#the most hyperspecific of american things
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friskarm · 2 years ago
tired of hearing about countries with population > 10 million
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 9 months ago
Hyperspecific poll time!!
Here's a bunch of things from movies/shows that traumatized me as a kid... and I need you to know I'm not american so some of these things might be like. Well not so familiar with the general public ;) (with the general public I mean non-europeans and/or non-swedes). BUT, obviously I grew up with some more "mainstream" things too that traumatized me.
So let's go!
**I wasn't scared, more REALLY uncomfortable and it's been stuck in my brain every since I saw it and gives me the ick. And this is a Dan Schneider show and it's interesting that THIS was the thing that traumatized me
****A kid was gonna visit something called an "apple grandma" (this is how they translated this in the swedish dub so idk), but they go to the wrong apartment and has to hide around the house as this man comes looking for them and YELLING and it felt so scary knowing what would happen if they got caught. Like it felt like a life or death situation (probably because they shot it from the kids perspective), but I have also not seen this since I was literally 5 because it stopped airing after that
***** Pippi had this magical power in the 1969 series where she could mimic other voices perfectly, and the most scary voice was the deep man voice. In this episode, she sat in her tree, and then the camera panned to the mannequin hand that she stole earlier in the episode, waving from the little hole inside, and the DEEPEST MAN VOICE said "goodbye, thanks for today". Freaked me out so much.
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fagsex · 2 months ago
my top stressors atm:
-liking fem looks and suchlike while also wanting to be distinctly as a man / boy (the latter depending on how much older you are than myself)
-the lack of baking materials readily available for amateur bakers in france because baking as a concept is so heavily legally protected to such an insane degree that even if you are a registered restaurant or catering business / company you still cannot purchase certain ingredients without having a hyperspecific License and the most notable example is lack of actual vanilla extract, let alone any other fruit or food extracts and not even mentioning emulsions. this is most notably present in the day to day, ie from normal grocery stores to real wholesale establishments. there are some online loopholes, but essentially none of them are based and france and thus shipping costs incurred are typically more than the actual product cost. simultaneously, american baking site solutions like "just use amazon!" are impossible, and many specialty (or even non specialty) items simply do not exist on this platform or ones like it. i cannot get actual vanilla extract, i can only get vanilla Flavoring. the key note here - tasting it. everyone has a memory of smelling vanilla extract as a child, being curious, and then regretting it. the vanilla flavoring i have to purchase is so pathetic i could drink the bottle down with no issue. i actually use it in my daily coffee. thats where its best. it is heavily water based and moves like it too. it doesnt stick. it often does not even have an actual percentage of vanilla extract, the ingredient list usually reads as water, glucose, caramel flavoring, [x] coloring. it sounds silly but there are so many things that are utterly inaccessible to me and make it hard to have an actual hobby. french baking and patisserie is simply extremely heavily protected for a very french reason - conservation of french values. they don't want people coming in and having unapproved baking. in case you think i am being dramatic, i am not. i know many caterers, chefs, bakers, boulangerie owners, and people simply well versed in french law, specifically, french culinary law. france does not want the acclaimed french patisserie ruined by outsiders. foreign, whether from halfway across the world or the country over, restaurateurs or entrepreneurs are often, and repeatedly, declined the rights to begin or open their businesses, and denied licenses, and for baking specifically, the rules are even more strict. if you encounter a bakery in france that isnt a french boulangerie, you know that they had to fight tooth and nail and pour their life savings into it. i have yet to see one that isnt primarily a savory restaurant or drink based establishment, that happens to offer foreign confections. bubble tea shops with a small dessert offering or similar come to mind. i dont intend to pursue baking as a career, but even if i did, i am actively discouraged from it. it is behind a paywall. if i want to be able to properly and legally and fully bake, i have to go to culinary or baking school, and god forbid i do everything necessary and painful and expensive to get in, and realize its not for me. i cant truly try out baking as a hobby at home and then decide to pursue a career. and if i pursue a career, im burying myself if i change my mind. these struggles prevent all except the super determined to make croissants and chocolatine for life from pursuing or attempting baking. it prevents all but the french from participating in france.
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solacescastleglow · 2 months ago
How I Levelled Up My Life with ME/CFS: A Hyperspecific Guide for Absolutely No-one
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***DISCLAIMER*** This won't work for many people. In no way am I saying to do what I did and all your problems will be solved. If anything, this is a message to ablebodied people that people with chronic illnesses have to work so much harder to get to the point that they get to start from.
I have deliberately kept quiet about my illnesses on this blog; it just seems 'un-aesthetic'. But then I realised how much my self improvement has been impacted by my illnesses, and how so much of my levelling up seems small and basic if you don't know about my health history. So, here it is. I have h-EDS (and everything that comes with it) and ME/CFS, and this is how I went from a 1-2 to a 5-6 on this quality of life scale by the American Chronic Pain Association.
Wait for the miracle drug and take it
For me, it was Dr. Marco Leitzke's Nicotine Test. I started using nicotine patches in February of 2024, 10 years after my disease onset, with immediate positive effects. This singlehandedly took me from housebound, in bed for 18 hours a day and crashing if I took a shower more than twice a week, to being able to cook, exercise lightly, and leave the house all in one day without major consequences. I cannot emphasise enough how much of a game changer this was for me. It doesn't work on everyone, but for some people it does, and I was lucky to be one of those people.
Get your mental health in check
I am on a combination of sertraline and aripiprazole for my OCD and mood disorder. This has made the mental load of existing much lighter, giving me more ability to think about things in a healthy way.
Moving countries/back in with my parents
While the majority of this section is about physical movement, I wanted to take a second and say that moving into a place where I have support from my parents, and also a 15 minute neighbourhood with lots of stuff going on and people being supportive and accepting, has changed a lot about me. For the better.
Somatic healing
I have a lot of trauma, from illness and other things, and all that trauma was making me sicker. Talk therapy helped me immensely, and now I'm working on somatic healing techniques to release more of that. Every thing I manage to let go of, the better my health gets. And that's not even an affirmation, that's a genuine fact.
