#the mask even masks his true feelings?? XD
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 year ago
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M: "Don't you worry Yuma! I'll make sure to have you right as rain again in no time!"
So um. I tried to draw...
god do I love giving this poor boy 39 degree temperatures haha 🌡️
Kanai Ward's endless rain is ruthless.
and so am I
Unmasked version below
(huge spoilers)
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M: "There's no way my original is this weak...right? You truly are a handful aren't you, Number One?"
It's called self care, Makoto 💜
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fishymom-art · 21 days ago
Do you have any headcanons for Harley and the player's relationship? If so, what are they?
Ooohhhhhh hehehe okay so I have a few, both before the hour of joy and during the game
In Playtime Co.:
- P.W. was the only one who was bold enough to come up and talk to the Doctor. They have too much audacity and courage, which in return made Harley interested in them. Mostly because he liked that there was finally someone who talked to him on the same level
- Harley wasn’t really used to communicating with his peers outside of work, so talking to P.W. was almost a social experiment to him.
- Harley would say some factually incorrect things just to attract P.W.’s attention and let them correct him. This was usually how he started conversation with them.
- Sometimes he’d just… stare at them. As if it’s okay. This is his love language.
- No perception of personal space at all. At first it was Harley who tried to keep P.W. at a distance. Then vise versa XD
- Harley would legit just read books on how to talk to people. Even when he realised that he likes P.W., he made it into an experiment, literally testing whether or not it was actually true.
- P.W. found Harley handsome, but very unkept. Like, if he had a clay mask and a conditioner, there’d be so much potential, but oh well. Because of that, P.W. would randomly fix Harley’s hair or clothes (coat/tie).
- P.W. was the only one who actively looked for Harley when he was put into a computer. Harley would sometimes call for him, but Leith just disconnected him from ever being able to reach anyone, especially P.W., since they were close.
During the game:
- P.W. feels melancholic and wishes that everything went back to how it was before. Sadly, it can’t.
- Harley pretends like he doesn’t care about P.W. anymore, that he’s over it and only cares about his selfish goals. In reality, the moment Harley saw P.W., he immediately felt relieved for the first time in years. Finally, someone he knows well enough to feel safe.
- “Perhaps there was someone you love?” (Paraphrasing, but Doctor said something like that) dude’s talking about himself. P.W. knows it.
- P.W. did NOT lose their audacity and still make fun of Harley, which the Doctor finds quite entertaining.
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cokoweee · 1 month ago
Youuuuu magnificent artist you-
This update- .... THIS FRIGGIN' UPDATE-
LET'S BEGIN. First off- THIS IS GORGEOUS. It amazes me how uniform and clean your art can be- while also being whimsical and naturally flowy. The shades of purples just add the perfect touch of depth and life- And then the contrast of the gray with the characters and the white of the snow and smoke?- AMAZING.
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Despite Donnie's brain becoming his worst enemy right now, he's still pushing past it to make sure Kendra's okay and not accidentally harming herself. Her being both drunk and sickly, he's making sure to keep an eye on her like a good boyfriend would.
With this exchange we also hear that Kendra's fever had come back hours ago during the party- This poor girl can't get a health break if her life depended on it. :(
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I love that even though Donnie has indeed grown in terms of emoting and feeling again, he still has those classic deadpanned lines. When I read his first line in this panel, it was deadpan. (I think his expression also hints at this haha).
Kendra continues on for a bit about how the alcohol helps her to forget. But with all the years that she has been drinking, it NEVER WORKS. "You always remember though.." But then, after saying such a fact, she immediately contradicts herself stating emphatically "..I know that for sure I for one WON'T." Perhaps it's Big Mama's drinks flowing through her system that makes her think she definitely won't remember what happened. "I'll forget yesterday.. today.."
And then Donnie asks the question every fan is DYING to know the answer to:
"Is that why you did it?"
When Kendra kissed Donnie- was she somewhat in control of her actions? Was there feeling and connection smothered deep underneath the waves of alcohol? Was the drink poisoned? Did it mess with Kendra specifically to make her kiss him?
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Donnie is physically shaking with anticipation, anger, mourning, all the feelings he desperately doesn't want to feel. he begins to interrogate Kendra on why she did it. GET SOME ANSWERS. Prove him he's wrong.
"Big Mama made you do it, right? That's why you want to forget it..."
And then Kendra drunkenly but simply replies, "Do you want me to remember it?"
And what's Donnie's response? Will he yell at her to "JUST FORGET IT-" and storm off? Will he go silent and try to weasel his way out of all these emotions flying high in the air and in his heart?
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No. He does the unexpected. He tells her straight out- "I WANT YOU TO REMEMBER OUR FIRST KISS." He says it with such emphasis, such passion and gusto, that it completely takes Kendra by surprise... And then, just as Donnie admits his true feelings, he freezes and backtracks. "Ah- Wait-" It's terrifying to tell someone such heartfelt emotions you have for them. It's terrifying because you have no idea if you'll be accepted or rejected. "I mean- Scratch what I said!" (I can't give you an opening to hurt me- I can't be vulnerable with you- I can't I can't I can't)
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After Donnie speaks, Kendra begins to move her hand closer to his. Not enough to touch- but extremely close. She is slowly but steadily showing him to not be afraid of her. Don't be afraid of feeling. I won't hurt you.
... And then her nose ruins it. XD (Seriously, honey, GO INSIDE IT'S COLDER THAN A SNOWMAN'S CORE OUT THERE.)
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Now we see Donnie immediately and instinctively protecting his mate friend- handing her his own shirt to keep her warm in the chilly air. Forget their earlier conversation- she's still sick, and her health is priority over some dumb dumb feelings.
Walking back into the hotel room to hopefully find more medicine for his sick girlfriend, he grips down on his wildly wagging tail, once again trying to mask over the fact that he's never been happier in his life. We also can't see his expression very well throughout these panels- if not at all. I really like this. It's almost as if when you can't see him, he's forcefully disassociating, not allowing anyone, (including the reader) to see what's going through his mind and heart.
And when Donnie leaves, Kendra watches him. <3 And then not long after...
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... She joins him inside.
You did what so many tv shows and movies and fics don't. HAVE THE TWO LOVE INTERESTS TALK ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS without any need for intimate touching, kissing, etc. They just stand in the cold and talk it out.
You did an amazing job on this update, dude. Seriously. This was some really good dialogue and writing and art and I loved every second of it. :)
Good luck with the next chapter thingy! You got this!
Remember to drink water and see what the sun looks like!!
~ Melissa
So with that line “you always remember though” was meant to be read with the you emphasized but my jittery brain was blanking last night. Seeing it now that I’m awake I’m glad I left it like that cause she doesn’t know if she’ll forget or not.
Donnie without anything in his system, no voices to hear, makes him really start to slip up. Do things, say things without fully planning it through. His hearts being plastered on his sleeve rather than staying where it can’t be ripped away.
I left the update pretty bare/practically empty of any thoughts the two are having. If I showed them these panels would be stuffed to hell but yall are filling in the blanks nicely. You and Kiku have your analysis, lil bird pickings of updates and it always get me goofy happy agegrgquahahhe
Also I’m grabbing a bagel, the morning summons
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honeybubblebeeeeee · 1 year ago
Breaking Up Slowly || Gojo Satoru x fem!reader
Gojo had broken up with you, for his own reasons but he still couldn’t stay away from you.
Part 2
You may read this and be like huh not realistic but i am writing this bec i was in this situation and it still got me messed up XD smut/hurt no comfort ://// (oral giving/receiving, penetration, creampie, nothing crazy) bad at writing smut bear with me
(also send requests! i appreciate them they help smmmm with writers block <3)
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Your relationship with Satoru wasn’t ever a negative one. You two were compatible in all aspects. Your relationship was healthy. Until it wasn’t.
“I don’t understand! Just tell me what I did!” Tears were overflowing from your eyes as Satoru just stood at the door, a bag of his clothes over his shoulder. He couldn’t look at you even thought he was the one that ended things.
“It’s not you. I just don’t want a relationship anymore.” He looked to his feet and shifted uncomfortably.
You stared in disbelief. You had done nothing but give him everything. Anything he needed, you gave. You didn’t make a big deal when he was gone a long time and wouldn’t even answer his phone. You didn’t make a scene even when he was around and still needed space. You understood his job was hard. You didn't get mad at him when you hadn't seen him for weeks and when you finally did he didn't want to spend time with you.
“But why? Am I too much? Did I do something? Did I not do something?” You overthought every moment in an instant. You two had always talked when something was wrong. This is the first time there has been an issue and it wasn’t spoken about.
“No. I told you it’s not you. I just don’t want to be in a relationship. I have other things to focus on.” His blindfold masked any emotion that could be behind his eyes. It wasn’t often he wore it around you. So this felt like a punishment.
Taking in a breath you asked the hard question. “Are you seeing someone else?”
His head snapped to you and he took a step towards you but stopped himself from advancing further. “What? No. Of course not. I still want to be friends with you. I want to help you when you need it and….. and if you want we can still be, ya know, intimate.”
You scoffed at him. “You want nothing to do with me but you still want to have sex with me.”
Satoru sighed. “I still want you around. I just don’t want a relationship.”
Your heart felt like it was snapping in two. “Go. Get out.”
Satoru held out a hand. “Look Y/N, I-“
“Just go Gojo.” A flash of hurt crossed his face at your refusal to even use his name. He merely nodded at you and left.
. . .
A few days had gone by. Gojo had not spoken to you. You considered blocking his contact but it hurt too much. Part of you wanted him to take it back. To say he didn’t mean it and to come back. However part of you felt better with him gone. True feelings of how lonely you actually felt around him had risen to the surface now that you weren’t blinded by your love for him.
You were making your way to a hiking trail nearby your house when your phone started to ring. Pulling it out of your pocket, Gojo’s face lit up the screen. It felt like your heart was breaking all over again.
You considered not answering it but as the last ring started you accepted the call.
“Hey! I just had to tell you this so I’m out with Yuji right. We were walking through the market and this curse comes out of nowhere. Sukuna and Yuji switch and apparently Sukuna knew the curse.” Gojo ranted on about whatever predicament he had been in. You were too stunned to say anything but oh, okay and force a laugh where it seemed appropriate. “So yeah I just thought it was so funny I had to call you to tell you.”
“Um yeah that is pretty funny.” Your mind spun. Did you imagine him breaking up with you?
“Anyway sorry to interrupt if you were busy. I just really wanted to tell you.” He sounded as if not a single aspect of this seemed wrong.
“I uh no. I wasn’t busy. I was just going to the trail by my apartment for a walk.” Through all his talking you had made it out of your apartment and almost to the trail.
