#the fucking audacity truly
feysandfeels · 2 years
Imagine having the audacity to cancel on me an hour before our anual pasta and wine night when I am looking like this?!
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bosooka · 4 months
just yesterday i saw a post that was like "white male characters are allowed to have character arcs and literally every other kind of character is not" and then today i see a post essentially saying bo-katan is a hypocrite for grieving her sister when she had a hand in satine's death...the jokes write themselves actually
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nocreativityfornames · 9 months
Solomon + Devildom lore ( An Ancient War )
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This sorcerer is confirmed to be Solomon by Barbatos at the end of the Devilgram.
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dragons-library · 2 months
A little rant about Dain on chapter 18 fourth wing. Because fuck him.
Ughhhhhhhhhh SHUT UP!!!!
He first gets mad a violet because she tells him what Tairn said about “scorching the ground where he stands if he harms Violet”. DUDE ITS A DRAGON YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO QUESTION THEM!! It’s not even violet saying that to him it’s literally the biggest dragon in the quadrant. Whatever.
And then is like “why didn’t you tell me you can’t keep your fucking sit?” Idk SQUAD LEADER maybe you should know that already. Everyone else knows. It’s not even a fucking secret. It’s hard on violet already not to mention Tairn is a monster of a dragon how would it not be harder for violet, any other rider for that matter, to keep their sit. They are just learning how now and her dragon is the second largest alive.
And what really pissed me off was when he said (and I quote) “I've been LETTING Kaori teach you” I BEG YOUR FINEST FUCKING PARDON????? YOU???? ARE LETTING ??? A PROFESSOR TEACH A RIDER????? WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!???????????????
A lot of his actions I try to understand coming from someone terrified to lose a friend after experiencing a year of just watching everyone die, but this???? All of this is absolute bullshit.
And him talking about the Gauntlet, don’t even get me started on him talking about the Gauntlet. She used his precious little codex to prove herself, using her brain like the smart strong woman she is, and he is here talking about he right or wrong way because Amber said so??? Oh but Xaden can go fuck himself even tho he is his wing leader😤
Is like the more she proves herself and the stronger she gets! The more Dain dismisses her and belittles everything she does
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recitedemise · 1 month
OOC, but tomorrow's my 'broke up with my abuser' one year anniversary! Or I guess escaped, really. Whooping! Hollering! Clapping! I started writing Gale shortly after that horrible trial of a break up (which took literally 3 days before they essentially finally let me go. read: FINALLY let me go, because I genuinely needed permission to break up), and Gale coming out of a toxic relationship himself made me really sympathize with him. :' ) Anyway, it's been a whole year, and I feel...so, SO much happier. I still have deep anger that crops up very often knowing I'll never get closure for what happened to me, but you know what? I don't have to wake up nervous about getting bombarded with texts anymore or checking my phone throughout the work day to get yelled at.
To commemorate, I'm looking at just ONE example of the hell I put behind me. :P
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Anyway, that's just a taste.
Like, lmao, where the hell did this come from.
It's funny cuz I wanted to break up countless times before this, and the problem each time which I REPEATEDLY told them about while even providing examples on HOW to fix it was how they spoke to me especially when they were angry or distressed. They eventually told everyone I used threats of breaking up as a tool to get them to behave instead of a genuine desire to break up.
It's so bewildering. Someone talks to me like THIS for over a year, and they think my wanting to break up (after a period of extreme exhaustion, depression and mental duress) was fabricated and a manipulation tactic and that I'm just emotionally abusive and playing victim...because evidently, the distress they caused me couldn't be real seeing as how they never do anything wrong ever.
All abusers can have a happy go rot in a pit.
Extra: when they apologized, they literally pulled the 'my therapist said it, not me' line. Rank fool is stupidly incapable and unwilling to take culpability for literally anything. Literally has never done it ever in their entire life. Abusing me then weaponizing their therapy? It's more likely than you think.
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lemedstudent2021 · 5 months
binging my new favourite channel on yt (if my impulsive and 3am thoughts were a person lol) and i find a short about palestine (whoo!), and lo and behold i find this gem in the comments section:
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and i am honestly unable to even can.
free fucking israel from what??
im seriously starting to think that israelis get lobotomised as part of their mandatory military service.
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 21 days
the plagiarism clown is really on twitter trying to make himself into a victim all over again, taking zero accountability and bitch crying that bg3 tumblr "bullied him" and that bitch is still out there acting like he did nothing wrong and proving that his "apologies" apparently meant fuck all.
