#the jace girlies wants to kiss him
4uru · 1 year
Jace: *exists*
Me: ew🤢🤮
Celine: *literally just as bad except for thr incest shit*
Me: 💍💍💍💍
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flowerandblood · 1 year
Stay and love, leave and die
Halloween Request Oneshots Series
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Strong! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, noncon, virginity loss, smut, angst, choking, violence, threats, kidnapping, obsession ]
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[ description: After the death of her grandfather, the daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Harwin Strong travels to Storm's End to remind Borros Baratheon of his fathers oath to her mother he had made years ago. There she meets her uncle, whom she has not seen since a certain terrible event that took place between him and her brother. Her uncle decides to take his payment for what happened to him. Aggressive, obsessive, very dark! Aemond.]
This oneshot is inspired by anon request and is created with Halloween in mind, so unlike what I usually write, these fisc will be very dark and uncomfortable. Keep this in mind before you start reading.
Today marks one year since Ewan Mitchell played the role of Aemond Targaryen. I want to celebrate with this messed up Halloween oneshot! Love you my Aemond girlies 🎃🎃🎃
Alternative Universe Series: The Fall from the Heavens
*English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy!*
My others works: Masterlist
She didn't remember much about the night her uncle lost his eye; at the time she was too young to understand what had really happened. When she came down into the great hall in only her nightgown and saw the maester bending over her uncle she squealed loudly, covering her mouth with her hand, terrified and distraught, bursting into tears.
She and Aemond were betrothed through the King's decision.
Her grandfather believed that a union between them would ensure that the kingdom would not fall apart after his death.
Her uncle did not speak to her much before their betrothal because she was a girl and her her feminine concerns did not arouse his interest. However, sometimes when she met him in the library, he would read aloud to her and she would listen to him with interest.
They would then exchange thoughts about their lineage, and even though it was purely childish, naive musings, they both felt like adults then.
She was really fond of him.
He was calm, polite and didn't mock her like Jace and Aegon, who said that when she frowned her eyebrows and pressed her lips together she looked like a hamster.
It turned out that their grandfather's decision, instead of confusing and intimidating them, brought them closer together. Her uncle was a man who understood perfectly what duty was and considered it his task and responsibility to prove himself as a husband according to his father's will.
He began to introduce her to his world full of weapons and trainings filled with effort, his beloved books on philosophy and history.
She knew that it gave him great satisfaction when she borrowed thick volumes from his private collection, which his mother had presented to him, pleased that she was able to discuss with him more and more boldly and confidently on subjects that interested him.
He embarrassed her when one day he asked her hesitantly if she could spend the night by his side. From what she understood he did not sleep well, although he did not want to say for whatever reason. He found that her presence reassured him, and since she was to be his wife, her place was with him.
She couldn't hide the heat and joy that spread through her heart at the thought that he craved to feel her by his side.
From then on, she would sneak out to his chamber at night, slipping under his bedding, falling asleep beside him pressing her forehead against his, holding his hand in hers. He never tried to touch her in an indecent way, never ordered her to expose her body, instead allowing her to place innocent, warm, childlike kisses on his lips whenever she desired.
If it hadn't been for the darkness around them she would have noticed that his cheeks were rosy with shame and contentment, that he was smiling lazily as he lay there with his eyes closed.
From then on, he slept peacefully.
Then, however, her younger brother deprived him of one eye when he dared to tame Vhagar, and her mother, despite promises that she would be able to visit him, allowed it only after a few days, hiding behind the fact that her half-brother should rest. However, when she appeared at the door of his chamber full of hope, Criston Cole sent her away and she never saw him again.
She sent him letters for eight years, one every two months, but he never wrote her back.
When king Viserys died her mother decided that she would fly to Storm's End to remind Lord Baratheon of his fathers oath, while Jace was to fly to Winterfell and Luke to the Eyrie.
All things considered, however, she did not foresee one thing.
When she saw her in the middle of the storm, raising her head towards her like a great moving mountain, she felt fear.
She had not seen him since that day.
She did not fly to King's Landing when Luke fought for his rights to Driftmark because her mother and the Queen thought it would only make things worse, and her uncle did not want to see her.
For a moment she hesitated in spirit, standing in the rain, whether to turn back, terrified at the thought that he was there. She recognised, however, that her mother had entrusted her with this mission believing that she would fulfil the task and she had to fight for her rights.
Therefore, she gathered her courage and approached the guards, informing them of who she was. They led her into a large circular throne room, lit up once in a while by an intense flash of lightning and the torches all around her.
That's when she saw him.
He stood in a leather cloak with sword and dagger at his side, speaking to one of Lord Baratheon's daughters, but when he heard the guards announce who had arrived he looked towards her, turning on his heel, holding his hands entwined behind his back.
His lips twitched in a mocking, menacing grin that sent shivers through her, his pupil narrowed like those of a cat that had just seen a mouse.
"My Lady Strong." He said teasingly, coldly, lightly, and she swallowed loudly, recognising that she had not come all this way to tease.
She was shivering with cold and fear and wanted to convey what she had to say as quickly as possible.
"Queen Rhaenyra wishes to remind you of the oath your father, Lord Baratheon, made to her years ago." She said softly and clearly, looking up at the distressed lord sitting before her on the stone throne.
"Prince Aemond has offered to take one of my daughters as his wife. Which of my daughters will one of your brothers marry to win my favour?" He asked her in a dry, raised voice, frustrated by her presence and what she was demanding of him.
She swallowed loudly, looking at her uncle in shock, seeing him watching her with satisfaction, his chin raised in a gesture of victory, the corner of his mouth still twitching in a smile.
He was proud of himself.
"Forgive me, my Lord, both my brothers who are of the proper age for marriage are already betrothed." She muttered, and Lord Baratheon laughed aloud, spreading his arms to his sides.
"So you come with empty hands. Go home, pup. Tell your mother she won't summon me when she wishes like some dog." He growled.
She swallowed the insult with difficulty, nodding, feeling her head humming, her heart pounding like mad, her uncle's gaze piercing her to the core.
"I will pass on your words to the Queen, my Lord." She said, forcing herself to be calm and bowed, turning away tense and walking out quickly, wanting to be back in Dragonstone as soon as possible.
She stepped out into the courtyard into the intense rain pouring down from the sky, loud thunder all around her, her whole body trembling from fear.
"Wait, my Lady Strong." She heard a cold, mocking voice behind her and squealed softly as she felt someone's strong, large hand clench painfully tight on her arm.
"Won't you greet your uncle? Don't you want to see at last my memento after meeting your brother?" He hissed, pulling his eye patch from his face with his free hand in one sharp, firm, agressive motion.
She drew in a loud breath when she saw polished sapphire shining ominously in his eye socket.
She stared at the sight simultaneously horrified and enthralled, there was something in his face, in his gaze, in the way he clenched his jaw, that she was unable to look away from him.
"− please −" She mumbled, trying to pull herself out of his arms, but he embraced her, pressing her close. She put her hands on his rain-wet leather coat and tried to push him away, but he only chuckled lowly at her helpless efforts, locking her in his grasp.
"− I see you've changed too − you even look like a woman now − maybe I should take you away and enjoy you after so many years of separation − didn't you miss me? −" He asked in a humiliating, sweet, mocking voice, leaning over her like a child so as to look into her frightened eyes, in which tears of terror had gathered.
She was afraid of the way he looked at her.
"− please, uncle, I just want to go home −" She whispered pleadingly and took his cold face in her hands, wanting to alleviate the situation somehow, to give it some affectionate gesture that would help him calm down.
Something changed in his gaze, he shuddered and licked his lower lip, looking at her with his head tilted, his grip not easing one bit, their hair, faces and clothes wet from the intense rain.
"− no −" He hissed and grabbed her in half, throwing her over his shoulder, she began to squeal and scream, slapping his back with her hands, her dragoness writhed ominously at the sight, ready to breathe fire.
He summoned Vhagar, who rose suddenly on her paws, the ground shook beneath her and her little dragoness scowled in fear, as terrified as she was.
"− please, don't hurt her! −" She cried to him and stopped struggling, knowing that Vhagar's teeth clamped down on her dragoness would tear her apart. "− please, I'll fly with you, I will do anything −"
"− hm −" He murmured under his breath, placing her on the ground right next to the ropes hanging from his saddle. He looked at her with an indifferent, cool gaze, his lips pressed into a thin line. "− up −"
She cried all the way, snuggling into the front of his saddle, feeling his body clinging to hers behind her, his face pressed against her neck.
"− I will make you my mistress − you will bear me bastards after I marry any of that fool's daughters − bastards are perfect for bearing other bastards, aren't they? −" He whispered in her ear, placing wet, sticky kisses on the skin of her neck, and she tried with difficulty to catch her breath, almost choking from her sobs.
She prayed for her mother to save her.
He dragged her by her arm, holding her painfully tight, towards his chamber, heedless of the surprised stares of the guards.
It was the middle of the night and he had commanded that no one was to disturb them.
He pushed her into his chambers and she fell to the stone floor, panting heavily, shaking all over, feeling like she was about to vomit from fear, tears and rain drops running down her cheeks. She could hear him breathing loudly with excitement and exertion, pulling off his coat, tossing it disorderly on the floor.
She was breathing hard, looking at him in horror, wondering what she was supposed to do, how she was supposed to fight him.
Suddenly, this one thought, this one attempt, seeing him begin to walk towards her with a menacing, final step that said it all came out of her mouth.
"I've written letters to you. For eight years, every two months. You never wrote back to any of them. Why?" She asked in a trembling, broken voice, feeling how tight her throat was with fear, how much her hands were quivering.
He stopped in mid-step, furrowing his brow, his face impassive, tense, cold.
"Liar." He hissed as he knelt over her, grabbing her by her neck, pressing her to the ground in a one, brutal motion, his free hand quickly found the dagger hidden under her cloak and tossed it aside with a loud clang of steel.
She figured that the more she resisted, the more pain he would cause her.
"I'm not lying. Ask your grandfather. I suspect he didn't even pass them on to you, did he?" She mumbled with difficulty, his fingers clenching on her neck so tightly that she had trouble breathing.
However, she noticed a kind of hesitation and uncertainty on his face, his nostrils quivering in a ragged breath.
"And what did you write in them, my Lady Strong?" He asked teasingly, his free hand sliding down to the tying of his breeches, his wide-eyed gaze directed at her, mad, implacable, cruel.
She licked her lips, feeling his fingers cold and wet from the rain clenching on her hot skin, tried not to think about the sound of the material slipping away, only what she had wanted to say to him for years.
"That I was too young to understand what happened then. That it wasn't until years later that I realised you had been deprived of more than an eye that night. That I can't sleep. That something in me died that day." She whispered with difficulty, tears of grief, fear and horror running down the sides of her face onto the stone floor he pressed her against.
She saw that he had stopped in mid-motion, breathing loudly, his lips pressed together, as if he was thinking hard about something.
"I will not give you back to your mother-whore. I will keep you as my payment for the harm she has done to me." He said coolly, furrowing his brow, looking at her as if he was explaining to her that it was the only reasonable thing to do.
Her heart pounded like crazy as she thought what she was doing was working.
That it wasn't rape per se that was his goal, but the appropriation of something precious that belonged to her mother, so that he could have a sense of atonement.
She nodded, trying to calm herself, wanting him to remain calm too.
"Very well." She whispered quietly, something in his face changed, a sort of surprise passed across his eye. He let out a loud sigh, as if he expected that only when he took her by force would she agree.
"For years I have suffered with the thought of that day. I will compensate you as best I can." She mumbled softly, a final, solitary tear running down her face.
She tried with all her might to think of that boy she loved so dearly and not the monstrous man who had just looked at her.
"Hm." He hummed again, letting her go, rising from his lap, his watchful gaze directed straight at her.
She grabbed her neck, drawing in air loudly, turning onto her stomach, quivering all over.
She heard the clang of steel and the sound of a loud filling. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, breathing hard, and noticed that he had poured himself some wine.
He moved slowly towards the chair opposite her and sat down with a loud creak of wood, arranging himself comfortably, crossing his legs.
"I await my compensation." He said lightly, as if amused, taking a loud sip from his cup, his healthy eye staring at her wide-eyed with a sharp, expectant gaze, his lips stretched in a lazy, dangerous grin.
She swallowed loudly, standing up slowly, feeling her legs refuse to obey her, thinking strenuously what she should do.
"No man would want me for a wife after this." She sobbed out with difficulty, looking at him horrified, and he chuckled under his breath, cocking his head to the side.
"If you please me enough, I will take you as my wife in the tradition of Old Valyria, and our children will be my official heirs." He said dryly, and she felt her heart begin to pound like mad, she shook her head as if she did not believe what he was saying.
"− your grandfather − your future wife − they would never −"
"− I don't give a shit about them − only my word counts in this matter − do you understand? −" He asked loudly, looking up at her from below, tapping his fingers on the armrest at his last word. She pressed her lips together, looking at him pleadingly.
"− we both know you won't marry me − you despise me − I −"
"I will be merciful and spare you from giving birth to my bastards. I will either marry you or kill you, depending on how much I like what you do now." He said softly, something like a gleam in his eye, content with this insightful thought, his cup reached his lips again as he took a greedy sip from it.
She clenched her hands into fists, knowing what he desired, knowing that if she didn't give it to him, he would take it anyway, violently and aggressively, and then just cut her throat.
She thought with despair that if she could spare herself even a little pain, she would.
He swallowed loudly, looking at her watchfully as she approached him with a slow, unhurried step, wordlessly sitting on his lap, her hair still wet from the rain, partly pinned back in a bun, partly lowered loosely down her back.
She raised her trembling hands to the buckles of her cloak, undoing them with a slow movement, his gaze fixed on her fingers. He lifted his gaze to her face, drinking quickly the remnant of wine he had in his goblet, looking greedily after a moment at her drenched gown, through which material he could see almost everything.
She felt something in his breeches pulse hard beneath her, and then again and again, becoming harder and harder.
"I don't know what to do, uncle." She whispered quietly, begging him in a way to end her humiliation, to just show her what he wanted and leave her alone.
He looked at her suddenly, humming again in his low, thoughtful, throaty tone, his hand slipping beneath the material of her underskirt, touching shamelessly her naked thigh, finally digging his fingertips into the soft skin of her hip, pressing her closer to him, forcing her to rub againt what was beneath her with slow back and forth movements.
She saw him part his lips, his other hand quickly set the cup down on the small table standing next to them and swiftly joined his first hand, also tightening on her hip. She felt the rocking movements of her hips tease something between her thighs, tickling her at the same time and making her shiver.
"Spread my breeches to the sides." He commanded in a hoarse, trembling voice looking at her expectantly, licking his lower lip in an involuntary, quick motion.
She did as he instructed and suddenly felt something hard and throbbing press against her naked body, she drew in the air loudly guessing what it was. She felt him take his manhood in his hand in a confident movement.
"Lift up and slide it inside you." He said coolly, but the tone of his voice betrayed some kind of excitement, his healthy eye open wide.
