#the link takes you to ao3 btw lol
myymi · 9 hours
Sonic is twelve years old the first time Tails falls asleep on him. Over the months that the two of them have been traveling together Tails has fallen asleep next to him many times. Some nights he had darker dreams and would end up quietly shuffling his sleeping bag close to the hedgehog's, claiming that it was in the exact same spot it had always been in when Sonic would raise a brow at the proximity after waking up. Some days the sun would be just warm enough that the kid couldn't help but curl up in the soft grass after they stop for a quick water break, his tails wrapping around his small body as he snuck in a quick power nap.
But in all those instances never once had Tails actually slept on him. He kept close, but never dared to rest on top of the hedgehog for reasons the hero didn't quite understand then. They had stopped at the hotel in town for the first time in a while, having enough money to check into a one bed room on the ground floor. Tails thought that it was luck that it happened to be the same night there was supposed to be a storm, but Sonic had planned for that. He wouldn't usually buy a room just to get out of a storm, but the kid was tired and Sonic would rather not make him wait out a storm in an open cave where the sound of the booming thunder was amplified rather than muffled by protective walls. As Tails hopped onto the bed after they'd entered the room, Sonic made a beeline for the thick, dark blue curtains and tugged them closed. He's found that the darker the curtains the better they are at keeping the flash of lightning from assaulting their eyes. It keeps the room darker in the mornings as well, which the little kit seems to appreciate, even if he never voices at that. Sonic was rummaging through the backpack when he heard a squeaky yawn, followed by a quiet grunt as Tails fell back against the bed. He kicked his shoes off, not caring about where they landed before wiggling his way underneath the covers. The hedgehog couldn't help but smile as he shook his head, pulling out two of their water bottles to set inside the fridge so they could have something cold to drink in the morning. Leaving the backpack on the desk, he walked up to the bed and poked at the lump underneath the covers. Tails hummed before he peeked his head out, sleepy blue eyes halfway covered by his eyelids as he stared up at the hedgehog, waiting for him to tell him why he was bothering him. Sonic smiled as he made a 'c' with his paw, placing it at the top of his stomach before dragging it down. 'Hungry?' Tails bit his lip as he considered it. He would normally wave it off, but some hotels had free food. It was usually just breakfast, but if Sonic was popular enough in the zone then they'd receive free dinner too. As he thought on it, he vaguely remembered the front desk person did offer them dinner. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Free?"
Sonic frowned at the question, but he did nod. He repeated the sign for hungry, reminding the cub he was waiting on an answer. Tails nodded as he climbed off the bed, not bothering to put on his shoes as he followed Sonic out of their room. He covered his mouth as he let out another yawn, his other paw reaching out to grab hold of the hedgehog's to make sure he wouldn't fall behind. The hero responded by gently squeezing the smaller paw as he led them to the eating area. As the voices from other hotel guests steadily grew louder, Tails pressed closer the Sonic's side. When they finally entered the dining room, his tails twirled around each other before clinging against his leg. Sonic gently patted his head when he noticed, quickly bringing him to the small buffet. Tails was too small to be able to see all the options, so the hedgehog handed him a menu instead. When the kit pointed at something on the menu he wanted, Sonic left to quickly pile on a generous portion of it. Usually he'd feel bad about it, but he'd rather the kid get enough to eat. Besides, these places always ha extra food when the night was over. Tails was too small to be able to see all the options without flying, so the hedgehog handed him a menu instead. When the kit pointed at something on the menu he wanted, Sonic left to quickly pile on a generous portion of it. Usually he'd feel bad about it, but he'd rather the kid had enough to eat. Besides, these places always had extra food when the night was over. He gave himself a smaller portion of everything the fox picked out, knowing the kid would end up pushing his leftovers to Sonic. Tails didn't always pick out his own food. He used to refuse doing so altogether, saying that he was fine with whatever Sonic wanted to eat. The first time he'd gotten the kid to pick out their lunch Tails had beamed when he realized the older seemed to enjoy his choice of food. Since then, he always got the same thing as Tails whenever he got the cub to pick out something to eat. It seemed to help him voice what he wanted instead of just accepting anything he was given.
Sonic was going to eat at one of the tables, but the little fox was yawning a little too much for him to be able to stay awake long enough to walk back to their room after dinner so he decided on walking back now. But, with the tween's paws being full of their food, Tails was forced to hold onto one of his tails as they made the journey back to their room. Tails climbed back onto the bed so he could hold the food while Sonic turned on the T.V, flicking it onto a random cartoon channel before pushing away the covers so he could sit next to the kit on the bed. Tails frowned as he handed the older his plate of food. "I thought you didn't like cartoons?" He asked once he realized what channel the older chose, looking at the hedgehog expectantly as he took a bite of the chili on his plate. It wasn't nearly as good as Sonic's, but it wasn't bad. Sonic shrugged as he stabbed his fork into the small salad, leaving it there for a moment so he could sign his response before picking it back up to eat his bite. 'You like them.' "I know that." Tails said through his mouthful before quickly swallowing, "But you don't like them. We can watch something else, I don't mind." The hedgehog shrugged again and took another bite of his food without making any move to respond, causing the cub to pout. Too tired to really fight on the subject, Tails leaned against the headboard of the bed as he quietly ate the rest of his food. Sonic didn't really care about cartoons. They weren't his first pick by any means, but he didn't mind turning it on for little kids to watch. Which Tails is a little kid, despite how smart he is or how much he'd argue that he's "really not that much younger than Sonic" when he's still only four years old. The two of them ate comfortably with the T.V on a low volume but still loud enough to hopefully cover the sounds outside that the walls couldn't muffle. Sonic shifted his position a few times to try and block the window so Tails wouldn't see what little light pressed past the curtains. Tails squeaked out another yawn once he finished eating, handing his half-eaten plate over to the hedgehog. Sonic quickly scraped the rest of the food onto his, setting the now empty plate on the beside table so it'd be easy to grab when he leaves to put the plates back up after he finishes his own food. Apparently too tired to feel embarrassed right now, Tails wiggled under the covers until he was fully laying down before leaning over to rest his head against Sonic's hip instead of the pillow directly behind him. The hedgehog froze at the contact as his eyes snapped down to the kit, only to find that he was already out cold. Soft snores escaped him as his breathing evened out faster than Sonic has ever seen, the fox easily finding comfort in the physical contact. Too stiff to be anywhere near comfortable, Sonic gently laid his paw across Tails's torso, giving him a couple soft, awkward pats as he just watched the younger breathe for a few seconds. It took him a minute to settle against the headboard again, but it's faster than it usually takes him to get comfortable with someone touching him unprompted so he sees it as a win. And he only relaxed further after Tails started to quietly purr. They stay like that until Sonic finished his plate, stacking it on top of the other dirty dish before he laid down to join Tails in the dream world. He lifted the kit's head just enough to move around, gently setting it down on his chest when he's in a comfortable spot. He brought his paw up to scratch the cub's ear a few times before letting it settle around his back again, easily falling asleep at the soft sounds of comfort coming from Tails. The dishes will just have to wait until morning. ----
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kumquats-are-gay · 11 months
I require johnny fluff! (This is a stick up🔫) maybe with a reader who's sick/tired/injured etc
OH SHIT- ✋😨🤚
But YAYAYAY!! Tysm for giving me something! I wasn't super hopeful that I'd actually receive anything, but this and the other prompt I got have made me so happy :'] thank you thank you!!!
I planned on writing these as short little blurbs but ofc I went and got carried away. AGAIN. Go figure, lol. Anyway, I hope you like it! :D
Johnny Cage x Reader (SFW)
Tags: no use of Y/N, gn!reader, sick!reader, sick fic, flirting, established relationship, directly pasted from Google Docs (forgive weird formatting), Johnny takes great care of you <3
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51606256
You had been out with Johnny on a date, enjoying each other’s company as the two of you walked hand-in-hand down the pavement. Everything was perfectly fine when you guys had first left: the crisp autumn air was refreshing, and little made you happier than getting to spend time with your partner. However, whatever it was you had come down with hadn’t taken long to make itself known. About half an hour into your outing, you began to feel a little clammy. At first, you had just chalked it up to the cool weather giving you the chills, but the vertigo that checked in shortly thereafter quickly changed your mind. Like hell you were going to say anything about it, though; you didn’t want Johnny to worry. So, you bit your lip and got a grip, hoping to bear through it…until you couldn’t anymore. Mumbling a weary, “I think…I’m going to pass out,” you immediately collapsed. Johnny’s reflexes were sharp, thankfully; he reached out and grabbed you before you could hit the ground.
Johnny carries you back to the car, drives home, then carries you inside the house. All the while he’s transporting you to bed, you have your face buried in his chest, weakly groaning.
He helps you remove your damp clothes before he slips a soft t-shirt over your head, which is followed by a pair of pajama bottoms being gently pulled up your legs. You’re barely able to stand, so he lays you down in the bed, literally tucking you in as he pushes the sheets in around your body. Apparently, you had made this process rather difficult; you kept feebly tugging at his arm and whining for him “not to go”. He had to continuously reassure you that he wasn’t going anywhere. “Nooo,” you had whined, “don’ leave the bed.”
He rolls his eyes affectionately and continues fussing over you, constantly touching your forehead and repositioning the blankets. You whine again as Johnny moves away, and he’s trying very hard not to give into your pleas; he needs to go get some things so that he can properly take care of you, damn it!
You just keep making those adorable little whimpering noises, though, seemingly having given up on words, and he can’t help but pivot his head to look at you. He sees you reaching out with pitiful grabby-hands, pouting adorably, and—oh, fuck it.
Johnny relents, already making his way back to you as he asks, “What about the things you’re gonna need? Water? Advil?”
You wrap your arms and legs around him like an octopus the moment he settles in next to you. “Don’eed that; jus’ need you,” you grumble against his neck. Johnny huffs in amusement, but underneath the surface, his heart is swelling with affection. When he feels you shiver against him, he knows he won’t get anywhere if he tries to get up to grab another blanket for you. Instead, he just holds you closer and pulls the duvet further up. He runs his hands through your sweaty hair, unbothered.
“Alright, honey, try to get some rest now, alright?” he says and kisses your forehead. You don’t need to be told twice; within minutes, you’re out like a light. A smile tugs at the corner of Johnny’s mouth while he gazes down at you. It truly didn’t matter whether you were all dressed up and confidently strutting about, or if you were sweating bullets through a baggy t-shirt and whining for him to hold you—Johnny always saw you as nothing short of amazing, and he’d take care of you for as long as you needed, any time you needed.
Barely a week had passed since you had first fallen ill. You had nearly made a full recovery by this point and you were feeling like a brand new person. It was in no small thanks to your boyfriend, Johnny, who tended to you every step of the way. Nothing was too big of an ask for him, though you tried not to be a bother if you could help it. He insisted that you weren’t, though, which made you feel a bit better about it.
The only times he left your side were when you really needed something. Otherwise, he was just as glued to you as you were to him, calling into work and everything to ensure that he could be there for you around the clock.
You sighed and smiled at his sleeping figure—his hair was sticking out this way and that, and the bedhead alone was enough to make you giggle. This slightly roused him from his sleep, causing him to mumble something incoherent as he pulled you against him. Your smile only grew; he was so goddamn cute. “I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” you whispered.
Johnny shakes his head and mumbles, “Nah, you’re good.” He pulls you even closer and releases a long, tired exhale. Unable to help yourself, you reach out to scratch at his scalp which elicits a pleased hum from your boyfriend. “Y’know, I think I might be getting sick,” he suddenly claims. You frown and immediately move the hand in his hair to his forehead, which causes him to grouse in disappointment. Your brow furrowed in confusion; he was slightly warmer than usual, but you wouldn’t call it a fever.
“Are you sure?” you ask, looking at him quizzically. He lazily grabs your hand and drags it back to his scalp. You take the hint and continue the task of brushing your fingers soothingly through his sandy locks.