I know, I know. Every chronically ill person has been told to try yoga. I didn't do it for the longest time, but after getting my meds sorted out, I could finally try it without devastating consequences. And, unfortunately for my stubborn self, it worked. My theory is that yoga does help, but only if you have the capacity to do it. I've now moved on to weight training, pilates, and calisthenics, and I can rock climb and play badminton again. It's truly a beautiful thing to be able to move your body with joy.
The mental load of being a wheelchair user
It gets exhausting always being on, always supporting my core, always needing to check to make sure I'm not about to roll off a curb or bump into things. To add to that, my neighbourhood isn't the most accessible. Eventually, I got to a point strength-wise where using platform crutches took up less energy than a wheelchair. Now, I reserve my chair for longer trips I know I wouldn't make standing up.
Playing catch up
Because my recovery was so quick, my brain still hasn't really caught up to the fact that I can do things. A lot of what I'm focussing on at the moment is based on allowing myself to leave the house, and getting into self care routines that are more in line with an ablebodied person's. There was a level of dirt that I just accepted in my life and on my body, because I knew I didn't have the energy to do anything about it. Now, I'm changing my standards, which is hard.
Self concept
The thing with self concept work is that you need proof. Proof that it's working, proof that you're not just lying to yourself. And to get that you need wins, no matter how small. Before I started nicotine patches, there was no way to do it, because any 'wins' were followed by debilitating illness. But now that I have that proof, I'm getting so much stronger, and I'm starting to identify less as 'chronically ill' and more as 'recovering from chronic illness'. I will always be disabled, but I now view myself as someone other than the sick kid, which I was stuck in for a long time.
Just start
Last year, I decided to just start complimenting strangers on the street. It was something I'd always been too scared to do, but I did it anyway, and even though it was just as scary as I thought it would be, I did it again. And again. And now I've made a friend (my only friend in almost 7 years) because of it! It's really scary, but sometimes you just have to get over the fear and do it anyway.
Whole foods and eating
I have no idea if the reverse is true, but my diet improved drastically because my health did. There was nothing morally wrong with the way I was eating before, but I eat more consistently and with more fresh ingredients now, which has made my stomach feel less heavy and greasy. If you want advice: get a pressure cooker, an air fryer, and the book Crip Up the Kitchen. In addition I'd suggest a food chopper of some kind, or living with someone who's willing to do the chopping.
Medical transition
With all of this, I've hit a ceiling in how much better my life can get. I'm genuinely over the moon to be at the point where the main thing holding me back is dysphoria, and I now live in a place where that can be treated. This is the next thing on my list, and I'm so excited!
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retro-system · 2 years ago
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mazm-imagines · 1 year ago
Thy Creature Modern/Zombie AU Part 1
This started as a joke but after talking with @fleurrice on the server... this is for real and its loooooong so like strap in. Spoilers for Thy Creature btw even tho this is an AU. BTW I WENT PAST THE WORD COUNT OOOOPS... I'll add a part two later...
Tw for corpses, mention of organs, blood and essentially anything from the og Thy Creature and Frankenstein
Ingolstadt Uni ofc... but honestly it can just be any vague German university for the sake of plot
Please this all came out because I wanted to see Victor as a nervous college student
"he a mortuary science student who took the wrong major" as per fleurrice's words.
Noah in the same major but fleurrice added on "he's the professor" and that's canon to me now.
He's beefing with some 19 yo (unofficial) TA 😒 (Justine). He's also beefing with Victor which I will explain later on. His students like him well enough though even if he's kind of strict. The type of asshole to jump a pop quiz because someone annoyed him a little. He has a good sense of humor and tries to be understanding because he's also been through some stuff.
Justine I think would major in hospitality. Instead of being Victor's maid I think she would just be a childhood friend who's mother was employed by his family.
Hanna would be an art professor of sorts. She has crazy social anxiety but when teaching she's passionate and encourages her students. A lot of students look up to her.
Ben would probably teach something with agriculture. He's a man of few words though... ever since his wife took the kids. Old shame.
Chris would be the alcoholic building manager. He's pretty grumpy. something abt the war .
Alex would be a social worker that had prior experience in hunting. She's very grandmacore and her attitude relaxes a lot of people. She's a good leader to them.
OKAY SO this is a really hyperspecific American thing but like how military recruiters bait highschoolers into joining on promise for free college tuition. Leon would be the sucker that believes in it. But they're German so I guess an alternative would be he's in college for now as a backup plan but plans on entering the military later on. He's kind of a jock but he's nice and popular. This is so oddly specific but I feel like he'd major in either buisness or engineering. Maybe even medicine bc I feel like he'd wanna help people.
This would start off similar to the plot of Thy Creature where Victor starts his research because his mother dies and he wants to know the meaning of life. What better way than to actually use her dead body!
Yeah starting off insane here. He uses his mother's corpse to make Siren. Don't ask why she has tentacles there's octopus DNA in there now...
Because she's the first specimen she's also the most unstable/crazy one. That's also why she's so powerful.
Anyways Victor is freaked out and locks her in his basement. But apparently not freaked out enough because he keeps experimenting.
Originally I was going to have Atlas/Loss and Raven/Not-Guilty at the very end but I think they'd be better here. Atlas is mixed with some horned creature's DNA and Raven is of course mixed with a raven's DNA. Raven is temperamental and thrashes in her bonds while Atlas is docile and doesn't really do much. Victor doesn't care he hates them both, basement time. Raven gives him a little scratch on the way out though...
Now Victor experiments on twins, Nameless and Creature. A byproduct of the experiment is that a zombies hair will bleach white. But sometimes it will stay the original color. Nameless is incredibly unstable, constantly attempting to turn into his more monstrous form. Creature however besides the white hair is perfectly stable. You almost wouldn't be able to tell something is wrong with it.
It runs away though lolllll... lolllll. Victor locks up nameless in his basement with the others. Now that he knows he can make a stable reanimated corpse he just keeps on chugging.
Creature kind of becomes a campus myth like the trash muncher. Mostly non-malevolent though.
