#barta barri
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El vampiro de la autopista (1971) - German poster
AKA The Horrible Sexy Vampire
#el vampiro de la autopista#the horrible sexy vampire#wal davis#barta barri#anastasio campoy#1970s horror#1970s movies#1971#josé luis madrid#movie posters
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Brigada criminal (Ignacio F. Iquino, 1950)
#brigada criminal#ignacio f. iquino#josé suárez#manuel gas#barta barri#1950#cine español#spanish cinema#spanish movie#spanish film
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Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #20
-May 1991- Archie Comics
script by Dean Clarrain
penciled by Bill Wray
inked by Hilary Barta. John Beatty & Mark Pacella
lettered by Gary Fields
colored by Barry Grossman
#eastman and laird#teenage mutant ninja turtles adventures#archie comics#dean clarrain#bill wray#hilary barta#john beatty#mark pacella#gary fields#barry grossman#comics
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Miért olyan nehéz ez?
Mindössze két generációval ezelőtt, a nagyszüleim idejében az emberek nagy része lényegében el sem hagyta a faluját, a többségük mégis talált magának párt. Ehhez képest manapság teljesen magától értetődő, hogy egy ígéretes randi miatt vonatra szállok és másfél-két órát utazok Veszprém és Budapest között: ennyi kényelmetlenséget be kell vállalni, legalább már az elején kiderül, hogy ki mennyi energiát hajlandó fektetni a másikba.
Persze én nem vagyok reprezentatív, mindenféle gátlást meg szorongást cipelek magammal, de mégis: a statisztikák is azt sugallják, hogy ma nehezebb társat találni, mint ötven-hatvan (vagy akár csak harminc) évvel ezelőtt volt. A legutóbbi népszámlálás adataiból kiderül, hogy még soha ennyien nem voltak egyedülállók Magyarországon: a 20-39 éves korcsoportban Veszprémben 18 százalék, vagyis minden ötödik, Budapesten pedig 28 százalék, vagyis minden harmadik ember szingli.
Egy pszichológiai elmélet szerint az agyunk könnyen tud választani 4-5 opció közül, de nem tud mit kezdeni azzal, ha korlátlan számú lehetőség áll rendelkezésünkre. Magyarán: a nagyszüleink el tudták dönteni, hogy a 4-5 szóba jöhető falubeli lány/fiú közül ki illene hozzájuk a leginkább. Ki tudták választani az elérhető legjobbat. Nekünk viszont az egész világ minden nője/férfija közül kell választanunk, és ez magával hozza azt a bizonytalanságot, hogy mindig lehet odakint egy még jobb, még alkalmasabb jelölt, akiről lemondtunk. [A jelenséget a választás paradoxonának nevezik. A témában Barry Schwartz írt könyvet, ha azt nem is olvassátok el, az ide vágó TED-beszédét érdemes meghallgatni, magyar feliratot is be tudtok állítani hozzá.]
Egy-egy randiszituációban minden bizonytalanság a felszínre kerül. Hogy vajon érdemes-e a másiknak esélyt adni? Hogy vajon én elég jó vagyok-e neki? És hogy ebben a digitális világban, amikor a kommunikációnk jelentős része kijelzőkön keresztül történik, vajon képesek vagyunk-e jól működni akkor, amikor egymás szemébe nézünk, amikor bőr érintkezik bőrrel, amikor versenyt dobognak a szíveink? Az egész helyzet csupa kétség és küszködés.
Pontosan erről szól Neil LaBute színpadi műve, amit Göttinger Pál rendezett meg az Orlai Produkció részére. A másfél órás darab egyetlen jelenet: elejétől a végéig megnézhetjük, mihez kezd egymással egy fiatal férfi és nő (Barta Ágnes és Mészáros Martin), akik az imént ismerték meg egymást és felmennek a lány lakására.
Hamar kiderül, hogy mindkét félnek megvannak már a maga sérülései, rossz tapasztalatai, és ez óvatosságra inti őket. Mindketten azt fürkészik, vajon ez a partner is olyan lesz, mint azok, akik ártottak korábban? A nő attól tart, hogy a férfi rá akarja kényszeríteni az akaratát, hogy nem lesz képes vagy hajlandó tartani a megbeszélt határokat; a férfi pedig attól, hogy a nő csak játszik vele, meg akarja alázni. Újra és újra olyan helyzetbe sodorják egymást, ami ezeket a félelmeket erősíti.
Az este során ugyanazokat a köröket futják: a férfi kezdeményez, a nő átadja magát, majd hirtelen befeszül, ellöki magától a férfit, a fejéhez vágja azokat a sérelmeket, amiket valójában nem követett el, amik valahol a múltban estek meg és most csak felkavarodtak. A férfi abszurdnak találja a helyzetet, a nő fejéhez vágja, hogy csak játszik az érzéseivel, és már éppen elege van az egészből, felállna és lelépne, amikor a nő megretten attól, hogy elveszítheti, és arra kéri: maradjon. Érdekes, hogy emlékeim szerint egyszer sem hangzik el az: "szeretném, hogy maradj", a nő nem bátorít, éppen csak megenged. "Maradhatsz." (Ha akarsz. A te döntésed. Ez is jellemző: mindkét fél folyamatosan a másikra igyekszik tolni a döntés felelősségét.)
A fiú azzal szembesül, hogy elutasítják, de nem engedik el, a lány egyszerre vágyja és féli a férfi közelségét. Mindketten gyötrődnek, mert (hallelujah, ezt legalább kimondják) tetszenek egymásnak, de nem akarnak még egyszer sérülni, sem bántani a másikat. Ezért ülnek fel újra meg újra ugyanarra a körhintára: mert amikor már éppen elegük lenne a másikból, akkor felvillan annak a lehetősége, hogy ez a másik itt tényleg egy értékes ember, akit nem lenne szabad elveszíteni.
