#the gumm-gumms wins
eurazba · 2 years
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ssiggss · 3 months
Hello again ! You don't have to respond to any of these if you don't want to btw, I just like explaining/rambling about Trollhunters because all of my friends aren't into it.
Anyways, my story for the Arcane Order is WILDLY different from both the Wizards series and the movie.
Nari's (who is based off of the Tylwyth Teg from Welsh mythology) more of a villain at the start of Wizards, being the driving force for the Arcane Order's disdain of humanity. Skrael and Bellroc aren't fully on board with the idea of letting the incredibly violent and destructive Gumm-Gumms win the war and rule over the surface world. But, Nari's the eldest, and they can't not admit that Camelot is a threat to the magical creatures within Nari's woods.
Still, allowing the man-eating trolls to win sounds like a bad idea, so Skrael and Bellroc refuse to assist in Nari's plans.
So, Nari plays with fate by herself, approaching Arthur under the guise of a fair maiden, and planting the seeds of doubt in Morgana's loyalty. Which leads to her death at his hands.
Nari is the one who resurrects Morgana, and gives her more power, along with a mission: Tamper in the battle and have the humans lose.
Fast forward, Nari realizes her mistake mid-battle when she's forcefully shown the future via that time-map thing. (I despise time traveling, but I can make it work to keep it just a *little* closer to Canon). After seeing what her world will become with Gunmar and Morgana ruling it, she backs down, and brings the forces of nature crashing down on the Gumm-Gumms. Deya still wins the overall battle, and locks Gunmar away, just like in Canon.
Now, remember how I said Skrael and Bellroc didn't want to destroy humanity? Well, Nari's actions seem to have a habit of coming back to bite her.
Fast forward to Jim's lifetime, and the world is polluted, cultures are getting smaller and smaller, and not many people are still in touch with nature. So, remembering what Nari had tried to do with Killahead, Skrael and Bellroc decide to ask her help in wiping out humanity for good, to preserve the cultures that are rapidly fading.
Nari sticks her nose up at them and basically says "Nah fam, y'all didn't help me back then, I ain't helping you now. Besides, Merlin's letting me live at Camelot for free" and peaces out. And Skrael's like "You didn't even go through with the plan back then???"
Yeah so, Nari, #1 hypocrite in my Au. I still love her, since she's also inspired off of numerous fae and also kelpie mythology.
In what would the Rise of the Titans movie for my Au, all of the battles and stuff are a lot different, including the Titans themselves. I'll draw them all eventually, but moving on for now. There's still a fight between Nari and Skrael; Nari loses an eye and forearm during the fight, and Skrael is almost strangled and crushed to death by vines and rubble.
Eventually it turns into Skrael seeing that yes, there's still good people on Earth, and yes, killing them all is not the answer. He helps how he can in the upcoming confrontation with Bellroc, which is less of a battle and more of a therapy session. Because, damn, these guys' cultures have been absolutely wrecked by time and colonization / global warming.
In the end, the Arcane Order splits up for good.
Thank you for reading! Have a digitalized version of the sketch from the other day
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This is a very interesting concept!!
UIltimately you've made some cool alterations!! I like the more in depth dive in Skrael and Nari's bond, and the differential development of your storyline!!
You've put a lot of work into this, I respect that!! Its all very detailed, and you've got good visual language!!
I like this au, thank you for sharing!!
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sonicasura · 1 year
In your Ben 10 Trollhunters Crossover, which do you think is the first kind of Troll Jim turns into with the Omnitrix?
Whats everyone's reaction?
(It is practically a crossover at this point cause your guys asks just planted so many ideas. Lol)
I'm torn between Draal's species and Gumm Gumm. Jim sorta had the unfortunate luck to come across both Bular alongside our spiky Sonic understudy at the same time. Word gotten around about a mysterious shapeshifter in Arcadia.
On the Trollmarket side, Kanijar had caught Jim practicing as Heatblast. The Trollhunter try to apprehend him only for the 'living fire' to escape by turning into a large bug. With the villains, Jim accidentally stumbled upon some goblins as Wildmutt. He switch to Diamondhead once it became clear these guys had a deadly pack mentality. The incident got reported to Strickler.
Like how curiosity killed tha cat, Draal sneaks out to find this shapeshifter and runs into Bular on the same hunt. Jim gets dragged into the commotion when heading home as Stinkbug after a late night flight. Draal had hurl a trash can at him since I can imagine this form's smell is delicious to trolls than humans.
Jim goes to shift into Diamondhead or Four Arms once he realizes Stinkfly wouldn't work well against these two skilled opponents. Despite both trolls trying to kill each other while trying to capture him. Instead, Jim turns into a troll form which is later called Stonebreaker.
If the form is Gumm Gumm then oh boy would Draal be pissed especially if Bular decides to gloat. "Seems like the shapeshifter knows who is gonna win this conflict!" Until Jim sucker punches him which is a bit of whiplash for our spiky boi. Any Troll would be bewildered about a Gumm Gumm who rather not kill their opponents. (Jim just wants to go home so a fight to the death would just make him even more late.)
If it's Draal's species then Bular will be annoyed especially when the other troll looks more smug than offended at the copycat. (At least Jim has a minor headstart for Cannonbolt once he unlocks the form later.) Even funnier if Draal tries to point out any errors in the Omnitrix wielder's fighting style.
The sound of police sirens stops the fight as neither party wants to get spotted. Of course both trolls try to snatch him at the last second but he dodges them both. Draal gotten chewed out a bit by Vendel until he mentions he ran into the shapeshifter as well.
Hearing about the Gumm Gumm form would terrify Blinky, agitate AAARRRGGHH, and concern Kanijar alongside the Old Goat. Albeit Jim's behavior in this form did ease some of the tension whilst turning Blinky's horror into curiosity. Draal's species has a more positive reaction though Kanijar probably got teased about having to handle another 'troublemaker whelp' while Vendel just knows he'll have a headache later. (I can see the Trollhunter's son being a massive handful as a kid.)
Strickler is gonna have a stroke either way no matter what, albeit Gumm Gumm form would be more unsettling. Nomura is honestly curious and might be eager to beat Jim if his troll form shares the same species as Bular. Gunmar gets alerted about this development so capturing the shapeshifter is a high priority.
In short, Jim just made both sides even more eager to go after him. This is our dear Omnitrix Wielder when it comes to all the future bullshit. 👇
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feather-dancer · 6 months
for the made up fic title: Solar Revolution
Wanted to give my brain something completely different a few days ago (It's not been working right during March) and to keep up my "written thing each month sooo jumped on this. I wasn't expecting Blinky to go and hijack the thing. I'm sorry you've been living in my askbox this long.