Now Noah has caught on to Victor by now. He catches him trying to take something from the morgue but his higherups aren't too hard pressed about it because Noah doesn't have sufficient proof + Victor cleans up really well. Also Noah unironically beefs with a 19 yo for fun so not the most credible. But Noah knows.
Victor half contemplates just hitting Noah with a shovel and doing what he has to but that's hardddddd.
Fortunately for Victor! William Frankenstein found dead in a ditch.
Yeah so while the Creature was out n about it accidentally infected William bc it didn't know it can do that.
Victor immediately takes William's body to mess around. Noah hears about his loss and also about how his mom died and he's like oh no wonder he's weird around corpses. And kind of drops the matter because maybe he's just grieving.
Oh he's grieving alright. G-making r-his i-next eving-specimen.
He uses William's body to make Erysichthon/EL. This specimen is mostly stable, able to switch between monstrous and human at will. However... he likes biting people on purpose and noms Victor on the arm.
Basement time. Basements all over the place.
Now I didn't know if I wanted her to be before or after EL, but maybe after. Victor wanted to experiment on a young child, see how manageable it'd be. Thus he uses a young girl to make 701/Loneliness. She is mostly stable, but she's really hyperactive, so like average kid shit. Unfortunately Victor is kind of unfamiliar with children so he throws her in the basement as well.
Noah when his student makes 7 atrocities against man in his basement:
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Victor's health has been declining drastically as well from his lacerations. He'd been growing more delirious.
While Victor's sleeping on his fucking futon on the floor, he forgets to lock the door... and well ... the monster mash comes out.
Instesd of having Nepe Victor/Regret as a final boss, Victor himself is the final boss. But instead he's infected and a shell of his former shelf. The nepes don't attack him because he has a "vaccine" against them in the form of being infected.
Yeah this whole time he's been using parasitic bacteria for reanimation. It made the nerves jolt and he's like I can work with this.
Worked a bitttt too well. The only way to kill these zombies would be to burn them.
Ofc they start infecting everyone on campus. All entrances are blocked by Nepes zombies. More specifically it's this unidentifiable biomass coagulating around the doors.
🤣🤣🤣 Noah's boutta kill this motherfucker with his bare hands. As soon as the first zombie enters the room he doesn't hesitate to hit it with a chair. Bro is PISSED.
You just know his ass is saying "I KNEW IT" the entire time. He distributes sterile gloves/masks to the rest of the team later on to prevent any sort of pathogens from going inside their bloodstream. But eventually they're going to need something better to filter that shit out.
As soon as Hanna sees what's going on outside she locks the doors to her classroom aaaaaand goes catatonic . Her students have to look after her till the others come.
Hanna unfortunately has to see her students die because plot. Hanna always saw her students like family even if they cycled out fast. They'd be nice to her because they know she's trying her best and vice versa. So it just. Especially sucks for her with the knowledge that these students will never grow up to be accomplished adults like she knew they could be.
Noah meets Justine again and asks her if she can help with talking to Victor to see if there's a way to bring the zombie nepes back to normal.
In reality he just wants to know where Victor lives on campus so he can go beat the shit out of him really hard. Justine doesn't have to know that tho.
They find EL in a corner passed out. He looks like a normal enough boy and he could just be one of the professors children. Hanna and Justine especially want to help him.
Noah is a bit reluctant but he is just a kid.
However as we established EL is kind of a freak. He breathes down their necks and he doesn't start anything just yet. He wants to see how many people are still remaining so he holds off on biting.
Creature comes in purely on accident. It manages to bite through the biomass in the front door and go inside.
Once the gang determine it won't really bite them + it's useful for plowing through the other nepes, they take it in as well.
The university seems to be split between 6 nepes (like the tower and it's 7 floors). Each Nepe has it's own mark. Like you can tell someone got mutated by Siren via the tentacles coming out of them. However Atlas doesn't really do much so his neck of the woods is a peaceful place.
Unfortunately EL realizes they're the only ones left and attacks before he gets attacked. He bites Ben and tries attacking Hanna before Alex shoots him.
They think Creature infected him... which technically it didddd but on accident and it did that to William not Erysichthon. But they still need it for killing the Nepe bosses.
701 bites people to make friends 😭. Her zombies are a bit like. Preserved. Like dolls. They can't move much because their joints are stiff and they've become colorless. Noah's a bit reluctant to hit a child but considering he's seen enough corpses already he's emotionally bracing himself. Chris however has no hesitation. Molotov her ass ❤
Yeah Chris has been making molotovs and shit with his booze. If it works it works.
Ben has started to go a bit insane from the infection. They muzzle and tie his hands up so he can't wound anyone. He can still speak albeit in broken words. They don't want to kill him because of the chance of a cure + he's not hurting anyone so if it's not needed they won't kill him.
Leon, Noah, Alex, Chris, and Creature have been the ones primarily fighting. Leon and Noah are incredibly jacked and let's just say... Noah is motivated by pure spite. Alex and Chris have survival experience so they know what to do in certain situations. And Creature is creature. It takes over later on for fighting while the others try to live the best they can. Hanna and Justine help with injuries.
Hanna also knows Victor had been up to something, on a particularly bad day she said she saw him in the halls carrying corpses and asked what the hell was going on. He admitted his plan to her and while it sounded insane, she thought perhaps... he could get her baby back. He promised to do so if she kept quiet and she did. She later pushed this memory to the back of her mind so she only remembered recently. That's why she went catatonic.
Justine is really concerned for Victor because she knows he hasn't been well. He hasn't et her take care of him either. Wouldn't even let Clerval or Elizabeth visit. So the fact this happened? Oh he's deaddddd.
The gang are focused on finding a safe way out but also to exterminate all the zombies so they won't escape either for the greater good. Noah himself is also trying to research the disease to reverse it because as luck would so happen, he has a hefty amount of medical knowledge. He's been serving as their medic as well.
Raven is terrifying to fight because she and those she infected, have wings and talons (which have grown over time). They fly down to try to slash at the group. Creature uses itself as a meatshield to protect them before finally beating the shit out of Raven and charring her. Bird down.
