#the lonely flowers of the nile
sariphantom · 1 year
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Day 4 of @zee-rambles ‘s Rise April Art Challenge: Dream
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And this children is what we call a shitpost (I promise I can draw better than this 😅)
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“”Not a strong enough foundation” get it, cause the authors have nothing to base him on. Ha ha I..I’ll shut up now…
Fuck you casper, hope you fall off a cliff.
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lieutenantbiscute · 1 year
Their name is Sari Phantom. The creator of the Lonely Flowers of the Nile fanfic. That's who I'm referring. The only ever time I've actually once talked to them was when I asked for an art request and that was all, mostly cause I was bored. I will give this person some credit because she is preparing to remake the fanfic (so maybe it'll be better) and thankfully unlike Torable she doesn't act like a literal asshole. As far as I'm aware at least- She is on Tumblr just so you know.
Ohhhhh I think they were the artist that got called out on twt about using the term ‘abuse’ when referring to 2012 Raph and their dislike of them—
Went to go check the blog and ye that’s them. Love the art style but the block button is my friend and I also don’t appreciate the 12 April slander also on top of the 12 Raph situation soooooo!! Added to block 👌
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toonsforkicks22 · 1 year
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For @sariphantom’s DTIYS on Twitter! With Egyptian theme!
Based on her fanfic The Lonely Flowers of the Nile
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 1 year
I decided to look through the comments of The Lonely Flowers Of The Nile (aka the stupid 2012 bashing fic based in ancient egypt)
And guess who I fucking saw there?
Fucking Torable herself
That should be really telling of how shit this fic is. (Also the fact that it only just has 2000 hits even though there are five chapters already so that should also be a massive clue)
I considered rereading it (maybe it improved since chapter 2) but I decided, no its 8 am and I dont feel like getting pissed off this early in the morning
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dk2799-03 · 2 years
here's a little wip i'm working on. the idea is to write one of those 5+1 fics abour rita and larry's friendship (five firsts in their friendship and one last... or something like that). i love them sooo much 🥲
anyways enjoy.
Back in her golden days Rita would often awake to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, flower bouquets, and similar pleasant things. It gave her the boost of energy she needed to start her day. Even now, after living almost a decade in Niles home, she still needed this sensual input to rise early. May it be the freshly washed sheets she was sleeping in or her favorite perfume. A nice smell turned every good morning into a beautiful one.
Today is no such day.
When Rita opens her eyes it’s to the sound of a shrill alarm going off somewhere below her. The faint tingle of something burned penetrates her nostrils and banishes any leftover fatigue from the long night. It wakes her up quicker than any coffee ever could. She is up and out in mere seconds, grabbing her morning robe as she opens the door and hurries downstairs to where smell and sound emerge from.
The quick tap tap tap of her bare feet and the blaring of the smoke detector are the only sounds as she reaches the ground floor. Rita takes a moment to orient herself, the alarm comes from the kitchen, yet her first impulse is to check on Niles, making sure the two of them get out of the manor before whatever fire started might trap them in here. But the moment she turns to locate him she remembers that Niles left two days ago, leaving her in charge of his manor. It’s just her. Her and the new resident, Captain Trainor, who hasn’t shown his face much after day one. She could check in on him. Maybe she should. Given his special condition he might need a lot longer to leave the building.
Before Rita can convince herself to rush upstairs again the alarm stops. The sudden quiet brings her to a halt. One hand still on the railing she takes true notice of the situation: There is no smoke in the air, just the smell of something burned. No other signs of immediate danger. The alarm has stopped and now that she is listening Rita can make out a faint voice coming from the kitchen. All this fuss because Larry burned his breakfast.
Rolling her eyes Rita is tempted to head back upstairs and sleep in. She sure deserves it after her rough awakening. Sleeping in also means she will have no part in cleaning up his mess.
But curiosity wins over and the urge to investigate guides her straight into the kitchen. After all, she has barely interacted with Larry. And the big manor gets very lonely when the Chief travels.
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antinous-posts · 2 years
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Raising Antinoos
By Ptahmassu Nofra-Uaa
Hear my words O you who follow
in my tread, for I shall speak of the beloved
of the eternal Gods, whose name Antinoös
has risen as a star in the eastern vault
of the sky; from its rays the heavens draw
nigh his light, to forever shine upon the world.
Hear my words O you sibyls,
who have caused the ages to speak again
even after the past has gone to its grave.
Hear my words O you Gods in the company
of Hermes Trismegistus,
for I am pure of speech and have come
clad in the vestments of the newly born sun;
I have become Helios in his chariot, from
whose radiance the worlds flowers,
and the body of the earth is revivified.
Listen, O you Gods of the Holy River,
for favored is my countenance
with the coming of the dawn;
my approach heralds the victory of
those long dead and beloved,
who shall live again when the living
draw breath to speak their venerated
In the east rose the star of Bithynia,
whose youth found Apollôn blushing
in admiration.
Proopsios saw how far-reaching
would be the brilliance of this star;
its light to fall upon the world ever after
its body had been sent to rest.
How far this star of Antinoös had
claimed heaven’s graces when gathered
by the eyes of Hadrianus Augustus;
this heaven installed within the sanctuary
no woman had yet entered, where footsteps
like Epikourios advanced softly to cure the
heart of all its ills.