“Oh really? I’m pretty close to there. I’ll come with you. I wouldn’t mind a walk. See you in a sec.” And with that he hung up.
You gaped at your phone. You almost wanted to call him back just to scream at him. You shook your head and kept walking, maybe he wouldn't be able to find you.
Just as you entered the trail, Gojo came up behind you. He smiled and waved, his dark sunglasses on. "Hey! It's nice out today huh?" You swallowed harshly and forced a smile at him. You walked in silence for a little while, Gojo's phone ringing broke the silence. "Oh sorry let me answer this." He walked away answering his phone, you stood there still in shock of how to even react to this entire situation. He was your ex-boyfriend now. So why was he acting like nothing ever happened?
He hung up and walked back towards you. "I have to go sorry but I'll catch up with you later?" He waved to you and made his way back in the direction you had both come from. You raised your hand weakly to wave to him.
. . .
A few weeks had gone by. Gojo hadn't spoken to you much. A few 'hey' and 'how are you' texts but they never went past a couple messages. Ironically it was him that was leaving you on read even though it was him who was texting you first. You hadn't physically seen him since that day in the woods.
It was late in the evening. You weren't tired but you didn't feel like doing anything in particular. In cases like this you resorted to weird hobbies at unconventional times, like baking at 11:00 pm. You had made a few batches of double chocolate chips cookies. One that had been your favourite and Gojo's. The man had a ridiculous sweet tooth and had always begged you to make them. You rarely had time to bake. It was one of those things you took for granted and regretted. If you had more time would he have stayed? Is that one of the reasons why he left?
Unsure what possessed you in the moment but you went for your phone and snapped a picture. Then sent it to him.
You: (Pic) i finally had time to make some more Gojo: ....are those the double chocolate chip ones that always stay super soft???!!! You: maybe Gojo: this physically pains me
You smiled at his silliness. You wanted to punch yourself for what you were about to do.
You: you could come by and have some i can even put some in a container for you to take home
He read the message and a few minutes had gone by. You cursed yourself. Gojo was your ex. Gojo broke up with you and here you were inviting him over cookies late at night. Smart. Real smart. You sighed ready to bask in your melancholy as your phone rang. Gojo was calling. You shouldn't answer right away right? Don't want to seem desperate... right?
"I'm outside, buzz me in?"
You gaped for a moment before coming back to reality. "Oh right." You hung up and walked towards the pad by your front door, pressing the button, allowing him to enter the building. After a few minutes a knock sounded at the front door and of course you opened it to reveal Gojo. He had his black circle sunglasses on.
"Oh uh come in." Stepping out of the way to let him enter. Gojo slipped off his shoes and made his was to the kitchen. You shut the door quickly and followed him. He was practically drooling over the cookies. "Did you want a glass of milk or something?"
He turned to you. "Yeah but don't worry I'll get it. You sit."
You nodded as you leaned against the counter while he munched down the cookies in front of you. "These are so good. You always make the best treats." He leaned against the opposite counter across from you.
You two were really only an arms length apart from each other. You could reach over and pull off his glasses without even moving too much. "I'm glad you like them."
Gojo picked up another one. "You want one?"
"Sure" You shrugged and moved to reach for it but he moved faster and held it to you lips. You took a soft and tentative bite out of it. His sunglasses covered anything his eyes would reveal. He moved it away for a moment before feeding you the rest of it, then leaning back and simply watching you.
He took a shuddering breath before standing straight. "Did you see that movie sequel that came out? We used to watch the first one all the time." He moved over to your living room and plopped himself on the couch. You followed behind him, sitting on the farthest side from him. "Yeah... I haven't had any way to watch it though."
He smiled boyishly. "I downloaded it." He took a few minutes plugging something into the tv, where he pulled it out of you were not sure.
You sat separately as the movie started. Gojo paused it and looked to you. "Do you want popcorn?"
"Uh, yeah sure" You got up to move, but he ushered you to stay put.
"No, no I got it. Don't worry." He sauntered off to the kitchen. I guess on the plus side he knew where everything was. After a few minutes he came back, a large bowl of popcorn in hand. He sat more in the middle of the couch now. The bowl taking up the only space remaining between. Gojo slipped off his glasses placing them on his head.
The movie resumed. Both of you slowly ate at the popcorn while watching. Your hands brushed periodically and it made your skin heat. Occasionally you snuck glances at him. His soft frosty locks, his white eyelashes fluttering as he blinked. You could just barely see the crystal blue of his eyes.
You looked away quickly before he could notice but at some points you could just barely see him turning to you in your peripheral and not turning back right away. Sure, he could be looking past you but you doubted it.
The popcorn had been devoured. It was one of your favourite snacks and you knew he knew that. He placed the empty bowl on the table and subtly moved closer to you. You pulled your legs up in front of you, your feet facing him.
Your toes brushed the side of his legs. Even that little bit of contact almost had you begging for him. Mentally you scolded yourself. Swiftly, he scooped his arm under your legs and stretched them across his lap. "You can stretch out, it's a long movie." Gojo looked to you, a soft smile playing on his lips. His blue eyes dipped to your lips, your neck before snapping back up and then returning to the movie.
You swallowed sharply before looking back to the tv. Was it hot in here? You felt hot.
Gojo settled his hands atop your legs and leaned more into the couch. His fingers playing with the fabric of your pants absentmindedly as he watched on. You shivered slightly at the touch. "You cold?"
Coughing to cover your stutter, "Oh uh yeah a little." Actually your body was on fire and your heart was racing but you didn't stop him from reaching over and grabbing the throw blanket that rested on the side of the couch. Gojo strategically threw it over you both. You thought this would give you more of a barrier between you to stop his incessant touching that you were not going to out right say no to.
However to your horror or your relief his hands stayed under the blanket and continued his movements. You could feel him testing how far you would let him go. His hand rubbed up and down your shins, massaging softly. Could he hear the pounding in your chest?
Slowly the area he occupied increased, his hand running up your thigh, squeezing after a random amount of strokes. Could he feel you squeeze your thighs together every time he did? You were fidgeting. Flexing and wriggling your feet. Your hands busily picked at your shirt under the blanket.
Gojo's hand slowed and stopped. You took in a deep breath. Maybe his torment had stopped but you hated that it did. He readjusted your legs to move from sitting by his knees, to right in his lap. One hand moved to rest just above your hip and the other stayed, making taunting circles on your thigh. You forgot you were staring when he turned and looked at you. "You okay?"
"Uhuh." Swallowing you turned back to the movie. A few minutes passed. His hand on the thigh kept making taunting delicious circles while the other slowly started to move back and fourth.
You hated this, how he broke your heart, acted like nothing happened and then came over here like he still had some sort of say over your body. What you hated more was that your body didn't hate it, that you couldn't stop him. You could feel the slickness collecting between your legs. The way your body begged for his touch.
The circles above your hip had started out on top of your shirt. At some point that you hadn't noticed his thumb had slipped underneath and was toying with the skin right above your waistband. You adjusted your legs, he halted for a moment letting you move. You brushed the need that had developed in his pants. His face pinched at the contact, his chest rising and falling heavily.
As you settled, Gojo returned to his current occupation. The movie still played, you didn't even know what was happening. You pulled your legs away and stood up. The blanket falling, your eyes catching his hardness but you quickly looked away. "I um just need some water. Would you like anything?"
He spread his arms along the back of the couch, not even remotely embarrassed of his length pushing through his pants. "No, I'm okay. Thank you." You nodded quickly and moved to the kitchen. He continued watching the movie.
Grabbing a glass and a straw, some ice and some cold water you sat back onto the couch. What had possessed you to sit right next to him, under his arm? He threw the blanket back over you, draping your legs over his, while the arm behind the couch wrapped around you and he slipped his hand into your waistband.
You could feel his fingers running up and down the skin of your hip, if he moved anymore to the side he would have a handful of your ass.
Shakily, you sipped on your water, the ice clinking grabbed his attention. Gojo's crystal blue eyes looked down on you and you hated the way it made your core tighten.
"Thirsty?" You held the straw towards him in offering. Watching as his mouth found the straw, sucking softly, his throat bobbing as he swallowed. God, you have never wanted to be a straw so bad. What was wrong with you? He let it go, water droplets on his lips. "Thank you."
A shaky hand reached up and wiped the water from hip lip with your thumb. You hesitated right over his mouth. His lips parting, his warmth breath caressing your skin. Without hesitation he kissed the tip of your thumb, taking back the water droplets, the moisture wetting his already soft pink lips.
You let out a shuttering breath, his hands gripped you. One free hand grabbed your glass and set it on the table. You couldn't stop yourself from staring at his lips, against your better judgement your hands snakes around his neck, tangling your fingers into his white locks.
Gojo licked his lips, eyeing yours. "Can I kiss you princess?" Words failed you, so you settled for nodding your head. You wanted him bad. It was wrong but it didn't matter.
He hesitated at first then in record speed gripped the back of your head and pulled you into him. You couldn't even stay you didn't also pull him towards you. You clashed in a frenzy of lips, teeth and tongue.
Tugging at his hair caused delicious moans to leave his mouth and you swallowed them greedily. You nipped at his lip and he opened easily allowing you to slip your tongue past his lips. He pulled away for a breath. Both you of gasping, chests rising and falling rapidly. The way you had looked, eyes blown, hair a mess, lips puffy, must have triggered something primal in him. He latched onto your neck biting, nipping and sucking down to your collar bones and across. You knew he was leaving red angry marks but you had no intention of stopping him.
He couldn’t take it much longer. His hard throbbing length ground into you and it only made your core flare with need. Almost as if sensing it, Gojo picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and walking you to the bedroom. In that time it became a personal mission to leave just as many red marks on him as you were sure he left on you.
He deposited you on the bed, his glasses thrown to the side and his shirt discarded on the floor. Gojo grabbed you by the thighs and pulled you to the edge of the bed, slipping off your shorts and underwear in record timing.
"Wait, Toru I-" He stopped and looked up as you sat up and moved away a bit. A wave of disappointment crossed his face. "Do you not want to?"
"No, I do I just.." He grabbed you again, pulling you back down. "Then lay down baby and let me taste you yeah?"
His kissed up the inside of your thighs, nipping and sucking as he went. Small gasps left you lips and you looked down to see him already watching you. As he approached your center, you both stared at each other. His tongue licked a slow strip. "Mmmm... I missed the way you tasted. So sweet." You could not control the soft moans that left you lips as he slowed licked and sucked your clit. You writhed under him, to stop you from moving away he wrapped an arm around your waist, gripping your thighs.
With his other hand, he teased a finger along your opening. "You're so wet for me baby, fuck." Whining you gripped his locks, pulling his face back towards you. Gojo chuckled at your neediness. His long index finger slowly pushed into you as he sucked harshly on your clit.