ELs back-! As Erysichthon. There's green mucus from the corners of his mouth. The zombies on his floor are the more traditional type, except their flesh is slowly breaking down into slime because of his saliva. (He bit them harder than he did Ben and Victor). Again Creature has to fight him and burn him down.
Atlas doesn't do much, he doesn't resist getting killed. His area is not a zone, more so a corner he's been pushed to. They keep him in that area as a way to ward off the other Nepe zombies because his presence seems to work on them like a relaxant. Which in turn makes it easier to kill them. They only kill him when his presence starts agitating Ben and making them all feel a bit sleepy.
Siren is terrifying to fight. Her zombies have grown tentacles. And once she latches on ohhhhhhhh. She is also the most powerful. Her flesh covers the exit. She releases a vapor that acts as a hallucinogen, making everyone see happy visions and want to never leave. Of course that won't do. Fry her ass 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Nameless' area rumbles with his growling. He can't control himself from mutating like every other day but he's trying to hold on to what little humanity he has. But he's also the most brutal. His mutant form literally eating out people's organs and leaving them half behind.
As soon as he sees Creature though, he feels more at peace. More in control of himself, as if it was his other half. But he still wants it to kill him.
He's almost able to control himself for good, but he gets triggered into his mutant form again, and because he can't stabilize himself and is a threat to everyone else, he gets killed. Sadge.
Now that all the major Nepe contaminants are gone, they can finally go to Victor and ask him what the fuck is wrong with him.
Victor's eyes have gone completely black and yellow (another sign of the infected). He's crazed with power but breaking down at the same time. He's begging them to save him but he's beyond saving. The skin that ELbit has gone gelatinous and raven's scratch marks have overgrown with feathers. Tentacle marks on his legs all that jazz.
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itmightbeneb · 2 years ago
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anulithots · 9 months ago
The way I thought that this was 'oh heres things to remember as an author and take care of yourself to avoid these pains' for a good few moments (I'm way too tired asjdkf)
I can agree and maybe add some things as someone who's eating habits are a tossup for pain + used to choke on things all the time at random + has a thing for not telling others I'm pain + gets extreme stomach pain from pizza, which we used to eat all the time and I tend to write things off and not process that I should do something about it.... so I used to just keep eating the pizza when we got it and dealing with the results.
Er, I eventually want to give the 'hyperspecific' things to my character's but until then 'ta da'!
Will hum random songs to distract from pain. (These songs may or may not be the American national anthem or ode to joy or jingle bells).
Will make the most random noises and speak in gibberish
thoughts shall be consumed by pain pain pain. But perhaps in silly ways if they are used to it/process things weird. Might think about how it consumes their existence now but it will be so nice when it goes away
Might gag and choke, sing a bit or think about a show they like, gag some more. Pain. But eh, it will pass soon. Nothing to worry about. Definetly no something to worry others about. Be as quiet as possible. They'll try to fix it when it doesn't need that much attention when it isn't actually that bad. (I say as I just choked on TOFU. TOFU IS SOFT HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN.)
'Drink some water!' they say. Hmmm no. Actually it's better (lies) to let it hurt reallly bad for a couple of seconds as it sorts itself out
even though such events happen every other day at this point, sometimes the scared-ness of 'how do I fix this, what if it's bad' comes in
OH and if around other people, then it's always a pain to be a burden or a nuicense (at least for me). I used to have these ways of masking that I was choking on something. I would silently excuse myself and figured out a way to silently gag (wowowowo... also it's via condensing your tongue to the back of your throat and holding your breath and 'shoving it upwards?'. I tried not to cough really loud because my family would always find out if I coughed really loud.)
Feels bad when fussed over, jokes about it, laughs it off, wants other people to laugh it off too because it's honestly not a huge deal. Kinda funny now. Adds some 'spice to life' as they say.
OH and trying to subtly deal with it yourself for things like stomach pain. 'How does one ask for medicine without rousing suspicion?' sort of thing. Sitting on the floor and trying to massage the pain away. Breathing in little pained gasps as to not make too much noise.
And if I do mention things like 'there's acid in my throat because of these crackers that I keep eating IDK', then again, in passing and not accepting help and wanting to make it a joke
... if you know what triggers things they can be used as a form of self-harm. Not fun.
Low level/continuous pain tips for writing
Want to avoid the action movie effect and make your character's injuries have realistic lasting impacts? Have a sick character you're using as hurt/comfort fodder? Everyone has tips for how to write Dramatic Intense Agony, but the smaller human details of lasting or low-level discomfort are rarely written in. Here are a few pain mannerisms I like to use as reference:
Continuously gritted teeth (may cause headaches or additional jaw pain over time)
Irritability, increased sensitivity to lights, sounds, etc
Repetitive movements (fidgeting, unable to sit still, slight rocking or other habitual movement to self-soothe)
Soft groaning or whimpering, when pain increases or when others aren't around
Heavier breathing, panting, may be deeper or shallower than normal
Moving less quickly, resistant to unnecessary movement
Itching in the case of healing wounds
Subconsciously hunching around the pain (eg. slumped shoulders or bad posture for gut pain)
Using a hand to steady themself when walking past walls, counters, etc (also applies to illness)
Narration-wise: may not notice the pain was there until it's gone because they got so used to it, or may not realize how bad it was until it gets better
May stop mentioning it outright to other people unless they specifically ask or the pain increases
Limb pain
Subtly leaning on surfaces whenever possible to take weight off foot/leg pain
Rubbing sore spots while thinking or resting
Wincing and switching to using other limb frequently (new/forgettable pain) or developed habit of using non dominant limb for tasks (constant/long term pain)
Propping leg up when sitting to reduce inflammation
Holding arm closer to body/moving it less
Moving differently to avoid bending joints (eg. bending at the waist instead of the knees to pick something up)
Nausea/fever/non-pain discomfort
Many of the same things as above (groaning, leaning, differences in movement)
May avoid sudden movements or turning head for nausea
Urge to press up against cold surfaces for fever
Glazed eyes, fixed stare, may take longer to process words or get their attention
Shivering, shaking, loss of fine motor control
If you have any more details that you personally use to bring characters to life in these situations, I'd love to hear them! I'm always looking for ways to make my guys suffer more write people with more realism :)
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purplehoodie09 · 6 days ago
yknow one thing i just do not see much discourse on in the internet and kinda wish i did? the localized nuance of queer experiences.
