#the lyrics just make so much sense here
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jyu-yugure · 5 months ago
“Darling, I” on Chromakopia is so InaKoi coded… kill me now
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her-canine-teeth · 7 months ago
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avirael · 6 months ago
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This Home of Mine
How had it come to this?, Aviloh asked himself as the argument around him began to get louder. Somehow he had known it would all end horribly one day. He just had hoped it would take a little longer. He only had himself to blame for this, he thought as his eyes fearfully scanned the crowd that was slowly gathering around them.
There at the sidelines stood U‘khaya with a gleeful expression on her face. She knew this would happen, he realised. But A’viloh wasn’t the kind of person to blame her for what happened…
U‘khuba‘s twin sister had always been following the boys around even when they all had still been kids. She had been a brave and stubborn little girl, maybe a little mean sometimes but not more so than her brother. A‘viloh had always thought she was following them because of Khuba - twins being inseparable or something. Never had he imagined the reason would be Laqa instead.
Of course he could have guessed it. Everyone loved Laqa! Apparently Khaya wasn’t an exception in this matter.
That evening - before the argument - A‘viloh had waited for quite some while by the pond. They had always used to hide there when they still had been kids, every time the other boys had stirred trouble or teased the girls.
By now it was one of the spots Laqa and him sometimes used as meeting points when they sneaked out of the settlement together. But today the other Miqo’te had arrived so late, A‘viloh had already started to wonder if something had happened.
“There you are!”, Aviloh said relieved as Laqa finally appeared just when he was about to go searching for him. “I was already worried. Did something happen?”
The blonde Miqo’te made an annoyed face. “Just Khaya happened…”
A’viloh didn’t understand. “Khaya? What’s wrong with her?”
“Everything apparently!”, Laqa exclaimed disgruntled, which made A‘viloh even more confused.
Laqa sighed.
“She waylaid me on my way outside.”, he explained but couldn’t help to look a little angry still. “Started talking some nonsense about how impressed she was about the quarry from our last hunt and how it is a shame that it isn’t me leading the tribe instead of father.”
A’viloh furrowed his brows, still not quite connecting the dots. Laqa grimaced. “Then she threw herself at me and tried to kiss me.”
“She what?”, A‘viloh exclaimed a little louder than intended, with a mix of shock and disbelief on his face.
Laqa raised his hands in a calming manner. “Don’t worry! I of course told her that I am not interested. Like I ever would be anyway! We may be almost the same age but she is still my mother’s sister. What was she even thinking, Vi?”
A‘vi shrugged but couldn’t help to remember something one of Laqa’s sisters had once told him. “Lamana mentioned that Khaya didn’t agree with some of U‘odh‘s opinions. She thought her and Khuba were still mad with him because of their father…”
“That makes no sense! They have no reason for that! It’s not like father threw them all out!”, Laqa said annoyed. “Alone because of mom he wouldn’t have! Anyway, grandpa had been old already, if not father then someone else would sooner or later have challenged him. All of them were always treated equally. Why would they be mad?”
A’viloh gave another shrug and smiled weakly. “Maybe it’s none of that and she really just is a little in love with you… I can’t blame her…”
Laqa lightly glared at him, as if he wanted to say “this isn’t funny”, but couldn’t help to grin himself.
“It’s still absurd!”, he said while shaking his head.
“You think?”, A‘viloh asked and chuckled. “I wouldn’t be surprised if half the village was secretly in love with you.”
Laqa made a sound somewhere between an annoyed huff and a suppressed laugh. Then he stretched out a hand for A‘viloh to take. As A‘viloh did so Laqa pulled him closer and wrapped his arms around him. “Too bad for them that the only one I will ever love is you.”
All too willingly - too carelessly! - A’viloh melted into the other Miqo’te’s embrace. Laqa saying things like this never failed to give him a warm and fuzzy feeling. Just as much as Laqa kissing him always made his heart skip a beat and his mind go silent.
Gently A‘viloh wrapped his arms around the taller Miqo’te’s neck, like an invitation to pull him even closer and deepen their kiss, when suddenly a sound appeared nearby. Their ears, currently slightly drooped, attentively shot up and both Miqo’te instinctively turned to see where the unexpected sound had come from.
Without doubt, there by one of the larger rocks nearby, eyes wide and mouth agape in disbelief, stood a Miqo’te girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes.
This was the exact moment A‘viloh knew he was in trouble.
“Khaya…”, Laqa was the first one to find his voice again. He sounded almost as if he wanted to reassure a shy animal, but it only made the girl unfreeze, whirl around and run away. “No! Khaya, wait!”, Laqa called and ran after her. He probably wanted to explain, wanted to beg her to stay silent, but A‘viloh knew it was too late already.
With his heart hammering against his chest and his thoughts racing he stood there and just watched them go. For a second he wondered what he should do now. But he had nowhere else to go, probably no one else who would defend him apart from Laqa. So slowly he followed them back to the settlement, wishing he could just vanish into thin air.
“Tell me this isn’t the thruth.”, U‘odh demanded from his son. His voice was still relatively calm but there already was a tone in it, a kind of threatening sound that also reflected on his face.
For a moment the thought crossed A’viloh’s mind, that Laqa could simply have lied. That he simply could have denied everything. Maybe, just maybe, his father would have believed him.
But that wasn’t like Laqa.
“It’s true!”, Laqa admitted and turned his face a little bit to look at A‘viloh, who so far had stood a few steps behind him, trying to stay out of U’odh’s attention. “A‘vi and I are a couple.”
A murmur went through the crowd and somehow even A‘viloh felt surprised to hear him say this so bluntly for everyone to hear. U‘odh laughed, but it lacked any humor. A’viloh already looked very uncomfortable but when the nunh’s sharp eyes landed on him, he almost flinched away and cast his eyes down to the ground.
“That weak little welp?!”, U’odh spat out, speaking to his son but still looking and pointing at A’viloh. “What do you want with him?! He’s good for nothing!”
A’viloh had never quite understood this either. There were so many better people than him and still Laqa had chosen him instead. Carefully A‘viloh glimpsed up at Laqa and could see his whole body tense up against the nunh’s insulting words. Stubbornly Laqa stared into his father’s eyes and growled.
“Don’t you dare to speak of him like that! I don’t care if he can fight or not, he is kind and wonderful and I love him!”
But U‘odh simply shook his head and laughed condescendingly.
“Love?! Don’t be foolish now… you know nothing about love.”
That had been too much for Laqa.
Usually no one dared to speak up against U‘odh no matter how harsh his words sometimes were. But Laqa, in a way just like his father and in another just like his mother, never had known how to back down. The anger about the situation and also about his father didn’t help, so his next words sounded especially blunt and sharp, more so than he probably truly thought.
“More than you! You wouldn’t recognise love if it stood right in front of you! Because you are just a bitter resentful man who doesn’t know how to love!”
Shocked gasps sounded from the crowd and everybody stared at either Laqa or his father, waiting for a reaction. For a few long seconds both remained silent. But while Laqa just stared at the older Miqo’te with a stubborn, unyielding face, the nunh‘s face changed slowly but entirely. All the mockery faded from his face and instead his expression turned to an angry snarl.
A‘viloh knew he would only end up in the crossfire but if he didn’t do something now, they would certainly fight and that was the last thing any of them could want. He didn’t really know what to say but scraped up all his bravery and stepped forward a bit. Trying to divert their attention from each other he spoke up, still quiet but clearly audible against this deadly silence.
“Please stop, I don’t —“
But U’odh wasn’t going to listen to whatever he had to say. Furiously he whirled towards him and stepped closer with wild rage in his eyes.
“No one allowed YOU to speak, you pathetic little weakling! Get out of my sight, you are none of my kin and I never want to see your whiny face again! You are nothing but a parasite and I have suffered your presence here for long enough! Begone! You are no longer welcome here!”
Of course. A‘viloh had expected this but it still hurt to hear these words out loud. He tried not to cry but already looked quite miserable already, even without tears. U’odh however wasn’t done with him yet.
“Oh, how I regret the day I allowed you to stay here! I wish you had just died with the rest of your miserable family!”, the nunh hissed and looked as if he was about to attack A‘viloh with more than just hurtful words.
With tears in his eyes A‘viloh shivered in fear and flinched away. He had never seen U’odh so furious before. But before the man could loose his self-control entirely and really tried to strike at him, Laqa stepped between them and protectively wrapped his arms around A‘viloh.
Instantly everything went silent again. Everyone seemed shocked by what had happened or what U’odh had just said. Even the nunh himself seemed stunned when he saw his son’s disgusted face, staring at him. But U‘odh was not the kind of man to give in or admit his failures. Instead he quietly but sharply said, “Don’t look at me so. My word is final. He is none of our family and I want him gone by tomorrow.”
With a strange mixture of defiance and sadness Laqa looked at his father for a moment, before he spoke.
“In that case I don’t consider you my family any longer either. A place where A‘vi isn’t welcome I cannot call my home. If you send him away, I will go with him!”