For many of troll kind, gemstones have been used to mark eras, be they good ones or ill, much like humans apparently do with their ores, metals and crowns. Tales from these times are then passed down the generations by the spoken word and later, as language and nuance became shared, through text. It is to Blinky’s great pleasure that he happens to own some of the latter! Granted they are a touch archaic even in the sense of the long lived and their meanings have warped with age as much as dust. Eng wema bet eng wema!  Still, as a historian, these offer vital clues to the lost and lessons for the modern day that are just as valuable as when they were first spoken. It is in such great tradition that he continues to parse occurrences from his own lifetime for the records and while he firmly believes highly in accuracy over embellishment, there is the odd temptation here and there to do so. Really it should be, well, expected in particularly in such turbulent times as these…
Anyways enough with all this dilly dallying about with context. Onwards to knowledge and greater understanding!
The earliest period he wishes to cover occurs after troll-kind ventured out from their ancestral homes and long before the most recent descendants of the great Galadrigal line came to be. It is known as the era of the amethyst when the various clans and species of trolls led largely separated lives from one another. This said there are the odd mention of unions or trade meaning isolationist tendencies as the krubera do in the modern was not an absolute. Many so-called mythicals still roamed wild including the now extinct fae. Peaceful would be quite the misnomer though it is certainly one of the uh quieter in comparison.
The next era would be the obsidian or karp. This is believed to have had a different name once but was later renamed for it’s notorious association with Gunmar. Strife with humans was rapidly growing beyond the mere handfuls as space was stolen and the ground was put to flame leading to the War for the Surface Lands. This led to the rise of Orlagk who formed the original Gumm-Gumms though they were not the army they would later become. With so much blood and stone being shed it is hardly a wonder someone like him was formed nor his growing reputation prior to his recruitment as a General.
After winning the ‘battle’ for leadership, he quickly cemented himself as a protector using those under his sway to protect any and all from humans that would do them harm. Even to us who knew nothing of war, he became lauded in song and story for the lives and homes he saved. An Opradush of our very own! Joining the side of this unstoppable force was an honour and things seemed ever so hopeful. Putting aside the odd human that was snacked upon surely a truce could have been come to at some point and the sword might be laid down? It was just for now, just until it was safe. His erkl will remember this better than he assuming he would be willing to impart it.
The emerald or weyrn era is a rather… Complicated one for many reasons and it’s influence has lasted well into the present. Long before there was a name to put to the face there were many rumours even amongst their kind of a rather strange sounding man. Old by their standards yet never seemed to pass, a nose buried in books as much as wading through bogs and a thirst for knowledge that could quite rival his own were it not for the rather distasteful subjects he engaged in. A mastery of time itself…? Even now the very idea disturbs! Still, he left things be and all were willing to ignore it as long as it stayed that way.
Alas he did not keep to this neutral vow and the world would be forced to know of the name Myrddin Wylt when he nestled close to Dwoza. In choosing to back the pale tyrant over those he shared an unusual kinship with, he merrily stoked the flames of Gunmar’s rage bringing lives on both sides of the border under increasing threat. For the greater good he would call it and yet he would later grovel for his mistake with a gift of hope. His supposed liaisons with the future clearly having left him blind to the obvious.
The golden era, sometimes referred to as the oblau or even named after the Ram. did not have quite as clear cut a line from the previous. It ebbed and flowed against one another depending on who’s sway one lived under or how personal things became. When attempts to mediate broke down again and again to be resolved through the clash of armies, one of Camelot’s own turned her back on the humans. She gifted our then defender the ability to create in an attempt to lessen the losses and promised to induce the very klokaran to come to our aid! It seemed far too good to be true and perhaps it was. These were painfully naïve times and peace between the sides still believed possible.
Even this was not to last. Distant rumours that were once old to those fleeing from their razed villages suddenly became fresh to ears closer to the frontline. Caverns had been raided to bring fresh ruz into the fold, whelps snatched from bedfurs, honourless bloodlust and inscription threatened in return for lives being spared. Such things seemed so absurd until it was their doors being battered and demands made just as they were warned. One of his Generals came with an ultimatum for Vendel who was leader at the time: Stand with their protector against those who would put them to the sword without flinching or perish. Despite the desperate pleadings of an unusually armoured youngling, they chose to flee. Alas, war does not care for neutrality and it came for them anyway. Were it not for the wizard, as distasteful as he is, these writing may well not have come to exist.
The Battle of Killahead has left scars that run deep in even the thickest of stone and have not eased since. The final gateway to the old lands was torn down to prevent the escape of Gunmar and his surviving Gumm-Gumms turning it into a prison. A truce made over the blood of a dying king to cease eating their kind and they would no longer be hunted. A Trollhunter gained by the name of Deya and the two wizards that had caused so many problems presumed to have destroyed one another. Nobody would admit their relief at the idea but it was there all the same. Come to think of it, the youngling was nowhere to be seen either.
The citrine era is marked from the moment Dwoza was abandoned in hopes of finding a new, safer home that would not be burdened with all the memories. The humans were fond of wandering even across the deepest of oceans and it stood to reason that troll-kind could do so themselves through the right method of transportation. While they lost many protector during the journey and a few of their own between an assassin and a survivor, they did successfully relocate in what would become Heartstone Trollmarket. This was a true melting pot of cultures, tribes and clans that had nowhere left to turn but each other to bring about something that had not existed before right under the human nose. It’s loss still causes his horns to itch.
This was not in fact an entirely peaceful time despite how it might sound. Between outbreaks of troll flu or other disease, the difficulties of frequent expansion and sabotage from those who were once mistakenly called impure it was wise not to be complacent but despite it all things endured. While their own progress was slow but meaningful, the world above simply moved on far faster than could have been imagined.
When the sapphire or meffa era came about it was the most dramatic thing to occur since the attempted assassination of Kanjigar a handful of decades prior. A human trollhunter? Such a silly concept when he could be crushed so easily by Bular’s claws! Yet much like them and against every odd, he endured and kept doing the impossible. He gathered around allies of all types including those unwelcome, defeated those who even their greatest never managed and even sacrificed his very self to protect everyone until his very last breath. While lost for a time after a feat of sorrow filled stupidity, he found a way to break Decimaar’s leash and while would not defeat it’s owner then, the killing blow would still be his to take.
Looking back, the young master had quite the habit of looking at encounters where he would be unlikely to walk away from and charging into them anyway for good or ill. Bones, his life, his humanity, nothing was too much to give! The problem with this attitude however is you yourself are a finite resource and you will run out. If such warnings fall on deaf ears there is simply nothing that could be done other than mourn when it finally happened.
The present era is simply known as the ved. The Amulet is lost to them and the Trollhunter exists merely as a concept now with the old wizard simply giving an apologetic shrug about it all while saying something meaningful only to him. As things are, matters had to be taken into their own hands if Daylight no longer wishes to fight on the behalf of good trolls. All they have ever wished for is to survive in a world that remains ignorant and hostile as the days of his youth so it stands to reason that if all else fails, it shall have to be seized instead. The two younger magic wards tried to talk the rest out of the idea but they have since been lost to misadventure and their return seen as unlikely. All the more reason to mark this as not a time for cowardice as they once might have done. If the balance is wrong, then it will take a revolution to make it right and their group of trolls, their favoured human companion along with his warhammer and a being known as an Akirdion who wished to assist are prepared for it.