and i say this myself as someone whos likely quite ignorant to said types of nuances outside my own real life circles and the mainstream online ones i tend to come across. what i mean is i feel like, yes, with how widespread usa american culture (which is quite diverse on its own! the us is a huge country) is in online spaces it tends to influence people all over the globe— especially within lgbt and alternative communities. (again i speak from personal experience, feel free to add to this and whatnot) but i also feel like in sorta chalking up every mildly non-conforming lifestyle no matter where the person's from to the same labels we all use in most english conversation, while it simplifies things and eases off on the need for an explanation on everything cause a lot of labels are easy to just look up (which unites people in the process, thats always great), i think it also has somewhat of an unintended standardizing effect in which i just dont see people talking about how it is to be queer elsewhere (outside of the us that is). save ofcourse for the unfortunate momments where someones talking about how many people are being arrested or, god forbid, killed for being queer in certain countries. and thats just so... pessimistic yknow? i mean, ofcourse, these are the big problems we should be discussing and dealing with before we get all caught up in the nitty gritty— im all for letting pointless discourse and needlessly hostile arguments abt niche or hyperspecific problems die out on their own, but im not talking issues here, im talking joy. im talking spreading out our culture, sharing our love and our lives with each other, its the small things. the things that make us who we are.
for instace, and this is the very small example that got me thinking abt all of this in the first place: did you know that here in brazil, due to not having gender neutral pronouns built into our language like english does, our equivalent for single person "they/them" is technically a neopronoun? and although it perfectly obeys our gramatic, its not quite commonplace. which usually results in, out of personal preference, most folks under the nonbinary umbrella just using whatever gendered pronoun is opposite to their agab (my case).
well technically a lot of us use some variation of any/all or even something that would imply occasional alternation between pronouns like she/him but for simplicity's sake your peers tend to just pick one out of the options youve given them and stick with it. interesting right! how abt where you live? whats it like being queer there? id love to start up this chat
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anicekidlikeme · 11 months ago
My life is a fucking squiggly line.
Today I woke up feeling some unusal optimism about my life. I had a very busy day: studying for my exam, going to therapy, taking the exam, going to class and then office hours. It was all laid out, and for reasons that I won't dare question, I was really excited about today. I put on a rushed outfit. One with jeans. I was wearing jeans. I hadn't for weeks, and I was proud of myself. I go into therapy 10 minutes early, and situate myself in the waiting room, next to my former-campus-crush, who also happens to need therapy every Thursday at 10am. It was all going well.
You'll have to forgive me for any typos I make while writing this, I am devastated, teary eyed, and not a very elegant writer. Eventually, I walk into my therapist's office and start telling her about this sudden happiness. I had my truth conversation with Drew. I'm so proud of myself! The RA knocked on my door again yesterday to see if I was "mentally okay". It was so frustrating!
It took me a very long time to give therapy a chance, and even when I did, I wasn't convinced any of that shit was real. How could I? Growing up, all I heard were pretentious quotes about how mental health needs to be a bigger focus in Indian culture, and all I saw was people doing the exact opposite. It feels so weak to even say the words mental health (it may be the only thing worse than saying I'm depressed out loud). Because of the finite-ness of every emotion of mine, I always logically concluded that everything must pass. And once it has, I just thought you become some sort of happy-prototype (how american-dreamy of me).
But the awful thing about everything is that it never passes. The places I will never go back to are still unchanged, and they just stay there while the grass grows. All these feelings I have too never really go away. They just stay hiding in the back of my brain waiting to jump out when I am not looking. So, I went to therapy. I learned how to get comfortable talking about my feelings, I learned how to resolve them, and I learned how to trust someone with a degree to help make me better.
When I start feeling familiarity, I often do so in the context of surrounding objects. In my therapists office, I had started to feel safe with the trashcan near my chair, with the footrest that was right across from me, and the two paintings right above her brown leather chair. It really is a very comforting space, there's plants everywhere, and it just works. Back to the paintings, the first is of a tall leaf-less tree in the middle of nowhere, but with a strange two-toned gradient of a blue sky. The other is of a flowering cactus of sorts. I am usually very focused on them, and I like them. They help bring me back to my body on days where I am only 11% Vaibhavi. So, here I was, feeling familiar, feeling comfortable, and talking about my feelings.
I signed a confidentiality release last session so that she can reach out to somebody from my college staff to help me with details of my academic and financial life that would only bore you. This session, she brought it up. I know that my therapist too is a person, and I know that she herself has feelings about this confined relationship of ours, but the way in which she approached this hyperspecific fucking situation made me feel like the room had just shattered like glass. I felt confused, alone, accused, and very very unsafe. I wanted to shout at her. I notice as I am writing this that actually I want to shout at a lot of people, but never do. I wonder how it would go if I did, or even if I said I wanted to. Anyway, I wish I would have said to her, what the fuck? I have spent weeks coming in here, learning to trust you, telling you the smallest details about my life in the most truthful way, and here you are, feeling lied to? Just trust me! I really need you to. I did not say that, and instead I cried. A lot. I think a part of why therapy works so well for me is because there are many things in my life that are still waiting to be categorized. Vaibhavi, what happened here was wrong, and I feel for you. Vaibhavi, your body is having a completely normal and healthy response to stress. Vaibhavi, it is okay. I had never heard those sentences until a few weeks ago, and it felt like these labels were making things feel more resolved, more closed-book-ish. Validation is very healthy when you've never had a fucking clue about anything your whole life.
However, as we were talking, I felt a click. A click with which I could feel myself withdrawing. A click with which I could feel like maybe I gave too much of my trust to somebody who is just doing a job they are obligated to do. I don't think therapy is going to work anymore. I don't think it will feel good anymore. I felt for some reason, really really betrayed. I wish I could explain more in detail how everything went down, but if I am being honest, it was too confusing to remember anything besides these leftover feelings I am now writing about.
