#the mighty 500
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novantinuum · 2 years ago
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mmmmmmmm Royal Bow assembly has finally happened <3
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Top down angle, ft more realistic lighting... and then the OG reference:
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I'm literally so happy with this prop, it looks spot on <3
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marcosvitor1996 · 3 months ago
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A meme involving I Love Video Games / Me Too from (500) Days of Summer, but with classic cartoon franchises: The recognizable ones (Mickey Mouse and Friends, Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry and Scooby-Doo) on left and forgotten/used to be popular ones (Felix the Cat, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Popeye, Betty Boop, Droopy, Woody Woodpecker, The Flintstones, Yogi Bear, Mighty Mouse and The Pink Panther) on right.
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zoteboateveryday · 17 days ago
Drawing Zote every day until we get Zoteboat: Day 514
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Stupid Valentines Cards part 2
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lab-trash · 11 months ago
Kaz: Can't you two just get along? Connie's trying her best.
Jordan: No! I hate Connie. I hate her crooked teeth, I hate her stupid hair, I hate her... flipping and showing off.
Jordan: I hate her...
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doctorwyvern · 1 year ago
guess who just watched 500 days of summer
i present to you 500 days of (evir)winter
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this is for all my mutals who love brinkborg (also brink with normal glasses lol)
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 1 year ago
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iniziare · 9 months ago
Re-tag drop: Yelan
#tag drop#[ yelan. ] i can't change the facts. but if it's a choice between the cold; hard truth and blissful unawareness: i'll take the former.#[ yelan: ic. ] that's a worst-case scenario. but all too often; the most pessimistic speculation turns out to be the closest to the truth.#[ yelan: inquiries. ] oh? you'd like to know more about me? what will you give in exchange then?#[ yelan: countenance. ] an old friend of mine once privately commented to me that ] yelan “is always smiling; but never with her eyes.”#[ yelan: introspection. ] like a phantom she appears in various guises at the center of events; and disappears before the storm stops.#[ yelan: wishes. ] that which hides inside her… that constant calling; it is the blood of heroes which has been howling for 500 years.#[ yelan: etc. ] every round of finger-guessing is a tiny adventure; and every roll of dice sends sporadic thrills down her spine.#[ yelan: liyue. ] liyue will never plunge into disaster without clue of the danger like it once did. she will see that it is not unprepared#[ yelan: home. ] i'm guessing you've fallen for the rumors about me being very wealthy; having high demands for my standards of living?#[ yelan: yanshang. ] the teahouse has really brightened up after the boss took over and kicked the fatui and gamblers out.#[ yelan: lantern rite. ] every year on this day; the lanterns light up the night. may the fire never die and may humanity endure.#[ yelan: chasm. ] perhaps she will plunge into that darkness one day; and the ill fate that once befell her ancestors shall find her too.#[ yelan: scope. ] i serve ningguang. the tianquan of the qixing. the scope of my work includes some of liyue's biggest secrets.#[ yelan: weaponry. ] water. divided it is as streams uncounted: close yet untangled. united it is as a giant wave: inexorable; unstoppable.#[ yelan: wriothesley. ] don't fight over fleeting gains or losses. focus on where your heart is leading you and move forward. [ delusionaid#[ yelan: uncle tian. ] there's nothing wrong with wanting to win other people's respect. but when has uncle tian looked down on anyone?#[ yelan: ningguang. ] we both made a mistake: we shouldn't have involved ordinary folk in what we do. / ordinary folk?#[ yelan: xiao. ] you think you're oh-so cold and ruthless. i'm not buying it. - losing one of us so the rest can escape? some victory that#[ yelan: keqing. ] if something happens that they didn't anticipate; it throws their plans into oblivion. but the yuheng is different.#[ yelan: ganyu. ] i could never work non-stop like she does. certainly not at that level of efficiency. i guess being half-adeptus has its#[ yelan: yanfei. ] when i help her out; i always get some invaluable leads in return. gotta say though: i think she respects me a little mu#[ yelan: traveler. ] you don't have to be on guard around me. i never scheme against people who have my stamp of approval.#[ yelan: v. youth. ] you're still young. be patient. believe in yourself; and don't look outside yourself to prove your value.#[ yelan: v. pre-qixing. ] i don't do these things to help the powerful or mighty get rid of dissident forces. but because water too has a s#[ yelan: v. qixing. ] seeing isn't always believing. and if you can't trust your eyes; you certainly can't trust rumors.#[ yelan: meta. ] the chances are if i open this door; there can be no witnesses left alive. is that a sufficient reason for you?
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lamafeeling · 2 months ago
Pretty bold for a scammer pretending to be a victim of genocide to put out a goal, reach the goal then raise it, reach it, then raise it, multiple times.
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aenramsden · 1 year ago
The following is not my idea; it was the original brainchild of a friend of mine named Omicron, with help from various others including EarthScorpion, TenfoldShields, @havocfett and ShintheNinja:
So, you know what I want to do one day? Run (or play in) a D&D campaign in which the Big Bad Super Dragon that is fuckoff ancient and unfathomably powerful and whose actions have shaped history and bent the course of nations and had repercussions on the whole culture and society in the region where it's set; the Bonus Special Boss for some endgame optional quest after you defeat the direct BBEG and win the campaign...
