sleepyangelkami · 4 months ago
TRUTH HOLDER j.herondale
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 1.3K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - being a seelie had its cons such as the inability to lie. jace has decided to mess with you, using such a fact to his own advantage.
 ☆ WARNINGS - smut, fingering, slight manipulation, dirty talk, dom!jace, sub!reader, praise kink, hickies, overprotectiveness, petnames, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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"what are you doing?"
your meek voice could be heard from where you sat on the bed, jace's bed from inside the institute, clad only in one of the boy's oversized shirts, nothing beneath.
jace walked back towards the bed with evident cockiness in his expression, you were sure that he couldn't shake it even if he wanted to. "just putting the silencing rune on the door." placing his mouth against your neck and his hands against your waist, unable to think of anything other than you.
your voice was above a whisper, hands roaming towards his neck. "promise?" because though he was a shadowhunter, he could still lie. a disadvantage you were seemingly always caught up in.
he parted his mouth from your neck, cocking his head to the side with a playful smile on his lips. "don't you trust me?" as if the question had been one that didn't need an answer, he'd press anyway.
your mind danced to the flashback when jace had told you he'd put the silencing rune on the door and yet as you walked out of the room the next day, you earned many stares and glances. jace had smirked at that, once confronted stating that you were his and everyone in the institute should know so. "not really." you answered honestly, voice low as a mouse.
a low chuckle fell from the blonde's lips, eyes tracing your face. "i love that you can't lie."
you, not so much.
there were many things you could have went your entire life without telling jace but when presented with the right questions, you had no choice but to answer with the truth, unable to will a lie to stain your tongue.
your own eyes traced his face. you could feel the gentleness of his fingers against your thighs, they'd moved from your waist to the nakedness of your skin, inching just below the shirt that he'd drawn up more than he'd care to admit. from earlier activities, he knew that nothing lay beneath the shirt, it only egged him on more.
his eyes bored into yours, a grin against his lips. "you really love me, don't you?" it was more of a statement, not a question. he could see it in the way your eyes couldn't leave his, the way they traced his skin so gently. you two weren't exactly 'exclusive' just yet but he was yours and you were his, it was all that mattered to the both of you.
his fingers gently moved upwards causing air to trap in your throat. "you already know the answer to that." stating the truth but unable to admit what so desperately scratched at your tongue.
around him, you couldn't be held accountable for the tales you would tell.
"no lies there." he answered, lips attaching and detaching from your neck again. "but i want to hear you say it."
his hot breath against the nape of your neck along with the tone of voice he spoke in, one of certain demand, as if he were giving you straight obligations. it was enough to have your face hot and your hands clawing at his arms.
you didn't have to be inexperienced to get so flustered around jace, it simply happened. your voice was strained, holing in a mewl at the edge of your tongue. "i can't." voice broken and shattered.
it was hard to keep a steady breath when his fingers travelled further up your skin, lips sucking on the skin of your neck, creating what he'd soon assure you was simply a 'love bite' and assure you that it was nothing to be embarrassed about, convincing you to wear it about in the institute and have people look at you funny.
"yes, you can, angel." his voice reassuring and soft, his fingers gently squeezed at your thigh. however, you answered with only a shattered gasp leading his fingers to trail further and beneath the cotton shirt over your frame. "come on, baby, say it." voice a breathless whisper against your exposed skin. "lemme hear you say it, come on."
being a seelie, you were bound by the truth, unable to lie.
however, jace herondale was the reason your mouth would spew so many words.
he couldn't force the words out of you, that wasn't how being a seelie worked, he could make you talk. but he had such a good way at making you do it, manipulating your lips into moving.
perhaps it was the gentle hand that moved upwards to your pussy, collecting the wetness of your core and causing you to whine, the feeling of his thumb sinking down on your clit and gently circling it. "say it." he teased, smirking close to your cheek.
"i love you."
and jace wore a look of satisfaction, knowing you couldn't lie, knowing it had been the truth.
