#the horrible sexy vampire
weirdlookindog · 6 months
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El vampiro de la autopista (1971) - German poster
AKA The Horrible Sexy Vampire
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haverwood · 11 months
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El vampiro de la autopista José Luis Madrid Spain, 1971 ★ Yeah it's terrible.
But the real mystery here is why everyone speaks Spanish in Germany.
Also, I think I found the inspiration for Federico Klemm.. quite the find.
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useragarfield · 6 months
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9K MAKE ME CHOOSE:・゚✧:・゚@keikomiura ASKED: Damon Salvatore or Katherine Pierce?
In the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is hole in your life where that somebody that you cared about used to be. And a rock with a birthday carved into it that I'm pretty sure is wrong. So thanks, friend. Thanks for leaving me here to babysit. Because I should be long gone by now. I didn't get the girl, remember? I'm just stuck here fighting my brother and taking care of the kids.
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measureyourlifeincake · 2 months
interview with the vampire is wild because it'll have you looking at the protag's two main love interests like "this one is an absolute piece of shit motherfucker and i want him decapitated and set aflame but this one is my beautiful babygirl who can do wrong" and they're both objectively terrible and abusive
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fangsandfeels · 9 months
Going through all the ascended Astarion stories, where Tav either breaks up with him and reconnects years later, bringing the messiest “divorced couple” vibe along, or becomes his spawn and ends up being completely miserable and at the complete mercy of the vampire lord, I got a vision.
(Short outline: spawn!Tav goes to Avernus to avoid being trapped in a relationship, badassery, horrors, and deep existential issues ensue. Full description of the cringe can be found below)
- Tav agrees to be turned into Spawn by Astarion, ignoring the red flags because they really wanted to believe him and didn’t want to leave him alone. However, after they do, they get slapped with way too many red flags in the face (the “as long as you remember who you belong to” phrase during the second encounter with Araj, the command to shut up after mentioning Cazador’s name, the deceptive reasoning behind why he isn’t making them a full vampire), Tav grows very aware of eternity that awaits them after they defeat the Netherbrain. And it terrifies them. They understand that they don't want to find out what being his consort means. They are no longer sure about anything.
- When Karlach starts burning, Tav talks her out of it and jumps on the opportunity to go to Avernus with her  (and Wyll), before Astarion gets to react and use compulsion on them. They aren't sure it would work, but it does. Small mercies.
- Between fighting off Zariel’s hordes and getting used to their new condition, Tav goes through heartbreak, oscillating between being angry with Astarion to missing him to feeling sorry for themselves. It's a cycle of angst and mental gymnastics, interrupted by battles and stirring trouble in the Hells.
- Ultimately, Tav reflects on the choices and actions that led them to this path. And when they find a way to fix Karlach’s heart, making it possible for her to go to Faerun for good, Tav chooses to stay in the Hells. Not even because they aren’t eager to confront Astarion and get controlled by him, but because they feel they belong there. Cazador might have planned the ritual, and Astarion might have completed it, but it was them who helped him do it -- they can be angry at Astarion all they want, they can tell themselves it's no longer him. They can spend years guessing whether he really wanted it, whether he is happy or not right now. Maybe they did fail him. It all doesn’t matter. They are as guilty for condemning these souls to suffering in the Hells. So, the question is: what will they do about that?
- Basically, a story that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with Astarion, and is mostly focused on a vampire spawn Tav, who navigates hellish landscapes, occasionally helping whatever poor souls they can, learning sad stories of victims who got lured into horrible deals, musing on existential questions and wondering how should they take their life when their luck runs out on them, and they get captured by Archdevils.
- While they avoid signing any contracts or any deals and focus on honing their skills and new vampiric abilities, they do seek ways to modify their body, so they could increase their chances for survival (yes, I freaking love Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, how can you tell?).
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- For an extra Divine Comedy (and angsty) flavor, Tav talks to an imaginary Astarion (the one they remember so fondly before his Ascension) -- the habit that started from a random “what the Astarion I knew would have said about this?” thought and kinda became a way to stay sane in this place.
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vampyrcain · 11 months
mfers who genuinely like ascended astarion have either never been in a toxic relationship
or maybe they just romanticize toxic relationships
probably both
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theworldiswhispering · 7 months
yeah the holiest love part is. (eating dry wall)
(Can I have some) yeah and I think my favorite part of that passage was Van Helsing's speech right before (sorry op you triggered my need to expand).....
"For so surely as we live, that scar shall pass away when God sees right to lift the burden that is hard upon us. Till then we bear our Cross, as His Son did in obedience to His Will. It may be that we are chosen instruments of His good pleasure, and that we ascend to His bidding as that other through stripes and shame; through tears and blood; through doubts and fears, and all that makes the difference between God and man."
It is very rare imo that horror maintains any kind of theological soundness. And I think Jonathan's comment of holy love wouldn't really mean much without it. Van Helsing's dismissal of the physical scar in light of the knowledge of Mina's character and more importantly God's character was so kindly done, as it was such a horrific and hopeless moment for Mina which may not hit as hard to readers who have never taken communion. He doesn't miss a beat in recognizing that even this horrific outward sign of evil did not change anything about Mina herself and I love him for that!!! The comparison to Christ's outward scars and the shame and humiliation he endured while completing the most merciful and righteous act throughout history is so poignant and beautiful.
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parttimesarah · 2 years
Lord Vampyron
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honeylations · 3 months
Prompt: You’ve dreamt of dating a cool, hot, sexy vampire, but why did the world decide to give you the biggest loser vampire?
Warnings/Notes: g!p Vampire Jimin, crack, eventual smut, loser Jimin, human reader, mommy kink, subby Jimin
It was 7am in the morning when you woke up to your alarm blaring in your ears, encouraging you to open your tired eyes. Sitting up, you saw your vampire girlfriend sitting cross legged by the edge while staring at you with a pout.
Right, you were angry at her for the stunt she pulled yesterday.
She baked you cookies as a reward for getting through your exams but your roommate, Huh Yunjin, ate it all like the fatass she was. Yunjin didn’t know they were for you but it didn’t stop the anger boiling within Jimin as she dragged your red headed friend to the backyard of the house and tied her to a tree with debris sitting beneath her feet.
Jimin said that in the vampire realm, anyone who stole another’s belongings were to be punished by being burnt alive.
You remember returning home that day from a lecture the moment Jimin struck the match, screaming at the top of your lungs for her to stop whatever she was starting.
Then remembering her sulking face and how she cleaned up her mess with pure sadness and fear after being scolded by you.
You haven’t acknowledged her presence since and Jimin has been trying to do everything she can to have you talk to her again.
“Good morning love!” Jimin beamed and puckering her lips for her good morning kiss but you stood up from the bed, completely ignoring her so you can wash up in the bathroom.
The vampire flopped face first into the bed and whined.
Yunjin heard the commotion and peeped through the door with crossed arms. “She’s still mad at you?”
“Yes and it’s all your fault!” Jimin’s loud voice was muffled from the mattress she was squishing her face in.
Yunjin caught the words though. “How was I supposed to know they were for your girlfriend?! How about put a note next time!”
“How about have some common human decency and ask before shoving everything in your mouth?! You mortals are dumber than rats!” Jimin finally sat up.
“Your cookies were shit anyways!”