... is a white dragon.
To explain this for people not deep into 5e monster lore; D&D dragons are sapient beings, and known for their instincts and tendencies, and whenever you meet an big evil dragon that's really old it's usually this ancient creature of terrible intellect Smaug-ing it up all over the place.
Except white dragons are fucking stupid. Like, they're still capable of speech and thought! They're just… feral, hungry morons. And you almost never see them portrayed as ancient wyrms for that reason; they lack majesty. Critical Role did it, yes, but even then, Vorugal is explicitly the most bestial member of the Chroma Conclave, and the others are the more intelligent planners and long-term threats. An ancient white as a nation-defining endboss, though; not a thug for a smarter master but as the strongest and biggest threat around is just not the sort of thing you tend to see.
Adventurers: "Oh wise Therunax the Munificent, gold dragon of Law and Good, what can you tell us adventurers of the evil dragons which rule this land?" Therunax the Munificent, 500-year old Gold Dragon: "Good adventurers, know this: this land is torn apart by the evil of Tiamat's spawn. The eastern marches are the dwelling of Furinar the Plague-Bringer, black dragoness whose hoard is a thousand sicknesses contained in the body of her tributes. The southern volcanic mountains are the roosting of Angrar the Wrathful, the fiery red dragon, who brings magmatic fury on all who do not worship him. And the northern peaks are home to Face-Biter Mike, the oldest and most powerful of all, of whom I dread to speak." Adventurers: "F-Face-Biter Mike???" Therunax: "Oh yes, verily indeed; two thousand years has Mike lived, and his eyes have seen the rise and fall of five empires, and a hundred and score champions have sought to slay him; and each and every one he bit their fucking face off."
Like... I want to see a campaign where Face-Biter Mike is genuinely the most powerful dragon in the region, if not the entire world. Where sometimes he descends on a city to grab himself some meatsicles and causes a localised ice age by the beat of his vast wings and the frigid wastes of his mighty breath and by the chill his mere presence brings to everything for miles around him, and everyone just has to deal with that for the next decade. An entire era of civilization comes to an end, an empire falls, tens of thousands starve in the winter, all because Mike wanted a snack. Where his hoard is an unfathomably vast mass of jewels and artefacts and precious stones frozen in an unmelting glacier, except he is a nouveau riche idiot with fuckall appraising skill, so half of his hoard is coloured glass or worthless knicknacks, and he doesn't give a shit.
"Your Draconic Majesty, this crown is… It's pyrite." "Yeah, well, it's brighter than this dusty old thing made out of real gold, it's my new best treasure. Throw the other one away." "…throw the Burnished Tiara of Bahamut, forged in the First Age of Man, your majesty???" "See? I can't even remember its fucking name." "But my lord-" "DO YOU WANT TO BE A MEATSICLE" "…I will fetch a trash bag, your majesty."
But at the same time, he's not stupid, he's just simple, and in some ways that makes him more dangerous than the usual kinds of scheming Big Bad you see in these things, while simultaneously justifying why Orcus remains on his throne (because he's lazy). Face-Biter Mike doesn't make convoluted plans or run labyrinthine schemes; he just has a talent for violence and a pragmatic, straightforward approach to turning any kind of problem he struggles with into a problem that can be resolved with violence. Face-Biter Mike has one talent and it's horrifying physical power, so his approach to any complicated problem is "how do I turn this into a situation where I can fly down and bite this dude's face off?" with absolutely no regard for the collateral damage or consequences of doing so, because those are also things he can turn into face-bitable problems.
"My lord, the dread necromancer Nikodemion is using his undead dragons to attempt a conquest of the eastern kingdom; his agents are everywhere, his plans are centuries in the making, what can we do against such a mastermind?" "I'm gonna fly over the capital and eat the eastern king." "M-my lord???" "The kingdom will collapse without leadership, Nikodemion will win his war, he'll take the capital and crown himself king." "And that helps us… how?" "Once he does I'll fly over to the capital and eat him." "…" "This is why you advisors all suck. You're all about convoluted plans when the only thing I need to win is know where my enemy is so I can fly down there and eat him. Stop overthinking things."
And, like, yeah, it's a simplistic plan, but when you're several hundred tons of nigh invincible magical death, you don't need brilliant strategy; the smartest way to win a war is, in this case, the simplest. He's not even all that clever at figuring out the consequences of face-biting, he's just memorised the common consequences of doing so.
(If you want to go all in on Mike being the major mover and shaker in the region; Nikodemion only even has a pet zombie dragon because Mike killed the last dragon to show up and contest his turf but wasn't going to eat a whole dragon by himself. Nikodemion got to stick around and amass that much power because Mike ate the Hero of the Realm while he was adventuring because he figured the Hero would come and try to slay him at some point. Nikodemion got started because Mike ate half the leadership of the Academy of High Magic who typically keep evil wizards and necromancers in check. And then eventually this product of Mike's casual, careless actions becomes a big enough problem to bother Mike personally, at which point Mike eats him too.)