Johnny practically purred at the sensation. The pleasurable feeling of your nails lightly dragging across his skull caused him to slur his words a bit. “Hmm, yeah,” he spoke through the haze, “real sick, but I heard a kiss c’n make you feel a lot better…”
Understanding his game now, you asked him in a tone dripping with suspicion, “Oh, really? That so?” Johnny just answered with an unconvincing ‘mmmmm-hm’ as he continued to revel in your touch. “Alright,” you acquiesced, and pressed your lips to his forehead. “Feel any better?”
“Hmm, I think I need another one for the effects to kick in,” he idly insisted. You could hear the smile in his voice, though, a clear indication that he was obviously bullshitting. You continued to entertain him anyway by giving him another kiss, this time on his cheek.
“How about now?” you pressed, though you already knew the answer.
“One more should do the trick,” he lilted, the cheeky bastard. You outright laughed this time before moving in for the final kiss. Johnny lifted his head at the last moment, surprising you a bit as he captured your mouth with his own this time. The two of you became entangled in an impromptu makeout session as you lost yourselves to each other. That is until Johnny suddenly pushed you away so he could cough into his elbow. He sounded like he was hacking up a lung. The heat that was beginning to gather in your body immediately fizzled out as worry swiftly took its place.
“Hey, are you alright?” you asked with genuine concern. He held up his index finger as if to say ‘one moment’ while he finished his coughing fit. At the end, he took a deep breath and pressed his palm to his forehead as his face twisted into a grimace.
“Ah, fuck…” Johnny sighed before he flopped back onto the mattress. “Okay, nevermind—I think I might actually be sick.”
You shook your head fondly. “Well, it’s a good thing you have me then, huh?”
Johnny smiles up at you in earnest and reaches for the hand that had long since stopped its ministrations, but he just holds it in his own this time. “I couldn’t be luckier.”
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pagemasters · 6 months
Fantasies He…
Author’s notes: So after reading so many for years I thought maybe it’s my turn to take a crack at it. There’s I think 3 parts to this, with the first one having basically no smut and mostly platonic fluff between Az and Feyre, but part 3? Can’t say the same thing for the middle Archeron sister lmao
I swear this started out to be one part but the story told me otherwise, part 2 is fully drafted I’m just revising and editing
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I’m a very visual person, so enjoy the floor plan of the nursery and a rough sketch of what I think her mural would be and the star! I am a painter if it wasn’t obvious so the whole portion on starfall stars is actually based on how Bob Ross paints his northern lights, just with modifications BUT I haven’t tried it myself for this specific purpose. Also the colour of Feyre and Rhys’s stars are the colours of the first ones that hit them during Starfall btw! I love the platonic relationships between the inner circle and we don’t get enough of it
If you enjoyed it I would love u forever if you let me know!! :)
Ps. Omg dialogue is so difficult to make realistic but also in character, none of that “hey big brother” etc. shit you see in tv shows where you’re like who tf says that to their sibling ?? Ps.ps. I haven’t taken an English writing class for 5 years so if punctuation was wrong let’s pretend it wasn’t LMAO
Azriel spends the day with Feyre, only to get caught in the rain on the way home. Good thing the townhouse is empty. Or is it…
The rain finally decided to make its appearance as Azriel stepped out of the River house. Taking a deep breath, he let the soothing scent wash over him as he relaxed his wings. 
The meeting with Rhys was short, just a weekly update on the goings around the other courts and allies, nothing that required the full inner circle to make an appearance. Something he knew after centuries of this work should be a good thing, but it doesn’t stop the pang in his chest at the missed opportunity of seeing her. 
Not that he didn’t try to catch a glimpse of her. He did take a walk through the beautiful home his brother had built for his mate after seeing him, the smell of cedar and masonry long since faded from the construction days; replaced with flowers and candles and the dinner his shadows whispered Nuala and Cerridwen were working on. The scent of paint lingered though, and he discovered the reason why as he got to the residential wing. His High Lady wasn’t in her studio, but he found her nonetheless with a brush in her tattooed hand. 
“I think you missed a spot.” Az said from the doorway, trying to repress his smile at her startled reaction. Even though Feyre and Rhys opted for doorways fashioned with wings in mind, he kept his drawn in tight, not wanting to risk smearing her paint as he stepped inside. 
“Rhys won’t let me use the step ladder without him holding it. And me. And the bump.” Feyre twisted to look up from her spot on the floor and smiled in greeting before lowering the brush to pat her stomach in emphasis. She gave her mate’s antics an affectionate eye roll and shake of her head before releasing a heavy sigh, glancing back at her work. 
“If I remember correctly,” Az teased, “you are prone to falling quite spectacularly.”
She let out an indignat squawk so loud he had to bite his lips to prevent laughing, her body spinning so fast to face him fully that paint ended up splattering from her brush to the white drop cloth. 
Their flying lessons had ceased for the most part since the war, so watching her fly into a tree or eat rocks wasn’t as common an occurrence— but that’s not to say that still doesn’t happen. Knowledge he happens to be privy to not just as her flight teacher, but as the spymaster, something she’s very aware of if the narrowing of her eyes and mouth hanging open are any indication. 
It’s hard not to notice the similarities between the sisters, when even with your eyes closed the cadence of their speech was also similar. But it was never so apparent between youngest and oldest Archeron as when Feyre’s eyes pinned him in place, the expression of mock outrage was so much like Nesta’s it was almost comical. 
“Ruuuude,” she said, drawing the word out in a whine with pouted lips, no doubt remembering the amount of face plants he’d witnessed when she first began to fly. “I see how you treat your High Lady, Shadowsinger. Just wait, it’s not too late for me to paint a little something in your bedroom.”
“And here I thought pouting and grumbling was beneath royalty, at least you can say you’re a tree hugger.”
She gave him a gesture that was certainly beneath royalty, and he didn’t hold back his chuckle this time. 
“What gave you that idea, have you even met Rhys?” 
“Oh trust me, you should’ve seen him when we were kids.” He said, grabbing her hands to help her stand. “He discovered in a book that while bat wings look identical to ours, the anatomy of their wing is labeled similar to that of the hand. So for them, their talons are their thumbs. After that, he took it upon himself to hang upside down in silent protest whenever he was mad, but didn’t want his mother to wash his mouth out with soap for swearing.”
“He did not.”
“Mhmm, until his faced turned purple.”
“And where were you and Cass for all this?” Feyre said through her giggling, a wide grin of unrestrained joy plastered on her face. 
“He couldn’t have done it alone, a thumbs down by yourself would look stupid.”
“Ah yes, because the three of you hanging upside down like overgrown bats isn’t ridiculous.” She cackled, “How long until he gave it up?”
“A few weeks. After Cassian passed out in the middle of camp and we all got broken capillaries on our faces. Still, a better alternative than the awful tasting soap in Illyria.” 
“What, as opposed to other tasting soap?” He just shrugged, smiling. 
Rhys’s mom’s reaction to warriors dragging them across the rocky ground home was as lively in his memory as she was when she berated them when her son fessed up. She was less thrilled to hear the real reason than Devlon was having passed out children strewn about the place, but she never did call them out on the lie they fed to Devlon about it being a dare when he came banging on their door. That night though when they were more lucid, she brought them on foot to one of the mountains surrounding their outpost and stood them at the opening of a cave. He still remembers the eyes he felt on them, the warning bells ringing from his shadows as she gestures her hands out and said, “If you want to act like bats, you can join them; or you can toughen up, learn how and when to pick battles and what hills are worth to dying on. Because there will be more people who will piss you off, but this is not an option when you’re leading armies. So,” her hazel eyes meeting each of theirs, “What will it be? Do you want to stay here or take the soap and fly right on home.” Needless to say they bolted home with the taste of pine tar suds coating their mouths like a film no amount of water could rid them of the taste. He could still feel the eyes of whatever was in that cave the entire way home, but thank the cauldron he could fly at that point. His heart ached at the memory of the female, the one he knew picked a low cave for him to make her point, just in case. The one his shadows caught a few times after that upside down on the couch after a rough day when she thought she was alone. 
As Feyre’s amusement continued with eyes glazed over—no doubt having a silent conversation with Rhys—Az cleared his throat, his shadows pulling back as he gestured to their surroundings and asked, “So how’s the nursery coming along?” 
“It’s going great,” she replied after a moment, her laughter subsiding as she surveyed the mural.  “I know it’s not geographically correct, and that Starfall and the time when our courts insignia’s stars show don’t overlap, but I couldn’t not include them. I want  him and any possible future child to see the night court as I did when I first fell in love with it and their dad.” 
Indeed, while he knew Rhys was already in love with her, he got to watch Feyre love him back as much as he deserved in real time the longer she was here. And the way she captured the land they all loved so much here was… breathtaking. 
On the wall that held the doorway he just stepped through lay the mountain with the moonstone palace atop it. The first place she saw here. They both knew where the doors to Hewn city rest below, but it was covered by the landscape. As if there were no room for nightmares in this room, even if it was a court this babe may one day rule. 
“I have no idea how you made that mountain so realistic,” he said to her in awe, pointing to the painting adjacent to the wall they just looked at. 
“The crib is going to go right below it when the rooms done. I want it to watch over him.” She replied almost reverently as she looked up. 
The mountain was the tallest of the three she painted, and it looked just as it had on his trek up there with his brothers during the rite. Physically it was practically stone for stone, those three stars lines up overhead perfectly, but the energy differed. Instead of the cold and foreboding thing he remembered on the way up, it seemed almost… euphoric? As if the wild joy and love Rhysand, Cassian and he felt as they made their way to the top and won seeped its way onto the painting. Like the unyielding strength from that mountain and what it brought out of them would guide and protect him, just like it did for the three winged dots surrounding the monolith at the tip. How that was even possible was beyond him. 
He could barely tear his gaze away, but snickered as he saw the tiny but recognizable building at the base of it to the right. “The cabin, huh?”
“Of course, gotta prep him for one day kicking all of your asses during your snowball fight.” She added, blushing. “I put few snowballs flying just for good luck.”
Though he knew the other reason the cabin was significant to Feyre and Rhys, the thought of his future nephew joining their game warmed him. But It did make trying not to focus on other non-winged and winged babies that could one day join in the snowball fight impossible. Children have always been an abstract idea, a figment he knew existed but besides Rhys’s sister, he wasn’t around. And after what happened to her… He thought for a long time he would never have one of his own, but that sentiment start to change in recent years. He could avoid it most days though, but being surrounded by the baby stuff made the hypothetical harder to ignore. The thoughts on if he’d have his own little ones propped on his hip and curled into his chest with their chubby cheeks and inquisitive eyes. If they would have his hazel or her golden brown ones, or something different if they adopted. Would their little hands or clothes or hair get caught in the scales of his armour just like hers did when he took her on her first flight to the town house from the House of Wind, when he held her for the first time. Would Elain… Az paused, stopping that train of thought before it just twisted the knife even further, seeing more things he can’t have. 
His shadows began to circle him, and if Feyre noticed she politely didn’t comment on it before pointing out what she was working on when he interrupted her. 
To the right of the cabin and right were she was sat Velaris, and it really did look like a city of starlight with how she painted the glowing nightscape. He could make out the four markets that were the heart of the city, with extra emphasis on where the town house sat along with the new residence they were currently in. Bisecting through it all, the Sidra River looked so realistic he could probably skip a rock across its surface. It flowed like a living thing, reflecting the lights from the buildings on its edge and even the stars above. Two of which weren’t normal stars. 
Above the city proper and even the flat topped mountain that held the House of Wind was the beginnings of starfall. 
“How-“Azriel could barely get out, “how is this even possible?”
“Perks of now being immortal; plenty of time to practice. And having a husband with wings who takes you to get aerial views.” She simply said gesturing to their city, as if she didn’t create magic with swipes of colours. 
“The green one is mine, and the light blue one is Rhys’s. I’m planning to get everyone to add their own star to the wall.” Now looking him, she smirked. “Which means you came at a perfect time, Shadowsinger. Your turn.”