“Shitty cookies that you entirely ate, FATASS!”
You appeared from the bathroom with frustration. “SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!”
Both girls immediately shut their mouths, but Jimin continued on to flop her face back into the mattress to cry like a dying whale.
“Oh god, Jimin Unnie don’t cry” Yunjin sighed.
“Go sit in the corner Jimin. And think about what you did yesterday and why it was wrong for you to even try and burn Yunjin alive” You ordered, arms crossed over your chest.
Jimin shuffled out of the bed and obeyed. She dragged herself to the corner of your shared bedroom and sat down, leaning her forehead against the wall.
“And stay there until I say so”
“Yes ma’am” Jimin managed to squeak out.
The vampire pouted and played with her fingers to pass the time while you went out to your full day lecture on campus with Yunjin.
As you two walked down the halls, Yunjin turned to look at you. “Y/n, I know it was a scary situation but Jimin Unnie means well. She already apologised…well I mean because you forced her to but anyways, I forgive her and you can stop being mad at her now”
“I’m not letting it slide that easy Jen. She needs to reflect on her behaviour”
“Maybe you’re being a bit too harsh on her”
“You want to be sitting in the corner with her then?”
“I shall close my mouth and never speak again”
Yunjin’s words did echo in your mind throughout the day, making you reconsider the way you were treating your girlfriend at the moment.
You had to remind yourself that all Jimin wanted was to make you cookies but she let anger take over her decisions in the wrong way.
The thought got you dozing off during lectures, at lunch, and even as you were walking out of the campus with Yunjin still by your side.
“Stopped being mad at Jimin Unnie yet?”
You groaned into your palms. “I’m a horrible girlfriend”
“What? Hey no! What made you even come to that conclusion. Jimin Unnie thinks you put the stars in the sky!”
“I should’ve just talked it out with her instead of giving her the cold shoulder. She must think I hate her or something”
Yunjin grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you around. “Y/n please shut up. You managed to pull a vampire that wanted to kill every human she saw in the first place. Now all that vampire wants is to be by your side forever to love and protect you! I’m damn jealous about your wattpad life right now”
“I’m gonna ignore the wattpad thing you said”
“Apart from almost burning me alive, Jimin Unnie is one hell of a loser too. She’d do anything to make you happy even if it meant jumping off a cliff”
“Don’t say stuff like that around her please, she’ll literally do it” you face palmed after a memory flashed in your mind of Jimin almost throwing herself in front of a train just to prove she loved you.
“Now why don’t we put the past behind us and get your girlfriend bags of blood as an apology? I’m pretty sure she’d be hungry by now. You left her in the corner since this morning”
You froze on the spot and looked up at Yunjin wide eyed. It didn’t take a couple seconds for the red head’s eyes to match yours before you both started sprinting back to the house.
“We’re so dumb!”
Barging into the front door, you made your way upstairs to your bedroom and saw your girlfriend still sitting in the exact same position from when you left her. Setting your bag to the side, you hugged her from behind and took in a big whiff of her scent.
“Oh my baby, I’m so sorry for leaving you here”
Jimin turned around and buried her face into your chest. “Are you still angry at me?”
“No not anymore baby” you cooed, comfortably threading your fingers through her black locks.
“Are we going to be okay?”
You kissed her head. “Absolutely. Always”
“Do you still love me?”
“Yes of course! I’ve never stopped loving you, Jimin-ah”
You cupped your girlfriend’s face and repeatedly kissed all over it until she was covered in lipstick marks. Then you led her to cuddle with you in bed, letting her rest her entire body on top of yours.
She snuggled her head into your neck. “I’m still a little sad about the cookies, my love”
“I know, I’m sorry Yunjin ate them. Thank you for making it though”
“You studied so hard for the exams…I wanted to impress you”
Your heart was aching. How could you have yelled at your dork?
“Let me make it up to you, okay?”
Jimin was about to question you but you had already moved her to lay on the bed while you straddled her lap.
“Yunjin can you go buy some blood bags for Jimin?!” You yelled loud enough for your roommate to hear.
“On it! Be back in a bit!” Yunjin quickly answered from her own room, hearing her footsteps fade until she shut the front door and fully left the house.
“That should buy us enough time—“
A notification rung from your phone. You took a glance at the Lock Screen and saw a message from Yunjin which got you a bit confused until you read what she had sent.
[Yunjinnie 🐍: I already know where this is going. Enjoy that 7 inch vampire sausage]
“Fucking sick ass” you muttered, not noticing your girlfriend was looking at your phone too.
“Tell her I’m 7 and a half inches, babe. Not just 7”
You shook your head and softly kissed her. “Don’t worry about Yunjin, she’s a shit head”
“I’ve already established that when she ate your cookies”
Your girlfriend’s frown got you chuckling. “You’re still on about that? Don’t worry, we’ll bake them together someday. But for now, just sit back and relax. Can you do that for me?”
“Mhm yes ma’am”
You pulled your girlfriend pants and boxers slightly down just so you can whip out her cock and stroke it while staring into your girlfriend’s eyes. “Good?”
“M-Mhm…” Jimin hummed.
She bit on her bottom lip, clawing at the sheets when you sped up your hand fisted around her dick. “N-Not enough…can I please have it inside you, Y/nie? Please…” Jimin’s words came out breathlessly, trying her absolute best to look into your eyes but the pleasurable feeling was making it difficult.
“Such a good girl for saying please” you smirked that got Jimin dizzy.
“Please…I don’t wanna cum unless it’s inside you m-mommy”
You were taken back from the nickname even though your hand was still jerking her off crazily. God, your vampire really was a loser.
Instead of answering, you sloppily made out with the vampire, only breaking apart so you can strip yourself out of your clothes.
In a blink you were hovering your wet opening above Jimin’s hard cock, feeling like you were being torn in half when you sat on the tip. The pain gradually got worse when you were fully seated, head resting on Jimin’s chest whereas your hands were holding onto her shoulders for dear life.
“Ah w-what the fuck? H-Hurts so much” you sniffled as Jimin rubbed your back.
“It’s been so long since we made love, Y/n-ie. Don’t rush yourself okay?”
“I liked it when you called me mommy” you managed to giggle through the pain.
“Take your time mommy”
Jimin was so patient with you just sitting on her dick for a few minutes so your pussy could accomodate her size. It felt like you were having sex for the first time. Your girlfriend continued to kiss your neck even when you finally had the energy to move up and then sliding back down with an electrifying pleasure coursing through your body.
“O-Oh…Jimin you feel so good inside me”
“I wanna make mommy feel good”
“You are baby. Being a good girl for mommy” you gasped with an arched back.
Jimin took this as an advantage to suck on your tits like she’s been starved. Well she technically did kind of starve today when you made her sit in that corner and completely forgot about her.
“Fuck…mommy…my love..Can I fuck you? Don’t want you to get tired”
Oh your loser vampire girlfriend was such a gentlewoman. Who were you to say no?
Jimin leaned back with her feet planted flat on the bed so she could thrust her hips up in a fast motion that got you bouncing. Your moving tits got Jimin lost in a trance and she couldn’t help on sucking them again.
She was watching you throw your head back in pure bliss, mouth dropped open releasing Jimin’s favourite sounds. “Can I cum inside mommy please?”
