#the lov is character the lov is love and passion
vibeechecker · 25 days
Me watching mha/bnha like “ew whos this old man on my screen, someone make him shut up and go back to tomura.” I’m so tired of this old wrinkly ass man and his “im so smart” bland villain ass. The story concept of tomura being taken over by AFO is so annoying to me, give me back my fav and stfu you egg head. It’s like william afton and vanny from fnaf all over again. You got your course. Now go. “I always come back.” No. Mf. Fucking stay dead already. You and AFO. LITERALLY NO ONE ASKED. EVERYONES TIRED OF UR BS AND “I WAS ACTUALLY THE VILLAIN ALL ALONG.” LEAVE.
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buttercupshands · 5 months
Quick s7 premiere thoughts
Loved the new episode, I sure wasn't ready for Afomura becoming a thing so soon, like that scene is still... that
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But otherwise wow
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also a quick thank you for this scene having THIS track (a bit off from the original version) and voices of both AFO and Tomura mixing in places there
to other things
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little dangerous hand man
I'm in love with the ending... "Believe" and "Sketch" and now this one are like a Holy Trinity of Villain connected endings and this one FEELS like it belongs to MVA or something like that WAY MORE than the ED version of Believe did, even if the song was directly connected to Tomura and Izuku via text
that's just my "I want THIS SPECIFIC WAY" of wishing an ED was and I got what I wanted in a way with everyone from the LoV having their moment to shine (from the current arc aside from Compress) - so Spinner, Toga, Dabi and Tomura all have that. IN BOTH ED and OP
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and then OP is like
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so yeah, happy s7 day
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ultrathinkart · 5 months
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🌟New NFT collection🌟
And Ultrathink Universe❤️‍🔥
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coolprettyleo · 5 months
we can't be friends (wait for your love) - luke hughes
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luke hughes x reader
wc: 1.5k
tw: angst. fluff. arguing. breakup. no happy ending. not really proofread, got tired lol
your life had been going good, a little too good. you should have knew all too well that the daydream you had been in weren't going to last much longer.
luke hughes. the man who had stolen your heart and gave you the best memories a boyfriend could give a girl like you. for someone who's thought themselves to be the biggest hopeless romantic, meeting luke had been the light in your life.
you had met the younger hughes brother at a frat party. he had been running off a high after a good game and his normally reserved nature had cracked due to the adrenaline from the win, it gave him the confidence to flirt with you.
initially, you had thought he was going to be a casual hookup. you were taught the hookup culture early into your freshman year, when you thought the frat guy you slept with at your first ever party the night before was going to give you the time of day, once the cloths came on.
news flash you learnt something that day. men are sluts.
so when the star hockey player started flirting with you, you had thought it to be just another guy who wanted a hookup. you ultimately decided to live out your fourteen year old selves Wattpad dream and entertain the cute curly haired boy.
you were surprised when you opened instagram the morning after to find he had requested you and from there on out, the rest was history.
it didn't take long for you guys to become the golden couple of the university. you attended his games wearing his jersey, met each others friends and families, and most importantly fell in love with one another's nature.
everything was going perfect for the two of you, until the real world decided it wanted to slap you both across the face. hard.
luke's passion was and will always be hockey. you knew that when you met him and ultimately decided to jump into a relationship with him. you loved every part about him, including hockey; it's what made him, him.
the sport didn't come between the two of you until he moved over six hundred miles away to play it.
you knew it was coming, you've both talked about it but unfortunately talking about it and actually saying goodbye is two very different things.
you loved the curly haired boy but you were beginning to wonder if it was all even worth it anymore. it was clear long distance was not working in your favor.
it had been almost a year since he started with the devils. a year since it all went to shit. a year since this 'rough patch' as luke liked to call it started. surely a rough patch couldn't last this long?
long distance usually makes a couple or it breaks them. it seemed to be breaking the two of you.
you rarely got to see your boyfriend due to the fact he's glued to the team during the season, so it was up to you, to fly out and see him.
you hated flying. so almost every time, your stress levels shot through the roof causing the worst headache known to man kind to come across you. automatically putting you in a sour mood when landing.
"i don't understand why you're being like this, this whole thing is planned around the fact that the team wants to meet you!" luke said exaspertly as he helped her load her bags in his jeep. he talked about you so much that when jack opened his mouth about you coming to visit, the wags were quick to plan a get-together, and you had just said you weren't up for it.
"i'm sorry luke but I feel like crap. i dont want to put up a character and meet new people right now"
"then don't put up a character, be yourself. that's who I fell in lov-" he said as you rolled your eyes, wincing; seeing as it didn't help the slamming feeling in your head.
"I don't want to Luke!" you cut him off. luke took a deep breath and texted jack to let them know you guy's wouldn't be making it.
looking back at it now; it wasn't that serious. but that headache couldn't make you think straight. that had been the first fight between the two of you. you're pretty sure thats when all his friend deemed you to be the villain and told him he deserved better.
you began to believe that and you knew luke did too. you just wanted this story to die, you knew you'd be alright.
luke on the other hand was clinging to every inch of you he could get; while you clinged to your papers and pens; writing about your misery.
you loved to write so of course you were going to pour your emotions into these stories. hoping the book would understand better then Luke ever could.
you two were laying in his bed, cloths sprawled out across his bedroom floor.
you had landed in jersey last night, ready to pretend and be the picture luke painted of you.
the two of you had the best night, it had been a while since you last seen him and an even longer while since you last seen him and everything felt... right.
you should of known a storm was brewing.
you were leaning your head onto his bare chest, legs tangled between each other as you played with his curls, looking up at him. he was growing into being the most handsome man.
"im so happy your here" he said tracing down your arms.
"me too. I missed your face" you said as you leaned up and kissed his jaw as he blushed. moments like these made you want throw away all the doubts you had about the relationship.
"me too. i can't wait to wake up next to you everyday" he said as your blood ran cold. you were tired of tiptoeing and hiding around the fight you knew was to come.
he'd been wanting you to move to jersey since he moved, the only problem being, is that you didn't want to.
"what's wrong" he said as you moved away his heart falling too his stomach.
"remember how I told you I wanted to graduate first?" you said nervously. he knew you were going to graduate early and the excuse of school was soon going to expire.
"yeah, thats pretty soon. we need to start looking for a place, by the way-"
"luke-" you started, wanting to stop it before it got any further.
"I think it'll do good for jack and I to get space" he said jokingly as he kept rambling,
"I know you've always wanted to live in manhattan, we can get a place there, i can commute-"
"im not coming here after graduation" you said with watery eyes.
you were the villain, at least in this story.
you wanted to experience life. you were only twenty one and the idea of that part of your life ending before you even got to begin it made you want to spiral.
"im sorry?" he said looking at you like you just killed his childhood dog. he would wait for your love a million years, if thats what it took.
"luke- im sorry, but I want to experience things. i want to live this life and know every corner of it-"
"i don't understand. why can't we those things together?"
"im sorry" you said standing up, not really sure what to do anymore.
"are we breaking up" he said with a straight face. you knew he was holding back tears.
"for now, yes" she told him as he put his head down.
you weren't heartless, so you took a seat next to him as you wrapped an arm around him.
"hey, look at me luke. this isn't the end, I'll still always care about you, I want to see you succeed hughsey" you told him as he remebered the night he met you and you called him that.
luke had been doing amazing; breaking records in the NHL and living life like anyone his age should be. his life was going good.
he obviously missed you but he soon learned he was going to be alright, even though a part of him waiting for your love. your love to like him again.
the smarter part of him knew better, the story was over.
he got home from a game that had went amazing for him and set his stuff down as he opened instagram.
the very first picture being, one of you and your new boyfriend. he knew you moved on and moved to nyc. he's actually ran into you before, both of you acting like you didnt break each others heart into a million peices. acting like old friends.
the reason the picture made his heart drop was due to the fact you were holding up a ring as you looked into the eyes of another. another who wasn't Luke Hughes.
he couldn't do it. he tried, he really did. he wanted to see you succeed and live like you wanted, he just couldn't bare to see it without him in it.
he clicked on her profile as he hovered over the unfollow button. he oh so desperately wanted to pretend to be this daydream but he was reminded of the fact their story had ended. he hit the button and knew he'd be alright.
we can't be friends (wait for your love)
this was inspired by an edit I saw on tiktok, and obviously the song too lol. I can't find the edit but like yeah!
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mythorhuman · 27 days
When We Sleep
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“There you are, my love.” Klaus welcomed her with a heated kiss. 
“Where else would I be?” flirted Bonnie with a seductive grin. Like a good gentleman, Klaus offered her his arm and she took it easily. It was a familiar motion. Walking with the man she loved always felt right. 
“I am always flattered that you choose to spend your nights with me,” crooned Klaus. His girl was a stunner and no other could compare. She radiated light even in her little black dress. Bonnie had every reason to avoid him, yet she chose Klaus over the rest. He wouldn't take it for granted. 
Klaus led her away from the smoky entrance and toward the bar where he ordered her a drink. He always knew what she wanted. Somehow, the man she'd known for a short while, knew more about her than those she called family. “If I'm being honest, I prefer your company to that of the others,” praised Bonnie.
“I am honored to have the privilege of showing you a good time.”
“The music is incredible tonight.”
“I knew you'd be eager to hear it.” His Bonnie was quite the dancer. Once she knocked back her drink, he extended a hand to escort her onto the dance floor as a slower tune played. 
“The music is one of the best things about this time,” grinned Bonnie as she swayed in her man’s arms. Dance was her secret passion. She’d taken lessons from a young age at a school out of town for she didn't want to compete against her friends. Their competitive nature was too much for her, so she kept her dreams of being a professional performer to herself. That was true until she confided in Klaus.
“Better than the rap music of today?” mused Klaus. 
“Nik, you're breaking character.” Bonnie rolled her eyes. Every dream they shared was different. Together, each night they built a new world where anything was possible. Klaus designed this dream as a do-over for their awful experience at the 1920s dance. 
“My apologies Bonnie. I was distracted by your alluring beauty.”
“You're such a flatterer.”
“Only for you,” grinned Klaus as he spun her quickly before pulling her back into his arms.
Bonnie laid her head on his chest. In these dreams, he had a heartbeat that drummed to the same rhythm as hers. They were connected; mentally, physically, and emotionally. The stolen kisses and secret sleepovers where they made love weren't enough. “I wish it could always be like this between you and me,” whispered Bonnie. 
“You don't like pretending to plot each other's deaths and forging hate for your lover?”
“Lover? Is that what you are to me?”
“Silly terms like ‘boyfriend’ are childish and you aren't ready for ‘husband’ yet,”
Bonnie briefly imagined the wedding. She could see herself in a white veil, holding white roses. Klaus would stand at the end of the aisle but she couldn't picture her friends in the audience. No, they wouldn’t approve. “You want marriage?”
“Only with you,” assured Klaus. He knew what she was thinking. He didn't care for her friends at all, so their approval meant nothing to him. He would be enough for her, but if Bonnie wanted friends, then she could find better ones. She deserved the best and those fools didn't fit the bill.
Holding in a frown, Bonnie said, “You know these dreams are the only place we can be free to love,”
“It doesn't have to be.”
“I have everything to lose if people found out about us and you’d face no backlash whatsoever.”
“You’re right in a way. A lecture from Elijah is nothing like all your friends turning on you.”
