#the gap Tolkien
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Lord of the Gap!
(Heâs just a horse girl at heart)
#maglor#lord of the rings#silmarillion#tolkein#feanorians#kidnap dads#the gap Tolkien#so many references#mostly for the horse#rahhhhh#my art
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@maedhrosmaglorweek, Day 3: Himring and the Gap
Maglor rides west.
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Sauron, Galadriel, & Tolkien's Theology of Repentance - Part One
Summary: Character meta analysis on Sauron (and Galadriel, through the lens of Sauron). Based on both Silmarillion & RoP canon. 3.5k words. Discussion of Catholic theology involved. Blanket TW for discussion of violence, manipulation, etc., because Sauron. Spoilers for S1 & S2 and the Silmarillion, of course. The tragedy of Sauron is that he gets offered so many legitimate chances at redemption and forgiveness, and he denies them every single time. But we know he wants absolution, because thatâs what he sees Galadriel as: his chance to bind himself back to the light, to be Mairon again, to heal the pain that he caused and that was caused to him under Morgoth. But because he has such a warped view of himself and his actions, he dismisses genuine extensions of compassion, forgiveness, and care as simultaneously beneath him and too good for him. And yet, he still pursues redemption, but through none of the channels offered to him.
In The Rings of Power, heâs given the explicit instruction to change for the good in the village after heâs reborn. Heâs given the chance leave his past behind and work meaningfully in NĂșmenor. Heâs given the chance to redeem himself by Galadriel's offer of friendship (or love, depending on your interpretation). In the Silmarillion, he's even given the chance by EönwĂ« himself, and comes close to leaving Morgoth behind completely!
Let's look at this passage from Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age (emphasis mine):
When Thangorodrim was broken and Morgoth overthrown, Sauron put on his fair hue again and did obeisance to Eönwë the herald of Manwë, and abjured all his evil deeds. And some hold that this was not at first falsely done, but that Sauron in truth repented, if only out of fear, being dismayed by the fall of Morgoth and the great wrath of the Lords of the West. But it was not in the power of Eönwë to pardon those of his own order, and he commanded Sauron to return to Aman and there receive the judgement of Manwë. Then Sauron was ashamed, and he was unwilling to return in humiliation to receive from the Valar a sentence, it might be, of long servitude in proof of his good faith; for under Morgoth his power had been great. Therefore when Eönwë departed he hid himself in Middle-earth; and he fell back into evil, for the bonds that Morgoth had laid upon him were very strong.
This passage is clear that Eönwë is willing to pardon Sauron--he simply did not posses the power to do so. But when Sauron was told he must appeal directly Manwë, he gave up entirely and skulked back to Middle-earth. There are a few ways to read this:
1. He was not wholly repentant
Sauron simply wanted the protection of a new master in the absence of Melkor. i.e., he was rather fickle and simply wanted to be on whatever the "winning" side was. This is supported by the text literally saying that at least some of his obeisance was completely false, and that he only made a point of feeling bad about anything once his master had been chucked into the Void and his armies and strongholds were being destroyed (Thangorodrim). In this reading, perhaps Eönwë saw Sauron's treachery and referred him to Manwë knowing that it would be a test of his true intent. However, while a valid interpretation, I believe this to be the less holistic of the two.
2. He was truly repentant
Sauron did truly feel badly and "abjured all his evil deeds," but he was unwilling/unable to humble himself after being so fundamentally broken by Melkor and developing an insatiable power lust (hey, he isn't defined in the narrative by lust and pride for nothing).
Earlier in this same chapter, Tolkien wrote that Sauron could "...deceive all but the most wary." This is in the specific context of his physical shapeshifting. But, I would argue that this can also be tied to his lies. Tolkien has a specific ethic of beauty, where physical perfection is equated with moral goodness. Sauron completely inverts what is otherwise a hard and fast rule within Tolkien's writings by being the character most frequently described as "fair"--seven times to LĂșthien's six, and she was the most beautiful woman to have ever lived!
(Side note: I have another post on Tolkien & beauty in the works where I'll get more into this idea)
Why does this matter? Even though this interaction with Eönwë takes place in the First Age, Sauron could at this point be in the demonic form Mirdania describes in the forge. And, I am inclined to believe that Eönwë, as the head Maiar and herald of Manwë, would be a pretty wary guy, and thus able to sense any of Sauron's trickery. I read this to mean that Eönwë looked at Sauron and saw his potential to be Mairon again, either in absence of his evil form or in spite of it.
Because Sauron is incredibly beautiful. And even if it is a disguise of the true, depreciated form of his spiritual essence, he presented himself to Eönwë at his most beautiful. He wanted, even in his act of repentance, to make himself more favorable in Eönwë's eyes. To show up as Mairon (who was likely close friends with Eönwë before everything went down, since they are considered to be two of the most powerful Maia and would have worked closely together).
But I don't think this was all manipulation on Sauron's end. I agree with the scholars mentioned in the text who believed that Sauron was truly repentant--which is why Eönwë even bothered referring him to Manwë instead of kicking him into the Void with Melkor.
And this is the tragedy: Sauron is told exactly how to repent, and believes fundamentally that it is an impossible path for him. And yet, he still longs so intrinsically for it! He was, under Aulë, a Maia of precision, perfection, and order. Under Morgoth, he feels disordered, dis-regulated. He needs to correct the fundamental imbalance within him, so why does he flee Eönwë?
It comes back to Sauron's pride.
If he follows through with this path of reconciliation, there is no way he can hide or pretend his actions away. If he cannot trick his fellow Maiar, he certainly cannot trick the Valar. And he cannot stand the idea of submitting himself back under their rule, especially now that he has tasted power. This is a pride wound; it is why the idea of confessing to Manwë would be humiliating to him as opposed to just upsetting/uncomfortable.
Again, the pivotal moment: he is told how to make amends for crimes and determines that he cannot do it. So he returns to Middle-earth and stews in his own self-hated and self-pity for a few years. In that time, he consciously or subconsciously latches onto Eönwë's offer--forgiveness from penance. It is the way forward. And if he cannot earn penance at Manwë's hand, he will do it on his own.
The Prodigal Son
This is where we have to talk about the Catholic roots of Tolkien's work for a moment. The scene where Sauron approaches Eönwë mirrors the biblical parable of the prodigal son. In this story, a man abandons his family, spends all his money, and falls into ruin. But when he recognizes his failings and returns to his father to get help, he is welcomed back into the family without question--in other words, he is forgiven and restored to his former position.
17Â But when he [the prodigal son] came to himself he said, âHow many of my fatherâs hired hands have bread enough and to spare, but here I am dying of hunger! 18Â I will get up and go to my father, and I will say to him, âFather, I have sinned against heaven and before you; 19Â I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me like one of your hired hands.ââ 20Â So he set off and went to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. - Luke 15:11-32, NRSV CE (emphasis mine)
The parallel is clear; Mairon, the repentant Maia, returns home with hopes of reconciliation. He is prescribed the same task that the prodigal son offered to his father: he must be bound in servitude to his father/creator in order to pay off his debts. This is a deliberate allusion from Tolkien. The story of the prodigal son models the path of reconciliation that Eönwë describes. Tolkien seems to be drawing a line in the sand with this: Sauron is unwilling to do the work required by the Valar for repentance, so he is unable to receive the grace of a warm welcome back into the fold of the Ainur. Since he did not humble himself, he has to be told to do it. And he does not want to! He wants to be loved, but he also wants his power--evidence, in a way, of how his character was fundamentally altered in his time with Morgoth.
His pride--and his fear--cut him off from the potential of grace. He does not know for certain that Manwë would subject him to servitude (though I would argue that it's textually evident that it is a custom), but this assumption leads him to flee, which allows him to slip back into his old ways.
He wants to be Mairon (admirable) again, not Sauron (abhorrent). He wants to be accepted and loved, but not punished. He wants the benefits of reconciliation without the work he would have to do to earn it or the shame he would feel as he did. It's pride, but it's also deep shame--the flip side of his extreme ego is an implicit self-hatred, one that we can see in the subtext of how he speaks about himself and about his time with Morgoth.
Even the language Tolkien uses is heavily shame-coded, especially in a Catholic context; Mairon did not go willingly, he was "seduced." He admits to Celebrimbor that he was "tortured by a god". It becomes exceedingly clear through both text and on-screen canon that Sauron was routinely broken and abused for centuries. This has fundamentally damaged his self-perception, which is ultimately what leads him to "[fall] back into evil"--whether due to pride or shame, he hides, perhaps because he consciously or subconsciously does not believe that he deserves forgiveness, no matter how much he craves it.
Naked in the Garden
His flight back to Middle-earth after meeting Eönwë is reminiscent of another biblical scene, where Adam and Eve, after committing the first sin, hide from God in shame and fear (emphasis mine):
7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked...9 But the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, âWhere are you?â 10Â He said, âI heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.â -Genesis 7-10, NRSV CE
The image of nakedness is, here, one of vulnerability, and Tolkien establishes that Sauron fears that which he cannot control. He needs the Rings under his power. He needs his armies and his enemies under his watchful eye. He is petrified of letting his power slip away (possibly due to never wanting to feel powerless in the hands of a Vala, fallen or not, again).
The biblical allusion here hearkens back to the fear Tolkien describes Sauron as feeling regarding his return to the Ainur. In the religious system Tolkien has established, which is likely inspired by his own religious beliefs, Sauron has sinned, and must make penance. But he is afraid of God/Manwë, and does not want to "let go" of his sin. In other words, he is not truly repentant. This reflects the Catholic sacrament of confession, which requires self-reflection and resolve to never commit the sin again.