In the name of our greatest Trollhunter who once walked both sides, under ram and klokaran, Humsween ti wemi vomi hi bruzen!
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kwebtv · 1 year
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TV Guide - October 19 - 25, 1963
Judy Garland (born Frances Ethel Gumm; June 10, 1922 – June 22, 1969) was an American actress and singer. While critically acclaimed for many different roles throughout her career, she is widely known for playing the part of Dorothy Gale in The Wizard of Oz (1939). She attained international stardom as an actress in both musical and dramatic roles, as a recording artist and on the concert stage. Renowned for her versatility, she received an Academy Juvenile Award, a Golden Globe Award and a Special Tony Award. Garland was the first woman to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year, which she won for her 1961 live recording titled Judy at Carnegie Hall.
Garland appeared in a number of television specials beginning in 1955. The first was the 1955 debut episode of Ford Star Jubilee; this was the first full-scale color broadcast ever on CBS and was a ratings triumph, scoring a 34.8 Nielsen rating. She signed a three-year, $300,000 contract with the network. Only one additional special was broadcast in 1956, a live concert-edition of General Electric Theater, before the relationship between the Lufts and CBS broke down in a dispute over the planned format of upcoming specials.
In 1961, Garland and CBS settled their contract disputes with the help of her new agent, Freddie Fields and negotiated a new round of specials. The first, titled The Judy Garland Show, aired on February 25, 1962[ and featured guests Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. Following this success, CBS made a $24 million offer (equivalent to $160.4 million in 2020) to her for a weekly television series of her own, also to be called The Judy Garland Show.
Following a third special, Judy Garland and Her Guests Phil Silvers and Robert Goulet, Garland's weekly series debuted September 29, 1963. The Judy Garland Show was critically praised, but for a variety of reasons (including being placed in the time slot opposite Bonanza on NBC), the show lasted only one season and was cancelled in 1964 after 26 episodes. Despite its short run, the series was nominated for four Emmy Awards, including Best Variety Series.  (Wikipedia)
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weregreatatcrime · 1 year
I'm sick and rereading Two Halves and I know I leave a lot (A LOT) of stuff in the end notes but there's actually lots of stuff I still never mention or talk about so here's a long sick at 4am ramble about things I didn't get the chance to talk about but wanted to (in somewhat of an order reminded by rereading) or at least just some lines I particularly enjoyed
So here it is! Chapter Commentary ch1 let's goooo
"She felt pity for the scientist. What was it like to be so ignorant you slept deeply even with a ticking bomb around your neck?" <- She actually feels some envy, even if she won't admit it, because Karai has never slept this soundly in her Life much less in a dangerous situation. She's puzzled by normal people's ability to NOT be on guard 24/7 but wishes she could sleep that nice
I REALLY AM a huge huge fan of this trope, the "X character was SECRETLY Y hidden monster species all along!" because of the amount of interpersonal shenanigans it can cause. This AU is a bit of a new one for me because most of the shenanigans are actually action packed over straight up personal drama haha
I like to think the cut Karai left on Stockman’s jaw in ch1 ended up scarring so he has a Cool AU Marker to tell him apart
That collar looks So uncomfortable Stockman how do you sleep in that thing
I guesstimate in later chapters that Karai is about 600lbs in her changeling form, but likely she weighs more (before losing a couple dozen pounds to injuries). Basically, she nearly busted Stockman’s desk sitting on it like that but she's prone to Sitting On Things when stressed. The height advantage gives her comfort
The way Karai speaks to Stockman in chapter 1 is deliberately very formal and unlike her. She's approaching it as both a potential professional deal and as a potential massive risk, so Stockman is actually about one wrong sentence away from being killed this entire chapter. He only realizes this way way way later. Karai relaxes her way of speaking to him later a TON and we see that she talks pretty casually with him by the end
Stockman staring at her curiously, Karai bristling over it. He's a scientist and she's a new creature he hasn't seen yet! But Karai is specifically Never Supposed To Be Seen. Staring makes her very very twitchy (stabby)
“You have plenty of choices. You just don’t want to play with your life enough to try for all of them. I can respect that.”
"When it was just your own life on the line, it was easy to gamble with it." <- There's two ways to interpret this. One: When your life is on the line, you'll do anything to win. Two: When just YOUR life on the line, you'll do anything to win. The first is Stockman, who is only in it for himself, who can afford to risk it all. The second is Karai, who has Miwa to think of, and therefore the only thing Karai HAS to risk is her OWN life, because Miwa’s comes first.
Technically the Kraang are a bigger threat than Gumm-Gumms, but because Karai's own priorities revolve around Miwa and herself, Gumm-Gumms are the far more important threat
“She’s your collar.” [Miwa] I just love this so much like Stockman caught on IMMEDIATELY and compared it to his situation in a heartbeat and realized in all of thirty seconds that Karai is just as much at gunpoint as he is
Karai loves her human form only in that it's technically Miwa. Otherwise, she fucking hates it. It's weaker, softer, squishier, her senses are awful, and changelings get Very Twitchy (Stabby) when they're forced to be in one form for too long. In a ninja compound, Karai doesn't get to use her natural form NEARLY enough
Karai’s chest scar isn't actually present in her human form. But she gets phantom pains
Karai is that meme of crying her heart out for ten minutes and then her alarms go off and she's back to working without any issue. Gotta be efficient with your breakdowns
Karai projecting right off the bat that the Hamatos will hate her purely for being what she is. This is both from experience and from her own feelings. Aha 💔
It took you 15 chapters honey but you finally killed Shredder 🧡
I dislike a lot of the turns of phrase in here. I have cognitive difficulties and getting back into writing after two years of struggling just to function, that's been most evident with getting words to go together the way they should. Sometimes there's certain ways I know words need to go together but I can't remember how? Or I get the entire sentence scrambled and have to go back later and reorganize. The intent is there, but the words get literally out of order. I spend a good few runs going over chapters to iron out those kinks but this early on it's especially easy for me to see where I was struggling on some parts. Fortunately practice makes perfect and even just a few chapters later there's a lot of improvement!
Suck it, health issues! I've been working hard to get my body back and now my mind is on the right track too!
Notable comments this chapter that made me giggle
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mthguy · 9 months
Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney perform “Good Morning” in the MGM film Babes in Arms (1939)
Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland proved to be a dynamic duo on screen, appearing together in such films as Love Finds Andy Hardy (1938) and Babes on Broadway (1941). The pair had an amazing connection, perhaps helped by the fact that they had a lot in common off-screen. They both came from theatrical families. Garland, born Frances Ethel Gumm, made her stage debut as a toddler in her older sisters' act; and Rooney, born Joseph Yule, Jr., had a vaudeville performer for a father and a showgirl for a mother.
