#the mattekudasai
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l-fandom-wall-l · 2 years ago
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I was tempted to just, make something for them.
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we-love-morioh-cho · 2 years ago
Theory - Usagi Is Meryl Mei's Son
From the first or second chapter of The Jojolands, I have had a theory that Usagi will be revealed as Meryl Mei's son. For the record, some of this could be me overthinking it BUT, just for fun, I thought I should compile my 'evidence'.
I should say that I don't follow the fandom much outside of Tumblr so idk if other people have thought of this.
Spoilers for the first 7 chapters of The Jojolands under the cut. Heads up that this post got kinda long and dense.
Visual Similarities
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I want to start off with some visual similarities between these two. While some of this could just be stylistic trends in Araki's art, I want to point out the general shape of their jawlines and their eyes. I think Usagi is meant to have a fuller face then the other teens but this is shaky. It does look similar to Meryl Mei's face shape though. I also see similarities in their noses and eyebrows BUT I do attribute that mostly to Araki's style given how similar a lot of his noses and eyebrows are. While Usagi is sometimes drawn with wider and rounder eyes, generally they seem to be more pointed/angular and (with the 'winged eyeliner' thing he has) they resemble Meryl Mei's eyes more than the other protagonists. Below I've put a photo of his eyes alongside Dragona's and Rohan's just to help illustrate this as best as I can.
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(This is a dumb point but while collecting photos I noticed Usagi and Meryl Mei both had ponytails which.... is probably nothing but I thought it was so cute.)
She Has A Mysterious Family
When we first meet Meryl Mei in Chapter 1, we get a description of her from Jodio. While Jodio does emphasise how mysterious and weird she is, one thing he mentions hearing a rumour about is her having a husband and child (as far as I can tell the sex of the child isn't specified). While this is just a rumour, I guarantee there will be some sort of follow-up to this. Early on, it introduces the idea that Meryl Mei has family that even her employees don't know about - I don't think it's too crazy to say she could have them in her business. Again, it could point to something else but it feels very early to be dropping info like that.
Introductory Scenes
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A very small thing but right after Usagi's introduction, like the very next panel, is when we first see Meryl Mei at the school. This would be a classic way of hinting at some connection between these two, but I actually want to go into the previous scene on the bus.
So the first scene we see of Usagi is him asking Jodio on the bus for drugs. Jodio is alarmed by this since they are surrounded by other students and responds by bashing Usagi. When they get off the bus though, Jodio and Paco do their routine to exchange Usagi's money for some drugs. While it's suggested Usagi is an addict, I think in hindsight it's clear that he isn't. Usagi is set up to be a fool but is then shown to be intelligent. He 'betrays' the gang but then comes back and proves his loyalty and 5000 IQ. I don't think it's crazy to say that the gang's assessment of him as an addict is inaccurate too, there's more to this but I'll get into it later.
My theory is that this scene isn't an addict asking for drugs on the bus randomly, I think this is some sort of test. Jodio is the youngest of the gang and, as shown in Chapter 2, his naivety and inexperience could cause problems for Meryl Mei. With the diamond heist coming up, as well as us hearing that Meryl Mei wants to expand her business, I think it's possible she got Usagi to ask him for drugs in a public space to see if Jodio would slip up. Just to make sure he has enough common sense and discretion to not reveal any info BUT that he still manages to make the transaction afterwards. Otherwise, it's just weird in hindsight that Usagi would do this.
EDIT: Didn't think of this until a few days after initially making this post, but if the bus scene was a test, it could be a parallel to the undercover cop scene in Chapter 2. He's being tested and lied to by both sides of the crime struggle and maybe his initial failure with the female cop is what prompted Meryl Mei's test (I think the undercover cop scene is a flashback but correct me if I'm wrong). Jodio's ego and self-worth seem like they'll be explored this part so maybe this reveal would be a bit of a blow to his confidence?
