#the events sound so funny
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theproperweirdo · 2 months ago
Hello!!! Happy to see you again :D proud to report I am still playing AFKJ! I just don’t use tumblr as much so totally missed your response two days ago TvT
( Got my Lorsan to Paragon too :3c )
As for major updates let me check the list and I can elaborate if ur interested in any of it lol. Gameplay is pretty much the same but the pacing has majorly improved
- finished rustport and now in the duchy of white ridge
- met the Lord of death
- fought a kraken lady with a very suspiciously placed mouth
- Elijah and Lailah are in the game now. Shemira is scheduled to be added later, her son is also rumored but not confirmed yet
- Hogan is STILL not playable (rip hogan enjoyers)
- we got a cool dice game event
- Lorsan might die for a bit but that hasn’t happened yet
- Elsa from the hit movie frozen resurrected a dead princess and trapped everyone in a time loop for like a year
- not actually that crazy but if you’re familiar with the turnips in Animal Crossing, there was a similar event and I committed unspeakable deeds for good stall prices
- oh also we were in the ancient war 2000 yrs ago for a hot second so that was neat
Sounds like an average Tuesday in Esperia
(Shemira and Damion soon??!!) (Niru boutta resurect his wife n kid again)
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starleska · 26 days ago
a recreation of me accidentally stumbling across Royal Margarine Cookie's voice lines for the first time at 2am last night 😳😳😳😳
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ladylingua · 20 days ago
also every time Daniel Henney talks I am like,
yep. that guy sure is from michigan lol
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luminique · 6 months ago
I know you’re on a lighter kick currently (and honestly I cannot blame you, 10/10 boyfailure) but I was wondering, do you have any Wriothesly worms you’d like to share? Just anything that’s passed your mind recently, whether it be fluffy or angsty. I hope you’ve been doing alright, thank you so much!
- 🛞 anon (I was the one who sent in the nosebleed ask once aaa, eventually I might just make my own blog for my personal worms)
OUSGAJAVKSHS I LOVE HIM I MISS HIM COME BACK HOME WRIO 😞 thank you so much for this 🛞 anon !! i will definitely eat up anything lighter related if you decide to make your own blog 🙂‍↕️
i saw art a while back of wrio having slicked back hair but the wolf ears looking part of his hair was sticking out and it had me giggling, kicking my feet. no matter how hard he tries, it just WONT go down and i think it makes him really cute.
maybe you were invited to go see a play at the opera epiclese, so dressing your best is expected. as you both get ready, all that’s left for him was his hair. he tries gelling it down but then the little wolf ears pop right back up. ‘hmm… not enough gel?’ so he applies a bit more but it still doesn’t work. so he asks you for help and you’re telling him to sit down so that you could comb back his hair and apply the gel but it doesn’t seem to want to stay down. every time you smooth it down, it just pops right back up.
he’s frustrated but also pouting a little, basically giving up on smoothing down his hair. you reassure him that his usual style looks good anyways and you help him out a little to style it how he normally does. slowly, his demeanor goes back to usual. from a stressed puppy to an excited husky, both of you are finally ready to head out and enjoy the performance.
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huellitaa · 5 months ago
listening to love potions, doing makeup, gossiping and eating sweets with my girls at 4am on halloween
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raynecloud06 · 7 months ago
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Hmm, I don't know An...
That kinda sounds a bit like jealousy to me...
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year ago
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shikai-the-storyteller · 2 years ago
AWH... I'm skipping through Roier's QSMP Day 1 VOD because I'm looking for a specific thing, and I just noticed that when Jaiden stands in front of the group to do her introduction and her mic isn't working, Mariana laughs (not in a mean way, I laughed too) and Roier immediately smacks him and tells him off for laughing.
