#the law does not exist
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 2 years ago
BREAKING NEWS: Local ice cream salesman and meddler in teenage relationships Andre Glacier admits he has not been selling his ice cream with a permit
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mammoth-clangen · 28 days ago
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Behold! Big Kitties!
I wanted to make one of these for fun mostly, also because I wanted to slightly update how I draw the Fleets to fit the Homotherium mummy; mostly in the lack of carpal pads and that brown is the wildtype colour uvu
Notes that didn't fit: - Eye colours can be anything natural-looking except in Ice Fangs, which are always blue (that's actually where their name comes from) - None of the colour variants are sexually dimorphic (though some may be sex linked) - All species can be fluffier than shown here (especially in winter), I just shaved them here to show the varied anatomy - All the cats probably have a melanistic and albino variant but there aren't any in Kindred so I didn't include them - I'm never gonna draw the characters in Kindred with detailed patterns as shown here, that would take 554637 hours per page cx
Don't @ me about paleo inaccuracies bc there's a lot of intentional exaggerations e.g. how variable they can be, for the sake of making characters actually fun to work with + the Tuft Tails are basically just lions because their skeletal anatomy is sooooo similar but bigger (and lions are pretty)
Image ID
"Kindred of the Mammoth- Pleistocene big cats"
Fleet Fang- Homotherium serum. Tireless hunters of the steppe. Male: Tom Female: Molly Nonbinary: Motte Young: Cub Grouping: Kindred A drawing in a slightly more realistic style than Kindred of a brown Fleet Fang with green eyes and extensive barring running down her sides. There is a headshot of a tom with shaggy grey and white fur, who has his mouth open in a slight pant to show dental anatomy. Notes read: "Inverted neck hackle Patterns run laterally. Tufted ears Heart-shaped nose. All teeth are serrated No carpal pad Claws don't retract fully Skin usually dull pink Paler under-tail No sexual dimorphism Huge incisors, tiny lower canines Tundra morphs shaggy and pale grey" There are a few natural variants shown as well: dilute few spots, joined-barring (lateral stripes instead of broken spots), Open-saddle ginger, melanistic with paler grey markings.
Ice Fang- Smilodon fatalis ssp. Powerful hunters of the north. Male: Boar Female: Sow Nonbinary: Urs Young: Cub Grouping: Sounder A drawing in a slightly more realistic style than Kindred of a white, grey striped Ice Fang with blue eyes . There is a headshot of a boar with pale golden fur and a darker beard under his neck. He has his mouth open in a slight pant to show dental anatomy. Notes read: False eyes on small ears Powerful neck/shoulders Vertical stripes Very short tail Bear-like lower lip Only sabers are serrated Very large dewclaws Skin usually dull pink/brown Boars have a goat-like 'beard'. Wide nose, sideways nostrils. Huge incisors, tiny lower canines. There are a few natural variants shown as well: Faded stripes with a pale warm grey coat, Few stripes only on the shoulders and rump, Tawny morph with broken stripes (they form vertical bars), Abundism- heavy stripes that are interlocking and covering the whole body.
Tuft Tail- Panthera leo atrox Coordinated hunters of the plains. Male: Lion Female: Lioness Nonbinary: Leo Young: Cub Grouping: Pride A drawing in a slightly more realistic style than Kindred of a golden tawny Tuft tail (lioness) with amber eyes. There is a headshot of a lion with greyish fur and a tawny underbelly. He also has a darker mane around his neck. He has his mouth open in a slight pant to show dental anatomy. Notes read: Larger ears Long, flexible spine Nose darkens with age Robust non-serrated teeth Dark pawpads Patternless or faintly spotted Long, tufted tail Lions have a mane (but less full than African Lions) Lions much heavier than lionesses. There are a few natural variants shown as well: Completely spottless warm grey with a tawny underbelly, orxy type dark markings that outline the paler underbelly, retained juvenile spots and a reddish tint, fully grey morph that is entirely desaturated.
A note at the bottom reads: Kindred of the Mammoth, art, and these speculative depictions belong to PencilPavlova [END ID]
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posipops · 2 months ago
Au/fic idea: It's canon that Shadow goes to concerts w/ Amy. Hatsune Miku has concerts. Au where he goes to a Miku concert and there's a special guest only labeled "Brother". Boom. Sonic jumpscare. Que the confusion as to why the FUCK is Sonic there. (Sega's Mascots are both Miku and Sonic. Sonic Underground is a thing.)
This is my excuse to fund the Miku&Sonic siblings headcanons.
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kookoofufu · 1 year ago
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Please look at this Law-themed storage bin I saw a few weeks ago. It’s very important.