Usagi Joining The Mission
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So.... there obviously has to be something going on here right? Meryl Mei somehow knows about Usagi and trusts him! (Also I completely missed that she says here he isn't an addict!!! Paco still thinks he is one in Chapter 2 but come on now). She wants him to specifically go on this extremely important heist even though the others barely know him. There has to be something going on here, and I think that him being her son would be a good explanation! She would obviously know him, his abilities, and would trust him. It would almost be like having her own set of eyes on the group to make sure the mission goes well. I don't know if any relationship between the two could garner more trust than a parent and child. And given that Meryl Mei literally sells drugs to children, I don't think she'd hesitate to involve her child in the business and send him into danger tbh.
Before I move on, I quickly wanna mention 2 small things that I noticed but seriously doubt are intentional. First is that there is a rabbit-inspired outfit design behind Meryl Mei in one panel and Usagi means 'rabbit' in Japanese. (Remember how The Jojolands was first teased with the rabbit image?) It also happens to be right beside the panel mentioning her child BUT I'LL STOP.
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The second dumb thing in this scene I noticed is how Usagi suddenly shows up at the very end of the rundown of the mission. We get a panel specifically showing Dragona locking the front door after the customers leave, but then Usagi gets in somehow? Was he hiding inside already for the reveal? Also, he would've missed the briefing but doesn't seem confused and instead already seems to know what's going on? Possibly just Jojo logic though but I wanted to mention it.
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Weird Texting And Delay
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Not much to this, could just be a funny gag about Usagi being sillycore but I wonder if he could've been texting Meryl Mei here? Maybe with an update on the mission? I have no idea what the delay could've been about, we do find out later he got hamburgers at the airport (hence the bag) so maybe it's hinting at that instead? Idk to be honest, just think it's noteworthy.
The Car Place
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I forgot about this, but Usagi must be experienced at this sort of thing. How does he know about this criminal-safe car rental place? Was the texting maybe him getting this info from someone? It's also strange to me HE was in charge of getting the car - I doubt the other teens would've given him that responsibility so was that an order from Meryl Mei? That's super speculative though.
(Tiny thing since you can see it clearly in the panel above - is the weird logo on his shoulder meant to be model legs??? Like women's legs in underwear and high heels???? I have no idea if that's what it is and what it could mean but Meryl Mei is in the fashion industry *shrug*. My partner thinks they could be his stands' arms instead but we're not sure. I kinda doubt this point for the record, but it doesn't hurt to mention plus I'm interested in what others think the symbol is.)
Figuring Out The Cat Stand
Another thing which at least points to Usagi being more experienced than the others despite his age and demeanor - Usagi is the first to figure out that the string attack is a stand specifically. He also suspects the cats sooner than the others, Paco angrily insists the strings are some sort of security system (???????) but Usagi knows. It's not like the others don't know about stands, maybe Usagi has dealt with stand users on missions before? Also, goes without mentioning, but his 7D chess-level plan to defeat the cats later on is very impressive but maybe suspicious.
Quickly, other examples of Usagi's intelligence/possible experience are; going straight to cutting the painting in Rohan's house, scientific knowledge with the beakers and flasks, knows about birds in the local forest, also talks about the cat plan as an 'experiment' - could his scientific knowledge tie into being involved in the illegal drug business? They do compare Rohan's science set-up to drug making. Think 'Breaking Bad' essentially.
King Crimson Parallel
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So, full credit for this final point goes to @/pandoragigi who pointed this out on a previous post I made.
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They pretty much summarised it better then I ever could, this idea kinda blew my mind when they mentioned it. Sometimes it seems like Araki chooses song references randomly, but this could be a possibility. I don't have much to add besides the fact that 'Matte Kudasai' is a melancholic song which seems odd for Usagi, so maybe it has deeper meaning to his character.
To be clear, I'm not necessarily insisting with this theory that Meryl Mei or Usagi are gonna be villains. I think they could be mother and son and not be antagonists at all. I think it's unlikely Usagi is the traitor after already having a fake-out betrayal - but I do think Meryl Mei could be the traitor Rohan warned about. So if Meryl Mei is a villain then the possible parallel between Usagi and Trish could mean he remains loyal to the gang. Of course, it could also end up like Araki's initial plans for Fugo :( It's still too early to know where this story is going but I like to speculate and overthink things.