"Toru, i- fuck" Your breaths were heavy as your chest heaved. His movements continued, his pace increased as he brought you closer and closer to the edge. "Toru, I'm so close, I- I can't-"
"Come for me princess, I wanna taste you, it's okay baby" Gojo continued his assault as he pulled you over the edge and let you ride his face as you rode out your high. Your body relaxed, eyes closed as his touch disappeared. You were too strung out to even really think.
He moved around the room but you didn't pay attention to him. You were so relaxed now you could have slept. Probably better than you had since he had left.
Satoru grabbed the back of your head and pulled you up to your knees on the edge of the bed. His cock on your lips, pre cum dripping out as you took him in. "Ugh fuck baby" His hand on the back of your head encouraged your movements as his length hit the back of your throat.
He did not give you time in between thrusts, relentlessly fucking your face until you were a drooling mess upon him.
Gojo pulled out with a pop and leaned down to bring his face to your level. "You look so good with my cock in your mouth princess. Did you miss my cock?" You couldn't say much, your brain clearly was not working so you nodded at him. His blue eyes were wide with desire as he smashed his lips against yours and pulled away abruptly.
"Turn around. I want to fuck you from behind. I love the way you look when I'm deep inside you from this angle." With slow movements you turned around, he grabbed your thighs to pull your knees right to the edge. Your reflection in the mirror on the other side of the room stared back at you.
His cock caressed your folds as he pressed down on your back making you arch into position. "Look at me." Your eyes snapped to his in the mirror. Slowly he pushed into you. Groaning as he did. Holding still once he was fully seated.
"Fuck~ you're so wet, your pussy is gripping my dick so hard it almost hurts. I can tell you missed me inside you." Both of you shuddered as he slowly pulled out to the tip and slammed back in.
Your nails dug into the blanket, soft moans leaving you both as his paced increased. One hand gripping your hip and the other pushing you down, keeping you in position as he slammed into you relentlessly. "I'm going to come baby, you feel too good I can't stop..."
His thrusts became stuttered as he pushed into you with one last thrust. Bending over you as you both panted heavily. Gojo kissed along your shoulder, across your back and down your other shoulder while still being seated inside of you. After a few moments he reached for the towel and set it underneath you, wincing as he pulled out and left you in a pool of your own mess while he cleaned himself off.
Your brain was still jumbled as your sat on the towel, before you even could come to your senses he was already dressed. His white locks a sweaty mess upon his head, his black sunglasses covering his eyes.
"Oh, you're leaving?" You couldn't stop the disappointment from entangling with your voice.
"Uh... yeah. I can't stay so." Gojo kissed the top of your head and went for the bedroom door. "I'm free later in the week. We can hang out again if you like. I'll text you." Before you could usher a response he left, closing the door behind him.
Tears welled and fell and quiet whimpers turned into full sobs as you sat in the mess of the both of you. You hated yourself for giving into him, for letting him touch you and be inside you again but what you hated more was that you knew he would be over again and you knew you couldn't bring yourself to say no.
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transformers87 · 2 months ago
I’m gettin there!!!
Here’s our pretty prince Orion Pax!!
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I am still struggling on his hands and feet design… the most!!
But this is how I envisioned him in the plot when Sentinel made the announcement before the Iacon 5000 race began…. Orion’s appearance was to mimic a ghost but to also foreshadow his true identity… plus I fell in love with the idea that each of the original 13 Primes do give off a glow both to show off their authority, prowess, and to glow off their strength under pure elegance.
Plus I kinda head cannon that Prima loves to sparkle just a bit more than the rest!! XD
Again transformers are super hard for me to draw… i am trying my best to draw/finish off the other character designs I have brainstormed for…. And yes I am still trying to use the transformers prime art style cause it feels a bit more easier to at least attempt at drawing them…. I dunno I’m weird.
But I do love the dynamic of both Sentinel and Orion in this story…. Despite it being nothing but toxic…
Sentinel would pride himself with an air of arrogance whenever he’s in the limelight… just a narc that loves attention and overall glories… even to the point of trying to gleam like the other primes…
Meanwhile you have this ghost looking Orion being more timid and not a huge fan of such limelight… he wants to help but really doesn’t want so much admiration… and becomes super flustered by such phrase of gratitude.
So during the introduction of their whole world… Orion in his mask is horribly under a border line closeness to a panic attack because of his father wanting this to be as perfect as possible and yeah.
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janethepegasus · 2 months ago
Cole with TWST characters
(totally not inspired by @rook-laidir )
I thought it would be fun to do this XD
Riddle - Day and night he studies, memorizing every line and lesson in every book. He wants his mother to be proud, he wants to gain her love. He will do anything, even if he has to hide away his longing of freedom.
Ace - An ace of spades slips into the neatly folded deck, but it feels too cramp, too tight, he wanted it loose. He went into the garden with his own set of rules in mind, never knowing the rules the roses turned into law. The tart was sweet when he ate it.
Deuce - He was angry at the world, a world he felt like had no place for someone like him. Lashing, biting, yelling, he thought he was rage. He can still recall his mother's voice from that day. He hung his coat in shame.
Cater - A mask for a mask, endless masks to hide his true self. Forever he dwells as someone he wishes he could always be, as long as everyone knows him as this, no one will know.
Trey - He should've said something but he didn't, he froze up, afraid. Just like back then. He wants to tend to the rose but its thorns are too sharp, one prick and you bleed. Regret lingers, the clover wilts.
Leona - He's given up on trying to turn the tides in his favor. His wants are far away to reach. The lion sleeps, hoping his sorrows will just disappear.
Jack - A wolf is always loyal to his pack, standing beside his kin no matter what. Even if it lacks a leader, he will forever follow.
Ruggie - Survive. The one word he knows well. Scraping, stealing, fighting, hard to relax when you're at the bottom. He earned his way here, but he never forgot where he is. If it weren't for the lion, he would just be forgotten.
Azul - He always hides, like the pots he used to hide in. Now he just hides his true self within a persona, twisting his true thoughts into one of deception and greed. He wants his past to drown, but you can't drown an octopus.
Jade - Fin to legs, part of a world he only heard in storybooks. Gleefully grinning as he takes in the earthly air, hands plucking mushrooms and herbs to study. Forever smiling, with teeth to kill.
Floyd - The sea is not a single emotion all the time. Sometimes it's calm, sometimes it's angry. The sea cannot be still. But at the same time, it is not forgiving.
Kalim - "I'm fine!" he said, smiling as bright as the sun. "I'm fine, i'm fine!" he repeats to himself. Constant reminders to keep smiling, for memories of dusk linger. Ropes that scratched his skin, poison bubbling in his belly, knifes inches away from his throat. It doesn't hurt as much if you smiled through it all.
Jamil - The snake is tired of being in a cage, playing the role of pet to an owner he grew to hate. He wants freedom, he wants control, but the sun never listened. So he fought back.
Vil - Face molded into one of beauty, a gem for all to adore, but it only hides the bitter heart inside. If it weren't for the snow, things would be different, but it isn't.
Rook - His eyes see beauty in everything, admiring the little things no one else could. Eyes sharp, ears perked, a smile stretched on his face. He observes, he sees, taking in every detail. Beauté, he whispers.
Epel - An apple is still an apple, no matter how much you change it, it remembers. The sun reflecting off the shimmering snow, the smell of ma's cooking, the sounds of chatters and laughter from the townsfolk. He wanted to serve a king, not a queen, but there's no turning back now.
Idia - He is bound. Chains locked at a gate, one no one shall ever open. And a heart bounded by regret. Even if he brought him back, it's not really him, just a copy. No hope in freeing himself. Always a zero, never a hero.
Ortho - Flying happy and free, joyous and curious of the world around him. He gained a soul, a spirit of one's self, freedom fluttering in his mechanical heart. "What will i learn today? What will i experience?"
Malleus - Walls dark and cold, silence filling the halls, a lone throne sits around candles lit with a dragon's flame. He sits alone, no subjects around to keep him company. A fear he dreads will come true.
Lilia - The bat forever cherishes the ones he loves, those who he has now, and ones that left. He sheds the armor stained with blood, leaving it behind for one full of love and acceptance. He hopes that the world will be a better place once he leaves.
Silver - Flying through clouds painted in pink and gold, birds circle around him as the sky twists and flutters. A world he knows, a world he sees once upon a dream. Then he wakes up.
Sebek - Clash of lightning, roar of thunder, the bolt wants to be stronger, faster, bolder. He wants his grandfather to be proud, regardless if his blood is not pure. Looking up towards the dragon and admiring his power and grace. He is willing to fight for it.
Grim - Hungry, hungry, i need to feast! Food, i need food! Eat and eat until there is nothing left! I need more, i need more! Human where are you? I need tuna!
Rollo - Fire burns in his heart, rage dwelling within, burning every part of him. He wants magic gone, he blames it on his brother's loss. It is a fire that he believes he alone can put out, but it grew out of control.
Fellow - Another coin, another fortune, whistling playfully as he leaves his victims to rot in a prison of wood. The path he trails is one he's willing to go through until the very end, for he left his conscience a long time ago.
Yuu - They long for home. The memories cling with the sting of sorrow, missing, longing, yearning. They want to go back. They're tired. But the crow keeps stalling.
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bleue-flora · 2 months ago
So how’s the hc of c!dream being autistic feeling in light of recent news?
Pretty much confirmed canon now, because I think we can probably all agree that it’s not like the creators are professional actors so in many ways their personality bled into the characters so if cc!Dream is confirmed to be autistic, that pretty much means c!Dream is as well. Like no offense but I don’t think cc!Dream is that good of an actor to play a neurotypical character lol. I can barely try and write one XD. And of course the things talked about in my essays still stand as further support of that.
So… yeah, feels good. Especially because now I have a really good reason to give to people about why I’m obsessed with my green boy, cuz it’s not like there are that many autistic characters to be obsessed with and project onto. It’s also cool because the narrative and symbolism pieces I talked about in [part 3] of my autism essay now are confirmed to be applicable which is really cool. Like I mean the symbolism of the mask for one is just 👌… don’t even get me started on Pandora’s Vault being a great metaphor for people boxing up their autism for years (*cough* me *cough*).
Also this does open the box of actually considering what else this makes pretty canonical. For example, a common autistic thing is to not like eye contact (I personally hate it) and as mentioned in my essay, a reason for the mask could be so Dream can avoid having to make eye contact and making proper facial expressions to go with the situation.
Which means a few interesting things for fanfiction 1) I’ve often seen a theme of Dream having a mask because he’s so expressive and therefore is hiding his true intention with the mask and when he has it off he’s really easy to read. This however is likely not the case. In fact, Dream without the mask would mostly likely be just as hard to read because he would not be emoting properly, he might even by emoting inappropriately for the situation. He also could by extension not be one for extra eye contact. Course in my fics there is plenty of eye contact, but you’ll notice that I make a point to highlight it, because it’s not his natural or most comfortable thing to do….
