#acts like dream too if i’m being fr—
“omg adam face reveal 😳” “yo why adam kinda…” “who was gonna tell me adam is hot under that mask??? 👀” girl what are you talking about adam looks like dreamwastaken
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tokagedreams · 1 year
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(a/n: i have soooo many more thoughts about poe bro i love him so much..anyway, fellow poe fans if you have poe requests i am begging you to drop them in my inbox)
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- the two of you met back in america years ago. you guys start out as ride-or-die best friends, you’re the inseparable duo that does everything together. when poe goes to yokohama with the guild, you go with him even if you’re not a guild member.
- you’re an infuriating case of ‘the two besties that are clearly in love with each other but would rather die than confess because they’re convinced their feelings are unrequited when they obviously aren’t’. you’ve basically been acting like a couple for at least a year but somehow you and poe are both convinced that it’s just a friendship to the other person and nothing more.
- both the guild and the ADA assumed you were already dating until poe referred to you as his ‘best friend’ and they’re just like are you fr right now?? 🤨 it’s literally so freaking obvious you two are head over heels in love to everyone except for you and poe. especially if you’re not even in the guild and you moved across the world just to be with poe 💀 ranpo (affectionately) hates you guys because you refuse to believe him when he tells you that your feelings are requited.
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- ranpo #1 wingman frfr!! at first he tries to make it happen naturally, but eventually he realizes that’s a lost cause..so he basically forces poe to confess to you because he’s so sick and tired of hearing poe lament about how you don’t love him back when you obviously do!! i could see ranpo being like “i’m not reading any of your new novels until you confess to (y/n) 😈” and that would be the final straw because poe is not about to throw away all his chances of ever beating his rival.
- i think we all agree that poe is a hopeless romantic, but i feel like he would just be too anxious to actually do anything fancy for a confession. he’s probably fantasized about the perfect confession a hundred times, but when he gets pressured to actually do it, all of those plans go out the window because he’s just freaking out lol.
- he’d tell you to come over because he needs to ‘show you something important’, he doesn’t make it obvious that he’s going to confess his feelings at all. so you get to his house and he tells you to wait on the couch while he gathers everything, and you’re starting to get anxious too because you’re like ummm wtf is he about to show me?? poe goes to his office and after a moment of ‘gathering’ (he actually already had his stuff sorted beforehand, he spent the entire time petting karl to muster up some courage), he brings you this giant stack of messy papers and just stands there awkwardly. and you’re so freaking confused until you start reading them and you realize that they’re all love letters and poems about you, written by poe himself. they’re all dated too so you can see that they range from today all the way back to like at least two years ago.
- poor poe is actually sitting there literally trembling while you read, anxiously waiting for you to respond. obviously you tell him you love him too, and he honestly looks like he doesn’t believe it or just can’t process it for a second, you have to kiss him on the cheek or something to get him to register the fact that you seriously love him. but after that he’s like the happiest you’ve ever seen him, he’s hugging you so hard, grabbing your hands and he might even excitedly kiss your face a couple times. this is genuinely a dream come true for him so he can go a little wild as a treat <3
- he owes ranpo so bad after this btw 💀
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- since you and poe had been acting like a couple for a long while before officially getting together, it’s not that hard to get used to an actual relationship. now there’s just a lot less uncertainty and hesitance, you can comfortably do all of the things that you previously chickened out of because you didn’t want to ‘ruin your friendship’. your feelings aren’t a secret anymore, so you both have free reign to be as affectionate as you want to be.
- in terms of love language, i really feel like poe could appreciate any kind of love from you. he might be a little shy about physical affection, and he probably won’t want to do much of it in public, but in private i think he would secretly love it. his favorite type of love to receive from you would probably be words of affirmation, this man needs that praise and validation so badly!! in the beginning of your relationship, he doesn’t know how to handle your compliments, if you’re flirty he will simply explode. he eventually gets more accustomed to it, but he still blushes like crazy and gets all bashful every time you praise him. his favorite type of love to give to you is probably acts of service, just look at how much he bends over backwards to do favors for ranpo in canon lol. he will do literally anything for you!! with his absurd salary and spending habits, you can count on being showered in gifts too, he just wants to spoil you!
- you and poe are definitely one of those couples that enjoys just chilling in the same room doing your own separate things. it will actually make him so happy if you just quietly sit in his office while he writes! maybe after you’ve been dating for a long time he might even have you sit on his lap sometimes.. 😳 since he spends so much time in there obsessively writing new novels to beat ranpo, it got really lonely with just him and karl, so having you there just makes everything better. he also probably doesn’t take very good care of himself when he’s really focused on writing, so he will be eternally thankful if you help make sure he eats, drinks and sleeps enough. he might be the type to say “just one more chapter..” every time you tell him to go to bed, but you can usually persuade him with the promise of cuddles and a kiss goodnight.
- speaking of cuddles when you go to sleep…i am convinced that poe would secretly love being the little spoon!! he’ll of course default to being the big spoon unless you’re somehow taller than him, because that’s kinda just the norm for tall people in most cases. he might even be hesitant at first if you ask him to swap places with you, because he’s likely never done that before, but when you hold him for the first time..it immediately becomes his new favorite thing. it makes him feel so safe and secure and loved, please hold this man!!
- you play with poe’s hair all the time, it’s something you both enjoy because damn he has a lot of hair and it’s really fluffy. you push his bangs back because you want to actually see his eyes for once!! it makes him so flustered because he lowkey feels exposed without his bangs, but if you tell him his eyes are pretty he’ll be like “omg really?? 🥺” and forget all about his embarrassment. it works every single time. when poe is stressed, he often just lays his head in your lap and lets you run your fingers through his hair, it’s very grounding and calming to him. he gets embarrassed if you catch him off guard and just randomly start petting his hair, he tells you to go pet karl instead 💀
- poe is 100% the type of guy to kiss your knuckles or your forehead all the time. he’ll kiss you on the lips too, but it can be kind of overwhelming, so he doesn’t initiate those kisses as often. i think he would like being kissed on the cheek by you a lot, something simple and sweet to brighten his mood. despite being your partner, he still gets nervous to ask you for kisses when he wants them, but he’s honestly pretty unintentionally obvious about it so you can usually tell lol.
- poe gets so embarrassed if you ever read his novels, he knows that you appreciate his writing, but your opinion is so important to him that he gets anxious about it. he usually doesn’t let you read books that he’s written to challenge ranpo until after he’s already shown them to the detective. but you always read them when he gets back home and he’s all mopey after ranpo has successfully solved another one of his mysteries. although he remains determined to continue trying, it’s always a major blow to his self esteem when he loses to ranpo again. so you read the books for yourself so that you can praise him about every specific detail and make him feel better about himself and his work. you may not be his rival or the greatest detective in the world, but you are poe’s partner, so your words are still very meaningful to him.
- poe would definitely call you lots of pet names if you’re comfortable with it. he calls you things like ‘my dearest’ and ‘my beloved’, but he’ll also call you things like ‘darling’ and ‘love’. if you have a nickname, he’ll typically use that in place of your full name because it feels more intimate to him. if you do the same to him, he’ll be so happy! he’s down with being called basically any term of endearment as long as it comes from you, but some may make him more flustered than others. if you shorten his name and call him ‘ed’ it makes him feel so much closer to you.
- poe talks about you all the freaking time! he’s not above straight up bragging about how great his partner is, he constantly feels the need to tell everyone how great you are. hopefully ranpo likes you a lot because my guy has to listen to poe gushing about you constantly lol. if poe ever finds out that you’ve told your friends good things about him, it will warm his heart and make him feel so appreciated. he’s basically never prepared for you to match his extreme passion in your relationship, it shocks him every single time and he can’t believe he actually met someone who loves him as strongly as he loves them.
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(a/n: thanks for reading my first fic on this account! i hope you guys like my theme lol, i just wanna be known as the tokage guy who writes bsd fics)
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liaaa33 · 5 months
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Why you cut your wrist?
Paring: chris sturniolo x fem reader Waring; self harm, angsty, crying, use of drugs, death wish, dealer chris
Summery:chris is your dealer best friend and sees something you have been hiding for years now.
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After 15 min the door rang so I got up and opened the door for chris exited to smoke since we haven’t seen each other for a long time
“Yo what’s up maa” chris said hugging me.