Maybe therapy is not a sustainable option for me, because I cant shake off the feeling that the more people get to know me, the more definite becomes the timeline of when they will have had enough of me. My social wealth, I have realized, goes through a very specific graphical pattern. Consistently upward at first: this is the stage of discovering new people, loving them, and thinking I will spend the rest of my life being their friend, lover, or I guess client. Then, consistently downward: this is less autonomous. This is when people start getting frustrated (maybe at my antics, maybe at my mindlessness, maybe because I am just too fucking sad all the time), and put distance in our involvements. After this little withdrawal stage, they leave. Walk right out, like I have just been fired from my long term job without warning or compensation. If you were to use these as data points for my life, you would graph a fucking squiggly line.
My life is a fucking squiggly line, and it sucks on days when I am painfully aware of that. What a confusing feeling, to think that your therapist believes that you are a bad person.
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heejinsoulyves · 1 year ago
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Shortcomings is so good. It viscerally examines certain things about race and gender, and certain hyperspecific Asian American thoughts and experiences, that most stories don't. It's rentable on Amazon now! https://www.amazon.com/Shortcomings-Ally-Maki/dp/B0B7578CZX/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2I2S3QMZWFTH2
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sunsetconcert · 2 years ago
So the thing about Hades is that when you first meet him, he looks like a supervillain deadset on controlling everything and everyone around him. To some extent, he is. But once you actually start talking to him, you have the realisation that this man is... So boring. Genuinely, actually boring. He’s the sort of guy who would look at a briefcase and start crying with joy. This is a man who would be so, so excited to have an actual office job. If you were to show him the business card scene from American Psycho, he would unironically pull out his own business card to brag about it.
AS SUCH, the vibe of Hecate should be that she looks like the most trustworthy and competent person in Melinoe’s life... As long as it involves killing Chronos. Outside of that hyperspecific area, she is just a terrible, terrible mess. I want her to be Azula At The Beach levels of unhinged and out of control.
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official-darkforest · 3 years ago
How would you change the warrior cat naming system? I'm trying to change my oc story into something much more original but I'm kinda in love with those names but you know with all that drama. So how would you change it?
i wouldnt call it drama, more like critical consumption of media and being culturally sensitive towards indigenous americans. no one person can speak for everybody in their same demographic, but i still encourage you listen to both sides of the conversation and do your best to be an ally. i know there are quite a few indigenous american ppl who have an issue w the naming system and some who really dont mind it that much, so just be careful and respectful regardless of what you do.
that said, heres a few suggestions!
emoving naming ceremonies altogether, they just have one name their whole lives (but are allowed to change it). another is using some more Wacky prefixes and suffixes, like getting hyperspecific with names (amaranth- for example)
another option is first-names and last-names like whats going on in the cathedral story thing by breadcat/loafpaw or what i did with my own ocs.
(gonna use this as an excuse to infodump lol) personally i reuse their warrior names as a second name if i think it fits well enough like it does for sable flutewhisker and mink driftwood, but some of my characters have titles that are related to rheir jobs like flockmaster ermine (a pigeon farmer), agere goldenrod ('agere' from to do or to act in latin; shes an entertainer), stoat hawker (hunts with a bird-of-prey companion), rover ferret ('rover' referring to 'loners', but sometimes informally adopted by divorcees or widows searching for another mate) and bastion eucalyptus (bastion meaning fortress - his job is/was to be a warrior). the way i order their title/job names and surnames depends on how well they flow off the tongue.
flockmaster ermine and rover ferret can work both ways (ermine flockmaster and ferret rover), but sable flutewhisker sounds better the way it is. same with stoat hawker and bastion eucalyptus.)
i find most of these names by looking up synonyms for things and choosing the most unique one - another thing i did was some families have themed names and adoptees or spouses are given a new name similar to ppl irl whose spouses and adoptees take on their parent or partner's surname - ermine, stoat, and ferret are all related, sable and mink were married into the family and given the new names "sable" and "mink".
if you wanna pull inspiration from this, go ahead. im sure it can be a good place to start so you can figure the rest our on your own and find what worls best for you ^^
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just-another-frender-blog · 2 years ago
Do you think that Futurama is marketed more toward men, or is it pretty neutral? I never thought about it before. I think people tend to see it as a "guy" show because of Bender's public perception (which is often inaccurate.)
I can't speak much about how Futurama was marketed because I wasn't born when season 1 came out. I was three when it ended its initial run on Fox, and I don't have many personal memories of the earliest years of the 2000s. I'm not the best person to speak on the marketing of this show, though I find a lot of the promotional art to be experimental and very creative. The promotional material for this show is quite fascinating to me because I don't think you see anything marketed the way Futurama was (same for other shows/movies that came out at the time).
I have read about the toll it took on Matt Groening to get this show made. I believe he called getting Futurama greenlit "the worst experience of his adult life." Fox wanted him to make The Simpsons 2.0, and he wanted the creative freedom to make a cool sci-fi cartoon. As a result, Fox treated this show like absolute shit; they let it tank on purpose, getting it canceled due to low ratings as a result. That being said, Futurama paved the way for niche television and riskier projects, just as The Simpsons changed the landscape of American sitcoms forever.
My point is that screenwriters, for television and movies, are heavily restricted by executives. This medium of writing is often one of the most restrictive in terms of creative freedom. This can be a good thing, as limitation breeds creativity, but it can also lead to writing problems. I suspect that Futurama stuck so heavily to certain aspects of the status quo because of executive pressure, even though they were able to develop the characters and maintain continuity within said status quo (which is impressive to me).
American media is heavily constrained by capitalism, which means that shows have to be marketed toward a demographic. There are exceptions to this rule, such as the show Infinity Train. Creator Owen Dennis stated that Infinity Train was never meant to be for any one demographic, but was more of a show all ages could enjoy. But shows that don't fit into hyperspecific boxes are kicked to the curb for daring to be risky, which is exactly what happened to Infinity Train, as well as Futurama.