És a megfejtés? A szomorú, de mégis optimista válasz az, hogy ez ilyen. Hogy nagyon, nagyon sokan működünk így, a hozott sérüléseink hibák sorozatára kárhoztatnak minket, újra meg újra elkövetjük őket, akár egy estén belül is. És emberfeletti bizalomra meg hitre van szükségünk ahhoz, hogy a negyedik vagy ötödik alkalom után ne sétáljunk ki az ajtón, hanem még egyszer visszaüljünk az ágy szélére, amikor a másik annyit mond – megengedve, nem kérve –, hogy "maradhatsz." Azt hiszem, a többség nem maradt volna.
Hát ezért ilyen nehéz. Mert tele vagyunk félelmekkel, amik okkal születtek meg bennünk, de akkor is fogva tartanak minket, amikor nincs mitől megvédeni magunkat. És az, hogy a két szereplőnk a történet végére ha nem is borul egymás nyakába, de mégiscsak bizalmat szavaz a másiknak, azzal enged útra minket, hogy próbálkozzatok, ne adjátok fel, mert van remény.
🎭 Neil LaBute: Ha lenne valakim Orlai Produkció, dir. Göttinger Pál
Fotó: Éder Vera / Orlai Produkció
#színház#Orlai Produkció#Neil LaBute#Göttinger Pál#Barta Ágnes#Mészáros Martin#párkapcsolat#társkeresés#randevú
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Did The Future Already Happen? - The Paradox of Time Go to https://ift.tt/CsTqhpg to dive deeper into these topics and more with a free 30-day trial + 20% off for the first 200 people! This video was sponsored by Brilliant. Thanks a lot for the support! Sources & further reading: https://ift.tt/hVgqH87? Is your future already written? Do your past, present, and future all exist right now? Surprisingly, the answer could be yes. Let's take a look at what time is and how it works – in our first video of the year! OUR CHANNELS ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ German: https://ift.tt/apQjC81 Spanish: https://ift.tt/EzAqve5 French: https://ift.tt/jyGrxDF Portuguese: https://ift.tt/W6rmjbC Arabic: https://ift.tt/wqlgHy9 Hindi: https://ift.tt/VKR1SN8 Japanese: https://ift.tt/jt54J3r Korean: https://ift.tt/hDsg5mI HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT US? ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ This is how we make our living and it would be a pleasure if you support us! Get Products designed with ❤ https://ift.tt/6cthdsQ Join the Patreon Bird Army 🐧 https://ift.tt/FZqIfe5 DISCUSSIONS & SOCIAL MEDIA ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ TikTok: https://kgs.link/tiktok Reddit: https://kgs.link/reddit Instagram: https://ift.tt/qIc860z Twitter: https://ift.tt/WcBuZhi Facebook: https://ift.tt/3lt8riW Discord: https://ift.tt/DclvYUm Newsletter: https://ift.tt/Bh24Ptg OUR VOICE ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ The Kurzgesagt voice is from Steve Taylor: https://ift.tt/TUIxhfE OUR MUSIC ♬♪ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 700+ minutes of Kurzgesagt Soundtracks by Epic Mountain: Spotify: https://ift.tt/yCDvfuB Soundcloud: https://ift.tt/Nz7CTwE Bandcamp: https://ift.tt/QUEiT8g Youtube: https://ift.tt/AKLpOU7 Facebook: https://ift.tt/S3VE4uM The Soundtrack of this video: SoundCloud: https://bit.ly/49cZSo0 Bandcamp: https://bit.ly/3vRr6lv If you want to help us caption this video, please send subtitles to [email protected] You can find info on what subtitle files work on YouTube here: https://ift.tt/KZ4d5mH Thank you! 🐦🐧🐤 PATREON BIRD ARMY 🐤🐧🐦 ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Many Thanks to our wonderful Patreons (from http://kgs.link/patreon) who support us every month and made this video possible: Juan, DasBeast97, H Henning, steco, Claudio Erba, Jake Pearson, Dominic Harnisch, Felinae Tang, Lana the Blonde Farmer, Pierre Persson, Dante Gilbert, Julian Rupp, Abhinav Sahu, Jason Woods, Rog Simon Jr., Kai Kirylo, Birk Flaten, Ira Silchenko, Victoria Yoon, D, Rondie, Lorenzo Zama, Adiv Data, Knilz Maierling, Nicolas Girardeau, Ella McKinney, Cantemir Zegrea, 呱呱呱呱呱, Stefani, applestooranges, Dezwijger1982 ., Anindya Maiti, Caleb Round, Nick Swanlaw, Jon Prictoe, Ivy blue, marshmellerz13 ,Mind_Blocker10, Jack Gilvey, kate keaney, Wassili, Mead Landis, Cracar nar, Bartas Beitas, Saanzan, kevin garner, Steven Goins, Ryan, OD, Nikolay, Kalihman Eitan, 101 Rebel, dark, Barry Corbett, Rog Simon Jr. via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwSzpaTHyS8
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el pez de los ojos de oro (sp, ramírez 74)
#el pez de los ojos de oro#the fish with the golden eyes#Pedro L. Ramírez#wal davis#Norma Kastel#Barta Barri#Ada Tauler#Montserrat Prous#Antonio L. Ballesteros hijo
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Bad movie I have The Haunted house of Horror aka Horror House 1969 and The Werewolf vs. Vampire Woman 1971
#The Haunted house of Horror#Tigon British Film Productions#Frankie Avalon#Jill Haworth#Dennis Price#Mark Wynter#George Sewell#Gina Warwick#Richard O'Sullivan#Carol Dilworth#The Werewolf vs. Vampire Woman#Paul Naschy#Gaby Fuchs#Barbara Capell#Andrés Resino#Yelena Samarina#José Marco#Betsabé Ruiz#Barta Barri#Patty Shepard#Plata Films S.A.
