#the end of Ep3 ... 👀
anxietytwist · 1 year
𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐲𝐧 𝐋𝐢
[ 𝟸𝟻 | 𝟼'𝟷" | Nonbinary | Sapphic | ❣𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞 ]
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The pjs™
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❝Black Traditional Sleeves❞
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⬇Over their top surgery scars⬇
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ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴꜱ➠ They/Them
ʙᴏᴅʏ ᴛʏᴘᴇ➠ 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘺
ɴᴏᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇꜱ➠ Freckles, tattoos, piercings, & facial scars
ᴅᴇɢʀᴇᴇ➠ Biomedical Science
ʀᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ ꜰᴏʀ ᴊᴏɪɴɪɴɢ➠ Truly wants to find love
ꜱɪɢɴ➠ Sagittarius ♐︎
▪️ They've had top surgery (their brother got them an “𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘰 𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘴” shirt to celebrate 🎉)
▪️ They really like bagels & hashbrowns
▪️ They're quite the perfectionist (especially when it comes to their work)
▪️ Their scars are from falling out of a tree as a kid 🌳
▪️ Their preferred alcohols are sweet/fruity (fave-> Strawberry Daquiri 🍓)
▪️ 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐲𝐧 is a middle child (𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐚-older sister 𝟸𝟿 & 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐭-younger brother 𝟸𝟸)
▪️ They're a huge fan of supernatural horror & thriller movies ... but never wanted to ACTUALLY be in one 😰
▪️ Despite doing cadaver studies for their degree, seeing 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬' dead body still shocked them (also they immediately called 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 on it when she tried to convince them otherwise 😤)
▪️ Halloween is a beloved occasion for 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐲𝐧, they spend A LOT of time planning/crafting their costume in advance 🎃
▪️ It was very much “love at 𝟷ˢᵗ sight” when they met 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞
▪️ ...
𝐼𝐹: @bodycountgame
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colemckenzies · 2 years
was rly hoping not to get sucked into the daisy jones and the six adap but alas. i care about the fictional little band people soooooo much. graham dunne sweet boy i love you.
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep3 - Armand as Unreliable Narrator
I'm seeing a lot of posts defending AMC!Armand against fans thinking he's lying or untrustworthy or something. I've seen people point out valid things like AMC's deliberate twisting / reckless disregard of book canon; to bad takes stemming from shipping wars; to personal preferences & biases.
My reservations against AMC!Armand go all the way back to S1, when we saw those floating bookshelves and sliced pages in Claudia's diary. I've long since been of the suspicion that Armand's not necessarily forcing Louis against his will or anything THAT nefarious; but that he's definitely been taking advantage of Louis' need for someone to help stop him from going off the deep end--and more importantly, that he's been taking more than his fair share of autonomy over things Louis does/doesn't have access to--specifically: information/knowledge.
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For me, GABRIELLE'S absence is the most telling red flag. Cuz the writers know good & well that they want S3/TVL; Rolin never shuts up about it. It's not that AMC isn't doing the books so we don't need to expect it to be 1:1--it's that THEY ARE doing the books! They're planting seeds through deliberate misdirection & omission.
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Gab's arguably the most important/impactful person in Lestat's life b4 he meets Louis. She's Les' very first fledgling. She's there when Armand kidnaps Nicki; she's there when Alessandra explains the Devil's Road for the first time (a scene AMC was obvs inspired by with Daciana in 2x1); she's there when Les leaves the Theatre; she's everywhere.
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And what's more:
Armand hates Gabrielle's GUTS.
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Gabrielle's "useless" to Armand, but she was EVERYTHING to Les, and most of his emotional damage & abandonment issues come from her. Armand KNEW to weaponize Magnus' suicide & Gab's lackluster treatment of child!Les as the best way to seduce him!
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Armand, like Claudia, is DESPERATE for someone to want & need him as their #1.
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Louis is pretty good for this--if only he'd hurry up & get over Lestat (& Claudia) already.
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In the book!IWTV/TVA, Armand dumped Louis when Lou gave up on being happy & got way too depressed for Armand to help him anymore. But Armand really wanted Lestat. Cuz Lestat is CLINGY--he doesn't pack & up leave (ie: give up) without a DARN good reason--and it's mighty sus that Armand didn't mention that Les & Gab left him to look for HIS MAKER, MARIUS, cuz Armand didn't know ISH, and doubted Marius was still alive--cuz if he was still alive, why had ARMAND been ABANDONED BY MARIUS for all those centuries, left for dead with the Children of Darkness/Satan? 👀💔
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Lestat is a carbon copy of Marius, down to the blonde hair, blue eyes, and red velvet. Armand's Louis' rebound of Lestat, but Lestat's Armand's rebound of Marius.