He doesn't even really fail upwards, either! He is regularly reduced to nothing but the glacier he stores his hoard in, but he's Face-Biter Mike so nobody wants to commit to actually ending him forever lest they get their faces bitten the fuck off. And his hoard's in a huge-ass magical glacier so nobody can get to it without running into the Invading Russia problem; it's hard to wage war when everything is frozen over and you're both starving and freezing to death. Once he's been beaten back to his central lair and has lost all his holdings… I mean, he's still a problem, but he's a far away problem. So he loses his assets and spends a decade in a cave brooding it up while no one dares risk trying to actually kill him, and then a generation or two later he flies down to a kobold colony and gets himself some minions, or a dragon-worshipping mage comes to offer his service against a pittance from his hoard, or a particularly stupid cult starts thinking they can get in good with him and leech off his power, and then he's (hah) snowballing again.
He's also got a very… well, the kind of weird Charisma that Grineer bosses do. Like Sargas Ruk, who's a malformed idiot, but oddly charismatic. As he's a dragon, that makes him a natural sorcerer and thus Charisma is all he needs. He's pretty relaxed when he isn't in a face-biting mood, and he's kind of infectiously optimistic, because his life has taught him that he will succeed as long as he perseveres. So he just believes it.
And sometimes that's really refreshing to work for, as an evil minion of darkness! It's like, you're coming to your Evil Dragon Lord with terrible news; you've worked for evil overlords before, you know how it goes. You fall to your knees weeping and tell him that you've failed to seize the incredibly powerful magical artifact, you think your life is forfeit. And he's just like "Eh, it's okay, these things are all over the place. Better luck next time. You remember the guy who took it, right?" and you go "Y-yes, oh great lord!" and he's like "Sweet tell me his name later and I'll grab it" and then eats a frozen adventurer he kept around as a snack.
His followers tend to quickly realise that if they fail him, bringing some temple's silver or a sack of brightly coloured beads or a couple of dead cows means he's super forgiving because at least he's got something out of the day. "Oh boy, cows? It's been forever since I had those, ever since the Orc Steppe Nomads took over it's all about goats and onions. Today is a good day." He's a master of delegation by dragon standards, in that he just tells you "Just go get it done, I don't care how" rather than micromanaging you and constantly appearing as an image in smoke or taking over your campfire.
The key part of Face-Biter Mike as a threat to players (because he exists in the context of a D&D campaign) works well in that you can rely on several known quantities:
He will not pull sneaky shit that you don't see coming
He will not make convoluted plans that you must work to unravel
He will consistently attempt to come down and wreck you personally if he finds the opportunity and you are a threat to him
You cannot fight him head-on (at least not until the last leg of the campaign, and ideally as an optional boss rather than mandatory)
So as long as you are good at staying under the radar, thwarting his minions (whom he gives broad orders to with almost zero oversight) and not putting yourself in face-biting range, you can deal with him. If you succeed, it won't be the first time Mike has lost his assets and had to go brood in his glacier for a decade or two before rebuilding. It happens; he can deal with it. And that's a win for you within the context of a single campaign, so take the win.
And if you're not going to use him as an enemy, he works pretty well as a quest-giver, too! The costs for failure are obvious and straightforward, and "do whatever, just get me mine" means that players have a lot of freedom in accomplishing their goals. As far as evil overlords go he is actually one of the least dangerous to work for; his pride is relatively subdued by draconic standards, his goals are simple and typically achievable, and he is easily pleased.
(There's also a good chance he is the forefather of any draconic sorcerer in your party, because Face Biter Mike is a deadbeat dad.)
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lxvebun · 2 months ago
you are every lovely word I could think of
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synopsis: the mighty king of curses is suffering from a bad case of love sickness<3
content: sukuna x gender neutral reader. FLUFF!! He's so in love with you<33. Around 500 words. Eng isnt my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes♡ not entirely proofread
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Sukuna’s ways are faltering. He feels weakened. He’s ill, that's for sure. For a moment, Sukuna thinks this might be the end for him—that this realm has finally found a way to light the darkness and cleanse the rot that is Sukuna Ryomen. King of Curses to some, abomination of nature to most.
And it's all your fault.
He's not entirely sure what kind of divine power your soul carries, but even the simplest things—like the lull of your voice when you speak his name, sweet and syrupy, full of light—are enough to make his cold, dead heart stir once more.  His heart struggling and faltering at times as it tries to beat in sync with yours
It’s a strange sensation, feeling his heart beat again. A deep hum in his chest that almost sounds like your name.  The last time he remembers it happening is so long ago that the memory feels distant, fractured and unreal, like something out of a dream. But he is aware that it beats more warmly, more proudly, than it ever has before. And it's terrifyingly human.
It makes him sick.
