#the heritage foundation is a terrorist organization
virgo-79 · 3 months
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This is Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, the white nationalist organization behind the fascist horror and treason that is the 2025 Project, openly threatening leftist American citizens. Me. You. Your families. Your partners. Your kids. Your friends. Your patients. Your clients. Your teachers. Your students. Your patrons. Your volunteers. Your coworkers. If Trump wins, this skinhead motherfucker will have disastrous levels of power. There will be no "voting them out in 4 years." We need to stop this NOW.
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trouserchili · 3 months
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vintageseawitch · 5 days
something i'm growing more & more curious about: aren't the NRA & Republican polticians who get money from them nervous about a potential trump win? Project 2025 wants to change this country into a dictatorship & one of the classic maneuvers of dictatorships is private citizen gun removal. with all of these politicians getting all this money from the NRA, are they getting compensated in other ways? what will happen to the NRA?
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secular-jew · 1 month
I’m a Palestinian American. Here’s Why I Can’t Support the Anti-Israel Protesters. By Elizabeth Gillanders. August 16, 2024
Walking past Union Station in the nation’s capital, I recently was met with a heartbreaking sight. Vandals had defaced the Columbus Memorial Fountain with spray paint, writing the words “Hamas is coming” in big red letters.
Trash and signs discarded by anti-Israel protesters littered the ground. A burnt shopping cart stood off to one side with piles of ash beneath it.
Most depressing, however, were the three bare flag poles that had been robbed of their American flags. Protesters had burned the flags, the only remnant a charred piece of fabric atop another pile of ash.
This was the aftermath of the July 24 “pro-Palestinian” protests in Washington, D.C., organized in response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address that day to a joint meeting of Congress.
As an American of Palestinian heritage, some expect me to cheer on these people. They expect me to condemn the U.S., hate Israel, and support Hamas, a terrorist organization dedicated to wiping out the Jewish state.
But these expectations don’t represent me, nor my family.
I inherit my Palestinian background from my mother’s side of the family; her parents emigrated to America from the Middle East. My grandma was born in Israel and later moved to Ramallah in the West Bank and eventually to Jordan.
After arriving in America in her 20s, my grandma worked hard to become a U.S. citizen. She learned the English language while raising my mother and uncle. She opened a restaurant with my grandpa, lovingly named the Chicken Pantry, in Hamtramck, Michigan. When that business closed, my grandma worked as a real estate agent before eventually retiring in the land of prosperity.
America brought my family prosperity. My grandparents taught my mother to “kiss the ground you walk on” because they knew what a blessing America is.
They passed this lesson on to me.
Although many seem to think that my Palestinian heritage should cause me to align with protests that supposedly are “pro-Palestinian,” it’s precisely because of my heritage that I cannot do that.
Israel went to war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip only after Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,200 and kidnapped about 250 in a rampage of rape, torture, and murder Oct. 7 in southern Israel.
About 10 months later, as pro-Hamas protesters march in this country to “free Palestine,” they call for the death of America. As they burn the American flag, they burn all that my family has worked to achieve.
As the protesters pledge their allegiance to Hamas, they encourage a group that my grandmother wouldn’t hesitate to call a terrorist organization that operates with a strategy of human sacrifice.
Think about it. Why are there no Hamas military bases in the Gaza Strip adjoining Israel? Because the terrorists hide behind their own people.
They dress like noncombatants in Gaza. They establish bunkers in hospitals. They commandeer ambulances for transportation.
These actions are all in direct violation of Article 18 of the Geneva Conventions, the international pacts that set minimum standards during armed conflict for the treatment of civilians, soldiers, and prisoners of war.
One example is Hamas’ use of Gaza’s most important hospital, Al-Shifa. According to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Hamas uses a bunker under the hospital as a base for military operations. This not only makes the hospital a target, but takes medical resources needed for the sick.
In contrast, the Israel Defense Forces have given civilians in Gaza opportunities to evacuate and warned of impending attacks. No other nation goes this far to protect enemy civilians.
How can I support pro-Hamas demonstrators who wish to end the nation that brought my family so much? How can I back a terrorist group that uses its own people as human shields? How can I hate Israel, when the IDF has worked to keep Palestinian civilians out of harm’s way?
I believe it’s important to point out that, contrary to popular belief, not all Arabs think the same. Some of us do see this conflict differently. And our thoughts and beliefs should not be snuffed out because they go against the “narrative.”
To some, perhaps our stance makes us walking oxymorons. But we are proud ones, nonetheless.
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wildissylupus · 2 months
You know what I think is wasted potential? The Junkers and Junkertown. Specifically in the fact of them being the foil group to Vishkar. Cause in my opinion the way Australia and Junkertown were implemented into Overwatch's story is the weakest to me, especially since I myself am Australian and actually know how Australians act.
