#the most basic ass white ass man ever
“omg adam face reveal 😳” “yo why adam kinda…” “who was gonna tell me adam is hot under that mask??? 👀” girl what are you talking about adam looks like dreamwastaken
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lulabon · 2 years
This is how all of Damon simps look like
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angelbwrry · 3 months
since you want requests!!! Connie’s a fucking hoe, always cheating/ got bitches in his phone. But when y/n do something she gets fucked UPP😩
figures. connie s. 2k.
cw𐙚 cheating, fingering, choking, dirty-talk, squirting, multiple orgasms . . . connie springer is a fucking asshole and you’re stupid. minors shoo!
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everyone referred to connie springer as the college campus ‘playboy’. even connie welcomed this label openly and confidently. he wrapped before he tapped, and that was all that mattered. he wasn’t ashamed that he liked to mess around, no harm no foul in his eyes.
the college buzzed with gossip when he’d revealed he had a girlfriend.people thought you were an airhead for dating someone of his status,little did you realize they’d been right.
you’d transferred colleges mid-semester because you found your original one lacked basic principles and adequacy. not to mention the professors seemed to resent their jobs and took it out on the students.
on your first day at the new college, you were completely lost. the campus was enormous, easily twice the size of your old one, with room to spare. despite receiving a layout of the school, you continued to get confused and turned around. your frustration had grew as your social anxiety spiked.
a man came up to help you, surprising you. you couldn’t deny how cute he was—with his athletic build, short sandy buzzcut, pretty smile, and the most enchanting eyes you'd ever seen. they were hazel, a mixture of green and brown speckled with gold.
“you seem a little lost,you must be new?” connie questioned, a warm smile on his face. he’d stood so close that his cologne had been practically smothering.
you’d laughed softly,shifting your book-bag on your shoulder.
“that obvious,huh?"
connie had nudged you playfully with an inked arm and quipped, "just don't see pretty girls like you around here often.”
you had felt your face burn at the compliment, looking down sheepishly at your white-painted toes.
“i’m connie by the way”
you smiled,”y/n”
you wish you could rewind time to this exact moment and warn yourself to run away from connie springer as fast as you can. he had a way of making you feel important, but underneath it all, he was nothing more than a sex addict narcissist.
he’d decided to take the opportunity to talk to you when he saw you standing there with a quizzical look on your face. up close, you were even more beautiful with your curls that smelled like coconut swaying in the wind, smooth skin, two-tone plump lips lined in brown covered by a glossy top coat, soft eyelashes that shaped your eyes beautifully.
connie never intended to date you, but the more he spent time with you, the more his feelings grew. maybe it was the way your nose scrunched when you focused or your laugh that always made him smile. or perhaps it was your radiant smile that could light up a whole room.
after six months of talking and meeting almost daily, connie asked you to be his girlfriend. you said yes without hesitation, which later became your greatest regret.
the first time you realized connie was cheating on you, you’d slapped him right across his stupid fucking face with your ring, leaving blood dripping down his cheek.
“you think you’re slick? unlock the phone cause settings isn’t texting you at three am!” you seethed,you were in your bonnet and robe. you’d been laid up with connie in your dorm when his phone kept vibrating,and to your surprise he had the contact saved under ‘settings’.
the fiery look in your eyes terrified connie who had never been hit by a woman. he unlocked the phone and sat on the bed, simultaneously pulling his shirt over his toned frame.
you laughed and warned, “yeah, you better put your clothes on because you're about to get your dumb ass out of here.”
you looked through his phone and discovered his conversations with numerous girls that he had been hiding from you. he assured you that he hadn’t met with any of them, but you found it hard to trust his words. the sting of betrayal hit you deeply, and you cried into your pillow all night.
the initial three days following the breakup were extremely hard, and crying every ten minutes made it impossible for you to go to classes. missing connie amplified your agony.
connie, naturally, felt awful about hurting you. he tried to find you during his breaks between classes but kept missing you, assuming you were avoiding him. every glance at his scar in the mirror reminded him of his mistake.
you had already eaten half a box of snickers ice cream when your phone pinged.
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it was connie.
you blocked his number, but he continued to text you from burner numbers, pestering you until you unblocked him. you foolishly chose to talk to him in his car and found yourself wedged between the headrest and the backseat while connie had rough sex with you.whispering sweet nothings and apologizing. with cunning precision, he prodded into your g-spot with that devil of his while asking you to take him back.
lost in the moment, you nodded your approval with a whiny ‘okay’
despite everything, connie continued to cheat consistently. whenever you saw incriminating messages on his phone or caught him flirting, you'd leave him. he’d then flood your phone with calls until you agreed to meet him, where he would persuade you to take him back.
it was an endless cycle that you couldn't escape. even though you wanted to leave connie and never look back, your love for him remained strong, and he knew it. your friends called you a fool, and they were right—you felt incredibly foolish staying with a man who had proven unfaithful time and time again.
one night during a girls' get-together, sasha, one of your best friends, said, 'treat him the way he treats you. seriously, men cannot handle a taste of their own medicine!” she threw you a knowing look while munching on a handful of Skittles.
“connie’s ego is so damn big y/n.how do you tolerate him? it’s almost suffocating," annie,your other friend budged in.
“yeah,tell me about it,” you responded with a scoff.
three weeks have passed since your last conversation with connie, and you find yourself lying in bed reflecting on sasha's words from the sleepover.
you never imagined conjuring up plans to cheat on your partner, never envisioned dropping to connie's level. an idea suddenly struck you—to send connie a text 'accidentally' inviting another boy over.
you wanna come over eren? me and connie are fighting right now, i could use some dick
eren jaeger was a boy from your english classes, you two had went on a date.you really liked him but you were still in love with connie, so not wanting to lead him on you broke things off after a month.
eren had grew furious as he struggled to comprehend why you kept allowing yourself to get hurt. you two had gotten into an heated argument and you’d stormed out of his car, never to talk to him again.
you pushed eren from your mind. it felt incredible to come at connie like this as you typed out your message. you were pretty sure he was balls deep in some other girl, so you didn’t expect your phone to buzz right away after sending it.
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you couldn't deny that it was exciting to provoke connie like that, it felt good giving him a taste of his own medicine. to your surprise, twenty minutes later, he was standing outside, hammering on the door.
you considered opening it as your anxiety grew as you feared he might yank it off its hinges. his constant calls aggravated you and all this while he stood on the other side of the door.
you’d forgotten to turn your ringer off and he could hear the default iphone ringtones as he spammed your phone.
“y/n open this door. i know you're in there,you’re being mad childish.” connie yelled,irritation evident in his tone.
you could barely believe his nerve for calling you childish, which made you scoff aloud.anger now pulsing through you, you yanked open the door ready to retaliate in words but were silenced when his lips collided forcefully with yours.
his kiss was so intense it left your lips feeling immediately tender; unable to control yourself, a whimpered sound left through your lips. his hand wrapped around your throat, other closing the door shut.
with connie's tight grip on you, one hand tangled in your hair and the other wrapped around your neck, you two walked backwards to your bed.
he had a look in his eyes you'd never seen before, and you felt a hungry tingling sensation in your clit for him.
you realized in that moment you were just as toxic as connie. here he was was choking you up, making you wet; his hands spreading your legs and moving your panties aside.
as he slid a finger into your wetness, you let out a pathetic moan.
"are you planning to sleep with jaeger behind my back?" he whispered sinisterly, and you stayed silent. you weren’t about to reveal that it was just a ruse, because his cheating ass deserved to feel exactly what you felt. because he’d make you feel like that for half a year.
“oh now you ain’t got nun to say? watch how i fuck this confession outta you.” connie muttered,his hands cupping your thighs and placing you on the bed.
connie fucked you relentlessly that night, pounding into you with unbelievable speed. you couldn't keep track of how many times you climaxed and squirted, and despite your soreness, connie kept going without concern.
he choked, spanked, and demanded you to take all of him.
all you could was lay there and take it, he’d fucked your mouth,your ass, and now he was back in your quivering pussy.your voice was hoarse from moaning all night and all you could do was whimper and whine as he stroked your pussy.
you couldn't stand the way connie knew your body so well; with one touch, you would become immediately wet. he was aware of every position that made you orgasm fast,aware that if he licked your nipples you’d squirt, and even though you weren’t keen on anal, he made it enjoyable for you.
"whose pussy is this?" connie panted as he drove into you, his thumb tucked in your tight asshole.
"y-yours, connie," you moaned out in joy, tears streaming down your face as the sound of slaps filled the room. your eyes shut tightly, biting back a cry as connie employed a deep thrust.
"am i the only one who can fuck you like this?" he asked, scalp stinging as he forced your head back by your hair.
"yes,” you whimpered.
“good, don’t forget that mamas.”
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y/n girllll…you weak in the knees.STAND UP.
masterlist 🎀
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How...how are you alive?
Kenji sato x Fem! [Different demention] Reader.
SUMMARY:Ken had a lover named Y/n, but she had passed away. He was devastated from that. Then 2 years later his mother was declared dead. So he took the opportunity to move to japan and restart his career in his home country. But then something strange happened. There was a exact copy of his lover in his living room. Except she wasnt his y/n. She was different.....from a different demention.
[A/n:Im gonna try and make this into like a series i guess lol]
(Warning: sexual tension, angst, confusion, crying, my cutie ken sad basically the whole story. Y/n has brown eyes & brown hair[ya know bc shes from a different demention]<tell me if i missed any>)
Pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5.
It was different. Sad. Not like what he had thought his life would feel like. Y/n had died 2 years ago because of cancer. He remembers her blue eyes sparkling like the ocean when the sun began to rise from the night sky. Her blonde hair swaying in the wind perfectly all fluffy and soft. Her plumped lips smiling showing her pearly white teeth. Her dress would be thigh length and sway in the wind so majestically. Her sweet voice would say the most beautiful things when she spoke. But then....her eyes became dried cracked wholes in her head. Her hair began to fall out and become like straw. Her smile started to turn into a signature line. Her voice started to sound ruff and hard. But one thing never changed. How much she loved Kenji. Everytime she saw him walk into her hospital room with the signature red roses and smiling happy to see her fiancé. But then it all ended with that one last beep on the monitor. After that he didnt want to find love ever again. It hurt to much. The sound of her laughter when they would cuddle and tickle each other. Or when they would wake up with each other in bed and stay there all day. It wouldn't be the same.
Then 2 years after that his mom was declared dead. Something snapped in him. He moved to japan to restart his career and forget about everything that wanted to make him cry all day.
So now he was on his way to play basbell. The Giants. Fight as Ultra man. And restart. But how he had asked to please make the pain stop to anything that could have the power to. Anything.
That was until he woke up to a crashing in his living room and a female screaming.
He had grabbed his baseball bat and tip toed to the sound. It was a girl. A women. She turned around and looked at him scared.
It was Y/n.
But it wasn't her exactly....She has brown hair and brown eyes. Probably taller than her and more plump in some areas...*ahem*.
She looked even more confused. "Uh, yes" she said uncertain. "Who are you and why the fuck am i here?"
He was in shock. Why was there someone that looked like his y/n but so so different. Plus his y/n never cussed. The only bad word he ever heard her say was crap. And she said fuck like shes used to saying it.
"W-Wait, you dont know me?" Kenji asked confused. He waited for her answer. ".....nooo?"
Fuck. What the fuck. How is this possible.
But, after some time. He learned that Y/n was 22 and was living in California. She worked at a cafe and book store to make ends meat. She was the complete opposite to what y/n was like. She didn't even have the same color at all like her. Brown hair, brown eyes, playful/sassy attitude and less innocent.
"Well, can you help me get to my home demention because like ya know, im not suppose to be in this one?"
Damn. She's right. She has to go home sometime. He looks at her thinking.
"Plus, everytime you look at me your litterely burning holes into my ass and tits"
Yep she definitely not his Y/n. How will this go now. His life is already a mess to began with...
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appleblueberry-pie · 7 months
You asked Yan!Miguel requests and I shall deliver
Yan!Miguel with a spider!reader that wasn't bitten by a spider but rather was experimented on (Alchemax still doing shady stuff) and has the same superpowers as Miguel (only that their venom is deadly).
However even after surviving the tragic things their canon indicates, they're a ball of sunshine.
oh yeah. it's all coming together.
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Miguel was having mixed feelings. He was coming to a point where it was hard to focus on his important work. It was hard to ignore his anxiety stomachache. Hard to ignore the usual annoying people that just wouldn't leave him alone in his man cave. And it was especially hard to forget about you. It wasn't ever possible to not think about you, but he just couldn't push you to the back of his head for at least two minutes. It was hurting him. It was also hurting his technology he kept destroying(he crushed two keyboards and threw his printer).
Why can't he just figure you out? Since Jess found you in your universe and immediately gave you the green flag to help his team of spider-people, he's found out so many things about you. But every time he is given an answer about one thing, it just digs him into a deeper hole of realization that he really doesn't know you. For starters, there's no legal government information of you anywhere. He's been watching you through his monitor for at least 2 hours a day, and most of your day consists of you beating ass. Like you have no other thing to do in your life, not to mean it in an insulting way.
It's just weird, because almost all spider-people have lives outside of them being spiders. But the more he observes you, your superhero life just reminds him more and more of....himself. You didn't have the obvious genetically-enhanced spider build that usual spiders do. Which was taller and slimmer. You were for sure taller(he did his research, you sprouted by 6 inches in height), but you were more on the muscular, bigger side. And this way, you would benefit more for close combat to take down enemies, instead of almost entirely relying on your webs. Similar to how he was. Another example to further explain, is he was watching you on his monitor while you had a mission to bring another universe's Green Goblin back to their universe. He found that your webs were obviously bio-engineered. Either you made these yourself, or someone made them for you. So, you were physically more powerful than the usual spider, had bio-engineered webs, and the way you fought.....
