#the last living man alive ever in the history of the world
cyborg-franky · 6 months
Can you make a HC about what they do when Luffy is King of Pirates, the One Piece is found, Mystery of "D" resolved and so on? I mean if they stay Pirates, settle down, marry or do another profession. 👀 When there 35 plus or older. Please with Zoro, Sanji, Law and Kid 😍
Ooooh how fun! I did a bunch of chars including the ones you wanted : D
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Sanji Sanji finds the all blue and makes his own floating restaurant. Luffy always comes to visit and always eats him out of house and home. Sanji has long hair he keeps in a ponytail, and he has a beard he keeps in a braid, just like his old man [Zeff <3] Sanji is tough love with teaching his chefs but they all love and respect him. He’s married to his work and also every pretty person who steps foot in his restaurant. He calls it ‘The All Blue’ and he charges people with alot of money but helps out those in need. Thanks to Luffy being not just the pirate king but also a yonko his place is considered untouchable by the marines and thus everyone can come and eat here fearlessly with no worries. 
Zoro He’s the greatest swordsman in the world. He never leaves Luffy’s side, always sailing the high seas with his captain. When he does eventually settle down he gets married, and everyone is invited, even Sanji. He runs his own dojo now in Kuina’s memory, he teaches kids how to fight. He doesn’t turn away people who are female-bodied/identify as girls because he knows how strong they can be and would never play the sexist card. Everyone who trains with him are equal and valid. He would teach his own children how to fight too. He’s a firm but fair teacher. He still has that short mossy hair of his, maybe he’s got some ink now.
Nami Fame, wealth, power! Some say that’s just for the Pirate king, but Nami would disagree, Nami has everything she’s ever wanted. She sends back loads of money to her home island which have repaired all the damage that the Arlong Pirates ever did. They become a thriving community. She even makes sure there is a lovely orphanage, in memory of Bellmere with orange trees all around where young women can grow and learn skills and become strong and anything they want to be. Nami gets her short hair back.
Robin and Franky Together, but not married. Neither wants to get a piece of government-approved paperwork to say they are married. Robin can piece together all the mysteries of the world, the void century is her’s and she passed on everything she can to her students. She makes sure the next generation of the world will remember everything that happened both good and bad and as long as there are people alive who know what happened, who have seen the devil and god history can avoid repeating itself. Robin has her bangs back, and wears her long, long hair in a braid. 
Franky becomes a teacher himself! He passes on the amazing shipwright skills he learned from Tom to anyone who wants to come and learn from him. Both are a blessing to the generations after. Maybe Franky has toned down his look a little and he’s more like he was in pre-skip? 
Brook Still a hecken popular musician who is going around touring, loved by many, and as long as his music keeps touching people's hearts and he always has fans, he won’t ever truly be alone. He obviously reunites with Laboon too!
Jinbei Retired, living his best life back at Fishman Island, and has a spouse now. He keeps an eye on Fishman island though there is nothing but peace. After all the island and his people are protected by the pirate king himself.
Usopp Usopp goes off and becomes a pirate captain himself! But it doesn’t last very long, it’s just not the same so he retires and goes into writing books. He writes stories of all his fantastic adventures and inspires the hearts and minds of many young people who all want to be pirates. He also takes up art as a more serious profession. He writes and does his own artwork. Usopp’s Fables. Maybe he goes back to his village, him being a famous writer brings good things for the sleepy village.
Chopper Goes back to DRUM and helps the people, bringing back doctors to the island. DRUM once again becomes well known for how amazing its doctors are. He’s a good teacher for those wanting to be in the medical field.
Luffy THE PIRATE KING HIMSELF? Every night is still a party, he only settles down when the last of his crew wants to seek their own fortunes. He visits them all. Spending his time traveling between them and going on adventures. He never truly settles down. Just married to his love of life. 
Law Still a pirate, still with his crew because they are and always will be his family. He did everything he set out to do, take people down, and get revenge, he didn’t ever see his life past Dressrosa to start with so everything is a bonus. The only difference is now the heart pirates have less of a reputation for their captain being scary and cruel but the best place to take anyone with a rare illness. He specializes in learning about them and healing them. Totally rocking more tattoos everywhere and a ponytail maybe. Or an undercut…
Kid IGNORING CANON Him and his crew are still an issue for the world government, even in their 30s, 40s, hell even when they're 70 they are wild and causing chaos all across the world. Kid loses his violent streak and is just out here with his boys having the time of his life. Maybe he has a partner or two, he and Killer going polyam at last.
Marco Marco even at like 80 still looks younger, still a doctor on Sphinx but this time he’s not so honour bound to the memory of Whtiebeard and Ace. He sometimes leaves the island to go on adventures. He visits his partners, finally allowing himself to date again. He becomes a vet as well as a doctor, helping out people on islands he visits while seeing his partners. He’s enjoying his retirement, he has so many people in his life again that it heals his heart. Still, he aches for everything he’s lost, he always will but now he’s not shackled by it.
Sabo Thanks to his efforts and the RA the world is a more equal place, he makes sure of it. Aside from all of that. Maybe Sabo has a partner, maybe he’s allowed himself to have a few kids that he raises to be good and just and to never see the world as black and white but all the greys that the world is built up of. Making sure the next generation has a strong sense of their own justice. Sabo also wrote a huge book documenting Luffy’s travels after listening to his brother tell the stories over and over. The book becomes the legend of the Pirate King. The story inspires another era of pirates.
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boombox-fuckboy · 11 months
Hey!!! You commented on my post about limetown haha which is why I’m here. You offered to give podcast recs! What are your favorites?? I’m looking for some new ones
I completely forgot I had this ask, excuse the delay. Here's a selection of 30 podcasts I enjoyed from a broad range of genres: hopefully at least one appeals.
Let me know if you're after something more specific.
Arden: (Investigative, Comedy) On the 25th of December, 2007, heiress and young actress Julie Capsom crashed her car into a tree and fled into a nearby forest clearing, leaving a trail that seemingly vanished into thin air, and a dismembered torso in the trunk. A decade later, Bea, the first reporter on the scene, and Brenda, a detective on the case, are hosting a true crime podcast about it, and neither is remotely impressed with what the other has to say. Arden is also a retelling of various Shakespeare plays.
Desperado: (Supernatural, Adventure, Horror Elements) In a modern world of gods and magic, three young people, all under the patronage of death dieties, embark on the same adventure for different reasons: for safety, for revenge, and to kill The Old Man in the Sky. Fantastic banter and killer action sequences.
The Far Meridian: (Magical Realism) An agoraphobic young woman wakes one day to discover her lighthouse home has travelled to somewhere entirely unfamilar. As this continues to happen day after day, she uses the opportunity to search for her missing brother. A really unique and charming piece of fiction.
Gastronaut: (Sci-Fi) Interstellar travel audio blog of a former food critic as he travels to an active warzone to get firsthand experience with unfamilar cuisine. ft. Disgruntled martian nobility, sinister businessmen, explosive mushrooms, forbidden snacks, rogue revolutionary artists, and the consequences of your actions.
Girl in Space: (Sci-Fi) The Girl In Space lives alone on a space station, doing science, making cheese, rewatching Jurassic Park, and tending to the plants, animals, and artificial sun entrusted to her. It's a little lonely, but not a bad life. Would be a shame if someone came along to ruin it.
The Goblet Wire: (Microfiction, Weird Fiction) A surreal microfiction with horror elements, taking the form of phone calls to an audio-based game in which the voice of the mysterious Dictator leads each player through fantastic and horrific world and story.
Hello From The Hallowoods: (Horror, Supernatural) A dramatic entity beyond your comprehension visits your nightmares to tell stories of the people (in varying degrees of human and alive) that inhabit the strange, deadly, and beautiful Hallowoods, as they find meaning and sometimes eachother.
Hi Nay: (Supernatural Horror) A year after moving to Toronto, sound designer Mari finds herself drawn into helping people around the city with various horrific supernatural encounters due to her babaylan (shaman) family background. It quickly becomes apparent that there's something much more sinister and complicated happening in the background.
Inco: (Microfiction, Sci-Fi) A perpetually exausted interstellar information trader and her peppy AI find a mysterious (read: bratty) boy floating in space and are inadventently pulled into a world political intrigue.
Inn Between: (Fantasy) Ever curious about what the D&D characters get up to at the tavern between sessions? A generally lighter-hearted (with some exceptions) with richly-written and always-growing characters. A really interesting format, too: a lot of the adventure appears in the "next time" and "last time" segments which makes it all flow really nicely. Not a tabletop podcast.
Janus Descending: (Sci-Fi, Horror, Tragedy) A xenoarcheologist and a xenopaleontologist are sent to a study a dead city on a distant world. Nobody likes what they find there. A unique format, with one set of logs presented first to last, and the other last to first. I'd recommend listening to the supercut for this one.
The Kingmaker Histories: (Steampunk, Weird Fiction, Adventure, Fantasy Elements) In the Valorian Socialist Republic 1911, on her 25th birthday, tailor's apprentice Colette experienced the worst headache of her life. As a result, she fleed from town with a human artificer and a fae chef - both now smugglers - pursued by an utterly furious flesh-crafter. I'm not sure I'm selling how good this podcast is but it's very good.
Life With Althaar: (Sci-Fi, Comedy) A human repairman moves to a space station on the edge of human territory that is perpetually on the edge of self-destruction, and ends up with a less-than-ideal last-minute roomate. Althaar is polite, friendly, deeply interested in human culture, and eager to be friends. Unfortunately he belongs to a species that sends humans into a visceral panic at a glance.
Lost Terminal: (Sci-Fi, Hopepunk) Seth is a very lonely AI living on a satellite. His crew were left stranded aboard with no hope of return, and it's been longer than he can count since then. The Earth below him has changed dramatically, and with only a few other AI down there to talk to, he's very lonely. But! He has a plan to make some new friends.
Love and Luck: (Romance, Slice-of-Life and Urban Fantasy Elements) Voice messages cataloguing two young men falling in love and opening a queer dry bar together.
