#the last two tiers are going to keep me up at night this is so funny
windupaidoneus · 1 year
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yeah i think this is as good as it gets. fuu's relationship chart 🎉 rip tatsumi u mentioned god one too many times
0 notes
archiveikemen · 4 months
Harrison Gray 2nd Birthday Campaign: Story (2024)
Chapters 1-3
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
1st Birthday Campaign Story
I opened my eyes to the feeling of warm sunlight hitting the back of my eyelids, and saw Harry’s sleeping face.
(We fell asleep without getting dressed. Both of us have been really busy lately and haven't spent much time together, so we got a little too carried away last night…)
We finally had some quiet time last night and spent it together, but— 
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Harrison: Mm…
Kate: Good morning, Harry.
Harry, who had woken up once, frowned and shut his eyes again.
Harrison: … Good night.
Kate: It’s morning already. Please wake up.
Harrison: It’s my day-off today…
Kate: Harry! Wake! Up!
Harry finally opened his eyes when I yanked the sheets off to cover my body.
Harrison: You look amazing this morning, trying to seduce me? 
Kate: I-I’m not!
Harry, groggy from being woken up, planted a kiss on my cheek.
Harrison: Sure looks that way to me, though.
Kate: Mmph, Harry!
He distracted me with a kiss on my lips and reached for the sheets covering my body.
Kate: N-No! 
Harrison: … Is it because I went too hard on you yesterday?
Kate: That’s not the case. 
Our interactions since morning filled my heart with both joy and embarrassment, but—
Kate: We made a promise to prepare for your birthday together this year! 
Today's date is the 29th of May, a day before Harry’s birthday.
I tried to secretly plan a birthday party for him last year, but…
= Flashback Start =
Harrison: You’ve been avoiding me all day because you’re planning a surprise birthday party for me, am I right?
= Flashback End =
(The cake remained a surprise, but he easily found out about the party.) 
I thought about how to go about the birthday party preparations this year, and decided that we would prepare for it together. 
(Avoiding Harry while preparing for the surprise party made me feel guilty, so I’m glad I don’t have to do that again this year.) 
(Moreover, Victor gave us two days off. That means we can be together throughout.)
Harrison: Where do we start?
Kate: First of all—
Kate: We’re baking the cake together this year! 
After arranging the ingredients and equipment on the counter, Harry picked up the cake mould.
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Harrison: … Isn't this too small?
Kate: I think it's enough, but would you prefer to have a bigger cake? 
I baked a five-tier cake with Crown’s help last year, but we’re baking a single tier cake this year. 
(Harry loves sweet foods, so he probably wants more cake to eat.)
Harrison: Knowing you, you definitely put a lot of thought into choosing this size for the cake. 
Kate: Huh… 
Harrison: I’ve never baked a cake before, so I guess this might be the right size. 
I felt a wave of affection wash over me as I watched him put the mould back and think with his hand on his chin.
(Harry is always respectful of my thoughts.)
I tried my best to keep myself from smiling while reflecting on the kindness my lover always treated me with.
Together with the rather adorable Harry whose hands were unfamiliar with baking—
Kate: It’s done!
Harrison: My arms are sore from whipping the cream.
Kate: You were the one who decided to make so much cream because you wanted more to eat…
The cake with a generous amount of fruits as toppings looked good enough to be displayed at the storefront of a bakery. 
Harry scooped up a mouthful of the leftover whipped cream from the bowl with a twinkle in his eyes.
Harrison: Open your mouth, Kate.
Kate: Yes? Mmph.
He shoved the whipped cream into my mouth, some of it getting onto the tip of my nose.
Harrison: Pfft… 
Kate: Goodness! Don’t just shove it in my mouth like that all of a sudden!
Harrison: Haha… my bad. Here.
Harry’s face drew closer and he licked the cream off my nose.
Harrison: Mm… sweet.
Harrison: So? What are we doing next? 
Kate: Next, we’re picking out a present for you!
I walked briskly through the shopping street, pulling Harry along behind me by the arm.
Harrison: We don’t need to rush. It’s not as if anything’s going to run away.
Kate: But what if the item you like gets sold out? 
Harrison: What do you think I’ll choose as a present?
Harrison: … You’re being especially energetic this morning.
Kate: Of course I am. Today’s the day before your birthday. 
Harry stopped walking and gave me a wry smile.
Kate: … Are you going to laugh at me?
Harrison: Yeah. 
Kate: It’s been a while since we last went out together like this. We rarely get the chance to spend full days together, you know? 
Kate: Even though this is to celebrate your birthday, it also feels like a reward for myself… 
Despite living in the same castle, I knew from before we started dating that we wouldn't always get to be together. 
(Harry’s missions and his job as a proofreader have been keeping him busy…)
Moreover, we’re total opposites of each other, so we often did our own things separately even on our off days.
We had a relationship where we respected each other’s likes without restricting our actions, and it suited us perfectly.
(But, still, spending time with Harry is my ultimate favourite.)
I stole a glance at Harry next to me and saw him frozen in place with his mouth opened, but he soon snapped back to reality and sighed.
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Harrison: … That’s fine, no?
My cheeks started to burn when I noticed that his ears were red although he tried to hide his face.
Harrison: What are you turning bright red for?
Kate: P-Pardon me. 
Harry took my hand with his usual carefree smile, our fingers intertwined.
Harrison: … Being with you makes me happy too.
Kate: What…
Harrison: Was that a lie or the truth?
Kate: … It’d be nice if it were the truth.
Harry pulled the hand he was holding.
Harrison: Then enjoy yourself to the fullest without worries. I’ll do the same. 
We spent our date looking at clothes and going to a cafe, but…
Kate: Are you sure that’s all you want for your present? 
The book in Harry’s hand was a recently published mystery novel.
Harrison: Yeah this is what I wanted the most. Thanks.
(As expected, he chose something that doesn't cost much.)
He seemed to notice my disappointment that he chose an inexpensive present. 
Harrison: Isn't it the sentiment that counts, and not the price? 
Kate: That’s true, but… 
Harrison: All that matters is that you bought it for me. 
Harrison: Besides… I’ve already received more than enough from you.
(What does he mean by that?) 
When I cocked my head in puzzlement at Harry’s words, he stroked my hair fondly.
Harrison: Give it a good thought, okay?
He took his hand off my hair and held my hand.
Harrison: Alright, what’s next?
Gazing at Harry’s profile under the light of the setting sun, I took a deep breath.
(It’s okay, he hasn't seen through my “lie”.)
(I hope this lie remains hidden from him for the rest of the remaining hours.)
Afterwards, we enjoyed the dishes Victor prepared for Harry’s pre-birthday celebration.
Harrison: We’ve been out and about all day. 
Kate: Are you exhausted?
Harrison: A little, but it's not too bad. 
Kate: Fufu… I feel the same.
Kate: I’m looking forward to tomorrow.
Harrison: Yeah. 
Kate: Eh…
Harrison: What’s wrong?
Kate: Nothing… I was just surprised to hear you say that you’re looking forward to it…
(Harry has always been one to think that he doesn't deserve to celebrate his birthday.) 
No amount of imagining how his past birthdays must’ve felt like to him would make me truly understand.
Last year, I tried my best to make his birthday special without having to lie to him,
(But he didn't say that he was looking forward to his next birthday.)
Knowing Harry now thought of his birthday as something to look forward to filled me with so much joy, I felt a twinge in my nose.
Harrison: … Sorry to interrupt your emotional moment, but can I have what I want the most?
Kate: Whoa!
Harry suddenly pulled my arm, making me lose my balance and fall onto him.
He gently caressed my waist as he held me close enough to hear his heartbeat. 
Harrison: … I want you. May I?
I nearly nodded in response to Harry’s whisper in my ear,
Kate: N-Not yet! 
Harrison: … You're hiding something from me, aren't you? 
Right when I thought I was in trouble, there was a knock on the door.
Kate: Be right there!
Harrison: Huh…?
I swiftly got out of bed and went into the hallway where a maid handed a tea trolley to me.
I expressed my thanks to her before pushing the trolley into the room and parking in front of Harry, who stared wide-eyed at it from the bed. 
Kate: Harry! Happy birthday!
Harrison: What’s with that cake? 
His eyes fixed onto the six-tiered cake on the tea trolley with the cake we baked together at the very top. 
Kate: … I’m sorry, Harry. I lied to you.
I raised a finger.
Kate: The truth is, I had Crown bake the other five tiers.
Kate: But I knew that if we did the same thing we did last year, you’d figure it out.
Kate: That’s why, this year, I decided to make a cake together so that you wouldn't find out about it. 
While Harry remained astonished, I pulled out a refined black box I had kept hidden. 
Harrison: … What’s that? 
Kate: There’s one more thing I hid from you. Actually, I’ve already bought you a birthday present.
I opened the box to reveal a mint coloured fountain pen.
Kate: I knew you wouldn’t choose something expensive for your present.
Kate: … But I wanted to give you a proper present.
Kate: I thought that if I had everything prepared in advance and did the same things with you, you wouldn't realise it.
Kate: Looks like I succeeded! 
Harry’s lips curled into a smile as he gazed at my triumphant expression.
Harrison: You really are something else…
He caressed my cheek with his palm. 
Harrison: … You’re always surpassing my expectations. 
Harrison: I did think you were hiding something from me, but…
Harrison: If you were to do the same thing again, I wouldn't be able to figure it out just by looking into your eyes. 
Despite his words, Harry looked happy and I held the hand stroking my cheek.
Kate: Let’s dig in, Harry. 
I fed Harry a piece of cake with a fork, and he placed a hand on the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss.
Kate: Mm, why?
While I was distracted by his non-stop sweet kisses, I felt his hand untie the ribbons on the back of my blouse,
Kate: Are we not eating the cake—
Harrison: We’re eating it together now, aren’t we?
Kate: This isn’t eating!
Harry was being more impatient than usual and I felt like I was going to drown in the sweet moment,
(But I must say it to him.)
Kate: P-Please wait a minute! 
Harrison: … What? 
He wore a dissatisfied look, but I straightened up and spoke.
Kate: Happy birthday. I’m glad I could spend it together with you again this year.
Kate: … What do you think of my lie?
After blinking in silence for a brief moment, Harry pulled me into a tight hug.
Harrison: … I used to think that someone like me didn't deserve to have his birthday celebrated properly. 
Harrison: The lying fox’s fated ending isn't a happy one. No matter which fairytale, the fox is always the hated one. 
In fairytales, the fox was a symbol of deceit.
I was well aware that none of the tales had happy endings for the foxes.
Harrison: … But all of that changed when you came into my life.
Harrison: There’s no one who would be happier about my birthday than myself, except for you. That’s why it doesn't feel bad to have been lied to.
I felt Harry chuckle on my shoulder and narrowed my eyes.
Kate: I’ll still be here to celebrate your birthday with you next year, and every year after. 
Harrison: Any birthday with you by my side is the best birthday of all.
Kate: Really…?
Harrison: You’ll find out from now on, whether that’s the truth or a lie.
Harrison: … You’ll still be by my side next year and every year after, right? 
I intended to remain by his side to find that out and be the first person to celebrate every one of his birthdays from now on,
Harrison: I told you, didn’t I?
Harry removed his shirt and his lips drew close— 
Harrison: — Any birthday with you by my side is the best birthday of all.
Kate: Ah… 
Last year, I wasn’t able to truly believe those words.
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(I wasn't confident that my presence alone would be enough to make his birthday the best one ever.)
(... But I understand it now.)
This is the truth from you, a person who always lies. 
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maespri · 5 months
your turn to die characters ranked by how painful their death was (and why)
okay. crazy title, i KNOW. but this was actually so interesting to talk and think about. at least for me.
spoilers ahead, and TRIGGER WARNING. this post is going to go into detail about each death. it’s going to get gory and upsetting. if you don’t think you can handle hearing about that, please keep scrolling!
everything is under the cut, because this post is LONG, i'm warning you now.
some backstory: i have a special interest in anatomy and physiology, and i've always thought about how the different deaths in your turn to die worked. my wonderful friend @lovivelle and i talked about this topic extensively last night and they made this tier list with me! so, here's the ranking and explanations!
this ranking ONLY covers HUMAN deaths, because dolls/dummies do not feel pain.
quick glossary: exsanguination: death caused by bleeding out hemorrhaging: bleeding necrosis: cell/tissue death hypoxia: inadequate oxygen supply hypovolemic: loss of fluid in the body, often referring to blood or water shock: life-threatening condition where the body does not have enough blood circulating through it crush syndrome: medical condition where skeletal muscle is crushed for a prolonged time, resulting in shock and organ failure hematemesis: vomiting up blood hemoptysis: coughing up blood TBI: traumatic brain injury immolation: death by burning; being burned alive
the tier list:
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OUCH!! (most painful):
nao: nao's death involves her ribcage being crushed. i put her at number one for what i hope are obvious reasons. for starters, her death is drawn-out, making the pain last even longer. while her ribcage is being crushed, any internal organs are being crushed as well. her bones are probably splintering and breaking off and piercing her insides and organs. overall... just horrible pain. official cause of death: internal hemorrhaging and irreparable damage to organs.
kurumada: kurumada's death involved being crushed (between two walls), which is similar to nao's. i would put their pain levels as being equal to each other, but kurumada's has the potential to have been less painful than nao's, because we don't know how quickly the walls crushed his body. if they were moving slowly, the pain would've been drawn-out and agonizing, and in that case, i would make the argument that his death was more painful than nao's. but if it was very quick, he would've just felt blinding pain in his entire body for a few seconds before it would end. we do have to keep in mind that kurumada is clearly quite muscular however, which probably provided some resistance against the walls, but only served to draw out his pain even further. official cause of death: muscle necrosis, internal hemorrhaging, and irreparable damage to internal organs due to crush syndrome.
either way, both definitely experienced, in my opinion, the most painful deaths in the game.
YOWZA! (very painful):
mishima: mishima's death results from his collar slowly heating up and burning his neck until his head disconnects from it. i don't even have the words to describe how painful this would be. the fact that the collar heats up slowly and it is drawn out only makes it worse. if you've ever burned yourself before anywhere on your body, you know how painful it is. imagine that pain centralized around your neck. mishima might have the fortune of his nerves being burned off after a certain amount of time, which would mean he wouldn't feel anything (think third-degree burns burning through to muscle, tissue, and nerve endings). but at that point, because the burning is around his neck and your neck contains- A) your spine/spinal cord and B) your trachea, which allows you to breathe- anyway and burning it in half would definitely kill you, he may be dead before he even has time to not feel any pain. either way, this shit would hurt so bad. official cause of death: cerebral hypoxia due to decapitation.
hinako: hinako technically has two deaths, but we ranked her based off of her being drilled. a lot of questions actually arose when my friend and i were talking about the drill deaths, because we don't know the speed at which the drills move. i mean, whether they're moving quickly or slowly, it would still obviously hurt- but the faster the drill, the quicker the death, which would make it less painful. being drilled would be unbearably painful for the sole fact that she might be alive for a lot of the drilling until it reaches any vital organs. no matter what, it'd be very painful. official cause of death: hard to say for certain, but would most likely be from exsanguination... y'know, from her body being split in half by a giant drill.
kugie (kanna's sister): my friend and i were FLOORED when we looked into kugie's death. in the game, i don't think we get a canonical answer specifically as to how she dies, but in the manga, we do. kugie and kanna have the same first trial as joe and sara, but they don't succeed. in it, kugie's bed literally snaps and essentially folds her in half. in the image from the manga, we can see blood flying out from the bed (implying it happened very quickly, because if it were slow, the blood would instead drip and flow), and kugie's hand sticking out between the two slabs of the bed. i think this death is the most painful out of the entire "YOWZA!" category because kugie was probably alive and in immense pain for at least a few seconds or even minutes after the bed snapped. if i had to speculate official cause(s) of death:
i would guess her lumbar vertebrae (basically the bottom discs of the spine) and spinal cord snapped, cutting off sensation and sending her into shock.
if she was folded in half, her legs would have quickly shot up, meaning her torso was likely unnaturally slammed into by both them and the bed, and sustained massive trauma. this would cause internal hemorrhaging and damage to her organs.
the blood spurting out of the bed was likely from her head. i'm a teenage girl, likely the same height or around the same height as kugie, and when i bend in half, my face is level with my knees. knowing this, her knees probably slammed into her face and broke her skull, causing a TBI.
the combination of all of that would have first caused terrible pain for, like i said, at least a few seconds or minutes- we don't see how extensive the damage really was, so i can't say for certain... but yeah.
aughhh (painful):
joe: joe's death is really interesting to think about, because upon first glance, you might think it's one of the most painful- but there are a few things i considered with him. his death is a result of wrigglers draining the blood out of his body. because we don't know how large the wrigglers are, i can't say how painful it would be when they enter his body- but i'd have to guess they're on the smaller side, like little tubes, because if they were big, they would have difficulty sucking out his blood due to how small blood vessels are. it would hurt horribly to have the wrigglers enter his body and drain the blood. we don't know if they moved around through his blood vessels- if they did, that would definitely exacerbate the pain- or if it was more just like getting blood drawn. but what i considered with him, the thing that makes his death less painful than the others, is the fact that he would probably pass out long before he's even fully dead. the amount of blood he's losing at such a rapid pace would first make him dizzy and disoriented before he just... passes out. his entire body would start shutting down very quickly and he wouldn't even be awake for it. his body would give up on transporting blood to the extremities and non-vital organs and shift only to transporting what little blood it can to keep vital organs running. when that blood runs out, the heart will stop being able to pump enough blood throughout the body and to the brain, and joe would actually be dead. so... yeah. official cause of death: hypovolemic shock resulting in organ failure.
shin: shin dies after being fatally injured by the death game's security system. while it's unclear exactly how the security system killed him, i believe he was stabbed/impaled somehow. there are a few questions regarding exactly where he was stabbed, but i assume he was hit somewhere in the torso because he has blood coming out of his mouth. if you don't know:
blood coming out of the mouth can be a result of haematemesis (vomiting up blood), which is where blood wells up in the stomach/digestive tract due to trauma in that area
it can also be a result of haemoptosis (coughing up blood), which results from being stabbed in the lungs/trachea due to trauma in that area
my guess is he was stabbed in the stomach, because if he were stabbed in the lungs, he'd be coughing and frothing at the mouth struggling to breathe. if i'm remembering correctly, he's also shown to be clutching his abdomen after turning on the joe AI, so... my money is definitely in the stomach.
which, you guessed it, would hurt. a lot. and there's no workaround. he's strong enough to drag himself to the rubble room and turn on an AI before dying. he would've been in blinding pain that entire time before dying.
official cause of death: exsanguination.
reko: reko technically has three canonical deaths, which made her hard to rank. i'll cover them all.
strangulation (hanging by collar): being hung is painful, but i think people underestimate how terrifying it is too. reko would have been terrified and in immense pain for a few minutes before dying. everything in her neck would be getting crushed and pressed on by the collar thanks to gravity. overall... awful death. official cause of death: cerebral hypoxia due to strangulation.
stabbed: same as what i said for shin. terrible pain for however long until she ultimately bleeds out. official cause of death: exsanguination.
fake-reko falling headfirst onto a spike: this one's... interesting! mainly because i think she would actually just be dead instantly. if the spike pierces her brain, she won't even really have time to process "ow!" before just. being dead. official cause of death: severe TBI resulting in death.
owie (painful, but not as painful as others):
q-taro: q-taro is stabbed in the back by mai and slowly bleeds to death over the course of the chapter. the reason i put him so low is because he would definitely be in some pain, but i don't think mai stabbed him very well (no offense girl). he's able to walk around, talk, and do stuff with the others after being stabbed, at least for a little while. it's difficult for me to pinpoint what exactly killed him because of this. i'd imagine his body began repairing the stab wound in his back, but ultimately, blood loss and the disruption to everything surrounding his spine (because mai stabs him in the back) is probably what killed him. depending on how deep mai's knife was, the blade may have even pierced or grazed internal organs such as q-taro's heart or a lung. his body probably put most of its focus on keeping his internal organs running whilst simultaneously trying to repair them, which tired him out over the course of the chapter, before it ultimately couldn't keep up with the amount of blood being lost. a hasty bandaging job using an office first-aid kit is not ideal for stab wounds.
