#the noises in this game are so unsettling
wolveria · 7 months
Been playing Pacific Drive for two days and it feels like what would happen if all the SCPs got loose. It’s great.
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gender-euphowrya · 4 months
this is such a Nothing problem but i'm still a bit mad about the creepy factor of liminal spaces being replaced by generic AND THERE'S A BIG WEIRD MONSTER CHASING YOU in mainstream depictions of like the backrooms & all
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mostly-imagines · 30 days
At Least I’m Not Alone at the Wake
jason todd x fem!reader
aka how jason feels safe even when he feels like he’s dying
HEY today we’re going to play a game where we practice reblogging fics: if you read this and like it—reblog!! ie, if you like and dont reblog i might block bc im getting sick of the lack of decorum
warnings: angst w comfort throughout
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It took less than thirty seconds for the silence of the night to drift into sounds of shrieks echoing off the buildings along the street. The sharp contrast had you and Jason bolting upright on the couch, ears on alert. It only took a few seconds more of listening for you to realize you’re not hearing shouting—it’s laughter. Maniacal, uncontrolled laughter. 
There’s a beat as you both freeze upon the implication, the unsettling realization dropping in on you. You barely have a moment to process it before Jason’s pushing up from the couch and heading towards the bathroom.
“Close the window,” he grumbles.
You blink as you register his words before jumping up to do as told, quickly sliding the frame shut and locking it. He returns soon with an armful of towels in hand, and you stand back as he stuffs a couple along the window sill with rough movements. He goes throughout the apartment, doing the same to the other windows. He rounds back to the living room window, looking down at the street with a heavy look on his face. 
You trust that the towels will do their job in preventing the laughing gas from getting in the apartment, but they’re unable to block out the bellows of hysteria.
He backs away from the window, letting the living room wall hold his weight. You both listen to the harrowing echoes with still bodies. 
You watch him, waiting for a reaction. You don’t mean to, but you know you’re looking at him like he’s a loaded spring. You try not to, you know how much he hates how his family does that to him, but fuck, it’s hard not to worry about him. .
When Joker incidents have come up, they’ve usually been something you’re able to ignore or even get ahead of and drive out of the city. But this is raucous and chaotic, clearly enough to shut down the city from the inside. Besides, Jason would be booking it out of here if he thought there was any chance of a clean getaway in this.
But you know he’s got no interest in inserting himself in anything Joker related, especially something so destabilizing. But, while  you know Jason’s family cares about him, of course they do, but you’ve noticed they sometimes put Gotham’s needs first and his second. So the severity of this attack is concerning for you for two reasons.
“Will they…” you shuffle, “Will they need you?”
He’s quick to answer, voice firm. “No.” A long moment passes before he adds on, quieter, “They won’t want me out there.”
You nod to yourself, trying to relax your body. You being on edge isn’t going to help him.
You watch as his head thumps against the wall, eyes squeezed shut. He’s tough—you know he’s tough. He can withstand a hell of a lot more than you’ll probably ever even know. But even for Gotham, this is a lot. And even for someone who hasn’t been through what Jason has, the ringing repetitions of laughter are maddening. You wonder if this is what the Joker hears in his head. You wonder if this is what Jason heard.
The intensity of the laughing increases, more people likely becoming exposed to the gas. You think you can hear it in one of your neighbor’s apartments too.
He thumps his head against the drywall again, hands clenching at his sides. It takes one more forceful thud for you to move over to him, cradling your hand to the side of his head, holding him still. He lets you, though he still doesn’t open his eyes.
“Jay,” you say softly, stroking his hair. “Let’s take a shower, yeah?” Normally you’d try for a bath to calm him instead but you hope the waterfall from the shower might be enough to drown out the noise.
He takes a second to respond, letting your hand bear the weight of his head. “Yeah.”
His voice is splintered though, and his shoulders droop as he stands up fully. He waits to move until you start to lead him, flinching at every spike of laughter. You reach back and take his hand, giving it two squeezes. He squeezes your hand back but doesn’t loosen his grip.
As you enter the bathroom he wastes no time getting straight to the shower nozzle and turning it on. You press the door shut behind you, sealing out a decent portion of the chaos. You decide against turning the overhead light on, opting instead to let the small pink-shaded lamp provide a warm glow that you can easily maneuver throughout the shadows in. You figure he needs a more tranquil atmosphere than the harsh white light the bathroom ceiling can provide.
You turn to him in time to catch him pulling his shirt up harshly, movements jerked and impatient.
You place a gentle hand on his forearm, “Hey.”
He pauses his actions, eyes on the floor.
You don’t say anything else, but he understands your objection regardless. You remove your touch and he peels his shirt off slower, kinder to himself. 
You wait to make sure he continues this method with the rest of his clothes before you start to remove yours.
The downpour of water on the tiles does it’s intended job in creating your own little sanctum away from the noise. You climb into the shower after him, standing in the stray mist sprays that made their way past him. The bits of water that do manage their way to you are hot—not scalding, but hot enough that you know his chest is going to start getting numb very soon standing in front of the stream like this. 
You trace lines over the muscles of his back, outlining them and every little indent of a scar. When you run out of canvas on his back you move onto his arms, right then left.
It’s not until you trace down his wrist that you realize his head is angled down. You don’t need to be standing in front of him to know that his focus is zeroed in on his scar and you’re not sure how long it's been that way. Too long, in any case.
“Jay,” you say so softly that the water nearly drowns you out. “Will you look at me, please?”
He does turn to you, slowly, but he doesn’t look up.
You hold his face in your hands, nudging him to look up at you. He looks tired, drained. 
You know he has to hear that laughter in a different way than you do. It’s uncomfortable and frightening for you, but for him, it’s layers upon layers of the sound he heard while he was being beaten to death. And even beyond that horrible trauma, the reminder of it brings forth every memory of what happened afterwards, not to mention the heavy baggage you know he feels over being here at all. And you can see it all mulling behind his eyes.
“You know I love you,” you tell him with sincerity. His gaze stays heavy and you can tell it’s a struggle for him to hold the eye contact.
You lean up to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, catching his bottom lip slightly. Your next kiss meets his lips fully. You have to push up on your toes a little bit but he does the work of meeting you halfway. It’s a slow, intimate exchange, as fluid and serene as breathing.
“I love all of you,” you murmur against his lips. You let your hands fall to his chest, resting as gently as they can over his pecs. “Everything about you.”
You kiss the top of his Y scar, trailing down soft pecks to where it forks off. You feel his shoulders sag a bit, tension forcing its way out of him. You lean down to continue your kisses down the vertical line marking his abdomen, your hands lightly following in your wake.
He says your name painfully, like he’s begging you to stop. You’ll give him partial reprieve, taking his hands in yours and kissing his scarred knuckles. It’s his instinct to push affection away, you know that, but you also know that he needs it. That’s why he doesn’t stop you now—he knows he needs it—it’s just a lot for him all at once, emotionally. Which is why he gives no warning before he picks you up by your thighs and pulls you close. 
He’s got you a full head higher than him and he uses the difference to hide his face in your neck. Sometimes he feels like that’s the only place he can go. He maneuvers you around so your back is pressed up against the wall as you hold each other tight.
You stay in there like that until the water runs cold, and then some. You have to nudge him a bit into setting you back down then, but he does, letting you collect and wrap the both of you in towels. The second the water turns off you can hear the cackling through the walls. 
As you return to the bedroom, he only bothers to pull on a pair of boxers before collapsing his weight onto the mattress. The lack of layers won’t help him any, but you know why he did it.
He can’t always look after himself the way he should—he disregards his own needs and has trouble even thinking of what could help him. You’ve developed a mind for it though—for him—and you know that being exposed and vulnerable like this isn’t going to help him calm down. He prefers being covered up when he’s stressed, it gives him more security, you think.
You open up the dresser and dig through for his most comfortable hoodie and sweatpants. He takes them from you, but he looks remiss at the thought of exerting anymore energy right now, so you help him tug on the clothes, successfully blocking out the now icy air from the AC. 
Once he’s fully clothed he pulls you forward to sit on his lap. You stumble a bit on the way but he compensates by holding you very tight, not giving your body any option to fall. His grip on you tells you that he’s not concerned with you getting dressed too, which you’re perfectly willing to oblige.
You have to force him to let you break away a little bit so you can reach over to the nightstand and grab your phone and earbuds.
“Movie or music?”
He doesn’t say anything, only nods his head once at the end of your sentence. You take that to mean music and open up your playlist on your phone, handing him the headphones.
There’s a harsh spike in the hysterics outside, mixed with what sounds like screams, and it has Jason flinching hard. You think you can see tears welled in his eyes as he fumbles to get the headphones in his ears. He takes the phone from you and picks the first song he sees and turns the volume up, up, up.
You shift yourself around so that you’re laying back against the pillows, giving him room to lay down over your legs, wrapping his arms around your waist with a firm grip. You pull the hood up over his head, but keep your hands woven underneath, threading through his hair. 
His cheek mushes against your bare stomach, and with the way he’s laying, you’re sure the earbuds are digging uncomfortably into his ear. He makes no effort to move in any case. You can hear the song playing word for word, and while the noise exposure concerns you, if there was ever a time to let it go, it would be now.
You’re both wrapped up nicely in the blankets and you can only see the tip of his nose and a few strands of ivory hair strewn past his forehead. Despite all the snug layers, he shakes a bit under your touch.
He falls asleep before the problem outside gets wrapped up, and you turn down the music. Not all the way, just enough that he can rest in peace. 
After a while the giggles die down and aside from a few first responder sirens, things get quiet again. About twenty minutes later, Nightwing ducks in through your window and scares the hell out of you. The interaction does not, however, wake Jason up, which is how you know tonight took a very heavy toll on him.
Even though the lights aren’t on in your bedroom you slide down from the pillows a bit more and let the blanket and Jason drown your chest out from visibility.
Nightwing gives you a silent, if not awkward, wave and scans over Jason. Even in the dark can see the worry in his eyes. He looks back up at you and throws up a questioning thumbs up with a tilt of his head.
You nod and he nods back slowly as he takes one more look at his brother before hopping out the window.
You peer down at Jason and brush his curls back gently. His hold on you tightens just a bit as he turns in his sleep.
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reblog or get out seriously
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velvetcrimsonkisses · 3 months
Playing a game with Sukuna
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“Sukuna..” You call out, the old wood floor creaking under your every step. Walking through the house felt like a different realm. Sukuna’s realm.
The air is thick with an oppressive silence. The beast nowhere to be seen in the total darkness. The unsettling creaks of heavy footsteps run through the house. You can sense him, but you can’t see him.
“Sukuna… this isn’t funny anymore,” You call out again, your voice echoes in the old house.
Each step sounds like a warning. You were about to be caught.
The corridor seems to grow narrower as your mind begins to spiral. The walls begin to feel like they’re closing in, as a chill runs down your spine. You feel those eyes on you. Tracking your every movement as you hastily make your way back to the room where the “game” started. Where he should’ve been. Where he should be.
You quickly open the door and like you presumed. He wasn’t there.
You hurriedly try to find the restraints he was in. Discarded on the floor you pick them up. Your face contorts to the image of disgust when you realize there’s slobber all over them.
“What an animal, he bit thru them…” You mumble under your breath, throwing the rope back on the floor.
You decide to head back out the room. Once again feeling the presence of unseen eyes watching you, just waiting to strike.
Sharp fingernails run up your back, digging into your skin, a mix of pain and thrill take over your body. Red eyes glowing with a sinister light, fixating on you with an unnerving intensity. He finally got you.
Sukuna is like an apex predator. He liked to work for his prey. He loved lurking in the shadows of the house, his eyes filled with a malevolent intensity that always made you freeze. Not in fear but with desire. There’s no sane explanation why you both enjoyed this, not that you'd ever admit it to him. Maybe it's the way his fangs glistened in hunger for you, or how every muscle on his body ripples with power and precision, or his aura dominating every environment.
You know he would never actually hurt you, and if he did it wouldn’t last very long…
“I told you to run…” he questions with a low, menacing growl as he appears behind you. Three large arms capture you, the fourth wrapping around your neck. “Those pretty legs don’t take you far…” He mumbles, lips pressed right to your ear.
“I wasn’t trying to run..” He loosens the grip on your neck as you speak, pressing eager kisses to your neck and jawline. “I was trying to find you.”
“Were you now?” a menacing grin spreads across his face, one of his vast hands trails down your stomach, sliding under the waistband of your shorts. You close your eyes at the ticklish feeling.
“That scent…” he bites into your neck. “Your arousal smells divine,” He grunts, his nails trace your entrance.
He slides one finger in, focusing on the small bundle of nerves that he knows makes you crumble under his touch. Still using two hands to hold your body up, he begins rubbing it in small circles, spreading your slick all through your folds. An amused smile paints his face, as he finally enters a digit into you.
Long and thick fingers pump deep inside you. Fingers that are no match for the human body but, here you were taking them so well. Just for him. He plunges his fingers deeper, curling them to hit that sweet spot inside you. He stares at the beautiful faces you make as you take him. Wishing he could freeze them forever. Sukuna never thought he could derive such pleasure from pleasuring someone else but here was. With his sweet mortal that he swears he doesn’t care about.
“I can feel you tightening around my fingers,” he chuckles darkly, his red eyes glinting with a sadistic pleasure. “Make more of those pathetic noises,” he commands you, digging his nails deeper into your hot skin.
The pleasure is almost unbearable, tears start to form in your eyes, threatening to fall down your red cheeks. Sukuna notices the tears and you can almost see the satisfaction on his face. He finds pleasure in making you cry, and you knew this. Feeling his cocks get hard behind you, poking into your back which results in you arching against his body.
His eyes darken with desire, eager for your orgasm. He feels you clench his fingers tighter. “Close are you now?” he teases, picking up his pace. Moving faster, harder, and deeper inside you. His thumb grazing over your clit with just enough pressure to drive you crazy. “Fall apart for me, I got you.”
And you do. Finally reaching your orgasm, he holds your body up and you let it wash over you. He continues rubbing your clit, allowing you to enjoy the full effect of it until you’re a trembling mess beneath him. You watch him lick his fingers clean of your essence as you try to catch your breath. He finally removes his arms from around you slowly, ready to catch you if you stumble.
“Go hide again…”
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 month
Big Bed IV
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Sometimes you just need the Big Bed
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It was a rough game.
Against a team like France, the games are always tough. They're ranked so highly and they play so skilfully and they run circles around most teams.
Their shots come in rapid fire, one after the other and it's like they're playing with multiple balls because the pressure keeps piling up and up and up.
A corner is where it all goes wrong for you.
One of your midfielders conceded it, a young girl that you're pretty sure plays for Häcken who had to kick the ball out after your defence was caught off guard.
France swing it in.
You can't get a good grip on it, not with all the jostling and pushing in your box but you manage to punch it away.
There's a leg already up though, a dangerously high leg with a knee that cracks into your eye.
The pain is instantaneous and you groan.
Your eyes swells shut quickly. You can already tell a bruise is forming.
It's a straight red card.
No leg should be high enough that the knee is what connects with someone. There should be no high legs regardless but the fact that it's the knee that hits you instead of the foot is pretty dangerous play and the player gets sent off.
You get taken off too. You can barely see out of your other eye. You're no use to the team right now.
You give the armband over to your vice-captain and follow the medics out to get treatment.
You don't have a concussion which is good but you have to sit there with an icepack on your face to make the swelling go down.
"You look rough," Magda says, tilting your head to one side when you come home that night.
This was the last match of your Euro Qualifiers and, honestly, it hadn't really meant much.
Sweden were already through so it's not like your absence from today's match was make or break for the team.
It's nice to be home though even if you still feel a bit unsettled.
You don't know if it's because of your eye or just plain exhaustion but you feel a little out of your skin, like you're sitting at the dinner table but not at the same time.
You're hyper-aware of every part of your body and your stomach swirls uneasily.
But you can push that feeling away, at least for a little while. At least while you eat with your mothers.
It's a good time, mostly. Good food. Good conversation. Good company.
You think you've made yourself feel better, pushing away this fleeting feeling of anxiousness.
It comes back though, like it always does. It creeps up on you like a phantom, waiting until you're alone to pounce.
You stare up at your ceiling.
It's dark out and, even though you took some painkillers, you can swear that you feel your eye throb.
You toss and turn for what feels like hours, unable to settle yourself.
The last time you felt like this, you were at home with Talia. She'd held you and whispered sweet nothings in your ear, a supportive body against yours as you both waited for the feeling to fade.
You feel dangerously unmoored, like you're a boat that's been pushed out to sea with no sails and no oars. You just drift into the darkness as your stomach swirls uneasily.
You sigh, pulling yourself from bed and shoving down the covers.
It's a short walk across the hall to your mothers but your hand freezes on the door handle, suddenly worried that they'll kick you out for doing this.
Your hand hovers, clenching and unclenching around the smooth metal before you close your eyes, resting your head on the door.
You push the door open, slipping inside.
It creaks slightly and Pernille rolls over in bed, voice still rough with sleep.
"Princesse? Is that you?"
"Is something wrong?"
"I..er...I mean no but..." You sigh. "I don't know. Can I sleep in here tonight?"
Even in her sleep addled mind, Pernille can't make much sense of why. "In here?"
"I can sleep on the floor," You say quickly," I just...I don't know. Can I?"
"Don't be stupid," Magda says, awoken by the noise and blunt as ever," You're not sleeping on the floor." She pats the spot between her and Pernille. "Get in."
