#the latest flavor is: all of my ideas are just fanfic
bookshelf-in-progress · 2 months
My most annoying writing habits:
Thinking that every new idea needs a new story to feature it, instead of folding several ideas into one more detailed story
Wanting to write a story with more detailed characters and worldbuilding than usual, and trying to build a new story that lets me do that, instead of, you know, fleshing out the characters and world for story ideas I already have.
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kenandeliza · 5 months
a collection of ideas of a post-suspendium Golden Age comics Billy Batson if he ended up in the 21st century (pick any comic continuity
1.adoption scenario
(If a leaguer wanted to adopt Billy, he’d just show them his birth certificate)
Billy smirking:” Sorry, you can’t legally adopt a grandpa”
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2. Billy teasing with a smug boomer voice: “Back in my day, we used to play with atomic machines!”
3. youtube
Billy:thanks for showing me how to use a modern phone (insert friend from 21st century)! But I wonder, where is the tv remote for changing the youtube channel? And Where is the news?
(Friend from the 21st century):*sighs* it’s so over
4. Old friends
Aside from the fawcett city heroes, Billy in this case probably relates more to the older heroes like wildcat, Alan scott or Jay Garrick, maybe they have multiple team ups in the past and would reminiscent over it (the rest having their favorite drinks while Billy preferring his hot chocolate ice cream)
5. Teasing
The younger hero teams who know his identity would teasingly call him a “boomer”, Billy wanted to protest that he technically was born before boomers but they ignored it and still teased him about it.
to the rest of the heroes who didn’t know about his identity, they assume captain marvel is more than centuries old, and thinks this is the reason the kid heroes calls him a boomer.
6. Jokes
Billy: “oh so these memes are like what replaces comic strips i used to read, how nice”
Some of these ideas are taken from the fanfics i’ve written, some just came to me inside my head, but it’s fun to think about it.
(Edited: added more scenarios)
7. Caprisuns
Caprisuns werent invented yet when Billy was in suspendium. After getting out of suspendium, He really likes caprisun.
Other leaguers would be confused, Marvel's liking of caprisun is comparable to Martian Manhunter's love of oreos. When asked about when his capri sun addiction started, Marvel shrugged, "They weren't made before I was born, so it was only recent"
The league is now confused as to how old marvel is. Wonder Woman relates to this with her fascination of ice cream flavors.
8. Billy automatically put on a Mid-atlantic accent whenever he is near a microphone due to his habit and work with Whiz station for his TV segments as well as radio programs.
Whenever Captain Marvel uses a communicator, he unintentionally uses a mid-atlantic accent (this confuses the leaguers, "who is this guy!?"). Some of the leaguers enjoyed listening to his voice
Marvel would occasionally file an audio JL report (yes, with the same mid-atlantic accent) when he's on a hurry and couldn't type it out with his typewriter (he still finds it difficult to use a computer) : "And there you have it, folks! In a nutshell, I managed to handle the There was an outbreak of imps but Mary and I already took care of it, Junior apprehend the acrobat after a terible case of Moonitis, the three of us thwarted Mr. Mind's dastardly scheme to seize control of the sun, and we all prevented Sivana from being promoted to "King of Earth" by hurling his atomic bomb straight into the heart of the sun itself! That's the latest from me, This is Captain Marvel, signing off!"
Leaguer: "Why does he sound like a radio host commenting on a football game?"
Other leaguer:*shrugs*
9. Billy watches a cgi lion movie for the first time
..and thought innocently that there are other talking tigers like tawky tawny.
Some of these ideas are taken from the fanfics i’ve written, some just came to me inside my head, but it’s fun to think about it.
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djljpanda · 1 year
My Wally Darling Au Ideas
Millionaires Wife Au
I don't know if someone has done something like this yet.
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This is an Au about if Wally were to marry a millionaire (y/n). This is more of a slice of life with plot points happening. I am working on the fanfics.
You and Wally have a big luxury mansion with apple trees in the garden for the apple of your eye
At least once a month you both get on your private jet and go on beautiful vacations
Wally is always up to date with the latest fashion
Five star restaurant dates with the best food made by the best chefs
You take him to charity events, get togethers
All of Wally's friends are either married to rich partners or rich themselves
Wally honestly loves you and hates when people would say he only married you for your money but you always tell him that you know
Wally getting frustrated on the actual gold diggers trying to get with you
You may be a millionaire but you are not always going to a five star place as you only do them for special events
Wally is a stay at home husband while you are the one that works but Wally does do chores around the house as you don't have any maids or butlers
Wally is always grateful for what you get him and always tries to gift something back to by making you some apple flavored treat
Wally does set up get togethers with his friends and he always invites you to them
You and Wally have an aesthetic like morning and night routines
You and Wally are always doing something new even if it's something small or you two would just be at home relaxing in bed or walking around in your guys garden or swimming in the pool
You always tell Wally how much you loved him and no money in the world can make you happy like Wally does
Y/n: Sweetie you look so beautiful today
Wally: Really?
Y/n: Yea really, Have I told you yet?
Wally: You haven't
Y/n: What! It's like 6pm!!!! Well you look beautiful today, sorry I didn't tell you earlier
Wally: It's okay, I love you
Y/n: I love you more
Quote is from @SabrinaFlores on TikTok.
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Here’s my unsolicited two cents; some creators I have immense respect for have taken affront at the “soapy” direction “The Acolyte” has pursued with its latest 6th episode edition. While I certainly have my own hiccups with the pacing of transition, (and the show in general) I’ve picked up on nuggets along the way that weave, albeit a slightly frayed thread, with OSHA’s characterization to make all the things Qimir is saying appealing; adding in the sexual element only heightens that tension which refreshing.
We have explored every primarily masculine traits for those characters seduced to the dark side; ambition, power, anger, revenge, loss, fear, even love in the case of Anakin but never has Star Wars are portrayed characters that experience “lust," "hunger," "longing," so when Qimir brings up “desire” imo it isn’t soapy as much tantalizing the femininity of the protagonist by emphasizing the primitive emotions between them, something every person that chooses to become Jedi or train using the force ala Jedi way, must ignore.
Osha being teased with being able to use her powers in a manner that still allows her to maintain her autonomy coupled with her very real unexpected attraction to someone who can not only expose her vulnerabilities but has the same “literal” scars is in itself seductive to the mind, body, and spirit. However, she's been taught to be ashamed of these traits and has lost her ability to wield the force because of it.
The story is effective with this new energy that shouldn’t be dismissed because it doesn’t fit into one’s idea of Stat Wars.
This universe is HUGE; it’s presumptive to assume a story like this can’t be feasible because it tonally doesn’t jive with what has come before it. That’s the appeal, at least for me. The same reinforced tropes I've previously enjoyed are at this stage of 1k plus franchises is boring; imo. Perfectly logical not the like it; every ice cream flavor isn’t going to be your fav…it’s ok to want what you DESIRE the most but to spit in the container because it’s distasteful to you isn’t necessary nor can you declare it isn’t ice cream!
Sidebar; as someone who isn’t into the “soapy” romance myself, I think the moniker is misused here. Friends to lovers has been around in movies and television for longer than most people have been typing on these social media platforms that are becoming less about constructive criticism, entertainment or discussion than agendas but I digress; while I can understand the kneejerk response to dismiss the current Oshamir arc in that manner, it IS a valid storytelling choice and "soapy" is supplanted incorrectly to mask the fact that a the choice to be "seductive" star wars just isn’t your cup of tea.
Fair enough, but this hasn’t even come close to that label. Go watch the Young and the Restless; an actual soap opera and I challenge you to spot the difference lol
Fanfic would be more appropriate but even so, it’s not a criticism; only the uncomfortable emotion that you dislike. I’m not here to tell anyone what they should or should not like only to let out my own frustration regarding the unfairness of some of the commentary when juxtaposed against valid reasons for this unfolding story arc even if it isn’t to your appetite.
I’ll sound off this long ass post to emphasize there are no gatekeepers to the franchise; a franchise only survives by reinventing or delving deeper into unexplored territory. LucasFilm approved this show meaning they WANT to take chances with some of the themes many “fans” cry foul as not within their right to do so. No one makes a series for it to fail and whether it succeeds, or fail is still about taking a chance to do something different. it doesn’t give anyone the right to allow their passion free rein to attack or turn vitriol their disgust at anyone who dares to not have the same issues as you may feel are prevalent.
At the end of the day, it’s ENTERTAINMENT not one’s own self-identity intertwined with fiction.
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mx-lamour · 10 months
my memorys super stinky and i forget who i do/dont send asks too so ignore if i did hehe; im sending asks to people with 'ask me anything' in their bio thingy; feel free to answer or not, or however youd like!
what is your favorite holiday or occasion/theme?
what fragrance/scents put you in a good mood?
what kind of weather do you love?
if you could have a dream about anything, what would you dream about?
what kind of treats do you love/make you feel happy?
what's your favorite hands-on activity (or what would you like to try)?
what kind of music are you craving/listening to right now?
what's something that makes you smile/laugh when you think about it?
I love asks! ty! ♡
Favorite holiday/occasion/theme:
Mabon and weddings.
What fragrance/scent puts you in a good mood?
Petrichor and cinnamon/pie spices.
What kind of weather do you love?
That summer thing where it rains gently but the sun is still shining and the color green gets super saturated.
The kind of still, perfect temperature where you almost can't even feel the air, and it's dark but the sky is clear and you can see the stars.
When it's going to rain, hard, but not yet, and there's the sneaking undercurrent of a breeze, too low to be wind, and it's the kind of uncanny dim where you have no frame of reference for the time of day, and everything in the world seems to be holding its breath.
I like liminal weather.
If you could dream about anything?
I have no idea how to answer this one, haha. I'm always dreaming.
Treats that make you happy?
Cheesecake is the first thing that comes to mind. I eat it very rarely, but it's delicious. The consistency is very rich and satisfying.
My mom used to do homemade cheesecake sometimes, and I have a serious nostalgia for grasshopper (mint/chocolate) in particular.
My husband and I pilgrimmage to the Cheesecake Factory around Valentine's Day most years. (I think my favorite there is the mango lime flavor.)
Oh gods. Tiramisu. I go crazy for tiramisu.
What's your favorite hands-on activity (or what would you like to try)?