Midnight Radio: (Light Supernatural, Romance) Sybil McIntyre, host of the ever-popular 1950's nightly radio hour, begins exchanging letters with an old fan who has reluctantly returned to visit Sybil's beloved town.
Midst: (Weird Fiction, Western, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Elements) The old-western planetoid islet of Midst floats, rotating steadily, in a sea of reality-warping darkness. Down in the town of Stationary Hill, things are in movement, and vistors from the light above are about to bring unanticipated change. ft a monocycle-riding monster-hunter, radio-famous airship paladins, deadly mica, the universe's peppiest cultist, good dogs, and a really strange businessman.
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality: (Weird Fiction, Supernatural, Urban Fantasy and Horror Elements) A friendly AI tour guide leads you on a tour of the Mistholme Museum, explaining the strange and often alternatural story behind each item.
Monstrous Agonies: (Supernatural, Relationship Advice) An interpersonal advice show for supernatural entities and other people living liminally in the modern world.
Night Shift: (Urban Fantasy, Investigative) Set in a modern world with the addition of magic, which manifests in small inherited skills/traits, can warp people in horrific ways, or can be manipulated with the right science (and intense work) to induce superpowers. Sebastian Fenn is a barista at Night Shift Coffee, but since things are slow he's decided to start a podcast to talk about various mysteries, crimes and conspiracies around the city, and of course finds himself deeper in them than he'd intended.
The Pasithea Powder: (Sci-Fi, Thriller Elements? I think?) The last major interplanetary war was full of atrocities, but none more infamous then the creation of Pasithea Powder, a memory altering drug which was used to horrible effect and landed it's entire team of creators in prison. So when decorated war hero Captain Sophie Green sees one of them wandering free, worlds away from his prison, she gets in touch with a very old, estranged friend: one Dr. Jane Gonzalez, who's behind bars for the very same reason.
SCP: Find Us Alive: (Weird Fiction, Supernatural, Horror and Slice-of-Life elements) You don't need to know anything about SCP to enjoy this. A research team gets trapped in an underground research facility when the complex collapses and the building is dragged into a pocket dimension. The tear it was designed to study begins creating tiny copies of itself, generating strange entities the team needs to deal with. And as if that wasn't enough, the entire situation physically resets itself every 30 days. And yet, this is genuinely also an office comedy.
Second Star to the Left: (Sci-Fi) Audio logs of a scout sent to explore and establish early infastructure new world, and the communications with the minder in charge of keeping her alive.
Seen and Not Heard: (Slice-of-Life, Drama) Seen and Not Heard follows Bet, who's still adjusting to life a year after a bout of severe illness, and the resulting hearing loss it caused. It's about the ways we make connection, and food, and art, and different kinds of grief.
The Silt Verses: (Horror) In a modern world where gods are abundant, frequently both commercialised and restricted, two devotees of an outlawed river god go on a pilgrimage.
SINKHOLE: (Sci-Fi, Weird Fiction) Forum posts from a data restoration community in a near future where the human brain is its own computer and one city hosts a massive void.
Starfall: (Fantasy) Seeking to escape her mysterious past and find some purpose, a young swordswoman joins a travelling actor's troupe. This new life is unfamilar and sometimes stressful, but she's taken under the wing of stagehand Fel, who's determined to help her feel welcome as she experiences the figurative and literal magic of the theatre for the first time.
The Tower: (Weird Fiction) A low-key, meditative podcasy about a young woman who decides to climb a seemingly endless tower. Gorgeous sound design.
The Vesta Clinic: (Sci-Fi) New GP Dr. Fae Underwood, with the expert transcription skills of resident AI Sec, writes up patient reports on human and alien patients of The Vesta Clinic, a medical clinic on the edge of human space. Really comfy and creative.
Victoriocity: (Steampunk, Mystery) Set in the steam-powered Victorian city of Even Greater London, an aspiring journalist and a tired detective find themselves working together to solve a strange murder. I say Victorian but as queen Victoria is now an extensive grandiocity of cyborg components following seven only-kind-of-successful assassinations, you may need to adjust expectations a little.
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1dcommunityficrecs · 6 months
Historical AUs!
We have 26 incredible fics submitted to this list, stretching from the fifth century up to the 1990s. We have stories that fit into just over 2,000 words, and others that are more than 200,000! This list includes one LiLo fic, and we also have our first ever non-English rec, with a French language fic -- truly the language of love.
To all my fellow history lovers, it's time to go apeshit. Read, reblog, comment, kudos, bookmark, tell your friends, all that jazz -- your local fanfic writer appreciates it!
Here In The Afterglow by fondleeds (88649, Not Rated, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Violence, bullying, homophobia, slurs
1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
Reccer says: The beautifully chosen words, the captivating story, the queer joy!!!
Unrequited by babyhoneyhslt (144000, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Omega Prince Harry is send to France to marry Prince Louis, but instead of the nice boy he knew when they were children, he is met with a cold and distant husband and no idea as to why.
Reccer says: It was so interesting to follow along with this and try to figure out why Louis was behaving this way. And then later see them fall in love. Really liked it and can't recommend it enough.
Danger I can’t hide by CelticSky (227290, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: War, homophobia
Flying Officer Styles and Sergeant Tomlinson would have likely never crossed paths in a time of peace, their lives laid out neatly, predictably before them. But then the world became unrecognisable. Too soon they grew accustomed to fear, surrounded by death and destruction, not even their freedom a certainty any more. Until they found each other. Comfort. Companionship. Understanding. Another person to lose.
Reccer says: It's one of those fics that I'd describe as monumental, masterful, epic. In my opinion, it should be made into a film, and brought to everyone's attention. The script is brilliant and relentless. The characters are subtle and nuanced. The writing is exemplary. A masterpiece.
Secrets in Winter by softfonds (82582, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
If Harry Styles thought he was going to have a peaceful winter while staying far away from the rake who lived across the street, he was sorely wrong on two fronts. A Victorian AU.
Reccer says: I loved the plot and the character development of the main pairing.
A cycle of recycled revenge by Brokenbeaks (103302, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Foxburgh, England, 1983. In the heat of summer, wreathed by pastures, rolling knolls, and thatched-roof cottages, Louis takes on a new job: caretaking for a recently blinded man named Harry. As it begins, what seems like a simple task turns into a quest that costs him every last bit of his pride and tolerance. Harry is, in practice, a two-legged curse. And Louis is just gonna have to put up with it. Or: The one where Harry likes to infuriate Louis almost as much as he enjoys straddling his lap.
Reccer says: Absolutely excellent. I was a bit worried about how Harry's blindness would be handled, but it was done wonderfully. Perfect fic. Perfect writing. Perfect plot.
Through Lonely Streets and Neon Lights by Sweetly_disposed (25107, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
1920's era, Great Gatsby inspired. Harry is a poor boy living in the South Village. Every night he watches the North City come alive and longs of crossing the river to be a part of it and escape his dreary life. The infamous Mr Tomlinson lives across the river from Harry. His parties are the stuff of legend; people on both sides know about them, and all Harry wants is a chance to go to one. When fate swings his way and he finds himself in Mr Tomlinson's house, he gets much more than he could ever have bargained for.
Reccer says:
Chasing empty spaces by Lis (Domesticharry) (79028, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
The year is 1934 and Harry Styles was to inherent the largest tobacco firm in the south. His parents have picked out the “perfect” girl for him to marry and he has the privilege of receiving the highest education possible. The problem was, Harry hadn’t realized he didn’t actually want any part of that future until he met a mechanic named, Louis Tomlinson.
Reccer says: This fic is simply magnificent. A must read
An invincible Summer by Brooklyn_Babylon (44627, Explicit, Harry Styles Louis Tomlinson)
Never content to stay in one place for long, a few months down south researching for his novel seemed like an idyllic, slow-paced summer to Louis. He wasn't ready for the blistering heat, the backbreaking work of watermelon picking, or how stifling the attitudes in rural Georgia would feel. And he definitely hadn’t anticipated falling in love with the farmer’s son. The summer of 1946 would turn out to be everything worth writing about.
Reccer says:
Box of Rain by Indierection (amandamoraisa) (26631, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
1970 AU, Louis is a boxer and Harry a ring boy
Reccer says: The era is well transcribed (the way of life, the music), and the story is very charming.
Cela aussi passera (French-language fic) by Hazzunah (110721, Not Rated, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
1993: Louis is 16. It's summertime, by a lake in France. He meets Harry. 1999: Louis is in Japan; he hasn't seen Harry for 6 years, since that fateful summer. He thought he'd lost him forever.
Reccer says: For years, I've been reading only in English, but there's still the odd French fic that I come across that's really good. "This too shall pass" is one of them. It's set in the 90s, it's beautifully written, it's moving, and the characters are well characterized. For me, it's a gem. So I recommend it. For anyone who can read in French.
You Make The World Taste Better by LiveLaughLoveLarry/loveislarryislove (10000, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Harassment and threats from the rival baker, culminating in physical violence and a grisly end in keeping with the fairy tale
A twist on Hansel and Gretel as a rivalry between bakers, based on Hans Traxler’s fictional non-fictional text "The Truth About Hansel and Gretel"
Reccer says: This fic is such a wild adaptation of a story almost everyone knows, capturing both the sweet (literally, since Harry is a baker haha) elements and also the darkness of the tale.
No One Like You by myownspark (20000, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles were noted painters in the 19th century. Louis was a Neoclassicist, Harry a Romantic -- totally different, nothing in common, no connection. But centuries later, art historians Niall and Liam find something that suggests perhaps the two were more intertwined than people think.
Reccer says: I love the parallel timelines, watching Louis and Harry's relationship develop and fracture and heal at the same time as watching Niall and Liam discover things. We see pieces of history they're trying to puzzle together, and then we see the history as it happened, what it really was and what it meant to them.
Bloom by LadyAJ_13 (28909, Teen, Liam Payne/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Non-graphic violence, period-typical attitudes
In early 1970s Oxford, Detective Sergeant Louis Tomlinson has to deal with the dual pressures of a case that hits too close to home, and the arrival of new colleague Liam Payne.
Reccer says: This was an incredible, atmospheric, moody historical mystery fic. Topped off with a lovely, happy ending that had me tearing up.