Briefly a shadow crossed his face but then U’odh looked entirely unfazed again.
“Where would you even go?”, he asked and shook his head dismissively.
“Anywhere but here...”, Laqa replied coldly and turned to A’viloh. “Let’s go and pack our things.”
All of this had happened so suddenly A’viloh still could not quite believe it. No matter what U’odh had said, for him this place was still his home and the people here the closest thing he had to a family. He didn’t want to leave.
“What? Now?”, he asked and pleadingly looked to Laqa, hoping that there was some way to make everything right after all.
“Yes! I’m sure we can stay with the Flames for one night and tomorrow morning we leave.”
His decision seemed to be final, just as U’odh’s. What was A’viloh supposed to do against that?
Laqa made a point of taking A‘viloh’s hand so everyone could see it and knew to whom his loyalty belonged. Slowly he let his gaze wander over the crowd of curious faces giving them one last chance to speak up but they all remained silent.
With a last disappointed look at his father he turned around and walked away, unconcerned that they all stared at them as they left.
#ffxiv#ff14#final fantasy xiv#final fantasy 14#ffxiv writing#ffxiv screenshots#ff14 screenshots#ffxiv gpose#gpose#Aviloh Tia#Laqa Tia#I'm sorry for writing Avi in distress again...#but I was thinking about writing this for so long now it was only a matter of when instead of if#Besides now me not using the U for Laqa's name tag maybe makes some more sense XD#btw the title is a line of lyrics#I wonder if anyone recognizes it...#probably not though...#Its from a song called Family by Badflower#It may not fit perfectly... maybe its more of a Laqa song... but I think it has good bits for each of their feelings probably...#besides am I the only person wondering if Miqo’te have a rather Targaryen approach to relationships?#once again I feel like I have to say a few defending words about U’odh xD#First it wasn’t the fact of A‘vi being a guy that annoyed him - I think that’s pretty much not an issue in this world#Just the fact that Miqo’te culture seems very survival of the fittest to me#and A‘vi while helping with whatever work there is in the village is just not particularly strong or anything#also I think U‘odh honestly loves all of his children just can’t show it very well due to this whole you have to look strong mentality xD#I also think he at least really loved Laqa’s mother after all I imagine he challenged her father just so he was allowed to be with her…#Tbh I build so much background lore about this whole family in my head it’s absolutely ridiculous xD#Maybe an issue for him not approving Laqa being in love with someone as weak as A’viloh is also Laqa’s mother#I imagine she was a good hunter but also didn’t have a good health and died of some sickness resulting from that which broke his heart#enough rambling of lore I should put into text instead of here 🙈
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pollen · 6 months ago
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rosicheeks · 2 years ago
#do you guys ever listen to a song that you used to listen to nonstop and it just kinda hits you#idk how to describe it#lately I’ve had to use pandora cause Spotify has been acting up for me#so it’s been playing some random songs that I usually don’t listen to#and on my way home#it played#arms by Christina perri#and I almost started crying#even though I haven’t heard that song in YEARS#I still knew it word for word#I just find that so crazy#I mean it makes sense#I remember laying in my bed and I would play this song and a few other songs from that cd on repeat#I’m going to make a post with the song cause one of the lyrics is giving me so much warmth and comfort#one day I’m hoping I’ll find that person#I’ve been hearing some songs that I’m like#man that would make a super cute wedding song#like the first dance or whatever#I’m so fucking sappy it’s not even funny#I mean there’s reasons for it and I don’t want to get into that on here#but my love life is just kind of a mess and idk if it’ll ever work itself out#I feel like I’m always going to be the bridal stylist or the bridesmaid or attending a wedding#idk if I can see myself getting married which is so sad to me#cause I feel like that’s one of my biggest dreams and goals in life#to find that person#that person who makes the bad days a little better#who can make me smile even when I’m sobbing… who wants to learn me inside and out cause they love me so much#wowowoowowowowow that song made me SO sappy and emotional#I just want to find the loml and get a house and have some fur babies and maybe one day actual babies#shut up rosie
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red-dyed-sarumane · 4 months ago
looking at vuvuzela's lyrics like oh yeah i forgot how much u like word play to the point its difficult
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carolinanadeau · 1 year ago
you're talking shit for the hell of it. and we see you over there on the internet, comparing all the girls who are killing it. but we figured you out, we all know now, we all got crowns, you need to calm down. I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined. Mr. Superior Thinking... no, I don't like you. no one likes a mad woman - you made her like that. I can feel the flames on my skin. you did some bad things but I'm the worst of them. maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours. I'm shaking my head and locking the gates. this is why we can't have nice things. seeing the shape of your name still spells out pain. sometimes I wonder which one'll be your last lie. now I breathe flames each time I talk. do you still feel like you know what you're doing? because I don't think you do. all you are is mean! and a liar! and pathetic! and alone in life and mean!
and you didn't see me here.
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thekinslayed · 9 months ago
The Heavenly Ivory Touch of Your Hand
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summary | The news of your husband's infidelity had driven you into Aegon's arms, your growing companionship tethering on the edge of decency.
pairing | aegon ii targaryen x aemond's wife!reader
tags | 18+, MINORS DNI! unprotected sex, infidelity, slight angst, injury, post rook’s rest aegon
wordcount | 3.3k
song rec | Heavenly - Grant Lee Phillips (title is a lyric from the song)
note | been in an aegon mode after ep1 of the new season 🫦 idk why i had to include aemond somehow, that man has my brain in a chokehold unfortunately
likes, comments, reblogs are much appreciated!
(divider by @zaldritzosrose)
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What soft hands you had. Your touch was gentle, caring…  loving. They were a welcome sensation on Aegon’s skin, a sweet reprieve from the aches that only ever grew by the day. He could feel himself sink deeper into the feathered mattress, your touch massaging the knots he bore from the agitated tension his shoulders carried. It was not right to have you like this, but the lines between propriety have long been blurred by chaos.
“It is not your place as my brother’s wife to tend to my wounds,” Aegon mumbled, though he wasn’t one to complain, not when the salve on your fingertips brought salvation to his marred flesh. You hummed, continuing to apply the healing balm diligently.
“Yes, but you had driven away half your staff, the other half you won’t let even a hair’s breadth within your space. Who else is there to do it for you, brother?”
Your words rang true. The pain brought about by the memory of Rook’s Rest left Aegon irritable, brash, growing quick to anger at anyone and anything that displeased him. His staff were frightened to treat their king when he was so, grabbing the first opportunity to leave him be when he demanded. The treachery he had faced at the hands of his own people left him wary of any and all that walked through his home, the pain of losing his heir haunting his every thought. He couldn’t afford another travesty when he had lost so much. His wife had grown hysterical from grief, driven even farther away from his grasp than she already was. His mother was never really here, her heart still chained in his half-sister’s grasp, seeking a false sense of power by riding Cole whenever she could before he marched off. Perhaps Aegon was like her in a way, desperate to make a window in their own prison.
You were just as lonely as he, where he was alone in the numbing pain of his wounds, you were in a different prison— the isolating humiliation of the failure they all called a marriage. The news of Aemond’s infidelity left you broken and riddled with heartache. Where you waited and waited for the beastly sight of Vhagar flying over King’s Landing to signal his return, your husband had taken another to bed. The memory of reading the letter dropped by a raven from Harrenhal was a gray fog, the utter appalment that had overtaken your proper thinking caused you to block its actuality from your mind. The letter had come unsigned, maybe it was a servant who sent it, or Cole, perhaps it was the bastard witch herself, though it mattered little. The truth of the matter could not be denied when Aemond had been gone for nearly three moons now, and the whispers and looks of pity thrown your way could no longer be ignored.
Aegon wasn’t quite sure how you ended up in his midst when it happened. He figured you would lock yourself in your chambers in isolation, just like Helaena did, or wept at the Seven’s feet for guidance, just like his mother did. Instead, you had come to him, with the intention of tending his wounds at first, then came a natural companionship with each other. You had gotten along well, much better than even before the war.
When his joints felt better on brighter days, you would help him out of bed to walk; his cane in one hand, the other holding onto you for dear life. Not anywhere far, just in the halls of the royal apartments, away from curious eyes. You had even helped him bathe a few times, rubbing him clean without so much a look of disgust at the sight of his burnt half. Aemond would have definitely strangled the elder to death if he were ever to know, but the twat was hardly the face of honor and decency at the moment, and the king could care less what he thought. If Aegon was still the man he once was, he would have taken advantage of such mercy for something carnal, but his wounded spirit had never known such kindness. You tended to him in a way so foreign, so selfless, expecting naught in return.
Tonight, something was different. You hadn’t greeted him with that sweet smile of yours, one that Aegon always looked forward to every time you stepped into his chambers. You took your place on the edge of his bed quietly, grabbing the jar of salve and unscrewing its top without so much a word. The king was in a better condition tonight, no poppy milk to mar his mind blurred. There was a crease between your brows, and Aegon had to stop himself from brushing the tension away with his thumb. You were displeased.