The biggest thing to me is the wishy washy attitude the writers have with Roadhog being Maori, he has a skin and his name, that's it. The thing is though, I have never met a Maori or Aboriginal person that didn't show a significant amount of pride in their heritage. Now this also comes into my favorite part of Junkertown and the Junkers implementation, and that is the history.
Part of the reason why Junkertown exists is because of the fact that the Australian government did consult the Aboriginal people in the area about giving the Omnium to the Omnics. Inherently Junkertowns formation was partially because people had pride in their indigenous heritage, so there being basically nothing for Roadhog other then his name and a skin name genuinely makes me mad.
The voice acting would also make me mad in this wasn't just a thing that happened to Australians and New Zealanders in general, I have hardly ever seen an Australian character be played by an Australian, the same goes for New Zealand characters. Hell even Junker Queens voice actor feels like she's being told to play up her accent, and she's actually Australian.
Not only that but to me the Junkers fail at being a foil to Vishkar. The thing about Vishkar is that they pose as a benevolent organization when what they're really doing is gentrifying poor neighborhoods, practicing child labor, and are literally working with a terrorist organization. Junker town is supposed to be the opposite to that, but they're not, not in the way that makes them a foil to Vishkar. To be a foil to Vishkar Junkertown and the Junkers would need to be treated as the complete opposite, basically being this place of complete freedom and chaos, a place of equal intelligence but opposite morals to Vishkar. It has the foundations of that don't get me wrong, but it's not enough to make me see them as foils.
Story wise there also isn't an obvious conflict between the two groups. Overwatch and Talon have a rich history together, Null Sector and the Shambali monks have Ramattra and Zenyatta to represent both groups, there is basically nothing for Vishkar and the Junkers. Hell if there was history for those groups it would give the Junker characters more of a reason to join the fight and leave Australia other then "there's a fight". Cause right now the only Junker character to actually have stakes in the current lore is Hammond because of his connection to Winston.
Environmentally I would have loved to see more vibrant colors and Aboriginal art in Junkertown, I would love it to be more the "Mad Max but Overwatch", I would love for the Junkers to feel like complete opposite of Viskar cause so far we have the other two group rivalries be explored, Talon and Overwatch are mirror foils, there are a lot of similarities between the two groups but their goals are polar opposites, Null Sector and the Shambali monks are philosophical foils they have the same end goal but opposite methods to get to that goal. Vishkar and Junkertown are very obviously supposed to be complete opposites, yet they have none of the nuance that the other groups do have. Vishkar erases the culture of places they go, yet Junkertown isn't that culturally rich, Vishkar pretends to do good but is very much bad, Junkertown is just bad, Vishkar is control and order, Junkertown runs on chaos and freedom yet also has rules that got Junkrat exiled, taxes and harasses it's citizens and is just as elitist as Vishkar? This would make sense if this is how Junkertown worked before JQ's rule but fundamentally, nothing is different from Junker Queen and Howl's rule. They could have still done this plot line, just with Vishkar trying to take over and tax Junkertown rather then JQ.
Basically, Junkertown would be much more interesting to me if they had gone fully into Vishkar and Junkertown being complete opposites. Instead they get a faction that doesn't have any depth and characters who hold little to no stakes of the plot.
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fionatheicicle · 28 days
In a move that is a surprise to only a few nitwits out there… robert Kennedy has dropped out of the race and thrown his support behind the imbecile.
To those of you that were going to vote for him: he has come out in support of agenda 47, of project 2025, of christian nationalism, of fascism. He has come out in support of tax cuts for the ultra rich and corporations. He has come out in support of a christian version of sharia law. Because that is what his master intends to do.
There is no third party candidate capable of winning the election. Period. The only third party candidates are meant to be ‘spoilers’ to take votes from either side.
To those of you who think that not voting blue will help Palestine or BLM keep in mind which side the proud boys, the kkk, and the heritage foundation are on. Pay attention to the side that said to turn gaza into a parking lot. Pay attention to the side that calls BLM a terrorist organization. That isn’t the dems. Its every single red politician and candidate. Not voting means a vote for red. Not voting means you are voting for the klan, for the proud boys, for fascism.
The only side that cares about middle class Americans. The only side that cares about the economic prosperity of the people. The only side that cares about a ceasefire. The only side that cares about your individual liberties and freedoms. The only side willing to fight for your right to live a decent life in this country are the democrats. Vote in November. Vote blue. 💙
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meret118 · 2 months
Among the proposals in Project 2025 relating to racial policy include stripping workforce protections from disproportionately Black federal workers; eliminating programs like minority business loans, and abolishing federal data collection on Black employment and discrimination.
