#the fates like chaos
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The Souls of Death
Lord Death's soul fragment split in two. One was Death the Kid, and the other would become Percy Jackson after the twin fragment was taken from Death.
Death, though, won't rest until his other child is found. If only the fates didn't need a son of Poseidon to be born more powerful than just being a demigod would allow.
PJO x Soul Eater Crossover fanfic
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Chapter 1: Twin Souls
Lord Death walked into his mirror dimension. Light and dark reflected off and bounced around the room in a chaotic kind of order. It was a culmination of the pure dark dimension to the light of the world outside the mirrors that shone its way in.
The mirror dimension was home, and only shinigamis could ever access and be able to survive in such a space. Here, Death could shed his masked form and allow his true form to rome. There isn’t a truly accurate way to describe in words how Death went in and out of corporal forms, like a misty shadow that swelled around the dimension, or Death was a solid dark matter coalesced in a small fragment of the dimension. Or the way sometimes stark white bones formed out the being like a jagged crown amongst his form. Death just simply was.
Death sighed, and his form condensed back into a smaller, more solid form. “It’s time.” The deep sound reverberated around the dimension like a whisper about the wind, even as no air ever entered this realm.
Death formed bony hands from his dark form, the skeleton digits reaching into his body, and from within, he grabbed a vial which contained the most precious and valuable thing he kept safe and hidden within himself.
Death gasped, though, when he looked at what was in the vial, and his form split apart and merged together while his hands turned into shadows.
The fragment of his soul that he separated from himself after Asura…
It became two twin soul fragments of himself!
Death didn’t account for the small fragment he carved from himself to split into two, but it did. His void-like eyes went large in shock, and he exclaimed “Twins,” in his high animated voice he uses around his students.
He cleared his nonexistent throat, and he formed a skeleton frame that was wrapped around shadows, and stroked his skull chin with his bony fingers with his free hand as he examined the two twin souls in the vial, “Well I can’t say I was expecting this, but maybe this will be for the best.”
Death opened the vial and carefully put the soul fragments into his palm, cradling them like they were the only thing that mattered in the world. “My children. I have so many hopes and wishes for you, but more than anything, I just want you to live. My part in this cycle is ending, and it's time for you to start yours.”
“Alright, I can only start with one of you at a time, so which one of you twins wants to be older.” Death says in his animated voice.
As expected, neither shard answers, but Death still chooses the shard on his right. “Hmm, you want to be older, alrighty! I’m just going to put your sibling back in the vial for now while I start forming your body.”
In the vial, the soul fragment on the left goes. Except that Lord Death made the mistake of setting the vial and soul aside instead of storing it once again in his shadowy form. After all, nothing but shinigamis could enter the Mirror dimension, right?
Lord Death needed all his concentration and much of his power to craft a body for just one fragment to reside in, and he couldn’t afford to split his attention by doing them both at the same time.
And so he crafted a human-like but immortal body for his child to inhibit. He crafted it around the small soul fragment of his child.
Death learned his mistake last time and wanted his child, his children, to learn like mortals, to grow like mortals. Thus, in his hands, he crafted the body of a baby. He painstakingly created all the necessary organs and veins and cells that are part of the human body. Of course, he improved upon the mortal body for his child and made it so a shinigami could inhibit the body.
Finally, he made the child’s appearance, from the eyes and skin and hair. Death may have been thinking of his first child when he created this one, and oh, he wanted another boy!
Finally, the first vessel was done for the first twin, and the soul fragment started to merge with the body. A soft glow lit up around them, and three pure white sanzo lines appeared on the right of the baby’s pure black hair. The baby, then, opened his eyes, and pure gold looked up and met the now golden ones of his father’s and he took his first breath.
“My son,” Lord Death whispers, his voice like shadows, and as he looks upon his son who looks so much like a version of him (when he’s eyes reflect the sands of time, and his body is as pale as a corpse), but instead of being ravished by time, his child is little, a kid.
And oh, that’s perfect! Death just decided on his son’s name and speaks it aloud, his voice filled with love and shadows, “Death the Kid.”
Death, however, was so enraptured by the tiny miracle of his son that he didn’t notice three ladies entering his domain.
The first was a young woman appearing in her twenties, and with her soft tan hands, she carefully took the vial with the other twin soul in it, a golden string spooling from her finger. Careful not to make a sound.
The second appeared in her forties, and she measured the string from her sister’s hand.
Finally, the third sister was an old woman in her eighties. Her hands weathered and worn, and she held the end of the golden string. And she watched as the golden string mixed with green. Though in her other hand, with her great shears, she did not cut the string.
It was time for other things.
Finally, Death took notice that he wasn’t alone in his domain, and he looked furious. Though he didn’t feel fear, he could never feel fear again.
He carefully held his newborn son in a shadowy limb, and from his body, great shadows burst forth and tried to latch on to the 3 ladies. However, they evaded him, even as he covered his entire realm in shadows.
“WHAT ARE YOU?!” Death bellowed. He knew these 3 weren’t witches. No, their souls, if he could call them that, were more like strings spooling into a great big tapestry that connected to each and every soul in and outside of the dimension. It was too much, and Death couldn’t see them if he focused on their souls, and he blinked their souls out from his perception.
The three ladies laughed. The laughter reverberated from all around.
“We are what was,” the youngest sister said. Her statement already felt years old. A distant memory, though an immortal like Death is hardly phased.
