#healing quirk
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jinxysims · 1 year ago
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🩷🩹Sayaka Shinohara🩹🩷
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ktkat99 · 8 months ago
Slightly Crack Batfam AU
Duke, shortly after being adopted, finds an old demon summoning circle burned into the floor under a rug in one of the rooms.
That, combined with some of the literature he finds laying around, leads him to conclude that someone in his new family is secretly a demon and he starts trying to figure out who.
Could it be Bruce, the literal demon of the night?
Dick, who bends and flips effortlessly in ways no normal human could?
Jason seems the most likely, as he climbed out of his own grave, but to be fair, he'd never actually seen Tim sleep.
And then there was Damian.
He never would have guessed that the demon is actually Alfred, summoned by a desperate, distraught Bruce the night of his parents' deaths.
Originally, their deal was just for Alfred to help Bruce get his revenge.
The reason he stuck around, though?
He realized he needed to make sure that Bruce and his collection of equally crazy orphans stayed OUT of the afterlife (and therefore AWAY from the throne of hell, which he has no doubt someone would eventually take) and decided to stay on as their oddly perfect butler.
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villainsandvictimsalliance · 4 months ago
Who's going to write that fic where Kurogiri secretly survived and timed himself to take Tomura somewhere else so everyone would think he was dead.
And then they went for Toga, because everyone would also believe she was dead.
And years later they went for Touya after a lot of planning on how to make his dead convincing.
So now they're all living in some mountain, trying to figure out how and when to take Compress and Spinner with them.
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neolxzr · 1 month ago
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if your rivalry lasts longer than 7 years you are no longer just rivals. you are gay
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kl3ptopia · 1 month ago
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Old repost
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shiho7567 · 6 months ago
DP x BNHA Prompt
I've read many fanfics where danny comes into the bnha dimension and encounters aizawa and he adopts him (his erasure works on his ghost power, etc.) now that gave me an idea
danny phantom and bnha is in the same universe
and america has different rules, lets say people can get certificates to use their quirks for their jobs and the fenton's make their children get the certificates to help them in the lab
danny had cryokinesis until his accident when he was like 10/11, then he got his ghost powers ad ghost half, this fused with his quirk and keeps him alive
jazz has some emotional based quirk like emotional construct, like her emotions dictate what she can do, due to the ecto-contamination she can also communicate/influence ghosts
the main reason i had this idea was with aizawa uses his powers on danny in ghost form, danny flops down and dies, aizawa must live with having killed a kid
i have already written a start
After finishing her first semester in University Jazz decided to return home for a surprise visit to her family in Amity Park. It has been a few days since Danny contacted her and she was a little bit worried, but if something bad had happened he would have told her.
After parking her car in front of the building FentonWorks, she made her way inside. What stroke her as strange was that no one was in sight. She could not even feel the ghosts that would normally enter her sights.
That should have been the first red flag, that something wrong was going on.
Having figured that her brother was probably out with his friends and her parents downstairs in their lab, she decided to go see her parents first.
What she saw when she arrived at the lab was something she never would have imagined ever seeing. There in front of her were both her parents in full on safety gear and their hazmat suits, hunched over a metal table in the middle in the room. On the table strapped down was her little brother with a hoarse voice, no doubt from crying loudly for hours, silently begging them to stop that he was still alive. Only seconds after the door closed behind her did she see what was really happening her parents had their hands in her brother open chest. They must have touched something extremely vulnerable as her brother gasp sharply and his head turned to the side, seeing her. Jazz could see his eyes that were almost completely dull from hopelessness and terror, fill with tears and hope upon landing on her, her figure reflecting in his eyes.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 8 months ago
“Father,” Izuku says. The man looks down his nose at him. Flames curl around the man’s face and make Izuku shiver slightly. Fire is life and death. Fire is home.
It does not belong on Zeus’s face.
“Persephone,” Todoroki Enji, Endeavour and Zeus says.
“Izuku,” He corrects. Zeus scoffs.
“If I must.” He looks Izuku over with a calculating eye. “You are female?”
“I’m a boy.” Izuku replies dryly. Zeus rolls his eyes. Of course the man cares little for politeness. He was like that. “But yes I have a womb. And no I will NOT marry whichever person you have in mind. I wait for Hades.”
“The man who kidnapped you.” Zeus sneers.
“How did you get Hera as a wife again?” Izuku asks mockingly. Zeus gives him a nasty look and Izuku shrugs. If Zeus wishes to apply modern morality on what ocurred centuries ago he will do the same. And Zeus’s crimes outnumber Hades by the millions.
