#the mayor of owl city
ettiqu-rtz · 8 months
“What about any of the guardians of Ga’hoole?”
“Well! That’s not very nice of you!”
“I didn’t say it was-“
“And I cannot stress this enough: ALL of Ga’hoole can get bent.”
“ZACH! That’s a whole. That’s a whole. A whole. A whole. A whole town!”
“Are you sure? Are you certain that it’s a town?”
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bulbasauryeee · 1 year
mayor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and serenity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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they are FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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folkwhorespodcast · 1 year
In this week's bonus ep, your favorite Folkwhores discuss the many tracks Taylor's exes, enemies, and super fans have written about her over the years. Stream for a deep dive on everything from OG Jonas Brothers to unreleased Harry Styles to original music by...Pentatonix?
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stalkerofthegods · 9 months
Ares Deep dive
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Ares is the Greek god and patron of many things, he is the edge of the sword while you hold the soft side, no god can be the god of war without the bloodshed, so don’t judge so quick, he is an amazing god, we love Ares here.
Herbs • Garlic, basil, buttercup, yarrow, ginger, anything with tiny yellow flowers, spicy stuff (ex- peppers, paprika), Water hemlock, Snapdragon, Poppy, Nettle, Magnolia, Ginger
Animals• Vulture, Colchian Dragon, serpents, barn owls, woodpeckers, dogs, horses, Stymphalian birds, boars
Zodiac • Aries
Colors • Red, black, and dark purple
Crystal• garnets, rubies, bloodstone, obsidian, red scoria, smoky quartz, red jasper, carnelian
Symbols• a helm, a shield, a spear and sometimes a sheathed sword, flaming torch, armor, palace, four fire-breathing horses 
Jewelry you can wear in their honor• Iron, armor
Diety of• masculinity, civil order, Battle lust, courage, City guards/police, Rage, Violent deeds, Fights, Murder, Manslaughter, Quarrels, cheese, dancing, rebellion 
Patron of• the Amazons, City defenses, City defenders
Offerings• Dragons, Dragon imagery, Dragon art, Strong dark red wine, Strong whiskey, Pure water, Black coffee, Black tea, Olive oil, Beef, Red meats in general, Cooked fat from meats, Blood from cut meats, Heavy spices, Spicy foods, Garlic, Red, black, and dark purple candles, Art or statues of Him, Statues of horses or dogs, Weapons, armor, and shields (ex- art, statues, toys, handmade.), Trophies, Spicy jerky, Sport drinks / protein shakes, Hand drawn or printed art of HimArt or images of dogs, horses, and vultures, Feathers from vultures, woodpeckers, or barn owls, Iron or steel jewelry, Red flowers (ex- roses), Thorns, Miniature or toy weapons and armor (especially helmets), Snake skin, Animal teeth, Write down your fears or successes and give them to Him, Medals and ribbons you’ve earned, Antiques, Photos of riots or past wars, hot sauce, Pork ribs, homemade meals, poultry, hare, venison, wolf hearts, chili peppers, lemons, green bananas, unripe peaches, batons, bullets, kendo swords, shields, military helmets, bullet-proof vests, military boots, military belts, dynamite sticks, grenades, lion pelts, shark teeth, ram skulls, explosives (handle carefully), Medals or Certificates, dog fur or dog teeth (ethically sourced), horseshoes, bull horns, war memorabilia, broken glass, spicy jerky or twiggy sticks, Carmel, sushi, stormwater, spicy salsa, Mexican food, chocolate or chia pudding, burnt matches, cigarette butts
Devotional• Create a playlist and listen to music that makes you feel brave/empowered, Donate to the Rape Crisis Center or other similar programs, Donate and support victims of war, Cook with garlic or heavy spices that you haven’t tried before, Try new things and don’t feel ashamed about doing so, Tell Him about your accomplishments, Tell Him about your fears, Learn about shadow work and try it for yourself, Learn about history, past wars, and past riots, Learn what they accomplished or failed to accomplish, Learn and educate yourself about the downsides of war and what can happen to the people affected by wars, Partake in combat sports (ex- martial arts, fencing), Exercise, Play some strategy games like chess, Risk, and Civilization, Stand up for yourself and what you believe in, write to your governor/mayor for things you want to see changed, attend riots, Pray to Him (ex-strength, ability to fight and defeat enemies, courage, to keep others safe, and help in a battle), go to a protest, learn first aid, educate yourself on PTSD, do unharmful things that give you adrenaline rushes (ex- amusement park rides, bungee jumping), watch action movies with him, pet a dog, Playing Strategy Games, Work on managing your anger, bones, go do axe throwing, a playlist that makes you feel, brave, energized and confident, keep track of your successes (this can be daily tasks, when you conquer them cross them off, and then offer the list to Ares), write down or draw art of your fears, go to a rage room, pray or meditate during thunderstorms, watch war movies and documentaries and play war/combat and strategy video games
Ephithets•Adámastos/adamastus/ἀδάμαστος/ΑΔΑΜΑΣΤΟΣ/ἀδάμας -unconquerable & indestructible, Ænyálios/enyalius/ἐνυάλιος/ΕΝΥΑΛΙΟΣ -war-God, Alcimus, Álkimos/alcimus/ἄλκιμος/ΑΛΚΙΜΟΣ/Adj - valiant, brave, Alloprósallos/alloprosallus/ἀλλοπρόσαλλος/ΑΛΛΟΠΡΟΣΑΛΛΟΣ- loyal to the struggle and to the souls who are engaged in it, Ánax/ἄναξ/ΑΝΑΞ -lord, king, Aphneiós/aphneius/ἀφνειός/ΑΦΝΕΙΟΣ -rich, wealthy, Arrectus, Árriktos/arrectus/ἄρρηκτος, ΑΡΡΗΚΤΟΣ -unbreakable, Brotoctonus, Enyalius, Hippius, Hoplochares/Hoplodupus/Hoplophorus,  Íppios/hippius/ἵππιος/ÍΠΠΙΟΣ -horseman,  Mægasthænís/megasthenes/μεγασθενής/ΜΕΓΑΣΘΕΝΗΣ/μεγασθενές -very strong,  Megasthenes/Mægasthænís., Ombrimothymus:See Omvrimóthymos/Omvrimóthymos/ombrimo hymus/ὀμβριμόθυμος/ΟΜΒΡΙΜΟΘΥΜΟΣ/ὀβρῐμόθῡμος -doughty, indomitable, Oplódoupos/hoplodupus/ὁπλόδουπος/ΟΠΛΟΔΟΥΠΟΣ -clattering in his armor, Oplokharís/hoplochares/ὁπλοχαρής, ΟΠΛΟΧΑΡΗΣ -rejoicing in arms, Oplophóros/hoplophorus/ὁπλοφόρος/ΟΠΛΟΦΟΡΟΣ - he who bears arms, Phrictus/Phriktós/phrictus/φρικτός/ΦΡΙΚΤΟΣ - horrifying, Polæmóklonos/polemoklonus/πολεμόκλονος/ΠΟΛΕΜΟΚΛΟΝΟΣ -he raises the clamor of combat, Polemoklonus/Polæmóklonos, Sceptuchus/ Skiptoukhos/Skiptoukho/sceptuchus/σκηπτοῦχος/ΣΚΗΠΤΟΥΧΟΣ -he who bears a scepter, Teichesipletes/Teikhæsiplítis/Teikhæsiplítis/teichesipletes/τειχεσιπλήτης/ΤΕΙΧΕΣΙΠΛΗΤΗΣ—he who storms the cities in battle, Vrotoktónos/brotoctonus/βροτοκτόνος, ΒΡΟΤΟΚΤΟΝΟΣ -the slayer of men.
Equivalents• Mars (Roman), Onuris-Anhur (Egyptian god), Tiu-Tyr (Germanic god),  unnamed war-god (Scythian god).
Courting• unmarried, but courting Aphrodite. 
Past lovers/crushes/hookups• Aerope, Agraulos, Harmonia, Otrere, Astyokhe, Demonike or Sterope, Kyrene or Asterie, Astyokhe
Personality• He’s a great father, and a great lover, I talk to a godspouse of his and they talk about how he calmed them and was always there. He’s a great father because I’ve talked to a person who their father is ares and he’s always there for them, he’s also generous.
Home• Mount Olympus 
Mortal or immortal • immortal
Fact• Ares was the only male greek god that never raped or sexually assaulted any woman
Curses• Routing armies, Cowardice, Death on the battlefield, Military invasion, Sacking of cities, Rebellion, Uprisings, Sedition
Blessings•Driving armies, Bravery, fighting strength & endurance,  Averting war (peace), Repelling invading armies, Maintaining civil order, Crushing rebellions, Restraint violent instinct,
Roots• Thrake, Ancient Greece.
