sleepyangelkami · 4 months ago
TRUTH HOLDER j.herondale
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 1.3K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - being a seelie had its cons such as the inability to lie. jace has decided to mess with you, using such a fact to his own advantage.
 ☆ WARNINGS - smut, fingering, slight manipulation, dirty talk, dom!jace, sub!reader, praise kink, hickies, overprotectiveness, petnames, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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"what are you doing?"
your meek voice could be heard from where you sat on the bed, jace's bed from inside the institute, clad only in one of the boy's oversized shirts, nothing beneath.
jace walked back towards the bed with evident cockiness in his expression, you were sure that he couldn't shake it even if he wanted to. "just putting the silencing rune on the door." placing his mouth against your neck and his hands against your waist, unable to think of anything other than you.
your voice was above a whisper, hands roaming towards his neck. "promise?" because though he was a shadowhunter, he could still lie. a disadvantage you were seemingly always caught up in.
he parted his mouth from your neck, cocking his head to the side with a playful smile on his lips. "don't you trust me?" as if the question had been one that didn't need an answer, he'd press anyway.
your mind danced to the flashback when jace had told you he'd put the silencing rune on the door and yet as you walked out of the room the next day, you earned many stares and glances. jace had smirked at that, once confronted stating that you were his and everyone in the institute should know so. "not really." you answered honestly, voice low as a mouse.
a low chuckle fell from the blonde's lips, eyes tracing your face. "i love that you can't lie."
you, not so much.
there were many things you could have went your entire life without telling jace but when presented with the right questions, you had no choice but to answer with the truth, unable to will a lie to stain your tongue.
your own eyes traced his face. you could feel the gentleness of his fingers against your thighs, they'd moved from your waist to the nakedness of your skin, inching just below the shirt that he'd drawn up more than he'd care to admit. from earlier activities, he knew that nothing lay beneath the shirt, it only egged him on more.
his eyes bored into yours, a grin against his lips. "you really love me, don't you?" it was more of a statement, not a question. he could see it in the way your eyes couldn't leave his, the way they traced his skin so gently. you two weren't exactly 'exclusive' just yet but he was yours and you were his, it was all that mattered to the both of you.
his fingers gently moved upwards causing air to trap in your throat. "you already know the answer to that." stating the truth but unable to admit what so desperately scratched at your tongue.
around him, you couldn't be held accountable for the tales you would tell.
"no lies there." he answered, lips attaching and detaching from your neck again. "but i want to hear you say it."
his hot breath against the nape of your neck along with the tone of voice he spoke in, one of certain demand, as if he were giving you straight obligations. it was enough to have your face hot and your hands clawing at his arms.
you didn't have to be inexperienced to get so flustered around jace, it simply happened. your voice was strained, holing in a mewl at the edge of your tongue. "i can't." voice broken and shattered.
it was hard to keep a steady breath when his fingers travelled further up your skin, lips sucking on the skin of your neck, creating what he'd soon assure you was simply a 'love bite' and assure you that it was nothing to be embarrassed about, convincing you to wear it about in the institute and have people look at you funny.
"yes, you can, angel." his voice reassuring and soft, his fingers gently squeezed at your thigh. however, you answered with only a shattered gasp leading his fingers to trail further and beneath the cotton shirt over your frame. "come on, baby, say it." voice a breathless whisper against your exposed skin. "lemme hear you say it, come on."
being a seelie, you were bound by the truth, unable to lie.
however, jace herondale was the reason your mouth would spew so many words.
he couldn't force the words out of you, that wasn't how being a seelie worked, he could make you talk. but he had such a good way at making you do it, manipulating your lips into moving.
perhaps it was the gentle hand that moved upwards to your pussy, collecting the wetness of your core and causing you to whine, the feeling of his thumb sinking down on your clit and gently circling it. "say it." he teased, smirking close to your cheek.
"i love you."
and jace wore a look of satisfaction, knowing you couldn't lie, knowing it had been the truth.
"good girl." left his lips, sinking back onto your neck and allowing the first finger to enter your core. you shook, your face pushing into his shoulder and muffling your noises. "wanna hear you." is all he mumbled back. "silencing rune is on the door, baby, no one will hear you but me."
and didn't that sound like an offer you simply couldn't give up.
once again, jace herondale managed to put you in a position where you couldn't so much as fight it. a whine left your lips, feeling him add a finger into your core and pump them in and out without grace, rapidly.
you had this thing about you, beautiful soft and slow. jace would like to add that he was quite the opposite. and he relished in it. he relished in using his fingers to ram inside your hole, the palm of his hand hitting against your clit and causing enough stimulation to have your back arching from the bed, hands pawing at him like a kitten, trying to hold onto whatever sense was left in your head, using him to ground you.
however, the more you grasped at his big arms, caging you, the deeper you fell.
it was almost impossible to will your mind back to reality and jace didn't bother to help. on the contrary, he pushed you even further.
"good girl, good girl." smiling gently as he repeated the words to himself. his free hand came down on your face, thumb swiping across your bottom lip and watching as your face scrunched up in emotions you couldn't quite string together. "such a good girl f'me, huh?" words as much of a tease as they were a praise. "my pretty girl, yeah? you my pretty girl?"
and you were so far gone that you couldn't register the words that moved from his mouth to your ears, nodding and babbling incoherent words, whines and whimpers stretching from your mouth.
finally, you felt the familiar knot inside your stomach and the boy did nothing to stop his movements, willing you over the edge until finally he felt your juices on his fingers. he brought his hand up to lick them off, watching as your eyes shut and your pawing hands pulled him closer.
this time, he moved with your hands, coming closer to your body and letting you grasp onto him, the only reality left.
and the words seemed metallic on your tongue, unable to string anything else together. "i love you." you whispered, hopelessly. "i love you." like a prayer on one's dying tongue.
there was something eerily comforting to jace, knowing you couldn't lie to him, bound only by the truth.
i love you too repeated in his own head, willing it to move to his tongue. jace wasn't like you, he had the option to lie, though he'd never do such a thing.
yet he found the words harder to lift onto his tongue, unknowing if you'd ever believe him in the assuredness that he believed you. perhaps it was everything he was afraid of.
which is why he said nothing.