“Nun much just exited to see you again tbh” I smile walking him inside. We got inside my room and sat down next to my window.
“You gonna get the stuff or what?” Chris chuckled.
“Oh damn sorry” I giggled walking over to my drawer getting out some papes and a grinder.
Chris rolled us the joint and passed it over to me wanting me to take the first hit. I place the joint in my mouth chris lighting it looking deep into my eyes. I pass it over to him blowing out my smoke.
“Damn this shi is good asf” I giggle
“Yeah” chris laughed passing me the joint again. He looked into my eyes deep this time different then before.
“You good?” I giggle.
“Yeah yeah.. it’s just idk” he smiled at me.
“Say it weirdo” I laugh at him.
“You look very pretty” he said nervously.
“You fucking with me rn?” I say smiling at him.
“Noo I’m being fr right now” he took a hit of the joint looking me deep into my eyes.
“Well thank you” I smiled confused why my best friend is saying that to me and acting so weird. He passed me the joint again and I smoke it dead throwing it out the window.
“Yeah?” I said confused looking at Chris.
“I think I need to tell you something” he said now very serious.
“What’s wrong Chris?” I said confused on why he’s being this weird to me rn scared that he will leave me, scared that I did something wrong.
“I really like you, but like not as friends or not as a hoe I mean like really fucking like you” he said looking into my eyes.
“What” I said checking if I’m not dreaming rn.
“You’re high chris shut up” I giggle.
“No y/n I mean it I really fucking like you” he said.
“I can’t believe you” I said smiling.
“Do I have to prove it or what” he smirked.
“Maybe you do” I giggle as Chris stood up grabbing my face kissing me passionately.
I kissed him back climbing on top of him now sitting on his lap making out with him. He tried taking off my shirt but I stopped him.
“I’m sorry was this to much?” He said now feeling embarrassed.
“No no It’s not that chris..” I said looking down.
“What is it than?” He said forcing me to look at him.
“Don’t worry about it” I forced a smile at him kissing him on the cheek.
“No y/n tell me” he said in a serious voice. I never hear chris this serious ever. Now being nervous I look away again scared he will notice my secret.
“I can’t..” I say.
“Yes you fucking can tell me now y/n I’m being serious” he said looking at me with a mad stare.
“I- I” I tried to say but no words came out of my mouth tears now forming in my eyes.
“Hey.. y/n what is wrong tell me please” chris said now cubbing my face in his hands.
“I’m sorry” I said repeatedly chris still not knowing what’s going on with me.
“What are you sorry about y/n why are you saying you are sorry” he said now panicking since my crying doesn’t stop.
I look at him embarrassed holding my wrists tears rolling down my face. He noticed me holding my wrist and immediately knew what was going on grabbing my wrist pulling up my sleeves revealing many scars and fresh cuts on my arms and wrist some worse then the others.
“My god… y/n…” tears begin rolling down his face too now.
“I’m sorry” I said now crying more than before.
He hugged me tightly comforting me slowly stroking my hair.
“Why..?” He said his voice shaky.
“I- I can’t to this shit anymore chris I’m so tried and empty the only one left in my life is you and I feel like you slowly are drifting away too I’m so scared that you will leave and everyone is so mean to me and I just- I just want to die” i blur out between sobs hiding my face in chris neck.
“What… why didn’t you tell me y/n!?” He said now crying more then before.
I never saw chris ever and him crying in front of me made me realise how fucked up my mind really was. I was embarrassed at myself for telling him all that even tho i knew it didn’t bother him and he was glad i did tell him that.
“I don’t know I’m sorry I’m so so so sorry chris” i say chris looking at me with worry..
“I love you so much y/n you should have told me earlier you know I couldn’t live without you ma… I love you so much more then you think okay?” He said holding me tightly.
“I’m sorry I know chris” I said closing my eyes just enjoying his presence.
“Next time please come to me and don’t hurt yourself okay? You mean so much to me please don’t do that to yourself.” He said stroking my hair kissing my forehead.
“Okay im sorry chris”
:::This was my first story man idk if I like it 💀
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sunnysideaeggs · 2 months
hi friends, welcome back to another episode of me complaining about the dragon show. this is a long post for a long episode, spoilers for s2e6 of hotd, and spoilers for fire and blood, since i will be discussing a bit of my theories about the ending. enjoy!
the lannisters as always serving. i love the armor, the red, the details, targaryens wish they had that drip.
lions? fighting? yes lord jason show us the budget
also i think it’s cute that lord lefford and his men have a little golden dandelion pin. i think the different ways westerosi people embrace their sigils is cute
why is the golden tooth’s lord so surprised to see lord jason being a show off? sir that’s your liege lord you must know how he is 😵‍💫
‘he dares summon me 🤬🤬🤬’ bitch you’re regent because you have fightfing ability. use it. i hate aemond ugh
‘i’m prince regent not a dog’ ✨ stop acting like a bitch then ✨
everyone in the council wishing aegon comes back home lol
larys’ hair looks unmatched today
alicent and dalton? 💀 this would be a great moment to remind the audience of how dalton is a rapist, a tyrant, a heathen and a criminal, and anyone that allies themselves with him is icky. but oh wait isn’t he a black ally?
i will not tolerate any more tyland slander. he’s my little finance bro and he must be respected
now this is a question. what position does alicent fill exactly? she’s not queen anymore and being queen mother of an adult king doesn’t grant her any more saying than anybody else
i would be more inclined to empathize with alicent’s loss of power if she had spent any morsel of her power actually saying or doing something. i don’t care about the loss of a ‘leveling voice’ in the council when she didn’t have any thoughts this season but ‘war bad, aegon bad, viserys good, peace good’
she’s in her FOMO era though. she wishes this was aegon instead. she should’ve employed this maternal energy in him. it would’ve served her better.
now this is another consequence of alicent’s character being so butchered it became a 50’s caricature of what a woman is. book alicent was such a powerhouse that no one would dare question her presence in the council. and she was evil af. that’s the alicent we deserved
i can’t stop thinking that the hand pin rhaenyra gave corlys is the same pin she stole from otto lmao
i fail to see how rhaenyra admitting she’s being held back by her council gives her power. they’re admitting she’s a puppet ruler. ew
rhae mentioning that the knight has noble blood first of all 😭 smallfolk don’t count. it’s unthinkable they would have the ability. she said no real person involved fr
‘the dragons are gods’ i thought we were well past that
if anything i watch every episode to see daemon being haunted for all his sins. truly what he deserves
(throwback to s1) also i find it interesting how in the show viserys cut himself with the throne when he sent away daemon, when the moment he cuts himself in the book is when he condemns vaemond and the silent five unfairly. the show trying to make his mistake be standing up to his entitled family instead of enabling his entitled family 💀
simon must be so done with daemon 😭
i wonder if caraxes has been having weird dreams too
daemon packing his shit and sleeping outside harrenhal in a tent jsjjsjsjs
alys like: ‘where my goodbye hug at? 🧐’
‘perhaps those who strive for (the crown) are the least suited to wear it’ preach.
but rhaenyra does strive for it, she can’t be five minutes reminding people of her crown duh. the only one who recognized the duty of the crown and the burden and duty it takes is egg and that is why i love him
i can’t with the fucking viserys glazing smh
alys my love why would you say ‘centuries’ when it comes to the tullys? they’ve been around for a century and a third, not more. i love the tullys but they haven’t been liege lords for centuries
once again condal proving he didn’t read the books
now if ser whatshisname dies trying to claim a dragon i will say he died a dragonrider’s death, therefore he was successful or whatever
poor steffon :( it’s cruel to give a knight a ceremony for his death and seasmoke was cruel to lure him just to burn him
why did they leave him there instead of idk throwing water? try to save him? smh
he died a dragonrider’s death tho
actually the dragonkeeper choosing to slice his throat instead of succumbing to his burns tells us throusands about what an actual honorable valyrian death is like. and it doesn’t have anything to do with burning
now i would like some more insight on the resentment it causes to know you have a noble father and he leaves you to your devices. imagine your dad being your boss but you can’t say anything :(
i still think it was so stupid of dyana to not run away from the city when she had the chance and the money. i know they kept it for slander purposes but still
since when do the peasants are choosers? they’re eating rats and bowls of brown, why are you complaining about fish?