Parentage• Zues and Hera
Siblings• Enyo (twin sister), Eris (sister), Apollo (half-brother), Artemis (half-sister), Athena (half-sister), Hephaestus (brother), Hermes (half-brother), Dionysus (half-brother), Hebe (sister), Heracles (half-brother), Aphrodite (half-sister).
Pet• four fire-breathing horses (Aithon (Red-Fire), Phlogios (Flame), Konabos (Tumult) and Phobos (Fear))
Children •ANTEROS (God of reciprocated love, son of Ares and Aphrodite), DEIMOS (God of fear, a son of Ares and Aphrodite.), ENYALIOS/Enyalius (A war-god son of Ares and Eris), EROS (God of love, a son of Ares and Aphrodite),  HARMONIA (Goddess of harmony, daughter of Ares and Aphrodite.), NIKE(The goddess of victory, a daughter of Ares), PHOBOS (God of panic, son of Ares and Aphrodite),AEROPOS/Aeropus (son of Ares and Aerope.), ALKIPPE/Alcippe (daughter of Ares and Agraulos), AMAZONES/Amazons (Warrior women of Assyria, daughters of Ares and Harmonia), ANTIOPE(daughter of Ares and Otrere), ASKALAPHOS/Ascalaphus (son of Ares and Astyokhe), DIOMEDES (son of Ares and Kyrene or Asterie), DRYAS (son of Ares), EUENOS/Evenus (son of Ares and Demonike, and sometimes the son of Ares and Sterope), HIPPOLYTE (daughter of Ares and Otrere.),IALMENOS/Ialmenus (son of Ares and Astyokhe), KYKNOS/Cycnus) (son of Ares and Pelopia or Pyrene), LIKYMNIOS/Licymnius (son of Ares most say his father was King Elektryon), LYKASTOS/Lycastus) (son of Ares and Phylonome.), LYKOS/Lycus (son of Ares who used to sacrifice strangers to his father), MELANIPPOS/Melanippus (son of Ares and Triteia.), MELEAGROS/Meleager (son of Ares and Queen Althaia, but most call him a son of King Oineus), MOLOS/Molus (son of Ares and Demonike), NISOS/Nisus (son of Ares, but most accounts say he was a son of the Athenian prince Pandion), OIAGROS/Oeagrus (a son of Ares but some say his father was King Kharops),OINOMAUS/Oenomaus (son of Ares and the Pleaid Sterope or Princess Harpinna), OXYLOS/Oxylus (son of Ares and Protogeneia), PARRHASIOS/Parrhasius(son of Ares and Phylonome.),PARTHENOPAIOS/Parthenopaeus (son of Ares and Atalanta, many say his father was Melanion or Meleagros), PENTHESILEIA (daughter of Ares and Otrere), PHLEGYAS (He was a son of Ares and Dotis or Khryse.), PORTHAON (son of Ares or according to others of Agenor), PYLOS/Pylus (son of Ares and Demonike.), REMUS (son of Ares and Ilia), ROMULUS (son of Ares and Ilia), TEREUS (a son of Ares.), THESTIOS/Thesius (son of Ares and Demonike or Agenor and Epikaste), THRASSA (daughter of Ares and Tereine.), DRAKON ISMENIAN (A monstrous dragon-serpent, it was a son of Ares and the Erinys Telphousia.)
attendees• DEIMOS & PHOBOS (The twin gods of terror and fear), ERIS & ENYO (goddess of strife, hatred and war), KYDOIMOS/Cydoemus (The god of the din of war), NIKE (goddess of victory), OTHER ABSTRACTIONS(spirits described such as Rage, Anger, Threats, Death and Valour)
Appearance in astral or gen• In ancient Greek art, he was depicted as either a mature, bearded warrior armed for battle, or as a nude, beardless youth with a helm and spear.
Festivals • Artemis Agrotera/Kharisteria , and Genesios, maybe.
Day • Tuesday 
Scared places• Odrysia in Bistonia, Thrake (his birth-place)
Planet• Mars
Tarot cards• Chariot & Emperor card
Scents/Inscene • Frankensince, Sandalwood incense, resin, burning wood (especially if Himalayan salt in thrown in since it reminds him of blood), and red sandalwood incense
Prayer to Ares for the Safety of a Soldier
Bold-hearted Ares, bright-helmed son of thundering Zeus and noble Hera, well-honored god of war, any battle will you face, any foe will you fight, without fear and without hestitation. Ares, god of warriors, ally of those who risk their lives on the field, to you do soldiers offer their prayers. You know each one’s name, O Ares, you know their lives, you know their worth. Great Ares, I pray to you, watch over ____________ who heeded your call, who practices your art, whose name you know well, for s/he is one of your own who does you honor with each day s/he serves. Ares, I pray to you.
In general 
Bright-helmed Ares, strong of arm and stern of visage, firm of stance, unyielding of will, ever ready to face any foe, to hold the line against all who may come, to battle until the end. Ares, son of noble Zeus and wise Hera, cherished by golden Aphrodite, honored by those who call on you for strength and courage, in the north were you much honored in times of old, in Thrace and Thessaly were you held in esteem by those whose lives were harsh, whose world was stony, whose comforts were hard-won. Ares who answers the prayers of the despairing, I honor you
For Courage
Ares, fierce-hearted son of Zeus and noble Hera, full-famed you are as god of war. To you do soldiers pray when battle is most heated, when mettle is most needed. To you as well do we turn in desperate times, to you do we call for strength, for the spirit to endure. You understand the terror of struggle and strife, you confront it in every way. Ares, your courage is unquestioned, your might and your prowess unequaled. Ares, friend to those in direst need, I pray to you, grant me the nerve to face what must be faced, grant me the will to do what must be done, grant me the heart to forge ahead.
Links/websites/sources •https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/gods/ares/
https://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/624476009567289344/ares-offerings/amphttps://aspisofares.wordpress.com/tag/offerings/https://www.tumblr.com/warriots/622104378198933504/a-guide-to-ares-worship https://www.tumblr.com/warriots/622104378198933504/a-guide-to-ares-worship https://scarletarosa.tumblr.com/post/187742800571/ares-greek-god-ofhttps://www.tumblr.com/diana-thyme/722942201197363200/greek-gods-101-ares @enyalios-shrinehttps://greekpagan.com/category/prayers-2/ares/
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Ares is the Greek god and patron of many things, he is the edge of the sword while you hold the soft side, no god can be the god of war without the bloodshed, he is an amazing god, we love Ares here.
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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twisting-echo · 25 days
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My Top 25 Crossover Couples (Pt 2)
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It's finally finished! I've had this sitting in my PicsArt drafts for over four months, and that's why some of the other pictures are blurry because it's been rendered so many times, but there had to be changes made based on my mood!
Top 25 Crossover Couples (Blank) by Daniarts19 on DA.
(This will also be the last time that I'll use this template by Daniarts19 due to her disrespecting my DNI and breaking her promise about not saying mean/rude things to me.)
Loona (Helluva Boss) x Izuku (MHA) (Dekoona/MoonRabbit): My friend @amethystoceandespiser got me to ship them. I'm invested in their chemistry and emotional connection.
Sunita (ROTTMNT) x Tucker (Danny Phantom): My friend @amethystoceandespiser brought this ship to my attention and I love it!
Octavia (Helluva Boss) x Danny (DP) (Spectral Owl): This is the ship that started the friendship between me and @amethystoceandespiser and I love it! Their emotional connection and chemistry has my heart.
Jazz (Danny Phantom) x Raph (ROTTMNT) (Tough Cookie & Smart Cookie): This ship came to me after my friend and I made our Scott Pilgrim AU. They're both older siblings who just want the best for their younger siblings. They understand each other's pain.
Mayor Lionheart (Zootopia) x Anna (Frozen): My reasons for shipping Anna and Mayor Lionheart are explained in this post here.
Sparky (Atomic Betty) x Amethyst (Trollz) This ship came to me as a kid.
Buttercup (PPG) x Nergal Jr (TGAOB&M) I love Tomboy x Nerd dynamics, but it's even more interesting considering that Buttercup fights monsters for a living and Nergal Jr. is a monster-demon-demigod-nerd-boy, lol.
Lobster Claws (SVTFOE) x Bubbles (PPG) (BubbleClaws) This crackship is based on a joke between me and my sister @small-tragedies
Goo (FHFIF) x Blossom (PPG) (GooBloss/PinkGoo) This ship came to me when I was a kid, and I thought that they were cute together.