A fascinating new one: I just learned how to tack up and ride a horse for the first time! I did it for research/writing, but now I really want to ride a horse again. It was very cool. I got the info I needed for my fic, but I don't think I've yet figured out the vocabulary to really fully describe the experience. Very stimmy, though; soothing and exciting. That good riding posture, man. I get it now. I get why people love horses.
Current music:
Pretty much just constantly on my D&D and fanfic playlists. Here's kind of a random selection...
"Start a War" by Klergy/Valerie Broussard is stuck in my head rn.
"Two Gypsies" by Solace is what I listen to about Ezra's mom.
"The Pines" by Roses & Revolutions is for my Immortality fic.
"Lover. Fighter." by SVRCINA has been a good all-purpose one.
"The Empire of Winds" by Alpine Universe is just a serious vibe.
"Dracula" by Bea Miller is one of my latest bops.
"No F.E.A.R." by Madalen Duke, also fun.
Something that makes you smile/laugh when you think about it?
Embarrassing old men.
(I was going to add something to that, but I literally just wrote it and busted up, so. I guess that's it. 🤣)
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comicaurora · 2 years
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It's literally been over a month and this answer still haunts me, (also hi I changed my url♡) not because it made me realize that I have some unaddressed fear of making my own characters and building a story around them/creating a story and characters that thematically align with and match said story; but because it slams into perspective how fundamentally different transformative fiction is from original fiction. Like I have characters and an idea for a setting that I wanna use to make a magical girl story, completely independent from my desire to take my latest hyperfixation and combine it with one of my special interests to explore how those characters would fulfill narrative roles from a fundamentally different type of story. I realize I might have mildly concerned you when I said I was in anguish, but it's not about having concepts and interests locked up inside of me that I wanna use Aurora as a vector through which to explore them, it's about dipping into the well of joy that I have for one work and recontextualizing that work to create something that brings me new flavors of joy.
All this preamble to say I remember you once saying something to the effect of "I think the drive to retell and recontextualize stories over and over is one of the core constants of humanity.", and I thought I'd ask: What might you have to say about the time honored practice of taking characters and stories and reshaping them to suit one's desires/alternative goals for a story for whatever reasons they may have, be it subtly or fundamentally? (Things from pharaohs regularly changing which gods were the head gods until usurpation essentially became a thematic thruline in the mythos, to the multiple iterations of TMNT and the many reinterpretations of Journey to the West, to writing self insert fanfiction)
I think it happens for several reasons! Just the ones I've observed within myself and my fandom spaces include-
This character has interesting potential in directions that aren't being explored
This story plants a concept and then doesn't pay it off
I resonated with this character in a way the story didn't intend
I thought the story would go in [this direction] but it did something else instead but [this direction] is actually quite interesting
This story establishes something but glosses it over because it didn't interest the writer but it interests ME
Because the work of absorbing and engaging with a story is inherently transformative, the reader frequently gets ideas from a story - and those ideas are often quite different from the tone or concept the original story adhered to. This doesn't mean the original story is bad, or that it fails to tell the story it wanted to - it just means that inspiration and creation is an iterative process and the things we love will inspire us in unpredictable ways.
Some fanworks explore things the original story didn't address - character backstories, "missing scenes", events in timeskips, etc. These fall into the category of stories that I think work best as fanfics rather than an original story - drawing on the context of the original work and expanding on the established story. These wouldn't work as standalone stories because it matters that the characters involved are specifically the characters from the original story, as that gives us vital context to understanding their dynamics and why certain interactions are meaningful. Transformative sequel works like Monkie Kid, for instance, draw heavily on the specific fun details of the source material and would be diminished if the JttW characters were replaced with generic superpowered beings with the serial numbers filed off.
Serialized comics follow an interesting cycle where fans of comic runs often become writers of the same series a decade or so down the line, producing general shifts in the narrative that follow whatever those fans wanted those comics to be. Batman going from a campy goofball to a dark and tortured vigilante defined by his trauma to a permanently exhausted father of ten has been a very interesting evolution to watch, and at every turn it seems to be shaped by the potential those comic fans thought was being squandered by the previous incarnation. Goofy batman didn't explore his fractured psyche. Grimdark batman refused to explore the batfam. The story shifts because it's a collaborative effort, and people who go from fan to official creator have the chance to turn their headcanons into canons - whether or not that fits with what's already been established.
And it's not always necessary to stay super faithful to the original story when telling a new version. The new She-Ra strongly seems like the kind of story someone would've made up when playing with action figures of characters from the original She-Ra - as I understand it has very little in common with their original onscreen characterization and portrayals, but it's a deeply moving and character-driven story that uses the characters well regardless of its distance from the source material.
The reason I personally tend not to create fan works, rewrites or reimaginings, and why for the most part I avoid any sort of "here's how I think this story should've gone" is because I personally think that inspiration drawn from unpacking stories is better directed into new stories rather than reworking the old ones. Some of the fandom spaces I've seen - certainly not all, but some - almost seem dedicated to "fixing" the source material, and I think that's a dangerous concept to flirt with. Because of who I am as a person, I have to actively resist the obsessive urge to polish everything I do to uncriticizable perfection, and it kind of alarms me to see people following that same pattern but applying it to other people's art. It fosters a sense of entitlement over the artist's work while also stymying the fan's own creativity by artificially restricting them with parameters imposed by the original material. Some of the fanworks I've seen are so far removed from the source that it really seems like the "original" is just a thin aesthetic veneer that is holding this completely new story back.
Because ultimately, while a fix-it fanwork can be fun and cathartic, it won't fix it. The original story is not theirs to "fix". It'll still exist as it is regardless of the fan response, and I've seen this build up into legitimate frustration as fandoms sometimes become very upset that they actually have no creative control over stories that don't belong to them. The creation of fanworks is extremely fun and I think broadly unavoidable, but there is a form of fandom that sees the original story, not as something to explore or play with, but something to correct, and that in turn fosters unhealthy expectations of what exactly a fan can realistically do to a story. The only art any of us has real control over is our own, and that's why I think creating original art is ultimately a good and healthy goal to strive for - because transformative fan works will on some level always be following rules defined by someone else, often someone the fan-creator visibly disagrees with.
To be clear, this is a small subset of the space of fandom, and broadly I fully understand the appeal of exploring other people's stories and characters. Of course I'm going to be personally biased towards creating original work. But I think the intrinsic impulse to retell and reimagine and rework stories derives from a fundamental impulse of storytelling in general - we take in things from the outside world, transform them in the crucible of our mind and then give them back changed in a way only we could do. Whether that inspiration is our lived experience or a story someone else told us, the artistic impulse is the same - take it, consume it, make it ours, then give it back.
This got away from me. I hope I got a point in here somewhere.
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riathedreamer · 2 years
Hi, I just finished reading your recent update on Ao3 and just discovered your tumblr. I was curious about how you came up with the idea? Also, how do you describe a character like Camilo without details the movie doesnt give? How would you describe him in the first person? Love your work, was totally surprised!
Hi! And thank you!
Hmm, when I really like a movie, I tend to go into fanfic-mode where I come up with a lot of different fic ideas. "Shifting Constellations" is a result of four vague fic ideas that could then work together in one big long-fic. Due to spoilers, I can't really talk much about these four major points - only that the latest chapter introduced one of these big pillars. The actual work of putting all the ideas together and plan this super long plot was the hardest work, but it's fun slowly seeing it coming to life now.
As for your second question - I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure if I understand what you are asking (my apologies, English isn't my native language). Looking at pure canon, Camilo is a theater kid, jokester and middle child. Where I add the flavor is looking at how the movie is mainly about how Mirabel's side of the family struggled with their Gifts - if you start to wonder how Pepa's side could have been affected negatively, you get a Camilo who's spent his life being told to be someone else, seeking and getting attention while having to be a performer every day, and most importantly of all: he is a big teenager who goes through the identity crisis every other teen also has to go through. Magic just doesn't help in that sense.
And for the third question - sorry, I really don't do first person. As for adjectives, I'd probably go with funny, loud and caring.
Thank you for your ask <3
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Kim Age: 26 (27 in September) Writing Blog URL(s): @jinterlude​   
Nationality: Filipino-American Languages: English  Star Sign: Virgo MBTI: ISFJ-T Favorite color: Any shade of blue  Favorite food: Ah, I have so many, but I really do love ramen & this Filipino noodle dish my grandma makes. Favorite movie: West Side Story. A close second is Pride & Prejudice (2005) Favorite ice cream flavor: Rocky Road  Favorite animal: Pandas Go-to karaoke song: Upside Down by A*Teens (I think I just dated myself) 
What fandom(s) do you write for? Mainly BTS, but I have written for SVT, EXO, GOT7, Monsta X, B.A.P, & NCT
When did you post your first piece? Oh dang, when? Hmm… I want to say Oct. 2016 (?) on my first blog (I had deleted and came back to Tumblr).
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? I mostly write a combo because it just happens that way! My main genres are: fluff, romance, & humor/crack. 
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? I mainly write OCs stories because that’s what makes me the happiest when it comes to writing, but I still write x reader fics for drabbles and oneshots. 
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? Funny story. The reason why I started writing for Tumblr is because an old group of friends said that I should write a funny story based on a college class of mine, so I did and here we are. 
What inspires you to write? Usually, it’s my imagination, but other times it’s either the song I’m listening to or even the show I’m currently watching. Right now, my inspiration draws from anime. 
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? Genre wise, I love writing fluff & romance. AUs wise, I’m a sucker for Royal/Royalty. Mafia/Gang & Soulmate AUs would be a close second. 
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? Oh, wow. I honestly never thought about that before. I think for me, the one thing I hope my readers get from my stories is at the end of the day, please do something that will make you happy. Your own happiness should always be a top priority for you. 
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? I take a break! Instead of forcing myself out of the creativity slump, I just take a break and let my mind recharge. Then, I go back to my outline and look over while listening to music that I know will spark some creativity juices. 
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? My favorite works (yes, I couldn’t pick just one) are my Royal!AU Seokjin series (Fight for Me & Our Second Chance). I love the amount of time and effort I put into those two stories, and I’m simply in awe at the world and characters I created. My second favorite is my latest Seokjin oneshot, Protecting Each Other. It’s my first story that exceeded 10,000 words, and I’m just proud of how that turned out. Successful wise, I would say it’s, This Little String. It’s a Soulmate!Taehyung oneshot based around the red-string of fate, and every other month, I see someone like and/or reblog it, so I say that’s pretty successful!