“My son Shouto would do well with a wife like you.” Zeus grunts. Izuku rolls his eyes.
“I have no interest. Hades is my husband. I chose him long ago and I’ll choose him now.”
“Your mother still thinks he tricked you.” Muses Zeus. Izuku snorts.
“What Demeter thinks is of little concern to me.”
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mikeellee · 5 months ago
I'm not even the biggest fan of Dabi in terms of looks, but always found very weird how the anime constantly makes him look way more defined and with bigger muscles than he has in the manga.
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Isn't a bit contradictory for his character to look super ripped? Horikoshi clearly drawn Dabi in that specific way because the story makes emphasis on his body being more frail due having a weak constitution, also contrasting him to the rest of mens in the family who got the big and strong constitution of Enji, Natsuo especially. The anime just lose all the meaning behind that.
And this is more of a personal preference but I find Dabi's body in the manga to look much more attractive and less generic than in the anime. Skinny guys can look attractive as well.
Hi @nyc3
Thanks for the ask bc it's so fitting as I was thinking about how the fandom sees dabi and mr. Possum.
Let me start with this. Have you seen how in the Tumblr the tags of dabi x reader and shig x reader there a HUGE contrast in quality? Shig is depicted as a creepy and weirdo incel while Dabi IS "I'LL STEAL YOUR WIFE😏"
now on a controversial take. I do like the idea of dabi losing his scars. Why? Would increase his quality of life...I find odd how everyone in LoV accepts Dr. Evil's word and never try to take a second opinion. Also, without the scars Dabi would look way more like Endy making his claim be more powerful.
(not a fan of erasing Shig's scars nor the "crusty" jokes. Shig is handsome with his scars)
Now onto your ask: I think Bones just like to make characters hot in a conventional way, JJK men got to be hotter than the manga. But I do notice how bones lacks in translate the manga to anime. Some of the scenes of the manga were done so dirty.
Dabi became hotter aka buffer bc of this. Btw, many dabi x reader like to make the reader have a healing quirk (it should be a trope by now) just so it can heal dabi...which no one account that dabi IS self destructive, a healing quirk is nice but he would do again...unless he changes his mindset (I'm trying to explore this in my fic called besties)
Ask yourself: did shig NEEDED to be buffaraki? Was afo the quirk really need you to be buff?
(was necessary for Izu to gain muscles? Maybe, maybe not)
So to answer: Dabi is attractive in any shape. His writing trumps over shig any day even if shig IS more attractive than Dabi.
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dreams-of-beloveds · 3 months ago
have i ever mentioned how much i love aus that give izuku a completely different quirk to what is canon? i’ve come across a few like mindhack, screech, healing, etc. and while my most favourite had always been mindhack because “tell me when you’re drowning” is an absolutely fucking fantastically written fic that will always have a special place in my heart; i have also lately taken an interest to winged izuku aus.
i don’t know, i finished reading “screech” last night after seeing it recommended on a tiktok comment (and frankly izuku looked gorgeous with fluffy, green wings) and it intrigued me so much, that i ended up spiralling for other fics but there’s only a HANDFUL OF COMPLETED ONES??? which is depressing
like what do you mean i cant read about izuku’s in-depth friendship with tsukoyomi when ive always wanted to see how him and izuku would get along after that whole ordeal of tsukoyomi getting shocked at izuku’s utter fascination about dark shadow? what do you mean i cant look into hawks taking izuku under his wing along with tsukoyomi and their bond with keigo growing into brotherhood and its the cutest thing to see keigo so protective of his “avian” brothers? and frankly these fics often come with dadzawa and dadmic which i LOVE. even more. sometimes shinsou/eri is their already adopted child, and izuku joins later to understand what a real family is supposed to look like, how a real family’s love is supposed to feel like and it all feels so fuzzy and warm and ugh.
i just need more winged izuku man is that so much to ask for? come on 🥲
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randomveyn · 9 months ago
imagine being recovery girl's grandchildren with the same quirk (works the same way too) so you can kiss them all u want now 😘
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haine-kleine · 8 months ago
don't mind my self indulgence but uhh Touya being healed with the combination of rapidly evolving technology, healing quirks and Endeavor's funding to the point it's like the fire on Sekoto never happened. he looks in the mirror and doesn't recognize the person that looks back at him. the burns were such an intrinsic part of him, even before he became Dabi, even before he woke up sixteen years old with stitches all over his face, back when he was a child and trained his fire with the parts of his body that he he could easily hide under his clothes.
