#the last one for a good while I do want to focus on other stuff honestly…
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 18 hours ago
Blurb Countdown To Daredevil: Born Again
1 Day: I Know The End -Phoebe Bridgers "either way, we're not alone/i'll find a new place to be from." SFW Matt finds you on the floor of the kitchen and the two of you talk. note: alright guys, here it is! one last blurb. i'm gonna tell y'all a quick story: for a number of years (an embarrassingly long time) i was in a bad relationship, and eventually, it was over and i was left with no interests of my own. for months, i floated around, not seriously interested in anything. and then, right before i started college, i watched daredevil. and suddenly, for the first time in years, i felt like myself again, because there was an interest i had, and it was mine, and now i have a daredevil tattoo and am gonna go to law school, so. i kinda owe my entire life to this show and whatever happens tomorrow, i will continue to love this show, and i dont know, i guess this is just a love letter to my anxiety about born again and to everyone who's ever read a fic of mine (because all i ever wanted was for someone to read the stuff i write) and uh,, yeah. happy one day until daredevil: born again !!!! see you guys on the other side :) countdown masterlist
You’ve found yourself here before.
Sitting on a cold floor, the night quiet. There’s just you, and the sound of the shower running from the other room.
Your fingers drum against the tiles, a nervous tic you’ve found yourself doing ever since you were young.
You’re all alone in this kitchen. You study every last inch of it, like you’ll never see it again. Your heartbeat is loud, thumping against your chest, erratic, like something is wrong.
Is something wrong?
You close your eyes, trying to focus. Breath, you tell yourself. Nothing is wrong. Is something wrong?
You barely hear the footsteps before you feel the warmth next to you.
You open your eyes and there’s Matt. He looks perfect.
You tilt your head.
He looks.. different.
You smile.
“Now, what’re we doing on the floor at this hour, sweetheart?” He wonders.
The words tumble out of your mouth before you can think about them,
“I missed you.”
He smiles gently. His hair is still damp from the shower. So is his beard. He wears this old Columbia crewneck and his boxer briefs. His knees are covered in icy hot. His knees are not what they were ten years ago.
“I missed you too.” He tilts his head, “Why are you so anxious?”
You just look at him for a good, long while. You’re thinking. You’re thinking about him, thinking about how much you love him, thinking about how much he’s done for you.
“I don’t know,” You breathe, “I just.. have this really distinct feeling that after tomorrow, nothings going to be the same.” You confess. And you have no idea why.
Matt’s hand finds yours.
“I’ll still be here.”
You smile.
“I know.” You sigh, unable to shake this feeling. “I’m just trying to enjoy the quiet before the storm.”
Matt’s not even sure there will be a storm, since tomorrows supposed to be a normal day���
He’ll go into the office, with Foggy and Karen. Maybe they’ll go to Josie’s together, and everything will be fine.
So why do you feel this overwhelming dread?
Because what if it’s wonderful? What if it’s the best day of your life?
“I’ll be here no matter what happens,” And a part of you knows he’s just trying to comfort you, that he has it under good authority that nothing bad will happen, and that he’ll still be here after tomorrow, even if you feel like everything is going to come crashing down.
“I love you.” You breathe, resting your head on his shoulder. Your hand finds his, lacing your fingers together.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He answers instantly, because loving you is like breathing to him.
Silence falls over the two of you like a warm blanket.
“What’re we gonna do if tomorrow is the end of the world?” You wonder, partially because you’re still worried and partially because you’re just curious about what he’ll answer.
“I think we should fuck.” And it makes you laugh, and he starts to laugh too, “No, I’m serious!”
“You’re ridiculous, that’s what you are.”
“Oh yeah?” He grins, and then his hands are on your hips as you yell out a, ‘Matthew!’, and suddenly you’re sitting on his lap as he leans against the kitchen cabinets. “Maybe its just you. You drive me crazy.”
You roll your eyes.
“Stop flirting with me just because I’m anxious.”
“I’m not flirting with you just because you’re anxious,” He smirks, “I’m flirting with you because you’re pretty.”
“Not because I’m anxious?”
“No,” He shakes his head, “I have you sitting on my lap because you’re anxious,” He hums.
“I thought you had me on your lap because you think I’m pretty,”
“You’re overthinking this.” He says, his hand coming up to brush some hair from your face, “And I don’t ‘think’ you’re pretty, you are pretty.” He reminds.
“You don’t have to flirt me,” You tell him, “You already have me.”
He shrugs.
“I like flirting with you,” He hums, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
You kiss back, because just for a moment, your brain quiets.
What were you even worried about?
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Y'all because joy is an act of resistance and so, apparently, is doing science while being a woman...
I AM SO HAPPY. I recently just got over a couple weeks of back to back illnesses, BUT had the delightful combination of recovering just in time for Fool's Spring (the fakeout unseasonably sunny/warm days in the PNW before the final boss music of winter starts playing) (it gives us a stamina boost to get through the rest of it before real spring), AND getting my first ever telescope in.
So I set it up last night and tonight. No idea what I'm doing because all of my research means nothing until I get my hands on the thing. Last night couldn't use my 9mm lens piece for shit, but I used the 30mm to find some pretty jaw-dropping things.
TONIGHT THOUGH??? TONIGHT???? Let my 5yo stay up late. We saw everything on my list (which wasn't a LOT being an absolute beginner using my telescope in my backyard in a city without really any idea what I'm doing,,,, but still wonderful). I'm especially proud to say I got some good use out of the 9mm which last night I couldn't even focus to see ANYTHING. My list:
Pleiades ✅
Orion nebula ✅✅✅
Jupiter and moons ✅✅✅✅✅✅
Saw Venus ✅✅ -- easy to spot, obv, bright as fuck, BUT I DID NOT KNOW that it has PHASES????????!!!!! I actually wasn't trying to look at it very closely because I was like "yeah it's gonna be a bright as fuck dot probably but let's focus on it and adjust the scope/lens piece to help me find stuff later tonight" and it was A HALF MOON SHAPE?!?!!!;;??!:_#$+(; I DIDN'T KNOW THAT????? WHY IS IT LIKE THAT?????? WHAT IS IT DOING??????? IT. HAS. PHASES. IT IS A ROCK OUT IN SPACE. I'M ON A ROCK OUT IN SPACE. WE'RE TWO ROCKS OUT IN SPACE DOING SPACE SHIT AND STUFF OUT HERE AND WHAT THE FUCK! Apparently it's one of the only planets besides Mercury that has phases?!?!!
And like almost by ACCIDENT -- but like accidentally on purpose, like I was TRYING TO do this but didn't expect it to actually work -- I saw ANDROMEDA ✅✅✅. Y'ALL THE GASP I GUSPED! Like, let's level set here -- it was a faint grey smudge in my lens piece. BUT IT WAS MY GREY SMUDGE, AND I KNEW THAT OUT THERE THAT GREY SMUDGE -- THAT I WAS LOOKING AT WITH MY OWN TWO HUMAN EYEBALLS (not through a screen but by way of a couple mirrors bouncing the photons DIRECTLY FROM THIS GALAXY STRAIGHT INTO MY EYEBALLS) -- WAS A WHOLE ASS ENTIRE GALAXY JUST LIKE OURS. And I FOUND it, like some kinda special rock in a great big giant lakes full of other rocks!!! Y'all I died.
And my 5yo?!?! Among the things she said tonight were: "Mom!!! This is great!!! I love you so much!!!" and "WOW, this is so cool, mom you're AMAZING!!!" and "Oh god DAMN!" (About Jupiter) (Yes same girl) -- but also these words she has NEVER BEFORE IN HER LIFE UTTERED: "Mom, I think I want to go inside and go to bed -- I'm really tired." NEVER HAS SHE EVER.
Absolutely incredible on everything all around. I have so many feelings and I don't even feel like I saw all that much yet. Saturn apparently is fantastic around my birthday later this year. I'm hoping so incredibly much that the weather cooperates for the lunar eclipse in a couple weeks, goodness I'd LOVE to get in on the show for that one. That's something super easy my daughter and I can explore together.
Anyway, FUCK THE PATRIARCHY. Fuck the current state of politics launching an assault on women, diversity, and science. Love science for us. Can't wait to explore some more and make some core lifelong memories. My back hurts like hell bc it's totally fucked up in general but it's totally worth it to see all the things.
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kiteou · 1 year ago
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I truly hate myself
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cursingtoji · 1 month ago
the cardio machine i want is on the cardio machine
cw: gym rat toji x loser!gf - size kink, sweat kink (?), toji is a big old meanie. loser!gf series: geto gojo nanami.
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loser!reader who, like a million other sedentary people on new year’s eve, said “new year new me” and proceeded to enroll at the local gym.
gym rat!toji who knew how things are in the beginning of the year, so the first week he arrives one hour earlier than usual to avoid all the lazy fucks that won’t last two months.
of course he makes a few mental bets on the ones that would quit and how long it would take, you included.
it’s easy to spot the “i don’t want lift weights cause i don’t want look jacked” type of girl.
at the breaks between one set and the other he looked around, not surprised to see you slowing down the treadmill after running not even two whole minutes.
sometimes he caught you staring at him through the mirror, not an uncommon occurrence amonst the women there, though you surprised him one day by tapping his shoulder after he finishing his weighted squats.
“can you… give me a few tips?” he looked so intimidated, from up close his shoulders looked like a wall, he stared at you from above, dark green eyes seemed to be heavily judging you, “never mind this was a bad idea, sorry” you turned around, grabbing you bottle and running off the gym.
by the time you managed to gather the courage to show your face back there two whole weeks had passed.
“consistency is the key you know” you were distracted looking down your phone while slowly walking the treadmill when the handsome man appeared beside you, the sudden presence destabilized you.
before you could become the viral video of the week when inevitably a gym employee decides to post the security footage of your ass rolling off the active treadmill, toji wrapped one big arm around your waist and pulled you to the stable floor.
“you caught me off guard the other day” he said completely unfazed by saving you from a life of embarrassment, “then you disappeared.”
“yeah i didn’t know if i wanted to come back anyways, i haven’t see any results so far” you pulled the hem of your shirt down.
toji snorted, “‘course you ain’t seeing results, sweetheart, you don’t lift.”
“well, it’s hard…” toji rolled his eyes, there was always an excuse.
though he also did a new year’s resolution of being more patient, for his kids primarily but teaching a cute thing like you could be a good exercise too.
soon enough, toji was correcting your form, texting you asking why you haven’t showed up to the gym and ringing your bell incessantly when you complained about muscle pain and said you wouldn't go that day.
“it’ll feel better once you start to move” he explained, resting on your door frame when you opened the door on your pajamas.
“let me alone, just today” you whined.
“you asked for my help now go put on something without cartoons on it” he waited for you to turn around and slapped your butt. it had been only one week he was coaching you but there was already a weird intimacy due to the fact he was pretty much always looking at your body and touching you.
to correct your form. obviously.
"what do i have to do today, coach fushiguro?" you asked from your bedroom through an ajar door which allowed toji to get a peek at your pink underwear and cute ass.
"cardio, bicycle first. get some blood flowing on those sore muscles" he tilted his head and raised his eyebrows watching you bend over to grab a biker shorts at the lowest drawer then holding back a laughter at the grunt of pain coming from you.
"once it gets better i can teach you other types of cardio" he walked around your kitchen examining your cabinets and stuff you kept in your fridge. needless to say it was all junk.
"can't wait" you replied sarcastically, failing to understand the meaning.
it took a few more days till you got used to toji's training, then he decided to focus on your upper body.
"such a simple movement, how do you manage to get that wrong?" he raised from the bench he was sitting behind you watching your form through the mirror. you almost dropped the weights at your feet when he came close. it was almost scary how much bigger than you he was especially seeing it throght the mirror. his right hand wrapped around yours on the dumbell and his bicep touched your arm as he pushed your arm closer to your body, "tuck your elbows in, straight your back" his free hand pushed your shoulders till they were touching his chest.
how come he smelled so good, so... musky and...
"are you even making any force?" he lowered his head, his reflection looking annoyed. so you decided to ignore the sudden heat between your thighs and flex your arm the way he taught you.
and just like he promised, when you were consistent enough and handling a good 5 minute run he decided to show you a more pleasing cardio.
"toji please~" you whined, thighs burning from riding him, you were using his rock hard abdomen as a support, but still.
"one more minute, come on" he looked at the watch on his wrist and slapped your ass, "haven't i prep-ed you good enough?" his thumb rubbed your bottom lip then pushed in meeting your tongue, where you tasted yourself in his digits one hour after he ringed your bell and said he was going to reward your good discipline, but he had to strech you first.
"good girl" you felt his abdomn flex when he raised from his laying position on your bed, "now leave it to daddy" he pecked your lips and quickly changed positions, putting a pillow under your ass and rolling his neck to start his cardio of the day.
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inupibaldspot · 1 year ago
Back off,kid.
Pairing : Gojo Satoru x Reader
Note ₊˚⊹♡ : (Teen)Gojo is jealous over (kid) Fushiguro having a crush on you.
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Fushiguro Megumi always wonders if he made the right choice every time a white-haired sunglass wearing teenager walks into the house.
The tall older boy would grin as his hands form a salute. “You doing good Megumi and Tsumiki?”
He was as useful as the indoor plants. Fushiguro thought.
Gojo wasn’t much good at cooking and neither helped with cleaning, probably because of his rich background—but he did spoil them with lots of food and pocket money but he wouldn’t ever admit that.
As much as Fushiguro would love to throw insults at Gojo, he holds back his tongue each time; Tsumiki would send sharp glare and nag him if he did.
The first friend he brought to visit them was a girl; it was after Gojo went missing for a while and when Tsumiki inquired about it ,he simply said one of his dear friend went cray-cray as his finger twirls at the temple of his head.
The girl had short, brown hair with a distinct smell of cigarette; her name was Shoko Ieiri. She wore an impressed look when she entered the house as she looked over to Gojo. “Heh— The place is pretty neat,Gojo.”
Fushiguro looked to Gojo who placed some groceries on the counter top with a proud smile on his face. “I know right!” Gojo replies.
The young boy frowns. “It’s Tsumiki who keeps the place clean.” Shoko gives Gojo a stare before she cackles.
A week later when Tsumiki was still in school with club activities, another person makes an appearance ,you. He could faintly hear conversations between you and Gojo through the front door on how you’d actually wanted to visit them sooner but was bombarded with mission before it swings open.
The first thing Fushiguro noticed was how Gojo seemed to make you enter first— other times he barges in without a care for Shoko— his hands near your back with a slight space, without touching it. Why was Gojo being nice?
You blink at the dark haired boy. “Fushiguro Megumi, right?” Gojo peers from behind as you smile. “Did you eat?”
“Not yet. Waiting for Tsumiki to get home.” Fushiguro thinks you’re the first person who is kind of decent.
You nod take plastic bag from Gojo’s hands and lift up it, your smile widen. “I’ll make you some good stuff then.”
“I want to eat your cooking too,y/n.” Gojo chirps in only to be ignored. And to your credit, it was actually good. He didn’t remember the last time he had something this good home made.
After that, your visits seemed to increase which Fushiguro Megumi did not mind, in fact he was getting fond of your presence. You helped with food, cleaning which lessened the load on Tsumiki plus you also helped him with his studies.
“You seemed to get it now, Megumi.” Poor kid, blushes a bit hearing your compliment. “Practice this set of questions and I think you’ll do pretty well on your tests.” You smile.
