#the new adventures of kimba the white lion
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I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I really love the 1989 Kimba design of Hamegg. He’s so cuteeee.. the first one is a little zesty sorry
#Suggestive#?? Maybe#Just to be safe#I mean he got them bedroom eyes#Chart#Osamu Tezuka#Tezuka#Tezuka Osamu#Tezuka Star System#Kimba#Kimba The White Lion#The New Adventures of Kimba The White Lion#Jungle Emperor Leo#Jungle Taitei#Hamegg#Hammond Egg
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Jungle Emperor '89
Jungle Emperor '89, in essence, is about the animals and people of the African Savannah fighting off the influence and military power of other countries who would seek to take advantage of them and destroy their environment for resources that would be used for consumer goods, as well as the people of the Savannah learning to coexist with and respect the animals that live with them.
Is it good? No. Is it fun? Maybe. Did I like it? Absolutely. Starting with the bad, even if you ignore the premise of Panja's Jungle and pacifist lions, it's just not a very good series on the whole. Sometimes the episodes lull or the writing quality is poor, or the conflicts don't make sense, which is especially apparent in the build up to powerful scenes or an arc, and can cause certain moments to fall flat. Yet, and here's the good, each conflict and arc brings something interesting to the table, and the apparent criticism of military involvement in other countries in the name of taking resources or seeking conquest in and of itself is a very refreshing take on the matter even despite the writing. Each arc and critical moment has something to say, something that you can hold onto and think about. Something meaningful that I can relate to the modern day. Whether it be Leo's struggle between peace and instinct/violence, or the ongoing conflict of corporations using force (military power) indiscriminately and uncontrollably, or simply the veneration of life as this beautiful thing that should be loved that serves as the undercurrent for all of Tezuka's works.... These are all things that are still relevant to us today. Yes, it's full of pacifist ideals that just don't pan out in reality. You can't ask someone to have a change of heart when they only see you as an obstacle or a play thing, or just plain wrong, because they're not out there trying to get their mind changed. But we need to hold onto this beauty, this art, this notion. I can't really find the words for it, we just need this.
If nothing else, Jungle Emperor '89 is a series of potential. It really does have the potential to be a very magical and innovative peace of animated history, but for one reason or another it just happens to drop off. Even still, to me, it was worth watching, because I could see the potential. I can see what the directors, authors, and artists were going for.
#jungle emperor#jungle emperor leo#kimba the white lion#kimba#the new adventures of kimba the white lion#osamu tezuka
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It's Brad Swaile! He did voice acting of anime; such as Maxwell (Hamtaro), Ace (My Little Pony) Light Yagami (Death Note), Mano the eunuch (Like the Clouds, Like the Wind), Kimba (The New Adventures of Kimba the White Lion), and Lan Hikari (Mega Man Battle Network)!
#brad swaile#maxwell#hamtaro#light yagami#death note#mano#like the clouds like the wind#kimba the white lion#the new adventures of kimba the white lion#lan hikari#mega man battle network#voice acting#anime
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First drawing of the new year… I love those little Kimba figurines where he’s wearing the outfit. Super cute!