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Louis is not the only vampire who lives in a constant state of denial/delusion, running from his fears. They are both exact opposites of Lestat, who confronts his fears head-on.
I'm becoming increasingly convinced that if Lestat IS asleep in the penthouse, Louis doesn't know--or he doesn't have all the correct info. Cuz Armand's been isolating Louis this whole time in their weird cage/penthouse, with its jail bars and floating bookcases. He is ACTIVELY AGAINST this entire interview; and he encourages any & all contradictory talk of Lestat being "dead"--
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--so it makes sense that he wouldn't want Louis to know anything about Gabrielle, as that would be someone who KNOWS Lestat, and would probably know where to find him (IF he's not comatose in the penthouse somewhere).
So for Armand to leave Gab out and make it seem like Mama's Boy Lestat was this cavalier playboy who cared about nothing & no one but himself (as per Louis' words to Daniel) just smacks of a highly slanted angle, that even LOUIS is ignorant of--I don't think AMC!Louis knows anything about Gabrielle's existence whatsoever. 👀 Yes, "Lestat never told me ish!;" but clearly ARMAND never told him the whole story, either. 😬🤫🤐
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Then, there's Nickistat....
Plenty of interviews/reviewers already said Armand's petty, so I'm not surprised that the Nicki info doesn't add up. First off, it's a great way to garner sympathy from Louis, and create a connection, and act as an effective stimulus for Louis' own unpleasant experiences being cucked by Lestat. If Armand can convince Louis that Lestat did to Louis what Lestat did to Nicki, it just makes Lestat look worse; legitimizing why Loumand is oh-so-much-better; which they're actively tryna pitch to Daniel.
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But it's a risky gamble though, cuz it also puts Armand in the same spot as Antoinette--and we see how that went. 😬💀🔥 Only this time it won't be Armand who ends up in flames, but Louis, if AMC pulls a Merrick.
It helps that "Lestat never told him ish," either, cuz Louis CLEARLY has no idea that Nicki died--AND HOW. Lestat admitted that he & Nicki "parted ways," but if that's all Louis knows, then ofc Armand can tack on that Nicki was abandoned & hung out to dry--that Lestat was giving Armand money through Roget, not NICKI; that the Theatre was Nicki's, NOT Armand's--and neatly omit everything about what really happened: that Nicki was mentally insane, thoroughly hated & resented Lestat by that point, and was eventually tortured & killed BY ARMAND and his coven when THEY couldn't handle him anymore--a la PAUL'S treatment by the DPDLs.
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Armand NEEDS to come across as sympathetically as possible; otherwise he loses Louis AND Daniel to this interview--only this time he won't be the one sitting back letting it happen.
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For me, Armand's unreliable not cuz cuz I hate him--on the contrary, I've said 1000 times that he's my fave character in TVC; and Assad's doing an excellent job with him so far. But I don't trust him cuz I KNOW HIM--the fandom calls him a GREMLIN for a reason. I know the stunts he pulled in TVL (telling Daniel the Children of Darkness/Satan killed themselves, when in the book Armand killed them all (except for Eleni, Felix, and like 2 others IDER--they're all Rhoshamandes' fledglings IIRC). He's reduced Nicki's role significantly; making him seem like some desperate twink, while not mentioning how Nicki was half mad before Armand chopped his hands off & forced him to kill himself when he couldn't play violin anymore.
Armand is a MENACE in the early books, and he was originally supposed to be a main TVC villain before Anne Rice realized how much she liked him in QotD and toned him TF down--same way she did with Lestat's transition from IWTV to TVL.
THAT'S why Armand is both lovable/likable and also SUS AF. At least for me. I can't speak for other fans, ofc, cuz I know some folks approach Armand from totally different angles.
