#the gay Eddie arc is coming
stagefoureddiediaz · 10 days
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Still trying to figure out the wild orange packet so I’ve been playing with the contrast etc! I’m not CCC sure it’s actually helped 🤣 but I can see more words!
There’s a word at the top that is too warped to read but my brain is trying to make it say either biological or something ending in either ‘nio’ or ‘nic’
Under wild orange is a word that again I can’t fully make out but again my brain wants it to say sanitiser or disinfecter (which I know is not the correct spelling of disinfecter, but I’m sure that’s an e not an o)
I’ve got the word fruit from the bottom and what appears to be an TAT But the first letter of that word is too crumpled to be 100% a T.
So I’m going on the theory it’s a single packet disinfectant wipe type thing with wild orange scent - possibly claiming it’s using real fruit.
The idea that the known to be a hideous homophobe Gerrard is waving around a fruity disinfectant wipe in Eddie’s face has me cackling! The implication that Eddie is gay and Gerrard is trying to ‘cleanse’ and ‘sanitise’ the 118 of being fruity…
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blessyouhawkeye · 5 months
nothing hits harder than an eddie diaz pushing his girlfriend away due to reasons that can truly only be described as homosexuality arc
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mischiefbuckley · 13 days
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deadnatura11 · 5 months
This explains so much:
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Firstly, why her name is Kim. Secondly, the ultimate result of this storyline - which is Eddie working through the blame and guilt he feels for Shannon's death using Kim (because she ultimately is a plot device) but not before he ultimately tries turning her into Shannon (actively symbolized by him holding the 'S' key chain) which I think the people in his life (Chris, Buck, his parents) will realize and call him out for. But unlike in Vertigo, it may perhaps be Kim who confronts Eddie rather than the other way around especially after she learns he was seeing her behind another woman's back.
Eddie ultimately has to confront the "type" of women he is interested in, "why" he's interested in them, and if it is not only psychologically healthy (spoiler: it's not) but also if it is truly what he wants and, if not, what does he want?
Finally, to take a look at Vertigo on its head - it is the condition in which a person has the sensation of movement or of surrounding objects moving when they are not. I think Eddie has this, emotionally speaking. He believes he is moving on from Shannon's death because he is dating again not realizing he is searching for another Shannon showing that he has not moved on he is STUCK.
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runninglikeabuckley · 4 months
i was in the middle of making a post about my predictions for the finale when i realised my buddie stuff could take up a whole other post so here ya go:
this is a bit of an out there theory and i don't necessarily think it will happen, but it's something i'd do if i were the writers. eddie makes a move on buck. i don't mean 'yay buddie goes canon in the last 10 mins of s7', i mean 'eddie fucks up so monumentally they don't know if they can come back from it.' i think he'll try to kiss buck and buck will push him away.
eddie's confused and lonely and heartbroken (not to mention desperate) and he turns to the one person who has unfalteringly been by his side the whole time, the guy who likes to fix things. it's not that he doesn't have genuine feelings for buck, because he really does, but he's not thinking about it AT ALL. he just wants buck (to his core) and is maybe letting himself feel that for the first time.
but it's like a slap in the face to buck. buck, who's in a happy, stable relationship for the first time in years. buck, who eddie told his bisexuality wouldn't change anything between them. buck, who's been used for his body for his entire life. he would be absolutely crushed if eddie did this. and he's matured to the point that i think he might not let it slide. he wouldn't cut eddie out of his life, but i think he'd need space and for once he might respect his own needs over his wants. especially since i don't think he's considered his feelings for eddie and definitely doesn't think eddie's acting out of love/desire
so we get to the end of s7/start of s8 and eddie has fucked up his relationships beyond belief. chris, marisol, even his parents and shannon's memory. buck is still there, because he's always there but things are different. and i think that it could be a great set up to explore who eddie really is and what he wants, especially if/when the 118 get split up. as ryan keeps saying, he'll be isolated. neither buck or eddie will tell the others what happened between them, but that doesn't mean that eddie won't finally look into his sexuality by and for himself.
when i say i want a divorce era 2.0, i don't mean screaming at each other in a grocery store bc to a certain extent that was almost funny - they were coworkers of less than 2 years and it was wildly overdramatic. now they're partners and best friends and co-parents and they've suffered blow after blow, and their kid's gone and eddie betrayed buck and they don't know how to be anymore but they love each other too much to let go
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biconbuckley · 3 months
thinking about michael saying that he married a woman to fix something inside of him that he felt was broken and then how eddie said he was broken and couldn't fix it
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rosstrytobe · 5 days
I don't want to say Gay Catholic guilt Eddie Diaz arc is coming out but...
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the-lark-ascending69 · 4 months
If Robin were a boy she'd be everyone's favorite character but since she's a girl she only gets to be Steve's gay best friend.