Alice (AMA/AMR) x P/Pinocchio (LOP) (Palice) I have to thank my friend, @frie-ice for getting me to ship them.
Violet (The Incredibles) x Varian (TTS/RTA) (Virian) I have to thank @virianhaven for getting me to ship them.
Lola Bunny (TLTS) x Minnie Mouse (Minola) I have @dawn64 to thank for getting me to ship them so hard.
Lucifer Morningstar x Poppy (DuckPop/PopStar/ApplePop) I have @hah-studios to thank for getting me to ship them. Watch this video here.
Rapunzel (Tangled) x Fred (BH6) (Fredpunzel/Rapzilla/Sunzilla) I have to thank @rapunzelcrossoverqueen for getting me to ship them.
Minerva Mink x Marvin Martian (Minervin/MartianMink) I have to thank @dawn64 for getting me to ship them.
Panini (Chowder) x Lincoln/Warren (Loud House): I had an idea based on the "White Hare" episode, where Lincoln has a dream about being a rabbit named Warren with 15 extra sisters but instead has an Alice in Wonderland-type adventure being transported to Marzipan City, and you can probably guess the rest.
Ami (Sailor Moon) x Sonic (Sonic X) (SonAmi, I guess, lol): Being a die-hard SonElise shipper, it's easy to assume that Sonic has a type~
Daisy Duck x Cruella (Cruaisy): I started shipping them years ago when I watched this Disney short called Electric Holiday. I've made a couple AUs where Daisy works for Cruella in the fashion industry, and they become close friends and lovers in a May-December relationship. 
Tom (Tom & Jerry) x Bright Eyes (Pound Puppies Season 1): I like to headcanon that Tom and Bright Eyes are childhood friends to lovers. I explain it more in this post here.
Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise) x Jack Sparrow (TPOTC) (SparrowWolf/WolfSparrow): I don't really ship characters from live-action movies and shows, but Disney Mirrorverse got me to ship these two goofballs.
Cinderella x Gojo (JJK) (Gojoella): Don't get me wrong. I love Sukuella, but I solely blame @peachudumplings for giving me Fairy-God-Gojo, and thus I ship Cinderella and Gojo too, lol.
Stitch (Lilo and Stitch) x Tinker Bell (Peter Pan): My reasons for crackshipping Stitch and Tinker Bell are explained in this post here.
Alice x Peter Pan (PanAlice): I've always shipped Peter Pan and Alice, but because of their Disney Mirrorverse counterparts, I shipped them harder.
Yuji Itadori (JJK) x Yuliy Jirov (Sirius the Jaeger) (YuYu): They have so much in common! That's all I'll say about these two for now~
Tiana x Nanami (Tianami): I have to thank @peachudumplings for getting me to ship them so hard. They're perfect for each other~
I am cringe and I am free!
Here is a link to my Top 25 Crossover Couples (Pt 1).
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cthulhusstepmom · 9 months
What Is and What Could Be
Down in the bayou it’s never silent. The air is filled with the shrill calls of a million marsh birds, underscored by the harmonies of cicadas, crickets, and whining mosquitos. With a tempo set by croaking bullfrogs and sluggishly churning water, urged along by hooting owls and supported by the bass tones of bellowing gators. The song of the swamp is a busy tune, not unlike the brassy jazz played by those that live there. And if you know how to listen just right, it can tell you no shortage of things. 
In a warm and humid tavern a group of adventurers sits around a table, glancing furtively this way and that, squirming slightly under the judgemental stare of the more naturalized citizens. Things don’t often change in the bayou, it’s a wild place, untamed. Civilization has tried to reach within before and without fail it’s been pushed back with prejudice, those that do live here are proud of it and somewhat by design they tend to be a rather insular folk. By and large this means they don’t take kindly to most strangers. Particularly strangers that show up asking questions .
And this crew had been asking plenty, beyond the glaring offense of very clearly not being from around this neck of the woods. 
They rolled into town a few days ago, talking like Galticans or similar enough to them, and by the look in their eyes: running from who knows what. They found rooms at one of the nicer inns, kept to themselves and tipped decent enough(it takes more than that to ingratiate yourselves to the folk of Agwé) before they started asking things. Innocuous at first. They wanted to know about the circus going on just out of town, who the mayor was(useless question) and who was really in charge(that one earned them some begrudging respect). Then they dug deeper, asked about other people. Powerful people. People who are none too fond of having their business nosed about. 
However, if there’s one thing the people of Agwé like more than being stalwartly unhelpful to those they dislike, it’s watching someone else be stalwartly unhelpful and commentating on it over Sunday brunch and mimosas. 
“I’ll tell you what, you go on over to that carnival a ways outta town and I reckon you’ll find who you’re looking for.” A greasy tabaxi offers between wiping tables, battered tail flicking back and forth with a hard to determine emotion. “I wouldn’t dawdle if I were you, it won’t be in town much longer.” The Tabaxi returns to his business with a glinting smile and a few gold pieces that were well worth the trouble. If city slickers wanna go poking beehives it’s not his business to stop them, especially if he’s compensated for handing them the stick. 
The carnival itself is in full swing when they arrive, flashing lights and smells both sweet and savory assaulting their senses from the get go. The operation is staffed by a motley crew of goblinoids, bullywugs, humans, kobolds, and anything else one could reasonably imagine; in the corner of her vision, the half elven leader of the group of adventurers even catches sight of what look to be a few pixies working the crowd though the tide of patrons sways and they’re obscured before she can be fully certain. 
Games line the thoroughfare all of which, from the looks of a surreptitious investigation, appear to be thoroughly if subtly rigged. Arching above the sea of people is an impressive ferris wheel, bedazzled with twinkling magical lights as it turns and turns. Near it, a calliope booms a cheery tune over the sounds of hawking carnival workers, screaming children, and laughing patrons. A map near the entrance advertises a hall of mirrors, a freak show, and hourly performances in the red and white striped big top including a magic show, fire dancing, beast taming, and a spectacle led by the carnival owner at noon and midnight. Perusing through the carnival, wandering and wondering just how they’re meant to find anyone here let alone the one man they seek, the party save one(a dragonborn with a hand harp strapped to his side) seems oblivious to an odd quirk of this particular carnival. There doesn’t seem to be any clowns.
Their hotheaded gnome companion is easily egged into a game of strength(taunted all the while by a colorful lizardfolk wearing the symbol of the carnival), black eyes glitter with excitement as their minotaur begs to go to the big top to see the beasts in the next show as the small pseudodragon on his shoulder makes similar pleading motions, a disinterested rabbitfolk quickly snatches her hands away from a passing purse under the stern reprimand of an androgynous human with subtly glowing eyes. They come to the conclusion that they should split, agreeing that they will meet at the big top in an hour for the Spectacular, all concluding that should be their best chance to get an audience with who they seek. 
As they go their separate ways(one pair to the big top, one pair to the freak show, one making her way down the alley of carnival games and the last picking his way towards the concessions) the party is pulled into the atmosphere of merriment and none of them perceive the very distinct feeling of predatory eyes locked on their every move.
The party never gets a chance to reconvene at the big top. 
Instead, throughout the hour each one meets a disparate misfortune. The half elven woman drops to her knees at the edge of the thoroughfare, clutching her head in pain as the hand reaching for a holy symbol falls limp.
Behind her, the human spins about in panic, muttering a few infernal words before a hand is clamped over their mouth and ether slowly calms their struggling limbs. 
At a dart game, the dragonborn reaches to claim his prize and suddenly finds himself somewhere else entirely with only a moment to scream before his mind is enveloped in darkness and he falls to the ground fast asleep. 
In the large circus tent, the harengon thief is escorted away from her thoroughly distracted friend by a mysterious tabaxi claiming to be security, receiving a sharp blow to the temple as they walk towards a ‘holding cell’. 
Within the hall of mirrors, a black and orange hand reaches forth and yanks the furs worn by the gnome; sending her careening through the glass-turned-portal. 
Last to go is the minotaur. Enamored by the performance, he couldn’t pass up a chance to speak with the beastmaster of the carnival: an old goblin with an easy smile and a worn wooden ocarina. The only moment of warning he had was a deep hoot behind him before the world went dark.