*edit: this person corrected me regarding q-taro's death! i still think the severity of his injury could have killed him before the coffin cremation system actually killed him, plus the information is interesting, so i'm keeping it. but technically, being burned alive is actually what killed him. ouch.
official cause of death: exsanguination OR immolation.
kai: kai's death is kind of up in the air in terms of the specifics, but we know he kills himself during the first main game by cutting his arms. in order for this to kill him, and for him to have bled out as fast as he did, he likely cut his axillary and/or brachial artery. your brachial artery runs down the front of your bicep and is an extension of your axillary artery, which is in your upper arm/armpit. if kai cut deeply into both his brachial arteries, and/or his axillary arteries, he would bleed to death very quickly. it would be really painful, but i think adrenaline and the probability he'd pass out immediately would certainly be on his side here, making it at least a little less painful. either way, he dies quite fast, so. official cause of death: exsanguination.
uncertain (i'm not sure!):
this category is for the characters who have one or more variables that make it difficult or impossible to determine how painful their death was.
kanna: first of all, the way kanna dies is impossible in real life. lets just get that out of the way. you cannot have flowers sprout out of your body. that immediately makes it impossible to tell how painful it would be for her.
if i were to suspend my disbelief for this, however, here's what i have to say about it:
safalin says kanna is numb during her death, which would instantly give her a pain rating of zero. kanna is screaming during her death, but given what safalin says, that doesn't necessarily prove she's in pain. she could just be screaming out of fear.
if she weren't numb, yeah, she would be in a lot of pain. flowers and vines growing out of your body, poking out of your skin, running through your insides- that would hurt insanely bad.
but the fact that:
this death isn't possible in real life
kanna is presumably numb during her death
we don't specifically know how the seeds are working/moving inside her body
kind of made it impossible to rank her.
if i had to guess a cause of death, i'd guess severe disruption by the vines to her internal organs and processes is what ultimately killed her.
hayasaka: hayasaka's head is presumably cut off by a swinging axe. there are two reasons we put him in 'uncertain'; we don't know how sharp the blade of the axe is, and we don't know the velocity it's swinging at.
if the blade is swinging slowly and is very dull, it would take a few swings to fully cut off hayasaka's head, which would make it incredibly painful.
but if the blade is swinging very quickly and is super sharp, his death would be instantaneous, making it essentially painless.
so it's difficult to say, but either way:
official cause of death: decapitation.
ranmaru: ranmaru's death is in 'uncertain' because we
don't know exactly how that happened to his stomach
hear him talk about how he's numb to it
don't know how long he's been sitting there
i imagine he was in some pain and just putting up a front, but we just don't know for sure. and like i just said, we don't know what specifically killed him or how. we just see a wound in his stomach.
probable cause of death: exsanguination/hemorrhaging.
anzu: anzu's was between 'uncertain' and 'so quick.' we see spikes piercing her body, but the angle makes it difficult to tell exactly where they pierce, or how sharp they are, etc. if the spikes didn't hit her face/brain, she probably felt intense pain for some time from the neck-down before rapidly bleeding to death. if the spikes got her head, she'd die instantly. so.
probable cause of death: exsanguination? TBI? damage to internal organs/processes?
ranger: according to ranger's wiki, his human form was stabbed by an assassin. not nearly enough information to rank him with certainty.
cause of death: stabbed?
so quick (too fast to be painful):
both mai and alice's deaths were so fast, they fell into this category.
mai: mai shoots herself in the head. her death would have been immediate and painless since she shot herself in the brain.
official cause of death: fatal TBI.
alice: alice's abdomen explodes. if that happens, you're probably going to feel a very brief flash of pain before immediately dying, because the damage would be so extensive (shrapnel exploded his stomach, but there was undoubtedly collateral damage to his heart, lungs, and other organs around there). he would have been in shock if he did somehow manage to survive for a few more seconds. pain would be minimal or nonexistent in my opinion due to the sheer severity of the injury. and in terms of him being hung in chapter 3, it's the same as reko.
official cause of death: shock resulting from traumatic abdominal injury.
thats it!
if you for god knows what reason read all this, thank you! i'm honestly only posting it kind of for myself and my friend to look back on if i ever want to think about it again, but maybe someone will find it interesting.
questions, comments, concerns (of which i'm sure there are many)- i'm an open book. i'm not a professional by any means, but i am insane. bye!
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pinkrelish · 1 year
do you think once miss mouse and eddie were in an established relationship she’d bake cakes for his and adrie’s birthday every year?? i feel like she’d go full out for adrie like full on multi tiered princess cake and the first time she does it eddie and his baby just go absolutely feral in the best way possible
ps typ is my favourite slow burn EVER i love it withh all my heart ur so talented
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today's my birthday so it seems fitting to answer this! wc: 496
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morning dawns soft blue in a kitchen warmed by low lights, and orange coils. a kettle boils water too hot for a third cup of instant coffee, and cooked sugar enriched by vanilla bakes through the small apartment. suffocating heat from the oven on the early june day breaks sweat on your forehead as you re-whip the frosting you made an hour ago, plastic bowl in your arms still cold from the fridge. the yellow cake cooling on the rack simple, homemade. jack of all trades, master of none, it's nothing impressive, just something to tide adrie and neighborhood kids over until the big party on the weekend.
still, when your big snoring man shuffles in with a bedhead halo and plaid pajama pants with one drawstring longer than the other, his raw wonder catches the husky sleep deep in his throat—"aw, baby, what're you doin'?"
you shrug, too shy to admit how early you woke up to do this, suddenly embarrassed with your effort to make a good impression on his daughter's first birthday with you in her life. he had no clue what you had planned for her real cake, and already your cheeks went hot from the lovesick shine flooding his eyes, big softy about to cry while he scratched his stomach under his shirt.
"you're too much," he says in a shake of his head. too much on a thursday morning when her party comes saturday afternoon.
his bare feet scatter the balloons creeping across the carpeted floor, blown up by him late last night until he felt faint, and ready to be popped in the energetic rush of cake for breakfast. on his way to you, he passes the one wrapped gift of a latch hook rug kit beneath the happy birthday banner you hung crooked even with his help. it was a creativity driven present to keep her busy before she got her big girl bike in two days time. training wheels most definitely included.
any second now adrie would run through the streamers you both taped to the top of her door frame, so eddie made quick work of putting the frosting aside and smothering kisses atop your head, wielding his dad strength to hug you tight to his chest, steering you into a twirl by his hold on your wrists, rocking from foot to foot until your back was crushed to his front.
tucking his chin to mash his nose to your hair, his heavy hum vibrates through your skull as he surveys the usual munson fare mingling with your new traditions, slowing your bodies to a gentle sway until his sigh empties from his lungs. "you mean everything to us, you know that?"
"i know that," you answer so softly it was lost in the bubbling hiss from the kettle before he shut off the burner. "you're everything to me, too."
"thank you, baby."
"thank you, handsome." thank you for this moment, this family, this love.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
For requests: cuddling my with syzoth because he’s cold please and thank you???
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‘You comfortable there sweetheart?’ You asked Syzoth, who was wearing a thick sweater, tucked tightly under a blanket, cuddled up against you to the point where every part of his body was practically cloaking you from sight; His eyes were closed in content as he throughly enjoyed basking in your warmth with a satisfied and sluggish hum.
He looked so cosy all half asleep and all that you couldn’t help but melt at how at peace he was looked resting on top of you. It took a while for either of you to get where you were now, but with a little bit of time and patience it was made all the obstacles you’ve overcome all the more worthwhile, especially if it meant getting the golden opportunity to experience the softer, more quieter moments of your relationship. A soft smile would grace your lips every time his grip on your body tightened as though he was making sure you were still with him, or how with even the smallest amount of movement from you and him grunting in distain, burying his face deeper into your neck whilst applying more of his body weight onto you to keep you in place.
‘When I am ever not comfortable with you my love,’ Syzoth murmurs sleepily into your skin, pressing one, two, three kisses there and up to the underside of your jaw before going back to his previous position within the crook of your neck. ‘Are you falling asleep on me Syzoth?’ You asked rhetorically, finding yourself smiling once more as you felt his breathing even out and his muscles relax beneath your hands that were splashed across his back from underneath his sweater; indicating to you that he was on the verge of falling into a light sleep. ‘Perhaps.’ Syzoth replied with sleep heavy on his mind. ‘But that is only because I find your presence soothing.’ He adds on, making you scoff.
‘That’s an oddly fancy way of saying you love my bodily warmth.’ You joked when in reality you loved being Syzoth’s personal heater for when the days grow colder, happy to let him leech on your warmth if it meant engaging in cuddles sessions throughout the day. Syzoth wasn’t one to complain either as he genuinely had meant it when he said that your presence helped soothed his mind. Sure your bodily warmth was a bonus but it was the idea that you’d be the first person he’d get to see when he wakes up, and the last thing he got to see before drifting to sleep that brought his worries to a temporary stop. And yet it was practically mandatory for him to keep a firm grip on you throughout the night as a constant reminder that you weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Not without him sensing the shift of your body at least.
Syzoth smiles. ‘I’m not hearing you complain in being able to have me like this. If anything I think you look forward to this every time with how reluctant you are in letting me go sometimes.’ He chuckles when he hears you huff, knowing he was in the right.
‘Alright, alright, you’re right now quit being such a smart arse and fall asleep.’ You said playfully, moving your head in order to press a kiss to his hair.
‘Only if you fall asleep with me.’ Syzoth said, already feeling himself enter the land of dreams where he’d await at the gates for you to come and join him.
‘I couldn’t think of anything on doing anything else…considering how I’m being very much pinned beneath you but we’re both well aware that I’d never complain about being under you.’ You provocatively said whisky fighting back the urge to fall asleep when you felt Syzoth softly pinch your side, ‘watch your tongue or this could very well end with us tiering out in another way that involves us getting close.’ He warns you, making you chuckle.
‘Sweet dreams Syzoth.’ You said, finally closing your eyes and the last thing you heard before sleep encased you was Syzoth saying; ‘I shall see you in your dreams my love. Wait for me.’
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amourtoken · 2 months
im gonna fuel the fire and just note that matt follows some women that do cosplay on insta so hes gotta be into it. i also saw a tweet from him saying he likes fishnets and thigh high socks. again just stopping by to plant some seeds…. *wink wink*🫢
He's literally a fucking degenerate (100% gooner status I'm right don't even fight me) like-
If you're one of those cosplayer twt/onlyfans models? He's subscribed on EVERYTHING. you caught his eye when you did a renne faire elf themed set of videos (he's a lotr dude ofc he's into elves) but you only got hotter to him the more of your content he watched.
He spends SO FUCKING MUCH on you, like actually. You have a tier of subscribers sat up to where they can request videos from you for a certain amount and he's always sending well over $100 each time to get some niche ass content. You love seeing his requests come through cause for one you know the pay is good but two, he makes sure to remind you how pretty you are and how much he appreciates you doing this for him. It's your job but you do feel a Lil different about him than the average subscriber yk? He's basically your virtual sugar daddy.
His last request sent your way was him basically BEGGING for you to have some fishnets and thigh highs on with whatever skimpy ass lingerie you wanted and your elf ears. He gave you some creative liberty but made sure to mention he'd really really really like for you to say his name a few times while you're bouncing on a toy for him. Who are you to deny him? You already whine and cry when you're fucking yourself to the thought of him on your own so why not indulge him on camera?
once you sent the finished product to him he was completely unreachable to anyone for fucking hourssss. The vid was on loop and he found new things to salivate over every time he watched it, first it was how your thighs looked in those tights then how your ass looked while you were riding your oversized bad dragon toy but he kept losing focus on all of that hearing you begging for him to fuck you harder and to let you cum, whining abt how good he feels and how much you love his cock. He could skip watching the video and just get off to hearing you moan his name and trust, he's done that a few times too.
He doesn't even stop stroking after he cums at this point his head is thrown back against the pillows in his bed and he's using the mess spilling over his knuckles as lube to keep fucking his fist. He can't get over you, he'd do fucking anything to have you for a night and fuck you how you deserve. He gets so needy he ends up just messaging you directly and thanking you again, telling you how many times he's gotten off to it and how good you are for him. You indulge and start thanking him for being so sweet all the time and you're rlly laying it on thick. He's texting you with his phone in one hand and dick in the other cause even your vanilla responses are going straight between his legs.
You're totally aware and decide to make it so much worse for him by sending a couple short videos playing w your pussy in a skirt and he's fuckin done for. He's cum so many times by now it just hurts to keep going but he feels like he literally can't stop. He needs more, and feels like it's risky to ask but fuck he can't help it.
"I know you're probably gonna say no but I just cannot fucking get enough of you and I'd love to take you out sometime. Show you a good time then fuck you right. Please?"
Normally you'd say absolutely no this is strictly business and that's creepy but it's matt yk? How could you say no?
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copperbadge · 10 months
I came home last night and as I usually do, unpacked pretty much immediately; as I moved from room to room I kept being confused because parts of my home seemed weirdly clean. And then I'd remember "Oh yeah...because I cleaned it."
I did work on digital cleaning the entire time I was in Texas but it was tough to write about, mainly because I didn't get a ton of time to write in general. But getting back home again...
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[ID: Two images of a three-tier metal cart from Ikea, the Rashult, fully assembled; the first shows it in the living room after being built, and the second show it in its new home under my kitchen worktable, next to a chest of drawers, filled with tupperware.]
I finally came to the conclusion that trying to keep all my tupperware in a cabinet simply wasn't working, so I bought a cart that I knew would fit under the table and finally got to assemble and fill it. Thanks @deesarrachi for suggesting this kind of cart on a previous post!
Assembling the cart and filling it with storage containers -- including sorting the containers to make sure no container went in without its lid -- took up pretty much an entire 52-minute episode of The Worst Idea of All Time, though I also used some of that time to scrub the grease off the kitchen hood and cover it with adhesive plastic that I can just change out every so often. And I changed the sheets on the bed since I needed to do laundry anyway, so tonight I go to bed with an organized tupperware shelf and new bedlinens, like I'm my own stereotypical 1950s housewife.
As we get to the end of the month I'm taking stock of what I got accomplished and while I didn't do some things I normally do (scrub the bathroom down and steam-clean some high-traffic areas, mainly) I did accomplish a lot of more permanent things. The bathroom will always get dirty again, but -- for example -- the tupperware has a new permanent home where it will stay more organized.
And I've still got a few days left! I have more than a few days' worth of work, but the momentum may carry me into December, and if not at least I have a list of stuff to do once I've had a bit of a break. And for today I get to rest, because tomorrow I'm back to work and the week will be busy. Feeling pretty accomplished right now, though.
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Digimon Adventure 01x33 - Pump and Gotsu are Shibuya-Type Digimon / Out on the Town
Previously on Digimon Adventure: In the middle of a blistering summer day, DeathMeramon showed up to make things even hotter. Internet contrarianism at its finest. Bet he's also one of those clowns who retools their truck to produce more emissions and trigger Libs. Fortunately, the youth of the nation turned out and voted to throw him off a building so it's all good.
Now we turn our attention to another pair of kids. The recap offers a bit of extra information to set the stage for what's happening.
(Oh fuck me, it's this one. I am not ready. I am not ready.)
Narrator: On the night of the same day they fought DeathMeramon, Yamato escorted his younger brother Takeru to their mother's place and they headed in the direction of Shibuya.
Thit bit of setup doesn't make it into the dub's recap, which simply tells us what happened in the previous episode as usual.
As the episode begins, a CGI readout informs us of the date: It's August 2nd, 1999. The children still have about a month left in their summer vacation.
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To put our current location into perspective, here's some of those familiar map markers from last episode. Black circle is Vamdemon's lair at Daiba Park. Green is Shibaura. Blue is Tokyo Tower. We are now one city over from Minato City in Shibuya.
Shibuya is well-known for being, as they say, hip with the youngsters. Imagine if a stereotypical American shopping mall in the 90's with all its associated teenage memes was a city. That's Shibuya. It's like the capitol of youth fashion trends in Tokyo.
So these two Digimon roll up on the roof of a car.
Pumpmon: (excited) This place is even famous in the Digimon World: Shibuya!
The narrator wastes no time going into their rundowns.
Pumpmon is a Perfect-stage Data-type Puppet Digimon. Did you guess Nightmare Soldier? Because he's a Nightmare Soldier. He's kind of a catch-all. Any Nightmare Soldier can evolve into Pumpmon as a Jogress Evolution but no Nightmare Soldier directly evolves into him.
His name is, unsurprisingly, derived from "pumpkin" for his pumpkin head.
Narrator: Pumpmon. A stuffed doll with a pumpkin for a head. His scary but cute appearance is popular with girls. Tonight, he plans to run wild in Shibuya as if it were Halloween. His special attack is Trick-or-Treat.
That little guy next to him is Gotsumon, a Child-stage Data-type Ore Digimon. Gotsumon is a Nature Spirit and the mid-tier evolution for Mochimon. He evolves into a few Digimon you may recognize such as the Monochromon from File Island, Gekomon, and in the 0.5 update, Tailmon - though Tailmon would later receive a more official pre-evolution.
Gotsumon: These are Shibuya-type humans! Narrator: Gotsumon. His body is tough, but he's a cheerful and playfully naughty Digimon. He goes with the flow and was made for Shibuya! He plans to rock out tonight! His special move is Angry Rock. Pumpmon: Something exciting is about to happen! Gotsumon: Let's have fun! Ahahahaha!
Gotsumon and Pumpmon bound off the car roof and disappear into the city.
The dub adds some silence-breaking dialogue to their intro. It also somehow thinks those two are driving the car even though they're clearly on the roof of it.
Gotsumon: Let me drive! You're going the wrong way. Pumpkinmon: How do you know which way to go? You've never been in the real world before. Gotsumon: What's the difference? I've never driven a car before either! Pumpkinmon: Well, it's my first time too! Both: Ahahahahaha!!! Pumpkinmon: Whoa, check 'em out! Uh-huhuhuh Uhuhuhuhuh! Gotsumon: Ew! Pumpkinmon: So these are city people in the real world. They don't look like much fun. Gotsumon: (rundown) Well, Pumpkinmon? You're the right guy to teach them what 'fun' really is. You are, without a doubt, the most rockin' creature to ever have a pumpkin for a head. Remember: Chicks dig evil Digimon. Gotsumon: At least that's what I keep telling myself, anyway. Pumpkinmon: (rundown) Gotsumon, you are the mon! We're going to have such a blast here in the real world; They might even name a building after you: The Gotsumonument, where they keep all the party supplies. Pumpkinmon: 3... 2... 1... LET'S GO!!!
Dub Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon are weirdly judgmental about the Shibuya people's party qualities. Though I will say: "Chicks dig evil Digimon" is a surprisingly pragmatic adaptation of Pumpmon having a "scary but cute appearance that's popular with girls." That's not what they said, but... it's not not what they said either.
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While Pumpmon and Gotsumon disappear into Shibuya, we join Yamato and Takeru on their way to say goodbye to one another. The brothers sit in silence while the music of Yamato's harmonica plays in the background.
From the luggage rack, Tsunomon and Patamon discuss their situation for the audience's benefit.
Tsunomon: Yamato and Takeru's parents divorced four years ago. Patamon: So even though they're brothers, Yamato lives with his dad and Takeru lives with his mom, right?
Now that we've laid down that reminder, Takeru checks the time on his Digivice. It's 7:07 PM.
Takeru: It's late. Onii-chan, you should get off at the next stop. Yamato: No. I'm taking you all the way to Sangenjaya. Takeru: It's okay-- Yamato: (firmly) Takeru. Takeru: What? Yamato: Let me do this. Takeru: Okay.
Rip my heart in half, and the episode's only just started.
The purple circle on the map is Sangenjaya. As you can see, it's a bit of a trip from the red circle Odaiba. Depending on your timing, it's about an hour to an hour and a half one-way by train. Takeru's worried because Yamato isn't going to get home until like 9. Which is pretty late for an 11-year-old.
We're about to come up on Shibuya Station, which means another 20 minutes to Sangenjaya. For Yamato, that's another 40 minutes added to the length of his round-trip if he goes all the way.
The dub adds a silence-breaker to this scene that completely kills the tone of the boys sitting in awkward, strained silence.
T.K.: How much longer, Matt!? Matt: Relax, T.K. You're almost home.
I guess T.K.'s getting impatient to split up. Their faces are onscreen for most of the extended silence, so the dub still has to go through with Matt and T.K. sitting there unmoving and not speaking. But the vibe is completely killed by T.K.'s whining.
Tsunomon: Matt and T.K.'s mom and dad aren't together anymore, Patamon. So even though they're brothers, they don't live together. Patamon: So T.K. lives with their mom and Matt lives with their dad? That explains why they try so hard to stay together all the time. (T.K. checks Digivice for the time) T.K.: It's sure late. Matt: Yeah? So? T.K.: The next stop's good enough. Matt: No. I'm gonna take you all the way home, little brother. T.K.: You don't have to. Matt: I know I don't have to but I'm going to, okay? I've got my reasons! T.K.: What reasons? Matt: You're my brother. T.K.: Thanks Matt.
This part's pretty well adapted. Matt uses a lot more words to explain where he's coming from, whereas Yamato captures basically all of that in the four words "Let me do this." But he still gets to the same point.
Things are pretty tense here in the train car. But then Patamon asks a question that's more insensitive than he realizes.
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Patamon: Are you upset because you're splitting up (wakareru)? Takeru: Shut up! Yamato: (surprised) Takeru! Patamon: You don't have to yell at me like that! Takeru: Even if it's you, Patamon, you shouldn't talk about us brothers like that! Patamon: Fine! I won't talk anymore! Tsunomon: Patamon!
To understand why Takeru lost his shit all of a sudden, you need to understand the nerve Patamon struck. The word he used, wakareru, means to divide or to separate. He was trying to politely ask if the fact that they're going to go their separate ways soon is what's causing all this tension in the train car.
But it's also the word for divorce. Patamon accidentally brushed on Takeru and Yamato's mutual insecurity, that their parents breaking up has broken them up.