He gave her an unbelieving expression, shadows instantly vanishing. “You can’t be serious.”
Her eyes twinkled with mischief, “if I trust Cassian with a paintbrush, you’ll be fine. He’s coming by in a few days when he gets a free moment, Nesta and her two friends are keeping him busy with training.” Nesta is keeping him busy with more than just that, it’s a wonder he even has energy to train them. 
But looking at Rhysand’s mate, Azriel saw her glow in a way different from her powers. Feyre radiated joy as her hand cradled her stomach despite barely showing, not caring about paint getting on her already splattered clothes. For his brother, for the friend beside him and his nephew in her womb, he removed his jacket and let out a resounding sigh in defeat. “What do you need me to do?” 
So Feyre excitedly brought him over to her pile of paint tubes on the drop cloth. She grabbed the white and as he selected the colour phthalo blue she went off to prep the clean, dry brushes and a fresh palette for him. 
“So pick the area of the sky you want your star to be, I’d like to keep the inner circle’s additions mostly above Velaris, but I’ll add tiny ones fading out once everyone is done. Amren and Mor are away, Cass is busy and who knows if or when Nesta would want to contribute. That means besides Rhys and I, you have the pick of the litter.”
“What about Elain?” He asked, trying to keep his voice and face as neutral as possible when she handed him a 3 inch brush already dipped in his blue. 
“I’ll drag her in here after dinner when she gets in from the garden. The colour of the sky is already dry which is the important part, so there’s no time constraint on when everyone adds theirs besides my due date.” She gave him a knowing smile which he dutifully ignored, along with the disappointment in his chest as she confirmed Elain wasn’t in. “Now I want you to cover a large area of where you generally want the shape of the star to go, it doesn’t have to be perfect but cover much more than you think you’d need to.”
He hesitates, “won’t this cover up your sky? It’s a dark colour.”
“Just trust me.”
He followed her instructions, cringing as his brush made contact with her beautiful wall and went over the faint background stars she had already done, but relaxed when he saw they were still partially visible. 
Az looked back at her, seeing his shadows lazily inspecting them, as if they wanted a part in the activity their master is occupied with. Feyre playfully eyed the curious one that grazed her hand as she took his current brush from his scarred hand to switch it. “Now with this fan brush, I want you to coat it in the white paint. And as you do so, get a feel for how the bristles bend and move.”
Doing as High Lady said, he got her guidance once he brought the loaded brush to the wall, being sure to dab, not swipe the white in a near full coverage circle followed by a line over the shade of blue he had no idea how to pronounce. 
“So this is where the magic begins,” she stated when he finished and passed a third brush over, a flat paddle one identical to the first and this time a cloth. “You see that perfectly clean teardrop you made? You’re gonna ruin it.”
At the alarmed look he gave her, she just cackled. “I knew you’d make that face, Rhys did the exact same. I want you to very lightly swipe the brush starting at the largest end of the teardrop and out towards the tail of the star. That’s the only motion you’ll be doing. And after each swipe you can gently wipe off the brush before starting again. You can also practice the strokes around the mountain until you feel ready like Rhys did, the sky there is also dry.”
With a deep breath, he took a step away and tried it until he felt like he got the technique she wanted down. This was for his family, he reminded himself, he will not let his nephew down. And despite getting her nod of approval, he still felt like he was going in blind as he did what she said and his jaw dropped. 
Well shit. Now he understood why she wanted him to put down the colour he chose first. 
“The blue is actually transparent; so while it looks dark in the tube, it blends out much lighter. Especially with white under or overtop. You’re doing wet-on-wet blending.” What was once just a bright blob over blue so dark you couldn’t see it on her perfect walls, he could now see how the white faded. How the light and the dark mixed until they became one. So Az wiped the excess off his brush, and continued on and on until it looked similar enough to what she and Rhys created. They fell into a rhythm, Feyre handing him back the fan brush to brighten or a new one with bristles so impossibly soft as they worked as a team. She barely had to tell him what to do now, so with next to no pressure he feathered it out vertical rather than the almost horizontal strokes from before, until only a streak of blue light remained. They could’ve been at this for minutes or hours, he had no idea. He didn’t even question her instruction to use a densely bristled tool he could’ve sworn was a toothbrush to flick on watered down white paint for the star trail. 
“This is incredible, Feyre.” He stated, stepping back at last.
“That wasn’t me, that was all you my friend.” She grinned at him. “Once everyone’s is dry, I’m adding a sheer shimmery paint to make them pop, but even without it you did a beautiful job.”
He felt heat rise to his face, and inclined his head in thanks without removing his eyes from the wall. 
“You certainly have an eye for this, Az. Care to quit and become a painter? I could use an assistant.”
A chill went through him, and he started to turn in her direction before the window caught his attention. Dusk must have fallen along with the rain who knows how long ago. About to rub his temples, Feyre squeaked out a warning before he remembered the task at hand and looked down at himself. The plain black long sleeve shirt covered in splatters didn’t matter, he goes through them like water for work but the paint coating his skin made his stomach drop the same way her jest did. Much different than the red he was used to seeing there, all the blood he still couldn’t wash away.
He can paint a picture with his knife, but nothing like Feyre’s ability of creation. Each slash he makes as delicate and precise a dance as any Nesta favours, but instead it’s to a symphony of screams. And unlike Elain… the only soil he sees is grave dirt. If the bodies make it that far. 
His work is never meant to been seen by others, it’s means to and end, a way to protect his family and his court. Unlike their work, where it would be a crime to hide it from the world.
“Tempting offer, Cursebreaker,” Az murmured, swapping the dirty cloth for a damp one his shadows brought him. Paying close attention to his siphons and not his scars, he still didn’t feel clean enough no matter how hard he wiped the paint from his skin. “Sadly, I don’t think your mate would be too thrilled to have to hire someone else to feed the creatures in Hewn City.”
She snorted, making a lighthearted comment about at least no one had to feed Byraxis, for now… The forced tease in her voice didn’t fool him as she realized she must’ve hit a nerve, but he appreciated her effort anyway.
“I do have to head out, but I’ll pop by soon to see the progress when I drop off paperwork.” He told her, his lips pressed to the top of her head and shockingly made contact with her hair in a brief farewell. Rhys must’ve lessened the shield knowing Az was with her, but not by much considering both her and the babe’s scent was still concealed. 
Feyre did invited him to stay for dinner which he politely declined. It wouldn’t be served for an hour, but he needed space and to fly to clear his head—still feeling like if he looked down he’d be dripping blood that didn’t belong to him as he made his was out. He did try not to rush out as he walk through the maze of supplies strewn about the covered floor, keeping his wings high even as his shadows tugged at him, but he had a feeling she knew his reason for leaving. Well, at least the other reason. 
Lightning cracks through the sky, snapping Azriel out of his memories. Damn, He must be more tired than he thought. If breaking one of the cardinal rules of flying—also known as “PAY ATTENTION JACKASS!” by his brothers when they taught him—wasn’t enough, he’s not even going to the right place. Despite not living there for years, he’d been heading towards the town house and not the House of Wind. 
The storm just seems to be picking up, but at least with the downpour he no longer felt the warm spray of blood coating him rather than the paint, he just felt nothing at all. Well, nothing besides wanting to get the fuck home. Az really didn’t have the energy to fly up a mountain or winnowing through this even if it wouldn’t be his first time. But considering how often lightning hits the rocks rather than the surrounding city, crashing at the town house is easiest. It’s for the best, with it sitting empty now. At least he’d be alone. 
Az pauses mid-flight though, when he notices the lights already on inside. And the smoke rising from the chimney only to dissipate in the rain.
What the hell? Who would be dumb enough to break into their high lord and inner circle’s home? It’s not like it’s broadcasted who owns the house but it’s pretty common knowledge after this long. 
At least storms can be a great tool for his field of work, it’s almost a blessing in disguise he plans to use to its full advantage. Landing atop the roof as gently as possible, he ensures his wing beat blends in with the rain like it has hundreds of times before. Using his siphons to unlock the door and slipping inside, the creak of the hinge merely just a gust of wind as he shuts it behind him. 
That’s when the smell of jasmine and honey hits him so strongly he has to bite back his moan. But it seems like he was the only one who did. 
Because mixed within that scent ingrained in his brain, is Elain’s arousal. 
And she’s…
Oh fuck. 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
okay sooooo while procrastinating on my responsibilities i decided to make a giant list of the bkg/reader fics i've read (so far) on ao3. here's a link to the tumblr fic rec list i made a while ago too lol. please keep in mind that not all of these works are sfw!! i will label the nsfw-containing ones ofc but, as always, be cautious!
note: these are all LONG FICS. as in i sorted the bkg/reader tag on ao3 by word count and kept going until i hit works with abt 5k words. i might continue to add onto this list as i read more LOL idk
be still, just for me by WitchofWriting. this is THE bkg isekai fic tht i'm sure everyone has read lol. contains nsfw. there's also tedium in blue (mermaid bkg). i think that was one of the first bkg fics ive ever read and it will always be special to me LOL
of snowscapes & explosions by sugarbun. tbh i haven't finished this yet but from what i did read it's good!! canon compliant
other by Deadite. also haven't finished this one yet but it's a kind of coraline au!! interesting stuff tbh
enouement by LadysDaze. i read this fic a looooong time ago so i can't rmb much but it was p interesting! it's a choose your own ending type fic. there's also memento mori (fantasy fic w good worldbuilding tbh), entangle, expecting the unexpected (pregnancy/family fic), star-crossed (fantasy), blood bond (vampire bkg) and its sequel blood union tht i haven't read yet sdjfdfkg
misery business by siegmunde. OHHHMYYGODDD this fic. i was obsessed with it omg. i cannot even explain how insane it made me. has nsfw at end
cruel world by lydiasgrace. idt i finished this one but i do like villain reader LOL
like ghosts in snow by Jupiters_Witch. genuinely i think this fic ruined me /pos. vampire au & does contain nsfw things!! mind the tags
surrender (whenever you're ready) by OfMermaids (hi merms!!). THIS FIC. CHANGED MY LIFE!!! literally anything by merms is sososo good. i want to eat them all whole. on loop in my head 24/7!! contains nsfw btw. there's also the widening sky (mermaid bkg tht made me sad for days) and on my way (to you).
white curtains by arsonphobic. tbh i havent finished this one too but its got an older (by a yr) reader whom i liked! canon compliant i think
our love at sunset by LittleSponge. horizon zero dawn au. very well done imo. ending made me cry LOL (in a good way). contains nsfw
uncharted by NyxRedfoxWinchester. reader's quirk in this is soooo fucking cool to me. i read it a while ago so i dont rmb a lot but like i rmb the quirk and bkg LMFAO.
zigzags by hokshi. i can't rmb this fic all too well either but ik i liked it LOL. contains nsfw!!
newsflash, asshole (i kinda love you) by YukiRiikus_Reading_Room. fake dating au!! idt it contains nsfw but it has some steamy parts
i melt with you by art_deco_deity. i am so sad this fic hasn't been updated in a hot min bc its genuinely got fantastic bkg characterization!!!
garden of lungs by 0weCrew. ive read so many hanahaki aus that they've blurred together but this was v good!
exiles by BookWormOnAString. i'm currently reading this one actually! fantasy au with dragon kiri!!
how're your hands? by Spazztastic. another fic i read a long time ago. it's canon compliant i blv but i rly liked the reader tbh
body switch up by Fandomness_randommess. a body swap au if the title wasn't obvious enough LOL. it was interesting reading how both reader and bkg dealt with their predicament here pfft
husband for hire by btp. also currently reading this!! stardew au! there's also boîte de pandore. v good shit
gemini syndrome by opal_vortex. LMAOOOO this was such a fun read ngl. masked singer au!! will contain nsfw
mistletoe by WhenSarahSmiles. this is a UA christmas/new year's booklet that is sooooo well done tbh. i love bkg in it. super cute
and you take me the way i am by willowser (hi will!!). pro hero bkg in this >>>>> he is so AHHHH!! makes me insane. very well written!! contains slight nsfw.
