kourtniwritesagain · 1 year ago
I know I don't have a lot of followers at the moment, but all the 'welcome backs' have been so sweet. I've missed y'all.
Also, send me some drabble prompts (yes I'm demanding, I'm in the mood to write and need to practice)!
List of what I'll write for:
1. PJO
2. Marvel
3. The Raven Cycle
4. Harry Potter
5. Star Trek (mainly the AOS)
6. Batman (comics and Young Justice)
7. TMNT (2012 show, 2007 movie, 90s movies)
8. The Mortal Instruments (all books)
I'll add more as I think, but I'm pretty sure that's it for now.
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porcelana-r0ta · 5 months ago
The Curse of Sight, Part 6
[Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7]
[Ao3 Link] (locked for Ao3 members only)
Summary: When Wes Weston meets Tim Drake-Wayne, the dots start connecting. And those dots form a bat. 
The screen focuses on a woman with her hair pulled back in a braid. The wall behind her is just a blank gray. She smiles into the camera, half-nervous and half-calm. She says, “We are five minutes into active lockdown at WE. Everyone is taking bets on which villain is holding the CEO captive.” 
Off-screen, someone says, “We’re going to be fired for this.” 
“No way, Mr. Wayne will probably think it’s funny.” The woman looks into the camera, “Anyway, my name is Rebecca, and I think that Poison Ivy is holding Bruce Wayne ransom until he personally solves the climate crisis.” 
The camera switches to a black woman, “My name is Kourtnie and I think Mr. Wayne is being held captive by The Joker.” She waves a scolding finger at the camera. “He never got over the electric car thing.” 
The next person is an older man who clears his throat before speaking, “Ahem, I’m Johnny. I think Mr. Wayne is being held by Two-Face, and he’s just angry that our boss skipped out on poker night, or something.” He turns to someone off-camera and asks quietly, “Will I get fired for that? Or will Two-Face shoot me for saying that?” 
Someone answers, “Just hope it’s a quick death. And if you’re fired, you get unemployment.” 
Johnny looks into the camera with a deadpan expression, “Party.” 
The camera is switched from employee to employee, each placing their predictions and theories. Finally, the camera is handed to Wes, who just sighs. 
“I’m Wes, the intern. I think Mr. Wayne is being held captive by no -name villains with guns, and that he’s just getting the typical American public school experience.” 
A few moments of silence. Then, off-screen, Johnny quips, “Good to hear I won’t be the only one called into HR tomorrow.” 
When the TikTok is somehow approved and is posted, it is captioned, “It was Kite Man #onlyingotham.” 
Wes is relieved when he finishes his fitting, and is secretly excited with the idea of seeing animals. He knows that Damian Wayne is a little tetchy, but he’s pretty sure that Dick Grayson will be all too happy to let him pet his dog, Haley. 
It’s basically free zoo time, like going to a pet store just to look at the animals. And he’s getting paid for it! 
When they get to Wayne Manor, Wes blinks at the grandeur of it all, especially the imperial staircase in the interior entrance of the Manor and the crystal chandelier hanging from the high ceiling. 
Ugh. Eat the rich. 
“Do you guys want any snacks or drinks?” Tim asks as they walk in, the butler (introduced as Alfred Pennyworth, but everyone knows he’s basically the Wayne Grandpa) closing the door behind them. 
“I think we’re good,” Wes says. 
“Yeah,” Rebecca agrees. “We should mic up everyone who’s gonna be talking. Thanks for asking, though.” 
“I’ll have cookies and refreshments ready after you come back from the barn nonetheless,” Mr. Pennyworth says. “It is hot outside, after all.” 
Before Wes or Rebecca can say anything, Tim says, “You’re gonna want to try Alfred’s cookies. They’re legendary.” 
“You flatter me, Master Tim.”
“Well, we gotta have legendary cookies,” Rebecca laughs. 
Tim leads them into a sitting room where Dick and Damian are petting each other’s pets—Dick petting Titus and Damian petting the three-legged Haley, and Alfred the Cat overseeing her common citizens from the top of the sofa, her tail flicking imperiously behind her. 
“Guys,” Tim says, clearing his throat. He motions to Wes and Rebecca, “This is Wes Weston, my friend. And PR intern. Oh, and, uh, this is Rebecca Grey, social media support specialist.”
“Thanks for remembering me, boss!” Rebecca chimes, then silently mouths, “support specialist” to herself, as if she’s never heard herself referred to as such. 
Tim rolls his eyes, an action that Wes copies, and finishes the introductions, “And these are my brothers, Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne.”
“It’s great to meet you!” Dick says, jumping up from his crouch. He shakes hands with Rebecca, winking—always a performer, not just as a Flying Grayson, but also as a Wayne adoptee and the first Boy Wonder, surely. Rebecca nevertheless giggles. 
Then it’s Wes’s turn for a handshake, and Wes wants to think he’s imagining things. He really, really does. But, Ancients curse him (as Danny and his group would say), he’s too observant to be making things up. So that means that Dick Grayson’s smile really does widen upon making eye contact, and his eyes really do narrow in what Wes hopes is interest and not suspicion. 
When can Wes retire peacefully in the Maldives? Fifteen going on sixteen isn’t too young to consider early retirement, right? 