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main masterlist/jace's masterlist
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saltwaterburns · 1 year ago
·:*¨༺ Anthony Lockwood
everyone adores you (at least i do)
what it's like dating anthony lockwood
je sais pas m'oublier
you comfort lockwood after a mission gone wrong and somehow end up tangled together with him in the library
two times you kissed him and the one time he kissed you
you and lockwood pretend to be married for a case
as our worlds move on, in this shirt, i can be you
he can't help but reminisce about what used to be
·:*¨༺ Lucy Carlyle
addicted to kissing you
lucy makes her way to your room after a sleepless night, and you can't help but let her in. kissing ensues
·:*¨༺ Lockwood & Co.
intertwined, sewn together
the entire team trying to comfort you after a rather nasty end to your recent relationship
·:*¨༺ Jace Wayland
jace wayland comforting you would include:
jace finds you crying your eyes out in the greenhouse
·:*¨༺ Theodore Nott
i walked with you once upon a dream
theo seems to have a thing for girls who see peculiar dreams
cut yourself open and present your true self to me
all the things theodore nott seems to be
shaped by surroundings
a peek into who i think theodore nott's mother was
·:*¨༺ Mattheo Riddle
who am i if not my fathers son?
all the things mattheo riddle seems to be
·:*¨༺ Logan Howlett
SFW alphabet
coming soon ...
NSFW alphabet
logan howlett getting exposed by every letter
corrupt me and dig your claws into me
a smutty drabble
·:*¨༺ Wade Wilson
SFW alphabet
coming soon ...
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edwinspaynes · 11 months ago
For @emmalovesfitzloved Clace Christmas present shopping in NYC- what does that look like? Who are they getting for what? What are they getting Malec’s kids? What r they thinking of getting each other? Era can be post engagement or already married
"Well, well, well," Jace said, shoving his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. It was warm, lined with wool and fleece, functional in the way that he liked and sexy in the way that Clary appreciated. "Looks like we're in for quite the day."
Christmas in Times Square was always a ridiculous affair. One time, Jace and Clary had run into a homeless guy dressed as Santa, and when they bought him a paper cup of cider he'd turned out to be an Eidolon demon that thanked them with a surprise attack. Another time they had almost squared down with a group of teenagers who were trying to climb onto a bus selling Christmas-themed trinkets. Clary had giggled at them, clearly remembering all of the shamefully stupid antics that she and Jace had gotten up to at their age, and the kids had glared daggers at them in a way that made Jace wish he could attack. "We're not going to fight some kids, Jace," Clary said, yanking him away by the hand. "We're way too old for that."
"But what is I want to fight?" His voice was a lazy drawl. "What if I want to feel alive?"
"Then you can start by finding the perfect gift for your new fiancee," she said. A small smile played on her lips, and Jace thought about how he wanted to kiss each of her freckles individually before dragging her into one of New York's many nooks and crannies before...
Well. He shouldn't let his mind get that carried away.
"I do have a great gift for you," Jace said, and it was the truth. Why wouldn't she love a little Swarovski crystal shaped like a wolf? "Who I don't have a present for, though, are Magnus and Alec."
"Or Max and Rafe," Clary said, and Jace hummed his agreement.
"I, for one, think we should get Max a coloring book," Jace said. "All kids love coloring books. Demon Drawing, you know."
"Or we could get him some kid's comics," Clary said. "I think both he and Rafe are at about the right age for some Pokemon. Maybe even Yu Yu Hakusho, or Tokyo Mew Mew if they're down to break gender stereotypes."
"I think you're a genius," Jace said to Clary. "That's way better than black-and-white pictures of demons."
"I mean, a Pokemon manga is basically that with a twist," Clary bumped Jace on the shoulder. "Have you ever seen Grimer? Muk? Ditto?"
"I barely know what Pokemon are," Jace said with an air of superiority.
"I would say I pity you," Clary told him, "but I don't. I'm pretty excited for you, actually because as soon as we're done here, we're definitely going to go back home and binge-watch the Indigo League."
"I have no idea what that means," Jace said, and Clary grabbed his hand and dragged him off in the direction of Newbury Comics. "Here," she said, "I'll give you a sneak peek."
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takaraphoenix · 9 months ago
❛ you're mine, and i take care of what belongs to me. ❜ for Magnus and Jace? 👀
So this was supposed to be a smutty prompt but it accidentally turned into just pure possessive/protective Magnus with no smut? Ooops
A few weeks after he'd started hooking up with Magnus, Jace started to notice subtle changes.
Downworlders he encountered treated him with… recognition, at first. A certain degree of respect even. Not in a 'bowing down before him' sense, but rather… treat him as an equal than just as another Shadowhunter nuisance. He didn't notice at first, it took him a couple weeks.
He only noticed when it became more apparent. When Downworlders, particularly warlocks, started to… there was no other way to put it; to protect him. Like he was one of their own. They had his back, stepped in when someone else was out of line toward him. Which was just bizarre.
It wasn't hard to guess that this was related to Magnus, especially since warlocks seemed the only ones to actively step up for him and that this particularly happened in Pandemonium. He was getting VIP treatment at the club these days, got waved in ahead of the line, the bartender knew his favorites and always served him first. And whenever someone was even a hint of inappropriate with him, someone stepped in like he was a damsel in need of a knight protecting his virtue. It would severely piss him off if he didn't find it somewhat funny, quite frankly.