bar tool by thunderhead. LMAO this is like a bar and band au combined?? i loooveeee bkg in this and his interactions with reader pfft. contains nsfw
sugar scorched by restwellsoon. culinary au!! bkg is like gordan ramset ngl LMAOO its rly cute imo and very detailed wrt the cooking things from what i rmb. idt it has nsfw
war paint by andypantsx3. i love how andie writes bkg tbh. he makes me wanna beat him up. there's also statistically significant, and cover shot (through the heart). all of them contain nsfw!!
learning your love language by hokshi. the author has the tag 'when ur love language is getting punched in the face' on this fic and honestly? LMAOOO so true for bkg. contains nsfw!!
oil paintings and late night jam sessions by insanityrunsinthe_family. this was also one of the first bkg fics i've ever read and it is so so so good. it's college au bkg and i looovee every part of it.
the phoenix by orphan_account. i'm so sad this fic was dropped but its plot is genuinely so interesting to me. it's more aizawa/reader tho tbh.
sleeping in the garden by Petrichorium (hi loriii<3). i will ALWAYS plug this fic. single dad bkg au!! sososo fcking good, trust. will contain nsfw
jealousy, jealousy by lytters. i think i rbed this on tumblr already but its such a fun read tbh LOL.
fathoms below by 32Q27. i'd started reading this and didn't get to finish bc life. mermaid au!!
a fractured flame by Magicow12. fantasy au!! very entertaining from what i rmb! contains nsfw
breath of a dragon by free_deku. i rec'd this before but im doing it again bc it's that good omg. fantasy & reincarnation au. contains nsfw!!
bakugô wants a ride. by Bragi. LMAO contrary to the title i dont think it has nsfw pfft. mechanic reader tht bkg's crushin on!!
turning page by rhydonium. THIS IS ALSO SOO GOOD omg i almost forgot abt it. god bkg!!!! i literally cannot describe how good it is.
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fishyingrn · 1 year
Swap AU Aleheather post!!
I love love LOVED (agh I can't say it enough sorry!!) @swinginspaceagebachelorette 's au of TDWT (≧∇≦) ʃ♡ƪ !! It's specifically a swap au between Alejandro and Sierra, and the way she writes Alejandro is just so endearing to read! He's like a golden retriever that has random knowledge! The fact she lowered the psycho-stalker quality is what helped endear his swap personality especially!! I think I already pestered her in her comment section about his personality and appreciating the heck out of her writing there 😹 I doodled a bunch since I just loved her au sm!!!
But before I start dumping doodles I made from the fic, the link to her fic is here ! Make sure you have an AO3 account before you read of course though!!😸
This is a scene from the fic ♪(^∇^*)! It's from one of the most recent chapters (chapter 29)
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Zoom out of the scene lol
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I still find it funny and shocking that Heather is able to support the weight of a man over 6 ft on her head 🙀Her head's gotta be made of STEEL! Super scary just how strong it is! Steel is my only conclusion for her head strength.. (Yes I'm not going to acknowledge the shocked Gwen, her issue of the day! she partook in cheating like a gross person and in great irony considering her s1 ordeal with Heather & Trent (*  ̄︿ ̄))
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These hcs are Aleheather centric like the one above since they're cutie patooties in the fic AND it's an Aleheather fic what do u want from me..(~o ̄3 ̄)~
I think it'd be a nice off screen past time that Alejandro info dumps to Heather and she's at least partially listening! The dynamic kind of reminds me of Phineas and Ferb's parents in a sense where the dad infodumps to the mom and she just listens + enjoys it(❁´◡`❁) I LOVE that dynamic btw! It's such an endearing dynamic that to find it in my fav tdi ship is so sweet (to me at least!)
Onto my next hc!
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Since Alejandro is taking the place of Sierra in this au, I thought it'd be sweet that he also adopted her hobby of glitter glue crafts. You know who also has a hobby of glitter glue crafts?! HEATHER💥
I'd think in one of Alejandro's off screen infodumps, he talks about his hobby of glitter glue crafts, the techniques and brands related to the aforementioned to Heather! She'd slip out some of her knowledge and love for it, OR she immediately starts rambling back about glitter glue crafts!!
THAT'S RIGHT BABY ( •̀ ω •́ ) !
Swap!Aleheather bonding over GLITTER GLUE CRAFTS 💥💥Ugh just how much more cute can you get with that headcanon?!
Another hc incoming!!
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Since Heather always has her hair up in a ponytail in the main series, I thought a nice way to show her trust is with her hair! In general her hair has always been something special to her, that's why she fought for a wig in season 2. Since an AMAZING amount of value is placed on her hair, her showing her trust to Alejandro through her hair would be a nice way to visually show she trusts him! Alejandro basically the only genuine bond she's shown to make in the series, canon and in the fic, so I think the swap hcs make it just all the more sweet (/▽\) !! In a way, since to Swap-ejandro Heather is just a celebrity crush, this sort of interaction deepens their relationship and his feelings beyond just a celeb crush (❁´◡`❁)
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This one isn't an Aleheather hc, but moreso a hc focused on Swap-ejandro's appearance! I think that as a trade off, he's not as physically built as canon Alejandro but instead taller compared to him (which is scary considering canonically Alejandro is 6 ft..) Since he's in the place of Sierra in this AU, he probably has enough strength to fight off baboons, he probably just has a hidden build! In general, Sierra and Alejandro in this AU had their skills and personalities swapped, so as a result their backstories technically were too with some small tweaks! I think this AU has been fun to make a bunch of hcs in, congrats if u got to the end of me convulsively info dumping about my hcs on the awesome au (lll¬ω¬) !
Full credits to the author man! She's mega talented! Please support @swinginspaceagebachelorette's work and any future works from her! o(〃^▽^〃)o
Signing off, hope this reaches the right audience!
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azucar-skull · 21 days
Buzz Brained
(written for @tmnt-write-fight for @rbtlvr)
Fandom: Rise of the TMNT (post movie)
Prompt: (rottmnt) anything with casey jr. maybe him adjusting to the new timeline? talking things out with leo? up to you! can be hurt/comfort or just fluff i am not picky
Word Count: 2030
Posted on AO3 too!
Btw, @lasanya539 and I ended up working on this prompt at the exact same time so we've been helping each other out. Lol. Be sure to check out her attack too! (Will link when ready)
It’s over.
The Kraang are gone. The team has recovered. Casey is (slowly) adjusting to the new timeline. Things look like they might actually be okay now.
But something keeps churning inside of Casey’s stomach. Like a black hole twisting and twisting. Sometimes it gets hard to breathe even though Casey’s just sitting on the couch just trying to relax. And sometimes he feels restless. Twitchy. Like that time as a child he snuck into Captain Donatello’s lab and drank his coffee. His brain would just…buzz. Incessant buzzing. With no way to abate it.
He tries the breathing Master Michelangelo once taught him. Tries shaking his arms out the way Captain Donatello told him about. Tries distracting himself with hobbies the way Master Leonardo did. But it doesn’t help. Something is rattling and boiling inside.
And it needs to be let out.
The next time he feels this buzziness is when Donnie asks him to grab Shelldon’s charging port from the lab. It takes him a minute to remember what’s going on. …What did Donnie ask him to do?
The buzz grows stronger, and Casey stands still. He feels himself beginning to space out. His fingers flex of their own volition. The only thing he can control is his breathing and…
Wait…what was he doing again?
Lightning erupts inside of his brain and suddenly the teen’s shoulders and jaw lock up tight, restricting his airways. Before he can register what is happening, his eyes roll back into his head, his head guiding the momentum of falling back hard on the ground. The force of the impact rings him anew and suddenly he can breathe again, gasping for air as he processes what the fuck just happened.
With his medical apprentice knowledge, Casey wants to say that it was a seizure. But it didn’t check off all the boxes. He was still awake, still aware. Never sustained a head injury, even now, his back taking the main hit of the fall. Never had one before so obviously he isn’t born with some seizure causing disorder. So…what the hell?
Casey sits up, cautiously. Nothing else hurts besides his back because…ow. Doesn’t feel dizzy, heartbeat and breathing seem fine. In fact, Casey feels pretty great. The buzziness is all gone.
Well alright then, case closed. Good job, me.
Now…why was he in Donnie’s lab again? Oh right, charging port. Casey gets up, dusting his knees and locating Shelldon’s port quickly. He picks it up and carries it back to the TV room where the others are waiting.
“There you are, I was starting to think you didn’t know what I looked like.”, Donnie calls out as he takes the charging port from the teen.
“Ah, yeah, sorry. I…got kinda sidetracked.”, Casey smiles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
Donnie pays him no mind and sets up the port for his robot son. And Casey tries to act cool again, ignoring the side-eye from Leo.
These…instances keep happening. About two weeks go by without any issue until the buzz-brained feeling comes back. And then it all happened again! While Casey was trying to do his homework! What gives? Then it happens again another two weeks later. And again. And again. It’s been going on for a few months now.
Casey tries not to think about it. Because even thinking about it makes his brain all buzzy. And if his brain is buzzing then he’ll think about it even more. And if he thinks about it even more then—
“You alright, Casey?”, April asks.
He blinks and suddenly remembers that he’s at April’s having a Girls Night with Cass and Sunita (and him and Leo for some reason so is it really a girls night??). He glances down at the pink nails April has been painting on him.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m good.”, Casey nods. His brain starts to buzz more.
He looks up at the TV to try and distract himself. They’re binge-watching all the Tinkerbell movies, the current one being The Great Fairy Rescue where Tinkerbell is trying to break out of a bird cage. He seems to be staring a bit too blankly, but he can’t seem to bring himself to look away. He’s not even focusing on the screen anymore.
“What kind of fairy do you think I would be?”, Leo asks.
“I would be a fire fairy.”, Cass nods.
“Fire fairies don’t even exist.”, Sunita snarks. “What about a light fairy?”
“Do they commit arson?”
“I want to be one of the queens.”, Leo says decidedly. “What do you think, Case?”
Casey barely stirs at his name being called. Poor Tinkerbell stuck in a cage. The bars are pretty wide though. Couldn’t she fit through? What a dumbass fairy.
Man, his head hurts. …When did the lights get all blurry? Casey blinks, trying to clear his vision. This can not be happening in front of the others. The teen is just anxious from all this new world stuff, it’s just something he’s making up for attention. Though wait if it’s for attention, then how come he’s been trying to hide it? That just doesn’t make any sense—
His eyelids slip down as his eyeballs roll back into his head again, his head suddenly dropping forward as if cut from a puppet string. Shit! Not now! This can’t be happening right now! He tries to move, tries to force himself back to normal like he’s been doing this whole time. But he’s stuck.
“Casey!”, the others shout.
“Case, you okay?”, April asks again, shaking his shoulders. But Casey can’t respond, can’t even lift a finger.
Leo gets up close, at least Casey thinks so. He can’t see shit right now. “Looks like a seizure. Here, we should prop him up against something before he falls.” Ah, the infamous Leo medic mode.
He feels the others scoot close, using a group cuddle to hold him up. Oh, that’s nice. Someone moves his chin so that he can breathe easier. At least he can control that. He tries to let them know he’s here but all that comes out is a helpless sputter.
“You’re good, Case. We got you.”, Sunita assures.
“Come on, mini me, you can fight it!”, Cass encourages.
A couple minutes go by. And suddenly Casey’s eyes snap open again and he heaves, like waking up from a bad dream. And ow his head hurts from his eyes being stuck like that for so long. He squeezes them shut, sitting more upright as he groans.
“Careful, Case.”, Leo jumps in. “You shouldn’t move so much after—”
“It’s fine, Leo.”, Casey gripes. “It wasn’t a seizure.”
“Well what the hell is it?”, Cass tilts her head. “You looked possessed.” Sunita gives her a good jab with his elbow. “Hey, ow!”
“I…I’m not sure, really.”
“Well you seem to act like you’ve done this before.”, April crosses her arms and raises a brow. “How long has this been going on?”