Both had parents who pushed them into show business. Rooney moved to California with his mother in the mid-1920s to launch his career, and she even changed his name to give it more Hollywood appeal. Garland grew up performing with her sisters before landing a film contract when she was only 13 years old. MGM Studios boss Louis B. Meyer reportedly hired Garland without having her do a screen test. She, too, went through a name transformation to make her more marketable. From an early age, Rooney and Garland both knew all too well the ups and downs of the entertainment business.
Rooney may have only been a year or so older than Garland, but he had much more film experience when they started working together. He made his film debut in the 1926 short, Not to Be Trusted. From there, Rooney starred in a series of shorts based on the comic strip character Mickey McGuire.
Garland and Rooney first met in 1935, when Rooney was a rising star and Garland was just starting out, but it took a few years for the studio realize that Garland and Rooney would be a winning combination.
Garland made her first feature film appearance in the 1936 sports comedy, Pigskin Parade. Garland and Rooney made their joint appearance in the 1937 film Thoroughbreds Don't Cry. Garland later credited Rooney with giving her some of the best acting advice of her career while making this film. He told the talented young performer to perform her lines "like you're singing it."
Rooney had already made four popular films in the Andy Hardy series before he was joined on screen by Garland. Starting with 1937's A Family Affair, the series explored the lives of Judge James K. Hardy and his family. Rooney played his teenaged son Andy, and this friendly character who seemed to represent an all-American image quickly won over audiences.
Garland first appeared in 1938's Love Finds Andy Hardy as Andy's friend Betsy. Early in her career, she was marketed as a girl-next-door type. The two characters' relationship mirrored the actors' off-screen connection as well. Garland, just like Betsy, had a romantic interest in Rooney at the start, but Rooney, similar to Andy, was too busy pursuing other girls to notice her. He was involved with a number of other actresses, including Norma Shearer, who was 20 years his senior.
Garland's career soon started to take off. When Rooney and Garland appeared in 1939's Babes in Arms, the pair shared top billing. The musical, directed by the legendary Busby Berkeley, proved to be a huge hit. Rooney and Garland seemed to play off each other in a way that made their performances better, and moviegoers found them to be a compelling and magical pair to watch.
Babes in Arms is a film version of the 1937 coming-of-age Broadway musical of the same title. Directed by Busby Berkeley, in addition to Rooney and Garland, it featured Charles Winninger, Guy Kibbee, June Preisser, Grace Hayes, and Betty Jaynes. It was Garland and Rooney's second film together as lead characters after their earlier successful pairing in the fourth of the Andy Hardy films. The film concerns a group of youngsters trying to put on a show to prove their vaudevillian parents wrong and make it to Broadway.
It premiered on October 13, 1939, and became one of the 10 biggest hits of the year. With all the adorable gumption of its young stars, Babes in Arms pays thoroughly entertaining tribute to the magic of show business.
The film was nominated for two Academy Awards: Best Actor in a Leading Role for Mickey Rooney, who was 19 at the time and became the second-youngest Best Actor nominee, and Best Music, Scoring by Roger Edens and Georgie Stoll.
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Some Good!Gunmar AU Kotatious Crack
After a few centuries studying with the Gumm-Gumm’s Dictatious has become less of a curiosity among Gumar’s people but he does win their affection with his fascination and odd moments of compassion and insight.  None show the tribes fondness for the hanger-on as much as this instance.
Dictatious is summoned into Gunmar’s throneroom one day, and Kodanth is sent away. The Spymaster is considerably disquieted by this, but obeys, even if he has two conflicting worries. His position as Gunmar’s left hand, and the safety of a troll he may enjoy holding as much as he enjoys tearing him down.
The next morning, over a big breakfast of trespassers and a roasted elephant seal, Gunmar stands and declares that there will be a marriage hunt at midnight. Kodanth is shocked, and again, his confusion comes in twos.
1. The nearest troll tribe are the Frost Trolls, and they are the LAST clan Gunmar would want to kidnap from.
2. There hasn’t been a marriage hunt in decades.
He quickly sets to work hiding the changelings, sending out the ones he can on missions, concealing the others in safehouses and burrows. He sees the young bulls and mares gathering their weapons, armor and glug-skins, sees them all laughing and joking, preparing for the raid.
As the hour stretches on, Kodanth approaches Dictatious tent, and is shocked to see him putting on armor. He warns him not to go out, that HE may very well be taken as a war bride, but Dictatious says he vowed to understand Gumm-Gumm culture, not just learn it. Kodanth has a momentary facepalm, and one last word of caution.
“You know you’ll be expected to carry your mate back to camp and across the threshold?”
“Yes, well my strongest muscle may be in the cranial department, I’m sure I’ll manage.”
The war party gathers, Kodanth stands at Gunmar’s side to wish them luck. Dictatious looks more like a goblin than a troll, standing tiny among the thralls.
Then Gunmar bellows, announcing the hunt.
And very quickly, Dictatious darts forward, dropping his spear, and grabbing Kodanth’s arm. 
The Changeling, on reflex, tries to shake him off, but the little Conundrum clings with all four arms.
By now, the soldiers are chuckling a little, but a glare from Gunmar silences then.
And Dictatious, in a nervous, but loud voice, asks.
“Well? Have I captured you?”
Kodanth’s ears are pricked in disbelief, and he glances toward Gunmar again. 
“You may kill him, if you want.” 
“I am...considering, Dark Underlord.”
Kodanth regards his rival for a very very long moment. then sighs.
“you still have to carry me, you know.”
And Dictatious does. All the way over the threshold.
However, their wedding night is postponed because he did, indeed, throw out his back and two shoulders doing so.
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 2 years
Bular’s Day Out
I had this idea for a fic, I would propably never write, shame, I love it, so I can at least share the concept...I mean, why waste it, good AU concept is fun to read too
Because I am a sucker for redemtion arcs (well writen not just thrown on us like we were stupid) I was thinking of HOW I would do red.arc. for Bullar? I came up with what comes:
It is post ROTT timeline where Jim is a trollhunter. He is trying to make things right but the timeline goes WILD very qickly. Mainly because Stricler noticed that his enemies, seem to know things they shouldn't and gets far more caucious. I feel like Stricler would be far more dangerous villian if he just took Jim more seriously.
Somehow, Bular gets affected by that "human potion" from Gattos trasure. For the purpose of the story I am assuming it was not an accidental mix of potions, but really just one of them that will work the same no matter if it is thrown into the lava or just spilled on someone.
So Bular the Bucher is a temporarily human and super unhappy about that. He also don't know what is happenineg but he knows that Stricler will take that opportunity to ruin his possition, maybe even convince Gunmar, that his son is a lost case.