“Y-Yes please baby. I want it all—Oh shit!”
Jimin was literally jack hammering inside you with that crazy vampire stamina she had. The pleasure was so overwhelming that you didn’t catch the way your girlfriend’s eyes began to turn red and were fixated on your exposed hickey-covered neck.
Her mouth began to open and her fangs were presented.
“M-Mommy…I-I really need your blood. C-Can I bite? I’ll make it better afterwards, I promise”
Hearing Jimin beg sent you over the edge. You held one hand on her nape and pushed her face into your neck. “Fuck yes! Bite mommy, baby. Drink my blood and fuck my pussy like a good girl!”
Jimin growled and didn’t need to be told twice in sinking her teeth into your neck. She moaned along with you as your blood flowed into her mouth deliciously. You clenched around her twitching cock and dug your nails into her shoulders when the hot ropes of cum filled you up.
You were creaming all over dick that it rained down her pelvis.
Your girlfriend pulled away as the orgasm died down, licking up the mess on your neck and finishing it off with a gentle kiss on the fang marks.
You fell limp into her body to catch your breath and Jimin’s hand was caressing your back again. “Are you okay, my love?”
“Better than okay, Jiminie…”
“Did it feel good?”
“The best, baby”
You pulled back and looked at her face in disbelief. “Yay?”
Jimin looked down sheepishly. “I’m glad I made you feel good, baby. I love you”
“Yunjin was right. You’re a loser stuck in a hot vampire body”
The vampire’s eyes went into puppy mode at your statement. “Am I your loser at least?”
“My one and only loser” you laughed and leaned in to claim her lips once again, getting a slight taste of your blood.
*Knock Knock*
“Heyyyy sorry to be like…interrupting, but I got the blood bags. I’m assuming you’re not hungry anymore Jimin Unnie” Yunjin spoke from outside the room, her voice slightly muffled.
Even with the door blocking you from seeing Yunjin, you can already see the smirk plastered on her stupid face.
“Rightio. They’ll be in the fridge. Hope you take that pill Y/n! You two are too young to be parents”
“Jimin is 600 years old”
“Yeah I’m 600 years old”
“And even if we did become parents, we’d be the best parents ever”
“Yeah, the best parents ever!”
“Yeah I didn’t ask. I’m not letting my best friend become a mom while she can barely pay her rent”
“oh fuck off Yunjin!” You screamed while Yunjin shrugged and indeed fuck off to her room.
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remaketheworld · 2 years
sorry for being insane about iwtv for the last couple years. do you still think i'm sexy.
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weirdlookindog · 10 months
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El vampiro de la autopista (1971)
AKA The Horrible Sexy Vampire
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sideblog-ver3 · 10 months
spider webs (18+)
i need spider-man/peter parker. gosh like so badly. wish i involved more webbing concept, but if i wrote more it would end so horribly. first full smut fic, so go easy one me. also this is for adult peter parker so no marvel peter (kinda had ps5!peter in mind) don’t think too much, just enjoy the ride my friends (WC: 2.1K) dividers @firefly-graphics
reader with a vagina, oral (f), slight bondage (webbing)
vampires and boobs (my other fic)
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peter parker and spider-man are two different people.
peter parker is a kind, scientifically smart, nerdy guy. he helps his aunt may at f.e.a.s.t. in his spare time, he works as a physics teacher for a high school in brooklyn, and he’s the best boyfriend you could have.
now spider-man is a part of peter, but they are two different people. he’s the friendly neighborhood spider-man, the amazing spider-man, the spectacular spider-man and any other adjective jameson could type up for the daily bugle. he was a wall-crawler webbing up the bad guys while still looking out for the little people. he had a sharp tongue with a snappy quip ready to fly, easy going personality for a friendly chat, and also could be deathly serious when the time calls for it.
he was clad in red and blue spandex that hugged all of him nicely. his biceps showing he could hold up a bus, his pecs and abs showing… he’s a stone wall, and his ass and other parts show that his partner is very lucky.
you get jealous sometimes when you see videos of spider-man swinging around, anyone could see what a hot body and sexy personality he has. where as when peter’s around he’s covered in two layers or loose clothing, anything that could cover up his physic. you wish he’d show his muscles off as peter parker, telling people he’s brains and brawn.
but you love him either way.
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at least if anyone oogles at your boyfriend they don’t get the opportunity to see the godly body beneath the flannels and sweaters. oh! and another thing you love about spider-man, the webs. and the suit. mask and suit.
you’ve told peter before, “if you ever want to role play one night, i’ve always dreamed of spider-man webbing me up and using me however he chooses.” peter just gulped and took that information nervously.
that was two months ago. you weren’t expecting anything right away, it’s not like your sex lives were bad to begin with. peter’s got good stamina, able to go a couple rounds when you’re tired after the second go. it’s just that he’s been busier with patrol and work, you as well, just not piled high like peter always does. you just miss those long nights of kissing and touching, moaning into each other's mouths or skin. peter’s hands rising goosebumps in their trail, your fingers curled into his growing hair to give firm tugs as he pleasures you with his fingers or tongue.
so when peter climbed through your shared bedroom window at midnight you didn’t think he would want to do any fooling around. you’d just check for any harsh injuries, he’d shower and then you’d both fall asleep in each other’s hold.
but not tonight.
tonight, peter climbed through the window like usual, a few cuts to his suit but no broken skin or bones. he flipped the bottom of his mask up so it would sit on his nose bridge, tip of his nose to his chin were the only visible parts of skin.
you kept a hood gaze on his slow steps, seeing how he licked his lips. he stood at the foot of the bed, hands on his hips. your legs shifted under the blankets and your eyes kept wandering.
“i heard from a little birdie that you’ve been in need of spider-man’s help. and what kind of hero would i be if i didn’t come to the rescue?”
he rounded the corner of the bed, his right hand gliding just beside the outline of your legs. “what seems to be the problem, miss?”
you took a swallow, knowing your fantasy was gonna come true. “i- i can’t make myself cum. my fingers aren’t enough.” giving your best doe eyes, knowing they always work on peter.
he hummed, “well, i don’t mean to brag, but i’ve been told i know the best solution to that problem. got a technique named after me.”
that made you break character for a second, “oh yeah?” a slight giggle in your voice. “what’s this technique called?”
his pink lips quirked to a smirk, “spider tingle. mostly involves tongue.” your breathing picked up.
“could- could you do that? or- or however you want, can take me in any position. i just want to cum.”
“don’t worry, baby. i’ll take good care of you. now i’m gonna need you to put your wrist against the headboard.” your heart picked up.
slowly you pushed your arms up and then, “let’s take off this shirt first. gonna be difficult in a minute.”
spider-man held the hem of your sleep shirt and waited for a nod from you before pulling it over your head and off your body. waist up completely exposed for him. “you’re a gorgeous girl.” his gloves hands roaming over your doughy skin, a shaky gasp slips free.
he pushed your arms into a comfortable position before spraying a layer of web fluid to glue your wrist flat. “if you get uncomfortable just tell me and i’ll rip them off.” and you could only nod with an open mouth.
