#the intersection of the timing and everything it means to me and the healing of red tv and how special this is...
septembersghost · 2 years
i wasn't going to cry today, but...i walked through the door with you, the air was cold, but something about it felt like home somehow -
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this treasure showed up at our door tonight. WHO DID THIS?!?! 😭🥺💗💗💗💗 i did, in fact, burst into tears. (and i'm silly and realize i took two photos of the front, and not one of the front and one of the back...) not only is this unbelievably special and meaningful to me, but the fact that it would come on this day of all autumn days (cosmically also the date on which red tv was originally set to be released!). you can't really hug a snow globe, but it feels like one. it plays the entirety of the ten minute song too.
my whole heart. thank you feels like such a small thing to say to me all the time, but thank you, i love you very, very much.
the glass was so cold when i opened it because we got the prettiest dusting of snow today, which is perfectly fitting isn't it? i still remember the first fall of snow, and how it glistened as it fell. i remember it all too well. sacred prayer, i was there, i was there.
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
Ayan being a gremlin to Akk: accurate. Akk being pissy with Aye: also accurate. Getting together isn't a personality transplant operation; they just like kissing each other now they haven't become different people. And people also don't magically know how to be in a relationship, communication and compromise is required. We saw pretty much nothing of established-relationship-post-curse Akk and Ayan in the original series, they literally JUST got together. It's been what, a few weeks in-universe? Maybe a couple months max? Now that they're both starting to heal from their life traumas and out of the pressure cooker of the Suppalo situation and Ayan is reasonably confident that Akk isn't going to end it all, now we are seeing the part where they actually figure out how to be in a relationship with each other (well, some of the early calculus).
These two have ZERO clue how to navigate a relationship. Akk's repressed ass couldn't even acknowledge to himself that he had any kind of romantic inclinations towards anybody until basically moments ago. He is just starting to understand his needs in a relationship through his relationship with Ayan, a person he has never felt the need to people-please with, so yeah, he's salty and snapping. As for Ayan, he's learning that Akk isn't this way because of the circumstances or the environment, he's just like this. He cares about everything and everyone while Ayan cares about what and who he cares about and doesn't really give a rip about the rest of it. There is an intersection there, because what and who he cares about is Akk, but they haven't gotten to that intersection yet where they actually understand what the other person is REALLY asking for. Akk wants Ayan to care more and be less standoffish and more engaged. Ayan wants Akk to care less and be more self-protective and less self-sacrificing.
That general approach is also bleeding into the relationship. Akk wants Ayan to be softer with him (like he was when he was worried he was gonna hurt himself) and Ayan wants Akk to be tougher with him (like he was when he was worried he was gonna tear down everything). It's not an insurmountable problem, but it will require them to use their words, absorb the implications and deliberately alter their behaviours.
Akk's people-pleasing (Ayan's gripe is literally that Akk cares too much about others) and Ayan's self-centredness (Akk's gripe is that Ayan considers himself too much and others not enough) are canon. This is literally what brought them into each other's attention in the first place: Ayan doing whatever he wanted and Akk being pissed about it. Add in that Ayan enjoys riling Akk up for horny reasons and Akk softens whenever Ayan gets affectionate with him. Add in that Ayan has seen in 4k the extreme consequences of Akk's people-pleasing (the literal campaign of terror he rained on an entire school, lest we forget), just like Akk has seen the consequences of Ayan's self-centredness (Thua's anger at Ayan's hypocrisy of staying in while pushing others out).
They just like each other. They haven't become different people. And they now have to learn how to communicate and compromise because liking each other means they care about not hurting each other. Which is one of the themes of the special. One of the things @bengiyo says over and over again on @the-conversation-pod is DICK IS NOT MAGICAL IT DOES NOT FIX YOU. It's why we both bonded over loving drama about staying together more than drama about getting together. This is so intriguing to me, watching this play out, because this is the part romances tend to ignore, either because they end before they get here, or they gloss over here with a time skip. As somebody invested in the intricacies of long-term relationships and the compromises people make or don't make along the way, this is working all over for me.
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heretherebedork · 6 months
While I spent most of wedding impossible just being frustrated by it, some of the scenes actually disgusted me. The biggest one was Jihan telling Dohan the first time he was ever ashamed of Dohan was because Dohan "used someone" to cover up being gay. And then when Dohan rightfully points out that he and Ahjeong agreed on this both fully knowing the situation, Jihan says Dohan shouldn't have dragged her into it? And that Dohan and Ahjeong agreeing on this marriage means Dohan doesn't care about Ahjeong? I'm sorry but there is literally NOTHING morally wrong about a consensual bearding relationship. Ahjeong and Dohan are two adults in their 30s who made a decision after discussions and deliberations. Jihan is acting like Ahjeong is some vulnerable child without any agency being held hostage by evil manipulative Dohan. It's like a weird intersection of homophobia and misogyny. For the first time in this show Dohan is actually being selfish, and I don't really blame him! No one is giving him literally any grace. Ahjeong sort of acknowledges that Dohan's feelings after finding out about her and Jihan makes sense. But no one has literally any empathy for Dohan and what he's going through, which has way higher stakes than a man and a woman wanting to date because they just can't live without each other after liking each other for what, a few weeks at most? I already believed the writers have to be straight based on the previous episodes, but this episode makes me think they have literally never talked to a gay person either.
Yeah, the way they treated Ah Jeong's choices and Ji Han's.... enrtire character... made the show painful if you understood anything about Do Han or even just tried to believe the show that they were friends and loving siblings.
Because if you took the show by its actions rather than it's words? You would never believe that Do Han and Ah Jeong were best friends of over a decade or that Ji Han ever loved Do Han and I mean that. I truly do.
But yeah. It's a big thing that there's just no empathy for Do Han and it's based in the idea of never lying and it's not just unpleasant but literally the entire ending was about how life is all made of lies and it's okay and it made no sense with the rest of the show.
Do Han was selfish for about five minutes in the entire show and it was brought on by his own fear of coming out which was totally understandable and then the show just took that away from him too by having his grandfather stop his first coming out to let Ji Han just... throw everything out for no reason, by the way, no reason whatsoever because, let's be honest, Do Han was never going to accept inheriting the business. He was never going to do that. He's a damn artist! Why would be agree to be a businessman!? He wasn't going to!
And then to have all of that, to have his grandfather call him SELFISH for trying to come out and then to just have that all be okay and fine and hunky dory at the end with no issues in the family!? With no actual resolution to any of it? No conversation between Do Han and Ji Han? No final talk with the grandfather? Nothing!? Just Do Han comes out and bam everything is healed because now he's not lying uwu
Do Han was given no grace or empathy and the show basically said 'it's a good thing someone outed him because that meant he stopped lying' and that is just an awful take to share with the world, damnit.
Ji Han was a bad brother and Ah Jeong was a mediocre friend and the show could have done it so much better.
You know what I want?
I want Thailand to remake this,
They know how to do besties and siblings. They could make it work! And they'd absolutely give Do Han a romance.
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
Guard Up
Requested Here!
Pairing: John Casey x fem!NSA!reader
Summary: You go undercover as the Intersect and get injured. Casey does everything he can to find you, then stands guard outside your hospital room as you heal.
Warnings: abduction and torture (not graphic), angst, fluff, soft Casey!!! Casey and r live together as part of their cover
Word Count: 3.0k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist | Casey Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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With your back to the doorway, you don’t see Casey walk into the kitchen. You don’t need to, though, because you have a special skill about knowing where he is at all times. Since you joined the Intersect project and moved into his apartment in Echo Park, you’ve honed that skill, and now you can find him in your sleep. If that wasn’t completely unprofessional or was something you would even consider doing, of course.
“Good morning,” you greet when he walks into the kitchen behind you.
Casey grunts in reply and you smile to yourself.
“What time is it?” he grumbles.
“Beckman said we have to be at the Buy More when it opens. Something about the government of Croatia or Czechia… Congo?”
“Did you listen to her at all?” Casey questions. “Past the letter C?”
“It was like one a.m.; my ears don’t work that early.”
Casey growls quickly before he steps around you. His hand presses gently against your back as he reaches over your head.
“Chad,” you remember as Casey withdraws his hand. “A few members of the National Transitional Council found out about the Intersect. And they want it.”
“So, we have to stick closer to Chuck than Morgan does. Fantastic.”
“Casey, listen. Chad is… those people are still suffering from the dissolution of the Assembly. The political violence should be their biggest concern, so if they’re willing to ignore their human rights issues and come to the States for a computer full of secrets, they intend on getting it.”
“I know. But we have a job to do, so focus,” Casey demands. “What’s the plan?”
“Your call, Major Casey,” you reply.
He rolls his eyes at your playful smile, but you’re sure he knows you mean it. You trust him with your life, and because he outranks you, you know he will come up with a plan that will keep Chuck and the Intersect safe.
“I think the most important decision you have to make…” You pause to push yourself up to sit on the counter. You lean toward Casey and drop your voice to finish, “Why am I, your lovely girlfriend, going to be at the Buy More all day?”
“I’ll figure something out,” Casey grumbles.
“Sir, yes, sir,” you say.
You salute Casey as you jump off of the counter. Thinking about Casey will distract you from the mission and the Intersect, and even though you’re becoming an expert in ignoring your feelings, spending the entire day at his side may change that.
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“Hi, Chuck,” you call.
Chuck jumps as he closes the door of the Nerd Herd car. He turns quickly, wide-eyed as he raises his hands toward you.
“Stop acting like Casey,” he demands.
“We’re NSA agents, Chuck, we’re trained to act like this. Listen, I have good news and bad news, what do you want to hear first?”
“Depends,” Chuck answers slowly. “Does the bad news involve a windowless bunker?”
“No. More like a 38% chance of death.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s so much better. Why would you tell me that?!”
“Someone is looking for the Intersect, and they’re not going to stop until they find it, Chuck. Casey and I will be with you 24/7 until we can get more information,” you explain. “Nothing is going to happen to you.”
“So, you hang out with your boyfriend to stay close, and he follows me into the bathroom,” Chuck deadpans. “Great.”
“Chuck, I know it’s hard, but you have to trust us. If you have to make jokes to make this better, do it, but you are in real danger. We’re doing everything we can to keep these people away from you.”