It was a couple months into it, and into whatever he had with Magnus, that it gave him pause. One particular incident that really struck Jace and left him reeling. He'd been hanging out at the bar, bantering with the bartender, Timothy Jeong, with whom he'd grown closer over the past months, when a warlock sat down, very close next to him, interrupting their conversation.
"Hello, gorgeous," the warlock smelt like alpha and sounded like sleazebag. "What's a pretty omega like you doing here all alone? I think you should go back to my hotel with me."
Jace was used to people hitting on him. Back in the day, he used to relish in that and take pretty much everyone home with him, living a life of hook-ups. Nowadays, he did consider himself taken, even though him and Magnus had never quite put a label on it. Yet what had started out as drunk, convenient hook-ups between roommates felt much different now, three months into it. So while Jace still liked the ego-boost of being hit on, he also didn't hook up with them anymore. He turned toward the man with a pleasant enough smile on his lips – knowing that some alphas could react very testy when an omega didn't immediately fawn over them and Jace would like to avoid causing a scene at Magnus' club. Before he could say anything did Hal Armstrong step up to them – head of security, the biggest, bulkiest alpha Jace had ever seen, tall and bald and with arms the size of Jace's head. If Jace had to guess, he'd say that Timothy must have called for security.
"Is that alpha bothering you, Omega Bane?"
And that was it. That was the moment Jace realized that whatever was going on was definitely more than just a bit suspicious behavior from some Downworlders around him. Omega Bane. It actually took Jace a while to register that Hal was talking to him, and then another couple moments to digest that and try to formulate a reply. Too long for Hal, it seemed, because the alpha was already standing right behind Jace, a looming presence, glaring down the stranger.
"Out of every omega at the club, you really picked the wrong one, pal," Timothy chuckled, casually leaning against the bar. "That's not just the club owner's omega. That's the High Warlock of Brooklyn's omega. If I were you, I would… scram, before Magnus Bane sees you."
Jace blinked repeatedly, looking between the guy who had hit on him, Hal and Timothy. What. The name Magnus Bane did the trick though, because the warlock's eyes widened in recognition and fear, before the man simply ran off. Jace tilted his head and crossed his arms.
"What was that," Jace asked, voice sharp.
"We want you to have a good time here and be undisturbed," Hal smiled at him.
The man looked scary at first glance but really was just a gigantic puppy. Jace heaved a sigh.
"I don't need you to intimidate people who hit on me, Hal. I'm quite capable of shaking unwanted attention myself, you know. This… was not necessary."
Hal faltered, looking like a kicked puppy, and Jace nearly felt bad. Only nearly though, because he really did not appreciate being patronized by alphas. He'd had to fight for everything, every ounce of respect from alphas in the field. To prove that he didn't need saving.
"Look," Jace sighed. "Thank you for wanting to help, I appreciate that, but how about, from now on, you help me when I signal that I need your help?"
"Oh. Okay. Yeah," Hal nodded quickly. "Sure, I'm sorry. I just, Alpha Bane said-"
"I do not need any alpha to speak for me," Jace's voice was final. "Not even Magnus, not even in his own club. Am I understood?"
"Yes, Omega Bane," Hal ducked his head like a naughty child.
And there it was again. Omega Bane. There was a weird sense of pleasure, pride and giddiness bubbling in Jace's chest that he tried to squish. Couldn't think about that right now. Maybe couldn't think about that at all. Because if he thought about that too hard, he might have to confront his feelings for Magnus. And that was something he'd effectively avoided thinking about these past months. Mostly, he admitted, because there was always something else going on – between Valentine's return, Jocelyn's death, the loss of the Mortal Cup, the reveal that he was Clary's brother, the reveal that he wasn't Clary's brother. When was he supposed to reflect on the nature of his feelings for the alpha warlock who had taken him in, became a drinking buddy and then became a convenient hook-up, repeatedly, until it started feeling like more than hook-ups.
That had been the first time Jace really noticed, but it wasn't what pushed him into talking to Magnus about it. Feelings. He didn't do those, much less talking about those. No, that only happened about a month later, when he'd been on a mission with Clary and Izzy and things had gone awry. Alec was missing. Jace and Alec were a duo, they were so in-sync, they worked as one. Now that Alec was head of the Institute though, he went on far less missions and Jace was still adjusting to that, while Clary was still adjusting to being a Shadowhunter, missing years of training.
They'd been overrun by demons, overwhelmed, got separated. Jace was bleeding profoundly from a slash on his side where one of the four demons he was battling on his own had hit him with its claws. He'd managed to kill two of them at this point, but he didn't know where Izzy and Clary were and he was starting to feel dizzy from the blood-loss. One of the two demons left roared at him and slashed at him again, but Jace wouldn't be Jace if he didn't battle to the very last second of his life. He cut off the beast's hand, causing it to roar in distress. However, it was also distracted, just enough for Jace to try and run. A coward's move, his father would say. A means of survival, his parabatai would say. He made it out of the sewers and toward an alley.
"Oh shit, oh crap you are bleeding, like, a lot," stranger, female voice, panicked. "Wait. You're the. The High Warlock's omega. Oh shit. Hold on."
Jace squinted, trying to make the blurry person in front of him out. The blood loss was getting to him. Someone – this person – grabbing his arm was the last thing he noticed before blacking out.
When Jace next came to it, it was in a comfortable and known environment. Magnus' bed in the loft. He recognized the soft sheets and the safe scent of his alpha all around him. A hand reached out, brushing his hair out of his face. Magnus' hand. He'd recognize those fingers anywhere. Humming softly, he leaned into the comforting, gentle touch.
"You awake, Trouble?" Magnus' voice was soft. "Do you need anything?"
"Wa… Water," Jace coughed, blinking his eyes open.
The next moment, Magnus held a water-bottle against Jace's lips, helping him drink. Jace's heart was skipping a beat at the gentle care. He was so used to powering through any injury mostly alone, the only one who'd get close enough to take care of him for any extend of time was his parabatai.