Come Akesios in the name of Antinoös,
for what dazzling light may enter the
lonely heart at midnight;
the heart finds such a time clad in the beauty
of stellar courses, running through the
dusky veil like a sword.
His countenance shines as Apollôn when he
appears in his rosy-gold mantle;
men know him as Hekatos when they are
smitten fast by his beauty.
Come Antinoös, who like Apollôn possesses
the darts of the sun from which the earth
awakens; you are the Lord of Light whose
face pierces midnight, whose rays strike
a heart in darkness as the faces of stars
chase the shadows.
Your eyes are twilight, from which trees
swoon and men become docile.
To take their rest in you, men become
as dreamers, and you as Thearios,
appearing like a sacred vision.
Come Erôs, Himeros, Anteros,
best beloved of all the Erôtes!
Erôs has whispered your name upon
his pillow; he has furnished the bedchamber
with a lamp filled with oil, gleaming as
you gleam, diffusing light to intoxicate
the eyes.
O Antinoös who glistens like Apollôn
in yonder eastern vault, approach me
with such light that I may be enveloped
in it; requited by your divine kiss when
my heart is ensnared by sorrow.
Come Antinoös, come light;
I summon the star of Bithynia
which shines from the east!
Come Antinoös, come light;
I summon the face that caused
Roma to shine with divine favors!
Come Antinoös, come light;
I summon the heart which grants
boons from the Gods of love!
Come Antinoös, come light;
I summon the graces of the Erôtes,
whose swift wings bring with them
the cool kiss of love’s joys!
Come Antinoös, come light;
I summon the lotus of the Nile,
which rises again and again in its
fertile season!
Come Antinoös, come light;
I summon from your loins the
eternal sun from which new life
Come Antinoös, come light;
I summon a torch in the Underworld
of the Gods, where traverse the
Spirits who converse with immortality!
Come Antinoös, come light;
I summon the life you bestow to
your beloved!
Come Antinoös, come light;
I summon the heart you restored
as Ausir-Osiris, which made the
Holy Nile to rise and the Two Lands
to flourish!
Come Antinoös, come light;
I summon the dawn which
possesses the two horizons as Ra!
Come Antinoös, come light;
I summon the One whom Harakhty
has beheld with His two almighty eyes!
Come Antinoös, come light;
he who has become the Lord of the Two Banks,
rising in his season to grant life to all the world!
Come Antinoös, come light;
for you are the light of love crowning
the two horizons, whom the Gods have
showered with their favors!
Come Antinoös, come light;
you are the Lord of Life, making his appearance
as Ausir-Osiris, causing the world to rise again,
causing the dead to live again.
In your glory of life you cause hearts to live
again; and I summon you, O Antinoös,
O Ausir-Osiris, to make the world live again,
to make me live again, to make my heart live again!
Antinoös, Ausir-Osiris, having been embraced
by the Goddess Auset-Isis, has come forth
in glory to shine as Orion;
he has received the power of Isis-Sothis,
which grants the eternal cycle of heaven
to the body of Osiris.
Come Antinoös, appearing as gold in the east,
bearing myrtle upon your youthful brow;
Aphrodite has provided this boon for you,
which clothes the hearts of men with love,
which flourishes evergreen, which stands
firm like the sacred oak.
And I saw the star of Bithynia rise again
as the Nile in its season, the fragile dawn
sky awakening with a song of joy upon
her lips.
Antinoös the beloved of the Gods has risen;
the sky has risen!
Antinoös the star of Bithynia has risen;
the constellations have risen!
Antinoös the face of Apollôn has risen;
the sun has risen!
Antinoös the torch of the world has risen;
the God Ra has risen!
Antinoös the water of life has risen;
the Holy Nile has risen!
Antinoös the Lord of the East has risen;
Orion has risen!
Antinoös who appears with Isis has risen;
Sothis has risen!
Antinoös who grants the boon of immortality
has risen;
the dead have risen!
Antinoös the light of the world has risen;
the earth has risen, and all that was once
in darkness has risen to behold the coming
of the triumphant day!
We come with the Erôtes to dance and strike
the lyre for Antinoös;
Himeros who sports with Erôs to make life
from love, wherever death’s unforgiving
hand has reached.
We live through Antinoös when we live
through love, thus all the immortal Gods
come to pay him homage with their song.
Hear my words O you who follow
in my tread, for I shall speak of the beloved
of the eternal Gods, whose name Antinoös
has risen as a star in the eastern vault
of the sky; from its rays the heavens draw
nigh his light, to forever shine upon the world.
All text copyright © 2015 Ptahmassu Nofra-Uaa
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mae-we-post-poems · 6 months
A Southern Night
Matthew Arnold
The sandy spits, the shore-lock’d lakes,
Melt into open, moonlit sea;
The soft Mediterranean breaks
At my feet, free.
Dotting the fields of corn and vine
Like ghosts, the huge, gnarl’d olives stand;
Behind, that lovely mountain-line!
While by the strand
Cette, with its glistening houses white,
Curves with the curving beach away
To where the lighthouse beacons bright
Far in the bay.
