justanoasisimagines · 2 months ago
Training with them
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Hey lovelies back with another headcanon! My requests are open and my request guidelines are pinned to the top of the page!
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❀Jace takes his training seriously. He's going to work hard to become the best fighter possible. He also expects the same level of dedication from you.
❀Jace doesn't go easy on you. He's going to push you harder because he knows you're capable of more. He's demanding and it's fast-paced.
❀If you're struggling to do something, he'll make you repeat it until you've done it perfectly.
❀Encouraging you to try new things. he'll coax you through new movements in techniques. You need to be as prepared as you possibly could be for any eventuality.
❀Sparing sessions are a regular thing. He wants to see what you're doing wrong, what you do well, and how can you improve. He needs to know you're safe out there.
❀Jace makes sure you take breaks and hydrate regularly. You need to be looking after your body properly when you training.
❀Sometimes, toward the end of your training session, will Jace get a little playful with you. He'll have an incentive to get you to want to win. It could be a kiss or a promise he'll take you out on a date etc.
❀Jace feels a sense of pride when you accomplish something. He knows he's tough on you, but it's because he cares. He wants the best for you. He wants to know you have the skill set to be able to defend yourself.
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zodiyack · 1 year ago
Little Loner
Pairing(s): Jace Wayland x fem!reader
Warnings: clary being jealous but then cupid??, I wrote this while sleep deprived, fluff at the end, Clary x Simon if you squint.
Words: 1,743
Author's Note: I finally finished the requests. Now have some drafts while I work on sequels and stuff <3
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Masterlist | The Mortal Instruments Masterlist
Taglist: @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @fandom-puff, @darling-i-read it,  @simonsbluee,  @thewarriorprincessxo,  @sebastianstanslefteyebrow,  @livlaughquinn,  @bubsonnobx,  @bunnyweasley23
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Jace leads Clary to Hodge, but hesitates when he sees an open door. He finds himself pausing to admire the scene, leaning on the door frame with a crooked smile. Clary moves to get a better view and is confused.
A girl sits in a windowsill, her pencil hitting the paper lightly as she sketches out the scenery outside the window. The light appears to angle just right, giving her an almost angelic presence. Black runes cover her skin, some disappearing to hide under her clothes.
Clary leans over to Alec and whispers. "Who is that?"
Alec simply nods a little. "Y/N. Jace has a thing for her, but he's never acted on it." Clary feels her heart break a little. "Shame, really. She likes him too, but they're both too stubborn to be the one to confess."
"My advice," Alec looks between her and the room, "stay away from Jace."
He moves on before she can ask much else, walking along the halls and calling to Jace quietly. Jace is brought back to reality as he gives one last look into the room before venturing on.
"So, Y/N..." Clary tries.
She doesn't miss when Jace blushes slightly, "another Shadowhunter. She's been here a long time, however she really only talks to me."
"Why's that?"
He chuckles a little but shakes his head. "That's none of my business to tell. She's a great person when you get to know her though." That's all the information he gives before they reach their destination. He opens the door and gestures inside with a nod.
His expression stays neutral, stoic as he explains, "You may find Hodge a little eccentric, but he's one of the greatest Shadowhunters that's ever lived." He looks down at the cloth in her hand and his brows furrow. "Here, give me that."
She walks inside of the giant room, her body and eyes exploring. The two boys walk in after her. They watch her carefully. Despite her distance, Clary can still hear Jace and Alec by the door.
"Don't lead this one on while you pursue your little loner. You'll get her hopes up, and if she decides to stay...the rune to fix a broken heart is the most painful one." She could practically feel Jace roll his eyes.
"I'm not leading her on."
"Oh? Is that so? Because I don't normally go around flirting and being handsy with random people, Jace." Alec warned. "It's obvious, the way Clary looks at you. I'd tone down your 'lack of leading her on' before she gets the wrong idea."
The doors shut suddenly, causing Clary to flinch, and Alec storms off down the hall, leaving Jace to think over his words. The more he thought about it, the more he tried to deny it.
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Jace opens the door, "The Silent Brothers are ready for her."
When Clary and Jace set off for their next location, she noticed a new companion had replaced Alec. It was the girl from before. The girl that Jace liked.
"I didn't expect you to be joining us..." She tries to make conversation, but Y/N barely acknowledges her.
"I admire your attempt, but she won't talk. Not unless she's comfortable with you." Jace smiles at the girl in question, who smiles to herself but stays quiet.
"How long would that take?"
"Patience is a virtue, Clary." Jokes Jace. "I suppose I was the first person who ever really tried, so there's not much to go off of. She's coming with us because I asked her too."
The redheaded girl can't help but glance between the two every now and then. She isn't sure whether she feels jealous or wants them to be together, but she can say one thing for sure; The tension was nauseatingly strong.
"Why didn't Hodge come with us?"
"He hasn't left the institute in years." Jace shrugs as he continues walking. "Some say it's a spell."
"He's agoraphobic." Y/N giggles at Clary's bluntness, leading to the ginger giving her a small smile. One she returned. They stop and turn, Jace crossing his arms while he waits.
"Is that him?" Clary asks.
Jace follows her gaze and shakes his head. "No, that's Harold, the groundskeeper." He tilts his head, leaning in a bit, "that's him."
She looks up a little and feels a small shiver of unease crawl up her spine. A comforting hand is felt on her shoulder, and she's met with Y/N's smile when she turns her head. The action leaves her wondering how obvious her discomfort was, but she still is thankful.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Clary looks to the two as though asking for help, but nods regardless. "We will help you to remember."
The trio follow the tall robed man, Clary a little more hesitant. Y/N turns, kind smile still standing, and lifts a finger to the middle of her lips. Clary nods and follows behind.
Along the way she trips, "Ow!"
Jace turns his head instantly, shushing her. "You'll wake the dead."
Clary rolls her eyes. She catches Y/N giving her an apologetic shrug, the girl nodding with her head to continue.
"I can't believe this place is just outside of the city..."
She follows the duo to the window like ledge they looked through. Jace's voice catches her off guard, "Welcome to the City of Bones." His breath is right next to her ear, sending her hairs to stand on their ends.
"This is where the Silent Brothers draw their power, from the bones and ashes of Shadowhunters."
"All of them are buried here?"
"Yes." Jace looks to the wall, "One day," he taps a skull, making Y/N giggle, the sound eliciting a smile to slide upon his pink lips, "that's gonna be me."
Clary stops to look at the skeleton. Sensing her unease, Y/N urges her forward with a light touch. Clary stops a few steps forward, inspecting the room from entryway.
"This is as far as we go." She looks at Jace, and he assures her, "You'll be fine."
"So you've done this before?"
Y/N and Jace exchange a glance. She dawns an apologetic look as shakes her head and Jace replies, "No."
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Clary decides to continue to try and talk to Y/N, "Have you ever met Magnus Bane?"
The girl only shakes her head.
"You know... I'm quite jealous of you." Clary admits with a laugh. Y/N tilts her head in confusion, prompting Clary to continue. "I thought Jace was into me, and if I'm being honest, I'm really into him but... I'd be stupid to stand in your guys' way."
Her brows furrow, even more confused than before. Clary's hopes range from high to doubtful, there's a chance Alec was wrong, that she didn't have feelings for him, but she saw the way the two looked at each other. She might've been naïve and clouded in her conflicting feelings, but she wasn't blind.
"Jace likes you too. And honestly...you should go for it." She looks away, ashamed of her own assistance in helping the guy she liked be with someone else. However, she doesn't have time to mope, when a voice she hasn't heard before causes her to snap her eyes back to Y/N's face.
"Is it that obvious?" A shy expression, laced with a little embarrassment, greets her.
"I talk, yes." She chuckles. "Jace wasn't lying. I mostly talk to him, but after I realized my feelings for him, I started to confide in Alec. My only problem was that I didn't realize Alec also had feelings for Jace... But, Alec saw how much I love Jace, and told me that he had found interest in someone else. Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but, my feelings for Jace have always been around since then. I'm just...not too sure what to do about it."
Clary nods understandingly, and places her hand atop Y/N's. "Talk to him."
Y/N thinks about it for moment, and then nods. "Thank you."
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"Hey. Can we talk?" Jace turns, nodding when he realizes it's Y/N. The blond looks around the infirmary, making sure Simon and Clary are accounted for one more time before he returns to facing her. He follows her to the study, sitting beside her on the piano seat.