Fushiguro nods as he does as you say, face still heated up. He looks up at you, who was reading a book. Your hair slightly in your face, lips slightly parted with eyes focused. You were extremely beautiful and as much as he wouldn’t admit it , he had a big fat kid crush on you.
“Megumi-chan.” Suddenly he is shoved to the side as a body makes way in between you and him. It was Gojo who sat in between. “Move over~ This seat is mine.”
The boy frowns and so did you, not liking Gojo’s action. “Don’t interrupt the kid, who is studying.” Kid? Ouch…You huff as your move over, despite you complaining you make space for him, focus back on your book.
Fushiguro watched as Gojo leans closer to you, almost resting his head on your neck as he looked over to your book; after a while eyes slowly moved over to you, his expression softens.
Gojo smiles as he tugs a piece of hair behind your hair, to which you don’t react as if it was normal. Thee older man then turns his head to Fushiguro—oops,he got caught staring.
The white haired boy then grins, a condescending one in fact as he mouths out the following words.
‘y/n-is-mine.” Fushiguro huffs. ‘back-off.”
·:*¨༺ Part 2༻¨*:·
Reblogs, like and comment are appreciated! Love this work? out other here
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simjaexy · 3 months ago
HELLO BEAUTIFUL I saw the MV of boxer enha AND LEMME TELL YOU BOXER SUNGHOON 😩 so I was wondering if you can make a drabble of Boxer! Sunghoon and reader and they get in to A LOT of sexy stuff? 😚 ALSO like a mean Dom Sunghoon? <3
Have a nice day pretty
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Pairing ⇀ Boxer! Park Sunghoon x (F) Reader
Synopsis ⇀ You decided to visit Sunghoon at his boxing practice. But upon seeing him practice, you couldn’t help but feel a sexual way watching him practicing so focused and determined. So what happens when you decide to tease him while he’s practicing?
Genre ⇀ Pure Smut
Warnings ⇀ MINORS DNI!!!, Cursing, Sunghoon and reader are both a tease, Making out, Mean Dom! Sunghoon x Sub! Reader, Blowjob, Eating out, Humiliation, Overstimulation (f), Receiving (m&f), Doggy style, No protection (wrap it up), Cum swallowing, Multiple orgasms, Hickeys, Crying, Biting, Semi-public sex, Rough sex, Name calling (slut, good girl, etc.), Fingering, lmk if i missed anything!
W.c ⇀ 2.1k
A/n ⇀ You don’t even ask twice for that because I’m LIVING for Boxer Sunghoon. Kind of made it longer than I anticipated but I hope it meets your standards bb. If you would like to be on the perm tag list click here! Like, Reblog, Comment, and etc! Not proofread!
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You arrived at Sunghoons boxing gym, the air thick with the sounds of fists hitting punching bags and the occasional grunts of other men there. The rhythmic thudding of gloves against leather filled the room. You decided to pay Sunghoon a visit at his practice matches. It wasn’t everyday you get to see him in action.
As you stepped inside, your eyes immediately started searching for Sunghoon. And when you finally saw him, in the middle of the ring, his body glistening with sweat, muscles rippling under his tank top, focus etched deeply into his brow. He moved with precision and power. His focus was unbreakable, each punch thrown with skill and intensity. You assumed he didn’t noticed you with how focused he was.
You couldn't help but admire him, his dedication and strength evident in every movement. That’s when he finally glanced up and saw you standing there, a smile spreading across his face. He glanced back at the guy who he was practicing with, giving a him a dab before quickly making his way over to you, his eyes lighting up with happiness.
"Hey, you," He said, leaning in to give you a quick kiss, "Didn’t think you would actually make it."
You gave him a teasing smile, your heart skipping a beat at the brief but sweet gesture, “Wouldn't miss it for the world. Besides, you promised you’d take me out to dinner after.”
Sunghoon gave you a little chuckle, “Of course pretty. Just give me a few more minutes.” He spoke, his voice low. You felt slickness between your legs and mentally cursed yourself for feeling sexual i a public area.
But then again, you couldn’t help yourself with the way he stares at you, as if he wanted the other men know that he owns you. Sunghoon gave one last look at you, sending a wink before heading back to the ring, his focus shifting back to his training.
You watched him, mesmerized by the way he moved, each punch and dodge executed with perfect form. You didn’t notice the gym started to empty out, the sounds of practice gradually fading as people left for the day.
With the gym now almost empty, you decided to have a little fun. You walked over to the edge of the ring, leaning against the ropes as you called out to him, "Hey, champ, need a break?"
Sunghoon looked over at you, a playful smirk on his face, he knew exactly what you were trying to do, “Are you trying to distract me?"
"Maybe," you replied, your tone teasing, "Or maybe I just want to see if you can handle a little distraction."
He chuckled, stepping out of the ring and walking over to you, "Oh, I can handle it. The question is, can you?"
You raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin spreading across your face, "Why don't you come find out?"
Sunghoon closed the distance between you, his eyes locked on yours. You leaned in, feeling hit hot breath fanning your lips. But just as your lips were about to touch, he smirked and gently pushed you back.
"Not so fast," He teased, his voice low, "I've still got some training to do."
You stood there, stunned. What the fuck? As he turned and walked back to the ring. He glanced over his shoulder with a wink, his eyes twinkling with amusement. You hated when he did that, "Patience, love," He said, before resuming his practice, leaving you both flustered and confused.
You watched him with a pout on your unkissed lips. But you couldn’t help but feel like getting him back. Besides, he deserves it right. You knew Sunghoon like the back of your hand, it’ll be easy getting him all hot and bothered.
After a few minutes, you decided to turn up the heat. You slowly took off your jacket, letting it drop to the floor, "Is it just me, or is it really hot in here?" You asked, your voice carrying a hint of innocence.
Sunghoon didn't look at you, but he nodded, his focus still on his training, “Yeah, it's pretty warm. The guys don’t really like the cold here."
You frowned not seeing him look at you. That’s when you suddenly got an idea and grinned, deciding to take it a step further. You tucked your shirt up a bit, revealing your stomach, just enough to catch his attention, "Hey, Sunghoon, can I ask you something?"
This time, he stopped mid-punch and turned to look at you. His eyes widened seeing the sight of you. Jacket on the floor with you leaning backwards with your stomach peaking out. One more tuck up then your bra would be in view. A pink dust spread across his cheeks as he took in the thought of you like that. It was quiet for a few seconds before he snapped and made eye contact with you.
"What... what is it?" He stammered, unable to tear his gaze away from you.
You smiled, clearly enjoying the effect you had on him, "Oh, nothing important. Just wanted to see if you were paying attention."
Sunghoon shook his head, a huff coming out, as if he was controlling himself. As if he doesn’t wanna fall for your tricks, “You definitely have my attention now," He admits.
You laughed softly, feeling a sense of pride, “Well I don’t think I need it anymore. You can go back to practicing.” You mumbled, but Sunghoon heard you. He nodded, knowing that if he spoke his voice would definitely sound needy. So, he continued practicing once again.
You decided to unclip your bra and take it off, also dropping that on the floor. Your perky nipples in clear view. You felt the room thicken within seconds. You slowly led your hand towards your cloth core, rubbing your wet folds, letting out a soft moan.
Sunghoon let out a pained groan and rubbed his neck, probably because he dodged so many punches from the other guy earlier. That's when he looked over at you and saw you rubbing your folds and fiddling with your perky nipples, letting out pitiful moans. Your eyes were closed, clearly not noticing him stopping and staring right at you.
The sight in front of him definitely made him rock hard. Fuck. Finally, without warning, Sunghoon ripped off his gloves and tossed them to the ground. His sudden movement startled you, and before you could react, he was striding towards you with a lustful hard look in his eyes. Your heart raced as he closed the distance between you in a matter of seconds.
His hands found your waist, and he pulled you against him with a roughness that took your breath away. Before you could utter a word, his lips crashed into yours, demanding and intense. The kiss was fierce, filled with all the pent-up frustration and desire he'd been holding back.
You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, melting into him. His hands roamed your back, pulling you even closer, while your fingers tangled in his hair, deepening the kiss. You let out a whimper feeling one of his legs push in between yours.
You immediately began grinding down, feeling your core brush against your underwear. It felt so good. Sunghoon gripped one of your breasts, squeezing them harshly. You broke the kiss and let out a loud moan.
You didn’t have time to react when Sunghoon dragged you to a mat that was laying down not far from you guys. He pushed you down on the mat, your back hitting it roughly. You let out a pained whimper before feeling Sunghoon get on top you.
“You wanna fucking act like a slut? Bothering me while I’m practicing for a big match.” He snapped. You gave him an innocent smile, your eyes fluttering. Fuck, you really like pissing him off. He didn’t waste any time sucking on your neck, hickeys forming. You squirmed and let out a mewl when he bit down.
“H-Hoonie- hic!- hurts!” You cried out. Sunghoon paid no mind to you. This is what you wanted right? He licked the bite mark gently before lifting his head up again. You felt intimidated by his intense gaze, looking away in humiliation, but Sunghoon was having any of that. He forcefully grabbed your jaw and made you look at him.
“If you wanna get fucked good then you’re gonna suck my dick.” He growled. You bit your lip and with teary eyes, you nodded. You didn’t waste a second, pulling down his sweats to see his cloth dick. You slowly pulled his boxers down, his dick springing free, slapping his stomach.
You softly wrapped your hands around it, stroking it lazily. Sunghoon watched you with an unreadable expression, almost as if he was bored. So, you opened your mouth, granting him full access to your mouth and putting his dick in. You let in a moan feeling him hit the back of your throat. Your face close to his pubic hair.
Sunghoon didn’t give a warning when he suddenly gripped your hair and took his dick out and pushed back in making you gag. Although you were slapping his thigh, he continued to thrust inside your mouth at a rough pace. You felt tears gather in your eyes again. Sunghoon loved it.
You heard his groans and curses and felt his dick twitch inside your mouth, indicating he was close. He gave out three more thrust before cumming deep in your throat. Sunghoon let out a hiss, taking his dick out of your mouth.
“Open.” He demanded. You opened your mouth, showing him you swallowed everything. He gave you a soft smile and rubbed your head, “Good girl.”
You couldn’t speak when he suddenly pushed you back down making you yelp. He slid off your shorts and underwear revealing your wet pussy. He licked his lips, his eyes gazing with lust. Before he could do anything, you held his head, “Shit, wait Sunghoon. W-We’re in public.” You whispered. Sunghoon paused and stared at you.
“You now noticed that after you sucked me off?” He said. You whined and Sunghoon sighed. He can’t say no to you, “I’ll make it fast.” He added. Besides, he really wanted to taste your sweet pussy.
He didn’t wanna hear you say anymore and flicked his tongue against your bud. You covered your mouth, but your moan was still heard. Sunghoon let out an ‘hmm’ tasting your sweet pussy. He noticed you covering your mouth and gave you a slap on your thigh. You stared at him dazed, “I wanna hear you.” He said.
You nodded and uncovered your mouth, feeling too drunk off of pleasure to say no. He then continued to lick your pussy. He sucked on your bud before licking your hole. You let out sighs and pants when he all of a sudden stuck a finger inside you while he was suckling on your bud.
“Oh god! s’good!” You moaned. You felt saliva dripping down your lips, but didn’t care to wipe it off. Sunghoon hums vibrated against your pussy and that’s when you felt your orgasm coming.
“Gonna cum! Cumming-“ You let out one last time before coming undone on Sunghoon tongue. He licked your juices, taking his finger out. You panted shaky and weak.
Sunghoon flipped you over, aligning his dick at your entrance. He slowly pushed in, making you both moan in unison. You squirmed under him, feeling overstimulated. Sunghoon chuckled, “Looks like my good girl can’t take it.”
You shook your head, “No! I-I can. Please Sunghoon- fuck me!” You begged. Sunghoon's eyes turned dark. You couldn’t comprehend what was happening when you felt him push deep inside you, knocking the air out of you.
The sound of loud skin slapping echoed in the gym. Someone had to have heard you guys. You let out loud moans and whimpers, feeling him so deep in you. Both of your bodies sticky with sweat. God the smell of sex was unbearable.
Sunghoon gripped your waist hard. He knows they’ll be bruised later on, and he fucking loves it. You arch your back more, giving Sunghoon even deeper access if it was even possible. His dick felt too good in you. It’s like your pussy was made for him.
You felt your orgasm coming, “H-Hoonie m’gonna cum again- ah!” You screamed, your orgasm crashing. Sunghoon threw his head back and came seconds later, his cum spurting inside. You felt so full.
He took his now soft dick out and pulled up his sweatpants and boxers. He helped you up and gave you a towel so you can fix yourself up. After you were done you noticed Sunghoon already having his bag in his hand. You smiled at him softly. Sunghoon smiled back, feeling his heart race. He loved your afterglow.
You both walked out the gym, hand in hand. You didn’t know gym sex was something you wanna plan on doing again, but when Sunghoon kisses your hand gently and gives you a loving look, who are you to complain?
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taglist: @laylasbunbunny @woofie-nctzen-fanarts @yoongisbaguetteshoes @enhypenlovre @melancholy-z @minghaosimp @dudewhoism @honeychocos @hearts4hee @tlnyjoong @1013club @yagsoobin @mrsjohnnysuh @heekilrvs @enhasrii @prettygurlnikittie @jakeswifez @yunhoswrldddd @seokseokjinkim @whateverhoon @noturmommasstuff @love4hee @ddeonuu4me @selleprotection @jenn-ieverse @babyy-bambii @nikiswifiee @rjssierjrie @sweetshinypuppy @moonpri @harukayoiiiiiiizzz @jayjw16enxp @aanniikkaa @prkhoonlvr @devi1d0ppi0 @enhygene @talyaxia
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tyunniez · 1 year ago
golden retriver... bttm male reader
!!.. golden retriever bsf, yn is slightly tipsy but still fully aware, rough sex, creampie, grinding.
if your best friend is a dog type he would be a golden retriever.
he's quite literally the embodiment of it. everywhere you go he follows behind, a happy smile plastered on his face. he was almost like a lost puppy.
he also loves taking care of you and doing things for you every chance he gets, even things you could do yourself!
" yn, good morning! here, i got you your favorite drink. " he practically shoved said drink into your hand, your half-asleep state still trying to comprehend your surroundings.
" huh.. oh hey. thanks... " you groggily said, stepping away from the door and heading towards the bathroom to freshen yourself up. he let himself into your place, already familiar with it.
you came back to see him cooking your breakfast, humming a soft tune while placing your eggs on the plate. " yn, come sit down. "
you sighed while taking a sit on the stool of your island, your eyes boring into his back as you watched him lightly sway to the song he was humming.
" you know you don't need to cook me breakfast almost every day right? " you cracked open the drink he bought you and took a big gulp, already feeling rejuvenated by the drink.
he hummed and placed the breakfast in front of you, sliding his own portion next to yours. " eat up! "
after the delicious breakfast, came the time for you to do your house chores. you got up and grabbed both of his and yours plated, bringing it to the sink to clean it.
only for him to snatch it from you and wash it himself. along with the stacks of dirty dishes in your sink. you only rolled your eyes and walked away to do other stuff, knowing fighting against him would just be useless.