aemond’s lover is a traaaaaiittoor lol
tell but not show. we haven’t seen any food or feast since the dinner back in s1. got did way better with the food
also giving the blacks’ storyline of feasting while the people starve to the greens has not gone unnoticed.
bitch what? rhaenyra is slapping lords? she’s fucking joffrey. this is beyond disgusting and disrespectful. fuck her i hate her so much and every episode gives me more reason to hate her even more
‘fear me 👹👹👹’ i will cheer when she dies chained
also she just hits her allies and speaks some bs, doesn’t explain herself, doesn’t create more plans, just fucks around and fucks off. ew
i know mysaria is a lickspittle because no one else would say rhaenyra ‘raised in feasts and lazyness’ targaryen becomes being with a sword lol
aemond speaks the truth but fails to endorse it. it is in the crown’s best interest to make sure the smallfolk curse the blacks all the more, instead of leaving them to think whatever. when there’s a siege you hate the one keeping the siege not the ones suffering with you
aemond is so easily blindsided (pun intended). he is so quick to shut down the flatterers in the council but doesn’t realize he’s fucking the worse traitor of them all lol
yay egg is awake! (of course orwyle will prioritize 👑 the king 👑 instead of dealing with a simple prince duh)
my baby is in pain :(
aemond targaryen i will see you in the seven hells if i don’t sent you there myself. keep your hands away from him you leech. i’m on daemon’s side for this one
why would the maesters leave him alone? he’s the king king, he can command them to not leave the room and aemond can’t overrule him
rhaena being sidelined and forced into a storyline that isn’t hers (diminishing her importance and the last dragonrider until daenerys) will not be forgotten.
we get to see daemnyra’s kids’ dragons but not helaegon’s kids’ dragons? a crime.
i would like to remind everybody that grrm himself said dragons are not nomads and they don’t go flying around just because. condal once again
rhae rhae showing she’s vizzy’s daughter because she threatens to cut tongues when she gets mad at the truth and can’t even give a reasonable explanation for why. at least joffrey cut tongues when people were singing slander and not just trying to be useful
fucking tyrant.
while rhaenyra cries about not being respected as a ruler jace actually makes plans to win the war. she’s not respected because she’s fucking useless not because she’s a woman.
ah yes, apples grown in the gardens of dragonstone. as if the reach isn’t team green. lmao
also it’s so funny that no one ever through about buying more food exported from the reach (coast clear and no need for sea routes). the writing is so stupid bruh
all he ever wanted was to hear someone was sorry about what happened to him :(i’m sorry egg, your mom is sorry)
now some sunnydumping: back in 2021 i got covid, i probably catched it from my mom. i was bedridden and with awful fever and pain, my mom did stay by my side and constantly apologized for me being sick. of course it wasn’t her fault but she still felt bad. alicent apologizing to her burned son speaks to me so much
alicent was around 14 when her mom died, gwayne is older than that and was in tourneys during the first ep. did the writers forgot? why would they say ‘oh you were 8 when mom died’ this man fought daemon 💀
THEY’RE AGING DAERON? i expected it but i’m still disappointed
the horses are so cute with their armor aw
rhaenyra didn’t fucking knew about mysaria’s plan 💀 the smallfolk are right to thank her though. she might be the cause there’s a blockade but it’s not logical the crown hasn’t done anything about it
‘we must leave now’ no tf they don’t. helaena and alicent should stay right there instead of going to the streets. most of the smallfolk is deeply religious and wouldn’t dare to desecrate a sept. what are they, blackwoods?
and the narrative backs me up. the people were outside the sept, but didn’t actually enter and instead just conveniently went after the queens when they exited the sept. they should’ve stayed.
the smallfolk throwing food at them 💀 well damn that’s why you’re starving if you’re throwing good food away
i’ll miss leon stermont ngl. he was funny.
eeeegggg :((( his little tear while reaching for the milk? i’m crying. also give tom his emmy rn
aegon wanted his medicine and sleep but larys instead gave him his lore. poor baby :(
matthew needham the actor you are
i love love love larys and aegon together. the two best actors of the show on scene, their microexpressions, their shared disability and the ruthlessness it brews. this is the most vulnerable larys we’ve ever had and i am so mesmerized by them
new theory: i am a ‘aegon poisoned himself’ truther, and now i am of the mind that larys may help him, and poison his king following his orders (jesus and judas who). after that, he chooses death because what else can he do. he fulfilled his purpose and he served his king.
btw larys’ purpose to me is the old gods grand conspiracy. he’s advancing stuff so that the events of asoiaf can happen. he’s but a piece in a board.
he also may poison aegon without aegon knowing but thinking he’s doing it out of kindness. he doesn’t want the boy he grew to be fond of to be stripped of his power, life and dignity. better to die a king.
i hope we can get past all that dan schneider shit from s1e9 and we get to the real deal of larys’ motivations now. power and chaos, chaos and power. chaos is a ladder after all :)✨
daemon seeing viserys mourning 😭 he’s just in a really bad mushroom trip
where is elmo tully? this is muppet erasure
seasmoooookke i’m mad at you
still go get your rider boy
???? no claiming scene ???? 🤨
also we probably could’ve a) seasmoke claiming scene and b) sunfyre recovering scene instead of steffon dying trying to claim seasmoke and caraxes screaming in the background with alys and daemon, better use of cgi
rhaenyra’s problem is that she can’t fathom that not kissing the floor she walks on and still being loyal to her can coexist. no girl jace is your biggest ally he doesn’t doubt you he just sees you need help. smh
another thing i dislike is how they paint rhaenyra to be this universally beloved queen and the poor underdog fighting against the world at the same time. pick a side hbo
here we have grrm’s bad maths: 2/3 of the houses sided with the blacks, the blacks have thrice the dragons the greens have. but still the greens won (by virtue of aegon outliving and killing rhaenyra). how was that? the greens are the underdogs and the blacks have the numbers advantage
jace literally wakes up and starts thinking about ways to help his mother. but he says ‘ayo maybe you should check on your husband and ask him for help’ and then his mother cries and makes a fit because apparently he’s doubting her. narcissistic mom where
because apparently women need to be raped to be sympathetic? can’t mysaria be a sex worker who just so happened to want power and catch daemon’s attention? why does she need to be abused by her father? and tell her backstory to a targaryen of all things. she won’t ever understand how horrible that is.
mysaria being a ripoff of varys’ backstory 🧐
bruuuh i actually don’t think rhaenyra and mysaria are a good thing. power dynamics, especially with mysaria being a former sex worker and a sa victim, a daemon victim and at some point rhaenyra’s prisoner. can’t mysaria be a good employee without having to please her boss sexually? can rhaenyra respect one of her employees without fucking them? it seems not.
this episode was long aaaaaaffff and i think the scene with rhaenyra and mysaria could’ve been cut completely. mysaria giving her lore just doesn’t hit as hard when larys gave his piece, the make out scene is just fanservice and the ‘oh no’ ending could’ve been just alyn claiming seasmoke and pulling a dany
7/10 solely because of my greenies and alys.
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hazz-a-bear · 3 months
I start a new job this week and I’m sat dreaming of silly scenarios where junhui would be finding ways to calm me down and stop stressing 🫠
my brain is running away with me fr right now lmao HELP
my love you've opened the door to a nonstop brain rot AND I CAN'T STOP
first of all congrats omg i hope you do well!! rooting for you <3 and second of all,,,jun calming you down. you know I'm going to eat this up.
warning: absolute fluff
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I think Jun would be the happiest to hear about a new job, a new promotion, or anything like that. No because I can imagine his face - pinched and confused when you sit him down and it instantly melts into such a happy smile when you break the news to him. He'd be over the moon, hugging you to his chest - "are you serious? holy shit, that's- that's so great, I'm so proud of you. I'm so happy for you, angel, yes, I am"
He'd be more excited than you at some point, being your number-one hype man and making sure you're absolutely ready to face this with a smile. So when he notices just how anxious you're feeling, he'd get so worried. Junhui would be so concerned, just trying to find ways to make it better and let you know he's right beside you.
I feel like he's rather quiet when it comes to offering help - sticking to acts of service rather than using his words. Sticking to you like glue, helping around the house with the excuse of spending time with you all just to make sure you're okay. Getting you small gifts throughout the week, leaving sticky notes on the fridge, sending you absolute nonsense messages throughout the day to pull a smile out of you, and taking you into his arms every chance he gets.