Instead of shame driving him to contrition, it drives him to isolation.
But he still wants forgiveness. So, in his years of hiding in Middle-earth, he decides to earn it himself. His own way.
Enter the Rings.
Sauron wants to perfect the wrong he wreaked so that he can both earn his way back into the Ainur and keep his power. But what he does not realize is that this does not work. Eönwë is clear that he must forsake his true temptation--absolute power--through penance by submission. Yet Sauron in his pride thinks he can have it all. Sauron is a very carefully controlled villain, and the only times he snaps or makes significant mistakes are when his inflated self-perception is challenged, revealing the self-loathing and/or self-pity underneath. The best example of this is when he kills Celebrimbor prematurely, and cries afterwards. Why? Because Celebrimbor was right about him, and he hates it. He hates knowing that he is nothing more than the Morgoth's shadow, because Morgoth was his master as much as he was his tormentor. As Sauron puts it, his relationship with Morgoth was often defined by pain as a test to see "whose will was the mightier":
This image carries more shame, both in its implicit sexual connotations and in the simple power dynamic of it. Sauron, even though misguided, is rallying against Morgoth. He wants to break what Morgoth has created and build something new, something better, something apart from his old master entirely. But Celebrimbor confronts him with reality: he has not created something new, and perfect, and special, as he so wanted to--he can only act in imitation, not in generation. And when he got close with the Rings, it cost him everything. It's almost like he wants the power of a Vala, and loathes that he cannot attain it.
And this is why he becomes so singularly obsessed with Galadriel.
Sheâs his foil. They both crave power and adoration, but in the end of things, she does not fold under his temptation. She turns down everything she has ever wanted for the greater good and for the sake of her own soul. Sauron looks at Galadriel and perceives that she would have succeeded at EönwĂ«'s test because she is willing and able to humble herself. This maddens him to the point of both desiring her and desiring to break her.
She learns that she is easily tempted and becomes strong enough to handle it (through a lot of tough love from Elrond & co.). She has to learn how to do it, but she is able to.
She grows from someone who resisted and rejected authority to someone who is trusted as an authority because of her ability to wield it wisely (see: Gil-galad allowing her to answer for him in 2x08).
In other words, she earns the trust, love, and support of her community. Sauron has to force his to complyâit is an illusion of love.
His possessive obsession with her also stems from her fairness. She was the object of her uncle FĂ«anor's obsessive desire for creation as well. Her hair was the inspiration of the Silmarils (see: The History of Galadriel and Celeborn; The Shibboleth of FĂ«anor - source with page #s here), which Morgoth desired more than anything to possess.
Sauron, wanting to spite his master, wants one better--to own that which inspired the Silmarils, to own the image of fairness (and thus of moral good) completely. This is why he wants to bind himself to her. This is why he needs her. He sees Galadriel as his mechanism of repentance, and his last triumph over Morgoth. Winning her is his salvation as much as it is proving that his will is the mightier. It is his way of dominating Morgoth. This starts, I think, as a genuine effort at proving himself to the Valar, but quickly consumes him entirely. He is overcome with the desire for revenge, just as Galadriel was at the beginning of the First Age.
And he sees this in her. Sees their similarities. Sees that she, too, is angry and lonely and so afraid of losing her power. And he leverages that to befriend her. This is where it gets ambiguous and you can read RoP as either painting the image of Sauron being earnest but completely misguided in his proposal, or you can see it as him being entirely manipulative.
I think the truth of that scene probably falls somewhere in the middle; just like when he presents himself to Eönwë, he is sincere in his desire, but only knows how to present it in an inherently contriving way. He does want to bind her to him, so he tries to only reveal to her the good aspect of that desire (and also of his desire for power, which he allows her to see because he believes that it is good and also because she understands it), and not the ugly underside of his internal struggle against Morgoth, the Valar, and himself.
And I do think, in his own way, he cared about her. Galadriel consistently shows kindness and compassion to him. In S1, they grow to know each other's minds and souls, and she considers him a close friend. He finds comfort in this, that someone could see the blackness of his heart and care for him anyway. He thought, in his isolation, that he lost that chance when he fled back to Middle-earth. And here is the very picture of the light itself telling him that she supports him, that she sees the good in him, that she wants to help him set the world to rights! Of course he is infatuated by this. Of course he also wants to use it. He is Sauron.
But Galadriel succeeds where he fails, so he stops playing nice and tries to forcibly drag her down with him. First, by baiting her with the image of the man she cared deeply for:
Then, by reminding her of all she is losing by rejecting him:
And she is still strong enough to say no. And not just to say no, but to shut the door completely. To look in the face of everything she has desired for centuries and turn it down, understanding that it will ruin her. Yes, she hesitates. Yes, she still wants it (wants him). But she wins the day by holding fast to the light that Sauron wishes so badly to bind himself to.
Because she has lost everything--her brother, her husband, the station as commander, the trust of her high king and best friend--and earns it back only through her resistance of her greatest temptation. It is a struggle, it is painful, it nearly kills her--but she does it. She wins the test that Sauron could not even bear to face.
In their headlong, self-sacrificial tendencies, they are the same. Both view themselves as fundamentally stronger/better than their peers while also being deeply lonely due to their self-imposed isolation (Galadriel's laser-focused hunt for revenge, Sauron's exile in Middle-earth). But to Galadriel, the light is more important than her pride.
For Sauron, the light is his source of pride. He desires it more than anything, but condemns himself to never being able to touch it due to his rejection of Eönwë's offer. Paradoxically, he tries to grasp at it through Galadriel, the living silmaril, and succeeds only in darkening her. We learn from Gil-galad in 2x08 that his crown piercing her flesh in an act of brutal domination nearly strips her soul from her and pitches it into the unseen world. In this, Sauron is saying: If I cannot have you, I will force you to need me. I will break you into loving me.
He says this to Celebrimbor as well. He no longer knows how to love properly. He only knows how to inflict pain until this object of his obessive desire needs him--just like how his immortal spirit was broken into submission by Morgoth. And isn't this revealing of his own sense of self? He refuses to suffer the path of light, but willingly suffers the maddening path of darkness because it is a comfortable, familiar suffering. One, he tells Celebrimbor, he even grew to enjoy (2x08). As the path of the Rings drive him madder and madder, his desire for the light (Galadriel) and the return of his power (Celebrimbor) become further disordered and corrupted until they culminate in him destroying them--and his chance at earning/owning them--entirely.
And this is Sauron's ultimate point of no return (which we will hopefully see in S3 đ€). The razing of Eregion and slaying of Celebrimbor were acts of petty rage he committed when his pride was injured. This was the final nail in the coffin. Galadriel, in her rejection of him, ruins what he sees as his true chance for redemption.
Galadriel, now stepping into the role of Eönwë, re-opens the invitation: "Heal yourself!" (2x08). But in rage and shame and stubborn pride, he turns it down again. I believe this is where his desire to heal Middle-earth shifts fundamentally into desire to dominate Middle-earth. He always wanted to rule, but now he wants to own.
#fae speaks#I spent hours pouring thru the Silm and RoP for this so if you enjoyed please let me know I'd love love love to talk about it more <33#sauron is my favorite freak in all of tolkien's lore rn I want to study him like a bug#btw this is saurondriel (and even silvergifting? if u squint) positive but with loads of nuance. i see haladriel as love and saurondriel as#possession. both are fun in fiction of course but I want to acknowledge how deeply messed up the dynamic is#but also! it's fiction! do whatever you want with it! if you want saurondriel to get a happy ending then do it <3#and send me the fic so i can read it because i'm team half-maia celebrian hehe#also if there are any glaring gaps in my knowledge of the silm pls lemme know it's been a minute since i've read it all the way through#part two will be on beauty and evil in tolkien's cosmology :)#tolkien#the silmarillion#the rings of power#rings of power#trop#rop#sauron#halbrand#annatar#galadriel#sauron x galadriel#saurondriel#haladriel#trop spoilers#trop season 2#trop meta#rop meta#rop theory#trop theory#celebrimbor#my metas
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I keep thinking about Lewis' review of The Hobbit, because he claimed that the main thing contemporary reviewers compared it to was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Was fantasy in that poor of a state that Alice was the closest thing they could think of? Comparing that chaotic fever dream to Tolkien's intricately crafted world? Lewis does specify that the comparison is that both books are by an "Oxford professor at play", but they're otherwise so different that putting the two in the same category baffles me.
#books#tolkien#the hobbit#c.s. lewis#alice's adventures in wonderland#(i just reread alice because the nicely-formatted bookbinding pdf made a nice ebook)#(thought i'd give it another chance after seeing how foundational it is (mentioned in so many other works))#i think there's an unbridgable cultural gap somewhere#i can't fathom how anyone can read this and become invested in wonderland as a world#it's so random and so chaotic and everyone's a pun and no one's a character#and yet somehow there are books upon books upon books that try to turn it into a dark fantasy world#it doesn't make sense! it's a world that's not supposed to make sense!#and yet they try to treat the government as legitimate and the queen as a real threat etc.#okay sorry for the digression#but my point is that it's odd that there was nothing else in that seventy-ish year gap for them to compare it to#the only thing coming to mind is peter pan#i suppose george macdonald and e nesbit both had their own brands of popular children's fantasy#maybe the real shocking thing about that comparison#is that i'm so used to seeing it compared to narnia that putting the hobbit in a category with any earlier fantasy work seems weird
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I don't know if it's currently inspiring to you but I'd love to see more LĂșthien/Maglor. (Ooor ot3 with Daeron đ... but I know that won't appeal to everyone. RIP Beren).