" so any plans today? " you asked him while folding your remaining laundry, him soon joining you. " ..mm nah. what's up? " he folded the last article of clothing and lay beside you, opting to place his head on your thigh.
your hand found its place in his hair almost immediately as if it was muscle memory. " well that one show that I've been wanting to watch finally dropped so.. beer and chicken tonight? "
he snickered below you, " you already know my answer, of course! "
and so, cans after cans of beer later and some delicious fried chicken, the both of you lay in each other embrace. the two of you weren't all that drunk because of your high alcohol tolerance yet you find yourself struggling to focus on the show.
were you actually drunk or is it because of the way your best friend is holding onto you right now?
you knew it was pretty common for best friends to cuddle but the way his big hand is cradling your waist right now along with his other hand right under your ass, his finger slightly touching it, is making your head spin.
not to mention his growing hard-on that you could literally feel since you were on top of him!
and you didn't know if there was something in the air last night or if tipsy you were just bolder but you decided to slowly grind against him causing him to have a full-on boner.
he on the other hand decided to ignore it and tried to focus on the movie in front of him.
you pouted at this and decided to continue grinding on him, trying to chase your own climax and also attempting to drive him over the edge.
but a firm hand grabbed onto both of your thighs, causing you to stop. " what do you think you're doing, yn? " he asked you, his voice way deeper than usual.
" i think you know what i'm doing. so stop playing dumb and give me what i want. " your voice is adamant, as your hands roam his chest.
he smirked and flipped the two of you, him now on top of you. both of his hands caged you in, making you more turned on than you already were.
" you better not regret saying that. "
" ahn! s-slow down! " you mewled out while gripping his biceps. your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your dick twitched. your release finally comes soon after. the milky white substance staining your already cum stained stomach.
" again? we've barely just started, yn. " he chuckled above you. he loved seeing how overstimulated you look right now. he's been dreaming of making you a mess for a long time now.
when you first started grinding into him you didn't expect to get dicked down immediately by your own best friend and after experiencing just how rough he actually is, well, you're not complaining.
just seeing the desperate look on your face is making him go crazy. he's been dreaming about this moment for a long time.
he wondered just how you look like when he's on top of you, making a mess out of you. how do you look when you're overstimulated beyond your limit all because of him. just what type of sounds will pour out of you while he's deep inside of you.
and oh, this exceeds his expectations.
" mmh, yn. you look so pretty right now. " he sighed into your ear, his voice sending shivers up and down his spine. " i'm sure you can handle a few more rounds, yeah? " he gripped your hips again, getting ready to abuse your already puffy hole.
" no! i-i can't cum anymore-! " your whining was cut off by his harsh thrust, your tired voice seeming to be the cause.
you hooked your arms around his neck as a way to support yourself. loud moans escaped from your mouth, this only leading him to go faster. " fuck.. i-im cumming soon yn. "
your hole tightened as you heard his husky voice next to you, the hint of whining in his voice making you shake. " come inside me! p-please! need you in me so bad! "
he grunted out loud, his thrust soon stuttering and slowing down. " yn, fuck. you don't know how long i have been waiting for this.. "
with one last thrust, white soon painted your inside. his warm cum kept flowing more and more into your hole, making your own cum squirt out of your cock.
he immediately devoured you in a kiss, saliva dribbling everywhere. wet squelching sound enveloped the room accompanied by your heavy breathing. the movie that was long forgotten acting as white noise.
he separated himself from you to admire you and the mess he made of you. he smiles as he sees all the bite marks and hickeys littering around your body. the cum seeping out of your hole only made his dick hard again.
" shit.. i don't think i can let you go after this, yn. "
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satorusugurugurl · 7 months ago
Hiii :33 i literally read all ur works in one sitting omg ur amazing pookieee AND IT GOT ME THINKING-
What if reader and the JJK men had their bodies switched due to a curse??? Like- For example- Nanami Kentos body but readers mind/conscious and stuff like ykwim??? (same with readers body) Also i love how u write sukuna its so BEIFNSKFHKDD ARF👹👹 if u could add some smut and crack in it too pls🥹 tyty
(W/ nanamin toji sukuna n geto pls) ☺️☺️😚😚
JJK Men: Body Swap!!
Summary: Body swapping with your boyfriend? What could go wrong? 😃
Pairing: Fushiguro Toji, Nanami Kento, Ryomen Sukuna (Sorcerer AU), Geto Suguru, AFAB!Reader
Warnings: smut, a little crack, body swapping, creampies, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms
Word Count: 7,174
A/N: Hi Pookie!! hajsjjdjdthank-you so so much! I lo ove too! Modern Sukuna is one of my favorite boys to write for! I love him so much. (even though I know its OOC). Anyways thanks for being so patient with me. this last month has been insanely busy and I'm just now finding my creativity again!
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Fushiguro Toji:
It was supposed to be a simple mission to take out a sorcerer. What you both didn’t know was that this sorcerer had a lot of curses to spirits protecting them. So when you both took him out, one of the spirits attacked you. And you weren't sure what happened. One second, you were standing back to back with your boyfriend. The next second, you were lying flat on your back, staring up at the sky.
While your head was spinning and you felt sick to your stomach, that meant you were alive and well, which was a success in your books. Sitting up, you grumbled out a groan as you blinked several spots away.
“Son of a fuckin’ bitch.” You said, but it wasn't you that said it? When your vision finally cleared, your eyes widened as you stared down at yourself. “I’m telling Shiu we need double the pay for that shit.” A string of vulgar words escaped your lips as you watched your body sit up.
“T-Toji?” You asked, finding your voice several octaves lower.
“Yeah, you good?” your head turned towards you, and that’s when your boyfriend finally seemed to notice something was wrong. Toji, I’ve been told you you were never good at hiding your facial reactions, and seeing a pure panic that crossed your features let you know he was right. “Oh, what the fuck?!”
“I-It’s me! I-I just—uhm—what the fuck happened?!”
After thoroughly researching the files you both refused to read, you discovered that this was one of the side effects of one of the curses you had taken out. It allowed the souls of its victims to switch with each other. The technique was only meant to last a few hours to a few days, which was a blessing, but your boyfriend didn’t seem to see it that way.
Although you both insisted that you could handle a few more jobs, Shiu couldn’t stand the way you were smiling sweetly at him with Toji’s face, and your face was glaring daggers at him from the rearview mirror. So he did the only logical thing he could think of. You were taking your asses back home until this side effect wore off.
Which was something you found yourself longing for. Because you weren’t sure how much longer you could handle being in the small confining space of the apartment with your boyfriend who is currently stuck in your body. You were trying to preoccupy your time, attempting to fix dinner with Toji’s sausage fingers, when you could hear your voice and make the most pitiful sounds in the living room.
“My fucking back hurts!” Toji yelled out, stretching his back out.
“Yeah?” you asked, “I told you I wasn’t fucking joking with you. Having breasts can weigh you down sometimes. Why the fuck do you think I ask for a back massage all the time?”
“Because you want my dick.”
“Hardy har asshole, now you know when I ask for a massage and being serious seventy-five percent of the time.”
You tried to focus on cutting onions but found it extremely difficult with the wines emanating from the living room. “Oww, babe, come give me a back massage. Your beautiful tits that I love are causing me immense pain.” Ignore him, you told yourself as you went back to cutting onions. If you just ignored his whining, everything would be okay. “Babe!” Your voice at you from across the apartment. “Baby!” Your fingers tightened around the handle of the knife you were holding, fighting the urge to use your newfound strength not to throw it at yourself. For just a moment, the tiniest millisecond, you thought maybe he had given up on calling you forward, allowing you to go back to cooking until you heard yourself cry out a wine that would make any toddler turn their head towards you.
“Oh my god!” You snapped, tossing the knife into the sink. “What?! What do you want me to do for you, Your Highness?!”
“Rub my back,” Toji grumbled as he shoved your face into the couch. “It hurts, and I know how good I am with my hands.”
With a sigh, you plopped down on the ground behind your body, using your boyfriend's hands to rub circles at the knots always in your back gently. Almost instantly, Toji let out a moan that was porn worthy. You could see him sink further into the couch; your fingers dug into the cushions as you continued to use Toji’s thumbs to rub circles into the sore muscles. Toji continued to whimper, squirming under your touch, pressing your thighs together as you worked your hands lower and lower.
And while it seemed like he was finding some relief in your touch, you found his pants a little too tight for comfort sounds that were resonating from your mouth.
“Fuuuck, that feels so good.”
“Yeah, babe, Fuuck.”
The sound of your moans seems to affect your boyfriend’s body. Allowing you to move on impulse, allowing his body to take the lead. “I bet I can make you feel better.” You whisper against the nape of your neck, relishing how your boyfriend recoiled back.
“Oh yeah~? And how do you plan on making me feel even better?”
Your way was fast and hard, much like the way Toji always gave it to you. You wasted no time, ripping your clothes off of your own body, slamming your lips against the crook of your neck, nipping and sucking at the skin as his hands reached around, groping your breasts, just the way you liked it. Despite being in different bodies, neither of you were at all clumsy. As soon as you started ripping your clothes off, he told you he was tugging his shirt off his own body, turning to face, allowing you to pin him below you.
The kisses you shared were messy teeth clashing against each other as you both worked at your bottoms. Toji pulled your shorts and your underwear to the side. While you yanked his cock out of his sweats. Even though you were in different bodies, sex wasn’t any different. Toji just needed to feel you against him despite being inside your body, and the same for you.
You spit into your hand, rubbing it over your boyfriend's cock before you press it against your entrance. Never once did you break that kiss, the kiss that was full of raw need as if you both were high on an aphrodisiac when, in reality, you were high off of each other. Toji moaned against your lips as you pushed yourself inside of the tight, wet heat. Your breathing hitched at the strange new sensations washing over both of you.
“Oh my fuck,” you grumbled, pressing your lips against Toji’s. “I-It’s so tight and wet, oh, fuck.”
Toji wanted to laugh to make some crude comment about making sure you didn’t come too fast, but that was hard when he was being split open by his cock. “I-I feel s-so full.” He whispered nearly breathlessly against your lips.
“Does it hurt? Do you need a second?”
“No, I’m okay. Keep going, it feels good.”
Not needing to be told twice, you found yourself pulling out slowly before pushing back inside of your tight, wet walls. You both cried out, your head falling forward while Toji arched his back off the ground. You aren’t sure how long you could last like this. Hell, you weren’t even sure how Toji lasted as long as he did when he was inside of you. The man who was like a crazed sex god going for hours upon hours. While your boyfriend was wondering how the fuck you were able to take his cock like this every other night.
The pace you both set was messy and entirely out of rhythm. But despite not having any rhythm you were used to, it didn’t mean it didn’t feel good. Being able to lose control and lose yourself in the passion and sensations of just feeling good was hot. It was so hot that it had you both biting and sucking and clawing at each other. Your fingers dug into your hips while his nails scratched down your back as you both lost yourselves in the sensation of being with each other in a way you had never experienced before.
Being with each other in such a raw, more personal way allows you both, in a sense, to know how it feels for the other to know what to do, how to kiss, how to touch, and how to move against each other. This might come in handy for future sexual sessions for you. You knew that when you dug his nails into your upper back, your body trembled with pleasure. And Toji realized that when you angle your hips, a sure way to brush over your g-spot and cervix made your walls clench down so hard. He was afraid he was going to squirt all over you. Neither of you had ever expected it to happen, but both of you were excited that it had. Even if it meant neither of you was going to last very long.
“Oph fuck!” Toji cried out in your voice, his back arching. “B-Baby, I feel weird, like I need to pee!” Your boyfriend stared up at his face, which smirked sinisterly down at him.
“Yeah~? You gonna cum on my cock?” You asked, your voice deep and ragged. “Be good and cum for me.” You growled against his neck, smirking as you released your grip on his hip, rubbing circles over the swollen, sensitive clit.
“Ah! Fuck! Oooh fuck yes, gonna cum!”
“Cum for me, Toji~ come on!”
Toji screamed as he came so hard he squirted all over you, his legs shaking with the aftershocks of his orgasm. As he screamed and squirmed underneath you, you lost yourself in the way your walls tightened around your boyfriend‘s cock. Hugging him, milking him, trying to get him to come inside. Which, fortunately, was far too easy to do. You collapsed forward, fingers digging into your hips so hard you were pretty sure you were going to leave bruises much, much darker than your boyfriend ever left on you. It was just too much, tightening the screaming, the pleasure. There was no way you could’ve stopped yourself.
“C-Cumming! Ooh fuck!”
“Yeah~! Give it to me!”
You thrust fast and hard, pumping your pussy full of your boyfriend's cum. Not stopping until the head of his cock was oversensitive, and you weren’t sure if you could hold yourself up any longer. You grumbled, somehow collapsing onto your side as your boyfriend giggled, curling up against you.
“Fuck, I understand why you don’t like pulling out now.”
Toji, your nails down his chest. “Yeah, it feels really good, doesn’t it?” You hummed, wrapping your boyfriend's arms around your more petite frame, not entirely used to the size difference. “God, I gotta give it to ya’ you take my dick like a fucking champ. Don’t know how you do it.”
You smirked, pressing a quick kiss against his forehead. “I’m lucky enough to have a boyfriend to make sure I’m more than ready for his monster of a cock.” He snickered, pulling back to look at me. “And I know I already failed at foreplay, but I couldn’t help myself when you’re making such pretty sounds. I needed to hear more.”
“Yeah, remember that the next time you bitch that I don’t prep you enough after giving you a massage.”
“Toji, I fully understand what you mean, and it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
“Good, now— are you ready for round two?”
“Round two? Already?”
Toji swang your body over his hips, rocking gently over your oversensitive cock. “Oh yeah, I thought you were fucking with me, but your sex drive is insatiable; hurry up, I’m ready to go.” Maybe this whole body swap thing did have its downsides.
Nanami Kento:
It took five seconds for Nanami to turn away from the curse you were fighting. The curse shot out a green goop that coated you and Nanami in that span. It took five more seconds for your husband to act, blinking away the goop before jumping back into action. It was only when he went to swing his blunt blade that he realized something was wrong. Instead of swinging his typical weapon, he tossed a talisman paper instead.
In that momentary confusion, you and Kento took out the curse before looking at each other. Imagine his surprise when he didn’t find your pretty face looking up at him but his own, looking down at him. The initial shock turned into panic as he watched a look of pure terror and confusion cross his face.
“My love, it’s all right.” The calm manner of speaking sounded so strange coming out of your mouth. “We have to remain calm.”
“Oh my God, oh my God!” Nanami sighed, running a hand down your face. “What are we gonna do? This is terrible.”
Your husband wasn’t sure if you consider this terrible. Both of you were safe, so that’s all that truly mattered. However, he also found himself strangely intrigued by the predicament. He found yourself then. Seeing the expressions on his face, the cute little corpse you had, like picking at your nails, nipping up your bottom, lip, or weighing, looked strange to him, but it also left him longing to see what other reactions he could drop out from you.
Unaware of your husband’s intentions, you try to remain calm. You continued gently rubbing your hands together as Shoko and Nanami looked over your body he was in.
“Any pain or discomfort?” You watched in horny silence as Nanami moved your shoulder again.
“A little pain in my, well, my wife’s shoulder.”
“Let’s get that taken care of.”
You slipped your top over your head alone, you to see your body. The blue lace bra you wore was on display as Shoko's eyes flowed through her hands over your shoulder. Staring at your skin shouldn’t have any effect on you. It was your body. You had seen yourself naked one million times, but Nanami’s body reacted differently. Its bare skin and breasts had his pants feeling much too tight.
“How’s that?” Shoko asked as she stepped away, watching Nanami rotate your shoulder with a sigh of approval.
“Much better, thank you, Shoko.”
“And you?”