He'll care silently until he corners you in the kitchen one night. He'll brush your hair behind your ears before looking into your eyes - "you can tell me what's wrong, baby. tell me what's going on, yeah? I love you"
He'll listen to every word you have to say. He'll let you curl up into you and press your face into his shoulder as you lay all your worries in front of him. Junhui will absentmindedly fiddle with your fingers, and play with your hair as he listens because he's also getting a little anxious as he realises how much the nerves have been bothering you.
"I can't tell you it won't be anxious, baby. Because it will be at first, it always is. For maybe, a couple hours? A day?" He'll try. "But I know you, I know my girl. you're going to do so well, I know that"
"Don't forget you have me, okay? I'm always here. I know I can't really be there...on site. But, you're still going to get my hourly check-in messages! and you can call me anytime, no? I'll always be here, I will"
If you have a little cry because of the anxiety, Junhui will be right there to hold your hand through it. He's reminding you to breathe, baby, breathe for me and he rubs your back as you try to come back, being so so careful and gentle with you. He'll cradle your face in his palms and pout exaggeratedly once you've calmed down, trying to pull a smile out of you. Once he's got you all back to him, he'll tug until you're entangled in him, heartbeat against your ear.
"I wish I could make it better, baby, I really do" He'll stroke his fingers down your back. "Hey, It's going to be okay, okay? You have me. It's tough, baby, I know, I'm sorry. But I promise, I'm going to be right there with you. You won't be alone in this, not for a second. I'm always here"
"You're going to do great, just like you've always been. I'm so proud of you. So proud, you don't understand"
"I love you so much, angel. You have me, right here. I'm here"
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OKAY THIS WAS VERY RUSHED AND VERY OUT OF ORDER BECAUSE I WENT INTO A WORD VOMIT RATHER THAN A PROPERLY STRUCTURED WORK. ( also it's past midnight so I have no idea what I'm writing rn, I feel like I'm possessed. I'll prolly write something properly worded based on this too cause it was just TOO ADORABLE )
thank you.
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moon8th · 2 years
Thoughts on Sagittarius Risings 💭
Spreading their Truth
The Ultimate Rebel placement, there are literally too many forms of pictures/music/art in general I can’t fit on this 1 post about these expansive Jupiter natives
Sagittarius is tapped into the higher chakras, (knowing, thinking, speaking) acting as “The Teacher” archetype, some able to touch the world 🌍!! don’t get too self righteous about that saggy, stay grounded, honestly I think life naturally humbles us anyway
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~Bob Marley ~Jimi Hendrix
Rockstar Lifestyle!! Bc of there Gemini 7th house ong these natives want to learn about anything they deem will expand their minds for the best! Most Sag Risings desire to travel the world!! Explore and experience, they deeply impact there partners life by expanding their psyche and expanding their own
Aries 5th house,, these natives are most creative when they are just expressing themselves, (Aries is the self) so whatever fires them up emotionally and makes them passionate is wholeheartedly what you’ll see them lean into!
Humanitarians! Every single person I list on this post is/was for the people, Libra 11th house makes them see “the other, the partner” on a societal level. They really do care and want to help the world as much as they can
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~Jhene Aiko ~Erykah Badu
“I am Alice, I’m in Wonderland” ~Jhene Aiko Bc of their Pisces 4th house, ooof these people come from such a confusing upbringing! As they grow, they wake up from their dream-like state and feel the extreme need to bring big truth and healing to the world (Virgo 10th house)
Sag 1st house, something is always big about them lol, it most likely is their presence in general (aura) but added to that it can also be their huge smile/muscle prominence/really tall/ really short/eyes/voice/etc.
Aquarius 3rd house, our mouths are slliiiicckk lmaaoo fast and sharp🔪, maybe we should check ourselves before we speak 😭😭, but some ppl need to hear the truth 🗣️🗣️
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~Bruce Lee ~Wiz Khalifa
They are heartthrobs. please just look @ them broo 😭 too unique
But fr bc of their stubborn Taurus 6th house, they should build a healthy everyday routine, they can really benefit from doing some form of spiritual/traditional/body centering workout such as martial arts/yoga/kickboxing/swimming/weightlifting/etc.
Tattoos for us can be spiritual af, I have very sentimental ones, but look up Jhenes fr
As a Sag Rising, I always get called “spiritual” by ppl whether they mean it in a nice way or not.. which is fine when ppl are being nice🫶🏽 , but the people that are judgmental, they’re just trying to tame me, it backfires- I dare someone to try to tame a Sag Rising 😭😭✌🏽🖕🏽
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~Nelson Mandela ~Princess Diana
Wellllll I feel as though these 2 don’t need an intro lmaoo, I forgot that they even knew each other!! Big Humanitarian Energy!!
Scorpio 12th house.. tbh it’s hard for me to fully grasp this placement bc it’s mine, however I do know it can make someone very intuitive- you can literally look at Diana in old videos and tell by her eyes she was reading everyone correctly
Tropical Sagittarius in Vedic can be the nakshatras Anuradha, Jyeshta, and Mula, which one is your ascendant?
All I can say is wHAT a line up! I tried not to be too bias, but I love us fr lol 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 lmk what y’all think
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its-me-vixen · 6 months
I will end this morning Smosh Fixation with a thought I had during the Rollercoaster Tycoon video:
I’ve always loved the energy Trevor brings to the cast, even before he was an official member, and it’s so fantastic to see him bringing out this lighthearted, young comedy that I felt was getting a little sparse because as much as I adore other new cast members, I gotta admit they’re much cooler than me and seem to live much fancier lives so I can’t always relate to their stuff. But Trevor? He’s a nerd, an internet baby. He’s just like us fr
Lmao anyways, my actual thought was when I was seeing them side by side, and I could see him basically being Shayne’s like, protege and becoming this brand new defining force on the channel! I thought about how I know Courtney’s been making these moves to direct, and I imagine a lot of the older cast are have prospects and dreams outside of Smosh, like Shayne and Damien have both pursued those a lot! So I think of how we are in this overlapping section in the middle of a transition period. The rough edges of the channels when they were trying to find their stride after Anthony came back are getting smoothed out, new things are being tried and established, the cast seems comfortable and happy, and I actually became a fan of the channel for New Smosh, just a couple years ago, so I feel like I’m seeing my own version of what happened to the channel for older watchers, there’s this worry about long time cast finding different projects that fulfill them, like Jackie, and while I am so proud and happy for them, it is bittersweet to see things changing before my eyes.
None of us know what the future holds, I could see a lot of cast transitioning into directing and production positions within the channel, sure, but it would be naive to assume that’s even what they want in the long term. Courtney’s recent interviews where she’s discussed things she may like to do in the future list this spark in my mind. I think I’d love them in any project. Like Damien’s voice acting roles are fantastic, and now he’s the lead on one of if not the biggest anime of the year? And he’s fucking KILLING IT??? Like, he perfectly plays Laios, the casting is incredible, and even between this series and the last he did for Netflix, the romance? His progress is insane. Shoutout to SungWon Cho while we’re at it, incredible growth and work from him there, too!!
I guess what I’m trying to say is that I think the foundation for the next era of the channel is being laid very solidly, and I’m excited to see what opportunities all of the creatives on Smosh will pursue in the future!!
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mtchee · 12 days
Hi mtchee!
I just wanna say you write really well! I finished reading all your MHA soulmate series and I love them all so much. I can tell you love the characters a lot by how you write about them and you have a way with words when you craft each story. -that fits each of them perfectly. I’ve really enjoyed reading them, they make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Mirio and Tenya are two of my top favorite characters, so I was delighted to see them a part of the series. And I even enjoyed other characters too a lot. Thank you for writing and sharing your series with us. The whole silent soulmate concept is intriguing and I’m glad to have read it. I am looking forward to reading the rest you have planned! :D
(don’t mind me I am suddenly ur biggest fan) (I wanna write like u ngl) (Mirio being peach tea is so him and dare I say cannon) (I love the MC of each story too sm)
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What if I start crying rn 🥺🥺
Thank you so much!!! I genuinely try so hard to keep everyone in character as best I can, though ofc the occasionally OOC softness I let slip bc who doesn't love the idea of them melting for us 😌
Tysm for reading!! Hearing what you think about what I write gets me feeling so giddy, it's always so motivating too! I've always loved the concept of unconditional love (in a way, a fated pull) where there is love even for one's flaws (in a healthy manner), but I've definitely got an itch for a slight chase; longing for someone not just because fate says so, but because you choose to.