“So you understand?” breathed Bonnie. The music continued, but they stood in place at the center of the dance floor while others circled them.
“I understand that they'd want you to be happy if they loved you.”
“They'll see this as a betrayal.” 
Klaus found the notion ridiculous. Bonnie was the most loyal person he’d ever met. If he had a cheating ex, he would have slaughtered them. Despite having the power to destroy her useless friends, Bonnie had chosen to protect them. They continued to hurt her and she let them go unharmed. His love was too kindhearted for her own good. “And I will be there to comfort you,” said Klaus. 
“I swear to be there for you, forever and always,” swore the Original Hybrid before he placed a tender kiss on her forehead.
“Think you can dream of a place more private?” she asked trailing a finger down his chest.
“How I love when you get frisky.’
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xcalkenf · 1 year
Late night shower w/ JIngyuan!
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warning : fem!reader, dom jingyuan, shower sex, p in v, no protection, body worship, nicknames (my love, love, dear, darling, good girl,) authors note :going crazy over jingyuan rn, he's on top of my husbando list <33 this was made when I was doing character ai with him <3
It was late at night, and there was a cool breeze in the air when their window was opened. You and Jingyuan are sitting on top of your bed, and he asked, "Would you like taking a shower, my love?" He smiled. 
"This is much better. I'm glad you joined me." He said, wrapping his arms around you, holding you close against his wet body. "You're so beautiful, my love." He whispered softly in your ear before kissing your neck gently. "Thank you.." You smiled "You're welcome, sweetheart." Jing Yuan murmured, nuzzling his nose against your neck. "I can't help but admire your gorgeous body, my love." He whispered softly.He starts to cup your breasts with his hands He started fondling and massaging them slowly, his fingers playing with the nipples, causing them to harden and stiffen under his touch. "Mmm, you're so responsive and sensitive, darling," He said, then nibbled on your earlobe. "Gosh, I want you so badly, my love. Would you like to make love to me in the shower?" He asked, his voice low and husky. You let out gasps against his touch and twitches slightly before getting pinned to the shower wall.
“Mmm.. mhmm..”
Jing Yuan chuckled deeply, and took your face in his hands, looking at you with intense desire in his eyes. "Good girl," he said softly before kissing you sensually, passionately, and deeply. His kiss was a mixture of love, lust, and hunger as his tongue danced with yours.
He then moved his hands down to grab your hips, lifting you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he drove his hard cock into you, and started thrusting fiercely into you.
He groaned, feeling the slickness of your wet pussy as he pounded you harder, deeper, and faster. The sound of skin slapping against skin and the water cascading down their bodies intensifying their pleasure.
"Y-You feel so.. good, my love," he moaned, placing open-mouthed kisses on your neck and shoulders as he continued driving into your slick, warm cunt.
You gasped as you feel his thick cockhead hitting the spot you never thought it would’ve reached and moaned. “Yes.. Yes..! more..”
Jing Yuan smirked at your response and lifted you up, pressing your back against the wall of the shower. He kissed you deeply, his hands exploring every inch of your body. His touch was firm, yet gentle, and his kisses were passionate and arousing.
He broke the kiss as he realised your legs aren't wrapping around his waist anymore, looking deep into your eyes and said in a soft but commanding voice, "Wrap your legs around me, my love. I'm going to make you feel way more good."
He then positioned himself at your entrance and slowly entered you again, making sure to go slow and tease you with every inch he moved inside of you. The hot water pouring down was making everything more intense.
As he began pounding away and hitting all the right spots again and again, he whispered sweet nothings into your ear, praising you and telling you how much he loved you. 
You gasped and moaned as you felt him rubbing his thumb on your bundle of nerves and placed your head on his shoulder as he continued his work. 
Jing Yuan smirked as he felt you react to his touch. He kept rubbing your sensitive bundle of nerves with his thumb while his hips moved faster and deeper inside you.
"My love, you're so amazing," He whispered, his lips brushing against your ear as he continued to pleasure you.
He then nibbled on your earlobe, feeling your body shiver in response. "Mmm, you like that, don't you?" He continued to rub your delicate spot, his own pleasure building with every thrust.
After a few more minutes, he finally felt you tighten around him, and he knew you were close to your climax. "Come for me, my love," He said in a low voice, his thumb rubbing you harder as he pounded into you. And with that, you finally reached your peak, moaning in ecstasy and squeezing him tightly.
He kept his pace for a few more moments, savoring the pleasure coursing through his body, before finally reaching his own climax and spilling himself inside of you. He then wrapped his arms around you, leaning his head against yours, both of you breathing heavily as the warm water poured over your bodies. 
Jing Yuan smiled, pulling you into a tight embrace. "Thank you, my love. That was truly amazing, and you are incredible." He said, his eyes fill with soft and love.
He then turned off the shower and reached for the towels, drying both of you off before leading you to the bedroom where he would continue to spoil you with his love, affection, and passion all throughout the night.
"I love you so much dear, lets continue -yeah?"
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nikkisheep · 2 years
What Happened to the Sunshine?
Daryl Dixon x reader
Warnings: Major character death, ANGST, twd elements, walkers, mentions of death like a lot, italic is the memories, mentions of sex, mentions of pregnacy, kinda long, fighting
Summary: Daryl lost you and now he has to live with the pain.
Guys, I nearly cried writing this.
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You were the sunshine to the rain for Daryl. You made every day in the miserable world good. You made every day worth living. He loved you and you had loved him. Sometimes, however, the rain would swallow the sunshine and leave nothing but ruin in its wake.
Walkers flooded the streets, keeping the group locked in a shack. Daryl was restless. He needed to get out of the small room. He needed to just be back at home and stay in his basement. He wanted to be alone.
Well, not really, no. He wanted to have you. He wanted to hug you again and listen to you tell him about the day you had. He wanted to look at your warm smile and have one on his face as well. He just wanted you to be with him. But you weren't anymore. You never would be again.
"Daryl Dixon, who gave you the right to look so handsome?'' You asked, teasing lased in your voice.
''I woul' have ta believe tha' would be my lov' for ya,'' He had said, smiling before kissing your soft lips.
You were wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt, even though Daryl had told you that the planting that you wanted to do was only going to mess it up. You had laughed and slapped his shoulder. God, he could listen to your laugh all day.
"It better be that, honey.''
He had smiles at you. Leading you up to the bedroom for some sweet loving. He had held you like he could lose you.
If only he knew.
Stabbing the walker in the head, he groaned at the throb in his chest from the running. He was sweaty, dirty, and purely tired. He needed a shower, but he was not going to take one. Why? Because you weren't here to force him to take one.
"I swear if you don't get in that shower right now, you will sleep outside." You had said with a serious look.
"Honey, 've slept outside before."
"Well, I ain't sleeping beside no nasty man," You had laughed.
"Oh so I'm nasty?"
Daryl had ran to you, tackling you to the floor and started to rub his sweat, dirt, and mud all over you. He tickled you as he did so and you were screaming in laughter at his actions.
"Ewwww, you're getting Daryl on me," You whined, faking a pout.
"Fine, then woman. I will sleep outside."
You pull him in with a, "Come here my dirty man." and pulled in into a kiss. It lead to sex right there on the floor of the house but it was so passionate. He in fact had not slept outside.
The sun shined early in the morning, Daryl rolled over to your side of the bed, patting in search for you. He opens his eyes when he does not feel you and notices that your side had been cold. It had been for a while. He looks at your bedside table, the same as you had left it that morning, and smiles at your picture of the two of you. He remembered you begged him for the picture. Tears welled up in his blue eyes as he thought back to that day.
"Please, just one picture and then I will never ask again." You begged.
"But Daryl, I want a picture of you."
"In case anything happens, I will always remember your face."
"Ain't nothing gonna happen to us."
"You can't promise it," You pouted before getting into position beside him.
"I know nothin' will but let's get the pictur' done."
Maggie held the camera, capturing the pure look of love between the two of you. Daryl was looking at you with a love struck grin and you, you were looking at him with the biggest smile someone could give in the middle of the end of the world. Your eyes shined with love when you looked at Daryl and Maggie had felt like she was imposing on a moment.
"I love you Daryl, thank you."
"Love ya too, sunshine." He said, kissing your forehead.
He sniffled at bit before going on about his day. He tried to not think about you, the memories were to painful. He didn't know what was more heart breaking, the fact that he couldn't have you or the fact that you weren't here anymore. The sky had lost its sun. He had lost the light and the love of his life.
Daryl was working on his bike when he overheard some people talking about you. They were the worst kind of people in Alexandria and you had always hated them. Daryl had gotten into fights with them a lot over you.
The guys were laughing about how you were stupid to trust Daryl and that it was even crazier that you had settled for a man like him. He couldn't even protect you. Daryl sighed in defeat before going outside and started swinging.
You were running from a large herd, stumbling against the raised tree roots. The sun was going down and you were trying to make it home before dark.
"Daryl!" You had called when you were grabbed by a walker who was stuck under the root.
He turned to you but by the time he made it to you, the walker had attracted more which they started to bite into your flesh. Killing all of the dead bastards around you, he started running. Daryl yelled for Rick and everyone else and he sprinted to your body.
His fists collided with one of the guys face. He started beating the shit out of him. His ears ringing, blood covering his face.
"You're gonna be oka'." Daryl whispered to you.
"Rick!" He called again, agony slipping into his voice.
"Rick!" He sobbed.
"Daryl," You muttered. Blood was seeping through your clothes. The walkers had done a number on your shoulders and your legs. He was crying while looking into your eyes, they were struggling to hold on.
"I'm here, sunshine. Just hold on, you're gonn' make it."
Sobs rained from his lips, your body laying in his lap. Rick ran over, shouting to the group to follow. He knelt down to Daryl and your body, placing a hand on Daryl's shoulder.
"Daryl, I'm fine. I'm going to be o-okay," You said, smiling widely.
"No, no, no. Please," Daryl begged as his body shook when your beautiful eyes started to droop.
"Daryl, rem-remember to live." Your breathing became more slow, barely able to be heard.
"No, don't you die on me!" He started to shake you, hoping to keep you away.
The man below him was out cold and the others had ran away, not wanting to be next. But Daryl found them. He chased them down and started beating the shit out of them. He heard Rick's footsteps thudding against the road.
Rick watched his brother break down over your now lifeless body, his heart breaking at the sight. You were going to get married when you made it back today. You were going to start a family. You and Daryl were going to be parents. You were a few weeks pregnant and Rick had begged you to talk to Daryl but you were going to wait until after the run. You wanted it to be when everyone was gathered together for dinner.
"Please, wake up. Open your eyes, sunshine. Please," Daryl begged. He shook you once again, a white piece of paper fell out of your jacket pocket. You had brought it in case the moment was right.
Daryl looked at Rick and Rick grabbed the paper. He started to read it to Daryl as he cried over your bloody body.
"Daryl and I have been together for a very long time. We are going to get married someday and I wanted to tell him something. He is the most loving man, beautiful man, I have ever met in my life and to be honest, if the world had to end just so I could meet him, I say let it happen. I would choose this life every time if it means that I get to have the love of my life forever. Now, I wanted to tell you all that I have a surprise and now that we are safe, I wanted to say that I am pregnant. We are having a baby. We are going to be a family."