“I do need to make jokes,” Chuck agrees. “If the situation calls for it, would you kiss Casey?”
You smile and pass Chuck a water bottle with a panic button on it. He flips the bottle to look at the button as you walk past him. When you hear him step behind you, you answer his joking question with a serious answer.
“In a heartbeat, Bartowski,” you admit.
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“Chuck, can I borrow Casey?” you ask, glancing over your shoulder.
“Not unless you can guarantee that there aren’t any snipers on the roof of the Large Mart,” Chuck replies.
“A Chadian war general just checked into the CitizenM,” you tell Casey. “And my source tells me that he was asking where to get the best computer help in Burbank.”
“We need to get Chuck out of here,” Casey says.
“And then what? Let him come in here and find nothing? He won’t hesitate to kill everyone in here, but if he’s a member of what’s left of the Chadian government, our people can’t touch him!”
“We’re here to protect Chuck,” Casey reminds lowly.
“Which just delays our fight. So, let’s give this guy the Intersect.”
“Whoa! What?” Chuck exclaims. “I know I can be hard to protect, but that’s a bit extreme.”
“Absolutely not,” Casey grumbles.
“We don’t have another option,” you argue. “I can do this.”
“I’m telling you no.”
“Don’t pull rank, Casey. You know that it’s our best bet. We need intel and to keep Chuck safe, sending me in does both.”
Casey clenches his jaw and looks over your shoulder. He’s considering it, but if he says no again, you’ll have to listen. No matter how much you believe that you can do this, go undercover, and get what you need, Casey is still your superior and has the final say.
“Fine,” he answers. “But you’re not going alone.”
“What about me?” Chuck asks. “If you’re both going crazy, what happens to me?”
“You go underground with Sarah until this is over,” Casey answers. “Now.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it,” Chuck rambles as he gathers his things.
“Chuck,” you call after him. “Behave.”
“Underground, unsupervised with a beautiful woman,” he says, pretending to ponder his situation.
“Woman with a gun,” Casey reminds him. “Don’t make me mad before I get back.”
Chuck salutes Casey before he rounds the corner, and you struggle to hold your laugh in. You taught him that, knowing that Casey hates it, but it’s funnier to watch than you expected. Casey grumbles as he walks you out of the Buy More.
“There’s not a better option here,” you say softly.
“I know. But if anything happens to you, it’s on me,” Casey replies.
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You knock on the door of the target’s hotel room and hold your breath. Casey is just down the hall, but there’s still a moment where everything could go wrong. When the door before you opens, the one behind you opens as well. Simultaneously, a large group of men exit the elevator, directly between you and Casey. You’re trapped in the center of an ambush, and they seem to think you’re the Intersect. Exactly as planned.
“Hi,” you say toward the man from General Beckman’s file. “I’m-“
“Property of the government of Chad. Get her ready,” he commands.
The men around you close in, and you resist the urge to fight them. It’ll only make this worse for you, but even though you know that the idea of being taken like this bothers you. Casey is on the other side of the hallway, with no chance of getting through to you, so you accept your fate and let them bind your hands and legs with no more than pleas you hope sound scared and desperate. They’re the ones who should be scared, you remind yourself. –
“Move!” Casey demands as he storms into Castle.
“What happened?” Sarah asks.
“They fell for it. The Intersect has been abducted,” Casey answers quickly. “Alert Beckman so I can get back out there and find her.”
“Let me help,” Chuck says.
“Absolutely not.”
“He can find her, Casey,” Sarah adds. “If anyone has a chance of knowing where this guy would take her, it’s Chuck.”
“No, it’s the Intersect!” Casey snaps. “And that’s the reason she’s probably in some abandoned warehouse or underground shelter being tortured for intel she doesn’t have!”
“Then let me fix it,” Chuck responds. “Please.”
Casey turns the computer to show Chuck a picture of the man who took you. He flashes instantly, and Casey tilts his head to the side as he waits for answers. You need to be found before it’s too late, and Casey will never let you talk him into doing something like this again.
“Jel Akiloye, a member of the National Transitional Council of Chad and responsible for over 200 human rights-related deaths,” Chuck says. “Recently purchased property in Echo Park through a multi-national corporation with ties to the U.S. and Africa. And he’s planning to get information from the Intersect and then wipe it. Or, in this case…” “Eliminate,” Casey finishes. “Where in Echo Park?”
“That’s complicated. I’ll drive!” Chuck calls as he takes Casey’s keys from the desk.
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“How does this Intersect work?” Jel asks as he circles you.
“It, uh, was originally supposed to be a computer. The trial to see if the data could be uploaded into a human mind wasn’t supposed to happen, but wrong place, wrong time. Now the secrets are in my head and the computer was destroyed,” you ramble.
“Tell me where it is.”
“Where what is?”
You inhale sharply as he slaps his open palm across your cheek. His rings cause your skin to sting long after he withdraws his hand.
“What your people stole,” he answers. “Where is it?”
“That’s not how it works. I don’t just know everything,” you explain. He raises a large piece of rubber, and you yell, “Wait, wait! I need to hear a name or see a picture, and then it just kind of runs through my mind. Like an open computer file.”
He looks past you and nods. A few seconds later, a sharp prod is pressed against your side. A motivation to tell the truth and a punishment if you don’t, presumably.
“Ringdell,” Jel says. “Where is it?”
“Ringdell?” you repeat.
You press your lips together to keep yourself from laughing, but a chuckle breaks through anyway.
“Ringdell is somewhere between Rivendell and the fires of Mordor if I had to guess.”
Jel steps toward you and pulls your restraints harshly. Your chair tips forward, and you try to lean back as he pulls you so you’re face-to-face.
“I will get answers if I have to pry them from your unresponsive brain,” he threatens darkly.
You resist the urge to tell him that’s not how brains work, but before you can open your mouth to speak, the prod presses harder against you, and you tense as the point breaks past your skin.
“Do your worst,” you whisper.
Jel nods over your shoulder and you bite down on the inside of your cheek rather than giving him the satisfaction of hearing you scream.
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You wake harshly when someone lays their hands on either side of your head. Everything hurts and your brain desperately wants to let go, but you force yourself to open your eyes. As you raise your head and shoulders off the concrete, prepared to fight, your vision blurs as your head spins.
“Easy, hey,” Casey says, holding your head still. “Stop.”
You exhale and stop fighting against his hold. He slides his right hand behind your head before you drop it to the floor.
“Stay awake,” Casey demands.
“Can’t,” you mumble. “How’d you find me?”
“Chuck helped.”
“Too bad the Intersect taught him kung-fu instead of reconstructive surgery.”
“Don’t move your head,” Casey says. “This is going to hurt. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” you whisper.
Casey lifts you from the ground, and, in his arms, you’re finally safe enough to stop fighting and relax.
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An incessant beeping and a sharp poke to your arm force you to wake again. When you see Ellie standing beside you and reading from a clipboard as a nurse inserts a new IV into your arm, you realize that you’re in the hospital. If Casey brought you here instead of patching you up himself, it must have been bad.
“Hey,” Ellie says softly when she sees your eyes are open. “How are you feeling?”
“I’ve been better,” you answer.
“I can imagine. The police are talking to Casey, but I’ll send him in as soon as he’s done. Let me know if you need anything.”
“I will. Thanks, Ellie.”
She walks out and the nurse follows her. Alone in the hospital room, you look down to see all of the injuries littering your body. Some you remember experiencing the initial pain of, others must have been inflicted while you were unconscious, and you’re sure there are even more that you can’t see.
You look away from the bandages covering your right arm and reposition the blanket. Someone moves outside the door, and you lean forward to see who it is.
“Casey,” you call.
He steps inside with his brows furrowed until he sees you awake and leaning forward uncomfortably.
“You brought me to the hospital. Why?”
“It was the only option. I told the ER staff that it was a mugging gone wrong. Beckman helped us cover it with local police,” Casey informs. “What do you remember?”
“A lot of questions, mostly. Pain, and then you were there.”
Casey’s nostrils flare as he nods.
“What?” you press.
“You were alone when I got there. We have no idea where Jel or his men went.”
“Is that why you’re standing outside like a bodyguard?”
You smile at Casey, and his shoulders drop slightly. If they still think you’re the Intersect, nothing will keep them from coming back to seek more answers. Your side begins to ache, and you shift awkwardly to ease the dull pain spreading throughout your body.
Casey walks to your side and lays his hand on your upper back. He tilts his head toward the wall behind you, and you lean against his hand as he lowers you gently. You know that Casey cares about you, he’s a good partner, but the concern in his eyes and the soft, caring touches are new.
“You thanked me when I found you,” Casey says. “Why?”
“For finding me,” you reply. You furrow your brows, wondering what else you could have been thanking him for. “They would have killed me eventually.”
“It’s my job.”
“You and I both know I could’ve been written off as a casualty of the mission. Instead of staying with the real Intersect, you saved me and brought me here. So, I thanked you.”
Casey nods once and walks back to the door. He stands with his hands clasped behind him, his guard up as he protects you from seen and unseen threats. You watch him and ask yourself if there’s more to his actions than the job. It’s never been part of his mission to care about you like this, just to keep Chuck safe, yet here he is, miles from Chuck to stand by your side and protect you.
“Casey,” you call again.
He steps back inside, and you smile at his concerned frown.
“Don’t you need to get back to the Buy More?”
“Sarah is with Chuck. Nothing to worry about,” Casey answers.
“And you’re playing bodyguard instead of a local cop because?”
“I’m not standing guard. I’m answering your questions.”
Casey turns on his heel to return to his previous position and you sit up quickly to stop him. You gasp when the ache in your hip suddenly shoots up to your ribs and down your thigh. As you close your eyes to breathe through the pain, Casey moves to your side and grips the blanket covering you.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
“I don’t know,” you answer.
You push the blanket away and tug your hospital gown down before you swing your legs over the side of the bed. Casey raises a hand to stop you, but you stand before he can. When your feet hit the tile floor, you hear the audible pop of your joint snapping back into place. You raise your knee and feel a tendon roll, but the pain dissipates nearly immediately.
“Ow,” you breathe out before chuckling.
“Are you okay?” Casey inquires.
“Much better now. You would’ve caught that, by the way.”