"good girl." left his lips, sinking back onto your neck and allowing the first finger to enter your core. you shook, your face pushing into his shoulder and muffling your noises. "wanna hear you." is all he mumbled back. "silencing rune is on the door, baby, no one will hear you but me."
and didn't that sound like an offer you simply couldn't give up.
once again, jace herondale managed to put you in a position where you couldn't so much as fight it. a whine left your lips, feeling him add a finger into your core and pump them in and out without grace, rapidly.
you had this thing about you, beautiful soft and slow. jace would like to add that he was quite the opposite. and he relished in it. he relished in using his fingers to ram inside your hole, the palm of his hand hitting against your clit and causing enough stimulation to have your back arching from the bed, hands pawing at him like a kitten, trying to hold onto whatever sense was left in your head, using him to ground you.
however, the more you grasped at his big arms, caging you, the deeper you fell.
it was almost impossible to will your mind back to reality and jace didn't bother to help. on the contrary, he pushed you even further.
"good girl, good girl." smiling gently as he repeated the words to himself. his free hand came down on your face, thumb swiping across your bottom lip and watching as your face scrunched up in emotions you couldn't quite string together. "such a good girl f'me, huh?" words as much of a tease as they were a praise. "my pretty girl, yeah? you my pretty girl?"
and you were so far gone that you couldn't register the words that moved from his mouth to your ears, nodding and babbling incoherent words, whines and whimpers stretching from your mouth.
finally, you felt the familiar knot inside your stomach and the boy did nothing to stop his movements, willing you over the edge until finally he felt your juices on his fingers. he brought his hand up to lick them off, watching as your eyes shut and your pawing hands pulled him closer.
this time, he moved with your hands, coming closer to your body and letting you grasp onto him, the only reality left.
and the words seemed metallic on your tongue, unable to string anything else together. "i love you." you whispered, hopelessly. "i love you." like a prayer on one's dying tongue.
there was something eerily comforting to jace, knowing you couldn't lie to him, bound only by the truth.
i love you too repeated in his own head, willing it to move to his tongue. jace wasn't like you, he had the option to lie, though he'd never do such a thing.
yet he found the words harder to lift onto his tongue, unknowing if you'd ever believe him in the assuredness that he believed you. perhaps it was everything he was afraid of.
which is why he said nothing.
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main masterlist/jace's masterlist
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saltwaterburns · 1 year ago
·:*¨༺ Anthony Lockwood
everyone adores you (at least i do)
what it's like dating anthony lockwood
je sais pas m'oublier
you comfort lockwood after a mission gone wrong and somehow end up tangled together with him in the library
two times you kissed him and the one time he kissed you
you and lockwood pretend to be married for a case
as our worlds move on, in this shirt, i can be you
he can't help but reminisce about what used to be
·:*¨༺ Lucy Carlyle
addicted to kissing you
lucy makes her way to your room after a sleepless night, and you can't help but let her in. kissing ensues
·:*¨༺ Lockwood & Co.
intertwined, sewn together
the entire team trying to comfort you after a rather nasty end to your recent relationship
·:*¨༺ Jace Wayland
jace wayland comforting you would include:
jace finds you crying your eyes out in the greenhouse
·:*¨༺ Theodore Nott
i walked with you once upon a dream
theo seems to have a thing for girls who see peculiar dreams
cut yourself open and present your true self to me
all the things theodore nott seems to be
shaped by surroundings
a peek into who i think theodore nott's mother was
·:*¨༺ Mattheo Riddle
who am i if not my fathers son?
all the things mattheo riddle seems to be
·:*¨༺ Logan Howlett
SFW alphabet
coming soon ...
NSFW alphabet
logan howlett getting exposed by every letter
corrupt me and dig your claws into me
a smutty drabble
·:*¨༺ Wade Wilson
SFW alphabet
coming soon ...
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nandalikesstuff · 2 years ago
Heir of Darkness
Relationship: Jonathan Christopher Morgenstern | Sebastian Verlac/Seelie Queen
Additional Tags: Letters, Love Letters, like the loosest concept of a love letter you have ever seen, Pregnancy, Implied Incest, like nothing happens but he is still obsessed with Clary as usual and he writes her a letter too
Summary: Amidst their blooming alliance, Sebastian and the Seelie Queen trade letters, and another letter is thrown to he fire.
A/N: I wrote this on request a long time ago and forgot to share, so here it is now. Hope you like it!
If you prefer, also read it on AO3!
The Seelie Queen lay on her bed and looked up at the stone ceiling of her bed chamber, at the blood-bright roses that adorned it. Not that many nights ago, she had done the same with the alluring presence of Sebastian Morgenstern laying by her side, but now she was alone. He had gone on to move forward with his plan, and she felt something akin to pride swell up inside her at the thought.