Because it’s not the only thing you've changed. The way his voice stutters when you meet his eyes, the hitch in his throat, the molten heat that rushes through his veins—it's all foreign. Unfamiliar. Vulnerable 
It’s a disease, one he can feel creeping through every part of him, infecting and weaving through the darkest corners of his soul. It pumps feverishly through his veins, into his heart, and it’s all because of you. And yet… he cannot bring himself to fight it. At this point, he’s willingly losing, even against his better judgment.
It’s not just Sukuna who notices the shift within himself. Of course, Uraume would, too. Sukuna can tell by the way they’ve been tiptoeing around him these last few days—sentences cut short and overly polite,  eyes cast downward. He puts an end to it one night, after returning from seeing you. Coming back a little more disheveled than when he left, a permanent blush staining his ears and cheeks, making the intimidating expression on his face seem much less terrifying.
"Welcome back, Sukuna," Uraume says quietly. And Sukuna has had enough.
"Look at me." His tone is commanding, but there’s a faint trace of something tender.
"Raise your head and speak your mind, Uraume. I taught you better than that. You've noticed something. Tell me."
There’s a long pause, and then Uraume, with a hesitant glance, mutters, "I think... I think that you’re in love."
Sukuna thinks they might be right.
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Thank you for reading!<3
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rockingbytheseaside · 5 months ago
✦ I still love you, even though I miss you.
(sfw, angst, slight yandere - Pierro x gn reader, hinted to be connected with the abyss)
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Pierro is a patient man.
Just as the immovable, snowy mountains of Snezhnaya, so is Pierro’s patience unbudging and certain. One would say The Jester’s gaze is even colder than those icy peaks on the horizon. It is no wonder a man of his caliber is the founder of the Fatui. His calculating attitude always lets him be five steps ahead of everyone, and it is precisely why you are here now.
You were in bed. Your chamber within the Snezhnayan Palace is pristine, and practically untouched even by you. The windows showcased a snowy landscape, and if that sight didn’t bring chills to anyone, then the ominous walls of the Palace certainly did. This luxurious room did not emit warmth, even if a small fireplace was lit.
No; This room was your confinement after your battle with the Fatui Harbingers. Now you were recovering, your body and mind unconscious
The Jester sat on the nearby chair, silently observing your sleeping form. There was barely a sound or motion within this secured chamber, save for his own troubled sigh. You have been slumbering in oblivion for days now, the impact of your previous battle forced you to exhaust the last drop of your mightiness, leaving even his top Harbingers wounded. In fact, The Zapolyarny Palace was still recovering from the destruction you brought into Snezhnaya. But now you are here, and after 500 years, the back of Pierro’s gloved hand caresses your skin in trembling worship.
To even reach this moment took many years, he thought to himself.
A long time ago, when The Doctor first became the 2nd of The Harbingers, Pierro assigned him a prolonged task. Use knowledge to locate that which can traverse the Abyss. Not a benign task, one may say; but one that required Il Dottore to use his expertise from his Akademiya days. One thing led to another, and The Doctor found that same thing that would be sent to the Abyss - A puppet.
A long time ago, when The Balladeer first became the 6th of The Harbingers, Pierro also assigned him a prolonged task. Search the Abyss for as much as he can. A straightforward assignment; alas it lacked much directive on what he was supposed to search there. Nonetheless, Scaramouche’s rank never allowed him to inquire further about the Jester, so he relied on any intel he could find. And find he did, in the murky insanity that lay hidden within the Abyss, some valuable information - The sky is a lie, there are those whose fate is not governed by the stars.
A long time ago, when The Captain first became the 1st of The Harbingers, Pierro assigned him a prolonged task. Prepare yourself to face the strongest opponent in the Abyss, for when the time comes you will be on the front line against the one The Jester seeks. Il Capitano was humbly keen, and as always accepted with a solemn nod. The strongest man in Teyvat would face the strongest being of the Abyss, and the Harbinger could not wait to meet the elusive entity.
Pierro was a patient man. He didn’t doubt that his army of harbingers would confirm that which he already suspected. Always several steps ahead of them. But now his plans were proceeding – getting a lead on the Abyss.
Not because the Abyss is an enemy of Teyvat and the Fatui, no. But because Pierro has suspected for centuries that an entity was harboring in the depth of darkness, hidden away from all mortal eyes. You, who was so brutally ripped from him after the Cataclysm, were alive and taking root in the realm of the Abyss.
Pierro still recalls the days of his youth, puerile and hardworking, when the kingdom of Khaenri’ah was still in its prime. You were so proud of him when he first got appointed as a royal court sage. No stars could compare your delight whenever you supported him with love and affection, the lingering memories of your small kisses still haunting the Director to this day. So naive and foolish. He was on the verge of starting a life with you, daydreaming of calling you his cherished spouse and building a home where the two of you would live out your peaceful days.
Those peaceful days never ensued, and he never managed to give you the ring he bought. The Cataclysm ushered the land with a veil of sin, with you forcing him to flee into Teyvat, while you vanished without a trace.
He almost thought you had perished, and mourned you every day until he built his Fatui organization from the ashes of sorrow.
Every action he took, every Harbinger he recruited, every order he gave, every plan he perfected – all for the intricate strategy of seeking you out from the Abyss, and bringing you back to his arms. Even if he had to sacrifice his best men and burn the Irminsul into cinders, he had no reservations.