Dick’s handshake is blessedly done with normal strength on his end, and Wes is just a puny basketball player from Amity Park, disregarding the minor ectoplasmic contamination that most Amity teens have. It’s not enough for superpowers like it is for Danny or his older sister (and that last bit is just a suspicion on Wes’s part, given that she lives above the damn ghost portal and all). The Fentons had officially proclaimed any contamination below 20% a “non-issue,” which isn’t as reassuring as they think it is, but it’s enough to keep the GIW off the average Amity Parker’s back, so there’s that at least. 
At the intrusive thought of the Guys In White, his hands break out into a sweat, and he’s glad that he’s not shaking the first Robin’s hand anymore. That would be humiliating. 
“Okay, so we should go ahead and mic you guys up,” Rebecca says. “Mr. Drake, do you want to be in this? We have enough mics.” 
“Oh, yes, sure,” Tim says, and before he can say much else, Dick cheerfully says, “Great! I’m so excited to be in a TikTok with my little brothers. Hey, Wes, why don’t you mic up Tim? I’ll take Rebecca—” he throws her another wink, and Wes already knows from her dress specifications that she’s not straight, but she still flushes and giggles—”and then help her mic up Baby Dami, yeah?”
“Call me that again, Grayson, and Haley will have a new owner.”
Tim is also slightly flushed, so maybe it’s just hot in here as he responds, “Yes, yes, excellent idea!” 
Dick just laughs while Rebecca pulls out the mic packs from one of the smaller AV bags meant for travel. She hands one of the packs to him, and then winks at him. 
“Why did you—” But she’s already walking away to Dick, giving him a high-five before asking where he’d like the mic. 
What the hell was that? What just happened? 
Perplexed, Wes turns to Tim, but the other won’t look at him. 
“Uh, Tim? You good?”
He coughs, “Ye-yeah! Yeah! I’m great. Fantastic. So. Miking up?”
“Uh, yeah. Where do you want….” Wes waves the mic in the air. 
“Oh, just on my collar is fine. It’s not like I have to hide it, right?”
“Right.” Wes steps closer so they’re face to face, gently clipping the mic to the white collar beneath his work suit. He’s so close that he can feel the heat of Tim’s face, and when he’s done clipping the mic on, he smooths the clothes down with his palms. 
Then, he makes the mistake of looking at Tim’s eyes. 
Blue. Very blue and vibrant, like the sky while up in the airplane on his way. Not like the sky here in Gotham, sick with desperation, or in Amity, where it was more green most days now. No, Tim was alive, in a way that was foreign to both this city and Amity Park. And those blue eyes are focused squarely on him. 
Wes’s heart stops. Then it starts running. 
Tim bites his lower lip, and the movement jolts Wes into looking down. He’s never looked at another guy’s lips before, but Tim’s are pink and soft. He probably uses some kind of fancy rich people chapstick. 
Wes wonders what it tastes like. 
“Umm… Wes?”
“Yeah? Oh! Sorry, Tim.” Wes suddenly feels the heat that Rebecca and Tim must have been feeling this whole time, every part of his body burning in embarrassment. He takes a step back, clearing his throat, “Sorry, sorry… I got lost in thought.” 
“No, it’s okay! ….I did, too.” 
Wes can’t look up at him, fidgeting with the transmitter that now has to go onto Tim’s waistband. 
“Um, can you turn around? I need to, uh, hook this up to your belt….” This was humiliating. 
“Yeah, yes! Of course.” Tim turns around, and Wes makes quick work of slipping under the suit jacket and clipping the transmitter to his pants, refusing to accidentally draw out any unnecessary contact. He’s grateful that the Waynes are absurdly wealthy because at least there’s no wire to worry about threading beneath any shirts….
“You’re done now,” Wes says, and in unison, they both jump away, leaving five feet of space between them. 
“Unbelievable,” Damian Wayne mutters, glaring at them, and Wes looks up from his embarrassment to see that Dick and Damian are already both miked up, and Dick and Rebecca are looking a little too happy with the situation. Rebecca is even already wearing the headphones that will catch the audio. 
“Shut up, Demon,” Tim says, but it lacks any bite. Damian rolls his eyes. 
“Let’s do a mic check,” Rebecca says. “Mr. Drake, we’ll start with you. Say anything.” 
“Anything,” he deadpans. 
“Good. Mr. Grayson?”
“Just Dick, please!”
“Got it. Mr. Wayne?”
“Sound check.” 
“We’re on a roll, it looks like! Here, Wes, you take the headset to keep monitoring the sound, I’ll actually handle the camera.” 
Wes dutifully takes the headset from her and puts it on, adjusting the connected mic so it wasn’t so close to his mouth. 
“Alright!” Rebecca grins, delighted, and says, “Let’s get down to business!”
They wrap up filming at the barn where Wes can’t look away from the cow’s face. 
She has a goddamn Bat symbol painted across her forehead. She is named Bat-Cow. Sure, Tim told him about her, but seeing it?
How do these people have secret identities?
Wes thinks about that time Brucie Wayne went viral for not knowing how much frozen garlic bread cost, or that time Dickie Grayson did an acrobat routine from a chandelier at a Wayne Gala when he was a child, and he understands.
Right. Some of them pretend to be idiots.
Wes is just the idiot who can see through it, for whatever accursed reason. 