"Alexander left about an hour ago. I had a hard time prying him from your bedside," Magnus smiled bemused. "But he was in need of a shower, a warm meal and his own bed. Andrew helped me lure his boyfriend back to the Institute to take care of himself for a change. I'll text him."
"Thank you," Jace heaved a sigh as he tried to sit up, but a stinging pain brought him down.
"Sh," Magnus rested a gentle hand on his chest to ease him back down. "You were seriously injured, you need to lay down and rest more, Trouble."
Slowly, bit by bit, the events that had brought him into this bed came back to him. "Clary and Izzy."
"They're fine," Magnus assured him with the smallest smile. "Couple bruises, broken arm in Isabelle's case, but other than that, no serious injuries."
A deep, relieved sigh as Jace settled into the bed more comfortably. Magnus' bed. It had been two months at least since Jace last slept in 'his' bed – his bed at the loft. Far longer since he'd been back to the Institute. Even after Aldertree had been removed as head, Jace never returned. By then, him and Magnus had already started sleeping with each other and Jace was so comfortable here.
"How did I get here?" Jace asked slowly. "I remember the sewers, but…"
"Phoebe Nightingale, one of my warlocks, came across you in an alley and portaled you here," Magnus looked utterly pleased by that. "It was greatly appreciated."
The High Warlock's omega. Jace remembered hearing those words in the alley. It made him think of the other instances he'd been referred to as such by warlocks. Omega Bane. Jace had ignored it for weeks now. Maybe because he… liked the sound of it. Maybe because he'd gone through yet another identity crisis, gone from being a Wayland to being a Morgenstern to Luke and Clary trying to make him a Fray to… not being anyone, really, because he didn't know who his parents were, just that Valentine and Jocelyn weren't it. He currently had no real last name, not really.
"Why do your warlocks think that I am your omega?"
"Because you are, honey," Magnus raised one eyebrow, his fingers gently tracing Jace's face. "You're mine, and I take care of what belongs to me."
Jace flushed, his head racing at Magnus' words. He'd never dared to ask what they were, but it seemed that Magnus had a pretty clear idea of what they were. Reaching out, Jace took Magnus' wrist to pull him down onto the bed with him and, slow and with a wince, Jace rolled over to snuggle up to his alpha. Magnus hummed pleased, wrapping an arm around his waist.
~*~ The End ~*~
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justonemorechapternicercy · 2 years ago
❛ is that my shirt? ❜ Can Phoe have a tiny Jagnus?? as a treat?? *puppy-dog eyes*
Magnus frowned. He knew that shirt.
Jace was talking about something, probably something important, based on the increasingly frustrated way he paced around.
Yet all Magnus could think was how his thin purple shirt stretched on bulging muscles, enhancing the already drool-worthy shapes.
"Are you even listening to me?!" The shadowhunter growled, annoyed at the lack of reaction, but instead of his usual sassy quip, all that left his mouth was:
"Is that my shirt?"
The angel stopped, his arms falling down to his sides, and-
Was that a blush on his face?!
Yes. That was a blush indeed.
Of course you can 💜💜💜
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nandalikesstuff · 2 years ago
Between Angels and Hot Chocolate
Relationship: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland
Additional Tags: Christmas Fluff, Christmas Tree, Fluff, One Big Happy Family, they are a happy family I don't care, Fluff without Plot, honestly this is like the fic version of a hallmark special Christmas blurb
Summary: Decorating the Christmas tree at the Lightwood-Bane-Herondale household is always a lot of fun, even if a disastrous meeting forces Magnus to be late.
A/N: I wrote this for a friend as our own brand of self-indulgent Christmas fic and decided to share it after all. Hope you all like it!
If you prefer, also read it on AO3!
“Okay, which one should we put next?”
“Angel! Angel!”
“That one?” Jace asked, pointing at the angel decoration that was closest to them, among the probably hundreds of decorations that were still on top of the table.
“No! Bu! Bu!” Max gestured vaguely, and Jace pointed to the angel with a blue gown decoration that was near the other one.
“That one?”
“Yea! Bu angel!”
Jace chuckled and leaned forward so Max could grab the decoration that he wanted, before turning back and carrying him close to the tree.
“Okay, champ, and where should we put that one?”
“On the top! Top!”
“Max, if you put all the decorations on the top of the tree we will have none left for the rest of it.” Alec said amusedly, coming back into the living room with a tray full of steaming cups of hot chocolate, which he put into the center table, considering the dinner one was currently overcome with reindeers and snowmen and santa clauses and balls of all sizes and colours.
“But daaaad,” the boy whined, and Jace patted his back consolingly.
“Oh, come on, Alec, we have enough decorations here for all the trees on Central Park, I don’t think we need to worry about anything running out. And Max likes to be high, right Maxie?”
“Yea! High! Put angel on top!”
“I was just saying.” Alec said, as he picked up a Mickey shaped ball and put it in one of the branches, as Jace lifted Max up so he could put the angel in one of the tallest branches. “Besides, if he likes to be tall, shouldn’t I be carrying him?” He teased.
“Haha, very funny.”
“Daddy tall!” Max exclaimed happily, putting the angel up in the tree and then clinging back to Jace’s neck, that sent a triumphant look at Alec over his shoulder. “Dad and papa more tall, but is okay.”
“Hey, I thought we were being a team here!” Jace complained, tickling Max and making him squee as Alec held his laughs behind his hand.
“Dad, can you help me with the lights? They are stuck.” Rafe called from the other side of the tree and Alec walked over, seeing Rafe trying to deal with at least 10 meters of light that were completely tangled up.
“By the Angel… Your father has magic, how is it that everything he puts away still ends up as a complete mess?”