She swallowed loudly, resting her hands on his shoulders for balance, breathing loudly, trying not to think about how scared she was, how much she wanted to go home, his sapphire eye gleamed dangerously in the dark.
She settled against him and felt the fat head of his length push against her folds, sliding in just a little, stretching her slit painfully to all sides. She squeezed her eyes shut, letting out a quiet sigh of discomfort, a throaty groan escaping his lips.
"− fuck − keep going −" He exhaled, not moving however, his hand holding his manhood in such a position that it stood perpendicular to her body.
She bit her lips, gasping with effort as she tried to fit him deeper inside her, another loud, involuntary groan escaped his lips, he threw his head back, clenching his healthy eye, clasping his hand on her bare buttocks. He opened it suddenly and looked at her, breathing loudly through his mouth.
One brutal, sudden thrust of his hips startled her and tore something inside her, she cried out and convulsed in pain shaking all over, his large hands stroking her thighs reassuringly.
He knew he had just taken her maidenhood.
"− shhh − shhh −" He hushed her, rocking inside her with slow, steady rhythm of his hips, looking at her with misty eyes full of something she didn't understand, a single tear of horror and humiliation ran down her cheek.
She drew in a loud breath as he lifted his one hand to her face, his thumb rubbing the wet stain from her cheek, and then his fingers tightened on the nape of her neck, drawing her closer, snuggling her face into the hollow of his neck.
Stunned and helpless, she clenched her hands on the material of his leather tunic, seeking refuge in her tormentor, wishing only that he would not cause her any more pain.
"− hush − it's all right − look how easy it's sliding in now −" He whispered quietly into her ear, his length slipping softly all the way into her only to slide out almost completely, teasing something inside her. His movements began to become increasingly slippery, his thighs slapping against her buttocks with a quiet, sticky click.
"− just like that − just a little longer −" He cooed, stroking her wet hair, placing almost tender kisses on her temple, panting along with her with each of his movements, her body bouncing slightly with each of his thrusts.
She snuggled into him tighter, just wanting to hide, to escape, his neck smelling of smoke, sweat, rain. She closed her eyes, trying to relax, and he groaned loudly feeling her body stop resisting him, his lips roaming over her wet cheek, placing moist, sticky kisses on it.
"− I know − I know − 'm close −" He whispered with some kind of care from which a shudder went through her, the thought that when he did this she might soon expect his child.
She squeezed her eyes shut at the thought feeling the tears burning under her eyelids again, sobbing quietly, embracing him tightly, his thrusts getting faster and louder, slamming his swollen, fat cock into her again and again, both of them began to moan, his one hand clenched in her hair, the other squeezed her hip.
"− how could you leave me − I was waiting for you then − ah − all fucking night − but it doesn't matter − you're mine now − g-gods − fuck! −" He exhaled loudly, panting heavily along with her, his words making her feel her core throbbing around him, sucking him inside, some warm liquid spilling inside her and suddenly it was all over.
They sat cuddled together like that for long minutes, their breaths calming, not speaking or moving, just embracing each other, his face nestled into her hair, his nose pressed against her cheek.
"From now on everything will be as it should be, wife."
Alternative Universe Series: The Fall from the Heavens
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess
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syraxesrevenge · 8 months
fic type: x reader
pairing: jace velaryon
notes: first fic kinda scared lol, takes place after ep 10. very self indulgent bc I'm a jace girlie at heart
Jacaerys is reminded of a lot of things, when he thinks of home.
The bristling, red-hot fireplaces dotted around the common room of Dragonstone, so different from the hearthy cold in the north, which almost freezes his joints together alme days. The shimmery, glittery mirage of the drink glass when light wobbles through them. Holding his brothers hands in his own reassuringly when they're scared.
And he's reminded of you.
The way your head felt laying against his chest, the way your heartbeat slowed down, the way you smiled. It was comforting, in a way, how he could remember every single detail of your face in the cold north. It was an anchor for him, laying in bed at night. How many horns did Meleys have? What did his mother usually wear? What would you be saying if you saw him lying here, all sappy and sad?
Rūklon, the word feels bitter and loveless on his tongue. His hand twitches as he looks from the frosted purple flower to the sky, and back again. He remembers the way it slid gracefully from your lips, the way he'd tried very hard to copy, but it came off choppy. Broken.
“Ruuuuuklon.” You said slowly, enunciatimg the U in a rather smugly accomplished tone.
“Rūklon. It's not that hard, Jacaerys.” Luke muttered before he yelped in surprise when the book of High Valyrina was thrown in his face. The kid really needed to learn when to shut up.
“It's not that hard, Jacaerys!” Jace answered, mockingly, before outreaching a hand to flip the dusted cover of the book back into his arms. Luke promptly stormed off, most likely to tell Rhaenyra.
“Hey, don't be so mean! It's not his fault you're illiterate.” You responded, in that stupidly sickly sweet voice of yours you used to be condescending. Your hand reached out as an offer, and he gingerly laced his fingers between yours gently
It was a small gesture, but he liked it. A bit too much, for a ward of his mother, but, alas.
“Rude. Treason, actually. How dare you suggest such things of my good honour, milady.”
Your fingers traced circles into his palm, the kind of circles that made his heart bump, bump. bump with affection. He brings your hand up to his lips, placing a hesitant kiss at the back of your hand. His lips linger at your skin, just for a moment, a single moment longer than they should've. The heat of breath placed in lieu, before he set your hand back down beside you. Where it belonged, not with him.
Jacaerys didn't feel bold at that moment. He didn't feel like a fearless warrior, or a king, or a fierce dragonrider; he felt like a lovesick, stupid little boy. Like he was all those years ago, playing among the courtyards of the Red Keep, chasing each other, comforting each other when you had to leave for Dragonstone, riding on Vermax. He felt exactly like that boy.
And he doesn't feel bold now. The bump bump bump of his heart has turned into a thump bump thump, worried and wishing he could be back at Dragonstone, back in a world where you and his family were safe, safe from his cousins, and safe from everything.
He retreads the letter you've sent him for a seventh time that night. His brother is dead. He has been killed. The words make him want to choke, to fight and attack and do something; but he can do nothing. He wasn't there to save Lucerys, and he can't bear the thought of not being there to save you, either.
He spends that night sleepless.
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valleyof-goldenlilies · 9 months
A Christmas Visitor - Modern!Jace Velaryon x Reader
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Summary: Jace takes it upon himself to cheer you up for your first Christmas spent alone.
Pairing: Modern! Jace Velaryon x AFAB! Reader
Warnings: fluffy boyfriend Jace, profanity, blowjob, face fucking, degradation, mentions of masturbation (both f and m) (let me know if i missed anything out!)
Word Count: 1.92k words
A/N: hoe hoe hoe! a very merry late Christmas and Happy New Year in advance from me to you :) this one is for those Jace girlies out there ;) I hope you enjoy!
lovely dividers credited to @firefly-graphics !
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It was set to be a lonely Christmas for you. 
But honestly? You had no one to blame but yourself. You were the one who had decided to migrate to another continent entirely for university, whilst most of your friends had stayed in King’s Landing, or other parts of Westeros, including your boyfriend, Jace Velaryon. 
But Braavos University was undoubtedly the best university in the known world to pursue a degree in economics, and when you had gotten the acceptance email, Jace had urged you to go, telling you that you would be an idiot if you passed up on the chance. 
Braavos was a wonderful place: a melting pot of different cultures, interesting architectural structures, along with an intriguing history. You loved studying and living here, but at times, especially now, during the festive season, you especially missed home. You missed seeing Jace’s wonderful, handsome, smiling face, missed his kisses, his hugs, his warmth, his everything. 
In a video call with your boyfriend a few days ago, you had expressed how much you’d missed him, and he had given you a sad smile in return. 
“I miss you too, honey,” Jace said earnestly, covering his headphones’ speakers again when a loud noise erupted from behind him. You winced at the feedback from the mic. “Cregan, hey bud, mind keeping it down a little?” Jace called out. “I’m video calling my girlfriend here.” 
“Sorry dude!” A manly voice that was most definitely not Cregan called back, and you had to stifle a laugh at Jace’s knowing, disgusted look. “Ugh, these animals, I swear,” Jace joked, turning his attention back to you. His expression softened. “Hey honey, I know it’s hard on you. I wish there was something I can do to make you feel better.” 
You smiled, trying to cheer up a bit for his sake. “It’s alright, really. I’m doing fine here, I’m just being a bit mopey because I miss you and stuff.” 
“Aww,” Jace blew you a kiss through the computer screen. “I miss you too, honey. Uni life just isn’t the same without you. But you are still coming back for summer break, right?” 
You nodded, blowing back a kiss to him. “Yeah, of course I am. I can’t wait-“ A crash and a gruff laugh sounded from behind Jace, and Jace’s eyes widened as he turned back to try and catch a glimpse of what was going on. “Jace, buddy, I might need some help here!” A voice that was definitely Cregan groaned out. 
“I’m sorry babe, I gotta go,” Jace said apologetically. “Trust those guys to get wild when I’m trying to call my girlfriend.” 
“No, it’s fine,” you tried to stifle a giggle. “You’re like their mom, you know.” “Am not,” Jace pouted, before blowing you a kiss. “I’ll video call you on Christmas, alright? I love you, baby.” 
“Love you too, Jacey.” You blew him a kiss back before your computer screen went dark, and you sighed, slumping back in your seat. Video calling him had somehow made you miss him even more. 
But alas, such was life. When the morning sunlight streamed through your dorm windows on Christmas Day, you had already carefully planned out your day. 
“Okay, so,” you tapped your pencil on your paper, filled with a list of the things you wanted to do. First, I go across the campus to get those delicious pretzels from Lancelot’s Bakery, then I head to the grocery shop to get myself some chicken to cook chicken Alfredo pasta for lunch. Then-“ 
A knock at your dorm room caused you to look up from your list, puzzled. Your dorm mates had all left for their own homes for the holidays, so who could that be? You set down your pencil, moving to open the door. “Yes-?” Your jaw dropped when you saw who it was standing outside the door. 
“Jace!” You let out a cry of delight at your boyfriend’s warm, smiling face. The smile that you had missed so much. 
“Hey, baby-“ Jace barely had time to finish his sentence before you launched yourself at him, jumping into his arms and kissing him hungrily. Jace nearly staggered under your weight, hands going to stabilise you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He savoured the taste of your lips, feeling you melt against him and nearly tearing up when you realised that he was real. 
Oh, how he missed you. How he missed this. 
Jace quickly brought you into your dorm room, kicking the door shut behind him as he didn’t break the kiss. He set you down on the edge of the desk that you were writing on, tongue tangling eagerly with yours. “Mmm, I missed you so much,” he mumbled against your lips, fumbling for the zipper of the shorts that you were wearing. “I missed your lips, your scent, your pussy…” 
You let out a laugh, breaking the kiss to rest your forehead against his. “Someone’s eager, huh?” 
“Don’t act like you aren’t,” Jace chided, chuckling as he pulled your shorts off. “Nearly six months without you has been absolute torture. I had to stroke my own dick almost every night for the first few months you know.” A pleasant shiver shot through you at the imagery: Jace stroking himself to the thought of you every day, groaning as he spilled himself in his hand. 
“Sounds like I should make it up to you then,” you said slyly, pushing yourself off the desk and getting on your knees. Jace’s breath hitched as he took in the sight of you, radiant, rosy, glowing, down on your knees in front of him. Where you belong. 
You made fast work of his jeans, unbuckling his belt and tugging his jeans and boxers down in one go. Your mouth nearly watered at the sight of his length, long and leaking with precum. You ran your fingers along the vein in his cock, teasing him, and Jace groaned, pulling your hair into a makeshift ponytail. “Baby…don’t be a tease,” Jace’s voice was low, pleading. You simply laughed, looking cheeky as you debated on whether you should give him what he wanted. 
Jace nearly saw stars when your hot mouth got to work on his dick, licking the underside of it, letting the precum collect on your tongue. His grip in your hair tightened. “Love…” 
Slowly, you began to take his cock into your mouth. The loud, scandalous, squelching noise of you taking his dick inch by inch reverberated throughout your empty dorm room, making Jace grow even harder, if that was even possible. He had dreamt of this moment so many times for the last few months…
He made a low, strangled noise in his throat as you hollowed out your cheeks to accommodate even more of him, trying not to gag in the meantime. His fingers tangled even deeply into your hair, “That’s it, that’s fucking it. Take all of me in,” Jace encouraged you. “You can do it. You’re a good girl for me, aren’t you?” 
Your answering nod caused your head to bob on his dick a little, and Jace moaned at the sight. He could just die happy now. 
“Can I fuck your face, sweetheart?” Jace asked tenderly, but you knew that his tone of voice, while friendly, left no room for negotiation. So you only looked up at him with those adorable doe eyes, and nodded slightly. Jace smirked, pulling out a bit before thrusting himself back into your throat. 
He continued to fuck your face, going slow and gentle at first, then his thrusts grew more and more erratic as he felt your hot little mouth envelop his dick just so perfectly. The sound of your fingers playing with your pussy as he face-fucked you however, drew him back to attention again. 
“Hey,” he slapped your cheek lightly, getting your attention as you looked up at him with wide eyes, having been caught. “You’re not allowed to touch that pussy as I face fuck you.” Your expression of dismay almost made him feel bad. 
“No touching yourself, sweetheart. Or else I won’t let you cum later, you understand?” Your eyes teared up a little, and Jace watched you with a smirk as your expression grew desperate, but you could simply nod obediently, knowing that Jace would make good on that promise. 
“Good girl,” he soothed you, before thrusting into your mouth even harder, faster. 
Your moans were muffled by his cock, but Jace let his unfiltered noises echo throughout the room, his curses and groans and praises only making you wetter. “Yeah, that’s it, baby…taking this dick like a pro, huh? What a dirty little slut you are.” 
You could barely speak with his dick in your mouth, and Jace could feel himself getting closer as he watched your tits bounce in that skimpy top you had on. He couldn’t wait to have his hands and mouth all over them, kissing and biting and sucking on your hardened buds. The thought alone was enough to send him over the edge, and when you began playing with his balls, he completely lost it. 
Letting out a rough moan, he spilled himself in you, his hot load shooting down your throat. The vibrations of your muffled moans around his cock made it feel even better. 
He pulled out, watching your dazed, blissed out face. Gently tilting your chin up to face him, he ordered you, “Swallow all that for me, sweetheart.” 
Obligingly, you did so, and Jace let out a sigh of pleasure. “Good girl. Come here.” He helped you up from your knees, gently hoisting you up onto the desk again while rubbing your red knees with his thumbs like a perfect gentleman. Then, his hands found his way to your cheek again, and his lips to yours. He could taste himself on your tongue, and he groaned into your mouth, hand going to palm at your tits through the fabric of your top. 