Now he is back in the present, where you lay unconscious in bed, secured like a hidden gem within the Palace and pacified after a ferocious battle. Every day, The Jester checked on your well-being, secured your health, and waited patiently by your bedside. He never thought this day would come, and you would probably detest him for doing all this. It would be a bittersweet reunion once you wake up.
But Pierro was always a patient man. If it took 500 years to reach you, he wouldn’t mind another 500 years only to taste the sweetness of your kisses and envelop you in his embrace where you belong.
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zoteboateveryday · 1 month ago
Drawing Zote every day until we get Zoteboat: Day 487
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Pretty sure I’ve drawn this one before but fuck it we ball
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aurorawritestoescape · 2 months ago
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Joel’s twin x f!reader || 500 words
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, pwp, unprotected piv, creampie, m!oral.
A/n: this little thing inspired by the buzz cut Joel edit has been in my docs for ages but I’ve decided to post it bc I think it’s hot lol Beta-ed by my love @milla-frenchy <3 dividers by @/saradika-graphics
MASTERLIST || more twin action (different au)
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“Yeah, just like that, baby. Suckle on ‘im.”
You‘re moaning, your lips wrapped around the fat tip of a cock. Joel’s twin is feeding you his salty precum, that’s oozing generously, thanks to your skilled mouth.
“You suck his dick like that?”
You shake your head a little, trying not to hurt him with your teeth, and he smirks,
“‘s what I thought. He’s probably too weak to ask it from you, huh? Always busy with our screw-up of a little brother. Fuck him. Fuck ‘em both. C’mon up, baby.”
He grabs your arm and yanks you off the floor. He plops on the bed and you clench your fists around his jacket, straddling his lap.
Your and Joel's bed.
He’s fully clothed, only his jeans and boxers pulled down to his mid thigh while you’re completely naked, your dress and panties wherever he ripped them off you.
“Does he even make you come, baby?” His chest pressed to yours, his voice at your ear, gruff and sultry, acts like gasoline poured into a fire, burning the whole of you up. It’s so similar to Joel’s, yet so much sexier that your pussy aches with need whenever he talks.
“Sometimes,” you reply truthfully and hover over his stiff cock while he guides his tip to your sopping hole. His hot head prods your entrance and you whine at first but then gasp when he pushes your hips down and pierces you with his fat cock in one go.
You bite your lip while your pussy stretches around his manhood with a dull pain and your walls spread, trying to accommodate his mighty girth.
He doesn’t let you get used to the feeling of his cock splitting you in two and a harsh slap lands on your asscheek, ringing loudly in the silence of the bedroom.
“Ride it”, just two words from him and you start eagerly bouncing on his dick like your life depends on it. You don’t even know why you let him do all this to you, why you sucked his cock, why your pussy is drooling on his big balls but you love it. Love the sensation of your husband’s twin fucking you on your marital bed. It’s nasty, filthy, wrong and so hot you're already coming.
Joel’s caring, soft, loving. But his twin brother’s effect on you can not be explained. He comes once a month or so, pumps your cunt full of his hot cum and leaves. He’s rough, dominant, mean, everything Joel isn’t. And you love how dirty you feel when you’re with him.
“Fuck, love your pussy, baby. Gonna come so deep in her, she’s gonna be crying me for days, ya hear? Til the next time I fuck you.” He chuckles through heavy panting and begins thrusting his hips up into you, forcing your pussy to fall on his cock harder, faster, sending his tip up to kiss the deepest part of you.
The sweet poison of his words is already coursing through your veins, you can’t get enough of him, and soon your pussy starts contracting, greedily milking his cock off every drop of his thick load.
Joel comes soon after in his cuck chair, loudly moaning at the sight of his wife unraveling on his twin brother’s cock. He loves how wrong and dirty it is. All three of you do.
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Thank you for reading! Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed the fic!<3
MASTERLIST || another twin story (different au)
Tag list: @milla-frenchy @harriedandharassed @iamasaddie @nervousmumbling @bbyanarchist @stevie75 @puduvallee @auteurdelabre @mountainsandmayhem @senoratess @flamingochick55 @theoraekenslover @schnarfer @mermaidgirl30 @staywildflowahchild @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @evolnoomym @keylimebeag @joelmillerisapunk @pascaltesfaye @fruityreads @itwasntimethatdidit40
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tadfools · 9 months ago
I’m rewatching the mighty nein and when they first meet Pumat Marisha laughs and says, ‘in 500 hours we’re going to be fighting gods with him’ and guess what happens 500 hours later
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teawithmadalice · 3 months ago
Prologue • Thranduil x daughter!OC
Summary: Thranduil lost his beloved daughter 500 years ago, on his search for the white gems of Lasgalen- his wife's final gift to him, he finds a young elf who reminds him of his lost daughter.
1 (YOU ARE HERE) • 2
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The town square was filled with a hushed anticipation. The people, their faces marked by years of hardship and torment from the years of being terrorized by the fire breathing beast known by the name of Smaug, gathered together as the mayor, an elderly man with a deep, gravelly voice, stood before them.