“We are what is,” the middle sister says. The statement echoes around forever in the present.
“We are what will be,” the oldest would say. Her voice like a vision that Death couldn’t quite understand just yet, but he understood enough from the other two to get it.
The three stare at Death and say all at once,
“A son of Death turned to a mortal for thee,” They laughed as they held the string that was overtaken in lovely golden green.
“If only we didn’t need a son of the sea.” Their voices crashed around like screams. It sounded like they were drowning.
“LET GO OF MY CHILD NOW!” Death echoes, his voice shaking his domain. Even the outside world felt Death’s rage. The mirrors of the outside world did not reflect any light, for darkness consumed their visage. And shadows grew darker, nights drew on longer, and madness seeped more into mortal’s souls.
The three sisters smiled, but their grins were twisted, and their eyes shone with glee.
“He’ll be back before the ascendance of his brother.” They pointed at the hidden Death the Kid, laughing all the while Death screamed in rage.
“But not before he holds the weight of the world of another.” The ladies' promises echoing around the realm, their voices echoing like the boom of thunder.
And just like that, the three ladies vanish, gone with Death’s soul fragment in their wake.
Death screams in fury. The world is shaking, for Death is on a path of vengeance. Madness seeps into people's skin. It curls around in their blood, and it infects their hearts.
And a wail is heard. It’s soft, but the voice stops Death in his tracks. His shadowy form condenses, and gold eyes overtake his void.
Death hurt his son. He infected him with madness. Death collapsed, his new solid from falling down to his created floor in his domain.
Death pulls his shadowy limb that cradles his son in close and checks over him. His baby’s eyes were slightly crazed, but there was recognition when he looked upon Death.
Death sighed in relief, his breath like darkness itself.
Death hurried to fully conceal his madness wavelength, but his son was still exposed to the full brunt of his madness and power while he was not even hours old. It would likely have ramifications for the rest of his life until he was able to access the full of his shinigami powers.
Death didn’t know how this would affect his son, but he would do his best to help, for he was the one who did this to his son. Even if it was only for a minute, it was a minute where his son was fully exposed to Death's divinity.
Now that Death knew his son would survive even if there would be ill effects, he turned his furious gaze outside to the mirrors of the world and located any visible Weapons and Meisters.
Death might be trapped in the confines of his city, but his weapons and meisters weren’t and they were going to find his other child.
They couldn’t find his child. Death’s child was nowhere to be found, and there was no trace of the three ladies.
Of course, Death never told anyone that the three ladies weren’t witches, nor that the bright shard of light was a fragment of his soul, his child. But he gave avid descriptions of what they were searching for, as well as listed the missions as the number one priority across to all people Death commanded.
Everything else was put on hold for this for months on end. Meanwhile, Death stayed in his mirror realm with his newborn son, accumulating Death the Kid carefully to life and to fighting off the worst effects of the madness.
No word, no sighting, nothing. Those bastards had stolen Death’s child, and they succeeded!
Death stewed in his fury. He wouldn’t rest until the crones were nothing but blood and guts stomped and ripped apart by his own hands.
For now, though, Death knew he needed to resume the hunting of kishin eggs across the world, and he had to prioritize the child he already had, as much as that hurt. It needed to be done, and Death reluctantly allowed the normal missions to proceed, though his child’s retrieval was still listed as a top priority.
The world slowly but surely recovered from Lord Death’s madness wavelength, Weapons and Meaisters still continually fought witches and kishins and reported to Lord Death, and new students were being brought to Death Weapon Meister Academy. Slowly, the mission of retrieval faded to the background, but Death could never forget. His rage would never lessen until the three ladies were dead, but for now, he has Kid to keep safe.
The three ladies returned to one of the many worlds they influenced. In this one, just as they entered a small cabin by the beach side, a pregnant woman was peacefully sleeping.
This was Sally Jackson, who was just shy of being 8 months pregnant, and she was about to have a miscarriage.
The ladies, however, could never allow that to take place lest they lose one of their favorite worlds to mess with.
The youngest-looking one still holding the vial with Death’s soul fragment carefully unscrewed it. And she dropped the soul onto her palm.
The youngest smiled and spoke. Her voice would have sounded sweet if her grin wasn’t so sharp, “Their beautiful.”
The soul didn’t like the lady, and the soft hum of their resonance quieted.
“Now now Clotho, we don’t have the time for this,” the middle sister scolds, her voice grating like the crashing of metal.
The youngest rolls their pure black eyes, “Lachesis, you know as well as I that we have plenty of time.”
The middle scowls, her eyes like an explosion of light and looks to the oldest, “Atropos, tell Clotho you don’t have time to waste.”
Atropos inclines her head, her pure white hair falling down her wrinkled face. See looked to the youngest, but there were no eyes in her sockets, as if they’ve long since dried and shriveled up, “It’s time.”
The youngest then gains a serious look on her otherwise mischievous face, and instantly moves over the pregnant woman's stomach, just before she is about to have miscarriage, and she forces Death’s soul fragment into the still soulless unborn child of Sally Jackosn and Poseidon.
The soul fights, but they are too weak still to fight against the fates just yet.
Atropos smiles with no teeth, the gums of her mouth dry, ‘This soul is perfect. Already proving a challenge.’ Her sisters had similar thoughts on the matter.
Death’s soul fragment, then, sinks into the body, and the soul and body merge together as one.