“But I couldn’t have gotten the broken cattle prod tip out of your side without causing permanent muscle damage.”
You shrug before you sit on the edge of the bed. Casey taps his knuckles against your arm as he stands to his full height.
“I think a hug would help me heal faster than playing bodyguard in a crowded hospital,” you muse.
“I’ll call Ellie, then,” Casey replies drily.
“So, you’ll save my life but won’t hug me. I see how it is.”
Casey looks down at his phone and grunts.
“I have to get back to the Buy More. Another agent will be outside,” he tells you.
“I don’t need a-“
“No arguing. I’m in charge and you need someone here with you.”
“Yes, sir,” you reply.
“If you need anything, call me,” he adds. “Anything at all. I’ll be back later tonight to make sure everything is okay.”
Your brows raise at his unfiltered care, and you agree. “I’ll call.”
Casey nods once and exits your room to brief the NSA agent waiting in the hall. You watch through the window as Casey leaves and begin counting down the minutes until he comes back. When Casey touched you and expressed that he cared about you, your pain numbed. If you didn’t see him as more than a partner before, you certainly do now.
The new guard takes his place without introducing himself, following Casey’s instructions to the T. As he watches everyone coming and going, you wonder if you’d be able to sneak past him to go home. Living in the same apartment as Casey has been vital to your cover, but now you think it may also be the best place to heal quickly. Your phone buzzes as you create a plan to get past your security detail without raising suspicion.
The text from Casey makes you laugh: Don’t sneak out.
He knows you well, which doesn’t help your racing thoughts about him. When he gets back, maybe you’ll appeal to the soft, caring side he showed earlier and convince him to take you home. Or at least give you that hug you asked for earlier.
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kandisheek · 4 months
FIC REC WEEK 20 - 616
The Zarrow Shuffle by gottalovev
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 9,180 Tags: Identity Porn, Matchmaking, Team as Family
Summary: When they notice that Steve seems to have a mysterious - and possibly bad for him - girlfriend, Nat and Clint investigate. Steve just wishes they'd stop prying into his personal life, especially since he is trying to keep a secret.
Reasons why I love it: Oh my god, this is everything I love about identity porn. All the misunderstandings and wrong conclusions, it's hilarious. I love how Steve and Tony take advantage of the situation, and the team feels are amazing. This fic is lovely, and you should definitely give it a read, if you haven't already!
When I Was New by isozyme
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 5,010 Tags: Time Travel, Soulmates, Angst with a Bittersweet Ending
Summary: On screen, Kang’s standing on top of a bus in the center of a wrecked intersection. He’s holding a dark-haired, gangly teenager, clearly using the kid as a bargaining chip. At this point, Kang is clearly losing the fight and is looking for an escape route. Steve winces as Kang hurls his human shield in the direction of the camera and bolts. The poor teen bounces on the pavement, bangs his head, then skids to a rest close enough to make out his face in the video. Steve almost drops the tablet. The kid is Tony. He’s at least fifteen years younger, mustache barely grown in, and bleeding from his forehead, but -- still Tony.
Reasons why I love it: Holy shit, I'm so glad for the ending because my heart was ripping itself in two for a while there. There's so much emotion in the dialogue, and I absolutely adore Steve's inner thoughts about the younger Tony and what he represents. This fic is incredible, and I hope you check it out for yourself!
A Slow and Steady Rush by msermesth
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 9,451 Tags: Pining, Sparring, Sexual Dysfunction
Summary: Tony watches as Steve blinks, once, twice, five times. Oh. He’s been staring. He wrenches his gaze away to the dartboard on the other side of the bar; his eyes blur with the sudden movement. It’s been a while since he’s been this close to Steve when nothing but conversation had been happening, it makes sense he’d forget his well-honed skill at pretending he isn’t head-over-heels madly in love with him. That’s just another thing he’s going to have to teach this new body.
Reasons why I love it: There's something really beautiful about their connection here. Tony relating to Steve in an unexpected way, and Steve reassuring Tony that it's alright, he'll find his way back to himself. I love it. Definitely check this one out, because it's wonderful!
Wonders of the World (The Keep Me Safe from Harm Remix) by Sineala
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 9,848 Tags: Snowed In, Pining, Getting Together
Summary: Steve, America's top cop, meets Tony, in the middle of launching Resilient, in a hotel room in Seattle. There, Steve finds unexpected comfort in Tony's presence. It wasn't supposed to be an assignation. But then, a snowstorm wasn't supposed to strand them together, either.
Reasons why I love it: They're so in love, it warms my heart. I love how the whole smut scene is interspersed with these little moments where they laugh or banter and just enjoy themselves. It's so sweet and the perfect way to heal the emotional hurt from earlier on in the fic. I adore this one, and you should definitely read it!
I'll Give You Gifts Until You Know My Name by Amuly
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 10,507 Tags: Christmas Fluff, Secret Identity, First Kiss
Summary: Mr. Stark is an extravagant gift-giver: he has the money for it, after all. As Iron Man, Tony has the opportunity to gift Steve even more presents that, while less expensive, are more heartfelt. Having a secret identity means Tony gets to have his cake and eat it too when it comes to showering Steve with presents. Until Steve starts developing feelings for his armored companion, and all the benefits of living a double life are turned on their head for Tony Stark.
Reasons why I love it: I really enjoyed seeing all the gifts Tony came up with for Steve in both of his personas. And Steve's final gift for Tony is just perfect – Steve is a troll and a romantic wrapped into one jumbo sized super-package. I love this fic, and I bet you will too, so please check if out if you haven't already!
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dc-and-arfrona · 1 year
Torn Up
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Jason Todd x GN!Reader
Type: Angst
Word Count: 1.2k+
Based of this prompt: “Him,” he repeats distastefully, his lip curling. “You like him.” “Yeah, I do,” I shoot back, my eyes flashing. “He’s the one picking up the mess you left behind.” 
The atmosphere in the Batcave was charged with tension as Jason Todd, the Red Hood, and [Y/N], a skilled vigilante, stood face to face. Their argument had reached a boiling point, leaving both of them emotionally exhausted.
"Him," Jason repeated, his voice dripping with disdain. "You like him."
"Yeah, I do," [Y/N] shot back defiantly, their eyes flashing with defiance and hurt.
"He's the one picking up the mess you left behind," Jason sneered, bitterness coloring his words.
The accusation hit [Y/N] like a punch to the gut, and they fought to suppress the sting of guilt welling up inside. They had been trying to move on from their tumultuous past, but old wounds had a way of reopening.
"Jason, you don't understand," [Y/N] pleaded, their voice trembling with emotion. "I never meant to hurt you."
"Save it, [Y/N]," Jason replied, his voice laced with a mix of anger and hurt. "You made your choice. Just don't expect me to stand idly by and watch you fall for someone else."
As the words hung in the air, the weight of their shared history pressed upon them. They had once been inseparable, partners in crime-fighting and in love. But life had a way of tearing them apart, leaving behind a trail of heartache and unresolved feelings.
[Y/N] took a step closer, their voice softening. "Jason, we've both made mistakes. We've both hurt each other. But that doesn't mean we can't find happiness apart."
Jason's gaze wavered, a mixture of longing and pain flickering in his eyes. "I just... I don't want to see you with someone else. Not after everything we've been through."
"Jason," [Y/N] whispered, reaching out a hand to touch his arm, but hesitated. The distance between them felt insurmountable, the ghosts of their past haunting their every move.
"I need time," Jason finally admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "To sort things out."
[Y/N] nodded, their heart heavy with unspoken words. "Take all the time you need. But remember, I'll always care about you, even if our paths diverge."
With a last lingering look, Jason turned away, his steps echoing through the cavernous Batcave. The ache in [Y/N]'s chest deepened as they watched him disappear into the shadows.
As time went on, Jason and [Y/N] danced around each other, their paths intersecting occasionally but always veering away. The void left by their separation grew larger with each passing day.
[Y/N] had tried to move on, to build a life outside of the tangled web of their past. They had found solace in the company of another, a kindred spirit who had helped them heal. But the lingering fragments of their connection with Jason refused to fade.
Late one night, while patrolling the streets of Gotham, [Y/N]'s footsteps faltered as they caught a glimpse of the familiar crimson helmet. Jason, as the Red Hood, had become a force to be reckoned with, taking justice into his own hands with brutal efficiency.
[Y/N] couldn't tear their eyes away as Jason fought with ruthless determination. The conflicting emotions that had haunted them for so long surged to the surface once again. Anguish mingled with admiration, love entwined with regret.
As the battle subsided, [Y/N] found themselves face to face with Jason. The air was charged with unspoken words, the silence heavy with the weight of their shared past.
"You were watching," Jason said, his voice devoid of its usual edge.
"I couldn't stay away," [Y/N] replied softly, their heart pounding in their chest. "You're a part of me, Jason. No matter how hard I try, I can't let go."
Jason's gaze softened, and he reached out to touch [Y/N]'s cheek gently. "I've tried to forget you, to bury these feelings deep inside. But I can't deny that you still mean something to me."
Tears welled up in [Y/N]'s eyes as they cupped Jason's hand, their fingers trembling. "Maybe we can find a way to move forward together. To mend what's broken."
Jason's expression softened, and for the first time in a long while, a spark of hope flickered in his eyes. "I don't know if we can fix what's been shattered, but I'm willing to try."
As they stood there, bathed in the moonlight, a fragile thread of possibility began to weave its way through their hearts. They had weathered storms of pain and regret, but now, they dared to believe that their love could be rekindled from the ashes.
In the days that followed their heartfelt exchange, Jason and [Y/N] cautiously navigated the unsteady terrain of rebuilding what they had lost. Their paths crossed more frequently, and each encounter brought a mix of joy and trepidation.
One evening, Jason found himself standing outside [Y/N]'s apartment, grappling with his emotions. He took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and knocked on the door, hoping for a chance at reconciliation.
[Y/N]'s heart skipped a beat as they opened the door to find Jason standing there, uncertainty etched on his face. They invited him inside, their hands trembling with a mix of anticipation and fear.
Sitting on the couch, the silence between them spoke volumes. Finally, Jason broke it. "I've thought a lot about us, about what we could be," he confessed, his voice raw with vulnerability. "But I'm scared, [Y/N]. Scared of getting hurt again."