“Are cookies still on the table?” Rebecca asks, breaking through Wes’s internal thoughts. 
“Yes, always!” 
“Awesome! Let’s head back inside and remove the mic packs, then snack.” 
“A woman after my own heart!” Dick pretends to swoon, and she laughs. Tim makes eye contact with Wes and rolls his eyes pointedly. Wes has to smother a chortle. 
Damian gives one last head scratch to Bat-Cow before they start moving back up to the Manor, Tim falling in line with Wes farther back from the others. 
“Hey,” he says.
“Hey,” Wes says back. 
“I was wondering….”
“Yeah, do you wanna just stay the night and ride in to work with me tomorrow? Would your mom be cool with it?” 
His mom would be more than cool with him staying at a friend’s house. Because that’s what Tim was, right? Just a friend. And his mom used to be so worried about his social development. 
“Yeah,” he says. “She knows who to hunt down if I end up in Gotham Harbor. I’ll text her.” 
Tim smiles and elbows his ribs, “Scaryyy.”
“Yeah, well. Moms.” Moms who were Amity Park natives transplanted to Gotham City? A different breed of terrifying, probably. Even if his mom moved to Gotham before the portal opened, there was always something unsettling about Amity Park, Illinois.
“True,” Tim notes. 
As casually as he can, he says, “I’ll need to borrow clothes.”
“Right, obviously. You… can borrow mine, if that’s cool.”
“Super cool. Obviously.” Wes takes his turn to softly elbow Tim, even though he knows that he could put all his strength into it and it would be nothing more than a light brush against Tim’s Red Robin vigilante muscles. 
Tim’s smile is soft and kind and his eyes are blue and alive. 
Wes’s heart pounds. His skin prickles. He feels hotter, hotter than he did a few seconds ago, but surely it’s just because he’s under Gotham City’s June sun.
Still… he kind of likes the heat. 
Taglist: @theamazingfox @quietlyscared @lumosfeather18581   @blankliferain @amercurio @gin2212 @starscreamlover @hoarder-of-gender @the-ghost-trader @iariinay @ectoplasm024 @theblackcatscratchpost @chaos-n-kindness @overtherose @roseinbloom02 @jaguarthecat @i23432i
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Ao3 is updated first BUT I upload onto Tumblr 10-30 minutes after uploading on Ao3, so don’t worry about missing out on early content or anything. Everything is updated within the hour :)
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years ago
AUNTIE-CHELLA VERZUZ BATTLE: Patti LaBelle & Gladys Knight Serve Up Soul & Sequin, Demand Brandy & Monica To ‘Work It Out’ + Dionne Warwick Pulls Up
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What a time to be alive to witness two TRUE legends celebrate one another and their music. Patti LaBelle and Gladys Knight gave us the soulful VERZUZ Battle (aka AUNTIE-CHELLA) we needed. And they made sure to send a message to singers Celine Dion, Brandy and Monica. Get it all inside…
  Describe tonight's #Verzuz pic.twitter.com/kxMrNbuX3y
— Verzuz (@verzuzonline) September 14, 2020
  A VERZUZ Battle with two living legends: Patti LaBelle & Gladys Knight.
We knew when Patti walked out with the vintage Louis Vuitton luggage set and shoes (letting folks know who the ORIGINAL diva is up in this piece) we already knew how this night was about to go. Two lifetimes of incredible hits, vocals and performances brought us to this moment, and we could hardly stand all of the Black Excellence oozing through our screens.
Folks had endless jokes about the iconic singers using technology to participate in the Verzuz Battle (dubbed AUNTIE-CHELLA), but co-founders Swizz Beatz (who also celebrated his birthday yesterday) and Timbaland made sure the legends didn’t have to worry about a thing when they pulled up to The Fillmore in Philly. All they had to do was put a on show for the masses that streamed live on Instagram and Apple Music last night. It was the perfect post-church event. Oh, and Ciroc was on deck as well.
It was more of a lovefest than a battle between the ladies as they went hit-for-hit. Both singers made a splash on the music scene in the 60s and have tons of hits to choose from, which was probably the hardest part of the whole battle – choosing which songs to perform.  When Patti can slay follks with ABC's from "Sesame Street", you already know it's a legendary AF battle.
It was all love between the Empress and the Godmother of Soul. They openly shared their love for one another and even sang each other’s songs during the set.
Check it:
Babies take notes!!!
Gladys Knight sounded absolutely effortless singing “Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me”
Timeless vocals & looks from both she & Patti LaBelle. #Verzuz #verzuzbattle pic.twitter.com/s3zZCpnMeH
— WellTheTruthIs (@truth_well) September 14, 2020
Miss Gladys and Miss Patti gave us that warm and loving group hug from the aunties that we all needed tonight and I am grateful! Watching them, hearing them and seeing Miss Dionne join them was a historical blessing for all of us who witnessed it. pic.twitter.com/MpYz8qnLv5
— Sy Smith (@Syberspace) September 14, 2020
When Patti sang “If You Asked Me To,” she made sure to point out the fact that HER version came out before Celine Dion’s recording. No real shade to be honest. Facts are facts.
And when Patti was asked why it was a bigger hit when Celine did it, she said “Because she’s a white girl”
— Naima Cochrane (@naima) September 14, 2020
"Celine recorded this after me. I recorded this first."