“don’t be afraid to be vocal. it encourages me.”
he pressed his lips into a kiss upon your left cheek then your right. he pulled back and you could see his act breaking for a second, “this okay? feel safe?”
you nodded but he insisted, “words, pretty. i need the words.” “yes. i’m safe.” he smiled happily, “good.” and he leaned in so he finally gave you a proper kiss.
it was sweet and slow, his top lip covering yours. the tip of his nose bumping into your cheek, a gloved hand caressing the empty side, his thumb swiping under your eye. you followed his leaving lips, chasing for more, struggling against your restraints. a quiet groan and whimper at not being able to reach for your boyfriend.
a teasing chuckle from his slick lips, his fingers held your jaw, “be a good girl and spread those legs for me.”
and your legs separated without any resistance, you could feel the wetness building on your panties. spider-man pressed sloppy, wet kisses from your collarbone to each breast before going down the valley. his hands were at your sides, sliding down your figure as his lips were walking the trail down south. your chest pushed forward and you moaned at the tingles he was causing, you kept forgetting you didn’t have access to your hands and it made you a bit angry.
“you're such a good girl for spider-man. do i get to keep you after this?” pressing a lingering kiss just above the band of your red and blue panties. a pair you bought so you could fluster peter, and they work magnificently.
you moaned, “i’m all yours, spider-man. i’ll be your little toy if you want.”
he kissed over the fabric and hummed, “i’m one lucky hero.” his slender fingers curled into the elastic band and started tugging down. you pushed your hips up to help and he slid the fabric slowly down your thighs, still leaving parted kisses on your body.
the underwear was off your body and thrown to the floor, completely bare for the clothed web-slinger. you didn’t realize how vulnerable it was be in this light, your legs shutting themselves. but spider-man gripped your knees and easily kept them from closing off for him.
“nothing to worry about, pretty girl. i’m gonna take real good care of you.”
he moved to lay on his stomach, throwing your legs over his shoulders and his head was now in front of your slick center. he gripped your outer thighs as he pressed some more quick kisses on your high inner thigh, just missing the place you desperately needed him.
“spidey, please. i- i- i need your mouth. please.” pleading for any relief from being pent up.
he kisses your mound, “only cause you said please,” and then his lips were wrapped on your pussy.
you sighed dreamily at the familiar caress, head thrown into the headboard with your chest arching into the air. breast bouncing with each quick breath followed by a deep inhale.
the low moans from peter’s mouth vibrate from your stomach to your heart. the nylon of his gloves, your version of silk on heated skin. the heels of your feet moving to dig into his shoulder blades, unconsciously trying to push him closer without your hands.
your lids are heavy with euphoria, trying to keep them open as you watch spider-man licking into you, bobbing his head and grinding his hips into the bedding.
“aww, poor- poor baby. looking a bit- a bit needy down there.” trying for a teasing tone, having to push through moans.
spider-man pressed a firm kiss to your clit making you gasp, “who wouldn’t be needy around a beautiful lady? especially one as delicious as you.” before dipping back to work.
this man knows how to get your heart racing with words alone.
you knew peter was skilled with his tongue, fast quips rolling into villains faces. oh, also easily making you cum and become a stimulated mess before him, but the spider-man suit is making him even better. your eyes are rolling to the ceiling or crossing in the middle to make your vision blur, mouth open in a silent gasp or biting into your bottom lip to subdue the louder moans so you don’t get a noise complaint. like last time.
you looked down again to see him lapping at your wetness, a lake in his scorching desert. his palms slid up your thighs to squeeze at your hips before resting them on your stomach. keeping you pressed firmly into the mattress, subduing your squirming.
his tongue tickled your clit, pulling a high pitched whine from your throat. you tried tugging against the webbing, you wanted it off so you could press spider-man closer, but you didn’t want him to stop for even a second.
“so- so close, ba- baby. so- uh! uh!” tingling as his tongue enters your hole. fucking in and out while his nose bumps into your clit, giving that extra stimulation. “yes, yes! keep- keep going.”
you squeezed tight around the muscle, his exhale ghosting over his spit and your slick mixing. how you wished you could rip your hands free, yank his mask off so you could sink your nails into peter’s messy curls and tug him.
spider-man started gaining speed, going faster, making that knot in your lower stomach building tighter and tighter. so close to snapping free from tension.
“please, spidey. peter, i’m- i’m almost there, baby.”
that only spurred him to kick into high gear, tongue flattening for every inch of you. lips kissing you intimately, sucking you sweet.
“pete- pete, i’m- i’m gonna…” trailing off as the knot tightens, rendering you speechless.
peter didn’t need to ask what you were gonna do, he just gave you a silent permission to cum as he continued his hero work.
a loud noise of ecstasy was ripped from you, thighs shutting around peter’s head as he worked you through it all. your chest was panting with a slight sweat to your breast.
“ah! ah! pete, too- too much.” foot tapping on his shoulder as your physical signal for him to lighten up. three more kitten licks, two kisses and a playful bite at your thighs that made you screech in delight.
peter finally tugged his bug-eyed mask off, letting you appreciate your pretty boyfriend with his lips pink all covered in shine. he crawled up your body, trailing over his phantom kisses from earlier.
he nipped at a spot on your neck at causes you to sigh dreamily, eyes fluttering shut and legs shuffling for something. “my hero.” sighing out the two words just as he licked over a spot where there is sure to be a purple hickey tomorrow morning.
his dazzling smile came into view, “all in a days work, sweetheart.” giving you a kiss while his hands ran over your arms and pulled away the loosening web fluid.
his lips moved from your mouth to your wrist, princess kissing them at the slight redness you gained at the friction. “doing okay?” he asked, peering at you through long brown lashes.
you nod, “yeah. doing great. now,” you pushed yourself into peter, wrapping your arms around his neck. shuffling your legs over his to straddle his thighs, you pushed his head into your neck so you could whisper into his ear, “how’d you like a reward? for helping me out, spidey.” pulling at his earlobe with your teeth.
peter shuttered and sighed, “i’d like nothing more.”
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mrs-kmikaelson · 1 year
07| The Tribrid
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x daughter!reader, Marcel Gerard x mostly platonic!reader Summary: Trying to figure out a way to get Klaus to trust you, you reminisce over the past and how trust was earned in a similar situation. Warnings: none Words: 3.7K
a/n: does anyone know how i can fix the gifs from like not centring? it looks fine on my laptop but horrible on mobile😭
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Strobe lights went all across the room, music blaring, but I could barely tell what song was playing, too distracted by what I was doing—or, rather, who I was about to do. I ran my fingers through his hair while his hand crept up my skirt, our kiss getting more passionate by the second.
His name didn't matter. All I cared about was the fun we were about to have. 
"Why don't we take this somewhere more private," he mumbled in between kisses. 
I nodded against him, giving him one last kiss before whispering in his ear. "Back alley." The fact that I was drunk didn't stop me from leading us across the dance floor to the back where I'd been many times before. I knew the owner—who was also a really good kisser—and so I knew where to go.
I felt the cold air hit us as soon as we got outside, despite feeling so hot. As soon as the door closed, I turned around, intending on pulling him back in for a kiss, but I almost staggered back when I saw the same man I was kissing just moments ago with veins crawling underneath his eyes, fangs protruding in his mouth.
What the fuck?
I quickly sobered up, baring my own fangs at him. The atmosphere went from hot and sexy to dark in an instant. 
His eyes widened. While his voice was surprised, there was still an undertone of hostility. "You're a vampire?"