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lyriumsings · 2 years
I keep seeing anons unload on IF authors about the way they do the romances in their games. And tbh it’s exhausting just to keep seeing I couldn’t imagine actually dealing with it. But I don’t understand the disconnect between the fact that’s it’s ok if the reason you play a game is just the romance. That’s valid, that’s fine, romance is one of my top reasons too! There’s nothing wrong with that, the problem is when you try to transfer your reason for playing to the author’s reason for creating. Unless, it’s explicitly stated (and even when it is a romance game still doesn’t mean their idea of a satisfying romance aligns with yours lmao) 99% of the time IFs are not solely romance games. Meaning: romance is not the point.
Romance routes are not even the icing on the cake, it’s just whether or not you want sprinkles and it’s whatever sprinkles the author has set up for you to take from, you don’t get to bring your own or demand different ones. That’s it. To sit there and complain that the story isn’t catering to your every want and whim is incredibly delusional and disgustingly entitled. And can actually be solved very simply: go make your own fucking game/book/IF whatever the fuck you wanna call it. “I’m not gonna play”! THEN DONT?? CLEARLY, the game isn’t doing it for you anyway, so bye. Stop trying to guilt strangers by harassing them and calling them names like you’re a spoiled child that’s never learned that not everything is for them to have however they want when they want.
Not to mention, it’s just incredibly idk belittling and insulting to just disregard these entire worlds that most of these people have spent years creating and cultivating in their heads all because “x character isn’t only into mc all of the time” or “x character doesn’t worship the ground mc walks on”. Like imagine building an entire world, with unique characters and lore and then all anybody cares about is “why can’t i marry this RO immediately and win the game?” like what?? Again if that’s your reason for playing that’s fine (imo it’s a bit narrow-minded but that’s just me)! But keep it to yourself if you’re gonna be disrespectful about it? Anyway yeah I just wanted to word vomit because it’s genuinely getting so annoying. ✌️
TLDR: IF authors are not creating a story for you, you are being allowed to participate in their story. Just be grateful god damn.
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almayver · 3 months
Sailub really is
SO pretty
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claudiaeparvier · 9 months
I’m so fucking upset rn y’all. Some stupid fucking bitch at Walmart, a complete and total fucking stranger to me, just randomly pulled my hair to “see if it was real”
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pinkfey · 11 months
I like following you but can you go back to reblogging vg gifs soon, its why I’m here
the genocide of the palestinian people is being broadcast online across every social media platform and they are begging us not to look away and turn a blind eye to their suffering doctors and mass graves and murdered children and final words and you want me to post baldur’s gate or whatever. unfollow me and get the fuck out.
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useless-englandfacts · 10 months
re the tags on your nigel farage post: last i checked nigel farage is on tiktok so that won’t save them
(referencing this post)
i saw more people complaining about nella rose's tone when she talked with farage than i did people commenting on the content of farage's speech itself lol
(which i'm sure has nothing to do with the fact that nella rose is a black woman of course)
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fightabear · 1 year
man every time i open twitter it immediately shows me the dismal take of a teen with deep religious trauma who cannot fathom anyone being comfortable with their sexuality & identity & must center themselves in a discussion that had nothing to do with them.
who knew all conserv xtians had to do to convince kids that sex-ed was bad & absitnance only was the only appropriate education was to disguise it as some assb ackwards social justice
edit: to be 100 percent clear here, this was a neurodivergent adult talking about their own sexiness and their neurodivergence. the minors barged into the conversation and decided harassment was a great idea.
i truly do not understand how the fuck we got here but i'd like to not. be staring down the barrel of a generation of teens & tweens who can't fucking google or research anything just blindly parroting whatever bad takes they see on twitter.
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jwooyoung · 1 year
just had the worst encounter with this woman walking around my neighborhood I went outside to get my mail and she stopped me and handed me a paper and was like oh I'm collecting clothes for a men's homeless shelter blah blah and I look at the paper and it says S-L sizes and I was like "oh okay is it just these sizes? or can we donate anything bigger?" and this woman goes "homeless people aren't fat why would they need bigger sizes 😂" and I wish my brain worked faster so I could've said something more idk profound but instead I handed her the paper back and went "you're a horrible human being if that's what you really think" and walked back into my house
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crawthornsharkinson · 5 months
No band name has ever over promised and under delivered like the Black Dyke Band
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