“Best Christmas present I could ask for,” he murmured, sweetly pecking you on the lips. “Which reminds me,” you brought up, voice a bit hoarse after that intense face-fucking. “How’d you get here?” 
“I flew out, duh.” You smacked Jace’s shoulder at that non-serious response. “Ow. I flew out all the way for you, and you abuse me like this?” Jace rubbed his hot shoulder, looking like a kicked puppy. “Hurts me right in my feelings, baby.” 
“I’m serious,” you pressed, and Jace laughed, kissing your pouting lips. “I don’t know, you just looked so sad over the video call…I just had to come and see you.” 
“And your family was cool with it?” Jace laughed again, rubbing your shoulder reassuringly. “Mom’s always chill about it, don’t worry. And you know my little brothers; they always act like they’re happy to be rid of me.” 
“But for now,” Jace’s lips met yours again, searing, wanting. “Can we stop talking about how I got here and focus on worshipping you instead?” You giggled, tightening your arms around his neck. “Well, in that case-“ 
A clatter outside your door made you and Jace freeze in your tracks, wide eyes going to the door. “What was that-“ 
“My suitcase!” Jace exclaimed, a panicked look on his face as someone outside bellowed. “Who left their fucking suitcase in the middle of the hall?” 
You couldn’t hold back your laughter at the sight of abject horror on Jace’s face as he rushed to the door to apologise to whatever poor soul had tripped over his suitcase. 
Best Christmas you could ever ask for.
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let me know if you wish to be added to a general taglist for jace related works, or just my works in general in the comments or through this form! :) 
thank you for reading! if you liked it, likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated! merry late xmas guys 😘🎄
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topazy · 4 months
Tomorrow's promise
Pairing: Daryl Dixon × OC, Rick Grimes × sister OC
Warnings: Swearing
Chapter: 3.09
While ducking behind a crate of wood, you use the scope on your rifle. You keep watch for any signs of an attack while waiting on your brothers, Daryl and Hershel, returning to the prison. Somehow Andrea had managed to arrange a sit-down between the governor and Rick, something you were highly against.
“Any sign of my brother yet?”
Hearing Merle’s voice, you roll your eyes and say, “No, not yet.”
“Hmm.” He leans against the fence, making himself an easy target. “Listen, girly, what happened before—kidnapping you and all—it was strictly business.”
“What’s done is done.”
“You’re a lot more snapper than Rick; anybody ever tell you that? I bet Shane did. Yeah, I remember that judgmental deputy well. I never would have pictured you two together. Oh well, at least we are all one big happy family now, right?”
You glance up at him, and it annoys you how amused he is. You got the impression that Merle thrived on chaos and was just trying to get under your skin. “You know, if my brother hadn’t gone back looking for you in Atlanta, I would never have found him again. I guess I’m lucky T-dog dropped the keys.”
“You really are something else.” Merle snorts out a laugh. “I noticed you’re the only one who didn’t protest about me staying. I guess that means all is forgiven.”
“No, I still think you’re an asshole, but Daryl wouldn’t leave you behind.” You go back to looking through the scope for any movements, “but for this to work, we all need to be singing from the same hymn sheet.”
“I’m on whatever side my baby brother is, and fortunately for you, it’s Rick’s side. You didn’t seem surprised when we swooped in and saved your brother's ass from walkers.”
“I knew Daryl would come back because he’s one of us.”
“Yeah, I see that.”
A few beats of silence pass before you speak again. Merle had already gotten into a few altercations with Glenn. “You do anything that hurts.“
“Yeah, yeah,” he says sarcastically. “If I hurt your brother, son, or precious little friends, you’ll point that rifle right at me.”
“You do anything to hurt Daryl, and I’ll pull the trigger.”
“Well, ain’t I glad to know my brother has a guard dog?”
“Shh!” Seeing a vehicle approaching, you point your gun in its direction, ready to fire if it’s an enemy, but thankfully, it’s your people returning. “They’re back.”
Something was going on between Rick, Daryl, and Hershel; they were keeping a secret from the rest of you. Your issue wasn’t with being kept out of the loop per se, but you didn’t like the atmosphere it was causing. Both Daryl and Rick were avoiding you, and Hershel constantly looks like he’s about to start crying.
Rick told you the governor was gearing up for war, but you knew he was holding back.
“You want to go for a nap?” You kiss Jace’s cheek multiple times before placing him in the travel cot. Michonne, Carl, and Rick got on their last run. “Sleep tight, baby.”
Having a cot meant you got to sleep better during the night; instead of worrying, he’d somehow crawl out of the cell. They had also brought back a few toys and clothes for him and Judith to share. Knowing he had something other kids had before the world went to shit made you feel better, more hopeful that one day he would have a better chance.
You go to the cellblock where all the supplies are kept and start separating ammunition into different piles. Glenn has come up with the idea of hiding a few boxes of bullets outside, so if anyone got pinned down, they wouldn’t run low. You lift your head and smile when Daryl walks into the room and says, “Hey.”
It gnaws on you that Daryl avoids making eye contact with him. “Did you do it?”
He looks almost alarmed by the question, “W-what?”
“Michonne’s idea? Putting down barbed wire will slow down any vehicle. I’ve got a few ideas I want to pick her brain about later.”
Daryl gulps it down nervously.
“Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah… no.” He finally lifts his head to look up at you, and he seems to be torn. “I… fuck, I’m not supposed to talk about it.”
“Is this about the governor?"
Sighing, he sits down beside you and holds his head with his hand. “The governor offered to make a deal with Rick; we hand over Michonne, and he’ll leave us alone.”
“But my brother wouldn’t do that,” you say, looking over Daryl’s shoulder at the doorway at the same time Rick walks in. “Tell him you wouldn’t do that.”
Your stomach drops upon seeing the look on your brother's face; he had actually considered it. “Tell him, Rick, tell me you wouldn’t do that. You wouldn’t hand a woman over to that man!”
“Keep your voice down.”
“There is no difference between Merle snatching me and Glenn off the street and handing us over to the governor than there is you doing it. Is this what the three of you have been whispering about? Trying to figure out the best way to do it without the rest of us noticing? That man terrorized me and Glenn.”
You glare at your brother as he comes and sits down on the opposite side of you. “I’m not going to do it... I did consider it. But we can't, and I can’t. It’s not who we are.”
You shake your head in disgust. Rick knew exactly what the governor had done to you, and whatever he had planned for Michonne would be a thousand times worse. Tears of anger begin to form.
“Don’t, don’t do that,” Rick sighs. “I’m going to tell Michonne the truth. About the deal, about... how I thought about it.”
“How could you even think about it?” The difference between people like us and people like them is that we protect our own.”
“That’s exactly what I was trying to do. If I had to choose between saving a person I barely know and my family, I’d always choose my family.”
“Siblings, huh? I can’t live with them; I can’t live without them. But at the end of the day, you’d do anything for them.”
Daryl shakes his head when his brother sits at the table with a smug look on his face. “Shut up, Merle,” you say. “I’m going to check on Judith.”
Looking around the prison yard, panic starts to set in. You notice your brother and run to him. “Rick, Rick!”
Seeing you panicked, he runs over and meets you halfway. “What’s going on?”
“Somethings wrong; I can’t find Michonne or Daryl.”
“I know,” he says, looking down at the ground. “Merle went through with it; he took Michonne, and Daryl’s gone after him to bring her back.”
“He’s gone out there alone.”
He nods.
You rub at your face and say, “Damn it. If the governor finds them, he will kill all three of them.”
“Daryl is a survivor. He and Michonne will be coming back through those gates in no time.”
Tears start to build up. “You really think so?”
“Absolutely, both of them have better chances of surviving out there than either of us.” Rick was right; they would be fine. “I just want to say, before... I wasn’t thinking clearly. I would never have turned her over. I was just grasping at any chance I could to try and save the lives of my people, but you’re right, Michonne is one of us now.”
“I shouldn’t be so quick to judge when it’s not me in the position to make that choice. Hell, I’ve done a lot of questionable things.”
Rick hugs you tightly, and you squeal a little when you feel the pressure against the flesh that had been grazed by the bullet. “From now on, there is only one secret we keep: that night on the farm, and that’s it.”
When you start to walk back towards the prison, a hint of a smirk appears on Rick’s face. He puts his arm around your shoulder and says, “I need to ask you something, and I need a completely honest answer.”
“For a while there, I was hearing things and seeing things that weren’t there. So I need you to tell me, did I really see you kissing Daryl with a dead possum at your feet, or did I imagine that?”
“Let’s go find the others.”
Your brother stands in front of the remaining members of your group in the courtyard while you sit around a picnic table. He looks stressed, scared of how the others will react. Admittedly, you were horrified when Daryl told you, but you don’t believe him; Rick or Hershel would have actually gone through with it.
“When I met with the governor, he offered me a deal. He said he would leave us alone if I gave him Michonne.” Rick’s jaw wobbles slightly as he talks; he was struggling to hold it together. “And I was going to do that... to keep us safe. I changed my mind. But now Merle took Michonne to fulfill the deal, and Daryl went to stop him, but I don’t know if it’s too late. I was wrong not to tell you. And I’m sorry. What I said last year—that first night after the farm—it can’t be like that. It can’t. What we do, what we’re willing to do, who we are—it’s not my call. It can’t be. I couldn’t sacrifice one of us for the greater good because we are the greater good. We’re the reason we’re still here—not me, all of us. How we live, how we die—it ain’t up to me. I ain’t your governor. We chose to go. We chose to stay. We stick together.”
Nobody knows what to say.
“We vote. We can stay or fight, or we pack up stuff and leave.”
“I’m proud of you, Rick.”
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years
jace as your boyfriend (modern!au) hcs<3
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jacaerys velaryon x reader
warning: nsfw, smut (minors dni!!)
just a lil something for my Jace girlies (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
-your parents knew eachother as due to them both working together collaborating their companies.
-you were bound to meet eachother through dinner parties and galas, going to the same school was simply luck.
-he thought you'd pretend to not know him at school but you always greeted him as you pass by eachother, either with a little wave and smile or sometimes even calling out his name to say hi
-he was the one who made the first move.
-always making corny jokes to fish a laugh out of you and slipping in an absolutely disgustingly cheesy pickup line that would end up with you clutching on your stomach laughing your ass off at how adorable he is.
-he thinks the jokes and lines are pretty good actually, he does get why you'd call him cringy.
-one night during one of your father's boring galas, you saved him from a continues dragging conversation he was forced to have with one of his mother's acquaintance and the two of you sneaked out and got ice cream.
-you walked through the city for almost 2 hours, sharing your ice creams without feeling icky and easily conversing with eachother.
-you were an easy person to talk to, never judgemental and always giving the same energy back. he felt he could be himself with you.
-being the messy eater you are, he takes the opportunity to wipe the ice cream off your face with his thumb making you blush furiously.
- before he could stop himself, he closes his mouth with yours and the two of you made out for 30 minutes in a dark alley.
-he had you pinned againts the wall with your legs wrapped around him.
- rutting againts your thigh while his lips attack your neck, kissing and sucking it as you whine out pulling his hair hard making him groan.
-safe to say you both got lectured terribly individually by your parents when you returned. but none of you really cared at that point.
-he starts driving you to school and you'd go home with him and his brother to.
-luc enjoys humiliating his brother with tales of him as a child VERY much.
-Jace almost strangles his brother when he brought up the one time he peed his pants in a public pool and blamed it on his dog Vermax.
-You loved having blackmail information againts him so you appreciate luc's stories very much, using it to bully him when you're both alone.
-he asks you to be his girlfriend officially not 3 days after your first kiss, taking you on a date that exact evening after you said yes, playing laser tag and ending it with sharing a burger and fries.
-he wanted your first time to be romantic. unfortunately it was anything but that.
-you had your 19th birthday party at your friend's apartment, what started off with sweet music, happy gift exchanges, ended with loud pulsing music and drunk people making out everywhere.
-the both of you relented and got incredibly wasted, sitting on his lap while he starts getting handsy and you're a giggly mess.
-the next thing you know you were making out.
-he's pulling you closer to him and you can't help grinding on him and pulling him by his hair and kissing him harder.
-despite being absolutely drunk off your asses, somehow he had enough soberness to grow hard.
- you pulled him up to your mates' room locking the door (rip friend, traumatized for life)
- shoving him on the bed, you took no time to pull his pants down as he rushingly pulls your top off and starts sucking on your tits. biting your nipple and squeezing and rubbing the other.
- he throws his head back swearing as you lift yourself up and slides his cock in you.
-the pain was insane, but since you were on top, it was easier to control the pace.
-as you push yourself deeper clenching and squeezing him, you feel the pain mixing with intense pleasure.
-he grips your thighs hard and couldn't stop himself from thrusting upwards, making the both of you moan loudly
-the next thing you know, your self control exploded as you start bouncing on his cock.
-he's helping you slide up and down on him groaning as you chant his name pawing at his chest.
-when your already tight cunt starts squeezing him as you reach your high, he raises a hand to squeeze your tit and starts thrusting upwards chasing his own orgasm.
-His hands holds you in place as he releases his load into you while letting out an erotic moan from his throat as you clench him hard milking all of him
-safe to say you both passed out almost immediately.
-the next day was a crazy hungover,.your friend's apartment a whole mess with passed out people in the hall and kitchen. You two said your goodbyes and thank yous fast before leaving to get breakfast and laughing over how insane that night was.
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
I’m not an Olympics girlie (gender neutral) but Porter and Jace being competition and still starting up a very saucy fling under their teammates noses would be very sexy of them~ Sneaking around Olympic village, quickies in empty rooms, stealing kisses in dark corners. Porter holding a hand over Jace’s mouth while he fucks him late into the night so his teammates don’t hear through the walls. Jace is so goddamn loud and the minute this is over he needs to hear him be as loud as possible. They can fly out somewhere coastal and fuck for hours in a private cabana on the beach for all he cares. He wants to win, plans to destroy Jace when they’re in the arena but he’s destroying him now too, working him open, watching him tremble as he takes his cock like the champion he knows he is.
They’re supposed to be rivals, sure. They both plan on winning gold, but all that stress and tension in the air has to go somewhere. Why not take it out on each other? 😘
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asumofwords · 1 year
🎬 au anon here! I didn't really want to write this cause it would be extremely disrespectful for me to write an alternate ending but good lordy the amount of people I've seen being sad??? it makes me feel bad for them so to the people who wanna cope lmao 😭
“AND CUT! that's it. We're can wrap it entirely up now.” the director announces and everyone claps and cheers, You hug jace, baela before leaving to hug cregan, he rubs your back in reassurance before throwing you a sweet smile.
Aemond walks over before shaking hands with cregan and give him a bro hug, “Good job, Creg.” Aemond says and Cregan nods, “You too Aemond, sorry I stole your wife.” he jokes earning a joking punch from Aemond to his chest. “Still haunting her forever though.” Aemond giggles and you scoff, which turns his attention to you, “Girlie can't catch a break.” you say which makes both Aemond and Cregan laugh, “I mean, they are meant to burn together.” cregan says and you shoot him a playful annoyed looked which makes Aemond throw his head back in laughter.