“You are troubled,” he spoke up. Your eyes flickered to him under your lashes, before returning to your work on applying the balm on his side. Aegon hissed when you pressed on the wound a bit too harshly, which made you stop and utter an apology. “Sister,” he tried again, grabbing your wrist to stop you. You weren’t looking at him, your gaze trained to his grip on your flesh. He squeezed your wrist underneath his larger palm before asking, “What is it?”
Your eyes stung almost immediately, causing you to look away. You grabbed a cloth from Aegon’s bedside to wipe your hand clean, tugging on your flesh in a matter so harsh that it made your king look at you in concern. You took deep breaths, trying your hardest to swallow the piercing lump in your throat.
“She is with child,” you finally said, eyelashes flattering when your tears threatened to fall. The king scoffed in disbelief, shaking his head in disappointment. You didn’t have to utter who; your good brother-by-law already knew. Aemond used to be beyond such depravity, or so Aegon thought. His heart ached at the pitiful sight of you, with the way you avoided his eyes, scratching the inside of your wrist in an anxious habit. Your nails dug painfully into your flesh, rendering the skin a dark red to distract you from the agonizing swell of your heart. For the second time, Aegon grabbed your wrist to keep you from harming yourself, taking your smaller palm into his.
“I am sorry, sister,” he whispered in sincerity. “A fool he is. He may have lost one eye, but he is equally blind in both to see what he has lost. You are not deserving of such a man.”
You nodded at his words aimlessly, sniffling. Your eyes looked at anywhere but him, furiously blinking away your tears. In the days you had spent together, Aegon had learned you were one to detach yourself from your troubles, adamant to live in ignorance to save yourself the suffering. He used to be the same, but he had learned in the harshest way possible that pain would still find its way to you.
“He told me he loved me,” you chuckled darkly, through the corners of your lips quivered. You bit your lip, tilting your head back in a feeble attempt to push your tears back, before sighing. “He used to say I was the light of his life, that he could never wish to part from me, and he would return. Such flowery words from a liar.”
“My brother could have been a poet if he wasn’t a warrior, though he would be just as cruel with a pen as with a sword.”
You looked to your king with a pained smile, one which he returned, but a sob soon broke out from deep within your chest. Your beautiful face crumpled into sadness, your traitorous tears finally escaping. They left their mark on your cheeks, causing Aegon to wipe them in haste. His heart broke to see you like this, to see you suffering from a pain you did not deserve. You were the kindest being that had ever graced his days. Aegon may not be a devout man, but he liked to believe you were molded by the Mother’s hands, formed from her own essence. You were good, you were pure, everything the Targaryens were not. You never should have fallen into Aemond’s darkness, into their fiery madness.
“Come,” he bided, urging you to lay on the vast space beside him. You settled on the space by his good side, letting him take you into his bare chest. Avoiding his wounded side, you buried your head into the crook of his neck. Hot, salty tears left his skin damp, but Aegon couldn't care less, nor for the implications of the fact that anyone could come in and witness the king holding his brother’s wife in his arms. You were his priority.
“My daughter… she searches for him,” you sobbed, nuzzling closer into Aegon’s chest as he pulled you in tighter. “I don’t know what to tell her. How can I let her hold out hope when I am void of it myself? How do I gain the will to face him if he ever returns?”
Aegon sighed, his lips planting a kiss on your hair before he could stop himself. You smelled of fresh lavender, a scent so enticing and sweet. He couldn’t help peppering another kiss to your head, then another, before leaning his cheek against you.
“You do not have to, princess,” he said, his hand lowering to rub your back comfortingly. The king imagined the pair of you must look like lovers laid up like so, like man and wife. He cursed himself for thinking such thoughts while you wept for another, but his heart could never be silenced. “If you have no wish to be by his side, you will have it so. Your own apartments, your own space away from him. He would be turned away from your door if you command it. I shall see it done.”
“What will everyone else think? My name and reputation have been tainted by this disgrace,” you seethed, pushing yourself to lean on your elbow to look at Aegon. He could feel your breath on his face, could see you in perfect detail like this. Your pretty lashes had clumped from your tears, and a subtle flush had settled across your cheeks.
By the Seven, you were beautiful.
“I shall cut off any tongue that dares to speak against you, I promise this to you,” the king vowed, sealing his oath with a kiss to the inside of your wrist. You merely stared at him, searching for any signs of insincerity. You couldn’t bear another lie, and with Aegon you found none.
“Thank you, my king, thank you,” you expressed, pressing a reverent kiss on his scarred hand. Aegon felt blessed to have been bestowed such a touch on his ugliness, and he could only wish to be granted more.
“You need not thank me, sister,” he responded. With a rush of boldness, he cupped your jaw, a fiery hope stoking in his veins when you leaned into his touch. “I would do anything for you… anything.”
His words made you look at him, eyes clouded in thought. Aegon could practically feel the gears of your mind working, and for a moment, he worried. He must have overstepped his bounds, had put your friendship into jeopardy when he let too much of his affection show. The elder Targaryen opened his lips to speak, to deflect, but you had stunned him when you pressed your lips against his.
You pulled away in an instant to gauge his reaction, tracing the tingling remnants of his plump lips on yours with your fingertips. A look of shock you both mirrored, but before you could apologize, Aegon grabbed your arm, tugging you closer.
“Do it again,” he urged, to which you obliged obediently. He kept his hand on your occiput to keep you close, his tongue splitting your lips to deepen the kiss. Aegon had found bliss, with the way your tongue danced against his, your moan reverberating against his lips when he sucked on your plush, bottom lip. Your leg had slithered halfway across his waist, your calf rubbing his hardening length through his undergarments. The king groaned, squeezing your plump rear through your robe.
The comfort you found in the time you spent together had you only clad in your robe and nightgown during your late-night visits, seeing no harm in being in a state of undress with the silver-haired man. Aegon, however, had to hide the evidence of how much you affected him under his blankets. It was worse when the nights were chilly, and your nipples pebbled under the thin fabrics of your garments. The self-control he willed himself to bear was almost too much, but now his efforts were coming to fruition.
You pulled away to untie your robe, shrugging it off in haste before returning yourself to Aegon’s arm. Under the dim light of his chambers, the king could see the darker rims of your nubs, the teasing sight so enticing, he almost started salivating. He attached his lips to your clothed nipple, a dampness growing on the cotton from his spit. You sighed in delight, a whine following when his fingertips pinched your other breast.
“Aegon,” you mewled, the sound so sweet to the king’s ears. Your hand traveled down his unscarred chest, and down to his bulge. You squeezed him through his trousers, rubbing his clothed tip with your thumb. Aegon shamelessly moaned against your chest, hips subtly bucking into your touch. A dampness on his front started to mirror the ones on your nightgown, an ache in his tip making him bite the supple underside of your bosom. His larger palm settled on your waist, urging you to straddle his lap. You hesitated, refusing to move in fear of putting him in pain.
“I will hurt you,” you said, to which the king only replied with a fervent shake of his head.
“You won’t, I promise. P-please…” he insisted. You lifted your other leg, caging him between your thighs. Lifting the hem of your nightgown, you pulled the sheer cotton off, baring yourself to your king.
The air in Aegon’s lungs was taken away from the sight of you. He was stunned, his eyes trailing down your tantalizing form as he committed the sight to memory. If he were to perish on the morrow, he would do it happily if it meant seeing this image of you before he took his last breath.
“You are perfect,” he breathed out, a smile rising on his cheeks when you blushed.
He knew why you were doing this. It was your act of rebellion, your bitter revenge on your husband. Perhaps he should feel hurt, refuse to be used like a pawn, but if he got to have you like this, he could hardly complain.
With bated breath, he let you untie his undergarments, pull out his cock, and stroke it in your palm. It had twitched when you bent to drop a dribble of spit to lubricate his length, and Aegon couldn’t help but imagine all of the times in the past you must have done the same to his brother. Though he figured it mattered little when you were with him in the present, and he vowed to treat you well, better than Aemond ever could, so he may have you again in the future.
His length was hot and heavy against your palm, his scent heady with musk. You had barely spared it a glance when you would urge Aegon to let you apply the soothing balm to the scars on his lower body, but now, it stood tall, commanding your attention. You bit back a moan when you ran his tip against your slit, though your king made no effort to hide his delight. You were growing deliciously wet, painting his tip with your arousal. He would have to taste you next time; perhaps make you ride his face. What a wonderful treat that would be.
Deeming yourself ready, you looked to Aegon. He held your cheek, urging you close for another kiss. It was deep, all-consuming, a silent vow from him to you.
I am yours.
Take me as you wish.
Pulling away, you grabbed his length once more, aligning his tip to your entrance. You both moaned in delight when you began to sink onto his cock, burying him to the hilt. It was a delicious stretch, bringing about a deep satisfaction in your chest after having gone untouched for so long. Aegon gripped your waist tight when you began to bounce up and down at a steady pace, seemingly eager to chase your release without needing the time to adjust.