Some indeterminate time later the human is wrenched from unconsciousness by a familiar, if perpetually jarring, voice shouting within their mind. In swift order they endeavor to wake the others, attempting to take stock of the situation. Their surroundings are dark, what little light is present struggles to illuminate anything through heavy curtains drawn over wide windows. Beneath them is an opulent rug, the color of which is hard to discern in the low light, and under that are tight wooden floorboards that match the walls of this space. What they can see of the walls anyway; most of the space is taken by lavish hangings and shelves of kick knacks, the one closest to them holds a beat up silver cigarette case, a small wooden figure of a two headed vulture, a clockwork dragonfly, a crocheted doily, a hip flask, and a vial that looks to house a small lily pad floating in water amongst a few other things. The air is thick with the scent of quality tobacco and warm food and the ambience it creates might even be homey and welcoming in the right circumstances. Though now, tied securely to chairs with no idea how they got there, it seems rather daunting. 
Spatially, the room is quite large. Wide enough for six chairs with displeased adventurers to be lined up side by side with a foot or so of walking room on one side. It’s longer than it is wide, maybe twice over though it’s hard to tell; the windows are positioned opposite each other in the very center of each wall, what light that escapes the curtains quickly stifles in almost absolute darkness before it reveals any sign of a far wall, at least to disadvantaged human eyes. What does catch their gaze and take their breath away are a pair of glowing dull magenta dots in the darkness. No, that’s not quite right. Not dots. Eyes . 
From the gasps coming from their left and right, some of the human’s more visually attuned party members have also perceived the eyes, and most likely the creature attached to them, whatever horrific beast it may be. 
Soon after they discover their predicament, the air is filled with the muffled noises of the carnivalé outside and underneath the muted cacophony the occasional grunt over a chorus of heavy breathing(the Thing on the other end of the room doesn’t move a single muscle, doesn’t even seem to breathe), a sliver of light falls upon the interior of the wagon. 
A door on the far side of the wagon opens. 
It takes a moment for the adventurers to get their bearing in the new light, when they do they first notice the creature connected to those dully shining eyes. 
A large bugbear stands against the far wall. He stands tall, the tips of his bat-like ears almost brushing the ceiling, limbs corded with lithe muscle, and a severe bearing that hints at confidence and ferocity. Running over his arms and up under his sleeves are large spots devoid of any of the dense brown fur that covers the rest of him, a closer look reveals thick rings of angry scar tissue, long healed but clearly agonizing once.
As the bugbear moves away from the opening door he reveals these new variables to their unfortunate situation. 
Stepping into the room with twin, thudding, clanks , a large fire genasi drags a pair of thick chains across the floor attached to weathered manacles that cover his forearms. The genasi is broad, with muscles that speak of hard labor and sheer physical power. His face is creased with deep laugh lines though the only smile on his lips at the moment is a malicious smirk as he reaches behind him to hold the door open. 
Lastly, a lizardfolk gentleman strolls through the door. He moves with the assured ease of a man who holds all the cards. Wearing a sharp purple suit, hand gripping the amethyst skull atop an ornate cane, the lizardfolk takes his time setting his top hat on a stand in the corner, breezing under the watchful eyes of the bugbear without a care for the sharp claws hovering near his snout. When he finally seats himself in a commanding armchair set front and center of the room, he casually fishes in his suit coat before withdrawing a sleek black cigarette holder and a cigarette from a mother of pearl case. It’s hardly in his hand for more than a second before the genasi at his shoulder provides a light at the tip of his finger before leaning with crossed arms on the back of the chair. As his back makes contact with the leather, a spidery hand covered in fur proffers a crystal tumbler of dark alcohol. 
After a long, weighted silence and a luxurious draw from the cigarette, he speaks. 
“What a do friends …”
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kisilinramblings · 1 year
I don't know if you've seen the last two final episode yet but if you have, any thought?
I actually like it?
Sure, I was disappointed that Chat Noir didn't join up the fight. At the same time, I understand Adrien's reasons for not turning into Chat Noir in order to break himself free.
Not only was he hunted by the nightmare of him as Anti-Chat killing everything he cared about, but he was very self-aware at how emotionnally vulnerable he was to be akumatized and making that nightmare come true. This season made him realized he can be so angry to the point of he wants to cataclysm people. It almost happened with both Darker Owl AND Dark Humor this season. Adrien backing off, remaining in "prison" and taking off his Miraculous so Plagg put it in safety for the time being was not him giving up. It was him trying to protect his loved ones. And he was also unaware this was a Monarch attack going on that needed Chat Noir.
Also, everything was made so Adrien doesn't find out for now that his father was Monarch. I don't consider Marinette was in the right even if Gabriel asked her to make sure Adrien doesn't learn the truth. And unbestknown to Gabriel, his dying request landed exactly on Marinette's nightmare territory. Remember the nightmare she had at the beginning. In it, Marinette accidentaly "kills" Gabriel after vanquishing him, right under Adrien's eyes which upset him, asking her why did she did this to his father.
So all ingredients seem to be there for this secret to come back to bite them if it is ever discover. The fact Gabriel has a statue, even if it built on a lie, means that something of him remains even if he is gone. And lately, we have seen that statues IRL can be toppled. But yeah, as long as Gabriel's statue is standing high, his shadow still is present. That is how I view it.
Outside of that, the fight between Bug Noir and Monarch was satisfying. I love that she swung a shovel at Monarch's face sending him flying and the use of Lucky Charm in succession was actually interesting.
I liked that La Résistance try to help however they can. I'm not sure on how pertinent it was for Gabriel and Tomoe's last attack to be international, but I didn't mind. DC and Marvel both have heroes from their respective IPs coming together to fight when there is a global threat affecting more than one city. And it is no secret both Jeremy Zag and Thomas Astruc desire to create their own Zag universe of superheroes.
Also, Tomoe is so up to no good.
Luka was a surprise. I didn't expect him to be trained by Su-Han, however, considering that Su-Han was able to repel an Akuma and since Luka does know both LB and CN's identity, and that Su-Han and Luka already have met once during Ephemeral (as that part wasn't erased), that ending is not that weird if they wanted him back in the story eventually (and reminder that Mirakungfu is meant to disarm Miraculous Holders who went rogue). Anyway, with Luka, a side story about that would have been welcome. But fun detail, Luka's martial style is based on the Snake!
Love the true form of Tikki and Plagg and seeing them fuse into Gimmi was something.
"You humans always summon me to complain. Never to rejoice".
Yeah, feels about right.
Lila's intervention in the finale was pretty tame, but the conclusion is what we expected : she gets the Butterfly Miraculous. But it is probable she might have seen Ladybug untransformed alongside witnessing how to summon Gimmi (although there is no way to know for sure right now). Plus, Lila will have help which I didn't expect. And it seems it is someone who knew where to find here.
Btw, can we have more politician like Mayor Bustier, please? I know it is very utopist, but sign me up for that future.
So yeah, that finale closed a book BUT this isn't the end. There is something uncanny going on during the pool party. It's the illusion of a perfect ending.
Sign me up for S6. o/
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echodeltacove · 2 months
FNAF Fan-made | Five Night's at The Owl House Studio and Entertainment | AU
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"Five Night’s at The Owl House Studio and Entertainment" abbreviated, "FNaTOHS&E" is a Five Night’s at Freddy’s inspired Universe between The Owl House. The concept of this is, instead of voice actors- the series is filmed with animatronics and certain props.
| Location's Within The Owl House Studio Universe |
The Owl House Studio and Entertainment (2016-2020)
The Owl House Studio and Entertainment Facility, or also just known as, The Owl House Studio and Entertainment, is a Animated Television Filming Studio, mixed with children entertainment. It is built and station in Obion County, Union City, Tennessee. The Primary mascot and figurehead of The Owl House Studio and Entertainment is Luz Noceda, accompanied by her showmates, consisting of Hunter, King Clawthorne, and Amity Blight.
When the drawing board was being done, the Company was originally going to be a Diner or an Adventure Park. The ideal spark of becoming an Animated Television Studio business came a little time later when the founder- James Summers, realized how many diner places already have animatronics.
Coming up with the designs of the four main animatronics (Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Hunter, and London). Early iteration of Luz Noceda was created and designed to help with the development of the programming and coding- London (King's early iteration) was soon canceled from the project and a new design counterpart was created; soon to be King.
James partnered up with his college classmate Nathan Carpenter, who was an robotic engineer - which is the inspiration, Mr. Summers got the idea of Amity becoming an "Abomination Engineer" in the epilogue.
James and Natan made a public account where they would publish their storyboards and short videos of storyboard-drawn motion pictures. Within a half-a-year; 1994, Walt Disney Animation Studios caught wind of the storyboards and grew interested in their idea of creating a series. A contract built and signed by both sides; starting a partnership and a way to build their project. Walt Disney Animation Studios gave Mr. Summers and Hayden a 'Business Starting Fund' to begin construction of the Studio.