Ah, such a night, so soft, so lone,
So moonlit, saw me once of yore
Wander unquiet, and my own
Vext heart deplore!
The murmur of this Midland deep
Is heard to-night around thy grave
There where Gibraltar’s cannon’d steep
O’erfrowns the wave.
In cities should we English lie,
Where cries are rising ever new,
And men’s incessant stream goes by;
We who pursue
Our business with unslackening stride,
Traverse in troops, with care-fill’d breast,
The soft Mediterranean side,
The Nile, the East,
And see all sights from pole to pole,
And glance, and nod, and bustle by;
And never once possess our soul
Before we die.
Not by those hoary Indian hills,
Not by this gracious Midland sea
Whose floor to-night sweet moonshine fills,
Should our graves be!
Some sage, to whom the world was dead,
And men were specks, and life a play;
Who made the roots of trees his bed,
And once a day
With staff and gourd his way did bend
To villages and homes of man,
For food to keep him till he end
His mortal span,
And the pure goal of Being reach;
Grey-headed, wrinkled, clad in white,
Without companion, without speech,
By day and night
Pondering God’s mysteries untold,
And tranquil as the glacier snows––
He by those Indian mountains old
Might well repose!
Some grey crusading knight austere
Who bore Saint Louis company
And came home hurt to death and here
Landed to die;
Some youthful troubadour whose tongue
Fill’d Europe once with his love-pain,
Who here outwearied sunk, and sung
His dying strain;
Some girl who here from castle-bower,
With furtive step and cheek of flame,
’Twixt myrtle-hedges all in flower
By moonlight came
To meet her pirate-lover’s ship,
And from the wave-kiss’d marble stair
Beckon’d him on, with quivering lip
And unbound hair,
And lived some moons in happy trance,
Then learnt his death, and pined away––
Such by these waters of romance
’Twas meet to lay!
But you––a grave for knight or sage,
Romantic, solitary, still,
O spent ones of a work-day age!
Befits you ill.
So sang I; but the midnight breeze
Down to the brimm’d moon-charmed main
Comes softly through the olive-trees,
And checks my strain.
I think of her, whose gentle tongue
All plaint in her own cause controll’d;
Of thee I think, my brother! young
In heart, high-soul’d;
That comely face, that cluster’d brow,
That cordial hand, that bearing free,
I see them still, I see them now,
Shall always see!
And what but gentleness untired,
And what but noble feeling warm,
Wherever shown, howe’er attired,
Is grace, is charm?
What else is all these waters are,
What else is steep’d in lucid sheen,
What else is bright, what else is fair,
What else serene?
Mild o’er her grave, ye mountains, shine!
Gently by his, ye waters, glide!
To that in you which is divine
They were allied.
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stealinghoneyfrombees · 8 months
(In order of artist, then release) # 3YE - LOCO A aespa - Hold On Tight aespa - Welcome To MY World (feat. naevis) aespa - Spicy aespa - Salty & Sweet aespa - Thirsty aespa - I'm Unhappy aespa - Better Things aespa - Drama aespa - Trick or Trick AGUST D - D-Day AGUST D - AMYGDALA AGUST D - 극야 Polar Night AILEE ft. Lil Cherry - RA TA TA Apink - D N D ATEEZ - BOUNCY (K-HOT CHILLI PEPPERS) B BBGIRLS - ONE MORE TIME BEBE YANA - 64 BEBE YANA - VROOM VROOM Billlie - EUNOIA BLACKSWAN - Cat & Mouse BLITZERS - Macarena BOYNEXTDOOR - But Sometimes C Cherry Bullet - P.O.W! (Play On the World) Crush - 미워 Ego D DALsooobin - 다나카상 TANAKA SAN DEAN - DIE 4 YOU DINO - Wait DPR IAN - Welcome To The Other Side DPR IAN - So I Danced DPR IAN - Peanut Butter & Tears Dreamcatcher - OOTD Dvwn - Highteen E ENHYPEN - Bite Me ENHYPEN - Sacrifice (Eat Me Up) ENHYPEN - Chaconne ENHYPEN - Bills Epik High ft. Hoshi - Screen Time EXO - Let Me In EXO - Hear Me Out EXO - Cream Soda F FIFTY FIFTY - Cupid fromis_9 - #menow G (G)I-DLE - Queencard (G)I-DLE - Lucid (G)I-DLE - All Night (G)I-DLE - I Want That (G)I-DLE - Eyes Roll Golden Child - Feel me GOT the Beat - Stamp On It H Han Seungwoo - Dive Into Hyolyn ft. Paul Blanco - This love I I.M - OVERDRIVE INFINITE - New Emotions Itzel - Dreaming Of The Days ITZY - BET ON ME ITZY - Kill Shot ITZY (Lia) - Blossom IVE - Kitsch IVE - I AM IVE - Blue Blood IVE - Off The Record IVE - Baddie IVE - Either Way IVE - Holy Moly J Jessi - Gum JIHYO - Killin' Me Good JIHYO - Closer JIHYO - Room JIHYO ft. Heize - Don't Wanna Go Back Jimin - Set Me Free Pt.2 Jimin - Like Crazy Jimin - Face-off JK Kim Dong Uk - Better Jinyoung - Cotton Candy K KAI - Rover KAI - Say You Love Me KAI - Sinner KARD - ICKY KEY - Killer KEY - Good & Great KEY - CoolAs L Lacuna - Wings LEE CHAEYEON - KNOCK LE SSERAFIM - Burn the Bridge LE SSERAFIM - UNFORGIVEN (feat. Nile Rodgers) LE SSERAFIM - No-Return (Into the unkown) LE SSERAFIM - Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard's wife LE SSERAFIM - Perfect Night Loossemble - Sensitive Loossemble - Newtopia M MISAMO - Marshmallow