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Anime (1963 - 1973)
Astro Boy 鉄腕アトム Eight Man エイトマン Galactic Boy Team 銀河少年隊 Gigantor 鉄人28号 Hermit Village 仙人部落 Locus 軌跡 Man and Woman and Dog 男と女と犬 Time 時間 White Elephant しろいぞう Wolf Boy Ken 狼少年肯 Aos アオス Big X ビッグX Hyokkori Gourd IslandKiss Kiss Kiss Maruai 丸愛 Memory めもりい Mermaid 人魚 Renown レナウン Zero-sen Hayato 0戦はやと cosmic boy soran 宇宙少年ソラン Dolphin Prince ドルフィン王子 Fight! Osper 戦え! オスパー Hustle Punch ハッスルパンチ Kachi Kachi Yama かちかち山 Kenken Goku Fuufu Teikin 堅々獄夫婦庭訓 Kimba the White Lion ジャングル大帝 M.S. Chanda チャンダ号 new treasure island 新宝�� Pride the Master Thief 怪盗プライド Prince Planet 遊星少年パピイ Q-Taro The Ghost オバケのQ太郎 Space Ace 宇宙エース Space Alien Pipi 宇宙人ピピ Space Patrol Hopper 宇宙パトロールホッパ The man next door 隣の野郎 Tobacco and Ashes たばこと灰 Wonder Three W3 [ワンダースリー] Au Fou! 殺人狂時代 Cyborg 009 サイボーグ009 Harris' Whirlwind ハリスの旋風 Jump Out! Batchiri とびだせ! バッチリ Kaiju Booska (opening) 快獣ブースカ Leo the Lion ジャングル大帝 進めレオ! Marine Boy がんばれ! マリンキッド Monoshiri University-Tomorrow's Calendar Osomatsu-kun おそ松くん Pictures at an Exhibition 展覧会の絵 pirate prince 海賊王子 Planetary Mask 遊星仮面 Rainbow Squadron Robin レインボー戦隊ロビン Robotan ロボタン Sally the Witch 魔法使いサリー Tsuiseki 追跡 adventure boy shadar 冒険少年シャダー Comet san コメットさん Donkikko ドンキッコ Fantasy City 幻影都市 Goku's Great Adventures 悟空の大冒険 Golden Bat 黄金バット Heidi- Girl of the Alps Pilot Hey, I'm Guzura! ective Stories 佐武と市 捕物控 sasuke サスケ Shadow かげ Star of the Giants 巨人の星 Sunset Ringleader 夕やけ番長 Vampire バンパイヤ A Shining Example of a Bully 男一匹ガキ大将 A Thousand and One Nights 千夜一夜物語 Akko's Secret ひみつのアッコちゃん Attack No.1 アタックNo.1 Dororo どろろと百鬼丸 Flying Phantom Ship 空飛ぶゆうれい船 Furious Ataro もーれつア太郎 Judo Boy 紅三四郎 Kamui the Ninja 忍風カムイ外伝 Lupin III - Pilot Film ルパン三世 Marine Boy 海底少年マリン Moomin ムーミン plum star denka ウメ星デンカ Sazae-san サザエさん Star of the Giants vs. Mighty Atom 巨人の星対鉄腕アトム Tiger Mask タイガーマスク Animal Village Stories 動物村ものがたり Cleopatra クレオパトラ Goro the Terrible ばくはつ五郎 Hikoichi's Wits 彦一とんちばなし Honeybee Hutch 昆虫物語みなしごハッチ Kicking Demon キックの鬼 Mako the Mermaid 魔法のマコちゃん Misuke in The Land of Ice 氷の国のミースケ New York Trip ニューヨーク・トリップ Norakuro のらくろ shameless highschool opening ハレンチ学園 The Bathroom ザ・バスルーム The Creation 新・天地創造 the flower and the mole 花ともぐら THE FUNNY JUDO CHAMPION いなかっぺ大将 The Gentle Lion やさしいライオン The Great Adventures of Love 恋の大冒険 The Red-Blooded Eleven 赤き血のイレブン Tomorrow's Joe あしたのジョー You Fool Koushien! 男どアホウ! 甲子園 Animal Treasure Island どうぶつ宝島 Animentary The Decision アニメンタリー・決断 Apache Baseball Team アパッチ野球軍 Attack No.1 Movie 4 アタックNo.1 涙の不死鳥 Chikotan チコタン ぼくのおよめさん Commercial War Commercial War December Song 12月のうた Demon Love Song 鬼恋歌 Genius Bakabon 天才バカボン Golgo 13 ゴルゴ13セレクション Good-by Marilyn サョナラ太郎 てんまのとらやん The Extravagant Muchabei 珍豪ムチャ兵衛 wandering sun さすらいの太陽 Zoom the White Dolphin イルカと少年 Astroganger アストロガンガー Chappy the witch 魔法使いチャッピー Chief Joker ハゼドン Devilman デビルマン Gatchaman 科学忍者隊ガッチャマン GO GET THEM 0011 魔犬ライナー0011変身せよ Head Spoon ヘッド・スプーン Little Samurai 赤胴鈴之助 Mazinger Z マジンガーZ Moonlight Mask 正義を愛する者、月光仮面 My Dear Coco モンシェリCOCO New Moomin ムーミン Panda! Go Panda! パンダコパンダ Piggyback Ghost おんぶおばけ Return of Pero ながぐつ三銃士 Road to munich ミュンヘンへの道 Star and Rainbow 星と虹と Tamagon the Counselor かいけつタマゴン The demon 鬼 The Gutsy Frog ど根性ガエル The King and the Nightingale 王様とナイチンゲール The Midnight Parasites 寄生虫の一夜 Triton of the Sea 海のトリトン Yuki's Sun ユキの太陽 Adventures of Korobokkuru 冒険コロボックル Adventures on Rainbow Pond けろっこデメタン Aim for the Ace! エースをねらえ! Babel II バビル2世 Belladonna of Sadness 哀しみのベラドンナ Conte No. 55's why is that コント55号のなんでそうなるの cutie honey キューティーハニー Doraemon ドラえもん Dororon Enma-kun ドロロンえん魔くん Jungle Kurobee ジャングル黒べえ Karate Master 空手バカ一代 Little Wansa ワンサくん Mazinger-Z Vs. Devilman マジンガーZ対デビルマン Microid S ミクロイドS Miracle Girl Limit-chan ミラクル少女リミットちゃん Neo Human Casshan 新造人間キャシャーン Oh Yoko! オー・ヨーコ! Panda! Go, Panda! The Rainy-Day Circus Samurai Giants 侍ジャイアンツ The history of helping each other The Panda's Great Adventure パンダの大冒険 travel 旅 Willie Boy 荒野の少年イサム Wonderland ふしぎないど Zero Tester 0[ゼロ]テスター