Do they ever have a kid in your AU? That would be cute.
âŠyouâre probably going to hate me for this, but in my aus they never live long enough to have a childâthe retrieval of the silmarils is too important for them to abandon Beleriand and run off to start a family, and all my aus have them sacrificing their fĂ«ar to binding Morgoth.
if they had a child, I donât think it would be easy having a Feanorian kinslayer as your father and the Doriath traitor as your mother.

Take her by the safest road.
#and beren/daeron are probably sucking face somewhere in tol galen probably lol#art prompt#the silmarillion#maglor/luthien#magluth#maglor#luthien#tolkien art#my art#I say Doriath traitor bc Luthien purposefully left doriath against thingolâs orders to join the feanorians in an effort to save maglor#and you bet that kid wouldâve grown up riding horsesâmaglorâs gap wasnât known for its cavalry for nothing#this took a lot longer than I expected bc my brain said COLOR. NOW. lmao#thank youuuuu for the prompt!!
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not asking for spoilers but just wanted to let you know I am SO excited to see whether you'll be including any aspect of the golden trio's van lifeâą treasure hunting in the woods segment of DH in your story. I know you've talked about how silly and irrelevant it is for them to be off and away from all the other characters and action for so much of the last book, so I'm looking forward to seeing the changes you make and what kinds of new experiences they'll have if they remain more tethered to the plot. but c'mon. neverending geocashing group camping trip from hell. it's kind of hilarious.
RV TRIP DEATHLY HALLOWS they will never make me love you RV trip deathly hallows... tho you are right and I fully grant it is the funniest thing that book could have done... it's like. The Two Towers if you're reading Sam and Frodo's trip to Mordor and you don't know what fuck all else is going on while they're doing it. And also none of the stuff with Aragorn or the actual war for the ring is on the page. And there are Hallows there, for some reason.
#greenteacup asks#mmmiGUESS there's a thing in there somewhere about like. the temptations of power#like literally quite literally trying to do a One Ring thing#but then like. we dont see the hallows do SHIT#and she gives the corruption debuff to the HORCRUXES#which don't even give you a power boost! so what's the POINT#and because horcruxes are established as the Supreme Mega Evil harry can't be tempted by them#that you need to do [redacted superdark emogoth crimes] in order to make#which harry never even learns the method for so it's moot anyway#and like it's not a plot problem that we don't know how to make them yknow?#but it does feel like a big gap in the worldbuilding because you had the opportunity#to say something about the nature of evil. like literally the darkest thing you have in your books - you aren't interested in that?#tolkien was so interested in that he wrote a whole gospel about the origin story!#dog there's so much in deathly hallows that feels like a first draft#like there are Ideas here. about power and corruption and so forth. but we never actually get to bite them#because we spend 9/10ths of the book on a FUCKING CAMPING TRIP
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Maglor - the northern lands of old
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If there's any actual canon for this, I'd love to see it, I don't remember anything mentioning which one it was.
#silm polls#my polls#beren and luthien#morgoth#the silmarils#silm#silmarillion#tolkien legendarium#the silmarillion#the silm#for me it's one of the side ones#because this makes Morgoth look more stupid than symmetrical gap#also makes more sense logistically probably#small preference for left one because of one comic I saw
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Honestly Maedhros and Elwing should've just fucked about it
#give elrond and elros more parents what the hell#age gaps? power imbalance? complicated family history? oh you mean like beren and luthien-#tolkien#silmarillion#elwing#maedhros#it wouldn't have fixed anything.#mp#maelwing
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One thing most this fandom is sleeping on is how great Tolkien is at writing children when he does write them.
Like, you can see he was a dad of four -- except the Lil EĂ€rendil bits in the earliest Fall of Gondolin, some of the best examples of this (BB delighted that he has a lil mailshirt, doesn't notice city is under attack; BB refuses to be carried because 'he's a grown warrior now' (because said mailshirt!)) are from before that.
#he *was* an elder brother but the age gap wasn't that large#I'm forced to conclude he was just naturally a genius in that regard#my post#tolkien#Silmarillion#silm#Gondolin#EĂ€rendil#jrr tolkien
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Story-time in Rivendell with Uncle Glorfindel! Elladan and Elrohir absolutely love going out adventuring early and listening to stories of old when offered the opportunity.
(Hopefully Glorfindel chose something more appropriate than the balrog story, this time.)
This piece is intended to be a panel of a comic that as of yet lives in my head, but it stands on its own (and I'm impatient), so I thought I'd share this as it is now
#Lord of the Rings#lotr#Glorfindel#Elladan#Elrohir#Elladan and Elrohir#Glorfindel of the Golden Flower#Silmarillion#Silm#Tolkien#Rivendell#(even if only my imagined version of a corner in the valley somewhere)#But I like to think that this fountain is the storytime fountain for Glorfindel - he finds it peaceful to sit by#Bonus points if anyone would like to take a stab at guessing at the meaning of the fountain/statue#Or if you just wanna know about the fountain: i WILL ramble#(gladly)#My eventual comic ideally will address what story is being told - but in the meantime feel free to fill in the gaps how you'd like!#Also feel free to guess at which twin is which - I did actually have a particular twin in mind when drawing them#Radj Draws
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Prompt: Gaps and Ghosts
Title: A Daughter's Plea.
Canon Characters: (King) Aragorn Elessar; Crown Prince Eldarion (mentioned)
Original Characters=> Princess Gilraen of the Reunited Kingdom
Estella (Gilraen's governess)
Imrolas (Lord Chancellor/Aragorn's private secretary)
Lord Daerion (Eldarion's tutor),
Lady "Aunt" Mörwen (Aragorn's cousin; mentioned)
CW: Mature themes, arranged marriage, somewhat graphic description of attempted s***ide.
Synopsys: King Elessar has decided his eldest (for now only) daughter, Princess Gilraen, is ready for marriage. Unfortunately, the young royal is not at all pleased with her betrothed.
Word Count: (AO3 stats=> 9,776 words)
Also posted on AO3!
It contains major spoilers for my main WIP The Lady of Ithilien (link to be found in my general masterlist)
To know more about my OCs, please check my character profiles on Tumblr. (@annabthesolitarywriter)
More information on Gilraen:
She is the second child of High King Aragorn Elessar and Queen Arwen. Born in FoA 3, she has one older brother (Eldarion, born FoA 1), a younger brother (Elendil, born FoA 3) and several younger sisters: CelebrĂan (born FoA 9) twins LĂłthuil and LĂłthriel (born FoA 16) and Meleril (born FoA 19).

Guren vell: (my) sweetheart
Ada: dad

A Daughter's Plea
Minas Tirith, FoA 15.
âWhat do you think, Estella?â
âI daresay you look splendid, Madam. Absolutely ravishing.â
Gilraen stood in front of the mirror and improvised a twirl.