Who is your favorite person to write about? Seokjin hands down. I mean, not only is he one of my ultimate biases, but for some reason my creative banks dishes out ideas and inspiration for him like it’s nothing. 
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? I personally don’t think so. You are still writing original content that derails from the source material (or adds to it), all you have to do is just replace your idols’ name with an original character name, and there you go. What do you think makes a good story? For me, I’d say that if you’re honestly proud of the end product, then that story is good, and your readers will see that. What is your writing process like? First I get an idea, or I like to call it, “it appeared to me in a vision,” then I outline it (if the idea lingers in my brain), and then I start writing and editing. Sometimes I’d sprint with my fellow writers on a server I’m in, and other times, I’d put on music and just let my brain go wild. Most of the time, I’m sprinting with friends. 
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? If I had the time, probably. I can see my Royal!AU series becoming an original story with different characters and an expanded plotline. What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? I am a sucker for F2L I (friends to lovers)! I just love the idea of dating someone who’s your best friend, so why not date your best friend, if the feelings are mutual of course! As for tropes, I dislike, I can’t say that I have any. I think it’s because (and I feel so bad for this), I don’t really read much stories other than what my mutual friends have written. 
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? It means the world to me because I do like knowing if I’m doing something right or if I need to go back and edit something for clarity. Mainly, I get likes and reblogs (with no feedback), and while it’s still nice of someone for taking the time to like and reblog something, I would like some feedback, please. I’m still grateful no matter what, though!
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? I think it’s the support of my amazing group of friends/mutuals! It’s thanks to their support that my work is reaching a wider audience, and it just means the world to me that they read my blood, sweat, and tears. I love them so much, especially my close friend, Jey (softjeon on Tumblr)!
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? For coffee, my go-to is a Caramel Macchiato with Soy Milk (from Starbucks), but lately I’ve been using my Keurig, so I just Peppermint Mocha and 3 tsps of Sugar (I can’t stand bitter coffee lol). For tea, I really like Mango green tea from Gongcha (another boba place chain). 
Dream job (whether you have a job or not)? My dream job is to be an elementary school teacher, however, I am currently working on becoming a social worker where my population will still focus on children/students. So, it’s a good compromise!
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?  If I could have one superpower, it would be cryokinesis aka ice manipulation!  
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? Oh, that’s a tough one, but if I had to choose one, I would go for the 1960s so I can see the Beatles live!
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? No, because it’s thanks to those life lessons that I grow up to be who I currently am. Sometimes you have to go through those harsh experiences to be a better version of yourself!
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? One horse-sized chicken, then I can feed my family for months. 
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? Oh, hands down, I would be the stereotypical geek/nerd. Though, I was called a “preppy” in 9th grade, so that was a first. 
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? Yup, especially ghosts! 
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? I can say the alphabet backwards! 
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? Oh, hands down, especially when it comes to writing smut. I’ve seen other blogs condemn writers who write smut about real people, but my thing is that these idols are merely face claims for a character that the author is writing about. 
Do you think art can be a medium for change? I think so! Every artist has a voice, especially with what’s going on recently, we need to be able to use our voices to spread light on certain issues. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? I used to think that way, especially when it came to writing x reader inserts since I know that’s what “sells” to the Tumblr audience. Now, I’m perfectly happy with writing x OC stories, and I’m content with my stories getting at least 5 notes. If it breaks 10 notes, then that’s a success!
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times? If they did, then I wouldn’t know. Most of the time, I think my writing is okay with people. 
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? Yes, my soul friend managed my old blog once upon a time and actually read one of my smuts. I was so embarrassed! But at least he said it was tastefully written, so that’s a bonus? 
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? Always remember that it is okay to take breaks/go on hiatus! 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? My advice to those who want to start writing but are too afraid put themselves out there is to simply go for it. I was that person who was afraid to put their writing out there for the world to see, especially with some already established BTS writers on Tumblr, but I went for it. At first, it might be discouraging but know that your mutuals/friends will always be your number one supporter! Use their support as a motivator to keep writing and finding your groove! Then, eventually, all of your readers will start trickling in and showering you with the love and support you deserve!
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? I wouldn’t say regret joining but more like allowing my life to be revolved around it. At one point in my life, it felt like a second job/chore for me, and Tumblr should never be that type of site! 
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? Oh, I have so many! The ones that come to mind are definitely Jey (softjeon), Beanie (jinned), Nina (j-sope), Kenz (parksfilter), Renae (mygsii), Atlas (astraljoon), & Niah (randomkoalablog) to name a few! I love these amazing people so much and cherish their friendship to the moon and back!
Pick a quote to end your interview with: "Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious … and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
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anthropwashere · 4 years
for the asks – 3, 4, 11, 28, and a bonus slot for whichever else you'd like to answer!!
(writer asks)
Thanks for the ask! Sorry it took so long for me to reply; my brain’s still refusing to come back from the war, but let’s ramble about FMA!
3. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter?
Hmm! I really want to go off on the Hohenheim fic because that’s the drain I’m circling today BUT since none of that beast is posted yet lemme see here. 
I had a lot of fun hammering out the dream chapter of Throw It Out to Sea, which was a challenge to find a balance in ~*~symbolism~*~ and simpler dream nonsense, especially since I don’t dream much. The last scene of Ed and Al was the one I liked working on the most, and boy did I try and riff some of that impossible beauty a la What Dreams May Come, which is one of my favorite movies of all time. Not sure how well I pulled it off but I sure did get a lot of folks awwing over it (and then caps locking at me after the next chapter, haha).
And it’s a small one, but there’s a bit in the third chapter of i’m still, still dreaming magnificent things where Al realizes Winry’s gone off to apprentice in Rush Valley and he reflects on how it feels to be left behind again that I’m still especially fond of.
4. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of [Fanfic Name]?
Haha, I could just point at any of the deadfic I’ve been posting over the last month or so and be done with it. I get loads of ideas and very rarely have the impetus to see them through to the end.
11. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
Emotion-driven, full-stop. Throwing characters into upsetting scenarios and figuring out how they’d deal with everything is my favorite thing to do. I will (and have!) drop 50k on a character study that’s just my latest fave regarding all the bullshit heaped on them with various flavors of dismay.
28. Is there a part of [Fanfic Name] you’re surprised no one has picked up on yet?
I’m really surprised no one’s caught on with where i’m still, still dreaming magnificent things is going. I feel like I’m being fairly obvious, but I suppose it doesn’t help that I’m updating like once a year. I guess I’ll just kick my own ass until enough words fall out and we can get to people caps locking at me in the comments!
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kriscme · 5 years
One Life To Live
Hi Readers,  Here’s the latest chapter of One Life To Live.  As always, thanks to Ronja for giving me permission to write fanfic of her Hunger Games fanfic “The Chance You Didn’t Take” available on AO3 and Fanfiction.  This chapter also incorporates “Lost Boy” a side story of “The Chance You Didn’t Take” from Peeta’s POV.   Chapter 26
When I wake, I have a delicious feeling of happiness that is somehow connected with Marcus.  My lips curl into a soft smile and I stretch out my limbs like Buttercup when he awakens from a nap.  I haven’t slept so well in such a long time.  Not since . . . no, don’t go there, even for a second.  So, was it the human closeness and the luxury of being enveloped in his warmth that made the difference?  Or the strong and steady beat of his heart against my ear where I rested my head?  Or the soothing patter of rain against the roof during the night?  But if I have to choose one single thing above all else, then I choose the sex.  No, not sex.  That’s too mundane a word for what happened last night.  Love-making is better.  Wonderful, magical, transporting.  A revelation! My hand drifts down to between my legs almost on its own volition and I lightly stroke the sensitive little bud that Marcus gave so much attention to last night with his fingers and tongue.  Oh, his tongue!  Teasing, stroking, elevating me to heights I hadn’t thought possible. And then knowing exactly when to satisfy that dull hollow ache inside that if there was any pain, it was instantly overshadowed by waves of such pure pleasure that it seemed to engulf my entire being.   Like now . . .oh . . .oh – My focus is broken by the sound of footsteps and the clink of metal against metal from outside the house.  Marcus must be preparing breakfast.  I try to recreate the moment, half hoping that he’ll walk in and take over, but it’s gone.  I might as well get up.  I grab the first item of clothing within reach.  It’s Marcus’s T-shirt still lying crumbled on the floor where he had dropped it. It smells deliciously like him – fresh and outdoorsy with the faint scent of coconut from the sunscreen he uses. Over that goes my father’s hunting jacket and then I slip my feet into my boots which are in the corner by the doorway.  
“Good morning,” he says, looking up from stirring something in a saucepan over the fire. “Awake at last.”   He smiles at my appearance.  “What’s that?  The latest in District 12 fashion?”   “Could be,” I say, giving an exaggerated twirl. I go stand behind him and drape myself over his back, using curiosity over what’s in the saucepan as my excuse. “Hmm porridge.” “You sound disappointed.  What were you expecting?  Sausages and bacon?” “I hoped.”   He laughs.  “Well, you’ll like this porridge.  I added a special ingredient.”   “Sex?” I ask hopefully.  I take his earlobe in my mouth and gently suck on it. He reaches behind to stroke my calf.  “That’s for dessert.  Now let me finish, so we can eat.”   “Ok, ok,” I say, standing upright.  “I can take a hint.  There’s something I have to attend to first anyway.”   I’m headed in the direction of a copse of trees when I hear Marcus call after me. “Katniss, remember – “ “Yes, I know.  At least 200 feet,” I yell back.   I won’t tell him I peed in the lake last night.  What’s the big deal?  Fish do it.   The porridge is indeed delicious with a subtle flavor I don’t recognize.   “Brandy,” Marcus tells me, as he adds honey to his. “Sounds like something Haymitch would do,” I say.   “He wouldn’t approve at all,” he replies with a teasing smile.  “The alcohol cooks out.” After breakfast, we head out for the walks Marcus had planned.  He wasn’t joking when he said the walking would be easy with lots of time for leisure. We are finished by lunchtime.