"Are you sure?"
"Get in. The bed's big enough for all of us."
"I feel like a kid again."
"You are a kid. You're our kid. Get in bed."
It's the best sleep you've had in weeks.
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nouverx · 7 months
A very specific idea/scenario I have about Alastor's sleeping habits
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He barely even sleeps in the first place. He sleeps like only a few hours a week, in one go. He locks himself up in his room once a week, sleeps for 4 hours straight and that's it. And since he doesn't sleep much, each time he does he falls into a deep slumber and it's absolutely impossible to wake him up he's straight up passed out until he gets fully recharged.
He does this because the idea of being in a vulnerable position where anyone could do anything to him while he's completely defenseless is too unsettling for him, so he sleeps as little as he can and always makes sure he's locked up first, away from everyone else's eyes.
HOWEVER, one time he's playing cards with the rest of the hotel, and because he got unconsciously so comfortable around them, he accidently falls asleep on the couch during the game. Everyone is shocked because they didn't even know he actually needed to sleep (they always hear him walk around the hotel humming at night like an absolute creep so they just all collectively assumed he didn't need to sleep).
Charlie panicks a little because nothing seems to wake him up, but he's still breathing and seems fine, eventually they all just let him sleep there and keep on going with their card games since the noise doesn't seem to bother him. Charlie even put a blanket on him, and Angel initially wants to draw something on his face as a prank but in the end everyone agrees not to try anything like this, because who knows how the radio demon would react,,, could be dangerous.
A few hours later Alastor finally wakes up, immediately understands what happened and plays it cool like "Oh dear, looks like I passed out, too bad I couldn't finish the game :) oopsie" but internally he's SCREAMING
EDIT: greykolla was faster than me and made a comic about it it's so so good 😭 crying
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michaela-o · 2 months
Random things i think Cybertronians would find adorable about humans ~♡
1. Humans getting spooked by random loud noises because humans are naturally very jumpy about loud noises
you're sitting over at Swerve's bar, just chatting, having your drink on the counter Swerve let you sit on, because your makeshift little table and chair are work in progress. Suddenly some bot decides to honk their horn near you which makes you yelp and jump (like cats when they get scared of cucumber) which makes you almost spilling the drink as you were about to take a sip.
The whole bar stops and laughs at you. You just look at the bot who did it with the most unimpressed look ever (ㅍ_ㅍ)
2. Watching you stretch yourself because Cybertroniams aren't as flexible as humans
3. Sleeping
this may sound a bit creepy but from what i saw Cybertroniams sleep very eerily still and almost never move when they're in recharge because they're very vulnerable when doing so. So i think when they have their first sleepover with a human and they happen to fall asleep sooner and they start to either sleep walk or sleep talk (which fun fact, i do a lot ( -᷄ ᎑ -᷅ ) ) the bots would look in utter confusion like- "ya all don't stay still?? How???" I think Cybertronians would also find cute how groggy humans are when they wake up and them needing proper time to load into the world around them. Oh god and wait till they hear about the weird ass dreams humans can have or humans trying to explain déjà vu to a bot💀
(makes me think of Sunder being frustrated bc he wouldn't be able to get into a human's brain😝)
4. Physical Clumsiness
The occasional clumsiness and lack of precision in human movements. I think a lot of bots would find this very amusing to occasionaly watch since Cybertronias are typically more coordinated and precise in their actions. Like imagine bot walking with a human who let's say just woke up earlier to a meeting and are slowly walking around occasionaly hitting themeselves or their arm with a corner of a wall because their sleepy processor didn't calculate the trajectory good enough. I think they would find this rather adorable (๑´>᎑<)
5. Emotional Reactions
Yes i think humans are way more sensitive than Cybertronians are. Human's exaggerated emotional reactions to minor events, like getting overly excited about a sports game or being deeply upset by a small mishap, could be seen as amusingly disproportionate. Like imagine you drop your favourite mug on the floor and it breaks as much as your heart in that moment. You walk around the ship super sad, like a kicked puppy, and the bots can almost feel the sadness dripping off of you so they ask: "Hey uh- you okay?"
And then you proceed to explain that you broke your favourite mug and that you'll never find a mug similar to your favourite one. The bot stares like ಠ_ಠ. Oh so that's the reason? Okay so apparently humans don't pack bond with only random things that are alive but even with things that aren't.
6. The uncanny valley effect
I think bots would find rather fascinating how human brain responds to this phenomenon. Like- the human brain can feel that something is off and can't be fooled. Imagine holoforms in Cybertronians. Like yeah they can look very appealing but only up to a certain point which when that point is reached it tickles that one part of the human brain which tells us "na-a-ah something ain't right"
At one point they wanted to wtiness this in real life so some bots (Percy, Brainstorm) made a set up of holoforms and real looking hologram of humans and waited for you to figure out which unsettles you the most. They were surprised that you were 100% accurate in this and that you were able to tell which one are holoforms and which aren't.
7. Expressions of Wonder
the awe and wonder in the human eyes when we are encountering something new or beautiful, such as a breathtaking landscape or a technological marvel. I think Cybertronians would find this pretty adorable, very innocent and reflective of our curious nature.
8. Human Fragility
I think the most popular one. The general physical fragility of humans, along with our tendency to bandage minor injuries or get flustered over small pains, might be viewed as cutely vulnerable for many Cybertronians.
Feel free to add anything you'd like !!😄🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Snow Lands On Top (Pt. 2) || Coriolanus Snow X Reader || Smut
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Outline: It’s the first round of the presidential elections and Coriolanus Snow’s results aren’t as good as he hoped. Fortunately, you’re there to give him an outlet for his frustration.
Word count: 3’081
Warnings: pregnancy (TTC), marriage of convenience, very explicit ROUGH smut.
Author’s note: I wrote this as a second part to There Will Come A Ruler, since a few people asked for it. I also wanted to thank you all for all the love I received since I started posting on this page a few days ago, it means the world to me! Still blows my mind that so many people bothered reading what I wrote! ♡
(( Part 1 - There Will Come A Ruler )) - (( Part 3 - Insatiable )) - (( Part 4 - The Bitter Taste Of My Fury ))
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It only was your second time stepping inside the tall skyscraper that hosted your husband’s office - and headquarters. When the elevator doors opened in front of you, you instantly felt trapped, probably because the lobby was more crowded than what you expected. Even if something inside you was screaming for you to turn around and run the other way instead of losing yourself in this den of vipers, you had no choice but to do what duty required of you. You plastered a smile on your face, the one too bright and too joyful to let how miserable you really felt show, and entered the crowd, recognizing some familiar faces and greeting strangers pretending you also knew who they were. If they had been invited today to Coriolanus’s office, it meant they were important to him so you had to consider them as important to you as well.
“Hippity hoppity, there you are, little dove.” A voice sounded behind you. You heard it as clear as day despite the ambiant noise all around you, and a cold shiver ran down your spine. You turned to face who it belonged too, smiling even brighter to conceal the uneasiness you always felt around such an eccentric character.
“Volumnia Gaul, it’s good to see you again.”
“It’s been too long. But I suppose you’ve been quite busy trying to fulfill your duties.” She said, throwing a knowing glance down to your stomach.
“Of course, there’s never a dull moment since I became Coriolanus’ wife.” You smiled, in yet another attempt to conceal your lies. You had been miserable and bored during most of the year you’ve been married, and although you were good at acting by now, the way Dr Gaul stared at you made you feel like she was seeing right through you.
“You should bring her to the front, people need to see you together.” She said, looking up to someone behind you.
You felt him before seeing him, his hand finding the small of your back and his tall frame appearing next to you, your shoulder brushing against his side. You lifted your gaze up to look at your husband, but he didn’t look down at you, focusing his attention on his mentor instead, the only thing letting you know that he had noticed you was his hand pressed against your lower back.
“Of course.” He agreed, with a nod. Dr Gaul’s eyes landed on you once more, something unsettling in the way she suddenly stared at you.
“My offer to examine her still stands, if you want me to run a few tests on her and figure out why you haven’t conceived yet.”
Your blood went cold. Everybody knew how deranged Volumnia Gaul could sometimes be, she was as cruel as she was extravagant and it only seemed to get worse the older she got. She had left her place as the head gamemaker of the Hunger Games to Coriolanus and had retired from her scientific career, but she still ran bizarre experiments in her lab, for her own enjoyment… And you definitely didn’t want to be one of them.
“It won’t be necessary.” Your husband assured her, allowing you to breathe again with relief. “It’s not her fault but mine, I’ve been too busy with the games and my campaign to properly invest time into expanding our family.”
Dr Gaul was about to reply something but was cut off by the sound of the television increasing in the speakers. Coriolanus guided you in front of the large window in his office’s lobby, as everyone seemed to step out of your path.
He was smiling, handsome as ever in his dark red suit and you smiled too, pressing yourself closer to him when you noticed the cameras filming you from across the room. It must have been a perfect picture to showcase to the entire nation, a seemingly loving couple standing in front of the nicest view of the Capitol, surrounded by all their supporters as the reporters on TV were about to announce the winner of this round of the elections.
All eyes were on the television as the results appeared on the screen. You held your breath, waiting for Coriolanus’ percentage to go up but it only did a brief jump and then stopped, largely losing to his opponents. You turned to look at him, waiting for a reaction, and so did everyone else present in the room.
True to himself, he held his head high, standing even straighter as he remained stoic, not a single change of the expression on his face to betray his disappointment. But, even if you couldn’t say that you knew your husband that well, you still knew that he must have been crushed by such a bad result. He had worked so hard for this, put up such a show for the people and so did you, his defeat felt like your own.
It startled you when you felt his fingers digging into the tender flesh of your hip. He was tense, you could feel it , but he was still smiling at the crowd, gracious in defeat. He even spoke a few words, only disturbed for a brief second when he noticed the cameras packing up instead of transmitting his speech, the viewers probably more interested in hearing what the victors of this round had to say rather than listen to your husband.
Coriolanus kept his tight grip on you, as if holding you was the only thing that could keep him from snapping. Some of his supporters came to him to offer him some words of encouragement in replacement of congratulations and he handled each conversation with polite manners.
“At least if you don’t win, we get to keep you as head gamermaker.” One lady said, trying to highlight the good in the situation but Coriolanus only gave her a tight smile in return.
“I’m sorry it didn’t work out but maybe it just shows you’re better at working on the Games, they’ve been delightful to watch ever since you took over.”
“At least if you don’t have to keep campaigning you can focus your efforts on the next Hunger Games and come up with a show even better than last year’s !”
The very reason of his bad ranking at the election kept being thrown to his face, people simply preferred him as a game maker, so that they could be sure to be entertained by Coriolanus’ genius ideas to make the show an annual event rather than see him becoming president and be bored in front of their television once a year. The other thing that didn’t work out for him, as you understood, was the fact that he didn’t seem as relatable to the people since he didn’t have a family to care for and protect while his opponent, Festus Creed, already had three kids with his wife Persephone. Maybe they loved each other…
Once people were done offering their sympathy, you felt Coriolanus’ warm hand leave you, your skin a bit sore from the intensity of his previous grip on you. He rushed through the crowd, even ignoring a man who tried to address him and went to his office, shutting the door behind him.
Nobody seemed to notice, nor care, that your husband had felt the need to isolate himself but you did for some reason. Maybe it was because you knew how hard it was to keep smiling and nodding at everyone when deep down you just wanted to scream and run away. In the crowd, you met Dr Gaul’s gaze who had also noticed, watching you with careful attention, as if she was waiting to judge the way you’d react.
So of course, you smiled. At her. At everyone.
You followed the same path as he did, stopping by the man who had attempted to speak to him so that he could speak to you instead and maybe ease off his vexation at being ignored by your husband. As hard as it may be to keep going once the facade of perfection crumpled, it was necessary - now even more than before - to make sure all his allies continued supporting him.
Once he seemed satisfied by the small talk you shared, you kept moving, trying to seem as relaxed and detached as you could, until you had the opportunity to slip inside the office, mostly unnoticed by the crowd still mingling in the lobby.
“Coriolanus, I…” You started but stopped yourself when you noticed all the files scattered on the ground. Your husband was leaning over his desk, his back turned to you and you could see him breathing deeply and rapidly, his shoulders moving up and down with tension.
Suddenly, he threw the remaining of what was on his desk down, with one long motion. More files flew up in the air before landing on the ground, a glass container of pens and pencils broke on the wooden floor and shattered to pieces, flying off in every direction like a tiny bomb explosion. His desk light also tumbled to the floor, making a noise you were sure others had heard too.
You had the instinct to take a step back, your hand finding the knob again in order to retreat far away from his wrath... But, when he buried his face in his hands, he suddenly felt a lot less threatening and a lot more vulnerable, making you decide to stay.
“You might have lost this time but maybe it’ll work out next time.” You told him, softly. You wanted to comfort him, as had everyone else already, but the way he dropped his hands and looked at you with a dark glare made you question your decision.
“Always so positive.”He stated, bitterly, as if he was disgusted by your hopefulness. It wasn’t often that you got to see him without a charming smile on his face and a confident posture, in fact, it was the very first time you had been able to read him so easily, his emotions on display exactly as he was feeling them.
“It’s just one set back, for now they think you are too young, too good at your job, but maybe you’ll be elected next time. Maybe it’ll be in ten years. Maybe in thirty. But you will be president.” He shook his head, a cynical smirk on his lips.
“What makes you so sure ?”
“… Because Snow lands on top.”
His eyes darkened and he launched himself at you, crossing the path between the two of you in rapid strides so that he could capture your lips in a ferocious kiss. It left you breathless for a moment, the way his mouth was covering yours with feverish kisses, his arms around your waist to pull your body against his.
It was your second real kiss. Only the second one since you considered that your marriage had been sealed not with a kiss but with a signature at the bottom of a contract.
You pressed your forehead to his, trying to create some distance between you so that you could catch your breath and attempt to have a coherent thought about what was happening but he didn’t let you, giving you one last consuming kiss before his fingers tangled with your ponytail and he pulled, hard enough to force you to your knees in front of him.
You kneeled, looking up with expectant eyes. It was his way of showing you what he needed. He wanted to be revered, to get rebels to bend the knee in front of him, to be worshiped and relived from the anger and frustration he always locked up inside himself, with no way of letting them out.
You reached for his pants, swiftly undoing them with your eyes never leaving his pale blue ones, staring at you with a silent wrath still setting his gaze ablaze. He tugged on your hair again, forcing your chin up so that he could touch your face with his other hand, forcing a thumb passed your lips. He attentively watched you as you opened up your mouth to take it in, gently sucking before releasing it with a soft bite.
You saw him smile at your compliance, even though it was ended by a bold gesture. You were the perfect mix of obedient and fiery to make him lose his mind, and you both knew it.
He reached down to the pants you had opened for him, pulling his already hard erection. You resisted the urge to look at it, remembering how big it had felt in your hand and inside you, worried that his size might change your mind about giving him what he wanted. Instead, you kept your eyes fixed to his as you opened your mouth wide, ready to welcoming him there.
His tip glided on your tongue, his length not even entirely filling your mouth when you felt it hit the back of your throat. He shuddered with pleasure, a soft curse leaving his lips, followed by the sound of your name.
You felt a jolt of electricity in your body, a strange pride warming you up at the thought of pleasing him. You ran your tongue over his tip, tasting the saltiness that was already dripping from him in anticipation of his release. He cursed again and his hand moved to the back of your head, holding you firmly in place as he began thrusting back and forth.
You tried to relax your jaw and breathe through your nose as his hard length slid on your tongue, but when his movements increased in speed and in strength, you felt him reaching deeper down your throat and you couldn’t help but gag, tears welling in your eyes in consequence. But, even though he was still very carefully looking at you, watching the way he was fucking your mouth without mercy, he didn’t stop or slow down, only attempting to have an even firmer grip on you.
Another curse word fell from his lips, betraying how close he was to finding relief but, instead of shooting his load on your tongue as you were expecting him to, he rapidly pulled himself out of your mouth, heavily panting in front of you.
You used this opportunity to catch your own breath and wipe the mascara stains under your eyes, feeling the soreness of your lips caused by the unforgiving friction he had created.
“Get up.” He demanded, which made you realize he had let go of your hair. You obeyed without hesitation, even taking a step closer to be in his reach again. He immediately took advantage of the proximity, roughly pulling your dress up above your hips and bringing his hand to your center, pulling your panties aside so that he could run a finger across your soaked folds. A satisfied grin appeared on his face, as he removed his hand and brought his finger to his lips, tasting you with a hungry gaze.
You felt your whole body buzzing with excitement, your eyes following the path of his tongue as he licked his lips, seemingly enjoying what he had just tasted. You were so ready for him, you would have begged if he asked you but he didn’t. In fact, he didn’t ask for anything, he just took whatever he wanted, the way he wanted… And at this very moment, you couldn’t have been more okay with it.
His hands came to your bare hips and flipped you over so that your back was turned to him. Then, he pushed on your lower back, silently instructing you to bend over for him, which you did.
“Hold on tight.” He advised, his voice low with lust. You looked for something to do so but only found a tall bookshelf in front of you. You still gripped the sides of it, knowing it wouldn’t help you that much but you could already feel him pulling your panties to the side again.
Without a warning, he shoved himself inside you and you welcomed him, your wetness allowing him to slide all the way in with his first thrust. You bite your lip to avoid letting out a moan, very aware of the noise and chatter still coming from right behind his office door.