Under Electric Candlelight by littleroverlouis (5051, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
In the 1970s, small town veterinarian Louis moves to NYC and meets a beauty at the bar named H who sometimes goes by Lola.
Reccer says: So immersive you feel like you're in 1970s Manhattan. The characters are truly electric and lovely.
this is my jam by disgruntledkittenface (4513, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Harry goes to a gay bathhouse for the first time. 90s AU.
Reccer says: This story is so much more than it first appears. I could feel the atmosphere and the emotion of the moment of the characters finding a freedom that didn't exist for them outside of the bathhouse's walls. It's an absolutely beautiful (and hot) exploration of such a specific time and place. So layered and thoughtful and hopeful and real.
After Dark, After Light by QuickedWeen (71440, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Kidnapping, battlefield
Louis Tomlinson is the mysterious commander of the Sutherland army sent back with Harry on orders from his laird to help shore up Clan Edwards' defenses. As the winter draws nearer by the day, the two are thrown together to prepare for the invasion that they expect as soon as the ground thaws.
Reccer says: This fic just sweeps you away to the Scottish Highlands! Such a fun historical romance!
the sanctity of patience by scrunchyharry (22521, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
When young Lord Harry was chosen by King Louis of Bavaria to become his husband and prince consort, Harry thought all of his dreams had come through. His illusions came crashing down when he understood it meant living in isolation in the alpine castle of Neuschwanstein with a husband who turned out to be far from what he had hoped for.
Reccer says: The writing is gorgeous and immersive. The characters are so vivid and I loved the way their journey to love played out.
Ace of Spades by allwaswell16 (78000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: depictions of violence, drug use
Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
Reccer says: Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. The plot twists! The suspense! The intrigue!
Adore You by Isthatyoularry (66979, Mature, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)
Arrange marriage AU, Harry initially hates Louis and their arrangement but goes along with it for the summer. Louis is perfect for him tho, as much as harry hates to admit it. They last.
Reccer says: The word building. Stubborn harry. Pining louis. Catching feelings. Hate to love.
We Can Find a Place to Feel Good by yeah_alright/uhoh-but-yeah-alright (8000, Teen, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
1960s AU inspired by Treat People With Kindness. Harry attends school dances over the years, meeting Louis and learning more about himself and what he loves.
Reccer says: Just so completely sweet and hopeful! Captures the vibe of the song so well!
The Garden Part 1 by Throwthemflowers/hazzabeeforlou (13000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post Warnings: Major character death, war
Biblical AU - 5th Century. A prince (Louis) falls in love with his father’s musician (Harry) in the midst of war.
Reccer says: This story is so hard to describe (it's Part 1 of a truly incredible 3-part series) but it's intense and brilliant and epic. The love here is all consuming and it comes through in the writing. Completely unique.
Ever Since I Tried Your Way by fairytalefemme (25896, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: internalized homophobia
40s/50s AU. Harry leaves his bride-to-be at the altar, runs away from his life, and finds a kind farmer who lets him stay.
Reccer says: Such a sweet, tender exploration of love and self.
With Words Unspoken by jacaranda_bloom (18000, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Older Louis and Harry. 50ish Louis returns to a cabin he'd visited many years before and it's a hippie commune type place where he finds Harry.
Reccer says: It just made me SO HAPPY. Peaceful and lovely.
1957: here to take my medicine by zita17/louisandtheaquarian (2652, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) - fic post
Beat poets Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles blow off some steam before a reading.
Reccer says: Literally transports you to this particular time and place. And so so hot.
The murmur of yearning by Mediawhore (93300, Mature, Harry Styles/ Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Rape/non-con attempts, death of character, slurs etc
Harry upon the death of his husband he was forced to marry find companionship and support in the arms of Land steward mr. tomlinson. Together they try to prove harry didnt murder his husband.
Reccer says: Regency era. Dark academia. Mystery and suspense. Forbidden love trope. The angst and mutual pining. Harry in corsets!
Love you in the dark by Perzikze (9225, Explicit, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson) Warnings: Dubious consent i think, loss of virginity
Story of a historical wedding night. Innocent Harry has no idea what goes down during the wedding night; Louis eases him through it.
Reccer says: Innocent harry. Supportive Louis. It's adorable and sexy at once!
Stay tuned for the next list theme! It's similar... but different... ;)
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shortnotsweet · 3 months
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Henry Hart returns from Dystopia. He grew up and his hair grew back out, but it’ll take more time to get refamiliarized with the mundane.
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[ Henry’s figure is ominously silhouetted, staring at Ray with the whites of his eyes and a glare of light where his heart should be. Ray smiles invitingly, and stands with his hands on his waist, wearing only a towel. A laundry basket sits next to him. Posters are mounted on the wall to his back, including Captain Man merchandise, motivational material, and a reference to The End of History and the Last Man. ]
Following the resolution of the Cold War, Francis Fukuyama argued in his 1992 political novel The End of History and the Last Man that global democratization and the expansion of Western, liberal values would bring about a post-war, post-development society. Democratization was the process in which civilization reached its final form; it would mark not only the end of communism, but the end of history. No more glorious revolution. No more hunger. The world could remain where it was. Fukuyama was, of course, wrong.
To be a hero is to know: there will be no end of history. You may hope for one, but you act as if it will never come, because it won’t. Otherwise, what is the point? There will be crime, and war, and hurt children. No amount of blood or money can save us for-ever. Your symbols cannot finish what has been started, but they can keep you alive until then; when you fight for long enough, it is hard to return to the repetitive things:
To living with people again.
To walking in the daylight without flinching, and, most importantly—
To laundry.
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bookished · 3 months
( a collection of starters. adjust phrasing as necessary.) feel free to make edits to better suit your muse, but please don’t edit or add on to the original post 💛 if you like, please consider supporting me through tips
The old, leather-bound journal was found hidden under the floorboards of the abandoned mansion. Its pages contained cryptic messages and a map that seemed to lead to something of great value—or danger.
In a world where the stars can be plucked from the sky and turned into powerful talismans, a young orphan discovers a constellation that has never been seen before. It points to a destiny that could change the fate of the entire realm.
During the height of the Renaissance, a young artist discovers a hidden chamber in the heart of Florence. Inside, she finds sketches of inventions far beyond her time and a letter addressed to her, written centuries ago.
Two strangers meet on a delayed train during a snowstorm on Christmas Eve. As they share stories to pass the time, they realize they have more in common than they ever imagined—and that fate might have brought them together for a reason.
In a small, isolated village, people start to vanish without a trace. The only clue left behind is a symbol carved into the doors of their homes, a mark that matches ancient legends of a vengeful spirit.
In a future where emotions are controlled by the government, a young woman discovers an underground movement that aims to restore true feelings to humanity. She must decide whether to join them or stay in the safety of her regulated life.
Every night, a small café in the city transforms into a magical place where time stands still and dreams come to life. Only a select few know about its existence, and one day, an ordinary person stumbles upon it by accident.
A high school student finds an old camera at a garage sale. When they develop the photos, they see glimpses of the future. Now, they must navigate high school life while trying to change events they know are coming.
"I don't believe in coincidences, especially not ones involving missing people."
"You mean to tell me you've never seen a dragon before? Where have you been living, under a rock?"
"The prophecy spoke of a hero, but I never imagined it would be someone like you."
"This isn't just a piece of space debris; it's a message."
"Our planet was destroyed. We're the last survivors, and we need your help."
"Do you really believe the king will pardon us if we find the lost treasure?"
"She's a woman in a man's world, but she'll change history, mark my words."
"I didn't come here to fall in love; I came to find myself."
"Every letter I wrote to you, I wrote with my heart in my hand."
"That house has been abandoned for years. Why would anyone go inside willingly?"
"The shadows in this place…they move when you're not looking."
"There's a map, but it's missing the most crucial part—the key to decoding it."
"I've been to the highest mountain and the deepest sea, but I've never seen anything like this."
"Freedom is an illusion they sold us to keep us compliant."
"We've been living in a lie. It's time we uncover the truth."
"Every night at midnight, the old clock shop comes alive. Haven't you ever noticed?"
"They say the forest spirits grant wishes, but only to those who ask with pure intentions."
"I found this old diary in the attic, and it’s like it’s talking directly to me."
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Best Act I Finale Song Tournament
As a prelude to the Best Musical World Cup 2024, this tournament will find the best Act I Finale song in musical theater.
The tournament begins on 8 October 2023.
Details on the tournament format are here.
Submissions are now closed!
Additional notes: If a musical has had multiple Act I Finales over the course of its history, all of them will be eligible to compete. If a musical's Act I Finale is not a song but a scene, than I will accept the last song performed in Act I. Finales of one act musicals are not accepted.
List of Entrants below the read more link.