Rick helped Daryl place your body on the neatly stacked wood. Maggie and Glenn started to cover the wood with gasoline, soaking the wood until it was covered. Daryl said his last goodbyes to you and the unborn child that he will never get to meet. He watched as your body went up in flames at the toss of a match. He watched the love of his life, his almost wife, go up in smoke.
Rick grabbed Daryl and pulled him off the poor man who was completely knocked out.
"Daryl, take it easy." Rick showed him that it was just him and Daryl dropped to the ground on his knees.
"Daryl?" Rick got down on the ground with his brother. Daryl leaned into Rick's arms as he broke down to the thought of you. Glenn ran up to the scene and saw that Rick was holding a bloody Daryl with two men beaten to a pulp.
"Daryl, it's going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. You can make it through this," Rick encouraged his brother by choice. It broke him knowing that Daryl was hurting. Your death had only happened a few months ago and Daryl was still breaking at the seams. This was the first time that Rick had seen Daryl show any emotion after you.
It's like the community said, you were his sunshine to his rain and without you, it was nothing but rain and thunder.
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dreamerwasntfound · 1 year
Kpop Writers and Fic Recs
List of Kpop Fanfic writers I follow and the fic I found them with (if there is one)!!
Warning: Very Long List :)
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With Specific Post
✎ @remedyx > Boyfriend for Hire (Series) ♡ BTS OT7 x Reader # N/A ➤ n/a 🗨 Unsatisfied with your life was an understatement. Being under the thumb of your father can have that effect. He wanted someone capable of running the company, but you wanted to pursue your passion. Countless unwanted blind dates and the threat of losing your freedom drives you to seek help from a group of individuals you’d least expected.
✎ @bebejungkook > Gym Bunny (Series) ♡ Jungkook x Reader # N/A ➤ Toxic friends, reader learns to love herself, cuss words, accidental boners, some mean comments about reader from her friends and Kooks bestie who hates YN. 🗨 After being tired of feeling insecure you decided to take your friends advice and hit the gym. The only problem is you don’t know what to do, but luckily the very muscular and scary guy next to you offered to teach you a couple things. He just also happens to be the sweetest man you’ve ever met and not scary at all. You catch yourself falling in love with him on your journey of self love, but old insecurities stop you from doing anything about it.
✎@your-daily-biaswrecking > You sit on his lap in the car and he cums in his pants + but, check out their m.list ♡ Kim Namjoon x Reader # Drabble ➤ n/a 🗨 Like the title says ;)
✎ @m-yg93 > Solace ♡ Kim Namjoon x Reader # 13.5k ➤ Brief blood mention from a cut, mention of minor character death (sickness), fingering, hand job, big dick joon, belly bulge, unprotected sex, mentions of choking, creampie, dirty talk, inconsistent POV 🗨 Namjoon thought getting used to a new roommate would take time and adaptation but you fit yourself into his apartment with ease. He swears he only landed in your bed to keep you safe in his arms when you get spooked by the storm. Surely he can blame the eventual lack of clothing on the summer’s heat stroke.
✎ @joonsytip > Anonymously Yours ♡ Hong Joshua x Fem!Reader # 18.6k ➤ Fluff, Angst, Humour (broken coz mine), high school au, enemies to lovers au, strangers to lovers au, anonymously yours au. 🗨 After an accidental text message turns into a digital friendship, you and Joshua start crushing on each other without realizing you both see each other frequently in real life.
✎ @peekaboongi > Snake Kisses (& Defense Against the Dark Farts) ♡ Yoongi x Reader # 8.5k (& 2.2k+) ➤ Licking kink? masturbation, voyeurism, exhibitionism (kinda?), slight? biting kink, dom!yoongi, sort of aphrodisiac? idk his spit makes you kinda sorta sensitive does that count as a spit kink? fingering, oral (female receiving), orgasm denial, degradation, name calling, spanking, pet names (he calls her princess), cumplay,  unprotected sex, humiliation, handjobs, choking, creampie, like mild cum inflation? overstimulation. oh dear god this is more than I thought it was. (& dom yoongi but also soft yoongi, one tiny possible spoiler for the very last harry potter movie, sad danger noodle yoongle, oral (male), handjobs, yoongi has two dicks, one (1) spank, yoongi spits on her hand, unprotected sex, degradation, name calling, pet names (he calls he princess), tiny bit of begging not really, i think that’s it) 🗨 You are grossly unprepared for the snake hybrid that enters your life. Yoongi is quiet and sneaks around you but eventually, even the cold reptile warms up to you. (& While trying to get Yoongi to take the full Pottermore sorting quiz, you discover something that he’s self-conscious about. Lucky for him, you love every part of him, snake bits and everything. ↳ defensive snake farts are a thing, apparently)
✎ @whatifyoulivelikethat > (seven) days a week ♡ jungkook x reader # N/A ➤ rated M (18+) for language (reader swears a lot); strangers-to-lovers; vague allusions to a loveless childhood and bad parenting (no specifics); JK might be insane and you do tell him that he is; slight crack; fluff; smut (fem reader, fucking with clothes on and off, m and f-receiving oral, light hair pulling, fingering, nipple play, choking, penetrative sex, handjob); non-idol!BTS – persistent!Jungkook x noona, def tsundere!reader lol ft instigator-cupid!Park Jimin setting them up 🗨 It only takes seven days (a week) for Jeon Jungkook to get you in his bed to fuck you right. And showing up in weird places. And kissing in the rain. He’s crazy. Okay, it’s kinda complicated.
✎ @httpjeon > lovebug ♡ jimin/reader # 12k ➤ spider hybrid!jimin, hybrid mistreatment/bullying, love self esteem/self-worth, arguments, crying, physical altercation between jimin & reader, name-calling, attachment anxiety, possessiveness, kissing, scenting, dom!jimin, manhandling, size kink/difference, fingering, dirty talk, cunnilingus, sensitivity kink, wet & messy, lots of cum, cumflation, jimins duality 🗨 hybrids are lovable companions for humans. unfortunately, most people simply want a cat or dog with which they can cuddle and love on. while looking for one to adopt, a lonesome hybrid of an unusual breed catches your eye.
✎ @solemnreads > Way Back Home (Series) ♡ jungkook x reader # N/A ➤ parents au, single parent, coparenting, chaebol, ceo jungkook, assistant reader, jeon twins, one of the babies has a weak heart, smut 🗨 "please tell me this isn't what i think it is" he asks you with tears in his eyes. you look down at the sight of your son with an oxygen mask on his face while your daughter is sleeping on the couch near the wall. you look into his eyes, broken and sad. you've dreamt of this day for years, wondering how he would react. but here you are, hoping he could've meet the twins under different circumstances. "yes...they're your children."
✎ @dovechim > the singularity theory (m) (Series) ♡ yoongi x reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 in your last year of undergrad, you find out what a gloryhole is at the expense of your final year thesis. it’s a classic example of a psychology experiment that went way, way wrong. but how were you to know that a certain min yoongi would be sticking his dick into your life?
✎ @jeonstudios > drown for you (Series) ♡ siren!jk x f reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 there was something in that enormous tank, hidden in the murky water. all you knew was that you weren’t allowed inside the room and that it used to hold something dangerous.
✎ @barbika1508 > Lacuna (Series) + M.List ♡ Hybrid!Jeongguk x reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 posted on each chapter
✎ @btssmutgalore > Nude (Series) ♡ Taehyung x reader # N/A ➤ smut 🗨 You accidentally send a nude to Taehyung, a fuckboy you definitely shouldn't have been thinking about, despite already kissing him. The fact that he's your roommate's best friend doesn't help your situation at all.
✎ @joonberriess > Jock!JK (Series) + M.List ♡ jock!jungkook x reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter
✎ @dreamescapeswriting > BTS Reactions + M.List
✎ @taesbetch > To Own A Hybrid (Series) + M.List ♡ Jungkook x Reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 the hybrid world was one y/n never really involved herself in; however, after certain events, she is tossed into a world of uncertainty in the company of a particularly rude hybrid. 
✎ @gothvkth > sensitive ♡ Jeon Jeongguk x GN!Reader # 2k+ ➤ self conscious jk, sensitive jk, nipple play, pussy pocket, vibrator, dirty talk, whiny jk, orgasm denial, sub jk, dom reader, pre-discussed kinks and wtv, safe sane and consensual, jk hugs a pillow to his chest like a cutie, a hint of dacryphilia, jk cries but he loves it. 🗨 you two have been friends since the beginning of time. after finally getting together, you guys had a miscommunication problem regarding your sex life in concern that jeongguk didn't want you but truth is, he's just a sensitive boy, too sensitive.
✎ @taleasnewastime > Purr-haps I like you ♡ Yoongi x Reader # 11.6k ➤ An abandoned cat; the cat gets ill at one point. 🗨 You have a no pets policy where you live, but when you find a tiny kitten in a box on the side of the road, what can you do but bring it home with you? The only problem? The landlord who made the no pets rule, also happens to be your flatmate.
✎ @kookslastbutton > Too Late to Dream (Series) ♡ professor!jungkook x fem!artist!Reader # 16.5k (TBA) ➤ 8-year age gap, professor-student relationship (oc was a Masters student), lots of family drama, fighting, pent-up issues/desires, jk has daddy issues, therapy, sexual content + more specific warnings per chapter 🗨 You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
✎ @stylesluxx > Eight Years (Series) ♡ poly!ceo!bts x reader # N/A ➤ angst (and more, posted on each part) 🗨 in which they fall out of love
✎ @jcwriting > There's A First Time For Everything ♡ idol!namjoon x reader # 2.8k ➤ swearing, oral (m receiving), face fucking, choking, reader has a painful thigh kink (don’t we all), overuse of the word thigh 🗨 namjoon has never had a blowjob before. you’re about to change that.
✎ @minnochu > Lustrous (Series) ♡ Hybrid!Kook x Reader
✎ @appreciatethefoolishness > Bunny Trouble (Series) ♡ jeongguk x reader
✎ @numinousher > Combined Beings (Series) + M.List ♡ mafia/ceo!bts x chubby!reader # N/A ➤ cursing, a bit of mature content ( English isn’t my first language so just to warn you all 😭),  deep conversations based on beauty standards, body dysmorphia, mental health issues, harassment/bullying, gore/violence 🗨 You are bullied on a constant because korea’s beauty standards do not fit girls on the heavier side. The bullying gets worse once a ceo is attracted to you and he mentions you to the other 6.
✎ @secretbangtnn > Until I bleed out (Series) ♡ poly!BTS x hybrid!reader # N/A ➤ mentions of sexual assault and sex trafficing, violence, mentions of homelessness, mental problems, panic attacks, reader is scared of everything, bts just wants to help, smut later, mentions of abo, to be added… 🗨 Hybrids always were discriminated against, the laws passing over years changed nothing, collars still needed to be seen on those innocent necks like some kind of label. Cruelty was something the hybrids faced on daily basis, sex trafficing or illegal fighting it still felt as if those humans treated everything like pets. Situation you however found yourself in, was kind of different - not worse not better but still so bad you did not know if the next day would be yours, and when the winter started coming with big steps it was only a matter of time when the freezing cold would eat you alive. Unless one silent night a little too loud striped tiger decides to break your calm nap with a clumsy package of long limbs after him who just could not leave your tired and scared self alone…
✎ @20moonchild21 > Sehncucht - Discontinued? ♡ Hybrid!BTS x human!female!oc # N/A ➤ fluff, angst, humor, smut (later), mentioning of sexual assaultment, abuse, violence, friendship, love, dark themes 🗨 Hope is your average New York college girl, who is only one step away from reaching her big dream and becoming a lawyer for Hybrid rights. Never would she have thought, that one night, where she heard a whimpering coming from a dark alley, could turn her whole word upside down.