“Are you attending the wrap up party next week?” Cregan asks and you shrug, “I'm not sure, Lucerys (now aged 4) and Aenys (the 7 month old who is now 2) might not allow me the time to do so, “Speaking about them, where is Lucerys? He acted so well it gave me chills.” Aemond says and just then your eldest son's runs screaming at you and hugs his fathers leg tightly, Aemond picks him up and places a kiss on his forehead.
“They managed to give him the creepiest of dialogues.” Cregan comments making you snort, “So true tho, he can communicate with his dada.” Aemond rubs his nose against Lucerys cheek which makes him giggle. “You did good baby! I'm sure the viewers will be surprised to see you.” you kiss Lucerys on the cheek, making him giggle.
“I loved how they waited for him to grow to film the final episode, the dedication because they wanted our actual son to act as our son in the show too.” You say, earning a hum from Aemond, “When will my death air?” he asks and you chuckle, “Next week.” you say, “Can't wait to see everyone's reaction, I just know they'll be crying.” Aemond smirks which makes cregan laugh, “I'll miss aemond too, hashtag aemondforever” he says which makes you giggle.
“I can't wait to see the shipping discourse.” You hear someone say from behind and you jump, realising it's Aegon and you sigh in relief, “You fucking scared us.” you quip which makes him laugh lightly, “What are you doing here anyway? Who invited you.” you say sarcastically earning a pout from Aegon. “Damn, you didn't have to be that rude.” he rolls his eyes playfully, “And excuse you, I have a right to be here, I want to support my younger brother.” Aegon says wrapping an arm around Aemond's shoulder, though it looks awkward since Aegon is short.
“Y/N!!!!!!!!!” you hear helaena yell and you immediately embrace her, she pulls away and looks at Aemond, “You know it doesn't hurt you to smile right?” she teases and Aemond jaw drops, “I cannot smile! It's literally in the script, I'm supposed to look menacing.” he says and you nod “You did look menacing, even I am traumatized.” you agree which makes helaena laugh.
“So will you all be attending the party next week?” Cregan asks again and you shrug once again, “I would love to, but Lucerys and Aenys... And on top of that we have Visenya too now.” you remember your daughter who was just born recently.
“Aemond never beating the breeding kink allegations, not in the show, not in real life.” Aegon speaks up which causes you to laugh.
“Watch her reveal that she's pregnant with another kid now.” Jace jumps in, having heard the earlier convo and your face drops before a small smile creeps up your face and Aemond gives you a knowing look.
“No fucking way, actually?” Aegon asks shocked. And you nod.
“Dude let her rest, is your plan just to keep her full of you now?” Cregan says, earning a laugh from him, “That is my plan, yes.” he replies, which got him a smack from you.
“Seriously? Girl you just gave birth 4 months ago.” Helaena says before she glares at Aemond who just shrugs, “You really should shove a dagger deep into him, like actually.” Helaena says, rolling her eyes, which earns a smirk from Aemond, he covers his kids ears before speaking
“Mhm yes deeper haa” he says lewdly which makes your eyes pop out of your skull.
The rest of the day was filled with laughter and you hanging out with your colleagues, spending them with them as the filming had come to an end.
Small treat for those who want to live in denial, ONCE AGAIN I'M WRITING THIS BECAUSE I FEEL BAD FOR EVERYONE HAHSHAD this isn't an official ending of sf&a, unless you wanna live in denial, but like yeah,
The way I’m smiling like a good reading this!!! Omfg I LOVE IT !
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Alec and bracelets
idk why, but i can imagine Alec wearing bracelets in his non-dominant hand all the time. Like, he never buys them. They are given to him by people who are important to him, and he chooses to wear them and never take them off.
Robert and Maryse probably won't like them at first, because "Honestly, Alec, it's a girly piece of jewelry! You're a man!" but Alec won't care, because people gave it to him because he meant something to them.
For a pre-teen or a teen Alec, he was always in the shadows of Jace, and he did get used to it, but knowing that his family or friends thought of him when they made or bought their bracelets, made young Alec feel like he mattered to someone.
His first bracelet was given to him when he was seven, by a five year old Izzy. It would be mismatched colors, but strong enough to not break unless sliced by a blade.
"Alec! I made you something!"
"What is it, Izzy?"
She took his hand and slid a mismatched colored bracelet onto his wrist. Alec stared in amazement, a little teary eyed at the thought of his five year old sister making him something.
"It's a sibling bracelet! See!"
"A - a sibling bracelet?"
"Yeah! It's a bond that means that we will never leave each other and always love each other!"
Alec wrapped his younger sister in his arms. He was not used to show a lot of physical affection to anyone. His parents had taught him that it made him look weak, and so, he avoided showing any sort of emotion. But, his sister had made him something, and he was not going to not show his sister that he appreciated it.
"Thank you, Izzy."
His second bracelet was given to him by Jace.
The boys were sitting on Izzy's bed. Isabelle had had a nightmare, and Jace and Alec had promised her to stay with her. Izzy never asked for help. She believed that it made her look like she was not strong enough. But, she knew she could always rely on her brothers.
Jace and Alec were bored. Jace had started messing around with some bands and threads that Izzy had. Alec had stayed quiet, and occasionally closed his eyes, listening to Izzy's breaths, and Jace's irritated sigh, and the creaking of the wood.
Alec opened his eyes and looked at Jace. Jace avoided looking at Alec in the eye, and for the first time since Alec had met him, Jace looked shy and insecure.
"I made you something."
Jace handed him a bracelet made of black and gold threads, woven together. Alec understood that the black represented him because of his hair color, and the gold represented Jace, because of his hair color.
"I just noticed that you wear a bracelet, and Izzy told me that she made it for you when you were young. I just thought, that this could show that you will always be friend and my brother. And I hope that one day, we can be parabatai. I mean, you're the first person who doesn't eat up all the bullshit that I say and -"
"Jace. I like it. Thank you."
The smile that Jace had given Alec that night, had been the widest and most genuine smile he had ever seen on the boy's face.
Max had given him a bracelet before he left for Academy. Alec had been surprised, but forever grateful to have something that his little brother had given him.
Alec was gearing up for a mission, but paused, when his brother had called for him. Wordlessly, Max handed him a bracelet made with a blue that matched their eyes, and a silver that just looked so pure with the blue.
"This is for you. I know that everyone thinks that Jace is my favorite brother, but he's not. Jace has a lot of stories to tell, and is more interesting. But, Alec, you've always been my favorite brother."
Alec had slid the bracelet along with Izzy's and Jace's, and choked out a "thank you". His brother had nodded, and then, ran out in search for his father, or maybe Izzy.
Max's words replayed in his head. You've always been my favorite brother.
It was a few weeks after Clary had come back from the Alternate Dimension, when he got his next bracelet.
"Hey, Alec?"
Alec looked up from his documents, "Yeah?"
Hesitantly, Clary moved forward, and kept a bracelet on his table. The bracelet had threads that were woven in an intricate pattern. It had six colors of thread on them, and he knew it formed the Pride Flag colors. Magnus had introduced him to the LGBTQ+ community.
"The Alec that I met in the Alternate Dimension was openly gay. And everyone around him accepted him for who he was. He was really confident and comfortable. He was happier, Alec."
Alec stared back without a word.
"He was wearing a bracelet like that. I drew it from my memory, and pulled it out, like with the Mortal Cup. I hope that one day, you'll be as happy as that Alec."
Alec stood from his chair, and wrapped Clary in an awkward hug. He had not realized how much it would mean to him to hear that there was a universe out there, where he was accepted for his sexuality and wasn't forced to change himself, until Clary told him.
"Thank you."
Clary smiled and nodded at him, before she turned and left the office. Alec stared at the bracelet for a few seconds, before he slipped it on his wrist, behind Max's and smiled softly at the colors.
Magnus had gotten him one too. It was a few months after Alec had gifted him the omamori charm, that Magnus carried with him everywhere.
Magnus had been so nervous. He did not understand why. This was Alexander! His boyfriend, Alexander!
"I got you something."
"Is it my birthday?"
"No. I just saw something and I thought of you and I bought it."
"What is it?"
"It's a bracelet. I was with a client today, and he was making these, and it just reminded me of you. So, I asked him if he would make one in Warlock blue and Shadowhunter gold."
Alec took it in his hand delicately, and stared at it.
"He said that he puts these charms or something, that was supposed to bring protection and good fate. You know, a little like the omamori charm that you gave me. And I thought that you could get a little more protection, because I mean, you kill demons for a living, and -"
Alec kissed him. He didn't know how else to shut him up, and show how much he appreciated the gesture at the same time. So, he kissed Magnus, pouring all of his emotions into it, begging Magnus wordlessly to know how thankful he was.
"So, I take it, you liked it?" Magnus asked, when they pulled back. Alec laughed.
Simon had given him a bracelet before Asmodeus took away his memories.
Alec was supporting Magnus, when Simon approached him. Asmodeus was waiting for Simon, ready to take away his memories.
Simon took off the bracelet he wore. His father had given it to him when he was a child. It had three brown threads on it, and the center thread had a silver arrow on it.
Simon handed it to Alec, and said, "My father gave it to me when I was a child. I know that I won't have any memory of any of you, but I know that I will remember that bracelet. If I ever see you guys again, at least, I'll know that I knew you, and that your family - this family - and you were someone important to me. Thank you, Alec."
Izzy and Clary were sobbing behind them. Alec was stunned. Simon and him were never close, but they had a mutual respect for each other.
Asmodeus took Simon away, and the rest of them returned to New York. Alec had added the bracelet to the collection he had on his wrist. Clary had explained to him, that Simon's father had made it for Simon at a fair, and had told him that as long as Simon wore it, his father would always be with him.
Alec had cried that night. He hated to admit it, but he missed the nerd.
It was a few years later when Alec got his next bracelet. Magnus and Alec had adopted their second son, Rafael. It had taken some time for him to warm up to Alec and Magnus.
Alec looked up from his work. Rafael was sitting on the couch beside him. He looked at Alec with wide, innocent eyes.
"Yes, Rafe?"
Rafael pulled out a bracelet from his pocket. Alec and Magnus knew what it was. It was the only thing that Rafael had from his biological family. It was a single thread, with one bead on it.
"My real daddy used to wear this. But, now, you're my daddy. So, I want you to wear it."
Alec held out his hand, and Rafael tied it around his wrist, behind all the thin bracelets he wore. When he was done, Alec ruffled his son's hair, and smiled at him. Rafael smiled back, and leaned against his father.
His younger son, Max, had made one for Alec, like Izzy, Jace, and Max had.
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!"
Alec laughed, and picked up his three year old son in his arms, throwing him in the arm. Max giggled loudly, and Magnus and Rafael followed Max to where he was greeting Alec at the door.
"Hi, Max! How was your day?"
"I made you something, Daddy!"
"Really? What is it?"
Max held a small black thread with colorful, glittery beads on them. He put it against Alec's neck, and said, "I made you a necklace, Daddy! Like, Bapak has!"
"But, Max! This is so small for my neck! Why don't you tie it around my wrist? With the other ones that I have?"
Max pouted for a moment, before nodded. Alec held out his wrist, and Max tried to tie it around his wrist. Magnus, magically, tied the thread around Alec's wrist. Max beamed at his father, who beamed back at him.
Alec put his son down, and greeted the rest of his family.
But, he won't wear all of them all the time. There were too many of them, and after he would become Consul, he would have to look professional. Eight bracelets won't make him look professional, and he knew that.
So, he would ask Magnus to charm them, that if he ever lost one of them, they would magically return to his pocket.
He would wear the bracelet that Magnus gave him all the time. The others, he would tie them together, and attach it to his set of keys or slide them on his belt, so that they were hidden by his blazer (formal jacket).
Eventually, when he would become an uncle, or a grandfather, he got more and more of them. He would tell anyone who asked how he got the bracelets he had, and who gave it to him. All the little kids would listen to him, with wide eyes and fascination.
And when Alec would die, Magnus would made sure that Alec was wearing all of his bracelets, laughing through teary eyes as he recalled the stories of how he got the ones from his siblings or from Clary, or Simon. Rafael and Max would stand with their Bapak, and would cry with him at the amount of bracelets Alec had gotten from his family, and friends, and nephews and nieces, and grandchildren.
Anyways, it was just an idea that I liked a lot! Thanks for reading this!
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To never being parted - Part 2 Chap 3 - First and last kiss
This is the Chapter 3 of the mini sequel to my flower cards inspired Kitty Fan Fic “Am I Forgotten?”
AO3 Link here.
“You are definitely rocking this dress,” said Livvy. She was seated on Kit’s desk, her long legs dangling from the edge, her Blackthorn blue-green eyes glittering as she watched him. She looked like she was trying very hard not to burst out laughing.
Kit sighed. Tessa had showed up in New York with a dress specially made for him. A very girly, lacy dress. A magically sparkling dress, courtesy of Magnus Bane.
“I am just trying it on for your sake. I won’t be caught dead in it.”
Livvy raised an eyebrow at him.
“You’re not going to chicken out, are you? I thought Herondales never resisted a challenge.”
Damn she was good.
“I’d rather pop out of the cake butt naked.”
“I am sure you would. But again, Herondales are not really bothered by nudity so there is no real challenge in that.”
Kit sighed again. When he had told Jem he wanted to pop out of a giant cake in a dress to surprise Jace for his birthday, it had been a joke. Well, the joke was on him now. Jem had told Clary, who had been really excited about the idea and had ordered a giant cake just for him, with vanilla buttercream frost and pink bows. Emma was the one who had found the dress, at a shop in Los Angeles called Hidden Treasures and Tessa had travelled through a Portal to get it in time for the party. She had used her sewing skills to make it fit Kit's bulky silhouette. He ought to give her props for that.
He was not really bothered by the show, he was just wondering what his boyfriend would think, seeing him in a dress. Boyfriend. Such a common word to describe what Ty was to him. Still, he couldn’t help but feel gooey at the sound of that.
As if she had read his mind, Livvy asked, “So you and Ty are… a thing now? For guys who fancy themselves detectives, you certainly took your time to solve that mystery.”
“Yep, I still need time to wrap my head around the idea.”
“You do realize that you are the one who gave me my first… and last kiss. And now, you gave Ty his first kiss… and will probably be the one to give him his last as well.” She gazed at him intently, daring him to contradict her.
Kit’s lips parted in shock. “I… I gave Ty his first kiss?”
“You didn’t know?”
Kit swallowed. He had avoided thinking about it too much, but he had imagined that Ty had had a few experiences at the Scholomance. Hell, he had given him head in the Institute’s library like he was an expert who had done it a hundred times. Kit suddenly felt a bit queasy. They hadn’t had sex yet, but they certainly hadn’t taken it slow.
As he heard footsteps in the corridor, Kit hurriedly took the dress off. He’d rather be standing in his boxer shorts, after all - as Livvy had pointed out - nudity didn’t bother him that much.