Meanwhile, in the dub:
Patamon: Ahhh, nothing like sweet brotherly love! Tsunomon: That's a Digi-mouthful! Patamon: We like when you guys get mushy! T.K.: Hey, quit it! Matt: Easy, T.K.! Patamon: You don't have to be mean about it. I thought what you guys said was ni-- T.K.: MIND YOUR OWN BEESWAX!!! Why ya listenin' to our conversation anyway!? Patamon: FINE!!! If you don't want me around, I'll leave! Tsunomon: Patamon!
Patamon abruptly starts talking about how cute the boys are, and T.K. gets so embarrassed that he snaps at Patamon about it.
The anime's always been uncomfortable talking about the divorce. So uncomfortable that they initially posed these two as half-brothers but I think we've officially done away with that. But they did bring it up a second ago, so I'm a little surprised they suddenly back down from it here.
Patamon's feelings are so hurt by the argument that he bails as soon as the train doors open.
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Patamon: I'm getting off here! Yamato: Patamon!
Yamato and Tsunomon try to chase Patamon, but only get as far as the door. He's gone.
Yamato: Takeru! Patamon flew away! Takeru: (bristling) Who cares.... Tsunomon: The door's about to close! Yamato: (firmly) Takeru....
Right as the doors are about to close, Takeru's anger breaks. At the last possible second, he and Yamato jump out onto the platform of Shibuya Station to go find Patamon.
In the dub:
Patamon: I know when I'm not wanted! Matt: Patamon, don't! (Patamon's gone) Matt: Patamon got off the train, T.K.! Don't you want to go after him? T.K.: Who cares about him!? Tsunomon: I think you care about him. Matt: Don't you? (beat) Tsunomon: T.K.? Matt: Better decide, T.K.; The door's closing! (T.K.'s anger breaks and he jumps off the train with Matt) T.K.: Where'd he go!? Tsunomon: Where are we!?
Again, it's wordier but it hits all the important points. Tsunomon and Matt having to spell out T.K.'s inner turmoil might be a bit over-expository but it doesn't feel intrusive to me. The scene still flows pretty well.
Leaving the station, the brothers hit the streets of Shibuya to find Patamon.
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Tsunomon: Where could Patamon have gone? Yamato: This is your fault for yelling at him, Takeru. Takeru: (snaps) I couldn't help it! Yamato: Hey, don't take it out on me.
Takeru stops walking suddenly. His eyes soften.
Takeru: Onii-chan, I'm sorry.... Yamato: You went too far with Patamon. Takeru: I know, it's just.... He wasn't wrong.... Yamato: (gently) I know how you feel. Tsunomon: Let's go look over there!
Tsunomon's doing a pretty terrible job of being a plushy, I gotta say.
The dub, I guess, adds a timeskip as the brothers exit the train station?
T.K.: Seems like we've been walking around for hours.... Tsunomon: Yeah, I'm tired! And I don't even have any feet or legs! Matt: You shouldn't have yelled at him like that, T.K. T.K.: Hey, it's not my fault! Matt: Well, actually, it is. (T.K.'s eyes soften and he stops walking.) T.K.: Oh, I'm really sorry.... Matt: I understand, T.K. I know you didn't mean to hurt his feelings. T.K.: Well, I thought he was making fun of us.... Matt: No way, dude! You know Patamon better than that. Tsunomon: Hey, why don't we try looking over there.
Well. Uh. Glad we got that resolved. T.K. was making mountains out of molehills and he gets that now. Emotional drama: Over.
While Yamato and Takeru search for Patamon, they pass a pachinko parlor. We pan inside, where Pumpmon and Gotsumon are spending their night on the town not gambling.
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Pachinko is a pretty huge industry in Japan, proving not-gambling entertainment services. Comparable to a slot machine, pachinko is an easy way to burn through your disposable income by turning a knob and seeing what you get.
The reason I keep saying not gambling like that is because pachinko exploits a legal loophole to dance around Japan's strict gambling laws. Legally, it's simply classified as entertainment. This is because you can't win any money from the machines.
When you play pachinko, what you win from it are balls which are then exchanged for prizes at a nearby prize center. Sort of like an arcade. Those prizes can then be sold to a vendor in exchange for money.
See! It's not gambling! You're winning prizes, not money. And then turning those prizes into money. Not gambling!
So. yeah. These two are basically in a Japanese casino. It's an open secret that pachinko's cheating the system but it's also a pretty major industry, puts a lot of money into taxes, and the law still restricts minors from playing so everyone sorta goes along with it. There's stuff like that in every country.
We join Pumpmon inside as his machine pays out a ton of pachinko balls. Behind him, he has five separate trays filled with balls.
Pumpmon: This is really fun! Gotsumon: Hey, give me some. Pumpmon: Again!? Gotsumon: Don't be selfish! Pumpmon: But I am selfish. Gotsumon: I'll pay you back. Pumpmon: Promise? Gotsumon: Promise.
Before Pumpmon can turn any balls over to Gotsumon, a casino worker finds them.
Worker: You two. You're kids wearing costumes, AREN'T YOU!?!?
He drags them both from the casino and throws them out onto the escalator.
Worker: Next time I see you in here, I'm calling your school!
Once the two Digimon hit the bottom, they get up and yell back at him.
Pumpmon: WE'RE NOT CHILDREN!!! Gotsumon: We're just short! Worker: WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!?!? Both Digimon: WAUUUUGH!!! (flees)
The funny thing is, he's half-right. Gotsumon is a child.
In the dub:
Pumpkinmon: Haha! Alright, another winner! Gotsumon: So will you give me a few? Pumpkinmon: What, again!? Gotsumon: I'll pay you back, I promise! Pumpkinmon: You'll pay me back with what!? Gotsumon: With what I'm about to win! Pumpkinmon: But you never win. Gotsumon: I'M HOT TONIGHT!!!
I don't think Gotsumon knows what that phrase means. Also, sad that we dropped "But I am selfish."
Nonetheless, pleasantly surprised that they correctly adapted the pachinko parlor as a casino by any other name. This is casino dialogue.
Worker: Hey, you two! You kids just don't get the message! Get out and STAY OUT!!! (Worker throws them out) Worker: If you have to try sneaking in here dressed as cartoon characters, at least get a decent costume! (Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon hit the ground floor) Pumpkinmon: Boy, it's a good thing we were just about to leave! Gotsumon: Or we'd teach you some manners! Worker: WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?!? Pumpkinmon: Uh-oh! Gotsumon: Oh boy! (They flee)
These two are clowns in both versions. I love it.
Fleeing from the casino, the two Digimon run into a young woman, knocking her to the ground.
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Gotsumon: IT'S A SHIBUYA-TYPE GIRL!!! Pumpmon: Let's hit on her to celebrate our first night in Shibuya! Gotsumon: What's up, babe? Woman: What do you want!? Gotsumon: Do you know what time it is? Woman: (checks her watch) Hey! Don't come any closer! You two look like rejects from "Kinchan no Kasou Taishou"! Pumpmon: What is that? Gotsumon: I don't get it. Pumpmon: You're dressed funny too!
Pumpmon demonstrates the peculiarities of the woman's attire by yanking her out her nose stud. This proves to be a terrible mistake, as the next we see of them, they're fleeing for their lives while she chases them in a blood fury.
Needless to say, their attempt at hitting on the woman they knocked down did not go well.
The TV show she brings up is a Japanese variety show that's basically a professional talent show. People would come on and do their own skits, then be rated by a panel of judges.
In the dub:
Gotsumon: Whoa! I think you knocked over a monster! Pumpkinmon: Even worse, I think I knocked over a teenager. I've heard about these strange looking creatures. Woman: Hey! It takes one to know one. Gotsumon: Excuse me, do you know what time it is? Pumpkinmon: TIME FOR NEW CLOTHES AHAHAHAHA!!! Woman: Get lost, you creeps! And what's with the costumes!? Aren't you guys a little late for Halloween!? Pumpkinmon: What's Halloween? Gotsumon: I don't think I like these teenage things! Pumpkinmon: Me either. Maybe I can reprogram her if I pull out her safety mechanism. (Pumpkinmon tugs the woman's nose stud, provoking the fury) Woman: COME BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE MUTANTS!!! THIS 'TEENAGE THING' IS GONNA TEACH YOU SOME MANNERS!!!
It's August, so we're more early for Halloween than late.
Pumpkinmon talks like a grumpy old man in this scene and it's weird. His lines here are generation-gap Boomer Humor, and it feels bizarre coming from what are supposed to be two fun-loving imps having a night on the town.
I mean, he is an Ultimate Digimon so maybe he is a boomer but it doesn't fit the tone.
That said, the payoff in the woman's final line is hilarious. XD
Fleeing the infuriated teenager, Pumpmon and Gotsumon's trajectory brings them down an alley and straight towards Yamato and Takeru.
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Tsunomon is not playing. The second he lays eyes on these two coming down the alley, he evolves to Gabumon.
Gabumon: Pumpmon! Gotsumon! Takeru: Do you know these Digimon? Gabumon: I think they work for Vamdemon. Pumpmon: We're being chased by a Shibuya-type girl who's much scarier than Vamdemon-sama! Gotsumon: You should hide too!
The pair grab Gabumon by the arms, dragging him away to a hiding place.
In the dub:
Gabumon: Hold it right there! Why are you two in such a hurry!? T.K.: Do you know these guys? Gabumon: I sure do! They work for Myotismon. Pumpkinmon: You're right! But, right now, we're being chased by something even scarier than Myotismon. Gotsumon: There's a really mad teenage human after us! Come to think of it, you'd better hide too!
Losing the repeated references to these humans as "Shibuya-type" doesn't seem like that big a deal, but it does take a bit of the unique characterization and charm away from Pumpmon and Gotsumon.
While the Digimon take cover, Yamato faces the furious Shibuya-type teenager.
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Woman: WHERE THE HELL DID "KINCHAN NO KASOU TAISHOU" GO!?!? Yamato: (points) They went that way. Woman: Thanks! (runs off)
Classic misdirect. Once she's gone, it's time to find out what's going on with these guys.
Gabumon: Did Vamdemon order the two of you to come here and find the Eighth Child? Pumpmon: That's right.
Yamato tenses up at the confirmation. The music takes on an ominous tone as Gabumon and Takeru withdraw to Yamato. Steeling themselves for the--
Pumpmon: But Shibuya is much more fun! (Tension killed instantly) Yamato: (lost) Shibuya is much more fun?
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Both: (dramatic pose) We've become Shibuya-type Digimon! Takeru: Shibuya-type Digimon? Gabumon: What is going through your heads? Both: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon all exchange weary glances over whatever the hell this is. But when they look back, the Shibuya-type Digimon are gone.
In the dub, the teenager opens this scene with a valid point.
Woman: YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE DRESSED IN THOSE STUPID COSTUMES WHERE ARE THEY!?!? Matt: (points) Uh, they went that way. Woman: THANKS!!! (runs off) (The Digimon come out from hiding) Gabumon: I think I know why you two troublemakers are in the real world. Did Myotismon happen to send you here to find someone? Pumpkinmon: Yeah! That Eighth DigiDestined kid. Matt: Huh! Then you're our enemy! Pumpkinmon: No, we're not! We just want to cruise around the city and have some fun! Matt: Well, we thought you two were evil Digimon. Gotsumon: Evil schmevil! We love it here! In fact, next stop: Hollywood! (dramatic pose) TA-DA!!! T.K.: (flatly) They're not ready for TV. Gabumon: Typical. Everybody wants to be in show business. Both Digimon: Lights! Cameras! And action! (The trio all exchange glances and disgusted noises) Gotsumon: Hey! There's some lights! Pumpkinmon: YEAH!!! (Everyone looks back and they're gone) Matt: What are they doing up there!?
The dub's aversion to quiet moments prevents it from even competing with the original. Also, the nonsequitur about Hollywood is clearly written in there because they had no idea what to do with the Shibuya-type animations they were saddled with.
Now, where did those two get off to?
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Gotsumon and Pumpmon jump onto a streetlight, shaking it and scrambling its signals. The ensuing confusion causes a traffic calamity.
Suddenly, police sirens start up in the distance.
Takeru: Police sirens! Yamato: They'll arrest us if they see this! RUN FOR IT!!!
Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon cheese it before the bacon patrol can arrive. Gotsumon and Pumpmon consider their options.
Pumpmon: They're running away. Gotsumon: Let's go too. Both: WAIT UP!!! (flee)
Wise decision.
Over in the dub, Matt yells at them as soon as they jump on the streetlight.
Matt: HEY!!! GET DOWN!!! (Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon cause a pileup) Gabumon: That's enough! That's not funny; It's mean! (Police sirens) T.K.: Sirens! Matt: Get down or the police will arrest you! We'd better get out of here, guys; Let's run! (T.K., Matt, and Gabumon flee) Pumpkinmon: Did he just say let's run? Gotsumon: Sure did! Both: WAIT FOR US!!! (flee)
Mostly the same, though Gabumon's gentle admonishment isn't as fun as original Gabumon's furious outburst.
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After cheesing it from the cops together, the brothers realize they've misplaced the Shibuya-type Digimon.
Yamato: H-Hey, what happened to Pumpmon and Gotsumon? Takeru: They were keeping up with us a minute ago. Gabumon: Those two are so impulsive... ACK!!!
Gabumon suddenly spots Pumpmon and Gotsumon trying on outfits inside a clothing store through the display window. Pumpmon is rocking a pink dress while Gotsumon's trying on blue shorts and a white shirt.
Brothers: ...those guys.... Pumpmon: I think this dress would look better on you. Gotsumon: I agree!
They swap instantaneously.
Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon enter the store to confront them.
Yamato: Pumpmon! Gotsumon! Gotsumon: Oh, did you want to dress up too? Pumpmon: PUT THIS ON!!!
Gotsumon and Pumpmon dress Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon each up in goofy outfits. The camera lingering on each in turn.
Gotsumon & Pumpmon: YOU LOOK GREAT!!!
Right at that moment, Patamon flies past the window.
Takeru: AH! PATAMON!!! Yamato: AFTER HIM!!!
The trio throw off their costumes and frantically exit the store, chasing after the lost Patamon.
Pumpmon: Should we follow them? Gotsumon: Sure!
In the dub, Gabumon takes this as an opportunity to be zen.
Matt: Hey, where are Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon? T.K.: They were right behind us. They must have gotten lost or something. Gabumon: Those two... Even when they're found they're lost. AUGH!!! (Gabumon spots the pair in a storefront window) Matt & T.K.: Man oh man.... Pumpkinmon: I think this one makes me look fat. But what do you think? Gotsumon: Well then, let's switch! (Brothers and Gabumon enter) Matt: You guys need to change your attitude! Gotsumon: You need to change your clothes!
XD "You need to change your clothes" got me.
As the camera pans over each of the dressed up protagonists, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon get some silence-breakers.
Pumpkinmon: (on Matt) This look says you're not afraid to think big! Gotsumon: (on T.K.) Here's a sporty look! Course, I haven't figured out what sport it is yet. Pumpkinmon: (on Gabumon) And finally something nice and a little teddy. Well, what do you think? (Patamon flies by) T.K.: OH!!! PATAMON!!! Matt: HEY!!! PATAMON, COME BACK!!! (The brothers run out) Pumpkinmon: ...so, should we follow those guys? Gotsumon: And why not?
XD Again, they got me. "I haven't figured out what sport it is yet," was a solid follow-up to the innocuous seeming setup, and the timing on that line was pretty good.
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Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon chase Patamon to a nearby park, but then they lose him.
Takeru: We lost him again.... Yamato: Patamon must still be upset. Gabumon: He's not usually this stubborn.
Suddenly, Pumpmon and Gotsumon show up with ice cream cones.
Pumpmon: Now now, cheer up! Gotsumon: Have faith that you'll find him eventually.... Pumpmon: ...and have some ice cream!
Yamato and Takeru both gasp with alarm when they see what the pair are holding.
Gabumon: Where did you get that ice cream? Both: WE STOLE IT!!!
As if on cue, the ice cream vendor comes running into the park behind them.
So the whole group has to start running once again.
Yamato: Why do we have to run!? Gabumon: She's seen us with them! Gotsumon: Want some ice cream while we're running away? Takeru: GET RID OF IT!!!
Once they've evaded yet another Shibuya-type pursuit, Yamato and Takeru stop to catch their breath.
Pumpmon: (holding out the cones) Want some? Yamato: Not me. Takeru: Me either. Gabumon: ... (Beat) Gabumon: I'll eat. Yamato: HEY!!! GABUMON!!!
XD Yamato's trying so hard to present a unified front here but it's ice cream. I mean, no point letting it go to waste; Damage already done and all that. You can't unpop that cork.
In the dub:
T.K.: Do you see him anywhere, Matt? Matt: No. Looks like we lost him again, T.K. Gabumon: Patamon doesn't usually hold a grudge but he was mad as a bull with a Black Gear.
It's funny to me that they're still bringing up Black Gears. That was more than half the series ago. On the one hand, new viewers are going to have no idea what that's supposed to mean. But from a writing perspective, I kinda like that their initial File Island adventure left a mark on everyone's psyches.
Like they're just waiting for Black Gears to become a thing again.
Pumpkinmon: Hey now, don't look so bummed out! Gotsumon: Yeah! I'm sure you'll find your little flying pig friend somewhere! Pumpkinmon: Maybe some ice cream will cheer you all up, huh? Brothers: !!! Gabumon: You guys don't have any money so how did you get ice cream? Both: WE STOLE IT!!! Vendor: (running into the park) YOU CROOKS!!! COME BACK HERE WITH MY ICE CREAM!!! (Everyone runs) Matt: I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TWO!!! EVERYWHERE YOU GUYS GO, THERE'S TROUBLE!!! THE NEXT TIME YOU TWO GET SOMEONE ANGRY, MAKE SURE THEY CAN'T RUN VERY FAST!!! (Everyone stops to catch their breath) Pumpkinmon: So, want some ice cream? Matt: Not me. T.K.: You stole it! Gabumon: ... Matt: Gabumon won't take it either. Right? Gabumon: Ice cream... Ye-- Brothers: GABUMON!!!
Not sure why Gotsumon knows they're looking for a flying pig; He hasn't laid eyes on Patamon. But they did say Patamon's name so he's probably familiar with the species. That's fine.
The dialogue exchange while everyone's running is replaced with Matt scolding the pair of troublemakers for the entire sequence. Though, funnily, he seems more upset that they got caught than that they stole the ice cream in the first place.
The Gabumon joke at the end is slightly different but still nails the landing.
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning from the stormy sky strikes the road in front of them, kicking up a cloud of dust. And then everything stops being funny.
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Vamdemon: Pumpmon. Gotsumon. Both: Y-Yes, sir!? Vamdemon: Why are you eating ice cream with the Chosen Children? Both: Y-you see.... Vamdemon: Weren't you supposed to be searching for the Eighth Child? Both: We haven't found them yet! Vamdemon: Then why haven't you taken the Crests from these children!? Both: We were just about to do that! (Pumpmon and Gotsumon turn on Yamato and Takeru) Gabumon: RUN!!!
Gabumon shields Yamato and Takeru with his body and the three of them run for it. Gotsumon and Pumpmon let out adorable little battle cries and give chase.
Over in the dub, Myotismon opens by telling these two what he really thinks.
Myotismon: Losers! Failures! Both: No no! Don't say that! Myotismon: Instead of causing pain and suffering, I find you here eating ice cream! Both: ...well, it is stolen-- Myotismon: I DON'T CARE ABOUT ICE CREAM!!! Have you found the Eighth DigiDestined Child yet? Both: Well, we were about to find him! Myotismon: Redeem yourselves by stealing the Crests from these children OR ELSE!!! Both: No problem, boss! That's just what we were about to do! (Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon turn on Matt and T.K.)
Gabumon doesn't say anything when they run this time. He lets out some scared vocalizing like Matt and T.K. are.
Different openings to the same result. Honestly, both openings have merits. I prefer the first one, because Vamdemon's stonefaced "Why are you eating ice cream with the Chosen Children?" is a beautiful Oh Fuck moment. There is no possible answer they can give to that question that won't incriminate them further.
But also, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon pointing out to Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain Myotismon that the ice cream does qualify as a crime, only for him to scream "I DON'T CARE ABOUT ICE CREAM!!!" is hilarious. XD
So, in the original, Vamdemon opens the conversation with an impossible-to-defend accusation in what is very much the voice of a boss catching an employee goofing off at work. Meanwhile, in the dub, they get him. They win that verbal joust and he's livid about it. Both versions are so good.
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Takeru: Why did they attack us all of a sudden!? Yamato: It can't be helped. They were working for Vamdemon from the start! Gabumon: But I can't bring myself to fight those two!
Pumpmon and Gotsumon are troublemakers, but there's no malice in it. They've sort of become the kids' friends, in an odd way.
In the dub:
T.K.: Can you believe those two turning on us!? Matt: And I thought Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon only wanted to have fun, not fight! Gabumon: I suppose they'd rather fight us than fight Myotismon.
Gabumon's line in the original is an expression of his own personal feelings towards Gotsumon and Pumpmon. He's asserting his growing fondness for the pair. In the dub, he explains their motive for the betrayal, which we saw for ourselves half a minute ago, so it's not as interesting.
Cut to Patamon hunkering down on top of a streetlight. He's finally run out of angry and is starting to have post-fury regrets.
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Patamon: I left in the heat of the moment, but I wonder what Takeru's doing now?
Down below, he overhears a pair of girls in school uniforms chatting.