"Good people of lake town, I stand before you today to speak of a matter both heavy and upsetting- one that has weighed on us all for what feels like generations although we know that is not so. Each season, as the winds begin to stir and change and the first frost that touches the earth melts away into spring dew drops, we face a choice, a duty. A sacrifice. This has taken the form of your hard earned gold, herds of sheep and piles of luxuries are sacrificed in an attempt to appease the beast"
He paused- his gaze sweeping over the gathered crowd, young and old all gathered.
"For almost 2 seasons now, we have lived under the shadow of the mountain. Above us, in the crags and cliffs, the great dragon Smaug watches over this land. I and the council have decided. One innocent soul, taken from among us, chosen by fate and tradition, to appease the dragon’s hunger."
"Regretfully, one newborn babe will be randomly selected by our council, and tonight, will be given as tribute to Smaug"
His voice grew softer now, tinged with sorrow- though it remained firm in its conviction.
"Now, I know that there are some among you who question this. Who feel in their hearts that such a practice is cruel, that the price is too steep. I see your faces, and I hear your whispers. I, too, have felt the weight of this duty, the pang of grief in offering a life so young. But we cannot allow this torment to continue plaguing our lovely town any longer."
"We must remember the fate of the dwarven kingdom of erebor and our sister-city of dale, those people died because they would not submit to the mighty dragon Smaug, we survived because we are lucky enough to have built our quaint town on water, and that the flame of Smaug cannot rage on for long before being distinguished into smoke and steam.
To the great people of Laketown, for our survival, we must do this."
It is written in the history books that the queen of the elven kingdom of mirkwood, wife of king thranduil and mother to the young elfling prince legolas died during the war on Angmar at the hands of orc barbarians.
The kingdom was said to have mourned the loss of a kind and benevolent queen that day, the realm fell silent, even the elves in neighbouring kingdoms mourned the beloved queen and sent commiserations to the widowed king and young elfling prince.
But what the history books leave out is that the queen of mirkwood, Calathiel, did not die alone. She was on the road to a neighbouring kingdom to seek refuge, with a newly born babe, a princess elfling who had fallen ill and needed treatment that the war-torn mirkwood could not provide.
The knowledge of the princess was unknown to those outside the royal family and those close to them, it was a great risk- a pregnant queen is a prime target for enemy attacks.
Calathiel and the small assortment of guards, (around four or five elves) that travelled with her were intercepted and slain only one day away from their destination- their bodies were left to the elements, ivy growing over the corpses in intricate patterns- a grotesque beauty.
it was three months before a group of mirkwood rangers recovered the bodies.
6 bodies.
Five corpses clothed in armour with weapons in hand and one body adorned in elven silk and silver jewelry, a woven crown laying on top of the silver locks of hair.
No young elfling babe was found among the fallen
"mama!" a young boy, with a mop of chocolate brown curls came crashing into his home in lake town.
"Aldren Forrinson where on earth have you been boy!" the screech of a woman with the same flurry of brown curls yelled back, putting her knitting needles down onto the stool beside her.
The small blanket was almost complete, a gift for her unborn babe she had carried in her womb for almost nine months, it would only be a few days until her waters broke and the bundle of joy would come wailing and kicking into the world.
"mama I found something! I was out walking in the woods- yes, I know you told me not to go too far from town- BUT! look..." the boy approached his mother, a bundle of soft blankets and wrappings of silk lay in his arms.
A soft gasp left the woman's lips as she peered down, a small pale face peered back with piercing blue eyes-
"give it here boy."
her nimble hands peered back at the many layers of cloth, short silver locks of hair had begun to sprout from the babes head, small pointed ears and a button nose- an elfling.
The elfling shivered, sweat beaded down her forehead, the warning signs of a fever- "listen to me here boy, go to master vere and tell him that the babe needs to be monitored, I can't keep an eye with my bump as big as it is now, " the woman leaned over to the pipe of finished knitted toys, clothes and blankets and took a soft woolen baby hat and placed it a top the babes head, covering the silver locks and pointed ears.
"there. Now off you go boy - shoo"
The sun was setting by the time the small boy got to the village doctor, bursting through the door and laying the babe on top of a table
"Master! babe- sick- fever" aldren panted, out of breath.
The old man stood from his chair, grey haired and wrinkled "oh, I was unaware your mother had given birth- where is she-?" the man turned, expecting to see the boy, but was met with mud trodden footprints made in haste. A sigh left his lips, turning to the babe and picking up the now sleeping infant.
DESCRIPTION: pale faced, smaller than the average babe, small scattered birthmark on the left shoulder , newly born.
The patient seems to be infected with a sweating sickness, from my evaluation there is not much that can be done, I have administered a sedative so the babe is not in pain- it is up to the patient to fight the sickness, let us pray she is strong
A soft knock resounded on the Forrinson families front door.
The woman opened the door slightly, peeking through the crack- on the other side was an extremely recognisable face.