While he sits propped against a tree writing up his notes, I go searching for katniss roots.   I’ve had a craving for them ever since I thought of it.  I wander around the edge of the lake until I find the familiar long-stemmed plants with the arrow-shaped leaves.  I can boil them as a side dish to go with our dinner tonight. Marcus is still working when I’m finished. With nothing else to do, I get my book from my pack and go join him.    I do a lot more reading these days.  I suppose that’s Marcus’s influence.  He’s always suggesting this book, or that book, and I’ve discovered I have a real liking for it.  Or, at least, for the books Marcus recommends.  But today I have trouble concentrating.  Not with Marcus just a short distance away and with the memory of last night still fresh in my mind.   Using my book as cover, I take the opportunity to surreptitiously observe him as he works.  The way the sunlight filtering down through the trees accentuates the golden glints in his brown hair.  His long legs, bare from the knee down, with well-defined calf muscles from hiking mountain trails.  The little crease he gets between his eyes as he translates ideas into writing.   It’s strange how my feelings for him have changed in the space of a single day.  It’s hard to say exactly why.   Was it that thing again, that hunger that overtook me on the beach? That’s part of it.  But there’s more to it than that.  Maybe Marcus is what I need to survive now.  Or maybe it would have happened anyway.  Everything is so confused.  But what I am certain of, is that this thing, whatever it is, has come exactly when I needed it.  I’m just so lucky to have met him.   I wondered if I could feel this way again about anyone after Peeta’s rejection of me.  But here he is.  The calm after the storm.  A soft place to land.  The oasis in the desert.  He’s a wonder. Truly a miracle.   It’s almost like Prim sent him to me.  And here, in this special place, while it still belongs to me. I smile to myself as I think of last night and what we did.  It was so romantic.  The warm soft glow from the fire.  The contrast between his fair skin, and my darker olive tones.  How his hands roamed the curves and crevices of my body and left not an inch unexplored.  How my limbs fell apart when he put his head between them to gaze directly them.  I guess I should have been embarrassed by that, but somehow, I found it incredibly arousing.  My hand drops to my lap and I lightly run a finger along the crotch seam of my trousers.  Back and forth, the tension mounts.  But it’s not nearly enough.  I need more.
If only he wasn’t so engrossed scribbling in that notebook of his. I know he has work to do and that’s why we’re here, but still. Can’t he see there’s more important things to claim his attention?  I look around for ways to distract him and my hand falls on a small rock.  I suppose aiming it at his head won’t give me the result I’m looking for.  And then my glance lands on the lake.  It’s not really swimming weather and I recall how cold the water was last night.   But maybe the sun has warmed it by now and it won’t be so bad.
Very quietly, I remove my boots and socks.  Then my shirt and trousers and lastly my underwear.   And then I casually sashay down to the water’s edge.  
“Care to join me for a swim?” I call out to him.   “Maybe later,” he replies, not even glancing my way.    He raises his head to continue, “I still have – “   He suddenly stops short and down goes his notebook and pen.  
“It will be cold,” he warns, but he’s already pulling off his boots. “They must breed them soft in the Capitol,” I scoff.  “It’s hardly cold at all.  More like a warm bath.” I wade in ankle deep and come to a halt. The water is a little warmer than last night, but not much.  When my father taught me to swim here it was always later in the season.  My own solo swims have been when the weather was warmer too.  Suddenly that swim doesn’t seem such a good idea and I consider backing out.  But then Marcus is beside me.  “Come on then,” he says, giving me a pat on the behind.   “It’s just a warm bath.” And then he races into the water and dives straight in.  After a few moments, his head breaks the surface and then he turns around to face me. He’s grinning, challenging me. I grit my teeth and will myself to enter the water.   Knees, thighs, hips, waist.  I hesitate when it comes time to immerse the rest of me, although I know that once my body becomes used to the cold, it won’t be so bad.   Come on, Everdeen, you’ve been in two Games and a war.  This is nothing by comparison.  And with that thought in mind, I dive beneath the surface, holding my breath until I see two pale human legs.  I come up just in front of him, gasping for breath.  Which I have to wait for a few seconds longer as my lips are claimed in a kiss.   “See,” I say, with chattering teeth, “it’s not cold at all.” “Almost tropical,” he replies. “Want to get out now?” “Yes.” We clamor onto the bank and sink down onto soft grass.  We’ve nothing on hand to dry ourselves but the sun is warm against our chilled skin. Marcus rubs his hands up and down my arms.  It’s not doing much to warm me up but I like him touching me.   “In a few weeks the water should be tolerable. For most people, anyway” he adds, with an infuriating grin.  
I go to punch his arm but he grabs my fist and kisses it.  And then I’m pulled down onto the ground and we lay on our sides, kissing. Slow, lazy kisses.  Too slow and lazy for my liking though.  I comb my fingers through his hair and pull his head forward to deepen the kiss and increase the pace but he continues to kiss me in a leisurely fashion; one hand caresses my bottom, fingertips lightly stroking the cleft, but otherwise doing nothing.  I know he’s aroused because his erection is hard against my stomach and I press into it.  But still nothing.  Just kissing and those maddening teasing fingers.   I’m getting more than a little frustrated.  It’s time to take matters into my own hands then.  Literally. I break the kiss and push him onto his back. The part of him that interests me most stands hard and upright in a nest of hair the same golden-brown hue as the hair on his head.  I didn’t really pay close attention to it last night, other than how it felt against my body or when it was moving inside me.  It’s seems very large even though I’ve nothing to compare it to.  It’s the first erect one I’ve seen in my life.  And thick too.  I wrap my hand around it and lightly tug on it.   He seems to like it because he moans softly and when I look at his face, his eyes are hooded.   “Tighter,” he says.    Ok, then.  I don’t see how this could be good but I increase my grip and tug some more. “That’s right,” he says, encouragingly, “keep going.”  I do as he says but my wrist starts to tire so I decide to do something different.  I put out my tongue and lick the tip.  A louder groan this time.  Keeping my grip tight, I take more of him into my mouth and swish my tongue around.  His hips buck so I keep on doing it.  I’m concentrating on the task so much, that when his fingers slide between my lower lips it takes me by surprise.  Soon we’re both moaning.   “Katniss, now,” he grunts.   I climb on top and, with his help, lower myself until he’s all the way inside.  It feels so good and at first, I raise and lower my hips in imitation of our love making last night, but I soon realise it doesn’t work so well in this position.   “Try grinding your clit against me,” he says. “What’s that?’ I ask, confused. “Here.”  He uses his thumb to draw tiny circles at the top of my slit.  Oh.  Waves of pleasure wash over me and I feel my insides clamp around him.   If he’d just keep doing it.   “Now you do it.”  He takes his hand away and rests it on my hip.  “I want to watch.”
“What?” Touch myself?  In front of him?  “I don’t think – “
“Do it.  Please.” The molten look in his eyes is all that’s needed to convince me.
I insert my fingertips close to where our bodies are joined and I gently rub where I’m most sensitive, just beneath – what is it called? – my clit?  The sensation builds and I close my eyes. “Look at me,” he commands, his fingers dig into the globes of my behind, snapping me back to attention.  His gaze is fixed on mine.  I stare back, almost hypnotized by the intensity in those remarkable eyes of his.  I’m reminded of a mountain lion, watchful, quietly appraising the best strategy for attack and, for the first time in my life, I’m happy to be the prey.  He can do whatever he wants with me.  “Lean forward.”   I do as he says.  “Now rotate your hips, like this.”  His hands guide them in circular motion.  “Do what feels good.”   The forward posture brings my clit into contact with his pubic bone and I grind and gyrate against it.  It feels amazing, and when his hands leave my hips to cup my breasts, his thumbs stroking my nipples, it sends me toppling over, in great convulsing waves.  He follows me seconds later, his hips jerking up into mine.
He pulls me down for a kiss before I climb off him and lay by his side, his arm around my shoulders.  We don’t say anything, just lie in the sun with the sounds of nature around us.  A gentle breeze fans our skin.  
Beneath half-closed lids, I look down on that part of him that had just been inside me.  Not hard and upright anymore, but soft and limp against his lower belly, and sticky from our combined secretions.   I can’t help but think how Marcus’s bookish-outdoorsy persona is somehow at odds with his expertise as a lover. He knows his way around a woman’s body, that’s for certain. Even now, when I’d taken control, it was really him, guiding me, teaching me, even.  He’s evidently had lots of experience and I feel a little jealous of these women he’s had experience with, although it’s hardly reasonable. He’s quite old.  Twenty-seven, he once told me.  But it seems I’m always behind and catching up when it comes to romance and this sort of thing.   “I suppose people start really young in the Capitol,” I say, as casually as I can.  “With sex, I mean.” I feel Marcus’s head turn to scrutinize my face.  I lower my chin and concentrate on ruffling the hair on his chest.
“It depends on what you mean by young,” he answers carefully.  “We usually don’t wait until marriage, if that’s what you mean.  Why do you ask?” “I was just curious.  It just seems . . . well, that you know a lot.” “I’m not sure about “a lot”.  Anyone with even a little knowledge can seem wise to someone with none.   But I guess I’ve had my share of girlfriends.  None that lasted for very long though.  They always seem to break it off.”
“How come?”  I can’t imagine why any girl lucky enough to be with Marcus would want to leave, ever. The shoulder beneath my head raises in a shrug.   “They say I don’t pay them enough attention, that I put too much time and focus into other things.   The last one told me that what I really need is a female version of myself and good luck finding one. “ His tone is light as if it doesn’t worry him unduly.  I think what this former girlfriend was getting at is that he needs someone with the same sense of purpose and who shares his goals.  Maybe someone like me. I smile and snuggle in closer. “So, what was it like growing up in the Districts with all those standards?” he asks, doing a pretty good imitation of Lace. I laugh, but then turn serious to consider his question.  It’s not as easy to answer as you might think.  With my focus on survival and my determination to never have a boyfriend, I had little idea of what my peers were doing, other than flirtations across the school yard, and occasionally coming across a couple furtively kissing behind the shelter sheds.  
“I guess it varied and I can only speak for 12,” I say eventually.  “But the Head Peacekeeper would pay women to sleep with him.  Some of them were very young, barely into their teens.  But for them, it was either sell yourself or starve.” I still shudder to think that I might have suffered the same fate if I had been a little older when my father died.  I was desperate enough.  But it was the woods and the hunting and foraging skills he’d taught me that saved us.  And two burnt loaves . . .  