James and Nathan both lived in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee which they both believed was too small to start their business, after a few months searching for suitable cities to move to, they discovered Union City. The City Mayor agreed to having their company built in his/her city, signing an agreement and a contract with the city. in mid 1995, the two families moved to Union City, Tennessee to start construction of the 48-acre building.
The blueprints of the Studio ended up being a single-story, with four separate buildings: the first building being the Main Building- which has, the Main Entrance Lobby, a Snack/Food Bar, an Electric Room, a Prize Room, two Arcade Halls, a few restrooms, the Security Office, a Parts and Service Room, The Editing/Revising Lab, and the Main Recording Set Area. The Second building being the Secondary Animatronic Containment Storage- which would store all the other animatronics which are 'minor' characters of the series. The third building being the Supply/Containment Storage and Loading Dock Section- which would be where all the props, merchandise, and even frozen foods would be stored properly; along with where the delivery trucks would drop off the supplies. The fourth and final building would be a bit smaller than the other buildings; which would be the Workshop. This is where Mr. Summers and Mr. Carpenter would brainstorm new studio ideas and storyboard them for the Animatronics to perform the scenes.
The Animatronics are also known to have their own rooms - which is down a secret hall that only the Staff, employee's and the Animatronics are known to. The hall is called "The Lounge Hall".
When the studio was starting up and beginning production, Nathan Carpenter hired her sister-in-law; Kailey Lakewood, to become the Animatronic Chief Officer- which she would be in charge of the Animatronics and in charge of putting in service orders for the Animatronics. Throughout college, Kailey was obsessed with the thought of the paranormal, and even possession activity. Working around Animatronics, it sparked her interest back up and she producted an "experience" to extract an substance what is called "remnant" which created from agony from an individual. This is the motion to her act of the "Four Missing Children Incident".
Events soon followed behind from Kailey's act. From "The Bite of 2019", to the Paranormal Activities during the night at the Studio. The Owl House Studio and Entertainment Facility soon became the infamous business within the city, which caused many people to move out of the city; or even avoid the part of the city that the Studio is in. Numbers of guests visiting the Studio during 'Open Public Hours' started to decrease at a slow, by fair pace.
The "New-and-Improved" Owl House Studio and Entertainment (2022-2025)
A year following the first Studio closing, James and Nathan decided to re-open as a refurbished building and new technology and program systems in the Animatronics- Criminal Database, Suspicious Alarms, ect. The "new-and-improved" Owl House Studio and Entertainment Facility opened around the late period before Season 2 ended. Once the series were finished, the City attempted to put the company out of business, however couldn't go through with the action due to the active contract with Walt Disney Animation Studios. The Company was put on a "Do Not Demolition" Order by the Local Government due to the 'still up' Contract. After two years of the Series being finished, the Contract started to get loosened up, due to Walt Disney Company not wanting to do anymore business with Owl Entertainment Inc.
The Owl House Studio: Horror Attraction and Museum (2038-2039)
Around 13 years following the Studios' closure, Owl Entertainment Inc. decided to honor the tales and rumors of the Studio by opening a Horror Attraction, and even a Museum- showcasing all the old props, including the deactivated Animatronics from "both" locations.
The Owl Cafe (2057-2059)
It is now 32 years following the Studio closing their doors The Owl Cafe is it's the first restaurant-themed setting as the others are Studio Filming/Entertainment Establishments. Owl Entertainment gained a new owner- going under Owl Entertainment LLC.
A few Employee's were assigned to head to the burn wreckage of the Horror Attraction/Museum place where they were to try to salvage what they could, but they couldn’t find anything due to everything being burnt from the fire. However, the employees were forced to return to the old rubbles and debris where the building once was a second time to thoroughly go through the burnt remains to shockingly find a polished wired glass (which is fire proof glass) jar that had withstood the major flames and contained what appeared to be four different glowing hues of spiritual essence “Remnant” - along with a flash drive. The staff took it back to the current establishment which it was unknowably installed the said remnant into the newly made animatronics thinking that it would assist with their programming.
The flash drive was plugged into the main system computer which started to glitch the system and download a virus to all the electronic devices around the restaurant over the night; without anyone noticing. The business was opened in July 2057, and the restaurant went on without a hitch and was able to thrive for two more year's until- in late 2059 a bite with one of the newer original models: Mocha Cappuccino, bit a customer due to a drink spill that went into the mechanic wires and systems, and a investigation with the local police from a few reported suspicious activities which the company denied even knowing or being apart of..the suspicious activities are unknown (A few hidden murders and missing reports) The establishment closed down after two and-a-half years open, keeping night guard hiring for another year, with finding out what’s going on in the building at night time; making the horrific realization that the animatronics were actually living and possessed with the original murdered children from the first ever “The Owl House” Studio establishment. The Remnant was shared/divided among all animatronics.
All locations falls between a duration of 63 years! The first ever related "Owl House" content was between 1995 to 2000 called, "Luz and Friends"
| Luz and Friends |
Luz and Friends is an early short-animated show that was created and aired between 1993 to 1995. The animation was flat and simple, then being followed with it's successor animated television show The Owl House. Luz and Friends was approximately eight minutes long.
Each episode would have a small conflict among the group of teen kids; or could be a simple argument, and is solved by Luz herself learned by a valuable lesson. Hunter was always known as the "trouble maker" in the teen group. Before 'The Owl House' aired, King was known as a forest stray. The program didn't have a complex/difficult plot-line. The location setting was unknown in "Luz and Friends" as the program didn't focus too much on the setting, more than the plot of the story for that episode.
| Animatronics Around The Universe |
There are many variations of the 'The Owl House' Animatronics- Originals, 2.0's, Phantoms, and the Cafe Animatronics. I will list the Animatronics in the "Universe Series" they appear in:
"Originals" Animatronics- FNaTOHS&E 2
- Luz Noceda - Amity Blight - Hunter - King
"2.0's" Animatronics- FNaTOHS&E 1
The 2.0's indicates the Second Studio- and the Epilogue "era" Animatronics
- Luz Noceda 2.0 - Amity Blight 2.0 - Hunter 2.0 - King Clawthorne 2.0 - Eda Clawthorne 2.0 - London - Shadow Luz Noceda -Shadow King Clawthorne
"Hallucinations/Nightmares"- FNaTOHS&E "4"
As the same as the "FNaTOHS&E 1" Era, the Nightmares are also the Epilogue "era" Animatronics.
- Nightmare Luz Noceda * Nightmare Stringbean - Nightmare Amity Blight * Nightmare Ghost - Nightmare King Clawthorne - Nightmare Hunter - Nightmare Eda Clawthorne - Nightmare London
"Phantoms" & "Deathtrap Luz"- FNaTOHS&E 3
As the same as the "FNaTOHS&E 1" Era, the Phantoms are also the Epilogue "era" Animatronics. Unlike for "Deathtrap" Luz Noceda is the tattered version of the springlock 'early iteration' of Luz.
- Deathtrap Luz Noceda * Prototype/Deathtrap Luz Noceda: Prototype is a taller and "older aged" version of Luz Noceda that was never used for the series. She has black leggings, dark purple turtle neck long-sleeved shirt wore under a light blue and white jacket- having a single dark purple stripe along the middle. An owl pendant necklace around her neck, wearing light purple, white, and blue sneakers. Prototype Luz has her pixie cut style but slightly longer. She has a singular golden rectangular earring on her right ear. (her "age" appears to be around 16) - Phantom Luz Noceda - Phantom Amity Blight - Phantom King Clawthorne - Phantom Hunter - Phantom Eda Clawthorne
"Cafe" Animatronics- FNaTOHS&E 5
Cafe Luz Noceda
- Cafe Luz keeps her styled curly shortened hair, mascara black earrings, and her permanent "scar" from the series. Due to the Cafe style, Luz dons brown trousers, black short sleeved shirt, with lighter tan jacket that has a golden clip of the Cafe's logo on the right corner of the jacket, with a pin underneath the logo clip-pin which is a pin shape and colored of stringbean. And black shoes. - Luz helps with day security guard, by looking over the whole Cafe as double security; since she's still the main mascot of the company.