"What's wrong?"
Her fingers press into the keys, a slow recollection of a piece by Bach. "It's nothing... I spoke to Clary-'
"You talked to Clary?" Y/N giggles at his dumbfounded expression. "M'sorry, that just caught me a little off-guard, you don't normally talk to anyone else."
"That's fair. Basically, she gave me some advice to a problem I have, not that I asked her for it- she actually noticed it- anyways, after Simon and the vampires and everything- I guess- my point is, Jace..."
"Yes?" His eyes were laced with concern, no longer amused by her sudden socializing.
"I like you. Like, really really like like you." She bit her lip. "Like...I'm in love with you."
Y/N stared at Jace, waiting for his answer. She grew nervous as time started to feel slower. The seconds felt like they were snail's paced, so close yet so far away. Sweat dripped down her forehead and her heartbeat rang in her ears. It was all so overwhelming until-
"I'm in love with you too."
"You what?"
Jace smiled shyly. "I'm in love with you too. I've been for a long time now." His eyes trace over her lips, the distance between them closing gradually. He hovers above her lips when his eyes meet hers again.
It's all in slow motion and superspeed at the same time. She lets go of control and lets her instincts take the reigns. Her lips crash into his and he lets out a surprised groan. Their eyes both close as they kiss one another, their lips partaking in a dance they somehow know. By the time they pull apart, they're out of breath and their eyes are blown.
"How long?"
She blinks. "Pardon?"
"How long have you been waiting to do that?"
"If I'm being honest, a month or so after we met. What about you?" Y/N giggles.
"Since we first met."
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Clary leans against the door, heart half broken and half full, yet content with herself. Maybe she should look into what Simon's benefits are.
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mikqls0n · 1 year ago
Meddle about || Jamie bower x reader
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Summary: the song meddle about
Warnings: smut, not edited, first time doing smth like this so..
Extra: ty @angelst4re for telling me this idea😍
Come get it now,come get it now.Baby show me what you’re doing,come and turn around
You were sitting on top of jamie in only your shirt,while Jamie laid beneath you,his hands resting on your hips as he watched you bouncing on his cock,you both loving the feeling of it sliding in and out of you.
‘Cause it’s not just a figure of speech,you got me down on my knees,it’s getting harder to breath
You were spread across the bed, loud moans were the only thing that came out of your mouth as you tugged on Jamie’s hair,whose face was between you things,pushing his tongue in and out of you. Jamie slowly brought up his hand and teasing your clit with his index finger before pushing it past his tongue,making you left out an gasp as your grip on his hair tightened.
We only met each other just the other day,but you already got me feeling some type of way/If I could figure it out I’d take you back to my house so we could meddle about
Jamie pushed his front door open, his lips not leaving choirs a second as he closed his door and pushed you against it.you unbuttoned his shirt as quickly as possible as his lips found its way to your neck, sucking on it that lead you moaning out his name.when you were both only left in your underwear, Jamie picked you up by wrapping your legs around his waist and walked upstairs to his bedroom,your lips leaving kisses on his collarbone.
Girl Just scream it out,tell me what you’re thinking,oh I wanna see you undress now
Your panties were pushed to the side as jamie roughly pushed inside you,making you scream.Jamie smirked at you as he pulled out and thrusted into you again all the way in.
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t-marveland · 2 months ago
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 | alec lightwood
Alec Lightwood x Reader
Warnings : aucun
Mots : 48
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❝━ Je crois qu'elle t'aime vraiment bien. Dit Isabelle à son frère.❞
Alec leva les yeux aux ciels et reporta son attention sur sa sœur.
❝━ Je crois plutôt qu'elle me déteste.
━ C'est sa façon de flirter. Ajouta Isabelle dans l'espoir de convaincre Alec.❞
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angelst4re · 1 year ago
hey lovely could you do an jace nsfw alphabet? i dont think ive seen one for him. i love your writing your the best! ❤️
of course!!! i remember seeing one a while ago, i'm not sure where it's gone!! but of course i had to do it anyway cos i love these!! :)
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Jace (Wayland? Herondale? Morgenstern? Lightwood??) NSFW Alphabet!
warnings: NSFW!! it's in the name!!
notes: sorry for not posting much lately, i've been too busy learning how to edit because I'VE MADE A JAMIE TIKTOK!!! i haven't posted anything yet but if you want to follow me this is my account :) anyways...
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He usually doesn’t care for it, but you’re the exception. He would make sure he takes care of you in every way he can, especially if he has been rough with you. He’d clean you up before he brings you a glass of water and the two of you would either just cuddle on his bed or he would run a bath for you. In the beginning of your relationship, he wasn’t sure what aftercare was really about, or how it worked, but he knew he wanted to make sure you were okay after sex, and he knew he didn’t want you to leave as soon as you had both finished. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favourite body part of his own is definitely his hands. I mean come on, they’re beautiful. Although they’d carry many scars from fights and other marks, he loved the way they looked on your body, especially as his hands are rather big. Of course he’d love to see his hands caressing your hips, pulling you closer to him, and around your neck, but he also just loved the way it looked when you would hold hands, and when he could compare your hand sizes and he would make fun of how small yours looked in comparison to his. 
His favourite body part of yours… he would say your face and argue about how that it is technically a part of your body. He loves placing kisses on your cheeks, your forehead, your nose and especially your lips. He loves the colour of your eyes and how they seem to darken when he knows you’re needy. But if he had to choose an actual body part he would say your neck as he loves to leave bruises there with his mouth and he very much enjoys the sounds you make when he finds that one particular spot. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He loves to cum inside you, you could go as far as saying he perhaps has a breeding kink? But he’s never really thought that far ahead. He just loves the thought of you being full up with him in as many ways as possible, knowing that even when he’s not fucking you, part of him is still inside you. This also applies to when you give him blowjobs, most of the time he makes sure you’ve swallowed every last drop, unless he’s feeling a bit more adventurous, which then he’d cum on your face. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I don’t know if it’s really a dirty secret but he liked you for a while before the two of you began dating, and he once accidentally walked into you in the shower. It took everything in him to hold back and walk away, he wanted to wait for you to get out, tell you how he felt and fuck you so hard youd forget your name. But he held back another week, but he didn’t leave your room without a pair of your underwear. After that night, he spent the rest of the week hooking up with random girls and imagining they were you as he fucked them, but no matter how hard he tried, he knew they just weren’t you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
OH HE IS EXPERIENCED AND YOU KNOW IT!!! He knows exactly what to do in the bedroom, and he knows exactly what you like and what brings you to the edge quicker than you could say his name. Whenever you want to try something new in the bedroom, it’s likely that he’s already familiar with it. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He doesn’t like to admit it as it makes him seem “too vanilla” but he loves missionary with you. He loves watching your face as he fucks you and your eyes roll back. He loves being able to run his hands over your body and lift your hips up to his. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It can go both ways, for example if he’s had a bad day he’d rather be more serious in the moment, but if you two had just come home from a party and you were both drunk, there would be a lot more giggling involved. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He likes to keep it clean and tidy down there, shaving every couple of weeks as he prefers how it looks. Although, if he weren't to shave the hair he grows is quite light and so isn’t very noticeable when it begins to grow out. 
And when it comes to you, he believes it’s your body and your choice. Hair is natural, and nothing to be ashamed of! 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Oh Jace is such a romantic when it comes to you. He’ll hold you close as he fucks you and whisper things in your ear, telling you how beautiful you are and how he’s never loved someone as much as he loves you. But this can also change when you want him to be rough, he can be very dominant, shoving your face into the pillows, calling you degrading names that makes you even wetter than he imagined possible. But deep down, he’s a romantic. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He’d masturbate almost every night before you and him got together. Now, he doesn’t really have a need to. But sometimes when you’re away or when he’s in the shower and thinking about you, he’ll get off to the thought of you. Sometimes when he’s finished he’d feel guilty for doing this, but in the moment he’s too horny to even think straight. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Should I make a list? I’ll make a list. 
