#the girl who dragged me down the stairs was named chloe and if i had the guts to do it i would ask her
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fuck guys my 'i think i met geno in 2012 without realizing who he was' conspiracy theory deepens D:
after a long day of rendering i was indulging in some scribbling and i wasnt going to post it but i was drawing this:

i mean its some random girl i dont think anyone even knows who she is, and the photo is hot and a fun romantic kissy pose to draw. i figured it was harmless practice. and halfway through the drawing i actually looked at the background. and immediately fucking recognized those stairs. i mean the exact location may be different but those railings i remember. cause i can never forget my friend grabbing my wrist and dragging me down the stairs fast enough that i was very grateful for the railings to hang onto.
i googled and the first time i searched 'diesel pittsburgh' i got this:

which is honestly way better than any nightclub. but then i adjusted the search terms and found

yeah thats basically exactly what i remember but with added weird green glowy pillars. looks an awful lot like the background of the photo too, huh?

definitely the same railings. :( there was a bouncer security guy at the bottom of the stairs who would stop you from going up it. i have no idea how we even got up there because it was the other girls' idea. its not like we were the hottest girls there or something either, we were just a group of carneg*ie mellon nerds. and i was not in the girls inner circle. just tagging along so nobody ever explained decisions to me. this was jan 2012...i hadnt even run into naeem at my dance class yet that happened in fall 2012. i hadnt perfected my dancing outfits, it was freezing and i hadnt realized that even in jan you wear skimpy clothes to run into the club because its always hot in there once you get there. i was in a quarter sleeve dress with flounces and ruffles and my favorite victorian leather booties. not exactly normal club wear. like that girl in the photo? looking way cuter than me lol. i also desperately did not want to be on that second floor. nobody up there was dancing they were just sitting around. i wanted to be dancing!
keep in mind i only ever went to this club once. ONCE. and i remember all of it because it was simulatenously fascinating but also traumatizing lmao. and not because of the group of guys in the vip section, that was probably the only highlight, money fingers dude was at least interesting even if he embarrassed me and cruelly dismissed me so soon after waving me over to talk to him :P (chloe would probably say different after what the other half of the group asked her to do)(not the dude who talked to me he was kind of separate from the main group).
but there's that vip section on the second floor and then below it the main dance floor was full of creeps - grabbing at me, pulling me around - just assholes. all i had wanted to do was dance with my friends and you couldnt do that easily because of all these creeps. and of the girls i was there with - only one i knew very well we can call her "L" and soon after she moved back to her hometown. peter moved to ohio (poor petey)(petey was madly in love with L and she was...not. it was tragic. like penelope level unrequited love. everyone knew he was in love with her except L). and i started going to naeem's underground music events rather than mainstream clubs. (unless cruze counts lol). so yeah i had no reason or motivation to ever go back to diesel.
but i also went out dancing almost every weekend 2012-2017 and wouldnt you know it the only random stranger i ever met that actually stuck in my memory was the dude in diesel. weeeeeeird.
i cant describe the strange dejavu i got when i realized i recognized those stupid hand railings. small world, crazy coincidences, absolutely impossible. on the other hand if it was him, i cant be mad at my past self for being clueless cause even if i had known anything i would have been too shy and awkward to do anything other than maybe give myself permission to stare at him more, and clearly he lost interest fast.
hilariously the places that i frequented in pittsburgh dont have any photos - one place didnt allow cameras or photographs, but the others were just such dives that nobody bothered. but they were more like this:
#the girl who dragged me down the stairs was named chloe and if i had the guts to do it i would ask her#but i doubt she would even remember who i was or that this night happened lol#jrnlsht
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Marinette’s Big Fall: An angsty Prompt
[ I have had not one. Not two. But THREE anonymous asks for some Miraculous ladybug angst with a pinch of salt SO here you go. Also because people keep asking me if they can make fics from my prompts I will just put here that YES you can I will love you if you do, please just tag me so I can squeal. I always love fan-art and I always love fics based off my ideas just go nuts guys. ]
If you asked the students of Bustier’s classroom what happened that sunny tuesday at 1:36pm they would all tell you it was an accident. None of them had meant for anything to happen and none of them had so much as laid a finger on the dark haired girl. It was just an accident that was all, but still their faces would lose blood and they would shake as they remembered the sight of Marinette Dupain-Cheng laying still as a stone at the bottom of the stairs. If you asked them to start at the beginning they would take a shaky breath and start their tale at the first warning bell of the school day, before Marinette had arrived and when Lila Rossi did.
The italian had for months been telling them of Marinette’s misdeeds and though many were proven to be false it seemed like not a day went by where Lila didn’t have some new to say about the bakers daughter. That days newest tale was about how Marinette had ruined Lila’s photoshoot at the park with Adrien. It was suppose to be a romantic shoot for valentines day and Marinette had arrived at the park where it was taking place with little Manon. Lila claimed that Marinette bribed the child into pushing Lila into the fountain during the shoot thus ruining the whole thing and making her look bad in front of the employer. Now hearing this story the students of Bustier’s class felt mixed Marinette was prone to fits of jealousy but would she really bring a child into it? Some were angry at Marinette for her repeated felonies some were unsure and one other a certain Adrien Agreste still had no idea what everyone meant about Marinette being jealous and while he knew that Lila had ended up in the water and that it was Manon who did it... He also knew for a fact that Marinette was in no way involved.
The debate over Marinette’s innocence would last until the young designer arrived then the class would fall into steely silence all fuming and grumbling trying to justify the Marinette they knew and loved with the jealous green eyed monster Lila suffered under. As they day wore on Alya always the seeker of truth began badgering Marinette trying to get to the bottom of the whole affair, and while Marinette admitted to being at the park and admitted to babysitting Manon and yes she even confirmed that Lila wound up in the fountain she claimed no responsibility arguing that little Manon had just wanted a hug from Adrien and had accidentally shoved the italian. This information spurred only new arguments though they happened without Marinette’s knowledge in back and forth messages when the teachers back was turned. Lila meanwhile continued to weave her web sending her own messages to the class with new accusations and ‘evidence’ something had to give as the tensions rose and at exactly 1:00 when Mme. Bustier stepped out something did give indeed.
No one really remembers the argument only who was leading it. Alya was a good person a bit too trusting and maybe a bit too gullible and brash but she always protected the weak and thats why Marinette loved her. The problem was right now Alya thought the one who needed that protection was one Lila Rossi. Marinette did her best to diffuse the situation she argued that it was a child’s mistake that Lila should let it go. Alya argued that Marinette always had issues with jealousy and that she needed to fess up and apologize. Marinette would no apologize for something she didn’t do and so the argument continued, classmates joined in things got more and more heated in the spur of the moment with everyone yelling and Lila sobbing Alya snapped and said two things she never should have. One she told Marinette they were no longer friends unless Marinette stopped being jealous. And two, she revealed just why Marinette was ‘jealous’ her crush on Adrien Agreste. The moment the words left her mouth Alya was hit with regret, the moment she saw embarrassment in her friends face and tears hot and fresh welling in her eyes she was hit with shame. No one spoke as the bakers daughter let out a choked sob but suprising them all it wasn’t an accusation of anger at Alya for outing her secret that left the dark haired girls lips it was a quiet shaky and broken:
“W-Were not friends a-anymore?” Followed by yet another choked and heartbroken sob.
Before Alya or anyone could answer the girl bolted for the door shaking with sobs. Everyone stood shocked still for a moment before Adrien bolted up and rushed after the girl the rest of the class followed. But they never reached Marinette in time. In her distressed state the pigtailed girl had tried to make a break for home but she was clumsy and clumsier still when upset so when she rushed down the stair she tripped and everyone could only watch in silent horror as the bakers daughter only managed to let out a gasp before her body slammed into the hard concrete. When the students of Bustier’s recalled everything later they would note with some shock that it was Chloe who moved first yelling out Marinette’s name, not her last name no, just her name as she rushed down the stairs and to the dark haired girls side. She noted the young girl wasn’t responding and quickly snapped for Sabrina to phone an ambulance while she continued to monitor Marinette. No one else would move, Alya would cry silently and in horror as Chloe called out to Marinette and checked her pulse, Nino would clutch his hat and stare mouth agape as Marinette lay like a lifeless corpse, Adrien Agreste would fall to his knees at the top of that stairs his eyes like saucers as he tried to comprehend what had happened. And Lila Rossi? She would feel every bit of blood in her body turn into ice as guilt gripped onto her and told her that this, all of this was because of HER.
Everything that happened next was a blur, the ambulance arrived Marinette was driven away with Chloe of all people. The police arrived, Bustier and Damocles felt there sweat turn cold as they were questioned, the other students of the school would stand around murmuring and pointing at the Akuma Class Rose would hear the kinder people ask what happened in hushed tone, Juleka would hear the crueler people say that the Akuma class had tried to kill the one person they couldn’t akumatize. Soon enough parents arrived and dragged away their children Kim and Alix would notice the small patch of blood on the concrete where Marinette landed, they would later puke thinking about it, but they told no one of what they had seen.
Meanwhile on the way to the hospital Tikki was in a panic, her dearest chosen her most precious and rare creation soul was BROKEN so many bones and bits of her body were mangled beyond repair... Well beyond NORMAL repair but Tikki was a god, a sentimental god at that and she would not let heaven or hell get in the way of her helping Marinette survive no matter the cause. And so sitting silently, hidden in the girls hair out of sight of the paramedic and Chloe who was telling them all she knew of Marinette’s medical background Tikki used her magic to mend all she could, she would make sure that her sweet precious Marinette would be alright but while she mended the broken body Tikki knew that there would be a price to pay. Magic always came with a price. In the past when she’d used her magic to heal holders this way some had lost their eyesight, others their voices, some would lose a limb, Tikki had no idea that cost Marinette would pay but she knew whatever it was her precious little bug would be alright.
And she was. The doctors were shocked to find that while Marinette had a broken leg and two broken ribs, some deep cuts that would never fully heal, and some awful bruising that would leave the girl sore for who knows how long she was in fact just fine. There was no internal bleeding, and no serious brain trauma, and somehow she’d be just fine to walk when her leg healed up. Sabine and Tom cried tears of joy at the news and stayed by the young girls side. Tikki was also pleased with the news from her hidden spot where she lay utterly exhausted. She knew still that their would be a price to pay but at least Marinette was alive and well. The bakers daughter did not wake up until early the next day and when she did she was mobbed by her parents. She smiled at their concern and when the doctor came in to greet her he decided to check her memory.
“Standard procedure.” He said. “It’s not unusual for there to be some minor memory loss surrounding the incident itself were just going to check.”
And so the questions began. They started with things like her birthday, and her parents names and ages, then they moved on to recent events, so far no problems. Finally they asked about the day itself and the ‘incident’ in questions Marinette opened her mouth to answer then paused thoughtfully. She couldn’t remember. Not unusual assured the doctor, and then he returned to asking other questions probing gently to ensure everything was alright, and it seemed to be up until the doctor asked a simple question.
“What’s your best friends name? And can you describe them.”
Marinette froze and stayed silent. Tikki suddenly felt a strange twist in her tummy. Sabine and Tom looked at their daughter uncertainly. Finally after a long pause. Marinette spoke with a strained laugh.
“I uhh dont remember having one sir.” Sabine felt her stomach suddenly drop, hidden away behind a plant Tikki felt the same thing.
Concerned by the answer the doctor probed more with Tom and Sabine joining in. The answers were startling. Marinette Dupain-Cheng had forgotten every single person that was present when she fell down the stairs. She could recall other students at the school and her teacher, but all the students of her own class? She could not recall their names or their faces. When her parents asked about a specific memory the first time Nino and Marinette met and became friends. Marinette’s eyes lit up. She remembered the event, she remembered someone being bullied and helping them and then they became friends. Her parents were hopeful and the doctor calmly asked Marinette to tell them who the bully was and who the person being bullied was. At that all Marinette did was frown and hold her head. She could remember the incident but... The faces of the bully and the one being bullied were blacked out she had no idea who they were. They tried asking her if she knew the bullied boys favorite things, she had no idea, his name? Nothing. Favorite color? Nope. It was odd extremely so and the only theory the doctor could offer was trauma based memory lose triggered by stress and the possible incident surrounding her accident.
Later when her parents left and it was safe. Tikki emerged and was overjoyed to learn that Marinette remembered her and being ladybug. Tikki was a bit worried about the holes in her dear chosens memories but she knew that this was the price Marinette had payed. She got to keep her life and all her limbs and eyes but she had lost something precious, her friends, they were now black holes burned into faded memories. And it extended into her superhero life. Marinette knew Rena Rouge she could remember her powers and her skill, but when Tikki asked who she was Marinette could only frown and hold her head as it throbbed. Alya, Nino, everyone even Adrien were gone, Marinette had the memories but no faces, no names, no attachment she had lost her friends. Tikki felt guilty of course and told Marinette as much but the young girl just kissed her Kwami’s head and confidently said that they would figure it out.
It had been a week sense Marinette’s big fall. And the students of Bustier’s class sat restless in their seats. None of them had been able to check up on Marinette as her parents had forbidden visitors and the bakers themselves were illusive now a days as they kept close to the hospital keeping their daughter company. All anyone knew was that Marinette was alive, and while that was great news it wasn’t enough. And to make matters perhaps more odd then Marinette’s disappearance was the complete inactivity by Hawkmoth. It was as if he was busy dealing with something else. Like maybe his teenage son who had been expressing all of his teenage rebellion and angst in a concentrated dose ever sense a certain bakers daughter had fallen down the stairs. Adrien was indeed the most miserable about the whole situation, he’d given up on bathing, moped all day, snapped at Lila for even opening her mouth, and was refusing to care for himself or attend any and all photoshoots and extra curricular activities. Adrien’s rebellion was causing big problems for Gabriel’s business and he was stuck rushing about trying to re-organize events and juggle his son who had become terrifyingly good at escaping the house to go to school no matter what kind of locks were installed.
As the day wore on for Bustier’s students ignored the looks given to them by the other students in the school. More then a few of them blamed them squarely for what had happened to Marinette while others shot them looks of sympathy or concern. The class as a whole looked like they were from a bad zombie movie, but the one who looked perhaps the worse of them all was Lila Rossi, while some would try and argue its because of how bad she felt for poor Marinette others would recognize that she seemed paranoid and on edge with her eyes darting about and how quick she was to defend herself against even the smallest assumed accusation against her. Finally lunch rolled around and like the mob of zombies they were the students of Bustier’s class walked mindlessly to the cafeteria that is until one of them spotted a familiar looking girl though her hair was no longer in pigtails and her clothing had changed it was undoubtedly her! The class rushed forward with a surge catching the attention of the whole school who watched the exchange curiously. Apologies were hurled out questions were yelled and poor Marinette looked overwhelmed silence only came when Sabine stepped forward with a warning look though there was an odd glint of pity and sadness in her eyes. Finally it was Alya who broke the silence.
“Marinette! We are SO sorry, please can you find it in your heart to forgive us?” The Ladybloger was holding back tears and no one had heard her voice that shaky before. After a long pause Marinette spoke.
“U-Umm... Hey listen I dont... Really know what your apologizing for... And uh I dont really know who you are but... Umm sure of course I forgive you! You seem very nice?”
The crowd was stunned. Marinette had no idea who ALYA was? Her best friend? The girl she’d fought with last? Sensing the tension in the room Tom gently guided Marinette away shooting Sabine an odd look. Both parents had hoped that seeing her old school would jolt Marinette’s memory but it seemed that even her best friends face wasn’t enough to bring back what had been lost. As Tom helped Marinette climb the stairs with her cast. Sabine took a deep breath and proceeded to explain what she could. That Marinette had lost... Some memories, specifically relating to people who had been around during her accident... She didn’t remember any of them and no one not even the doctors or Tikki herself could change that. As Sabine apologized for what must surely be a shock she excused herself to follow her daughter and husband to the principles office so they could discuss the situation.
For the students of the akuma class life felt like it had been turned sideways. Lila who had been consumed by guilt had begun to hyperventilate. Alya felt slapped and raw her best friend had no idea who she was and the last thing she had done before Marinette forgot all about her was denounce their friendship. For Kim and Nino their were tears and disbelief the girl that they had known sense childhood had no idea who they were and regarded them like any stranger on the side of the road. For Chloe there was the oddest feeling of heartbreak, now she would never know if Marinette could truly forgive her, because the Marinette to whom she’d been so cruel was all but gone. But it was perhaps Adrien who was hit the hardest, Adrien who had learned that Marinette liked him the day of the accident, Adrien who had watched her fall, who had not rushed to check on her, Adrien who had felt torn by guilt confused about his feelings, Adrien who felt like the world had lost the sun with Marinette gone, Adrien who had wanted Marinette to come back so he could see she was okay and ask her on the date she deserved, and now Adrien who meant nothing to her because she had no idea who he was.
As for the rest of the students of Dupont? Well many of them were overjoyed to know Marinette remembered them at least but they felt pity for the akuma class but many others wondered what the future held. Would Marinette’s old friends try and rekindle their friendships? Would they bring photos and music and videos to try and bring back the girls memories? Or would new friends take the place of the old and forgotten? Would Adrien continue down his path of rebellion fighting for a place in Marinette’s heart once more, or would he return to being a docile lamb under his fathers thumb his heart and mind numb due to the shock of it all. Would Lila Rossi return to her old ways? Would she crack under the feelings of guilt and shame? Or would she go mad and attack Marinette. How many people would forever flinch and rush to offer Marinette help whenever she so much as when near a flight of stairs? Would it be possible to anyone to reclaim Marinette’s lost memories or would new ones need to be made? No one knew. But they did know for certain that things would be different from now on.
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#my fic#lila salt#ml salt#ml salt prompt#lila salt prompt#ml prompt#alya salt#class salt#protective Adrien#adrinette#chloe sugar#Marinette deserves better
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My One And Only - Chapter 10
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I might post this one shot I’m writing later. I really need to work on my angst but I just can’t bring myself to write it. I just love fluffity fluff Because... it’s fluff, my heart go melt. Also we’re starting to get into the longer chapters now, yAY
"So?" Alya asked. "Can you tell me?"
Marinette nodded. "So um, his name is D-Damian"
Marinette excused herself to go to the bathroom while Alya said she would wait for her by the school's entrance. Marinette already told her about her encounter with Damian and her crush on him too which Alya found to be sweet. Then she noticed Nino and Adrien enter.
"Hey Adrien is it ok if I steal Nino for a few minutes?" She asked.
"Sure go ahead" Adrien answered, amused.
"Thanks" she said while grabbing Nino's arm and dragging him away. "I did it" she whispered to him.
"Did what?"
"I found out who Mari's crush is! But I ain't telling"
"Whaaaat why not?" Nino pouted teasingly.
"I'll tell you when they get together" she kissed him on the cheek "You can go back to Adrien now. See ya!" She went back to the locker room where Marinette was waiting.
"Hey do you wanna join us later?" Marinette asked. "We're just gonna go for a walk around Paris"
"If you want me to" Alya replied with a smug face. 'But I don't want to invade the bubble you two will be in'
Damian was in his hotel room using a make shift punching bag when the sky became dark. He took down his homemade punching bag and took a look outside. The sky wasn't really the clear but it wasn't that dark either. The clouds became jet-black and shot large bolts of electric lightning. Damian took a step back as he notice a figure floating in the sky, shooting lightning bolts from her parasol. He decided to go into the roof of the hotel to get a better look. He remained in the shadows while watching the girl wreaking havoc. 'Is this what Angel meant?'. He was dumbfounded by how powerful this villain was but then he remembered magic was involved, magic was always powerful. Then the villain floated towards the hotel.
"Where is Chloe Bourgeois!?" The villain shouted, mainly to herself. Then Damian noticed a glowing butterfly mask appear on the akumatized villain. "Yes, Hawkmoth?"
'Hawkmoth...' Damian spat the name in his mouth. He disliked this man, such cowardice for targeting younger ones like he did.
"Don't worry Hawkmoth, they'll be here. I'm too big of a threat to ignore" the girl praised herself and as if it were a word of command, A boy in a black cat suit appeared. 'That must be Chat Noir'
"Back again huh Ice Queen?" The cat-themed superhero teased.
"My name is not Ice Queen! It's Stormy Weather!" She shouted back.
"For an ice queen, you really need to cool down" he fired back. Then the girl used her parasol to conjure a massive gust of wind but Chat Noir dodged it. Then Damian watched as a spotted yo-yo wrapped around Chat Noir and dragged him away. Damian then could've sworn he heard the sound of a flute but he didn't think anything of it when Chat Noir returned, this time with a spotted hero and a fox themed hero. 'Ladybug and...Rena Rouge I suppose'.
Stormy Weather then took a fighting stance only to have her eyes covered with a towel by a figure behind. 'That's....Ladybug but how-' Damian inwardly sighed. 'Magic I suppose'. He watched as the fake Ladybug disappeared while the real Ladybug grabbed the girl's parasol and smash it in half, intrigued to see a purple butterfly, fly out of the umbrella. Damian watched as Ladybug had snatched the butterfly into her yo-yo and then proceeded to 'de-evilise' it, as what Marinette said. He kept observing them. He watched in awe as Ladybug took the spotted towel used the cover Stormy Weather's eyes and threw it in the sky, many magical butterflies emerging and fixing everything that was damaged. From the sky to the nearby buildings. After they defeated the villain, they fist bumped and then Chat Noir took the now normal girl back to where she came from. Then Ladybug took Rena Rouge and they travelled in the opposite direction.
Now thinking it was safe to come out, Damian approached from the dark and went back to his hotel room via stairs. As he locked the door to his hotel room he realised something he had not noticed before, they all had a different specialized weapon. "How could I not have noticed that before?" He muttered to himself. He played through his memories. 'Ladybug has a Yo-yo, The cat had a retractable staff and Rena had...a flute was it?'. He decided to write some of this down in Arabic that way no one would know what it said even if they were to find the note. He dedicated the rest of his time researching the heroes.
"Alya" Marinette whined. "It's not a date"
"Even if it wasn't, I still gotta make sure you look good" Alya styled her best friends's hair into a bun with a few strands loose on either side of her face. The outfit she chose for Marinette was an ivory turtleneck sweater dress with brown knee-high boots, all MDC originals of course. The thing is, Alya still didn't know that Marinette was MDC. She hadn't told her yet so convincing her best friend that all these clothes were 'thank you gifts' was difficult to say the least. When Marinette looked at herself in the mirror she let out a tiny audible gasp. She looked great if she said so herself. "What did I tell you? You're best friend knows what looks good on you" Alya said proudly while patting herself on the back.
"Yeah, you did great" Marinette giggled. "Now come on let's go!" She grabbed her best friend's arm and dragged her to where they agreed to meet Damian.
Alya wasn't sure what she was expecting but it definitely wasn't what she saw. In the distance she saw a tall, muscular and handsome man. She wasn't attracted to him, in fact, the neutral scowl on his face was enough to send fear up her spine. Alya wasn't sure if this man was safe to be around, or if it was even Damian for that matter but the bright sparkle in Marinette's eye when spotting him confirmed that this was indeed Damian. Alya watched astounded as the once threatening scowl on his face turned into a naturally soft smile the moment his eyes spotted her best friend. 'This guy is totally in love with Mari. And I'm here for it'
When Damian noticed Marinette with a girl, 'Césaire probably', he smiled and walked up to them. "Hello Angel, nice to see you" he said in French. He turned to the other girl "Damian , nice to meet you" he said again in French while holding his hand out for a handshake.
"Alya, Alya Césaire" Marinette's best friend said while returning the handshake.
Marinette's eyes were bright when Alya and Damian had introduced themselves "So now that we're here, what should we do?"
"Didn't you say that you needed fabric for your designs?" Alya asked.
"Yeah b-"
"In that case we should go shop for the fabric needed" Damian replied.
"That's nice of you guys but we don't have too-"
"Come one I know a few shops!" Alya grabbed Marinette's hand and dragged her to the fabric shops in the area with great reviews without allowing her to protest. Damian tagged right behind, smiling at the two best friend's interaction. Alya then took the time to whisper into her best friend's ear. "He called you Angel" she said with smirk on her face.
"I-it's just a nickname" Marinette stuttered as she felt her face become hot. Alya playfully rolled her eyes while leading the bluenette to one of the best fabric shops in Paris with Damian in tow.
In the end they bought Marinette three different rolls of fabric. Damian was the one who paid, though it took a long time arguing before Marinette finally backed down. She was the one who wanted to pay but Damian kept insisting he should pay. He had also offered to carry all the rolls of fabric, not that he needed to ask because he carried them anyway, ignoring Alya and Marinette's protests. Soon they arrived at her parents' bakery and they met a surprised Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain, they were mostly surprised at the boy who could carry three rolls of fabric single-handedly and look as if he could carry more. They watched, amused, as their daughter and this boy argued back and forth. Marinette saying that she could carry the rolls of fabric to her room by herself and the boy saying that he could carry it by himself. The argument didn't even last a minute before they came to a conclusion; Marinette would take one of the rolls while the boy would bring the other two. When they both left to go to Marinette's room, Alya answered a question that was in both the parents' head.
"His name is Damian" Alya said. "Marinette says he's an exchange student from the US"
"The US?" Tom said confused. "I thought he could've been from Bordeaux, there wasn't a hint of an accent'
"He must have been studying French for a long time" Sabine said, quite impressed.
Alya nodded. "Marinette's known him for a while, I just met him today and he's very smart"
Then both Marinette and Damian came downstairs. "Maman, Papa I'm going with Alya to make sure she gets hom-"
"I can go by myself it's fine" Alya interrupted. 'You and Damian need some time alone!' She inwardly smirked.
"Then I'll make sure Damian goes home" Marinette said without hesitation. They both said their goodbyes and walked out, leaving Alya and Marinette's parents.
"He's good husband material" Sabine said the moment her daughter and the boy left. Both Alya and Tom chuckled while nodding. Then when Alya turned to leave, Sabine and Tom went back to decorating some cupcakes.
Adrien kept looking through all the fan-mail he got, it was a lot but he wanted to read each and every one of them so that his fans knew he cared. But there was still something at the back of his mind, something nagging him. It was about when Plagg went to talk with Tikki about what he described as 'Kwami Business'. Adrien knew it was private conversations between kwamis but he could help but be curious as when Plagg had asked for permission to go, he was much more serious than he probably has been his entire life. "Plagg"
"Yeah Adrien?" The kwami replied, biting his aged Camembert.
"The day you went to talk with Tikki, what did you have to talk about?" Adrien watched as Plagg stiffened. Surprisingly, he put his cheese aside. 'Uh oh, this must be serious'
Plagg sighed, "It about the side effects of the miraculous"
"Side effects?" Now he was getting worried.
"The side effects only a true miraculous holder could get" Plagg mumbled hesitantly.
Taglist: @little-bluestar, @miracleofadisaster, @frieddonutsweets, @jjmjjktth, @genderfluidmoma, @starlitdreaming, @icerosecrystal, @lolieg
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I Don’t Own an IPhone: Wanna Trade? 4

Previous: “Lila must have been akumatized again,” Nino said getting up and dragging Jon out of the store.“Let’s fix this,” Adrien said to Alya and Chloe who rolled their eyes.“Don’t think we didn’t see the way you were staring Jon up and down, it wasn’t cute,” Alya said as Trixx came out of her jacket.“Seriously Adriekins, do you even know what you want?” Chloe asked putting her comb in her hair.“Women,” Adrien sighed. “Plagg claws out!”
AHHHHHHH this was supposed to come out yesterday but I forgot to que it!
Chapter 4: Turtles and Dinner Dates
Pollinator and Hoodwink glared at Chat as they jumped through the city chasing after the akumatized Lila.