-Patti LaBelle-#Verzuz #VerzuzBattle #PattiVsGladys pic.twitter.com/BU3u751aMP
— A High-born Nubian (@UrsineNoir) September 14, 2020
Auntie Patti was having a BLAST:
  When the DJ finally drops your song after requesting it 5 times... #Verzuz pic.twitter.com/wKvO06MOQb
— Alexis Wainwright (@AWainwrightTV) September 14, 2020
  After Gladys sang her hit track “License to Kill”- a track from the James Bond film – she encouraged people to NOT kill anyone.
"I aint giving you license to do none of that mess,” Auntie Gladys said.
Now, y’all know how your auntie always spilling tea and be telling everyone’s business. Well, Auntie Patti & Auntie Gladys were on that vibe last night.
#Verzuz Gladys: Brandy...Monica... y'all go head and work it out.
It: pic.twitter.com/u97fOzh4j3
— Jameer Pond (@jameerpond) September 14, 2020
At one point during the battle, the singing legends encouraged singers Brandy and Monica - who battled last - to squash whatever beef they have going on between them.
“Brandy, Monica? Y’all go ahead and work it out,” Gladys said as Patti agreed.
Of course, that sent Twitter into a frenzy:
Brandy and Monica: I know y’all heard what Auntie Gladys said, but we gone keep it moving. Reflect on that though. pic.twitter.com/AzmHfe98Tu
— L E X X (@LookinLikeLexx) September 14, 2020
I hollered when Gladys told Brandy and Monica to gone head and work it out #Verzuz
— Rea Davis (@IAmReaDavis) September 14, 2020
Not Gladys in full auntie mode telling Brandy and Monica to work it out in front of everybody...omg.
— Kourtni (@KPG_) September 14, 2020
Gladys: Brandy & Monica work it out
Brandy & Monica: pic.twitter.com/i87kz2FUu8
— Sis Shaquille Sunflower Seed (@fe_TISH9) September 14, 2020
The Grammy Award winning singers continued to go through their catalogs, including hits “Midnight Train to Georgia” (plus the remix) and “Lady Marmalade,” before a surprise guest popped up:
The best Sunday night in a while. Thank you @MsGladysKnight and @MsPattiPatti for blessing us with your greatness tonight This is something we all needed.
Thank you @_DionneWarwick for making our night with your surprise appearance!!
@benselkow pic.twitter.com/tGawXvrqUW
— Verzuz (@verzuzonline) September 14, 2020
Legendary singer Dionne Warwick made an appearance to perform two songs, "That’s What Friends Are For” and “Superwoman” to close out the event. Check it:
Dionne Warwick joins Patti LaBelle and Gladys Knight #Verzuz pic.twitter.com/ByBw0pazge
— Stephanie. (@qsteph) September 14, 2020
We were NOT readyyyy!
Over a half of million viewers tuned in to see the musical greatness that transpired last night. In case you missed, you can check it out below:
Also, below are a few clips of Patti and Gladys talking about the battle before it went down and the other battles they tuned in to:
        View this post on Instagram
                  Tonight’s Auntie-chella might take the crown, but what’s been your favorite Verzuz so far? Miss Patti’s got some real thoughts on that. See you tonight at 5PM PT/8PM ET for the master class on @AppleMusic in HD (Link in bio) or here on our @VerzuzTV IG livestream. Drinks by @Ciroc.
A post shared by Verzuz (@verzuztv) on Sep 13, 2020 at 3:52pm PDT
        View this post on Instagram
                  This is beautiful. Tune into tonight to take part in the truest definition of sisterhood: Patti vs. Gladys. Pull up and fix you a plate at Verzuz at 8pm ET on our IG or @applemusic (Link in bio). Tonight our souls will feast on this love
A post shared by Verzuz (@verzuztv) on Sep 13, 2020 at 3:54pm PDT
Yessss.  Gladys Knight performed "Love Overboard" on the hit TV series "A Different World" where Whitley and Jaleesa performed with her. Peep the classic moment above.
        View this post on Instagram
                      A post shared by Cara Estol (@caraestol) on Sep 14, 2020 at 6:57am PDT
  Peep this throwback clip of Patti, Gladys and Dionne talking about love above.
As always, the Internet was undefeated when it came to the VERZUZ memes and we've got them for you below! 
Photos: Jamie Lamor Thompson/Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock.com
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/09/14/iconic-verzuz-battle-patti-labelle-gladys-knight-gives-all-soul-sass-demands-brandy-monic
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month9books · 7 years ago
Book Release: The Missing by Jerico Lenk!
THE MISSING by Jerico Lenk released today! This haunting historical novel is sure to keep you up at night. Follow Will as he discovers secrets on the streets of London in 1890. Check out an excerpt and the blog tour below.
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Amazon | Goodreads
Dark proclivities, excess, and outlandish curiosities prevail in 1890's London. Around the city, a battle rages between the living and the dead. The Black Cross, tasked to keep the peace, are quickly losing ground.
Sixteen-year-old Willow Winchester, lives life as a boy called "Will" in his father's house of distinguished ladies, all but invisible to the wealthy Londoners who frequent. It's an easy ruse since his mother's death left his father's attention to fall upon business matters. But this isn't his only secret.
When Will unwittingly becomes involved in a Black Cross ghost hunt, his uncanny ability to sense supernatural beings comes to light and the Black Cross wants him in their service. Suddenly, Will's free to be himself.