Girl 1: Yeah, if you want to meet up with someone, it should be in front of Hachikou's statue. Girl 2: Hachikou's statue is the best place to meet up! Patamon: Hachikou's statue....
Patamon takes to the air again, his mind set on a destination.
For context, Hachikou was a dog whose owner brought him to Shibuya. His owner would take the train to work, and every day Hachikou would wait at Shibuya Station for his owner to return.
His owner died one day from a medical complication at work, and never came home to Hachikou. From then on, every day for the next ten years, Hachikou would come to Shibuya Station and wait, unaware that his owner would never return. He kept this up until the day he died.
(Yeah, that Futurama episode that made you cry is based on a real event that happened in Japan.)
In his memory, a statue of Hachikou was erected outside the station. He's been immortalized in movies, anime, and video games. There's even an annual memorial in his honor.
So. Y'know. Lot of cultural significance to using Hachikou's statue as a place to meet up with people. Which isn't going to translate into the dub very well.
Patamon: I just can't stay mad at T.K. anymore. Besides, I really miss him! Girl 1: So I told Rebecca and Sarah to just find us at the park later. That'll work. It's like... It's so easy to find somebody at the park! Girl 2: Yeah! It's totally easy to find somebody there! Patamon: Oh, in the park!
(sigh) They could have at least used the statue as a landmark. Even if kids don't understand the cultural significance, that's fine. Neither does Patamon. Someone said "Hey, Hachikou's statue is a great place to meet!" and that's all the context he has. It's fine if that's all the context the audience has.
"The park"? This is a metropolitan city. Which park?
While Patamon's heading to Hachikou's statue, Yamato and Takeru find themselves cornered by the formerly friendly Gotsumon and Pumpmon.
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As they round a corner, they see Pumpmon ahead, cutting off their exit.
Yamato: AUGH!!! Takeru: PUMPMON!!! Pumpmon: This is as far as you go! Gabumon: He cut us off from the front. Yamato: Get behind me, Takeru.
Gripping Takeru by the shoulders, Yamato moves him back towards the rear. Unfortunately, it's not safe from that side either, as Gotsumon brings up the rear.
Takeru: (spots Gotsumon) Ah! Yamato: (turns) Gotsumon! Gotsumon: This is as far as you go.
I like the symmetrical taunting from Pumpmon and Gotsumon as their trap is sprung. These two are such a double-act, even as the enemy.
The pair backs Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon into a vacant lot. Nowhere to run now.
In the dub:
T.K.: Hey, how'd you do that!? Pumpkinmon: Aren't I amazing!? Gabumon: Well, you might make a nice pie. Matt: Come on! Let's turn around! (moves T.K. behind him) T.K.: Whuh!? Gotsumon: (approaches from the rear) Hehe, I don't think so! Matt: We're surrounded! Gotsumon: Sorry we have to do this to you guys, but orders are orders. You understand.
"You might make a nice pie." Holy shit, shots fired. Gabumon threatens to eat Pumpkinmon.
Matt's also given a tone-shifting silence-breaker when Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon back them into the lot.
Matt: Alright, if it's a fight you want, LET'S DO IT!!!
This is one of those lines the dub likes to use when the kids are in extreme peril to make it seem like it's not so dire.
With their backs against the wall of the lot, Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon prepare to have to defend themselves. Pumpmon and Gotsumon slowly advance on the Children with determination and menace in their eyes. Then, at last, Pumpmon--
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Pumpmon: I quit. Gotsumon: Ugh, me too! Pumpmon: Playing around in Shibuya is way more fun than fighting the Chosen Children! Gotsumon: Yeah yeah! Come hang out with us! Group: Huh!?
Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon have tonal whiplash over how this night has gone. But the tension's been deflated, our new friends are still our friends, and--
A bolt of lightning suddenly strikes nearby.
Pumpmon: V-VAMDEMON'S COMING!!! Gotsumon: Go hide!
Things may have de-escalated with these two, but there's still the big guy lurking around. It's not safe to be out in Tokyo at night.
In the dub:
Pumpkinmon: Uhh, I quit. Gotsumon: Yeah, me too. Group: Huh? Pumpkinmon: Why should we fight? Somebody always gets hurt. Besides, it's way more fun just hanging out and cruising around the city! Gotsumon: That's for sure! Hey, why don't you guys hang out with us? Group: Huh!? (Lightning bolt strikes nearby) Pumpkinmon: Whoa, Myotismon's coming! Gotsumon: You should all hide!
It's worded a little different but mostly the same. I like Pumpkinmon's new point about how violence sucks, actually. Like. Unless you're Son Goku, on a scale of 1 to Fun it's a 0.
Takeru, Yamato, and Gabumon all hide while Pumpmon and Gotsumon go out to confront their boss.
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It does not go well.
Vamdemon: Where are the Chosen Children? Pumpmon: Unfortunately, they got away from us. Gotsumon: We almost had 'em! Vamdemon: You LIARS!!! I have no further use for you. NIGHT RAID!!!
Pumpmon and Gotsumon's deception confirms Vamdemon's suspicions, provoking a rare break from his typically cool demeanor.
We're going to see in a moment that he does know where the Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon are. It's too late to hide. He's giving Pumpmon and Gotsumon an opportunity to tell him and prove that they haven't deserted their posts. A test that they fail.
In the dub:
Myotismon: Where are the DigiDestined!? Pumpkinmon: Uh, they were here just a second ago! They must have got away! Gotsumon: Yeah! You can't believe how fast they are! But we almost had 'em, boss. Myotismon: Yes. I can imagine. You had your chance; Now I'm condemning you to my dungeon in the Digi-World! GRISLY WING!!!
...yeah, we'll. Uh. We'll talk about Myotismon's dungeon in the Digi-World in a moment.
The acting for Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon is so good in this scene. They do a fantastic job selling these claims as pathetic excuses from dipshit minions.
There is, however, a bit of a narrative shift here. Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon are lying to protect their friends in both versions. However, in the original, Vamdemon sees through their lies and attacks them for betraying his side. Myotismon is just executing them for failure. This was their opportunity to "redeem themselves" for not finding the Eighth Child, and they bungled it.
Well. Shit. Vamdemon's on the attack, as his bats swarm Pumpmon and Gotsumon. Nothing to lose now; Go for the Hail Mary.
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Pumpmon fires off his Trick or Treat, conjuring a colossal pumpkin above Vamdemon and dropping it. The Night Raid bats quickly return from their attack, moving into defense and catching the pumpkin. They ravenously devour Pumpmon's best move.
While his bats are distracted, Gotsumon tries to blindside Vamdemon with his Angry Rock attack. But. Like. It's a rock being thrown by a Child-stage Digimon, and Vamdemon's Perfect. He telekinetically stops the rock with a sharp gaze, then shatters it in midair.
The dub calls these moves Pumpkinmon Power and Rock Fist Attack respectively.
Once the bats have finished eating Pumpmon's pumpkin, they go back on the attack. Pumpmon and Gotsumon have nothing left to defend themselves.
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Vamdemon's Night Raid descends upon Pumpmon and Gotsumon once more. They both let out the most bloodcurdling screams, and we pan away to Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon in a nearby alley.
Gabumon: Pumpmon! Takeru: Gotsumon!
Yamato throws himself around Takeru and pulls him away, using his own body to break Takeru's line of sight.
Yamato: Don't watch, Takeru!
The axe from Pumpmon's head and one of Gotsumon's rocks clatter to the ground. Then they dissolve into pixel dust. The incorrigible pranksters are dead. Vamdemon takes a step forward, his boot landing where these parts of the prankster pair had dissolved, as if crushing their bodies underfoot.
There is no change in the dub. Even their bloodcurdling screams as they die are retained. This is because the dub already changed the context of this scene a moment ago. This is where "My dungeon in the Digi-World" comes in.
They pre-emptively altered the context of Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon's disintegration so they could present the death scene in all its gory detail, unhindered by the need to appease the censors. They went to the dungeon, so it's fine for them to die screaming while Matt yells at T.K. not to watch.
...honestly, clever. Points to the dub for managing to make the censors happy and preserve the emotional punch of this scene. Though if you're hoping for a follow-up episode where we spring them from Myotismon's dungeon, I... Uh... I have some bad news.
(Now that I think about it, his entire castle and the mountain it's situated on got obliterated the day after he left. He doesn't know about that. So... I guess they're fine. Dub Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon popped into existence in a vacant lot in the Digital World, then ran merrily off into the woods. The joke was on Myotismon in the end.)
With the deserters disposed of, Vamdemon next advances on the alley where Yamato, Takeru, and Gabumon are hidden away.
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Vamdemon: The three of you are next. Yamato: (voice breaking) They were good people.... Gabumon: Yamato.... Yamato: YOU HAD NO REASON TO KILL THEM!!!
To understand how big a deal this eruption from Yamato is, you need to understand something. Much like children's media in the U.S., children's media in Japan generally frowns on the word kurosu, meaning "to kill". It's considered vulgar and inappropriate for young audiences.
Like western children's cartoons, Children's anime will generally favor other terminology. "Defeat him. Destroy him. Take him down."
Yamato here uses the word. We are not pulling any linguistic punches. This motherfucker murdered Pumpmon and Gotsumon.
Gabumon evolves into Garurumon, slamming Vamdemon against the wall of the storefront across the road. He gets a hit in, but Vamdemon easily punches him away.
Garurumon keeps up the assault while Yamato shakes with fury.
Yamato: Those guys... It may only have been for a little while... (voice breaks) But they were our friends! GARURUMON!!!
Vamdemon catches Garurumon in his Bloody Stream, whipping him away and tossing him at a building. Just then, Yamato's grief activates his Crest, pushing Garurumon into Super-Evolution.
In the dub, Myotismon is cruelly dismissive of Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon.
Myotismon: (Advancing on the alleyway) Well, that wasn't very difficult. Now it's your turn. Matt: (voice breaking) Those two... They were really trying to save us. Gabumon: You're right! Matt: Rrrrgh! And you just condemned them for no reason at all!
The dub does not have the nerve to say kurosu here. Though they have dropped in some "kill" words in the past. I think this is contextually too dark for them.
Garurumon attacks Myotismon, and Matt's speech here is:
Matt: Go get him. He should pay for what he did to those two! Those guys just wanted to be our friends! GARURUMON!!!
Tonal shift. Yamato's speech is a furious eulogy centered on Pumpmon and Gotsumon, while Matt's is a vindictive battle cry against Myotismon. As usual, the Americans are more comfortable in the realm of aggression than emotional sincerity, which often gets put on display with Yamato/Matt specifically.
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WereGarurumon catches himself, landing on his hind legs on the building and then springing back at Vamdemon. Kicking off the most public Digimon fight we've had yet right here in the streets of youth culture center Shibuya.
We cut briefly to Patamon resting in a tree at Shibuya Station above the statue of Hachikou.
Patamon: Aww... Those girls said that if I wait here, I'd find Takeru...
In the dub:
Patamon: Aww... Those girls said the park was the place to find someone, but where's T.K.?
The spirit of Hachikou is strong today, however, and Patamon will be reunited with Takeru. The sound of screaming alerts him to something happening nearby. He looks up in time to see glowing signs on distant buildings destroyed by WereGarurumon and Vamdemon's fight.
(We aren't retreating this time; Yamato's out for blood. Also, fun fact: I'm sure I brought this up before but WereGarurumon himself is a Nightmare Soldier.)
The public below look on in horror as werewolf and vampire duke it out in Shibuya. WereGarurumon dodges away from a stabbing Bloody Stream and counters with Kaiser Nail. His claws form an X-shaped projectile that slams Vamdemon back through the wall of one of the neighboring buildings.
Startled humans inside leap to their feet as the fighting progresses indoors. WereGarurumon jumps in through the hole, but Vamdemon's back on his feet. A Night Raid hits WereGarurumon dead-on; The bats lifting him through the air and crashing him through a neon sign.
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Though the fight started off promising, the neon sign costs WereGarurumon dearly. Vamdemon now has the upper hand. Before WereGarurumon can recover and get back to his feet, Vamdemon lashes him with Bloody Stream.
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The fight has completely turned. Vamdemon has the unassailable advantage now. WereGarurumon finally makes it back to his feet, holding his stomach, badly hurt. Only to take another Bloody Stream to the face and knock him back down.
Yamato and Takeru watch in horror while Vamdemon lifts WereGarurumon into the air on his Bloody Stream whips, shocking or burning or doing something to him. WereGarurumon screams in agony.
While the violence unfolds, Takeru isn't even thinking about it. He's buried in his guilt.
Takeru: (thinking) If I hadn't gotten so mad, Patamon wouldn't have left us. We never would have met Pumpmon and Gotsumon in Shibuya. And Pumpmon and Gotsumon... wouldn't have been killed by Vamdemon!
Holy shit, that is a lot to lay on the shoulders of an 8-year-old. Takeru believes his mistakes got Pumpmon and Gotsumon killed. He's... he's not right but he's not wrong either.
I love that he calls out Vamdemon as the killer. That's vital perspective that people struggling with guilt don't always have. Vamdemon killed them, not Takeru. He is not to blame. It's good that he recognizes that.
But the chain of events that led to their deaths did begin with him exploding on the train. He's not to blame, but he's still going to be telling his therapist about this when he's forty.
In the dub:
T.K.: (thinking) WereGarurumon's in big trouble and it's all my fault! If I hadn't been so mean, Patamon would still be with us and we would never have met Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon! And if those poor guys had never met up with us, they wouldn't be stuck where they are now! Ohhhhh....
Good effort. Doesn't land quite as strongly, but that's mainly because there's only so hard they can go on T.K.'s trauma when Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon are simply in a dungeon cell somewhere. They still put in as much effort as they can to sell this.
Takeru's grief and trauma and fear is so overwhelming at this point that it all comes crashing in together, pushing him over the edge for the second first time. Patamon SHINKAAAAAA!!!
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FINALLY, a full 19 episodes following his death and reincarnation, Angemon is back in play. Patamon doesn't even know what's happening when the surge of Takeru's emotions hit him all at once and bring him into the fight.
Angemon soars over the onlookers in the streets below and straight on into battle. Vamdemon notices him at the last second, swerving out of the way of Angemon's swing - but the attack still goes through. Angemon's staff crashes through the whips of Vamdemon's Bloody Stream, breaking the bonds that are holding WereGarurumon down.
Angemon's intervention buys WereGarurumon a moment to finally catch his breath and get back up.
WereGarurumon: Angemon!? Angemon: Are you okay, WereGarurumon? WereGarurumon: Uh, sort of? Takeru: Angemon! Yamato: Takeru's feelings reached Patamon!
It's great that Angemon is back in the fight, but WereGarurumon's still hurting. We're not out of the woods yet.
Though the dub ratchets up the positivity.
WereGarurumon: Angemon.... Angemon: Are you alright, WereGarurumon? WereGarurumon: Yes. Thanks to you, I am. T.K.: Angemon rules! Matt: Well, I guess we don't have to look for Patamon anymore!
Matt, is that the most pressing matter right now? Dracula is still right there.
WereGarurumon gets his second wind while Angemon stares down Vamdemon.
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Vamdemon: So you're the one who possesses holy powers. WereGarurumon: Let's go, Angemon. Angemon: Right.
In the dub, Myotismon is weirdly dismissive of Angemon?
Myotismon: Hmph. Angemon. They must be desperate if they sent you! WereGarurumon: Angemon, shall we take him? Angemon: Let's go!
Uh, Angemon is kind of a big deal? I mean, he's still only Adult-stage; He'd get wrecked in a straight fight. But Myotismon is talking about him like he's the team bottom-feeder.
Angemon doesn't even respond to Vamdemon. He and WereGarurumon go straight on the attack as soon as WereGarurumon's recovered.
Angemon goes high, raising his staff for an overhead swing, while WereGarurumon goes low. WereGarurumon feints with a spin kick. Just as planned, Vamdemon dodges upwards to evade, coming straight into Angemon's attack range. He's forced to raise his arm to block the follow-up from Angemon.
With Vamdemon momentarily pinned down in melee with Angemon, WereGarurumon rebounds off the building that was behind him and comes in for his real attack. He throws himself up into the fray, coming straight up at Vamdemon's defenseless back.
And then I guess we ran out of time and budget because a big blue light blob conceals the entire rest of this fight.
Vamdemon retreats, attempting to save face with a parting taunt and his weird robotic monotone laugh.
Vamdemon: I'll finish this fight later. Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
So fucking creepy every time he does that. He laughs like a Text-to-Speech generator with a reverb played over it
Myotismon continues to have a much less Uncanny Valley laugh.
Myotismon: It's time I take my leave; We will fight again! HuhuHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Myotismon has a villain laugh and Vamdemon has this eldritch thing masquerading as mirth.
Now that the fight is over, WereGarurumon and Angemon revert to Gabumon and Patamon. (Not Tsunomon? Odd.) Yamato and Takeru race over to check on their Partners.
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Yamato lifts Gabumon into his arms as much as he can.
Yamato: Gabumon....
He looks concerned, but Takeru is distraught, with tears in his eyes. Considering what happened to Patamon last time he evolved, you can understand why he's freaking out.
Takeru: Patamon!? Are you.... Patamon: Yeah. I'm okay, Takeru. Takeru: T_T I'm sorry for getting mad.... Patamon: Don't cry, Takeru.
Of course, Takeru's fears are misplaced. The reason Angemon died last time was because he channeled the full holy might of all seven Digivices through his body at once. It was that desperation play that killed him.
But Takeru has had a fucking hell of a night and he can be forgiven for thinking he was about to cap it off by watching Patamon die again.
In the dub:
Matt: I hope they're alright! T.K.: Me too! (Both boys grab their Digimon Partners) Matt: Gabumon? T.K.: Ohhh... Patamon! Are you okay? Patamon: Yes. I'm alright now, T.K. T.K.: I'm sorry, Patamon. I'm sorry I got mad. Patamon: Don't cry, T.K. It's alright.
There's some extra dialogue leading into it but it's otherwise the same.
Yamato and Takeru walk back through Shibuya with their Partners, headed for the station. Along the way, they can't help but see the ghosts of the memories they made tonight, with two friends who paid a tragic price for it.
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They were Shibuya-type Digimon to the very end.
Takeru: Onii-chan, over there....
Takeru points out the storefront where Pumpmon and Gotsumon dressed up, and the memories flow in from there. Thirty seconds of silent flashbacks while a mournful piano melody plays in the background.
Yamato: (quietly) ...let's go home. Takeru: Yeah.
As the boys leave, a pair of shooting stars twinkle by overhead. A parting symbol of the lives that were lost tonight.
The dub tries to keep things light and upbeat, which really doesn't work for this scene.
T.K.: Hey, look in that window! That's where those crazy Digimon tried on all the clothes, remember?
Due to the dub's aversion to silence, the flashbacks contain voice lines from Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon, of the various things they said in those scenes.
T.K.: Aww, they were funny. Matt: I know what you mean, T.K. I miss them too.
Yeah, you can't lighthearted a scene about grief. T.K.'s lines end up underselling the severity of what's happening in this scene. Though I guess that's to be expected since Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon went somewhere else.
While Yamato finally takes Takeru back to Shibuya Station to drop him off, we turn our attention back to Odaiba.
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The camera pans across the Rainbow Bridge, passing over Daiba Park where Vamdemon's base is located.
Narrator: The children saw the cruelty Vamdemon is capable of with their own eyes.
Then we cut to the Yagami home from outside. Hikari is in her room doing homework. The camera slowly pans up to reveal Tailmon on the roof. Watching.
(What she is watching, I have no idea. All she can see from her vantage is the balcony of the apartment above Hikari's.)
Narrator: Soon they would realize that this was only the prologue to the great battles ahead. Once the Eighth Child discovers their destiny, the flames of battle will flare in an instant and devour everything.
Then we close on a shot of Hikari's Digivice lying in a nest made from stolen hangers. Because crows.
Narrator: There's not long now until that time arrives.
Since the dub has no narrator, Matt takes the mic and uses it to spell out the Moral of the Episode.
Matt (V.O.): I guess we shouldn't take our friends for granted! T.K. nearly lost Patamon's friendship and who knows if we'll ever see Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon again! (Shift to the Yagami home) Matt (V.O.): But one thing's for sure; I know Myotismon isn't through with us yet! His henchmen are out there right now searching for the Eighth DigiDestined! Gatomon: (thinking) You may be sweet, little Kari, but next time I will get my claws into you. Narrator: Will Kari survive her next encounter with Gatomon, Myotismon's most loyal servant? Find out on the next Digimon: Digital Monsters.
Oh fuck me, I guess we DO have a narrator all of a sudden.
Remember, kids: Treasure the friends that you have. Because you never know when Dracula will murder them lock them in a dungeon.
The dub still doesn't quite understand what's going through Tailmon's head right now. She wasn't thwarted in her attempt to kill Hikari; She ran away because Hikari makes her feel feelings that are freaking her out.
She's fence-riding. Trying to monitor Hikari because she's pretty sure Hikari is the Eighth Child, but using "We don't know FOR SURE" as an excuse not to take further action.
But the dub's still playing Gatomon as super determined to kill Kari, but struggling to find an opportunity. Even though she had a perfectly good opportunity that she fled from.
Assessment: Fuck me, this episode. Hahahahaha hi shit is dark today. Between this and Angemon's first outing, Takeru will be in therapy until he's ninety.