Orgasm control
Hair pulling
Choking and breath play
Daddy kink 
Thigh riding 
I could go on and on about this but I’ll stop here. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His bedroom, your bedroom and the bathroom. He likes to know you’re comfortable and there’s not a risk of being caught. He doesn’t like the thought of anyone seeing you the way he sees you, he doesn't want anyone hearing the noises you make as they’re all for him! He even made you rush back to his room from the greenhouse when you made him hard from sitting on his lap. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The way you look at him when you’re needy. He would have to hold back from taking you over the kitchen table if you were to give him that look during breakfast. But also when you would surprise him with new lingerie. When you walk from your room to his in your robe with nothing but a lingerie set on underneath… prepare to not be able to walk in the morning. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
The thought of having a threesome isn’t something he likes. As I’ve mentioned, whilst dating Jace you are his and only his. He doesn’t like the thought of another man touching your body, and equally you don’t like the thought of Jace fucking anyone else. So that’s something that’s off the table, at least for the moment. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
HE LOVES TO GIVE ORAL. Jace is the king of giving head. He knows exactly what to do and just how you like it. He could spend the rest of his life between your thighs, quite happily. Even if neither of you have the time or the energy for sex, he will still go down on you like a starving man. He loves to give <3
He also loves receiving, as any guy would. He loves when you drop to your knees in front of him and take him down your throat. However, he will always prefer to give. What a gentleman. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It all depends on the mood and the moment. If you had a heated argument and you ended up pushed against the wall with his tongue down your throat then you’d expect it to be rough and fast. But if you’d just come home from a date then he’d carry you to the bed, take his time with you and show you how much you really mean to him. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If either of you need to do it, then you need to do it! However, it doesn’t happen very often as he’d rather take his time. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
If you’re comfortable with it! He doesn’t want to put you in a situation where you don’t feel safe or comfortable
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Oh he could last all night and all day if you asked him to. He’s trained all his life so he has stamina, and he definitely shows it off in the bedroom. You’d be a drooling wreck beneath him before he’s even begun to sweat. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own any, but he surprised you with a vibrator for your birthday one year and he loves to use it on you, or to watch you use it on yourself. He would happily experiment with more if you were to ask him. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves to tease. He’d place his hand on your thigh at the most inconvenient times and begin to move it upwards. You’d swat him away but it would only encourage him to tease you more. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not very loud, but he’ll definitely moan your name and let out low groans as his hips roll against yours. He tries to keep quiet so the others don't hear him but if you're both home alone then... ;)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Jace lost his virginity in the greenhouse with a girl he only dated for a few days. He had been very cocky and told her he’d fucked loads of girls before and then when it finally came to the act he wasn’t too sure what to do and when she left he was feeling quite embarrassed, but thankfully she ended up moving away so he never had to see her again. He didn’t have sex for 6 months after that, and he even read a few books on how to improve in the bedroom, as he never wanted to feel that same shame again (and he never did!)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s definitely hiding at least 7 inches down there, his cock would be the biggest you’ve taken and it’s very satisfying ;)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He’s horny all the damn time. You could literally just breathe and he’d be turned on. He’s always had access to sex whenever he wanted it, being as stunningly attractive as he is, and girls would throw themselves at him so he’s never really had to suppress the feelings before and control himself until he met you. You can even tell when he has to hold himself back from crashing his lips into yours and taking you on the bathroom sink. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He could fall asleep quite quickly after he finishes, but he makes sure you’re looked after first. When he’s certain that you’re happy and comfortable, he can fall asleep with you in his arms <3
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ivypapercutsxo · 3 months ago
Welcome to Ivy Cove Alexander Lightwood!
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( britt, she/her, 30, est ) woah! was that ALEXANDER LIGHTWOOD walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from SHADOWHUNTERS. they’re 31 and live in RADIANT HILLS but watch out because they can be ANGRY + INSECURE but are actually COURAGEOUS +INTELLIGENT. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of LEATHER CLADDED BACK, SHARP BLUE EYES, A BOYISH CHARM, BLISTERS FROM ALWAYS USING HIS BOW, BLACK RUNES LITTERING HIS BODY, AND MESSY BLACK CURLS when imagining them. /alberto rosende, he/him
Alexander Lightwood is the eldest brother and son of the Lightwood family. Having a two brothers and a sister. Jace Herondale, Isabelle Lightwood, and Max Lightwood.
He is a father, Max Lightwood-Bane and Rafael Lightwood-Bane are his two adopted sons.
Alec is working as a detective in the city, because it's as close to Shadowhunting he can get.
Alec is married to Magnus Bane.
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ivycovehq · 9 months ago
welcome to ivy cove, ali! we can’t wait to meet jace herondale and jason grace! please make sure you read through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours!  
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( ali, she/her, 27, est ) woah! was that JACE HERONDALE walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from SHADOWHUNTERS. they’re 27 and live in SHOREGRAZE RIDGE but watch out because they can be CONCEITED  + IMPULSIVE but are actually LOVING + TALENTED. despite them NOT HAVING memories, you’ll always think of feeling lonely in a crowded room, early morning runs, golden hour, acting out to keep other’s away when imagining them. / Luke Eisner, he/him
( ali, she/her, 27, est ) woah! was that JASON GRACE walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from PJO/HOO. they’re 19 and live in CORDOVA GROVE but watch out because they can be SELF-CRITICAL + STUBBORN but are actually LOYAL + PERFECTIONIST. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of sleeping best during a storm, running with wolves, making things more difficult for yourself for a higher sense of accomplishment when you succeed when imagining them. / Lucas Tønnesen , he/him
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kaylawritesfics · 2 years ago
Jace in COB, where instead of Clary being able to take the cup out of the card it’s actually the reader, and when Valentine tries to hurt her or threaten her to get her to give him the cup Jace just gets super protective,
Reader and Jace are already in a relationship; Valentine needs Jace to do something for him, Jace refuses. Valentine responds by threatening to hurt the reader if Jace doesn’t do what Valentine wants him to, and Jace loses it, grabbing every weapon he can find trying to get his ‘father’ away from the reader while Valentine is just taunting him.
I know they’re kind of strange asks, I’m sorry. Your writing is wonderful!
Jace Wayland Being Protective
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summary: what it’s like when jace wayland is protective over you
pairing: jace wayland x reader
warnings: mentions of canon typical violence
note: jace wayland the loml this isn’t going to do well because i’m pretty sure the mortal instruments fandom is dead but i hope you love this !!
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Jace is already extremely protective over you on a normal day.
He knows that you can take care of yourself for the most part, but protecting people is quite literally his job.
When Valentine is around, Jace’s protectiveness goes up like six notches. He’s always by your side, making sure you stay a safe distance away from any conflict that may be arising.
When Valentine grabs you, threatening your life if Clary didn’t hand over the cup, Jace loses his mind. He has to be physically restrained from attacking Valentine.
Jace isn’t one to show emotion very often, instead choosing to bottle his feelings. However, when your life is on the line, he can’t help but get visibly frustrated and angry.
Jace grabs any weapon he can, shouting threats at Valentine and practically begging him to let you go.
When you’re finally a safe enough distance away from Valentine, Jace loses it. He almost kills Valentine before he escapes.
Jace is incredibly protective of you. He’ll kill anyone who ever threatens your life.
No matter how strong and capable you may be, Jace always pushes you behind him when you’re around any visible danger. He would never forgive himself if he let you get hurt.
While he may not always express it, Jace loves you so much and would quite literally die before he let anything bad happen to you.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years ago
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Jace Wayland x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2254 words
Warnings: Just some feisty fluff, for my Scorpio ass. 
Summary: Jace starts a fight with his ex, when he finds out she went out on her own and got hurt. It clearly doesn't occur to him that he doesn't get to tell you what to do anymore
It wasn’t even that obvious.
The encounter you’d had with that demon had left you with little more than a light limp on your right side. The kind of thing that no one would even notice if you did a good enough job keeping it hidden.
It wasn’t a big deal.
…or, it wouldn’t have been, if Jace was capable of minding his own business.
Unfortunately for you, your ex had never really been one for keeping his thoughts to himself and this wasn’t about to be the exception to that rule.
Not a chance.
“What’s that?” he called, barely catching sight of you as you passed the training room.
For anyone else, it would have been a normal occurrence, and something they wouldn't bother to question but Jace wasn’t just anyone.
He knew something was up.
“What’s what?” you repeated, not even bothering to stop walking as you called out to him, hardly taking notice of the way he jogged up beside you, an easy task given your already inhibited state.
Hiding the limp wasn’t too hard as long as you focused on the way you walked, but if you went too fast, it would definitely be obvious.