Bular is driven by one motivation, gaining and keeping his father's affection forever. And he well knows that Gunmar is loving him only as long as Bular is his perfect subject.
Oh, yeah, Gunmar is a bad father in this version. He is a true psychopat and is rally not capable of loving anyone but himself, and he views Bular as an extension of him, his smaller copy. Every time Bular does something Gunmar wouln't do, he is pissed. o B just learned to copy whatever he thing his father would do, incorporating anything he says as his own, never really developing own ideas.
He is okay, as long as he is strong as he is winning, and now he is not only weak, but a crature most despised by Gumm-Gumms. So, basically he has a problem.
Bular is not accustomed to being a fleshbag and heunderstans them far less than Blinky, so he is not doing very good. He runs from the changeling, untrusting of them (understandably after he terrorised and killed them for so long). And he is captured by Trollhunter,and the don't really know what to do with him.
Akiridions come to earth ealier that in Oryginal Timeline. Maybe because Morando's close encounter with godgood gave him ability to partially remember previous timelines, so he acts differenly? Not shure.
Bular beigns to form relationships with the good guys especially with Varvados, ARRGGHH!!, Krel and Toby in that order. He learns a lot about being a human, but also about being a troll and that life can be more than just fighting, killing and eating. That there is more to honor than wnning, and that for parental love you don't need to deserve.
The concept really extended above my expectations and thats why I don't think I could write it.
There was a whole intrigue around Bular's second parent, and Varvados were supposed to turn from "worthy enemy" to the real "fraher figure" for Bular.
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bastet-c-haddock · 8 months
~The War is Coming (Part 2) ~
WARNING: This is a Fic centered around the main events of "Wizards". Specifically those involving the Gumm-gumms and Morgana. Also, it is narrated from a 1st person perscepctive. The narrator is my Troll named Neala. For more info on them, click the "Who's Neala? Button" at the end of this part.
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My stomach sinks at the news -It cannot be...- I say to myself, feeling somehow guilty. I had to be the one at the threshold, not the prince. Before I can offer my services, the skull crusher sends Argamon to Dwuoza to recruit the pacifist tribe hidden from human sight. Even though he's supposely a brother in arms to me and Bular, I don't trust him. He's like a youngling, vulnerable, gullible, let's just hope he's not that innocent. When the Krubera soldier exits the room, only me and Gunmar remain.
Normally, in a situation like this when the prince's arrogance might get him in trouble, I wouldn't care by letting him figure it out on his own, but given our roles were exchanged, and he might have been caught off guard by those humans, I offer a solution for the sake of the Black One's Lineage.
-My lord, wouldn't it be better to send a rescue party for the prince? We know what Arthur is capable of- I say, confident of what I've heard over the years. Exposes prisoners to daylight and shatters them, murdering anyone who's not of his kin. -I can build a small group to enter Camelot at twilight...- my lord interrrupts me, growling.
-He only wants a trophy, a victory for his broken kingdom. But he won't stand a chance!- his fury unleashed as he stands, his colossal sword at hand. -At Nightfall, we march to Camelot!- In a thunderous roar, its vibrations traveling through my legs, its invigorating! I nod, before he leaves the throne room. Now I stand alone, taking off my mask and admiring it, letting out a sigh. -War, huh?- my mind, overun by many thoughts...
What if we win?
What if Dwuoza refuses?
Would we be...all that is left?...
-Agh! Enough!- I growl, I always think too much. It would be better if I hurry, this will be a long night.
After a nap, some training and sharpening my blades. I wait for the Skull Crusher at the entrance of his kingdom, wearing the mask while I scout around.
The moment I get near the threshold, I can see the centinel, frozen in place, bound by chains. Something inside me aches, the guilt over the fallen puts a weight on my chest. To think it would've been me... It also reminds me who are we really fighting against. Arthur calls us demons, monsters, abominations, but when push comes to shove, he invades our territory, hunts us down, and kills us, while rejoicing on our demise. To me, that's a monster. One with no empathy or mercy...
Once I am beside the fallen soldier, my heart sinks. He was exposed while fighting for his life. Was caught off guard, chained and executed. No trial, why am I not surprised? The king only spreads decay wherever he goes.
-Rest now, soldier- I say, taking off my helmet to see the chains around his arms. They were still made of iron, instead of petrifying with this troll. What cruelty... -You fought bravely for The Black One's crown. And for your heroic deeds, me, Commander Neala, Gunmar's Hellhound, relief you from your suffering.- I say, as I release him from the metal chains which fall limply at his sides. The clatter of the binds hitting the ground makes me sigh, making me feel relieved somehow. A moment after, two other centinels come to drag him back to camp.
As I see the soldier leaving, I take a deep breath, knowing he'll be shattered shortly, putting an end to such a death. -May our ancestors welcome you with open arms to the Hall of Heroes- as I bow slightly, before his stone body leaves my sight.
It takes me a minute or two to shake these feelings of guilt and sadness that take over everytime I see a troll dying in such a horrid way. He was killed for the fun of it, that thought alone makes me wish I could kill Arthur with my own claws. But, with the crime scene I have on hand, I might be a step closer to doing so.
As I take the chains that bound the soldier and sniff them, I can create a scene in my mind, one which confirms what I thought from looking at their victim. The King and his men bound the centinel when he was off guard, immovilizing him and then exposing him to the sun. The fear of my ally and the lustful joy of my foe, contrasting, strong scents. But, someone is missing in this scene: Bular. So, I sniff around some more, bumping into the rock which lies a couple of feet in front of the gate. There, the scent of the Prince's Bravado takes force. And now, the image of his capture is clear.
His arrogance made him ambush the king, got the upper hand, I can tell due to the adrenaline in the air. Then, the traitors defended their liege.
The smell of Arthur's magician fills the place. Iron and the scent his spells produce, smoke. More scents come to my nose: Other wizards, a witch, the horses and Excalibur; the cursed sword the human King carries to protect from us. Bans magic, but wields that forsaken weapon...
Reeks of the fallen.
Two wizards, and two witches were there. Old steel, Merlin; lightning, his apprentice; melted gold, Morgana and a fourth, can tell is a witch, but her scent is...peculiar. Sugar, cinnamon and...citrus peelings, also...corn, but as if toasted on a grill. Spiced Corn Bread, weird but it certainly made her stand out. She doesn't belong here...
Despite the little witch's scent, I could feel the strong tang of anger in the air, close to where Morgana stood. Anger...drove by...what?
-What did you find, champion?- Gunmar stands behind me while I sniff around. As I notice him, I quickly put on the mask to answer to his question.