Cafe King Clawthorne
- Cafe King is the same with his dark red collar and tag that has the initials "KC" on it. Along with his bright blue star sticker/bandage on the right side of his skull. On the collar is a golden pin clip that has the Cafe's logo on it. King just wears a coffee brown colored apron. - King would show "coming in" customers to their seats, handing them their menus
Cafe Amity Blight
- Cafe Amity’s hair goes back to the color from the episode “Thanks to Them” with the light pink and the brown root color on the top of her head. She is dressed with a naples yellow colored long sleeved turtle neck shirt, black pants, and a white/light tan colored waist apron that has a pocket in it - which a pad and a pen is always kept in it for Amity to take the customers orders. On the waist apron is a golden clip pin that has the Cafe’s logo. Cafe Amity also wears gray shoes.  - Amity would help the human waiters take table orders on hours that the Cafe is very busy following hourly shows.
Cafe Hunter
Cafe Hunter also stayed the same from his “Epilogue” appearance from the series- including his few face and ear scars. He wears a brown long sleeved shirt that has the cuffs of the sleeves folded. Black pants - like Amity, gray shoes, and a light orange/brown apron. - Hunter would help assist Cafe Amity with taking tables orders on hours that the Cafe is very busy between showings.
Aura the Weasel
- Aura is one of the three new characters; alongside Mocha and Echo. Owl Entertainment LLC., has decided to experiment with having animal themed animatronics as well. - Aura assists with table delivery meal orders on rush hours.
Mocha Cappuccino the Red Panda
- Mocha Cappuccino, also known as just "Mocha", is also one of the new characters Owl Entertainment LLC., has created- and is experimented on with having animal themed animatronics. - Mocha has her own place in the "Kid's Table Room" to look after the younger kids, and delivering their meals.
Echo the Hare
- Echo, is one of the three and final new characters of Owl Entertainment LLC., and has built and experimented to see how animal themed/based animatronics program around guests/customers due to a 'walk-around' four legged animal animatronics weren't made before. - Echo helps assists Aura with table delivery meal orders.
Security A.C.E.
- Mostly known just as "Ace". He is a Great Horned Owl that's black, brown, and gray. He also has see-in-the-dark features with bright yellow eyes. On both of his wings, he has a design of a 'security' shield with neon blue trims. - He is the on that holds tight security on the whole network of the restaurant.
| FNaTOHS&E 1&2 Hauntings |
• With the Animatronics - in their "normal mode setting" their eyes are normal with their color eyes and white sclera - except King, he has his yellow sclera.
• Paranormal activities began two days following the MCI - marking that Kailey's third "experience" was successful and that remnants have been collected. The Animatronics continues to program/act the same way, except that they can have tendencies to be more staredown on adults than kids. Since the ghost children are mostly in an "invisible" state most of the time, some objects and doors may seem to open, or slam close themselves. Night Guards that have ran out and/or quickly quit would report random loud scrapping sounds, the security cameras rapidly flashing/going out un-naturally, hearing ghostly whisper sounds, and even the animatronic walking around acting threatening. Often have haunting nightmares of four children stalking and injuring them - when waking up discovering that the injuries are real - a few people have actually died in their dream.
• A few sightings have also been seen of red liquid splattered along walls spelling words like: "YOU". "YOUR NOT OUR FRIEND". "IT'S ME". "SHOW ON" with a red child-sized finger print in red next to it, Or "NO SAVING". Only "IT'S ME" would appear when Luz is nearby and about to attack.
• Ghost Children Possession/Alert: light-yellow tint sclera - King's is a tad darker.
• Ghost Children Angered: fully dark red.
| The Torture Machine |
• The Torture Machine is a hallow front shelled King/horn skull head machine (like the Animatronics' Masks) that has a bunch of sharp gears, shredders, and sharp slicing blades that causes anyone that gets pressed into it ripped apart. This device was originally created by Chairman and Agents of Owl Entertainment Inc. secretly for a tool of controlling - which soon gets taken over as a tool to "fix" people that the Animatronics gets a hold of to properly fit them into the empty suits in the supply/parts and service room. in the '90's it was used a few times by Kailey Lakewood and even Mr. West to get rid of a few Agents/Employees that were caught either snooping around Owl Entertainment corporate office finding secrecy information papers - or, breaking the #8 rule in the business.
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windyengel · 5 months
Whenever someone arrives at Mondstad they are always told three mayor truths:
First and foremost, Mondstad welcomes everyone and all of those who come to visit or stay undefinitely. Monds loves travelers because travelers always bring forth new stories, and new stories means Bards will be able to make new songs out of those stories.
Second and almost as important as the first point, Monds is the city of wine. And if you ever want to have the best wine in the city you HAVE to visit Angel Share and ask for their dandelion wine. Followed second for a "surprised special" from the Cat's Tail.
And third, despite Mondstad being a free city, that doesn't mean you can commit any crime or you will face the Ordo Knights, but most specially, the Dandelion Knight and her lioness.
It's a spectacular sight, to see the Acting Grandmaster leaving the knights building with the enormous feline at her side. The lioness almost reaches the hip of the knight, giving her an intimidating look. Whenever the Dandelion knight is out of her office, Mondstand is quietly watching.
Not only that, but Jean is known to be a person who can hide her emotions rather well, not for nothing she was asked to be the temporary replacement of Varka. Yet, to the amusement of one Cavalry Captain, even if she is very much composed, her lioness is not. Kaeya had to actively cover his snickering when the Acting Grandmaster was talking with some Fatui diplomats, trying to keep a level of diplomacy, while her lioness was behind her growling menacingly to the foregneirs.
The lioness is not only an imposing figure, but an asset in battle. Differently to Kaeya peacock, whose looks make it impossible to take to battle, or Amber hare, whose status as prey makes her very delicate, Jean lioness is a force to be reckon with.
Back in the time where Diluc was Cavalry Captain, his owl was the eyes in the sky, and Jeans lion was the attack force. Both spiritual animals were ruthless when tering appart Hlicurls, Treasue hunters and normal criminals. Those two spiritual creatures alone could reduce an abyse mage to shreds even before the knights arrived.
Nowadays, the lioness doesnt see much fighting. The Active Grandmaster has a more office work than a field one, so her lioness has also paid the price. Whenever you enter Jean office you can see the animal napping at her feet, or playing around with the soul of Lisa. In certain occasions you can see her carying Klee by her scruff or sitting in front of Kaeya office so he cant enter to do more work. Sometimes she is even sitting next to the Deaconess and gowling to those fans that try to overstep their welcome to the church.
The lion has left the ruthless battle against the enemies of Mondstand and started a new war. One where she has to defend the people she deems like her family against the evil forces of overworking.
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sloshed-cinema · 5 months
Rango (2011)
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Las Vegas was a mistake. Where films like Chinatown or Who Framed Roger Rabbit tackle the dark side of the development of Los Angeles in some form or other, Rango is in a way a similar approach to the monument of hubris and human folly in the desert that is Sin City. When would-be thespian and all-around chameleon out of his habitat Rango stumbles into a frontier town called Dirt, he quickly learns they’ve got a water crisis. And as is tradition with this sort of matter, of course the politicians are never the true controlling or corrupting hand in the mix. Never! There are plenty of colorful characters and Wild West archetypes to explore, from the feisty gunslinging love interest holding out on selling one final land deed to the mayor to the gaggle of saloon ne’er-do-wells to the old dude with the bristly mustache who sounds like a rusty door hinge. As a chameleon, if you will, Rango slips effortfully between various Wild West caricatures himself as the need fits him, easily digging his own grave deeper and deeper only to escape at the last second. Similarly, a heavy leaning on the visual stylings of John Ford Westerns makes for fun action set pieces where the filmmakers combine gambits we’re familiar with and this specific world. An endless pursuit of stolen water is replete with low-horizon images of our heroes on roadrunner-back as they traverse Monument Valley. Bats with Gatling guns and musical accompaniment dive-bomb our fleeing caravan after a bottle of water has been retrieved, and make airplane noises when they crash and explode. This race to and from becomes, if you will, Mad Max: Furry Road.
The approach to character design in this is equal parts clever and gleefully horrifying. The bristle-mustached feller is an owl, so his pointed nose is his upper beak, but his lower beak? What happened to it? Where did it go? Why does that bar wench frog lady have giant frog tits? Why does the mayor’s turtle face remind me so much of the bad guy from A Bug’s Life? There’s also a very perplexing Goofy and Pluto situation. Most bird characters in the film are sapient, and yet they ride roadrunners because it’s a fun gag. Our villain predators—Rattlesnake Jake and the hawk—are both more animalistic in form, but only one of the two speaks. Interestingly, both have fun metal mods: the hawk has a metallic beak tip, and Rattlesnake Jake’s tail is a Gatling gun. Why are some insects actual insects, and others part of this town? The answer is “because a character designer thought of a sick-ass way to make a snaggle-toothed scorpion dude for one scene so it made the cut” and fuck it, that’s FINE.