He was her current ally and lover. It had been so long since she had had either of those. Not just a pastime, not just a toy, someone that actually interested her and pleased her on all accounts. And now… Now he was about to be so much more. His latest letter laid on bed with her, but she didn’t need to look to know what was written, the words ingrained in her mind:
My Beautiful One,
I’m sure by now you must have heard about what happened with the London Institute so I am writing this as soon as I can to ease your concern and assure you both me and our army are unscathed. Some… force kept us out of that Institute, but others have fallen under our reign instead. Our forces and our power are as mighty as they can be and soon it will be time for the final part of our plan to be put into motion. Soon, we will rule over them all, My Lady, as you are my one and true Queen.
Until we meet again,
Your Dark Prince
Such empty beautiful words, such falsehood, ah, how delightfully entertaining her boy was, promising her a world he had no intention to give her. But now, she had something to offer him that would bind him to her for eternity. Hers, forever. Not only her dark prince but her King. Oh, she couldn’t wait to let him know. She sat up and reached for one of the flowers over her bed, snatching one of its leaves so she could write her reply on:
My Prince,
What wonderful words you bring me. My soldiers had informed me both of your peril and your victories, but it makes me very pleased to hear from you and know you are well. I await for the time when we will be together, and even more so now, as I have got some great news for you and our future, my prince. I am carrying a child, fruit of our time together. He will be our heir, our future, taking the world we will create and stretching it onto eternity. Together, the three of us will rule over all we wish, my love.
Until we meet again,
Your Queen
Sebastian Morgenstern lay on his bed on the safe quarters he had secured for himself for the night and rammed his dagger into the pillow next to him over and over again in a rage. A crumpled letter lay on the bed with him, the catalyst to his outburst, the bright letters against the leaf sparkling in the moonlight, mocking him. After the brief but eternal moment of stilled shock he got from the impossible news – because there was no way this could be - his feelings and thoughts swirled, too intense, too confusing, something he wasn’t used to and that he didn’t know how to deal with, had never been taught how to, and that spurred him into furious motion.
There was, as always, a cold analysis to it all, that part of him that was forever detached from human feelings and emotions and that couldn’t help but find it all very alien and amusing. He thought of Valentine, the only paternal reference he had had and wondered what it would be like to have a son of his own, how this little experiment would turn out. And then there was shock, confusion, surprise. And above all there was rage, because this wasn’t part of his plan, because it wasn’t supposed to happen, because it would get in the way. Furious at the Seelie Queen for allowing this to happen and then thinking she could control him in that manner.  
And underneath it all, the most unexplainable feeling, more confusing and more disquieting than any other thing he had ever felt before, there was… hope. No, not hope, it was an eagerness that he couldn’t explain, an exhilaration that made no sense and drove him half mad, fueling the hurricane of clashing emotions that was growing inside him.
He threw the covers off the bed, breath ragged, and got out, walking to his desk, opening and shutting down drawers in search of pen and paper. He sat down and started writing furiously, in a half mad delirium, barely conscious of what he was writing and to whom until he was over and looked at the finished result, full of crossed out words and far from the usual finesse and control he usually possessed. It read:
My beautiful
My sister
Apparently,        I’ve just found out       I’ve just heard I am going to be a father. You are going to be an aunt now, are you happy, little sister?     We will have a new family, our own family.       This would never have happened if you were here.      How dare you         I need         I want you      She thinks she can trap me like this, but he isn’t hers, he is ours.    No matter what happens, nothing will take him away from us     He is our heir. When this is all over, we will all be together, for the years to come.    You should know, for you are my blood, my sister, my true one and only queen.    You need to know. Because he is as yours now as he is mine. Ours, forever.
Soon we will be together.
He read the letter over and over and then let out an animalistic growl, hands moving to the top of the paper to tear it in a million pieces, but he couldn’t. For some reason, his hands wouldn’t obey him. He didn’t know why he had written that letter, hadn’t meant to, but a part of him yearned for it to be sent, to connect to her in any way he could. What nonsense. He passed his hand through his hair and centered himself with a final breath, once more icy calm. He put the letter aside and pulled over another piece of paper. Feeling like himself again, he cast the other letter one final glance before focusing on the new one.