You mounted him like a horse, your loyal steed. Expert hips moved with grace, your hand planting on Aegon’s stomach to steady yourself. You rode him with an air of desperation like you had a point to prove. You wanted to feel that you were still desirable as a woman, and you needed him to prove it true.
Aegon’s mind was in the heavens. Your walls swallowed him so deliciously, it rendered him witless. He moaned unabashedly, echoing your name into the night. In all his depravity and frivolities, nothing tasted better than fucking your brother’s wife. You were a sight to behold, with your glistening, bouncing breasts and head tilted back in delight. Your brows furrowed while your jaw fell slack, the sweet, sweet music of your pleasure filling his senses. Tears had started to streak down your cheeks; from pleasure or guilt, he knew naught.
Before him was no princess, no, you were a goddess divine.
The wounded king had started to buck his hips against yours, but his weakened body made it difficult to help you chase your release. Pain bloomed on his side, making him grit his teeth. You had slowed your movements from the momentary look of discomfort on his face, making you cup his face in return.
“My king–"
“No, no, keep going, please! Don’t stop,” he babbled, gripping your waist tight to make you continue your ministrations. You could hardly express your worry when his strong grip made you lean over with a yelp, holding onto the headboard above his head. From this position, your breasts dangled over Aegon’s face at a perfect angle. He took your teat into his mouth, suckling the plump mound. The air was starting to grow thick with the smell of sex. Sweat dribbled down your back, as it did on Aegon’s temples.
“I’m so close, gods!” Your thighs were starting to tremble under Aegon’s palms, and he could only hold onto your plump rear to guide you to your release. With a thumb drawing tight circles on your pearl, it took little time for your walls to start squeezing his cock, signaling the start of your release. You came with a cry of his name, your king following suit with a muffled grunt into your chest. His warm seed painted your walls, and he could only hope you would let it find its home in your womb.
Perhaps he could make you round with child, yes, that would surely cement his victory over his brother.
You had returned to his side, breathlessly plopping down onto the mattress. Burrowing yourself into his chest, you let out a delighted hum as your lover planted a kiss on your forehead. Tilting your head to look at him, you found his lips once more. In the dead of night, no other words had been exchanged, just your sighs of contentment.
It was then you heard the thunderous flap of a dragon’s wings over the city. Aegon was startled into defensive alertness, assuming it was their enemy, but the look of utter dread on your face when the dragon’s monstrous size blanketed the Keep in its shadow signified it was no foe.
Aemond had returned.
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her-canine-teeth · 1 year ago
paper doll by flower face
< - >
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cl-0v3r · 5 months ago
Mel is alive, but at what cost
Mel was nearly killed TWICE, her mother began being a struggle, she'd been thrown aside and trying her best to stop her, her boyfriend is not doing well, neither is anyone else (can't blame them) and the fact that she hadn't cried or spoke much about this situation to anyone a single time?? She IS upset about every single thing, yet she stays strong and enduring every bit of torture. The most she did was tell Jayce that Ambessa put her palm on the table, and let him know that she is going to push for hextech. That's it, nothing remotely related to her feelings.
The fact that she was constantly looking at Caitlyn, being able to understand her grief and knew she was in pain?? Mel knows this feeling. She'd went through it.
And in the end SHE has to pay the price of her mothers incompetence.
The intro is very much foreshadowing, we know the hands represent black rose/LeBlanc.
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This is what happens in act one, she gets kidnapped by them. The lyrics do correspond to the characters as well (not just Mel, everyone.)
"Tell you you're the greatest" plays as a petal of the black rose floats down the screen, I think it adds significance to the power this organization holds, possibly the Medardas greatest foe.
"But once you turn, they hate us" both Ambessa and Mel were present in this line, I think its foreshadowing for when Ambessa switches up for whatever reason and goes against both Piltover AND Zaun. And Mel WILL go through change as well, a change that could hurt her relationship with others, and receive interest from others too.
"They hate us" could be read individually too, I feel like its a sort of "realization" ?? Perhaps Ambessa WASN'T the one that switched up, maybe Piltover switched up on them, and maybe Mel JUST got out of wherever she's taken to, and saw the mess Ambessa had done to her city??
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I think this represents ACT TWO.
The hands pull away and it sort of looks like Mel is fighting back, a "get away from me" type of scream. you know what this reminds me of??
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Don't mind me just pushing my Jinx/powder-Mel parallel agenda
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Here is when i think Mel truly learns about LeBlanc/BR, she curiously and slowly goes to grab the rose, she learns about the history between her Mother and them, Kinos death, and most of all, learns about HERSELF. The lyrics speak otherwise.
"Pray away, I swear
I'll never be a saint, no way"
This feels like a parallel to caitlyn of sorts if that makes sense. Caitlyn had done everything to try and stop the council from attacking the Undercity, she kept her mouth shut when Jayce asked about Jinxs grenade, she was willing to protect Vi and the undercity, but how many times has she been tossed around? She'd been burned, exploded, kidnapped (god knows what happened during that time) and hit in the face by the same person, her MOTHER died because of the same person. She has every right to go insane. And she is hunting ONE person, which is Jinx. Although she is harming the people around her along the way.
What if Mel goes through a similar situation? Her mother pushed for war in her city, she dragged the enemy along with her even if she didn't mean to, she manipulated everyone around her INCLUDING Jayce, she LITERALLY got Mel hurt from the chembarons attack and killed so many people during a MEMORIAL to get her hextech weapons, Elora is most likely DEAD, not to mention whatever happened in the past between them. And the thing is, this will NEVER end throughout the entire season.
And what if she learns what she is? That she's 'blessed' by Kindred? The fact that the wolf is quite literally in her blood?
I feel like the "ill never be a saint, no way" also sort of indicates Mel will realize she'll never be able to push for peace and mercy like she always hoped for no matter what, and she comes to accept that as much as it hurts. But not like how ambessa accepted the wolf, but she sort of realizes she needs to push a little violence, towards nobody but the one and only, Ambessa "fine, if you want me to be like you, I guess I'll be like you towards YOU." Type of acceptance.
I think its also related to Mels new outfit too, she's dressed like her mother, in red and all of that. I will still stand by the idea that she has plans to decieve, but she will do something she doesn't want to do.
Mel was left with no choice, that lyric sounds like realization, acceptance, but also like a plea at the same time, an "I'll never be who I wanted to be" because in the end, she's still a Medarda, she's still her mothers daughter, she still has violence in her veins, she will never not suffer from the weight her name holds, and she will never escape it either, its like a shadow.
The Characters won't be themselves at their core this season. And those vital parts of their characters that represent them are no longer there in the intro, they all have given up what makes them, THEM design wise. (e.g.) Vi without her tattoo, Viktor hiding his identity with the mask. And the thing is, they did that to themselves because they do self-harm, they're changing themselves because THEY want to, they're forcing themselves to do that, they think they're undeserving and they're erasing their past selves.
But Mel? Mel doesn't have her gold accessories, Jewelry, or her Armor, she'd been stripped bare and hidden away because of the brutality of her name. She pays the price her mother brought to HER city. She's forced to change herself against her will, because nobody is giving her a chance to push for her ideals.
This entire theory never ends, and with all of this? I kinda do see Mel actually committing Matricide, it lifts the "Ambessa will die" theory further.
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neonln4 · 5 months ago
i found a good boy, and he's on my side | lando norris smau
lando norris x reader | a little bit of best friend!oscar
summary: when y/n's ex writes a messy song about her, fans push for lando to break up with her (he doesn't even consider it)
fc: sabrina carpenter
kind of a part 2 to what a coincidence, but you don't have to read part 1 for this to make sense
warnings: non-existent angst, lando very much in love with y/n, very brief mention of cheating (not lando), maybe some typos
note: y/e = your ex
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liked by user1 and 593,827 others
yourex Biting My Tongue out tonight
Finally sharing my truth
View all 1,384 comments
user2 ready for the tea 🍿
ynfan1 "sharing my truth" OHHHH BROTHER
user3 the y/n fans getting nervous
ynfan2 not nervous, sick of his lies
user2 perhaps y/n isn't as perfect as you think
user4 anyone else just here for the music
user5 @ yourusername YOU ARE SO OVER
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liked by landonorris, yourbff, and 1,138,827 others
yourusername leng
View all 5,394 comments
user2 is she just pretending her ex didn't drop a shady song about her
user6 lando still in the likes ... this is so sad
yourbff your reminder to not wear the red top this weekend
yourusername you've seen my outfits already TRUST there's no red in sight
landonorris that's my girl
user4 how has lando not dumped you yet
user5 you really don't deserve lando
ynfan3 what's with all the loser hate comments
landonorris my girlfriend is sooooo leng now come give me a kiss
yourusername calm down
yourusername on my way tho
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername, and 983,492
landonorris a little summer fun
View all 1,493 comments
yourusername who's the baddie
landonorris that's my girlfriend mate back off
user3 waiting for the dumping...
user4 crazy that they're still together
user8 i think some of y'all are a bit dramatic, the song wasn't even that bad and it's just his perspective
yourbff last pic i want her baddddd
landonorris so you don't want [redacted]'s number anymore?