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usertoxicyaoi · 1 year
having now watched my personal weatherman.....i Get It, like, the D/s dynamic is *chef's kiss* and the way they communicate (and also kinda "fail" to communicate)? *screaming* it's just so interesting to watch when there isn't necessarily miscommunication but the people involved communicate so considerably different that something gets lost in translation which then leads to assumptions and then to Problems!!!
also, love that segasaki is like "i know he loves me, i can see it on his face", meanwhile yoh goes through a whole Thing to figure out he doesn't actually hate segasaki and then still is like "but does he like me?" alsjakksksjs, these two.....
also also, that cuddle scene at the end of ep3? somebody hold me like that, no joke, because that shit was tender on a different level 😭
very much looking forward to what else is going to happen 👀
hiiiii my love!!!!!
fhdbcjsicjd do you see what i mean!!!!!!!! and i think whats truly commendable is how they manage to pack all this much story and tension and chemistry and silence and EVERYTHING in just 24 minutes per episode, and yet none of it fees rushed or out of place.
like the d/s dynamic going on between them is so clear yet so subtle at the same time. as @spohkh says, the show is soooo atmospheric in its approach, the tension and chemistry and acting is THAT strong, that words arent always needed, and that matches the whole miscommunication thing going on with them, bc miscommunication isnt a plot its a whole character personality of the 2 of them, and yet they still make the effort to try and reach out to one another! and whilst the show is pretty much from yoh's narrative perspective and pov, it is SO SO nice to see segasaki have his share of perspective as well, and him have these tender soft moments like that last scene or the whole date in ep 3, where the camera focuses on him and blurs out yoh. its suuuuuch a clever little way to even out the balance between yoh and segasaki and allow the audience to see/get into segasaki's head - that he too does feel upset and has a chink in his armour and is soooo madly in love with yoh and is taken aback everytime yoh initiates something. and the show does the whole storytelling and developing of the characters/traits/patterns/consistent themes so soooo well. kouhei and atsuki are a DELIGHT to watch.
but yes! i'm so glad you enjoyed the first 3 eps! ep 4 looks a little something like this, if you'd like to know:
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more cuddles! more intense staring! drunk yoh! supportive husband segasaki! clingy yoh! yoh wearing the hoodie segasaki gifted him on their date! we're in for a splendid time!!
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tonight-i-may-see · 6 months
Have you seen whole show? 👀
But what's your favorite moment??
I haven't yet! I'm on s5 ep3 (I'm keeping track in my pinned hehe) buttt my favourite moment so far I think was Penelope's episode. I love her so so much and hearing Heroes play at the end DID make me cry a lil bit.
I did also love the fisher king, I thought it was super interesting the way they wrote the clues n stuff and I kinda want more like that in the future yknow? I'm sure there's other ones I like but my brain is not working well this week DJHFGKHJDF
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respectthepetty · 2 years
What have you done to me?! I now can’t watch anything without looking at COLORS!! And Blue Boy/ Red Boy and lighting!!!!
BUT I need help, as I thought I understood and a recent drama I’m watching I am a little lost. It’s called “No.1 for you” and we have an obvious Blue boy (loved other boy for years) and he is always in a light blue. and other boy I only see in Black so far. And recently a new colour orange stripe on a black jumper in ep3……. If you have seen this show can you help me out with your great color!!?! 👀
I’m sure I’ll be finished the show by the end of the night.
Wait, Anon, are you watching WE BEST LOVE?!
Are you watching Zhou Shu Yi (Black Brooder - protective, sophisticated, mysterious, and arrogant) and Gao Shi De (Blue Boy - loyal, sincere, stable, and passive) fall in love?!
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Because you mentioned the Blue Boy being in love with the Black Brooder for a hot minute.
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Are you at the part where the ----spoilers---- happens?!
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Well, you are in luck because I already wrote about both seasons in one post -> We Best Love: No. 1 & 2 for Color! (spoilers included)
But to answer your question here:
Stop reading if you don't want spoilers.
Zhou Shu Yi is still wearing his signature black (and white to some extent). Ever since he made his arrangement with Gao Shi De, Zhou Shu Yi has been wearing blue...a lot because he is developing feelings for Gao Shi De. He believed that if he beat Gao Shi De in the haunted house/maze thing, he would finally be free of their arrangement and these feelings. He is trying to step out of the blue and redirect his feelings (orange), but by the end of the night, he ends up even closer to Gao Shi De and his true feelings.
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So, he does what any Black Brooder does; he freaks the fuck out.
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Enjoy your watch!