MISAMO - Do not touch MONSTA X - Beautiful Liar MONSTA X - Daydream MONSTA X - 춤사위 Crescendo MONSTA X - LONE RANGER MONSTA X - Deny MONSTA X - 괜찮아 It's Okay Moon Jong Up - X.O.X N NCT 127 - Ay-Yo NCT 127 - Skyscraper NCT 127 - Fact Check NCT 127 - Misty NCT 127 - Love is a Beauty NCT DOJAEJUNG - Perfume NCT DREAM - ISTJ NCT U - Baggy Jeans NCT U - PADO NewJeans - OMG NewJeans - New Jeans NewJeans - Super Shy NewJeans - ETA NewJeans - Cool With You NewJeans - Get Up NewJeans - ASAP Nine - beyOnd NMIXX - Love Me Like This NMIXX - Roller Coaster O ODD EYE CIRCLE - Air Force One ODD EYE CIRCLE - Je Ne Sais Quoi ODD EYE CIRCLE - Love Me Like ODD EYE CIRCLE - My Secret Playlist Onew - O (Circle) P P1Harmony - JUMP pH-1 ft. KEITA - Metronome Q Queenz Eye - UN-NORMAL R Red House - WOMAN Red Velvet - Chill Kill Red Velvet - Underwater Red Velvet - Will I Ever See You Again Red Velvet - Bulldozer Ryu Sujeong - Non-Fantasy Ryu Sujeong - Grabby Girl Ryu Sujeong - Love or Hate S SEVENTEEN - F*ck My Life SEVENTEEN - 손오공 Super SEVENTEEN - Fire SEVENTEEN - I Don't Understand But I Luv U SEVENTEEN - 음악의 신 God of Music SF9 - Puzzle SF9 - Love Colour SHINee - The Feeling SHOWNU X HYUNGWON - Love Me A Little SHOWNU X HYUNGWON - Slow Dance Silica Gel ft. So!YoOn! - Tik Tak Tok Silica Gel - T Silica Gel - APEX sogumm, Silica Gel - I Love You SOOJIN - 아가씨 AGASSY SOOJIN - Flowering Stray Kids - 락 LALALALA T TAEMIN - Guilty TAEMIN - The Rizzness TAEYONG - 404 File Not Found TAEYONG - Back to the Past THE BOYZ - WATCH IT TWICE - MOONLIGHT SUNRISE TWICE - SET ME FREE TWICE - BLAME IT ON ME tripleS - Rising tripleS - Colorful tripleS - The Baddest tripleS - New Look TVXQ! - Down TVXQ - Rebel TVXQ - Rodeo V V - Rainy Days VIVIZ - MANIAC VIVIZ - Untie VIVIZ - Overflow W Weeekly - VROOM VROOM Weeekly - Backwards WOODZ - Drowning WOODZ - Busted WOODZ - AMNESIA Y Yena ft. BE'O - Love War YUGYEOM - LOLO Z ZEROBASEONE - In Bloom
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myrealityisbooks · 3 years
It’s midnight and I’m feeling sad and lonely so naturally I’ve started thinking about the old guard and farmers’s markets, like who would bring what to sell. Here we go:
Joe/Nicky: This one’s a no-brainer to me, obviously if they’re working together in this scenario then they’re bringing crafts/handmade home goods. Hand carved cutting boards and utensils and coasters, pretty prints and pressed flowers, all the little stuff that can make a house a home (these booths are my ultimate weakness)
Joe: If Joe had his own booth he’d definitely be the guy selling prints and pottery while doing demonstrations/working on pieces during the market. Being super friendly and talking abt his technique w/ anyone who’s interested, wants to know why ppl are looking for a vase or flower painting bc he likes knowing what ppls plans are for the things he brings into the world
Nicky: Nicky on his own is either the guy selling homemade pasta/sauces/spice mixes or that one scruffy guy with a fold up table about to collapse under the weight of just so much produce. How did he get it all here? Did anyone help him?? He lets ppl haggle abt prices and is super passionate about letting ppl know every bit of how his stuff came to be, it’s important to him that customers know the stuff they’re buying is local, cruelty-free and made/grown with love
Nile: Also an artist selling her pieces, but she definitely draws the younger crowd more than Joe lmao. She’s got more quote prints and pop-culture things, touching on social issues maybe. Also I think she’d enjoy making jewelry!! Hand-bent earrings and bracelets that each have unique beading, she’ll take custom orders and make cool charms and things to pair with each other
Booker: He’s for sure manning the booth that’s just covered in various bread and pastries, but instead of being happy and engaging he looks like he wants to die on this beautiful Saturday morning. This big beefy sadboi has somehow crafted the most adorable mini pies ever, it’s like witchcraft. He will not interact w customers beyond transactions unless they’re really persistent and he’s packing up a full half hour before the market closes
Andy/Quynh: They’re the super intimidating couple that brings cool metalworks to the market, like metal signs and tables (swords and knives in my fantasy market if only). Andy looks almost as tired as Booker, Quynh will chat w/ customers if prompted. A lot of old guys go to their booth thinking that they’re selling their husbands’ pieces and walk away terrified and also more knowledgeable about welding. They’ve always got time to teach the little kids cool stuff tho, maybe they bring little scraps twisted into cool shapes to hand out
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sariphantom · 1 year
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In celebration of getting 1k on Twitter, I’m hosting my very own DTIYS as promised. Rules under cut.