But such freedom will come with a price, as Will fights for the acceptance of the only father he's ever known.
Now, part of a team of misfits and unlikely allies, Will finds he isn't the only one keeping secrets. Someone does not want him to uncover the truth about those who aren’t just missing from the world of the living, but missing from history itself.
Can he find the Missing before he ends up becoming one of them?
Excerpt from The Missing
“Cain,” I said, glancing over.
He peered at me from around the terrible spiked door of a Virgin of Nuremburg propped in the opposite corner, with a dark softness to him that brought to mind paintings of martyred saints or cupids.
I closed the old Cross index carefully, almost not sure I could ask what I’d been wanting to ask for quite a few days now. “At Miss Ophie’s Parlour … ”
Instantly, a shadow eclipsed Cain’s face. But perhaps he’d only withdrawn a bit further behind the spiked door, regarding me through his lashes from across the cramped room as though he weren’t really seeing me.
“You know what sort of scene you made, don’t you?” I asked.
Gravely, he said, “Yes.”  
“Is that how mild possessions always go?”
He blinked rapidly as if surprised, face softening again. “Oh — oh, no. That was a conduit possession. And I’m sorry it frightened you.”
I was immensely relieved to know I didn’t make such a scene when I saw the Missing’s memories. But I was still a bit lost. Chilled and desperately curious.
Cain leaned back against the wall. “As you’ve only recently observed,” he murmured, “I am a conduit clairvoyant. You, Will, merely experience the ghost’s soul like a vision. You remember the soul. A conduit possession is … becoming the soul.”
“But how do ghosts know whom to choose for that?”
He smiled at me through the candlelight, a somewhat spellbinding and sinister sort of thing with his chin inclined and the shadows shifting across his painted face. Swinging the borrowed key on one finger, his eyes moved about the room, searching for the words in the dark.
“Clairvoyance, ‘one who sees clearly,’” he said finally. “There is a veil between us and the dead, our realm and theirs. And for whatever reason, we see through it. Reach through the rips in it, while others merely witness ghosts when they manage to slip through on their own. Does that make sense to you?”
Cain shrugged. “Somehow, it seems … we become clearer for them to see, as well. We do not know why that is. Can all men see clearly at first, but tend to lose the ability? Do they not realise it? Or is there something else about us? The Mesmerists say people like you or I are born with an inexplicable magnetism. Perhaps they’re right and perhaps that’s the answer. Perhaps we’re beacons of light in the darkness of the après-monde to whom ghosts are drawn, intelligent or not, because we possess about us some … connective mesmeric force.”
Mysteries in your blood, Bartlett had said.
Cain laughed lightly. It was at odds with the grim look to his fairy tale face. “To answer your question — they find us at random, in a sense, but because they see us more clearly. So I suppose we’re just lucky, hmm?”
I stared at my feet, winded by the explanation. Finally. That was why the Missing came to me. Why they’d always come to me. But I hadn’t asked for it. It was unsettling. I was constantly surrounded by onlookers, then, even when it didn’t seem so? And even in that way, my peculiar intimacy with the dead was something of which to be proud?
Beacons of light.
Cain stared at me from the Virgin of Nuremburg with a light in his eyes as if he wished to tell me something. As if …
As if we both hid something, and both looked for something. But we couldn’t and wouldn’t tell each other.
He sighed, pushing away from the wall and wandering back out of the room. I held the taper as he locked the door again, examining the plaque hung opposite the evidence room that read ASPHODEL MEADOWS, with an arrow pointing to the tunnel’s next turn.
“Well … that room didn’t have at all what I hoped for,” Cain grumbled. “I think Bartlett misunderstood which key I wanted.”
“Why would a file be locked?” I asked.
“Because it’s dangerous, or as of yet incomplete, or too beyond the grasp of ordinary researchers and can only be viewed or changed by higher officers.” Cain issued a limp shrug and a touchy sigh. “Or they don’t wish the public to know about it, I suppose.”
About the Author
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Undergraduate studying Creative Writing, Classics, Russian and Western European History, probably burning incense and drinking too much coffee at this very moment. He's out for queer representation and great sex hair, and writes Young Adult/New Adult, spec fiction, and poetry.
Chapter by Chapter Blog Tour
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For links and more information, click here. 
September 18, 2017 – Cindy’s Love of Books – Spotlight September 18, 2017 – So Few Books – Interview
September 19, 2017 – Books,Dreams,Life – Spotlight September 19, 2017 – Mythical Books – Guest Post September 20, 2017 – The Avid Reader – Guest Post September 21, 2017 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – Guest Post September 21, 2017 – Hauntedbybooks13 – Review September 21, 2017 – Confessions of a YA Reader – Guest Post September 21, 2017 – Lisa Loves Literature – Guest Post September 22, 2017 – Port Jericho – Review September 22, 2017 – Chapter by Chapter – Interview September 25, 2017 – Becca’s Book Affair – Review September 25, 2017 – Amanda Gernentz Hanson – Guest Post September 25, 2017 – A Book Addict’s Bookshelves – Spotlight September 26, 2017 – BookHounds YA – Guest Post September 26, 2017 – Darque Dreamer Reads – Review September 27, 2017 – Cuzinlogic – Spotlight September 27, 2017 – Book Review Becca – Review September 27, 2017 – Hall Ways – Guest Post September 28, 2017 – Laura’s Interests – Spotlight September 28, 2017 – Lisa’s Loves(Books of Course) – Guest Post September 29, 2017 – WS Momma Readers Nook – Review September 29, 2017 – White Sky Project – Spotlight September 29, 2017 – Kourtni Reads – Guest Post
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kourtniwritesagain · 1 year ago
Listen, I'm bored.