When Shoko turned her attention to you, your hands immediately went to cover your crotch. An action that seem to go unnoticed by your best friend but was clearly noticed by your husband. Nanami hummed cocking an eyebrow in your direction, his eyes focusing on his crotch, seeing how the fabric of his cream-colored suit pants with straining.
You cleared your throat, looking away, “I-I’m fine! Totally fine, just eager to get home and wait this out!” You wanted to get away from her and her praying eyes because how embarrassing would that be for you to be popping a boner in your boyfriend’s body at the sight of your tits?
“Alright, sounds good to me. If you need me, I’m just a call away; go home and rest.”
You have never been more happy to hear the words go home and get some rest in your entire life. You held your boyfriend’s hands in front of his crotch before taking his suit jacket to keep it over the prominent tent in his pants. This was perfect. You would be able to get home without anyone noticing. There, you could take a cold shower and sleep this off.
But your boyfriend had another plan.
Before you both could make it down the hall, Nanami grabbed your wrist, tugging you into one of the spare classrooms. “Kento?” You asked, the unsure tone of your husband’s voice sounded foreign. “What are you—nngh!” Your body jolted forward as he slipped his hand down, rubbing at the throbbing erection straining in his pants.
“Shh, let’s make this quick. I can’t have you walking around with an erection like some teenage boy.”
“W-Wait h-here?! If we get caught, that would be worse! At least I can hide a boner with your jacket!?”
At that moment, your husband was undoing the zipper of his pants, allowing you to see the hunger in your own eyes. It was a look that spoke volumes, and you suddenly realized why your husband had told you several times in the past to control your facial reactions. It was a look you only gave him when you were unbearably horny.
“Oh my god, that’s it. That’s the look you always talk about.”
“You’re horny?!”
Instead of answering your question with words, he took your hand and slowly slipped it under the waistband of your pants. There, you could feel the wet slick that you were familiar with. Not skipping a beat, your muscle memory kicked in as your fingers began to trace circles over your clit, knowing just how you like to be touched.
“I saw how hard you were and couldn’t help myself. Your body is screaming you need me. I’m so wet, and I’m throbbing; I need you.”
Hearing those words leave your mouth made you realize how your husband felt when he was in your position. When you talk like that in public, it is hard to control yourself at that moment. You had no clue how Nanami managed to do it because you lost your composure the second he opened his mouth.
You slammed your lips against his as you lifted him, pinning him against the wall, his hands worked at the button of his trousers while you slid your panties to the side. Luckily, both of you were so aroused that there was no need for foreplay. Lips moved against each other as you pressed the head of your husband’s cock against your entrance, pushing inside without a second thought. You couldn’t care less if the door wasn’t locked, and you seriously doubted anyone would enter from the moans resonating from both of you.
All that mattered was fucking each other's brains out. Whether it was a factor from the curse or your undying love for each other, you allow yourselves to lose sight of your control. You needed him just as bad as he needed you. And you gave it to him. It’s hard and fast as he gave it to you after he had been pent up from work all day.
Nanami screamed, head rocking back against the wall as you thrust forward, slamming the head of his cock against your cervix over and over, making sure to go as deep as you possibly could. You wanted him to know how good he always left you feeling after a rough session. Your fingers dug into the fat of your hips as you nipped and sucked at your neck, drawing out more moans from him.
You were giving it, your all fucking your husband as hard as he did; Nanami was gripping onto his biceps, staring into your eyes as he took it all in. Every thrust that led to immense pleasure, every kiss, he took in everything you were doing to him. Because the second he was back in his own body, he would make sure he made you feel as good as you made him feel.
And that was a promise he intended to keep.
“Oh, my fuck—” You cried out softly, feeling your orgasm already approaching you. “You feel too good—”
“Yeah, I know that’s how you make me feel every time. But it’s—nngh! It’s—haaah!”
“Hard to not cum?” You answered for him, feeling your walls tightening around your husband’s cock. “Fuck—oooh fuck.”
“C-Cummi—oh m-my god!”
There was no warning, no further words expressed. All that you managed to do was lose yourselves in your orgasms. Nanami cried out tears, picking your eyes as your walls constricted and convulsed around his cock, drawing out your orgasm. You roared a moan loudly into Nanami’s ear as you came inside, fucking his come further inside of you, doing exactly what he did to you every night.
The classroom felt stuffy and hot and reeked of sex. But neither of you cared as you slowly slid to the ground, holding Nanami flush against your chest. You kissed each other deeply, only breaking apart to take a deep breath as all the air escaped your lungs.
“I didn’t think it was possible—” Nanami whispered in your voice, “but I fell deeper in love with you right now.”
“Ken—I love you so much.”
You never made it home that night. Instead, you went to one of the spare dorms and ravished each other all night. Both of you took notes on how exactly your body reacted to certain touches and kisses because the second you were back in your own bodies, you planned on using this newfound information to spice up your marriage even more.
Ryomen Sukuna (JJK Sorcerer AU):
“I hate this!” Sukuna barked out, pacing the floor back and forth. “Ugh!”
“Calm down.” You said from the couch, rubbing your hands down your face. “You’re acting like it’s the end of the world.”
When Sukuna turned to give you the dirtiest look in the world, you weren’t met with his tattooed face, but your own instead. “Have you stopped to look at what happened? I am in your body.” That was true. Your boyfriend was in your body, and you were currently inhabiting his body.
“So it’s not like you’ve never been inside me.” You waggled your eyebrows at him, only to win it go to hell look in return. “Okay, shit, sorry for joking, but you heard Shoko. The effects of this curse will only last a few hours.”
“A few hours too many.”
You weren’t sure if it was the testosterone right now feeling in your blood or the very common annoyance you had with your arrogant boyfriend at times. But for some ungodly reason, watching him, he back-and-forth with a scale on your face was irritating, ever-loving fuck out of you. He was acting like a brat over something neither of you could control.
It wasn’t even just the whole situation itself. Shit like this happened when you were a sorcerer. You got hit with different curses, injured, and usually were expected to live not that long of a life. You knew there was always a chance you wouldn’t come home from a mission. You both were hit by a curse, and you manage walked away with minor injuries and a mild side effect. That was something he should be happy about. But for some damn reason, this whole situation only made him angrier than usual.
“This is bullshit; if only my reverse technique worked shit like this.”
“Kuna! Seriously, what is your problem?”
He growled at you, which would usually put you back in your place when you’re back talking to him, but it seems that growl wasn’t as effective when it came from your body. Meaning you were pretty much unaffected by his tactic of intimidating you.
“I feel weak, okay?!”
“Weak?” You asked with a scoff. “You’re seriously calling me weak?”
“N-No! Fuck I mean, I don’t feel as strong as I normally do.” The more he tried to defend himself, the deeper the hole he dug. “I don’t have the power or technique I have mastered through the years. Instead, I am unfamiliar with your technique, and all I have to defend myself with are these stupid papers.” He scoffed, digging into one of the pouches attached to your belt and pulling out one of your talisman papers. “I mean, what the fuck am I supposed to do with this fold origami?”
“You could shove it up your ass when you get back in your own body, and I hope you get a papercut when doing so.”
“No, I—you know how I see you.” He sighed, plopping down on the couch next to you. “You’re strong, and you’ve mastered your technique. But I don’t know how to do anything you do. I feel useless, and I’m not saying that you can’t hold your own in a fight you kick ass. I feel weak because I’m unaware of how to use your technique.”
There was a paying of understanding deep inside your chest. You knew what he meant because you felt the same way. There was an immense amount of power coursing through your veins, which could easily be used for evil instead of good. Having such a plethora of cursed energy made you feel as though you were a ticking time bomb, like if you were to sneeze, you would blow up a building.
So, instead of lecturing or giving him even more of a hard time, you draped a tattooed arm over your shoulder, pulling your boyfriend close to your side. “I get it, I guess.” You whispered, tilting your head back and staring up at the ceiling. “Being in your body makes me feel as though I’m destined to destroy things.” Sukuna snickered, turning to look up at you. “But just because I don’t have the same amount of cursed energy doesn’t mean I’m weak. I’m still strong in my ways.”
“Yeah? In what ways?”
“When I’m riding your cock. I feel all-powerful like nothing can stop me. Especially when you’re groaning, grabbing my hips, encouraging me to move faster.”
At that moment, you regretted the words that came from your mouth. Because all you heard was your boyfriend's understanding hum. A hum that led to his hands working at your pants.
“W-whoa, easy there, Kuna. What are you doing?”
“Taking control, to see just how powerful I’ll feel.”
There was no room for protest; once your boyfriend set his mind to something, he made sure to get it done. Even if that means stripping down, straddling your hips, and lowering himself awkwardly on his cock. Watching his wish contort with pleasure left you feeling as though you might be able to take the reins on this. It wasn’t as though your boyfriend would be able to take control, to ride cock like a pro.
But you seem to forget that this was your boyfriend, one of the strongest sorcerers of the modern age, just as strong as Gojo, if not more robust. The man was smart, and despite the facial tattoos and the muscles, he knew how to get shit done.
“Oh fuck!” You cried out as he slammed himself down onto his cock with a satisfied growl. “K-Kuna baby! P-Please slow down!”
His hand clamped firmly over your mouth, silencing your protests. “Shut up, I’m in control.” your voice sounded so dark and sultry, god it was so hot! “Just be good and sit still for me; let me use you.” you couldn’t argue with that, and with the way he slowly lifted himself off his cock, before slamming your body back down onto it, leaving you feeling pussy drunk.
You cried out, shaking as Sukuna rode you like there was no fucking tomorrow. “Oh fuck, fuuuuck!”
“Yeah~ I suddenly see why you like to be on top of a lot.” he dug your manicured nails into his shoulders, dragging them down over his chest. “From this position, I can do whatever I want to.” You couldn’t even ask what he planned on doing to you before his hips were rolling in circles and you were seeing stars. “Are You paying attention? This is how I want you to ride my cock from now on.”
“I feel so powerful; seeing that pitiful look on my face should piss me off. But instead, it’s making me wanna draw out more.”
It was a combination of everything that was going on that sent you coming first. It was the way Sukuna was purring in your ear, so how he rolled your hips around his shaft, to the stinging burn left of your nails over his skin. It happens so fast, and your boyfriend's cock twitched inside of your walls as you came first. And it was unusual. Usually, you were the first to finish, but it never happened like this before. Your boyfriend being the first to fill you up rather than you soaking him with your release.
Sukuna wasn’t even upset about it. He swelled with a certain sense of pride at getting you off first and with a body he was unfamiliar with. That left him feeling so satisfied he could feel his ego swelling. Before he could brag over the fact that he was better than you, his head began to pound as his vision blurred. His grip on his own shoulders tightened. Sukuna thought he might black out for a moment before he was blinking the black spots out of his vision. When it cleared, he was no longer towering above you but underneath you.
Much to his relief, he looked up at your beautiful face instead of down at his own.
You barely had a second to process what was going on and how it happened before Sukuna’s strong hands and your hips were holding them tightly. Open your mouth to speak, but before any words had the chance to leave your mouth, your boyfriend was pulling you up the link of his cock before slamming you back down on him. You nearly came again just from that action in itself.
“N-Nngh! K-Kuna w-wa—ahh!”
He holds you up and back back down on his cock again and again and again. “I thought I told you to pay attention while riding you.” His hips thrust up into your dripping wet pussy. “I want you to do exactly what I did. Don’t keep me waiting; show me how strong you are, Kitten.”
Geto Suguru:
“So let me get this straight?” Satoru questioned while sitting across from you and your boyfriend. “You both took out the special-grade curse?”
“Suguru turned it into a ball and gulped it down as he does.”
“Then everything went black, and you both woke up like this?”
He motioned towards the bodies of his two friends, lifting his blindfold to watch as you knotted your head, which was your boyfriend’s head. Satoru got the story right; it was a simple mission, simple enough for both of you to handle. You could take out the curse with no issues, but when Suguru absorbed it, everything took a turn. Everything went dark, and the next second, you were sitting up in your boyfriend’s body with the most unpleasant taste in your mouth after swallowing the curse.
It was a shock initially, but weird things happened whenever your boyfriend absorbed a curse. That just came with the territory of a curse manipulator. Cursed spirits sometimes had different effects on his body and sometimes the body of those near him. Fortunately, you had been near him on this mission. Geto would have hated to be in Gojo’s body, so this was a win-win scenario.
“Yep, for the time being, we’re stuck like this.”
Gojo sat back in his chair, wincing at the situation, you both found yourselves in. “Shit, sorry about that, guys.” Suguru shook his head, stretching your arms above you.
“Eh, it could have been a lot worse.”
“ that’s true, but are you guys gonna—ya’ know?” Satoru jester to the two of you with his hands. “Use the opportunity to your advantage?”
Suguru and you looked at the white-haired man, blinking in confusion. “Advantage? Satoru, what are you even talking about?” you asked, running your fingers through your boyfriend's black hair.
“You know, I’ll get down and dirty?”
“Satoru~” Your voice purred out as Suegro shook her head. “Is sex the only thing on your mind?”
“Hey, it’s a genuine question. I’m just curious.”
Your boyfriend, who was irritated from the throbbing vein in your forehead. Having sex like this in his body hadn’t crossed your mind. When it initially happened, neither of you had been more concerned with making sure both you and Suguru were okay than about what happened. Besides that, sex wasn’t the only thing on your mind! The thought of doing it like this even occurred to you, and it wouldn’t have even crossed your mind, but thanks to manifest. It was out in the open, sticking out like a sore thumb.
You shifted, trying to listen to your boyfriend bickering back and forth with his best friend. Suddenly, you were aware of the throbbing inside your boyfriend, thankfully baggy pants. And you had the sudden urge to go home because the only thing you bring could focus on was how your boyfriend‘s dick was swelling. The last thing you wanted to do was pop a Boner in front of your mutual friend after he had just suggested hooking up with each other while in the opposite body.
If he found out how you felt, you wouldn't hear the end of his arrogant comments and encouragement.
Yeah, it was best to keep him out of your bedroom life. Especially when you weren’t sure if you wanted to take it that far. There was a burning desire deep in your stomach, one that had you itching to touch your body, to kiss your boyfriend, to succumb to the lust that was burning like a fire deep down inside of you. Was this how Suguru felt around you all the time? Or was it just part of the curse?
“Hey,” you looked up from the bed, watching as Suguru brushed your damp hair. “I think I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight.”
Suguru stopped turning his focus on you. “Why would you do that?” What could you even say? You were hard as a rock and wouldn't be able to control yourself? That you wanted him, but you didn't want to gross him out or make things even weirder?
“Well—I uhm—I—have a bit of a situation.”
“I know. You’re hard; you've been hard since we left campus.”
Your hands almost instinctively died towards the crotch, trying to cover the erection that was still throbbing angrily within the confines of the boxers. “H-How did you know?” Your boyfriend let out a giggle that sounded so strange coming out of your mouth.
“My pants may be baggy, but they aren’t that baggy.”
You felt yourself turn fifty shades of red as you groaned, covering your face in your hands. “Oh my god, you could tell?! Why didn't you say anything?” Another sweet laugh came across the room as you resisted the urge to summon Rainbow Dragon to eat you.
“I didn't want to embarrass you.”
“Yeah, well, I think I'm more embarrassed now. Can I manipulate your curses to eat me? To put me out of this misery?”
“Oh, stop, you're fine. I was only able to notice because I know my body.”
“That doesn't make me feel any better.”