Tc3st/proship please DNI with this, just don’t.
No tracing. I WILL know if you’re tracing.
Use the tag #saris1kdtiys so that I can find it and reblog it
You can change the poses/expressions however you like, but keep the outfits and general idea if Casper and Raphesses bonding while Donnie looks at then with envy the same.
DEADLINE is June 27th. I will pick three winners.
1st place winner gets a colored illustration
2nd place winner gets a colored character drawing
3rd place winner gets a black and white character drawing
So yeah, get creative and more importantly, HAVE FUN!!
Oh! I almost forgot! Ice Cream Kitty in this AU is a normal cat, not an ice cream cat mutant. So keep that in mind.
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Yay! 😒 another rise adopts Mikey fanfic, fucking names him Casper and holds no respect for the 2012 boys for me to hate. I am so happy and definitely not about to rip my fucking hair out.
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So to reiterate, if you support “the lonely flowers of the nile” by sariphantom or “unfamiliar familiar” by torable or any of those disgusting rise adopts Mikey fanfics, than I don’t want you here. GO AWAY! DNI! I HATE YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU STAND FOR!
Out of spite I will post the cutest most cavity- inducing fluff know to man of the 2012 boys (PLATONIC you sickos) and no one can fucking stop me.
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emo-typewriter · 2 years
Moceit Appreciation Week 2022
Day 1: Flowers/Surprise
Word Count: 453
Warnings: Loneliness
Available On Ao3
I sat, alone in the imagination. Roman had let me in. I felt lonely. I was the Dad. My job was to care for others, not be cared for. I sighed, sitting with my legs crossed, my head resting on my hand, as the other hand picked at the grass. He’ll get up me later for this, but he can fix it.
“Patton?” I flinched. No one else should be here. Who is that? I turned around, seeing Janus there.
“Ah, hello Janus,” I spoke calmly, trying to smile; to keep the façade.
“What’s upsetting you?” Upsetting me?
“What do you mean? Nothing is upsetting me?” I asked, tilting my head slightly. He raised an eyebrow at me.
“I can see through your lies.” I sighed, looking at the grass, frowning, as I picked at the grass.
“I’m lonely. I have to care for others. No one cares for me,” I mumbled.
“Well, let’s not change that.” He sat next to me, waving his hand, summoning a bouquet. He picked up a flower from the bunch, sitting on his knees, moving behind me.
“What are you doing?” I asked, trying to look at him.
“Don’t move,” he instructed. I hummed in response, staying still, curious about what he was doing.
We stayed like that, in silence for a while, the bouquet next to me, slowly getting smaller. He then handed me a mirror.
“What’s this?” I asked, taking it though, looking at myself in it. My auburn hair littered with blue and yellow flowers. Lily of the Nile and yellow Allium moly.
“You wanted someone to care for you, so I braided flowers into your hair,” he calmly explained.
“I love it. Thank you!” I hugged him tightly, smiling brightly.
“I’m glad.” I looked at his face, his scales shining in the sunlight. I calmly pressed a soft kiss to his scaled cheek.
“Can I do your hair?” I asked excitedly. He smiled slightly, nodding calmly. He took his hat off, revealing dark brown, loose curls. He then waved his hand, summoning another bouquet. I got a small stool to sit on, so I could reach his head. Though, instead of braiding the flowers in, I made him a flower crown, gently placing it on his head, before pressing a small kiss to the back of his neck.
“Thank you for caring Janus. I appreciate it a lot.”
“No worries Patton. I would do anything for you.”
“Why is that?” I asked, tilting my head, still behind him.
“Well, it’s simple. I am in love with you.” What? He loves me?!
“I love you too!” I chirped happily, hugging him tightly. He gently grabbed my hand, kissing the back of it.
“I’m glad.”