“Ehh…4 months?”
“4 MONTHS?!”, everyone shouts.
“And you didn’t TELL US?!”, Leo adds.
“Well I’m always fine afterwards so it’s not like there's any imminent danger.”, the teen squeaks, rubbing the back of his neck. “I figured it would just go away. Besides…you’re still recovering from the invasion. You and the others. I didn’t want to add more to your plate.”
“Oh, baby…”, April laments, putting a hand on his shoulder. “That is…the stupidest excuse I’ve ever heard in my entire life. You need to see a doctor about this. Sooner rather than later.”
The woman gets up, taking her phone out of her pocket as she hurries over to the kitchen.
“I’m calling my mom, she’s a neurologist. No friend of mine is going to deal with “not seizures” like this by himself.”, she huffs.
Casey can’t help but feel more tense now that the others are getting involved. Back in the Resistance, this would be considered a nuisance.
“I don’t know if you know this, but this isn’t the Resistance.”, Leo points out. Wait, how could he read my mind— “Your suffering is just as valid, big or small. Hell, knowing Raph, he’ll have an aneurysm if someone so much as scrapes their knee. So promise me. No more hiding things.”
Casey presses his lips together. “...If I promise to not hide things, are you going to promise the same?”
“Nnnnot a chance.”
“Figured.” .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
“Let’s take a look, dear, shall we?”
Casey’s lucky that Mrs. O’Neil had a free hour the next day. He sits down on the exam table and lets the doctor do the work. He trusts her, Casey knows Dr. O’Neil from the future…past. Even if she doesn’t know him quite well. She pokes and prods the teen’s arms. Has him run a few series of tests. Asks him a few questions about these episodes. The doctor scratches her forehead as she looks down at her clipboard.
“Sounds like PNES if I were to guess.”, she says finally.
“...what’s that?”
“Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.”, Dr. O’Neil explains. “It’s like a psychosomatic response to repressed trauma and other psychological disorders.”
“...Are you saying I have PTSD?”, Casey squints his eyes.
“Are you saying you don’t?”, Carol raises a brow. “You grew up in a literal apocalypse. As a soldier nonetheless. Without any chance to stop and take a break, I presume. You could bleed out to death but still force yourself to fight, am I right?”
Casey tries to testify but the only thing leaving his mouth is a sigh. She’s not wrong. There was no time for Casey to be having a moment in the apocalypse. Everything becomes a burden, even stuff like hunger and thirst. He had to hide it. For the sake of the Resistance. For the sake of the world.
“Casey…”, Carol sighs sympathetically. “Your body has been put under so much stress that it doesn’t know where to go. It causes you to feel nauseous or lose sleep, and those things turn into real problems like GI issues and insomnia. PNES is just simply another one of those psychosomatic symptoms that get way out of hand when left untreated.”
“So how do we treat it? How is it cured?”
“In some cases, it’s never cured. But we can work on managing it. As long as you’re willing.”, the doctor smiles. “The war is over now, Casey. It’s time to let your guard down. It’s time to heal.”
Ha. Yeah. Easier said than done. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
It takes a long time for Casey to get used to things. For starters, everyone is notified of the disorder and Donnie provides a lengthy lecture on the signs and how to help Casey out with his episodes. It feels embarrassing to be this coddled. This must’ve been how Master Michelangelo felt.
Of course things like seeing a therapist were in order. He was even prescribed antidepressants too for his anxiety. It was a tough process, talking things out with someone in a way that doesn’t imply he’s secretly from the future, as well as finding the right medication. But it does get easier.
And when an episode does happen…
“We’re right here, Casey. Let me just lean you back a bit…there we go.”, Leo reassures softly.
Small 3-fingered hands are holding his own gently. Spikes are leaned against him, keeping him steady. Someone is coaching him on how to breathe. He regains control of his eyes, blinking them open for a moment before shutting them tight against the lights.
“There we go, all done.”, Mikey smiles, the hands holding his squeeze. “That one was pretty fast.”
“Indeed. And the times in between each episode are getting longer.”, Donnie nods. “An optimal rate of improvement, well done, Junior.”
“Thanks you guys.”, Casey smiles, opening his eyes again once the lights stop hurting. “And…thanks for not giving up on me.”
“Of course!”, Raph beams. “We’re family now. In this timeline and the next.”
Yeah, he’s right. Casey will be okay. He just needs to trust his family more. There was no point in hiding. No use in keeping it a secret.
He’s not alone anymore.
Decided to have fun and gave Casey PNES as that's the running theory that my neurologist has for me. After a lot of research, I highly doubt it's the case, but until then let it be known that I did my best to maintain accuracy based on the research provided and the personal experiences I've endured.
In other words...Source: trust me bro
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craftyqween · 26 days
Ever After High: Revived and Alive
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Sooooo… I kinda sorta made a post on Pinterest saying I’d make an EAH fanfic that was kinda gonna be like a continuation of the series- yes I know that’s a lot BUT I plan to release a new chapter on here, Pinterest, and AO3 at least every 3 months (but I’m really passionate about this so I might be on my zoom and post quicker) I plan to do maybe 5 different books? Or maybe you could call it 5 different seasons? Whatever, anyway- over the next two weeks I will binge watch everything and I mean EVERYTHING eah so I can capture it to the best of my abilities (obvi I won’t be able to perfectly capture it since I ain’t the one who came up with the idea lol). Then I might take awhile to figure out what I want to actually do with the story- again I’m passionate about this sooo imma be on my zoom. If you have any questions feel free to ask (btw I’ll be linking my Pinterest and AO3 acc later.) :D Remember to drink water and get hyped! Also reblog this so more people can see and maybe have some of the devastation that came with eah getting cancelled go away…
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toraawa · 2 months
ive been a fan of yours for a while and i gotta say, i think you have the best grasp of yurisere/predatorshipping in the fandom. you actually take their characters into consideration and acknowledge their complexity as two stunted individuals who are very different but similar instead of diminishing them to memey single-trait characters. its amazing how many other other fans reduce serena to only "edgey mean girlboss" and yuri to only "nasty psycho" and then call any other version of the ship than constant hate fucking, backhanded affection and beating each other to a pulp "wrong". very tiring how only a handful of us dont like that to be the only thing they ever do
btw, your fics on ao3 are a godsend. judging by your stats im definitely not alone in loving how you write yurisere. thank you for doing the lords work. cant wait to see more updates
First of all, thank you for the high praise! It's the second time this week I've been told something similar, lol!
Though I will say anon, the rest sounds pretty charged towards something or someone particular in the fandom, so at the risk of aggravating some current stuff I don't know about...
Yeah. I agree. A lot. You pretty much summed up my thoughts perfectly.
"Edgy mean girlboss" and "nasty psycho" for Serena and Yuri respectively is... extremely accurate, lol, to the point where I kinda have to laugh bitterly for how pervasive it is. Like, I know they both got shafted hard by canon, but it's a bit annoying when so many people override Serena's multifacetedness to fit the girlboss mold and accuse Yuri of being one-dimensional. I'vs seen some even get strangely angry at the prospect of him not just being the sadistic plant guy. I just don't think him only being that is true. Then again, I'm a staunch defender of the assessment that most of Yuri's character is shown, not told.
Unfortunately, the fanon interpretation of characters overriding canon is something that happens in pretty much any fandom, so there's not much we can do but ignore it and find like-minded people. It's super annoying, but it can't be helped. There's also a broader phenomenon of prioritizing tropes and meme-y dynamics over actually appealing characters, so there's that too.
Since we're all waiting for more canon interaction, I'm definitely in the minority in that I don't think Yuri and Serena's interactions in Duel Links will be a pure hostility fest the entire time. I've also gotten accusations over the years that my Yurisere writing is objectively "wrong" for a plethora of reasons, many of which you stated above, so... there's THAT, too.
At the same time though, that isn't to say Yuri and Serena would never fight or bicker or even be mean to each other — I never expect them to be completely nice and friendly to each other right off the bat. And people are free to write and draw whatever they want — I want to express my disagreement and only that here — so if I don't like it, I ignore it. The people who don't fall into fanon have a much more appealing, deep, and romance-forgiving interpretation of yurisere to me, so I just focus on that!
Anyway, thank you once again for being a fan of my writing! I'm honestly surprised at the following for my current fics on ao3. The Arc-V tag doesn't get much engagement despite being updated every day. It's always great to know there are others who enjoy and share my idea of Yurisere, so to anyone lurking: don't be afraid to reach out!
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captainschaos · 6 months
ran late on this, but my last and biggest writing for @mcyt-aro-week! day 6: coming out / found family & day 7: free day!
just some really fun fluffy writing for the big ol polycule of a household I like to rotate in my head, a bunch of aromantics, queerplatonics, and family <3 really a very self indulgent writing but truly that's gotta be the point of it all yayyy ^_^ (includes joel, lizzie, cleo, bdubs, etho, and tango btw)
[ao3 link] words: 3002
(I'm also including a longer pronoun reference for this one since I use a lot of funky ones. like I said this piece is self indulgent LOL) Lizzie: she/her Bdubs: she/he Tango: he/it Cleo: she/they/rot Etho: he/she Joel: she/he
Lizzie felt quite lucky to have such a splendid garden behind the house. Full of life and fresh fragrances, light and color, it was truly an environment with instantaneous spirit-lifting effects. And even better- she’d built that!
Well, not exactly. She can’t take all the credit. 
“What’s all this!” Bdubs exclaimed. 
“Hm?” Lizzie peeked around the corner from the garden bed she’d been working in, and spotted Bdubs at the bed over. She was biting his lip, frowning down at the leaves he was inspecting. 
Lizzie stood and made her way over to look over Bdubs’ mossy shoulder. 
“Just a little dehydrated, isn’t it?” she said. 
Bdubs’ frown remained persistent. “I’m not sure.” She looked up at Lizzie with those enormous eyes of his, head tilted just a little bit, questioning. It was very cute. “Isn’t the color a bit off for that?” 
Lizzie had to work very hard to steer away from those beautiful brown eyes to look back at the sickly plant. “Hm… you might be right. I still think it could just be thirsty though, and that’s definitely easier to fix! So maybeee we just give it extra water for a few days, and hope it goes away?” 
Bdubs immediately burst into his hearty laugh, and Lizzie found herself giggling along with her. 
“Oh, yes~” he said in that funny way she did. “If we pretend it’s not bad soil or something then surely it will be so!” 
Lizzie laughed, and brushed her knuckles over Bdubs’ cheek before stepping back to the plants she was working at. “Exactly!” 
Bdubs’ gaze seemed to linger on Lizzie for a moment, smiling dopily, but she quickly hopped up and headed back toward the house. “Grabbing a watering can it is~!” Lizzie blushed just a bit, but quickly got back to work in the garden bed. 
Lizzie liked this way they went about their… crushes, no use beating around the bush. Not having to hide it, but they had both agreed they didn’t feel the need to make it a standard kind of romantic relationship. It was for fun, more than anything else. 
There was something very freeing about being the only two alloromantic people in a house of aromanticism, surrounded by webs of queerplatonic and otherwise non-standard relationships, when considering a thing like theirs. Both of them had their marriages, Lizzie in a happily constructed romantic relationship with Joel, and Bdubs the happy queerplatonic partner of Cleo, but they were also both very aware of their feelings for each other. Those feelings didn’t go much deeper than fluffy romance for the two of them, but the underlying friendship and their security in the net of other dedicated relationships around them meant they could feel just fine about that. 
Funny thing about aromantic ideas, they’re actually a lot more freeing for everyone. 
Bdubs pushed open the back door to the house, stepping into the mudroom behind the kitchen, singing, “I’m home~!!” 
“You were in here 15 minutes ago, moss man!” Tango snickered from where he stood by the sink. 
“And that’s a long time for people to miss my beautiful face!” 