He completely pulled out before slamming inside you again, burying himself as deep as he could and you loudly gasped. He adjusted your position with a hand on each of your hips, gripping you so hard it was almost painful but you understood why once he repeated his action, thrusting so hard you would have lost your balance if he wasn’t helping stabilize you.
“Come on, let me hear the lovely sounds you can make.” He requested, mercilessly repeating the same movement.
“I can’t… They’ll all hear us…” You panted, a strangled moan catching in your throat when he hit deep, exactly where you needed him to.
“Good, I want them to know I’m fucking my wife.” He breathed, clearly enjoying himself too. “Show them you are mine.”
You felt dizzy at his words. Or maybe it was from the intense pleasure building up at your core. A few more of his rough thrusts and you came undone, loudly expressing your bliss as he released himself deep inside you. You both stayed connected for a moment to catch your breath until he pulled out, adjusting your panties and pulling your dress back down before taking care of putting his spent erection away.
You turned around to face him, meeting his gaze and noticing how his eyes had softened, like they had been drained of all the emotions he kept hidden behind them at all times, a clean slate to endure the rest of the evening.
To your surprise, he leaned over to kiss you. Not with hunger this time but with a tenderness you didn’t expect, like he was grateful you had been there for him.
“Was I too rough with you ?” He asked you, in a whisper, almost as if he was ashamed to say it out loud.
“Yes.” You nodded, appreciating the concern that immediately appeared on his face but you reassured him with a smile. “And I absolutely loved it.”
He smiled back, looking at you like he was seeing you in a new light. You weren’t strangers anymore and, for the first time, you were both starting to think that your marriage wasn’t such a fatality after all.
(( More ))
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meazalykov · 20 days
so so kind
lea schuller (platonic) x lena oberdorf (romantic) x reader
summary: your jealousy blinded you from the support you had all along
warnings: jealousy, injury
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the weight of the match against wolfsburg hangs heavy on your shoulders as you step onto the pitch, the red and green spreaded across the crowd gives you motivation. 
normally, the energy from the german stands fuels you, pushes you to play harder, faster. 
but today, the noise fades into a distant hum, overshadowed by the anxiety gnawing at the edges of your mind. 
you’ve played for bayern munich frauen for a while now. it's been four years since you left arsenal as an eighteen year old, hoping to find something new outside of your childhood club. 
every time you wore a bayern kit, you felt right at home. 
but today feels different—unsettling.
lena, your girlfriend, isn’t on the field with you. her mcl and acl injuries wil her on the sidelines for nearly the entire season, and the absence of her steady presence beside you has left a void. 
ever since she transferred from wolfsburg to be closer to you, her girlfriend of three years, you were excited to have her as a teammate. a little too excited. 
when she got injured during the national break before the olympics, your heart broke for her. she is the last person to deserve that robbery.
but still, it’s more than just missing her support; it’s the knowledge that she’s out there somewhere, watching, unable to join you, unable to share the intensity of the game and having to watch instead. 
lena likes watching games, but she hates watching when she knows that she should be out there. you feel the same for her. 
as you take your position in midfield, your eyes involuntarily search for lena on the bench. she’s sitting there, her leg propped up, her gaze fixed on the pitch with a look of hope. hoping that bayern will win– you don’t think that you’ll get used to that look, considering that lena was your rival for years. 
your heart aches seeing her like this, sidelined when you know how badly she wants to be out there. 
but before you can dwell on it, you catch sight of lea standing nearby, sitting beside your taller girlfriend and laughing at something lena said. 
lea didn’t start this match, so she sat comfortably on the bench planning to watch the first half before being subbed on in the second. 
lea’s always there, isn’t she? always so close to lena, so touchy and affectionate in a way that feels foreign to you. 
it’s not that you don’t trust lena—you do, more than anything. but the friendship between lena and lea has always made you uncomfortable, even though you know it’s irrational and stupid of you to feel.
a few weeks ago, it was a casual evening at giulia’s after a long day of training. everyone was relaxed, laughing, and enjoying the moment.
 but as you stood by the kitchen, pouring yourself a drink as sydney begged for you to try a pastry that she made, you couldn’t help but notice lena and lea across the room. they were sitting close together on the couch, lena’s arm draped casually over lea’s shoulders as they talked, their heads bent close in conversation. 
they were smiling, laughing at some private joke, completely at ease in each other’s company. lea smiled brightly as lena suddenly bursted out in laughter at something. 
the sight of them like that, so comfortable and familiar with each other, sent a very sharp ache through your chest. you felt a knot form in your stomach, a mix of jealousy and insecurity tightening around your heart. suddeny, sydney’s pastry wasn’t important or on your mind. 
you knew it was irrational—lea was lena’s best friend, nothing more—but that didn’t stop the doubts from creeping in, from making you question your place in lena’s life.
you tried to shake it off, and tried to focus on sydney again, but the image of them together wouldn’t leave your mind. it felt like a dark cloud had settled over you, dulling the joy of the sunny evening. 
you forced a smile when sydney turned around from the oven and handed you the brownie in a pink napkin, pretending everything was fine, but you could feel your mood slipping, the heaviness settling in your chest as you chewed on the chocolate dessert.
too busy staring at your girlfriend and her best friend, you didn’t notice some of your closest teammates, georgia and sam, coming to sit next to you on the kitchen island. 
georgia and sam had always been perceptive when it came to your feelings. they followed your gaze to lena and lea, then looked back at you, their eyes softening with understanding.
“y/n,” sam said quietly, her voice low enough that only you could hear, “you okay?”
you nodded quickly, not trusting your voice to stay steady. 
“yeah, i’m fine,” you replied, but even you could hear the unconvincing tone in your voice. 
“come on, we can see something’s bothering you. what’s up?” georgia raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. she gently nudged your shoulder. 
you sighed, knowing there was no point in trying to hide it from them. 
“it’s just–” you couldn’t say, but instead nodded toward lena and lea. 
sam expressed an “ohh” facial expression, while georgia nodded her head. 
“i know they’re just friends, but sometimes i can’t help but feel… i don’t know– jealous? i don’t know.” 
georgia and sam followed your gaze again, watching lena and lea for a moment before turning back to you. 
“i get it,” sam kerr said softly. “but you have nothing to worry about. lena’s crazy about you, everyone who knows her can see that. and lea? she’s known lena since they played at essen. they’re close, sure, but they don’t have feelings for eachother– if i knew or suspected that i would tell you. you’re the one lena’s in love with.”
sam’s words were comforting, but the ache in your chest didn’t fully ease. “i know that,” you whispered, more to yourself than to georgia and sam. 
“it’s just hard sometimes, seeing them so affectionate like that.”
“trust me, y/n. lena’s yours, and she wouldn’t trade what you two have for anything. see– she's looking at you right now.” georgia says. 
you look over at lena and she smiles at you, waving and happy seeing you in conversation with georgia and sam– she doesn’t know what you’re talking about though. all you do is give a light smile before lena turned away to talk to tuva, who sits by lea and lena. 
“thanks, georgia and sam. you guys don’t understand how much i needed to hear that” you nodded, giving a light smile at them as you swallowed the lump in your throat. 
“anytime,” sam replied with a smile, then nudged you playfully. 
“i would suggest talking to them about it.” georgia adds on. 
“i can’t– lena’s gonna think i am a jealous insecure freak and will leave me. i can push it down, don’t worry.” you ramble. 
“don’t. that's how resentment starts. don’t be mad at me, but i think that is happening now.” georgia said with concern. 
at this point, sam gave a sympathetic smile before walking away– being called by klara in another room to check out something. 
“you think so?” you ask. 
“yes, you need to talk to them as soon as you can. now come on, let’s get back to the fun. no more people watching.”
you managed a small smile, letting her words sink in as you tried to push the insecurities aside. it worked, temporarily. 
back to the pitch– the whistle blows, signaling the start of the match, and you push everything else aside, focusing on the game. you will not let their moment affect yours here. if your mistakes from that cost you a loss for bayern, you’d risk your starting spot next game. 
for a while, you’re lost in the rhythm of the game, your focus sharp, your movements precise. you channel all your energy into the match, letting the intensity of the game distract you from everything else. the ball at your feet, the opposition pressing, the cheers from the bayern crowd—it’s all that matters in this moment.
you dribble around a few defenders in green before shooting the ball. you put your hands up when the ball reaches the back of the net– goal!
everyone gathered around you for a hug. you smiles in joy before jogging back to your spot. 
lena smiles at you and puts her hands up in her heart. you stop jogging, now walking, and put your hands up into a heart as well. a camera captures you putting up an “L” with one hand and your other hand making an “O”.. fans will obsess over this later. 
after halftime, you’re on the pitch when lea comes on. you didn’t show any emotion, hoping that lea makes an impact like she usually does on the pitch. you’ll give her that– she is a damn good striker. 
after wolfsburg conceded a corner kick, you stood by the back post. 
the ball is kicked by giulia and you unplant your feet– thinking of going for a header. 
the ball soaring through the air toward you. you leap up, determined to make the play, but lynn from wolfsburg shoves you mid-air.
it’s a hard, intentional shove, and you’re caught off balance. 
time seems to slow as you lose control, your body twisting awkwardly in the air. you crash into the goalpost with a sickening thud, pain exploding in your head, the metal reverberating as you flop onto the ground. 
the world goes blurry, and the sounds around you fade into a muffled haze. you’re vaguely aware of hitting the ground, of voices shouting around you, but everything is distant, as if you’re underwater or in a cave far from society.
nobody noticed at first, since the ball was kicked into the goal by lea. she didn’t care to celebrate when she noticed your injury. 
you were barely moving, which freaked her out internally. 
a voice cuts through the fog in your head—lea’s voice. she’s there, crouched beside you, her hands on your shoulder, her face pale– just like yours– but with worry. 
“stay with me, y/n. stay awake,” she’s saying in german, her voice shaking slightly. 
you try to focus on her, but it’s hard, everything spinning and out of focus. you catch a glimpse of her wide, panicked eyes, her grip on your hand tight, almost desperate, as if she can keep you tethered to consciousness by sheer will.
the weak hand of yours touches lea, signaling that you have no energy to talk. that knock fron lynn took all of the wind out of you. it was rough, the yellow from the referee proved that. 
you’re dimly aware of the medics rushing over, of being lifted onto a stretcher, but all you can think about is how lea is holding your hand, refusing to let go until she’s forced to step back. her concern, her fear, is palpable, and it cuts through the haze of pain and confusion. 
it’s a stark contrast to the distance you’ve been trying to maintain, a reminder that maybe, just maybe, you’ve misjudged her and her intentions with your girlfriend all along.
later, when the dizziness has faded and you’re back in the locker room with an ice pack on your head, guilt gnaws at your gut. 
lea didn’t have to help you—she could have stayed on the sidelines since you wanted distance from her, but she didn’t. she was there for you, just like she’s always there for lena. and that’s when it hits you: lea has never hated you. she wasn’t trying to steal lena away from you. you’ve been so blinded by your own insecurity that you couldn’t see it. you’ve let your fears create a wedge between you and lea, and it’s been unfair to both her and lena.
you know what you have to do. so, after the match, you ask lea to your house. she would probably be there anyways, since it you and lena’s shared home in the bavarian countryside.  
luckily, lena had a doctor’s appointment at bayern– so she had to stay behind and encouraged you to go home since you’re tired from the match. 
it’s awkward at first with lea, the two of you sitting across from each other in the cozy living room, the tension thick in the air. 
you internally freak out when you realize that you’ve never had a real conversation with her before, not like this. now, the words feel heavy on your tongue. 
you take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. the silence in the room feels heavy, almost suffocating. you’re sitting across from lea, her eyes steady and patient, waiting for you to speak. 
this conversation is long overdue, but it’s hard to find the right words. finally, you break the silence.
“lea, i– i need to be honest with you about something,” you begin, your voice wavering slightly. 
“i’ve been carrying these thoughts around for a while, and i think it’s time i finally tell you– or rather ask you.”
lea’s expression is gentle, her gaze encouraging. “you can tell, or ask me anything, y/n.”
“do you like lena?” you ask, your eyebrow knitted together as lea’s face fills with confusion. 
“as my best friend, yes, anything more– i don’t.” lea answers, not trying to show that she is nervous about the upcoming conversation. 
“it’s about… about how i’ve been feeling lately. about you and lena. i know it sounds silly, and i’m trying to work through it, but—”   you pause, struggling to find the right words. 
“seeing you two together, so close, affectionate and so comfortable, it stirs up this weird knot inside me. i keep thinking, what if one day, lena decides she doesn’t need me anymore? what if she doesn’t love me anymore? what if she… decides she’d rather be with you?”
lea’s eyes widen slightly, and she opens her mouth to speak, but you hold up a hand to stop her. you need to get this out, to lay everything bare.
“i know it’s irrational,” you continue, your voice cracking. “i know you’re her best friend and that there’s nothing more between you two. but every time i see you two together, laughing and being so affectionate, it feels like a reminder that i might not be enough. it’s like there’s this part of me that’s afraid lena might see something in you that she doesn’t see in me. and that thought… it terrifies me. i don’t want to be fooled, if there are feelings between the both of you– just tell me and i’ll get out of the way.”
you look down at your hands, unable to meet lea’s gaze. the vulnerability of your confession makes you feel exposed, raw.
“i’ve been pushing you away because of these feelings, and i know it’s not fair to you. i thought that if i kept my distance, i wouldn’t have to deal with these insecurities. but the truth is, i’ve let it affect my relationship with lena, and with you– and it’s not right.”
lea’s silence stretches on for a moment, and you’re not sure what she’s thinking. when she finally speaks, her voice is soft but firm. 
“y/n, i had no idea you felt this way. i’m really sorry if i’ve contributed to those feelings. but i want you to know that lena and i have known each other for years, and yes, we’re close, but that’s all it is—a close friendship. our friendship doesn’t change the fact that lena loves you. she’s never looked at me in that way, and she’s never given me any indication that she wants anything more than what we have as friends.”
you glance up, meeting her gaze. there’s sincerity in her eyes, and it’s a comfort. “but you’re right,” lea continues. 
“i’ve seen how much lena loves you. it’s obvious to everyone around us. i care about lena deeply, and because of that, i care about you too. i’ve always wanted us to get along, but i didn’t know how to close the distance between us.”
“i’ve been so caught up in my own fears that i didn’t see things clearly. i’m sorry for the way i’ve treated you.” you swallow hard, trying to process her words. 
lea reaches out, placing a comforting arm over your shoulder. “i’m glad that you found a point to start talking about your feelings now. i want us to be friends, y/n, and i want to support you and lena, not be a source of conflict.”
your heart warms as you listen to her. “thank you, lea. it means a lot to hear that from you.” 
lea smiles, a warm and understanding smile. “there is no problem, i promise. we both care about lena, and that’s something we have in common. we can use that as a way to become close.” 
you nod, feeling a sense of relief and clarity that you haven’t felt in a long time. “yeah, i’d like that. thank you for being so understanding.”
“anytime,” lea says with a reassuring nod. “now, there is just one thing—” 
your heart sunk, afraid of what lea might say. 
“you have to talk to lena now about this.” lea says, firmly. 
“i will.” you swallow.
when lea leaves your home, you feel lighter. 
just a couple of minutes later, lena comes through the door. relieved seeing you resting on the couch. 
you and lena are curled up on the couch in your shared apartment, the room dimly lit by the soft glow of a lamp. darker from when lea was there. the day has been long, and the tension between you has only recently begun to ease after your conversation with lea. 
"are you okay? I saw that hit you took from lynn earlier, is there anything you need?" lena asks, rubbing your head.
she hated that she could only stand and watch as the medics surrounded you earlier. she was glad that you had lea, sydney, pernille, and georgia watching over you.
lena’s presence beside you feels comforting, then it feels the same as it did before your conversation with the blonde german. what if lena doesn’t react so kindly? 
your girlfriend isn’t mean, so you take a deep breath, preparing to share your feelings with her.
"I am okay--- but lena,” you start, your voice quiet but steady. 
“i need to talk to you about something that’s been on my mind.”
lena looks at you, her expression soft and attentive as she plays with the hair in your ponytail. “what’s on your mind, love?”
you hesitate for a moment, then continue, “it’s about you and lea. i talked to her earlier and for a while i’ve been struggling with how close you two are. it’s not that i don’t trust you or anything—it’s just— i’ve felt this knot of jealousy and insecurity whenever i see you two together. i know it’s irrational because you;ve been friends with her since even before we knew each other, but seeing you so close with her, it makes me wonder if there’s something i’m missing.”
lena’s eyes widen with concern, and she reaches out to gently brush a strand of hair from your face that fell out of your ponytail. 
“y/n,” she says softly, her voice full of warmth. “you’ve been feeling this way? i had no idea.”
you nod, trying to hold back tears. 
“i’ve been pushing myself to stay calm and rational, but it’s been hard. i guess i just needed to hear it from you. i need to know how you really feel about lea and why you two are so close.”
lena pulls you closer, wrapping her arms around you in a comforting embrace. 
“lea and i have been friends for a long time, longer than you and i have been together. she’s like a sister to me. we’ve shared so many experiences, and that bond is deep and meaningful, its not going anywhere. but that doesn’t change how much i love you.”
you rest your head on her shoulder, feeling the warmth of her body against yours. 
“i understand that, but sometimes it feels like i’m competing with that bond. it makes me question if there’s a place for me in your life where i’m not overshadowed by your bond with her.”
lena kisses the top of your head, cheek, and nose– her touch tender and reassuring. 