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mayonaka-no-ame · 4 years
Kpop Christmas Playlist
1.     Winter Wonderland - SHINee
2.     Dear Santa - SNSD
3.     Miracles in December - Exo
4.     Wish Tree - Red Velvet
5.     For Life - Exo 
6.     Sweater - Ailee
7.     Goodbye Christmas - Lay (Exo ot9!!)
8.     Christmas Day - Exo
9.     Haru (X-mas ver.) - SHINee
10.   This Christmas Time - Nickhyun (2PM)
11.   Christmas Paradise - BoA
12.   Merry Christmas - TEEN TOP
13.   My Only Wish - ZE:A
14.  Christmas Song - CUBE artists
15.   Snowing - Urban Zakapa
16.   Meri Kuri - BoA
17.   Melt my Heart - Eric Nam
18.   Merry and Happy - TWICE
19.   Snow Candy - Starship planet
20.   Its Christmas - FNC Artists
21.   Christmas Time - Starship Planet
22.   First Snow - Exo
23.   Story of December - Sweet sorrow
24.   White Christmas - Super Junior
25.   Its Christmas! - Z-Stars
26.   Merry Christmas in advance - IU ft. Thunder
27.   First Snow and First Kiss - Yoseob (B2ST) ft Daniel (DMTN)
28.   It's christmas time - B1A4
29.   White - TVXQ
30.   Show me your love - TVXQ ft Super Junior
31.   Because its christmas - Jellyfish entertainment
32.   Wish List - f(x)
33.   Santa U are the one - SMTOWN
34.   Christmas Time - BTOB
35.   Snow Kiss - TEENTOP
36.   You can cry - BTOB
37.   White - Fin.K.L
38.   White Love - Starship Planet
39.   Merry Christmas - Girls Generation TTS 
40.   Lonely Christmas - Crayon Pop
41.   All I Want - HELLOVENUS, ASTRO, Weki Meki
42.   Love Christmas - Chrome Family
43.   White Love - Starship Planet
44.   Shooting Star - Star empire
45.   Snowman - April
46.   Christmas day - Starship planet
47.   Dashing through the snow in high heels - Orange Caramel ft Nu'est
48.   White Forever - MBLAQ
49.   This Christmas - JYP Nation
 50.   Last Christmas - BTS 
51.   Have yourself a merry little christmas - Wendy, Jay Jungjae Moon and Nile Lee (orig. Judy Garland)
52.    Grown up christmas list - Ailee (orig. David Foster ft. Natalie Cole)
53.   Happy Holidays - HENRY and AMBER (cov. Someday at Christmas by Stevie Wonder)
54.   Have yourself a merry little christmas - Jaehyun (NCT//Orig. Judy Garland)
55.   Mistletoe (Christmas Day) - JIMIN & Jungkook (BTS//Orig. Justin Beiber)
56.   White Christmas - Doyoung (NCT//orig. Bing Crosby)
57.   Last Christmas - SHINee (orig. WHAM!)
58.   Jingle Bell Rock - Park Bo-gum ft. Irene (orig. Bobby Helms)
59.   Santa Baby - SNSD (Orig. Eartha Kitt)
60.   The christmas song - Taeil (NCT//orig. Nat king Cole)
61.   O holy night - Jungkook (BTS// orig. Mariah Carey)
62.   White - Yuta (NCT //orig.  TVXQ)
63.   This Christmas - Taeyang (orig. Donny Hathaway)
64.   All i want for Christmas is you - SNSD (orig. Mariah Carey)
65.   This Christmas - Bigbang (orig. Donny Hathaway)
66.   All i want for christmas is you - Fromis_9
67.   Santa clause is coming to town - BIGBANG ft Sol-bi
68.   Christmas medley - Super Junior, BIGBANG, SNSD, Wonder girls ect..
69.   Mistletoe - Mark and Haechan (NCT//orig. Justin Beiber)
Winter songs:
70.   Colorful - SHINee 
71.   Colours of the season - SHINee
72.   Fireplace - Jonghyun
73.   Miracle (Christmas Vers.) - GOT7
74.   Snow Flower - Taemin
75.   Lately - Infinite
76.   Confession Song - GOT7
77.   Winter Story - Girls Generation (TTS)
78.   The Best Thing I Ever Did - TWICE
79.   Crystal Snow - BTS
80.   Universe - Exo
81.   Cause you’re my star - Apink
82.   Love Falls - Romantic J (Jonghyun (CNBLUE) and Juniel)
83.   The Winter’s Tale - BTOB
84.   Love Letter - After School & Son Dambi ft Pledis Boys
85.   Winter Story - Stray Kids
86.   Goodbye to romance - SunnyHill
87.   Love, Love, Love - After School
88.   Diamond - Girls Generation
89.   This is your day - Station X (SMTOWN)
90.   On the Snow - Exo
Thank you to @call-my-master​ for helping me to compile this list. Please add any that I have missed. The fact that I couldn't get it to a round 100 kills me.
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 1 year
Hey, you know that one “Rise adopts Mikey” fic from AO3, “The Lonely Flowers of the Nile”? I saw your post about it and, not to be rude here, but I think it was kinda unfair that you weren’t giving it a chance before actually READING it yourself.
Why not give it a chance? It might be better than you’d think.