oscarpiastri you stole my best friend
yourusername we literally have plans next week
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 1,293,283 others
yourusername is this thing on? 🎤
View all 3,128 comments
ynfan2 the last pic has me crying 😭😭 i just know she's about to be a menace
user2 if she's actually making a response song that's kinda pathetic
user3 right? her fans all say y/e is using her for fame but she's also doing it
yourbff let me hear it first
oscarpiastri i better get the link first
landonorris ignore both of them, i get first dibs
user1 THE DRAMA if she's making a response song lando better get out of there quick before he's her next victim
ynfan3 all these haters camping on y/n's post omg she's so famous
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 1,428,372 others
yourusername my turn🩷
surprise! planned to keep these in the vault, but i guess things change. 'vicious' and 'eternal sunshine' live performances out now on youtube! studio version out friday 💋
View all 5,382 comments
landonorris proud of you love 🤍
yourusername 🧡🧡🧡
ynfan3 "my turn🩷" THAT'S MOTHERRRRRRRRR
ynfan1 love lando supporting her through it all that's a good man
yourbff i love you so much!!!
yourusername love you!!
user3 these songs are really good ... sorry for hating before
user1 some of y'all switching up in the comments, she could be lying!!
ynfan5 perhaps i misinterpreted the lyrics, but did y/e CHEAT ON HER???
ynfan3 pretty sure 👀
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liked by yourbff, landonorris, and 1,391,283 others
yourusername it doesn't get, doesn't get better than this 🧡
View all 4,302 comments
ynfan3 more lover girl music coming soon LET'S GOOOOOOO
ynfan2 y/n writing her two shady songs about y/e then going back to writing cheesy love songs for lando we love to see it
landonorris how i obsessively adore you 🤍
ynfan2 y'all they're quoting future lyrics right in front of our faces i just know it
user3 it's not looking like a break up any time soon
oscarpiastri answer my texts
yourusername sorry been busy 🤭
oscarpiastri disgusting
yourusername NOT LIKE THAT.
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liked by yourusername, yourbff, and 1,028,832 others
landonorris we are never breaking up btw
View all 2,384 comments
yourbff i'll have to break all of your bones if you ever hurt her
landonorris the scary thing is that i actually believe that you would
oscarpiastri hurt her and your life is over
user3 they're kinda growing on me y'all ...
ynfan4 everyone say we love you mom and dad
user4 worst news of my life
user2 i'm gonna be forced to like her this is terrible
yourusername thank god
landonorris if you leave me i think that i just might lose it completely
yourusername don't ever quote my songs at me again
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doodlinge · 2 years ago
klavier’s perspective of klapollo is the song supermassive black hole by muse and apollo’s perspective of klapollo (especially first meeting him) is cooler than me by mike posner
thank u for coming to my ted talk!
#first of all#klavier just completely radiates supermassive black hole because hes hot. just kinda a fact#but here are some lyrics that could fit their situations or be interpreted to do so#“youve got me under false pretenses” from supermassive black hole could be interpreted as klavier noticing that apollo first and foremost#recognizes him by thinking that he’s his brother or overall just a gavin#also i kind of get the sense that apollo thinks at first that klavier’s just some rockstar prosecutor who likes being fawned over#and as he learns that no this guy is more complex his perspective changes. his assumptions were false!#“you never say hey or remember my name and it’s probably cause you think youre cooler than me” and you can guess the song#could be interpreted as apollo getting kinda peeved cause he thinks klav doesnt take him seriously#only calling him herr forehead. and also just AGH HES HOT IM KINDA MAD AT HIM FOR THAT so maybe the “hallo” pisses him off too LOL#“if i could write you a song to make you fall in love i’d already have u right under my arms” from cooler than me and so this is kinda like#apollo doesnt like being undermined he doesn’t like being underestimated or taken pity on and so maybe he kinda sees klavier’s love songs-#-and flirting with the crowds and such as kind of a. dumb thing that wouldn’t work on him (and ykw maybe it does work on him but#he doesnt know that LMAO) so like the fact that klavier can just sing a song and make people fall in love with him at first sight kindamake#apollo be like “oh yeah well if i had a talent like that i could make u like me SO quick but i wouldnt use ur TACTICS anyway >:)”#polly u are so. ur a little bit spiky like ur hair yk#i love him so much but hes just the right amount of angry all the time /j#“u set my soul aLIGHT” from supermassive black hole - apollo is the god of. the sun. hahahahahaha im so sorry and also pollo just gives kla#the motivation to try his best i think#ANYWAY. this could totally be out of character i havent actually finished the game yet shshshshshshs…..#but i love klapollo so much and i like these songs so HERE TAKE THE RAMBLE POST#thank u for ur time#klapollo#ace attorney#apollo justice#klavier gavin#aa#aa4
0 notes
deikshen · 26 days ago
Shen Qingqiu may know a lot about PIDW, monsters, the plot and papapa plot devices, but, traditional ancient music? Are they seriously going to ask him to learn all those old songs in addition to trying to save his ass from a horrible death?
So, in guqin classes with his students, Shen Qingqiu decides that it is not bad to teach them adaptations of modern music. Nothing crazy. Popular stuff, something classic Queen like exaggerations. He doesn't sing in English, but the music has this magnetic thing that can make a few of his disciples hum along, and it feels like they know the lyrics. Shen Qingqiu enjoys it very much.
Luo Binghe is the only one who actually hears him sing it. With English lyrics included. Of course, Luo Binghe has no idea what it means, but that doesn't mean he can't imitate it! So he's singing softly while washing some robes, enjoying Shizun's musical gift to him, when he hears someone stumble.
That someone turns out to be Shang Qinghua, the An Ding Peak Lord, who stands up from the ground with wide eyes. Luo Binghe interrupts his song, looking at him in confusion, when Shang-shishu... run at him?!
"Bro" Shang-shishu says, in a casual and unpleasant manner, with an expression on his face that Luo Binghe had never seen before, "What the fuck. What the fuck. Queen? Somebody to love? Are you kidding me? How did you get the Protagonist!?"
... and Shang Qinghua begins to speak.
Luo Binghe is sixteen years old, and at this point in his life, he is intelligent, manipulative, and able to handle the situations around him with cunning. So, he manages to keep a conversation going with Shang Qinghua by repeating strange words that he doesn't understand the meaning of, letting the man talk and say things like, Transmigrator? System? Username? How many years has he been there? How did he get the "Scum Villain" to treat him well? Is he preparing for the "Endless Abyss"? Since apparently, that thing, System, had told him that it was an "inescapable plot"...
Luo Binghe is evasive. He says he's been there since he was a baby, which turns out to be an appropriate answer. Bit by bit, he says he doesn't have many memories, which Shang Qinghua seems to understand? He says that some memories settle when he reaches adulthood? That this happened to him. He was twenty when he was really able to manage "both lives" in one coherent thing.
Luo Binghe listens, humming in all the right places, being elusive and evasive but Shang Qinghua doesn't even seem to suspect anything. He insists that he should prepare for the Endless Abyss and promises to get him some weapons and talismans that he can hide. He tells him that he hopes "His King" won't make such a fuss without so many monsters.
Finally, the evening falls, Shang Qinghua begs him to please keep seeing each other to talk, he is tired of being alone.
Luo Binghe looks at the wet clothes. He finishes washing and leaves with many things on his mind.
Shang Qinghua recognized him as a "Transmigrator", whatever that was, from the song. The song his Shizun had taught him. He had asked him how long he had been here. At first, the question hadn't made much sense, but looking back, recalling Shizun's complete change in temperament and personality... Luo Binghe can get an idea of how long Shizun has been there.
Besides, what was all that about "Protagonist"? Luo Binghe is not an epic hero blessed by the gods, and he doesn't have the abilities to be classified as one. Or does he?
That night, he makes an impeccable dinner. He makes sure to present all of Shizun's favorite foods, favorite tea, and favorite scented candles. A treat for the senses. When he sees his Shizun start eating, he just smiles sweetly before:
"Shizun, this humble disciple has a question about the future."
"Mnh, this Master listens."
"Why must this disciple fall into the Endless Abyss as an inevitable plot? Is there no way the System will allow this disciple to stay with his Shizun, or is this an unavoidable fate because this humble one is the Protagonist?"
The chopsticks fall from Shizun's hand. The expression on his face is one of the deepest horror.
"Binghe, what...?"
And his Shizun looks in all directions. He seems to be searching for something that isn't there. The "System", perhaps? Whatever that is, Binghe has never seen or felt it. And, at that moment, his Shizun doesn't seem to see it either. Or, he sees it, but what he sees seems not to be a response of cosmic horror. What he sees makes his Shizun's countenance turn peaceful. After terror and tension, his shoulders relax.
"First, Binghe has to tell me where he got all that... information" begins his Shizun. Binghe nods quickly; he won't have any problems with exposing Shang-shishu if necessary. He has no loyalty to him, not like he does to his Shizun. "Very good. Binghe, sit next to me and pour us some more tea. This is going to be a long conversation."