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joelscruff · 1 year
I have to tell you I literally find myself daydreaming about FoF maybe… 70% of my days, currently? YOU ARE SO TALENTED. I have to ask, I’m always picturing the slicked-back-salt & pepper daddy-end of ep3-Joel (my personal favourite) - how does he appear to you in your writing process?! You capture him and his mannerisms so well. Forever in awe of your writing! 🤍
thank you so SO much angel, this means so much to me and i'm so honored 😭😭 in my brain joel is 1000% that salt & pepper daddy in ep 3, especially in the most recent chapter after he got out of the shower (phew). his hair is usually a bit more unkempt, especially in the early mornings when she's seen him, but he tends to clean up a bit when he goes to work or has somewhere else important to go (a church service perhaps? 👀)
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Watching Star Trek: Picard s3 ep3, Seventeen Seconds
The show just started and then this popped onto my screen
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I'm cackling because the Titan is being attacked 😂
"This is your fault!" Dude, while not completely wrong it's still a bad idea to say this to the admiral's son😂
"Jack don't!" Oh she's 100% his mom😂
"They're gonna need us." I love Beverly so much I'm so intrigued by her storyline this season 👀
Oh *grabs chest* the day Thad was born? It hurts so much knowing that he dies😭
Oh no, was baby Thad sick too?😭
"I thought I was losing him. My unborn son." WHY 😭
"His whole future flashed before my eyes." Shit, his future didn't last long😭
"I hope one day you get to have this feeling too." Well, he didn't specify when exactly 😂
I'm right there with Deanna, I too would be so pissed if my husband left to go get drinks when we have a newborn😂
"They should study him for science." 😂
It's so funny to me that Shaw sent two people to watch their back😂
"Electrical and biological signatures."
"Well, that's fun. Anyone else wanna throw some weird shit at me?" I don't like him, but boy does he have some great lines😂
She is so bored😂
"This sounds rehearsed." Probably is😂
Seven's eyes are watering 😭
"Shaw may call you insubordinate for helping yours, but my dad wouldn't."
"Thank you." 😭🥺 "Go rest, Ensign."
"Yes Commander Seven." I love this girl🥺
Beverly is back in sickbay!😂 I love how fast Jack jumped in when the Doctor pushed Beverly back slightly, he's totally a Mama's boy and I love it
The smirk that Jack and Beverly shared is so great 😂
"Nothing she has to say can't be said in front of me."😂 My boy, what if she wants to take to your papa about the time they got it on? That's an image no one wants to picture their parents in😂
The way Beverly and Picard are standing on opposite sides of the room really shows how they have so much distance between them not just physically but mentally as well
The staring 😭
Oh my god, Picard didn't know he would never seen Beverly again? I have chills
They ended their romantic relationship for the fifth time😂
"Well,I got pregnant that night." OH MY GOD
Oh, Picard got kidnapped and that's why she didn't tell him😭
"It will be like that forever. It will be what it always was, attempts on your life."
"And you never thought if you'd have told me, it might have been different?"
"Jean-Luc, when the galaxy comes calling you, you are not put upon by it, you love it. Don't tell me you would've walked away."
I get why Beverly did what she did since Picard always went on about not wanting a family, but I agree with Picard in that she should've told him.
"I know now that I could've never been my father. But I could have learned that 20 years before." 😭
"When Jack was on his way, I was terrified. All I knew, was that if you're the son of Jean-Luc Picard, there's a target on your back. I lost my parents, then a husband, then my son Wesley, all to the same stars that own you."
"As a mother your whole being is about protecting your child. I- I thought I could protect mine. I didn't know, if I could protect yours." 😭😭😭😭
"I don't know much about you." Riker looks so sad😭
"Sometimes my mother- she'd start telling a story about all of you. And her eyes would light up. And then she'd get sad, and stop."😭
"I spent two decades in a spaceship watching you get cooked up before you were born. "😂 This is kinda scarring dude😂
"Have you got a family, Riker?"
"Feel free to call me Captain. And yes, I have a wife and a daughter. And I had a son." OOOF THIS SHIT HURTS😭
The way that Beverly and her son help people on worlds Starfleet has forgotten makes so so happy but so sad cause FUCK YOU STARFLEET
So many families are torn apart
Jack was jumped on by Fenris Rangers?! I feel like Seven might have words with these guys
"You are the only one I can trust."
Oh my god, the way that Beverly suspects that it doesn't have anything to do with Jack but has everything to do with Picard 👀👀👀
"Didn't I deserve a chance? Didn't he deserve a chance to get to know me?"