I narrowed my eyes. "You didn't know?" God, how drunk was he? I smelt that he was a night crawler immediately. Clearly, he thought I was a human and wanted to leave so he could suck me dry.
That wasn't happening. For obvious reasons.
He cursed under his breath. For a second, I thought we'd get back to what we were doing; I mean, I just cleared this up. I was gonna be generous and continue to make out with him in spite of the fact that he just tried to kill me, but this dude just had to kill my fun, too.
He tried charging at me, but my magic worked faster than even vamp speed. Quickly, I rushed, "Motus!" and he was sent flying into the wall. My eyes widened. Fuckkkkkk, man.
I just wanted to get laid.
I wasn't supposed to do that. I was supposed to punch him, maybe snap his neck—I was supposed to do something that a vampire would do. A vampire doesn't just move things with their mind.
I thought I was soberer than that, but it seemed that the alcohol was still affecting me because I just sent a fucking vampire flying. Shock was all over the guy's face, his pretty, pretty face that I just wanted to have a good time with.
Fuck. Now I'd have to kill him.
He remained against the wall, but he didn't wait much longer before firing questions at me. "What the hell was that-"
I cut him off, "Look, man, I wasn't planning on doing a lot of talking with you tonight." Annoyance laced my voice. He didn't respond as quickly, just looking at me with an extremely analyzing gaze. I didn't doubt that he was confused. People don't just come across people like me. 
He was silent until it looked like a light bulb went off in his head. "Tribrid," he muttered under his breath, almost like I wasn't meant to hear it, but I did.
My blood went cold. "What did you just say?" I asked, but he ignored me, continuing to mutter under his breath.
"I knew a guy once—he was half wolf, half vampire." If he didn't have my attention before, he sure as hell did now. Because I only knew one person that matched that description, and that was Klaus Mikaelson.
My body went rigid while the guy took little notice, seeming to put together a bunch of puzzle pieces in his head. "Yeah-" he paused, looking up at me, "I've heard chatter. Witches saying something about a... triangle: werewolf, vampire... and witch."
Chatter? He's heard chatter? A thousand things went through my mind at once. That was impossible. Nobody knew about me. I just got to this city; there was no way witches have managed to decipher a secret I've spent centuries keeping.
Against my will, my tone was now less calm. "I don't know what you're-"
"I think you do know what I'm talking about." The guy's eyes were hard as he stared right back at me. I thought he was just some baby vamp, but it appeared that he was proving me wrong. He took a step closer to me. "You're the tribrid, aren't you?"
I almost laughed, even though I was full of nerves while, just seconds ago, I was fine. "You must have a death wish," I remarked. Maybe I could've left him alone, convinced him to forget about my display of magic and just left town. But now he not only saw that, but he also knew exactly who I was and he'd go running to tell everyone else.
He had to go. It's a shame, though, I thought, he was such a good kisser.
I stepped closer to him and he immediately got the message, eyes widening again once he realized that I had the upper hand. "No, no," he said, raising his hands in surrender. "I promise you; you do not want to kill me."
I scoffed, "And why is that?"
"Listen, I hold a lot of influence around here-"
I scoffed again. "I really don't care." Throwing power around was a politician's move, and politicians only lied to you. I wasn't gonna take my chances.
I was walking towards him, taking one step forward for every step he took back until he blurted, "My name is Marcel Gerard." At this, I stopped. Marcel Gerard... I knew that name. I stood still, racking my brain until I realized why his name sounded so familiar.
Marcel Gerard literally ruled this city. I'd been in New Orleans for not even a few days yet you could hear vampires and witches alike mentioning him often.
Damnit. Of course, I not only meet the guy who the vampires in this city worship, but I also end up locking lips with him and have him find out what I am.
I just wanted to have fun.
He saw recognition on my face, causing his own to light up. "So, you know who I am." I nodded in response, exasperatedly rolling my eyes. All of this had completely caused my buzz to dissipate into thin air. "Look..." he trailed off, making a gesture with his hands.
I rolled my again. "Y/N."
"Look, Y/N, I know what you are. I figured it out in seconds. There's already speculation of a tribrid going around with the witches-"
"Get to the fucking point, Marcel, before I just decide to kill you. Believe me, I am not in the mood to deal with this right now."
He didn't waste any more time. "I can get the witches to back off and find something else to fixate on. I can bury just the thought of a tribrid being out there, Y/N," he emphasized. 
I wonder just how dumb he thought I was. I shook my head. "So you want me not to kill you, just so you can go blab to whoever you see as soon as I leave you alone?" He shook his head right back at me.
"I won't say a thing, trust me." He paused. "We can help each other."
"Oh, c'mon-"
"No, I'm being serious," he asserted, no longer looking like he was backed into a corner but much more assured than before. "Killing me wouldn't do you any good. My people would search relentlessly for my killer, and the witches would only keep digging, possibly striking gold at some point. You keep me alive, and I can get rid of that for you." 
I only stared at him with narrow eyes. He looked confident in the bar, that's what drew me to him, but I wasn't expecting anything like this. He had a point, but that didn't mean it was enough to stop me from killing him. And if I didn't like this city, then I'd kill him without any qualms and leave. But I do like this city. I want to stay here, and I knew I couldn't stay here with him dead and with the witches suspicious.
I couldn't afford to make enemies. Right now, what I needed were friends.
I'd already made up my mind, but Marcel didn't know that, still trying to get me to see a vision that I already understood. "We can make a good team, Y/N."
I didn't say anything for a few more seconds, thinking everything over in my mind. I could possibly be making the biggest mistake of my life right now, I thought. But I was already set. I kept my voice cold and devoid of emotion. "I'm giving you twenty-four hours to make this witch thing go away, Marcel."
A weight was lifted off his shoulders. "And I'll do just that." I wasn't gonna stick around much longer. This was already much more conversation than I was anticipating to have tonight, and we clearly weren't gonna have sex, so without another thought, I sped out of the alley.
Little did I know, that night marked the start of one of the rest of my life in New Orleans.
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I was pulled out of my reverie when I saw Marcel came into my vision, sitting down on the chair opposite to me. We started out trying to kill each other, and now look: we were meeting for coffee. 
I didn't trust him when I first met him, even after he made my problems with the witches disappear. That wasn't enough. And it also wasn't enough for him to insist I work with him. Those were things he was doing for his own benefit, so, of course, that didn't inspire my trust in him.
I only started trusting Marcel after he opened up to me about his past. Doing that, getting vulnerable with someone—that showed that you trusted them. And what better way to get someone to trust you than to show that you trust them?
I wasn't just reminiscing for the sake of it. The way Marcel got me to trust him was what I'd been forgetting throughout all my interactions with Klaus. I couldn't just ask him to trust blindly, the same way Marcel couldn't ask me to, or the same way I couldn't get the witches to.
I needed a show of good faith. The trick was just figuring out what.
"Hey, Y/N/N." 
I nodded back to Cellie's greeting, pushing a tumbler over to his side of the table. While I actually liked coffee, Marcel wasn't a fan. "Got you your drink."
He grinned. "Ah, have I told you how much I love you recently?"
"Definitely not enough," I quipped back. "Now drink." His smile only got wider as he brought the tumbler up to his lips, sipping from his blood while I worked at finishing my Americano.