-Magic was used to kidnap the prince, four or five fleshbags dragged him back to Camelot. The others disbanded and continued the hunt- I answer while pointing with my claws the paths each group took. I could tell the king's men were after some others: The eldest scents, which were almost lost to the fight, were from trolls who had been among humans for way too long. -Three or more trolls ran to Dwuoza- completing my search, keeping some curious things to myself. Though two of the three trolls I sensed were somehow familiar, one stood out. Old Steel, Charcoal and blood. It confused me how those three aromas could coexist. Old Steel, Merlin; but...Charcoal, that was my king's scent; and blood, it was a stinging smell, penetrating, not that I wasn't familiar with it, but...from a Troll? Those facts had to lay dormant in my mind as I stand aside my lord, who looks at me, satisfied with the bloodhound he raised.
-I trained you well, champion. Now the hunter, becomes the prey- growling at the time he crouches on his four points, roars and runs. I follow his lead, doing the same.
The night falls upon us as we arrive to the castle...on fire. His keep, destroyed by unknown magic. I smell it, melted gold and tree's blood.
-Who destroyed Artur's keep without my orders?- my King growls at the centinels who always keep watch on it. They don't answer, but a witch does. One dressed on golden armor and green robes, pledging an alliance sealed by Bular's return and words I will never forget.
"Eternal Night"
As tempting as that sounds, my years on this Earth had taught me not to trust a human. They kill anything and anyone who's not of their kin. All nature knows their savagery and though I know she speaks the truth, my instinct tells me that this might be a trick. I step closer to my liege and prince standing between them and the witch with my blades at hand.
-Pretty words for a human- I snarl, defying her -You were there when the prince was captured, with your wizards and your king.- slowly stepping closer as she levitated down to my level, making our gazes meet. -How do we know this isn't part of Arthur's plan?- growling, not letting my blades touch the ground. My green lit eyes meeting hers. Mine, filled with rage. Her's, calm.
-Yes, I was there.- she replied, politely -Watching Arthur kill one of your own, rejoicing on his defeat by exposing him to the sun. I saw as my mentor betrayed our kind by capturing your prince. I tried countless times to stop the massacre with kindness. But the time of peace is long gone- swaying her left hand, so my gaze could catch it. At a glance, nothing was odd, until I felt the scent of jade and, something more ancient. Something I had never smelled before. A mix of volcanic stone, a freezing blizzard and the blossoms of the early spring. Life and death. How? As I picked the scent, she kept explaining. -My brother cut my own hand, all because I spoke our truth. How his hipocracy knows no bounds.-
Baffled, but not bemused, I turned once more to face her. Before I could ask, she kept on going with her speech.
- A force greater than us ushered me back, gave me the power and the goal. No more bowing our heads to the men's rule! I shall bring you the means to bring Arthur to his knees- she sounded like a preacher, one I heard eons ago while captured by humans. Same system, different motif. I don't trust her.
-Nice speech, Pendragon- I growled, about to attack her. My tail was wipping around, angrily leaving marks on the ground. -But you've got no stakes to lose. So if I must die defending my king from your pretty little lies, then so be it- Growling lower, as my tail finally slapped the ground, making me snap into action. I was ready to fight the witch, rip her to shreds...but...
-Champion!- I stop cold on my tracks, digging my hooves on the dirt below. My king's scold catching me off guard. After a second, I recover my senses, making me turn around to face him.
-My lord...- confused. Never had he stopped me from following my judgement. Once I smelled a liar, he left me to ram against them and bring them to his feet. This would've been one of those situations...except...
-The witch speaks the truth- Gunmar says, calm, but stern. -We are on the same side. So don't look for enemies where there are none.-
My anger flares up, in disbelief. -None?! She's a human!-
-The witch is one of us!- Bular interscepted, walking closer to meet me, defying me like I defied Morgana. -She created a distraction to free me and destroy Camelot by making a Troll walk in broad daylight!-
As he spoke, I froze. The memory of the odd mix of scents came back. -No troll can walk in broad daylight- I replied, anxious.
-They can- she spoke from behind me. -If they are half human...- my anxiety, turning once again into anger. That explained it!
A growl escapes my throat, targetting her from over my shoulder. -A changeling?!- my eyes gleeming with rage as that proposterous idea crossed my mind. Half human-half troll, an absolute abomination.
-They could be effective spies and second agents for our cause.- Gunmar agreed, though under his breath.
My ears couldn't fathom what I was hearing. Baffled, confused, and furious, I tighten the grasp I've got on my blades. -You...have poisoned my lord's mind with YOUR LIES!!!- I roar as loud as my rage allows me, making the trees around me tremble. My disbelief filled my reason with a sudden rush of absolute fury. This witch shouldn't be trusted! And yet! Here she still stands, creating deformed mirrors to serve "our cause". Every spike and hair in my body shaking from the anger, the defiance and the audacity of this Mother of Monsters, who made my king question my judgement. It is the last straw! Without a second thought, I launch towards the witch, attacking her. But, within a second, someone stands between us: Bular. The few ounces of respect I had for him, were slowly becoming dust. He blocked my attack, before pushing me back, making my hooves leave trails on the ground. Once I recover my footing, my eyes shot him daggers.
-Commander, there are no enemies to fight!- he growls at me, as my brows rise, once again, in disbelief. -This Witch has saved my life and attacked our enemy's keep! Don't you see?! The tides of war are changing to our favour!-
-Or dragging us to our destruction!- I roar once more, as I throw my blades, making them cut the ground and stand on their own. -Your weakness and arrogance has caused all of this. We wouldn't be facing Arthur's kin and considering such a blasphemous arrangement if it wasn't for your need to show off!- I attack him, finally speaking my mind after millennia. The comment makes him freeze, letting me know I'm right. -Don't you know I know the scent of your bravado?! It's bitter, penetrating, like meat left to rot. It is sickening...and it was all over the GATE!- My steps draw me closer to the prince, as my knuckles crack, my claws ring and my growls threaten.
Bular, trying to intimidate me, lowers his blades and puffs out his chest, pathetic! I can smell his shame, his anger slowly boiling to the surface. -You're overstepping your line, Commander-
I chuckle, showing my mouthful of sharp ivory teeth. I stand my ground, stretching to meet him almost face to face, letting him know I'm not afraid of a pampered brat -Scared you'll lose? Little Prince?-
-ENOUGH!- A loud roar shakes me, it is my king. Once more scolding me. -The witch has proven her worth, and as enemy of our enemy, she's now an asset to win over the King! So you better lower your voice, Commander. Or my blade will...- his growl making my torso shiver, even from afar. I could defy Bular and Morgana all I wanted, but if Gunmar the Black gave a command, my body was inclined to follow it. Wanting or not, he was still my king, and his orders are gospel.
So, I hushed, begrudgingly turning around. Like that, I kneel down, asking forgiveness for my acts, though I have no regret of my actions. -Yes, my king...- I say, bowing my head towards him. The anger still boils within me, but I try to persuade my body into calming down that anger. Not very effectively, but effectively enough to apologize -It won't happen again- trying not to bark those last words.
-It better not...- a disgusted whisper lefts his mouth before walking away, followed by Bular, the centinels, and Morgana. After it, I was left alone for a minute or two...