My Beautiful One,
Your news are as unexpected as they are wonderful. I can think of nothing that could make this victory more meaningful than the knowledge that what we accomplish in it will never be lost and our legacy will live on forever in the generations to come. Our heir will be the ruler of the new era. The heir of the darkness, blood and power we will unleash upon the world. Soon our vision will be complete.
Until we meet again,
Your Dark Prince
He looked at the two letters, side by side on his desk. One a web of beautiful lies, other the account of what was possibly the truest thing he had ever felt. One of them got wrapped, sealed and entrusted to a suitable messenger.
The other got burnt to ashes.
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multifandomimagines · 2 years ago
hey so… it’s been a year…
gonna start off by saying sorry for disappearing just when we opened our requests lol, but we underestimated just how crazy our lives would get! since then i have graduated university which is so crazy, and jasp’s had a lot going on too. but we’re lowkey considering picking this account up again? i have been missing writing lately, and would like to be able to do it in my own time at my own pace, but i would like to continue sharing those stories with you. will keep you updated and will let you know when to send your requests over if we do decide to come back again! might even throw a couple new fandoms in while we’re at it (tags 👀)
but yeah on a real, we might come back, but we’ll let you know. thanks for sticking around :)
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zodiyack · 1 year ago
Pregnancy (A drabble)
Pairings: Jace Wayland x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, pregnancy
Words: 526
Author's note: Just a little idea. I can make this a full fic / miniseries. Only Y/N and Clary have gone in to see Magnus in private.
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Masterlist | The Mortal Instruments Masterlist
Taglist: @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @fandom-puff, @darling-i-read it,  @simonsbluee,  @thewarriorprincessxo,  @sebastianstanslefteyebrow,  @livlaughquinn,  @bubsonnobx,  @bunnyweasley23
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Magnus hesitates when he passes Y/N. His expression shifts to one of concern and curiosity. "I'm surprised you're here."
Her brows furrow. "I'm a Shadowhunter, of course I'm here."
"Not that." He chuckles. "Given your predicament, I wouldn't expect you to join them on this journey."
"Why's that?" She asks, genuinely curious.
Magnus looks at her with amusement, then hovers his hand over her stomach. "You're with child."
Clary gasps in place of Y/N, who is too in shock to even react.
"No- I'm not... I mean, I've been sick lately, just... I'm not pregnant." She shakes her head, in denial.
"Y/N, I may not like your kind, but I would not deceive you. You. Are. Pregnant. I recommend that you withdraw from any strenuous missions, avoid putting stress on you and your baby, as well as putting yourself in danger if you wish to keep your child." He orders her. The topic is simply dropped when he returns to Clary.
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(After the fight with the vampires)
"You really shouldn't have come, after what Magnus told you?" Clary announces to the group, but directs to Y/N.
Y/N widens her eyes and whips her head in Clary's direction. "Don't."
Jace looks at the two in concern and tilts his head. "What did Magnus tell you?"
Clary opens her mouth to speak. Y/N quickly replies, warning the redhead. "Don't. It's not yours to tell."
Izzy and Alec look at each other with confusion, but wait for Jace to reply. "What did the warlock tell you, Y/N?"
"Do we really have to do this right now?"
Clary rolls her eyes and speaks up, "How long are you gonna hide the fact that you're pregnant? They'll notice eventually! I mean, what about Jace?"
The three's eyes all widen at the reveal. Jace looks upset, but Y/N is livid. Seeing her reaction, Alec's expression darkens and he steps forward.
"Even if that is a concern, it's none of your business, Clary." Her name drips with venom when it comes from his mouth. "You've been ogling Jace since you got here. Your jealousy cannot hide forever either."
"But- Jace, she lied to you!" Clary averts her gaze in shame when he doesn't acknowledge her.
"Alec is right. Though I'm upset Y/N hid it..." Jace looks toward her with a sorry nod, "I still wish it would've been her to tell me, especially since it's between us. I've tried to brush off your advances, but I suppose I must be blunt now. I plan to stay with Y/N and my unborn child. The fact that you've known of our relationship and continued to pursue me has made me question whether I want to train you or not."
It's Izzy's turn to step forward. "We can talk about this later. For now, we need to get back to the institute and put Simon in the infirmary."