One Day More Defying Gravity Nonstop Why We Build the Wall Tonight (Quintet) All I Ask of You Reprise La Vie Boheme Ever After The Ball Coda (Act I Finale) My Own Best Friend Esmeralda Father to Son Tomorrow Belongs to Me A Little Priest Climb Ev'ry Mountain So Much Better Memory (Prelude) Happy Ending Blackout Bottom's Gonna Be On Top I Believe Marry Me A Little Elephant Love Medley Alive Reprise Bad Idea A Light in the Dark Santa Fe The Torture Tango The Last One You'd Expect Morning Glow The Night Belongs to Us Before the Parade Passes By Along Came Bialy Tomorrow Is Anthem Till We Reach That Day Je dors sur des roses Gold Damned For All Time/Blood Money Sunday Day-O (The Banana Boat Song) Our Love is God Journey to the Past Killer Quest! Singin' in the Rain Impossible/It's Possible One Seventeen Your Wagon is on Fire Status Quo Run Away! I Am What I Am Act I Finale (Urinetown) A New Argentina Loser Geek Whatever Upgrade This World Will Remember Us The Riddle The Impossible Dream Tonight Belongs to You Momma, Look Sharp Jimmy Autumn/Finale You're Nothing Without Me Me Myself and I You Will Be Found The Name of Love and Moonfall Who I'd Be If I Can't Love Her Out of My Dreams Final Storm Ich Gehör Nur Mir Reprise Fearless Finale Erster Akt Right This Way Now You Know Hell to Your Doorstep Dear Friend Stronger Soliloquy Be Back Soon One Day It's My Life The Gods Love Nubia Wie wird man seinen schatten los Sirens Somebody Will Do Something I Hope I'd Give My Life For You Aimer Natalya Daffodils The Beauty Underneath Pretty Funny Rush of Blood to the Head Starlight Express Say it Somehow Toledo Surprise A Man's Gotta Do (Reprise) I Got Rhythm What is it About Her? Defense Comfort and Joy Let it Go Just for Tonight It Must Be Believed to Be Seen Full Disclosure (Part 2) Until Tomorrow Monsters and Men Bright New Day Night of Our Lives Bugsy Malone (Reprise) It's A Grand Night for Singing The Trolley Song Cookies Woman Is Falling into You Before I Gaze At You Again Different I'm the Bravest Individual Crazy World A Blank Piece of Paper On the Verge My Favorite Time of Year The Plagues Bamboleo/There's a Tale Sunflower Bedknob Spell (Reprise 4) Interrogation Room / 취조실 / 取調室 It Is Not True! The Truth / 真相 Something is Starting to Change / 何かが変わり始めている
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simplysamiblog · 1 month
One Piece The will of the D. My personal theory
I was re-watching the episodes where Luffy would use Gear 5 for the first time. As the Drums of liberation thundered through the sea, it kind of struck me how Zunisha reacted to the sound.
Specifically his choice of words.
Words, in the world of One Piece, especially in the mind of Oda-san, are never thrown around casually. NEVER. Remember, just to say one example, how for years (decades dare I say) we believed the last island name was Raftel and how everything changed the moment we saw that name: "Laugh Tale"?. Things were never going to be the same. Roger and his crew saw something so funny, so unbelievably hilarious they just have to name that final island, at the end of their journey, "Laugh Tale". Till that moment we knew that those smiles had something special, yet with just that name, with just that little correction everything we knew was completely twisted.
At that point I remember thinking "Is there anything in this story that I'm actually sure of? Do I really know the meaning of anything I've read so far?". I doubted everything at that point.
And that is just ONE example. Another?
Gold Roger, or as we now know Gol D. Roger.
Can we even imagine what that ONE PIECE could even be? Or mean?
Back to Zunisha, and with that thought...that doubt in mind, I noticed the pronunciation of Zunisha at that sound "The Drums of Liberation" or, to transcribe the Japanese pronunciation : "doramu".
"Interesting" I thought.
Why keeping that word in English? Why is that so important? So much so that Zunisha, a thousand years old elephant, ally of the one and only Joy Boy, uses that specific word as his heart soared at the sound.
"Those with the D. will bring chaos to the world"
Occam's Razor, put simply, states: “the simplest solution is almost always the best.” And I see so much of Oda-san in this. I can almost see him laughing his heart off as we shockingly reacted to such an easy and obvious answer such as "Laugh Tale" after theories and theories spreaded out. And look at that, all those years wondering what that Vegapunk would look like... right, that Vegapunk, the genius scientist "the man with the best brain in the world".... looking awfully and trivially like our renowned scientist Herr Einstein.
Looking back it was so obvious, wasn't it? The answer was right there!
And then it clicked to me:
What if the D. simply stands for Drums?
Those Drums of Liberation. Those Drums who always would accompany Joy Boy. His distinctive sign. Always with him. He was supposed to become a king, he was the first ever known pirate.
As such, he must have had a crew. His allies...his Drums. Those who will inherit his will and his message.
Though hidden and hunted, through the centuries those with the D. survived and they always bring chaos and revolution wherever they go.
Trafalgar D. Law (Dressrosa)
Hagwor D. Sauro (Ohara)
Monkey D. Luffy (basically every place he's been to until now)
Marshall D. Teach
What if those with the D. are the heirs of those who once were together with Joy Boy? Maybe the members of his crew, or people from that Great Kingdom in which Joy Boy ruled and guided a war against the 20 kingdoms?
Those with the D. Also known as the "Natural Enemy of God". Those Gods living over the Red Line, those who delete history in their favor to maintain their power.
Those Drums who would be in the war during the battle, never stopping, never wavering. Guided by Joy Boy. Keeping his will alive.
I know what you're thinking.
"The D. standing for Drums? That's it?"
Impossibile. Absurd. So stupid it's almost... laughable, isn't it?
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ragingbookdragon · 2 years
Price dies in a way they always knew he would. In battle, defending the team of people he loved.
He dies in Simon’s arms—not Ghost’s, he’s never Ghost to Price—and makes him promise to take care of his family in his stead.
So Simon does.
He brings Price’s body back, hold’s Price’s wife when she breaks down in the living room of their home, JJ watching from the hallway.
JJ doesn’t cry when they go to Price’s funeral, doesn’t cry when the soldiers salute his mom and him, doesn’t cry when his mom gives him the flag.
He doesn’t cry where his mom can see.
He has to be the man for her now.
He cries in secret. In his bedroom, in Simon’s arms when Simon is awakened from his slumber on the couch to find JJ rubbing at his eyes, “I miss daddy, Uncle Simon.”
Simon remembers his promise to Price.
He makes the decision then and there when JJ tells him why he won’t cry in front of his mother, when he sees his godson bite his lip so hard it bleeds so he won’t cry.
Simon finishes his last contract and gets out of the military.
Moves the family back to Herefordshire and gets a job bartending. It’s easy money, and with the benefits from the government (not to count the amassed amount Price has saved for his family in case of his death), the family lives more than comfortably.
Simon is there, he steps up and becomes the father figure that JJ needs. Teaches him how to be a man, how to live, how to survive.
But he keeps Price alive in the home. Makes sure JJ never forgets who his father was.
When JJ, eligible for enlistment, mentions he wants to be SAS, Simon agrees under one condition, he only serves ten years and gets his degree to do something other than being a soldier. Price’s wife has lost too much to lose her only child too.
JJ agrees, enlists and manages to get under Captain John MacTavish. He thrives under Soap’s leaderships, rises ranks, and when it’s past the ten-year mark, he leaves.
He gets his degree in military history, teaches at the local university for decades until he gets the call from his mother than Simon isn’t long for the night.
So JJ goes home, talks with his mother and is left in the bedroom his mother and Simon share. He remembers how the two had come together in later years. They were never open, but JJ wouldn’t’ve have minded. He knew his father would’ve been okay with them.
He sits, an older man, beside Simon, old and withered, and holds his hand, talks with him. Recounts the old days growing up. Simon teaching him how to drive, how to shave, how to ask a girl out and not look like a weirdo. They laugh and cry and share heart to heart. They mostly laugh at how white their hair is and how their backs hurt.
When Simon feels the long night calling him, he starts to tell JJ about all his regrets in life, how he failed his family, how so many missions failed and he lost soldiers, how sometimes he felt like he failed Price but then he looks at JJ and says, “All the wrong I did, you were the only thing I ever did right.”
JJ takes his hand, squeezes it and tells Simon, “My father was the greatest man I ever knew. Even if he didn’t live to see me grow up, I remember him. But you, Simon, were the best dad a boy could’ve ever asked for. And I wouldn’t trade being your son for anything in the world.”
Simon passes in his sleep.
He’s buried next to his mom and brother’s family.
His mom follows after.
She’s buried beside Price.
And JJ lives the rest of his life teaching his students at university about the greatest men he ever knew until he passes on too.
He wakes up in a field color. Warm spring air and the scent of a million flowers greets him. Then he sees his mom and his father, young, like they were when he was a kid, and he looks at himself, sees him at his best, then JJ sees the others behind them.
Waiting for him.
He hugs his parents, tells them how much he missed them.
Price tells JJ how proud he was of the man he gave life to.
Then he walks up to Simon and stands before the man.
“Hey dad.”
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faces-ofvenus · 2 years
Hii, I don't know why i love these broken, bad, vile men so much. But I would lovvvveee to read "I can fix him"-headcanons about the holy trinity of despicable men aka Aegon/Aemond/Daemon. Of course they can not be fixed 100%, but maybe a small bit for that one particular person hehe
Could you really change him?
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With Aemond things would be a bit difficult, this man is totally unpredictable, sometimes not even Otto or Alicent could predict his own movements, just as they couldn't predict that he would fall in love with you, not just a servant but a noblewoman not so rich or wealthy as a Lannister perhaps, or a Stark, but Aemond went deep into your relationship, as his devotion for you surpassed everything, and would make him kill anyone who stood against this relationship, anyone, but you were simply a gentle and naive soul, you know the history of the young prince, and it is one of your greatest desires to change all this vision that he has of the world, the negative and bloody image that he has, you would try your best to control his aggressive actions, which he would do, but only in front of you to please you, do not misunderstand him, he wants to try for you, but at the same time does not believe in any of that, you would convince him not to try to kill his brother, he wants to be king, but did it really matter when you had each other? You would let him be a more relaxed and maybe happy man, so his good nature would not be a total waste, you would never change who he became completely, it would be impossible and even you know it yourself, but it was evident that he was no longer so melancholic, and even managed to be someone positive in some rare situations, by seeking your advice a lot, as his greatest confidant, you did prevent some deaths.