But that's just the beginning, wrote Harriot: the criminal justice policy in Project 2025 can be best summed up as "Get tough on Black crime, go easy on white cops. They plan to end EVERY CONSENT DECREE filed against corrupt police agencies, undo bail reform, bring back 'stop and frisk' & use the death penalty 'when possible' — ESPECIALLY for drug dealers; Can you hear the dog whistles?
"Additionally, he wrote, Project 2025 calls for delisting white supremacist groups as terrorist organizations for the sake of protecting "free speech," and enshrining a very specific version of Christian nationalism in law that caters to predominantly white evangelical churches on a broad range of policies, giving preference to these beliefs over the beliefs of Black churches as well as the nonreligious.
"If Project 2025 became law ... not only would it repeal FDA approval for abortion drugs & sue states that require employers to cover abortions, they would rescind federal funds from any company, contractor or healthcare institution that provides LEGAL abortions," he added.
And to top it all off, Project 2025 also calls for expanding school vouchers, which were originally devised as a tool to get around school integration mandates and to this day predominantly flow to white families; as well as eliminating programs for minority renters and homebuyers, ending oversight of racial bias in real estate appraisals, which are a key obstacle to Black families building generational wealth; defunding underperforming schools, which often underperform because of ongoing segregation; and eliminating any mention of "equity" or similar terms from federal regulations.
What makes all of this particularly frightening, Harriot concluded, is that Project 2025 "is NOT a Trump Plan; it is a CONSERVATIVE plan. Many of the Project 2025 appointees can be installed by a GOP Senate. The House controls the country's purse strings, and A GOP-majority in the House enact the program in these plans WITHOUT Trump. And because it embeds MAGA workers in the gov't, it could be GENERATIONS before" we can get rid of the "MAGA infestation of the federal government."
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
by Josh Hammer
It is not as if legal remedies, both civil and criminal, do not exist. The Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky has helpfully explained some leading options for meting out justice.
First, it’s constitutional law that aliens — legal or illegal — do not possess a First Amendment right to free speech that would prevent them from being deported for vocally supporting a US State Department-recognized Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).
Each and every pro-Hamas protestor who’s not a US citizen thus can, and should, be sent packing, as 8 U.S.C. § 1201 clearly permits.
Second, much of the protestors’ behavior likely violates Section 2 of the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act (42 U.S.C. § 1985), which creates a civil cause of action to sue those who “conspire or go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another, for the purpose of depriving . . . any person or class of persons of the equal protection of the laws.”
Such a successful class-action civil suit — now gaining traction among Jewish leaders — wouldn’t result in jail time, but it could punish the bank accounts of thugs who went “in disguise” to advocate for Jewish genocide.
Federal prosecutors have options too.
The criminal analogue to Section 2 of the Ku Klux Klan Act is 18 U.S.C. § 241, which criminalizes conspiring to “injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person . . . in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States.”
This has clearly been happening nationwide, but no one has lifted a finger to pursue such charges.
Nor has any federal prosecutor gone after a case of material support for a terrorist organization, proscribed by 18 U.S.C. § 2339A.
Where are the federal prosecutors?
For that matter, where is local law enforcement — especially in New York, in light of this week’s horrific bouts of antisemitic vandalism in Manhattan and Brooklyn?
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collapsedsquid · 14 days
Reboot 2024 was supposed to shed light on the so-called “New Reality.” In promotional materials, its organizers prominently touted how this paradigm shift would lay waste to institutions and incumbents, all in the name of a revolution against the “elite.”  [...] Over and over, Roberts pitched Project 2025 and Heritage’s agenda as being aligned with the tech industry, suggesting that tech evangelists and e/acc futurists are “kindred spirits” with conservatives due to their love of capital (both human and financial) and liberty to do what they wish.  “There are still people who are wired for freedom,” Roberts declared. “And that, I think, we can revitalize the Republic around.”  [...] There was Jessica Anderson, the president of the Republican-boosting super PAC Sentinel Action Fund and the former executive director of Heritage Action, an advocacy group related to the Heritage Foundation. Reihan Salam, president of the Manhattan Institute and a defender of some of the most vile propagandists on the right, was a featured guest. Katie Biber, chief legal officer for crypto investment fund Paradigm, repeatedly attacked Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren and championed the need to “abolish liberal nonprofits.”  At times, the conversation on stage flirted with extreme visions about how to correct America’s course as a global leader. National Security Institute head Jamil Jaffer, for example, declared that “we are days and weeks away from a mass-scale terrorist attack,” noting that a rapid increase in defense spending is necessary. 