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judyhopps934-mt-zd · 2 years ago
Y'all, the rules are the last thing that Marinette Dupain-Chang thinks about when it comes to Adrien. Why are we acting surprised???
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Of course small things like "not being allowed on the runway" aren't stopping Marinette Dupain-Chen from seeing her boyfriend!
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taitavva · 7 months ago
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Thus, Socrates says that "sophrosyne is something divine" (Carmides, 174b) and that "the sensible man is a philosopher" (Carmides, 174c).
[Enkrateia and sophrosyne in Plato: a comparative study of the dialogues Carmides, Gorgias, Republic, Politius and Laws - Juan Carlos Tellería Sebastián]
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oceanwani · 8 months ago
saw people putting their ships in the silly underwear merch and knew what i had to do
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eurekq · 22 days ago
The best way to stay sane rn is to just remember that executive orders, even when they are written very carefully with strong legal counsel, are not very difficult to overturn, and are, and i cannot emphasize this strongly enough, NOT LAW. Their main purpose is for regulation of internal governmental affairs within the confines of existing law. They can also be, like, instantly dismissed by the next president.
Your better bet right now is keeping an eye on your states policies. Many state policymakers are being emboldened by trumps exec orders and are taking advantage of a distracted, confused, and politically disengaged constituency to try to pass vile shit at the state level. Many red state governments are also insanely understaffed and easy to overwhelm with calls and emails (I would know, I work for one).
Keep an eye on proposed bills in your states, and, if you feel safe doing so, talk to the moderate republicans and libertarians in your family or other circles; emphasize the devaluation of the consitution, the abuse of our political systems, and the encroachment into personal privacy and freedoms. Speak their language, as it were. These people are far more likely to actually call their reps and be taken seriously as a part of the core voter base. Make calls posing as a Republican voter yourself with these same tactics if you think you can pull it off; they're more likely to value the opinion of those they share a platform with. Look into their backgrounds, see what their origins are, play to that.
Just dont obey in advance, okay? Especially if you don't even know what you're obeying.
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lesbians4armand · 7 months ago
wait yeah tags on that post just made me realize something. armand doesn’t really understand unconditional parental love (in show canon) does he? i mean he might know of the concept but he has never felt it. his own parents sold him into slavery and after that every adult that ‘loved’ him was in romantic or sexual ways, never parental. Then, he never has kids (excluding benji and sybelle here as we haven’t met them in the show yet and they kind of put an end to this) or fledglings (except daniel, and that dynamic was clearly not parental anyway)
Like his hatred for Claudia was absolutely through not wanting Louis’s affections to be split and having to put up with him caring more about her than him when he wanted Louis all to himself to escape the coven he’d grown tired of, but it was also because he saw her as a romantic rival. In his mind, Louis couldn’t love both Claudia and him because he was already satisfied with having Claudia as his ‘companion’ and Armand couldn’t see that that was because she was his daughter/sister rather than his lover.
Louis is of course homosexual in the show rather than bisexual in the books and I assume Armand knew this which kind of removes some credibility from this but the point is that if you told Armand you loved someone because they were your child he would not understand that. To him, love is inherently romantic or sexual (which I think informs why he slept with most of the coven too, he can’t just have friends)
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the-curious-wordsmith · 4 months ago
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Walraven gets hit with the Mastersona beam.
I chose the word "route" as it comes from French and specifically refers to a chosen path, alluding to travelling and suggesting some form of guidance. It also descends from the Latin phrase "rupta via", which is defined in the image as "a path made by force".
..."Route" is also a common term for the direction a game's story takes based on a set of choices made by the player.
Guess who speaks French and Latin, is plagued by prophetic visions and has to make tough decisions as a total foreigner given too much power!
Extra images under the cut:
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I studied some pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus) images for this. I want to get better at drawing bats. :}
I did misinterpret something as fluff because the opacity of the image was way down, haha. At least the shapes are there. Also, I took liberties with the fur because the point was more about where it was and how I could convey the fluffiness.
Photo credits:
Left: Michael Durham
Right: Joel Sartore
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ratkingsocks · 1 year ago
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Hopefully that split version works the way i think it will,,, we'll uh see but HEY its the heart pirates (well some of them!) with Cora-san as a little treat..