Does that make sense?
Anyway, congrats, you got me going on a tangent into my innermost thoughts and dreams. Damn.
I often adapt my writing to other's styles which I like. I'm certainly not perfect, nor the best, but damn you really think so!?!?! Such high praise... >///<
Thank you for noticing the different MCs! I normally keep them pretty basic, not to be boring but just so it's easier for reader's to picture themselves I guess? But obviously, not everyone acts like I do, people think different things and feel different things in all kinds of situations. So I've been branching out to add in a bit of spice.
It also helps me improve my writing for characters that way too!
😌😌 Mirio would love peach tea. I think out of everything, it definitely suits him best as well, haha.
I'm definitely continuing the series! I've just been swamped with uni work recently, but I've still been wanting to keep my writing and creativity flowing, so for now I've just been pumping out some drabbles and imagines.
I've got a couple anonymous requests to get to as well! Those will be done soon once I've got the time.
Thank you so much for sending this in! I'm the type of person that'll think about this randomly even years later. So know that you've really touched my heart!!
Thank you!!! 🥰🥰🥰
(I've also read all your comments on my fics, teehee~ tysm for all the love <3)
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screampied · 3 months
Baby im back 😘 did u miss me! i want to vicariously live my supermodel dreams through a tall reader so lesgooooo
Geto: i could see geto being a short girl fucker So when he seems big amazon reader with her long ass legs hes like 🤔 theres a first time for everything!! Maybe she a lil shy so he gets her in the bedroom And the FREAK come out, im talking she spitting in his mouth and throwing it back on him, twerkin her shii like crazy- he's a changed man!! Can u see the vision, him leaned back manspreading while reader sucks the soul outta his dick, his hair mad ratty and sweaty and he flushed af. For some reason he give me heavy model!reader vibes idk i js feel like he'd wanna pretty lil thing like her on his arm
Gojo: office au, ok tbh i feel like gojo sees a woman in heels who is taller than him and he dont know how to act 💀 can def see him teasing her and making fun of her because he tryin to hide his crush and this mf accidentally say the wrong thing and piss her off like no she a grown ass woman she aint takin that shit. He's so loser and pathetic plsss i can just imagine him scrambling to make it up to her and then body worship sex after 😍 maybe even in the office ….
Choso: well if he aint find his mommy 🙄 fr can see him stopping his tall gf just to pull down her tank top so he can suck her tits when she just doing chores or some shit (SAME I WANT)
Nanami. ALRRR HEAR ME OUT, He's such a charming gentleman, maybe theyre chatting at the bar and got a good thing going but oop they stand to leave and reader is taller than and it awakens pervert!nanami. He tryin to be a gentleman bc u know, he respects her but he cant help himself. Maybe they go to dinner and shes all dressed up so he tryin to hold back but plot twist, she match his freak and gives him head under the table so he take her to the bathroom and he fuck her so hard after that 🤩
Sukuna, okkkkk for bitch boy kuna Hmmm im thinking, now hear me out, a modern au like in college and everyone knows kuna as the cold tough guy and he fuckin loyal like a dog so like everyone knows he got a gf but they never seen her. Cue one night he brings her along and she's a knockout like deadass model type shit and oh boy here comes loverboy!kuna like its day and night the way he treats her v everyone else like he's huggin and kissin her up and in their own lil world.
Toji: he see a tall girl and immediately check the booty out 😤 i feel it in my soul. Probably got her doing standing 69 where he holdin her upside down bc she tall so she the perfect height to suck him off while he eat her out. Manhandling vibessss man tryin to be the best fuck of her life 🤪
-🤭 anon
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i’m gonna imagine i’m like 5’9 😽
i can def see suguru into taller women omg . he has yummy tasteeeee. FREAKY READER AGENDA >>>> wait … u just put smth in my head ???? throwing it back ???? ON SUGRUUUU?? he’d be so nasty gawwwddfd. (takes notes) sitting in his mouth is crazy 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ my type. oooo he’d totally go for model readers i see it so bad. suguru manspread always does smth to me
YEPPPP satoru loves a women w long legs n heels ☝🏽☝🏽. it makes sense bc he’s tall asf also. ur so right he’d be so annoying teasing his tall s/o but when she teases back he’d get all pouty like ???? OFFICE MAKE UP SEX YUM YUM
choso 🥹🥹🥹. i feel like tall women would intimidate him a bit but he can be dom if he wants to !!!
NANAMISOELPHPDGOHKJ. pervert nanami agenda 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️. loooooves a tall girl. loved to wrap his arms around her n everything. i bet he likes to kiss all down her thighs / legs.
SUKUNA AND TOJI R SO REAL. sukuna’s big as shit so i’d be kinda scared 🤰. toji i’m crying. honestly ya he’d stare at the ass first. i bet toji loves tall women too, esp if they’re a little curvy 😞 STANDING 69 IS INSANE ????? real he’s a freak bitch so i get it. toji would def fuck his tall gf while standing doesn’t care how tall u are. will manhandle u all day 😞😞😞😞
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myloveforhergoeson · 2 months
taking icy’s lead and sending you the playlist thing for rames!
hi hi hi!! so excited to do this~ i was obsessed with your jelisa post and your answers hehe. normally i try to keep my playlists centered around the time the story takes place but if i'm allowed to pick, my taste is a bit more modern-ish lol! i do my best to put the chapter titles as little soundtracks to go along with the story, but that doesn't always work out. most of the time they're just reflecting the chapter content with the title, not the lyrics
opening credits: l.a. baby (where dreams are made of) by the jonas brothers!
perhaps i'm cheating by picking a song that's already an opening credits song, but i think if their life was a TV show/movie this would be so perfect for them!
meeting for the first time: tracks of my tears by smokey robinson and the miracles
not because i think it reflects their situation but because i think roxy remembers this as the song she first heard him sing. their meeting isn't really anything miraculous + not love at first sight, but i think if they were a movie it would be cute if this was playing in the background when they first meet :)
hey, i kinda like you: crush by david archuleta
super super rames; playing on the radio when roxy decides to ask james out as like a little peek into what's running through her mind
i’m going to kiss you now: dig what you dug by wallows
:) love this song its sooo so so rames, but especially right after they kiss for the first time and james tells roxy he loves the way she says his name. that scene was inspired by this song in the first place!!
falling in love: jump than fall by taylor swift
self self-explanatory and chapter title stealing again...
your place or mine: last man in the world by the band camino
naked in bed: hands down by dashboard confessional
my one mistake is using this to title a dak centered chapter... but it is also so very rames
first fight: that's what you get by paramore
cheating again and stealing chapter titles... but i mean come on! that's basically what happens lol
maybe we should take a break: my happy ending by avril lavigne
speaks for itself i think... especially because rox is pretty far gone for him at this point...
i want you back: iris by the goo goo dolls
I KNOW I KNOW but just imagine it's raining and james and roxy are in the street and they're apologizing to each other after their break because they realized it was such a bad idea and that they're better together and they love each other too much to see the other hurt and the instrumental part is playing in the background AHHH
will you marry me: songbird by oasis
not only is this their song (to me...) but everything about it is just so loving and tender and i think it fits this section perfectly. while i don't know if james and roxy are marriage people just yet, i think i could see this being something rox walks down the aisle to or perhaps their first dance song :)
first child: cecilia and the satellite by andrew mcmahon in the wilderness
like the last one, i'm not sure if james and roxy are parent material lol and i don't know many songs about children, but this is one of my favorites :) i think if anything james would be a super cute girl dad (as i think all boy band members would be) and i could imagine him writing/singing a similar type of song :)
we’re getting older: 18 by one direction/act my age by one direction
<3 we can forget they're 17 when they start dating okay <3
if you die i’ll go with you: i'll follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie
if you've never heard this one you might want to grab some tissues. my hands are shaking as i write this.
end credits: the flower garden by joe hisaishi
im imagining the screen fading to black after their story ends while this plays and seeing the credits roll and GAH IM SUCH A MESS HELP!!!!!! (and now im imagining a howl's moving castle au so someone needs to take google docs far FAR AWAY FR OM ME but they fit those roles so well HELPPP)
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bigtreefest · 6 months
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond: pick me up and sling me over your shoulder like those bags of grain pls (edit to title after watching through: Men are stupid)
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I’ve never done a complete 180° flip on characters like this in a movie before. Let’s go through it, shall we?