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tomorrowusa · 11 months
« Either one upholds the equal worth of all human lives, opposes war crimes, and despises far-right ethno-nationalist political projects or one doesn't. What's more, cheering (or publicly announcing your refusal to condemn) the murder of children isn’t just morally grotesque but also politically self-defeating.
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What we actually witnessed was not "the Palestinians" mounting a violent struggle for justice but a far-right theocratic organization committing mass murder in the name of blood-and-soil nationalism. Hamas’s project is antithetical to the left’s foundational values of secularism, universalism, and egalitarianism. And it is also completely at odds with the progressive vision for Palestinian liberation.
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If we posit that some ethnic groups have a unique claim to specific stretches of land, and that they also have the right to commit war crimes so as to secure this heritage, then we will do the Israeli far-right’s ideological work for it. When supposed leftists embrace calls for the expulsion of all Jewish "settlers" from "the river to the sea," they pit one group’s account of why its historical victimization gives it carte blanche to commit ethnic cleansing against another group's account of the same. In a contest between competing visions of ethno-nationalist domination, the Palestinians cannot win. Their primary strength is the moral force of egalitarian universalism; in other words, of the idea that all people are entitled to security, self-government, and equality under the law. »
— Eric Levitz at New York Magazine on how people on the left lose political credibility and the moral high ground by acting as cheerleaders for terrorists.
A relatively long excerpt from a long article.
People who brandish swastikas are Nazis – not progressives.
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The bothsiderism about last weekend's murder spree outside Gaza reminds me of Trump's "very fine people on both sides" quip about the Charlottesville Nazi march in 2017.
Hamas is an ethno-fascist group of religious extremists who use the population of Gaza as human shields. There are no elections in Gaza and little freedom to speak of. It's no wonder why fascists like Putin and Iran like Hamas so much.
It is easily possible to show support for the Palestinian people without associating yourself with terrorists committing mass murder.
Yes, You Can Be Pro-Palestine and Anti-Hamas
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bopinion · 8 months
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2024 / 04
Aperçu of the Week:
"It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it."
(Tom Hanks as Jimmy Dugan in "A League of Their Own" 1992)
Bad News of the Week:
"The long march of cultural Marxism through our institutions has come to pass. The federal government is a behemoth, weaponized against American citizens and conservative values, with freedom and liberty under siege as never before." Is this a statement of a lunatic holed up in the basement waiting for the social apocalypse? No, it comes from Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation. And it is the foreword to "Mandate for Leadership" of the "Project 2025 - Presidential Transition Project" - in effect Donald Jessica Trump's government program.
The almost 900-page paper outlines a takeover of power that has probably never before been prepared in such detail and, above all, publicly. It is intended to be the blueprint for the actions of a new conservative government. Which will be quite radical. Of course, this is not official, but the personal intertwining of this party-political think tank, the institutional MAGA heads and Trump's slowly crystallizing shadow cabinet alone makes you sit up and take notice.
Here are just three examples that should make every upright Democrat angry: The USA should withdraw from the World Health Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund - because global elites contradict US sovereignty and only cost money unnecessarily. The "war on fossil fuels" should finally be ended - because these are "not an environmental problem, but the blood of the economic cycle". The country's external borders are to be "sealed", especially trade with China is to be stopped - because undermining the country's industrial base has to be stopped.
However, the core of "Project 2025" is the personnel policy. Project leader Paul Dans writes "Our goal is to create an army of tested, trained and prepared conservatives who will set about dismantling the administrative state from day one". And Dans is not just anyone: during Trump's first term in office, he was jointly responsible for personnel policy in the White House.
For Trump, the years in the White House were above all a story of betrayal, as he describes it today. By bureaucrats and RINOs ("Republican in name only") who refused to give him the unconditional allegiance he expected. This time he will purge all leadership positions in all institutions of members of the establishment and the Deep State. He has learned that he must also control the bureaucracy. And he will leave his mark on the USA for years to come.
With the arch-conservative dominance he has created in the Supreme Court, Trump himself has set the benchmark for this. He has also reorganized the EPA (Environment Protection Agency), pulled out of the nuclear deal with Iran, imposed punitive tariffs on China and Europe, withdrawn US troops from Syria, courted Vladimir Putin and left the Paris Climate Agreement.
Trump has achieved all of this against stubborn resistance. The "adults in the room", officials who remained in bureaucratic positions, prevented him from doing even more, such as leaving NATO or denying entry to Muslims across the border. He sees that as a mistake - one he would certainly not repeat. I don't like Nikki Haley. Neither programmatically nor personally. But she would be the lesser of two evils. After all, she doesn't want to lay the cornerstones of the Western community of values to waste. After all.