“you’re not competing with anyone, y/n. my friendship with lea is important, it doesn’t come close to what i have with you. my love for you is different—it’s deeper and more significant. our relationship is something i cherish and prioritize above all.”
you close your eyes, letting her words sink in. “i needed to hear that. thank you for being so understanding. it’s just hard sometimes, seeing how easily you connect with her. maybe i didn’t understand because i’ve never had a close bond with a friend like you do with lea”
lena pulls back slightly to look into your eyes, her gaze intense and filled with sincerity. 
“i want you to know that my connection with lea is like that of family. it’s a bond that’s been built over years, and it’s special, but it’s not a reflection of how i feel about you. there’s no comparison. my love for you is above anything else– ever since i met you”
the taller girl takes your hair out of your ponytail gently– your hair falls down from the hair tie and she runs her fingers gently through your hair, her touch soothing. 
“if you ever feel uncertain or insecure, please talk to me. i want us to be open with each other. and remember, you’re my priority. nothing and no one will ever change that.”
you nod, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. “i will. i just needed to know where i stand with you.”
lena smiles, her eyes warm and loving. “well you aren’t  standing now– but you’re sitting right here, with me. and that’s exactly where we belong.”
you lean in for a kiss, feeling the connection between you deepen. the reassurance and physical affection from lena makes you feel grounded and loved.
authors note: wrote this on vacay but had to fix a ton of it since it was originally on my phone LMAO
my master list is here if you want to read more fics <3
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transform4u · 5 days
My boyfriend is super turned on by the idea of me turning straight. I don't get it but it's his fantasy.
Is there any way you can do that while letting me still be close to him? Like making sure I'm not homophobic when I turn and I can be his best friend at least?
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As the night settled in and you and your boyfriend lounged on the couch, a cozy vibe had enveloped the apartment. You were deeply immersed in Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, your laughter mingling. The comfort of the couch and the warmth of the moment made it all feel perfect—until the sudden, inexplicable noise shattered the tranquility.
A loud, jarring snaaaaaaaaapppp reverberated through the apartment, and the TV screen flickered with an unsettling intensity. In an instant, the show was replaced by a chaotic football game. The teams were a blur of color and motion, their logos unrecognizable as they dashed across the screen. You and your bofriend exchanged a look of utter bewilderment. Confusion danced in your eyes as you both instinctively reached for the remote.
But before you could even touch it, a searing heat shot through your hand. A wave of pain rippled through your entire body, spreading out like wildfire. As the pain intensified, your bodies began to change in ways that defied logic. You felt your legs part involuntarily, the couch seemed to shrink beneath you.
Your once lean and lithe form burgeoned, and you felt yourself growing taller, your muscles swelling like they were pumped full of adrenaline and gym-bagged protein powder. Each inch added to your height brought with it a new layer of muscle—biceps that now rivaled grapefruits, a chest like an impenetrable fortress, and abs that could slice through steel. Your shoulders were so broad they could serve as landing strips for small aircraft. Your face, framed by a sunburn that spoke of endless days in the sun, was marked by a square jawline that could cut glass, and your cocky smirk seemed permanently etched into your features. Your eyes squinted with the kind of intensity only found in those who have lived on a diet of pre-workout and relentless gym sessions.
Beside you, your bro-friend underwent a similar metamorphosis. His transformation was nothing short of Michelangelo’s finest sculpting after a bender of keg stands. His triceps flexed on their own, a testament to his relentless dedication. His quads could have doubled as life rafts, and his torso was a living mountain range, displaying a V-taper so extreme it could have been photoshopped. His face, perpetually adorned with a rugged five o'clock shadow, spoke of late nights and unending revelry. His bloodshot eyes glinted with the anticipation of the next party, and when he grinned—a sight to behold—his white teeth gleamed brilliantly against his tanned skin, an impressive display of someone who’s lived for the sun and the fun. Dumb chuckles bubbled up from within as the football game continued to rage on, the absurdity of the situation only fueling your laughter. You flexed your massive biceps involuntarily, your abs rippling as you shifted on the couch, while your bro did the same, his massive shoulders rolling with every motion. You leaned back into the couch, the heat of the moment blending with the heat radiating from your muscular frames. The game played on, but all you and your bro could do was laugh, marveling at the incredible absurdity of it all.
With a roar of glee, you raise your fist high in the air, colliding with your boyfriend's in a resounding smack that echoes through your aparment "That's right, suck it!" you cheer as the Jets score another touchdown. The entire room quakes from the force of your exuberant high five.
All around you, the once spotless apartment descends into utter chaos - empty beer bottles topple off the shelves, porno magazine covers fly everywhere, pizza boxes accordion out in every direction as the floor shifts underfoot. The pristine couch creaks ominously as it's subjected to a relentless pounding from your giant new bodies. Duct tape peels off the walls, clothes tear as muscles bulge obscenely. The pungent aroma of collegeboy sweat mingles with Axe and Doritos and beer.
A sudden buzz reverberates through your enhanced hearing - your phone. Fishing the device out of the gym bag that used to be your backpack, you swipe open the text message from Misty. She sends a photo accompanied by the simple caption: "miss u 2nite ;)" You show the picture to your brother-in-arms, grinning widely as you bring the screen closer to his face. "Does she have like, a sister or something?" He raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow, glancing back down at the image. "Bro! That would be sick!"
You let out a snort of laughter as memories of your wildest one-night stand with Misty flash through your mind. That night still haunts you in the best way - the taste of her sweet cherry lipstick smeared across your face, the sounds of her whorish moans filling your ears as you pounded into her tight little holes, the feeling of her nails raking down your back leaving red welts in their wake. She rode your cock like she was possessed, bouncing on it wildly until she threw her head back with a silent scream, tits swinging as you bottomed out inside her over and over again until you both collapsed into a sweaty heap. "Bro…" you say lowly, voice rough with lust, "you gotta see this chick."
Before your bro can respond, a primal hunger rises up inside you as you imagine sinking your teeth into Misty's soft neck while she screams in ecstasy. Your dick immediately begins stirring to life in your tiny gym shorts, straining painfully against the fabric. Adjusting yourself with one massive hand, you give yourself a firm squeeze and groan at the pressure building inside. "God damn…just thinking about fucking that slutty little bitch turns me on," you mutter, rubbing the bulge in your shorts as your brother chuckles beside you.
Memories flood your mind of days as the most notorious frat boys on campus brings back a flood of memories - late nights filled with cheap beer, stale pizza, and even cheaper women willing to spread their legs for a few dollars and a bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon. You and your bro-in-arms were the epitome of frat house antics, constantly scheming up new ways to get girls drunk on Natty Light and show them a good time.
Whether it was streaking through the quad at midnight, attempting to "flash" the girls walking by, or having a keg stand contest in the dining hall that ended with your bro launching a full Red Cup straight at the RA's head, there was no stunt too wild or stupid for the two of you. The campus police were always on your tail, but you were always three steps ahead. By day you were up to no good, pranking dorm mates and setting off alarms. By night, you were the kings of the party scene, ruling over the dance floor like alpha males. Girls wanted to be seen with you and your bro, even if they didn't always stick around for breakfast.
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149 notes · View notes
Ghost | Noah Sebastian One Shot
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
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Y/N had always loved playing video games. She got settled into her gaming chair and readjusted the round glasses perched on her nose before tossed her hair up into a messy bun. She opened Steam on her computer and got the game she downloaded ready.
Her room was organized chaos. Her bed was unmade in the background in front of walls lined with framed vinyls of her favorite bands and a ‘Bad Omens’ flag covered her window as a makeshift curtain. 
An empty Starbucks cup sat next to her Stanley water bottle on her desk from her writing session that morning.
She was an author by trade, with one of her more recent books sneaking its way onto the New York Times Best Sellers list. So streaming gave her an outlet to connect with fans of the book who were eagerly waiting to see what she published next. But she also enjoyed the thrill of gaming. 
So every Wednesday and Friday night, she’d set up her Twitch stream, ready to chat with her followers while she worked on her newest story on her computer or let them watch as she tried to conquer a new game. 
Tonight was Friday night, which meant Game Night! She adjusted her headset and looked into the camera with a grin. 
"Hey, guys! Welcome back! Since we finished Hollow Souls in the last game night stream, we’re starting a new one requested in the Patreon called Nervous System. I downloaded it earlier today and I can’t wait to get started. So, grab your snacks and get comfy!” 
As the game loaded, Y/N glanced at the chat window. The usual usernames flashed by, but one stood out: TwitchGhost. 
“Hey, Ghost! Is this one of the games you’ve played or is this a new one?” She asked, her tone playful.
TwitchGhost: This one is new to me.
Ghost had popped up in one of her streams a few months ago when she was playing through the new Call of Duty storyline and had since become a regular viewer. She began to look forward to his comments almost as much as she looked forward to playing. 
Week after week her chat box was filled with Ghost’s banter and witty interactions with her and her other followers. He even started to watch her regular streams where she would chat with fans and answer questions while working on the draft of her next book.
As the game loaded and the eerie music of Nervous System filled the room, Y/N noticed Ghost’s usual cheeky messages lighting up the chat.
TwitchGhost: I’m ready for some jumpscares!
Y/N chuckled and adjusted her headset. “Yeah, I heard this game is supposed to be pretty intense. I’m excited to see how we’ll do.”
She clicked to start a new game, and the screen transitioned to a dimly lit hallway with flickering lights. The graphics were stunningly detailed, adding an extra layer of immersion. Y/N began exploring, moving through the unsettling environment and commenting on the game’s eerie atmosphere.
The chat was buzzing with excitement as the game’s tension built. Her followers were actively engaging, offering their own tips and sharing their favorite horror games. Ghost’s messages stood out, though. His comments were always well-timed, blending humor with insightful observations about the game.
TwitchGhost: I love how the game is making the mundane so creepy. The lights and music are driving me insane.
Y/N grinned, glancing over at the chat. “I know, right? It’s amazing how a simple light can make everything feel so unsettling. You’re going to help me out if I get stuck, right?”
TwitchGhost: Absolutely! I’ve got your back. Just don’t let the creepy noises get to you.
The game took a sudden turn as a loud crash echoed through the virtual hallway, making Y/N jump slightly. 
“Fucking Hell!” She yelled. 
She laughed nervously and played along with the chat’s reactions. 
“I’m definitely going to need that backup. This game is already getting under my skin.”
TwitchGhost: If you need someone to hold your hand during the scary parts, I’m only a message away.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, her grin widening. 
“Oh, is that so? I’ll have to keep that in mind.” 
The chat exploded with playful and teasing comments from other viewers reacting to their playful flirting. Y/N continued navigating through the game, her focus occasionally shifting to Ghost’s messages.
As she progressed through the game, Y/N found herself getting more engrossed at one point in the gameplay, her tongue peaking out of the side of her mouth in concentration. 
A short but loud alarm suddenly sounded causing her to jump and clutch at her chest. 
A message stating TwitchGhost played KEM Alarm for 0 bits popped up on the screen. 
It was one of the sound bits that she had added to the list when she was still playing COD and had never gotten around to removing it. 
“Fuck you Ghost!” She yelled after pausing the game to calm her racing heartbeat. 
TwitchGhost: 👀😏😈
“Behave.” She said, shaking her head with a smile. 
TwitchGhost: JK. 😉
TwitchGhost: You are doing pretty well with the jumpscares though. They’re my least favorite part of these games. 
Y/N’s cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment. She replied with a playful tone, “Well, thank you! I’d say you’re pretty good at keeping the chat entertained too. Maybe we make a pretty good team?”
TwitchGhost: I like the sound of that. Maybe we should test that theory sometime—on or off stream.
With that the chat went wild with one user even commenting, “I ship it!” 
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at the suggestion and her smile grew wider as she continued to play the game.
She took a deep breath and responded, “You’re quite the charmer, aren’t you? I’ll have to consider it. For now, I need to survive this game.”
Just as they were about to uncover a major plot twist in the game, Ghost dropped a message that stood out from his usual playful banter.
TwitchGhost: Have you ever thought about adding a horror element to one of your books? You seem to handle the scares pretty well!
Y/N’s eyes widened slightly as she read the message. She paused the game and looked directly into the camera. 
“You know, I haven’t really thought about that. But that’s a really good idea. Maybe mixing some horror elements into a future story could be really interesting. Thanks for the suggestion!”
The chat exploded with excitement, many viewers expressing their enthusiasm for the idea. Y/N smiled, feeling inspired by the unexpected suggestion. She turned her attention back to the game, ready to dive into the next part of the story with renewed energy.
TwitchGhost: Anytime. Looking forward to reading it. 
Another notication popped up - TwitchGhost sent you a friend request
She paused for a moment before eventually hitting the accept button.
Suddenly a direct message box opened.
TwitchGhost: Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to help you brainstorm over a cup of coffee sometime?
Y/N’s heart raced at the thought. She gave a teasing smile to the camera before typing:
Y/NUserName: Maybe. 
The rest of the stream flew by in a blur with Y/N accomplishing the first five objective missions before deciding to call it a night. The stream had left her both exhilarated and exhausted. She closed the game and thanked her viewers for joining her.
“Thanks so much for hanging out tonight! You guys made this game night unforgettable. And Ghost, your suggestion about incorporating horror into my writing might just spark my next big idea. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes!”
She glanced at the chat one last time and saw Ghost’s final message.
TwitchGhost: Looking forward to it. Until next time.
With a contented sigh, Y/N closed her laptop and started to tidy up her desk. 
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A few weeks passed and Ghost had been noticeably absent from the chat. 
Another Wednesday had rolled around and Y/N had finished up a full day of meetings with her management and publisher about the press tour for her next book, Michael. It was the first in her new Fallen Angels series and was due to be released at the end of the summer. 
It was completely different from her first book, Ace of Spades. Michael, was titled after the Archangel Michael and was more fantasy based while Ace of Spades was a gritty underground crime romance novel. 
She logged into twitch and the “Stream Starting Soon” graphic appears on the screen going live to her followers. She pulls up her manuscript for the new book she was starting, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the screen. Depending on how busy the chat was tonight she had planned on working on it. When she was ready she switched to the live view. 
“Hey, everyone! Welcome back to the stream. Tonight, we’re swapping out the gaming for some writing and a little Q and A session. I’m diving into outlining a new story and also wanted to let you know a little more about my next release and the series it will be a part of.” She stated.
The chat blew up with excitement and questions about the new series. 
“Okay, the next book is titled Michael and it will be the first in a seven book series called The Fallen Angel series. It will be a fantasy series of sorts and each of the books will be named after one of the seven archangels.” She excitedly answered. “I just finalized plans for the release with my team today and I am happy to announce that it is due to come out at the end of August.” 
She watched as a steady stream of happy and excited replies popped into the chat box on the edge of the screen at the news. 
She let the users chat with each other about the announcement for a bit and started working on the outline of her next story Nightmares. Which popped into her head not long after the stream where Ghost suggested she incorporate horror into one of her books.
She glanced over to take a peek at the chat and noticed someone had used 500 channel points to highlight their message. 
“Oh, that's a good question. Trickster24 asked what was my inspiration for Carter in Ace of Spades was.” She said, before adjusting her headset and looking directly into the camera. 
“So, Carter was inspired by a mix of classic noir heroes and a bit of real-life charm. I took some cues from those figures you would see in old detective films. But there’s also a touch of some famous personas in there as well in an overall aesthetic sense. It really helped shape Carter into a more nuanced character.” 
The chat continued to buzz with interest with viewers dropping comments about who they pictured as Carter when they read the book. 
GoldenGoddess45: Who did you envision as Carter when you were writing the book?
“So…when writing Ace of Spades, I honestly envisioned Carter as someone who looks similar to the lead vocalist of one of my favorite rock bands called Bad Omens.” She began, “If you guys aren’t familiar with them you should definitely check them out.” 
The chat fills with more questions, but her attention is drawn to a familiar username. 
TwitchGhost: Carter sounds like someone I’d love to have a coffee with. How about you? Do you think Carter would enjoy a coffee date?
The comment makes her laugh. 
“Welcome back Ghost! I’ve missed seeing your name in the chat,” She started, “I could definitely see Carter frequenting a little dimly lit cafe. And knowing him, he’d definitely be the type to keep the conversation interesting. What about you, Ghost? Are you as mysterious as Carter?”
TwitchGhost: I like to think I have a few secrets up my sleeve. 😉
She grins at the response and how the chat proceeded to blow up at the continuation of their flirty banter. She almost struggles to keep up with the steady stream of questions and responses flowing into the chat.
After a while one pops up about the outline for the new story that she mentioned. 
“Oh yeah, I’ll give you guys a little hint about what I’m working on. I got some inspiration from one of Ghost’s comments actually during a previous stream. I’m not going to announce the title just yet, but I will say it will be more of a horror based dark romance story compared to my other works. I'm in the very early outlining stages though so I am looking forward to seeing where it goes.” 
TwitchGhost: Glad you liked the idea! I’ll be first in line to read it. 😉
Y/N felt a flutter of excitement at Ghost’s message, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. She glanced at the clock. Her stream had been going for close to two hours, and she still had a lot of work to do on her outline.
“Alright, everyone, I think we’re going to start wrapping things up soon. But before we go, I want to thank you all for your awesome questions. I love how engaged and creative this community is. It really makes this whole process so much fun!”
The chat exploded with thank-yous and goodbyes as her viewers began to sign off. She glanced back at Ghost’s messages, his usual witty banter making her smile.