“Did you hurt yourself?” Jace asked, choosing to ignore all pleasantries in favor of getting right to the point, not that you were surprised.
He’d never really been one for small talk.
At first, you didn’t say anything, mostly out of spite but partially out of shock.
When the two of you were a couple, you had to almost get yourself killed just to get his attention, but now, he was going to pick up on something like that out of nowhere?
“No? Why?” you tried, eventually deciding that playing dumb was going to be your best option.
It was a lie, and not a very good one, but you didn’t care.
You had places to be and things to do that didn’t involve explaining yourself to him.
Even if you did hurt yourself somehow, he didn’t need to worry about it. You weren’t his problem anymore, and you certainly didn’t have to answer to the likes of Jace Wayland.
Honestly, the hope was that if you played it off well enough, he would just go back to beating on his mannequins and leave you alone. Though, you should have known better than to think it would work.
Jace would never let you off that easily, and before you could leave completely, he took hold of your wrist, just tight enough to keep you in place.
“It just looks like you’re favoring your right leg” he explained, eyeing you incredulously as if the truth would just unfold in front of him if he did it long enough.
Now, there was a time when you would have done anything to have him as focused on you as he was in this moment, but it had long passed.
It didn’t feel the same under these circumstances, and it never would again.
“Well I’m not. You must be slipping, Shadowhunter” you shrugged, going to move away from him again, trying to shake off the hold he had on you, but just when you thought you’d convinced him, Jace found a way to call your bluff again.
Before you even knew what was happening, he’d kicked your foot out from under you, just hard enough to test his theory.
…and sure enough, it did what he thought it would.
It knocked you on your ass.
“Slipping, huh?” Jace smirked, standing over you now, proud of himself for just how good he managed to be.
After all, who else would have been able to figure out something like that other than him?
“That doesn’t prove anything” you countered, choosing to ignore the hand he offered you which you quickly regretted. You knew that he was watching your every move now, to catch you in the act, and if you weren’t careful, he would.
Getting knocked on your ass didn’t hurt much more than your pride, but trying to get up on a busted up ankle was a different story entirely.
As soon as you tried to put weight on the strained limb, your body screamed out for you to stop but you knew better than to give into the feeling.
Not right now.
“You sure? I’ve never seen that move work on you before” Jace kept going, thinking back to all those times you two had spared in the past. You had never, ever, fallen for that in all the years he’d known you.
For him, that was as good as concrete proof.
You didn’t say anything at that, considering how much easier it would have been to concede to his irritating charade, but at this point, you weren’t even sure that would get him to stop.
Jace wasn’t just going to let you live this down.
Not in a million years.
“You want some help? Or, do you just like it on the floor?” he poked, taking your silence as his cue to keep at his teasing.
By this point, he already knew that he was right but he wasn’t going to do anything about it until you asked him to. It was the least you could do for trying to keep something like that from him.
…and for getting yourself hurt in the first place.
“I might just wait for someone else to come by, if that’s okay with you?” you spit back, still racking your brain for any solution to your current problem that didn’t involve admitting that Jace was right.
You’d honestly rather die here than do that, after everything you two had been through.
“Yeah, that sounds about right” the blonde decided, giving you one last once over before heading off down the hall, just far enough to give you the impression that he was actually going to leave you stranded.
Though, you both knew he wouldn’t.
You weren’t the only one of the two of you that bluffed when it came to protecting your wounded pride.
As soon as you spoke, he stopped, glancing over his shoulder with that same devilish smirk on his face.
He knew you needed him, but even better than that, was that you knew you needed him too.
“You need something?” he called, taking in the absolutely hilarious sight in front of him as he turned around. You were essentially trapped on the floor, and the frustration as a result of that was practically radiating off of you.
It was priceless, and in all honesty, it was a little bit of payback for all the attitude you’d been throwing his way lately.
“Help” your words were almost inaudible as you tried to keep the rest of the Institute from knowing what was going on but it didn’t matter. Jace already knew exactly what you wanted.
Not that it mattered.
He didn’t move in the slightest, clearly waiting for the one thing you couldn't have done if you wanted to.
You weren’t going to say it, and frankly, even the male in front of you knew that he was pushing his luck.
Unfortunately for you, if he didn’t help you, there was no telling how long you’d be stuck here and that just wasn’t an option.
You didn’t have any other choice, or else you’d have sooner cut out your tongue.
“Please” you added, though the word couldn’t have been more stopped up behind your jaw, tight and irritated.
Again, he could hardly hear you, which was clearly by design, but the point was that you said it, not that he heard it.
You actually said it.
“I’d ask you to repeat it but I won’t because you’re hurt” he decided, finally closing the space between the two of you, just enough.
The truth was, whether you said it or not, there was no way he was going to just leave you, especially not knowing that you had actually hurt yourself somehow.
The two of you might have been acting kind of cold to one another recently but that didn’t mean he wanted you in pain.
“I’m not hurt” you tried, reaching out, clearly expecting Jace to offer you his hand just as he’d done before but he didn’t.
Instead, the male in question chose to kneel down in front of you, his hand searching for the source of your pain until he eventually found it, in the form of a knot on your right ankle.
It wasn’t awful, but it definitely didn’t feel like it felt good either.
“Did you try healing it?” he prompted, choosing to ignore the wince his action drew from your lips, accompanied by a low hiss as you tried your best to stifle whatever it was you were feeling.
It stung like a bitch, no matter how hard you tried to ignore it.
“It isn’t that bad” you kept going, fully buying into the idea that if you just walked it off, it would be fine. Which, before Jace this morning, had been working just fine.
You weren't going to waste a rune on something like this if you didn’t have to. The pain just added character, and reminded you of what it was you were fighting so hard for.
Though, you already knew Jace wouldn't accept that.
You two had always had differing ideas about how to deal with pain, meaning that he never wanted you to deal with it at all and you prefered to feel every ounce of it, to spur you on even more.
“Oh yeah? It looks great” he grumbled, adjusting your pant leg again before making up his mind for the final time.
He was going to have to take care of you, seeing as you insisted on getting hurt and not taking care of yourself.
It wasn’t really as if he had a choice.
Someone had to look after you, and it wasn’t as if there was a line of people willing to put up with your smart mouth and attitude outside the Institute.
“Come on” he suggested, moving until he could reach all the way around you, one hand on your lower back and the other coming to rest under your thighs, all at once.
Naturally, it wasn’t what you were expecting from him and you couldn’t help but sigh, looking at the blonde as if he’d suddenly sprouted a second head.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you asked, not at all trusting whatever it was he thought he was doing right now.
Even if it was innocent, you didn’t have complete confidence in his ability to lift you in your current state. You couldn't help him out at all with the way your ankle was acting up, if he needed you to.
None of it made any sense, until, of course, you took notice of the way he was looking at you.
Jace was doing this on purpose.
“Problem?” he hummed, not adjusting his hold at all as he stood, holding you to his frame as if you were some kind of damsel in distress.
Which you certainly weren’t.
“I’d rather break it” you muttered back, glaring at the male as he grinned at you, clearly finding this entire situation hilarious.
In his mind, this was your fault.
Jace had always told you that going out on your own was bound to go poorly, and in all honesty, you were just lucky you came back in one piece. This was kind of the payback you deserved for being so stubborn.
Maybe you’d finally listen to him now.
“You’ll do a lot more than break it if you aren’t careful next time” he countered, a newly serious tone in his voice as Jace actually thought about what could have gone wrong if you didn’t do as he said.
The two of you didn’t see eye to eye, ever, and sometimes you bickered but he had buried more than his fair share of loved ones in his life, and he didn’t intend to bury you too.
No matter how much you got on his last nerve.
“Is that why you’re being such an ass? I had to, I couldn’t just let it get away” you groaned, not surprised that this whole thing had turned into one big Jace lecture.
He always thought he was right, that his way was the only way, and there was no possible way you could also know what you were doing.
“You could have, and you should have” Jace countered, unwilling to waver on this, even as the two of you entered the epicenter of the Institute.
He was right, and you needed to know he was right.
Not that you were ever going to admit that to him while you were still breathing.
“Bite me” you groaned back, rolling your eyes as you considered his words. You were just as much a Shadowhunter as he was, even if he didn’t want to treat you like it.
Now, you would have thought that the two of you bickering in the middle of the meca that was the Institute should have surprised someone but it didn’t.
