Chronic Artist
27 posts
She/her Student In love with fantasy LOTR, Silm, Got, Linked Universe, LOZ, etc
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nimsthefool · 10 days ago
Coloring Headcanons pt. 3. Twilight and Sky
Aka me coloring the sketch commission I got from Atro Avis (I got there permission).
These are based off my list of headcanons and stories I have for the characters.
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Tan skin from working out on the ranch, skin naturally darkens in the sun (no sunburns).
Eyes the same as Time’s just missing the white pupils.
Fingertip stain dark with twili magic.
Undertone is a mix of a green and red, producing a more brownish color (just slightly off).
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Hair is a dirty blond, a sharp contrast to Zelda’s bright blond hair.
Skin is unnaturally pale, despite how close he is to the sun it never darkens (or burns). Only place that is darker are the lightning and burn scars.
Dark bags under his eyes with his pale skin gives him a gaunt appearance at times (he is healthy).
Eyes are a sky blue.
Colored version of the commissions I got. Let me know your thoughts and comments!
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nimsthefool · 14 days ago
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A few LU doodles and expression practices.
I was thinking Wild dyed Twi’s hair green or something, and that’s why he’s salty…. but I’m lazy and colors are eh😬
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nimsthefool · 20 days ago
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redrew something. who is this. where am i. i'm frightened
*its 2025. whatever
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nimsthefool · 2 months ago
Chapter 2 of Courage is up!
And a couple paper doodles of Twilight and Wind in this AU. Not final designs, and not correctly proportioned to each other 😅
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nimsthefool · 2 months ago
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Lord of the Gap!
(He’s just a horse girl at heart)
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nimsthefool · 4 months ago
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redrawing the champions’ photo was hell, I never want to draw a rito ever again 🫠
(anyway, lyrics from this)
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nimsthefool · 5 months ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Four & Hyrule & Legend & Sky & Time & Twilight & Warriors & Wild & Wind (Linked Universe), Twilight & Warriors (Linked Universe), Legend & Wind (Linked Universe), Hyrule & Wild (Linked Universe), Four & Time (Linked Universe), Malon (Legend of Zelda)/Time (Linked Universe), Sky/Sun (Linked Universe), Time & Twilight (Linked Universe), Warriors & Wind (Linked Universe) Characters: Wind (Linked Universe), Twilight (Linked Universe), Time (Linked Universe), Legend (Linked Universe), Wild (Linked Universe), Champion (Linked Universe), Warriors (Linked Universe), Sky (Linked Universe), Four (Linked Universe), Hyrule (Linked Universe), Malon (Legend of Zelda), Lullaby (Linked Universe), Sun (Linked Universe), Groose (Legend of Zelda), Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda), Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda), Dusk (Linked Universe), Midna (Legend of Zelda), Rusl (Legend of Zelda), Uli (Legend of Zelda), Colin (Legend of Zelda), Linkle (Legend of Zelda), Tetra (Legend of Zelda), Aryll (Legend of Zelda) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Hurt/Comfort, Curses, Time Travel, No beta we die like Wild, alternate names to start, Good Older Sibling Warriors (Linked Universe), Good Older Sibling Twilight (Linked Universe), Time (Linked Universe) is a Good Parent, Wind (Linked Universe) is a Little Shit, Hyrule (Linked Universe) Needs a Hug Series: Part 1 of Castle Town Chronicles Summary:
Fate is a fickle thing, pulling strings behind the scenes. It gathers people from different times, countries, backgrounds; and brings them together. Nine heroes are meant to find each other in the bustling capital of Hyrule: Castle Town. To what ends, only fate knows.
An AU in a modern Hyrule with magic.
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nimsthefool · 8 months ago
I leave here my newest offering to the Silmarillion fandom
my newest project colleague Shyke and I put a lot of effort into these lyrics and melody for you to enjoy, if you like it, check out on the guy's SoundCloud page, he's great, when he proposed the idea of creating a song about my favorite characters together I couldn't resist, enjoy!
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nimsthefool · 9 months ago
Maglor the Old Elf
In my AU, Elladan and Elrohir find Maglor on the beaches of Middle Earth, he is ill, physically worn, and even has visible strands of grey strewn throughout his midnight hair.
Maglor is taken to Imladris to heal and be at peace for the first time in many millenia. Elrond is beyond relieved and near tears when he sees his sons riding into Imladris with a very familiar elf with them.
Maglor embraces Elrond but tries to refuse care and healing, stating he did not deserve it. Elrond told Maglor that Imladris is a place of peace and healing, no amount of past deeds and self loathing will change that.
Maglor is treated long and hard for illness and fever that seems almost engraved in his bones. But Elrond works day and night to provide comfort for his foster father.
The Elves of Imladris are more intrigued by Maglor rather then feared or hated, the elflings especially, they found the mix of grey and black in his braids to be beautiful and his tall tales he would tell to his own young brothers wludl entertain them for hours. Maglor while recovering well is still affected by the years on his feet, his eyes and bones are old, his eyesight is not as sharp as it once had been and his bones are weary and frail, he takes to using a walking stick/or cane, a beautiful one made and carved by Elladan and Elrohir.