[Timestamp ~36m 50s, volume warning for Quackity's awful mic]
It's such a little thing, but I think it's really sweet in retrospect, especially considering how Roier and Jaiden have become such good friends in recent weeks :')
#i talk#qsmp talk#legitimately though I frickin adore Roier and Jaiden's friendship IT'S SO SWEET THEY'RE SUCH GOOD FRIENDS...#Jaiden was so nervous the first few days of QSMP and she talked about how she was too anxious to talk to people she didn't know#So this Egg event really helped her (and a lot of other people too)#It gave everyone a chance to make friends / bonds with people they might not have interacted with as much otherwise#it's just really sweet#I've got a special place in my heart for Jaiden I like her a lot#I used to watch her animations a bunch because my little cousin loves her#then I just kinda stopped because I don't watch Youtube creators much and my memory is awful#But QSMP made me start watching her again#and I found out all the stuff she's had to go through and I watched her videos where she talks about more serious stuff / her personal life#and like not to sound parasocial or whatever but my ''protective parental instinct'' went nuts after hearing all that#she's been through the wringer but it seems like she's doing a lot better#she's really funny and cool#but social anxiety is still a nightmare#I'm really glad she got Roier as her Egg partner -- he's so friendly and nice I think it really helped her relax a lot#and she's actually learning more Spanish despite saying she had 0 Spanish knowledge whatsoever when joining the server!!!#Idk man I'm just really proud of everything everyone's been doing on the server#and I'm really proud of Quackity for bringing people together like this. It's amazing#I love him so much and I'm so grateful this server exists.#First and Best Multilingual server baby!!!#Anyways I forgot how bad Quackity's mic sucked from literally everyone else's perspectives on Day 1 LMFAO#Roier specifically says ''Don't laugh!'' and ''Give [her] a pass!'' (for the mute issue)#alright I added a clip I can't not put a clip for this
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revelry-in-severity · 20 days ago
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When the cat is a dog and the dog is a cat
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pjsk-story-summaries · 11 months ago
Rise as ONE! Event Story Summary
TL;DR: While on his morning runs, Akito often runs into Ichihara and Max, a pair training for a dog disc throwing competition with the dream to one day compete nationally. One day, Akito also runs into Minori, Samo, Honami, and Shibao on a play date. When Max stops running after the disc, they realize Ichihara had hurt himself the day before a competition. The group offers to throw in his place, but with Akito as the only person who can throw the disc well enough, they run into even more problems.
Rui crosses paths with the group and offers his support in helping Akito get over his fear. The group learns Akito's fear stems from a traumatic event in the past, where a dog had continuously chased him across a playground set, causing him to fall off. This makes him especially terrified of dogs running, which is a challenge for a disc-throwing race.
Honami talks to KAITO in secret during a lunch break. KAITO had watched Shibao for her a little while ago while she was busy with rehearsal. Though KAITO was scared at first because Shibao kept barking, he realized it was just because he wanted to play.
From this, Honami suggest observing Max playing from a distance to build a mutual understanding. Through this, Akito learns Max is a kind, patient dog who cares deeply about his partner. Suddenly, Minori accidentally misthrows her disc, causing Samo to race towards a frozen Akito. Max steps in to protect Akito. To properly thank him, Akito manages to pet Max.
On the day of the competition, Akito and Max successfully throw a majority of their discs and earn third place. Though Akito hasn't completely gotten over his fear of dogs, he's made significant progress (at least with Max).
Fan translation (lolzy bug)
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Chapter 1: When Akito stops for a drink during his morning run, he crosses paths with a guy, Ishihara, and his dog, Max, training with a disc. A gust of wind blows the disc towards Akito, who throws the disc away out of panic. To his surprise, Max manages to catch it. Ishihara comes to apologize and explains how he's been practicing for an upcoming tournament, since they dream of competing nationally one day. Max looks at Akito like he wants to be pet, but when he barks, Ishihara finally realizes Akito is afraid of dogs. The two part ways so Akito can finish his run.