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With Aegon what you were was a couple that recently had an arranged marriage, so it was hard for a spark of love to blossom, but being someone who was fearless and even proud, you convinced yourself that you could change him, if only a little, he cared what you thought of him, actually he cared what most people thought of him, he just didn't make an effort because he knew it wouldn't work, nobody would really look at him, if not with hatred, resentment or as a means to have power because of his birth, but you wanted to show him that not everybody is like that, you wanted to make him a less inconsequent and even drunk person, imposing some rules of coexistence that either he sincerely obeys, because last time he had a relapse of drinking, maybe the silent treatment and the look you gave him were enough, he then promised he wouldn't do it again, if you could look at him again, he doesn't know exactly the time to stop, but with you he learned the meaning of limits, which was something that was usually missing, and on the contrary you try to spend as much time as possible showing that life can be as complete as if he had drowned in a glass of wine or beer, and he sincerely feels more alive than ever, you allow him to live, really live, not just as a pawn, but then came the betrayals, he sincerely thought it was quite normal, sex is sex, and love is love, what he feels for you was love, for the whore sex is not? You shouldn't care, but when he saw your hurt look, and pure betrayal, that's maybe when he had one of his first fights, you don't tolerate betrayal, no, anything but this, and made it totally clear, that if this keeps happening, your existence for him should be totally forgotten, you would not be like his mother, aunt, or any woman he had ever met, and explained that she owed him all her devotion, and would love him without ever betraying him, as you promised to the 7, but he would have to do the same, or he simply would not have a choice, and in the beginning he didn't even really want to take you seriously, but yes he learned, not in the best way, since you may be all good, but you were a woman of your word and vindictive he was, even running away for a long time, which led him to a madness and maybe blind rage, and that only stopped when he found you, and you only came back when he begged again, with answers that he would change, that you would be his only one, if he cheated on you again then he would be someone very brave, and you don't know, you know that he is someone with a lot of flaws apart from these two, but you were willing to tolerate anything but this, you want to change him, change some aspects of him, that you think are not only not good for him, but also for the people who love him deeply.
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Daemon would be the worst way to change, he is an adult and if he grew up like that, if not even the King himself could change his nature, it would be naive of you to think that with you it would be different right, I'll tell you exactly he wouldn't change but he would try to control his actions specially in front of you, you convinced him to have a much better relationship with Viserys, even though you were just a whore in his eyes, you wanted both of them to see that honestly there was only the two of them in the beginning, and it could continue like that, Daemon married you in a totally anonymous but regulated way, which irritated his brother, he wasn't willing to give much ground, but honestly you weren't a bad person, and neither was the king, in one of your rare encounters the two of you actually managed to stop and talk, you knew that you loved Daemon, and that he really could be a proud and stubborn child at times, seeing you with your brother, it might feed a little bit the paranoia that you are trying to manipulate him, maybe so, but at the same time, it's good to see that your brother accepted you in all this, you would make him more kind and merciful, only attacking when it's really the last option, making him a little more diplomatic man, He is not a manipulative person, and you made it very clear that this was not your intention, he was a grown man, obviously you wanted him to change a bit from his biting thinking, and you would advise him, even though he was a low class person, you were still wise and intelligent, so he would, even against his will, ask you for advice on how to act or behave, you would obviously give him the last choice, having children with you doesn't seem to be such a bad thing, not when you don't stop doing what you want to do or stop them, you raise your children independently, but at the same time to be good people together, and Daemon sometimes listens to the advice you give them, if he betrays you, you just betray him back, it's so funny to see his angry face, but honestly, his life is a double-edged sword, if he stays faithful to you, he really learns in time that it was better to have only you in his bed, than to see several coming out of it and you show that you are not trying to punish him but that you are just behaving like him, and making him feel what she herself feels.
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I have to write more for Aemond I knoow.
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g00ngala · 1 year
hopefully this is the last long post i will ever have to make about hit disney show the owl house but I am so sick of people posting paragraphs of lukewarm takes on philip's death so. one last rant for the road, i suppose.
belos's death wasn't unsatisfying, nor was it purely physical. first of all, philip is a representation of greater societal problems (which are notably still there, remember, there's people who want to reestablish his order for their own gain). he is a plague and parasite on the world and a demonstration of humanity's worst cruelties, and his pathetic death by boiling rain and stomping as the most true and good character, who does her best to do right by everyone and believes in second chances, in the entire show, looks at him with no emotion in a way that directly parallels the way caleb's ghost looks down upon him, and he claws at her feet in a desperate attempt to use another person's good nature once again to get what he wants, and fails and dies, is INCREDIBLY symbolic.
and TWO. the point ISN'T that philip is an Evil Liar Who Lies and his backstory is being shafted for simple evil, he is an incredibly realistic depiction of how many people are consumed by their fear of what they don't understand and their hatred, let it fester into a desire to harm, and then elaborate lies to not only manipulate others but trick themselves by their own rhetoric so they don't have to feel bad for it
throughout the show philip is paralleled to cult leaders and militaristic dictators, and he is LITERALLY a puritan colonizer. philip is white man ego in its purest form. yes, the awful society is 75% the fault of Just One Guy, but this is a cartoon. he represents every man who has tried to build a world like this, who burns what he doesn't understand and makes up lies to justify it and trick his own guilt into not eating him alive.
people keep bitching that philip didn't truly face his own lies and realize how awful he was before he died, or that he wasn't given any chance to change, but philip has run the fuck out of chances. the point is he will never learn because he chooses not to. philip had to die because he'd rather lie and rot and take everyone down with him than EVER admit he's wrong. he killed his brother because he tricked himself into believing that caleb betrayed him, romanticized the idea of Caleb in his head and delusionally convinced himself that he tried to save him, while his knife hangs over his brother's ghost eternally, symbolizing the shoved down guilt he'll never truly outrun.
he made hunter believe it was his fault that philip repeatedly harmed him, he told the people of the isles after slaughtering them over and over that it's better if he rules them because he is better than them, he eternally victimizes himself over and over because he is an abuser. his lies are not just to others but to himself. he makes himself believe that the ends justify the means, when the ends are nonsensical rhetoric and the means are horrific violence. because philip is a person who may have had the capacity for good, but he chooses to live in his own hatred and rot everything around him, taking advantage of hunger for power and good natured kindness in the same breath, and he chooses to turn away from the mirror every time, to refuse to acknowledge the monster he's become because he's a coward.
the titan said it themself. his motives aren't genuine, not because he's evil for evil's sake but because he'd do anything to continue to live in his own delusion of heroism and perpetual victimhood. philip is someone you can find in the behaviors of dictators and colonists and evangelical christians and run of the mill abusers all throughout history. this doesn't make him a cookie cutter villain, it makes him a REALISTIC villain, or as realistic as you can get in a cartoon on the disney channel. he wants power and he wants admiration and he wants death and suffering to the people he's scared of, and he'd rather kill himself and take everyone down with him than ever face who he is.
not all villains need a redemption arc to be complex. he doesn't love to rub his hands together cartoonishly and watch the world burn, but some people do actually enjoy harming others. but the realism comes from how he lies to himself and others about it.
sometimes someone can be truly evil, not because they were born that way, but because they choose to be, and because they choose to live in denial about it until they're rotting in the ground.
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notmorbid · 6 months
the angel of indian lake, pt. 1.
dialogue prompts from the angel of indian lake by stephen graham jones.
you're going to secondhand kill me.
this place is dead. someone just needs to bury it.
this is your brain on drugs.
i hope you really do get out of here someday.
maybe we could skinny dip while we're here.
we always find each other again, don't we?
if only i could take you with me when i leave.
you're going to have the world wrapped around your finger.
once the clock strikes midnight, anything can happen.
home is where the heart is, isn't it?
it doesn't have to be this way.
you just like the way i was before.
things do not happen. things are made to happen.
there's more. just wait. just hold on.
i made it through, and now i'm back.
it's not like history changes, right?
you don't walk into my house and tell me what's what.
pictures can do all the work of words.
you were a kid the last time i saw you.
you don't measure moms in height. you measure them in ferocity.
the shit kind of just accumulates.
it's not my responsibility anymore.
i wanted to be the one to tell you.
you're still a weirdo. you know that, don't you?
i don't even vouch for myself.
any trust you give will be used against you.
you think i voted for you?
no body, no crime.
you never stop, do you?
talking about it all just keeps it alive. happening.
this is great, talking to you. we should do it all the time.
still a man, so still 99% an idiot.
i'll walk away from anything for ___. you know that.
can you draw any redder of an x on me?
don't. even saying it is bad luck.
a lot can burn down overnight.
if i don't say it, i can't make it real.
what does it feel like to be loved like that?
i think i just wanted someone to listen to me.
in my head, at least, i'm honest. it's when i open my mouth that things get complicated.
you shouldn't let yourself think about that kind of shit.
in your head, in your secret heart, it's easy to be tough.
i'm pissed at the world, not just you.
you shouldn't be surprised about a little graverobbing.
'evil' and 'christian' are interchangeable to indians.
i think i liked you better when you didn't think like a cop.
when does your pretty wife get back?
nobody has ever said anything that nice to me before.
that would be a pretty good song, 'if i die in a canoe'.
i've always wondered how religions get started.
just because you were locked up doesn't mean the world stopped turning.
i didn't want anyone to see you like this.
captain goes down with the ship.
i just slept the night through, didn't i?
inside every compliment is a burrowing insult.
can i tell you a secret? i actually kind of like the price is right.
you just live here. same as the rest of us.
playing by the rules is supposed to be the key to survival.
you think i'm a biker?
you shouldn't be here alone.
who even are you, really?
that's probably not jelly, is it?
you're older than your years.
in small towns, you wear a lot of hats.
it's not exactly my first rodeo.
where does a name like that come from?
when you have long hair, birds make you nervous.
my mom would kick my ass if i wasn't a gentleman.
capitalism doesn't exactly keep your hands clean.
understanding and approving are two different things.
you don't turn the other cheek much, do you?
have you been getting my mental texts?
solve the mysteries you can solve.
if you don't like it, don't look.
i don't want you to be uncomfortable.
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14buddy22 · 1 year
I’ll Spend the Rest of My Life Making It Up To You Series
Part 3!!
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
WC: 3.9K
Warnings: Mentioned of weddings, children, domestic abuse, alcohol, angst, fluff, kissing, Mentions of sex, engagements, bruises, guilt, mentions of death
Series Masterlist // Masterlist
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Penelope had looked up at Dave and then they both just stared at you, Aaron, and Mason with sympathetic eyes. You never came to Aaron to bring Jake into their lives. You were just trying to get out of your relationship, to lead a better life for Mason.
But now, Jake knows where you are, he knows Aaron has been with you. He’s never been fond of Aaron, especially when he knows you and Aaron have a history, that you two were engaged and you still loved him even though he broke your heart. Jake knew that, Jake was the one to help you get over Aaron in the first place. Jake was there for you when Aaron wasn’t. There’s never been a doubt that you would ever cheat on Jake though.