This movie did NOT offer subtitles, and I’d be lying if I said it was easy to understand the southern accents without them. And that’s with my keen ability to understand a Pittsburgh accent, which is arguably worse at times.
Absolutely wild, but when do I not exaggerate and say that? This is somewhat of a play-by-play of what was going through my mind as I watched.
First off, CE was to die for in the movie. I don’t know exactly what it was about it (I know exactly what it was) but I fell in love. Country accent Chris Evans is something else, but Boston accent is much better. But this is a good look, I like it.
Such a simple man with a good heart, and smart enough to get a scholarship to ole miss!? He seemed decent, and the acting was actually pretty good.
The little clueless look of mild discomfort on his face the whole time was so adorable. Any time he was at a party or visiting his mother. I also took note of the way this disappeared as soon as he was home with his dad. As soon as he was in his domain and in control. This is me commending his ability to portray that dichotomy of environments.
But fr, like, how does everyone know who he is and not say anything about him being poor?
I love the way he turned down Caroline at the dance tho. He very obviously does not want to be there, but isn’t that the point? But that statement about him being hired by Fisher struck an alarm for me. Is she almost fetishizing the poor boy?
Fishy is outta left field. It’s unfortunate she’s been forced into this kind of a life, but she’s… a lot.
Also, it’s movies like this that remind me how much the south lags in terms of modernity and stays rooted in tradition sometimes. Like, if you think about it, this takes place at a very similar time as to when Steeb was growing up in Brooklyn in cap, but like, it’s totally worlds away.
Omg, not him hinting at being an escort to make ends meet and get his mom better. He’s ready to sell his soul and body to this girl for his ma and a condition that can’t really heal.
Vinnie definitely saw the diamond in the driveway. I saw her look down when she first saw Jimmy.
Omg not Jimmy having a condom on him during that strip search. Iolllllll
Also also, not the assisted suicide. This lady on her death bed is really spitting facts. It’s a rude awakening for dear Fishy. She knows how much she loves Jimmy and knows that really should be her number one concern.
Poor thing is just peculiar and no one gets her. But to be fair, she does not make it easy.
Fishy, have fun in Europe. You deserve it. You need to get outta this town. It’s not for you. Rip. She doesn’t leave.
I JUST SQUEALED. The way he backed her up against that wall when she’s talking about the way he dresses. I’m gonna throw up. Do that to me. Please. Oop. She struck a nerve talking about his father.
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The boys in the yard absolutely suck. All boys in this movie suck.
Why does Jimmy like Vinnie so much? Everyone else very evidently does not.
Dude, tbh the postman game makes me uncomfortable. No need for all this young adult fornication is too much.
I get it’s Halloween, but these costumes and masks are fucking creepy as hell. I didn’t sign up for Fishy’s opium fever dream. She is good at playing the piano tho. Poor thing is in pain.
I FUCKING KNEW IT. Vinnie sucks. And Jimmy just slept with her!!! I’m CRYING. THIS IS SO FUCKED UP. I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST DID THAT, JIMMY. I BLAME BOTH OF YOU, LITTLE BITCHES. (This was very evidently the moment of the switch-up. Little horny bastardized ruining everything. Keep it in your pants until you have the full story.) (I’m not hating on him for sleeping with Vinnie, I’m hating on him for not seeing Vinnie’s poor character sooner.)
Fisher, you’re a queen, calling Jimmy a scared little boy in the dark. Jimmy, you ARE such a stupid little boy. No way you like these people even though you say you do. Everyone here sucks. This all is making me soupy saddy in the bad way.
Not her saying Jimmy is like god to her. Fishy!!!! You know nothing of what he’s done.
He convinced Vinnie to give back the Diamond. I TOLD YOU knew that she stole it. I really don’t know what he saw in her. Sure, no shame in being poor, but she still kinda sucks
Now that Jimmy is driving Fishy home, he’s still being a little bitch. Check yourself, boy, I swear.
Ohhhhhh. He didn’t want to be with Fisher bc he thinks she can do better than him? I mean, agreed, but that’s still no excuse for your immorality.
They both know she doesn’t belong, but she’s got a lot to stay for. Use your Paris education to fix the world, girl!!!
Despite Jimmy’s amusement of Fisher at the first party and his confession at the end, she still does not get enough credit besides the one lady on her deathbed
Poor Fisher knows no one will ever love her or see her for who she truly is. This is so sad. So I guess he finally kissed her at the levee? What an unsatisfying ending. Fishy deserves the world and Jimmy is such a BOY😭🙄.
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xxoxobree · 8 months
So the art thing!!
We can see in ATSV that Earth 42 seems to be vastly different than Earth 1610. 42’s Brooklyn had like fires and helicopters and that gave me (and others I believe) reason to think that the city had succumbed to more crime. This is why (at least in my hc) Miles 42 is the prowler, because it genuinely is not safe.But we obviously know that 1610’s Brooklyn is much more normal? It seems less crime filled.
These observations obviously mean that the two grew up differently and, therefore, turned out differently. They are not the same. This is important because this means that their expressions of themselves are different.
We know Miles 1610’s art style looks like this:
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It’s bright, it’s fun, it’s colorful. There’s stars and shapes. Even the “no expectations” plays an important role because that’s his thing, going past everyone’s expectations (like how he did when he went against Miguel) to the point that it seems as if there are none. For Miles 1610, the sky is the limit. This is how he grew up. His life has been about thriving (when compared to Earth 42).
But Miles 42 is a different story.
The entire city is succumbed to crime. It’s basically falling apart. Because of this, his art is different.
There’s for sure less energy and life in his art. It’s less about the things he can come up with and more about what he can see, because that’s what his life has always been about. 42’s life was much more about caution and surviving, even in his own home because we know Mrs. Morales is trying her best to keep the lights on.
This Miles is much more grounded. He dreams less, maybe? His job as The Prowler isn’t about opportunity or hope, it’s about duty. It’s about doing what he can to keep him and his small circle of people alive, happy, and healthy.
I think it’s all about self expression and how they view life. Maybe even proves how differences in childhood affect different people.
This Miles is much more grounded. He dreams less, maybe? His job as The Prowler isn’t about opportunity or hope, it’s about duty. It’s about doing what he can to keep him and his small circle of people alive, happy, and healthy.
That was a word!! And I agree 1000% Miles G becoming the prowler was definitely a duty thing. Because #1 his dad died, him and his mom were basically left alone, what better way to protect not only himself but his mom too in the crime ridden city than becoming the prowler.
#2 with his dad being absent his Uncle Aaron stepped up and groomed him in his ways. Aaron is a survivor, he does what he has to to get what he wants and he showed Miles that maybe not in the bad way but to help himself and his mom.
#3 there is no Spider-Man in earth 42 Miles never got bit 1610 did. There also was deleted footage of Miles G basically acting as a Spider-Man without the powers just pure tech, he took up the duty of becoming a Spider-Man like person in his universe.
I love when you send me your HC’s it makes my brain go 100 miles an hour fr they’re always so good.
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transbunnyboi · 7 months
Well, wet dream come true am I right? Eh? FUCKING HELL I FUCKING KNEW ITTT WTFFF. You were being so obviously interested in him and he was doing the same, we just didn’t wanna be too forward yknow 👉👈 but anyway, get that dick bunbun 👹
Alsooo I really wanna spill tea too soooo
I have this friend, we bonded over role playing and her shitty relationship with her ex andddd turns out she likes me🫠 anddddd I’d also liked her for a while- butbutbutbutttttt we’re in two different continentssss andddd I can’t an explain how I feel for her but I love her sooooo much and like, what if we have a horrible breakup? I couldn’t live without her. I’m being so fr rn😖 Today would make it one year since our first text with each other, and she sorta confessed last night.