[Y/N] reached out, gently grasping Jason's hand. "I understand your fears, Jason. Trust isn't easily regained, and I don't expect you to forgive and forget overnight. But I promise you, I'll do everything in my power to make things right."
Jason's eyes met [Y/N]'s, his gaze searching for sincerity. Slowly, he nodded. "Okay. We'll take it one step at a time."
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months once again, but this time the passage of time felt different. Jason and [Y/N] worked tirelessly to rebuild the trust that had been shattered, communicating openly and honestly, sharing their hopes and fears.
Their journey was far from smooth. There were moments of doubt and setbacks, but they persevered, unwilling to let go of the love that had once bound them together. The scars of their past became a testament to their resilience and determination.
Gradually, their bond began to heal, stronger than ever before. They discovered a newfound depth to their connection, as if the trials they had faced had forged an unbreakable bond between them.
One starlit night, while perched on a rooftop overlooking Gotham City, Jason and [Y/N] found themselves wrapped in each other's arms. The gentle breeze whispered promises of a future yet to unfold.
"You saved me," Jason murmured, his voice filled with gratitude. "You picked up the pieces of my shattered soul and breathed life back into it."
[Y/N] smiled, their heart overflowing with love. "And you saved me too, Jason. In your absence, I realized just how much you meant to me. Together, we can overcome anything."
In that moment, beneath the moon's soft glow, Jason and [Y/N] sealed their reunion with a tender kiss—a promise to embrace the future, to face the challenges ahead, hand in hand.
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bru1sed-apple · 4 months
Fic recs!! :3
Percy jackson
Seven days and seven nights
A warning, a storm, and Will’s world gets flipped upside-down. Day 11: Storming
Finally, where i'm meant to be
Percy huffs as Annabeth attacks his hair with a comb. “I don't get why this is such a big deal to you, it looks fine.” “Of course you wouldn’t understand. You’re a boy,” she says matter of factly. As she finishes combing his hair to within an inch of its life, she forces him onto the edge of the tub, looming over him with her arms akimbo. “Alright Seaweed Brain. Because you’re clearly insistent on ruining your natural curls, I’m staging an intervention.” He doesn’t like the glint in her eye. It’s the same look she gets when she’s about to execute a particularly deadly battle strategy. All he can do is nod. Or: Annabeth shows Percy how to take care of his hair. Fluff ensues.
The healing sun
You are Asclepius. You are 9 and just want to help people. Your father is kind, and warm, and you love him dearly. Or, a look at a relationship hindered by loss but persevering through love. Asclepius and Apollo throughout the ages.
According to the prophecy, Will has to go to on a quest to Tartarus. According to Apollo, that isn’t going to happen, even if it means he has to break the Ancient Laws.
demand nothing less (than transformation)
Dad is quiet for a moment, stroking her hair. Then, with a surge of his usual flamboyant excitement: “At what time is your date?” Kayla blinks. She pulls back a little to look at Dad. He’s still a little blurry from the tears, but she feels much calmer now. “He’s picking me up at six. …Why?” Dad’s eyes—cobalt blue—sparkle. Literally. “We’re going to dress you to the nines.” (or: apollo loves his daughter. he also loves fashion. even better is when the two intersect.)
Bad sons
Hades turned to the demigods that were still kneeling. “I need to speak with Will Solace,” he said to the shocked room, in the tone he could have used to say “I came to ask if one of you could lend me a pen.” “Alone,” the god added after a moment, staring right at Nico. Or, Will and Nico go on the stupidest quest ever. And it’s all Apollo’s fault.
Dawn Rises From the East
During the Battle of Manhattan, Michael Yew fell into the East River; his body was never found. Two years later, a homeless kid known only as Ferret has a chance encounter that changes everything he knows.
Yuri on ice
dismantle. repair.
Viktor is standing across the street waving. Despite himself, Yuuri smiles, even as he realizes his shopping will have to wait. He waves back. There’s a man in a white coat behind Viktor. A stranger, except that he’s standing too close. A fan, maybe, or a sleazier member of the paparazzi. He’s raising his hands, and Yuuri opens his mouth to shout at him to not touch Viktor and then— And then there’s the screech of brakes as the car stops, too late. Viktor’s legs are sticking out at odd angles from underneath it. A sheen is spreading across the asphalt beneath him. Like oil. Like blood.
Yuuri's husband is possibly not as oblivious as he seems, because he grins and asks, "Have you never looked up Yuuri?" "There's a porn actress with the same name who went into politics," says Nate, "so she's most of the results, and some stuff about figure skating." "Some stuff about figure skating," Victor says ruefully to Yuuri.
Love Born in the Eye of the Storm
After a snowstorm cancels their return flight and all the hotels are overbooked, Yuuri decides to detour home to wait it out. He offers to let other stranded skaters stay at Yuu-topia, he just didn't know one of them was Victor Nikiforov.
Glory is two steps away
Yuri Plisetsky and Yuuri Katsuki are about as different as cats and dogs, which is to say they have no reason of ever even being acquaintances. Through a stroke of luck, as well as a couple dozen cat pictures, a tight friendship blossoms instead. On their own each skater stands out just fine, but together they shine, pushing each other past previous limits and onto the golden road of victory. Of course, there is still the living legend to worry about, but he's currently too besotted to lace up his skates, so... Or: The Bathroom Scene™, but it goes a little differently. Just enough to that Yuri has a new friend and Victor stays in Russia, but manages to pine all the same.
It ain't much, it's only everything
Yuuri read the headline - “Top Skater and Model Viktor Nikiforov Finds Soulmate!” Oh.
Avatar the last Airbender
Unpathed Waters, Undreamed Shores
The Water Tribe has kept the secrets of the sea-walkers, a gift of transformation that grants those blessed a tail and the ability to breathe underwater, away from the eyes of the rest of the world forever, and this secrecy has only become more important in light of the seemingly unending war and conquest of the Fire Nation. Sokka, as the last warrior and sea-walker in his village, knows this more than most. So when he finds himself accidentally pulled onto a Fire Nation ship, he chooses to stay aboard as their would-be "captive" rather than reveal the Water Tribe's secrets. But what he couldn't have imagined was that while aboard this ship, he'd form an unlikely bond with the exiled prince of the Fire Nation. This tenuous friendship grows into something considerably stronger the longer this pair navigates the biases created by their upbringings, the constant clash of their two worlds, and their feelings for each other. But there are still secrets and conflicts that can't be erased, and it's up to each of them to decide if they'll choose the worlds they're used to or fight for a new world where they can be together.
Golden hour
Zuko just stopped into the library to pick up a book for his uncle. Naturally, he ends up leaving with four books and a crush on the children's librarian.
Marvel cinematic universe
Persistence hunting
"You need food, Rocket. Worse than me. A hell of a lot worse than me, and I'm worried about you. We have water, neither of us are hurt, but both of us will die eventually if we don't eat. And I can hunt down one of those," he said, pointing off into the distance at a four-legged ungulate of some kind, grazing on the tough grass. "Neither of us have any weapons, genius. You're gonna just run up to it and crack it on the head with a rock?" "No," Peter said. "I'm gonna run it down and slit its throat."
how tony stark won the break-up and became the #1 househusband of NY
Tony Stark accidentally becomes every bored housewife's favourite Avenger.
Criminal minds
Understanding Dr.Reid
Fran, Desiree, and Sarah Morgan meet Spencer Reid, the intricate man who stole Derek's heart. What happened at the Morgan house during Profiler, Profiled. Pre-slash Morgan/Reid.
Complementary Souls
Everyone has a joke or funny story that only their soulmate will laugh at. No one has ever laughed at Carlton's dead clown story. Until today, that is.
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ziggyz-eyepatch · 6 months
Some kinds words on grief.
"Alright, here goes. I'm old. What that means is that I've survived (so far) and a lot of people I've known and loved did not. I've lost friends, best friends, acquaintances, co-workers, grandparents, mom, relatives, teachers, mentors, students, neighbors, and a host of other folks. I have no children, and I can't imagine the pain it must be to lose a child. But here's my two cents.
I wish I could say you get used to people dying. I never did. I don't want to. It tears a hole through me whenever somebody I love dies, no matter the circumstances. But I don't want it to "not matter". I don't want it to be something that just passes. My scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. So be it. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are only ugly to people who can't see.
As for grief, you'll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you're drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of the wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it's some physical thing. Maybe it's a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it's a person who is also floating. For a while, all you can do is float. Stay alive.
In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don't even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you'll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. You never know what's going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything...and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life.
Somewhere down the line, and it's different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O'Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you'll come out.
Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow you don't really want them to. But you learn that you'll survive them. And other waves will come. And you'll survive them too. If you're lucky, you'll have lots of scars from lots of loves. And lots of shipwrecks."
-Reddit stranger
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kukuandkookie · 5 months
Lmfao help I totally forgot I scheduled my last post where I rambled about Jian Suiying in the tags (I probably scheduled it to seem more normal or something because I didn’t want to flood my feed 😂).
The reason I find it extra funny is because I literally feel like I’m going feral right now and I did just draft another Twitter thread ramble before coming on here and immediately seeing my scheduled post with those tags LADNSKDNS.
My Twitter is still on hiatus until further notice—aka when I am more comfortable interacting and sharing things socially—but over the past few weeks, my drafts have become very full of thoughts on LiJian (Li Yu and Jian Suiying) and YuBai (Yu Fengcheng and Bai Xinyu).
And the main reason I feel so feral right now—as in right this minute—is because of the author of this really good fic (which I found thanks to the fan audio drama adaptation on MaoEr FM) that’s multi-chaptered where the premise is that a younger Li Yu ends up in the present day in Li Yu and Jian Suiying’s house. Li Yu is obviously very upset by this because he hates his younger self for how he treated Jian Suiying, and the story is about helping him heal from that past.
And well anyways this post isn’t about that fic specifically, although it’s a really good fic and I went crazy over it a while ago as well: since it’s told entirely in screenshots on Weibo at least, I actually captured every image of text until I had everything and then I MTL’d them using Google Translate and then I severely edited them on-and-off based on my own Chinese knowledge—so this included grammar and pronouns but also less obvious stuff where I had to check line by line or turn it into audio to listen to. 😂
It’s a really fucking good fic though. So worth it.