✎ @strlstlvr > skz finding your old fan tweet for them (hyung line linked, also maknae line version available) ♡ skz x reader # N/A ➤ smau, crack, a wee bit suggestive in changbins🫣 🗨 of course you were always their biggest fan, too bad they took a deep dive and found out how obsessed you actually were
✎ @alternateafterthought > Golden Time (Series) + M.List ♡ hybrid!jungkook x reader # 30k+ ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 Y/N has been rescuing and recovering hybrids her entire life. Now she has inherited her grandparent’s hybrid sanctuary. It was a normal rescue, get the hybrid, recover him and give him a choice, stay on the sanctuary or find a life for himself. Why was this one so different?
✎ @idkcantthinkofaname > It takes time (Series) ♡ bts x reader # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 after finally getting the house y/n always wanted, she find a hybrid hiding in an old shed. Unlike most people who find strays, y/n doesn’t turn him into h.c mainly because there was a lot of shady things that happened with the hybrid control in the area.
✎ @jiminrings > 4-7-8 (Series) ♡ jungkook x reader # N/A ➤ semi-heavy angst (pls take a break when necessary!!), emotional constipation, no cheating happens here btw (neither physical nor emotional), self-loathing, miscommunication, based on the moral dilemma of whether or not it's okay to be friends with ur ex, intense yearning + specified tags in each installment! 🗨 you're secure when it comes to loving jungkook, knowing that your husband loves you beyond words. what you aren't so secure about is his first love - someone who isn't you. alternatively, jungkook's married to you, but he still celebrates his anniversary with his ex out of sentimentality.
✎ @ya9amicide > Redamancy (Series) ♡ ot7 x ot7, ot7 x oc # N/A ➤ posted on each chapter 🗨 Hybrids were accepted in society to a certain degree. To some, they are for entertainment. Used as sex and money tools. To lock up and abuse whenever and however they please. Something to have control over. To others, they are companions. Just like regular animals are used for therapy or simply companionship, hybrids are too. To the rest, they are just like everyone else. Someone with their own life who deserves the same freedoms as your everyday John or Jane Doe. Wren is one of these people. She hates the idea of owning a hybrid. She has nothing against those who own them for medical or companionship reasons. Just the rest. But, when a ragtag pack of seven mismatched hybrids somehow ends up in the woods behind her home, she takes them in and does the one thing she never thought she would do. Own them. But, she also does something she didn't even think was possible. She fell in love with each and every one of them.
✎ @sue-bts > Teething ♡ Bunny!Jungkook x Reader # N/A ➤ much smut very sin wow, biting, pet/owner (he is of age, hybrid stuff makes the developmental process- i.e. teething- a bit slowed but he’s 19) 🗨 (Requested) Can you do one where hybrid Jungkook is going through his heat and he just needs dom!y/n so bad, but she just loves to see him beg and practically dry hump her leg. Can you add dirty talk in there too. I don’t care what he’s mixed with.
✎ @eternal-mikrokosmos > Stubborn Hugs (Series) ♡ Hybrid Namjoon x Reader, occasional ot7 x reader, ot7 x ot7 # N/A ➤ posted in each chapter 🗨 After helping out a koala and bunny hybrid, your bring them home with your other hybrids to adjust. But a certain koala doesn’t seem tho get the concept of being cared for without a catch. Having your own set of secrets, it already proves difficult to gain their trust and getting them to stay with you at the same time. Your hybrids already know everything about you and are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to keep you safe.
✎ @arrianna21 > Hybrid!Taegi Masterlist + M.List ♡ cathybrid!yoongi/doghybrid!taehyung/reader # N/A ➤ posted in each chapter
✎ @gimmesumsuga > Pink Panther ♡ Jin x reader # 13k ➤ Graphic descriptions of sex, oral sex (female receiving), impregnation kink, unprotected sex, dirty talk 🗨 ‘The one where your boss, Kim Seokjin, tries to show you how beautiful you are’ - Hybrid!AU
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Without Specific Post
✎ @borathae > Masterlist
✎ @tasteleeknow > Masterlist
✎ @ffsarchive > Masterlist
✎ @guess-whos-now-a-mood > Pretty Moodboards
✎ @taetae-tea > Masterlist
✎ @yeontanismypresident > Masterlist
✎ @jinniesboy > Masterlist
✎ @baepsaets > Posts in General
✎ @secret-kpoplibrary > Masterlist
✎ @thereaderstea > Masterlist
✎ @jamaisjoons > Masterlist
✎ @ahundredtimesover > Masterlist(s)
281 notes · View notes
rebeccalouisaferguson · 4 months
It’s not every day your childhood friend gets married, but it’s also not every day you get to talk to an actress you’ve adored for a decade. And thus, I found myself, anxiety-riddled, in my car, in the non-distinct parking lot of a brewery in Florida.
Then Rebecca Ferguson lights up my phone screen, radiating that same magnetic energy that first caught my eye in the 2013 miniseries The White Queen. She’s well-spoken, charming, witty, and brimming with passion as she discusses her Apple TV+ dystopian drama, Silo.
In addition to playing the lead role of engineer Juliette Nichols, Ferguson also serves as an executive producer on the series, becoming involved with Silo quite early on and using her position of power to listen, speak up when needed, “and care for the people on set.” The result is a work environment she loves, friendships with her VFX team, and adoration for her cast, including Harriet Walter, David Oyelowo, and Tim Robbins.
As I mentioned, Rebecca Ferguson is a pure delight. I’d happily step out on any family function for a chance to pick her brain, but what she’s far too humble to mention, a fact that is abundantly clear to droves of viewers (and hopefully, awards voters too)—is that a central reason why Silo works so well—— is because Ferguson is pitch-perfect in the role. We become so invested in the many twisted mysteries of Silo because we’ve become invested in her. Ferguson’s Juliette is strong and commanding, a true badass, fighting to uncover the truth. But as we peel back the layers, we see a subtle, heart-breaking vulnerability that adds a layer of complexity that only an actress with Ferguson’s seriously impressive range can deliver.
To echo Ferguson herself, “Please just watch season one.”
Awards Daily: Rebecca, you got involved with Silo early on. How has your input shaped the show and shaped Juliette as a character?
Rebecca Ferguson: It’s a big question with a very non-simple answer. I mean, I think my involvement is by casting the people you cast. You get the characters that you get. Do you know what I mean? You read a script, and you analyze the character, and you talk to [the team].
It’s a tricky, intense question. I mean, things come about by creating, listening, reading, thinking, and researching, right?
AD: Juliette is such an interesting character in that she’s initially very stoic and we peel back the layers of who she is as the show goes on. We learn more about her relationship with George (Ferdinand Kingsley). We learn more about her father (Iain Glen) later on. How did you calibrate your performance, knowing that a lot of the big reveals would happen later in the show?
RF: It’s kind of on the page. It’s like any film or any acting job that you do. We don’t reveal everything straight away, right? When we do a Mission Impossible film, we don’t tell you about the syndicate. It’s what storytelling is all about, right? You do scene by scene.
AD: Did you find that you had to approach Silo any differently?
RF: No, I didn’t. I’m very simple in the sense that I read a script. I like the character, and I start deep diving and do the work that I need to do to bring her forth. There’s nothing different to the process of anything. Everything is different in the sense that it depends on the people you work with. I have four different directors. It’s a little different, but the process for me is the same.
AD: What is your process? Are there certain ways that you like to break down the script?
RF: I mean, no. To be honest, I don’t really talk about my process because it’s my process, but I like the show, I love the scale of the set, I love the team, and I love the fact that I get to sit in on the writer’s rooms if I’m allowed to. I get to be a part of the process. You know, it’s a love journey for me. This is a baby; this job is. It’s one of the happiest jobs that I’ve ever done.
AD: The set is so extraordinary. What is it like to be in that environment, to run through those stairs?
RF: That’s phenomenal. The fact that Apple has actually put so much effort into letting creators create the environment. You know, we have people come for set visits to see it because it’s so incredible. And we have three different locations where we film, in one area, in one town outside of London.
I’m so close to the visual effects guys. They’re very good friends of mine, [VFX supervisors] Paul [Bongiovanni] and Daniel [Rauchwerger], And I often ask them, ‘Okay, I can see the stairs. We’re looking at four turns that I can run, and we run them all the time up and down and up and down, and they’re different levels, right?’
But I often ask, ‘Show me what you’re doing. I want to see the visual effects that you’re going to put on so that I can act against the incredibleness that you’re going to bring.’ Because, to be honest, the silo wouldn’t be [possible] without the VFX team.
AD: Does having this level of access change how you might approach another project?
RF: You know what, that’s such a good question. I think being so much on the front foot. And being the lead and having a producer role. By producer role, I don’t analyze that in the sense that I know what a producer is, and I put a cap on it. I just have a voice, and I speak, and I listen, and I care for the people on set.
It’s a very, very, very good environment on our set. There is no hierarchy. Everyone does what they need to do because they’re hired to do a good job. No one steps in on someone’s toes. It’s collaborative. Not all sets are run like this.
So after Silo, I was worried about doing other films because I was thinking, ‘How am I going to react when sets are moody and when people are not nice, and when there are egos.’ But to be honest, I did Dune. I mean, it was a good place to go. I was like, ‘Oh, I can lean back. We’re good. This is run pretty well.’ And then I did Silo season 2 again, and then I did something else, and now I’m doing a thing [sci-fi drama Mercy] with Chris Pratt, who is one of the nicest human beings, ever.
I’m doing well, and I’m very fortunate with the sets and the environments, but I think I’ve learned—and I’ve learned this from Mission and Tom [Cruise] as well, who speaks up a lot—if things don’t work, communicate it.
Be clear, pause, listen, and take in when people who don’t really have a strong voice are trying to say something, and give them space to actively feel that they are involved in the process as well. That’s how you get the best of everyone.
AD: Did you make any adjustments coming into season two?
RF: No, I think it was all very much the same. Because we’d found a formula that just worked, we had new crew members, which was sad. We’d lost a couple to other shows. But other than that, I think we had about 80 percent of the people back. People were knocking to come back. It’s just a really happy set. And no, nothing’s new. New directors, so taking and listening to their approach and seeing how that works. But they also understand that they’re walking onto a functioning set.
AD: What is it like for you to be at the center of this thing that has become a cultural phenomenon? People are anxious for season two. I mean, it’s exciting, right?
RF: So exciting. Someone asked me, ‘When was the moment when you realized that this was something?’ I didn’t look for that. But it was the moment when Apple called. The show was out, the numbers were coming in, I read a couple of reviews, my husband was probably looking [things] up and kind of going, ‘it’s good. It’s good.’ But I didn’t want to take it in. Apple called, and they said, ‘It’s good. People are liking it.’ And I was like, ‘Okay, the numbers don’t lie. People are actually watching it.’ And the reviews were good, and they were compelled, and they were feeling what I had felt reading it and making it. And that is huge for me because I really care. I really fucking care.
AD: Okay, last question, if you could pick any role or position within the silo, what would you be? You’re so regal. You’d make a good mayor.