“Beats me.” Rafe shrugged, concentrated look in his face as he tried to find one of the ends of the mess of wires, with no success. Alec sighed.
“Leave that for now Rafe, we will probably have to wait until papa gets home to untangle it. The warlock meeting shouldn’t be much longer, come hang the ornaments with us. Or actually, I brought hot chocolate, who wants some?”
There was a chorus of “Me!” and Rafael ran to the center table together with Max to choose their favourite plastic mugs. Jace declared a snack break, even though they hadn’t been at it even for 20 minutes, and brought from the kitchen some of the gingerbread cookies he had baked, saving the rest for later. They drank the chocolate and they ate while they slowly filled the tree with as many ornaments as they could. Some of them were antiques from centuries, and those Jace or Alec carefully put up and chose special places for; others they had picked together, the five of them, and those got even more special places, the two of them taking turns lifting Rafe or Max so they could reach the tallest branches of the almost two meters high tree.
They were about halfway through and Jace was admiring their work, sipping on another mug of hot chocolate, when Alec suddenly passed an arm around his shoulder and pulled him close, leaving a kiss on his temple. Jace sighed content as Alec smiled against him.
“You are covered in glitter from head to toe.”
“So are you,” he smiled back. The bright sparkly spots that had fallen on them from the ornaments were a big contrast to Alec’s old sweater and worn jeans. “Guess we finally know how Magnus feels.”
“Yeah. Where is he anyway? He is missing all the fun.”
“I don’t know, he said he would be done by now. Let me see.”
He fished his phone back from where he had left it on the couch and looked through it, his brow suddenly furrowing in disappointment and Jace knew there was something wrong.
“What is it?”
“He sent a message. Said one of the warlocks started a fight and caused a big mess, he will be stuck there for at least another hour.”
“That sucks, then he will really miss everything. He was so excited about it. What do we do?”
“I don’t know. You think the kids will want to stop and wait?”
“Probably? They were excited about everyone doing it together as well. The warlock council calling this meeting last minute already ruined part of our plans. Let’s not let it ruin everything.” Jace crossed his eyes, annoyed at warlocks that had no respect for other people’s beginning family traditions.
“You are right, hey boys, how about we take a small break?”
“A break? Why?” Rafe poked his head from around the tree and Max appeared under him.
“Papa is stuck at his meeting and will take a while. Don’t you want to wait for him to finish?”
“Poor papa!” Max cried out. “Let’s rescue him and finish tree!”
“I don’t think we need to be so drastic. What do you say, Rafe, let’s wait?”
The boy nodded.
“It’s more fun with everyone together.”
“Great!” Jace clapped his hands. “Now who wants to play shadowhunter versus demon in the balcony?”
The chorus of loud me’s rang through the house again as the boys ran to the balcony, the two of them right behind them. They played and played and played some more and still nothing of Magnus. Eventually the boys got tired and as soon as they sat down on the couch they fell asleep, Max on Alec’s lap and Rafe in Jace’s.
“Any other news?” Jace asked him, worried now.
“Still nothing. Maybe we should really go look for him?”
“Let’s give one more hour. If he doesn’t come, we go.”
Alec nodded, and they sat together there, waiting, heads close together. Almost sleeping too if it weren’t for the worry. It was almost one hour later when they heard the rattle of keys on the lock and Magnus came into the apartment, making them both wake up fully, sitting a bit more straight. Magnus looked around, taking everything in, before going to kneel in front of them in the couch.
“Is everything okay?” Alec asked, at the same time Jace said “What happened?” and Magnus sighed.
“Everything is fine. The fight got a bit out of hand, someone turned someone else into a chicken and everything went downhill from there, but it’s all fine now.” He nuzzled Rafe’s hair and then Max’s then leaned close to give the two of them a kiss, speaking lowly. “You didn’t finish the tree.”
“Of course not, we were waiting for you.” Alec said and Jace nodded.
“And we saved you some hot chocolate and cookies too.”
Magnus chuckled.
“My angels.” He said warmly, and kissed both of them again, before smiling. “Come on then, we have a tree to finish, right boys?”
He spoke louder now, lightly shaking the two kids until they woke up.
“Papa!” Max yelled, waking up first and throwing himself at Magnus’ neck, and his voice woke up Rafe who did the same.
“You are late.” The boy chastised him, pouting, and Magnus ruffled his hair.
“I know, I’m sorry. But I’m here now and I’m happy you waited for me. Let’s decorate a tree?”
“Yeeeeees!” the boys yelled, already running back to the table to get more ornaments. Magnus got up and pulled both his Shadowhunters up too and in a second it was as if no time had passed and they had never stopped, the five of them decorating the tree together, playing and laughing, between cookies and hot chocolate and furtive kisses under mistletoe ornaments.
And it was a perfect night.
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justmoreocs-writing · 2 years ago
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Jace’s heart was in the right place, Aoife knew that. She knew that better than anyone and yet still his words washed over her. It was rich, getting the guilt talk from him when he more often than not held the weight of the world on his shoulders. And yet still, here he was, trying to make sure she listened. That she knew none of what had happened, all the mistakes that had been made, weren’t her burden alone.
‘Enough!’ she said through gritted teeth, feeling the burn of tears at the back of her throat but fighting against it as best she could. ‘I heard enough.’
She saw Jace’s expression shift in the mirror’s reflection. It went from bordering desperate to something almost hopeful. But, as soon as he caught her eye the look turned to disappointment.
‘You don’t believe it, do you?’ he asked, obviously recognising the polite if dismissive look on her face. It was one she thought he’d perfected himself over the years.
‘Jace, just… go bother Alec or something,’ she said, wearily rubbing a hand across her face.