As much as you couldn’t stand him, you still fell into that trap of loving him no matter what. He was your husband, and he still is. You don’t even know if Aaron still loved you. Like, who could love you after what you’ve been through? Trauma, abuse, physical, emotional, and mental, who the hell was to love you if you couldn’t love yourself?
You stood up, taking Mason from Aaron’s arms and quickly packing the bag that was once packed. Aaron stood up next to you, shedding his suit jacket quickly so that he can maneuver more easily.
“Y/n, what are you doing?”
“I’m going home.”
Penelope looked at you and then looked at Aaron, a mix of worry, fear, and sadness flashed in her eyes while saying, “He said he’ll kill you.”
“He’ll say it, but he doesn’t mean it. Trust me, I would know. I’ve been with him for 11 years. This. This is my life. Empty threats, yeah he’ll hit me, maybe throw something at me, but he won’t kill me. I’m who he needs. He can’t take care of Mason by himself, he won’t cook dinner for himself, he needs me.”
“No, Y/n, he doesn’t need you. I’m not letting you leave. You don’t know when he’ll snap, if anything, today might be the day. I can’t let you walk out of my life like that. I can’t let today of all days be the last time I see you alive. I won’t do it.”
Today was supposed to be your wedding day, all those years ago. You should have been celebrating your anniversary today, but instead, you’re fighting to get out of an abusive relationship. In any other world, it should have been you and Aaron and your 6 kids. But the world you were living in, didn’t work out. You wish it would have.
Every single day, your heart and mind was filled with regret for not fighting harder. It only made it worse when Jake started to point out your flaws and would say things like “no wonder why Aaron left you” or “Aaron was lucky to get out of his engagement before he married you”.
It was hurtful. What you thought you had with Aaron was the best thing to ever happen to you. You got with Jake and the honeymoon phase was over shortly, he quickly became very mean, and rude, every word in the dictionary that you could describe that awful man.
You started at Aaron when he brought up today. You don’t know what his coworkers know about you two, but they sure as hell were going to find out one way or another.
“Um, sir, why is today so important?”
You looked at Aaron’s tear-filled eyes as he held your son in his arms. The son that you wish Aaron and you got to have, but instead the son you and Jake had. When Aaron took a breath, it reminded you of those same eyes that stared at you on your and Jake’s wedding day. The eyes that you were trying to plead with to say “I object” at the wedding.
“I only want to say it once. Where’s the rest of your team?”
Rossi had moved to go move the team into the conference room and Penelope followed behind him, allowing you and Aaron some privacy. When you heard the door shut, you continued packing. Aaron quietly rocked Mason back and forth, not a word spoken from either of you.
Until you heard a sniffle. It didn’t come from you and it wasn’t a Mason sniffle, it was Aaron’s. When you looked at him again, he was sitting on his desk holding your son and staring at you while he had been crying.
“Aaron, you can’t cry and hold my son. You can’t cry in your office. You can’t cry on today of all days.”
You took your sleeping son from his arms and put him in the car seat. When you got him buckled in, you put your backpack on and looked at Aaron.
“Why can’t I cry? Huh? Mason should have been ours. You and Jake should have never happened. We should be married, we should have had our 6 kids or as many as you wanted. I was loving another woman when I was still in love with you. She died because of me. Jake will kill you, Y/n. You have to realize that.”
“No. No. You don’t get to do that. You can’t say that. Jake won’t kill me. I’m going to him before he comes here. You disabled the tracker, it’s fine. Mason is not ours. You don’t know Jake as I do. Aaron, You have Jack. I’m sure Haley didn’t die because of you.”
“She did. Everything that I feared with you, happened to her. I couldn’t see my son for 3 months because he was in witness protection. I missed his birthday, I missed his first soccer game, and I missed out on 3 months of interaction because a serial killer was after them. She was murdered by a serial killer, George Foyet, the Reaper. What if that had been you? What if I had been left alone to raise 6 kids.”
You didn’t know the details of Hailey’s death. You only knew that she was dead because of Sean. He had reached out to you to tell you. He always rooted fro you and Aaron from the beginning. He always wanted you and Aaron to be together for the rest of your lives, but it didn’t work out like that.
“Aaron, you hold a special place in my heart. You always will. You were the first and last man I had ever loved. You were the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I know you wouldn’t have given me the amount of trauma that Jake has given me and will continue to give me, especially after this stunt I pulled. He’ll slap me around a bit, it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
When you looked at Mason in his carrier, you then looked up at Aaron and stepped closer to him, taking his hand in yours. Oh, how you missed the feeling of his hand in yours. 2
“I’m sorry you went through losing Haley. I didn’t know the details of the death, when Sean told me she was killed I didn’t want to press you for questions when I met up with you. I just wanted to talk about good things, especially when I knew it’d be the last time I would see you. We don’t have any children together, we never got married. Life could have turned out much different if we both fought harder, but we didn’t. That’s on both of us. Each of us got an ending that neither one of us wanted, but that’s nobody’s fault to blame but ours.”
“I wish we would have gotten our happy ending. It deserved to be you and I and 6 little kids that look like the perfect mix of you and I.”
You gave him a sympathetic look and then looked at the clock on his wall. It was only then that you noticed a small picture of you and him from all those years ago on his desk. You simply wiped your tear and let go of his hand.
“Your team is waiting for us. I want to thank them, tell them who you really were to me, and then I’m leaving.”
You went to pick up Mason’s car seat from the ground and Aaron had to turn away to ignore the bruises and cuts that covered your lower back.
It was tearing him to pieces knowing you were going to walk out of the BAU today and he might never see you alive again. He didn’t want to see you in a casket, him dropping roses off at the cemetery once a week, watching Mason grow up in an orphanage because his only loving parent was dead and the son of a bitch that killed his mom would be behind bars as long as Aaron lived.
“Let me carry him. Relax.”
Aaron took Mason’s car seat carrier from me and we walked into the conference room. The team all stopped talking and looked at you and Aaron. Aaron placed Mason’s car seat down on the table and he stood by it, gently rocking Mason back to sleep.
“So, you’re probably all wondering more about me. I’m sure you all know I’ve had some type of past with Aaron, so here it goes. I was best friends with Sean growing up, then I slowly fell in love with Aaron as he did with me. We got engaged 13 years ago, and about two months before our wedding, I ended the engagement.”
You watched Aaron tense up. In a room full of profilers, only you knew that he tensed up because you weren’t the one who ended the engagement, he was. He knew you were lying for him. You shouldn’t be protecting him. But that’s the girl who he was in love with. The one who put everyone else first but herself. He fell in love with you because you two were similar, he put everyone else first before he put himself, and that’s why both of you would be taken care of. Well, that’s how it first worked out in his mind, but here, watching you, there’s no way in hell he’s going to lose you again.
You took a deep breath and continued, looking away from Aaron.
“Today was supposed to be our wedding anniversary. We remained friends after the engagement. Well, it took me a long time to come around to him because I had so much guilt about it. It took me a year before I was going out and had a good time. I met Jake shortly after but then started seeing him romantically. He knew all about Aaron. Jake was the one to tell me not to blame myself, but then Jake and I got together, and Aaron and I started doing monthly lunches when we could. I learned he fell in love with Haley, and he learned about Jake, but only the good, I was too scared to tell him the bad. So yes, we do have a history. I’m leaving back to my home. You’ve all been great to me, I wish I would have met you all under better circumstances. Thank you for getting the tracker out of my car. I hope we meet again. You all have been wonderful.”
“No, no, you can’t go. He’ll kill you. He said he’ll kill you.”
“Oh, sweet, sweet, Penelope. I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s your sunshine that gets me through the days, knowing that Aaron’s got sunshine at work when he’s not with Jack.”
The team stood closer to you and you shook everyone’s hand. Not a set of dry eyes in that room. You felt Penelope squeeze your body and heard her let out a little sob. Why were they crying so much over you? You don’t know them personally. You loved that they were so kind to you and your son, but you didn’t know them personally. They didn’t know everything that went on in your life. They didn’t know what you were going home to.
The only person in the entire room, who knew what you were going through, was the one man who put you into this position. Had he never broken your heart, you’d still be with him. He had been abused by his father, he was a victim, too.
When you got to Aaron, you just looked at him. The words failing you once again after all these years. You weren’t ready to say goodbye. You knew that you wouldn’t be seeing him again, especially when Jake founds out you had the tracker disabled and you went into a government building.
Rossi said, “We’ll give you two some privacy.”
When the team slowly filed out of the room, Rossi shut the door behind him and you looked at Aaron. Simultaneously, you both grabbed each other into a hug. You needed to tell Aaron you’d be okay. The problem was, that’s what you were telling yourself, and your words were not coming out of your mouth. You thought you began to speak but you realized it was him.
“I need you to be okay, please. I promise I will put Jake in jail. I will get you sole custody of Mason. Even though I’m not a practicing attorney, if I have to become a lawyer again, I will. When this is all over, I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I just need you to be okay. Please stay with me. Stay here if you don’t want to stay with Jack and I. Rossi lives in a mansion, he has an extra bedroom, extra two bedrooms, and he has all the space you need to live with Mason. Just please don’t go, Y/n. I need you to be okay, I’m telling you, Jake will snap. You have to believe me.”
“Aaron, I’m leaving. Okay? I have to go. Just let me go. I need to go back to him. He’ll only be more upset with me if I don’t go back to him.”
Aaron cupped your face. It sent chills down your spine because of the way you felt to be touched by him again. It wasn’t even sexual. You would stand there, in his arms, and just want to be held by him for as long as you could.
Being in Aaron’s arms just felt right. You couldn’t deny the feeling of safe and comfort of being in his arms. A part of you felt guilty for being this way, but for the years of abuse you had to endure, you shouldn’t feel guilty.
“I don’t want to let you go. If I let you go, I will never see you again.”
“Aaron. You have to let me go. Let me face him, give your attorney my work email. I know you can track that down. Well, maybe not you, but Penelope. Penelope can track me down. I go by my maiden name at work, so, please. Have them get in contact with me please.”
You let go of Aaron and saw how upset he was. If he had been this upset with you many years ago, you don’t know if you would have been able to leave him after what he had done to you. He was hurt. You don’t know how he was hurting when you were the one who was in an abusive relationship.