Good News of the Week:
There could be positive movement in the Gaza war. According to a report in the "New York Times", which cites US government circles, an agreement between Israel and Hamas could be imminent. According to the report, it's about the release of hostages and a ceasefire. Discussions on a corresponding draft were to begin in Paris on Sunday.
The draft had been drawn up by US negotiators on the basis of proposals from Israel and the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas. The two-stage deal envisages Hamas releasing more than 100 hostages in return for Israel ceasing its military operations in the Gaza Strip for around two months. This is linked to the hope that a lasting solution can be brokered in the meantime.
I take a critical view of the somewhat sparse composition of the consultations: in addition to the USA, which are chaired by CIA chief William Burns, only representatives of Israel, Egypt and Qatar are taking part. They are also only sending the second guard in terms of personnel. After all, Joe Biden would have discussed the talks with the heads of state of Egypt and Qatar in advance. And in the evening, Israel's first statement was that although there was a "considerable gap", the talks were constructive. So fingers crossed.
Perhaps this will happen just in time before the feared conflagration in the eternal Middle East conflict occurs. From the Houthi rebels to the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iranian regime - which has just achieved a breakthrough in the development of missile technology - to Russia and China, many are just waiting for the USA to withdraw from the region even further than it did under Obama. And the way is clear to attack Israel as a "western bridgehead".
Personal happy moment of the week:
My 15-year-old son cooked. For the first time, not according to personal taste (although his lasagna is legendary) or a hot tip from a TikTok video. But according to a recipe. And it worked: when I got home, dinner was ready, the table was set, nothing had gone wrong and even the mess in the kitchen was kept within pleasant limits. Very nice. Please do this once a week now. Thank you.
I couldn't care less...
...that there will soon no longer be a shortage of teachers at German elementary school. Because if you take a closer look at this Bertelsmann study, you will learn why: the coming low-birth cohorts will simply need fewer teachers. Great solution, you incompetent education policy!
It's fine with me...
...that the French capital is fighting back against the farmers' protests. I live in a farming village myself and have the greatest respect for this profession. Nevertheless, I lack a little understanding for their unwillingness to move a little in the face of changing conditions too. When I look at the budget distribution in the EU (I don't know the French budget), there is no group that is subsidized more. If whoever, wherever, whenever starts to introduce real costs, I will be there enthusiastically - because that is the real problem.
As I write this...
...I am driving home from an annual company event in Baden-Württemberg. Where employees from different locations meet, who otherwise usually only know each other by phone or from online meetings. This time, too, there was an interesting exchange, excellent food and a good mood. It was just a shame that I had to miss a friend's 50th birthday, which was taking place at the same time. One negative highlight of the evening was completely unexpected: an armed hostage situation occurred a few houses away from us, but it ended well. It was probably just random luck that the perpetrator hadn't chosen the location we were in. Phew...
Post Scriptum
At the European Party Conference, the Social Democratic SPD sent its lead candidate Katarina Barley into the upcoming elections with a tailwind. The Vice-President of the European Parliament received 98.7% of the vote and a fairly clear program for Europe and against the right. What is astonishing is the prominent role that Chancellor Olaf Scholz is expected to play in the election campaign, as his poll ratings are in the basement. The argument in his favor is simple - and true: he has proven himself to be a convinced European and achieved quite something in the two years of his government so far. I hope that the European elections will focus precisely on this. And that it is not misused as a wave of protest against the traffic light coalition. Because Germany needs Europe at least as much as Europe needs Germany.
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onthefringeministry · 2 months
Donald Trump is a domestic terrorist!
Donald Trump has been slowly taking over our county and trying to turn it into a dictatorship for more than just the last 8 years. He has actually been working behind the scenes with organizations like the Heritage Foundation for decades. This election is one of the weirdest I have ever seen, or any that I have even read about in history. There is election deniers being appointed as election…
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almaqead · 7 months
Ramadan, 2024.
Ramadan begins in a week. Since this forum is new, I will not be setting aside a separate path of study of the Quran but stay on course. I feel this is the best path to take given the world does not know the Quran like it should and the Republican Party, Family Research Council, Heritage Foundation and their sponsors the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are attempting to put an end to the role of the Quran in human existence.
Until the White House acknowledges its duty and shuts these criminal organizations down, preventing the spread of their terrorist activities such as those witnessed in Israel on October 7, 2023, all care must be taken to ensure proper respect for the Quran.
The entire planet is now responding to its utter lack of respect for God and religion in general. Muhammad lived during times such as ours, when there was madness all around. The Book he wrote while chaos was unfolding all around him saved mankind many times from a complete descent in hell. Its contents must not be taken for granted. They might save our lives again if we believe enough to fight for the right to read it and employ its wisdom.