I did read it
And it is not good at all
Even looking past the blatant character slander it is so badly written
So no I stand by what I said 100 percent
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thehierophage · 4 years
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Atu XX: The Aeon
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Hebrew Letter: Shin (c) Numerical Value as Letter: 300 Numerical Value as Word: 360/1010 [nic(Shin + Yod + Nun)/ ]ic(Shin + Yod + Nun fin.)] Meaning of Letter: Tooth Thoth Card: The Aeon (Atu XX) Alternate Title: The Spirit of the Primal Fire. Tree of Life Path Association: Path 31/31-bis, links Hod to Malkuth (8 & 10)
Astrological Sign: N/A Element: Fire / (31 bis.) Spirit (BA) Egyptian Godforms: Thoum-Aesh-Neith, Horus/Mau/Kabeshunt, Tarpesheth; (as 31-bis) Asar
Geomantic Figure: Those of Fiery Triplicity (p t q)
Gemstones: Fire Opal; (as 31-bis) Black Diamond Perfumes: (as 31) Olibanum, all Fiery Odours Plants: (as 31) Red Poppy, Hibiscus, Nettle; (as 31 bis) Almond in flower Animals: (as 31) Lion (Cherub of Fire); Sphinx (if sworded and crowned)
Colors (For Key 31 / 31 bis.):
King Scale – Glowing orange scarlet / White, merging Grey
Queen Scale – Vermillion/ Deep purple (near black)
Prince Scale – Scarlet, flecked gold /  The 7 prismatic colours, the violet being outside
Princess Scale – Vermillion flecked crimson & emerald / White, red, yellow, blue, black (the latter outside)
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The Secret Instruction of the Master:
Be every Act an Act of Love and Worship!
Be every Act the Fiat of a God!
Be every Act a Source of radiant Glory!
Nuit, Hadit, Ra-Hoor-Khuit! The Aeon
Of the Twin Child! Exult, o Empyrean!
Then also the Pyramid was builded so that the Initiation might be complete.
Holy Book Reading: Liber LXV, Ch. IV
1.  O crystal heart! I the Serpent clasp Thee; I drive home mine head into the central core of Thee, O God my beloved.
2.  Even as on the resounding wind-swept heights of Mitylene some god-like woman casts aside the lyre, and with her locks aflame as an aureole, plunges into the wet heart of the creation, so I, O Lord my God!
3.  There is a beauty unspeakable in this heart of corruption, where the flowers are aflame.
4.  Ah me! but the thirst of Thy joy parches up this throat, so that I cannot sing.
5.  I will make me a little boat of my tongue, and explore the unknown rivers. It may be that the everlasting salt may turn to sweetness, and that my life may be no longer athirst.
6.  O ye that drink of the brine of your desire, ye are nigh to madness! Your torture increaseth as ye drink, yet still ye drink. Come up through the creeks to the fresh water; I shall be waiting for you with my kisses.
7.  As the bezoar-stone that is found in the belly of the cow, so is my lover among lovers.
8.  O honey boy! Bring me Thy cool limbs hither! Let us sit awhile in the orchard, until the sun go down! Let us feast on the cool grass! Bring wine, ye slaves, that the cheeks of my boy may flush red.
9.  In the garden of immortal kisses, O thou brilliant One, shine forth! Make Thy mouth an opium-poppy, that one kiss is the key to the infinite sleep and lucid, the sleep of Shi-loh-am.
10.  In my sleep I beheld the Universe like a clear crystal without one speck.
11.  There are purse-proud penniless ones that stand at the door of the tavern and prate of their feats of wine-bibbing.
12.  There are purse-proud penniless ones that stand at the door of the tavern and revile the guests.
13.  The guests dally upon couches of mother-of-pearl in the garden; the noise of the foolish men is hidden from them.
14.  Only the inn-keeper feareth lest the favour of the king be withdrawn from him.
15.  Thus spake the Magister V.V.V.V.V. unto Adonai his God, as they played together in the starlight over against the deep black pool that is in the Holy Place of the Holy House beneath the Altar of the Holiest One.
16.  But Adonai laughed, and played more languidly.
17.  Then the scribe took note, and was glad. But Adonai had no fear of the Magician and his play.
For it was Adonai who had taught all his tricks to the Magician.
18.  And the Magister entered into the play of the Magician. When the Magician laughed he laughed; all as a man should do.
19.  And Adonai said: Thou art enmeshed in the web of the Magician. This He said subtly, to try him.
20.  But the Magister gave the sign of the Magistry, and laughed back on Him: O Lord, O beloved, did these fingers relax on Thy curls, or these eyes turn away from Thine eye?
21.  And Adonai delighted in him exceedingly.
22.  Yea, O my master, thou art the beloved of the Beloved One; the Bennu Bird is set up in Philæ not in vain.
23.  I who was the priestess of Ahathoor rejoice in your love. Arise, O Nile-God, and devour the holy place of the Cow of Heaven! Let the milk of the stars be drunk up by Sebek the dweller of Nile!
24.  Arise, O serpent Apep, Thou art Adonai the beloved one! Thou art my darling and my lord, and Thy poison is sweeter than the kisses of Isis the mother of the Gods!
25.  For Thou art He! Yea, Thou shalt swallow up Asi and Asar, and the children of Ptah. Thou shalt pour forth a flood of poison to destroy the works of the Magician. Only the Destroyer shall devour Thee; Thou shalt blacken his throat, wherein his spirit abideth. Ah, serpent Apep, but I love Thee!