And well the author has done other versions; one is where a younger Yu Fengcheng gets transported into current Yu Fengcheng and Bai Xinyu’s life, and I’ve already collected every part of that one (it’s still incomplete).
Except it referenced a case where there were two Jian Suiying’s, a fic the author said they were planning to write back when they released the two Li Yu’s fic, which obviously made me a little feral.
I struggled to find it until I finally did (yay!!) alongside a masterlist of their fics in general (yay!!!), and I really really want to translate and read it right now.
But part of me also wants to save it—because I like saving things I like—to the end, since the author has other fics I can translate first, including one where Li Yu gets amnesia, which will definitely also be quite interesting.
And yet. I cannot get over the concept of there being two Jian Suiying’s and how that might resemble or reflect or differ from the fic where there were two Li Yu’s (especially since the two Li Yu’s one is just very thematically perfect).
I might just translate it first because I can barely resist??? I already translated the second half of the first part just to tease myself, and it has me screaming because like:
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(The above screenshots are from this fanfic here by 丧心病狂de凌子 on Weibo!)
The image of Li Yu dragging whom he assumes is his spouse (and he is; just from a different time period) back home only to come face-to-face with his actual spouse (of this time period) being all cute in his soft cozy home clothes with a little mug instead of having gone out drinking (which the Jian Suiying from a different time period in his arms had been doing—as all the fics so far have had the person from the past end up in the present after getting blackout drunk) which was a thing about Jian Suiying that Li Yu used to worry about…
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(The above screenshot is canon and from the original novel!)
Yeah do you see what I mean???
I’m just so excited because you’ll get the chaos of two time periods intersecting, but also because Jian Suiying used to go out to such places and it upset Li Yu a lot since he knows Jian Suiying’s past life and their relationship took so long to get to a good place that he’s afraid Jian Suiying will discard him again when out partying—so seeing Jian Suiying here, at home on time, patiently waiting for his husband to come home from his business trip…
*sigh* They’re pretty cute even after all the craziness of their original novel lmao. 🥹
And yeah. Typing all this out…I think I’ll translate this first out of all of the author’s fics. I’m going to go insane otherwise SLFNKSDJSKS.
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s-uccubus-mommy · 7 months
What is a boy to do when he has chronic depression and is going through one such episode, yet can only 'work on himself' so much alone? For there is nothing more healing than love, and when I had someone close to me, I was able to make great progress that has regressed significantly as I am alone once more. I ask for little besides a warm embrace, yet reaching that point with someone new requires overcoming several gates where my attractiveness is judged - gates which the symptoms of depression add additional locks to. It adds a lot of 'negative rizz', so to speak. And thusly, I tend not to bother women, even if I know in my heart I could learn how to make her happy if only she could believe I was worth investing attention into.
There are a... lot of unkind words said about sub boys who 'expect a partner to fix them', yet these always perplex me. Are we not social creatures who depend on strength from each other? For I truly believe I am missing only this last piece to become something beautiful and worthy. For I have great love in my heart, and just want to be able to go and take her out to get cake or something when she's feeling sad.
I am also curious about the intersection between depression and attractiveness to the opposite sex from a woman's perspective, if you or anyone else reading this has such experience.
I feel for you. And I’ve felt just like you before. I brought it up to a therapist actually- are attachment issues and codependency really that bad? There is a book called Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson that made me question this. The author seemed to encourage you and your partner to accept these things about yourself more than I had heard anyone do before. And my therapist agreed. Of course there’s a limit to everything, but really, almost all of us struggle with attachment issues. Not to mention things like depression and anxiety. And I’m not the person to tell anyone “you have to love yourself before you can love someone else”. Because so many of us struggle with this shit and it can be years and years before major progress is made. I don’t think having mental health struggles should stop you from finding a partner.
The key here, I think, is to work on yourself at the same time. You need to try to be the best partner you can be, and that means working with mental health professionals and doing the work they ask you to do. That also means being an equal partner, even if you’re a sub.
Codependency can also stunt your personal growth though. In the past few years I’ve challenged myself to be less codependent on romantic partners, and I do encourage everyone to try to do the same. One big part of this was working on developing more friendships. So I suggest doing that. You can also dive deeper into your personal interests and goals and try to focus on doing things that make you happy on your own.
As far as how depression is seen from a woman’s perspective… well everyone is different. Since I struggle with depression myself I don’t mind at all if a partner does too. But I wouldn’t want it to be so crippling for them that I would end up having to take care of them all the time, ya know? I wouldn’t expect my partner to do that for me either. And if it really is that bad that you feel a need for someone else to take care of you, than there are things you need to work on personally with professionals. Like I wouldn’t judge a partner for that, but I would ask them to seek help separately from me.
Sorry I wrote a novel but it’s an interesting topic! Something that I think is much more complex and nuanced than most people think. I hope there’s something in there you found helpful.
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sincerelyang3l · 13 days
Noah Kahan Lyrics that Reverberate with Me on a Different Level 🙏💕
I’m not depressed I just rly like noah Kahan guys and I might do this for all my favorite singers? (Maybe. Who knows)
Northern Attitude
“If I get too close, And I'm not how you hoped, Forgive my northern attitude. Oh, I was raised out in the cold.”
Stick Season
“No, I am no longer funny, 'cause I miss the way you laugh. You once called me forever, now you still can't call me back.”
“And I love Vermont, but it's the season of the sticks. And I saw your mom, she forgot that I existed.”
All My Love
“I still recall how the leather in your car feels. And at the end of it all, I just hope that your scars healed”
New Perspective
“Ooh, this town is for the record now. The intersection got a Target, and they're calling it downtown. You and all of your new perspective now, Wish I could shut it in a closet, And drag you back down.”
Everywhere, Everything
“Everywhere, everything. I wanna love you 'til we're food for the worms to eat. ‘Til our fingers decompose, Keep my hand in yours.”
Orange Juice
“There's orange juice in the kitchen, bought for the children. It's yours if you want it, We're just glad you could visit. Feels like I've been ready for you, To come home for so long, That I didn't think to ask you. Where you'd gone, why'd you go?”
“Are we all just crows to you now? Are we all just pulling you down? You didn't put those bones in the ground.”
Growing Sideways
“But I ignore things, and I move sideways, Until I forget what I felt in the first place. At the end of the day I know there are worse ways, To stay alive. 'Cause everyone's growing and everyone's healthy, I'm terrified that I might never have met me”
“There's a murder of crows in the low light off Boston, And I see your face in each one. I'm losin' myself in the tiniest objects.”
“Well, I'm tired of dirt roads, Named after high school friends' grandfathers. And motherfuckers here still don't know they caught, The Boston bombers. Time moves so damn slow, I swear I feel my organs failing. I stopped caring 'bout a month ago, Since then, it's been smooth sailing.”
“I would leave if only I could find a reason. I'm mean because I grew up in New England. I got dreams but I can't make myself believe them. Spend the rest of my life with what could have been, And I will die in the house that I grew up in. I'm homesick”
“I'll move back home forever. I'll feed the dogs, And I'll put all my pieces back together where they belong. And I'll say, "I'm a mess, I'm a mess, oh God, I'm a mess".”
The View Between Villages
“Feel the rush of my blood, I'm seventeen again, I am not scared of death. I’ve got dreams again.”
“Passed Alger Brook Road, I'm over the bridge. A minute from home but I feel so far from it.”
Your Needs, My Needs
“To spiral out, to try and float, To see a friend, to see a ghost. Bitter-brained, always drunk. Rail-thin, Zoloft. Subtle change, shorter days. Dead-eyed, dead weight. Your life, your dreams. Your mind, your needs. My needs.”
Paul Revere
“One day I'm gonna cut it clear. Ride like Paul Revere, And when they ask me who I am. I'll just pretend I didn't hear.”
You’re Gonna Go Far
“So, pack up your car, put a hand on your heart, Say whatever you feel, be wherever you are. We ain't angry at you, love. You're the greatest thing we've lost. The birds will still sing, your folks will still fight, The boards will still creak, the leaves will still die. We ain't angry at you, love. We'll be waitin' for you, love.”
“And I'll tell her so she knows. That I'm broke, but I'm real rich in my head, That I broke a bone that never healed in my hand. So, when I hold her close, I might loosen my grip, But I won't ever let her go.”
Part of Me
“Even through the pain, I can't recall your face. Just the ache of knowing everything was gonna change. I got so close to love with you, my dear, But I don't miss you. I miss the way you made me feel.”
Hurt Somebody
“One day before you know it, you will see, All of the pain and all the irony, yeah. You'll feel the stinging and you'll think of me. ‘Cause it hurts when you hurt.”
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stainedglassthreads · 2 years
What are opinions on Toriel and Asgore immortality?
Just like in general? Or any specific facet of it?
From a worldbuilding standpoint, I tend to overthink it.
It has made me wonder a lot in the past what would happen if a boss monster has more than one child. Do boss monster children with lots of siblings end up having shorter lifespans compared to boss monsters who are only children? Or perhaps, like in some fics I've seen, only one child gets boss monster status. Or maybe any child a boss monster has becomes a boss monster, whether both parents are boss monsters or not? Were they already a dying race with slowly shortening lifespans by design, even before the war?
From how it effects them as characters, I think it's pretty interesting. I've seen Asriel's reset ability examined as a metaphor for grief and trauma, and Sans being stuck in resets and how it intersects with his depression. But I feel like Toriel and Asgore being stuck forever at the exact moment their son died also says something about grief and loss. Especially with how neither of them ever allow themselves to grow past that loss. Toriel keeps trying to adopt children and do it Right this time and keep them safe, but they keep leaving her, and she'll never watch them grow up, or grow old herself. Asgore is burdened with a war he no longer wants, and duties and responsibilities he cannot give up but which weigh on him more and more, but his people need him, and he can't step down, and he can't age so he doesn't need to retire.
Looking at it like that, their immortality is something pretty depressing because unless either has a new biological kid, taken at literal face value it means they can't heal and move on. And I'm not really a fan of readings where Marriage/Babies Fix Everything Ever. I'd like to think if I HAD to take away that reading, then the cause and effect are reversed. Having a kid means both are READY for that sort of responsibility again, be it together or with completely new partners.