In a year when meta is so exhaustingly oversaturated (oh boy, I can't wait for more Deadpool killmenow), it’s wild to see something so self-aware in an earlier form. Opening with commentary from our adorable narrator mariachi burrowing owls who ferry us through the film, the story wastes no time in letting us know it knows what it is. Rango literally breathes condensation on the fourth wall to draw a rectangle and put himself in a frame, which is both the screen and the glass of his habitat from which he is about to escape. He will break the fourth wall, if you will. Along the way he encounters briefly “himself” in a nod to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and the Spirit of the West is a gruff Clint Eastwood type who also draws that same rectangle. I mean, it’s no Ryan Reynolds making asinine pop culture references which will be irrelevant 15 seconds after release, but it’s something.
Someone says 'quest' or 'water'.
The mariachi owls show up in a scene.
Direct camera address.
Isla Fisher's "Western" accent gets very dicey.
Humans appear in a scene.
Someone gets pricked by cactus thorns.
The hawk shows up.
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madamrynodm · 7 months
Batman (2022) Sequel thoughts/ideas/wishes
Ok I've thought about this way too much to keep it to myself. So, I cast my thoughts to the void and maybe the void will give me a gold star for my efforts
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I've got 2 big hopes/what-ifs for the sequel to The Batman. Easily became one of my favorite superhero films ever, and I cannot wait to see more! Anyway
2 big hopes: Dick Grayson and the Court of Owls. I wanna see them. I wanna see them so bad. I think there's potential for a SICK story if they go that route
1. Dick Grayson. PLEASE GIVE US ROBIN I BEG OF YOU! I think BatPat is a great candidate for a Robin story. Him being fresh on his journey to understand who he is as Bruce and Batman would be great to see contrasted with a young Robin on the trail of vengeance. We could watch him struggle with the desire to help Dick get justice for his parents' deaths (something BatPat hadn't gotten), but also want to protect him from the dark pit Bruce found himself in in the last movie. I'd like for Dick to actually be a kid in this rendition, maybe a teen. Either way, let him be young. I wanna see Bruce lose his mind trying to be a parent while Alfred watches smugly
2. Court of Owls 🦉 They'd be perfect here! Now, I don't want them to be the Big Bads yet. Let's just uncover them. The death of the Graysons can lead the film, and we can discover a deeper conspiracy linked to them later on (set up a 3rd movie?). If I remember correctly, in the Court of Owls run (2011?), they orchestrated the Grayson murders to try and nab Dick. Bring him into their fold as a new assassin. The Court could also play into Bruce's continued struggles with the Wayne family legacy and the "sins of the father" theme (what with the Court manipulating the Waynes for generations)
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Ok ok ok now for the meat and potatoes of my rant. Here's how I'd run the Batman sequel if I had any power or even vague experience in filmmaking:
We open the movie loud. The opposite of the first. I'm talking bright lights and loud music. It's a carnival, a public event. Something to raise money for Gotham. Bruce is there, and he hates it. But, hey, if he wants to help the city, he's gotta step up his public game. We follow him through this loud, oppressive environment to the big top. Time for the main event. Circus begins, all eyes on the center ring. Introduce the Graysons! We got Mom, Dad, and Dick all performing their hearts out. The movie gets louder, everyone loves their performance!
Then, it goes dead silent. The Graysons fall. They die in front of everyone, right there. Bruce and Dick both have front row seats to the tragedy. The circus goes nuts, but we don't hear a thing. Cut to later, Dick is alone, maybe with the police, an EMT, idk. Anyway, in a scene that mirrors the mayor's kid in the 1st movie, Bruce sees Dick suffering alone and takes him in. (I don't know if that is when a formal adoption happens or if that's saved for the end of the film)
Moving on, Bruce takes to the streets as the Bat, investigating the Grayson deaths. Something's wrong. This is shaping up to be a murder. He later investigates another murder. Pull this scene from the comics, Owl motifs, warnings, all that. Movie follows that line of tying the seemingly unrelated deaths together and finding the Court beneath it all.
Maybe give Dick a bit of Tim Drake and let him catch on that something is up with Bruce. Dick wants in, he wants to find his parents' killer. Bruce lets him, recognizing his desire for justice and thinking that it'll help this kid. Shenanigans ensue. Like I said before (I think), a central arc we could see is Bruce now watching the path of vengeance from the outside, trying to help this scared and hurt kid heal while giving him and his parents the justice they deserve. Further examination of what it means to be a hero, what it means to truly heal, etc.
We can wrap up with Dick bringing the killer to justice and finding some peace. But it ain't over yet, as Bruce realizes that there's something deeper going on. Gotham's boogeyman, the Court of Owls, is real! And they're up to something! BA BA BA!!
I think Dick should become Robin in act 1 or the start of act 2. Either way, if we are gonna get a live action Robin, I wanna see him in action! Also I wanna see people like Gordon and Martinez react to Bats just... suddenly having a child around. Let Dick make bad jokes please 🙏
Whew! That's is for me! I finally wrote this all down, maybe I can clear out some brain space now
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what owl is the mayor of owl city. do they have good municipal waste management.
There isn’t a mayor, just a parliament. They have a marsupial waste management system referred to as the owl.
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seantaeanewgenie · 15 days
Shantae: A New Genie Fancast
These are the voices I imagined for the characters in my Shantae fanfic. This includes characters created for the fanfic (like Esmeralda).
Shantae - Cristina Vee (Original Voice)
Mia (NPC) - Tara Strong (Bubbles; The Powerpuff Girls)
The Mayor (Scuttlebutt) - Dan Russell (Richard Waterson; The Amazing World of Gumball)
Mimic - J. K. Simmons (Tenzin; The Legend of Korra)
Risky Boots - Cristina Vee (Original Voice)
Jack / The Pirate Master - Steve Blum (Vilgax; Ben 10 Original Series)
Bolo - Jack DeSana (Sokka; Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Harmony - Kiana Madeira (Kara Zor-El / Supergirl; My Adventures with Superman)
Aaron (Harmony's father) - Mathew Mercer (Jotaro Kujo; JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Emma (Chef Girl) - Eden Sher (Star Butterfly; Star vs. the Forces of Evil)
Serena (Harmony's mother) - Grey Delisle (Rebecca Holiday; Generator Rex)
Ana (Shantae's Mother) - Janet Varney (Korra; The Legend of Korra)
Karnov (Shantae's Father) - Fred Tatasciore (Buff Frog; Star vs the Forces of Evil)
Holly Lingerbean - Kari Wahlgren (Charmcaster; Ben 10: Alien Force)
Sky - Ashley Johnson (Gwen Tennyson; Ben 10: Alien Force)
Rottytops - Brittany Lauda (Foo Fighters; JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Iris / Empress Siren - Nancy Linari (Aunt May; Marvel's Spider-Man (2018))
Vera - Laura Stahl (Bea; Pokémon: Twilight Wings)
Agnes / Angler Fish Siren - Tara Strong (Truffles; Chowder)
Molly / Coral Siren - Shelby Rabara (Peridot; Steven Universe)
Nora / Lobster Siren - Kira Buckland (Kyoko; River City Girls)
Aja (Vera's mother) - Tiana Camacho (Ermes Costello; JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Squid Baron - Tom Kenny (Ice King; Adventure Time)
Young Jack - Steve Blum (Spike Spiegal; Cowboy Bebop)
Cherami - Wendie Malick (Eda; The Owl House)
Ignatius / Techno Baron - Tom Kenny (Doctor Octopus; Ultimate Spider-Man)
Genie Queen Esmeralda - Patti LuPone (Yellow Diamon; Steven Universe)
Cristina Vee is too iconic as Shantae and Risky, so I kept her in the role. With Vera, it's pretty funny because it's actually the same actress as before, but I just preferred her Bea voice from Pokemon: Twilight Wings.
I had wanted to go for a creepy feel for Techno Baron, so that's why he's got Ultimate Doc Ock's voice. With the Pirate Master, I wanted to pick an actor who could do a normal guy's voice (before he became the Pirate Master) and an almost demonic sounding voice. So that's why I picked Steve Blum for both versions of him.
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about-faces · 1 year
Another thing about Harvey in Gotham Knights I’ve noticed is how quickly they moved to make him a mayoral candidate this early on in the first season. I’ve recently been talking about how, ever since The Dark Knight, writers keep seeing Harvey as a politician and candidate more than they see him as a District Attorney. Hell, in the first couple episodes, D.A. Dent was acting more like a cop than a lawyer, leading investigations like he was Commissioner Gordon.