Mason started fussing and you looked at Aaron. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye. He was afraid that he would never get to see you again. He would never get to hold you in his arms again. He was afraid that if he let you walk out, the next time he’d see you is if Jake had beaten you to death. Or what scared him the most was the thought that he’d have to console your son when his mom was in a casket, being put 6 feet deep while Jake would rot in prison. If you wound up dead, Aaron sure as hell was not letting Jake get away with it.
“Aaron, I really have to go. I’m sorry. Whatever happens, just know I have always loved you. You hold a special place in my heart Aaron Hotchner. I’m sorry I didn’t fight harder for us. Don’t blame yourself for whatever happens to me. I’ll be okay. I’m always okay, remember? Thank you for what you have done for me, Aaron. I mean it. You were my one true love. I know I might not have been yours, but just know you were mine. I really have to go. I love you, Hotchner.”
You leaned up, kissing his cheek. You didn’t miss the way his eyes closed when you touched his cheek and kissed it. You didn’t miss how his tear had landed on you when you were saying goodbye to him. You didn’t miss the way your heart broke saying goodbye to one of the good things in your life.
Just as you were walking out of the office, you didn’t miss him whispering, “I love you. Please be safe.”
As you made your way back into your car, you didn’t know what your fate would be. You just took a deep breath, got Mason into his seat, fixed up your car so that it looked clean, and then got in the driver’s seat. As you took one last look around of a safe place, you started to drive back home.
You didn’t know what hell would await you. You didn’t want to think what was to happen in the next hour or so. You just wanted to think of something good. So you thought back to one of yours and Aaron’s happy memories.
**12 years ago**
“Honey? Are you about ready to go? We don’t want to be late for the wedding.”
One of your best friends was getting married. Your were dragging Aaron along with you for the night. Knowing that one of the groomsmen had a thing for you and you weren’t putting up with it tonight. You know he just wanted to get the night over with, get you back home so you two could be in your bed, naked, and spending quality time together.
“I’m coming, Hotchner.”
When you walked down the hallway, he was putting his suit jacket on and he stopped when he saw you.
“Wow. You look absolutely gorgeous.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself.”
As he pulled you into a kiss, he squeezed your butt, making you chuckle. You knew he was going to be handsy tonight. You knew that he’d be love drunk following you around, wherever you were going at the wedding. That’s what made you so excited to marry him. In just a few short months, it was going to be you and him, celebrating your marriage with your friends and family.
“Let’s go to the wedding, we’re going to have a great night. You’ll have all the whiskey you could imagine, we’ll dance a little bit, kiss a little bit, and have some fun.”
“I’m down with that.”
As you two rode in the car together, you singing along to whatever came on the radio, Aaron’s hand on your thigh, and you smiling just made Aaron fall more in love with you. He loved that you were an outgoing person. How you could walk into a room and brighten up anyones day.
As the ceremony went on and the night grew old, you found yourself back on the dance floor with Aaron. He began to smile at you. You were dancing and singing along. You got him to join in too. Maybe it was too mich whiskey in him, maybe it was because he found the person to get him out of his shell. A slow song playing from the DJ as you two danced away.
When both of your heartbeats fell into sink with one another as he held your body close and swayed back and forth to the music, he looked into your eyes, smiling forming on his lips.
“I can’t wait for this to be us at our wedding. Just you and I, on the dance floor, surrounded by our family and friends, swaying to the beat of the music.”
“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life as Mrs. Hotchner.”
“And you will be the best Mrs. Hotchner in the entire world.”
It was that small memory that reminded you how much you loved Aaron. It was a happy moment that you held onto for a long time, especially when you needed to get through the rough patches in your relationship with Jake.
**Aaron had watched you back your car and drive away. He didn’t notice Rossi walked into the room with him until he heard him speak.
“Why are you letting the purest thing in your life get away?”
“She doesn’t want me to go after her, Dave. She doesn’t want me. At some point she did, but Jake knows where she was. She said that nothings going to happen to her, but we’ve seen these cases.”
“Then go after her, Aaron! Protect her.”
“I can’t!”
Tensions were rising between them, but that’s because Aaron’s emotions were coming into play. As a unit chief, he was always able to hide them away for the most part, but not this time. Not when you, the love of his life might wind up dead.
“I’m going to be the reason he kills her. I can’t do that to myself. I can’t let her be the 2nd woman I love, die, because of me. Two little boys motherless because of me. I won’t do it, Dave. I have to trust her. I don’t want too, but I have too. If she says he won’t kill her, maybe he won’t. I don’t want to put her in jeopardy by showing up to try and protect her.”
Dave handed him a case file and said, “This. This is what you’d be protecting her from.”
Aaron was confused. Why was Rossi handing him a file? It wasn’t the BAU’s case. He knows Jake wasn’t a criminal. Well, he wasn’t caught for domestic violence just yet, but Aaron will make sure that happens soon. He knows who you married. A case file is not important. The last thing Aaron wants to do is work on another case.
“What is this?”
“When we were going through her car, we saw a box of photos and letters. We confiscated them to help her case. We didn’t realize she’d be going back. Garcia started reading through some of them, Reid went through all of them. They’re all addressed to you, Aaron. It’s like a box of unsent letters. This file is just an over view. The photos. I have the letters in your office. JJ’s taking Jack for the night, Henry wants a sleepover with him. You can’t be with him when you read those letters. Just know, when you read whatever she wrote, every intimate detail, every curse, every blessing, just know she wrote it for a reason. The monster in there, that’s who you’re trying to protect her from. You’re not the one she needs to be protected from.”**
You didn’t know what your future had in store for you. You didn’t know if you’d be alive tomorrow. You didn’t know if you’d ever get to see the love of your life again. What you do know is that you had happy memories with him, that’s what you needed to hold onto.
Next Part
tagging: @8crazy-freak8 @angelmather1 @rousethemouse​ @lex13cm​ 
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
i admire people who ship maric/loghain in a healthy way mostly bc i'm not one of them. there's SO MUCH weird & fucked up history between them. loghain's dad ends up dying because loghain brought maric to their camp, and loghain blatantly blames him for it until he doesn't. loghain tries to leave maric but maric begs for him to stay on his knees, shirtless, and loghain agrees to it and also gets on his knees to swear fealty to maric. loghain stabs a bann for disrespecting maric and maric just goes along with it. a bog witch possessed by an elven god tells maric that loghain will continuously betray him. loghain pushed maric into killing his lover and maric married loghain's lover, who was maric's childhood betrothed anyway??
and then she held such a grudge about it that loghain exiled himself from denerim until she DIED and he only came back because mother ailis asked him to, and she only did that because maric was inconsolable until a 30 minute peptalk with loghain. loghain moves back to denerim and motherhens the fuck out of maric until he feels so suffocated and overwhelmed and alone that he tries to off himself in the deep roads but DOESN'T because he falls in love with another elf. maric dreams about his wife being married to loghain. maric genuinely believes that if loghain had married rowan, rowan would still be alive. maric gets kidnapped by darkspawn and is remarkably chill about it because he's 100% sure that loghain is going to rescue him. and somehow, loghain manages to find the exact location maric is at about 5 minutes after he arrives there and saves him
loghain is still married to another woman the entire time he's living in denerim with maric. and he only goes back to bring his daughter to denerim and then leaves his wife on the other side of the country to live with maric. loghain brings his daughter to denerim and raises her with maric's son, who he then leaves behind to die, in part because of a promise maric told him to make. when maric goes missing, loghain almost bankrupts the entire country looking for him
maric, despite being the most aggravating annoying bullheaded impulsive person loghain knows, is such a paragon of goodness in loghain's mind that everyone else is judged on a maric metric. no one else ever measures up to the maric that lives in his head, least of all either of maric's sons, or himself, or anyone else, ever. he yells maric's name in battle years after the man's gone missing, presumed dead, and when he passes out, thinking he's dying, his last words are about how he's disappointed maric. maric, trapped in the fade for years, refuses to come back to the waking world because loghain is not in it.
like. hello. they're so fucked up & i love them for it
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
But can we get a Daryl fic sample?
It’s like a Dead City/Daryl Dixon spinoff combo situation that follows Y/N and Daryl on their accidental trip to France. And their daughter Sophie, Carol, Maggie and Negan’s storyline to rescue Hershel Jr. in Manhattan at the same time. So that said, I hope you enjoy this free sample of ‘Way Down We Go’
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“Never thought I’d get this close to seeing Lady Liberty in the flesh.” Negan huffs, staring out at the abandoned city of Manhattan.
“Not from ‘round here?” The girl, trailing behind him, inquires. Not that she really cares, but there’s not enough history between them for her to hate him the way Maggie does. And the silence is deafening.
“Virginia, born and raised. You?”
“I was born in a prison.” Sophie raises a shoulder, her Y/H/C hair shifting in it’s ponytail.
“Ain’t that some shit, kid.” Negan remarks.
“It was hardly a prison by then, try compound.” Carol interjects.
“It was a prison, Grandma.” Her parents used to tell her stories about it. How she was named after her mother’s little sister, who didn’t live long enough to see it. Sophie was the second baby born there, almost a year after Judith. They’re both grown now. Adults by all accounts of the old world. Still, when she wants to do anything even remotely dangerous, Carol follows…or her mom…or her dad. “But tomato, tomoto I guess.”
Y/N and Daryl are…different. As parents, they were fair, never came down too hard on her. Her father is an outdoor cat who learned to survive indoors. Her mother is the opposite.
They met at the first camp Rick’s group ever had and the rest is history. To this day they grumble when people ask what they are to each other, or assume that they are together, or worse; married.
They are Y/N and Daryl. That’s all.
Growing up, Sophie always thought they were in love. At least in the way she perceived love to be. Her father would come home after a long day and cling to her mother like it was the first and last time he’d see her for years. Sometimes her mother would cling. But it was rare and often meant that something was wrong.
He let Y/N drive his bike on occasion, hollering all the while, “watch where ya goin’, girl!”