A new direct message pops up.
TwitchGhost: Sorry for missing so many streams. I hope you’ve been keeping things interesting without me. 😉
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at the message. She typed back, trying to match his flirtatious tone. 
Y/NUserName: Oh, you know I always keep things lively. But it’s been a bit dull without your witty comments. How have you been?
TwitchGhost: Busy, had to travel for work and time zones got in the way of tuning in. You’ve been on my mind more than I’d like to admit. 😏
She felt a rush of warmth at his words. 
Y/NUserName: Well, aren’t you a charmer? I’ve missed our little banter. It definitely adds a spark to the stream.
TwitchGhost: Just doing my part to keep things exciting. Speaking of which, I’ve been dying to know—how’s the new book coming along?
Y/N’s smile widened, feeling a thrill at his compliment.
Y/NUserName: The new book is shaping up nicely, thanks for asking. I might even incorporate a bit of the intrigue you bring to our chats into it.
TwitchGhost: I’m flattered. Can’t wait to see how you bring a touch of me into your work. Maybe you’ll make a character who’s just as irresistible as you. 😉
Y/N’s cheeks flushed at his flirty remark. 
Y/NUserName: Well, if I do, I’ll have to make sure they have your charm. I think that’s a winning formula.
TwitchGhost: I’m all for it. And who knows? Maybe your characters will end up stealing more than just my heart.
Y/N’s heart raced at his bold comment. 
Y/NUserName: You’re quite the tease, Ghost. I’ll have to keep that in mind while I’m writing. For now, though, I’m glad you’re back. It wouldn’t be the same without you.
TwitchGhost: Glad to be back. I’ve missed our little moments. I’ll try not to stay away too long next time. 😉
Y/N responded with a flirtatious grin. 
Y/NUserName: I’ll hold you to that. 
She leaned back in her chair and stretched, feeling a mix of relief and exhilaration. She turned off her computer and added a few ideas inspired by their playful exchange to her outline. 
As she wrote, she couldn’t stop thinking about the chemistry she felt with Ghost. She had no clue who he was, but he had quickly become one of her favorite parts of streaming, and the thought of possibly meeting him one day was both thrilling and intriguing.
She quickly finished up her notes and decided to call it a night. As she settled into bed, her phone buzzed. She picked it up to find another message from Ghost.
TwitchGhost: Can’t wait to see where this story leads. Sweet dreams, Y/N. 😘
Y/N smiled and quickly typed back, her fingers dancing over the screen.
Y/NUserName: Goodnight, Ghost. 
She set her phone down, turned off the bedside lamp, and snuggled under the covers. As she drifted off to sleep, her thoughts swirled with the possibilities that awaited both in her writing and her streaming.
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A few weeks later, Y/N received an unexpected surprise. Bad Omens had announced their next tour and her manager, Andy, had secured a spot for them both on the guest list for the date in the city a couple hours from her hometown. She not only got to see her favorite band live, but she would get the chance to meet them after the show. 
She excitedly announced the news to her followers on the next stream.
“Hey everyone!” Y/N’s excitement was palpable as she spoke into the camera. “I’ve got some super exciting news to share! I don’t know what my manager did, but I’m going to see Bad Omens next month! Not only that, but I’ll also get to meet them after the show. I’m over the freakin moon right now!”
The chat exploded with enthusiasm, her followers sharing in her excitement and asking if she would be able to get any exclusive behind-the-scenes content. Y/N promised to do her best to share the experience and make everyone feel like they were part of it.
As Y/N wrapped up her stream, she noticed a new direct message notification from Ghost. Her heart raced with anticipation as she opened it.
TwitchGhost: Bad Omens, huh? That’s incredible! I’m jealous. Have you ever met them before?
Y/N couldn’t help but smile, her excitement bubbling up again.
Y/NUserName: I’ve never met them before. This will be my first time! I’m so excited I can barely contain myself.
TwitchGhost: I bet you’re going to have an amazing time. I’m curious, though—what would you say to them if you had the chance?
Y/N’s fingers flew over the keyboard as she typed her reply, her thoughts racing with the possibility of meeting the band.
Y/NUserName: I’d probably gush about how much their music has meant to me. And if I were feeling brave, I might even mention that I have a crush on their lead singer. 😉
TwitchGhost: Haha, that’s a bold move! I’m sure they’d appreciate hearing how much their music means to you. That lead singer would be a lucky guy. 😉
Y/N felt a flush of warmth at Ghost’s words, her thoughts wandering to the idea of meeting the mysterious person behind the messages that had become such a cherished part of her life.
Y/NUserName: Well it probably wouldn’t work out anyway. I kinda already have someone else who’s been keeping me on my toes. 
TwitchGhost: Oh? Celebrity crush has some competition then? Anyone I know? 😏
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at his playful inquiry.
Y/NUserName: Maybe…
Y/NUserName: I need to get back to writing now. But I’ll let you know how everything goes. 
TwitchGhost: Can’t wait to hear all about it. Good luck with the writing, and remember, if you need any more inspiration, you know where to find me. 😉
Y/NUserName: Thanks, Ghost. I’ll keep that in mind. Talk to you soon!
TwitchGhost: Goodnight, Y/N!
Y/N closed her laptop and set her phone aside, her mind buzzing with excitement about the upcoming concert and the prospect of meeting her favorite band.
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As the next few weeks passed, Y/N eagerly counted down the days until the show. She had tried to busy herself with writing Nightmares and unfortunately had to deal with finalizing all of the not so fun logistics of her upcoming book release, but the thought of seeing her favorite band live kept her spirits high.
The night of the concert finally arrived and the excitement was palpable as Y/N and Andy arrived at the venue. They received their passes from the ticket window and were guided inside by a staff member. As they grabbed a spot at the barricade, Y/N was recognized by a few of the fans who were already inside as part of their VIP pass access. She spent the next hour chatting with a few of them about the band and telling them what she could about her new books. 
The lights dimmed and the crowd's anticipation grew palpable as the guitarist, Jolly, walked on stage and the opening notes of Artificial Suicide began to reverberate through the venue. Y/N’s excitement was almost tangible, her eyes glued to the stage as the band’s electrifying performance unfolded. Her and Andy both sang along to each and every verse at the top of their lungs. The music was everything she had hoped for and more. 
As the last few notes of Dethrone echoed across the room an hour and a half later and the final bows were completed, they let the crowd disperse a little before they navigated their way to the side of the barricade. They showed their passes to Ash, the band’s head of security, before he allowed them backstage with a friendly smile. 
The adrenaline from the concert was still coursing through Y/N’s veins as they eventually met with the band’s tour manager, Matt, who introduced himself. 
“The guys are cooling off and getting changed really quick. If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you ladies outside to where they’ll be hanging out while we tear down and finish up loadout.” He said leading them to a makeshift sitting area the band had put together outside their bus earlier in the day. 
After a few minutes the band members slowly but surely made their way outside, each introducing themself as they found a seat and fell into easy conversation with the two of them. 
The lead singer, Noah, was the last to emerge. He wore an oversized merch hoodie, a pair of joggers, and slides. Despite being comfortably dressed, his striking presence was undeniable.
“Hi, I’m Y/N?” She introduced herself, holding out her hand. 
Noah’s smile broadened as he stepped closer and took her hand in his.
“Oh, he knows who you are…” Jolly teased from where he sat at one of the picnic tables. 
She turned to look at him before looking back at Noah with a confused look. 
The tall man chuckled in response, before rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. 
“Eh, well, I had to make sure my favorite author enjoyed seeing her favorite band. And, I couldn’t miss the chance to meet the person behind the screen. I mean I am still holding out hope for that coffee date…”
Y/N’s eyes widened as she took in his presence, a mix of shock and delight washing over her. 
“You’re Ghost?!” 
“Guilty as charged,” Noah said with a wink. “I guess I managed to keep my two worlds separate for a while. But I couldn't resist. I wanted to see you. actually, I’ve been wanting to for a while.”
Y/N felt her cheeks flush as she took in his words. “Well, you definitely pulled off an incredible surprise. I never would have guessed.”
Noah’s gaze softened as he took a step closer. “I wanted to see if you’d react the way you just did. And I’m glad I did.”
They continued to chat, and Y/N found herself falling deeper into conversation with Noah. It felt surprisingly natural, almost like she had known him for a while. They talked about music, books, and even the quirky things that had happened during her streams.
As their conversation flowed effortlessly, Y/N noticed how Noah’s eyes seemed to sparkle with genuine interest. It was as if he was completely absorbed in the discussion, and she felt a magnetic connection.
Eventually, the band’s crew finished loading out and a few of them started to talk about wanting to go out before the bus call at 2am. 
“Hey, do you have any plans after this?”
Y/N shook her head. 
“Not really. Why?”
Noah’s smile widened. 
“Well, if you’re up for it, I’d love to maybe take you out for that coffee. There’s a café nearby that’s open late.”
Y/N’s heart raced. She glanced around and Andy gave her a knowing look, mouthing “GO!”. 
Her eyes met Noah’s, and she could see the sincerity in his expression.
“I’d like that,” she replied softly.
They walked together to the café, and as they settled into a corner table, the conversation continued seamlessly. They talked about everything from their childhood memories to their dreams and even their fears. The more they talked, the more Y/N felt an undeniable connection.
As the night wore on, Noah’s gaze lingered on Y/N with an intensity that made her heart flutter. Their laughter and shared stories created an intimate atmosphere.
On the walk back to the venue, Noah paused and reached out, taking Y/N’s hand gently into his. 
“I have to admit, I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you tonight.” 
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. She looked into Noah’s eyes, her feelings mirrored in his gaze. 
“I feel the same way.”
“I’d really like to keep getting to know you and see where all this goes, if that's okay with you?” He questioned, stepping closer. 
“I’d like that.” She answered, glancing up at him. 
He smiled down at her, his eyes briefly drifting toward her lips and back. 
Slowly, Noah stepped even closer and he cupped Y/N’s face in his hand, his touch sending a warm shiver through her. 
He leaned forward and their lips met in an electrifying kiss. It was gentle at first, but as the moment deepened, their kiss became more passionate. The connection they felt was palpable, and it seemed to solidify everything they had shared that night.
When they finally pulled away, their faces were flushed, and they both wore wide, contented smiles.
“I’m really glad you came tonight,” Noah said softly, his thumb brushing lightly over Y/N’s hand.
“Me too,” Y/N replied, her heart full. “This has been one of the best nights of my life.”
As they walked side by side, Y/N couldn’t help but think about how surreal and wonderful this evening had been. Not only had she met her favorite band, but she had also found her Ghost. 
With an exchange of phone numbers and the promise of staying in touch they went their separate ways. But not before Noah leaned in for one last, lingering kiss, making Y/N’s heart skip a beat.
The night had turned into something extraordinary. An unexpected but perfect blend of their separate worlds colliding into something beautiful. 
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
SSR Idia Shroud - Tsumsitter Vignette
"A Moment with Idiatsum I"
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[Main Street]
―Idia and Vil, immediately after encountering their look-alike tsums…
Vil: Honestly, what a handful they are… Idia, we must capture those tsums.
Idia: Eeh…!? Wh-why do I have to go with you…?
Vil: Are you content with having those peanuts outfox us? Quickly, now!
Idia: Urrgh, why is this happening to me…? I shouldn't've gone outside…
[Idia and Vil start searching]
Idia: Not like we even know where the tsums ran off too…
Vil: Oh! I found a tsum! Idia, help me capture it.
Idia: Eep…! As you wish…!
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Vil: Good thing we were able to capture it fairly quickly. Be good, now, peanut.
Idia: Can't believe we found it posing under a lamp light… Fuheehee, Vil-shi, your tsum's real silly~
Vil: And do you think you have any time to be prattling away, still? Hurry and find your tsum already.
Vil: I'll be heading off to the Headmage's office now.
Idia: HUH!? Why…?
Vil: Well, why not? There's no reason for me to stay here longer than I need to.
Idia: B-But…! I came in as reinforcements to capture your tsum!
Vil: All you did was follow many paces behind me. So, goodbye.
Idia: W-Wait, wait, wait a moment! We just took our eyes off the tsums for a sec and they vanished, right!?
Idia: That means their speed stats are way too OP! There's no way I can catch them with my own weak skill set…
Vil: I understand what you're trying to say, but… It would just be a waste of my time to go searching for it without any plan.
Idia: I-I think I can guess where Tsum-shi would be… And I have a strat forming.
Vil: What are you thinking?
Idia: J-Just hear me out.
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[Interior Hallway]
Vil: If this tsum takes after the introverted Idia, of course it would run indoors… Makes perfect sense.
Vil: Now it comes down to whether your ace strategy will succeed…
Idia: And, here we go. Pretty good for something I just slapped together with what I had on hand.
Vil: All you did was lean a basket on a vertical stick and laid a tablet underneath it. What's "pretty good" about it?
Vil: And the tablet is just playing some weird music on loop. What an eerie noise.
Idia: Huh? You seriously doesn't get how good this BGM is? This is why I just can't with normies…
Vil: You're planning to lure the tsum here with this music, yes? We should go hide ourselves in the shadows now.
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[Idia's tsum follows the sound to the tablet]
Idia: Ah…
Vil: I can't believe it actually appeared…
Idia: Perf, it's checking out the tablet. Now all I have to do is pull the string attached to the string, and…
Idia: It's under the basket!
[the tsum starts running frantically]
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Idia: Wait, it's trying to run away even with the basket over it! Vil-shi, help!
Vil: Fine. You owe me for this, Idia.
[the tsum continues running]
[the tsum slows and finally stops]
Vil: …Oh, it stopped running. Perhaps it's accepted defeat.
Idia: I-I bet… It's just out of energy. It's kind of unsettling to see that it lacks stamina like me, too...
Vil: Well, at least your plan worked. Now then, we should hurry on to the Headmage's office.
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: Whew~ …Finally got to escape. I can't deal being stuck in the Headmage's office with that many people.
Idia: But still…
Idia: Tsum-shi, you've just been trying to avoid looking at anything, huh. …I mean, I definitely get it, tho.
Idia: I'm just as uncomfortable as you, you know… Didn't think the day would come that I'd let anyone else other than Ortho in here.
Idia: I guess if you're really like me, then you won't try to go outside anytime soon, so… Just gotta chill for now.
Idia: Think I'll just jump back into grinding in my online game to get outta this funk. 'Specially since we're in the middle of a EXP UP event.
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Idia: Ugh, I fell asleep in the middle of my game again… Oh, it's 4:00 already. Gotta snag my login bonuses.
Idia: Hmm, where's my tablet? …Huh? I swear I threw it on my bed when I got back to my room…
Idia: More importantly, what's with this cardboard box? It's just sitting in the middle of my room, getting in my way…
Idia: EEK!? The box moved on its own!?
Idia: Oh… I think I see what's happening… But I think I'll take a peek inside just in case.
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[Idiatsum is under the box playing with the tablet]
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Idia: Yuup, that was a given. So, Tsum-shi, what 're you doing with my tablet…?
Idia: …You're just re-rolling tutorial banners in some game??
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"A Moment with Idiatsum II"
[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: I showed it Premo merch, and the computer I built myself… Even showed it a ton of my other prized stuff…
Idia: But after all that, it got mad over MMORPG class roles. I'm so over this Tsum-shi.
Idia: Ugggh~ I was dumb, thinkin' I could take care of it myself. I'm not gonna do anything for it anymore.
Ortho: But you have to, the Headmage gave it to you to look after.
Idia: It'll be fine on its own. Or what, you wanna look after it?
Ortho: Hmmm, I don't really mind, but… I have to get going to my Film Research Club after this.
Idia: Eh!? You're heading out!?
Ortho: It'll be alright! I'm sure you and the tsum'll patch things up! See you later!
Idia: Be safe…
[Ortho leaves]
[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: Ortho left… And now I'm stuck all alone with Tsum-shi, even though we're not getting along… THIS SUCKS!!!
Idia: Ughhh, I don't want to deal with it anymore, but I gotta at least get my tablet back from it…
Idia: U-Um… Think you could give my tablet back anytime soon?
Idia: Eeep!? N-Nevermind…
Idia: Wait, why am I backing off, anyway? That's my tablet, isn’t it?
[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: At this rate, I'll lose my consecutive login streak… I have to get that tablet back somehow!
Idia: What can I do to grab its attention…? I've already shown every Premo thing I have, and my custom build computer…
Idia: What else would catch my eye…? Ah! I got it.
Idia: …Cool. Let's get it done.
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[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: Hey, Tsum-shi~ can I bug you for a sec?
[Idiatsum gives Idia a grumpy stare]
Idia: It's still cranky, huh. Hey, come on, I'm the one that wants to be upset here… No, wait, I mean…
Idia: I made something pretty cool for you, Tsum-shi.
Idia: Think of it as a peace offering… This is for you.
[Idiatsum perks up]
Idia: Ohoo~ Do you like it? You see, this is…
[room door opens]
Ortho: I'm back! Were you two able to patch things up?
Idia: Perfect timing, Ortho~! We're just about to come to a compromise.
Ortho: What do you mean, compromise?
Idia: I built a super amazing multi-functional sofa to pull the Tsum-shi in… Or more aptly named, "Tsum-Melting Sofa"!
Ortho: You're going to… melt the tsum?
[the tsum happily hops]
Idia: Ooh. Looks like it gets just how awesome this sofa is.
Idia: Come on, Tsum-shi, sit, sit!
Idia: Time to show the features off ASAP. First... We have this!