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THE HORRIBLE SEXY VAMPIRE (1970) Reviews and overview
THE HORRIBLE SEXY VAMPIRE (1970) Reviews and overview
‘It’ll rock you in your seats!’ The Horrible Sexy Vampire is a 1970 Spanish horror film about an inhuman maniac that is murdering young women in Germany. Meanwhile, a doctor is convinced that the killings are the evil workings of a reclusive odd baron who died many years ago. Written and directed by José Luis Madrid (Seven Murders for Scotland Yard). The movie stars Waldemar Wohlfahrt [Wal…
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#1970#Barta Barri#El vampiro de la autopista#film#horror#José Luis Madrid#movie#review reviews#Spanish#The Horrible Sexy Vampire#Wal Davis
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Monster dog (Claudio Fragasso, 1984).
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Marvel Comics Presents 162 (1994) . The Mace Origins part 3 . Written by Carl Potts Penciled by Barry Crain I keep by Hilary Barta and Philip Moy Cover by Mark Pacella and Rey Garcia . #themace #mace #vengeance #horror #comics #marvel #midnightsons #ghostrider #90s #hilarybarta #carlpotts #barrycrain #philmoy #markpacella #reygarcia https://www.instagram.com/p/CRLX8sSMhaU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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El vampiro de la autopista (1971)
AKA The Horrible Sexy Vampire
#el vampiro de la autopista#the horrible sexy vampire#wal davis#barta barri#anastasio campoy#1971#1970s movies#josé luis madrid#movie posters
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watchlist for 2020 2020 reading list last updated 8.1.2020
I know there aren’t a lot of films directed by women or non-Western directors on this list, so if any of you have any recommendations I would love to hear them! I’m going to do some of my own research, but if you guys know any lesser known ones I’d love to add them to my list!
Faust (1926) dir. F. W. Murnau Rebecca (1940) dir. Alfred Hitchcock Rope (1948) dir. Alfred Hitchcock Secret beyond the Door (1948) dir. Fritz Lang Noita palaa elämään / The Witch (1952) dir. by Roland af Hällström North by Northwest (1959) dir. Alfred Hitchcock 1960s Et mourir de plaisir (1960) dir. Roger Vadim Persona (1960) dir. Ingmar Bergman The Pit and the Pendulum (1961) dir. Roger Corman Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962) dir. Agnès Varda I tre volti della paura / Black Sabbath (1963) dir. Mario Bava Lilith (1964) dir. Robert Rossen Vampirisme (1967) dir. Bernard Chaouat; Patrice Duvic The Satanist (1968) dir. Zoltan G. Spencer Le viol du vampire (1968) dir. Jean Rollin
1970s Le frisson des vampires (1970) dir. Jean Rollin The Vampire Doll (1970) dir. Michio Yamamoto La rose écorchée / The Blood Rose (1970) dir. Claude Mulot Ovoce stromu rajských jíme / Full of Paradise (1970) dir. Vera Chytilová +Trzecia część nocy / The Third Part of the Night (1971) dir. Andrzej Żuławski Les Lèvres Rouges / The Red Lips (1971) dir. Harry Kümel Una lucertola con la pelle di donna / A Lizard in a Woman’s Skin (1971) dir. Lucio Fulci Viskningar och Rop / Cries and Whispers (1972) dir. Ingmar Bergman Diabeł (1972) dir. Andrzej Żuławski La notte dei diavoli / Night of the Devils (1972) dir. Giorgio Ferroni Ángeles y querubines / Angels and Cherubs (1972) dir. Rafael Corkidi The Blood Spattered Bride (1972) dir. Vicente Aranda La morte negli occhi del gatto / Seven Deaths in a Cat’s Eye (1973) dir. Antonio Margheriti Cannibal Girls (1973) dir. Ivan Reitman +Ganja & Hess (1973) dir. Bill Gun La Rose de Fer / The Iron Rose (1973) dir. Jean Rollin Lady Snowblood (1973) dir. Toshiya Fujita +Messiah of Evil (1973) dir. Gloria Katz & Willard Huyck Female Vampire (1973) dir. Jesús Franco Thriller – en grym film / Thriller: A Cruel Picture (1973) dir. Bo Arne Vibenius Bloody Murder / …la main à couper (1974) dir. Etienne Périer +La Bête / The Beast (1975) dir. Walerian Borowczyk Dzieje grzechu / The Story of Sin (1975) dir. Walerian Borowczyk La Marge / The Stalker (1975) dir. Walerian Borowczyk +Sebastiane (1975) dir. Derek Jarman Profondo rosso / Deep Red (1975) dir. Dario Argento +Salomé (1976) dir. Téo Harnadez +Die Marquise von O… / The Maquis of O… (1976) dir. Éric Rohmer The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976) dir. Matt Cimber The Uncanny (1977) dir. Denis Héroux Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (1977) dir. George Barry Portret (1977) dir. Stanisław Lenartowicz. Escalofrío / Satan’s Blood (1978) dir. Carlos Puerto +Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979) dir. Werner Herzog Les Sœurs Brontë / The Brontë Sisters (1979) dir. André Téchiné A Mulher Que Inventou o Amor / The Woman Who Invented Love (1979) dir. Jean Garrett +Fascination (1979) dir. Jean Rollin Les héroïnes du mal / Immoral Women (1979) dir. Walerian Borowczyk