This episode's a bit of a cheater. Like, it's kinda bullshit that Tsunomon can go straight to WereGarurumon in the same night he recovers to Gabumon after how much time was spent building up the drawbacks of Super-Evolution - and then revert back to Gabumon instead of Tsunomon.
I'm not sure if this is going to be the new standard going forward. The Digimon do get stronger over the course of the series; It was a plot point on File Island that practice made them better at being able to evolve to Adult-stage more frequently and consistently. So it may be that we're getting better at Super Evolution too. We'll see if this sticks. But it's still weird that he can hit Perfect in an episode he starts out in Baby.
Of course, Pumpmon and Gotsumon tore my heart in half like I knew they would. And Takeru, just... Just... Takeru. It's not exactly the episode from Fullmetal Alchemist (both versions, you know the one) but it's brutal nonetheless.
The dub... This is another one of those episodes where they were screwed from the outset. The censors were never going to let them do this episode justice. It's dark as shit. They didn't want to deal with angry parents calling because their children are screaming and crying over a pumpkin boy.
But for what they'd be allowed to do, they did a better job with it than I expected. It's still a pale imitation of the original, but there's more definition to that imitation than I thought I was going to see. A C for the overall product but an A for effort.
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that-birdy-chick · 14 days
Part 2 of me rambling about s8 of hawaii five 0
Live commentary
ep 6
- did-did Danny really just organize an intervention for Steve? To make him take better care of himself?? I don't know how to feel about this
- Lou really just said "Steve listen to your husband, he loves you" spoken like a true married man
- kinda gotta agree with Dog, not your finest move Danny
- so can we all agree that Danny losing his mind a little over Steve's radiation poisoning is kinda like the whole Steve losing his mind over Danny retiring thing but in reverse?
- I think Steve has never looked more stressed than with this stress counseler person asking him about his sexlife right in front of danny
- awwww now the end of this episode is in my top 3 favorite heart to hearts these two dorks have ever had
- Danny being honest about being scared that Steve isn't taking his radiation poisoning seriously to the point it keeps him awake at night and steve replying that he's scared too but that he doesn't want Danny to change because he loves him the way he is and that he does take things seriously URHGH
THE GROWTH! The genuinely healthy communication! I'm so proud of them 🥹
ep 7
- no no no what is going on between adam and kono? My breakup senses are tingling and I don't like it
- I swear the way Adam and Steve's conversation in the car went is so "let's talk about our respective marriages" coded
Like honestly it's so blatantly obvious - they are literally paralleling mcdanno to kono and adam ffs
- hey and come on adam you too? Why does everyone need to shit on the restaurant thing
- haha Steve is mad people he cares about just walk into a dangerous situation without backup - I love how this season confronts Steve with his own behavior
-hmm l don't know how to feel about Lou literally deleting evidence to protect tani, really most of their shady "police work" really didn't age well
- damn Steve killed a cop, that's definitely gonna fuck with him
- love how Lou is looking out for everyone, he just is the team grandpa
- sooo adam is gonna join five 0 right? This is what all this is about isn't it?
- I swear I am trying to care about junior and tani and what's going on with them but Idk so far I haven't really warmed up to them
ep 8
- eyyy Danny is back and calls Steve babe within 1 min into the episode? This can only be a good one
- nvm I swear to God Steve if you crash land yet another plane-
Seriously dude? Haven't you learned your lesson from the last time?
- naww Danny is so proud of Steves character development, sure hope he isn't gonna do something dumb and risky and ruin it again
- okay so tani and junior huh? They're definitely gonna be a thing soon aren't they
- the dude was killed because he was hiding from a drug cartel that he snitched on and fled with the drug lords daughter, I swear all these people always have the most dramatic backstories
- aaaand steve is doing the dumb reckless thing, Danny my guy I feel you're pain, he is so done with his shit he doesn't even yell at him anymore
- Danny is such a fucking saint, Steve almost went and got himself killed AGAIN and all he cares about is being last and danny husband of the fucking year just goes "yeah yeah you did well let's get a beer maverick"
- okay tani and her brother are kinda cute in their peek sibling behavior, I feel bad now for calling her a kono replacement, girl is much more than that
ep 9
- damn love Jerry's new haircut
- I will never get tiered of Danny and steve bickering about the restaurant, I know they are setting it up to fail but I genuinely think this could have been a good thing to eventually end the show on, like a retirement thing, but oh well
- aww I love Danny trying to comfort neolani with something Steve told him, only to have it backfire and make him anxious again
- pfffff and tani and junior sit in the far back like literal children
- oh great we're doing the biological warfare stuff again, this should be fun
- so they only have 8 hours to live? sounds like a prime love confession set up to me
- love our respective couples comforting each other, have to say tani and junior are doing a way better job tho like seriously Steve "try not to die while I take this call okay?" that's the best you can do, seriously?
- and of course Danny's all time stress response is to bitch about or at Steve, stellar coping skills all around
- omg danny did not just say-and steve didn't - OMG is it actually-
-nvm of course it's a fake out, damn it after 7 season why do I still keep falling for this shit
-the little restaurant talk Danny started to distract Steve and himself with was pretty sweet tho
- hey, wait why is Danny the only one definitely close to death? The others all seem relatively fine
- and of course Steve has to go and needlessly risk himself, so junior has to safe both their ass's instead of him just doing it on his own in the first place
- excuse me people why are there not more fanfics about the crew stuck in quarantine together?? this shit is hilarious and has so much potential for angst!
Please if anyone has some great fic recommendations send them my way please!
-no come on Danny, Steve didn't wanna upset you! That's honestly a pretty mature thing given the situation you were in, and now their arguing
- poor tani and junior they be stuck with these two idiots for a long time
- I could really see tani, just snapping at them after two days to either kill each other or fuck it out already, because their whole shebang is just exhausting for everyone
ep 10
-AHHHHH they finally opened the restaurant!? Progress!
- why does the screen look weird? Please don't let this be a dream type thing
- "Right now grandma Williams is smiling down at you" awww Steve, that is so sweet🥹
- nooo it's a dream thing 😭
- love how everyone makes fun of Steves near mental breakdown haircut, really dude it looks terrible, why does no one stop him?
- wow you really gonna give em kids the judgemental stares for flirting? Steve Danny as if you're any better
- and of course they're getting jumped in freaking quarantine
- really the dude went through all that trouble, just to kill Danny? And didn't even try aiming for the head? amateur
- aww Danny imagining grace wedding, my heart <3
- Danny is hurt, Steve is freaking loosing it, I'm so here for this
- Lou really said "sir, you better have a plan soon because if you don't Steve will come up with one, and only God can help us if that happens" I love you so much Lou
- huh so Danny thinks Charlie will be a cop? That's interesting
- awww and of course Steve is there, sitting next to him like a good husband, and the rest of the ohana
- nooo Danny being there for kono and adams first kid, that is so wholesome 😭
- Steve is straight up having a terrible time, while Danny has some idealistic feverdream about the future, this is so fun
- excuse me Steve you fingering your husband does absolutely not make you even for the liver thing, you nut
- so there gonna blow up a bomb right next to another bomb? Sure that seems reasonable
- yes Lou! Get the sledge hammer!
- poor Eric, don't worry hun we still have 2 seasons left to go Danny will be fine
- no NO you cannot- you did not just show me that while Danny's dying the last thing he hallucinates about is having grown old with Steve 🥺
- "and if I could do it all over again I wouldn't change a thing" I'm done, this is it, that line just killed me 😭❤️
- excuse me, Danny is dying and you people are choosing NOW to tease Steve about his stupid haircut? Seriously??!
- yes everyone copes differently I guess, but when Steve's life was on the line no one was joking around is all I'm saying
- yes Danny Steve saved your life by fingering you, deal with it XD poor Eric is scarred for life
- love Danny genuinely getting some love for once, this was a good episode
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supertrainstationh · 2 years
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Super Train Station H
• • • • • • • •
Game Gear: keeps you busy till the train's here.
Full color screen, 8-bit graphics so vibrant they make your eyes tear. No one cared that it's just a smaller Master System, it had top tier games, so we put it into commission.
Stereo sound to listen, but only if you've got headphones: can't squeeze two speakers on something that predates iPhones.
Playing on the ride home - Dad's stuck in late night Brooklyn Bridge traffic, speed's a no-go: but I'm behind the wheel with Ayrton Senna racing in Monaco.
The glow of the screen, makes the back seat a party scene, the batteries running out now would be a bad dream - they drain faster than Sonic dying in "Sonic Spinball". Mom's got extra Duracells, she has it covered, so trust her.
Vanishing colored gems in "Columns" like Fruit Gushers.
"Fantasy Zone", a shooter with Lisa Frank syndrome, space combat so cute you don't wanna quit.
"Sonic the Hedgehog", where do I start with this? I admired Eggman's robot transformation gimmick, but roboticizing my animal friends is beyond my limit.
Doc mocks me with Cumming's Robotnik cartoon voice, because my head-canon for this game is multiple choice. Sally, Antione, Bunny,and Rotor are my back-up crew, gonna beat Robotnik, and all his Badniks too, and solve mechanical puzzles too tough for Nancy Drew.
The Doctor's sinister, his boss stages make my head spin,   but in the name of great justice: I gotta fight him - powered by six double-A's of bottled lightning.
Loved my Game Gear, for playing in the dark; nothing came near, but its nemesis the Game Boy was one for Sega to fear. Nintendo's black-and-white screen made Sega get cocky, let their guard down, but Game Boy came swinging like Rocky.
Smaller price tag - which the parents loved. Needing less batteries fit budgets like a glove. Barely small enough to fit into a 90's kid's pocket, looks like a brick today, but back then, it was some hot kit. You know Mr. Yokoi's team was proud of it. And the batteries lasted a lot longer too, you could play all day hiding it under your desk at school.
And Sega boned their own ads by dissing Game Boy fans, instead of luring handheld gamers with an olive branch.
Wow. What a system, How could I not miss it? Nostalgia soaring high like "Space Harrier" missiles.
I showcase it on Twitch to help spread the word, sometimes it's new to even long-time Sega nerds. I'd talk forever on Game Gear, you know I like this. But my batteries are low, so it's time to split.
[My Twitch] [My VOD Channel] [My FA] [My Ko-fi]
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and-claudia · 1 year
Against All Odds pt.5 (Joel Miller x fem! reader)
Warnings: angst, gore, reliving trauma, canon typical violence, IT'S LONG (let me know if I missed any)
General Warnings for later on: The main story will have an age gap between Joel and the reader (Reader will be 25 once we get to the main storyline), this will also be your warning that it will eventually be an x pregnant reader (if that's not your jam, I'm sorry) there is also going to be more graphic/trigger parts later on so please always to be sure to read the warnings BEFORE reading. This story will also be 18+ and TO BE ON THE TAGLIST YOU CAN NOT BE AN AGELESS BLOG (i do actually check that) also there first hand full of parts are all prologue so Joel won't actually be in it for a bit
word count: 8000+ (oopsie)
Taglist Sign-Up (read my rules carefully before filling it out)
a/n at the end, please read and give your feed back in the comments
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After running through the rain for a few miles we finally made it far enough to be safe from patrol. We were in what looked like what used to be a barber shop or something. Regardless of what it used to be, now it was our shelter for the night. 
“You should get some rest, Ellie. We aren’t making it to the State House tonight.” I said to the young girl. 
She eyed Tess and Joel, clearly unsure if she’d be safe lowing her guard after finding out she had been bitten. 
“You’ll be safe, I promise.” I tried to reassure her. 
She slowly nodded and found herself a dry spot to curl up for the night. Tess and Joel stood on the opposite side of the building. I walked over to them so we could discuss our game plan. 
“So, it’s,” I checked my watch, “just passed 2:30 am, sun will be up by around 7:00 ish, we got at least 4 hours for watch. We can each take an hour and 20 minutes.” I suggested. 
“I ain’t sleepin’.” Tessl said matter of factly. 
“Yeah, me neither. Someone needs to watch the door and someone needs to keep an eye on that kid.” Joel said. 
“One: door’s barricaded, ain’t nothing getting in through there. Two: she said that bite is 2 weeks old. She hasn’t gone all crazy yet, she won’t overnight. It’ll be fine.” I tried to argue. 
“I don’t trust it. That doesn’t happen, Yn. But I mean if you want to risk yourself and-” I knew he was about to mention the baby but I gave him a pointed look warning him not to, “and sleep,” he corrected himself, “then be my fucking guest.” 
I sighed, “Well I am tiered Joel so yeah I think I’ll take the so-called risk.” 
I walked away and dropped my bag down to use as a pillow and used Joel’s jacket I took from the apartment to cover my upper body up. Every time I’ve ever slept outside the walls it had always been either with, or at the very least beside Joel as he took his watch shift. So being away from him right now felt strange, even though he was only a few yards away from me. Luckily though I was still tired enough to fall asleep fairly quickly. 
Unfortunately, I had only managed to sleep a little over an hour. I tried going back to sleep but it was no use. So, instead, I got up and walked over to Joel and Tess. 
“You can go back to sleep.” Joel said quietly. 
“I’m fine. If one of you wants to rest for a bit I can take over for one of you.” I offered. 
“We’re good.” Tess said, not taking her eyes off the girl. 
“Fine.” I sighed and grabbed Joel’s bag. 
He never checks the small, inner pocket of his bag and I had gotten into a habit of tucking a small book in there when I could, even if I wasn’t going with them I would still do it. I wasn’t sure if he ever finished reading them or not but he would always return it to me when he got back and had something to say about it. 
“What are you doing?” Joel asked. 
“Looking for something.” 
I didn’t remember him returning the last one I gave him, so I wanted to see if it was still in there. And lucky for me it was. I pulled out an old, slightly faded copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray. Joel gave me a weird look. 
“I mean, if you don’t need me to watch anything and I’m not falling back asleep, might as well pass the time some way.” 
I took it over to the wall and sat down. Luckily the rain had stopped, giving way to the light of the moon. This gave me just enough light to read in. Despite my efforts, I fell asleep about 30 minutes later and didn’t wake back up until the sun had risen. Sitting against the hard wall like that made my back hurt as I stood up and walked over to put my book back in Joel’s bag. 
“Ellie awake yet?” I asked. 
“Okay well, I’m going to go find somewhere to pee.” I said before walking off. 
When I got back Ellie was now awake and Joel had the rifle he had stolen from the guard pointed at her.
“Show us your arm.” He said. 
She sighed before rolling up the sleeve of her jacket, showing the scar from where she had been bitten. 
“Yeah, it’s not getting any worse is it?” She sassed. 
I walked over and squatted down beside her. 
“Can I see it?” I asked. 
I didn’t get a good look at it in the chaos last night and wanted to see it for myself. She nodded and held it over to me so I could see it better. 
“If we’re in the open city why aren’t we getting swarmed?” She asked, I turned to Joel for him to answer her. 
“Don’t worry about it.” He said causing me to roll my eyes. 
“Well, I’m gonna.” She sassed. 
“We’ll be fine.” I said quietly before letting go of her arm and standing up. 
“What was Marlene doing with an infected kid?” Tess asked. 
“I’m not infected.” Ellied argued. 
I walked over to sit with Joel and Tess, “I mean she’s right. She was bitten but not infected. I know that doesn’t happen but it did… But why were you with Marlene then?” 
“She found me after I was bitten.” She explained. 
“And she didn’t shoot you?” Joel asked harshly. 
“Clearly not.” Ellie snapped back, causing me to fight the urge to snicker at her response before she explained a little more, “She locked me up and her guys test me every day to make sure I wasn’t infected.” 
“How did they test you?” I asked before I could process what I was saying. 
“They’d make me count to ten then hold my hand out and keep it steady. But you know what I think really impressed them was the fact that I didn’t turn into a fucking monster.” 
I nodded, “Fair enough.” 
“I gotta pee.” She said going to stand up, but Joel did the same and his grip on the rifle tightened. 
“Joel. Let her go. She’s not going anywhere. You heard her, she’s worried about what’s out there.” I said quietly to Joel before turning to her, “Go back there, just find a spot. And here, use this. It’s the best we got. Just tear out a few pages.” I said tossing an old magazine to her. 
She caught it and disappeared into one of the small side rooms. 
“Nothing’s gonna kill me in here, right?” She called out. 
“No, you’re fine. I just went too.” I yelled back. 
As Joel sat down, I noticed his right hand was shaking and still bloody from last night. 
“Broken?” Tess asked having seen the same thing as me. 
“Maye a hairline, it’ll heal fast.” He replied. 
“Can I see it?” I asked gently. 
“It’s fine.” He said coldly. 
“Joel, let me see your fucking hand.” I said, holding mine out for him to put his in. 
He sighed but did as I told him. I looked it over, it was defiantly swollen. Luckily it wasn’t too nasty, the rain helped clean it out pretty well last night. 
“It’s fairly clean. I’m gonna wrap it for you.” I told him rather than asking already standing to grab my bag. 
“Joel she made it through the fucking night.” Tess said as I walked back over, bag in hand. 
“Doesn’t matter.” Joel bit back. 
I took my seat on the ground beside Joel and began to bandage up his hand. 
“It’s gonna happen sooner or later.” He tried to reason, “We’re still close to the wall, we sneak her back into the QZ, and we find a different way to get the battery.” 
“This is our best shot,” Tess argued, “If we take her back there, someone is gonna notice her arm, they’ll scan her and kill her.” 
“Well better them than us.” He shot back. 
“May I give my two cents here?” I asked finishing up Joel's bandages. 
Tess nodded for me to go on. 
“I can’t believe I’m sayin’ it but I agree with Tess. We can’t bring her back… and we can’t kill her. It ain’t fair to her. Bringing her to the State House is our best option here, rather than bringing her back to the QZ where we know she will get killed, or killing her ourselves. At least that way we won’t have to live knowing we lead her to slaughter.” I said. 
“You two both need to quit talking about her like she actually has a life ahead of her.” Joel said. 
“Maybe she does.” I argued just as we heard footsteps coming back. 
“Whatever, let’s just eat something before we have to head out again.” Joel said digging into his bag. 
“You hungry? We can share some of ours.” Tess offered as Ellied sat back down. 
“Marlene sent me with my own.” She said before digging into her bag and pulling something out of it. 
Joel passed out a couple of pieces of dried jerky to both me and Tess. I broke off a piece of mine but as I brought it up to my mouth and caught a whiff of it, it made me feel nauseous. I sat up a bit more and brought it away from my face to take a few deep breaths before handing the pieces back to Joel. 
“Here. I’m not hungry.” I said. 
“You need to eat.” Joel said, not taking them. 
“Joel, take them.” I snapped a little. 
“You okay kid? You look really pale.” Tess said, taking the jerky from my hand. 
“I’m not a kid. And I’m fine.” I lied. 
I could tell she wasn’t convinced but I am glad she didn’t ask any more questions. Instead, she put the jerky away and dug in her bag for something.  
“Here, eat these, I’ve been secretly growing them at my place. You need to eat something. And drink some water.” She said handing me a small bag of berries. 
I nodded in thanks and slowly ate them. I was so caught up in trying not to puke that I had completely tuned out the conversation Ellie and Tess were having until Tess stood up from her stool and walked closer to the young girl. Joel tried to stop her, but I grabbed his arm to keep him from doing so. 
“Why are you so special to Marlene? And don’t lie or we’ll take you back.” She threatened. 
“You take me back, you don’t get your battery.” Ellie popped off to her. 
Tess scoffed, “You heard that huh? Well, then you must’ve also heard that he wants to shoot you.” 
Ellie eyed Joel nervously before replying, “Yeah, but she said you shouldn’t, at least not yourself. And something tells me she won’t let him do it.” She said referring to me. 
Joel rolled his eyes at her remark. 
“Look, I’m gonna talk to you like you’re an adult,” Tess began as she knelt down in front of Ellie, “We’re not good people, we’re doing this for us. Because apparently, you’re worth something. But we don’t know what you’re worth if we don’t know what we have. So, answer my question.” 
I could tell Ellie thought about what she was about to do, she seemed apprehensive. 
“She told me not to tell anyone and now I’m telling the first people that I-” She hesitated. 
“Hey, it’s okay we won’t tell anyone.” I finally spoke up, trying to reassure her. 
She took a deep breath before continuing, “There’s a Firefly base camp somewhere out west… with doctors. They’re working on finding a cure.” 
“We’ve heard this all before.” Joel sighed, annoyed that we were even considering giving her the time of day to explain herself. 
“And whatever happened to me…” 
“-Is the key to the vaccine.” Joel said with her, knowing what she was about to say. 
“That’s what this is? We’ve heard this a million times before. Vaccines, miracle cures. None of it works. Ever.” He argued. 
“Fuck you, man. I didn’t ask for this.” Ellied snapped at him standing up. 
“You and me both. Tess, Yn, this isn’t gonna end well. We need to go back.” He urged. 
I stood up as Tess did the same. 
“Let’s just finish it.” Tess said, “It doesn’t matter if she is or isn’t what the Fireflies say. If they believe that she is then… we get what we want.” 
“I mean, best-case scenario she is, we hand her over, they find a cure, we get the truck and find Tommy. Worst-case scenario is she isn’t and this was a waste of time.” I said. 
“No, Yn, worst-case is we all end up dead.” Joel said harshly. 