[sofa shines brightly]
Ortho: Woah, the sofa lit up like a rainbow!
Idia: That's a must for gamers, you know. As for why it's gotta light up like that, no comment.
[the massage function is activated]
Idia: Then there's the massage function. Nerds like us tend to get tension all up in our shoulders and backs and such.
Idia: Next is this: Inside the sofa is a 7.1 surround sound system with an amp and woofer embedded with it.
[tsum hops to music]
Ortho: Nice, looks like the tsum is pretty into it!
Idia: Use this alongside the massager function and it'll sooth both your mind and body.
Idia: There's a bunch of other functions, too, like a monitor extension, unfolding footrest, easy reclining…
Idia: But that's not enough for you, right, Tsum-shi? Oh, I know.
Idia: Everything until now has just been the prologue. From here on out… We'll tackle the true face of this sofa!
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"A Moment with Idiatsum III"
[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: But that's not enough for you, right, Tsum-shi? Oh, I know.
Idia: Everything until now has just been the prologue. From here on out… We'll tackle the true face of this sofa!
Idia: Let's turn it… ON!
Idia: Fhee hee hee hee! Looking at Tsum-shi's reaction, it's super effective!
Ortho: The tsum is really excited. Nii-san, what kind of function is that supposed to be?
Idia: Listen and be amazed, this sofa is integrated with MR… a Mixed Reality display!!
Ortho: Huh!? MR is that function that combines the real world with anchored virtual elements, right?
Ortho: The tsum doesn't even have a headset… You're amazing!!
Idia: I mean~ At first I thought about making it come with a headset, but I just kinda found my groove while making it.
Idia: This kind of tech is basically still in beta, but yeah, I rocked it… Oh man, that's a W for me. Heehee!
[the tsum hops happily]
Ortho: The tsum is overjoyed, too. I wonder what it's seeing.
Idia: The default setting is a live performance vide of Premo, so I bet Tsum-shi feels like its right there in the action.
Ortho: Makes sense. Hehe, it looks so happy.
Idia: Yeaaah, glad it's happy with it. Let me grab my tablet before anything else happens…
Idia: Perf, I finally got it back. Now I can keep my consecutive login streak going.
Ortho: Was that your goal here all along?
Idia: Obviously?
Ortho: Yeah, I definitely couldn't believe my eyes when it looked like you had made a real cool sofa to reconcile with the tsum, but…
Ortho: Now that I know it was for the sake of your games, it makes so much more sense!
Idia: See, you get me, Ortho~
Idia: Sides, that sofa is basically just a prototype. I adjusted a blueprint that I had made for myself down to Tsum-shi's size…
Idia: Then I just made it with whatever I had on hand, so there's a ton of functions still missing.
Idia: I'll make sure to collect as much data as possible before it heads back home.
[tsum hops off the sofa]
Ortho: Oh hey, the tsum jumped off the sofa.
Idia: HUH!?
Ortho: It's all smiles. Maybe it's trying to thank you?
Idia: Ah, is that it…?
Idia: Fuheehee! I knew you'd get how cool all those functions were, Tsum-shi.
Ortho: It's great that you and the tsum are getting along again!
Idia: …I guess so. We might've bumped heads, but we're both nerds in the end.
Idia: Guess it's not totally a bad thing that we'll part on good terms, especially since I got to meet someone just like me…
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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gunnerfc · 5 months
Just Breathe | Lia Wälti x Reader [Blurb]
Summary: Lia helps you through a panic attack
Warnings: fear of fireworks & panic attack mentioned!
WC: 971
This morning you woke up excited to cheer on the men’s team in their Champions League game. You’d spent your time getting ready texting back and forth with Lia, both of you agreeing to count this as a date night despite some of your other teammates being there. 
You beamed as you opened the door, Lia waiting on the other side with a bright smile on her face. You quickly pull her into a kiss, pulling away before it could get deeper. “Let me just grab my jacket and we go,” you mumbled against her lips before disappearing inside.
Lia giggled at your quick actions, offering you her hands as you locked your front door. You were thrilled to be able to spend some down with her, with the hectic schedule you both had, you didn’t have much time to just relax. 
The car ride to the Emirates was spent laughing at jokes and singing loudly and out of time to your favorite songs. You giggled as you pulled into the parking lot, a few of your teammates had already arrived. 
“Took you long enough,” Katie joked as you got out of Lia’s car. You threw up your middle finger at her words but the smile on your face told her you were joking as well. 
It took a bit longer to get in and find your seats but you loved the atmosphere at the Emirates so you didn’t mind having time to take it all in. You took your seat at the end of the row, Lia next to you in a heated debate with Steph over something silly. 
You took in all the fans in the stadium, though in your amazement you failed to notice the fireworks that were on the pitch. Lia laughed at something your Aussie teammate said before turning to look at you, her hand reaching for yours. 
She leaned in to place a light kiss on your cheek before the loud cheers of the fans pulled you both from the bubble you were in. You stood up to cheer for the team and that’s when you noticed the on-field fireworks. You felt your breathing pick up as you blinked rapidly, trying to control your breathing. 
You hated fireworks, the loud noises making you feel unsettled. You swallowed lightly as you tried to focus your vision but the second they went off, you felt like you couldn't breathe.
You were too focused on yourself and the panic you were feeling to notice Lia’s concerned eyes on you. You turned, blinking a few times to focus on the midfielder before excusing yourself. You made your way into the small hallway that led to your section, leaning your back against the cool wall as your heart pounded against your chest. 
You were too in your head to notice Lia followed you. You jumped when you felt her hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look at her. Your eyes were wide and tears were threatening to fall as your breathing stuttered. 
“You’re okay, you’re safe,” Lia’s voice sounded distant despite how close she was to you. You tried to nod your head but you couldn’t. 
Lia moved one of her hands to rest on your chest, moving one of yours to rest on hers. “Just breathe. You’re going to be okay,” she assured you as she took a deep breath, waiting for you to follow her. 
You attempted to do the same, though you struggled. You hated her seeing you so panicked, you tried to hide your anxieties from her. You blinked a few times before opening your mouth to speak, “We’re gonna miss the game.” You hoped it would be enough for her to leave you be for a second.
“The game can wait,” she insisted, as she pressed harder on your hand that was against her chest. You nodded weakly as you focused on breathing, you knew even amid your panic that she wouldn't listen to you. 
Your breathing slowed as you focused on the rise and fall of Lia’s chest. You closed your eyes as you focused on where you were. You could hear the loud cheers of the fans and you could smell the food people had. You swallowed once more as your eyes fluttered open to meet Lia’s.
You were expecting pity but all you could see was understanding. You rested your head against the wall behind you as you took one more deep breath. 
“Are you feeling better,” Lia’s voice didn’t sound so far away this time as she squeezed your hand.  
You nodded, you didn’t trust your voice just yet. You both stood there for a moment while you regrouped. You turned your head down to look at her, your eyes filled with sadness thinking you had ruined her night. 
“I’m sorry I ruined our date,” you mumbled, refusing to meet her eyes. 
Lia shook her head as she took a step closer to you, giving you space in case you needed it. “You didn’t ruin anything, Y/n,” Lia’s voice soothed you some but you still felt like you had.
“We can leave if you want,” she offered, she wanted you to feel safe and comfortable and if being at the stadium didn’t make you feel that way, she would do what she needed. 
“No,” you shook your head, “I’m okay,” you sighed, feeling yourself calm down even more.
“Just…” you started before locking eyes with her. “Don’t let go,” you mumbled as you squeezed her hand.
Lia smiled softly as she squeezed your hand and took a step back. “Never,” she nodded as you made your way back to your seats. 
You watched the rest of the game with a tight grip on Lia’s hand, the midfielder grounding you and reminding you that you were safe by her side. 
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moonbaby26 · 21 days
Title: Before the Storm
(Chapter 17 of Doflamingo’s Marine Series)
*Crossposted to AO3 Here*
Chapter Pairings: Doflamingo x Reader
Chapter Warnings: language, binge drinking, vaginal sex, toxic relationship, dubious consent, depression
Chapter Synopsis: The very night of your official engagement to Doflamingo, you are also made to sign your life away to Dressrosa’s king.
You spiral, punishing yourself as he plans to change your past even further. While others still move as distant pieces in the even larger game. 
Author’s Notes: For those that do follow this story and read as soon as it updates, I’m so sorry you had to wait 5,000 years this time! I wish there was more here as a reward for that patience. I’m sure there are still typos too. Please proceed with caution! It just needed to be out of my drafts. I’ll proofread after I sleep again. Maybe. 😅
Chapters: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5, 6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  11,  12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
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Something was going wrong with the submarine again. Nothing catastrophic, but it could always progress to that if they didn’t take the time to investigate and repair as they went. Pieces became worn and overtaxed easily. Noises that weren’t even there yesterday would suddenly manifest, anxiety inducing, so many fathoms deep in the darkness.
Law was sure there was a metaphor for their lives in there somewhere too. Just like he and his crew. How much this craft could really endure, until one day it just wouldn’t anymore.
He’d still felt that mental weight on himself as well. Fresh and nagging ever since Doflamingo’s name had been put back to the forefront of his mind with those first reports from Scylla just days ago.
Ghosts of his past had churned up enough that Law was almost glad when that bearing in the engine room had started making a newer, awful whining sound.
It was excuse enough to breach the surface and focus on anything else as they’d headed for another island to both look for parts and avoid the heavier than normal marine patrols in this region of the North Blue.
There’d been a pirate attack on a nearby island called Orlinde. At least that’s what Law had heard. Some shithole port town there, with no real wealth or industry of its own had been burned to the ground. And it hadn’t made much sense as to why. Seemingly foolish to risk the ire of the navy when there’d be no treasure or significant beri to even be had in a place like that.
But whatever the reasoning for those other pirates, their actions there had the marines now swarming. To the point that it funneled anyone actively trying to avoid arrest or other harassment further east.
To an unaffiliated island chain that Law had ordered his crew to then disembark at. All save for Bepo anyway, as strolling through the center of town with an overly nervous ball of white fluff wouldn’t have helped much in their bid to keep a low profile.
They had intended to be here just long enough to find what they needed and to make repairs. But every other outlaw in the area had much the same idea. Crew after crew camping out here as an easy stopover while waiting for the larger marine presence to die down nearby.
And this many egos all right on top of each other became a perfect powder keg for disaster really.
Shachi and Penguin were now on either side of their captain, trying to look as unbothered as he seemed while all three boys stuck tightly together.
They walked past the crowded stores and food stalls. With drunken cursing, and all other sounds of debauchery already going on this soon after sunset.
An old man at the harbor had said there was a store in this direction that sold supplies for ship building. It was worth a try to start there first.
But that unsettled feeling was still in Law’s mind. He was too inexperienced to fully understand it yet. The unnamed intuition which had more to do with what would be happening rather than just what could.
“Hey, Spots!”
And there, a male voice had called out loudly. The first inkling of trouble just this soon.
Law’s eyes had flitted up to an open doorway of one of the bars farther up the street. But the teen kept walking, silent to show his crew he expected much the same from them.
Yet the stranger’s second try to get their attention was even louder than the first, as the owner of that voice stepped into the muddy street in front of them. “Hey, I’m talking to you, you prick!”
And Law did stop reluctantly then, not in fear, but in annoyance. He knew an immediate waste of his time when he saw one.
The man that’d been yelling was about his own age though. Young and snide with a grinning girl under one arm. The man’s other hand held a large blade that now pointed towards Law and his crew.
“Are you hard of hearing? I mean that’s what’s on your hat, right? Black spots? You all look damn stupid I think. But my girl likes your hat. So how much do you want for it, kid?”
The stranger sounded a bit drunk actually. And the girl ribbed him in her reaction. “Fur is in fashion, Sarquiss! So don’t be so stingy. Make them an offer! You know Joker’s gonna pay us good this time regardless.“
Sarquiss? Joker? Those were just two more names that Law had never heard before. They meant nothing to him as the idiots continued to talk.
“This kid’s pretty skinny though. What if he freezes, baby? It’s awful cold out here.” The man smirked down at her, flirting abruptly in return as if he hadn’t just been the one that’d started this whole confrontation.
What kind of fool ever looked away while in the middle of threatening someone though? 
These dolts would have been eaten alive in the ways Law had originally been taught. Because seeing the first opening only meant that the first move was his.
It would have been the first kill too if Law had still been that literal to those old teachings. But he left his own sword sheathed against his shoulder.
As it was now, he had no interest in making a scene. Law had planned to initiate a room and simply swap the blade that man held for some of the fresh horse shit he’d already noticed piled up along the street’s edge.
The resulting shock and disgust would have caused plenty of distraction for him, Shachi, and Penguin to quickly be on their way.
But that heavy feeling within Law had somehow remained, even as his hand and lips had begun to move with that whisper of a room.
A dread in him that was not explained until the moment that stranger’s coat had opened further with his playful movements against the girl.
And Law’s eyes had widened as he finally saw the distinct tattoo across that man’s chest. That feeling clicking in him as he knew the absolute mistake he was about to make even before it happened.
He could not stop himself.
He didn’t want to.
Shachi and Penguin’s surprised gasps were drowned out as the girl’s resulting scream met Law’s ears. 
Her boyfriend’s body had been ripped away from her without warning. And flung like a ragdoll, straight through the bar’s long window and all those wooden slats which supported it. 
It was a terribly loud crash, so many eyes then looking to Law and his friends from both sides of the street.
The Heart Pirates didn’t hesitate either.
“Go!” Law yelled. 
And all three of them had doubled back, beginning to sprint for the harbor.
Sarquiss had landed hard, stunned and sprawled on that barroom floor to the brief silence of so many other pirates inside. His own crew was chief among them.
The circular tattoo on his chest now smiled to the ceiling. Its left eye struck through, and its wide grin becoming accented with fresh red as blood began to seep from so many cuts dealt from that broken window.
“I don’t…I don’t know what happened.” Sarquiss stammered, bewildered and in pain as another pirate’s boots came to stand near his head. 
“Somebody got a cheap shot in while you were buzzed on this shit liquor. That’s all.” The owner of those boots scoffed indignantly. “They’re trying to ruin our party.” But Bellamy still grinned in a practiced copy of that now scratched up jolly roger on his first mate’s chest.
He motioned for his other crew to help Sarquiss up off of the floor while he strode for the door. “It’s fine. I was getting bored of this place anyway. Gladius said we only had to lay low for a day or so after Orlinde before we could put our flags back up.”
Bellamy stood in the doorway then, just seeing the backs of those other young pirates disappearing behind a building further down the street as they ran.
“So meet me back at the ship.” His legs were already coiling as he readied to jump and start clearing right over those buildings to catch up with them. “I’ll get us some fresh meat, and we’ll have a little fun while we wait on Joker’s next instructions.”
The return to the palace had come soon enough. And you were drinking whiskey straight by that point, no ice, no mixer. Right out of a fancy cabinet of top shelf bottles that likely weren’t meant for anyone but the king himself. 
You were still in uniform, but long off duty in your own mind. With one of your legs crossed over the other, and an arm over the back of Doflamingo’s couch in his office. 
Whatever anger remained in you for your lack of choice in all of this, was enough to keep even the three executives away. That danger must have been exuding in your body language still. Though you felt their eyes on you intermittently regardless.
They were here to witness your defeat, and to congratulate their master on his success in spinning this into exactly what he wanted it to be. 
But you were staring at nothing while they talked. Your gaze on an empty corner currently, and miles from this well appointed room as you drank yourself away just as you’d wanted to do on that dark beach earlier this evening.
You were quietly furious for this treatment. But you also believed you were every bit as responsible for how quickly this relationship had escalated.
No one had picked up or dialed your phone for you the night you’d first called Doflamingo and asked him to meet you in Scylla.
No one had actually put a gun to your head and drug you into that beautiful church to wait for him alone.
No one had told you to fall for him.
Regardless of any blackmail he’d used to this point, you could have been less willing to let it work. You could have told the truth from the beginning and hid behind your betters. Tsuru, Aokiji, or likely even so many others who would have at least tried to help you.
The truth would set you free.
Wasn’t that the old saying? What an optimistic mismatch of words.
More like the truth would cut your heart out and feed it to you with a smile.
“(Y/N).” And his voice did easily rise through that other chatter.
He was the only one here that still would make you pay attention as you looked back to Doflamingo’s desk. Where he now sat, binding you to him for life with each additional swipe of his pen.
“Answer the magistrate’s final questions. It’s required.” The warlord ordered you then, yet with a veil of patience not yet fully undone.
Besides yourself and Doflamingo, the only others in this room were the executives and the government official that had arrived with all those stacks of paperwork and questions.
Questions for you too that you’d mostly ignored, especially once you’d been several glasses into the whiskey.
While peasants may just do a quick hop over to the local justice of the peace and call it a night, anyone becoming property and consort to a world government endorsed king seemingly had far more to worry about.
And when your gaze did go back to that thin little government busybody, he reminded you only of a small rat. Fussing with his hands in such a nervous way as the papers shuffled through them. Like wringing little paws, frightened and stuck between all the monsters now in this room.
“Why can’t you answer everything for me?” You exhaled back to Doflamingo though, the accumulating burn of the whiskey making your body feel so warm at least as you finally responded to the pirate.
“Because that’s not how this works.” Doflamingo replied, still tolerating you even then somehow. 
Your eyebrows raised. “Yeah? Since when? Because that’s all I’ve ever seen here.” You answered. He always spoke for you. He chose for you. He was the perfectionist. He was the control freak.