1980s Aus dem Leben der Marionetten / From the Life of the Marionettes (1980) dir. Ingmar Bergman La Dame aux camélias / The Lady of the Camellias (1980) dir. Mauro Bolognini Inferno (1980) dir. Dario Argento La nuit des traquées / The Night of the Hunted (1980) dir. Jean Rollin +Dressed to Kill (1980) dir. Brian de Palma Docteur Jekyll et les femmes (1981) dir. Walerian Borowczyk +Possession (1981) dir. Andrzej Żuławski Blow Out (1981) dir. Brian de Palma La morte vivante / The Living Dead Girl (1982) dir. Jean Rollin Tenebre (1982) dir. Dario Argento Lovely Devil (1982) dir. Nobuhiko Obayashi Angst (1983) dir. Gerald Kargl The Gold of Love (1983) dir. Eckhart Schmidt The Legend of Suram Fortress (1984) Sergei Parajanov Body Double (1984) dir. Brian de Palma +Caravaggio (1986) dir. Derek Jarman +Der Rosenkönig (1986) dir. Werner Schroeter Sous le soleil de Satan / Under the Sun of Satan (1987) dir. Maurice Pialat Vlčí bouda / Wolf’s Hole (1987) dir. Věra Chytilová +Babette’s Feast (1987) dir.Gabriel Axel Nekromantik (1987) dir. Jörg Buttgereit
1990s Mirror Mirror (1990) dir. Marina Sargenti +Malina (1991) dir. Werner Schroeter Raising Cain (1992) dir. Brian de Palma The Piano (1993) dir. Jane Campion Little Death (1995) dir. Francois Ozon A Casa (1997) dir. Šarūnas Bartas
2000s The Cell (2000) dir. Tarsem Singh Trouble Every Day (2001) dir. Claire Denis Stages of Mourning (2004) dir. Sarah Pucill Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer (2006) dir. Tom Tykwer À l'intérieur (2007) dir. Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury Barbe Bleue / Bluebeard (2009) dir. Catherine Breillat Viola di Mare (2009) dir. Donatella Maiorca Le masque de la Méduse (2009) dir. Jean Rollin
2010s Phyllis (2010) dir. Zina Saro-Wiwa Crime d’amour / Love Crime (2010) dir. Alain Corneau Passion (2012) dir. Brian de Palma Goodnight Mommy (2014) dir. Veronika Franz & Severin Fiala Cosmos (2015) dir. Andrzej Żuławski The Lure (2015) dir. Agnieszka Smoczynska Evolution (2015) dir. Lucile Hadzihalilovic +Raw (2016) dir. Julia Ducournau +As Boas Maneiras / Good Manners (2017) dir. Marco Dutra & Juliana Rojas +Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (2019) dir. Céline Sciamma +Parasite (2019) dir. Bong Joon Ho Darlin’ (2019) dir. Pollyanna Mcintosh Brian De Palma’s Filmography Jean Rollin’s filmography Alfred Hitchcock’s filmography Dario Argento’s filmography
finished A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014) dir. Ana Lily Amirpour Red Dragon (2002) dir. Brett Ratner Faust (2011) dir. Alexander Sokurov
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Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #20
-May 1991- Archie Comics
"Sun and Steel"
script by Dean Clarrain
penciled by Bill Wray
inked by Hilary Barta. John Beatty & Mark Pacella
lettered by Gary Fields
colored by Barry Grossman
#eastman and laird#teenage mutant ninja turtles adventures#archie comics#dean clarrain#bill wray#hilary barta#john beatty#mark pacella#gary fields#barry grossman#comics
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World Poll 2019
Great recent movies (made since 2014) seen for the first time in 2019
Mademoiselle de Joncquières (Emmanuel Mouret, 2018)
Dau Huduni Methai (Song of the Horned Owl, Manju Borah, 2015)
El Crack cero (José Luis Garci, 2019)
Jiang hu er nv (Ash is Purest White, Jia Zhang-ke, 2018)
Carré 35 (Plot 35, Éric Caravaca, 2017)
Sic transit Gloria Mundi (Gloria Mundi, Robert Guédiguian, 2019)
If Beale Street Could Talk (Barry Jenkins, 2018)
Ad Astra (James Gray, 2019)
Le Chant du loup (The Wolf’s Call, Antonin Braudy, 2019)
Shooting the Mafia (Kim Longinotto, 2019)
Village Rockstars (Rima Das, 2017)
Tantas Almas (Valley of Souls, Nicolás Rincón Gille, 2019)
Un peuple et son roi (Pierre Schoeller, 2018)
Aamis (Ravening, Bhaskar Hazarika, 2018/9)
Fishbone (Adán Aliaga, 2018)
O que arde (Fire Will Come, Oliver Laxe, 2019)
La Fin de la nuit (Lucas Belvaux, 2015)
Ramen Teh (Ramen Shop, Eric Khoo, 2018)
Light of My Life (Casey Affleck, 2019)
Great movies (made before 2014) seen for the first time in 2019
’49-’17 (Ruth Ann Baldwin, 1917)
Ba shan ye yu (Evening Rain / Night Rain of Mount Ba, Wu Yigong and Wu Yonggang, 1980)
The Spirit of the Flag (Allan Dwan, 1913)
Versailles (Pierre Schoeller, 2008)
Ùn pienghjite mica (Les Anonymes, Pierre Schoeller, 2012/3)
Foxfire (Joseph Pevney, 1954/5)
Johnny Come Lately (William K. Howard, 1943)