You had chased down that Green Goblin like he killed your family. It's not an exaggeration. GG was fast, but you were faster. He took multiple jerks around corners and through narrow alleyways, flying to get away from you. But you caught him. Slammed his body into the brick wall, damaging it. He screamed bloody murder to get away from you, and you just kept hitting him. He watched as your fist collided with his face multiple times. And when you finished, he saw you basically unhinge your jaw to show your long, venom-dripping, white fangs. They showed beautifully through the video footage lighting. They had to hurt when they protruded, it had to. But you didn't seem to care about anything in that moment besides finishing off your prey. You sunk your fangs into his neck, piercing them into his flesh as deep as you could, your regular teeth almost breaking into his skin as well. GG's scream of excruciating pain faded into complete silence. Miguel watched the man go limp in you arms. Was he dead? You held him to your body as close as you could to hide your catch from anyone who could've found the both of you. It concerned him so much with how you went about finding him, he had to interrupt you by calling your watch. You seemed to snap out of whatever trance you were in and removed your teeth from the now limp villain.
"Hello?" Your sweet voice rang through his watch and he couldn't find the right words to tell you to just bring the poor guy back to base. When you did, three doctors had to help resuscitate Green Goblin. What the hell did you do? You were asked this multiple times and you just felt more and more guilty when people continued to say it to you. Miguel decided to step in and remove you from the emergency room and just told you to take a few days off. All he could say to you is you deserved it, so you took his word. He immediately turned his monitors back on when you went back home, because it wasn't the end of your continuous mysteries.
When you go home, you clean up and then disappear. This wasn't news to him. But it was confusing because the cameras couldn't catch where you possibly went, even at different angles. It was somewhere in your bathroom. You'd open the shower curtain, step into the shower, close it and then not come out for the next 5 minutes. You did this once every two weeks. Other times when you were gone for the day, he tried to find the secret room you obviously had and...nothing. He couldn't find a damn thing. The wall was solid, it didn't seem like it was hiding anything. He scanned it multiple times with different gizmos he had up his sleeve, but nothing. So, after installing a small robotic fly that he placed into your home, he got lucky and managed to slip into a room hidden behind your shower when you went in at the dead of night. The room was almost entirely dark and all you had in there was countless metal bottles of some sort of a glowing serum and you would inject it into your shoulder. Something very similar to what he does to himself. He was surprised to next week with this information. What made it worse was that right after you injected yourself, you found his fake fly. So now you know someone was watching you. He can only hope you don't find out it was him who implanted it.
But now he was sure. You were just like him. It made him as happy as it made him frustrated because you had him all figured out. You knew he used injections, that he wasn't a natural spider, you probably also knew he loved you to the moon and back. He had a soft spot for you, and it showed so much it was pathetic. You could walk into his cave and call out for him with your siren song, and he would immediately turn off everything and drift your way, sweet nicknames for you sliding off of his tongue like sugar. He only ever wanted to please you. And he felt like you knew this. But even with everything he just found out about you just today, he still seemed in the dark.
All he knew is that you were a happy-go-lucky sweet girl. He didn't know why you did the things you do. Why you inject yourself, and why you are so predatory and ruthless when you basically hunt villains down. So, he asks you.
"Miguel?" He swipes all of his holographic screens away and turns off the rest of his devices, making a 180 to fully face you as you hop onto his platform. The smell of Empanadas wafted up his nose as you give three separate containers to him. "The cafeteria guy said he had extras, so I brought as many as he would let me for you. I know you don't eat much since you're really busy." His heart swells with affection as he coos at your sincere kindness, opening one to take his first bite. "Ohhh, querida, you didn't have to."(My dear)
You watch him place the rest on his desk and he finishes chewing to talk to you. "Thank you......So.....I wanted you to see me so that I can talk to you about how you handle the anomalies in other universes, and maybe even the regular villains in your own universe." You nod understandingly and Miguel had to ignore his increasing heartbeat at your eyes staring up at him.
"I'll be honest with you, amor. When groups are out to capture an anomaly, I usually don't have to monitor them because I have other people to do that for me. But Jessica and I sent you off on your own, knowing how much we can depend on you to carefully capture the anomaly with no troubles, which I know you don't. But, still, I take precautions and monitor you every now and then to make sure if you're alright or if you need any support. But when I see you through the my screens....you are....particularly rough with them. And it's more rough than the usual spider would be." You seem to know what he was talking about and advert your gaze, messing with your suit. (Love.)
"Y/n, you almost killed Green Goblin the other day." You purse your lips and nod in agreement. "Yes, I....."
You hesitate to speak. You didn't want anyone to know about your past. Did he have to know? You guessed so, since you are a part of a really big multiverse-saving company. It was so hard to escape Alchemax when they fucking tortured you every single day for their own pleasures. That stupid serum you can't live without? You stole enough to live for the next 3 years. And that's all you really needed. You took an Alchemax worker's apartment that you found deep in their records, knowing that if you fake your emails and his work, you could live in secret. You didn't want to live on like this forever. You knew that after those three years ended, then they ended. And you would follow.
Your only hope for the rest of your life is to live in secret and to help people as much as you can before you died. The serum just makes you a little.....violent. Just the way that the scientists liked it so that you could run on it for longer than usual. So, here you are. But how are you supposed to explain that to your boss?
"......Y/n?" He softly calls your name, concern etching his face as he reaches out to touch your hand. He almost didn't want to, not knowing how you felt about it. But when his finger very lightly grazed your warm and soft palm, you blinked back to life, grabbing his hand back. A breath entered his lungs and he seemed to be reborn at your sudden advancement to his touch.
".....Yes. I do have something to tell you." His eyebrows scrunch as he nods and pulls up a random chair to sit and wait for you to talk. You told him everything. About how you are an experiment on legs, how you were from Alchemax, and that they were the people that really owned you. And you being a spider-person is just you doing as much as you can for the city you loved so dearly. How you only had three or less years to live with the serums you had hidden in your home. How you literally don't care if you die anytime before that, and you're doing your part in life that doesn't make you as useless as you thought you were.
Miguel watched you say all of this. He watched your face. He watched how you....really didn't care. You were so calm about all of these life threats that you continuously had hovering over your head. You live life every day as if it was your last. What if someone burned your house down? What if Alchemax found you?? What would happen to you then?
"I can help you. Lyla." He almost seemed to work on autopilot. "Bring me documents of the chemical makeup of my own serum for me. While you're at it, turn all of the equipment in Floor 4's laboratory on for me." All of his tech equipment were back on again as he pulled his own serum, meant for next week, out of his drawer. "Miguel...?" "Y/n, can you bring me one of your own serums? I'll be in the lab when you come back. Find me on the fourth floor. Lyla can show you the way."
"Miguel!" He pauses and looks down at you. You shake your head as a shaky smile is brought to your face. "I don't need you to do this for me. I'm fine with the way things are." Miguel scrunches his face and steps towards you. "Qué? Te estás escuchando a ti mismo? Y/n, I don't want you to die. Nobody wants you to die. Y-you need to be here, No entiendes? Do you want to be a spider for the rest of your life, violently killing people the way you were taught? You can be given a regular life. A new life, here with me! You deserve more than just....being a machine. Because you're more than just a weapon. You're human."(What? Are you hearing yourself?)(Don't you understand?)
Miguel went too far with his speech. He said too much. Every word that continued to spill out of his lips dug him into a farther hole. You were crying, but it still didn't help the fact that you now know that he probably is infatuated with you. He tries to save face by saying more, but instead, his hand reaches out to wipe the tears off of your face. It couldn't possibly be real, the way you leaned into his touch. Your wet face touched his palm and he stuttered endlessly. Fuck, he had to get out of here.
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to say that to you. It was unprofessional." You shake your head and lift your face out of his hands, staring up at him with those glistening eyelashes, your beautiful shiny eyes looking up at him. "No.....I'm glad you told me that. I.....thank you." He looks away bashfully and takes a step back....another....and then another until he walks off out of the cave to go down to the laboratory.
What is he going to do about you? He loves you too much to let you continue doing this horrible job. It was killing you.
Something feels off about this, but I am going to post it anyways because it's been bothering me like a collar tight around my neck all day. Needed this badly.
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delirious-donna · 1 year
Atta Girl [Toji Fushiguro]
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Toji has a debt to collect and you just happen to be along for the ride as his new partner. He has no need for a partner, not unless you plan on putting that smartass mouth to better use?
pairing: Toji Fushiguro x female reader
warnings: face fucking, mean Toji, light asphyxiation, rough blowjob, light degradation, mentions of blood on clothes, implied violence (not detailed and reader is not harmed in any way), cum swallowing, if this looks familiar it's a touched up version of something I wrote last year!
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You didn’t think you could possibly miss the bickering of earlier, the yells of indignation at your mere presence, but it was far more preferable to the heavy silence of right now. Oppressive and sinister, even your measured breathing sounded deafening to your ears.
Toji Fushiguro regarded you with the dead eyes of a merciless killer, devoid of emotion and not even a smirk present on his scarred lips, it was terrifying. 
Of course, you had been unlucky enough to be partnered with the one man famed for being a lone wolf. A man that had grumbled and downright growled at you like an animal whilst you had both sat idling in the car. His chin rested against his broad palm, elbow braced on the sill of the door and he refused to meet your eye, not that you were trying particularly hard.
“Who the fuck said I needed any help? Stupid motherfuckers sending me some shitty piece of ass as backup… the fuck I need backup for?”
You hadn’t known which part to be more offended by; the insinuation that you couldn’t hold your own or the comment about you being a piece of ass. Pointing out that two were better than one had fallen on deaf ears, riling you to the point that insults were hurled like bladed weapons between the two of you.
With the air conditioning cranked to the max in a poor attempt to lower the temperature from your heated exchange, you swept your gaze over the infamous debt collector. Known for never losing a mark, always retrieving the goods and often in the most gruesome of ways, it was impossible to deny that he was hot. You never could hide your feelings and even as fucking pissed as you were at him, it was still more than evident that you were interested. 
Toji was exactly your type, and that was the biggest problem because you had a thing for assholes. The type of man that would only ever call you things like “sweetheart” or “darling” for the sole purpose of avoiding the possibility of uttering the wrong name or worse, forgetting it altogether.
Men that wanted one thing, and it wasn’t like you were some innocent flower, but it’d be nice to be held once in a while after having your cunt split open and your make-up ruined by the steady flow of tears and saliva.
A basic white tee stretched taut across his upper torso and it only highlighted how strong Toji was, the cotton did very little to hide the definition of his chest and the cut of his strong abdominals. What might it be like to have the chance to ride those tawny abs? Thick veins ran the length of his forearms, curving over the bulge of his biceps and his hands looked like they could crush a windpipe with little effort.
Why did he have to be so fucking attractive? Why were you thinking with your pussy and not your brain? The man that you had known for all of five minutes had insulted you more times than you could draw breath, yet here you were, wet and horny.
Perhaps this was the reason your judgement lapsed. Too fogged by lust and decadent fantasies to see the ambush, and it had almost cost you your life. A job that had meant to be a cakewalk turned into a shoot out and honestly, it would have been your own fault if the worst had happened.
You were thankful that Toji had been there, that he had even bothered to shield you from the brunt of the attack and struck back with such deadly precision and fervour that you would swear he had otherworldly powers.
A choked thank you caught fast in your throat, wary of how icy his expression was whilst you took in the white tee that was now caked in drying blood and worse. A streak of crimson ran the length of his face and you wondered if he had been hurt and you simply hadn’t noticed in the carnage of the moment.
You reached out to cup his face, an instinct to care for him burning you alive but he caught your wrist before you could touch his cheek. Prominent callouses rubbed at your soft skin, the roughened texture a stark contrast and one you enjoyed more than you were willing to admit.
“What the hell are ya playing at?” he yelled, forcing a meek squeak from your mouth as you jerked back from being grabbed and how angry he sounded at you.
“You’re hurt. I was…” your voice trailed away under the scrutiny of his cold, penetrating stare. A vein throbbed in the side of his thick neck and you watched it, unable to maintain eye contact with him. You were wilting faster than a flower caught in a heatwave.
“Where’s your shitty attitude gone, huh? Lost your bark now that I had to save your sorry ass? Told you I didn’t need a goddamn partner. Nothing but fuckin’ trouble.”
Toji tossed your captured hand back into your lap, ripping down the sun visor to stare at his bloody reflection in the mirror with a heavy frown. You watched him covertly, or so you hoped. It was wrong to continue finding him sexy, especially dripping in blood but it only fed that primitive image you liked so very much. It suited him to look so dangerous and capable of violence at the drop of a hat. It kept you on your toes, never daring to find his presence comforting for fear that would be the moment he finally struck.
“I know you like whatcha see, princess, keep staring and imma do something ‘bout it,” Toji threatened, fixing his gaze on you through the reflective surface of the mirror.
You squirmed. You blushed. You felt downright stupid. Embarrassment burned in your chest, turned you petulant once more and your sassy tongue returned with a bow.
“Yeah right. Like I’m interested in a slick motherfucker that has no respect for anyone. I’d rather suck on a cactus!”
Toji was a hair’s breadth away from snapping. There you went running that fucking mouth again. The mouth that had done nothing but snark since he had picked you up earlier that morning. It didn’t matter that it was an attractive mouth, plump lips that would look even better kiss swollen and a tongue that he would like to tangle with. None of that mattered when you couldn’t hold your own just like he had predicted.