Tango set a sparkling clean bowl on the towel that had been laid on the counter beside the sink. It seemed the phoenix had ended up with the dish duties for the day. “Of course!” He murmured the next part under its breath, with a teasing twinkle in its eye, “would have liked another five minutes of peace and quiet though…”
Tango burst into laughter, setting down the sponge as he flipped to face Bdubs, leaning back against the counter as he clutched his stomach. “Oh, it’s too easy!” 
Bdubs put her hands on her hips, expression split between an offended scowl and a suppressed grin. “What’s easy?! Being- being rude!?” 
With a last huff of laughter, Tango took two fresh towels from a drawer, and tossed one to drape over Bdubs’ face in a gentle attack. “Making you mad, mossy. Come help me dry, will ya?” 
“Hmph!” Bdubs’ voice remained angry, but his big eyes were smiling when she pulled the towel off his face. “Only because I’m so nice. Unlike some people.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Grab that pan.” 
The two of them fall into an easy rhythm in moments, only the soft clatter of stacking dishes interrupting the comfortable silence. It’s like that with them, the teasing and ribbing flowing as easily as simple, undemanding company. Partners of the same partners, that’s kind of how it settled. There was something rather reassuring about the metamour relationship for them, where they knew what the other liked because they knew what they liked themself, a kind of mirror of affection. Maybe in a world where they hadn’t found themselves colliding from shared orbits, they would have run into each other on their own and filled the gaps. But probably not. It was too comfortable like this, why would they change anything? Held in proximity by the people around them, and happy to do so. 
The drying was done in just a few minutes, and Tango giggling at its own last joke at Bdubs as she stepped back out into the garden, watering can in hand. The phoenix put his hands on its hips, surveying the now clean kitchen. Seemed everything was done here, so now to decide what to do next…
The phoenix jumped and let out a very manly squeak as a loud BANG sounded from upstairs. 
“I’m fine!” Cleo’s voice followed. 
“You sure?’ Tango shouted up, already hopping up the stairs two at a time. 
“Yep, I’m sure! Just don’t come u-” 
Whoops. Too late. Tango had already pushed open the door to Cleo’s workshop. In its defense, the zombie ought to have known he’d come running at any scary sound. 
There were bronze feathers scattered across the floor, and a life-sized figure in smooth, blank clay laying awkwardly on its side. There was some kind of contraption wrapped around its torso to cling to its back, mangled wiring in two flared shapes. Wings. A few of the bronzed feathers hung from these outstretched tendrils of copper, still swinging from the momentum of the crash, and a few splinters of clay were still spinning where they’d shattered from the elbow that had taken the brunt of the impact when the statue fell. 
“Turns out, wings are a real pain to balance!” Cleo said, shooting Tango a flicker of a smile before kneeling to gather the feathers that had come to a stop at rots feet. Tango’s own wings readjust as it kneels to join her. 
“Wait, was this-?” 
“Yeah, it was for you, silly,” Cleo cut him off with a chuckle. “Or of you. Something like that.” 
“Whah! Wh-” Tango made a series of strangled sounds as his hair started to flare up, golden flames flicking to frame his flustered expression. 
Cleo laughed even more at that, and began to teasingly shake one feather at it like a disapproving finger. “I do nice things, Tango! Don’t be so surprised.” But their smile betrayed that there was no real hurt. 
It wasn’t everyday that the two of them did things like this for each other, but it also wasn’t rare either. Tango and Cleo exchanged the occasional gift, went on the occasional date, all in a platonic sense but certainly with gestures generally associated with romance. Their relationship was more based in much smaller gestures, like huddling up together when a storm had them on edge, or holding hands on the walk to stressful adulting business. They were founded on that kind of comfort, and it occasionally, naturally for them, bloomed into these kinds of things. They’d been jokingly called girlfriends enough times for them to be able to laugh about that kind of thing, so sure! They were “just” friends, but also did dating things. Why not? But it still managed to make Tango’s wings puff up with happy embarrassment about gestures like this. 
Cleo particularly liked getting those kinds of reactions from Tango. As she watched the phoenix stumble for a response to rots jabbing, they laid a hand on his shoulder briefly. “I’ll forgive you for the rudeness because you helped clean up though.” They rubbed her thumb over his shoulder quickly before letting up and walking to the desk in one corner of the workshop, where rot very gracefully dumped all the collected feathers. Tango followed and did the same, finally seeming to recompose itself to jab back. 
“You’d better! I gotta say, bangin’ around up here with a surprise, not even with the door locked? Rookie mistake on your part.” 
“It was meant to be locked!” Cleo exclaimed with a playful pout. “I told Etho to lock it when she left a minute ago.” 
Cleo then registered the footsteps that had been passing by a few seconds ago, but were now halted outside the room. A very quiet voice piped up. “I thought I’d locked it.” 
Tango exploded with laughter as Cleo banged open the door, laughing too hard to even pretend to frown at Etho. His own eyes were smiling though behind her mask. 
“Foiled! You have to help me fix it then, since Tango already took cleanup.” 
Etho leaned over to peek into the room, eyeing the contraption on the back of the statue Tango was currently standing back up. 
“Sounds fun, actually. You were having trouble with the balancing, yeah?”
“Yeah, extra limbs are always hard. And attaching the feathers is more of a puzzle than an art, really.” Cleo stepped to the side to let Etho into the room, and began to actually assess the damage to the statue. “I’ll need to patch up that elbow too… I’ll need fresh clay.” 
“I can grab you some,” Tango offered. 
“You’re my hero, that’d be lovely Tango.” The phoenix nodded, and hopped to the door, pausing in the frame before ducking out of sight and down the stairs. 
“Coming right up!” 
So Cleo was left to look at Etho while he looked at the statue. 
“I would have thought that’d do the trick, honestly,” Etho began. “It looks even enough, particularly over the leg positioning.” 
Cleo chuckled and stepped to stand beside her, crossing rots arms as rot assessed the structure. “Well, that’s what I’d thought too, but,” they gestured to the bits of clay shattering on the floor, “boom.” 
“Yeah… not ideal, huh?” 
“Hm… have you tried anchoring it with some kind of extra plating?” 
The two of them were quickly caught up in flowing discussion, as natural as water rolling downhill. Didn’t even have to think about it, they clicked so well, and ideas seemed near-telepathically tossed between them. They were built on understanding, like that. It’s why a partnership worked so well, why they were home to each other. Who cared if Etho was a good kisser or any of that, it was never a thought that crossed Cleo’s mind, or vice versa for the fae to think about the zombie like that. They didn’t have to think much about their relationship at all past the few establishing conversations they’d had about it, it just fell into place. They understood each other, in ways no one else did. If that’s not what “queerplatonic” was for, then what was? 
After several minutes of this, Tango returned from digging through closets and storage chests with a package of fresh, soft clay, and Etho took a step back as Cleo reached out for it. 
“Thanks, Tango!” 
“No problem!” The phoenix glanced between the two of them. “You guys get it figured out?” 
“I think so,” Cleo mumbled, already only half-focused on conversing, hands now occupied with smoothing over the clay patch on the statue’s elbow. It made Etho chuckle, noticing the way they stuck rots tongue out between her teeth just the tiniest bit in focus. 
“I think rot’s got a handle on it now,” Etho said. “I’ll leave you to it Cleo.” The zombie’s focus broke for just a moment to shoot him a soft smile in silent thanks, before turning back to work. Tango seemed to be settling in to chat idly while she worked, but Etho turned on heel and headed downstairs. 
There was a breeze coming in through the open windows near the front of the house, and it drew Etho toward them. She found herself wandering into the living room, where he picked a seat near one of the larger windows, and-
“Joel!” Etho exclaimed with a laugh as he suddenly found one of the house’s two brown and green folk on top of him. Not soft enough to be Bdubs’ mossy form though, and the shout was definitely Joel’s. If it wasn’t for the sound and feel of her, though, Etho wouldn’t be able to identify him through the pile of person on top of him. 
“What Etho, you stuck? Fallen into my trap? Seems like I win, Etho, if you give up that easy!” Joel was managing to poke one finger into Etho’s ribs with each sentence, so Etho started working on detangling her arms to poke back. 
“I didn’t tap yet!” After a second the fae managed to grab what seemed to be Joel’s shoulder and tug him to the side, so the smaller figure was tucked somewhat into the spot in between the side of the armchair and Etho’s body. Somewhat. She was definitely still halfway on top of Etho, with one of Etho’s arms pinned behind him, but at least he could see Joel’s overly pleased grin now. “There.”
Joel pushed at Etho, partially readjusting and partially for the continued fight of it. “You’re pinching my leg, Etho.” 
“Well whose fault is that?”
“Yours,” Joel said with a smirk. Etho flicked her ear. 
“Okay, sure! Says the guy that jumped on me.” 
But as much as they were poking at each other, verbally and physically, neither of them were really trying to get away from the other. They just needed an excuse, of course. For the closeness, for them to be able to sit like this- and the wonderful thing was, they always found it with each other. The both of them had old problems with putting up walls, with their reputations seeming to push out any room for moments of weakness, but all it takes is one excuse to knock those down. Double Life’s soulmate bond, of course, but past that, little moments like this. For whatever reason, it was able to override any protest their proud minds might make. This was a sparring match, clearly, so they could relax and be fulfilled by the contact and presence of the other. And there was fun in the game, and a kind of admission of love under Joel caring enough to “attack.” At this point, they’d broken the walls down enough they were far more comfortable with the casual and sweet, but there was still such a power to these kinds of interactions. The ability to completely ignore any kinds of social rules, and just lay on top of each other in a chair that really didn’t fit them. 
“What are you two doing?” Lizzie piped in with a chuckle as she appeared in the doorway between the kitchen and living room. 
“I’m winning,” Joel said, beaming as she reached back to poke Etho’s ribs another time to demonstrate. “See?” 
Lizzie shook her head as the grinned at the sight of them. “You’re going to break that chair.” 
“Joel might,” Etho said, which Joel of course repaid with an elbow to the gut. “Ow!” 
“He might fall out of it, if nothing else.” Lizzie glanced to give Etho a friendly wink. “You can give him a good shove, I won’t tell.” 
“Hey!” Joel shouted as Etho started to slowly push her in a way that would roll him over the chair’s arm and onto the floor if kept up. “You’re my wife, you’re supposed to be on my side!” 
“I mean, I think being your wife is the perfect reason to want to see you pushed onto the floor,” Lizzie said with a last giggle as she turned away from the doorway. “Love you!” 
Joel suddenly found himself on the floor. “Love you too.” He pushed himself up to sit criss-cross, and crossed her arms to match as she glared up at Etho. “Can’t believe you’d team up with my wife against me.” 
Etho giggled as he peered down over the armrest at Joel, propping his cheek up with one arm against it. “Let’s be honest, I could get anyone in this house to team up to get you.” 
Joel huffed, but not quite in an annoyed enough fashion to cover her own giggling. “Yeah, you’re right.” 
And she was. Across the web of relationships stretching through this house, there were a million little reasons for anyone else to join in on the fun, to feel comfortable enough to get in on the teasing without worrying about anyone going to far, to have affection worth demonstrating in such a way. Because Joel may have been married to Lizzie, but Lizzie was kissing Bdubs, and Bdubs was linked up to Tango through partnerships with Cleo and Etho, and Joel was tangled back up into it through each unique, inescapable connection. None of them were the same, but they were all built on this household. This house, safe and vibrant and alive as it was, shared by all of them, connected all of them. It was a messy thing, all the complexities and relationships that didn’t fit in boxes or under labels, but it was their family of a strange sort. The people who were havens of safety, the place they’d built to just exist together, comfortable and happy. Far from conventional, always a blur of interwoven interactions, but at the end of the day, dinner was usually at six, and everyone would have a bed to sleep in at the end of the night. 
What more could you expect from a home? 
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Last Daily Blog September 19, 2023
Well, it was worth a try, but this didn't turn out like I hoped. For one, I couldn't keep up with a Daily blog or Weekly. My priority has always been on getting my writing done first, and since I've gone to a scheduled posting of once a week for my WIP, I haven't found the time. And since the goal of this was for more fandom interaction, I kind of failed there, too, so I lost the inclination.