âIf I am not mistaken, that was also your opinion concerning all the other dresses that were brought in.â
âForgive me, Madam, but there is no denying that they are all exquisite and befitting of the only daughter of our gracious King Elessar. Though I must say that, out of all the dresses the Lady Mörwen has gifted you, this may probably be that which I would be most inclined to wear. It is a magnificent creation, but I would expect no less from the clothiers of Dol Amroth. Their skill is said to be unparalleled. If I may, Madam, I also would like to remark on the dressâ subtle, understated details. I usually do not find golden motives to be aesthetically pleasing as I often find them redundant and inelegant, yet the embroideries along the cuffs are admittedly flawless.â
âIt truly is beautiful. Yet I do not think I shall wear it on a regular occurrence.â
âWhy is that?â
âAs magnificent as it is, I do not feel comfortable in it. It is much too elaborate for my taste.â
âWhat would you wear then, Madam?â
âI think my blue dress will do.â
Estella sighed and rolled her eyes. âMy ladyâŠâ
âWhat is wrong with it? It was also a gift from aunt Mörwen and there is no denying thatâŠâ
âIt is old and tattered, Madam. Surely you would not want to appear before your Lord Father and your Lady Mother in those rags.â
âDo you think my mother and father would even notice? My brother is all they think about. He is all they care about. Their precious firstborn child, the heir to the House of Telcontar. They barely acknowledge my presence these days, Estella. I always knew I never mattered and, though it hurts me deeply, I am glad they finally came to terms with it. No more lying, no more hypocrisy on their part. No more pretending.â
âMadam, if I mayâŠâ
âNo, Estella. I know exactly what you are about to say, and it is simply not true. My mother never loved me. One would think that the daughter of the bearer of Vilya, the last descendant of a long line of mighty Elven lords and powerful ladies, the Evenstar of her people and the most beautiful maiden to currently walk the earth would be wise not to favor one child above the other.â
âYour Lord FatherâŠâ
âThe King still thinks of me as a child. He does not value my opinions, nor does he ever asks for them. To him, I am merely a pawn, a thing of no value.â
âDo not say that I pray you. The Allfather knows our King loves you very much, Madam.â
âWould he constantly dismiss my feelings if he did? Would he avoid speaking to me?â
âPerhaps he fails to show it properly, but he does care for you.â
âThat dayâŠthe day I took an arrow which was clearly meant for himâŠall I wanted wasâŠâ
She sighed as her voice trailed off. âWhen the arrow hit me and my father held me in his arms, I...â
She gulped. âI was overjoyed that he had finally acknowledged me, that he had seen me. Though my vision was fading, I mustered all my remaining strength and proudly looked upon himâŠâ
âMy ladyâŠâ
âTears were streaming down his face. I remember thinking that maybe I had finally accomplished something worth of my status as a princess. I had succeeded in protecting him; something at which the guards of the Grey Company had failed. All of those guards clad in the most magnificent armor, war-hardened soldiers trained by excellent sword masters to protect and defend their Liege-Lord. Yet, none of them had noticed the arrow coming toward the procession. No one noticed it but me. A girl who was not even supposed to be there. Eldarion did not see it, Captain Halboron was not able to spot it either. I did and I jumped before him. I was told it was a Haradrim dart.â
âHaradrim? From Harad?â
âIt was laced with poison.â
Estella hugged the princess tightly. âI still cannot fathom you could have died. What would I do without you? My sweet lady, my beautiful little girl. I hope you will pardon my impudence, butâŠI happen to care for you as if you were one of my own. I had two wonderful boys once. Two boys and a little girl who looked like you. Though no Elven blood ran through her veins, she did indeed have a fair complexion and bright gray eyes similar to yours.â
âDid sheâŠâ
âShe died of illness as an infant.â She sighed and a rueful smile appeared on her face as she caressed the princessâ cheek. âMy boys died too, though the circumstances of their early demise were fairly different.â
âDo you feel comfortable enough to tell me about their deaths? I would never wish to cause you unnecessary pain and I would like to apologize in advance for shamelessly asking you to share such personal details. I have now just realized that I know very little about you. For instance, I was not aware you were married. Is your husbandâŠâ
âSadly, it has been many years since my husband traveled beyond the Circles of the World. Shattered by our daughterâs untimely passing, he resorted to alcohol to numb his pain. The man I had married, the man I had loved with every fiber of my being slowly wasted away, drowning his sorrow in ale and wine. So much wine. He would refuse to eat, and he would not sleep, neglecting his marital duties. He was no longer interested in his craft, in his sculptures, in his books, in his children. All that that he had enjoyed prior to our baby girlâs demise had suddenly lost its appeal. I watched him wither and shrink, the spark in his eyes replaced by thick veil of despair none of us seemed to be able to pierce. His now perennially glazed eyes had turned imperious and cold, his face unrecognizable. Though he had showered my boys with a copious amount of affection, the love he felt for his daughter was unparalleled. He was perhaps the only man within the walls of this city to value a girl over his male heirs.â
âThe world is in dire need of such people, I reckon,â the princess replied as she dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. âThough I do not think I am more valuable than my brother, I certainly do believe I am no less important than him. I wish my mother and father would agree.â
She held onto Estella. âI am so sorry for your loss. Though we fail to communicate most of the time, I know I could not bear it if either one of my parents died. Though I cannot stand him on most occasions, I would be devastated if something happened to my brother. Were I on my deathbed, I suppose he would not shed a single tear.â
âYou may not believe it, Madam, but he was rather shaken following the accident.â
âOf course he was. Although Father was the main target, he too could have been hit. You know how much of a coward my brother is. Young children are braver than he is. I am surprised he did not have someone help him escape as soon as the arrow was released.â
âHe is the Crown Prince and your fatherâs only heir. His survival is vital to the kingdom and I have no doubt that some people at courtâinfluential nobles holding grudges against your father for whatever reasonâwho may be plotting his downfall as we speak. They have already tried killing the King, how do you know they will not attempt at your brotherâs life as well? I am sure he, too, knows that it is a very likely outcome. He has a right to be scared.â
âI am certain no one from Gondor is to blame. As long as he does not leave the capitalâor the kingdom for that matterâhe is safe.â
âIs he?â
âNo one would dare attack the Prince.â
âYou prevented your fatherâs assassination.â
âI did indeed.â
She glanced at Estella. âNo one in Gondor would purposely hurt my brother. Our people would never do such a thing. Are you perhaps trying to suggest otherwise?â
âI do not know, Madam. I thought the King could not be harmed. If you had notâŠâ
âPlease do not speak of it. We all know what could have happened and we should be thankful it did not come to pass. The mere thought of attending my fatherâs funeralâŠâ
She cleared her throat as she pushed back tears. âEldarion is much too young to ascend the throne now. He cannot sit on it, Estella. He would run the Reunited Kingdom into the ground and destroy the legacy of our House. He has no supporters, no one to guide him, no one to advise him. Those Haradrim traitors would certainly seize an opportunity and attack the city at once. Minas Tirith and its people would be annihilated. Our heritage, our culture, the traditions of our mighty ancestorsâŠall would be lost. Gondor would cease to exist and with it the remnants of the greatest civilization of Middle-earth too would fall into oblivion.â  She gulped and nervously rubbed her fingers. âI love my brother dearly, but he must not be permitted to rule until he shows he has acquired some wisdom and common sense.â
âHe is still so very young, Madam. He has got time still.â
âHis behavior is deeply concerning. Mother and Father refuse to acknowledge it simply because he is the heir to the House of Telcontar. He is immature, entitledâŠand vicious. I pity the woman he will marry.â
âI beg to differ. The lady Elenna seems quite content with the arrangement.â
âThe Lady ElennaâŠâ
The princess sighed and shook her head. âShe is scared, Estella. I can see it in her eyes. That poor girl has never been happy. I have seen how my brother treats herâŠhis attitude towards herâŠâ
âOur prince certainly would not harm her, Madam.â
âHe would. He would and he already did. I saw him. He slapped her because she would not give in to his demands.â
âAre you certain, Madam? Perhaps the Lady Elenna was talking to somebody else; someone that you mistook for your brother.â
âDo you not believe me, Estella?â
âI have never said that, my lady. But I find it hard toâŠâ
âYou do not believe me. Do you think I would purposely lie and slander the Crown Prince? Do you think I would speak if I was not beyond certain of what I saw and heard?â
âIf I ever implied it, then I apologize.â
âI firmly believe the people would never harm him. They cherish him, but that is only because they are unaware of his true character. I am afraid they will indeed try and hurt him once they find out who he really is, how he acts behind closed doors. They seem to adore him and how could I blame them? He is handsome, the fairest prince of Men to ever walk Middle-earth since the Elder Days. He knows how to approach people; he is gallant and kind when the situation requires it. He is a charmer. He possesses good qualities, and it is undeniable that he knows how to use them to his advantage. He has mastered the art of deception.â
âI do understand your concerns, Madam, and I partly agree with you, yetâŠit seems to me you are trying to portray your bother as sort of Dark Lord.â
âIs it not accurate though? He knows how to manipulate people. Whatever he wants, he takes. No one questions him. He believes he is control of his actions, but he does not realize others are pulling the strings behind his back, namely that horrid tutor of his.â
âLord Daerion? He is always so courteous andâŠâ
âHe is hiding something, Estella. I can feel it. He should not be allowed to be around my brother. His whereabouts are unknown, he has no family, no friendsâŠwe do not even know where he lives. How can we trust such a secretive individual? How has he been allowed to become the Crown Princeâs only confidant? A man with no positionâŠâ
âHe did serve under Lord Denethor, Madam. The late Steward took him in when he was allegedly abandoned by his parents as a young child. He was then raised as a proper lord.â
âFrom all accounts, the deceased Steward was a repulsive excuse of a ruler and an abhorrent father to Lord Faramir. I have no doubt that Daerion is more of the same. I was right to distrust him.â
âI do not doubt your intuition, but, if I may, I have a suggestion I should like you to consider.â
âWhat is it?â
âLet go of prejudice.â
The princess frowned. âWhat do you mean?â
âIt seems to me you are blinded by preconceived notions. The Lord Denethor was indeed a troubled individual, but he did have a difficult past and was forced to endure a great deal of pain. Perhaps doting on Lord Daerion was a way to reconnect with his old self, with the man he had been before he was struck by pain and tragedy. He saved an innocent child from misfortune and showered him with love and attention. What would have been of Lord Daerion had the late Steward not provided him with an adequate livelihood? He most certainly would have perished.â
âCould he not show the same love and care to his son?â
âYou speak of things you do not know, my lady.â
âMany contemporaries of the Lord Denethor still dwell within these halls, Estella. Even his staunchest supporters and closest allies have confirmed that our current Steward was treated less than favorably by his sire. Some of those lords immediately swore fealty to the Prince of Ithilien following my fatherâs accession as they were outraged by the unfair treatment previously suffered by Lord Faramir. They wished to make amends for not protecting him when they should have. They knelt before him and begged for mercy, which was granted to them.â Â She sighed. âI admire Lord Faramir. He is knowledgeable and quick-witted. I wish my brother had turned to him for counsel. It would have benefited him greatly and he would now be maturing into the valiant prince he tricked the people into thinking he is. As far as I know, Lord Faramir had offered to tutor my brother, but Eldarion turned him down for Daerion.â
She paused. âIt is not hard to imagine why he would do such a thing. It is no secret that my bother loves being coddled. Only Eru knows what that vile snake told him. My brother may be able to manipulate others, but he is manipulated just as easily. He is persuaded that Daerion cares for him, but it is apparent that Daerion is only interested in his reputation. That is all he cares about. I am certain he has spies and informants lingering about. He craves power, I can see it in his eyes. He craves power and would do anything toâŠâ
She exhaled.â It is inevitable for me not to think ill of someone who was reared by a heartless madman.â
âDo you know him well enough? I think not. You should not be making assumptions, my lady. It is impolite and, if he truly is the sort of man, you are so adamantly describing, it could very dangerous if your words were overheard.â
âThe Prince and the King must be protected.â
âThey have the best protection available in all the lands of Men, as it is their right. The Grey CompanyâŠâ
âThe Grey Company failed to ensure their safety. My father only survived because of me.â
Her eyes rested on her governessâ face.