"When he was old enough I told him who you were and where to find you. I encouraged him to meet with you. He decided not to." 😭
That look Riker gave Jack 😭😂
"Immaterial? That's your son." Oh fuck, this has Riker in his feelings because he probably wishes so much that he'd get to talk to his own son again and here Picard is not even trying
"Moments with your kids, you never know what you might regret. God knows..." Ow😭😭
"It's irreparable." BULLSHIT
OOooo, the ships been hit, I hope that Shaw's dead😁 oh fuck he's still alive
"You got us into this, you're gonna get his out." 😂 YAY
Picard is Riker's Number One 😂 and I feel like that fits both this and how he has the tendency to prioritize Picard
The way that Worf is just exercising while Raffi is unconscious 😂
Raffi's boots are *chefs kiss*
"I am Worf, son Mogh, House of Martok, Son of Sergey, House of Rozhenko, bane to the Duras family, slayer of Gowron. I have made some chamomile tea, do you take suger?" The delivery of this is ✨ Perfection ✨
Raffi's in full blown fangirl mode😂
Worf's been working on himself 😂
The way he said it wasn't Raffi's time to join the dead😭
Her reaction to Worf being her handler is so great like YASSS GIRL BE ANGRY AT HIM
"Why do I do this? My life, my family, my sobriety. What is wrong with me."😭😭😭
"You have the heart of a warrior." NO SHIT SHERLOCK
"You have served me well." WTF DUDE
"You and I will track this individual together. And then we will find out who stole those weapons, learn the next phase of their plan and stop them." That's better
Raffi: 😏"Cool."
She's out here getting to hunt bad people with an idol of hers, but it totally proves never meet your heroes cause you'll be disappointed
I love how ruler is saying he's open to Picard's input, but you can totally tell he is annoyed with him still
The way that both Beverly and Jack are helping treat the patient's just makes me so happy
(about blood) "We've got plenty." Kinda concerning but ok
Damn, Beverly's saving him
Interesting how he's repeating the same thing to Jack 🤔
SEVEN? IS JACK GOING TO SEVEN?! Oh, nope, just trying to reach the bridge
Riker is really looking at Picard differently now🤔 like he's lost of respect for him
"It is not warrior gear. It is casual."
"Seriously, where do you wear that, to a Tuesday beheading?" This is golden
Aww, she still doesn't feel well :(
"Beheadings are on Wednesday's." 😂
Aw Seven is still in lockdown
JACK? They know each other?!
Oh no they didn't
"You're insane." She says that with some respect in her voice 😂
She kicked the guy's foot😂
Someone sabotaged the ship!
"We gave a saboteur." No shit Sherlock
I personally don't trust the Vulcan who keeps advising them, she seems a bit sketchy
The way that Riker say's he's taking the ship home has me thinking that he's thinking about his family
Wtf is going on?
Oh shit, Jack's mask is off and he's down, Beverly is gonna flip
"I'm having a real hard time balancing the whole work/life thing." Same Raffi, same
Oh my god, she just threatened to pull out the guy's fingernails 🫣
"You may keep your fingernails. We know that those deaths were not your fault."
Wait did Worf used to shove a sword up people's asses? Cause it seems like that's what Raffi was gonna say
"I am wiser now. I was once like her. Irrational, violent." Oh my god, he's lecturing Raffi
"I think I feel my chamomile tea coming back up."😂
Oh the guy's in withdrawal 👀
Oh Raffi is kinda scary rn🫣
The way that Seven knew to contact Picard that his son was injured 🥺
Riker's face when he says "Go."
"Oh he's fading." She sounds so upset 😭
The way that it's taking Seventeen seconds for the lift to get to sickbay 😭👀
Nooooo Jack! The way that Beverly is trying to get his heart started 😭
Oh wait
False alarm
He's alive
The lil relieved smiles that Beverly and Picard share😭🥺 so precious
Did they steal MORIARTY'S PROGRAM?
Holy shit
"Fearful of loss?" yeah this isn't gonna be good
"Sit down admiral, I'm the Captain of this ship."
"What is happening?" Same Raffi
Holy shit!
Oh my god, Odo contacted Worf🥺
"You and I Raffaela, are now partners." HOLY SHIT
Oh my god, the ship is damaged 👀
Riker's face😭 he's probably thinking about how Deanna probably told him not to go and that she was right
"You've just killed us all."