It's been about a week since I gave the contract to Klaus and went out with Marcel and Cami, who were now accepting the title of "dating" (after lots of resistance from Cami's side). Things have otherwise been quiet. I've been over to the Abattoir a few times to speak with Elijah, sometimes speaking to Hayley, and rarely talking to Klaus, but everything was fine if you didn't count the fact that he was still staring at me every time I came over.
You'd think that I'd be the one behaving that way after constantly seeing my father, his baby mama, and his brother, but nope. I've been calm; the whole Mikaelson thing has been getting to me less, but Klaus would look at me like he was trying to pick apart everything I said or did.
Sooner or later, it wouldn't matter how well I kept my secret. He was just gonna keep digging, so I needed to stop him before he struck gold.
"How's D been doing?" He asked, and the Mikaelsons were instantly pushed to the back of my mind. Davina had that effect.
"She's been good. Doing her school work, getting better with her magic by the day. You should come by for dinner soon, actually."
"Yeah, I-" he cut himself off when a "ping" sounded. He glanced down at his phone on the table, muttering a curse under his breath. When he looked back up at me, his expression was a mix of annoyance at the disturbance and apology. "Sorry, Y/N/N, I've gotta-"
"No, no, it's fine," I told him. "Go on and deal with it." He gave me a silent thank you before getting up, kissing my cheek in parting.
"I'll make it up to you. Dinner at mine," he said, walking away backwards. I smiled, telling him I'd see him later, and then he was out the door. Although we'd been sitting for all of one minute before he had to go, I wasn't irritated. He was getting back into the groove with the Quarter's happenings, so I'd be fully supportive.
I got up, throwing my empty coffee cup into the trash and walking out of the little café, mentally running over my schedule: housekeeping, then dinner with Marcel and Davina later. Right now, I'd go game plan my pitch to the vampires.
Or not.
Just as I was about to cross the street, a black car abruptly skirted in front of me, making me jump back. Before I could make anything of it, two men stepped out of it. Their expressions were practically lifeless, not a trace of emotion in sight.
"Get into the car," one of them ordered, causing me to furrow my brows. What the fuck?
I voiced my concerns not a moment later. "Excuse me?"
The other one stepped forward as if he was threatening me. I looked him up and down. Who the fuck was he stepping to like that? "Ma'am, you're gonna need to get into the car willingly before we force you to." 
Force me to? I only stared at him, debating on whether or not I was gonna bash his head into the car he was threatening me to get into in front of any passers-by. I was then reminded of the exact thing I was on my way to work on: the peace pacts. If I exacted any violence, that wouldn't be setting the right example.
Still, though, I was tempted.
After a few seconds of eying them both, I realized I not only knew them, but I also understood what was happening here.
These were some of Marcel's old vampires.
And they were compelled.
Damnit. I glanced to the car behind them. I was willing to bet money that, inside that very car, sat Klaus. I rolled my eyes. A week ago, I would've been more put off by this, and I was, but I was more annoyed than anything.
I'd find some way to get him to trust me later, but if I didn't get into this car right now, then he'd only become even more suspicious of me, and I didn't need that.
I shook my head in disbelief that I was even gonna do this, gesturing for them to move so I could get into the car. One of them opened the back door for me and I got in.
I turned to my left, fully expecting Klaus to be sitting next to me, but instead I was met with the sight of a blonde with big, voluminous curls and bright blue eyes. Despite fitting into the dumb blonde mold exactly, I knew she was anything but.
This was Rebekah Mikaelson.
I (hopefully) hid my shock quickly, but my eyes still narrowed. My mind raced, wondering what the hell she could possibly want from me. I first jumped to conclusions, but I shut them down immediately, knowing that there was no way anyone knew I was related to the Mikaelsons, including the Mikaelsons themselves.
While I'd been visiting the Abattoir often, Rebekah was basically nowhere to be found. I never would've guessed that this was how I'd be meeting her, being pushed into a car by vampires acting like they were secret service. But, with the Mikaelsons, so far nothing has gone as I expected it.
When she turned to me, she didn't stop and observe me first like her brother did. I'd learned from my research that Rebekah Mikaelson was impulsive, possibly even more so than Klaus. So it didn't surprise me when she cut right to the chase. 
"You must be Y/N," she said. Her voice sounded like honey and a smile was on her lips, but it didn't take rocket science to know that it was all an act. "I'm Rebekah Mikaelson, but I'm sure you're already aware of that." 
I was. And so I said that. "I am." 
She hummed at my response, indirectly reminding me so much of Klaus. She pressed a button to her side, causing the partition to roll up, never looking away from me once. Her smile then quickly dropped. "What are you doing with Marcel?"
Now, I couldn't hide the surprise on my face. "What?"
"You heard me," she asserted, unwilling to elaborate any further and just continuing to look at me, waiting for a reply.
Out of all the reasons she could've pulled me into this car, that one had never even crossed my mind. I paused for a few seconds, thinking over how I'd respond. I knew Rebekah and Marcel had history, and Rebekah had created a reputation for herself as not only being a lover, but a rather possessive one.
Saying the wrong thing here could get me into a tight situation I did not want to be in, so I had to be sure that my words wouldn't piss her off. "He's my friend," I told her, but she didn't look very convinced.
"Really?" She questioned, sarcasm noticeable in her voice. "Are you so cozy with all of your friends? Because you both looked rather close in that café." So she was watching us.
I backtracked, remembering how he kissed me on the cheek on his way out. I see how that could look bad to some people, especially his ex-girlfriend who seemed much more attached to him than he let on. From the way Marcel told the story, him and Rebekah were over, but the way she was acting didn't suggest that at all.
Suddenly, Camille was brought to the forefront of my mind. "We are close," I defended. "I've known him a long time, and we're just friends." I could've left it there—should've left it there, but with Cami on my mind I couldn't help but add, "Besides, he has a girlfriend."
Rebekah narrowed her eyes at me; although, something told me she was already conscious of that little fact. Her jaw tensed, making me more alert. While Elijah and even Klaus wouldn't immediately deal with their problems physically, I knew Rebekah was a different story.
She was smart, don't get me wrong, but if there was something to know about her it was that her emotions overpowered her mind more often than not. She was impulsive, and so this could go real bad, real quick.
I had to get out of this.
I decided to just say something instead of letting her make the first move. If I said something first, then I could take control of the situation and spin it before she could.
"Look," I started. "Marcel and I have a completely platonic relationship." Well, not completely, but I wasn't gonna tell her that. "After we met, I was just helping him keep things running smoothly in the Quarter, the same thing I'm doing with your family now."
While her expression remained blank, I could tell I was swaying her in the right direction. She just needed one last push. "We talk so often because of Davina. She's important to both of us, and we just want to make sure she gets the childhood she deserves." Her eyes immediately softened, and I knew I got her.
Davina was just a child. As ruthless as Rebekah could be, she still had humanity inside her—Marcel had told me this time and time again when he was under the influence. There was something in her that he fell for, and it was her ability to care when she really wanted to.
She finally looked away from me. "I understand," she said. If I knew anything about her, then I knew she was probably embarrassed right now. It turned out that Rebekah's emotional nature had actually helped, not harmed. "Sorry for the inconvenience," she apologized, but her eyes never met mine.
