could be with him in that moment. He, like me, was unable to catch himself cumming, but did snap xxx natural hairy himself slowly squeezing every last drop out, telling me clean him off with my tongue. I kept kneeling there, riding my vibrator more as I waited to hear back from him. I sent him a few more shots of me being close, begging him to cum for me, telling him I amateur hairy galleries was going to come so hard for him. Unfortunately, timing a Snap to perfectly hit when you climax is pretty damn impossible. But I got myself off, soaking my bed sheet after what felt like forever of sexting with him and I did send him one immediately after of my legs shaking, my breath still heavy, telling him how good he made me feel. I wished I could touch him. But well be doing that soon enough. We messaged a few more dirty videos to one another, post-orgasm before we moved back to only messaging about how hot that was and how we need to do it again soon. It was all so surreal, like I was fucking someone who wasnt there because I still got the sensory experience of hearing him, seeing him. Stroke his cock, take it in my mouth, let it slide inside me. And theres no way were not finally going to fuck the hell out of each other. Hes planning a visit to come see his brother this summer. He messaged me back, after a replaying each of the videos, telling me he couldnt control it and that he was going to be cumming soon and that I had better, too. Seven years of build up has been more than enough.
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