“Can you two get over your lover's quarrel, are we going or not?” Tess asked. 
Joel sighed and grabbed his bag, “If she so much as twitches.” He warned. 
Ellied began to snarl and make choking sounds as she pretend to twitch around causing me to bite back a snicker. Joel didn’t find it amusing. 
“Don’t.” Tess reprimanded her and she stopped immediately. 
We all collected our stuff and as Joel picked up his newly acquired rifle Ellie eyed it up and said, “Can I have a gun.” 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Hell no.” Joel, Tess, and I all said respectively. 
“Okay, Jesus. Fine. I’ll have to just throw a fucking sandwich at them.” She said as she picked up what was left over and put it in her bag. 
Joel moved the barricade from the door and then opened it to make sure the coast was clear. When he confirmed that it was, we followed him out. 
When we walked out, the sun was shining and you could see the city around us. Or what used to be a city that was now falling apart and overrun but nature. Ellie was ahead of me and watched her with a small smile as she took in the sight before her. 
“Whoa.” She sighed. 
“I know, I had the same reaction my first time seeing it.” I said, nudging her slightly with my arm. 
“We should get movin’.” Joel said. 
And with that, we began walking. We passed some of the craters left from the bombings. Just like me, Ellie was oddly fascinated with everything we passed. 
“It’s like a fucked up moon. Are these from the bombings?” She asked. 
“Yeah, Joel or Tess can tell you more about it. I don’t really remember it.” I admitted. 
“They bombed most of the bigger cities like this, “ Tess explained, “They had to slow the spread somehow. It worked here, but it didn’t in most places.” 
We walked a little further before we got to a road that was impassable due to a collapsed building. It was really in the most inconvenient spot. If it wasn’t blocked, then the State House would have been a straight shot taking ten to fifteen minutes tops to get there. But since that was not an option we had to choose one of the alternate routes. 
“Long way or short way?” Joel asked. 
“Well, I mean it’s the long way or the ‘we’re fuckin dead’ way.” Tess said. 
“Well, I vote long way, just based on that limited information.” 
Joel nodded, knowing it was the safer route, “We have to check it from the hotel first.” 
We nodded and began walking that way. It was still eerie walking past all the abandoned cars. I didn’t dare to look in them. I made that mistake once. Most of them were empty, but not all of them. You had a chance of finding an infected or perhaps worst severely decomposing person in them. 
As we walked, Joel hung back in the back of the group, Tess lead the way while Ellie and I walked together. 
“Where the fuck are they all?” She asked. 
I just shook my head, “You’ll know it when they’re close. Don’t ask about them though, you’ll jinx us.” I warned. 
“I didn’t know last time.” She said. 
“Was that when you got bit?” I asked.
She nodded, “It was in the old mall in the QZ.” 
Tess turned around at that and waited for us to catch up. 
“You got bit in the sealed-off mall that no one is supposed to go in. Ever.” 
“Whatever. I snuck in. I wanted to see what it was like. Didn’t think there was gonna be anything in there and then one just came at me outta nowhere. I thought I got away, but.” 
“So, it was just you in there, alone?” Tess asked. 
“Yeah.” Ellie said. 
“How old are you?” Tess asked another question. 
“Wow. I mean, you got some balls on you, sister.” 
“Thanks.” Ellie said, smiling to herself causing me to smile a little too. 
We continued our trek down the old highway, occasionally climbing over cars that had been wrecked and flipped over. Joel was staying silent which wasn’t unusual for him. Not that I wanted to speak to him right now. 
“So Ellie,” I began, “No one’s going to come looking for you, right?” 
“Yeah, like mom, or dad or boyfriend?” Tess added. 
“Well, I’m an orphan, and ah no…” She said, “Everyone always said the outer city was crazy,” She said, changing the subject, “like there were hoards of infected running wild.” 
“Not exactly like that.” Joel’s voice startled me a bit. 
“People like to tell stories.” Tess added. 
“So, there aren’t Super-Infected that explode fungus spores on you?” Ellie asked. 
“Shit, I hope not.” Tess joked. 
“Just thinking about that makes my skin crawl.” I said with a small shutter as the thought of what facing one of those would be like. 
“Or what about ones with split open heads that can see in the dark like bats?” Ellied asked causing me to freeze. 
I had come to learn that when I had been attacked trying to get to the Boston QZ, all those years ago with my brother and Pa that it had been a Clicker. They were the final stage of being infected. It was when you became more fungus than human. The fungus grows out of your skull, cracking it open and allowing it to grow bigger. 
I took a deep breath and went to continue walking but just as I went to take a step we all froze and looked off to our left where we could hear a loud, distant howling yell of an infected. 
“What was that?” Ellie asked. 
“I told you, you would know when they got close.” I reminded her. 
“Let’s keep movin’.” Joel said, gripping his rifle a little tighter. 
We eventually made it to the hotel. When we pushed open the door the smell of murky water hit me causing me to sigh. I was not going to be able to catch a break today from horrible smells. It also looked like the rain we had just gotten had made the water in there rise a lot more. 
“You’ve gotta be kidding me! You guys ever stay in a place like this?” Ellie asked. 
“Uh no,  a little out of our league.” Tess joked. 
“How do you even know what this is?” Joel asked. 
“Have you ever heard of books?” She sassed causing him to roll his eyes before he descended the few stairs down into the water. 
“Wait a minute we're going in there?” 
“Unfortunately.” I said to her as I tightened the straps on my backpack. 
“We gotta get to the stairwell on the other side.” Tess said, nodding across the way at it. 
“Well, I- I um don’t know how to swim.” She tried to argue. 
“Seriously?” Joel asked. 
“Do you think we have pools in the QZ?” She shot back at him. 
“No, smartass. I mean,” He finished his sentence by jumping off the last step and showing the water, despite being higher than usual, only came up to right around his knees. 
“I don’t know how I was supposed to know that.” Ellie said as she walked down the stairs. 
I went to walk down the too but Tess stopped me. 
“Careful, kid, they’re slick.” She warned with a knowing look. 
Fuck. She knew. 
“Thanks.” I nodded before carefully walking down with her following behind me. 
The floor was covered in slippery algae so I took my time walking across it with Tess as Joel and Ellie were ahead of us. 
“Does he know?” She asked. 
I looked at her but didn’t answer. 
“I’m not trying to pry. Just wondering if that’s got him so bent out of shape.” She explained. 
“No, me being pregnant is what’s gotten him so bent out of shape. He doesn’t want it. He said the last time he held a baby was before I was even born…” I explained. 
“That’s what happens when you get with a much older man,” She teased only partly joking, “But I guess the question is, do you want it?” 
I nodded, “Yeah.” 
“He loves you, Yn, he’ll come around.” She tried to reassure me. 
I shrugged, “I just think he has too much going on right now, and worrying about me even more than he usually has to just sent him over the edge. Like he made it very clear that he doesn’t want the baby, but wants to make decisions on what is best for me now. He doesn’t need to do that. He doesn’t want it, so let me worry about it. You know?” 
She nodded as we both stopped to look over at Ellie as she messed around with the old luggage cart. Then, when she jumped back, clearly startled by something, Tess and I were both pulling out our guns as Joel rushed over to help her. Joel helped her up after seeing that there was no immediate danger. She made her way over to us and we both made sure she was okay. Once we made it across the water, we had to climb up ten flights of stairs to get high enough. Joel led the way with his rifle, making sure the coast was clear for us. 
When we got to the top Joel checked down the hall to make sure we were safe then walked out. When Tess and I made it there we both paused for a second to catch our breaths. 
“Come on, it wasn’t that bad.” Ellie teased. 
“You try climbing ten fuckin’ flights with our knees. See how you feel.” Tess shot back in defense. 
“Okay, but what about her? She like in her twenties, why are you winded?” Ellied asked nodding to me. 
“I have my reasons.” I said. 
“That’s convincing.” She said before following Joel. 
 We rounded a corner and saw that part of the building had collapsed. 
“Well, when the fuck did that happen?” Tess asked.
We tried to open a few of the doors but none of them would budge. I walked closer to the rubble. There was an opening I could fit through. 
“Hey, what if I climb through? I can work my way around and open it from the inside maybe?” I suggested. 
“Worth a shot.” Tess agreed. 
“No.” Joel was quick to shut that down. 
“I can go. I am the smallest.” Ellie offered up. 
“No, if you die, we get nothing.” Tess said. “Let Tess go.” Joel suggested. 
“Why can’t I do it?” I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“Because you might get hurt.” He argued. 
“And if she does, Joel, it’ll be on here. She’s a big girl she can go. Come on let's get her up there.” Tess said, ending our little argument. 
They helped me up through the opening then I began climbing over hunks of cement and barbs. 
“You good up there?” Joel called out to me. 
“I’m fine. Just trying to map out a course. It’s a fucking a mess up here. Give me a few minutes.” 
I finally mapped out my route to get over the piles of concrete without getting impaled by a metal barb. Once I made it through I took a glance around me, to the street below. Fuck. There were infected down there a lot of them. We wouldn’t be able to go that way anymore. I sighed, turning around to go let the others in. 
“Joel, put your fucking gun down, if you shoot me, I’ll shoot back.” I warned as I began to move pieces of furniture out of the way. 
I got to the door and opened it, my face must have said it all. 
“What’s wrong?” Tess asked. 
“Come see for yourself.” I said, turning around and leading them to see what I saw down in the street. 
When we got over to the balcony, Ellie stepped up onto the bottom molding to get a better view. “Be careful.” I said, coming to stand beside her as she leaned over a bit more. 
“There’s so many.” She said in awe. 
I saw Tess nod from the corner of my eye, “Yeah, last time we came through here, they were still deep inside the buildings. But I guess enough people came through looking for the QZ, they went inside seeking shelter and that’s how they get more and more of the city bit by bit, year after year.” 
We watched them as they all seemed to move together. 
“They’re connected.” Ellie commented. 
“More than you know.” Tess began, “The fungus also grows underground. Long fibers like wires, some of them stretching over a mile. Now, you step on a patch of cordyceps in one place, and you can wake a dozen Infected from somewhere else.” 
Tess nodded once again, “Then they know where you are and they’re coming for you. You’re not immune from being ripped apart. You understand?” 
“Tess, chill you’re scaring her.” I said. 
“I’m just being honest with her. This is important for her to know. I’m trying to keep her alive.” She said defensively. 
Ellie hopped down from where she was standing with a small sigh.
“So, guess we’re not going that way.” 
“Nope.” I confirmed. 
“So, what do we do then?” She asked, looking between the three of us. 
I looked at Joel and waited for him to confirm what I already knew he was going to say. 
“Museum.” He said and I immediately shook my head. “No. There’s other ways, we can take one of those.” I said. 
“We don’t have a secure way to check those routes. And we’re running out of time. It’s the only option now. You knew we might go that way if you’re so terrified of it, then maybe yo-” 
“Joel, I swear, if you say that I should’ve stayed back one more time I’ll push your fucking ass off this building and let the Infected have their way with you.” I said. 
He was way out of line. He knew what happened last time. He knew why I was terrified to go back there. 
It happened about 8 months ago. We were going out to trade with Frank and Bill. I decided to tag along, I hadn’t seen them since we met something always came up but always sent my best wishes when Joel and Tess went. But this time I was able to go. 
We made it out of the QZ without any issues. I couldn’t remember why but we decided to take the route through the museum. They hadn’t taken me that way last time so I was excited to see a different part of the city. We made it in without any issues. It was when we got to the second floor. Joel had told me to have my gun ready, just in case there were any infected hiding out in there. 
Tess was behind me and Joel was leading us. He had his flashlight out lighting the way. I saw it before he did. I man ran out from the shadows straight at him. He had a knife in his hand, ready to attack. Joel’s head was down, trying to get his light readjusted in his grip. 
“Joel!” I yelled, getting his attention. 
He sidestepped the attack just narrowly missing getting slashed. Now the man was running straight at me. I wasn’t sure what happened, but next thing I knew my ears were ringing, the man had fallen with a thud, and my hands were shaking as they gripped my now-raised gun. 
What had I done? 
I killed him. I killed someone. They weren’t even infected from what I could tell. Then I heard it. The howling of a dying man. I hadn’t killed him. 
“You son of a bitch! You shot me!” He yelled, trying and failing to stop the blood that was coming from his stomach. 
I hadn’t really aimed and he was so close that the bullet ripped him up pretty good. 
It got worse though. The man had clearly gone insane because next thing I knew, as I stood there in shock, the man took his rusted knife and made a cut at the bullet wound. It wasn’t a huge one, but it was enough that he could stick his own hand into it. And that is what he did. At this point, Tess had grabbed me and was pulling me backward from the way we came and Joel was walking toward us to try and block out the man. He managed to, but not before I saw him pulling out his own intestines as he continued to bellow in pain. The last thing I saw was him finally go limp on the ground. 
Once we got out, Jole made sure I was okay. I was still in shock and couldn’t find the strength to speak. So I just let him hold me for a few minutes before he began walking us back toward the QZ. 
As we walked to the museum, the scene replayed over and over again in my head. It had traumatized me. Not only was that my first time killing someone, but what he did after being shot scared me. I can still hear his screams in my sleep sometimes. 
“Earth to Yn?” Tess’s voice brought me out of my trance. 
“Sorry, what?” 
“Take this flashlight.” She held it out to me and I took it into my shaking hands. 
“Okay, more ground rules,” she said, turning to Ellie, I didn’t listen to them as my eyes met Joel’s. 
“You’ve been quiet.” He commented. 
“Yeah, just reliving some trauma… you think he’s still in there?” I asked, referring to his dead body. 
“Well, I doubt he had some kin to come collect his body.” Joel sassed. 
“Joel quit being an ass. You know that scared the fuck out of me. I couldn’t sleep for a month without seeing him.” I said, tears welling up at the thought of it again. 
“Hey, I’ll go ahead of you, if he’s there, close your eyes and I’ll guide you past it. Okay?” Tess offered. 
I nodded, “Thank you.” 
It was so weird that Tess was now being nicer to me since she figured out that I was pregnant. At least someone was, it’s not like Joel has been. 
Joel went in first. He poked his head in and made sure the coast was clear once he was sure it was he went in and nodded for us to follow. I was still shaking as I followed him in, followed by Ellie, then Tess. I was zoned out to everything around me. I had one goal and one goal only: get in and get out of here. I vaguely processed Joel and Tess talking about something Ellie found but couldn’t focus enough to catch what was being said. 
“Yn, you got that?” Joel asked, stepping in front of me. 
“Silent. Completely silent from now on.” He said and all I could do was nod. 
Any other time I would’ve processed why we were being silent, but I just couldn’t right now, but I still went along with it. We made our way up the stairs, my little “friend” was on the second landing. I hesitated as we got closer. I was shocked when Joel stopped and nodded for Tess and Ellie to go passed. He stepped down closer to me and nodded, telling me the body was still there. 
“Close your eyes.” He mouthed. 
I nodded and did so. Then he grabbed my hand and carefully led me passed him. Joel tapped my arm and my eyes opened, we had made it past. 
“Don’t look.” He mouthed before nodding me to go forward. 
I went to take a step but something caught my attention. Up at the top of the stairwell, I swore I heard something. I shrugged it off as paranoia and continued to follow Tess up. Once we made it all the way up, Joel took over leading us. I was feeling a bit better having passed the body now, but something felt off. 
We made it into an exhibit hall. Joel had once again made sure the coast was clear before we entered. We were back to our original lineup with Joel leading, then me, then Ellie and Tess in the back. I had made it through the doorway and was waiting for Tess and Ellie when I heard a rumbling sound. Just as they were crossing the threshold, the ceiling out in the hallway collapsed sending both of them to the floor. Joel and I were quick to help them up. 
Then we heard it. Screeching and then… clicking. There was a Clicker in here with us. 
Without saying a word, Ellie stayed behind me as Tess and Joel stayed ahead of me and we all moved together, slowly backing away from where we had heard the noises. I was shaking and had to bite my lip to keep from crying. Why did it have to be a damn Clicker? I would’ve much rather preferred to have another crazed man attack us than have to deal with one of them. It rounded the corner and I looked away, I didn’t even want to look at it. 
As we continued to back away, I heard more clicking coming from another hall. When I turned to look, another was stumbling out. Our backs were against a display case as it stumbled around it. I watched in silent horror as it rounded the case and began to walk behind Joel. I was holding my breath to not make any sounds. Then, it all happened so fast. Someone exhaled just loud enough for it to hear. The Clicker turned and screeched at us. 
Then, Joel was taking his gun and shooting at it. “Run!” He yelled at us as he tried to fight it off. 
I was in complete defense mode and took off running. Tess and Ellie went one way and I split off the other way. I realized it was a stupid idea seeing as I had no idea how the fuck to get out of here and the way we had come in was now blocked off by the collapsed ceiling. It didn’t matter all that did was getting away. I heard thuds and more gunshots as I turned into another part of the exhibit. There were footsteps behind me and turned just in time to see Joel running and pointing for me to go in there. He followed in behind me, bringing the Clicker that was chasing him along with him. He pushed over one of the busts and it hit a glass display case, shattering it and distracting the Clicker. We hid behind a taller one and Joel very quietly reloaded his gun. Once he was done he glanced around us. 
Then, he pointed to something past me. I turned and saw Ellie crouching behind a display by herself. I turned back to Joel and nodded before carefully making my way over to her. We got there and got her to follow us. We were inching our way to the other side when the sound of glass crunching under a boot made my heart drop. I barely had time to glance up and see the Clicker jump onto Ellie. 
It had her pinned and she was doing her best to keep it away from her. I didn’t hesitate to aim my gun at it. I shot it once, twice before it stumbled off of her. Joel got her up and began rushing away with her. The Clicker stumbled for a moment before running at us once again. I fired at it again and again until it fell to the ground and I emptied two more rounds into its head. 
I thought we were clear. I couldn’t hear the other but as I glanced around me I realized that Tess was nowhere to be seen. Then I heard it, the other Clicker. It was running at us before Tess got to it. She hit it with a hatchet which stopped its advances on us as it turned toward her. Joel quickly grabbed his rifle and aimed at it. Within two shots to its head, it too went down. 
“Is everyone okay?” Joel asked. 
“Twisted ankle, but… yeah.” Tess spoke up first before turning to Ellie, “You alright?” 
“Well, I didn’t shit my pants, so…” She said but then rolled up her sleeve, “Well if it was gonna happen to one of us.” 
“Hey,” Tess spoke up once again, “Let's get the fuck out of here.”
She began walking towards the window to lead us out and Ellie followed. Joel hung back for a moment. 
“Are you okay?” 
I nodded knowing he meant if I was physically hurt, which I wasn’t. Tears began to well up in my eyes, quickly wiped them, and just turned to follow the other two out of here. Once we got out, Joel helped Tess wrap her ankle while I helped Ellie cover the wound on her arm.  As I tied off the bandage I could feel nausea creeping up my throat. I quickly but carefully hurried across the wooden planks to the other building where it was a bit more flat. I managed to get out of where they would be walking before dropping to my knees and hurling. 
Once I was done, I sat back, catching my breath. I felt something tap my shoulder and opened my eyes to see Joel offering me his water canteen. I took it with a small nod. 
“This is why you shouldn’t have come out here. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better. It’s still not too late to head back. You know the way back to the QZ from here.” He said gently, clearly trying to comfort me with his tone but his words did the complete opposite. 
I spit out the water I was using to get the nasty taste out of my mouth before turning to him. 
“You must be out of your damn mind if you think I am going back through there alone. I’ve never been out here by myself before. There ain’t no way in hell I am turning around and heading back by myself. I don’t care if you think it’ll get worse. You made it very clear this is my issue to deal with. If you’ve suddenly had a change of heart we can discuss it when we get back. We won’t be out here forever. We’ll get Ellie to the State House, get a truck, and then go to the radio tower to find Tommy. We’ll be gone a month, two months tops. I’m roughly 7-9 weeks is what the midwife said. So we will have plenty of time to discuss it then. Let’s just take care of this.” I said standing up and handing him back his canteen. 
“Wait, you’re pregnant?” Ellie asked from where she stood near Tess. 
“Yeah.” I sighed. 
“And you came out here?” She was clearly surprised by my choice. 
“Yup. Come let’s get moving.” I said, wanting the attention off of me. 
“Yeah, let’s go.” Tess said nodding and leading the way. 
We made our way to the edge of the building and from there you could see the golden top of the State House. 
“Is it everything you’d hope it’d be?” Joel asked her. 
“Jury’s still out. But, man, you can’t deny that view.” She said in awe. 
“No, no you can’t.” I agreed, stepping up beside her. 
“Come on, let’s try to get there before it gets dark.” Tess said before swinging herself around the edge of the rusty old fire escape ladder. 
I went to go next. 
“Should someone help her?” Ellie asked Joel. 
“I got it.” I reassured her. 
At least she genuinely cared. She followed behind me, and then Joel. We were pretty high up so it took a little while to climb all the way down. 
Tess kept leading the way to the State House. I couldn’t help but feel like she was walking a lot faster than we were earlier. She was also seemingly trying to keep her distance from us. Anytime we tried to catch up too much, she speed up a little more. I wasn’t sure why she was in such a rush all of a sudden. Yes, we were trying to get there before it got dark but we were making good time. 