She rolled the partition back down, telling the driver to stop the car and unlock the doors. "You're free to go, Y/N." I stared at her for a few seconds, wondering if there was anything else I was supposed to say, but I came up empty. So I just got out of the car and watched as they drove away right after.
Once I could no longer see the car, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
I just met Rebekah Mikaelson.
And I just barely dodged a bullet. I directed my thoughts away from freaking out because I just met yet another member of my family to how I was gonna fix the problem I had.
I couldn't keep tiptoeing on this tight-rope around the Mikaelsons. Sooner or later, I'd fall. I needed to do something to get them, all of them, to trust me. If they caught me at the right time, then everything could be exposed.
I had all of these thoughts running through my mind until a light bulb went off, and all of the puzzle pieces suddenly assembled themselves into a clear picture.
I knew what to do.
I had my show of good faith.
Taglist: @scrynexxtins @thisnameistaken1234 @honestlycasualarcade @xlittlestarling @thatgirljas13 @rosecentury
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erisweekofficial · 24 days
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Tonight we're highlighting @surielstea! They are an Eris x Reader creator with sooo many fics for you to enjoy!
All of them are so good, but we have a few to start you off with! The Best I Ever Had is our first choice and @surielstea talks more about her fic under the cut! 🔥
We also love love love Ballroom Secrets! It's got everything you'd want: Ballroom dancing, clandestine meet-ups, family angst, and Nesta being an A+ best friend💃
And if you want the latest and greatest! Please check out A Fatherly Fear! We love dad!Eris stories and this is no exception. 😭
Read on to learn more about @surielstea's favorite fan theory about Eris as well as what she's going to do to prevent Eris from reading allllll our fics about him.
What’s your favorite Eris fic that you’ve written and Why?
My favorite Eris fic that I’ve written has to be “The Best I Ever Had” It’s one of my longer fics and I can remember being so excited to write it when I got the request, and when I’m passionate on what I’m writing, I tend to get carried away. (Which explains why it’s nearly 8k words.) But it also all came really easy to me, and I believe that was the fic that pulled me out of a horrible writers block.
How do you decide what scenarios to write about for your Eris fics?
So most of my scenarios come from requests, whether it be detailed or not they’re always inspired by what’s in my inbox. But I like to keep to Eris’s playful yet arrogant attitude (and let’s be honest, awfully sexy), which is why most of my Eris fics take place in a ballroom or the bedroom.
What are some of your favorite fan theories about Eris?
One of my favorite fan theories (a smaller one) is that Eris has the ability to suck the warmth from a room the same way he can heighten the temperature. I love the idea of him being able to walk into a room full of his enemies and void it of its warmth, keeping it all to himself. I think it aligns perfectly with how, despite his appearance, he is often cold towards people he doesn’t trust.
What do you think is Eris's most defining moment in the series so far?
Eris’s most defining moment for me is 100% the talk between him and Cassian towards the end of ACOSF when Cassian tells him “I think you might even be a good male, you’re just too much of a coward to act like one.” And I just thought that sentence perfectly encapsulates who Eris is truly, because he is good, but he lives with a monster who most likely tortures him and his mother for sport, which means he cannot make any move aside from telling others on the outside how to destroy Beron
Quick, Eris is threatening to go on ao3/tumblr and read all these fics about him, how do you distract him?
I don’t distract him, I let him read all of it and then we can recreate his all favorites 😻🙏
Please give us a name for one of Eris's brothers
I believe that in some of my fics I have Kyden and possibly a Vaughn? Something victorian or fire-related, because you can’t have men in billowing white sleeves and not give them a vampiric name. But I’d say officially, I love the idea of having a Conleth Vanserra.
Please name one of Eris's hounds!
Ok. I’ve thought long and hard about this (probably too much tbh) and decided that the Shadow Hound that leads the pack is a female, and I see her name being something similarly related to fire, so for female I think Hestia, but alternately for male I think Haco as an old dogs name is adorable.
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ballimeracy · 10 months
Halloween Fright Night!
Ghost Face! Toji x Chubby! Reader 1.8k words! Content Warning: Cunillingus, self depricating thoughts (implied),use of the terms 'mama', 'baby doll', and 'baby girl'
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You didn’t know how you ended up here in front of your mirror wearing one of the sluttiest outfits you've ever owned. At least you didn’t buy it yourself with your hard earned money. Instead, your boyfriend Toji bought it for you to go to a halloween party with him. The outfit wasn’t anything elaborate, just your run-of-the-mill sexy nurse outfits with an incredibly short skirt, low cut top, stockings, and red heels. You had to admit, you thought you looked pretty damn good. The softness of pudge on your thighs and stomach filled out the skirt well, showing the swell of your ass underneath the damn near see through white fabric. You even had on some makeup, bright red lipstick, eyeliner, the whole works. In modern terms, your face was beat to perfection. After hearing a chime from your phone from your nightstand you walk over and inspect the screen, a big grin spreading on your face when you see it’s from Toji.
‘Hey, baby girl. Running behind. Caught up with work. Go on without me, I'll catch up.’ 
The smile that had graced your face instantly fell, a look of nervous apprehension now taking its place. You always felt more confident with your hulking form of a man by your side, just his mere presence being able to quell any anxieties and self doubt bubbling in your gut. He was just expecting you to go without him? Alone? It’s not like you didn't know the people there, Toji’s close friend Shiu was there, along with plenty of acquaintances. There was really no reason for you to be so nervous. Besides, as the movie Mean Girls puts it “Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.” So, what was the harm? 
You arrive fashionably late at Shiu’s residence. You could already hear the almost deafening music, the lights dimmed inside. Slowly you shuffle in, squinting your eyes to adjust to the dark. Off the bat you spotted a few people you recognized: Satoru dressed as a vampire, Suguru as a nurse (he had lost a bet to Satoru), and Shoko as a zombie. Everyone was having a good time, a few people you couldn’t quite recall the names of but knew through Toji came up to say hi politely before dispersing into the crowd once more. You could already feel anxiety bubbling deep inside you, suddenly feeling as though your skirt kept riding up and showing off too much skin. 
Thankfully before these thoughts could deepen into a full blown anxiety attack, Shiu walked up with a faint smile and a cigarette between his lips. “Hey, y/n. Where’s Toji at?” Shiu titled his head to the side. You couldn't see Shiu’s eyes, shaded by dark sunglasses. He was also wearing a very dapper suit, dressed up as a character from Men in Black. “He said he got hung up at work-” You state, rubbing the back of your neck. “He will be here soon, though.” Shiu let out a little hum, moving the cigarette from his lips to his fingers. “Ah, well hopefully it won’t take him too long. Booze is in the kitchen. Help yourself.” With another small smile, Shiu disappeared as quickly as he came and left you alone lingering by the door. 
It had only been an hour, and yet you felt like you had been there for an eternity. The music had your head throbbing along with the alcohol you downed to try and ease your anxieties. It didn’t help at all.You were standing in the bathroom, trying to find solace in the tiny space. You could feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest, breaths coming out in short little puffs. You felt vulnerable, all the thoughts about how people were staring at you with judgemental eyes. You could only imagine that you looked horrible, with the chub on your body causing the skimpy outfit to hug your form. It made you feel like you were going to puke, holding onto the rim of the sink to calm down. 