For a moment I’m unable to go on.  All of a sudden, I’m taken from the safe space I’ve been inhabiting, and plunged straight back into the situation awaiting me at home. Peeta . . . Marcus seems to sense something is amiss because his arm tightens around me and I feel a kiss pressed to the top of my head. “That’s terrible,” he says.  “Peacekeepers were supposed to protect the populace, not exploit them.”   I nod against this chest, even though without Cray’s custom it would have been far worse for those girls.  And then there was Thread.  Marcus is still very naïve about how things were in the Districts.
“But generally, most of us waited for marriage.  And that was usually as soon as we aged out of the reaping.  You really couldn’t risk pregnancy before that, and there was no reliable birth control.  Maybe they did other things though, I don’t know.”  Gale, very probably.  Peeta, I doubt it.    “So, I guess if we had standards, it was really about what’s practical.  No one, not even if you were Merchant, could afford extra mouths to feed and if you got pregnant, you got married, even if you didn’t want to.  It was a powerful deterrent. “  
“I can imagine.  So, your marriage to Peeta would have been against the social norms?” “Um, yes and no.  If we hadn’t already been in the Games and it was before we had aged out of the reapings, yes.  But, you see, we didn’t expect that we’d be reaped a second time.  It was all a sham anyway, to convince everyone the romance was real and get Snow off our back.”  I work hard at keeping my voice neutral.  Peeta is the last thing I want to talk about. “And the pregnancy a ruse to gain public sympathy?” I just nod.  His chest hair has never been paid so much attention.  I know I don’t have to hide my feelings for Peeta around him.  But this is about me, and what I want from my life.  And it’s not pining over a man I can’t have.   I rise up on one elbow and twist my body so that I that I’m leaning over him, and peer into his face.   It’s a kind and sensitive face, a little weather-beaten from his love of the outdoors, but handsome by any standard.  I remember something Haymitch said a life time ago.  “You could do a lot worse.”  He was talking about Peeta, that I should give him a chance.  Well, Peeta belongs to another now.  My destiny no longer lies with him.  Maybe I should heed Arthur’s advice for Celia.  “Be adaptable.  Be open to possibilities.””  And Marcus is a definite possibility. I take his face between my hands and give him a long kiss.  His arms wrap around my waist to clasp me to him.  “We should get out of the sun, or at least put some clothes on,” I tell him, when the kiss eventually ends.  “Can’t risk us getting sunburnt, not when we have another night here to go.” Marcus laughs.  “What have I unleashed?”   “You’ll find out,” I say, giving him an arch look.   And so will I, I guess.
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soraegeeks · 5 years
Review: Chance
Chance by Rainbow__Dinosaur is a BKDK fanfic set in the canon universe in their third year at UA. Currently, the story is 16 chapters in.
Izuku and Katsuki have been involved in a friends with benefits thing since their first year. It’s a private arrangement between the two of them. I will say that the violent way that they got together in their first year kind of made my stomach turn. But anyway, they’re in their third year now and are sleeping together several times a week. Enter Eijirou who is now interested in Izuku. Unknowingly, interested in the same guy that your best friend is bangin’??!!! EEK! Katsuki goes through a possessive and jealous phase but eventually he decides that it’s time to end their arrangement. His self-loathing pops up and he thinks that Eijirou is a much better match for Izuku. He makes this decision WITHOUT talking to Izuku because Katsuki and properly processing feeling is foreign a concept. Izuku and Katsuki had an amazing night together and then they FOUGHT! Rage/anger the only emotions that Katsuki feels comfortable with. My heart hurt over those two chapters of them fighting. They didn’t speak to each other for almost TWO MONTHS! The poor babies. :( Separately, they both came to the realization that maybe they had been dating over the last 2-3 years. In their own weird wary. 
Izuku does his best to move his attention to Eijiro but the more I reread the more I start to think that Izuku is just touch starved and he sees things in Eijiro that he didn’t get from Katsuki. And if Katsuki had had those qualities along with everything else that Izuku already loved about him then Eijirou would never have stood a chance. Sad but Eijirou is a really just a rebound/substitute. It comes across in the way that Izuku wants to move way TOO FAST in intimate acts with Eijirou. Eijirou barely knows basic things like Izuku’s favorite ice cream flavor but Izuku wants to take him to bed. Eijirou knows it’s too fast but he’s so intoxicated by Izuku that he lets things happen. Katsuki is also not processing the breakup well and freaks out when he thinks that Izuku and Eijirou are sleeping together. And let’s be real, at that point they’ve done everything but penetration. 
Eijirou, bless his heart, is trying to take things slowly (although painfully) and other than cuddling, it was two months between their first and second dates. Eijirou for all of his interest in Izuku, I wonder if he’s also just looking for a replacement. He was with Tetsu for two years and thought it was more serious than it was. He looks at Izuku and sees beautiful innocence but being in Katsuki’s circle and not Izuku’s he really doesn’t KNOW Izuku. I think he’s falling in love with the IDEA of Izuku and not the real person. How else could he squash his suspicions about Katsuki and Izuku?! How could he not ask DIRECT questions about their involvement that could have gotten him the truth. Half of the dorm knew what was happening in Izuku’s room either directly from hearing or secondhand but Eijiro did his damndest to NOT see what was in his face. (Dumb dumb Denki thought he was so funny when he mouthed off at Katsuki on a morning after. He learned to not do that again.) Not to victim blame though since there’s enough to go around. While Eijirou willfully looked away, Katsuki and Izuku were NOT upfront. They could have hid what they had going on while still not letting Eijirou get involved. It was wrong of Izuku to string Eijirou along on a date and then be with Katsuki the same night. Even Mina warned him that it wasn’t right.
With graduation coming, the graduation photo shoot was another moment where these three (well Katsuki and Izuku in particular) needed to be honest about what was going on. Izuku and Katsuki lost themselves in an intimate moment in front of the photographer. Tickling, giggling, flirting and almost kissing caught on camera!! They need to resolve whatever the hell is going on before the magazine comes out. Cause if Izuku and Eijirou do pursue a relationship Ei will be DEVASTATED when the photos come out. And maybe feel that Izuku is like Tetsu and only wanted him for sex.
With the latest chapter, chapter 16, I sat down with a cup of coffee and was NERVOUS!!! The chapter had 8000+ words, was set at their graduation ceremony and told from Eijirou’s point of view. As the top students in Class 3-A Katsuki AND Izuku both gave speeches because there was a minuscule difference (0.5 points) between their ranks. And off the break the chapter hit me in the gut “They’re two of his closest friends, he figures that they would never lie to him. Friends don’t lie to each other about important things..right?” Poor Eijirou. Yes, they are lying to you by omission. UGH! So, let’s keep going. Maybe there’s some foreshadowing of a chance at happiness for Eijirou. He thought to himself how Shinsou was handsome and made him blush, so maybe? MAYBE?! In a previous chapter Izuku mentions that his speech has Katsuki’s name in it a lot but I wasn’t ready. These two basically wrote love letters to each other!!!! Eijirou was so uncomfortable with their speeches and interactions (Izuku and Katsuki hugged intimately while Izuku cried into his chest) and still chose to live in denial land. I really want better for him. Katsuki’s and Izuku’s affection for each other is suspicious and Eijirou should pull back. But he wants to be involved with Izuku so badly.  He so badly wants Izuku to be his “future boyfriend.” SIGH.
Side note: I’d love to read from Katsuki and/or Izuku’s point of view and know what the two said to each other in the instances that Eijirou couldn’t hear. I found it interesting that Katuski and Izuku had similarities in their vests: Katsuki with orange, red and gold explosion designs and Izuku with a black vest with gold and red accents. I wonder if Katsuki’s parents designed their graduation outfits. And also, that cute bunny pin Izuku wore. Where did that come from?  Anyway, Katsuki and Izuku have a A LOT of history together and that makes Eijirou uncomfortable. Step back young man!!!!! Sigh, the graduation party at Katuski’s house is going to be a doozy.
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kenshi-vakarian7 · 6 years
Writer Interview
I was tagged by @rpgwarrior4824 :) Thank you.
I think everyone I know was tagged, so anyone who hasn’t yet, feel free to do this.
Q: What is your coffee order?
If I home, I make iced coffee with whatever flavored creamer I have on hand.  When I’m out, I sometimes get a frappucino, though I’ve been recently trying to cut down on that.
Q: What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done?
Hmmm... I’d say, in recent memory, raising my ginger cat since age 2 weeks.  I didn’t know what the heck I was doing with all the bottle-feeding and everything that came with caring for a newborn kitten.  I definitely did something right because he’ll be 5 years old next month.
Q: Who has been your biggest mentor?
A fellow fanfic writer I knew when I was starting out.  He was a crazy good writer who was highly respected by the time I started writing my own fics.  I never approached him about my fics at any time, he was the one who found me.  He saw my potential and was the first person to give me constructive critiques and pointers to improve.  We’ve long since lost touch since he decided to move on from fic writing, but I’ll always appreciated the fact that someone like him made the time to help me out and encourage me to keep writing.
Q: What has been your most memorable writing project?
That would be Part One of my Ketsueki Quadrilogy.  I pretty went out of town with this one; 4-way crossover with four video games (no, not Mass Effect), expanded on wishes and dream fights, references, character development (and romance all around!), and just... there’s too much to mention.  The bonus was the feedback and the readers talking about what they liked and getting excited for the next chapter.
That was a good two years.  To this day, it’s still my favorite fic I’ve ever written.
Q: What does your writing path look like, from the earliest days until now?
Growing up, I read a lot of books.  One summer, I was indulging in some book series such as Ann M. Martin’s The Babysitters’ Club and RL Stine’s Fear Street (I liked Goosebumps, but found that I liked Fear Street more).  By the end of that summer, I decided that I wanted to be a writer.  I did some original work up until my senior year of high school when I discovered fanfiction.net.  I’ve been writing fanfics ever since.  I do have a few ideas for original works, but they’re all currently in the planning stage.
Q: What is your favorite part about writing?
Writing out and FINALLY publishing that one scene that’s been in my head for ages.  Bonus if people react positively to said scene.
Q: What does a typical day look like for you?
I wake up... usually by my three cats because one shoved his whole body in my far, one is knocking things off the shelves, and the other is yelling in my face.  So I get up and feed them, then go back to sleep.  If I work that morning, I get up at 7:30am, hit the snooze a bunch of times, then get up and get ready.  If I work later or if I have the day off, I usually stay in bed until 10am the latest.  At that point, I catch up with tasks and important stuff before I indulge in my hobbies or go to work.  I cook my own dinner, which I usually start at 5pm if I off from work around that time.  When that’s done, I do whatever is needed/indulge in my hobbies again before bed.  Depending if I go to work in the morning, bedtime is usually between 11pm-2am.