I think it's also a good ending for them both to keep their immortality for as long as they want it, though. It's a very popular headcanon that Asgore was the king in Undertale's opening, and that both he and Toriel remember the war. It'd be really cool if they could bring it all full circle and, being some of the few survivors of the war, now see humans and monsters make peace again, and find peace themselves.
From an out-of-character perspective I'm pissed at how weird it makes Deltarune's timeline, and how it causes certain people in fandom to believe every single monster is immortal until they have kids, rather than just boss monsters.
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tigerlilycorinne · 6 months
Is It Bad If My Gums Bleed When I Floss? Review:
10/10!! Or: 5 stars out of 5!
(Yes, it is bad if your gums bleed when you floss.)
This poetry collection is utterly stunning. It gathers together so many ideas that I love to see written about (including but not limited to: the entanglement of love, desire, pain, grief, trauma and healing, and the tragedy of memory and lost youth) into one incredible, cohesive, and connected experience. It follows a dental student, Netty, through her life, from childhood crushes and naivete to sexual desire and sexual trauma, to a beautiful point even with this pain with the love of her life. It is a breathtaking experience, the kind of work you have to be curled up with, at a time and place where it’s possible for you to put it down and close your eyes and breathe deeply before you keep reading. It made me cry multiple times, at this intersection between recognition, tragedy, and joy. I’m happy for Netty and heartbroken for her and everything in between. These poems portray Netty’s humanity in such an intimate, honest, and internal way.
As someone who doesn’t read poetry that often, I was absolutely delighted to understand the narrative that runs through each poem: it is understandable, never confusing, and never so on the nose that it feels like spoon feeding. It gives so much meaning without getting tangled in cross-metaphor, it paints vivid emotion without becoming melodramatic, it draws striking images without getting stuck in descriptive tangent, and it is heartbreakingly earnest without ever crossing into cliche. Behind each pause, space, repeated phrase, and bolded letter is a careful intent—Blue is an artist creating the most authentic and meaningful art-experience with deliberation and rhythm; someone who knows how to best communicate experience in a way that’s both receivable and gut wrenching. Each poem feels essential to the work as a whole; the collection is infinitely more than the sum of its parts because each poem is so deeply interconnected with each other poem: Netty wouldn’t be the same without every single entry.
It is about so many things—exploration of the development of queer desire and comp-het, the way a trauma follows you and the strength it takes to live and love even if it cannot leave you, and, of course, teeth—but most of all it feels like a comprehensively tragic and hopeful collection about the heartbreaking process of growing up. It is steeped in grief for Netty herself. For the Netty before she learned the bad things of the world. It is full of sadness and still recognizes that everyone moves through this loss of innocence; everyone begins wishing their baby teeth meant something more to someone (“I guess I just wanted it to mean more to you / than it did.” (“2004”)) and ends up aware of the darker ideas surrounding keeping a child’s teeth (“I think I get it—what kind of / person / keeps a child’s teeth?” (“Daddy”)). Everyone makes mistakes, or gets taken advantage of, and finds a way to blame themselves, and everyone mourns and misses who they were before the pain. Ultimately, this poetry collection feels to me like an extensive, difficult, beautiful journey to find who Netty is not outside or minus her sadness and her self-grief, but who she is with it. It’s about finding love that doesn’t evoke gore and destruction.
Though it’s difficult to pick favorite poems in a collection that feels as if each poem is most valuable next to each other poem in the collection, I’d have to pick “Career Day,” “Adolescence,” “Anthropophagus,” “Apostrophe,” “Sticky,” “Butterbugs” “Coffee Stains,” and “Things That Don’t Mean Anything At All” (it should say something that I had to list THIS MANY favorite poems). Each made me take a breath before I kept reading. I’m absolutely in love with every one of them.
I love this dearly and I will never forget it.
If you want to pre-order it, go here
If you want to read its goodreads listing go here
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mattievictoria · 1 year
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In Najran province of Saudi Arabia, carved in sandstone at the peak of a 200-meter hill facing east, is a petroglyph of a female figure. A petroglyph of a Mother Goddess that when lit by the rising sun, can be seen for miles on end. Over 4,000 miles north from Najran province, on Salisbury Plains in Wiltshire, England, one can find the world-famous Stonehenge— a circle of megaliths thought to be everything from an astronomical clock to a place of healing. Rocks and minerals are all around us, a part of common, everyday life and for time immemorial, our ancestors have prescribed them significant meaning. Since picking up rockhounding during the Pandemic as a way to get outside and still practice social distancing, I’ve become more and more interested in rock folklore which each excursion I take into some defunct mine or rock outcropping. As an artist and life-long folklore and mythology enthusiast, I’ve noticed that when it comes to nature lore, people are, in general, more interested in the lore surrounding things like trees and flowers. While I do love plant lore, the past year or so has seen me diving into the myths associated with rocks, mines and caves. I knew I needed a space to prattle on about my deep-dives, and thus the idea to write this little article was born!
First and foremost, I have to talk about the vittror (plural form of the singular vittra) a type of vættr, or nature spirit, found throughout Scandinavian folklore. I love the stories of the vættr, one of my favorite aspects of the stories being that the vittror can be found living in rocks and trees, and have the ability to harm humans who trespass into their domain. A vittersten is the name given to a boulder or rock formation that a vittra has claimed as their home. All vittror live along leylines called vittervägar, and it’s said that at the points where these leylines intersect, the veil is thinner. Supernatural happenings are more likely to occur in these spots, as well as accidents, illnesses and even death. A vittersten may lie at the intersection of one of these supernatural crossroads, and if you find yourself at such a dubious place, well… you’d best be careful. If you disturb a rock or a tree that a vittra calls home, you may find yourself with a newly-fabricated curse placed upon your person. If you find that you feel a sudden wave of nausea, a chill, or any kind of discomfort, it means you have disturbed a vittra. The best way to remedy this is to apologize to the vittra that you have offended, or leave offerings. There are stories of entire construction projects being re-routed or stopped altogether because the development of that area upset the particular vittra living there. So be careful, because you may find yourself on a hike with the need to relieve yourself behind a rock formation for some privacy… perhaps you are accidentally befouling the site a vittersten!
Another one of the more fascinating stones that have a particular folklore attached to them is the adder stone. The adder stone is a small rock with a naturally occurring hole bored completely through the center. Adder stones have a glassy quality and are usually flint, though in ancient times they were thought to be created from snake saliva, hence their name. Pliny the Elder wrote that adder stones were important to druids, and even until recent times, the adder stone has held a great importance in the British Isles. In England, they’re called Hag Stones, and in Scotland, Mare-Stanes, because it was said that whoever possessed one of these supernatural stones was immune to visits from the Mare or Hag, a vicious being that was said to sit on its victims’ chests while they sleep, causing them to have nightmares. In Scotland, Mare-Stanes were often kept near beds to prevent such night terrors, but they would also be kept on an individual’s person. They had other uses, too, such as being tied up in barns to ensure that a pregnant cow births her calf safely. One interesting story is that of a particular Mare-Stane with two human teeth affixed in the center hole of the stone, bequeathed to a villager of Marykirk, Scotland by an old woman who used the stone as a nightmare deterrent for some 70 years.
If we take a step back from the folklore surrounding individual rocks, and into the place where rocks are taken from the earth, you’ll find that mines of all varieties have a plethora of legend and lore associated with them. Being from California, I have heard many a tale of haunted mines and ghostly prospectors. I have visited the outskirts of the now decommissioned Emma Mine in Acton, California (about 50 miles north of Downtown Los Angeles) and have become intrigued by stories of old and forlorn mines. My interest especially piqued a few months ago when I read a passage from a 1959 article titled Tales of the Supernatural by J. H. Adamson for the Western Folklore journal. There was a passage about a mining site in Utah in particular that caught my eye:
“In another instance, a place was discovered to be demonic, not because of ghostly inhabitants, but rather because of a vein of ore possessed the strange property of drawing all the strength out of the bodies of those who approached it, leaving them weak, helpless and unable to stand.”
Something I discovered during my research I had no idea was a thing (for lack of a better word), was the amount of religious shrines built at mines, mostly to mother goddess and earth goddess figures. This concept of miners descending into the earth’s womb to retrieve precious materials as a highly spiritual and sacred practice makes a lot of sense in hindsight when I thought more about it. In fact, The Egyptian word bi not only translates to mineshaft, but to uterus as well. This was a practice wide-spread throughout the ancient world. At an archeological site known as Wadi el-Hudi in Southern Egypt, there is an amethyst mine that dates back all the way to the Middle Kingdom, over 5,000 years ago from today. Stelaes have been found at Wadi el-Hudi that describe a temple to Hathor that was erected at the ancient mine, where the goddess was evoked to watch over those mining, working, and traveling in the desert. The stela calls her The Lady Of Amethyst, with one inscription stating:
“Give Offerings! Give offerings to the mistress of heaven! Pacify Hathor! If you do this, it will be useful for you, if you give more it will be profitable among you.”
Even in the modern era, shrines have been erected at mining sites. One can find shrines to the Virgin Mary at mines across North America, South America, Europe and South Africa. As recently as the 1980s, a 90-foot statue of the Virgin Mary known as “Our Lady of the Rockies” was built on the Continental Divide 3,000 miles above the mining city of Butte, Montana.
I mentioned earlier in this article that as a Califonian, I’ve heard many ghostly mining stories throughout my life. While we have a plethora of stories, like that of old Joe Simpson and the ghost town of Skidoo, one of my favorite haunted mine stories actually comes from North Carolina. Gold Hill Mines, just outside of Charlotte, is associated with a slew of stories about haunted mines and ghostly prospectors. One of the more ghastly stories is that of an unfortunate miner who possessed some poor judgment— and dynamite— that blew himself up— whether on accident or on purpose, no one knows for certain. Local legend states that you can still hear the phantom explosion, and see otherworldly body parts violently disperse in the air, and then mysteriously disappear. I’m not sure if such a miner actually existed or if this is all local folklore, but it makes for a horrifying —and morbidly fantastic— ghost story.