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Today's anime cat of the day is:
Marody from The New Adventures of Kimba the White Lion!
#marody#malady#the new adventures of kimba the white lion#kimba the white lion#jungle taitei#anime cat#anime cat of the day#lion
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Why was the 1989 Jungle Emperor Leo theme so good? My ramble about the show itself is under the cut, but be warned, this show was dark. I now call that series “Edgy Kimba”. (But it also had a cutesy ending theme with cutesy visuals... Why?)
I remember when someone put all the episodes of this series on YouTube (that person's channel was long since deleted). Not a single one of them had subtitles, so 13-year-old me watched this show get grim while I understood, like, 5 words at most. I shit you not, there was an episode where a nuclear-powered satellite crashed into the jungle and hordes of animals, many of which were deathly sick from the fallout, flee from a clean-up crew intent on shooting them. Granted, I got the summary from the old Kimbawlion site beforehand, but I had some idea of what I was in for on that one.
I'm aware that there was an English dub (with Light Yagami’s English voice!), but it’s only 13 episodes... Out of 52. And with the violent bits cut out. I don’t know why they even bothered. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh, and I found out that Archive.org has the full episodes now. Maybe I'll finally finish the series.
#kimba the white lion#jungle emperor leo#the new adventures of kimba the white lion#just me rambling#can't believe this series was advertised in the pokemon tapes#the episode described still haunts me#this post brought to you by insomnia
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Kimba the White Lion
Genre : adventure, shonen, drama, fantasy
Category : Аnime series / Аnime film / OVA / Special
Episodes : 52 duration 25 min, (Jungle Taitei Susume Leo!) 26 duration 25 min, (Jungle Emperor (1989)) 52 duration 25 min / (Jungle Taitei (1966)) 75 min, (Jungle Taitei (1997)) 100 min / (Kimba the White Lion: Symphonic Poem) 90 min / (Jungle Taitei: Yuuki ga Mirai o Kaeru) 107 min
#Kimba the White Lion#Jungle Taitei#Jungle Emperor Leo#The New Adventures of Kimba the White Lion#anime#retro anime#anime series#anime film#anime ova#special#anime 60s#anime 80s#anime 90s#anime adventure#shonen#anime drama#anime fantasy
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.➤Multimuse Blog for Various Fandoms Plus Original Characters
.➤Roleplaying Experience of 8+ Years
.➤Multiverse / Multiship
.➤Non-exclusive / Semi-Selective
.➤Crossover Friendly
Featuring;; Kibito & Buu & Paragus (DBZ/Super) || Aximili (Animorphs) || Hawkeye (M*A*S*H) || Lucifer (Netflix’s Lucifer) || Riddick (Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick) || Cynder (The Legend of Spyro) || Gig (Soul Nomad) || Kid (Chrono Cross) || Tenebrae (Tales of Symphonia) || Leo (Jungle Taitei) || Soren (Guardians of Ga’Hoole) || Gin (Ginga Nagareboshi Gin) || Lara Croft (Rise of the Tomb Raider) || Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard) || Qwilleran & Koko (The Cat Who... book series by Lilian Jackson Braun) || Acorna (Acorna the Unicorn Girl) || Ravenpaw & Mapleshade (Warriors) || Eliza (The Wild Thornberries) || Francis (Felidae) || Celestia & Gabby & Lightning Dust (My Little Pony: FiM)
+More to come~