I'm also going to stop posting my weekly WIP fic updates. My last post last Tuesday, and Reblog the next day got one Like. There could be a variety of reasons, but this is consistent. If I post a rec for someone else's fic or reblog something, I'll get a fair amount of Likes and Reblogs. If it is my own work....... So, since I have less than 200 followers, it's not a productive way to promote my own work. In other words, my fandom ego gets embarrassed. I do understand that I tend to write niche or on-the-edge Drarry fics. From politics to trans-female!Draco with Harry during the 2-year transition, and this one where we have bi-sexual!Harry (Draco's is in Azkaban for 30 years, and Harry has to marry to uphold the family bloodline). I get it. LOL
So, one last time: Chapter 15 of The Azkaban Letters is up. Next week Harry enters the Portrait Room to meet all of his ancestors.
Okay, enough about my personal issues. BTW I will continue reccing fics and watchout, @hd-fan-fair is coming up in October!
What I've Been Reading:
I'm thoroughly enjoying @oflights The Star Splitter. This is a Drarry Chapter fic that is updated regularly.
On a routine time travel assignment to the past, Draco stumbles upon 7-year-old Harry Potter and witnesses his neglect and mistreatment by the Dursleys. In the moment, there is only one solution, even if it goes against all his training as a Time Agent: he has to bring Harry back to the future with him. In which Draco burns his life down for the sake of his former school rival.
@oflights is such an amazing plotter. Currently, there are seven chapters posted (34.5K), and Draco is in so much trouble that I haven't a clue how it can get resolved. It's truly delicious reading about Draco taking care of 7-year-old Harry but knowing he shouldn't be.
The Star Splitter on AO3
more recs and then fandom resources under the cut
@squintclover is a new author for me. She's got a very sweet 2 chapter fic going on where the first chapter has been posted. Twirling Cords (like in the muggle movies). I liked it so much that I perused her other fics posted and found this amazing gem. For anyone who loves Matilda and Ms Honey, Harry Potter; Miss Drew's Class; Y4 (2K) is a must read.
A look at Harry Potter's life from the POV of his year 4 teacher, Miss Drew.
These are the last two lines of the opening scene:
We all go into teaching wanting to be Miss Honey. But none of us want to meet our Matilda.  Harry Potter is my Matilda. 
I don't tear up often, but in only 2K, I most certainly did.
Harry Potter; Miss Drew's Class; Y4 On AO3
Please give lots of love and comments to both fics!
Tumblr Resources:
How could I not do this section without mentioning thee amazing @sitp-recs. Reccer Extraordinaire! I'm guessing every one of my followers is a follower of Liv. Her pinned post is so nice and simple, but OMG there is so much under all of those links.
I was in complete awe this past Spring/Summer when she did the Rapid Fire Rec series. I mean come on, how did she do that? Someone gives her a prompt, and she turns around and gives 3 stories dealing with that prompt.
Liv doesn't do Fic Finds; she doesn't tolerate hate or neg comments. What she does is spread Drarry (fic and art) love in every way you can imagine. Tons of love and respect for @sitp-recs for all she does to keep Drarry and some of those rare pairs alive in hp fandom.
One last resource. I've had this on my list to post, but I couldn't track down the author. For those who write about Harry's childhood abuse, this is for you. If you know who compiled this list, please let me know, and I'll give the credit! It's well deserved.
HP Abuse
Okay, that's a wrap. It was fun!
As mentioned above, I'll still be doing recs and other commentary.
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salamandergoo · 8 months
any angsty stonacy fics you'd like to rec?
I’d be remiss to not link my own fic here lol. When You Go, Leave Me Alone was spurned on by the Stranger Things Writers’ Guild discord server and was initially going to be an adrenaline-fueled hookup at the end of the world that didn’t mean much to Nancy and Jonathan after the world didn’t end. The concept has changed a little as it has developed, I’m deep into chapter 2 now (but it’s looking like it’ll have 3 or 4 chapters by the time I’m done). It’s not endgame Stoncy, though. I won’t reveal who Steve ends up with, but that’s not super important yet.
This fic, They Don’t Talk After by @stevethehousewife, details a similar scenario, Steve, Jonathan, and Nancy hooking up after the various times they’ve all almost died, but with a much more hopeful ending. I’ve been reading through a bunch of their fics lately and really enjoying them btw.
complex by mgggsies on Ao3 is a non-linear fic that focuses on the highs and lows of the triad and takes equal time with each of them which I genuinely love. It has a hopeful ending and some bonus ronance!
i’m so good at telling lies. (that came from my mother’s side.) by ihaveforgottenn on Ao3 is a post-season 4 au fic that focuses on Jonathan and his trauma with his partners taking care of him. It explores the abuse he experienced at the hands of his father and the trauma from experiencing Horrors year after year.
Answering Your Call by @mrs-steve-harrington is an Omegaverse season 4-divergent fic where Jonathan and Nancy, bonded Alphas, follow Steve into the Upside Down after he dives through Watergate. Hurt/Comfort ensues. Listen I’m kind of obsessed with Steve getting hurt, particularly in seasons 3 and 4, I’m always going to be weak for anyone protecting and comforting him!!!
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depressopax · 6 months
Hii if its ok could I request some married life with Mike Ehrmantraut headcanons? Or like how he would go about proposing to (gender neutral) reader he’s been dating for awhile, I love all your work with Mike! 🩵
Thank you for the kind words and the request!! <3 It’s been a while since I wrote about Mike now, so I had fun writing this! :)  It’s a bit short thoo 😭 ALSO HIII FELLOW MIKE FAN  Hope you enjoy the fic!! <3
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Pairing: Mike Ehrmantraut x gender-neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): None (lmk if I should add any!) Words: 0.6k Summary: Married life with Mike would include... English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request ||
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Proposal 💍
I think I said this in my relationship HC’s for Mike, but… He’s the king of slow burn romance lol
Not because he’s insecure in what he feels for you - he does love you more than anything
Rather because he’s scared. Scared to move too quickly, to scare you away, and simply because his work “doesn’t allow it”.
Fuck it, let’s say he somehow quits his job for Fring… Then…
He’d be very quick to put a ring on your finger.
He realizes that his criminal lifestyle is the reason as to why he’s been so scared of a bigger commitment.
But now there’s nothing holding him back.
He has money, so he makes sure to find the perfect proposal ring.
Finally deciding on one, he tries finding the right moment.
He cringes at cheesy couples etc, which is pretty double standard-ish, considering he’s one cheesy mf when it comes to you lol
He takes you out to a fancy restaurant and then goes for a walk in the dark
After building the perfect romantic tension, he surprises you by kneeling before you
When he show you the ring, you can only think one thing: “Finally.” 
He can barely ask before you answer. “Will you ma-” “YES!” “...Can I ask first, at least?”
The two of you couldn’t be more happy - finally being able to show love for each other without secrets.
Friends and family of you and Mike are the first ones to find out. 
…And you can’t stop flexing with the ring to every person you meet lol Mike will be like: “Stop bragging with the ring”, but secretly loves when you do
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Wedding 💒
Half a year after the engagement, you decide it’s time for a wedding.
Mike is a simple man, for him, it would be enough with a church wedding, or even just in the city hall
But you had bigger plans
And who is he to disagree?
If you want a big white wedding - he’ll fix it. PERIOD. 
Seeing you all dressed in white/in a suit is enough to make his heart melt.
You marry each other surrounded by friends and family
With Kaylee being the flower girl 🥹 (Btw, her and Stacey both adores you and are relieved to see someone finally give Mike the happiness he deserves <3)
The ceremony is beautiful and afterwards you have after-wedding party
You even successfully force Mike to dance with you lol
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Honeymoon 🏖
Mike takes you on a beautiful honeymoon.
He wanted it to be somewhere adventurous, but settled for a nice place.
Probably hiring the best room at some beach hotel
You spend an entire month celebrating your love together, going to spas, hiking and exploring the city and… Other things ;)
None of you want to go back home, but then again - you’re married now. So it feels ok.
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Married life 💕
You live in Mike’s house, but he eventually suggests moving to a bigger place, in a more calm neighborhood - and closer to Stacey and Kaylee.
You buy a nice two-floor house together
Cheesy as Mike is with you, he def does the “carrying his s/o over the threshold to the house” thing 😌✨
The two of you probably get a dog or cat, depending on your preferences - screw it, maybe both!
You are happy to return from work everyday and have Mike waiting for you
He kinda become a “househusband” lol
I feel like he’s a clean freak, so he def gets these impulses to deep clean the house when you’re away at work - and that way he can distract himself from missing you too much
He also spoils you with gifts and dinner
Movie nights <3
Mike has had an intense, dangerous life but now finally can settle for peace and calm, together with the person he loves. 
He is so happy he met you and grateful he got the opportunity to love someone again.
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Thanks for reading! Btw, I'm currently writing on my first ever chapter novel fanfiction! It's a Nacho spin-off and an La casa de papel & Better call Saul crossover! Would mean a lot if you giys wanna check it out an leave a like or comment! Thanks <3
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rock-n-onyx · 1 year
After a long while of writing, I am finally ready to release my newest fic! @silvercaptain24 I think I might be joining that little group you have going on that constantly hurts wars lol
Anyways! Tw: Child Abuse
I also need some help coming up with tags for Ao3 cause I suck at tagging btw
Damnit. There weren’t supposed to be this many monsters. Where in the name of Hylia did they come from? Warriors swung his sword and danced around the bokoblin he was fighting. More monsters were seemingly appearing out of nowhere and it was starting to tire everyone out. This was just supposed to be a simple mission with only a few infected monsters to kill! It was near his home village, and he couldn’t exactly say no to protecting it.
Finally, though, it looked like the crowd was thinning again. He could actually see his comrades now through the horde. And now he could also see the main source of their problems. A wizzrobe with a bird-like beak sat in the center, occasionally waving its wand around and summoning more monsters. Bingo.
“Wild!” He yelled at the top of his lungs, “That wizzrobe! Shoot him down!” An arrow went whizzing by and embedded itself into a monster right next to it.
“I can’t get a clear shot!” He heard Wild faintly shout back over all the yelling and clash of blades. He cursed under his breath. He started to fight his way towards the wizzrobe, hoping to thin the gaggle of monsters hanging around there.
He fought through and was about to engage with another enemy when a yell ripped through the clearing, “WARS, WATCH OUT!”. He spun around, just in time for a blast from the wizzrobes wand to hit him dead center in his chest. The force was enough to knock him over and he lay on the ground gasping as the air in his lungs left him empty inside.
He thought he heard someone shout to cover him but he couldn’t quite discern who said it through the thick fog coating his mind. His thoughts became muddled and he groaned and sat up, holding his head. What- what was going on? Where was he? He- he couldn’t remember. The fog settled into place, dulling his memory and making his flight-or-fight reflex kick into overdrive.
Fighting. It sounded like there was fighting. He snapped his head up, eyes blown wide and breath quickening as he took in his surroundings. People, there were strange people he didn’t know, calling out at him. Warriors, they were calling him Warriors, why? That wasn’t his name. His name was Link, and these strange, armored, and armed people were standing very close. Too close. He crawled backward quickly, never taking his eyes off of them.
They looked surprised and confused, as if they weren’t expecting a reaction like that. One of them, a brown haired kid with simple clothes, reached out for him, “Wars? It’s okay, it’s just us.” He faltered when he saw how scared Link looked, “Warriors?”
Link stood up, slowly backing away and the eight strangers looked at him worriedly. The eldest, the one with the scar over his eye, held up his hands in a placating gesture. “Link? That’s your name, yeah? It’s alright.” Link looked at him confusedly, how did this man know his name? His eyes darted as he saw one of the men reaching for something. His heart leaped out of his chest as he turned tail and ran into the forest, not caring of the shouts behind him telling him to stay.
His mind was racing. What was going on? He leaped over a tree root, as he heard the footsteps behind him getting fainter. Good, he was losing them. Then he heard another pair of footsteps catching up and he spared a look over his shoulder. It was that brown-haired kid again, and he looked like he had no trouble maneuvering through the forest like him.