Riker looks like he's barely keeping it together 🥺
I'm sorry I ever doubted you my boy😭
Hey it was directed by Jonathan Frakes!
I'm off to go scream into my pillow now as I wait for Thursday to arrive.😁
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (16/07/23)
wow actually on time for once impressive myself, a p chill week, tho I wanna catch up to something again soon, only got a couple more series to do before I fulfill my goal of being caught with everything on jump and then I can start branching out to other stuff I've had an eye on for a while but anyway
blue - finale/completed
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Pokemon Horizons Ep13
after 2 weeks of absence the pokemon anime is finally back, tho this one was kinda like a recap episode for half of it while the cast had a picnic. they teased the possibility of roy catching a new mon next ep but we'll see how that goes since riko isn't getting one too for the new few episodes (based on the revealed titles)
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Atelier Ryza Ep3
a cute episode overall, centered around ryza using her alchemy to help people around the island now. also greatly enjoy all the ryza x klaudia food, just for me 🙏 also, when they had that magical girl transformation esque scene for when she crafted last ep I was like "that looked way too good for them to not reuse it" and they did, just significantly shortened so lol
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Zom 100 Ep2
good ep, I was worried abou them being able to keep up the quality from ep 1 but even if we didn't get any fancy sakuga this time the quality was still good. the new girl is cute and kusunoki tomori did a good job as her. next ep is the mc's friend which I assume is the blonde guy from the op/ed (and that I think was cameo'd on a photo near the start of the ep), and the next ep will be the samurai girl? haven't read the manga so completely blind
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Saihate Quartet Ch18 (Finale)
honestly only started reading this cause I wanted to post the tokusatsu reference panels and I'd feel bad doing it without actually reading it, and also cause it landed on a not very busy day. it was alright tho, it's a comedy so it's very "you either like it or don't", the concept is p fun but shallow, more suited for something like a oneshot I think, I don't regret reading it tho, it had it's moments
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Dandadan Ch113
the climactic finale to the big alien invasion team battle, maybe anyway good chap, that flashback page with the cute okarun momo moments was good and it also had 2 of yukinobu's signature "how can this series be weekly" spreads
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The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Ch33
they spent all this time skirting around the older brother's story, taking many detours along the way for other stuff. this chap they finally revealed the final piece, he was the one that saved them from dying in that one car crash that put tsubasa in a coma, dying in the process himself.. only for it to be revealed a couple pages later that he's still alive??? I really don't understand what the hell ichinose is doing, really is a sad state of affairs when this can go into the 30s when better stuff gets axed way earlier
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Blue Box Ch109
lots of cute chinatsu faces in this chap and finally saw hina again after what feels like a billion years. hype for the next chap tho should be getting some very cute scenes 👀
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Cipher Academy Ch32
the final match of this tournament arc is finally here and it's.. a game of that of all things? I was wondering how the hell they were gonna incorporate codes into that but they did it in a way that makes sense looking forward to how this goes
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Martial Master Asumi Ch5
very cool chap, letting nito show off how strong he can really be when he's not holding back for some reason tho he's totally gonna get clapped next chap
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Sakamoto Days Ch127
the first of the slur fights is over and it was really good. good guys ended up losing as I expected but at least they managed to really fuck up the girl which should make things easier in the future, tho I'm hoping heisuke is the one to take her down as payback for this fight
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Undead Unluck Ch167
woulda liked to see more from this fight but it was good anyway, even got feng's backstory and the reveal that he's a negator too tho I figured that'd have to be the case. curious to see who the next member is gonna be since we're still missing quite a few
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My Hero Academia Ch394
the longest fight in the whole manga is finally over sheeesh not in terms of raw chapters amount but when it started vs when it ended cause it had a ton of stuff in between, it was good tho. not much more left now, I think just all might and AFO and the deku fights are left? getting closer and closer to the end OH today was also the 9th anniversary celebration colour page, I wouldn't be surprised if they had horikoshi keep this going til the 10th anni just so they can do special merch for tha occasion but we'll see
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Akane-banashi Ch70
incredibly good chap, don't really got much more I could say than that, just wow, god akane is sooooooo good. anyway now that akane's performance is done I'm p sure my previous prediction about the placements is gonna be true but ofc I still want her to win instead
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purplehoodiesimon · 3 years
Hold up. Hold up wait. Wait a second.