#v.➤psa;;Promotion (Self)#Multimuse Blog#Multimuse#Roleplay Blog#DBZ#DBZ Super#Animorphs#M*A*S*H#Soul Nomad#Rise of the Tomb Raider#Shadow of the Tomb Raider#Chrono Cross#Tales of Symphonia#Legend of Spyro#Guardians of Ga'Hoole#Ginga Nagareboshi Gin#The New Adventures of Kimba the White Lion#Jungle Taitei#Final Fantasy VII#Final Fantasy XV#Monster Hunter#How to Train Your Dragon#Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard#The Cat Who#Disney#My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic#Warriors#The Chronicles of Riddick
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Kimba from The New Adventures of Kimba the White Lion...now I just...please I beg you no Kimba the white lion, Lion King, Disney stole bs okay...both movies are majorly different and I really REALLY am tired of hearing this.
Though fun fact Kimba means Corpse or pile of trash in Swahili
#kimba the white lion#the new adventures of kimba the white lion#white lion#kimba#lion#aftica#cartoon#anime#animation#digital art#speed paint#speed drawing#jungle#jungle emperor#speed painting#art#artist#coloring#colorist#painting#paint#drawing#vector art
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do you know if the 80s kimba/leo series has ever been fully subbed? i can only find the first 22 eps
i believe that it may be subbed in crunchyroll or viki, but I am unable to visit those sites. i could only find the first 22 eps on youtube too. can any of my followers help anon?
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#kimba the white lion#kimba#The New Adventures of Kimba the White lion#kimba the lion#fanart#lion#white lion#art#draw#my art
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Simba from "The Lion King", Leo from "The New Adventures of Kimba the White Lion/Jungle-Taitei", and now Fearless from the new book series of "Bravelands".
#Simba#Leo#Kimba#Fearless#the lion king#tlk#the new adventures of Kimba the White Lion#Jungle-Taitei#Bravelands#Erin Hunter#Art#Artwork#Sketch
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“The great ones among us do not choose their greatness. They are chosen, as were their fathers before them, and their fathers before them, and so on.”
Got to feeling nostalgic with the old VHS commercials on my sailor moon VHS.
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This is why I love to hate and hate to love Jasper, he’s awful but also so pathetic and idiotic and it’s funny. I hope he gets humiliated. Also partially because you just had to give him the cutest hairy monster face and he sometimes reminds me of Carol from where the wild things are. You couldn’t just make him ugly and make this easy lol
Haha he was partially inspired by Joe from The New Adventures of Kimba the White Lion. I couldn't make him ugly cuz then why would the girls like him so much! - Cat
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Andy on Asian Animation or SYAC: The Master Review 2
Let’s talk a bit about anime and Dobson’s work relation with it.
I think we can all agree, that starting from the late 90s and early 2000s on, anime and manga became extremely popular in the western world. Sure, Japanese animation was nothing completely new to us (Speed Racer, Nadia-Secret of Blue Water, Samurai Pizza Cats, Sailor Moon, Kimba and Akira e.g. come to my mind as properties already known in the west before 1995) but it really was around this time that thanks to “mainstream” stuff like Dragon Ball and Pokemon people became aware of how different Japanese animation was from western. Eventually resulting in the really good shit (like Cowboy Bebop, Black Lagoon, Kenshin and Heat Guy J) coming over and enriching nerd culture for more than just a few people who knew of it as an obscurity at that point. Now, if you know anything about Dobson, you likely know that his relationship with anime is rather… complicated to say the least. Or, to let him explain it with his own words…