When we finally made it, it was quiet. Too quiet. 
“Where the fuck are they?” Tess asked the question that we were all thinking. 
It was evident they had been here at some point seeing as there was one of their trucks parked out front still. They should be here. Joel went to check the cab of the truck. With his rifle in hand, he opened the passenger door and threw it open. Empty. However, I could see from where Tess, Ellie, and I were standing that there was blood splattered in the cab. Something had happened to them. Both Tess and I had our guns drawn ready to help Joel should he need it. He disappeared around the other side and when he didn’t signal us to follow or show up again we grew impatient and went to see what he had found. 
“What the fuck is going on?” Tess asked. 
“I don’t know.” He replied, staring at the empty truck. 
“They went inside.” 
We all turned to see what Ellie was talking about and sure enough there was a trail of blood leading up the steps. Then, without warning, Tess pushed pasted both Joel and me and grabbed Ellie by the arm, and began forcefully leading her up the stairs. 
“Come on!” She said to the girl. 
I turned to Joel to see if he had any clues about what just happened but he looked just as confused as I did. We both then followed after them. We were all shocked by what we found when we got inside. Everyone was dead. Tess looked panicked. 
“I mean there’s gotta be like a fuckin’ radio or somethin’, right?” She asked as she began to frantically look around. 
“Who killed them, FEDRA?” Ellie asked. 
“No,” Joel began as he rolled the body closet to him over with his foot, “One of them got bitten. The healthy ones fought the sick ones. Everyone lost.” 
I turned to see Tess still frantically looking around for something. “Tess, what’s going on?” “Where did Marlene say she was taking you?” She asked, ignoring my question and quickly approaching Ellie. 
“I- I don’t know. Just west.” 
“Just west.” She repeated to herself, “Fuck. Okay. Well, I mean, one of them’s gotta have a map on them right?” 
Joel and I continued to watch her. 
“Can you two help?” She snapped at us. 
“No! Tess… it’s over.” Joel said. 
“They wouldn’t risk having a map, Tess… I’m sorry.” 
“Come on. We’re going home.” Joel said. 
“That’s not my fucking home!” She yelled before taking a deep breath and standing back up, “I’m staying,” she said, much calmer, “I mean… our luck  had to run out sooner or later.” 
“Shit.” I whispered under my breath knowing what she meant. 
“She infected.” Ellie said. 
I watched Joel, wait to see how he would react. 
“Show me.” 
“Joel.” She went to take a step towards him only for him to take one back, away from her. 
With a sigh, she grabbed the collar of her shirt and jacket and pulled it down revealing the infection at the junctor of her neck and collarbone. I covered my mouth and tried to breathe slowly as I felt a wave of emotions hit me. We may not have always gotten along the greatest but I’ve been around her for so long now that seeing her infected still made me sad knowing this would be the last time we saw her. 
“Ellie take off your bandage.” She said. 
The girl did as she was told and to my surprise, her bite was already almost completely healed. Tess walked over to Ellie and grabbed her arm to show Joel. 
“This is real, Joel. She is real,” She then turned to me, “Promise you’ll get her to Bill and Franks.” 
“I don’t know the way.” I said shaking my head. 
“He’ll go with you. He would never let you go by yourself. He won’t have a choice but to go. So, please, promise me you’ll get her there. They’ll take her off your hands. They’ll handle it from there.” 
I was nodding gas Joel kept saying “no” and arguing that they wouldn’t take her, but Tess was adamant that they would. 
“Joel, this is your chance to set it all right. All the shit we did. Please say yes, Joel.” Tess pleaded. 
I was watching with teary eyes, not crying yet, waiting for him to agree. But before he got the chance to say anything an infected screeched. I immediately pulled Ellie to stand behind me and brought my gun out and shot it. Joel still hadn’t answered. Instead, he ran towards the door. I was about to ask him what the hell he was doing but as soon as he opened it I heard the snarls of a hoard of infected coming our way. When I shot that one it must have woken all the others nearby. 
“How many?” Tess asked. 
“All of them.” “How long?” I asked. 
“Maybe a minute.” 
My heart dropped. 
Everyone stood trying to think of something to do, knowing it was practically hopeless. Then, suddenly, Tess grabbed the rifle and walked over to one of the barrels. He knocked its cap off them and dumped its contents onto the floor. She did the same to two more. Then grabbed a basket of grenades and threw them down too. 
“What are you doing?” Ellie asked. 
“Making sure they don’t follow you.” Tess replied. 
When I realized what she was going to do, my heart broke a little. 
“Tess.” I began. 
“Don’t. Don’t cry me. We never really got along anyways.” SHe joked half heartedly. 
I laughed sadly and nodded. 
“Hey, take care of them and save who you can save.” She said. 
I nodded one last time before turning around. 
“Hurry, let's go.” I said, grabbing Ellie’s arm. 
“We can’t leave her!” She yelled. 
“We have to!” I yelled back, following Joel out of the building. 
We had made it less than a hundred yards when the explosion happened. We dropped to our knees for a brief second before standing back up and turning to face the building again. Joel and pulled out our guns, ready to shoot any infected that came our way. I could see them stumbling out of the building, on fire, but none came our way. When we decided we were as safe as we could be, we lowered our guns. I turned to Joel only to find him already staring back at me. Neither of us said a thing. There was nothing to be said. We just turned around and began walking away from the raging fire behind us. 
a/n: are y'all okay with this long of parts or would y'all rather me break them up into smaller bits?? So far for this and the last part I've been doing a full ep a part... so would yall rather me keep them shorter or are yall cool with longer ones like this??
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The show has popped off in a Really big way the last two episodes. Like, taking a critical lens to the series, season one was rushed but it got the job done and introduced the concept characters and major conflicts and had a lot of good moments with characters even if they were quick. That was all pretty clearly a result of them having to do rewrites when they had two episodes cut last minute.
But season two is just plain out Good, and with recent developments, it’s heading towards fucking amazing. The first couple episodes were slower to start but very good thematically, and the last two have, as far as I’m concerned, been off the wall bangers.
Like we are In it shit is happening This is the wheel of time. Before these two episodes I have been enjoying the show yes very much, but the last two episodes have made me the same level of Insane about this series as I was when I read the books a dozen times as a teenager.
The acting? Sharp as a tack. Character beats? Fucking showstopping, starting with Nynaeve’s accepted test through the most recent episode’s introduction of Aviendha.
And obviously, episode 2x04 daughter of the night you will always be famous. Lanfear changed the fucking game here, now that the forsaken are Really out to play this shit is absolutely going places.
The forsaken, the aiel, the seanchan, the aes sedai, the costumes, the sets, THE MUSIC, it is all working so well.
They’ve focused individual episodes on consecutive main characters and I cannot fucking WAIT for whatever they have in store for Mat, since his screen time has been sparing so far (other than the god tier decision to have him team up with Min, that was the first choice that made really go ‘oh this season is On to something here) it is Gonna Be Good. AND Siuan, she’s in the next episode I think???? I hope the last three episodes can keep up this momentum I am Absolutely psyched for the rest.
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kinkyintherealworld · 7 months
Sissification - a toxic construction of femininity or getting off on outdated social constructs?
Becca here. 😀
First… I LOVE THAT YOU STARTED THIS DISCUSSION!!!! Thank you so much @youngchastity - who wrote to us (and tagged us in a post) for some healthy discussion around the sissification kink. We’ve definitely had a few things to say about it on the podcast, as have our guests. You can read his post, that started this conversation, here
Rather than speak for both of us at @kinkyintherealworld, I’m going to jump in and answer this from my point of view.
@youngchastity I love your thoughts on gender - I totally agree. I actually reblogged a post by @necromimetics the other day that said: 
“can’t stop thinking about my friend’s cishet partner who said last night that he doesn’t think anyone is the same gender. god-tier take.”
And I agree - we’re all a wibbly-wobbly swirl of masculine, feminine, and everything in between energies, and everyone has their own unique blend. Trying to squash us into labels is lame as hell. 
I like to think I am never one to kink shame (keeping it safe, sane and consensual), and in world where I (and many other women) want to smash the patriarchy, I may be a bit more sensitive to kinks that look down on femininity - or that’s how I have perceived it to date. As someone who has struggled with gender equality issues in real life (your capitalism comment made me give a disgruntled, but amused, snort), it’s hard to not knee jerk react and feel like I need to defend womanhood/femininity. There is still a power imbalance in the world, and equality is still a goal yet to be achieved, but upon dissection, is in the bedroom, playing with kinks, even a place we need to bring this battle? A question that has been raised to me, even before your message.
It’s funny, because I have actually had your very points discussed with me, last fall with my partner, Misty (who if you have read my personal tumblr is trans-personality who enjoys both sides of the gender spectrum fluidly) - we were on a road trip discussing the two episodes you made note of in your post, episode #16 and #19. And Misty, like you, felt we were missing the mark. S/he felt that in no way does sissification for the purpose of humiliation somehow degrade/make fun of/make lesser femininity. For all the same reasons you stated. S/he and I actually talked about doing a podcast about it, to dive more into the topic, Misty felt that strongly. It should be noted that Misty is NOT into sissification or feminization for the purpose of humiliation, and still she felt that we gave the sissification kink a bum rap. 
Hearing her thoughts and yours, I think it is something that should be revisited and, for me personally, I need to take a closer look at why I find it uncomfortable.
Since you made such lovely points I want to try and address each one!
We’ve established that we both agree the trappings around what we consider to be masculine and feminine are made up (and ridiculous). I think, the kink we are talking about here is ultimately humiliation through outdated (but still most commonly accepted) societal norms. IF you get embarrassed about having those things stripped away, and “forced” into the opposite direction… good for you? I mean seriously, how fun is it to get off in weird and wonderful ways with someone who shares your kink from a slightly different perspective! The reality is, I believe, this isn’t hurting anyone. You want a person to lock up your dick, make fun of your little penis (your actual size is irrelevant), or put you in clothing that bends your mind with eroticism and makes you flustered with sexual need - awesome! Life is too short not to enjoy the kinks we have. The bigger question, if I want to dig into the piece that makes me feel uncomfortable is, “Is there misogyny in the specific kink?” - and the answer to that, for me upon reflection, is no. Misogyny comes from the person performing it. So yeah, some kinky things are done with TONS of misogynistic intent… but that isn’t concentrated in one area. Those assholes are everywhere.
To me, feminization is never something that goes hand-in-hand with sissification. My partner feminized himself (their pronouns are all over the place), in a loving way. To empower the feminine in himself. He has often described it as blooming or becoming a butterfly - his higher form of being. So no humiliation to be found, for either of us on either end. I find it hot as fuck when he is all dolled up. 
I haven't dipped my toes into the humiliation via feminization kink (...yet?), so it’s hard for me to wrap my dirty little mind around it. 
Weirdly I do have a bimbofication kink for myself… sometimes. 😁 If I am in a particular mood for the fantasy. I have never found the right time/partner/energy to explore that. Am I feeling humiliation when I go there? I don’t think so…? More the need to feel desired, trophied (yes I made up that word), and used in a deeply submissive way. I’m not embarrassed about that. ;)   I too would be interested in hearing from women who enjoy humiliating others through feminization/sissification, and how they feel about it. Awesome point! 😀
Celebrating feminization! Now that is my jam! 💗 Give me a soft cute boy, and let me make him weak with wanting to be pretty and obedient for me. To me this is a huge mind shift  - the key word “celebrating”, not shaming. Gosh, I could just sink into this topic like the perfect bubble bath. To me, this is a core element to gentle femdom. It is about making boys better… pretty, soft, sweet things that want to please - the D/s element being a key piece. The submissive to be absolutely loved and worshipped for their submission. No shame, not less than me, and certainly not shifting my own very feminine self. I love the feminine. I love to see it in men, and men embracing that side of themselves. Is this a form benevolent sexism? I don’t know. And more to the point, if I am engaging in it with my partners, writing about it on tumblr, and reblogging things that I enjoy around the topic, am I hurting anyone? Food for thought, but I am going to keep doing my thing. ;) I feel like you can look at BDSM here, and for those who wish to criticize it, could for its dynamics. But that feels like a giant, whole other post.    Another thing you mentioned in this point was the strapon, and it’s use as a symbol of power. I have never seen it that way. To me, it is my soul penis… and I love being able to be inside my partner(s). It is an act of love, and makes me want to bring them to amazing places of pleasure (while I get off too). I really don’t enjoy the pictures of women wearing strapons who look like they want to punish their partner with it. But that’s just me. I know lots of people must enjoy that because there is a shit ton of porn that looks that way.
Playing with gender. I like that - and I do it! I love being able to put on a penis!! I really enjoyed trying my hand at Drag King make up and going out as a boy (I’ll post my picture again). I LOVE seeing boys in make up and fucking gender norms right out the window. You said it in your post - gender is made up and stupid. So yeah, let’s play with it, and maybe even break the molds! Though then you’ll have to find something else to get embarrassed and turned on about. ;) Our kinks are about orgasms and pleasure. Let’s enjoy them. In the end, it is all about intent and the people doing it. Not about the kinks themselves. People who want there to be an imbalance of power between women and men will keep doing mean spirited things to keep that nightmare alive - in the streets and in the sheets.
I feel like I have answered your points (I may have jumped around a bit), and I don’t feel the need to argue any of them. Misty had already shone a light on where I may have not been seeing the bigger picture. 
I am SO HAPPY you wrote us a message, and that you took the time to write out your thoughts (that can be read here). So sorry it took me a while to see it and respond! I am always up for conversation and debating (with kindness) any of the points. 
I definitely feel this topic should be a podcast. Any chance you'd like to be on it @youngchastity? ;) 
Hugs! Becca
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gothamusing · 5 days
THE PENGUIN, EPISODE ONE. a collection of memes derived from episode one of the penguin series, for roleplaying purposes. feel free to edit as you see fit. do not steal. (18+).
i see you've made yourself at home.
what the fսck are you talking about?
you got some big shoes to fill.
you think i'm an idiot?
we keep a stash in the loft if you want a hit.
that's not why i'm here.
you know what i like most about you? you are who you are. you couldn't change if you tried.
i'm talking about revolutionizing the game.
fuck. look at you salivating.
this is power, right?
when i was kid, there was a gangster, real old-school type. he was a big deal.
you want me to be like some small-time asshоlе?
this is your dream!
you really think people'd make a float of your dumb face and march it down the street, chanting your goddamn name?
what a little bitch.
you messed with the wrong fucking guy on the wrong fucking night!
jesus, take a breath.
hey, look at me.
how far do you think you'd get?
you and me, we're in this together now.
look what you fucking made me do.
you're gonna do everything i say.
i feel better. you feel better?
you ever been to that corner mart, next to the... uh, coin-o-matic?
they still sell those slush puppies?
you alone?
i need an alibi. ideally, for the whole night.
sounds like we had fun.
i asked for extra pickles, and they give me two? so what, a normal amount of pickles is one? makes no goddamn sense.
the smart play here is to kill you and stuff you in the trunk with stinky, be done with both of youse.
if you step out of line just once, i swear to god, I'll gut you like a fսcking fish. do you understand?
we ain't got a lot of time.
we all got our own vices.
nine times out of ten, these top-tier guys wanna meet face-to-face to feel big, so i make myself small, they feel better about themselves, and i get to go back to work.
i'm messing with you.
maybe look for your sense of humor. it's gotta be here somewhere.
so, uh, we got something to celebrate, or what?
this is my operation, you can't just shut it down.
there's blood in the water, everyone knows it.
the last thing we need is a god damn gang war!
you will do as you're told.
you're free to leave.
at the end of the day, this is all about money, right?
it's good to see you.
you've really moved up in the world, haven't you?
we're long overdue for a catch-up, you and me.
let's get a bite to eat.
my father used to bring me here when i was a kid. he paid me to keep my elbows off the table.
you think they're wondering if it's really me?
what did the gazette call me?
if only i'd been a dutiful daughter.
are you nervous?
i'd hate for you to feel nervous around me.
despite what you might think, i don't blame you.
how do you know about his plan, and why on earth would you pitch it as your own?
he's keeping us both in the dark, and i don't know why.
he's got a penchant for drops. and booze and gambling. i'm pretty sure he's got a sеx thing, too.
i was actually drowning my sorrows with my lady friend last night.
i doubt anything will turn up, but it's worth a shot.
i'm probably just being crazy.
thanks for lunch, i'll get the next one.
you know. people underestimate you, but not me.
i've always known you were capable of more.
scan the code. see gotham's true face.
get the fuck outta here.
i ain't never taken anyone here before.
what're you doing here?
what do you mean what am i doing here? i came to see you.
i got you something. come here.
what did you do?
wait. was i expecting you?
we're gonna leave town for a while.
someone's here.
will you tell me first what i did to lose your respect?
it ain't safe for you here. you understand?
why'd you shoot him?
now, can we go please?
it was impulsive. it was stupid. is that what you wanna hear?
jesus, i'm trying to take care of you.
i can't risk it.
i can't risk you.
look at me.
don't you see, dear? what you did wasn't impulsive. it was instinctual.
you're so close now to having everything you ever wanted, everything you deserve.
this city is meant to be yours, sweetheart.
i've been where you are.
they don't even know what they got, 'cause they always had it.
i wanna offer my services to you and your family.
oh, you wanna throw stones?
from where i sit, and where you sit, i don't think you're in a position not to hear me out.
i could give you everything you need.
revenge don't come easy.
he was a dirty rat.
he played us both for fools.
but he's dead, and i'm here now, and i'm offering you the opportunity of a lifetime.
i know a lot more than people think.
you and me, we can tear down their fսcking empire from the inside out.
what is it you're really after?
i know who you are. i know what you are.
i don't work with people whose loyalty is for sale.
you think i forgot all the times you schmoozed me and my boys just to turn around and fսck us?
look, i can see you're upset. trust takes time. but this ain't bullshit.
it's good seeing you. you look good.
it's a terrible feeling, isn't it?
i just wonder how you see me.
that's what you wanted, right?
you are so good at talking your way out of things.
it's just you and me now, okay?
am i crazy?
tell me that i'm too emotional, and that i have an overactive imagination, and that i shouldn't take things so personally.
what the fuck is this?
you did good today.
didn't we agree the head alone would be the most poetic, and the pinky, the cherry on top?
yeah. at least (blank) got the message.
from here on out, there's no more playing it safe.
i'm gonna run this goddamn city.
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skunaskitten · 1 year
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The Affair ch 8
AU: human ceo sukuna x female reader
contains: smut, fluff, crying, flirting, shower fingering
Summary: sukuna had finally got you back into his life the two of you could not stay away from eachother. All the time spent your heart could not stay away and everything seemed batter again until he asked you a question. So now you were going to start your new life.
Master list to other stories
chapter 7 ch8 chapter 9 end
 You slowly opened your eyes seeing the sun through your room but you didn't want to get out of bed. Your head hurt a little, your eyes still felt tired and drained. Just wanting to stay in bed but the memory of last night had come flooding your mind. You sat up slowly to look at the rest of your bed not seeing sukuna. You wondered if he left already getting what he wanted, making your heart drop.
 Keeping your head in your hands then hearing the door open a smile filled your face. Sukuna never left. He went to the kitchen to make tea as he saw you and stayed quiet placing your cup down on your bedside table then sat in front of you. You finally looked at him, seeing the tiered bags under his eyes the same as you. A slight smile formed on your face taking the cup from your table.
 "Make sure you drink all of it. This will help with your head ache." He raised a hand to your face and cupped your cheek rubbing his thumb across the spot under your eye as you started drinking your tea. "Darling we should get more sleep unless you want me gone. I respect your decision for what I have done."
 You pulled the cup away from your lips looking at him then set it on the table and moved to wrap your arms around his neck pressing your naked body against him. "Please stay."
 Sukuna smirked and rubbed your back saying "yes I will stay but I want more sleep. I sleep better with you. But only after you drink your tea." You pulled away, giving him a smile then started to drink your tea again still staying close to him. 
 He watched you drink all of it then quickly pulled the cup away from you and placed it onto your table so he could pull you close to him laying down back onto the bed. You instantly cuddled against his bigger frame feeling relaxed and safe with him. Your hand rubbed against his arm as it trailed down to his wrist and when you remembered about the bracelet you bought him your heart felt sad feeling him not wearing it anymore.
 "Ryomen. Do you not have the bracelet anymore?"
 You were worried about his answer as he held you and let out a hum. 
 "I still have a sweetheart. I took it off because I felt like I didn't deserve to wear it any more. Trust me I hated to take it off. But I have it on my bedside table so I looked at it every night when I went to bed or woke up."
 You gave him a hum then nuzzled your face into his chest. It didn't take long for the two of you to fall back asleep.
 When you did wake up and look over to sukuna seeing him staring around the room. You smiled then went to close your eyes pretending to sleep. He looked over to you eyes full of love then pressed his lips to your cheek saying "my beautiful love."
 You opened your eyes and quickly turned to face him pressing your lips to his saying "my kuna love."
 Sukuna pulled away looking at you with a big smile then stretched out his body. "Sweetheart, we should get up and have some food. Then we can go back to bed."
 You smiled and got up seeing yourself still naked as sukuna roamed his eyes over your body then licked his lips. A giggle escapes from you. "Want to join me in the shower?" He quickly shifted out of the bed and picked up his shirt to cover his manhood then followed you into the bathroom. 