He took a sharp left, hoping to throw him off his trail, but he kept right on after him like a hound chasing down the terrified rabbit. Eventually they reached another clearing, and at this point had thoroughly lost the other seven, so only he and the kid remained. He spun around and put his fists up into a fighting stance. The kid looked weak enough, he could probably take him in a fight.
He obviously wasn't expecting such a sudden stop as he skidded to a standstill a bit aways. He put his hands up in a surrender, “Hey, hey, hey, I’m not looking for a fight!”
“Then why’d ya chase me through the woods, then?” He snarled, not lowering his guard at all. The kid seemed at a loss for words, and he took a step forward threateningly. The kid didn’t back down and slowly raised his hands into a guard. Good, seems the kid gets that he won’t be going down without a fight.
He didn’t want to let him get the first punch in, so he swung his fist first, and it connected solidly with his nose. The kid’s hand flew up to grab at it, and he kicked him in the side, knocking him down to the ground. He heard the sound of the others approaching and took that as his sign to flee.
He disappeared into the forest before they could catch sight of him and he grinned. Now, he really should be getting home, although… did he really have to go back right now? Maybe he’ll get lucky and he won’t be home yet. He slowed down to a walk as he entered the village again. He got some weird stares, but he ignored them. He was used to people looking at him strangely. After all, blonds aren’t exactly common around here.
The village looked a bit different than how he remembered it, but he chalked it up to his foggy memory messing with him. He turned onto the small side street that his father lived on. The lights weren’t on, good, maybe that means he wasn’t home yet and he could get to his room before he noticed. That plan was soon thrown out the window however when he smelled the heavy stench of alcohol.
Great, his father is home and he’s been drinking. Maybe he should just go. Usually it wasn’t worth it trying to get back into the house when his father was drunk. The door swung open with a loud bang, and out came his father, a booze bottle still in his hand and leaning on the doorway for support. Link flinched backwards as his heart crept up into his throat.
“You pest, what the hell do ya think you’re doing back here?! Did I ever say ya could show yer face around here again?” His father shouted at him, and Link stayed rooted in place, terror making his veins turn to ice. His father grumbled and turned back into the house, exiting with a thick leather belt.
That made him take a step back, breath caught in his throat as he approached, hand holding the belt high. “Well? Ain’t ya gonna say anything? Or are ya too much of a coward, like you always have been?” His eyes were wild, crazed, and he looked murderous. Link stumbled backwards, tripping over a loose rock and falling down onto his rear.
He looked up in terror, arms held up to protect his face as the belt came striking down. It lashed his arms and if not for the bracers he wore, would have left bloody scratches. As it were, it stung like hell and he winced and prepared for another blow as his father went to strike him again.
“Excuse me sir, what in the name of Hylia do you think you are doing?” A cold, steely voice came from behind him and he flinched, covering his head and pulling his legs up to his chest. His heart hammered in his chest and in the resulting silence that followed he feared it would be heard.
“What the hell do you think I’m doing? I’m teaching the brat a lesson, now scram! This ain’t for you to step into stranger.” His father’s voice was eerily calm, but he could see the simmering rage underneath it. He didn’t dare look up when he heard no movement from behind him. For a moment he thought he might have left, but then a heavy hand settled on his shoulder and he flinched horribly, curling into a tight ball.
The hand immediately left him, and he heard the two men arguing but he couldn’t hear them over the pounding of heart and the ringing in his ears. Breathing was becoming difficult as the world around him was muffled through a thick layer of static. A hand on his shoulder again, light and the touch careful. He barely registered it and the voice murmuring garbled nonsense to him.
A hand gently pried his hand away from where it was tugging viciously at his hair, instead settling it onto his chest. He felt the deep breaths and subconsciously tried to mimic it. Eventually breathing became easier and he could feel the world around him again.
“Hey, you back with me Link?” He flinched when he heard the voice, but recognition soon followed and he sobbed.
“..Time..?” His voice was wavering and soft, but he was pulled close and wrapped in a loose hug. He breathed in the slight mossy scent and buried his face into his chest. “Tell Roolie.. that I’m sorry..”
He heard time chuckle, “Well, you can tell him yourself. Let’s go home okay?” Warriors took one last look at his ‘home’. No, that wasn’t home, not anymore. Home meant friends, and banter, and camping under the stars. Home was with his family, the family he made. With the help of Time, Wars stood up again. And he never looked back.
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renegade-skywalker · 6 months
about me ~ my writing
my (old) poetry blog my cats🥰 ginger tabby: Kaito, 4 years old white&black: Chani, 7 years old white&grey tabby: Finn🌈2016-2022 (little love of my life)
Interview with the Vampire/Vampire Chronicles
In Her, I Had Eternity (Claudia/Madeleine, one shot, POV Madeleine)(AO3)
BG3/Gale x Tav fics (AO3 links)
Home is Wherever I'm With You
Another Night With You
Let Me Count the Ways
Experiments in Idle Pleasures
Forgive Me
Submission and Surrender
Sweetness of a Waking Dream
Heat of a Stolen Moment
A Soft Proposal
One of Many Mornings
Tav/OC Meta
Merit Meadowlark 1/2/3/4/5
Lyric/Durge 1/2
Kotor 2 / Atton x Exile fics (AO3 links)
On Call
A Fool's Wager
The Scoundrel and the Jedi
Best Left Unsaid
The Calm Before the Storm
Before You Go (Prompt: "I fucked up")
"You'd hate it here,"
"There are those who wage war, and those who follow them."
"Figured I'd find you here,"
"“It's like you've got this glow, but only when I see you out of the corner of my eye.”
Other Kotor 2 Fics
Out of the Abyss (my ~400k+ word still-ongoing magnum opus lol) (AO3)
A Curious Thing (this is Mira/Brianna but Atton/M!Exile is still implied; completed) (AO3)
Ghost in the Machine (rebuilding HK-47, Revan reveal) (AO3)
Dragon Age fics (older ones are on AO3, c. 2014)
What You Take With You (DA2, multi-chapter, in progress, Carver/Merrill)
The Rains of Highever (DA:O one shot, vengeful Cousland, POV Morrigan)
The Splendor of Lost Hearts (DA:I multi-chapter, completed. Blackwall character study)
more under the cut!
SW fics/meta/prompts (older, pre-2018) (AO3 links)
Warm (Finn/Rey)
Midnight Flight (Finn/Rey)(link is to the final chapter on tumblr but the post includes an entire fic directory and the AO3 link(s))
Fatal Flaw (Bodhi Rook/Galen Erso character study)
Like My Mother Before Me (Luke and Padme character study)
A Heavy Inheritance (Leia and Padme character study)
What I Meant to Tell You (Finn/Rey)
Free (Finn character study)
Random Kotor/SW meta posts
"Well he definitely gets that from me," (my most popular post for some reason...)
thoughts on kotor 2/TLJ/Atris and the Jedi
I'm a Mira/Brianna truther at heart
Vader recognizing Padme and himself in Leia
Luke Skywalker feels
Revan vs the Jedi Exile and the kotor-era Jedi Order
Kreia thoughts
Mical/The Disciple Appreciation Post
More Mical love
How Atton factors into Kreia's end game plan
Why Finn and Rey should have been co-leads in the sequel trilogy
My AO3 (all of my stuff is site-locked btw so you'll need to be logged in to see it all)
❤️ttfn :)
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marley-manson · 3 months
Any Spones fic recommendations?
I've sadly never read much fic for them, and not for years so take these recs with a grain of salt, but I do have a couple handy:
Surgeon's Mate - belmanoir
Mirror, Mirror - twisting_vine_x
Trapped and There Would Be Others - Cathy German These are both gen but they're great for tropey spones interaction iirc. The whole site's worth a look too, lots of v good zine era fic, though no slash afaik.
That's all I have for recs of individual fics, unfortunately. But I did some quick looking and:
This is the old central archive for Spock/McCoy circa the 00s, if you want to branch out from ao3. I have no specific recs here, and beware some outdated fandom attitudes if you go searching, but it could be worth a look.
If you scroll down to the fanworks section there's a list of some notable S/Mc fics (which tbh I might check out myself soon lol)
And apparently there were very few Spones fics back in the zine era of Trek fandom, and no dedicated zines for them pre-internet, but there's an e-zine that started in the 00s, and you can find links to every issue on this page.
Idk if it's worth straying from ao3 anyway lol but idk I always enjoy checking out old early internet archives for fic when I'm in a classic fandom.
btw if you happen to find any great spones fics feel free to rec me some too <3
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Writer's Tag Game
Tagged by @strangethings-everywhere !! Thanks Anna!
Rules: Answer some or all of the questions below. Tag your fellow writers. Enjoy!
Link to your masterlist: I don't have a masterlist but here is my ao3! Not gonna bother linking my other ao3 account but if you ever want some BTS content just hmu and I got you lol.
Favorite and least favorite genres to write (angst/smut/fluff, etc): Favorite is for sure some hurt/comfort! Least favorite is any angst that doesn't have a happy ending, I just can't do it lol.
Favorite characters to write for? That's a hard question! I enjoy writing both Bobby and Don, it's hard to choose which I prefer lol; I've really been loving writing Bobby in The Cormorant though so maybe I'll say him. And Chuck Day! I looove writing Chuck, he was such a pleasant surprise when I wrote So Far So Good.
Which one of your works is your favorite? How am I supposed to pick one of my babies?? Lol. I mean, The Cormorant is so incredibly special and dear to me, I think that one will be my favorite for a long time even once it's finished. Out of my completed works, though, a kind of dark horse favorite is The Inherent Value of Warmth and Breath. I wrote that one soooo spontaneously but it turned out so well! I think it has a great balance of action and romance for just a little one shot.
Which one of your works is more popular than you thought it would be? It honestly still blows my mind that The Quiet Act of Loving Someone is the top kudos'ed fic in tbitb tag on ao3 (it just passed 200 kudos btw!! thanks for all the love! <3). Like I never thought something like that would happen with my fics.
Which one of your works is less popular than you thought it would be? So Far So Good my beloved!! I maybe went into it with too high expectations, because people had really loved Shy Boy, so I thought more people would be excited for a sequel. But alas, I guess Chuck/Roger isn't quite as popular. It still got some very nice love though, so I really can't complain!
Which one of your fics was hardest to write? Why? The Cormorant is definitely the hardest to write, but in a super rewarding way. There are just a lot of moving pieces (literally, with Bobby traveling lolol), and figuring out the timing of the month counting down, along with the balance of present day scenes, flashbacks, and dreams with Jack, it takes a lot of consideration for like, structure and organization. And then just thematically, it's very heavy and emotional to write. Which I love, it's so cathartic, but tbh sometimes I have to take breaks and think happy thoughts lol (such as post-fic fluff ideas for Bobby and Don hehe).
What is your favorite fanfic by someone else? Omg okay I'm limiting myself to three (and I'll try not to gush too much lol) but as Anna said there are so many amazing fics in our little fandom!! A huge favorite of mine is Someone Like You (I'm Ready) by teaforone ( @teaforarteza ) on ao3. This fic had me in an absolute chokehold and I still think about it to this day; the messy start, the stakes, the love confessions, the smut?? People died (me). It was also the first fic I read that emphasized Chuck and Bobby's friendship, which was eye opening. Next, I can't talk about fav fics without mentioning salix's (@seasidesandstarscapes )hockey au, Right in the Numbers!! Talk about messy lol, I was screaming at Don throughout this whole fic, and I fell in love with cam boy Bobby! Lastly, and most recently, I was so incredibly taken by effervescentyellow's (@effervescentyellow ) fic As Beautiful As You. It almost made me cry! There's just this overwhelming sense of warmth and acceptance and love, it feels like being wrapped in a cozy blanket and being told everything is going to be okay. It's so amazing.
Tags: umm I guess since I mentioned them above, I'll tag @effervescentyellow !
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