It was so funny, I wanted to flirt so I asked for a tmi or sumn and she says she imagines what it would be like if she got with any of her friends and she got embarrassed then she got emotional and I got emotional (we’re both on our periods, party) and she was being very conflicted and didn’t want to say it directly because she didn’t want to believe she wanted to have romantic feelings for me (she’s bi dw, no internalised homophobia here✨). At a point she wanted to try to not feel like she was dependent on me so she STOPPED TEXTING ME GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD MORNING 😭 Horrible times, we survived thankfully. But yeah she was scared I’d act differently because I know of her little shenanigans but I couldn’t care less, I like her too, but I believe it goes deeper than that yknow?
Ohhhhh so I pretty much wanted her to like tell me the colour of her socks, that type of tmi😂 and I correctly guessed her sock colour🤭 I’m a telepathic puppy too! 👉👈 But she’s so prettyyyy, and tall (like 6’1), and smart (she’s studying English to become a teacher, like you!) , and her hair is so pretty and longggg (ginger, waist length) and she has the prettiest blue eyes and she’s so babygirl 😖 sigh, I’m a simp.
Anywayyyy I hope our lovely coworker (EEEEEEEEEEE🫠🙃🌝🥹✨) fucks you real good eventually. Gotta give us updates🧍‍♀️🫡
Oh I can’t stop giggling 🤭
AAA I KNOWWW I know!!! There were so many people saying that he liked me but !!!! I was sooo nervous aaaa!! ALSO OMG WAIT ONE OF MY FRIENDS BASICALLY WENT THROUGH THE SAME THING UR GOING THROUGH RIGHT NOW!! They were friends with someone who lived super far away and eventually they ended up falling in love. They had to have a long-distance relationship for four years and it was difficult but they ended up getting married :3 I hope yours goes like that (if you'd like it to be that way, of course).
also aaaaaaaa I want my co-worker in bed like RIGHT NOW ૮꒰ ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ྀི꒱ა I want him so bad !!! It's worse now that I know he likes me, too!!!! ALSO rest assured!!! I WILL be giving many updates !!!
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labyrinthofcrystals · 15 days
Explaining Songs on Norman & Goblin's Playlist
I made a PowerPoint for this AU to show to my friends, and while I'm not going to share the whole thing, I do want to share me going insane over The Crane Wives explaining some of the songs I put on the playlist I made for Norman & Goblin's relationship in this AU. I was going to include Allies or Enemies as well, but that song is more for a scenario & technically a spoiler. idk I think people care about those.
If you want me to explain I put a song on their playlist (or on Goblin's playlist) then feel free to ask!
Goblin in this AU goes by Salem & uses she/her pronouns.
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Starting off with the obvious. We all know the lyrics to Never Love an Anchor right. I don’t need to put them here right.
Me when the siblings are doomed but also still love each other but also oh no they’re kinda sick of being doomed together.
All of these songs are from Salem’s perspective btw. So. Really I imagine this her reflecting on everything pre-serum/before she went dormant. Even maybe reflecting on if she should’ve gone dormant (though I’m not sure if it was a choice? Idk brains are weird).
Her choosing to let go and let Norman have a “normal life” when he went off to college, thinking he was finally safe. Only to be forced awake and see that he still needs protecting (in her eyes at least. If he didn’t want that then maybe he shouldn’t have drank green goo). I would also not want to leave my brother’s side ever again after something like that ngl.
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The only peace I have ever known
Is the peace I made with you
Salem has been with Norman – and JUST Norman – for so long that he’s really all she knows. He’s basically her baseline for everything and she often turns to him when she herself doesn’t know what to feel or think (sometimes changing her opinions to match Norman’s).
And if I were someplace else
And if I were someone else
And if I were not myself, would this be easier?
You see it’s funny because she’s a changeling and can change her form to whatever Norman wants—
No but fr. Sometimes Salem wonders if Norman would like/prefer if she left, or if she was different somehow. And that thought angers her, because he IS the reason she’s like this. And it’s just – if things were different, if they got different bodies when they were younger, would they be better off? Would it have been easier then? Would they even like each other if this happened when they were kids. (I have…an AU. Like this. And ironically it’s reversed: Norman wants Salem’s attention & Salem wants nothing to do with him lmao).
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I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel
It's all that I can give to you, my dear
Because they shared a body, Salem used to have to act like Norman. Like…a lot. And yknow, I think we can all agree he was a little shit. So, Salem had to act like that, too, even though she didn’t really want to.
And I know that you mean so well
But I am not a vessel for your good intent
Ough when you try to hard to redeem a villain, but they are still. A Villain.
Yeah overcoming trauma is hard, especially if the person you share that trauma with has moved on and expects so much maturity from you. But for you it was literally yesterday while for them they’ve been able to process it in therapy for decades.
Abandon all your stupid dreams
About the girl I could have been, my dear
What if I just showed the trans flag. What then. 
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I could have been anyone, anyone else
Before you made the choice for me
SHE COULD HAVE BEEN ANYONE!!! ANYONE!!!! Like yes both in the “she’s a fairy and can shapeshift” way but also. She used to be Norman’s protector…that’s all she was for a very long while.
I loved you like the sun
Bore the shadows that you made
With no light of my own
Salem puts Norman on such a HIGH pedestal. Like. Girl why are you worshiping a white man. Help.
I shine only with the light you gave me
She only exists because of Norman (well. Specifically because of his brain). As stated before, everything she is/has is thanks to him. His “greatest creation”. 
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More of a specific scenario but. When your whole life and even POWERS revolve around not being yourself…damn.
You also get pretty good at lying! And uh. Kinda don’t know when to STOP lying. Also. Who are you. Like. Truly.
And nobody believing what you say….because now you’re a known liar…..
AKA Salem has trouble being her own person and Norman does the bare minimum to help with that. 
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kuroppiii · 2 months
hiiii omg i saw ur a film nerd in ur about me post and so am i !! whats ur favourite movie/s :P
hello!!! and yes omg i always LOVE answering this question lmao so first and foremost:
my letterboxd top 4 <3 !
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( explanations and honorable mentions under the cut ! )
1. little women (2019)
watched it with three of my best friends when it first was in theaters so that definitely added to the message and experience watching it. i love how greta gerwig directed the sister dynamic. she’s gone on record on interviews and also if you can find the screenplay itself that in the script the actors’ lines were written on top of one another to reflect the spontaneity and chaos of sisterhood and family through the film’s dialogue. so genius?!?! this adaptation just felt so real and genuine and i also see a little of myself in all the sisters 🫶
2. challengers
UGH i did like a whole deep dive here but in short: luca guadagnino you absolute mastermind. i love tennis, i love colorgraded film and photography, i love hot people!!!! story was insane, i quite literally had to sit in my car for like half an hour just processing when i got out the movie house before i felt normal enough to drive home lol.
3. emma (2020)
again i did a thorough tedtalk on this one. but i’m a big jane austen fan!!! and the aesthetics and score on this adaptation were just off the charts and so so lovely. love the regency era and i think they translated it to screen in a very appealing and classic (although maybe not entirely historical but hey it’s art) way. i’ll always come back to it as my comfort movie ngl.
4. call me by your name
amazing story. (not a love story mind you!!!) which is actually why it stuck with me sm bc i went in with my hopeless romantic self just to be fuckin crushed. watched it two summers ago and it took me like weeks to recover, it broke my heart in a way that felt so good. also just a downright beautiful film all around (colorgrade, cinematography, acting, music, everything!!). in guadagnino we trust!!!
honorable mentions:
watching the detectives (!!!)
lucy liu and cillian murphy? ummm FUCK YES? my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE in the romcom genre to date. they just match each other’s freak. and the whole movie is abt being film nerdy and awkward and weird and manic pixie dream girl and like lowk…. so ro-core fr!
shape of water
ok don’t call me a freak, it was pretty interesting— from the aesthetics, to the minimal dialogue, to the overall story. it’s a doozy but imo that shit was art. (or guillermo del toro was the real freak all along)
spirited away
my fav ghibli film bc it’s just so haunting in a way none of the other ghibli films are and i like that. like the way some of those characters were drawn was lowk gross—but i find that kinda gnarly. so over the top fantastical it makes my brain tingle in a certain way.