I do, however, very much want to include a local story. This local story is about a cursed cave. I’m no geologist, but I think it’s safe to say that caves are rock-adjacent. The Cave of Munits is a popular hiking and rock climbing spot in the western San Fernando Valley here in Los Angeles county, but not many people know the legend associated with it. Located 86 miles from the stunning Chumash cave paintings near Santa Barbara, the legend surrounding the Cave of Munits is a tale that has both Chumash and Tongva origins. Munits was a sorcerer that kidnapped and killed the beloved son of a powerful chief. Munits stole the boy away to his cave, while the boy’s tribe stood below the cliff and demanded that the sorcerer return their chief’s son to him. Munits, however, cried “You want your boy back? Well, here he is!” And tossed the chief’s son out of the cave, limb by limb. The powerful chief ordered the death of the sorcerer Munits, sending a hawk to viscerally tear open Munits’ distended stomach as he lay sleeping after gorging himself full on clovers. It is said that the bile that flowed from Munits’ stomach is the origin of bitter clover.
While there are many storied tales and established legends about rocks, mines, and caves, there also exist many amazing stories that regular, everyday people have to tell— myself included. When I shared the bit of lore about the “demonic” ore vein in Utah online, many people shared their own strange rock stories, which prompted me to reconsider some of my own. I’ve had some strange experiences rockhounding, including a strange, deeply emotional experience while rockhounding out in the desert at a site called Gem Hill that is very difficult to put into words. I’ve also found a Mylar balloon at my aforementioned trip to Emma Mine. The Mylar balloon thing is… another story all of its own, but the tl;dr version is that Mylar balloons are frequently associated with the paranormal, especially cryptids, and the area surrounding Emma Mine has reports of everything from Bigfoot to Dogmen.
This article may be coming to an end, but my personal research is far from over. I feel like the folklore and mythology of rocks is often overlooked and forgotten— which is a shame, in so many ways. From prehistoric megaliths, to ancient mining shrines, to the modern day resurgence of adder stones, rock lore has been with us from the very beginning. I hope that in the very least, I’ve piqued your interest… and hopefully cause you to have more than just a passing thought about the next rock you pick up off the ground!
Adamson, J. H. “Tales of the supernatural.” Western Folklore, vol. 18, no. 2, Apr. 1959, pp. 81–82, https://doi.org/10.2307/1496463.
The Ancient Southwest | Angeline Duran. “The Cave of Munits.” THE ANCIENT SOUTHWEST, 5 Aug. 2020, theancientsouthwest.com/2020/08/03/the-cave-of-munits/.
Earl of Ducie. “Exhibition of three ‘Mare-stanes,’ or ‘hag-stones.’” The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. 17, 1888, p. 134, https://doi.org/10.2307/2841595.
Espinel, Andrés D. “A newly identified stela from Wadi el-Hudi (Cairo JE 86119).” The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, vol. 91, no. 1, Dec. 2005, pp. 55–70, https://doi.org/10.1177/030751330509100104.
Goad, Mattie, and Eli Smith. “Conversations With Eli .” 6 Mar. 2019.
Jarvis, Robin. “The Old Mining Town in Gold Hill, North Carolina, Is Allegedly Haunted with Greedy Ghosts.” OnlyInYourState®, 13 Jan. 2018, www.onlyinyourstate.com/north-carolina/historic-gold-hill-nc/.
Johnson, John R. “The Indians of Mission San Fernando.” Southern California Quarterly, vol. 79, no. 3, Oct. 1997, pp. 249–290, https://doi.org/10.2307/41172612.
Judah, Hettie. Lapidarium: The Secret Lives of Stones. Penguin Books, an Imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, 2023.
Khan, Majeed. “The Rock Art of Saudi Arabia.” Bradshaw Foundation, Bradshaw Foundation, bradshawfoundation.com/middle_east/saudi_arabia_rock_art/index.php. Accessed 19 Aug. 2022.
Roud, Steve. The Penguin Guide to the Superstitions of Britain and Ireland. Penguin Books, 2006.
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shoshotodo · 1 year
Healing Light |1|
Word Count:  2,551
Warnings: mentions of blood; mentions of near death
Summary:  Iyashi Akari has been hiding a rare quirk almost all her life, but when an absolute idiot decides to play in traffic, she can’t just stand by and watch.
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I never expected my day to turn out like this. I never expected to wake up in the hospital with the principal of a school I'd only ever dreamt of attending and some guy who looked like he'd rather be in bed than here, standing over my bed talking to my incredibly stressed-out mother. My name is Iyashi Akari, and until recently, I was just an average junior high student.
My day started out normally; I woke up on time, had an uneventful day at school, and started walking to the train station the same way I always did. What was different, was the group of boys from the school nearby. They pushed and shoved each other and laughed so loudly and obnoxiously that I had to put my headphones in to avoid listening to them, and not even 5 minutes later, I could hear them screaming over my music! I irritatedly removed my earbuds to remind them they should respect the people around them more when I realized it wasn't even them screaming. In fact, they seemed to be frozen, staring intensely at the intersection in front of them. And when I turned, I saw him. 
Someone, likely one of the kids from the group next to me judging by his uniform, had stepped into traffic and gotten hit by a truck. He was bleeding so heavily that the blood was already pooling around him. I could hear people screaming for an ambulance and for the rest of the traffic to stop. And without thinking, I dropped my phone, backpack, and everything I was holding and ran to the boy bleeding out in the middle of the road. I placed my hands on his unmoving chest and activated my quirk, emitting a blinding bright light. And when the light faded, the last thing I saw was the slow movement of his chest; the last thing I felt was the stickiness of blood between my fingers, and then everything went black.
⠍⠽ ⠝⠼⠁⠍⠼⠑ ⠼⠊⠎ ⠠⠊⠽⠼⠁⠎⠼⠓⠼⠊ ⠼⠁⠅⠼⠁⠗⠼⠊
The next time I awoke, I saw a white ceiling and bright lights above me. I could feel someone gripping my hand a bit too tightly. And I heard two voices I didn't recognize and one I did. Slowly looking to my left, I saw my mother sitting beside me, holding my hand, looking more stressed and worried than I'd ever seen her.
"Mom?" I spoke, my throat dry and raspy.
My mother gripped my hand even tighter. 
"You're awake. How do you feel?" she asked, searching my face.
I chose not to answer her, instead gradually sitting up, holding my hand to my head in pain. Only to be met with a man in a suit with disheveled beige hair and dark eyes who looked like he hadn't slept in years and a white rat — if you could call him that— Standing at the edge of my hospital bed. I looked at my mother in confusion.
My mother cleared her throat, "This is—"
"My name is Nezu," the rat, Nezu, cut my mother off, "I'm the principal of Yuuei, and this is Yokumiru Mera. He works with the hero public safety commission." He gestured to the man standing next to him. 
"We're here because we saw the viral video of you saving that young man a couple of days ago," Yokumiru spoke sleepily. "We believe that due to the rarity of your quirk, you may be a good fit to become a student at Yuuei and begin training to become a hero."
I stared blankly at him momentarily before speaking, "What do you mean days ago? And what video?" 
"You had been unconscious for about two days." Mom spoke softly as she pulled out her phone, "And as for the video…." She showed me her phone screen, and I watched the young boy I saved carelessly walk into the street. Whoever was holding the phone turned just as a loud crash sounded. After a moment of viewing the sidewalk, the camera was turned back just as a blinding light consumed the surrounding area. The light died down just in time to see me collapse in the street. 
I looked at my mother in shock, "And that got posted online… and did you say it went viral? Is that boy ok?" I said in a rush.
"He's fine, thanks to you," Nezu replied.
"And let me get this straight, now you want to invite me to join Yuuei and train to be a hero? I don't have a quirk particularly well suited for heroing. I've never been taught how to fight either, so I'd be much further behind than my classmates, and besides, I've heard that the practical exam for the hero course at Yuuei is notoriously difficult. I don't see how I'd manage to pass it." I rambled.
"Well, you wouldn't be training the same way as the rest of your classmates, for one thing. You'd mostly be training under the healing hero Recovery Girl. Along with getting combat training from your other teachers. I won't say that it's going to be easy for you by any means, but it'll be worth it in the end." Nezu explained.
"And," Yokumiru yawned, "the commission and the board in charge of Yuuei agreed to bypass the practical exams for you, so as long as you pass the written exam -- which, given your grade history, I don't doubt you that you will-- you'll be officially accepted."
"We were told that Akari should hide her quirk," Mom started, unsure, "because of the likelihood that villains would target her. But now you expect us to willingly sign her up for a school that publicly displays its students and their quirks for the world to see. All that will do is ensure that villains will come for her!"
Nezu just smiled sadly. "I'm afraid in reality it’s the contrary. Due to the video of her healing the young man going viral, now there's nothing you or your daughter can do to stop villains from coming after her. If she enrolls in Yuuei, she will at the least be trained to defend herself and anyone else who may get caught up in the crossfire." 
My mother took a sharp breath before whispering, "I see."
Nezu turned back to me, "So Akari, after hearing all we had to say, what do you think? Will you attend Yuuei, study under Recovery Girl, and train to become a hero?"
I never thought I'd become anything of significance. I was taught not to use my quirk, to hide away. In fact, I'm sure that if my mother had her way, I wouldn't have saved that kid. I'd have waited for the ambulance like everyone else... I'd have pretended not to have the ability to save him. I certainly wouldn’t become a pro hero. She'd have me do something more "practical" like her. But…I've always wanted to help people, to take away their pain and give them a sense of relief. So to be given this opportunity? A chance to do what I've always dreamt of? Under Recovery girl of all people?? I couldn't pass this up if I tried. 
I let my mother's hand go, stared Nezu directly in the eyes, and spoke with as much determination as I could muster, "I'll do it." 
Nezu smiled, and Yokumiru sighed, "Now that that's out of the way," he began, already turning to leave, "I suppose we ought to go and allow the doctors to do their jobs. We'll make sure to send you all of the relevant details. All you need to do is pass the written exam next month, and you'll be good to go."
"I look forward to seeing you at my school," Nezu spoke as he walked out the door.
I looked at my mother, “Where’s dad?”
"He had to go to the clinic today. He’ll be here later to take us home… but Akari, you know you don't have to do this," she said lowly. "I'm sure they'll understand if you choose not to go through with it. We can call them back and tell them you thought about it some more." 