And it definitely was.
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unboundprompts · 5 months ago
hi! i wanted to ask how could i write a scene of a band performing and make it flow smoothly? Reactions to it and inner dialogue of the leader singer while performing?
I hope that makes sense!
Thank you :)
How to Write a Band Performance
Set the Atmosphere with Sound and Sensory Details
Use sensory language to capture the energy of the music, the movement on stage, and the audience’s reaction. Think about the sounds of instruments, the lights, the thrum of bass vibrating through the floor, or how the crowd looks.
Example: The drums kicked in, a thunderous heartbeat that pulsed through the packed venue. Strings followed, filling the air with an electric charge, and the lights dimmed just enough for the crowd to lean in, hungry for the next note.
Anchor the Lead Singer’s Focus
The lead singer might catch moments in the crowd, like a fan mouthing every lyric, someone laughing, or even seeing familiar faces in the sea of people. These little connections add a human touch and make the performance feel alive.
Example: He spotted a girl in the front row, eyes closed, every word leaving her lips like a prayer. She knew each lyric by heart, maybe better than he did. That look kept him grounded—kept him singing.
Use Inner Dialogue to Show Nerves, Confidence, or Distraction
Let the lead singer’s mind wander a bit, but keep it tethered to the music. They might think of something unrelated that they suppress to stay focused, or maybe they reflect on what this song means to them, especially if it’s deeply personal or symbolic.
Example: Here we go. Breathe. Just like rehearsal. But it was never just like rehearsal. Each word brought him back to the night he wrote it—a night he barely survived. He shook off the thought. No. Tonight, it’s just for them.
Describe Body Movements and How They Connect to Emotion
Physical sensations can be as telling as dialogue. The lead singer might feel the warmth of the spotlight, the stickiness of sweat on their skin, or the way their voice feels strong, raw, or strained.
Example: He gripped the mic stand, fingers tight, and leaned forward. His voice cracked on a high note, but he let it, gave it to the crowd raw. They wanted his truth, his realness. That was all he had to give.
Show the Crowd’s Reaction
Describe reactions like a wave, where energy ebbs and flows. The crowd might sway during slower parts, roar during the chorus, or go silent in the song’s more intimate moments. This back-and-forth dance adds rhythm to the scene.
Example: As the first chorus hit, the crowd became a sea of outstretched hands, fingers clawing for a piece of the music. A roar rose, then softened as they sang with him, their voices tangling with his own, something fragile and fierce all at once.
Balance Between Action and Inner Thoughts
To keep the scene flowing, alternate between what the singer does (interacting with the mic, moving on stage) and what they think. Too much inner dialogue could slow down the scene, so give action and reaction space to keep the reader engaged.
Example: He took a step back, holding the last note, letting it resonate through the space. He stole a glance at his bandmates. They were lost in the music too, faces set, eyes closed. It felt like the old days—a secret between them, shared with everyone.
End with a Climactic Moment or a Release of Tension
End the scene with a dramatic finish, like a powerful note, a burst of applause, or even silence if it’s an emotional song. The lead singer could feel relieved, drained, or exhilarated by the end.
Example: As the last chord faded, a brief silence hung over the crowd—a pause, a heartbeat—before it shattered with applause. He closed his eyes, letting it wash over him, knowing that for now, the song was enough.
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illusioncanthurtme--art · 7 months ago
A very self indulgent Billford playlist!
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Self indulgent, because this music does not appeal to the masses at all; these songs are limited to the stuff I listen to. So I’m being VERY transparent about my embarrassing taste in music right now! Plus, NOBODY ASKED FOR THIS!!! But I hope some of these resonate with you. This is a little collection I’ve formed in my phone notes since I got into this ship a couple weeks ago.
Not a fancy spotify playlist, it’s just links to the music on youtube. 
I’ve got this divided into parts:
-The Billford Songs
-The In This Moment Billford Songs
SO MUCH of their music is enemies/lovers perfection. I’ve thought about so many *killing you but also making out with you* pairings to this shit, because these songs were like, DESIGNED to be recycled for any and all love hate relationships, and still hit insanely hard EVERY TIME. So now that you have these songs under your belt, you have them FOREVER. You’re welcome. I haven’t even listened to all their music, I’m sure there’s more songs for this category that I simply haven’t discovered.
-The…Maybe…Billford Songs
My standards were kinda high for making this list. But every song is about your ship when you’re insane, right??? So these are the maybe’s. One’s I’ve thought about billford to, but maybe the lyrics don’t totally align.
Playlist under the cut! I wasn’t gonna ramble about each song but WHOOPS I DID 🤷‍♀️
The Billford songs:
Monophobia - Deadmau5 (Extended version, cuz it’s the best.)
THE LYRICS… THE LYRICS!!!! Definitely bill pining in theraprism. 
Propane Nightmares - Pendulum
This one WAS gonna go in the maybe’s, but I convinced myself otherwise after listening to it eighty more times, and now it’s up here on top. And fuck it, this is the *self indulgent* billford playlist, so I do what I want. I go into a fucking trance when I listen to this song, so I can’t really explain 110% why this is a billford song to me, but I’ll try.  Apparently, this song is about the heavens gate cult. So not enemies/lovers angst. But looking at the lyrics, you could interpret it as giving yourself to something greater, and coming to the realization that what you pledged yourself to is actually a very bad thing which will ultimately destroy you. (also, you can’t deny that there was some cult like manipulation happening with Bill and Ford. Sense of purpose and friendship.) Definitely billford-y when you consider Fords commitment to bill. And I’ll admit, when I listen to it, there is some pov switching. Because the “trail of fire”,  “we will be as one”, and “bring it on home” is VERY reminiscent of bill executing weirdmageddon. So overall, my interpretation of this song is Ford feeling torn about bill, feeling regret, feeling scared, and Bill of course, just wanting to bring the dimensions together. “BRING IT ON HOME!!!!”  Or I just like the song. 
Rule 34 - Fish in a Birdcage
Bestie recommended this song to me. It needs no explanation.
Painkiller - The Queenstons
…NEEDS NO EXPLANATION DSKFDSKJHF It’s similar to the above, just more… scary imo. Violent. Definitely bill being a little psycho. I really love this song. It’s very recyclable too. You have it for any toxic ship now. 
9V - The Queenstons
One of my favorite Lapfox/Halley Labs songs… I’m gonna give you the lyrics, it’s a bit hard to understand without them. In my eyes, it’s about betraying Ford. Also these vocals (and other music by this artist) works so well for bill because of the synthesized voice. 
This is a new S3RL song. This song sounds like a tantrum, and I really liked it when I first heard it, but it didn't fit anything I was into at the time. Luckily, bill suffered a horrible breakup, and now this song has it’s meaning. 
When I'm There - S3RL
Bill thinking about joining the third dimension with Ford. 
Click Bait - S3RL
I’ve listened to this one a LOT before this, and I surprised myself with how much it aligns with bill, specifically, him tricking Ford.
Space-Time - S3RL
Speaks for itself.
Sodom & Gomorrah - Dorian Electra
This one’s just funny :)
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The In This Moment Billford Songs
Sick Like Me
Sexual Hallucination
This is one of those recyclable songs, but I was damn surprised at how well the lyrics suited them, because it alludes to being out of body, possession, etc.
Half God half devil
Damn it, I cant deny this one suits them.
Big Bad Wolf
DAMN IT I wasn’t gonna include this one, but I just checked the lyrics and fuck, it works. In this moment, how are you so wonderful
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The…Maybe…Billford Songs
Illuminaughty - Infected Mushroom
I'm kind of grasping at straws with these lyrics, but with a title like that? Come on
The Pretender - Foo Fighters, Infected Mushroom, Turbo Remix
Three versions, for whichever suits your fancy.
Leopold - Infected Mushroom
This one has NO LYRICS, but it has this buildup that sounds really cool, and it has an abrupt decrescendo. Reminds me of their "friendship" and how it all came crashing down.
Idolize - Dorian Electra
Hmmmmm, I just like Dorian. But the idolization thing works for obvious reasons.
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That’s it! Hope you enjoy. Maybe I'll do an expansion pack of sorts if I find enough songs for a part 2.
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sxcretricciardo · 23 days ago
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impossible (l.n) - pt.2
part one here
A few days after your karting session with Lando, Max, and Magui, you were scrolling through your phone when an article popped up with a headline that immediately caught your eye: “Lando Norris and Magui Corceiro: A New Romance?”
You swallowed hard as you skimmed through the article, looking at the images. Lando and Magui, in their matching karting suits, looking like they belonged together. It wasn’t jealousy—it wasn’t even disappointment. It was just a quiet, unexpected sadness that you couldn’t quite shake. You had always been there for Lando, and while you were glad to see him happy, seeing it this way, with everyone knowing, made it feel… different.
You sat there for a moment, your phone in your hands, staring at the screen. You weren’t upset with him—not at all. He deserved to be happy. And you weren’t going to let it show.