If anything, the sight of Jace carrying you around, both of you in a heated discussion about how hard headed and ridiculous the other was being, was kind of a ritual around here.
Injury aside, it was almost nice
At least this way, you two were actually talking to one another. If what you were currently doing could be considered talking, that was.
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justanoasisimagines · 2 months ago
Dear Y/N
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Hey lovelies my requests are currently open. My guidelines are pinned to the top of the page.
Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider
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I know I'm not always great at articulating my feelings. Sometimes I don't know how to engage in difficult conversations. In truth, its because I'm terrified of losing people. But I've realised recently how can I lose anyone if I don't let anyone in.
I want to let you in. I want you to be the one I reveal my secrets to. Even my guilty pleassures. Although you have to promise to never tell another living soul. I want you to be my safe place, the person I can unwind with. I believe you are the person I am destined to spend my life with.
I hope if you want to. You'll consider going on a date with me so we can have the opportunity to try. I can't promise I'll be any good but we don't know if we don't try. I'll even buy you a bunch of flowers.
Sorry, I'm going off topic. Saturday night wear something casual. I don't know what we're doing yet but I will let you know closer to the time.
Yours Faithfully,
Jace x
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fandom-imagination-ss · 2 years ago
day 3 of Halloween imagines
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Imagine: Going to a Halloween Party and Jace catches sight of you in your costume before you go. and Alec teases him about Jace’s face. 
It wasn’t every day you go out to a Mundane Party, But Simon invited you out with Clary and Jace was Protrolling tonight so he couldn’t Go, Alec simply didn’t want to And Isabelle was going out with Jace. 
you’ve never been to A Halloween Party Shadow hunters just don’t celebrate Halloween. when Simon said you had to dress up. Clary gave you ideas. each however was a “monster’ or just a sexy Nurse, doctor, or police officer. Anything “Sexy” seemed laughable to you. you weren’t sexy you were Curvy. But Not “Sexy” so Anything Sexy was a NO. but anything Monster seemed offensive to you. a Witch? a Ghost? a vampire? Clary suggested A Cat. but as you searched thru different costumes they were all other very bulky or Very Skin tight outfits. then you came across a Onesie Bear costume with cute little ears and fluffy warm mitten/paws. you instantly FELL in love with it. and bought it. Clary tried to stir you towards a more ‘mature” costume but the bear Onesie was what you wanted. So Clary didn’t fight too hard.
since hearing you were attending a Halloween Party. Jace has been curious about what you would be. knowing you, you wouldn’t be any down order it would offend someone and you had the heart of gold you actively go out of your way to be considerate and kind. Not a Single-cell In Jace’s body doubted you wouldn’t be a down order. He heard Clary mention to Izzy that she was trying to stir you to be a Sexy Nurse. or a Sexy farmer.  but again Jace Knew you wouldn’t feel comfortable showing that much skin. Even those who were Raised to be a Bad Ass Shadowhunter weren’t like Izzy you didn’t flaunt your Skin and preferred to be more covered up and wear comfy clothes vs Anything Izzy would wear. One time he saw you wearing Leather you were so uncomfortable you had to put a calming ruine onto your skin to calm you down. it was for a mission. Izzy dressed you up like her and you Nearly passed out. Hating leather. 
Jace narrowed down his Ideas of your costume to another A Cat, which was a common costume. Or a pumpkin. the more Jace thought about it. the more he was certain you would come down in a big orange pumpkin outfit.
“Has Y/N mentioned what she’s going on?” Jace looked up from the piano seeing Alec walking into the room and flopping down onto the sofa. 
Izzy was sitting already fixing her nails. “No, Not yet. those Clary. didn’t seem too impressed. but also impressed she said she was shocked. when Y/N picked out her outfit. I knew I should of went with her. I love Y/N but she never takes risks.” 
Jace rolled his eyes hitting the C major key when the door opened again to see Clary. Went as a Statue of liberty while Y/N came in smiling brightly.  
Jace’s face instantly lit up seeing you. your face was painted probably by clary to look like a teddy bear face. as you were jumping happily giving Alec a big bear hug. you were their age. but you weren’t guarded or hardened by your life’s work. you loved kicking ass and were a decent fighter. but you were also just a Ray of Sunlight. All the leaders of each group love it when they get to chat with you. you were just a ray of Goodness. 
When you first arrived two years ago. Jace took one look at you and rolled his eyes thinking you would be an Annoying hunter who probably wasn’t any good. but when you saved him from a pack of demons. and then went on calling him an idiot. he was hooked. 
He always turned to you when he was miserable and needed cheering up or just a simple smile. you would deliver almost instantly so seeing you as a Bear. A Cute bear in a Onesie outfit he couldn’t help the big bright smile as you gave Izzy a big hug. then you went to Jace giving him a big squeeze he hugged you instantly resting his head on top of yours as he grinned. he loved when you hugged him. he could survive on just your hugs. Clary soon mentioned they were running late and you freed Jace telling them to be careful as the two friends dashed off. 
“My God! I haven’t seen you smile that big. in my entire life.’ 
Alec Loved Teasing Jace about his Crush on you. you weren’t the typical girl Jace has fallen for before, he normally went after girls like Clary. brave bold, strong pigheaded girls. who were badass. Alec was for a time worried Jace would fall for Izzy But that fear changed when they grew up and Jace never looked at Izzy that way. Jace had a game. he knew how to make a girl smile, what to say what to do. but when it came to you. he was a complete mess. you had No idea the effect you had on him. Alec Also Loved the fact the sweetest kindest girl in the world the one who would beat the crap out of a down worlder and refuse to Cuss who uses words like “Sugar!” instead of Shit.  caught not only the eye of his brother. but had Absolutely No idea How much of a hold you had on him. Alec could feel the Love Jace had for you whenever Jace thought about oyu. and that was often and when you were in the room just minding your business doing nothing special just talking to someone. he could feel Jace looking at you. “Just Ask Y/N out already! i can’t stand this Sappy Love eye sanymore! it’s making me Sick.” 
izzy chuckled at her brother as she spoke, “I can’t believe she’s wearing a Oneise to her first Halloween Party! I should give Simon a warning Y/N looks too adorable.” 
Jace tensed up hearing that. why would Simon need a warning as Izzy spoke, ‘you know- he asked if she liked him. he’s thinking about asking her out-” 
Jace’s eyes grew large as he bolted out the door and after you. No way in Hell he was losing you to SIMON! 
Izzy grinned seeing Jace’s reaciton as Alec was stunned, “Simon really likes her?”  
“God No! but he doesn’t know that. and now he will finally ask her out!” 
“that is prue evil. I love it.” she chuckled at Alec as they fist pumped. now neither one of them could wait to hear what you said. or what Jace siad. cause Izzy knew you would be asking for advice and telling Izzy everything when you get home.
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mikqls0n · 2 years ago
I’m already high enough || Jamie bower x fem!reader
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Summary: while you and Jamie go through a breakup, you’re having a one night stand with your best friend after smoking together.
Warnings: smut!, cigarette, drinking
Extras: got this idea while listening to “high enough”, use of y/n
You and Jamie were sat on his bed, smoking with an alcohol bottle in his hand.
Today you both had found out that jamie’s (now ex ) girlfriend had cheated on him with your boyfriend and broke up with him, and your (ex) boyfriend with you,so you went over to Jamie’s house to spend a little time with each other which lead you to grabbing a cigarettes and a bottle of alcohol.
You were both drunk but not too drunk so you still could think straight.
Jamie took a sip out of the bottle before passing it over to you as you also took a sip of.
“We shouldn’t be doing this, I have work tomorrow “ you mumbled as you took another sip of the alcohol bottle when you realised Jamie tricked you as the bottle was empty.
“Not funny” you Said when you looked at a laughing Jamie.
“Come on,It was a little funny” you rolled your eyes but couldn’t help your little smile.
After calming down from all the laughing,you both just sat there as your cigarettes were already off, staring at the door in front of you as Jamie broke the silence.
“Y/n?” You turned your head to look at him.
“Yeah?” Jamie hesitated for a second before he grabbed you by your waist and sat you down on his lap, his hands still remaining on your waist.
“What are you doing?” You whisper as Jamie’s eyes switch between your eyes and lips.
“One night won’t ruin our friendship right?” He whispers back as your and jamie’s lip’s brushed against each other.