The apology I gave, was a not genuine one. And Gunmar knew it...
I just wonder how much time I have before he hunts me down...
"Who's Neala?" Button
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abwwia · 1 year
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Judy Garland with Liza, Lorna, and Joey
Frances Ethel Gumm, also known as Judy Garland (b. June 10, 1922 – June 22, 1969) #bornonthisday was an American actress, singer, dancer and vaudevillian.
While critically acclaimed for many different roles throughout her career, she is widely known for playing the part of Dorothy Gale in The Wizard of Oz (1939). She attained international stardom as an actress in both musical and dramatic roles, as a recording artist and on the concert stage. Renowned for her versatility, she received an Academy Juvenile Award, a Golden Globe Award and a Special Tony Award. Garland was the first woman to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year, which she won for her 1961 live recording titled Judy at Carnegie Hall.
Privately Mother of three, including Liza Minnelli (b. 1946) and Lorna Luft (b. 1952) via Wikipedia
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hxhhasmysoul · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @cursedvibes
Thank you for the tag <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Hunter X Hunter - not actively at the moment, i needed a break
呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga) - kinda actively, though writing has been hard
 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù - one gift fic
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1) The Only One - wins at kudos by a very high margin, compared to everything else, it’s an author pleaser, super indulgent SukuIta fic. Partially ooc for indulgence sake. A Royalty AU. Rating: E
2) Stellar Date - wins by a high margin with other KilluGon stuff. It’s a very fluffy one shot, the fluffiest I have on ao3. A college AU. Rating: T
3) Trapped - my darker SukuIta fic. I’d argue the better one because far less ooc. A let’s say Beauty and the Beast AU but not really. Rating: E
4) Why am I like this? - the ode to Killua’s fragile gay mind. A KilluGon high school AU. Rating: M
5) Knov's List - another high school AU, this time in equal parts KilluGon and AlluNary. Rating: M 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to always respond, but on multi chapter fic I feel I shouldn’t respond before publishing the next chapter… I know it’s weird XD
But I'm doing my best.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’m honestly too soft and gooey inside for writing angst… whenever I write any, I take it very poorly. 
I’ve only once written a fic that didn’t have a happy ending and to this day I feel very guilty about it. 
All our Wards Went on Holiday - It’s a very strange AU for the 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù fandom, and a rare pair to boot (Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn/Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín). Rating: T
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Apart from the fic mentioned above, all my finished fics have happy endings or open endings. 
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Nah, I got spam once. 
9. Do you write smut?
Yeah, 6 out of my 21 fics are rated E. It’s horrible and it takes 3 times as much time to write than regular stuff. 
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah, I don’t see the appeal.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have, I don’t know about it. But I highly doubt that. 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nah. I don’t exactly understand why people do it, translation is so time consuming. Maybe as practice? 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I co-write my original stuff, fic is just for me.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I will not choose favourites between my children.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
I want to finish all my wips. And I try not to be pessimistic about it. 
16. What are your writing strengths?
Commenters mention world building and characterisation most often, then the feels. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I hate every aspect of my writing. But what I dislike the most is my writing style. I’ve tried improving it but fuck me, I just can’t make it better. I find it extremely unpleasant to read. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Without a translation? Pretentious. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hunter X Hunter - I’d never processed media through a fandom before HxH.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Lol, none, they are all kinda shit. I write to externalise my ADHD, otherwise it drives me crazy. I guess I have the most fondness for my first fics in fandoms, like you’d have for any first attempt at a craft, you tried so you get a cookie kinda thing. So Fairytale kingdom, nightmare castle for HxH, and Trapped for JJK, both rated E. 
20 fic writers is much more than I know XD And some that I know aren’t on Tumblr. Tagging but only if you feel like it: @subdee, @ishouldgetatumbler, @twila-star, @canzie-gumm, @yuujispinkhair, @voidcat-senket, @clood, @fireolin, @mysterypond, @dream-of-tanalorr
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unladyboss · 11 months
Ragle Gumm lives in the year 1959 in a quiet American town.
His unusual profession consists of repeatedly winning the cash prize in a national newspaper contest called "Where Will The Little Green Man Be Next?". As the novel opens, strange things begin to happen to Gumm. A soft-drink stand disappears, replaced by a small slip of paper with the words "SOFT-DRINK STAND" printed on it in block letters.
Few other characters notice these or experience similar anomalies; the sole exception is Gumm's supposed brother-in-law, Victor "Vic" Nielson, in whom he confides.
He has the unshakeable feeling he's been inside this place many times before.
Confusion gradually mounts for Gumm.
His neighbor Bill Black (NEIL FAK) knows far more about these events than he admits, and, observing this, begins worrying:
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"Suppose Ragle [Gumm] is becoming sane again?" In fact, Gumm does become sane, and the deception surrounding him (erected to protect and exploit him) begins to unravel.
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Gumm tries to escape the town and is turned back by Kafkaesque obstructions.
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He sees a copy of Time magazine, with himself on the cover as Man of the Year.
He tries a second time to escape, this time with Vic, and succeeds.
He learns that his idyllic town is a constructed reality designed to protect him from the frightening fact that he lives on a then-future Earth (circa 1998)
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Gumm planned to secretly emigrate to the Moon. But before this could happen, he began retreating into a fantasy world based largely upon the relatively idyllic surroundings of his extreme youth. He was no longer able to shoulder his responsibility as Earth's lone protector from Lunar-launched nuclear offensives.
The fake town was thereby created. While Gumm regressed by himself to a 1950s mindset, the rest of the town with a few exceptions like Black were all put in a similar state artificially, explaining why hardly anyone else could perceive anomalies.
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When Gumm finally remembers his true personal history, he decides to emigrate .
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Vic rejects this belief and returns to the simulated town- which has lost its raison d'etre because of Gumm's escape from its environs. The book ends with some hope.
Let's be clear, the writers are gonna keep THE BEAR REALISTIC. they are not sending him to the moon but I think the Bear and all the inhabitants are in someone's/Carmy's mind because there's something or some trauma he needs to remember and deal with before he can become himself again.
Note the narrative related to Time out of Joint is referenced from WIKIPEDIA
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sonicasura · 1 year
More potential highlights of Jim using his Alien forms from the Omnitrix.
1. Claire and some of the other girls think Ditto is just the cutest .
"Aye que lindo"! says Claire😍
2. Wildmutt playing with Lug and having a doggy play date.
3. Krel excitedly examining Feedbacks charge plugs on his hands while Vex and Zadra nervously stands to the side. The only ones really aware how dangerous those digits could become.
4. Aja and Krel laughing when seeing Vex screaming and hide away from Jim's Pesky Dust form.
5. Grey Matter is used to get into the Darklands, but Blitzwolfer is used to navigate and map out the Darklands using his powerful nose.
