#the green party
quitepossiblytall · 3 months
I’m not voting 3rd party because America’s 3rd party choices are trash. On the merits, they are just not a good choice and I wouldn’t trust any of them to be a better president the Joe Biden.
1)They have not made it on the ballot in enough states to actually win the election. Williamson fully lost the democratic primary to Joe Biden. The people have already spoken.
2) Cornel West is a political hack who is being used by the republicans to syphon votes from Biden. He’s mismanaging his campaign - he spent more money on graphic design than petitions to get on the ballot. He supports republican education policies (google Classic Learning Test. A conservative backed replacement to the ACT and SAT that focuses on “western literature”. It’s supported by DeSantis, if that is any indication of quality).
3) Jill Stein is a millionaire who larps as a activist, while actively lying about the Biden administration and generating wealth (she’s worth 7 million dollars and inherited half a million from her parents) from the very industries she claims to be against (big banks, big oil, military industry, big pharma).
5) Neither Jill Stein nor Cornel West are truly anti-genocide. They’re pro-Putin. Meaning they would allow the genocide of Ukrainians to continue. West wants to fully dismantle NATO, which would put former USSR countries like Estonia, Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania in danger of Russian aggression without NATO protection. Both are a threat to the sovereignty of former Soviet Union countries.
6) All of our presidential candidates this year, aside from Jasmine Sherman are 70+. So, if Biden is too old, so are all of them.
7) Marianne Williamson, one time spiritual advisor to Oprah Winfrey, lost to Biden in the primary. People didn’t vote for her in the primary - full stop. She’s a wacko, who describes AIDS as “angels in Darth Vader suits”. She’s a pseudoscience pedaler and an anti-vaxxer (long before COVID-19), excuse me a “safe-vaxxer”, who once tweeted that the “power of the mind” could save people in the path of hurricanes. She is wrong about both mental and physical health (because pseudoscience), calling clinical depression “a scam”.
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For people in the UK: the Twelfth Doctor tells you about which party has the best policies regarding environmental issues.
The legend that is Peter Capaldi.
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deerabigailhobbs · 3 months
For all my 18+ UK lovelies, here's a quick reminder TO VOTE TODAY!
And also remember to bring your ID. Although I live in a conservative constituency, I'll still be voting green <3
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simeffable · 3 months
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Breaking my hiatus to ask anyone of voting age in the UK to vote GREEN on THURSDAY 4th JULY (US Independence Day). Voting for Labour is voting for Kier Starmer (booooo), who has made it clear on several occasions that he doesn’t support or care about several marginalised communities (LGBTQ, transgender, immigrants) and their manifesto is the same old story it has been for years. DON’T. They are Tories in Labour clothing. GREEN is for CHANGE. Fighting climate change, more funding for the NHS, state and SEN schools, support for the people who need it most.
Read their manifesto here.
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ginerva-mollyweasley · 3 months
it smells like a labour landslide…
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shinyasahalo · 22 days
Dr.Jill Stein & Dr.Butch Ware On Running As Green Party Candidates, Trump, Gaza genocide, Russian agent accusation, and why resistance is never futile, even after losing.  
At this point it should be obvious that it is the presidential elections that get most of the attention and brings people to your party, so stop telling Greens to only focus on local elections.
TW for a Democrat who was absolutely embarrassing herself.  
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linguaphiliax · 5 months
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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lordzannis · 2 months
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drawsoneverything · 7 months
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Creature party
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quitepossiblytall · 4 months
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“Is Stein a fellow traveler or a useful idiot?” Watts asked rhetorically. “I don’t know, but even after the election she played into Russia disinformation by pursuing a recount so heavily and claiming election fraud. This was a post-election coup for Kremlin propagandists.” - Robert Windrem
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adhdduckie · 3 months
Sacabambaspis on capybara
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insidecroydon · 5 months
In Croydon, Labour's toxic track record makes it 'no Khan-do'
After another two-day election count and too many coffees, political editor WALTER CRONXITE sifts through the detritus of Croydon and Sutton’s part in the 2024 London elections Having a Mayor…: Sorry to keep you all waiting Not for the first time, Croydon kept London waiting. It was getting on for 9 o’clock at the ExCel Centre last night when the telling teams from Croydon and Sutton councils…
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simeffable · 3 months
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hey freaks quick reminder (18+, UK) to go vote if you haven’t already and vote with your CONSCIENCE and for who you BELIEVE IN not just who you think is more likely to win. there is no such thing as a wasted vote <3 polling stations are open until 10pm and remember your ID (passport, driving licence)!
have this lost uk election meme grid i made!!!
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midnightcrows · 1 year
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The Emperor Undying and His Saints.
Inprnt store here!
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theselkiesea · 3 months
Please don't let a Yorkshire owned theme-park company destroy Loch Lomond. Look, I'm not eloquent enough to break everything down but this application, if put through would see the destruction of one of the most beautiful places in Scotland.
It holds so many precious memories. Wildlife would be affected drastically, tourism of that scale in this area would do more harm than good.
The link below will give you more details and there's also a petition. It would mean the world to me if you gave it some attention. Thank you.
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