“Well, it should be because you looked so fucking hot. Seeing you fight against those primal urges has your body reacting just as strongly.”
You perked up, watching as Suguru swayed your hips as he slowly approached you. “Is that so?” Suguru nodded, pulling your sleep shirt over your head and tossing it to the floor.
“Even though we're in different bodies, my soul is crying to be near yours.” He slipped your shorts down next, kicking them off to the side.
You slowly ran a hand down your boyfriend's stomach, grabbing his hard cock through his pants. "Fuck guess I got caught. But can you blame me? This is weird." Your hands slowly stoked his hard cock. "But also strangely arousing at the same time."
Seeing your hand stroking his cock had Geto’s eyes widening as he looked over his body before he was overtaken with the sudden urge to shove you down on the bed, immediately straddling his hips. "Don't mind if I do~"
You moaned, blushing up at Geto as he hummed softly. "O-Oh, holy fuck." You said, grabbing his hips. "Fuck is this what I look like to you?" you were in awe of your body. The curves, softness of your skin, and fuck, the fact your pussy was nearly touching his cock. Making it even harder, which seemed impossible.
“Mhm~” Suguru nodded; he rolled your bare hips as he ran his fingers over your hair. "It's really hot, isn't it?"
"Fuck yes, fuck look at my boobs." You said, reaching up and squeezing them. "The way they bounce, it’s so hypnotic."
Your boyfriend giggled, rocking your hips harder before reaching behind him, pulling his own cock from his pants with a moan. "Holy shit.”
"I know it's really hard," You whispered. "I-I holy fucking shit." His cock was so hard Suguru knew it had to be painful.
"I knew I was big, but Fuuck, this put it in a different perspective. Fuck, I'm going to put it inside of your pussy, Princess.” He hummed as he rolled your hips up and down your cock like you had done countless times before.
"Oh, you are?" You asked, licking your lips. "Nah, I don't think so; it’s time I give you a taste of your own medicine.” You growled out while flipping him over onto his side. "I'm going to put it in your pussy." You ground your hips against drenched folds with a snarl.
Suguru gasped, moaning as he felt the head of his cock rubbed against your pussy. Being the one to do it felt much different than being on the receiving end. But it still felt good regardless. He suddenly knew why you begged so pretty; he longed for more than teasing touches. He was about to start praying for more when his whole body seized up as you pressed the head against the tight ring of muscles of the entrance, fighting the need to shove it all in.
“Baby, please—!”
“Oooh, who's a needy slut?”
"Fuck, I am! I want you to fucking destroy me, please.” Suguru moaned, his head slowly rolling back against the pillows.
You smirked, running your tongue over your bottom lip. "Oooh, begging for me already, that’s so cute.” You slammed inside Suguru’s tight pussy. "Fuck—you're so tight~!!"
Suguru gasped before screaming out a moan while you thrust in and out. "F-Fuck yeah!! Just like that, oh god!!~ Princess!!” Hearing such pretty sounds only filled your desire, making you eager to move, to make him feel as good as he did for you.
"Fuck yeah~ what are you always saying? ‘You like me fucking your cunt slut?’”
“Yeah, I see why, fuck you feel so fucking good!!" Suguru cried out, his eyes rolling back. "Fuck! Princess!! Fuck, I'm your slut, god I want your cum so bad!!"
"Cum for me then~!" You commanded, reaching around and rubbing your clit in fast circles just as you knew your body liked it. "Cum all over my cock." Your thrusts were becoming erratic as you felt your balls tighten.
Suguru cried out, his head thrown back as he clenched hard on your cock. "Yesyes-Yes! Fuck, Princess!! Fuckfuckfuck-!!"
You followed immediately behind Suguru; your hips stuttered as you came hard, cum filling your pussy with thick white cum. "O-Oh fuck~!"
"H-Holy shit!!”
"Fuck, oh fuck." You panted roughly, looking down at Suguru, who was still trapped in your body. "That felt s-ao good."
"Holy hell, the cum feels so fucking good—"
“Yeah~ it makes you feel all nice and warm afterward.”
Your boyfriend moaned softly. "You know what feels even better? Fucking you with my cum~ I promise it feels fucking amazing give it a try."
You perked up at that, turning red, but you couldn't just take his word for it. You needed to feel it for yourself. So you slowly started thrusting back inside, moaning loudly.
"Oh god, you're fucking right, feels good.”
“I N-Nngh told you!”
You kissed Suguru eagerly, thrusting faster. Your boyfriend smiled softly, cupping your cheeks in his hands, kissing you deeply as he moaned into your mouth. You kissed back just as eagerly, stroking Suguru’s cheek. Your nails dug into his hips as you moved faster than you could think.
"F-Fuck, can't stop—! God, you feel too fucking good!"
Suguru moaned softly, smiling up at you. "F-Fuck~ I love you too, Princess, so cum in me again!”
You groaned, sucking his neck, leaving a trail of hickeys. "I will." You growled, nipping her earlobe. "I'm gonna keep cumming inside your pussy." your hip bucked, slamming against her cervix as spurts of hot cum filled Suguru, the sensation enough to throw him over the edge with you.
“Y-Yeah! Oooh fuck!” He cried out a moan, clawing at your back as he felt himself cum around your cock when you slammed deep into him. "C-Cumming!! Cumming Princess!!"
You gritted your teeth as you came inside your boyfriend again. That’s how you both were. You were just in sync with each other. Despite the fact, you were in each other’s bodies. You knew how to make the other field good; you wanted to keep going because you weren’t sure how long this side effect would last. But your lack of experience having a dick and poor stamina said otherwise.
"M’ sorry baby, I-I do-don't think I can go anymore. I can’t take it.” You feebly cried out before collapsing on top of your own body, winning a satisfied sigh from Suguru, who was underneath you.
“Honestly, I’m okay with that,” he said as he gulped air. “Fuck you’re probably gonna be sore in the morning. And I don’t wanna hear you complaining about it because this was your own doing.”
Your mind felt fuzzy as you just nodded your head nuzzling your boyfriend‘s face into the crook of your neck because you took in the afterglow and the rash of being near him in such an intimate way. Suguru hummed happily, running his fingers through your hair. He was honestly surprised you were able to go two rounds.
“Sleepy?” he asked softly, only receiving a hum in return. “Ooh—my sweet girl. Lay down for a minute, and let's cuddle before we take a shower.”
“Okay.” you finally could form coherent words as you lay down on your side, cupping your boyfriend's cheek. “Can I—”
“Yes, you can be the little spoon.” You weren’t sure how long the curse's effect would last, but as long as you were with each other, it didn’t matter. All that you cared about was coming home safely with Suguru and sleeping soundly in his arms, which made your dangerous job worth it.
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3 @wil10wthetree @luvsymai
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zooophagous · 11 months ago
I'm gonna be contrarian here for a minute and rant about "cats aren't even good pest control."
Which, one study that found cats don't do well against rats is not the be all end all of reality. A cat may not go after Norway rats, which are large and aggressive, no. An adult male wild Norway rat is large enough to give almost any cat a run for its money.
But Norway rats aren't the only thing that exist and get into houses and barns. It is very cold where I live, and while I see mice and packrats and voles, I have never once seen a wild RAT. Wild RATS don't get into my garage. Deer mice do. Bushy tailed pack rats do.
And you know what fixed it?
My cat. He's not even an outdoor cat. He's 100% indoors, or in the garage but only with the door closed so he can't leave.
He single handedly removed my packrat problem. I didn't need to resort to poisons and while I did set traps, none of them had even half of his success rate. Cats were domesticated primarily because of how good they are at catching small rodents. Their success knocked other animals such as trained ferrets off the popular spot for the task. Claiming a cat is useless as pest control is just plain not true.
Cats are decent pest control WITHIN CERTAIN PARAMETERS. They're good for certain types of small pest, and cats need ro be CONTAINED. Much like poisons, you can't just throw cats around willy nilly because they'll kill a shitload of non target animals.
A barn or shop cat is a good option for long term mouse control *if* it is actually confined to that barn or shop and not free to just leave. A semi feral cat that lives in a large warehouse and is vaccinated and desexed and vetted and kills whatever tiny pests get in to chew on stuff is the best case scenario for an adopted feral.
What I do NOT get however, is the insistence that terriers are better and you should just get one of those.
A dog is not an easy animal to keep and nor is it one you should go purchase because you want long term pest control in your barn. If you want a pest control solution call an externinator. If you want a dog that's intelligent and driven and needs dedicated training and care and you're happy to put in the energy to actually focus its chaotic energy into something useful then go get a ratting terrier.
These little dogs do not fill the same niche as a barn cat and their care is quite a bit more intense in general especially if the dog is going to be a house pet as well as a worker. They're intense and destructive and can and will pick fights, often fatal fights, with other animals. Stop telling people to go get one when all they need is to get some squirrels out of a shed. Buying a dog and buying pest control are not the same thing.
You could *hire* a ratter to do a sweep, but unless you're also removing the conditions that made your property popular with rats to begin with you're going to have to keep bringing them back.
The kind of people who leave feral cats outside to roam and breed freely are the last fucking people who have any business keeping a working line terrier.
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submattenthusiast · 4 months ago
Tumblr media
synopsis - pegging matt in his sexy costume
pairings; sub!matt x dom!reader (no use of y/n)
contents- smut, pegging, ass play, mommy kink, male masturbation, use of pet names, cum, all that good stuff.
a/n - this was heavily requested! but i understand that this is not for everyone so please do not read if this makes you uncomfy otherwise enjoy! not proofread
“okay you can look now” matt giggled, referring to your hands covering your eyes. matt had been so secretive about his halloween costume claiming he wanted it to be a total surprise. not even letting you come shopping with him. you slowly removed your hands and opened your eyes, they adjusted to the brightness of the room before focusing. it took everything in you not to scream, he looked so fucking good. covered in black clothes head to toe with tiny spots of orange and grey, brown hair so perfectly messy, and black face paint smudged around his blue eyes as a cherry on top.
“now don’t you look handsome mr. wayne” you complimented. matt twirled as you praised his costume, giving you a full show. you sauntered over to his standing figure to look closer at him. your hands felt up over his costume once close enough, stopping at his hands that were covered with fake bandage wraps. the skin was smooth in comparison to the ragged material adorning his wrists. you brought his hand to your lips and softly kissed his knuckles, just above the bandages.
matt smiled shyly at your soft touches and kisses. “don’t tease”. matt was close to melting under your touch– almost forgetting he had to go take pictures with his brothers soon. “sorry you just kiss look so kiss good” you purr. with one last kiss, you let his hand go. “i’ll be back in an hour or so?” matt offered in return, implying that you had all night to kiss on him and other things. you nodded while straightening him up .“don’t be long yeah?”. his soft hair tickled your face as whispered teasingly, lips brushing against the shell of his ear “my favourite toy is calling your name” . shivers ran down his spine at the mention of your strap-on, riling him up already. not to mention the seduction laced in your voice, it drove him insane. It took everything in him not to bail on his plans.
the instagram notification broke your focus from the halloween movies and specials you were watching on tv. Matthew.sturniolo just made a post displayed across your wallpaper. you clicked on it immediately, excited to see how the photos came out. once instagram loaded it showed matt’s post of 4 photos of him as batman and references for his costume. six in total. your jaw dropped as you swiped, seeing matt look so mysterious, dark, and sexy. the bad lighting of the photos made it even sexier. you liked the photos and commented a few emojis with horny messages. 
after oogling over the post for a few minutes you placed your phone down and headed back towards your room to prepare for matt’s return. the floorboards creaked under your feet as you sped towards the bathroom.
your hands wrapped around your towel as you stepped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, water still dripping off your body and leaving a trail behind you.
still, in your towel, you rummaged through your closet for the special black lingerie you planned on wearing tonight and a cover-up while you waited. it was wedged in between one of matt’s hoodies and your jacket. you pulled it out and smiled, caressing the lacy fabric as you thought about how you would look in it. draping it over your arm you moved on to finding what you needed for the intimate acts you planned on engaging in with matt. the box of toys was hidden well, in a spot which only you and matt could find easily but nobody else would think of looking. opening the velvet top you instantly reached for the strap on and the lube. once you had those you carefully looked around in the box for anything else you might need before shutting it and stepping out of the closet.
you placed the various sexual items on your bed, laying them out in the order you would use them; lingerie first, then the lubricant, and finally the star of the show the skin-toned dildo attached to black straps. you sighed and turned on your heels to get ready, excited to look nice but not for the process. after about 30 minutes you were so satisfied with how you looked, silily getting distracted by yourself in the full-body mirror in the corner of the room. the black fabric hugged your body just right, showing off your cleavage and parts of your skin under the see-through lace. 
your phone kept you busy for the time being, watching various tiktoks and liking more halloween costume reveals. you scrolled until matt cracked open the bedroom door. “sorry for the wait, the city needed me sweets’ ” matt said in his batman voice as he walked into the room. you shut your phone off and chuckled at him still being in character. you swung your legs to the side and hopped off the bed, and began seductively stripping out of the cover-up. discarding the garment and you strode towards your boyfriend slowly. showing off the black set to him.
matt’s eye black surrounded eyes widened at the sight of you. he mouthed a damn as he met you halfway, his bandaged hands immediately reached for your waist. your arms wrapped around his neck as he grabbed your waist, closing the gap between you both. your fingers tangled in the hair on the back of his neck as you talked. “are you all mine now mr. wayne?” you giggled, keeping up with his act. his thumbs smoothed against your sides as he took you in, just floored by you. “all yours” he whispered as he leaned in to kiss you.
the quick kiss quickly turned into a heated makeout session, without the tongue fighting— though sexy, matt gave you complete control, letting your tongue slip into his mouth and your lips engulf his. the kiss was messy and full of need from both parties. multitasking while you kissed him you started to walk him towards the bed, pushing his body back without breaking the kiss. matt grabbed at your lace-covered ass as he stumbled backward. you groaned into his mouth at his wandering hands. once at the side of the bed, you broke the messy kiss. saliva was swapped and connected you both once you pulled away. 
you reached around his long legs and moved the toy and lube before pushing him back on the bed, ensuring he wouldn’t hit anything on his way down. matt hit the bed pretty hard but his multiple layers softened the fall. he opened his arms and positioned his legs so you could climb on top of him. you took the signal and crawled over his body only stopping when you reached his crotch. balancing on one hand you dragged your free hand across the tent that formed in his pants while you guys kissed, you felt it poking due to the proximity but got lost in the feeling of his mouth.
matt gasped at the touch you were giving him. he was sure his thick cargos would hide his hard-on until he stripped. “this all for me?” you cooed, tracing the outline of his cock. he nodded quickly. “yes mama was thinking about you fucking me the whole time”. you can’t even lie, the confession made you grin, knowing a couple of whispers hours ago affected him this much. you paused on the groping to stradle him. your thighs caged his smaller legs in. the scratchy fabric made marks against your thighs from how close you were and his cock was distracting under you.“and i was thinking about how bad i wanted to ruin your makeup”
you brought a thumb up to his lips and tapped lightly. the cracks and dry patches stood out as you touched them. matt instantly opened his mouth for you, lips wrapping around your thumb perfectly. matt’s tongue swirled around the tip of your thumb as he got it wet for you. “good boy” matt whimpered at the praise and sucked until you took your finger out his mouth with a pop and dragged it under his eyes — leaving a smudged empty spot on his face. perfect.