This is my first attempt at drawing people in a while, so its a bit rough but i don't hate it
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queercontrarian · 1 year ago
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meet one of my favorite rarepairs: cresseida and emerie!
they both deserve the world
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come back for more from them for @polyacotarweek where i'll add nesta to the mix
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jjcocker · 5 months ago
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his ass WOULD pirate the shit out of nintendo if he was real
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ofallthingsnasty · 1 year ago
been thinkin about mouth inspections at the dentist (with our faves). Isn’t there a way to tell if you’ve given bjs before? Like there’s an indent in the roof of your mouth or something? Since you have experience in dentistry, i thought I might ask💀
Perhaps dentist fave pokes around in your mouth and finds that spot, asking all sorts of gross questions, who’ve you done it with? how many have you given? and then forces you on your knees, explaining the whole time what he’s doing to that spot in your mouth as he brutalizes your throat. Law or Doffy would be the worst for it. Doffy wouldn’t be able to control himself and Law would be so calm and collected, it would be scary
Yes, but only hard and recent blowjobs - there can be petechiae on your palate!! (Think tiny red spots) We don't care, though ajsjjksk and as always THIS IS FICTIONAL OFC I DON'T ENDORSE THIS AJSKKS
The mental image of 'big dick Doflamingo's everything but mostly expensive implants mill'-dental office is sending me. Baby 5 not-so-subtly chewing gum behind her mask while she makes you wait in the chair. Him coming in half an hour late (you've been nervous and sweating the whole damn time and the radio is blasting nothing but shitty early 2010s pop which doesn't help), clearly fresh from some break and not a difficult procedure, showing you just how much he doesn't care about you. He fucking reeks of cologne. Light pink scrubs that fit him so well it's not even funny. Has a weirdly delicate gold chain around his neck that really emphasizes the way his pecs puff up before connecting with his collarbone. It kind of makes you want to fall into his... well, his cleavage. (Because of course he chooses scrubs with a rather unorthodox neckline - who's going to tell him off? He's the boss. Sometimes he comes in wearing polo shirts in that same pink tone and they're always, always a little too tight.)
He throws himself into his little chair so hard it skids right up to you and he just smiles as a greeting, porcelain-white veneers blinding you for a moment, before he puts his mask up (also pink, it's a whole fucking theme here). It's all pretty standard, Baby 5's clearly fake nails clicker-clacker away at the keyboard while he lists off your dental status - until he gets to the soft tissue, especially your palate.
tw. crack treated seriously + noncon = the combo from hell, medical malpractice, Law is in here too, as a separate listing (same tags for him + hypnosis), minors dni, don't take this too seriously i had too much fun writing this it's so silly, dental hypno doesn't work like this don't worry lol
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Well, that's certainly an eyebrow raiser. Looks like little old unassuming you has a bit of a wild side. He can tell you know your stuff by how big and angry-red the bruise on your mucosa is. You've been a patient of his for a long time now - and other that the fact that you pretty much look like you're about to faint every time your ass touches the chair, you've been rather forgettable (but cute, he has to admit). He can tell you don't like the way he fingers around your mouth one bit - and that you're waiting for his final evaluation, taut like a bowstring. You're probably pissing your pants at the thought of getting some major work done. He knows your type and nudges his fingers just a little farther down your throat, to your uvula, just to see how trained your gag reflex is (and to keep you anxious for just a few seconds longer, it's just too precious).
You don't even blink. Others would have coughed up their breakfast by now but you're sitting there, eyes teary and face worried. Would you look at that. It's good he's wearing his mask or else you'd be able to see that he's poking out his tongue because he's smiling so hard - you're suddenly in his top ten patients, right next to all the big bucks and two or three genuinely interesting cases. And oh, he's getting ideas with the way you fidget under his gaze. You wouldn't tattle. You wouldn't even fight back. My, you're perfect for a little lunch time fun.
Baby 5 is out of the room with a single gesture, closes the door behind her with a distinctive click. She won't bother him either, she'll just go hide in the break room and text her newest boyfriend until someone scrapes her out of there again. And you? You're already anxiously waiting for his diagnosis, fearing the worst. Oh, he'll give you the worst. It's delicious to see your face go from nervous to absolutely crestfallen as he spins some tall tale about how need to get big work done on two molars, how bad it already is and how you probably should opt for implants (his specialty, after all. And so expensive he just knows you'll do just about anything to save a little money.) Of course, you trust him. And of course, you agree for him to go with the 'best' (and coincidentally most expensive) option, even when you're clearly fighting back tears at the price. He tells you to lay back, brings the chair to the highest, horizontal position and overstretches the neck so that your mouth is in a perfect line with your throat. It's unpleasant how the blood from the rest of your body is cut off from your head in this position, how the whole room is suddenly overhead and that damn light is shining straight into your eyes. It's supposed to give him a better look at your upper teeth - but when you open your eyes to his fucking dick of all things and him telling you that you want that treatment cheap, don't you?, you learn that not everyone has your best interest in mind. (Sadly, you don't even get to answer because he just shoves himself into you and fucks the protest right out of your oesophagus.) When he's done with you, your whole face is full of spit and mucus and you probably lost consciousness at least once - turns out not enough perfusion for your brain coupled with extreme anxiety and someone gripping your throat to fuck it better isn't exactly the healthiest thing in the world.