Jon watched in bewilderment as Nino’s hand tightened on his wrist dragging him through back alleyways in the opposite direction. “Nino, where are we going? Alya, Chloe, and Adrien are still back at the cafe,” Jon asked pulling back against Nino’s grip.
“It’s better to split up during attacks trust me,” Nino said trying to come up with an excuse praying that Jon didn’t see through it.
Alya looked at the earrings in her hands sighing, she would either have to put them in now or come back later and deal with the butterfly and akumatized object in order to use the lucky charm. She could always use a mirage.
“I am Myth Weaver and I make lies become reality! Adrien Agreste will love me,” Weaver said waving a wand in the air and Chat’s eyes widened before extending his staff out to her stopping the motion.
“Don’t let her cast any more spells,” Chat said and the girls rolled their eyes.
“Yeah, we’ll try,” Hoodwink said putting in the earrings not unifying yet but casting a perfectly planned mirage.
Marinette looked at Jon’s phone sighing as a text from Jason showed up.
From Jason Todd What hotel are you staying at? B wants to have you over for dinner He didn’t think that I could make friends How rude is that?
Marinette rolled her eyes before typing back.
To Jason Todd Who’s B? And I’m staying at Wayne Suites Hotel.
Marinette tucked the phone back into her purse before looking up to see Audrey walking toward her arms open before pulling her into a hug. “Marinette darling, let me show you the ropes of business ownership. I know that if there is one designer out there who can surpass Gabriel and his dreadful white collection it’s you. Don’t tell anyone but I’m getting a bit too old for the drama and I must go back and visit my daughter at some point. This is our Jersey studio make yourself at home,” Audrey said before running over to someone and yelling at them.
“I’ll do my best,” Marinette mumbled out before reaching for the phone in her purse.
From Jason Todd B is complicated but he’s Damian’s dad and Damian is Jon’s boyfriend, remember? One would think you’d want to meet the guy you texted right? Get to know him a bit
Marinette snorted, it was like Jason was trying to set them up or something, she exited the app before thinking. This was Jon’s boyfriend and Jon was nice, she wouldn’t want him to… no wait that wouldn’t be so bad. If Jon texted Adrien as her and she texted Damian as him then maybe they could fix any problems in their relationships, or at least her problems. She reopened the app typing aggressively.
To Jason Todd Be there at five.
From Jason Todd You’re not going to regret this
“Oh yes I am,” Marinette said to herself as Audrey came back and started guiding her through the building.
Jon’s eyes widened as a huge rock came flying at him. Sure Jon was used to danger, in fact he chased is for fun but he really wasn’t expecting an akuma on his first day in Paris. He actually wasn’t expecting any of this to be honest.
“No!” Nino yelled running back toward him. “Wayzz, shell on!” Nino called out being enveloped in green and taking a shell off his back before jumping in front of Jon blocking the rock which shattered to millions of pieces on impact. Nino breathed out a sigh of relief keeled over before turning back to Jon who’s eyes were bulging out of his face.
“Oh my Rao, what are you Sailor Moon or some shit?” Jon asked gesturing to Nino freaking out.
“You can’t tell anyone, promise me you won’t tell anyone,” Nino said grabbing Jon’s shoulders shaking him viciously.
“Yeah, as long as you answer a couple of questions for me,” Jon said and Nino nodded. “Who are you? When and where are you meeting Superman?” Jon asked and Nino looked confused.
“They call me Protector and we’re meeting Superman in a day at midnight on the Eiffel Tower. How did you know we were meeting with Superman?” Protector asked.
“I’m a reporter’s son and I lived in Metropolis, it’s how I was raised, to follow Superman wherever he goes and get every bit of information out of the situation. I just wanted to get some pictures for my parents,” Jon said waving Protector’s question off easily. Suddenly ladybugs were flying around everywhere and they fixed the rock.
“Ladybug fixed everything, we should go meet back up with the others,” Nino said back in his regular clothes. Something seemed off, the others were so sure that Nino could keep him safe, Adrien’s name in Marinette’s phone is chaton, there’s four friends who all look somewhat similar to the heroes. Jon smirked to himself, he found the heroes of Paris and now he would be able to see Paris’ situation from a whole new angle.
Marinette stood outside her hotel in a black dress with pink flowers crawling along the hem, hair pulled into a half ponytail, pink high heels, and a white purse with a trick pocket phone tucked in carefully along with the mouse miraculous. A fancy car pulled up in front of her and the window was lowered and Jason called out to her.
Marinette was terrified, she had figured out earlier that she would be dining with the batfamily from photos on Jon’s phone and Damian being Robin and Jon being Superboy. She also knew that she was in a car with a murderer but if anything bad happened she always had her training and Mullo up her sleeve, she would be able to shock him enough to get out of any bad situation. Jason did seem harmless enough though and she had read up on the news and it seemed that Red Hood had turned over a new leaf.
“We’re here,” Jason said rousing her from her thoughts as he opened his door walking around the car to open hers helping her out. She looked up and her eyes widened at the house, no manor, in front of her.
“You live here?” Marinette asked. The place was bigger than Gabriel’s.
“Yup, now come on we have dinner to get to,” Jason said smiling walking up the front steps and Marinette quickly followed.
Damian was not thrilled about the family dinner that was called this morning. Jason seemed insistent that the whole family meet his new friend. He just wanted the whole thing to be over so he could talk to Jon, hopefully his beloved would be up by then. He had to fight the Joker the previous night and couldn’t text him back but he didn’t want Jon to be worried or anything, he hoped the younger wasn’t mad at him.
Damian adjusted his shirt thinking, Jason had made a friend, a friend who he thought was worth the family dinner treatment. She couldn’t be his girlfriend, Jason never said he broke up with Roy so who was this girl? Damian shook his head before walking down the stairs and saw Jason and his friend, she was too good for Jason and Jason was in no way worth her time.
Marinette stared at the boy before her, this was Damian? She felt guilt crawl through her chest. He’s in a relationship, he’s in a relationship, he’s in a… holy shit he’s hotter in person. Marinette couldn’t help but admire him for a moment before remembering he was a hot asshole.
Coughing roused the three from their thoughts as Alfred stood in the doorway smiling. “Dinner is almost ready,” Alfred said and Jason nodded in the direction of the dining room letting Marinette go first. She walked into the room and eight pairs of eyes settled on her.
“Welcome to Wayne Manor,” Jason said and Marinette gulped grasping her purse, just one dinner.
Taglist (open): @jumpingjoy82 @liquid-luck-00 @megaafangirl @zorua-adorable @dreamykitty25 @pinkittwice @ghostdragonfang @ramos123 @redbullgivescaswings @jayjayspixiepop @sekhmet5 @blur-of-colours @roseisred @nightlychaotic @ladybug-182 @novaloptr @prettylittlebutterflie @hammalammadamdam @niknak-3 @certainmuffinbagelcalzone @chaoticstarworld @niknak-3 @nightlychaotic @lunalamant @lovleyautumnsunflower
#maribat#Damian Wayne#damian x marinette#jon x damian#protective Damian#Jon Kent#adrien agreste#adrien x jon#adrien x marinette#chloe bourgeois#alya cesaire#Nino lahiffe#lila rossi#lila salt#alya x nino#besties alya and jon#nino and jon#phone swap#superboy#ladybug#chat noir#robin#red hood#jason todd#the waynes#alfred pennyworth#alfred is god confirmed
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The Orchids
Chapter 2
(I'm changing the scene when he first comes to school because Chloe isn't bullying Marinette in my story 😁)
Adrien Agreste. World renowned supermodel, son of world renowned fashion designer, actor and unfortunately nobody knows, but Chat Noir. The feline superhero has matured over the last few years after going to school and learning that life is in fact not sunshine and daisies.
His dear friend Chloe helped him see that. When he first arrived at school there was a big scene. Chloe and two other girls who he didn't know stood facing another trio. Another set of girls that he did not recognize.
"Shut it Dupein-Cheng!" shouted one girl she had glasses on and brown hair that faded into an orangey-red tone. "You've been so rude to Lila and all she did was help you! It's not like Chloe over there will get you anywhere! At least Lila knows people that could help you get your dream! But you just threw her away!"
"Cesaire! How dare you say that about Marinette! You good for nothing-" that was Chloe.
"Adrien!! Oh my God I didn't see you there! This is not a good time."
"sorry Chlo..." he mumbled
"wait, you're Adrien?" the same girl said. Cesaire? Is that her name?
He nodded uncertainly
She rushed over and grabbed his arm, "Come over here! I'm Alya, Lila's best friend! You need to be on the good side of things after all."
Oh... Her name is Alya. Her last name must be Cesaire!
Then the bell rang. Alya dragged him to class followed buy this girl in an frightening neon orange jacket that kinda looks like a blazer and an obviously fake Gucci ripoff and a girl with blonde hair in a pixie cut wearing a very, very pink dress and... Pants underneath it?
Below them he could see Chloe, Marinette? And the other girl,the one with pink hair and skates. Climbing the stairs as well. Adrien sent Chloe a worried look and she nodded like she would sort it all out but now he had to carry on.
Entering the classroom he saw the teacher a red haired lady with a massive obviously fake smile on her face. "Good Morning Students!" she said in a high pitched, cheerful voice. "I'd like you all to welcome our newest student. None other than the wonderful Adrien Agreste!" ah. So she was one of those people. The people that suck up to the famous kids. Always letting them do what they want,in hopes that they'll get something in return." now Adrien, you need to sit next to Lila. She's the daughter of the Italian Ambassador and has saved many people through her kind and generous charities. She will be a wonderful role model for you since you are just starting school!" Lila stuck her hand up with a bright smile on her face" Adrian~" she practically purred" come sit with me" she was sat at the very front of the class.
(for reference i'll put the seating chart at the end)
As soon as Adrien sat down she pounced. Overwhelming him with stories of her kind charitable events and heroic saves. She talked about how she saved Jagged Stone's cat, and how she has traveled the world with charity funds.
The whole class descend into chaos. The teacher doing nothing to stop it. Alya got up and started attacking Marinette again shouting that she was a bully. Again Madame did nothing to stop it. So Adrien asked "Madame, why aren't you stopping Alya from shouting at Marinette?" her answer was simple "because she deserves it."
He couldn't believe what he just heard "why does she deserve it?"
"because she is an ungrateful girl. I gave her an opportunity to help. She organized fundraisers and did so many wonderful things for her friends. Until she started demanding payment for helping people. She would allow people to take food from her home. And then secretly charged them. That is not good behavior to show. That's why I put you with miss Rossi. She is a wonderful example of a good person."
Adrien couldn't believe it. How was this teacher so blind.
---Seating Plan---
Front of classroom
Lila Adrien. Alya Mylene
Rose Juleka. Ivan Max
Kim Nino. Nathaniel
Chloé Marinette. Sabrina Alix
(hey guys, just so you know there are other parts to this story and I'd love for you to check them out! If you head onto my blog and scroll down you should be able to find them! Thanks, and sorry for the trouble!)
#running the school#the orchids#HBIC#hbic chloé#hbic alix#hbic marinette#Alya salt#Kinda lila bashing#Trying not to beat up everyone#Coffee is how we survived
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Might fall for you-Lukadrien June Day 16
So the monster high au came up in the lukadrien vault but stupid me forgot to save the info before it closed. But i had suggested Adrien being on the fearleading team and I thought since he's a werecat, he'd be perfect for a flyer, which I now know sometime appears in pro cheearleading. It was in my head when reading this prompt, so enjoy! Falling for you
“This is utterly ridiculous!”
Adrien could see the magic flying off of Chloe. He felt a little sorry for Headmistress Mendeleiev. She’d be dealing with a few cursed items if this got any worse.
“Our SKRM course is still damaged and we have a season coming up, one you will be cheering at might I remind you. may I also remind you that you had caused that damage by annoying the kraken in the pool?”
“He stole my perfume! Do you have any idea how expensive that was? How are we supposed to work on routines with they’re slamming their stupid skates all over the place? There is a perfectly fine courtyard!”
“Ms. Bourgeois, I am reaching the end of my rope. The SKRM team is practising in the gym. Your fearleading team will have one side and the SKRM will have the other. Now leave, before I have your practise suspended.”
Chloe let out an infuriated huff and stormed off, her magic causing a few things to glow.
“Um, I’d check on those things first, sorry!” Adrien ran after Chloe, who was causing the lockers to rattle. “Chlo, it’s not that big of a deal. The course will be fixed soon and then it’ll be over.”
Sabrina was waiting at the end of the hall, her fearleading letterman jacket on. She was halfway in the shadows, almost impossible to see had it not been for the neon colour of her monster emblem acting as a beacon.
“Sabrina, get out of the shadows! We have work to do!”
“Yes Chloe.”
The boogeygirl stayed smartly out of the way of the puca, sharing a look with Adrien once she’d stormed by. They arrived at the gym, where the rest of the fearleading team was speaking with the SKRM team, some doing more than talk. Adrien flinched when Chloe pulled the megaphone from Sabrina.
“Get in formation right now!”
“It’s gonna be a long practise, isn’t it?” Sabrina asked.
“that’s one word for it. Good luck.”
“You too.”
Adrien was the only guy on the fearleading team and as a werecat, he was light enough and skilled enough to be a flyer. It got easy to ignore Chloe screaming at them from her spot on the ground as he and a bunch of girls flipped, tumbled and were tossed in the air, but every now and then Chloe would say something scathing and distract them. Adrien already felt off balance with the girls shaking under him. When he was on the ground acting as a spotter, he saw that a few of the SKRM members were watching, interested.
“Do you think we could do something like that to avoid an obstetrical?” he heard a minotaur ask.
“Possibly. Though who wants to risk their neck asking Chloe to teach us?”
“We could ask the guy on the team to help. They throw him up in the air.” A gorgon pointed out.
“You’re late on the music, pick it up!”
Adrien put his hands on the bases’ shoulders and pushed up, finding his balance as they held onto to one foot as he brought his other right behind his head. He thought they were doing well, but he could see Chloe wasn’t happy. He also had a feeling that the loud clopping of the skates against the wood of the floor didn’t help either. As he brought his leg down, readying himself to get tossed in the air when one of the cyclops fell to the floor. His height added with his weight, caused the whole floor to shake. Along with already shaky hands, Adrien lost his balance and fell backwards.
Now, Adrien was a werecat, so he had the qualities of a cat, including landing on his feet. He was a decent hight off the ground but was sure he’d be fine. So when he was feeling his body start to turn to land on his feet but was instead caught by something that crashed them to the floor, he was surprised. He opened his eyes to see he was on top the same gorgon who’d pointed him out earlier. He panicked a little when he saw he wasn’t wearing any eye gear to block his stone turning power when he noticed how dull his eyes were. Gorgon contacts, for those gorgons who didn’t like glasses, they covered the magic layer on their eyes that turned people to stone.
“Are you ok?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Um, guess I was falling for you.” Adrien felt his ears flick back when he realised what he said. “Why did I say that?”
Thankfully the gorgon found it funny. He let Adrien get off him before pushing himself up. Adrien noticed he was wearing skates, most likely using them to get from one side of the gym to where he’d fallen. He got up and offered his hands.
“Here, let me help you up.” He took the offered hands, feeling the scales against his fur. It was a strange feeling, but kinda nice. He must have pulled harder than expected because when the gorgon was up on his feet, he rocked forward on his skates but managed to catch himself. Adrien’s ears flicked back again at the realisation of how close they were.
“Looks like I’m falling for you now.” The gorgon joked, his dull slitted blue eyes shining mischievously.
Oh my Bast, Adrien was in trouble.
“Off! Get off of him, right now!” Chloe came over, waving the two of them apart, shooting a glare at the gorgon before turning to him. “Are you ok? Do you need to go to the nurse?”
“Chlo, I’m fine, really. I would have landed on my feet anyway.”
“This is exactly what I mean when I said they shouldn’t be here!”
While Adrien worked to calm Chloe down, he watched the gorgon skate back to his team, sending him a smile when Adrien mouthed ‘thank you’. by the end, Chloe cancelled the rest of practise and he’d gone with her and Sabrina to continue calming her down. he then realised he’d never gotten the gorgon’s name.
Monster High parties were always something to look forward to. Extravagant fashion, good music and funny antics depending if there was a reason the party was thrown. This one was down in the school’s underground dock. One of the students had brought their boat and the whole party was spilling from the main deck onto the dock and the stairs. They were incredibly long so no one was going back up, but it was breathing room. Adrien leaned against the railing of the boat, looking over at Nino having fun behind the DJ stand. The original DJ got thrown in the water and was being played around with by the school kraken. He saw a few of the sea monsters trying to help, but he knew Nino would be up there for a while.
“Hey.” Adrien looked up and perked up at the sight of the gorgon that had saved him.
“Is your friend here? Hoping to not get yelled at again.”
“She is, but don’t worry, she’s more focused on beating out another girl in having more admirers. Um, I never got to properly thank you for saving me.”
“Even thought you would have landed on your feet.” He reminded, though he had a good-natured smile. “I sort of saw you falling and moved without thinking. I’m Luka by the way.”
“A pleasure. You were pretty impressive by the way, as a flyer.”
“Thanks. I’ve never really watched a SKRM match.”
Luka looked surprised. SKRM was the most popular sport, even more the casketball. “Guess that explains why I never saw you last season. People always at least come to one game.”
“I also just transferred. My dad had me home-schooled for a long time. I’ve known Chloe for years and have helped her with fearleading so she dragged me when I came.”
“Guess I’ll have to come see you guys at competition.”
“Then I’ll cheer for you extra hard during SKRM season. And I guess I could tech you guys a few basic tosses to help.”
Luka smiled at him. “We’d appreciate it. But enough about ‘work’. Do you wanna dance?”
He followed Luka onto the made dance floor, easily moving to the music. He noticed the snakes in Luka’s hair moving along with the music as well. Someone from behind bumped into Adrien and sent him stumbling forward. Luka caught him, his hands going around his waist.
“You seem to be falling for me a lot.” Luka teased.
Adrien’s tail flicked around, as he struggled to find words.
“If it’s ok with you, maybe before you teach the team those tosses, we can go out for coffee at the maul?”
Adrien slowly nodded, trying to stop his tail.
Maybe he was falling for Luka.
#lukadrien june 2021#Monster High AU#werecat adrien#gorgon luka#fearleader adrien#SKRM team luka#puca chloe#boogeyman sabrina
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Amira Wayne - Chapter 19
There’s no way I’m going to keep dragging out this chapter... so here’s the next chapter! Enjoy :3
Chapter 19: Discovery
P.Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan @vixen-uchiha @nathleigh
Tag: @we-want-mini-mini @ramos123 @bluesimani @redscarlet95 @greatcatblaze @promiswords @fantasiame @corabeth11 @anonymously-odd @alexandriamw @officiallydarkgeek @galla02006 @maleive07
Special thanks to @m3owww for helping me with translations!
The dreaded school bell rang, signaling everyone that school was over.
Despite Christmas being right around the corner, no one was in the Christmas spirit. After all, how could they after what happened?
“Adrien, Sabrina.” Miss Bustier brought to attention, watching as the two glared at Lila as she walked out the classroom with a few of the girls of the class.
Lila shrunk into herself, a single tear making its way into her eye as she felt Adrien’s eyes burn at the back of her head.
“Yes, Mlle Bustier?” Adrien asked once he saw Lila out of vision, noticing that Nino was waiting for him right outside the classroom. Ever since that day, the trio of friends traveled in a pack, leaving no one by themselves.
“I was wondering if you could take some classwork and some break work to Chloe, seeing as the two of you are close friends.” Bustier handed a few papers to Adrien, Adrien gently placing them inside his bag. “And Sabrina. How is Marinette?” She dared to ask after handing Sabrina a large manila envelope.
With Chloé not being in school, Sabrina had to step up as Vice President and do the Class President’s job of dropping off homework to those who missed class.
Mlle Bustier didn’t expect for Sabrina to scowl, an expression she never saw on the girl ever since she first started teaching her seven years ago.
“Mlle Bustier, shouldn’t you have already made a home visit by now? Actually, in this type of situation, you should’ve done a home visit the day after the incident. But you didn’t. It’s been two week since then.” Sabrina recalled, taking the manila envelope and walking out of the class, waiting next to Nino.
Adrien didn’t miss the way their teacher shrunk into herself, before attempting to bounce back up.
“I’ll try and make a visit later on today. Ever since the incident, the school-“
“Sabrina has a point, Mlle Bustier. With all due respect, I think you should’ve already visited Marinette and have checked for yourself how she’s doing. After all, that’s part of your job.” Adrien bluntly stated. “And a piece of advice? I know you’re trying to act as if all of this isn’t bothering you, but I suggest you stop acting as if nothing happened. Yes, the akuma happened two week ago, but everyone is still recovering from it.
After all, those memories don’t disappear no matter how long ago it happened. So if you would excuse me, I have some dear friends to visit.”
It’s been two weeks since the Banshee incident...that’s 14 days since both Marinette and Chloé haven’t been at school...and 14 days without a single akuma attack, the longest period of rest the team had ever had since given their miraculouses.
When Chat Noir raced to initiate Plan B with Ryuuko and Osprey, they were halted due to someone else beating them to the Eiffel Tower.
A guy their age had been the one to get rid of the akuma that had been controlling Marinette and not only that. He had also used Ladybird’s power to reverse the aftermath of the battle and bring back Marinette.
While from a distance he could easily be mistaken for Ladybird, up front, you could tell it wasn’t her.
Said one-time vigilante cradled Marinette in his arms, something that broke Chat upon seeing how shaken she was about the whole thing.
Usually all of those affected by Hawkmoth’s manipulation wouldn’t remember a single thing about their akumatization...but Chat knew…
Something caused her to remember every single detail.
“Who-” Chat Noir started, only for the ‘new’ Ladybug to cut him off.
“Ladybird was the one who told me to finish the job for her. She too had been affected by Banshee’s powers before she was even able to transform. She also told me to relay you a message. Do not worry about her identity being exposed, for she was wearing a mask before giving me her miraculous.” The guy didn’t take off the miraculous, making Chat wonder what exactly was going on.
Where was Ladybird? “Ladybird?” Crap, he said that outloud. “Don’t worry too much about her. She’ll be back the next time the Ladybug miraculous is in use.” Lifting Marinette with ease, Chat wondered if that was because of the magic or because he was able to easily do so himself. “Meanwhile, I’ll take her home. Want to lead the way, or?”
“I’ll lead.” Chat solemnly said. “Just make sure you don’t drop her.”
“Roger that.”
After dropping Marinette to her home, Chat never saw that guy again. Not like he had all the time to mull over him.
He had to ensure Chloe and Lila’s safety as well, although he didn’t want to do so for the latter.
He first met up with Gris, who had moved Lila inside the Montparnasse Tower. While she wasn’t psychically hurt, mentally, she was greatly injured.
Chat explained to her of the next step they were going to take next, explaining how she will have to go to mandatory therapy sessions to ensure her well-being, how he will be escorting her to each one personally so that she doesn’t try and worm herself out of them when she said she didn’t need it.
“You may think we’re only doing this out of duty, which you’re not wrong, but it is also something Ladybird herself wanted to incorporate in Paris. Something about the lack of a rehab system in Paris.” Chat answered when Lila asked why he was bothering to make sure she was fine. “Also something about preventing a second ‘G.’”
After setting up the next therapy sessions with Lila, Chat and Gris headed over to where Ryuuko and Carapace were dealing with Chloe’s rattled behavior.
“She’s inconsolable.” Ryuuko said when Chat asked why Carapace had a shield around him and Chloe. “She tried to run off multiple times, but we always managed to keep her contained.”
“Let me get someone who can help us.” Chat left the group, dropping his transformation in a safe area before returning as Adrien. “Chloe!”
At the call of her name, Chloe stopped clawing her way from the force field Carapace had placed up, looking over to Adrien.
She threw herself at him and started to cry into his shoulder, crying how she saw her parents abandon her, how her friends also abandoned her. How she witnessed her best friend’s deaths, Adrien not noticing the way the team stiffed upon hearing their civilian names being said.
Before spiraling into more crying, Chloé mentioned being a failure of a friend, as she couldn’t stop Marinette from becoming an akuma.
Adrien didn’t once let go of Chloe, telling the team his gratitude for helping her.
He guided her to her home, wondering where things were going to play out now that the team took the largest blow yet in their fight against Hawkmoth.
But for now, he knew he had to stay by Chloe’s side.
As Sabrina sat on a kitchen stool, she scrunched up the manila envelope in her hand as her thoughts went back to what caused Marinette to lash out the way she did and caused her to turn into Banshee.
If only Lila didn’t lie about knowing him. If she didn’t lie about him, then her friends wouldn’t be-
“-Sabrina. Sabrina dear, are you alright?” Sabine asked, worried.
“Mlle Cheng! I’m sorry! I got lost in my thoughts and-”
“It’s alright. I’m guessing that’s for Marinette?” Sabine gestured towards the envelope in her hand.
“Yes. They’re homework assignments and a few notes from Mlle Bustier.” Sabrina said, handing them over to Sabine. “Oh! Here are my notes for her. She’d probably find these more useful than-”
A scream pierced the kitchen air, Sabrina watching as Selina appeared out of nowhere and rushed up the stairs with two other women right behind her, Sabine quickly grabbing her phone and dialing a number. “Mlle Cheng, what is going-”
“I’m sorry about this Sabrina, but you’ll have to leave. Now.”
Without another word, Sabrina nodded, grabbing her bag and started to head downstairs when she spotted M.Wayne go upstairs, two others right behind him…
Was that Oliver Queen?!
Sabrina watched as the trio walked right into the Dupain-Cheng home, wondering what M.Wayne, M.Queen and the other man were doing there.
What is going on?
Selina sat on the chaise lounge, Amira letting out shuddering breaths as she laid against her chest.
When Selina had heard Amira’s screams, she felt her heart stop for the umpteenth time that day.
Ever since that day, ever since the day of the appearance of Banshee, Amira had restless nights, recurring nightmares throughout the day and refusing to see anyone except for Selina and her two therapists.
“Poor pumpkin.” Harley sympathized, draping a blanket over Amira and Selina. “She shouldn’t have to go through all this. She’s just a kid.”
“To think you’re stupid boyfriend-” Ivy started, making sure that the daisies scattered around the room were doing all right...until Harley jabbed Ivy at her side.
“Pammy,” she gestured to a silent Selina, “sure, Brucie had some fault to this, but it wasn’t-”
“I know, I know.” Ivy sighed, spraying some water on the daisies. “The tiny magically butterfly-”
“Listen, I didn’t convince Bruce to let you two out of Arkham so that the two of you would shit on the man I’m about to marry and what’s he done.” Selina sighed. “I’m sorry, Ivy. It’s just- Bruce could’ve prevented all this if-”
“Of course he could’ve! If he weren’t such an idiot!” Ivy growled. “Selina, seriously? What do you see in-”
“Pammy, Pammy! Remember? Magical butterflies? Get mad and they’ll come for ya.” Harley reminded Ivy, placing her hands on Ivy’s shoulders. “How about we take a stroll and enjoy the sun a bit, eh? After all Brucie did promise us that he’d-”
“Alright. But just until I calm down, alright? And then back to our hotel, okay? Not fond of the fact of being mind controlled by a stupid butterfly man. Haven’t been there and don’t plan on-”
“Then we better get going Red!” Harley grinned, guiding Ivy to the hatch before stopping to turn to Selina. “Selina. Everything is going to be alright. and if you need us to talk some sense into that boy of yours, Ivy and I have your back.”
With that, the two were gone, leaving Selina alone.
Selina pushed a few strands away from Amira's face, placing them behind her ear. Because Amira always kept a straight face and would directly tell you her opinions, that led many to think she was mature for her age. But they were wrong about that.