“please ruin it i can’t wait anymore,” matt said as he squirmed under you. his cock was begging to be released and touched. and his tight hole was dying to be stretched. you caressed his cheek as you looked down  “you’re gonna look so pretty as i fuck you” he shuddered at your words and whispered a please, resorting to begging now as he began aching for you.
his eyes followed your movements as you reached for the lube and strap. they lit up as soon as your fingers made contact. you slid off his lap and sat on the space next to him. “pants down and ass up,” you instructed. while matt scrambled off the bed, you focused on coating your fingers with lubricant.
the sounds of matt stripping filled your ears, the zipper flying down, pants ruffling as he pulled them down, and the plop of his boxers joining his pants at his ankles. he turned his head towards you, watching you coat the tips of your fingers in lube. you placed it down on the bed and turned to matt, cooing internally at his obedience. your clean hand smoothed over his soft bare ass, caressing it but avoiding where he wanted you to touch. “ready?” you asked. he muffled a please and nodded eagerly. 
you spread his cheeks with that same hand and used the other to prep his hole. you gently spread the substance around, making matt hiss and arch at the coldness. your fingers circulated his tight skin before plunging the index in. squelching sounds came from the tight fit you had to make. his hole clenched around your finger as he moaned out at the insertion. you watched his body as you fingered him, searching for signs of discomfort. “you’re so tight baby, how am i gonna fit inside you?” you tease.
his body tensed at the sentence and at the fact that you might not be able to fuck him if he was so tight. his head shot up as he got deeper into his thoughts, he could and would take you, matt was determined to defend himself now. “jus’ gotta stretch me out please don’t say that” he begged. you took his words seriously and began massaging your middle finger around his hole as you prepared to insert it. two fingers are enough to stretch, right? 
with one finger already inside, he started to loosen up. his rim wasn’t fighting your digits anymore, instead welcoming them. your second finger slid in effortlessly, not having to go halfway like you did the first. with both your index and middle inside you began to curl them upwards. aiming to get as close to his prostate as you could without hurting him. you built up a pace as your fingers slid in and out. matt’s body jerked against the bed as you fingered him. he was getting that full feeling just from your fingers. his muffled moans and whines rang in your ears as you pleasured him. he turned his head to the side so you could hear him clearly as he begged for you to start fucking him. “please ‘m ready i need you so bad”
“easy now, we have all night” you tried to warn, selfishly. you just wanted to spend a little more time playing with him. he was right though, he was ready and stretched out enough to take you fully. matt’s pink lips formed a pout as you denied him once again. you were taking your sweeeet time with him but he trusted you so he didn’t complain further. you flicked your wrist a few more times before pulling out fully. a pang of emptiness washed over him as you removed your digits, but he didn’t get to dwell over it for long. “all fours” you instruct. you weren’t fucking around anymore.
you wiped your lubed up fingers on his ass before he sat up. your action elicited an indescribable sound from him. upon your instructions he jumped up from his previous position and climbed on the soft bed. his feet almost hanging off the bed while he waited in the doggy position for you. you grabbed the toy by the straps from the right of matt, checking him out a little as you reached. your stocking clad feet stepped into the straps like you were putting on pants. you brought the black material up until it didn't budge anymore, the straps fit snug over your clothed pussy and waist.
matt waited ever so patiently as you attached the strap to your lower half. even though he was facing the opposite direction he still knew what you were doing. the sounds of the objects moving helping tremendously. the cap popped off of the bottle like before letting him know your next moves. you smothered the head in cold lubricant, the small drop you applied going a long way.
you threw the bottle on the dresser before stepping closer to the bed, tip almost lining up perfectly with matt's ass. you placed a hand on the small of his back and pushed slightly. perfecting his arch and planting his body how you needed it. your other hand gave quick strokes to the silicon, ensuring it was fully covered and slippery. matt's arch was good enough for you to slide in now. you removed the hand from his back and attached it to his side.
a small yelp was heard as you grooved into matt. the tip was barely in and matt was reeling already. his wet hair fell in front of his face as his head drooped down. with a nod, you continued to push past his rim and eventually fully into him. once inside you stilled any movements. letting him adjust to the real fullness, not just two fingers. matt finally was able to let out a sound after having his jaw agape for so long. he let out a grunt as he made slight movements around the strap.
you patted his side as you waited for him to give you a sign of readiness. even though he was eager as ever you never wanted to hurt him. and him not being prepared would do exactly that. "move please" matt groaned. your gentle touch turned into a tight grip on his hips as you gave your first thrust. he kept the arch you gave him and went forward at your hips meeting his ass for the first but not last time tonight.
you pulled back just until the tip only was inside him then gave a rougher push of your hips. the silicon slid in and out of him just right. matt's hands tangled in the bed sheets to prevent him from screaming out. the toy just stretched him so good. his moans of pleasure gave great encouragement as you fucked him. the louder he gets the harder your thrusts get.
the slow pace you had was driving him insane, you were supposed to be ruining him and his makeup. this pace wasn't gonna bring him to tears of pleasure. matt knew you were playing with him again, making him ask for everything. he mustered up the courage to ask for more. "harder please i can handle it" he urged. your grip got impossibly tighter and you gave him one last soft thrust. "don't wanna hear a word of complaint got it?"
you didn't wait for a response and began drilling your hips into his ass. his body wobbled from the fervor of your motions. the slapping of skin bounced of the walls of the steamy room. his hard cock smacked against his thigh while you pounded into him. the symphony of the mixed moans, groans, and grunts combined with the slapping. "this what you wanted, yeah?" you hissed, movements never slowing.
matt couldn't even reply if he wanted to. the way you were fucking him was too much. the tears welled up in his waterline as the thrusts got rougher if even possible. you smiled at his silence, knowing the strap rendered him speechless.
you continued to relentlessly drive your hips into him. one in particular hit his sweet spot. matt let out a cry at the contact and seconds later the waterworks came falling. disgruntled noises came from the boy under you. overwhelming spurts of pleasure were pulsing through his spent body. black droplets of tears stained his face and the comforters under him. his sniffles joined the various sounds in the room.
even though he was crying matt never wanted you to halt your movements. feeling his orgasm creep up matt snaked a hand around his cock. he needed that extra push to come crashing down fully. you hips continuously snapped and matt tried to match your speed on his cock, jerking it agressively. you watched as he clenched around the silicon and knew he was gonna cum soon "oh-oh fuck m close please" matt rushed out.
you slowed down and opted on going deeper rather than faster. matt squirmed at the change of pace but nevertheless kept touching himself to the rhythm you had before. you observed how he stroked himself to give him the stimulation he needed to finish. his moans got louder and with one last stroke from him and the last few deep thrusts he was done for "cumming please—ah" he warned at last minute
your hands caressed him as he spilled his milky cum all over his thighs, hands, and the sheets. matt cried and moaned at the same time from the blistering orgasm he just experienced. you saw his struggle to stay in doggy and pulled out before he collapsed onto the bed, stepped out of the removed the strap on from your sweaty body. you sat at the edge of the bed and waited for him to come down from his current state, not wanting to overwhelm him with clinginess.
matt crawl-limped over to you, silently letting you know he was alright and wanted cuddles now. you opened your arms to his sweaty body and he took his place in between your thighs. "without all that makeup covering your eyes, you look a lot like my boyfriend, mr wayne"
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astarionancuntnin · 10 months ago
Midnight's Embrace
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summary: you can’t recall the last time you had a real, good night of sleep. your fight with the netherbrain is approaching fast and your anxiety is only increasing. halsin proposes to try a special brand of herbs to alleviate your mind. turns out this herb also awoke something else in you.
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rating: E
word count: 3k
pairing: astarion x you x halsin (fem!reader)
cw: 18+. smut, porn with no plot, late act 3 business, reader is tav, massage turning into something more, polyamory, reader is sandwiched between her two bfs, recreational drug use, stoned sex, mildly dubious consent due to drug intake (reader & astarion), praise kink, threesome, dry humping, blood/vampire bites, unprotected sex, anal fingering and penetration, double penetration, creampie, aftercare, overall sane safe and as consensual as one can be under the influence.
a/n: taking a smol break from my angsty writing to deliver some smut goodness. hope you enjoy! (i sure did)
a/n²: this is absolutely self-indulgent stuff and i will not be sorry about it. i wish i had two loving boyfriends fucking me while i was high, is that so much to ask
read on ao3
my masterlist
or keep reading down below ~
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You can’t recall the last time you had a real, good night of sleep.
Since your arrival in Baldur’s Gate, your nights have been restless, and your anxiety related to your upcoming fight with the Netherbrain has only increased. It’s not uncommon for you to wake up sweating in the middle of the night, panting, and checking your surroundings. You feel as if you’re only one inconvenience away from crumbling and your lovers are worried about you. You keep trying to reassure them that you’ll be fine once the Netherbrain is dealt with, but they won’t hear you out; you’ve only ever taken care of your companions since the start. Everyone has found their peace but you. 
Halsin and Astarion urged you to start to focus on yourself, and you wanted to, but the truth is you had no idea where to start; you were used to taking care of everyone else, your own wellbeing never crossed your mind. One night, after Astarion feeds on you, he mentions how tense you are, and that he would gladly massage your neck to help with the tension you've accumulated. This makes you think about asking your other companions about their own techniques to decompress. Throughout the day, you ask around: “what do you do when you’re stressed out?” Shadowheart mentions that she meditates and stretches, and while it’s not a bad idea, with your mind constantly racing, you doubt you’d be able to easily meditate. Lae’zel mentions practice dueling, which she usually partakes with Wyll, and although it seems to be working for them, you wanna try to avoid more fighting before your upcoming fight. 
That’s when Halsin tells you about the medicinal benefits of some herbs, and how they could help you relax. Although you’ve never tried, you’re open to the idea; you’ll try anything that could potentially ease your night terrors. You spend the next day marching the streets to reach an herb shop. As you enter, a lady greets you cheerfully, offering her help to find you exactly what you need. They offered a great variety of consumables infused with their many strands available : pastries, desserts, drinks and potions, candies; if you could imagine it, they had it. The lady explains the effect each of their products have and their specialities. After looking around, you settle on a cookie with Midnight’s Embrace, a sleep inducing herb. You thank her and head back to the Elfsong for the night.
You finish your meal with the special cookie and soon after, you bid your companions goodnight before fetching your partners to accompany you through the night. After all, you still intend on holding Astarion to his word about that massage he mentioned the other night, and Halsin promised to be by your side as this was your first time consuming something like this.
You had reserved the room with the biggest bed they had, just for this occasion.  You reach for the bed first, lying comfortably on your chest, ready for your long-awaited massage. Halsin is next to join you, removing his shirt to get comfortable before sitting next to you with his back against the headboard, and Astarion joins soon after, kneeling behind you. The pale elf straightens up before laying his hands on your back, wasting no time to work through the knots in your tired muscles. The relief you feel is almost instant.
Halsin combs through your hair, pushing it aside to reveal your blissful face. “How are you feeling?”
“Sooooo good. A massage was the best idea.”
As it turns out, the massage combined with the herb-induced dessert enhanced each other, as the effect of the cookie you ingested earlier had already started settling in. When the lady mentioned they were “fast-acting”, you didn’t expect almost spontaneous-acting. Your skin feels more sensitive – in a good way – but you know that it’s the effect of the drugs, as if every touch was the softest caress you’ve received, and you found yourself leaning in the vampire's strong and graceful grip, only wanting more. As he makes his way to your lower back, a few unconscious moans escape your mouth before you can stop them. 
“I take it that you’re enjoying yourself, then?” Astarion asks, smiling, in response to your moaning.
“It’s just… your hands…” you sigh content, leaning into his touch. “They feel amazing.”
“I'm happy to provide, my love.”
His dexterous hands turn you to putty and you wish you could feel more, every inch of your body yearning for attention. He keeps working on your back while you reach out to Halsin, his much bigger hand holding yours tightly. You slightly turn your head to be able to look at him.
“I… want you to touch me too.”
“Tell me where you need me, my heart.”
“Can you hold me? I want to be held by you two.”
The two men look at each other in understanding before repositioning themselves on each side of you ; Astarion hugging your waist from behind, nuzzling himself in the crook of your neck, and Halsin sheltering you in his arms, his head resting on top of yours.
The effects of the cookie kept getting stronger : you felt lighter, more peaceful and happier, your mind was clear from any lingering anxiety, only taking in the love surrounding you. In the comfort of their arms, you let your hands roam over the archdruid's chest, exploring each crevasse. The drugs made you more sensitive, especially down there, and it doesn’t take you long to feel a familiar warmth pool down to your stomach. You gently rub your thighs together, chasing the feeling growing between your legs, when you feel the man behind you slightly pull away. 
“Hold on, are you–” He raises his head to look down your waist, “Oh, you little devil. You are touching yourself!”
It seems that you had lost all awareness, not realizing your movements were brushing against Astarion’s groin. Your blood rushes to your face and you suddenly feel warm, “I– Gods, I didn't realize–”
He clicks his tongue, “None of that. We're here for you to feel better, remember? Now, tell us, what does your heart desire?”
“I…” You feel bashful for all the thoughts swirling around your mind, unable to speak them aloud: you wish to be taken at once by both of your lovers, having them make you feel whole as they fill you with their love, touch, kiss, bite, every part of your body. Surely, you're influenced by the herbs, but you can't deny that even sober, the thoughts have crossed your mind. The drugs simply allowed them to wander freely and amplify them slightly. 
You finally manage to get a few words out, barely expressing the full extent of your carnal desires, “I want you… Both… to… massage me… everywhere.”
Halsin cups your face softly, kissing your forehead before getting up. “Let's get you comfortable, shall we?”
You nod hazily, and he helps you remove your camp clothing, before removing the rest of his own, leaving you both naked on the bed. While Halsin was helping you dress down, Astarion allowed himself to remove his own shirt, providing you the skin-on-skin you desired from both of them, all the while respecting his own boundaries. Now comfortably nestled between your lovers, you let your hands explore the man facing you. His warmth is overwhelming and you can't stop touching him, languidly going over his chest and shoulders, your concentration faltering.
“I believe our beloved is rather hungry tonight,” Astarion says, smiling.
The archdruid makes eye contact with you, lovingly holding your cheek, “Is this what you want, my love?”
“Yes, please, I've never wanted anything more,” you plead, now with a breathy voice.
Halsin gives you a soft smile and his lips meet yours in a passionate kiss. Your hips buck on their own, brushing over Halsin’s cock already awakening to your touch
Astarion keeps massaging your tits, never letting you go from his embrace and starts kissing your neck.
“Do you like that, my sweet?” He said between two kisses.
“Y- yes… please… more.”
He drags his hand alongside your body, his nails lightly grazing your skin, tracing every curve, every scar and mark on your body, leaving goosebumps in its trail, before landing over your ass.
“Like this?” He asks with a husky voice.
“Yes…” you breathe out.
Halsin follows Astarion's lead, his own hand caressing your side before landing on your thigh, lifting it up to hook your leg around his waist.
“How about this?”
His hand finds its way to your cunt, softly stroking along your entrance.
You sigh content, your hips bucking into him more, trying to make his fingers enter you.
“More…I need more…”
The archdruid slides his finger inside you, giving you exactly what you want and you moan, letting your nails dig in the muscles of his arm. He steadies his rhythm and your hand finds its way in Astarion's hair, pulling him closer to you. His lips reach your ear, guided by your hand.
“By the gods, you're so beautiful,” he says, nibbling on your ear, getting a whimper out of you, as he leaves a trail of kisses down the nape of your neck.