Venom laced his every movement, acid burning in his veins as he raked your body without a care in the world for masking his action. You were pretty, a firecracker personified and he wanted to show you how he shut up little girls like you.
He had wanted to fuck the brat out of you since the moment he had laid eyes upon you. He was still pissed at being told he had to have a partner on this job but perhaps taking you would be the reward for swallowing that bitter pill.
Having to actively protect someone other than himself, and with no monetary reimbursement on top of it, he was beyond pissed and you’d know about it soon enough.
Toji moved faster than you could possibly comprehend, a bloodied hand wrapping around the slender column of your throat. Thick fingers squeezed down, your supply of air drastically reduced until you were gasping and choking.
His free hand worked at his belt, never taking his penetrating stare away from your flustered face. Toji smirked in the knowledge that he was indeed correct, you were a slut for this kind of rough treatment. Cheeks warm, eyes glossy and rather than clawing at his hand for freedom, you were clinging to him with a heaving chest. Every inhale a struggle that parted your lips further and further.
“Not so fucking chatty now, are ya? I’ve got an even better idea of how to keep that mouth from spouting venom,” he hissed at you.
Your eyes grew impossibly wide as Toji’s girthy cock slapped up against his abs, shirt pushed out of the way whilst he worked on freeing himself. The tip was a deep angry scarlet, weeping thick pearls of silvery precum. A prominent mushroom head with a ridge that made your mouth salivate and twin stark veins running the length of the underside of his shaft.
He pumped it almost lazily whilst his hold on your throat relaxed, his hand moving to the back of your head and you found that you were inching closer and closer to what you could only describe as his pussy ruining dick. The mere thought of that monster forcing your walls apart was enough for a salacious moan to roll past your lips, much to his amusement.
“That’s better. Knew you were a filthy little thing, now then. Suck it good and I’ll consider fucking you like you want.”
There was no second given to contemplate his request, not a chance at being able to brace yourself for what was to come. Your lips barely parted in time for his sticky tip to slip past.
Groaning at the heavy, musky taste of his skin and mingling arousal, you lapped at him like an eager little kitten. His grip shifted to trap your hair around his fist, giving an experimental tug that lifted you momentarily and caused you to whine in protest. Toji’s dark laughter rumbled through his chest, pushing you back down and forcing more of his cock between your lips.
Toji let his head fall back for a moment, the relief of your wet and wanton mouth cooling the very worst of his fiery temper. You really were very cute, sucking on his tip like it’s the first cock you’ve ever sucked and he couldn’t help himself from lifting his hips to push further into your mouth.
Your lower half moved to crouch on the passenger seat, hips wiggling from side to side and he knew exactly what was on your mind, but first, you’d have to earn it. There was never a chance of reward without hard work.
Reclining his seat, Toji hummed at the sensation of your tongue exploring and learning his length. Your tongue flattened wide to run up and down his length before switching to a speared point to flick into the weeping slit and lave around the ridge of his cockhead.
You’re good, almost too good. He groaned deep in his throat when your cheeks suction further and those wide eyes blink up into his face. You’d be fucking smiling if you could and that only made him grit his teeth in irritation, grinding down on his molars.
“Think you're such a clever cocktease, dontcha? This ain't your first cock but I bet it's the first that'll ruin you like you really want.”
With those words, Toji tightened his grip around your hair. His free hand pinched into your cheeks to halt the rhythmic bobbing of your head. Terrified eyes snapped to his face and he only smiled, that cold deadly mask back in place and the stretch of his scarred lips turned your blood icy.
His hips snapped upward, fucking into your mouth and forcing his fat cock deep into your throat to bully past the soft tissue at the back of your mouth. You gagged around him, not a hint of oxygen getting past the blockage that was his dick. Air rushed through your nose and for a second you were worried that he’d pinch it shut, but he didn’t. 
Falling back with a roll of his head along his shoulders, those sinfully dark eyes watched the thick viscous strands of saliva and arousal drip from your mouth with nothing but amusement on his face. There was only a second of reprieve to let you cough and swallow down air desperately before Toji plunged back into you. Spit bubbled at the corners of your lips, drooling slowly towards your chin and he wiped a finger through the mess to press into his mouth with a hum of satisfaction.
His pace was punishing and you knew it would be the same if he were to fuck your drooling cunt. Every stroke deepened until your nose was pressed right against his stomach, the muscles contracting wildly and the coarse hairs of his pelvis scratched at your face. He held you there and you clawed at his thick muscular thighs, begging for release but also knowing that he was imminently close to release. 
With cock twitching, a groan of pleasure sounded from his chest and the first waves of his sticky cum shot down your abused throat. Toji drew his hips back with a hiss, slapping his sensitive cock atop your pink tongue and painting it white. His bloodied hand pumped his shaft, milking it clean of everything he had whilst you could only blink through heavy tears and try not to swallow it before he finished.
Toji admired the sea of cum upon your tongue as well as your flushed cheeks with tears rolling down and your ruined mascara. He liked you just like this, preferred you silent with his load in your mouth. Maybe he would keep you, you’d be a real treat to break completely.
“Atta girl, swallow it all and c’mere. I’ve got plans for you…”
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leo-muscle · 8 months
I’ve heard a little bit about this King Leon guy. Who does he think he is to call himself a king? Seems far to pretentious if you ask me. I wouldn’t be caught dead bowing to someone like that. Not in a million years.
Sure I’m the most basic looking white dude on the planet. My face gets lost in the crowd and my body is light enough to be blown by a breeze. But a king can’t change that, and I would like to see him or any of his subjects try to.
"Are you sure about that?" The bartender told you. You had just arrived on your vacation in Haiti, and the resort's bartender had decided to strike up a conversation with you over drinks. He was enormous, seven feet of pure surfer boy muscle, with a thick gut that was the very picture of strength. He would have been the most beautiful man you had ever seen, if you weren't in the middle of a massive rant.
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"Oh, absolutely." You continued. "Whoever these 'kings' are, I don't want anything to do with 'em. Who are they to declare rule over the entire world, and who are we to listen to them?"
It was true, of course. Much of Africa, the British Isles, Central America, and even the islands you were now in had been united under the rule of these Kings. While many praised them for their novel social reforms and exponential increase to quality of life in their domains, many others, yourself included, remained attached to the old ways. Even this vacation was a scouting trip, to see if whatever propaganda these Kings were putting out was true.
"On the contrary, my friend, I am perfectly happy to listen to the rule of my King. You should have seen this island before King Kai came here. Homelessness, poverty... it's all been amended since he arrived."
"Really?" You asked, taking a big swig of your drink, savoring its tingle on your lips. "And NO one's uncomfortable being ruled by just one person?"
"People love King Kai. He is kind and just, like any good king should be. You'll see that soon enough." The bartender said.
"What do you mean by that?" You asked, your heart racing.
"Oh, nothing much. Just give it a few seconds."
"What are you-- UGH!" You doubled over, your skin on fire with a sensation entirely alien to you.
The bartender walked out from behind the bar, and soon, his magical hands went to work. With his kingly essence in your system, you could be molded into a respectable citizen of the world.
He started with your pecs, cupping them from behind as they burst through your tropical shirt with new strength. They were enormous, voluptuous pillows, jiggling with muscle and a thin layer of fat.
He then moved his hands along your shoulders, pumping them into cannonballs of strength. The moment his hands reached your arms, they pulled and pushed, leaving your twiggy biceps and forearms as but a fleeting memory, replacing them with pulsing, powerful cannons of strength. In awe, you flexed your right arm, forming a mound easily as big as a baseball if not more.
You moaned softly as King Kai's beautiful hands lightly traced a six-pack onto your stomach, each ab popping into existence, forming an impenetrable wall of strength.
Soon, his hands navigated south, one massive hand palming your flat ass, while the other grabbed your tiny three-inch cock. You moaned, long, low, and hard as both of his hands began to move out from your body, pulling your cock and ass with them. Your cheeks rounded out into a big, bouncy bubble butt, bigger than most women's. It shook with strength and sexuality with every slight movement you made, much like your cock, which had grown so big with the King's touch that no pair of pants could conceal your enormous bulge. His touch was electric on your shaft, causing you to pre almost endlessly.
Your mind was in heaven as he continued to your legs. Your cock was at full mast at its enormous eleven inches as he took his hands to your legs, and blew them up into corded steel pillars as big as any christmas ham. You moaned, your cock firing blanks as he looked you deep into your eyes, placing one hand to completely cover your currently-unchanged face.
"As much as I love my people, we cannot be a global community if all my citizens are homogenous." King Kai said. "Hmm, where should I send you..."
Your skin flickered through thousands of shades in a single moment, before settling on a tone a few shades darker than your original. Your hair darkened to black, and you instantly sprouted a thick dark mustache, and a chinstrap beard to match. Your eyes became narrower and monolid, your stare intensifying into a sexy smolder. As King Kai leaned in and kissed you, your bulk increased, and your muscle became padded with a thin sexy layer of fat.
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"Cum." King Kai commanded you, his voice sexy enough to send you over the edge.
You had been reborn, a Vietnamese stud in the Carribean. Your brain was aflame with new neurons, making connections faster and better than ever before. You knew you had been improved, in every conceivable way. You were stronger, smarter, wiser, and you had no one but your new king to thank.
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secret-smut-sideblog · 7 months
Girl Talk
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Astarion x F! Tav
18+ talks of sexuality, implied trauma, safe words, role reversal, breast worship, grinding, fingering (m!), ass play, rimming, prostate orgasm, some gender play, aftercare, porn w/o plot
One late night Astarion turned their conversation to a more sensual topic and was delighted to discover Tav lacked experience with men. Naturally he was more than happy to lend a hand...
"So you've never..." He smiled, laying on his side next to her, the faint miasma of wine around them.
"Never?" She asked, incredulous. "Astarion do you take me for a holy woman?" Smiling cheekily at him. "I thought you surface dwellers thought all Drow are insatiable."
"Well, are they?"
"No comment." She lifted her glass to her lips, sliding her eyes away from him mischievously.
They had been traveling together for a while now and had struck up a fast friendship. Her snarky words and wanton flirtation winning him over. Sharp tongue and sharper eyes.
She leaned back, thinking. "Its more that I've been mostly with women. Sure there was a man or two but they didn't make it far enough to make an impression. Didnt get far below the belt." She shrugged, waving her hand noncommittally.
Of course, in a matriarchal structure she would be more directed towards sapphic pursuits. She had explained that Drow men were not upheld to the most flattering light in her society.
"If you had to pick, in our camp-"
"Karlach," No hesitation. "Oh I'd climb her like a tree."
He blinked, an amused smile teasing the edge of his mouth. "Impeccable taste."
"I have been known to have a refined palate." She smirked.
"Honestly I'm curious but I'm just more comfortable with women, I know their bodies. I can navigate them even without eyes." She laughed.
Ah yes, the eyes. Those haunting eyes.
He had overheard her speaking to Wyll about their shared warlock experience. His, to a devil, to defend his city. Hers, to an eldritch being, to achieve the gift of sight. Tried to smother his frown at the easy energy between them, their instinctive bond.
Logically he knew he should feel this same way about Karlach, with her soft puppy eyes following Tav around camp. But he couldn't keep distaste in his heart for her. Not for long anyway. Wyll on the other hand...
Her demonic white eyes peering good naturedly into his now. He didnt know if he'd ever get used to how they pierced him. She savored every sight and while slightly intoxicating it made him squirm to be looked at so thoroughly.
"Well," He smiled. Leaning towards her conspiratorially. "If you're less experienced with men you could always practice..."
While he found himself enjoying her company, quite a lot if he was honest, he was still looking for an in. And here it was. Plopped in his lap, just a shared drink away.
"Oh please," She rolled her eyes. "My pickings out here are slim to none. Unless I get the sudden urge to get horizontal with a goblin."
"What about closer to camp?" Sliding a little nearer to her, his fingers almost touching the inside of her forearm.
"Astarion," She admonished, drawing out her words. "Wasting your advances? My neck is right here." Turned her head to make her point.
While he was distracted by her jumping pulse point he couldn't help the edge of frustration creeping up him.
He had been putting all of his honeyed words on her, all his soft tempting touches, and she would just dance them off with a light laugh.
She was a natural flirt but there was an air to her that she didn't take his advances to heart. Maybe she thought he was just like that with everyone. That it didn't mean anything.
Given that she was devastatingly beautiful he felt even more pressure to stake his claim. Their companions all circling her constantly. Gods she basically had to beat them away with a stick at the tiefling party.
"What if," He started, tracing his finger languidly up her wrist. "You practiced on me? You can touch me like you would a feminine lover, if that helps."
She sat up on elbows, head cocked slightly to the side, staring at him.
It was suddenly very quiet and he tried not to fidget, finger tracing figure eights into her soft flesh.
"And that wouldn't make you feel... uncomfortable?"
Honestly he hadn't thought that far ahead. This was a person he was free to bed on his own terms, of his own will. And he was rather fond of her. Though he was here with ulterior motives, that didnt mean he couldn't enjoy her company. He could do much worse.
"Oh what's a little exploration between friends..." Looked up at her through his lashes. "Or more than friends."
"I mean, if we're exploring I could get out the strap."
He had been mid drink and choked, sputtering as she laughed, patting hard into his back.
"I'm sorry, just teasing."
"I mean... are you offering?"
She crooked a bemused smile at him. "I think we would have to work up to that, Star. Let's see how the night goes first."
After dinner she gathered her bathing supplies, exchanging pleasantries with everyone as she retreated.