"Yeah." It's the only word Y/N lets out before she walks past Clary, bumping her shoulder on the way. Jace follows, also ignoring Clary. The girl can only watch and realize how much she's hurt him.
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neonacity · 2 years ago
SON OF SHADOWS | Jeno x Reader (An Elysium Special)
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Summary: Hades has a reputation in Olympus, one that trickles way down to the world of the half-bloods back in the mortal world. Now that his son and heir Jeno was sent to Rosewood as a punishment for the mischief of his group of friends, the prince of the underworld has to deal with the infamy his father's name brings, right in the Academy of half-bloods like him.
The only bad news? School life seems to be harder to balance than gods and monsters, it seems.
A/N: Happiest birthday to mi amore, Jeno! Decided to write this quick drabble since this blog is gathering cobwebs. This is connected to this other mini drabble I did here! P.S. this is barely proofread. I did this for about an hour and a half. 🫠
"So this is the music room. The instruments are as old as the Parthenon itself, but you know, the admin says we don't really have the funds so we can't change anything yet unless they fall to pieces."
You watched with curious eyes as the quiet boy beside you ran his gaze across the room. He was tall and pale, and the ghastly lighting from above your heads made the shadows look starker against his profile. His expression did not show any sign of interest over what you were saying in the slightest. In fact, you don't think he even looked at you once other than the quick glance he gave you when you met him at the steps of Rosewood Academy half an hour ago.
To be honest, it's not like you are expecting anything more from him. You already assumed he will be aloof. Snotty even. The bar is low to begin with—and yes, you still want to strangle Yangyang for hooking you up to do this.
Yes, LIU YANGYANG. Your supposed 'best friend' who decided to ditch his school committee duties because his mom had to pull him out to do some last minute shopping for the summer. Sometimes, you forget that the boy is disgustingly rich from the way he acts so much like a perpetually hungry racoon, but you really expected more from him than leaving you hanging today.
"I'm going to kill him," you said under your breath now as you glowered at nothing in particular in the room. You were so consumed by your plans of torturing your friend in your head that you almost jumped when you heard the boy beside you speak for the first time.
You whipped towards him, confused. Jeno still wasn't looking at you, his gaze calmly set in front of him.
"Who are you going to kill?"
You blinked a couple of times before you managed to gather your thoughts again. He had never shown a strain of interest since the moment you started the tour that you were actually surprised that he heard you. After a few heartbeats, you cleared your throat awkwardly to give an appropriate answer.
"Oh. Just my friend. He was supposed to be giving you this tour because it's his turn in the roster today but he ditched me."
Jeno's expression didn't change even with your explanation. Instead, he started walking, only stopping when he reached the old dusty piano in the middle of the room. Without a word, he lifted the cover and settled on the seat there.
"You don't like being here, don't you?"
Maybe it was the bluntness of his words, but you were entirely taken aback by the way he chose to start this conversation. Instinct told you to say no to his assumption but then you stopped, realizing it was never your habit to sugarcoat things. You shrugged.
"I don't particularly enjoy it, no."
"Because you have to clock in extra hours or because you have to speak to me?"
Your eyebrows rose for the second time that day. Opening your lips defensively, the words quickly died in your throat as the boy gave you a quick look. You couldn't really tell because of the shadows that seem to perpetually cling to him, but you thought you saw a hint of a smile at the curve of his lips. Before you could catch it, however, he was moving his face away to focus on the keys in front of him. In a moment, the room was soon filled by the low, melodious hymn of piano notes.
"I didn't know that thing still works," you said now, completely forgetting the train of your previous conversation. Jeno tilted his head a little bit but continued gliding his fingers over the instrument.
"It needs a little bit of tuning, but she still plays very well."
"Hm. That's one thing you cannot expect from this school," you replied with a slight scoff, your tone dripping with more sarcasm than you originally intended. He ultimately caught it, his eyes locking with yours again in curiosity.
You paused. As much as you love Rosewood, there are a lot of things that you equally loathe about it. Since time immemorial, the Academy has served as the educational grounds and sometimes even second home of half-bloods like you. The running of it, unfortunately, is where the challenge is. Even with its legacy, the school's funding is handled by the big bosses above, aka the honchos of Olympus. Even more unfortunate is the fact that the main gods obviously have their favorites, which means that the heirs that live there with them get the best of the best, while regular half-bloods like you receive the scraps back here.