The door opened to reveal… Ty.
When he saw Kit and Livvy together, his whole face lit up.
Livvy gave him a broad smile and winked, as if they were sharing a secret.
“Oh here you are, Ty. Kit wanted to show you his dress. He’s a bit worried you won’t like it, but I told him it looked perfect on him. You can help him in, and judge for yourself.”
Kit turned to glance at Ty, who was closing the door, his back to him, then back at Livvy.
“Thank you,” Kit mouthed sarcastically, as he flipped her the bird.
Livvy stuck out her tongue at him.
Over the past years, Livvy had visited Kit regularly, and they had gotten used to teasing each other. Admittedly, Livvy had managed to prank Kit way more often than he had succeeded himself, being a ghost and all. But who was counting?
Ty shrugged. “I don’t care what you wear. I know what’s underneath.”
Kit felt his cheeks flush furiously. He certainly did. Every inch of it.
“I am going to leave you guys some privacy.” Livvy said, looking conspiratorially at Ty. She blew him a kiss and disappeared.
Ty moved to stand before Kit and absently brushed a lock of Kit’s hair out of his face. He started tracing one of his fingers along Kit’s collarbone.
“I have been thinking about what you told me yesterday. About me leaving you with nothing all these years.”
“Ty- You don’t have to…”
“There is only one Blackthorn ring, for now, and Emma is wearing it at least until the wedding. But I do have this.” Ty reached behind his neck to untie the chain bearing Livvy’s locket.
Kit’s breath hitched.
“Ty! No Ty- I can’t accept this. This is Livvy’s…”
“It’s Livvy’s idea as much as it is mine. She is part of me, and you are part of us.”
Ty moved to stand behind Kit and started fastening the necklace around his neck. Kit was frozen in shock. Although Livvy’s locket was cold against his sternum, he felt as though heat were surging from it and shooting through his entire body.
“Now, Kit Rook, how does it feel to end up belonging to three Shadowhunter families, the Herondales, the Carstairs and the Blackthorns?”
Kit chuckled, but didn’t say anything. He was still too much in a daze to speak.
Tagging @darkkitai ;)
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Clace Week day 6 - Pregnancy/Birth
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( Clary and Jace belong to Cassandra clare and the world) ( pictures from pinterest)
Welcome to our Crazy Family!
Pregnancy #1
When Clary found out she was pregnant she started crying because her and Jace had been trying to start their family and the best part is they were getting married in a month so they had two big things coming, she felt so overwhelmed with happiness and after so many bad things good ones started happening, she had to calm herself down so she could even speak and then she went to find Jace.
She found him in the music room playing the piano, Jace she said and he looked up, Clary are you okay? You look like you've been crying? He said, I am great, but you need to come here now!!! She said excitedly and he gave her a weird look but followed her to their bedroom and he said what do you have planned Clare in a teasing Voice, bet you have no idea what it is Jace.
She had taken a pregnancy test that morning and it came back positive, She led him into the bathroom in their room and showed and he looked happy, unbelieving and excited, Is this for real Clare?, Yes Yes Yes she said and he started tearing up and so did she again and he took her in his arms, OH WAIT I SHOULD BE CAREFUL! right?, Jace it's fine you can hug me she said through a teary smile, oh okay said Jace and took her back into his arms and said this is really happening by the angel we're gonna have a baby!, Yes we are said Clary, she got on her tip toes and kissed her soon to be husband.
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After being in labor for almost 24 hours with their twins here they were beautiful, adorable , amazing little girls who they already loved so much and now even more her and Jace both cried when they saw them for the first time Clary didn't care about the pain because she had her baby girls, it had been hard but worth it, Jace was there right beside her the whole time supporting her and encouraging her, and and kissed her head right before Charlotte was born, Last push babe he said, giving birth to twins wasn't easy, Ella was born first and then came Charlie 7 minutes later, she couldn't Express how much she loves these girls already her and Jace were sitting on a bed in the infirmary, Catarina had delivered their baby girls and healed Clary afterwards, and now her and Jace were exhausted her more so, she had one of them in her arms and Jace had the other, Charlotte Maryse Herondale and Ella Adele Herondale welcome little ones mama and papa love you very much.
( so this next part is connected to my fic I am writing so yeah things might be a little off, and a little sad for reasons I will forewarn you)
Pregnancy #2/3 technically
It wasn't the second time Clary had found out she was pregnant actually the third, she miscarried her second pregnancy due to events in the last war but more then that she lost her little girl, her and Jace had decided to start trying again, some thought it was to soon but Charlie was heartbroken and not Charlie she has a smile that's contagious and makes everyone want to smile and she's like sunshine and it hurts Clary every time she sees her like that, she lost her twin and doesn't know how to be without her, she wakes up in the middle of the night every night crying and screaming for Ella and Her and Jace have to go in and calm her and say that Ella isn't here anymore but at peace, hell Clary didn't even know if she was, all she wanted was her little girl back but the Angel apparently wants her and Jace and their family to suffer, after Ella died she screamed at the sky a lot, swearing and yelling at the Angel asking why her little girl? Why her? But why her unborn child as well?. And now she was sitting in their bathroom with a pregnancy test in her hands wondering if she would actually be pregnant, she looked at it and it was positive and she broke down crying omg she said I really am, for some it takes a while after having a miscarriage and getting pregnant again they are giving it time but for her and Jace and others trying again a couple months later was healing and after a month she got pregnant again, some thought it was wrong but they know Ella would want them to keep going and make charlie happy.
Clary waited for Jace to get home and after she put Charlie to bed to tell him and she had him sit on the bed, he gave her a look of worry, Clare he said what is thi- shush she said listen to me love, these last five months have been some of the hardest and have been hard and for some things like this might tear them apart but not us we stay together always and are always here and never give up on each other, we know that we need each other and we need to be a team and that the answer is love and I love you more and more every day, and I have some news that may be a turning point for us. What? He said, she took the pregnancy test out of her pocket and placed it in his hands with tears in her eyes, and he broke down and put his arms around her waist and cried on her shoulder and she his and they stayed like that for a while just here in this moment, and they went to bed and fell asleep in each other's arms while looking at each other and Jace was scared to let the moment go and said I won't let it happen again Clare I won't he said in his calm but stern and hard voice like Tessa Gray his Relative and an honestly amazing woman who if it weren't for Clary didn't know if she would be here today, I won't let anything happen to our kids again. Jace said, you can't control that love she said believe me I wish I- we could but we can't all we can do is watch over them and try our damn best to keep this from ever happening again.
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Clary had and easier time with Stephen, she was in labor after her water broke for about 12 hours which was a lot less and extremely fast she thought but he was here and she was happy, her and Jace were crying tears of joy but also grief knowing how much Ella would have loved him and for all the pain and when Charlie came in she lit up and said Mommy! Is that him? Yes sunshine she said and Jace picked her up to show her and she cried, I have a baby brother she said Yay!, he's so cute mommy and papa and he has blonde hair like me and mommy's green eyes!, yes sunshine he does said Clary, he's like me mommy yay! Her sunshine was lighting up the room like she would always do and her and Jace were smile.
Pregnancy #3/4
Charlie and James got along really well and loved each so much and had a bond, Clary and Jace recently found out they were pregnant again and it was filled with tears and her surprising Jace this time, she played a guessing game with him and by the end he was in tears and hugging her and she was crying to. They told the kids after and they got super excited with Charlie saying another baby sibling! Yay! Yay! Do you think it will be a girl or boy? asked Charlie, I don't know Sunshine we'll have to wait and see. Said Clary, baby said Stephy they called him that as a nickname some said it's kinda girly but they didn't care what they thought nor did it matter if he likes it it's perfectly alright.
Hey Jace said to their kids do you two want to go to the music room? and let mommy rest, Yes! They said, will you and papa sing us a lullaby tonight again mommy? Asked Charlie, Yes of course Sunshine. Said Clary with her sweet motherly smile.
When they told the rest of their family and friends, they were all overjoyed that Clary and Jace were having another baby but also that they were healing, there would always be a deep scar but they knew they had to keep going. Izzy was so excited and said Yet again I am an Aunt!, she loved being an aunt and now a mom to 3 year old Sophie and 2 year old George and she said me and Simon actually have something to announce we are actually pregnant again to, Clary and Jace got so happy for them seriously!? Said Clary, Yes! Said Izzy seriously, congrats said Jace and he went and hugged Izzy and Simon and after Clary did. Our kids are gonna be best friends Fray said simon. They already are Si she said. True! Said Simon.
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Clary went into labor earlier with Tessa, it worried her and Jace but Cararina assured them it would be fine and it was just a little early, Catarina has delivered everyone of their kids and it kinda became a thing and Clary honestly didn't want anyone else to deliver her babies, and Catarina loved it not that she would say, And she's here said Catarina after Clary pushed one last time and their baby girl was here and Clary was resting and her and Jace were admiring their little baby she was their smallest yet even the twins weren't this small but Catarina said she'll be fine, Tessa Jocelyn Herondale, Jace said you are beautiful little one and we will love forever. And Clary looked at him and kissed his cheek and smiled.
After that Izzy brought the kids in and they started jumping up and down saying she's here! She's here!, shush said Jace softly she's sleeping, oh said Charlie can we see here?, come here said Jace and picked them up to show them Izzy was looking at them softly, you're next Iz said Clary, I know I can't wait I want her to be here said Izzy. She has Jace's hair and eyes said Izzy.
Pregnancy #5
When Tessa was about 2 Clary found out she was pregnant again, she was waiting nervously and impatiently for several minutes and it showed two very visible lines and she knew she was and she was excited she won't lie, everyone probably thinks they have had enough children but Her and Jace didn't feel done or complete as a family yet. And this time she would have Jace found out in a great way, she was going to make him go on a scavenger hunt to find out.
When Jace came into his and Clary's bedroom she said good you're here I have something for you, what is it? Said Jace, there's a note on the table, he found and opened it it said ( go to the place where we had one of our first important moments in the institute) I know what your talking about said Jace what! Said Clary how? Well we had one of the first important moments in the green house when we first kissed and it was like nothing I had ever experienced before and it lit something In me that would change me. She smiled at that and he started heading towards, you coming Clare he said, yeah! She said.
When they go to the green house he found another note it said (go to the place where something happened that would have us bond forever) the roof he said, geez she said maybe you know me better then I thought said Clary, I do know you pretty well in all ways especially physically he said Jace! Yelled Clary, what no ones around, speaking of which where are the kids? As they were heading to the roof. They're with Alec and Magnus, Izzy and Simon are there as well to, and with their cousins and playing together like they always do. Okay why are we here doing this then? It's a surprise that's why said Clary, Alright better get back to it then said Jace, he got to the roof and found the other note, it said ( now your final stop, yes scavenger hunts are supposed to be long but I would get to impatient if I made it long. Go to the place where you enjoy to do something you love and the kids love as well) hmm that's a hard one but I have an idea said Jace I think I'll go to the music room first. Okay said Clary with a playful smile, I think that's the right choice seeing that smile on your face says so.
When he got to the music room and found the last note that said ( me and you have been through a lot together and our journey keeps going and I can't wait to keep going on it together with our kids and I hope it's okay to add more ) Are you pregnant? Asked Jace, yes said Clary and he walked over to her and hugged her again geez people are gonna comment he said, yeah well let them I don't care said Clary, me neither, we are growing out family and I am the happiest I could be. Clare I love you and I can't thank you enough for all you have done for me and still do every day. Said Jace, I love you to and you do and have done the same for me and she kissed his cheek. Now she said I think we should go to magnus and Alec's to get the kids, Yes I think we should said Jace.
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Clary had a long labor again with twins but ot went perfectly fine and by the end she had her beautiful baby boy and girl, as with the other kids Catarina had delivered them, so how many more should I expect asked Catarina with a playful smile, Depends said Jace are you challenging us?, not exactly but you could make it to the shadowhunters with the most kids although I would laugh at them because you'd be once again changing things she said, either way you're children are beautiful and you two are amazing parents even I have to say that, they had come to know Catarina over the years and she really is an amazing woman thought Clary, thanks! Catarina for delivering all of them and if we do have more we would like you to be the one to do it said Jace and Clary nodded, I would like that said Catarina.
Charlie, Stephy and Tessa came into the room with Alec who insisted he should get to do it once and they ran to her and Jace and jumped into his arms and Alec walked over and helped by lifting Charlie up saying heron number 5 and 6 are here there's more of you now and soon you will be an army heron number 1 he Said to Charlie, really? said Charlie, yes my little Heron number 1 said Alec. Did you decide in names? asked Alec I know you two wanted it to be perfect and hadn't decided yet, yes! Actually we did said Clary, I would like you to meet Will Alexander Herondale and Jamie Cecily Herondale said Jace, Alexander? said Alec, yes after you said Clary and Alec was fighting back tears, thank you he said that means a lot said Alec and he said I love you both but damn you for making me so emotional, Clary and Jace laughed, and they and their kids admired the little new additions to their family. Her and Jace were very much in love and are happy. It's not all been easy but they have each and these little Joy's in their lives and the rest of their family and friends and they will be okay thought Clary. And she looked at her newborns with Black hair, one with her green eyes and the other a orange gold.
[ hopefully you like this ]
( tags @sarcasticmalecfan @tsc-clave @thomaslightwoodx @rednailpolishqueen @theheavenlybooks @daisyherxndale @khaleesiofalicante @sorta-a-perfectionist @annlightwood )
I will post the last one tomorrow if I can.
[ my writing and edits ]
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axelsagewrites · 5 years
Ship(s): Isabelle X female!reader
Request:  Via Wattpad
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 Masterlist HERE
Wattpad HERE
It's pride month so this month's posts are going to be LGBT themed
Her hair gleamed like a goddess and her smile was like sunlight that flowers craved to the human eye. When she laughed it felt like you’d went weightless on a roller coaster drop ride, loving the fear it brought like the idea of loving her. No matter what she said, snarky or sweet, it was the stuff to inspire poets. She was my perfect, the thing that would finally make me feel whole.
The half of the best friend necklace that hung around her neck broke me though. The one around mine solidified it. 
I'd known Isabelle since childhood, often talking about being parabatai. Every time I discouraged it, saying we could decide when we were older, and we didn’t need a rune to best friends. It was bad enough she was straight, and I’d fancied her for years but the idea of it being actually illegal was too much.
The shadowhunter community was very accepting, choosing to hide all their ‘problems’ in a plastic tub and bury beneath their flower beds. Apparently not being straight was one of these problems. How dare you like someone of the same gender! Even though it wasn’t your fault and oh yeah screw you.
I wasn’t necessarily in the closet though; I just never spoke about it. plus, in the New York Institute, there weren’t many boys my age, so it wasn’t surprising I didn’t like any of them. The only person I had told was Alec because, well that boys lets straight than a circle.