It’s only a mere moment that the baby’s soul leaks out their divinity before the fates seal the baby’s soul into a mortal form. A moment before the sisters sealed the unborn baby’s lines of sanzo and most of their inheritance as a fragment of Death’s soul.
However, it was in this moment that caused the three sisters known as the fates blink out of sight from a mortal's and even immortal’s eyes, as Sally starts screaming in the moments after their sealing took place.
Though Sally would no longer have a miscarriage, the baby could no longer stay in the mother’s womb. The once pure divine soul has already done too much damage to the mother’s body.
Moreover, this wasn’t just any mortal being born. This was a god that was being born. Even if the baby was born a mortal god, it was too much for a mortal to take.
Still, Sally prayed to Poseidon in her anguish, fearing she was losing her baby. Ever selfless in her endeavors. Poseidon appeared frantic and looked over to his lover in fear.
“The baby!” Sally screamed, her body already bleeding.
The fates watch as Poseidon helps Sally through her birth. The fates hide the divinity being broadcasted from the small birthing room that would have shone like a supernova to an immortal’s eyes. The fates watch as the seas grow choppy, hurricanes and storms are birthed, the ground shakes, and deaths are given prematurely around the world as the father and the child cast their pure divinity to the world.
‘It’s funny,’ Clotho says to her two sisters in their minds, ‘How a child so tied to destruction and death is also tied to creation and life.’
‘Indeed.’ Lachesis agreed back, as the three watch on as a new god is born. A god that would have killed their mother in death but gave more life to her instead.
‘That’s why we chose him after all.’ Atropos laughs, already loving the child’s chaos that he will bring all for the loyalty that was always tied to his very soul.
‘Yes, he is perfect isn’t he.’ Clotho smiles as she watches the mother hold their chosen one.
‘Perseus, a perfect name.’ Lachesis agrees, watching as Sally names her son destroyer.
‘Indeed.’ Atropos states, for a destroyer can be many things.
Then, the fates leave the small family of three. Already loving the past, present, and future planned for the child born from three.
I don't know about you, but I really love this! I can't wait for Death the Kid and Percy to meet later!
Also, Lord Death, he's furious and protective. Great combo for a god, imao.
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#percy jackson#soul eater#pjo fanfic#soul eater fanfiction#pjo x soul eater#percy jackson and the olympians#soul eater death the kid#death the kid#death the kid and percy jackson are twins#god percy#deity percy#dtk#soul eater dtk#powerful percy jackson#lord death#protective dad death#the fates#pjo#se#lord death and death the kid#eldritch#gods#twin souls#pjo x se#pjo x soul eater crossover fanfiction#this is going to be fun#wonder what Percy thinks of Thanatos now#multiverse#the fates like chaos#chaos child percy
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Babysitting duty calls, Klarion
It another world threatening battle for the justice league, young justice against the league of Villains and chaos children before most of the chaos children froze as if they sense something bad was approaching and immediately dipped out.. except klarion whom was fighting with raven who immediately froze up too late in front of the portal.
Only for a green portal to appear, as a worned out floating glowing green, but blue skinned teenage boy who turn into a man with red eyes, a clock staff in hand and a glowing white hair baby in a baby carrier.
Klarion is literally struggling like a feral cat who got wet in cold water against some invisible force speaking in some odd static like language before giving up after half a minute when the man spoke back with a short word.
The man now just shape-shifting into turn elderly just gave klarion the baby carrier before noticing how the heroes and villains have stop in mid battles looking at both klarion and him.
"All in soon time, but be warn Flashes whom break the laws of times will get their due if you keep messing with the past and future." Spoken the elderly now shape-shifted into a young boy before he turn back to klarion leaving him a note and glowing baby bag before floating back into the swirling green portal.
Klarion could only look at note with his eye twitching, Teekl meowing as she climb into the baby carrier purring around the glowing baby.
"Why do I keep getting babysitting duty, it so unfa-..." klarion grumbled as he pick up the baby carrier and bag teleporting away..
"What just happened?" Said Dick whom only one question would be put on hold til later in the watchtower of what just happen before the fight resuming with the young and original justice league winning since the league of Villains were distracted.
#dp x dc crossover#danny is the ghost king#danny phantom#dpxdc#dc x dp#dc x dp prompt#de aged danny#klarion the witch boy#klarion doesn't want babysitting duty after the last time#sadly he unable to avoid his fate in time#clockwork is a overworked tired papa who want a break from raising his de-aged balance of world godling who just got reborn after his death#he just want a break and a nap but he don't trust the observants for nothing after the supposedly last incident that will never come in time#the chaos children don't want babysitting duty again and avoid it like the plague#klarion is secretly a softie toward this lil being of balance but he has a reputation to hold that got shattered instantly#after Danny's death of old age then he become godling of balance of the infinite realms but he need to be raise to control his powers#whoms better to babysit the godling of balance then the chaos children who can have to cause chaos to keep the balance in check#chaos is keep balance in check while balance keep chaos from spreading depending on the luck#clockwork picks klarion as the best stable babysitter after viewing potential futures if he were to choose the other chaos children instead#clockwork is the big badass time god and the chaos children respect but mostly fear him#young justice#justice league
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Ker (keres, plural) goddess of violent death
it has come to my attention that when there is Thanatos, the god of gentle death, then there must be another personification of death but of the violent kind and i just found out that they're called the Keres. very shallow research later and i wanted Ker personified in hades game style fashion
took some liberties on how they've become a horde of battlefield body scavenging daughters of Nyx and Erebus, Night and Darkness, and made them all start from a single goddess (Ker) but violent deaths suddenly came at a surplus and so more help was needed hence the death-spirits known as Keres. These death-spirits are likened to the very first iteration of Ker so they're more savage with a single-minded focus and purpose. They did not inherit her capacity of speech nor for scavenging of little trinkets in battlefields.