Many of the less familiar elves took to calling him "Maglor the Old Elf", as besides the silvan and Avari, Maglor seemed to have collected one of the largest sums of years, alongside Cirdan the Shipwright. He also weeps at getting to meet his mysterious nephew Erestor, Caranthir's son... one of the last of his family.
I also headcanon that Cirdan and Maglor become friends during this time as well. After hearing about the return of Maglor, Cirdan makes time to visit Imladris and examine the situation, but all he sees is an old, weary elf trying to warm his ever chilled bones with a thick quilt. Cirdan takes to talking with Maglor and the two soon form a strong friendship with each other.
From one old elf to another.
I have way more ideas on this if anybody would like some short stories!
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nimsthefool · 9 months ago
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Two Feanorian Lords in Himring.
(They’re talking about how cold it is)
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nimsthefool · 10 months ago
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nimsthefool · 11 months ago
Want a whamp? Also your art and expressions are stunning. I been enjoying seeing what you been creating.
I had been thinking about how Twilight got injured in that one chapter LU, Twilight seems a bit delirious. I always kind of thought how he must of had some crazy dreams and that it was the curse coursing through him. With that said, how bout Drawing something where Time is trying to comfort twilight as he is having a nightmare, where like Midna (who never actually said this) “oh mutt, you were nothing to me, but a means to an end. Nobody likes you.”
And rancher just whimpering, “no, Midna, you don’t mean that…”tears streaming as a feaver spikes.
And time like “oh pup, it’s okay. It’s just a nightmare.”
If that’s too much I understand. :) but yeah. That’s pretty whomp-y where the curse is causing dark dreams.
first of all BIG FAN! I love your cosplay!!! I see you everywhere reblogging people's creations and it's super duper awesome (੭˃ᴗ˂)੭
you help others get more recognition in this fandom (as well as the loz fandom) and I would just like to say a massive thank you for helping others get noticed!
thank you for the request! I hope you have an amazing day @ordonianhero💙
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nimsthefool · 11 months ago
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Sorry y’all, I hit a rough art block. Here’s some Wolfie :)
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nimsthefool · 11 months ago
Hi! Totally adore your Silm art so regarding your offer for art prompts: Personally, I'm very intrigued by your hc that elves have six fingers... so how about a sketch of Maglor playing a harp (only the hands?)?
Thanks in advance & stay safe!
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for those who understand anatomy: don't judge me on how these fingers are supposed to work lol. and if anyone wants to figure out how a sixth finger would work - what tendons go where, muscles, palm size, etc. -please let me know
claws would help as picks, but you might have to file them down a bit so you don't snap a string or scrape the varnish lol
and stay safe too!
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nimsthefool · 11 months ago
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what are they saying?
Like, genuinely I can’t think of anything I drew them and idk what to with them help
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nimsthefool · 11 months ago
One of the Links tied up. He’s not in any particular pain or danger, but he is stuck. Light angst.
Legend breathed in a deep breath and counted down in his head. Three, two, one!
He tensed all his muscles, pushing as hard as he could against the ropes. He held it for as long as he could before he let out his breath. He let his head fall back against the tree, huffing to catch his breath.
"Are you done yet?"
Legend could've growled. Ironic, considering his companion. "No, I'm not. Unless you have another way out of here, this is all we got."
He heard Twilight sigh, but there was no other response.
"Why aren't you trying, huh? You're stronger than me," Legend said.
"I already tried. I'm savin' my strength 'n case they come back."
Legend sighed and turned his head. The bark scratched his cheek; he let the feeling ground him. He couldn't see Twilight since he was tied on the opposite side of the big tree, but it was comforting to look nonetheless.
"Whatever," Legend murmured, but there was no heat behind his words.
It had been hours. The mercenaries had jumped them, tied them up, then gone after their friends. Legend's heartbeat had returned to a relatively normal level, but his mind was no less frantic. They didn't even know what or who the mercenaries were after. His friends were possibly fighting for their lives, and here he was, stuck.
Twilight's smooth baritone cut through his thoughts. "They're gonna be fine, y'know."
Legend turned his head forward again and lightly thumped it on the tree. "We should be helping."
"I trust 'em. We're all capable heroes in our own right."
"You're right," Legend conceded with a sigh. "You're right. I just..."
"Don't like feelin' useless?" Twilight guessed.
"Me neither."
Legend glanced up at the darkening sky and tried to let himself believe Twilight's words.
There was a small, soft rumble from Twilight's direction. Legend let out a rough laugh and jerked his head toward Twilight.
"Was that-"
"We missed dinner, okay?" Twilight interrupted. Legend could imagine his mortified expression- ears pinned back and blush creeping across his cheeks.
"Hey, you get us out of here and I'll get you all the meat you can eat."
"You've got yourself a deal, vet."
Send me a prompt!
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nimsthefool · 1 year ago
really quick wolfie drawing while on break, it’s kind of crap but whatev did it in like five minutes
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