She was still a child…
A creak at the floor snapped Selina from her thoughts, watching as Bruce peaked into the room.
“How is she doing?” Bruce asked, eyeing the bean bag and bringing it close to where Selina was. He tucked away a loose hair strand from Amira’s face, watching as she flinched from his touch.
He watched as his daughter turned away from him and snuggled closer against Selina.
“Not any better since that day. Even Harley is having trouble getting through to her. Doesn’t help that Amira knows her background with the Joker. Doesn’t trust Harley one bit.” Selina looked over at Bruce before breaking the silence. “You can’t keep in doing this to her Bruce.”
“Selina, she’s my child. My daughter. My one and only daughter.” Bruce reasoned.
“Bruce. She’s 13. Turning 14 in half a year. She’s not the tiny girl who-“
“I know.” Bruce quietly said, dropping onto the bean bag. “I know Selina, but even so, I can’t help but keep treating her as one.” Bruce places his hand over hers. “You’ve seen first hand the cruelty of Gotham. No one is safe from it, not even Batman. Bruce Wayne? He’s been a target countless times.
I’ve been held at gunpoint, kidnapped, taken as a hostage, mugged so many times I’ve lost count. To top it off, I’ve been stabbed once when Amira was just a toddler and on the brink of death.
Can you imagine what would happen if word got out that I have a daughter?”
“You’re worrying too much Bruce. And if you’re worried about her safety, you can just-“
“I should’ve worded that better. What would happen if word got out that I have a biological daughter?”
Selina remained quiet. “The media and people alike swarmed Dick when word got out I adopted him years ago. It’s only gotten worse for him now that he’s 18. Families sending invitations to dinner, some asking for some meetings to see me over how WE should merge with theirs...Dick even gets gifts sent to his apartment, which thankfully he tells the delivery man to always send back or use it for themselves. Marriage is the last thing that should be in his mind.
Right now he’s worried about Slade who made an appearance again at Gotham. We aren’t truly sure why he is here, but perhaps he’s back to trying to “claim” Dick as his successor. He’s been at it the moment he found out we got rid of the Court’s eyes on Dick.”
Selina didn’t know what to say, after all, she was there when it happened.
“When word got out that Jason has also been adopted, do you know how many attempted kidnaps were stopped? How many people who he trusted before stabbed him in the back to try and get some ransom off a planned kidnapping?
And then there’s Tim. There’s rumors already floating of how he will be the newest addition to the family. The walls have ears and I’ve already heard the upper ring of idiots planning on a way to get a hold of Tim.
Not only will Tim be part of Wayne Manor, but he is also still a Drake. Can you imagine the golddigger's imagination growing wild at the thought of Tim having both family’s wealth once he’s older?”
Bruce dug his face into his hands. “Selina, these are happening to my kids, my kids who aren’t biologically mine. So what awaits for the one who is biologically mine? Will it be just as terrifying as the dangers my other kids face, or will it be worse?
I don't want her to be thrown into that kind of life. Not her. I just...I just want her to be able to live her life as a proper child. Without the limelight, without the multiple targets that would arise to her back when-”
“So you believe that keeping her hidden was the best thing to do.” Selina concluded.
“She’s safe inside.”
“But is she happy?” Selina watched as Bruce tensed up at those words. “Bruce, look at her.” He did. “Do you call this happiness?
She took upon a mantle so that she can get your attention, your acknowledgement of her existence. Why? Why does she have to prove this to you? Her father? A father who claims that he adores and loves her to pieces? Do you want to know why?”
Bruce remained silent. “Your love for her caused you to deprive her of the same love you claim to have on her. Your ambition to keep her safe caused you to stray from her, causing her to stay at a large mansion occupied with two people: herself and Alfred.
How was she supposed to see your love for her when you spent the entire day at work and then dived into vigilantism in the night?”
Selina carefully slipped Amira off her, allowing herself to sit properly on the chaise lounge. “You made things worse once when you dismissed her approaches to you, dismissing her from joining training, letting her-”
“I let her join-”
“You let her train when you realized she was opening up to her brothers, not before then. I get it, you wanted them to get along, but not letting her join from the get go wasn’t the decision you should’ve made. You should have-”
“She wasn’t ready.”
“How would you know that before even letting her have a go at it? She already knew the basics-”
“Knowing the basics won’t do you much and you know that Selina, better than anyone else. She didn’t have Dick’s flexibility and precision, Jason’s strength and quick thinking. She only knew the basics and that’s it. If I had allowed her-
“Mu’quin?” Amira groggily asked, turning to look at Bruce and Selina with glassy eyes. She missed the gaped mouth from her father and Selina’s wide eyes.
When did she know Mandarin? “Mu’quin?” Amira asked again once she pulled herself closer to Selina, laying her head on her lap. “Ma’ma, don’t...go.” Amira slurred as she went back to sleep, never seeing the look on Selina’s face.
Bruce watched as Selina fought back tears, her hand placed over her mouth as she let out a shuddering breath. She kept blinking in hopes of getting rid of the tears, but her efforts were in vain.
Tears slid down Selina’s face as she stroked Amira’s hair, watching as she comfortably rested.
Bruce continued to watch the interaction between Selina and his daughter, happy to see how close the two have gotten despite the short time spent with one another…
“Selina.” Bruce looked at his soon-to-be-wife, holding her hand in his own. “I’ve made a decision. I’m staying in Paris.”
“It got quiet.” Oliver obviously stated. “ Think-”
“I don’t even want to know about what happened in there.” Barry cut off, running a hand through his hair.
“Everything good?” Oliver asked, noticing Barry’s unusual quietness. “Another meta-”
“Ever since the incident, Wally hasn’t been...himself.” Barry confessed. “He’s refused to take time off missions, constantly finding something to do. When it isn’t that, he’s always here, staying by -”
The apartment door cracked open, causing Barry to shut his mouth and for Oliver to turn to see who just entered.
“Well, speak of the devil.” Oliver muttered. “Wally, what brings you here?”
“I came to visit a friend, although the question stands. What brings you to Paris?”
“He’s here with me.” Bruce informed, Wally snapping his head to the man. “I asked him-“
Wally uppercutted Bruce the moment he stepped off the stairs that led to Amira’s bedroom. Bruce stumbles back as the pain spreads around his face.
“It’s all your fault!” Wally screamed, about to punch him again, only for Barry to hold him back. “It’s all your fault that Amira is like this!”
“Woah, Wally, calm-” Barry tried to speak, only to turn to Oliver for help. With a nod, Oliver began to search for a tranquilizer on him.
“Calm down?” Wally screamed. “Barry, he’s the reason why Amira got akumatized!” Wally snarled, trying to pry himself from Barry’s grasp. “If only he had let Amira say goodbye to her brother, to give Jason a proper goodbye! If only! But you didn’t.” A dry laugh escaped him. “No, instead, you sent her here, with her bottled up emotions...here! An ocean away from her family, her friends! People who cared about her!”
Bruce remained silent, Oliver watching the revelation with wide eyes. “Did you know how worried I was about her when I heard she was no longer a moment away but now an ocean away? Amira, being sent away like she was some kind of- some kind of, ARGH!” Wally yelled, not noticing how Barry had already let go of him.
Instead, Barry let him empty out his heart. After all, he needed it, just like how Bruce needed to listen to the consequences of his actions. “That day she was brought to HQ against her will, when she connected the fact that Kid Flash was me, she threw herself at me. At first I thought it was because we hadn’t seen each other in a while, that she was relieved to see me. But no, it was more than that.
She cried. And let me tell you something, she rarely cries.” Wally told Bruce, feeling his fists starting to hurt. “She always has a stoic face on, always having her guard up in public in case others want to try and make a fool of her. A mechanism she always has on to fool everyone, even herself.
So can you imagine the feeling I felt when I saw her crying not only in front of me, but also in front of Superman? In a place she wasn’t familiar with?”
Oliver watched as Bruce shrunk into himself a bit. “She was hurting Bruce. Not only because of Jason’s death, not only because she didn’t have someone to lean on, but because of you.
You keep pushing her away, telling her ‘no’ to anything she could come up with to try and stay by your side. How do I know this? Because when we were younger, Dick always told me how he felt guilty for being the one to worsen your relationship with her. He always blamed himself for everything wrong that went between you and her.” Bruce’s eyes widened. “Didn’t know, did you, Great Detective?
If you didn’t know that about Dick, then what about Amira? While you believed to have been protecting her by pushing her away from anything related to vigilantism, she ended up misinterpreting your good intentions. Every time you told her ‘no,’ do you know how she saw it? What she ended up thinking in her mind?
That being your blood child wasn’t enough to get your love. That she had to do something to prove herself worthy of your attention, even a crumb. So if anyone’s to blame for the current situation, it’s you.”
Wally let out a huff, feeling his chest thousands of times lighter. “If only you gave her the love she deserves, the life she was meant to live, then none of this would’ve happened. Hope you’re glad with the way things turned out.” Wally huffed, grabbing his bags. “When I come back tomorrow, I better not see your face unless it’s an apology to Amira.”
A laugh escaped him. “Then again, it would take more than an apology to fix this bullshit.”
With that, Wally left the apartment, slamming the door behind him.
Oliver and Barry didn’t budge, instead, the two men stood there, not knowing what to do when they saw their friend with a hung head.
“Hey, Bruce, you-”
“First Harley, then Selina and now Wally.” Bruce listed. “How was I the only one-”
“Love is blind.” Oliver spoke, finally finding the energy to approach Bruce. “Even parental. All you can do now is move forward.”
Bruce could only nod.
“However, this doesn’t mean you’re off the hook Bruce.” Oliver crossed his arms. “How the hell did you manage to hide your daughter’s existence for the past…” Oliver trailed.
“13 years,” Barry filled in, “she’s turning 14 in July.”
Amira let out a sigh the moment she woke up, rolling to her side, away from the afternoon light…
She quickly picked up her phone, noticing that it was already the next day. She placed it back down, wondering how she slept through most of the day. Then again, it was silent in the apartment for once…
Silence...she probably alone...or so she thought.
“Amira.” She flinched, sitting up to prevent another disadvantage. “Amira, how are you?” Slowly, Amira turned her attention to her father. She looked away, hating that tears started to pool in her eyes. “Amira.”
When was the last time she ever heard her name spoken so softly by her father?
“You were right, you know.” She whispered, sitting up. “As you always are. After all, you are the greatest detective in Gotham...and possibly the world, because yes, I know of the countless times you’ve helped the Justice League solve a case they were stumped on. It’s all Wally would talk about sometimes.”
“Amira.” Bruce was about to get closer, but stood by the bed when he watched her curl into herself, her body tensing. “I...I was actually...wrong.” That caught her attention, Bruce watching her loosen her body a bit.
“You? Wrong? Since when?”
“All this time, I thought I could keep you safe if I kept you hidden from the world and yet, it still managed to find you. Or rather, you managed to find it.” Amira watched as her father finally decided to sit at the edge of her bed, the mattress sinking under him. “You managed to prove me wrong, not only once, but multiple times.
The first time was when you accepted Jason into the family. Then when you finally pushed aside your grudge and accepted Dick into the family. When you accepted him as Robin. Then after his death, you managed to accept his death and move on from it. To be honest, I envied how easily it looked.”
“Even though it wasn’t. I’m still trying to move from it, even now.” Amira added meekly.
“Then when you came to Paris and continued to move forward. You took up a mantle without a doubt and went with it. You’ve saved countless lives, protected an entire city...all without me. Without my help or intervention.”
Bruce finally decided to sit down once he saw the opportunity. “You see Amira, I never thought you were ready to become a vigilante, to fight against the cruelty of the world, to live in it and yet...you proved me wrong. You’ve shown me that you were already ready to live in this society riddled with obstacles. You showed me that you were capable of adjusting to whatever was thrown your way...of acting accordingly to society.
You’ve shown me that you’re no longer the tiny, defenseless infant brought to our home all those years ago. You’re no longer the waddling toddler who had to be spoon fed and changed, having to be supervised 24/7 or else you would fall and earn a new scrape. You’re no longer the girl who struggled to reach the edge of the Batcomputer’s chair nor the girl who couldn’t swing a proper hit.” Bruce wiped away a tear that slid down Amira’s face. “You’re now my pride and joy, a young lady who can easily defend those around-”
“I can’t!” Amira confessed, wondering if her father’s hand had always been this warm...this caring. She pushed it away. “You’re wrong! I can’t defend myself, I can’t defend those-”
“Yes…yes, you can…” Bruce tried to assure, but it made Amira panic even more. “You have a team, don’t you? A wonderful team at that.”
“Didn’t you see what happened to me? I allowed myself to get akumatized. I-I failed.”
“Amira, you didn’t, you couldn’t-”
“I knew what Hawkmoth was capable of and yet I allowed myself to-”
“Amira,” Bruce called to attention. “This wasn’t your fault.” That shuts her up.
“It wasn’t?” She scoffed. “Who let their emotions get the best of them? Who let themselves get a lie get under her skin? Who let themselves get akumatized so that they could get revenge on that little-I am the leader!
I should’ve known better than to let him take advantage of me! But what did I do?
I let him.
I let him use me, manipulate me, manipulate my emotions, my anger to his benefit. I let him get the better of me and he got what he wanted. He got the strongest akuma he had ever wanted.
He destroyed my team’s confidence, our strength.” Bruce watched as his daughter stayed quiet, looking down at her hands with disgust. “All it took was one slip up...and that’s probably why you’ve been here all this time, isn’t it? You stayed so that you could take me back to Gotham, isn’t that right?”
Bruce remained silent. “Well, isn’t it?”
“No.” Bruce didn’t miss a moment. “After seeing how well you’ve been handling this situation, of how proud I am of you finding your suspect on your own, I’ve decided to stay. I’m going to help you take down Hawkmoth, Amira.
Even if it’s the last thing you want from me.”
Amira watched as her father left, watching as she was left alone once again.
Tikki flew out from her hiding spot, quickly pressing herself against Amira’s face.
“Are you okay?” Tikki asked. Amira didn’t respond. “Amira, we need to talk.”
“That we do.” Amira looked at Tikki with glazed eyes. “Tikki. Spots on.” Heading to her skylight, Amira hesitated to open it.
How will the Parisians react to seeing Ladybird again?
That didn’t matter. After all, this will be the last time any of them will see her.
A knock came from the door, Chloé not budging from her place in her bed. Then her phone buzzed, but it went ignored.
She was surrounded by post-it notes and papers, Ladybird’s pictures mixed with class notes and online articles trying to find who it was behind the black mask.
She kept sitting as the door opened, Chloé not lifting her eyes once, listening as footsteps approached her.
“So, what did Mlle Bustier say this time?” Chloé asked, picking up an article that analyzed Ladybird’s appearance based on people who’ve seen her after she would detransform. They only got one of the details right. She did indeed have green eyes.
“What she said last time: an excuse for not coming. Now I see how easily it was for you to push her around.” Adrien yelped when Chloé threw a pillow at him. “Hey! I’m only the-“
“I’m not like that anymore.” Chloé muttered, jotting down something on her phone. “I’ve changed.” She hated it when people said she ‘hasn’t changed in the slightest,’ that she was still the same old Chloe.
“I know.”
“I’m changing. And for the better!” She quickly added afterwards, remembering her last therapy session she had just two days ago. Gris had dropped her off, but Chat stubbornly made it his duty to wait for her and drop her off. She thanked him when he dropped her off and bid her a good night.
“I know.” The two friends sat in silence, Adrien watching as Chloé kept lifting papers and setting them down. A vast difference to the Chloe who didn’t move a muscle a day after the akuma attack. The Chloe who would wake up nightmare after nightmare, begging those around her to come back. “When do you plan on visiting-“
“I...I don’t know.” Chloé breathlessly said, Adrien regretting asking her when he saw her hands shake. It would always happen no matter where she was. As long as Chloe remembered the events of that attack, it would happen without question. “Every...every time I gather the courage to see her, I see her.” Adrien watched as Chloe’s eyes began to cloud. “I see Marinette, I see her glaring at me, looking at me in disgust. Just like how my mother would look at me whenever I would...I would try to get her attention.”
Chloé trailed off, shrinking into herself. “She would then pick me apart, telling me every visible flaw she could see before turning around and leaving me. Just like-“
“But you know she would-“
“I know she would never! But seeing that, seeing her walk away from me so easily, without turning back, without shedding a single tear,” Chloé let out a sniffle. “It hurt. And what’s even worse, Sabrina and you would follow her. You guys would walk away from me and leave me.
You guys left me...without a second thought...”
“Chloé, you know we would never do-“ Adrien said with a hug.
“I know.” Chloé sunk further into the gesture. “I know you guys wouldn’t. But I can’t help but-“
“It will never happen.” Adrien promised. “We won’t allow that to happen. Ever.” Chloé would only him as Adrien rubbed circles on her back, the two continuing to sit in silence. “You know…” a hum. “What if we threw a Christmas party?”
“A Christmas party?” Chloe asked for clarification, already planning for it. “That...that would be...nice.”
“Exactly!” Adrien smiled, now holding Chloe’s hands. “It can just be us! And of course, Nino, Sabrina and Marinette! Just us and that's it. A party amongst friends!” He watched as Chloe’s lips turned upwards. She was on board. “So? What you think?”
“Let’s do it.” Chloe said with a smile, getting off from her bed. “I could use the change of pace.”
“Okay then! Want to make the invitations or plan out the-”
“Why would we need invi-” Chloe started, only to stare at Adrien with wide eyes. “No way.” Adrien simply grinned.
Once Adrien had left, telling Chloe his plan, Chloe started to clean up her bed, throwing discarded plans into her trash bin while she took a pile of post-it notes to another part of her room. Or more specifically, her closet.
She picked up a control, the back panel of her wardrobe opened up, exposing an all-points bulletin, photos of Ladybird scattered around the wall, red threads crossing each other. Notes and pieces of news articles were firmly placed alongside the photos, a few of them crossed out or labeled ‘debunked’.
Chloe placed a photo of Bruce Wayne near the index card where the name ‘Amira’ was written. Unlike the other photo Chloe had of Bruce, this one showed him entering the Dupain-Cheng Bakery. It was from earlier today. And unlike the other photo Chloe got from the media, this photo was taken by Sabrina.
Whether this was the first time he’s been there or not, one question remained.
“Why exactly are you here, Bruce Wayne? Are you the reason why Ladybird has not been appearing for the past two weeks?”
Days went by when Adrien decided to visit Marinette again, surprised to see the Dupain-Cheng residency filled to the brim with...strangers.
“Adrien. What brings you here?” Selina snapped him from his trance, not blaming the kid for gaping at the sight of the apartment.
Dick came unannounced to visit Amira for the upmteenth time that week, this time bringing Kor’i and Roy along. They were busy chatting with a disinterested Amira. Bruce was trying to scold Dick for it, to let Amira settle for the evening, but with Wally just a few feet away, it wasn’t exactly easy. Barry, Oliver and Dinah were chatting away with Ivy and Harley, the adults not giving a care in the world about releasing information about their other ‘job.’
“I came by to see Marinette.” Adrien quietly said, his eyes catching how Marinette perked at the sound of her name and how Wally turned to him as well. “But it seems like now’s a bad time. I could-”
“Nonsense, come in. Ignore the others. Marinette could use an excuse right about now.” Selina pulled him in, closing the door behind him. Adrien watched as Marinette weaved her way towards Adrien, Wally right behind her. He watched as the trio they left behind either smirked or smiled.
“Adrien. You literally texted me just an hour ago.” Marinette brought up. “You could’ve-”
“Are you doing anything for Christmas?” Adrien asked, earning a tilt of a head from Marinette and quirked brows from Wally before his eyes studied him. Adrien felt a shiver down his spine. “I just wanted to invite you to a Christmas party, of course! It’s just going to be us and a few friends! Your friend could come as well, if he wants to!” Adrien quickly added.
Ever since he met Wally, something about him threw Adrien off. At first, he thought it was because he was Marinette’s friend from the States. Wally himself had said he was on Winter Break and decided to spend it with Marinette so that they could catch up...until the attack happened. So Adrien brushed his worry as just a concerned friend thing. But ever since Bruce came into the picture, Wally had gone...aggressive.
“I…” Marinette started, looking over to Selina. “Can I think over it?” Marinette asked, Adrien noticing Wally gave Marinette’s hand a squeeze. “If that isn’t too much to ask.” Adrien smiled.
“You got two days to think about it. Use all the time you need!” Adrien chirped, waving goodbye to everyone before leaving the apartment.
“Are you sure about this Amira?” Wally asked her, Amira noticing his concern. “You don’t have to force yourself to-”
“I’m not forcing myself.” Amira confessed. “I...I do need time to think about it though. I don’t want to make any mistakes while choosing their gifts.”
“You’re getting one for me too, right?” Dick asked, Amira turning to see her brother by her side.
“I’m not going to if you continue to pester me about it.” That earned a dramatic gasp from Dick.
“My own sister!”
While Wally smiled at seeing Amira starting to act like herself again, he couldn’t help but continue to stay on high alert.
Ever since the akuma attack, something has been off and he didn’t know why.
Seems like only time will tell.
Two days came sooner than wanted, Amira standing outside the bakery bundled up with Wally by her side, the snow welcoming them.
While her father didn’t want her to go, nonetheless with Wally, Selina managed to convince Bruce to go back to Gotham, telling him that Gotham was never uneventful during Christmas Eve nor the day after. Begrudgingly, Bruce went, dragging Dick, Ivy and Harley back with him.
Selina assured Amira that she had nothing to worry about, to go to the party and have fun.
“Are you sure you want me to go ahead?” Wally asked, managing to maintain the stack of gifts in his arms balanced. “I can just zoom there, drop off the gifts and then walk you-”
“Wally. I’m going to be okay.” Amira assured him. “I just want to walk there by myself. Think about a few things before facing...everyone.” Wally’s mouth formed a thin line.
“Amira, you don’t-”
“I’m not forcing myself.” She cut him off. “I do want to see my friends again...after all, it’s been almost three week since I’ve seen any of them.” Wally sighed in defeat, bouncing the gifts before taking a step forward.
“Fine. But seriously. If you end up not wanting to go, just call me or text me. I’ll be here in a heartbeat and keep you company back home.”
“I know you would.” She watched as Wally began to walk away. “Wally.” He stopped, watching as Amira skipped towards him.
“Thank you, for always being by my side.” Amira said with a smile, placing a knitted hat on him. “An early Christmas gift...for you.”
Feeling the tips of his ear begin to burn, Wally turned away from her.
“Thanks...I’ll see you there, okay?”
“Yup.” Amira watched as Wally walked towards the Agreste manor, letting her smile drop.
She walked towards the park nearby, listening as her foot crunched the snow beneath her. She continued to walk, going as far as reaching the carousel in the middle of the park. The carousel was perfectly still, it’s lights lowly dimmed, allowing Amira to see the untouched snow surrounding it. She looked behind herself to see that the only tracks in the snow were her own...so then...why was she still able to hear the snow crunch?
“Amira.” Amira regretted not keeping a weapon on her, cursing herself for going soft. “Amira.” The voice said again, Amira picking the voice coming from her right. But no one was there, not even a pair of footsteps. But this voice...it sounded the same as the time she was- “Amira.”
Swiveling so that she was now facing the path that led to the park entrance, Amira locked eyes with a woman she swore she never saw before...and yet…
She seemed familiar. Amira felt like she had seen this woman before, an odd memory flashing before her eyes as she remembered having once seen this woman. But where?
“Why do you know my name?” Amira asked, her mind running through different plans in her head on a way to escape and tell Wally or Selina about her dilemma.
“It’s been so long, Amira.” The woman said, approaching Amira, not making a sound as she made footprints in the snow. How Amira hated that the woman ignored her question, but it intrigued her to know that they did indeed meet once before. But then the questions still remained. Who was she? And how did she know her name? “The last time we saw each other, you were just a child, an infant. Barely able to walk, even babble.”
Amira watched as the woman got closer to her, now circling her. “You were such a quiet baby, never fussed about anything.” Amira watched as the woman placed her hands on either side of her face, her brown eyes analyzing her. “Now look at you, all grown up. Just how many milestones have I missed?”
“You still haven’t answered my question. Who are you?”
“I thought you would’ve already had your answer by now.” The woman said, letting go of Amira only to pull her into a tight hug. “I’m your mother, Amira. My name is Talia Al Ghul...and I’m your mu’quin.”
Just as Amira was about to ask if she was Talia, she felt herself limp and soon, she saw black.
Wally stood at the entrance of the Agreste manor, tapping his foot as he checked his phone for the umpteenth time. Something was wrong.
“What’s taking her so long? It’s literally just a few blocks from-”
“Is Mlle Dupain-Cheng still not here?” It took everything in Wally to not immediately turn around and glare at the man. While the man did take the time to greet him, there was no way Wally was going to buy his act, especially when Gabriel looked like he had seen death and just got back.
“I’m going to go look for her.” Wally muttered, quickly putting back his coat and hat and going out to look for Amira.
Going back to where they saw each other just minutes ago, Wally noticed that her footsteps lead straight to the park, deciding to follow them. But when he got to the end and noticed that the footprints didn’t continue to anywhere, Wally panicked. Using Speedforce, he quickly zoomed around the park, looking for any trace of Amira, but found none.
“Where did you go?” Wally asked no one, feeling his head begin to hurt, finding it harder to breathe. His head began to ring and then it happened. He saw Amira reaching out for him before being dragged away.
It was happening again…
He couldn’t protect Amira… he failed her yet again.
A scream pierced that Christmas Eve’s cold air, the scream carrying out to Christmas Day itself.
What a wonderful gift to start Christmas Day.
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A salt fic where Chloe tears Lila a new one how she has to lie because the real her is so pathetic that she has to lie because she isn't amazing as she thinks Lila has some bad memories and breaks down in tears
Here you go! Hope you like it! Let me know what you think.
Lila Rossi had made three mistakes. First, she took the spotlight off of Chloe. Everyone who knows Chloe, knows she doesn’t like sharing the spotlight. Second, she started making Dupain-Cheng miserable. The only one who can torment Dupain-Cheng is Chloe. Finally, Lila had humiliated Chloe with that fake Ladybug summoning dance and lied to her face. Chloe was furious with this girl. And as the old saying goes, three strikes and you’re out! Chloe was done humoring the liar. She was determined to destroy Lila.
Chloe began her plan. The first rule of war is know your enemy. Chloe was so determined to end the liar, that she actually did her own research. She had tried to enlist Dupain-Cheng, but apparently, she had agreed to Adrien’s request to stick to the high road. Dupain-Cheng and Adrien now knew that wasn’t a good idea, but the class was already completely enamored with the liar. Any time they tried to tell the class about her, the class either ignored them or called them the liars. Chloe knew the only way to get this to end and to put herself back in the spotlight, was to make Lila confess. To do that, Chloe would have to play dirty.
Her plan started slow. First, she gathered evidence that refuted all of Lila’s lies. Chloe figured it was better to have that on hand, in case the class still tried to defend the liar or Chloe wasn’t able to get the liar to admit it. Chloe interviewed all the celebrities Lila had claimed to know, and she wasn’t surprised when they were all confused when she asked about Lila. Now that Chloe had confirmation that Lila had been lying, she moved on to the next stage of her plan. Chloe had realized that if Lila was lying about these celebrity contacts, she might have lied about a bunch of other things. It was time for Chloe to go digging into Lila Rossi’s past. It was easy to find out where Lila used to live and where she went to school. It was time for Chloe to make some calls.