#from what i've gathered Ker isn't really part of the house of hades???? and mostly closely work with the fates???#and i love the idea of gentle death announcing his coming and going bc most of the time ppl Do know when it's their time to die#but the keres descend upon you like a thief in the night as most violent deaths tend to occur which is without knowing#i also went with the combination of black hair with deep purple eyes since she came from night and darkness#and relishes in the realm of chaos so she's mostly void no starlight#thinking this up gave me all kinds of headcanons in-game lmao#hades#hades game#i don't think it's proper to tag this as greek mythology but keres isn't in the game either#keres#character design#my art#fanart#and a bit of zagthan in there#zagreus#thanatos
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Shazam/Captain Marvel (DCU) x FGO Idea
Something I’ve been on and off writing plot points of is a DC Comic x FGO crossover idea where Billy Batson (Captain Marvel/Shazam) is the Master of Chaldea.
Now my knowledge of Billy Batson isn’t that great but I’ve done some research on this character to think he would be a good idea. Plus his connection to the Rock of Eternity and Shazam/Captain Marvel transformation opens up a nice can of worms. Even if my knowledge of Fate Series is mostly FGO and watching some of the Fate shows.
Anyways, Chaldea Master Billy Batson but he doesn’t transform into Shazam during the Singularities except for the Final Singularity. Also Constantine is there cause I like the fanfic author’s dynamics between him and Billy.
Some info of this crossover idea below
Premise is that Billy has been a Justice League member of the Justice League since he was 10 and been Shazam since he was 9 years old. His age and identity has been revealed when he is 12 because of a mission going wrong.
Here is a very small blurb of the Prologue (Singularity F) Section I wrote when I was writing this idea. It explains a the reason Billy is at Chaldea
Billy was 12 years old when he was chosen as the last Master of Humanity. 12 when he started a long battle to save humanity, 13 when he was bestowed the ranking of Cause, 14 when the last Epic of Remnant was taken care of. The battles he faces as Captain Marvel and Billy are nothing compared to what he experienced during the time spent with Chaldea.
Three years of war, hardship, struggle, death, life, joy, experience, companionship, and love.
This is his story of his time with Chaldea.
It’s been about a month since Billy revealed his true identity to the Justice League, two years since he was recruited into the Justice League, and three years since he was given the powers of Shazam. Yet, ever since they found out about his true age, Billy has been treated as- as a kid! Instead of a respected Superhero and “co-worker”, as the others put it, before his reveal.
At first he didn’t mind, but the longer it went on, the more he became sick of it. He needed a break.
His answer came as a call from John Constantine about requesting assistance for a job outside Fawcett City. Not as Captain Marvel, but as Billy Batson. Billy was curious about the distinction between the two identities, but agreed to it in the end. Fawcett City and the Justice League would be fine without him for a couple of days. Right?
If Billy could jump back to this exact point in time, he would have told his past self that it is actually longer than a couple of days.
In this AU, Zatanna is the on originally tasked by the Justice League Dark to observe Chaldea’s First Rayshift and give back a report. However, something comes up for her as the days dwindle down to the First Rayshift. She contacts John Constantine to go to Chaldea in place of her and he accepts.
Constantine remembers how Billy isn’t doing so well after the identity reveal and decides to bring him along. He contacts the boy under the guise of needing assistance that Captain Marvel can only help with. Billy agrees and the respective parties of Justice League Dark and Chaldea are contacted about this change. Which is also verified by Zatanna to avoid any breaches of security.
As John Constantine and Billy Batson prepare for the trip to Chaldea. Constantine stresses to Billy that he is at Chaldea as his ward and not Captain Marvel. The adult also tells Billy that he shouldn’t transform into Captain Marvel unless strictly necessary.
“Think of this as a learning experience for when you need to go to some magic place as Billy instead of Cap. You need to build some rep, kid. Here is a great place to do so”
Which Billy begrudgingly accepts the reasoning.
Which then leads to Billy and Constantine in Chaldea. Where Billy is immediately separated from Constantine somehow and is whisked away by Chaldea Staff to the Simulation Room. John Constantine lowkey panics over his ward’s disappearance while Billy goes through the FGO demo fight after realizing that he can’t get out any other way without exposing his Superhero alias.
Billy exist the Simulation Room and has the canon prologue interaction with Mash, Fou and Lev. Except that Lev gives Billy a piggyback ride to the entrance Rayshift Room. Lev’a reasoning is that it is faster than waiting for Billy’s short legs to keep up. It has nothing to do with the faintly familiar feeling of Solomon that the demon inside of him feels towards the young boy
Upon entering the Rayshift Room, Billy and Constantine meets each others eyes and is basically this
Then the meeting starts and Billy feels the magical exhaustion on him. The young boy is kicked out and is told to rest. Constantine volunteers to help Billy “like a Hero would do”. Which is instead a stressful conversation between the two on the way to Billy’s room on how did Billy end up in this situation.