Otherwise her father is a quiet man, her mother is more outspoken. And though Daryl Dixon is more than capable, Y/N Peletier never hesitates to put anyone who messes with him in their place.
Leaving their only child behind was not a decision they made lightly. But Sophie is old enough to make her own choices and she’s never been a risk taker. Staying in a place that’s familiar, versus abandoning it for the great unknown was a no brainer.
Which only adds to the irony of her current situation. Sophie and Carol on a mission with Maggie and Negan himself, to rescue Hershel from some guy called the Croat.
What a time to be alive.
“Damnit, girl, stop movin’.” Daryl growls, applying pressure to the blade wound on Y/N’s thigh. Something to remember the prick they stole this boat by.
Aaron told Daryl a long time ago, that he could tell a good person from a bad one. Daryl doesn’t know if that’s true anymore, but this last group was not good people.
“Fuck,” Y/N shakes her head. “We’re fucked.” There goes any chance of getting home.
“Why don’t ya say it a little louder, maybe it’ll help.” He lets up slightly when her hand rests over his.
Her lips pressed together to contain the sound of her suffering.
“Lemme see.”
Y/N removes her hand and his. The muscles of her afflicted leg spasming of their own accord. “It’s bad, isn’t it?”
“You’re gonna live.” Daryl murmurs, prodding around the gash. “Needs stitches though.”
Thunder cracks down, booming behind dark clouds in the overcast sky.
Y/N can’t help but laugh as the first drops of rain hit her upturned cheek. There’s a storm brewing and they’re stuck bobbing in the middle of nowhere.
“Now we’re fucked.” Daryl grumbles, under his breath.
Part 1
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didhewinkback · 1 year
thank you for
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a something old blurb about the final show, short and sweet. (was posted yesterday but i deleted it, sharing again now)
They’re chanting his name, screaming it at the top of their lungs but he holds his hand up to stop it, needing nothing more than to get this speech out, to properly thank the people that got him here, to stand on the stage they helped him get to and express his gratitude. It won’t be sufficient, won’t even begin to encapsulate all they’ve done for him but he needs to try. 
“To my family, thank you for …” he starts, eyes scanning the group of his loved ones off to the side of the pit until he finds his mum, her teary, pride filled eyes staring back at him, looking at him with her signature unconditional love, the love she’s given him every second he’s been alive, every second he’s been lucky enough to be her son. There will never be any way to thank her for being her and for making him the man he is today, though he does try with cars she has no need for and luxurious vacations where all she wants is to spend time with him, not really giving a shit about the location.
She’s got her arms wrapped around Gemma’s shoulders and she’ll deny this forever but one quick look at her face shows that she’s crying too, the insanity of this night and this journey their family has been on catching up to them all in this moment. How their lives have changed in every imaginable way over the last thirteen years. The three of them against the world. He thinks of how he’s always had the two of them through it all, loving him and supporting him and propping him up every step of the way. 
And then his eyes slide over and lock with yours and it’s like a dam breaks. 
He thinks about how the person he locked eyes with at the end of the last tour wasn’t you and he wishes it was. How the last three years with you have given him more than he could ever imagine or hope for. How he hugged you before he went on stage for that audition when he was 16 and now you’re the only person whose arms he wants to be in when this show is over. 
He thinks about you and all that you are and all that you have been and all that you will be, his mind flashing to the ring hiding away in his safe back at the house. He thinks about the conversation you had a few mornings ago, how his definition of family has grown over the last year, how he plans to include you in it for the rest of his life. 
He’s never felt happier, he’s never felt luckier, he can’t believe he gets to be the man you’re looking at like that. 
He tries to take a steadying breath but it comes out shaky and he knows he’s done for. 
“Thank you for…” he croaks out before his throat clogs and his eyes burn, the tears he tried so hard to keep at bay spilling over. Shit. He slides a hand over his eyes and turns away from the crowd,  trying to collect himself as quickly as possible, desperate to avoid videos of him sobbing about his love for his family splashed all over the internet, this vulnerability and rich history of love something that is still his and theirs alone. 
He turns back to the crowd to make a quick joke, letting their laughter wash over him as he takes a few steps, getting his head back in the game, letting the emotions simmer back down a bit before he looks over at you all. His eyes scan the group, seeing his cousins, his aunts, his uncles, your parents, these people who have loved him and raised him and kept his head in the right place. Where would he be without them? What could he possibly say to thank them for everything they’ve done? His mind whirls, his heart pounding as tears prick his eyes.
And then he finds you again, a lighthouse amid this hurricane of emotion roaring through him. A safety net. His rock. And you’re looking at him with such love and pride and belief and he has to get these few words out. He knows he can now. 
So, he takes a deep breath. A real one this time. He blinks back a few stray tears and brings the microphone back up to his mouth, looking back at his family. 
And he speaks.
taglist:@tobesolovelysstuff, @louyoursins, @daydreamingofmatilda, @jojo-blog53, @marzhshaim, @devilsqueen722, @just-happiness-only,@lomlhstyles, @feestyles, @spock4presidnet, @sunshinemoonsposts, @indierockgirrl, @jerseygirlinca, @kissitnhekitchen, @goldnrry,
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Golett & Golurk
Golett (#622)
Saxusvitae parvus
General Information: Golett are man-made Pokémon forged by ancient civilizations, who utilized an unknown energy source in their creation. The secret to their creation has been lost to time, believed to be kept highly guarded by only a handful of lineages.
Goletts average at 3’3 feet (1 M) tall and weigh about 202.8 pounds (92 kg).
Habitat: Goletts were first created in the Middle East/Southwest Asia by ancient Hebrews and Zoroastrians. While Goletts can be found elsewhere, they are most prominent in this part of the world, where they are often members of families, towns, and cities.
Outside of captivity, Goletts enjoy rocky environments.
Life Cycles: The first Goletts were forged by humanity many countless generations ago using magical arts that have been forgotten to history or kept as closely guarded secrets. It is believed that the magic that keeps them animated has about a 5000-year life span, at which point the Golett dies at long last, if they were not killed sooner in combat or other means.
As sexless Pokémon, Goletts may only reproduce with other sexless Pokémon. They are incredibly picky about their mates, whom they will stay with for the entirety of their life. They reproduce slowly and rarely, though may be encouraged to mate more regularly if their partner is a species that needs to reproduce more frequently.
There are only a handful of predators to Goletts, namely the standard ones like Steelixes and Dusknoirs. Their size lends them to being picked off once in a while, especially outside of captivity.
Behavior: Goletts are loyal to a fault to their families. They are protectors and guardians of their home who will defend their family to their dying breath. They also really like playing with rocks and enjoy being helpful with construction projects.
Diet: They can eat the same things that we eat, but whatever animates them seems to do a good enough job of sustaining them. Players, you do not need to feed your Golett under normal circumstances, but it might be a polite gesture, and there may be occasions where a bit of food will help the Golett recover faster.
Conservation: Least Concern
Relationship with Humans: Goletts were created long ago by ancient peoples using magicks that have been lost to time and history, though some speculate that there may be a secret society that keeps the knowledge alive, should it ever become useful. In ages past, it was believed that Goletts were created by the dark arts, and historians and theologians have argued about this ever since, but without the recipe for creation, no one truly knows. Some believe this interpretation and version of events to be anti-semitic (a likely explanation), others point out that technically the Zoroastrians made them too (and may have made them first), others argue that it was strictly a practice by the ancient Hebrews, and others believe that it doesn’t really matter because they’re alive now and no one knows how to make new ones and they’re perfectly capable of reproducing on their own. So on and so forth. If you fancy upsetting a historian, ask them their thoughts on the creation of Goletts!
In modern times, Goletts are a common sight in Gaza, Egypt, Iran, Kurdistan, and what we once knew as Mesopotamia. There they are the family guardians to many households. Of course, there are other uses for them, and for thousands of years construction projects have utilized the aid of Goletts. They may not be terribly fast, but they are good, reliable workers.
Classification: Golett is in the genus “Saxusvitae” which means “living rock.” Its species epithet, “parvus” means “small” or “little.”
Golurk (#623)
Saxusvitae giganticus
General Information: Golurk the Automaton Pokémon. These Pokémon are capable of retracting its hands and legs into itself, where they become jet propulsions to launch themselves into the air and fly. The seal on its chest contains the power inside it, and removing it will cause the Golurk to lose control of itself and attack others indiscriminately. These rages can decimate entire towns.  
Golurks average at 9’2 feet (2.8 M) tall and weigh about 727.5 pounds (330 kg).
Habitat: Human towns and cities, or rocky environments.
Life Cycles: Once a Golurk evolves from a Golett, they gain new powers and strength, and a new role in society. While a Golurk can live for five-thousand years or so, many perish sooner because of their involvement in war. Should they live for that long, a Golurk may take on a mate (often another Golurk) if it did not have one already. They are tender and gentle with children and baby Pokémon, and any eggs, babies, or children left in a Golurk’s care will receive the ultimate protection and devoted caregiver.
Golurks reproduce slowly and rarely, and in captivity it is often only under the encouragement of their owners.
Behavior: A Golurk will obey its Master no matter what. They are protective of Pokémon, children, and their families. Should someone dare be foolish enough to threatened one its own, they will destroy this threat without hesitation. They are aware enough to understand the difference between play and real threats, a nuance they learn as Goletts. They are startlingly intelligent, fully aware of their surroundings and capable of human nuance, but they are still automatons programmed to obey their Masters. Their protectiveness also makes them excellent parents and guardians to children and Pokémon alike. Many are surprised by their gentleness with the little ones.
Diet: Same thing as Golett.
Conservation: Least Concern
Relationship with Humans: Golurks were created by humanity to act as guardians, laborers, and protectors. While the exact nature of their origins is hotly contentious, in the modern era they are largely seen as gentle giants. Kindergartens and daycares often employ a Golurk to care for the children and Pokémon that attend. There are strict taboos in place against undoing the seal on a Golurk, and fairytales and old wives tales periodically feature warnings against what happens when a Golurk goes berserk.
Classification: Golurk’s species epithet is “giganticus” which means “giant.” They were named by Linnaeus.
Evolution: Golurk evolves from Golett at level 43.
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