I have no clue what exactly went into the making of Futurama, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say that it's likely Fox wouldn't greenlight the show unless it was geared toward adult men specifically. And that's likely how Matt Groening had to pitch the show in order to get it made. That being said, I know that Fox also came down on the show for being too adult (?) which is downright unfair. Another factor to consider was that the writing room was almost entirely male, and only one episode in the entire 140-episode run was credited to a woman.
There's also the fanservice aspect being exclusively for the "male gaze." There are sex jokes and episode concepts that are very outdated, but overall, I would consider the show to be progressive for the time it came out. It's definitely progressive for a show that was airing on Fox (like The Simpsons). As I said in another analysis post, I was very impressed by how well-written Leela was for the main female lead. Especially how she's allowed to outshine her male counterparts because she's far more talented and capable than them.
Then again, I'm stunned if a show has one or two female characters that aren't poorly written, so my standards are very low. I do get the impression that the writers had a lot of respect for Leela as a female character, especially how David X Cohen stated he initially didn't want her to be a love interest for Fry at first. This is a good thing; female characters shouldn't be created for the sole purpose of being a love interest. They gave her a very well-written and compelling character arc, which is also very rare for a female character (once again, the bar is on the ground, we need to do better).
I'm going to get personal toward the end of this post. I would say that the capitalistic obsession with marketing toward gendered demographics really hurt me when I was growing up, and I imagine it hurt many others. I started forming very intense hyperfixations before I could retain memories, and I don't have a lot of control over what my brain decides is a new obsession. I would fall in love with "things for boys" and "things for girls" without much discrimination. I really just wanted to connect to a story that resonated with me and I didn't care if I was meant to be a part of that audience or demographic.
People gave me a hard time for liking things like Nintendo games or Ninja Turtles instead of liking fashion, makeup, or whatever else was perceived to be normal for girls to like. And I did love many feminine things, but they were still considered weird I guess? This type of attitude harmed my perception of feminity and masculinity, as well as my relationship with my gender identity and sexuality. I have a healthier relationship with my gender/sexuality now, but I don't think I've completely recovered from the societal pressure to act a certain way based on my gender.
For Futurama, I have a hard time seeing it as a show for straight men, even if I logically know that's the case. I'm used to finding comfort in media that was not made for me, and I've been able to make peace with that (though I still get bitter from time to time). And I realize that most creators would rather not limit their work to a specific demographic. They're trying their best to game the system of capitalism, which is all you can do if you want your art to get seen by the public. It's a huge accomplishment when they're able to make wonderful art in such a stifling environment.
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rawliverandcigarettes · 3 years ago
I've been reading your Mass Effect posts as I've been replaying the games and really appreciating them! You have a deft hand at writing and worldbuilding that manages to go into the more scientific areas that Bioware overlooked without coming off as "What does Tali's sweat smell like?" I really appreciate your writing on Salarian reproduction as well.
As a question, how often do you use Doylist viewpoints in your writings as opposed to Watsonian? Cuz I feel like a lot of the issues with Mass Effect (in particular the treatment of the Batarians and Vorcha) make sense from a game design perspective, and a lot of the series issues do come up as the writers failing to align "serious science fiction" with "shooty bang bang action game."
Hey, thank you so much for the ask and the kind words, I'm really happy you enjoy my little words on the internet!!!
As for your question... I don't know if I really completely use that mindset at all? There are issues that are indeed inherent to videogame production and that I am completely willing to accept as the easiest solution to implement in a context that I can only imagine to be impossibly chaotic and difficult to manage. I don't even want to think about the amount of crunch involved with getting the Mass Effect trilogy on the shelves. And while we're at it, I am still trying to figure out how to express my opinions in a way that is at once fair for the devs and truthful to my perspective.
(sidenote: there is a trend among gamedevs -in AAA principally- that, because we are intimately aware of what it takes to get anything out, we shouldn't criticize anything and just move past what bothered us as "not for us" and only celebrate; it's a perspective I understand but don't share, but I also don't want to be vitriolic towards the devs that, most often than not, have almost nothing meaningul to do with the end result and still busted their ass off trying to execute the mangled vision of 5 different people better paid than them all infighting about what that vision should be at all. To clarify my words in general: if I have a harsh word about something present in-game, this is about the actual result and never a judgement about the capacities/moral character of the gamedev behind it. All the love in the world to that gamedev in particular actually! But we also all make an oopsie from time to time, or a decision I find poor -which is not a sin!! it's actually very normal, I have hyperspecific understandings of things and it's not a fair standard to anyone who isn't me-, or sometimes we have to push stuff in the game and we disagree with it and that sucks and that's not on you, or make a compromise that's a way better version than what almost was and nobody will ever know that and criticize you still and that super sucks, and, and... you get the gist)
I guess that, as a narrative designer, I not only believe in the possibility of aligning the two perspectives (Watsonian/Doylist), but getting at close to this, hm, synthesis as possible is actually my whole job! So it's hard not to think of media that way.
While I understand why some decisions were taken due to constaints, I will still critique the way they were implemented; this is exactly in these moments some biases get to the surface and should be examined the most (for example with the batarians, their implementation reveal, in my opinion, a lot of undigested american exceptionalist mindset and white myths about PoC cultures. The premice in itself isn't "bad" and could be a neat jumping point for future subversion, but the fact that 3 games later this premice isn't recontextualized at all and is consistently used as a way to vindicate the player in various ways becomes an actual flaw to the games in my opinion, as it over-simplifies and caricatures an otherwise rich world that presumes to be the opposite of that).
I guess I am driven towards thematic reasonance and vision over lore consistency, for example, but I don't think convenience of function in game design should ignore the message it's still crafting (and I know from personal experience that game designers tend to get away a whole damn lot with not thinking about their game mechanics and what they imply about the game as a larger object, and it's very annoying and makes my job harder!!).