 As you turned on the water to the perfect temperature sukuna walked up behind you and pressed his lips to your shoulder closing his eyes. "I am sorry. I still feel guilty for everything and I still feel like I don't deserve it."
 You turned around and held his face between your hands seeing the hurt in his eyes. "Ryomen. I love you. Just please promise to never stop loving me."
 He smirked then smashed his lips against yours then pulled you into the shower. The quiet shower quickly turned into you moaning with your head laid back against his shoulder. His fingers curled inside you pumping his two thick fingers inside rubbing against your plush walls. His other hand gripping your thigh spreading your legs open for him. His lips sucked and licked across your neck making you gasp out a moan of his name. 
 He could feel your walls clench around his finger as you dug your nails into his wrist. "Ryomen!"
Sukuna felt the cream on his fingers while he pumped through your release. "That's a good girl." He pulled them out from you and stuck them into his mouth tasting your cran then wrapped his arms around your body. "My heart. My beautiful."
 You smiled and turned your face to place a kiss to his cheek saying "sukuna let's make lunch."
 After leaving the room you made sandwiches for lunch and stayed out in the living room to eat and watch movies. It was finally just the two of you cuddling on the couch but the sound of his phone ringing disturbed the time. He groaned, pulling out his phone and saw it was satoru. 
 "What? I am busy." He answered with an annoyed boss tone. Not with the sweet passionate voice he gives you this voice was cold.
 "I am. Yes, with her." He looked at you for a moment then said "I had plans but I guess I can come in. No, you always make things weird. I am coming."
 He hung up and sighed looking away from you. "I need to go to work." You gave him a pout and sad eyes.
 Sukuna stood up looking at your door for a minute then he quickly turned to you and crouched down to your level. He held your face between his hands and smiled at you. "Y/n do you love me?" You looked over his face and eyes saying "of course I do sukuna."
 He smiled wide and said "come live with me."
 You looked at him shocked by his words. It wasn't a question, it was a demand. "Ryomen. When do you want me to move in?"
 Sukuna gave you a wide smirk then quickly put his arms under your legs and around your back picking you up into his arms saying "today."
 He brought you into your room and placed you on the bed making you giggle. You watched him starting to go through your clothes looking at the bras and panties then watched as he started to drop clothes onto the bed. 
"Sukuna, I can do this myself."
He ignored you going through your closet pulling out the rest of your clothes and dropping them on your bed. You let out a sigh then slid off the bed to bring out a duffle bag and began to pack. He came up beside you placing the red dress into one of the bag saying "you will need this."
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 You were back in his car with the back seat full of your stuff that you needed for a few days. But he had already told you that he will have your stuff all in by tomorrow. You just tried to bring the important things for the night.
 As you got closer to his house remembering the sex and moments, nerves started to set in you. Worrying that he could still be lying to you and still seeing his now ex wife. All the memories started to come back. When the car parked in the garage tears filled your eyes and you quickly grabbed his hand just as he was about to leave the car. He looked over at you seeing you staring off away from him.
"You alright?" You whimpered and said "ryomen did you really leave her? Are you just using me again?"
 You took a look at him seeing the hurt on his face and the worry in his eyes. You can see him starting to panic as he opened his mouth to speak but didn't. It makes you worry and start to cry thinking he is lying to you again. 
"Please don't lie to me ryomen. Please stop using me."
 Sukuna pulled his hand away then opened his door and closed it leaving you alone in the car without a word. Your hands covered your face trying to hide yourself from the world but then your door opened. You looked over to see sukuna crouching into your side and unbuckled you from your seat. He snaked an arm around your body pulling you out with no words said. 
You tried to pull away but then he pulled you tighter against him putting his lips against your ear. "You need to be a good girl or there will be consequences."
 His deep velvet voice purred against your ear sending a shiver through you as you just let him pick you up and carry you inside. He just walked straight through the home and went into his bedroom throwing you down on his bed. You let out a small yelp and looked at him surprised at his action then watched as his eyes scanned over the empty space between your legs.
 A blush filled your cheeks thinking it was a bad time to wear a skirt, so you closed your legs but he growled and crawled over the bed. He grabbed your knees and spread your legs open as he trailed his hands over your thighs lifting the skirt. Your cheeks were so red you could feel how warm they were. All he did was chuckle and smirk at your reaction.
"Be a good girl, let me eat. I am still hungry. You didn't give me enough food."
 He didn't waste time to hook his fingers around your panties and pulled them down as you lifted your hips making it easier for him to pull them off. How easy it was for you just to let him do anything to you all because you love this man so much.
 Sukuna chuckled seeing the wetness on the fabric then stuck them into his pants pocket. "A reminder for me at work that I come home to you."
 You watched him dive down between your legs holding your thighs down and licked between your folds. A moaned escape from you immediately. Feeling him swirl his tongue around your clit then suck on it making you lay your body back onto the pillows. You wanted to feel so much more inside you but he wasn't putting any fingers in you. It's just his tongue bringing you closer to your release.
 You lifted your hips against him trying to get more friction from his mouth, sukuna then let out a growl against you sending a vibration against your clit. "Ryomen..don't stop!"
 The orgasm came fast without any warning, your body snapped just wanting to release already. Your fingers gripped his hair as you balled it up into your fist and yelled out his name creaming into his mouth.
 Sukuna pulled away with a growl fronm the pain of his hair not even bothering to clean you up but licked his mouth clean giving you a smug smirk. You gaze down to his pants seeing the strain behind the fabric holding down the thickness of him, as you whimpered wanting him to fill you up.
 "Oh, does baby girl want this?" He asked, rubbing his hand over his bulge. "You can get this later when I come back. But only if you are a good girl. I don't want to hear any word of my ex coming from you." 
 He walked over to his closet taking off his shirt then put on a fresh red dress shirt and placed a black vest over it.
"When I come back I better see you in my bed the way I left you wanting me and naked. Do I make myself clear?"
 You gulped, staring at him and gave him a nod as his smirk grew and said "that a good girl."
 "I will be back soon, my love. Be safe and call me if anything happens or if you need me to come home."
 And just like that, sukuna flips from his dominant side to his sweet caring side as he walks over to you and places a kiss on your forehead saying "I love you beautiful."
 When he left you sat there collecting your thoughts of what just happened. Since he is gone and this was going to be your new home you thought it would be a good time to figure out where you are going to put everything and ask him later of the thoughts.
 You felt sticky between your legs as you got off the bed and walked around his room then noticed the bracelet you gave him. Picking it up and running your fingers over it your heart ached seeing that he did place it on his bedside table. The fact that he left it there for days as a reminder of how much he hurt you, wanting to make himself suffer.
 After placing it back down you went to his dresser seeing the pictures were gone but there was one still left face down thinking the worst. You went to lift it up seeing the picture making your heart flutter. The picture is of you kissing his cheek not even looking at the camera and him with a wide smile looking at the camera but half his face is covered  just trying to get you in most of the photo. 
 Tears filled your eyes as you held it in your hands then went to sit on the bed looking at it. He felt so ashamed that he hid this from himself. You wondered how many times he hurt to see it.
 You calmed yourself down, drying some tears as you set the photo next to the bracelet and went to continue to look around the room. The dresser was only filled with his things, not one trace of any woman. You wondered if it was always like this or if his ex's things were here as well right in front of you the last time you were in this room.
 Spotting some silver little packages you giggle and pull them out seeing the condoms. He never used one with you so why did he have them? As you went through the rest of the dresser you found spaces that were empty just for you. You decided to check his closet next.
 The closet was mainly filled with his nice dress shirts, pants and shoes. Lots of many colors of his liking and styles that look so handsome on him. A smile filled your face trailing your fingers over the suits feeling them.
 Another thing that caught your eye in his room was a white robe kimono hanging against the wall. You walked over looking at it then took it off the hook putting it on seeing how big it is. You had to hold it up to keep your feet from stepping on it and tripping yourself but this gave you an idea.
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 Satoru could see how happy sukuna looked and went back to his normal self. You did change him for the better.
"So your lady. Is she doing good?"
 Sukuna looked at his computer and said "she is good, why?"
 His friend smile walking over saying "did you two fuck it out after you left the club?"
 Sukuna sighed and went back to typing on his computer. "You know you are very annoying. Let me get this done quickly so I can go back home to her. She is alone at my house, probably begging the world for me to come home."
 Gojo smiled wide and leaned over the desk. "Oh so she is living with you now. Or you know, just begging for you to cum." 
Sukuna tried to ignore him but he was still standing there.
 Gojo slightly turned away saying "you know now that yami is gone you've been having a competition between the women in here. Have you noticed?"
"Nope. Don't care." Sukuna said coldly and bluntly.
 "Well just so you know we are going to need another assistant here to fill her place. Maybe we can promote someone here."
 Sukuna looked up from his work and closed the laptop and crossed his arms leaning back in the leather chair. 
"What are you hinting at?"
 Satoru turned to face his boss and leaned back over the table. "You can choose me or choose one of the ladies begging for your attention; they think you are single and lonely."
 "I guess I have no choice but to give you the spot. Are you sure nanami doesn't need you?"
 Gojo threw his hand saying "he can handle it plus he would rather be alone. I will go ahead and take the office. Thank you boss."
 He was about to walk away when sukuna told him to stop. "Yes boss."
 "I need to bring me another desk in here, a nice one and also another computer. Along with a small shoji. Please."
 Gojo smirked and said "what are you planning?"
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 After the work was done it was already nightfall and he felt bad for leaving you alone so long. He had told you it was just going to be a quick thing. 
 Luckily he took the other car so you can still have your stuff to go through and set up but he would rather just go and cuddle you all night. When he got home leaving the garage and locked it, he went inside and noticed how quiet it was. The kitchen light was on but there was no sign of you. He began to worry thinking you had left him.
 "Sweetheart! I am home!" There was no answer, making his heart  beat faster. 
 He quickly walked to his bedroom door seeing it cracked open but hearing a moan of his name made him stop. You were still here and pleasuring yourself to him. 
 A devilish smile grew on his face as he quietly walked over and opened the door to see you. With legs spread, naked, wearing his kimono and fingers plunged inside of yourself. 
 You felt eyes on you as you looked over seeing sukuna standing in the doorway. "Sukuna!"
 You pulled your fingers out and sat up covering yourself with the fabric of his kimono. "I am sorry. I-". He held up a hand signaling you to stop talking as he chuckled and walked in closing the door then locked it.
 He took slow walks to the bed while unbuttoning his vest, tossing it onto the dresser then started to undress his shirt all while keeping eye contact with you. 
"Did I say for you to stop? I see you've been a good girl waiting here till I get back."
 You gulped watching him peel off the shirt and tossing it with his vest. Your eyes roamed over his delicious body, full of muscle and the black markings to his skin. 
 "Spread them." He demanded you with a lustful deep velvet tone of his voice and you did as you were told. Laying back on his bed going back to please yourself.
 You could hear the sound of his belt and zipper then a groan sounded from him. Curious you looked over to see him stroking himself. His thick, already swollen cock in his hand as he watched you. Seeing him like this always makes you so wet so easily.
"Hmm ryomen." You moaned out his name trying to get your fingers deeper. "Ryomen. Sukuna." 
"Who is my good girl?" 
"I am kuna. I am your good girl. Only yours." 
 Though you stopped and pulled your fingers out from yourself as he watched you sit up taking the kimono off and crawl over to the edge of the bed in front of him. You then grabbed his wrist making him stop and release himself. Sukuna watched you take over, your hand grabbed him as he sucked in a breath. 
 You licked your lips and leaned forward opening your mouth taking his tip between your lips and swirled your tongue around the head of his cock. Tasting his leaking tip as he moaned and placed a hand to run his fingers through your hair. You went down deeper taking him further and started to suck him while you jerked the rest of him. 
 "Fuck. I love this pretty mouth of yours on my cock."
 You hummed to his response then you surprised him by moving your hand off the base of him and slid him deeper into your mouth slowly. His eyes widened and tried to keep his hips from thrusting and hurting you but you feel so good.
 He let out a growl of a moan as he closed his eyes but then you pulled away releasing him from your mouth with a slight pop.
"Ryomen I want you to save your load inside my womb. Fill me up with your seed."
 You watched his eyes grow dark as you giggled and turned your back to him getting on your hands and knees wanting him to fuck you from behind.
 Sukuna had you with your face down into his pillow, a moaning mess as you pushed back against him. Getting him deeper, feeling his powerful thrust. 
"Look at you such a slut for me like this. You just can't get enough."
 All you could do was moan and give him a yes as he could feel your walls squeezing around him. "Cream my cock darling." You raised up on your hands and yelled out his name slamming yourself back against him while he gave a last few thrusted gripping your hips tightly and released his load. 
 But he pulled out halfway through letting the cum drip onto the bed. 
 "Don't think we are done yet. Sweetheart, I am taking you in all the positions. Going to make sure you are filled up for days and sore."
 He let you be on top this time of round. It's one of your favorite positions and he knows this because he could feel how deep he goes and sees it on your face. When your eyes roll back when he thrusts up hitting that good spot.
 His thumb made quick circles on your clit while you rode him, rolling your hips with the other hand on your hip. 
"Darling I'm close again."
 "Kuna..Kuna." all you could say was chants of his name and loves the nickname from you. It's only special from you for him. 
 You found your release a second time it was quick but his thrust stopped keeping him from cumming again. He looked at you with a smirk and said "lay on your back I want to make love to you now."
 You smiled and felt the pressure of him leave you as he grunted feeling the way your walls sucked him. Sukuna leaned on his side following you as you laid on your back and he slipped his waist between your legs crawling on top. 
 And he sticks to his promise of making love to you. His thrust was slow at first, giving you a passionate kiss to your lips leading to a passionate make out. Every spot against your velvet walls being rubbed by the thickness of him made you moan into his mouth. 
He pulled his mouth away and placed his lips to your neck giving light bites and sucks to your skin for sure to leave a mark to show you belong to him just as he belongs to you.
 "Sukuna faster harder please."
 You begged for him and he gave you what you wanted. His thrust got harder and faster. His moans were deep and loud. With each thrust pushing against the spot inside you feeling your warm walls tighten and your nails digging into his back. Feeling the way your body began to squirm under him with moans of his name. 
"Cum for me beautiful." 
 When that blissful pleasure snapped you yelled out and pulled him against you. 
"Ryomen! Sukuna! Ahh fuck!"
 Sukuna snapped his hips and with a hard pound into you his milky seed painted your walls. "Y/n!" He moaned out your name. 
 He couldn't help but to collapse onto you still inside pulling him happily into your embrace. Sukuna moved his face to look into your eyes just as he pulled out from you but stayed nuzzled between your thighs. 
 The love and passion could be felt between you both. His eyes began to water as yours did too. "Y/n I love you so much. You are all I could ever want and all I need."
 He pressed his forehead to yours and closed his eyes as you did the same but then you felt something wet drop on your cheek. He was crying.
 You moved your arms to place your hands to cup his face and moved him back to see him. His eyes wet, making your heart break. No man has cried for you or in front of you. Tears filled your eyes as they quickly escaped. "Ryomen I love you with all my heart please don't cry."
 He went to hide his face in your neck saying "I fell so deeply in love with you. That all I did to you I know you can never forgive me. I am worried that one day you will be gone from my life. I thought I lost you forever. The first woman who showed me love and I fucked it up. I hate myself for who I am and what I did. The guilt is eating me. But nothing can compare to what you must have felt the day I watched your heart break."
 You quickly moved his face from your neck and smashed your lips against his, shutting him up for a moment then pulled away leaving him quiet. "Kuna, I love you. And I am here now. I am not going anywhere. Let's just get some rest. I am pretty worn out."
 Your hands caressed his cheek and wiped under his eyes with your thumb as he did the same to you. He gave you a smile and nuzzled  against your neck as you hugged him tight. 
 You didn't know when you fell asleep but when you woke up in the morning still in his bed you smiled. You laid against his pillows soaking in his scent and the comfort of his home. You looked over at the bedside table seeing the bracelet was gone but the picture stayed there.
 The door opened revealing sukuna walking in just dressed in his sweatpants and no shirt carrying a plate. A smile plastered on his face as he walked over, you could smell  breakfast and your eyes trailed to his wrist where the bracelet wrapped around.
"Morning darling. I made you breakfast." 
 You sat up and saw the plate he set down in front of you the messy pancakes he made with whip cream and strawberries. A giggle escaped from you and picked up the fork poking at the pancakes. "They look a little burnt."
He hummed and said "if they taste bad I can make them again."
 You took a bite and let out a satisfying hum and said " they are good." He gave you a bright happy smile then pressed his lips to your forehead and left the room to let you eat.
 Later that day sukuna had some of his close friends collect the rest of your stuff and bring it to his house. It's official that you are finally living with him. Sukuna had helped you get out of the contract for renting in the apartments since it was not over, he had made sure he made that person feel scared. You helped with bringing in the smaller boxes and you finally met someone sukuna knew. Gojo satoru and nanami kento. Gojo seemed to annoy sukuna and nanami very much as he took your hand and placed a kiss on your knuckle saying "pleasure to meet the future queen of our company."
 You blushed with a giggle as sukuna let out a sigh then pulled you back against him scowling at his friend. After everything was brought inside you started to unpack everything placing things in their new spot with sukuna's help. 
 But  seeing a call from gojo sukuna  smiled then walked off a little to talk alone. After the call he looked over to you and hung up saying, "Hey sweetheart, I need to tell you something."
 You turned your attention fully to him wondering what he was going to say. He crouched down to your level taking your hands into his holding them and running his thumb over your fingers. "My love come work with me. I got you a spot inside my office as my personal assistant. I feel bad for you losing your job so I want to at least make it up to you."
You gave him a smile and said "I thought you wanted to be my sugar daddy."
 He raised his eyebrows not expecting you to say that. "I uhh I mean I don't mind. But I thought you liked working. If you want to be spoiled then that is what my queen gets."
 A laugh left you as you went to hug him. He is so cute when he is at a loss for words. But you would like to work for his company, being next to him getting to see what he does. Plus you didn't know what to do alone besides just reading and hanging out with your friends.
"Kuna, I would love to work with you. More time to spend together."
 He smiled at you saying "good you will start tomorrow. But for right now let's go get some chicken wraps for dinner."
 Sukuna wrapped his arms around you then picked you up to carry you to the room as you giggled and held onto him. After getting dressed and going out to get the wraps sukuna had driven to the lookout spot near his home. 
 You had a blissful slow round of love making in his car in the same spot that night basking in his warmth with music playing in the background that you both are not even paying attention to.
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I am finally happy to give you guys the reader getting back with sukuna.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Oh. My. God.
I've been going through your bruceharvey content and I'm now obsessed. Gomez and Morticia dynamics are already top tier, but the way you describe Harvey and Bruce has me frothing at the mouth.
I keep thinking about that scene but with Harvey "I would die for him, I would kill for him. Either way what bliss" Dent and Bruce "Last night you were unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again" Wayne.
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(live footage of me finding my own business and then finding bruceharvey)
God they make me feel aggressive affection. They're so cute I wanna punch a wall!
Can't stop thinking about how the Justice League would react to them. (Personally, I think Clark would find them cute until he hears them flirting with each other and wouldn'tbe able to look Bruce in the eyes for weeks).
Would they be shocked or freaked out that not only is Batman a father, he's married to a villain that essentially worships the ground he walks on? Their reactions to seeing how obessed the two are with each other...
Gonna be thinking about them relentlessly, so thank you.
OH MY GOD, PEACH! THAT QUOTE FOR BRUCE! YES! Bruce needs his men a little (completely) feral, otherwise what's the point.
If he doesn't feel entirely devoured, he can't do anything. A love that doesn't shatter him is not a love he understands.
Harvey is completely, irrevocably, at his best when he's a devoted husband, a walking monument of worship for Bruce specifically; If Bruce is a cross, then Harvey's the loving, blind kiss on it. Very big " You're the only faith I know" energy AS HE SHOULD
And listen, -- even if they're not romantically involved, Clark and Bruce are best friends;
Clark is embarrassed to be in the same room as Harvey because Bruce 10000% pulls him in for rapid fire kisses all over his face, until Harvey's a dopey, blank brained mess.
Very much cartoon kisses that leave you with hearts floating around. Traumatised Billy multiple times. Harvey has no shame and will catcall Bruce while being arrested, by him or otherwise.
Make no mistake; If Batman arrests Two-Face, Bruce Wayne bails his husband out not even 3 hours later, " Oh, my husband is a sweetie, Jimmy. He wouldn't do that. Can't we forget this just this once?"
A specific trait of Morticia and Gomez is that they fuck 25/7, or they're ferally horny for eachother, and these two embody that very well. Diana caught these two sharing kisses and sweet words on phone calls. They'll never leave her brain.
Hal is so insufferable with it, '' aw. Someone misses his honey bunny"
Bruce is confused, naturally, -- I call him darling, and sweetheart, and definetly honey, but not bunny. That's how he calls me. Weather or not Bruce weaponizes his social ineptness and is just fucking with Hal is up to you!!!
OLiver. Man. I'm BEGGING for Oliver and Harvey to have '' you should divorce him" sister in law and " if your sister comes over for thanksgiving I'm jumping in a highway" husband dynamic
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