Honestly, you'll try so hard not to go back after that experience, you really do. Problem is, you gave them your mobile number when you first signed over your data - and just two days later you'll get a barrage of texts in finest text speak anno 2004, with a million of 😜🤞😂🦩 emojis asking you about the state of your throat and if you still want that follow-up. Cheapest set of dental implants you'll ever get, honestly. You only have to sell him your dignity.
Law on the other hand... All prim and proper in starched white, medical professional through and through, yet so gentle - has a whole concept around dental phobic patients, with warm and welcoming treatment rooms, gentle music, offers laughing gas, hypnosis and even general anesthesia if the fear is especially bad. Always professional and never condescending or infanitilizing (like some can be when it comes to phobic patients). He's a dentist, a doctor, the authority in this place but he guides with a gentle hand - and people adore him.
You've been his patient for a while now - and he can't lie, he really likes you. You've been a dream to work with despite your anxiety; have endured every session bravely, you hang onto every word he says with big, wet eyes. He makes a suggestion - you take it. No matter the cost, the time, how outlandish the approach might be, you're always willing, nod your head yes and try to tough it out. You're somewhat soggy, almost whiny but that's okay. It's kind of cute, really. So when he sees those telltale red spots on your palate, he's a little surprised... You come across as so meek while on the chair, it's hard to picture you as anything else outside of it. But clearly, you're either an extremely attentive lover or you're wilder than he thought. Honestly, he's almost pouting over this revelation. Who are you fucking? Even if the sentiment is inappropriate, it should be him - at least that's what his little crush on you whispers to him deep, deep down. He mills over it a little too long, long enough for you to try to speak around his fingers in your mouth - there you go again, asking him (and so politely, too) if there is something, anything? And to his shame, all he can think about is if this is how your tongue feels like when you're using it. The way you slur against his hand, that warm and entirely too inviting mouth so close yet so far - it's giving him some shameful, shameful ideas. What harm is in a little test drive - especially when you've been proven to respond well to hypnosis. He has just enough time to rope you into a little session, as well. So he pulls a face behind the mask and explains that yes, actually, you have a little cavity - a teeny tiny thing that could be filled so easily right now, if you have the time for it. The way you immediately tense up underneath him isn't lost to him. God, you hate surprises, he knows that, and he's being so, so selfish - but it's too late to take back his words now.
He can practically watch the thoughts form in your brain, can see how you valiantly try to fight down the panic over a surprise dental procedure. But, as always, you swallow the lie hook, line and sinker. And when you ask him if he can use hypnosis on you again, he knows he's won this round. It's not ideal - you're already upset over this whole situation and to get you into that relaxed state is going to be a lot of work, but he knows you well enough by now. A sentence here, a soothing word there, gentle encouragement wrapped around it all like a bow - the moment you've let go, he can simply pull his pants down and force himself into your mouth, that's how far away you'll be. Of course, you aren't as active as he wants you to be, but the thrill and novelty of the situation is more than enough for him. The thought of marking you like this, to cum right down you throat without you or the ominous other person fucking you knowing, is more arousing than he'd like to admit. Maybe he has to stroke himself to completion (because your slack lips around him are far from enough) but his orgasm builds up quickly and hits him hard. He can already feel that pesky sense of guilt nagging away at him the moment he collects his breath - but he cleans you up and fixes your rumpled clothes and shoves all those bad feelings into some far away corner of his mind.
Your numb jaw is easily explained away, as is that horrible taste in your mouth - and he did give you a filling, after all, so hey, the lie isn't that bad, right?
(Law totally did his junior time at Doffy's terrible implant money grub mill and then vowed to himself that he'll never ever ever become like that. Well, that kinda sorta didn't work out, huh?)
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unionizedwizard · 9 months ago
funniest thing ive learned (and that's coming from someone who had debilitating perfectionist tendencies) is that making your own mistakes is actually thrilling and really fun because it really feels like gaining xp and leveling up but irl. like ah shit i see. well i'll know that's a soak marker next time kinda deal
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srslylini · 2 months ago
the way germany handles alcohol with teenagers is a word I don't currently have in my vocabulary
because at one hand having it be legal to drink stuff like beer at age 16 does help to reduce a LOT of risks but at the other hand it's also vastly ignoring the shit alcohol does to ones body.
the fact that I was able to drink alcohol at age 13 in restaurants because parents can decide if it's okay or not does have its positives (not ending up in a unsafe situation due to doing it illegaly) but again alcohol is such a dangours substance that gets underestimated all the time.
I don't know one side of me is like "the points that is FOR it being legal, at parts, for 16 year olds is positive" and the other side is like "hmmmm but then again-"
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