Anyways, I’m pretty stoked honestly and I’m kinda curious if people will implement more autistic characteristics when writing Dream now. I hope they will at least keep it in mind, because I think that’d be really cool. And hey, to anyone not autistic or in general I suppose, feel free to reach out if you need some help or have questions about writing autistic Dream. :)
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muttsterion · 7 months ago
Thinking how it's funny that in a way Kenny's had like multiple "face reveals" and pretty much pulled the "HOLY SHIT feels like the first time " factor every time like it's the first time we've ever seen his face even though we've again seen it multiple times. XD
Like of course the true very first time we get a full on reveal of Kenny's face is the still legendary "Good Bye, you guys." scene in the movie. But then fast forward some years after Mysterion shows up out of nowhere and for awhile we the audience don't know who is even by the end of his first episode but SURPRISE in "Mysterion Rises" his mask is "revealed" and HOLY SHIT IT'S KENNY! Another "face reveal". And even now when the immortal boi's golden hair just shows up it's again like he's had another face reveal and we react like we've never seen his face before. Esp the DikinBaus episode where Kenny just straight up showed up unhooded out of fucking nowhere and literally drove us fans NUTS. There are other examples too but that one was one of the best imo. XD
Perhaps Kenny really is indeed too powerful for this world. I swear only he could pull off face reveals more than once and still give us that true SURPRISE! feel. XD
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darqx · 2 years ago
Got an evil eye
In which there’s a small Demon!Rire Angel!Rire comparison.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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😇 The lore of Angel!Rire is essentially:
Possibly rogue angel that kills people under word of God.
Word of God being debatable because his criteria for killing people changes a lot - (eg: might kill a bad person cos they’re “bad”, similarly will kill a good person to get them to heaven faster, similarly will just “mercy” kill whoever because humans are a plague to themselves and others etc) - EITHER WAY no one seems to be stopping him.
Also debatable is whether he believes in his justifications for his actions or if he’s just doing it for fun and purposely smoke-screening that fact.
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I have described their main similarity before as deception since they both seem viable (as a normal human / normal angel) at first. Their main personality difference is that their modus operandi is flipped - Demon!Rire will often see how long he can con someone, but will eventually reveal his true nature and will match what he says with it. Angel!Rire is more blunt and will reveal his true nature almost immediately, but will continue saying things in complete antithesis to that reveal thus masking the reality of his intentions.
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I do know what OCTs are! But I probably would never join one due to lack of time. They seem to be very large commitments and i’d be better off trying to find that time to do BP :V
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There is no set location for BTD (considering that me, Gato and EP all come from diff countries LOL)...other than maybe “Earth” and ���some city/town place that predominately speaks English”.
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This is, actually, one of the more popular questions I get asked over time about Rire XD; Which makes me think I need to update my FAQ to include it. Anyway in my FAQ i put it like this:
CAN RIRE FEEL LOVE? I don’t know if you could classify what he feels as “love” in the same definition we are used to…
And from other answers to similar qs:
IF he becomes fond of someone for whatever reason, he will probably become more possessive. His methodology might not change so much, but there would be more aftercare (cos if you want someone to last longer...)
I never go any more in depth when answering these kinda qs even though i’m sure people would like me to XD
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At first I was going to say “I don’t know Depeche Mode”, but when i looked them up on Youtube i saw “Just can’t get enough” and was like OH I KNOW THESE SONGS.
As for Rire it’s not super in line with his usual, but I don’t think he’d mind the music!
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He’s gotten used to moving between different climates quickly so it doesn’t really affect him as much.
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You would not be the first so go for it if you want lol.
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bubble-popping · 6 months ago
day 23 and i'm inspired by a certain someone to share my own 'dreamxd as a loving and protective parental figure to dream' kind of au :D
Dream's frame shook as he sobbed, tears catching on the rim of his hood which was pressed snugly to his face. He hugged himself tightly, knees to his chest, curled in a safe little ball where the rest of the world couldn't reach him. Guilt and fear gripped his rapidly beating heart, a hummingbird in a too-small cage. He could still hear them, the mocking laughter of his classmates, shocked gasps from his friends too stunned to react. But that cruelty wasn't what scared him.
He was vaguely aware of the sun beginning its descent in the sky, that his friends and family were probably worried sick about him right now. Again, they weren't what concerned him at the moment.
Tiny squeaks made him tense. A blob wiggled out from his hoodie pocket, and his anxiety increased tenfold.
Dream brought the small creature into his hands, no bigger than his little fists, and yet the weight of a thousand suns rested in his palms. A gift from XD, meant to keep track of him and accompany him when XD couldn't be there. A blessing, and a curse. It whined at him, expression distraught and smile gone. Confused by the lack of his precious mask.
"It's okay! I'm okay, I promise! Please, don't tell XD-"
"Don't tell XD what?" The last voice he wanted to hear spoke behind him.
"N-nothing!" Dream answered too quickly. "Everything's fine, I'm fine." He struggled to keep his voice level. For the life of him, his lips just wouldn't stop quivering.
"Dream. Don't lie to me. You know how I feel about that." They said, firm, unyielding, terrifying-
Dream's throat closed up. He couldn't respond even if he tried.
He heard the shift of robes, of feet finally touching the forest floor, of feathers brushing each other as wings flexed. The blob he held warmed in an effort to soothe his trembling.
"Stand up and face me, Dream."
Dream winced, face scrunching like he was ready to be struck. Slow and hesitant, he got to his feet, then turned. He refused to look up from the grass. XD's robe blending with the color of the ground was so much easier to focus on than what their reaction would be, especially after Dream heard their sharp intake of breath.
If he wasn't so afraid, maybe he'd wonder about the intentions of a god knowingly inhaling when they didn't require oxygen to survive.
"Child..." they began, much gentler than their previous tone, "what's the meaning of these tears? And where's your mask?" But in Dream's mind, they just sounded hurt, betrayed.
Without warning, the small mortal broke down in sobs. Clutching the blob, he wailed apologies and pleas of mercy. His shoulders shook, a leaf fighting against the strong winds of a hurricane. He knew he looked nothing like the fierce, confident prodigy he'd promised XD. The god saw him for what he really was. Just a scared little boy, totally unworthy of their power, of the coveted status being a Prodigy brought.
To his utter surprise and bewilderment, he felt the tender touch of fingers pulling back the edges of his hood and large hands cupping his face. Thumbs brushed away the rushing tears. Dream found himself frozen, staring into warm green eyes just like his.
XD smiled at him, kind and soft and... human. There was no disappointment, no anger, no frustration.
Dream didn't understand. He'd let them down. He showed his weakness. They could see it, plain and clear as the grass was green and the sky was blue, and yet...
"Y-you're not mad...?"
"Why would I be?" They tilted their head. It was strange, XD rarely went without their mask. Their freckles were like little galaxies, features too perfect to be true, but they could pass as his sibling. Another question for a time when Dream wasn't so confused.
"I, I got in trouble... There was a different teacher today and she," he hiccuped, tears returning full force at the memory, "she took my mask. I cried and e-everyone just laughed at me-" his voice cut out, overtaken by messy blubbering.
XD merely shushed him, dual sets of arms wrapping him in comfort and warmth as they tucked him under their chin. They whispered soft reassurances, tone the embodiment of thick blankets and fluffy pillows. Hands combed through his hair, rubbed circles into his back, held him close. Six wings folded around him, further shielding his form until Dream could truly believe they were the only ones in the world.
Exhaustion began to set in, eyelids growing heavy, and made infinitely worse by the melodic humming of his god. The grip he had on XD's robes gradually loosened, cries dying down.
"Rest now, my child. You've had a long day. We'll talk in the morning."
"Promise...?" Dream murmured after a moment of silence, teetering on the cusp of sleep.
"I promise."
With that, the young boy let himself fall into sweet slumber.
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grigori77 · 3 months ago
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 115
Sing? Really? Oh gods ... wait ... oh no ... really, he is THE LAST PERSON who should have one of these things ... oh yeah, give it to Robbie ... YEAH, that's moe like it ... no, give it back, Samuel! Yes. That's better ... by the gods this is a mad skit and I'm not surprised Marisha's got gigantic giggles ... XD ... oh my ... SHE'S gettign a go? The one cast member who CAN'T sing? Interesting ... LOL
MattL "We're professionals!" Yes .. you are ...
Wait ... what's going on with Ashley and Marisha? Is that a bit for Matt's plug? It's a bit random since they're both OFFSCREEN for it ...
Der Katzenprinz? Awwwwwwwwww ... it's real! :3
Back with Bells Hell and the Mighty Nein, then ... so we're reeling things back an hour or two ... which is about right ... "dicks out?" Really?
Fjord's sensitive nipples ... that's adorable. He's the most feared pirate in allf Exandria, folks! XD
Less illusions, more projections ... yeah, exactly, Imogen. Oh yeah ... Snowcone Ludinus, yeah ...
The confusion begins ... oh yeah, I've been looking forward to more of this ... LOL ... meanwhile Matt's just enjoying sitting back and WATCHING ...
Ah yes, where DO the Nein stand on the subject of the gods?
"Trent Ikithon"? Don't invoke that name, Fjord! Don't trigger the Dirt Wizard!
Caduceus: "So you're feeling confident because you've fought two snowmen?"
Just make Fearne an egg already, Chet!
A Message to Ludinus? I mean honestly, one of Jester's Messages would probably be a major headache for him, so I could actually get behind that idea ... XD
Rashinna! Hi! She's here, it's time, then ...
Ooooh, bombs ... yay! That should be fun. Explosives are always fun.
So ... is that like some funky cool grapple gun? That's pretty sweet ...
Wow ... Gaz really is like the Johnny Bravo of Ruidus, isn't he?
Nott wants to be close to "the big boom" ... well yes, she would ... I love this little pyromaniac ... if she shouts "Fluffernutter!" just before she blows it up that'll just be the icing on the cake ... XD
Don't eat the slime, Beau! It's not for eating ...
Trying to decide who can just fly up and who needs a little help ...
Fjord: "You hear that, Nott? Braius is going down." Veth: "Don't even tempt me! Big strong man ..."
"Lunchies"? Wow ... Gaz, man ...
Ah, so tea and ... something more? Hmmmmmm ...
A toast? Go for it, Dorian. "Please don't die, and down the hatch." Attaboy ...
Ruidian cheese dreams ... I love that so much ... XD ... yeah, please let Gaz survive this so someday he can have some cheese ...