"Mayor," she spoke, opening the door fully "what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Mrs Forrinson, I am not sure if you've heard the announcement I made yesterday in the town centre."
A laugh left her lips at the thought "Of course I've heard, word travels fast and this is a small town after all sire! it's the most interesting thing that's happened here in a long while- it's awful that it has come to this, but I understand why you've decided to take this approach- I hope it works and that whomever the poor child is, that the sacrifice is worthwhile."
"I'm glad you think that Mrs Forrinson. Unfortunately, this is why I'm here talking to you today." his voice was soft, almost remorseful. An unsettling feeling wormed it's way into the pit of the woman's stomach.
"I ventured down to Master Veres clinic to look at the patients logs of all infants born in the last sixth months, in total there were 22"
A deep sigh left the man's lips. "I regret to inform you that your newborn girl has been chosen to do the honourable duty as a forfeit to Smaug- I understand how heartbreaking this must be but i-"
Her pulse was fast. Eyes darting around. She had not yet given birth, but her child was chosen to be sacrificed. Did he think the young elfling was hers? what should she do? her thoughts ran a mile a minute- the elfling was abandoned, has no family that would mourn her- surely she should be the one to be sacrificed, right?
"Mrs Forrinson... Hello Mrs Forrinson are you listening?" the deep voice of the older man snapped the woman out of her thoughts.
"Yes- i- apologies, this is a lot to take in..."
"I understand, your child is still at the clinic, yes? maybe you and your family should go and spend some time with her"
"yes... I-I think we will. Thank you sire."
The trek to the caves mouth was difficult, the sharp rocks of the winding pathways cut into the bottom of the townsfolk feet through the soles of their boots- the wind was howling, bitter and cruel, whistling mockingly at them.
Beneath the large cocoon of blankets bundled in Mrs Forrinson's arms, the young elfling was slumbering, blissfully unaware of how each step taken was one step closer to a tragic fate of fire and ash.
The mountain began to shake, rumbling ferociously. "Smaug grows near, be careful!" one of the elders spoke, before he could continue a deep bellowing voice echoed from the opening of the cave
The blackening void of the cave was broken by two bright orange glowing eyes, emitting a deep growl as they slowly approached closer and closer to the small entourage of townsfolk.
"Smaug. We know you are a creature of wrath, a force of nature, and we know the land has trembled beneath your fury. The sky grows dark when you take to the air, and no beast or man dares to challenge your flame. But we are not your enemies—we seek only to survive, to live in peace with the land you claim as your own.
In our desperation, we have come to offer the one thing we hold most precious, the only way we know to ask for your mercy: a child of our own blood, a newborn babe born only a few moons ago. "
He motions to Mrs Forrinson, who cradles a newborn in her arms, unaware of the fact that the babe is not her own, but an abandoned elfling left on the edge of a nearby forest
"We offer this child, her life, in the hope that her innocence might sway your heart. Her cries are pure, her laughter untainted. She is the future of our village- the last hope we have to please you and, in turn, save our people from the shadow of death you cast upon us.
We do not ask for your forgiveness, only that you take this gift and spare us the destruction we fear. We understand the value of a life-of any life-and it is with the deepest sorrow that we present this offering, knowing full well the price it demands.
May you find in this small child something worthy of your grace.
We beg of you... let it be enough."
The older man motions to Mrs Forrinson, encouraging her to step forward and place the bundle of blankets and knitted wear at the mouth of the cave- this child was not her own, but a strong feeling of sorrow and grief ran throughout her body, solemn tears silently dripping down her face.
"I am so sorry little one." she whispered, pressing a soft kiss onto the young elves forehead, patting her hat covered head- one she kept on to conceal the pointed elven ears and the babes true nature.
OMG the prologue is done! I'm scared I rushed the ending but oh well- not proofread!
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myherobkg · 5 months ago
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THE ROLE OF A LIFETIME; dungeons & dragons au
Katsuki was born a half-giant and bred to roam the plains with his barbarian brethren. He was a foul-mouthed, ill-tempered, reckless brute adorned in fur and armor with his mighty mace hanging over his back. He was born to rule them all.
But fate had other plans, and his tribe was wiped off the face of the Earth after the King of the skies razed hellfire on them. Returning from a hunt, Katsuki arrived at his decimated home, ruined to ash and rubble.
His family—his people—were there one moment and gone the next, reduced to charred statues. After that, Katsuki wandered aimlessly until he became enthralled by the allure of alcohol.
A young half-giant, the last of his tribe, turned to mercenary work to fund his gluttony.
Katsuki's last payment came from a clean-up job, clearing out a small wooded area infested with monsters. The small village on the outskirts of the wood sent for him, requesting his help for a large sum.
It was an easy feat for a warrior of his stature, and his success wrought fruitful results—a free room at the pub and all the drinks he could ask for.
However, the offer had its contingencies, and Katsuki was forced to enjoy his pints amidst the celebration held for the village people. That's where he met the Businessman.
The Businessman kept two men at his side as he sat down with Katsuki. His companions remained standing behind him.
"Enjoying the festivities, Warrior?" The man started the conversation cryptically.