But still, the shift in everything—the fact that it was now out there for the world to see—stung in ways you weren’t prepared for.
A notification from Max suddenly popped up on your screen.
Max: “I saw the article. You okay?”
You hesitated for a moment, fingers hovering over the keys. Max knew. He knew about your feelings for Lando, and he had always been there for you. He was perceptive—too perceptive sometimes.
You typed back quickly, trying to keep it light and casual.
You: “Yeah, I’m fine. Just didn’t expect it to go public like that. It’s all a little overwhelming, I guess.”
Max responded almost immediately.
Max: “I know it’s a lot. But you’re happy for him, right? I know you care about him a lot, but I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
You bit your lip, trying to keep your emotions in check. You were happy for Lando. You really were. But it didn’t change the fact that you had feelings for him too, and it hurt a little to see him with someone else—especially with the whole world watching.
You: “Yeah, of course I’m happy for him. He deserves to be happy. I’m just… adjusting, I guess. It’s different now, that’s all.”
Max seemed to sense that there was more to it, and his reply was soft, understanding.
Max: “I know. It’s tough. You don’t have to pretend like it’s easy. I get it. But you’ve always been there for him, and you always will be. That won’t change.”
You smiled faintly at his message. Max always knew how to make you feel better, even when you didn’t want to admit that something was bothering you.
You: “I know. Thanks, Max. Really. It’s just a little weird now, that’s all. I’ll be fine.”
Max: “You’re strong. And you’re a great friend to him. You’ll find your way through it. I’m here if you need to talk or do something to take your mind off it.”
You: “Thanks. I appreciate it.”
You put your phone down, taking a deep breath. You had told yourself you were okay with this. You really were happy for Lando. But seeing it all out there like that, with the world knowing the relationship wasn’t something you were prepared for.
You weren’t going to let it affect your friendship with him. That was the most important thing. But deep down, you couldn’t help but feel the shift, the sting of realizing that Lando was happy with someone else—and that the world now knew it.
Still, you would find a way to be happy for him. It would just take some time.
It had been a month since the article about Lando and Magui went public. For the first week, you kept yourself together. You were happy for Lando, really happy for him. But there was a quiet ache you couldn’t shake. You didn’t want to admit it, not even to yourself, but seeing them together, knowing they were so happy, brought up feelings you hadn’t fully acknowledged.
Instead of talking about it, you retreated. Writing had always been your escape, and so you threw yourself into it. You locked yourself away in your apartment, your studio, pouring your emotions into music. Every lyric, every beat seemed to reflect the swirling sadness in your chest. You didn’t even realize how much time had passed as you worked endlessly on a new album. Each song seemed to tell a different version of your feelings—fragments of joy, sorrow, frustration, and longing.
You threw yourself into the music so completely that the world outside of your apartment felt distant. Lando’s voice, the sound of Max’s laughter, the noise of the busy streets outside—none of it seemed to matter. Music became your world, and you could lose hours or even entire days in your creative space. But what you didn’t realize was that, in the process of losing yourself to your art, you had also lost touch with everything else.
You had forgotten to check the time. Forgotten to answer messages from friends. Forgotten to even step outside. The only thing that mattered was the album, the only thing that kept you from spiraling deeper into the sadness that lingered beneath the surface.
But then one evening, as you were adjusting a chord in your latest track, you heard a knock at your door.
You frowned, pausing the music, and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was past 8 p.m. Who would be at your door now?
You walked over, opening it to find Max standing there, an eyebrow raised, concern evident on his face.
“Max?” you said, half surprised, half embarrassed. “What are you doing here?”
Max’s expression softened when he saw you. He’d always been able to read you better than anyone.
“Just checking in,” he said gently. “Haven’t heard from you in a while. Everything okay?”
You forced a smile, though it felt weak. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just been busy working on my album.”
Max glanced inside, his eyes scanning the dimly lit apartment. The place was quiet—too quiet—and there was something about the mess of papers, scattered notebooks, and tangled cords that made him pause.
“You’ve been locked in here, haven’t you?” he said, his tone knowing but not accusatory. “You haven’t even been outside?”
You hesitated, running a hand through your hair. “I… I didn’t realize how much time had passed. I’ve been working on the album. Just trying to… I don’t know. Forget for a while.”
Max stepped into your apartment, looking around at the sea of unfinished tracks and scribbled lyrics on the walls. He was speechless for a moment. “Wait… a whole album? In just a month?” His tone was a mix of disbelief and admiration. “I know you’re good, but damn. That’s impressive.”
You gave him a faint smile, feeling a little embarrassed. “I guess I just… I needed to get it out, you know? I had all these feelings, and writing was the only way to deal with them.”
Max took a closer look at your space—songs and lyrics scattered everywhere. “This is… a lot, (Y/N). Have you even stopped to take a break? You’ve been isolating yourself from everyone.”
You shifted uncomfortably, suddenly aware of just how much time you’d spent holed up inside. “I guess I got a little lost in it. I didn’t realize how much time had gone by until now.”
Max’s expression softened as he walked over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “You can’t keep running from it. I get that you’ve been hurting, but you’ve got to face it eventually. You’re not going to find peace hiding in music forever.”
You nodded slowly, but before you could respond, Max’s eyes flicked to the side. He noticed your phone sitting on the desk, and gently nudged you in that direction. “Hey, you should check your messages. You’ve been MIA for weeks. Everyone is worried about you.”
You hesitated, your stomach doing a little flip as you reached for your phone. The screen lit up with dozens of notifications. You had missed so many messages.
You scanned through them—texts from Max, from your other friends, even some calls from your family. Everyone had been checking in, making sure you were okay.
But as you scrolled through, you couldn’t help but notice the one person who wasn’t there.
There were no texts from him. No missed calls. No check-ins. Not even an emoji or a random “hey.” It struck you like a gut punch, and you couldn’t help the wave of disappointment that washed over you. You had been avoiding so many things, but now, seeing that Lando hadn’t reached out, it felt like one more thing you weren’t prepared to face.
You quickly pushed the phone away, trying to hide the hurt that had crept up inside you. Max noticed immediately.
“Lando didn’t text you?” Max asked, the concern in his voice evident.
You shrugged, trying to keep things casual. “I guess he’s been busy with everything going public. It’s fine. He’s probably just caught up in… you know… all of that.”
Max’s brow furrowed. “He’s your best friend, (Y/N). He should’ve reached out. Maybe he’s just waiting for you to talk to him, but I can’t believe he’d just leave you hanging like that.”
You shook your head, trying to brush it off. “I’m sure it’s nothing. Maybe he’s just got a lot going on. I’m not mad, really.”
But deep down, you were. The silence from Lando made the whole situation feel heavier. The weight of everything, all of your feelings, felt like it was suffocating you, and you didn’t know how to escape it.
Max could see it in your eyes. “Hey… don’t shut everyone out, alright? You’ve got people who care about you—me, your friends, your family. And you know Lando cares, even if he’s busy. He’s still your best friend.”
You nodded again, trying to convince yourself that it would be okay. That it was just a phase, a moment in time that would pass. But the emptiness in your chest remained.
Max gave you a small, comforting smile. “Take a break, (Y/N). You’ve got a lot of people who care about you. And… maybe it’s time to face things head-on.”
You sighed, finally feeling the full weight of your own emotions. Maybe Max was right. Maybe it was time to stop hiding.
The past month had been a blur. After all the emotions you’d been burying, you finally found the courage to share your music with the world. Your album was finished, and with it, came the announcement: You were going on a worldwide tour. It felt like the next big step, the culmination of everything you had poured your heart into. It was exciting, overwhelming, and, for a moment, it gave you the distraction you needed from everything else.
You worked tirelessly, finalizing dates, rehearsing, and preparing for the biggest performance of your career. The adrenaline, the rush of knowing you would be performing in front of thousands of people—that was the kind of escape you needed. You weren’t going to think about Lando. You weren’t going to dwell on the way he’d pulled away. You were going to focus on your music, your career, and moving forward.
But there was a part of you that still couldn’t fully let go.
A week before the first show, you stared at your phone. You’d been meaning to text Lando for days. You hadn’t spoken to him since that night Max came over, and the absence of his texts still stung. You didn’t want to admit it, but it hurt that he hadn’t reached out, especially when you had tried to be supportive of him and Magui from the start.
You stared at the screen for a moment before finally typing a message.
You: “Hey Lando, I’m going on tour soon, and I wanted to invite you and Magui to one of my concerts! Would love to see you both there, if you can make it.”
You hesitated before hitting send. Maybe it was too much. Maybe it was awkward now. But you pressed the button anyway, trying to convince yourself that it was a friendly gesture. Nothing more.
You waited. Minutes passed. Then hours. And still, nothing.
You tried to shake it off. He was probably busy. Maybe Magui was keeping him occupied. It didn’t mean anything, right?
But deep down, you couldn’t help the sting that followed when there was no reply. You reminded yourself that the tour was your focus. You would pour everything into your performances, and hopefully, that would help you move on. After all, this was your moment. You didn’t need to rely on anyone else’s approval or presence to validate your success.