After dropping Billy off, Constantine heads back to the Rayshift Room. When Billy is about to enter, he feels a pulse of familiarity on whoever is waiting on the other side of the room and when it opens to reveal Dr. Romani, Billy is relieved, disappointed, and a foreign feeling of surprise not his own.
Then the whole Rayshift disaster happens but Constantine survived it with a bit more of Chaldea Staff than FGO canon because of Constantine’s quick reactions.
When Billy ends up at Singularity F, he realizes that he can’t transform into Captain Marvel and scrambles to learn how to play the support role as a Master Candidate.
Lots of events happen and in the end, Billy realizes that he has to help Chaldea with the Singularities as himself instead of Justice League member Captain Marvel. Anticipation, excitement, fear and worry flood his veins as he goes on a journey of self-discovery and what it means to him to be a hero and magic user Billy Batson.
That is basically what I have for the beginning of it all without divulging into the main story of FGO.
Few other things I want to mention about this AU/Crossover idea
Billy can’t transform into Captain Marvel during the Singularities.
This is to make sure that Humanity is judged by themselves and not through the “Blessed Human of the Gods”. Also if Captain Marvel is in a Singularity for a prolonged period of time, the Singularity may destabilize and that would be an entirely new threat that no one is equipped to deal with. Plus Billy hasn’t made a contract with the Wizard at any point when the Singularities happen. So no transformation but the Gods can send messages into Billy’s head/influence him to an extent.
The Gods look at Billy during the Rayshifts as “Ah, yes. Master of Chaldea. How can we assist you and have fun on your journey to restoring Humanity’s growth past 201x?” and “Who is this child that feels like blessings we don’t remember gifting? He feels nostalgic and anticipated. We shall send impressions on him to know that he has our support”
During the present day, Billy can transform into Captain Marvel whenever he pleases.
Summoning Servants
((Edit: added the Roman Servants cause I forgot about them when making this post somehow 😖))
When Billy can perform his first summoning, Medea is the first Servant to answer his call. Then later in Chaldea, Heracles is able to answer and followed by Artemis-Orion after the dumpling event. Chaldea notices how Greek Servants flock to Billy and wonder why.
Their curiosity grows as Roman Servants follow soon after. Romulus and Nero dot on the boy like their own kin. While Caesar flaunts like a peacock to impress an oblivious Billy whenever he gets the chance to in battle. Which is something that the Chaldea Staff did not need to see.
When Billy reveals himself to be Captain Marvel with the blessings of Greek and Roman Gods, then Chaldea understands that this boys is a walking catalyst for any Greek and Roman Servant.
State of John Constantine
John Constantine is in a coma after the explosion. He doesn’t wake up until the middle of the Okeanos Singularity. Has an internal breakdown when learning about the state of the world. Swears a storm when he realizes that Billy is going through Singularities as himself and can’t transform into Captain Marvel for extra protection.
When he recovered enough, he sets himself up as the main Justice League representative and starts building a report to give to the League. Hopefully this will help Chaldea from being perceived as a threat under the eyes of the Justice League and give them some protection. Everyone at Chaldea deserves it when (if) they are able to clear the Singularities and restore Earth to how it was before.
In the meantime, Constantine helps out where he can around Chaldea. But mainly watches over Billy to make sure he is doing alright outside of Singularities. During Singularities, he observes with the rest of the Chaldea Staff. Takes over for Dr. Romani and Da Vinci when there are pockets of travel/downtime in the Singularities for the two to rest a bit.
In the Minute Singularities, Constantine is sometimes dragged into them if the Threat level isn’t too high. Why? Completely by accident via Chaldea Servant chaos. He would be also traumatized by the Halloween Singularities if it wasn’t for the good alcohol in them.
Situation with the Watchtower
Since the Watchtower is in space, and farther away from any satellites, it isn’t affected by the mass sleeping effect on Earth. But in turn, anyone on Earth is affected by the sleeping effect. Meaning Superman, Impulse, Martians, etc. are affected. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem, but when the phenomenon on Earth happened, most of the Superheroes and vigilantes are on Earth to deal with a major problem.
Who is left in the Watchtower while Chaldea clears the Singularities depends on the writer. For me, I think Black Canary, Dolphin, Martian Manhunter, Donna, the Outlaws (old and new), and most if not all of the Earth Lanterns. Plus some Heroes who have future vision/clairvoyance high enough to notice a disaster swiftly approaching and have enough time to get to a Zeta Tube.
Well this is it for now. Might make a part two depending on how I feel.
#sunmay rambles#crossover idea#DCU x FGO#Shazam/Captain Marvel x FGO#Chaldea Master Billy Batson#this idea was made a long time ago and I’m interested in DCU to remember it again#LB7 in FGO being released also helps the motivation#I also have an idea for the Justice League to be a bit more active during the EoR#but not enough. just commentary purposes and maybe one or two joining in an EoR Singularity#which there are only 3 that are possible or 4 if CCC counts as one#I also have an idea for a DCU Minute Singularity at Fawcett City and USA as the center#Like an excuse for AU Versions to meet ��canon’ versions of characters#bonus points of All-Caste Jason Todd is part of the group that is Rayshifted to the DCU Singilarity#for the potential chaos and cause I’m a fan of Jason Todd#whenever Dr. Romani or Goetia look at Billy. They feel the piece of Solomon connected to Shazam/Captain Marvel making them be nice to Billy#Shazam Solomon be like: Adopt this Child for I cannot#Dr. Romani & Goetia: oh fuk. I guess#DCU#captain marvel/shazam#Shazam#FGO#fate grand order#billy batson#DC Comics#Captain Marvel (DCU)
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Possessed DBK: "You will meet your fate...together!"