The attention from your lovers makes you squirm under them as every inch of you is yearning for more contact. Halsin rewards your movements by entering you with a second finger and you cry out of pleasure.
“Keep singing for me my love,” Halsin says.
His fingers working your cunt and his thumb rubbing over your clit only awaken something stronger in you.
“Please Halsin, I need you.”
“You will have me, my heart.”
Your other hand reaches for his cheek, forcing him to look into your eyes, “All of you.”
He reads the urgency in your gaze and he removes his finger from you, giving them a taste and humming at your essence.
“By the Oak Father, you taste like the sweetest of honeys, my love.” His voice is deep, but soft; you can hear the admiration he holds for you, your body, your soul, and it only makes you want him even more.
He places his cock at your entrance before slowly pushing in fully, and you hold onto his face, taking in deep breaths as he gives you time to adjust to his size. 
“Look at you…” Astarion whispers close to your ear. “You're taking him so well, my love,” he rewards you by groping your nipples, lightly pinching them in the process.
You arch your back at the sensation, giving him easier access to not only your breast, but your neck as well, and his mouth instinctively finds its way to the familiar spot of his feeding. His cold tongue traces over your pulsating vein, seemingly asking for permission, and yet, you were the one reduced to a pleading mess.
He hums in the crook of your neck and you feel his smile against your skin, “Please what?”
Your chest rises higher with each breath you take “Bite me.”
He holds your head back by lightly pulling your hair and sinks his teeth into your neck. You cry out at the initial sting and quickly get lost in the feeling. The flow of your blood leaving your body is even more ecstatic than usual; as if you could feel the blood in every vein in your body being pulled away as Astarion drank from you ravishingly. Knowing your limits and accounting for the condition you're in, he pulls back earlier than usual, and you whine at the loss of his mouth only to moan more as Halsin finally starts moving inside you. What the vampire hadn’t thought of was the effect your blood was going to have on him, now that it was mixed with the drugs you took earlier. It wasn't rare for him to get hard drinking from you, but he usually dismissed the feeling since you've discussed taking things slow. This time however, his cock felt rock hard and the drugs now flowing through him made him chase the feeling that the fabric rubbing over him was providing.
He grabs your waist, grinding into your back, while Halsin pumps in and out of you with slow strokes. With any restraint gone, Astarion pushes his hips into you, rubbing himself down through his trousers. By now, his need is clearly showcased by the pre-come stain on his pants, and the head of his cock poking out of his waistband, flushed pink by your blood running through it.
Halsin notices Astarion's mood change and he reaches out to hold his face, bringing him back to him, before he can act on impulse.
“Do you want this?”
His eyes are sincere and caring; granted the reasons they're in this situation is for you, but that doesn't undermine their own needs as well. Astarion nods, affirming his consent, before freeing his erection to show his intentions. Now certain that his lover wanted this as much as himself, Halsin made sure you were ready for them.
He cups your face and gently strokes your cheek. As if he had read your mind earlier, he asks, “Do you think you can take us both, my heart?” 
“Yes,” your voice is merely a whisper, but the lust you express is clear nonetheless. 
He removes himself from inside of you to wet his fingers with your juices, only to take them back out to move them down to your tight hole. His finger coated by your slick gently enters your ass and you gasp at the sensation, surprised at first, but welcoming it as you push down against him. He slides a second finger and you moan in pleasure.
“That's my good girl.”
He prepares your hole, making sure you're accustomed to the feeling, then removes his fingers to spit in his hand, now to prepare Astarion for you. He grasps the vampire's length and slowly strokes him. Astarion hisses at the initial contact, but quickly melts into his touch, bucking his hips into Halsin's wet hand. The archdruid aligns his partner's cock at your tight entrance while he positions himself back against your pussy, ready to enter you again. He asks for one final permission.
“Are you ready, my love?” 
With partly lidded eyes, you nod and whisper a faint yes, and he grabs the back of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss, while his hips and Astarion's thrust into you at once. 
You cry into his mouth, both overwhelmed by their sizes and the friction having both of them at the same time provided, and behind you, the vampire growls, steadying himself inside your ass. Having both him and Halsin inside you like this was a sensation you couldn’t begin to describe. It’s everything you ever wanted, you feel whole, but also vulnerable; you were entirely at their mercy, and you wouldn’t be able to get out from their strong hold on you, especially not in the state you’re in. You're completely helpless, caged between their imposing arms and legs, and yet, you’ve never felt more safe than you do right at this moment. For once, you could let go, let yourself be guided, your life between their hands.
You’re brought back to the moment when they start moving, picking up a slow and steady pace, and you let yourself be used by them; while one pulls out, the other enters you fully. You’re rendered speechless, reduced to moans and soft cries, but your lovers make sure to fill in for your silence.
“You feel so good.” The voice behind you groans close to your ear. His grip on your hips tightens, with his sharp nails lightly digging into your soft skin.
“So deliciously wet, just for us.” A honeyed voice praises you more and you start to lose your hold.
“Gods, you’re so fucking tight.”
“You're doing so well.”
Their words of praise worked like a charm on you, and they knew the effect it had on you. They noticed how you reacted to encouragement on the battlefield, and it applied just as much in bed. 
“My love.”
“My good girl.”
The shock to your mind hits you like lightning. You convulse between them, crying out as electricity runs through you, your walls tightening against their cocks, milking them dry. 
“Ugnnh I'm– ah fuck- I'm close.” 
“Mnh- my heart, I’m gonna come–.”
You're still going through your first orgasm when you feel a second one hitting you brutally as they shoot ropes of come inside both of your holes, leaving you overflowing from them.
The sensation numbs you out entirely, still spasming around their members, but completely spent and breathless. Your mind is blank, with nothing but pure bliss swirling around. As if you were between two worlds, switching from dream to reality, you barely feel your lovers pull out of you and move around, cleaning themselves and you. You think you hear a distant voice saying “let’s get you cleaned up” as you’re lifted up from the bed. You don’t notice Astarion removing the ruined sheet, but too tired of his own to care about replacing it with another, and snuggling back in bed. You’re laid down next to him and you instinctively reach out for him; your hand reaching out for his, laying close to his undead heart, and your forehead leaning over his shoulder. Finally, the archdruid slides behind you, covering you three with a warm blanket, his arm circling over your waist. At long last, you let yourself drift to sleep in his loving embrace.
For the first time in weeks, you get a real, good night of sleep.
Thank you for reading! Comments, reblogs, and likes are very much appreciated <3
tag list (comment or message me if you want to be added!): @grimistheangerinmystares @silverfangmarks @roguishcat
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venmondiese · 3 months ago
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-ˋˏ| summary: Late at night, Aemond thinks of you to keep himself awake. And he doesn't doubt to ask for your help to do so.
✧ | Pairing: Modern!Aemond Targaryen x reader
✧ | word count: 1.5k
✧ | Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Masturbation, Submissive Aemond..., Sending nudes and stuff.
✧ | notes: i wanted to try something new and short as i was busy, and this came up. very obviously inspired on expresso by sabrina carpenter!
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miss you
It was no surprise to get messages of this kind from him, especially when he was so busy with the last bit of college. Aemond has told you how many essays he has to do, and how many exams are left.
It was almost the start of summer, and he liked to torture himself by studying two careers at once.
miss u too ;)
There was something peculiar with your relationship with Aemond, you loved to be a tease around him. But it was partially his fault, since he entertained your whims. 
His brother Aegon was the only one aware of this situation between you two, since he catched you both in the act. Not even having sex… yet it did not look good for Aemond. 
Aemond always texted you in the nights, where he was up until late, studying. You also worked late, but you did it for different reasons. 
“Mhm… Alys never wanted to do those things with me…” he confided in you once, to which you responded. 
“Mhm. Too bad your ex didn’t do it for you”
 He often tells you how you were like a dream girl, something you took pride in. Aemond wasn't just some love sick puppy. He was truly a good catch, and yet he was all wrapped on your finger. 
It was due to both of you being quite nonchalant about the whole matter. If it worked, nice. If not, whatever. Yet you both found this weird teasing game interesting. 
I can’t sleep. 
You checked the time. It was 2:37 AM. It was no secret he couldn’t sleep, and you were awake too. 
It’s late. Go to sleep.
His answers always came quickly. 
I can’t. I am finishing one essay and then the other. I don’t think I’ll be sleeping.
Aemond wasn’t the type to do small talk, or whine about his problems just because. He didn’t do things just because. 
You had a small smirk as you rolled to your stomach in bed as you saw his message. You type yours quickly.
Boo ;( 
You turn your nightstand light on, as you get up to go and fetch a glass of water as you wait for his answer. He probably already replied by the second, but you truly didn’t care. You liked to tease him on this. Sweet and slow. 
As you come back on your bed, your cat goes away to the movement, as you take your phone sipping your water.
 Can I get a picture? Please.
He was always like this. Wanting a small encouragement as if that would make his performance at his studies better. 
And you indulge him. Aemond knows that even if he was the one taking all the initiative, you don’t ignore him for a reason. And he loves when you play hard to get. 
Sometimes, when he made something to displease you, he had to apologize as he kissed you. Or sometimes you’ll tease him, stroke his cock over the clothes and then abandon him to his luck. It drove him insane, and it made him want you further. 
He was sitting on his desk, the light tried to make him focus on the papers in front of him, yet Aemond could only wait anxiously for your message. Every two seconds he checked his phone. He yawns as he looks at the hour. 
It is probably ten minutes later when the notification of a video pops up, and he stands up to watch it from his bed. He knows he needs it like this; he was almost painfully hard, since he had been trying to do it on his own, but he needed you. 
Your video is all he needs. The lightness of the video comes as too bright, but he manages to get over it. You were wearing that lingerie that he loved and gifted you, which you sometimes put it with a babydoll that matches.
Yet this time you weren’t wearing it, and he could see your shiny skin, probably you oiled it up a bit to his delight. It takes him a while to separate his eyes from your clothed cunt, to see that you weren’t wearing the bra that comes with the lingerie. 
You were a tease, not allowing him to see your cunt as he would love to. He gets totally distracted by you, imagining anything but his studies, and all of his thoughts were filled with you. He often allowed himself to try any new idea you have, no matter how weird it might sound, he gives it a shot for you. 
You twirl around to allow him to check you out in that outfit. Oh you looked so pretty, and so tempting like that. It drove him insane, as his hand moved down almost by pure instinct. 
Your next message kills him.
Was it what you wanted?
He never plays hard when he is hard and needy.
Yes. I’m horny as hell. I can’t concentrate anymore. 
You smirk, as you ponder for a moment before texting him. 
Want my help? I think you should give it long and slow strokes, baby. Up and down. 
You don’t hear from him for the next 5 minutes, honestly. He was dead silent, he left you on read and nothing more. 
And then the video he sends starts loading on the chat, and you lean back on your bed as you bite your lip, seeing the blurry preview while you wait.
You didn’t want to play hard to get and see it later; you opened it immediately when you saw the frame of Aemond’s naked chest, as he propped his phone up on his nightstand beside his bed. Even if it was clumsy, you could see his chest flexing as he tried to accommodate it so it wouldn't fall. He wasn’t as experienced as you with video angles for these kinds of things, but it made it all hotter. 
As he lies back in the pillows, you can see how he bites his lip, his hand drifting down from his chest to under his pants. You accompanied him when he bought that pair; green and black squares. He didn’t like the shirt that came with it, and you were so thankful for it because you could see his toned chest that you so much liked. 
“Fuck…” He groans, moving his waistband lower, just enough to let his cock slip out and he doesn’t waste a moment more, his hand strokes it slowly, as the pleasure starts building up in his lower belly. 
As his cock slid through his fingers, you heard his heavy breathing, murmuring curses as his back was against the headboard of his bed. His cock was throbbing, as he looked at his cock with a half-lidded expression. You could see it all, and the angle made it all better. Aemond was usually very restrictive when it came to sending nudes; he never added his face or even allowed his long platinum hair to get in frame. But this was a full on feast after what now seems as crumbs. 
Even if he started with slow, long and teasing strokes, he quickly became more and more eager, as his cock twitched and leaked. Soon enough, his hips bucking into his own hand as he groaned loudly, as his head leaned back from how good it felt fucking his own hand. 
“Fuck, this feel so good…” He groans, as you could hear the wet sounds and the bed moving under his movements. Aemond was never too vocal or too quiet, but tonight he seems rather eager, and with good reason, since his stress is probably the source from his high drive tonight. 
You always loved how thick he was, and you could see how red his tip was as he thrusted his own hand, whimpering in the microphone. 
“Gods… Oh, fuck” he mutters as you could see how his thighs trembled and his groans where louder. His balls tighten up, and you could see how he was close to cumming, increasing his pace by minute. 
Even if he tried to prolong his pleasure, it seems he was rather more prone to show you the effect you had on him. 
As he came undone, muttering a line of curses and pleads, you could see how he came, cum spilling over his fingers in hot and thick roped that you’ll love to lick it. He made sure to milk every last drop, as he gasped and turned to the camera for a moment, biting his lower lip as he was flustered, his cheeks rosy and his chest moving with each breath. 
As he was spent he leaned over to the camera with a half lazy half sheepish smirk and he ends the video, not saying anything else after it. 
It is after you end the video, you get another message from him. 
I’ll be thinking about you all night. 
And you sure hoped he did. 
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livelaughlovesubs · 4 months ago
Straight up torturing Dazai by only making him cum untouched
I have this problem while writing smut that I forget the character has a dick cuz I over-focus on something else, so most of my fics start out as cumming untouched and I change it later on lol thanks for saving me the trouble
Dom!reader x sub!dazai - reader is gn
Warning: semi public (in an alley), teasing, degrading, marking, hair pulling, choking, sub-space, dacryphilia, nipple play
Edit: does this fic even make sense?
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Now he’s done it, fuck, what to do- he didn’t think you’d be this angry.
Normally you weren’t up for doing stuff in public, which is why he used that chance to annoy you to his hearts content. Whenever you two were going home from a mission, wandering down the streets of Yokohama, he’d start being all unbearable and flirty, and the next second he’d run off to god-knows-where to chase after another pretty woman. You were done with all these stunts he pulled, and sadly for him you weren’t as nice as kunikida.
Which is what got him into his current situation. Pinned to the wall in some random alley, you staring at him with an obviously angry expression and the buzzing noises of unaware passengers missing out this spectacle. “Ah fuck…” dazai didn’t know what you were planning on doing, but he had a precognition that it wouldn’t end well for him, so he tried to use his silver tongue to talk you out of it, “heyyyy, y/n~ What’s got you so mad? Don’t frown— come on, how about we take a break and fill our stomachs? I know a good pla-”
You grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked on them, causing him to arch his back off the wall. It was so sudden that he had no time to prepare himself, and accidentally mewled, “ahh, god, y/n, don’t be so forceful with me.” He almost sang the last part, still bearing that annoying smile on his face. “You should have thought twice before acting up.” The grip you had on his locks tightened, making him bend forward to meet your eyes, “just because we are in public it doesn’t mean you are safe.”
That was a threat, right? That was definitely a threat. And yet- he was grinning from ear to ear, unable to stop himself from clenching his thighs together. “Whaaaat? Of course I’m safe, where is the threat huh?” The brunette chirped, and you clasped your hand over your face. “You really want this, don’t you?” You asked, glaring at him from between your fingers. He shrugged, playing dumb.