With a sigh, you walked a little bit closer to where Jeno was seated and leaned at the corner of the piano. He watched you closely, a bit surprised that you actually took the initiative to approach him. You clearly missed it though, too focused on your internal monologue about the unfairness of the situation.
"You're a regular in Olympus, right? Pretty sure you can figure out why. Rosewood is more of an afterthought for your father and his brothers and what not. No effense."
"Is that why you don't like me?"
Your jaw slacked. Can this boy be any less blunt?
"Who said I don't like you?"
"You don't need to 'say' it to say it."
Well, damn.
Your shoulders slightly dropped as you turned your gaze away with a frown. As much as you hate to admit it, you did feel a twinge of guilt with how you were acting. The thing is... disliking heirs like him and their parents have been ingrained on you since you were a child. You can't help it that it's almost second nature to you now.
"It's not that I don't like you. I'm just not fond of your lot."
"Because I'm from Olympus?"
"You know the heavenly gates is different from the Underworld, right?"
It took you a moment to process that. Technically, he is right. You have no idea about the ins and outs and family drama of the Main Family, but everyone and their brother knows that Zeus and Hades can have a very sticky relationship sometimes. Now that you think about it, you are surprised Jeno is actually grounded here in Rosewood together with the rest of the Olympus heirs. You never expected them to be in good terms with each other...
Which means...
Whatever they did must have pissed off all the gods, above and below.
"Wait... You are right," you said slowly, your mind working on overdrive. Jeno started playing again, unaware of the mental acrobatics going on inside of you. Before you even realized what you were doing, you were slipping on the seat beside him, your eyes wide with questions. He ever so slightly leaned back, surprised at your action.
"Let me ask you something," you said in a hushed, but excited voice. The boy only looked at you, waiting for you to continue.
"Will you help our Journalism Club? I managed to convince the Headmaster to give us more funding before closing it if I can make a good story."
Jeno's expression only slightly changed. He quirked his brow which you took as a good sign to push on.
"I don't know how I can help you—"
"You can!" You said, unable to control your excitement now. You went on before he could even open his lips again.
"It's simple. You were all sent here as a punishment. You need to tell me..."
"What kind of trouble did you all do back there in Olympus?"
The song of the piano stopped as your grin widened.
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suseagull04 · 9 months ago
Get to Know Me
Thanks @14carrotghoul and @myheartalivewrites for the tags!
Last song: "Into the Unknown"- Panic! at the Disco
Last film: The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones
Currently reading: House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas
Currently watching: Percy Jackson and the Olympians- and I want to watch Echo soon!!!!
Currently consuming: nothing actively
Currently craving: chocolate peanut butter balls in the freezer, or pasta because it's too cold here. A warm chocolate chip cookie would also be a great option!
Tagging @daisymae-12 @inekepp @heybuddy-drabbles @read-and-write- @happiness-of-the-pursuit @wordsofhoneydew , but no pressure!
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kourtniwritesagain · 1 year ago
I know I don't have a lot of followers at the moment, but all the 'welcome backs' have been so sweet. I've missed y'all.
Also, send me some drabble prompts (yes I'm demanding, I'm in the mood to write and need to practice)!
List of what I'll write for:
1. PJO
2. Marvel
3. The Raven Cycle
4. Harry Potter
5. Star Trek (mainly the AOS)
6. Batman (comics and Young Justice)
7. TMNT (2012 show, 2007 movie, 90s movies)
8. The Mortal Instruments (all books)
I'll add more as I think, but I'm pretty sure that's it for now.
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fimproda · 1 year ago
Welcome / Fanfiction Masterlist
(This is a long post. Bear with me: I'm unable to stop the flow of words that come out of my mouth. It's why I love writing.)
Hello there!
As I plan on using this account primarily to advertise my stories, here's a "brief" rundown of my authorial profile. Please note that each and every one of my works is R-Rated, and with good reason. (I like myself some smut.)