26.  My God! Let Thy secret fang pierce to the marrow of the little secret bone that I have kept against the Day of Vengeance of Hoor-Ra. Let Kheph-Ra sound his sharded drone! let the jackals of Day and Night howl in the wilderness of Time! let the Towers of the Universe totter, and the guardians hasten away! For my Lord hath revealed Himself as a mighty serpent, and my heart is the blood of His body.
27.  I am like a love-sick courtesan of Corinth. I have toyed with kings and captains, and made them my slaves. To-day I am the slave of the little asp of death; and who shall loosen our love?
28.  Weary, weary! saith the scribe, who shall lead me to the sight of the Rapture of my master?
29.  The body is weary and the soul is sore weary and sleep weighs down their eyelids; yet ever abides the sure consciousness of ecstasy, unknown, yet known in that its being is certain. O Lord, be my helper, and bring me to the bliss of the Beloved!
30.  I came to the house of the Beloved, and the wine was like fire that flieth with green wings through the world of waters.
31.  I felt the red lips of nature and the black lips of perfection. Like sisters they fondled me their little brother; they decked me out as a bride; they mounted me for Thy bridal chamber.
32.  They fled away at Thy coming; I was alone before Thee.
33.  I trembled at Thy coming, O my God, for Thy messenger was more terrible than the Death-star.
34.  On the threshold stood the fulminant figure of Evil, the Horror of emptiness, with his ghastly eyes like poisonous wells. He stood, and the chamber was corrupt; the air stank. He was an old and gnarled fish more hideous than the shells of Abaddon.
35.  He enveloped me with his demon tentacles; yea, the eight fears took hold upon me.
36.  But I was anointed with the right sweet oil of the Magister; I slipped from the embrace as a stone from the sling of a boy of the woodlands.
37.  I was smooth and hard as ivory; the horror gat no hold. Then at the noise of the wind of Thy coming he was dissolved away, and the abyss of the great void was unfolded before me.
38.  Across the waveless sea of eternity Thou didst ride with Thy captains and Thy hosts; with Thy chariots and horsemen and spearmen didst Thou travel through the blue.
39.  Before I saw Thee Thou wast already with me; I was smitten through by Thy marvellous spear.
40.  I was stricken as a bird by the bolt of the thunderer; I was pierced as the thief by the Lord of the Garden.
41.  O my Lord, let us sail upon the sea of blood!
42.  There is a deep taint beneath the ineffable bliss; it is the taint of generation.
43.  Yea, though the flower wave bright in the sunshine, the root is deep in the darkness of earth.
44.  Praise to thee, O beautiful dark earth, thou art the mother of a million myriads of myriads of flowers.
45.  Also I beheld my God, and the countenance of Him was a thousandfold brighter than the lightning. Yet in his heart I beheld the slow and dark One, the ancient one, the devourer of His children.
46.  In the height and the abyss, O my beautiful, there is no thing, verily, there is no thing at all, that is not altogether and perfectly fashioned for Thy delight.
47.  Light cleaveth unto Light, and filth to filth; with pride one contemneth another. But not Thou, who art all, and beyond it; who art absolved from the Division of the Shadows.
48.  O day of Eternity, let Thy wave break in foamless glory of sapphire upon the laborious coral of our making!
49.  We have made us a ring of glistening white sand, strewn wisely in the midst of the Delightful Ocean.
50.  Let the palms of brilliance flower upon our island; we shall eat of their fruit, and be glad.
51.  But for me the lustral water, the great ablution, the dissolving of the soul in that resounding abyss.
52.  I have a little son like a wanton goat; my daughter is like an unfledged eaglet; they shall get them fins, that they may swim.
53.  That they may swim, O my beloved, swim far in the warm honey of Thy being, O blessed one, O boy of beatitude!
54.  This heart of mine is girt about with the serpent that devoureth his own coils.
55.  When shall there be an end, O my darling, O when shall the Universe and the Lord thereof be utterly swallowed up?
56.  Nay! who shall devour the Infinite? who shall undo the Wrong of the Beginning?
57.  Thou criest like a white cat upon the roof of the Universe; there is none to answer Thee.
58.  Thou art like a lonely pillar in the midst of the sea; there is none to behold Thee, O Thou who beholdest all!
59.  Thou dost faint, thou dost fail, thou scribe; cried the desolate Voice; but I have filled thee with a wine whose savour thou knowest not.
60.  It shall avail to make drunken the people of the old gray sphere that rolls in the infinite Far-off; they shall lap the wine as dogs that lap the blood of a beautiful courtesan pierced through by the Spear of a swift rider through the city.
61.  I too am the Soul of the desert; thou shalt seek me yet again in the wilderness of sand.
62.  At thy right hand a great lord and a comely; at thy left hand a woman clad in gossamer and gold and having the stars in her hair. Ye shall journey far into a land of pestilence and evil; ye shall encamp in the river of a foolish city forgotten; there shall ye meet with Me.
63.  There will I make Mine habitation; as for bridal will I come bedecked and anointed; there shall the Consummation be accomplished.
64.  O my darling, I also wait for the brilliance of the hour ineffable, when the universe shall be like a girdle for the midst of the ray of our love, extending beyond the permitted end of the endless One.
65.  Then, O thou heart, will I the serpent eat thee wholly up; yea, I will eat thee wholly up.
Love is the law, love under will.
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