6. Eye-Guy is pretty uncanny valley even to multi eye Trolls like Blinky.
7. "Saaaayyy Whaaaat"! exclaims Toby when he sees Way-Big.
8. Jim, as Ghostfreak, tries to possess Gunmar, but because of the Decimar blade and his overall will power.
9. The Trolls of Trollmarket love Upchuck for parties. He's a shoe in for winning eating and belching contests 😆
All of this.
It's no secret that Ditto is quite popular with his female classmates and girlfriend. Someone actually made a plushie for an online 'Cutest Toy' contest. Immediate First Place by a landslide. Congrats Jim, one of your aliens is a marketable plushie.
It ain't uncommon to see Lug get into shenanigans with Wildmutt. Aja thinks the whole thing is cute especially when she catches the two taking a nap. Lug deserves to play more.
There were a lot of precautions taken much to Aja and Vex's relief. Feedback's gauntlet has a setting that prevents the charge plugs on his hands from going off. Certain forms such as NRG have various gear or accommodations which makes interactions with other species much safer. Krel definitely got some inspiration for a few inventions thanks to Feedback.
They were laughing their asses upon the look of horror on Vex's face as Pesky Dust flew before them. Man was gone in seconds Looney Tunes style. Left behind a dust cloud shaped like him from how fast he hid behind the couch. It's gonna take awhile before Vex can even stand next to Pesky Dust for at least 10 minutes.
Yup! When it comes to the Darklands, any form that can help navigate is vital. Jim also unlocked two new aliens during his stay: Ball Weevil and Jury Rigg! The latter being used to get Enrique out of the Darklands. Ball Weevil help Jim escape from Gunmar once his cover got blown. Never underestimate the little guys.
Yup! Eye-Guy definitely got himself a mix of looks when he first appeared. Blinky definitely remembered the thousand eyes comment from Toby and might've thrown it back. It became a game in Trollmarket on who can catch this form off guard.
Toby would've fainted if they weren't in the middle of a warzone. His best friend just turned into an alien Kaiju! Toby definitely took pictures including one with the group on Jim's shoulder. (BTW, who came with Jim on the journey to find Azmuth was Toby, Blinky, Douxie, Archie, Claire and Draal.)
Jim definitely tried that mainly to keep the blade away from Draal. Harley manage to give enough willpower where Gunmar repelling his possession left the Gumm Gumm King stunned. A moment Kanijar took to get his son safely away. Pesky Dust helped Draal recover mentally from being under Gunmar's control.
You can bet Upchuck became a favorite. If a Troll can outbelch the Gourmand then it's a free meal on the house. As for eating, they definitely brought all kinds of stuff to see what Upchuck can munch.
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year
What If: Trollhunters Unbecoming
I mentioned in the post here about the potential of Trollhunters S2 episode Unbecoming. What if it was actually a bad ending universe where Jim participates in his other self's shoes before he does? An idea we are gonna further explore here.
Let's start with the episode itself. All the events Jim experiences aren't exactly correct in this respective universe. This is darker version never had him as a Trollhunter as Draal gotten that role. It means the Jim there was unaware of the growing danger under his feet.
He never discovers his teacher is a Changeling, find himself in Trollmarket, nor meet Blinky and AAARRRGGHH. Jim's essentially a normal kid whose greatest challenge at the moment was highschool. Very bad as his whole world is gonna shatter soon.
Everything else in the episode does play out. Draal dies, Gunmar is unleashed and Arcadia is torn asunder. This Jim's actual fate remains a mystery since the who confronts the Gumm-Gumm King is the Trollhunter alternate.
How much worse can things get?
A whole lot with the inclusion of 3Below and Wizards. Multiple forces who will no doubt fight over world domination. Gunmar, Morando, and the Arcade Order are gonna clash. Continents around the globe will get involved in this supernatural war.
It's only when things spread outside Arcadia's reach does it really worsen. We also have to add the Eternal Night. Gunmar and Morgana don't realize this tactical advantage ruins everyone's chance at survival.
Plants need sunlight in order to grow. A good chunk of pollinators such as bees only appear during daytime. Without them, plants will begin to wither and die. This leads to the decline in animal population as herbivores are steadily deprived of their food source.
Even if someone uses magic, there isn't enough to sustain an entire ecosystem. Lack of resources will lead to more unsavory survival tactics such as cannibalism. The world slowly becomes a cold uninhabitable wasteland without the sun.
Well, if none of the nations decide to unload their nukes. Magic, alien technology and nuclear warfare. I rather be dead thanks. Basically it becomes a situation where no one really wins.
The place is either devastated or heavily radiated. Every bystander has to live in a painful apocalyptic world that approaches utter oblivion with each minute. Gunmar's release was the flare signal for damnation.
And Merlin barely did anything to stop it. He put his complete faith in the idea of the Trollhunter. A idiotic idea when the battlefield is essentially a warzone. Jim exceeded all his predecessors cause he did the one thing Merlin wouldn't do. The young seeks help.
You don't fight a war with a single soldier. No, an army is needed to turn the tides especially if the consequences for failure are WORLD ENDING. This universe never had a chance as it was too little to late.
You may never know when the sky will one day. Quite a terrifying thought.
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rule-number-3 · 2 years
Hello ye hi,
Can you please give so lore(if you have any) on your trollhunter oc? They look really cool and I want to know more about them!
Hi there, hello,
Skara thanks you all so much for all the attention. She's not used to people saying nice things, so it very refreshing
There's one kind of big piece of lore I'm going back and forth on, so here's some things I've mentioned before and some new stuff I've decided.
She had been a Gumm Gumm since Orlagk's reign, coming in not long after Gunmar. She was sort of young at the time but old enough to know exactly what she was doing and what she was getting into.
She'd never call Gunmar a friend, but they'd worked together plenty of times as they were both generals. When it came down to it, she fought on Gunmar's side when he fought against Orlagk. At first, she declined and intended to stay neutral while the boys duked it out, but the more followers Gunmar amassed, she knew it better to pick aside. Preferably the winning one.
She says she only stopped being a Gum Gumm because there were no more Gumm Gumm's around and never elaborates on why she wasn't at Kilahead. The truth is she had gotten severely injured not long before it, forced into hiding while she recovered because she knew what being unable to fight meant. It still upsets her and she misses her old friends.
She loves to play the "big bad gumm gumm" role when she first meets people. She's roughly 11ft tall and very intimidating and likes scaring people with empty and vague threats. She does it partly for fun but also because it gets results when things need to get done.
She's not secretly a softy or anything she says. She just usually wants to be mean because she has a pretty wacked sense of humor. Doesn't like being called a nice person ever even when she is.
She doesn't like Merlin or the Trollhunters and is very vocal about it. She sees him as a senile old coot with no right to decide what troll is or isn't worthy of being his personal pet (her perspective, not mine). Learning about Jim did not help this opinion.
She likes reading about war history. Just a hobby. She also likes swimming.
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