I'm currently writing, like, three fics all at once, but I'm bored. Send me characters, and I'll give some headcanons! Fandoms are listed here!
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porcelana-r0ta · 1 year ago
The Curse of Sight, Part 3
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 4]
Summary: When Wes Weston meets Tim Drake-Wayne, the dots start connecting. And those dots form a Bat.
Ao3 Link (available only to Ao3 members)
When Wes gets home that night, he cuts off the part of Tim’s note with his name. His contact information has already been added to his phone, so he tears that part of the note up and then trashes it. The part containing his signature, Wes dumps into an envelope and scribbles out a note on a different sheet of paper: 
You owe me one. 
Wes seals the envelope, stamps it, and writes Tucker’s address in the center, and uses one of his mom’s fancy returning address stickers so he doesn’t have to write anymore. Then he rushes out the townhouse and drops it off at the USPS outgoing mailbox, and rushes back inside before the powers that be decide Wes should be mugged again.
Tucker may be one of the Gaslighting Trio, but he was still nice enough to help Wes in their computers class. 
Wes: Hi, it’s Wes! You gave me your number yesterday so I could give you coffee next time I went on a coffee run?
The reply comes unexpectedly fast for someone who runs a Fortune 500 company and is a whole entire vigilante, but maybe the coffee addiction is just that strong.
Tim: Wes! Yes, please. Have you left yet?
Wes: No, I haven’t even made the mobile order yet. Wanted to give you time to respond. Why?
Tim: Just a sec
Wes stares at his phone from his place in his mom’s office, where he sits in a brown suede chair that sits in front of her desk. His mom is typing away on her computer, a look of concentration on her face. 
“Huh,” he says to himself, then exits the chat to return to putting in orders. He’d like to just click on a past order and reuse it, but Felix and Kourtnie are always changing their orders. He’s convinced it’s because they hate him, but maybe it’s that he’s letting his experience with Jade color his vision. 
“What is it, sweetie?” his mom asks without pausing in his work. 
“Well, Tim asked me to text him next time I went to get coffee. And like, I did. And he answered, but then told me to wait a sec.”
“Can’t ignore orders from the big boss,” his mom says, and Wes nods. 
“Yeah, but I think Kourtnie will die if she waits too long for her caffeine fix.”
“She’ll have to get over it, or stop by Batbucks before she comes in.”
“I don’t think she wakes up early enough for that….”
His mom snorts, “You’re right on that front. How did you even meet Mr. Drake?”
He shrugs and looks back to his phone, “I dunno. He pressed the elevator button for me a few days ago, and now suddenly all of this—” he gestures to everything, “—is a thing.”
“Teenagers,” his mom mutters under her breath. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothing. Just that you suck at describing things.” 
“You’re mean. I’m disowning you as my mother.”
“Have fun on the streets of Gotham.”
“I’ll sell your credit card numbers online to buy a bus ticket back to Amity.”
“Greyhounds don’t go to Amity. Try again.”
“I’ll hitchhike and get serial killed by a semi-truck driver to get back to Amity. Then I’ll come back as a ghost and haunt you and Gotham.” 
“Not Amity Park?”
“No, they have other problems.” Like the Guys In White. Gotham has issues, but at least they aren’t government-mandated war crimes type of issues. 
His mom goes to say something, but a knock at her office door stops her. She finally looks up from her computer and makes eye contact with the interrupter, and says, “Oh, come in, Mr. Drake.”
Wes has to physically stop himself from whipping around, “Oh, hey, Tim! What’s up?” 
This is it. He’s finally figured out what I figured out and now he’s come for my kneecaps.
Okay, that was dramatic, even for him. He was making the Bats sound like a little family of mob members. Really, they were just superheroes. They couldn’t do anything harmful to Wes. At least not physically.
….Would they erase his memories? Is mind-fucking considered physical harm? 
Wes breaks into a nervous sweat. 
“I just want to help Wes out with his coffee run,” Tim explains with that charming Wayne smile that wins the hearts of anyone who feels. “I hope you don’t mind me going out with your son, Penny?” 
“Not at all,” his mom answers. “Have fun, boys. Oh, and Mr. Drake?”
“Tell your brother to stop flipping off the cameras every time he spots paparazzi.” 
Tim winces, “I’ll send the message, but we can’t really run a business and control Jason at the same time.”
Jason Todd. As in Red Hood, the second Robin. The one who was pronounced dead overseas, but was miraculously found safe and somewhat sound several years later. Fantastic.
Wonder how much of that death was real? Wes has had enough ecto-exposure thanks to his stalking hijinks in Amity Park to know when he’s around others who have been touched by Death. He’s about 60% sure he could clock that in Jason Todd if he ever happened to get near him. 
Hopefully while in his civilian persona. Wes is uninterested in meeting any more vigilantes, thank you very much. 