‘No,’ he said, voice soft. She heard him take a step into her room, and in an instant she’d rounded on him. He hovered close to the door still, but the mental barrier between them had been shattered. ‘Aoife -’
‘Don’t,’ she said, not caring that she could hear the pleading note behind her voice, not caring that the simple comment had seemed to rip something free from her. She could still see the carnage of the job, still see the horrors that had been left behind following the destruction of the demon. ‘Just��� don’t.’
Jace held up his hands in a peaceable gesture; it was as if he were trying not to spook a startled animal. ‘Come to dinner?’
She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.
For a moment, she thought Jace wasn’t going to accept the silent dismissal, thought that he was going to linger there too long. But he didn’t. He nodded, somewhat reluctantly, before moving out of her room.
It was only once she knew he was out of earshot that she sank onto her bed, that she tried to fully allow the stresses of the day to wash over her. She’d go to dinner, but not yet. When she was ready, and when she hoped the others would be able to control their looks of pity better than they were at the moment.
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mikqls0n · 2 years ago
I had a smut request from @i-beg-you-pardon-laufeyson but I accidentally deleted it but it said:” hya! I totally love your work! It’s so incredibly written. I dont Know if you would want to do this but if you are taking prompts then could you do a smutty jamie or one of his characters fic or Drabble or whatever with the song “bad habit” most especially the lyrics “I wish I knew you wanted me””
So first thank you for loving my ff🫶 and then, I really wanted to write this but didn’t knew what a prompt is so did some research and hope it’s right 😭 hope u still enjoy:)[NOT EDITED!]
Jace Herondale x fem!reader
There he was. The blond hair, beautiful blue/gold eyes and a voice no girl could ever say no to.
Yet there he also was, dating your sister clary fray as this wasn’t enough, she just had to mention it every minute possible. As if she was something special.
You had liked jace for a long time now- almost a year to be exact. The tension between you two was viable and people would ask you if you were a couple, to which you always replied with a simple “no”, not giving jace a chance to say anything. Although he always would look disappointed with your answer, which you clearly never saw.
Now you were here in your room- in the institute as clary talked your full of how annoying jace was and that he acts like he doesn’t even love her.
“I mean y/n, can you maybe talk to jace? I don’t know what to say, I can’t just go to him and be like “hey jace do you really love me?” Like that’s embarrassing” she said to me.
“Um- clary I really think you should talk to him yourself about things like that-“
“Please! I Just Can’t ok, he’s kind of ignoring me these past days I don’t think he will talk to me now, so please. And I’ve been noticing you’ve got pretty close with him huh”
“Are you jealous?” I asked her as her face expression already told me the answer.
“Wh-what no!” She laughed.
“Okay, whatever. Fine I will talk to jace about it but only because you’re my sister..”
“Thank You!” She hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her too.
You definitely were not going to talk to jace about clary.
“Jace?” I knocked on his door.
There was silence at first until you heard the door open and you were met with jace.
“What do you want?” He asked, his voice almost making you forgot of why you’re even here.
“I- uhm, can we talk?”your voice stuttered.
“Yeah sure, come in” he held the door open for you as you step into his room when jace looked the door.
“So what is it that you wanna talk about?”you both sat on the edge of his bed. Jace leaning his back against the wall while you were sitting in front of him.
“Uhm..” you didn’t know what to say, as you were literally about to confess your feelings to the boy who has a girlfriend- which happens to be your sister too.
“What? Why are you getting so red?” He smirked as you turned your face to the side, brushing it off with a laugh.
“No but seriously, what is it?”
I can’t do this.”um so clary said-“ he cuts your off.
“Can we please, not talk about clary?” He asked.
“What- why? She told me that you’ve been distanced from her and doesn’t know why”he sighed as he liked his lips before sitting up straight.
“You’re so blind y/n…” you both could feel the tension in the room between you two.
“I- I really should go, to clary..” you quickly stood up and as you were about to open the door you were being turned around and pushed against the door as you felt a pair of soft lips against yours.
You didn’t even realised what has happened so quick but also didn’t hesitate to wrap your arms around jace’s neck and pulling him closer to you.
“Jace, we can’t clary-“
“I don’t give a shit about clary, didn’t she tell you we broke up weeks ago? Fuck y/n I’ve always loved you. You just never gave me a chance to show you that..” you didn’t answer as you pulled his lips to yours again.
Jace slowly picked you up from the ground and wrapped your legs around his waist as he walked over to his bed.
Your back falling down onto the mattress as jace climbs on top of you and immediately attached his lips to your neck.
“Jace” you moaned as he sucked on the soft skin while he slowly rocked his hips against yours.
Your hand goes up to his blonde hair as you turned your head, giving him a better view of your neck.
“Please jace, I want you” you whine as you bucked up your hips to his, wanting to feel something of him.
He pulled his lips away from you neck as he stood up and unbuckled his belt and took off his black jeans, followed with his boxers, revealing his already hard cock as he took off his shirt too when he got on the bed again.
“You want me so bad?” He flipped you over so you were sat on top of him as he laid down on his back
“Go on, im all yours” He said as you took off your clothes before sitting on dick,gaining some friction when slight moans came out of jace’s mouth as his hands were placed on your hips moving your hips slightly back and forth making you grab the headboard.
“Is the door looked?” You asked as jace’s movements stopped, the need to be inside you growing.
“Yes, yes it’s locked now please- ah fuckkkk..” you had lined him up to you so you could smoothly slide him into you when You let yourself fall down onto him, causing his whole length to be buried inside you as you let out a gasp at the size oh him being inside you.
“Fuck it..”jace mumbled as his grip got stronger on your waist and he flipped you both over again as he waisted no time and began to pound into you, hitting you g spot over and over again.
“Jace, im- im..”the pleasure beginning to take over you as jace lips found its way to your neck again.
You wrapped your legs around jace waist pulling him deeper inside you with every thrust.