In ep2, Simon and Wilhelm kiss for the first time and then it ends. In ep3, Wilhelm says they should forget it, and then takes that back, but Erik dies before they can really do anything. And we all know how ep4 goes. Was the. Was the 👀scene only their second time kissing??????? Ever?????????????
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obislittleone · 2 years
Hey! I'm back after a good night's sleep and now I'm ready to give my thoughts on chapter 50
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Okay so I got so excited last night that i screamed so loud my mom texted me asking if I was okay...😶 I was far from okay I practically ascended last night! ( anyway on to my thoughts)
Okay so chapter 50 is like my all time favorite now lol, and I like how Padme just gives them the keys to the Villa and acts like it's nothing since I'm pretty sure she's the one that planned half of this XD
I think it's really cute how they go from just like holding each other and dancing to lightsaber practice and sparring lol I'm sitting there reading this and I'm like " yeah they would totally do that😏" it's just really cute and wholesome!
Okay the proposal itself was written really well like I actually did not see that coming that he was going to propose to her but there was a part of me that knew it was going to happen. And I called it like two chapters ago! Back in chapter 48 that he was going to propose to her I had a theory that it was going to happen! AND OH MY GOD I WAS RIGHT!!! The Proposal was very beautiful!🥺
Okay let's talk about the spicy bit, I have seen a past couple of post where people have asked if there was going to be Spice in HoM and you have expressed that you are not comfortable with writing full on spice and that's totally okay if writers are not comfortable writing that stuff I understand and HoM is a story that is strong enough to hold on its own without spice because the characters and story is just written really well. So when I saw the warning I was like 👀 I was excited to see what was going to happen and I was not disappointed it was very sweet and loving and consensual and it was just perfect! Like bro I was crying🥺
And I know that this is the Calm before the storm and I mean the BIG storm as where I can take a guess that we're probably on ep 3 now. And I'm really excited because ep3 is my favorite out of the prequel trilogy but God this is going to end in tears isn't it? I can just since The major Angst about to happen.
So loved chapter 50 number one favorite and I can't wait for the tragedy of everyone being sad again this is going to be fun💙💙💙
( Ps sorry if this is super long I had a lot to say)
OMG TYSM YOU SWEET ANGEL I am so happy you liked it and I love it when you guys send me things talking about it because it motivates me SOOOO much… anyways, I am thinking about dragging out the calm before the storm just a little longer… not to put you guys in a false sense of security, but maybe just to give you guys more comforting memories for when the storm finally comes…
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oloreaa · 3 years
I've been meaning to send this since I sent in my last ask (a dental issue and other life stuff came up) and am sending it today mostly because of that one shitty anon earlier as a hopefully bright spot.
Anyway, a potentially spoilery Ven question! I've been really wondering how you're going to deal with the baby snatching at the end of season two (I've seen some fics have whoever the crew addition is also get 'nabbed and others where it remains just Grogu). Any ideas currently on how you're going to handle it? Or have you thought that far ahead yet?
AAAA oh my gosh I didn't see this I'm sorry for the late reply!! And I hope that everything is alright on your end, thank you so much for this lovely ask🥺❤ As for the questions👀 Yes, I have Everything planned, and I don't mind sharing the main beats because they're probably very predictable anyways😂
(Major spoilers and very long ramblings ahead)
Elana will be snatched alongside with Bean, that's for sure, because of these reasons:
a) if she would go along with Din and the rest of the crew, she would not have much to "do". The most she could do is to wait on Morak, offer advice and comfort, and while I would LOVE to write her interact with Cara, Fennec, Boba and Mayfeld, I don't see how I can add a lot more to the plot as such. I like to make the plot my own, so to speak, adding my own little twists and filling in the plot holes, and with that route, she would not be able to shine in many ways.