Dobson essentially likes silly and wacky 90s anime. But later on he hated anime in general, because it got too popular and a bad experience with an anime club in college soured his enjoyment of it. Furthermore, he put the blame on his lackluster art style and storytelling capabilities as seen in the likes of Formera, Patty and Alex ze Pirate, on anime in general, while also claiming that Disney pulling the plug on 2D animation is the result of the “anime inspired” Treasure Planet, meaning anime in a sense deprived him of his chance at working at his dream job and “ruining” western animation.

Which to me has always been ignorant as fuck. For starters, I can understand not liking certain stories or genres, either for objective or subjective reasons. But to hate on an entire nation’s form of entertainment (not just individual shows or genres), depriving yourself of the chance of potentially watching a lot of good stuff while also being rather insulting to these other works and people enjoying them? Especially when the stuff you can supposedly “stomach” has been rather simplistic compared to other things?

Second, blaming Japan for “poisoning” your art style? What, did the ghost of Osamu Tezuka possess you and FORCE you to put sweatdrops on your characters forehead while also going for the rather simplistic character style of Rumiko Takahashi, as well as emulating the slapstick of the likes as Slayers and Ranma ½?

Next, if he had emulated them successfully, I say he would have actually managed to tell decent enough stories worth to read online. Not create Uncle Peggy aka “Discount Happosai” or the bland proto-Isekai known as Formera.

I mean, let’s give some context here: There have been people who successfully managed to emulate certain anime and manga aesthetics into western animation and make it work. Otherwise we wouldn’t have gotten the likes of Avatar-The last Airbender, Samurai Jack, the Animatrix, Thundercats 2011, Super Robot Monkey Hyperforce Go, Kim Possible, W.I.T.C.H, Megas XLR and Wakfu. You know, shows that are actually awesome as hell.

Heck, Dobson’s favorite animated show of the last decade, Steven Universe, is heavily inspired by anime aesthetics to the point of being embarrassing.
But Dobson… well, he emulated anime aesthetics in his work the same way as these crimes against animation did.

Combined with his general shortcomings as a storyteller it is no wonder his initial comics did not do well.
Lastly, and sorry for digressing here a bit, but if the Wikipedia entry on Treasure Planet is something to go by, there was no real inspiration by anime involved in making this movie.
Supposedly the idea of making an animated Treasure Planet in outer space movie was already pitched by Ron Clements WAY BACK in 1985 but only came to be after Michael Eisner greenlighted stuff in the late 90s. Design wise the movie was supposed to look 70% traditional and 30% sci-fi inspired and people took inspiration for the art style by illustrators associated with the Brandywine School of Illustration. A western style of illustration established in the 19th century, that had a big impact on the illustration styles for many 19th and early 20th century adventure novels and short stories.
What, is anime supposed to be the only form of animation allowed to have sci fi elements or steampunk in it? Fucks sake, The Lion King and Atlantis, which came out one year earlier to Treasure Planet, were likely more inspired by anime. Don’t believe me? Watch Atlantis and then a certain anime by Studio Gainax called “Nadia-Secret of Blue Water”. Or read up on the controversy surrounding the two.
The truth is, it is not entirely clear what caused Disney to shut down 2D feature film animation in the early 2000s. In fact, if anything, most people put the blame on Michael Eisner and a certain change in the publics taste in movies in general, combined with Disney trying to turn almost every movie they had into a franchise via cheap follow up movies on video and DVD.
And even if Disney did not shut down, are we really supposed to believe that a certain guy with fedora would have made it big at Disney to the point Alex ze Pirate would have been made into a feature film?