Blowing a cheeky kiss to Karlach as she rose. Her fire erupting in a burst, Gale having to dive off of the log they were sharing. A goofy smile all over her face.
He almost felt bad about what he was planning. She would be much more suited to the tiefling.
Well, it's just sex, it won't mean anything beyond each of their gain. Him, allegiance. Her, pleasure.
He walked on light feet, following her dark auburn hair. The gentle lull of her singing. Playing with the tones and words they had helped the bard Alfira stumble through.
"Moon, Sun, All remind me of your grace, Faith, Care, All the love I can't repay~"
Despite her light and playful demeanor her singing voice was full and haunting. A mournful cello calling out into the night.
He understood why Karlach basically begged her to sing for them around the fire when her little talent was discovered. She had waved her away, insisting that it wouldn't be worth their time. She'd much rather hear Halsin play. Then Halsin had urged her on, countering that he would only pluck a few strings if she joined.
"Fine, prepare to be underwhelmed." She had laughed.
Immediately they went quiet as she started, closing her eyes. He noticed she always closed them when she was concentrating, as if the added sense was too much.
They were enraptured listening to her, even Halsin almost stumbling through cords. Her voice spellbinding them all.
"Gods, Soldier. Are you part harpy?" Karlach hushed after she had fallen quiet.
She smiled, clearly embarrassed. A rare sight. She had an easy confidence, getting her flustered was a feat.
Now, he approached her stealthily at the edge of the river. Faced away, already waist deep, wringing water out of her long hair.
"Are you joining or just hoping for a show?" She smirked, glancing at him over her shoulder.
He was about to scoff, how did she always hear him no matter how quiet he moved?
Seeing his annoyed posture, she smiled. "My ears are more attuned than most seeing people, dont take it personally."
"Noted. I would so enjoy sneaking up on you." He pantomimed, crouching down playfully.
"I bet you would, but you'll have to walk on a whisper to get past me." She winked, sinking down into the water to chest high. Turning to face him. Eyes alight with mischief.
It felt so easy with her. Their banter a practiced dance, the steps surefooted.
"So, are you still dreaming of sharing a night of pleasure?" He mused, pushing his hand on his lower back. A wicked smile on his lips.
She lowered further into the water, only eyes now. Staring at him through her lashes, serpentine. One hand emerging, beckoning him with a hooked finger.
He pulled his clothes off in a sensual show, leaving them in a neat pile next to hers.
As he began to wade in her head submerged. The night water too dark to make out her shape.
He stood in false absence in the water, chest high. Senses alight.
Fingers along his waist, exploring. He looked down and saw her murky shape against his torso.
She rose, chest to chest with him. Pushing her hair slick back over her head. So dark it looked black in the dim light.
"Well, well," He intoned, pulling a damp lock behind her shoulder. "Looks like I caught myself a siren."
"You do know what sirens do to beautiful creatures like you, right?" She cocked her head at him, arms coming up to drape over his shoulders.
Their eyes were level with eachother, nearly the same height. She had teased him mercilessly in camp when it was discovered that she was an inch or two taller.
It felt almost too intimate to be directly across from her, their faces mirrored.
"I'd be more worried for your neck than mine, darling." He purred, flashing her a fang baring smirk.
"Oh I dont know," She mused, pressing her body flush to his. "I think deadly things can be good bedfellows, dont you?"
She brushed her lips against his, pulling away teasingly. "You still want to do this little experiment?"
"I'd love nothing more." He snaked his hands around her waist. "Lead on."
At least he didn't have to do the work this time. Could just lay back and go somewhere else.
Some of his thoughts must have betrayed in his face cause she paused.
"Hey, I'm okay to postpone this. Indefinitely if needed." Her voice was uncharacteristically soft then, pulling away from him.
He grabbed her retreating wrist, leading her back into him.
"Tav, I need this." He hushed, the truth. Though maybe not with the intent she imagined.
She paused again. Gods it made him nervous when she got quiet. Her melodic voice usually floating around the air.
"Ground rules." She stated, her eyes serious. Waiting for his response.
He blinked. Honestly he had given his own boundaries very little, if any thought.
"You first." Stalling for time.
"Not okay with being restrained and I'd prefer if we had a safe word."
He nodded, this was new to him but he did appreciate the idea.
Scouring his mind for definite turn offs but found it difficult. He tried to not be present for most of it so it was hard to say with certainty.
"Dont touch my back or the bite. Also not into restraint. Or force."
She smiled and he felt proud that he had passed this little test.
"We can stop at any time, okay?"
"Naturally, darling. Though I doubt I'll be able to resist ravaging you, I'll behave."
"Those lines work on a lot of women, huh?" She teased, fingers trailing his cheek as she pulled closer.
He felt a slight tightness in his chest but gave her an easy smile. "Well you're here now, arent you darling?"
"True." She whispered, leaning in to kiss his jaw gently. "Though I could say I'm here in the spirit of research."
"And you'd be a liar, a terrible one at that."
She breathed a laugh against him. "You always need to get the last word, huh?"
"Oh, I'll ge-" He was muffled by her mouth, pulling him into a slow exploring kiss.
He felt a little moan escape him, much to his horror. The desire in her touch surprising him.
She held him around his waist, cupping the back of his head. Her lips sliding warm against his.
She pulled away and he found himself following her. "The safe word is Bulette."
He nodded, and she lifted under his thighs and wrapped them around her waist. Walking up to the edge of the water.
His dead heart did race a little bit at that but he figured it was just the role reversal.
Though they were the same height she was much stronger than she looked. Muscle hidden under plush thighs and the soft curve of her stomach. He could feel it when he bit into the defined curve of her neck. See it in her shoulders when she lifted her arms over her head. That little adorable whine when she stretched.
She layed him back on the grass, her hands guiding him down.
"If this is how you treat your women I can see why you've taken so many admirers." He teased.
"You know," She smiled, leaning down over him. "You're beautiful enough it's not a far stretch."
He breathed a laugh through his nose.
"So where would you start, lover?" He purred, twisting a lock of her hair as it fell over him.
She hummed, moving down. "Usually here." Leaning into his neck on his unmarked side.
Kissing and nipping at his throat he found himself giving in to the sensation. Head falling back slightly. He never minded the foreplay.
Her mouth was devotional on his neck, licking and pulling heavenly circles.
He found himself humming with approval. Hand carding through her hair. "That is nice, darling."
"Then I'd move here..." her fingers trailing down his chest, brushing tentatively over his nipple. Asking.
He felt a shiver go down his back. Shocked by the little strike of pleasure.
"And then?" He intoned, hearing the slight rasp in his voice. Definitely intentional.
He felt her smile against his throat. Moving down his front, leaving soft kisses as she went. Thumbing over his nipple playfully.
"I would put my leg here." She hushed, pushing her knee between his thighs. "So she could grind."
"Interesting," He tried for suave, failing miserably. Her fingers softly twisting his peak making him slow and stupid.
"This is my favorite part." She looked up at him through her lashes cheekily. Hovering over his chest. "Hold on, love."
He almost scoffed, surely it wasnt-
Her mouth descended on his chest, licking hard slurping circles around his nipple.
His back arched involuntarily, a loud embarrassing groan leaving him.
She moaned in pleasure, her mouth salivating. Gripping his hips.
Gods she was unhinged, tongue pulsing and insistent. Laving up and down his hard peak. Panting hot against him.
If he had more sense he would have been baffled at how much it seemed she was enjoying just his experience. But he felt lost, head heavy with pleasure.
She pushed her thigh further into him encouragingly and he could no longer resist. Already painfully aroused.
He ground down into her thigh gratefully, feeling her tense the muscle for him.
Her other hand came up to pinch and twist at his nipple as she left it, sliding over to his left side and taking up there. The new sensation making him gasp, both sides of his chest being devastated with equal intensity.
She picked up on the rhythm of his hips and pushed her thigh into him in pulses.
Gods her mouth, rolling her tongue and nipping. Suckling down hard then pulling back to lick long stripes up his chest.
How in the hells was he already close?
He gripped her bicep, wrapping his leg around her hip.
Fuck it. Why not?
"I'm-," He panted.
She moaned into him, biting down on his engorged peak. Rising back up.
He almost whined at the lack of sensation until she latched onto his earlobe.
Oh fuck.
His eyes pulled shut. "Oh Gods, don't stop."
She suckled down hard, a little sweet whine directly in his ear. Her hands gripping his ass and pulling him into her harder. His cock throbbing and sliding wet against her.
One last nibbling suck and he was shattered.
Coming in stuttering cries, head thrown back. His pelvis contracting in great vicious jolts, spurting long ropes against her hip. Distantly aware of the sounds coming out of his lips.
"You with me?" She asked gently after a moment, pulling back. Kissing his face in light caresses.
Suddenly aware of his body again he realized his eyes had welled with tears.
"Ah, yes darling." He ruffled, trying to pull himself together with great effort. "I could actually go again."
She looked at him dubiously, a soft but amused smile on her swollen lips.
"I think you're lying." She purred, leaving a tender kiss on his already bruised neck.
He was. But he had a reputation to uphold.
"All out of moves? Dissapointing." He sighed.
"You're cute," She chided, coming back up to pull him into a searing kiss. "Biting off more than you can chew."
"Oh I've barely been sated, sweet thing. I'm starving."
"On your belly then." She whispered into his ear. Patting his thigh playfully.
"Well, wouldn't you like to be tasted?" He asked, confused. Surely she didnt intend to only pursue his pleasure.
"Hmm, maybe another night." She mused, truly seeming to mull it over.
What a strange creature.
"Are all sapphics like this?" He scoffed, letting her hands twist his waist. Hips up, bracing himself on his forearms.
"More than you'd think." She laughed, massaging his hips from behind.
"You know what you're doing back there?" He teased, shooting her a look over his shoulder.
"Hmm, different from what I'm used to. But I think I can translate." She eyed his backside playfully. "But dont hesitate to give me directions."
She leaned down and tongued gingerly at his hole.
His head fell forward, hands in fists.
"Well that's encouragement." She teased, tongue coming back. Moving in tight circles.
"Ah!" He moaned, pushing back into her.
Though he knew she was new to this she moved with practiced precision. He could tell she was very good at what she did on more feminine bodies.
"I heard this is a good spot." She murmured, her two fingers rubbing back and forth against his taint. The shudder that moved through him making her smile.
Tongue coming back to push slow pulsing heaven into him. Both sensations playing him like a fiddle. His fingernails digging into his palm.
Oh Gods it was too good. And still he needed more.
"Inside. One finger." He moaned into his arm.
She wet her finger inside her mouth, tested it in small circles around his entrance. Other hand still stimulating.
She pushed in gradually, pausing one knuckle deep. "Like this?"
"Yes," He panted. "Slowly."
"It feels so similar." She marveled, finger almost to the hilt. "How lovely."
He clenched at her words and heard a delighted giggle. "Even that! Oh!"
"If that's the same, then what about..." She curled her finger toward his navel.
He moaned loudly, buckling down.
"Oh yes," She smiled, beginning slow pulsing thrusts of her hooked finger. Other hand pushing more into his taint. Hitting his prostate from both sides.
A moaning writhing mess beneath her, he was completely gone.
"Oh how pretty, coming undone like this." She purred, leaning down to lick around her pumping fingers.
He knew he was not long for this world, the building pressure in his pelvis about to burst. Reaching around to grip her thigh with a bruising intensity.
"Such a good girl for me." She hummed.
He cried out, his end hitting him so hard he thought he would black out. A deep shuddering ripping through him. His whole world condensed to nearly agonizing waves of pleasure. Tears spilling down his cheeks he bit hard into his forearm. His cock forcing out what little he had left in him.
He collapsed comepletely flat into the ground, the damp earth holding him up.
She left his back momentarily, coming back with a cloth, wet from the river.
She pulled his slack body up to her chest, his back cradled into her. Softly wiping first his brow then working her way down.
"You dont ha-"
"This is part of it, love." She smiled, running her hand through his hair, cajoling it back into place. "You're getting the full experience."
He leaned into her, closing his eyes. Letting her bathe him clean. He knew future him would be screaming into his pillow at this but he was too blissed out to care.
"Thank you," She gave him one final wipe. Setting the cloth down and wrapping her arms loosely around his middle. "For trying this with me. For trusting me."
"You did everything and you're thanking me?" He laughed, still panting. "You're a strange woman, you know."
"If you're so insistent maybe you can do all the work next time." She pinched his side lightly.
Next time. The anxiety in his heart melting just for a moment. Oh thank the Gods.
"If Karlach doesn't beat you to it, that is."
"You're the devil."
She laughed against his back, his eyes getting heavy.
"Let's get you to your bedroll, we'll have a brand new day of bothering eachother tomorrow."
He would never admit it to her, but he was looking forward to it.