It had been a few days since then. Chloe had found out a lot about the Italian. Hardly anything, she had told the class was true. Not that Chloe was surprised. Pretty much the only thing that was true was her name. Chloe could not wait to destroy the girl at school the next day. She was practically buzzing with excitement. Chloe double checked that she had everything she might need tomorrow. She had all of the evidence in case that ridiculous wannabe reporter asks for sources. Chloe had also made arrangements for Mrs. Bustier to be out of the class room for about 20 minutes, so Chloe would have the chance to strike uninterrupted. Knowing that she had everything ready, the blonde went to sleep, eagerly anticipating the blood bath that would happen in the morning
The next morning, Chloe arrived at school early. The students at Francoise Dupont felt a chill in the air as she passed by. When Chloe smiled like that, nothing good happened. The rest of the student body felt sorry for whoever poor fool was that had crossed the mayor’s daughter. Chloe marched into the classroom, excited to end this liar’s whole career today. The class looked at her like an omen of death. Much like the rest of the school, they knew that when Chloe smiled like this, there was going to be destruction. Everyone had gone quiet, just staring warily at Chloe. All except Lila, who did not seem to notice the tension in the room. She just kept blabbering about some new celebrity story. Chloe was tempted to just end the liar right then and there. But Chloe wasn’t going to rush into this. Some of the class wasn’t there yet. She had to wait until the rest of the class arrived. Besides, Mrs. Bustier was still in the room. She knew that Mrs. Bustier had a pretty hands-off approach to bullying, but she didn’t want to take the risk that today would be the day that Mrs. Bustier finally grows a backbone. So, Chloe sat at her seat and waited for her chance to strike.
The day seemed to drag along. All of the class was here by now, but the distraction she had set up for Mrs. Bustier hadn’t started yet. Chloe looked at the clock, and saw that it should start any minute now. Right as she thought that, Mrs. Bustier was called to the office. The class was left for silent reading, but as soon as Mrs. Bustier was out of sight, the class started chatting. Chloe heard Lila telling another story. This time it was about how she helped the president of Italy pass a law to improve the environment. Chloe took this opportunity to strike. “Lila you are a ridiculous liar. Utterly ridiculous!” The whole class froze, as they realized who that smile this morning had been directed at. Alya got angry and yelled, “What do you mean?! Lila isn’t a liar! How could you say that?!” But Chloe knew not to get distracted by this. She simply threw the file of evidence at Alya that proved Lila had been lying about all the celebrities and continued going after Lila. “You know what that is? That is proof you are nothing but a liar. And not even a good one. You are pretty pathetic. You had to lie about the celebrities, your family, and even yourself, just to get some friends. You are pretty useless.”
The class was shocked. Chloe hadn’t been this vicious in a while. Alix spoke up from the back, “What are you talking about Chloe?! She wouldn’t lie about all that!” Chloe just kept staring at Lila, “Wouldn’t she? You can ask Alya, she is staring at all the proof. Come on Lila, tell everyone how you lied just to sound important. Your mom may work at the embassy, but she isn’t a diplomat, she is just the assistant to one. And you weren’t so popular back home, were you? According to your old school, you had a lot of problems with bullying. Nobody would even talk to you. Were you such a loser that you had to leave the country and lie about everything just to find a friend? I have never met anyone more pathetic than you!” The class was about to jump to Lila’s defense when they heard crying from behind them.
Everything Chloe had said about Lila was true, and when Chloe brought it up, it also brought up some bad memories. Lila’s time in Italy was not a happy time. Most of her school either ignored her or outright bullied her. They were so cruel. They would trip her, push her down the stairs, shove her into the wall, and did many more horrible things to her. All of the memories flooding her mind were too much to take and Lila burst into tears. For the first time in a long time, the tears were genuine. The class looked shocked and were about to rush up to console her, but before they could move Lila started speaking, “Its true. Its all true. Nobody liked me at my old school. I was determined that this place would be different. So, I reinvented myself into this girl who had done all these incredible things. I just wanted someone to like me, anybody. I just wanted to have some friends for once!”
The class was stunned. Lila had really been lying? Her life in Italy had been that bad. Chloe continued talking while the class stood there in stunned silence. “If you wanted friends, you could have just showed up. This class of goodie-goodies would have been your friend no matter how much of a loser you are.” Marinette had been sitting in the back of the class and watching all of this unfold. Certainly, she was happy that Lila couldn’t trick her friends anymore, but she felt bad for the girl. Marinette had had no idea that Lila’s life had been so unhappy before coming here.
Lila did end up leaving class for the day, since she was so upset by what had happened. Her mother was contacted regarding the whole issue, which is how her mother found out about all the lying. Mrs. Rossi was mad at her daughter for lying about the school being shut down, but she did understand why her daughter felt the need to lie about her life to her classmates. Mrs. Rossi ended up getting Lila some counseling to deal with the self esteem issue that had caused all of this mess. Mrs. Rossi also escorted Lila to school the next day and had her apologize to the class for lying to them. Lila may have lied out of fear, and Mrs. Rossi could understand that, but it still wasn’t right and her daughter needed to apologize. The class was still mad at her, but they could understand where she was coming from. They forgave her, but they knew now to be careful about trusting her.
Time went by and things returned to normal in Mrs. Bustier’s class. The counseling that Lila was getting was really helping her with everything, and she didn’t feel the need to lie about herself anymore. Lila was even making friends with the rest of the class again. This time without lying. Lila had even started making amends to Marinette. It wasn’t long before Mrs. Bustier’s class put aside the lying incident and everyone became friends again. Chloe was just happy that her plan had worked. Chloe was back in the spotlight and was the queen bee of the class again.
#ml fic#ml fanfic#ml salt#ml salt fic#ml salt fanfic#ml class salt#class salt#ml class redemption#lila rossi#Lila exposed#lila exposed fic#lila salt#lila gets exposed#lila redemption#chloe bourgeois#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fanfic#miraculous fic#miraculous salt fanfic#miraculous salt#miraculous salt fic#miraculoustalesofladybugandcatnoir
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Star crossed lovers (au) part 4
pairings: poppy x mc (bea)
warnings: throughout this fic there will be mentions of substance abuse, homophobia, sexual abuse, violence, NSFW, mentions of abandonment, depression and death including suicide
in this chapter specifically there are mentions of guns too
reader discretion is advised
taglist: @somewillwin @save-me-the-last-dance @baexpoppy @cloud9in @stanzoeywade @ognenniyvolk @thepotatobleh @crazzyplays @rxssians @helpconfusedpersonhere @dopeyouth
(i just wanted to thank you guys for your patience with this fic because i know im not the most consistent with my posting so thank you for reading, also i’ll fix any errors later on)
word count: 4.9k
part 1: part 2: part 3:
Never bring a knife to a gun fight
Rumours of Poppy’s outburst at volleyball practice began to spread like wildfire, students all around Belvoire gossiped about the intentions behind the strawberry blonde’s confrontation.
Some of the stories fabricated insinuated that Bea threatened Poppy to counter her friends’ behaviour, while others believed that Poppy was simply doing some charity work by helping Belvoire’s least fortunate. Not one of the rumours came close to the truth, that the girls were just simply in love.
Saturday rolls over quickly and Poppy’s in her bedroom with Veronica sprawled out on her bed, hugging a pillow to her chest, while Poppy lays on the other side of her. Chloe however, awkwardly sits on the edge of the bed, ostensibly feeling apprehensive about being in the same room as Poppy as she reels in from her last one on one confrontation with the strawberry blonde.
The two girls laying down, engage in idle chit chat until they’re pulled out of their conversation when the dumb blonde lets out a small cough capturing their attention.
“So.. are you sure you can’t ditch your dinner plans and come to the party?” She anxiously places some of her hair behind her ear, as she meets Poppy’s gaze but the blue-eyed girl holds the eye contact, determined to mitigate some of the awkwardness from the room since she’s barely spoken more than 10 words to the strawberry blonde since Thursday.
Poppy and Veronica share a look, the unspoken words covertly communicating their plan to go to the party in the south, but the two girls remain silent, avoiding the question. Chloe stares at the two girls, oblivious to what the shared look actually means, and when her question remains unanswered she opens her mouth to ask again until Poppy clears her throat slightly and sighs, “I told you Chlo, it’s a work dinner, we don’t have a choice, our parents are forcing us to be there.”
“Yeah but you could I dont know, speak to your dad? I’m sure he would understand”
‘I’m a Min Sinclair, I can’t pick and choose what dinners I can and can’t go to, it doesn’t work like that,” Poppy adds a bit of sterness to her tone hoping the dumb blonde would get the point and leave it alone but Chloe’s infuriating relentlessness compels her to keep cracking down on the strawberry blonde, inclined to make her change her mind. She drags her body from the edge of the bed to the middle, and perches herself on her knees as she faces the two girls, “the party won’t be as fun without you guys there”.
Poppy lips move to an imperceptible frown as her mind and heart begin to battle over whose party she should go to tonight. While she promised Bea she would go to the party tonight, Chloe was acting suspiciously clingy and things between the two girls were still fragile. Warily watching the strawberry blonde lost in speculation, Veronica intercepts before Poppy can come up with an answer, “have you met her dad Chloe? There’s no way Mr Min Sinclair will let us miss the dinner for a party, don’t be stupid”
Veronica’s cutthroat tone is enough for the dumb blonde to stop pushing and she purses her lips in retort. Veronica almost feels bad so she adds, “but I agree, the party is gonna be dead without the two of us there” she smiles and slightly nudges Poppy with her shoulder hoping to alleviate some of the awkwardness. However to her dismay, the atmosphere slips back to being awkward and the girls reside in the uncomfortable silence that follows until Poppy’s phone begins to chirp with messages. She apprehensively picks up her phone but can’t help the smile on her face when she sees Bea’s name pop up on her screen.
B 💖
Hey beautiful, can’t wait to see you at the party tonight
Zoey’s looking forward to seeing Veronica tonight but don’t tell her I told you that otherwise she’ll kill me
Also can’t wait to see what you’re gonna wear tonight 👀🥵
After reading the series of texts from Bea, Poppy’s practically grinning like a Cheshire cat as she types out her response, her attention shifts solely focusing on the brunette and she mentally reprimands herself for doubting which party she should go to, since the choice is undoubtedly clear.
Past memories of her going to parties with Bea surges through her mind and she revels in the memory of her first ever southside party. She recollects how nervous Bea was as the 15 year old girls made their way to the drinks table and Bea accidentally spilled her drink on Poppy’s top, after having a couple of beers beforehand, and Poppy teased what a lightweight she was. Bea’s face practically reddened with embarrassment as she offered her girlfriend to wear her hoodie to cover the drink stain, while she walked around the party in her tank top and caught a cold the next day. It was the small moments like that that made Poppy appreciative of Bea’s kindness and thoughtfulness and reminded the strawberry blonde exactly why she loves her. While reminiscing about the past, Poppy’s practically pulled from her thoughts when Chloe taps her leg, frowning.
‘Who are you uh talking to Poppy?”
Poppy visibly stiffens and turns off her phone, her mouth begins to feel dry as her brain goes into overdrive trying to come up with an authentic lie. “Just uhh going through my insta dms, the amount of creativity these creeps have is hilarious”
Chloe gawks at Poppy, not entirely convinced but she nods in response, not wanting to press the matter further. Veronica quickly sits up, a soft gasp leaving her lips as she stares at the time on her phone, “Crap, I gotta go and edit my video so I can upload it tonight”, she gets up to grab her bag and Chloe uses the opportunity to leave with Veronica as she knows that her and Poppy are yet to still be on normal speaking terms. After a few goodbye hugs and a promise from Veronica that she’ll see the strawberry blonde tonight, Poppy walks them down to the front door and watches the girls leave.
Just as she’s about to head about to her room, a voice booms out from the living room, Poppy freezes mid-step on the stairs and internally sighs, ‘crap’ she thinks to herself, her dad’s home.
“Poppy, come over here for a second”, Poppy mentally braces herself and holds her head up high, keeps her posture straight and walks into the living room to see her father sitting on his favourite chair and a stack of documents on the table beside him.
“Hi daddy”, she places a sweet kiss on his cheek and he makes a gesture for her to sit opposite him on the sofa. He places his hand on the frame of his glasses and takes it off and begins rubbing at the glass with the hem of his shirt before placing it back on his face.
“I feel like I’ve barely seen you this week princess, how was your first week as a senior?”
Poppy usually gets nervous when speaking with her father about any aspect of her life really, because he isn’t always the most affectionate or warming person. She purses her lips together in thought before answering, “It was good daddy, I’m in a lot of the AP classes so I’ve been making sure I stay on track for what’s expected for the classes”.
Her father beams at her response and slaps his hand against his knee, “that’s my girl”, but his expression quickly sobers as he fixates his gaze on the blonde, “so, you didn’t run into any problems this week?” His tone is almost intimidating and suggestive as Poppy subtly sinks into the sofa a little, her thoughts beginning to run wild as she struggles to grasp at her father’s implication.
“Uh no, not really dad”
“Huh, I heard that friend of yours, Chloe? She had a fight with that Hughes girl on the first day back. You wouldn’t be foolish enough to indulge in something so trivial would you now?”
Poppy clings to the edge of the sofa with a deathly drip, knuckles turning white at the mention of Bea but she lifts her body slightly in an attempt to show her father she isn’t fazed by her name and clears her throat slightly, “no dad, Chloe thought it would be a funny joke but I ended up getting detention for just being in the courtyard.” She begins to shake her head a little, “I would never involve myself in something so ludacris” she exaggeratingly rolls her eyes and fidgets with her perfectly manicured nails, soliciting her lack of interest in the topic.
Her father gleams at her with a hint of satisfaction, and curtly nods his head at her before swiftly changing the subject. “Rita, tells me you’re planning to go to a party tonight?”
“Umm, yeah, just a celebration party at Ford’s house, his parents know about it and- ”
Hayden Min Sinclair raises his hand in the air and the words die out of Poppy’s mouth as she awaits for her dad to speak, “just be safe, and make sure you’re home before 12, just call Carter if you find yourself in need of a ride home”. Of course, Mr Min Sinclair would never offer to pick up his daughter himself, he knows that his daughter should be less dependent on him and should be able to fare for herself. Poppy briskly nods and moves to stand, “Well daddy, I should let you get back to your work”, she gives him a polite smile and moves towards her room, letting out a huge exhale as she closes her bedroom door. She hates hiding things from her father, but he makes it impossible for her to confide in him at all, it’s times like these where she wishes her mother was still here.
Bea spends her afternoon alone after dropping her sister off at her friend’s house for the weekend and worries about her mom being AWOL and has concerns when she doesn’t pick up her phone. It isn’t until the late afternoon her mom casually strolls through the front door, her makeup has practically vanished, with only a few remnants of it smudged across her face. She moves towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water until Bea’s stomps towards the kitchen with a scowl etched onto her face as she pulls Isabella away from the sink to face her.
“Where the fuck have you been? I’ve been calling and texting non-stop” Bea raises her voice and points accusatively at her mother who in response blanky rolls her eyes at Bea and moves towards the cupboards scrounging for some food. Bea’s blood begins to boil as she balls her hands up into fists, her knuckles turning white, she pushes her mom against the counter and lifts her face up to look into her eyes, “You’re fucking high aren’t you?”. She takes in her mom’s features, seeing her incredibly red eyes and her chapped lips, and her slightly slanted demeanour.
“Get the fuck off me” Isabella pushes Bea away from her, “last I remembered I’m the fucking parent here”
“Then act like it!” Bea screams at the top of her lungs, her breaths heavy, her tone enraged as she stares down at her mother, “I have better things to do than to worry about where you are or whether you’re laying dead in a ditch somewhere”
Isabella just places her hands on her head, trying to dull the noise sprouting from Bea’s mouth, “God, you’re hurting my head” she sniffles and simply grabs a packet of chips from the cupboard and a bottle of vodka from under the sink and retreats to her room without saying another word.
Bea chest heaves heavily, she has no idea what to do about her mother, sometimes she wishes that she wasn’t there, then maybe she would have less to worry about. She could be a normal teenager with normal problems, instead of constantly babying her mother and being a second mom to her sister, but she remembers that she should be lucky to have a mom, no matter how shitty she might be. Her phone in her pocket buzzes and she grimaces a little when she sees the text from Poppy
hey babe
V and I decided to go to Ford’s party just for a little bit
Just to make a few quick introductions but we’ll be in and out of the party
Can’t wait to see you 🥺
Bea feels a tiny pang in her heart but at least Poppy wasn’t going to completely ditch her for the night. She hoped that tonight would be just about them, that for once Poppy would let go off all expectations and just focus on herself. But Bea knew Poppy carried the world on her shoulders, that being a Min Sinclair meant that she had to sacrifice a lot, but sometimes Bea felt like she was the only thing being sacrificed, that she was the only thing that could easily be cut off. She types out a half-hearted reply to Poppy, something along the lines of ‘can’t wait to see you too’ and with that she grabs her jacket, turns around to catch a quick glance at her mother’s closed bedroom door and leaves for the party.
Poppy and Veronica are walking towards Ford’s house, the faint thumping of bass music echoes throughout the neighbourhood while the girls are fixated on their hair and outfits as they walk towards the front yard. Both of the girls are wearing smart suits, to make their lie about going to a company dinner more compelling. They leave their real party outfits in the back of Veronica’s car which is parked a couple of blocks away from the house and before they enter the house Poppy grabs Veronica’s hand.
“I told Bea that we will be in and out of the house, so let’s not waste any time. We just say a few hellos and then we go” she flips her hair throwing it back over her shoulder while Veronica rolls her eyes.
“Hey you’re the one who decided to stop by Ford’s party, I would rather be in the southside partying it up there.”
Poppy piercingly shushes Veronica, and in one swift move places her hand over the ombre-haired girl’s mouth, “Are you trying to expose us or something? Don’t mention the” she conspicuously u looks around and whispers, “don’t mention the southside here”
Veronica pulls Poppy’s hand from her mouth and exaggeratingly shudders while shaking her hands, “Oh no, I forgot the southside is like Voldemort we don’t speak of it” sarcasm dripping off every word she says.
Before Poppy can answer, a series of screams reverberates from inside the house and a few seconds later, Poppy and Veronica are engulfed in a huge bear hug from Chloe, “Oh my god, you guys made it”, she screams enthusiastically while jumping up and down in her spot clapping her hands together.
Veronica sticks her fingers in her ears are glares at Chloe, “chill Chloe, you’re gonna burst my eardrums”
Poppy laughs and playfully slaps Veronica on the arm and turns back to face the dumb blonde, “We’re just passing by, just because we have to go to a stuffy work dinner doesn’t mean we have to show up on time”
Chloe grabs the two girls by the arms and pulls them into the foyer where they’re greeted by more of their peers. Ford is already half naked with a red solo cup in his hand and he waves the girls over before offering them a drink which the two girls politely decline.
“Oh come on, one drink won’t kill you”
“We said we’re good” Veronica’s tone is cutthroat causing Ford to back off and resume his strip pong game.
“Ayyyyyy there are my two favourite girls” Carter slurs his words slightly and slinks an arm over each girl’s shoulders and migrates the girl’s to the back of the living room where the speakers are playing. “I thought Chloe said you guys aren’t coming? You change your mind Pops?” he flirtatiously raises an eyebrow at Poppy who playfully pushes him back in return.
“No we still have to go to the dinner” she gestures at her suit, “we just wanted to say hi real quick”
Chloe ambles towards the girl’s and grabs Veronica’s hand and pulls her to the dance floor without waiting for the ombre-haired girl to refuse, leaving Poppy and Carter alone.
“So… do you really have to go? I mean you could have a lot more fun if you stayed” he takes a careful step towards the strawberry blonde, closing the distance between the two as he leans in to whisper in her ear, “we could play strip pong”, he leans back a little to stare into Poppy’s eyes.
Poppy lets out a small awkward laugh, “um, as much fun as that sounds, Veronica and I really should get going. I don’t wanna piss off my dad” she takes a step back from the quarterback and wraps her arms around herself.
Carter gives Poppy a long unwavering look, one she fully couldn’t dissect and understand, but he breaks the silence, “well, I hope you have fun, Chloe was worried you were ditching us for someone else”
“Yeah, my dad’s business partners. Because work talk is absolutely riveting and exactly how I wanna spend my saturday nights” her voice brimming with sarcasm as she gives Carter a quick hug goodbye and grabs Veronica and pulls her out of the house after making a few more rounds with the rest of the students of Belvoire.
“This is a party, loosen up a little” Zoey rolls her eyes and hands Bea a red plastic cup, before taking a small sip from hers, “don’t tell me the princess of Greensburg decided to not show up”
Bea lighthearted rolls her eyes and takes a huge swig of her cup, “she said she’s coming, okay? She’s just saying a quick hi to her friends”
“Yeah sure, because she would rather hang out with the people at the bottom of the food chain than preppy rich kids who can probably afford a better sound system and drinks than this”
“Oh hush, you’re just in a sour mood because Veronica isn’t here yet” Zoey pinches Bea on her arm, “ow ow, okay, it doesn’t make it any less true though. I mean you practically begged me to invite her”
“Shut up. I don’t care if she’s here or not. But let's just say I’ve been doing a lot of wishful thinking and I’m wearing my best bra tonight” she gives Bea a sly wink who just laughs. “So,, I still can’t believe you let Poppy off that easily after the shit that happened on monday”
Bea stiffens a little, her expression quickly sobering as she turns to face Zoey, “look, we spoke about it and we’re moving past it. I told her she isn’t exactly out of the dog house but I’m not gonna sit here and wallow about it. What’s done is done” she gives Zoey a fixed look, meaning that she was done talking about it and Zoey raises her hands in defence
“Maybe if you let me beat Chloe’s ass then I would let Poppy off” Bea playfully shoves Zoey with her shoulder, “only if I can join you”, the two girls laugh until Zoey catches Bea staring into the inside of her cup, her eyes barren. “Hey, I’m sorry for bringing it up. It just pisses me off that those entitled bitches think they can do shit like that”
Bea solemnly shakes her head, “well, it’s Isabella’s fault to be honest. Everywhere I go, it’s like I’m haunted by her past and all the shit she’s done. Like they all expect me to become a deadbeat like her”
Zoey empathetically rubs Bea’s back, as the brunette clenches her jaw slightly to stop her lips from quivering, and she blinks back the tears forming in her eyes before letting out a sad laugh, “God, you just told me to lighten up and I just made this entire atmosphere depressing”
“Bitch, who cares? You’re my best friend, you know you can talk to me about anything, anytime” she gives Bea a one armed hug while balancing her drink and when the hug breaks off she drains the rest of her cup. “Do you want another drink?” Bea shakes her head and Zoey flounces off to grab another drink. Bea bops her head along to the music until a pair of hands cover her eyes from behind her, and a soft voice whispers in her ear, “guess who?”
Bea grins and delicately removes the hands from her eyes and turns around to see Poppy in her skin tight pink dress and moves in to give a long lingering kiss. “You finally made it” she kisses the strawberry blonde again before realising Veronica is standing behind Poppy with her arms crossed waiting as her eyes move to scan the backyard. “Hey Veronica, if you’re looking for Zoey she went inside a few minutes ago to get a drink” Veronica nonchalantly raises an eyebrow and looks towards the house, “well, I’m suddenly feeling parched, I’ll see you girls later” she gives them a wink and struts towards the house.
Poppy laughs while shaking her head but stops when she sees Bea appraising her, looking at her up and down with lust in her eyes. Poppy gives Bea her signature smirk and does a small twirl for the brunette, “so you like what you see?”
Bea moves towards the girl, hugging her curves while staring into the blonde’s eyes with undisguised desire, “mmhmm, you look gorgeous”, she nods towards the group of people who are dancing along to the music, “dance with me?”
Poppy grabs Bea’s hand and manoeuvres her to the middle of the makeshift dance floor and the girls laugh, drink and dance for a couple of songs until Bea whispers into Poppy’s ear, “let’s get out of here”
She takes the blonde’s hand and moves towards the inside of the house and they stumble towards the bedrooms, and when they open the first door they simultaneously gasp when they see Veronica and Zoey making out on the bed, both girls half naked.
“Oh my god Bea get out” Zoey throws a pillow towards the door and in response Bea throws her head back laughing, “sorry, sorry, but the bra is kinda cute Zo”. Zoey gives Bea the finger as they leave the room and eventually, they find an empty bedroom and are already locked in a passionate embrace before the door even closes.
Bea roughly shoves Poppy against the door pressing her lips to Poppy’s, devouring her as her tongue slips into the blonde’s as her moans set the brunette alight. Bea caresses her tongue with Poppy’s and breaks the kiss to start kissing down her neck and then her jawline until she reaches the sensitive spot behind her ear and begins to suck at it. A moan escapes Poppy’s lips as her hands wrapped around the taller girl’s neck as her eyes roll back begging for more.
Bea pulls back and the two girls begin shredding off their clothes before jumping into the strangers bed, their lips locked once again, reigniting the very same passion. Bea sits up and leads Poppy onto her lap, she grabs the blonde’s hips and presses her down onto her thigh before whispering into her ear, “ride” and without missing a beat, Poppy does. She unrelentlessly presses her sensitive spot down on Bea’s thigh and rocks her hips, as she buries her face into the crook of Bea’s neck, muffling her moans. Bea feels the heat emitting from the blonde’s legs and lets out a groan as her hands grip Poppy’s hips even more and she begins alternating between kissing and sucking at the blonde’s chest.
“Please Bea” Poppy’s breaths come in hot and heavy as she begs for release, so Bea decides to give into the desire and flips the blonde over, pressing her deeper into the mattress while her fingers play with the waistband of her panties. She slips her hand inside and uses her thumb to encircle her clit, before slipping a finger inside her, and she begins pumping. Poppy’s back arches off the bed, groans echoing in the room as Bea slips another finger in, letting the blonde’s moans guide her as she brings the girl to the edge and lets her ride in the orgasm not stopping until she slumps back into the bed.
A little while later the girls get dressed and make their way back to the party where they see Zoey and Veronica in the corner whispering sweet nothings to each other and giggling. “They should just date already don’t you think?” Poppy leans on Bea’s shoulder, humming peacefully as she looks at the two girls.
“They should but they won’t. They’re both terrible with commitment”, Bea places a sweet kiss on Poppy’s forehead, “drink?”
“Yes please”
Bea squeezes Poppy’s hand and strolls into the house to grab the drinks. While waiting for Bea, Poppy stands in the front yard staring up at the sky until a unfamiliar hand, cups her ass and whispers into her ear, “what’s a girl like you doing alone here”, Poppy jerks away form the stranger, her nostrils flaring as she gives the guy a deathly stare.
“Don’t fucking touch me”
“Wow, I like my girls rowdy” he tries to touch a stray piece of the blonde’s hair that sticks out but she grabs his wrist and pushes him back, her eyes scanning the front yard hoping Bea will be back.
“Hey! What the hell is going on here?” AJ sidles up to Poppy as he begins to stare down the young man who just demeaningly laughs in AJ’s face.
“Get outta here kid, can’t you see I’m talking to someone”
“Well she has a girlfriend so get lost”. The stranger stares at Poppy, an unsettling glint in his eyes before he steps forward and puts two of his fingers under Poppy’s chin lifting her face a little, “so you’re a lesbo? Well we can change that”. Before Poppy can step back AJ shoves the boy back who in retort takes out a knife holding it out against AJ. “fuck off now”.
After catching up with a few friends, Bea hears about a commotion in the front yard and rushes out to see AJ barricading Poppy with his body while someone holds out a knife to his chest. Poppy’s eyes flash when she realises Bea is here and Bea moves behind the figure and takes out a small pocket knife from her jeans and lightly presses it against the stranger’s neck. Poppy lets out a small gasp, her body trembles slightly as she takes in the fact that Bea is holding a knife.