You didn’t answered, instead you slowly placed your lips on his, connecting them in a sloppy kiss after Jamie kissed you back.
After a while Jamie began to kiss you harder and his hand flew up to you neck, pulling you impossible closer to him as his other hand wrapped around your waist pushing your hips closer against his when you felt his bulge against your clothed pussy, making you moan against his lips which Jamie returned with a smirk without breaking the kiss.
“Please” you moan as Jamie continued to move his hips, creating a friction between you two.
“Please what? Tell me, what do you want,love” Jamie knew what you wanted, he just needed you to confirm it.
“Fuck me…please” You moan goes right into Jamie’s ear as your head fell onto jamie’s shoulders while Jamie rocked your hips with help of his hands.
“Anything you want..” Jamie flipped you over as he took of his shirt while you unclipped your bra which you just tossed on the floor, followed by Jamie’s and yours shirt, leaving you both only in pants.
You and Jamie looked at each other, smirking before pulling him down and smash his lips against yours while your hands went to his belt and undo it.
Everything went so fast when you both were suddenly naked as Jamie put up the covers half way up his body as it was still cold in the room.
Jamie grabbed both your hands and put them above your head.
“These stay here you understand?” He said as you nod as a response.
Jamie spread your legs wider as he he took his cock in his hands and spread his Precum on your entrance , feeling the wetness he had created on you.
He lined himself up with your hole so that he could easily slip inside you any time, as he does so,unexpectedly and hard, a scream followed by his name left your mouth as he was fully inside your. Chest against chest, his lips on your neck again,sucking on the soft skin as he he gave you time to adjust his size.
“Good Girl, taking me so well, you ready?” He whispers into your ear.
“Yes please..” you moaned. Jamie pulled out until only the tip of his cock was inside you before thrusting all the way in again.
“Fuck- Jamie!” You wrapped your legs around his waist as one of his hands were placed on your hip, lifting them a little to go deeper,while the other hand is around your throat as his lips found your soft spot in the soft skin, creating marks on it.
You felt yourself clench around his cock as his thrust begin to get faster and harder, going impossible deeper with each thrust into you.
“Are you close love? yeah me too just hold it a little yeah? God you feel so good..” his hands let go off your body and instead interlocked them with your hands and crashed his lips against yours again, moving them in the same rhythm as his hips.
Jamie had to break the kiss as he felt himself twitch inside you, mixed with the feeling of you clenching around him as he suddenly began spilling his warm cum inside you, mixed with yours as you came a few moments later too.
After a while you opened your eyes,looking directly in his as he had a smirk on his face, which told you this was going to be a long night.
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procrastinatorimagines · 2 years ago
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t-marveland · 1 year ago
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 | jace herondale
Jace Herondale x Reader
Warnings : aucun
Mots : 64
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C'était ta première mission et au moment de partir Jace décida de te taquiner.
❝━ Tu es sûr d'être prête ?
━ Évidemment. Tu me prends pour qui ?
━ Une gentille fille en détresse. Dit-il avec un sourire en coin.❞
Tu tournas rapidement la tête vers lui et lui frappas légèrement le bras en rigolant.
❝━ On verra qui aura besoin d'être sauvé. Rétorquas-tu.❞
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multifandomimagines · 3 years ago
Enmity Challenged - A Jace Herondale Imagine
Characters: Jace Herondale x Reader
Word Count: 2052
Summary: Jace isn’t the Reader’s favourite person to say the least, and when he has to train her, she isn’t happy about it.
Written by: Josie
A/N: Requests are open for all our fandoms so go send us stuff! Read our pinned post for context :)
Disclaimer: GIF isn’t ours - credit to who it belongs to.
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Knock knock.
Knock knock knock knock.
Y/N groaned into her pillow as the rapping on her door at the Institute persisted. She had been dreading this day for a good week now, and honestly she wasn’t sure how she’d put it off for so long with everyone constantly pestering her about it. There was a huge battle last week after a bunch of demons somehow slipped through and terrorised the streets of New York, and whilst the Shadowhunters came out triumphant, Y/N was now down a weapon. Her beloved weapon was damaged beyond repair, and because she’d been using it since she was young, there was no other weapon she was familiar with and therefore didn’t have the qualifications to use another in battle.
Until today of course.
Isabelle had convinced Y/N to let Jace train her with her new weapon so that she can use it in battle. Y/N had begged Izzy to let her or Alec or Clary do it, but they had all been assigned on a mission elsewhere, and weren’t coming home any time soon. Honestly, Y/N wanted anyone but Jace to train her up. Cocky, arrogant, “I’m the Angel’s gift to you mortals” Jace. Y/N thought that if most people had the choice, they wouldn’t pick someone with that sort of description. Not the most desirable profile, right? Surely any sane person would swipe left.
After a week of dodging Jace as much as she possibly could (which mostly failed, by the way, the Institute was only so big), she had finally agreed to schedule a session in for this morning. Every time Jace managed to catch her before she darted in the opposite direction, he’d make some quip: “Come on, Y/N,” He’d say with a smirk and a wiggle of his eyebrows. “Putting this off more will only make the tension between us stronger when we actually train.”
Y/N would snort, holding back a sea of insults for the sake of everyone else’s ears, settling for a simple, “You wish.”
Jace would saunter toward her then, arrogance practically oozing off him. “Oh I know. The longer you avoid me, the more you’ll feel drawn to me. I’m like a freaking magnet to you.”
Naturally, Y/N was desperate to prove him wrong, but her lack of weapon training was getting silly now; she urgently needed something to fight with. So, reluctantly, she agreed.
The knocking on her bedroom door never quietened - no, instead a voice joined it.
“Y/NNNN,” Jace dragged out her name, the cocky playfulness evident in his tone. “It’s time for our date.”
Y/N scowled at the door and hopped off the bed - she was already dressed and ready to go, she just decided that her bed was much more appealing than actually getting up to face the day.
Swinging the door open, she became face to face with the person she’d been avoiding all week. “It’s not a date,” she grumbled, pushing past him. The quicker she got to the training room and got this done, the quicker she could get away from him.
“Mmm, it kind of is,” said Jace, hot on her heels. “Two people, going to an arranged meeting together, just them… sounds like a date to me.”
“Listen, Jace,” Y/N said suddenly, whirling around to face him, causing the blonde to stumble over his feet at her sudden halt, quickly recovering. Damn his fast reflexes. “I’m not into you. Not like that. Like, at all. You got it?”
“I didn’t say it was a romantic date,” He said, still managing to fight for the upper hand in this little feud between them. “Could be a friend date. But, sounds like you have other ideas-“
Huffing, Y/N rolled her eyes and carried on walking down the corridor and to the training room. She had stopped by the weapons room along the way to pick up the new weapon she had selected but not yet used. It was a beautiful longsword, the silver hilt decorated with an array of swirling runes to aid her fight.
Finally, the two arrived in the training room, Jace wielding his seraph blade, and Y/N awkwardly holding her new sword, attempting to make it seem natural to her. Her old weapon had been a little different to this one - the change in weight and size had her thrown into a slightly unfamiliar territory.
Jace watched as the sword wobbled in her grip as she held it in front of her, her controlled face faltering as she tried to hide her unsureness. The corners of his mouth twitched into an amused smile at her determination to not ask for help. “You okay there?”
As if remembering he was there, her head lifted quickly to look at him. “I’m fine, Jace.” She responded coldly.
Jace couldn’t explain why, but her tone was beginning to get to him. His chest tightened at her icy voice, but he ignored it, keeping up his animated persona. “You know we won’t get very far if you can’t even hold the sword properly-“
“Jace, please.” Y/N cut him off, dropping the sword to her side and her other hand pressing against her forehead in agitation. “By the Angel, I’m not going to be able to do this with you if all you do is sass me. Can you not just take me seriously for once?”
The blonde would be lying if he said he wasn’t taken aback by her outburst. Was that how she really felt about him? He thought their little ‘frenemy’ thing was mutual: he’d sass her, she’d roll her eyes and shove him, he’d laugh. He didn’t think he ever bothered her, not really.
“Okay,” Jace held up his hands in half-serious surrender, and looked at her sincerely. “Okay fine, no sass. But are you going to let me help you?”