When eventually you felt at least normal enough to step out, you were utterly surprised to almost run into a firm chest. Looking up, your eyebrows raised slightly. The man before you was wearing a Ghostface mask, black hoodie, and baggy jeans. “Oh, um…sorry.” You say, quickly shifting out of the way to let the stranger use the bathroom. The stranger didn’t answer, looking at you as you shuffled away back to the living room where the rest of the party was being held. Before you could even get a few feet away, you felt a hand on your wrist which made you flinch. You quickly whip around, seeing the man in a Ghostface mask. “...Excuse me?” You say, anxiety brimming on your expression. A deep chuckle comes from the man, his other hand removing the mask. There was your boyfriend, a small smirk on his face. “Got ya. Scared ya didn’t I mama?” Toji chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You let out a sigh of relief at the sight of your boyfriend, immediately going in for a hug. Toji frowned slightly, a hand going to pat the top of your head. “Hey..what’s wrong baby girl? I didn’t scare ya that bad, did I?” You shook your head, letting out a little sigh as you rested your head against his chest, cheeks warming as you heard his heartbeat. “Just not feeling well…I’m glad you're here.” Your voice was soft which made Toji sigh softly. “You gettin all down on yourself again?” Toji tilted your chin up to look at him, which you gave a small defeated nod. Toji let out a soft hum, grabbing at your wrist once more. “Hm…y'know, how ‘bout I show you how much I love your body, yeah?” He had a wolfish grin on his face, emerald eyes twinkling slightly as he quickly dragged you back into the bathroom and locked the door. Your entire face felt hot already, nervously shifting in front of Toji as he picked you up like you weighed nothing, sitting you down on the counter. 
“Toji?” You say in a rather hushed voice, cheeks feeling as if they were on fire, biting your lip when Toji began planting wet kisses along your exposed collarbone. A soft little moan escaped you when he bit down on your shoulder, body jolting and shivering when his hands began to slide up your pitiful excuse of a skirt. “Mmm, I dunno why you always actin like you aren't pretty…” Toji mumbled against your neck, his hand honing to your core which made you jump again. Slipping a calloused finger past the band of your underwear, he began to rub quick and tight circles against the sensitive bundle of nerves. As you let out tiny moans, hips jerking down into his hand, Toji chuckled. “I wish you could see how pretty you look to me, mamas.” He breathed against your ear, continuing to rub quick circles on your clit. “Love everythin’ bout ya..these thighs-” Toji used his free hand to squeeze the fat on your thighs. “Your tits-” A firm squeeze on your bra covered tits followed. “Everything.” He pressed kisses all along your jaw, smiling as you continued to squirm and whimper.
You could slowly feel the coil in your stomach beginning to tighten, your moans becoming breathy and high pitched. “Toji…Toji Im gonna cum…God please dont stop..” You whine, hips jerking down to meet his hand.  A whine followed, your expression becoming a pout as Toji pulled his hand away and popped his finger into his mouth to clean it from your slick. “Nu uh, you don’t get to cum yet, sweetheart. I want you to tell me how pretty you are.” Toji dropped to his knees which made your face feel warm, biting your lip as you felt his hot breath against your clothed cunt. “Tell me how pretty you are…” He murmured, groaning slightly as he took a deep breath of your scent, fingers pushing your underwear down and to your ankles. Toji made quick work, shoving his face against your bare pussy as he began to eat you out like this was his final meal. His tongue flicked over your clit, sliding down before plunging inside your cunt causing you to whimper and buck your hips down against his face. Toji didn’t break eye contact, eyes half lidded as he began to suck harshly against the bundle of nerves. 
A brief look of irritation flashed over his face as he looked up at you and your blissed out expression. Delivering a quick nip to the inside of your inner thigh, causing you to jump, Toji raised his eyebrows before going back to work, expecting you to follow orders. Your moans continued to be breathy, hips jerking and letting out soft moans against the back of your hand. “I-im really pretty…” You murmur, legs twitching. Toji seemed pleased at your words, continuing to eat you out like it was his last day on earth. “N-no one is as pretty as me…Im s-so gorgeous..” You continue to murmur and pant against the back of your hand, determined to not get too loud to alert anyone. The coil in your stomach began to tighten once again as you whimpered and squirmed against his face. “I'm soft, sexy, v-very sexy..” You shudder, letting out a soft groan as Toji plunged two fingers into your tight cunt. Toji quickly rubbed up against your g-spot, nearly making you cry out from pleasure. 
He seemed to be rather happy with your affirmations to yourself, quickly sucking against your clit and pumping his fingers against your g-spot as quickly as he could. With the constant attention, you were quick to spasm around his fingers with a high whine. Your legs trembled as you came all over Toji’s face, eyes rolling into the back of your head as Toji helped you ride out your high. When you came back down from your orgasm, your breathing was labored as you looked down at him with a little lazy smile. Toji chuckled, cleaning up his face from your arousal and cum. “Mmm, my pretty mama. Always so gorgeous..” Toji helped put back on your underwear and helped you off the counter, keeping an arm around you since your legs were a bit shaky.
 “There we go…Feel better baby girl?” Toji smiled at you, to which you gave a sheepish smile and nodded. “Mhm…thank you baby..” You lean into him, giggling a bit as Toji begins to pepper kisses all over your face. “Cmon, lets go enjoy the rest of the party before it’s over, baby doll..” With that, Toji kept a hand on the small of your back, leading you back out to the festivities.
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taglist! @crlyhairedwxtch @thesimpybitch
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kisses4lao · 11 months
Master list of every Kung Lao fic I've done
Request guidelines: click here
Notes: all fics WILL be AFAB. I don't write amab readers, sorry :(
Also some of these may include Raiden, they will be disclosed in those specific fics notes
Kung Lao/breeding kink: click here
Specific notes: self explanatory
Kung Lao/size kink: click here
Specific notes: contains both SFW and NSFW hcs. Also contains mentions of other characters such as Johnny and Raiden
Kung Lao/poly relationship with reader and Raiden: click here
Specific notes: reader gets a cool hat. A mixture of SFW and NSFW hcs as well. Mostly just him and Raiden focusing on reader
Kung Lao/reader who teases him: click here
Specific notes: public sex but nothing too horrible, unfinished orgasm as a punishment
Kung Lao/unexpected visit from Raiden during sexy time with reader: click here
Specific notes: mentions of threesomes, voyerism but not really
Kung Lao/virgin!reader: click here
Specific notes: mentions of Raiden, first time sex
Virgin!Kung Lao/kitsune!reader: click here
Specific notes: kind of self explanatory, sex near a fireplace and indoor picnic tho :) he's a romantic in this fic
Kung Lao/ semi secret relationship: click here
Specific notes: not exactly NSFW, but does mention sex. Gn reader
Kung Lao/thiccc reader: click here
Specific notes: very horny Kung Lao, mentions of other characters and Bi Han being a bitch
Vampire!Kung Lao/Human!reader: click here
Specific notes: he's so horny, some SFW hcs but mostly NSFW, mentions of period sex and Kung Lao loving breast milk, dead dove do not eat
Kung Lao/breastfeeding: click here
Specific notes: he views it in a non sexual way and it isn't weird I swear
Please read my request guidelines before requesting anything!! Many more Kung Lao fics will be released in due time, please be patient :)
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