But Dobson could never quite understand this and instead of “reinventing” himself properly, he would rant about anime and its fans in one form or another…

And on the peak of his hissy fit create this little art piece he baptized Anime Sux. Alternatively “West vs East”. Or as I like to call it, slap a jap.

Now, the pic was done in 2008 and Dobson claimed sometimes in the last decade, that he no longer holds his old opinions. Unfortunately, by that point he would also more or less use the chance to vent in his webcomic about anime (or rather its fans), which brings us finally back to SYAC.
While Dobson never outright thematized in more detail WHY he hates anime and manga in SYAC (likely cause if his comic reasoning was even slightly like his reasoning in his blogs, people would have torn him apart like a bag of paper) he did use the format to punch down on anime fans and their preferences.
For example, for someone who has a 4chan story going around of having been rather arrogant towards others in college for not liking Ranma ½, Dobson has THIS little college related comic to show off, where he portrays an aspiring manga artist as a delusional jackass.

Then in this strip titled manga, his manga fan is essentially portrayed as a young woman dressing up like a very stereotypical high school anime girl, who is in the wrong for even just DARING to draw her comics in the direction manga are read.

On one hand, I get Dobson’s point. She could be at risk of alienating a market of readers as she is obviously drawing for a western audience. Then again, if she doesn’t draw a traditional western comic but a manga, why shouldn’t she? I mean, as long as she enjoys it, which I assume she does as she seems genuinely just happy when stating that she likes manga, why not let her? Plus, this comic was drawn in the late 2000s. I think by then most people kinda knew how to read from right to left, so Dobson’s claim she would alienate or confuse people is kinda redundant. If anything I find a) Dobson getting angry at her just very petty (just let her have fun) and b) portraying a western manga fan as someone who would be confused by the sheer idea of reading stuff from right to left is also in itself just really dumb and insulting. What is Dobson trying to imply? That anime fans are so stuck in the way they consume certain media, they can’t act according to “western standards” again?
Then there is this strip where yet another female anime fan is essentially portrayed as the embodiment of how “ignorant” manga fans are of the idea of different art styles...

Which becomes rather laughable once Dobson describes his style as a mixture of European, American and Japanese. Why? Because he is the one oversimplifying things, rather than the anime fan.
You see while anime and manga of all sorts do share certain aesthetics (like the black and white art style, emphasize on the eyes of characters, the way hair is drawn, recurring tropes within certain genres and so on) style wise (both in art and storytelling) there can be severe differences, depending on the artist alone. Akira Toriyama’s style differentiates significantly from the likes of Eichiro Oda, Rumiko Takahashi, Kentaro Miura, Tezuka, Kaori Yuki and so forth.
The same also goes for many western artists. Herge had a significantly different style from Uderzo and Goscinny. Don Rosa has a different style in which he drew Scrooge McDuck than Carl Barks did. Rob Liefeld and Jim Lee draw mainstream superheroes differently compared to how Jack Kirby, George Perez and others did. Heck, Ethan Van Sciver and Jim Lee were closely associated with Green Lantern in the 2000s and look how they differentiate.

Which btw is the kind of skill level Dobson would have needed to have, to make it in the mainstream industry
Then there is this little thing…

Where do I even begin? How about the fact that Dobson’s hand in the last panel looks like he has lost a thumb? The fact that the little boy, anime fan or not, is aware of Sae Sawanoguchi, a character from a short lived OVA and anime series from the 90s, which considering his age, I kinda doubt he would be aware off. Unlike Dobson, who got into anime in the 90s and admits in fact within the posts I loaded up earlier, that he had watched the anime in particular, known in the west as Magic User Club.
Then there is the implication by Dobson, that anime is so “corruptive” as a medium, little kids don’t even know the most basic characters in western animation because of it. I expect in a next panel, that all of sudden some 50s PSA guy comes along and lectures me that if I want this kind of thing not to happen at MY convention, I need to teach little kids more about the GOOD western animation, instead of the BAD eastern one. Then there is this rather unflattering portrayal of a shonen ai/shojou ai fangirl…