RF: Yeah, but I’m also Juliette, who’s not regal, right?
AD: Well, if you weren’t Juliette.
RF: I think that it would be really boring up top, to be honest. I think the regulations are dull, right? I think I would either be middle. I like farms and greenery. I need all of that. I’d probably run my own little shop of something, little knickknacks, paddywhacks. But I would have a foot down in the deep.
AD: Rebecca, I know this show means a lot to you. As I let you go, is there anything I haven’t asked you about that you’d like to mention? Do you have any final thoughts?
RF: Thank you. I mean, no, I think you’ve really nailed most of it. And I think the fact is people know the show is dystopian. And if you like the genre, I believe you would really love the characters around it. It has the most incredible cast, and it has a cast that has really nurtured their characters and the evolution of the characters. The fact that we’re going into season two is so overwhelmingly exciting. It makes me want to grab people and go, ‘Please just watch season one and know that we’re going into shit that is intense.’
21 notes · View notes
oshiawaseni · 1 year
Trails of Love Hori's been paving down in the build up for the series' ending
Part II: Decoding the love story being told through other characters
Part One | II. Gentle/La Brava | Part Two -> KamiJirou
.•° ✿ 3. KiriMina ೋღ
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Kirishima and Mina have been acquainted since middle school and are tied together with themes of admiration. They also have a lot of other parallels with BkDk and Horikoshi's purpose behind these similarities became even more intriguing with the addition of chapter 383. This chapter came while I was still writing the Hori trails meta so it's inclusion is a bit of happy accident, but it helps reinforce our understanding of what Hori is up to.
I've always been interested in KiriMina because they're the only other pair besides BkDk that have history together which pre-dates U.A. So I was curious about where Hori was going to take them.
In this meta I will be exploring many similarities and parallels between KiriMina and BkDk, as well as share my thoughts on Horikoshi's intention in writing them this way.
These are some of their similarities:
They knew each other before U.A just like BkDk
Kirishima lacked bravery/confidence like Izuku
Kirishima admired Ashido's confidence and bravery like Izuku did for Kacchan
When Kirishima entered U.A he aimed to be more confident and personable, just like Ashido, in the same way Izuku wanted to be like Kacchan and copied his confidence and movement style.
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Chapter 383 reveals Ashido also struggles with feelings of weakness and blames herself for the death of Midnight and others in the war, in much the same vein as Kacchan's guilt he felt about being an end to All Might's hero career because of his "weakness".
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Kirishima admired Ashido's ability to connect and bring people closer together and he wanted to have that same influence on their classmates at U.A. Aizawa once described BkDk as the heart of his class who instilled their passion into everyone. But in contrast to BkDk, KiriMina have always gotten along well and have actively strived to help their classmates do the same.
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When asked about Kirishima's role in helping Katsuki after the LoV abduction arc, Horikoshi spoke about the bittersweetness of Izuku not being able to do it himself. Kirishima was written as an important bridge that connected Izuku to Katsuki again, and in doing so, he became someone who brings their classmates together like Ashido. With encouragement from their classmates and teachers, Izuku and Katsuki's bond began to heal and they became pillars of hope whose passions inspired those around them to go beyond their limits.
There are also parallels between Kirishima and Izuku in their ideals of heroism.
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Izuku's idea of heroism and sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong also lines up with Kirishima's ideals of heroism. The story of Izuku running into danger to save Katsuki had also inspired Kirishima to do his best to become a hero.
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In the fight against Gigantomachia, there's a parallel of Kirishima running through the flames to save Ashido, just as Izuku ran through the flames for Katsuki's sake in chapter one.
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And a narrative seed was planted when Kirishima pushes Ashido out of the way and tanks a heavy hit in place of her. This scene is mirrored shortly after, when Katsuki does the exact same thing for Izuku, saving his life.
The amount of similarities these two couples have with each other is so striking, isn't it? We never really knew why Hori has been building these two up as mirrors of BkDk, until the recent chapter 383, where they went up against the same villain BkDk did at the start of the manga and the most important similarity was revealed of all.
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Mina's facial expression and explosion of acid coming from her hand is very similar to Katsuki's. Although she often emulates Katsuki, Ashido primarily took on Izuku's role during this chapter's story, and Kirishima is the one being saved from the sludge villain by her in this call back to chapter one.
In a moment of weakness, Ashido is overcome by exhaustion and almost faints, and Kirishima catches her - which may call to mind the time Izuku fainted of exhaustion at the end of his Vigilante arc, and Katsuki leaping forward, just in time to catch him.
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Ashido apologises to Kirishima, just as Katsuki did with Izuku, and that's where their similarities with Katsuki and Izuku stop, because Kirishima gives Ashido his answer... while Izuku, has always kept his own to himself...
However, anyone who has been paying attention to the story, knows Kirishima's next words to be absolutely true for Izuku, too:
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There's nothing to forgive, because Katsuki is Izuku's hero.
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Kirishima's answer to Ashido, are Izuku's missing words to Katsuki’s apology in chapter 322. Katsuki is Izuku's light and hero, but Izuku never got the chance to tell him this. Katsuki had poured his heart out to Izuku, and never received Izuku's reply.
There has clearly been some things left unsaid between Katsuki and Izuku, and this indirect reference to BkDk via KiriMina only serves as a tool to highlight this even further and generate more intrigue and anticipation for what BkDk will be saying to each other some day.
It's also very possible that these words are something Katsuki needs to tell Izuku, as well. Kirishima calling Ashido “baka” is very akin to Katsuki’s tsundere behaviour towards Izuku, so these apologies and affirmations of Ashido being Kirishima’s hero may yet be more seeds Kohei has planted for Izuku and Katsuki to mirror some day.
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Katsuki has never told Izuku what he means to him, and it seems that Edgeshot, having become a part of Katsuki's heart, is the only one who really knows the true shape of his love and how Katsuki was waiting for Izuku to come save him.
Because Izuku has always been Katsuki’s hero, and this goes back as far as the river scene.
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And aside from referencing Katsuki's apology, these words of: "I'm seriously sorry I've been such a let down" could also be describing Izuku's current feelings towards ‘failing to protect what he cares about’ and his most important person dying on his own because they got separated when Izuku got caught and dragged away by Toga. Izuku must feel incredibly guilty for what has happened, and like he has let Katsuki down completely. These may serve as important call back lines for BkDk, for an intimate scene they will share together.
So KiriMina is another couple Hori has SPEAKING for BkDk, for events that are both in the past and, very likely, in the future as well.
Hori has already brought back the #2 baka couple (#1 is BkDk, soon™) a second time and inserted their dialogues to help remind us that Katsuki's very last moments alive were filled with thoughts of Izuku by his side, which brought him happiness to mask over his fears and pain. And now KiriMina’s situation paralleling BkDk's own dynamic and scenes together, seems to have been written in almost as if to get people wondering what the true nature of BkDk's relationship might be, even though they aren’t featured in the chapter.
I think Hori wants people to come to the conclusion that the words and thoughts Kirishima and Mina are expressing, are yet another layer that serves to fill in the blanks of how Izuku and Katsuki feel about each other. Whether or not these affirmations are to be taken romantically, or are words that will be said between them is up to Kohei's discretion. However, by bringing BkDk's relationship to the forefront of a lot of reader's minds, Hori is taking a well-planned step towards his goal of making their deep bond and connection of love a central focus of the story later this year.
Next up - Kamijirou! Back to Gentle/La Brava Back to Part One
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katsukikoi · 9 months
hi atlas! can i have a Kirishima x reader agnst to fluff?
Where reader is apart of a group of young pro heros, and Kirishima is jealous of it? Or, Kirishima doesn't spend enough time with her because he is hanging out with other girls?
hi sugar, i'll give it a go!
character; kirishima x f!reader
themes; young prohero reader with a jealous kirishima
warnings; hurt, swearing, insecurity, jealous, yelling. (not proof read, may have incorrections.)
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y/n was introduced because of the recent nomu attacks in japan, her group she was apart of, was humbly asked by all might if they could give a helping hand. Them loving action and protecting, jumping in to help.
They had to go through the process of going back into school while being proheros. Which, was a lot of effort for some of the girls. Namely, pro hero, Terminator. Terra for short.
When the four elemental quirked users came into the class, they were swamped with questions, ranging from how they became proheros so young, how did they train their quirks ect.
y/n, stayed away as much as she could from being swamped, along with Magnus who sticked far away from tsunami and boltus who where eating up the attention and answering the questions with ease.
"they are really up in our business huh?" y/n asked her teammate who swiftly nodded.
it wasn't long until the group settled in though, answering questions, partaking in training and showing their peers how to use their quirks better.
It was on one training, where y/n was paired with the passionate and sweet Kirishima, and the ruff housing bakguo.
Although her quirk didnt work as well with bakugo, it worked hand and hand with kirishima. A hardening quirk next to an earthly one.
"bakugo? i think, after this training you should go with tsunami! She can help with control more since her quirk does smiliar things to yours" y/n kindly spoke making this boy tch but nod, "dont tell me what to do brat." he scoffed, but he took up the offer anyways.
"Hey bakubro! dont be so mean to the pretty girl" kirishima beamed, making the slightly older girl's eyes widened, just a bit.
"he thinks im pretty?" she mentally spoke,
___ It was like that, on and on, the two always getting paired up, always hanging out. It came to a point that everyone knew that they liked each other and where always shipped together.
They werent wrong, weeks after the rumors, they did start dating. And they were going really well, talking to each other, light kisses and sweet talk. Not too much pda, since y/n was a pro hero still, and she didnt like everyone in her business.
It went like this, for months. Until, LOV, attacked. The elements protecting the students they could, shielding them with their powers and defending.
God kirishima, loved when his girl fought. Everytime she did, he would feel a growing pride swell up in his chest. But there was a lingering feeling that he couldnt pin point. It wasnt important to him so he would ignore it.
He would try and help out, only to be kindly pushed away by terra. It annoys him that she did, terra—y/n, is so much stronger. Better than him. Why would she need help?
It was at the dorms when he watched everyone get along, even bakugo would chime in with tsunami. It made him happy bakugo was, but when he looked at y/n and sero he would get irritated. He would huff out, turn and give mina all his attention, even when his pretty girl was trying to get his attention.
It went on and on, kirishima now understands he would never be good enough for y/n. Shes a pro hero for fuck sake. Shes only here to help, she will leave right after anyway.
“eji? are you okay my pretty boy?” she’d ask, he would mumble a half assed reply, “yeah.” then walk away.
This time, she re-tried. “kiri?” she softly spoke, grabbing his wrist gently. “stop fucking grabbing me like that, l/n” he spoke, harshly tugging her. Making her fall down as she was in shock.
“wasting my time.” he spoke, right before she took the impact.
Once the bang was heard, poor kirishima looked back and his girl’s head was bleeding. He went down to check up on her, making her push him away.
“im fine.” she gruffed out. Standing up shakingly as she grabbed on the wall.
“baby!” he spoke, trying to grab her. “dont bother, ill waste your time anyways.” she spoke, her tone unkind. Mimicking his tone and gaze moments before.
As she walked out, kirishima realised he messed up. His jealousy and insecurity led him to hurt his lover. Gulit struck kirishima, it spread like lightning all over his body.
Not once did she looked at him, not once in the last week. But kirishima would look at her, gosh he would look. With pain, gulit and desire.