(1x10 The End is Here!)
Curse MK: "You can see it, can't you? This is your fate. Your friends will turn on you, seeing you for the monster you will become. They will destroy you, harbinger of chaos."
(4x07 Pitiful Creatures)
Azure Lion: "After all Sun Wukong has put you through, how much he has let you down, you would STILL meet your fate trying to protect him?"
(4x13 Rip and Tear)
Meet your fate.
#or uh. embrace your destiny? anyone?#''oh hey imp how are you doing-'' terrible thank you for asking!#''this is your fate.'' yeah okay. Him meeting his fate for wukong. LIKE.#HIM BECOMING A MONKEY. FOR WUKONG.#HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO ME#lmk#lmk parallels#lego monkie kid#lmk spoilers#lmk MK#lmk DBK#lmk Azure Lion#lmk ink mk#monkie kid#harbinger of chaos
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My life is a joke. Like seriously what the fuck
#I got complaints from other group#they sent to my school massively#that if they don’t change a teacher they will sing out their children#because it’s too noisy on my classes so ci can’t control children#so my school decided to change me for another teacher#they say it is only till the end of march#to try if they prefer this teacher more#but I think these are platitudes#and I have one less group now#what the fuck is that#and I remember writing yesterday that I feel like a loser and behind in my life#and you see#I don’t know god/fate/ chaos hates me#genuinely i am tired of everything
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Hiya J!
I'm obsessed with your Docpocalypse AU, its so hilarious!
Could we see Jennifer getting dragged into this, seeing all the Docs and a very tired Marty? :D
Heyo!!! So glad you’re enjoying this stupid au! Apologies for the lack of color, but this weekend got stupidly busy for me for some reason. Anyway, let’s drag Jen into this mess!!
Buckle up, Jennifer, because this ride just gets wilder with every passing minute!
#the chaos continues#welcome to the party Jennifer!#i think the most impressive part of all of this is that at this point Clara still has yet to find out#by some miracle#or cruel trick of fate#jury is out on that one#again sorry for the lack of color#I just do not feel like coloring six panels tonight 😅#I’ve been staring at this ask in my ask box for days now desperately wanting to draw it#and just couldn’t#but now I can!#another day. another entry to the docpocalypse#docpocalypse au#oops all docs au#here come the obligatory tags!#back to the future#back to the future the musical#back to the future the game#bttf#bttf musical#bttf fanart#back to the future fanart#marty mcfly#emmett brown#doc brown#jennifer parker#my art#DO. NOT. TAG. AS. SHIP.#PLEASE#DONT
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maruki convinces himself he isn't being manipulative and he acts as though he isn't but he so is. and its foreshadowed even from the beginning. i mean he used snacks to bribe the thieves into going to counseling just like he used other tactic to (bribe, manipulate, coerce) the thieves to living in his reality
#takuto maruki#maruki#persona 5 royal#persona 5 maruki#dr maruki#he retraumatized yoshizawa to get her and her friends to accept his reality#he used multiple peoples lives as collateral to try and convince the thieves to accept his reality#i personally believe that akechi survived#and maruki lied to joker about akechi's fate#which is something i wouldn't put past him at all given his manipulative streak#conveniently call of chaos can mess with your head#and maruki can mess with peoples cognitions#he doesn't seem like he would go as far as to intentionally kill someone to use their life as a bargaining chip#but i *can* see him altering akechis cognition to make akechi think he died#et cetera et cetera#maruki is sweet but so very manipulative
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in network effect... it's probably going to be a small moment... but when they're trying to escape the hostile planet with art's crew...
and thiago goes back for seth
these are total strangers. they barely even know art. they know nothing of its crew. they got dragged here entirely against their will. they have absolutely no emotional connection to these people whatsoever, except that they are also people, and they need help, and one of them has fallen behind.
and so thiago goes back to save someone he a) has never met before, b) probably doesn't even know the name of, c) has absolutely no emotional connection to, and d) was basically conscripted into coming into horrible danger to find, when he e) had every reason and excuse not to.
he could have kept running. he was leading the others to safety, he could have leaned on that excuse. he had nothing to gain from going back, and quite possibly very much to lose.
but he went back.
because humans, at our best, are the ones who go back for each other. even when it's objectively stupid. even when there's nothing in it for us.
not everyone will do it, but enough will. enough to be a defining trait of our species: we're the brilliant idiots who run into danger to save the wounded and bring each other out to safety. even if we don't know them. just because they can't get out on their own.
that's why it's such a Big Thing in stories when a character doesn't go back -- because this is ingrained into our dna. we have come this far because we build communities. because we build upon one another. because we go back for our wounded even when it's dangerous and we could have gotten out safely and we don't even know them. that's why it's a marker of an evil person or a horribly fraught ethical situation in stories. because that is not who we are. we are not the ones who leave someone behind.
i just. i love what these books say about the nature of personhood and intelligence and love, but i also love what they say about humanity. we're not all bad. we're not our worst impulses. we are the ones who care about a sentient robot because if it can think, it's not a thing, and it deserves to be treated like a person, even if it doesn't want to be a human.
we are the ones who care. that's what makes us human.