@zoyalannister and I are co-authors on AO3, and under our names is the The Last Flowers series, in which we hold back no blows towards Cassandra Clare's truly idiotic plot and characterization in The Last Hours and attempt to write something decent. TLF is comprised of:
Hydrangea, a three-part, Grace-centered minilong which takes place between Chain of Gold and Chain of Iron;
Daisy, a six-part, Cordelia-centered minilong spanning from the Whispering Room scene in Chain of Gold to the end of Chain of Iron;
Chrysanthemum (upcoming), a nine-part fix-it of that trash fire that is Chain of Thorns;
Geranium, an AU stemming from a particular plot point in Hydrangea;
Petals, a collection of missing moments from the series.
Please note that I am zoyalannister's friend, co-author and beta reader for a reason, and any defense of Chain of Thorns will not be tolerated on this blog. (I might be joking, or I might not. Find out at your expense.)
As a solo writer, I've been active for a while in the A Court of Thorns and Roses fandom with the Under the Stars series, posting, as of today:
Constellations, a Nessian-centric minilong which takes place about a year after the events in Silver Flames;
In the shadow of a dream, a Gwynriel one-shot that sets the scene for a future Gwynriel long;
Space dust, a collection of 31 drabbles for Kinktober;
Splendor Solis, a little Elucien worldbuilding piece set in the Day Court.
If you're interested about this fandom, want to know more about my stories (current or future), want to hear me proselitizing about how SJM is a truly great writer and suffers from too much negative publicity, or simply want to chat, I'm here for this very reason.
You can also find me on Wattpad, where my "career" actually started. If there's someone between you who can read Italian and fancies themselves some mediocre The Mortal Instruments fanfiction, you can visit my Wattpad profile and be faced with these ol' things:
Remembering the Past, the first fanfic in a trilogy in which I tried to imagine what life after City of Heavenly Fire might have been like for our beloved heroes;
Living the Present, which is RtP's sequel;
Seeing the Future, which in turn is LtP's sequel and concludes the trilogy, as well as starting a new plotline with a fresh set of characters who star as protagonists in this next story I'm about to cite;
House of Cards, a Watty award-winning first story of a tetralogy I never got to write in its entirety. HoC is pretty sweet tho, if I do say so myself, and you can read it even if you know nothing about the Past, Present and Future trilogy.
The stuff on Wattpad is quite old and I'm not posting there anymore, as I now find AO3 more suitable for the kind of stories I write, and also a more "fanfiction-friendly" and "English-friendly" website. But I still respond to comments and interact with readers, since that's the bare minimum in my opinion.
And... this is all I have to say. Nice meeting you all!
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inquisimer · 1 year ago
✨20 Questions for Fic Writers✨
thanks @nirikeehan for the tag!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Dragon Age at the moment, plus a hint of Dishonored. In the past I've also written for The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunter Chronicles and MCU.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Grace In Denial: oneshot, f!Hawke x Anders - mostly fluff with a hint of emotional hurt/comfort Ended in Love: oneshot, f!Trevelyan x Cullen - some classic mage-Templar angst (cw: forced sterilization, abuse) Lamentations of the Living: oneshot, f!Mahariel x Alistair - the Dark Ritual/Ultimate Sacrifice debate It Will Have To Be Enough: oneshot, f!Lavellan x Cullen - Cullen waits for her to come back at Adamant Conditionally: oneshot, f!Lavellan x Cullen - Lavellan's clan does not approve of her relationship with a human
5. do you respond to comments?
I try! But I am very slow at it, and when the backlog gets too much I psych myself out about it. Currently working on convincing myself that it's not weird to reply to comments from many months ago😅
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Mostly A Lie,about an Inquisitor who breaks up with Blackwall at his judgement and a Blackwall POV of her subsequent relationship with Cullen
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Apple Whiskey, which is an all around fluffy fic about Alistair helping my Inquisitor Neria escape one of Josephine's parties.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet, nope! And I know that if I did, I would bitch about it to my friends, block the user, and delete the comment. So what if we just didn't, hm?