I girovaghi (Hugo Fregonese, 1956)
Nunal sa Tubig (Speck in the Water, Ishmael Bernal, 1976)
Ikaw ay Kin (You Are Mine, Ishmael Bernal, 1978)
Pervyí eshielon (The First Convoy, Mikhail Kalatozov, 1955/6)
The Sea Wolf (Alfred Santell, 1930)
Surrender (William K. Howard, 1931)
The Restless Years (Helmut Käutner, 1958)
Darling, How Could You! (Mitchell Leisen, 1951)
Ko:Yad (A Silent Way, Manju Borah, 2012)
The Flame (John H. Auer, 1947)
Ernst Thälmann-Sohn seiner Klasse (Kurt Maetzig, 1954)
Ernst Thälmann-Führer seiner Klasse (Kurt Maetzig, 1955)
Bólshaia Sémia (A Big Family, Iosif Kheífits, 1954)
Circuit Carole (Emmanuelle Cuau, 1995)
Harvey (Henry Koster, 1950)
As It Is in Life (D.W. Griffith, 1910)
Abroad with Two Yanks (Allan Dwan, 1944)
Behind Office Doors (Melville W. Brown, 1931)
Lovin’ The Ladies (Melville W. Brown, 1930)
La Tarea o cómo la pornografía salvó del tedio y mejoró la economía de la familia Partida (Homework, Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, 1990/1)
A Modern Hero (G.W. Pabst, 1934)
Surrender (William K. Howard, 1931)
Jubilee Trail (Joseph Inman Kane, 1954)
Matinée (Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, 1976/7)
Linda (Mrs. Wallace Reid = Dorothy Davenport, 1928/9)
Die missbrauchten Lebesbriefe (Leopold Lindtberg, 1940)
Very good movies (made since 2014) seen for the first time in 2019
Photograph (Ritesh Batra, 2019)
The Mule (Clint Eastwood, 2018)
The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot (Robert D. Krzykowski, 2018)
Frères ennemis (Close Enemies, David Oelhoffen, 2018)
L’Homme fidèle (A Faithful Man, Louis Garrel, 2018)
Pris de court (Not on My Watch, Emmanuelle Cuau, 2016)
Dolor y Gloria (Pain and Glory, Pedro Almodóvar, 2019)
Frost (Šerkšnas, Sharunas Bartas, 2017)
Vitalina Varela (Pedro Costa, 2019)
Da xiang xi di er zuo (An Elephant Sitting Still, Hu Bo, 2018)
Di qiu zui hou de ye wan (Long Day’s Journey Into Night, Bi Gan, 2018)
La Tenerezza (Tenderness, Gianni Amelio, 2017)
Fourteen (Dan Sallitt, 2019)
Bulbul Can Sing (Rima Das, 2018)
A Rainy Day in New York (Woody Allen, 2019)
Legado en los huesos (Fernando González Molina, 2019)
Ma vie dans l’Allemagne d’Hitler (My Life in Hitler’s Germany, Jérôme Prieur, 2018)
La Vie balagan de Marceline Loridan-Ivens (Yves Jeuland, 2018)
Gangbyeon Hotel (Hotel by the River, Hong Sang-soo, 2018)
The Wind (Emma Tammi, 2018)
Kothanodi (The River of Fables, Bhaskar Hazarika, 2015)
Dar Jostojoy-e Farideh (Finding Farideh, Azadeh Moussavi & Kourosh Ataee, 2018)
Sir (Rohena Gera, 2018)
El Proyeccionista (The Projectionist, José María Cabral, 2019)
Intemperie (Benito Zambrano, 2019)
Madre (Mother, Rodrigo Sorogoyen, 2017, short)
Three Identical Strangers (Tim Wardle, 2018)
Madre (Rodrigo Sorogoyen, 2019)
Very good movies (made before 2014) seen for the first time in 2019
A Life for a Kiss (Allan Dwan, 1912)
Futari de aruita iku haru aki (The Days We Spent Together, Kinoshita Keisukē, 1962)
The Necklace (D.W. Griffith, 1909)
Das Schiff der verlorenen Menschen (Ship of Lost Men, Maurice Tourneur, 1929)
The Broken Locket (D.W. Griffith, 1909)
Primrose Hill (Mikhaël Hers, 2007)
The Rejected Woman (Albert Parker, 1924)
El último malón (Alcides Greca, 1917)
Bullets for O’Hara (William K. Howard, 1941)
Le Récit de Rebecca (Paul Vecchiali, 1964)
La noche avanza (Night Falls, Roberto Gavaldón, 1952)
Over-Exposed (Lewis B. Seiler, 1956)
I rollerna tre (Christina Olofson, 1996)
Il Viale della Speranza (Dino Risi, 1953)
Because of You (Joseph Pevney, 1952)
1870/…Correva l’anno di grazia 1870 (Alfredo Giannetti, 1972)
Demi-tarif (Isild Le Besco, 2003)
L’Exercice de l’État (The Minister, Pierre Schoeller, 2011)
Cheng nan jiu shi (My Memories of Old Beijing / Old Stories of the Southern Part of the City, Wu Yigong, 1983)
Strangler of the Swamp (Frank Wisbar, 1945/6)
Sword in the Desert (George Sherman, 1949)
There’s Always Tomorrow (Too Late For Love;Edward Sloman, 1934)
East Side, West Side (Allan Dwan, 1927)
Le Départ (Damien de Pierpont, 1998)
Face aux fantômes (Jean-Louis Comolli, 2009)
The Eagle and the Hawk (Mitchell Leisen, credited to Stuart Walker, 1933)
Whirlpool (Roy William Neill, 1934)
The Animal Kingdom (Edgard H. Griffith; uc. George Cukor, 1932)
Le Passager (The Passenger, Éric Caravaca, 2005)
Razumov (Sous les yeux d’Occident) (Marc Allégret, 1936)
Banjo On My Knee (John Cromwell, 1936)
One Night of Love (Victor Schertzinger, 1934)
Enchantment (Robert G. Vignola, 1921)
Charell (Mikhaël Hers, 2006)
Men With Wings (William A. Wellman, 1938)
Delitto per amore (L’edera) (Augusto Genina, 1950)
Les Amants de Minuit/Les Amours de Minuit (Augusto Genina, 1930/1)
Human Cargo (Allan Dwan, 1936)