it's nothing like when he woke up from the coma and looked in the mirror for the first time, seeing something his mind struggled to comprehend as himself, the too-old boy with desperation in his eyes and a garish smile cut directly into his face belonging in his worst nightmare that has come true. accepting it back then was easy, the wretched feeling of brokenness following his every footstep since he was four years old. the outside matching his insides was a relief, in a twisted way, as much as it hurt to imagine his family looking at him and not recognizing Touya, as sorrowful as it was to live through that fantasy.
this- just feels wrong. he doesn't see himself in this new, unfamiliar face. what he sees is rather a mosaic of his family's features: his mother's soft white hair, his father's eyes, Fuyumi's eyelashes and Natsuo's stubborn eyebrows. the combination of so familiar but foreign features combined into a mask that was plastered on his own ruined face.
he hated that forlorn looking boy's picture sitting on his altar and he hated thinking that that's how his family remembered him. it's the very same boy's older face that he sees in the mirror.
Touya was never this pitiful, desolate boy. he was always burning, even when the others couldn't see it. being stuck with this hurts worse than being faced with the consequences of his reckless self-abandoning training.
and worst of all, he knows that if he ever starts using his quirk, the cremation process will start all over again.
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quirkwizard · 3 days ago
Surprised it's gone unasked, but how about Half Cold Half Hot and Heal?
New Quirks Name: Heal and Harm
This Emitter type Quirk allows the user to fire off red and white globes of energy from their body up to a five meter range around them. Whenever the user hits someone with the white energy, it will begin to heal their body of injuries. The user can then redistribute this damage via the red energy. This is a potent effect, able to heal cuts, bruises, and even broken bones, making it seem as if the target was never injured. The user can hold injuries in their body for a time and send them back out later. The user is always aware of what is being stored in their body and can pick out specific ones to set out. This gives the user a good mix of combat and support options, able to keep their allies safe while dealing damage to their enemies. They can help allies after a fight, overwhelm foes with wounds, heal people faster then they can take damage, strategically cripple parts of an opponent's body, or just get revenge for their allies. Though using this Quirk too much does take a toll on the user's body, especially as the user tries to hold in injuries. At first, it will take the user's stamina, making them exhausted much faster. Then it begin to hurt the user's body, the injuries starting to appear unless they get rid of them. The user cannot heal themselves with the Quirk and can only apply it to others.
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agent-gladhand · 1 year ago
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Somehow almost forgot I'd finished this, but I made a somewhat proper reference sheet for the lad! This was mainly for my own reference but might as well post it!
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menacetosocietyy · 2 years ago
Mr. Compress is alive idc. No one is allowed to just die after being that fucking cool and honourable.
He's alive and he's sexy.
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threepandas · 9 months ago
Hate Like Ours: Yandere Dabi
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You couldn't rest until he was DEAD.
No matter how much it hurt. And God, did it HURT. Every moment, every DAY. A fucking reminder of what that BASTARD had DONE to you. Your fucking so called Father.
Ha! What a joke.
A so called Heroooo~☆! Moral and true! He would NEVER abuse his own KID! NEVER abuse the power he held over them for his own GAIN! Don't be SILLY, sweetie! You're just GRUMPY. Like a FUCKING TODDLER. Now do as you're told and DIE FOR US!
You'll kill him.
You'll KILL HIM!
If it's the last thing you ever do.
No matter the pain. The failing lungs. The brittle bones and bruising skin. The agony of each fucking step. You'll hunt him down. Show him EXACTLY what sort of monster he's made. He RUINED you. Took EVERYTHING! You were just a KID! A KID!! And he USED YOU.
Whored out your Quirk until there was nothing let to give!
Thought he could dump you in some hospital to DIE like a dirty little secret! As though you'd be a good little girl and take his crimes to the grave for him! Fuck that. Fuck HIM and everyone who KNEW something was wrong, KNEW something didn't add up, and looked the fucking other way!
Fuck so called Heros.
Everyone thinks healing quirks are some magical god damned gift from god. The ticket to a better life. A guaranteed life of doting and being catered too. HA! Ha ha HA HA HA!!!
Try endless emotional manipulation! You don't want this person to DIE do you? It would be YOUR FAULT! You just have to try a little bit longer! I know you feel sick, honey, but look how much PAIN they're in! Don't be SELFISH. Just one more.
Oh! And let's not forget the SOURCE. Where do you think all that fuel COMES FROM? Not every Quirk is like Recovery Girl's! Hell, she's an OUTLIER! It's why she's FUCKING FAMOUS! She can heal and heal and HEAL for DAYS. Other people? Have to STOP.
Or they'll DIE.