Ultimately, the next chapter could instantly disprove everything here. Araki has an... interesting track record with solving mysteries and reincorporating cool little details and I know theorising on this series can be pointless. I may in fact be Boo Boo the Fool for this making post :( But I'm having fun thinking about this and would personally be very excited if it came true! I have so many self-indulgent thoughts about angst possibilities and narrative parallels you could draw between Usagi+Meryl Mei and Jodio+Barbara Ann!!!! I think in a hypothetical evil!Usagi route, he could also be a great foil to Jodio. Also, what about the husband Meryl Mei is also rumoured to have? Will he appear and be relevant? But that type of speculating got things way too off-track so I cut them and might post them later. I feel like I could talk about the possible implications if this theory was true all day, but I'll cut it off here. All in all -
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Thanks for reading :)
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whos-hotter-jjba · 1 year ago
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cremadolce · 1 year ago
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read more for higher quality CHIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIII version
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justaninternetgal · 9 months ago
It’s time for a theory, a Game Jojo Theory
In Part 5, there was originally a plan for Fugo to instead of leaving the group, betray it and try to kill them. This plan never went through, and it was ultimately for the better, since we got Purple Haze Feedback out of it. However, there’s a trend I’m noticing.
2 stands in Part 9 are named King Crimson. Part 9 is AU Part 5. King Crimson was the main villain’s stand of Part 5. So far, the two KC references are from the Discipline Ära. Mattekudasai, the stand of Usagi is a reference to Discipline, and Howler, who is being set up to be the main villain of the part, is a reference to Beat. There’s one more album, Three Of A Perfect Pair, about how there’s always two perfect matches and a third thing missing to fully complete something. Do you see where I’m going with this?
Thematically, it would make sense if there was no actual third KC stand user. I propose Usagi is AU Fugo. I propose Usagi is a traitor working for Howler Corporation. It would shatter a lot of important dynamics that are being developed. It would be tragic. Which is an Araki ass move if I’ve ever heard one
Thas it I guess
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shineonyoucrazyyandere · 10 months ago
Hmmm 😳 I'm kind of new to sending requests so sorry if it's weird 😭
How do you think some Part 9 Stands would react to Darling?
You can ignore this ask if you want 🙏
Think I’ll do something for Usagi, I just want to do a short and sweet thing for right now.
Yandere! Usagi Alohaoe’s stand reacting/interacting with darling
The Mattekudasai
I feel especially around you the Mattekudasai is extra chipper around you, practically begging to be picked up by you. If you do hold it in your palms, it does a cute little hop or nests on your hands like a real bird does. Usagi himself is probably a little flustered if you gush over his stand. Not to mention if you’re one of the first to quickly ask for something, the Mattekudasai jubilantly gets to work on it. (It even appears rather chipper you respond so quickly).
Sometimes this stand also likes perching on your shoulder, at a certain point it never really wants to leave you. (Much like Usagi himself), and tries to block your way when you try to leave to the best of its abilities.
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incorrect-jojolands-quotes · 11 months ago
usagi: with the mattekudasai, i can grant you 17 wishes!
jodio: isn't it normally 3?
usagi: yeah, but... *vaguely gestures to jodio*
usagi: lot of issues here.
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wizardwithnogoodspells · 7 months ago
Since the latest chapter of JOJOLands i’ve been conceptualizing more Eidolons similar to Usagi’s THE MATTEKUDASAI. Like a power that has potentially unlimited applications, but it’s use is restrained by being dependent on others being involved.
My first Idea was [I Think I’m A Clone Now]. An alchemist that can transform anyone’s request for an item it touches into a replica of that item.
This one is definitely just trying to mimic Usagi’s stand, but it’s missing some elements. The other playbook I though would work is the Conductor with “my eidolon warps reality around me by transforming into objects that are requested”. I think that the Conductor is less effective in replicating this power, especially with choices for moves.