And you were the idiot.
A depressed woman who’d attempted to bury all her problems with a devil, just to be as surprised as anyone when she’d inevitably woken up in hell for her efforts.
“What’s the next question?” Doflamingo just asked the official directly then, all while looking back down to the papers he was still signing.
That warlord didn’t explode, he didn’t even raise his voice that time.
And you didn’t dwell on it as you went back to drinking, having gotten what you wanted if even for a moment in being left alone.
It was only the executives that seemed to take notice, subtly surprised as Doflamingo allowed that little pushback.
“Ah, well…” The official still stammered. “Sire, the next section was about the verification of her birth status. She was born on the island of Orlinde, correct? Within the North Blue?”
“Yes. That’s already in her marine record.” Doflamingo’s tone was notably shorter with the official too, further confirming the clear difference in treatment you had just received.
“Well, there’s a slight discrepancy…a clerical error I’m sure.” That small man produced the weakest chuckle you’d ever heard. “I just needed her to say it was indeed an error.”
And Doflamingo did look back up at that, those facial muscles of his tightening in a way which never meant anything good. “What error?”
“The more discerning background check required for unions of this, um, level. It…it noted her name on the registry for Orlinde as being born to a…well, to a slave woman, sire.”
You felt the room change.
The official became even shakier too, horrified really as an inhuman growl came from that desk before the magistrate could say anything more.
“She was never born of a slave. So your first assumption of that being bad data was the correct one. Is that understood?”
And you were just watching. Observing these further lies as Doflamingo told them.
His lips were pulled back from his teeth in an expression you fully recognized too.
Note anything different and I’ll gut you where you goddamn stand. 
That’s what that energy so clearly said. 
“Of course, your highness! I’m fixing it now! I’ll correct it all immediately!”
You knew how fucked up it was for you just to be an observer to such bullying of the weak. You were supposed to protect others, even when they sniveled and whined like this man now was.
But you didn’t feel that guilty either as you uncrossed your legs and shifted on the couch.
And Doflamingo’s head turned the moment you had moved even that much again. 
You knew he had to do that, to properly see you at this angle. But something about that instant attention made you look at him even longer in return.
Because what did he think you were going to do?
What did he want you to do?
“King Doflamingo and Ms. (Y/N), that only leaves the oath itself…” The official’s fully uneasy voice interrupted those additional odd thoughts.
“Then go ahead.” The warlord commanded him just as quickly. “Read it to her.”
The official nodded, with a pen clutched in one of his sweating hands. And the final pages of all of that paperwork in the other as he looked down to read it.
“Ms. (Y/N)…do you hereby agree to loyalty until your death to King Donquixote Doflamingo of Dressrosa? Do you also understand the legal bindings of this union? And the consequences of non compliance, up to and including charges of treason against this aforementioned monarch and our World Government via his status as a sanctioned vessel beholden to our Holy Land of Mariejois?”
You really were too far gone for this shit.
So what? If you got into another fight and decked him when he deserved it, that’d now be the same as rebellion against the Red Line itself? Just because he was a government backed dictator?
Was arguing with him treason too? What about ever leaving this island? Was that desertion and dereliction of your soon to be wifely duties? 
Even signing your marine recruitment papers hadn’t felt this restrictive. And that’d been you literally agreeing to march to your own death if your commanding officers simply said to.
“Yeah…what else am I supposed to say?” You knew you weren’t going to be let out of this room otherwise. And you did want out as you stretched your legs away from you, still seated on that couch. 
Things were starting to feel too much for you again, like everything was closing in once more. “Fuck it…yes. I guess I do.” You forced another couple of breaths as you brought the whiskey glass to your lips again.
Or at least you’d tried to.
The strings that then looped around your wrist had jerked your hand hard enough to splash that liquid down the front of your shirt instead. Right before you were being pulled up and onto your feet.
“I already said yes, you-” You started to bitch at him immediately. It was hard enough to catch your balance when this inebriated without Doflamingo also pulling you so roughly to his desk.
“And I accept your agreement.” He laughed abruptly, cutting both you and the official off before any other response could be given.
It hurt you as your hips hit his desk. And with him already seated, he didn’t have to lean as far down to reach your mouth across that desk either.
Doflamingo got to taste the full brunt of that alcohol you were now hiding behind as he kissed you.
While you got to taste his still enduring desperation for any piece of you that was left for the taking.
It was going to be a very long night.
The paperwork was done and sent. Clothes were scattered across the floor, and Doflamingo was already back over the top of you in his massive bed.
A large glass of his best cava was in his hand as his hips pumped against you slowly while he drank. He was savoring the drawn out pressure of you around him, mixed into that chilled feeling of the sparkling wine now flooding down his throat.
He swallowed again, then moaning as his mouth came back off of the glass.
“You fucking lush…you’re such a bad influence.” He laughed a little after, running his thumb firmly over your parted mouth while his cock continued to move in and out between your legs at that languid pace.
He could nearly get off on just the sound of his own voice by now though. He was so stimulated. Everything felt good. Everything felt right.
Because he’d done it.
You were his in every legal way that mattered. 
And you were still somewhat conscious this time. The alcohol metabolizing enough by now to mostly take your voice. But you were watching him as he fucked you. His every action slow and deliberate as he fully enjoyed himself and this renewed lack of your resistance.
You even gave a few little moans and gasps as he rewarded you again by angling himself just right.
“Good girl…such a good girl for me. It feels amazing, doesn’t it?” He panted a bit anyway, his lust driving up his body temperature regardless of the careful pace. He reached briefly to set his now empty glass back onto the nightstand.
“I want this all the time…all the damn time. You know that right? I can’t stop…not when it’s you.” He just kept on, using that steady, long lasting rhythm.
He did try to keep his full weight off of your wounded thigh at least. Mindful of where he moved your leg as he took you. But this was still a celebration after all. He also wanted to feel you under him in all the right ways.
“Doffy…” You did grimace a little as the tip of him kissed against your cervix again.
He smiled at the plea of his name from your lips though. You were so pretty like this. And all of it was for him.
Maybe tomorrow your brain would be back to functioning well enough for him to explain your other wedding gifts as well.
Ever since the two of you had first sailed from Scylla together, he’d gotten busy with moving his chess pieces all over the board for you.
The nearest loyal mongrels Gladius could assign for him to your home island of Orlinde, had already razed that brothel you’d been born in to ash in a much needed cleansing of your pedigree.
While another official on Doflamingo’s payroll had just as recently planted forged documents of your revised parentage for Big News Morgans to find instead. 
Doflamingo had already teased you with the idea of gifting that Scyllian villa to you. The villa that became the first nest the two of you had ever slept side by side in, would of course now be important to him as well. It was not leaving your and his new family no matter what now.
But that was still not enough.
With the machinations he had going, your bloodline was going to be from Scylla.
Any children you could give him would then have both Dressrosa and Scylla to their credit.
Which, that was now another thing he needed to follow up on starting tomorrow. Caesar had had well enough time to deliver.
Doflamingo smiled again though as you shuddered quietly beneath him. 
“Still with me?” He hummed, seeing your eyes close then as he rubbed his hand down your side and you stilled again. “Or have you forgotten your own name, dear, while that poor liver of yours cries out from abuse?”
The moonlight highlighted his entertained expression as his lips pulled back from his teeth again. His hand had moved up to your throat as he gripped it in his continued pleasure.
He watched as your breasts rose and fell a little harder with those deeper breaths your body was then forced to take as he gradually restricted your airway.
It made his cock twitch so well inside of you.
“Forget your name anyway.” Doflamingo growled as he felt himself nearing that edge of climax when you finally coughed beneath his ever tightening hand. He was beginning to choke you, and it only made him want more of that feeling. “Because you’re a Donquixote now.”
Or at least the property of one as he felt your own hand then move to close on his larger wrist weakly.
Your body was too drunk to stop him, but that reflex of self preservation still flickered up in you all the same.
Doflamingo moaned loudly too as he saw your eyes reopen, half lidded to look at him in that new, pitiful way.
That helpless look is what did send him over the edge. As you tried and failed to breathe in his grip, he only bucked his hips that much harder as he spilled himself out into you yet again.
This is what it meant to truly own you.
“She hasn’t called?” Aokiji asked as he’d entered the other admiral’s office without warning.
But Kizaru looked unbothered as usual even at the surprise visit, just glancing up from a mission report that Sentomaru had submitted for sign off.
“Well…hello to you too. You’ve been off base quite a while.” He did comment though, watching Aokiji through those amber tinted glasses. “We were starting to think you may have gone rogue actually.”
It was said so calmly, but with just that hint of a smirk. “Sengoku wouldn’t have liked that.”
“I went patrolling on my own for a few days. That’s nothing new.” Aokiji frowned, and not taking a seat as he continued to stand. “But did Captain (Y/N) call today? Akainu’s got the Fleet Admiral in a meeting, and no one else seems to know.”
Kizaru shrugged. “I haven’t talked to her.” He looked back to his paperwork, but with noticeable disinterest in it now. “Why don’t you just call her yourself if it’s really become that distracting to you?”
But the resulting silence did make Kizaru finally look up again. That slight amusement was clearer on his face now. “Oh? Are you afraid to call her?”
Aokiji’s arms were crossed, his whole demeanor looking incredibly stern. “This isn’t about me. So get that stupid look off of your face.”
Wasn’t this his normal face? Kizaru thought to himself. Regardless, he didn’t seem insulted. “Hmm. Think you might say something unprofessional if you did call?” He mused to only add to this instead. “I guess that could be embarrassing for someone of our rank.”
And a cold palm did slam down onto the desk then. Aokiji could hold back much longer usually. But that cool composure was seemingly less and less lately. Especially when it came to the subject of you.
“Enough. I’ve told you so many times…” The ice admiral still warned.
Yet Kizaru barely reacted to that flare of temper, just glancing to the now frost covered hand and then back up into the frustrated eyes of its owner.
“Yeah? …You think you’ll just endanger her if you make any obvious fuss, don’t you? Doflamingo is quite an unstable man. But how many years have we known each other now? I’d say you’ve already made your move if I was to bet.” Kizaru nearly smirked again. “Where have you really been these past few days?”
“You’re no help at all. As usual.” Aokiji grumbled, just stepping back from the desk at the accusation.
He didn’t deny this either.
But Kizaru simply watched him, rather expressionless once more. “Did you ask for my help? I don’t recall that happening.”
Aokiji’s eyes narrowed as he looked back at him. “You’d be in Akainu’s ear in a heartbeat if I did.”
“And so what? We’re all comrades in arms…aren’t we?” Finally there was that minuscule trace of a frown on Kizaru’s lips. 
They were supposed to work together.
But that look of disappointment was just for a moment before he set his pen down and grabbed the receiver from off of the large transponder snail on his desk.
Aokiji’s eyes widened slightly at this movement, surprised and untrusting as Kizaru leaned back in his chair while the operator connected.
“Yes, admiral?” HQ’s switchboard girl answered kindly while Kizaru put the phone on speaker.
“Hello, Miss,” He said with a new, slight smile. “I need you to ring someone for me.”
“Of course, admiral. Who do you want me to connect you to?”
“Pull the warlord numbers if you please. I want Donquixote Doflamingo’s most direct line.”
There was just the briefest pause there too. Her voice changing a little. “The Fleet Admiral has put a restriction on that line, sir. No non-emergency calls. Is this considered an emergency?”
“Sure.” Kizaru was patient as anything, almost relaxing in his chair. “Let’s say it’s an emergency.”
“Yes, sir. Then I’m connecting you now.” Her nervousness gave way to dutiful obedience quickly enough as there was a click followed by momentary silence.
“The hell are you doing!?” Aokiji snapped at him in that brief delay before the line began to trill in new ringing. 
Kizaru looked back up at him, unfazed.
The phone continued to ring.
“It’d be pretty late in Dressrosa right now wouldn’t it?” Kizaru just thought out loud instead of giving a proper answer, glancing at the multiple clocks across his wall which denoted the different times across  the seas.
But Aokiji was not amused at all, starting to reach to hang up that transponder snail himself before a loud click had both admirals pause.
“This better be good.” Came the noticeably sleep hazed voice. A sharpness to it already though, with that transponder snail scowling up at them now.
“Oh…did I interrupt your beauty rest, pirate?” Kizaru responded, watching that snail as Aokiji went fully silent.
“Huh…” There was that moment of thought and maybe even a bit of surprise on the other end of the line. But the real recognition didn’t take long. Because there weren’t many men that would have been so casual as this. And those that would, didn’t sound like that.
“Admiral Kizaru is it?” Doflamingo recovered quickly, dark voice sounding more interested now.
“Yes, I’m calling from HQ.” Kizaru drawled. “Seems our captain that you appointed to your island recently hasn’t reported in to us today. And you wouldn’t have had anything to do with that little lapse in her communication, now would you?” 
The implied threat didn’t even have to be overt. It was well enough for any of the three navy admirals to take a personal interest in anything like this of course.
And this would now be the second admiral to do so in your name if the rumors of Aokiji’s previous visit to Doflamingo’s house in Sabaody were to be believed.
And Kizaru did believe it.
What he was surprised by was that it hadn’t been enough. 
A pirate that didn’t have the sense to back down for even an admiral.
It was a problem.
And the snail had quieted for a moment, its serious expression seeming to consider the weight of this new questioning from the admiral.
But Kizaru was exactly correct. Doflamingo understood the threat.
Doflamingo chose not to heed it.
Because the snail smiled then, wide and cruel as the warlord’s decision was made.
“Well…it is late. But if you insist, then why don’t you ask her yourself, admiral? It really has nothing to do with me.” Doflamingo replied with an all new goading.
And there was a sound of a bed creaking. 
The warlord’s voice became slightly quieter as he’d moved away from the receiver.
“Captain…hey.” It almost sounded gentle. But that snail was still grinning, Doflamingo’s dark voice still close enough for his real expression to be picked up. That smug pride radiating even as the intentional softness continued. “No…you need to wake up. You’ve got a colleague on the line…come here.”
The two admirals stared at that snail.
“…what?” A confused female voice finally protested.
“The phone, darling. It’s your work. Already not respecting your off duty hours at all it seems���”
The temperature now plummeted in Kizaru’s office at that vulnerable sound of you, as well as the full implications of what this truly meant.
But Kizaru cut in before Aokiji could. Even as both admirals’ breaths were then coming in trails of vapor within the room.
“Captain.” Kizaru said louder and firmer than he ever normally would to you.
And you heard it. Also recognizing his voice that you’d heard far more times than any warlord ever would.
There was more noise of the snail moving then. Like you were now picking it up from off of the bed. “…Admiral?” You asked in delayed surprise.
But there was more to it than that. You didn’t sound right, even in just these couple of words.
“Yes. Checking in, Captain. You didn’t give your status to anyone today.” Kizaru answered.
“I…” You tried. “There was…” Yes, they could fully tell now. You were trying so hard, but slurring every brief word none the less.
You were fully drunk. 
And you finally gave up, starting to actually plead in that humiliation of being ambushed in this way. “I…I’m fine. But I can’t…debrief right now. Sir…I’m…I’m sorry…”
The snail trembled, its eyes heartbreakingly defeated.
It was worse than any of them had ever thought then.
This was not the woman they knew.
Aokiji was about to snap. And Kizaru considered transmitting himself towards Sengoku’s office here and now.
But their shared enemy still most running this show wasn’t ceding his spotlight yet either.
“Admiral.” Doflamingo’s voice came back, shamelessly calm in contrast to your now evident emotions. “The Captain can speak with you later. I’m sure you’d agree that there’s nothing wrong with a little over indulgence when off the clock…we’ve all been there.” 
And he even made a noise as if he was comforting you beside him. Hushing you with a mimicry of affection before he spoke again. “…I’ll have her touch base with you tomorrow. Once she’s sobered up of course.”
Yet that snail also showed its teeth again before it was done. The harsher expression forming which didn’t match that measured tone at all.
“But tomorrow we’ll be very busy as well. Some news will be coming out, and her work for Dressrosa will be taking priority. The mission always comes first, correct? And she is one of your most dedicated.”
The snail’s tongue moved across those teeth. One final jab then added like a garnish on the heap of bullshit already being presented.
“This king is certainly glad to have her services at least.”
And Kizaru was forced to make a choice. 
He disappeared in a flash of yellow light, taking the snail with him as Aokiji had reached for it to speak.
No one could match Kizaru’s speed. And Aokiji had then turned, the purest rage within those dark eyes as Kizaru now stood all the way out in the hallway, holding that snail.
It was already back asleep as Kizaru had disconnected the call even before he’d moved.
“I’ll kill him.” Aokiji breathed, ice having already overtaken half of his face.
Kizaru was initially silent. His eyes had narrowed as well behind his glasses.
But then he spoke to his peer, blunt and sure. “They’d order me and Sakazuki to erase you for treason, brother. And that wouldn’t help anybody. Now would it?”
Aokiji gave him a look of disgust. Words seemed pointless by now. They both knew how wrong this was.
Yet Kizaru did begin walking back to him. A show of continued trust really. Because they were not enemies.
“Whatever you already did…” Kizaru started. “Is that going to help her?”
Aokiji’s shoulders sank ever so slightly, but his ice did not recede.
“Temporarily…but I came back here to do the rest of it. I am going to get her off of Dressrosa. No matter what that takes.”
Borsalino had actually hung up on him. The least passionate of all three admirals, and Doflamingo was certain he’d still gotten under that man’s skin.