Alec and I were closet buddies and despite both of us being heavily friend zoned we could at least whine to one and other. Isabelle figured out Alec was gay, which wasn’t too difficult since boys can’t hide their, um feelings? Too well. She hadn’t figured me out because apparently kissing girls in the club is something drunk girls just kinda did? 
Although it wasn’t what I wanted I was sort of content. Isabelle had boyfriends and hookups but so would Jace, so Alec and I were able to rant about this whenever they were out. Then Clary came. 
I don’t dislike the girl, but she is inconvenient for many reasons. It’s made Alec all grumpy since Jace is in love and Alec can literally feel it because of their bond. Isabelle also likes to go on about that Simon kid and he’s always around because clary’s always around. It’s a hellish cycle.
However, the biggest issue is Clary and Isabelle’s friendship. For the past 5 years, Isabelle and I were the only girls our age who lived in this institute for more than a month. This meant Isabelle only knew what it would be like to be friends with a girl who was in love with her. 
We didn’t do the normal things girls would; talk a lot about boys, change in front of each other, check each other out before leaving to make sure we looked okay. I was in love with the girl, there was no way I was checking out her butt to make sure she hadn’t sat in something. Hell no. but this was never an issue because she had no comparison.
We’d talk about fighting techniques, books, famous shadowhunters, and how annoying Alec and Jace were and how we’d get them back. For fun, we’d throw darts, do trick shots, spar, or made up silly games. 
Clary came and was letting Isabelle do her hair, makeup, outfit, and would talk hot boys and relationships with each other. Clary wasn’t that girly, but it still messed it all up. Know we were talking about first crushes and kisses and I had no answer. 
Coming out felt like less of an option. I barely knew Clary, so I didn’t want to tell her and now Isabelle was wanting to have the ‘girl sleepovers’ mundane kids had in the movies Clary showed her. I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
Alec wasn’t having much fun either. Clary and Jace were a thing and Clary was beginning to catch on. Typically, Alec would train with Jace, but Clary kept pulling him in every other direction so when Alec came up to me and asked to spar I wasn’t surprised. Isabelle kept wanting to have Clary at all our training sessions so we could teach her and how could I argue with that?
As I held the punching bag Alec hit it with all the pit up anger he had, the chain holding it up clanging loudly with each hit. “A new girl shows up and you drop everything?” he ranted while punching. “Do you wanna know what he said when I complained he missed training today?” he stopped, panting. We switched positions and I nodded. “Get a girlfriend,” Alec held the bag for me.
I screwed my face up and not because of the stale smell of sweat off this training room. “That’s just idiotic,” I said as I hit the bag.
“Yeah well that’s the straights for you,” Alec rolled his eyes, “Crush aside, friend don’t ditch friends,”
“Tell me about it,” I muttered as my punches sped up.
Alec sighed “Isabelle?”
“Isabelle,” I confirmed, putting my back into the punches, “Her and Clary are always together. Doing girly things. It's bad enough but I don’t want to talk boys with them. It was fine before,” with every word the punches got faster.
“Slow down,” Alec said, and I did. He held the bag still, the metal chains finally quieting, “You’re gonna put a hole in it.”
“I know,” I sighed, taking the gloves off and throwing them down. “But I’m getting sick of this.
Everyone keeps asking if I’m seeing a guy or when will Mr right come along. My parents are actually concerned,”
“Ditto,” Alec groaned, “It’s so annoying. Its always brought up as if I’m just a piece of meat!” he said.
My eyebrow quirked up as I saw the irony “Alec, welcome to being a female.” Alec rolled his eyes and I punched his shoulder “I am not kidding. Whenever we go out guys are leering at me and Izzy on missions. We are used as bait Alec. Bait” it was true. Apparently dressing nice, as they called it, attracted demons but they forgot about all the sleazes.
“Sorry,” Alec said, dropping down onto a bench. I copied and took the water he handed me.
“I’ve got an idea…”
“So…you two are dating now?” Isabelle asked arms crossed staring at us with the look of ‘don’t you lie to me’.
Jace by Isabelle’s side seemed doubtful too, “Like dating dating?”
Alec and I looked at each other. “Yup,” Alec said before quickly wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side. “Right babe?”
The words felt like spitting glass, “Of course…babe,” okay I officially wanted to die.
Isabelle and Jace shared a look but Jace shrugged, “Well at least you finally took my advice. Sorry (Y/N) but I need to steal Alec, we’ve got a mission,” 
Alec almost jumped at the chance to go on a mission with him. Then it was just me and Izzy. “You’ve never mentioned liking him before,” Isabelle said, clearly not buying it.
I scoff, trying not to stutter, “He’s your brother. That’s just weird Izzy,”
“In fact,” she continued “You’ve never talked about guys. Ever. Whenever Clary brings it up-“
“Clary’s a brat, Izzy,” I cut her off. Isabelle’s mouth gaped for a moment before closing.
“Seriously she shows up and thinks she knows everything. She gets everything on a silver plate, and everyone babies her,”
“She’s new!” Isabelle has an incredulous look on her face “She’s trying to navigate a new world. Give her a break!” I couldn’t hold back an eye roll. “What has she actually done to you?”
“What has she done to you?” I snap. “Before we’d talk about normal things but knows it’s all boy this and boy that. And she’s far to comfortable around here. You don’t ask people to check you out before you go out. It’s weird,” I cross my arms. “Plus, she always brings that Simon kid around.
Isabelle’s face is distorted into one I’ve never seen aimed at me; anger. “Really? Maybe I like talking about boys and I like knowing I look alright before I go out. Oh, and I’ll have you know I like Simon. He’s one of the nicest guys I’ve ever spoken to,”
“I’m nice!” I almost yell, “You don’t talk to me anymore and I’m just as nice as Simon is. Oh, and I’m your best friend not that you seem to care,”
“Well you don’t seem so nice right now,” Isabelle says, crossing her arms, “In fact, you just seem jealous. I’m allowed to have other friends. If it bothered you that much you should’ve talked to me,”
“You’re always with Clary,” Mumbled, feeling defeated already.
“Woah you really are jealous. Is that why you’re with Alec now?” she asked. “You and I both know he’s gay. If I’m honest I was starting to think so were you,” 
There was no good way this conversation could go. The floor seemed to sway from under my feet and the lights seemed brighter than before. My heartbeat was loud like the chains from the punching bag. Clang clang clang.
If it wasn’t for the air whipping my face I wouldn’t have realised I was running, and it wasn’t till I stopped I felt the wetness on my cheeks. I opened the door to my room and quickly slammed it, ruining it to be locked. 
All I could do was pace till my feet were sore and I feared holes would burn in the carpet. I sank onto the floor, leaning against my bed. normally when I ran away from my feelings it wasn’t physically, 
When Isabelle knocked I didn’t get up. Her angelic voice couldn’t move me this time and was drowned out by fear. My parents, Isabelle, my higher-ups, they could all find out. Shadowhunters were still very backwards. 
We’d had the pleasure of meeting a warlock when Clary first came called Magnus who was obviously gay or bi or something and openly proud. With no shadowhunters to teach me, it had been him I’d gone to about it. he was surprised, to say the least, that I'd gone to him though apparently, his gaydar had been right.
Id texts him in a panic for his advice. Isabelle’s pounding on my door had stopped when I got the text back; tell her, the closet isn’t comfortable forever.
I read the text over and over again. I didn’t have to tell Isabelle I liked her, though she’d
probably guessed that. She must know now. she had to know, and I should be telling her.
My bones felt stiff as I stood but I persevered. I sighed, running my hands over my face. I looked up from my hands and my eyes fell on a photo frame on my bedside; Isabelle and I on my last birthday. She insisted on making my cake though even I couldn’t fake eat it. this could make or break that.
I opened the door without hesitation, figuring I'd at least have a breather before I saw her. But there she was, sat on the floor across from my door. When my door opens she sprang up, “(Y/N),” I couldn’t hold it back. I looked down and couldn’t help a couple tears, “Talk to me,” Isabelle put her hands on my shoulders and shivers went down my spine.
For once I didn’t want to see Isabelle’s face, but I looked up, “I-I.” I had to take a deep breath “I love you,”
Isabelle smiled a little “I love you too. You know I do,” without giving me a chance she hugged me.
“Not in the same way,” I mumbled but I knew she heard. 
She pulled back and looked me in the eyes. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t love you. I’m in love with you,” it was out there. There were no take backs.
Isabelle glanced down and I just felt my heart clench, “I-I-I know I’m not gay,” she started off, stuttering slightly, “but I have been with girls,” for this first time Isabelle blushed, “I just never really clicked with any but then again I never clicked with a guy either. But if I'd ever clicked with anyone, it’d be you,”
“You like me?” my words were slow and unsure.
“I think so?” hers were more like a question. “I’ve never really understood the romance part but when I’m with you, I feel safe. And I’d be lying if I said you weren’t hot,”
Okay, this time I blushed. A lot, “So…do you wanna try?”
She nodded “I do. Guess your switching lightwoods,” Isabelle joked, laughing at her own joke like usual.
I grinned a little, “Well you are much prettier than Alec.”
Isabelle grinned, “So maybe we should try well,” she motioned to my lips.
I nodded and we moved closer, bumping noses and tilting the wrong way. We laughed awkwardly but soon our lips met. it was slow, hesitant, and we were barely touching. Years of pent up feelings led me to stepping closer, making it harder, passionate. Soon it was fast and hard, and her hands were in my hair. 
Somehow I forgot to breathe, so we pulled apart as breathless as I get when Isabelle walks in the room. “So,” I said.
“So,” Isabelle copied. She looked up and down the corridor before saying, “Maybe we should try you know that again but,” she pointed past me, into my room, “in there?”
A grin overtook my face which soon etched onto Isabelle as well. My arms wrapped around her, leading her back into my room. The door shut tightly behind us and everything felt right.
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brianc521 · 6 years
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The first time he brought up your sewing machine was when you both moved in together. He claimed that you never told him that you knew how to sew and could easily make him and you things for the new apartment rather than spending all the money you did.
You brushed it off, saying that you only knew the basics and weren’t confident in your skills to make a new duvet.
The second time it came up was months later, your bestfriend had found out she was pregnant with a little baby boy and complained that all the stores sold were girly things.
So you set off to the closest fabric store and made her her own baby blue blanket with baby giraffes and elephants on it.
Shawn was home when you gave it to her and she freaked when you told her you made it;
“Here I have something for you,” You smiled, pulling the blue material out of the bag and handing it to her.
She opened the blanket to see the offsetting squares.
“Where did you find this? This is adorable! And just what I was wanting to complete the nursery.”
“I made it.” You smiled.
Her jaw dropped and Shawn spit his sip of water out while his eyes bulged.
“You made that?” He asked leaning forward, wiping his face with the back of his hand.
“No way!” She squealed, looking at it in more detail.
“Babe, you told me you only knew the basics when it came to sewing.” Shawn said moving to the couch so he could see the blanket too.
“Baby blankets are apart of the basics.”
“This is a helluva lot better than just ‘basics’ I thought you got that from like Babies ‘R’ Us or something.” He said still in shock.
“Just bought some fabric and thread, broke out the old machine and got to work. Took me a good day but it was fun.”
“I love you, this is amazing. Jace has the best Auntie!” Your bestfriend cheered passing the blanket off to Shawn so she could hug you.
Now he wouldn’t leave you alone.
“Baby, just a blanket.” He whined.
“No Shawn, I’m not making you a blanket.”
“Like the baby one you made Jace, just bigger for me.” He pouted.
“Why do you even want one? It’s just a blanket, we have tons.”
“So when I leave for tour I can have it in my bunk.”
“You’ll lose it, and all my hardwork will be for nothing.”
“No! I promise I won’t lose it. I’ll cherish it, sleep with it every night. Please Baby, it will be like a piece of you with me while I’m away.”
He was putting up a good fight and you really wanted to get behind the machine again, so why not?
“You have to buy the fabric, it’s gonna take a lot to make a blanket big enough for your big ass body.”
“Yay!” He cheered, tackling you to the bed in a huge hug, kissing all over your face. “Thank you Baby. This means so much.”
“I have a right to quit at anytime.”
“Okay,” He scrunched his eyebrows together, “Don’t quit though.” He pouted his lips out at you.
So here you stand, in the fabric store, human teddy bear holding you from behind while you look at all the different patterns he can choose from.
“I don’t care.” He shrugged, planting a kiss to the back of your neck.
“Stop,” You whined, trying to get away from him. PDA not your favorite thing.
“No one is even here, and no one is gonna see us. Who the fuck would think, Shawn Mendes and Y/n L/n are at a fabric store.”
“I know, but can you choose so I can make it already?” You bounced on your toes. Excitement to make something getting to you.
He chuckled, wrapping you up in his arms again, “You choose Baby, I don’t care.”
“No it’s your blanket, you wanted it so bad. Choose.”
“Can you help me choose, like if I pick one and you find a nice accent to it?” He reasoned.
“I can do that.” You nodded.
He let go of you, walking up and down the rows of fabric, picking at a few but putting them back. 
You lost him for a little bit while you looked at some of the accessories; scissors, razor cutters, pins, extra needles, etc.
“Babe!” He said quickly when he finally found you.
You jumped, and looked over at him.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, but I think I found what I want.” He said pulling you towards the row of fabrics.
“You could have just picked it up and brought it to me.”
“Oh, I didn’t know. I didn't want to mess it all up.” He looked at you sheepishly, you smile, pecking his cheek and following him.
He takes you down a row that has a few choices of music notes, but he stops in front of the one with guitars on it, pointing at it like he won a prize. “I like this one!”
You giggle at his eagerness and nod, pulling at the roll and handing it to him to hold.
You roam around, looking back at the roll often to see if you can find a good accent color to go with it and you find white fabric that is printed with sheet music, holding it up to him for an opinion.
“I love it.” He smiles, nodding.
It’s then that you let yourself notice how cuddly your boyfriend is.
His curls have grown out and sit perfectly on his head, his grey zip is hugging his torso, signature black skinny jeans hanging on his hips. He’s tired, you can tell by the way he rubs his eyes, and his lazy eye is in full force.
You just wanna kiss him, cuddle him, and love him.
“Okay, tell you what.” You say stacking the sheet music fabric on top of the guitar one, zig zagging through the rows and pulling the light grey fuzzy fabric off the shelf too.
“What are we doing with that?” He asks, looking at you confused.
“We’ll use this for the back, that way when you use it on tour it will be all cuddly for you.”
He smiles, cheeks pink from smiling so much, and nods. “I like that idea, you know I love to cuddle my blankets.”
“I do know that.” You smile at him.
“I like to cuddle you too.” He leans down, pecking your lips, pulling back with a smile.
“That was cheesy, but you’re cute so I’ll allow it.”
He laughs, “Thanks Baby.”
You get home from getting the fabric, Shawn running off to make you coffee while you start getting your materials ready to cut the fabric.
You’ve cleared your card table off, making that the cut station, ironing board and iron out as well, sewing machine plugged in and ready on your desk, John Mayer coming from the speakers and well now Shawn walking up with two coffee mugs.