“shitty hair, what the hell did you do?” bakugo would ask, during their training. Kirishimas once partner now swapped with bakguo as she trained with tsunami.
“i, was jealous and insecure. I accidentally hurt her.” he whimpered out, tears brimming his pretty face was bakugo gave him a (attractive) ugly face. “ha? dumbass.” he knocked his knuckles on the boys head. “fix it, your wasting time.” It was like, kirishima had a great idea.
“it was a pleasure to help all of you!” terra spoke, bowing to her classmates. The group turned around to leave but stopped as the class yelled out to them. “we dont want you to leave!” they yelled.
They sadly smiled as y/n was about to speak, “unfortunately we ha—“
“babe wait.” kirishima spoke, huffing as he psuhed passed the class. “im, im sorry.” his voice broke, looking up at her sweet eyes as he tried to grather air.
“kirishima—“ “no, its eiji. Its eiji to you. you know that, i fucked up. I lost the love of my life beacuse i was jealous and insecure. I wanted you to feel the way i felt, but you dont deserve that. But please, let me try again, please dont leave us.” he cried out, deeply bowing with his forehead on the ground. “eiji.. come here.” she spoke, her sweet sound of her voice made him look up. She kissed his forehead sweetly.
“i love you, eijiro kirishima.” she lightly and sickenly sweetly spoke. Now kissing his lips softly.
The young pro hero looked at the eldest of the group.
“can we stay longer, nee-san?” she asked, tsnami.
“ill tell dad. Im sure we can stay longer ha?” she laughed.
“nee-san?!” the class yelled
“oops..?” the girls giggled.
hi sweetness! i hope you guys liked this one! im trying to figure out how to make a masterslist, and when i get that down, ill upload the kyn hcs!
domt repost, dont translate dont rewrite.
post from atlas 💣✨
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oneheir · 29 days
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manga spoilers ahead !!
i really wish i could go into depth about izuku’s state of mind but it’s usually quite hard for me to get my thoughts into words without yapping and losing my train of thought. but i’m going to try.
in the last few chapters, we as the audience see izuku sort of close up. he very much tries to keep himself in the background and doesn’t speak up when others do, or when he usually would have.
izuku has always been really good at masking. ever since he found out he didn’t have a quirk, he’s been masking, pretending like everything was fine. he was four. he probably learned quickly that talking about himself or what he felt and thought garnered undesirable attention. he also didn’t want to worry his mother, so he internalized a lot. and because all might was always smiling, he was, too. at least, when other people were around.
we see that he has anxiety and is prone to depression, and as the series progresses he has ptsd. i’m sure he has other diagnoses that i may or may not get into bc i’m writing this on my phone at work.
because he’s so good at masking, people don’t think to check in on him as often. most people don’t really check in on people who seem happy all of the time. we see him trying to reach out to ochako and shouto, and they try to reassure him they’re okay ( they are not ), and in doing so, don’t give izuku a chance to bring up whatever issues he may want to talk about.
of course i’m not saying that izuku isn’t happy or hasn’t been through the course of the manga. of course he’s been happy; he’s made new friends, he’s gotten closer to katsuki again, his teacher is all might. but he’s got the weight of the world on his shoulders and he was fifteen when that weight was placed onto him. he was given a secret so big that it could tip the scale between ‘good and evil’.
and when he realized that being around others as the current user of ofa was a danger to them, he left. he pushed everyone out, even katsuki and all might, who are the two people he’s kept closest to him through all of his ordeals. even though izuku trusts them with his entire being, he would rather face the dangers alone than drag them further into it.
he’d already lost katsuki once when the league took him after the sports festival and all might isn’t in any condition to be fighting. even before he’d given izuku ofa, all might was in no condition to be fighting on a big scale like this. he barely had the time / energy to fight small time criminals.
despite katsuki and the others coming to bring him back, the final battle left izuku feeling lost. even if one headcanons that tenko is saved, that any of the LOV members are saved, the state of the world is in shambles. it still needs lots of time and adjusting to settle. how do you go from fighting for your life, for everyone’s life, to… not. how do you not instinctively move to defend when you hear an odd noise? when someone raises their hand too quickly around you?
it takes a toll on a person, on their soul. izuku’s soul is so much older than he is because of what he’s been through and he’s spent so many years hiding that. spent so many years hiding his true emotions. i think it takes a long time for him to seek out therapy, but he does, eventually. slowly, but surely. it just makes me sad that people don’t see that he also needs a shoulder to lean on. i’m sure it happens during the time skip, but i would have loved to see everyone come together to support each other emotionally and mentally for what they all went through.
again, my izuku doesn’t lose ofa, but it takes a few years for him to be a full time hero. that still takes adjusting to, too.
i think i lost where i was going with this somewhere there. i am just really passionate about izuku and know that he’s more than just the happy hero we have often seen him as. he has a lot of rage when there is injustice or when the people he cares about are in danger. he’s such a well rounded character and it makes me so sad when people don’t see that.
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oh-shtars · 6 months
Reach for the Stars! AU QnA:
Thank you so much for those of you who sent in asks!! Y’all are the best. 🥹
I’ve decided to compile the asks I received into one post for easier access. So far, this is Part 1. If y’all want Part 2, keep shooting me more questions! 😉
I had to type in some of the questions myself since Tumblr unfortunately only lets me put on 10 screenshots maximum. (I still put them in word-for-word too btw 😂)
But let’s dive into it, shall we?
(⚠️This is going to be a loooooooong read-)
Yeaaaah, this section is dedicated to you. Couldn’t thank you enough for the support from the very beginning. Love ya, Anny!!! 💖✨
1.) Who are Asha’s parents? What do they mean to her and how have they influenced her life?
Asha’s parents are still known as the same from the canon movie, Tomás and Sakina.
It really bugged me in the film how they mentioned Asha’s father like TWICE, and never brought it up again. That sounds like a very good thing for character building, but nooooooo. They won’t even address it anymore. It’s just there so that Asha wins sympathy points from Magnifico >:/
Anyways, Tomás:
is a philosopher who had a dream to share his ideas with people around him. But he also had a passion to learning the ways of magic, which is why he worked as Oliver’s (the previous king before Mag) apprentice for 2 years in his reign before he passed away. After the king’s passing, Tomás became Magnifico’s assistant. No longer an apprentice since Mag had banned the usage of it other than him and his wife for “Rosas’ greater good.”
Tomás is passionate and holds true to his beliefs. He has a love and curious wonder for the ‘maybes’ and ‘what ifs’ of the old myth about Wishing Stars. Most of his work is written around them, gathering old info and recordings from old sources that claim the authors have been visited and blessed with the guidance of one. It’s a ‘legendary and once-in-a-lifetime’ chance for a star to ever go down to earth. But because of its rarity, most people don’t really believe the myth is true.
He shared this wonder and love of dreaming to his daughter, Asha. It was her favourite thing to do every now and then each night to sit under the stars, and listen to her father tell her about her favorite bedtime story about these wonderful, celestial and magical beings above them.
When Tomás unfortunately died from their house on fire, that ambition and confidence to become just like her dad someday within Asha, broke. It’s like it had withered away along with him. Ever since the tragedy, Asha closed in on herself and spent her time drawing on her sketchbook and on her own to cope with the loss. Keeping her mind busy by helping her mother carry out chores in the castle as she grew older.
Thus, it’s why she got so estranged with her 7 childhood friends. Asha loved her father and all her memories with him very dearly and it struck hard to have this dream be taken away from her so suddenly.
Tomás’ death is a very sensitive topic for her. Asha’s insecurities to accomplish things for herself stem from the fear of dreaming too big and experience that very same pain again of being disappointed if that dream could never be achieved. But at the same time, it serves as her motivation to help others with their own wishes and help them be happy. Because she, herself, wasn’t able to.
is a little more down-to-earth. She wants Asha to not look up at the sky all the time and actually appreciate what she currently has. She balances out her husband’s influence on their daughter. She’s happy to have Asha be a dreamer like her father, but it’s also important for her to notice just how lucky she is in the moment.
One of Asha’s flaws is that she fails to notice these little precious things since her eyes are always on the prize. She believes that the only way people can ever be truly happy is if their wish is granted. Her strongest trait is love. She cares so much that she barely looks out for herself anymore.
Sakina loves her daughter and is also saddened by her husband’s death. It pains her to see Asha be so distant and be missing that little spark she had as a child. It’s Sakina that constantly encourages her to open up to her old friends more.
Like I said, Sakina is a “in-the-moment” kind of person in contrast to Tomás. She was a seamstress before the tragedy, but ever since then, Sakina barely does this hobby that she used to love doing. She just does it in her free time now, which she barely even has. (She does spend the time making cute clothes for Valentino).
Whenever Asha is concerned on why her mother isn’t pursuing that hobby as much anymore, Sakina reassures her that it’s not so bad. What’s more important right now ‘at the moment’ is do her job as a servant to the king and queen and raise and look after her daughter.
2.) Are the 7 teens, or any different interpretation of them, any different in your rewrite? If so, how are they like and what will they serve to the story?
Funny, I actually already answered this same ask like twice now. 😂
I’ll just link the answer I’ve already done here.
3.) How was Asha’s childhood?
It went just as normally as any child would have. Loving parents and a home with a South European exterior and a North African interior design. (I’m pretty sure that’s what it said in Wish’s Art book)
Asha pretty much lived in her family’s home until she’s 10 years old. That’s when tragedy struck, their house burned down, her dad…..you know. And now, Asha and her mother are generously given a place to stay in the castle in exchange for their services. To express their gratitude for the king and queen’s kindness.
Asha was only 8 when Magnifico started his reign as king, so she doesn’t really remember much of what Rosas was like back then. When magic wasn’t forbidden and can be studied by anyone. Back when the easy route didn’t exist and no one gives up their wishes to the king.
But at least she’s now growing up in a time where all wishes are given an equal chance to be granted very easily with no struggle or strife anymore, right?
4.) What do you want the moral of your story to be?
Fun fact:
When I was brainstorming how I would go with this rewrite, I went back to Disney’s roots. How did this company’s legacy come to life? Of course, I went back to their first movie: “Snow White and the 7 Dwarves.”
And you know what I found?:
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Walt risked everything to let this movie exist. He risked selling his house and going bankrupt because he believed so much that ‘Snow White’ would be a success.
“Omg, this company. Disney. All these amazing movies. Started because one man took a giant leap of faith and never gave up on his wish.”
And I knew I just HAVE to capture this one action that brought the Disney we all grew to love into life. (No. Not the corporate Disney we have now unfortunately-)
Every character in my AU will experience the fear of “what ifs.” What if this doesn’t work? What if I fail? What if it’ll all be for nothing?
But Walt Disney pushed and strived to reach his dream. Even if the odds weren’t pretty. So I wanted the moral of my story to be THIS. To never stop dreaming big.
And now, at least you know why I named my Wish rewrite: ✨ “Reach for the Stars” ✨
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Awwwwww, THX SO MUCH. 💖 It makes me so happy that people love what I’m trying to create. Believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve ever felt this committed to creating something grand. It’s kinda scary :,).
And Sueño’s backstory?
Hmmmm, I don’t want to spoil much.
All I’m going to say is he was unfairly captured from the sky at a very young age of only 12. And ever since then, Magnifico exploits and uses the young star’s Wish Magic to grant, collect and store the wishes of Rosas.