b) the whole rescue mission? Elana is not good enough of a fighter to go along with Cara's group, nor is she capable enough to hold her own against dark troopers, even when Din is there. And I don't want her to stand around doing nothing when the showdown with Gideon is happening. I've not fully decided yet how I will handle the last five minutes of Season 2, and other than knowing that they will definitely TALK ABOUT LUKE JUST TAKING BEAN and maybe?? Ask for an address???? We don't know enough about what is happening so I will save that one conclusion to when Season 3 airs (and I'm very sure S3 will happen before I manage to even start S2 anyways😭😭)
c) not gonna lie I'm a huge sucker for angst and it would be a nice mirror to Ep3 when Din also goes to rescue them back from the Imperials
d) I would LOVE to raise the stakes by a Lot👀 and perhaps... letting them believe.... that the other one had died... but they still have to at least try to save their child.... even knowing that the other one would not be there anymore..... so each of them makes decisions based on that :D
e) Elana and Gideon having a face-to-face? Gideon trying to manipulate her? Elana being torn between her morals and her duty to the little one? Also Gideon would be SO MUCH fun to write, I already know it and I have quite a few headcanons that I wanna incorporate into their meeting, I'm beyond excited to write him as a proper villain in Elana's eyes outside of what will happen in Ep7 and Ep8, and maybe establishing some of the lore as well👀
So as a summary: Elana is taken alongside with Bean because I'm too willing to make all of them suffer and I wanna write Gideon being an evil mastermind since that's fun
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goldenlandfiascos · 6 years
yo who’s ready for that post where i finally point out how natsumi kei lowkey totally ships eva/natsuhi????
it’s probs gonna be long cause of images and just how i tend to make my posts like this dramatic and shit so OUT OF CONSIDERATION i will put it under a read more. never ask me for anything ever again.
if the read more doesn’t work on mobile then that sucks for you. blame tumblr not me.
ok so really i don’t even know how to go about starting this so let’s just jump right in with ep1 and whatnot so here: natsumi kei sure does like drawing eva touching natsuhi unnecessarily like
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tbh for the longest time i legit thought she was touching her face which i was always just like “...?? ok eva” but upon closer inspection it might just be her shoulder, i can’t tell. either way. unnecessary.
then there’s these extras in ep1
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eva resting her arm against nappi’s shoulders?? again. not necessary. but natsumi kei evidently thought it was so¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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there’s the face touching. basically anyway. close enough. fan is an extension of the self. we get it natsumi kei, you like them together.
so natsumi kei at one point drew a bunch of the characters in like kimonos and shit
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but what i want to point out here is, like, you’d think she’d draw all the married couples together like she did for kyrie and rudolf
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but instead OH WHAT’S THIS?? krauss and hideyoshi are together.
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so, WHO HAVEN’T WE SEEN YET???? well, of course, what kind of fucking post do you think i’m making here smh
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also the picture itself kind of has a gay vibe going on but maybe that’s just me but considering it’s natsumi kei it’s not just me and that’s exactly the vibe it’s supposed to be.
let’s jump to the end of ep3 when they’re all in the fake af because bitch beato played chess boy for a fool golden land
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anyway let’s skip to all this shit
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what makes this so funny is literally so much shit happened in such a short span of time but WHAT DOES BATTLER COMMENT ON IN THE NEXT PANEL??
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Eva and Natsuhi. i don’t remember if it played out like that in the VN, but it does here soo. also, it’s worth noting that in the official translation he says “even aunt natsuhi and aunt eva, the eternal rivals, are holding hands here ...” which is already pretty fucking gay but here it’s “embrace”. of course i’m pretty sure he comments about this in the VN and it’s not just a natsumi kei thing but i still decided to point it out lol
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listen, i don’t know jack shit about tarot cards but what i do know is out of context this looks
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incredibly gay.
and they can be empresses together for all i care.
that is all.
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and then later
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showing that one specifically you’re not fooling anyone, natsumi kei.
now, OF COURSE, all of that is just to show everyone getting along and ange’s all like “wtf this makes no sense” but considering this is natsumi kei we’re talking about is it really?
maybe. but then later on
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shows a happy couple
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natsumi kei could’ve put different characters there but y’know. it’s natsumi kei.
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so krauss does show up
but natsuhi’s not even next to him LOL
so let’s start wrapping this up. i’ve mentioned this before, but let’s jump to the hide and seek chapter where natsuhi hides in a closet, which first off is totally not subtle at all but OK, and eva just knows she’s in there???? like
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also it’s sort of implied they don’t know beato, or anyone else for that matter, is in there either at first. which means eva thinks it’s just natsuhi. in the closet. there’s not a doubt in her mind.
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that is the face of an all knowing woman.
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more physical contact just to add it to the collection.
so, bear in mind i’m not fluent in japanese at all but i do know one thing and that’s that, um, on natsumi kei’s website at one point
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that’s one way to write their name when generally referring to them as a ship. it doesn’t have to be but it usually is i would know. coincidence? i think not.
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