I'm sorry, it's a mess! I don't know if that's helpful at all! If it's not, feel free to send another ask and I'll try to do a better job ;_;
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ettadunham · 6 years ago
A Buffy rewatch 4x09 Something Blue
aka daa-ba-da-dee-ba-da-baa da-ba-da-dee-dabah
Welcome to this dailyish text post series where I will rewatch an episode of Buffy and go on an impromptu rant about it for an hour. Is it about one hyperspecific thing or twenty observations? 10 or 3k words? You don’t know! I don’t know!!! In this house we don’t know things.
And today’s episode is just 45 minutes of season 6 foreshadowing I guess. Let’s help Riley picking up the clues for that puzzle, cause he sure ain’t solving Buffy.
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Listen, I’m too old for the Buffy/Riley relationship. That’s what I landed on. He’s the boyfriend you might think you want in college - and half the time he really is genuinely sweet, but years later you also remember how super patronizing he’s been all along.
I don’t want to be too harsh to Riley though. There’s major baggage attached to all of Buffy’s boyfriends (+ Faith), and he’s mostly alright, I’d just prefer if we did more subversion with him. Painting him as the nice perfect guy contrasting what Buffy considers her “Bad Boy” syndrome is a no win for everyone.
Maybe it’s the 29-year-old in me, but I’m also not a fan of the “women are a mystery” narrative either. It mostly just reads as “I don’t know enough women and / or lack the basic empathy skills to understand that they’re people like me”.
Anyway, back to Dark Willow Jr.
Even though Oz left back in 4x06, this is the episode where we’re truly exploring Willow’s grief about it. And it’s not nice. Willow definitely has trouble dealing with her emotions, especially when it comes to pain.
Here, we’re even seeing her trying to drown her sorrows by drinking… Light Beer? Which is kind of hilariously overreacted, but I understand that it’s more about the idea behind it, and of Willow trying to dull her emotions with substance abuse, than what they’re actually showing us.
But it’s not enough. (I mean, it’s one lousy Light Beer, what did we expect?)
Willow:  I just can't stand feeling this way. I want it to be over. Buffy:  It will. I promise. But it's gonna take time. Willow:  Well, that's not good enough. Buffy:  I know. It's just how it is. You have to go through the pain. Willow:  Well, isn't there someway I can just make it go away? Just ‘cause I say so? Can't I just make it go ‘poof'?
This single exchange tells so much about Willow’s character. I want to pin it, so I can go back to it for every future Willow analysis.
Willow doesn’t want to go through the pain. She wants to be free of it. We also see her being super snippy with her friends, in a way trying to redirect what she’s feeling onto them.
And maybe she’s also picking up a bit on their frustration, which we hear them express at one point; but to their credits, Buffy and Xander are both trying to be as patient and supportive as possible. And that’s not always easy.
Xander: We all have pain, Will. Willow: Oh, like what?  "Oh, poor me.. I live in a basement." Yeah, that's dire.
Giles is… less understanding as he’s confronting Willow about not showing up to their appointment though. His behaviour here shows that as much as we’re thinking of Giles as a dad figure, he’s mostly just that for Buffy. He generally has less patience when it comes to the rest of the Scoobies.
Also, he’s been having Spike in his bathtub for who knows how long now, so he deserves to be cut some slack here.
Willow’s talk with Buffy after that however, is full of juicy foreshadowing. Let me show you what I mean.
Buffy: Giles just worries. Spells can be dangerous. It doesn't mean he thinks you're a bad witch. Willow: I am a bad witch.
And then…
Willow: If I had any real power, I could have made Oz stay with me. Buffy: Will, you wouldn't have wanted him to have stayed— Willow: And I didn't have the guts to do the spell on Veruca.
Yikes. Imagine if she had the power to make someone she loved stay with her. And was in enough pain to take full revenge on the people responsible for taking them away from her. Imagine that.
It’s interesting going back to this episode and trying to analyze what pain does to Willow. She’s always a bit needy, and has a curiosity for power, but she’s usually tempered by empathy and an understanding where her own feelings come from. Here however, understanding why she’s feeling the way she does, doesn’t make things better.
Even if Willow understands that she’s lashing out at her friends due to her sadness about Oz, she’s just tired. She just wants it all to stop.
So she turns to magic, because of course she does. And it backfires, because of course it does.
In that sense, Something Blue shares the most DNA with Tabula Rasa - another episode that’s mostly remembered for its fun moments, but the plot happens because Willow is trying to solve her relationship issues with magic. (”Now with more yikes.” - a Tabula Rasa ad, probably.)
We’re even joking about it here:
Buffy: We may be into a forgetting spell later.
See? It’s foreshadowing palooza.
There’s of course also the Spike/Buffy relationship which we’re seeing happen for the first time. I also want to circle back to one of Buffy’s early lines in the episode.
Buffy: But I can't help thinking — isn't that where the fire comes from? Can a nice, safe relationship be that intense? I know it's nuts, but.. part of me believes that real love and passion have to go hand in hand with pain and fighting. I wonder where I get that from.
Well, I don’t know, Buffy. It certainly sounds like the same bullshit Spike was on in Lovers Walk about how lovers can’t be friends. And I already mentioned how I kind of hate that we’re painting Riley as the antithesis for that kind of romance, when there are much better examples for sort-of-functioning-not-at-each-others-throats couples on this show. (Expect me to circle back to the whole exes can’t be friends theme with New Moon Rising too once I get to it.)
Another detail in this episode is Spike commenting on Willow being miserable, while the rest of the gang are talking about how she’s ‘dealing well’. It’s one of the many examples proving Spike as highly observant, which is a cool part of his character… But I also feel like it sometimes leads to fallacies (which I personally consider his speech in Lovers Walk to be).
Spike notices things, and he voices those observations, but that doesn’t mean that what he says is true. One should always remember that Spike is still dressing up those truths in his own perspective. For instance, take last episode, where Spike made a speech about how they should stop debating the whole Native American spirit debacle. There was certainly truth to what he said, but it also seemed to simplify the entire conversation around the issue, not just in their specific circumstances.
In any case, Something Blue is insanely fun, even if I spent all this rant fixating on its most depressing implications.
You should probably expect the same kind of treatment for Tabula Rasa, once that’s on the table. (“I don’t think this is gonna work.”) We’re here to do a Buffy rewatch, not to have fun.
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