Basically, just think of this deleted scene where Mag attempts to pull down a star from the sky. ⬇️
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Will Sueño ever run out of Wish magic? No, not really.
The most important part of a star is their magical core. It’s like a human heart. A Wishing Star is born every time two mortals share their FIRST and MUTUAL Act of True Love, whether platonically, familial or romantically. The magic of this act of love shoots upwards to the sky, where a Wishing Star’s core is created and an ordinary ball of burning gas gains consciousness.
This core is what holds them together and it’s what produces more Wish Magic that is used up whenever they grant a wish. Without it, they fade away to dust and basically die.
So as long Sueño’s core is still intact, he’s fine. Sure, it still hurts to have Wish Magic extracted from him but, he’s alive. 🤷
I sure hope Mag doesn’t intend in absorbing it for desperate measures in the end, amirite?
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I’ll be honest here, I’m no song writer. No experience or not even know what makes a song “perfect” for a scene. As long as the song is a vibe and it makes sense to me, I don’t really pay attention much to the rhythm or beats.
But most likely, I’m going to be keeping some of the canon songs and tweak them a little bit? (Definitely keeping “This Wish” and “At All Costs” but tweaked.)
Or, if the song is too far gone to save it from my story’s context, (like “Welcome to Rosas”), I’ll probably just explain what happens in that scene and pretend there’s a song there.
I could use some pre-existing Disney songs to set up a scene’s vibe but they won’t actually be sung. It’s just to enhance the experience I guess.
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1.) I do actually! Omg, I even amazed myself on how I even came up with it. 😂
Magnifico’s end is going to be poetic and I already have a design in mind for him post-story. Also, the final battle? Ohohoho- it’s SOMETHING!!
It’s always the middle part of the story that gets me unfortunately 😤.
2.) My favourite character has to be Sueño. I really love how I got creative with his character and make him really stand out from the other Starboys. Where he’s not exactly the naive “Let’s-grant-everyone’s-wishes!!” kind of guy. It’s the opposite.
I’ve also come to become fond on how he slowly opens up to the human world around him after all the paranoia and anxiety he used to have. Character development~ ✨
But I also liked Magnifico’s complexity too.
He’s tragic but it doesn’t excuse what he’s done. He’s incredibly cruel and he’s aware of it. He’s a hopeless romantic when it comes to Amaya. He’s someone sympathetic who didn’t deserve his village getting destroyed. He’s still a jerk and an arsehole who needs to be stopped. He’s someone whose concerns were unfairly ignored in the past. He’s still completely willing to make innocent people suffer underneath him.
Idk, I guess I just like grey characters.
3.) Lol, Magnifico nor Amaya can’t speak sign language. And they’re used to the star’s passive attitude and being too afraid to stand up to them at all.
But the universal sign of ‘Fck you’ isn’t too hard to figure out once Sueño finally had enough of them and grow a backbone. Mag would be caught off-guard and heavily pissed about it, that’s for sure.
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Thank you so much for this question, because it really made me think about this for a bit!! (Not saying the previous asks didn’t, but this is just a point that I had a vague idea but didn’t put much detail into it yet.)
When Asha accidentally released the star that Magnifico had been keeping this past decade, the star escapes the castle and tries to return back to the sky. Only to crash back down again due to an enchantment on him that prevents him from leaving Rosas at all. He’s stuck on earth basically until they find and break the artefact holding the spell.
Which is undoubtedly back with King Magnifico-
If he wants to go back home to the sky, he’s going to have to go back to the castle and break this enchantment. Asha wants to help him, but out of concern and love for her kingdom, she needs his help to release a few wishes and grant these poor, dull and zest-less people a chance to experience the joy of their wishes granted without being in the king’s debt.
The star did not like the idea. He is out of the Wishing business for the next million years or so. But he literally has no idea how to sneak back in without attracting attention and without confronting the scary meanie of a king as much as possible. Plus, he doesn’t even know what a “normal human” acts like. Without her help, he could risk getting caught by the king’s magic. Again…
And dammit, how could he say no to that desperate, sad look on this girl’s face-
Fiiiiine. A few wishes granted but that’s it.
I guess ‘trusting Asha’ is more of a ‘he had no other choice’ kind of thing? He does inevitably have to interact with her on the way though. And at first, Star expresses his frustration with this situation with little harmless jokes, pranks, and stalling their journey back by interacting with the cute woodland creatures. Much to Asha’s frustration.
He initially thinks Asha is just like everyone else. She wants something from him. That’s it. He’s sort of distant at first, and he flinches and reacts negatively to any attempt of touching him.
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But over the course of the story, Star gets to learn more about who she really is. A loving and empathetic person who just wants what’s best for those around her. She even gave him a new name that meant she doesn’t see him as just merely a star.
Sueño. Someone who’s not just a wishing tool. She really treats him like an actual person. A person with feelings. Slowly, he starts to really trust her and become genuine friends with Asha.
And overtime, become a little smitten of her beauty both inside and out.
I mean, what, who said that-
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I guess for Asha, she will try to understand as best she could and if it’s something serious, she’ll try to really listen and seek further clarification.
Though, if it’s casual talk and nothing important, she’ll do that introvert thing where they just politely nod and pretend that they definitely heard you because it’s too embarrassing to be saying “Huh???” like 5 times.
Sueño? He’s actually pretty extroverted once he’s out of his shell. So he isn’t shy to really ask for more detail on the subject if he needs to. He’s VERY familiar with the feeling of not being understood often because he, himself, can’t speak. So, he makes sure that he does put an effort to understand the person he’s talking to.
Though, he might accidentally go a little off-track with his questions and suddenly, you’re talking about an entirely different topic.
Wow, this sure was interesting. Don’t you think?
As always, details might change in the future but this is really helpful for me to track down my thoughts on where this passion project is going.
I can’t say enough thank yous for all the asks and all the support!! Love y’all!! :DD 💖💖
Edit: Look at that, we have a Part 2 :)). Thanks Saph!!
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almightygremlinblob · 4 months
Rant about JJK 261 leaks and mild spoilers. Just ignore unless you're passionate about stories like I am or wanna hear what I say or both. This is very, VERY long.
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Bro, listen.
I'm not mad at Gege, writing is HARD. Like, legitimately! It's SO difficult to bring a vision - an entire unique world with complex characters - to fruition and CONTINUE that story to its end.
And there's still so much to love about JJK, despite everything.
Some of the choices he's making, writing wise, are just...such missed opportunities for his characters and it's making the story itself suffer.
Part 1 - Sukuna Ryomen
Oh, Sukuna... The strongest sorcerer in history, who wiped out a lot of the families in an era where sorcerers and curses were at their strongest. He was the top dog of top dogs. Blah, blah, blah - WELL ESTABLISHED. Actually, ever since he defeated Gojo that's been established to the audience. And it's been win, after win for him. Which is good, in times of peril - the villain should be competent at what they do and keep the stakes high. That's good. The problem is, the formula - the way that the storyteller goes about showing this - keeps repeating over and over. Now, the fights themselves - as fights - are great. JJK has always had amazing fights and was never lacking in that department. However, the emotional investment the audience has in the fights is waning because it follows pretty much a predictable formula already. Sukuna kills character, another character is hyped up and joins the battle, Sukuna struggles just a bit but is actually just "holding back". Bam. Character dead. Next. There must be casualties, of course, BUT - from a writing standpoint - casualties can be built without diminishing the sacrifices and arcs of other characters. Tragedy can be shown without the expense of the character arcs, because to throw so much into a character without any meaningful conclusion hurts the story itself - and that doesn't necessarily mean they need to accomplish what they set out to do. For example; Choso didn't die to further showcase the cruelty of JJK's world, and how sorcerers are disposable. He didn't die to showcase Sukuna's hatred of Yuuji, and to further fuel Yuuji's hatred of his soul uncle (????). He died just because it's sad that the "doting and responsible big brother" dies and for more casualties. The THEMES surrounding Sukuna, and the entire series in general - of isolation vs. companionship, of old vs new, of strength and what it means to be strong, of love and the burden of it, his fuckin' WORLDVIEW and how it's so true for the world of JJK (that, contrary to most Shounen stories, the world is tragic and unfair and the power of friendship doesn't always work - "love is trash") could be better conveyed than what's essentially a tournament with him as the final boss. It's so frustrating, too, because the way the story goes about it - not only does it take away from the other character's complexities and developments, BUT ALSO HIS. Like, all of his story beats and the character deaths could have been hit in a way that ADDS to Sukuna's threat level while not diminishing the gravity and development of the sacrifices of the other characters. Hell, maybe even adding to them than just - oh, he/she/they're dead now. Sukuna is such a complex character, even in his simplicity, but the WAAY the story shows this makes not just HIS CHARACTER suffer...but EVERYONE ELSE'S TOO!
Can you tell how much I love Sukuna lmao.
Part 2 - Gojo, Geto and Shoko
Oh my GOD, guys. The dynamic between Gojo and Geto - absolute gold. Could they have used Geto to showcase the unfairness of the world MORE? Yes - he was the PRIME candidate for that, even in Kenjaku taking over his body. Gojo though? Killed his role in the story - showcased the themes of love and its burden, of strength = isolation, and the unfairness of the Jujutsu society WHILE easing the audience into the world of JJK? Applause. Absolutely love that for you, honey. HOWEVER; what we got with them was still really, really good. Shoko, though. She was sidelined SO HARD. Not only was using Gojo's body as a puppet a chance to showcase even more the unfairness of the cogwheels the sorcerers are placed in - we could have seen the very personal and deep ways that this world, and the lifestyle sorcerers are forced into, affects those within the cogwheel individually. I mean, all her friends from her high school years which she's so "nostalgic for" are DEAD, because of the world she's in, aside from Utahime and Gojo. You'd think she would've protested to using his body in such a way but she was...apparently FINE with it?? WHAT???
Even if she thought he could win, or was actually just nonchalant about it cuz of the many deaths she's already experienced - at least one scene where she's alone with her thoughts, would've been nice as a chance to develop her character and showcase the point above MORE. "I was there, too..." MY ASS, MAN. See? Because of that one little thing, now this line is just completely empty and Shoko's character suffers. The trio's entire dynamic suffers and so does the "precious/best high school years" bit. Did all of it actually mean anything to the characters or are they beating that point just for drama? It just becomes Geto x Gojo drama (which, to be fair, I do love BUT-) Shoko, you poor girl. You were completely wasted potential and I just...feel so bad for her, oh my GOD. Not to mention pretty much ALL of the women cast of JJK - although, strangely enough, Yorozu (and even Kashimo) accomplished what she was there to do; which was to propose the "love" part and how it relates to Sukuna's character. So good on you, you beautiful, beautiful simp(s).
Part 3 - Yuuji Itadori
Oh my sweet boy... ...who keeps getting sidelined as the protagonist. Don't get me wrong, he's been having more of a spotlight lately and I am SO HAPPY for that - because not only has he earned it, he has the biggest reasons to defeat Sukuna and gain his current wins. And even when he's embraced being part of the cogwheel, his beef with Sukuna is PERSONAL. He doesn't even want to see him suffer or anything. No, Yuuji just wants him DEAD - then he moves on to the next curse. Then when he's supposedly "surpassed Gojo in potential" he just... Keeps getting sidelined???