#from the simple fact that male!Robin from alternate dimension would certainly be a gay man#automatically shipped with Steve because Of Course#like of course that's how it'd go. and everyone would accuse the show of queerbaiting because obviously a queer man can't come out to a#male straight friend if it doesn't have some supposed ''romantic subtext'' there#the shipwars among h4rringrove and st3ddie and m/m!St0bin would drive me insane#what really drives me up the walls is people so desperate for canon queer rep they need to make up queerness in characters when it isn't#there. and im not talking abt headcanons or shipping i'm talking about people who wholeheartedly believe byl3r is going to be canon#like beyond it being a theory like these people actually believe mike is gay in canon and was intentionally written that way#it wouldn't bother me if it wasn't so painfully clear the female queer character we got isn't enough.#like idc if people have different opinions from me. if you're a byl3r endgame truther it doesn't affect me you do you#but byl3r and st3ddie being so fucking MASSIVE just shows you how male characters are priorized over female characters. like i get people#liking those ships and characters. i'm just shocked to see the NUMBERS.#and knowing Robin isn't as appreciated as them just because she's a girl#like sometimes i feel almost guilty to fixate on her when she's not like one of the main MAIN characters and she barely has an arc and gets#little attention from the story. but then i remember the eddie/st3ddie fandom exists#idk i just wish i could find robin content in robin tags but it seems like tags such as ''robin buckley internalized homophobia'' (my guilty#pleasure when it comes to angst) is dominated by straight boys steve and eddie. which is ironic
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can-i-get-a-yippee · 5 months
So, what I’m hearing is that if Buddie becomes canon, Eddie should be the one to make the first move?? 🤔🤔
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seddair · 5 months
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mattzerella-sticks · 6 months
I think it'd be great if Eddie gets so unidentifiably jealous of Buck and Tommy that he goes out one night, get hammered, and hooks up with another man which sets him off on his journey to understand himself and his feelings.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 13 days
Interviewer: Are BT still together?
Tim: Well they are but let me talk about Eddie and then tell you that Eddie will be hanging out with them but also being left out…
It will never not be funny to me.
Petty jealous Eddie working out Tommy is Eddie lite - but also gay and dating Buck - means an Eddie spiral into realising he’s gay and in love with his best friend arc and I am preparing to hurl myself into the sun
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deadnatura11 · 5 months
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Eddie’s gonna end the season/start the next season blond ain't he 😭
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eloiseyybish · 8 days
Does anyone else think about how kinda problematic it is for people to just assume that Eddie is gay because of how he has treated his wife and gfs?
He was a bad husband to Shannon, but I'd always assumed (based off we know from canon) that he felt guilty for getting Shannon pregnant and married her due to the pressure he felt from the Church and both their Catholic families (THIS is where the Catholic guilt comes is friendos - not exactly related to latent homosexuality).
Not to mention, Eddie needs THERAPY and a lot of it to deal with his unhealthy relationship with his grief. Like, the whole point of the Kim arc is to show that he has unresolved feelings for Shannon. Ultimately, he knew she was going to leave him, and then she died before they got the chance to actually talk further about what that meant. He never got that closure from the relationship that he may have gotten from her if they managed to go through with the divorce she wanted. At the end of the day, Eddie looks back on his time with Shannon with rose tinted glasses because his memory is being selective (something that happens in grief a lot, you remember what you want to remember and forget the...less good times), and sees her as the big love of his life because of that. Not to mention, he started having panic attacks with Ana because (and they actually say this in the ep) it was becoming a ready-made family (which ties back to his unresolved feelings for Shannon and her role as both Eddie's wife and Chris' mother...). It felt like Ana was stepping straight into Shannon's place, and Eddie struggled with that whole concept.
Not to mention, Eddie has been a terrible boyfriend to every single woman he's dated and it's so deeply problematic to say that he's treated them badly because he's gay. Like, do you see how bad that is?
It's actually super misogynistic to say that if he suddenly started dating Buck that he would treat him so much better and be a great boyfriend to him... just because... he's a man. Eddie (in his current state) would be a terrible partner to anyone!
Also, just a little note here, I'm not saying you can't have headcanons for characters, but the insistence that Eddie is a gay man because "there's no other explanation for how he's treated the women he's dated" is actually so harmful, not just to women but also to gay men.
I just wish people would think a bit more about the things they say and what the meaning behind what they're actually saying.
Anyway, sorry for the rant (and you can disagree with me if you want, that's what fandom is for, but don't start sending me hate because you will just be blocked, I don't have the energy)
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callmebrycelee · 5 months
I’m seeing discourse on Reddit regarding Tommy Kinard and him not being a good partner for Buck based on him a “bad guy”. I find this laughable because of the recurring characters we get on 9-1-1, Tommy has had one of the strongest arcs. Let’s start at the beginning.
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In “Chimney Begins”, we do see Tommy somewhat participating in the toxic male culture established at the 118. Knowing what we know now, I can see Tommy doing this as a means of survival. He knows that at this time you can be gay and you can be a firefighter but you can’t be both. He’s doing what he can to stay under the radar.
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It is heavily implied in “Hen Begins” that he played a role in the dismissal of the original captain of the 118 and by the time Bobby arrives, the culture at the 118 has changed considerably. It’s clear that he is liked by Bobby, Hen, and Chimney and it’s his departure that paves the way for Buck to join the team.
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Even in his absence, he continued to aid his old team and when we are reintroduced to him in season 7, he’s an out and proud gay man who is happy with the direction his life is going in. He admits to feeling jealous of how far the 118 has come since he’s left. The 118 is everything he wishes he had when he was on the team.
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Regarding Buck, Tommy has exhibited patience and kindness and understand. He’s taking a step back and letting Buck embark on his own journey of self discovery. He checks in to see if Buck is okay. He isn’t putting any pressure or expectations on what’s developing between them. He’s basically a safe space for Buck.
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I don’t know about you all but everything I’ve just described sounds like growth. I never thought Tommy was a bad person when we were first introduced him but I think he’s a better version of himself now. Now, you may prefer Eddie for Buck - which is fine - but saying Tommy is bad for Buck because he’s a “bad guy” is frankly ignorant and disingenuous.
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diazisms · 4 months
me: we’re gonna get gay eddie s8 because gerrard is gonna be homophobic to buck and eddie’s ally arc is gonna come through and he’s gonna get really angry and not know why and start defending buck and buck will go “eddie, it’s okay” and eddie will go “it’s not okay. there’s nothing—there’s nothing wrong with being gay. or i mean bi.”
@butchdiaz : oh my idea was way stupider. i was gonna say gerrard should be homophobic to eddie.
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