Up the Ladder (Edward Sloman, 1925)
Luxury Liner (Richard B. Whorf, 1948)
Surrender! (Edward Sloman, 1927)
The Judge (Elmer Clifton, 1948/9)
Turbión (Antonio Momplet, 1938)
Der Ruf (Josef von Báky, 1949)
Faubourg Montmartre (Raymond Bernard, 1931)
Träumerei (Harald Braun, 1944)
The Red Lantern (Albert Capellani, 1919)
El Paseíllo (Ana Mariscal, 1968)
La quiniela (Ana Mariscal, 1960)
Great movies growing up or just rediscovered in 2019
Letter of Introduction (John M. Stahl, 1938)
Only Yesterday (John M. Stahl, 1933)
Our Wife (John M. Stahl, 1941)
Wohin und zurück (Axel Corti, 1982-6)
Giorno per giorno, disperatamente (Alfredo Gianetti, 1961)
Die wunderbare Lüge der Nina Petrowna (Hanns Schwarz, 1929)
Alyonka (Boris Barnet, 1961)
Craig’s Wife (Dorothy Arzner, 1936)
Imitation of Life/Fannie Hurst’s “Imitation of Life” (John M. Stahl, 1934)
Captains Courageous (Victor Fleming, 1937)
Test Pilot (Victor Fleming, 1938)
The Eternal Sea (John H. Auer, 1955)
Hello, Sister! (Anonymous: Erich von Stroheim, Alfred L. Werker, Raoul Walsh, Alan Crosland, 1933)
La noche de enfrente (Night Across the Street, Raúl Ruiz, 2012)
Journey into Light (Stuart R. Heisler, 1951)
Feel My Pulse (Gregory LaCava, 1928)
La signora senza camelie (The Lady Without Camelias, Michelangelo Antonioni, 1953)
Nosotros que fuimos tan felices (Antonio Drove, 1976)
Very good movies improved
Liana (Boris Barnet, 1955)
L’Avventura (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1960)
Du haut en bas (High and Low, G.W. Pabst, 1933)
Amok (Antonio Momplet, 1944)
The Man Who Never Was (Ronald Neame, 1956)
Open Range (Kevin Costner, 2003)
Con la vida hicieron fuego (Ana Mariscal, 1959)
Timberjack (Joe Kane, 1954/5)
En la Palma de tu Mano (Roberto Gavaldón, 1951)
Gravity (Alfonso Cuarón, 2013)
Expreso de Andalucía (Francisco Rovira-Beleta, 1956)
El Camino (Ana Mariscal, 1963)
La viuda del capitán Estrada (Jos�� Luis Cuerda, 1991)
Vestida de azul (Antonio Giménez-Rico, 1983)
Segundo López aventurero urbano (Ana Mariscal, 1953)
Hell’s Outpost (Joe Kane, 1954)
Fuente: http://sensesofcinema.com/2020/world-poll/world-poll-2019-part-5/#4
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Leo, Mike, Don and Mondo are enjoying the view high atop a New York skyscraper. Donatello is studying the building with the familiar logo and pondering what the strange meteors that had been floating around it could have been when April and Master Splinter arrive. The Sensei states that Raph is on his way. O'Neil announces that Splinter has begun to teach her how to use a katana and that the pair have been investigating the owner of the building that Donatello was wondering about. April states that the news is not good - the skyscraper is owned by a businessman named Null. Our heroes begin to ponder what other evils Null has his fingers in...
Meanwhile, Mr. Null is negotiating with the buggy Skul and Bean. The aliens are unhappy with Null's proposal that a contract must be signed and state that their Queen Maligna's word is enough. The pair then reveal how they had disguised their ship as a meteor and followed Cudley the Cowlick across the universe to the planet Earth, where they met Null. The bogus businessman dictates the terms of their agreement: Null wants Maligna to give him the means to take his businesses off-planet and in return he will give the bugs the Earth. Maligna's ambassador agrees to the deal and shakes hands with the crooked capitalist. Skul and Bean state that Maligna is on her way to the planet.
Meanwhile, Man Ray is swimming with some dolphins when he discovers a strange array of meteors on the floor of the ocean. When the mighty mutant investigates, one of the asteroids springs to life and crashes into his chest, carrying him out of the sea and high into the sky at tremendous velocity.
Soon enough, the meteor comes crashing down onto a beach - that's inhabited by Jagwar and Dreadmon! Ray is dazed from the crash, but recovers quickly - as does the asteroid, which begins to crack apart.
Back in the Big Apple, April, Splinter and Don are trying to come up with a plan on how to get inside Null's headquarters when they're interrupted by The Kid - who holds them at gunpoint. Fortunately Raphael shows up and knocks out the Kid. As everyone congratulates Raph for his quick take down, Skul and Bean arrive and a battle ensues. Our heroes have a hard time as the bug's body armor is tremendously durable. Eventually Bean launches a stink bomb out of his skull, which creates a noxious cloud that knocks out our heroes. As the aliens congratulate each other for a job well done, Mr. Null arrives and reveals his true form - that of a devil!