“Fuck y/n, I wish I knew you wanted me earlier , I would’ve done this months ago” you both felt your orgasm getting closer to the edge as the feeling of you clenching around jace’s cock, and the twitch of him inside you made it worse as you both couldn’t hold it anymore and your warm cum mixed together as jace collapse on top of you, still inside you filling you up.
You didn’t know how clary would react if she would find out about this, but you sure know, you will never regret this.
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malec-ao3feed · 11 months ago
Carol of the Bells: A Winter-Themed Drabble Collection
read it on AO3 at by thegirlofthorns Drabbles about various Shadowhunter couples, friends, and families, written just in time for the holidays. Words: 6950, Chapters: 15/16, Language: English Series: Part 5 of Holiday/Seasonal Fics Fandoms: The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Alastair Carstairs, Thomas Lightwood, Tessa Gray, Will Herondale, James Herondale, Sophie Collins, Gideon Lightwood, Clary Fray, Jace Wayland, Ragnor Fell, Catarina Loss, Grace Blackthorn, Christopher Lightwood, Matthew Fairchild, Lucie Herondale, Cordelia Carstairs, Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood Relationships: Alastair Carstairs/Thomas Lightwood, Tessa Gray/Will Herondale, Tessa Gray & James Herondale & Lucie Herondale & Will Herondale, Sophie Collins/Gideon Lightwood, Clary Fray/Jace Wayland, Ragnor Fell/Catarina Loss, Grace Blackthorn/Christopher Lightwood, Matthew Fairchild & James Herondale & Christopher Lightwood & Thomas Lghtwood, Alastair Carstairs & Lucie Herondale, Cordelia Carstairs/James Herondale, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: One Shot Collection, Drabble Collection, Winter, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Presents, Christmas Tree, Christmas Decorations, Oneshot Prompts Challenge, short prompts read it on AO3 at
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sxgitta · 6 years ago
❛ that’s all jace needed, right now. nothing more. ❜
Here. I wrote a super sad Jace drabble for my wife. Spoilers contained: After the ending of 3A. Its um, Really Sad™. So here you go. 
                ( warning: throw up mentions )
&& --  Google Doc Here.
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writinqss · 6 years ago
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[x] [x] requested by me // request here!
wc: 111
Jace takes a long draught of his water, his shirt discarded on the bench next to him and his runes curling across his skin.
Your gaze flicks toward him, giving him a quick up-down, as you stretch out your arms. Your voice holds a loud challenge, “Another round, pretty boy?”
He holds up one finger and shakes his head slightly, dropping the water bottle from his lips and screwing the cap back on. Jace runs a hand through his golden-threaded hair and fixes you with a look. “That nickname is stupid.” He says, adding, “It suits me though.”
You roll your eyes and he grins wickedly.
“Let’s go another round, princess.”
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sleepyangelkami · 4 months ago
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truth holder
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oneshotsandheadcanons · 7 years ago
A Warlock’s Spell - Jace Herondale
Request: Hi can you do a smut imagine where you and your boyfriend Jace (shadowhunters) are on a mission and a warlock puts a spell on jace and it makes him super turned on and he has to control himself allday at the institute but that only makes it worst so he drags to the nearest room and begs you to ride him
Requested by Anon (GIF not mine)
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Me and my boyfriend, Jace, were currently out on a mission, to stop a rogue warlock. It was just me and Jace this time, as Izzy and Clary were training, and Alec was running the Institute.
We were both either side of the door to the warlock’s apartment, ready to strike.
“You ready?” I asked, glancing over at Jace, weapon in hand.
He nodded, before barging through the door, me following behind him.
We caught the warlock red-handed, making potions with ingredients he shouldn’t have been.
As we moved around to catch him, he cast some sort of spell on Jace. I moved quickly, and managed to detain him, and called Magnus to make us a portal to take him back.
“You okay?” I asked Jace, as we waited for the portal.
“What? Oh yeah.” Jace said. “I don’t think it did anything.” But, as he said it, he started shifting slightly.
Before I could question it, the portal appeared, and the two of us stepped through with the warlock.
Once we got back, there was no time to speak to Jace, as Alec took him aside to get the run down of the mission, so I went to find Magnus, who I knew was here today, and as luck would have it, he was heading my way.
“Hey Magnus, can I ask you a question?” I asked, as he got closer to me.
“What’s up, Y/N?”
“Do warlocks spells always work?” I asked.
“Not always, did a spell hit you or Jace?”
“Jace. But he says he feels fine.” I answered. 
“Well, I can take a look at him if you want.” Magnus offered. “But if he feels fine, he should be okay.”
“Oh, then don’t trouble yourself Magnus.” I smiled. “Thanks,”
He gave me a smile, walking off, as Izzy and Clary came over.
“How did the mission go?” Izzy asked.
“Well, we got him.” I smiled. “But Jace got hit with a spell.”
“What, is he okay?” They both look panicked.
“He’s okay, Magnus said he’ll be fine.” I assured them, before walking off to find Jace.
When I found him, he was alone, acting slightly jumpy.
“Jace, are you okay?”
“Hey Y/N, can I talk to you?” Jace asked. “In here?” He gestured to an empty room.
“Uh, sure.” I said, letting him drag me into the room.
As soon as we wee inside, his hands were on me.
“Y/N, I need!”
“Jace, what the hell is going on with you?” I asked, moving back from him.
“I need you.” He repeated. “I need you to ride me.”
I raised an eyebrow at him, as he stepped closer. “I’m sorry, what?”
“I need you to ride me, to fuck me.”
I had to admit, this is something I’ve wanted for a while, so why not?
In answer, I smashed my lips to his.
It didn’t take long to strip both of us of our clothes, and to lie down, me on top of him.
He was already hard, as I lowered myself onto him, and began rolling my hips slowly.
“Fuck Y/N.” He groaned, pulling me down to kiss him.
I started to rock my hips faster, as he gripped onto them to lead me.
It didn’t take long for Jace to cum, groaning my name as he did.