“I don’t know who the fuck you are but you better back the fuck off right now unless you want to get your throat slit” her voice is quiet but her tone is challenging. The stranger raises his hands in the air and Bea warily puts the knife down, avoiding any eye contact with Poppy. In a swift move, the stranger throws Bea’s knife out of her hand, puts her in a headlock and presses the knife against her throat, creating a small cut as blood lightly begins to trickle down her neck.
“No!” Poppy moves forward but AJ steps in front of her and in a flash he grabs an object from the waistband of trousers and holds it up to the stranger. Everyone in the front yard begins to panic and move out of the way as they all segregate themselves from the confrontation.
“AJ stop” Bea pleads with the young boy when she realises he has a gun in his hand as he points it to the stranger.
“Move away from her now or I’ll shoot” his voice trembles slightly as his hand shakes but he grips the gun tighter as his gaze pierces into the stranger.
“You won’t do it” he presses his knife into Bea’s throat a little more, who just winces at the pain while Poppy painfully watches the ordeal unfold, her heart hammering into her eardrums.
AJ places his hand on the trigger, his stance unwavering, “try me”. The stranger grimaces at AJ before removing his knife and pushing Bea forward, “you better watch your back kid” and with that he runs from the party. Poppy moves towards Bea, her hand cups the part of Bea’s neck with the cut and she turns to look at AJ, whose eyes are blank like he’s just seen a ghost.
“AJ, I-” Bea steps towards AJ who just looks at Bea with grief and embarrassment, “I’m sorry Bea” he puts the gun back in his waistband and runs off without looking back.
“What the fuck, Bea are you okay?” Poppy begins to examine the wound but Bea’s thoughts are enveloped in everything that just happened, her body trembles slightly as she takes in the fact that AJ now has a gun. In the background of the commotion, the fireworks are set off, colouring the sky in an array of colours but the girls can barely focus on them since they knew they were in deep shit.
read part 5 here
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Poppy x MC
Here to do lord's work
I walk towards the Zeta building and a million thoughts are racing through my mind. I hold Poppy's prescription pills on one hand and with my other i erase the post i was about to upload on T. No matter how much she irritates me medication is no joke.
I sigh as i put my phone away ready to drop the bag at the door but then a thought hits me, why don't i pay Queen B a visit myself? I hate how we left things earlier so i hope this makes up for it.
As i enter the first thing that i notice is how empty the building actually is. All the sorority girls are still out there trying to find the fake Gucci offer, how charming. Veronica is nowhere to be found so i sneak in running through the stairs. Ah these heels dont help at all, damn you and your expensive shinny marble floor
I finally got upstairs and i glance around trying to find the most dramatically decorated room. If i were Poppy where would i be? Aaaand aha! Of course its the biggest one here. I roll my eyes trying to approach silently even though i am failing completely
Should i knock? Do i just leave the bag here and leave? Its never to late to back down Bea. I sigh overthinking every possibility, that until the door opens wide and there she is staring directly into my eyes
"What the hell are you doing here??" Her eyes level on the medicine that i am holding and she quickly snatches it off my hands
"Where did you find this??"
"Wow relax, one question at a time" i smile at her but she is the opposite of amused
"Where is this useless imbecile i swear i will tear every stupid card that she owns" ok i think i just made the situation worse she is changing colours very fast
"Can i come in?" I lean against the door looking down at her suggestively. I love the height difference really, it makes her look so cute when she gets mad at me
"And why would i let you in? Not even Chloe gets to see my bedroom, in fact get your irritating ass out of my home" she looks at the bag on her hands and sigh
"I happened to bump into Taylor at Froyo and i decided to give her a hand, your dry cleaning is back breaking" i roll my eyes and i can see some of her walls melting down
"Now that you have done your charity you can leave" she is about to slam the door at my face but i am quick to place my foot between and stop it
"First of all ouch, second of all i smell cookies, i think i deserve one since i got out of my way for you" i wink at her and i can see the hesitation in her movements
"Oh please do you actually think that i am stupid? I know your strategy"
"Do you? Care to talk me through it?" I smirk leaning closer "i just want a cookie"
She massages her temples clearly annoyed "God stop talking, if i give you one will you just disappear?"
"Depends..do you want me to disappear?"
She walks back inside to get me one and i take a quick glimpse of her room. Surprisingly her room is simpler than i thought. Nothing cheap but nothing too expensive, except this giant closet full of designer clothes
She comes back with the cookie and a napkin "Here you go doggo, now shoo" she waves her hands dismissively and i reach to take them from her hands. For just a brief second our hands touch and i can feel the electricity run down my spine, Oh wow.
I dare to look directly into her eyes and i now notice how close we are. She still hasn't let me in but i can see how her mind runs ten miles per minute
"Did you make these?" I ask taking a good bite from the cookie. Its soft and it smells heavenly, the chocolate runs down my lip and i am unable to control my urge to groan
"Oh wow these are the best cookies i ever had" i lick my lips trying to get the chocolate off my face and i can clearly see how Poppy is looking down at them. I bite it just to give her a little show and she starts laughing
I raise an eyebrow in suspicion "What?"
She doesn't answer as she place a perfectly manicured hand over her mouth to laugh freely. To be honest i am not complaining, its the first time i hear her laugh and its more gentle and melodic than i expected it to be
"Oh no did you just poison me?" I dramatically touch my chest laughing with her
"Your face is a mess you pig" even though she uses harsh words her smile says the opposite and so i let her have it this time
"Oh really? Where?" I lick my lips again and she grabs the napkin from my hand as she rolls her eyes
"Here stupid" she tiptoes leaning her body against mine. For a moment i forget how to breathe as i watch her cleaning my face. She stares at me for a second before clearing her throat pushing me back
"You can't avoid failure do you?"
"Stop avoid my question, did you make these?" I cross my arms amused
I can see her battling with her own self. There is something different about Poppy when we are alone, i can see some of her walls melting and all that caused by my presence, score!
"Yes i did now can you shut up and leave? You got what you wanted" she wants to come out as irritated but i can see the amusement on her look
"I didn't get what i wanted" i lower my stare at her lips and she follows my gaze
"And what's that?" I can hear the challenge in her voice and without saying another word i lean in and i pause one breath away from her lips
I can feel the heat her body radiating and even though its impossible i swear i can hear her heart beating like crazy "Can i kiss you?"
Poppy swallows hard and i can practically hear it. Respecting her space i back away a little bit disappointed. But before i can think twice she pulls me close capturing my lips with a breathtaking kiss
At first i make a surprised noise but then without missing a beat i welcome her tongue with mine as i press her against the door. She places her hands around my neck dragging me inside her room
"Are you sure?" I ask breathless looking lovingly at her
"Shut up and kiss me Hughes" she pulls me against her once more but this time her kisses become more needy and passionate
I place my knee between her legs as i pin her hands effortlessly above her head. "Stay still" my voice is hoarse and i gain a groan out of her
"If you make a sound.." i bite her lip in warning and i can feel her knees weakening "i will not be gentle"
I kiss her jawline then her neck and i bite it hard making her moan, arching against me "and if you are a good girl i might reward you"
"Touch me"
Did she really think i will give her what she needs? You are adorable Pops. I tug her shirt off and her pants join the floor soon enough. Taking a step back i enjoy the sight of her being completely at my mercy
"I have been imagining this ever since i laid eyes on you" i tuck a lock of hair behind her ear kissing her temple. She practically melts with the amount of affection that i give her making wonder how badly she have been treated
I grab a handful of her hair tugging her head back slowly. It gives me more access to her neck and i run my tongue from her throat to her ear sucking the sensitive skin underneath it. Poppy moans loudly her voice filled with need
"Please touch me"
I smirk and this time i give her what she wants. I sink to my knees opening her legs wide. I tease her giving her sweet kisses on the inside of her thighs until i finally touch her where she wants me the most
"Look at how much you want me" i whisper against her and she shudders trying to hold onto the wall for support
Smiling i lock eyes with her as i taste her and god she tastes amazing. I might have been imagining this once or twice since i got here but having her actually at my mercy is absolutely beautiful
Her moans fill the room and i can feel her legs trembling. She places one of her hands on my hair pulling me more closer even if its impossible. I get lost in her scent and her melodic voice screaming my name that i unconsciously place my hand beneath my dress
"Oh Bea fuck..i am going to--" but she never finishes her sentence as we both shudder, the wave of ecstasy taking over us both
We take a minute collecting our breaths and i she sinks to the floor next to me. Her expression is changed, not the bitchy one she wears when everyone is around but i think i can see a glimpse of the genuine Poppy
"I knew you liked me" i say laughing fixing my hair
She gives me a 'i will murder you but you are to precious' look and i laugh even more, happy that she is finally real with me
"Never mention this" she gestures between us "ever again"
"Yes m'am" i say smiling and surprisingly she does too standing up, picking up her clothes off the floor
"You should leave before they come back from your fake Gucci offer"
"Ah so you are smart, maybe my plan was to get you all alone after all" i wink at her as she rolls her eyes
Before i leave the room she pulls me against her for a quick kiss "Thank you for bringing this to me"
"Anytime my dear enemy" she shoves me out of the room and i laugh walking away.
For the first time since i got here i feel like there is some form of hope. I know everyone sees Poppy as this scary diva who will ruin your life but i know now that what we have is special.
Tag list: @lolimugly @origmansello @greatestflirt-hero @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @sugarplumpnhoneybun @princessstellaris @coldbatfriendroad @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @ghalind @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper @justastranger-passing @nydeiri
#queen b#queen b poppy#poppy x mc#poppy min sinclair#play choices#choices fic#choices fanfiction#anon request#pb choices#choices#my fics
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Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold
Poppy messed up. Poppy messed up even if she doesn’t know it yet. But Bea knows it. Bea knows that Poppy messed up really, really bad this time. And Bea’s going to make her pay for ever even thinking about messing with Zoey.
Or, what should have happened at the bacchanalia if MC wasn't so stupid and Zoey was respected and yes im still salty
also didn’t edit as much as normal so there’s definitely issues in this one but whatever
Zoey x MC (Bea Hughes)
~5.5k words
Bea rifles through the false bottom of Poppy’s dresser, searching for her credit cards that can be used against her, finding all sorts of blackmail and dirt to levy against the obnoxious rich girl. Bea eventually spots them buried beneath papers and folders, a phone, hard drives, all kinds of things that no doubt hold enough dirt to destroy Poppy for good.
But Bea’s only here for the cards, she doesn’t have the time to sort through everything right now. She grabs them, her hand knocking against a manila folder as she does. ‘Human Sacrifice’ is written in red sharpie, a paper falling out of the side, with a name at the top.
Bea’s eyes go wide as she reads every letter over and over and over again, every drop of black ink. She rips her phone from her pocket, fumbling to swipe and tap to her contacts and presses call on ‘Zo 😘.’ It rings for a minute, each tone sending panic spiking through Bea.
“Hey, what’s up? How’s it going?” finally rings from the speaker pressed to Bea’s ear.
“Get the fuck out of there,” Bea doesn’t bother with greetings, skipping straight to the point, “Get the fuck out of there right fucking now, Zo, fucking run.”
“Why? What the hell’s going on, Bea?” Zoey sounds on edge, no doubt concerned by Bea’s words and tone. Good.
Bea pulls her phone from her ear, putting it on speaker and opening her camera, “I don’t know, but it’ll be bad, so please leave, Zo, I’m on my way,” she hurriedly snaps pictures of Poppy’s stupid cards to use against her later.
“Okay, I’m seriously freaking out right now, can you please tell me what’s happening before I book it?”
Bea jams the cards and folder back in the false bottom, shoving it closed and struggling to her feet, “You’re Poppy’s ‘Human Sacrifice’ and you seriously need to leave, I’m not fucking around. I have no idea what she has planned but it’ll be bad, I’m sure of it.”
“Okay, okay, I’m going, I swear. But are you coming with?”
Bea rushes out of the room, darting for the stairs, “I’m coming now, I’m almost at the stairs and I’ll -”
“Zoey?!” Bea shouts into the speaker, not receiving an answer as she sprints down the hallway, tripping to the ground as she rounds a corner, desperate to get there in time.
“Put your hands together for this year’s sacrifice, Zoey Wade!” Poppy’s voice rings through the foyer as Bea slams into the railing, just to find Poppy standing on a makeshift stage to address the crowd and a spotlight on Zoey by the door.
“Bitch!” she swears under her breath, stumbling for the stairs as Poppy continues.
“A little backstory on New Money here. Once upon a time, Zoey grew up in a three bedroom home in… Brooklyn.” Bea can feel the steam coming from her ears as she barrels down the staircase, gripping the railing to keep from falling in her stupidly high heels that she should have never bothered with.
“Three? Where did you keep your clothes? And where was your dog’s room?” Trixie joins, only further enraging Bea with her incompetence.
Zoey's voice rings through the foyer, drawing Bea’s eyes as she stands her ground, “We kept our clothes in the closets and our dog didn’t have his own room. You know, how normal people live.”
“Not these people. I’m sure none of these people’s fathers worked as a banker either,” Poppy taunts, a sadistic smirk on her face.
“Like handling other people’s money?” Luis sounds as if it’s the most insane thing in the world.
The crowd erupts in laughs and jeers just as Bea reaches the end of the obnoxiously long staircase, already shoving through the crowd, elbowing everyone in sight.
“No! He… He was a senior manager! What the hell is wrong with all of you?!” Bea can just barely see Zoey across the room as she dives into the crowd, spotting a line of frat guys blocking Zoey from the door.
“I’m sure it must have been rough for him, working so hard to support you,” Poppy looks at her in fake sympathy. “Though I guess those paychecks weren’t enough to cover everything. Like say… a tube of peach flavored lipgloss? Sparkly pink nail polish? Maybe a pair of cubic zirconia stud earrings?” Poppy asks, feigning innocence or kindness, Bea can’t tell and she doesn’t care anyway.
“Poppy… Don’t,” Bea can barely hear Zoey’s quiet response anymore, can barely see her through the gaps in the crowd, and she hates what she sees. Zoey’s eyes are shining with tears, every muscle in her body tense as she trembles, glued to the spot.
Poppy turns back to the crowd, not even bothering to address her victim anymore, “That’s right, everyone. There’s a thief in our midst. A shoplifter.”
Bea pushes forward even more, jabbing everyone within arm’s reach until Michael grabs her, arms around her waist as he yanks her backwards to prevent her from reaching Zoey. She struggles, squirming and kicking in his grasp, shrieking as his arms tighten around her.
“Bea?!” Zoey’s voice sounds terrifyingly hopeful as she scans the crowd for Bea trapped in Michael’s hold.
“Zo!” she shouts back, pushing her head above the crowd to meet her eyes, just as a projector launches photos behind Poppy on her stage, drawing the entire crowd’s attention.
It’s a younger Zoey in an office, with red eyes and tears still streaming down her cheeks, a mugshot of sorts. Bea squirms even more, elbowing Michael in the ribs, but he still won’t fucking let go.
“Someone lock up the imported silverware!” Chloe’s shriek echoes in the foyer, providing a soundtrack to Bea’s struggles.
She jams her heel into Michael’s thigh, earning a yelp from her captor and pushing up enough to see the heartbroken expression on Zoey’s face, “How did you… Those… Those records were sealed! I never even had to pay a fine!”
“Oh, I know, I know,” Poppy nods with that same ridiculous sympathy again, “You may not have had to pay the price, and how could you have? Considering you clearly didn’t have any money. But this burden will live on with you forever,” her tone quickly turns malicious as she zeroes in on Zoey, “I will never let you forget that this is who you are. That you, Zoey, are a sad, little social climber who had to wait for someone with balls to cling onto to even make it onto our radar. Well, you’ve finally done it. You’re on my radar. Are you happy now?”
“Shut the fuck up, Poppy!” Bea screeches, jamming her heel even further into Michael’s thigh to rise above the crowd and glare at Poppy, flames in her eyes as she attempts to light Poppy on fire.
“Oh, Farmsville. Stupid, naive, little Farmsville,” she gives a saccahrine smile, hauntingly sweet. “Let the sacrifice begin,” she announces into the mic, eyes still trained on a furious Bea.
Zoey screams as tomatoes and wine fly at her, soaking her skin, her hair, her outfit, all of it seemingly coming out of nowhere as the crowd pelts Zoey mercilessly. She ducks her head, covering herself with her arms and backing away, only for the frat boys to shove her back in the spotlight.
“Betcha didn’t see that one coming,” Poppy mouths to Bea, right as Michael finally lets her go, rubbing his thigh and grabbing a tomato from Luis, hurling it at Zoey with a laugh.
And Bea can’t take it anymore, can’t take how powerless he just made her feel, can’t take how disgusting they all are, how cruel and heartless. She can’t take this shit anymore, she can’t deal with it, she can’t stomach it, not when her best friend is being assaulted across the room without her help.
She slugs him in the jaw, sending him reeling and staring at her in shock, but she’s already moving back through the crowd as the tomatoes fly, nearly tripping over people as she hurries as quick as she can. Zoey’s so close to the front door, she almost made it, she was almost safe. If Bea was only a few seconds quicker she could have changed this, she could have fixed this.
Bea shoves through the crowd to reach Zoey, receiving a few elbows to her sides and irritated comments, but she doesn’t stop pushing. She finally sees Zoey through the crowd again, the frat boys guarding the door throwing tomatoes at her without remorse as she cowers, arms raised to protect her head.
She grabs Zoey as soon as she reaches her, arm coiling around her waist and pulling her into her side protectively. Her hands are raised to hide her face as she leans into Bea, a slight whimper escaping her throat as Bea holds her. She pulls Zoey along to the door, shoving through those ridiculous frat boys and stomping on a few feet to do it, tomatoes still pelting them as she yanks the door open. She drags Zoey along, the other girl stiff at her side, arms still raised as they put the sorority house behind them, Bea running until it’s too far in the distance to be a threat.
She slides to a stop on shadowed grass, their heels ruined as she turns to Zoey, still tucked into her side. Her face is blank save for a few tears in her eyes and a quivering bottom lip, her eyes glassy as she stares into space. Bea can feel her body trembling under her arm and concern spikes within her, “Zoey, babe, what can I do to help? What do you need? To go home? I think we went in the wrong direction to our dorm, but we can still go. Do you want to get something off Postmates? Do you want to go and attack Poppy? I got the pictures,” Bea rambles, trying to catch Zoey’s glazed over eyes.
But Zoey doesn’t utter a single word, simply wraps her arms around Bea’s neck and buries her face in her shoulder, a sniffle muffled against her skin. Bea holds her tight, fingers scratching at the small of her back and swaying softly from side to side. She starts humming through random song choruses and verses stuck in her head until she lands on Uptown Funk. It popped up in their playlist earlier, as they did their hair and makeup, and the bathroom exploded in an impromptu performance.
“This hit, that ice cold, Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold. This one for them hood girls, them good girls, straight masterpieces.” She pulls back, Zoey following and glancing up at her from beneath her lashes, the smallest smile on her lips as she watches.
Bea pounces on it, smiling and dancing goofily, jumping around in her heels, “Stylin’, wilin’, livin’ it up in the city.” Zoey laughs softly, Bea’s hands falling to hers and swinging her arms as she moves from side to side, “Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent, gotta kiss myself I’m so pretty. Too hot! Hot damn,” she echoes, “Called a police and a fireman, I’m too hot! Hot damn,” she fans Zoey, who rolls her eyes with a smile.
“Make a dragon wanna retire man, I’m too hot! Hot damn! Say my name, you know who I am, I’m too hot! Hot damn! And my band ‘bout that money, break it down,” she crouches low, pulling Zoey with her, “Girls hit your hallelujah,” she chants low, looking to Zoey expectantly.
Zoey meets her gaze with pursed lips and raised eyebrows, Bea tilting her head as she waits and waits and waits and - “Whoo,” Zoey cheers, Bea’s smile exploding as she launches forward, tackling Zoey in a hug and sending them tumbling to the ground. “Bea!” Zoey exclaims, even though it’s followed by laughter.
“What?” she asks cluelessly, pulling back from the embrace enough to meet Zoey’s dark eyes as she feigns innocence.
Zoey rolls her eyes, “God, you’re such a dork.” But she’s smiling fondly, even with tomato chunks stuck in her hair and dripping from her body. Bea beams wide at her success in cheering her up, her eyes nearly shutting as she just stares at Zoey, who shoves her shoulder, “Dork.”
“Yeah, but you’re smiling,” she singsongs the last word, still grinning down at Zoey beneath her.
Only that smile falls away as soon as it’s mentioned, her head falling back to stare at the sky blankly. Bea wiggles closer, flopping onto her back beside Zoey and staring up at the few stars they can see, her hand slipping in Zoey’s and interlocking their fingers. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
Zoey sighs, staring up at the night above them, her thumb brushing along Bea’s knuckles. “I only did it because the group of girls I hung out with in middle school did. They never once got caught, so I thought it’d be okay.”
Bea turns her head to watch Zoey’s shadowed features, “And of course the one time they convinced me to try it with them, I got picked out and searched. Me, the only black girl in the group,” she scowls to the sky. “They all abandoned me there, not even looking back as I got taken with security,” she pauses to glare upwards, and Bea squeezes her hand in the silence. “But after I got off with just a warning, they wanted to keep pretending we were the bestest of friends.”
“I hope you told them you didn’t have time for snakes,” Bea grins, hoping the joke’s enough to lighten the mood, to help Zoey feel better.
“I’ve been dealing with mean girls, girls like Poppy, my entire life,” Zoey looks angry, rightfully so, “I don’t know why I thought for a second Belvoire would be different.”
Bea turns back to the few glimpses of stars they can see in the city, “I know it’s not much, but I’m always here. I’ve got you no matter what, babe.”
“I know,” Zoey whispers to the sky, silence settling between them easily, a familiar presence from study dates and weekends spent collapsed on the couch. From early mornings to late nights when they’re too tired to speak more than a few words, to do anything but smile or squeeze the other’s hand or shoulder. From haunting hours in the middle of the night after awful days to sunrises that promised a second chance, a redemption of sorts.
Bea sits up straight, squeezing Zoey’s hand as she looks down to her, “You wanna go home now? Wash up and get some sleep?”
Zoey nods stiffly, sitting up beside Bea and dropping her head to her shoulder, “Can we order pizza? And breadsticks?”
“We can order the entire pizza place if you want, babe,” she raises their interwoven hands, pressing a soft kiss to the back of Zoey’s.
Bea stalks into the courtyard the next day, determination boiling inside her as her gaze locks on Poppy sitting with Chloe and Veronica, tapping away at her phone and drinking a smoothie. She makes a beeline for the witch, fists clenching and jaw tight as she approaches.
She woke up early for this, made calls for this, went to the store for this. She went out of her way for this, and she’s going to relish it, relish the start of her vengeance. She’s not just going to forget what happened last night, she’s not going to move on or accept the revenge from posting trash about Poppy on The T after Zoey had fallen asleep.
She needs more, and she needs to make her suffer, to feel gross and less than, to feel loathed and despised. And Bea knows she can do it, that this is just the start.
She slams her palms on the table, startling Chloe, provoking Veronica to whip out her phone and start recording, and not even earning Poppy’s signature glare, “What do you want, Farmsville? I thought you’d have slunk off to your corn field by now.”
Bea doesn’t even say anything, just grabs Poppy’s smoothie, pulls off the lid and dumps it on her head with a neutral, unbothered expression. The only indication of her rage is the fire still in her eyes from the night before. Poppy cringes under the waterfall, her mouth falling open and arms raising to protect herself, “You are dead, Farmsville!” she screams as the liquid stops falling.
She stands, hovering above Bea in her ridiculously high heels and ruined pompous sweater and skirt. But Bea doesn’t back down, she meets her gaze, she squares her shoulder. She’s from the country, she could take this city bitch no problem.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Poppy spits through gritted teeth, her lips pulled back in a snarl as she glowers at Bea below her. “I will ruin you.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Bea spits right back.
Poppy smirks, self-satisfied and disgusting, “I already destroyed your little pet. How come she’s not following you around? Still too mortified to leave your nasty little dorm? Or did she finally realise she’s not cut out for this life? That she belongs in Brooklyn?”
Bea explodes, shoving Poppy backwards and nearly pushing her to the ground, her heels stumbling beneath her and ankles almost collapsing, “Zoey’s off limits!” she shouts, face flushed in her fury. “This was between you and me, not a single other person!”
“Then how come you constantly messed with the Zetas? And Carter?” Poppy counters, regaining her balance and matching Bea’s anger.
“That was different and you know! I didn’t humiliate or harass them, I didn’t fuck with them, I offered them an alternative to her Royal Bitchiness!” Bea gestures at a smoothie-soaked Poppy.
“I don’t see a difference. Besides,” Poppy shrugs, feigning indifference, “Why do you care?” she flicks her hair over her shoulder, “I thought she was just a tool. She’s not even top 15, she doesn’t matter.”
Bea steps right into Poppy’s face, fury flowing off her in waves, “I will ruin you. I will wreck your stupid little reputation, I will crush your pointless popularity, I will make sure that you are nothing but an average, basic, heartless bitch. I’m going to take your crown and give it to someone who deserves it, someone who isn’t mean and cruel and evil. I’m going to make you nothing, Poppy.”
“Yeah? And who’s taking my spot?” Poppy taunts, “You? Midwest trash will never touch first place,” she scoffs.
“No, not me. I’ve sunk to your level and I don’t even care. I’ll make sure someone better than the both of us takes that stupid spot.” She takes a step back, putting some much needed distance between them to prevent herself from punching another person within twenty-four hours. “But until then, I’d watch your back, Pops,” she turns on her heel, striding away. “Go ahead, boys!” she calls without looking back.
A shriek sounds from behind her as Carter and a few of the football and frat guys that most certainly do not include Michael, dump a tub of crushed and mashed tomatoes on top of Poppy, juice soaking her clothes and chunks mixing in with her strawberry blonde locks. “Farmsville!” she shrieks, Bea smirking as she walks to her dorm, not once sparing a glance over her shoulder.
Bea sits on her bed, grading papers for Kingsley as Cutiepie lays flopped on his back beside her, his little legs sprawled in the air and his tongue lolling from his mouth, Bea occasionally breaking to scratch his exposed underside. She tosses a paper to the side, pulling up another as her door flies open, slamming into the wall.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Zoey asks, striding into the room and waving her phone crazedly.
Bea glances up, pen pausing above the paper, “I’m… sorry?” her brows knit together.
Zoey huffs, “You dumped a smoothie and tomatoes on Poppy?! In the middle of the courtyard?!”
Bea caps her pen and drops it to the bedspread, smiling as she leans back and props herself up on her hands, “Yep!”
Her amusement isn’t shared, Zoey glaring at her angrily, “Why the hell did you do that?! Are you trying to start a war?!”
“I’m trying to finish one,” her smile’s fallen away as she meets Zoey’s dark, furious eyes.
“Why?! She’s just going to retaliate!”
Zoey gestures wildly, as if she’s the only sane person left in the world, “Why is that good?! What is going on with you?!”
Bea leans forward, her elbows landing on her knees as she meets Zoey’s eyes, her expression stone and tone serious, “She fucked with you. She crossed a line and she’s going to pay. Every time she escalates things, I can, too.”
Zoey’s features soften and her eyes fall shut, a sigh slipping past her lips. She walks to the bed, flopping face first onto the comforter, frozen as Bea sets her papers aside and scoots closer. She pokes Zoey’s shoulder, moving up to poke the side of her face when she doesn’t move, “Zo?” she asks softly.
“You’re really stupid, you know?” she finally says.
“Probably,” Bea concedes, “But why exactly this time?”
Zoey exhales sharply, rolling over to her back and meeting Bea’s eyes, “She’s ruthless. She doesn’t care about you and she’ll do whatever she can. It’s a miracle you’re still here.”