They’re going out of their way to depict him as anything other than a lawyer and public prosecutor, which I keep seeing happening a lot with Harvey stories. I’m reminded how the She-Hulk showrunner admitted they downplayed the legal aspects of the show--a show about Jennifer Walters, mind you--because “ one thing that we all realized very slowly was none of us are that adept at writing, you know, rousing trial scenes.”
It’s interesting how this is happening, because it suggests an interest in Harvey Dent as a character and wanting to give him an active role in stories, but one that’s entirely divorced from one of his most fundamental factors because no one knows how (or wants) to write legal dramas. And speaking as someone who loves Harvey but wouldn’t know how to write that either, I sympathize! But also, when you do that, you play into the political aspects, his personal ambition, which is something he didn’t have in Eye of the Beholder. That Harvey expressly said he didn’t want to be Mayor or anything other than the D.A., simply to do the job he’s wanted all his life.
This currently-popular perception of Harvey as being a politician-first can lead to good stories, with the Billy Dee Williams take in Batman 89. But more often than not, we get stuff like Catwoman: Lonely City where he has a lust for power rather than an earnest desire to see justice done. And in the case of Gotham Knights, that political power is exactly what the Court of Owls wants to exploit, so putting him in that position serves the greater plot.
My concern is that we’re going to see people increasingly warping some of the core aspects of who and what Harvey Dent is in the name of being able to use him outside the courtroom (or his office) to benefit the more action-packed pace of Batman stories. And all because people just don’t know what to do with a District Attorney as a character.
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facial-hair-fight · 1 year
The brackets are here!
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Much like @blue-character-brawl, the 128 characters that made it in have been split into four brackets, where the four winners will fight in the semi-finals, and then the winners of those will fight in the finals to find out who the best character in fiction with facial hair is! Brackets will last 24 hours (except for the finals) and the first set of polls will be posted on April 26 between 4:00 and 4:30 PM EST! Here are the matchups:
Bracket 1
Matt (Wii Sports) VS. Saburo (Wii Sports)
Rockhopper (Club Penguin) VS. Sensei (Club Penguin)
Mario (Super Mario) VS. Wario (Super Mario)
Luigi (Super Mario) VS. Waluigi (Super Mario)
Toadsworth (Super Mario) VS. Penguru (Super Mario Galaxy)
Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong) VS. Bluster Kong (Donkey Kong)
Vitruvius (The Lego Movie) VS. Sandy (Lego Monkie Kid)
Rex Fury (Lego City Undercover) VS. Forrest Blackwell (Lego City Undercover)
Dr. Coomer (HLVRAI) VS. Gordon Freeman (Half-Life)
Colonel Mustard (Clue) VS. Mr. Monopoly (Monopoly)
War Doctor (Doctor Who) VS. Wilfred Mott (Doctor Who)
i Tony Stark (Marvel) VS. Steve Rogers (Avengers: Infinity War)
Stephen Strange (Marvel) VS. J Jonah Jameson (Spider-Man)
Grandpa Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb) VS. Balthazar Cavendish (Milo Murphy’s Law)
2nd Dimension Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb) VS. Major Monogram (Phineas and Ferb)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) VS. Count Dooku (Star Wars)
Bracket 2
Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) VS. Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Wilford Warfstache (Markiplier) VS. Old Mark (In Space With Markiplier)
Oliver Queen (DC Comics) VS. Mobius (Loki)
Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation) VS. Stanley Hudson (The Office)
M. Rasmodius (Stardew Valley) VS. Gus (Stardew Valley)
Lewis (Stardew Valley) VS. Linus (Stardew Valley)
Chief Bookem (Kirby: Right Back At Ya!) VS. Mayor Len Blustergas (Kirby: Right Back At Ya!)
Top Chef (Deltarune) VS. Asgore Dreemurr (Undertale)
Senshi (Dungeon Meshi) VS. Mustache Girl (A Hat in Time)
Santa Claus (Christmas) VS. Julius Pringle (Pringles)
Present Mic (My Hero Academia) VS. Edward Newgate (One Piece)
Drayden (Pokémon) VS. Kamado (Pokémon)
Cirdan (Lord of the Rings) VS. Gimli (Lord of the Rings)
Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS. King Bradley (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Richie Tozier (It) VS. Murray Bauman (Stranger Things)
Homer Simpson (The Simpsons) VS. Jasper Beardly (The Simpsons)
Bracket 3
Warden Blackwall (Dragon Age Inquisition) VS. Dorian Pavus (Dragon Age Inquisition)
Pops (Regular Show) VS. Alex Dorpenberger (Close Enough)
Kili (The Hobbit) VS. Bofur (The Hobbit)
Alador Blight (The Owl House) VS. Phillip Wittebane (The Owl House)
Iknik Blackstone Varrick (Avatar: Legend of Korra) VS. Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Murro Morton (Identity V) VS. Percy (Identity V)
Jeff Winger (Community) VS. Gregory House (House MD)
Rico Rodriguez (Just Cause) VS. Tom Sheldon (Just Cause)
King Triton (The Little Mermaid) VS. Frozone (The Incredibles)
Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium) VS. Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium)
Gashu Satou (Your Turn To Die) VS. Hades (Hades)
Kogoro Mouri (Detective Conan) VS. Shaggy Rogers (Scooby-Doo)
Ted Lasso (Ted Lasso) VS. John Wick (John Wick)
Otokichi Shirabe (Suite Precure) VS. Asuma Sarutobi (Naruto)
Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) VS. Frederick Loren (House on Haunted Hill)
Cap’n Cuttlefish (Splatoon) VS. Lionel (Animal Crossing
Bracket 4
Abe Lincoln (Clone High) VS. Rex Mohs (Scott The Woz)
Hercule Poirot (Poirot) VS. Seneca Crane (The Hunger Games)
Bob Zanotto (Psychonauts) VS. William Riker (Star Trek)
Alexsandr Kallus (Star Wars) VS. Steve (Minecraft)
Sea Hawk (She-Ra) VS. Boris Badenov (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
Victor Sullivan (Uncharted) VS. Yosemite Sam (Looney Toons)
Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit) VS. Qui-Gon Jinn (Star Wars)
Din Djarin (Star Wars) VS. Alec Hardy (Broadchurch)
Buford Tannen (Back To The Future) VS. Scott Howard (Teen wolf)
Halt O’Carrick (Ranger’s Apprentice) VS. Jack Pearson (This Is Us)
Thomas Magnum (Magnum PI) VS. Dedue Molinaro (Fire Emblem)
Barbarian (Clash of Clans) VS. Adam Jensen (Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)
Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides) VS. Grandpa Harley (Homestuck)
Massimo Marcovaldo (Luca) VS. Dr. Erasmus Craven (The Raven)
Toki Wartooth (Metalocalypse) VS. Richard Kimble (The Fugitive)
Deputy Dewey Riley (Scream) VS. Walter White (Breaking Bad)
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dotthings · 1 year
This show is AU Gotham that ponders the world of Gotham and the emotional themes of the batfamily deeply and it absolutely gets it. The things that have made the batfamily so appealing to me for decades, are in this show, played out with different characters and a different Gotham where Batman is gone but not gone and it's the same themes.
Gotham Knights 1x12 "City of Owls" with thanks to writers Brooke Pohl and Amy Do Thurlow
The note Bruce left Harvey. And I'll bet Harvey was saving that bottle for a toast with Bruce, maybe after Harvey won the Mayoral race. He probably talked to Bruce about his ideas about making Gotham a better place. Bruce was proud of him. I've caught feelings.
Duela crying while she burns the joker card. A reason I like this show so much, it's layers like that. The Joker's a terrible role model and father figure. But Duela needed to believe in something, an idol and father figure. The Joker was her myth. She had a facade of being like him, she never was anyway, and now she knows that he wasn't even actually her father.
"Even little bird" -- Duela's heart is showing, for all her friends, and her particular soft spot for Carrie.
Lauren Stamile is owning it as mastermind immortal Rebecca and she and Misha brought in that confrontation scene. Rebecca doesn't really love. She thinks she loves. I don't think those tears were an act, but she's still only out for herself and her power. It's parallel to Duela's mother, who also shows so much feeling, and tells Duela "I will always love you...but the money's too good"
Gotham by candlelight. A+ visual choice.
Carrie's plea to her mother about why she goes out Robining, what's at the center of it, for Batman, for all the batfamily. To save the people of Gotham. To prevent other families from having to endure needless loss and grief. And Carrie's mom coming back with, what about my grief.
Kudos on those curve ball plot twists and as always, the visual design of this show. And the gestalt of it. A secret 13th floor. Because of course.
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