He’s changed into his sweats and you changed into shorts and one of his shirts.
“Can I watch?” He asks softly, taking a seat in the chair by your corner, pulling it closer to you.
“Sure Baby,” You smile, taking a sip of your coffee before looking for a place to set it.
“I’ll hold it for you.” He says holding his hand out for your cup. You grin, handing it back over and getting to work.
You’re cutting squares to quilt them together, and Shawn’s watching intently, following your every move.
“Why do you have to use that thing?” He asks, pointing to your baby razor cutter.
“To get the little pieces.”
“Can’t you use scissors?”
“This is faster, and leaves a cleaner edge.”
He stares at you and watches you swipe it across the fabric again, your finger holding an edge down.
“Please be careful.”
“I am.” You nod.
“Your finger was too close to that blade Y/n.” He shakes his head in protest.
“It’s okay,” You smile at him.
“Okay,” He huffs, watching you and cringing every time your finger gets close to the blade.
Once all the squares are cut you’re pinning things together so you can figure out how you need to piece it all together.
You’ve almost got it all done and ready to start sewing on when you get yourself with the pin.
“Oh ouch!” You whip your hand back, shaking it a bit.
“What? What happened?” Shawn sits up, setting the cups down so he can come to you.
“Just pricked myself with the pin.” You wave him off.
“Let me see it.”
“I’m okay Shawn.”
“Let me see.” He says grabbing your hand and looking at your finger where one tiny bead of blood sits. “You’re bleeding.” He looks at you with wide eyes.
“It’s okay, I’ll wash it and keep going, I’m good.”
“No you’re done for the night, you’re bleeding.” He shakes his head, trying to take you away from your work.
“No Shawn I wanted to get sewing tonight.”
“Not tonight, you’re bleeding.”
“Look,” You take your hand back, putting your lips to the spot and wiping the blood away with your tongue. “All done, no more blood.”
He glares at you, blinking slowly at you. “You’re still done, you’re tired. I don’t want you cutting yourself.”
“I’m okay,”
“Babe,” He sighs, “Can we please just cuddle? I love that your doing this for me, and I know I asked but I kinda just wanna go to bed and cuddle.” You smile up at him, biting your lip. “You’re kind of stressing me out. Almost cutting your finger off and stabbing yourself.”
“Shawn, you’re so dramatic.” You laugh, wrapping your arms around him. “But you’re right, I’m tired. Let’s go to bed, I’ll work on it tomorrow.”
“Yeah let’s cuddle.”
“Yes!” He cheers, picking you up and running you to the bedroom after turning the light off in your work room.
He wakes the next morning to empty cold sheets.
He sits up, looking around, not finding any sign of you.
He gets up, padding down the hall and that’s where he hears you humming.
He peaks into your workroom but you’re not there, confused he keeps wandering to the living room, finding you.
You’ve managed to move your desk in front of the windows that show you the view of the sunrise and the CN Tower. You’re sewing his blanket, humming along to the Kings Of Leon song playing softly out of the speakers.
He walks over, tilting your coffee cup toward himself and finding it empty.
“Morning Gorgeous.” He whispers, voice thick with sleep while he pads to the kitchen to make you more coffee.
“Morning Baby.” You call as he walks away from you.
He returns with a full mug and a kiss on your cheek.
You’ve gotten a lot done while he slept in, and you’re almost ready to put the top and bottom parts together to finish the blanket completely.
He sits at the couch, admiring you and how you are totally in your element right now.
He’s got a guitar in his lap while he plucks at a few chords, scribbling some lyrics down on the paper, looking back up at you often for more inspiration.
You get back into your zone, forgetting he was there entirely as you cut the back and pin it, sewing the blanket together.
Within two hours you have the blanket completed and you are really happy with yourself. It turned out just the way you wanted it too.
You made it big that way he could actually cuddle and roll himself in it the way he likes.
You smile, turning to show him, standing and holding it out but when you look at your boyfriend, well he’s passed out on the couch, mouth open, snoring softly.
You giggle, walking towards him, slowly taking the guitar from his limp hands, setting it back in the case that’s on the floor. You look at the blanket you draped over the couch so you could grab his guitar.
You grin, grabbing the blanket and laying it over your boy, kissing his forehead and leaving him to nap on the couch while you clean up the mess you made while making the blanket.
Back in your workroom putting extra fabric away, you jump when two arms wrap around you. He’s engulfing you in himself and the blanket, kissing at your neck repeatedly.
“I love it!!” He smiles, happily hugging you tighter.
“Good, I’m glad.”
“It’s perfect, you’re perfect. I fucking love you.”
You smile, turning in his arms and wrapping your own arms around his waist.
“I love you too.”
“Thank you so much Baby, I’m gonna sleep with every night on tour.” He kisses your cheeks.
You giggle through his kisses, burying your face into his chest, letting his warmth seep into your skin.
Two months later, he’s snuggled into his blanket, texting you goodnight and falling asleep.
Geoff opens his curtain to ask him a question to find him cuddled into his blanket, smile on his face, breathing deeply in his sleep.
Geoff snaps a picture sending it off to you but also posting it on Instagram, has to embarrass the boy every now and then.
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@/geoff_warburton: When @/shawnmendes can’t sleep without his blanket @/yourtag/n made him. #hecantsleepwithoutit #wheresmine?
You see the post, giggling and texting Shawn to tease him a bit. But he takes your teasing proudly. 
He knows you don’t understand it. You don’t get how important that blanket is to him. It truly is a part of you with him while he’s away. He knows that you made this for him, and him alone. He can go to sleep knowing that in someway he’s falling asleep with you. 
He also knows that you don’t understand how attached to this blanket he is. The only way he can fall asleep without it is when you are wrapped up in his arms. He proudly takes his blanket with him everywhere, and when fans and interviewers ask him about it he’s happy to share that his beautiful girlfriend made it for him.
It’s become his security blanket and when he’s sad, needy, and homesick he just wraps up in that blanket and feels at home.
And it’s not long before you’re requested for blankets from the rest of the team.
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sallsmum · 8 years
Life lessons Pt. 1
So, picture this…….. Alec is working at the institute as an instructor in between missions along with Izzy, Clary, Jace and other instructors. A group of new Shadowhunter recruits have just arrived straight out of the academy.  Four of them are girls. They have been really excited to get assigned to the New York Institute because they’ve all heard stories about Jace and Clary and one of the other instructors was rumored to be gay. They have been hard at work all morning with Alec, Jace and Clary in seraph blade training. Now its lunch time and they are sitting in the cafeteria eating. Some of the girls have gotten together to discuss their morning and instructors.
“So, do we know which ones are Clary and Jace?” one girl asks, leaning in towards the others.
“Yeah the instructor with the red hair. Jace is the cute blonde one” answered one of the others.
“And they are supposed to be together? The ones that thought they were brother and sister? Wow. I heard that he was killed by Valentine and brought back to life by Raziel”
“Yeah, I heard that too. She is so lucky cause he’s really hot” All the while, the girls are taking secretive peeks across the room to the table where Clary, Jace and Alec sat eating lunch and talking.
“the instructor we had was hotter then Jace” one of them said.
“who was it?”
“the tall dark haired one sitting over there with them” all eyes went to Alec who knew full well that the girls were watching them but pretended not to notice.
“Hey, Alec, looks like you have fans again this year man.” Jace said, quietly.
“Yeah I’m aware. Hey, wanna have a bit of fun? Just play along with me ok?” Clary and Jace agreed.
“So do you think they have worked out that Clary and I are together yet?” Jace asked him.
“Yeah, I think they would have. You might want to confirm that for them just to be sure” Alec grinned. “right about now I figure they are trying to work out who the gay one is”
“I think your right about that, bro. Well, let’s put them out of their misery shall we?” Jace turned to Clary and wrapping his arm around her shoulders gave her a sound kiss. While they were still sitting with their heads together, Jace smiled and asked Alec; “so what are they doing now?”
Alec’s eyes flickered to the girls and back again too quick for them to notice.
“Oh I think you just confirmed it for them. Want to know the best part? Magnus is coming in after lunch,  I bet they go nuts when they see him. I’ll send him a message so he knows what we are doing. Hey Clary, can you text Izzy and tell her to come up to me and hug me? Throw them off the scent?” Alec was trying not to laugh. Clary got her phone out and did it. A few minutes later, Izzy came striding into the cafeteria in her gear.
“Whoa, who’s that then?” one of the girls said.
“Well obviously she’s another Shadowhunter, a real badass one too by the looks of it. I hope she’s not instructing. She looks like she could bust you in half!” said another.
“So do you think the hot dark haired one is the gay one?” said one of the girls.
“Nah, look at him! Are you blind? He’s so cute. I bet he’s got a girlfriend some where though.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. Hey, I dare you to ask him about it in the questions session this afternoon”
“What? No! I can’t do that! Your crazy.”
“I will! I’m not scared.”
“Hey look!”
They cast secretive looks towards Alec as he sat talking to Izzy who was standing in front of him.
“Are they watching yet?” Alec asked, pretending to talk to Izzy.
Clary went in for a hug with Jace to see.
“Oh yeah. Go for it”
“Do you think you could ham it up a bit Iz? Pretend I’m one of your Saturday night special dates?” Alec asked her.
“Your’e so amusing, Big Bro but yeah. You ready? This is gonna get weird real quick.”
Izzy reached out and ran a hand through her brother’s thick hair while edging forward, forcing Alec’s knees apart with her own.
“I’m gonna need therapy after this.” she said, smiling down at him.
“ No problem, I’m in love with a warlock who can help you with a memory wipe.” he said, putting his hands on her waist.
“Please tell me I don’t have to kiss you? Or I may throw up”
“Eww, no not even a possibility.”
“Can you sound any more girly? Anyway, wouldn’t it be weird for you to kiss someone who hasn’t got a goatee?” Izzy said, still smiling at him while sitting down on his lap. Alec wrapped an arm around her back pulling her closer.
“ Ha ha, but you’re right. I like the way it tickles my lip.”
“Arghh! Too much information!”
So, what’s the general opinion over there do you think?” Alec asked, Izzy who was facing the girl’s table.
“Well I think we’ve pretty much convinced them that your straight. Broken hearts abounding. You’ve done it again” Izzy told him and got up to go. She started to walk passed Clary and Jace but stopped.
“Hey, are you up for something really weird?” she asked Clary.
“Oh no, what now?”
“Just go with it ok? This will really throw ‘em.”
Izzy went to where Clary was sitting and pulling her to her feet, wrapped her arms around her and planted a kiss right on her lips before pulling back to brush back a length of Clary’s long red hair.
Alec had almost chocked and Jace sat back looking at the two girls with a huge grin on his face. Thank goodness he had his back to the table of the now thoroughly confused recruits.
“You are so evil Isabelle” Alec said as she went to walk off. Izzy waved her fingers at him and then at Clary, as she left.
“I can’t believe she did that!” Clary said.
At the girls table confusion was thick in the air.
“OMG! Did you see that? I thought she was with the hot guy, Alec I think his name was. But then she kissed Clary! I don’t get it!” one said.
“Wait, isn’t she with Jace though? they were kissing earlier.”
“I have no idea! This is just getting weird. Hey, it’s nearly time for the question time let’s go now so we can get in front. When Alec was helping to show me how to hold that seraph dagger, he smelt really good. If they are so open at this Institute maybe he’d consider going out with a recruit. Wouldn’t hurt to try at least.”
“But what about that other Shadowhunter chick, the tough one? I don’t think you should mess with her.” one of them said as they started walking.
“I don’t want to mess with her, I want to mess with him.” the girl said, suggestively.
“Ah, look out confused recruits approaching fast.” Alec told Clary and Jace.
“lets sweeten the deal shall we? Throw ‘em a bone?”
The girls started to file past the table  and Alec stood up as they got level with them.
“Good afternoon ladies, heading in for the question session?” he asked, giving them a megawatt smile.
“Y.. Yeah we are.” one of them answered.
“Ok see you in there. Looking forward to hearing what you come up with.” he said, giving them a wink.
The girls giggled and scurried out as fast as they could.