“Then I’m going to take advantage of it,” Bea answers coolly, confidently.
Zoey’s eyes fall shut again and she takes a deep breath before wiggling further onto the bed beside Bea, her arm open for her. And she obliges, falling to her side and dropping her head onto Zoey’s shoulder as an arm tightens around her shoulders, “I know there’s no stopping you, but you’re not allowed to get kicked from school. I’m not putting up with a shitty roommate because you got expelled or quit or something.”
“Okay,” Bea nods.
Zoey continues, “Do you promise you won’t do anything that might impact your stay at Belvoire?”
“Is this a contract? Do I need to get a lawyer?” Bea jokes, smiling against Zoey’s shoulder.
“Bea.” Her voice is stern, “Do you promise or not?”
She raises her head to meet Zoey’s gaze, the jokes falling away she pushes as much earnesty into her eyes as possible, “I promise, Zo. I’m not going anywhere.”
Zoey releases a sigh of relief, “Good,” just as Cutiepie crawls onto her side, flopping on her stomach and the tiniest amused smile quirking her lips. Bea reaches down to scratch his head, picking him up under his arms and pulling him into her grasp. She settles back against Zoey, setting Cutiepie on her chest and scratching behind his ears. He turns, licking at Zoey’s chin as she laughs softly, “Little weirdo.”
“Yeah, but you love him,” Bea grins.
Zoey pauses for a beat, glancing at Bea below her, eyes on Cutiepie, “Yeah, I do.”
Papers and plans surround Bea and Zoey on the floor of Bea’s bedroom, the former plotting her next move against Poppy as the latter scrolls her phone, her head on Bea’s shoulder as she works. Bea sorts through her papers, scribbling notes as she scans the pages.
Zoey glances up at her, finding her brow furrowed as she taps her pen on a page, focusing intently. Zoey sighs, sitting up and cupping Bea’s cheek to draw her gaze. She doesn’t give it, fighting to keep her eyes on the mess before her, “Zo, I’m working.”
Zoey’s palm pushes Bea’s face even farther from her paper, and she gives in with a sigh, irritatedly meeting Zoey’s gaze. There’s a crease between her brows and a frown on her lips that makes Zoey smile. Bea rolls her eyes at the quirk in her lips, “What, Zoey?”
She raises her other hand, cupping both sides of Bea’s face and uses her thumbs to lift the corners of her lips, “Turn that frown upside down,” she murmurs softly with a grin.
Bea’s jaw falls open as she stares at Zoey, whose gaze is trained on her lips, fingers still brushing the corners. She swallows thickly, “I, uh, that’s why you interrupted me?” she chokes out through a throat that seems impossibly dry.
Dark eyes finally meet her own, “Yep,” she beams. “But now that I have your attention,” she drawls. Her hands spring from Bea’s face, grabbing her hands as she jumps up, “Movie night!” She drags Bea along before she’s even on her feet, pulling her out of the bedroom and into the common area. She sets her on the couch, pushing down on her shoulders to get her to sit.
“Zo, I need to finish -”
“Nope!” Zoey cuts her off, looking at her sternly, “Movie. Night.” She turns, grabbing the remote and pulling her phone from her pocket. She passes the remote to Bea, giving her a sharp look when she attempts to decline, and pulls up Postmates on her phone.
They spend the night on the couch, ignoring the problem of Poppy, ignoring the plans Bea’s been working on, ignoring their homework and all the assignments Kingsley needs graded. They ignore everything outside of the dorm for the night, gorging on Chinese takeout and watching bad movies that make them laugh until they cry.
Bea and Zoey sit at a picnic table on the courtyard, eating burritos and scrolling their phones, occasionally showing each other funny videos and posts. It’s a calm day in the courtyard for once, no events or billboards of hog calling.
Well, it was a calm day, but Poppy’s intent on ruining that. She storms across the courtyard with Chloe hot on her heels, eyes trained on the back of Bea’s head as she sips an iced coffee, laughing at a dog video Zoey just sent her. “Farmsville!” she screams across the space.
Bea glances over her shoulder, shrugging as she spots the fury on Poppy’s face, and turns back to her lunch, still tapping away at her phone. Poppy muffles a scream, striding directly to Bea, “Farmsville!” This time she doesn’t even get a glance.
She stops at the table, grabs Bea’s burrito, and throws it as far as she can, leering down at her. Bea stands meeting her gaze, “What, Poppy?”
“You leaked my credit cards?!” she hisses, snarling like a wild animal.
Bea grins, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Bull. I know it was you.”
“Do you now?” Bea asks calmly, reaching for her coffee and taking a long sip, meeting Poppy’s gaze coolly as she does.
“This part of your little vengeance plan for New Money?” she leers at Zoey, still sitting at the table and eating quietly. “Why do you even care about her, Farmsville? I get that she’s a little useful, but she’s still replaceable, just like anyone else,” she scoffs.
Bea slams her drink on the table, startling Poppy briefly as rage immediately takes over features, “Is that what you think Poppy?! That no one but you matters?! You think you’re so important and above everyone else even though you don’t do shit!”
Zoey’s abandoned her lunch now, crossing over to the opposite side and hovering warily behind Bea, close enough to intervene if necessary but far enough to let Bea handle it. It’s part of her plan, after all.
Poppy scans the pair of women before her as if she’s unimpressed, “No need to get so worked up, Farmsville. This never would have happened if you hadn’t picked her. Just find someone that’s not a criminal,” she shrugs.
Bea flies forward in the blink of an eye, tackling Poppy to the ground and towering over her, Zoey shouting behind them in shock, “Bea!”
Before she can do anything, Bea punches Poppy right in the jaw, sending her head flying. She punches once, twice, and is rearing up for a third hit when Zoey’s arms slip around her torso and jerk her backwards, pulling her back as she squirms and fights in her grasp, “Let me go, Zo! Let me fucking go!”
“You’re gonna get expelled!”
“I don’t care!”
Zoey’s lips drop to her ear, “You promised me.”
Bea immediately goes limp in her arms, all the fight knocked out of her in a fraction of a second. “Thank you,” Zoey whispers again, Bea’s feet slipping beneath her body to hold her up.
“You fucking animal!” Poppy shrieks, still sitting on the ground as Chloe pokes at her jaw, only pissing her off even more.
“At least I can admit it!” The fight’s back as she stands properly, slipping out of Zoey’s grasp, even as the other woman attempts to keep her back. “At least I can admit that this is all ridiculous! At least I can admit that it’s pointless and stupid! Can you admit it, Poppy? Can you admit that your precious crown has no worth? That you have no worth?” She stands over the strawberry blonde, staring down at her intently.
“Fuck off, Farmsville,” she scoffs, stumbling to her feet by gripping Chloe’s shoulder and shoving the blonde to the ground. “Run back to your cave with your little felon friend. At some point you’ll realize just how little she matters,” Poppy spits.
Bea meets her gaze easily, jaw clenched tight, “She matters more than you. She matters more than me. She matters more than anybody, and at some point you’ll realize that, when she’s more successful than you, more popular, more wealthy, more respected. You’re a vile creature, and somebody you’ll lose your power and sit sulking as everyone stops caring about you. Because you. Don’t. Matter.”
“Bea, that’s enough,” Zoey slips an arm around her, carefully leading her away, their lunches abandoned. And this time Bea doesn’t resist, doesn’t fight back, doesn’t try to squirm away to fight with Poppy more.
She lets Zoey lead her back to their dorm, sit her at the kitchen counter, and make her a cup of tea. She lets Zoey turn on 90s music as she dances around the kitchen, trying to lighten the mood and resolve some of Bea’s anger. She lets her wrap her in a hug when the music and dancing doesn’t work, let’s her tell her to let it go and move on, to forget about Poppy and all her bullshit.
“I can’t just forget it, Zoey, I can’t let her get away with everything she’s done,” she meets dark eyes, her own shining as she silently pleads for Zoey to understand, to give her permission to carry on this path that will only lead to destruction.
Zoey sighs, her head dipping as she thinks. She looks back up after a minute, meeting Bea’s gaze, “If we’re doing this, we’re being smart about it.”
“I’m doing it, Zo. You’re staying out of this,” her brows knit together, her face serious as her eyes pour into Zoey’s.
“Nuh-uh,” Zoey shakes her head. “You just attacked Poppy. You need me to keep you in check, babe, hate to break it to you,” she smiles teasingly.
“She already -”
Zoey cuts her off, “I don’t care. You promised me you’d stay safe, and clearly you can’t do that on your own, so suck it up and get over it, Bea.” Her words are sharper than she meant them to be, harsher as she stares down the woman across from her.
Bea sighs, her head falling to the counter beneath her arms. “Fine,” comes out muffled against the countertop. “But if she ever throws another tomato at you, I’m killing her on the spot.”
Zoey laughs, “Alright, deal. Luckily, I don’t think tomatoes are her choice weapon,” she grins down at Bea’s hunched form, relief spilling over her at Bea’s acceptance of her plan.
A hand slips in her own, Bea squeezing tight as she weaves their fingers together, “They better not.” Zoey squeezes back, lifting their locked hands to kiss the back of Bea’s, her thumb tracing her knuckles gently.
They miss the rest of their classes that afternoon, Bea plotting intently as Zoey reels her in on the crazier ideas. They order more burritos and watch the chaos of Bea posting Poppy’s cards on The T, all the purchases people made, all the people complaining that the cards were declined, and all of Poppy’s messages urging people to stop and telling them off when they don’t.
It’s amusing, Zoey has to admit, watching Poppy suffer and face backlash, to be the one under the criticism of the Belvoire public, be the one struggling and hurting. It’s nice, to get revenge and not even have to feel an ounce of guilt.
And it’s nice that Bea’s the one that got it for her, the one that decked Poppy in front of dozens of students because she talked trash on Zoey, the one that took tomatoes to the head to help Zoey.
Maybe it’s just Bea that’s nice, Zoey decides as she watches Bea break from her work to grin at Zoey, butterflies whirring in her stomach as she meets that smile, a tornado of fluttering wings whirling in her gut, a sickening but thrilling sensation filling every ounce of her body, an overwhelming but welcome presence. Yeah. That’s it; it’s just Bea that’s nice.
#choices fanfic#queen b#zoey wade#zoey x mc#qb revenge#justice for zoey wade 2020#another zoey from between for real prompts and an aurora fic#longer this time#im iffy on this one but wanted to post
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now all the world’s asleep (and your eyes are wide open)
Summary: Beca has a very strict set of rules when it comes to sleeping, rules that one Chloe Beale does not follow in the slightest.
Words: 3,046
Rating: T
Notes: For my dearest @bottombeca: I love you, even if you don’t sleep correctly <3
Read on AO3 or below!
Sleep, Beca has decided, is one of life’s true pleasures.
As a teenager, Beca could achieve around twelve hours of sleep a night whenever she got the chance, cradled pleasantly in the comfortable embrace of blissful dreamland.
(Her mother would lecture her about “wasting the day away” by sleeping so long, but Beca would always vehemently protest to that claim. Spending time becoming well rested, she would argue, was never a wasted day.)
All through college was much the same, especially in her freshman year. Kimmy Jin would always leave loud enough in the mornings to make sure she woke Beca up, only to glare at her before slamming the door on her way out, then would make enough noise upon her re-entry hours later to make it clear that she thought it was ridiculous Beca was still asleep.
It was a nice routine, really. One that Beca grew familiar with and almost (not really) looked forward to.
Moving in to the Bellas house pretty much put an end to Beca’s all-day sleep-athons.
Living in the Bellas house meant living in constant noise, for the most part. There were certain hours of the day in which its occupants were either all miraculously asleep or away at classes, but the vast majority of the day was filled with various chatter, laughter, and singing. Which Beca didn’t mind, honestly. It was certainly a far cry from the tense silence of the barely-functioning home she shared with her barely-functioning parents throughout her childhood.
The noise was a welcome change, even if Beca would never admit that to anyone.
That being said, the natural ruckus of the house did cause Beca a few rude awakenings: Flo ranting loudly about something one of her professors said, Stacie squealing about some all-around unremarkable thing, Amy stomping loudly up and down the stairs to their shared attic room.
Luckily those instances of interrupted slumber were fairly few and far in between. Her room was far enough away from the rest of the house that most of the noise didn’t even reach Beca’s sleeping ears, and most of the girls knew better than to wake her up, lest they face her tired wrath for the remainder of the day (or longer, depending on how petty she felt).
Most of the girls knew better than to wake her up, that is.
Chloe Beale did not fall in that category. Which, Beca supposes, wasn’t totally a surprise, seeing as there were many categories of “normal” that she didn’t fall under. After all, most girls would not burst into a stranger’s shower and demand an impromptu duet.
So Chloe wasn’t afraid to wake Beca up, which meant that she would do exactly that.
So often, in fact, that Beca became surprised on the mornings when she would wake up around noon, not an Amy or Chloe or anyone in sight. Because more often than not Beca would find herself awakened in a panic when a body jumped on top of her own, or when her name was called loudly from beside the bed, or when deft fingers would stroke softly through her hair as a quiet voice gently coaxed her into consciousness.
Actually, that last one didn’t bother Beca all that much, nor did it cause her to wake in a panic. And luckily that seemed to be Chloe’s favorite way to wake Beca up: curled up beside her on the bed, all gentle touches and quiet murmurs making Beca feel not all that mad about being awake at the ungodly hour of 10 AM.
In retrospect it was really no wonder that Beca ended up falling for Chloe in the end, Beca supposes. Not when Chloe was easily every exception to Beca’s rules in life. Not when Chloe had made her way over the brick walls protecting Beca’s heart and settled comfortably inside by the first year of knowing each other. Not when Chloe made Beca feel like she could take on the world without breaking a sweat.
So really, falling in love with Chloe was inevitable for Beca, even if it did take until they were out of college for her to realize it.
And really Chloe is the one who forced her to the realization: they were sitting on the floor of the living room in Beca’s apartment on some odd Thursday night, sharing a cheap pizza and watching some show that really wasn’t as interesting as the way Chloe looked in her large sweater and messy bun, when Chloe turned to Beca and said “I want to kiss you, and if you’re not okay with that you better tell me right now before I do it.”
Beca was pretty quick to realize her feelings when soft lips touched her own.
Where was she going with this? Beca had a point.
Ah yes: Beca loves sleep, and somewhere along the way she ended up loving Chloe as well.
And Beca supposes she could add sex to that list. Especially sex with Chloe.
Maybe that’s the sleepy part of her brain talking, or maybe it’s the three (four?) mind-blowing orgasms that Chloe gave her last night.
And on top of that, Beca’s definitely found her new favorite way of being woken up.
Chloe presses up closer behind Beca, lips trailing leisurely along the length of her neck. Beca stifles her smile, holding as still as possible to maintain the illusion that she’s still asleep, not ready for her bedmate’s ministrations to stop anytime soon. The kisses travel down to Beca’s bare shoulder, and Beca resists the urge to shiver at the feeling of so much smooth skin pressing deliciously against her own.
“You haven’t breathed in a solid minute, I know you’re awake.”
Chloe’s scratchy morning voice speaks up quietly, and Beca releases the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. Chloe chuckles from behind her, her arms tightening in their hold around Beca’s middle, and while Beca would normally try to act grumpy at the light teasing so early in the morning, Beca can’t find it within herself to even attempt to be anything but blissfully content at the moment.
Beca smiles and presses her face further into her pillow. “I’m not awake. Try again later.”
Chloe laughs quietly again and, to Beca’s relief, continues her movements from before. Her kisses remain languid and unhurried, Chloe apparently content to lay in bed and do exactly this all day long.
And well, Beca definitely doesn’t have a problem with any of that in the slightest.
She rolls over and catches Chloe’s mouth in a lazy kiss, tongues sliding easily against one another’s as Chloe shifts to lay half on top of Beca, their legs tangling together in a way that makes Beca groan. Chloe hums in reply and deepens the kiss, hand coming up to bury itself in Beca’s hair. Beca’s own hands slide around Chloe’s back, fingertips dragging lightly against smooth skin and causing Chloe to shiver.
Beca grins against Chloe’s lips. Tightens her hold. Feels her heart flutter.
That stupid Disney song might know what it’s talking about. So this is love.
It’s some time later when Beca’s bladder can no longer allow her to keep leisurely making out with Chloe. She (reluctantly) pushes herself away from Chloe’s warmth and rolls out of bed, throwing Chloe’s t-shirt from the previous night on as she gets to her feet. Beca turns to look at Chloe in all her nude glory on the bed as she stretches sleepily, arms raised high above her head, and bites her lip, wondering how the hell last night wasn’t some crazy (and remarkably vivid) dream.
Beca snaps herself out of her ogling and turns to leave the room, but something catches Beca’s eye before she can: Chloe’s feet, sticking out from beneath the untucked covers at the end of the bed.
Beca’s eye nearly twitches at the sight, but she shakes her head and ignores it, choosing instead to head down the hall and slip into the bathroom to do her business.
Really, it wasn’t a big deal. Beca just liked having her blankets properly tucked in at the end of her bed- that was all. Surely they had just become untucked at some point in their activities the previous night, and Chloe stretching in the bed just now happened to put the fact on display.
Beca flushes the toilet and washes her hands. She would simply tuck the covers back the way they were later in the day, easy as that. It was a one-time thing; no need to pay it any extra thought.
Besides, Beca muses with a wry smile as she walks back into the bedroom to see Chloe lounging invitingly in her bed- there were much more important things to be thinking about right now.
* * *
It was not a one-time thing.
The untucked covers, that is. And the sex. Neither was a one-time thing, and Beca was only okay with half of that statement.
And okay, look, it’s not like Beca is some sort of neurotic, controlling, perfectly-made bed freak- she’s not. Sometimes Beca’s too lazy to make her bed in the mornings. Sometimes she doesn’t even get out of her bed at all in a day. She’s not completely crazy over how beds should or shouldn’t be made. Like, she’s not the Aubrey of beds.
But Beca believes that beds are holy places meant for only the most remarkable of activities (sleeping, sex) and should therefore be treated with respect. So it was reasonable, really, that Beca had a few (unwritten, of course) rules when it came to beds: blankets are to remain tucked in at the end at all times, all limbs are to remain on the bed whilst sleeping at all times, and all objects besides blankets, pillows, and girlfriends are to remain off the bed at all times.
They’re simple rules. Rules that any normal person would abide by with little to no trouble at all.
Except, as stated before, Chloe Beale is no normal person.
Chloe Beale is, without a doubt, the most chaotic sleeper that Beca knows. Untucked blankets, feet hanging over the mattress, and thrown pillows are all common occurrences on the nights they spend together, regardless of whoever’s apartment they happen to be at. The worst of it are the times that Beca will walk in to see Chloe already asleep, completely sideways or upside down on the bed.
On those occasions, Beca seriously considers just taking the couch for the night.
So with all that in mind, if Beca has to watch Chloe purposefully untuck the covers on her bed one more time she is going to go absolutely crazy.
“And I honestly don’t know what Chelsea’s problem is. I mean it’s not like I’m getting any special treatment or anything. I’m doing the work just like everyone else is.”
Beca watches Chloe go about her nighttime routine from the comfort of Chloe’s bed, amused at the little rant that she’s been going on about for the past five minutes. “Please, I’m sure you got that promotion because you work harder than everyone else, Chlo.”
Chloe shoots Beca a grin over her shoulder. “Well, I mean, that’s definitely true. It’s not like anyone else exactly gives their all, you know?” she muses, pulling off her shirt to replace it with a tank top to sleep in. Beca’s eyes are immediately drawn to the copious amount of enticing skin on display in the brief moments in between the clothing swap, teeth sinking in to her bottom lip in the process.
Beca’s eyes snap back to Chloe’s face to see a teasing glint in clear blue eyes. Beca immediately feels her cheeks heat up, already knowing that she’s been caught. “Like what you see?” Chloe asks coyly.
Beca crosses her arms petulantly and bites the inside of her cheek. “I… don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Chloe hums a little and crawls forward on the bed to reach Beca, leaning in close enough that Beca can smell the familiar scent of her shampoo. Beca gulps and feels a shiver run down her spine at the proximity. “I think you do, but I’ll let you pretend if that’s what you want,” she whispers before pecking Beca quickly on the lips and pushing herself off the bed.
The breath that Beca didn’t even know she’d been holding rushes out of her in a puff of air. She glares at her girlfriend. “You’re an evil woman.”
Chloe laughs from where she stands at the end of the bed. “But you like that, don’t you, baby?” she asks casually, bending down to untuck the blankets at the end of the bed that Beca had meticulously tucked just minutes before.
And Beca didn’t know what she would have responded to that with before, but she certainly doesn’t know what to say now as she stares at the unkemptness that is the end of the bed.
But it’s not a big deal, Beca tells herself. Whether or not the covers are tucked is not a big deal and she should stop worrying about it.
So, Beca grits her teeth and forces a grin on her face, looking up as Chloe moves to turn the lights off in the room. “Yep, you caught me. I really do like the evil act.”
Chloe laughs easily as she slides into place next to Beca under the blankets. “I knew it. I’m surprised you admitted it so easily.”
Beca winces. Yeah, there would definitely be consequences to her off-handed answer later on, but it’s whatever, it’s fine. “I’m going to bed,” she grumbles, burrowing herself under the covers.
Chloe simply chuckles again in response and scoots closer to Beca, arms coming forward to pull her into her body. Beca (of course) allows it, sighing in contentment as she buries her face in Chloe’s shoulder, ignoring how she can just feel the loose blankets around her feet.
It’s a couple minutes later as Beca is just falling asleep that she realizes there’s something digging uncomfortably into her side. She shifts and reaches underneath the covers, only for her hand to meet the shape of something that absolutely should not be in the bed at that moment.
“Chloe,” Beca says, trying to keep her voice even.
“Hmm?” Chloe hums in response, quite obviously nearly asleep.
“What is this?” Beca questions, pulling the item out from under the covers and dangling it in front of Chloe’s face.
“Oh!” Chloe says in surprise, taking the object from Beca’s hand. “My keys! I was wondering where I’d put them…”
Beca’s eye twitches. Something inside of her snaps.
“That’s it,” Beca yells suddenly, body moving in a whirlwind until she’s switched on her bedside lamp and pacing the room. “I can’t sleep like this anymore.”
Chloe sits up and looks at Beca with wide eyes. “What do you mean? What’s wrong?”
“Everything is wrong,” Beca says, running her hands through her hair. “The blankets, the pillows, and now the keys are what’s wrong.”
Chloe presses her lips together. “Beca, I can’t help you out here unless you tell me what’s happening.”
Beca stops her frantic pacing and comes to a stop at the end of the bed, facing Chloe. She sighs. “You are, without a doubt, the most chaotic sleeper I have ever known. And while you might not see anything wrong with the way you sleep, it’s been slowly driving me crazy.” Beca grips the end of the untucked blankets and flips them up so that the end of the mattress is exposed. “You don’t even tuck the blankets in at the end of the bed. I just- I need some order when I sleep.”
Chloe waits to speak until Beca has been quiet for a few seconds. “You done?” she asks, and Beca winces at the tone. She lifts her head, expecting to see anger on Chloe’s face, but what she actually sees is probably closer to amusement.
Beca nods her head, suddenly feeling shy.
“Okay, first of all, I’m sorry about the keys, I really didn’t know I left them in here,” Chloe starts off, setting the very things on her bedside table. “And is this really all about our bed not being tucked in at the end?”
Beca shrugs sheepishly. “I just… I like to have them tucked in.” She pauses for a second before adding, “Are you mad?”
Chloe chuckles kindly, and the sound loosens something in Beca’s chest. She crawls forward until she can kneel in front of where Beca is standing at the foot of the bed and takes Beca’s hands in her own. “No, I’m not mad at this. None of this is that big of a deal, Bec. I literally don’t care about what conditions we sleep in- tucked or untucked covers and all. The only thing I care about is that it’s you that I get to fall asleep with each night.”
A soft blush colors Beca’s cheeks at that. “Oh,” she says simply.
Chloe leans up to place a quick, comforting kiss against Beca’s lips. “So tuck the covers in and get back in bed. I want some grumpy control-freak snuggles.”
And any lingering Beca had felt is blown away by that. All Beca can do is laugh and do exactly what Chloe said to do: she tucks in the end of the bed, flips off her bedside lamp, and sinks right back into her rightful place in Chloe’s arms with a sigh of contentment.
“I love you,” Beca whispers right before falling asleep.
A kiss is pressed to the top of her head, causing Beca to smile. “I love you, too. No matter what.”
* * *
Sleep is one of life’s true pleasures, and Beca has decided that having someone to curl up with while you do it makes that statement even more true.
Chloe may hog the blankets, hang off the side of the bed, and kick the covers away once in a while, but all around Beca really doesn’t mind. They’re only little things, after all, and don’t matter in the grand scheme of the wonders of sleep.
So even if Chloe does leave her headphones or water bottle in between the sheets on occasion, Beca can live with that.
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The Choreographer
Intro: Hello, lovelies!! I hope you guys are having a good day/night!! So, you can thank @wokeupinawalnut for this one, I challenged her to something and she did it, so now I do this!!
Note: Y/N is a sophomore in college and works at the record store, one day Beca Mitchell walks in and everything changes.
Word Count: 1425
Working at the record store could be very boring, especially when you were stuck on a shift with Jesse, sure he was cool and all, but he never would shut up and he got on your nerves most days; so, to say you were very unexcited about your shift today was putting it nicely, but consider yourself surprised when instead of an annoying Jesse, you saw a tall brunette looking through the records with a lanyard around her neck with the name of the shop on it.
“Can I help you?” You asked, going and setting your things down in the small office before focusing your attention on her “Oh, no… I just started today, so I’m just kinda familiarizing myself with everything” the girl said, looking at you as you nodded “I see… Well, I’m Y/N, let me know if you need help with anything” you said, looking at her and watching as she gave you a smile that made your heart race “Beca” she said, holding her hand out which you took and gave a small shake.
As time went on, you found yourself falling for her which you knew was a bad idea since it seemed obvious that she was falling for Jesse, not shocking since they’re both hot and they have great personalities, it was like they were made for one another with how much they clicked, unlike you and Beca, you guys were polar opposites, so there wasn’t a chance, right?
When you decided to go to the riff off, you didn’t expect to see Beca there let alone in one of the groups; climbing down enough to where you could sit on the edge of the drained swimming pool, you locked eyes with Beca who gave you a smile and a tiny wave, causing you to feel your face burn a bit as you returned the wave, glancing over when someone sat down next to you “Hi” he said, looking at you as you raised an eyebrow “Hi” you returned, focusing back on the groups “Here for Jesse?” He asked, looking at you to which you shook your head “Jesse? No, he’s cool but it’s not like that” you said, waving a hand dismissively “That’s who I’m here for” he said, you looking at him but seeing he was looking at the groups, about to say something when the announcer spoke up, drowning your words in the cheers of the people.
You felt a small pit of jealousy bubble up when Jesse started singing It Feels Like The First Time and seemed to be solely focused on Beca, seeing that she was joining in on it as well “He’s really good” the guy next to you said once more “He is, no denying that” you said, giving a small chuckle “I’m Benji by the way” he introduced, looking at you and offering a hand “Y/N” you said, giving him a small smile as you shook his hand and your attention being pulled away when Beca started singing, watching as she did a solo at first before Fat Amy joined in and you swore your heart melted by Beca’s voice, it was hypnotizing.