During Ramadan this year, the entire world must come to terms with how its actions are coming due for a recompense and it must use the Holy Month in order to prepare to respond. This will include insisting the Administration in America play its role, perform its duty and reinstate itself as a reliable, noble and humane global partner to its own citizens and its neighbors.
The effort to convince President Biden to engage himself and his Cabinet in this effort alone would be a great accomplishment, one we can continue working on today.
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bookoformon · 7 months
4 Nephi 1, Part 3. Strifes and Tumults.
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After Performances of the Ordinances, which brings about utopia, the Prophet says we get a hint tumult and strife are just around the corner once again.
How and why could a people that were once happy suddenly go back to making noise, picketing, complaining, murdering, corrupting and shitting all over society? Why won't people become addicted to peace and quiet and being happy? No one knows. We've never really done it.
Like Moses, Jesus while He was in His Body in the Gospels and as Spirit, in this Book of Mormon spake against the arguers and bitchers in society, cast out their demons and told them to be quiet.
Strife you see, is forbidden. The love of God is not optional, we are expected to feel it and abide within it according to the First Decree. So why is there no love being shown anywhere on this world to anyone for any reason? Why can't you people read, obey, and enlist the help of the Gospels in the solving of our troubles so we can all be happy just the way we are?
War, violence, oppression, and corruption, all the sins all the prophets of all religions have warned us about, these things do not solve our problems, they lay waste to everything God has made and we know better. Persons who are confused about this, the Book of Mormons says "have to pass away":
14 And it came to pass that the seventy and first year passed away, and also the seventy and second year, yea, and in fine, till the seventy and ninth year had passed away; yea, even an hundred years had passed away, and the disciples of Jesus, whom he had chosen, had all gone to the paradise of God, save it were the three who should tarry; and there were other disciples ordained in their stead; and also many of that generation had passed away.
15 And it came to pass that there was no contention in the land, because of the love of God which did dwell in the hearts of the people.
16 And there were no envyings, nor strifes, nor tumults, nor whoredoms, nor lyings, nor murders, nor any manner of lasciviousness; and surely there could not be a happier people among all the people who had been created by the hand of God.
17 There were no robbers, nor murderers, neither were there Lamanites, nor any manner of -ites; but they were in one, the children of Christ, and heirs to the kingdom of God.
18 And how blessed were they! For the Lord did bless them in all their doings; yea, even they were blessed and prospered until an hundred and ten years had passed away; and the first generation from Christ had passed away, and there was no contention in all the land.
19 And it came to pass that Nephi, he that kept this last record, (and he kept it upon the plates of Nephi) died, and his son Amos kept it in his stead; and he kept it upon the plates of Nephi also.
20 And he kept it eighty and four years, and there was still peace in the land, save it were a small part of the people who had revolted from the church and taken upon them the name of Lamanites; therefore there began to be Lamanites again in the land.
Humanity needs a First Generation of happy people. First comes the Nephites, the "wise ones" then comes Amos, "the burden" then comes lasting liberation, called Mormon, "the pillar of the myrrh, the Words of Moses." These Three Hidden Disciples are essential for the process of rehabituating mankind from war to peace, misery to happiness. They keep the Lamanites, "the ignorances" at bay.
NOW Joe Biden was supposed to get rid of the Republicans and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and all those weird organizations they form like the Family Research Council and Heritage Foundation and corporations like the Marriotts and Walmart that supply money and weapons to terrorists after January 6, 2021, but he did not. Now we are in a heap of it.
He has not shouldered the Burden, enforced the law, and thus we are not free, nor happy, nor have we shown signs of being a particularly loving people in a very long time. And many people are dead.
This is because a small part of the people, the Republicans, have rebelled against the Church, which says we shall love the Lord God with all of our hearts, and strength and might, and love our neighbors as ourselves.
There is no love in these people they have holes in their hearts. All they care about is the hole between their legs. They worry about nothing else.
There are a few verses with Gematria in them:
v. 14:  And it came to pass that the seventy and first year passed away, and also the seventy and second year, yea, and in fine, till the seventy and ninth year had passed away; yea, even an hundred years had passed away, and the disciples of Jesus, whom he had chosen, had all gone to the paradise of God.
The Value in Gematria is 13574, יגהזד, yaghazd, "Party clothes." This refers to the Wedding at Canaan when Jesus and Mary worked together to help some impoverished persons get ready for the Reception. This is the not to solemn duty of mankind. We must always be ready to receive the blessings in life. We run weapons assembly lines and bitch and complain at each other all day long.