Q: What does your writing process look like?
I either have a notebook full of short scene summaries, random scenes written out, or I have the next few chapters written but not completed.
Q: What’s the best advice you’ve gotten?
It’s actually something I only realized recently and wished I took to heart sooner... Write whatever the hell you want.  There’s much more to it than that, but I’ll just leave it at that.
Q: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
It’s never happened to me personally, but I’ve witnessed it over the years in multiple forms.... no matter what you do, there’s ALWAYS going to be at least one person who will either not be happy with what you wrote or go out of their way to put you down for whatever weird reason they have.  Like I said before, write whatever the hell you want.
Also, never give into the pressure of random requests unless you’re personally asking for requests.  There’s a 99% chance that the person/people who pushed you to write the story/add the thing they wanted you to add/etc. will actually NOT read the story at all.
Q: What advice would you give someone who wants to start writing?
Write whatever the hell you want. =P
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
Question Meme: The Run-on Sentence Edition
Hi! I hurt myself again yesterday. No, not in an "self-harm" kind of way but more in the usual (for me) "mountain-climbing incident" sort of way (I hate scree; I was so close to that summit) and got lots of deep bruises and lacerations for my troubles and was in a world of hurt by the time I saw a doctor, and I cracked something that isn't supposed to be cracked and it all hurts enough that I got prescribed narcotics again for a week and I really, really hate narcotics but I really, really like to be able to breathe without feeling like my lungs are being ripped to shreds, so...narcotics it is. 
It might make the answers to this latest iteration of Ye Olde Question Meme rather entertaining, though. Maybe. Maybe just incoherent. Well, whatever, @nekosayuri tagged me, so it's her fault, and I'm bored and my sleep schedule's all outta whack and I haven't even turned on my Simming computer in like three days and am posting this from a non-Simming laptop, so I have nothing else to post and....yeah. So, I'm like high as a kite right now. I mean, it's not totally unusual because I live in Colorado and weed's legal here, but narcotics is a totally different and much less coherent high for me. So, like, fair warning.
I'm not tagging anyone, though. I've no idea who's done this lately...
Name: Katrina
Zodiac Sign: I don't know why I answer this because astrology is a huge crock of BS, but everyone always wants to know so...Taurus. Barely. (Birthday is April 23.)
Height: Still ~6'0"/~182cm. Yay, not shrinking yet!
Languages Spoken: Fluently? At this point, only English. I used to be pretty fluent in Italian and German, but, you know, the saying "use it or lose it" applies, and since I've not had occasion to use those languages much....Well, there we are. I could speak quite a bit of Russian at one time because I spent a chunk of years there, in the late 80s when it was the Soviet Union and shortly thereafter when things were sorta nuts there. But, again, I have lost much of what I once knew. And there are smatterings of other languages that I can speak mostly-useless bits of. I can ask where the restroom is in many languages because I've traveled a lot. :) I do speak fluent bullshit, though...
Nationality: 'Murican. And since 'Muricans are really, really into their "ancestry" for some bizarre-o reason because ‘Murican apparently isn’t good enough...Like, 95% dirty Welsh peasantry (plus some Irish and Scottish thrown in for flavor) on the paternal side and on the maternal side....Well, one of my great-grandfathers was a first cousin of the English Queen Victoria. So basically, my maternal ancestry is the very confused inbred multinational mutt that is European Aristocracy. God only knows what’s in their genes, though my particular bit of it has lots o’ German. 
Favorite Fruit: Okra. It is a fruit. Look it up. Then again, much of what people call "vegetables" is, in fact, fruits, so there's that.
Favorite Scent: I've never really thought about this except when this was a question on a previous iteration of this meme that I did, and I don't remember what answer I came up with then. So I'm just gonna say...Vanilla-scented candles. Not cheap ones that just smell sickly-sweet sort-of-vanilla-y, but these ones that I buy online that smell...well...NOT sickly-sweet and like how vanilla really smells. Alternatively...snickerdoodles when they're baking. Hubby is baking me some snickerdoodles as I speak. Type. Whatever. The house smells really good. Baking bread is good, too. Before the snickerdoodles, hubby was baking the twice-weekly loaf of sourdough.
Favorite Color: Green. And/or orange. I go back and forth about which is really my favorite.
Favorite Animal: Elephants. Or hyenas. Or cats of all shapes/sizes. Or alpacas. Or llamas. Or snakes. Or spiders of all kinds. Or dragonflies. Or...Um, yeah,  I'm pretty much a fan of all vertebrates and terrestrial invertebrates and some aquatic/oceanic invertebrates, too, so...take your pick.
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate all the way. I don't drink coffee because A) I think it tastes and smells disgusting, but even if that wasn't the case B) I can't have caffeine. Tea is OK. Hubby's way into herbal tea, grows/collects and dries herbs and makes his own blends and shit, and I'll drink it mostly to make him happy, but I'm not into it. I do like hot chocolate, though it's hard to find premade mixes that don’t have powdered milk in them (because I’m vegan), so I generally have to make it from scratch, so to speak, and when I do I use cashew milk as the base and I usually add either peppermint or vanilla extract for zing.
Favorite Fictional Character: Can't really pick a fave. So, have a list, probably but perhaps not really in preference order. Spock from Star Trek, who's been a fave of mine since I was 3 and was watching the original Trek in its initial run, and I announced I'd marry Spock one day. Rodney McKay from Stargate: Atlantis and Vala Mal Doran from Stargate SG-1. (Basically, if you cut up those two and glue various bits of their characters together -- and not necessarily their good bits -- you have...me. So I relate really well to both of them, so I like 'em.) Also Jack O'Neill from Stargate SG-1, but he's mostly for reasons of estrogen. (Especially if you stick 'im in dress blues. HUBBA!) Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine because Cardassians Are Love. Jayne from Firefly, also for reasons of estrogen. Big, hairy, dark hair, blue eyes, solid but not too muscle-y...Yep, that's how I likes my men. And Zoe from Firefly, 'cuz OMG she's how I likes my women. HUBBA!
Dream Trip: *sigh* Still Antarctica. It's the only continent I've not been to, and I will get there before I croak, but...not yet.
When was your blog created? IIRC, it was, like, the middle of December 2013. So, I'll have had this thing 5 years soon.
Last Movie You’ve Seen: I couldn't sleep one day like a week ago, so I put on Miss Congeniality, which is one of my favorite movies because Michael Caine. When I can't sleep, I'll usually put on a really familiar movie or TV show and it lulls me to sleep, but it didn't work that time. :(
Song You’ve Had on Repeat: Englishman in New York, by Sting. I have no idea why, but it's been on repeat in my head, though I haven't actually played it lately or anything.
Favorite Candy: Not much of a sweets kind of person. I prefer salty-crunchy. I can eat a whole big bag of crisps (Like, the British ones, which are way better than American potato chips, but American ones will do) easily, but I can't even get through a whole candy bar because, ew, too sweet. That said, I do like Flake bars, but I have to go up to Canada to get 'em. Or else buy 'em online but then usually by the time I get them they're kinda smashed. Or melted. Or both. Better to go up to Canada. Where they have real chocolate and not this sickly-sweet Hershey's crap. *shudder*
Favorite Holiday: When in Canada, Canada Day is quite fun. It's like July 4th only not so...well...chest-beatingly, yahoo-y, "patriotic" 'Murican. (I really, really dislike nationalism and "patriotism" in general but especially the obnoxious 'Murican brand of it.) When in the UK, I have a fondness for Guy Fawkes Night. I guess I like fire and fireworks and things that go boom and shit, only without the "YAY AMERICA!" yelling of America's own "things that go boom" holiday. Other than that...Can't really say I'm into 'em much. They're not even "days off from work" since...Well, I've never had a "real job," and I'm pretty much retired from my unreal job these days.
Last Book You’ve Read: *cough* Does a really long and smutty and slashy Stargate: Atlantis fanfic count? I'm sad to say that, though I was a voracious reader of books when I was younger, I'm really not so much these days. Haven't been for the last decade or so, really. Not of actual books, at least. I do subscribe to and read a number of academic journals, some having to do with science and medicine and some having to do with history, but they're not books. 
Favorite TV Show: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, mostly because it has Cardassians, who are all uniformly awesome, plus all the gritty political and religious goodness and stuff. Except that its last season kinda sucked and did totally WTF things with my second-favorite Cardassian. Close runner-up would be Stargate: Atlantis. Except that its last kinda season sucked, too, and did totally WTF things with McKay, so hmmm. Stargate SG-1 is good, too, except that half its team annoys the piss outta me...although this is largely made up for by the hotness that is Jack O'Neill so there's that. I like Firefly a lot but it was so short-lived that it's hard to really be a favorite because I can watch the whole thing, including the movie, in less than a day. (And believe me. I have.) I like the other Star Treks, too, especially if I'm in the mood for the "goofy soap opera in space" that is Voyager. TNG's shiny-happy Roddenberryness kinda bores the piss outta me, though it does have a few really good episodes, and the original show...Hmmm...Well, I both love and hate it. I love Spock, as I said, and I also love McCoy and all of its secondary characters. The problem is that I hate Kirk. Like, viscerally hate him. Like, I want to punch his face in every time it's on-screen. If he'd just, y'know, been eaten by a salt vampire and Spock and everyone else was OK and went off and had cool space adventures battling giant space-going amoebas and shit, I'd be totally happy and that's what fanfic's for *cough*, but since Kirk doesn't get eaten by a salt vampire...well...
Who’d You Most Like to Have Lunch With? @holleyberry :) Dude, we should totally hook up (No, not THAT way!) when I'm in SoCal next. Which won't be soon if I have my way, but when I am there....
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bigbangenthusiast · 7 years
Could you please write a shamy tickle fight fanfic❤️it would be so cute💗like amy keeps distracting sheldon when he’s busy and yeah you get the gist😂🖤
Hi! Thank you for this cute idea. Sorry this took so long. I hope you enjoy.
Amy entered the apartment and tossed her keys in the bowl. She looked to the couch where her fiancé sat, furiously scribbling in one of his composition notebooks. “Hi, Sheldon!” She greeted before removing her jacket and taking a seat next to him.
“Hello,” he responded, without looking up from his work.