Braius wanting Chetney to CHISEL R.T.A. on him when Jester has actual TATTOO EQUIPMENT ... LOL
Caleb thinks the Hells are even more insane than the Nein... that is a crazy compliment, definitely ...
:3 ... awwwwwwww ... Imogen and Laudna are as cute as ever ... I really am hoping they're gonna make it through this shit ... yeah, please let them get that little cottage they dream of ...
Yasha ... silently judging Veth for mooning over Braius ... I love it ... the question about Yahsa and Beau's marrital status ... so ... they're still not sure what it is? Hmmmm ... Marish: "Wait! Dani says we're married!" Oh boy ... LOL
Lots and lots of sex. This is apparently Yasha's secret to their longevity ... of course it is ...
Did Veth just ask Yasha if she was up for a foursome? O.O
Yes. Beau WOULD be a great mother. It's bizarre, but very true ...
Marriage at TravelerCon? Oh yeah, that sounds PERFECT ... yeah, all the wedding planning is just THE BEST PART of this episode so far ... which after all the Yasha/Veth sex-talk is definitely saying something ... XD
Gaz tries honey for the first time ... O.O ... wow ...
Oh ... so that's it, then? Time to start ... hmmmm ... and potentially a big goodbye for both parties ...
Caduceus: "When the time comes ... go with what feels kind." Oh ... yes. Definitely ...
Let Laudna have the Raven Mask. PLease. As much to stop the squeekiness, really ...
Yes. Give Ashton an hour of Psychic protection. That would be really helpful ... wait ... Chetney has NEGATIVE ONE for Wisdom? Fucking hell ...
Oh, so she just FAKES IT? That's hilarous ...
A last quick moment with Dorian and Orym? Oh ... THEY'RE KISSING?!!! THEY'RE KISSING!!! THEY'RE FUCKING KISSING!!! TEN SECONDS OF KISSING!!! IT'S HAPPENING!!! Oh dear ... sorry Braius ... oops ...
Fucking hell ... are Ashton and Fearne REALLY about to take a massive amount of mushrooms right before they go into the most desperate fight ot their life? O.O
Fucking hell, Sam! How many of those do you even HAVE?!!!
Caleb and Imogen bonding ... yeah, they really do seem like such a good friendship fit ... :3
It's going all red ... and a screech? A strange screech? Is Imogen getting trapped in a dream? Oh fuck, that's exactly what it is ... Liliana! Oh fuck, is it all going off already? Not good ... he knows? Oh fuck ... that's so bad ... wait ... WHAT?!!! What's happening to her? Matt Mercer don't you fucking DARE!!! Oh fuck ... is she gonna be with her for as long as she can in what's clearly her final moments? Fuck ...
A HARNESS?!!! He's funnelling her? NO!!! NOOOOOO!!!
And NOW he calls a break? Matt Mercer you EVIL BASTARD!!!
While all that's happening we're off with the Nein instead ... damn it! And back with the old seating arrangement! Cool! But no Robbie? Not quite so cool ...
Seeming is still up? Okay, then ... smart ...
Group deception check? First fresh roll as the Nein ... okay, it's been a little while ... looks like we all have to get back to remembering the old stats ... and Ashley's RIGHT back on the classic dice behavour already ...
Crap ... are they running into difficulty ALREADY?
Bluffing time ... Deception check! Oof ... here we go, then ... so ... that worked, then? Phew ...
And now they're being followed ... bollocks ... so then that DIDN'T work, then ... hmmmmmm ...
Invoke Duplicity! Oh nice ... yeah, it's been a while ... :3
Nice ... so THAT distraction worked. Great work, Jester.
Sneaky sneaky ...
Aha ... so this place seems like what we're headed for ... yup. we're here. The Arx Creonum ...
So they're going IN then ... oh, a friend? Somebody on the inside, then ... yeah, looks like they're pulling it off, then ...
Wow ... gods, she was so young then ... :3
Okay, so now it's time to finally work out what they're gonna do with the climb ... is Beau gonna go so some more Cool Monk Shit? Let her Naruto Run along the cable ...
Veth casts Spiderclimb ... cool ...
Beau's still spicy about Veth shooting her in the arse after seven years ... XD
THat's a lott of BOOM, Gaz ... and now he's sort of quoting The Goonies ...
Meanwhile Fjord and Jester are doing the whole Superman and Lois thing ... LOL
Think light thoughts, guys ... and yeah, a little Guidance would be helpful too. Thanks, Jester ...
Veth gets a MATCHING OUTFIT for the infiltration? Cool ... yeah, she's on the DEMO TEAM ... O.O ... extra cool ...
The bird flips the bird ...
The assault has begun! Laura: "It has begin!"
Climbing time for the demo team, then ... okay, well that went surprisingly well ... the lines are now secure. Step one is a success ... Spiderclimb!
Ring of Spell Splitting, plus Death Ward? Nice ...
Veth totally showing up everybody else as they go up ... XD
Safe arrival, then ... all going well so far ... what's next, then?
Finding a prime spot for the bombs, then ... Investigation check! Okay ... planting the bombs ... c'mon Veth, this is what you're really good at ... no Spiderclimb lasts an HOUR, you're fine ...
Lighting the fuse ... here we go ... HIDE!!! TAKE COVER!!!
They've been spotted? Crap ... IS THAT a problem right now? Oh, guess not ... BOOM!!!
A THIRD OF THE BUILDING starts to fall away? Holy fuck ... O.O
Time for the rest of them to make the cli8mb too, then ... all at once! Get to it, guys!
Evasion for ZERO DAMAGE? Sweet. "Rogues are back in style!" XD
Seven rounds to ascend? Crap ... what's gonna happen in the interrim?
Beau is DASHING it ... this is gonna be SPECTACULAR ... so she can clear it in FOUR rounds ... which means 4 Acrobatics checks ... roll well, Marisha! 17 for the third one? Oh fuck ... that's BARELY enough ... wait ... is Veth SERIOUSLY gonna electroshock Beau right now? O.O Caleb Bird sighs SO HEAVILY ... so the DC is now TWENTY ... oh fuck ... Sam fucking Riegel, the classic chaos gremlin ... oh wow ... yeah, she just GRINDS THAT FUCKER with her staff ... that is just AWESOME ...
Gods I love these two so much, they're both so petty ... XD
Meanwhile how do everybody else get on? Starts smooth ... but now they've been spotted ... crap ... this complicates things ... and now they're being pelted with stuff ... SPEARS?!!! Seriously? Crap ... O.O ... shit ... did Laura really rol a THREE?!!! Crap ... and now she's just had her harness cut away ... FUCK!!! And now Jester is FALLING ...
Ashley rolls a ONE when Yasha tries to grab her ... so Fjord just goes after her instead! Of course he does ... so romantic ... but that adds an EXTRA ROUND to the whole mess ... crap!
Oh for fuck's ... ANOTHER shit roll? So bad ... Ashley strikes again ... and now YASHA'S harness is starting to go too ... shit! Grab that hook, girl! Nope, she's falling too ... yeah, Caleb just swoops for her ... and NOW she's starting to Rage ...
Fuck ... yeah, he JUST catches her in time ... and now they're under fire ... a giant eagle has 26 hit points? Bloody hell ... O.O ... that was almost SO BAD ...
Taliesin rolls a ONE ... oh sweet fuck ... and now CADUCEUS is plummetting too ... crap ... so Jester casts Polymorph on him ... she turns him into a giant dire-beetle ... with a Dacuceus face? Wow ... that's just PURE nightmate fuel ... but he is now flying again ...
Okay, so ... they made it, then? Finally ... and it was a TOTAL MESS the whole way ...
Great ... so now they have to make MORE checks to climb up the side of the structure ...
Oh okay ... Battlemap time? Here we go, then ... fuck, this shit looks REALLY HAIRY ...
Beau clambers up onto the wall and runs along the top to try and get past them, while being as tauntingly annoying as possible ... hmmm ... then she goes on the ATTACK!!! POP POP!!! Oh, I have missed this ... Stunning Strike! Yay! But they resist ... crap ... Patience Defence!
Caleb tries to swoop as close as he can to the big blasted opening in the hope to just TOSS Yasha into it ... nice ...
Caduceus buzzes to the nearest platform and hides, ready for the next move ...
Yasha picks herself up and starts climbing the wall ... then she throws her recently acquired spear at one of Beau's foes ... oh yeah, 29 DEFINITELY hits ...
One of the Shrikes shoots his glass cannon at her ... yeah, that's a miss. Phew ... quite a wake-up call, though ... another one takes a shot ... ALSO misses ... thirs one HITS though ... oof ... it definitely hurts, but she's able to shrug it off ... then the closest to Beau takes a shot, that misses ... but the next hits her! Crap! She burns a Ki point and just manages to grab the shot and throw it back! Nice ... CRACK!!! And he fails his save ... 2 D8 Psychic damage? Nice ...
Jest holds her action while waiting to get closer ... holding Darkness? Okay ...
Crap ... Yasha's taking hits ... but she's a Barbarian so she just BOSSES her way through it ... nice ... Telekinetic Combo? Boooo! Thankfully she's able to shrug THAT off too ... meanwhile Beau's taking some pretty nasty hits too ... oof ... crap, it knocks her RIGHT BACK to the wall ...
Armoured feskuls? Crap! Sam: "Can't this game just be roleplay and no combat?"
Fjord touches down with Jester on the nearest ledge, and she casts Darkness to give Yasha and Beau some cover ... nice! Meanwhile he casts Hex on the juggernaut fighting Beau. Then he throws some Eldritch Blasts at him! Ballsy ... Even with the Darkness he manages to hit with ALL THREE!!! Also nice ... oh yeah, that's A WHOLE FUCKLOAD of damage in one round there ...
The Blade Baron uses his Blade Storm to start swiping at Yasha ... crap! EIGHT D10 Slashing damage? Fuck ... that's nasty ... thank fuck she's Raging ...
Gaz arrives! Phew ... he flubs his entrance, but he's there now, at least ...
Veth rushes to join her friends ... and fires her Aeorean Security Cannon into the Darkness, hoping she doesn't hit Beau (or at least that's what she SAYS) ... 39 points of damage? Wow ...
Beau bolts out of the Darkness and makes for the gap ... oh, that is pretty sweet! Yeah, do that ... if you can take this Hulk out in one deft move ... OH SHIT she actually PULL IT OFF!!! That's so beautiful ... yeah, he's just PLUMMETTING to his death now ... that's a proper sweet fucking move, Beau!
Caleb curves around the edge and swoops down to Caduceus, and that's about it ... hmmmm ...
Caduceus casts Guidance on him, and also that's about it ...
Flashbacks of Aeor? Yeesh ...