...and the disciples of Jesus, whom he had chosen, had all gone to the paradise of God, save it were the three who should tarry; and there were other disciples ordained in their stead; and also many of that generation had passed away.
The Value in Gematria is 10925, י‎טבה, "it is good, you will benefit."
Read how we obtain paradise in the verses that follow. It's not difficult to understand. The Prophet says in v. 17 this involves the end of -ites, which means all sorting of persons for this trait or that race or external behavior stops:
v. 17: There were no more robbers. They were one children in Christ. You may not want to treat the people around you with fairness and respect or do what is necessary to protect them from namecalling, guns, missiles, and poverty but this is what God expects. This is the behavior He models.
The Value in Gematria is 8473, חדז‎ג‎, hadzag, "those who sin belong to Him. He makes them sharp."
The two roots שגג (shagag) and שגה (shaga) are officially separate but a reader may wonder whether the ancient practitioners of the Hebrew language were aware of this. Both verbs mean to go astray or to err, and the applications are only slightly specialized per root.
Note that these two roots occur side by side in Job 12:16, "With him are strength and sound wisdom, the misled — from שגג (shagag) — and the misleader — from שגה (shaga) — belong to him":
v. 18: How blessed were they! The Value in Gematria is 11457, יא‎ד‎הה‎ ‎, "steam, evaporation."
Through effort, the world can indeed be made to heat up enough that the "first generation" of unclean sinners within us and also outside can be made to evaporate. We are not slaves to the Republicans, Russians, or Hamas, we can do something about them any time we want. We should have long ago, but now it is clear we must and we should not hold back.
The trope comes from a metaphor associated with the Dead Sea. Like the Dead Sea, we have no where to go, we are self-contained and concentrated on this world. There is insufficient time and no need to put up with tyrants and complainers:
"The Dead Sea has no outlets—there is nowhere lower for the water to go. Instead, the water evaporates quickly in the dry desert air, leaving behind a dense concentration of salt and minerals."
Jesus said the salt in the water was the most important aspect of Discipleship. He was very specific as to the meaning of this.
v. 19: The last record. The Value in Gematria is 1420, א‎דב‎‎אֶפֶס, adobe zero, "we have lost our voices."
The verb αδω (ado) means to sing, chant or recite: to sound the voice. It's a contraction of the verb αειδω (aeido), which in the classics could apply to the human voice but also to that of crowing or hooting birds, croaking frogs, the whistling wind and even objects such as a twanging bow string or a ringing rock when struck.
The pedigree of this verb is unclear, although it's generally thought to relate to αυδη (aude), voice or speech, which in turn appears to relate to the Sanskrit noun vada, speech. These words' similarity to the familiar Latin audio, which ultimately stems from the Proto-Indo-European root "au-", to perceive, appears to be accidental.
Our verb αδω (ado) evidently emphasizes the human voice, and thus the text-part of a song. This in contrast to the noun ψαλλω (psallo), which rather emphasizes the string-strumming side of it. Closer akin αδω (ado) than ψαλλω (psallo), noun υμνος (humos) describes a song with a specific ceremonial function, particularly one to do with binding parties together. 
v. 20: He kept it for eighty four years. The Value in Gematria is 10224, יבבד‎, yavbad, יעובד, yavbad, "the cloth of distortion."
The verb עוה ('awa) means to bend or twist, usually with a bottom line or ruin or perversion. Noun עון ('awon) means iniquity or guilt. Verb עוה ('awa) means to commit iniquity of do wrong. Nouns עוה ('awwa), עי ('i) and מעי (me'i) mean distortion or ruin. Plural noun עועים ('iw'im) means a distorting or warping.
Our noun בד (bad) often occurs to mean part or part of, suggesting that there are more parts and that all these distinct parts together make up an integrated whole (Exodus 30:34, Job 18:13, Ezekiel 17:6).
Happiness in the world is always ruined either because of the church, or its failures to properly motivate people in the cause of righteousness.
It is easy to dismiss troublemakers like the Pro-Lifers and gay haters and the creeping, seeping warzones as "one of those things" we must endure with dignity and patience, these things work themselves out, but that is not what the Religion says.
This planet is once again being plundered by savages and the persons who are empowered and have the power to do something about it, who could make the world whole again are sitting on their hands and that is a sin.
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the-hem · 11 months
Copy of My Letter to the UN Special Prosecutor Regarding the Capitol Coup on January 6, 2021.
Information and Evidence Unit Office of the Prosecutor Post Office Box 19519 2500 CM The Hague The Netherlands [email protected]
Dear Sirs, 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Prayer Breakfast Foundation, along with the Heritage Foundation and Family Research Council collaborated with the Republican Party in order to engage in a coup against the Government of the United States of America on January 6, 2021.