Which makes me laugh cause honestly, even some of the worst shonen ai and shojou ai can do better in portraying a “realistic” gay relationship than Patty if you ask me.
Also, as much as I think fangirls can be extremely thirsty (I have read my fair share of extremely stupid yaoi and yuri fanfics) I think that in hindsight Dobson is really not anyone to complain about shipping obsession and sex when he himself has KorraSami, the Ladybug fandom and a certain rat pirate under his floppy belt.
As you can imagine, Dobson would get heat for those comics, considering how he himself has been greatly inspired by anime and manga for his major comics. And while I don’t have any explicit deviantart posts of him reacting to criticism in that regard, I do have this comic which addresses it directly.

And yeah, if I were schoolgirl number 4, I would just sigh and walk away after telling Dobson that his mistakes and shortcomings are not related to having consumed anime, but rather by what sort of anime (and other stories) he had consumed and the amount of effort he had put in creating his stories instead of emulating just something more popular. Plus, if you really want people to draw more from life, how about drawing more from life yourself down the line? And no, tracing Star Wars movie frames does not count.
Finally, Dobson, considering how very little most people think of your work, I say mission accomplished: People have learnt from your mistakes and know not to be a Dobson.
And at last, there is this comic, which kinda wraps up Dobson’s “vendetta” with anime and manga fans within the pages of SYAC.

By trying to mock anime fans and make them look just as shallow as he is. I at least suppose. Honestly, the message of this comic is rather muddled. On one hand, I would say the strawman accusing Dobson hates anime just because it is popular is very simplified. After all, Dobson has made his reasons for not liking anime clear in a few more details. It’s just that the details in and on themselves in real life are still rather shallow and boil down to a lot of personal bias rather than an objective criticism of actual flaws. Which I think is worth pointing out.
But frankly, what is Dobson trying to say or point out here? That the strawman is not so different or even dumber than him, because he hates Justin Bieber for “shallow” and superficial reasons too?
Okay, this doesn’t quite work as well as Dobson wants. First, the argument Dobson’s strawman makes is in huge parts based on some verified statements Dobson made for not liking anime. Second, he just says a name and that triggers the guy to express his hatred for Bieber. We don’t know why the guy hates Bieber and you could make in fact the case, that he hates him not because he is popular, but because he has a genuine issue with the artist, his work or his behavior as a human being. Third, if you want to make yourself look like the better person Dobson, try to argue with the guy and make solid arguments why you don’t like anime. Instead you just deflect the criticism by changing the subject and then try to make yourself look like the “smarter” person in the room by mocking your critic in the most condescending manner.
Which as I think about it, sounds like your modus operandi on twitter and tumblr.
Weirdly enough, that more or less marks the “end” of Dobson tackling anime fans and the beef he has with them within the pages of SYAC. Despite how much Dobson’s negative reputation especially in early years was build around him hating on anime and belittling its fans, he didn’t really do more afterwards in the Dobson focused pages of SYAC. And mind you, those strips were also separated by other strips in-between, focused on Dobson just being at conventions.
Unfortunately for him, the strips didn’t really help in any way to diminish that negative reputation and instead just confirmed for many, that Dobson can’t handle criticism about his flawed opinion on anime. If anything, it just made people think even less of Dobson, as the strips just painted him as someone who would rather portray his critics as strawman he can be “rightfully” annoyed at, instead of fellow humans with slightly different tastes in entertainment, who are still worth listening to.
So, now that we have the anime fan related “annoyances” out of the way, what other sort of silly problems in making webcomics would Dobson cover in his strips and are “relatable” to everyone?
Lets see some of these examples in the next part.
#anime / manga#manga#Andrew Dobson#fuck you Tom Preston#Tom Preston#syac#so...you are a cartoonist#so you are a cartoonist#review#webcomic#comic#adobsonsartwork#adobsoncomic#adobsonartworks
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