isle of dogs
my fav wes anderson film in both stop motion or live action (my fav live action of his was the most recent asteroid city tho!). truly art and has such a heartwarming story but at the same time the DRAMA. my lord. crazy how captivating the story was even if half of it was in largely unsubtitled japanese—unique choice but i actually liked what it added to the movie a lot especially considering the movie’s pov from an english-speaking dog. i’m actually a big cat person but i finished that movie so convinced that fuck yeah that dog is man’s bsf right there
the amazing spiderman movies
andrew garfield’s spiderman is my fav <3 but also i love the darker feel to this version of spiderman. maybe it’s bc i’m also a big batman/dc fan (sorry my marvel babes </3) and generally those movies have been handled with a more dark tone. but nonetheless andrew garfield is hot too so that’s a plus!
i’m lowk a disney hater but this movie was SO. CUNTY. fuck i loved it. the actors were amazing and the visuals and the FASHION were just mwah, especially compared to other disney live action films (😭).
maleficent & maleficent: mistress of evil
AGAIN, SO FUCKING CUNTY even if i’m a reluctant disney enjoyer. i watched the first installment when i was real young but in 3d at the movie house. SO COOL. watched the second one with my mom at home. IMMEDIATELY WATCHED IT AGAIN. angelina jolie is maleficent, n i love how these movies characterize the villain in such a genuinely human way i don’t think anyone could’ve seen coming when these babies first came out.
ok thats it finally 💋
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writinandcrying · 2 years
Sexuality / gender preference (if you aren’t comfortable with labels)
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This can be any version of the TMNT preferably bayverse or 2007? I don’t mind do your thing fr fr LMAO
straight / I enjoy men / she/her
5’1/gym rat so I’m a lil muscular/usually curly hair but I have braids in right now/glasses/ lots of piercings & a few tattoos :) but we follow each other on ig so idk why I just gave you my physical description LMAO
INTJ :)/im pretty funny if I do say so myself/very independent/sarcastic/I have a weak social battery but depends on which group im with/impulsive
My love language has to be touching or cooking- No in between :,)
Y’all know I love me the 2007 TMNT movie as bad as it is/im going to college to be an English prof :)/my dream job would have to be one of the nicest schools where the area I live in is suburban & I get a fun lil house to myself that I can host parties in >:)
I really love horror games/art/working out/cooking
I think one of my toxic behaviors is that I fall out of love as quick as I go into it, so if someone does something I don’t like it’s sort of a deal breaker for me
Pet peeves: guys that chew with their mouth open/guys that yell to get their point across/uneducated men/Pisces men/guys that aren’t into or against spiritual things like saging rooms or crystals or incense :,)
Deal breakers: if he’s rude to other women or doesn’t respect his parents/doesn’t have an education/is very anti-weed to the point that they’ll break up with someone over it (like bro it’s never that serious)/if he doesn’t take care of himself physically and mentally
How do I usually act: I don’t ever ask for anything, im very independent so I never ask a guy to buy something for me or pay for something :)
HIEEE omg im so excited for this one hehehe
i really need to thought this one through but like..... Jas i need to be 100% serious..... you are 100% perfect for rottmnt leo fr like idk i think you both would have such a nice time together lmao
i match you with..
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Surprise!!!! no but seriously- honestly this could go either Bayverse or 2007, i know rottmnt is extremely different from these two, but like... i can recognize all those personalities being different and still making it work with you! ur a leo girl what can i say lmao
I usually don't focus or comment much or physical appearance, i only ask bc its easier for me to visualize the match up, but since i do know how you look like, how your voice sounds, i can 100% confirm he would be down BAD by first glance (mikey would too, but like its mikey he gets crushes left and right) specially with bayverse, Leo is a an adrenaline junkie, he's too introspective borderline shy to actually voice it, but like..... tattoos, piercings, everything that society would deem as a "rebel" look(? do i make sense i hope so) Leo would be into it. He can deny as much as he wants, but he's into badass looking people idc yall can fight me on this one (this also applies to rottmnt, although i kinda see Rottmnt Leo being a bit... like almost every version of Mikey, he gets crushes easily on a wild range of people, but he most def LOVES when someone knows how to use slangs and has a funky lingo going on, and you DEF have that, he would 100% fall for you ever harder after exchanging a few words with you)
Every Leo version deserves a funny s/o. Bayverse and 2007? they NEED to laugh, a light hearted relationship is perfect for him and i def see that going on with you two (: he loves how you can effortlessly can deliver a punch line when he least expects it, my personal head-canon is that all Leos like to joke around, due being introverted, the oldest sibling and the leader, Leo closes himself a lot around his brothers, the only one chill enough to truly explore that side is Rottmnt Neon Leon, so if he ever decides to test the "imma make you laugh" waters with you, thats a sign he not only trusts you, but wants to impress and deepen your relationship with him
Thank GOD you can cook cuz this man cant LMAO
Leo's Love language is def Quality time, he will need some time to adjust into physical touch as your way of showing appreciation, but soon enough he looks forward to it! loves to mindlessly caress your hand, back, tights when you are hanging out, gives killer massages! likes to hear about your day as you both lie down on his futon and your head is in his lap or your you are both lying down and your legs are above is tights, soon enough he will discover he's actually really into gentle touches, give him time to ge used to it tho cuz he never really considered even having a s/o, so, baby steps regarding physical affection is the way to go!
He's so interested in your major, i shit you not he asks to see your assignments and homework. Leo loves to read, and if college was a possibility for the turtles, i can see him either doing something related to Linguistics, maybe Anthropology (def more focused on Japanese culture) he def likes to dive in those topics and he geeks the f OUT with you regarding your college major
The bumps on the road; 1-he cannot deal with someone impulsive. We all know his relationship with Raph, and we ALL know he can be controlling on his worst days, you both would have to compromise during missions or even daily tasks, he wants to be part of the planing, he wants to know whats going on, but at the same time he cant micromanage you like shit that sucks a LOT. 2- he needs someone steady. he fall in love extremely slow, so for his to work out, he would either have to speed the process up or you to pump the breaks with falling out of love rapidly 3- ..... give him time to be more pro-weed please LMAOOO (although i know this points can be """solved"""with loooads of talking, and thats something nice about your relationship, at certain stage, both of you are completely honest and open about your issues, and both can be understanding of each others limitations and personal growth that shall occur on future)
"if he’s rude to other women or doesn’t respect his parents" Leo gotcha, and honestly? he feels the same, if you cant show respect to the elderly (aka master splinter) wtf you doing?
"guys that aren’t into or against spiritual things like saging rooms or crystals or incense" Leo def knows anything related to Japanese culture and i think he (and mikey.. and Donnie) would be the most open-minded towards new healing / spiritual activites and techniques? although there are different reasons to each one of them; Donnie is bc he's curious about well- everything, Mikey is bc he always wants to try new things and lowkey finds it cool, And with Leo, he wants to be part of your life just like he wants you to be part of his, so please be open towards learning Japanese costumes and he shall participate in your costumes as well.
Loves that you are independent, he likes being there for you don't get me wrong, but.. he's a busy turtle, if you cant handle yourself once in a while, that might be a deal breaker for him. Chivalry is kinda big for him tho, so let him treat you when he can, he likes to woo you sometimes so just let him lol
Ok so i know Raph is like, the gym king or whatever but if you ever briefly mention you would like to use it the one the boys have around the lair, he will "randomly"show up there, Raph will def tease him if he tries to help you out on a machine that you and Raph combined know way more than he ever could lmao. He does asks you if you would like to join him into his training sections at the dojo, he's way more comfortable in there and he swears is not as stinky as their gym after Raph uses it, really looks forward to the day you accept his invitation into teaching you some self defense moves here and there
Ok you didnt mention this like...he loves how you always reply REALLY FAST!! like at first he's taken back cuz? usually april or casey take a few good minutes even hours to respond, humans have their things to do on topside and he gets it you know? he's also relatively busy most days, so when he almost automatically gets a reply from you, Leo def got surprised on the first chats he had with you, he begins to love it how fast you can come back to him with texting, he doesnt have to worry if you are in danger after escorting you to your home, or when you are leaving college, work, yadda yadda, he knows its not extremely healthy to be on your phone 24/7 but when you are away from him, he loves it he can have almost imidiate contact with you
Over-all: Really chill relationship but still has some fire into it??? at the same time?? both of you just gets eachother, and he feels free to show his funny, daring, flirty / teasing self he almost NEVER shows to anyone, so lucky you!
hope you liked it!
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match ups are closed for now
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