âWhat is it, Madam?â
âI thinkâŠâ
She pursed her lips. âI believe you were right. It all makes sense.â
âMadam, I am not following.â
âYou said it before. You said it yourself, remember?â
âI beg your pardon, my lady, but I do not know what you are talking about. Perhaps if you would be so kind to provide some contextâŠâ
âYou mentioned how there were no Haradrim at the parade.â
âThat is correct. I did say that.â
âIt only means the attacker was a Gondorian. You were right. Of course you were. No Rohirrim and no Haradrim attended the parade, after all.â
âPerhaps someone from Harad infiltrated the crowd and managed toâŠâ
âThey would have been caught, Estella. People from Harad have somewhat of aâŠdistinctive appearance. They would never wear Gondorian garments, which makes them easily detectable.â
âWe cannot know whetherâŠâ
âWhy are you retracting your statement? I understand that you probably did not mean it. Perhaps you intended it to be a joke, a careless remark. But it is an entirely possible scenario, if not the most likely to have occurred.â
âYou truly believe thatâŠâ
âIt is my opinion that someone dwelling within our borders orchestrated an assassination attempt on my father. Perhaps they were also planning to murder my brother.â
âAnd I suppose you firmly believe that someone to be Lord Daerion, is that right?â
âI do.â
âIt is not my place to argue with you, Madam, butâŠâ
âWhy are you defending him? Why are you trying to make excuses for him? Are you one of his mistresses?â
âOf course not!â
âYou said it yourself, Estella. How can you not understand? Someone from Gondor was behind the attempt on my fatherâs life,â the Princess insisted. âSomeone who knows our family well, someone who has access to my fatherâs inner circle. Someone my father trusts.â
âYour father has surrounded himself with many capable statesmen. Why are so you keen on accusing Lord Daerion? Heâs your brotherâs tutor and confidant. Why would he harm the King? He cares for Prince Eldarion as if he were his own son and every little thing he does is for his happiness and better comfort.â
âYou are so blinded, Estella. For Eruâs sake, WAKE UP! You had an affair with him, there is no other explanation.â
âMadam, IâŠâ
Estella was interrupted by a loud bang followed by a thud. A young man was on the floor, the wooden tray he has been carrying also on the ground. Estella frowned and rolled her eyes.
He immediately stood up, picking up the tray. âForgive me. I did not mean to barge in this unseemly fashion. I tripped andâŠâ
âTo what do we owe the grand entrance?â
âWe do not have all day, Imrolas! Place the tray anywhere you like and bow to the Princess. And do clean up this mess! Whatever was in the cup that so very unceremoniously shattered on the floor happened to spill all over the rug!â
âI had boiled some milk for the PrincessâŠâ
âShe is no longer five years old! Why would you do such a thing?â
âShe usually has it with sugar and vanilla extractâŠit is her favorite drinkâŠâ
âDo you have anything to say? Or have you come here just to be a bother?â
 Imrolas bowed his head. âI was sent by King Elessar. He wishes to speak to his daughter at once.â
âYou could have said it much earlier. I suppose the cleaning can be postponed. Has our gracious King mentionedâŠâ
Imrolas turned to the Princess. âHe has decided to marry you off, Madam. He is waiting for you in his study.â
He glanced at Estella. âI was not going to clean it anyway. You may do it yourself. You are the head of the Princessâ household, and it is one of your many duties. I shall tend to mine. I may be clumsy, and I may be carefree, but I deserve to be valued and respected. You cannot talk to me that way. I do not answer to you and I owe you nothing. I was sent here to deliver a message, and I thought the Princess might enjoy a glass of milk. That is all.â
He placed the tray on a nearby table and bowed to the Princess. She was staring at him in anguish. âMarry? I have toâŠ. marry?â she asked. âIt cannot be, Imrolas. Why would my fatherâŠâ
âIt is the Kingâs decision, my lady. I am only his secretary, there is nothing I can do about it. I was tasked with bringing you the news and I had to comply.â
âNO! I do not want this!â
âIf you please, Madam, I shall escort you toâŠâ
âNO!â she cried. âEstellaâŠsay something. Speak to him. Speak to the King, I donât want to marry. I am not ready, I donâtâŠâ
âWho am I do so, my lady? Perhaps you will grow to love your husband. Maybe it will be love at first sight. I am sureâŠâ
âI do not want to be wed, Estella! Why is no one listening to me!?â
The Princess rushed to Imrolas and hugged him. âWho am I marrying? You have seen him, am I right? You have, Imrolas, I know you have! Please tell meâŠâ
âI am not allowed to say anything.â
âImrolas, please. I donât trust my father on such matters. I love him dearly, but IâŠâ
âCome, my lady. We should not have him wait.â
She clung to him. âI have a bad feeling, Imrolas. I am scared. I would rather stay here.â
âYou must not be afraid.â
âWhy do I see pity in your eyes? What is going on? Who is my betrothed? Tell me his name. I am certain that my father told you who I am marrying. He informed you about it. Please, Imrolas. I beg youâŠdo tell me. Say it.â
âCome with me. You shall see for yourself once he joins you and your gracious father.â
Estella and Imrolas had to forcibly drag her out of her chambers, the young royal protesting and hollering for an explanation.
âBehave, my lady.â
âBehave? Are you seriously asking me toâŠbehave?â
âI am, my lady. Your screams will be heard by the whole court. Is this what you want?â
âIf you think I am interested in the opinion of servile courtiers and in that of silly ladies whose only purpose isâŠâ
âYou will follow us andâŠâ
âI do not intend to leave my chambers.â
Imrolas glanced at her. âMy Princess, I beg youâŠâ
âI will not change my mind. I am staying here.â
âPlease, my lady, do notâŠâ
Imrolas trailed off and gasped as Estella and picked up the Princess, tossing her unceremoniously over her shoulder and placing a hand over her mouth. âI have not done this since you were a toddler,â she complained. âAlbeit disgraceful, it is somehow more dignified than the horrid spectacle you are currently making of yourself.â
All the Princess could do was mumble and stare at Imrolas, who was himself bewildered.
âWhat are you doing, Mistress Estella? Is this the proper way to treat a princess?â
âIf she insists on acting like a spoiled toddler who will not listen to reason, then yes, my Lord Secretary of the King. It is.â
âAnd you truly believe that carrying her as if she were a potato bag will be helpful in bringing her back to her senses about a marriage to which she clearly does not consent?
âI raised her myself, Imrolas.â
âI understand, Estella. Yet I fail to seeâŠâ
âI know what I am doing.â
âI think you could try and persuade the King to reconsider his decision. Is it not what the Princess asked of you?â
âWhy do you not do it, Master Secretary? You may have a better chance of succeeding. Our Liege trusts you and confides in you. You spend more time with him than anybody in this court. Surely putting in a word would not be too difficult for you, would it?â
âI am only a secretary. It is not my place to criticize our Liege-lord.â
âIt is not mine either. I am only the Princessâ governess.â
âWell, what can we do then?â
âWe are servants, Imrolas. Servants obey and keep their opinions to themselves. They keep quiet and do as their lord commands. That means there is virtually nothing we can do.â
âI thought that maybe youâŠâ
âI oversaw the Princessâ education, that is true. I taught her how to walk and how to dress. I devoted myself to her upbringing. That does not mean I can change the Kingâs mind. No one can.â
âPerhaps we could speak to the QueenâŠâ
âBe reasonable, Imrolas. Be reasonable.â
âI simply suggestedâŠâ
âIt is a foolish suggestion! Do you seriously think we could go to the Queen and ask her to intercede on our behalf? Have you become a complete half-wit?â
âWhat would happen? We could ask for an audienceâŠâ
âAnd say what?! Our esteemed Princess does not wish to wed?â
âYâŠyes? Is that not the truth?â
He glanced at her. âShe does not seem at all pleased with it.â
âThat is only because I am carrying her as if she were a potato bag as you rightly pointed out.â
âYou could at least take your hand off her mouth.â
âOh no, that would be most unwise.â
âHow so?â
âShe would embarrass herself and we must prevent it, especially within these halls. Do you not know it is said that even walls have ears? The Princessâ reputation would be ruined.â
âI am starting to properly loathe that word.â
âYou would be surprised to learn how many things I loathe.â
Imrolas raised an eyebrow and Estella scoffed. âI must confess I deeply envy those who do not live here. Though serving the realm is my most sacred franchise, IâŠâ
âYou wish you were not the Princessâ governess.â
âI love our Princess as if she were my own child. As a matter of fact, she reminds me of my daughter; my beautiful girl whom I lost so many years ago. YetâŠâ
âI truly wish we could help her. She does not deserve to be married off so young.â
Imrolas glanced at the Princess. âAre you comfortable up there, Madam?â
The Princess released a grunt and kicked Imrolas in the shoulder. The latter wheezed. âI suppose not.â
âShe need not worry, for I will soon free her. That is, if she acts as befitting her station.â
âI do hope you will release her.â He leaned in. âMind your tongue, my lady. She is the Kingâs daughter. A bold choice of words may cost you your pretty head.â
âNonsense. The Princess would never harm me. Perhaps it is you, after all. You are eager to get rid of me.â
âOh, not at all my fair lady,â he quipped. âYou may not believe me, but I very much enjoy being around you when you are not insulting me.â
âYou take delight in annoying me, Imrolas. I reckon that to be far more likely.â
âPerhaps.â He sighed. âWould you mind putting the Princess down? Watching her flail her arms makes me uncomfortable.â
âOh, my poor, sensitive Imrolas,â the governess mocked him. âI suppose you have never been to battle. It would serve you well. At least you would learn to be less impressionable.â