Yasha has to try and slip past to make it to the edge ... so she just decides to take a swing at him instead. Reckless Rage! Yes ... that's a hit! Yeah! And another! Ooooh, Dvine Fury? Nice ... that.s 43 on one hit ... second's another 19 ... now she tries to shimmy by ... and she MANAGE IT!!! Yes ... she's free to fully disengage so she jumps down and makes her way down towards Caleb and Caduceus ...
The Shrike tries to shoot at Veth ... second shot hits the mark ... ouch ... thanks to Uncanny Dodge she shrugs off the worst ot it ... and she doesn't suffer any ll effects either ... phew ...
The two Polymorphed folk are now taking fire ... POP!!! Yup, now Caleb has been BATTERED back to human form ... and the rest of the damage hurts too ... but both shots as Ceduceus just miss him entirely ...
Jester casts a Guiding Bolt at 2nd Level and chucks it at the feskul ... and MISSES!!! Shit ... that's so frustrating ...
Juggernaut faceplant! Nice ...
Shit! Spotted! Now they're under fire again ... Caleb and Yasha takes some more hits ... and here come the feskuls! Aaaaaaaaahh! Oh, that is NASTY!!! Fjord and Jester take some hits too ... the other goes for Veth ... and she gets BIT!!! Nasty ... 32 points of Piercing damage? FUCK!!!
Hexblade's Curse! Fjord hurls them at the juggernaut ... pow! And it just FALL OFF THE EDGE!!! Nice ... he shifts the Hex to the feskul, then fires some Eldritch Blasts at it ... second hits! BOOM!!! Prmanently reduced AC? That's pretty sweet. Finally they land on the ledge next to Beau.
The Blade Baron sets in on Gaz ... oh man ... PLEASE make it through, big guy! Thankfully Matt rolls absolute BALLS so he gets through JUST FINE ... so the Baron just FLEES?!!! XD Oh my gods ...
Gaz goes right after him and just starts POUNDING on him ... oh yeah, he just KEEPS ON HITTING HIM!!! Nice ... That's 66 points of damage he unloads on him ... and that's IT for the Baron! Beautiful ...
Veth just BOOKS IT and makes a flat out DASH right past the remaining foes ... who manage to MISS her ... phew ... then she jumps down and makes a PERFECT landing right onto the juggernaut ... instantly blinding him ... very nice ...
Beau attacks while he's blinded ... POP POP!!! Juggernaut's hurt, but still in it ...
Caleb chucks a Fireball into his nuts ... and ENGULFS HIM!!! Nice ... Claeb grabs hold of Veth and pulls her away as the burning enemy plunges over the edge ... nice ...
Okay, time to head into the tunnels, then ... Beau dumps a bunch of ball-bearings behind them as they go.
Fjord and Jester are the only 0ones left out there, along with Gaz ... hmmm ... meanwhile they're still taking fire ... oof ... yeah, they're getting hurt, but hanging in there ...
Jester jumps down and SLIPS ON THE BEARINGS!!! Fuck ... yeah, she bruises her butt when she goes down ... oof ...
The feskul tries to attack Gaz ... it starts snapping at him, but doesn't influct much damage on him in the end. The other swoops on Fjord, but he's able to fend it off ...
Fjord throws some Eldritch Blasts at it, and two hit ... yeah, one's a CRIT!!! Nice ... yeah, that's some serious damage, and he blasts it right out of the sky. He follows the others and now they're all together ...
Just Gaz left, then ... he manages to disengage and jumps across too, JUST manages to avoid the bearings and now he's with the rest of them. He turns to cover their entry, leaving them to head on inside.
Jester gives him the rest of her honey before she goes. Snd he calls her "Honey Miss!" Awwwwwwwwww ... :3
Yeah, that's a good place to call it a night. Is it Thursday yet?
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blackstarchanx3new · 10 months ago
FSR Rambles 21
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Hah. Green seeing through Vio's eyes his past mistakes haha.
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"Now, onto the human towns! We'll burn them all! Spread darkness to the horizons!"
True to his word that's what he did.
Vio is uh. Rather sickened by this.
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Yeah blame it on altitude sickness Vio.
Riding on Shadow's lack of knowledge of humans was a good play though.
It's been awhile since we touched on Vio masking around Shadow to save his own ass. But dude had to have been going through it during these events. And I feel like if FS had a longer run time and a T rating we could have actually seen the affects of playing evil had on him.
It couldn't have been easy.
I just like the idea he struggled a LOT more than the og manga gives us any hints towards.
Like he said to Green in the previous flashback he had to watch Shadow no doubt MURDER people and stand by and do nothing.
That'd fuck with his head.
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Yeah Vio's thoughts became consumed by how little he wanted to die.
I've always had the personal head cannon that he decided to shatter the mirror after the dragon ride SPECIFIFCALLY because he'd reached his limit on how much he could allow Shadow to do and just, stand by and watch.
He'd been complicate in almost killing Red and Blue, which would fuck with somebody enough.
Had to presumably face vaati in cannon (And in FSR actually did)
Like I've brought up a few times: Why would he even BOTHER making a plan with Shadow to free Zelda if he didn't intend to act on it? Literally outside of giving Shadow hope it served no real purpose...
UnLESS that was his plan but he couldn't follow through.
Which is what I personally go with here.
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Vio just fully cracked. Being so stressed out he stress vomits oomf.
Poor guy. Still being consumed by the thought he needs to act normal after EVERYTHING he's been through.
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Paralyzed with fear regret and self loathing Vio just crumbles to the floor.
His main thought here is that he doesn't HAVE to kill shadow if he can just hold onto the plan he made.
But as we'll see, his resolve is crumbling faster and faster.
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Vio placed so much burden on his own shoulders he crumbled. Trying to do this mission entirely by himself utterly destroyed him.
Vio's been COMPLETLY ALONE here. As much as Shadow thought they were buddy buddy Vio could NEVER fully confide in him and has been ALONE since the forest. Perhaps things would be different if he had someone by his side who also knew of his plans. But he hasn't been able to be honest or had an outlet for all his feelings for DAYS now at least. Possibly longer.
I think I've ranted before about how HIS arc was about learning to lean on his team mates and I wanted to feed into that.
Except Vio doesn't really come to that conclusion now but rather decides he just needs to get out of this scenario right the fuck now.
Which is why since I'm trying to build off the manga: he acts VERY RASH.
Because imo that scene where he gets pissed is just, so badly written due to the manga's context and shit but I digress... (I don't like Tingle's inclusion much at all tbh he doesn't add literally anything to the story and instead fucks up Vio's arc. Bla bla I've went on this rant many times.)
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It finally just hit him.
He's unable to keep this up.
As he steels his resolve to do what he's about to do.
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Vio's monologue here really dips into how I think he'd end up in a LOT of denial.
He's just telling himself lie after lie to justify the situation he ended up in and his new choices he'll make.
And it all culminates to.
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And we know the events of the manga haha.
I liked portraying just how desperate Vio was in these circumstances since again: I don't think the manga portrayed it at maximum capacity cause of the A rating and left most of it up to interpretation.
I like adding Vio's thoughts where we otherwise have no real clue what he was thinking at the time. It's a lot of fun. XD
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"What's sitting on me"
More like WHO Green. XD
Apparently showing others things takes a bigger toll on Dark compared to just viewing it by himself.
He's very unenthusiastic even when saying "Yay Dark Link" XD
Green just, stares in utter horror soaking in everything he just witnessed through Vio's perspective.
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Oh boy someone cracked like an egg.
Funny how your eye glitched there Green.
Dark Link's "Wtf is wrong with YOU?" Face never ceases to make me smile. Dude's so weirded out by Green just breaking here.
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Green's self hating outburst is so jarring to Dark he tries to interrupt him.
Though Dark's nervousness could be for a LOT OF reasons:
He could just be genuinely shocked and worried for Green. Which I think is valid since Dark hasn't really seen someone act this way before.
But also, whenever anybody is angry (Vaati and Shadow): They tend to take it out on him physically.
Dark's reactions is straight up like "Fuck did I break him???" X'D
It's funny how much Dark's perspective on making them suffer has changed.
From delighting in Vio's terror to being disturbed at Green's mental breakdown.
Green's rant is pretty self evidently aimed at his own actions. Thinking he couldn't ever relate to what Vio went through, and considering himself worthless garbage which. oomf ouch buddy.
Dark does quite frankly the funniest things he could do by just, aggressively rubbing his face against Green's like a cat.
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Mmm. Darkgreen.
Okay but seriously I just love these two's dynamic. XD
Green's practically BEGGING this "evil dude" to reprimand him and tell him he's an awful leader and horrible at everything he's tried to do and he's just NOT getting that energy from Dark at ALL.
Dark's made his thoughts on Green pretty clear, he thinks Green's a good hero even with his mistakes.
Specifically the fourth panel where he's got the star eyes you can really tell the dude has admiration for Green. XD
I just love Dark's face after Green blurts out that he doesn't do enough too.
It's like he had to really think about what he was going to say in response to that.
Usually when Dark thinks someone is wrong he'll call them stupid in some capacity, but here he takes a different route.
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Dark's response is really, simple.
A genuine question.
"...When will it be enough Green?"
Dark's standards for what a hero are and what he deems a good hero or person are rather...tilted but he's accurately called out Vaati and Shadow for shit and he's not afraid to be brutally honest.
I think the brutal honesty of this statement is showing just how vacuous and large the shit Green has put on his own shoulders that he nor Dark know the end of what he's truly signed up for.
And that realization makes Green just break further.
Apologizing that he shouldn't even be able to confide in Dark someone who thus far hasn't even really complained about Green's breakdown at all.
Green's dialogue in the last panel is telling about how he's facing a lot of guilt in breaking down in front of Dark because technically: He should be protecting everyone FROM HIM.
He's breaking down in front of someone who's for all intensive purposes their ENEMY and their current biggest issue.
The guy Green has to decide whether or not to KILL.
And Dark's the one giving in his own way comfort to HIM.
This scenario from Green's perspective at least is all sorts of screwed up.
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Poor baby's so stressed he reverts to his manga design
Green further goes onto say that telling Dark his insecurities was a mistake.
Which, is a fair thing to say lol. Dude essentially trauma dumped on Dark XDDD
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Literally when I was drawing this scene I thought of this meme lmfao.
Which is awful but I have shitposter brain.
Smth I like about panel 3 & 4 is how Dark goes to wipe away Green's tears. Which is something Green did for him earlier.
Dark can and will reflect positivity if it's given to him.
People keep only feeding him negativity but Green showed him unconditional kindness and he gave it back.
I like how they have a positive effect on each other despite everything haha.
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Again peeking into Dark's twisted idea of pain and pleasure.
He's just happy to be suffering WITH someone for a change. Misery loves company.