“What are you working on?”
“Wedding plans,” he replied, eyes still on the notebook in his hands.
“If you’re working on the music list, may I make a suggestion for the…”
For the first time since she arrived home, Sheldon looked at her. “Amy, I won the music list and the right to choose what songs we will play at our wedding. Besides, I already have that taken care of. I’m working on our cake right now.”
She reached for the notebook. “Can I see?”
He shook his head and pulled the notebook back to him. “Not until I have all the details.”
“Can you at least tell me what flavor?”
“I haven’t narrowed it down yet,” he mumbled. “I’m working on the design first.”
She sat back and watched him furrow his brow and tap the paper with his pen. Moments later, he put ink to paper again, his hand gliding the writing tool along the white, lined sheet. He squinted at his work then sighed in frustration and flipped to the next page. Resting his chin in his hand, he stared at the blank page.
Amy lay her hand on his knee. “Is everything okay?”
“I tried sketching my idea, but I couldn’t get C3PO’s stance to look right. I don’t trust the bakers to go off some picture they find on the internet. He needs to be posed correctly.”
Amy sighed. Though she was not in favor of a Star Wars-themed cake, she had given up on trying to convince her fiancé to order something more traditional. When he once again set pen to paper, she picked up the latest issue of Journal of Neuroscience from the coffee table and thumbed the pages to the next unread article. Halfway through, Sheldon’s grumblings caught her attention. He angrily flipped the page and glared at the empty sheet.
“Maybe a short break will help,” she suggested.
“I can’t afford to take a break. I need to finish this before bedtime.”
“Sheldon, we’re not getting married for another two months. You have plenty of time.”
“Not true. I made appointments for us to speak with three different bakers tomorrow. We need to select the best one and get our names on the schedule before other couples get the same idea.”
“Even a five-minute break can do wonders for a person’s creativity and…,” she trailed off as she realized Sheldon wasn’t listening. His frown, tight grip on the pen, and hunched shoulders all screamed tension. Perhaps there was something she could do to relieve it. She slowly snaked her hand to his thigh. He gazed at her briefly then lowered his eyes to the page in front of him.
Feeling empowered, Amy crawled her fingers up to his hip bone and gently rested them before lifting his shirts slightly then climbing higher to his toned belly. She raised her eyes to his, but he was so in the zone that he didn’t even look up at her. The frown lines etched on his face broke her heart. She had always thought wedding planning should be fun, not stressful. When they returned home after nearly eloping at city hall, they had both agreed to enjoy every moment of it. Now here he was, stressing over what she considered a minor detail. She boldly swept her fingertips over his flesh.
Sheldon blinked in surprise. “Amy, what are you doing?”
“I just want to see you smile and loosen up a little.”
He drew his brows together. “Good luck with that. You won’t see me smile until I have all the details worked out and the design looks flawless.”
She shrugged innocently and continued her ministrations. When she received no reaction from him, she crooked her fingers and applied more pressure. He squirmed under her touch and giggled then gently grabbed her wrist and moved her hand to her lap. Not to be discouraged, she returned her hand to his bare skin and repeated her actions. When he attempted to move it again, she increased the pressure and speed.
“Amy, please I’m working,” he panted after a round of laughter.
“Don’t you feel better now?”
“No. This is only delaying my progress.” He swatted her hand away and resumed staring at the notebook.
Still undeterred, she yanked the notebook and pen from his hands, tossed them on the coffee table, and lunged at him. He blindly reached for the coffee table, his fingers barely making contact with the edge. Taking advantage of the situation, her hands traveled to the sides of his ribcage, his most ticklish spot. He wriggled beneath her, the volume and intensity of his laughter increasing with each touch. She paused to let him catch his breath, but before she could lay her hands on him again, he surprised her by lifting her shirt slightly and copying what she had done to him moments earlier.
“How do you like it when I do it to you, Dr. Fowler?” He asked, as she writhed beneath his warm palms.
“Hey, no fair!” she squealed.
“All’s fair in love and war.”
She leaned back just out of his reach. Before he could anticipate her move, she straddled him, her hands seeking out his sides. “You may have won the battle, but I assure you, Dr. Cooper, that I will reign the victor!”
“Stop! Stop! I surrender!” He wheezed between bouts of laughter.
Her fingers continued their dance. “You’re just trying to trick me.”
“Sheldon Cooper does not believe in trickery,” he huffed. Amy snorted. “Do I detect a snort of derision?”
“Well then, I’ll prove to you that I’m metaphorically waving the white flag.” He lifted his hands from her and held them in front of his face.
“Bad move, Dr. Cooper.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Why is that?”
“You may have surrendered, but I haven’t,” she replied coyly.
“What does that mean?”
“This.” She resumed her assault on his ribcage.
“I don’t think you understand the meaning of surrender, but two can play this game.”
“Sheldon, I’m sorry,” she shrieked, as he found the ticklish spots under her armpits. She squirmed under his touch, attempting to escape the sensation, but he held her in place.
“I’ll stop if you do.”
“I don’t believe you,” she wheezed.
Instead of stopping, they turned it into a competition to see who could make the other laugh the hardest.
“You’re going down, Cooper!”
“That’s what you think.”
Ten minutes later, faces flushed and chests heaving, Amy paused to admire her fiancé’s beautiful blue, twinkling eyes. His pupils dilated as he gazed back. As if drawn by a magnet, her lips descended upon his. Her hands movements changed to a gentle caress. Mimicking her actions, he placed his hands on her waist, running them slowly up her ribcage then down to her butt.
“I motion that we call a truce, as I think we’re both winners,” he murmured when her lips left his to leave a trail of tiny kisses down his neck.
“Motion seconded.” She returned her lips to his briefly, twisted out of his grasp, and slid off his lap.
He gaped at her as she picked up the neurology journal and began to read as if nothing had just happened. “Don’t play innocent with me. I know that was just a ploy to get me into bed.”
“My goal was to make you smile and relieve some of your tension, and I succeeded,” she told him matter of factly.
“I was hoping we could continue our foreplay and engage in frenzied lovemaking. That’s an even better tension reliever.” He stood and held out his hand.
“What about the wedding cake?”
“How can I think about that now? You’re a distraction, Amy Farrah Fowler. I’ve been distracted since the moment I met you.”
“And yet you still want to marry me.”
“I never said you were a bad distraction. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Shall we proceed to the bedroom?” Amy placed her hand in his and allowed him to pull her up. They took two steps from the couch when he released her hand. “You go ahead. I’ll catch up with you in a minute.”
“What are you doing?”
“Never you mind that, little lady.”
She sauntered toward the bedroom. When she reached the door, she looked over her shoulder to find him staring at her backside. He blushed as he caught her gaze then strode over and playfully swatted her bottom. Giggling, she raced ahead of him into their room.
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mskinkyafro · 7 years
Midnight Cravings (Liam x MC)
Pairing: Liam x MC
Author’s Notes: First fanfic ever so please take pity on me. Canon divergence. This is a scene I’d like to have happen during the final week leading up to the coronation. It’s pure fluff. Be prepared for cheesy, ooey-gooey fluff. If not a fan of that, stay away lol.
 All rights to the PB for the Choices characters mentioned and all rights to the owner of the song used in this fic. 
Italicized is thoughts, and bold words are song lyrics.  
Summary: Taking place during Coronation week both MC and the Prince are stressing and happen to meet over cookies and cocoa late at night spending much needed time together and confessions are made.
11:40 pm. The red numbers glow in the dark room. Justice tosses and turns in the lavish bed. She finally rolls onto her back and sighs
“I’m so nervous and anxious for this Friday I can’t even sleep! I mean, I’m laying on a cloud compared to that board back in New York I called a bed I should be knocked out.”
She puts her hand on her face and slowly rubs it down and lets out a frustrated growl. Justice turns to the alarm clock on her nightstand.
“At this rate there’s no way I’m getting sleep.”
She lays for a moment and suddenly an idea strikes.
“This is a perfect time for my hot cocoa and cookies. No one else will be up and the royal kitchen is stocked up with every ingredient imaginable and the latest equipment.”
Satisfied with her thinking Justice gets up out her bed and looks in the mirror debating if she should change out of her  red tank top and short pajamas shorts that hug her hips low.
“You know what no one is going to be roaming around at this time at night, I’ll just defy dress code this time,” she says aloud with a sly smile and laughs to herself.
She walks through the hallways of the palace admiring the various historical artifacts and portraits of past rulers until she reaches the grand staircase. She delicately steps down each step careful to not make a sound.She reaches the bottom of the stairs and heads towards the kitchen. She pushes through a door and gazes on the big kitchen area. Rows of several ovens and stovetops used to prepare elaborate and elegant meals for the royals are in site.
She steps into the room and to her left is five giant stainless, silver fridges. To the right the pantry that looks as if it could’ve been another bedroom.
“Wow…” the words lost to her as she continues to gaze at the site before her. She gathers herself and is off to collect the items she needs.
“Alrighty now let’s see...tsk tsk if I were pots and pans where would I be in a palace?”she questions.
She looks in the cabinets under the main stove in the center of the kitchen and finds the perfect size sauce pan. She gets up and places it on a stovetop and goes through the entire kitchen collecting everything she needs to bake. Soon the once pristine kitchen counters are filled with bowls, pans, trays and spices.
Justice moves in the kitchen seamlessly as if she were dancing, feeling better than she was earlier. The saucepan used to make her famous cocoa is releasing a chocolatey spiced aroma about the room. Her special cookies are in the oven, the smell of pumpkin wafts through. The kitchen smells of a soft autumn day and unknowingly her baking is sending amazing scents not just around this area but through the vents. Which travels and reaches the room to the one she cares for.
Prince Calvin is in his room and is wide awake unable to sleep. His bed abandoned quite a while ago with the comforter on the floor. He’s troubled by what’s to come and paces the floor by his window back and forth and so on. It seems to him that it’s all happening too fast. He wishes he could just relax and take a step back but knows there’s no time for that. Yet he longs for the only thing that can get him to do so, rather one person, Justice. Just the thought of her makes his heartbeat accelerate.
“Lady Justice is the key to my peace, my heart, my soul. I’d be lying to myself if I don’t admit it. Admit to myself that I’m madly in love with this charming woman. Who is so lively, adventurous, intelligent, determined and alluring.”