You stepped closer to him, bodies pressing against each other. “Will you behave after I punish you?” After these words left your mouth, a shiver ran down his back, and he fumbled with your clothing, “it all depends on you.” You smirked, not planning on backing down from such a challenge. And so you let go of his hair, roughly unbuttoning his blazer and shirt, but not pulling it completely off. Then you placed your hands on his hips, lips pressing against his collarbone.
Dazai grabbed a fistful of your clothes from your back and ran his other hand through his hair, panting softly while watching you trying to work him up. He felt you nibbling at his skin, leaving red bruise marks behind. “Haa-ah, haha… you are being too gentle dear.” His breathing hitched when he spoke, though otherwise he was still pretty composed. You payed him no mind, instead you moved lower to toy with a more sensitive part.
Pinching and flicking his pink buds while sucking on the other one, eating him up, watching his face flush so deliciously. “Ngh- not gonna answer me?” He teased, pulling at your hair to get your attention. You bit down as a result, to tell him to stop, yet he gripped down harder as he groaned, “mhhhm-aaahh~ fuuck.” What a nice reaction, you had to remember this. Slowly you managed to get him hard, seeing the bulge in his pants grow larger and larger. When you finally pulled back and stood straight, he was already sweating, all eager as he cursed at how long you took.
One look and you could tell he was needy, and pretty on edge. His flushed face was actually pretty cute, and his disheveled clothes hung from his shoulders like he was trying to appeal to you. Your hands didn’t stop exploring his body, like they have a mind of their own. Groping and touching his torso. “Look at you dazai, you look like a slut.” You mumbled with a smile, and his body twitched at that statement. “You are so mean y/n, in what world do I look like one?”
While saying that, he pushed his hips out and slipped his clothed further down his arm. “In every,” you answered and kissed his neck. He raised his chin to grunt and pant at the feels, head and back leaned back against the stoney wall with both hands on your shoulder. How annoying, you were still only doing the foreplay, isn’t it time to get past it? And when you sucked on a specific spot that drove him crazy, he was at his limit.
“F-fine, I guess I am a whore,” small break before he continued, “for you. So, touch me more, please?” The boy begged, looking a little embarrassed as he avoided your gaze. “I’ll think about it.” Was all you said in response, before you went back to meekly caressing him. “Uhhh.. y/n, that won’t cut it.” He tried to explain through his gasps and whines, and said, “I need more, something more extreme and lewd.”
“Hmm~? I dont know what you mean.” Using his own Methode against himself, how petty of you. He took your hand and guide you lower, muttering, “then I’ll show you how it’s done.” You shook his hand off and hummed, “I’m good, I’ll do it at my pace.” How devastated he looked, it seems he has finally realised what kind of mess he got himself into. He pouted as he slumped back, defeated, hiding his whimpers behind his palm as he kept on complaining, “how could this ever count as punishment?”
“You will see.”
He could swear he caught a glimpse of you smirking all mischievously, but before he knew it, he had been slammed further into the wall behind him. Followed by your hands squeezing around his neck. “Ah- y-y/n..?” “You are the one who wanted this.” Squeeze. With that you started applying more pressure to his neck. “HnnGh..! Ha-arghh..” He choked, eyes half lidded as he weakly pulled at your firm grip around him. A dumb grin spread across his face as his drool rolled down to his chin.
“Fu- urgh! Fuck, y/n~..!!” A wet spot formed on his pants, and his face twisted into one of raw pleasure. Tongue hanging out, eyes watery with heart shaped pupils and legs shaking, struggling to hold his own weight. “You didn’t see this coming, did you?” Then more strength was applied, then you whispered close to his face, “can you feel how your air is being cut off, and how your body is desperately trying to squirm free?” And you squeezed down even more, making him gag and choke again. “Haaa-nghhh..! K- kill me, guuUh, I dare you.”
He was still looking all competitive, though he won’t be able to hold out much longer. You pushed your body into his, leg slightly rubbing against his leaking bulge, stealing a loud groan from him. Followed by small whines of bliss, “MmnHhh..! Ah- hngG, uh-urgh.!” Such a naughty boy, enjoying all this. Your hands didn’t leave him alone while you kissed his tears away, the contrast of gentleness and ruthlessness made his head spinn. Poor little dazai was trembling so much, twitching and spasming all over.
“Are you turned on because I’m choking you, or because you want to die?” You mumbled against his skin, the vibrations of your voice tickling him, a small addition to the immense sensations he was already feeling. “Mhhff… haha- both?” He answered cheekily, his own strength leaving his body as his instinctive try to push you away failed. “I see~ well it’s time for the last course isn’t it?”
As the icing on top, you pressed down one last time, watching his eyes roll back as his consciousness slowly left him. His head was thrown back while his eyes slowly closed shut. That’s when you whispered into his ear, “cum for me, dazai.” And like a command he couldn’t disobey, his body shook heavily before a white fluid seeped through his pants, dirtying your leg, making it all sticky.
Right as he wanted to scream his lungs out, you clasped a hand over his swollen lips, reminding him how you two were still in public. He ripped his eyes open for a split second, then tightly shut them, and moaning into your forceful palm, “mnghMm, nghhmmmf…!♡♥︎♡”
Without giving him any time to calm down from his high, you pulled away, causing him to drop onto the floor. The only reason why he hadn’t fallen yet was because you were holding and pushing him up. But now his legs have finally given up. He was still unresponsive as you wiped your dirty hands on his clothes. After you were done, you took a last glance at his kneeling form, leaning against the rough wall for support. Some of his cum dripped onto the ground and he was still panting heavily.
These once fierce eyes were reduced to a melting one, full of desire and need. He wasn’t full yet huh. His clothes got dirty at the tips, and his body was marked from the top to the bottom, especially his neck bore a dark crimson ring of bruises. Some tears and other fluids were still flowing across his features, but it seems he was too tired to care right now. Judging by the state he was in, it’ll take a while before he can stand up and go home.
Though that was none of your business anymore, since this was going to be his punishment. You laughed a little before saying, “you better clean yourself up, osamu. I’ll get going first~”
All he could squeak out was a weak, soft whimper.
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drdemonprince · 12 days ago
What do people do about dom guilt/shame after engaging with “hard” kinks? I just tried knife play for the first time last night and I had a really good time toying with my sub and just seeing this other side of him that really wants to get cut up. I’m worried I crossed some kind of invisible line and I’m evil now even though we both liked it.
We’re both inexperienced with engaging with “hard” kinks and we have some mutual friends and I’m unsure what they’d think of me if they knew. So that adds to the stress a little. At the same time though, I love that he trusted me enough to ask for that and the look he got in his eyes was incredible.
aftercare! Doms need aftercare! especially after doing darker or more serious scenes. One Dom that I know has his subs message him the day after a particularly intense scene to check in and reassure him that he is not a bad person, that they actively wanted everything that he did, and that they are doing well (or if they are struggling in some way, he wants them to tell him so that they can work through it and he can offer support). so much of the focus gets put on the needs of the sub in these matters, and on protecting the sub from harm, but it is equally important to make sure that the Dom is given space to self-regulate, reassurance, comfort, or whatever it else it is that they need to process this stuff.
you'll come to know a lot better with the more practice that you have. some people are really fired up energetically after a big Dommy see and what they really need is to eat a meal and take a walk and cool down a bit. other people like the conventional cuddling while watching a movie and eating sweet snacks form of aftercare that comes most readily to people's minds. but psychologically the impact of being a Dom is quite different from that of submitting, and so you may need things like seeing your sub exercise agency, having somebody else take care of you and making decisions, a lot of detailed feedback on how the scene went from the subs perspective, everybody to switch out of role and to act relatively normal and jokey, or some combination of these things.
for now, continue talking it through with your partner, ask them for support and care, and maybe journal a little bit on how you're feeling in the days after a scene. It is completely normal to experience a drop and to feel tired, disgusted, ashamed, we're like you're a bad person, and you can learn to anticipate this and work with it to minimize how much it bothers you and prevent a lot of larger meltdowns from occurring. but the only way we figure this stuff out is from learning! feeling a little bit bad or even a lot bad it's not a sign that you've screwed up here. it's just data. and so it's all very worthwhile to get.
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tiredsmashbros · 6 months ago
oh boy... i know a bunch of folks are hyped for this comic... and boy oh boy are ya'll's prayers going to be heard... kind of... butt for the celebration milestone, and granted majority are from this comic, i thought it was best to give EVERYTHING that i have currently.
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starting off STRONG with what you freaks most want: the completed pages. andddd yep that's it that all that i have done LMAO. i've been fixated on my own smg4 oc: tsb, and during the end of my summer was unfortunately fucked over by some personal issues that fortunately got resolved last minute good grief the anxiety prevented me from drawing the gays sigh... aNYWAYS LINEART WIPS!!!!
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here are linearts i have completed / in the progress of!! want to aim like i did in the past by finishing up lineart first, and then speed through with color + minor rendering. the reason i have a few colored is to test out what it would look polished and my god... i have improved A LOT. THESE GAY PEOPLE GIVE POWER I AM NOT KIDDING BELIEVE ME IM NOT CRAY- anyways onto wip pages!
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jumpscare: tsb stickman sketches. oh yeah. this is how i sketch and i blame sensei eiichiro oda /j. and in case anyone is unable to understand it {i don't blame u LMAO}, smg4 wakes up from the dream and is startled to see mario by his bed. they have a short convo before mario leaves, and we get a job to smg4 in the bathroom trying to put up a brave face. until the moment he leaves he's stunned due to seeing smg3 at his front door. will i elaborate more on specifics or unwritten dialogue? NOPE! gotta keep secrets to make it even more enjoyable at the end!!
currently at 13 sketched pages total, but this is probably gonna be reaching towards 20-ish pages, surpassing part two, but it will depend on how i come up with how to end it. additionally to confirm there will be a PART FOUR / chapter 3, to end this story. my goal is to have it done before i finish my senior year, or at least during the summer after i graduate bc good lord who knows whats gonna happen.
and lastly, before i end this crazy update, SCRAPPED PAGESSS!!!!!
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oh boy... dont draw comics while sleep-deprived at 6am... idek what i was even aiming with this ngl other than just for fun, but i scrapped it due to not being what i had in mind for the story. if it doesn't serve a purpose or narrative, its bye bye YEAH BYE BYE THIS IS THE CLOSEST NSFW UR GONNA GET FROM ME HAHAHAHAHA- i say that despite writing a nsfw jojo wattpad smh im only confident doing it in words good lord. btw not watermarking these bc i gen don't care since they're legit scrapped {left top part was kept and completed} so idk what to do with these. im just throwing it and walkin away
now to end with this update, i can hear your question, "when will this be done?" and to answer that question: i'm not entirely sure due to my heavy focus on my smg4 oc: tsb, but my best chance is postponing my oc lore a bit and complete this before november UOIYGJDSIUHJKDWSXYUGHJKCS but we shall have too see...
if you want to join the ping list comment on this post LMAO [click]
ignore below if you're not from the tsb birthday partydddjdhdhdjd
thurs: smg34 is canon in the tsb universe / au. though most of their encounters are platonic or best-friendy-way, they eventually express their feelings to one another and start dating 3/4’s way of the tsb storyline arc. tsb is a supporter of his friend's relationship and admires and takes inspiration from their relationship heavily to input his future love life. yearning to be in a similar position... to learn what is to really love someone... or what it's truly like to be loved...
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0omillo0 · 2 months ago
hi hi, i’ve been watching older skz yt videos and had the thought of being jisung’s girlfriend but also being apart of the skz film crew so being there for every single mv shoot, skzcode, etc. and jisung being so excited and waving cutely towards you while you’re behind the camera!
(i thought the idea was cute and i wanted to share but i literally have no one to share my skz thoughts with outside of socials and you’re the only page i’ve shared my ideas with so far although i’m anon, i’ve requested a couple of the angst han jisung stuff that you’ve written and your writing makes my day, i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself riri 🥹🤍)
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Behind the Camera, In His Heart
Han Jisung x Reader ; fluff
As a part of Stray Kids’ film crew, your job was to capture the group in their element. Whether it was filming chaotic SKZ-Code episodes or sleek music videos, you were always behind the camera, steadying shots, barking instructions, or adjusting lighting. But there was one particular member who made it increasingly hard to stay professional.
Han Jisung.
Your boyfriend.
The love of your life… and also the biggest distraction on set.
Speak of the devil. You glanced up from your camera settings to see Jisung waving at you wildly from across the set. Dressed in his MV outfit and absolutely killing it, he grinned ear-to-ear and waved both hands in a frenzy like he hadn’t just seen you fifteen minutes ago.
“Focus, Han!” Minho barked, smacking Jisung on the arm. “We’re not filming Y/N-Code. Stick to the choreography.”
Jisung pouted dramatically, tossing a betrayed look at Minho before giving you one last enthusiastic wave.
“Hi, jagi!”
From behind you, Seungmin snorted. “He’s like a golden retriever who saw their owner.”
“I think golden retrievers have more chill,” Hyunjin quipped as he adjusted his hair in the monitor reflection.
“You guys are just jealous!” Jisung shot back, folding his arms but still sneaking little glances in your direction.
“Yeah,” Chan added, rubbing his temples. “Jealous of how much Y/N has to endure that.”
You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help the smile tugging at your lips. Being around Stray Kids day in and day out meant you were no stranger to their relentless teasing, but Jisung always made sure it was worth it.
“Jisung,” you called, leaning just slightly around the camera. “Focus! You’re holding everyone up.”
“I am focused,” he insisted, running his hands through his hair to look extra dashing. “I’m focusing on you!”
“Boo!” came the collective groan from the members.
Chan clapped his hands. “Alright, Jisung’s flirting session is over. Let’s run it again before I lose my mind.”
Jisung gave you a sheepish shrug before getting into formation with the others. But, as the music started and they dove into their choreography, he still managed to sneak little glances at you every chance he got.
Later, during a quick break, you were crouched behind the camera reviewing the footage when Jisung plopped down beside you, completely ignoring his makeup artist’s protests to touch up his hair.
“So, how did I do?” he asked, voice low and teasing as he nudged your shoulder.
“Pretty good,” you replied, keeping your eyes on the screen. “But you kept looking at the camera.”
He smirked. “I wasn’t looking at the camera.”
“Yah!” You shoved his arm, and he burst out laughing, the sound so infectious that even the other members glanced over with amused looks.
“You guys are disgusting,” Changbin groaned, tossing his water bottle at Jisung, who caught it with ease.
“Don’t be mad just because I’m in love!” Jisung shot back, leaning closer to you and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“That’s it,” Minho said, deadpan. “Y/N, I’m banning you from set.”
“Hey!” Jisung protested immediately, clutching onto your arm like a lifeline. “You can’t do that! Y/N is my muse!”
Jeongin’s head peeked out from behind the snack table. “You’re only saying that because she edits out your embarrassing moments.”
You grinned at that, tilting your head toward Jisung. “Is that true?”
Jisung straightened up and shook his head frantically. “No! I mean—yes—but no! I mean—”
The rest of the crew burst out laughing, and Jisung flushed as red as his stage outfit, burying his face in his hands.
Despite the teasing and chaos, being on set with him was your favorite thing in the world. Because behind every take, every chaotic SKZ-Code challenge, and every beautifully shot music video, Jisung always made sure you knew how much you meant to him—whether it was through over-the-top waves, secret smiles, or soft words whispered when no one else was watching.
And you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
taglist: @intartaruginha @hannamoon143 @inlovewithstraykids @whoa-jo @madirye062 @vixensss @sseawavee @emilyywhyy @halfwinterhalfuniverse @velvetmoonlght @flourishmoon
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