Part 2
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The Owl House Critical Post, scroll away now I don't know if I am being too harsh in this post but I wrote it anyway so if you don't wanna read something potentially upsetting this is a warning (to those who decide to read please tell me if I'm being too harsh)
I remember initially hating how the show handled its villains, they all felt like jokes, they never felt like threats or like they provided a meaningful challenges for the main cast, they never had any real depth or complexity. but i bit my tongue, I was told that I was basically a dumbass for complaining that Bump openly breaks a law that's supposed to be punishable by death so that Luz could fulfill her witchy fantasy and that he wasn't arrested. the show could've had him make the multiclass student thing be something underground- boom it lets luz live out her fantasy but doesn't ignore what was established about the setting and creates potential stakes if these underground classes ever got discovered! That already made me angry but the cult thing is what I wanted to complain about- i only had basic ass knowledge about cults and TOH fails at portraying that crap, most people in the EC can just quit and do so in a way that makes it feel like they're just quitting a job, it doesn't feel like they fear losing their friends or sense belonging and community, they don't feel like they're anything but jokes. Leaving a cult is scary, often times cults will send their followers into the real world and set them up to have bad experiences so they'll come running back, they'll hire thugs to scare them into staying or position them in away so that they suffer (sending them out without money or the skills to survive), they humiliate those who begin to ask questions so that they stay in line. guilt tripping, putting members against each other, cutting off contact with the rest of the world! The show only adds the whole 'forced to fight on a mountain' thing for flavor! Everytime it brings up actual stuff cults do it feels like it's more for flavor than actually writing this topic with sensitivity- look at how they treat Lilith! Imo It feels like the show insulting people for ever trusting belos, treating them like they're braindead and could've just realized fairly easily that he was evil. It's the most egregious with hunter who was basically fucking born into the EC. the show is also pretty black and white, which is curious for a show that gets praise for its portrayal of religious trauma. You think the show would be more grey. I did deeper research into cults and just got SO tired of people talking about how good the show was at conveying such a heavy topic. The titan reveal also doesn't help- Luz is told by an all powerful deity that she is the chosen one basically and is told that old man is evil and needs to go down- isn't that the same justification that belos uses for his actions- not saying belos should've gotten redemption or forgiveness but this feels wrong. He deserved to die don't get me wrong but using this justification feels gross. What's even worse is that the titan made Philip's life harder on purpose- ah yeah that brainwashed cult victim would totally change his mind especially if you make his life harder- yeah I would've preferred if belos was depicted in a flashback just having a bad time on the boiling isles and cherry picked those bad experiences to justify his actions. Also I hate that the show just writes belos off as greedy and glory seeking when it could've conveyed a message about how people can get absolutely get warped by religious dogma. I do wonder though if I'm being too harsh because TOH is for kids and I was told it would be hard to portray this stuff in a way kids could understand. I can come up with ways to make the breaking the law openly thing less egregious but I am struggling to think of ways the show could have handled the cult thing, I am aware that maybe I'm accidentally saying stuff that is kind of bad faith but this is my truth. I feel like TOH wasn't good at villains and it sure as hell didn't write cults well
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imaslutforbill · 5 months
haiiiii 亲爱的 :D
I wanted to request a bill x reader (fluff or smut :3 I don’t mind) where reader is all cutesy and they’re style is all like yumekawaii/cutecore :3 like this big ass man dressed in all black and gothic is trying to win over this pastel doll looking girl that he saw :o
jus a thought :p
have a great rest of ur day/ night 小可爱 <3
ofc cutie <33 thank u for the request, sorry this is a little late, but i rly hope you like this ! :3
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When Bill first saw you, he was taken aback by your appearance but in a good way. He thought you were the cutest girl he's ever laid eyes on and loved how you were the polar opposite to him. You were so colorful and always wore the cutest skirts and dresses with your white tights or knee-high socks, with the most adorable jewelry and makeup. He loved it and immediately wanted to talk to you.
Bill was noticeably a lot taller and wore all black unlike you, as he also did his eyeshadow in the same color which you liked, a lot. He walked over to your direction, looking you up and down as he's never seen such a pretty girl like you around before. You were already looking at him before he had walked over to you but looked away when you noticed he was going to your direction.
"I just had to say that I think you're super cute" Bill admitted, looking at you with soft eyes and admiration, leaning his arm against the wall. You blushed and looked back at him with the same look in your eyes. " Oh wow, thank you..I can say the same about you" you admitted as well softly while blushing causing him to smile. He looks down at your pink bracelet with little charms on it and takes your wrist gently. "This is so adorable; I absolutely love your style." He really knew how to make a girl smile like crazy, you didn't know what to do with yourself. He was so loving and gentle.
"What's your name cutie?" Bill asked, still full of admiration, looking down at you. "y/n" you replied. "y/n, what a beautiful name" Hearing him say your name made your heart skip a beat, his German accent adding a certain charm to his words. You knew who he was already, but he still introduced himself anyways. "Well Bill, aren't you just the sweetest" you said, smiling more and more. You look down at his veiny hands, his fingers with multiple rings on. You can't help but take his hands to see them closely but really just want an excuse to touch him.
"You've got such cool rings and the most perfect hands" you compliment softly. Bill smiles and takes both your hands in his "They look better holding yours" he says, obviously trying to flirt. You had only just met him but you two were acting as if you'd known each other for years, taking this very fast but neither of you could resist. The way he looked in those jeans, his shirt a little up so his star tattoo was slightly shown, and how your pink skirt complimented your figure perfectly, and your pink eyeshadow with the blue sparkles around it made your eyes pop. You two were the perfect match.
"I know we just met but please just kiss me" you said, straight up. He looked at you surprised but didn't hesitate at all as his eyes lit up "Oh you don't even gotta ask me". You step on his shoes and get on the tips of your toes to make yourself a little taller for him, putting your arms around his neck. He put both his hands on the side of your face and pulled you in, pressing his lips against yours eventually moving one hand to your waist. You both felt all warm inside ^^
You both pull away as you take his hand excitedly "come on, let's go to my place and I'll show you all the cute stuff I got" he happily accepted, holding onto your hand back tightly, happy that he could easily win over the girl that he basically fell in love with at first sight.
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aliaology · 11 months
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summary: yn finally drops her album n everyone is going crazy! pt.4
series masterlist
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liked by marner_93, austonmatthews and 282,286 others
ynusername just got lovestruck, and it totally went straight to my head, especially with the way you guys have loved ‘now that we dont talk’ and ‘is it over now?’ and i can finally say my album is officially fully out now, maybe a deluxe coming later! special shoutout to gracie abrams and sabrina carpenter, my best friends, and my brother mitch, who all gave me support that i needed to continue on. love u to the moon and to saturn 🪐
user CLEAN??
marner_93 me when i fuck with blank space the most 😫😫
austonmatthews gtfo basic ass
mapleleafs look at our lil girl go 🥹🥹
ynusername you guys gotta call me something else please…
marner_93 im so cool ik 🥹🥹
ynusername i take it back i hate u
markestapa SO REAL LMFAOO
ynusername tbh styles my fav
user is she confirming a new man orrr
ynusername babe i think slut is better 🫢
noahgregorr and did 😝😝
ynusername this is the funniest thing uve ever said
user she ATE LMAOO
user get my girl some seconds because she fucked that shit UP.
user taylor n yn when?
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liked by trevorzegras, _quinnhughes, and 163,736 others
jackhughes ⚡️
user do u think thats the boat she wore a blue dress on
user are those the men who think important thoughts.
user babe those men cant think for shit
user LOLLL
user guys slicked back long hair..
used white shirt…
trevorzegras hottie alert 😻
jackhughes all u baby 😫
fionadalton 💖🤭
jackhughes 💖
colecaulfied what a man 🤩
user cole babe
user wrong place at the right time?
user wrong place wrong time, sorry…
user stream say dont go xx
user CUTIES 🤩🤭😻
_quinnhughes what a guy
lhughes_06 im more of a guy than he is
marner_93 well its pretty easy to be
user when tf did he get a gf
user literally what i was wondering bc wtf 😭😭
user bring yn back!!
user nah my girl yn deserves better
adamfantilli i agree
edwards.73 mega yacht where
user ETHAN.
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tags: @honethatty12 , @slaythehousebootsdown13 , @lovinbarzal , @outrunangelss , @absolutelyhugh3s if u want tags, lmk <3
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spaceagebachelormann · 8 months
zigmar i come to you humbly on this fine evening with the simple request that you give me some sort of might duck sustenance por favor and muchas gracias
they can be incoherent and stupid and goofy and silly to the max i just need to rotate this little kids like rotisserie chickens in my mind (esp fulton portman and julie)
random miscellaneous tmd thoughts !
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✧ warnings: some of them may be ooc ngl
✧ additional info: u got it pookums 😈😈😈🙏 also these can be read as either platonic or romantic (not luis)
✧ m.list — nav.
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♡ charlie conway !
the most insane taste in music literally ever
bro goes from madonna to death metal SO FAST
but ngl his playlist is always the best and he always gets to play music whenever u go anywhere
but oh my god he’d love pierce the veil in present day
HES ALSO LIKE SOMEHOW AMAZING AT MATH. but he cannot do science for literal shit
also his clothing style changes js like his music taste
will literally be kurt cobain one day and morrissey the next (hed hate morrissey though)
♡ adam banks !
every team sleepover/event/literally anything could js be a spontaneous hangout is always at his house
it’s because he’s rich and his house is huge as fuck and he has every board game known to man
just do not play uno because a fight always breaks out (charlie is always part of it)
he’s always the one who ends the fight also
he has this very calming presence that’s so nice to be around and him js talking to whoever got into a fight immediately helps calm them down
also weirdly good at comforting in the middle of the night but never during the day??
♡ lester averman !
he would watch full house religiously prove me wrong
his favourite character is obviously joey because they are one in the same
everyone on the team and their mother has been forced to watch full house while he’s been at their house/vice versa
he can also cook like. decently well !! it’s not something he’d prefer to do but he will for his friends if they’re tired or smth
♡ fulton reed !
this little shit
he is so unbelievably competitive over the smallest things it’s actually insane
typa guy to race u to see who can get to one side of the room first and start genuinely tweaking if he doesn’t win
at sleepovers he refuses to fall asleep first even if it’s just by a few minutes
he could be dead to the world but still have his eyes open cause he refuses to let u win (unless ur his s/o cause he might consider it that way)
♡ connie moreau !
she is definitely a theatre kid idc
her favourite musicals are probably grease, hairspray and heathers
she likes female main characters!!
everytime she gets into a new fandom she immediately starts thinking abt what it’d be like a musical and probably wanted to be a composer at some point
would 100% beg to use the aux on a road trip and then blast hamilton loud as balls
she wholeheartedly believes six is a top tier musical and she will DIE on this hill
(fun fact i’ve met andrea macasaet <3)
♡ guy germaine !
modern day guy would’ve loved basic white girl music
“life is too short to pretend to hate taylor swift” —him
also 100% a britney spears girlie. and nsync and every stereotypical white girl artist
but i wholeheartedly believe britney would be his favourite and he has her whole discography on cassette, cd, vinyl, u name it he has a britney spears collection
also his ass is NOT straight 💀 i’ve never met a straight man who listens to britney spears
♡ julie gaffney !
lowkey a regina george multitude if she wasn’t kinda. yk. a bad person
she’s a mix of cher and regina
everyone at the fancy ass boarding school literally loves her because she’s calm, smart pretty nice etc etc she’s just a really great person to be around
shes that one student who has every assignment finisher a week early, all a’s and 100% in every subject WITHOUT being mean abt it!!
her ass is friends with the whole student population and knows every well and knows all the drama but won’t tell everyone if she thinks it’s too personal (it’s it’s random petty nonsense she tells the team)
♡ ken wu !
secretly rlly good friends with julie but nobody knows even though they do not try to hide it at all
literally wander the halls talking abt whatever just for everyone to be like “y’all are friends???”
also this man secretly loves lana del rey
him and julie will sit on his bedroom floor and literally tell him the most insane and jaw dropping gossip she heard that day while lana is playing in the background
everytime someone asks his favourite lana song he says grandfather please stand on the shoulders of my father while he’s deep-sea fishing on did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd to fuck with them
♡ dean portman !
is actually very very good at math!!
he was a tutor for the 9th/10th graders for a bit to get volunteer hours and also cause he just likes doing math
you’d expect it to be like doing homework with ur dad and the poor kid is in tears while deans like “WHATS NINE. TIMES TWO.” but he’s actually surprisingly patient
if he’s explained something a few times and they still don’t get it he’ll just try it a different way until they get it and work them through the problem
has rlly strong relationships with the 9th and 10th graders cause of this and is essentially their older brother figure
the amount of 14/15 year olds that he’s given relationship advice too is insane (id be one of the 14 year olds probably)
♡ luis mendoza !
his type is secretly quiet girls cause he finds them rlly interesting and likes the thought of them being happy around him but quiet around everyone else
he’s like yes girl be urself with me
it all stemmed from the girl he liked in 8th grade who helped pick up his pencils when she accidentally knocked his pencil case out of his hand (she was a quiet nerdy girl)
like a whole year later and he’s still trying to rizz her up 💀
he’s one of those guys who takes forever to lose feelings
the girl is actually good friends with him btw
♡ dwayne robertson !
i feel like he is fucking AMAZING at baking
his icon is dolly parton and he heard berry pie so he immediately learned how to bake
if someone he knows has a birthday he either bakes the birthday cake or brings them something he made depending on how close he is with them
and holy shit it’s the most amazing thing u will ever taste and nothing will ever compare
yes he’s one of those guys who will go on an 18 minute tangent on how amazing dolly parton is if someone talks shit about her (same i love dolly)
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tobifuyu · 1 year
Shopping with the Haitani Ran goes wrong!
RAN HAITANI x f!reader
Ran thinks you're too cute to be dressing this badly. He takes you shopping, finally gives in to his own desires and touches you in the dressing room. Chaos ensues.
cw: nsfw, mdni, smut, vaginal fingering, orgasm denial.
words count: 5,398
a/n: this is actually my first time writing smut, or anything at all, so bear with me. the one shot is part of a longer fic that I will start posting pretty soon, set in the Bonten timeline, I just wanted to put out something in the meantime, mostly as practice. english is not my first language! enjoy.
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If you think shopping with a man such as Haitani Ran would be an enjoyment of sorts, well, you’d be wrong.