Y/N held his gaze for what felt like a very long time to Jace; it was like she was reading his thoughts, trying to tell if he was being serious or not. He began to shuffle his feet nervously, an awkward gesture very unlike Jace’s usual composed demeanour, and almost broke the eye contact until Y/N sighed and looked at the floor in defeat. “Okay.”
Jace began to step toward her, then paused. “May I?” He asked, gesturing to her hand holding the hilt of the longsword. Y/N simply nodded.
Laying his seraph blade on the ground, Jace moved to stand behind her. His hand slid down next to her arm gently, ever so slightly brushing the skin as it moved, leaving goosebumps in its wake. It reached its destination over Y/N’s smaller hand on the hilt. “It’ll be much easier,” He spoke, his mouth much closer to her ear than she thought it was, making the hair on the back of her neck stand up. “If you hold it like this.”
His other hand came around her body to help adjust her grip, and her breath hitched involuntarily. She mentally cursed herself for it - she won’t admit it, but she’d thought about Jace before, in ways more than a friend would, let alone a rival. Every time she caught her mind wandering, she’d shake her head at herself, frowning at the fact she’d allowed herself to think about Jace that way, Jace of all people.
The atmosphere in the room had thickened significantly as Y/N nodded at Jace’s instruction, words caught in her throat. The thoughts she’d suppressed of the boy behind her came swimming to the surface: thoughts of touching him, kissing him. She couldn’t shake them away quite so easily with his chest pressing against her back, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to.
“So when you want to strike,” Jace continued, his voice low. “You move it in this sort of motion,” He demonstrated, his hand still gripping onto Y/N’s, the two of them moving the longsword together. “Rather than this. It’s more effective.”
Y/N hummed as she practiced the swift movement, Jace no longer guiding her but keeping his hand securely over hers. She was very aware of the closeness of Jace’s lips to her temple, aware of the heaviness of his breathing.
“I’m surprised you haven’t pushed me away yet,” Jace murmured, speaking his thoughts aloud before his mind had even given the green light to say it.
“Well,” Y/N replied. “Maybe I don’t dislike you as much as I let on.”
“Really?” Despite the evident smirk in his voice, the surprise in his tone seeped through. He was quick to conceal it again though. "Enough to let me win… in a duel?"
He dramatically sped around to face her, grabbing his seraph blade on the way and pointing it at her. The sharp tip of it rested just under her chin. "I challenge you, Y/L/N."
The moment was over as quickly as it began, but the thickness of the atmosphere remained. Jace would never admit it, but he had definitely panicked. Y/N's honesty was just so… out of character. It flustered him. She smirked, regainining her composure. "You're on, Herondale."
As soon as the words left her mouth, their blades collided with a clang and they fought, swords slicing the air and the two of them dodging and diving the other’s blows. Y/N was holding out pretty well considering she had never used this particular weapon before - well, at least she thought she was. Jace had other plans.
After letting her get a little cocky with her abilities, Jace let his own skill kick in, and one expert move of his seraph blade knocked Y/N’s longsword right out of her grip, skidding across the room. Bewildered, Y/N lost focus for a second - big mistake. Anyone fighting with Jace would be a fool to forget that there’s no one quicker than him.
Before she could even comprehend his movements, Y/N found herself slammed against the floor of the training room with a seraph blade to her throat, and blue eyes consuming her vision. “Tut tut, Y/N. You faltered. Looks like I win.” Jace gloated, but his words didn’t hold the same arrogance they spoke. His tone was distant, distracted, as the knowledge that they were supposed to be training slowly faded into oblivion.
“Guess so,” Y/N breathed, but she didn’t quite hear her own voice. Jace’s body over hers was clouding her mind, and those thoughts she had of him came rushing back through her, burning her blood with need.
Slowly, Jace removed the blade from her neck, leaving it clattering a distance away. She expected him to get up, but when he didn’t, she was surprised to find herself pleased. She was surprised to find herself excited when he leaned down, and surprised to feel euphoric as his lips met hers tenderly, almost hesitantly.
As Jace kissed her, she finally allowed herself to give in to all those thoughts she’d pushed down, all those feelings she’d repressed for the Shadowhunter boy on top of her. Jace groaned as Y/N’s hands found themselves in his blonde hair, and little did she know, he felt the same way about her. The daydreams, the imagining, the thinking of Y/N constantly; it was finally overcoming him. And he was glowing - they both were.
When they pulled away, they immediately knew everything would be different. This was Y/N and Jace, the “frenemies”, the two who were supposed to hate each other’s guts and bicker daily across the Institute.
Now they were Y/N and Jace who… kissed each other? Not even just that: they kissed and it meant something. It meant a lot and it was real.
They didn’t know how their dynamic would change from here. All they knew is that it would be different, and everyone would have suspicions. And as they stared at each other - both shock and elation running through their veins - they knew that they’d deal with it, whatever came their way.
Jace began to lean in once more, to get more than just a taste of Y/N, as he ended up being the one drawn to her like a magnet. He just couldn’t help himself. Their lips were inches away from each other when the voice of the Lightwood sister echoed through the training room.
“Oh by the Angel, that’s not how you train!”
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storiesforallfandoms · 3 years ago
i don’t need your help ~ jace herondale;shadowhunters
word count: 2524
request?: yes!
“Alec Lightwood or Jace Herondale (either one works) smut? If you're comfortable with writing for shadowhunters, ofc <3″
description: after a run in with a demon that almost turns bad, a fight between her and one of her fellow shadowhunters turns into something so much more
pairing: jace herondale x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, smut
masterlist (one, two)
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Izzy helped me limp into the Institute, my body feeling run down and exhausted already. She laid me down on a bed and it took me a moment to register that it was my own bed. I was aching all over, but I tried to keep a brave face. At least, I thought I was keeping a brave face. For all I knew I was sobbing like a baby.
“I’ll get my stele,” she told me. “Just...just stay awake, okay?”
I tried to respond but it came out as a pained moan instead. Izzy quickly raced from my room to her own. I could hear her in the distance furiously looking for here stele. I tried to stay awake but my eyes were starting to grow heavy and my head was lulling back against the pillow under me. The thought of drifting off into unconsciousness felt like the best idea I had ever had in that moment.
I heard someone at the door and thought it was Izzy coming back. When I looked up, I saw it was Jace standing in my doorway. His face was pale and he was staring at me in horror. I could only imagine how awful I looked.
“(Y/N),” he breathed. He quickly raced to my side and pulled his stele out. “What the hell happened to you?”
“She had a run in with a demon while she was alone,” Izzy responded, appearing at Jace’s side. “I got there just in time. Can you help me draw healing ruins? She’s going to need a few.”
“I’m way ahead of you.”
The slight burn of Jace’s stele touching my arm caused me to let out a yelp of pain. He looked at me with sympathy as he continued to draw the healing Rune. Izzy moved to my other side and started drawing a Rune there too. It hurt as they were drawing them, but I felt a numbness wash over my body as the Rune started to take effect.
Jace started to stroke my hair after drawing another ruin on me. He looked down at me, his face full of concern. “Rest while the ruins do their work, (Y/N).”
Getting Jace’s permission to finally rest felt like a blessing, and within seconds I was passed out.
I wasn’t sure how long I was out. When I woke up again, my head still felt heavy and my vision was spinning a little. I tried to lift my head to look around, but it felt like someone had poured nails into my head and shaken it. I groaned and laid back down again, raising my hand to put it on my forehead. I realized then that the pain had completely left my body, except for the headache I had, and I felt good as new again.
“How long have I been out?” I asked, turning my head to see who had stayed with me while I was unconscious. I knew either Jace or Izzy had. They weren’t going to leave me when I was in such rough condition.
Through the slight darkness of my room, I could make out the figure sitting down as Jace. I was slightly shocked to see that Jace was the one who had stayed. Despite his caring and concerned nature when Izzy had first brought me home, the two of us weren’t exactly close. We didn’t hate each other or anything, but we were constantly fighting and he irritated the hell out of me. I didn’t think his kindness would extend to staying with me while I was unconscious.
“A few hours,” he responded. “It’s 2am now, you got back around 8 or 9pm I think.”
I groaned. “I definitely feel like I’ve been out for five or six hours.”
“What were you thinking?” Jace questioned, rising from his seat. “Facing a demon alone? You were lucky that Izzy had known where you were or else you definitely wouldn’t have been feeling as good as you do now.”