Chapter 2: Leo/need finishes a practice session in SEKAI. Shiho and Honami decide to practice a rhythm section together that weekend after Honami finishes walking Shibao at the dog park. When KAITO expressed concern over Shibao's health, Honami explained that KAITO had helped watch him once when Honami was unable. KAITO had done it since all the Leo/need Virtual Singers chose committees for themselves, and KAITO chose animal care. Honami will be walking with Minori and Samo that weekend as well.
A few days later, Akito finishes another run at the park, surprised to not find Max and Ishihara. Instead, Minori, Honami, Shibao, and Samo are playing together. Minori recognizes Akito and runs over to him, dogs in tow. Honami immediately picks up on his fear, though he tries to deny it at first. Suddenly, Max starts running over to Akito, leading to everyone apologizing to Akito. When the two try and leave, Akito notices Ishihara has hurt his leg.
Chapter 3: Ishihara tries to deny it since the tournament is the next day, but Max refuses to run when his partner is hurt. Ishihara decides to withdraw from the tournament at Honami's insistence. Minori offers to go in Ishihara's place. She struggles to aim the disc, though, and Samo keeps accidentally interfering, so Minori has to step down. Max keeps trying to give Akito the disc. Though he's initially hesitant, Honami's words and Max's will convince Akito to take up the challenge. Honami and Minori (along with Samo and Shibao) offer their support, too.
Chapter 4: Ishihara teaches Akito how to throw the disc while Minori and Honami play with Max. He gets the hang of it quickly, so they soon add Max in to catch. He caught it mid-air. Though Akito tried his best to not panic when Max ran back, he had to run away. In the meantime, Rui ends up crossing paths with the group, along with a robotic dog prototype. Rui asks if Akito will be ok at the disc dog competition, since he's also already picked up on Akito's fear.
After hearing the full story, Rui decides to help Akito get over his fear of dogs. He suggests playing with Max first to get more comfortable around him. Honami shows Akito how to properly greet and pet a dog. Akito tries letting Max sniff his hand, but instinctively backs up. Rui asks about the source of Akito's fear.
Chapter 5: A flashback from a decade or so ago is shown. Akito and Ena play soccer at a park, when a dog suddenly runs out from the bushes towards Akito. Surprised, Akito starts running, so the dog chases him. He runs up the slide so the dog can't follow him. The dog keeps staring at him, which causes Akito to fall off the playground. He freaks out when the dog runs over.
After the story, Minori suggests taking a break to come up with some new ideas. The group goes to get lunch together. Shibao keeps digging through Honami's bag, where KAITO was hiding to try and see him. Honami sneaks away to talk. KAITO reveals he was also a bit frightened by Shibao the first time they met because he kept barking, but KAITO got over that fear by understanding why Shibao kept barking. Since he couldn't play with the lonely dog when Honami was gone, he decided to play guitar for him. Honami thanks KAITO for the accidental advice and goes back to the group.
Chapter 6: Though Akito's a little hesitant at first, they decide to give Honami's suggestion a try. They start by watching Max play with the others from a distance. Rui shares some of his own observations before instructing his robot to do a triple axel spin. Rui then asks Akito to watch Max's reactions. Akito realizes Max is still worried about Ishihara. A young kid walks over and pets Max, which helps Akito learn he's a patient dog, too. With some newfound understanding, Aktio asks to try something new.
Chapter 7: Rui has Akito watch Shibao and Samo play fetch next. Rui throws the disc with Max with Akito standing next to him after that. He does a lot better with the throw, but still tenses up when Max runs back. Rui suggests the only way to get better now is to slowly get used to dogs running his way. Suddenly, Samo comes running towards Akito after Minori misthrows her disc. Akito can't move from fear, but Max jumps in front to protect him. To properly thank him, Akito tries petting Max again. He successfully manages to let Max sniff his hand, and, believing in Max, pets him with shaking hands.