Green kinda asks a kinda dumb question here. But him asking if Dark feels "hurt" isn't a completely weird question...Like. This thing is a monstrous curse wearing your face it isn't far off to try to clarify some stuff. XD
Dark's response is just, kinda sad.
He's always suffering and always in pain.
Green's quick to try and play off his avoidance of an answer to Zelda and SHadow as Dark keeping him in the head space but ahhh...
Green buddy...You're choosing to stay here with Dark. XD
Dark's quick to point that out too lmfao.
I especially love how he immediately gets disapointed Green is saying smth stupid by asking if he "got hit with the same stupid" which just is a hilarious way to word saying something dumb.
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I just like that he can flip from cute to intimidating evil guy in a blink of an eye. XDDD
So Dark's monologue here I got stuff to say haha.
Dark immediately isn't a fan of the idea of being by himself, by his continuous emphasis of being LEFT alone, "By MYSELF...ALONE" The idea Green would be abandoning him in some way if he left.
Also him just aggressively gripping green's face like he's trying to hold onto him in some capacity to keep him there. Oomf.
Often times Dark's "Evil villain" mannerisms like grabbing people isn't him being purposely space invading and sinister but his desperate subconscious pleas for SOMEONE to stay close to him. He's not going out of his way to make people uncomfortable.
He's so unintentionally stereotypically evil and I like that about him haha. He knows to an extent he's intimidating but isn't TRYING to be.
I think that's a fun contrast with Shadow who goes out of his way to invade people's space to MAKE them uncomfortable (like Vio in the woods hah)
Back to his dialogue. He points out Green doesn't want to leave either.
Which is true.
"Cause if you leave...you'll have to return to responsibility. Pretending the sorce of your problems is in the hands of some horrible demon that ensnared you... Instead of a product of your own misgivings and foolishness"
This is in reference to the here and now but ALSO when Green was hunted in the pyramid. He got himself into that situation too haha.
Dark referring to himself as a "horrible demon" shows that he's HIGHLY aware of how Green is perceiving him to a degree.
Green in a way wants to believe Dark Link is pure evil. Which would make the choice he has to make whether or not to spare him easier. Like Shadow said. if he was mindless this would be MUCH EASIER. It'd a a no brainer. But he's NOT and that results in a lot of pain over what to do about him.
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A lot of Dark's questions have been rhetorical. He KNOWS Green is pretty much USING him right now to avoid responsibility and is KINDA fine with that?
He makes a light hearted (At least in his opinion) jab that Green's being selfish and taking up his time when he "promised" Blue earlier he'd spend time with him. (Which is funny considering time doesn't really exist here) Being visibly embarrassed Green in a round about way WANTS to spend time with him.
On the HORRIFYING realization about what Dark confessed to planning Green PANICS.
Reasonably he knows what Dark considers "Fun" even if he's not being outright malicious.
Also not so fun visual fact: Dark flinches when Green grabs him.
Which is just sad how he's just used to getting the crap kicked out of him that he fully expected Green to hit him.
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Okay I'd be totally skimping out on dumb FSR facts if I didn't tell ya "Love like mine" wasn't a song I listened to on repeat while drawing this scene.
Very strong DarkGreen vibes XDDD "I'll make ya scream and I'll make you want it! You can be my ride or die" mmm delicious. Give more more. Finally some good fucking food.
Anyway page lol.
Dark realizing Green is holding his hand is just kinda cute. Like of course that's what he'd care about lmfao.
Meanwhile Green's full panicking about Dark confessing he was gonna go mentally fuck with Blue later. XDDD
Like dude's on his knees begging Dark not to, even offering to trade places.
I mean, what'd really be the difference after all?
He's gotta bear all the burdens...Doesn't he?
Link's put that pressure on him at least.
It kinda just shows how self punishing Green is at this point. Thinking he fucked up so bad he needs Dark to take it out on him.
Which isn't the POINT of what Dark does. Dark only really haunts them as a means to an end to keep them split and Vaati safe, but also as his own selfish desire to connect with them. Like how he spoke to Vio after Blue ran off.
Green seeking someone to hold him accountable for SOMETHING is just, oomf.
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I think it's fun to dive into the idea Green REALLY doesn't know if Dark is faking being kind to him.
I mean, their biggest adversaries lied to them via transforming and using their loved ones MUTLIPLE TIMES. (Vaati shifting into Zelda, using their dad against them, even Vio 'turning' on them, trust would be something VERY HARD TO DO at that point I think.) Deception on the enemy's side isn't unexpected at all.
That he's hinging on the slightest chance Dark IS being genuine with him that he'll listen and not hurt the people he cares about. Whether or not Dark has Free will AT ALL.
He is a curse, it's not far fetched to think he just... CAN'T NOT do what he's designed to do.
Dark for his part is at first, contemplative.
Green's really showing just how AWFUL what he does to people is in a lot of ways. Dark has a certain cognitive disconnect in the sense he struggles to accept in a lot of ways how he truly affects Link.
Though reading Green's mind he distracts himself with "Lol wtf are you doing and what does it prove?" When Green makes the assumption that if he can change Dark's mind than he really is a person who can be reasoned with.
People can be reasoned with, mindless program following curses can not. UwU
Turns out begging is smth Dark's into lmfao so Green's pleading tickled a nerve.
I fucking love Dark's wrong word usage to describe things.
The idea Green WANTS HIM for him to STAY with Green just fills the guy with joy. Even if it's just because Green's being self hating and desperate to save his team mates.
Dark Link likes being wanted.
Green is WANTED by people, and being wanted by GREEN specifically just makes the guy just so happy.
And Dark struggles to really fully describe what he's feeling in the moment because genuine JOY isn't something this guy is getting very often.
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Baby is so happy he cries.
Dark's just such a sad dude.
Expressing he's just happy Green cares about him. Mentioning Blue here too but Green is showing compassion for Dark in the sense he doesn't WANT to hurt him.
By HOPING for Dark to be able to be reasoned with, by wanting Dark to be someone he could talk to he IS caring about Dark's safety which isn't smth the dude has gotten from ANYONE ELSE so far.
he even confides he wishes he could stay with Green forever and just be happy with him which is just all sorts of sad.
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Ooomf these pages fuck me up man.
Dark LOVES the idea of being with Green. Someone he not only idolizes but the ONLY person so far who has given a single solitary shit about him.
He's so lonely and SO sick of being a conduit for sadness that this sounds infinitely more appealing to him. (Who could blame him lmfao)
Smth to note is how Green is kinda hesitant to fully wrap his arms around Dark Link until it truely sets in for him that Dark truly is just a sad lonely individual who's in a lot of ways a fellow victim as well.
Dark being the one to push Green away, to reject the idea they'd just stay together is pretty telling.
He HAS to "Work"...If he doesn't...
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The thought of Vaati dying is just, too distressing for Dark to even fully consider abandoning his mission to do something he'd personally like better.
I just, LOVE the dialogue in panel 3 here.
It's so blatantly ignorant in it's childishness but honest.
It's the kind of thing a child would say about their divorced parents or something lmfao.
Just a simple want without thinking of the greater picture that goes with things and WHY things are the way they are.
Dark Link just can't fathom why the people he loves have to hate each other so much. Why they can't just "get along".
Why he has to work at all.
It's just Dark being bluntly honest about how he feels about this entire situation.
Unlike Green, in the final panel Dark finally steels what little resolve he has and states "I don't wanna do anything either...but I have to"
Both are EXAUSTED and at their wits ends and that's smth I like to this dynamic.
If either were more set in fighting each other they'd both BE fighting. For all intensive purposes THEY SHOULD BE.
But because they're both so exhausted they're actually able to talk about how they feel.
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Dark once again compares Zelda to Vaati.
In how his devotion is similar to Link's devotion to Zelda.
Protecting Vaati IS what is most important to him.
And he knows he's doing something wrong on SOME level because he apologizes to Green. His hat curled against him defensively.
Green is once again in panic mode since what little leverage he had is slipping through his grasp as Dark steels himself against Green's attempts at persuading him.
Also Green lmao Dark has big dick back pain disorder watch were you grab him-
But he does make a good point in his frantic pleads.
Protecting Vaati doesn't necessarily mean hurting them...
That was Dark's approach as a mindless curse...but now that he is a person with a sense of morality, a sense of heroics. Will he still abide by that strategy?
Green's frantic ramblings are just funny as hell but also his diplomacy should get a sticker or smth. Dude's fighting for his life rn. XD
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Dark starts to crack under Green's onslaught of LOGIC.
Smth I like to add to that is how Dark's hair faded out of being green while he talked about his feelings before but switches BACK to being green as Green talks.
And then he rejects it to think for himself for a second to really ponder Green's words.
My favorite bit of his "STFU" dialogue is just to tell Green to "STOP MAKING SENSE!!!" which is so funny to me.
SO much about Dark's original purpose has been thrown out of whack due to the progression of things. Vaati's demands are rather nonsensical.
He comes to the realization that things HAVE changed and he needs to adapt accordingly.
To some extent: Dark is just COMPELLED to act heroic and he even considers himself failing in the regard that he's been NOT acting heroic lately.
The more Dark becomes sentient. The more he feels the need to act heroic. Which is curious.
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Green's diplomacy worked Yippieeeee!
Also Dark's hair continues to be grey here which imo was always just to show these really were his own thoughts and he wasn't just mimicking Green.
Dark's willing to "Try" things Green's way.
Smth I like is his act of making a pinky promise with Green. Smth just so blatantly childish in it's innocence.
But Green's compelled to believe him due to just how dang excited the dude is to give it a try.
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Lmfao. Him acknowledging up front he's not sure how well things will go is just extra "Dark trying to be honest" flare. Which I find fun. He's willing to try his best but won't lie and pretend it'll go perfectly. XD
Green framing Dark going to get Blue as "A mission" was simultaneously stupid as fuck but also smart idea. XD
He doesn't know where Blue ran off to...but DARK LINK DOES.
And Since Dark was going to speak to Blue anyway, might as well tell him to bring him home. XDD
On the other hand: Trusting Dark Link is probably a bad idea. XDDD
Green's gambling hard but doesn't have much of a choice.
Green adding on "I'm trusting you" while looking Dark in the eye is just the cherry on top.
MMMGH I wanna continue ranting but we reached the image limit.
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salvagesmha · 5 months ago
How the PLF Advisors Should Have Been Used In the 2nd War
So with the latest MHA 7 Episode having Skully the Midnight Killer finally go down, and it doesn't seem like any new scenes of the Advisors will happen yet, it got me wondering on how to utilize the Advisors that just...weren't shown off and pretty much forgotten.
So that's what you get for this post!!