#the murderbot diaries#i paused to make this post so idk what the fallout will be of this moment but i was just like.#''you're crying over a space sci-fi novel about a sentient ai?''#''the tiny moments that define humanity as the ones who are compassionate at the very bottom of things got to me all right''#humanism#< i think that might be why i have loved these books so much#in spite of being told from the point of view of a non-human they are steeped in the concept of humanism#that when we have nothing else we still have each other#the universe is dark and cold and uncaring and many people are cruel and unfeeling but they do not rule our fates#we have the power to cleave to one another and stand fast against the darkness and the chaos and win
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#byler#stranger things#will byers#parallels#possessed will = void stiles#like the inspo is clear as day#also them casting mason dye in st as jason the captain of the basketball team#and a leading force in essentially down our main kids...#mason who was also cast in tw as garrett captain of the lacrosse team#who was a leading force amongst the kids hunting down scott's pack...#teen wolf that was referenced not once but twice in s4... and in one instance alongside sixteen candles...#also#'i didn't say it back'/'you didn't have to'#'i didn't say it'/'you didn't have to'#anyone remember the red string of fate???#good times#anyways#i need will's version of chaos is come again in s5 or else
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Overturned German festival music is playing in the background, the benches are breaking, people are standing on the table, it’s cold af outside, grass slippery from the beer on the ground, the smell of grilled Nürnberger Bratwurst is in the air, people are screaming and fighting, your friends are lost and not to be found, your phone is missing and you don’t know what time it is and the 8 beer you drowned are hitting you all at once and the shots from playing Busfahren aren’t helping, at last you suddenly hear police sirens

#this is the exact look he is giving#honestly this is the average experience of a 16-60 years old here in summer#I feel like douman would enjoy the chaos#fgo#fate grand order#fate#fate go#ashiya douman
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Me: I mean I'm just saying messing around with the Gods of Ancient Greece is just generally a really bad, poor idea for your general well being. So why would anyone want to be around them in any way, shape or- Hades 2: Here have my design for the Primordial Force of Chaos Me: Oh. Epic The Musical: Oh, oh, how about my version of Hermes?! Me: Me: Okay, whoof, uhm, starting to see my hubris here, and uh, what I am hearing is that if my ass was in ancient greece I wouldn't just be regularly screwed I'd be screwed screwed I'm... I'm gonna stop talking now
#fUCKING- YEAH OKAY THE LITERAL FORCE OF CHAOS#AND A CERTIFIED TRICKSTER GOD#please let whatever they decide my fate for this is be funny thats like. the least they can do right.
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The fantasy fiction trope of the chosen one being raised to die at just the right time is just so biblically horrific and disgusting, it literally makes me foam at the mouth over it. The fact that there are numerous instances where they should die, but there is always something in the universe that saves them; leaving them thinking that maybe they are either incredibly skilled at survival or just lucky, only to find out that it was never them?? They were being saved just to die when they have to? As seen fit by some higher power????? Furthermore, it's extra spicy if that chosen one was a reluctant hero who only realizes it at the end, right before they have to die... and they make the choice to go through with it anyway???? When they ultimately have something to die for now (read found family who tries to stop them and/or turns from fighting the big bad to fighting the fucking universe to save them)????? Geewhiz what a fucking TROPE.
#*fans self*#this trope actually puts in me in the hospital#it's the very slow realization#when the AUDIENCE KNOWS#and is just waiting for that character to put it together#WHOOOOHHHHHOOOO when it's done right it is so spicy it makes my nose water#there's just something about them giving in during the fight and accepting they have to die#and their found family realizing what is happening and trying to stop it#but you can't stop the wheels of fate once they are in motion#but GOD do they TRY#geez it really just butters all my biscuits#I love that weird moment of tranquility and peace and understanding followed by the chaos of the rest of the group#bonus points if the universe/fate has a form that the found family can physically fight/demand their friend back from#like yes#give me the love interest or the close friend with a sword at the throat of an un-killable being demanding their person back#tropes#this one puts me in the hospital#writing#my writing low key.....#heheheehhhhheeeee sneak peak of my actual series?#not I giving it away a little bit (;
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Hello! I wanted to know your opinion on my interpression of LMK Maybe it's more headcanon than theory but. I was thinking about the idea of destiny and I was a little intrigued because the idea of you already having a predetermined path to follow seems to take away some of your power of choice. So I think Mk being called the Harbinger of chaos, and (in my interpretation) chaos would be the lack of control. Therefore, the idea of Mk being a creature of chaos that has no predestined path to follow could be a balance in the universe. Kind of destiny and chaos need to exist together to maintain balance. Like imagine if LBD was right and that focused on her destiny, but facing someone who has no destiny changed hers!
You have a predetermined path to safety, the insertion of future fear. But my theory is basically that people who are close to Mk gain the autonomy to choose their own paths, because he doesn't have a path.
sorry for any english mistakes
I've always thought of MK as having some destiny altering capabilities (stopping LBD from destroying the world in 3x14, saving Mei from the Samadhi Fire in 3x10 if you choose to interpret it that way) so I really like chaos as the antithesis to destiny.
Like, MK is the "Plan Man" right, yet fate itself "has plans for [him]". MK often runs away from destiny but the moment he faces it head on he's able to change it. At this point, I'd wager chaos is closely tied to MK's origins. We also know there's a reason he's at "the center of all these stories" even if we don't know what that reason might be quite yet. So keeping all that in mind, I think this idea has plenty of merit!