A few days later, Beca came into the record store “You’re not scheduled” you said, raising a brow as you finished putting away the stack of records in your hands “No, I just needed to see-“ “Jesse’s in the back” you said, nodding your head towards the back door “What? No, I don’t need to see Jesse, I need to see you” she said, making you even more confused “What’s up?” You asked, cocking your head to the side “I need your help, our first performance was… Well” causing you to laugh since you had seen the first performance on tv and honestly the only good part was Fat Amy “What can I do?” You asked, looking at her with an amused expression “I’ve seen your work, I need your help with organizing a routine” she said, looking at you and knowing she saw the shock on your face since no one knew about what you did “Okay” you said softly, not happy that she had went through your things but you couldn’t bring yourself to say no to her, especially when she smiled at you like that and pulled you into a hug, boy were you hooked.
A week before the performance, you slumped in your seat at the practice room as you watched the train wreck that was the Bellas “You guys suck” you said simply once the stopped, shaking your head as you tossed the papers in your hands on the ground “You guys have one week to nail this! One week!” you said, running your fingers through your hair and not saying anything else “Let’s take a break, guys” Beca said, watching everyone head out before she went over to you and crouched down in front of you “Come with me” she said, resting a hand on your arm and helping you up when you let her tug you up to your feet.
“Where are you taking me, Beca?” You asked, letting her drag you up the stairs and to the roof of the building “Somewhere for you to chill” she said, taking you over to the side of the roof and sitting down, having you sit down beside her “We will get this, Y/N” she assured, looking at you and slipping her hand into yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze, the two of you having become really close during this short amount of time “I know… I’m just stressing, I’ve never been in charge of something like this” you said, looking at her and seeing her giving you a small smile “I know, but we appreciate you… I appreciate you” she said softly, glancing at your lips as she said that and the two of you leaning in, jumping apart when the door opened “You two ready? We have work to do” Aubrey said, crossing her arms as Chloe stood behind her with a knowing look on her face, your face burning as you both stood up “Yeah, lets go” you said, awkwardly clearing your throat before following them down the stairs.
On the day of the finals, you were panicked to say the least, sure the last practice went well but you were worried that something would go wrong “Hey, we got this, don’t worry” Beca said, placing a hand on your shoulder and giving you a smile to which you nodded “Right, I know I know” you said, taking a deep breath before following her to the rest of the group “You guys got this” you told them, giving them a smile “Of course we do, right?” Aubrey asked, seeming more panicked than usual “Please tell me you didn’t eat cookies” Cynthia said, earning a glare from Aubrey “Guys come on, we’re right after the Trebles and they’re up, we got this” Chloe said, trying to keep everyone in check but even she looked a little panicked, not a good sign.
Standing backstage, you watched as the girls set up on stage, fiddling with the notebook in your hands as you watched them, feeling your face burn when Beca winked at you before she stood in position “Please be good” you whispered, hoping that your choreography was good and that everyone knew where they were supposed to be.
Cheering, that’s all you heard as the Bellas finished their performance and seeing them standing there before they dispersed “We did it!” Chloe cheered, hugging Aubrey as she jumped up and down “You guys did amazing!” You said, smiling at all of them and hugging a few of them, grinning when Beca pulled you into a hug “We couldn’t of done it without you” she whispered in your ear, pulling back just enough to look at you before she pulled you in for a heated kiss which you returned, hearing the other Bellas cheering as it happened, you feeling your face burn as she pulled back, reaching up and wiping some red lipstick off your lips “Wow” you said dumbly, not able to say much else before they were pulled onto the stage once more for the awards, you watching from the sidelines until Beca ran over to you and pulled you with the rest when they announced that they had won, you not fighting her as you let her pull you onto stage, this was one of the best nights of your life and nothing could ruin that, or could it?
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates / @5aftermidnight / @youngandwildx7 / @stewie-castle / @hopingforbarnes
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed!! If you’d like to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Have a good day/night!!
Requests Open
#beca mitchell x reader#beca mitchell x gn!reader#beca x reader#beca mitchell imagine#pitch perfect x reader#pitch perfect
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The Road to Us, and Everything in Between: Chapter 5
(This is a no magic AU. There is no existence of the Miraculous or the superheroes in this universe.)
AO3 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 6
As the days passed, Marinette began to find it harder and harder to function properly in front of Adrien. She would get all blushy and stumble over her words. When Adrien looked at her, she lost the ability to think. And it was frustrating her. Why couldn't she just act like a normal human being? Adrien was her friend after all!
Adrien was incredibly understanding though. He did not get annoyed at all when Marinette took time to form coherent sentences around him. He didn't laugh at her when she bumped into stuff because she was staring at him. He only smiled softly and looked at her like she was some precious thing, and that was only making it worse!
One day, Marinette passed by some girls of the Business department gossiping in the cafeteria. Usually, she kept her distance from such crowds, but this time she stopped.
Because she heard Adrien's name.
“Hadn't you noticed? Adrien is head over heels for her!”
“Of course!”
“I want to say I'm jealous, but I'm low-key shipping them. Have you seen how cute they look together?”
“We should have guessed given how much time they spend together.”
Adrien... and a girl? Was it... was it her? After all, she hadn't seen Adrien hang out with any other girl in the university.
Should she talk to those girls? She wasn't very close with them, but it was okay to swoop in because she heard them talking about someone she knew? Someone who apparently was “head over heels for her"
In a rush of adrenaline, Marinette decided to take the risk.
“Hi,” she began nervously, as she approached the girls. “I thought I heard you talking about Adrien?”
“Oh, Marinette is here! You’d know everything about it, right?”
That was nowhere close to “We were only talking about you!”, which was the kind of reaction Marinette was expecting.
“Hmm? What are you talking about?”
“Adrien's girlfriend Chloe, of course!”
Wait, Chloe? That's not what her name was! Who were they talking about then? What was going on?
“I'm sorry, what was that?”
“C'mon Marinette, don't be a spoilsport! You are like the person who is closest to Adrien in the entire university! Who would know the inner details better? And you can trust us, we won't tell anyone...”
Marinette had stopped listening. She stood frozen in her place. Adrien... he was dating someone else?
She felt something tighten painfully in her chest, and breathing was suddenly not as easy as it used to be. She quickly excused herself and ran to the bathroom. The noises of the cafeteria were making her nauseous. She had barely managed to shut the door behind herself when her knees buckled underneath her, and she dropped to her floor. The walls were spinning around her. The buzzing in her head began to grow louder and louder, and she clutched her head in agony.
Marinette did not know how long she stayed there. Maybe an hour, maybe more. When the heaviness in her limbs subsided, she got up and dragged herself outside the building, into the university compound. She needed the quiet and fresh air to clear her head. She sat on one of the benches for a while, trying to control her breathing. She was actively trying to block out the thoughts that had brought about the attack, and she had grown used to doing that for a while. That helped. It had been a while since her last anxiety attack, and she had been doing pretty alright recently. That's why she had neglected to keep her meds in her bag.
After a while, she went home. She couldn't take the risk of staying in class that day, and she could afford to take the day off.
When Marinette opened the door to the bakery, her parents looked up from what they were doing, but with a glance at her face, they understood what was wrong. Her mother put the tray of macaroons that she was carrying on the counter, and rushed to support her daughter. She helped Marinette walk up the stairs to her room. Marinette took the medicines, and then her mother tucked her in bed. The exhaustion and the action of the medicine took effect quickly, and soon she drifted off into a dreamless slumber.
She woke up a few hours later, but she still felt tired and dizzy. She tried to sit up, but the movement made her head spin. So she lay down and stared at the ceiling, trying to remember what had happened.
It all came to her in a rush, squeezing her heart painfully. For a moment, Marinette wondered if she had imagined the whole of it; the meds sometimes addled her brain in strange ways. But as her head cleared, she could recollect everything more vividly. Her heart might not want to accept it, but her mind knew it was true. Marinette tried to keep her breathing even, as she took the risk to think about it. Because she needed to organise it all in her head, else she might have another attack anytime.
There was no reason why Adrien could not date a girl. He was kind, smart, handsome and rich, of course he had plenty of admirers. And he was at liberty to be with anyone he liked. Marinette would be a fool if she thought that just because she was the only girl Adrien would hang out at university, meant he didn't have any other female friends. He did have a life outside the university after all!
It took her some time to accept it though. When did her little crush how into such a big thing as this? It felt petty of her, to be unhappy with her friend's happiness. But could she blame herself? She loved Adrien! She was in love with him! Was it really wrong of her to hope that she would be the one for him? After all the attention he had been showering on her over the last few months? Huh, Adrien probably saw her as just a friend. And that thought hurt her in ways she could not explain.
For the next few days, Marinette did her best to keep her distance from Adrien at the university. She would pretend she didn't see him when he waved at her. She would turn around and walk away if she saw him approaching. She had no idea why she was doing this, only that the thought of being around him or talking to him made her feel like she couldn't breathe. She noticed how Adrien's face fell when she walked away from him, but she really couldn't do anything about it.
Despite Marinette's best efforts, one day, Adrien finally managed to corner Marinette. She was walking along the corridor when Adrien took her by surprise and pulled her into an empty classroom.
“Okay, what's going on?” Adrien asked, crossing his arms at his chest.
Marinette could feel her heartbeat getting faster. How was she going to get herself out of this? She kept her eyes fixed to the floor, doing her best not to look at the boy standing in front of her. What was she supposed to reply? But even then, she could feel his gaze directed at her, and it was making her nervous and uncomfortable.
“Please Marinette,” Adrien went on in a softer voice, “tell me what happened? Why are you not talking to me? Did I do something to hurt you? Are you mad at me?” He took both of Marinette's hands in his, which made her look up at him with widened eyes. “Please talk to me, Marinette,” he almost begged.
Marinette took a deep breath. Adrien would probably not let her go until she told him. But the problem was from where should she begin so that it made sense?
“Y-you never told me that you had a girlfriend.”
Adrien looked a bit taken aback at that. “Huh? I don't have a girlfriend. Not to my knowledge, that is.”
Seriously, he was trying to hide it even now?
“I heard the other girls talking about her. Ch-Clai-"
“Chloe?” Adrien offered.
When Marinette nodded, Adrien burst into laughter, much to her confusion.
“Oh no, Marinette, you've got it all wrong! Chloe is not my girlfriend.”
She wasn't? Marinette felt something in her heart begin to set in motion after a long time.
“Chloe is just a family friend. She's like a sister to me! She returned from New York only a few weeks ago. We have gone out for lunch a couple of times, and some stupid reporter decided that it would make an interesting headline.”
Marinette was not completely convinced, and that must have shown on her face. Adrien leaned in towards her, and went on, “I'll tell you a secret. Chloe isn't even interested in men. So if you ask me, you have more chance of dating her than I do,” he ended with a wink.
Marinette let out a little giggle at that.
“Oh how I have missed that sweet sound,” Adrien remarked, making Marinette blush furiously.
Just then, something clicked in Adrien's mind as his expression turned serious again. “So,” he began, “that's why you have been avoiding me all these days? I don't understand, why was it so upsetting to you?”
Oh no.
Marinette hesitated. But Adrien was not going to let it go. “Do you know Chloe? Do you not like her?”
“That's not what it is.”
“Then what is it?”
She was so not prepared for this conversation right now. This was such a mess. How was she going to get out of it now?
But maybe it would work out? Adrien was not dating anyone. He might actually reciprocate her feelings then! After all, he did care enough to have cornered her to solve problems between them...
Marinette closed her eyes and tried to steady her mind. It was now or never. This would be the moment when Marinette Dupain-Cheng declared her feelings for Adrien Agreste. This empty classroom would be the witness of the glorious or the heart-breaking moment that followed.
“It's because I love you.”
Marinette could not figure out what Adrien was feeling, because he was giving her too less to work with right now. That one word carried almost no emotion, and his face displayed nothing but surprise.
“I am in love with you, Adrien Agreste.”
She felt silly repeating it.
After a few moments, Adrien finally spoke.
“I am sorry.”
That did not sound so good.
Marinette waited for him to continue, because that didn't feel like a conclusive statement at all.
“Marinette, I- I cannot return your feelings,” Adrien whispered, unable to meet her eyes.
Marinette kept staring blankly at Adrien. Her brain had stopped working.
A minute or two of painful silence passed between them. Adrien decided to speak first.
“You are an amazing girl, Marinette. I really like you, just not in that way. You are my best friend, and one of the closest people in my life. It's just that I don't feel the same-"
“So I am in love with you and you don't reciprocate?” Marinette suddenly snapped into speech interrupting him in the middle of his sentence.
Adrien was shocked into silence for a moment. But Marinette’s voice didn't sound accusatory at all. That was okay, right?
“Y-yes. That's right,” he managed to say.
“Oh, okay. I can deal with that.”
This did not feel quite right. Marinette didn't sound like she was alright.
“Are-are you okay Marinette?”
“Yes, I'm okay. I have been through this before,” she said in a voice louder than usual, with a weird grin on her lips.
Something about this was extremely unsettling. Marinette was behaving strangely and Adrien was beginning to get worried.
“Marinette, are you going to have an anxiety attack?”
“Pfft-no!” she lied.
“Can I-can I offer you a hug?”
At those words, something happened to Marinette. The smile faded from her face, and her eyebrows slanted downwards. Now the pain was visible in her eyes, as she whispered, “I'd like that.”
Adrien enfolded her in his arms and held her tightly. At first, Marinette stood limp, but slowly, she wrapped her arms around him and clutched on to him as though her life depended on it. And then she cried.
Adrien could feel her shaking in his arms, and the sobs and the wetness on the chest of his shirt didn't leave much to the imagination. It broke his heart to see her so weak, so broken. Tears broke through his eyes as he realised this was all because of him. But what could he do? He couldn’t just lead her on, only to break her heart later! This might be painful now, but this was for the best. Marinette deserved someone better than him, someone who could actually give her the love that she deserved.
Neither counted how long they stood like that. Wrapped up in each other’s arms, desperately seeking comfort. When at length they loosened their hold on each other, they took time to completely let go. And then Adrien took her hands in his and asked in a small voice “We're still going to be friends, right?”
“Y-yeah,” Marinette whispered, uncertainty looming over that word.
Friends. As if it were that easy.
Every time they crossed paths after that incident, it was painfully awkward. Forced smiles, monosyllable greetings, the over-formality was a constant reminder of the mess that had taken place in that empty room.
Marinette couldn’t stop blaming herself. It was her fault that she lost Adrien's friendship overnight. If she had managed to hold back her feelings, none of this would have happened. But what use thinking about it now, the damage was already done.
Adrien, on the other hand, held himself responsible for whatever happened. He seriously considered if it would have been worse than this if he had decided to give it a chance. At least that way he wouldn't have lost her company.
Within a few days, the forced friendship faded away as both of them began to actively avoid each other. Neither could bear to look at the pain on the other's face. The warm friendship had long decayed into an uncomfortable co-existence. And they found it too difficult to go on like that. So they both, separately, decided that it was for the best that they stayed away from each other. At least for a while, till they got their emotions sorted out.
#miraculous ladybug#ml fanfic#the road to us and everything in between#chapter 5#no magic au#alternate universe - no powers#marinette dupain cheng#adrien agreste#adrienette#chloe bourgeois#slow burn#my fic
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Origins: rewritten series
A/n: I’m starting with Origins cause I feel like this is going to be really confusion without it and just jumping into Copycat doesn’t seems natural. I hope you guys enjoy cause @loveswifi and I talked about the rewrites for hours and she was trying to help me figure out what fuk to do.
Read the whole series
Summary: Damian and Jon are sent on a mission and live with Jon’s cousin Marinette and one of Marinette’s friend and are shocked when they run into two heroes.
“Alright boys, Jon you’ll be staying with the Dupain-Chengs your mother’s second cousins and Damian you’ll be staying with the Lahiffes to look at Paris’ treaty of superheroes and investigate a power surge. This will be a year long mission and you will be posing as exchange students Jon, you’ll be with your cousin and Damian you’ll be with your age group,” Bruce informed two teenage boys one with glasses practically vibrating with excitement smiling at the other who was picking invisible dirt out from his nails bored before his father even started talking.
“We’re ready Mr. Wayne,” Jon said excitedly.
“Walk through the zeta with your bags and remember to keep a low profile. Be careful kids,” Clark said hugging Jon before they walked through.
“Damian, just imagine all the new friends we’re going to make this year in school!” Jon said dragging his reluctant friend behind him through the airport that they popped up in.
“You mean all the friends that you’re going to make, I’m sticking to the mission,” Damian said before looking around to see his friend was gone and talking the three people who must have been his host family. Jon’s cousin and Jon seemed really similar except she was pretty in Damian’s eyes, wait what, no not pretty not at all, no way.
“Damian this is Marinette, my Aunt Sabine and Uncle Tom, guys this is Damian my best friend,” Jon said looking at Damian with a smirk that he knew all too well. One that meant: I saw that.
Damian was settled with his host family that had two sons Nino and Chris, Nino was more chill than any of Jon’s family members could have possibly been. Nino showed Damian to school that morning and told Damian the way to his classroom and walked to his own settling the back. Damian watched from a distance and saw Jon and Marinette sit down behind a newly moved Nino. A blonde girl walked into the room and Damian had a feeling that he wasn’t going to want to watch that so he walked to his own class.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, that’s my seat,” Chloe said eyeing Marinette and Jon. Jon knew his cousin wasn’t going to defend herself, it’s just how she was so they were going to end up moving.
“But Chloe this has always been my seat,” Marinette said whining a little. She looked at Jon helpless.
They were both kicked out of their seats, Jon sat next to a red-head in the back and Marinette sat next to a girl named Alya.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing, well that girl is pure evil and we are the good people we can’t let her get away with it,” Alya said and then class started.
The bell rang and two kids were fighting in front of Jon and he was going to say something but the teacher Miss. Bustier shut it down real quick by sending Ivan to the office.
Jon, Marinette, and Alya walked to the library and heard a loud crash and saw a giant stone monster.
“I’m out of here,” Alya said snapping Jon out of his trance. “Where there’s a supervillain there’s a superhero not that far behind,” Alya said running out of the room.
“She’s not wrong that’s how it works in America,” Jon offered before walking her home. Jon sat in his room and heard questionable noises from Marinette’s room and saw her get enveloped by a ladybug costume and she went through her trap door to the balcony. She was going to try and play hero and that was something that Jon was not going to miss.
Jon got dressed in his uniform and flew over the stadium calling Robin out over the coms. “There are people out here trying to play hero Robin, come down the the stadium like right now,” Jon said before looking down and seeing Damian was already there.
They sat back and watched. The Jon part of Superboy loved how confident Chat Noir was but hated how nervous his cousin looked.
“Come on super red bug the world is watching you!” Alya yelled from down below.
“Ten bucks says she kicks his ass,” Jon said holding out his hand which Damian smacked away immediately. His cousin swung her yoyo and pulled Chat Noir from Stoneheart.
“Animal cruelty how shameful!” she said smirking. She then had to explain to her partner about how their powers worked after he wasted his on a soccer net. They made a plan and then a purple butterfly, yes a purple fucking butterfly flew away.
“Any ideas Jon?” Damian asked staring at the girl who was being confronted by Alya.
“Ladybug, call me Ladybug,” she said before swinging her yoyo and flying away.
“Leave them alone, they beat the villain, less work for us while we’re in Paris,” Jon offered standing up.
“You’re just saying that cause you have a thing for blondes Jon, don’t treat me like I’m stupid,” Damian said getting up too and grappling away.
“I DO NOT!” Jon yelled like two minutes later blushing bright red and flustered.
Jon and the Dupain-Chengs sat down for dinner before Sabine gasped at something on the T.V. people were being turned into stone monsters. Marinette ran up to her room and renounced her miraculous.
Across Paris, Adrien was shocked to hear that he couldn’t do anything without the mystery girl named Ladybug. She had made a mistake, hell Adrien did too but that didn’t mean that she didn’t have what it took to be a hero.
Jon walked up the stairs to his cousin’s room and sat down next to her pulling her into a hug.
So that’s sort of where Origins part one ends but part two will be out soon. If you want to be tagged for the rewritten series then tell me or if you have any episodes that you want to be added then tell me cause once part two is out then it’s too late. (See my previous post for episodes that are going to be rewritten.)
Peace out ya’ll!!!!
#miraculous rewrite#mlrarepair#rarepair#slow build#jon x adrien#marinette x damian#miraculous ladybug#miraculous class#jon and damian
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One Win, So Many Losses
This is my gift for @flashflashitsash in the @mlsecretsanta exchange! I was so excited when I got your name, because we were already mutuals! You seem like a really fun and silly person, so... I hope you like a nice helping of angst, with a dollop of fluff on top!
This is an alternate ending of Chat Blanc, starting where Marinette is forced to break up with Adrien.
Ao3 | FF.net
“Marinette? Why won’t you come inside?”
His voice was so wonderful. What a romantic scene this would have made. The rain pouring down, her standing just at the gate.
If only Gabriel hadn’t been so heartless. ‘The Brand.’ What a joke. Couldn’t he see his son was happy with her?
Apparently, happiness wasn’t something the Senior Agreste was familiar with.
“I’m sorry, Adrien.” She said softly.
“Sorry for what?”
“We…we aren’t good for each other.” The tears welled up in her eyes, despite how many times she had told herself that she wasn’t going to cry.
“What are you talking about? Of course we are! We love each other!”
She swallowed. “No…I don’t—I don’t love you anymore.” And that was as much as she could say. She hated liars. She hated lying. And she had already lied to him enough by hiding her identity. So she ran. She ran across the street and into the entrance of the Subway.
Tikki came out of her purse the moment they were cleared.
“Oh Marinette…” said she, her voice thick.
“No. Don’t talk to me like that.” She said, gathering herself. She sighed, pushing her despair away. “This isn’t over. I still love Adrien, and he loves me. I…I’m going to find a way to work this out.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m Ladybug. I always have a solution.” She smiled at that, briefly. “I…I don’t know what that is right now. And the thought of breaking Adrien’s heart—“ She clenched her eyes shut, willing away the tide of anguish. She would not get upset. Not over this. Mr. Agreste had won, but Hawkmoth wouldn’t.
Oh god, he sounded so broken. Adrien was running towards her, desperation pouring from him. He stopped on the top of the stairs. “Marinette…you don’t really mean…?”
Oh, he was crying. Tears rolled down his cheeks, and he looked absolutely broken.
She took a shuttering breath. “You should go back inside, Adrien. You’re getting wet.”
“I don’t care. I just want you. Please, Marinette…what did I do? Why don’t you love me anymore?”
She wiped the tear that gathered at the corner of her eye. “Adrien. Listen to me very carefully. Things are going to be okay. It hurts right now, but you need to hold onto hope. We’re kids. It’s not the end of the world.”
“It’s the end of my world!” He cried. “Why can’t I be upset about this?!”
“That’s why.” She pointed above them.
He turned, and saw the black butterfly only a few feet above his head. He gasped.
“Adrien, please calm yourself.” She begged.
Meeting her eyes, he saw her plead as something more. ‘I don’t want to fight you’
Although it was hard, Adrien took a deep breath and forced himself to think about something else. Ladybug was his usual happy place, so it took a little extra digging, but finally found peace in a joke that Plagg told him earlier in the day.
Things are going to be okay.
That’s what she said. That’s what Ladybug said. And he trusted her completely.
Although it was hard for him to take her at her word, especially when things seemed so bleak. But as he glanced up at the akuma, it was higher up now, farther from them, but still lingering.
“Go home, Adrien.” Marinette commanded. “Please.”
He looked to her, and then to the akuma, “what about you?”
“I’ll watch it.”
He got the code. Once he left, she’d transform and purify it. So he really wasn’t doing them any good by standing here. “O-okay…” He swallowed again, looking at her. She was so beautiful with her hair down. It was so hard to leave.
“I’ll see you at school tomorrow, okay?”
“Yeah.” His voice was flat, and he finally pulled himself back to the house.
Inside, he glanced out the window, only to see a yo-yo fly out of the subway entrance, and capture the akuma.
Without a word to anyone, he went upstairs to his room. As he closed the door, he leaned against it and slid down to sit.
“You okay, kid?” Asked Plagg.
“No,” Adrien answered miserably. “I thought—I thought we were made for each other! First she doesn’t want Chat Noir, now she doesn’t want Adrien?! What did I do?! Am I that unloveable?!”
Plagg nuzzled his face with a purr. “I love you, Adrien. I don’t say that very often, but I mean it.”
“Thanks Plagg...that means a lot.”
“And...About Marinette,” Plagg continued. “Pigtails isn’t the type of person to break up with someone without talking out their issues. Something must of happened.”
“Yeah…like she found out I’m Chat Noir! Or she found out I know her identity and didn’t tell her!”
“Again, I think she’d want to talk it out. Just…give it some time, Adrien. If she said everything is going to be fine, then it will be.”
Adrien wiped his face with his shirt. “Sure…whatever you say. How am I supposed to face her tomorrow at school? Or tomorrow night during patrol?”
“Chat isn’t dating Ladybug, so act normal. And at school…just be friendly, and try to reassure her that she didn’t totally snap your heart over her knee and pulverize it under her heel.”
Adrien teared up again. “That’s totally what she did!”
“Okay okay…you know Ladybug, right? You know she didn’t want to do this. She was crying too.”
“Yeah well…good.”
“Don’t get bitter.”
Adrien pushed away from the door and flopped face first onto his bed. “I just wish…she had given me something else to work with. She just said ‘I don’t love you anymore’ and ran off.”
“Why don’t you play some video games or watch that anime you like so much? Get your mind off of it. Ladybug might have stopped that akuma, but who knows if Hawkmoth will send more?”
Adrien sat up, looked flatly at the TV, and sat at his desk instead. “Homework.” He gave by way of explanation. “I wish we lived in a world where I could cry and not worry about getting possessed by the Mothman.”
“Well, then I wouldn’t be here, so deal with it.”
Marinette dragged herself back to the bakery, dropping her umbrella—Adrien’s umbrella— on the floor.
“Oh darling…” Tom sighed, seeing her despair. “Did you…did you do it?”
She sighed right back, determined not to cry. “What if we were to have a secret relationship?”
“Oh cupcake. Mr. Agreste may know fashion, but he doesn’t know love. He’ll see the mistake he made. If not…you’ll only have to wait until Adrien’s 18.”
She started bawling at that.
“It was a joke! I’m sorry!”
During the last month of Adrien and Marinette dating, it had become a sort of ritual to watch them meet up at school. The girls from the class gathered at the top of the stairs, and waited, because it was always a spectacle. It was like being apart for the night was agonizing for the couple, and they reunited like they had been apart for weeks.
“I think Marinette’s going to run to Adrien today.” Said Rose.
“I bet you five bucks that Adrien is going to run and pick her up.” Alya pointed back.
“Ugh, they’re so flashy. ‘Oh I’m in love! And not dead inside.’ I hate them.” Drawled Alix.
“Oh oh! Here comes Marinette!” Rose pointed down the sidewalk.
“And here comes Adrien, right on time.” Alya nodded to the car pulling up.
Adrien got out, and looked right to Marinette on habit.
They looked at each other. A thousand words unspoken between them. Marinette gave a quirk of a smile, and Adrien waved.
But then Marinette turned from him and ran into the school, stunning everyone.
Adrien looked like he was going to run after, but deflated, and trudged up the stairs at a slower pace.
“Uh oh, honeymoon’s over.” Alix joked, only to get elbowed by Mylene.
Alya stopped Adrien with an iron grip on his arm. “What. Did. You. Do?” She spat with venom.
Miserably, he turned to look at the girls, who were all very cross with him. “I…I don’t know. Did she say anything to you? Any of you?”
“No, we just found out something was wrong now. What is wrong?”
“I don’t know…she came to my house yesterday, and said…that it was over, and she didn’t love me anymore.” As he talked, his voice raised, and he swallowed back a sob.
“What?!” The girls shouted in unison.