But tell that to DEAR OL DAD! Did HE care? No! He got the golden goose, then abused it til it DROPPED! It's FINE! He'll just pump another one out of his wife! To HELL with what he's done!
Your Quirk ATE YOU ALIVE. He KNEW it was doing it. In bits and pieces, your stamina, your strength, your muscles and organs. Past the point of no return. Past the point any amount of rest could FIX. But, HEY! At least he got his little promotion in the ranks! At least HE benefits!
You'll kill him.
As you slowly, painfully, put one foot infront of another. That's what keeps you going. You're going to KILL him. No matter what it takes. All you need to do... ALL YOU NEED TO DO! Is get him immobile long enough to RIP the life out of HIM.
Because, oooooh ho ho! That's RIGHT! Hospital beds and agony gave you time to THINK. If you can PUSH? Surely you can PULL right? Pull and pull and PULL all that health away? Take BACK what was stolen? He should PAY. He's GONNA pay.
They ALL will.
There! After walking for so long. Plotting for so long. The BASTARD. Getting chummy with Endeavor. Ha ha! Trash really does call to trash, huh? He never could resist ass kissing. Pity he doesn't have his pet healer to whore out anymore.
It's time.
The grin on your face, trapped beneath your oxygen mask, must be something ugly and terrible to behold. You feel insane. The world sharp. The crowd between you and him immaterial. You'll take them too! Take ALL OF IT! Ha ha! Why not?! All you need to do is-!
An almost burning hot hand grabs the back of your stolen hoodie and yanks, hard. You go crashing back and to the ground in a clatter of oxygen tank, cords, and quickly bruising limbs. You sprained something. You can FEEL it. Possibly cracked bone. The pain is so much worse.
You wheeze, barely manage to roll over to face your attacker.
Burned skin and burning eyes. Staples barely holding beautiful ruin together. Grin? Or baring teeth? He crouchs, looming, his eyes too intent as he informs you that Endeavor is HIS. You were stepping on toes. Ah. Got it.
You tell him that you want Regenerate. Not Endeavor. Apologize for the mix up, you didn't know if there was like... a formal way to declare that, oooor...
He laughs. Then asks the million yen question. How are you going to kill Regenerate, busted up as you are? You're kinda miffed. You WERE going to walk up and suprise attack him. Maybe use the crowd as a boost. But now? You'll be lucky to stand under your own power. Asshole.
He prods you for answers. You're kinda trapped on the disgusting ground, so like? Why the fuck not? Might as well. Your health was transferred away. You got used as fuel. Regenerate is your bastard of a sperm donor and you plan to deliver unto him, what he did to YOU. But you have to be able to MOVE for that.
The burned man above you tilts his head in consideration. Leans back, looking around, before rising to his feet. With a smirk, he tell you not to go anywhere.
Ooooh fuuuuuck YOU!
He knows DAMN well you can't move! Well, maybe crawl. But you're not there YET. You ARE curious to see what Hot N Staple-y has planned though...
He comes back. Dragging an unconscious Sidekick.
.......okay that's kinda hot. He then OFFERS you the unconscious Sidekick. Which? You take it back. REALLY hot. You manage to move your arm. Slap your hand against the fucker's face. Aaaand? Just like you practiced....?
Like kitten fluff against the soul. Warm soup on a cold day. Relief. Pain stopping and aches you've leaned to live with, ending. You can MOVE. You... God, you could CRY. You sit up. It... for the first time in MONTHS, it's EASY.
You're not sure what expression your making. But you don't care. You thank the burn guy. Genuinely. He seems to get it. Tells you his name.
He seems to think you'll be seeing more if each other. And..? Yeah. Yeah you can see that. You'd work well together. Heck, with enough Health? You could probably do something about those burns. Might be nice. Teaming up. He seems pretty level headed, experienced. Maybe he could show you the ropes.
We could get our revenge.
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thief-of-eggs · 1 year ago
As much as I love writing Good Dad Bruce ™ , I think the whole point of Bad Dad Bruce ™ is just that… he was never meant to be a parent. It wasn’t in his blood, wasn’t in his nature. And sure, he’s a good person- he has morals and he always tries his best, always strives to walk on the side of justice. But at his core, after everything he’s been through- he’s just not cut out to be a father. And it’s evident in every mistake he makes with his kids. Him being a perfect father after everything he’d gone through, after everything he still goes through, after everything he puts himself through… it just wouldn’t be logical.
That being said- I will always prefer to read and write Good Dad Bruce, if only bc it’s all fiction anyway, and I want me some found family <3
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