Okuto Island
Geten's #3 Advisor/Foxy - Thanks to the anime giving him a cameo defeat we know he was sent to Okuto Island so wouldn't change it. Instead, I would flesh him out as being defeated. Maybe Tsu snatches his katana before he hurts someone like Selkie or Sirius, thus allowing both to defeat him easily?
I would also add Toga's #1 Advisor. Similar to Spinner and his squad, I would really like to have the Commanders of the Regiments work with their Advisors as much as possible. So having Toga's #1 Advisor join the mix, helping Toga evade her enemies would be nice. She could even sacrifice herself to help Toga get off the island while she takes on the rest of the Heroes to prevent them from following.
Troy Parking Lot
Honestly, placing Compress' #3 Advisor/Question here would be best? They can be a flashy, dramatic fight for someone as dramatic as Aoyama until the true final boss, Kunieda, can take stage.
Takoba Stadium
Best I can think of is Geten's #1 Advisor/Baldi. Having one of the #1 rankers would at least raise Takoba's threat level beyond Gashly the Silent, and give more of the spares something to do.
Kamino Ward
Dabi's #1 Advisor/Frenzy - Frenzy is an obvious addition that I'm surprised wasn't chosen. With the only other Dabi advisor out getting Giganto, I think it'd be fitting if Dabi's #1 Advisor worked alongside his boss. I picture Frenzy as fighting Ida, uncaring about being burned by Dabi's flames due to his Quirk/insanity. It gives Ida a foe of his own to put down before being regulated to Todoroki's chauffer XD.
Central Hospital
Honestly, just add in Spinner's #3 Advisor and call it a day. I'm sorry, but to me there is zero reason why Spinner only had two of his squad with him and not bring in the last one. Just make it 3 for 3.
Jaku Ruins
Skully bein Jaku makes sense, but why not have Geten's #2 Advisor: Pink Mask to join the fray? Feels like she'd be the sort to synergize well with Skully? Maybe even be a bit of a solo fight for some of the cast, like Honenuki (perhaps she shares his skull jaw?)
Gunga Mountain Ruins
Is it bad I see Sanctum reporting to AFO on this field, and by extension the rest of Twice's Regiment? Sanctum I would imagine would be impressed by AFO's dominating leadership and knack for plans, so can see the Twice Squad effectively acting s AFO's personal back-up during the fight.
Skeptic's Cave
Why the fuck was Skeptic unguarded? Yeah, I know arrogance is probably the reason, but seriously no other Villains could be spared to look after him? As such, I'm giving him at least his #3 Advisor and Toga's #2 Advisor to look after him as added muscle. Maybe a few minor members of the PLF, but that should be about it.
Really wanna know what were the drafts for these 20 dudes that made Hori make so many, yet could only use so little. Still, hope this at least makes a fair bit of sense why I chose where to send them.
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bunnylouisegrimes · 3 months ago
hiiii i just wanted to ask you this to see if you relate, do you ever find it difficult to connect with a lot of f/o imagines you see online when you’re thinking of Pat specifically?? i always look at posts along the lines of “your f/o would love every last thing about you, every little detail!” and just these super adorable ideas, but as a gay guy it’s just really difficult to resonate with because i know he would want me dead for sure😔😔 also hope you’re having a good day thank you bleeeh
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Hey there! Thank you so much for this ask! I love answering asks and just blabbing about these evil men that I am in love with so much, and to find a fellow self shipper in this community is great!
I admit that there are times I feel like "softer" content with Patrick seems unlikely, but only at first glance. One would think Patrick would want a middle-class girl like me dead alongside you because I'm "beneath him." But in all honesty, I think Patrick doesn't even know what he wants or needs until he finds it. What he really needs is a "real" person to help him come back down to Earth and not the toxic high society he's surrounded by with fakeness and inhumaneness (if that's even a word XD). He needs someone to allow him to escape and see true humanity. And that's something that my own self ship explores. So whenever I see softer prompts, I do think it's possible with Patrick. It would take time, patience, and understanding, but just as I and Patrick build our way to softer dynamics, you and Patrick would do the same! He would grow to be happy by being a genuine person instead of always wearing a mask and forcing his shadowself to come out to commit egregious sins, and he would grow to love and accept someone as real as you, because that's what he desperately needs and wants.
And don't worry about him wanting you dead because you're a gay man. Patrick has his own shitty beliefs on the world and people, but you would open up his eyes and show him what he wants and needs. After all, Louis was a gay man in love with him, and he didn't kill him. That's canon proof alone he would spare you because much like with Louis, he desperately wants and needs that kind of genuine affection and just can not bring himself to kill someone who feels that way about him. That's probably why he spared Jean, too.
I hope this helps! Evil characters as a whole at first glance seem like they wouldn't be canidates for softer self shipping dynamics. But honestly, they can develop and grow, especially when they're as complex as Patrick is underneath his shallow and empty exterior. Feel free to add or correct anything you'd like and never hesitate to hit me up either here or anywhere else, especially about self ship goodness 💕💕💕 I hope you're having a good day, too! You're super sweet! ♥️🫂😘 Always remember that Patrick loves ya!
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iamnmbr3 · 7 months ago
Saw the post about Voldemort's campaign potentially escalating as a direct result of Alphard's death and I have 2 thoughts.
One is that I think the locket horcrux was made from Alphard's death directly, not just while grieving. I subscribe to the idea that Tom is in the right mindset of self-hatred, emotional suppression, and general unwellness that he makes horcruxes without meaning to. Any feelings from killing get suppressed so violently that the part of his soul trying to feel remorse gets split off and shoved into a random object. If Alphard is dying and he asks Tom to end his suffering, and Tom obliges... that's going to create a horcrux.
The second thought is that the escalation implies there was a different gameplan assuming Alphard didn't die. Maybe Tom planned to drum up hype for himself and get enough supporters in the right places for a bloodless coup or just get elected Minister of Magic, and then surprise! He's not pureblood and doesn't believe in pureblood supremacy at all! The rich purebloods look like fools but they can't do anything about it because Tom literally branded them as his slaves. Alphard wouldn't be happy but he'd have to agree it was funny.
With Alphard dead, Tom has no need to make the joke palatable to anyone but himself. So, he might as well destroy the society he hates so much.
(Anon is referring to this post). Oooh I love these thoughts! This ship is just the gift that keeps on giving. There are so many interesting directions you can go with it.
Also consider. We know that magic and emotion are linked. Getting angry or upset can make even grown wizards lose control of their powers or able to accomplish things they couldn't normally do. So his grief over Alphard plus the nihilistic rage and violence this triggers plus perhaps suppressed feelings of guilt/self hatred could have destabilized his magical essence. And then on top of that he makes multiple Horcruxes and then Lily does...whatever it is she did that night in Godric's Hollow. And it's the perfect storm of factors to cause his soul to literally fly apart when the curse rebounds.
And yeah. I definitely think your second point makes complete sense. And you could also do something where now there's no Alphard who is deeply connected to pureblood society and thus humanizes and protects them a bit due to the fact that they are his relatives/people he's known his whole life and probably wouldn't wish to see brutally tortured to death. So now Tom has his vendetta against wizarding society - and especially the traditionalist purebloods who once made his life so miserable - and no counterbalancing force. AND he's angrier and more unstable and more nihilistic than ever. Not a good combination.
And on top of that in a sense "Tom Riddle" dies with Alphard because while there are people left who know his true identity, none of them really know or care about that person. There's no one left to really understand the distinction between Tom and his performance as Voldemort. So in a way he becomes the mask.
This ship is so fascinating and has endless potential - for both hilarious crack and tragic angst and everything in between - depending on the exact iteration and context you go for.
It's definitely canon though. I mean what other explanation for the sudden escalation could there possibly be? xD
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sufferu · 1 month ago
hypothetical, subaru is in a impossible situation and in a panic concludes that the only way to save x friend from a group of bloodthirsty people is to beat them up. emilia sees how he keeps punching them even when x friend begs him to stop. other people are also telling him to stop but he keeps going.
i don't think emilia would ever see subaru in a romantic light after that. without even a grudge or any hard feelings from her. things would be fine after realizing he regrets it, his true intentions, he's helping them now, and seeing that x is fine, and they would quickly be friends again. i just think she would definitely get an ... unconscious ick from that image.
same with julius, but he actually did that, and to his amnesiac lover no less
would like to hear your thoughts, i like seeing emilia with someone else in btz, post second duel julius being the one is weird though. (might be bias but after reading some of the things julius and subaru say to each other it's hard to see julius in a serious relationship with a woman XD)
Yeah I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I’m working backwards here.
The real reason why I decided to go with Julimilia is because it is absolutely charged in a way that basically nothing else can match. “Emilia ends up with someone else” is already an emotional wringer, but “Emilia ends up with JULIUS” has so much thematic and fandom-specific historical weight behind it that basically nothing else would hold a candle to the punch that would come with an endgame like that. Then you combine that with how btz!Julius specifically is positioned as someone that btz!Subaru explicitly sees as and fears is genuinely his superior, and — it’s too good. The absolute gut punch that would come from that very unique and very specific setup is something that I just couldn’t pass up. And also — it also fits in with how BTZ is largely a response to the question, “Under what circumstances would these characters act like their edgier counterparts?” This includes Ferris being an ass, Julius being at least a little sadistic, Wilhelm being incredibly cold, Anastasia being overly conniving — and it includes answering the question of how on earth Emilia and Julius could actually end up together.
Here’s another secret: the question of “Is it in character?” is hardly ever the right question. The real question that I’d suggest to any fanfic writer is “Under what circumstances would this character do ____, and how would they go about doing it?” People are multifaceted, even contradictory, and a well-written character is much the same. There are some lines here and there, and some things that are at least more difficult than others, but you’d be surprised how far you can stretch characters without breaking them if it’s really what you want to do.
In Julimilia’s case, I have a couple of ideas, and most of it is going to come down to execution, but my main answer as to how I plan to keep it in-character is that I’m going to take my sweet time with it. BTZ I and II take place over three full years, and Julius and Emilia are going to have a LOT of contact with one another over that time period. How she responds to him is going to change drastically depending on the circumstances of the moment and how “in the past” that duel really seems to be, whether that be because of how Subaru is actively masking how much that incident really affected him or because of the simple passage of time. I don’t care about it feeling “in-character” in BTZ I because BTZ I kind of HAS to have all the characters feeling OOC for the punchline of BTZ II to work, but in BTZ II I plan to go into great detail about what Emilia is thinking, how those thoughts change, and what kinds of experiences she has in order to change her mindset in very specific ways.
(And uh, yeah. Between you and me, I also find it very difficult to imagine Julius “The Rainbow Knight” “roll over and show me your belly” Juukulius ending up with a woman lmao. But this is by far the most emotionally impactful option for this story so here we go!)
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