A few days later, with the first concert on the horizon, you had everything in place. You were ready. The stage, the lights, the music—it was all waiting for you. But before the first show, you took a deep breath and sent tickets to Max and Lando, hoping at least one of them would be there to support you. Max had always been your rock, and you were hoping Lando might surprise you, too.
You: “Hey! I’ve got tickets for you both to the first show of my tour. Hope to see you there! 😊”
You pressed send, trying to keep your expectations in check.
The night of the concert arrived. You were backstage, the excitement and nerves rushing through you. The crowd outside was buzzing with energy, waiting to hear your new music live. You’d never been more prepared, but the one thing you couldn’t shake was the thought of whether Lando would show up.
The concert started, the music flowing seamlessly as you performed with everything you had. Every note, every dance move was infused with emotion. But as you scanned the front row during your set, you found yourself searching for a familiar face—a pair of bright eyes, a smile that had been there through the highs and lows of your life.
But no Lando. No Magui.
You pushed it out of your mind and focused on the crowd. Max had promised to be there, and the familiar face you were hoping for did show up, standing proudly near the side of the stage with his girlfriend. You smiled when you spotted him, relieved that he hadn’t forgotten his promise.
Max and his girlfriend stood near the side of the stage, cheering you on as you performed. His girlfriend waved, and Max gave you a thumbs-up, mouthing “You’re killing it!” You couldn’t help but grin back, feeling a little bit lighter knowing he was there.
But even though Max was there, your heart couldn’t help but sink just a little as you noticed the empty seats around the front row. You didn’t want to admit it, but you’d been hoping—just a little bit—that Lando would show up. But as the show went on, it was clear he wasn’t there. You forced yourself to focus, to give the crowd everything you had, but your mind kept wandering back to the thought of him.
After the performance, you made your way backstage, still buzzing from the energy of the concert. But even as you greeted your team and answered some press questions, your mind kept going back to the empty seats you had looked toward, hoping to see Lando and Magui. You knew it wasn’t the end of the world, but it still stung more than you wanted to admit.
Max came backstage, clapping you on the back with a big grin. “You were incredible! Seriously, (Y/N), the crowd was living for you.”
“Thanks, Max,” you said, trying to muster a genuine smile. But Max could see through it.
“I saw you looking out at the crowd,” he said gently. “I’m sorry, Y\N.”
You shook your head, trying to play it off. “Nah, it’s fine. They probably had other plans. I knew they were busy. I’m not upset.”
Max raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. “You’re a terrible liar. But hey, I’m here, and I’m proud of you. You killed it out there. And I think a lot of people are going to be very, very happy with what they heard tonight.”
You smiled, but it didn’t quite reach your eyes. “Yeah. Thanks. Really.”
Max watched you for a moment, his face softening with concern. “Look, you’re going to have a killer tour. And if Lando’s going to be a jerk and miss it, that’s his problem. You’re doing amazing things, (Y/N). Don’t let him—or anyone—make you feel less than what you are.”
You nodded again, grateful for Max’s support, even though you couldn’t completely ignore the feeling that lingered in the back of your mind. The one that still wondered if Lando was out there, watching from somewhere far away, or if he’d just forgotten about you altogether.
Max gave you a knowing look. “I know you care about him, but sometimes, you’ve got to take care of yourself first. You’re the star of this show tonight. Don’t forget that.”
You nodded, but deep inside, there was a lingering ache. You didn’t want to keep letting Lando’s absence hurt you. But no matter how hard you tried, the thought of him not showing up felt like a wound you weren’t ready to heal.
The tour had been intense. Night after night, you gave it your all on stage, the cheers of the crowd a fleeting escape from the lingering emptiness that had followed you for months. Despite the success of your shows, there was one thing you couldn’t shake: Lando’s absence.
No texts. No calls. No visits. It was as if he had vanished from your life, replaced by the bright lights of Formula 1 and his new relationship with Magui. Every time you tried to convince yourself that you were fine—that you had moved on—something inside you felt the loss of your best friend.
It wasn’t until after a show in Chicago that you checked your phone to see a message from Lando. Your heart skipped when you saw his name.
“Hey, (Y/N). I know it’s been a while, and I’m sorry. I’d love for you to come to the Miami GP. I have tickets for you. I want to talk.”
You stared at the message for a long moment, emotions rushing over you. He wanted to talk. After all this time. The words “I’m sorry” echoed in your mind, and you felt the sudden pull to see him again, to understand why he had been so distant.
You didn’t hesitate for long. You quickly packed your things and booked a flight to Miami. You had no idea what you were walking into, but you knew you needed closure. You had to know what had happened between you and Lando.
Miami greeted you with its usual heat and humidity, but you barely noticed. Your mind was focused on what you were about to face. Lando. Magui. The past few months of silence.
When you arrived at the paddock, you spotted Lando almost immediately. His familiar smile softened when he saw you, though there was an underlying tension in his posture. As you approached, you gave him a tentative smile.
“Hey, Lando,” you said, your voice careful, as if testing the waters.
“(Y/N),” he said, his expression warm but tinged with regret. “I’m so glad you came. I’ve been wanting to talk. I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you. I know I’ve messed up.”
You nodded slowly, trying to keep your emotions in check. “I’ve been wondering why, Lando. You just disappeared. No texts, no calls. It was like you didn’t care anymore.”
Lando shifted uncomfortably, looking down for a moment. “I… I never meant to hurt you. I’ve just been so focused on everything—my racing, my relationship with Magui—it’s been a lot, and I didn’t know how to balance it all.”
Before you could respond, the sound of footsteps interrupted you. You turned to see Magui walking toward you, a smile on her face as she linked her arm with Lando’s. You couldn’t ignore the sudden shift in the air. It was like everything between you and Lando had just… changed.
Magui’s eyes flicked to you briefly. She stood too close to Lando, and you could feel the tension building. It was clear that things were different now.
Lando, sensing your discomfort, hesitated. But before he could say anything, Magui spoke up. “(Y/N), I’m so glad you could make it! We missed you.”
You nodded politely, but a small, quiet part of you couldn’t help but feel an ache deep inside. Magui’s presence had taken up the space that had once been yours.
“Yeah, the tour has been keeping me busy.” you said, your voice steady, though the words didn’t feel as natural as they should. “It’s good to see you two doing well.”
Magui smiled, her gaze not unkind, but possessive.
The conversation quickly fizzled out, and soon, Lando was busy with his team, preparing for the race. You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being left in the shadows. As much as you wanted to confront him, to ask him why he hadn’t made an effort, the situation just felt more complicated than you had expected.
The race went by, and despite the distance between you and Lando, you still watched him, waiting to see if he would finally take a moment to talk. The tension was palpable, and you knew that things were still unresolved. But the moment finally came—Lando crossed the finish line in first place. His first-ever career victory. You couldn’t help but feel a small sense of pride for him, but it was bittersweet. The man who had once been your best friend had changed so much, and you were left to figure out where you fit in his new life.
After the race, Max came up to Lando, his face serious. He looked like he’d been waiting for the right moment to confront him, and now, it was time.
Max marched over to Lando, his voice sharp. “You’ve been avoiding her for months, Lando. What the hell is wrong with you?”
Lando blinked, clearly caught off guard by Max’s anger. “What are you talking about? I’ve been busy with the races and—”
Max cut him off, his frustration clear. “I’m talking about (Y/N). You’ve completely shut her out. She’s your best friend, and you’ve acted like she doesn’t matter. What is going on with you?”
Lando’s face fell, guilt flooding his expression. “I know, Max. I’ve been an idiot. But it’s… complicated. Magui, she doesn’t like how close I am to (Y/N). She doesn’t want me spending time with her, and I didn’t know how to handle it.”
Max’s eyes widened in disbelief. “You’re seriously going to let her dictate this? You’re letting your relationship mess up your friendship with (Y/N)? That’s not okay, Lando.”
Lando’s shoulders slumped, and he looked defeated. “I didn’t want to hurt anyone, Max. I didn’t want to choose between the two of them. But I guess I ended up losing both. I haven’t been there for (Y/N) because… because Magui doesn’t want me to be. And I let it happen.”
Max let out a frustrated sigh, shaking his head. “You need to fix this, Lando. (Y/N) deserves better than this, and so do you. You can’t just throw everything away because you’re scared of Magui.”
Lando was quiet for a long moment, the weight of Max’s words sinking in. He finally nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. “I know. I don’t know how to make it right, but I want to.”
As Max walked away, you stood in the distance, processing everything you had just heard. The truth was painful—Lando had let his relationship with Magui dictate his actions, pushing you away when you needed him the most.
But even then, you knew that things couldn’t just go back to the way they were. You didn’t want to be the one to fix everything for him. It wasn’t just about you being his friend anymore. You had to look out for yourself too.
And as much as you tried to convince yourself otherwise, you realized you still cared for Lando. But that didn’t mean you had to let him back in if it hurt too much.
part three here
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