I shook my head, "I want to do this, Mom. I want to use my quirk and help save people." 
Before she could respond (and likely try to convince me to change my mind), there was a soft knock at the door, and in came the Doctor. 
"It's nice to see you awake, Miss Iyashi. I'm Doctor Hiyama, and I suppose I should be saying thank you," he said, "thanks to you and your quirk, the young man you helped is very much alive."
I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly, "I doubt it's all because of me. I mean, the paramedics and the doctors in the hospital must've fixed what I couldn't." 
"No, the young man was uninjured by the time the paramedics got to him. We sent him home the same day. And given how extensive his injuries seem in the video..." he stopped himself before continuing, "As for you, you were brought in to check your vitals and ensure everything was alright. After an examination, we concluded that your quirk had simply drained your energy, and your body just needed fluids and rest. You should be good to go home by the end of the day today should no other symptoms arise."
"Thank you, Doctor." my mother spoke, nodding.
“You’re more than welcome,” Doctor Hiyama replied
The moment the doctor had left the room, Mom turned to face me again.
“Akari, you shouldn’t have–”  she started before another knock at the door interrupted her. I (thankful for the interruption) called out for whoever was knocking to come in. The kid I saved, who, now that I’m getting a good look at him –not covered in blood or almost dead– doesn’t look much younger than me, walked in and immediately bowed.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you,” he quickly spoke, “ but my name is Orokana Kodomo, and I need to thank you for saving my life. If you hadn’t healed me when you did, I would’ve died. So thank you!” 
“Really, there’s no need to thank me,” I responded, “I just did what anyone with my quirk would do. I didn’t even think about it.” 
“Still! If it weren’t for you, I’d be dead. I’m forever in your debt!” he said, straightening himself so he stood at his full height.
“No need for that! All I want in return is for you to avoid stepping in front of moving vehicles from now on.” I stated quickly, waving my hand in front of me.
“Heh, yeah. I think I’ve had enough of that to last me the rest of my life.” He mumbled sheepishly. “I shouldn’t take up any more of your time. Thank you again for everything.” 
⠠⠁⠝⠼⠙ ⠼⠊⠍ ⠼⠛⠕⠼⠊⠝⠼⠛ ⠞⠕ ⠼⠃⠼⠑ ⠼⠁ ⠼⠓⠼⠑⠗⠕
Later that day, I was discharged from the hospital and sent home. When we got in my father’s car, Mom finally said what she’d been trying to say since I woke up this morning.
“Akari,” she started, “ You shouldn’t have rushed in to heal that boy like that. You should’ve let the paramedics do their job. All you did was place yourself in unnecessary danger. What would you have done if, the moment that video was posted, villains came for you? If you were attacked right this instant and kidnapped. Would they be gentle as they force you to use your quirk whenever they thought it fit? I-”
“I can’t sit there and watch someone die just to protect myself!”
“It’s possible that he would’ve survived regardless! The paramedics–” 
“Would’ve been too late! I’m sorry for worrying you, Mom, really I am. But I could never live with myself if I had stood there and watched him die!” I said firmly. 
My father, who’d remained quiet as he drove, finally spoke, “Honey, you couldn’t have honestly expected her to not do anything in that situation.“
My mother sat back in her seat in defeat. “Of course not, but… I don’t want her to endanger herself just to save someone she doesn’t even know. What if that had been a villain in disguise waiting for someone with a healing quirk to come save them so they could kidnap them!”
Dad sighed exasperatedly. “See, now you’re going too far. Everything is going to work out fine. Hey, maybe you’ll be making her merch someday!” 
Mom didn’t respond.
⠠⠚⠥⠎⠞ ⠽⠕⠥ ⠺⠼⠁⠞⠼⠉⠼⠓ ⠠⠊⠇⠇ ⠼⠃⠼⠑ ⠎⠞⠗⠕⠝⠼⠛
The following month was honestly a whirlwind. It felt like everyone in Japan had seen that video. Everywhere I went, I could hear people whispering about me. Suddenly, I became one of the popular kids at school instead of the one no one spoke to unless they had to. I spent most of my free time outside of school studying and looking for excuses to use my quirk. After some testing, I realized it’s much easier for me to heal someone when I eat healthily and sleep at least 8 hours a night. I won’t lie and say I enjoyed switching all my sweets for healthier alternatives. Mom has been trying to pretend like she’s OK with everything, but I can tell she’s still upset about the idea of me becoming a hero. I guess I’ll just have to show her everything will be fine in time.
When it finally came time to take the written exam, I was more nervous than I had ever been. Even afterward, I felt like I couldn’t remember a single answer. It was like everything I had ever been taught was just gone. I was almost certain that when my letter from Yuuei finally arrived, it would just be them telling me I must’ve been the stupidest 14-year-old they’d ever seen and I shouldn’t be able to function. In fact, I was so sure that I had failed that when my father came home holding the letter, I couldn’t even feel a little excited. Muttering a small thank you, I took the letter out of his hands, entered my room, and locked the door behind me. I slowly peeled the seal off and watched in surprise as a small metal disk fell out and hit the floor. A video started projecting just as I leaned down to pick it up. 
“Hello! I am here as a projection!” a voice loudly said.
“All Might?” I questioned as I slowly sat on the floor, staring at his face intently.
“ First of all, you passed the written exam with flying colors! Great job! You didn’t get a single question wrong! And on top of that, you showed a tremendous amount of heroism when you rushed to save that boy, so allow me to be the first, Iyashi Akari, to welcome you to Yuuei! I can’t wait to be a part of your journey to becoming a pro!”
The video shut off and left me sitting on my bedroom floor in stunned silence. I looked inside the envelope I was still holding and pulled out the letter inside. I quietly read through it and heard a knock at my door.
“Akari?” I heard my father say, “Have you opened it yet? What’d it say?” 
I stood up, opened the door, and held my acceptance letter up for my father.
“I got in. I’m going to Yuuei.”  
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projectbluearcadia · 1 year
Don't Get In Trouble, He Said.
[ Partial Season 1 Obey Me! Spoilers
Reader Discretion Advised. ]
Lucifer: I would genuinely love to stay longer, but unfortunately, we have a prior engagement with my siblings. 
Dad: Dinnae fash yersel. 
Annelie: He means don’t worry about it. 
Lucifer: I understood him just fine. 
Annelie: What? Really?
Lucifer: Naturally. 
Mom: You’re going, but you will call us this time, right? Just because we don’t live with you anymore doesn’t mean we don’t want to hear from you. 
Annelie pauses for a long, uncomfortable moment. 
Lucifer: Yes. We will. 
Lucifer discreetly squeezes Annelie’s hand. 
Mom: I wasn’t asking you.  
Annelie: ...yeah. I’ll call. 
Annelie and Lucifer make their way outside, giving a final wave to her parents before shutting the door. 
Lucifer: I suppose I’ll have to lecture you on the way to Nocta Luna. 
Annelie: ...you’re really dead-set on that. 
Lucifer: Annelie, of course I am. It’s upsetting enough that you think I don’t enjoy your company without you thinking so little of yourself. 
Annelie: It’s not that I don’t think you enjoy my company, but... 
Lucifer: But what? 
Annelie: ...
Lucifer: Do I need to tell you I love you more? Take you out on more dates? Kiss you thirty times a day? Just tell me, Annelie; what do I have to do to make you believe that I love you?
Annelie: I...
Both Annelie’s and Lucifer’s D.D.D.’s start ringing, and they look at each other for a long moment before Annelie picks up first. 
Annelie: Levi, why’d you call me?
Levi: Because Lucifer wouldn’t take my call. 
Annelie: What happened? You sound pretty freaked out.
Lucifer finally answers his own D.D.D. as Annelie starts wandering off. 
Beel: Lucifer?! Lucifer, are you there?! 
Lucifer: Beel? Are you running?
Beel: Yeah! I just got a call from Levi! 
Lucifer shoots a glance at Annelie, even as she looks at Lucifer with fear written on her face.
Lucifer: ...what happened?
Beel: I don’t know the details, but Belphie’s going crazy. I think he might have killed someone.
Lucifer: Where is this?
Beel: Um... Sesame Street. Somewhere on Sesame Street. 
Lucifer: I’ll be right there. Annelie, wait here.
Annelie: Hell no!
Annelie jumps onto Lucifer’s back just as he unfurls his wings. 
Lucifer: Annelie!
Annelie: What, can’t you carry me, you big baby?! Hurry up!
Lucifer growls as he fails to dislodge Annelie from his back and teleports with her to an intersection they passed earlier, right next to a sign reading SESAME STREET. 
Levi: I can see you guys! Make a right—Beel’s trying to restrain Belphie right n—SHIT!
A crash crackles through the D.D.D. and the call ends. The sky quickly grows darker in the direction Levi mentioned, a thick purple smoke coiling into a monstrous bear with markings like splattered ink. It bellows, sending a shockwave into the air, and Annelie winces.
Annelie: I don’t hear people screaming. 
Lucifer: ...they’re most likely dead. 
Annelie pauses.
Annelie: ...Lucifer... what’s going on with Belphie? I didn’t ask before because it didn’t seem like you wanted to say anything in front of the others, but...
Lucifer doesn’t respond for several long moments. 
Lucifer: He still hates humans; that wasn’t going to heal just because he gave me his word. I should have known better than to trust him. I should have known better, dammit. 
Blue magic spiderwebs around Lucifer’s body, forming complicated symbols and sigils.
He’s shaking. Every muscle in his body... everything is tense. And that tone in his voice... he’s hiding it really well, but... He’s scared. No, he’s terrified.
Annelie grasps his shoulders tighter. 
Now would be a really good time for me to have some sort of great demon awakening and find out that succubi are really awesome at stopping fights. But since that’s wishful thinking, how the hell do I help? I need to do something. Anything. Isn’t there something?
Annelie: Lucifer. Lucifer. 
He can’t hear me. And with a sight like that... I can’t blame him.
In the center of a cracking parking lot, Belphegor stands in his demon form. People lay scattered on the ground like dolls, car horns blaring through the area from heavy heads leaning into steering wheels. In the distance, Satan is busy dragging people out of destroyed cars with a combination of magic and brute force. 
Diavolo won't let this go if he hears about it. Which means I need to get back to the Devildom before he does.
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