If your damnation could be encased in a day it would be today out of all of them.
Haitani Ran is already a handful as it is, put him in a store-filled street, already dressed to the nines and parading around like he owns the motherfucking moon and stars and what comes out is a big ass headache and a lot of self-deprecation.
In theory, the idea was not half bad. Ran knows a lot about this kind of stuff: fashion, styling, brands… at least more than you do, no matter how much you’d like to keep up. And the amount of money in his bank account is – well, still a mystery to you – you can only imagine a lot, considering what he is wearing and the place he’s dragging you to with a big hand wrapped around your wrist.
So in theory him helping you pick out a few pieces of clothing you could buy with your weekly allowance didn’t sound too bad. Considering how extravagant he and his brother are, you were expecting to head over to Harajuku, and maybe try to dig out something he could style for you from a cool vintage store.
You didn’t think he would bring you to a mall.
You don’t even think you’d be allowed in such a place, normally, not in the way you’re dressed anyway.
I mean, you did try your hardest to look somewhat presentable, knowing you’d be running around with the Haitani Ran, but with your laughable budget and a very confused sense of style, you look like Ran had just picked you up from the sidewalk like one of those lone puppies you’d see in a sad movie and brought you around to keep him company while squatting at his feet and wiggling your tail.
You’ve just always liked too many trendy styles, buying a few pieces here and there and leaving you with no basics and nothing to match them with, and so y ou look out of place, walking into a brand store practically hand in hand with one of the most handsome guys those judgy store clerks have probably ever seen, with a timeless and classy outfit that makes him look like he belongs there.
And most importantly, that he can afford it.
Maybe the only thing that makes up for it is his crazy two-toned braids. Doesn’t make him look nearly as bad as you, but at least you know how to use a toner.
He spends some time looking around the racks after shooing the shopping assistant who tried to approach the two of you away, and you trail behind him like – yeah, you guessed it – a lost puppy with eyes cast down, as if trying to disappear, maybe then they’d stop staring holes through your bland white cardigan that’s a little too big for your frame since you eyeballed its size and then found it too comfy to size down.
And that’s because you and fitting rooms just don’t click. You find the whole process a little too tiring, both mentally and physically.
Who enjoys spending that much time undressing yourself to wear clothes that have been worn by god knows how many others and have yet to see a washing machine, just to cry the moment you get them on because fast fashion sizes don’t fit people but want people to fit in them? Also having to recollect yourself and patch up your makeup while redressing as quickly as possible cause a line has already formed outside the door, you can hear them, and you can already feel their judging stares the moment you are gonna leave all the clothes you tried on with the clerk, nonetheless, cause everything looked like absolute shit on you–
Draining, that’s what it is.
But it’s dread that you feel creeping up on you while approaching the said fitting rooms with one of Ran’s arms now circling your waist, the other doing the most to hold up a bunch of clothes that you can barely make out but you know he has picked out, just for you.
“We can skip this part.”
You had tried reasoning, just to get hit with a “Skip this part my ass, there’s no buying clothes without trying them on. That’s how you end up with that cardigan. And I’m paying for this shit, so we’ll do as I say, princess.”
Ouch, what a little bitch.
Maybe you shouldn’t be feeling remorse, after he’s reminded you so kindly of why he’s decided to do this in the first place, knowing he wants to pull out his wallet to soothe his pretty eyes from having to see you dressed like a mess all the time.
But you’re better than this, so you decide you’ll only pick something you can afford.
He’s nothing to you but a new acquaintance, after all.
A means to an end, you like to remind yourself. You’re not using him, not a hundred percent at least, cause he’s getting your shining company in return. But yeah… you just need him to get to Manjirou. Nothing more. Nothing fun… you swear to yourself.
You’re doing Toman a favor, continuing Draken’s underground work now that he’s gone. You know Takemichi and sweet Chifuyu don’t add up to much when it comes to planning.
You’ve heard about Ran’s little fixation on you from the grapevine. His own brother had admitted to him relentlessly talking about you. And now, with Kantou Manji looming over the future of you all, you knew you had to get involved.
It has nothing to do with the fact that Ran’s lazy lavender eyes have had you in a chokehold from the very first time the two of you met, years ago.
He and Rindou wanting to fight you and your brother – only the latter, really – just to find out that you don’t back down from a challenge.
(From that day onward, if you were to ask Rindou, he would say that’s when his brother started talking about you.)
So you let him lock you in the fitting room, one of those cool ones with mirrors and lights all around you but, most importantly, a sturdy door.
One you know, in a store this expensive, no one will start knocking on if you take too long squeezing into one of those tiny dresses.
Not that it does anything to stop Ran once you’ve declared you’ve tried on the first one.
A pretty lilac piece, that would complement him and his eyes more – you mentally decide you’d like to see that – but you would look pretty (for once) standing at his side.
If it weren’t for the fact that it’s a tad too little on your frame, as expected, squeezing all the wrong places, skin spilling over and all that (you can’t possibly know he’s picked it a size or two too small on purpose).
Especially your cleavage, meaning this is all but a dress you could just wear to parade around the streets with a gang member. It would send the wrong message. And god knows what would happen if that message were to reach someone from Toman. A blond-haired guy in particular.
Shame on you.
But you can’t dwell on it too much, with Ran bursting through the door, then closing it behind his frame with all the nonchalance in the world, as if it isn’t quite scandalous the way you’re half clad and enclosed in a tight space with a man older than you (not by much, but still), in a luxury store, with clerks circling the both of you like hawks.
He approaches your body, and you can tell he’s making a decision his head while scrutinizing the dress, or rather you, from over your shoulder.
You’re facing forward and can feel the heat of his body approaching way before you feel his front touch your back, his hands momentarily settling at your hips.
They then move lower, trying to smooth the fabric of the dress as if it would make it fit better, and you feel a shiver run through your spine at the contact.
The tips of his fingers are cold where they brush your naked thighs, so you blame it on that.
“Looks perfect on you.” his warm breath hits your neck as he speaks with that low voice of his.
Focus, goddamnit.
“I hope you’re joking. I can barely breathe, and I think my ass might be hanging out.”
You can feel his body shake with giggles, and you know he’s trying to contain them for your sake, even though he’s never been the one to shy away from public shaming, especially when it comes to you. Sigh.
“Mh, I don’t know about that, but the front looks good.” His hands make a b-line for your waist, squeezing the fat there before moving upwards to rest a breath away from your tits. The dress is so tight you didn’t need to wear a bra with that. “Gosh, would you look at that? Fucking perfect.”
“Ran,” you warn him, you know he’s just teasing you again, or rather, testing you.
You meet his eyes in the reflection of the mirror, and you don’t want him to win one of the many little challenges he poses you with daily, so you hold his gaze, leaning the back of your head against his left shoulder.
He’s sure you’re the one tempting him at this point, deciding to play along in his little game that’s gonna ruin the both of you sooner or later, cause with that movement alone you’ve exposed your neck and cleavage like a white canvas, only his to paint.
“Fuck baby,” he groans and you feel yourself shivering once again, “You have no idea what you’re doing to me, do you? Or maybe you do, you little vixen.”
You laugh, “Is that all it takes to bring down the Haitani Ran? A dress that’s a little too small?” you want to hit his ego back, at least, for the way he’s making you feel.
So exposed and vulnerable.
And little, which you’re very much not, but the way he’s encasing you with his bigger body is making you look ridiculously tiny.
“Paired with these tits and hips yeah, might just be the one thing that’s gonna put an end to the Haitani’s reign.”
It’s mesmerizing, his tone of voice, the deep baritone laced with a hint of teasing and sass that drips from his lips like honey straight to your pliant ears and reverberates through your even more pliant body.
One of his fingers creeps up to the neckline of the dress and drags over its seams with such a delicately that you wouldn’t even have caught it if you weren’t so busy trying to follow his every move and breath, leaving the haze of his purple eyes that split second enough to record the very movement.
“Ran, I don’t think this is appropriate.” You try to hide your smirk as you say that, knowing that is not gonna stop him but rather rile him up.
He smirks back, grabbing you by the chin with his free hand so he can turn your head to face him. “Since when have you become such a prude, uh?”
“I have always been, you’re the one trying to taint my innocence, remember?”
You’re not completely joking at this point, he’s been trying to get a reaction out of you since you’ve started hanging out more frequently.
He knows you shouldn’t, but he’s adamant in getting you to admit he can rile you up just as easily.
A dark set of lashes shade his lavender hues as he stares down at you, pondering over what to do next without scaring you too badly.
“Can I kiss you?” There he goes, he just couldn’t resist himself, could he?
You just look so good, dressed in something he picked for you, standing in this tiny space with him draped around you. He wants to eat you up.
Ouch. That hurts. How could you say no to him? Look at me, he thinks, and as if you can read his twisted mind, you do just that.
He is so irresistible, with one of his long braids slipping past your shoulder, hair tickling your skin the same way his hand is still doing over the hem of the dress. Pink full lips shaped in a pout you think he’s sporting more to get pity out of you rather than because he cares. But you’re a woman of great self-control.
Or so you thought.
“Just– you can touch me. To fix the dress.”
You two are so close, practically glued to each other, it’s not the first time it’s happened but your body still reacts like it’s being shocked every time he touches you.
And Ran thinks it’s more than he thought you’d allow yourself to go, so he does just that, to fix the dress, that is.
It’s to fix the dress that he grasps the fullness of both your tits in his big palms, no need to use one hand to hold your face to him anymore as you instantly rotate towards his frame to hide your face in the curve of his neck, soft lips pushed against his pale skin to muffle the sighs that you’re letting out at his bold move.
He doesn’t hesitate to squeeze them, pushing them up to prop the fat against the hem of the dress as if to make it fit properly, or as properly as the set image he has in his head, which is everything but proper.
“Fuck, you have such pretty tits.” He’s groaning in your ear at this point, enjoying the way you’re letting him touch you a little too much if the way he starts rubbing against you from behind is of any indication.
You can’t help your body from trying to mold to his touch, back arching and pushing against the hands caressing you over the skimpy fabric of the dress.
One of them is heading lower, running over the hills of your torso and hip before grabbing onto the flesh of your right thigh. The other keeps teasing you with precision and reaches over the hem to pull it down and expose your skin to the cold of the fitting room.
A perked nipple is encased by his long fingers, nails scraping over the bud to tease a soft moan out of your mouth. You grab onto one of his braids, slightly pulling before blindly looking for the hair tie. It’s removed with swift hands that you then run along its length to free it from the twists, so you can bury a hand at the back of his nape, pulling him towards you – as if he could get any closer – scratching the skin there as payback.
“R-Ran” your body is starting to heat up, the cold air surrounding the two of you doing nothing to cool you down. “‘Need more, please.”
“Since you asked so nicely…” At that the hand that has been massaging the fat of your thigh creeps under the bottom of the infamous dress, making you unable to see his next move even from the reflation of the mirror.
But you can feel him skimming over your panties with his fingertips, pressing against the wet patch that has formed there.
“You got wet just from this? Must be really desperate, uh. ‘ve barely touched you.”
What a piece of shit, you think.
But your body likes this side of his, the degrading and teasing, and it especially likes the way the pad of his finger is now pressing against your clit, unexpectedly making you let out a moan that you didn’t think you’d be capable of. Always the quiet one.
“Shh, you wouldn’t want them to hear us, now, would you?” He’s rubbing circles against the bundle of nerves, touching it just right, just like you would, alone in your room (while thinking about him, probably), making it hard to think or even remotely feel shame. “Maybe you’d like that? Mh? Want them to know making you feel good, right, pretty girl?”
When you don’t care enough to answer he pinches your clit over the wet fabric of your underwear, the whimpering noise you let out like music to his ears.
You just really want to feel his skin on yours, but too shy to ask for it you decide to do the next best thing. With the hand that is not too busy pulling the back of his head, you reach between your legs and push the fabric of your panties aside, exposing your pussy to the air without a care in the world.
If desperation had a face, at this point, it would most definitely look like yours.
“Ah shit, pretty-“
“Touch me, Ran.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. He finds your clit once again, not before running through the dripping folds and collecting the wetness with the pad of his fingers, just to rub it over your soft spot with careful precision.
His hand gives one final flick to your nipple before joining the other between your thighs, raising the lower hem of the dress to fully expose your wetness under the bright lights of the fitting room, just so he can take a good look in the reflection of the mirror.
You’re no saint, but also no one has ever touched you like this before, and the pleasure is pushing you to do things you probably would never even think of when the two of you are apart (but maybe you will, from this day forward).
That is why you reach down to grasp the wrist of his other hand, redirecting him to where you want to feel his touch, before slipping your fingers through his as if to show him what to do to you.
You feel his lips move against your ear before you register him talking, “Princess, you want my fingers? Hm?”
At that, you couldn’t nod faster, waiting for his touch to finally skim your opening, and once it does, you know he understands how much you need him, cause you see him raise his fingers as if to take a double look at the viscous liquid now wetting his skin. He rubs it over you then, spreading it on top of your clit to make his other hand work smoothly.
He stops right before he could slip in, making you whine in disagreement. “Need to hear you say it, baby.”
All these pet names are new to you, he usually sticks to one a day, trying them out on his tongue before throwing the chosen one at you with the most annoying tone he could muster to, simply put, annoy the fuck out of you, as he does with pretty much everything else.
But the way he’s saying them now, between rushed breaths and a voice so strained that nearly makes you believe he’s the one being played with, does unspeakable things to you.
So you give in like you’ve learned to do with him lately. “R-rannie, please, want you… to touch me.”
“What do you need me to do, pretty? Speak up, use your big girl’s words.”