“Thanks for that, Captain Obvious,” I muttered. “For your information, I didn’t go out with the intentions of facing a demon alone. I was just out and I got cornered by a demon that knew I was a Shadowhunter. I wasn’t expecting it and it got the jump on me.”
“You shouldn’t have gone out on your own at all. You know the dangers of being caught are high, especially when you can be spotted at any time by a demon.”
I braced myself as I sat up, the pounding feeling in my head intensifying for just a moment, before slowly numbing again.
“I can’t stay cooped up here forever, Jace,” I retorted. “I’m more than capable of taking care of myself.”
“Obviously you’re not or else you wouldn’t have been on death’s doorstep when you got back here.”
“I was not on death’s doorstep. Izzy found me in time, but even if she hadn’t I would’ve been fine.”
“You didn’t look fine.”
I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Listen Jace, I appreciate this...concern you have for me, but I’m fine. I don’t need this lecture, I don’t need anyone’s help, especially not yours. You’ve made it very clear that you don’t actually like me all that much, so you don’t need to continue this caring act, or the lecture. I’m fine and I can take care of myself.”
The tension hung in the air. I expected Jace to walk away and to finally leave me alone. You can imagine my shock when he approached me suddenly, putting one hand behind my head and pulling me in for a kiss.
I was shocked. I didn’t know how to respond to it. I thought for a second that Jace had gone insane, that maybe some Downworlder had scrambled his brain or something. There was no way in Hell that Jace Herondale would willingly kiss me. I was just a torn in his side, and he was one in mine.
But something just felt right about the kiss. His rough hands were gentle as one cupped the back of my neck while the other was wrapped around my waist. He pulled me forward to the edge of the bed, nudging my legs open so he could stand between them. My hands were gripping the t-shirt he was wearing, taking in every last bit of him that I could.
I felt myself laying back on my bed against, Jace’s hand still under my head. He moved with me, hovering over me as our lips moved perfectly in sync with one another. His other hand slipped under my shirt, softly trailing up my side until he reached my bra. We broke away from the kiss just long enough for Jace to pull my shirt over my head and unhook my bra in one swift motion.
He looked down at me, his beautiful different colored eyes soft but full of lust. He gently ran his fingers over my cheek before pressing his lips against mine once more, then moving to start kissing cheek, my jaw, my neck. His lips hovered a moment over the fresh Runes that he and Izzy had drawn on my skin. When he pressed a kiss against them, it almost felt like he was soothing the slight burn that was still there. He continued to gently brush his lips over the white scars left behind from other Runes that had been drawn on my skin for years.
My head fell back against the pillow underneath me as Jace’s lips continued to kiss down my chest and stomach, stopping just above the hem of my jeans. He looked up at me, waiting for permission. When I nodded, he made quick work of pulling my jeans and panties off at one time. He pressed another light kiss just above m aching core before diving in with his tongue.
I gasped at the pleasurable feeling. Of course, being a Shadowhunter doesn’t mean you never have sex. Quite the opposite, really. All four of us in the Institution were no strangers to sex. But this...this was a feeling of pleasure beyond what I had ever experienced before. I blamed the fact that I had only ever had sex with Mundane men before now.
I ran a hand through Jace’s hair and grabbed hold of it. The action caused him to moan against me, the vibrations running through my body.
He lifted his head for air, replacing his tongue with his fingers as he lightly played with my clit.
“I can’t describe how long I’ve been waiting for this,” he said, placing gentle kisses against my stomach again.
“You have a weird way of sh - oh  - owing it,” I said, trying to tease him through the pleasure he was giving me.
He smiled in response and moved his hand away. I whimpered from the lack of contact, an action I wasn’t too proud of afterwards but in the moment I could care less.
Jace kissed my lips again, the taste of my arousal on his lips and tongue. It turned me on even more and I just wanted to have him inside of me.
I pushed him down onto the bed and climbed onto his lap, straddling him. He looked impressed by my action. I ran my hands down his still clothed chest, reaching the bottom of his shirt.
“I hardly think it’s far that you’re still dressed while I’m completely naked,” I said.
“Well, we can fix that,” he responded.
I made quick work of taking his clothes off, discarding them somewhere on the floor with my own. When I pulled his boxers down, I audibly gasped at his length. He chuckled at my reaction. “Surprised?”
“Surprised that my fantasies were true,” I responded.
Jace raised an eyebrow at me. “You’ve fantasized about me?”
I took him in my hand and started to slowly stroke him. A breathy gasp escaped from his mouth as he fell completely helpless to my touch.
“It’s hard not to sometimes,” I admitted. “When you’re walking around here in your tight clothes, or with no shirt on. You’re so confident and cocky, it’s hard not to imagine what you’d be like in bed.”
“You finally have the real me here,” he said. “Why not make those fantasies a reality?”
He didn’t have to asked twice.
I spit onto the head of his dick, using my hand to spread it all over him before lining him up with my entrance. The moment his tip slipped inside of me, we both moaned in pleasure and relief. So much built up tension between us, sexual and otherwise, finally being released.
I slowly sat myself down on him, taking in every inch. His hands found their way to my hips, his fingers digging in so harshly that I was sure I’d have bruises there. Once I had adjusted to his size, he started rocking my hips against him, the friction starting to build between us.
I placed my hands on his chest, trying to steady myself as I took over rocking my hips. He looked into my eyes, his mouth partially open as moans and whimpers escaped from his lips. Even with these small movements he was hitting a spot inside of me that I had never felt before. I was almost sure I’d orgasm within seconds.
Jace sat up then, wrapping one arm around my waist while planting the other one on the bed behind him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, holding on tightly as he began to thrust up into me. The motions were rougher and faster, hitting that spot inside of me with a force I hadn’t felt before. I buried my head in Jace’s shoulder, trying to muffle my moans as I remembered there were two other people living in the Institution.
“Does that feel good?” he asked.
“Fuck Jace,” I moaned. “That feels so fucking good. I might...I might...”
“What are you gonna do, princess?”
Fuck! And a pet name, too? I was putty in his hands.
I couldn’t even finish my sentence. My climax built up quick and hit me before I was even ready for it. I moaned Jace’s name against his shoulder as I felt myself clenching around him, a warm sensation running through my body.
“Fuck,” he breathed, his thrusts becoming sloppier. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum in me,” I whispered. “Please, Jace.”
He threw his head back and groaned as I felt him finish inside of me. I gasped at the feeling, which was almost enough to make me orgasm again.
Jace fell backwards onto the bed, taking me with him. I giggled as I settled against his chest, still wrapped around his softening member. I could stay like that for hours if Jace wanted to.
“Maybe I should get attacked by demons more often,” I mumbled to myself.
Jace tensed under me. “I would much rather if you didn’t.”
I moved my head to look up at him, raising an eyebrow. “Relax, I was only joking. I meant what I said earlier, Jace, I can handle demons on my own.”
He relaxed again, starting to trace his fingers up and down my back. “I know you can. I shouldn’t have overreacted earlier. I’m sorry.”
Normally I’d make some quip about him apologizing, but some things were starting to add up in my head. “You were always hounding me and shit because you were worried for me.”
It wasn’t a question, but Jace responded anyways. “Yeah. I...I just never wanted you to get hurt.”
“Jace, I’m a Shadowhunter just like you. I’ve faced numerous Downworlders before, both by myself and with you guys. I can take care of myself, you don’t have to worry about me.”
“I’m well aware of that. I’ve always been impressed with your fighting skills. It’s just...I care for you in a way that I’ve never cared for someone before. I always worry when you’re out with Izzy or Alec or anyone who isn’t me because I’m afraid of the day that...maybe you don’t come back. When I saw you earlier today...I was so terrified that I was actually going to lose you.”
I propped myself up a bit to take Jace’s face in my hands. “I appreciate how much you care, but you have to have faith in me, Jace. This is the first time I’ve seriously been injured while fighting a Downworlder, and I promise you it’ll be the last time too.”
Jace nodded. I smiled a little and leaned down to kiss him again. I finally decided to untangle myself from him, although I felt empty without him inside of me. I laid down next to him, feeling sleepy from our earlier activities.
My eyes were starting to close when Jace said, “Hey (Y/N).”
“Maybe we should close the door next time we decide to have sex.”
My eyes popped open to see that my bedroom door was wide open. I hadn’t noticed that earlier, what with being...“preoccupied” and all. I groaned and buried my face in Jace’s chest as he laughed.
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