âAnd you have, my lady? How many enemies have you slaughtered with your beautiful dress and headpieces? How many experienced warriors have you faced?â
âIt is not a fair comparison, my Lord Secretary.â
âWomen can participate in war if they so wish. Take the late Lady Ăowyn for instance. She joined the army led by ThĂ©oden King and Ăomer King and killed the Lord of the NazgĂ»l at the Pelennor Fields. She was only twenty-four years of age when she did that. I think it is impressive.â
âNot all women are like the Lady Ăowyn. Be careful not to speak of her.â
âHow come? She should be hailed as one of the greatest figures of this past age. She saved us all. Minas Tirith would have fallen, had she not slain that foul beast and its accursed rider.â
âI am aware of it. I know it all too well. Yet, you should refrain from mentioning her deeds. Members of this court may be quick to judge you and, as far as I know, most of them despise you already. You had better not give them any more reasons to hate you.â
âDo they really despise me?â
âIf the persistent rumors I have heard have some truth to themâŠI suppose thatâŠâ
âWhy would they though? I have never offended or disrespected anyone. I have never even spoken to them, Estella. I barely talk to anyone except you and King Elessar. I am his secretary, the Lord Chancellor as some would say. I manage his correspondence, and I am in charge of his seal. It is my responsibility to keep track of his private expenses, and it is also my duty to collect taxes. I spend my days in an office with a balcony overlooking the Citadel and I rarely leave my quarters whenever the King does not require my assistance. I am only trying to serve the realm to the best of my ability. I may not have been the most qualified candidate toâŠâ
âThere. That is precisely the reason why others loathe the sight of you.â
âThey think I am unfit to serve as Lord Chancellor, do they not?â
âYou said so yourself. You mentioned how clumsy and clueless you are several times since I met you and remarked on it earlier.â
âNo, IâŠI did notâŠI meantâŠIâŠâ
âCalm down, Imrolas.â
âDo you agree with them?â
âIt is a simple question. The answer should not require much thought, as it is fairly straightforward. Do you agree or not?â
Estella glanced at him. âNo. No, I donât.â Her lips curved into a meek smile, an amused twinkle in her eye. âAlthough you could try and be slightly moreâŠorganized. I have seen your study, and I think you should thank the Valar the King is not interested in visiting you.â
âHe does not have time to visit me. He has many issues to take care of and so have I.â
âYou should be grateful and pray that the One keeps him busy.â
âIt is not funny, Estella. I take my duties seriously andâŠâ
âI know that, my friend. I just thought I could land you a helping hand.â
âWhat for? I mean, I am flattered. IâŠwhat would I need help with? I cannot think of a single thing that needs fixing orâŠâ
âWhen was the last time that study was cleaned, for instance?â
The secretary instantly paled. âUghâŠIâŠwell, IâŠâ
âThat is what I thought.â
âWhatâŠwhat do you intend to do about it?â
âDust it? Clean it? Sweep the floors, add some color to it? Add some flowers, a few pillows here and there? One may as well find more cheer in the Houses of the Dead.â
âI am very meticulous when it comes toâŠâ
âOh, do keep your tongue behind your teeth, Imrolas! You cannot fool me.â
âI am not trying to, IâŠâ
âHere we are,â the governess cut him off. âMadam?â
Gilraen let out a grunt and tried to sound out some words, Estellaâs hand still on her mouth.
âMay Eru be blessed, you are alive. You have been awfully quiet; I was starting to worry.â
The Princessâ mumbling prompted Estella to set her free. She put her down gently and fixed her hair. âWe are approaching the Kingâs study. Please, Madam, do not cause a scene.â
âI have no desire to marry.â
âYou will have to. Your fatherâŠâ
âHe cannot force me.â
âYou are the Kingâs daughter, and you are expected to...â
âI will not marry anyone. Not for a long time.â
âI have no wish to gag you again, but if you keep arguing and interrupting me when I am attempting toâŠâ
âWhat about you? Have you ever considered taking another husband? You could wed Imrolas. I heard you talk, and you quarrel like an old married couple. What do you think, Imrolas?â
âMadam, now it is not an appropriate time to jest. Your father is waiting for you. You should go.â
âWill you two not accompany me?â
The secretary and the governess exchanged a glance. âWould you like us to?â
âYes. I do not think I can do it alone.â
They walked to her fatherâs study silently, Imrolas and Estella slowing their pace so that the Princess could take the lead. They were servants and, as such, it was forbidden for them to trudge by her side. They turned a corner and saw full-armored guards stationed on both sides of the corridor, the winged crown of Gondor and the scepter of AnnĂșminas intertwined in an elaborate coat of arms that was plastered on their tabards as well as on their helms. They bowed as she hesitantly trudged along, their heads as low as hers. She stopped before a carved oak door. She turned back and sighed as Estella and Imrolas each gave her an encouraging nod. Then they both bowed and took their leave of her. She stood still for a few more minutes before the guard standing closest to her opened the door, careful not to meet her eye. She pursed her lips and prayed to Eru. All will be well, she told herself. Whatever happens, do not lose hope. For lost is the faithless when the road darkens.
âGilraen, guren vell. Do come in.â
She entered the room and curtsied. Elessar stood and walked up to her, hugging her tightly. âMy beautiful girl. You must be wondering why I called you here.â
 He kissed her brow and the light in his eyes dimmed as he glanced into hers. âWhat is it, my child?â
âIâŠI was toldâŠâ
âOh, you already know about it, then.â He kissed her cheek. âI am so proud of you, my sweet girl. Are you alright?â
Her lips curved into an understated smile as she bowed her head.
âI am, my lord. I am fine. You seem to be in good health as well.â
âIt is because of you that I still live, my daughter.â He ran a hand through her hair. âI need you to promise me something.â
âYou only need ask. I am yours to command.â
âNever try and save my life again.â
âShould I perish, whether it be in combat orâŠâ
âPlease donâtâŠâ
âYouâre right. You probably do not wish to hear unpleasant things on such a joyful occasion. I have summoned you here to discuss another matter. I apologize for not telling you sooner, but, as it happens, my mind was set on your full recovery.â
âI know. Though I was unconscious most of the time, I knew you were by my side. I felt your presence, and, for that, I am grateful. You worked tirelessly to ensure my survival.â
Elessar caressed her face. âMy sweet girlâŠforgive me for not being a better father to you. Eru knows that I have made mistakes. I have neglected you and disregarded you, but I believe I have found a way to mend our relationship. I know how tedious life at court is to you. Which is why I have decided to allow you to spend a few months away from the capital.â
Gilraenâs eyes widened. âMy liege, IâŠâ
âFather. Please do not use titles with me. I am your father, Gilraen.â
âI...do not know what to say.â
âIt is not what you have always wished for?â
âYou are trembling. Are you certain youâre alright?â
His tone was full of concern. âMy child, look at me. If you donât feel wellâŠâ
âI am fine. I am justâŠconfused.â
âHow so?â
âYou were never in favor of me leaving Minas Tirith. You always called me back whenever I left to visit Aunt Mörwen and you know how safe her mansion is. Why would you send me away when you always insisted that I stay here?â
âYou are not going back to Dol Amroth. Forget about Aunt Mörwen.â
She frowned. âWhat do you mean? Am I no longer allowed toâŠâ
âYou will be escorted to Lossarnach as soon as possible.â
âWhy? What am I to do there?â
âIt is my personal thank you to you, my child. A wedding gift which I hope shall be well received.â
âWedding gift?â
âAre you not glad?â
âShould I be?â
âIt is for you to tell me. Though I must confess I did expect quite a different reaction. Usually, ladies cannot contain their excitement hearing such news. That is my experience, at least.â
âTo whom am I to be married? Imrolas would not speak about it. Why am I being sent to Lossarnach? There is nothing for me to do there.â
âYour betrothed has been granted lordship over the region and you, as his bride, are entitled to the title of lady of Lossarnach. The Prince of Umbar was briefly considered as a viable alternative, but you never seemed comfortable with the idea of crossing the border.â
âThat is not true. I have only been to Dol Amroth, and you always called me back here nearly as soon as you learned of my departure. I would like to travel to Rohan and I should also enjoy to visit my uncles and see my Lady Motherâs childhood home for myself. Rivendell must be so beautiful andâŠâ
 âThat is enough, Gilraen.â
âI must tell you that the grandson of the current lord of Lebennin was also considered. I have met with the boy on a number of occasions and, though he would be an excellent husband, he suffers from a variety of ailments which can hardly be treated. I feel for the boy, truly. He would be the perfect husband for you, but I doubt he would be able to fulfill his marital duties. Our House is young, and it needs heirs in order to leave a lasting legacy.
âI am twelve years oldâŠâ
âI know, my child, I know. Your brother is fourteen and so is his own betrothed. Such is nature of unions among the nobility, whether we approve of it or we do not. I understand such a commitment may be cause of worry and distress, which is why I recommend that you spend some time with the lady Elenna. After all, she is your brotherâs intended, and she also happens to be well-advised on severalâŠâ
âI will never be like the Lady Elenna nor do I wish to. I admire her but I pity her. I pity her and I would rescue her if I could. I would save her from the dark pit in which she is trapped.