Chapter 8: The day of the competition arrives. Everyone came to cheer on Max and Akito. Max and Akito were able to successfully throw, catch, and receive the disc on their first three throws. The fourth was dropped due to a strong wind, but everyone's support, the long-throw fifth was caught to advance to the finals. Akito recognizes Max wants pets and manages to give him a scratch.
Akito and Max ended up getting third place in the competition. Ishihara thanks Akito and the others for all their help. Akito is glad he was able to partially get over his fear of dogs, at least with Max. He's still scared of other dogs, but less than before.
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Card Stories: Akito / Honami / KAITO / Minori / Rui
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torahtot · 1 year ago
also every time i know someone is a christian im so deadly curious abt what they think of it all like when i meet someone who's a practicing jew idk what they believe & it doesn't really matter they might not believe in god at all or believe any story in the torah. but when u meet someone who's a real christiany christian but also a normal person it's like. do u actually think jesus is god do u think he died for ur sins do u think he loves u do u think he's real do u think i have to convert or ill go to hell tell me tell me tell me i become like pinkie pie in my head
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eternalera · 1 year ago
if i had a nickle everytime someone started a war over doors i would have two nickles, which isnt a lot but its odd that it happened twice
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daz4i · 1 year ago
love when fantasy games are like "trust us this fantasy religion is super unique. our world is so fleshed out and imaginative. you've never seen a religion like that before" and it's just christianity with different names
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marurumai · 10 months ago
@/kirafesmaichuu → @/marurumai
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7teen 。 any pronouns and gendered terms 。 agender 。 poly arospec lesbian 。 i have a strawpage !!
mai's hc collection - masterlist
dsmp (cbench/ctommy focus) . kny (anime & manga) . bandori . pjsk . link click . ALIEN STAGE .
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tags : #maichuu does smt for once for my art . #maimai mail for my asks . #maichuu's event announcement for important posts . #mai moots for any post with mutuals!!
dont forget to click daily for palestine!
this post is bound to be updated.
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sysig · 1 year ago
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Incomplete exchange (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#DAX#*throws idea spaghetti throws idea spaghetti throws idea spaghetti throws#So Max and ZEX changing places - what if that but This lol#It would also be funny to watch Max stumble around in ZEX's body lol but considering ''how'' ZEX got isekai'd...#Not much left probably :| Dark#Really I'm just fascinated by throwing the almost-dynamics into relief hehehe - DAX and Dex so similar! And Max and ZEX similar in some ways#How would DAX react to Max :3c How would Max react to DAX! One of them knows the other - at least at arm's length - but not the other!#Seeing a VUX ''in person'' would probably be a whole other feeling as well haha - there's a familiarity when he's inhabiting ZEX's POV#Still thinks he's dreaming because I mean - would the reality be any easier to swallow? No lol#I guess this would be a scenario before ZEX dies since y'know - DAX is here haha - unless this is some afterlife something???#Both Max and DAX /would/ be dead in that scenario - or would they?? Haha the grey area is the funnest to play in <3#I think it'd be very interesting on DAX's end as well - obviously Max is very different from ZEX but if the language thing works both ways#VUX already have the translators of course but like - Max speaks very differently from ZEX he formulates his sentences very specifically#But if the way he attacks the words the way his accent moves the sounds around - if he speaks like ZEX but not /like/ him - s'interesting!#Would probably confuse the heck out of DAX haha he knows that voice very well!#By the transitive property would that make their accent space New Jersey? No that's too silly haha#I really love Max just dropping years and events out of the blue haha - very important! Written down! Kept track of!#A lot of things he doesn't pay much attention to but he's very careful with his dream data I'm love him <3#I also had So much fun drawing his hands here hehe ♪ His hand expressions have quickly risen to being my favourite :D#ZEX doesn't express with his hands! Which means it's a Max-specific type of thing in his body!#Tells <3
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waugh-bao · 2 years ago
The Stones’ Opener for the 50 and Counting Tour: Fans on Which Member of the Band They’d Most Like to Get in Bed (2012/Video)
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