“Need your fingers. Inside me.” You feel like the air in the dressing room is thinning out, and you need to get this done as fast as possible.
That’s until his pointer slips past your hole. The moment his other fingers resume their rubbing over your bundle of nerves, while he’s opening you up, that’s when you actually start praying for time to stop.
Maybe if his hands were to leave your frame now you would crumble to the ground and die. That’s a new fear you have just unlocked because you don’t think you could ever go back to how life was before he made you feel what you’re feeling right now.
Like every nerve ending is tingling and responding to the sweet sounds he’s making, or maybe the ones he’s pulling out of you. You don’t know what makes you more turned on, the effect you have on him, or the grip he has on you.
He starts moving his lone finger in and out, gently, testing out how far he can reach before you clench around him in pain.
He rubs over the ridges of your walls looking for something, trying out different patterns, and bumping against the outside of your hole with the palm of his hand to stimulate all of you once he slips completely inside, reaching as deep as his long digit permits.
At first, it doesn’t feel like much, you can tell he’s an expert but he’s just getting to know you. You think the feeling of fullness alone is enough to get a kick out of you, as long as he keeps massaging your clit in a, now, slower motion, as if he has nothing to rush about, not one care in the world. But it creeps up on you when you least expect it.
You thought he oversold himself with that oozing confidence that he sports 24/7, but as he starts laying open-mouthed kisses over your neck, running up its column, until he finds your sweet spot nested just below your ear and right by your clenching jaw, so does his finger.
“Fuuck. Oh my fucking god.” you heave.
Yeah, his lips are a godsend, but the way he’s bumping against that one spot inside of you with the tip of his digit just now is downright delicious.
He builds up a rhythm then. Fucking into you with more force and confidence, not forgetting to hit that patch of skin even for a single time.
“You like that, uh?” he asks like he doesn’t know, pressing his mouth against the underside of your jaw to drag his tongue along your salty skin, moaning at the taste. He asks as if you’re not clenching around his finger like your life depends on it, as if you want to capture it and hold him inside you to never feel empty again.
He realizes you need more, and he wants to give you his cock. Wants to stuff you full to the brim, cause he can feel how greedy your cunt is, so he knows you would eventually take him all inside, no matter how big.
You’re thinking the same, imagining how good it would feel to have him fuck you against the mirror that’s fogging up in front of you. You’re seeing the moon and the fucking stars with the tip of his finger alone. You wonder if his cock is big enough to kiss that little spot just right with his leaky tip.
He leaves you little to wonder, with the way his hips are bumping against you from behind. You can clearly make out the size of his length, now fully erected, as it rubs against your ass.
“Ran, fuck, I need more!”
And you both know that, but he also knows how ridiculously tight you are, how much he would have to open you up to take his cock, how he might need to spend hours with his head between your legs, fasting on your wet cunt just to make you loosen up. He’d do that gladly, but not now, in this fitting room.
So he just joins his pointer with his middle finger, carefully trying to fit in a second one through your squeezing muscles.
“No, Ran-“ you’re ready to beg, get on the ground on your knees, and plead him to have his way with you.
This is so not like you.
Or maybe it was, all along. You just needed someone to free you at last.
“You’re not ready to take my cock yet.” His tone is firm like he’s trying to convince himself more than you. “I can barely fit two fingers in, pretty. You need to let me in, gonna make you cream around them, ‘kay?”
You swear the way he’s looking at you through the mirror alone is your undoing. You see his eyes running back and forth to your half-open ones, so you follow the gaze rolling over your exposed tits, heaving with your labored breaths, until reaching the apex of your thighs.
Two of his fingers are now plunging into your wet opening, the squelching sound being so loud to tint both of your cheeks red, and a ring of white collecting around the circumference of his digits, before dripping down your parted legs at the force of his thrusts. Your clit is still being rubbed raw, the intensity increasing with every passing minute, making you twitch in his firm grasp.
The whole picture is insanely erotic, something you haven’t even experienced in your fantasies yet.
It’s so intense that you feel your cheeks get wet from the unexpected tears now streaming down your face.
You’re a cryer, he’s elated.
You’re trying hard to muffle a scream, but Ran has you blocked in his grasp with both of his arms running over yours, so you have to turn and bite at the skin of his collarbone to do so, as you grip over his forearms, leaving behind the half-moon indentation of your nails.
He groans, letting his head lol back as you lick over the bruise; the skin has torn and you can taste the blood. As he speeds up the fingers that are massaging your clit, you realize that both of you might enjoy a little pain mixed with pleasure.
The overstimulation is so overbearing that you know you should’ve come long ago, but he’s taking you to such heights that you just can’t seem to let yourself go when alone in your bed you would have long given up and just taken a shitty orgasm as a win before retiring to sleep.
“Feel so- god, it’s so fucking good, Ran. Don’t stop, please please-“You don’t stop begging and he doesn’t stop thrusting, both his fingers and his hips behind your frame, chasing his orgasm against the plush of your ass.
He wants to pull his cock out of his pants and rub it against your skin. The dress has raised over the globes of your behind, he wishes he could just come all over it.
But he has no intention of ever slowing down his hands, not with the way you’re trembling against him, and not until you come, completely undone and fucked up from just two of his fingers.
You look so beautiful like this, with tears streaming down your reddening face, lips bitten, unfortunately not by him, and your cunt taking his fingers so well. Like the good girl he knows you are under all that sass.
He glances down at the scene one more time.
Your pussy is so pretty, glistening wet, he could finish right here and then.
He wants you to fucking come while screaming his name, no one else’s. He doesn’t care if they hear, he wants them to.
Ran wishes for more than just the clerks hearing you come undone for him.
At that thought something snaps inside of him.
“Who’s making you feel this good? Fucking tell me.” You snap out of the blubbering mess you’ve become, not because of the inexplicably angry tone of his request, but because he’s slowing down his movements and you were not expecting that.
Does he not know by now that you like his roughness? You need to come so badly.
“Please fuck don’t stop, please-“
“I said who’s making you feel this fucking good.” Ran doesn’t like to think he’s a jealous guy.
He’s The Haitani Ran, after all. There has never been any need for him to be.
But now that he has tasted heaven, here in this tiny dressing room with you, he doesn’t think he can stop.
He wants to make you his, and if that means he has to deprive you of your very first orgasm given by someone else so that you can come back running for more, so be it.
“You, Ran! Fuck it’s all you! You make me feel so go-” The slap that resonates in the small space it’s the thing that stops you from completing your praise.
Ran’s fingers have stopped moving inside of you completely, and his other hand has raised to slap your spasming cunt.
A scream of his name finally does rip out of your parted lips. There’s no way you could’ve avoided that.
And the new canting of your hips that are raising to chase a ruined orgasm is to little avail, you just don’t seem to reach the promised land.
Against all odds, Ran doesn’t resume touching you, even his hips are now resting firmly some inches away from yours, not even letting you feel him anymore.
He presses father light kisses from the column of your neck up to the side of your jaw, retracing the path he had run with languish before, until he can sweetly kiss your burning cheek as if to gently bring you down from the orgasm that never happened while he removes his fingers from inside of you, leaving you eerily empty.
“I- I didn’t come.” you’re still trembling at this point, but for a different reason. You think he might have mistaken any of your reactions for you reaching your long-awaited end.
You’ve heard some stories, you know some guys can’t even tell right from left when it comes to a woman's body.
But you’re wrong about him. “I know.”
More kisses are left on the side of your face, you’d think the gesture sweet if it weren’t for the ever-present grin you can feel against your skin.
“What- why?” the way you’re asking nearly breaks his heart, you sound so confused, broken. But that’s exactly what he needs, right? He needs to be the one to guide you.
“Because I’m not letting you come. You’re not my girl.” Your eyes are big like saucers, and you’ve turned your head to stare at him, he thinks this situation is so fun he could giggle.
“But I thought-“
“Just leave him, pretty girl. You’ve already forgotten about him, haven’t you? It was my name you were screaming, it was my cock you were begging for. Leave him, and come back crawling to me. Maybe then, I’ll think about letting you come.”
He takes some steps further away from you then, cold but still careful enough to make sure you won’t fall the moment he lets you on your own, bringing his soiled fingers up to his mouth. You watch in silence as he licks them clean. He’s making a show of it, engulfing the digits in his mouth and sucking around them as he moans. You’re so turned on you could die right there and then.
He then hits you with a “Fuck, you taste like heaven, he doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
Before diving right back in, licking the skin one last time for safekeeping.
And now, you don’t know what’s worse: the cheshire grin stretching the pinkish of Ran’s lips while he’s downright degrading you after depriving you of an orgasm and, honestly, your self-respect;
Maybe it’s the fact that sweet Chifuyu’s face had only flashed behind your eyelids at his mention, after you’ve probably done one of the worst things you could ever do to him, or in your life, really;
… or the fact that you had to walk out of there, and wait for Ran to pay for the stained dress, cause he wouldn’t let you leave without making a scene. Knowing damn well that everyone in the shop had heard the two of you and is now looking with a mix of: reverence towards Ran, and hatred for you, by all women and men who rightfully wished to be in your stand.
At the end of the day, you were right. Fitting rooms would ever only leave you a crying mess, with clothes too little to fit; and shopping with Ran Haitani was hell made on earth.
At least you were convinced this was gonna be the last time you would ever accompany him – anywhere, really – or so you thought…
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huffelpuff210 · 10 months
His Obsession
His Obsession 
Chapter 1
:Jordan didn’t exactly know what she was getting into when she accidentally bumped into Bucky Barnes aka The king of New York the boss of the Mafia 
Warning:Stalking, kidnapping, Forced relationship, Forced Marriage, NonCon.
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You were running down the street bumping into people every now and again. 
“Excuse me. Sorry.” You say as you continue to run
You were running late. You are a RN in the Emergency room. Working sometimes double even triple shifts. Not really having a personal life, Always working and if you weren’t working you were home sleeping. 
You turn the corner only to be knocked off you’re feet, about to fall on you’re ass. 
But you were quickly caught by the wrist and quickly pulled to you’re feet. 
“Sorry about that.” You hear 
You look up and see a man in a black suit. Rings on his left hand. Tattoo on the top of his left hand and it loos like it goes up his arm the way it disappears from the sleeves of his suit. 
He had dark hair that was almost shoulder length and icy blue eyes. 
“Oh no I’m sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going.” You say as you smile at him. 
You’re watch beeps. 
“Oh sugar plumbs I’m late! Sorry I have to go thank you for saving me from a nasty fall.” You say as you run down the street. 
Bucky watches as you disappear in the crowd of people A smirk on his face. He didn’t think there was anyone in this city that could smile at him like that. Most people take one look at him and shiver in fear. It did something to him, You’re long dark hair and Jade green eyes that reminded him of freshly cut grass, 
He didn’t fail to notice You’re name tag, Jordan Cross He smirked 
“I’ll be seeing you real soon doll.” He smirked 
He pulls out his phone hitting the contact number. 
“Natasha I need you to find an address for me.Jordan Cross She works at Mercy Hospital” He says 
“Okay, Text it to me when you find it.” He says hanging up the phone
He smirked knowing that he just found the one person that wasn’t aware of who he was or the profession he was in. 
It didn’t take long to locate you’re apartment, And it didn’t take much effort to get the key from the manager, All he had to do was give him a look. Which was very concerning. As he looked around you’re house he noticed there wasn’t much. No picture’s on the walls. The fridge and cabinets were empty. A TV and love seat in the main room, A a queen size bed in the bedroom. 
“Seems pretty basic.” Steve says as they look around
“But no personality to it.” Nat says 
“Start hiding the cameras.” Bucky says everyone nods 
You were dead tired after working a double shift. All you wanted to do was shower and sleep screw eating it was way too much work. 
You unlock you’re door shuffling to the bathroom stripping you’re scrubs off and jumping in the shower for a much needed shower. 
After you’re quick shower you dress into a pair of plaid black and white shorts and you’re old collage jersey. Flopping on the bed without covering up you just fall into a deep sleep. But unknown to you, Bucky stood over you, His knuckles brushing against you’re cheek. 
“Soon doll. Soon You’ll be mine.” He whispers with a small smile on his face.
The next day you were running late again, Rushing out the door, and running down the streets to the hospital, You always end up shutting you’re alarm off to get a little extra sleep, You’re boss doesn’t ever give you a day off or ever cut you any slack when you are late he retaliates by making you work a double shift, He’s a complete tool in you’re eyes anyway, Bucky watched as you ran past the many people on the side walk bumping into a few on the way. He smiled knowing he was going to bide his time to set his plan into motion, He had been waiting to find someone like you for a very long time and He knew that you were a hard working woman who barley had a social or private life because of you’re job. From what he dug up on you you’re mother died when you were only five years old leaving you to be raised by you’re step father. In and out of the hospital a lot with mysterious injuries broken arm, cracked ribs, broken tail bone, the list went on and on it’s no mystery what was going on, You left for collage at the age of eighteen, graduating not long after. went for you’re clinical at the same hospital you currently work at now. Never had a vacation or personal day. This was a bit concerning for Bucky you didn’t have a life, all you did was work and sleep, hell you barley had any food in you’re apartment. He knew tonight he was going to take you away from this life, that you were going to have a better life with him and his men. You wouldn’t have to work hard just to get by anymore he was going to make sure of that if it was the last thing he did. He smiled and walked towards you’re apartment. 
He made himself comfortable sitting in you’re love seat in the main room and waited 
You sighed grabbing you’re purse and walking out of the hospital Eric you’re boss made you work a triple shift you were exhausted, You have a bruise on you’re bicep from him grabbing you when he called you to his office when you were late today. He said one more time and you are fired. What does he expect you work double sometimes triple shifts then he expects you to come in the same day after only a few hours of sleep. 