They say their goodbyes to his mom and he gets up to follow after Tim, his knees a little wobbly. How long can he pretend to be nervous about hanging out with the guy who signs not just his paycheck, but his mom’s? 
They walk through the PR Department and make it to the elevator, painstakingly going through the motions of small talk. Wes is aware of every word he utters, carefully asking himself what could be taken the wrong way, and what is innocuous enough to say. 
“So what did you want from Batbucks?” he asks as the elevator lowers. 
“Oh, the same as what you got last time,” Tim answers, and Wes abides by that request with a single press of a button. Their conversation moves to favorite TV shows as they leave WE and head to the crosswalk to make it to the Batbucks across the street, and once there, Wes pushes the check-in button to signal to the baristas that he’s there for pickup whenever the order is finished, and they take a seat against a wall and far from the windows. 
“A Trekkie, huh?” Tim asks when Wes tells him his top five TV shows. “And a crime fan, too.”
Wes shrugs, fiddling with his fingers, “I like to figure out the ending before the characters do, and honestly, I just like George Takei.”
Tim tilts his head, “That’s fair. I like crime shows, too.”
Haha yeah, I bet you do.
“What’s your favorite?” Wes obligingly asks. 
“Oh, Criminal Minds, easily. Spencer’s a great character.” 
Wes wonders how a person with two full-time jobs like Tim has time for hobbies that include 40-minute episodes. 
“You just like seeing characters in pain, don’t you?” 
“I do not!” Tim protests, affronted. “I just think he’s a good character! With good development!” 
“That’s what I’d say, too,” Wes teases. 
Tim shakes his head, “You’re impossible. He’s just a good character! He’s so smart and awkward. What’s not to love?” 
Wes gives a half-shrug, “I mean, I guess that’s fair. He is a good character. But I’m more of a Garcia person.”
“They really make the show,” Tim agrees. “Their dynamic is iconic.”
“Speaking of iconic….” Wes takes a deep breath disguised as a sigh. Okay, so if he were going to be interrogated, it would have happened by now. So it’s probably not happening unless he’s going to see a Bat on the fire escape tonight. But if he can just reveal a tiny bit of his hand—just a little smidge—maybe he can avoid suspect altogether. 
“I have to ask,” Wes says nervously. “It’s definitely not my business, but yesterday, when I dropped off the coffees…. I kind of saw the picture of that villain? And I was wondering… who told Mr. Wayne that the villain had a sticker of a My Immortal quote? Who had to explain to him what My Immortal is?” 
Because surely Tim knows, if not from having read the infamous fic then from doing research about the villain. 
Tim smirks and says, “That’s the best part, Wes. Bruce already knew.” 
He choked on air, “You’re kidding me!”
“I’m not. I’m really, really not. You didn’t hear this from me, but,” Tim pauses, giving a playful, sneaking look around for any listeners, and he whispers, “my brother Dick referenced it so much that Bruce read it himself.” 
“Bruce Wayne. Read My Immortal.” The fucking Batman read My Immortal? Willingly? 
“Oh yeah, he did.” 
“Did… did he recognize the quote? Did he remember?” 
“No, but he did when Dick said, ‘Damn, I hope Batman puts his middle finger up at that prep villain.’” 
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Wes knows he’s getting a modified version of what really happened, but he can fill in the gaps. Nightwing quoted My Immortal to Batman. And Batman recognized it because he once read the fic in an effort to relate to his teenage son. 
Well, vigilantes are human, too. Why shouldn’t Batman know who Vampire and Bloody Mary are? 
The next few minutes pass in friendly conversation before their order name is called, and both get up to collect. Wes tries to get two out of the three carton holders, but Tim intercepts. 
“Tim,” he says, half-chastising. 
“I just like helping! And this is getting me out of a board meeting.” 
Wes’s face screws up in distaste. “Well, that’s fair, then.” 
They make their way back to the 73rd floor of Wayne Enterprises and they are hounded in the way that has become so expected for Wes. A new addition to the coffee delivery is Rebecca’s eyes lighting up upon seeing that Tim is helping Wes. 
“Did you like last night’s meme, Mr. Drake?” Rebecca asks, collecting her venti iced mocha latte.
Tim nods, “I did. Nice work on the Photoshop. And the filming equipment should be down today.” 
Wes watches as Rebecca does her best not to squeal in excitement, “Thank you, sir!” 
He nods and turns to Wes, “I’ll see you later, yeah?” His black bangs do nothing to hide the way his eyes crinkle at the corners.
Wes nods wordlessly, his throat suddenly tight and full. Tim’s smile widens and he leaves for the elevator. 
When the doors close on his figure, Rebecca jams her index and middle fingers into Wes’s ribs, “Oh my god, were you two on a coffee date?” 
“Ow, Rebecca, what? No! He just wanted to escape the board.” Wes rubs his ribs comfortingly, his muscles stinging. “That hurt, what the hell?”
“Sorry!” She’s not sorry at all. “Do you think we can get him to do a TikTok for us?” 
He spares a glance at the elevator, which has long since taken Tim up to whatever floor he haunts. “Maybe? It’d make sense, considering the whole CEO thing. Why wouldn’t he be in a TikTok at some point?”
“No reason,” she says, but there’s a fire in her eyes and a mischievous cut to her grin that she fails to hide behind her coffee. Wes’s gut curdles in dread. 