After a recap of the important events leading up to this issue, we rejoin Jagwar, Dreadmon and Man Ray on the South American beach as they observe the strange meteorite crack open. The meteorite turns out to be an “egg” full of Maligna’s spawn: weird blue caterpillars.
Speaking of Queen Maligna, back at her outer space headquarters, she has Stump and Sling held prisoner. She isn’t pleased with their interference during the battle of Hirobyl and sentences them to be burned alive in her furnaces. As they’re being dragged off by guards, the two tree-guys are rescued by their employee, Leatherhead. As Leatherhead wrestles with the guards, Wingnut and Screwloose swoop in and airlift Stump and Sling out of the fracas. They all manage to escape through a window and into the maw of Cudley the Cowlick.
Back at Null’s corporate headquarters in New York City, the Turtles, April, Splinter and Mondo Gecko have been subdued and tied-up by Null, Skul and Bean. As Kid Terra comes to, he makes up a hasty (and fake) excuse that he was trying to take down the Turtles for Null when Raph took him by surprise. Null gloats over his victory and then leaves with Skul and Bean to finalize the sale of planet Earth to Queen Maligna. Left alone, Splinter asks everyone to stop struggling and create an environment of tranquility so he can focus on mentally summoning some back-up.
At the Stump Arena, Stump tells what he knows of Maligna’s plot to Leatherhead, Wingnut and Screwloose. The three anthropomorphic animals aren’t about to let anything happen to Earth, so they hitch a ride there with Cudley the Cowlick. The ride is an unpleasant one, though, as Cudley is shot down by one of Maligna’s ships.
On the South American shore, Man Ray and friends inspect the meteorite “egg” and find the last remaining “caterpillars” feasting on their dead brothers (yuck). They then follow the caterpillars and find them munching down the rainforest. The environmentally-minded Jagwar protests, resulting in the hungry caterpillars stampeding toward him and his friends.
At Null’s building, Splinter’s back-up arrives in the form of a pack of rats. The rats chew through their bonds, setting the heroes free. The Turtles grab their weapons (which Kid Terra “accidentally” left in the room with them) just as Skul and Bean return. Better prepared, the Turtles put up a better fight with the aliens this time around. Bean then fires another smoke-bomb from his head and when the fog clears, the Turtles are left to watch as the bad guys escape in their spaceship. As the ship zooms off into the distance, Splinter realizes that both Raph and Mondo have stolen away on it.
In South America, Man Ray, Dreadmon and Jagwar flee the approaching bugs, only to stumble upon the downed Cudley amongst a field of grazing cattle.
At the Hive World, Queen Maligna probes the mind of one of her children and discovers that he successfully shot down Cudley the Cowlick. Grateful, she rewards her child by eating him.
In the Amazon, Jagwar, Dreamon and Man Ray are investigating the downed Cudley, who is having his wounds licked by several local bovine. They quickly make friends with Cudley, only to be ambushed by Leatherhead, Wingnut and Screwloose, who haven’t figured that part out yet. The mutants brawl with one another until Cudley screams some sense into them, redirecting their attention to the forest full of cocoons which were formerly Maligna’s caterpillar-like spawn.
On Skul and Bean’s ship, Null is ecstatic over the prospect of taking his business into outer space; a goal he had been striving for even before be met Maligna’s stooges. Meanwhile, Kid Terra sneaks Mondo’s skateboard over to Mondo and Raph, who have stowed away on the ship. Terra silently gives them a thumbs up, thoroughly confusing the two heroes. The ship then docks at the Hive World.
After everyone has left, Mondo and Raph sneak out. Knocking out a guard, they find the exoskeleton leftovers of several of Maligna’s children whom she had devoured. They slip into the exoskeleton “armor” (though Mondo remarks at how creepy what they’re doing is) and skulk around the Hive before being sniffed out by several guards. They defeat the guards and begin gloating over their easy victory, unaware that Queen Maligna lurks behind them.
Back in the Amazon, the mutants observe the cocoons. Wingnut and Screwloose want to burn them all to death before they can awaken, though Dreadmon and Leatherhead reject the strategy, as it’s tantamount to killing someone in their sleep. Wingnut and Screwloose disagree and fly away as the mutants prepare camp.
That night, Jagwar tells the story of how he came to be. His mother, seeking enlightenment, journeyed to a temple deep in the Amazon to commune with the Jaguar Spirit (named Yaguaro). The two fell in love (um…bestiality?) and eventually spawned Jagwar. After his twelfth birthday, Jagwar’s mother traveled north to seek further enlightenment while his father journeyed into the heart of the rain forest in an attempt to keep it alive.
Dreadmon then picks up the cue to spin his yarn. His family originated from South Africa, where his father was a fierce opponent of apartheid and segregation. When things became too dangerous, he sent “Dreadmon” to live in Jamaica (in poverty). “Dreadmon” grew to resent the rich white tourists and began stealing from them, eventually acquiring a totem of a Tasmanian wolf from an Australian sheep rancher. The totem gifted him with super speed, but cursed him by transforming him into a wolf-man after the first full moon of his puberty. The totem was subsequently stolen from him, leaving him stuck that way. After the locals began threatening him with bad voodoo, Dreadmon fled to the Amazon.
Storytime is suddenly interrupted by the return of Wingnut and Screwloose. They alert the mutants to the awakening of the cocoons. The heroes then prepare to make their stand.
Back at the Hive World, Queen Maligna pounces on Raph and Mondo. The pair put up a fight, but are eventually subdued. As she orders them to be put in prison cells and fattened up for her feast, Maligna announces to Skul, Bean, Null and Terra that they have at last arrived at planet Earth.