You unlock you’re apartment door, closing it behind you setting you’re purse on the counter. When a hand covers you’re mouth. 
“You’re late doll.” You hear from behind you. 
You try to struggle but the intruder was too strong you feel a prick in you’re neck and you can feel yourself getting weak and tired 
“Don’t worry doll you’ll be home soon.” Was the last thing you hear before falling into a deep slumber.
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crochetedblorbos · 3 months
"I am not now, nor have I ever been, adorable."
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Character Name: Jonathan Sims, a/k/a The Archivist, a/k/a The Ceaseless Watcher’s Special Little Boy, a/k/a Snoop God’s Favorite Kid
Fandom: The Magnus Archives [Podcast]
Voiced/Written By: Jonathan Sims
Yarn Used: Shoes: CraftSmart Value - Dark Almond Trousers: CraftSmart Value - Taupe Cardigan: CraftSmart Value - Olive Shirt: CraftSmart Value - White Skin: CraftSmart Value - Coffee Hair: CraftSmart Value - Dark Chocolate, CraftSmart value - Grey Glasses: Ashland Decorative Wire - Black, 12 gauge
Basic pattern here.
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Look. How can you NOT love this pathetic wet cat of a man. (And like most cats, he is also a bastard at times.) He really went through the wringer over the course of the podcast, both physically and emotionally. Thank God he had Martin there for him.
Jon differs from the base pattern as follows:
Shoes: I actually remembered to do the soles in a different color this time! Other than the color, they were done the same way as Joseph’s.
Trousers: I accidentally shortened them. I did not mean to shorten them, but frankly, I miscounted on the first leg and only realized it halfway up the second, so I stopped them at R27 instead of R29, so he’s just a tad bit shorter than normal. (Which is fine, and fits my headcanon for Jon.) I also…well, I’ve finally thrown my lot in on the Great Archival Ass Debate on the side of the Assless, so in R32 (what would normally be R34, but again, everything is two rows lower than normal), I put the decrease in the very back, rather than on either side of R41 as usual. Other than that, they’re the same as Joseph’s.
Cardigan and Shirt: I more or less used the same technique I used for Hux, except that I started a round lower (I think) to make the V deeper. I switched fully to the white for R50 (R52 in the base pattern), then did three stitches on either side of the center stitch of R51 in back loops only to give myself something to hook onto. I then went back later and stitched a collar by making a simple triangle in the front loops of those stitches. I also skipped what would have been R54 in the base pattern and, when I switched to the skin color, I went straight for the decrease to 12 sc around. I was hoping this would make his head less floppy.
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Head: I used the loop method again. It’s just easier at this point, especially since Jon canonically has enough grey in his hair that he looks older than thirty. I gave him long hair and left it loose, but at least I got it the right length this time (sorry again, Hux). I was going to give him ears, but honestly, I made his glasses small enough that I didn’t need to. I didn't necessarily plan on giving him buck teeth, but I was in the middle of a D&D session while I was working on his face and white yarn was the only thing I had to hand, so rather than run back to my room for black or dark brown I just went with it.
Arms: When you’re crocheting a character who canonically has a very nasty burn scar on one hand, you have three choices. You can ignore it, you can attempt to replicate it in variegated yarn, or you can crochet a hand and set it on fire. And, well...
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...I have a lighter and very poor impulse control. [Side note: I mentioned this to an IRL friend who also listens to TMA, and they said brightly, “Just like the Archivist!] (For the record, burning acrylic yarn doesn’t actually smell as terrible as you might think.) I also decided to cut out the final increase in his hands to make them long and thin. This also means I didn’t decrease for his wrists, which was fine, because I gave him shirt cuffs folded over the end of his cardigan as follows: R9: Join shirt yarn, ch 2, dc in outside loop of each st around, sl st in first dc (10 dc). R10: Ch 1, sc in outside loop of each st around, sl st in first sc (10 sc). R11: Join cardigan yarn, ch 2, hdc in back loop of each stitch in R9 around, sl st in first hdc (10 hdc). Continue rest of arm as normal.
Glasses: These definitely did not turn out like I expected, but eh, they work. I bent the wire into square spectacles and stuck them on. As mentioned, I did them tight enough (accidentally) that I didn’t even need the ears.
Bonus: I deliberately did Jon’s hands so he can hold hands with Martin, or tried to anyway. I realized only after he was complete that I matched the magnet in Jon’s right hand to the one in Martin’s right hand, and there’s not really room to turn them around. I might try pulling Martin’s arms off later and switching them around, but for now…well, at least they can hold hands the other way around.
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mrsshabana · 10 months
Aaah there are so many I want to see but for now could you show Mafia!Demon!Gyutaro?
I'm so glad you picked this one because it is one of my favorites too! This fic takes place in the AAO au. But if Gyutaro didn't go to college and joined the mafia with the other moons instead.
If you aren't familiar with my Against All Odds au, basically demons live among humans similarly to Tokyo Ghoul. But they don't have to eat humans, they can survive by eating any raw meat. Though some of them will still eat humans anyways.
Content: 18+ MDNI, Gyutaro x female!reader, violence, kidnapping, sexual themes
✧:・゚→ My WIP's
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𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂!𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏!𝑮𝒚𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒐 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
The world of demons was foreign to you, but in the blink of an eye you were thrusted into this life and demons became all you knew.
The only other humans you ever interacted with were the other girls. Girls who were in the same unfortunate position as you.
You were no one special before. Just working your way through life like the rest of us. And that’s how he found you. You were the perfect candidate really. Young, attractive, and weak. He was sure you’d be profitable. Abducting you in the cover of nightfall as you walked home from work after a graveyard shift.
Your abductor, the demon with the two-toned hair, took you to the black market. Selling you to an illegal exotic dancing club. A place where humans are kept captive for the enjoyment of demons. Forced to wear lingerie and dance behind nichirin bars.
This became your new normal.
You hated everyone here. The other girls gave you a hard time because you were new, and the owner of the club didn’t help. She’s the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen, with stark white hair, two-toned just like the demon that had abducted you.
For some reason, that demon often came into your thoughts. As you sit in the back room, preparing yourself for your upcoming scheduled dance, you think back to him. His appearance was terrifying, but something about him intrigued you. You’ve been an exotic dancer for only a week, and you haven’t seen him since that first day. 
Too distracted by your lingering thoughts, you barely notice the other girls shuffling out of the room. You’ve been surviving by following what the other girls do, the girls that have been here for years. And an uncanny feeling begins to form in your gut. One that tells you that you should follow them. So you hastily finish your hair and makeup, slide on your heels, and make your way towards the door. 
And that is when you bump into him.
In your panicked state, you open the door too quickly without realizing what’s on the other side. Walking into the man’s chest, with a huff you slip on your heels. Falling right on your ass, at the feet of the only demon you recognize in this place.
Glowing eyes stare down at you with a frown. His lips downturned in an annoyed scowl. Looking down at you as if you are his prey, his frown changes into a toothy smirk, showing off his sharp teeth. 
Every nerve under your skin burns, every muscle in your body aches with the desire to run. But you find yourself frozen at his feet. Staring up at him like a helpless puppy.
“I-it’s you…” you whimper as he quirks a brow at your acknowledgment. Crouching in front of you and reaching forward to grip your cheeks with the rough pads of his fingertips. He hums as his grin widens, turning your face side to side, inspecting you.
“Oh so you remember me? How sweet,” he coos.
Quickly getting bored, he rolls his eyes and stands, “Get up,” he orders.
“R-right,” you stutter, struggling to get back on your feet. Once you are able to stand properly you bow and apologize, “I’m so sorry for my clumsiness, please forgive me sir. I-it won’t happen next time.”
He takes a step forward and brings his hand below your chin, forcing you to look up at him. He’s pleased by how you speak to him, it’s so different from how the other girls react to him.
“So eager to please, I’m glad I found you,” he chuckles before releasing you from his grasp, “and no need to be so formal, just call me Gyutaro from now on.”
You nod and he pushes you aside, “Now scram.”
After that day, you learned who Gyutaro was and why he frequented this place. This club is owned by the Kizuki, otherwise known as the most dangerous demon mafia in the world. And Gyutaro is one of their top members, along with his sister, Daki, who so happens to be the manager here.
Gyutaro comes once a week to collect the money that the dancers have generated, and once a month he’ll bring new girls if there is a need for more dancers.
Every time you’d see him, you’d politely greet him. A part of you hates him for bringing you here, but you begin looking forward to his weekly visits, even though he rarely acknowledges you.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
You’ve been here for a few months now. Things have gotten alarmingly mundane. Your previous life becomes a distant memory as you’ve even forgotten what the warmth of the sun feels like on your skin…
Putting on your lingerie, slipping into a pair of stockings and heels before you exit your quarters. 
Daki waits for you in the backroom with a group of other girls. Something must be going on. Daki never bothers to interact with the dancers much unless she’s scolding them.
“Girls, listen up,” Daki yells in an aggravated tone, “we have some special guests tonight so be on your best behavior!”
She then begins pointing to girls out of the group, instructing them to come to her, “and… you,” she points to you, “the rest of you are off for the night.”
She picked a dozen of you from the group, “Ok girls, you’ll be having some very special customers tonight,” she smirks, “Come with me.”
You all follow her out onto the dancing stage, where nichirin bars separate you from a group of men sitting in front of the stage.
She instructs you to stand in a line. And your heart sinks at what she does next.
Pressing a button behind the stage, the bars begin to lower until there is nothing separating you from the men that sit in front of you.
And what do you know… there he is. Gyutaro sits nonchalantly with his legs spread wide, a lazy smirk on his face. He’s wearing his usual attire, ripped black jeans, black leather boots, and a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His birthmarks and various tattoos are visible on his exposed skin. 
The other men you don’t recognize.
Daki turns on the music and shouts, “If you're chosen, give him a lap dance. If not chosen, you're free to go back to your quarters for the night.” 
What the fuck is happening right now. As far as you know, this doesn’t happen. They never allow girls to get in such close proximity to customers for safety reasons. Having half naked women flaunted in front of blood thirsty demons is a recipe for disaster, which is why the nichirin bars have always stayed between the stage and the customers. The only time a girl is allowed to give personal dances is if the guests pay a hefty price… and even then the dancer usually never comes back.
They begin going down the line, each man pointing to a woman of his choice. And for some reason, you’re relieved when Gyutaro points to you. Feeling a heavy weight lifted from your shoulders. 
This doesn’t go unnoticed. Gyutaro’s smirk is wiped off his face when you flash him the tiniest smile as you make your way to him. You shouldn’t be happy about this. He knows you know who he is and his status within the mafia, so why are you so eager to see him?
After each man has made his selection, Daki takes the remaining girls backstage. Leaving you vulnerable at the hands of the Kizuki…
Dim lights flicker as you stand between his legs. Gyutaro’s gaze trails down your body, pupils hesitating when he reaches your breasts, and stopping when his gaze reaches your thighs.
This is quite awkward for you. Yeah, you’re used to dancing for guests but Gyutaro has never been one of your guests. He’s always just been the guy that comes to collect the money, you never viewed him as a customer. But orders are orders and in this place you know you have no choice. So you begin to dance for him.
“Stop,” Gyutaro says sternly, grabbing your wrist and pulling you forward, “Sit…”
You nod and do as you're told, taking a seat on his lap, straddling him. He rests his left hand on your thigh, and brings his other hand up to your face. Moving a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Why so eager to see me?” words drawn out, his hooded lids stare at you with a lazy expression.
“I-I was just glad that you picked me…” you blush, feeling your body heat up.
He hums, holding your hips down as he rolls his hips upwards. A hard bulge can be felt through his jeans, rubbing directly on the wet spot shamefully forming in your panties.
“I can’t imagine why,” he growls.
You lean forward to hold onto his shoulders for support, “You-you’re the only one I recognized…”
Gyutaro can see right through you as you spit out a half truth. Trying to convince yourself that that is the only reason that you were happy to see him. That you haven’t formed some sick attraction towards him. 
“Well, I was happy to see you too,” he smirks, caressing your cheek, “so pretty, so obedient, so eager to please… so sweet to me every time I come by each week.”
His praises make the tightness in your chest worsen, you feel like you can’t breathe. Your whole body feels hot as he leans forward to kiss your neck. Nipping at your collarbone with his teeth. Your small acts of kindness and simple decency towards him have caused him to grow a liking to you. Forming foreign feelings towards something that he only viewed as food before.
Tilting your head to the side to give him better access to your neck, you look beside you. The sight makes your blood run cold.
The man beside you, a demon with platinum blonde hair and rainbow eyes, is busy ripping out the trachea of one of the dancers. Blood covers his mouth, pooling beneath him on the floor. Looking further down the line you see similar acts. 
You seem to be the only girl left alive.
Gyutaro instantly senses your panic. Feeling your pulse increase drastically under his lips as he kisses your neck. You begin to squirm in his grasp, but he keeps you seated with a firm grip. Your breathing becomes choppy and panicked, whining as tears blur your vision.
“Hey hey hey, you’re ok,” he coos and wraps his arms around your waist to pull you close, “I’m here with you, doll.” 
“P-please…” you whimper pathetically.
“Don’t you want to be a good girl for me?” Gyutaro grabs your face, forcing you to look at him, “You trust me don’t you?”
Through hiccups and sobs you respond weakly with a nod, “Y-yes.”
“Good girl,” he groans, “It’s just me and you right now… don’t worry about anything else.”
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