“You terrify me.”
“Thanks! Now come to my office. You need to practice your lines for the TikTok.”
“I feel like my mom has to sign some kind of release form if I’m going to be on the WE TikTok,” he warns, but dutifully follows after her. “Also, you have a cubicle. Not an office.” 
“Hush, or I’ll take away your stool. And your mom already signed one, so ha.” 
“Hushing.” He mimes the action of locking his lips and throwing away the key. 
“Ugh, you’re adorable.” 
They get to the cubicle and each takes a seat, Rebecca immediately sorting through several stacks of papers before making a triumphant noise and handing him a sheet. Wes takes it and stares at it uncomprehendingly for a few seconds. 
“Rebecca, this is just stage directions and the lines to that Cunk on Earth audio.” 
She nods, “And if we get the TikTok approved fast enough, maybe we’ll even post it when the trend is still semi-popular.” 
“And what will I be actually saying?” 
“Don’t worry about that. Just focus on being able to lip sync.” 
“Oh boy."
Wes had thought he would have at least a few days to get used to the idea of having his face plastered all over the internet. Unfortunately, it would seem he underestimated Rebecca’s work ethic when it came to something she wanted because she only made him do three retakes, and then she made quick work of editing. Wayne Enterprises' first-ever TikTok would be ready to go live in the morning with his mother’s and Tim’s approval. 
The TikTok in question is Wes standing in the Wayne Enterprises lobby, smiling wide and happy at the camera when he first begins talking: “It’s hard to believe I’m walking through the ruins of the first ever city.” He pauses, drops the smile, and says, “Because I’m not: that’s in Iraq, which is miles away, and fucking dangerous.” Then, he holds up two cartons of coffee into the camera frame, all filled with (secretly) empty paper venti cups, and is swarmed by various WE employees who volunteered (or were coerced by Rebecca) to be in the TikTok. 
Rebecca doesn’t let him see exactly how she subtitled the video, but he can guess. And sure enough, when the TikTok profile and video simultaneously go live the next day and Wes sees it, he is proven mostly right. 
“It’s hard to believe I’m the new face of Wayne Enterprises’ official TikTok. Because I’m not: I’m just an intern, and I get the f*cking coffee.” 
Rebecca had even captioned it as if he were the one writing and posting: It’s at least a paid internship. The words are then followed by a string of hashtags. Well, that just goes to show that you can’t trust corporations’ social media, even if they do try to come across as real and friendly and like a person who could be your friend. Parasocial relationships are dangerous, who knew?
“The likes and comments are coming in fast,” Rebecca says, staring down at the WE phone that Tim had sent down with the filming equipment to use for the WE TikTok. She’s also done more than she needed to with it, downloading other social media and logging into them on her personal profiles. Wes didn’t comment on it, even if he did think it was not the smartest move, but she said it was so she could get away with “studying” current trends easier. 
“It is Wayne Enterprises,” he remarks. “It’d be like if, I dunno, if Superman finally downloaded TikTok. But, like, this is more corporate greed than ‘protecting humanity’ type of thing.”
“That’s true,” she nodded. “But I mean, the Waynes are pretty generous. I make more here than I would anywhere else.”
“Yeah, fair. And paid internships aren’t exactly common, either.” 
Wes wouldn’t admit it, but while he’d given up on proving the Fenton-Phantom conspiracy and other identities, he did still have a bit of a stalking problem. So when Google sent him a news alert about the Waynes making a press statement about the break-in, he immediately hit it to read the article while Rebecca read new comments on TikTok aloud for him to hear. 
The Waynes Speak About Break-in At WE
The article discusses how grateful they were to Batman and his flock for stopping the break-in, even if they hadn’t caught the new villain. Really, it’s just a puff piece about the Princes of Gotham’s perception of the Knights of Gotham. And considering Wes’s insider knowledge, the article comes across as a little condescending and self-praising, and he’s close to exiting the website when a throwaway comment near the end of the article catches his eye, and he reads on. 
VV: And are you at liberty to say what the villain was looking for? Is it something we should have our eyes on?
BW: [laughs] Well, it’s something that has been spoken about before, I believe? I think Tim could tell you more about it than me. He’s definitely got the brains. You know, when he was—
TDW: Haha, thanks, B! I can’t give too much away because the lead scientist on the project, Dr. Michelle Amir, will get upset, but I can say that we’re expecting a breakthrough in renewable energy. 
VV: Are you sure that’s all you can tell us? 
TDW: I’m afraid so. Dr. Amir is very protective of her research.
VV: And it would seem with good reason! It’s a good thing Gotham’s own….
…And the interview returns to preaching the Batfamily’s praises.
Wes has to roll his eyes at the Brucie Wayne persona trying to take every conceivable opportunity to gush about his children. 
Still, he recognizes that the article was published just a few hours after the TikTok started to go viral. Any reports about the WE break-in will be buried under tabloids dissecting the new TikTok profile and what this means for future WE advertisements. Clever, and exactly what he expects from the Bats. 
As he exits the website, a text notification pops up at the top of his screen. It’s from Tucker Foley and all it says is, “YOU!” in all caps. 
He sighs as a rush of other texts hit his phone from his classmates at Casper High, some even including the link to the TikTok. 
And so it begins. 
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