“Ha ha, hook line and sinker.” Jace said, laughing after they ha
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sallsmum · 8 years
A little less conversation, more action  Pt 3
A/ N- The final part for this series???? unless anyone has any ideas as to where to go from here 18 plus once again
Alec was angrily loading dishes and things into the dishwasher when Magnus came in. It was rare to see him so agitated these days. Since they had professed their love for each other and moved in together Alec had been the calmest he had ever been. He was no longer frustrated about his feelings for Magnus and it had been apparent to everyone how much happier he was. But he certainly wasn’t tonight. Magnus felt bad as he walked over to him and laid a hand on his arm. He knew he shouldn’t of been encouraging Jace and Izzy.“Alexander, are you alright?” he asked. Alec slammed the door of the dishwasher closed making the contents rattle loud enough that Magnus was worried that everything had shattered into pieces.“No, Magnus I’m not. I can’t believe you are encouraging their behaviour. Our private life should be just that, private. Jace gives me a hard enough time about us as it is.” He was leaning with his back up against the bench top, arms folded, face scowling. He was right. He shouldn’t of given Jace more fuel to his smart remarks. He was rusty when it came to being in a relationship and his momentary lapse had caused him to forget how sensitive his Shadowhunter was. He tentatively moved to face him, his arms going around his waist. He almost winced when he felt how rigid his body was from his anger. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss to his lips. At first he got no response so he chanced it again and felt Alec give in a little.“I’m sorry, my love, can you forgive me? You’re right I won’t do it again. Seeing you this upset hurts me. I know it hasn’t helped that we haven’t been able to enjoy each other for two days. You’re an addictive drug, Alexander.” Magnus said, between kisses. Slowly, he could feel Alec’s body unwinding, his tension draining from the tight muscles. “So are you, Babe. Yes, I forgive you and I’ll try not to let Jace and Izzy get to me” Alec had unfolded his arms and they were now wrapped tightly around Magnus, pressing him against his body. The next kiss caught fire and the flames of their need for each other consumed them. Alec felt Magnus’ tongue dart into his mouth to caress his own. He immediately took in a deep breath, returning the kiss just as forcefully. Magnus’ hands roamed his back before reaching under the back of his shirt to find the warm skin of his waist. He heard Alec give a soft moan as he continued to give his tongue short flicks to his lips and then plunged it deep into his mouth. Alec groaned a little louder than he should of, forgetting, for the minute where they were and who was there. Magnus couldn’t help but smile but he pulled back, putting a finger against his soft well kissed lips.“Shhh, Alexander.  This is why we haven’t been able to do this. You need to be quiet, my love.” “God Magnus, I can’t help it, I’m too wound up.” Magnus put his forehead against Alec’s. He kept forgetting about the hair trigger he seemed to have in that area but when his face was flushed and damp, his large hazel eyes were heavy lidded and shiny, Magnus wanted to launch himself at him, he was so hot when he looked like that but he had an idea.“I might be able to relieve your pain if you can keep quiet” he said quietly.“yes, God yes, anything” Alec breathed, his hands going to either side of magnus’ neck. Magnus gave a small glance towards to door way and then led Alec like a small child around to the other side of the bench top so they were hidden from the waist down. He crashed his mouth back to his and immediately their need for each other returned. Magnus tangled his tongue to Alec’s own while moving his hands to his waist, fumbling with the buckle of his belt and then the button on his jeans. Alec felt himself take in a deep breath, knowing what his boyfriend had in mind. Magnus slowly worked his way down his body, softly kissing a trail as he went through the material of his shirt. Alec’s hands went to his hair, tangling his fingers in its gelled spikes. He watched as he slowly undid the zipper over the hard bulge of his erection. He almost cried out from just the feeling of the zipper’s metal teeth separating, feeling the slight vibration it made against him. Magnus reached up and hooked his thumbs into the belt loops and slowly started pulling them down over his narrow hips. A small whine escaped from Alec and he screwed his eyes shut in concentration and bit his lip to try to stop himself from making any more noise. Magnus looked up at him. His face only inches from his throbbing length. He could feel the heat radiating from him in waves and it took everything he had not to rush. Magnus could hear his breathing deepen with his need.“Are you sure you are going to be able to handle this, Alexander?” Magnus was surprised to near his own voice had become raspy.  Alec looked down to him and nodded his head, not trusting himself to speak.  He braced one hand on the bench top, the other still in Magnus’ hair. The second he felt him pulling the waist band of his boxer briefs down, he threw his head back, closed  his eyes tightly, bit  into his lip once more. He felt his throbbing length spring free and then Magnus’ hand wrap around him. A low guttural sound forced its way from his throat and he bit down harder still on his lip, hard enough to taste blood. Magnus heard a soft moan escape his own throat,  in half pleasure and half anticipation of what he was about to do. Revelling in the feeling of the soft satiny skin of Alec’ shaft. He parted his lips and took the head into his mouth, moaning around it’s pulsing hardness. Alec’s fingers clutched in his hair, urging him closer. Magnus swirled his tongue around him, tasting him. One hand was around his base the other behind Alecs’ thigh, his fingers digging into the material of his jeans and the skin beneath them. He completely released him before taking him in once more, working further down his length. Alec was in a battle with himself, it was taking everything he had not to cry out. He was hovering on that delicious edge, right on the brink of that perfect release that he had been craving all day.“oh there you are”Somewhere in Alec’s hazy mind he had thought he had heard his mother’s voice. But it couldn’t of been.“Alec? Are you alright?”He heard it again. He slowly opened his heavy lidded eyes and turned his head to face into the kitchen. Maryse Lightwood stood only about 6 feet from him, the empty pizza boxes and pasta bowls in her hands. He jerked upwards where he had been slumped against the wall. He fell from Magnus’ mouth with a wet pop and felt a sharp tug at the same time as he jerked out of his grip. A rather girly sounding “eeek!” escaped him and he turned the rest of his body so he now faced the bench that was hiding his very surprised boyfriend. In his haste to move, he had managed to jam Magnus in between his upper thighs and the cupboard doors. He heard Magnus’ head hit the hard surface and he cursed softly.“Alec, I asked if you were alright. You look unwell”Alec swallowed hard twice before he could answer. His mouth and throat felt drier than a desert.“Y.Y…yes I’m fine” he managed to stutter out. He knew his voice sounded strange and he cleared his throat to try to cover it.“but you’re very flushed and sweaty”“no, no I’m fine, just , um I got a cramp in my leg that’s all”Magnus meanwhile, was sitting on the floor at Alec’s feet, hands jammed to his mouth, shoulders shaking with laughter. This was crazy! How was this happening?“a leg cramp? What were you doing to get that and where’s Magnus I thought he was in here as well”“oh ah, I don’t know, I just turned the wrong way I think. Ah, magnus had to go out, he’s coming back in a minute”Maryse frowned at him. She wasn’t buying this. You couldn’t put anything over Maryse Lightwood, and Alec knew it.“why did he go out?”“what? Oh someone called him while we were in here talking”“I didn’t hear a phone ringing. How did he go, I didn’t hear the door either”“he keeps his phone on silent and he portaled out, it was quicker for him. What’s with the 20 questions, Mum?” Alec just wished his mother would put the pizza boxes and things down and leave.“I’m sorry Alec but when I come into a room and see my son leaning against a wall, looking like he is in pain, sweating like a farm animal, I get concerned. I have to go shortly so are you coming out to everyone else?” “Yes, I’ll be there in a minute” He told her and finally, she turned and walked out. Alec slumped to the top of the bench. Oh my God! He couldn’t believe what had just happened. Magnus patted one of his legs, and he leaned back up, stepping back so he could rise up from the floor. His eyeliner looked slightly smudged and his cheeks were damp but he was smiling broadly.“were you……..were you crying?” he asked incredulously. Magnus grabbed his face in his hands and placed a sound kiss on his lips.“Oh my beautiful boy, I have no words. They were tears of laughter only” he told him, resting his head against his forehead. “you’re mother has the best timing of anyone I know, alive or dead. And considering I’ve been around for over 4 centuries that’s saying something” Alec gave a soft chuckle. “I have to agree with you there, Babe. I thought I was going to die when I saw her standing there.”“do you think she believed your story? About the leg cramp?”“I think so, I hope so” Alec shifted slightly and gave a moan.“ God, Magnus, after all that I’m still wound up as hell, and now I’m in pain as well” he whined. Magnus couldn’t help but smile. Their timing had been so bad over the last two days.“I know my love but your mother is leaving now and the others will follow her I’m sure, then we have the rest of the night to ourselves, finally” He kissed him once more and felt Alec start to respond again but he pulled away.“Come on, Alexander. Only a few more minutes, my love” he moved away from him and Alec reluctantly righted his clothes and after checking his appearance and a finally kiss from Magnus, he went out to join the others. Magnus watched him walk out and smiled. He loved that man so much, it was almost painful. He felt like he had been asleep for a century and was now wide awake. He had thought he’d been in love before, especially with Camille Bellacourt, but he knew now he hadn’t even come close to what he felt for his beautiful Shadowhunter. The thought of not having him in his life made him feel sick. He knew that one day it would happen but he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. The present was all that was important to him now.He smiled to himself and then walked out to join Alec and the others. They turned as he approached them where they stood near the door.“Magnus, there you are, is everything alright?” Maryse asked.“Yes, thank you, everything’s fine. I’m sorry I had to slip away. It was loving having you stay with us, Maryse. Please, feel free to visit anytime, just call first” Maryse smiled and to Magnus’ surprise, she came up to him and hugged him.“I know you love my son, Magnus. Thank you for that. You make him extremely happy. But I just want to say, next time you want to give him a blowjob in the kitchen with a house full of people, watch those reflective surfaces” Magnus’ eyes flew wide and he felt himself give a jerk. Maryse pulled back from him, giving him a knowing smile. Magnus was staring back at her, shocked. She patted the warlock’s shoulder as she turned to leave.“windows can be like mirrors” she told him softly.Alec looked down at him, wondering what his mother had said to him to make him have that reaction. Magnus glanced up at him and just shook his head.“what did she say about windows?” he asked.“nothing, it’s all good” he told him and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close.    
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sallsmum · 8 years
love interrupted Pt 2
A/N - things start to heat up in this so mature audiences folks.
“Now, where were we? About here I think” Magnus, said, diving back to Alec’s neck. He nipped at the skin again, smiling to himself as it elicited the same response he had gotten before.  He left his neck and moved down to his chest, visiting each of the black Marks that adorned his skin. He traced each one with his tongue as Alec nuzzled his neck, tasting the caramel coloured skin.“You taste good here too” he murmured, reaching just below Magnus’s ear. His groan made his chest vibrate and Alec felt it through his own, his breath hitching. He ran his hands up and down the soft skin of his back, feeling the muscles moving beneath it.Magnus had reached Alec’s stomach. It’s wash board surface rippled under his mouth. His hands were slowly moving on his chest, feeling the soft smattering of hair that covered its surface. He felt Alec’s lips go from his neck to his shoulder and top of his arm. He could feel the rapid rise and fall of his body beneath him, relishing the feel of warm skin on his own. He lifted his head to look up at him and reached for the buckle of his belt, pausing before going any further. Alec looked back at him. Eyes shining under heavy lids, skin flushed and lips slightly parted breath heavy.“don’t you dare stop now” he breathed.When Magnus undid the buckle, removing his gear belt and then did the same thing to the top of his jeans, he placed a soft kiss in the opening, feeling the soft trail of hair tickle his face. Alec arched and cried out, grabbing at him to pull him closer. “I think we should take this elsewhere” Magnus said, rising from him to stand next to the sofa and holding out a hand towards him.Alec took it and plastered Magnus to his body, lips crashing into each other again. Magnus slowly started herding them towards the bedroom door, his hands roaming over the surface of Alec’s back. They hit the wall next to the door and he felt him grind into him. Magnus moaned beneath his lips pushing back. He needed to get to the bed, now.“I want you Mags, so bad” Alec whispered in his ear. Magnus could feel his legs starting to give way under the weight of his words God, he loved this man.  His knees bent, or they were giving out after all he wasn’t sure, trailing a line of kisses down his chest to the waistband of his jeans, hooking his thumbs into the belt loops and gently pulling them down. Alec’s hands went to his head, tangling his fingers in his spiky hair pulling it gently. He had managed to get his jeans just past his hip bones, before he reached down to grab each one of Alec’s boots, pulling them off. He slowly stood again, his hands either side of his waist, lips seeking Alec’s once more. They came together hard, teeth colliding. Alec grabbed Magnus’s hips, just above his waist band. Slowly he eased his fingers under the band as far as the tight material would allow. He felt him take a deep breath before lowering one hand, palming the front of his jeans, squeezing gently. Alec cried out and pushed against his hand, feeling like he was about to explode. A loud snap filled the room and the two men gave a jerk. Magnus turned, blocking Alec’s body with his only to find Izzy standing in the living room, her whip laying out across the floor. She had at least had the good sense to cover her eyes with her free hand but she had a massive grin on her face. Magnus gave a groan, leaning back against Alec. Alec leaned his head forward to rest his brow on Magnus’s shoulder. Magnus could feel his heavy breath. His own not much better.“For the love of the angel, Isabelle, what in the name of God are you doing here, and why did you use your whip?” Alec said, head still down, his voice full of frustration.Izzy carefully removed her hand from her eyes and coiled her whip back up so it looped around her wrist.“I came looking for Jace, he said he was coming here” she said, she was desperately trying to keep her eyes from going any lower than her brother’s chest. Magnus was a different problem. She raised her eyebrows.“Wow, Magnus, I had no idea warlocks could look so good. Way to go” she was smiling and nodding her head. Magnus glared at her but didn’t move, wanting to give his boyfriend as much cover as he could.“I suppose that could be considered a compliment from someone who obviously has no filter from brain to tongue ” Izzy tried to look hurt but it wasn’t working very well.“hey, I had no idea you guys were trying to climb into each other’s pants. The door was unlocked by the way and then I hear Alec yell. I thought you guys needed protection.” She giggled. “turns out I was right just not the sort I can give you”. Alec looked ready to strangle his sister and Magnus wasn’t far behind him.  “Jace left ages ago, I suggest you look for him elsewhere” Alec said, trying to keep his voice even.“Ok ok, geez keep your pants on, oh, well I guess that’s not an option. I’m going, don’t worry.” She started back towards the door. “Have fun guys don’t do anything I wouldn’t do” she called back as she left. “That’s leaving a very wide scope” Alec shot back as he slumped against the wall. Magnus turned to face him. His arms circling him.“can you believe this? Maybe we should of put a notice on the door or something” He said, giving a small laugh. He felt so frustrated it was laughable.“surely not. If we had done that, I could see them setting up chairs in the living room. Complete with pop corn. I like your siblings Alexander but they need to learn boundaries” Magnus told him. He clicked his fingers and brought up the blue magic flame and flicked it over to the door. Alec heard the click of the deadbolt.“there, no more interruptions. Shall we?” Magnus waved a hand towards the bedroom. Alec grabbed his hand and followed him into the room and over to the large four poster bed. Magnus backed Alec up so the back of his legs hit the edge of the mattress. His lips sought his once more and the fire that had simmering just below the surface caught once more, blazing through each of them. Alec lay back on the bed, feeling the cool material of the red satin sheets beneath his back. Magnus leaned up and then hooked his thumbs in the waist band of his jeans and this time managed to get them the whole way off. He started to undo his own but Alec sat up and did it for him. He fell back again, Magnus manoeuvring him further onto the bed . He was totally out of control now, eyes closed, head back, as Magnus covered him in urgent kisses making him writhe beneath him. He felt his hands dip under the waist band of his underwear going lower, cupping him gently. He drew in a breath and moaned, arching into it. His own hands, roaming over Magnus’s body finding the same place. He felt him grind into his hand and heard a deep growl coming from the warlock. He opened his eyes to find he was staring straight into those golden glowing cat’s eyes the slitted pupils wide and dark. As he came down onto his mouth, Alec heard a small click as Magnus snapped his fingers, producing a small tube. He arched into his hand, knowing what it was and unable to wait much longer. He was a sweaty mess of feelings, his body craving only one thing. Magnus leaned above him, making a point of taking the lid from the tube, slowly. Alec was almost embarrassed to hear the whining sounds escaping from him. “please, Mags, I can’t wait much longer” he breathed and after squeezing some of the tube’s contents on his fingers Magnus smiled down at him before reaching down between them.“Hey Magnus? Raphael wants some kind of potion, he said you know about it. I hope you don’t mind I borrowed Jace’s key” It was Simons voice. Magnus’s face went bright red with rage and he flew off the bed, grabbing the throw rug from the end to wrap around his waist. Alec gave an anguished cry. This was just getting ridiculous now. Not to mention painful.  Magnus charged out of the bedroom and Alec lost sight of him but he could hear just fine. Alec scrambled to grab the quilt to cover himself.“Oh hey there you are… oh did I interrupt something?......” That was the last thing he heard Simon say before he heard a sharp click and then the sound of the door being flung open. A carnal sounding growl came from the living room then a soft whoosh, and the sound of Simon giving a rather girly sounding scream and then the door slamming loudly. A dull thud came after that. Alec stilled. Eyebrows raised, wondering what had just happened. A minute later, Magnus returned. He fell onto the bed beside Alec, shaking his head.“I may need a minute to calm down, Alexander. It’s not very often I lose my temper but it happened today. I think Simon will be alright. He hit the hallway wall pretty hard but vampires heal quickly. He may need a memory wipe later though” magnus said, looking a little worried towards to living room.“Why, did you go all demon warlock on him, cause is sure sounded like it”Alec asked. He’d only seem Magnus really lose his temper once and the result was pretty scary.“Well, that and something much worse?”“What could be worse?”“The throw rug let go” Alec, broke out laughing, Magnus joining him.    . 
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