Katsuki doesn't look up from his pint. The party raged around him, but no one dared touch him in passing. "No."
Clearing his throat, the man decided to skip the niceties. "I have a job for you."
"Not interested," Katsuki gruffs out before touching his lips to the rim.
"I will pay you 100 gold," the Businessman bid.
"I want 300." Katsuki slammed his glass on the table and signaled for another. The man's jaw dropped.
"300 is outrageous. It's a simple delivery to the Earl." He laughed pathetically. "I'm sure the Earl will reward you handsomely for your efficiency."
"You pay me 300 now. I'll have the Earl pay me 500 when I get there."
"So, you'll take the job?" The Businessman clenched his hands into fists with a broad smile before remembering Katsuki's rate. "If you come with us, we can pay for the cargo. However, you must leave tonight."
Katsuki froze, lifting his topped-off drink. "Make it 400."
The man choked mid-breath. "Warrior, I implore you to reconsider your price. Think of the honor you'd receive for escorting such an important gift for nobility."
Katsuki lugged half of his drink down, spilling some down the sides of his face and neck. "It's 400, or you shut the hell up and quit bothering me." His ruby-red eyes glimmered dangerously in the lamp-light.
The Businessman shrank in his seat and waved his hand for his men. The guard on his right went off to get the payment.
"If you wouldn't mind following us as quickly as you can," the Businessman murmured nervously, avoiding direct eye contact. "We can settle you with the cargo, and you can be on your way."
Katsuki looked at the weak man standing behind his employer. It wouldn't take any effort to throw that man through the ceiling, but it somehow felt appealing for the Businessman to bring security.
With this in mind, Katsuki didn't expect any issues from a little side quest for money. Perhaps he was tired from his last battle, but the adrenaline and deep, crippling fear of loneliness kept pushing him to suppress it.
"Let's get this over with." He grumbled, disregarding his last sip of beer and pushing away from the table.
The Businessman and his guard led Katsuki outside to a barn on the edge of the village. The night was calm, and the skies were clear—a good omen for this task.
"The cargo is just inside here," the Businessman murmured, sharing an uneasy expression with his guard, which alerted a few alarms in Katsuki's head. As he led Katsuki in, the guard stayed outside the entrance.
The first thing Katsuki noticed was that there was no "cargo." Two more guards were standing inside, and you were chained to the floor. Your hair and face were dirty, and your clothes were covered in dirt and cow shit.
When you looked up at him, he took note of your cat-like eyes and pointed ears. The chains around your wrists had runes etched into them.
"Is this a goddamn joke?" Katsuki asked loudly, making one of the guards flinch. "What do you goddamn hicks take me for?"
He turns on his heel and starts walking out when the Businessman shouts out for him.
Katsuki falters in his step, and something compels him to turn to turn around. He sees the Businessman sweating profusely—he must be desperate to get you off his hands, Katsuki thinks. He catches the two guards adjusting their grips on their weapons: a spear and a bow. The sight of them shaking in fear and regret almost makes Katsuki laugh.
He licks his lips and pulls out a dagger—decides it's expendable. When he winds his arm back, all three adversaries flinch, fearful of being the target. The knife flies through the air between their shoulders, aimed for the floor where your cuffs come together.
Katsuki's taken by surprise when you slam your wrist against the ground, breaking the cuff on your right in one attempt. You tear off the other cuff with ease. He stands back and watches you jump between each man, slaughtering them with your clumsy, desperate hands.
After the men are dead, you're left standing over their bodies with blood on your hands, panting heavily.
With his arms crossed, exuding confidence, Katsuki whistles for your attention. He knows he has it when your head turns, angling your ear to him.
"How did men like them get their hands on a magic-wielding elf?" He questions, sincerely curious.
You turn to face him fully, blood and hay falling from your tunic.
"Auction houses," you answer breathlessly, with sweat matting hair to your forehead. Wiping it out of your face, you trip on your shaky legs to the barn post and release a heavy sigh. "You would've delivered me to my sixth owner. You looked like a good one when you walked in, too."
You were still breathing heavily. Katsuki recognized it as panic.
"I'm not going back," you say quickly as he approaches you. Your eyes are wild, and your appearance makes you look hysterical.
"You aren't going back," he promises quietly, raising his hand for you. Your arm shakes when you reach for him.
When he brings his fur around your shoulders, you bat it away, spitefully refusing it.
"I want to leave," you whisper anxiously, pushing against Katsuki's arms.
"Then cover yourself," Katsuki orders firmly, wrapping his fur tightly around you. His fur, which drapes over his shoulder like a garment, wraps around you like a blanket. "There are still folk wandering everywhere."
"Where are we right now?" You ask as he ushers you out of the barn.
"A village. Heldenfaire," Katsuki answers.
"There's a town in this land. I wish for you to take me there."
"We can discuss the details of our arrangement later." Katsuki threw his cloak over his shoulders and pulled his hood over his head before steering you toward the nearby stables. "Let's first focus on getting a horse."
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—please reblog & comment if you like it! do not copy or repost ©
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