âHave you not noticed how miserable she is?â
Elessar sighed. âShe did indeed endure some unpleasantâŠâ
âDo you think forcing an arranged marriage upon her will be at all helpful? The poor girl is unwell and no one seems to care. If she really must marry, at least have her choose her own husband. I have seen how Eldarion treats her, Father. I witnessed some of his brutality. He has no regard for her honor andâŠâ
âI will not let you slander your brother. While it is understandable that you may not see eye to eye on certain...â
âFather, Eldarion is...â
âDo not interrupt me, my child,â he admonished her. âWhile I do agree that there are many at court who do not wish the Lady Elenna wellâmany of whom I have known for several yearsâI am beyond convinced your brother is not one of them. He may not be in love with her as of now, but he would never mistreat her.â
âDo you understand that a great deal of her pain and suffering are to be attributed to none other than my very own brother, to the Crown Prince you so revere? What has Eldarion done to deserve the constant praise you and Mother seem to be so keen on lavishing upon him? What has he done to deserve such boundless love? What has he achieved that I have not accomplished as well?â
âYou both are distinguished members of House Telcontar. The future of the Reunited Kingdom rests in your hands.â
âYou have not answered my question, Father,â Gilraen insisted. âWhat has Eldarion done that is so deserving of merit and attention?â
Elessar sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. âIt is true then. I hoped your brotherâs worries were futile and unfounded. At last, it turns out he was correct.â
âOf what do you speak? What are you referring to?â
âSadly, your brother is aware of the blatant disdain in which you hold him and is disconcerted by your cold demeanor and arrogant manners, which, I admit, I had not noticed until he pointed them out to me. He stressed how some of the rather grievous incidents in which you were recently involved and the issues that followed may have been exacerbated by your condescending attitude.â
âHe accused me of being condescending?â
She scoffed. âI am so very pleased to know that my irreprehensible brother is now fit to lecture me on morals. If I may say so, Father, I think he ought to strive to better his own behavior and focus on his duties. As the Crown Prince, he is expected to uphold to the values of our forefathers.â
âOf course he is. And so are you.â
âI am trying to my best to act according to my conscience. I have always done so, and I stand firm on this proposition of mine. I am not one to be easily swayed.â
âOf that, I am glad,â he replied dryly. âThough I still fail to understand what you were trying to imply.â
âI find it odd that a man of your wisdom and acumen was unable to grasp the hidden meaning behind my previous statement.â
âFret not, I did pick up on the subtleties.â Elessar glanced at his daughter, his gray eyes cold and stern. âHowever, I should very much like you to detail Eldarionâs misdeeds. They must be grave indeed to warrant such a harsh reaction.â
âEldarion is not the boy you believe him to be, my liege.â
âIt was your brother who brought it to my attention. We discussed the matter at great length, and it may be due to a poorly concealed feeling of jealousy on your part. While I dismissed his claim at the time our conversation about the matter took place, I see now that I should have heeded his words.â
âI never once thought my beloved father would favor one of his children beyond measure while completely disregarding the other, but it is apparent that the Crown Prince succeeded in poisoning you against me.â Her lip quivered. âWhat happened to you? Tell me, Ada. IâŠI need to know. What happened to us? Has your love for me utterly faded? Why will you not believe me, why will you not listen to me? Why will you not even look me in the eye?â
âNow it is not the time to address suchâŠâ
âYou will not dismiss me again,â she chimed in. âI will not allow it.â
âVery well. Do speak, Gilraen.â
âHave you truly not noticed anything odd in Eldarionâs behavior? Is she such a good pretender that you would believe him if he told you that the Valar came among us?â
âSay what you must and make haste, I pray you. I did not summon you here so that you could slander your brother with unfounded accusations. Your intended is joining us shortly in order to discuss the terms of your betrothal as well as his plans for the betterment of Lossarnach.â
âYou will not listen to me, will you? I have to yet say a word andâŠâ
âI must beg my liege to call off the Crown Princeâs betrothal to the Lady Elenna of Ithilien.â
Elessar frowned. âWhy? I doubt that the Lady Elenna has behaved improperly.â
Gilraen clenched her jaw. âMust it always be the Lady Elenna or any other woman? Why can it not be Eldarion? Is it because he is a boy? Is it because he is a male?â
âYou know very well that is not what I meant.â
âIs it because he is your coveted heir, the high and mighty Crown Prince of the Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor? Is that why you cannot fathom the concept of him ever making a mistake? That is it, is it not?â
âYour brother is a kind and thoughtful young man.â
âThat is what he wants you and Mother to believe. Although he is excellent at making it seem so, he is not who he pretends to be.â
âHe beats her, Father. I saw it with my own eyes.â
âWhat are you talking about?â
âYour precious son. My brother. Eldarion.â
Elessar stared at her, a puzzled expression on his face. âWhat about him?â
âDo you not understand? He is the sole responsible for her troubles.â She sighed. âYou care deeply about her, do you not?â
âOf course I do. She is a blessing to our family and will be a wonderful Crown Princess and an excellent Queen in due time. The realm will flourish under her guide and protection.â
âShe will not be the Crown Princess, Father. For her own sake, she cannot be. Eldarion should not be permitted to wed until he matures and learns how to treat others.â
Confusion and bewilderment were etched on the Kingâs features. âMy son would never disrespect anyone. He was not raised that way. I made sure of it.â
âI know,â the Princess quipped. âUnfortunately, my brother appears to have forgotten the values you and my Lady Mother tried to instill in him as a child. He strayed from the rightful path you set him on long ago and sought refuge in the counsel of another.â
She paused. âI suppose you are aware of his fondness for his tutor.â
Elessar nodded. âLord Daeron is a trusted member of his household and a valuable ally to the Crown. He is a core member of my Council and has served me faithfully since I reclaimed the throne that was mine by right. He recently further proved his worth and his loyalty to the realm by saving your life. You, my daughter, stand before me because of him and, for that, I am forever in his debt. A debt which, I fear, shall never be fully paid. Though an attempt was made and an agreement between us was indeed reached, I fear it will not suffice.â
Gilraen ignored him. âWhat if he was to blame for Eldarionâs misbehavior? His influence on him is growing stronger by the day.â
âLord Daeron oversees his scholarly education, that is all. Your brother has no other reason to see him, and, to my knowledge, he does not interact with him unless he has queries about his daily assignments. They speak of history, grammar and politics.â
âI presume Eldarion himself told you so.â
âYou are correct.â
âI assume you do not know about his many concubines then.â
âWhat are you saying, Gilraen? You enjoy spreading lies and deceit to tarnish his reputation, do you not? What is it that you hope to gain from your scheming? Do you seek to win the peopleâs favor?â
He looked at her gravely. âAre you plotting to overthrow me? Do you want to be queen? Tell me, Gilraen. You wish to rule, is that right?â
Her eyes widened. âFather, how can youâŠ?â
âWhat will you do? Speak. Tell me all about it. Will you have your brother killed? Are you hoping the people will murder him so that you can ascend the throne? Will you get rid of me as well? Will you have me executed? What about your mother? Is she going to be exiled?â
âHow quickly did you forget that I saved you,â she replied, her tone low. âHow quickly. I took an arrow that was meant for you, I bled for you, I nearly died for you, and this is what you think? Do you truly believe I would usurp your throne and murder my family in cold blood? I care nothing for that stupid chair. Yes, Father, that is all that it is. A stupid chair. A stupid, meaningless chair that could as well be destroyed by a flood or a natural disaster of any sort. Do you think I would choose a chair over my parents?â
âI did notâŠâ
âI am trying to have a conversation with you, I am attempting to reason with you. I am only asking for a few minutes of your time. I am only asking you to listen. Can you do that? Can you listen to your own daughter? Is it too much toâŠâ
Her voice trailed off and tears welled up in her gray eyes. âYou need to save her. Save the Lady Elenna from my brother. Call off their betrothal. Marry her to somebody else, someone who will take care of her. I may not know her all that well, but she is struggling, Father. That much is clear for all to see. She is suffering and it is my  wish to help her.â
âI had suggested that you spend some time with her. It will benefit you greatly. As I mentioned earlier, she is the epitome ofâŠâ
âAre you in denial or just plain cruel? She is suffering and we must do something to aid her. We must intervene before sheâŠâ
She noticed how her father had stiffened, his eyes suddenly vacant. âAre you alright?â
He did not reply and Gilraen raised an eyebrow. âFather?â
He gulped and took a deep breath before he sat. âI did intervene. Had I waited one more instant, sheâŠâ
âWhat did she do?â
âDid my brother do something to her?â
âDid the Prince force himself on her? I know he slaps her and pushes her around when she does not give in to his whims. I caught a glimpse of several bruises on her arms, and I may have inquired about a visible split lip butâŠeven I cannot picture my brother...â
She held her breath and exhaled loudly. âHe would not do that, would he? She is to be his wife. He cannotâŠplease tell me that heâŠâ
âShe has taken up to wearing a tight collar around her throat, has she not?â
Gilraen blinked, confused. âI thought it was necklace at first, butâŠyes, sheâŠshe does wear one. Other ladies wear jewelry of the same fashion. Why do you ask?â
âSheâŠshe was attacked by two of your motherâs attendants. She would not say their names even though I begged her multiple times. She was trembling. They injured her with scissors and punched her repeatedly in the face. Poor child was so scared. They attacked her out of envy. That is what she told me. She said they harmed her because they were jealous of her future status as Crown Princess. She said they claimed to have slept with your brother. I did not believe it; I still do not believe it. I did not raise my son that way. My Eldarion would never do that. I warned the Lady Elenna about the remote possibility of him taking a mistress, butâŠâ
âYou knewâŠâ
âI would have warned anyone. Infidelity is rampant in Gondor; it always has been. I simply wished to warn her as I would have done with any other lady. What matters isâŠI did not believe her. I got angry and said things I should not have. She blamed her late mother for her misfortune andâŠasked me to return to Emyn Arnen. She said she only wanted to be happy, and she doubted she could find respite here at court. She pleaded again and againâŠshe cried out that she only wished to go home. I refused. I did not give her my permission to return to Ithilien. ThenâŠâ
He smothered a sob. âShe grabbed her silver dagger, the one I gave her as a birthday present a few years ago. She held it tightly, pressed it against her throat andâŠâ
Gilraen was fuming. âWhy would you not allow her to leave? She attempted to kill herselfâŠshe tried toâŠâ
The tears she had been holding back were now freely trickling down her pale cheeks. âYou are to blame for this. It is your fault. You truly are cruel. Why would youâŠâ
She was shaking in anger. âI am to be married to Daerion, am I not? You gave my hand in marriage to that depraved, disgusting, utterly foul specimen of a Secondborn. That was the agreement you reached, was it not?â
âHe is a good man. He saved you when I could not.â
âI wish I had died.â
âI wish I had died before I learned what you did to an innocent girl who just wanted to see her home again. I wish I had died before I learned what sort of despicable individual you are.â
âI did notâŠâ
âI am leaving. I am going back to Dol Amroth. Aunt Mörwen will attend on me so that I will not have to see you again.â
She turned and walked to the door. Elessar immediately rose to his feet. âI will not allow it, Gilraen.â
âI presumed you would say it. I hoped you would.â
âYou are not permitted to leave this room until your betrothed arrives.â
âYou can speak his name.â
A page suddenly entered the room and bowed. âI beg your pardon my liege,â he said sheepishly. âLord Daerion is here. He says he was summoned to discuss a matter of the utmost importance.â
Elessar stood up. âHe was.â He composed himself. âLet him in.â
The page bowed once more. âMy King.â
He furthered opened the door and a tall, distinguished man who could have easily passed for a gentleman made his way in. Gilraen stumbled as he stepped closer to her. âMy Princess,â he saluted her before bowing to Elessar. âMy liege. You honor me beyond words.â
âCome, my lord.â
Gilraen shivered as her brotherâs tutor walked by her. She sighed and held her breath, trying to control her shaking hands. She stood still, her ears deaf to most of the conversation between her father and herâshe nearly fainted as she allowed herself to reflect on itâfuture husband. She could not move, her feet unable to sustain her weight. She fell to her knees without a sound, her mind blank. She no longer knew who she was, she did not know where she was, and it did not matter to her. She had died. She was reminded of the Lady Elenna and of her pain. A pain she had only now begun to understand.