#MK really does lean into the ''Fate VS Freewill'' theme so like#''Fate VS Chaos"? That would be super interesting#''Heroes? Please. You're mere agents of chaos'' like I'm getting it I'm understanding it#lmk#lego monkie kid#lmk MK#lmk theory#asks#thank you anon these are very fun thoughts
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Just so everyone knows, Ikkaku feels no shame about her new bodice ripper collection nor will she ever apologize for any chaos it stirs up. It's as entertaining as the books themselves.
The only way she could be more entertained was if people decided to personally show her how accurate those scenes are to real life.
(Plus, she knows she's safe because no such novels exist about her, so ain't nobody getting her back.)
#Whispers of the Heart (Dash Commentary)#A Few Screws Loose (Crack)#(tempting fate? Ikkaku? It's more likely than you think)#(but seriously the likelihood of her having such a novel is pretty slim so she knows chances for vengeance are slim to none)#(so she shall bask in the chaos and enjoy the show with popcorn and quips)
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normalize your villains. writing wise. i think everyone knows villain behavior irl would get you a ticket straight to the highest security prison out there. but this is about building a fictional world. for context, i've recently been on a rewatch for the show once upon a time and this time, i've tried to stay impartial to the characters storylines. the villains seems irredemable in the first season and frankly, i'm disappointed that this changes. hear me out !!!!!
my version of wednesday addams is for the most part chaotic neutral. wherever the current sails, she'll follow. sure, wednesday has the potential to grow and have (somewhat) healthy relationships in her life, but at the end of the day, she's not a hero. she's not even the anti-hero. sometimes it plays out like that and she might look the part, but she's not good goddammit.
for the crimes that she've committed? guilty as charged. for all the people she had hurt? guilty as charged. for all the misery she'll cause others? you guessed it, guilty as fucking charged. i'm not going to water her down.
in my mind, the addamses were always the outliers, but with the bestest of intentions. morticia and gomez welcomed vile strangers into their homes and tried their very best to make them feel comfortable in their home. they have a skewed perception for the world, something that's unusual, morbid, downright grotesque. edgar allan poe, which netflix glorified and here i am doing a shoutout to train my beloved, would tremble had he known of the addamses. morticia and gomez are kind, in their way. but you know who never really was?
their kids. in the comics (both by the og author and some others icr the author, but more closer to our time), pugsley was the devil incarnate. he showed no remorse, he was clearly thrilled by the suffering he caused others. but i suppose the directors changed the storyline and made wednesday the brand new puglsey in the 90s movies. she showed no emotion, she was a okay with murdering her own, even if she knew as luck as it, their younger brother pubert would live. this time around, wednesday was the devil incarnate.
and i agree with the canon, she can be incredibly intelligent and even more ruthless than she is intelligent. but one thing i've noticed is that, she notices her parents being taken for granted. she is aware that others will use morticia and gomez's kindness against them. sure, they can take it, that's their thing after all. but wednesday noticed everything since she was a kid and she remembers.
and guess what?
just because someone went through hell and back (even if said hell is not the worst that could happen), that doesn't mean someone will come out kind and good. wednesday will forever doubt anyone in her life and she will push them away, just as she'll try to give them the world. but no matter the good she does, at the end of the day, she is the villain. it's not the addams family, it's just the kids and i say that because pugsley and pubert have the same rights as wednesday does.
at the end of the day, being evil after witnessing evil is okay. fiction wise, i feel like reminding. some characters are irredemable. just because they do good things sometimes that doesn't make them good. just like doing bad things sometimes doesn't make them bad. but here's the catch with the addamses. they always, always own up who they are. wednesday no exception to the rule.
wednesday, the villain, can do good things. she can save your muse, she can enjoy your muse's company, she can love your muse. but all of this, all the good things do come from a villain. did she deserve the awful treatment she and her family got in canon? of course not, that we can all agree on. but it doesn't matter what happened, what matters is what choices they make afterward. wednesday will always choose herself. wednesday doesn't pick good, she willingly chooses evil.
sure, a villain is capable of love. a villain is capable of both good and bad. but look at how it always ends. wednesday is a villain and she will suffer, your muse too if you dare to come too close. it's not fair, i know. but this is just my theory, vero's theory. and, you may expect it by now,
please, normalize your villains.
#its 1am and im thinking thoughts#tired too i helped mom and grandma cook 2day#but hear me out#normalize your villains!!!!#just because they do good things doesn't make them good#let evil win#this isnt fairytale (if you're not writing a fairytale muse that is)#and even in fairytales bad wins sometimes#it teaches us that bad can win and it isn't entirely as 'bad' as we might think#its part of the story#yin yang good bad hero villain you name it#none exist without the other#villains can be good too but they're designed to have the worst fates#but so be it#ive never stuck with a character as long as i stuck with wednesday and its exactly because of this#shes a villain. she may appear like a sheep but that just wolfs coat#shes not just existing. she will cause chaos and destruction everywhere she goes. in more ways than we can think.#and that's most likely why i stuck with her. it's interesting writing her. she can be good just as she can be bad#but everyone knows shes the villain. and it will catch up with everyone.#not every character deserves a happy ending and not everyone gets it. wednesday certainly doesnt#♱ vero stfu.#im tired can u tell
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