The first Idea that isn’t a clone of a Jojo stand( and is my favorite idea so far) is [ And Now For The Watchamacallit] (Album by the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets)
This one is a Virtuoso which is a real, physical device, and through it I can push my mastery of Inventing beyond physical limits, allowing me to make this device do whatever anyone thinks it can do.
I really like the concept of this power, but I think it suffers a bit from longevity (though maybe that’s good). It would be interesting to play out because it’s power is reliant on no one knowing how it works! I can already foresee moments of trying to convince enemies of what the eidolon is capable of, as well as trying to use it around the other pc’s that might already be clued into what it’s power is.
Hopefully I can play this at some point! I might be able to squeeze in playing the virtuoso in Eidolon Alt, but that’s entirely dependent on what happens to my character in that! Also I have another Gorillaz-themed Wildcard with it’s own powers I could play, which is more likely to happen.
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clndstn-headmates · 5 months ago
Could you make one of Jodio and Usagi from JJBA?
Jodio being an agender and using "he/them" and Usagi being a trans boy who uses "he/sher"? the rest is your choice :3
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yis, hope this works!! feel free to change anything
-Mod Andrew
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NAMES: Jodio Joestar, ジョディオ ジョースター
AGE: 15
PRONOUNS: he/him, they/them
GENDERS: agender
SEXUALITY: aromantic, asexual, strayt
SOURCE: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
SPECIES: human
ROLE: ASPD holder
TRANSIDS: transJapanese, transHawaiian, transNativeHawaiian, transnonverbal, transrich, transcоnsang, transmobboss, transcriminal, ASPDage, transadult, adultflux, silveramian, transsnaketongue, transacuti, transautocannibal, rainscentian, transwatertexture, transparaphile, transsadist
CISIDS: American, gray hair, green eyes, autistic, ASPD, fluctuating verbality, SzPD, StPD, dermatillomania, low empathy, stand user (November Rain), protective, remorseless, ambitious, materialistic
PARAS: none
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NAMES: Usagi Alohaoe, ウサギ アロハオエ
AGE: 17
PRONOUNS: he/him, she/sher
GENDERS: trans boy
SEXUALITY: pansexual
SOURCE: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
SPECIES: human
ROLE: NPD holder
TRANSIDS: transHawaiian, transNativeHawaiian, transbimbo, permateen, permabimbo, transbunnykin, transcriminal, floralscentian, transsexworker, transcamboy, transrich, transadored, transpopular, transfamous, mutoJapanese, hyperUSAmerican, blueamian, bluelectramian
CISIDS: Japanese-American, wasian, orange hair, blue eyes, ADHD, NPD, BPD, bipolar disorder, stand user (THE MATTEKUDASAI), lazy, clumsy, hedonistic, friendly, confident
PARAS: agonophile (💐), hebephile (🍒🍸)
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usagi-alohaskoe · 9 months ago
”I got sleepy” you definitely got distracted stealing stuff!! Come on Jodio, ask MATTEKUDASAI for a key!!! I’m here to save you idiot!
*knocks on the window*
Pst! Jodio~o man, finally found you! ask my stand for a key to bust out of there already!
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paralotropo-blog · 6 years ago
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Mira toda la fiesta allá afuera, buscando la emoción verdadera... #window #enlaveredadelsol #windowpane #serugiran #ifievergetoutofhere #mattekudasai #quierosaliraverlacalle #esacancionquenoesmicancion #salsa https://www.instagram.com/p/B0EXwXGHEYh6Umqb58ig5YWcT2diZe04DtzZ500/?igshid=np3dvs9vnz6s
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yspear · 4 years ago
Mattekudasai, sū-shūkan mae, ningen wa arushuno aki no omatsuri o tabemono de iwatte imashita. Ima, karera wa arushuno fuyu matsuri no tame ni jōryokuju o kazatte imasu ka? Yoku wakarimasen.
(Wait, a few weeks ago humans were celebrating some sort of autumn festival with food offerings. Now they’re decorating an evergreen tree for some sort of winter festival? I’m confused.)
