#the inner fight
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startrekuniverse · 2 months ago
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4x09 || 5x10
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rosalie-starfall · 1 year ago
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Bradward Boimler
Star Trek: Lower Decks - The Inner Fight
Seriously I am Boimler! I've been saying it since season 1. I am more like Boimler than any other Trek character in the Trek Universe and I Love him!
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old-type-40 · 1 year ago
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"I just want to be an ensign. If it was good enough for Sito then it's good enough for me."
Poor Mariner. Maybe if it had only been the loss of Sito or only experiencing the Dominion War, she might have eventually come to terms with the trauma. But with both together, there was no escape.
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pixelwixard · 1 year ago
"Those Noble Tremble Lizards," a GIFset from Lower Decks S04E09, “The Inner Fight”
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And the bonus GIF:
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year ago
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year ago
I love Lower Decks's commitment to just keep using the Gorn as random background aliens on crowded planet scenes, even as SNW keeps insisting that they're irredeemably evil, xenomorph-like space monsters who attack on sight.
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thelesseroftwoweevils · 1 year ago
If you remember Ma'ah is basically a more successful klingon Boimler then it totally makes sense that Mariner just hugs and browbeats him into friendship and totally ignores he wants to continue their fight.
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Confession #125
"Vrek and Gem (the Romulan and Ferengi we see work together in The Inner Fight) are the most interesting new potential pairing to come out of Lower Decks season 4. They were the only ones from different crews working together before Mariner arrived despite the fact their species aren't exactly on friendly terms (or friendly in general) and their dynamic has the exact energy tumblr loves. The only reason people aren't invested in them is the absolute doozy of a season finale overshadowing everything that happened in the previous episode."
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borgcast · 4 months ago
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I know that face.
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stuffandnosense · 1 year ago
Just noticed something interesting going back through The Inner Fight while working on a fic…
Boimler asks Mariner how her adrenaline is still so high after so long.
Yeah that’s called living on fight or flight for literal years due to unhealed trauma. I mean we’d kind of been knew but it was some nice foreshadowing to the conversation she’d have with Ma’ah toward the end of the episode about said trauma. Someone either actually did their research or, sadly, knew what it was like.
I know I do.
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itsmyfandomandilikeit · 1 year ago
Mariner and Ma'ah
Ok so the end of last season convinced me that I don't want Mariner to end up with Jennifer. Jennifer assumes the worst of Mariner, and going back to watch the beginning of Season 3, she brings out the worst in her, too. Jennifer hates her friends and only brought Mariner to hang out with them so that Mariner would treat them like crap for her entertainment. Jennifer is a shit friend and a shit person.
So I've been on the lookout for anyone I thought might be better? After yesterday's episode, I definitely thought Ma'ah would be a good choice, but it probably won't happen since I seem to be the only person who thought that.
Either way, I think Mariner should be with a person LIKE Ma'ah. Someone who fundamentally cares and thinks for themselves. His flaws do not make her worse or encourage her to be worse. He supports her in battle and defends her honor as a warrior when she isn't around. He's also a competent leader and decision maker in his own right.
At this point this is just rambling and speculation, and I would be a little surprised if it does happen. But if the writers do decide to pair up Mariner with anyone, this is the new bar that's been set imo. She's not watching out for Ma'ah like she does with her teammates, and she seems to be able to trust him pretty easily since he isn't tied up in all of her baggage. His advice actually works for the way she thinks and honestly I do think it would be cool if she ended up with a Klingon.
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startrekuniverse · 5 months ago
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4x09 The Inner Fight
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quarks-pussy · 1 year ago
Lower Decks 4x09 spoiler and theorising about finale
Originally I sent an ask to someone to get a second opinion on this soon after I watched 4x09 but it doesn't look like he'll publish it in time so, considering there's less than 9 hours left as of the writing of this paragraph, I'll just post this without someone looking it over. Keep in mind I haven't watched The First Duty and this is about to be very speculative and frankly a lil crack-y
So, a lot of folks, now more than ever, have been theorising about the presence of some sort of relation between Nick Locarno and Tom Paris. But one thing I haven't seen anyone else suggest yet is the idea that one is a transporter clone.
Their backstories diverge shortly after the accident(s) they caused so perhaps they got split in two very soon after it happened and since that meant they technically both committed the crime, Starfleet ended up putting them both on trial, separately.
But of course while Tom accepted responsibility, from what I've seen (again, haven't watched The First Duty) Nick didn't. As a consequence, while Tom was given a second chance on Voyager, Nick wasn't. So that made him extra salty of course.
Especially if - and this part's truly out there, be warned! - Tom is the clone. I have no evidence for this, I just think it's the angstier option so of course I prefer it because it would mean that the thing anyone with a transporter clone is afraid of happened to Nick: The clone was better than him and took over his life. Which would mean potential stuff for him to bond over with Bradward (specifically using his first name this post because... well, you'll see)
Obviously this doesn't immediately check out since Tom and Nick have different last names and also we only have a named parent for Tom and he has Tom's last name so logically, if anything, Nick would be the clone, but I think this can be handwaved and/or retconned and I kinda hope they do because this would fuck me up for real and be one of like 0.5 ways to make me sympathise with Nick at this point.
Also, and this one's not even weird theory anymore, this is pure fanfic, I hope Nick and William Boimler team up and also run off to get gay married at the end. Brad takes this as an opportunity to realise he's not straight.
Yea anyway just some word vomit lol what do y'all think
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ladyofdecember · 1 year ago
Boimler super mad at Mariner for running out there without a suit 😅
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pixelwixard · 1 year ago
"Could you, though?" a GIFset from Lower Decks S04E09, “The Inner Fight”
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year ago
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Klingon Bird-of-Prey in "The Inner Fight"
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