Notice the violence, which is antigay and anti-Muslim at its heart, according to Mormon fundamentalist, Napp Nazworth, the man screaming and threatening this Capitol Policeman:
Shown in other video footage from this incident are Bishop Chase Kimball and Kristen Waggoner, both are Mormon Pro-Life activitists.
The same parties are guilty of election malfeasance, rampant human trafficking, sex with minors, resisting the Declaration of Human Rights, and regularly engage in terrorist tactics and espionage against other Americans. 
President Biden is aware of the circumstances but these organizations still operate and their representatives, senators and Supreme Court Justice co-conspirators continue to hold office. 
I am asking for immediate remedies to these circumstances. Should the White House prove to be unresponsive, implementation of economic and political controls over the US Government are indicated.��
To avoid this, it must promptly address the crimes of terrorism perpetrated by the Apostles and the nefarious Quorum of the Seventy who govern the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as well as those of all related institutions. 
Thank you for reading this message.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
The U.S. Global Strategy Council
Excerpted from The "Terrorism” Industry: The Experts and Institutions That Shape Our View of Terror by Edward S. Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan
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The council was incorporated in 1981 as a "tax-exempt educational research foundation." Former deputy director of the CIA Ray S. Cline is currently its chair (with the aid of co-chairs Jeane Kirkpatrick, Morris Leibman, J. William Middendorf, Donald Rumsfeld, and retired Lieutenant General Robert L. Schweitzer). Cline also serves as co-director, with Yonah Alexander, of their program on the topic "Low-Intensity Conflict and Terrorism."
Among those who have served on the council's board of directors and "strategy board" are Arnaud de Borchgrave and retired General E. David Woellner. Woellner became president of the Moon organization, CAUSA World Services, in January 1985 (to be succeeded in that post by Philip Sanchez, Nixon's ambassador to Honduras and Ford's ambassador to Colombia). The Unification Church's input into USGSC is impressive, and the organization is regarded by investigative journalists Louis Wolf and Fred Clarkson as "yet another CAUSA operation."  Current board members include L. Francis Bouchey;" Robert Pfaltzgraaf of the IFPA; Lawrence Sulz, affiliated with the Hale Foundation (see below); Richard Pipes of Harvard University and the Heritage Foundation; and a large set of retired military officers also affiliated with ASC (Moorer, Graham, Lemnitzer, Stilwell, Wedemeyer, etc.).
The aims of the Global Strategy Council are to promote "global strategic planning" and "to act as a catalyst to help define national strategy" along the lines desired by its hard-line-right board and officers. In accord with these aims it sponsors strategy formulation and outreach programs, as well as research and conferences on various international issues. Its Caribbean and Latin American studies director is Roger W. Fontaine, former Latin America specialist for the Reagan National Security Council, also affiliated elsewhere with the Moon system and Bouchey's Council for Inter-American Security.  We mentioned earlier the program on low-intensity conflict and terrorism co-directed by Cline and Alexander. Most revealing, perhaps is the program on Geopolitics of Southern Africa, directed by Stephen A. Halper, a former operative in the Nixon White House and Ray Cline's son-in-law, who was involved in the Debategate scandal, brought to light during House hearings in 1984. The featured political subdivision of the program is "African Insurgencies Supported by the Soviet Union."
The council links together individuals connected with the Unification Church and other far-right operations (ASC, CIAS, and IFPA), to CSIS and the omnipresent Yonah Alexander. It has former officials Cline, Kirkpatrick, and Rumsfeld to lend respectability-to its terrorism studies. With this political cast, that South African viewpoints would be put in the frame of Soviet support and insurgent "terrorism" is a foregone conclusion.
CSPAN video: Philippines Update from the U.S. Global Strategy Council on October 13, 1987, pushing for stronger counterinsurgency efforts against the New Peoples Army, leading to years where thousands were killed. These anti-communist murders continue, taking the lives of clergy, activists, teachers, social workers, and anybody who speaks up for justice and human rights.
On Arnaud de Borchgrave, Editor-in-Chief of the Washington Times and Friend of Gladio Terrorists The WACL and CAUSA’s Role in the Ruthless Violence of US-Philippines Counterinsurgency
CAUSA and Colonia Dignidad and more FBI FOIA documents reveal that the Moonies funded “85% of WACL” and that Sun Myung Moon sought to “discretely” fund “radical anti-communist groups” around the world Unification Church, WACL and CAUSA Were Involved In CIA Operations
It is reasonable to believe that Moon was involved in the drug trade into the 2000s
What Is Sun Myung Moon’s And Hak Ja Han’s Legacy? On Joseph Churba and the International Security Council (ISC)
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