On Earth, the Mutanimals prepare to battle Maligna’s fully-grown children. As the battle begins, Screwloose explains how Maligna destroys planets: Her children eat the planet’s rain forests, converting them into carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbon gases which heat up the planet and destroy the ozone, allowing ultraviolet radiation to destroy plankton and crops, thus crippling the food chain (convoluted!). The Mutanimals aren’t about to let that happen and fight on.
Back at the Hive World, Raph and Mondo are being basted in a paralyzing honey in order to make them more palatable to Queen Maligna.
In South America, the Mutanimals continue to take down Maligna’s children with relative ease as Cudley transports the fallen warriors back to a safe place in Dimension X. As soon as they believe they’ve won, though, the Hive World touches down on Earth. With the power of her hive mind, Maligna unleashes thousands of war ships which begin attacking all over the world. The Mutanimals begin to lose hope, only to be attacked by Skul and Bean. The Mutanimals fight back, but find this pair of Malignoids to be far tougher than the others.
Onboard the Hive World, Kid Terra makes his move. He shoots the two Malignoids holding Raph and Mondo hostage and helps them clean the paralyzing honey off of themselves.
Outside, the fight against Skul and Bean remains at a stalemate. Skul requests that Bean launch another smoke bomb from the spout on his head. Bean complies, only to have the spout clogged by a well-aimed rock from Screwloose. The bomb explodes inside his head, rendering him unconscious.
On the Hive World, Raph, Mondo and Kid Terra take Maligna by surprise. Kid Terra shoots off one of Maligna’s antennae which she uses to control the hive mind. Without it, her children become lost and defenseless. Maligna surrenders and orders all of her children back to the Hive World.
Outside, Leatherhead puts the finishing touches on Skul. Raph, Mondo and Kid Terra then teleport over to their location and force Maligna to admit defeat, making her promise to leave Earth. As Maligna leaves with the Hive World, however, she vows to return for vengeance some day.
Later that night, Kid Terra asks Man Ray for forgiveness for accidentally killing Bubbla. Man Ray says nothing and turns his back Terra. Just then, he notices several eyes watching him from the forest. They turn out to be cattle. As the Mutanimals celebrate their victory by a campfire, a very unhappy Null lights up a cigar and marches off into the wilderness. Out in space, Stump, Sling, Tyme an Fayme thank everyone for watching.
Meanwhile in New York...
As the smoke from the rubble created by the spaceship begins to clear, police helicopters arrive and our heroes make their escape to the streets. They find a nearby bin filled with clothes and don disguises. As the Turtles make their way through China Town, Donatello asks Splinter what they're going to do about Mondo and Raph, and the Sensei replies that there's nothing that they can do other than trust in Raph's abilities and have faith that they will return. The group hears sirens and makes for cover, as a fire truck races by. Splinter suggests that they do some shopping at a nearby curio shop, but when they get to the store, they discover that it's the building that has caught fire.
An old man is trying valiantly to save his goods, but a police officer grabs him and holds him back, saying that the items aren't worth the fellow's life. Just then a woman screams that her baby daughter is trapped in the building - the TMNT immediately decide that they have to save the child, but a fireman rushes into the failing structure first. He finds the baby, but as he picks her up, the roof collapses!
Outside, the old curio shop owner clutches a golden dragon statuette and states, "This must not be..."
Inside, the fireman begins to transform - and he becomes a gigantic, golden dragon! The dragon gives the baby girl to her mother, and then collapses, reverting back to the fireman. Splinter and the Turtles speak with the owner of the curio shop and they carry the fireman off to receive treatment.
Meanwhile, the fire continues to blaze out of control as a giant Foot robot appears in the city and begins to wreak havoc!
The curio shop owner, Chu, has done what he can for the fireman. Splinter compliments the man on his healing techniques, and Chu explains that they have been handed down to him from his forefathers. Splinter asks if the dragon spirit is also a family heirloom, and Chu asserts that it is. Suddenly, the TMNT hear the sounds of the Foot robot's attack and rush to investigate.
Outside, the monstrous Foot is demolishing everything in sight. The Turtles attack, but their efforts seem useless. They decide to climb to the head of the robot and do what they can from there - which proves to be very little.
Back inside, the fireman is finally awake. The old man explains that the fireman, Chu Hsi, is now one with the Warrior Dragon spirit. Splinter asks the young Chu if he can summon the dragon again, since the city is under seige by another giant. The fireman is unsure if he can manage it, but for the good of all, he makes the effort, and the Warrior Dragon walks once more.
A gigantic battle ensues, and the Dragon eventually defeats the robot. The TMNT congratulate the golden avenger on his accomplishment, and head for home.
This is kind of a new story to me. I originally read the TMNT issues, but Mighty Mutanimals was never published in my country. It makes much more sense now.
Thanks to the TMNT Entity blog, I also just found out that Dean Clarrain was Steve Murphy’s pseudonym.
Anyway, at this point I am used to this book having an ecological agenda, but I feel like it’s being too heavy-handed. There is one page where Screwloose explains the greenhouse effect in the middle of a fight that just doesn’t work. If you want kids to learn these things, put your exposition in the art.
I was always impressed by the art in issue #20. The style fits Chinatown too well, and I kind of wished these were the regular artists of the book (this title will start experiencing a series of fill-in artists, some of them legends).
Were the Mutanimals a cash grab? Probably, but they didn’t prosper that much (other than a short-lived ongoing, and the eventual revival from IDW and I think the 2012 cartoon).
Speaking of long arc, this story is still not over and it never really had a break since issue 5. It is a good thing that they managed to make every issue its own thing.
I give this story a score of 8.
#ryan brown#ken mitchroney#tmnt#archie comics#comics#review#1991#modern age#mighty mutanimals#teenage mutant ninja turtles#teenage mutant ninja turtles adventures
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