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
A bit, perhaps. It's an eventual goal of mine to be more comfortable writing it, but that's definitely a work in progress.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope! Personally not a fan of crossovers.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sort of, as I participated in the DAFF Discord Server round robin anniversary event where we all popcorn wrote a crackfic. Other than that, nope! I think it could be really fun, though :3
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
Horation Caine x Marisol Delko (CSI: Miami - I will never write fic for them but their canon story makes me f e r a l)
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
My Inquisitor!Carver AU. The idea is compelling af, but I have other DAI retellings that I want to write more.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Character backstory, description in general
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
DIALOGUE, dialogue tags, making endings (to chapters or oneshots) sound like endings without being cheesy AF
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like it, both as a reader and a writer! It can be used well for character flavoring, but is also frequently misused in a way that makes fic harder to read. If it's large chunks of text, especially with plot relevant information, I prefer another indicator that the language has shifted, like italics or a dialogue tag. I think it works best when the author has a reason for it besides "they're speaking another language", like they don't want the readers to understand what's being said, or the character is trying to deceive someone who doesn't speak that language.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
MCU Avengers
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
HMMMM probably a toss up between Inquisitor as a Companion: Neria Surana Lavellan (faux DA wiki page entry for my inquisitor) and after all this survival (a snapshot of Siobhan Hawke as Viscountess in Kirkwall)
Blank template below the cut! Tagging: @oxygenforthewicked | @rosella-writes | @demarogue | @plisuu | @exalted-dawn-drabbles | and anyone who wants to use me as their excuse to do this :3
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
5. do you respond to comments?
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? T
16. what are your writing strengths?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
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Main | Masterlist | FAQ (read first!) | Inbox | Ko-fi | Muses
Sara. Est' 1997. Libra. ENFJ. She/her.
🔞 minors do not interact. 🔞
My works are all works of fiction and do not represent the artists in anyway.
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Recent works:
SKZ as Young Adult Movie Franchises:
The Hunger Games: Bang Chan
The Maze Runner: Minho
Divergent: Changbin
The Mortal Instruments: Hyunjin
Stray Kids:
[23:43]: Changbin (M)
[08:27]: Bang Chan (M)
SKZ Smut Drabbles:
[09:29]: Jeongin (M)
ATEEZ as Dark Tropes:
Omertà - Seonghwa (M)
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Requests - closed.
SKZ Smut Drabbles - closed.
Hard/soft thoughts - ideas/suggestions - open!
#hard thoughts #soft thoughts
Want to become a dedicated anon or added to a permanent taglist? Let me know!
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sleepyangelkami · 4 months ago
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truth holder
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lovewithasideoffries · 2 years ago
vinn's masterlist of masterlists ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
stranger things
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xavier thorpe - wednesday
talking to xavier in jail - fluff, angst, drabble
xavier drawing on you - fluff
jace wayland - mortal instruments
you walk in on him and clary kissing - angst
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series (multiple one-shots)
one-shots (1k+ words)
drabbles (1k- words)
headcannons (list of thoughts on a topic)
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malec-ao3feed · 5 months ago
One of...
read it on AO3 at by Sivan325, SivanShemesh (Sivan325) Magnus shared with Alec about one of his many lovers, Thomas, the cat king Words: 205, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 5 of Feeding the Muse with Drabbles Fandoms: Dead Boy Detectives (TV), Shadowhunters (TV), The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, The Cat King | Thomas Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane/The Cat King I Thomas Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Canon Compliant, How Do I Tag, Not Beta Read, Drabble, Shapeshifting Magnus Bane, cause why not?, Immortal Husbands Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Camille Belcourt only mentioned read it on AO3 at
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multifandomimagines · 2 years ago
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stolen from twitter… but what would u guys like to see us write and/or write more of in 2023?! 👀
- jasper
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zodiyack · 1 year ago
The Mortal Instruments Masterlist
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(updated per upload)
Back to Masterlist 
Prompt List / Prompt List Two / Smut Prompts | Send Me Requests &/or feedback! | To Do List
★ = smut
⋆ = presmut
♡ = fluff
☁ = angst
☠ = death
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Jace Wayland
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Headcannons ~
Jace comforting his S/O (anxiety / fear)
Series ~
The Little Things (Coming Soon)
part i. part ii. part iii. part iv. part v. epilogue.
Fics And More ~
Little Loner ♡
Jace is in love with Y/N, and she reciprocates his feelings. What happens when Clary, who fancies Jace, comes into the picture?
Pregnancy (A Drabble) ☁
(Really just an idea, but I'd love to make it a miniseries!) Magnus informs Jace's girlfriend that she's pregnant, and a jealous Clary breaks the news.
Clary Fray
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request when requests happen to be open!)
Simon Lewis
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request when requests happen to be open!)
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(I have only seen the movie and the show)
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