“That what you needed?” I grinned as I moved off him.
So, Kevin Owens said something bad to Shane McMahon while I was writing this, and it angered me, so it went awry, still hope you like it though :)
Tag List;
@irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @laochbaineann
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industria-adastra · 4 years ago
Lack of love nourishes poison in my lungs
A/N: More or less a rewrite of a old one shot that’s just chilling in my personal blog (Here if you want to read it). Once again, I don’t really know what I’m doing. However, hanahaki au brainrot.
Summary:  Sebastian thinks about Clarissa at times. And as he does, he coughs out petals.
When Jonathan, no, Sebastian (His name is Sebastian now, something that he chose for himself, something that is now his and only his) opens his eyes again, he feels that same itching in his throat, the tickling in his lungs that he could never explain before when he was merely Father’s little monster, still training to be the best weapon he could possibly be. He could not explain it even now, when he’s nearing adulthood. How strange that even dying once could not rid him of that irritating itch and ache within.
Sebastian wonders if Jace can feel it too now that he is bound to him through Lilith’s rune.
It was a slow day when he asked about it. “Jace.”
“Yeah?” Comes the reply.
“Do you ever feel an itch in your chest at times? Or perhaps experience coughing fits in the middle of doing something?”
“Nope, I don’t think I do...How come you’re asking?”
Interesting. Perhaps the bond did not allow them to share unique physical afflictions that ailed one party. Perhaps Lilith’s rune was weak in certain areas. He’d have to look more into demonic runes later.
“Sebastian?” Ah, right, Jace’s question. He hadn’t given an answer back yet.
“No reason.” There was no need to ponder upon the questions of the past for now. Sebastian needed to focus on the future now; his future, now bright and clear after Lilith (Clary, really, in her foolish fit of grief-stricken impulsiveness.) gifted him a second chance.
If he got the chance, he'd have to thank her for that.
On another boring and slow day he asks Jace about the fate of their (his) father since he clearly failed his goal in the War he waged with the Clave and the downworlders. After all, there was obviously no ongoing eradication of either fae, vampires, warlocks or werewolves and such currently happening. Was Father dead? Or was he stripped of his marks, forced to live as a mundane? It would be an amusingly cruel yet fitting punishment for his purity obsessed Father if that happened.
Jace tells him that Clarissa-his sister, who was nothing like him (or so he thought)-had changed the runes for Valentine’s name to her own, causing the angel Raziel to strike him down (With lighting brought down with righteous fury, a part of him jokes morbidly), for he was no longer considered the one who summoned him, killing him on the spot. Clarissa had then asked the angel to bring back Jace from the dead-Sebastian didn’t listen after that, since he already knew that anyway. (Why else would he be alive and walking again?)
But Sebastian found himself thinking of that single action Clarissa had taken. At sporadic periods of time during the days that passed by, he wonders and ponders and contemplates questions and what-ifs. He finds that he chokes up a near-concerning amount of petals during those times.
Little Clarissa, all sparks and spitfire but with no true bite had done that to Valentine? Indirectly murdered her own family in cold blood? Like light parting through mist, Sebastian’s world is illuminated once more. Clarissa, dear little sister, had killed their Father, and judging from the glances and the little that he had seen of her-was completely unaffected by it. This fact brought unexplainable hope in his twisted, blackened heart. Part of Sebastian shivers with excitement at the thought of her joining them, him.
Would she love him like she loved Jace? With a scorching intensity and undying loyalty that would tie them together forever, never to leave each other? If he cut her open, how much of him would he be able to see?
Perhaps, just maybe. Maybe.
Perhaps his sister was like him after all. Enough that he’d be able to take those strings that connected the two of them together and bind her to him-forever.
(Perhaps, he was not so truly alone.)
Sebastian coughs lightly, and a purple-blue petal comes out. His chest itches again, and his throat feels dusty and dry. How curiously annoying.
Nevertheless, he starts to wonder if Clarissa would ever join them.
He coughs up delicate pink petals at times. Whenever Sebastian saw a flash of red, an artist on the streets, the mesmerising crackle of flames or looks up at the stars. He’d cough up those annoying pink petals that scratched his throat and hindered his ability to properly speak at times. Sebastian ignores it, because it is something that he has lived with for the past seventeen years of his life. Albeit, it was without the flower petals. But he has lived with this irritating condition for so, so long, that he shoves the worry and confusion to the back of his mind and goes back to planning and preparing. (Sebastian pushes away memories of father sometimes coughing up what he later learned were daylily petals.)
Sebastian had no time for such thoughts and feelings. Time waits for no one. Heaven, and Hell, waited for no one. One couldn’t raise Hell without power. And he needed more of it-fast, before anyone could strike him down through Jace.
(His “brother” was a useful tool, but Sebastian couldn’t simply rely on one tool. He needed more.)
But he wonders.
He wonders if his sister would prefer to have some other clothes rather than wearing the ones Father had prepared in the hope his- her Mother would come around and joyfully leap back into his arms like she had never betrayed him, never left him for dead, never ran away from him. (How delusional of him. And yet, he prepares to do the same.)
Knowing Clary (and himself), she probably would.
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suchalovelydisaster · 4 years ago
Priorities: An Alec Lightwood Drabble
Word Count: 100
Read it on Ao3
A short fic showing what Alec values the most. 
CW: Swearing
Fuck it. That seemed to be Alec’s mentality when it came down to his family. Fuck the Clave. Fuck the rules. He could not care less about how other shadowhunters viewed him. What mattered to him was that he set an example for other shadowhunters to live their truth. What mattered to him was that he raised his children to know that they are and will always be accepted for who they are. What mattered to him was that he would be able to take care of Magnus, Rafael, and Max and show them all the love in the world.
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lcstpaths · 4 years ago
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jace herondale   ,   canon divergent
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