Part 4 - Kenjaku
Do I REALLY need to say anything?
Again, I am not mad at the state of JJK right now. Only confused. If I wanted to be mad, I'd look at RWBY's back and forth writing. As I've said, writing is DIFFICULT. It is SO insanely difficult to bring a world to life and continue its story to the end. And I can only imagine the pressure of having it blow up like it has these past years. BUT BRO...
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Agapito Adolfo (YA’s Oc) Masterlist
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Stereotypical bad boy Agapito Adolfo
Character Description
Finding him beat up in the alley
S/o that people usually harass
Bringing him a homemade meal during work
Asthmatic S/o
Somone picking a fight with S/o who looks intimidating
S/os passion requiring them to be outside
The Purge
Starving Succubus S/o to the point of cheating  
Yandere Letter
Vampire Agapito w/ a tasty S/o
Musical S/o playing Spooky Scary Skeletons
Zombie Apocalypse
Crime Boss S/o
Starving Succubus S/o to the point of Fainting
Virgin S/o
Artistic + Baker S/o
Wearing Agapitos Clothes
Torturing a very cute S/o
Sensitive S/o
Chubby, Short S/o
Calling him “Daddy” in public
S/o running off to punch someone
Snuggly S/o sleeps nude
S/o loves spicy foods
S/os never been given a gift
Sweet Toothed S/o
S/os the head of a motorcycle gang
No Weed smell in the house Rule
S/o eats to much Edible the first time
Squeeze Agapitos ass
S/o loves Pokemon
Sweet Darlings also a assassin
S/o forgets to take care of themselves frequently
Affectionate yet Flustered by PBA S/o
Sexually Harassed S/o TW
S/os kidnapped by a rival gang
Aggressive Male S/o trying to fight Agapito
Neko Darling
Putting work first
Sick s/o not taking care of themselves
Accident prone s/o
Touch starved s/o who draws unwanted attention to themselves
Hyperactive S/o
S/o crying cause he came home bleeding
S/o being ok with their kidnapping
Soft HC
S/o has no self control and eats what their allergic to
S/o splitting their tongue
Thinking his S/o ran away
S/o cleaning everything cause of COVID
Nia VS Agaptio piece
Figuring out his S/os pregnant
S/o has night terrors
Pushing Agapito to cry
S/o who calms down when their hair is played with
S/os sleep schedule is out of wack
S/o getting hurt when saving a kid from being abused
S/o dressed up in lolita fashion
S/o getting addicted to his drug stash
Goth S/o and him making a intimidating couple
Forced to cuddle him and loving it
Kidnapped S/o playing tag/hide and seek
S/o who is immune to poison
S/o who loves affection but is stubborn
Sick S/o
Yandere S/o whos a ex assassin killing a rival that hurt him
Ignoring your boyfriend Challenge
Crush has a big dog
S/o whos a politician (male reader)
taking care of his S/o who got in a street fight
Asexual/Aromantic S/o
Pranking him for April fools
Romantically inexperienced S/o
telling him I Love You
Going to the park with icecream as a date
Sleepy S/o who can kick ass
Sadistic HC
S/o getting kidnapped in the middle of the night
Celebrating his angels birthday
S/o with spiderman like powers
S/o who got over a drug addiction not wanting to be around him
Celebrating Halloween
Werewolf Agapito
Drider Agapito Hunted down
Werewolf S/o who looks just like a dog
S/o who has never experienced halloween
Platonic Yandere father
Artist S/o
Caregiver S/o
Soft Headcannons
Rejecting Agapito
S/o who flinches at sudden movements
Charming the reader
His controlling behavior
Extremely quiet S/o
Autistic Darling
S/o who overworks themselves
Arguing HC
Idol S/o
Darling with Top Energy
S/o refusing to date after losing their ex
Wholesome misunderstanding
Cop s/o trying to get him arrested
Darling likes to feel him up when shirtless
Teaching S/o Spanish curse words
Darling whos scared to fall asleep due to truama from their ex
Falling for a single mother
getting high with Agapito TW
Dependent S/o
Small soft and romantic things
S/o saying “i wish i could crawl under your skin”
S/o saying “i wish we were seahorses so i could give you my 1000 babies”
Brave S/o whos afraid of bugs
Detective S/o that can incriminate other rival gangs of Agapitos
Panicking over S/o getting stabbed
Yandere Alphabet: A,B,D,F,H,L,M,T,Z
S/o who cant fall alseep without him
Finding his S/o injured after a fight
S/o who can see through his manipulation
Comforting Autistic S/o through a meltdown
Darling going through a breakdown due to school work
S/o whos upset cause all their friends seem to leave them
Darlings love language is bite
Finding out crush is dating his brother
Agapitos first love trys to kill the two of you
S/o with financial anxiety
Darling who actually loves his yandere behavior
S/o whos a child of a Mafia Family
Kissing headcannons
S/o who is convinced they don't deserve to be well because of their parents abuse
Angel can escape through sleep walking unknowingly
Terrible cook s/o tries making him a meal
Psycho analyzing and calling him out for his behavior
Almost shooting his S/o
Assassin S/o who must complete a final mission to retire
Seeing Angels cutting scars for the first time TW
S/o w/ Histrionic personality disorder
Finding out S/o is pregnant with quintuplets
Preparation toward kidnapping S/o
Cannibal S/o
S/o whose unbelievably quiet  
Darling loving how their attacker said “Knife, to meet you” before stabbing them
Making pregnancy/family life ads pop up on his phone in attempt to convince him to start a family
Replicating Shojo Manga moments with S/o
Short angry male S/o whose only affectionate towards him
Flirting with Agapito the first time you meet him
Keeping notes on S/o pre-kidnapping
Finding unsent love letters from S/o
S/o suddenly showing they can speak spanish
S/o whos old fashioned when it comes to romance
Darling who is a professional dancer
S/o singing Lo Que Siento by CUCO
Reaction to His Workers being attracted to his S/o
Group of women talking bad about his S/o
Running into each other when planning on kidnapped each other
Circumstance/reason agapito would drop his job
Blind S/o making a clay sculpture of his face
Kidnapped S/o who doesnt fight just cries themselves to sleep
Caregiver S/o prt 2
Male S/o that willingly went to prison
S/o loving him but their wariness keeping them away
Letting S/o have a position at his job
Punishment for a escaped S/o
Platonic yandere HC
Neighbors hearing kidnapped s/o and calling the police on him
S/o asking weird questions cause your planning a birthday party for him
S/o loving his possessive nature prt 2
Shy angel works at a restaurant
His cuddle libido & what he wears to sleep
Angels friend is obsessed with them and doesnt like agapito
Sending a friend to reject him for you
Just kidnapped his darling HC
S/o that randomly disappears in the house
Finding out you write fanfics of him
Finding out angles been hiding a boyfriend from him
Helping S/o during a heat stroke
Finding out about his career and ghosting him
napping on him in sketchy situations
How would his ex’s describe him as a boyfriend
“I love you, and I know you love me too. Even if you refuse to admit it.”
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts.”
“You went out yesterday. Stay here, I’m still tired.”
How Agapito would pace your relationship together
His future goals with his S/o
“Alpha male” trying to steal his S/o
Agapito finding out his S/O is pregnant but they dont force him to listen
Angel coming out as Demipansexual
Letting his Angel tag along during work only for his workers to ask for their number
More sadistic agapito HC
Angel whos always stressed/drained from work
how he would edge his way into a college darling’s life
Irritated Agapito asking S/o where he stands in the relationship
Hunted down
Werewolf agapito prt 2
Werecat agapito
Watching Netflixs YOU w/ Agaptio
Ghost S/o
Vampire Agapito prt 2
Fluff HC of Agapito with: Cuddles, agressive affection, Kissing and being possessive/ protective
Haunted House w/ scaredy cat S/o
Finding out Angel has stayed up 24 hours
Celebrating the fall with his holiday-crazed angel
What costumes he would wear for halloween growing up
Scary movies
Real haunted house
Werewolf agapito during The Purge
Comforting his S/o HC
Friends with benefits
S/os bestfriend is evicting them
Walking in on yandere s/o taking care of a body
Aro S/o giving a yellow rose for valentines
Randomly placing underware in his hands for valentines
Finding out S/o actively daydreams about another character
Kidnapped S/o finding out he plays violin
Finding former delinquent S/os yearbook
Angel whos dedicated on spoiling him
Walking into yandere s/o with a body at their feet
S/os always getting hurt
Going on a hotel getaway w/ agapito
Skittish kidnapped S/o asking for a massage 
S/o making gifts whenever their hyper fixated on a craft
Forcing his stubborn S/o to the ER
Autistic S/o feeling safe unmasking around him
Having Easter dinner w/ S/os family
Kidnapped S/o being a master at hiding around the house
Agapitos work HC
Wearing agapitos jacket
Celebrating angel passing all their exams
Kidnapping S/o only to find their allergic to something in the house
Angel going on a hunger strike
Sugar daddy HC
S/o has a secret side gig as a bodyguard
Stubborn S/o refusing to let him help cook
Possessive HC
Pinning after a detective S/o on his case (comission)
S/os a member of a rival gang that kidnaps him, though is nice to him despite that
S/o being possessive of Agapito
Kidnapped S/o taking a vow of silence in protest
S/o who has extreme social anxiety
Small romantic things in a relationship
S/o wants to adopt a dog
Courting a newbie in his drug ring
Yandere Alphabet C,E,H,K,S,V,Q,X
Yandere Alphabet B,D,I,Y
Moving his angel in HC
S/o sneaking out to go dancing
Demon agapito stalking HC
Zombie Agapito
Captured siren S/o
Werecat S/o
The Purge HC
Platonic S/o came back from the dead as half ghost
Life threatening situation w/ Werewolf S/o
Demon S/o
Zombie Apocalypse 
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Teasing him at home 
Somnophila w/ male s/o 
Topping Agapito 
Daddy Kink 
Catching him jerking off to a picture of you 
S/o who gets horny when high 
Naga Agapito Breeding kink 
Incubus Agapito feeding off of you and helping with your siblings 
Male S/o wearing a Bunny Outfit 
Cockwarming HC 
BJ at the workplace 
Licking a popsicle seductively 
Male s/o whos been teasing him all day 
Knife & Blood Kink TW
Sitting on his face 
Favorite Position w/ Male S/o 
Lactation & Body Worship 
Kinks Headcannons 
Riding Male S/o
Incubus Agapito stealing his angels underwear
Non-con HC TW
Werewolf Agaptio/Darling Noncon TW
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emimii · 5 months
Ask game time :DD Clownie is my new favorite character of the day soooo: 🍕🌂❤️💀
HI SORAAAHHH i am honoured u lov clowny sm…. hes jus a guy <3
we stole this idea from @/toki-toro btw theyre also doing an ask thingy
🍕- he’d be a frozen fruit enjoyer!!! crunchy n sweet n refreshing!!
🌂- i think he’d belong to a coming of an age dramedy tbh, hes got a lot to learn and things to do!!! theres a lot of fun he can have being just a silly guy but theres also the angst potential :3
❤️- as a kitten back when gus was in better health they used to act together!!! a lot of clownaire’s passion for being a clown really stems from a love of acting in general
💀- from basic things clownys scared of the water and swimming and in general hates getting wet, but he also has an underlying fear that he’ll have to say goodbye to gus soon
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