She was pulled up by a pair of arms, but she could not feel her fatherâs embrace. She heard his voice call her name, but she found she was unable to talk.
She blinked as she realized she was lying on her bed. She was in her chambers, her governess watching over her.
Gilraen whimpered. âEstella?â
She stirred. âMy head hurts.â
âI was so worried when I saw your father carrying youâŠâ
âWhy was I brought here? What happened? I cannot seem to remember.â
âI am not quite sure.â
âDid I faint?â
âI would not say so, Madam. You wereâŠcatatonic. Lord Daerion mentioned how concerned he was andâŠâ
Gilraen jerked as her mind cleared. Being of Elven descent certainly had its own perks. âI need to leave. Tomorrow. I am going back to Dol Amroth. Tell the maids to prepare all that is needed. We are going and the Lady Elenna is coming with us.â
âMadam, I am afraid it is not possible. The KingâŠâ
âHe is marrying me off to him, Estella. I did not even want to be wed, and he is entrusting me to that old creep. What have I done to deserve it? Why me, Estella, why me!?â
âMadam, I am sure there is an explanation. You need to calm down. Your father would never endanger you. You need to speak to him so that he canâŠâ
âWe are leaving, Estella. We are leaving. The three of us.â
The governess looked puzzled. âThe third person beingâŠ?â
âWhy, the Lady Elenna, of course! Have someoneâanyoneâfrom my household send her a message. Urge them to do as I command at once. We cannot afford to waste time. We are leaving at dawn tomorrow.â
âMadamâŠyou need plenty of rest andâŠâ
âI need to see Aunt Mörwen. Both my life and that of the Lady of Ithilien depend on it, do you understand?â
âMadam, you need to calm down. Perhaps if the physician examined youâŠâ
âI need you to listen to me. I need you to do as I say. Please, Estella. We both need to go. Aunt Mörwen will help us.â
âThat is, unless you want me to kidnap the Lady Elenna and run off with her as soon as the sun sets. I have done it before, and you know I would be capable of doing it again.â She chuckled. âI did not kidnap anyone last time though. Do you think it would be an easy feat to accomplish?â
Estella glared at her but the Princess ignore her disapproving looks. âSo, what is it going to be?â
The governess pursed her lips. âI will have someone send the Stewardâs daughter a message.â
âI knew I could trust you. I am not marrying Daerion, and she is not marrying my brother.â
âIs this whyâŠâ
âYes. I will not let it happen. We will both be free.â
âI do not think the King and Lord Faramir willâŠâ
âGo, Estella. Please. Please, do as I ask.â
The governess curtsied and left, a crease on her forehead. Young Gilraen smiled and soon her smile tuned into a smirk. She would be free. Soon, they would both be free. And happy.
Yes. They would be happy. The Lady Elenna would smile too at last.
She deserves it, Gilraen thought, she deserves it more than anyone. May the Valar protect us both. I do not know her all that well, but I want her to be happy.
She blew the candle on her night table and closed her eyes. Estella was right, she did need to rest. A long journey awaited her. A long, somewhat expected journey.

Canon Character Faceclaims:
Henry Cavill as Eldarion

Original Character Faceclaims
Kaya Scodelario as Gilraen
Burcu GĂŒl Kazbek as Estella, Gilraen's governess

Daniel Portman as Imrolas

Aidan Gillen as Daerion
Selen ĂztĂŒrk as Mörwen

#tolkienocweek#tolkien oc week#tolkien oc week 2024#day 4: gaps and ghosts#original characters#ocs#my ocs#oc: gilraen daughter of aragorn and arwen#kaya scodelario#oc: estella#burcu gĂŒl kazbek#oc: imrolas#daniel portman#oc: daerion#aidan gillen#oc: mörwen#selen öztĂŒrk#gondorian ocs#author: annabawritersdream#formerly annab99awritersdream#author: me
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Maedhros & Maglor Week day 3: Himring and the Gap
Two more drabbles for @maedhrosmaglorweek, one for each location. Well, former location. I thought the Gap deserved a little physical remembrance, too.
One may sit astride the rocky isle, and, gazing north, nearly see where once a severed hand hung from an iron spike, reaching for the sky in surrender. The wind will tear at your skin. Let it carve its marks into your face; it is only remembering an old friend. Walk the old paths, remind them of their purpose; the stones were not smooth, once. See! Your boot fits into the grooves like thousands before. The grand hall lost its roof long ago, but the stars are beautiful now, are they not? The last tapestry hangs in pride: eight swords.
Sail a little east, and wait. The waves will rise about you, fore and aft, gentle hills into mountains, guarding, holding. Dip your hand into the sea, and it is grass. Bring it forth, to your lips. Do not mind the salt, the tears were not shed for you. Float, listen. Do you hear the riders singing, each to each? A call, an answer, a wall of thought to bind the walls of earth. There are songs of joy, yet, in the waves. Deep, dark below, ride the open skies. The currents are a flowing mane, gone like the summer.
#silmarillion#tolkien#silm fic#himring#maglor's gap#maedhrosmaglorweek#drabble#stormwritten#there's like a half dozen different little allusions here#besides the canon references of course#points for whoever can guess any#I was very tempted to change âit is grass' to âtouch grassâ
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Inklings Challenge Plot Twist: Not only did Team Chesterton not have the fewest amount of stories written for it, but the team in last place at the current moment is Team Lewis, which has always taken the top spot.
I know there are at least a few people planning to post within the next day or two that are probably going to alter those stats, but still. Did not expect this to happen even for a little while.
#frankly i'm just glad we had multiple earth travel stories in team chesterton#so far the count seems to be a little bit behind last year#which is a little disappointing because we had quite a few more people signed up#but i'm going to put my stats brain on hold for at least a day or two before i start comparing#also team tolkien is winning by quite a lot#i figured it would be ahead based on the entries i saw coming in#but it's a pretty big gap at this point#adventures in the inklings challenge
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Between the arms of Gelion was the ward of Maglor, and here in one place the hills failed altogether; there it was that the Orcs came into East Beleriand before the Third Battle. Therefore the Noldor held strength of cavalry in the plains at that place.
(Part 18 of toi's indigenous tolkien series)
[image description: eight images. all have side text 'the gap'
1: text 'maglor's gap' on background green leaves
2: four marquesas islanders, two of them on horses. they are on the bank of of stream in front of trees
3: more marquesas islanders on horses
4: bloody hand holding a sword
5: cropped photo of armour
6: wild grasses
7: marquesas islander man leading a horse on a rope halter
8: wooden lute]
#maglor's gap#silmarillion#pacific tolkien#moodboards and edits#toi's indigenous tolkien series#toi's creations#mepoc#tuserosie#usertilions#userindomiel#userlyndeth#(no pressure to reblog)#miriel therinde#image described
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you do realise arwen was thousands of years older than aragorn too right?
Brutally aware. Gonna be so real with you I try not to not to think too much about the Ethics of relationships when it comes to elves. I ship and let ship and move on with my life.
#Iâm so genuinely not sure what post this is about#but yes Iâm very aware that Tolkien started the age gap immortal trend
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