Were you really that important to all of them then? Doflamingo’s own ego was happy to believe that you were.
Because it made you feel even more hard won if so. His marine treasure, stolen straight from the top and now further slipping through the hands of even the world’s greatest soldiers.
And how interesting that they didn’t seem to know about your public betrothal yet. Kizaru was a hard one to judge though. He hadn’t mentioned it at least.
Hopefully this really did mean that there were no marine spies left on Dressrosa to call and tattle to HQ. None outside of the toys working in his underground port anyway.
And he’d taken your own phone away immediately after the incident with Crocodile. You’d only been allowed to make calls right in front of him now.
Morgans’ reporters were likely playing things close to the vest too, to not share anything until those newspapers went to press. They wanted the first and only scoop for tomorrow’s worldwide release.
But there was nothing Sengoku could possibly do to reverse this either once he would find out. You were still a marine, just as Doflamingo had promised he’d let you remain. But you were also now his wife, with all of the added immunity that provided for you.
You couldn’t be fired, or even demoted. Not unless Doflamingo wanted you to be.
The five old men on the Red Line had reluctantly agreed to this in his stipulations. No doubt just humoring the traitorous brat that they still thought he was.
If they believed he was distracted, it made their lives easier. Less trouble he could cause for them.
Perhaps you’d actually thank him some day though. He was a generous master after all. Pulling his strings all the way from heaven to hell in this whirlwind of a love affair with you.
But tonight you were still too upset. Still too close to it all to realize how lucky you actually were to have his attention this deeply.
Your head was on his chest once more as he rubbed your back idly in the dark.
He could feel that dampness against his bare skin. Your silent tears as you surely thought your career was now dead and gone.
You were crying yourself back to sleep like the pitiful, broken thing you still were.
But he didn’t mind. 
Doflamingo kissed the top of your head as that new whim overcame him.
You were his responsibility now.
His prize and his companion to defend. 
Dawn would come again tomorrow, and with it the world’s reactions to what he’d done to you. But he welcomed that challenge and whatever new enemies it would bring him.
Because he’d bury them all like the good mate he was. He would protect you. This was his nest and his woman. 
He nuzzled his face back down against your hair. Hiding his scarred eye as the other eye watched the room for a bit longer before also drifting closed.
Your arms were tight around him. It felt right. But even in all his intense possessiveness that this inspired, there was something else so wholly new as well.
He felt safe.
He felt needed.
Until death do you part indeed. As that would be the only possible way for anyone to ever carve you from him now.
    T⨂  BE 
Thanks for reading!
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Kinktober Day 2 (Roleplay)
Demetri (Twilight) x Reader (NSFW)
(1,163 words)
Summary: Demetri hunts you down
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Warnings/Tags: 18+, gender neutral reader, roleplay scenario, simulated threat, predator/prey dynamic, dom/sub dynamic, guard/outlaw dynamic, lots of dynamics lmao, hair pulling (just a little bit), penetrative sex, rough sex, a little bit of fluff at the end (just for funzies)
Notes: day 2!!!!! I think I kinda went off with this one, I rewatched the twilight saga a couple weeks ago and I forgot how hot and underrated Demetri was, so here’s this LMAO enjoy the fic!!!
The forest was loud. The chirping of insects, hoots of an owl, and scurrying of small animals made it hard to focus on the real sounds you needed to watch out for. The further you trekked into the forest, the more fear engulfed your mind. The night was surrounding you, shrouded in darkness, but you had to keep going.
Being alone in the forest at night didn’t seem as scary as you thought it would be in your head, but it was all a part of the game. When you proposed the idea of being hunted in the woods to Demetri, he was intrigued and ultimately entertained by the idea. With Demetri as the Volturi’s tracker, you knew you wouldn’t stand a chance against him, which made the thrill of the hunt all the more exciting to when he would eventually catch you. Shaking away your apprehension, you realized the reward for your bravery would be so worth it in the end.
Hearing the loud snap of a stick in the distance, you realized that you were already falling behind. Taking cover behind a twisting, knotty tree, you could hear a foreboding chuckle as Demetri prowled within your vicinity.
“You have nowhere to run, Love.” His voice is low. “Any attempts to escape from the Volturi are futile.”
You watched him creep past your tree, slowly. Doing your best to not make any noise, you sprint the opposite direction. This seemed to be a poor move by forgetting a vampire’s superhuman hearing. In the distance you can hear Demetri’s uproarious laughter as more footsteps that were not your own broke behind you.
Continuing to run, you were met with a small, abandoned castle- completely made of stone. Rounding a corner, you were met with the exposed night sky. All was quiet, and you were safe.
Or so you thought.
Carefully walking backward, you accidentally bump into the one man you were running from. His arms wrap around you quickly, tightly. Your mouth is covered quickly as you let out a surprised yelp.
“There you are.” He whispers. Whirling you around, you find yourself now backed into a corner, with the Volturi’s prized tracker trapping you in.
You glance to the sides, looking for a way out before being forced to meet his gaze. The moonlight captures his burgundy gaze, with an expression that calms your nerves in an unsettling way. If you had a heart, it would be pounding out of your chest with the way he was looking at you. Demetri’s hand dipped below your chin, his thumb grazing over your jaw before grabbing your cheeks firmly.
“How foolish of you to think you can escape the Volturi…” he breathes. His body is on yours as you grip onto the jagged, stones bricks behind you. “…Foolish of you to think you’re clever enough to outwit us…” His other hand finds its way to your shoulder, keeping you pinned. “…Foolish of you to think you could evade me.”
“Please,” you beg, giving him your best doe-like expression, “Let me go, and I promise to never defy the laws again, I’ll do anything.” You plead, analyzing Demetri’s response to your dramatic performance.
A deep chuckle escapes from Demetri’s lips. When he pushes you further into the stone, you can feel a dull ache within your sex. Your eyes widen at the movement as you softly gasp.
“The Volturi does not give second chances,” Demetri leans in close to your neck, impossibly close. Your breath hitches as the as the air from his whisper tickles the crook of your neck. “However, you’re too radiant to dispose of.” His gaze meets yours again, this time softer. You cock your head slightly, confused. “I imagine I’ll have to have you serve your sentence in such a way that I see fit.”
Demetri’s eyes rake over you, eyelids lowered seductively with a wolfish and dominating grin. You hardly notice how Demetri has removed his hand from your shoulder until it was abruptly tangled and fisted within your hair. With a startled cry, you found Demetri’s other hand wandering across your body, wildly groping at your chest and ass as his mouth attacks your throat.
Demetri lets out a soft groan as you can feel his erection grinding against your thigh. Arousal spikes within you, his hands slipping below your pants, teasing you deliciously through your underwear.
A low moan makes its way out of your mouth. Demetri halts his teasing to undo his pants. He pulls out his stiffened cock, pumping it with a few strokes, spreading his precum over the shaft. He stares at you expectingly, you nod, giving him your consent. “Please,” you implore him, “Make an example of me.”
“Such a willing miscreant,” Demetri gives your hair a light tug, “I’ll be sure to remember your compliance after dealing with you accordingly.”
Harsh moans erupt from the both of you as Demetri eases himself inside you. His pace is slow, yet exceedingly rough, feeling every wave of thrusts throughout your whole body. After letting out some particularly guttural loans, Demetri’s mouth attacks yours once again, muffling any sounds that you were making.
“Look at you,” he grunts. You feel the tight grip of Demetri’s hands around your hips, holding you in place against the wall. “A lawbreaker… completely at the… m-mercy of the Volturi’s most powerful tracker.”
The scenario you two thought of was becoming increasingly more arousing with the way he spoke to you as if you were criminal scum. The special brand of degradation has you feeling spineless, uttering incoherent moans, just barely getting out his name.
“F-fucking you so good you can’t even get the words out, huh?” he grunts in between thrusts. You can feel yourself reaching the precipice and Demetri can tell by the sound of your breathing becoming more labored. He picks up the pace, and you grip onto him, holding on for dear life. With the ferocity of his strokes, you can feel yourself being practically slammed into against the wall with minimal pain thanks to your vampire strength. Your eyes glaze over him pleadingly. “This is how we deal with outlaws like you… and you will remember this punishment for the rest of your immortal life.” He grits out.
You come, almost ceremoniously at Demetri’s sensual display of dominance. As you scream and whimper your way through your orgasm, Demetri isn’t far behind you, pulling out and shooting his venomous load on ground beside you. You almost collapse onto him, legs stiff from being held against the wall for so long.
“Are you alright, darling?” Demetri asks, dropping the ‘tough guard’ act.
You nod. “Of course,” you steady yourself, pressing a quick peck to his lips. “You are an amazing actor by the way.”
“Could say the same thing about you,” he compliments “…Miscreant.” He winks.
You let out a coquettish chuckle. “Keep calling me that and we’ll have to think of another storyline for round two.”
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trueangel420 · 2 months
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Ghostface!Kai / wc 1856/ “do you have a boyfriend?”
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You leaned on the counter, the popcorn in the microwave clacking as you absentmindedly watched the horror movie playing on the TV in the living room. It was another monotonous Friday night, and you found yourself babysitting as usual. This time, it was an odd little boy you called Ozzy, who was obsessed with clowns—so much so that he had the creepiest clown figure in his room. You tried to ignore it; after all, he was only ten, and watching him didn't require much effort. Ozzy was self-sufficient, only needing you to answer his endless curious questions and read him a bedtime story. Now, you were the only one awake, feeling increasingly bored. The microwave dinged, and you turned to retrieve the popcorn, pouring it into a large bowl. Before you could grab a handful of the buttery snack, the landline rang, its noise obnoxious and loud. You shuffled over to answer it, bringing the receiver to your ear with a small breath. You expected Ally or even Ivy, but instead, you were met with a static-like noise that made you wince and pull the phone away slightly. "Hello?" you said softly into the receiver.
You waited for a moment, growing increasingly impatient before hearing a dark chuckle with an almost robotic tone. "Did you know today was Halloween?" the voice said, making your eyebrows furrow. Something told you not to entertain this, but your boredom got the better of you. "No, I didn't," you replied truthfully. You had been so busy babysitting Ozzy this week that you hadn't even glanced at your calendar.
"Do you like scary movies?" the voice continued. You nibbled at your bottom lip, leaning on the kitchen counter. "No, stranger, I don't really like scary movies," you answered, prompting him to tsk tsk at you. "Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked. You let out a small scoff, laughing a bit as you glanced at your nails. "Why? You wanna be my boyfriend?" you replied in an amused tone.
"You shouldn't tease me like that, doll," he hummed into the phone for a moment before letting out a breath. "Especially dressed in that little tank and that pink skirt of yours... is that a bow?" Your heart skipped a beat, and you instinctively looked down at your outfit. How could he know what you were wearing? You scanned the room, your eyes darting to the windows and the dark corners, but saw nothing unusual.
"Who is this?" you demanded, struggling to keep your voice steady despite the growing unease.
He chuckled, a sound that sent chills down your spine. "You know me," he said, his voice clear and unsettling. Without thinking, you blurted out, "You're a fucking creep" Immediately, you regretted it, covering your mouth. That was a bad choice. The voice on the other end of the line let out a slow, sinister laugh. The voice oozed with a dark, mocking tone. "You know, I've always liked how feisty you are," he said, the words dripping with a twisted sort of charm. "It's one of the things that makes you so... intriguing."
You tried to steady your breathing, struggling to keep calm. "What do you want from me?" you asked, forcing your voice to stay even. "Oh, it's not what I want," he purred. "It's what you're going to give me. I'm just looking forward to our little game, doll. I have a feeling you're going to be a lot of fun."
You nibbled on your bottom lip, looking outside the window as you leaned forward on the sink. "Wha-what do you mean?" you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper. The voice on the other end took on a teasing, ghostly edge. "Oh, come on, don't play coy with me," he said, his tone dripping with flirtatious menace. "You know exactly what I mean…I can't wait to see that fear in your eyes up close, especially when i stick my knife in you." 
"What?" Your voice trembled a bit, trying to grasp the full implication of his words. The line went silent for a moment, and then you heard a low, almost inaudible whisper.
"Turn around."
Your heart pounded in your chest as you quickly turned, your eyes scanning the dimly lit kitchen. The shadows seemed to stretch and morph, playing tricks on your mind. There was no one there, but the feeling of being watched was overwhelming.
"See you soon, doll," the voice said, just before the line went dead. You dropped the phone, your breath coming in shallow gasps. Panic surged through you, and you knew you had to get out of the house. Now. You sprinted upstairs, heart pounding, and burst into Ozzy's room. The boy was still sleeping, oblivious to the danger. You shuffled over to him, shaking his shoulder urgently.
"Ozzy, wake up," you whispered, trying to keep your voice steady. "We need to go, now."He stirred, groggy and confused. "What's going on?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "No time to explain," you said, your voice trembling. "I need you to hide, okay? Don't come out." You grabbed the phone out of your pocket and dialed the police, your hands shaking as you pressed the numbers.
As the phone rang, you guided Ozzy towards the closet, helping him crawl inside. "Stay quiet," you urged, closing the door just as the call connected.
"911, what's your emergency?" the operator asked.
"Someone's in my house," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "Please, send help quickly." You stayed on the line with the 911 operator, your heart racing as you gave them your address. They assured you that officers were on their way. Every second felt like an eternity as you crouched by the closet, keeping an eye on the door.
Within minutes, you heard the sound of sirens approaching, followed by a firm knock on the front door. You hurried downstairs, throwing open the door to find two police officers standing there. "Are you the one who called?" one of them asked, his eyes scanning the area. You nodded, your voice shaky. "Yes, please come in. I think someone's in the house." The officers entered, quickly spreading out to search every room. You stayed close behind one of them, your heart pounding with every step. They checked the kitchen, the living room, the basement—every possible hiding place.
After what felt like an eternity, they regrouped in the living room. "We've checked the entire house," one officer said, his expression serious. "There's no one here." "But I heard him," you insisted, frustration and fear mixing in your voice. "He described my clothes. He knew what i was wearing."
The officers exchanged glances. "Sometimes, these kinds of calls can be pranks or misunderstandings," the second officer said gently. "But we'll file a report and increase patrols in the area. If you hear anything else or see anyone suspicious, don't hesitate to call us again." You nodded, feeling a mix of relief and lingering dread. As the officers left, you went back upstairs to get Ozzy. Opening the closet door, you found him curled up, looking up at you with wide eyes.
"Is it safe now?" he asked, his voice small.You nodded, trying to smile reassuringly. "Yeah, it's safe. The police checked everything. I'm going to call your moms, okay?" you said, trying to keep your voice steady. When Ally and Ivy arrived home, you filled them in on what had happened—well, not everything, but enough to avoid making Ally overly anxious. Afterward, you retreated back to your house. Ally offered to drive you, and you accepted. Luckily, you didn't live far from Ally's place, and she made sure to watch you unlock your door.
"Try to be safe, hun," she called out as she started her car.
You shuffled inside, locking the door behind you and turning on the lights. Letting out a sigh of relief, you crawled onto the couch and turned on a random channel, trying to distract yourself. Your mind raced with a mix of fear and unease, especially since the voice on the phone had sounded faintly familiar.
The next morning, you found yourself nibbling on a piece of bacon, your nerves still on edge. You'd called off work, unable to shake the lingering anxiety from the previous night. Every sound in the house seemed amplified, and you couldn't help but keep glancing toward the door, half-expecting it to bust open. You grabbed your phone, wrestling with the urge to call your neighbor and ask if he'd heard anything about what happened. Your fingers hovered over his contact before you finally pressed it, your heart pounding as the phone rang.
Kai answered groggily, as if he'd just woken up. "Yeah?" he mumbled, shifting around on the other end. "Did you hear?" you asked quickly, not wasting any time. Kai was your neighbor and, despite his intense demeanor, he'd been kind to you when you moved in, even helping with the boxes. "About last night? Yeah, I heard," he said, clearing his throat. He glanced out his window, his gaze landing directly on you. "Did I wake you? I'm sorry," you murmured into the phone. He let out a fake sigh. "Yeah, you did, doll. But it's okay." His face held a smirk, knowing all too well how clueless and trusting you could be. "It was so scary, Kai. I was babysitting and—"
"And you got a call, and they threatened you?" he interrupted, finishing your sentence. You nibbled on your bottom lip, letting out a breath."Yeah, how did you know that?" He let out a small laugh. "The news, doll." The suspicion you'd been feeling faded as you rolled your eyes at yourself for even doubting Kai. "Right, yeah. I even called off work, so I'll be stuck in my house all day," you murmured. "Maybe I'll swing by and make sure you're safe," he said softly, his eyes still fixed on you from his window as you nibbled on the bacon.
"That would be great. You're so sweet, Kai," you replied, your cheeks flushing. Maybe you liked Kai more than you let on, but it seemed he was always there for you when you needed him.
After the call ended, and you settled into your couch, curling up in your favorite nightgown. You turned on some trashy reality TV, letting the mindless drama provide a distraction from the lingering tension of the night before. As the skies started to darken, you continued watching the show, debating whether to turn on the lights. You felt too lazy to get up and didn't want to miss any of the unfolding drama on TV. The phone rang, jolting you from your daze. Your heart skipped a beat as you glanced at the screen, half-expecting it to be Kai checking in. You reached for it, trying to steady your nerves. The phone displayed an unknown number. You hesitated for a moment before answering, your anxiety spiking. "Hello?" you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Missed me?"
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