As his thoughts are flooded by images of her and memories made with this woman they’re interrupted by a enriching smell. It’s so compelling he climbs out of bed and he follows it.
He moves through the hallways and onto the stairs and whispers to himself.  
“Who could be up at…” He turns to a clock on the wall to check the time,“12:30 am, and why are they in the kitchen?”
All the servants are gone for the night so he knows it isn’t any of them. As he steps off the staircase and heads to the kitchen he peeks in the door. Once his gaze falls on the culprit he melts inside.
Then he leans in the doorway to watch. 
“Of course it’s her.” The one he couldn’t seem to rid his mind of.
He’s captivated as she glides about the kitchen stirring whatever is in the pot. Especially enjoying how her pajama shorts slightly rise as she roams about the space giving him a peak of her perfect ass. He unknowingly moves towards her, he doesn’t know why but his body longs to be next to her whenever she’s in his reach. As he inches closer, he hears her soft humming grow to singing.
Justice is currently stirring the last ingredients into her cocoa 
“And lastly a ½ cup of crushed peppermint candy, a nice little bite to balance this rich Cordonian chocolate. I should’ve known it wasn’t just their apples with intense flavors.”she laughs to herself. 
She pulled out her pumpkin oatmeal cookies earlier and is waiting for them to cool. She’s stirring the saucepan waiting for the peppermint to melt through.
She begins to hums one of her favorite songs and soon breaks into the lyrics.
  “Baby you don’t know, what you do to me, between me and you, I feel a chemistry. I won’t let no one, come and take your place, ‘Cause the love you give, can’t be replaced. So, no one else can do me like you do…”
Her back is facing the door while she continues to sing when Calvin enters and wraps his arms around her waist. She stops at first frightened but relaxes as she smells a familiar cologne. 
“Calvin?” she whispers. He lightly peppers her neck with kisses. 
“Yes,” he answers.
She turns around to face him, her smile bright. He leans down to kiss her lips, his eyes close and instead of the feel of her lips he feels a smack to the forehead.
 “Oww, what was that for?” he asked genuinely confused as he rubs his head. Justice grins evilly back at him and replies 
“That’s for scaring me to death a minute ago.”
“Ahh yes…Ahem, I apologize for that.”He still says rubbing his head.“Here, lean down.”she says.
He complies and where she hit him she places a kiss. 
“Better?” she gives him a sweet smile. 
He grins at her and answers “Much.”
He pulls her to his chest once more and asks “Sing.”
Puzzled she looks at him.  “Sorry, you want me to sing?”
“Yes, I had heard you before I rudely interrupted and would love to hear your enchanting voice again.”
She gently reached up to kiss his lips tenderly 
“As you wish your highness.”she says sexily. 
Justice turns so that her back is in his chest. Then wraps his arms around her body and slowly sways side to side forcing his body to mirror her actions. All the while she continues singing the song she sang earlier.
“That’s why I want to spend my life with you.”
She moves her hand to reach his head and slowly trails it down his face feeling every curve and the light stubble.“I want to please you in any way I can. I want to show you my world, don’t you understand?”
As her hand leaves his face she grasps his hand and places it on her heart all the while still swaying her hips to the beat in her head.
“Your love is a one in a million. It goes on and on and on. You give me a real, good feeling all day long.”
Justice finishes the note and turns back to face Calvin and kisses him deep and lovingly.
She reluctantly releases his lips and quickly turns from him and cuts off the heat from her pot and pours the hot liquid into two mugs. He watches her leave him momentarily and breathes out slowly. 
“Her dancing caused a certain part of me to be more awake than normal. Alright think gross pictures, umm Maxwell and Drake in Bikinis.”
He imagines and grimaces. He feels himself cool down. Before his train of thought leads him back to her movements he focuses his attention back to Justice currently. She tops both hot cocoa with mini marshmallows, whip cream, and cinnamon.
She hands one to Calvin.
“Looks like you need this,” she tells him.
He graciously takes the cup ,before taking a sip he mentions.
“Your voice is breathtaking. I’ve never had the privilege til now to hear such a song. What’s it called?” 
Justice smiles and coyly adverts her eyes from him. 
“You sure know how to charm a girl Calvin. Thank you  though, and it’s called One in a Million by a singer named Aaliyah.”
“Beautiful song, was there a specific reason why you were singing this particular song, maybe a special someone?” he asks smugly.
“Hmm maybe.” she responds.
He shakes his head at her out of amusement. 
“I should have known it was you at this hour stirring trouble.”
She feigns offence. 
“What! Me, I’m just innocently baking and I’m never trouble.”  The prince gave her a look.
 “Okay this time I’m not causing trouble.” 
He laughs.“I was too curious as to who caused the sweet fragrance.”
She glances at him surprised. “You smelt my baking all the way from your room?” 
He moves to a nearby table with chairs, sits and replies. 
“Yes, and honestly I was having difficulty trying to sleep and a delicious and inviting aroma happened to pass by my nose and I just had to figure out what it was.”
Justice follows him where he sits carrying a plate of cookies and her cup and sits next to him. He sips from his drink and turns to look at her and stares back at forth from the cup and her until she breaks his silence.
“Umm...is there something wrong? I mean it’s an original recipe, so you may not car-” Calvin grabs her hand and squeezes it and interrupts her.
“This is the best cup of hot chocolate I’ve ever had.”
“Really, even better than the Michelin star chefs who work in the palace.” she teased with a leer.
“ Far better,” he responds as he finishes his drink.
He grabs a cookie and eats it and closes his eyes and moans in satisfaction. Ensuing him to eat more. 
His moan made Justice swoon inside and a blush reached her cheeks as she thought,
“I can think of more naughtier, fun ways to make him moan like that again. Okay down girl, don’t think sexy thoughts.”
Before it went farther in that direction she looks at him and chortles at how adorable he is. He notices her soft giggle and raises an eyebrow.
“What is it?”
“It’s nothing, just that who would’ve thought that the “Proper Crown Prince” is before me guzzling down hot cocoa and cookies in his pajamas like a five year old.” she says with a cheeky smirk.
He stops and chuckles. 
“Everytime I’m with you Lady Justice-” she cut him off.
“It’s after hours please it’s Justice.”
He smiles.
“Of course, as I was saying when I’m with you I feel so carefree and discover more of your many talents. I mean a singer and phenomenal baker.”
Justice gives him a sly smirk, her eyes tinted with mischief. 
“You forgot mentioning an amazing lover.”
Calvin blushes furiously and begins to stammer as he remembers her mentioning this talent. She snickers. 
“Don’t worry, if you’re a good little prince I will give you a demonstration one day.” she ribs.
“Heh, there you go again. You’re so bewitching it’s as if you have some spell over me. That whatever mood, no matter how stress or upset I am you make me laugh, make me smile. It’s one of the many reasons why I lo-” he stops himself from continuing.
He looks away, ashamed that he might have hurt her by not saying it right now. He’s scared to say those three little words aloud to her. Justice takes his hands. 
“It’s okay. I know you must censor yourself especially as the ball nears. But I have to let you know; remember when we first met I told you I was looking for adventures, well what I didn’t expect was to fall in love.”
His eyes are wide and bright as he turns to stare at her.
“Just like the song I sang, you Calvin are truly one in a million. I’ve never felt a connection like this before. And no matter what remember it’s you and only you who has my heart. I, I love you. More than you could ever know.”
“Justice…” He reaches towards her face and pulls her closer. 
“You don’t have to say it right now, but I want you know this, whatever is to come I will never stop loving you and wanting the best for you.” she whispered as she’s pulled in.
Teardrops slowly leave Justice’s hazel eyes as she stares into the Prince’s brown ones. Thinking how much she adores the man in front of her even if his future doesn’t feature her alongside him. It pained Calvin to see the woman who he deems his soulmate sad. Especially at his dispense. He gracefully moves his fingers and wipes her tears away then leans in and kisses her so softly and passionately. Removing any sadness and doubt from Justice’s mind. His emotions pour into this one action, no more caution, no more restrictions. This moment Calvin allowed his heart to pilot over his mind.
They separate to catch their breaths. Calvin pulls Justice onto his lap and cuddles her into his chest. She can hear his heartbeat. For a moment both of their worries washed away. In his mind Calvin finally makes a decision on an internal battle that he’s been fighting. 
“Consequences be damned.”
“Justice…”she turns to him.
“ I care about you immensely. I’m crazy about you. It’s ironic because I’m supposed to make a choice, yet I’m lucky you chose me. Being with me isn’t going to be easy and I was sure that this life would scare the chance at true love away. Part of me thinks that there’s someone out there who could give you the normal life you deserve and I should let you go.” He lowers his head.
She turns and lifts his head, so his eyes are to hers.
“It wouldn’t be much of a life if you weren’t by my side. The life I deserve whatever it may be includes you. I couldn’t live life without my better half.”
He’s heart soars at her words and kisses her once more holding her so tight as if she’d slip away.
Their foreheads are press against another as they break apart. Justice looks at the empty plate and cups and says aloud.
“Who would’ve known midnight cravings and insomnia led to this.” He smiles and kisses her forehead.
He grips her tighter and thinks. 
“If she brings this warmth to me then she will bring it to all of the subjects of Cordonia. It’s decided she must be Queen and be my wife.”
The question that plagued him all week has been answered.“There’s no other suitor who could be a better suit than her, no other can I envision by my side other than her.”
Justice keeps her arms locked around his neck as he pulls her into him as if they’re one.She glances at the clock and notices it’s 1:00 am now. She begins feeling sleepy and more comfortable than she’s ever felt in years.
They stay there for 10 more minutes when she reluctantly stands up from his lap and leaves his protective grasp. 
“I guess it’s time to retire for the night or if you want to get technical the morning.” she mentions quietly with a small frown.
Calvin looks at her not wanting to go separate ways just yet. He gets a daring thought.
 “We could continue this in my chambers.” 
She gives him a surprised look that turns into a smirk.
“My, my, my,  look who is testing the lines of danger. We would cause quite a scandal sir.”
He moves from his seat to stand next to her and kisses her neck knowing that’s her weakness.
“I can’t be away from you right now. I crave to have you next to me. There’s a way you could sneak out. Don’t overthink it, just say yes.”
Knowing she was losing this battle and the fact he’s initiating the daring move she says 
He beams at her and together they clean up the mess in the kitchen and sneak off towards Prince Calvin’s room hand in hand. Both of them content that their cravings had been sated.
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