“I’m going to murder her!” Screamed Rose. “All that time! All those plans! For a month! A measly month! I subscribed to Adrienette for a lifetime!”
Adrien shuttered again, his shoulders shaking. “I-I did too.”
Alya reached out and hugged him. “Oh Sunshine…there has to be a misunderstanding somewhere. Just yesterday she was showing me the binder with all of her wedding plans in it.”
“She planned our wedding? Was it beautiful?” He croaked.
“Shh. You know how Marinette gets. Sometimes she overthinks, and she comes up with the worst case scenario. I’ll talk to her, and we’ll get this all figured out.”
He nodded, desperate for a fix.
Meanwhile, someone else overheard the whole conversation, and went to confront Marinette in the locker room.
“Dupain-Cheng!” Chloe shouted, startling those lingering around.
Marinette groaned. “Not today, Chloe.”
But Chloe wouldn’t have that. She slammed the locker door closed, nearly taking Marinette’s fingers off. “You want to explain to me what you’re doing, breaking Adrien’s heart like that?”
Marinette looked away, unable to reply. But she was keenly aware of all the other students around.
“I saw him out there with the other girls. He was crying, Marinette. Crying. He hasn’t cried since his mother died! And if you don’t explain to me what the hell you’re thinking, I swear to God I will exile your whole family to Easter Island!”
“Chloe…” Marinette sniffed.
“Nah uh! Don’t you cry to get sympathy from me! It’s not gonna work!”
Marinette looked around, the other students still watching conspicuously. She debated with herself. Actually, if anyone would understand, it would be Chloe.
She shuttered and grabbed Chloe by the arm. “Not here.”
They made their way over to a janitors closet, and flicked on the light. Marinette made sure they weren’t followed and then closed the door.
Chloe crossed her arms, giving Marinette a look. “Alright, spill. I thought you liked Adrien?”
“I do. I love him…”
“That’s not what he said! He said you showed up, called it off, said you didn’t love him anymore, and ran off!”
Marinette was thankful he hadn’t mentioned the akuma. That was already complicated.
“So what? Is he not good enough for you?”
“He is!”
“Not rich enough!?”
“Chloe…” Marinette started to cry. This was so hard to talk about in the first place, and she wasn’t making it any easier. “I didn’t want to…”
“Did want to what? Break his heart? Because you did. And I’m five seconds from breaking your face!” She raised a fist.
“Okay! I’ll tell you! Just—don’t tell Adrien, okay?”
“No promises!”
“Gabriel told me to!” She blurted.
And just like that, Chloe’s anger was redirected. “What?”
“Gabriel…well, Nathalie with an iPad, came to the bakery yesterday. He said…he said me dating Adrien was ruining the Gabriel brand…and I had to break up with him or—“ She sobbed. “—Or he’d pull Adrien out of school and he’d never see his friends again! And I—I know how important school, you, Nino, and all the others are to him…so I…I let him go.”
Chloe dropped her fist and her jaw. “Marinette…”
“You can’t tell anyone! Not even Adrien!”
“But why not?! He deserves to know!”
“He—He should be angry at me! His relationship with his father is already unstable…I don’t want to be the reason it falls apart completely…and if anyone was to find out I was blackmailed…it would look really bad on Adrien.”
Chloe groaned. “Ugh, you are such a good person!”
“I’m not though…I hurt the person I love the most in the whole world…in the most painful way. I made him cry…” She barely managed to whisper.
“This is so ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous! As much as I hate to admit it, Adrien was really happy with you! Happier than I’ve seen in a long time…and for Gabriel to ruin that for…for what? I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. If you were a bad kid or an attention whore, maybe…but you’re not. This is so stupid.”
“It is,” Marinette whispered. “And I’m trying to find the loophole.”
Chloe crossed her arms. “Well. I’m telling Sabrina. And we’re going to figure out a plan to fix this mess. Because as much I dislike you, I dislike seeing Adrien upset even more. So I’m willing to put our differences behind us, and kick Gabriel’s ass.”
“Thanks Chloe. That means a lot.”
“Don’t get used to it.”
Marinette managed a smile. “I know Adrien will appreciate it too.”
“Yeah, well he better. Anyways, go out and have the most awkward day of your life.”
It truly was, the most awkward day.
As far as explanation, she hadn’t offered more than a shrug and ‘feelings change’ as an answer.
That wasn’t good enough, by the death glares she was receiving from her classmates. It seemed the story had made its way over to the boys side as well. Everyone was angry, except for Chloe and Adrien.
But boy, did he look heartbroken.
They didn’t talk at all. And she couldn’t stand to look at him. Marinette knew the atmosphere they had created was volatile and potent, but she didn’t know how to clear the air.
Sometime after lunch, she couldn’t take it any longer. So she stood in front of the room, took a deep breath, and cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention.
Well, she got it. And she was almost crushed under the weight of their anger.
Gabriel had no idea what he messed with.
“Hi,” she said, her heart in her throat. “I guess…everyone knows now. And I know you all want an explanation…and…I’m sorry. I can’t give it to you. I know that’s even more frustrating. But…I’m begging all of you…to let it go.”
“After all you put us through to help you get him, you’re stupid to think we’d just ‘let this go’!” Alix shouted. “I hate mushy stuff, but you guys were so annoying before! I think we all deserve an explanation!”
“You do,” Marinette confirmed with a whisper. She clenched her eyes shut tight, trying not to cry. “But I can’t. I’m not asking you to forgive me. I’m asking you to let go of your anger. For Ladybug and Chat Noir’s sake. They’ve fought almost everyone in this room. Don’t make them do it again.”
With that, she took her seat again.
Adrien turned around, and gave her his soft eyes. “That was really brave, Marinette.”
She blushed, and found herself leaning towards him. “Thank you, Adrien.” But she stopped herself, and sat back, looking away from him.
After school, she was quick to run from school before questions could be asked, or before Alya could corner her. She ran home, greeting her mother in the bakery with a kiss.
“Survive alright?” she asked.
Marinette sighed. “Just barely. If anyone comes, I don’t want to talk. I didn’t tell anyone what Mr. Agreste did, so they all think I’m a monster for breaking Adrien’s heart.”
“Alright darling,” Sabine said, kissing her head. “I’ll tell anyone that you’re grounded, and that we’ve taken your phone. We’ll fix this mess.”
Marinette wasn’t quite sure how that was going to happen now, now that everyone knew and was mad at her. Short of throwing Gabriel under the bus, which was looking increasingly tempting, she wasn’t sure what to do to make this all better. The damage had been done. And even if she took it back, she’d be seen as fickle. It was a lose-lose situation.
“I think I’ll tell Chat tonight.” She mused aloud.
“Chat? Are you sure thats a good idea?”
“I’ve got to tell someone! Someone who isn’t Chloe! I’ll spare some details, for identity sake, but he’s my best friend and I trust him with my life. If there’s anyone I can talk to, it’s him.”
Tikki didn’t look so sure. Although she didn’t know that Adrien knew Marinette’s identity, she did know who he was. And he’d probably figure her out if she gave a few clues.
“But…you know Chat’s still pretty in love with you. Do you think that’s fair to him?”
“Yes, Chat loves me. But he’s there when I need a friend, and he’s pretty clever. He’ll at least be someone I can bounce ideas off of.”
Tikki winced, realizing she was losing the argument. “If you’re sure…”
Marinette spent the next several hours doing homework, or at least trying to. Her phone sat nearby on her desk, and buzzed with several messages from classmates. She was just lucky that she could only read the first few words.
Alya: Lila was right about you…
Nino: You’re my friend, but…
Sabrina: Chloe gave me the low-down…
Rose: How could you do this to…
Alya: So this was a giant waste…
Nino: He’s just really upset…
Alya: I think I deserve some closure…
Rose: You’re better than this…
Alya: You’re not even going…
Adrien: I’m sorry.
Adrien: I love you.
Adrien: I always will.
Tikki took Marinette’s phone away, and turned it off. “You’re torturing yourself. This isn’t your fault, Marinette.”
“I can’t help but feel like it is.” Marinette shrugged.
“Sure. With everyone telling you it is, that’s only natural. But I’m telling you, this isn’t your fault. Not at all. I’m older than everyone, and I’ve been in your purse through it all. You didn’t do anything wrong. You are stuck between a rock and a hard place.”
Marinette took a deep breath, and agreed. “Okay. I believe you.”
Patrol came too soon for Adrien, and not soon enough for Marinette.
Friday night patrol started at a rooftop overlooking Place de la Concorde, a busy plaza during the day, and a pick pocket haven at night.
Though in the cold mist, there wasn’t that many people out anyway.
Chat was already there when Ladybug arrived. He sat at the edge of the roof, his shoulders hunched up in the cold. His ears were flat to his head, and his tail lifeless on the rooftop.
“Alright,” said Ladybug with a sigh. “I know why I’m bummed, but what’s got you upset?”
Chat hunched more, in a shrug, but didn’t look at her. “Life.”
She sat next to him with a sigh. They were almost touching, but just enough space to breathe. “Not gonna elaborate?”
He was quiet before finally confessing, “I broke up with my girlfriend. Or…she broke up with me.”
Ladybug’s eyes widened. “You had a girlfriend? I thought you were still tragically in love with me.”
“I am. Tragically.”
“Oh…” she sighed.
“Look, I don’t really want to talk about it. What…what about you? You said you’re bummed?”
She grimaced. “Well…if you’re upset, I don’t really want to dump on you.”
“No My Lady, I’d rather think about someone else’s problems for a while.” Because her problems were hopefully his problems, and he’d finally get some answers. “Hit me with your best shot.”
She let out a massive sigh, then laid back, her fingers intwined on her stomach. “Well…ironically. I broke up with my boyfriend.”
“Mr. Perfect? Why? Did you find out he’s not so perfect after all?” There was true melancholy in his voice, that he hoped she wouldn’t pick up on.
“That’s not it at all…he’s…he’s so perfect…” Her voice wavered. “…I love him so much.”
Chat watched with a twisting heart as his Lady unraveled. It started out as sniffles, and then she brought her hands up to cover her face as tears started to roll. Then more fell, until she was a sobbing wreck.
A sick part of Adrien wanted to be pleased seeing her upset. She broke his heart!
But he didn’t feel any satisfaction at all. He felt worse. Because he still loved her abundantly.
“All I ever wanted--…he was my weakness, Chat. I loved him more than I ever loved someone. I worked so hard to get him to notice me. Every second we were together…I felt like I was home. I felt…completely at ease, and still incredibly nervous. I was always afraid I’d say something wrong…but then he’d smile at me, and my heart would feel so full.” She wiped her cheeks in vain, and pushed off the ground. “I hurt him…so severely, Chat. I made him cry…even if I could take it all back, even if I could explain it all…I could never undo the hurt I caused him.” She hugged herself. “He would forever wonder if I’d just up and leave him again.” Then she added with a whisper, “he’s lost enough.”
Chat watched with a hole in his chest, as tears gathered in his own eyes. “So…what did happen? If you love him so much…was it because you’re Ladybug?”
“No,” her voice was just a whisper, as she sniffed again, desperate to get ahold of herself. “By that logic, I would have cut all ties to everyone in my life…” she shook her head. “It’s…it’s so stupid Chat.”
He just waited patiently for her to explain. Explain that she thought they were incompatible, too different, or something like that.
“His father came to my house.” She began.
With just that much, Adrien’s stomach dropped into his shoes.
“He came to say…that I was a bad influence on him, and I was a…an affront to the family name. He demanded that I stop seeing him, or…or he’d pull his son from school and he’d never see his friends again.”
Chat’s jaw dropped as he stared at her, unable to say a word.
“And he…he made me do the dirty work! He made me break up with Ad-…er, my boyfriend. He didn’t forbid him himself! He blackmailed me! And…” She gave up trying to fight the tears wetting her face. “And I can’t tell him about any of this, because his father is all the family he has left and I can’t ruin that for him!” She clapped her hands over her face as emotion took control.
Chat was crying too, for other reasons.
“You really love me that much?” He whispered.
She still heard it. She turned to look at him. “W-what?”
Her eyes widened as she started to scoot away from him. “No…no you can’t…I said too much! I said too much and now I—I’ve messed this all up! All I do is make mistakes!” She wailed.
Chat was quick to follow her, reaching out to take hold of her wrist. “No My Lady…shh it’s okay.”
“It’s not okay Chat! You know who I am! I’ll have to give up my Miraculous!”
His hold was gentle, as he lightly tugged on her to keep her from running from him. “Marinette…I knew a while ago.”
She swallowed. “How…how long?”
“About a month. You left me a gift in my room, and you signed it as yourself.”
“But you weren’t—“ Her eyes blew wide as she frantically pulled her arm away. “No no no! Chat! You can’t tell me who you are! I’m not supposed to know!”
“And Master Fu is going to take them back now?” He demanded. “After all of this? All of our training? He’d start from scratch?”
Ladybug didn’t know the answer to that question, so she just sat there, trembling. “I…I don’t know what to do. I’m supposed to have a solution for everything, but I just keep messing things up.”
“Plagg, Claws in.”
Ladybug shielded her eyes against the flash of green.
And then when she opened them, she was greeted with the beautiful sight of her ex-boyfriend. Clad in pajamas, with dark bags around his eyes…crying. Again.
“My Lady…”
“Adrien…I’m so sorry I hurt you. I never wanted to, but—he twisted my arm and I—“
“I want to see you.” He whispered back. “Please Bugaboo.”
That name was so jarring coming from his mouth. But none the less, she dropped her transformation. It was hard to say no to him. The night breeze was a lot cooler without the suit, and she shivered.
“Come here,” he beckoned, opening his arms.
She shook her head. “No. I don’t deserve a hug. I broke your heart, I revealed my identity, I ruined your relationship with your father—“
He pressed a finger to her lips. “Okay, stop. Shut up.” He said, his tone harsher.
She did as he asked, staring in shock and a little curiosity.
“Marinette, my relationship with my father has pretty much always been bad. Especially since my mom disappeared. You could have told me, I would have understood. But still, you made the best choice with what you had, and yeah…it hurt, but knowing that you…you knew how important being with everyone was for me, and put that above your own happiness?” He closed his eyes, letting the tears just fall, as he was overwhelmed with emotion. “It floors me Marinette. I…I always thought you were amazing. Even before I found out who you were. Knowing that you were Ladybug was just…the final piece clicking together. This month has been the most fun I’ve had in a long time, and every day I fell deeper and deeper in love with you.” He took hold of her hands, feeling the softness of her skin against his own. He brought one up to his lips, and kissed her knuckles. “Marinette, you’re it for me. I know I still have a lot to learn about love and life…but I want to learn it all with you by my side.”
Her heart was melting, and she could barely speak. “Are you sure?”
“Of course, Bugaboo!” He pulled her in, silencing her anxieties and self doubts with a kiss. Lips warm and soft on each other, with salted tears tasted between. He wrapped his arms around her, his fingers clawing into her back, desperately clinging to her.
It took only a half a second for Marinette to melt into the kiss. She missed him. Just as she did every night when they said goodbye. Seeing each other at school, and for the briefest of chaperoned dates was just not enough. They couldn’t be affectionate like this. A prolonged hug here, a chaste kiss there.
But this was different. This was pure raw emotion. Propriety be damned!
Marinette wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her fingers running through his hair. She eagerly caught up to his kisses, meeting him with an open mouth and a bleeding heart.
They pulled away for a moment, just staring at each other, before breaking into a fresh round of tears and kissing again.

Plagg, who had watched the display with some sort of disgust, opened his moth to speak. But thankfully, Tikki shushed him and led him away to give them privacy.
Adrien ran his hands down her sides, admiring her curves.
She hummed into the kiss, making him respond with a moan of his own.
His tongue darted out shyly, just to tease her lips. She shivered, and responded in kind.
He pushed on, capturing her tongue and sucking on it, sending goosebumps down both of their spines.
“Mari…” he whispered, before going back for another sinful kiss.
“Now I’m hooked.” She giggled, racing to match his lips. “I’ll never…be able…to stop…”
“My plan worked then.” He grinned back. “You’re mine again.”
She pulled him in for a fierce kiss and then pulled away with a smack. “Then what do we do about your father? He said he was going to pull you out of school…”
“Oh my lady, don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.” He kissed her cheek.
“What if just Ladybug and Chat Noir dated?”
“Im-paw-isble, I can’t keep my hands off of you now!” He purred, giving a gentle pat to her rear.
She squeaked, and returned the favor a little harsher. “You better!”
“Hmm…I’ll think about it.” Then he kissed her again.
The next day was Saturday, thankfully. And Adrien stood outside his fathers office, with an armful of ammunition (selflessly provided by Sabrina and Chloe, of all people.)
“You ready?” Asked Plagg, playing hype man.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
“I believe in you.” The Kwami stated, before swooping into his shirt.
Adrien took a deep breath of courage and opened the door with gusto.
Maybe a little too much gusto, considering it slammed against the wall.
“Adrien!?” Gabriel barked, startled.
“Father,” Adrien said calmly.
“Where are your manners? I’m busy. Please check with Nathalie if you need to speak with me.”
“That won’t be necessary.” Adrien said, practicing his father’s own behavior. “I’m just here to let you know that I’m going over to my girlfriend’s house to play video games and eat cookies.”
Gabriel frowned, his lip twitching in a dangerous way. A way that sent a shiver down Adrien’s spine. This man would blow up at any second.
“Interesting. I thought you and Miss Dupain-Cheng were broken up.” He kept his tone neutral.
“Interesting indeed, considering I never mentioned that to you.”
Gabriel’s eyes widened slightly, acknowledging he had been caught.
Adrien attempted to stroll casually into the room, coming closer to his father’s work station. “You see, I have from a reliable source, which is not Marinette or her family, that you told her she was a blight on the brand.”
Gabriel was not dissuaded. “That is correct, Adrien. However fond you are of Miss Dupain-Cheng, your behavior with her has been inappropriate and against what Gabriel stands for. More so, you are the face of Gabriel, and your relationship is a turn off of all the young women who like to pretend you’re eligible. You are getting bad publicity.”
“Oh, you mean like this?” Adrien took out the first article, from Vogue, titled ‘Adrienette sweetest couple of the year’. “Or perhaps this one?” One from People ‘Adrien Agreste and his new girlfriend are the couple we want our kids to be’.
“Those are two. There’s been stories all over the Internet.”
“Of course. I thought you might say that, so that’s why I have these.” And he dropped a stack of papers into Gabriel’s hands. Hundreds of articles, from nobody publications, to household names. Credible sources and even some questionable magazines. The results were in.
Adrienette was ‘cute’.
Gabriel didn’t say anything, couldn’t say anything to argue against it.
Then he flipped the script. “Well, profits have been down this quarter—“
“Actually, they haven’t.” Corrected Adrien, a bit too smugly. “They’re actually up.” He dug out another picture. “You remember this jacket, right?” He held up a design. A silk bomber jacket with teal and blue lining, with a peacock feather embroidered on the back.
“Ugh, yes. We barely broke even with that one. Apparently it was an ‘insensitive’ design in the wake of Mayura.”
“Well, two weeks ago, I wore that jacket out on a date, and Marinette got cold, so I let her borrow it. The tabloids got a picture of us together and…it sold out in 48 hours.”
Gabriel’s jaw dropped “What?”
“Yeah. Apparently, girls wanted to look like her. Imagine that. The same thing happened with a blouse I got her for our two weekaversary. Over all, people love her…the only one who doesn’t, is you.”
Gabriel fell silent.
“Which I’m having a hard time understanding. You thought she was talented, right? Audrey Bourgeois thought so too. So…can we talk about this? Why don’t you like her?”
How to answer that question? Because truly, he did like Marinette. Everyone liked her, that’s why she would be such a good akuma. She was a very nice, polite, reserved girl. The kind of girl that he didn’t mind Adrien dating. She came from good stock, since he had met Tom and Sabine in person for several events they catered for. She was also extremely talented for being so young.
Gabriel decided to take the easy way out and blame someone else. “It seems that my intel was incorrect. Very well, I see no further reason that you and Miss Dupain-Cheng shouldn’t date. You may go.”
“Ahem.” Adrien said, crossing his arms.
“What is it? I already gave you permission—“
“You owe Marinette an apology.”
Gabriel blinked. “Are you serious?”
“Completely. She was absolutely heartbroken. If you want a good relationship with your future daughter in law, you better apologize.”
“Future daughter—“ he scoffed. “Fine. Nathalie, if you would escort Adrien to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery?”
“Nuh-Uh,” Adrien protested. “You’re coming and doing it in person.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Now you’re just being dramatic.”
“Oh, am I? Fine. Then I quit modeling.”
“What!?” Barked Gabriel.
“You heard me. Apologize to Marinette in person, or I quit modeling.”
“Now be reasonable! You’d throw your career away for a girl?!”
“For this girl? In a heartbeat.”
Gabriel blinked at the response, then sighed massively. “You know what? Fine. I will go apologize in person. If that will make you happy.”
“It would, father.”
“And when you inevitably break up with her, I expect you to apologize to me.”
“I bet you 50 dollars I marry her.”
Gabriel looked at him flatly. “You think I’m the kind of man to gamble?”
“Either you are, or you’re a chicken.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Since you’re so taken with this flight of immaturity, I’ll see your bet. If you are still seeing Miss Dupain-Cheng in 4 years, I will give you 50,000 dollars to put towards your wedding. But if you break up, you never quit modeling, and you date the girl I pick for you.”
“Then let’s get this over with.” Gabriel saved his document and walked out of the office.
A part of Adrien wondered if this was real life, but the rest of him was too excited to contemplate it.
The ride to the bakery was awkward. Gabriel was the silent type, and so he said nothing, just looked out the window. In most things, he considered Adrien too young to understand what was good for him.
But with Marinette, he did seem very enamored. Gabriel considered their relationship if it were to be permanent. How would it factor into his plans? Would she ruin anything?
What would Emilie think of her?
Gabriel smiled as he imagined his wife awake again, and gushing over the girl. “Oh Adrien!” she’d say, “She’s so cute! You’ve picked a great girl!”
“What are you smiling about, Father?” Adrien asked innocently.
Gabriel considered lying, but he blurted out instead, “just thinking about how your mother would react to finding out you had a girlfriend.”
Adrien smiled too, though it was sad. “Mom would love Marinette.”
Then they arrived at the bakery, and Gabriel got out of the car, standing tall.
The Gorilla opened the door, and ushered them in.
Tom and Sabine looked up at the sound of the door opening, but at the sight of Gabriel, they both frowned. Tom slammed down a baking sheet, making a large rattling noise. “I thought I told you to never come back!”
Adrien flinched at Tom’s shout, never hearing the man so angry before (except when he was akumatized, that is.)
“You did.” Gabriel nodded, unperturbed. “And I will leave and never come back. But I made a mistake, and I’m here to correct it. May I have a word with your daughter?”
“I’ll go get her!” Adrien chirped, scampering off up the stairs.
Tom took off his apron, and slammed it in the waste bin. He wasn’t hiding his displeasure at all.
Sabine was silent, just crossing her arms and staring at Gabriel.
Gabriel himself just stood patiently, impassive.
Finally, Adrien dragged Marinette back downstairs by the hand, and then pushed her to stand in front of his father.
“A-Adrien said…you had something you wanted to tell me?” She said shyly.
“Yes,” Gabriel cleared his throat. “You know how protective I am of Adrien, correct?”
“Yes sir…”
“An anonymous party came to me with false information and told me you and Adrien were taken to inappropriate behavior in public. I took them at their word instead of doing my own research. More so, I was extremely upset to hear this, because I admire you so much, Miss Dupain-Cheng.”
Marinette’s eyes blew wide and her jaw went slack.
“I’m sorry for what I said. And even if the information I had was true, the way I went about forbidding you to date Adrien was wrong. I shouldn’t have made you responsible for breaking up with him. It was unfair to both of you. I give you my full blessing to be in a relationship with my son, if you’ll have him.”
Marinette continued to stare slack-jawed.
“Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, I hope you can forgive me too. I acted impulsively and hurt your family, as well as my own.”
Tom spoke up first, a soft smile replacing his sour frown. “Mr. Agreste, I can understand doing crazy things to protect our kids. I accept your apology.”
Sabine breathed a sigh of relief. “Would you like to stay for lunch?”
“I’m afraid I must get back to work. But Adrien would love to join you.”
“Really?!” Beamed Adrien.
“Yes, I expect you home by 10.”
“Yes! Okay! Deal!”
He looked back at Marinette who seemed to be coming out of her shock. “I expect great things from you, Marinette.” And with a final nod, he left.
Marinette finally snapped out of it when Adrien grabbed her around the waist and spun her around. “My Princess!” He laughed.
Marinette giggled freely as Tom scooped them both up into his arms and squeezed them.
“Adrienette is alive!!”
Monday morning, the girl squad assembled at the top of the stairs. Although their ship had sunk, it seemed that old habits die hard.
“Well, here comes Adrien,” Alix noted glumly, pointing to the car.
“And here comes Marinette.” Alya gestured to the girl walking up the sidewalk.
“Oh I can’t bare to watch!” Cried Rose, burying her face in Juleka’s shoulder.
But they were all stunned when the unexpected happened.
Adrien stepped out of the car and spotted Marinette. He beamed and opened his arms wide. “My Lady!”
“My Prince!” Marinette shouted, dropping her backpack to the ground. Then she ran at full speed and launched at him, leaping into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist. They laughed as everyone around them gaped in shock.
“Well…I guess everything worked out.” Alix shrugged.
Alya sighed. “I don’t have the emotional stamina to be invested in this ship anymore.”
Rose sighed too, though it was more happy as she rested her hands on her heart. “I think they’re precious.”
Marinette stole a smooch before detangling herself from her boy. She grabbed her backpack, and hand in hand, they walked up the stairs.
Alya barred their entrance, arms crossed. “I demand answers. Now. What happened?”
Adrien shrugged. “My dad’s a jerk and Marinette took the fall to try to help with our relationship. In the end, she confessed what happened, I talked to my dad, he apologized, and he’s going to pay for our wedding in 4 years.”
Alya blinked, trying to understand all the information he dumped out.
“Wait so…you’re all good? You still love each other?”
Adrien placed his cheek on Marinette’s, gathering her close to him. “Doesn’t it look like we’re in loooovvveeeee?”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine. But this better not become a thing. I don’t think my heart could take it.”
He kissed Marinette’s cheek. “Oh I couldn’t take it either.”
4 years later
Hawkmoth’s plans had gone to shit. All his hard work, his strategy, his sacrifices…it had all been for naught.
All because of his son and Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Never before did he regret an apology as much as the one he gave to her.
But…Adrien was happy. So there was at least a little silver lining in all of this.
Prison wasn’t so bad. Far from a 5 star hotel, at least he was able to relax now. Ladybug had found a way to wake Emilie up…not that she would talk to him ever again.
In ten years, he’d try to talk to them all. Maybe they would be calmed down enough by then. Maybe they’d see how sad and lonely he’d been. How lost he was without her.
But today was visiting day, and Adrien said he was coming. Something important he needed to talk about. So Gabriel sat at the table, surrounded by guards, and anxiously waited.
Soon enough, Adrien came in, a smug smile on his lips, with Marinette in tow.
Gabriel offered a half-smile by way of greeting.
“Marinette and I have been dating for 4 years.” Adrien said proudly.
“Congratulations.” Gabriel furrowed his brows, sensing there was more to this.
Marinette held out her hand, which sported a gorgeous diamond ring.
Adrien gave a malicious smirk. “Time to pony up, Butterfly boy!”
#fanfiction#miraculous ladybug#adrien agreste#marinette dupain cheng#adrinette#ladynoir#chat blanc#secret santa#mlsecretsanta#flashflashitsash#hurt/comfort#fluff
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