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luiishu · 8 years ago
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(The screenshots above may look a bit weird if you’re not viewing them in full size.)
I’ve been experimenting a bit with a simple RGB palette the past few days. I haven’t got the hang of the style yet, but I’m getting better every day. 
Worth mentioning: the sprite I’m using here is from Noyemi K’s (@delmunsoft) Nightmare Castle. I’m just using it as a test sprite ATM to give some perspective to the tiles. It will of course be replaced as soon as I learn how to animate sprites better!
The biggest difficulty I’m facing so far with the palette is that it’s easy for tiles to blend together with the floor/walls. I do however enjoy how the palette forces me to work with a lot of contrast.
In terms of game development, I plan to create a surreal Adventure game using the RGB palette. The game may share a few similarities to Yume Nikki, but I assure you that it will be very different. I’d like to put an emphasis on color (both gameplay and story-wise) with the game and I’m currently trying to figure how I can implement the idea into puzzles. I’m still in an early planning stage with the game, so I’m afraid I don’t have a lot more to share ATM, but I’ll make sure to get back to y’all as the project evolves.
Concerning the GB palette, I plan to keep creating graphics using it. My current plan is to create a resource pack and later release it for free for both commercial and non-commercial projects. 
That’s all for today, folks! If you read all of this, then I thank you kindly for your interest. Have a good one!
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cienceira-sensei · 5 years ago
Prolongação, pausa e uso de Ya, Yu e Yo
🍁Seria interessante você ter visto as aulas sobre Hiragana e Katakana antes de ter vindo aqui🍁
Post para explicações adicionais sobre palavras e pronúncias.
Algumas palavras terão um som prolongado, simples assim. Ao invés de você parar na última vogal você continua o som da mesma por um tempo.
Na escrita, isso será feito através de outras vogais no Hiragana e através de um traço no Katakana.
Para facilitar o entendimento e ser algo mais concreto, tentarei explicar utilizando exemplos aqui.
> Hiragana
Sensei [ せんせい ]
Pronúncia: Sensee
Prolongação: e seguido de i
Arigatou [ ありがとう ]
Pronúncia: Arigatoo
Prolongação: o seguido de u
Senkuu [ せんくう ] 
é o nome de um personagem de anime
Pronúncia: Senkuu
Prolongação: u seguido por outro u
Como podem ver, pode ser tanto por vogais diferentes como a mesma vogal. É comum que isso ocorra no final das palavras/nomes, mas podem vir no meio também.
> Katakana
Sorvete (do inglês Ice Cream) [ アイスクリーム ]
Pronúncia: Aisu curiimu
Jogo (do inglês Game) [ ゲーム ]
Pronúncia: Geemu
Coca-cola [ コカ・コーラ ]
Pronúncia: Côca Coora
É mais fácil de reconhecer uma prolongação no Katakana, já que é uma linha gigante depois do kana, mas fiquem atentos! Não confundam ― com 一, o último é o kanji do número 1.
No Romaji, vocês já devem ter visto aqueles traços em cima da letra (arigatō) sim, aquilo significa que tem uma prolongação.
Em certas palavras vocês darão uma pequena pausa antes de continuar a falá-las, é bem sútil, mas necessário.
Na escrita ela será representada por um pequeno Tsu [ っ ], tanto no Hiragana quanto no Katakana.
No Romaji, é quando repetimos a letra que antecede o kana onde ter�� a pausa.
Nippon [ にっぽん ]
Pronúncia: Ni. Pon
Romaji: Nippon
Futebol (do inglês Soccer) [ サッカー ]
Pronúncia: Sa. Kaa
Romaji: Sakka
> Função adicional de pausa
Ela também pode ser utilizada para dar ênfase em certos casos.
Ex.: Tottemo [ とっても ] significa “muito” em japonês. Ele já tem uma pausa, mas quando aumentamos essa pausa estamos dando ênfase, indicando que é muuuuuito.
A: そらるさんの音楽が好きですか。[ Soraru-san no ongaku ga sukidesuka ]
“Você gosta das músicas do Soraru?”
B: とっっても好きです。[ Tottttemo sukidesu ]
“Gosto muuuuuito!”
Ex.: Etto [ えっと ] é uma expressão em japonês para quando estamos pensando. É o nosso “É...”, “Hm....”. Também pode ser usado para quando queremos negar algo com educação.
Ao aumentar a pausa, indicamos que estamos pensando bem profundo - ou tentando sair daquela situação com educação.
- Exemplo sobre pensamento:
A: けさ何を食べましたか。[ Kesa nani wo tabemashitaka ]
“O que você comeu hoje de manhã?”
B: パンと卵と…えっっと… [ Pan to tamago to... Etttto... ]
“Comi pão com ovo e... É...”
A: 何ですか。忘れましたか。[ Nandesuka. Wasuremashitaka ]
“Que foi? Esqueceu?”
B: 待ってください!…えっと… ハムと食べました![ Mattekudasai!... Etto... Hamu to tabemashita! ]
“Espere por favor!... É... e presunto!”
- Exemplo sobre negação:
A: よ、いっしょうに何か飲みましょうか。[ Yo, isshouni nanika nomimashouka ]
“Hey, vamos beber alguma coisa juntos?”
B: えっと… [ Etto... ]
A: できませんね。[ Dekimasenne ]
“Não pode, né?”
B: ごめんなさい… [ Gomennasai... ]
Ya [ や ], Yu [ ゆ ] e Yo [ よ ]
Quando juntados com alguns kanas eles formam pronúncias novas. Seriam elas:
Ki [ き ] ➝ Kya [ きゃ ] - Kyu [ きゅ ] - Kyo [ きょ ]
Shi [ し ] ➝ Sha [ しゃ ] - Shu [ しゅ ] - Sho [ しょ ]
Ji [ じ ] ➝ Jya [ じゃ ] - Jyu [ じゅ ] - Jyo [ じょ ]
Chi [ ち ] ➝ Cha [ ちゃ ] - Chu [ ちゅ ] - Cho [ ちょ ]    
Ni [ に ] ➝ Nya [ にゃ ] - Nyu [ にゅ ] - Nyo [ にょ ]
Hi [ ひ ] ➝ Hya [ ひゃ ] - Hyu [ ひゅ ] - Hyo [ ひょ ]
Ri [ り ] ➝ Rya [ りゃ ] - Ryu [ りゅ ] - Ryo [ りょ ]
Atenção, isso só será válido quando o Ya/Yu/Yo estiver pequeno ao lado dos kanas citados. Caso esteja grande a leitura será de cada kana individualmente.
Ex.: Rya [ りゃ ] diferente de RiYa [ りや ]
Segue abaixo alguns exemplos concretos desse tipo de pronúncia:
Dicionário [ じしょ ]
Pronúncia: Jisho
Chá [ おちゃ ]
Pronúncia: Ocha
Matryoshka [ マトリョ―シカ ]
Pronúncia: Matoryooshika
> Prolongação mais Ya/Yu/Yo
É o caso do Isshouni [ いっしょうに ] dito lá em cima no exemplo. Você não diz Ishouni você diz Ishooni
Novamente, para saber quando é prolongação, quando usar Ya/Yu/Yo, é tudo uma questão de prática, de conhecer as palavras.
Acredito que seja isso. Qualquer dúvida, Ask sempre aberta! 頑張って!
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longsketchmarks · 7 years ago
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Touka: (giggles) Oide! Kentipede: (screeches)*Gyaaaahhhh gyaaaaaahhh* (Chotto mattekudasai yo~ Touka-chan!) A “quick” fan art of that cliche anime beach scene that no one asked for and can never exists in TG except in Omakes. I need a break from the heavy chapters. 145 and 146 are giving me chest pains. Anytime now Hide. Anytime.. I’m counting on your plannnnnnn!! Huhuhuhuhu. P.S. I was listening to a song about washing your hands while sketching them this morning.
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ligeia-lux · 8 years ago
Still, by the window pane
 Pain, like the rain that's falling
 She waits in the air, 
Matte Kudasai
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